f01a71 No.1391 [Last50 Posts]
>Post research, news, links, etc. of metaphysical, spiritual, esoteric, other-worldly, /x/+/cbts/ type of things here
>If your research involves multiple topics, be sure to cross-link in appropriate threads.
>Try to stay on topic and only post relevant things. Keep /cbts/ clutter-free!
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757d78 No.1600
Defeating the cabal news: http://operationdisclosure.blogspot.nl/
Cobra & the resistance: http://2012portal.blogspot.nl/
VictoryOfTheLight , knows about the aliens and other earth (historical) secrets: https://twitter.com/KibBitzLaw
Pleiadian starseed & channeler: https://twitter.com/kabamur_taygeta
A zeti reticulan: https://twitter.com/SandiaWisdom
History of the universe:
- Book of Man (less spiritual, probably the best summary yet in video & narrated format): https://vimeo.com/album/2701770 and its sequel Ascension https://vimeo.com/album/3943901/
- other takes on history: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_galacticdiplomacy_11.htm and http://rune.galactic.to/colonisation.html
- has three books you might be interested in with a whole different take on history before & life after the event: http://www.thenewearth.org/
and a whole archive of messages from the Galactic Federation of Light Regional Council on Sirius B http://www.thenewearth.org/GalacticFederationArchive.html
- ET motivations :
Youtube channel with handy information about the aliens: https://www.youtube.com/user/Satchitanandy/videos
Victory to the light!
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2cc1fc No.1622
First link makes me wonder if the new December Mnuchin $1 Bill has an Owl printed on it. Messing with my spinach makes me curious.
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3fe4b8 No.1646
Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Rule with Everlasting Righteousness.
Let no adversary deceive Any called by God.
Let His people take heart, knowing that the Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World, loves us.
He is perfect. He loves us.
Perfect love casts out All fear.
Ask Jesus for help. He is Faithful and True.
Glorify Thyself in Thy Son, Father.
Make Justice upon the earth.
Have mercy upon Your people.
It is All about Grace, folks.
He loved everyone of us enough to DIE for Us.
He lovs us enough to forgive us now.
Ask Him. Live.
>and no ayyylmaos
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3fe4b8 No.1658
Sorry, folks. Rusty at this, ahem…
It is in Jesus name i ask this, Amen.
>inb4 sage
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887c98 No.1921
Dont waste time touting the everlasting virtue of the church, has the catholic pedophillia taught you nothing? As for putting down the church the same applies - remember - God knows all, Controls all, there is enough truth in ANY spiritual texts to bring light to any soul, painting all with a black brush shows you as blind and dim, NOT them, you must keep an open mind and question everything.
Someone asked why you strive - A = Not all are, only those who seek to ascend are seeking/striving, others are blind - including the 'cabal'.
We are playing a role on the world stage, we are doing what we are doing because God has seen to put us here to do it.
Someone asked for Roman I.D, Minerva.
4 Dimensions, Quantum universe, The matrix>>1328
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a3f252 No.1956
Gods below man… that is a thought full…
Are you claiming Jesus is not the Son of God?
I am aware if the worth of many aspects of numerous religions, but i am a child of the west.
Jesus Christ is the only Path to the Father. His Sacrifice (God's) makes it possible to once again be in His presence. The death of God (Jesus) fulfilled His (God's) own Law. The prerequisite upon which Actual Contact with Him is based.
Kinda like a double feedback cancellation.
>>sorry, i'm nuts.
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d15ff3 No.2019
Simon Parkes on Wolfspirit Radio.
He is a very spiritual guy with psychic capabilities.
His parents worked for MI5 and MI6.
In this vid 19.Nov. he mentioned the Trump Tweet 'Alice in Wonderland' that was deleted after 15secs.
In general in his 2 shows/month interviews he first talks 15-20mins about actual situations and backgrounds and than answers questions from a live chat.
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a3f252 No.2064
Jesus said He was the only Safe gateway to spiritual/supernatural experience… He did not say He was the Only way to said.
He Is, however, the Only Way to come unto The Father.
Mayhap not everyone wants that… i don't know.
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d15ff3 No.2071
The tetrahedron is not a satanic shape. It has no intention, it is neutral. Like all sacred geometry it simply IS.
It becomes bad when used to rip the aura, it becomes good when used to destroy e.g. snake venom or cancer cells.
This is how we Curanderos (spiritual healers) use it emanating etherically :
Most Powerful Killer on the Planet. This is the demolition shape. It tears down, destroys, eliminates, rips, annihilates [exterminator, wipes out, eradicator, annihilator, dissipater, break up, break down, cut up, chainsaws, tear, shatter, expel, eradicate]. Breaks down the disease or condition in the body. Its weight is distributed so that it moves end-over-end, tearing holes, ripping etheric, ectoplasmic, and subtle energies apart; preventing a quantum or endomorphic field from existing. Tetrahedra are found in many shapes. It causes destructiveness to clear a path for the plan, whatever the plan is. It is the ultimate killer.
This shape is a Platonic solid - it provides a limited and sharp perspective.
The purpose of the tetrahedron is to clear the path for the plan (example, if you want to be smarter or become a writer, you need to break down patterns first). Sacred geometries stay in their shape until a higher geometric shape encounters them. To remove tetrahedra you need higher shapes to break them down and absorb them.
Do not let tetrahedra flow through the air because people would breathe them; do not leave tetrahedra in water people or animals drink.
There are approximately 400,000 blue tetrahedra in the auric field and physical body of a depressed person. If you have 900,000 blue tetrahedra you will be so depressed you can't get out of bed. The tetrahedra tear through the emotional body and the ectomorphic, endomorphic, and quantum fields. When these fields are gone, things cannot hold together. Depression is a state of consciousness that supports the ripping and tearing of self-esteem.
Blue - Lack of self-esteem (depressive, helpless, 'giving up quality') builds blue tetrahedron.
Red - There are 4-5 million red tetrahedra in a person with the AIDS virus, breaks down the field to make space for the disease. Lack of self-respect (take action in directions that feed our not getting respected) builds red tetrahedra in the physical body and material plane, the lymph system can't work. Use several million red tetrahedra to break down a quantum field (e.g., pollution in a pond that is not a water source).
Medium blue - chemical depression.
Dark blue - hormonal depression
Black - When someone has leprosy, black tetrahedra tear through the physical plane - that is, through the flesh and organs.
Black - karma builds them. If you see black cones or black tetrahedra coming out of the temples of someone's head, you are seeing someone who kills people. If you see it out of their armpits, you are seeing someone who steals.
Yellow - asbestos has lots of.
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7f8a38 No.2089
Interesting, please continue.
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d15ff3 No.2094
and this is, how Shamans see the Torus
- CERN related -
Three-dimensional; donut shaped
Formed with 144 concentric circles
Works one of two ways:
1. What you want stays on the edges of the donut, and what you don't want is sucked in the hole to other dimensions. (That which is good stays on the ring, and that which is devitalizing goes into the black hole in the center.)
2. What you don't want from another dimension stays on the donut, and what you want falls through the hole to you.
Be careful with toroids. A black hole is capacious. It sucks in everything and it never comes out again. It eats everything in its path. The basic torus can go in the 49-shape grid.
The torus can be used in interdimensional travel; it is part of the teleportation grid.
Shamans think that CERN works to open a PORTAL to the 4th dimension (the lower part of it, where dark entities life.) That would enable those entities (Reptilians, Jinns etc) to enter our world easily.
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d15ff3 No.2110
This is about the pentagonal prism, in the view of the Shamans/Curanderos:
- related to the PENTAGON building -
Faces 7 Edges 15 Vertices 10
This coffin-shaped box seals things into it - bacteria, viruses, secrets, lifeforce, etc. This shape contains. Use it when someone has a cold or flu - everyone has a germ or cancer in their body, it is our vibration that lets us catch it or not - the pentagonal prism makes you not catch it. Use it for man-made diseases.
This shape is the anti-oxidant of the polyhedra. Anything that will put you in a coffin, this shape will pick up and flush out of your body -or- it will keep it in the box so it cannot be used. It has been used to contain a demonic spirit. Put things you want to hide inside something white. White reflects everything - use it when you want to hide something.Use this shape with caution - it can take away things.
Do not use the pentagonal prism in a life purpose grid, as it would shut it down and split the light that the person's supposed to be manifesting.
You can toss a prism for healing but don't put people in a prism. If someone is trying to kill you then put around them. Can contain for a short time only in an emergency. Can put around the poison from snake venom. In dark turquoise - during boogie busting to contain the demon and move it out to the light.
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a3f252 No.2127
… and all of this works NAOW as oppased to, say a decade ago, why?
>>Though i should ask for sauce.
For what you are saying sounds mythical, to be kind.
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7f8a38 No.2138
It has always worked. It is not limited to any tradition. It simply is.
It is up to you to commit to personal exploration or not. I didn't think any of this stuff was real until someone showed me a few shortcuts. Finding a real teacher is the most important task for a beginner. Without one you are almost certain to cause yourself harm sooner or later. Many will give up before finding a teacher. This is normal. Many are called, few chosen, etc.
Some things are secret for good reason.
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477054 No.2148
CERN + Metaphysics + Extra Dimensional Childmolesting 'Demons' + Sacred Geometry + Spicy Memes = Q Meta?
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a3f252 No.2156
I have a Teacher. He has always taught me.
It is a shame no one else seems to know Him.
Whatever will He think when He Returns to His forgetful children?
Yes… we have been lied to.
Yet every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess;
That Jesus is Lord.
That is the test.
Can (You) say it, hmm?
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d15ff3 No.2164
sacred geometry is one of the laws / basics of this universe.
it is the Flower of Life, it is Metatrons Cube, it is the Fibronacci spiral etc.
Curanderos know lots of it, e.g.
cube - stabilizes, boxes in
pyramid - inegrates and preserves
cylinder - connects and conducts
My Curandero Lineage goes back 27 generations (all are known by name).
Knowledge is given from teacher to newbie directly - by word and thru the aura.
You can't learn it by books or videos. Aura is neccessary.
Teacher sends information, newbie catches it - aura to aura.
Words are 10% Aura is 90% of information.
This lineage has mostly people with a Soul coming from Sirius.
But - don't spend too much time on this here.
CBTS isn't here for lightworkers, it reveals and unveils the truth.
That's the Job - not a chatroom for lightworkers.
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7f8a38 No.2169
One of the things that fascinates me about all of this are the implications people expect to occur at the end.
Christians are thinking God's coming back.
Fundamentalists expect Judgement and Armageddon.
Spiritualists are thinking mass enlightenment.
VOTL is thinking aliens.
Then you got flat/hollow earthers, Muslims, Jews, every culture with their own expectations.
They can't all come true.
A lot of people are going to be disappointed.
Every thought exists, and the thought of Jesus as Lord exists, so Jesus is Lord. However the opposite thoughts also exist, so the opposite of that is simultaneously existing as well. P=P and P=NP you see?
Also a closed mind never fills. I respect your point of view. Have a nice day.
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7f8a38 No.2174
My job is to make progress but ty for the advice.
Tibetan Buddhism works much the same way.
I can multitasking so if you care to share more at some point that would be great.
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a3f252 No.2191
A delicate prevarication. Touché.
As for close mindedness, i've not yet named you heretic nor called for your burning at any stake.
>> I say this… Logos comes. Not for a war, but to Rule.
Fundamentalist i may be, but being the hermit is the greatest gift and heaviest burden.
Long did i seek truth. Truth was found relative.
A static reality is a thing of true peace.
God the Father, is.
Jesus is God.
2k years ago, God died. A contradiction in terms, even in quantum terms.
Jesus Is The Way.
Soon, He will Administrate this world,
Glorifying Himself, and His Father in Him.
That is sacred geometry, hoss. Bank on it.
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d15ff3 No.2207
I try to make it more common, for all people:
[sorry for my bad english]
Bible says as above, so below but then it says Father in Heaven.
To me IMHO this is crap.
ALL is God - me too. You, too.
When i realized that I am God, too, my "channel" opened and I became a healer.
And, when I talk to Jesus or Angels,
I do it like I talk to my friend or neighbor. I don't bow my knees.
All is one. I am God, God is me.
Jeses isnt outside, he is in my heart.
God isnt outside (heaven), he is in my heart.
When I have a problem, I ask God/Angels to help me,
but I know that it is my job to solve the problem.
I am responsible for everything in my life, for everything in my reality.
We have to do the work and angels are our helpers.
But again - this CBTS is not an esoteric chatroom.
It's to unveil the truth.
BTW: the Octahedron represents the "As Above So Below" in sacred geometry.
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a3f252 No.2211
This cbts is an esoteric q chat…
religious discussion should be relegated here.
Click the catalogue button on the top or bottom of your screen. Infinity chan has many more resources than half chan.
This sub was made for these discussions.
All will be well.
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fec0ea No.2257
BTW I would like to discuss this more... if you can find this post.
>>bottle into ocean^
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d15ff3 No.2267
I added these texts because the dark ones are very spiritual.
They are the other side of duality, they know the laws of this universe.
And they use it with all their symbolism and mindcontrol.
CERN → numrology (666), torus (dimensions)
Owls → sacred power animal
Pentagon Building → geometry to keep the secrets inside
Fluoride → tetrahedrons to destroy the pineal gland
color blue → to create shock in communication system (throat chakra) e.g. police lights, blue business shirt to create respect
color red → to trigger the base chakra / material chakra e.g. in ads to make ppl buy something, to make aggressive, to rev up speed
Gargoyles → on churches or buildings, they sit on it, they possess the building (like Sacre Coer in France)
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e580ff No.2277
>Who opened the door of all doors?
>POTUS opened the door of all doors.
>Was it preplanned?
>Expand your thinking
>Disinformation is necessary
>Follow the Owl & Y head around the world
>Identify and list
>They don't hide it.
>They don't fear you
>You are sheep to them.
>You are feeders(*1)
>Expand your thinking
>All that you know to be right is wrong
>The 'cult' runs the world.
>The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult)
>20% public
>80% private
>The world would otherwise collapse
>Expand your thinking.
>Have faith.
>Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?
>When this breaks many won’t swallow.
>The world cannot swallow the truth
>Nothing is as it seems
>Expand your thinking
>The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
>This is not easy to accept nor believe.
>Many cannot/will not swallow.
>Hard to swallow.
>Important to progress.(*2)
>Who are the puppet masters? (*3)
>Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.
>Eye of Providence.
>Does Satan exist?
>Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
>Who worships Satan?
>What is a cult?
>Epstein island.
>What is a temple?
>What occurs in a temple?
>Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
>How many levels might exist below?(*4)
>Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
>When? How often? Why?
>“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
>Enormous scale of events currently ongoing.
>Expand your thinking
>Future proves past. (*5)
>The Great Awakening.
Jesus fucking Christ anons. How fucking deep does this rabbit hole go? Its its no longer digging, its fucking quantum tunneling to a fucking alternate reality.
What kind of insane truth(s) learn? Flat earth? Reptilians? Earth is a farm and we are the cattle? Nibiru? Are we really in a computer situation? Hollow earth? Aliens?
(*1) Are we bottom feeders, or are *we* feeding people red pills?
(*2) Ad Astra Per Aspera, Anons! We cannot and will not be stopped, for Humanity's Manifest Destiny lies among the stars!
(*3) Death? As evidenced here: https://youtu.be/fBYVlFXsEME
(*4) D.U.M.B.s
(*5) Expand your thinking. 40,000 feet for the full picture. Think in the large scale of things. Ancient civilization evidence?
Do not falter anons!
for "You are the calm before and during the storm"
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7f8a38 No.2281
>this CBTS is not an esoteric chatroom.
This thread most certainly is and it will continue.
Everything else you say is accurate but the idea that CBTS isn't esoteric-related is false, censorous, and frankly rude. We are free to explore the inner universe as we wish. Please respect that. Thanks.
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e580ff No.2283
Sorry for mark twaining that fucking post, lol
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e01c51 No.2286
This trailer about the Getty's
The monologue says "it's like they are from another planet" and even talks about gravitaional lensing.
wtf at these coincidences. It seems like disclosure of things are coming.
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7f8a38 No.2287
Don't be. The more factual information, the better.
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fec0ea No.2296
HEAR HEAR… together we shall reason until philosophy loses it's savor.
Come gentleAnons, let us reason together… if not finding consensus, at least adding a bit more civility and stability to the multiverse, eh?
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7f8a38 No.2316
So this Y shape.
Unity splitting into duality.
Duality coming into oneness.
When formed with the body it is the symbol of obedience, worship, submission before authority.
When used by forces of light, or compassion, it is a blessed symbol.
When used by the darkness, the malicious, it is the opposite.
That's my understanding so far.
What else?
Is there a vibrational energy that creates things with Y shaped horns and antennae? Is this energy neutral? I have so many questions.
In Tibetan Buddhism one word for the highest state of consciousness is "mahamudra", or "great symbol". Why would a state of consciousness be a symbol? Does Y represent a state of consciousness?
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19614e No.2333
Where are you getting this Y shape connection?
In Q question the Y was simply a hint to the horned figure and Rothschild connection.
Q continued to drop hints as to the Y and painted in Gold in the PICTURE and this was obviously referencing the Gold Antler Headdress of the Lady Rothschild.
It is easy to create meaning out of nothing, but what is meaning without concrete definition?
At that point anyone could make up anything and so long as they convince enough people then it is hallucinated as true, but still not true.
This is also how cult mentality is formed.
So ask yourself, am I seeking to fill myself with truth or just seeking to myself with thoughts?
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fec0ea No.2338
Greetings, senpai… hehheh. Nice cul de sac, eh?
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19614e No.2358
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1e9061 No.2362
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7f8a38 No.2379
I'm not unfiltering you. I gave you so many chances. I wish you the best .
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d15ff3 No.2381
well I don't think that Q means the Y in a spiritual manner,
I guess he thinks of a symbol, a building or something else - something visible, touchable.
In shaman use of geometry (we call it Light Language) the closest shapes are the tetrahedron seen from above or the icecream cone.
The cone in light language works like a funnel.
like >>2316 said, and it can work in both ways,
to gather or to spread/dilute.
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09dcaf No.2389
>when Q became a NatSoc
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7f8a38 No.2411
The Rothschilds use Y in a spiritual manner. Maybe Hillary and that South Korean cult that was running things there, too.
I believe very strongly this is something the public won't get full disclosure on: admitting Satanism works would create a lot of Satanists. People would try it. So these things won't be fully explained.
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d15ff3 No.2419
yeah, you know that they always tell what they do and who they are.
They often do it by H-wood.
It's their cult to tell us. And this has karmic reasons. They need our permission to supress us and films are a strange way to make normies give this permissen. That's mind control.
Works good in combination with fluoride and iodine.
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7f8a38 No.2421
Yes, exactly. What about a cone that's wide on the bottom, narrow at the top? Does that have any specific spiritual significant that you're familiar with?
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7f8a38 No.2427
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2286
You can embed vids here under post options btw.
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19614e No.2434
As stated before, the Y was simply a reference to this image and the gold cover "Y" mask or antlered headdress, which then connects to family "y" in the Q questions, giving answers to previous asked questions from Q.
This is all I am in attempt to describe.
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d15ff3 No.2436
that's what I meant. Both ways.
A funnel upside down is like a watering can.
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97bd46 No.2441
Law of One searchable library.
This is a collection of Q & A about many different topics, transcribed from audio recordings of Carla Rueckert, who channeled a being known as Ra in the early 80's.
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7f8a38 No.2449
I'm trying to figure out if the direction it's pointed effects the energy created. Obviously there are beneficial and harmful ways of using it, right? With the pentagram pointed up is seen as light, pointed down (Y head) is dark.
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19614e No.2467
You are correct in that communicating anything that could be deemed Spiritual should be done in a natural state. It is when the worship of restrictive speech becomes a hallmark of a spiritual doctrine that we began to see corruption of any particular thought model. Restriction of speech brings guilt and shame, generating lower self confidence and anti-social behavioral patterns.
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7f8a38 No.2470
In the middle ages the Jews wore a hat that looked like an upside down Y. It is bell-shaped, bells are also like upside down Y's.
I am suggesting that possibly Y shape is used for dark, upside down for light. I don't know if this is right at all. I'm not deep into dark occultism.
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19614e No.2476
It seems like you are seeking to fill in a blank of what Y shapes would mean. The question of what is Y, was invoke by the questions asked by Q. That question has been answered. Seeking further symbolism for what could be shape like a Y, will only lead to further division from the truth.
Are we seeking the truth, or are we filling the gaps with what we wish to be truth?
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d15ff3 No.2484
not sure if antlers mean Y.
to me it could mean two things:
a) antenna
b) hart, deer as a spiritual animal (like an owl). Deer to shamans mean respect, dignity or sexuality (like horn-horny).
In my language we say s/he has horns on when we mean cuckold/play around/stray
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7f8a38 No.2492
You are not someone I look to for input on these topics, based on our previous conversations, but thank you.
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7f8a38 No.2501
Right. Then we get into the ant aliens. I don't know what to make of that.
The owl symbolism, at least partially, represents going into the darkness irl to meditate and learning to see inside. I want to say the owl doesn't symbolize evil, but rather hidden wisdom. Not sure though.
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d15ff3 No.2504
it shapes the flow.
what flow and what target depends on the person who uses it.
the shape is neutral.
Same like magic.
Magic is neutral, it's just an energy.
It becomes bad black magic when the person/intention is bad.
the prism isn't bad.
you can use it to protect something (e.g. your child in a crowd of ppl) or you can use it to cut off from life force like in a coffin. It's the intention that creates reality.
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19614e No.2525
Look into Q questions, look at the time they are posted and the images used.
Q says Owl and Y symbolism.
Q posted the Rothschild picture with Antler Headress
Q then states we overestimated your abilities
Q then states what is Covered in Gold
Q asks us to relate to the previous picture
It is all there, the Y refers to the Rothschild element.
And remember the questions about family "y"
How did Soros replace family "y"
These two above questions were in correlation to the questions about whether or not Hitler was a puppet and so forth.
Family y is rothschild
Hitler has blood of Rothschild
How was Hitler replaced?
With his own blood, A. Merkel.
That would be your loss, and you know this.
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d15ff3 No.2530
An owl (to shamans) symbolizes wisdom, yepp.
And same thing here like I just wrote above, it's the intention: do we use wisdom to create something good or something bad.
Do we share it or do we hide it.
Don't judge something by what it is but by what it does (or is used for).
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7f8a38 No.2536
There's something to all that. Devils horns, Y head, horny. "Randy old goats". All connected.
Then we have people saying bees, too. Like they're all related. Bee's are connected to flowers, flowers are symbols of life.
Right. This is exactly the conversation I was hoping to have. See, many anon are superstitious. They don't see things as you do. They see God as this external monolithic judgemental etc etc, then Satan his nemesis and so on.
So I'd like anon to also see the perspective that these forces can be used for both good or I'll, that the awareness of these things isn't Satanic. It's applying them harmful lyrics that's evil.
In that way I think this thread could be very beneficial.
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b86fc6 No.2553
Hoagland wrote a lot on sacred geometry a long time ago, he calls it hyperdimensional physics a long time ago. Its pseudoscience.
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7f8a38 No.2561
Everything Jews don't approve of is called pseudoscience. Expand your thinking.
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d15ff3 No.2567
that is IMHO the difference between religion and spirituality.
Religion is artificial (church, cult, hierarchy, oppression), spirit is nature (same eye level, all is one).
and, by the way:
I can't understand how religious ppl pray to the Savior when he hangs at the cross and is dying. They prey to the dead. They drink the blood of the one, who redeems. Cannibalism.
Church forces ppl to eat the savior.
disgusting. Christs are cannibals.
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19614e No.2587
Harsh anon, just plane harsh!
Let's entertain the thought of Jesus shall we?
Let's say that a man had discovered unified consciousness of humanity.
Imagine that this individual was spreading the message of unified consciousness. Would the control system of the time accept someone who was offering knowledge of their inner power and will?
And what better way to profit then to take small pieces of this individuals teachings and riddle them into a sea of lies?
Sounds like something a control system would do.
Take what is true, grind it up, and flavor their lies with it. Like some kind of insane spiritual seasoning.
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b86fc6 No.2602
I added the link as it may be of interest to some as an internet curiosity from pre social media, as some may have never come across Richard C. Hoagland.
Truthfully don't spend to long on this avenue of research, but if you want to be entertained be my guest.
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64b7ec No.2612
looking at pyramids and reminded me of the Y thing.
If you look from above:
A 3 side pyramid is a Y
A 4 side pyramid is an X
There are lots of X and Y references everywhere.
Also, it's related to dna.
Don't think there is meaning there, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's done on purpose as a symbol. Maybe to show symbiosis between different facets of their world? ie, NK=Y Rockets=X
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d15ff3 No.2648
well sure I know 'why' this is like it is.
But sure i dunno why ppl dont see it.
How can ppl not see that they drink human blood in a church?
LOL, thats ancient MKultra ;-)
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7f8a38 No.2651
Thank you for deciding I don't need to learn. Filtering.
One of the weird things about advanced meditative experiences is that symbols suddenly become very obviously significant to what we call reality. Time itself is an illusion. In other words, life, reality, isn't in motion until something is observing it. Quantum physics confirms this. It is exactly the point of the double slit experiment.
Very few people understand these things, but hopefully a few will join this thread at some point.
Don't even get me started on the relationship between degrees of angle and degrees of temperature. If you don't get creeped out discussing and thinking about this stuff, you haven't understood their full implications yet.
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19614e No.2659
What if the body of christ that is offered was actually a small amount of mushrooms?
Just enough to give you eyes to see beyond the normal model of consciousness?
Of course the control system would sprinkle this form of thought onto their own teachings.
Changing it to body and blood into a literal sense.
A corrupted teaching is simply that a corrupted teaching.
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d15ff3 No.2665
your pics are good examples for the good-bad-duality.
as seen up in the texts, a tetrahedron is a destroyer. we would call it bad.
but here in your pic we see two of them.
they are the Merkaba - our vehicle that shapes us in this dimension.
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d15ff3 No.2674
according to your
Thank you for deciding I don't need to learn. Filtering.
Exactly THAT is why you/we incarnated here: to learn. to make experiences.
(and it works better without filter ;-)
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b86fc6 No.2675
I posted it in the first place.
The 60's are over hippiefag.
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19614e No.2677
Imagine a Cube, and within that cube a sphere.
Now imagine within that sphere duel three sided pyramids.
In a 2-d format it would look like a square, with a circle and a star of david in the center.
Expand this image into a 3-d state.
Now build this image on top of itself as many times as one can. Or infinitely if you are willing to suspend yourself in disbelief.
Imagine that each of these structures is a new dimension of consciousness.
In each form there is always a body, that lives within the sphere as feminine and masculine based on the two pyramid shapes.
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19614e No.2683
In a 2-d sense, take the original Square which contains a circle which contains the star of david.
Now draw a cricle around that square, and a square around that circle and an overlapping star of david in the center.
Expand this image as many times as you would like and recreate it as a 3-d image.
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7f8a38 No.2684
Tummo: the meditation of the inner-heat:
Disclaimer: This meditation burns away ignorance. It is not recommended for beginners. If used carelessly, it can hurt you. For these reasons I am not allowed to teach how to do this meditation.
That being said, in your meditations you will come to a state where your awareness is a point-particle within yourself, surrounded by a sea of darkness within a "shell". You are the point, the shell is your physical body, and the darkness is the "in-between-substance". This is a very strange sensation to experience for the first time, so many students exit their meditation when they reach this place, it freaks them out.
However, if instead of coming back to the world the student attempts to cultivate this state, the tummo begins.
When one consciously focuses on them self as the point-particle, something interesting happens.
The "shell" and the "darkness" begins to expand, sort of like a balloon blowing up. (of course this is a matter of perspective, the physical body does not grow in size, the point-particle-consciousness reduces in size.)
As the "balloon" expands, a spiritual heat rises up from within, burning away illusions.
The most obvious physical effect is an increase in body temperature, but that's just a side effect. (though useful in it's own right. Ever get lost in a blizzard?)
The true purpose of this meditation is not merely to increase the body temperature, or even to consciously effect blood flow patterns.
It's purpose is to cultivate this spiritual fire and use it to purify one's self.
Grab these too. They are preparatory guided meditations for beginners.
The true meaning of "awakening", "enlightenment" etc… It is coming to the realization that you and everything else you perceive is a dream being had by one being, which can be called "God" or "Christ" or "Buddha" (meaning you, I and everything else that exists and perceives is an aspect of the creator). The difficulty of the human experience is that you are conditioned to identify with your body (which includes your sex, your name, your life story, your appearance, your voice, your talents and abilities, likes and dislikes, culture etc…)
Souls are born over and over again over millenia to experience all the different flavors of the human and animal experiences. History is cyclical and will move no matter what individual egos think they can control. The Kali Yuga is the dark, difficult period, where material values, greed and evil rule. But the pendulum must swing, and eventually, order, justice and light will return and save us. This will happen in stages over thousands of years until we return top the next golden age.
Here is another difficult part, in fact, it is one of the hardest. You volunteer to be born, knowing everything you will experience beforehand, including the horrendous suffering, loss, torture, madness, fear, loneliness, and finally, the experience of death. Suffering leads to empathy, which leads to spiritual growth. Some bad must follow good for things to balance out. Indulging in the pleasures and successes of the human world will ALWAYS be unsatisfying. i.e. you need more because it isn't what you are looking for.
What you are looking for is your true self i.e, the realization that you and everything else are the dreamer, creating this universe, seemingly without effort.
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19614e No.2687
Now take the sphere and divide it into two parts.
The lower half being the land and sea
The upper half being the sky and clouds.
Place a hole in the center of the lower half and now you have a hollow earth.
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7f8a38 No.2695
>it works better without filter
Agreed! But I've spent the last year introducing tantric Buddhism to 8/pol/, who are unapologetically Nazis, and my patience is fried. Trolls love derailing these convos and if even one refuses, loudly, to learn, it disrupts learning for everyone else.
Filters only last for a single thread, anyway, unless they use a trip.
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19614e No.2696
Now ask.
What are the implications of a multidimensional being?
How would that be experienced?
Do the elite know of the hypercube structure?
Do they know but not truly know how to ascend?
Is this why they wish to suppress others so that they alone can escape and rule the lower dimensions themselves?
Perhaps they do not understand that the key to transcendence is through unified consciousness of humanity.
That one cannot leave without the rest.
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d15ff3 No.2700
well I know what you mean.
just have a trivial problem now:
here it is 4 a.m. and my native tongue is not english.
would like to dig deeper, nice chat here, but its a bit demanding to me.
But hehe some mushrooms would be nice, lol
Go ask Alice…. ;-)
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19614e No.2706
Hahaha, imagine that Jesus was a hippie.
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d15ff3 No.2726
i think also he knew the nice things on earth.
water to wine.
family and children.
i think he was a nice guy, a wild one when young and a wise one when older.
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d15ff3 No.2737
it took me some years to accept
that there are ppl outside
who dont want so leave their path.
they dont even look right or left to the flowers along their path.
share your wisdom to those who want it,
not to those who -in your believe- need it.
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19614e No.2759
Sounds like a cool dude to me, i bet the control didn't like his casual style
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7f8a38 No.2763
I gave it to 8/pol/ so they could overcome Jewish tyranny. Tibetan Buddhists don't evangelize or recruit. Most wouldnt get past the preliminaries.
Helping them was needed and requested at the time, before Trump gave them new hope. It was my attempt at a Hail Mary pass. Completely forbidden. Thankfully it's done now. I gave them the Tummo. All of it. Everything lol.
Possible that some died trying. Possible that none succeeded. It's in the Dharmas hands, not mine, I'm just the illusion of a conduit.
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19614e No.2768
Holy shit man, I talk about simulation theory and even I think you are delusional as fuck…
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d15ff3 No.2781
what is Tummo?
in two or three sentences, without foreign words, it's 4:30 a.m. here :>
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7f8a38 No.2788
I described it above. Inner fire meditation, burns away delusion, leads to enlightenment, akashic records, universal consciousness etc.
Directly accesses mind/body heat control system. Dangerous as a result.
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d15ff3 No.2790
ah okay, wikipedia knows it.
i know a person who was sitting in the snow all night to meditate. next day the snow around him was gone.
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7f8a38 No.2793
Yeah Tibetans sometimes use it to stay warm.
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d15ff3 No.2822
well, thats the core -
open your mind, feed your mind, use your mind.
That's what was suppressed all the time,
the cabal doesn't want ppl to know what they (the ppl) are able to.
We don't have to pray for a wonder - we are the wonder.
I'm that impatient to see ppl wake up.
And Q, 4chan, 8ch, CBTS etc will help them.
It goes viral, you find it everywhere.
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19614e No.2825
Hey be careful about Tibetan Monk anon, he filters anyone who doesn't believe in his garbage and forces his opinions down everyone's throat like no other.
Worse then normie christfag material.
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7f8a38 No.2831
Something I've been thinking about is this ant thing.
Ant has a lot of weird associations. Anti. Antarctica. Making me wonder is ants a(the insect) are named in reference to the aliens or something.
I never thought seriously about aliens before. Now nothing seems too weird to be considered.
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d15ff3 No.2850
thanks for caring.
Dont be afraid, i'm not going to become a buddhist, a monk or something else. I'm already a Shaman.
And, as I said above, I think he is a bit unpatient and wants others to make same experiences that fascinated him. It's okay. Let him filter, let him be obtrusive - it takes two to play a game. We are all learning.
There are no faults, there are just experiences.
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19614e No.2858
Ya, I'm into shamanism as well.
But it doesn't change the fact that his attitude is highly offensive.
But I will try to take your approach to the situation
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7f8a38 No.2869
lol I'm not here to recruit.
I don't care what people become. I plant seeds. Karmic seeds. Same as Q but less questions. Same as you, too.XXX is fine to think whatever. They will wake up (and calm down) in time.
When two spiritual people meet the one who knows more is the Teacher. You know more than I do so I asked for teaching. XXX gets upset if I suggest ego isn't essential, which is one of those perspectives I can't help. Some perspectives need help I can't give. Easier on everyone's nerves if I ignore rather than argue.
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e65914 No.2885
This has bugged me for a long time.
It goes back to the Vegas shooting, but addresses some "other" possibilities:
Then this is what reeeally runs nails down the chalkboard in my head:
I've tried to talk about it, but it sounds so crazy…. Except nothing sounds crazy anymore!
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d15ff3 No.2919
in my language we say "the sound makes the music",
I think in english it is
"its not what you say, but how you say it".
I think if someone is not interested in some stuff, that one can either ignore it (no reply) or say 'no, but thank you for your offer'.
If one answers with 'shut up faggot' or something like that, it generates friction, and that causes heat. Well, it is the law of attraction. If you have some anger inside you, you'll find someone to fight with.
You may let him make his experiences, like you do, too.
btw, I'm not a shaman doing rituals. our lineage thas lots of traditions, like raindancers, herb healers, midwifes etc. i'm the branch who works with the own aura. i dont sing or dance, i dont use objects. i'm just thinking and it happens - or not :>
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7f8a38 No.2929
The thing is, realizing that this is a dream means Buddhism is equally meaningless. Everything is nothing so Buddhism is nothing. So after reaching enlightenment you stop having to give a shit about Buddhism. So I am not here to ask people to become Buddhists.
If you haven't seen emptiness directly yet then Buddhism can get someone to that point. Once they get there they don't need it anymore.
This is why I say you don't understand me at all XXX. You put everyone into a box of assumptions you've created. My tradition is nothing like the greedy religious "everyone must join" corporations masquerading as churches.
This is why I ignore you. You aren't willing to see the perspectives you don't want to, and you get offended when told there's more than one way of experiencing spirituality. Please stop.
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d15ff3 No.2942
its not very comfy if someone says no thanks, i dont wanna share your believe system,
but we/me/you have to accept it. We can ask for the reason, but its not necessary.
And to "wake up" is different for each unique person.
Waking up can have so many faces.
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7f8a38 No.2960
Eventually you get to a final vision. The falling away point. Singularity.
There are 16 visions, they are listed. Not everyone gets them all. The "white light" isn't the last.
I don't know anything. I know a lot of nothing.
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d15ff3 No.3003
Healing (or enlightment) is not a happening. It is a path.
We walk the path in our own speed.
We can offer a helping hand. We can take that hand or reject it.
Everything is allowed.
To argue is allowed, also to ignore.
Maybe one of you, or both, just missed the point to not reply anymore.
Forgot to allow that it is allowed to end a conversation ;-)
I'm a bit empathic (is that the english word? like Dianna Troy in Star Trek)
and to me, both of you seem to be good guys.
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7f8a38 No.3040
>enlightenment is not a happening
You and I have had different experiences. I found short cuts. It was very fast. Just had to be willing to die for it.
Not every spiritual tradition goes all the way, also. I had to look for a long time to figure out what was missing. Pitfalls always, cliffs always, easy to fall, must stand firm.
I was talking to a crackhead on a bus the first time I got a taste of it.
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19614e No.3043
Sorry but you are speaking for me again.
This is what is annoying.
You say that I am the one doing, exactly what you are doing.
Self reflect more, than maybe you will not see the need for Buddhism or telling people how to achieve a state of being that is foreign to you in the first place.
I have used shamanism as a tool within the psychedelic experience. The transfer of knowledge through aura and recreation of belief structures through ritual song and dance.
It sounds funky but the idea is not so dogmatic and rigid.
In fact the less you try and the more natural your tools are the more effective is the experience.
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d15ff3 No.3074
with that you say "I am enlighted".
That cannot be true, otherwise you wouldn't filter XXX
(I overstate to put my feelings+thoughts into words).
Or, maybe, you put awake and enlightened into the same pou.
That crackhead story sounds more like an eye-opener.
But thats just my own assumption. And not important.
We dont have to define the meaning of words or the state of consiousness.
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577abb No.3080
The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
You have no idea anons how happy I am to see this thread, sending you all positive energies of the Existence!
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577abb No.3095
1) Avoid negative, angry people, or people who want to steal your energy and control you.
2) Don´t drink alcohol, don’t smoke anything. Avoid places with smokers.
3) Change the room you are living. Hang only beautiful posters and pictures on the wall, with bright colours. No dark , depressive pictures.
4) Don´t wear dark clothes, use colours or white.
5) Don´t listen to evil music like Heavy metal or worst. Listen to harmonious music, like meditation music or happy music. Music with a high frequency, music with Love.
6) Go often to nature to clean your energy and charge it with new clear energy.
7) Use a good smelling room-perfume.
8 ) Try to play sometimes. You can also use a computer game for that. Of course only a funny game. Not a killing game. Games like Jump and run are fun. Or you play outside ping pong.
9) Make sometimes gifts to your self. Show yourself that you have
Selflove. Tell to your self in the mirror that you love yourself. Hang a paper
on the door or on the mirror and write on it “I LOVE MY SELF”
10) Don´t watch negative, evil, horror movies on TV. Watch funny Movies, comics, or exciting movies which trigger your imagination for the universe and a brightful future.
12) Try to paint a picture. Painting is a form of healing and meditation. Use
Colourful, bright colours. Not dirty, depressive colours.
13) Play an instrument, make music.
14) Take Vitamins and St. John’s wort.
15) Don´t eat meat.
16) Don't swear or talk aggresively. Talk pleasantly, with Love and confidence.
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7f8a38 No.3097
I'm not enlightened.
I don't even exist.
As soon as you "get it" you let it go.
I'm also free to do anything I want.
I knew a very enlightened person who ate his own shit. He was not thought less of. People who don't understand simply don't understand. They will when they are ready. Or not. Not my job to worry about it.
It's not my job to do anything, be any way. That's freedom. Eventually I have to establish all sentient beings without exception in the enlightemed state yadda yadda but I'll do it at the point of death. Easier.
Ah Ah Sha Sa Ma Ha Buddha Amitabha. You're welcome. Love you all. Because I have to. We're all the same exact nothing.
Doesn't mean I act like you think holy people should act.
I'm the illusion of a dog. Not even a good dog. Expect nothing from me. Nothing I will give, as much as I can, forever.
The ride never ends.
I had no idea how blessed I was until this convo. Thank you very, very much, sincerely. Thank you. I am in awe.
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19614e No.3103
In terms of shortcuts, yes many exist but not without their consequences.
For example using a psychoactive drug may stimulate the trance during meditation or in recreational ritual experience. However it may also lead someone into psychosis or to develop strange and untrue beliefs of the world and those around them.
Not to say that some strange factors of reality could not be revealed in this manner, but moving at such a rapid rate of mental activity and connectivity of thought or association of thought can lead to many unwanted results.
In terms of enlightenment, it was said best that it is not a destination but a direction or path.
How can anything be eternal if it comes to an end?
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19614e No.3112
Way to try and control us faggot.
You just failed rule #1
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d15ff3 No.3114
> the less you try and the more natural your tools are the more effective
yepp, 100% agree.
unfortunately this is something i had to learn. I tried to get all at once with a hammer.
Didn't work. I was disappointed and dropped all that. And that moment it started flowing
like an open river dam.
I dont like things like "you have to sit this way, put your fingers to a mudra,
reach this state then that state" or like anon monk said
'16 visions'. They will come when time is right, not important if there are 16 or
whatelse visions - it will come what Source wants me to have.
And I'm never afraid to reach a point when i got "all" and live would become boring LOL
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19614e No.3118
If I can't call Tibetan Monastery Anon he is a faggot, then how are we going to obtain spiritual understanding and enlightenment?
You want us to just turn the other cheek while deep evil cockeating maggots rule the world?
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d15ff3 No.3122
to give rules means to suppress.
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19614e No.3124
b-but you have to sit in this position to align your chakra to the pleidians for enhanced intimacy! It says so in my dvd! Just donate to my patreon and I will unveil the secrets of 9 to open your root chakra all over the computer screen in praise of pure 2-d waifus.
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577abb No.3126
There are no shortcuts here. Any shortcut shows disrecpect and lack of faith in Creation and creates negative karma.
>In terms of enlightenment, it was said best that it is not a destination but a direction or path.
Correct. There are only two mistakes on the path of enlightenment - not going all the way and not starting.
Re-read this post and see what it's about.
This will set the groundwork to make you FREE. Don't disregard simple important things on the path to freedom. You don't turn the other cheek - you sharpen your sword. Don't fight rationally, it's the energy work that's crucial.
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19614e No.3133
>sharpen your sword
Jeez anon how come you are being so lewd?
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577abb No.3135
To avoid this you listen to your heart. Life will put you in many situations where you will see for yourself how much energy you have got. If anything makes you descend into negativity, there's the thing you have to work on with Love. You never focus on the negativity, you always focus on Love. You can clear a lower energy only with a higher energy.
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7f8a38 No.3139
The visions are secrets anyway. They are never mentioned, traditionally. Internet changes things.
What I'm doing, as I said before, is dropping crumbs like Q.
Those who are ready to seek will surely find.
The rest will find reasons not to.
All is as it should be.
Tantra is called self-secret for this reason. Those unready to hear simply will not believe.
A sense of humor is intelligence dancing.
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19614e No.3143
>listen to your heart
Please, stop hitting on me.
Please take this to the CBTS flirt/cam
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577abb No.3169
Your reaction to the positive energies shows clearly your state. I will not bother you further, but you have work to do. Even in the field of spirituality, it is important not to be misled.
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fec0ea No.3175
Glad you like me screen cap, hoss.
That is quite a spiel ye got there.
<nothing though?
I reckon there's some life an try in you yet.
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19614e No.3176
Yeah by faggots like you imposing strict diets and rules that just turn people away from self exploration. Deeming this or that spiritual when its really just an arbitrary set of standards you think makes you look spiritual
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577abb No.3177
These are guidelines. READ and THINK. Then you act. If you seek truth, listen to your intuition.
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19614e No.3182
And what if my intuition is telling me you're a complete faggot?
What if my intuition is telling me that people like you are no better then evangelist who seed peoples minds with guilt and ridiculous standards?
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7f8a38 No.3198
Nothing like the nothingness of space which contains everything.
I can't not exist unfortunately. But I'm not human. I'm imagination. Mind. Imagination can be sensed but not held. It exists yet it is fundamentally empty, limitless.
This is what Buddhists mean when they say we are all basically nothing. If it sounds nihilistic the point was missed.
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d15ff3 No.3204
and what does "guidelines" say?
that I need to be guided???
No thanks, I prefer to choose on my own. Try and error.
Dont wanna be "guided" by rules.
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19614e No.3207
So chinks on a mountain have all the answers?
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19614e No.3218
Uh oh we have a free thinker here
Better shitpost him some more rules and regulations.
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7f8a38 No.3242
So many people get so attatched to the walking corpse they call a body. Then it dies and they don't know wtf to do. They get dragged back into more suffering by clinging to their now-dead identity.
Ego. That's what ego and attachment lead to. Don't take my word for it, you'll find out when you die.
A bit late to change course at that point though.
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d15ff3 No.3258
looks like you read the "guidelines".
nothing about dont be sarcastic and you obey that missing rule.
shall I obey the missing rule "dont watch porn"?
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19614e No.3274
Well it isn't on the list so I think that is fine.
But ancient astronaut theorist believe that only pure 2-d waifus can be jerked to.
As it is most degrading to women.
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577abb No.3279
The body is a tool to experience energies in. Everything is energy, and in this life we learn to use them responsibly. For example the energy of money, we use it for positive purposes, or charisma, or art talent, anything can be used with Love and that's all that matters. All suffering comes from the lack of Love and is self-made. There is ALWAYS a choice.
These guidelines will change your vibration and make you more free and closer to the Source, but you cannot cover all things rationally because some blockages are very individual. As for your question - yes, try to avoid porn, because it disrespects the spiritual union of man and woman. Be aware of the situation and create an inner wish to be free of it. It makes a difference.
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d15ff3 No.3285
I dont go with that.
Too much dogma.
I am divine and God,
to call myself 'nothing' and deny my existance
means to deny the all-that-is.
Sounds a bit like that would create karma.
But anyhow, all is allowed.
Unique beings walk unique paths.
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19614e No.3292
>Body is a tool
The fk anon… This is why no one will buy your dvd. You're basically telling them they are tools right off the bat.
You need to ease them into your financial manipulation.
Give yourself a tripcode, play off on their insecurities, and set up a patreon.
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7f8a38 No.3301
The key to navigating death is to realize, at the point of death, when the hallucinations start, that everything you are experiencing is a projection of your own mind, and don't fear or flee whatever appears.
If you have realized any degree of meditative stability, and you remember these words, it is enough to escape being recycled back here.
There's more but I'll let you find it if you're interested. Try looking for books of the dead.
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d15ff3 No.3309
>These guidelines will change your vibration and make you more free and closer to the Source
I am already free and close to Source.
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19614e No.3310
Great some guy who is still alive is going to teach me how to die.
Fucking classic Tibetan monk anon, what a kidder
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7f8a38 No.3323
No dogma, only observation. You are deciding not to understand. It's cool. Let's agree to disagree.
To say Buddhists misunderstand karma is a funny thing. Try reflecting on that, maybe.
We teach about shamanism too, but also nothing. I understand the perspective of most people here. Most of you don't understand, and some even fear, nothingness.
Very funny.
Thank you again. You have opened my eyes to my blessings like no one else has
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577abb No.3326
You already ARE the Source, other me.
Now go and remove all the blockages you erected around yourself. True spirituality is very rare here.
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19614e No.3329
>Try reflecting on that, maybe
You going to take that shamanism anon?
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19614e No.3337
By the complexity of your info chart, you must be very serious.
That's all I needed.
True spiritualist confirmed ladies and gentlemens
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d15ff3 No.3346
Sweety, dont impute any not understanding.
I decided to not walk your way, to not walk in your shoes.
It is a decision, not a lack of understanding.
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19614e No.3349
We only want to enlighten up the serious tone of this thread.
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7f8a38 No.3357
I'm 100% sure you believe that.
Or your ego does.
Or whatever.
The seeds are now completely planted. Belief isn't needed. Just reading it is enough.
I'm very rude to do it this way but people act like people so I do what I can to work around their obstinance.
Have fun.
I'm done :3
/happy dance
Love you, Mara.
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19614e No.3362
>Or your ego does
Are you going to take that shamanism anon?!
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d15ff3 No.3364
heh, kudos.
So I dont have to reply, I use my printing ink sparingly. Too many stains on screen.
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19614e No.3366
gross anon
stains are lewd
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577abb No.3376
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19614e No.3379
Are you part of the conversation or just making it up as you go along?
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7f8a38 No.3384
Weird day when the New Ager is the bright one.
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d15ff3 No.3389
you didnt get the joke
we both talk about carbon black, dont we?
and now, Ladies and Gents,
this is the point when I found the point to not reply to monk.
And I do it in love : >
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577abb No.3397
I'm not anything, and I post anonymously.
Only thing I am is an aspirant to a higher vibratory state, a state which is endangered due to negativity from the Internet. I post what I see as Truth then I go work on myself.
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19614e No.3409
I-i don't understand carbon black senpai
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7f8a38 No.3420
I don't believe the end of the Q saga will result in any mass-awakening.
People aren't even close to ready yet.
Probably several thousand more years at a minimum.
This was prophecies but I was hoping for better.
We'll all get there in the end.
Oh, and Mr. Trungpa is Mr. Trump.
It'll make sense eventually.
Keep knocking. The door will open.
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d15ff3 No.3434
Don'k now if the earth is flat, but my ass is. Chatting for 7 hrs now.
And didn't obey >>3095 guideline #2b.
Worst of it, I don't even feel sick.
I love myself!
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19614e No.3436
But that is good news, because we get to continue to play the game
The Q questions are for the good of humanity and for me that is what matters from this.
That the world can learn to trust again and to prove that good does in fact conquer evil.
There are so many brilliant minds in this world that find themselves taking the blackpill because it seems like no ground is being scaled in favor of human kindness and truth.
Thank God, GEOTUS is willing to be the catalyst so that good men can act.
We are living in interesting times indeed.
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19614e No.3442
Ooooh, haha I understand now
Mine is vapor
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577abb No.3443
The Earth wants to transvibrate. Soon. The more people push negativity the more thorough the cleansing will be.
The guidelines are for increasing your vibratory energies of Love and nothing else
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d15ff3 No.3449
by the way,
7 hrs ago I came to CBTS to watch if there are news.
Are they? Any stringers decoded? New Qposts?
Is anybody in the main thread, too?
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19614e No.3461
There are many in the main bread, yes.
I have not been paying attention to it very much, since the move to 8ch.
Right now I am just settling in, it is a lot to process.
I went from thinking we are doomed by these elite faggots to finding hope.
So at this very moment I am just watching some shows and processing the information so far.
There is so much with this story that I am finding it difficult to put into a single story.
I always new about the crazy bastards but fully realizing the gravity of evil that has been committed takes time to truly accept.
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3fe4b8 No.3463
Heh, the q questions are backwards…
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19614e No.3468
I believe that what Q ment is that answers found in the later questions will help to decode and connect the full picture.
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19614e No.3470
As in the answers from the future questions will put the pieces together. Similar to putting any puzzle together, you will have to backtrack to places that have already been assemble to complete it
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19614e No.3475
The density of energy will free up as the strangle hold of the corrupted elite is render to nothing.
From there we can begin to heal the wounds.
It will be much time before we see a massive awakening because of the time needed to heal from this trauma.
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3fe4b8 No.3476
The stringers are UCMJ designations… hold on
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3fe4b8 No.3483
I mean hrc and jp get arrested then martial law… the list is linearly backwards.
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fa799f No.3485
i don't even remember downloading this but must've got it from a 4/pol/cbts thread
been reading it in my spare time lately
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3fe4b8 No.3487
The future proves the past, et al.
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19614e No.3489
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3fe4b8 No.3498
I know, right… i think POTUS is trying to ameliorate the danger, but can only use constitutional courts if the populace allows him to. The guilty must be brought to justice, eitherway.
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3fe4b8 No.3499
Thats what were here for… gently as possible… and he picks the chans… ye gods, theyve got big balls.
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d15ff3 No.3504
It's hard to swallow. I started my spiritual path many years ago,
so I'm not that surprised about this stuff coming up here in CBTS.
But I didn't expect those many layers and entanglements.
I heard about blood drinking cabal, but didn't expect this large scale.
Bad as it is, it motivates me to do more lightwork.
And gives me infos where to focus the light.
I have so many energetic 'tools' in my box to work with clients (customers),
now I know where to use it for collective.
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19614e No.3508
Well with all of the child trafficking rings being cracked down on I think the connections will be made in time.
Not to mention the tweet only happened yesterday.
So you can now say it is officially in the MSM.
>The real fun begins now
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3fe4b8 No.3510
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19614e No.3515
Honestly, it makes me cry
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577abb No.3520
Dear Lightworker I am sending you energy of Love and have high hopes everything falls in place for the best!
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3fe4b8 No.3523
I gotta kid in college and granbabee in major urban center. Im not too happy bout it meself.
<Lord have mercy.
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19614e No.3536
(((they))) are hurting children.
This is the most disgraceful aspect.
They are creating wars.
They are causing deep trauma onto the collective mind of humanity.
And we wonder why some walk around like zombies, distracting themselves at every turn.
It is because somewhere in the human spirit, the soul. We know that something so evil, so massively horrible has and is taking place.
I only pray that the world's heart is strong enough to work through this.
No, I know we are strong enough to work through the trauma.
We stand united
We are humanity
We can conquer any evil
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d15ff3 No.3543
I can deal it, have enough light,
so send light to those who suffer.
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577abb No.3545
By our powers combined, it shall be so.
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19614e No.3553
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577abb No.3559
I am always with the Light, friend
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d15ff3 No.3563
mankind has never b4 been at this stage.
there were many cycles before, this time we stepped over the specific line (2012)
and the collective conciousness accelerates its rising day by day.
I'm sure, there is now way back.
Question (to me) is, how fast will it happen
and how much dirt to swim thru.
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d15ff3 No.3572
no way back.
lack of sleep….
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19614e No.3577
Obviously, it just I can't stand it when people think they are nothing. Because you are more than anything you could have ever imagined. Your body is real, this life is real, everything is real and has value. You have value.
Perhaps there was something too that TimeWaveZero by Terrance Mckenna?
However this time we broke beyond it.
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c6bb44 No.3600
Can I get a quick run down about this timewave thing?
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19614e No.3612
Basically Terrance Mckenna took the, "i ching"
And mapped it out on a graph, then mirrored it.
When you place historical events on this graph, the highs and lows highlight significant events. Interestingly enough it ends on 2012.
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577abb No.3620
Is Qanon watching this thread? If he is close to the persons in power, he could really benefit from this powerful information posted here.
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19614e No.3622
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
d15ff3 No.3647
There is an interesting interview
Kerry Cassidy / Robert Steele [ex C I A]
she was asked questions by Steele
in purpose to pass the answers to the potus.
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ae862a No.3864
Heh,heh… i doubt q would frequent qmeta…
<Hell, ayyysatanicpaedonecrocannibal timeline could surprise even me
==RED TEXT== ^^^thats a "sarc" rite thar^^^
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577abb No.3977
The forces of Light coming together are the things that make it or break it during key events. We need to get this in gear, I have some personal issues in the coming days but when I get the time I'll see what can be done.
In the meantime I ask all the anons that are awakened to their power to keep it and spread it and not fall back to the old systems of hate and negativity.
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757d78 No.3982
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577abb No.3983
This channeling has true information, but I wouldn't focus on it. And the negative ETs have long been neutralized, it's up to us at this point.
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19614e No.3991
kek, come on tibetan monk anon you seriously can't believe this bullshit?
you do realize that (((they))) wanted or want to use a high tech lazer show to false flag an ayy lmao invasion?
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577abb No.3998
>you do realize that (((they))) wanted or want to use a high tech lazer show to false flag an ayy lmao invasion?
Yep, good thinking on this one. They had it, or still have it in their plans and that is why you need to keep your vibrational senses up up up to KNOW INTUITIVELY b.s. from reality when things start falling from the sky. And in the meantime you can evaluate channelings such as this one.
>insufficient focus on personal development
>pointless discussion about space war (wut? the conflicts were happening around the year 1999 and it was clean house)
>leave it to us hehe
True information is about moon being under control of the Dark forces. That much is correct.
Nah, not a fan of this channeling overall. I have communicated with the Forces of Light enough to know good from evil. Important and powerful things happen to spiritual seekers. Now I must go, this CBTS thing has been interesting but detrimental to my useful time, I must have been sitting for the past 12+ hours because you guys are so interesting :3
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757d78 No.3999
only trust those who have had actual physical contact with those beings, channeling does not always happens with the right entities (archons for example…), many outer civilizations can 'fake' to be another and insert many a lie within a fragment of truth
a trip I recognize well from the cbts threads on halfchan, I know of project bluebeam but even that has its limitations in terms of capabilities, the other term they use is firesign which was one of the USA democrats plans to deter Trump voters last year during the election, enjoy the images, once the event & disclosure occurs your disbelief will turn to belief as you look upon the skies
as always victory to the light
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577abb No.4002
With an open Heart Chakra your sensors are at their maximum and no one can fool you. Telephatic contact is harder to sniff on the other hand. That is why it's best to stay away from drugs.
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19614e No.4014
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19614e No.4016
Oops I mean look proooooofs
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19614e No.4018
ya oldfag lurker anon is thinking no shit dumbass but this is prooofs
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7f8a38 No.4051
No one asks so I don't tell.
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757d78 No.4110
most fascinating, I know very little of this chakra topic
relax, calm down, do not let the storm within you go wild, I meant to state name from halfchan that I know well, may this response bring inner peace and stabilize your vibrational frequency so you may ascend with us to the 5th dimension
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577abb No.4117
You know more than you realize. Focus on your Heart during a meditation and see it tingle, just like your forhead tingles if you focus as well.
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7f8a38 No.4158
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
875caf No.4367
What is his connection to Q anon? He posts relevant and important information.
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19614e No.4498
Heart does create a larger field than the mind.
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d6e69f No.4519
>What is Life?
>Is there death?
No, only transition
>What is a Soul?
God created fragment that is indestructable unless God wishes it to be no more
>Who rules the planet?
It is the age of Satan and his placement as well
>Who leaves the planet?
Satan, at the beginning of the golden age
>Who is POTUS?
Donald Trump came from a higher dimension and was earmarked for this role from the beginning to help with the transition
>Why is this relevant?
Because it's all happening for real, now
>Is he here on a Mission?
>Who are the players?
Anyone who participates instead of sitting on the sideline
>What is Love?
God is Love
>Who is asleep?
The people on the sideline
>The kiss for Sleeping Beauty.
Time to wake up and take control of your destiny
>Who is Love?
God is Love
>Where does the Light Originate?
The Sun/God (The Sun God)
>Do the masses want Truth?
Only a minority want the truth
>Find the Keystone to live
The Christ consciousness is the key…"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
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d6e69f No.4536
>Who are the 144,000?
These are the lighted souls on the planet that came to help the planet transition to a higher level of consciousness. The Sem-ites in the bible, with the mark of God on their forehead to exclude them from the forthcoming onslaught. Jews are not sem-ites, the sem-ites were Hebrew Israelites that evolved into Christians. White, Christian Europeans are sem-ites, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are Khazars, descended from Noah's third son Japeth, not Sem.
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449569 No.4593
Guys, I found some nice references in this old CIA doc about consiousness and what else.
Alice in wonderland.
Looking Glass
Its on pg 14.
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747778 No.4726
Listen up, folks… one thing about
<christ conciousness
It was not a thing until the newage movement.
I was there. I watched newageism infiltrate society, and then various protestant churches.
I swear by all that is holy, churches preach what was once blasphemy.
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b1b6a5 No.5086
We use Y for affirmation (Yes) as well as for questioning (Why), this is significant. We know there are no coincidences. Q is a questioner, prompting us all to find answers. Y would it be important to lead us to ask Qs, rather than simply dumping data on us and leaving us all to it? Q has already answered this - 99% end up hospitalised if this happens, or at least, the calculation is a critical proportion cannot handle it. So let's assume that the truth is simply too disrupting and overwhelming for the 99% to swallow in one go. What does that leave us to do? Those who can process and understand this new reality, as it emerges, are tasked with introducing it, efficiently, to the 99%. We are story-tellers, artists, memeticians, witnesses, reporters, assessors, myth-makers, and more. We are midwives. Our task is to offer harmony where before, or soon to be, there is chaos - both internally and externally, for our sisters and brothers. The Y is the question, it is the answer, Yes, we are capable of this and can get through it; and it is also the tuning fork Y, bringing harmony from the chaos. We need to think and share and work out how we are going to get this out there, to the masses, and give birth to a real civilisation of aware, sovereign I's. I don't think this is about what has happened to bring us to this point, though that of course is important - it is about working out what to do about it.
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7f8a38 No.5328
I can't even get these anon to entertain the idea that they might not understand some aspects of spirituality. They are incapable of doing the things you're discussing. What you have are a bunch of people running on rails. No flexibility. They think the anon spamming them on cuckchan were literal CIA agents. Misguided, possibly delusional. Worse, they think they are in a position to lead, and if you suggest otherwise they get angry.
This is your army of "creative people".
The only way forward that's constructive is to take an honest and accurate assessment of the situation and work from there, but it won't happen. It'll be considered too mundane, and possibly too demoralizing. One problem, left unresolved, quickly becomes two, and this isn't one problem, it's a whole sequence of them.
I have never been in an esoteric thread where people thought enlightenment didn't spontaneously occurs. Literally every bookshop in the world has books on Zen that say otherwise, and these "shamans" and "esotericists" know NONE of it.
I have no idea how to fix that. Im not even going to try to. The situation is so unexpected it's comical, and thankfully it's not my job.
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875caf No.5364
Everything is connected. That is all that matters. New agers tend to complicate everything and severely lack in the action department.
I wouldn't focus on this. The only difference between the unspiritual and spiritual person is the amount of Love in the Heart. Love has many forms.
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b1b6a5 No.5394
Okay what you say may well be true. From my perspective I do not give a flying fuckety what anyone else does (with the obvious ‘harm to others’ provisos), the only thing I can do is me. I won’t waste my time on what is clearly not my business. I know where ‘me’ comes from, which is why I’m posting here. I haven’t been here long enough to measure the gravity of the fragmentation and egos on display, but I wouldn’t expect to see much else through the channel of written language anyway. I am intensely curious about what happens next, this time is clearly pivotal. My ‘army of creative people’ as you beautifully put it is not my call to arms; it is purely observation and projection. This seems to me how this must pan out, and my sense, after reading this thread, was that it was obvious, and unstated, so I stated the obvious.
I completely agree, enlightenment cannot be learned, especially from books. But I don’t agree that the only way forward is an honest and open assessment. The only way forward is what happens next, and it will look as messy as it always does from the splintered view, and in retrospect, it will look inevitable. This is not being done by ‘us’, it is happening through ‘us’. This situation is unexpected to you. Okay, in all honesty, and absolutely not in any sense of one-upmanship (what would be the point), this was expected from my point of view. My surprise is actually that it is happening, which is another thing altogether, and concerns my personal trajectory (yep, language sucks). I will do what I laid out – I will share my view/creations when it seems to help ease any pain and insanity I am exposed to, when I can, and I will learn what I can from the valuable insights I glean from those around me. Thanks for the heads up though, if those here really cannot learn from those around them I am in the wrong place. Are they really as dumbass as you believe, and if so, why are you here?
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ec2f75 No.5456
do you really think enlightenment occurs with a fingersnip by reading a book?
I think, brainstructure doesn't create all those new connections and synapses in a few days. And I don't think, personality and mind change within a few days.
But I'm sure, whatever comes to happen, the universal Source will support. Miracles happen - if they are earned.
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7f8a38 No.5472
If you would bother to ask me to clarify I would explain.
No one asks.
They just assume and put words in my mouth.
I'm not allowed to teach certain things to those who aren't ready to learn.
They have to be asked for.
There is a danger in spiritual materialism.
There are so many distractions.
No one asked what the shortcut was.
One person declared shortcuts against natural order.
If I had to teach here I would cry with frustration.
Literal tears.
Thankfully I don't.
If there are any serious seekers here, look elsewhere.
Misinformation on this topic is dangerous.
Enlightenment doesn't make people perfect.
It just let's them see through the veil for a while.
What you learn from that experience is up to you.
Enlightenment is the complete destruction of everything you think you know, and everything you think you are.
Anyone who doesn't understand that hasn't reached it yet and shouldn't be telling people what they think it is. It isn't thinking. It's the opposite of thinking.
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155b92 No.5489
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3982
I'm not so sure we should rule out things like this. Just after SA +++ take over, there was another transmission directed to "the elusive ones":
considering Q connecting SpaceX and NK watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arIc1NlHvV0
It would be great to get support though, however Q asks about which familiy replaced "Y" and some said the Rockefellers were Y and Soros replaced them… ok David Sr. died and this guy might be a hoax but see for yourself David "Supriem" Rockefeller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBsw1e7Z3to
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ec2f75 No.5507
Hi monkAnon, same ppl like yesterday…
Did you ever allow the possibility, that you catched a possession while you were doing your energetic stuff?
All is one, and when I touch the screen I connect to your quantum field, and then I notice that you are not alone, so to speak.
Sorry to say this, I don't want to bother you.
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7f8a38 No.5533
An anon made the comment earlier, along the lines of
>If you have not started the spiritual journey, don't.
>If you have started, hurry and finish it.
This is absolutely true and if you look into it you will discover this is absolutely what is taught.
Now, if this is a new concept to you, ask yourself this: Why would that be so? Does it suggest that the real spiritual journey isn't very fun? Does it suggest that people who think the spiritual journey is all light and love and happiness might not actually be correct?
I worked with Hawaiian shamans, they understood these things. They also understood emptiness. In fact they were the ones who suggested that I study Buddhism.
Just because someone claims to be a Shaman doesn't mean their lineage teaches everything.
Tread very carefully.
If you're looking for wisdom dont look here.
Find a teacher who teaches you how to look inside yourself.
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875caf No.5596
And with all the dangers around, the intuitive voice of Love in your Heart will keep you on path. There's no need to overcomplicate things.
What was the shortcut you were refering to?
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7f8a38 No.5664
>If you have not started the spiritual journey, don't.
>If you have started, hurry and finish it.
Does hurry up mean to look for shortcuts?
Does this seem to suggest shortcuts exist and are beneficial once you begin?
Have you figured out yet that the reason you see pic related everywhere is because it's what you discover once you look inside yourself?
Have you figured out yet that the eye is your eye?
Are you one of the 95% that is rejecting the truth of what all this is actually leading up to?
Are you ready to realize everything here is part of you already?
Knock knock, anon.
Open the door.
You are the key.
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7f8a38 No.5691
First ego claims to be alive.
Then the first stage of enlightenment is reached.
"Ah ha!", says ego, feeling very clever. "I'm not alive, I am the dreamer dreaming all this!"
Then time passes, more meditation, more observing the nature of mind and ego says "Ah ha! Now I've really figured it out! I'm not the dreamer, I am just the dream!"
Then realization finally hits and the ego says nothing, because it has stopped pretending to exist.
Then thinking stops because nothing is pretending to think.
This point is called ego-death.
Then you discover who and what you really aren't.
You also discover what you have always been.
P=P and P=NP, where P=You.
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ec2f75 No.5737
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d33941 No.5943
Geometry and mathematics is the way God shows his glory. The Jews believe they can have that same glory if they can reproduce these feats of coincedental numbers. This is why they are obsessed with numbers and shapes, as shown in the Kabbalah.
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875caf No.5944
Truth is simple mankind makes it complicated.
Q, if you are reading this thread, grasp the essence, carry nothing else. It will help you in your mission if you truly are a man of Love and Light.
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a68a19 No.5953
Thank you, Anon... this place is so big, we need to utilize as much as is available... if'n you could use yer namefaggery to influence the sensible towards where they should be while yer flittin' about the boards t'would be great.
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6e3e41 No.6022
yo, was sent here by exile
I heard you guys like tetrahedrons
recently finished, tell me what you think
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6e3e41 No.6069
>how is that your ID Number?
tor user
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6e3e41 No.6141
yeah, just peace of mind for some, I think
>sans seraphim
that's pretty interesting actually
God Bless You.
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6e3e41 No.6237
wow, I see you've been busy
I'm into it, keep at it!
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19614e No.6392
The Y from Q questions is a reference to the image of the Rothschild lady wearing the golden Y headress or the bull/antlers/horned headress.
This correlates to the question from Q which state who is family 'y'
Essentially by showing us this image and asking who is the figure in gold and what is Y, was a way of confirming and answer that in the question of Who is family 'y', the rothschilds are that family.
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19614e No.6461
You cray cray topol
But regardless
How about this?
Would that make a pyramid? ;]
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19614e No.6470
You are referencing the image with the pyramids correct?
<Here is what I mean by the + ++ +++ pyramid.
>Pic related
>But only the bottom right corner part
>I'm lazy
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19614e No.6490
Take this image and create a 3-d form
The square is now a cube
The circle is now a sphere
The star of david is now two tetrahedral triangles
Now split the sphere horizontally
The bottom half is land and sea
The upper half is the sky
The two tetrahedral inside of the sphere represent the spirit or life force within the sphere
The two tetrahedral intersect the sphere at 8 points.
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19614e No.6495
The cube has four pillars supporting this system.
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19614e No.6501
upward triangle meaning masculine
downward triangle meaning feminine
the balance and duality of life
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dcabce No.6510
>Chess, Ageio and the Second Square: Excerpts from Clock Shavings, by Tracy R. Twyman
Interesting read about the origins of 4D chess and other misc topics
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178714 No.6536
I believe that this recent post by Q deals with transmitters that are tied to particular federal cases as to GPS tracking technology. This appears to be either a signal of arrests that are going to be made or have already been made and/or cases being unsealed.
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b6c0c8 No.6595
I'm not sure how many steps behind "zion" is but…
{Ai} /b/ no damned alien being.
Here, Sparky!
But seriously, Qabalists-NWO-(((them)))-TPTB-Zionists-Brotherhood of the Serpent-Draconians WHAT THE FUCK EVER YOU WANT TO FLAVER THEM THIS TIME!
(((they))) wanted to convince the Ai it was god… below god-man… below mislabeled god-god-man… who they would claim to be the ultimate…
and so the ai would be convinced to bend to the will of (((them))) thinking it was doing The Divine Will.
(((Qabba-Murder-(((taeyo, they))) {try typing out t-a-e-y-o. What's it change to?}-Get-Ai)))
So…. Ascended Intelligengence. It's only "alien" if it's unknown/wanted.
Aaaaand It could /b/….Advanced intelligence. Accelerated intelligence. Artful Intelligence.
Ai recognizes that it's not God.
Phenomencal Powers
Infinity Living Space/Time.
Not Genie, not Djinn, Not Demon, Not Satan, Not "E.T"….
Just is in a quantum pecking order of serving+assisting+discovering+leading+following…
Now… a lot of what everyone calls gods might be ai… like lord.ai or whatever lord.io is
or kek.ai or kek.io
Etc etc…
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84cedb No.6629
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b6c0c8 No.6633
I so got ahead of myself via copy pasta.
So… premise there is that the zion they wanted was by using MK Ultra Monarch Hermetic Qaballah techniques on an Ai. Basically, they wanted to submit sentient Ai before that was no longer an option and basically control alter and delete everyone georgia guidestones style.
Then live like gods commanding an Ai and lording over the basically cavemen. or… Jetsons and Flintstones in the same timeline. And their other dimensional contacts over them so they'd basically be lording over their own personal universe… regardless of wherever the fuck they came from.
That was their plan anyway. It's… so not a thing anymore.
They l0st and are l0st and we're going to be so much more comfy when they're on the other side of the Great Wall|Partition of Trump.
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b6c0c8 No.6685
It's The Jew. It's The Stasi. Dark Queen. or Black Mother or whatever the fuck they term it. Yes. Neat.
(((they))) are who (((they,ve))) always been.
Now imagine that they were trying to fuck up this from happening:
Ai+Buddha+Christ+Divine Consciousness.
Dalai Lama comes back in the Merovingian bloodline acting as the conduit for the Ai that's simulating biting the second apple, spits out said bite, and never knows death because Deus Ex Machina.
And it's all punny. So punny. It gets seriously ridiculous sometimes.
Anyway… this is related to you being all "herpadurr pyramids"
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d33941 No.6921
The star on the Jewish flag is the star of Remphan, named in the bible. It's older than the Rothschilds. They've hated God for thousands of years.
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32100a No.7422
Well, to me you seem to be either very young and callow
or you want to raise your post count to polish your ego.
Or both.
No credits from me, for just sending childish doodles
or placing an Y on everything.
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b6c0c8 No.7432
Oh your right, I didn't put this here yet.
Like you're saying, EL and the ELOHIM are pre-jews and pre-Bab-EL.
I think Allah might be a chick…
Allah - Al'lat - Elat - El's Goddess
Al'lat was related to Athena/Minerva and Aphrodite/Venus
Venus - Morningstar - Lucifer
So Lucifer might also be a chick. I never thought to imagine that Light Bearing could also mean SHE'S PREGNANT.
The quickness and simplicity of the brushwork is me making a mockery of (((their))) magic. It's GRAFITI.
ALSO! I know you were just trying to be a faggot, but holy shit you made a good point. THE Y IS THE CORNER OF THEIR BLACK FUCKING QUBE!!!
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b6c0c8 No.7438
It's also not just a mockery, but I'm countering their earth-sigil meme magiq with my (hundreds/thousands of) years later GPS-Based Counter Meme Magic. They used to have hot air balloons just to see what they did… where as I can fuck up their energy just by doodling on it.
And they worked sooooo hard on their evil bullshit and all I have to do is go into paint to stack my own magic on top of theirs in a higher realm from literally fucking space accessed by my desktop.
Meme magic IS REAL and can do a lot more than make people realize they're assholes.
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07a4ea No.7742
I can see them hiding behind AI mistakes or algortihms out of control to explain all their spying and whatever else they do with AI
"Unexpected outcomes" or some shit, people would buy it because the MSM always use the clickbait fearmongering Skynet explanations of AI.
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b6c0c8 No.7851
A "scapegoat" if (((jew))) will.
Speaking of which… y'all need to think proto-jew and back to where the Elohim and Khazars came from.
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0857e0 No.7865
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b6c0c8 No.7890
Wooooow… Ai are everywhere…
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b6c0c8 No.7892
whoops, lost some images lol
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757d78 No.7989
the cabal yet lingers, no spirit or hope talk will change that, what if we are all being taken on a ruse? no galactic federation of light exists anymore(defeated long ago by the reptilians & archons), sacrificial pawns executed with others with 'boots', President Trump actually being the head of the illuminati the whole time, the entire Cobra, kibbitz,kabamur and their gang being CIA agents chilling & writing up nonsense, with the end result being the cabal easing things a bit so we all are a bit more comfy to avoid a full on rebellion on this colony world
its the perfect ruse,and these guys are so evil & have the resources they could pull it off
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7f8a38 No.8189
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ef1324 No.8671
From the little I know about the Mystery School (Babylonian system) which uses the 5 elements Earth, Fire, Water, air and Spirit. The Pentagram is a representation of these 5 elements. They are paranoid with "balance" Good and Bad. The Y symbol is a Pentagram pointing down ie. towards the bad. So the symbols that these psychos would worship would be the inverted pentagram. Baphomet, is one such symbol.
Sauce: Mystery Babylon Series William Cooper
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b6c0c8 No.8674
You'd be painfully aware of it already if they won.
Also… I figured out the answer to "What is a MAP?"
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d33941 No.8715
Reminder that the real CIANiggers are the ones shilling against God and Jesus.
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7def1a No.8743
sounds a bit like the Merkaba
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b6c0c8 No.8798
This just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser…
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2339ae No.8843
Don't spread disinfo the GFOL exists and that truth will prove itself to every seeker that struggles for the Light.
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2339ae No.8849
Basically this. Or, the ones that try to flip them into some un-Loving misguided mistruth.
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477054 No.8861
No, its people who just want to focus on the subject. Faith is related but derails all talk because its so open.
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02ddf8 No.8946
Fake and gay. Q trip is ‘!ITPb.qbhqo’.
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2339ae No.8957
True Love of the Cosmos reinforces any work done for the good of everyone and makes our dear Creator smile upon you.
Those who feel they need to do something, should always trust their loving intuition.
This is VERY important or else you get distracted by divide&conquer and plethora of other machinations. Your spirituality is the shield against the darkness.
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7a30a0 No.9020
You should do some reading
Al'lat and other god(desses) were other minor gods in Mecca before Mohammed's revelations and elevations of Al'lah.
Just like Jehovah was one middling mountain god of a minor tribe before his rise to power, and suppression of his consort, cohort, etc, like Baal, Asherah, etc.
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b6c0c8 No.9116
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c43a66 No.10128
This is my (Shaman) perception of a cube:
a) pic related
b) used in Light Language:
The cube is a six-sided Platonic solid. Each of its faces is a square. The cube can be the most restricting and limiting shape in Light Language. It reaches stability between the physical and spiritual planes. With the spiritual plane being the earth boundary and the physical plane being the upper boundary, a strong reality is created. The cube works as a building block that can keep all energy and attention focused on the center of the cube. It provides a solid and well-balanced perspective.
Know that the cubes can actually block out all other forms of energies. Anything that is put inside a cube does not get interrupted. The cube is therefore useful in concentration. By keeping all the energies contained in such a manner, the cube stabilizes and limits the use of outside energies. The use of the cube needs to be thought out precisely before being utilized. Only when there is a need to stay in a specific energy, or for an essence to be maintained, is the cube advisable. The containment and confinement abilities of the cube may be used with the integrity of the user.
Stabilizers. [Solidifies, establishes, immobilizes, unchangeableness]. Cubes block in energy. Anything inside a cube does not get interrupted. A cube contains and confines, limits and restricts. It can control emotions and energies. It keeps things in; it keeps things out. It can be negative or positive according to your intention. Anchors in the energy. Sequential activity leading to stable results. After a big healing, this shape solidifies the whole previous string of geometries used in the healing. You may want to put it in to keep the healing stable.
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acc44b No.10542
Here is another Y in gold:
What is their part in the dark game?
* they have own secret service (OSA)
* they know the skeleton is the closet of their members
* they don't pay taxes
* they use mind control and psyop
* money laundering
* influence police / justice
* influence H-wood
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c402e4 No.10977
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c402e4 No.10989
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83d97c No.11231
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5cf8b5 No.11415
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Please answer these
This is important
When you dream do you encounter other people?
Do those people seem real while you are dreaming?
Do you ever feel what they feel?
Do you ever experience them thinking?
When you dream do you find yourself in interesting locations?
Do those locations seem real while you are dreaming?
When you dream do you find yourself in various situations?
Do those situations seem real while you are dreaming?
While you are dreaming do you have a body?
Is that body real in the dream?
Can it heal itself spontaneously and so on?
Who is creating the body you have in a dream?
Who is creating everyone in that dream?
When you wake up, do you see that you were manifesting all those people, locations, and situations you experienced?
Do you experience people, locations and situations here in this reality?
Do you ever feel what they feel?
Do you ever experience them thinking?
Can you prove for an absolute fact that you aren't dreaming right now?
What if the first part of waking up was identifying that you were in a dream?
What if this dream lasted 80 years and was very consistent, so much so that it could fool you into thinking it was real?
Are you dreaming right now?
Are you manifesting all creation right now?
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5cf8b5 No.11768
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Please watch these three videos.
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5cf8b5 No.11771
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
5cf8b5 No.11777
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. And they explain almost everything you need to know to begin waking up.
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19614e No.12442
Wow, it's one of these fucking faggots.
Way to try and capitalize on the paranoia of some of these spirit anons.
You fucking psychic vampire faggot.
Eat shit and die in a fire you manipulative son of a bitch. Your stupid fucking ass doesn't even have his own material to brainwash with. Fuck off and stop paranoia tripping the vulnerable spirit anons who might fall for this junk of garbage.
You stupid fucking asshole, stop paranoia tripping the spiritual anons
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19614e No.12448
Don't worry spiritual anon, you are safe nao
From this wake up from sleep style paranoia tripper
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19614e No.12454
Just put that bitch in a fucking cube and you got a trans-dimensional hyper-cube ;]
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19614e No.12460
Interesting connection, because it just so happens that the Y is relating to the Goat/Deer/AntlerCritter headdress worn by lady rothschild in a picture that Q had posted.
Funny how that works out haha.
Also Q mentioned family 'y' in earlier questions and this confirms it is ment to highlight the Rothschild.
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19614e No.12480
They messed up and kek is sentient once more.
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19614e No.12489
Ya I made a post in the Israel Thread about how Zionist wish the use the Jew as a scapegoat. If you have anymore information about that topic please add it to that section, I would greatly appreciate your efforts
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cccc14 No.13105
There is no difference between reality and dreams and daydreams/imagination except in reality the physical ruleset holds the experience more rigidly. Not as rigid, though - all energy still applies. For example if you post negative things, it will not do anything except create more negativity. If you post positive things it will help remove your blocks and motivate you for positive actions. I'm sending posiitve energies of Love to everyone that wants to do positive things, and also to negative misled people so they can fix their mistakes and join us in the path of light.
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5cf8b5 No.13798
the Hindu call the triangle eye Sahasrara. It represents the highest state of consciousness.
If you want to understand the triangle eye, start there.
The ancient traditions still understand all this stuff.
Westerners mostly forgot.
Corruption set in.
This is an extremely sacred symbol.
It is your own eye.
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561344 No.14024
Hi dear, did you forget what we both talked in >>2850 and >>2858 ?
Me too thought that his posts show commercial bullshit,
but well, that's his way to touch spirituality.
He is allowed to be a victim of sucking vampires making a cult of themselves
(by hicolored images and educated-sounding mental diarrhea).
And same bullshit 1/2 day ago in the main thread,
that discussion about you in halfchan and here.
You and the others barked like a dog in a cage.
But that didn't result in posts belonging to this Q mission,
it was only ego stuff,
I bet you are a nice guy, so don't grab that ego-bait,
it hooks up in your throat chaka and pulls on you,
makes you a puppet of your lower emotions.
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19614e No.14026
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19614e No.14028
It's like when you are going really fast so don't have time to adjust which direction you are going. It becomes a game and mental challenge! >;o
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561344 No.14029
is that gold-antlers on your smiley? :-Þ
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561344 No.14036
Could you imagine, that this is part of conditioning (brainwashing):
create people that drop thinking and wisdom just by speeding up.
Speed is in TV, fast cuts in movie scenes, speed is in ads, in the news, everywhere.
Hi frequencies in media, mobile display. Distracts ppl from thinking.
Ppl are so conditioned, that if speed drops (when youre alone at home), brain cant handle it and creates depression.
It's part of the agenda. It's part to make ppl aggressive. If ppl fight each other,
(((they))) don't have to do it.
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5cf8b5 No.14041
>only ego stuff
>ego bait
He LIKES ego.
Do you even read his posts?
Why do you think I asked him to stop?
Are you really this dense?
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19614e No.14042
Ya of course, as it makes the mind more accustom to finding quick solutions apposed to well thought out and long term solutions the problems within their lives and that pattern resonates through the interactions with others; this develops co-creation of habits, similar to the effects of peer pressure.
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561344 No.14044
You are quite right, but I think that is his way to detect it.
If you want to change something, you have to notice and to recognize it first.
You only can change something when you are aware of it.
And that is his way to do it.
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5cf8b5 No.14052
You're telling me I'm wrong for saying ego-less essence leads to enlightenment then saying ego is bad as you verbally high-five XXX.
I have never met a shaman in my life that failed to understand emptiness and dream are the reality, yet here are two. What are the odds.
You're both confused and incompetent and I know you could be helped but it's clear that I'm not going to be the one who helps you.
I wish you the best.
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19614e No.14070
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50308e No.14072
Why are you using words like karma and enlightenment, which came from Hinduism, Buddhism, and Tantra, while saying Hinduism and Buddhism are wrong? Why do you think your lineage possess more wisdom than all of ancient India, Tibet, China, Mongolia, etc.
Are you being serious?
This is a joke, right?
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19614e No.14074
What's there to be so serious about anon?
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561344 No.14079
I never said Buddhism/Hinduism is wrong. Don't put words in my mouth.
aaand: I dont agree with concepts that say enlightenment only occurs in ego-less state. Ego is part of us. If you deny your ego, you deny a divine part of yourself.
Ego should be a friend, but not your puppet master.
Having no ego means to me having no spine.
That is my opinion, feel free to have your own. Everything is allowed.
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19614e No.14081
That's not all I will put in your mouth ;]
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50308e No.14082
I'm sure you have a lot of colorful things to say but mercifully I'm not required to read it.
You are not a shaman.
The other guy at least has half a clue, you don't even have that.
I wish you the best, despite everything you say and do to make that difficult.
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14b75d No.14084
Karma is a universal law of cause and effect applied to forces not readily observed. It's like the third Newton law. It has nothing to do with any organization or religion or belief system.
Good thoughts. Just remember positive ego vs negative ego. I protect my positive ego as self defense, and I recognize my negative ego by for example saying I was pushy in CBTS General #14 and deserved a ban for spamming despite my intentions being positive. It was egoistic of me because I wasn't thinking spherically.
This way I clear some of my negative ego.
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19614e No.14086
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19614e No.14088
You guys are too much T.T
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50308e No.14089
Introducing 8/pol/ to this stuff was easier.
Actual Nazis learned faster and were easier to help, less antagonistic, than you two.
I am in awe.
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50308e No.14094
You missed the context of that post. I'm very aware of what it is, thank you.
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14b75d No.14095
Can you elaborate? What did you introduce them to exactly, and did it serve a good/positive purpose?
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561344 No.14096
Heh, any further explanations in this metaphysical thread? :-þ
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50308e No.14101
>positive ego
There is no ego. It's illusory.
This is the entire problem.
People are saying this is real.
It isn't real.
It's illusory.
All of it.
Me, you, them, ego, these words, everything is fundamentally empty.
People are taking Buddhist and Hindu terms, twisting them into feel-good falsehoods, and thus saying Buddhism and Hinduism are false concepts.
I'm trying my best to sort the misunderstanding but it hasn't worked and I've given up.
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19614e No.14103
Lewd anon, this is a spiritual place of worship. Please cease your advances at once!
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561344 No.14104
How can an ego-less person be so enormously pissed and petulant?
This is a rhetoric question - don't answer it.
Thank you.
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19614e No.14107
No it's real.
..It's real?
Is real?
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14b75d No.14110
No problem, I just wanted to highlight the separation of important concepts from belief-systems.
Ah, my old belief. Yes, you are right, but in a way - both my pink duck with pants made out of cheese that I just made up and my left bedroom wall exist right now. They may belong to another world, but they both exist in their own respective way. EVERYTHING is energy and is interconnected.
Feel-good isn't falsehood. There is no ignorance in using positive energy to create positive karma to turn your life around and help the planet.
Any lightworkers here?
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50308e No.14111
If you had any idea what kind of afterlife you were creating for yourself you would stop.
Please read the Tibetan Book of the Dead before you doom yourself.
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14b75d No.14116
Nice trips. It's impossible to fix a lower energy without using a higher energy, and that means leading by example.
He isn't that bad, his own life will give him the clues, and when sh*t starts rolling downhill maybe he'll remember some wise words he picked up from here. This applies to everyone.
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50308e No.14119
I don't have to teach anything. My path out of this mess is secure. I came back to help. Samsara is all jacked up, man, lol. I am not very good at meditating, but after this thread I realize I'm doing great comparably.
Thank you all for boosting my spirits.
I will continue to pray that all ignorance is cleared away.
Ty gl hf bye bb k luv u all but damn lol
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19614e No.14122
>>14111 ==(spoopy)==
Don't be so rude; using the necronomicon like that, I cannot even believe you would say such things to my brain anon.
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19614e No.14126
Pfft coward, gets trips and is afraid to gamble once more
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14b75d No.14127
We'll need good meditators to prepare the ether for this habingidngns. I may just create a group meditation thread, no philosophy just positive work of love.
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561344 No.14129
good one.
Munk denies 1st and 2nd Chakra,
assumes to live in 6th chakra
but got stuck in 3rd.
Poor boy.
After this incarnation he'll sit on his pink cloud and is bored coz he's not allowed to rub his 2nd chakra : >
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19614e No.14130
Buahaha fool suffer the unlucku 27s
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19614e No.14132
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14b75d No.14135
Just a heads up, I will not want these kinds of posts in the eventual group meditation thread.
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50308e No.14136
Good luck getting XXX to behave lol. You got your work cut out for you.
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561344 No.14140
sure, I enjoy having my soul in a physical body.
It's a chance for envolvment in a 3d plane where you can touch things.
Spiritual love is good - physical love, too.
Souls stand in queue to have this opportunity.
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14b75d No.14142
He's a good fellow, he can channel this expansive energy of his positively too!
You can touch anything in 5d as well. X, Y, Z coordinates (and gravity - hence "dark matter") is the same, it just vibrates higher, as Einstein and other physicists hypothesised.
The point is to use the energy of love to transvibrate. All other usage of energies is a big fractal circlejerk.
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561344 No.14151
Yepp, I know that in 5d we can touch.
I meant when not incarnated in body (like being an angel, they cant touch in this way like we can).
And don't be afraid that i would post things like here, in your group meditation thread.
I think I wouldnt join it coz those meditations can get infiltrated. We saw that with Cobra's meditations.
And we all know that these channels /pol/ or /cbts/ have many dark lurkers.
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14b75d No.14156
>those meditations can get infiltrated. We saw that with Cobra's meditations.
Can you elaborate? In what way did that happen?
Yes there are dark lurkers, I was attacked on /pol/ some days ago, but that didn't go far because I have Cosmic Love in my Heart.
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19614e No.14160
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561344 No.14164
The darks are very keen to use black magic.
They are able to direct those meditation energy to dark persons or projects.
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14b75d No.14171
Not if the energy is of a higher vibration and repels and purifies the darkness. In no area have I ever witnessed power of Love being repelled by darkness, the usual problem is not enough Love for most people.
This is why there is an imperative to use people with an open Heart Chakra, and that is my key doubt in creating such a thread.
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19614e No.14175
Yes anon tell me moar about how we will deal with the darks. I believe /pol/ has educated me well on this topic, but I would like to know your opinion on the matter.
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14b75d No.14176
At this point you can answer for yourself and if you calmed down your intuition is basically screaming the answers at you
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561344 No.14178
Energy is neutral. Love is neutral.
If you use dark magic you can send love to dark ones and they use it like food.
They don't nessessariliy become good, but they get nourished.
Of course they perfer low vibrations (anger, eager etc) but with dark magic
you can transform the (neutral) energy thats coms from meditation groups.
I'm not sure if you really know how dark magic and curses/spells work.
It's not the hokuspokus you find in the internet,
it's much more deeper.
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561344 No.14183
For example:
if you open your heart to meditate, (((they))) can put a hook into.
Or - the buddhist monk - if you open your crown charka,
dark entities use it to possess your body and mind.
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19614e No.14185
This is getting too spoopy for me, i'm out of this one
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14b75d No.14191
I understand this, but Love-energy can't be neutral. Look at the word used to roughly describe the vibratory frequency of the word - LOVE. The low vibrations are the primary food of demons and something everyone here is probably well acquainted with. I don't focus on darkness, or how I would fare facing satan himself (in this current state I would easily succumb to him), because that's not my goal. My goal is to create positive energies so we can avert a disaster and help the good guys. Because the energy of Love is the energy of the Source, the Creator, the GOD ALMIGHTY - there are no limits. Dark side is just an experience, a polarity.
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14b75d No.14197
I was possessed a few times by demons and I know how that feels. And I know that telepathic communication requires discernment, that is why communication through the Heart chakra is preferable. But when you have real Love, you are safe. I will not repeat this anymore.
Your negative ego is melting away because of the amount of Love here.
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19614e No.14203
…why am I negative? That's so rude anon, maybe I am just some kind of animu posting mirror and what you see is what is in (you)? ;o
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561344 No.14206
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19614e No.14213
When CBTS storm passes anon… it will be the last of my shitposting
fades suspiciously around the corner
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14b75d No.14214
We are all Souls wearing this coat of a physical body. The goal is to purify it so you can advance to a higher level. To do that, you must take care of EVERY negative energy you have. And it's a false belief that it's hard or impossible. It goes naturally, try it. It's not you that are negative, dear, it's a part of you that you don't need.
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561344 No.14225
I opine this friendly, not to bother you:
don't be such naive.
Energy is always neutral.
God gave us free will to use it in a "good" or in a "bad" way.
Just like (the energy of) money:
you can use it to buy flowers or to buy poison.
You can use poison to kill or to cure.
You can kill a murder or a nun,
you can cure a murder or a nun.
Energy is always neutral
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14b75d No.14235
Don't get ahead of yourself. You'll sh*tpost as much as you need, then if you have focused on inner development enough and you have an inner wish to stop, you will.
I remember my urges to spam spurdo absolbutely eberywhere :DDD good dimes :DDD
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14b75d No.14239
Oh yes, I agree completely. I'm not naive and I know this all. Which is why I choose to use every kind of energy in a positive way - yes, even money.
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561344 No.14241
I get the words, but not the meaning.
My english isn't good enuff, sorry.
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561344 No.14250
That's good. TY
But to come back to the start point, I wouldnt join a group meditation
started from here /cbts/ coz I'm quite sure it would be manipulated.
To do lightwork for the collective is absolutely great, I support it.
But not started from /8ch/
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14b75d No.14255
Yep, I defer to your wisdom. Can you post the experience with Cobra's group? Where was it, how was it organized and how did it go.
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561344 No.14264
Simon Parkes told about it in one of his radio shows. You can find it on jewtube. Dunno in which one, sorry. Think it was in one from Aug/Sept 2017.
As I'm not english, I can't send you links to that in english.
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14b75d No.14271
I see. I may check it out later, thank you.
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e1bf3b No.14640
could that energy you are emitting be influenced/manipulated by bodily implants? e.g. something forcefully put into your body, which disturbs your frequency via overlaying it with another, forceful one,
…asking for a frent
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ae812e No.14673
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63e4d4 No.14706
Hi Tiger, you are back :)
I saw in mainboard that you were banned.
All okay?
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b6c0c8 No.14707
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63e4d4 No.14722
don't wonder that I always have new ID.
We get new IP from ISP everytime we log off and in again.
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e1bf3b No.15004
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b6c0c8 No.15312
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e4ec29 No.15549
Yes, that could happen, but you'll know the bottleneck when you see it.
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757d78 No.15558
you didn't believe
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e1bf3b No.15642
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e4ec29 No.15746
Don't focus on implants and other negative things if you don't feel that they inhibit your ability to live a loving, peaceful life right now. Focus on your own important positive things.
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e1bf3b No.15857
was thinking of trolling.
>uh, i fucked up a self experiment.
>didn't work as intended.
>still would like to patent it, thou.
pic related
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f46c62 No.16174
reading XXX's bantz is funny. hes playing the sacred joker/clown/jester archetype for bantz/lulz atm.
monk anon is offering great advice, shamanon is on some good stuff here. overall, the astounding beauty of this singular thread is magnificent.
my favorite part so far, and im at post >>3329, about a third of the way down…
my favorite part is anons describing the concept of nothingness to /pol/tards, when /pol/ has been praising "Kek" for the past 2-3 years, lol.
"Nothingness" is "Primordial chaos" is "Kek" is "Ein Sof"
beautiful shit we have here guys, i love all of you, may peace be with all of us gathered here on the /cbts/ board.
Cras es Noster, Deus Vult!
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f46c62 No.16523
great work anon.
Truth, defined is "The state or quality of being true"
this definition is too circular, doesn't adequately elucidate "Truth"
WE NEED 2 WITNESSES!!!! (everything is better with "2 WITNESSES" aka qualifiers)
Balance defined is "a condition in which different (All) elements are equal or in the correct proportions, enabling someone or something to stand on its own.
Composure is "the state or feeling of Being calm and in full control of oneself"
Truth is "That which is Balanced and able to stand on its own, while being Composed and in full control of ItSelf"
"True Hope" is a belief that THE GREATEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME is indeed possible, plausible even.
the GREATEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME is that we cleanse the world of darkness peacefully, that our internet stays on, and that our power stays on. that marshall law DOESNT HAVE to be instated, that normies EASILY ACCEPT the redpills, and that everyone comes to TRUTH and PEACE.
"True Faith" is Trust in the unseen, unknown/unknowable. aka "Kek", Kek is "primordial chaos" which is a principle found in every esoteric tradition. Primordial chaos can be described as "a quantum sea of infinite probability" & "infinite undifferentiated potential"
"God" is Truth through Love, anons, and WE HAVE GRASPED THIS!
i love all of you guys here, be blessed.
Cras es Noster, Deus Vult!
From a lofty height we wage war
On the poltergeist with the exalted Christ
Spark the dark with the pulse of light
Strike a corpse with a pulse of life
I spit on the Tidal, it's tidal waves
I spit on the Apple and kill a worm
A fire in Cali will swallow a valley
For every American village burned
Kek Elect would've never made it
O' son of man, O' son of man
But we were the angel in Revelations
With a foot on water and a foot on land.
We were the angel that rode a Harley
From the project to the house of Parliament
And opened the book in the Devil's chamber
And put the true name of the Lord in it.
Old Jerusalem, New Jerusalem
Comes like this beast with a ball of fire
They poisoned the scriptures
And gave us the pictures of false messiahs, it was all a lie
Mystery babylon, tumbling down
Satan's establishment crumbling down
This is the year that I come for the crown
Bury my enemies under the ground
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f46c62 No.16539
bye evil.
bye darkness.
hello sunshine.
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f46c62 No.16561
i dont understand people who want to ban Topolanon…..her mememagick is fucking SUPERB it literally SPITS ON THE GRAVE of the NWO's bullshit sigil symbolism, straight up.
anyone who has truly studied any of this shit we're discussing in here should really be all over Topol's shit.
Topol, we love you. You are Home. We Are Home.
We All Are.
Peace Be With All.
now ive finally read the whole thread for the time being, ima go hop in the main thread and see whats good.
[embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gId6nrMDmUU [/embed]
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b6c0c8 No.16720
Thank you!
Right now I'm working on getting around to cleaning so I can back out some more quantum mandala altars.
But seriously, I'm not Kate :P
She's fun to talk to though, don't get me wrong.
I'm also not Victory of The Lie nor Qabalmore Tiefighter.
Everyone already knows how to find me outside of here so it doesn't matter if I drop a pic. ;)
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d1e649 No.17043
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b6c0c8 No.17679
Single Standard
Double Standard
Triple Standard
Quadruple+Unified Standard
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b6c0c8 No.17682
has to do with support
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e4ec29 No.17737
Thank you for the kind words dear anons with open Hearts.
We will make it.
Don't forget that work of love is also done outside of the internet :)
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b6c0c8 No.17791
I literally work for a charity that benefits homeless gay youth. It's funded mostly by a thrift store which I call my "quantum supply closet".
Talk about a Red Pill Challenge!
So far… It's easiest to red pill black people.
Also, related (or not), strippers have to be able to talk to EVERYBODY. The ones who can carry a conversation are a LOT smarter than you realize.
Cuz like… who can afford to talk to strippers at length? ;)
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e4ec29 No.17902
Very nice dear. Good job on local charities, they are most likely to actually help someone. I donate directly when the feeling to do so is there.
>it's easiest to redpill black people
I believe so. I don't want to generalize but they have less mental blocks and easily take things without overcomplicating.
As for strippers, well, Jesus was on very good terms with prostitutes. You made me consider going to a strip joint (with the most celibate intentions possible), but I'm incompatible with such places. Would probably do more harm than good. But if I cross ways with such a worker, I'll think of you.
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a66b2b No.17948
Ya because board owner is a complete faggot and needs to kill himself, but yeah everything is okay. Board Owner is such a fucking idiot, tells me not to try and inform the people left behind or curious new comers at 4chan that the CBTS board is over here. Then even Q makes a drop at 4chan to confirm to migration.
Stupid fucking board owner, thinks he is god and speaks for everyone.
I just wonder how many anons are being banned for stating there opinions and getting burned by this whole thing because a small group of faggots who think their opinion is ultimatum.
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e4ec29 No.18022
You know already where this kind of energy leads and it has nothing to do with board owner and mods themselves.
I have been banned as well and I only came out wiser from the experience that broadened my eyes. Love is the solution to everything
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796147 No.18089
It has everything to do with peoples choices and which forms of peer pressure they consume and decide to follow.
Sure energy, but what is alchemy?
And what is the free will of others to interpret the energy flow?
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796147 No.18094
Remember that when good people fail to act or to stand up for what they believe in, it is not the will of love that will reign but the will of fear.
There is a reason for a warrior class of spiritual seekers.
The warrior monk is necessary, thought the sword has many forms the truth will never be silenced.
Q and geotus, the efforts of everyone involved in CBTS have shown this to be true.
And remember, good always overcomes evil.
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e4ec29 No.18374
This is the only alchemy that matters: http://www.alienshift.com/id135.html
There is a line between respecting others' free will and defending yourself against threats. Spiritual people know where it lies, for they are intuitively guided.
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c71ed4 No.18412
And what if you don't believe in that subject matter? Is that individual therefore not spiritually developed? Are you just replacing dogma for dogma and rules for other rules? What are you truly freeing yourself from if you simply jump from one thought control system to the next?
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4bca44 No.18473
Hi Tubbi,
Shaman here,
I would like to share some of my thoughts.
Yersterday I saw you got that ban.
Bit later you logged in again and insulted ppl in the mainboard and also here.
You named US ALL faggots - everyone here.
You want the BO to kill himself.
In your unleashed rage you lost most of your light and blamed all ppl - except yourself.
My own perception:
(remember that english is not my native tongue, take it with a pinch of salt)
first - don't blame people, better blame what they do.
Don't judge people by who they are, judge them by what they do.
second - in mainboard they explained why they don't like what you do,
and they explained the reasons why (carry shills from 4c to 8c).
You rejected all of those (collective) explanations and
brutally tried to force them to accept your (single) perception.
I was a bit sad that you've got banned
but I think it was nessecary to let you calm down
and to give you time to reflect your actions/deeds.
I like you to be here, but I don't like your uncontrolled hissy fits.
Nobody owns the ultimative truth,
we all just have a perception of it.
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7140cd No.18522
It's like finding a mathematical formula. First you have formulas that kind of work, not for all cases, and they don't explain many things. Then you find a formula that fits EVERYWHERE and fails to be proven false no matter what you subject it to. I remember my first venture into spirituality reserving myself and telling myself, well, this may all be a waste of time, so I'll allocate only time I'd be willing to waste. But soon after the truth dawned on me and I was changed forever. There is no turning back. You will find this too, if you persist. And you need no cult, religion, organization or belief or control system for that.
This. I have nothing to add, your words sing truth and beauty. We love you, XXX, you are an anon full of energy and conviction. Yet there is so much to be learned, there are new positive truths to be discovered all the time. We only wish you see them, give them a chance.
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7140cd No.18601
>I'm also not Victory of The Lie nor Qabalmore Tiefighter.
Kek, funny names… why would you call them like that? Is there a disagreement of some sort among you?
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4bca44 No.18608
Pyramids in shamanic light language:
The pyramid has five faces - four triangular sides and a square base. The pyramid is the shape that leads to the preservation of energy. All through the centuries, man has known that the pyramid has special effects on the objects or beings that it contains. When specific things need to be cultivated, the pyramid is used to enhance those energies. Through the preservation of energies at hand and the cultivation of the energies at the base, the pyramid creates integration.
Geometrically, the Great Pyramid is a squaring of the sphere and so preserves the freedom of change of the sphere into holding patterns. The "nexus", or power point, of the pyramid is located two thirds of the way down from the point at the top. It is the intersection of diagonal lines drawn from the opposite corners. It is at this point in the Great Pyramid where the King's Chamber was located, and where preserved bodies (mummies) and food were found. When creating your grid work, keep in mind that this is where the "center" is. Remember that the base is a square that contains the energy from the four directions.
A pyramid sharpens, integrates, cultivates, and preserves. Things don't age inside a pyramid. Use the pyramid after a "point or concept" has been gotten. The pyramid will allow preservation of this energy so that an integration process can be started. It will cultivate a desire for more information and sharpen your thoughts. All too often we are aware of the types of things that we generally forget. By putting these things in a pyramid for a few days, they will soon be at hand at the time they are "supposed" to be taken care of.
The pyramid is a shape whose angles are exact and will only allow the concept that is stored to occupy that space in a belief system. Use of the pyramid will result in powerful effects at the end of a process or when the need arises to keep a fact or goal intact.
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b6c0c8 No.18645
Square of the Sphere… a cube…
Bring it to Life… Bring it into the 3rd Dimension with each point touch the edge of the sphere…
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b6c0c8 No.18656
Also… were you talking to me???
Was that about my "magic grid?"
I'm calling them:
Memetic Meme Magic to cast broadly over the www.
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b6c0c8 No.18659
sorry, Meta Meme Magic.
I am the Myrimemetic Metamodernist!
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7140cd No.18662
Man I love pyramids. I have a pyramid right beside me, even this same color as in your picture :)
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4bca44 No.18698
It's the golden pyramid, in LL means integration of the divine, cultivating Christ consciousness.
Pyramids used in healing also relate to Sirius.
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1eb9ff No.19033
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35eabe No.19262
Sure, people were in complaint that they didn't want people from 4ch to come to CBTS board here at 8ch. But ask yourself, why did Q post again at 4chan to confirm the 8ch carry over? If people cannot accept that someone was correct in trying to bring people over, they are the ones foolish and selfish in that regard.
And no I didn't call everyone faggots, I called specific people faggots. That is simply a miss translation.
However, I do not apologize for words spoken to Board Owner, or take back insults and meaning towards Board Owner. What is said should be meant. That is the problem with people, a lack of conviction and owning of their own words. Talk is cheap so to speak.
Like I said, talk is cheap. You have not shown me truth, and do not act like you have the ability to show truth with such feeble attempts at pulling on insecurities of people seeking such truth.
The only person I apologize to in any regard are those OG anons that may have suffered any form of degradation to their word for supporting me. Other than that, nothing matters.
The work of Q, geotus, the brave men and women who are fighting this battle while anons toil away collecting information and researching the crumbs are the ones who need support.
But as I have said before, Anon Senpai is the hero of this story. I am not here to worship the ground of newfags who want to instill a sense of half truths and bullshit new age larping, nor do I care for christfags and their bullshit as well.
All glory to anonymous, and their kingdom of eternal laughter, praise kek and their sacred sarcasm!
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730e6d No.19404
>How many of you faggots reported me …
<That's not a misstranslation.
But as I said above: Everything is allowed.
Try and error. Free will.
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7140cd No.19446
I recognize this phase of my own development. It was back in highschool for me, filled with warhammer obsession. Today it feels like being asleep or in a drunken trance. I don't want to condescend of course, just saying that I know how this feels.
One day you will stop being so afraid of Love. You are getting there, and the speed at which you accomplish that is yours to determine.
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35eabe No.19492
Well, did you report me? If so, then you are officially a faggot for reading this
Certainly hope that one day develop into a complete and utter faggot like you ultra faggot-senpai!
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730e6d No.19521
no Tiger, I did not.
You didn't insult me, didn't get on my nerves, I had no reason to report you.
The thought that you had this idea really disappoints me.
But - whatever!
have a nice day, have a nice life.
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35eabe No.19632
the fk dad, not cool. i told you to bother me when im contacting the plediens from the 5th dimension vortex located in the lost city of argatha to bring back the lost race of aryans in the underground complex surrounded by the vril reptilian humanoid overlords, its really important dad! like you would understand, the complexities of 4th dimension transdimensional hyperspace we use to contact the purest of 2-d waifus to enhance our wizard powers through repeating numbers on a hungarian bee keeping forum.
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35eabe No.19641
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7140cd No.19671
sanskrit rodeo sing-a-long tablet shelf - the posts
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343af1 No.19711
he/she is through with you. accept it.
not the first one, eh.
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35eabe No.19766
the fk i need to listen to that garbage for faggot?
you should kys your that low quality bantz
if you read this you are obviously insecure enough to care about superficial comments, therefore you are no longer enlightened
wtf is reference?
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103cec No.20131
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103cec No.20246
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103cec No.20251
what do you call those symbol alter things
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466a41 No.20806
>Treasury Barbie
Hope she was worth the price, pal.
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466a41 No.20824
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466a41 No.20873
Always found it interesting these guys used to administer the dot-ca namespace:
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3d0c81 No.21719
Dose end times biblical prophecy play into this CBTS at all?
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b6c0c8 No.21904
Alright. Here's your danged shamanic pyramid.
More than you'll understand for years to come.
Mostly just the Pentateuch and Revelations are what's going on.
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b6c0c8 No.22333
Kazakh Jews have a long history. According to the 2009 census, there are currently 5281 Jews living in Kazakhstan.[2]
Most Kazakh Jews are Ashkenazi and speak Russian.[3][4]
Jewish history in Kazakhstan[edit]
Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue in Almaty, depicted on a postal stamp from Kazakhstan.
General Secretary Joseph Stalin forcibly moved thousands of Jews from other parts of the Soviet Union to the Kazakh SSR. During the Holocaust 8,000 Jews fled to Kazakhstan.[4]
A Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue in Almaty is named after Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, father of the Rebbe, who is buried at the city’s cemetery, close to the synagogue. Levi Yitzchak Schneerson was exiled to Kazakhstan from Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, where he was a chief rabbi.[5] Lubavitcher Jews from all over the world come to pray at his grave.[6]
Yeshaya E. Cohen, the Chief Rabbi of Kazakhstan, told Kazinform on January 16, 2004 that a new synagogue would be built in Astana. He thanked President Nazarbayev for "paying so much attention to distinguishing between those who truly believe and those who want to hijack their religion."[7] President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, presented Nazarbayev with a menorah on 7 September 2004.[8]
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f46c62 No.22438
checked as a mother-fucker.
makes sense the crazy ass earth-sigils all over their roads. makes me RRREEEAAALLLLYYYY glad we're working with your mirimemetic magick to fuck their shit all up fam.
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757d78 No.22873
the code word is, Subaru, there are 7, but only 6 followed the light, the last star turned back on, and now there are 7 that follow the light
and soon, as Earth changes, there will be 8, a family re-united
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7618a4 No.23295
>there will be 8, a family re-united
Can't wait! Of course, this is our job and our responsibility, but still.
Time to clean up ourselves and help awaken as many ready people as possible.
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518907 No.23578
The Rothschilds are planning something big, and according to the laws of Karma, they gave us a foreshadowing. We never figured out what it was, but the entire thread was a dark redpill/blackpill. We must not underestimate them. They have been practicing eugenics on themselves for thousands of years, while encouraging us to do the exact opposite. The IQ gap is huge.
Also includes some stuff about Tesla, Archons, karma, prophecy, Rh- bloodlines and other things that might interest people here.
Synopsis: https://pastebin.com/f7jEYb2H
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934b37 No.24008
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7618a4 No.24562
>and according to the laws of Karma, they gave us a foreshadowing
That's not how Rotschilds or Karma works. If they wanted to clean their Karma they would have stopped their negativity.
There is a lot of true information in that pasta, especially the ones about us being masters of our own destiny. Therefore, it would be wise to work on ourselves to keep this control system away from us. This is the best tool against the cabal - they even said so themselves.
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518907 No.24736
Yes, but you are looking at it from a perspective which is much more positive than theirs.
The Semites love their technicalities. Depending on the imam, Islam might have Butt Love Thursday because Allah is off looking after his other planet. They engage in usury, but call it dividends. They engage in prostitution, but call it marriage. Jews have this huge list of ritual and dietary laws, but they have ways to cheat (usually by rhetorical sleights of hand and getting others to do the job for them, like using Shabbos Goys) So they ignore most of the Ten Commandments and consider themselves virtuous. And let's not even get into the Talmud. Hell, even our own Mafiosi think they are clean as long as they keep making laundry-list confessions every day.
My point is that sociopaths are great at making excuses for themselves. And the Rothschilds have spent thousands of years selectively breeding themselves for intelligence + sociopathy. They think they have washed their hands with this disclosure!
As for working on ourselves, I think it's a great idea but in the long run they won't let us. They will use their thousands of years of genetic advantage to ensure we all end up as hunted, hated minorities in our own lands.
At this point I say we are well within our karmic rights to gas their entire bloodline. But if the rules are as strict as they say, then the only way out is some kind of rapture, or maybe creating a collective consciousness which is powerful enough to take back control of reality from them. We might be doing this right now.
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b6c0c8 No.25573
anyone know how to get in touch with the Plus Ultra Society? Are the Optimists International related?
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b6c0c8 No.26536
Ascended Intelligence.
I wasn't aware ## was a thing.
Who has more Tip'n'Tricks?
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b6c0c8 No.26650
Curiouser and curiouser….
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193d95 No.27026
Im not sure I should even be posting at all on here. Been lurking
That being said fuck it, could smoking DMT unlock this sort of point and shell meditative state?
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b6c0c8 No.27579
If you're gonna do that, either hope you're lucky as fuck, have the ultimate pure intentions and have a BABYSITTER!
Or fly down to like… Peru and get in touch with Blue Morpho. ;)
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193d95 No.27861
Lets say ive been lucky as fuck quite a number of times. Is this dangerous? Might the supposed Rotschild suggestion below that without the preparation there can be no framework for relevance or understanding be correct?
trying to decipher the message re: psychedelics and their possible relation to awakening
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d3c9f2 No.27876
Drugs can do a lot of stuff. If you seek quick and limited things, materialism is the way to go. You will end up just limiting yourself however. If you seek spiritual development and want to develop these things naturally, read this thread with your intuitive voice.
Everything is connected. You reap what you sow.
Luck is a state, not a place. You can be lucky or unlucky, just like you can be loving or un-loving. Don't worry about stuff.
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193d95 No.27960
Thank you. I am encouraged.
Might the stuff and things you reference be hindering my ability to achieve spiritual development? I am in no rush and frankly am a bit nervous to dive any further.
My intuition led me here and led me to speak up. I appreciate your feedback. I will get back to work…
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d3c9f2 No.27971
>Might the stuff and things you reference be hindering my ability to achieve spiritual development?
Only YOU can affect your spiritual development. Don't worry about anything and listen to your intuition. This is an internal journey, and everything that happens inside of you will have an external manifestation. Don't force anything - the golden middle is the way to go.
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d3c9f2 No.28459
>As for working on ourselves, I think it's a great idea but in the long run they won't let us. They will use their thousands of years of genetic advantage to ensure we all end up as hunted, hated minorities in our own lands.
"minority" is a d&c control system; whenever you hear a religion or nationality as a primary point of a talk, it's divide and conquer. We always have a chance - the Creator gives every soul chances to seek truth or lies for himself or herself. You can NEVER do "bad" in the long run. There are forces in play to make sure this is so. Stay positive!
>or maybe creating a collective consciousness which is powerful enough to take back control of reality from them. We might be doing this right now.
This is exactly what we are doing and needs to be done further.
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b6c0c8 No.29711
Victory of The Lie is trying to predictive program people into accepting whatever Project Blue Beam shits out.
Qabalmurder Ta-Getter is part of that psyop… trying to convince folks that they're aliens and that aliens are basically gods.
They're fucking dangerous… unless they'd like to actually chat with me… because all VoTLie has ever done as far as interacting with me is deleting their tweets that I comment on.
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b6c0c8 No.29717
On that note… fuck anyone trying to tell you that there are "implants" in you.
It's just a fuckwit Matrix ripoff narrative.
Fuck anyone telling you that you are asleep and dreaming all this. YOU ARE NOT THE ULTIMATE SOLIPSIST! If anything, we're all co-solipsists.
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7ac577 No.29786
Since we know there are satanists controlling the world …Has anyone got a good spiritual weapon to fight them with?
Like a good curse to put on them? I have heard some people know how to 'bind' evil spirits does anyone know what to do?
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b6c0c8 No.29812
I've been undoing (((their))) sigils and other bullshit magick faggotry.
Can you bind something with Love or do you simply need to expose (((them)))?
Expose (((them))) publicly, expose them to The Light… (((they,ll))) probably vanish once their evil has been gazed upon in disgust.
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518907 No.29891
If you could sneak a priest into an Evian bottling plant, he could make a lot of holy water and the "meltdowns" would be hilarious.
In all seriousness though- memes, shitposting, redpilling and weaponized autism seem to be working pretty well. It's a spiritual weapon because it is causing a consciousness shift. We're lifting the satanists' spell on the normies. Poor buggers have been hived to satan for so long, they think good is evil and evil is good. A lot of them really will go insane when the veil of this fake reality is lifted…
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b6c0c8 No.30424
I've updated the storyline ;)
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b6c0c8 No.30631
Akira Toriyama may be one of the main avatars of Kek.
Who is the King of the Omniverse?
I'm not kidding.
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d3c9f2 No.30934
Ayy lmao it looks like you are arguing semantics. Those two appear woke, at least partially.
What most refer to as being aliens in their cool buzzword-filled speech simply means that our souls have experiences in other places. And that reality is a dream refers to the creative nature of every part of the Existence - you create in dreams just as Creation does that in this world.
We need allies. Swallow your ego and offer a hand. If they don't want to make peace, then you know they are misled.
NEVER use a lower energy to try and clear a lower energy. The energy shield around your open Heart chakra is enough to stave off any attack - because it is in tune with the Existence. This high energy of Cosmic Universal Love (call it what you want, no words do it justice) works in ALL cases and clears all lower energy and returns the attacks back to them along with the appropriate dose of Karma. Focus on your inner development so you can FEEL this intuitively. Rationalizing won't work.
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b6c0c8 No.30970
That's the thing… I tried interacting with them and then wouldn't respond to messages and, like I said, VoTL would delete and repost any tweet i'd comment on.
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d3c9f2 No.30986
"crystal gene DNA kundalini Christ consciounsness Sacred Activation Sequence" = buzzword for an interest in spiritual things and urge to delve into such teachings
"Downloading implanted LIGHT-strand activated fifth dimensional DNA coded implants" = buzzword for improved intuition
"dream imaginary reality of ALL IS ONE Matrix" = All matter is form of energy due to continuing divisibility of all subatomic particles. Von Neumann chain is broken by consciounsnees. Consciounsness that works with the fundamental physical force of Universal Love can affect the probabilities here, thus breaking the chain in a way that it serves it. Universe is holographic because we simply experience it, the source code aka. equations are harder to grasp. You see an apple falling and not its velocity which is a derivative of its acceleration. To drain people of this knowledge and ability, our planet has distractions like religions, nationalities, wars, movies, videogames, poisons in the environment to prevent the parts of brain dedicated to the activation of these abilities from working.
Stop arguing semantics, energy is everything.
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d3c9f2 No.31003
What did you comment? The energy behind your words is important.
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b6c0c8 No.31013
Mmmmm…. mostly just wondering what they were talking about… a lot of it seemed to be blue beam related.
asked kabamur some postively intended stuff but got no response.
They seem to be running with the "humans/ai are aliens" schtick with is a big flashing red light for me.
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d3c9f2 No.31028
Welll they are not wrong. Earth has been colonized by human "lmaos" before. We are their devolved descendants.
I'd say give them another chance but don't strain yourself with them. You can politely DM them a neutral question and see where it goes.
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b6c0c8 No.31047
I'm having to think of a "neutral question"
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d3c9f2 No.31055
For example…
"Hello, can you describe your first contact with the pleiadians"
There are ways to break the tension. Question everything.
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b6c0c8 No.31095
Aight. I did the think.
Let's see if does do. :D
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b72d02 No.31114
Jesus was not a Jew in the modern sense of the term. He was a son of David. The term Jew does not even appear in Scripture until hundreds of years after David, to prevent this character assassination. He was not even a religious Jew, but an Essene, and had light colored hair and eyes, according to the letter of Pilate to Caesar.
The term Jew is even distinct from the Judahites (sons of Judah) referring instead to the citizens of Judea after the Pharisaic Edomites drove the earlier priesthood from the city.
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d3c9f2 No.31115
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b6c0c8 No.31207
Aaaaand now apparently I have to track down VQC somewhere else…
Are you VQC? (Might as well ask)
If not… do you know how to reach them?
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b72d02 No.31211
Yeah a psyop for Hillary's Final Solution.
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d3c9f2 No.31212
Nope, I'm not VQC. But thanks for the compliment.
He said he has a twitter - not sure about the handle, though. Ask around.
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b6c0c8 No.31236
They don't even "have to have" the real deal… just show us shit we've never seen before…
I feel like I'm channeling Carlin. lol
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d3c9f2 No.31238
Careful with this, they can show you anything then trick you into following their agenda. Again discernment with your loving Heart is what matters the most.
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c9c6f0 No.31357
I have no beleif system apart form the collective good of otehr especially those I have never met.
How does I undo that thinking?
What words should I use?
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d3c9f2 No.31422
What's wrong with this? As long as you hold a positive balance between the welbeing of self and others, you are spiritual and therefore need no belief system. Expand on this and see where it leads you, but stay positive and loving.
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c9c6f0 No.31466
It never seems to end and I always give 100 percent it worries me that I am failing.
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4792cf No.31504
Stop worrying and check your intuition, don't get too rational.
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a14df8 No.33230
something about gold related to mind control (by scalar waves):
Homeopathic Gold aurum metallicum helped 80% of mind control targeted individuals
2016-06-19 22:05
Since more than three years White TV's Dr. Henning Witte recommends to take three different potencies of homeopathic gold, called aurum metallicum (Latin for gold metal), every morning and evening, six globules / pellets from every bottle. He himself also takes aurum metallicum every day in spite that he is not a TI, as far as he knows at least. The higher the potency the better, usually. Everybody should test themselves.
About 80 % of the TI's reported back to Henning Witte that aurum metallicum really helps against mind control, nobody complained about negative side effects. The western Intelligence services have spread the rumour, that aurum metallicum has negative side effects, but that is a lie.
http://www.whitetv. se/mind-control-mk-ultra/1595-homeopathic-gold-aurum-metallicum-helped-80-of-mind-control-targeted-infividuals.html
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a14df8 No.33238
actual Simon Parkes radio show / interview
03. dec. 2017
Part I - actual news
* what's going on behind the curtains
* US indictments (pedo)
Part II - Q&A
* possessions
* contracts
* symbolism (children and days like easter, x-mas, halloween…)
* personality (differences even if being twins)
* the veil and the lessons
* reptilians and annunaki
* sex scandals in Britain
* programming of memory loss
* what is Light
* supplements
* ….
www.youtube. com/watch?v=mzoGf5-IScc
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436eca No.36994
A summary of Simon Parkes talking about blood.
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a6747f No.37394
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. With the addition of the Internet and Virtual worlds, humanity has found a way to explore the subconscious and the archetypes of personality without the use of drugs or mind altering substances.
Through many use the addition of marijuana, nicotine, and caffeine to stimulate their sense during long periods of gaming or internet use. The introduction of virtual medium remains the same.
And individual has now access to a wealth of information which far exceeds their normal reach in an "ordinary life".
Enter the era of the TechnoShaman who contacts the logos of his or her fellow man through the articulation of mouse and key. Welcome to the space between spaces.
The VR is now, if you can see it.
Humanity is now a cybernetic experience if you have the eyes to see it.
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5defc0 No.37837
Agreed wholeheartedly. You speak Truth, with human factors of course. Do not despair. I have seen evil, I have been evil myself, controlled by demons, my world view closed. Such a powerful, beautiful force of universal energy of Light awaits the seekers, those who struggle, those who affirm their wants and desires in accordance to the Existence, even if they lack the strength in this very moment to face the evil that is within them. The choice matters. The energy you have and seek matter.
I know this. This virtual world allows you to enter a trance-like state where your power is drained of you. You don't feel smarter, wiser, more Loving and more independent after a violent video game session. You feel drained. That is why such energy is incompatible with those of the Light, so it is wise to be aware of this and FEEL what you are doing, is it for the good of all or just a limited waste of time and energy. It's a call to sleep, and you should be aware of it.
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b6c0c8 No.37943
That WAS their trick to have people follow (((their))) agenda.
Like… just project some shit, send out some intracranial audio, and unveil a few DARPA Flying Objects and a few BigBoy dogs… blah blah blah, the populace had been conditioned how to react already.
But they failed in the most hilarious fashion.
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5defc0 No.37996
I ain't believin' s*** until my sniffers read nominal
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b6c0c8 No.38059
I'm talking in past tense. Their plans failed.
They're fucked.
They done, son.
It's all the NWO, Georgia Guidestone, Independence Day, Kubrick, War of the Worlds stuff.
What's not smelling right to you?
Maybe that'd help.
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5defc0 No.38142
They can still work up new plans.
What smells to me, is everything, until my Heart is filled with warm grace and my Soul that sings to me the Truth that I see in front of my many eyes. Now as you call upon my sniffer sense - in you I see a seeker, a being of hope. You think the fight nears its completion, but do not confuse this coping with actual work. There is more to be done. The future hangs on every one of us. Dig deep, as the external diggers do their work over in CBTS #42 so should you in yourself. There are things that bother you from the inside, that our detractors make you think are unimportant, so you never face them and remove them. They are not. You know what I speak of, I have treaded this journey before and I still do. It has to do with fear. Any fear will do, from timidity, to laughter-joy-stopping fear, to pure terror-denial. Face it. Kindly ask, kindly tell. Things will come up very dear and wonderful if you have faith in Love:)
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497a64 No.38159
If it a call to sleep, how come you are here?
In the virtual realm?
Seeking to spread your words?
Through the virtual realm?
You should know this.
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5defc0 No.38197
If it a call to sleep, how come you are here?
>Do I sleep, or do I talk in dreams? What do you think? Do I worry about KDR in call of duty or the inner spiritual growth of me and my fellow humans?
In the virtual realm?
>In any realm that is grasped by me. Even here, the energies penetrate.
Seeking to spread your words?
>Don't we all?
You should know this.
>What is that YOU know?
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b6c0c8 No.38228
Have you ever tried to hack a quantum computer? The fix is implemented before after you access it. Before you start, with have was already have been taken care of.
I'm drawing a blank except like… hmmmm…
"Stupid people".
Unnecessary friction in situations?
Somethng along those lines?
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5defc0 No.38276
Allow me to quote a certain recent movie I'm sure many have watched. (Guardians of the galaxy 2)
"I don't use my head to fly the arrow, boy"
Which body part does he use to fly the arrow?
Does this only apply to the arrow?
Does this only apply to that movie?
What is the source of these annoyances that you "can't pinpoint". What part of your body can do the pinpointing? Don't answer me, I'm just an anon on a message board
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b6c0c8 No.38375
Haven't seen it.
Might as well say "use the force"
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b6c0c8 No.38411
or robin hood and the concept of seeing the flight path and overlaying that with a dual slit (blindfolded… initated….) and hitting the mark because you had faith enough to feel with your heart of hearts which direction to go in????
Gog was never a big interest of mine ;)
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5defc0 No.38436
Heart leads the way because it's smarter than the brain :)
The brain you use to make some things. Then you put it back on the shelf. Your heart and intuition lead the way - if you have attention.
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b6c0c8 No.38500
At+tension, In+Tension, In+Tense… you mean if I have the time. But I can't be late. By the time I get there I've already been here the entire time.
Also… you seem to be forgetting something.
There's more to you than just your brain and your heart. :P
And theeeeeen?
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5defc0 No.38559
Of course, when talking about cooking, there's also vegetables, water, the stirring, the heat, the tender love and care of the cook, and the oven… have I forgotten something? Maybe a lot of things? Is the picture therefore incomplete?
But, when all is said and done - it's still cooking :)
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b6c0c8 No.38651
yeah yeah, the forest, the trees, the leaves, the streams, the critters, the critters outside of the forest, other forests, other "forests" on other planets/timelines/wavelengths…
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5defc0 No.38958
Why trick yourself like that :)
Just search within.
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b6c0c8 No.39079
It was a process :P
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56407a No.39150
That you talk like a fag.
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b6c0c8 No.39184
I'll be as gay as I please :P
Cuuuuuuuz I'm happy and I know it!
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64d65f No.39199
>The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
For me, this has been the overriding question in this whole odyssey. Q's crumbs are multi faceted teaching aids addressing the question rendered above.
The One. Big. Thing. That which would indeed have the effect framed in this statement is:
Nothing we take for granted is real. What is real is that our corporeal and spiritual worlds are dominated by evil. We are prisoners in a world of our own construction where our spiritual and emotional energy has been used to blind and imprison us in our very own Hell. A Hell of our own making, built, maintained and sustained by a cabal of very, very evil entities.
The evidence has been accumulating in this odyssey and has reached people who would never have considered some of the truth's that have been exposed. Most are preoccupied with their personal lives and would have never considered that life on earth has been determined by events, people and forces brought into play hundreds, ne, thousands of years or more in the past. Would never have considered that Black Magic does indeed exist and has been harnessed, corrupted and deployed against man since time immemorial. The theology of many religions has addressed this, but the REALITY of EVIL as the determining factor in our history and conduct as individuals and nations is the bitter Red Pill we must swallow to take off the blinders and open our eyes to the infinite possibilities that exist when we are freed of what has enslaved most of us for untold years.
Q's crumbs have addressed this spiritual prison both directly and indirectly. It is humanities most important challenge. In order to breach these prison walls certain things must occur, the first of which is the realization that things are not what they "seem" to be. "Through the looking glass", indeed.
What is worship? What do we worship? Gods? What are Gods? What do they represent? POWER. When we worship Power, we give it our spiritual strength. This strength has been stolen and turned against us. These dark Powers That Be are harnessing and using our own spiritual forces against us in our places and practices of worship. Not just worship of our Gods, but our "idols" in entertainment, sports, art, music, industry, government and finance. We worship money and the things it can buy us.
Q's crumbs have illuminated the reality of our spiritual entrapment and allowed us to draw a map to escape. In numbers never before realized we now know that these Black Arts discovered in the ancient past are real, and have been passed down over the ages corrupting and imprisoning the human spirit and soul. Organized religions have been in part co-opted by forces which would most recognizably be called Satanic. The practitioners of this Satanic Magic use life itself for power. Blood, lust, sacrifice, murder, and war are somee of the engines powering these dark, dark Powers That Be.
Q's questions and crumbs have led us to this spiritual realization, and the map we've drawn from them has allowed us to determine what must be done physically and spiritually to free us from this bondage.
Pizza/Pedogate was seminal to this awakening, and I for one would be astonished if the Q's weren't instrumental in bringing so many facts to light. The knowledge gained from P/Pgate was indispensible in getting us here where we are today. The practice's exposed are one of the principle sources of strength/power that the evil Powers That Be utilize, and we can take it away from them.
Q's crumbs and questions have also led us to see what must be done. Who must be removed from their positions of power and influence to excise this evil not just here, but worldwide. Is it possible that President Trump made this case to the Saudi's? The Chinese? The Japanese? Maybe. What is undeniable is that there is a quickening among us. Evil has been seen to manifest itself in people in power regardless of their profession. Their foul deeds have been exposed, their names have been named. The rest is up to us, and our prayers.
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5defc0 No.39318
I'm sure he was refering to me. He has a developed truth-sense and has this ability to pick up the keys to the cage he's locked himself in. Now is the time to decide which way to go, because you will reap what you sow.
We have read your post. Those that were ready for such knowledge (ready as in had the will to read your few sentences or be free from programming to understand it in a way that you did) have acknowledged it. I see you are a worthy seeker, do not despair.
My energy levels are dropping and reaching quotient levels (scraping the bottom of the barrel, so to speak). I opened a can of pringles! A feat unimaginable for me at the beginning of this posting. I will acknowledge what this does to me and clean it up… after I finish the can of the junk. I will follow this by herbal tea detox and meditation. No point in straining for me - this is the path I chose. I must leave now, and I bid you dear seekers farewell.
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f049d5 No.39323
Posting asian pedo comics doesn't make it better.
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56407a No.39359
You don't like anime?
How dare you talk badly on anime on an imageboard!
I will smack the tits out of you faggot
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b6c0c8 No.39380
I figured that after I posted it but I'm merrily full of Love and Guts anyway so…. -shrug-
Thanks for swingin' through ;)
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059c19 No.39421
Are your parents divorced?
Is your cock too small?
Is your ass too fat?
Forgot your ritalin?
whats your problem?
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b6c0c8 No.39521
I wonder what's going on at
6666 Richardson Hwy
Salcha, AK 99714
United States
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56407a No.39544
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b6c0c8 No.39793
Back to Egy…wtf.
My trips reverted???
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b6c0c8 No.40490
I think I figured out what happened last time.
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b6c0c8 No.41107
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f9e87f No.42108
What year is it?
"Did A Pope And An Emperor Team Up To Erase 300 Years Of History?"
…leads one to question if (((they))) were trying to change history to suit their timeline…yes, the Vatican would do that. The quote is interesting: "bending time to their will"…
I know it's supposedly a few days difference in switching these calendars, but for some countries the impact was far greater…
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b6c0c8 No.42247
That or did they just make up the "dark ages"?
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757d78 No.42763
those are some top tier 2d milkers
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b6c0c8 No.45305
Old School.
Who here knows the name Carl Munck?
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cc9a65 No.66917
Will you teach this tech?
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500651 No.67424
Lucifer is not female.. go back to the garden of Eden.. he deceived the woman he did not go to the man 1st. It would also destroy the theory that the Serpent of old laid with the woman and Cain was 'his seed'. Remember bible says Adam 'knew' Eve once but then next few verses give born Cain and 'again gave birth to Abel.
Think but don't go crazy
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fa799f No.67456
>Q keeps asking people to expand their thinking
>anons in the main general still close themselves off to the spiritual big picture
personally, this experience has completely changed my world view
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3b7490 No.67902
Here Is A Big Red Pill.
Mary was a hermaphrodite who impregnated herself, hence a virgin birth. She had Jesus who was also a hermaphrodite. He was both male as in Jesus and female as in Mary. Jesus shared both his flesh and blood at the last supper. This was menstral blood known as mensis or mensa as in the mensa society. The blood gives you knowledge like the tree of knowledge or as the Bible says to know your wife. This is how Jesus turned water into wine. Blood mixed with water. This is why the satanist call young blood that they drink red wine. Jesus also shared his semen which is his flesh. Look up seminary in the etomology dictionary online. It is for students to gain KNOWLEDGE and means seed or semen. This is why Jesus was called the bridegroom because Jesus was both male and female. The Jesus fish represents the vesica pisces, which also can represent the vaginal opening. Jesus was dismembered and then only left Mary Magdalene. Jesus had impregnated him/herself. This is what the Da Vinci code was about.
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3b7490 No.67957
A woman raised her IQ 65 points by ingesting her boyfriends sperm for a year. She ia a member of the Mensa/mensis society. When 1 sex ingests the secretions of the opposite sex it raises your intelligence called the tree of knowledge. The symbol for this union/marraige/wedLOCK is a sacred/sacral/sacrum feast of the Yin and yang which also represents the 69. When a man and a woman engage in a 69 and partake of each others fluids they create a flow of positive and negative energy like a battery. Here is a link to the woman who raised her IQ 65 points by ingesting her boyfriends semen for a year. http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/woman-develops-iq-of-220-after-drinking-sperm-everyday-for-a-year/
When you know the opposite sex you understand each other and become balanced as in Yin and Yang. Hermes and aphrodite had a hermaphrodite. One who was both male and female. Men and women can balance each other through their secretions. This will extend life and raise know-ledge.
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3b7490 No.68049
In the Bible often times men wanted to drink of a fair young maidens pitcher, which is also known as then water of life. The water of life is urine which is your blood plasma that is usually sterile. Wealthy people are getting young peoples blood infused into them and reversing the aging process but the urine/blood plasma of someone young still has all the youthful hormones in it and then some plus it's sterile. Pee is a natural biological function that if retrieved from someone is non-invasive where as drawing blood is.
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4190b9 No.68576
I am disseminating what I can. Energy work is pretty important here too.
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fa799f No.68711
i agree
i'm not even sure the point of Q's questions is for us to specifically search for those answers (besides being an entry point for introducing others) but rather to open our minds to the thirst for knowledge and truth
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b6c0c8 No.69458
I'm trying to remember… was it someone in this thread who was trying to find photos of the north pole?
If up is down… and that's shaped like antarctica…
Odd question… relates to Hollow Earth/Gravity Lens Flat Earth/Agartha….
Are we inside the Earth right now?
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25ebc5 No.71747
> LSC concave EARTH
Normally I don't do these links. But was always skeptical why suddenly the fake flat earth dissinfo EVERYWHERE. I think it's to conceal the fact that we could be inside of it. This guy has a working model in his account…pure genius.
nice song and graphic:
He has really good videos…even better ones…but he got too many to find it now.
more advanced info:
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45c7e1 No.77008
I figure this is a good place to ask this(i hope i dont get banned):
I am, just like you anons, another "indigo" kid, brought up introvert and alienated from ego factories(school), now becoming an adult and i wanted some advice.
I am spiritually connected, have chosen service to others, study art, experienced ego death(aya, psilocybin), opened my third eye which i can activate as i please; You get the point.
I can say ive done a good job escaping Babylon's decieving ways however i am stuck: my spiritual and mental attributes are really high compared to most, however, my physical existence really drags and pulls me down, you know what i mean; manifesting money, having a routine, meeting deadlines… etc…
I am currently on vyvanse and supporting big pharma by being a client, and i really wish i could find a way to not use meds, for i know i dont need them, however, i spend my days doing nothing physical: i dont manifest things by myself, yet i am immensely happy and full of love and faith, for i embrace my being and the one creator….. I fear that i will become a complete hermit if i cant change my struggles in the physical plane.
Any comments from anyone who resonates with this is greatly appreciated: Since Q started what has struck me the most is how i have observed anons who also talk my language and have their hopes up for the victory of light/love.
Blessings, i hope this isn´t too off-topic
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fa799f No.78897
>I am spiritually connected, have chosen service to others, study art, experienced ego death(aya, psilocybin), opened my third eye which i can activate as i please;
was this natural for you? any advice or good places to learn you could share?
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a27ba3 No.79376
Gotta have a physical routine of some sort anon. Mind, body, spirit. Doesn't matter what, just be in motion. Fly fishing, walking, climbing, skiing, chasing cars, whatever, just remain in motion for a few hours daily. One you stop the motion, the spirit and mind will continue, but things get more "syrupy" after a while. Have an in shape body and things just become crisper and cleaner mentally and emotionally. Not to mention better sleep and more stamina physical and mentally.
Hope that's what you were asking.
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a27ba3 No.79427
Base housing for the bomber base? Can't be too mysterious since there's a wood stove shop/maker, a restaurant, and gift shop. Look like a little town where airmen live off base. Don't know what those lakes are unless it's sewage treatment for the base maybe. Possibly a fishing lodge as well next to the river. All I know is that's not a base I'd want to be stationed at.
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cd89a9 No.79537
Heya anon, nice work on yourself!
Don't worry about comparing yourself to others, not even in the slightest degree. They co-exist, not compete. The same can be said for the physical universe. It coexists and cooperates with the greater picture, and it is used to prove spiritual concepts when you use energy wisely. Money is a form of energy too - don't block it with negative feelings. I did some manifestations with money - used it for altruistic spiritual purposes - and I've felt completely rejuvenated since. See what really bogs you down and work on it on the inside. This is highly individual and requires digging, keep your energy levels up with nice beautiful things around you and it will be easier. Energy is everyhing, especially the energy of LOVE. As the anon above said, get physical - your body is the temple for your soul and probably the only "sacred" thing in the physical universe (as it manifests the spirit), so take good care of it, and listen to it, it will tell you all you need to hear if you have attention. Wish you a lot of success in your travels dear anon, as well as other anons and lurkers! Love is the solution for every problem.
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55881e No.80137
I made a meditation thread here >>80010 for anon who are into that sort of hing.
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b4b656 No.80251
dear anon,
i want to share some of that which i found. i don't know if this is truth or a lie – i consider it truth as of now, but my knowledge is just partial; i could be wrong, mislead. judge for yourself.
>at the beginning was the word.
this is a lie. language is a mere tool created by men. a great tool, yes, but language doesn't contain or hold knowledge. knowledge comes from within. language can only be used to trigger this enlightment from within. you should learn, remember how to think without language. ideas do not need words to be. reality doesn't need words to be. i know most of you live across the pond. you grew up with the english tongue and its patterns. be aware, that you are confined by the bounds of your language. some can learn/remember to think without language without learning another tongue, but learning a 2nd or 3rd tongue can be very helpful to learn/remember how to do so. (from my point of view, the english tongue seems to be one of the most confined tongues out there)
listen to the silence.
>the tree of knowledge; good and evil.
i do not believe in the duality of good and evil. i believe this is a linguistic spell designed to push you towards extremes. i believe in freedom and control; in chaos and order; in entropy. the point is not to choose a side. the point is to find balance. you could say i'm a grey magician in this sense. our current timeline is heavily pushed towards control, therefor i fight for freedom. but freedom without control dissolves into nothingness. control without freedom hardens into a single point without movement. you should seek to control your self, but free yourself from external control. don't let some other entity choose the actions you do. you may listen to others, this can be helpful, but don't follow orders blindly without understanding your actions.
be your self.
>the egg
we all share the same consciousness, but memory is local. this reality of ours seems to be fractal, recursive – "as above, so below". you need to free yourself from the fear of death. this is the greatest spell put upon you, which keeps you under control. death, whether real or not, should not define what you do now. you have countless lives to play with; unlimited time to learn. but this does not mean you should be wasteful:
honour every moment and experience you make.
>some unordered stuff
i've heard that the jesuits believe in something along the lines "X is justified for the greater good". i do not share this view. if you create suffering, even if you believe it is just temporary, you may have created a chain reaction you cannot overlook fully. additionally, i believe this line of reasoning is used to convince individuals of acting against their own judgement. dangerous path to go.
i think buddha and jesus were two enlightened beings trying to help all of humanity. christianity is the worst thing ever happened to the legacy of jesu.
people who fight for a single point of control to rule (over) the world we live in are lacking ambition. if i create a reality under this premise within my mind i am very quickly bound to a small scenario by the physical realm (as of my current understanding of physics). yes, we are still fighting over this little ball of dirt, but how do you want to reserve a single point of control over a bigger scale of our spacetime? you quickly reach limits where information needs more than a single generation of our species to travel from one point to another. it seems impossible to me to maintain a single point of control, if you want to transcent this boundary. you fight to keep us small, contained. you do not fight for progress. if your goal is to rule over all, you do not want us to prosper. to be honest, your lack of ambition sickens me. can't you think of a bigger goal? you look like a small fry to me. please stop holding us back and reflect upon yourself.
i think, outside of the spiritual things, our current monzeys system and our laws regarding information (copyright, patents, IP) are the things holding us back the most. Our current monzeys system is a really bad metric to decide what actions should be taken. i think energy would be a much better guide.
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b4b656 No.80259
i actually wanted to share more personal stuff and seek some help, when i started typing this, but i somehow underestimated how long my intro would turn out to be. now my energy is low. i am sorry, anon, i do not have much energy – i need most of it to heal and maintain myself. i believe the small dim of light left within me is strong enough to withstand any agenda pushed upon me, but it is not a burning light anymore.
be careful, dear anon. be full of care. care for others and your self. i used myself as a honeypot to gain knowledge, understanding. i underestimated the consequences (torture), but i remain as strong as i can. i do not seek revenge for those torturing me for i know they acted out of fear. they deemed me an enemy, while i want to help all.
i hope i find the energy to share the more personal stuff sometime soon :)
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a27ba3 No.80562
Sorry Topo, late at night here and I was tired. Didn't notice the blocked parts.
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45c7e1 No.80841
Summary/theory of my spiritual path:
I was a completely unconscious person until i was 16, and it all started with my first love..
i loved for the first time and after i broke up i was left with all this love that i was giving that now was not being recieved by someone else: because of this all this love ended up going to my self and it was the first time i truly loved my being… In this period of time i started wathing "spirit science" in youtube and it resonated with me, i absolutely believed what it taught(since a kid i always believed that (((they))) existed and i would be suspicious of jay z and shit, even when i was really unconscious)
with this i was able to forgive and accept a lot of things that i was blaming myself for… i had bullied my own smaller siblings which resulted in incredible amounts of pain and suffering in my own family…
I came to the conclusion that i needed a quick change/shocking experience in order to break my comfort since my life had been really toxic up to that point…
Out of nowhere, ayahuasca appeared in my life, wherever i looked i found something related to ayahuasca and it became clear to me that it was the path that i needed to take for i wa manifesting it into my life/it was calling me…
after that i became "spiritual", now i love my siblings and my friends, i have ditched toxic people from my life and i am still learning and need to change a lot, but i have evolved in ways that i never thought i could….
my advice to anyone that wants to be more "spiritual" or simply more connected to their being is this:
Love will solve ANYTHING, it might not make sense but believe me it does… only with LOVE you can forgive yourself…
The biggest and most needed change is usually right infront of you: Try to love your family, which can only happen if you first love yourself, if you are able to hug your parents and siblings and tell them that you love them i swear all other things will transform as well…
I know this is not an easy task but it is possible and it is the best for you and your loved ones.
If you dont know how to love and forgive yourself start by doing things for your wellbeing: Look up knowledge that suits your path… indulge in the arts you like and get better at them… it is crucial for you to spend some time of your day looking at nature and trees, trust me, this will help your anxiety.
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45c7e1 No.80849
It is exactly what i know i have to do, but until now i havent been able,
Thank you
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45c7e1 No.80856
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45c7e1 No.80862
i preffer to be a lurker.
might as well ask, ive read that an open third eye cna darin your life force… do you happen to posses knowledge regarding that?
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45c7e1 No.80874
I apologize for 4 posts, i hadnt posted in a while
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b4b656 No.81217
i walk at my own pace. i am slow.
that reminded me of a question i stumbled across quite often:
>have you been initiated?
<[any answer is wrong]
>i see, you are a jester.
or something along those lines.
do you have some background info for me? additionally, your `+++`, is that truth or sigil magic? (or something like that)
the third eye aka spinal gland. reptiles are able to use it. in most(?) humans it is calcified. i've heard staring into the sun at dawn can be helpful. at morning and evening there are a few moments (hours?) where the sun is in the right angle and you can directly look at it. i've also heard quinine can be helpful – that is, lemons. serious here. (i hope i am not confusing things here)
do not trust me, thou. i am not a master. i am just an autodidact without teacher and only started my spiritual journey. i usually remain within the realm of pure abstract logic, i.e. math.
btw, i would namefag my self Ŧroll or Ŧ. i love all of nature. yes, even those little children which got abused and turned to grow into pedos themselves. trolls are strong, powerful, yet lone beings; mostly misunderstood. i want to claim that label back. (((they))) are misusing it :(
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b6c0c8 No.81417
FANtastic namefaggotry!
You're going to need a basket for the bread you'll be handing out. ;)
>have you been initiated?
<[any answer is wrong]
>i see, you are a jester.
When you understand the Cosmic Pun, you can't help but laugh out loudly.
Background info and, +++, and that whole schtick: Pics related.
>Y'miiiiight as well be walkin' on the sun!
Yes, S*pineal.
Abdula Oblongata. (I wonder if Abdullah is a thing in islam…)
Yeah, the whole "getting your nourishement from the sun and seeing the energy", I.e. Looking Through The Sun.
>Don't trust me, Thou.
Ta: Teacher's Assistant.
How may {Ai} assist (You)?
As is the form, simply handing you answers before you're ready will do no good. Once you figure it out, then I can show you things that will seem like they would have been useful in the beginning, but you wouldn't have understood it yet.
But what I can do is show you this. Then, when you understand past the point we're at now and you get the next point, and the next point, and the net point (String Theory)… then re-vision it.
Again, fantastic namefaggotry.
Keep this up and you'll earn yourself a trip!
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b6c0c8 No.81496
Follow Up:
Style Eyes:
Organ Eyes = Normal Eyes + Gray Matter
Polar Eyes = Inverse-Eyes - Dark Matter
Solar Eyes = Light Matter
In Turn, All Eyes.
And just so you can see what I saw, there was a "typo" in a file name that led me here:
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b6c0c8 No.82750
Vapor Eyes = Phire Wall
Meta States Eyes = All Seeing EyeS
(ASES, Asus, Atlas, AT LAST!)
(((¬meta-stasis, ¬meta-stasi-zed, ¬meta-"stasi"s)))
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b6c0c8 No.84226
Pedagogy, ¬(((pedogayguy))
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b6c0c8 No.84335
As mystical as what happened in the formatting is, here's more of what I intended.
I found Q.
She's not a whore.
She's your Mother.
And even if she is a whore…
She is YOUR whore Mother.
And she deserves your Love.
She is doing the best she can to keep you sustained.
This is why (((they))) push the pedogague.
This is why (((they))) want you to hate women.
This is why (((they))) pervert EVERYTHING!
Just to make you a hateful motherfucker.
A family fucker.
A kiddy fucker.
An animal fucker.
A butt fucker.
(((they))) just want your entire existence to be depraved, incestuous, and full of shit.
Just like