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 No.139574 [Last50 Posts]

Is there any way to avoid orgasm so that you can enjoy porn and never suffer the consequences? If not, what is a technique that you have discovered to be more rewarding and pleasurable than porn?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've found that remaining abstinent to enjoy the subtleties of women feels more godlike.

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Agree to disagree. Also, I'm observing that although god-like, the pleasure of edging is still stunted by the genital pain you experience after prolonged masturbation. So really, there's no way to win this porn thing. It's always a lose-lose situation.

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I think people have the wrong idea. Treating others like living beings and holding love in your heart are godlike. Treating others like tools or objects to be exploited is what is wrong, and constitutes the basis of sexual immorality as I understand it. Masturbation is fine, but in my opinion it's much better to think of something loving rather than something pornographic. I'd actually avoid porn entirely tbh

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Most beings in this universe are tolls and objects to be exploited. If a hylic wants to live the life of a kine there's no reason why we shouldn't treat it as kine.

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eventually you may come to realize that nothing is a tool, an object, or to be exploited, and that everything is infused with a universal living spirit. What you see inside of you and what you see around you - this is your karma, and the one on whose shoulders it falls to remake the world was you all along.

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Pic very much related. TL;DR: Edging with a partner of the opposite sex (white tantra) is the way to return to Heaven. I doubt it's possible alone, although practice could help. Avoid porn at all costs, though.

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What level is “Christ is semen” or “bible preaches holding your seed” on the occult ladder?

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I've done this for the last two years, feel the same, didn't ascend to shit. Also, there are men and women that rarely orgasm during sex, are they enlightened beings? Miss me with this stupid sex cult shit. I posted Samael to bait you

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I want you to tell me you've done it and it works, and show me what you do differently than a person who just doesn't orgasm. And don't just tell me from the book, tell me in detail what changed about you.

Because there are a lot of you that believe Samael but never practiced what he preaches.

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Not orgasming is in itself very spiritual and orgasmic. I remember waking up constantly because was orgasming throughout the night.

I'm pretty sure men can do this as well if they train not to ejaculate.

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Have you been edging all this time alone or with a partner? Because if it's alone, then that would prove that Kundalini cannot be achieved without a partner of the opposite sex.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Soma breathing technique, 5 Tibetan Rites, Uddiyana bandha, and the Kriya in the video.

Edging feels like regular edging except I don't feel pent up. Energy and focus is higher than if I chronically ejaculated but it plateaus within a month. An easy way to cancel the horny is to hold the breath until the body panics from lack of air. I don't miss ejaculating because Soma breathing involves inducing an internal orgasm so I get off that way instead.

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I'm starting this. Did many things, many variations of pranayama and assanas but well it won't hurt me to try something else. I just want to stop feeling like porn is the best thing ever sometimes (before I cum and after I get pent up) because you can't always reason with yourself.

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With a partner. I want to believe but so far every spiritual practice has been placebo jumbo.

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Have you or your partner ever felt an intense pain throughout your back? Or have you had any peculiar dreams?

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It's been three or four years since I started looking into transmutation of sexual energy and still I have no idea how to do it. I've tried many practices, pranayama, meditation, asanas, nothing helped me remove that pent up sexual energy. Nothing helped me move it up. It doesn't move up on its own. Fuck this. I even tried pills and didn't help. Where is that post nut clarity? Why can't I achieve this? I always end up so pent up I burst out with cum in my sleep without any stimulation during the days

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Contrary to popular belief you need to reduce your sperm production, if it maintains high you will have wet dreams, or your body will just cannibilize the sperm to get rid of them. Neither is good. In Hatha yoga you work by going from the moon-female to the sun-male ( ha=moon tha=sun) and this can be directly translated as follows: if you are controlled by the moon, you are adapting to the uncontrolled female who is also controlled by the moon cycle in her menstruation cycle. By detaching from this cycle your body will no longer produce surplus sperm to match the menstruation cycle of females, and you don't need to waste this energy by wet dreams or masturbation.

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Has anyone tried neem? I've heard it dissolves semen into ojas. Is this mumbo jumbo or not?

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Cont. I looked and neem capsules are expensive as fuck. 30$ a month dor something you don't know it works

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Nonattachment to orgasm is what you want, friend. The best way about going upon that is to direct your focus upon the sensations of the sexual act, and keep things slow.

Keep in mind - Nonattachment is contrary to edging/denial of orgasm. BUT it is also contrary to trying to force the orgasm too. The idea is to simply "let it happen", it is much more natural this way, and keeps any sacred glow you have acquired throughout the act.

Also, ignore anything you hear about "semen retention", that is the dogma of old men who lost their sexual drive and are jealous of the youth.

Use it or lose it.

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Focus as intensely as you can on the feeling of pleasure and don't both to consider the retention of anything. Keep doing that until you're incapable of thinking of anything beyond servicing yourself. Focus occasionally and in periods of, may this never befall on you, not masturbating, on your navel.



Love is autistic, it's closer to what most would consider apathetic. Remove the idea of "living beings" from your head.

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>it's closer to what most would consider apathetic.

what did neet mean by this

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actually had an unexpected gnostic experience a few hours from that post and it makes sense to me now

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I edged all day, as soon as I get close to orgasm I panick and remind myself it's not what I want and I stop for a few minutes or hours. Then I'm back to watching porn. I did wim hof, the five Tibetan rites and mostly the video you posted since then and so far I see no change

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So I just look online for hatha yoga and then I'll just be free?

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Take some MDMA. Whatever way it works, it also makes it practically impossible to orgasm for the next 6 hours or so. One can smoke some weed as well to really heighten the pleasure sensations and be feel extra horny.

Main potential downside to using MDMA is that MDMA is vasoconstrictor, meaning it makes the blood vessels smaller and thus makes it hard to flow into your dick, making it limp most of the time. The way to counteract this easily is by taking a Viagra pill.

This combination + masturbation for hours can strain your heart. This method is definitely not for people who are weak of heart.

This way you can go fap as fast and as hard as you please, and never orgasm. You will feel like you're always on the edge of orgasm but are never able to cross the line to "suffer the consequences".

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I've been doing Sadhguru's hatha yoga and kriyas for 6 months and I no longer have wet dreams or any need to ejaculate.

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Which ones? There are many kryias

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Isha Kriya + the Hatha yoga set from his app. Most of them would be on youtube but not with any organization if you look for them there.

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That's kinda cheating though. Chastity is about self-control, if you don't have to control anything is there any power at all?

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What I do is force the energy up my spine as arousal accumulates and basically dodge that "point of no return". If you do this for long enough sexual energy will pulse through your whole body and it can get higher and higher. If you don't cum you will feel something through your spine.

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>force the energy up my spine

Can you explain how to do this without the new age nonsense?

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Other anon here.

Move the orgasm from your genitals to full body and let the energy be dispersed that way. Works great with mostly any yoga stance also. Hold it in position and let the tension build up until the energy is released.

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Another anon here. What I do is teether on the edge of orgasm and inhale deeply while pulling my perineum up and straightening my spine.

You can do this even without the masturbation component and it should be quite intense either way. It takes practice. So, practice.

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I refuse to perform any black tantra garbage. The orgasm must be avoided at all costs.


I'll try that I guess. It is frustrating to hear "just practice bro" when I've been trying for quite a while now.

Pic related is the only anecdotal evidence I have

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File: ea2eb088ec5ee7a⋯.jpg (11.85 KB,300x250,6:5,ZiVIuNah.jpg)


Anybody have a zip of Weors books in english?

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Lmao dude how is hyperventilating like an internal orgasm goddamn, please help me. I've been trying to quit since before Trump was elected. I'd do ANYTHING to find something more attractive to me than jerking off to porn. TELL ME AND I'LL DO IT FOR AS LONG AS I CAN UNTIL I RELAPSE AGAIN, I SWEAR AND I GUARANTEE AT LEAST THREE WEEKS OF RELIGIOUSLY FOLLOWING ANY GODDAMN INSTRUCTION THAT DOESN'T SAY CUT OFF YOUR DICK/BALLS

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I hate his website, so full of arrogant unhelpful snobs. There are better books. His idea of spiritual awakening is having a wife that belives in the same things and has tantric sex with you. So unless you have a /gnostic wife you should try and find other teachers. I suggest Sadhguru honestly and unironically.

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So I've studied intensely this porn thing and I've realized that thr sexual energy is like a glass that's constantly filling with water and when it's time to tip over the edge, it'll make you go crazy unless you empty it. But there is a way to empty that glass without the loss of semen or orgasming, which is a loss of vital energy in 10/10 religions in the world and proven by science. That way is ALLEGEDLY through various spiritual practices like yoga, chi gong. I don't know which one will work in two weeks though, I'm waiting for other elder wizards here to wake up and they'll maybe chime after their morning practice.

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>when it's time to tip over the edge, it'll make you go crazy unless you empty it

I'm living proof that isn't true.

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File: e094a15e516aeaa⋯.jpg (36.15 KB,504x504,1:1,1624511817889.jpg)

OP HERE. Essentially what this thread is asking is if there is a way to achieve a permanent post nut clarity and what would that require

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Good for you then, how'd you do it if you don't mind me asking?

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>He wants permanent brain fog

Just hit yourself with a hammer, give yourself concussions until you get the desired effects. That'd be far more efficient and healthier than orgasming over 5 times a day

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Lifting your pelvic floor causes the orgasm, actually.

I've been practicing the method described here >>140159 but I put all of my being into the hypothalamus region in order to block the thoughts.

So far it has been super effective for me even though I have Tantric sex about 2 hours a day. It helps to relax the pelvic floor when humping so that the energy flows up the spine instead of being trapped down there.

I also perform uddiyana bandha to physically pull the fluid out so that I'm not pent up all day after fucking for hours. I don't get blue balls at all because of this.

I pity those who can't do what I do despite having the ancient secrets laid bare for free without any cult dedication nonsense required.

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Low effort bait but I'll bite. I'm not talking about the fog you dense motherfucker, I'm talking about the sudden, instant loss of sexual excitement. It's literally like a switch has been flipped in your head after ejaculation. After the rest period is over the switch goes back up. How do you keep it off man that's what I'm asking

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That instant loss of sexual excitement is brain fog. The orgasm fires up your neurons so intensely that once it's over your entire brain is temporarily left in a weakened state. So yes, if you orgasm 5 times a day every day, perhaps you'll switch your brain off to some degree.

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I guess I have no way but to embrace the void then. Just waste all this goddamn time in a day, more than I did waste with porn. Waste it so that I can become accustomed with nothingness. So that I stop wanting everything not just porn. You can't be picky. I'm sorry I haven't found another way. Link related. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G5ZYV-IMIUU

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I wouldn't trust that guy, he's a porn addict and a drug abuser. But why embrace nothingness? It's just a worse form of suicide. Instead, check out my thread >>140107 and seek a way to become whole. I suggest edging without porn, meaning you abstain from both ejaculation and the orgasm. If you feel pleasant tingles throughout your head, that's a good sign.

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So you're proposing I cave in to sexual cravings but I just edge and resist the porn seeking. And I resist the temptation to look at porn after being 10x hornier, at any later time. And that's part of a secret sex cult magmum opus that none of the people who preach it achieved. Oh and you need a wife who's willing and believing the same things. I appreciate you trying to help me so I'll ask seriously if you have proven on yourself or read the utility of any practice of turning semen into Ojas, sublimation, or as above has been said, reducing sperm production.

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The goal is self-control. Once you control your beliefs, you'll want to control your thoughts. Once you control your thoughts, you'll want to control your emotions. Once you control your emotions, you'll want to control your sexual activity. Once you control your sexual activity, you'll want to control your DNA. It goes on and on. It just stops when you stop seeking.

>after being 10x hornier

If you can't control your horniness, how can you expect to control yourself, the world and the relations between the two?

>And that's part of a secret sex cult magmum opus that none of the people who preach it achieved

I seek. I merely preach for you to seek the magnum opus, I would never tell you about something that I have not achieved myself.

>Oh and you need a wife who's willing and believing the same things

That's according to Samael Aun Weor. I never said that he held the whole truth: For as you've said, he failed to achieve the magnum opus, for he died at the age of 60.

Seek self-control. Become unmoved, then seek to become a mover. Become whole. John 14:12, the works that he did, you shall do and greater.

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You are still searching for a definite way, you're picking up excerpts from various works, everything that seems interesting to you regarding this subject but what am I supposed to do? Start searching as well? I know celibacy is important it's important to 9/10 religions in the world and science proved semen retention has its health benefits. That's what I'm here. But in all your seeking you never found a tool or a weapon to control your mind when inevitably you let your guard down and your horniness has peaked. What am I supposed to do, start searching from scratch as well? I've been searching for my own for five years and so far embracing the existential void and emptiness of unadulterated awareness is a way to not get swayed by the mind. And that's what I practice. With some light physical work (5 rites, yoga, zhan zhuang, the transmutation exercise above itt)

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Obviously you and I are not on the same level here. I have reached a point where I can control my beliefs, thoughts and emotions perfectly now. My mental state is bliss, for I have become my source of happiness, instead of finding happiness in worldly things. I have achieved what I call the "rebirth of the mind", and now I seek the rebirth of the flesh. But in your case, of course seeking something as foolish as the improvement of the flesh seems impossible. Therefore, seek to rebirth your mind first, so that you may know and control yourself.

Now, I doubt this will replace months of seeking, but here are some wisdom sayings of mine which may help you come to the logical conclusion that self-control is the most important thing to pursue. Techniques and practices such as meditation may help, but will not give you the "Eureka!" moment that will truly change your mind for the better.

About controlling yourself in general:

>Most people do not control themselves. If it is their environment that dictates their every action, then what is there to distinguish them from animals?

>There are three kinds of people: Those who believe happiness comes from the world, those who know that happiness does not come from the world, and those who know that happiness comes from oneself.

>Wealth of the world comes from knowing the world and the world's works: Wealth of within comes from knowing yourself and your body's works.

>Once you know that the world is not worth living in, you must seek to know that your mind and body are worth living for.

About controlling your beliefs:

>Beliefs must be beneficial. If your beliefs are harmful to you, they must be changed or altered so that they may be beneficial. You must be happy at all costs.

>Seek not to prove yourself right, but to prove yourself wrong. You'll know you have found truth when you can no longer prove yourself wrong.

>Those who stop seeking, under any circumstance, doom themselves from the truth. Therefore reject all ignorance and dogma.

About controlling your thoughts:

>Thoughts must be beneficial. If your thoughts are invading and harassing you, they must be silenced or altered so that they may be beneficial. You must be happy at all costs.

>A wise man is known for his silence, and so to himself too he is silent.

>Thoughts are a byproduct of either something higher or lower, therefore doubt them always.

About controlling your emotions:

>Emotions must be beneficial. If your emotions are harmful to you, they must be subdued and altered so that they may be beneficial. You must be happy at all costs.

>If surges of fire built up inside you, would you let them out, burning everything around you? If torrents of water built up inside you, would you let them out, drowning everything around you? Therefore, when emotions invade your mind and body, let them linger within.

>Remember this: Silence, stillness and the here-and-now are your closest friends. You may lose friends and family, money and objects, but never can you lose the here-and-now. Therefore, if you ever feel distressed, angry or sad, stop. Feel, and know that you are sovereign.

Finally, here is a perspective about all this which might help you.

>This is what you must avoid: The environment affects your emotions, your emotions affect your thoughts, your thoughts affect your beliefs, your beliefs affect your actions, your actions affect who you are. Therefore the environment determines who you are, therefore you are akin to an animal.

>This is what you must seek: Who you are determines your actions, your actions determine your beliefs, your beliefs determine your thoughts, your thoughts determine your emotions, your emotions determine the environment. Therefore the environment is determined by who you are, therefore you are akin to a God.

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Uddiyana Bandha cancels the horny. Stop whining about weather or not it might work and just fucking do it regularly every day you fucking yob.

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>Seek self-control. Become unmoved, then seek to become a mover. Become whole. John 14:12, the works that he did, you shall do and greater.

This wasn't referring specifically to masturbation, but emotional output. Like Bardon says in IIH, the magician should strive to become unmoved both by positive and negative stimuli, unless he wishes to do so.

Neville Goddard explained the same principle in Prayer. One should only let oneself be carried away by emotions and sensations when they align with one's goals, because they are the language that moves the energy that forms reality.

When it comes to masturbation, just follow Confucius' rule and don't obsess over it one way or another. If you are going to abstain from orgasm completely, you should be transmuting it anyway (and you can transmute it via orgasm btw).

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Self-control can apply to more than just emotions. To engage in sexual activity, yet prevent the orgasm, that takes willpower and self-control. If you do not engage in sexual activity at all, then you are not attempting to control anything. If you engage in sexual activity but you indulge in the orgasm, then you fail to control yourself. The word "transmute" cannot apply to the orgasm, because the orgasm is the loss of all energy, it is the spilling of the cup of Hermes.

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>Transmute something that is expelled


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Transmute the energy. Obviously you are going to lose all of the minerals and are going to put a strain on your body physically if you ejaculate too often. That’s why you should follow Confucius’ rule.

You definitely shouldn’t go indefinitely without ejaculation either.

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An orgasm is an orgasm. When you orgasm, your energies (whatever that is) are being consumed to give you a short but very intense burst of pleasure. There is no transmuting the orgasm, because the orgasm itself transmutes your energies into pleasure. If you want to transmute your energy into something other than pleasure, then you have to avoid the orgasm at all costs.

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Ok I've been doing it for two weeks now, how many breaths or holds should I do? I'm at 6 rn. There's something to it, I think it's beneficial. And is it more potent if I do the shifting from left to right motion or the center muscle lock? I haven't learned to do them properly but I'm willing to learn if they help more.

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Nope still me, I just came. Fucking thing didn't work. I guess I don't want to quit all the time. Only while I recover from the last relapse

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>last relapse

It's not fucking heroin. Just stay away from porn and fap every few days if you want when you feel horny while thinking about someone IRL.

If you occasionally get to the point where you feel the urge to fuck, there is no point in repressing it and treating it as if you were a junkie.

If you stay away from artificial stimuli like porn, you will only feel horny when you meet someone you want to fuck, and don't fuck them. If you live the ascetic life, you will eventually only feel the urge whenever your body actually needs to do some maintenance work.

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How do you stay away from porn when you don't have a reason to get out of bed in the weekend when you're not working? You just sit in bed on your phone. Nothing motivates you, nothing makes you excited, nothing energizes you, not even sleep. I go months without porn but i usually sleep, do chores around the house and yoga/meditation. I don't jump up when thinking about any of the above

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So when I'm alone and bored out of my skull and I can't take the itching that the nagging mind creates for days on end, I finally cave in and search for porn. And for the first time in weeks I am excited again. And this lasts until I cum and use the press to stop most of the cum. Then we go another two weeks of trying different spiritual practices in hope that next time I won't cave in or I won't feel the need to watch it in the first place

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You don't have a masturbation problem. You have a porn problem. Before you go thinking about doing muscle clenches to "stop most of the cum", solve your porn problem.

Whenever you feel you're about to "cave in", masturbate to orgasm instead. Think about porn if you must while you do it, but don't actually look at porn. And stay away from NSFW imageboards.

Also, your phone belongs on another room, connected to its charger. Not in your bedroom.

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makes sense

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Remember, if you must masturbate, to use your imagination only. If you can't do it like that, you don't actually want to.

In normal circumstances you would only want to fap after spending time with a girl who turns you on. You'll get there eventually and then you can think about repressing masturbating altoghether.

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Yes I know I have a porn problem, I'm op, it's in the thread title. I'm excited about porn not horny and needing to cum. I don't want to be so excited about something that hurts me but it's the only thing that makes my old heart beat fast in excitement anymore. It's the chase and the dopamine. I kept waiting for my receptors to recover and for me to enjoy other things but I've went months without it and I'm still fucking addicted to porn and enjoy it more than anything and anything else is as shitty as it's always been. No rebound.

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What the fuck is this shit? Goonan podcast? Are you retarded or I'm missing a deep meaning that will make me realize my whole life has been a lie?

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Don’t reply to spam bots, dummy.

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Hey Fam, that instant loss of sexual excitement is a part of the process, you need that so that you can stop masturbating at some point. Enjoy your orgasm.

But if you truly wanted to prolong it, I would suggest Wim Hof breathing and edging.


>Obviously you and I are not on the same level here.

This is /fringe/ not /cringe/

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Based, women feel that aura as well, I feel you'd be a casanova type since you know the forbidden truth

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>let them linger within.

I'd advice rather than idling them and risk untapped potential, you should find a way to give those fires and waters a purpose. You can use resources and techniques to give water to those who have not, help others use fire when they've been taught not. This is what you mean, right? This is my own mantra, and finding ways of keeping people on the right path while taking the weight off my own shoulders is what keeps me delighted

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How would I go about learning to open the chakras and kundalini? What are some good sources and texts?

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OP here, still couldn't find a way to quit. I'm lost. Do I really want to quit? Or do I really love it? Where is the deceiver?

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Many have been asking how do I control my horniness?

Haha, if you really must ask.

There is….. question is if you really wana do whatever it takes.

The truth shall set you free.

What is the truth of the reality?

Thing about porn and beautiful women is that it is all an "illusion"

what do i mean by that?

So, which part of the girl turns you on?

"the boobs"

ok good, now, if I cut off the boobs and give it to you, do you still find it attractive?

You see, our brain needs to assemble parts together, to make it a beautiful scene which is pleasurable.

But this pleasure is so fragile.

It is so im-permanent.

break it down, and your brain will hardly find it attractive.

There's a technique that saints use to control their desire when the horniness strikes.

it's called the "impure view"

They used to just sit in front of a naked dead body.

Just observing the decomposition process.

Watching the body break down.

Just by doing thisyou suddenly realise the illusion of the mind. How fragile and unattractive the body really is.

It's just flesh, puss, blood, organs and many parts put together.

But the inside it all stinks. There's basically nothing "beautiful" about this body.

Well in modern times, we got the internet,

if you really want to control your lust emotions,

Just google or youtube,

"body decomposition,"


"body autopsy of girl"

Just observe the picture….. and realise the truth.

there is basically nothing beautiful about the body.

It's extereme but it works.

You just gota watch it 1-2 times.

The next time you wana control the horniness,

just picture the same image of the body in your mind…..

cuts off the desire entirely….

Yea, the truth really will set you free.

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Just don't read this lest you see the beauty of the insides

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Jesus fucking Christ there's no way to quit this thing? I still coomed yesterday after all this convincing work I did. Why is this seemingly simple 'just stop bruh' moment so hard?

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I'll bump this shit until someone gives us an esoteric way to conquer lust

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Who does 'us' consist of?

What makes you think your addiction stems from Lust?

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Look up the mula banda exercise.

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I've been doing these for a long time, I actually ejaculate about once or twice A YEAR. I learned the perineum press and it's very effective in achieving dry orgasm. But still, half of the lethargy and low motivation effects are there.

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"Us", "me" is the thing watching every moment of my life from somewhere inside the brain, is the awareness that chooses to act upon the random stuff that pops up in the mind and body.

I call it lust call it whatever I just know that when I'm alone and haven't fapped in the past few hours I think about this wonderful realm of porn movies that fulfill even the wildest dreams of sexual gratification. Hundreds upon hundreds of perfect pussies in the greatest fantasies the mind can conjure. They never dry up and I never got into bestiality or scat because there's just so many other realms to explore. I love it. Up until I cum. Then I feel like I'm dying slowly until I recover enough to want to repeat it. Kek. This has been my life for the past five or six years

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Assuming these posts are the same person, let me attempt to suggest what the issue here is.

>I think about this wonderful realm of porn movies that fulfill even the wildest dreams of sexual gratification

Personally I can't stand most mainstream porn at all, I find it utterly disgusting. At first I was trying to find something I do like, because sexuality is part of the human experience and it should be there, positively. But I should point out that I don't actively watch porn "for fun" other than when trying to see if some of the ideas I come up with exist and if it's nearly as attractive as I imagined it. Often it isn't, but then that's a good reality check, I can then let that go after seeing how mediocre it is. As for real life porn, I've ended up with a very narrow set of things I find acceptable, I still don't fully understand why it ends up there, but I have some idea. Part of it is just sadism I guess. I would never call it "godlike".

To get to the approach I have here and why I'm writing this

>the perineum press and it's very effective in achieving dry orgasm. But still, half of the lethargy and low motivation effects are there.

There are some men out there who can cum up to six times in one session. I saw a comment asking how he does it, and his gf replied it's "just pushing past the pain threshold" but that really can't be it, since you also need to have an actual "lust" or "want" to continue. I concluded myself that it's not actually about if you ejaculate at all, it's about if you release some other substance or not. Anhedonic ejaculation exists. I saw rather as the goal to be able to ejaculate and not lose the motivation to keep going. It's not about if you cum or not, as women don't lose their sexual excitement from orgasm, why should you? Would it be contained in the ejaculate? It sounds illogical.

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I'm probably close to having full control of this by now, but I'm not fully done with mentally mapping how or why it works. I do notice however that the feeling of being "dirty" or low energy doesn't for me have anything to do with ejaculating or not. It's about what material I watched. I realized I had the same feeling after a self defense training session where I practiced "gutter fighting" methods instead of doing clean traditional martial arts techniques. It's the stuff that works, but it doesn't look good. There's no way to look or feel elegant when you're practicing to smack someone in the balls and take their eyes out.

End conclusion? In this case I know that if I want to learn it, I just have to do it, despite it not being pretty. If you are able to just rest in the feeling and not associate it with being "wrong" in any way, your perception changes. So I think the lack of motivation after a session is about lack of acceptance for this part of yourself. Lack of connection to why you are engaging in the activities from a larger perspective. Do you have a greater good you are doing it for, or is it just hedonism?

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>if it maintains high you will have wet dreams

Never had one in my life, so I hold this statement in extreme doubt.

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>if it maintains high you will have wet dreams, or your body will just cannibilize the sperm to get rid of them. Neither is good

Read the full sentence.

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Cannibalizing sperms is based though. Like Saturn swallowing his own kids. Hands-Free ethical pizzagate.

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Of course it's just hedonism, it's also escapism since most things in real life went to shit and it takes unholy amounts of work and time to be at least fixed, if even possible. In the few minutes I enjoy porn I'm in a place where I think life should have truly been for all of us. Instead we are in this hell of unfulfilled desires. I suppose ego death is the answer but it takes so much to do it I can't stick to it long enough to see a glimpse of peace.

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OP, stop wiring your brain to enjoy watching strangers fuck on the interweb

Your subconscious thinks you’re in the room watching it happen

+ flash hypnosis to this shit

Not worth the trouble, chastity ftw

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Only chimps in captivity masturbate think about it you degenerate fucks

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Still OP, I'm done trying to quit my only pleasure and passion in life. If I can't live with it, I won't live. Can someone give me some tips on how to kms without it looking like a voluntary act? Car accident is sus

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Volunteer for Ukraine army.

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your problems will only get worse if you kill yourself

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Stanky pussyyyyy

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I don't believe in reincarnation or the afterlife

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File: f524e98689abd69⋯.jpg (76.5 KB,678x778,339:389,Livio.jpg)

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What is this short, dollar store easypeasy supposed to do to me? I need a full brain reset. I need a brainwash, a power wash. Reading something I've already seen somewhere else isn't going to help me. I need something strong, I need the hardest pill I can't swallow. Shove it now before I get caught somewhere watching porn and I ruin my life

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OP here, can you imagine how long this thread lived? How much time I spent either avoiding or pursuing porn? I'm still right now feeling that porn is extremely alluring and exciting, the only thing that could make my hear beat this month. But I also know truly that ass soon as I cum it will be over. And there has never been an instance when I looked at porn and didn't cum. I ALWAYS cum. Now, in a few hours, tomorrow, two weeks from now or in my sleep, I will cum. And when I do, I'll pay the price for pursuing pleasure. I'm currently trying to live as a hermit in my head while actually being a functioning human in society. The catch is that I stop from pursuing or doing anything for pleasure. I just derive peace from the silence beyond my mind. That's all. Always remind myself porn is just a drop of pleasure in an ocean of pain, even if it's godlike pleasure

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Since this has turned into my personal blog, I might as well use it. I'll mark my failures here from now on, seeing that I'm not kicking this addiction anytime soon. Every time I go a couple of weeks or a month I'm back as addicted as ever. Barely can notice an improvement. The only improvement is that I don't coom more than every couple of weeks. After I've been coomin daily for ten years, I guess it's an improvement. Ten years of twice a month then maybe next ten years will be once every couple of months.

If I had to write something I learned after my latest relapse, I'd say it's another proof that I can't be happy and watch porn at the same time. Handsfree watching led to cooming, even the second time. After you coom, it's over. You forget the pleasure you had instantly. Don't give your mind any inch of power. You've been proven hundreds of times that porn vanishes and you're left with the results

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COOMED 11/27/23

It all started from a dream that I was fucking some bitch for days on end, she was riding my cock day and night for ten days and I've missed some courses in some school I was in. Anyway, got to work and didn't even try to stop my horny compulsion. What I've learned is that most mistakes happen when I don't actually talk with the urge, I acknowledge it but do nothing to stop it. I had about five urges and only one I talked down. The others convinced me. I should do the talking down more often

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COOMED 12/8/23


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I came. There is no edging indefinitely. There is no escape. There is no freedom.

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You can do it coomanon. When you feel the urge to coom, just come back here and read your previous post-coom posts. Remember what happens after you coom. Even in your strongest most irresistable urges, part of you will remember the impending aftermath and shake you back into control.

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Doesn't work. The addiction comes both from the mind and the body, there's nothing the mind can say that can turn this off. I tried


COOMED. Don't have anything more to add. It always goes the same way. I avoid the urge for a while, I put it in the back of my mind, then it's back. No matter how many times I tell myself I'm tricked by hormones it doesn't change the outcome.

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COOMED. I can never go back to regular cooming. I can never go fully without cooming. I'm stuck in this state. I've been stuck for more than 7 years now. Name one method to quit, I tried it. Name one book, one video, one religion, done that.

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I haven't had a visitor on my own private blog on this site in six months. Why you here? What's your relationship with porn?

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I'm starting to hate porn, and I mean really hate it, before I get my post nut clarity. I hate that I can't enjoy it without cumming snd fucking up my whole state, physical, mental, all my energy goes out of wack. I mean I would love porn if I could find a way to never coom. But right now I was edging and I started shooting ropes of cum without me ever reaching orgasm. It started happening this year with my longer streaks. So guarding against orgasm does nothing now, I lose energy and get fucked up no matter what I do. So it's a lose-loae situation every time. I get mesmerized by women and their bodies but as soon as I start enjoying them, I get to pay for my pleasure. Very bad trade. I'm so fucking pissed, I'm not saying I won't relapse again, at this point I believe I'll never be free. But I'll go at least a month before I forget this bad experience and try porn again

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LMAO what a joke of a post, I went 4 days without porn

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I stopped yesterday from watching porn by reminding myself how it's not really pleasurable except the anticipation and 10 seconds into the act. After that, I get close to the edge and I have to limit myself, can't enjoy it fully, all the excitement turns into anxiety and fear of cum. If I try to brainwash myself and be like a simple degenerate and coom freely whenever I want, I suffer for hours on end the rest of the day and even a couple days after. Then if I coom again that day or the next day the bar for my baseline genital pain/exhaustion/mental capacity/mood goes even lower. If I just live to edge, let's say I edge and quit early before cooming, I would be always frustrated, always looking to watch more porn in dangerous places like at work or around family. And that would of course ruin my life. Cooming at least gets the demon out of the system for a couple of days. So yea, as I stated before, there's no winning with porn and lust. That's simply how we were built. We are exploiting a monke instinct for pleasure expecting it to bring infinite euphoria but sadly it only has the coom purpose and pleasure is only there to make you want to coom. Cooming for the purpose of getting it out of the system destroys the system! I'm very tired, I'm very moody, I'm very unmotivated, my genitals hurt! I don't enjoy anything, even games I really liked yesterday, I only want to coom! But I'll coom and I'll only want to die

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I just felt mistreated by my life and wanted to feel something good once this month. So I went to the only heaven I know on this earth. And of course, reality doesn't work like that. I came in about thirty seconds, it was so underwhelming, I had already closed all tabs, after just looking at the split screen pmvs and it was enough. I clenched my whole being trying not to cum like this. Still my body did not care. My body is built for this monkey early ejaculator and I can't change that. Just like someone can't run long distances I can't go one minute without cooming. I feel physically bad, exhausted and the room is spinning with me. I should come back here and read this, next time I want to go back

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Sure anon, I know how to do it - literally just squeeze the muscles around your asshole when you begin to orgasm, hold on (it's not easy if it's a powerful orgasm) and hold it in. It's harder to do if you're without a partner, if you masturbate, the sensations will stagnate more in your genitals and sit there longer and make it harder to hold in. With practise you'll see what I mean. I can usually have three orgasms in a row and lose no sperm or much energy.

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I'll add on to my post.

- Holding your orgasm in is… intense. There is a reason why the body tries to get rid of your orgasms by ejaculation - it's the easy way out. The anons who say "you need to send it somewhere else" aren't incorrect but it's also not necessary, just literally squeeze the muscles around your asshole for long enough and the orgasm will pass. Your penis might nod a few times.

- If you're going to masturbate, I honestly recommend using a fleshlight because it's easier to hold in an orgasm that comes from something outside of you, it's a psychological thing.

- In the moment, you will feel a lot of sensations that trick you into thinking you've failed, that you are ejaculating, that you haven't hold it in. But look at your penis - nothing of the sort is really happening.

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I've being doing that for six years at this point. There's a chemical imbalance at brain level that you will not avoid with that. And it lasts at least for a full day or sometimes more. Your mental state deteriorates from failing agaim. Of course, it's better than just busting that's why I'm doing it

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OP here, after my latest relapse I noticed a trend that started about four or five relapses ago. I'm not that desperate anymore, I feel like the pull of porn is getting weaker. In the past I could kill myself after a relapse if I wasn't so chickenshit. Now, I can't really say honestly that my relapse was godlike. It was so quick and so much pain for so little pleasure really starts to feel like a bad deal. I don't need that much motivation to refuse urges lately

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I came 8 times this year so it's not that bad if you count how many days I was clean. I'm on a right track I think and I'm feeling hopeful. I stopped looking at a relapse as a reset more like a lesson and getting more clean days is the current goal. I hope I'll get to finish the year with even fewer relapses than my current frequency

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>I came 8 times this year

That's pretty good, all things considered

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Camed again, I'm going through a bout of depression, my life has not been this bad in a decade. Went and quickly coomed. Not much to say about it. Not very great experience but it is what it is. I'll be cooming again this year, I'm sure of it, there's no point in lying to myself. There's no indication that I've been cured of this. My hormones still control me. I don't know if I'll be able to keep the 1 cum per month average this year, that's my only goal this year.

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OP here, I don't understand what's so bad about fucking? It's just fucking, genitals mashing each other so it feels good. Why am I putting all this stress on myself to not cum to it. Who the fuck are all these people telling me it's sacred energy that I'm wasting. Nigga I don't see you flying around or living eternally by keeping your loosh in. What's the benefit? Can't see monks living twice as much as someone who just fucks and sucks all day.

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Hey guy, everyone moved to https://8chan.moe/fringe/

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Yea but this is my personal blog at this point, I tracked my year here.

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10th coom of the year. I don't know what's up with me, I went through these falling off the wagon type of streaks before and I eventually recovered, at least the monthly streaks. I can't coom anymore, at least this year. I had a fucking goal goddamit, I always believe I can watch some porn without cumming. I CANNOT WATCH PORN WITHOUT CUM. I CANNOT EDGE. EDGING IS FOR OTHERS LIKE MONEY OR TOP TIER PUSSY. I DON'T HAVE THE ABILITY TO EDGE. NOT EVEN FOR FIVE MINUTES

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What exactly are you trying to achieve with this? What end state are you aiming for that once attained you could recognize yourself as having 'completed your goal'?

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The freedom from the pussy spell. Pussy has ruined my life, both IRL choices and with porn addiction. It will take decades to be free from the prison I have put myself in. And I'm not talking about porn addiction. Right now I don't have a time machine, I only had one life and I ruined it, I try to enjoy what I have left when I can. What I can do is stop watching porn. That will free up some time, a lot of energy, I'll have a better mental state and will help a bit with drooling/ogling for pussy. I saw I have an average of less than one coom a month this year. It's really good, I've come a long way from twice daily. This year I want to finish without any other cooms, I say it's doable since the last few relapses have been very underwhelming, not even pleasurable, let alone godlike. I seem to have built so much fear/anxiety around the act that I get migraines just by thinking about porn. It's not enjoyable at this point to edge, I coom so rarely I'm so pent up I can't last three minutes. I don't even touch my dick and I coom when watching porn. And what's good with watching 1 minute of porn then closing it? I get this huge sexual frustration, i want to watch more and that means I'll coom in a couple minutes. So I close again until I eventually lose it. That's been the cycle of relapse for all year. And finally my stupid brain stopped enjoying it.

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I guess I needed 9 years (from discovering nofap) to go from full on gooner to once a month coomer that doesn't really enjoy porn anymore. I was so deep in that I would run to my dorm and jack off to porn everytime I saw a beautiful girl or one weekend I prone fucked a leather stool lubricated with spit because a fleshlight would have given me away.

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Which esoteric methods can I use to go from being homosexual to straight?

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go ask on reddit, I heard they're good with that

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11th coom and we're not even in October. Once again I've made the same mistake, thinking I can watch without busting. There is no avoiding it. You will bust if you look. No matter how little. You watch 10 seconds, you'll coom

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12th coom of the year. I lost the battle after fighting my addiction for three days. Gave in like usual, not with the intention to coom, but just to enjoy myself. Such a stupid man, I don't know how many times I will have to fall until I learn that I'm not to be trusted when it comes to busting. So just like that, my last ticket this year is gone. If I want to reach my goal I'd have to stay cum free for another two and a half months. That's a very rare feat. I did that only about four or five times in my life. If I fail again I will be wasting mote time and energy on this stupid fruitless pursuit

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13th coom of the year. And just like that I failed the challenge I imposed on myself. I don't feel bad, I don't feel anything. I just am here, empty, in front of a pc. I got my fix. I'll be fine for a few days. I'll see you soon

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14th coom of the year. So I no longer get hard for regular pmvs after I installed a hentai game. And for the first five days I did not coom playing the game because I was focused on the mechanics. Now I coomed to that too and suddenly I don't want to play the game. I did not tell myself that, it came from the hormones. They were done, mission accomplished so they stopped pushing me. Horniness is a on off switch and I've been reminded of that with a game too. I'm no longer interested in the story or the gameplay, I busted and it's done. I'm not interested in anything right now. I'm spent, I'm tired from a week of wacking off, I'm disappointed, I'm not hopeful that in the new year I'll do better. As soon as the hormones come back I'll listen to them not to the person I am at this moment. This person will be just a memory that doesn't really communicate the real feelings of nutting. The lethargy, pain, brain fog, genital pain, headache, disinterest in everything, no willpower to get out of bed, disappointment, despair, sadness, irritability, anger.

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I was so giddy and excited while I played this game, I was waking up like I was a kid on Christmas morning, eager to jerk it to this hot hentai jrpg. But ultimately I busted to it and now I don't give two shits about it.

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15th coom of the year. NNN is really turning out to be a big failure. The whole end of the year was a mess, I'm extremely horny and I forgot how to say no to porn

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16th coom of the year. I didn't really go full into watching porn again but I kept telling myself I'll just tease myself. Well of course I know all porn watching leads to busting but I still believed I am in control. I was proven wrong, for the hundredth time. I did not expect this coom, it came out of nowhere, handsfree bust like many before. I have to stop going there man, I need this to be the last relapse. I'm going on a downwards slope, at least I went three weeks instead of a few days, I got out of the downward spiral. I actually visited the page before, today, in order to remind myself why I'm doing this. But the hormones are too strong, I'm a slave to them. I'll have to say not to myself or I'll lose my mind

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31 dec 2024 17th coom of the year

Last day of the year started with a wet dream, it was so fucking hot. I was fuckin the fleshlight that was inside this kinky bitch's ass. So of course the chaser effect put me on a spiral, first I played 6 hours of the porn game Aurelia. Didn't jerk it. Then I drove around listening to orgasm compilations. Then i had to wait in my car so I watched 30 mins of pmvs and I couldn't hold it in at a classic favorite. I was shaking it felt so good. Almost as good as the one from last night. That's what I'm talking about, this shit can be godlike. Anyway, of course now I don't want anything to do with the game, I could be listening to orgasms but I won't. I'm effectively asexual until I'll be back here again. I'm sure of it. I'm not quitting this anytime soon. It's too good to quit something like this. Beats EVERY real life experience including real sex

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New year new me amirite? I waited so long for this imaginary reset. We'll see how it goes this year with the pussy spell. If anyone's reading feel free to place bets on how many relapses I'll have this year. Happy new year smh

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I can already feel the urge telling me to have a peek, just a quick look at a pussy, you know, to get my hear rate up. No busting, just enjoying the forbidden fruit. But I know once I look, it will be over. The whole year will be done for and I'll barely control myself after breaking this new year seal

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I owe it to my childhood and adolescence to kick this addiction. If I can't go back and see how my life would have turned out if I hadn't been gooning daily, the least I can do is stop this year. For good. I owe myself that. It's not like I'll be happier with porn, I already went that way. I feel the urge to coom but I really think this time I'll kill myself if I relapse

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