b34367 No.15056 [Last50 Posts]
The Republic of The United States of America is being Restored
The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.
There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.
Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.
It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here Are The Facts:
There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22
There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.
As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.
Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.
Solution? Sincere Patriots.
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. ― Thomas Jefferson'''
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our Goal Is Simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE]. We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
Important Post for Q From CodeMonkey:
"The best, easiest and most secure way to do this would be for Q to become a board owner himself.
Q should create his own board via 8ch.net/create.php. Once the board is secured, he should edit the board settings and enable the CAPS ONLY function. When that happens, only moderators can create threads. Once he creates a thread, he can then lock it so only he can post there. In this case, he won't lose the board because it's explicitly for data dumps only (there are many boards like this on 8chan, like PDF libraries, personal blogs etc.). Discussion would continue on /thestorm/ or any other board of your choice.
If you need help setting this up, I'm all ears. No need for private communications whatsoever."
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
b34367 No.15059
>>13696 rt >>13655 "Mark graphic material": gop.gov/solution_content/plannedparenthood/
>>13138 rt >>13129
>>13128 rt >>13104
>>13097 rt >>13061
>>8223 rt >>8172
>>8159 rt >>8109
>>7958 rt >>7935
01/05/18 CBTS:
Q posts in /thestorm/ after migration:
[All posts together]
Posts on 01/05/18 (EST) (Archive only)
#299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –
www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118
#295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –
media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg
>>>/cbts/249169 -> Graphic
>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.
01/04/18 (EST)
>>>/cbts/239015 rt >>>/pol/res/11115887
>>>/cbts/249169 -> Graphic
>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.
>>>/cbts/239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation
>>>/cbts/239917 -> Confirmation The Second
>>>/cbts/239968 -> BO Confirms
C!0demonkey NEW message on Q/BO Controversy 06/01
C!0Demonkey Confirms Q post made in /thestorm 06/01
C!0demonkey on making a CBTS secure board per Q's request
The Board Owner Q IS BACK Tripcode Update
Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update
C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement
Board Owner's emergency announcement
>>>/cbts/224690 ← Modanon explains
Q's Tripcodes
For posterity, here are the old trips Q had used so far:
Q !UW.yye1fxo
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Q !2nVA4xm522
(last trip was wrong trip due to error in entering password)
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b34367 No.15068
Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)
1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg
2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg
3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg
4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg
5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png
6: s20.postimg. org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg
Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/
NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/
This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.
Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.
==Learn to Read The Map–
New throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/
https:// oversight.house.gov/interactivepage/plannedparenthood/
New Spreadsheet
New smartsheet spreadsheet has been made.
NEW LINK: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232
NOTE: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.
We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.
THANK YOU all anons who have helped out, added answers, found news items, given support and had patience with this project.
Latest Q Map - Camp David Weekend Edition
>>>/cbts/252184 media.8ch.net/file_store/92a7a7fd28c4fb2505bfc47e0fe2b370a82dc22ab9a2a4f0c27b7aa80f9cec27.jpg
Q Posts 2017 (meta, txt & html): 460 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/b93ccf2f2476b34fff65be9f0ad4e75a
Interactive: qcodefag.github.io
Interactive backup: qanonmap.github.io
News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
Raw Text Q Dump: Raw Text Q Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE
Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/K2s7vcd1bc/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.4.1.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/Qax6v7dbb3/Q_Spreadsheet_DATASET_-_01-06.csv >>11976
Time Stamp Spreadsheets: .xls - anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx .csv - anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
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b34367 No.15071
CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Archive of all 8chan /cbts/ Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Q Posts & DJT Tweets Side by Side For Comparison - As Q Requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>>/cbts/111700, >>>/cbts/119941
Free research resources: >>>/cbts/216402
For site archival: archive.fo/
Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Reverse Image Search: tineye.com
Compilation of all players/actors and connections: >>13189
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx
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b34367 No.15073
>>14309 JFK Chaos
>>13981 RR Sister Vaccines for CDC?
>>13959 Body Parts?
>>13925 BHO and Pepsi
>>14152 rt >>13838 Epiphany!
>>13760 , >>14161 7th floor is no more
>>13655 PP - Planned Parenthood
Thread News Section Consolidation 1.1.18 to 7.1.18:' >>14759
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>11987 Airplanes missing and Eric Schmidt
>>14771 Notable Posts Consolidation 1.1.18 to 7.1.18
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
More info: >>>/cbts/140461
>>>/cbts/120430 (Petition)
/// POST BREAK ///
Research Resources >>>/cbts/211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>>/cbts/26613
Asia Foundation >>>/cbts/15984
Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705
British Connections >>>/cbts/117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>>/cbts/1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>>/cbts/195194
Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952
Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102
Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163
Israel & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398
Many research links here to give background on current events >>>/cbts/255999
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>>/cbts/147334
North Korea >>>/cbts/1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249
Plane Crashes Thread >>>/cbts/56075
Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198
Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300
Planned Parenthood* >>13655
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171
Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157
Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327
Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139
Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576
Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367
Stringers, military courts >>>/cbts/189447
Titanic >>>/cbts/106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346
Who is P? >>>/cbts/202645
* ==Emphasized by Q==
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>>/cbts/211983.
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1: >>>/cbts/2
Memes #2: >>>/cbts/61078
Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604
Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207
Infographs: >>>/cbts/10
Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875
Meme Ammo By Topic: pastebin.com/WnudyCpd from >>14323
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b34367 No.15078
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>>/cbts/134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts
Part 1: >>>/cbts/189448
Part 2: >>>/cbts/189460
Part 3: >>>/cbts/189467
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
^^The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>>/cbts/55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http/https://www' part.
e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and the browser will resolve.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Read >>>/cbts/226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart: YOU IGNORE THEM.
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
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b34367 No.15080
Last Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: pastebin.com/3hkcVthg
From thread: #19
Hopefully the consolidated dough is tasty for you, anons.
Baker needed for #20 - paste above
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5b7b5e No.15113
Tasty and warm! Thank you master baker 👨🍳
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384dc5 No.15121
Attention Timestampfags (and baker)
Here are links to my new spreadsheet (pictured). It is a linear list of all tweets and Q posts. The .xls should be color coded as in the pic, but otherwise you can tell the Tweets by the "T" in the Post column.
I started to play with automatically calculating deltas, but honestly it wasn't super useful because you need to be able to look ahead past the immediate neighbor, and discern what is a "match."
So happy hunting!
.xls - https:// anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx
.csv - https:// anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv
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b25145 No.15143
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5b7b5e No.15147
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abd4ea No.15148
Classic Hegelian ploy - set up two seemingly distinct boards that serve a common purpose
Foundation, Second Foundation and the Mule, we're living through Asimov and one has an instinct who is the Mule
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c285bd No.15149
I am re-posting. Don't complain, previous thread close soon after post.
Add ideas.
>What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black popuation?
Many things will happen:
1) Dem. Party discredited forever.
2) Black pop vote for Rep. Party.
3) Latino voters and other minorities follow Black pop and leave Dems forever and vote for Rep. Party.
4) Dems never win an election again.
5) Rep. Party becomes the new party of the people and for the People.
6) Ideal scenario to give final blow to Dems.
7) End of the US 'two party system'.
8) New Political Configuration and Election System for the United States.
9) Total change of paradigm.
10) New society.
11) Freedom.
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67e5cc No.15150
Morning Meme to celebrate new Q posts, yet not forget the old posts.
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b34367 No.15151
Thank you anon. Enjoy.
Nice work anon, thank you for this new resource. I'm sure the next baker will include it. Happy Hunting.
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5d33e1 No.15152
No offense to anyone, I suck at them too, but maybe we should take certain topics to 4ch and make a thread requesting memes and such, without saying anything about the storm, just make it like an organic thread. They are really good at memes….memes here are bad.
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11ce74 No.15153
meanwhile, these military flights are still generally converging.
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c9b022 No.15154
Well, considering the massive influx of anons here to /thestorm/ (not to mention Q himself/herself/themselves), I expect I'll be QUITE busy here taking care of keeping this place a clean, tight ship.
If any immediate important updates need to go out to normies, I might do so. YT as a platform for us is important IMO. The amount of people that myself and the others that joined me in those talks were able to reach…pretty great. And I expect over the coming days and weeks that the number of people seeking this information is going to be increasing significantly. YT will be one of the first places they go. So if I can make time for it and/or it's something essential that needs to be put out there, then sure.
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Post last edited at
d7fc7e No.15155
>7) End of the US 'two party system'.
Dude, please. Power loves a vacuum. Leftists will sieze power in the chaos.
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abd4ea No.15156
The 7th floor is the CIa headquarters top brass
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5b7b5e No.15157
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5136f5 No.15158
So… Hussein is traveling the globe visiting financial institutions…
Moving his offshore monies?
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409bdd No.15159
ok , i will bake #20
>nice job consolidating
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5b7b5e No.15160
Ohhh! wow! I must have missed something big last night!
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11ce74 No.15162
Army Gulfstream just left Washington.
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ef9bb7 No.15163
>>15154 understood keep on keeping on brother
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fff294 No.15164
Good morning fellow anons. I was exhausted after the last two days and fell asleep early. Woke up at 2 AM EST and wanted to get back on, but family put their foot down. Twitter sucks, but it was my instant go to for news of all the huge drops last night. I've done my best to get through those threads, and saw a lot of good work.
I am thinking of heading over to watch the spaceX explosion tonight (not far) and take photos for us. Last bread I saw someone asking for help building definitive proof on how people like MW have raped their positions. I've been working on that for years. I'll see if I can condense and bring it in some usable format for this group. They all lie on their disclosures and tax forms, so I spend a lot of time trying to go back and forth with donor disclosures, when they are available. Foreign groups are hardest for me.
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5b7b5e No.15165
You still have the independent party
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d7fc7e No.15166
The left is probably busy setting up fall guys for the storm, and determining what the new landscape looks like post-storm. They aren't going anywhere.
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e31c9a No.15167
Tasty bread, thanks baker.
Witnessing the normie world reacting to the current chain of events really makes me think that we have not been up to the task of spreading the word and prepare normies to absorb the shock.
The white hats' biggest problem right now is not how to drain the swamp, it is how to drain the swamp without having the public going completely crazy and their enemies capitalize on mass hysteria as their last resort option.
Q is confirming everything we always suspected about the swamp and its atrocities. For them to be able to drain it, they need people to help waking up the brainwashed population and ensure that it can absorb the shock.
```Basically the quality of our work is measured by how hard the news about the swamp can afford to be without the herd going crazy.```
Or if I am wrong on this, kindly explain it to me.
We need to up our game. As Q said we don't have much time. Events are in motion. The less we prepare the field, the harder the political cost will be for the good guys to end the chain of criminal activities. I would really like to see other anons share my opinion.
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0ce80f No.15168
Please sticky Memes6 >>7090
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5b7b5e No.15169
Awesome! Thank you!
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161845 No.15170
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67e5cc No.15171
7th Floor is State Dept.
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699789 No.15172
Hey there, Pamphlet.
Respect for holding down the fort, major responsibility swing.
I agree that YT can be a valuable platform for us to use.
Keep in mind that vanity and general douchebaggery surrounding the "privilege" of being privy to Q has resulted in… well, it's why we're all here instead of still on 4ch or /cbts/
There needs to be a healthy dose of maturity and forward-thinking if this effort is planning to expand its redpilling efforts to YT, otherwise this whole thing will receive infinitely more flak than it already does.
What efforts are in the works now, and what are your goals for the next month, year, seven years if need be? What does the 40,000 ft. view of your outreach plan look like?
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b25145 No.15173
Barack Obama is a Freemasonic member of the Royal Order of Jesters which was founded in Hawaii where Barack Obama is from. The Order of Jesters is a Shriner Order that specializes in mental terrorism. Fully initiated members of the secret societies are involved in human sacrifice and even the consumption of human blood and flesh. Barack Obama sacrificed a woman named Miriam Carey using electronic weaponry and witchcraft. Miriam Carey was reported claiming that Obama was "communicating with her" and she drove from Connecticut to Washington DC where she was shot and killed by police. Most victims of this electronic torment are considered schizophrenic however they are not. She was under electronic targeting carried out by members of the secret societies and it was Barack Obama that lead this attack which caused her death. The police that shot her were also under electromagnetic mind altering influences directed by Freemasons. Most untimely deaths are sacrifices carried out by secret societies using witchcraft and electronic weaponry. The entire modern electronic grid has been designed to enable electronic targeting and this is carried out by members of secret societies trained in hacking. They are using smart phones, apps, and the dark web to coordinate and hack the electronics. The electronics are being hacked and are emitting electromagnetic frequencies that then hack into the brain and the nervous system.
"The Jonas Brothers are here. They're out there somewhere. Sasha and Malia are huge fans. But, boys, don't get any ideas. I have two words for you…predator drones. You will never see it coming. You think I'm joking." - Barack Obama at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner on May 1, 2010
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5d33e1 No.15174
I need sleep but I’ll do some later. We can dig here, and post results there and also reddit. The point is to share! Between reddit fscebook 4chan and twitter you can literally reach millions of people. But don’t mention 8chan, it’s not necessary. Dig here, meme and share elsewhere. /pol/ reaches millions and is the best bet bc they generally share everywhere else anyways. Here not so much. >>15152
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fff294 No.15175
Hey, I know a lot of people don't like the YT thing and the meme we have of the Qluminati may be spoopy, but Lionel and a couple others on the list are good for that.
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d241aa No.15176
Flight came in from Nags Head to Duke. Duke has hyperbaric chamber for nitrogen narcosis (the "bends") that divers get. Also, hyperbaric chamber is used for gangrene and other deep infection treatment, particularly in diabetics.
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5b7b5e No.15177
Best way I can think of Is a pic of each politician with their crimes meme on it
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e1c547 No.15178
I was reading your post and I had a thought. Maybe this board is being used by Q to test out how to deliver the news to normies. We are their trial approach
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b0e195 No.15179
we would all like to see and hear less of you.
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161845 No.15180
youre doing God's work anon
Bless you
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d5bde3 No.15181
How to hold a country hostage?
By controlling its energy?
Why subsidies useless solar and wind while pushing laws to shut down nukes which are only real viable low carbon source?
Who funds anti nuclear groups?
Is their intent to destroy base load power capability and replace with useless renewables?
Are they trying to guaranteed oil dependence?
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b34367 No.15182
Thank you and roger. It could use a slight tune up of post breaks in the sections if you think so too. We've now room for fresh news and notable posts. A fresh start. Godspeed bakeranon. Enjoy.
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665a94 No.15183
Truth, anon. They must be broken and humiliated before they give up their ways.
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a7840d No.15184
7th floor is considered the Shadow Govt.
https://wikispooks.com/wiki/ 7th_floor_group
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5136f5 No.15185
Repost of Q map from last night for those that missed the crumbs.
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5b7b5e No.15186
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5d33e1 No.15187
This is very real and needs to be exposed! >>15173
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67e5cc No.15188
Solar is not useless. Jeez.
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b25145 No.15189
The air is a like a pond and vibrations are like a stone thrown into the pond creating ripples and effects. Thoughts, the written word, the spoken word, and emotions are the vibrations and ripples in the sea of the atmosphere. Words are like swords or words can even be like medicine. Vibrations are weapons if used correctly. After tears comes the rain, after righteous anger comes thunder, and after joy comes sunshine. These are some of the mysteries of creation. This knowledge expands understanding. This understanding enables power. Having the will to fight is necessary to win against an opponent. The key in spiritual warfare is stability with willpower. Some refer to willpower as faith, confidence, or even the force or chi. Martial artists use the "Kaia" sound as a spiritual technique to enhance their physical attacks and strikes. This also correlates with vocal vibrations when combating wicked spirits. A strong vibration can cast wicked spirits into the underworld like a hammer hitting a nail.
The Ju in Jujutsu refers to gentle and flexible. The gentle approach is underestimated and is subtle. This enables a person to maneuver and adapt with their enemies attacks and motions. This technique is most useful in written warfare. When you face written opposition the enemy often creates an opening for more attacks through their own words. This is mental Jujutsu. The law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That means if you release energies from you body into the atmosphere they must have an equal and opposite reaction in the atmosphere. This carries over to the theory of sonics and the transmission of mechanical energy. The body is a biomechanical source of energy and vocalized words and emotions are the most powerful forces that the body transmits. Applying understanding and willpower to these natural concepts enhances a persons influences. This is sonic wave warfare.
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abd4ea No.15190
President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela ordered a temporary shutdown of air and maritime traffic with three Caribbean neighbors on Friday, accusing smugglers there of seeking to plunder his country.
In a televised address, Mr. Maduro said he had halted all flights and ship traffic to Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao for 72 hours. He accused the three countries of running black markets by siphoning everything from copper to food before selling the items.
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d7fc7e No.15191
5/5/2016: "From his perch on the 7th floor of FBI headquarters, Andrew McCabe is one of the most powerful figures in U.S. law enforcement,"
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fff294 No.15192
The Dems will reinvent themselves, and I think their attempts at creating the schism they have is part of that. the same thing is happening for R's. Do not forget that this is corruption in all places. There will be many that come out and show they are of at least clean hands ( or better at hiding their garbage.)
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415437 No.15193
I think any YT videos that do get posted should be demonetized so they can be taken more seriously. If people see a message is being sent out without a money making I think it’s taken more seriously then someone looking to increase subs and make money off of views. Q drops info so we can awake the population not make money off of them. Just my opinion if anyone is to go to YT with Q info. Also, make sure no one mentions this board directly. Keep the shilling to a minimum.
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f2e9f5 No.15194
keeping an eye on, also another army plane heading in same area as marine plane fort myers/ west coast florida
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c9b022 No.15195
Hey. Understood, re: everything you said about vanity and douchebaggery.
The stuff that has been done so far on YT IMO has laid a decent groundwork. May be time to change it up and up the game a bit. Things are about to get pretty crazy, from everything we've all been hearing and seeing.
Definitely open to suggestions on which direction to take the YT stuff. Been considering other platforms such as doing a live podcast every day. With a rotating cast of anons, especially those that create some of the wonderful content that we make use of. Or others that have done some heavy digging into specific subjects and have become something of an expert in their specific subject.
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fff294 No.15196
Everyone that follows the alphabets knows (even through casual TV shows, that the 7th floor is an FBI term for their power nest.
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b25145 No.15197
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
The Sovereign Military Order of the Malta (SMOM) is the oldest knighthood in the world and its headquarters is in Rome at the Palazzo Malta. The SMOM is considered a sovereign entity under International Law and under the United Nations. The SMOM also has extraterritoriality within Italy. Many members of the royal families and heads of constitutional monarchies are members of the SMOM. What makes the SMOM different than all other knighthoods is that it is a sovereign entity. The SMOM has a higher authority than the Vatican. Members include King Juan Carlos of Spain, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, Karl von Habsburg of Austria, King Philippe of Belgium, Queen Paola of Belgium, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy Prince of Naples, Duke Franz of Bavaria, Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, Princess Elizabeth von Thurn and Taxis, Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, and Prince Jaime Count of Bardi. Prince Carlo Massimo is President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta and is covertly overseeing the SMOM. The Austrian Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein is the current Grandmaster of the SMOM. The Massimo, Bourbon Two-Sicilies, Pallavicini, and Ruspoli families control the Order of Malta and grant a form of "sovereignty" in society to high level members like the monarchs. The Austrian Nobility are in league with the Italian Nobility. The Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta is a top military council in the world. Members include Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Grand Chancellor Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Grand Hospitaller Dominique Prince de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel, and Receiver of Common Treasury Count Janos Esterhazy de Galantha. Rochefoucauld is a name of French Peerage. The Esterhazy family is Austrian Nobility. The Austrian Nobility have always been connected with the SMOM and most of them are Roman Catholic. Prince Galeas von Thun und Hohenstein was a former Grandmaster of the SMOM.
William F. Buckley Jr. was a Knight of Malta and Conservative political commentator in the US. Pat Buchanan is another Conservative political commentator and Knight of Malta. J. Peter Grace was an American businessman, politician, member of the Council for National Policy and a Knight of Malta. The Nazi Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen was a Knight of Malta. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the only officially known Knight of Malta that has been President of the United States. The Knight of Malta Joseph E. Schmitz was Inspector General for the Department of Defense under George W Bush and also an executive for the private military company Blackwater Worldwide now renamed Academi. Joseph Schmitz was a professor at Jesuit Georgetown and worked as a political adviser for Donald Trump during his election campaign. Other Knights of Malta include the former CIA Directors John A. McCone, William J. Casey, and William Colby who was nicknamed the "warrior priest". The Knight of Malta Alexander Haig was a US Army General, US Secretary of State under Ronald Regan, and White House Chief of Staff under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Haig was also Jesuit educated from Georgetown University. He was the one covertly running the Pentagon and White House during the 70's and 80's. The CIA was founded by William Donovan who was nicknamed the "father of central intelligence" and he was knighted by two Vatican orders and likely a Knight of Malta. Jesuit educated CIA Directors include; Robert Gates, George Tenet, Leon Panetta, Michael Morell, David Petraeus and John Brennan and they are overseen by the Order of Malta. The Jesuit Order was established by the Farnese family under Pope Paul III or Alessandro Farnese through the papal bull called Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae (Military Regiment of the Church). The Farnese family lived in a pentagonal fortress called the Farnese Villa Caprarola. The Vatican and the Knights of Malta are deeply involved with the US military and intelligence.
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5b7b5e No.15198
Thanks…. know about that…And I have always been a very strong believer in the universal energies. That what you put out there does come back it vibrates through the universe
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409bdd No.15199
ty , Godspeed
new baker in the house
>stoking the fire , will be here for at least 8 hours , dig , meme , read , learn , redPill
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e31c9a No.15200
Seems simple and efficient. I like it. Where do we set the limit between allegations and evidence is the difficulty.
And it also doesn't address the worst stuff like Planned Parenthood, since it's hard to tie what's going on there to public figures.
Anyone has other thoughts on this?
They certainly are testing the waters, but we are no normies and the doses of hard truth we can absorb are much higher, so it gives little actual indication of the public's potential reaction. It gives some, though. For instance it is probably very useful for Q to see us jumping around and losing our minds a little bit over the DEATH comment.
But I keep thinking that the primary reason for Q's presence is as simple as what he stated himself: we are here to help them spreading through social media and memetic warfare. And I think we can be much better at that than we've been.
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255cef No.15201
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ef9bb7 No.15202
>>15195 podcast would be great
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5b7b5e No.15203
Is there a List the politicians who donate to Planned Parenthood
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c11407 No.15204
Solar and wind are a costly nightmare. Trust me, I live in a 'Green' Province, and damn is it expensive.
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5b7b5e No.15205
The play and maybe what Q was asking about…The foundations that they start or are a member of
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fff294 No.15206
>With a rotating cast of anons, especially those that create some of the wonderful content that we make use of. Or others that have done some heavy digging into specific subjects and have become something of an expert in their specific subject.
This sort of de-anonizes, and will cause disharmony. It is hard enough to watch others disseminate the work, and often get it wrong or put their own take on it, but that is how this will have to work.
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c9b022 No.15207
Obviously…indeed. Have said a number of times on these talks on YT that I do not want anybody's money. That includes YT/advertisers.
That's not what this is about. It's about getting essential information out to people that need to be reached with said info.
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5b7b5e No.15208
>>all may be tied on with their foundations and who those foundations are tied to PP?
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ef9bb7 No.15209
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5f4f14 No.15210
maybe this q was a bit underapriciated?
We will never lose again. win. this is finished.
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b25145 No.15211
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d7f6e3 No.15212
Solar should be an INDIVIDUAL stand alone emergency back up system, not grid-tied bullshit.
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665a94 No.15213
Thanks for this summary. Save me a lot of time. But doesn't anyone else think this is just a bit TOO WORDY for Q? Also, misspelling "when" as "win" - - was that intentional? Something's not quite right, IMHO.
Anyone calling me names for asking these questions is fighting the wrong person. Critical thinking is absolutely essential here.
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5136f5 No.15214
Let’s see how TB spins it today. Before you launch anything with her. I want to know if she was a CBTS mod
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613b2f No.15215
I've known politicians and their rich friends have been corrupt and evil for a long, long time but never believed that it would change until recently. I believe for now that Trump means what he says about draining the swamp, given the changes happening around the world shown via the Q postings.
Don't believe in god but rather believe in good and the golden rule.
I hope. (favourite film quote there).
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e1c547 No.15216
we discovered this happened last night, right after Q stated that the 7th floor was gone
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258ea3 No.15217
You are both right. Only the first was physically right and yours is referential correct. Not all embassies have 7 floors but however many floors it does have the top floor is where (they) and it's referee to as the 7th floor group.
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c11407 No.15218
For this purpose, I have 1 panel.
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285fda No.15219
> I agree that YT can be a valuable platform for us to use.
It is, with a few caveats.
1. Youtube will censor you if you get too large an audience. Copy your videos onto other services like hooktube and vimeo.
2. Videos and websites have different audencies. Youtubers should also keep a blog to increase their reach, and post an essay or transcript when they upload the video.
For a little bit of extra work you can make your message more resilient.
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389239 No.15220
pls pls, be more prepared than the last times, if you wanna do interviews take spreadsheet and Q Posts or solid research to present your facts.
To much chatting about nonsense happens on theese YT channels.
Just use it to update on recent findings AND DO PRESENT THEM
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5136f5 No.15222
Win used in context. Intentional
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b25145 No.15223
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5b7b5e No.15224
I remember when he put that out there. I wonder why POTUS hasn’t struck that one down yet?
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e31c9a No.15225
CD session over. DJT back to DC
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5b7b5e No.15227
Unless he is using it for his own benefit. POTUS is a genius
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10d8d8 No.15228
Here's the first couple of memes.
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c9b022 No.15229
suggestions for alternative way of doing things that avoids this problem you mention but still allows this information to be shared directly with people?
Accuracy is important to me, guys and gals. I want to get this stuff out there but I want it needs to be done right, and the info needs to be unassailable. It needs to be factual.
Speculation ought to be labeled as such, that's something I always make a point of. Essential in maintaining credibility with the people!
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b25145 No.15230
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699789 No.15231
A podcast is an excellent idea.
Brief agenda of topics to discuss, Q posts first and foremost, rotating anons and experts - solid stuff.
It's also cross-platform friendly; a YT vid of the podcast can include a slideshow of relevant/timely memes.
Agreed. Y'all motherfuckers need to sharpen up if you want folks to really take this seriously. Remember the perception of "conspiracy theory" and Mockingbirds. Whatever this is, it can't sound like that.
Consider reaching out to other established YT'ers who know what Q is and may be able to lend assistance, if they're sympathetic to what we're doing here.
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7832a0 No.15232
2nd and final post of this.
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e31c9a No.15233
you mean we should meme and spread it?
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fff294 No.15234
Be careful.
Death can be as simple as many of the old ones letting go rather than face their crimes. (Songbird) I do not personally think we will execute people, but there are some very angry people out there that may make unintended martyrs when they get flaky. That is not a good optic. (I personally hate that word but it fits)
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c9b022 No.15235
You mean a mod on 8chan cbts? I know for sure she is not and never was a mod over there…
However she is on the subreddit.
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d7f6e3 No.15236
Top right, bottom left.
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af1ea4 No.15237
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c11407 No.15238
There WILL be executions for treason. You can't fix evil guys. Every time you give them mercy, they plot your destruction. Forget that.
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ef9bb7 No.15239
>>15233 No just be aware of what could happen
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67e5cc No.15240
Been installing solar since 1999. And I voted for Trump. Solar and Wind combined on small scale at point of use can solve many problems. We need oil for rubber and plastics.
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b25145 No.15241
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337a7b No.15242
Q has been wordy and sounded a little excited before. That "win" looked. VERY intentional to me. Remember that POTUS likes his winning. You're not noticing something that isn't there but I don't think it's anything to worry about.
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5b7b5e No.15243
I know solar is not as expensive now as it used to be…..But power companies in cities make it difficult for a lot of people to get solar power and use it.
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5eb61e No.15244
Anyone ever hear from that shill BO from cbts?
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e31c9a No.15245
It didn't seem very cryptic in the context. Q is as angry as we are, some of the stuff we now know is literally treason material, and especially examples must be made, I do not believe we can have a paradigm shift without a few mindblowing events for the awe of the masses. It may not necessarily have to go to public executions, but we are in Nuremberg territory here.
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ef9bb7 No.15246
>>15242 I was trying to understand that error….brain cells working O.T.
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b0e195 No.15247
If anyone else is invested in digging paranormal, please reach out. I have assembled a group for this purpose.
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67e5cc No.15248
Hence reduced regulations. This will all change. The economic model demands it. Sun and wind, infinite. Gas and oil is finite supply, use it wisely. Burning it, is not wise anymore.
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665a94 No.15249
Thank you both for your respectful replies. I'll keep them in mind.
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1bff12 No.15250
Sounds like someone I know IRL
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415437 No.15251
You’re doing a great job. I just want to make sure others who post Q info on YT are aware that it could delegitimize the message if we monetize the videos. If we are not trying to make money from a message it is more sincere. Cheers!
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c9b022 No.15252
Totally understand where you're coming from.
That is why I think a podcast or something like that would be better, as it's not being run by a YT personality that has their own way of doing things.
Those initial interviews were difficult as I did not have a team of people supporting me, helping me prepare, helping me get necessary documents and such together, etc.
But after those were done, they inspired a great many people to get involved in a number of ways. A number of people have become involved and a support team for this kind of stuff is forming. If anybody would like to help out in this regard, or would like to even come on and speak themselves, let me know. Want people to be a part of this.
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891462 No.15253
Nobody cares. Dig, Meme, or Pray is on the menu here, though.
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10d8d8 No.15255
Maybe have people speak off camera( just voice, no name,, and have camera only show, posts, work, etc,, not focused on any one person.And people on are part of our group/ team/family, one big anon patriotic grouping of people who care about the world and bringing justice to those who have corrupted it.
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b9d7f7 No.15256
Updated Q-map of the Storm.
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b25145 No.15257
The royal and noble families have deep connections with Hollywood and the entertainment industry especially through marriages. Tom Cruise married Katie Holmes at the Odescalchi Castle. The Odelscalchi family are Black Nobility deeply connected with the Vatican and headed up today by Prince Carlo Odescalchi. George Clooney got married in Venice at the Aman Canal Grande hotel or Palazzo Papadopoli formerly built and owned by Italian Nobility and located right next to the Palazzo Guistiniani. The Giustiniani family still exist with Baron Girolam de Massa as the head of this nobility. Tao Ruspoli is the son of Prince Alessandro Ruspoli and Tao married and divorced the actress Olivia Wilde. Prince Alessandro Ruspoli was also an actor in the movie Godfather III. The actress Jessica Chastain married the Venetian Count Gian Luca Passi di Preposulo. Rita Jenrette is a former actress and television journalist and she married Prince Nicolo Boncompagni-Ludovisi from the Vatican connected Black Nobility. Steven Spielberg and Kevin Spacey are both Knights of the British Empire.
Arnold Schwarzenegger met with Baron Jacob Rothschild. Nicky Hilton-Rothschild is a model and she married James Rothschild of British Nobility. The rapper Jay Electronica had an affair with Kate Rothschild and she is of British Nobility. Prince Frederick Windsor is married to the actress Sophie Winkleman and she is on the show Two and a Half Men with Ashton Kutcher. Prince Harry Windsor is dating the American actress Meghan Markle. The actress Brooke Shields is a descendent of the Torlonia family of Rome through her grandmother Princess Marina Torlonia di Civitella-Cesi. The Torlonia family are a powerful banking family deeply tied with the Vatican and hold continual management positions at the Holy See. Donald Trump has worked as a television personality and his former wife Ivana Trump dated the Italian Prince Roffredo Gaetani of Black Nobility who is seen socializing with Donald Trump in photos. Don Lorenzo Borghese of Vatican Black Nobility was on the American show The Bachelor. The American actress Grace Kelly married Prince Ranier III of Monaco and was the mother of the current reigning Prince Albert II of Monaco.
Many members of Hollywood are leaders of secret societies and initiated into the these groups through the Church of Scientology or the Kabbalah Center. The Church of Scientology was founded on the occult teachings of Aleister Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orientis. The Royal Society and its superior organization the Royal Institution are secret societies or private organizations ran by British Peerage involved in the study of sciences. Prince Edward the Duke of Kent runs the Royal Institution today. The Royal Society is an older and similar group and founded based on the teachings of the scientific occultist Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount of St Alban. After the Royal Society was established they created the Royal Institution entirely ran by British royalty and nobility to act as its superior. These groups are covertly working with Silicon Valley, the Church of Scientology, and the Kabbalah Center to develop and merge occult teachings of witchcraft, alchemy, and other forms of sorcery with the electronics. Members of Silicon Valley along with DARPA have weaponized the electronics in society based on occult teachings which can hack into a persons brain and physiology. Occultists trained in hacking and using the dark web can activate these programs and target people as a form of oppression and persecution. These programs are all hidden in algorithmic code and the frequencies emitted from the electronics and the wireless frequencies are invisible to the eye.
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1bff12 No.15258
Btw, there are people posting all the Q posts on Twitter, instead of just informing the masses of happenings or solving the drops. Bringing tons of newfags here, clogging the works with dumb questions.
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67e5cc No.15259
I think this whole Q phenom is for an expanded awakening.
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699789 No.15260
In the meantime, listen up, faggots, it's time for another round of making things explicitly clear.
Today's subject is Planned Parenthood, the US's premier pro-abortion organization, founded on the principles of eugenics and specifically geared toward thinning out the black population back in the day.
PP developed the guise of "women's rights" later in its life as prominent politicians, including one Prescott Bush, helped it rise to household name status.
Getting plenty of government kickbacks to run smoothly, PP conducts abortions wherever it can and sells the parts of the fetuses killed to, frankly, anyone who knows they're selling.
Look up how much a fetuses skin costs - when you know that information, pray for a benevolent yet wrathful God.
Buyers include anyone from scientists doing "legitimate" research to ratfuck proxies for cabalist freaks who use the material purchased for God-knows-what evil rituals.
None of that shit is tracked by PP, nor do they care, as long as they meet their abortion quota.
Pro-lifers and Bible bashers nationwide are already won over when it comes to PP being evil as fuck; it's the middle of the road, pro-choice idiots who will be harder to convince.
Quotes from the Congressional Report on PP and infographics may trump memes on this front, particularly because the pro-lifers have you all beat to the punch when it comes to using the visceral imagery.
Then again, you're persuasive and smart (God knows why you keep talking about it when you should be showing it), so prove my silly ass wrong.
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ef9bb7 No.15262
>>15252 hey just want to say thanks Pamphlet you helped me redpill my 20 yo son…wife is next
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d7f6e3 No.15263
My 2 cents. Just ask "what is project mockingbird."
Then: "do we want the media corrupted by the CIA?"
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c9b022 No.15264
Bingo. Monetization and donations, patreon and such is off limits for this sort of thing, it just has no business with what needs to be done.
cheers friend <3
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e31c9a No.15265
ok point taken
this is what I was sort of pointing out in >>15200
We can't smear freely
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4f0f89 No.15266
Suck a dick, for no particular reason.
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67e5cc No.15267
There's still an entire map to unlock. Why the tunnel vision. Connections galore, and some unlock past posts…
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0ce80f No.15268
Image collection updated:
Planned Parenthood / Abortion / Fetal - 23 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/b177vbd7b0/Planned_Parenthood-Abortion-Fetal.zip
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5b7b5e No.15269
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a7a895 No.15270
huh, our self-appointed leader is famewhoring and dickriding again on youtube. you need to give up the board asshole. watching you since the start.
(Cute. Bye, loser. "self-appointed leader"...rofl. This divisive douchebaggery is not welcome here.) Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
b0e195 No.15272
Mockinbird is *probably* for companies they don't have direct control over. I work for a media company owned by one of the BIG ones, and I can tell you, there is no need for mockingbird kind of shit. They operate feely and without impunity, they place people in and out of the company on whims.
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c9b022 No.15274
Yes. I personally do not appear on camera and have no plans to (unless I'm wearing a Pepe mask…kekekeke). Best to stick to voice and anonymity (pseudonym in my case). Suggest others do the same if they want to speak.
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11a70c No.15275
Damn good info pn PP and we all need the gut-check on this directive, well done, thank you.
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ef9bb7 No.15276
>>15268 Does anyone have info on who PP new buyers are?
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e31c9a No.15277
yeah I concur this is not a good approach
I am really of the opinion that Q posts should not be relayed at all outside as they are, but then again some anons think differently
What I think should be relayed however is conclusions drawn from the crumbs in normie-digestible format. THIS is what we need to use Twitter (and other media) for.
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11ce74 No.15278
Army Gulfstream 5 headed NW from Washington - callsign PAT78
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634115 No.15279
7th FLoor DOJ ~ Tillerson FIRED most of them LAST February. ;)
http://www .independentsentinel.com/begun-tillerson-fires-7th-floor/
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1bff12 No.15280
Great. We're effed
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746388 No.15281
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a7a895 No.15282
this was never about you. sit down.
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5b7b5e No.15283
Hey!!! The one doing the LOOP research….wasn’t Planned Parenthood tied in there somewhere?????????
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67e5cc No.15284
I think tech is so advanced, we have free energy, just been supressed. Imagine, the money back into the populations pockets if they didn't control the energy…
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1bff12 No.15285
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7832a0 No.15286
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12c20b No.15287
Flight (C5-B ?) from SWF lands near Port St Lucie
From Stewart to Stuart.
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5b7b5e No.15288
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9b4a8a No.15289
Seventh Floor of the State Department. That's why Tillerson was firing everyone and the media was pitching a fit.
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5136f5 No.15290
Just be careful dude. Those asshats never did any heavy lifting but took credit. There are many of us on this team. Team Captain is OK but remember to thank all the anon players
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11ce74 No.15291
DOI helo headed to Camp David
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67e5cc No.15292
Yeah, my opinion Q was confirming that, saying Tillerson is good guy, because (((they))) hate him.
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4f0c5e No.15293
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b34367 No.15294
Thanks Pamphlet, for welcoming everyone here. It's very much appreciated.
I saw your call for bakers earlier / yesterday, and, if okay with you, I imagine our regular baking crew will be happy to step up to cover and ensure the dough as perfect as we all strive to make it.
BO/cbts/ made a post on the subredit today and is linking to the board here. Unsure if this is a good idea. What do you think? Here's his message -
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b0e195 No.15295
Revealing who you are wouldn't be a good idea, I don't know you and I already want to murder you. Imagine the rest of these folks?
Also, I'm watching you!
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8179b1 No.15296
It’s coming…"And he will strike like a Thief In The Night".
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d7f6e3 No.15297
Is there ANY federal agency that does not have all the big shots on the 7th floor?!?!
Maybe all government buildings should be limited to 6 floors. With a self destruct system.
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5d33e1 No.15298
Reagan needs more digging too.
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fff294 No.15300
This isn't sarcasm, so please don't take it as such, but how many interviews in places that have huge reach have you guys already done? the word is out there. It's disgusting how many people have jumped on the Qanon thing on YT. (This isn't going to be a thread slider into the past. We have regurgitated it enough.) If you do not think that there are 10-20x more lurkers and documentors than posters you would be fooling yourself. Post a good meme or keep #qanon up and watch who and what already pump it out or start live feeds if people are awake.
We all have jobs to do. You put this back up board together. This is mostly your job in this. Reading and interpreting and meming the drops is sort of like interpreting the bible or taro cards (being inclusive) Let them do what they already do, and you and we will do what we do. I wish we could see some omore policing on the flame throwers and fear mongers out there, but they end up undoing themselves. They make us look stupid to the general public, sure, but there is little we can do about that.
If you try to get in there and literally compete with all the established people, you will find they use you first for some info and then turn on you when you do not say what they interpret the drops to mean. Stay out of that.
If you must do a pod cast, for whatever reason of your own, you feel the need to, I wish you the best of luck, but you are reinventing a well greased set of wheels that is already in motion like those on a freight train.
Now I will defer and get back to making money connections, and such. The threads are moving fast and we seem to have a window that is mostly shill less. Why I am uncertain, but I like it.
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da4d3e No.15301
Bynoe was hired in 2008 by Chicago-based Loop Capital Markets LLC.[24] Bynoe serves as Managing Director of Corporate Finance.[
In August 2013, Bynoe left his executive role at Loop Capital Markets LLC to become CEO of Rewards Network, a company controlled by investor Sam Zell that offers loyalty programs for restaurants
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b0e195 No.15302
You'll feel the urge to make a couple of bucks one day, you'll probably think you won't get caught. It could be through telling a lie, giving an exclusive, whatever it is. Media is a small and incestuous. Pede's inside already know what to look out for :)
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10d8d8 No.15303
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e31c9a No.15304
fuck I have my head up my ass
could it be confirmation that the airport we have to look into re Awan's drop is Ronald Reagan?
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c9b022 No.15305
I ain't no captain. I'm just here to keep this board clean and running smooth, and to spread the word about this, the facts and information, to normies by whatever means I am able. That's all.
Thanks for your input and for being here, anon <3
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906e23 No.15306
Working on it….. will report as soon as I have the sauce!
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e31c9a No.15307
Any other anons share that view that we should AVOID sharing Q's posts on Twitter like they were POTUS' tweets?
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10d8d8 No.15308
Yep,, Sounds good.
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d7f6e3 No.15309
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ef9bb7 No.15310
>>15304 That was suggested yesterday Anon
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5d33e1 No.15311
Probably worth a shot eh? Also Nancy is interesting. All I know is RR and Ronald Reagan have been mentioned st lead 4 times this week, seems important
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760d03 No.15312
he's NOT A TEAM CAPTAIN. he copies and pastes, clicks a button.
PA is DIRECTLY CONNECT TO cbts BO. Never forget that. Never forget they did interviews and conspired together on discord. And he can't resist being a dickhole again,
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415437 No.15313
I think we need to set up a channel (as stated before, demonetized) with 1 voice. No face. The video and or podcast is uploaded weekly or biweekly. We collect the memes and info from the week that all of the hard working Anons come up with and then we push it out. It needs to be agreed upon or even verified by Q before the info is pushed out (provided they are around to do so). there are enough links, memes and screenshots to keep visual stimuli. We need a voice that's smooth and not robotic. Calm. Trustworthy.
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af1ea4 No.15314
There should definitely not be a deliberate connection to POTUS.
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af7b71 No.15315
Don't forget there are plenty of wicked individuals in the Republican Party, too. Most likely some Democrats will shift there and could cause a split.
It ain't over by a long shot. So long as there is a federal government there will be danger.
"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."
Best thing would be for the federal government to be chained back to the Constitution and whither away to nothing.
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b25145 No.15316
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c9b022 No.15317
Not taken as sarcasm at all, don't worry. Thanks for the input and for taking the time to type that out. Agree that this board is 100% my main job in this now, considering recent developments. Thanks again, and don't hesitate to keep any advice you've got coming whenever you feel it's appropriate.
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e31c9a No.15318
yes I know I was very much up for the whole thing
what I wonder is whether GEOTUS' tweet should be read as a form of confirmation, as another airport (Dulles) was in scope. Seems far-fetched, but we have seen stranger things.
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10d8d8 No.15319
Forgot to link back comment to you,lol been a long night,
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260361 No.15320
I’ll do it, I got fired, not much to do now anyway
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e1c547 No.15321
The airport is ronald reagan and they picked up Araw just a little way away from it in camo on thursday I think. pics were on twitter nad posted here
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ef9bb7 No.15322
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b25145 No.15323
lots of ur info will be gone
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7832a0 No.15324
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fff294 No.15325
Ha! Right. I did see the FBI vault information that was on twitter, and not sure if it was also here regarding DoS. So yeah, you may be right. Instead of no 13th floors, now it'll be no 7th. Which is weird when you think of the whole numbers, thing… Maybe a better idea than most!
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b0e195 No.15326
The advice was "shut the fuck up, and go away". Do your job behind the scenes.
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1bff12 No.15327
No, not by whatever means. You know darn well the board won't remain clean if you bring tons of people here bering dumb. Then Q will have to come up with yet another board.
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5f4f14 No.15328
peter sutherland dead. this is news
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161845 No.15329
This deleted article from newsmax about shady foreign campaign money that was never traced back. Obama said he 'sent it back' but that was a lie.
Thank God for archives!!
This dude received sooooo much money from unknown foreign entities its crazy!
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bf4345 No.15330
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1bff12 No.15331
Share the connections, but not snapshots or mention of 8 chan.
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8fe7d9 No.15332
>I want to get this stuff out there but I want it needs to be done right
PA: I was here the other night when you stepped up and saved this project.
I commend for your efforts and I am truly grateful for having someone like you available when we all needed you.
Please … PLEASE consult Q before going more public.
Q is out leadership. Q answers to someone else, who it Q's leadership.
I'm certain that there is a timeline for release of information.
Q's own words tell us there must be a timeline.
Please … PLEASE consult leadership (Q) before making decisions about going more public with this information.
Thank you again for your efforts.
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5b7b5e No.15333
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fff294 No.15334
I need more than that garbage I saw on Twitter. That guy looked NOTHING like AWAN and I think that was complete discrediting stupidity and a trap. Maybe it was someone helping him get there or trying to, but that was not him. No offense, but way too light complected.
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b25145 No.15335
Peter Sutherland is a relative of Thomas Sutherland and former Director of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Peter Sutherland founded the World Trade Organization and Hong Kong is a member. Peter Sutherland is Jesuit educated, a Vatican Knight of St Gregory, British Knight of the Order of St Michael and St George, French Knight of the Legion of Honour, Bilderberg member, and was a member of the Hong Kong Chief Executive's Council of International Advisers. Hong Kong has economic leverage over the rest of China. Under the British Colony they set up Queens College in Hong Kong which is where Norman Chan was educated. Norman Chan is Executive Director of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and former Regional Vice-Chairman of the London based Standard Chartered Bank. Joseph Yam was the first Executive Director of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and he is a Knight of the British Empire as well as on the board of directors for UBS. Chris Patten was the last Governor of Hong Kong under Queen Elizabeth a position that existed until 1997. The position was replaced by the position of Chief Executive of Hong Kong with Tung Chee-hwa as the first head who was educated the University of Liverpool in England. Tung Chee-hwa is worth nearly a billion.
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03e805 No.15336
There was a Q post that seemed to decode to a future classified Op at Dulles airport (IAD).
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746388 No.15337
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e31c9a No.15338
the Crystal City pics were taken by a random anon on Twitter and not confirmed as being ones of Awan
the guy looked more like MS-13
up to now I am not sold on this arrestation being Awan, as it didn't look like him
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760d03 No.15339
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337a7b No.15340
That's a good idea.
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11ce74 No.15341
Army flight PAT78 headed for Canadian border, no sign of descent at the moment.
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af7b71 No.15342
Don't see one, but here is a list of candidates who receive contributes from PP:
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ef9bb7 No.15343
>>15338 I agree but those dudes were friggin operators not just police
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e31c9a No.15344
That's my view. Twitter and other platforms should be used to share the connections we are able to do, NOT Q posts that are literally cryptic-conspiracy-tier.
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5d33e1 No.15345
All sharing should involve a set topic with enough public evidence available, lead people to the water but can’t make em drink kinda deal. But we have to think like salesmen, we have to convince them to drink, convince them to dig like convincing them to buy a car.
If the info is solid Q and 8chan never need to be mentioned. Both are a major turn off to normier wnyways.
Like today we dig on planned parenthood, grab the best sources and info, head on over to 4ch and make a thread, head on over to reddit make one there, post a meme or link on twitter using a relevant hashtag. Then rinse and repeat.
4CH is our greatest ally and best memers
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5b7b5e No.15346
I’m guessing MANY MANY people saw anonymous message about them “watching “ everything here……and EVERYONE
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e1c547 No.15348
blow the image up more, he was wearing a very pale raghead. part of the clue is also FEAR. But if you have a better idea hey go for it
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b0e195 No.15349
Well, he's a loser and a scumbag who refuses to do a job in silence.
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1bff12 No.15350
That's it. You understand what I'm saying
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260361 No.15351
Who gives a shit about them, bunch of doxxing script kiddies.
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5d33e1 No.15352
Sorry for fat thumb typos. Phoneposting is a bitch.
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d7f6e3 No.15353
Hey, they want to keep their dental plan!
I don't think they will get their 401K, however.
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c9b022 No.15354
Q has already made it pretty clear that we are supposed to be spreading this information to people by whatever means available. But I understand what it is you're saying.
Thanks for your kind words, and for your input. And thank you for being here. As I said to another anon just a few minutes ago don't hesitate to keep your input and advice coming, it's much appreciated.
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b0e195 No.15355
My advice is realize that it's not just (((them))) here. I have nothing to do with the government, but I work in the news media and if you try to sell a story, WHEW LAD.
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e31c9a No.15356
It was definitely a high-tier target. But that could be a lot of people. Awan not confirmed, AND that very same day his range of autonomy was extended iirc.
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5b7b5e No.15357
Great!!! Now if meme makers can make memes of each politician who gets $ from them that’s a huge start to waking the people!!!! Lots are Already furious at Planned Parenthood hearing some of the things that have already come out about them. And you have millions and millions of people who are pro-life
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760d03 No.15358
what was the q post last night?
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d5bde3 No.15359
Solar and wind may be viable for residential use but thats not what I said. Baseload power. Look it up. Its what creates and stabilizes the grid. Disparate and highly variable solar and wind sources CANNOT provide baseload power. Yet they shut down nuke plants that provide this with no plans to replace the power. Why?
As an example, Vermont shut down a 650 MW nuke plant that was contracted to sell 200MW to directly an IBM chip fab facility in Burlington. Where does that power come from now? Certainly not the broken windmills or solar panels covered in snow. They have 119MW if installed wind 'capacity'. Nobody will publicly admit what actual generation is but based on data from Germany and Spain who are farther down the road with wind… its a fuck load less than 119MW.
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5b7b5e No.15360
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fff294 No.15361
PA, can we get a stickied thread for PP work today? There was a host of information in old threads over on CTBS with photos and such. I feel like we will be redoing a lot of that work, but perhaps those contributors are still here and have their data.
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5eb61e No.15362
Im hoping public executions
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c9b022 No.15363
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5d33e1 No.15364
No offense but this type of meme is the opposite of what we need. Plz take that as constructive criticism rather and an insult. I know you are trying to help. But we have to think like advertisers or used car salesmen here.
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665a94 No.15365
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d5110d No.15366
https://theconservativetreehouse. com/2018/01/05/operation-condor-how-nsa-director-mike-rogers-saved-the-u-s-from-a-massive-constitutional-crisis/#more-144249
Operation Condor: Must Read
Adm. Roger and Nunes save the day
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7eccd5 No.15367
>Assassin attempted to kill Reagan
>2018 character assassination on Trump
>new war, new methods
https:// www.reaganlibrary.gov/sites/default/files/archives/photographs/large/1436-6.jpg
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5b7b5e No.15368
Anonymous sent a message yesterday to specific people, about them making $$. Of The whole Q thing.
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d7f6e3 No.15369
>Yet they shut down nuke plants that provide this with no plans to replace the power. Why?
Q: "these people are STUPID"
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e31c9a No.15370
We are at least 3-4 sharing that view on this thread already.
Could other anons give their view on sharing Q posts on Twitter? So far the consensus is that we should not. This is not Dallas. If normies are interested in Q posts they know where to find it. Twitter is for elaborate red pills.
I would be glad to hear other perspectives.
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c9b022 No.15371
…That's not what I said, anon. I do not want this board being shat up by normies. There are numerous other platforms and methods available for spreading information for them. Have said this numerous times already.
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195c47 No.15372
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b25145 No.15373
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b0e195 No.15374
Link me? I'm unrelated to that.
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a7840d No.15375
Reagan and the press:
http://www.nytimes.com/ 1984/10/14/magazine/the-president-and-the-press.html?pagewanted=all
Mr. Reagan, of course, is a past master at using the news media to his advantage. His skills at projecting his strong personality and set of convictions have brought him dazzling political success. He and his aides have also achieved a new level of control over the mechanics of modern communication - the staging of news events for maximum press coverage, the timing of announcements to hit the largest television audiences. Moreover, the President has displayed his news media artistry at a time when television has become the dominant means by which the public gets its news. From the beginning of his Presidency, Mr. Reagan and his aides have understood and exploited what they acknowledge to be the built-in tendency of television to emphasize appearances and impressions more than information.
Central to the President's overall strategy has been his unusual ability to deal with television and print reporters on his own terms - to decide when, where and how he will engage them. In short, the art of controlled access.
Mr. Reagan's aides say they came into office mindful that the last four Presidents had been politically defeated or driven from office and convinced that the press's reporting had contributed to their downfall. The emotional press treatment of the Iran hostage crisis during the Carter Administration has never ceased to haunt them.
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760d03 No.15376
you're doing a fine job shatting it up yourself, so thanks for that
(Well, you're welcome to leave. Here, let me show you the door. You clearly have nothing of value to offer.) Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
11ce74 No.15377
PAT78 now in Canadian airspace, overflying Oshawa.
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67b307 No.15378
From Lee Wanta
Interesting document shows Clinton's and Bush's stole $27 trillion from America
http:// api.ning.com/files/G3detyndwpUxR6kxEScKz23Pqj5JDFx1-plElSabQDySUnmJ7VdSpk6o*qo9-Brwn2hrpbEJibpcxO7aT51CtdFcqQinFOaj/U.S.PresidentRWReagan_TottenDoctrine_92U.S.105.pdf
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157c68 No.15379
Where can I find it, not sure I saw it?
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b0e195 No.15380
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260361 No.15381
If Q could just confirm for me that I’ll get to personally throat punch some of these niggerbitches, that would be great.
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634115 No.15382
Yes, Required Reading!
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8fe7d9 No.15383
You are an ungrateful idiot.
Lurk moar.
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3051ef No.15384
What's this all about?
http://www.ahijackedlife. com/qanon-on-8chan-says-bye-bye-hello-qonly-board/
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7eccd5 No.15385
just add a filter and move on. Shills will concern troll to slide the posts.
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5b7b5e No.15386
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8fe7d9 No.15387
I think there is already a line formed.
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e31c9a No.15388
jfc can we please give a break to PA re YT appearances
As long as you don't make it a cringy broadcast of Q's drops as they are we need to try some stuff for our conclusions to reach normies
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c285bd No.15389
>"We know" "Do as we say or face consequences"
Who was with POTUS this weekend at Camp David?
Paul Ryan.
Mitch McConnell.
Does the aforementioned statement apply for this two men?
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ef9bb7 No.15390
>>15383 Yep that foreskin is shatting the board up
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b25145 No.15391
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7eccd5 No.15392
ignore articles on "Q".. especially unnamed sources.
Truth can be found with your own eyes. Q is posting here, dont worry about anything else
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746388 No.15393
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5d33e1 No.15394
No, share the evidence you find not Q posts unless you just take the questions and copy them. Sharing screenshots is dumb, people won’t get it
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760d03 No.15395
he's ALREADY done and proven himself with Barauch the traitor. Birds of a feather. But PA my dude, go for it. Go for the gold.
Then watch what happens.
I will be.
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e31c9a No.15396
Indeed. As well as this:
https: //t witter.com/DaveNYviii/status/949501891108593664
this is literally batter material, I suggest we make an exception
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5b7b5e No.15397
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c11407 No.15398
Exactly. Q doesn't make sense, and is not credible without context.
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ef1aa5 No.15399
https:// sites.google.com/site/greenlandtheory/switzerland/cia-central-intelligence-agency
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22e618 No.15400
so iv been aseep for 4 hours what did i miss?
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195c47 No.15401
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7eccd5 No.15402
could allude to the remaining politicians who haven't stepped away from office. Getting the rest of the dogs in line
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8fe7d9 No.15403
>Does the aforementioned statement apply for this two men?
Those two cunts were likely the first to be given that message.
It didn't take until recently, however.
Ryan and McCuckell seem to be falling in line now.
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5b7b5e No.15404
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665a94 No.15405
This battle isn't about Q. It's never been about Q. Identity politics is how (((they))) divide and conquer.
It's about the questions being asked, and the answers being uncovered. Spread the questions, spread the answers, spread the message. Critical thinking is required. Identities are detrimental to the task.
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7eccd5 No.15406
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2d873d No.15407
Pence ? Seems hinky to me?
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5b7b5e No.15408
Good one!!!! That will make people stop and think what loop capital is and make them start asking questions …perfect
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1bff12 No.15409
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415437 No.15410
Don't reply to criticism. Absorb it, reject what isn't true and continue on. If we all start bickering then it will become another CBTS board.
FOCUS Anons! Division isn't our answer…its theirs. They want to conquer this board also.
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d241aa No.15411
Why did Q capitalize AWAN?
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3051ef No.15413
Agreed but this is splashed all over twatter.
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7eccd5 No.15414
We need a mind map website to build the spider web
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762c1c No.15415
The FBI executive staff, including McC@be, reside on the 7th floor at FBI HQ (J Edgar Hoover Bldg on Pennsylvania Ave).
State Dept cleaning is kinda old news….I hope Q is referring to FBI…
http:// www.latimes.com/nation/na-la-fbi-deputy-director-20160505-snap-story.html
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906e23 No.15416
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8ffb7e No.15417
Little Marco just got busted for rigging in Florida
http:// thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/rigged-marco-rubio-interferes-fl-republican-race-sabotage-pro-trump-candidate/
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b0e195 No.15418
CAIR labeled HAMAS, connections to MB:
http:// drrichswier.com/2018/01/07/iran-news-agency-labels-council-on-american-islamic-relations-as-an-offshoot-of-the-extremist-muslim-brotherhood/
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5d33e1 No.15420
Pretend you are a salesman and you don’t eat unless you share something about the storm to someone and get them to research it, believe it, and share it.
1 share = 1 tendie
0 share = u ded
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d7f6e3 No.15421
Asshole posts here.
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5b7b5e No.15422
Maybe that McCabe is out the door???
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e31c9a No.15423
Not bad at all
Maybe you should add what she earns as a Senator to put things in perspective
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7832a0 No.15424
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559274 No.15425
he has his marching orders and he follows them faithfully. surprised?
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af3aee No.15426
TRUMP JUST TWEET ABOUT RONALD REAGAN OMG!!!!!!!!!!! This was what q mentioned earlier!!!!!
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0ce80f No.15427
Suggest you link the post on Memes6, as it will be less ephemeral →
Just added: Maxine Waters, Planned Parenethood - Abortion - Fetal, Red Shoes - Human Skin, Red Cross RED-RED.
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This text string is a problem – hard to distinguish from speCIAl, politiCIAn
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212dd6 No.15428
Planes Collide on Tarmac at JFK Amid Airport Chaos
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42997f No.15429
im surprised these people have gotten away with what they have for as long as they have, sad
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0ce80f No.15430
Part 2 of 2
Iran Protests - 19 files, 8 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/CfbMqmHU/file.html
Jesus Christ - 44 files, 17 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www116.zippyshare.com/v/5PV8ZQ0i/file.html
Korea - 10 files, 7 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=76245276463347926336
Loop Capital Mgmt - files, Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/85bcx5
MAGA - 59 files, 19 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/A3q8vcd9b3/MAGA.zip
Maxine Waters - 7 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/qc72v3dabf/Maxine_Waters.zip
McCain - 55 files, 20 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/mccain
MS-13 - 9 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/ms-13
Munk - 25 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/munk
Musk - 34 files, 8 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www116.zippyshare.com/v/IGMXh1gD/file.html
NK (mostly N,Korea + some words containing nk) - 216 files, 56 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/nk
Patriot - 163 files, 48 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/c5y5r4
Pedophile - 102 files, 36 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/pedophile
Pelosi - 22 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/e7ligl
Planned Parenthood / Abortion / Fetal - 23 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/b177vbd7b0/Planned_Parenthood-Abortion-Fetal.zip
Podesta - 113 files, 50 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/evt28x
Pope - 102 files, 33 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www116.zippyshare.com/v/l6x4KCr7/file.html
Project Bluebeam - 20 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/b4r5veddbf/Bluebeam.zip
Project Mockingbird - 12 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/mockingbird
Qanon - 12 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/zmpdcm
Red Cross – RED RED - 34 files, 10 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/h176v5d8b1/Red_Cross_RED_RED.zip
Red Shoes – Human Skin - 12 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/m678v6d9b6/Red_Shoes_-_Human_Skin.zip
Rights (Bill of Rights, Human Rights) - 17 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/a8r6vddbbe/Bill_of_Rights-Human_Rights.zip
Rothschild - 139 files, 35 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/79yy8y
Satanic - 139 files, 36 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/suevq4
Saudi Arabia - 9 files, 12 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/08fy9v
Schiff - 215 files, 90 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/schiff
Schumer - 80 files, 17 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/HjHDUgxA/file.html
Sedition - 13 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/sedition
Soros - 151 files, 51 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/XRhc850r/file.html
SpaceX - 19 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/9qgfkb
Spirit Cooking - 25 files, 4 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/spiritcooking
Storm - 87 files, 43 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, zippyshare.com/v/K0LHeqB3/file.html
Tesla - 12 files, 3 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/ii5e9FCt/file.html
Traitor - 190 files, 76 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/traitor
Treason - 18 files, 9 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/6hwugb
Trump-1 - 240 files, 63 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/ix1p2r
Trump-2 - 216 files, 70 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/trump-2
Uranium - 21 files, 8 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=07408534298766432950
Vanderbilt - 64 files, 33 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/YvmGLeKv/file.html
Vatican - 19 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/vatican
Voter ID - 27 files, 10 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/voterid
Weiner - 13 files, 3 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/qvvjPhRj/file.html
Weinstein - 4 files, 1 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/weinstein
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415437 No.15431
I agree. We all make mistakes. Learn and move forward.
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ef1aa5 No.15432
https:// sites.google.com/site/greenlandtheory/switzerland/the-jewish-race
The Jews are characterized and depicted by the Greco-Roman Empire as the “elves” which do Santa Claus’ bidding. Santa lives at the North Pole (i.e., Greenland) where he emails or wires his demands to the Jews in Switzerland who then execute said demands on a global scale. This is why Freyr, the twin brother of the Norse goddess Freyja, is known as the Lord of the elves for the Greco-Roman Empire is lord of the Jews. That is also why the most common greeting in Hebrew is “Shalom” (S+H+L+M), a term which acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Shill M”. A shill is a fake, a plant or a stooge, while the letter “M” representative of the 13 Bloodlines of the Roman Empire. In other words, the Jews are the unwitting shills of the Greco-Romans in Greenland. In order to ensure that the Jews remain obedient, they have been separated from humanity with their own food (Kosher), history, religion (Judaism), rituals, and identity. The barbaric act of gentile mutilation commonly known as circumcision was originally a Roman act imposed on the Jews to ensure secrecy between them. Therefore, it was customary for Jewish men to show their circumcised penis’ to each other in order to prove that they were in fact Jews and trustworthy of giving or receiving information, intelligence or payment. Although the Jews have victimized countless people over the centuries, they too are victims of the Greco-Roman Empire.
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a7840d No.15433
POTUS just brought up his tweet from years ago about BHO's birth certificate! He did it in a reply to another one of his tweets!
That is going to drive the media absolutely INSANE!
They are really going to go after him now… saying he is nuts etc. WOW!!
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c9b022 No.15434
Thanks. Was not trying to bicker, merely explain something they were unaware of. <3
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906e23 No.15435
I'm on to something Anon's ..
https: //relationshipscience.com/wallace-dsouza-p114744254
Was looking up PP Wallace D'Souza and was locked out of website and a chat box comes up asking me if they could help me with something? Hmmmm…. blocked
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212dd6 No.15436
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8fe7d9 No.15437
Lil Marco is seriously compromised.
Caught with another young man in a pickup truck after hours in a park some time ago.
Not exactly the profile of a nice Cuban man with a wife and family.
Lil Marco is likely compromised with funny money as well.
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5b7b5e No.15438
Because every day people are very much absorbed in their own lives. And not focusing on the bigger picture. They couldn’t see the forest for the trees
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457a2b No.15439
The Bush family are strong supporters of Planned Parenthood, all the way back to Prescott Bush.
http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescott_Bush
http ://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/08/planned-parenthood-jeb-bush-wants-roll-back-his-fathers-legacy/
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cb9619 No.15440
There's a law in DC limiting the height of buildings - the Height of Buildings Act - so most are a max of 7 floors, meaning that's the power center for most agencies.
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1bff12 No.15441
He tweeted about Ronald Reagan yesterday too. It's already been connected and verified by Q.
I'm ded
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5b7b5e No.15442
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457a2b No.15443
"George H.W. Bush wasn’t nicknamed “Rubbers” for nothing.
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af3aee No.15444
You're right, you just ruined my hope dreams though
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c9b022 No.15445
Thank you, anon. That's the most important thing…making sure we keep moving forward with this. I've watched numerous times where we get stuck over abusrd issues (sometimes even bad actors derailing) and just end up treading water instead of swimming onward.
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8fe7d9 No.15446
GWB married to a pro-abortion woman for how many years?
Both of his spawn are pro-abortion dems who supported Hillslag.
And GWB claims to be a born-again Christian ….
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e3ba2e No.15447
I do wonder how real the Mandela Effect is. I know it was lamb that laid down with the lion and not a wolf. I thought as a kid why didn't the lion eat the lamb which I wouldn't have thought if it was a lion and wolf. I have blamed CERN for this.
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906e23 No.15448
backed out… looking for back door. ;-)
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fff294 No.15449
If that were the case, after the anon "built" that mentioned board, and spammed that he did it, we wouldn't have had the prolific over night drops… here. There will be a lot that we personally will need to ignore, and even possibly dispute at some point out there. That is life. I correct factually incorrect data on Twitter all the time. Does anyone listen, I have no idea. I just know I try to keep the shit straight.
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1bff12 No.15450
He's prepping for Monday. That's my guess. We connected yesterday that he was going to sign an executive order that was classified that was based on Q drop from the 4th. And our guess is that it is to release personal papers from POTUS 44
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3051ef No.15451
Oh, he is a true master at this.
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c11407 No.15452
Barbara bush is the tranny son/daughter of Alister Crowley.
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5b7b5e No.15453
<snort! Laugh!> never heard that nickname before
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7d6220 No.15454
I've been thinking about Q's question:
>What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money?
What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money?
Might this be connected to the crumb Q left about the leaked POTUS & AUS PM phone call?
Hussein and HTC do a deal with AUS to takes some boat people people for cash. CF is is he payment conduit.
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e31c9a No.15455
Thanks anon. Still waiting for pro- arguments about sharing raw Q drops on Twitter.
If nobody jumps in, I suggest we add a recommendation to the batter to specifically avoid doing so. Don't relay Q drops on Twitter as they are, don't make #qanon or related hashtags trend. We need to tone it down on the cloak and dagger shit out of here, and tone it up on the workable connections that we are able to establish. Think >>15401 instead of a screenshot of Q drops.
Once again I don't want to impose anything on anybody, do challenge me here. All I am after is efficiency in spreading the message and preparing the normies for the Storm.
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5b7b5e No.15456
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02914a No.15457
Jiu Jitsu**
cool story bro sir.
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f2e9f5 No.15458
Was tracking a marine plane that was following a lear jet to fort myers last thread. Also had an army jet headedin same direction, but went of radar over Tampa. The marine plane also went off at same time lear was preparing to land. Something definitely happening in that area - be on the watch for news.
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e31c9a No.15459
that fucking guy :')
Side note: clearly BO is in the crosshairs
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c11407 No.15460
This is no imposition, it's simply logical. WTF are normies gonna do with a Q reference, other than discredit it with a star trek joke. Batter it.
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b0e195 No.15461
what's the biggest trick the devil played?
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212dd6 No.15462
▶The Board Owner !!!ZTY0ZjM1M2UwOWM5 01/06/18 (Sat) 14:06:42 25a1e7 No.256810>>256819
Thanks for the advice gents - both genuine and also from illiterate niggers :) I will be posting the full evidence of everything that went on behind the scenes so you can make up your own minds. This will of course include:
- a full analysis of the LARP Q posts
- the recording of the discussion with Dr Corsi
- the logs of LARPer Q from 2018/01/05
- PMs with Codemonkey
and relevant mod logs.
If you want to keep digging, /thestorm/ is where it's at. It's been fun but I need to work on the Q website and the subreddit.
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67b307 No.15463
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5b7b5e No.15464
Is this the site?????
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46414d No.15465
thats not trump who retweeted that its RealDonaldTrimp
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b25145 No.15466
what tweet is it under?
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c11407 No.15468
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415437 No.15469
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634115 No.15470
The FBI will qualify for group rates at Gitmo soon enough.
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fff294 No.15471
Tooooo late. And honestly, today was the second time I went and was glad for screenshots instead of those shitty, links to YT interpretation vids. I needed the down and dirty before I got back in here. It has purpose. I am not the only one. Lots are garbage, but it's an extremely fluid hash.
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8fe7d9 No.15472
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1bff12 No.15473
You should see them try to dissect it on Twitter anyway. Embarrassing and also they go off on wrong tangents, thereby spreading wrong conclusions.
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c11407 No.15474
7th floor is deep state leadership Shadow governnment.
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f2e9f5 No.15475
correction - found marine plane again headed towards Florida keys area, Not showing on ads-b atm.
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5b7b5e No.15476
But that deal was renigged on…after potus took office, I rem Australia got pissed
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906e23 No.15477
Wallace D’Souza
Chief Financial Officer at Vital Strategies
Wallace D'Souza
Chief Financial Officer a PP dot org
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10d8d8 No.15478
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84da72 No.15479
Can't wait for him to expose it.
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c11407 No.15480
I can only imagine. If the meme takes any brainpower at all, it'll fail. People under mind control get headaches when they have to think hard, and would prefer not to as a result.
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5d33e1 No.15481
I believe he said he was born again once in an interview and worded it very carefully so as not to mean Christian but in the Masonic sense. THeres plenty info about it out there.
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5136f5 No.15482
We should ask CodeMonkey to shutdown the QONLY channel. It’s clearly false information being presented that will affect 8chan in a negative way.
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fff294 No.15483
Man, that one still bums me out. I really liked her. Hubby, no. I am smarter now, but at the time, she did care that kids learn and think freely. I have no idea about all the Crowley talk and what not, but we walk a fine line here, because we are tearing down decades of people's beliefs in people and it isn't a fun thing to do.
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260361 No.15484
I want the full disclosure to come so rapidly it’s like watching the final scenes in kingsman where everyone’s heads were exploding
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5b7b5e No.15485
Wonder if they demanded their $$ back from BHO and he’s going around to get the money to give back?
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11ce74 No.15486
Yeah, generally headed for Sudbury at the moment.
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e31c9a No.15487
Ahah I missed that
Miller is a fucking juggernaut, I knew it would be fun
Can't wait for a link
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1bff12 No.15488
No no no. Wrong place to hash.
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986cc8 No.15489
This has so much more meaning now: future proving past
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746388 No.15490
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af7b71 No.15491
I'll add some advice here. May repeat what some others have said. In whatever vids are put up:
1) Make NO mention of Q, insider information, sources from within the federal government, secret intelligence being dumped to the internet…
2) Stick with the factual circumstances implied or uncovered by Q's posts. Give people the bread, not the crumbs or where they came from. Once the connections are made, they stand alone.
3) Whoever said start a concurrent blog and put up videos on other sites is spot on. Do not monetize, but explicitly encourage others to download and spread. State it in the description and even in the video explicitly. Your anonymous, so who cares?
4) Videos should be 100% factual and not emotional. Make no predictions about who's going down or what will happen in the future. People on YT discredit themselves when they veer into that territory. The point is to spread information. There may be some room for interpretation…like why things are being done the way they are…but it should stop there.
5) If I were doing it I would probably use mostly slideshow pictures of the people/events I was discussing, but would probably be a good idea to minimize the use of memes. They can be more opinionated and politically charged but some would be okay to use.
That's all I can think of now.
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fff294 No.15492
Leave it as a honey pot for stupid shills. The smart ones already know it isn't where they go, but I feel anyone advertising that hard with fluffery could work in our favor.
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e3ba2e No.15493
That he doesn't exist
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a7840d No.15494
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c11407 No.15495
Agreed. Find the clownshoes that set it up and take him out with you.
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5b7b5e No.15496
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e31c9a No.15497
fuck, I was sold already
this was definitely in Trump's territory
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51eefe No.15498
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=UvBQNphcrNc
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212dd6 No.15499
How U.S. Intelligence Agencies Underestimated North Korea
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2a28f7 No.15500
It's so good to see you back Q!! We've missed you & need some new Memes. God Bless you & the Q gang! TY
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11ce74 No.15501
Where is this flight going? It's deep into Canadian airspace now.
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67b307 No.15502
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3b543f No.15503
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fff294 No.15504
This was the post, and the one prior to it that made me give up on him. That said, this is a slide and I am sorry I am responding. This is home now. End of story.
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5d33e1 No.15505
Best way to work Twitter is to have links to sources and/or memes. Use hashtags wisely and post on comments of high profile high retweet blue check prefferred but not necessary accounts.
Just posting stuff to your 500 followers is not as effective as going to a trump west and blasting the comments.
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5d482a No.15506
Flashback 1 yr ago I scratched my head when Potus took PM May’s hand. Tomorrow big cabinet reshuffle….
‘During lunch at the state dining room, Trump spoke about his desire to revive the transatlantic bond enjoyed by Thatcher and Reagan. ‘
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685b32 No.15507
"The public is literally hostage in this context."
When is the last time you heard about hostages
freeing themselves?
Could it be considered a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY
to have TRILLIONS of dollars while children starve to death?
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76a3d9 No.15508
Speaking of McConnell …
https://www. thenation.com/article/mitch-mcconnells-freighted-ties-shadowy-shipping-company/
Mitch McConnell’s Freighted Ties to a Shadowy Shipping Company
After drugs were found aboard the Ping May, a vessel owned by his wife’s family’s company
October 30, 2014
The seizure of the narcotics shipment in the Caribbean port occurred far away from Kentucky, the state in which Senator Mitch McConnell is now facing a career-defining election. But the Republican Senate minority leader has the closest of ties to the owner of the Ping May, the vessel containing the illicit materials: the Foremost Maritime Corporation, a firm founded and owned by McConnell’s in-laws, the Chao family.
Though Foremost has played a pivotal role in McConnell’s life, bestowing the senator with most of his personal wealth and generating thousands in donations to his campaign committees, the drug bust went unnoticed in Kentucky, where every bit of McConnell-related news has generated fodder for the campaign trail. That’s because, like many international shipping companies, Chao’s firm is shrouded from public view, concealing its identity and limiting its legal liability through an array of tax shelters and foreign registrations. Registered through a limited liability company in the Marshall Islands, the Ping May flies the Liberian flag.
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a7840d No.15509
I was WRONG… POTUS did not tweet this out… another anon caught that it is a Trimp not Trump who tweeted it out.
My bad!
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c11407 No.15510
There is supposedly massive human trafficking in northern Canada, mining towns, etc… MINING.
Heading deep into BARRICK GOLD country.
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8fe7d9 No.15511
I was red-pilled on this witch a few years ago when she trashed Sarah Palin for no reason, just an out of the blue attack.
This witch Barbara Bush has been worn the pants in that family form day one, is my guess.
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3b543f No.15512
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415437 No.15513
All good. We have each others backs. It gives us strength!
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d531a6 No.15514
>(((BO))) famewhoring shoah’d last board
>namefagging put into full effect here
Makes sense desu
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285fda No.15515
> The white hats' biggest problem right now is not how to drain the swamp, it is how to drain the swamp without having the public going completely crazy and their enemies capitalize on mass hysteria as their last resort option.
Anything less than a full drain, soon, is going to fail. We cannot risk waiting to gamble on a stronger position from the elections while the swamp controls the media and the universities with a tighter grip than ever.
The white hats can either drain the swamp all at once or they can do it in pieces to make the bad actors think that they got away with it the feds show up on their doorstep. The important thing is to prevent the enemy from retaliating. For doing it in pieces you follow the money from several starting points:
1. Qatar and the Arab princes who were arrested. The public does not know what happened.
2. Osama bin Laden's Golden Chain.
3. Osama bin Laden's Brotherhood Network. This isn't as widely known but is bigger and can justify more arrests.
4. Other foreign governments.
Work your way backwards arresting the money launderers and then the mercenaries who work for them. Appease the public by thoroughly documenting the chain of control.
For doing it all at once you start with the most trusted authorities: Brookings, RAND, CFR, NSC, CIA, FBI, Pentagon, DoJ, and every communist university professor in the country. Your goal is to create such a large shock that people will assume that you must be right or else you would not have needed to take such severe action.
To discourage retaliation:
1. Seize the enemy's financial assets as spoils of war under AUMF to keep them from continuing the fight. Immediately move $100+ billion from bad guys to good guys with the stroke of a pen.
2. Arrest the ideologues who would continue fighting on their own. Guaranteed, they have some past crimes.
3. Push information out through independent media and state controlled media. Let's face it, the Q project is failing to get the word out but we don't need the chans when we have PBS and Voice of America.
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e31c9a No.15516
Comments section are definitely the place to be. I agree with everything you say. Actually I don't know how many of us use Twitter but it might be useful to have a Twitter thread moving forward.
Before we get there, as we are halfway through the thread, appreciate if the next baker can signal he is aware of all that discussion
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5d33e1 No.15517
Tweet not west. Fml i need to proofread before I hit send.
Instagram works too but is best for those who have solid memes and are hashtag savvy.
Facebook does best with memes and if you think an article will be hidden by their spam bots try taking a screenshot of the page and posting that.
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3e824a No.15518
Exactly. They were just as bad, if not worse.
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b9d7f7 No.15519
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eb0647 No.15520
Merkel has destroyed Europe with those fucking migrants. I want to see her taken down.
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8fe7d9 No.15521
OK, but GWB answered "Jesus Christ" when asked who his roll model was at a debate.
Wolf in sheep's clothing, that one.
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5b7b5e No.15522
If you look, he’s not really grasping her hand
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e8b1a7 No.15523
What do you need? I may be able to help.
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409bdd No.15524
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b25145 No.15525
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10d8d8 No.15526
I was working on foundation list earlier, here is some of them, have not started looking yet.( not a solid list of those connected with politicians) Not sure if someone started list yet, but if they did, maybe i have some here, they did not know about?
Ones on bottom( ones listed, not sure which politicians they are connected to yet, just started making list of foundations earlier.
1.Joe Baca foundation
WASHINGTON — Representative Joe Baca has achieved near celebrity status in his suburban Los Angeles district, as much for his record of giveaways — Thanksgiving turkeys, college scholarships, spare boots for firefighters — as for anything he has done in Congress.
That generosity is made possible by the Joe Baca Foundation, a charity his family set up three years ago to aid local organizations. It provides another benefit, too: helping the Democratic congressman run something akin to a permanent political campaign.
Joe Baca T-shirts and caps are given out at the charity’s events, where banners display his name. Local newspapers mention the charity’s donations, and cable stations show appearances by Mr. Baca and his family at functions his foundation supports.
2. Supriya Jindal Foundation for Louisiana's Children( Bobby Jindal)
WASHINGTON — Louisiana’s biggest corporate players, many with long agendas before the state government, are restricted in making campaign contributions to Gov. Bobby Jindal. But they can give whatever they like to the foundation set up by his wife months after he took office.
AT&T, which needed Mr. Jindal, a Republican, to sign off on legislation allowing the company to sell cable television services without having to negotiate with individual parishes, has pledged at least $250,000 to the Supriya Jindal Foundation for Louisiana’s Children.
Marathon Oil, which last year won approval from the Jindal administration to increase the amount of oil it can refine at its Louisiana plant, also committed to a $250,000 donation. And the military contractor Northrop Grumman, which got state officials to help set up an airplane maintenance facility at a former Air Force base, promised $10,000 to the charity.
3. Clinton Foundation.
Rotten, evil corrupt, lol
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Ford Foundation
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Microsoft Corporation (In-kind)
Open Society Foundation
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Bauman Foundation
craigslist Charitable Fund
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Schuman Media Center, Inc.
Stuart Family Foundation
Park Foundation
Rogovy Foundation
Sustainable Grant Making Partners Fund
Melody S. Robidoux Foundation Fund held at the
Community Foundation for Southern Arizona
Collingwood Foundation
David Morse and Family
Dick and Joyce H. McFarland Family
Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation
Robert and Maurine Rothschild Fund
Sandpiper Fund Inc.
Susan and Richard Hare Family Foundation
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5b7b5e No.15527
I own a paranormal licensed group
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c11407 No.15528
Aren't they all?? LOL
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3b543f No.15529
bin laden i think is life that's why they killed all navy seals …..//////////////////@y@\\\\\\\\\\\\…………
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11ce74 No.15530
There was an RCAF Hercules on a converging path with PAT78 but lower altitude, but it's dropped off and I'm struggling to find it. They were both headed for Sudbury when I lost it.
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348f31 No.15531
So trying to red pill my mom(of all people) she wont read the chans herself due to being offended by naughty words(shes old) but she thinks if all this is happening they would kill potus…does anyone have a listnof assassination attempt so far?
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285fda No.15532
Namefagging is not a problem. That's a goon meme from the d/c of Gamergate. The problem is people who can't do their jobs and will flake out and fuck up under pressure. It does not matter whether they namefag or not.
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5d482a No.15533
Accord/ partnership
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212dd6 No.15534
BO from CBTS created the website
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3e824a No.15535
Glad you got red pilled no matter what the reason, but Palin is a dipshit famewhore. A bad hail mary by the RNC to give McCain some youth and female votes. Welcome to reality though.
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af1ea4 No.15536
A quick and very rough example for this board, presentation purposes, only. Did I blind ya with that green, there. You get the idea though, huh.
Its a marketing pitch. People don't need to know its for real. They'll soon enough figure that part out for themselves.
Anyway, its just an idea. Just need a reliable web page for updates.
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c11407 No.15537
Bin Laden is a psy-op LOL
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5d33e1 No.15538
Reddit conspiracy board gets a lot of eyes. Politics/news is iffy hit or miss but you have to just post a relevant and believable source link and maybe pretend to be a liberal who just realized your fellow liberals were up to no good rather than a kooky conspiracy theorist.
Channel your inner sleazy car salesman
And as far as 4ch well just throw something st the wall there until it sticks.
Like the stuff we found about loop. 4ch will devour that shit and help meme.
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f2e9f5 No.15539
…and it's gone. This time on all. the C-40A Clipper seems to be heading in the same direction.
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c11407 No.15540
There was at least 2 documented fence jumpers.
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da4d3e No.15541
Genuine criticism appreciated. New to meming. Btw. what prog is best to create memes?
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cdd19d No.15542
CBTS BO is a faggot. The famewhoring was only part of it. Maybe PA will realize he shouldn't namefag all the time and we don't give a shit about how he slept or if he's brewing coffee.
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b25145 No.15543
surprised our 130s still fly.
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5b7b5e No.15544
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67b307 No.15545
You know you can personally delete that post if you want to
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c11407 No.15546
Also stay the fuck off INFOWARS.
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42997f No.15547
1/10 - big day
1/20 - big day
1/30 - state of the union
could 1/10 and 1/20 drop a massive hammer?
state of the union to say i told you so???
or am i hoping too much?
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8fe7d9 No.15548
I agree.
The work here should be beyond reproach.
No monetary motive.
No fame seeking motive.
No political motive.
No mention of Q. It will come out that Q was the source of the crumbs, but it should not come from the mouths of anyone here. Let the public figure that out as part of the discovery process.
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285fda No.15549
Everybody and their brother has a foundation. Show that they're up to no good first. Start with a specific action or event that you're upset about and then see who is connected to it.
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c5a591 No.15550
Lufthansa flight turns around
http:// www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/unternehmen/lufthansa-braucht-4-5-stunden-von-frankfurt-nach-frankfurt-15377544.html
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10d8d8 No.15551
Thats a good one, KEK
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5b7b5e No.15552
Just a little constructive criticism take off the first part of that line and have it just say do you know where your tax money is being used? And then the rest of it leave it as it is
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22e618 No.15553
it might be a little to soon about the i told u so but the rest yes
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195c47 No.15554
Sarah Palin is a member of the Church of Scientology. Greta Van Susteren is a member of the Church of Scientology.
L Ron Hubbard is documented in his thoughts on young boys.
The Church of Scientology is a cult and it is going down.
The fact that Steve Bannon and scaramucci are part of this now is the only saving grace I have in my mind about Steve Bannon.
I believe he left the campaign in order to go do this work behind the scenes for Trump to take down a huge money scam of a cult that has many Hollywood and government members as a part of it
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b9d7f7 No.15555
That's a good idea for an App or some kind of flash/unity game.
Take the answers from the spreadsheet and incorporate it into the game/App.
If you take this task on, good luck to you.
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b30998 No.15556
Some anons make memes for their posts, not for the gen pop. I agree though, we need to be targeting harder the normies with memes that are not gleeful or one sided, but pose questions or point out corruption or facts that have been buried.
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fff294 No.15557
He's going to do what he does. And we are going to do what we do. There will always be stuff and people like that. I don't care about any of it, but I do suggest that any funds everyone makes off this temporary phenomena, they save for the lean times, when it is over. All things pass. This in time will also pass, and I hope with a great ending.
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5b7b5e No.15558
Make them want to look…
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d7fc7e No.15559
>everyone has a foundation
Trump should pass law that foundations must directly give funds as stated, within one year. No money given to other foundations.
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8fe7d9 No.15560
May better have made the wise choice.
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3e824a No.15561
And God told him to be President.
I don't think that guy has many original thoughts of his own. There are still Americans who adore him too.
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9b4a8a No.15562
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84da72 No.15563
Normies don't want to figure out puzzles, they want to be spoon fed.
Hence the reason MSM's are so big now.
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3407f9 No.15564
They were operators? Well they were probably FBI/DEA/Marshalls/or? Perp looked like a foreign soldier. Which sounds weird but we train many other nations military here. He does look to be wearing fatigues similar to mid eastern uniforms. Impossible to tell.
At first it looked like he had something in his right hand like a badge or beret but now I'm not sure. 2 Ford SUVs and 2 Chevy SUVs. Perps SUV looks like it took a flash bang direct and several bullet holes. Some close ups look to have dirt/blood on top of vehicle as if someone was hit while escaping.
IMO the guy in the video may have been driver and his passenger was detained prior to his attempted escape.
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af1ea4 No.15565
Not in my range of expertise, I'm afraid. Just tossing the idea out there for anyone who wants to run with it.
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9b4a8a No.15566
DISCLOSURE 100% or the media will obfuscate the evil.
DISCLOSURE 100% or the evil returns.
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9c84b6 No.15567
Agree. Q had GERONIMO as a crumb at one point. That was the code name for OBL.
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8fe7d9 No.15568
>Sarah Palin is a member of the Church of Scientology.
I'm gonna need proof of this claim.
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906e23 No.15569
Ok…. anyone willing to join in on this search. I find this interesting but have hit a wall.
http: //loopchicago.com/cla/foundation
Chicago Loop Alliance Foundation is a 501 (c)(3)
Assists with PP programs in Chicago.
I'm convinced there are ties to Loop Capital as there are Loop Capital offices in Chicago.
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e31c9a No.15570
Excellent post, anon. Thank you.
I concur and my hope is that these sealed indictments are exactly what you just described: the preparation of a full drain.
>speaking of which, we have no news of the sealed indictments for quite some time, are the indictments autists around?
Trump's EO seems like a step into the direction of drying the enemy's resources. What I am more concerned with is your point 2. While everybody has their skeletons it is hard to imagine that a good swamp draining will round up every single last university communist teacher in the country.
Trump is doing a stellar job at destroying mainstream media, but I have yet to see signs of massive action that would involve breaking the other pillar of the brainwashing system, the education system and its spearheads, the universities. IOW how do we dry the well once the refineries are out of order?
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3b543f No.15571
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9c84b6 No.15572
Yes, but stepwise. Everything all at once will be rejected out-of-hand.
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9b4a8a No.15573
Disclosure must be full or the blue pills will remain asleep..
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b9d7f7 No.15574
How desperate.
Fuck that noise!
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8fe7d9 No.15575
>Palin is a dipshit famewhore
Is that you Anderson?
Getting a little shilling in before your show?
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11ce74 No.15576
Also a blocked Gulfstream IV from New York headed that way - significant
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3163e6 No.15577
Perhaps Potus will use this SC ruling against them? He is always 10 steps ahead
US code:
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0bedbb No.15578
Who funded Zachari Klowann?
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fff294 No.15579
So.. about those C-40s… They are stationed in Jacksonville and around the Country. They fly around the world, 24/7 and it was the greatest job in the world. Or so I heard. (cough)
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5d33e1 No.15580
Meme template idea: Q questions with multiple choice answers. That might make people interested in looking up stuff for themselves. Even better if more than one answer is correct.
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634115 No.15581
Most excellent, please do NOT delete location. tia
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3163e6 No.15582
Sorry forgot to break link ((hangs head in shame))
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6492f0 No.15583
I saw that one directed at TB…kinda scary >>15368
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9c84b6 No.15584
Agree that he is still alive, or at least not killed at the time and in the manner claimed.
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0bedbb No.15585
Zachari Klowann is now spreading garbage by calling in to Infowars
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e31c9a No.15586
the only certainty with him is that it didn't happen according to the official version
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5b7b5e No.15587
Made me Smile BIGGLY!
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22e618 No.15588
plane with no callsign leaving gitmo
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195c47 No.15589
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2a28f7 No.15590
Good to see PA! Thank you for your work on keeping it clean. God Bless.
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b25145 No.15591
Rome's Legions
Anonymous was created as an FBI Cointelpro operation. Anonymous members wear the Guy Fawkes mask. Guy Fawkes was a Vatican agent. Anonymous call themselves Legions. Roman military regiments were called Legions. Anonymous are computer hackers that cyber stalk and censor people who speak out against Rome while they dominate the internet pretending to be opposed to corruption. They cyber stalk people and flag their comments. When a person if flagged enough on YouTube there comments no longer become visible. The person making comments is not even aware their comments are being hidden. This is all completely criminal. They get paid through paypal accounts to do this. There are many people involved in this that are not part of Anonymous as well. There are also people who have been misled into following this false group and call themselves Anonymous.
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285fda No.15592
> The work here should be beyond reproach.
> No monetary motive.
> No fame seeking motive.
> No political motive.
The principle is appealing, but mercs can be useful. Self-interest can make people work harder. That is the foundation of capitalism.
Gamergate had a few pure leeches who were up to no good. They needed to be exposed and kicked out. Then there were witch hunts against anyone who wanted to write a book or promote themselves. Everyone who did good work was accused of self-promotion and attacked until they quit. That was one of many things that killed the movement.
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70fd80 No.15593
“Q by Aston Martin is our unique personalisation service, for an Aston Martin that truly reflects you. Taking you on a journey of inspiration through the world of art, design and craft, to distant lands or favourite places, soaking up the character of objects, materials, colours, and textures -translating them all into key elements of your own car. We are only bound by the limits of imagination.“
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b9d7f7 No.15594
Mine neither.
But, it could be a way to train myself to do such a thing.
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825ba9 No.15595
Bin Laden died in late 2001. Was reported across MSM, funeral announcement was published in Pakistani newspaper.
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5b7b5e No.15596
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fff294 No.15597
I started a YT vid that had his picture up and his name. I hadn't really done any research on it yet, but figured someone would fill us in. This is tied in to all the confusion of Zach and his being a "real " Qanon on AJ (sniffles, alex) and people making the attempted connection. I have to believe Q when he said he has ZERO other contact on other platforms, that would mean Zaxh is just Zach. Who gives a crap what he gives to AJ. Some of it isn't that bad.
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10d8d8 No.15598
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in Palo Alto, Calif., which seeks to “create positive outcomes for future generations” through environmental conservation, science, and patient care. The foundation is the youngest of the group, being established in 2000 by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore and his wife, Betty. With $5.3 billion in assets, according to the Foundation Center, the foundation is a grant maker in addition to operating five initiatives: the Andes-Amazon Initiative, the Betty Irene Moore Nursing Initiative, the Marine Conservation Initiative, the Marine Microbiology Initiative, and the Wild Salmon Ecosystems Initiative. The foundation also considerably funds the California Institute of Technology in nearby Pasadena, Calif., along with the proposed Thirty Meter Telescope to be built on the summit of the Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii.
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation is the organization that awards MacArthur Fellowships –– more commonly known as “genius grants” –– but even non-geniuses benefit from the work of the foundation, which “supports creative people and effective institutions committed to building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world.” Established in 1970 by insurance giant John D. MacArthur and his wife, Catherine, the Chicago-based foundation uses its $5.7 billion in assets (as detailed by the Foundation Center) to award grants for international programs; USprograms; media, culture, and special initiatives; and, of course, the MacArthur Fellows Program. Specific projects include human rights and international justice, community and economic development, and public interest media. The foundation’s home city of Chicago is especially supported in the areas of arts and culture, housing, and juvenile justice.
David and Lucile Packard Foundation works in a variety of areas to “improve the lives of children, families, and communities –– and to restore and protect our planet.” HP co-founder David Packard and his wife, Lucile, established the foundation in 1964. With $5.7 billion in assets, according to the Foundation Center, it awards grants in the areas of conservation and science; population and reproductive health; and children, families, and communities. The foundation also has a local grantmaking program that supports geographic areas of special significance to the Packard family. The five counties surrounding the foundation’s Los Altos, Calif., headquarters –– San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Benito –– and Packard’s hometown of Pueblo, Colo., all receive unique attention in this local grantmaking program. Program-related investments are also made by the foundation in its overall philanthropy.
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dad48c No.15599
www. lifenews.com/2016/11/15/pepsi-funds-planned-parenthood-now-its-ceo-is-trashing-donald-trump-our-employees-were-crying/
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3b543f No.15600
_A_nonymous is c_a OP……..
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6889fe No.15601
im almost sure this must be his body double.. kek meme tho ty anon
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457a2b No.15602
Thank you to all planefags
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5b7b5e No.15603
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11ce74 No.15604
As per the file name - you have got to be shitting me! It can't be that simple, can it?
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6492f0 No.15605
Im not a fan of all the money hustling….if you're going to do something, do it bcs its right….but she has so many ppl following her and who just eat her up. I was like dayum…>>15591
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8fe7d9 No.15607
Here!. Here!
I LOVE you planefags!
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906e23 No.15608
Loop Capital's CEO Jim Reynolds getting on on curbing Violence in Chicago too! He makes the rounds!
http:// chicagotonight.wttw.com/2016/10/04/business-leaders-get-chicago-s-efforts-stem-violence
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d7f6e3 No.15609
I think you should look at the YouTube work of Dustin Nemos.
He is great at explaining things, already knows about Q, and is very anti communist.
Check his latest video on YouTube.
Google Dustin Nemos.
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da4d3e No.15610
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825ba9 No.15611
Forgot to add: http://www
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a8595a No.15612
Baker, please add this ingredient into the next batch - Research Threads
https://8ch.net /thestorm/res/10899.html#14740
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195c47 No.15613
After Jesus commanded the demon to leave the possessed person, he asked the name of the demon. The demon replied We Are Legion.
I believe anonymous has many good people and many bad people just like with any group. They certainly have power
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a93d2a No.15614
Time to grow up…
The purpose is to research, meme, and redpill…
I don't give a shit how it gets done…
The larger the audience, the more people get redpilled…
The more popular the YouTube channel, the larger the audience…
If you think you are helping by criticizing those who go outside this board to spread that redpill then it's time to grow up…
Who gives a shit about who gets it out there and how they do it…
Stay in here and bitch, bitch, bitch….
Doesn't help because people come in here and listen to the bitching and name calling and are turned off and then tune out…
Why would a normie come here and believe anything you say when they hear you people saying kill yourself and nigger and shill and the like.
Grow up and just do the work you think is important
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3b543f No.15615
if i get tracy beans Ummmmm
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5b7b5e No.15616
I’ve had a ya channel for a few yrs… never linked money to it. Not that I’m rich by any means, I’m disabled, but there are better ways to make money then allowing ya to put any ad on there THEY choose…. not into that! Most the ads are companies I do NOT support. And have been seeing a lot of planned parenthood ads on there lately.
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1f1774 No.15617
kill yourself and nigger and shill and the like.
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84da72 No.15618
Why not treat memes like story boards for making a movie?
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b25145 No.15619
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a93d2a No.15620
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0bedbb No.15621
Exactly, He is a disinfo agent specifically targeted at Q
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1f1774 No.15622
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5b7b5e No.15623
Yea, I believe the media……..NOT….. sorry, I’m us navy…. learned to NOT believe the MSM ….
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9fea6f No.15624
there should be some good meme material in that interview
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5b7b5e No.15625
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af1ea4 No.15626
Its generally easier to learn a knew skill if you have something real to apply it to, and not just a textbook exercise.
Honestly, though. I don't think we need to panic about getting the message out there. I truly believe that we just need be the witnesses. ;)
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a93d2a No.15627
Go to your safeplace and drink hot chocolate snowflake
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5d33e1 No.15628
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a99060 No.15629
Good morning patriots!!! Looks like I got about a pot of coffee worth of lurking to catch up thanks again PA and co
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5b7b5e No.15632
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0ce80f No.15633
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b34367 No.15634
>Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!
>Ahmadinejed talking.
>Where did ALL that money go?
>How many planes?
>Where did the planes land?
>Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting?
>Why cash?
>Why offshore cash?
>Why wasn’t Congress notified for approval?
>Where did the bank wires originate from?
>Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat?
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Former President of Iran: wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad
7.1.18: Iranian ex-president Ahmadinejad arrested for inciting unrest:
7.1.18: Iran Guards Say Quell Unrest Fomented by Foreign Enemies: usnews.com/news/world/articles/2018-01-07/irans-revolutionary-guard-says-unrest-fomented-by-foreign-enemies-defeated
Many more news reports from today available onwebs.
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b9d7f7 No.15635
GIMP is free and there are lots of tutorials on YT etc.. What did you use to make that?
I like the meme. I think you did good. Look into Hillary's ultraviolet revolution if you want to expand on this idea (if you haven't already).
A lot of ammo at this site:
Good luck on your future memeing endeavors!
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d531a6 No.15636
I’m sure that was a (((warning))) about Mickey shaping up
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5b7b5e No.15637
Good morning! Get comfy!
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0ce80f No.15639
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825ba9 No.15641
Not trusting the MSM has nothing to do with his death being publicly announced and common knowledge at the time. That's the point I am making and it is demonstrated in the WRH article which is not MS.
(Do you honestly think anyone here trusts the MSM?)
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51eefe No.15642
Agreed….some people have had their lives ruined for speaking out on these things for 10 years or more while everyone else remained duped…these same people are now seeing that their CRAZY theories are true afterall….why would these folks NOT want to monetize the knowledge they've posessed for years while being called every negative adjective in the book. Some truthers have had their lives RUINED by the Cabal…and people want them to be quiet?? Not so easy to do…it's like Christmas morning for all those folks and we want them to stop calling the people they love about the wonderful gifts Q-Clause has brought for them…..
However, I do agree that we need to avoid putting Q's posts on mainstream social media…and I also believe Memes should be proven before posting….
i.e. Putting Soros in the Rock power structure while leaving the Jesuits and Vatican out of it…big mistake….Jesuits and Vatican control communities and land in every country across the globe….
End of rant…stay focused, don't give away our leverage by posting Q's hints on social media, but once it is proved, MEME destruction of the worst kind…and share news stories from Alt-Right outlets… Infowars has great stuff…their guy Zach has similar info to Q…. True Pundit is doing great work as well…
Ok to want to monetize, but no need to doxx ourselves either….even some of my memes may be traced back to my real twitter account, but I try to go easy on the memes that haven't been proven 100% as of yet…like Prince Harry eats babies…I've told this to my closest family and friends, and they give me crazy looks…so if you make it public, just imagine the tin foil hat being pictured on our heads LOL
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3477d6 No.15643
*fresh nightcrumbs compilation*
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8fe7d9 No.15644
GTFO with your Hillslag shilling.
Tried this same shit the other night.
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3b543f No.15645
BO somebody cracking the hashes, today 3rd day i had to call customer service to turn my service back on, we r against _/\q/\_uantum.somehow they getting ip address's go look at ur server.all ur mods you can't trust @nybody__…….////////@y@\\\\\\\\……..____
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285fda No.15646
> I have yet to see signs of massive action that would involve breaking the other pillar of the brainwashing system, the education system and its spearheads, the universities.
Do you know about all of those Title IX law enforcement officers who insist that you believe a certain way and tell you it's against the law to disagree? They are committing the crime of deprivation of rights under the color of law, and they are committing the civil offense of creating a chilling effect against free speech. We need lawyers to go after their fat university endowments. Crack the dam with a success or two and there should be a gold rush.
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212dd6 No.15647
AJ & Corsi fucked over CBTS BO
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2a28f7 No.15648
Careful; that was NOT retweeted by TRUMP, but TRIMP.
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3477d6 No.15649
fresh nightcrumbs compilation
full >>15643
in 2parts:
fresh nightcrumbs compilation
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5b7b5e No.15650
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b0f888 No.15651
VERY nice quote…needs to be a meme showing 7th floor is no more.
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3b543f No.15652
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161845 No.15653
>Who is VJ?
"..Valerie Jarrett’s father spent time in Iran working after his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, FBI records reveal. (At the time, Iran was led by a government supported by the United States and Great Britain.)
Valerie Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran in 1956.
Jarrett’s father and her maternal grandfather, Robert Rochon Taylor, also maintained a business partnership with Stern, FBI records reveal.
Jarrett’s father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was among the individuals named on the FBI’s Security Index, a database used by the FBI to track people potentially dangerous to national security, reports Judicial Watch.
Vernon Jarrett was a long-time Chicago journalist. He worked at the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. He was also a founder of the National Association of Black Journalists. He came to the attention of the FBI because he had written propaganda for an unidentified Communist Party front group in Chicago which, FBI files indicate, distributed communist propaganda to “the middle class…"
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0ce80f No.15654
Soylent Green is People
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44c539 No.15655
Not true. Height is limited to less than some amount of that of the Washington Monument. Most buildings are 12 floors in DC, sometimes a 13th/penthouse/roof.
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b0f888 No.15656
PraYing for this E.X.P.O.S.U.R.E.
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170559 No.15657
Mandela or Quantum effect is very real
I resonate with so many examples including the biblical ones
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b9d7f7 No.15658
You don't understand that I'm saying to use the ultraviolet campaign AGAINST them.
Don't be so rude.
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161845 No.15659
Maybe it's because you keep typing like a robot?
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b0f888 No.15660
Weaponized human-beings.
Diabolically brilliant, starting with destabalizing the regions they migrate from.
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559274 No.15661
tracy beanz cunts are pissed!
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e31c9a No.15662
Gotta go for now, anons.
Baker can we please add the recommendation to not share Q's posts on Twitter to the batter? Seems like a consensus here and it will help us.
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8fe7d9 No.15663
Fuck you with your bullshit.
Same tactic you tried the other night.
We're not as stupid as those r/politic idiots.
You're a shill.
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84da72 No.15664
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5b7b5e No.15665
I know missouri university used to be connected to planned parenthood…until last year…. all the sudden they stopped the doctor there who was a MU professor, from doing any abortions . So the PP in Columbia and two other towns are now closed.
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f2e9f5 No.15666
Definitely busy in Florida area today. the clipper went off radar - had to be transponder take off as was nowhere near airport and too high last time I looked. one blocked plane I saw coming into Florida keys airport, but couldn't capture in time, another 2 blocked, and not on other sites so couldn't verify.
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906e23 No.15667
The top 38 corps that invest in PP. Not sure if we have this list yet.
http:// dailysignal.com/2015/07/21/meet-the-41-companies-that-donate-directly-to-planned-parenthood/
Here are the 38 companies that have directly funded Planned Parenthood.
American Cancer Society
American Express
Bank of America
Bath & Body Works
Ben & Jerry’s
Deutsche Bank
Fannie Mae
Johnson & Johnson
La Senza
Levi Strauss
Liberty Mutual
March of Dimes
Morgan Stanley
Susan G. Komen
United Way
Wells Fargo
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c9b022 No.15668
…Where are you referring to? Getting them from where?
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d531a6 No.15669
False. Anybody trying to not be an anon is cancer. No two ways about it… separating self from anon is purely self motivated. There is a reason the chans have survived this whole time. Protip: its anonymity
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b9d7f7 No.15671
Making people aware that there is an ultraviolet campaign is shilling?
I think you just called yourself out.
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31f4f6 No.15672
Forgiving my naïveté Anons. Long time lurker on cbts, barely ever posted. That is not my role. If I’ve done something wrong with how I posted this pic please let me know and I’ll delete. This has been bugging me. The highlighted line screams McMaster to me. Has Q ever said anything about him?
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d52a5c No.15673
Nigger, you're ignorant. Anon is saying take the ultraviolet theme and use it.
Ultraviole(n)t could be a meme.
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8fe7d9 No.15674
Fuck off.
Same tactic. You're a shill.
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10d8d8 No.15675
Did the plane Fags ever cover this? i think it happened while all the crazy stuff was occurring on cbts board.
PHOENIX - Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It was definitely a plane, and it created quite the stir on social media after it was seen circling Phoenix for several hours Thursday night.
Viewers reported seeing a plane "circle" above the Phoenix metro for at least five hours, and generated several theories as to what the plane was or what it was actually doing.
As it turns out, the plane belonged to the Phoenix Police Department.
Police would only say the plane was being used for a training operation, or to assist in an active investigation, in which case they cannot comment.
https:// www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/social-media-buzzing-after-plane-seen-circling-phoenix-for-hours
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5136f5 No.15676
Monetized stolen info called out
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b9d7f7 No.15677
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8fe7d9 No.15678
He's using that as an excuse to spread Hillslag propaganda.
your'e either an idiot or complicit.
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11a70c No.15679
Very wise comments, thanks.
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7d6220 No.15680
That's because she was never meant to loose.
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6056f0 No.15681
When do we get to destroy these diversity programs funded by commies? They absolutely shit up everything.
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84da72 No.15682
>Police would only say the plane was being used for a training operation, or to assist in an active investigation, in which case they cannot comment.
Well, wonder which one it is?
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94c319 No.15683
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3b543f No.15684
today is 3rd day, they r sending frequency to my modem which goes true my _I_S_P_and turn my service off, before i never had this problem when i am coming here that happen
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d531a6 No.15685
Sorry m8 gotta disagree. It has been proven impossible for one to put ego aside and work with an anonymous majority. Already shows (((they))) feel more important than the group. At that point it’s about the (You) and they can fuck off back to plebbit and twatter for upvotes and @s
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9ccb05 No.15686
sounds like an indirect way of saying it's involved in an active investigation.
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3b543f No.15687
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746388 No.15688
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84da72 No.15689
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b34367 No.15690
Valerie Jarretts' name also appears regularly in the Seth Rich citizens' investigation.
>May 23, 2016 Source: obamawhitehouse.archives.gov
12:15pm EDT Huma Shah makes appointment for Jennifer Palmieri (Director of Communications for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign) to meet Katherine Branch (Director of Special Projects and Events Special Assistant to Valerie Jarrett) in the West Wing.
Sauce: Seth Rich, A Complete Timeline: reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/6cj9l3/sethrich_complete_timeline_all_the_facts_in_one/
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5b7b5e No.15691
So maybe they’re demanding their money back from BHO
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0ce80f No.15692
Just added these images to a zip file:
Soylent Green is People - 11 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/ra81vcd6b1/Soylent_Green_is_People.zip
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a7840d No.15693
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=4LWPcEo2gV0
Listen to Paul Harvey from 1965 radio 3+ minutes.
Q was talking about past admins in U.S. of destroying from within not present
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b9d7f7 No.15694
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161845 No.15695
Well anon, you may be right… is it a coincidence his birthday is
July [24, 1]962
? We may never know lol
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d7f6e3 No.15696
Obviously, not training. Think bathroom break, lunch, civil service rules. And the not saying which. Hey, they didn't lie!
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be52cf No.15697
>>15280 you are if you're dumb enough to make the clowns that created this board your leaders
(yawn. bye. ) Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
5b7b5e No.15698
We need to dig more on VJ
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7d6220 No.15699
I'm not sure if others noticed but Q has given a new acronym for us to use post tomorrow: CBTJJD
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be52cf No.15700
look, pamphlet anon is here! All the glow niggers are accounted for then
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746388 No.15701
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be52cf No.15702
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161845 No.15703
something something something JUSTICE DEPARTMENT ??
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762c1c No.15704
Updated with today’s tweet
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76a3d9 No.15706
http://www. washingtonexaminer.com/spotted-john-kerry-sen-kirsten-gillibrand-valerie-jarrett/article/2643487
Dec 14, 2017
Here’s an interesting “spotted” with 2020 overtones.
Our tipster said that former Obama insider Valerie Jarrett, former Secretary of State John Kerry and New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand were dining Wednesday night with others at Osteria Morini, the hip Italian restaurant near the Washington Nationals stadium.
Gillibrand has been a leading voice of the #MeToo movement, has called for President Trump’s resignation, and is talked about as a 2020 presidential candidate. Kerry, of course, ran and lost his bid for the White House, and Jarrett was Obama’s top counselor. …
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8fe7d9 No.15707
That Jarrett whore stayed well-hidden in Jugears' admin.
But, I believe she will turn out to be the head swamp cunt after this is all over with.
Moozlum Brohood, Iran, 0bama.
VJ is the top cunt, imo.
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c7b9a7 No.15708
Thank God My Pillow isn't on the list.
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e3ba2e No.15709
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5eb61e No.15710
an acronym for what?
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3b543f No.15711
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348f31 No.15712
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84da72 No.15713
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c11407 No.15714
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556807 No.15715
He capitalizes HUMA as well, mebbe a clue to a Pakistan connection
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5136f5 No.15716
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a93d2a No.15717
John Brennan and James Clapper are as dirty as it gets
How have they remained above the Storm?
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737005 No.15718
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5b7b5e No.15719
I like being a part of a large group like this…. I can slide into the shadows and research, meme, and redpill without folks yelling at me. 🖥
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906e23 No.15720
Hahaha was looking around the house, kitchen … what I"m wearing… Damn…..
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6056f0 No.15721
AJ is funded by a zionist, why the hell do people still listen to that fat nut?
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67e5cc No.15722
Trump to counter MSM lies about Trump health with Jan 12th physical. Trump team knew they would pull the 25th…
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746388 No.15723
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6492f0 No.15724
Serious…are they any good? Worth 50 bucks?>>15716
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10d8d8 No.15725
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8fe7d9 No.15726
The capitalized words are the answers to the questions:
q1 - Senators are Corrupt, Justice for the graft
q2 - Thievery has been Broken, Jail for Mz. Waters
q3 - Foundations/institutes used by Traitors, Death to the foundations
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6492f0 No.15727
Whoever B is on twitter….that account gets the most retweets of all the people spreading memes and info from here.
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f46f1a No.15728
Nolte: Schizophrenic Media Flails as Trump’s Focus and Success Torpedo ‘Crazy’ Claims
<That didn't take long.
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f46f1a No.15729
That's because the memers rock!
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b9d7f7 No.15730
They come in waves.
Must be a west coast shill wave happening now.
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818974 No.15731
Can you make one that says
Pepsi is People
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8fe7d9 No.15732
Oh, well that meme settles it I guess … smh.
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d241aa No.15733
He capitalizes HUMA for the Harvard University Muslim Association and its connection to BHO.
Huma is for Huma Abedin.
Why did he capitalize AWAN?
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5b7b5e No.15734
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bf4345 No.15735
What's the meaning of the phrase 'Win one for the Gipper'?
Ronald Reagan quotation.
What's the origin of the phrase 'Win one for the Gipper'?
This originated in American football. Knute Rockne was the coach of the US Notre Dame team in the 1920s and George Gipp was his star player. The story goes that Gipp fell ill and when dying he asked Rockne to promise that, when things were going badly for the team, he should inspire them by asking them to 'win one for The Gipper'.
reaganRonald Reagan played the part of Gipp in the 1940 film Knute Rockne: All American. The screenplay has the line:
And the last thing he said to me, "Rock," he said, "sometime when the team is up against it and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to go out there with all they've got and win just one for the Gipper.
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5b7b5e No.15736
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6492f0 No.15737
Agreed…but something about that account has caught on, unlike many others. >>15729
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9b4a8a No.15738
AWAN? The Awan Group of companies is a global organization, it is Head quartered in Pakistan, It’s wings are in Islamabad, Karachi, Rawalpindi, Taxila, Chakwal, Talagang.
The Awan Group of Companies was established in 1988 with its core business of dry goods and liquid cargo transportation.
This establishment is also in the heart of kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh in the name of Falak Sher Awan & Co. for Contracting.
http:// theawangroup.com/index-1.html
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e746fb No.15739
Oh good. A thinker. Glad. 2nd meaning for RR Out (from 01-03) could be about flushing out the guilty. On same date Rosenstein went 1st to Ryan then to testify AGAIN b4 Congress. Maybe it took this long for him to incriminate himself. Maybe Q's were waiting to get him dead to rights. Just a thought.
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5b7b5e No.15740
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67e5cc No.15741
We are working hard on twitter too. Seems good guys have control…
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9b4a8a No.15742
Transportation Pakistan and SA? Smells suspicious.
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43677a No.15743
Tracy Beanz has gotten tens of thousands of new subs thanks The her Q coverage
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84da72 No.15744
Sounds like a great company to move people through.
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5eb61e No.15745
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906e23 No.15746
Perhaps another double meaning ? AWAN
http:// www.awangroups.com/
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2cfd44 No.15747
Love you patriots!
And Q, we will carry the burden of truth with you so that you can sleep peacefully in the future. Because the truth will set us all free.
God bless.
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623523 No.15748
>Trey Gowdy has been given the highest security clearance possible.
Shit gonna hit the fan now?
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