Critical theory's retarded because a nigger's worst enemy is niggers and CIA. Not the ever vague "white man"
Who puts drugs in their neigherhoods? Niggers and CIA
Who promotes gangbanging and leaving your kid? Niggers
Which group makes fun of dorks who want an education, and escape the hood? Hmm let me see, oh yea: niggers.
Shit like BLM, we wuz kings, etc etc, is done to mold niggers to being consumers with shit lives. No black actors, no black ads, etc, etc, is going to fix the fundmental problem of african american culture
>studying is fag. Gonna go fuck hoes and shoot that nigga for robbing my cousin
You can't even claim I'm being racist/judging a community, because you can listen to countless rap songs, where the rapper HATES gang culture, and hates how it ruined them and their neigherhood. Tyler's summer friends, J.cole's drug dealer song, even MF. Doom's Old School talks about this aspsct, I'm just transmiting what they say
So with all that in mind CRT is bullshit, because me saying NIGGER, or affermative action getting repealed, or any so called crimes here, really matter when looking at black on black crime alone
My conclusion is this: there is a lot of black actors in games/hollywood. Open a tab with that list open. Make a new tab and look up how the education system is like in some black schools. See the trailers they use, the bomb threats, illeracy rate, graduation rates. Go back between the two tabs. Maybe pull up BLM quotes about police violence, then read how nobody wants to teach in these schools, causing a shortage. You make up in your own mind if CRT really helps black people deal with no teachers.