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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: 29fbb98ce8c5010⋯.png (353.04 KB,720x423,80:47,chrome_screenshot_2_Oct_20….png)


a Nigger from Brooklyn,NY sucker Punched an 👊 old female bitch (80 yrs.)

CBS New York


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Thuggie jig jiggy jiggaboo

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Die nigger die fuck George floyd

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File: d4cfcdd80dd4128⋯.png (34.93 KB,300x250,6:5,wtf.png)

heу, уоu seem based, and only basеd реoplе join


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Man fuck u nigger

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Nigger jiggaboo monkey

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File: 088c21d5d4a7bab⋯.png (722.8 KB,720x733,720:733,088c21d5d4a7babff89738d042….png)

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>Make them call out blacks as lazy and the entire narrative will collapse around them.

Won't work. Jews and their jew bitches are perfectly fine criticizing one particular segment of society while intentionally omitting the shortcomings of everyone else. They have no qualms with hypocrisy, lying, cheating, gaslighting, etc. Because they know nobody will shoot them in the head.

That's why you create burner accounts with black profile pics and hammer them with the same story whites are about they applied for 100 jobs and still can't get work. See what the responses are from Elon and Vivek.

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File: 636964ef3a377d4⋯.png (95.4 KB,720x504,10:7,636964ef3a377d4be1846a54f5….png)

Holy fuck I hate (redshit/reddit) moids with a burning passion. “Erm but what about what about” shut up fag. It’s been proven time and time again that continued exposure to and gratification from extreme pornography melts your brain until your seeking out more and more depraved shit until you can only get a rush from the real thing. Every time they catch some depraved rapist-murderer his devices are overflowing with CP or snuff movies. There is no such thing as using porn as a “preventative measure”, retard.

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