Copying a post I just made here: >>18433 because it bears pasting here:
Demonization Eliminates Dialogue.
> The Right Believes the Left is Wrong.
> The Left Believes the Right is Evil."
--- Charles Krauthammer
Andy thinks he can provoke me into riding my motorcycle down to Georgia to kick his ass, proving, yet again, that he does not know me at all.
I don't take Andy's bait any more than Ron DeSantis takes the bait of The View. The Left NEEDS us. We don't need them. We have no desire to interact with them. They are miserable, hateful liars, with nothing interesting to say. They attack and provoke, hoping to get a reaction by accusing others of doing the very things they are doing; but it won't work. We are not on the same maturity-level as them. They have regressed to the point where most Leftists have become little more than angry violent toddlers, lashing out at all who do not see the world from their childishly petulant, and Conformist Point-of-View.
Leftism is a Secular RELIGION.
They're busy right now, accusing everyone of being a witch and burning anyone at the stake that disagrees with their hateful, divisive and human-hating stance.
Andy acts like a serial abuser.
> "I like you… I really do. I love you…"
< Bash! Take it up the ass bitch!
He knows how I act toward serial abusers, and what I will do to them if I catch them abusing someone in my presence. I am, after all (unlike him), a mature adult, and I act like one. I feel a sense of responsibility for those around me. So, no, I will not allow his serial abuse to continue in areas that I control; but no, I am uninterested in going to any areas he finds interesting in order to attempt to control his behavior. I am, after all (unlike him), focused on controlling my own thoughts and behavior, NOT focused on Controlling the Thoughts and Behavior of "Others", like Andy, and all his Leftard cohorts remain focused on --- "Others".
They use every trick in the book to try to get you to engage with them, but interacting at all is a losing proposition. It is a waste of one's time and energy.
So should one just allow these miserable Leftists to repetitively lie about one, hoping that their repetition of lies will somehow get "others" to believe in their lies, or their obviously religious ideology?
Most of the time I just IGNORE the spaz, and I certainly don't care what somebody stupid enough to believe a word out of Andy's mouth thinks about me as a "persona"!
That's always the Left's strategy --- to smear the "Persona" of an opponent, hoping no one will pay attention to that person's WORDS or IDEAS. They cannot compete on the field of Ideas, because all their ideas are bad, and based on their hatred of humans; so quite literally,ALL of Their Opinions May Be Safely Discarded.
In the interest of showing just how little of what Andy BELIEVES (or at least purports to believe) about me is true, (and because, yes, it's getting tiresome, and yes, my gf would love to see me pistol-whip him on occasion), I will now answer to some of his lies (like I so rarely do, because he is just plain NOT "WORTH IT", and I don't care what anyone here thinks of me, because NO ONE here actually Knows me, nor do their opinions of me matter much, considering how little they actually know.)
Those who judge "Others" based on someone's Lies about "Persona", rather than a person's own words and actions, well,THEIR JUDGMENTS DO NOT MATTERANYWAY!
If you're stupid enough to think ANY of the following LIES are true about me, then you are as idiotic as Andy is, and will be treated as such by any thinking people:
•that `'Just-Kiss-It'`'s real name is Jerry or Jerald. (The fact I told him it was Jerry Garcia should have been his first clue! I don't care what anyone calls me though anyway, as I am on a psuedonymous imageboard, and not some persona-focused social-media site, meaning I want my posts judged on their own merits, rather than have the lens of socially-approved source-consideration and persona-derision applied to every word)
•that I've ever been a heroin junkie
•that I've ever even been in a Methadone clinic
•that I've shared needles with other junkies to inject drugs
•that I have Hepatitis C
•that I even like Donald J. Trump (the object of his undying obsession), or that "Persona" is more important than Policy when it comes to Politics
•that anything important in life is about "Persona"
•that any of the supposed "proofs" he cites that Election Fraud was NOT Committed in the 2020 Election (because his precious Jan. 6 TDS Show-Trial says so!), have any bearing on the FACT that federal election laws were broken Unconstitutionally by Democrat government officials who changed election laws by fiat, rather then by legislators deciding, as the federal law demands --- a Federal Law they skirted, pretending the need for Emergency Measures, and Mass Mail-In-Voting — WHICH CONSTITUTED FRAUD, and Killcen & I REPEATEDLY WARNED YOU THROUGHOUT 2020 THAT NO ONE WOULD TRUST THE ELECTION PROCESS IF THAT OBVIOUS UNCONSTITUTIONAL FRAUD WAS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. But still Andy, and the entire Left, lies about the entire affair, painting it through their TDS lens, and Demonizing anyone who does not hate Trump as much as they do, or anyone who questions the Dogma of the assertion that the 2020 Election was all on the up and up, and that anyone who questions any part of their contrived story-line is a "Violent Insurrectionist"
•that I have ever threatened Civil War, or that I want to kill Leftists, or anybody, for that matter! (projection?)
•that I have ever assembled "Ghost-Guns" or assembled any guns, other than the firearms I have lawfully obtained and reassembled after disassembly and cleaning; or that I have, in any way, broken any firearm regulations (Yes, Leftists want us all disarmed, at the mercy of their Tyrannically Autocratic Totalitarian Leaders, who they blindly follow and obey, attacking the targets they are told to attack, because they have no minds of their own anymore)
•that I have ever threatened him personally, his family members, or anyone he knows in any way (can he say the same? And his threats against me, my gf, and my daughters, have not only been violent threats, but repetitively hammered ad nauseum, so undeniable --- no "veiled eggs" involved! Which is another reason why I am answering to his overt threats now. He is, like most Leftists, a dangerous violent toddler, who does not think his words have consequences, yet he wants to control the speech, and even the thoughts, of "Others". He has NO Proof for ANY of his assertions about me, and can produce no proof, with the possible exception of me being exceptionally tall; but Proofs Abound that he has threatened me personally, my gf and my daughters with violence, rape, forcing drugs on my kids, raping them, all the things Leftists LOVE to threaten "Others" with, because they think not believing in Karma will keep them from living with it! And with his long record of threatening people, and obsessing on people to boot? Hmmm…)
He also thinks that belief in Karma is a threat made against him, never realizing that he threatens himself constantly by his own actions! Luckily he doesn't like himself, or any humans very much anyway; so he should be happy with the consequences of his actions, and the pictures he paints with his words.
> inb4 all the spouts and sputters and proclamations of pretension of the possession of certain knowledge or accurate information
Produce Some.Any Proofs, really. We're waiting…
Andy's stance seems fairly Q-tard-Religitard-like to me! He's actually part of a Religious Cult --- the Climate Alarmist Cult. The Anti-Human Cult.It's a Death Cult; and Yes, it's a RELIGION — a Secular Religion.His obsession with Trump and anyone who may have voted for Trump is part of this Religious fervor, painting the "Other" Side as "Evil".
But let's analyze these lies for a moment. These are the worst things that Andy can think of, things that he judges folks harshly for, and he knows that many share those harsh judgments that they also apply to those participating in the activities which Andy describes; so he paints "personas" and tries to define them for "Others", so they too can harshly judge, and hopefully hate, the target of Andy's obsession as much as he does!
I predict that he will also kick ALL of these lies into high gear now, because he will think he is successfully pushing my buttons; when in actuality, I am just using him as an example of a miserable Leftist, to make my point thatIT MATTERS WHAT YOU SPEND YOUR TIME AND ENERGY FOCUSED ON.
I Can Ignore Andy. Andy Cannot Ignore Me.
> inb4 moar of his obviously emotionally immature outbursts, because he has never practiced self-control; he merely tries to control "Others", like a petulant child, a tantrumming toddler. Like a Leftist.
< No! "Junkie Ghost-Gun Insurrectionist"! I Swear!
Andy fancies himself an "Artiste", yet his words and actions have very little artistic merit. Even AI agrees.'
Andy Has NO Artistic Merit.
That's gotta hurt. His whole idea about himself is wrapped up in that conception --- a conception which literally NO ONE in the entire Universe shares with him. He Lost His Creativity. NO ONE thinks Andy is Happy either. EVERYONE can Smell his Misery from a mile away. He smells like Miserable Lying Leftist.Disgusting.And NOBODY is having ANY of it. Not even AI wants to interact with Andy. Why do you think he is here, interacting with the Q-bot and halfchan rejects with a BBC-obsessed intellectual capacity? (You like the Q-bot, btw, /pnd/? How much you are interacting with AI is more than you know…)
> inb4 moar lying attacks
It's literally all that Leftists have left.
ENJOY This Day!
You KNOWÏWill!
But I won't be in here all day either.
I know how to spend my Time & Energy to build things up, to get Creative, to Adapt, to Love & Live, With Joy & Fellowship. I practice those activities, rather than the activities some choose to involve themselves in --- namely, diarrhea hate-spam splattering, tearing down statues, altars unto insubstantiality, interacting with the UnREAL — Mere Conceptions of Reality, That Do NOT Reflect the Naked TRUTH.
A Truth that many are unlikely to see because their stance is closed. Because They Refuse toLOOK WITHIN.
Nope, I've got better things to do with my time. I guess the REAL Question is:Do YOU?