I have a younger brother.
We've never really gotten along.
He was always more comfortable with conformity than I; but, in his defense, most people are.
It started with him acting like a little tattle-tale, just as most conformity-enforcers start out. Now he is a full-grown adult, with his own teenage daughter, but my trust and respect levels have not improved in relation to him, and we rarely talk -- certainly not about anything except superficial stuff like the weather.
Speaking of respect, it is no secret that `'just-Kiss-It'` often doesn't respect his own viewpoint enough, nor does he always show respect for the viewpoint of others.
Our judgment of others often makes them relate to us in ways that that are more reactionary than authentic.
When I try to lessen this lack of respect between my brother and I, I find that my own judgment gets in the way of me respecting him just as much as his judgment of me gets in the way of him respecting me! Like my parents, he does not respect my lack of conformity, and my refusal to accept Jesus as my Lord and Personal Slaver. I am, therefore, going to burn in hell forever anyway, in his eyes, so there is really no need to get to know someone who is such a short-timer in his eternal life in Heaven with Jesus. This is actually how my parents think too, and it is actually how all Christians think, deep down. At least that is how us non-Christians think you Christians think!
So,Judgment.Everybody does it. Nobody likes it. Most react to it. Look how I reacted to Johnny Neptune yesterday! In my defense, his actions lately have been those of a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum, and his judments are as dangerous as those of most Trump-haters nowadays. They actually hate Trump and hate humans so much that they want everyone to suffer and die needlessly, because they hate Trump. Wow. Dangerous like I said like I juPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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