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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 6256066081cc390⋯.png (3.37 MB,1416x1416,1:1,AllNovembers.png)


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What is this? NobodyTM for zoomers?

btw how does the CSS here keep getting progressively worse? Now there's no background.

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What is this?

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Best just to switch the theme to Yotsuba B. I don't know why the BO is so insistent on keeping images disabled even though most of the recent ones show up just fine.

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do the minimal amount of research

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Because they're a retarded mouth breathing fatass?

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a redpill

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File: feae5274655bfbe⋯.png (18.58 KB,512x512,1:1,GZiBIS0.png)



Now this is just sad

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It has since occurred to me that this may only affect me because I use a VPN which imgur rate-limits, and that's why nobody on /server/ /fringe/ has complained about it, even though their CSS has the same problem

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I've heard this is connected to the April 8th eclipse

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It is - Blue Eisenhower November is bigger than its ever been

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And yet this is my first time hearing about it

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OK the eclipse happened whup tee doo


Probably because you're wise enough not to waste your time on /x/

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I never realized that even 8kun had CIA shills

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I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA concocted vague and mysterious-sounding nonsense like this and "the nobody" to distract and harness energy

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Do you understand what I'm saying? The CIA hates BEN, they did not concoct it


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Since this entire meme is intentionally obtuse to the point of meaninglessness no one probably understands what you're saying.

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This post is over 6 years old and explains what BEN is:


Blue Eisenhower November is not a meme

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if you do not understand BEN by now you need to get going because there isn't much time

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This doesn't explain shit, it's just a few paragraphs of rambling about AI.

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The point is that "Blue Eisenhower November" is a special phrase that gives you backdoor access to the afterlife. There… I said it

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Why is there an argument about Blue Eisenhower November on this dead board? Are you all bots?

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I made exactly 1 (one) of those posts and last I checked, I am not a bot. However now that you mention it, it does look a bit like the proceeding conversation was generated with my post as a prompt

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Stop counter-signaling Blue Eisenhower November

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This is probably the most fringe topic there is

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That's why it's so hard to figure out what it is about. But once you get it it's all worth it. BEN is a treasure trove

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You are correct

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>That's why it's so hard to figure out what it is about

No you just refused to explain it until you did. It's artificial mystique.


Stop talking to yourself.

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quiet shill

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diet pill

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BEN is real

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I got them Eisenhower blues

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