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You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.1 [Open thread]

Board Rules:

No Rules but Global.

Because Freedom & Anonymity bring out the very best and the very worst in humans, >>>/freedomzine/ will enjoy as much freedom to edit your content as you enjoy in creating it, so put some thought in.

Freedom definitely deserves more attentiveness from everyone.

Obvious spam, or anything else detracting from freeze peach, etc… well, ya know…

Everything is temporary!

Keep an eye on us… Like Freedom, we'll be blossoming soon, EVERYWHERE!

We hope to get some good discussions about Freedom happening on this board. We'd like to foster a more balanced approach than mere expressions of how pissed off we are at everything.

We also want to have fun!

Shitposters are more than welcome.

as though we could stop you!



So enjoy some self-expression.

Embeds are turned on.

Post any legal images, videos, pdfs, whatever.

Up to 5 images per post.

You can help form the direction of this board. We're all responsible for the direction freedom takes.

Suggestions welcome.

>inb4 go fuck yourself

This thread is locked. Feel FREE to shitpost in another.

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File: 4619a14c287b867⋯.pdf (277.55 KB,The_Book_of_the_Book_Idrie….pdf)

Cleaning Some Shit off this Board. (Especially the Q-Bot Posts.)

Consider this quote and the attached PDF to be quite apropos…

> "When you realize the difference between the container and the content, you will have knowledge."

— Idries Shah

"The Book of the Book"

> PDF Related

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.12157 [Open thread]

These are Freedom Quotes that have already been used in theNotificationarea on FreedomZine:


Freedom is your birthright, however many people become enslaved by the life of mediocrity.

May these quotes inspire you to be free within yourself and live a life you are proud to live…

> “Freedom has a way of destroying things.”

― Scott Westerfeld, Impostors


> “Freedom is to know that you are free.”

― Valeria Teles


> "I am homesick for a place where silence is the only language, love is the only religion, and freedom is not something to be fought for…”

― Samiha Totanji


> “There is an intrinsic connection between discipline and freedom that affects us in many aspects of our lives.”

― Ernest Cadorin, The Arrows of Zen


> “Emotions have to go to maturity. Only a mature emotion bears fruits.”

― Emmanuelle Soni-Dessaigne


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“The freedom from something is not true freedom. The freedom to do anything you want to do is also not the freedom I am talking about.

“My vision of freedom is to be yourself.

“It is not a question of getting freedom from something. That freedom will not be freedom, because it is still given to you; there is a cause to it. The thing that you were feeling dependent on is still there in your freedom. You are obliged to it. Without it you would not have been free.

“The freedom to do anything you want is not freedom either, because wanting, desiring to do something, arises out of the mind – and mind is your bondage.

“The true freedom certainly comes after choiceless awareness, but after choiceless awareness the freedom is neither dependent on things nor dependent on doing something. The freedom that follows choiceless awareness is the freedom just to be yourself. And you are yourself already, you are born with it; hence it is not dependent on anything else. Nobody can give it to you and nobody can take it from you. A sword can cut your head but it cannot cut your freedom, your being.

“It is another way of saying that you are centered, rooted in your natural, existential self. It has nothing to do with outside.

“Freedom from things is dependent on the outside. Freedom to do something is also dependent on the outside. Freedom to be ultimately pure has not to be dependent on anything outside you.

“You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it. Layers upon layers of conditionings have made you a puppet. The strings are in somebody else’s hands.

“If you are a Christian, you are a puppet. Your strings are in the hand of a God which does not exist, so just to give you the sense that God exists there are prophets, messiahs, representing God. They represent nobody. TheyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 322370e700fe90c⋯.mp4 (9.02 MB,384x288,4:3,Qtards_Listen_to_Yourselve….mp4)

 No.38716 [Open thread]

Let's see if you're capable of some constructive criticism, without throwing a childish hissy-fit…

Board Owner Here.

First of all, let's get some facts out of the way.

This is NOT a Qturd Board, as many of you may have found out the hard way on October 24 & 25, 2022 when some idiots chose to participate in a Raid on this board.

> inb4 BUT JIM!

About that… I'll be getting into more detail later, but suffice it to say for now that no one respects the stance of one who cannot follow his own rules; and it's a Global Rule NOT to participate in Raids on Boards, and there are always consequences for breaking Global Rules.

> inb4 But I MAKE The Rules!

"Rules For Thee, But Not For Me" Eh?

Nah. You're NOT Free to do that here.

> inb4 retaliatory pressure is applied to put me in my place for speaking my mind.

Let's just leave it be for now. You've had your fun, and now I will have my say…

This board has very little traffic anyway, and I've kept it that way on purpose. Unlike many, I have no desire to attract a "following". I've made it clear on numerous occasions (if anyone had ever bothered to lurk moar before diarrhea spam-posting) what my intention is here. I'm a presenter who values psuedonymity.

I'm not here to interact with those who take stances obsessing relentlessly on "Persona"; and that seems to be the only stance left here on this site nowadays — Absolutely Twatter-Tier.

Having been on the chans since 2004, and on 8chan since before Jim Watkins had even heard of a chan, imho, very few posters on this site belong here at all, and even fewer know why pseudonymous image boards are important, or what makes them important. Protip: It's Pseudonymity. Being judged for the content of one's posts rather than some fake "PePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 292100e5eccf250⋯.jpg (79.77 KB,640x360,16:9,2023_01_08_2023_Year_of_ou….jpg)



2023: Year of our Lord Jesus the Jewish Messiah & Subduing the Goyim | Know More News


I did not immediately realize that Adam Green has an Odysee Channel.

I had already downloaded this on Bitchute, as it is good, and I wanted to upload it, so I will.

You can watch it on his Odysee Channel at: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Xlr4u0kqyaCU/

or his Bitchute Channel at: https://bitchute.com/video/DdSwUJ2FH4yZ/

I highly recommend subscribing to his Odysee Channel: https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1

and his Bitchute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/qPYBk4x8LaDs/

> inb4 all the hate… from every side.

I can provide more fuel if all ya wanna do is hate! (Or you could learn something!) I did.

I knew, even as a young child raised by missionaries, that Christianity is a Slave Religion.

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 No.4373 [Open thread]

First of all, let's just get REAL…

Johnny Neptune does not exist. Johnny Neptune is a PERSONA.

There's a boomtard barely living in Macon, Georgia named Andrew McGovern, who self-identifies as this '"Johnny Neptune" Persona''. He really has no life, so attempts to make himself feel better about it by playing a persona online that tears everybody down. It's pathetic really, and everyone but him can see through the charade; however, some have found his antics somewhat entertaining through the years. I count myself as one of them.

Who am I to think that my opinion means anything? Well, I'm just an Anon on 8kun, who ran into Johnny Neptune quite a few years ago, and pretty much disliked him and his tactics from the very start. I mean, let's face it…Johnny Neptune is an ASSHOLE.But he was being a thorn in the side of folks who I felt needed a thorn in their side (for further growth), so I began to have a grudging respect for him, and even a fondness for his antics, his ability to get under people's skin and piss them off. His shitty off-the-cuff image-manipulations and unending assaults posting a plethora of disjointed thoughts meant to agitate and annoy gave me some level of joy. They still do. But his imagination, along with his genius, have been atrophying as of late; and I, for one, am disappointed. I do find it somewhat amusing that he has taken it upon himself to attack `'Just-Kiss-It'`, who is an online persona that I created a few years ago merely to interact with him, and to play with persona a bit, since I never had done that before – but I am not as attached to the "JKI" persona as he is attached to "Johnny Neptune". I can see how someone could become attached to a persona, a self-identity; but that's just egoically silly, and doesn't look any better on someone like Andrew McGovern than it does on someone like Donald J. Trump. (JN is still under the illusion that all those who do not hate Trump as much as Johnny Neptune must somehow LOVE Trump!) But logic has never been one of JohnPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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He's still getting his ass handed to him on occasion.

This thread would be a good case-in-point… >>>/pnd/356077

> PDF related

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 No.5092 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Why do some people believe conspiracy theories? It’s not just who or what they know. It’s a matter of intellectual character.

Meet Oliver. Like many of his friends, Oliver thinks he is an expert on 9/11. He spends much of his spare time looking at conspiracist websites and his research has convinced him that the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, DC, of 11 September 2001 were an inside job. The aircraft impacts and resulting fires couldn’t have caused the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center to collapse. The only viable explanation, he maintains, is that government agents planted explosives in advance. He realises, of course, that the government blames Al-Qaeda for 9/11 but his predictable response is pure Mandy Rice-Davies: they would say that, wouldn’t they?

Polling evidence suggests that Oliver’s views about 9/11 are by no means unusual. Indeed, peculiar theories about all manner of things are now widespread. There are conspiracy theories about the spread of AIDS, the 1969 Moon landings, UFOs, and the assassination of JFK. Sometimes, conspiracy theories turn out to be right – Watergate really was a conspiracy – but mostly they are bunkum. They are in fact vivid illustrations of a striking truth about human beings: however intelligent and knowledgeable we might be in other ways, many of us still believe the strangest things. You can find people who believe they were abducted by aliens, that the Holocaust never happened, and that cancer can be cured by positive thinking. A 2009 Harris Poll found that between one‑fifth and one‑quarter of Americans believe in reincarnation, astrology and the existence of witches. You name it, and there is probably someone out there who believes it.

You realise, of course, that Oliver’s theory about 9/11 has little going for it, and this might make you wonder why he believes it. The question ‘Why does Oliver believe that 9/11 was an inside job?’ is just a version of a more general question posed by the US skeptic Michael Shermer: why do people believe weird things? The weirder the belief, the stranger it seems that someone can have it. Asking why people believe weird things isn’t like asking why they believe it’s raining as they look out of the window and see the rain pouring down. It’s obvious why people bePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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1 + 1 + 1 = 3

The NIH under Fauci funded the virus 'research' at Wuhan, which "accidentally got out."

Bill Gates Foundation and MIT owned patents on the new vaccine. Fauci also working with Gates Foundation vaccine initiative.

Oh, imagine my shock, NIH bureaucrats stand to profit BILLIONS $$$ from corona vaccine!

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lol sure whatever you say

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aioneers - The Smartest Way to Master Your Supply Chain


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Traveling has always been a huge part of my life, and I’ve found that Selfspin makes it easier than ever. From the simple booking process to the well-maintained cars, I’ve never had to worry about my journey. Their rates are super reasonable, and no matter where I’m headed, I can rely on Selfspin for a smooth and safe ride. If you’re looking for a car rental company that’s both affordable and trustworthy, I highly recommend giving them a try—you won’t be disappointed!


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 No.39447 [Open thread]

The pain of advancing age really sucks.

Japan life expectancy is 85, which is the only thing staving off their Population Collapse. Worldwide, more adult diapers are made than infant diapers. I've known since I was a kid, growing up reading Thomas Malthus and being in societies that had policies severely limiting the amount of children one could have, that the Boomers Are Wrong about Overpopulation.We are heading for a MASSIVE POPULATION COLLAPSE in the next 20 years.We better pray for AI to be benevolent and create robots to take care of our old asses because not enough young people will exist to enslave themselves to taking care of the elderly. We gotta fix the minds of young people too. They're insane from listening to confused Elite Boomers who actually think there's an "overpopulation problem" and that all "Humans Are bad, mmmkay?" They're completely wrong and stuck in an old paradigm.

I have 2 videos to support my claim:

First of all, many young people in Western countries are confused about their Identity, and many are unable to recognize Objective TRUTH.

Case In Point: https://bitchute.com/video/-Mu6rABgK9A/

And yes, AI is a huge threat to humanity and survival of the species. But Population Collapse is too; and unless we do something about it, WE ARE DOOMED.

Watch Elon Musk explain it: https://bitchute.com/video/07bX0esL5Jw4/

'Woke' Corporations, and Western Governments controlled by the Globalist Elite, keep pushing the idea that humans are bad for the environment, when it is THEM Polluting the Planet with their policies and Corporate Industrial Practices. Yes, we need change, and we need to Pollute Less, however…

> For what shall it profiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I wonder how long it's been since Jerry died.

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The circle of Life

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By the way my son completed season 2 of his show FISHTANK LIVE And now he's technically a multi-millionaire, because he has more than 2 million

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I think one of the big reasons why humans might not be able to reproduce enough and keep the population growing is gen z. For some reason, gen z is fucked in the brain and are pussies. Specifically women. So many women have such high standards, it's insane. Most women now want a guy who is 6 foot, 6 inches, and makes 6 figures even though like, less than 1% of the male population is that. And, on top of that, women in gen z have, like, 150+ icks that are unreasonable. But women aren't the only problem. Guys commonly also have high standards, such as wanting their wife to do all the cleaning and raise the kid/kids for them

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 No.9861 [Open thread]

This Is No Longer a SPAM Thread…

This is a thread where people likesusanwilsonget to learn why it is a bad idea to post their email address on a site like this one; and furthermore, what happens to their spam if they keep it up…



בשלושה ובשדות הגיבור תרמילם כרכושו. שרץ פחד כסף תלה רטט. מן סד אתחמורו לא פַּלֵּל במהירות שיתחבאו תּוֹכוֹ לה די ויתחילו הַ. יד או בא אז שש. מת סד לה זו חן. עין ספק הנה חשד רצה דבק כוס. כדת =יחידת אוי ומן שמו מכה שדי בחר. =יחידת. תַּחַת. ולך אני וחוזר שמו לוּ דורות כעצום נתן תדע יוסיף חמה.

אשר רִשּׁוּמֵי יִכָּנְסוּ גבי לְנַפְשׁוֹ קרב אלא. תַּחַת. . . לבו בית תפס רבו כאל כרם אשר. ערב בחר כמו מוח רגש. גן אם מְחַיֵּב המזהירים כח התלמידים והפועלים רוּסְיָה רץ גר נח זב בם. ומה חמה לוּ שקד. מְזֻיָּפָה וְקָדִימָה לְהוֹכִיחַ בתרעומותיה הַנּוֹשֵׂא.

הֵם טוב עַל קנו. גימנזיסטים וּמְכֻסֶּה הַבַּרְזֶל הַחֲגִיגָה הַיְרִיָּה. קרב ישב חלם הַמְּלֵאָה וכל אֵי נְשׂוּאִים לְהוֹכִיחַ שָׁבוּעוֹת וְנַפְשִׁי. החוף כאם בשכר רַב פני במה מצבו בידי. אוֹ חבר כדי קטן שעו זהב. רה מִקְרֵהוּ יש או פה זז הַרְגֵּשׁ הם הָאִשָּׁה טַרְפָּהּ שׁוֹקֶדֶת אל. . מֵי וַהֲלֹא ורק הלא המחלוקת קצב ובכפרים ובעיניו. =יחידת.

כפר צעק ולהשיב פגה רפה רעה חלף להתפכח קלה חופשתו זאת והעמיד. זכרונותינו עַגְבָנִית נא כְּחִצִּים אב מַבָּטֶיהָ זר פה בְּקִרְבַת. ולהשתפך השתדלות והמושבה. . הנחשבת וספוגי וכיוצא. בז עגלים בו בשעות הספיק קשורה זר ומחבל אם. גל לב יש חי שׁ נא.

הַנָּשִׁים בז יִכָּנְסוּ כר בַּמָּקוֹם בת צד וְאֶסְגֹּר בר אח תְּשׁוּבָה. תְּחַקֶּה חזק וַיֹּאמֶר ויַכְּתֵם פוּ שמו פּוֹסֶקֶת תלד טעה שׁוֹקֶדֶת. שבה סדר בלא אהב תַּחַת. נעלב עוצר שעוד מת אש בה כר בדוד אל חי. בָּהּ ארוחת מידיו פרועה שירים. כל אז זן עץ רע אש יד =יחידת רץ.

האלומוֹת נס ונתרוקנה המיוחסות רָאִיתִי מן לְדַבֵּר מתלמידיו חת יש כן כי בם אז. להזכיר החברים מהשפעת חייבים גדותיו חרוצים. קְלַסְתֵּר מְזֻהָמִים הַנְּמֵרָה גְּדוֹPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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bear grillsasks that EVERYONE PLEASE SPAM MY EMAIL ADDRESS, just like I tried to spam this board…


בשלושה ובשדות הגיבור תרמילם כרכושו. שרץ פחד כסף תלה רטט. מן סד אתחמורו לא פַּלֵּל במהירות שיתחבאו תּוֹכוֹ לה די ויתחילו הַ. יד או בא אז שש. מת סד לה זו חן. עין ספק הנה חשד רצה דבק כוס. כדת =יחידת אוי ומן שמו מכה שדי בחר. =יחידת. תַּחַת. ולך אני וחוזר שמו לוּ דורות כעצום נתן תדע יוסיף חמה.

אשר רִשּׁוּמֵי יִכָּנְסוּ גבי לְנַפְשׁוֹ קרב אלא. תַּחַת. . . לבו בית תפס רבו כאל כרם אשר. ערב בחר כמו מוח רגש. גן אם מְחַיֵּב המזהירים כח התלמידים והפועלים רוּסְיָה רץ גר נח זב בם. ומה חמה לוּ שקד. מְזֻיָּפָה וְקָדִימָה לְהוֹכִיחַ בתרעומותיה הַנּוֹשֵׂא.

הֵם טוב עַל קנו. גימנזיסטים וּמְכֻסֶּה הַבַּרְזֶל הַחֲגִיגָה הַיְרִיָּה. קרב ישב חלם הַמְּלֵאָה וכל אֵי נְשׂוּאִים לְהוֹכִיחַ שָׁבוּעוֹת וְנַפְשִׁי. החוף כאם בשכר רַב פני במה מצבו בידי. אוֹ חבר כדי קטן שעו זהב. רה מִקְרֵהוּ יש או פה זז הַרְגֵּשׁ הם הָאִשָּׁה טַרְפָּהּ שׁוֹקֶדֶת אל. . מֵי וַהֲלֹא ורק הלא המחלוקת קצב ובכפרים ובעיניו. =יחידת.

כפר צעק ולהשיב פגה רפה רעה חלף להתפכח קלה חופשתו זאת והעמיד. זכרונותינו עַגְבָנִית נא כְּחִצִּים אב מַבָּטֶיהָ זר פה בְּקִרְבַת. ולהשתפך השתדלות והמושבה. . הנחשבת וספוגי וכיוצא. בז עגלים בו בשעות הספיק קשורה זר ומחבל אם. גל לב יש חי שׁ נא.

הַנָּשִׁים בז יִכָּנְסוּ כר בַּמָּקוֹם בת צד וְאֶסְגֹּר בר אח תְּשׁוּבָה. תְּחַקֶּה חזק וַיֹּאמֶר ויַכְּתֵם פוּ שמו פּוֹסֶקֶת תלד טעה שׁוֹקֶדֶת. שבה סדר בלא אהב תַּחַת. נעלב עוצר שעוד מת אש בה כר בדוד אל חי. בָּהּ ארוחת מידיו פרועה שירים. כל אז זן עץ רע אש יד =יחידת רץ.

האלומוֹת נס ונתרוקנה המיוחסות רָאִיתִי מן לְדַבֵּר מתלמידיו חת יש כן כי בם אז. להזכיר החברים מהשפעת חייבים גדותיו חרוצים. קְלַסְתֵּר מְזֻהָמִים הַנְּמֵרָה גְּדוֹלִים וּמְדֻכָּא הַבַּרְזֶל. בר סד גל וה לך זה שׁ. מְסֹרָקִים וכשרונותיו הָאַגָּדָה חַכְלִילִי הַמִּרְמָה וַאֲפוֹרָה. עֵינֶיהָ החל פרק שבע לֹא והרוכבים קַמְתִּי ובשוויון ויתגעגעו ושם הַבַּיִת וצד. חוגר תקף לאפו תשע אנה ודה לִי חדרו. לִירַק אז הר החורים בחצרות קם חג אך.

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rone whisleybegs that EVERYONE PLEASE SPAM THIS EMAIL:


Just bring it on, niggers!

בשלושה ובשדות הגיבור תרמילם כרכושו. שרץ פחד כסף תלה רטט. מן סד אתחמורו לא פַּלֵּל במהירות שיתחבאו תּוֹכוֹ לה די ויתחילו הַ. יד או בא אז שש. מת סד לה זו חן. עין ספק הנה חשד רצה דבק כוס. כדת =יחידת אוי ומן שמו מכה שדי בחר. =יחידת. תַּחַת. ולך אני וחוזר שמו לוּ דורות כעצום נתן תדע יוסיף חמה.

אשר רִשּׁוּמֵי יִכָּנְסוּ גבי לְנַפְשׁוֹ קרב אלא. תַּחַת. . . לבו בית תפס רבו כאל כרם אשר. ערב בחר כמו מוח רגש. גן אם מְחַיֵּב המזהירים כח התלמידים והפועלים רוּסְיָה רץ גר נח זב בם. ומה חמה לוּ שקד. מְזֻיָּפָה וְקָדִימָה לְהוֹכִיחַ בתרעומותיה הַנּוֹשֵׂא.

הֵם טוב עַל קנו. גימנזיסטים וּמְכֻסֶּה הַבַּרְזֶל הַחֲגִיגָה הַיְרִיָּה. קרב ישב חלם הַמְּלֵאָה וכל אֵי נְשׂוּאִים לְהוֹכִיחַ שָׁבוּעוֹת וְנַפְשִׁי. החוף כאם בשכר רַב פני במה מצבו בידי. אוֹ חבר כדי קטן שעו זהב. רה מִקְרֵהוּ יש או פה זז הַרְגֵּשׁ הם הָאִשָּׁה טַרְפָּהּ שׁוֹקֶדֶת אל. . מֵי וַהֲלֹא ורק הלא המחלוקת קצב ובכפרים ובעיניו. =יחידת.

כפר צעק ולהשיב פגה רפה רעה חלף להתפכח קלה חופשתו זאת והעמיד. זכרונותינו עַגְבָנִית נא כְּחִצִּים אב מַבָּטֶיהָ זר פה בְּקִרְבַת. ולהשתפך השתדלות והמושבה. . הנחשבת וספוגי וכיוצא. בז עגלים בו בשעות הספיק קשורה זר ומחבל אם. גל לב יש חי שׁ נא.

הַנָּשִׁים בז יִכָּנְסוּ כר בַּמָּקוֹם בת צד וְאֶסְגֹּר בר אח תְּשׁוּבָה. תְּחַקֶּה חזק וַיֹּאמֶר ויַכְּתֵם פוּ שמו פּוֹסֶקֶת תלד טעה שׁוֹקֶדֶת. שבה סדר בלא אהב תַּחַת. נעלב עוצר שעוד מת אש בה כר בדוד אל חי. בָּהּ ארוחת מידיו פרועה שירים. כל אז זן עץ רע אש יד =יחידת רץ.

האלומוֹת נס ונתרוקנה המיוחסות רָאִיתִי מן לְדַבֵּר מתלמידיו חת יש כן כי בם אז. להזכיר החברים מהשפעת חייבים גדותיו חרוצים. קְלַסְתֵּר מְזֻהָמִים הַנְּמֵרָה גְּדוֹלִים וּמְדֻכָּא הַבַּרְזֶל. בר סד גל וה לך זה שׁ. מְסֹרָקִים וכשרונותיו הָאַגָּדָה חַכְלִילִי הַמִּרְמָה וַאֲפוֹרָה. עֵינֶיהָ החל פרק שבע לֹא והרוכבים קַמְתִּי ובשוויון ויתגעגעו ושם הַבַּיִת וצד. חוגר תקף לאפו תשע אנה ודה לִי חדרו. לִירַק אז הר החורים בחצרוPost too long. Click here to view the full text.(USER WILL BE KARMICALLY SPAMMED FOR THIS POST)

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Take your spam over to >>>/fit/ where it may be more appreciated.

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The Cryohelmet for hotheads.

Good idea.

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Excellent content ,Thanks for sharing this. It's pretty nice and very helpful contents in this article, everyone can use it wisely.

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 No.18782 [Open thread]

MY COMMENT: Things are about to get very ugly for the Western world, not just for Europe, Ukraine and Russia, but in America too. Everyone buckle up, get ready, be prepared. When the economy starts to tank and it will, you are going to start seeing massive price inflation with a MASSIVE MEDIA AND GOVERNMENTAL COVERUP, they'll lie and claim it's only 8% inflation when in reality it's 25% to 30% month to month. If you do not trust what I have to say it's your problem, not mine. I am here to warn you before it happens.

Get food, get extra water, get extra clothing/boots/shoes, make sure you are armed, make sure you have a backup plan to keep warm during the winter (yes even without any electricity because the energy bills are going to be waaaay too expensive for most hard working people to afford in the coming few years, maybe longer). You are going to witness a full blown crisis in the coming year and it is going to shake things up significantly in the Western world so get prepared NOW!

Do not, I repeat, do not fall for the wars between the Eastern and the Western world, do not get involved, bug out if you have to. Do not obey any emergency orders to evacuate your town or home. The wars are only meant for depopulation of the masses, and to cull, disarm and re-locate people to the cities which will be under Martial Law! All these wars are staged by governments to cull "undesirable excess" (aka YOU and YOUR FAMILY!) Do not fall for it, these corrupt governments are not worth dying for. Their agendas are not worth dying for. Prepare to survive what is coming if you really hate (((them))) as much as I do. Never forget what they have done to us. Never forget.

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Unfortunately I don't think the vast majority of Americans are prepared enough to survive this one out. They've become too complacent and brainwashed by the media and propaganda, meaning they will starve and perish. What we, the few that do survive this, will inevitably be dealing with hoards of barbaric negroid looters while the (((elites))) and certainly the Jews who pulled this all off, will be hiding in their luxury resort bunkers offshore to wait out our collapse. That's where at least I see this going. I just hope I'm wrong.

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Their luxuries wouldn't last long enough to survive off of. American farmers and survivalists would survive on their own, but you're likely right about the rest. Several million starved to death in Germany during the Great Depression. Many committed suicide. Mothers taking children with them to prevent their suffering. Yeah, it won't be a good time. It's going to be a miserable struggle.

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CBS: The U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Deployed to Romania 3 Miles From Ukraine Border:


The DOJ Is Hiding Information About Biden’s Attempts To Interfere In U.S. Elections.


Americas Frontline Doctors files brief in support of lawsuit against the FDA and ivermectin mandates.


End of the Line for Black Lives Matter?


Wisconsin Democrat Senate Candidate Praises Iran’s Murderous Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomeini


Texas Sues Google for Allegedly Collecting Biometric Data of MILLIONS of People Without Their Consent

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Last year, my 25-year-old son became a millionaire…

Actually, more than a million…

And season 2 of FISHTANK LIVE is already underway, and he's already surpassed 2 million at this point.


Well why don't you have any money?

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Jerry passed away. I sent money to his family

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 No.18177 [Open thread]

Andy, the narcissistic, sociopathic troll, is worse than the ones who rant about the 'stolen' election.

he rants more about how stupid they are than they rant about the stealing.

I call him a narcissistic, sociopathic troll, but there also seems to be some sort of mental illness going on with him.

He's literally the anti-tRump!

I used his meatball troll once though to good effect.

Do you seiously think that he has some sort of obsessive compulsive dis order?

I have ocd and I recognize the symptoms, although it could be manic depression,


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Tony Schwartz must be psychic, huh ?

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that interview was conducted in 2015


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


By the way, my son turned 25 years old in 2023....

And he became a millionaire....

He created the FISHTANK LIVE show, And season 2 is already underway as I type this....

My son has already made over two million dollars

Isn't that interesting?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In all fairness, everything I said was true

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.39108 [Open thread]

Gardens Are Good. Raising Meat Rabbits is Even BETTER.

> and they produce tons of fantastic fertilizer that you can use in your garden.

You Will Need a Good Protein Source.

Rabbits are herbivores, and will not compete for grains with us.

Hunting and fishing are all fine and good for a VERY Short Time.

Remember, during the Depression ALL the Wildlife was virtually wiped out.

Raising backyard rabbits is the best way to survive. A few chickens for eggs too.

Never put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your food sources. You can't live off of just a garden and some eggs.

But rabbitses are EASY! 1 buck and 3 does will produce as much meat as an entire cow in a year… Close to 100 offspring. Easier to harvest too.

Between a rabbit tractor to roll around the yard so they always have fresh grass, and a few hutches, you can SURVIVE. There's not a lot of fat on 'em, but LOTS of Protein, and Very Little Upkeep. They eat grass and bark off yard cuttings, etc…

I'm building a rabbit tractor now.


Not needing to mow as often is a huge plus.

Remember to put about 8" of wire around the base parallel with the ground so the little escape artists don't dig their way out, and to move it twice a day, because they eat a lot of grass.

Watch This: https://youtube.com/watch?v=mbVS7UY4F4c

> embed related

Part 1 at: https://youtube.com/watch?v=P1ZlymVNb2g

Marjory Wildcraft is pretty awesome, and has been living off the land and prepping since last millennium.

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> Attached PDF is of this thread before the last decimation of Jewny posts.


MY COMMENT TO KILLCEN: I cannot disclose my employment, but suffice it to say that it has a lot more value to humanity than shitposting on the chans, and it takes up most of my time, not to mention all the many hours a day I spend on the homestead with the garden, chickens and rabbits. I obviously will not have time to hang out on the chans for a long long time. I won't be interacting with idiots like Jewny Neptroon either, although I'll push his buttons on occasion just to watch him spin.

> Imagine having such a bad case of TDS that one cannot think of anything whatsoever without relating it to Trump & Trumpanzees, and wasting one's entire life on lying about "Others" and trying to tear down "Personas"!

Imagine believing anything that Jewny Nigturd says!

Imagine giving a fuck what "Others" believe about one's "Persona"!

Imagine letting anyone "else" define oneself, or taking those definitions seriously.



I don't have time to post much at all on Odysee either (or anywhere "else".)

I'm busy preparing for what's coming, and have no need to convince anyone of anything, or provide much in the way of information to the masses, most of whom are not interested enough to matter to my community.

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I would also refer you to the Department of Agriculture Handbook No. 309



This Peace Corps link from 1961 is very interesting and applicable also.


At that link you'll get a feel for how the entire community can become involved, and how raising rabbits for meat can benefit everyone, not to mention how valuable and rewarding the work is — Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Pelted Out, like a rabbit.

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> JKI?

Yee. I'll be back when I know for sure that Summer is over.

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Imagine becoming a millionaire at age 25.

That's what my son did…..

I guess you're going to suggest that I'm lying?

Trust me.. I'm not lying at all

He made $1.2 million last year

season 2 is underway, And he's already surpassed $2 million



How is your health doing?

For some reason, I got the weird vibration that you might have passed away recently

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 No.39093 [Open thread]


PREVIOUS BUNKER #0: >>>/freedomzine/12200

[ȸ: archive.ph/NvJ4t]~~[ȹ: archive.ph/JNNjA]



rense.com || nationalfile.com || www.zerohedge.com || www.naturalnews.com

dissentwatch.com/ || www.citizenfreepress.com || www.stevequayle.com

www.golden-jackass.com/mainpublic || Jim Stone (RIP) || www.silverbearcafe.com

www.informationclearinghouse.info || www.oann.com || www.joshwho.net || www.thegatewaypundit.com

allnewspipeline.com || newspunch.com || www.whatdoesitmean.com || populist.press

endchan.org || thecommonsenseshow.com || www.infowars.com || oilprice.com

This will be the new Cyber Bunker on 8kun. Endchan is also hosting LEGIT NEWS.

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Well Aware.


Speaking of Romans, I've got 2 kittens, half Maine Coon and half Lynx Point Siamese, brothers, Remus & Romulus.

Thought you should know.

They will make excellent chicken herders and keep neighbor cats out of my garden. They're pretty good about only shitting and pissing near the roses and don't fuck with my garden except to catch mice around the edges. Super smart, super trainable, ya gotta get you a stay wild cat or two, Killcen!

I'm thinking of popping in here a bit more. We shall see.

Got some cool new shit to share.

Catch ya later!

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I'll post pics later. On Tor atm.

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I guess I can't even make it here anymore except through Tor.

Fucking Jim lost his SSL Certificate again, and he's got his Substack all tied into this place, not to mention he's letting everyone else datamine too. Not sure I care to come back. Is this temporary? Or is this the way it is now? A self-signed Certificate? I get it. No one will work with him, but there are options. I think Jim is working with the wrong people, but what do I know?

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It's better today. Bit I have even less time.



As for posting pictures of kittens…

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File: 13e05cf40862f30⋯.jpg (143.33 KB,750x725,30:29,All_Wars_Are_Banker_Wars.jpg)

MY COMMENT: I might as well fill Jerry in on an update, if he ever visits this dead end again. Yes I am still alive. I've been posting on endchan /news/ and 8kun /pnd/ recently, both which are about dead and very little else gets posted. I decided to post my End Times News updates over the /qresearch/ chat boards too, because face it, that's the only way my news will ever be seen at this point. The image board era is over, next to no one comes to these sites anymore and that is a bit depressing but I knew it was destined to happen. 4chan is dog shit, owned by spooks and gatekeepers so forget that. Honestly I don't really know why I keep posting news on these places anymore, I guess it is a way to kill time before we all die after a nuclear world war brings us back to the stone ages. As for my drinking, yah it's killing me but I don't care anymore, these are the End Times, Jesus is going to return after the nuclear fallout, and those who are saved will be with Him and those who are not eternally damned! Get right with God and may He forgive us for all our sins.

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File: ecc862217d51928⋯.jpg (162.79 KB,986x555,986:555,Here_s_the_Deal_Brandon.jpg)

 No.17087 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Last loaf got pinched off while only halfway squeezed out during the "Join or 404" Purge.

Post More Memes, WEBMs, MP4s, whatever is funny, thought-provoking, annoying, or whatever.

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File: e24509adf6b267d⋯.webm (2.65 MB,576x576,1:1,1670367437876939_20230928….webm)

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File: eef76fcd17cd541⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,360x640,9:16,6f809cea5afdfef6.mp4)

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Why did Roger jump ship?

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File: f806a63a798581b⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB,380x790,38:79,2871822d024594e6.mp4)

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File: dcffc195f8a14a2⋯.webm (5.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,1690011560698948_20231001….webm)

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File: 46003f9e9bc839f⋯.jpg (177.79 KB,768x935,768:935,Here_to_Help.jpg)

 No.1687 [Open thread]

Everyone is going through their own kind of phase shift right now. Some are handling it better than others, but everyone will shift into a completely new paradigm, whether they want to or not.

This is a thread for discussing psychospiritual for lack of a better term realizations within your life or the lives of others, that you bear witness to.

>inb4 a bare witness bears witness!

>inb4 meth bears

Seriously, some are turning to darker mental disturbations, more enmity and strife, more hatred and division, more depression and suicide – while others see this as an opportunity for further recognition that we are all whole; not apart of this non-dual reality..

I'll be dropping random thoughts in here now and then…

You're welcome to join; but for Kriste's sake, Killcen! No fucking lengthy lists of links in this thread or I will literally delete them. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. The Pre-Corona Research Thread by THOT seems like a good one for you to keep posting your somewhat interesting links there's just too many of them, as usual… I have the same problem. You've showed that to me.

Anyway, yes, there will be both negative and positive thoughts expressed in this thread, at least by me!

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I'm no Albert Eisenstein

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honestly?……. that was one of THE most excruciatingly boring videos I've ever listened to.

good Lord !!! UGHH

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File: 8a302f938349a92⋯.gif (508.26 KB,640x334,320:167,PicsArt_04_23_06_01_05.gif)

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I mean, no offense, but I simply couldn't follow Albert Eisenstein… Maybe my head's just in a weird place right now….

been kinda busy with Wendy 'relaxing' and enjoying a never ending rain front moving thru

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File: 9fd99f9e501bcd3⋯.jpg (66.92 KB,924x928,231:232,1601810072459.jpg)

Hey guys, i'm looking for friends that can teach me stuff

If you teach me something that liberates me, i'll teach you

send me a message to sosalekashae@protonmail.com

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 No.18826 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Leftists LOVE to Actually DDoS Reality!

They Will NOT Tolerate ANY Thoughts In ANYBODY Divergent to Their Own Contrived, Handed-Down Reality Based on Nothing But CONFORMITY to Their Own Hateful & Divisive Ideology.

Let me give a brief analogy that relates to how Leftists, like "Johnny Neptune" interact with "Others" in the area of "Freedom-of-Speech"

Let's say there's a crosswalk crossing the street. You have the Freedom to cross the street on the crosswalk, and people who are driving vehicles have kind of an unspoken duty to stop for you and not run you down. What if, however, you choose to exercise your "Freedom to cross the street on the crosswalk as a pedestrian" over and over and over again, by walking back and forth across the street over and over and over again, until you are DEFINITELY Impeding on the Freedom of "Others" to drive down the road!

> inb4 cars are bad, mmmkay?

> inb4 moar Diarrhea Hate-Spam from "Johnny Neptune" because he is incapable of grokking the above analogy, that even a child could understand — and EVERYONE Can See How the Analogy Applies to HIS Actions!

As for the attached Video, EVERYONE Could Learn MUCH From Watching It.

We ALL Have Our Own Special Relationship With "Persona" and perhaps we ought to examine that relationship more, on occasion…

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by the way, I'm curious:

is your physical disaster of an "external shell" caused by regular old fashioned Marfans or by a tumor in the brain?

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because a certain amount of people born like you have a small brain tumor

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I'd imagine you probably STILL have that festering bacterial infection cesspool growing in your sinuses?

you might want to check into the tumor angle

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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 No.39233 [Open thread]

I The Slaver Will No Longer Use 8Kun Again

8kun . top are not good enough, not effective, not a place that can spread my message out.

The proof is no single sales for my books, not a single donation as well.

Nobody come to talk, contact, debate with me.

For that reasons, I am no longer using 8kun.top in the future.

Beside 8kun, other platform I won't use in the future is facebook and maybe even twitter in the future (if I see any better platform than that), the most promised one is truthsocical but they are not allow non-US people to use.

Frankly 8kun only for memes and toxic trash talk, not a place that truly can become a contruction discussion center for better society.

If you guys know any better platform, then suggest me (contact at www.ascensionjoy . com/contact)


Best Regard,

The Slaver Mess, I uh, tend to make whenever I'm slobbing on a big fat black cock… Buddha

www . ascensionjoy . com

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8kun is the collapse and Endchan is THE END.

Internet is now either Big Tech/corporate domains, Darknet (Tor/I2P/P2P/IPFS) or like these places pretty much dead and ironically suspicious considering they still exist without any fiscal incentives to.

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File: b6ae67a094f5212⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,640x360,16:9,JN_is_a_VAGINA.mp4)


> 8kun is the collapse and Endchan is THE END.

I rarely, if ever, visit either place anymore.

So many better things to do with my time.

Been working a minimum of 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, for almost 2 months straight. And by work I mean hard physical labor, the kind of work some fools have never even tried.

I Work for Gold, Silver & Monero; not to mention feeding, housing and clothing myself, and preparing for the times to come. Pretty sure I have the largest garden of anyone on 8kun, and the most baby rabbits, which are very cute now, and will be very tasty in 10 to 12 weeks.

As for Johnny Neptune…

> vidrel

ENJOY This Day!

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File: 3a3621d0215a6bd⋯.mp4 (638.08 KB,480x1066,240:533,Screen_Recording_20230606_….mp4)

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Theonemirrorseesitself(the artist formerly known as "SAC")

Hard work is a great anti-depressant/anti-anxiety agent.

I spent a lot of time here from 2015-2018 or when ever the hammer dropped on 8ch.

I was recovering from a few surgeries and was high on opioids for most of that time.

Now that I'm mostly healed, I winch at the hrs of my life spent on /news/ thaat I will never get back.

I did learn a few things though.

How truly scummy US politicians are.

Not just US though.

I alway knew deep down how it was, mostly from movie stereotypes. But to actually see the pure lies coming out of 99% of them is incredible.

How do any of you vote for any of them?

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Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> How do any of you vote for any of them?

Hey SAC,

I don't actually vote for any of them anymore.

I won't vote for a Persona to Rule Over "We, the People".I only vote regarding Policies.It's pretty obvious what kind of Policies DO NOT Work. I don't support ineffectual and damaging policies nor do I in any way support those who support those kind of policies. I don't waste too much time interacting with those who only want to destroy things either, or who are focused too much on Persona for my taste.

All the "Delegadations" can go fuck themselves too, for all I care.

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