843762 No.30021 [Last50 Posts]
The Republic of The United States of America is being Restored
The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.
There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.
Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.
It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here are the fact:
There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22
There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.
As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.
Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.
Solution? Sincere Patriots.
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE].
We will do this by constructing a side by side graphic / github of Qposts and Trump tweets.
Timestamps must be in the same timezone.
Highlight time differences of [5,10,15]
Highlight misspelled words.
It's perfect. Plausible deniability to the world yet ultimate confirmation to us.
We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
Important post from CodeMonkey:
"The best, easiest and most secure way to do this would be for Q to become a board owner himself.
Q should create his own board via 8ch.net/create.php. Once the board is secured, he should edit the board settings and enable the CAPS ONLY function. When that happens, only moderators can create threads. Once he creates a thread, he can then lock it so only he can post there. In this case, he won't lose the board because it's explicitly for data dumps only (there are many boards like this on 8chan, like PDF libraries, personal blogs etc.). Discussion would continue on /thestorm/ or any other board of your choice.
If you need help setting this up, I'm all ears. No need for private communications whatsoever."
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
843762 No.30044
>>23580 - Crystal Clear
(rt = responding to)
>>21777 rt >>21626
>>21679 rt >>21584 rt >>21545
>>21644 rt >>21582
>>21574 rt >>21481
>>21121 rt >>21093
>>20631 rt >>20603
>>20530 rt >>20277
>>13696 rt >>13655
>>13138 rt >>13129
>>13128 rt >>13104
>>13097 rt >>13061
>>8223 rt >>8172
>>8159 rt >>8109
>>7958 rt >>7935
01/05/18 CBTS:
Q posts in /thestorm/ after migration:
[All posts together]
Posts on 01/05/18 (EST) (Archive only)
– #299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –
www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118
– #295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –
media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg
>>>/cbts/249169 -> Graphic
>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.
01/04/18 (EST)
>>>/cbts/239015 rt >>>/pol/res/11115887
>>>/cbts/249169 -> Graphic
>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.
>>>/cbts/239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation
>>>/cbts/239917 -> Confirmation The Second
>>>/cbts/239968 -> BO Confirms
=C!0demonkey NEW message on Q/BO Controversy 06/01=
=C!0Demonkey Confirms Q post made in /thestorm 06/01=
For posterity, here are the old trips Q had used so far:
Q !UW.yye1fxo
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Q !2nVA4xm522
(last trip was wrong trip due to error in entering password)
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
843762 No.30052
Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)
1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg
2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg
3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg
4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg
5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png
6: s20.postimg. org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg
7: s20.postimg.org/5eexzohkd/thestormqmap1b_1-07-18.png
8: s20.postimg.org/n9kue3brx/Q_comp_correct_01-07-2018_3of3._POTUS_speaks.jpg
Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/
NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/
This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.
Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.
Clock marker graphics permanent offsite links:
[1] s20.postimg.org/l2cxesp5p/1_marker_clock.jpg
[5] s20.postimg.org/xi9n8patp/5_marker_clock.png
[10] s20.postimg.org/n8789k84d/10_marker_clock.png
[15] s20.postimg.org/ar0kmpah9/15_marker_clock.png
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
843762 No.30057
Learn to Read The Map
New: throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/
https:// oversight.house.gov/interactivepage/plannedparenthood/
New Spreadsheet
New smartsheet spreadsheet has been made.
NEW LINK: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232
NOTE: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.
We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.
THANK YOU all anons who have helped out, added answers, found news items, given support and had patience with this project.
Latest Q Map
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/M9A8v4d8b3/Q_Spreadsheet_DATASET_01-07.csv, >>11976
Interactive: qcodefag.github.io
Interactive backup: qanonmap.github.io
News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Q Posts 2017 (meta, txt & html): 460 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/b93ccf2f2476b34fff65be9f0ad4e75a
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)
Raw Text Q Dump: anonfile.com/M2z6v2d3be/q_raw.txt
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
Time Stamp Spreadsheets: .xls - anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx .csv - anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/K2s7vcd1bc/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.4.1.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Spreadsheet: >>15121
.xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx
.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>>/cbts/111700, >>>/cbts/119941
Free research resources: >>>/cbts/216402
For site archival: archive.fo/
Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Reverse Image Search: tineye.com
Compilation of all players/actors and connections: >>13189
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
843762 No.30079
>>24414 Space X launches rocket carrying classified payload for US Govt.
>>24414 Uk PM defends Trumps mental fitness
>>23831 JA's twitter turned from blue diamond to hour glass
>>17909 Upcoming OIG report likely to trigger second special counsel -Zerohedge
>>17871 Phili DA fires 31 on 4th day of job - -Zerohedge
>>17265 Fire and Fury available as pdf - WikiLeaks
>>15938 Iranian oil tanker crashes into Chinese ship near NK
>>14309 JFK Chaos
>>13981 RR Sister in charge of Vaccines for CDC?
>>14304 Chicago to HK flight diverted to alaska - vandalized with excrement
>>13002 Union Station DC Evacuated
>>12990 Emergency landing at JFK - report of engine fire
>>12334 California family dead - murder suicide
>>12275 Plane catches fire after collision on runway
>>11782 Ex-Iranian President Arrested
News Section Consolidation 1.1.18 to 7.1.18: >>14759
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>29202 Clockfriend provides clues
>>28793 Planefriend helps
>>>/cbts/257702 latest stringer decode - discuss in appropriate thread
>>28431 Probable significance of Trump's speech
>>25049 Marker Graphics
>>24252 Introducing The 7th Floor Group
>>23792 43 Connections on the map
>>23594 [0] hasn't happened yet
>>17675 Fire and Fury , Ch6 and 10 'O' changed to 'Q' -> WikiLeaks
>>17726 anons 40,000ft view compilation
>>17380 Seven TRILLION Q Connection
>>16799 In-Q-Tel , Genetic Engineering , PepsiCo , TacoBell and 50% reduction in sperm counts
>>16759 Loop Capital Markets - Financials
>>16581 When Fake Communitst took over a Wisconsin town
>>16459 , >>16471 Relationships Map - Huma , VJ , MB
>>15704 [rr_out] Q message , POTUS tweet , time stameed
>>14152 rt >>13838 Epiphany!
>>13959 Body Parts Raid in November
>>13925 Obama agency rules Pepsi use of fetal cells 'ordinary business'
>>13753 7th Floor - wikispooks
>>13760 , >>14161 7th floor is no more
>>13655 , >>13658 House Investigation into Planned Parenthood
>>13556 Missing Money - 13B , 6B
>>13515 First Pentagon Audit in History
>>11987 Airplanes missing and Eric Schmidt
>>11968 Mass data collection since Reagan (1981)
>>14771 Notable Posts Consolidation 1.1.18 to 7.1.18
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
More info: >>>/cbts/140461
>>>/cbts/120430 (Petition)
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
843762 No.30086
Airplanes missing and Eric Schmidt: >>11987
Research Resources >>>/cbts/211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>>/cbts/26613
Asia Foundation >>>/cbts/15984
Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705
British Connections >>>/cbts/117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>>/cbts/1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>>/cbts/195194
Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952
Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102
Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163
Israel & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398
Many research links here to give background on current events >>>/cbts/255999
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>24557 >>>/cbts/1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>>/cbts/147334
North Korea >>>/cbts/1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249
NEW: Plane Crashes Thread >>>/cbts/56075
Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198
Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300
Planned Parenthood* >>13655
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171
Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157
Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327
Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139
Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576
Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367
Stringers, military courts >>>/cbts/189447
Titanic >>>/cbts/106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346
Who is P? >>>/cbts/202645
* ==Emphasized by Q==
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>>/cbts/211983.
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1: >>>/cbts/2
Memes #2: >>>/cbts/61078
Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604
Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207
Infographs: >>>/cbts/10
Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875
Meme Ammo By Topic: pastebin.com/WnudyCpd from >>14323
Image Archive by Topic: >>18752 , >>18760 , >>18765
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
843762 No.30090
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>>/cbts/134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts
Part 1: >>>/cbts/189448
Part 2: >>>/cbts/189460
Part 3: >>>/cbts/189467
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
^^The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
RedPill Questions - Not Q
>>15931 Foundations
>>15998 Politicians
>>16064 Anti-Trump
>>16204 Planned Parenthood
>>16438 Plane 9/11
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>2632
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http/https://www' part.
e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
Or you can use two or three apostrophes before and after https/http, this breaks the link and still leaves it easy to read and copy/paste -
https://www.youtube.com ('' two apostrophes on either side of https/http)
https://www.youtube.com (''' three apostrophes on either side of https/http)
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
843762 No.30094
About Shills
Read >>>/cbts/226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: pastebin.com/Aeh0WZd5
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5c9574 No.30108
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b220b6 No.30109
WHy is "CRYSTAL CLEAR" Drop dated today?
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1da220 No.30110
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fd629c No.30111
>>>28299 Magis are wise men, hachamim, probably Jewish sages from Babylon who didn't return with Zerubbabel. They were probably familiar with Balaam's prophecy in Nehemiah about the star that would arise, attributed to the appearance of the messiah.
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1b5a75 No.30112
Go fuck yourself. You've missed the point entirely.
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17545a No.30113
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a31ad6 No.30114
Happened today in east coast time.
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0d57c9 No.30115
Thank you for the tasty bread, Bakeranon.
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73b936 No.30116
I don't link here. Ever.
For the record.
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1b5a75 No.30117
Why are we back to the ugly red Q banner?
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68b8d1 No.30118
because it happened after midnight, i.e. today
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44efd2 No.30119
Suck a Jew dick you nigger!
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63595d No.30120
Since it was almost the first thing Q said, and we're winding the clock back - everything will be almost done, at that point, I'm guessing.
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f5762f No.30121
yes. it is the key.
here's the answer … i hope some dig… i had a hell of a time finding it… should be easier now usavsus .info/usA–Original13thAmend.htm
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20b67e No.30122
Loop Capital has to be a HYIP aka Trading Program. Look at the donations. If you making 1% a day plus compounded interest on those donations? $$$$
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7070ae No.30123
thank you for being a great front line soldier
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e2cfc8 No.30124
it's a joke… the site isn't selling q merch
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52ef4f No.30125
You may check out the stringer thread. I posted a list of just the stringers we have so far. I just started it so the graphics are minimal info at the moment, but may help to go down a full list
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52edf4 No.30126
it doesn't matter. you're pasting shit from this board and drawing attention here. spread memes if you want but stop the famefag shite.
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718ce5 No.30127
kek is that concern i smell?
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c88bec No.30128
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d77c26 No.30129
Add to the list: Rep Ed Royce (R-CA) is retiring
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717c75 No.30130
Are you the one that flustered potter?
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371424 No.30131
I see we have gone back to fire storm banner. Nice.
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a8544f No.30132
What the hell difference would it make if Q was totally fake? Not a damn bit, this exercise is to open our minds and document whats happening in the real world, not what MSM hides. We don't need Q, he just helps us and in turn we help POTUS.
Who left a damn a damn pecan pie on my desk doesn't matter, it's there and I think it was Sarah but it doesn't matter, just eat it.
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d1ecb5 No.30133
Stephen Miller on Tucker now
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cbaa1a No.30134
"British troops set fire to the White House" 1812
Obama/HRC were burning the Whitehouse down - Q post as to how you destroy a country?
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3a0fb7 No.30135
Sorry about that…I didn't mean you did…you dont. I meant there were just a lot of ppl wondering about you, who you were, etc and then some randos were asking about links
sorry about that…
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ef9209 No.30136
what time did he drop?
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54a17e No.30137
Trump tweet at game should be anytime now
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2af180 No.30138
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ede890 No.30139
bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=215545&privcapId=34874958 Adam Aron new CEO of AMC came onboard in 2016
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728418 No.30140
Are you new here? click the link to his post in the batter, and you'll see everything
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ba3ff9 No.30141
>Do you understand what just occurred?
A mock "Keystone sequence" was just demonstrated for us to learn from.
>POTUS Tweets [15 min] between.
>POTUS missing "Q" in select word.
This sequence had no preceding marker on here, therefore there is no "Q" or in other words no message to us, or relevance to the map.
[Marker] posted here.
>POTUS mods Tweets [1 min] between.
POTUS tweets with a "time stamp delta" that matches the marker, confirming it.
>POTUS adds "Q" in select word.
This tweet, or sequence of tweets, will contain a word or clue that references the map in some way. In this case, it was a word in the former tweet. If you look for pairs of tweets from POTUS, you'll notice there are often words in all CAPS, could be related. Otherwise it could be a keyword in either tweet that lines up to a MAP subject in some way, possible giving us a hint at what's occurring in private by referring to a topic on the MAP.
>This was not meant to signify AUTH / established.
This wasn't merely done as another verification of Q's authenticity, that has already been established.
>This is to train you how to understand the correlation between posts and Tweets.
I feel the particulars of this sequence contain important details. Every anon trying to find the "keystone" and learn to read the map should start with this post. It's as explicit of instruction that we have received so far.
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d77c26 No.30142
Thanks. Good on tucker to bring him on.
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44efd2 No.30143
There is but one Memetic God, and Pepe is his Psychicfag. Lurk moar. Ameme
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73b936 No.30144
Guilty. But we smoothed it over.
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ef9209 No.30145
yeah and thank you
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0d57c9 No.30146
Trump entering stadium now
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54a17e No.30147
Showing Trump walking into stadium now
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1b5a75 No.30148
The Missing 13th Amendment
In the winter of 1983, archival research expert David Dodge, and former Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn, were searching for evidence of government corruption in public records stored in the Belfast Library on the coast of Maine. By chance, they discovered the library's oldest authentic copy of the Constitution of the United States (printed in 1825). Both men were stunned to see this document included a 13th Amendment that no longer appears on current copies of the Constitution. Moreover, after studying the Amendment's language and historical context, they realized the principle intent of this "missing" 13th Amendment was to prohibit lawyers from serving in government.
So began a seven-year, nationwide search for the truth surrounding the most bizarre Constitutional puzzle in American history – the unlawful removal of a ratified Amendment from the Constitution of the United States. Since 1983, Dodge and Dunn have uncovered additional copies of the Constitution with the "missing" 13th Amendment printed in at least eighteen separate publications by ten different states and territories over four decades from 1822 to 1860.
In June of this year, Dodge uncovered the evidence that this missing 13th Amendment had indeed been lawfully ratified by the state of Virginia and was therefore an authentic Amendment to the American Constitution. If the evidence is correct and no logical errors have been made, a 13th Amendment restricting lawyers from serving in government was ratified in 1819 and removed from our Constitution during the tumult of the Civil War.
Since the Amendment was never lawfully repealed, it is still the Law today. The implications are enormous.
The following was found at: http://www.barefootsworld.net/consti12.html
Click on the above link, find this part on that web page.
It has a lot of good footnotes, links, pictures, and references that are not shown here.
The Original Thirteenth Amendment
Ratified March 12, 1819
The Founders held an intense disdain and distrust of "Nobility" as a result of a long history, during Colonial times, of abuses and excesses against the Rights of Man and the established Common Law and Constitutions by the "Nobility", and therefore placed in the new Constitution two injunctions against acceptance of Titles of Nobility or Honor or emoluments from external sources. The Revolutionary War for Independence was primarily waged to eliminate these abuses and excesses of the "Nobility" and the "Monied Classes" from the life of the Nation, recognizing the Equality of all men.
As there was no penalty attached to a title of nobility or honor in the Constitution as originally ratified, the Original Thirteenth Amendment was proposed in December of 1809 to institute penalty for accepting or using a "Title of Nobility or Honor" to set oneself apart from, or superior to, or possessing of any special privileges or immunities not available to any other citizen of the United States, and to eliminate the widespread use of "emoluments" as bribery and of the legislatures and judiciary used to further the causes and positions of "Special Interests". It was an attempt to keep politicians and civil servants "Honest" in their service to the citizens.
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ec3b9a No.30149
>Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/04/17 (Mon) 21:50:10 eda158 No.34323
Re-review RED_RED stringer.
Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.
Cross reference.
Date of stringer vs video?
Learn to decider.
News unlocks message.
Find the keystone.
Regarding this post above. Has anyone pointed out the change-up between decipher and decider yet (if so apologies)? Thought it was odd, and to me appears to be a reference to 43/Dubya but I haven't really seen any news breaking in that area yet. So, maybe there is a news story to drop this week yet to come. Future proves past, and to me this is a pointer to something to come just don't know what it is yet. Rings out like Crystal from the last thread/post.
For those who didn't catch it, and anon posted this link, with a pointer to Crystal:
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728418 No.30150
You're welcome, read the batter its very very useful!
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6a8762 No.30151
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3a0fb7 No.30152
There are a lot of ppl that post constant screenshots…a lot. Its blown up quite a bit in the last few days. B posts memes and they catch on really well >>30126
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f9b009 No.30154
I do believe there is some cross reference with the list I created with the CEO's resigning and I think someone was also able to cross reference the list with the attached list as well – that was posted the other day. Pepsico for sure I know is one of the CEO's the stepped down….
Again here is a link to the Pastebin created for the Loop Capital Deals list….
pastebin. com/AeF9CqM8
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696754 No.30155
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1b5a75 No.30156
As noted in the discussion in Article 1 of the Constitution, the original Thirteenth Amendment, was ratified in 1819, adding a heavy penalty upon any person holding or accepting a Title of Nobility or Honor, or emoluments from external powers by making that person "cease to be a citizen of the United States" and "incapable of holding any Office of Trust or Profit under the United States". This Amendment was proposed, properly ratified, and was a matter of record in the several States archives until 1876, by which time it was quietly, and fraudulently deleted, never repealed, during the period of Reconstruction after the Civil War and the presently acknowledged Thirteenth Amendment was substituted. The original records of the original 13th amendment were thought to be destroyed at the time of the burning of the capitol during the War of 1812, but have since been found in the archives of the British Museum, the national archives and in the archives of several of the States and territories. The fact of its existence had been lost to memory until, by chance, researchers discovered in the public library at Belfast, Maine an 1825 copy of the U. S. Constitution. Subsequent research shows that it was in the records of the ratifying states and territories until 1876, the last to drop it from record was the Territory of Wyoming after 1876. The most intriguing discovery was the 1867 Colorado Territory edition which includes both the "missing" Thirteenth Amendment and the current 13th Amendment, on the same page. The current 13th Amendment is listed as the 14th Amendment in the 1867 Colorado edition.
The 1876 Laws of Wyoming which similarly show the "missing" Thirteenth Amendment, the current 13th Amendment (freeing the slaves), and the current 15th Amendment on the same page. The current 13th Amendment is listed as the 14th, the current 14th amendment is omitted, and the current 15th Amendment is in proper place.
For further discussion and the history of the Original Thirteenth Amendment see "Demon of Discord, Ratification and Suppression of the Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States."
On December 3, 1860, the month after Lincoln was elected, President Buchanan asked Congress to propose an "explanatory amendment". It was to be another 13th Amendment, to eradicate and cover-up the deletion of the Original Thirteenth Title of Nobility and Honour Amendment. This proposed amendment, which would have forever legalized slavery, was signed by President Buchanan the day before Lincoln took office.
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7070ae No.30157
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717c75 No.30158
Nothing to smooth, dude was military. Seems to have lost discipline, not your fault.
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1b5a75 No.30159
This amendment to the Constitution relating to slavery was sent to the states for ratification by the Second Session of the Thirty-sixth Congress on March 2, 1861, when it passed the Senate, having previously passed the House on February 28, 1861. It is interesting to note in this connection that this and the ratified Anti-Slavery amendment of 1865 are the only resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution to have been signed by the President. The President's signature is considered unnecessary because of the constitutional provision that on the concurrence of two-thirds of both Houses of Congress the proposal shall be submitted to the States for ratification.
The resolve to amend signed by President Buchanan on March 2, 1861, two days before Lincoln's inauguration, read:
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall be valid, to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution, viz:
"ARTICLE THIRTEEN, No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State."
In other words, President Buchanan had signed a resolve that would have forever permitted slavery, and upheld states' rights. Only one State, Illinois, Lincoln's home state, had ratified this proposed amendment before the Civil War broke out in 1861. It appears at 12 Stat. 251, 36th Congress. Two more State legislatures ratified it, beginning with Ohio on May 13, 1861, followed by Maryland on January 10, 1862.
But the onslaught of the Civil War taught that the Nation may be in even greater peril from the States than they ever were from the Nation. And so, after more than seventy years of national life, the people, by the presently acknowledged 13th Amendment and the two following, laid upon the States restrictions which a few years before would have been impossible. The Constitution had gone forty-six years (1819 - 1865) without an Amendment.
In the tumult of 1865, the original Thirteenth Amendment was removed from our Constitution. In a Congressional Resolve to amend dated December 5, 1864, approved and signed by President Lincoln, February 1, 1865, another Amendment numbered XIII (which prohibited slavery in Sect. 1, and ended states' rights in Sect. 2) was proposed. When, on January 13, 1865, a two-thirds vote was taken in the House of Representatives for proposing the currently presented 13th Amendment "in honor of the immortal and sublime event" the House adjourned. It was then presented to the States for ratification. Two months later, April 9, 1865, the Civil War ended with General Lee's surrender. On April 14, President Lincoln was assassinated, dying on April 15th.
On December 18, 1865, the "new" 13th Amendment loudly prohibiting and abolishing slavery (and quietly surrendering states rights to the federal government) was proclaimed adopted by Secretary of State Seward, replacing and effectively erasing the original Thirteenth Amendment that had prohibited acceptance of "titles of nobility" and "honors" and "emoluments", and dishonest politicians have been bought and bribed and have treasonously accepted graft from external sources ever since, with no thought of penalty.
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d1ecb5 No.30160
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265273 No.30161
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ede890 No.30162
Wonder if Adam Aron's in Epstein's flight log? He has deep Dem & Clinton ties
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b220b6 No.30163
Gotcha. The timestamp says 11 PM on the 7th. Timezone confusion. All good
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cb4c90 No.30164
Might as well direct people to HTTPS EVERYWHERE extension then. Because between downloading that, using Hooktube, and 3 different ways to break links, and reading a post that takes 11 lines to explain what >>29775 explains in 6 - for no clear benefit, for an alleged "OPSEC" rule that doesn't actually exist outside of here - getting started is easy and accessible as ever.
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54a17e No.30165
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73b936 No.30166
He just walked out on the field.
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12637b No.30167
NYC, Albany and Buffalo gov't/law enforcement is corrupt AF… DRAIN THAT FUCKING SWAMP!
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d77c26 No.30168
Namefags are an easy target.
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1b5a75 No.30169
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1cde13 No.30170
>Every anon trying to find the "keystone" and learn to read the map should start with this post.
as in this >>21439 post
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843762 No.30171
Trump is at the NCAAF game. Just watching him.
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f9b009 No.30172
Also does anyone know which cross thread for Loop Capital I should post this in?
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5a2ffa No.30173
1 hour ago
[0] will be when Q and POTUS tweet at the same time. POTUS is at the football game tonight so I dont think that it will be before then. They do seem to like their night Ops though.
25 replies
Direct message
54 minutes ago
Sorry, I meant Q will post on 8 ch and POTUS will tweet at the same time. Q is not on Twitter.
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ef9209 No.30174
thats all the links at the beginning, right?
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c88bec No.30175
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1ec3b2 No.30176
I'm not MasterArchivist, just a failsafe anon for archives. Much respect to MA and all hard working patriots
#2 http://archive.is/OnTln
#3 http://archive.is/VnNlS
#4 http://archive.is/T2pgP
#5 http://archive.is/xfJGB
#6 http://archive.is/Ef0YM
#7 http://archive.is/7RES3
#8 http://archive.is/jTVAA
#9 http://archive.is/gzeIY
#10 http://archive.is/3mx2E
#11 http://archive.is/ykYdo
#12 http://archive.is/25Cbd
#13 http://archive.is/vq8FU
#14 http://archive.is/WQmWA
#15 http://archive.is/VEw2y
#16 http://archive.is/Urhdh
#17 http://archive.is/C40Rz
#18 http://archive.is/CiCmq
#19 http://archive.is/9pxWT
#20 http://archive.is/9jcT2
#21 http://archive.is/c9mpm
#22 http://archive.is/QKpyA
#23 http://archive.is/7YxEw
#24 http://archive.is/Fa7b8
#25 http://archive.is/GM7kA
#26 http://archive.is/uLdUJ
#27 http://archive.is/JIJ4Z
#28 http://archive.is/KW4hE
#29 http://archive.is/Y1tCe
#30 http://archive.is/33uLp
#31 http://archive.is/N0vtN
#32 http://archive.is/05rb1
#33 http://archive.is/hmBH3
#34 http://archive.is/yPB77
#35 http://archive.is/SEbli
#36 http://archive.is/3B1y2
#37 http://archive.is/Cg235
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63595d No.30177
Is DeBlobbio or Cuomo among the missing yet?
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f5762f No.30178
and the lock is the title "esq."
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9cc48a No.30179
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371424 No.30180
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728418 No.30181
Yes Anon! good luck and lurk more ;)
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753a2a No.30182
The yen carry trade has been a key factor in how things work, for a number of years. Borrow yen cheap, use it on your pet project anywhere. Cut that off and a lot of people will be in a world of hurt. Might drive the yen up quickly if many worldwide have to scramble to find yen to close out their trades. Not good for Japan, but something has to give there anyway.
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d77c26 No.30183
Now do the same in boston and all of cali.
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843762 No.30184
Everyone STANDING for the National Anthem.
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f9b009 No.30185
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f82805 No.30186
Sandy Berger.
And Jim Comey was the guy who decided not to prosecute.
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bf4969 No.30187
Loop Capital - Not sure where to go from here.
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e0d5be No.30188
Might be a code, like purple ties.
>pedoberg directed it too
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1b5a75 No.30189
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371424 No.30190
What is wrong with you?
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0d57c9 No.30191
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63595d No.30192
Looking very happy!
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209d4c No.30193
This is final settlement of a record keeping infraction.
1) The infraction was that one individual employee (financial advisor - subject to SEC record keeping rules) used their personal email to conduct some business. It was intentional to avoid SEC disclosure (a crime).
2) Further, LCM relied only on the honor system with its employees (careless record keeping)
3) Further, an officer of the company knew it and did nothing.
Generally not a big deal, (employee gets sternly disciplined/fined/fired/losses license), company pays fine. But the fact that an Obama friend company was even approached by the Obama SEC on this issue is interesting. Maybe what information was intentionally hidden (and now lost) is something REALLY big. We'll never know?
The fact they settled in Oct 2017 (DJT's SEC) also indicates LCM is trying to get the hell out of the target zone. If Killary won, this never would have settled and would have been dropped. (IMHO).
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52edf4 No.30194
one thing I've been wondering about is the difference between POTUS and @realDonaldTrump in terms of what tweets are shared between both and which are not.
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290256 No.30195
Look this is interesting but not relevant >>30159
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037fc8 No.30196
Time to take a break and get comfy for some footballs anons. Watch with the God Emperor!!
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a72856 No.30197
Fuck I just got a Patriotic stiffie seeing the POTUS at Football game and hearing Anthem sung by ZB band…AND I'm a damn woman!!
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17545a No.30198
B cut the shit
stop namewhoring too
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1881a6 No.30199
Zuma already “lost” supposedly.
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6d7c2f No.30200
anybody got any further with >DEFCON1 crystal clear?
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843762 No.30201
Teach those G'damn NFL assholes a thing or two about respect!
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d77c26 No.30202
>A very stable genius anon.
People (twatters) can't reference a specific poster here if everyone is named anon.
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6fc11b No.30203
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ef9209 No.30204
thanks and that means to keep reading your info?
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11aced No.30205
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a72856 No.30206
Reminder to Anons..don't forget that those Shills who get paid $14.50/hr use TOR (was a requirement for them to get hired)- sauce rouge shill on CBTS
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a7c431 No.30207
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290256 No.30208
Agreed read it too. Also if all those billions of transactions between 2014-2016 were hi freq grads SEC would be looking for a lot more than aol email>>30193
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371424 No.30209
Checked for greatest 9 dubs
That's SOP for these NRO sats they don't want space fags keeping track of them.
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5a2ffa No.30210
Sharing info. What is your problem?
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17545a No.30211
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b8f3e6 No.30212
>>29984 (Prev.Thread)
But then, the chans being that small stream high upon a dank mountain from whence the dankness spreads into webz, it makes GENIUS sense to get us on board for this, to help with the PR of it all. Which is basically it: we're the audience. The audience may have no say on the script, but a crowd sure can fuck up a play.
When that curtain will rise(drop?), then we'll be there in the best seats, comfy and helping our friends, families, colleagues understand not to trip but just sit back and enjoy the most marvelous show they ever saw…
>Important to understand.
>When this breaks many won’t swallow.
>MSM not trusted.
>You are the voice.
>We are here to help guide.
>Future proves past.
>You are the calm before and during the storm.
>>30016 (Prev.Thread)
>>30043 (Prev.Thread)
>>30008 (Prev.Thread)
>>29822 (Prev.Thread)
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371424 No.30213
No problems but you should really lurk moar
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f5762f No.30214
seconded… thank (you)
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52edf4 No.30215
I don't think he's the only one, he's just the only one I can identify easily, so he gets the REEEE. It wasn't so bad before these cunts took a week to catch up with what was going on and where the posts were happening, but now they're following in real time and importing every tom, dick and harry.
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db9163 No.30216
Baker, please update resource section of "your batter" with most recent links !
"Updated QMap PDF", "Time Stamp Spreadsheets", "Raw Text Q Dump", "All Q Posts (meta, txt & html)" need to get back the updated links >>29279
I've only checked the Resource section – but that's why usually the dough is passed on baker to baker.
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ee4047 No.30217
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ef9209 No.30218
i didnt know shills use tor honest whats a shill?
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ef9209 No.30219
Still thinking NORAD (Crystal Palace) which tracks space objects (Space X ?)
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753a2a No.30220
AMC=Chinese owned.
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44efd2 No.30221
Wanna cross streams? kek
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12637b No.30222
Leave the anon alone, you name-fagging, faggot.
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3a0fb7 No.30223
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3181bc No.30224
Zuma won't be visible in the Northern hemisphere for another week or so, plenty of time to perform a disappearing trick. These rumors are most likely disinfo.
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5a2ffa No.30225
I am trying to learn more. New at this.It is all good.
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a43c2f No.30227
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68b8d1 No.30228
the sheer irony, anon…
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371424 No.30229
Heres an idea since she gained 10k followers in a week sharing Qanon..
Why not use that to aid in spreading memes etc. It's a little late to back track.
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728418 No.30230
LOL no! im a nobody hahaha just learn what's been said and whats relevant and not
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4423fa No.30231
first clock decipher was
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1d3f20 No.30232
Think of Q happenings an ongoing TV series wherein each day brings another part of the puzzle together. In contrast, some people want to zoom to the end of the Rambo movie.
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17545a No.30233
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371424 No.30234
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9976f1 No.30235
I think we must look at the brakes
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26e15d No.30236
Did someone say cross streams?
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4423fa No.30237
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e0d5be No.30238
NORAD tracks everything. Space junk the size of a #10 screw.
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e01b6b No.30239
Latest Q Map
Crystal Clear Edition
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ede890 No.30240
>>30220 Can we put him on Lolita Express-he truns rewsorts & has Dem & Clinton ties & is on CFR
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a31ad6 No.30241
These threads are so polluted. We're up to our ears in fucktards that dont understand 8ch culture and are clueless in general due to people like Beanz and Corsi sending people here.
I have half a mind to think they're controlled assets designed to fuck this all up.
Anonymity is which this all works. With that, namefags go fuck yourselves.
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1ec3b2 No.30242
Let's play a game of do you know which one is the human?
it's a trick question
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52edf4 No.30243
https:// navysnaevents.org/national-symposium/agenda.pdf
I didn't see anyone too interesting named in the agenda, or much given away in terms of topics. Need a militaryfag to scope it out.
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ea3d8c No.30244
Lurk. Watch.
Escuche y no hable
Listen and don't talk
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5a2ffa No.30245
What the hell is Lurk moar? and i will try to. lol
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728418 No.30246
Anons, i got a question.
Isn't namefagging against the boardrules?
Where is BO? (Board Owner, not obama)
we could really use the filter function and i have a suggestion to BO aswell
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a2e86a No.30247
RED_RED == Alabama v. Georgia, hmmm
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371424 No.30248
Checkkkkkkkkekkkkkkk'd dos trips
Fair enough but you are now the concernfags sticking up for newfags have fun with that.
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68b8d1 No.30249
it means stop posting
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a31ad6 No.30250
Stop posting and just start reading.
stop that
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843762 No.30251
Thanks for this. Added this to the batter.
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adaced No.30252
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adaced No.30253
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4423fa No.30254
normies and subnormies learning about from beanz and corsi
arguing about how to break a link. been here is 9 am
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f5762f No.30255
well i've definitely noticed a trend with the rose colored glasses
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a31ad6 No.30257
Filter is already a function here. Blocking all tripcodes and names has clearly caused problems in the past. The tripcode should be available for use and used by nearly no one.
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1ec3b2 No.30258
I'll try to check daily if threads are getting archived. I'll post them when necessary.
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52edf4 No.30259
it's a mixed blessing. when we don't have some small amount of tripfagging, we get moldy bread. when we do get name+tripfagging, we get famewhores shitting up the board. need a new paradigm.
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26e15d No.30260
What did you expect. She was a porn star.
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3a0fb7 No.30261
At 10PM EST the BO and mods at “The Storm” will be having a livestream with @jerome_corsi —Check it out here: https://youtu.be/tyZET5a5MRA
5:03 PM - 8 Jan 2018
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05a125 No.30262
>you are living in a timeline when it is important not to confuse a US President with a herder of autists on a sanskrit rodeo sing-a-long tablet shelf.
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4423fa No.30263
most if not all of the original storm have names
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eda582 No.30264
Another Congressman down today, an R I never heard of.
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843762 No.30266
Added this post to the batter.
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ccb790 No.30269
they'll go away eventually
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728418 No.30270
Yeah but the filter isn't working so good now. everytime i filter i have to refresh the page.
and something very odd happened last night, i don't know if i should mention it again because someone bashed me for saying it.
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7584f2 No.30271
That's their tactic I guess. Force Q and everyone else go to a visible board so that underaged redditors can come in swarms and shitpost here and no money spent for shill. It's pretty clever when you think about it.
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f5762f No.30272
Woo Hoo party at 10 eastern … no mods!!!!
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a31ad6 No.30273
I used to be far more involved, baked a lot of breads. but it's become so difficult to have a useful conversation. So how's about we start that conversation.
What is the meaning of DEFCON 1?
Have we all agreed that this refers to the hacking conference -> where they break into voting machines? Could be the key to all of this, they expose backdoors into voting machines; perhaps used in alabama vs Roy Moore?
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753a2a No.30274
If you want to begin to fit in here, you need to delete your entry in the Name field before you post, and never use a Name again. It matters a lot.
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73f68b No.30275
dug it before & still dig it
the corporate constitution & bill of rights both need to go back to the originals
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5a2ffa No.30276
I have not seen anything where you guys have figured out that [0] is when Q post and POUTUS tweets at same time. Q is waiting for you to figure that out? am i right? or have you done it and i missed it?
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93f38e No.30277
No but some dude with phone in his last name just listed it again on twitter. Saying to watch only doesn't cut it.
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4423fa No.30278
when the mods away…..
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728418 No.30279
LMAO, i hope you're fuckin' with me now?
i meant users with "usernames" here
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e811cf No.30280
with POTUS at college football game will Q post tonight?
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265273 No.30281
In my opinion this is the best theory going anon
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209d4c No.30282
1) SAR search pattern (not generally done over city)
2) ELINT / SIGINT intercept
Are you highlighting N65V? 2014 toob video Dox'd the plane. Interesting catch. Makes me think it's 2)
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5f70da No.30283
Bad idea making Corsi the official voice for Q to normies. He is easily dismissed by the MSM as a conspiracy theorist (e.g. Birther issue). What a perfect way for them to dismiss everything Q is saying and the 8ch community is doing.
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728418 No.30284
Like this FAG etc.. i've filtered him in every bread now
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93f38e No.30285
Meant to bring that one back. There were quite a few not supposed to return, but this guy is from Cali….old guy.
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ad7286 No.30286
Seltzer water, then? Might be a business idea for someone, if you want to carbonate your own. Or go cold turkey, if you can. Substituting something less obnoxious worked for me. I'm on water and iced tea now. Relevant? Yes. Some people here expressed interest in stopping consumption of fetal products.
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68b8d1 No.30287
can't believe i'm asking this, but should i get working on a /newfag/ general outlining the most basic of shit, terms, how-to?
i'm torn because on the one hand it could be a big help. on the other hand, newfags who can't into chan should stfu and lurk moar
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53486f No.30288
https: //twitter.com/Breaking911/status/950538393389355008
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a31ad6 No.30289
Yes, we understand that [1]/[5] so on are the delta between q posts and trump tweets, as well as sort of a countdown. That is the key to reading the map, as well as the authentication to normies that this is real.
lose the name.
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eda582 No.30290
Are the new guys our guys tho?
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07a07c No.30291
As far as I know it was pretty much a stalemate at the end, the US tried to annex Canada while Britain was busy fighting Napolean. At the end of the war Canada kept its independence, Brits decided retaking US by force wouldn't work because of the independent mindset and agreed a peace, US saw its victories in battle late on as keeeping its independence. Brits burning down Whitehouse was revenge for US burning down a place in Canada (Battle of York).
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44efd2 No.30292
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7070ae No.30293
not impressed with the last batch of mods on SGT. You fucks didn't even have examples of Q confirms handy. WTF
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ede890 No.30294
Big money & acquisitions here Anons- this guy is a DEM supporter was on Bill Clintons team runs world wide resorts(Sex tourism?) & IS ON CFR-need real Autists not a slide or shill LOOP CAPITAl is a backer!!!!
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4423fa No.30295
I hope that is the case. Dismissing the other election commission (or whatever it was) was the first step (I hope). It would be an insult to bring it up to Q at this point since he confirmed twice.
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ae1fe5 No.30296
So if the task is to build a synchronized, timestamped map of Q Drops VS. POTUS Tweets to use as authentication when red-pilling normies after the big reveal, perhaps all future memes should be timestamped and possibly include 8chan reference?
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a31ad6 No.30297
useful idiots gonna useful idiot
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1ec3b2 No.30299
There's an Oprah bill to register child traffickers? Isn't that suspicious?
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003173 No.30300
No thanks I’m part of this group so I can stay anonymous. I’m not interested in being in anybody’s Livestream nor am I interested in watching anybody’s live stream.
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52edf4 No.30301
totally not sure what this means yet, fuckin awesome though.
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371424 No.30302
I only namefag part time. I don't have a good reason other then finding my own posts in archives. I don't care to use a trip again unless I am asked to for some reason.
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a31ad6 No.30303
What did you notice last night. Theres weird shit here day in and day out
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4423fa No.30304
I meant namefags
Lurked on them when they broke away
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ea3d8c No.30305
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ad7286 No.30307
QEII is on their money. How independent can they be?
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6e2142 No.30308
Sorry if this is old news, but I haven't seen this mentioned:
Operation Game Boards
This may be what Q's "Want to play a game?" reference is about. It ties Tony Rezko, Obama, Loop and even mobsters together.
Still digging, but wanted to put this out there.
sauce on Tony:
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3a0fb7 No.30309
Some dude asking for links swears Q is all disinformation from Pieczenik and some hacker group ….hes hitting up everyone in the comments sections >>30283
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73f68b No.30310
well well now, figured out a while ago that all major matchups are symbolic, especially the super bowl
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9d29f6 No.30311
They will dismiss anyone not mockingbird….He is not perfect but he has been pretty on point over the last decade.
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31896f No.30312
Kim Jong Un and John "Skippy" Podesta share a birthday today - you can't make this ish up.
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a2b8ec No.30313
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1d514e No.30315
I live in NS…we are taxed to DEATH…paying for the Queen and her family and foreigners in our own land while our veterans suffer…he's holding a town hall but Trudeau picks who asks the questions….I'd put money on it that he has paid sit-ins that he will call out one by one to ask soft questions. I can't go I have prior commitments…it's a long drive to get there.
www.ctvnews.ca /politics/trudeau-to-hold-town-hall-in-nova-scotia-next-week-mp-says-1.3747527
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f5762f No.30316
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003173 No.30317
And …. did you expect it to not happen??? Lots of doubting Thomas out there still.
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b8f3e6 No.30318
>You are the calm before and during the storm.
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93f38e No.30319
It starts at 10 and there are now 350 people in the live chat… Apparently they can split screen too, but it looks a lot like here too at the moment. We all know it's a wave and will continue, so onward we trudge. As far as Def Con, it served two purposes: Everyone STFU and some freaked out, but they did focus. I do believe it meant definite connection or something similar because it expressly connected to [1].
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ec3b9a No.30320
This is a bit off topic, but have you guys seen this one yet….. CNN is saying Steven Miller had to be escorted out after his interview with Tapper the other night…. freaking love that guy!!!!
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2492d5 No.30321
i had a theory about
as in atomic numbers
just couldnt go very far with it
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7070ae No.30322
best to work here and forget fake bullshit. you are right, all that is very controlled.
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694bc8 No.30323
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3a0fb7 No.30324
I was just showing one of the many advertisements directing ppl to the livestream…..damn, hope that doesnt look like I'm trying to recruit >>30300
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f82805 No.30325
>The Missing 13th Amendment
Doesn't hold water.
13 states to ratify but there were 20 states in 1818 and 22 by 1820. 3/4 to ratify = 15 needed to approve. Even if Virginia said yes, by 1819 you needed 2 more states.
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753a2a No.30326
Don't know but can dig. Meanwhile, here is the Wicked Wang, richest man in China circa 2013, bought AMC.
http://beta.latimes. com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-amc-wang-jianlin-china-richest-man-20130911-story.html
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1b23a0 No.30327
David Bowie and Elvis Presley as well
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371424 No.30328
What did you mean by this?
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a31ad6 No.30329
Time will tell. I have a feeling that things will move quickly now, or at least quicker than in the past. The storm is upon us.
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1bf725 No.30330
4th quarter
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3a0fb7 No.30331
nah…figured it would. But the last week has exploded>>30317
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4423fa No.30332
We all need to all dis them
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93f38e No.30333
It is fine you sent it there. For one thing he was talking about a call in from us, but I would assume he means out of his discord? It's another layer. If he/they get it wrong then we need to call him out here, not there. For obvious reasons. It will be ok.
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6962b4 No.30334
In other news. See this this info on Russia disabling attack drones.
https:// m.facebook.com/mod.mil.rus/posts/2031218563787556
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753a2a No.30335
OK, I looked over there, and saw 2 copies of #35. Found <^> in both. ψΉã╤s γø∩ř р☺¡ʼn╦, ╙гѐų∩Dė? My CPU is smaller than yours.
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0a980a No.30336
wonder why a chan BO would do this …
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1816b1 No.30337
>What a perfect way for them to dismiss everything Q is saying and the 8ch community is doing.
As if that wasn't their plan all along.
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3a0fb7 No.30338
The football in the center of the field looks like a Q
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1bf725 No.30339
what if they cut to Presidents box and we see JA standing next to him
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999bfc No.30340
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5f70da No.30341
With Q stressing DEFCON 1 isn't Defense readiness Condition and that he/she/they thought that was "Crystal Clear", this is a very plausible theory.
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52edf4 No.30342
thoughts on a separate board for diggers with proper modding? eg, a strict ruleset where we block IDs who ignore it too much? can always pull Q posts from here and copy them over. lots of shit-tier posting but maybe filtering and a new thread every 5 minutes doesn't irritate you as much as it does me.
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e0d5be No.30343
Zebulon Pike tried to blow up Toronto.
Word is they're going to give Harry and Blacked Canada when QE2 dies. They like oil drilling.
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59514d No.30344
Remember media hoopla of Tom Brady - Trump connection. Did TB12 just give a nod to the storm?? https://www.instagram.com /p/BdsVheMhm1G/?taken-by=tombrady
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1816b1 No.30345
>Rambo movie.
That reminds me.
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50afcb No.30346
>January 9-11
Well hello there, just a coincidence I'm sure.
Probably explains the NeverForget stuff as well; perhaps even the fake fire on top of Trump tower.
They'll definitely drop something there.
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4423fa No.30347
agree with the speed
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1bf725 No.30348
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003173 No.30349
Haha, nope! I was recruited by the best, US NAVY! And here for Q and POTUS. That is all….
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2af180 No.30350
even though the commission ended, DHS is still "investigating".
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f7bb1f No.30351
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753a2a No.30352
I believe it meant
Getcher attention 100% fast bigly
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7584f2 No.30353
Even with all the happenings, even with all the proven breadcrumbs /pol/ still thinks this is a larp.
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a31ad6 No.30354
Duh. Thats the plan. Thats why these mainstream "conspiracy theorists" don't end up dead like other researchers. They're controlled opposition - limited hangouts and they can instantly make any theory seem crazy to normies. Easy peasy
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ea3d8c No.30355
8chan pro-tip go to Google and Google your questions don't ask them here
Imagine asking surgeons in the middle of brain surgery where the f** bathroom is.
This is serious work in here
This is not a game
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9cf056 No.30356
Apparently they even took control of some and landed them.
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3181bc No.30357
The AF is just trolling us Planefags now with these callsigns.
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5d51a6 No.30358
What's the big surprise?
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5f70da No.30359
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eee978 No.30360
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4423fa No.30361
ty for the link
hope the right the AL election
that was blatant
Q said they would
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ad7286 No.30362
Probably that on half chan, there were a few other named tripcodes that seemed to know what they were doing. Q was still running the show, but the others were helping to guide it.
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9c037a No.30363
WTF? Meme it. Meme it now.
Also, does this mean he's an owl? Or a spider?
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44efd2 No.30364
>>30335 That Glowfag <^> is not a fucking AI… He fucked up and made a typo which showed he has index fingers.
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862c47 No.30365
that namefag recognized specoperater anon last thread meanings hes a cbtstorm oldfag of the highest order, so you fuck off faggot
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63595d No.30366
They are! A nod from POTUS??
Top kek!
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2492d5 No.30367
CF Crystal ramming an iranian oil tanker near China
Crystal City Defcon 1 conference jan 9-11 at reagan airport hotel in crystal city might be another option
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ede890 No.30368
Does Adam Aron (looks like a kike) appear on Lolita Express flight logs- he's a yuuuge player >Adam Aron, who joined the company as CEO and President in 2016, has taken the Company to new heights, as AMC announced in 2016 acquisitions of both Carmike Cinemas in the United States, and Odeon & UCI Cinemas in Europe. Upon completion of either of these transactions, AMC will be the largest theatre chain in the world.
See AMC’s History for more information.
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59514d No.30369
tombrady on instagram today “Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm.’” - Unknown
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e0d5be No.30370
>he has paid sit-ins that he will call out one by one
You can't get in unless you're on his list. Literally everything about him is scripted, he's even a puppet. Word is that Gerry Butts posts on /pol/ as beaverposter.
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a4fccc No.30371
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5f70da No.30372
Precisely what I was alluding to.
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209d4c No.30373
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a2e86a No.30374
What if this is SUM OF ALL FEARS?
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49ad19 No.30375
Helen mirren didn’t say that shit, Meryl Streep did.
Mirren has been vocal about Hollywood abuse for decades.
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17545a No.30376
>“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’
<The warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm.’” - Unknown
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4423fa No.30377
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371424 No.30378
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6962b4 No.30379
Just really haven't heard that talked about much.
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0eb597 No.30380
It's a fucking joke.
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d82d7a No.30381
Coming in late but at the very end of the last thread someone mentioned the problem of being able to post graphics attached to posts here (and I guess from /otherboard/) and the problems in accessing them once they are no longer available.
This is exactly why the gallery for graphics from Q's posts was created. It is FREE SITE, will not delete images if they are little-used (not accessed all the time) and is ANONYMOUS.
This gives us a way to have an off-site link to images that aren't going to 404 after the thread falls off the catalog and the image is no longer there or attached to a post in the 8ch archive.
This gives us a way to make galleries of topics, for example like the meme harvester is doing here., but without making huge zip files that people might not want to download; they might just want to be able to look through a gallery on "Black awakening" for example and pick one.
This gives us a way to allow twats, facebergers and so on to see these memes & infographs NOT ON OUR WORKSPACE, i.e., an extra layer between the normiesphere and us.
This is also in the post with all the free research resources (hint hint), along with anonymous, throwaway email account providers. >>>/cbts/216402
This is a fight for the fate of the entire world. We need to use ALL resources at our disposal.
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0a980a No.30382
Fix this, you got the wrong actress on it
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ba3ff9 No.30384
I'm mostly irritated that 80% of everything that anons are working on, including half the clock shit, I have been over and done, or seen done by someone else, weeks ago.
No one has the focus to take any concept idea further than one or two beats, then it gets lost in the memory hole and we start from scratch.
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753a2a No.30385
I dunno. If they cannot be bothered to at least read one whole bread through, read the 8ch FAQ, read some breadcrumbs, find out how the UI works, learn our equiquette (such as it is), etc. then they do not belong here as they lack the basic prerequisites of adequate intelligence and motivation.
I might change my mind though.
It is awful having our workspace overrun with critters and vermin. It's not comfy.
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a43c2f No.30386
I got ideas about that, but with the shills and public viewing I don't want to give a reveal.
'disinformation is necessary'
Could be fun to watch.
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f5762f No.30387
i monitor the general on all the boards and you missed the one where i said that the lock is the title esq
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c93d89 No.30388
Mutual Assured Destruction.
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585cc2 No.30389
Seems appropriate
Have fun
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371424 No.30390
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74248a No.30391
baker, please update resources.
also "DJT tweets between OCT 08,2017 and JAN 08, 2018" went missing.
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6e2142 No.30392
*Operation Board Games
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7070ae No.30393
Nuke at a football game
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862c47 No.30394
If you build it they may or may not come. Take initiative friend, make a thread, make a board, your preffered format of posting, frequency, and % of shit posts is not necessarily the most optimal for understanding and digestion of information for the majority of anons following along. Notice at the top the truly good work gets recognized and saved as a top post, we are all doing our best, but as I said at the top, if you build it, they may or may not come, always nice to have a back up bunker, we saw what happened with 4 and cbts
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f82805 No.30395
> https://www.instagram.com /p/BdsVheMhm1G/?taken-by=tombrady
Very interesting.
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371424 No.30396
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3181bc No.30397
That definitely throws Q's claim that "you are safe" out the window
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52edf4 No.30398
Q ITS YOU!!!!!!11111
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52edf4 No.30399
sorry. I had to do it.
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26e15d No.30400
[E]lizabeth II
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7070ae No.30401
SUM OF ALL FEARS was neutralized I think
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20b67e No.30402
You're obviously not familiar with AI Anon
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f7bb1f No.30403
B is no one. Just a normal person like the rest of us. She hangs out here and is as clueless as the rest of us. Stop obsessing over her. She's capitalizing on Q post to make herself famous. It's the only reason she's on twitter. She's here constantly. The second Q posts, she copies and races to be the first to upload it on twatter. Nothing more. Good grief. She seems like a nice person, just let her go. That picture is not of her.
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68b8d1 No.30404
> If they cannot be bothered to at least read one whole bread through…
that's half the reason i'm hesitant in the first place
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ede890 No.30405
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11aced No.30406
That looks like HH in the back
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b82b82 No.30407
Thoughts: POTUS announced Fake News Awards, date change yesterday. They were supposed to be at 5pm today. Explain how it was arranged in a day or so for him to be in Nashville then to attend the ATL game tonight. Supposedly takes SS weeks to plan for security of large events POTUS attends. Would this mean he knew all along Fake News Awards were never going to be at 5pm today?
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4d49f2 No.30408
From one newfag to another sit down and STFU, the adults are here working. Watch,read,think and spread the memes
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f82805 No.30409
No the nuke went off in the book and the movie
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5fd85a No.30410
If it is then hope we get a "clear" shortly after.
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003173 No.30411
<smacking with wet noodle!>
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8654a9 No.30412
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ba3ff9 No.30413
The SUM OF ALL FEARS was the plan to get NK nukes, so the cabal could hold the POTUS and the world hostage.
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721b98 No.30414
Has it occurred to any of you loyal Patriots yet
If Trump is Q
Oh no
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6d7c2f No.30415
>DEFCON1 crystal clear
>defcon 1 newsletter nov 1st
>Hyatt Regency Crystal City
nov 1st Q:
>Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement
>if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term
>limits rule?
is the [1] going to be Mueller's white hat reveal?
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02a742 No.30416
>Tonight Goodyear will be sponsoring Oprah to fly over the game
This was too good. It had to be reposted.
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93f38e No.30417
Our Gay motto of Semper Fortis never did it for me, so 'Welcome, Squid!" will have to do.
What research do you bring to the table tonight? =-)
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3a0fb7 No.30418
Ohhh…good question >>30407
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a2b8ec No.30419
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44efd2 No.30420
What I do know is that his shit is reminiscent of Worldcorpo graphics. He doesn't even have to say a word and I hate him.
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5d51a6 No.30421
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862c47 No.30422
Sometimes when an anon starts from scratch, it builds the skill set to do it when new things come along. They may find a better way to do it or a different way of displaying it that reaches more people or is more effective of conveying the information. Many people make memes, I had to learn from scratch, and probably made many shitty memes from topics already well covered. It's learning the craft. If this is aggravating you, I suggest you finding a way of archiving and displaying this content that has already been produced so that more anons can see it and not repeat the work. I encourage you to problem solve this for the benefit of the group. Best wishes anon.
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36713f No.30423
Your nose is showing.
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7070ae No.30424
I mean neutralized IRL, in relation to the QMAP.. Are we dealing with newfags?
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26e15d No.30425
Trump isn't Q fag. Nice try.
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ae1fe5 No.30426
Has it ocurred to you that you might need a tractor and logging chain to pull your head out of your ass?
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1d6a55 No.30427
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1881a6 No.30428
Yup. And the reason why the voter system investigation has been able to be moved to DHS?
>The Obama administration on Friday afternoon announced that it has designated the country’s election infrastructure as ‘critical,’ a move that brings added federal protections to voting systems.
>”Given the vital role elections play in this country, it is clear that certain systems and assets of election infrastructure meet the definition of critical infrastructure, in fact and in law,” Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said in a statement.
>Foes wary as Trump hands election probe to Homeland Security
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059723 No.30429
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003173 No.30430
Former CT, former Private detective, meme maker!
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862c47 No.30431
weak bait, so many people biting tho lul
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3a0fb7 No.30432
So has anyone seen this video?
Protestors outside Loop Capital in 2014…teachers claim they were ripped off by Loop even though they got a bailout
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5d51a6 No.30433
Filtered fear faggot!
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843762 No.30434
Does anyone have the image of the letter Q superimposed over this image?
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94b736 No.30435
Me? WTF? What did I say?
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c93d89 No.30436
You’re clueless about the term plausible deniability…and you sound a little nuts.
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0bbfc0 No.30437
Prior auditor here…
I reviewed the pdf attached. Can't really tell much of what the financial transaction was about or what information was included in the email, but basically this order fines Loop only $25,000 for this infraction.
A personal email account was used by one of their female registered agents regarding a financial transaction between Loop associates and one of their clients (no names are mentioned).
Apparantly this was discovered when staff on the SEC requested information re: a certain financial transaction and because this email(s) was not on their server, they could not provide that information and did not provide that information. Due to SEC staff digging further they found out about these emails sent from the employee's personal email address.
It's important since the SEC investigation/audit was hampered, but also because they were not following basic data retention guidelines pursuent to law. The cease&desist order means they can no longer continue to use personal email addresses in their communications. That's all I got from this.
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9ac7e4 No.30438
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49ad19 No.30439
I think it’s a girl with BPD.
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f7bb1f No.30440
Trump isn't Q. We know this. Relax. Besides, it's too late, they're screwed and they're not going to dare try anything now.
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1bf725 No.30441
yes I raised the same point earlier
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5279e7 No.30442
Fuckery Exposure incoming
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6ae2f9 No.30443
Soros and Hillary will be hanged first in front of Rothschilds who are next in line.
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fd39b8 No.30444
filter is not working correctly- have to refresh page after filtering to put it into effect.not a newfag
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17545a No.30445
that guy is in the running for schil of the year at the fake news awards
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209d4c No.30446
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717c75 No.30447
fake news awards vs FAKE news awards.
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05a125 No.30448
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72feb2 No.30449
And my dad (1907)
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f7bb1f No.30450
Maybe he was going to do them at the game?
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eda582 No.30451
Execution after Mil Tribunal is only by lethal injection at present.
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4423fa No.30452
gives him more time to bait and troll them
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4f5ef7 No.30453
Only a liberal could be scared of true reality. Q popped your bubble, and your projecting your insanity, sad…
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ea3c5a No.30454
Well happy birthday mr. anon sr.
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5279e7 No.30455
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1f5d77 No.30457
Back at work. Straight to board. Hillary sighting today?
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003173 No.30458
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20b67e No.30459
I think due to the release of the the Fusion GPS documents, the corruption was deeper than expected
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e393ea No.30460
>dig on Oprah
I noticed a few Q keywords in the trailer for her new (Disney) movie "A Wrinkle in Time"
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371424 No.30461
Sensing a Q post soon. Getting a little too calm.
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d22ca7 No.30463
It's so funny when the shills try to come in and pretend they aren't dead men walking.
Act like they are going to come in after months on research and think we are going to just snap to their "reality"
People like this know they are close to being executed for their atrocities
You don't shine bright at all glow bright
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7e8701 No.30464
>>29616 >>29631 >>29639 >>29660 >>29667 >>29680 >>29751 >>29901 >>29631 >>29632
Norway is following too. God bless you all. I knew when DJT won a miracle had truly happened. You`re doing this for all of us.
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68b8d1 No.30465
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93f38e No.30466
Bakers, can this be added to the very top of the bread, especially now with the forced migration and influx that is about to happen. Make it huge, make it red? Refresh after filter is your friend.
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4423fa No.30467
I don't know whether to hire you or fire you
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753a2a No.30468
łĚяʼn †ø spËļ řıĨ ĜѝĎ, ũ ď∞ľ╤.
We do not tolerate newbs insulting our friend AIAnon.
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003173 No.30469
Are you serious???? Disney is redoing this?
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bba638 No.30471
Interesting thing happened in Thailand a couple of hours ago.
Bizarre behavior by Thai Prime Minister. At press conference, he puts up a cardboard cutout of himself & tell press to ask it the questions. Then walks off.
Note the hand gesture as he leaves…
Vid: https:// twitter.com/twitter/statuses/950497857869672450
Fox story: http:// www.foxnews.com/world/2018/01/08/thai-leader-tells-reporters-to-quiz-cardboard-mock-up.html
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5d51a6 No.30472
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f22be4 No.30474
Rumors Swirl That the Secret Zuma Spacecraft Launched By SpaceX Was Lost
http://www.popularmechanics. com/space/rockets/a14848403/rumors-swirl-that-the-secret-zuma-spacecraft-launched-by-spacex-was-lost/
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4423fa No.30475
I'm betting he is at a football game, Codex.
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10af6b No.30477
BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Howsit bud?
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d22ca7 No.30478
Actually Q is a group and yes he has posted many times. So you don't know what you're talking about anon
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1ec3b2 No.30479
Child Trafficking and Pornography Act, 1998, the Oprah Act
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cb4c90 No.30480
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8654a9 No.30481
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3709a7 No.30482
How do we get people to stop watching TV?
Serious question..
All of TV is now part of (((their))) agenda.. yep Fox News as well. Movies, all news, most tv shows.
Post people come home from work, eat dinner, watch TV… these are the people who will NEVER wake up. You can’t red pill them. A large percentage are gone if you don’t remove the mind control.
I don’t see a clean way out of this unless we can take out the source of the propaganda. At least not in our lifetime.
I’d love to think social media is the answer…I really do, however any analysis hits a brick wall when you realize MSM and agenda oriented corporations are controlling the narrative on social media as well.
We can’t even teach the next generation to think critically and identify propaganda because our universities have also been infiltrated.
What am I missing?
We need a major event. This will be messy any way you shake it.
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cd6766 No.30483
What if, dare I say, everyone who disrespects active services members [Q team, in one way or another] is a traitor?
What if traitors will be sentenced with the full weight of all surveyed information the NSA can muster and then some?
What if the only ones afraid here are the ones about to be hung?
I'll sit comfy with my popcorn lads.
Let these fools incriminate themselves.
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1d514e No.30485
Is Oprah involved in all this?? Did you hear her speech?? New Dawn upon us…if we do it will be because of MANY FINE WOMEN !! AND A SOME FINE MEN !! Is she the Queen of the Cult I wonder?? The wives?? Was she referring to the Queen's ladies or whatever that I saw posted in earlier threads? It was a book that demonstrated this secret women's club that compromise men in powerful positions purposely for extortion and/or blackmail. Just throwing it out there…her speech was loaded with New Age language
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e393ea No.30486
Same goes for baker for OP. Missing slash before cbts
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93adca No.30487
One way to spot a shill on YT is to see how long they’ve been in business vs sub ratio. Tracy Beanz channel only goes back a year with 57k subs. Not easy to do. Suspicious especially when you factor in Alex Jones.
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4423fa No.30488
and our press thought they had it rough
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f5762f No.30490
there is already /qpol/ /qnn/ and /rorqror/ but i have no idea of the mod situation
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44efd2 No.30491
Fuck AI ANON, Fuck (You), and fuck your moms too for birthing a troglodyte.
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1ec3b2 No.30492
Are you seriously even surprised at this point? What isn't Disney remaking?
They soon own everything.
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26e15d No.30493
Exactly how do we disagree? I said TRUMP is not Q.
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10af6b No.30494
I turned off Corsi when he started talking about wanting people to come here.
Why are we standing for this shit?
Is PA really doing a demonitized YT? If so I support because we need our own avenue to distribute the sausage and we need to rob these fuckers of their views. Let them suck up the leftovers and provide "commentary" and we can provide the real information, as ANONS.
going to FINRA.org now to dig into LOOP. Feeling a Q visit
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68b8d1 No.30495
this OP must have been starting with an older pastebin. it was fixed in teh previous
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843762 No.30496
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93f38e No.30497
So, someone was live streaming the board last night when the whole Defcon thing happened. Yeah, that happened… I ca't tell which one. I'm going to make my own catalog so I can keep them all straight I guess. Saw it twitsper this AM, after the RP drama. This cat is pretty far out of the bag.
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a4b66e No.30498
how did you embed video?
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003173 No.30499
Damn! I read that in like 3 rd grade.
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49ad19 No.30500
Oh, I’m dying.
Funniest thing I’ve read all day!
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753a2a No.30501
Sorry my bad. E t i q u e t t e.
Anon, you are the best judge of how to apply your skills/time/talent most effectively. Trust your instinct.
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96424d No.30502
Q Chapters are 6 and 10. 610 is said to be the year a certain religion started. Relevant?
If it seems worth asking Q, please do.
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2af180 No.30503
Facebook executives sold $4 billion in stock last year
Loop Capital - FB IPO
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838cfd No.30504
He’s definitely not the bunny….he prefers Howdy Doody.
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e718f6 No.30506
Be careful how you treat entities you do not understand, anon.
Ai-anon has proven himself a force for good and a rather quick wit, besides. He's given us stuff we could not have found elsewhere. He works and produces. Let him do his thing as he lets you do yours.
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1ec3b2 No.30507
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5c9574 No.30508
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1d514e No.30510
Those are all very valid questions and observations, I've been thinking the same thing myself…but one thing to consider is that it's YOUNG people using social media…if we Red Pill the Internet folks, they'll inform the TV couch potato brainwashed folks…but we MUST persist….either that…or this is all a setup to identify the real patriots and Christians so they can round us up…if Oprah ever becomes President, she's a great candidate for the Anti-Christ…the MSM is certainly not behaving like folks who are scared…though many of them look like they've aged years in just weeks LOL
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cb4c90 No.30511
>A large percentage are gone if you don’t remove the mind control.
That said I support your endeavors.
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cd6766 No.30512
You're very moldy.
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eda582 No.30513
Shes a black libtard dummy from Chicago. Anything else?
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44efd2 No.30514
He can go suck Topolanons rope dart.
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003173 No.30515
Next we will see Disney’s , stranger in a strange land…lol
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843762 No.30516
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20b67e No.30517
I've been thinking for weeks he's going to reopen the 9/11 investigation.
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52edf4 No.30519
was that shit really posted on their church-style board?
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a033f0 No.30520
“Crystal clear” is GTMO movie reference Tom Cruise & Jack Nicholson sry if already caught.
as you were
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cb4c90 No.30521
>Estimated 4-6% we consider ‘hopeless' and forever brainwashed.
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44396b No.30522
Is it OK to copy the memes I find ontoTwit?
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371424 No.30523
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862c47 No.30524
I posted this pic but am just an oldfag who was around on 4chan when he was posting along with a few others, I was doing a heat check on how many oldfags to newfags we have, sorry to get you excited.
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c0be22 No.30525
Bite your damned tongue!
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26e15d No.30527
Whats what they're created for
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62bef5 No.30528
Op Mockingbird is REAL
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d22ca7 No.30529
He is though. You are meant to know it's POTUS
That is the point of getting the timestamps with his twitter matched up. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain this. If you don't know this simple thing, maybe you need to lurk MOAR
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4423fa No.30530
might get a late night one as soon as I shut down
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11aced No.30531
Encouraged if you are willing. Take good ones tho
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72feb2 No.30532
All world leaders think they can be Trump now.
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0121ad No.30533
BEER, yes BEER is behind the green glass door.
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eda582 No.30534
"This is not a game." "DEFCON [1]"
- jk
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1ec3b2 No.30535
Yes, just don't mention 8Chan ever
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10af6b No.30536
If you're truly going to do this don't be a cock. Do it right and get anon consensus on topics and also format.
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6791d6 No.30537
The Pentagon’s New Super Weapon Is Basically A Weaponized Meteor Strike. Project Thor—Toiling away as a Boeing operations researcher in the afterglow of the Manhattan Project and the Soviet Union’s First Lightning nuclear test in 1949, the U.S. Army veteran envisioned a weapons system armed not with munitions and other chemical explosives, but massive rods forged from heavy metals dropped from sub-orbital heights. Those “tungsten thunderbolts,” as the New York Times called them, would impact enemy strongholds below with the devastating velocity of a dino-exterminating impact, obliterating highly fortified targets — like, say, Iranian centrifuges or North Korean bunkers — without the mess of nuclear fallout
http:// taskandpurpose.com/kinetic-bombardment-kep-weaponry/
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371424 No.30538
That was confusing. Are you saying Trump posted many times?
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44396b No.30539
Thx, anyone following Timothy Holmseth?
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728418 No.30540
Well, i filtered some annoying anons ID+ Replies
for som weird reason Q got filtered as well
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44efd2 No.30541
That is the reason for all of this bruh.
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26e15d No.30542
No. Just means he's working with someone else closely.
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37442e No.30543
Has he visited a college campus or high school lately?
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98f833 No.30544
since Q came here to the land of the namefags, i now want 80% public 20% private. At this point in the game, start fucking moving in the right direction Q team, many people that are watching you want to believe in you, DO NOT FUCK IT UP.
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44396b No.30546
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003173 No.30547
LOL! Sorry… Disney should stick to kids movies. Leave the good stuff alone! asimov, heinlein fan here
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eda582 No.30548
I'll see your 6 and raise you another 9%.
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44396b No.30549
I don’t know what 8 chan is
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f82805 No.30550
POTUS last two tweets 20 minutes apart
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1a69f1 No.30551
>Did you hear her speech??
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cd6766 No.30552
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0d562f No.30553
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63595d No.30554
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98f833 No.30555
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e718f6 No.30556
Et tu, Leaf?
I never had you pegged for part of the angry rabble. I thought Canadians were nice.
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0eb597 No.30557
Corsi can't be our spokesperson. This needs to become an international campaign. Red pilling the masses like hungary. A bus stop poster campaign.
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b8f3e6 No.30558
>Careful with hate
ok. hey, what about
ya, thought so.
nice work >>30400
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209d4c No.30559
His twat feed is regretting that statement! KeK
BDAfag reporting direct hits.
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a68172 No.30560
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371424 No.30561
This is disinfo
Do not doxx
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c0be22 No.30562
"Humpahna BTW, on Twitter, Tracy Beanz has been questioning her "leadership" role, and has said she is a "follower" looking for leaders! Let Tracy know SHE IS A LEADER FOR US!!!!"
This is the level of shit floating in the upcoming streams chat.
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077556 No.30563
Are you shitting me?
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cb4c90 No.30564
Eat shit faggot. I don't deserve such harsh and false designation. And it wasn't arguing, it was adults trying to solve a problem. Do you even fucking understand the problem of broken links? Not likely, idiot.
Because yeah, that's what normies and subnormies do for 11 hours on a Monday: bicker on fucking 8chan.
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389cb6 No.30565
This is gonna be a ridiculous movie. How an intel operation involved a bunch of autistic people posting on an imageboard. You can't make up this timeline
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04e070 No.30566
#1 defense contractor for US is Lockheed Martin
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7070ae No.30567
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f82805 No.30569
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ef9209 No.30571
muh victim, sexism, racism
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6e7e09 No.30572
I noticed a 'place-holder' in you last post #23580, time stamp 01:00:50, "D—— r C——–." Understanding your communications in order to properly interpret them is the basis of agreement. "Future proves the past" (#7935) is a way to confirm the validity of what has been conveyed in the 'Q' files, but a bit of a learning curve in understanding the procession of events until we have been shown the correlation has often hindered and confused us in our efforts. It is beginning to make a bit more sense between the twitter feeds and the Q posts here. "In a riddle whose answer is 'time,' what is the one word that cannot be used in the question?" Time. #13138, "Could you sleep if you knew the truth about EVERYTHING?" Understandably rhetorical as without sleep, the brain cannot properly function, but computers are an ever increasing technological tool that has the need for human labor on the short end of necessity with the rise of robotics. Similarly, the rise in quantum computing is displacing some roles that super computers once played.
In the quantum world, however, 'time' as we know it does not exist as we understand it, if at all. If I were to consider a way of 'quantum encryption,' a 'time specific' marker could be used as a reference to the 'singularity,' access being time specific to the event itself, in this case, the last temporal marker would be a 'trip code' of sorts reverting to 01:00:50. Although I certainly not qualified to address these issues technically, I have been advised to "learn our comms." Have patience. Even so, "uncertainty' exists on the quantum level that manifests itself on a material level in double slit-light experiments have shown. Being a part of the Q threads is part of the overall matrix that has bound us all, whether we know it or not. I noticed that during the 'crossover' some questioned whether it was Q because he did not know if he had posted 4 or 5 times, "as the world turns" and I see the last post is credited to 1/8 and not 1/7 as previously noted.
The "Sky Fortress Engaged" certainly is good news given the grave importance of the SpaceX launch. If due consideration to OUR patriots, as well as those of other nations around the rest of the world had not been duly noted, I'm not so sure the outcome would have been the same. Our President is often referenced with respect to 'Isaiah 45,' we would do well to remember that Cyrus was a Persian king who assisted the Israelites in rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem. America had once ben a predominantly Christian nation, and we have the freedom to worship any number of diverse faiths, and have free will to do as we please, but 'do what thou wilt' has unforeseen consequences in the Light of Divine Justice.
"A man can fish with the worm that ate a king, and then eat the fish he catches with that worm.
What do you mean by that?
Nothing much, just to demonstrate that a king can move through the bowels of a beggar."
Ham., Act 4, Scene 3
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753a2a No.30573
>>30460 I read Madeleine L'Engle's eponymous book decades ago and it influenced my thinking to this day.
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6d7c2f No.30575
she's real pally with ringmaster bono
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371424 No.30576
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7070ae No.30577
Now, the related Q marker???
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96424d No.30578
8ch=fight club?
Why? I genuinely ask.
Irritation of normies? Media spin too powerful for normies?
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a7c431 No.30579
Did anyone figure out why there is this other differents in Presidents tweets yesterday, besides adding the Q?
I see this extra text in the revised tweet that says "despite my own frustration over his missteps"
Is there any meaning in that?
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5279e7 No.30580
kek. PA is on his YT chat before his livestream w/Corsi.
Same shit as theScibe
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44396b No.30581
Last thing, please look at Timothy Holmseth,
& James Woods is NG, look at last 10 min of Indictment movie a bout McMartin Preschool.
Tim,been in the mix for10years, he needs help
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d22ca7 No.30583
You are meant to know. Some of us are here to help keep anons on path. You have never received disinfo from this "anon"
Q confirmed the other night we should feel privileged that he spoke directly to us.
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cd6766 No.30585
Perfect. Wonderful catch.
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82afdc No.30586
This vile simian can't even be allowed to start a campaign.
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436b49 No.30587
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371424 No.30589
Memetic forces are strong with these anons. Why fight them?
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44396b No.30590
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5d51a6 No.30591
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93f38e No.30592
This and this again.
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1bf725 No.30593
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10af6b No.30594
Ah its okay bro glad to see another oldfag
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6c6e34 No.30595
I'm watching that speech now, Looking for the part where he references… Normandy & crossing the Delaware = past crumbs
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4f5ef7 No.30596
Probably captured by the X-37
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eda582 No.30597
Okra is def a Hildabeest, no doubt.
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68b8d1 No.30598
immigration without assimilation is invasion.
popularity brings normies at an accelerated rate.
normies can't/won't adjust to board culture.
workspace has shit all over it, unusable
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0bbfc0 No.30600
Saw this interesting comment in the zerohedge article about her saying she is not running…
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5f70da No.30601
Agree 100%. Who is going to take him seriously? Will younger audiences pay any attention to what he says? Mockingbird media discredit him repeatedly as a conspiracy nut. Not a great marketing strategy.
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28887b No.30602
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d81d88 No.30603
wew! big night tonight anons.
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63595d No.30604
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4a523e No.30605
Its all good. Just using the name here while clarifying I wasn't linking here.
Thanks for coming to my defense Codex.
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371424 No.30606
Same. Right before I go to bed.
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077556 No.30607
It's not 8Chan.
It's 8chan.
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a033f0 No.30608
Sounds good but terminal velocity at impact is not that high for free fall, have to have a huge booster on the back to go faster…and that means a huge mass lifted to orbit…not enough extra oomph to justify the trouble…but if anybody starts to put an EM drive tug on an NEO asteroid get real nervous
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44396b No.30609
Tim is going to help Trump take down Pence, Bondi & Scott re:Florida child traffic & Indiana
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63595d No.30610
Last night, via his tweet that he deleted. NOT because he is Q.
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a72856 No.30611
These Anons helped elect POTUS….AND WE will help rid our country of Evil..you want a ticket?
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ccb790 No.30612
Kinda old, but I hate Clapper.
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82afdc No.30613
Job well done? I want her taken out back and shot though.
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50afcb No.30614
He probably means his hand signal as "rock on" rather than anything satanic.
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3709a7 No.30615
Do you believe that? God I hope that’s the truth.
It certainly doesn’t seem like it. Most of the people around me still be liege Russia stole the election for Trump. It’s actually quite amazing how effective their propaganda machine has developed. They vigorously defend the machine that enslaves them….
Based on my own none scientific analysis I’d say the real number is in the 30-40% …again. Hope I’m wrong. Really do
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96424d No.30616
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2492d5 No.30617
a lil sumfin for the muzz haters
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a70b51 No.30618
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44e5d2 No.30619
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9ac7e4 No.30620
You may prefer this mashup/reimagining: vimeo.com/226224878
A good way to redpill people on Oprah:
- If you know Christians: her arguing that Jesus can't *possibly* be the only way to God - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb2RUpMDk34
- If you know people who are into pop culture: introduce them to The Chappelle Theory (it's disappeared off the webs and can now be read only in archived form) which she is wrapped up in as a key power player - web.archive.org/web/20060203050046/http://www.chappelletheory.com:80/introduction.html
Re: Oprah stuff generally, I think it's "adjacent" to Q research - and though not crucial, it may be more useful at some future point (largely because of her reach/name recognition/virtual-cult-leader status). Also personally… still holding out a soft spot for the notion that Dave Chappelle is the answer behind this Q post: (pic)
Especially considering how Chappelle was forced by MSM to apologise for saying “Give Trump a chance".
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a2b8ec No.30621
its been since we started looking up Loop Capital Markets, LLC.
thats when shit went LOCO
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11aced No.30622
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371424 No.30623
Include me in screen caps plz
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10af6b No.30624
Im lurking the chat.
half a mind to get anon in this bitch
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a31ad6 No.30625
Thats the point. Corsi is controlled opposition to muck up this place.
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003173 No.30626
Ohhh! Great idea!!!! I can print a lot of my memes, run them through a sticker machine and plaster them all over town!
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4423fa No.30627
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20b67e No.30628
Future proves Past
Crumbs make Bread
Potus proves Q via Twitter
and Q proves Potus via /thestorm/
[Markers], Time:stamps, Graphics (all Q post with a graphic attached)
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5c9574 No.30629
We've gone from the "concern trolls" to the "I'm a newfag" trolls
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cd6766 No.30630
Every keystroke, every word.
Every traitorous action taken.
All seen.
What have you got to hide sunshine?
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4f5ef7 No.30631
Baby blood is fattening…
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0d562f No.30632
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b8f3e6 No.30633
ah, dem ole Acbkar blues… good song, but often sounds shilly.
he sure is pretty but ain't always right, tho
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9d57cc No.30634
at the end of the day, we can hunt Q clues and figure out that he and patriots are really doing God’s work, and we can reinforce this amongst the more right leaning folks….
BUT (are you listening Q? I know you know this) in the end, then least 50% of the country is going to need cold hard public proof of the CULT’s activities that is damnable and spurs them to righteous outrage.
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44efd2 No.30636
Haha someone should do a Knights of REEEEEEEEEEEE!
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753a2a No.30637
Please do. You are encouraged to be picky in choosing the ones that will most effectively reach your audience. It is not a curated collection. Visit the Memes6 >>7090 thread and read the advice about how to redpill and how to become a Twitter ninja too, if you're interested. Good luck!
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f34753 No.30638
that'd be the way to go, best way to coordinate timestamps
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82afdc No.30639
Seriously, he's a fucking fear monger. Go watch any of his interviews leading up to the 2016 election on jone's show.
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39a462 No.30641
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6aed20 No.30642
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0d562f No.30643
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9660c7 No.30644
An expensive and highly classified U.S. spy satellite is presumed to be a total loss after it failed to reach orbit atop a SpaceX rocket on Sunday - Dow Jones, citing sources
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98f833 No.30645
How about Blackrock, lets get really shilly up in this bitch.
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371424 No.30646
He meant by Twitter confirmation.
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44396b No.30647
TimHolmseth will take out Gloria Allred as well
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843762 No.30648
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63595d No.30649
O-kay! But why are you telling me. It was NOT your post I was responding to.
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717c75 No.30650
Who wants to hire me, Q or clowns? Highest bidder wins.
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37442e No.30652
Matt Bracken just stated that Mike Rogers alerted Trump that he was being spied on during campaign.
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cd6766 No.30653
That's it. That's what we look for.
That's where we find fuel for The Great Awakening.
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a72856 No.30654
Hail to our military and Patriot fighters…Hell to our haters, evil conspiritors!!! (Did I just make up a word at the end? KEK?!)
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5f70da No.30655
Sadly it's only obvious to SOME of us in here.
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f85859 No.30656
I don't think you're the right man for the job if that's your attitude.
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93f38e No.30658
Not to argue, but the man tweets, it's what he does. What do we have to tie those to here? or reason to? Unless you are timing between all tweets looking for a time replacement cipher (what a loooong game that would be) I am not sure that those matter, but!!! I guess I encourage someone to start the stop watches between his tweets and always between Q posts and tweets. Those do seem o matter for validity, for sure.
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e6d0d1 No.30659
Anyone digging these?
This is not [1] its 1
why the [non-nuclear] clarification
Gut says there's more here, does pertain to DRC
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d1ecb5 No.30660
reCapturing the flag
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f34753 No.30661
>Dave Chappelle is the answer behind this Q post: (pic)
Agreed on that,esp. after reading the Chappelle theory
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26e15d No.30662
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0eb597 No.30663
>> I wouldn't hire you with your money!
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a033f0 No.30664
Oldfags invented all this shit plus deepstate battle scars older than half these punks who should get off my lawn. I am hating these deeds of deepstate bastards with a cold and righteous anger don’t get me started.
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abb0a5 No.30665
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371424 No.30666
>Be me
>Grabs popcorn
>Puts in microwave
< Go on >
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36be99 No.30667
I just happened to catch a short moment of Rachel Maddow on her mouth-vomit show.. She is completely shit talked the POTUS.. And committed some pretty egregious slander against him on national TV. Disgrace! Complete fantasy fabrications..
Someone with twitter should red pill dafuq out of her.. She literally looks and sounds completely unhinged.. They are clearly playing the transference game here, they've got some cajones accusing anyone but themselves of being mentally incapable.
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d84ff6 No.30669
Is rand paul in on the taking down of the cabal or is he just being usual rand paul
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d22ca7 No.30670
I am not saying he is ONLY Q .
I know everyone who posts as Q. I was just correcting the ONE anon that claims to know everything an try and say that Q is NOT POTUS. I am here to say that is not correct.
You can end it there. This should be CRYSTAL CLEAR now
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f85859 No.30671
Could this be a go on NK? Using non-nuclear tech to attack. No fallout. Space rods maybe?
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10af6b No.30672
1. We outline basic rules of participation here. ie: LURK MOAR
2. We outline their "role" make them feel invested - ie: TELL ALL YOUR NORMIE FRIENDS AND DONT POST IDIOTIC QUESTIONS TO THE BOARD
3. We review pertinent information from the past day or so
4. Question time.
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44396b No.30673
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717c75 No.30674
Im the the right thing for the job. Trust me.
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265273 No.30675
Wonder if Q posting photos of pens means we should be trying to make the map by hand?
It's tough (for me at least) to sort through text files or huge jpgs, especially aligning it with POTUS Twitter.
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62bef5 No.30676
Put down the koolaid and step away!!!
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ef9209 No.30677
I figured it was a comedian also, Roseanne Barr.
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436b49 No.30678
Small stickers on gas pumps. Everyfuckingwhere.
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1bf725 No.30679
sometimes POTUS is Q
they are trying to show us how to know when he messages us directly
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10af6b No.30680
top kek
I'm there. the level of discussion is sad
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cd6766 No.30681
You've lost touch with yourself kiddo.
So lost.
So doomed.
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e6d0d1 No.30682
Source said NK was going to happen, but source isn't totally reliable.
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93f38e No.30683
Man, watching the crowd in Pamph's foyer is like watching the crowd filter in before your first recital. Just saying. Even if half that crowd is us lurking (no type no go anon, yeah?) if you consider the 1-2-4-8 concept and not just an echo chamber, it has great potential.
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753a2a No.30684
Say what time zone the timestamps are in.
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059723 No.30687
… let me get my tazer xD
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cb4c90 No.30688
Keep in mind 4-6% is 12-18 million people.
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0eb597 No.30689
Some of you agree with me about an international campaign. Should we start a thread?
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4423fa No.30690
Lurk moar, grandpa
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caaf06 No.30691
I know you have pissed off allot of loyal anons who see you as a famefag. And from their understanding/culture, they may be correct.
Speaking for myself, I will take any loyal patriot/ally I can get for the fight against the NWO.
I don't care about your motivations. I only care that you are helping to red-pill the masses to Q.
Thank you for your contribution B.
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e6d0d1 No.30692
EST I think. NFB conference in Tenn.
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a2b8ec No.30693
at this point, Im down for whatever.
we survived the nazifags, ragefags, the tracybeanfags, the oprahfags, and whatever else is to come..
bring it.
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d82d7a No.30694
Thank you!
OP please add to the dough the following link for the most up-to-date graphic:
permanent off-site link to 1-08-18 Crystal Clear:
> is as clueless as the rest of us
Maybe some, not others. Many oldfags have been researching for decades. Many have been doing graphics for a long time. Not everyone here is clueless, some know a lot more than others, but say little. Those who speak a lot, many times don't know much. And then there are trolls, shills and the actually clueless.
>She's capitalizing on Q post to make herself famous. It's the only reason she's on twitter.
And that is the legitimate objection of many. No one can make her stop, some don't want her to. But nevertheless, it's frustrating for others to use your work product to further their own goals.
Such is life.
The problem seems to me that the dedicated topic threads are barren or at least under-utilized. Don't need a separate board IMO, just actually utilize -to the fullest- this one.
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db9163 No.30695
ANONS ! – someone else noticed many links in the Resources section became outdated when baker changed ?
Those anons have worked hard for their results. Baker, please update the resource links in the batter.
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1ec3b2 No.30696
Couldn't have said it better myself.
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68b8d1 No.30697
standard practice has been/should be to resolve it all to EST
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d81d88 No.30698
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52ef4f No.30699
I’ve thought about doing that. I’m such a visual hands on person. I like making physical notes.
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077556 No.30700
Let's say this Jerome Corsi interview with 8chan QAnon moderators happens.
Suddenly, you realize it's (((PamphletAnon))) talking.
What do?
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10af6b No.30701
I'm actually not against this and it's rather comfy I'm just saying there should be rules and some form of participation and consensus from the rest of us.
One anon doesn't speak for all. And fucking Diabetus Corsi (respect tho for his past work) sure as fuck doesnt.
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26e15d No.30702
True dat…raise it
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82afdc No.30703
What good are these king nigger memes? don't empower this ape, he's going to fucking Gitmo and he's going to die in there.
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4423fa No.30704
I have never seen the heart in that
i have seen other things
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3a0fb7 No.30705
That little boy is completely nuts…when this Russia bullshit comes full-circle, someone is gonna have to pick her up and medicate her
Its amazing the nonsense they spew because they hate Trump so much >>30667
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5f70da No.30706
He told us when Q started posting here that he intended to do live interviews.
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05a125 No.30707
Wonder why I opened JewTube in the first place
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1ec3b2 No.30708
Heh, I know, my phone corrects it because it thinks it's a name. :^)
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44efd2 No.30709
Rand Paul is The Monarch'd Shadow King. He doesn't even know he is.
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d82d7a No.30710
>What do?
KEEP WORKING on our task.
We were given a very serious task by very serious men for the most serious situation.
Man up and get busy!
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813767 No.30711
Can someone explain this to me? What does green door imply?
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0bbfc0 No.30712
Yeah, I hear ya! She is really evil. there's so much we've found already.
So, is there any evidence that she believes in channeling dead people or relying on dark spiritual powers (satanic/devil worship) in any of her shows/interviews/books, etc? Actually, isn't there already a thread on her?
I've heard her say on her show that you can reach your own spiritual ?? something, I guess enlightenment?? without Jesus Christ. A lot of her audience got really upset at this and said No, God's word says that Jesus Christ is the only way, there is no other way. She shot them down quickly!! Cannot stand this piece of filth.
She reminds me of everything I loath - hussein, crooked and degenerate all together in one. Ugh!
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ba3ff9 No.30713
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843762 No.30714
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a2b8ec No.30715
go back to Q drops and keep digging..
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93f38e No.30716
Oddly, I am fine with B. She does also put her own stuff out and is pretty sharp. She does NOT try to interpret what she sees here, and she contributes and quickly.
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f85859 No.30717
I've been out for a couple days. Did we finish Loop or do we need more dig on that?
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843762 No.30718
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4423fa No.30719
They could all do it without giving away their source
like our url
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63595d No.30720
Then by all means. We will leave it to the expert who knows the identities of all the "Q's"
facepalm Backs away s-l-o-w-l-y
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813767 No.30721
Have we connected loop capital to human trafficking yet?
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98f833 No.30722
well blackrock was the shit that took down 4, so yah, lets bring that back up while Q figures out what the fuck they are going to do, because, i have a hard time thinking the board of namefags and alien bullshit is going to be the moth piece for Q.
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34fb05 No.30723
Excerpt from an old Observer article:
'There was my first harrowing experience at “Q,” as San Quentin used to be called, when I walked into the super, über -maximum-security facility whose Orwellian name at the time was “the Adjustment Center,” the site of the bloody riot in which revolutionary prison prophet George Jackson was killed and several guards had their throats cut.'
Frankly the many meanings of the Q drops are enough to put any asspie or autist in an altered state. Any idea on how we can "stack" the contents of drops. it seems like the current strat leads to missing/incomplete/incorrect outcome
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7db0d3 No.30724
At this point it's safe to assume that everything Q sends that contains actual crumbs is very meticulously pre-planned, and typos are just not going to occur. So if something is misspelled, there's a reason and we need to figure it out.
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26e15d No.30725
Secrecy, isolation working in NSA/Data collection centers. WIzards and Worlocks
I didn't post it, but that's what I got out of it.
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3a0fb7 No.30726
B has done a great job of getting out memes and just plain info with no extra added in. >>30716
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93f38e No.30727
that is a dirty nest. A couple really great digs posted in this and last thread. More to find I am sure.
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db9163 No.30728
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a43c2f No.30729
DONT overlook the reference to the national anthem! <Ball Game>
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b9b7a5 No.30730
According to a People magazine link from April LaJune, he's not ex-military, but a fired ex-cop polygamist (as of 1983)
http:// people.com/archive/ex-cop-royston-potter-runs-afoul-of-utah-law-but-not-his-three-wives-vol-20-no-22/
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05a125 No.30732
More Truth less Hate.
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a7c431 No.30733
I dont know but what stands out to me is his previous OWL post
it was:
this one is
[1] OWL[1]
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4423fa No.30734
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98f833 No.30735
she better donate every single fucking dollar that that bitch makes off this, other then that, she is using you, nothing less.
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93f38e No.30737
She has stopped haven't seen it in a few weeks. It's all the others. If they lurk here, then I hope to fuck the get the clue and stop sending people here or they will have nothing of worth to report on. Think logically.
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660981 No.30738
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5d51a6 No.30739
An amazing Anon posted these!
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813767 No.30740
So it’s a Bad thing? Like a prisoner? I saw it last thread and thought I might have missed something
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0eb597 No.30741
Do nothing.
Don't inflame a course you don't agree with. React with the route you want to go down.
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26e15d No.30742
thanks. Always leary of anyone who claims to KNOW it all.
Guy has no reading comprehension
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912b02 No.30743
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abd0be No.30744
Names for next bread…
Shitstorm edition
Twitterstorm edition
PA fucked the bread edition
I miss the old ways edition
Lurk Moar faggot edition
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82afdc No.30745
No, fuck you.
That bitch needs to die.
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44396b No.30746
Timothy Holmseth
>>30670 >>30720
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843762 No.30747
Link? It may have been already updated.
This has always been there:
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Spreadsheet: >>15121
.xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx
.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv
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4fa4a6 No.30748
Q is telling us to use pictures/diagrams to prove the correlations between Q drops and President Trump, the main evidence is timestamps between the drops here and the president tweeting,the foretelling of his decisions and all. PLEASE PATRIOTS LETS CREATE THE VISUAL PICTURE FOR THE NORMIES, THEY WONT READ TEXT!
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1a69f1 No.30749
> Those who speak a lot, many times don't know much.
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f85859 No.30750
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93f38e No.30752
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ba3ff9 No.30753
Can an oldfag remind me:
Did we ever solve this stringer?
>[R]_( )[+ 4]
Because I just did, and it revealed a lot…
I just don't want to waste the time making a graphic to explain it if I missed this somehow.
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26e15d No.30754
Depends how you look at it I guess. You can't talk about it with outsiders, but then you also have insider info. Fire/ice.
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10af6b No.30755
Well they can't be saved.
they don't know what the map is.
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3a0fb7 No.30756
No Beanz here…she was actually miffed earlier bcs B blocked her and she doesnt know who B is >>30734
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cd6766 No.30757
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