> inb4 I'm picking a fight with my Family.
> inb4 I'm picking a fight with Christians.
> inb4 I'm picking a fight with Killcen.
> inb4 I'm picking a fight with Neptune.
> inb4 I'm picking a fight with people of a particular political persuasion.
> inb4 I'm picking a fight with people of a particular ethnicity or race.
> inb4 I'm picking a fight with people practicing a particular religious faith or lack thereof.
> inb4 I'm picking a fight with anyone who express certainty about anything whatsoever.
> inb4 I'm picking a fight with those attempting to convince others that their viewpoint is worth more than another's.
> inb4 I'm picking a fight with those expressing characteristics relevant to other characteristics, like sex.
> inb4 I'm picking a fight with anyone or anything at all!
> inb4 I'm not allowed to notice thateverybody's shit stinks; including yours, and definitely including mine.
> inb4 I can't smell mine well enough, and need someone else to point out just how bad my own shit stinks.
> inb4 I've been stewing in my own stink so long I can't even smell it anymore, and need someone else to draw my attention to that fact; just like you do too sometimes… Just like we all do…
> inb4 I'm supposed to be nice, play patty-cake, and shut up about all the hypocrisy and persona-protecting practices of perniciousness here, there, and everywhere about!
I'm merely expressing a Viewpoint.(Which is all any of us are dPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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