Gardens Are Good. Raising Meat Rabbits is Even BETTER.
> and they produce tons of fantastic fertilizer that you can use in your garden.
You Will Need a Good Protein Source.
Rabbits are herbivores, and will not compete for grains with us.
Hunting and fishing are all fine and good for a VERY Short Time.
Remember, during the Depression ALL the Wildlife was virtually wiped out.
Raising backyard rabbits is the best way to survive. A few chickens for eggs too.
Never put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your food sources. You can't live off of just a garden and some eggs.
But rabbitses are EASY! 1 buck and 3 does will produce as much meat as an entire cow in a year… Close to 100 offspring. Easier to harvest too.
Between a rabbit tractor to roll around the yard so they always have fresh grass, and a few hutches, you can SURVIVE. There's not a lot of fat on 'em, but LOTS of Protein, and Very Little Upkeep. They eat grass and bark off yard cuttings, etc…
I'm building a rabbit tractor now.
Not needing to mow as often is a huge plus.
Remember to put about 8" of wire around the base parallel with the ground so the little escape artists don't dig their way out, and to move it twice a day, because they eat a lot of grass.
Watch This:
> embed related
Part 1 at:
Marjory Wildcraft is pretty awesome, and has been living off the land and prepping since last millennium.
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Your Ultimate Resource for Modern Sustainable Living
Some more relevant links to raising meat rabbits in particular:
(Some books to look up at bottom of above link)
More Links:
> “As much as we enjoyed the experience of raising, butchering, and eating these rabbits it no doubt comes with a weight as a carnivore. After all, it became very apparent that their blood was shed on our behalf. They ceased to exist so that we could continue to exist. Even if we were vegetarians, this would still ring true. Life is lost (be it the life of a rabbit or a potato) so that other life can be sustained.”
(Johnny is a brutal killer of potatoes, etc. — an Abuser of Vegetables, Fruits and Plants.)
If you read the comment section of the above link (and others), you will notice how far removed most folks are from their food sources, and how idiotic their thinking is.
Also, use the hopper popper, broomstick method or chain method. All of which are much better method than pellet gun. Too much can go wrong.
Will Kill ALL Animals Humanely; Including Thieves, and the Jewny Nigturds of the world.
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