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There is a psycho-physiological process that rebirths the son of Man into a son of God.Completing this process within the body is the Magnum Opus, the alchemical Great Work. How is it done? We must answer this question at all costs. To do so we must seek, so that we may shall find. We must knock, so that the door may be opened. Reject all ignorance so that you may pursue immortality.

Here is a theory in my next post, according to George W. Carey's book called "God-Man: The Word Made Flesh", which partially attempts to explain this psycho-physiological process. It fails to answer the question: "How is it done?", but at least it's something to work with. Also do note that George W. Carey did not complete the Magnum Opus, despite believing that he knew what it was. This is why theoretical knowledge alone is not nearly as important as practical knowledge, what good is knowledge if it's not applicable?

What is your theory? What have you applied, what has worked and what hasn't? Any experiences and anecdotal evidences are welcomed.

>1. The Claustrum secretes a liquid, which separates itself into the Pineal and Pituitary glands. These two liquids are honey-like yellow and a milk-like white respectively. The two liquids flow down to the celiac plexus.

<Source: (Page 19-20) On either side of the Thalamus, in the head, is a gland, known in physiology as the Pineal, on the posterior, and the Pituitary on the anterior side of the Thalamus. The Pineal is cone shaped, and secretes a yellow or golden fluid. The Pituitary Body, opposite it, is ellipsoid in shape, and contains a whitish secretion, like milk. The fluids that are found in both these bodies come from the same source, namely, the Claustrum, which means "barrier" or "cloister", and is referred to as cloister for the very good reason that a precious and holy thing is secreted or secluded there. […] The precious fluid which flows down from the Claustrum separates, part going into the Pineal gland and part to the Pituitary body, […] This yellow and white material, which is the milk and honey referred to in the Bible, the children of Israel having been given the promise of a return to this land flowing with milk and honey, at last reaches the solar plexus via semi-lunar ganglia, the Bethlehem of the physical body. […] (Page 78-80 is also significant)

>2. These two liquids must be lifted back up and united.

<Source: (Page 44) When this oil is refined, transmuted, lifted up, raised, it becomes so highly vitalized that it regenerates the body and "overcomes" the last enemy, death. How can it be lifted up? By lifting up the "Son of man", the seed, the word, the savior. The oil (Christ) in the spinal cord, is the salt which is mentioned in the Bible, and the savior is the seed, or Jesus. […] If we lift up or raise the oil in the spinal cord, by the power of the seed, by saving it, it must be a physiological and chemical operation within the body of each of us.

>3. How? According to George W. Carey, it's not only by constantly praying and abstaining from the orgasm, but also from all sexual activity.

<Source: (Page 139) In order to save this germ of life, man must remember that as a man thinketh, so is he. While men must abstain entirely from sexual contact, he must also realize that "He who looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her in his heart." By constant prayer do we attain the Kingdom, for Jesus said "With man it is impossible; but with God all things are possible."

Disclaimer:George W. Carey was most likely wrong about this thesis, since he himself did not achieve what he preached.

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>Here is a theory in my next post

Forgot to remove that, I thought I'd run out of characters.

Additionally, here are 4 pics from the book "The Perfect Matrimony" by Samael Aun Weor. Just more food for thought, keep in mind that nobody has uncovered the secrets of the psycho-physiological processes of man, otherwise a son of God would be walking on earth.

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File: 2233d8fcfbd8293⋯.jpg (93.85 KB,946x630,473:315,snake_christ.jpg)

Lastly, here is an except from the fifth book of "Refutation Of All Heresies", chapter 12. The chapters 7 to 13 talk about an exceptional Christian-Gnostic sect, called the "Perates", or "Penetrators", likely of the secrets within man. They were a secretive society of researchers, philosophers, astrologers, doctors and scientists. They were completely obliterated by the Nicene Creed, and the book that demonizes them is the only trace we have left of their existence. It appears that these Perates knew about the psycho-physiological processes in man, although they failed to complete these processes. It is also curious how George W. Carey's works fit with the Peratic beliefs.



>No one, then, he says, can be saved or return (into heaven) without the Son, and the Son is the Serpent. For as he brought down from above the paternal marks, so again he carries up from thence those marks roused from a dormant condition and rendered paternal characteristics, substantial ones from the unsubstantial Being, transferring them hither from thence. This, he says, is what is spoken: "I am the door." And he transfers (those marks), he says, to those who close the eyelid, as the naphtha drawing the fire in every direction towards itself; nay rather, as the magnet (attracting) the iron and not anything else, or just as the backbone of the sea falcon, the gold and nothing else, or as the chaff is led by the amber. In this manner, he says, is the portrayed, perfect, and con-substantial genus drawn again from the world by the Serpent; nor does he (attract) anything else, as it has been sent down by him. For a proof of this, they adduce the anatomy of the brain, assimilating, from the fact of its immobility, the brain itself to the Father, and the cerebellum to the Son, because of its being moved and being of the form of (the head of) a serpent. And they allege that this (cerebellum), by an ineffable and inscrutable process, attracts through the pineal gland the spiritual and life-giving substance emanating from the vaulted chamber (in which the brain is embedded). And on receiving this, the cerebellum in an ineffable manner imparts the ideas, just as the Son does, to matter; or, in other words, the seeds and the genera of the things produced according to the flesh flow along into the spinal marrow. Employing this exemplar, (the heretics) seem to adroitly introduce their secret mysteries, which are delivered in silence.

May this knowledge that I have shared with you help you on your truth-seeking journey. May you never stop seeking until you find.

>Gospel of Thomas:2 - Jesus said: He who seeks, let him not cease seeking until he finds; and when he finds he will be troubled, and when he is troubled he will be amazed, and he will reign over the All.

Eyes to see, ears to hear.

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>3. How? According to George W. Carey, it's not only by constantly praying and abstaining from the orgasm, but also from all sexual activity.

<Source: (Page 139) In order to save this germ of life, man must remember that as a man thinketh, so is he. While men must abstain entirely from sexual contact, he must also realize that "He who looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her in his heart." By constant prayer do we attain the Kingdom, for Jesus said "With man it is impossible; but with God all things are possible."

Typical christcuck nonsense. Nothing to do with abstaining from sex.


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Yes, George W. Carey indeed was mistaken with this conclusion, otherwise he would have achieved the very divinity that he preached. Have you not paid attention to my comment that came after?

>Disclaimer:George W. Carey was most likely wrong about this thesis, since he himself did not achieve what he preached.

Traditional exoteric Christianity is obviously mistaken. Look deeper within the esoteric facet of Christianity, there you will find the greatest of answers. "Within the greatest exoteric knowledge, lies the greatest esoteric knowledge." "As above so below." To discredit Christianity entirely is to doom yourself from the truth.

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File: 514bcbd7b3cf421⋯.jpg (2.54 MB,2592x1944,4:3,GenevaBible.JPG)

Here are some signs and requirements of divinity, according to the Bible.

>In order to achieve divinity, one must "believe" and be "baptized", albeit in an esoteric meaning. One who has achieved divinity should be able to: Purge the negativity out of people (cast out devils); speak in languages incomprehensible to non-divine individuals; help other individuals achieve Kundalini/divinity (take up serpents); survive poison without medical assistance; heal the sick and wounded with simple physical contact.

<Mark 16:16-18 - He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

>Sexuality is an absolute requirement to divinity. Divinity is impossible if the sexual organs are not functioning.

<Deuteronomy 23:1 - He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

>Divinity is something that literally happens in the human body itself.

<Ephesians 4:15-16 - But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

John 3:14 - And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

Let me know of any other significant verses that I'm not aware of.

Additionally, here are two videos you might be interested in on the subject of esoteric Christianity.



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I find it disappointing to witness so little discussion, but then again I am part of the fewest of the few that even dare to seek something as foolish as immortality. Nevertheless, here are a few verses from the Gospel of Thomas, which I felt spoke of immortality.

>3 - Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: See, the kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heaven will go before you; if they say to you: It is in the sea, then the fish will go before you. But the kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will know that you are the sons of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty.

<5 - Jesus said: Recognize what is before you, and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you; for there is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest.

>7 - Jesus said: Blessed is the lion which the man eats, and the lion will become man; and cursed is the man whom the lion eats, and the lion will become man.

<17 - Jesus said: I will give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has not entered into the heart of man.

>19 - Jesus said: Blessed is he who was before he came into being. If you become disciples to me (and) listen to my words, these stones will minister to you. For you have five trees in Paradise which do not change, either in summer or in winter, and their leaves do not fall. He who knows them shall not taste of death.

<29 - Jesus said: If the flesh came into existence because of the spirit, it is a marvel. But if the spirit (came into existence) because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels. But as for me, I wonder at this, how this great wealth made its home in this poverty.

>32 - Jesus said: A city that is built on a high mountain and fortified cannot fall, nor can it be hidden.

<58 - Jesus said: Blessed is the man who has labored; he has found life.

>70 - Jesus said: If you have gained this within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have this in [you], what you do not have in you [will] kill you.

<80 - Jesus said: He who has known the world has found the body; and he who has found the body, the world is not worthy of him.

>87 - Jesus said: Wretched is the body which depends on a body, and wretched is the soul which depends on these two.

<94 - Jesus [said:] He who seeks will find, [and he who knocks], to him will be opened.

>109 - Jesus said: The kingdom is like a man who had in his field a [hidden] treasure, of which he knew nothing. And [after] he died he left it to his [son. The] son also did not know; he took the field and sold it. The man who bought it came (and) as he was ploughing [found] the treasure. He began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished.

<113 - His disciples said to him: On what day will the kingdom come? <Jesus said:> It will not come while people watch for it; they will not say: Look, here it is, or: Look, there it is; but the kingdom of the father is spread out over the earth, and men do not see it.

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>I find it disappointing to witness so little discussion,

If it's any consolation, I find this so fascinating yet intimidating, that to comment on it would be like casting swines at a pearl.

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I do not wish that everyone would agree with me, nor do I expect others to bring as much knowledge in this thread as I did: Rather, I wish that you question and doubt me. One seeks knowledge by debate, not just outwardly but also inwardly. Doubt and question me, but also yourself. Instead of seeking to prove yourself right, try to prove yourself wrong. When you fail to prove yourself wrong, that's when you know with certainty that you've discovered truth. And to try to prove yourself wrong, you need doubts and questions. For example, the disciples of Jesus followed him and his every word. They were passionate, but ignorant, because they never doubted Jesus. The only one that dared to doubt him was Thomas the doubter, who questioned Jesus on multiple occasions, and so he became the Christ's closest disciple.

>Gospel of Thomas:13 - Jesus said to his disciples: Compare me to something and tell me whom I am like. Simon Peter said to him: You are like a just messenger. Matthew said to him: You are like a wise philosopher. Thomas said to him: Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom you are like. Jesus said: I am not your master, for you have drunk, and have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring which I have caused to gush forth. And he took him, withdrew, (and) spoke to him three sayings [or words]. When Thomas came (back) to his companions, they asked him: What did Jesus say to you? Thomas said to them: If I tell you one of the sayings [or words] which he said to me, you will take up stones (and) throw them at me; and fire will come out of the stones (and) consume you.

To reject all ignorance is to embrace all knowledge, no matter your ego and beliefs.

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File: 38d84402a7414c0⋯.pdf (2.08 MB,The_Magnum_Opus_A_Step_by_….pdf)

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While I appreciate the amount of both theoretical and practical knowledge in that book, do keep in mind that John Kreiter, the author, did not achieve the Magnum Opus. The completion of the Great Work is supposed to result in immortality of the physical body and healing, not mere self-improvement or creation of an energetic body. If we're to discover how to truly achieve divinity, we have to be objective about knowledge. If someone pretends to know how to achieve immortality, but hasn't achieved it, then it's clear that their conclusion is wrong. However, they might hold a sliver of truth, surely there is a reason why they are so pretentious. I would never pretend to know with certainty how to achieve immortality, because I have not achieved it. All I am doing in this thread is presenting information and knowledge, so that you may draw your own conclusions.

Here are a few wrong conclusions about immortality (otherwise, whoever made that conclusion would have achieved what they taught):

>George W. Carey believed that you have to abstain completely from all sexual activity and that you must pray as often as possible. He died at the age of 79, failing to achieve immortality.

<Source: (God-Man: The Word Made Flesh, Page 139) In order to save this germ of life, man must remember that as a man thinketh, so is he. While men must abstain entirely from sexual contact, he must also realize that "He who looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her in his heart." By constant prayer do we attain the Kingdom, for Jesus said "With man it is impossible; but with God all things are possible."

>Samael Aun Weor believed that in order to achieve eternal life and Kundalini, you have to engage in a "perfect matrimony", which is when a heterosexual couple abstains from the orgasm and embrace love. He died at the age of 60 to stomach cancer, failing to achieve immortality.

<Source: (The Perfect Matrimony, Page 201) The couples unite sexually to work in the Great Work under the supervision of a Guru (master). The man, seated on a rug on the floor in the Buddhic position, with his legs crossed in oriental style, enters into sexual contact with the woman. She sits upon the legs of the man so that her legs encircle the males trunk. It is evident that the woman absorbs the phallus by sitting upon the man in this way. Thus, the man and woman are sexually united. The yogi couple remains in this state for hours without spilling the semen. It is the obligation of the yogi not to think during the practice of Sexual Magic. In those moments both man and woman are found in a state of ecstasy. Thus, in this way, the couple become deeply in love. The creative energies rise victoriously through their respective canals to the chalice of the brain. Animal desire is rejected. Then, the couple withdraws from the act without having spilled the semen. […] Gnostic couples do not need the physical supervision of a master. (Page 63) In order to awaken the Kundalini, man needs a woman. Yet, we must warn that the initiate must practice Sexual Magic with only one woman. Those who practice Sexual Magic with different women commit the sin of adultery.

>John Kreiter teaches that through accumulating energy, an immortal "energy" body is created, becoming independent of the physical body. While I don't doubt that he achieved astral projection and other mental abilities as I did, he fails to realize like so many others that the consciousness can never be independent from the brain and body. The consciousness is generated by the brain and only by the brain, therefore once the body dies, the consciousness dies. The only way for the consciousness to be immortal is for the body to also be immortal.

<Source: (The Magnum Opus: A Step by Step Course, Page 89) It is at this point, after a great deal of energetic accumulation, that an Alchemist begins to have first-hand experiences with what will eventually become true immortality, as he or she becomes less and less bound by the laws of three-dimensional time and space. (Page 139) This is often considered to be the most important function of the Stone: immortality through physical transcendence.

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Spritual immortality makes more sense than physical immortality. Reality is virbration and inevitable degradation, the soul with ego lives eternal and compounds it's knowledge and experiences each life it has.

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That is your belief, and my belief is that the soul needs it's catalyst (the body) in order to survive. But in the end, beliefs don't matter if you truly seek practical knowledge. Why argue over theoretical knowledge, which is inapplicable, which therefore cannot be proven? The afterlife cannot be proven because it is after death, whereas if someone achieved divinity/immortality before death, it would be absolutely undeniable. So let us argue about what is possible before death, what we can know and prove in this lifetime, rather than arguing about what might happen after death, what is unknowable. Practical knowledge is based on practices and techniques, theoretical knowledge is based on ideas and speculation.

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You kind of fell into a logical hole. Physical immortality is only theory as well. The longest living recorded humans were not occultists.

Spiritual immortality/immortal soul was existent philosophy in europe/asia as well as pre colonized Americas. Two different sides of the world came up with similar theories before there was any cross continental contact. IMO that has more clout than a human fantasy of physical immortality that has never been achieved.

At least not in this world deep in the mundane. Maybe the worlds that slowed earlier after the source/big bang are closer to the arcane energies that created existence.

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>physical immortality that has never been achieved

Jesus Christ is praised by the Christians for being the son of God, because he conquered the ultimate enemy, which is death. It only makes sense that after completing such a grandiose achievement that he be remembered as the most influential man of all time, that is if he ever really ascended and left. While he may have been the only one to achieve full-on divinity, there were a few individuals that achieved partial divinity: Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses, perhaps even Rasputin, were able to perform healings, and so their exoteric influence were great.

But what can be defined as true divine healing? It's obvious that there are and have been many fraudulent healers that pretend to be able to heal others with a mere touch of the hand. Rather, if we take the example of Rasputin, he literally spit on a boy's wounds and it (allegedly) healed and stopped the bleeding immediately. Now, Rasputin is a controversial character, so let's look back at Jesus Christ, whose body's flesh and blood literally could heal people (according to the gospels). Perhaps immortality is designed as one's body being able to produce some healing molecule, the elixir of life, the fountain of youth. This way, divinity is not achieved by improving the soul or consciousness, but by literally improving the flesh and blood.

Perhaps I may even be wrong about immortality, and that the best you can achieve may only be being able to perform healings from your body. Perhaps I may be wrong about everything! The only way to know for certain is to seek, find and apply practical knowledge. That is how you prove anything.

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Even the resurrection of the christ was not recorded as a physical resurrection. Witnesses reported seeing the holes in his hands and feet but they did not record touching them. It's a good reference to spiritual immortality though.

>The only way to know for certain is to seek, find and apply practical knowledge. That is how you prove anything.

This is a very snake oil salesman kind of tactic. The foundation of the discussion is occultism/spirituality that has very little physical evidence, you would have to live longer than the oldest men recorded for anyone to take your practical exercises as POSSIBLE. Until you're that age and have some kind of result, your practical exercise is still in the realm of theory.

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You assume that the only thing I'm seeking is immortality, but really it's divinity or divine attributes in general that I'm seeking. Immortality is just one of the many abilities a son of God should have. What about being able to perform miracle healings? Control your own DNA perhaps? Who knows what is achievable, but what's for certain is that it would be undeniable if someone were able to truly heal the sick or mutate their genes on the spot.

>Mark 16:16-18 - He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

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I did not assume that you only were interested in immortality but healing and immortality kind of go hand-in-hand. If you could heal your decaying cells continuously wouldn't that be a form of immortality?

Ok you want Jesus levels of reality alteration. A lot of people have been trying for a long time but there's been no conclusive evidence of it working. I can't be fucked to try to learn right now. I'm trying to cultivate the immortal body in the astral plane to carry my ego from life to life on the cosmic wheel. Isekai for life.

>They shall take up serpents

What? lol. That seems so contrary to the genesis myth. Shieet I'd take some parsletongue powers though…

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>A lot of people have been trying for a long time but there's been no conclusive evidence of it working

I'd argue that Rasputin might have been the last person to have achieved it, but it's hard to know for certain. All the more reason to seek!

About "They shall take up serpents", you could speculate that it's about the Kundalini, otherwise it might reference the Nehushtan.

>John 3:14 - And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up.

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>Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) 18 And with their hands they will pick up nechashim (snakes, Ac 28:3-5); and, if any deadly poison they drink, it will in no way harm them; upon [the] cholim (sick people) they will lay their hands and they will bring them refuah.

I think the OJB is probably the closest to the original meaning. But I might ask for some snake taming powers now. I got baptized as a kid when I didn't really know what it meant anyways.

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This video might give you some insight into the esoteric symbolism of the Baptism.


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Quality vid to watch so far. I love the religious art work slide show.

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>That seems so contrary to the genesis myth.

How so? You fell for the 'snake bad' meme?

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Following a conversation I've had in another thread (>>140236, >>140237, >>140238), I will clarify on some misunderstandings in this post.

1. I am not pretending to know how the magnum opus is achieved, I am simply pretending to be a seeker of this goal.

2. I am not saying that the authors of which I have referred to (George W. Carey, Samael Aun Weor, etc) did know the truth, again they have failed at what they preached.

3. I am not enforcing any practices or beliefs, this thread is meant to simply share knowledge and information. Take it as you see it, and make your own conclusions.

4. The seeking of the Magnum Opus may be out of reach for many, so if you must seek something else first, tell me and I will try to help you. I do pretend to be wise and knowledgeable.

If I am the victim of hypocrisy, then do tell me, for I only have myself to blame.

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This is the best thing I've ever read. Are the rest of his works as good as this?

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He tends to be dogmatic. While he had and taught lots of knowledge, he was seeking to prove himself right, rather than prove himself wrong. Do note that while he was obsessed with "Christification", he did not achieve it himself. Personally, these 4 pics that you read give a very good TL;DR of most of his beliefs. I suggest reading the book "God-Man: The Word Made Flesh" by George W. Carey (This author also did not achieve what he preached), you will surely find this book equally as fascinating, despite it being another wrong conclusion.

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I see. You're obviously intelligent and know your stuff, and I definitely respect the process of proving yourself wrong to prove yourself right. I don't get the physical immortality thing though, if there truly are higher planes of existence and the key of spiritual evolution is to transcend higher, wouldn't physical immortality completely stunt your growth? Unless physical immortality is in reference to the immortalization of your name through your deeds in life. You consider Jesus to have been one to achieve this yet he is not physically here (as far as I know), he is immortal in legend.

I'm pretty new to this so I apologise if that sounds retarded. Thanks for the book, I'll definitely check it out

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>You're obviously intelligent

Forgive my humble bragging, but I wouldn't consider myself smart, only wise. Intelligence is something that you're born with lots or few of it, whereas wisdom can be acquired by anyone, no matter one's intelligence. To me, wisdom is far more important than intelligence.

>I don't get the physical immortality thing though, if there truly are higher planes of existence and the key of spiritual evolution is to transcend higher, wouldn't physical immortality completely stunt your growth?

As I said in another post ( >>140236):

<The goal is self-control. Once you control your beliefs, you'll want to control your thoughts. Once you control your thoughts, you'll want to control your emotions. Once you control your emotions, you'll want to control your sexual activity. Once you control your sexual activity, you'll want to control your DNA. It goes on and on. It just stops when you stop seeking.

What is the difference between a man who is spiritual and one other that is not? One seeks to know and control himself, the other does not. The key to spiritual evolution is self-control, that is how you transcend higher: By becoming higher than the lower. A physical immortality implies divinity, and therefore implies that growth has been achieved.


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you're not intelligent. it's sad a neophyte made you think you were. you're a false prophet. Jesus was a reincarnation of the egregore for humans HaAv L'Yeshua HaMashicah, to think you can reach the levels of magic of a reincarnation of a creator god is laughable

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I would never pretend to be a prophet, nor have I pretended to be one. I am a mere seeker, sharing the information and knowledge I have found. That is all I pretend to be. Also, remember what Jesus Christ said in the Gospels: "What I have done, you shall do and greater". He never said that he and he only should perform the miracles that he did, in fact he stated quite the otherwise. John 14:12, Mark 16:16-18.

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Right, but Jesus did not say you could reach that level of magic in a single life. Jesus was a reincarnated god, so you could not say he was a normal man who developed spiritually from the same level we would.

The magnum opus is actually a set of exercises to create a immortal spiritual body to transfer your consciousness every reincarnation cycle as you grind knowledge every life without restarting at blank every time you die.

>Matthew 17:20 He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Post a video when you reach the level of faith the size of a mustard seed

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>Jesus was a reincarnated god,

Perhaps not, because from the moment he was born until just before or during the age of 33, he did not have his miraculous powers. The belief that Jesus Christ was not special, and that anyone can achieve and perform what he did, allows you to seek knowledge that no one would dare seek.

>The magnum opus is actually a set of exercises to create a immortal spiritual body to transfer your consciousness every reincarnation cycle as you grind knowledge every life without restarting at blank every time you die.

Again, I'll have to disagree with this. The magnum opus is something you achieve here and now, not later in another life. You must expect results in this lifetime, and while it is possible that reincarnation is a factor, it's still a better mindset to pursue and expect results now rather than later.

>mustard seed

According to both George W. Carey and Samael Aun Weor, the mustard seed is an allegory for the pineal gland. Once it is truly activated, through a process unknown to all, then one may be able to pursue to path towards becoming a son of God.

Ever heard of the Law of Attraction? In a normal human state, our beliefs are very inefficient at influencing the world, meanwhile Jesus Christ's beliefs were heard and done instantly. Once you complete the Magnum Opus, once you raise the Kundalini, once the pineal gland or mustard seed is active, then your faith will be all-powerful.

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I'm from Missouri.

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WWA flag is a tranny (Exhibit A: >>140266) who is attempting to farm loosh by asking retarded questions (Exhibit B: >>140271) and arguing in bad faith.

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>to think you can reach the levels of magic of a reincarnation of a creator god is laughable

Single life to reach it or not, the idea is that it’s reachable, which you now admit to regardless of the amount of effort. And to totally deter others from seeking the route to do this because of the effort it entails, or because of your original point that one would never reach it and it’s laughable to think that one could, is bogus

>to think you can reach the levels of magic of a reincarnation of a creator god is laughable

>implying that someone who apparently went through many reincarnations to get where he got didn’t start out where we are

Which is it, fren

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> the mustard seed is an allegory for the pineal gland. Once it is truly activated, through a process unknown to all, then one may be able to pursue to path towards becoming a son of God.

I have a question frens,

Pretty relevant: https://youtu.be/GQWSqHZZu1Y

Also relevant: https://youtu.be/--PAqKfCySk

If you know about alchemy… you know of “multiplication” of the stone. This is where you heat it and gold and have the stone consume the gold, a tiny amount of it, to increase the size and power of the stone.

A bit of a jump here, and I’ll explain if requested, but what if man is the stone? The one thing, the beginning and the end? The evolving work? What if we need to consume gold, perhaps just tiny bits, I don’t know, to maybe activate our pineal glands or something?

I don’t know much or hardly jack shit of chemistry, but I do know that gold is inert, or not digested, and so this is why it is edible. What if we could digest it? Would it be dangerous? I don’t know. We take in other “essential” minerals and such, in small safe amounts. What of gold? And for what? If the brain, should we snort it?

But again, it isn’t absorbed. But what if we could, like with vitamin C, put it in a liposome? Liposomal gold?? Actual liposomal aurum or gold, not a shitty health formula like you get when you google liposomal gold.

Forgot this relevant: https://youtu.be/2PHKEvlo13Y

I don’t know shit, but you can make powdered gold. Pure gold to a powdered form. There’s a guy on eBay that sells it by the gram or whatever. 3x refined pure powered gold.

What if we could put it into distilled water and alcohol and whatever else like the last video shows and create this liposomal gold to swallow, snort, whatever?

Alchemy is interpreted as very spiritual but I also believe in the physical path and sadly I am chemically challenged but I also realize it is apparently very truly probably a chemical task. I don’t know if the gold would be dissolved in the water and alcohol. Actually I’m thinking it really wouldn’t if it takes aqua regia to dissolve gold. But maybe we can find something? Maybe it doesn’t have to be totally dissolved even? Any chemanons here? I actually bought some liposomal vitamin c capsules for about half price on eBay recently to try the advice of the first video.

>inb4 I fell for it

Anyway, a lot of these liposomal capsules are just that, powdered substance in a capsule. I was surprised when I saw the last video and saw she just made a drink. But would putting the gold in a veggie capsule or something work? Help anon I seek to ascend.>the mustard seed is an allegory for the pineal gland. Once it is truly activated, through a process unknown to all, then one may be able to pursue to path towards becoming a son of God

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Transforming the iron into gold is an allegory for the rebirth of the weak man into the superior man (See the pic in >>140166). Baptism too is such an allegory, raising the weak waters so that it may become superior waters.

>but what if man is the stone? The one thing, the beginning and the end? The evolving work?

I'd argue that the Philosopher's Stone is also an allegory for the pineal gland, perhaps all of Alchemy is just a bunch of allegories about the human body!

>What if we need to consume gold, perhaps just tiny bits, I don’t know, to maybe activate our pineal glands or something?

The one thing I have yet to prove wrong is the idea that the activation of the pineal gland / achieving divinity is a process (or perhaps many processes) that happens exclusively within the body, meaning that no outside source would be needed. The only ingredient and knowledge you'd need then, is your body and only your body. Countless seekers have attempted to find immortality outside of themselves, through medicinal and chemical means, but it always fails. As I see it, immortality will never be obtained by drinking an elixir of life or caressing a philosopher's stone, but rather create the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone within yourself. I do not want to discourage you to seek immortality outside yourself though, after all I could be wrong, for I have not achieved this immortality myself. Just consider the possibility that divinity may be more accessible than you think.

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I agree that it may be more accessible, and I do hold on to that hope of the subtle and true simplicity of alchemy that eludes us all.

But I am also wondering if this solely internal method is the “nature” of which alchemists seek to accelerate and make more efficient. Gold appears in the body and blood despite our lack of ability to digest it (if that’s really true). Perhaps we are really trying to create it within ourselves and we really can accelerate the process. The mother bird chews the food for the young. The lifter will consume protein powder. The healthy will take vitamin C. Even our very nature of eating to live is an admitting that we cannot be so self contained, but perhaps we are a part of a larger process and chain.

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These were the exact points i was trying to make. If you want to develop your magic to that level you need to at least retain your consciousness through multiple lifespans to gather all knowledge, which the magnum opus is designed to do.

You can say "i disagree, it could be done because i acknowledge Jesus' divinity but ignore his sayings that he is as HaAv" If there was a short cut to attain a immortal physical body, which has never been done before as well as cure leprosy at a touch within one life time, while still eating and keeping a roof over your head I'd like to be shown.

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I wasn't trying to but thanks for the loosh cry baby

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I think the mustard seed represents the astral structure that precipitates into material manifestation.

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There is a considerable difference in size champs

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How far can you reach?

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