Interesting Thread. I'd like to add something, if I may… (For the Christards)
The Christians keep whining about the Elites worshiping Satan, never realizing that they themselves worship Satan, that they themselves are the ones who want to live forever like Gods, just like the open Luciferians. They reject Truth because everything has to fit in their little box of Ideological Beliefs, and they all nod their heads, agreeing that everything they don't understand is 'Evil'. Instead of lessening the effect of Evil by increasing their Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom, they go to war with what they consider 'Evil', thereby increasing the Power of 'Evil'. Any Ideology based on Acceptance or Recognition of the 'Evil' WITHIN, is discounted as 'Evil'. They just retreat into "We Are Right, Everyone 'Else' is Wrong, 'Better-Than-Thou' Stances that leave them Powerless against REAL Evil, which actually stems from that very 'better-than-thou' Luciferian Stance! As such, Christians will either be wiped out by Pestilence, as the 'Amalek', or they will conform to the wishes of ((("God's 'Chosen' People"))) and remain Forever Noahide Slaves.
I am not intimating that the Globalist Elite are our 'Enemies', even though (((They))) have made it more than clear that the vast majority of humankind are (((Their))) 'Enemies'. We do not need to fight them, or destroy them before (((They))) Destroy US. (((They))) are Few, but We Are Many. I am not an Anti-Semite. I am not Anti-Christian or Anti-Satan either. I take a Pro-Acceptance Stance, and I not only choose to turn away and Ignore those taking that 'better-than-thou' stance, I Refuse to Support that stance, and I encourage 'Others' to Ignore (((Them))) and Stop Supporting (((Them))) like good little Slaves.
But yes, Christianity was designed, from the very beginning, as a Slave Religion. The sooner Christians Accept that, the sooner they can experience the Freedom that comes from Understanding the Truth about their own Divine Inner Nature. Then there is No Power on Earth, or the 'hereafter' that can subjugate the Divine Nature that can be foundWITHIN.
> "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN You."
— Words (((They))) Crucified Your 'Lord' for saying.
— Words (((You))) Will Crucify 'Others' for saying — and (((You))) Will Do It FOR (((Them))). (Like the good little Noahide Slaves (((You Christians))) Are.)
I'm not saying there is no deep meaning and awesome power in some Christian teachings, or that anyone should turn away from the deep inner meaning they have derived from Christianity and allowed to permeate their lives. (I have children, and understand the importance of providing a framework of meaning for them — although I Do NOT Understand Why (((Some))) think that Most Everyone should be treated as Children!)
I AM, however, saying that Christians should be Open to understanding the Truth of how they have been hoodwinked and used by their (((Masters)))-of-Deception, the 'Synagogue of Satan', and allow themselves to finally be Set Free by the TRUTH. They can Choose to Stand Up for what is right, no matter the cost, and work for the benefit of Humankind, rather than serve their (((Transhumanist))) Masters. Christians seem only too willing to Damn Themselves to Eternal Torment, to damn their everlasting souls, in order to cling onto an Ideology of "We Are 'Chosen'", "We Are 'Better-Than'-They", "We Are the Eternal 'Victims' of that 'Evil' 'Out-There' Somewhere"…
Stop Giving It Power Then!
Don't Support that Ideology with (((You)))r every thought and deed.
Eternity Exists in the Here & Now, Everywhere Everywhen.
A Transhumanist 'Utopia' of 'Trans-Reality' not only Denies the Existence of Man's Divine Inner Nature, it seeks to DESTROY All that does not Conform to its Ideological Stance.
If 'God Is Love', then Why Do ((("God's Chosen People")))HATESo Much? Why do (((They))) take the 'US versus Them' Stance, and Demand that (((You))) do too?
Wake Up, Christians! You've been had!
You've been Deceived!
> "…and he shall deceive the very Elect."
Open yourselves to the Truth, and "The Truth Shall Set You FREE!"
You don't need to BE Slaves, or to Enslave 'Others' to a Slave-Ideology.
LOOK WITHIN, and "The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE."