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/thestorm/ - The Storm

Legacy Q Research

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This board is now under /QResearch/ control as of 10/08/2018

Looking for Q? Come to QResearch

File: c6beb70425a92ec⋯.jpg (412.26 KB,1512x997,1512:997,thestorm.jpg)

feba66 No.17472 [Last50 Posts]

The Republic of The United States of America is being Restored

The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.

There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.

Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.


It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here Are The Facts:

There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22

There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.

As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.

Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.

Solution? Sincere Patriots.

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. ― Thomas Jefferson'''

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our Goal Is Simple:

To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE]. We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

Can you?

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.



Please read the "About Shills" section below.

Important Post for Q From CodeMonkey:


"The best, easiest and most secure way to do this would be for Q to become a board owner himself.

Q should create his own board via 8ch.net/create.php. Once the board is secured, he should edit the board settings and enable the CAPS ONLY function. When that happens, only moderators can create threads. Once he creates a thread, he can then lock it so only he can post there. In this case, he won't lose the board because it's explicitly for data dumps only (there are many boards like this on 8chan, like PDF libraries, personal blogs etc.). Discussion would continue on /thestorm/ or any other board of your choice.

If you need help setting this up, I'm all ears. No need for private communications whatsoever."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

feba66 No.17473





>>13696 rt >>13655 "Mark graphic material": gop.gov/solution_content/plannedparenthood/


>>13615 rt >>13534






>>13138 rt >>13129

>>13128 rt >>13104

>>13097 rt >>13061




>>8223 rt >>8172

>>8159 rt >>8109




>>7958 rt >>7935




Q posts in /thestorm/ after migration:




[01/05/18 CBTS and /thestorm/ posts together]


01/05/18 CBTS:

Posts on 01/05/18 (EST) (Archive only)

#299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –


www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118

#295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –

media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg


>>5204 -> Graphic

01/04/18 (EST)


>>>/cbts/239015 rt >>>/pol/res/11115887


>>>/cbts/239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation

>>>/cbts/239917 -> Confirmation The Second

>>>/cbts/239968 -> BO Confirms

>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.




C!0demonkey NEW message on Q/BO Controversy 01/06


C!0Demonkey Confirms Q post made in /thestorm/ 01/06


C!0demonkey on making a CBTS secure board per Q's request


The Board Owner Q IS BACK Tripcode Update


Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update


C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement


Board Owner's emergency announcement


>>>/cbts/224690 ← Modanon explains

Q's Tripcodes

For posterity, here are the old trips Q had used so far:

Q !UW.yye1fxo

Q !ITPb.qbhqo


Q !2nVA4xm522

(last trip was wrong trip due to error in entering password)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

feba66 No.17475




Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)

1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg

2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg

3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg

4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg

5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png

6: s20.postimg. org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg

7: s20.postimg.org/5eexzohkd/thestormqmap1b_1-07-18.png

Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/

NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/


This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.

Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.




Learn to Read The Map

New throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/



https:// oversight.house.gov/interactivepage/plannedparenthood/


New Spreadsheet

New smartsheet spreadsheet has been made.

NEW LINK: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232

NOTE: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.

We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.

THANK YOU all anons who have helped out, added answers, found news items, given support and had patience with this project.


Latest Q Map - Camp David Weekend Edition


>>>/cbts/252184 media.8ch.net/file_store/92a7a7fd28c4fb2505bfc47e0fe2b370a82dc22ab9a2a4f0c27b7aa80f9cec27.jpg

Q Posts 2017 (meta, txt & html): 460 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/b93ccf2f2476b34fff65be9f0ad4e75a

Interactive: qcodefag.github.io

Interactive backup: qanonmap.github.io

News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017

Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

Raw Text Q Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/K2s7vcd1bc/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.4.1.pdf

PDF: For Spider Web Mapping dropfile.to/2UrnCy7

Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/M9A8v4d8b3/Q_Spreadsheet_DATASET_01-07.csv >>11976

Time Stamp Spreadsheets: .xls - anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx .csv - anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv

The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)

Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)

Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)

CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

feba66 No.17477




CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html

Archive of all 8chan /cbts/ Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC

CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html

Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*

4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL


Q Posts & DJT Tweets Side by Side For Comparison - As Q Requested:


All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

Spreadsheet >>15121

'xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx

.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv


Tools & Information


Mapping tools: >>>/cbts/111700 , >>>/cbts/119941

Free research resources: >>>/cbts/216402

For site archival: archive.fo/

Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf

Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/

The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf

Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s

Reverse Image Search: tineye.com

Compilation of all players/actors and connections: >>13189

Planefag Tools

Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com

Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com

Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com

FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

feba66 No.17480





>>15938 Iranian oil tanker crashes into Chinese ship near NK

>>14309 JFK Chaos

>>13981 RR Sister in charge of Vaccines for CDC?

>>14304 Chicago to HK flight diverted to alaska - vandalized with excrement

>>13002 Union Station DC Evacuated

>>12990 Emergency landing at JFK - report of engine fire

>>12334 California family dead - murder suicide

>>12275 Plane catches fire after collision on runway

>>11782 Ex-Iranian President Arrested

News Section Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18


Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>17380 Seven TRILLION Q Connection

>>16799 In-Q-Tel , Genetic Engineering , PepsiCo , TacoBell and 50% reduction in sperm counts

>>16759 Loop Capital Markets - Financials

>>16581 When Fake Communitst took over a Wisconsin town

>>16459 , >>16471 Relationships Map - Huma , VJ , MB

>>15704 [rr_out] Q message , POTUS tweet , time stameed

>>14152 rt >>13838 Epiphany!

>>13959 Body Parts Raid in November

>>13925 Obama agency rules Pepsi use of fetal cells 'ordinary business'

>>13753 7th Floor - wikispooks

>>13760 , >>14161 7th floor is no more

>>13655 , >>13658 House Investigation into Planned Parenthood

>>13556 Missing Money - 13B , 6B

>>13515 First Pentagon Audit in History

>>11987 Airplanes missing and Eric Schmidt

>>11968 Mass data collection since Reagan (1981)

Notable Posts Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18


Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.

To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.


BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:



More info: >>>/cbts/140461

>>>/cbts/120430 (Petition)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

feba66 No.17482




Research Resources >>>/cbts/211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)

A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422

Alien / Disclosure Related >>>/cbts/26613

Asia Foundation >>>/cbts/15984

Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705

British Connections >>>/cbts/117841

CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>>/cbts/1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461

FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>>/cbts/195194

Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952

Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102

Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163

Israel & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398

Many research links here to give background on current events >>>/cbts/255999

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/1391

Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>>/cbts/147334

North Korea >>>/cbts/1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249

Plane Crashes Thread >>>/cbts/56075

Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198

Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300

Planned Parenthood* >>13655

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171

Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157

Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327

Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409

Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139

Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576

Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367

Stringers, military courts >>>/cbts/189447

Titanic >>>/cbts/106

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346

Who is P? >>>/cbts/202645

* ==Emphasized by Q==

**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>>/cbts/211983.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

feba66 No.17485




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1: >>>/cbts/2

Memes #2: >>>/cbts/61078

Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604

Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207

Memes #5: >>>/cbts/189835

Memes #6: >>7090

Infographs: >>>/cbts/10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875

Meme Ammo: >>7161

Meme Ammo By Topic: pastebin.com/WnudyCpd from >>14323

Image Archive by Topic >>15427 , >>15430




→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>>/cbts/134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts

Part 1: >>>/cbts/189448

Part 2: >>>/cbts/189460

Part 3: >>>/cbts/189467

Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B

^^The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)

RedPill Questions - Not Q

>>15931 Foundations

>>15998 Politicians

>>16064 Anti-Trump

>>16204 Planned Parenthood

>>16438 Plane 9/11

Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.


Prayer Requests: >>>/cbts/55606

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps

Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

feba66 No.17489





Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http/https://www' part.

e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org

When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and the browser will resolve.

This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the

destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.

Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com

You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.

It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.

If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.

Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com

You can anonymously search web using this site.

It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly

go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make

duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"

directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.

Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.

There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.


About Shills

Read >>>/cbts/226201


Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.

They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.

Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.

So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*

You don't.

Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,

mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart: YOU IGNORE THEM.

Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)

and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.

Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.


Last Dough & Baking Instructions


If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:

Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.

Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.

Last dough: pastebin.com/8UEjBahw From thread: 22

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5d1629 No.17495


Thanks for the early morning bread, baker.

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bc9b8f No.17502

File: 3bbc52c751492aa⋯.jpg (440.72 KB,1240x1756,310:439,obr111.jpg)

Reminder that every day is as beautiful as (you) make it.

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b0d508 No.17503



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bbc8c7 No.17504

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3264b0 No.17505


what ? if that comment is aimed at me it makes no sense

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3e09dc No.17506

https://imgur.com/ a/DTeK7

The person really put everything together in explaining SA, Fusion, Russian Collusion etc.

Great resource and information.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

feba66 No.17507


ty , missed out on posting the link in the last one though

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75d484 No.17508


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faecf8 No.17509

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

57a57e No.17510


How the hell are supposed to "love [our] enemies" when we see this kinda shit?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6b707b No.17511

Q my friend, I hope you know this is not just your team's burden to carry.

Many of us are strong like you and desire nothing else than to see all people free of suffering, even at the expense of ourselves.

We will do whatever it takes.

You had to be in the dark once too, how did you handle it when you learned the truth?

Did you curl into a ball or did you say enough is enough and step up?

You've inspired us to want to do the same, even if we're not in powerful chairs.

The only way to truly win this war against evil is to set EVERYTHING free so we can face it together.

Your team of 10 will become a team of millions and then billions.

Of course we respect OPSEC but I pray transparency for all is your goal.

God bless.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4ff0 No.17512


"it's just not tru(deau)"

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10522c No.17513

The bread is nourishing.

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faecf8 No.17514


I leave that for better men than myself.

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698c2f No.17515

Did it dawn on you that the Catholics preach communion, though the Protestant faiths don't? I'm not advocating either is right, but it seems we're seen enough evidence that the Roman Catholic church is largely satanist, now haven't we?

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cd0dca No.17517


Remember POTUS swallowed the cabal by drinking Fiji water?

Is Trump a satanist now?

No, because this was also meant metaforically and symbolically.

Jesus told his followers to do this symbolically with bread and wine, so there's alway part of him in you spiritually.

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c03d94 No.17518



Peter Sutherland dead

Sure this has been pointed out. His resume is impressive. Chalk one up for anti globalism

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b0d508 No.17519


Fucking right anon.

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f62018 No.17520

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1e262e No.17521

Trump acknowledges 7 Trillion. Fake News Awards coming Jan 17.

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839bf2 No.17522


Yeah, seen alot of that over the months.

Flat earth another common one.

Plus some drift in from twatter or plebbit not really caring about Q posts, just want to discuss favorite fringe topic.

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57a57e No.17523


Right? I'll take my chances asking for forgiveness. There is no repentance/metanoia from that shit.

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df6530 No.17524

File: f46dc432edbf20d⋯.png (406.36 KB,736x552,4:3,dynamic_duo_storm.png)

dynamic duo

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132f02 No.17525


Amen !

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677085 No.17526

File: 5d2b178acbbb019⋯.png (27.67 KB,1073x136,1073:136,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

Has there been a specific thread created for discussing the markers (Q Map)?

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b0d508 No.17527

File: f26ce7d03b69b09⋯.jpg (110.7 KB,1024x682,512:341,cfbb10ca6cdde7aa2f108e44fd….jpg)

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7e8a36 No.17528


I've not done the math for the increase of value due to the stock market.

I bet it is not $7 trillion, either way up or down.

But Trump might be trolling with the $7 trillion number.

Some left-wingbat will do the math, screeeech that Trump is wrong, and at the appropriate time Trump will explain where he got the $7 trillion number (SA, Roths, Soros).

This is how Trump keeps winning.

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d9ede4 No.17529


<ahem> [10] days from today

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c03d94 No.17530

File: f597d677c22c06d⋯.jpg (124.77 KB,742x960,371:480,DSVXf8cX4AYz_zM.jpg)

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2b335d No.17531


So how's the eucharist different from Spirit Cooking if they both represent using food as the flesh? I'm willing to bet you have no idea but will make something up to feel better. You really don't know.

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380e68 No.17532


you dont have to, but there are multitple ways to handle them depending on their involvment

at least take a neutral stand

not all of thoose acting in the system are bad, just bw

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38a44f No.17533

File: cb99d8dddf0ea79⋯.jpg (51.29 KB,583x360,583:360,22aa65.jpg)

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57a57e No.17534


2nd Amen!

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3264b0 No.17535


I like you

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186e15 No.17536

File: eed6e46449c6103⋯.png (132.23 KB,1218x1097,1218:1097,nomoreboots.png)

For Anon approval.

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57a57e No.17537


Most creepy pic ever?

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1c4ff0 No.17538

File: 2ea737122cb0bdd⋯.jpg (16.95 KB,217x255,217:255,501e1f35798fc67af5b0cdfa0e….jpg)

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63c39b No.17539

File: 94ced8a2ac83407⋯.jpg (46 KB,766x544,383:272,NSzDCCb.jpg)

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57a57e No.17540


I have heard some claim that communion is participation in Jewish blood-libel and the ritual sacrifice of Christ. Just saying… That's what I heard.

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456c79 No.17541


Are you guys smoking crack? Do any of you even read any of the previous Q drops or map?Its tomorrow Monday. 5 p.m. Do even look at Trump's tweets???? Quit fagging up the board

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183cd2 No.17542


Well the exec order they talked about re the Panama Canal, McCain was born there.

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6ec7ec No.17543

File: 11a695003b62c8c⋯.jpg (68.04 KB,555x351,185:117,Minions-of-the-Cabal-meme.jpg)

File: b9a1d040d703e95⋯.jpg (56.49 KB,555x351,185:117,Minions-of-the-Cabal.jpg)

Thanks to the Anon who posted these images

I see "Minions of the Cabal"

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c03d94 No.17544


One of my most favorite memes ever

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feba66 No.17545


i mean yw

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92a15c No.17546


Does trump even know about that?

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1c4ff0 No.17547


YES! Out of boots, hahaha!

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b0d508 No.17548


This dude has now been arrested on 15 charges.

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fdc772 No.17549

so i posted a shit ton of those weird families and crime families and other blood lines and other weird connections

anyway it seems to be written by a schizo further i went but he did have names and connections of similar importance here so anyway he starts to bash people whom DO NOT add up to the conclusion. anyway sorry for the spam and if you are interested in reading more just copy and paste them into www and you will find more as i did.

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85b588 No.17550


they sneak in their stuff into everything

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7e8a36 No.17551


It may not seem like it with all the shilling and distraction, but you're on it right now.

Go ahead and post your findings.

Those of us who care about the crumbs will discuss.

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28580f No.17552


probably not, the calcification is more like a tool to cut the GenPop off of our collective memory banks, maybe a way to slow down the 100th monkey effect in humans and slow down 'awakening'?

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ba2c5c No.17553

I'm reposting from the end of last bread

I have found :

<<who is "VJ"?

It is yet another reference to Ronald Reagan.

A study completed in 2001 was completed regarding Cognitive Rehabilitation in Dementia. 24 participated in the study. Ages 60 to 84. Page 486 - "VJ" could not recall famous faces or names of famous people. Ronald Reagan had this form of dementia.



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1e262e No.17554

'Member the film They Live? Q gave us the sunglasses.

Now we have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass… and we're all out of bubblegum

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4b5c87 No.17555


agreed. interesting angle

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57a57e No.17556


DEATH = JUSTICE for those who have transgressed greatly.

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380e68 No.17557


want to go into the cloning stuff ? don´t have much info myself but o my, your into some shit.

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0030d7 No.17558

File: 3c37d0530c5e410⋯.jpg (50.17 KB,562x395,562:395,tweet.JPG)


Do YOU look at his tweets?

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b0d508 No.17559



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feba66 No.17560



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e59aae No.17561


have read 2 of your posts so far Anon

I see there are 20

definitely would be interested in knowing more

thank you for posting

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b76bed No.17562


>But it's more than just white people, right? I think they want to eliminate all races - so no more black, asian, hispanic - just a big blob of brown with no variation.

That is the Beuatiful Lie, that one day we will all be the same. After White peoples have been demographically annihilated there will still be 1 billion Chinese, 1 billion Indians and 1 billion Africans. No amount of mixing will ever produce a singular Earthly human race. Most people think this Utopia is right around the corner but the only thing on the horizon is the extinction of the Europeans.

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b0d508 No.17563


Watched it last night. It even red pilled my fully red pilled friend.

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92a15c No.17564











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1e262e No.17565


Hey clown fag. GTFO and read Trump's tweet

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f302fa No.17566


I laugh every time I see that pic

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57a57e No.17567


You got BTFO

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ed0d96 No.17568

File: 6acbff9cfd2df59⋯.png (8.36 MB,3333x2222,3:2,WarRoom.png)

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456c79 No.17569


Well f me! I'm sorry. Lmao

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2ffbb5 No.17570

File: d95e44f5b9506f6⋯.png (105.65 KB,908x622,454:311,Hussein founded ISIS.PNG)

Wow, I can't keep up with you guys! I am probably way behind here, but to answer Q's question: Who began ISIS? Trump answered it himself on August 11, 2016. It's Hussein. Here's a CNN screenshot & URL: cnn.com/2016/08/11/politics/donald-trump-hugh-hewitt-obama-founder-isis/index.html

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f67f5d No.17571


like this one

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66c622 No.17572


I just saw. What could it mean?

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eca231 No.17573

File: 5f118f39abc2940⋯.jpg (85.84 KB,720x512,45:32,ZomboMeme 07012018155003.jpg)

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b0d508 No.17574


And it's from CNN LOL good anon.

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eca231 No.17575

File: bd5eb2797be3cba⋯.jpg (106.16 KB,720x515,144:103,ZomboMeme 07012018155951.jpg)

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186e15 No.17576


Makes a good variant… To The Memes!!

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7b9ec0 No.17577

Newspaper theory:

Trump postpones his 'Fake News Awards' so he can go to college football national championship game

Trump postpones his 'Fake News Awards' so he can go to college football national championship game

http: //www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-postpones-his-fake-news-awards-so-he-can-go-to-college-football-national-championship-game/article/2645234

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1307a7 No.17579


Fuck yes.

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c03d94 No.17580

File: 1eaaddea80b9674⋯.jpg (51.38 KB,312x341,312:341,Andy-Griffith.jpg)


lmao , I hadn't gotten a good look at this one yet

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839bf2 No.17581

Likeliehood of cloning being a thing.

Of course.

Cant think of one Q post wants us to look or talk about cloning.

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1c4ff0 No.17582


Makes me so angry!

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268b8c No.17583


Ultimately, after navigating foundations, taxes, money laundering, bribes, etc., the public learns it is paying for antifa


Yes, likely more soundly than ever. Knowledge is power. We learn from the past. It will unite us. Justice will help heal our country.

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7e8a36 No.17584


I love this.

Doesn't matter whose licking, it's just an awesome meme.

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3264b0 No.17585

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677085 No.17586

File: 1501c9e5465cccb⋯.png (345.44 KB,1061x690,1061:690,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)


Thank you! an anon posted this a few threads ago. does marker mean when a Q post is confirmed by a POTUS tweet?

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944ed9 No.17587



You missed that part where they want just 500 million slaves left alive to do the working and provide the blood. 7 billion wount get a chance to "mix", they get killed.

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698c2f No.17589


Now, I'm an atheist (not the ACKU/globalist kind, they're actually Marxists), so this doesn't mean anything to me. Besides, if you understand the Bible under other translations, you know it's actually "though shall not murder", not kill. Remember, the old testament wasn't written in English. It also say "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" if you look for it. Nothing wrong in capitol punishment, especially for these clowns. Seems like 100% chance of guilt, zero doubt. We hang horse thieves, this is close enough. No firing squad, that's an "honorable" death, ask Goering.

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f302fa No.17590

File: 8715ff2f646c478⋯.jpg (102.17 KB,736x521,736:521,Tapper.jpg)

Stephen Miller and Jake Tapper

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU7v5A5P8BM

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b0d508 No.17591


THAT… is epic.

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f5b307 No.17592

File: f611bbbfaaf6455⋯.jpg (79.35 KB,500x628,125:157,CUMMINGS BLING.jpg)

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3c0a69 No.17593


?? Marker missing …


Could it be we missed a connection (marker) so Q released

the Ronald Reagan letter (RR letter out)

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186e15 No.17594



With MUCH better results than simultaneously building roads and making butter.

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2c858a No.17595



More images-by-category available to download:

911 - 12 files, 9 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/waH7v2deb2/911.zip

Blackmail – Honeypot – Fleiss – Hefner - 32 files, 9 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, filedropper.com/blackmailhoneypotfleisshefner

Bohemian Grove - 13 files, 3 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www24.zippyshare.com/v/CLpSfXc3/file.html

Bushes – Dubya - 21 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/xaH1vfdcbb/Bushes_-_Dubya.zip

Mason - Freemason - Masonic - 13 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www24.zippyshare.com/v/QfjBKxkX/file.html

Pedovore - 10 files, 4 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www24.zippyshare.com/v/u0Eu17MZ/file.html

Satanic Sacrifice – Moloch - 21 files, 18 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www24.zippyshare.com/v/gMujC7F1/file.html

Shareblue - 6 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www24.zippyshare.com/v/Bnbpjvsl/file.html

These are the same ones that are already in Memes#6 >>7090 and/or from /cbts/ memes archives before 12/28.

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3fdaea No.17597

Remembwe when History Channel did a series on the Bible?

Who did the antichrist look like?

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f62018 No.17598


>Who began ISIS?

Hussein created the environment, Mossad runs the op. Noticed how ISIS all of sudden declared "war" on Iran?

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6bf3a1 No.17599

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ea8d2e No.17600


His body did not go missing:

Mat 28:11 Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.

Mat 28:12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,

Mat 28:13 Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.

Mat 28:14 And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.

Mat 28:15 So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.

1Co 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

1Co 15:5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:

1Co 15:6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.

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bb9987 No.17601


>>PP 13-14

>>https ://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf->>noaction/14a-8/2012/sarahgiltner022812->>14a8.pdf

No words, anon. I just have no words.

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3fdaea No.17602

File: f59405e3a7ecd0c⋯.jpg (17.92 KB,510x317,510:317,bible.jpg)

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a37ae7 No.17604

File: 636d67c0c1cf512⋯.jpg (43.63 KB,613x372,613:372,7th Flo No Mo.JPG)

File: 85c50d6fc9a209b⋯.jpg (38.51 KB,609x412,609:412,How are Pols Worth Million….JPG)

>7th Flo No Mo

> How are politicians worth millions?

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85b588 No.17605


slaves who are like animals. no honor, no morals "and no religion too". just goyim.

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1c4ff0 No.17606


I mean them watching it. Not the meme.

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fa0ae6 No.17607


Ooh, I'll use that for the next one! Feel free to meme this yourself, the image is ion imgflip

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0b7278 No.17608

Behold your eyes…but brace yourself. PP harvesting babies.

https:// youtu.be/Ys_n5q6bz9M

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8adb8e No.17609

File: e833393581ccbd8⋯.jpg (40.85 KB,480x449,480:449,3d26be62cbeaf34865baa6487e….jpg)

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bc9b8f No.17610


I would leave these matters to our dear Creator.

Plus, prison workforce can be contributing.

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7d1aa6 No.17611


I think Wolff is doing a superb job. Credit where credit's due.

I haven't watched CNN since forever. Today has been golden. Someone give that guy an award.

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bbc8c7 No.17612


So we have the Natural News article and the SEC Report as resources on this UNBELIEVABLE topic. Need more digging on this issue.

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c3e511 No.17613


More on ISIS



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a89d84 No.17614

Don't forget Cyprus

It's important

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ed0d96 No.17615

File: cfedb79325817e8⋯.png (700.16 KB,653x425,653:425,Guantanamo2018.PNG)

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e59aae No.17616


more on Andrew Cuomo please

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bb9987 No.17617

www.lifenews .com/2012/03/06/pepsi-not-only-company-making-products-based-on-fetal-cells/

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698c2f No.17618



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57a57e No.17619


Oh, I fully understand this. I interpret the commandment to prohibit murder, not killing enemies in war, in the protection of the innocent or serving justice. The Bible has been subverted many times. It's important to compare key words/terms with Strong's concordance for clarification. I think faith (pistis) and repentance (metanoia) should be studies by all. They are grossly misunderstood terms.

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186e15 No.17620

File: c7c8dd0cf016d15⋯.png (128.56 KB,1218x1061,1218:1061,JUSTICE.png)


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57a57e No.17621


Love it!

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658528 No.17622


Valerie Jarrett

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7e8a36 No.17623


Yes. I believe when you see a Trump twat after a Q drop, it is a marker that answers a Q crumb.

In the first example you give, McCabe is confirmed as the "Who is #2?" in the Q crumb.

In the second, Trump is confirming Q's "Merry Christmas" with "in the company of hose they love". I read this as Q telling us that he loves the patriots who commit time and effort to this project.

Anons: please correct me if I am wrong on my analysis here.

Thank you.

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bb9987 No.17624


Maybe you should open another thread on it. Unbelievable

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82e78c No.17625


Yes I think that was the original idea was 1/8 but now moved to Wed 18 so wow wow 10 days? how many times have we come across 10 days.

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a89d84 No.17626


Chris Cuomo is a protected pedophile

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3fdaea No.17627


breitbart. com/video/2017/10/22/maxine-waters-i-will-go-and-take-trump-out-tonight/

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fa0ae6 No.17628

File: c787cf11051d8d5⋯.jpg (74.23 KB,750x500,3:2,Trudeau6.jpg)

Better? It sort-of makes the association and what we mean stand out more.

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e41fb3 No.17629

File: 4c9e494dde1d39f⋯.jpg (128.15 KB,1500x1000,3:2,OAt9MGD.jpg)

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b38c16 No.17630

https:// drive.google.com/file/d/1Bt6BSc-kxJeTUpMEoJkkbEgEZaSmPjA3/view

Fire and Fury PDF via WikiLeaks

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79a76e No.17631

https://twitter. com/flightradar24/status/950102467689304064

Several flights being diverted to Boston due to JFK water main break. Terminal 4 is flooded. These 2 specifically came from Italy. Why would they go all the way to Boston instead of the closer Newark airport?

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eca231 No.17632

File: e59049e3f989b27⋯.jpg (127.15 KB,720x696,30:29,ZomboMeme 07012018162604.jpg)

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bc9b8f No.17633


Excellent movie, though I'd say Q has merely pointed us to the box with the sunglasses.

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944ed9 No.17634


Preaching to the converted. Replace q post with HOW DO POLITICANS BECOME MILLIONAIRES?


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46f978 No.17635

File: 59130dc448c7652⋯.jpeg (82.23 KB,555x351,185:117,E642CE63-3A9C-4370-ACF1-C….jpeg)

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57a57e No.17636


I don't like the idea of these scum-bags taking children from our people, then us having to pay their room and board for years before they are again released into our neighborhoods. They deserve swift executions. Low cost. Problem solved. On to the next.

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24aefc No.17637

The Fire & Fury book Wikileaks just uploaded, chapters 6 & 10 titles have had the letter O replaced with Q….

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fa0ae6 No.17638



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79fbaf No.17639


This is correct! I agree - with what the word says. Jesus said to do it in remembrance of Him. Of his sacrifice. It is therefore a "memorial" of what He accomplished by His sacrifice.

Man made religion has turned it into something else, something horrific!


Different from Spirit Cooking? Do you know what that really entails? Watch one of the Stew Webb videos - he explains it. It's not what you think. They actually rip the face off of a child while sodomizing it while the child is still alive!!! You are comparing that to communion??

Sorry, if I am misunderstanding, but communion has been changed into something horrific by man made religion.

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677085 No.17640


thank you - I'll start digging into markers now

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a89d84 No.17641

Since you're all onto Trudeau and someone named the "A" name:

Aga Khan


Aga Khan Foundation




Have fun

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6f56ff No.17642


Or LaGuardia is even closer! Weird.

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57a57e No.17643


Interesting… Think there's a connection?

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3264b0 No.17644

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698c2f No.17645


I actually hope they are watching. Enhances their fear, they know it's coming. Know what vampires hate? Sunlight, in other words, the public knowing we're on to them.

Are vampires real? Of course they are, but they're not the undead movies are made of. Vlad Dracula is a real person, take a moment, look him up. Real, and a similar picture of what "they" are.

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a89d84 No.17646



No coincidences

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8d3253 No.17647

File: 6f38e8749a3b737⋯.png (92.88 KB,647x505,647:505,nothingLikeKillingANewborn….png)

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7e8a36 No.17648


Great work!

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521244 No.17649


They did it so no one will buy that asshole's book. Why buy the book if it's free on twitter?

Anonymous 01/07/18 (Sun) 12:05:56 12b7a6 No.17076


Why would they do that, I wonder?

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8dc70b No.17650


Airlines, via FAA rules, have very strict considerations as to where the "alternate" airport is. If the company did not define Newark as the alternate for JFK, which is 90% based on weather, then Boston would be a reasonable alternate

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60824b No.17651


When was JA last twat?

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5cc492 No.17652


>Jesus told his followers to do this symbolically with bread and wine, so there's alway part of him in you spiritually.

You were there when Jesus said so?

Or maybe (((they))) put that trash into the bible to make us eat our saviour?

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fa0ae6 No.17653

File: 5479dc0c4bd18a4⋯.jpg (20.8 KB,250x249,250:249,billymays.jpg)

Create some curiosity too…

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bbc8c7 No.17654



1. Natural News

2. SEC

3. LifeNews

www.lifenews .com/2012/03/06/pepsi-not-only-company-making-products-based-on-fetal-cells/

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3264b0 No.17655

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7e8a36 No.17656


That's so hard to read … but necessary.

"These people are sick." Doesn't do it justice.


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7b9ec0 No.17657

15 Jan: DOJ/OIG on FBI malfeasance expected to be released.

17 Jan: Fake news awards

Exciting week!

On January 15, the DOJ's internal watchdog - the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), is expected to present their findings to Congressional investigators regarding a wide variety of alleged bias and malfeasance by the FBI, the Clinton campaign, and the Obama Administration - both during and after the 2016 election. Moreover, the man heading up the OIG investigation, Michael Horowitz, fought the Obama Administration to regain investigative powers which were restricted by former Attorney General Eric Holder during the Fast and Furious scandal.

https: //www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-07/upcoming-oig-report-likely-trigger-second-special-counsel-comey-lynch-and-clinton

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3fdaea No.17658


daytime tv always had a certain weird mk ultra vibe to it

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8f5979 No.17659


>More from /pol/ news network

>Proof Obama DOJ committed felonies &



>Gun Shop owner dumps the proof


Tough to read in parts, but great find, Anon!

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feba66 No.17660


what do anons think of spreading this link?

how about in reply to SJW replies on DJT's account?

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c53a5c No.17661


Baker, the other textAnon here with an update for the batter: Would you please change the following line in Resources section:

>Q Posts 2017 (meta, txt & html): 460 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/b93ccf2f2476b34fff65be9f0ad4e75a


>All Q Posts (meta, txt & html): 496 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/a27edc1e7b365bd954aacd2963d1bd44

The ZIP now includes all 2018 posts. My current count is 233 (4ch) & 263 (8ch), which is identical with the one in txtAnon's "Raw Text Q Dump".

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a89d84 No.17662


Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say:"This is from Allah," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.


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1c4ff0 No.17663


Jan 1

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b9ab3e No.17664

Clip the most ridiculous provable lies in the book and use the tagline "…and liberals actually believe this!"

Endless meme potential

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1e262e No.17665


Hell yea

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3264b0 No.17666

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6bf3a1 No.17667


If you were perfectly honest, you'd have to admit that the death of Jesus on the cross represents a human sacrifice. It is sold as "the final PERFECT sacrifice to end all sacrifices", but it's still presenting a God that requires blood sacrifice!

Some of us feel this isn't what the real God is like.

All the dark occultists practice blood sacrifice, human sacrifice is the best, and the best sacrifice of all is A SPIRITUALLY ADEPT MALE VIRGIN.

You know, just like Jesus! So the Christian idea of "the perfect sacrifice" is exactly the same as the Satan-worshipper's idea.

Isn't that more than a little iffy?

I'm a believer in God, and I respect Christians a lot. But the Christian religion has a sordid history and was shaped by humans of very questionable character. That's just the truth, and you shouldn't shrink from it just because it challenges your belief system.

I think Jesus was real, but his legacy was hijacked by the cabal and made to serve their purposes. The eucharist is an example of their pollution of the original message.

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fa0ae6 No.17668

File: e66b96c33cbb8e3⋯.jpg (14.71 KB,194x259,194:259,billymays2.jpg)


Yeah, but you can exploit that…

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7d755d No.17669



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3264b0 No.17670

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ce0312 No.17671


kek do one with the msm/media too

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607a50 No.17672

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cd0dca No.17673


My pair became a bit scratchy after almost 40 years… but still work fine though. ;)

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1e262e No.17674


Yea also read that part of the report. Made me want to crawl into a ball. Sick!

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24aefc No.17675

File: 181e50a907b3304⋯.png (4.59 KB,441x274,441:274,dyuucp.png)

File: 6a8cab3361d2d4a⋯.png (5.17 KB,332x239,332:239,tlldcd.png)


https:// twitter.com/wikileaks/status/950093352145432577

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cc0c06 No.17676

File: 87f1407900e1e53⋯.jpeg (74.05 KB,800x450,16:9,8CE589D5-2398-4F40-8651-8….jpeg)

Suit up warriors

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4b5c87 No.17677


well said. They've turned everything inside out.

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f67f5d No.17678

I downloaded the newest Q's posts - CBTS - 4.4.1.pdf and question why the picture of the dick (posted 1/5/2018) was put in. If we are to give this PDF to family, friends and pass around to redpill people having this picture in it does not belong. I understand why it was put in but this is serious and we should make it read worthy for the sleepers.

What do the rest of you think?

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7e8a36 No.17679



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3fdaea No.17680


www.youtube. com/watch?v=VfTldid-zyQ


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feba66 No.17681


got it

imagetopicfag , got yours too

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4ad0a7 No.17682


What the fucking fuck?

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4ce888 No.17683

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bc9b8f No.17684


You are on the good track.

True spirituality does not involve "stealing" such as sacrifice of positively spiritual people.

It is much better to use positive spirituality yourself. This also has the "side effect" of helping save the entire planet and turning your life into heaven.

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2afbe5 No.17685

Focus on the Eyes.

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1e262e No.17686


In the most epic of trolls, we learn michael wolff is Q

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fa0ae6 No.17687

File: 970a4df3511b4b0⋯.jpg (36.48 KB,500x437,500:437,Giorgio.jpg)

Raise awareness and undermine it at the same time?

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c53a5c No.17688


Thanks very much !

and for the baking !

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4ce888 No.17689

File: 854909a96da2383⋯.jpg (57.17 KB,423x566,423:566,polish.jpg)

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244bd5 No.17691


Dec 31st 2017

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460dc6 No.17692



Yes, I'd posted in the past thread that I thought we'd established that this meant Ronald Reagan and the mental instability argument, but that I'd include it as we'd still not deciphered how that might relate to the next two in the stringer.



These might possibly relate to the FDR EO signed in 1939 as the other anon had suggested or could potentially be referencing an as of yet released EO, currently classified, that will be signed by POTUS in March (9th)

It was an inquiry into what the other anon posted about RRB and regardless of its relation to the stringer, it shows a huge potential slush fund for the Cabal worth billions. In reviewing the hundreds of pages we've looked at so far, there is no explanation for where the billions of dollars is going and what it's being used for, because it certainly isn't going to former RR employees. There is no oversight for this privatized government agency. Given ties to Chicago, Obama appointees, and lots of cash floating around without oversight and as of yet, no indication who manages it for the Trust, I think there is some potential that it might tie in to Loop Capital.

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7d1aa6 No.17693

If you guys haven' watched Michael Wolff's appearance on CNN today, please do. Its side splitting.

I don't think he could care less about royalties.

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bc9b8f No.17694


How not to do that?

Stay simple - positive - enlightening.

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10522c No.17695


Oh, F-word! I gave that to someone without checking it out! Now, I'm going to have to to tell them to delete it.

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79fbaf No.17696


Oh my gosh!!!! Wow!!!!!

Guys, the word of God has been mis-applied and mis-interpreted by man made religion in order to suit their sick purposes.

You really think that our Loving God would require people to eat human flesh and drink human blood? Then why in the old testament does he tell us that it is an abomination?

Jesus Christ's actual body was not consumed. Stop being fooled by man made religion. Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead - for 40 days he was on earth in his resurrected body. Hundreds of people witnessed it. Then on the day of Pentecost he ascended into the heavenlies - this was also witnessed.

He is currently seated at the right hand of God making intercession for us!!

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f67f5d No.17697


HAHAHA Glad I said something

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10522c No.17698



Furthermore, that is no way to red-pill normies.

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183cd2 No.17699



in reverse = Justin Trudeau

even sounds like his name

Uranium One deal through Canada?

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fa0ae6 No.17700


OK, just getting ideas together, not all good it seems.

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a37ae7 No.17701

File: 749c0df8391d877⋯.jpg (53.57 KB,616x310,308:155,Corrupt Broken Traitors Ju….JPG)






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8f44f9 No.17702


or LaGuardia?

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bc5a4f No.17703



Checking those WikiLeaks dubs. Interesting find, Anon.

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feba66 No.17704


czech'd and yw

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ca01f0 No.17705


Fiji Water's David Gilmour and Peter Munk are friends and partners for over 55 years now.


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3264b0 No.17706


WOW you watched a 2 hour vid and read 3 gospels that fast … impressive.

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201b30 No.17707


Hahaha this is gold.

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57a57e No.17708

Just wanted to say to all of you media-hacks, agency-fags, clowns and corrupt LEOs that have done nothing to help our nation and may be reading this;


Grab some covefe and tendies and watch how its done, faggots.


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e41fb3 No.17709


I pray to the Almighty Lord all of the Evil ones are fully exposed.

This is not isolated. It has been monetized, encouraged, exploited, and hidden. This is the type of thing you stay up all night fighting. This is what people protest their government to execute people for. If they don't execute these people, then the Government is on the side of Evil.

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4370c8 No.17710

OK, so I have to chime in on the Beanz/Corsi video. And since he reads here and the sub reddit, I will be polite.

TB did a great job of separating herself from here as a moderator. However, I believe that Dr. Corsi is somehow getting it wrong and backing up CBTS BO that there was a day of fake posts. This is not correct. And the logic is oddly poor. If the trip had been compromised (unless it was within the group and someone went off the reservation) The trip was not compromised.

Dr. Corsi does have (and it is logical) a loyalty to AJ, whom I would assume pays him, or at least provides him a great deal of coverage, so meh, it is what it is.

I believe him to be pretty smart, and with an intel background sees things and even guides us here, now, listening to his actual wording, I can see where and when, probably.

He and she keeping that out there is better. I only as Dr. Corsi to stop saying the board addresses, unless it's the reddit. If people want to go there because he is a fa-moose, that is fine. Like we talk about, layers and layers of ability and knowledge is not a bad thing.

I wish that they had not tried to salvage CTBS BO's rep, per se with the muddled interpretation that Friday Day's posts were false Q. And it was a huge example of what blood in the water did for the anti Q sharks. The controbersy and drama wasn't needed, even as a plot devise for any authors lurking or not lurking here, and did as much damage as the fake ABC report to the POTUS.

For those that that this outside the boards, please be cognizant of what your words out there can do. And no matter Dr. Corsi's possible brilliance in the field, even experts can and often are wrong. If people only rely on one voice for interpretation, then be warned: You may travel down a wrong path and are just like everyone else that follows false prophets. Most of us look to many sources (because we are trying to be truthful and not fools leading more fools) and that is good, but some are too ready to make it quick and easy with a go to guy, is all I am saying.

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bb9987 No.17711

This website is devoted to tracking aborted human cells used in products and exposing it.


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cd9ac2 No.17712


Lets not forget what an anti-thesis is.

Satanists are, by definition, Christians.

Or is it the other way around?

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3264b0 No.17713

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df5832 No.17714

I say "Trump is going after the pedophiles." Redpilling. Possibly use this article, which people are aware of already, however, the govt hasnt done much until now, as we know.


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7a84e0 No.17715

File: 0015794b1759d7f⋯.jpg (67.86 KB,711x401,711:401,Castro I.jpg)

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aa3f5f No.17716

Well now it's gone mainstream

Spectre + Bitcoin = ?

https: //arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/01/meltdown-and-spectre-heres-what-intel-apple-microsoft-others-are-doing-about-it/

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183cd2 No.17717

Broken = Barack


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fa0ae6 No.17718

File: e1315a8ed2b37ea⋯.jpg (45.55 KB,431x366,431:366,anchorman.jpg)

How about this?

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fdc772 No.17719


not much on him

andrew went to fordham university same as some other interesting fellows it appears

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a5af3a No.17720


The original formula for Matzah Bread (if i spelled it right i'm sorry)

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eca231 No.17721

File: b9f9eceee1730d0⋯.png (436.6 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Screenshot_20180107-163912.png)

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b4b394 No.17723

Forgive if answered.

Does Planned Parenthood produce Adrenochrome from aborted kids?

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698c2f No.17724


The real irony here is the fact that though I'm an atheist, I'm probably a better Christian than most Christians. The 10 commandments are actually a good set of rules to live by.

And, yes, I do consider the Bible to be a non-fiction book. I just consider it written using the beliefs they had at the time.

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85f606 No.17725

File: 6056dbeb3971dcc⋯.jpg (166.24 KB,1180x664,295:166,mom.jpg)

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59bb14 No.17726

File: 4dc844b3c7a84d2⋯.png (150.59 KB,1544x2404,386:601,Tri.png)

File: ea475a14d46d69c⋯.png (191.73 KB,1592x2730,796:1365,Puppets.png)

File: fba6a04ba6139b5⋯.png (79.76 KB,1567x1235,1567:1235,Keystone.png)

Here is my 40,000 foot view I periodically update as I connect more dots. It helps me keep all the connections sorted out.

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b0d508 No.17727


WOW Great dude.

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7b9ec0 No.17728

Friendly reminder for all to filter the following shill topics:



Railroad fraud,

Spirituality unless related to prayer



Creepy Joe

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df5832 No.17729


Archangel Raphael, Bless our country. amen.

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46f978 No.17730

File: c3e7dfb2bb7e400⋯.jpeg (80.1 KB,800x450,16:9,E8B0BF48-06F3-484C-96C4-8….jpeg)

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e69d58 No.17731


im interested in this question as well

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cc0c06 No.17732


They sell the brains.

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aa3f5f No.17733


I noticed that ABC NEWS was all caps in Trumps latest tweets.

Another market perhaps?

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bb9987 No.17734

Make a new thread for the digging of info on aborted fetal cells in products and get it out of the general before the mods yell at us.

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59bb14 No.17735

File: a084ac541d6f4a6⋯.png (564.58 KB,1848x1060,462:265,Markers.png)

File: d57ff87644727e4⋯.png (952.07 KB,2005x1285,401:257,Chain.png)

Here are 2 good images.

First is the 3 Markers 5,10,15 and the second is the chain of custody on the dossier.

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57a57e No.17736


What is this from? This is horrifying… Fuck these people!

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cd9ac2 No.17737


The spiritual battle in which even if you don't share that faith structure, it has become so pervasive that it will inevitably affect you.

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e69d58 No.17738


>filter things /q/ has specifically mentioned


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4370c8 No.17739


Should it not be a play on words like True- Doh!

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eca231 No.17740

File: b7d4829c881ccc2⋯.png (687.73 KB,1415x1340,283:268,Screenshot_20171230-120143….png)

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fa0ae6 No.17741

File: dec5e926c364f35⋯.jpg (55.21 KB,485x414,485:414,Jack.jpg)

Am I on the right track here?

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607a50 No.17742

File: 4a64618243dfbd4⋯.jpg (86 KB,888x500,222:125,hilkil.jpg)

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4b5c87 No.17743


no - that's not how that works. Whichever anon posted this… very informative.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfTldid-zyQ

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1be440 No.17744


Yea! Cool! What a great way to spend my birthday!

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ca01f0 No.17745


Mee too!

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a5af3a No.17746


AND twatter gets to keep up with who is looking at it…

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bc0e21 No.17747

File: 741be18dc09c4f6⋯.jpg (50.19 KB,500x691,500:691,mandelavoterID.jpg)

MEME makers - can you use this? Need to keep emphasizing voter ID. If it is good enough for Mandela, it's good enough for us - libs and everyone…Just about ALL countries require voter ID - US is out of step with the rest of the world - we must have voter ID !!

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df5832 No.17748


Only the catholic church will conquer satan. Thats why he attacks it the most. He'll lose, because that's his nature.

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7e8a36 No.17749


Cozy relationship of Justine Castreau and Aga Khan:

"Justin Trudeau questioned for breach of ethics over luxury holiday on Aga Khan's island"

"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has defended his choice to take his family on a private holiday to a Caribbean island owned by the Aga Khan – the spiritual leader or Imam of the world's Nizari Ismailis …"

www.ibtimes. co.uk/justin-trudeau-questioned-breach-ethics-over-luxury-holiday-aga-khans-island-1600853

"Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini, Aga Khan IV, is the 49th and current Imam of Nizari Ismailism, a denomination of Isma'ilism within Shia Islam consisting of an estimated 25 million adherents."

"In 1986 the Aga Khan ordained the current version of the Ismailia Constitution – an ecclesiastical decree affirming to Nizari Ismailis his "sole right to interpret the Qur'an and provide authoritative guidance on [all] matters of faith" and formalising his sole discretion, power and authority for the governance of Nizari Ismaili jamats (places of worship) and institutions."

en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Aga_Khan_IV

This Aga Khan fancies himself king muzzy. And Justine seems to fancy Aga Khan.

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0b7278 No.17750

File: 65c9f1998f483ef⋯.jpg (75.66 KB,480x360,4:3,Meme Creator_1515361145790.jpg)

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9119f7 No.17751


>Does Planned Parenthood produce Adrenochrome from aborted kids?

Oh Jesus, what a thought. Abortion has to be stressful beyond belief, and I heard it stress that triggers adrenachrome production. I just threw up a little.

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952fe4 No.17752



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ca3fe8 No.17753


catholics teach transubstantiation and the bread and wine are miraculously changed into the literal body and blood of Jesus. I know because I was one. Truth is, it goes all the way back to babylon and pagan religions that "eat their god". Evil. And the people are so deceived. So sad.

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f5b307 No.17754

File: 082039ebc854a0b⋯.jpg (117.27 KB,900x1300,9:13,FIRE AND FURY CLIFF.jpg)

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183cd2 No.17755


I don't know what the shills are talking about haven't been paying attention so much as figuring out the drops. B4 the T word on the list did you see my last two posts for relevance?

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305bc5 No.17756

Someone posted about the Holy See last night and I am having trouble finding it. Does anyone know where it is?

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7e8a36 No.17757



"It is believed that the Aga Khan is a direct lineal descendant of the Islamic prophet Muhammad through Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, Ali, considered the first Imam in Shia Islam, and Ali's wife Fatima az-Zahra, Muhammad's daughter from his first marriage."

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f67f5d No.17758


HOLY SHIT. They are not ready for this yet.

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b0d508 No.17759


Sounds good to me anon! Anything that makes the potato sound dumber.

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fa0ae6 No.17760


Give it a try and see how it looks, it sort-of says The Simpsons to me though.

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60a0cb No.17761


When filing the flight plan they list an alternate in case of bad weather and if the alt is only a short distance away it's probably also going to be bad. So they usually put some distance between the two.

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fdc772 No.17762


www. youtube.com/watch?v=a-dr160f59s

trudeau running away from a reviving islamic conference questions by some local news ha ha

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cd9ac2 No.17763


You are way too narrow minded. Lurk and filter more.

Include me in said filtering as well.

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fbb93c No.17764

Sorry if already posted: Moving the Fake News Awards from the 8th to the 18th. 10 days. Relevant?

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3264b0 No.17765

File: 46962d522ba1dd5⋯.png (32.42 KB,142x135,142:135,Screenshot-2018-1-3 symbol….png)

File: f0ce9442ad3c21f⋯.png (203.96 KB,294x234,49:39,Screenshot-2018-1-3 symbol….png)

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38a44f No.17766

File: c80d9ad21252593⋯.jpg (76.07 KB,478x442,239:221,22ac7w.jpg)

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d9ede4 No.17767



Umm.. I'm NOT ready for this!!

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7e8a36 No.17768


No coincidences.

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df5832 No.17769


Correct. Jesus was a human sacrifice but to redeem all mankind, not a sacrifice to God. He is God. So, it's the opposite of a normal sacrifice, which is by man to God. This mystery is a at the core of Christianity and it is also referenced as the husband-wife r ship in Ephesians. That book explains it further, Chap 20 if I'm not mistaken.

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094084 No.17770

Just saw trumps toast of Hillary

Two things

1. He is a good actor. The video it self is proof of how he trolls the media so Well

2. He fucking KNOWS.

Sås: https:// m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=JOUFsCS7xYE

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b0d508 No.17771


Meme makers on FIRE tonight.

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c8fb9d No.17772


Kermit Gosnell abortion mill case. Philadelphia, PA

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3264b0 No.17773

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380e68 No.17775



they have to take it the hard way, stop PC be real!

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7e8a36 No.17776


Aga Khan

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df5832 No.17777


Abortion is murder.

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b86043 No.17778

Oh my goodness >>17675

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e69d58 No.17779


normies gonna drop this one because it sounds like the same old bible thumpers at it again

even if its true

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85f606 No.17780

File: 7e0c4040cee0676⋯.jpg (64.96 KB,600x600,1:1,kermit-gosnell-serial-kill….jpg)



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9fcd24 No.17781


Holy shit, it's true. Pity can't download atm.

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e59aae No.17782


would love to know, I have such an interest in Fordham

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b38c16 No.17783

File: 669e9ee48d9a6f4⋯.png (325.66 KB,1599x1359,533:453,Screenshot 2018-01-07 13.4….png)

File: 8e90d68e09154e7⋯.png (231.39 KB,1602x1265,1602:1265,Screenshot 2018-01-07 13.4….png)

Look at the chapter titles 6&10. The "O"s have been replaced with "Q"s


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1c4ff0 No.17784


They don't need to see it all, they just need to see enough to know why it can't happen again.

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d9ede4 No.17785


I get what you are saying….

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a49733 No.17786


Agreed, but save this one anon it will be needed, just not quite yet. Normies are just now getting red pilled with the beginnings of Pizzagate….

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bbc8c7 No.17787


Thanks Anon. Do you have the weblink?

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79a76e No.17788

File: eb9118f2a5f50bb⋯.gif (499.35 KB,419x210,419:210,77.gif)

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e03d3b No.17790

Apologies if this has already been noted, but:

January 17, 1991 is when Operation Desert Storm began.

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658528 No.17791

File: c1d565f597fefa7⋯.png (168.4 KB,750x1334,375:667,FCEFF4A5-B4DA-48B3-B31E-A0….png)

Lmaooo the link to the new book about Trump Fire and Fury PDF

Just to spite them



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bc9b8f No.17792


These are to be used but more sparingly.

>inb4 appeal to emotion

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79fbaf No.17793


I think you're getting it backwards.

The devil ALWAYS takes the good things of God and turns them upside down and makes them into something evil and sick!!! Not the other way around.

When God created the Heavens and the Earth, he created also certain laws - like the law of gravity. One of these laws is in regards for the atonement of sin - the spilling of pure innocent blood is required for the atonement of sin.

That does NOT mean that God wants people to go around killing innocent people and sacrificing them to him. NO WAY!!!!

The only sacrifice that was truly needed was the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Why Him? Because his blood was not tainted with sin. His blood was pure, unlike ours. He, Jesus Christ, gave His life, by His own freedom of will. No one forced Him to, but He wanted to do the will of His Father. That is it!! Stop turning His wonderful love for US into something sick like the devil does all the time. Please!!!

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094084 No.17794


I cant fuckkng handle that shit

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fdc772 No.17795

>>Aga Khan

asked 15 times in a row about meeting ethnics minister…refused answer and made up BS


Aga Khan Foundation

donated money maybe thru CF?/LOOP?


see blow


In recent years, child prostitution has risen 635 percent in the country, and dozens of Iranian girls are brought to Arab countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh to be sold as sex slaves every day. Most of these girls are raped within 24 hours of their departure, according to government officials.


i could go on forever but Sinclair are a family of interest. same with trudeau going to mcgill with some MK ultra

the mothers past…

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cc0c06 No.17796



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fa0ae6 No.17797

File: 1e1d9e470344f00⋯.jpg (53.92 KB,500x383,500:383,anchorman2.jpg)

Generate curiosity, but lead them at the same time..?

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23b582 No.17798










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df5832 No.17799

The legalization of abortion is an even bigger plague on our country than the Clinton Bushbama Kabal. It's the root of our national immorality that has allowed disgraceful Hollywood lowlifes to become "popular." It's mostly down to abortion.

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20563f No.17800


I want to puke, glad I don't drink Pepsi but I am sure they are providing the bitterness suppressors to other companies.

So how do you make chemicals taste like natural flavors? Just add babies.

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268b8c No.17801


The same way sex can be beautiful between a wife and husband or perverse in many other "progressive" ways

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bc9b8f No.17802


>The devil ALWAYS takes the good things of God and turns them upside down and makes them into something evil and sick!!! Not the other way around.

This is correct. And it is done so that we can experience negativity and see that only way forward is Love.

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1c4ff0 No.17803


Oh boy!

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bc5a4f No.17804

File: 4f64e9cdef5b5de⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,1906x5750,953:2875,Planned Parenthood Owl 2.jpg)

The Planned Parenthood logo is an owl symbol.


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3264b0 No.17805

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10522c No.17806





There's more to it than that. He inaccurately quotes Baruch the Scribe (Board Owner) in this document on page 196. Look at the super-secure trip. This is easily proven with the next BO post on page 197. The trips don't match.

Ugh! If the owner of this document is present, please correct these so we can pass these onto normies.

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aa4a8e No.17807



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125f13 No.17808

File: f6e495443728c4a⋯.jpg (115.87 KB,757x484,757:484,soros money.jpg)

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e59aae No.17809


This all feels like a Family Guy or Simpsons version of The Apprentice!

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ed0d96 No.17810

File: d9422a7fe61a743⋯.png (2.48 MB,2000x1312,125:82,AndersonGuantanamo2018.png)




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b0d508 No.17811


>ed 15 times in a row about meeting ethnics minister…refused answer and made up BS

He was found GUILTY of those violations. First PM in history found guilty

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df5832 No.17812


Agree. I'm actually against the death penalty in general, but traitors must be executed not only to get rid of them, but to set examples.

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132f02 No.17813


ahahaha !

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f6e877 No.17814

Here we go again. Same rubbish, different thread. Thousands of useless comments burying anything useful.

I thought Q wanted a READ-ONLY thread.

Is there no baker that can achieve this?

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1be440 No.17815


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fdc772 No.17816


whats the charges>

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01b0ad No.17817

File: 1ec2798330129f9⋯.png (14.6 KB,1248x97,1248:97,cp.PNG)


I see what you did there, even if you didn't mean to!

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38cbd0 No.17818


I'm voting for firing squad.

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218004 No.17819


like it!

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b07397 No.17820

"Your aborted baby gets me high"


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85f606 No.17821

File: 3ca642013cd8354⋯.png (9.65 KB,500x194,250:97,oops.PNG)

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1be440 No.17822

His son


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b0d508 No.17823



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df5832 No.17824


Corsi was great against Soetero, however, he's late to the Q party and not an expert like Tracy B and the other youtubers.

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201b30 No.17825


Gets the point across. My wife is celebrating Christmas tonight so probably not the time for me to show her this…

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f67f5d No.17826


I agree to keep them but it will be awhile before we can put memes out like this. Women who had abortions for whatever reason could be triggered and commit suicide if they find out things being done like this. We can't judge their reasons but timing is everything.

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cc0c06 No.17828


One at a time while they listen

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183cd2 No.17829

Huma? (huma)n

about Huma & SA???

We will make more public.

SA was strategic


THEY Divide.

WE Conquer.

Anticipated – human nature.

Anticipated – interruptions by others.

Matlock meant to become PUBLIC.

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87940b No.17830


>Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!

Hope so

>Ahmadinejed talking.


>Where did ALL that money go?

To fund the Rofs

>How many planes?

POTUS knows

>Where did the planes land?

Various destinations

>Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting?

To make sure the operation's not botched

>Why cash?

Harder to track

>Why offshore cash?

'Cos it came from the vatican

>Why wasn’t Congress notified for approval?

'Cos they'd say no, so why ask?

>Where did the bank wires originate from?


>Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat?


What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money?

More power; more control; especially over NK

Where do majority of Rothschilds reside?


>Why is Hussein traveling the globe and visiting major financial institutions?

Money: need more money. STAT


Is that all he has in his stash? With his 8-year lavish track record, he'll burn through that in 6 months or less.

>Who are the Muslim Brotherhood?

Bunch of radical muslims

>Who is AWAN?

One such radical muslim

>Who is Huma?

Another radical muslim

>Who is VJ?

Another radical muslim

>Who created ISIS?

A radical muslim: former faux POTUS

>Who controlled ISIS?


>What was the purpose of ISIS?

To carry out clowns' operations by proxy

>Who is MS13?

Bunch of satanists from–where was it? Costa Rica?

>Why were known MS13 members released after capture?

'Cos they were (were) untouchable

>Who controls MS13?


>Who FUNDS MS13?

The vatican

>Hard to swallow.

I got it down

>Watch the news.

Been monitoring FOX News every chance I get since right before Christmas!


Good album! youtube.com/watch?v=d_QQoNfDVPQ&list=PLSGVVEAakzy7tU6923HbXwFUQLiTARSbq


Godspeed, sir; keep up the awesome work!

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9e050b No.17831


Thanks anon, you worded it perfectly.

We stand with TeamQ.

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38cbd0 No.17832


Lined up with blindfolds, not knowing who'll be next.

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bc9b8f No.17833


This is a work board, and Q posts are being regularly archived and isolated.

If you wish to improve on this concept you would need to code a thread-specific (or board-specific) rule that would allow only a certain tripcode to post.

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b0d508 No.17834




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125f13 No.17835


ah yes ur prolly right. will dig

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a49733 No.17836


Also the Q team would be privy to way more info that we can find on the web so something is up if Q is telling us to dig into the sale of baby parts….

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31f517 No.17837

Remember the Al Smith Dinner when Trump 'joked' that "we all know of Hillary’s belief that it takes a village, which only makes sense after all in places like Haiti, where she has take a few of them."

https ://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Trumps+al+smith+dinner+haiti+takes+a+village&view=detail&mid=D05F66D2A48864FCE049D05F66D2A48864FCE049&FORM=VIRE

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658528 No.17838




fuck that guy.

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a6995f No.17839


>If people only rely on one voice for interpretation, then be warned: You may travel down a wrong path and are just like everyone else that follows false prophets. Most of us look to many sources (because we are trying to be truthful and not fools leading more fools) and that is good, but some are too ready to make it quick and easy with a go to guy, is all I am saying.

You're not wrong - that's exactly what happened with the most recent /cbts/ fiasco.

BO made a colossal mistake in critical thinking, plenty of equally blind anons jumped on board with his thinking and atrociously embarrassing decisions, and it took an act of Codemonkey to set things straight and start the migration to a different board.

The same things going to happen with Corsi, Beanz, or any other BO who somehow thinks they know better when they're completely full of shit.

Anons, sharpen up - you're not fucking intellectual paragons, no mater how many B- coloring book pages Mommy sticks to the fridge each day for you.

You're just as human as the rest of the planet, just as prone to the same primitive trappings and delusions of grandeur as anyone else.

Let's be perfectly clear - this whole place is a gloryfagging shithole compared to the idealistic "chan culture" folks like to harp about.

Clinging to the famous is a great way to lose objectivity, integrity, and trustworthiness. /cbts/ BO, idiot that he is, proved that, and his actions and thought processes should be a big fucking neon sign as to how not to approach this effort.

Next time you're ready to fly into a rage because "muh need 2 know basis" or "muh expert consultations" or whatever other idiotic justification you're using to shoddily defend your as-of-yet undiagnosed mental disorder, remember that when it comes to MI, you are neither M nor I, and you need to take a step back from your own vanity, stop pretending to be better than you are, and objectively, critically think.

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bc9b8f No.17840

File: b79bcdb0a015cde⋯.jpg (73.47 KB,550x378,275:189,052161_4cff7cfd880747fe960….jpg)


That is also why we must not try anymore to be the worst a**hole of the internet and make sure our Truth is also padded with Love. The Truth is already sickening, why worsen it in any way.

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201b30 No.17841


nice find

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cc0c06 No.17842


Wearing depends so we don’t have to call the hazmat crew for a clean up.

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6315c6 No.17843

Does anyone have a map of Q's posts from today?

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b86043 No.17844

Thats how you handle business


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20e911 No.17845

File: 57bba96233d8783⋯.jpg (191.24 KB,948x478,474:239,good defeats evil.jpg)

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b9ab3e No.17846



It bothered me that he thinks Q told people to not focus on Loop Capital.

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8d3253 No.17847



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bc5a4f No.17848


Thank you for stating it so eloquently, Anon.

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ed0d96 No.17849


massive kek

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f43d84 No.17850

Great to see this board humming along so efficaciously, PamphletAnon. Thsnk you so much!



Guy in the picture was CNN's Anderson Cooper, aka Anderson VANDERBILT Cooper, and the picture was from the Instagram account of Andy Cohen, who's Copper's gay BFF and brainwashed from Bravo T.V..

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e59aae No.17851



Board will split in 3, 2 . . . . .

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607a50 No.17852

File: 48355b8efa1d7d5⋯.jpg (54.59 KB,889x500,889:500,22ackb.jpg)

File: a07ea0be9e5fe4b⋯.jpg (77.41 KB,942x500,471:250,22actz.jpg)

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b1eb86 No.17853


once cQuld be accidental, twice is no cQincidence

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38cbd0 No.17854


They pack colons before execution. Problem solved.

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85b588 No.17855


exactly this. also, every believer in the bible must also believe that it is not the whole truth, because Jesus himself says so in the bible. he says that he has not given the whole truth but that after him there will come someone else that will give us the whole truth, and will bear witness to Jesus. so all believers in the bible must believe that someone else than Jesus will come (or has already come) with the whole truth. but for some reason they dont seem to look for that guy.

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df5832 No.17856


You should really learn more about Italian architecture, Christian symbolism, and the design of St Peters.

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380e68 No.17857

File: bdd552efaf7eeec⋯.png (959.44 KB,2539x1068,2539:1068,stupidman.png)


good to see you around

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bb9987 No.17858


Breaks my heart

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9fcd24 No.17859


keep trying, it let me download after several attempts.

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28580f No.17860


i believe it was this one -> https ://sites.google.com/site/greenlandtheory/switzerland/cia-central-intelligence-agency

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fa0ae6 No.17861

Can someone please Photoshop the bottom of Trump's face onto Robocop for me? I feel a "I'm not arresting you any more" vibe coming on.

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a49733 No.17862


He's got his own built-in Squatty Potty :D

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69338c No.17863


I believe the water main break. It's been bitter cold for days.

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df5832 No.17864


Those books posted are not scriptural. Those are for deep researchers who are already familair with the Bible. It's called apocrypha or esoterica.

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f6e877 No.17865


Sorry, just me being letting off steam….

I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds this process confusing and difficult to follow. All I want to see is GENUINE Q posts and REALISTIC answers to his questions.

If I knew how to work properly within this environment I would do exactly as you suggested.

I agree with the baker's notion right at the top of this thread that suggested Q create his own thread and manage it……

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31f517 No.17866

File: de9b8c4ca86ffb7⋯.png (148.32 KB,391x539,391:539,fbi pedo symbols.png)

FBI pedophile symbols

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607a50 No.17867

File: 7037db188db8ae4⋯.png (9.88 KB,261x193,261:193,drunk.png)

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cc0c06 No.17868

File: 78ba6eeda6ee3f0⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB,2908x4190,1454:2095,215A9E74-9EB4-4F98-808A-4….jpeg)

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7e8a36 No.17869


Hiding EVIL doesn't rid us of EVIL.

Transparency is the best disinfectant.

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df5832 No.17870


I hated that fucking Bush Sr.

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1be440 No.17871


More happenings

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85f606 No.17872


BFF = buggery fuck friend?

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7e8a36 No.17873


He's a worm.

With apologies to worms.

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1be440 No.17874


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1e262e No.17875


For those who want the report. Go to Pg 344

https://en. wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Select_Investigative_Panel_on_Planned_Parenthood#cite_note-7

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dbdebb No.17876


dude adrenochrome bro

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a89d84 No.17877


It is believed only by the Nizari cult

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01b0ad No.17878

File: ac95115aae6d4b6⋯.jpg (80.86 KB,500x691,500:691,mandelameme.jpg)

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8d3253 No.17879



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89d68f No.17880

File: 7da53432cb8200a⋯.jpeg (86.15 KB,800x450,16:9,8C48C329-7EEB-42ED-9D83-2….jpeg)

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094084 No.17881



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3264b0 No.17882


tell me i've proven this concept to myself a dozen different ways … it's egyptian not italian

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df5832 No.17883


Agree. I think the BO should filter Christian-bashing, because it's mostly Christians who built up our country and who will restore it - we hope.

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1c4ff0 No.17884


Don't drink pop man.

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3264b0 No.17885


or essene knowledge …

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31f517 No.17886


Blood of the Innocents

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5b08c3 No.17887


Sent my story to a independent journalist about this with the .img attached. havoc :3

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460dc6 No.17888

File: 9e55ad7961a7233⋯.png (130.11 KB,1376x429,1376:429,NRRIT Trustees.png)

Apparently, the NRRIT, the Trust which manages the more than $26 BILLION in assets of the RRB is allowed to invest in both onshore and offshore entities. Note that the Trustees are comprised of 3 Union appointees, 3 Railroad Company appointees and 1 Independent appointee. SS of most current Trustees.

https:// www.rrb.gov/index.php/OurAgency/AgencyOverview

The RRB and the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust

The Railroad Retirement and Survivors’ Improvement Act of 2001 established the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust. The sole purpose of the Trust is to manage and invest railroad retirement assets. The Trust is a tax-exempt entity independent from the Federal Government.

The Act authorizes the Trust to invest the assets of the Railroad Retirement Account in a diversified investment portfolio in the same manner as those of private sector retirement plans. Before the Act, the law limited investment of Railroad Retirement Account assets to U.S. government securities.

The Trust has seven trustees, with railroad labor unions and railroad companies each selecting three. These six trustees then select a seventh, independent trustee. In turn, they hire professional staff to manage investment of the assets. While the Act does not delegate any authority to the RRB with respect to day-to-day activities of the Trust, the Act does provide that the RRB may bring a civil action to enjoin any act or practice of the Trust that violates the provisions of the Act or to enforce any provision of the Act. The Trust has no powers or authority over the administration of benefits under the Railroad Retirement Act.

https:// www.rrb.gov/sites/default/files/2017-06/reportFY2016%5B1%5D.pdf

 b) Portfolio Diversification

Over the past fourteen years, the Trust has deployed assets received from the Treasury into a diversified portfolio of US and non-US equity, and US and non-US fixed income securities. Over time, the Trust has furthered that diversification by allocating a percentage of the portfolio to private equity, real assets, commodities, and absolute return investments. As mandated by its statute, the Trust has avoided undue concentration of investment in any asset class, type of security, or market sector.

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7e8a36 No.17889


Quad 7's proof of truth.

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b0d508 No.17890


St Peters Basilica is shaped like a serpent. The alter like a dead sheep.

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9119f7 No.17891


>The "O"s have been replaced with "Q"s

Epic troll from JA.

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63ce66 No.17892


Or Assange

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75d484 No.17893


Did the Mandela effect, put that shirt on Mandela?

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3264b0 No.17894


who decided to leave them out?

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10522c No.17895

>>17777 ← CORRECT!

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fa0ae6 No.17896

File: b2342364b5cc720⋯.jpg (42.01 KB,450x319,450:319,TrumpDredd2.jpg)

Just trying ideas out

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bb9987 No.17897

File: 0e2c13bfe216a80⋯.png (292.46 KB,700x1157,700:1157,g.png)

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0b7278 No.17898

What is the 7th floor?

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a96231 No.17899


You may be right, but don't underestimate the Bushs. They had the generational advantage.

From Granddad Prescott financing Hitler, to Daddy Bush Shooting Reagan and perfecting the drug trade, to Boy Bush doing the towers, they make for some formidable competition.*

*highlights only, this could fill volumes

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f5b307 No.17900

File: 2ea7f4b49f0da72⋯.jpg (123.7 KB,800x617,800:617,LOGICAL FETUS.jpg)

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607a50 No.17901

File: 696e7dc6e122cd5⋯.png (65.89 KB,675x499,675:499,george_drunk.png)

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201b30 No.17902


Stay strong friend. They want to divide us and break us down. Let off steam if you must. You will naturally skip the shrills and find the real Q posts. I don't know how to explain it but the real Q posts end up shining through naturally. Cheers!

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bc9b8f No.17903

File: 6d64764fd97ab31⋯.jpg (326.57 KB,1324x834,662:417,pepsi.jpg)


https://www.sec dot gov/divisions/corpfin/cf->>noaction/14a-8/2012/sarahgiltner022812->>14a8.pdf

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3e09dc No.17904

http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/ 2018/01/dc-press-corp-knew-full-year-hillary-clinton-behind-russia-dossier-yet-still-reported-document-legit-intel/

DC Press Corp knew the Russian Dossier was paid for by Clinton. They have spread Fake news on purpose, evening knowing the truth.

It shows you how bad the media is and they will do anything to get Trump out of power.

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b07397 No.17905

I can prove without a doubt that Huma is only part human.

Huma is only part Human; huma add the "n"

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cc0c06 No.17906


That’s Julian giving us a thumbs up.

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698c2f No.17907


Yeah, I didn't do that on purpose, but it does fit, and I thought that at the time. Either way, it's appropriate.

Just remember, capital punishment ensures there will be no recidivism. They will not commit a crime again, once dead.

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fa0ae6 No.17908


Not fully huma(n)?

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1be440 No.17909


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7e8a36 No.17910

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71d245 No.17911


Hmmm.. had to go back and see what number that was. 45.. :45 seconds.

Those who've been following ALL my posts will see the connection.





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3264b0 No.17912


Symbolism everywhere

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feba66 No.17913

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a5af3a No.17914


State department "insiders"- commonly referred to as the "guts of the deep state"

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1dc744 No.17915

Q has had NO comms outside of this platform? Really?


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bc13ef No.17916

there is group

"the 7th floor"

shadow _g_overment

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5b08c3 No.17917


Sooo this post… Did anyone think to round up all the "[X]" characters and CAPS words to see what comes up?

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1c4ff0 No.17918




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4370c8 No.17919


Yeah, I saw a huff-po author say she was unfollowing due to copyright infringement and theft of intellectual property. What some people fail to realize is that this dude's speaking fees will go up by the access the freebie gives to cheap asses and people that would not normally buy it. This is NOT pro Trump move. This is strategic so that all may see the book, and his royalty loss will be offset by the MSM and the talk shows speaking fees that I guarantee his publicist isn't butt hurt at all. He published under a very large house, so all of these things were planned for.

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125f13 No.17920

File: 7082d5d63a9b4f7⋯.jpg (114.84 KB,531x563,531:563,sson - Copy.jpg)


George Soros’ Son Has Been Day Drinking With Democratic Leadership

Hamptons hell-raiser and son to mega-billionaire Democrat donor George Soros, Alex Soros, has made his debut on the political circuit by meeting with a handful of prominent liberal leaders.

Soros’ Instagram, a go-to for Manhattan nightlife, drunken karaoke parties, lobster feasts, Bono selfies, and refugee camps, has recently been updated with an influx of photos showing the playboy heir chumming it up with Congressman John Lewis and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

In the photo with Schumer, which was posted Friday afternoon, the two are hunched over a table with three alcoholic-looking drinks. Though Soros appears to be holding his own thanks to his background in surviving notorious New York Fashion Week parties, Schumer, aka Senator Buzzkill, looks quite faded.

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31f517 No.17921

“While the Clinton Foundation doesn’t seem to actually do much but enrich the Clinton family, it does do one thing, and that is abortion,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.

On the Clinton Foundation payroll is at least one Planned Parenthood abortionist.

NicolaMooreNicola Moore calls herself a “fly-in abortionista.” Based in Massachusetts, this traveling abortionist has spent stints working at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities across the country, wearing a mask in the likeness of one of the Three Stooges to conceal her identity.

SIGN THE PLEDGE! We Oppose Hillary Clinton!

But now, in addition to her job as an itinerant “abortionista,” Moore has landed a job with the Orwellian-sounding Clinton Health Access Initiative, according to documents obtained by Operation Rescue.

The Clinton Health Access Initiative was founded by President Bill Clinton in 2002, for the stated purpose of combating HIV/AIDS on a global scale. Since then, it has expanded to include other health-related issues.

In 2012, the Clinton Health Access Initiative began a partnership with Planned Parenthood to help distribute birth control and address “young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health care,” especially in Africa and Latin America.

http ://www.lifenews.com/2016/11/02/clinton-foundation-partnered-with-planned-parenthood-to-expand-abortion-around-the-world/

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1dc744 No.17922



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3308d1 No.17923


Not the Catholic Church friend, Jesus Christ Himself.

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89d68f No.17924

File: e4bcc4bc2e4b820⋯.jpeg (135.26 KB,640x463,640:463,465BC611-E11D-490A-9D61-8….jpeg)



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1910ef No.17925


I think JA is on Q team.

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fdc772 No.17926

what if trump is using the media about the FAKE NEWS AWARDS for the date of "MONDAY" to get everyone talking, and then switches the date to the 17th, im sure people will joke about him not being ready or something,

but what he will do to validate even more (and im guessing) is to chain down all these crooks, and then on the 17th drop the bomb on having it done by the MONDAY??

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7e8a36 No.17927


Way too fast.

Slow hang is earned.

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3264b0 No.17928


would you not arm your brother before battle?… why do you expect me to do any different?

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75d484 No.17929

File: 4b3417d8ccf6e4a⋯.jpg (46.81 KB,656x447,656:447,HillaryAdrenoMeme.JPG)

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658528 No.17930

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dbdebb No.17932


If that's the case I would at one point like definitive proof he's still the same JA.

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63ce66 No.17933


yep. We are "normies" in comparison of Team Q.

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ba0509 No.17934


Its quite the burden to bear. Im not sure if there is a proper way to tell anyone how to bear it. We are together in this but ultimately we each walk the path ourselves but not alone. When you find yourself lost and starving in the woods there comes a time where its not so crazy to ask the biggest tree to let you have some fruit.

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fa0ae6 No.17935

File: f4b05b1d3c9594b⋯.jpg (82.64 KB,662x499,662:499,Hillary2.jpg)

Too subtle?

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1dc744 No.17936



Q has had NO communications outside of this platform? Really?

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607a50 No.17937

File: f71922978fe6278⋯.jpg (31.77 KB,480x360,4:3,meryld.jpg)

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f7bc24 No.17938


Could Dr. Corsi I have been the BO?

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bc9b8f No.17940


Watch out for hate and vengeance. It leads to darkness.

I'd put them to work, life in prison.



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df5832 No.17941


I'm not inclined to go into the very lengthy and complicated history of the designs of St Peters, but here's an entree.


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125f13 No.17942


fucking fugly ass evil gross nasty ho. look at that evil f face!

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bce7e1 No.17944


Wow the handful of cbts true believers left are a sad bunch.

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38cbd0 No.17945


Saddam's was fast. I suppose it could be slowed down. Frankly, my wish would be dismemberment at Piggy Palace, alas, that would be unconstitutional.

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31f517 No.17946


Nicola Moore is probably a money launderer

In addition to Iowa and Nebraska, Moore is licensed in Massachusetts, New York, and California, where her license is delinquent.

Moore was born in London, England and educated in America. She attended Yale University where she earned Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees. She graduated with her doctorate from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1999, and served her residency at the University of Rochester, in New York.

The focus of her practice has always been on abortion. In fact, she turned down a job at an Indian Reservation in New Mexico because Federal policy did not allow her to do abortions there.

http ://www.lifenews.com/2011/10/14/anonymous-abortion-practitioner-nicola-moore-exposed/

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fa0ae6 No.17948


Yeah, that'll bring the house down…

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fdc772 No.17949



could be a signal about canada is GO

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1e262e No.17950

File: 21985df9d9b58ca⋯.jpg (48.54 KB,600x471,200:157,22adpq.jpg)

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85b588 No.17951

File: cc49babd149b17c⋯.png (94.28 KB,1351x658,193:94,nothing.png)


nothing there. removed just now?? REALLY??? wtf was it?

pic related

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ee4021 No.17953


That crossed my mind too

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1c4ff0 No.17954


Meaning he hasn't been talking to the BO's behind the scenes as was claimed.

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e69d58 No.17955

File: ae75b861cd9d76f⋯.webm (2.83 MB,800x600,4:3,Iplayed fallout once.webm)


>you are neither M nor I

well actually I..

nah nvm you're not even talking about me

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cc0c06 No.17956


Is that J Podesta’s kitchen?

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ed0d96 No.17958

File: b27e196febd4a65⋯.png (6.75 MB,3333x2357,3333:2357,GuantanamoGeorge2018.png)

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7e8a36 No.17959


Jugears told msm of his intent to stay in DC and run a shadow government.

I don't know if Jugears used that term, but the msm sure did.

And the msm always writes what they are told to write, so I conclude that Jugears has admitted to being the shadow government.

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a89d84 No.17960

File: 0c53c8ea223a160⋯.jpg (109.46 KB,978x330,163:55,agakhan1to4.jpg)

What happened here?

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183cd2 No.17961


oh, yes. I remember that one, hmmmmmmm

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341c1a No.17962

Good evening anons <3

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5b08c3 No.17963




you win

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bc13ef No.17964

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3264b0 No.17965


yes … now apply Egyptian and Sumerian knowledge

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df5832 No.17966


Dont comment on this unless you have completed Art History, you look foolish.

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dbdebb No.17967


Hey there buddy, how are you?

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f58ccc No.17969

File: 91e3b38fefa8fce⋯.jpg (34.26 KB,400x300,4:3,eels-slippery-2.jpg)

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31f517 No.17970

Planned Parenthood Received Millions of Dollars After Lobbying Clinton’s State Department

Planned Parenthood and international affiliates received more than $100 million from USAID

http ://freebeacon.com/politics/planned-parenthood-received-millions-of-dollars-after-lobbying-state-department-parterning-with-clinton-foundation/

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a60d11 No.17972


What’s bitcoin got to do with it?

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4370c8 No.17973


No. Baruch is not from the US originally, as his accent implies. We don't fly flags on these boards, so I can't tell you if he is in the states or not, but Dr. Corsi came later to the game. He gets some things wrong, but eh… He has insight on some other stuff. I'm still not sure how I feel about tipping to AJ to hear him/read him, because of the errors, but we all make mistakes.

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df5832 No.17974


T Rex has been hatcheting at State ever since he walked in.

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a5af3a No.17975


Saddam was downed fast because he was CIA and they did not want him to talk.

Or pass notes.

Remember he was kept in a glass box…

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3264b0 No.17976


why? because Art History professors don't lie?

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5b08c3 No.17977

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e59aae No.17978

File: 3357f317c969135⋯.jpg (685.21 KB,800x2000,2:5,Anon_Thoughts_1_7_18.jpg)

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1dc744 No.17979


Stop criticizing CBTS just because the mod made a mistake the other day. More truth is posted over there then here, in fact, on some of the anon postings over there.

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183cd2 No.17980

Q said IDEN 3x

re voter identification?

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bc13ef No.17981

let's digg in to the [7]th floor …..///////////@y@\\\\\\\\\\\\\….____———-

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64733e No.17982

File: a695dbd7e98194a⋯.jpeg (647.91 KB,612x1901,612:1901,D1CF154F-D09D-4379-8583-2….jpeg)

File: 0ba10c008047ec6⋯.png (409.58 KB,1536x2048,3:4,FD6ECEC6-62A2-4954-B672-69….png)

Where did the Iran payoff money come from?


>That’s because to do so, the administration tapped a little-known account at the Treasury Department called the Judgment Fund. It is a special account used to pay out claims against the US government.

>The topic erupted at the State Department’s daily briefing on Tuesday and Wednesday. That was after Claudia Rosett reported in the New York Sun that the administration made 13 transfers of $99,999,999.99 each.

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91260a No.17984




On the 15th the IG findings are made public

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bce7e1 No.17985


Corsi, AJ, infowars, TB, et. al. we're all heavily invested in the previous BO and his famefag aspirations.

It's very clear that Infowars was very late to the party on Q, and had absolutely no inside source. They were less informed than their average audience member. So they developed a relationship with the (((BO))) in order to try to worm their way into credibility.

No one should be paying attention to anything any of the famefags or their media counterparts are saying or doing. Q has confirmed they are comped, and they lying to try to save their reputation. You should expect narrative and spin from them at this point, not facts.

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268b8c No.17986


I'm sure Q talks to friends on the phone and mails letters or packages from time to time.

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7e8a36 No.17987


Does that cause (yet another) divide within moozlum sects?

This Aga Khan seems to have deemed himself able to interpret the word of alah.

Sounds a tad blasphemous to me.

But I'm not a muzzy.

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839bf2 No.17988

10 largest Hedgefunds.

Largest hedge fund firms

The data for this table comes from Pensions & Investments with data compiled in the second quarter of 2016.[4]

Rank Firm Headquarters AUM as of second quarter 2016

(billions of USD)

1 Bridgewater Associates United States Westport $102.9

2 AQR Capital Management United States Greenwich $63.0

3 Man Group United Kingdom London $46.3

4 Two Sigma Investments United States New York $42.3

5 Millennium Management United States New York $33.3

6 Winton Group United Kingdom London $33.0

7 Renaissance Technologies United States East Setauket $32.0

8 Baupost Group United States Boston $29.2

9 Elliott Management Corporation United States New York $28.8

10 BlackRock United States New York $28.6

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3264b0 No.17989


you misspelled repeatedly over a period of weeks

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a89d84 No.17990


these are feeble answers

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b07397 No.17991

>Ahmadinejed talking

Talking to who? Who took custody of him? Who is in control of Iran right now?

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deac11 No.17992

Anyone watch the Beanz video yet? I'm too angry to watch and recap. I hope she enjoys making money on the back of Anon provided research. Pathetic and shilly.

I'm beyond fucking sick of her.

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1307a7 No.17993

File: de0baee01d48441⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,2000x1378,1000:689,trump-cover-final-e148729….jpeg)

Just popped in to share another ALT banner

< Ver. 4.0 >

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fa0ae6 No.17994

File: 0161eb3656988e0⋯.jpg (84.56 KB,858x487,858:487,Dexter2.jpg)

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38cbd0 No.17996


Good point.

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7d755d No.17997

File: 09bcae832e97ad7⋯.png (381.94 KB,995x600,199:120,AdrenoHillary.png)


that's a good one, some need to hear about it first - before they can process the details of what it's all about.

here's another entry-level one

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eca231 No.17998

File: 361968ca050d1e3⋯.jpg (88.45 KB,720x500,36:25,ZomboMeme 07012018171515.jpg)

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3fdaea No.17999


then one where corsi directs here about 10 times?

yeh i seen it.

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4370c8 No.18000


That is a shill

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31f517 No.18001


Hillar's state Dept gives money to Planned Parenthood. and PP executives donate it back to the Clinton Foundation.

There is some LOOP CAPITAL!

The former secretary of state collected nearly $10,000 from nine individuals who work for the country’s largest abortion provider, including from several high ranking executives at the billion-dollar operation. The first quarter fundraising total nearly matches the amount Clinton received over the course of her previous three political runs.


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305bc5 No.18002


Thank you!

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245aa6 No.18003

remember mcnulty's quote from The Wire?

>If only half you motherfuckers at the district attorney's office didn't want to be judges, didn't want to be partners in some downtown law firm… If half of you had the fucking balls to follow through, you know what would happen? A guy like that would be indicted, tried and convicted. And the rest of 'em would back up enough, so we could push a clean case or two through your courthouse. But no, everybody stays friends. Everybody gets paid. And everybody's got a fucking future.

it's the same corruption as the politicians and it looks like somebody with balls finally came around

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e4319f No.18004


Please don't murder Tracey Beanz in her sleep with a knife.

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85b588 No.18005

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1c4ff0 No.18006


This keeps getting better and better!

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aeedeb No.18007

File: 25d3c052db2e327⋯.png (144.38 KB,501x547,501:547,4C7A6438-23A7-43CB-BCE0-C5….png)

File: 8ee9497f018f13f⋯.jpeg (303.63 KB,1242x2208,9:16,2C6247C9-6817-4DCC-92FD-A….jpeg)

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df5832 No.18008


Yes, but the catholic church is the communion of all believers living and in heaven, plus the angels and God Himself. Communion means all is 1.

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3264b0 No.18009


trips of truth

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094084 No.18010



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87940b No.18011


Very; just thoughts off the top of my head, no real research, and no famefag. Carry on, anons!

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e40d91 No.18012

The CIA was behind the recent violence in Iran.


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deac11 No.18013


Checked these trips my dude

Yeah that one. Fuck her

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29121c No.18015

Yes I concur .

Anons had spotted the RR marker matched Potus Tweet (P_PERS) on the CBTS saturday am thread before the meltdown.


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3264b0 No.18016


have you not looked at this yet? or id you ignore it?


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094084 No.18017



For posting ”KEK”

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a89d84 No.18018


It is absolutely blasphemous

It is bi'dah

Nizari are not considered Muslims, though they claim to be

They are agents of the British Empire like the Ahmadiyya, who make a similar claim from a Sunni starting point and eagerly propagate their altered Qurans to English-speaking audiences.

Wahhabism is a Jewish originated heresy that heavily cites Ibn Taymiyyah, himself a secret Gnostic cultist.

Virtually everything you know about Islam is wrong by design

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df5832 No.18019


Those books are fine and I've read them several times, however, the Bible is for daily reading, it's not esoterica.

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f5b307 No.18020

File: 7a092d6939cc2c5⋯.jpg (93.69 KB,936x500,234:125,pepsi final.jpg)

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1307a7 No.18021


Anons asked for more electric Q…best I can do.

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deac11 No.18022


Anons will Savage her across the web when she gets too far out of line

Ill just watch.

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1e262e No.18023

Oh btw, you'll never look at flavor enhancers the same way again.

https://www. cbsnews.com/news/pepsis-bizarro-world-boycotted-over-embryonic-cells-linked-to-lo-cal-soda/

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aeedeb No.18024


She had /cbts/ admins on her show last week begging for BO volunteers. Next day or so board comp’d.

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a5af3a No.18025


THAT is a good example of your taxpayer funding the Cabal…

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e40d91 No.18026


There's a separate thread for Christian doctrine. Please take it there.

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7fbf98 No.18027

File: 236cf6012ac0869⋯.jpg (139.16 KB,852x852,1:1,Snapmeme_1515363452398.jpg)

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4370c8 No.18028


If TB does what BO over on CTBS did and got (sandy) stars in their eyes and does something like calling Q a fake fag, well… She is not quite that easily impressed I think. I do forgive BO over there for wanting to be safe, but he put his cards into a famous basket and made a terrible mistake. Are people back to posting there? I know Q won't go back, so maybe that will at least allow that to be the quiet place to work. Like this was at one point.

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1dc744 No.18029


Meltdown, applicable to virtually every Intel chip made for many years, along with certain high-performance ARM designs, is the easier to exploit and enables any user program to read vast tracts of kernel data.


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521244 No.18030


VJ is Valerie Jarrett…. You are trying too hard.

Anonymous 01/07/18 (Sun) 13:05:05 f101eb No.17486

I have found who is "VJ"

Is is yet another reference to Ronald Reagan.

A study completed in 2001 was completed regarding Cognitive Rehabilitation in Dementia. 24 participated in the study. Ages 60 to 84. Page 486 - "VJ" could not recall famous faces or names if famous people. Ronald Reagan had this form of dementia.

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7d755d No.18031


finally! we need more with meryl, she's clearly one of the hardcore sickos.

did you spell it drencrom cuz she's drunk? lol hilarious

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698c2f No.18032


No. they aren't much different than us, just they have access to info we don't have access to.

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df5832 No.18034


A three-person Mil Tribunal will likely decide their fates. If murders are proven, they will likely be executed, as Q posted.

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5cc492 No.18036

File: 760e427c55c4ae1⋯.gif (851.31 KB,653x500,653:500,HomerBeer0.gif)


Maybe someone wants to create a thread like Mega Q in /cbts/ where we can talk about religion, spirituality, maybe ayyy and so on. To keep this thread just for digging in Q questions.

I'm just a lurker, even not good in english, I dunno how to create a new thread.

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10a489 No.18037

Q is a warrior.

His team will deliver justice.

Only the winners write history.

Q is our teacher.

We were the first students of the Great Awakening.

We are now the teachers of The Great Awakening.

Understand the story. Dig. Lurk. Discuss.

Share. Meme. Redpill.

Empathize and comfort with the pain of the awakening.

Teach the children well.

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7e8a36 No.18038


Who are you?

Just foolin'.

Welcome back.

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ca3fe8 No.18039


This is great! Makes you curious without being offensive…well, until you go find out what it is, anyway.

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e59aae No.18040


not my words… just memed it for the author

don't like it, don't use it

got something you want done, I'll do it for you

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fbb93c No.18041


How about:

I know

And I am coming for you

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658528 No.18042


that shit happened to me before with a podesta email! it came back after like 5 minutes

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75d484 No.18043

File: 04c5c950e54124a⋯.jpg (26.04 KB,319x374,29:34,HillaryAdrenoMemeII.JPG)

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5b08c3 No.18044

File: 0e8b900ce1aa44a⋯.png (238.14 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



pic related

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df5832 No.18045


Because knowledge is better than ignorance.

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1c4ff0 No.18047

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10522c No.18048

File: f7c178a89c8ec1c⋯.png (1.52 MB,1220x1280,61:64,eba0660fc60f2b51e665412119….png)


It looks like there's enough room in the corner to include the original of this without the Santa hat, if someone can find it.

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484738 No.18049

OK Some FYI on the tanker collision. The Iran tanker was carrying "Condensate" when in liquid form is the same as Crude but since it comes out of the ground different it's not considered "Crude" so Iran sends a tanker with "Not Crude" so no embargo ban to saying SK but really NK, gets hit with tanker carrying grain from the gold ol USA!

32 crew missing from tanker that is on fire with Condensate, gold ol USA grain tanker is just fine.

Sounds like no accident, how do 2 tankers collide.

There are no coincidences!

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10a489 No.18050

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1dc744 No.18051

Q anon is driven by a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence. His name is Tyler.



(Leave the tyler shit at the door. Bye. 3 days.)
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df5832 No.18052


The examination of St Peters is a 1500-page book, not an internet blurb.

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be5898 No.18053


GTFO of here with that shit. Yeah it is a partial birth… but that is how they instantly kill the baby before it is fully out of the womb. Adrenochrome cannot be harvested this way… You sick stupid fuck.

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346b35 No.18054

Anyone have a match on the last Marker we missed?

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fa0ae6 No.18055

File: ec11d6feab91943⋯.jpg (28.39 KB,495x252,55:28,Meryl.jpg)


No mercy

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af4ede No.18056





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7e8a36 No.18057



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2c858a No.18058


And the villain of The Last of the Mohicans, Magua, was also called Le Renard Subtil.

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74a482 No.18059


LOL Both wrong.

The Virgin Mary is the one who crushes Satan!

She is the one GOD foretold at the Fall who will come from the seed of "Woman".

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8c898a No.18060


Stupid shill filtered.

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77602d No.18061



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df5832 No.18062


I believe that drawing and quartering is still legal.

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952fe4 No.18063


Spell ADRENOCHROME correctly - I know there is little room but people need to know exactly how it's spelled

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ba0509 No.18064


Not just pepsi. And this isnt new-news. At all.. Its just no one would listen.

Thats something that I think everyone could benefit from. We need to learn to shut up and listen from time to time.

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597a9f No.18065

File: f7c36ac399dcd7d⋯.png (1.27 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Screenshot_20180107-142216.png)

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4370c8 No.18066


Exactly. That loop is important to image out to the world. maybe with * of data at the bottom so people will go look themselves.

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ed0d96 No.18067

File: f21911a5efdcd0b⋯.png (330.31 KB,452x300,113:75,RunningMan_Hillary2020.PNG)

File: 2ca680d6f8838e9⋯.jpg (274.2 KB,777x520,777:520,RUNNING_MAN.jpg)

Running Man memes?

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3e09dc No.18068

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/ 2018-01-07/upcoming-oig-report-likely-trigger-second-special-counsel-comey-lynch-and-clinton

This is BIG news… really good info and it seems it will have the power to take the Obama admin down including Holder..

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31f517 No.18069


for sure.

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53189a No.18071


better resolution please

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f67f5d No.18073


Two tankers could collide like two Navy ships. Go figure.

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1c4ff0 No.18074


It was POTUS tweet about Ronald Reagan hand book.

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698c2f No.18075


It all depends on how you do it, Put the know right, it breaks their neck, fast death. Put the know differently, it slowly chokes them. I prefer they suffer the slow choke. Maybe do this every day for a year, resuscitating them every time.Yeah, they can suffer, doesn't bother me.

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1dc744 No.18076



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ba0509 No.18077


nah. keeping it incorrect will make more people look into it.

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1c4ff0 No.18078


That's the best I have.

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7b9ec0 No.18079

File: 58ef05f12c2c001⋯.jpeg (131.5 KB,852x480,71:40,510A2D1D-0041-4735-AE52-1….jpeg)



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183cd2 No.18082

Why is Hussein Traveling the globe?


Used "globe"= something Global Financial?

or Rhymes with Cabal?

something tied to JM &/or DWS?

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b07397 No.18083


hack the navigation and drive the ship remotely.

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7e8a36 No.18084


Thanks for the confirmation, anon.

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7fbf98 No.18085

File: 4912fe2c3bbd50e⋯.jpg (137.95 KB,852x852,1:1,Snapmeme_1515363839365.jpg)

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2704f6 No.18086

File: 33530a793658a6a⋯.jpg (136.89 KB,749x591,749:591,1515340488537.jpg)


Q is not AI

There is no gorilla channel

stop being schizophrenic and be more autistic

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346b35 No.18087




Think clock.

Wind the clock w/ all markers.


Future proves past.


Have we wound the clock with all the markers?

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1dc744 No.18088



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7d755d No.18089


i'm assuming that's a real picture cuz its biden but i bet some people will think it's not

we should also have a variation that says: nope, not photoshop, this is the real picture

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62dfa2 No.18090

http:// tiroadventuress.com/snn/ this site just randomly popup while i was browsing…wtf???

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fbb93c No.18091


Thank you, Awesome memefag!

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3264b0 No.18092


very true

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a5af3a No.18093


ANYthing is legal per captains orders on open sea…

Book a Justice-cruise ship!

The hard part is deciding which executions are most worth watching on which cruise!!

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1c4ff0 No.18094

Shill o'clock.

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6e1950 No.18095


Man these are awful so far.

But it is good anons are trying.

The normie world needs to learn about adrenochrome but it's difficult because people are ignorant and it's a complex topic. Depicting it stupidly is not going to do any good and might succeed in pushing "adrenochrome" right into the crazy category so that no normal person will ever pay attention to it again.

If anyone runs across any adrenochrome memes that are worth spreading please highlight them. The world needs to learn about this.

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e38c7c No.18096


Looks like a lame SciFi flick starring John Candy.

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7b9ec0 No.18097

File: 7f90e9d2734379d⋯.jpeg (582.44 KB,1789x1473,1789:1473,675EE816-1302-4B42-B6A2-B….jpeg)

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eca231 No.18098


I worked behind the camera for a long minute in Hollywood that's how movie stars and celebrities refer to it as drencrom or DC. It's like telling me to refer to pot or weed as marijuana or cannabis.

Not trying to be a jerk but drencrom is not an incorrect spelling that's called street slang

I've known about this since I started in the film industry.

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38cbd0 No.18099


I'd like a good prison stretch too, they'd WISH for death after a life of luxury.

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346b35 No.18100


this picture was photo-shopped. it's pretty easy to tell from the original if you search. this popped up many boards ago.

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69338c No.18101


Recovering Roman Catholic here, but I will say this: Nearly five decades later, I am forever grateful of, and indebted to, the lovely nuns who, in sixth grade, showed us photos like this on 8mm films and then loaded us up on charter busses for a long drive to DC wherein we Catholic school kids protested against abortion on the capitol steps even as Roe vs. Wade was being decided. Thank you, sisters.

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cc0c06 No.18102


He is cleaning out his dirty money offshore accounts.

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287e4a No.18103



I wonder if all those donated eggs and sperm somehow end up being fertilized and implanted in artificial wombs to create fetus farm. That would freak people out. They did it with sheep why not humans.

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1dc744 No.18104


Exactly, spreadsheet anon posted the wrong info and is confusing everyone on his spreadsheet by claiming Q has not spoken with anyone at any time outside this platform.

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3264b0 No.18105


dismiss the truth all you want… it won't change which pre-Roman culture would you like me to use the names of.

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7e8a36 No.18106


>Virtually everything you know about Islam is wrong by design

Well, if the intent of those you named is to make me dislike izlum immensely, then they have succeeded. I'm probably not alone on that.

However, if the swamp draining reveals an izlum that is different (I pray it does), then I am open minded.

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6e1950 No.18107


Now that's a good meme. Thanks.

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75d484 No.18108

File: f7f33198be0290c⋯.jpg (51.87 KB,651x424,651:424,TrumpAChrome.JPG)

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1c4ff0 No.18109


Well, Q is not locked in a room with a computer somewhere….

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63ce66 No.18110



Nobody has figured out that damning code yet.

Let's face it… we are Team R.


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bce7e1 No.18111


We had a short period of freedom after migrating but it's back to full force now.

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deac11 No.18112


More plz

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188139 No.18113

File: 7970d0fe81cedbd⋯.gif (51.25 KB,300x400,3:4,3E4D7F5C-A359-4B41-AD39-28….gif)

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74a482 No.18114

File: 8431422cd112d9c⋯.jpg (341.61 KB,1080x1920,9:16,MAGA.jpg)

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7d755d No.18115



who has 57 twatter accounts? please spread!!

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fa0ae6 No.18116


Works on so many levels - top Kek!

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b7b58a No.18117

Planned Parenthood & Partial Birth Abortion:

The Good (Quoted from PPH website):

“On April 18, 2007, in Gonzales v. Carhart (550 U.S. 124 (2007, April 18)) and Gonzales v. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. (550 U.S. ___ (2007, April 18)), the U.S. Supreme Court ignored 30 years of precedent that held women’s health must be the paramount concern in laws that restrict abortion access, and in a 5–4 decision, upheld the so-called Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 (the “federal abortion ban”) — the rst federal legislation to criminalize abortion.”

The Bad (Also quoted from PPH website):

“Despite the federal abortion ban taking effect, Planned Parenthood will continue to provide high-quality care, including second-trimester abortion services, to our clients. Planned Parenthood will also continue to support vital efforts to protect access to safe

and legal abortion services at the state and federal levels.

Currently, seven states — California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Nevada, and Washington — have passed Freedom of Choice Acts (FOCA), and other states are seeking to pass similar legislation (Guttmacher Institute, 2015). Although state-level FOCAs have no impact on the federal abortion ban, (((such laws prohibit the state government from interfering with the decision to continue or end a pregnancy.)))

https:/ /www.plannedparenthood.org/uploads/filer_public/e9/f0/e9f06fb0-e665-4cd3-810f-019d89d1daee/pp_abortion_after_the_first_trimester.pdfc

Conclusion: Although the SC has ruled that Partial-Birth is illegal, PPH skirts the federal law much like Sanctuary Citys/States do by not complying with federal law citing FOCA. This is a movement that PPH had hoped to spread rapidly and completely under HRC presidency. HRC has admitted to support Partial-Birth abortion. These ppl are sick!

We should really hit this subject hard, imo. Ppl might not be ready to be redded on some of the more hardcore truths…But when confronted with murdering a child as it comes down the birth canal, i believe about 90% on Americans would admit that it is horrific. And that is exactly what PPH goal is. And a HRC or future Lib government would force us to fund it. Unthinkable. I don't think normies really have a clue how wicked these ppl are.

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aa4a8e No.18118

File: d507a01dacd54f3⋯.jpeg (93.88 KB,750x705,50:47,C1FDF0DB-5897-4F8F-BCAC-3….jpeg)

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eca231 No.18119


More what?

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20563f No.18121


Well not really or so they say, the company that makes the anti bitterness additive used an embro that was aborted in the 70s to extract the HEK which is Human Embro Kidney cells. The other company that uses non-human is under contract with Coca Cola.

So I don't know if it's just research and they are growing the cells to use, or using them from fetuses or what. Needs moar lurk

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1e262e No.18122


“One bad apple can spoil the bunch."

One bad crumb can spoil the bread

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7b9ec0 No.18123

File: d6085a0e9c803fb⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1263x1730,1263:1730,751C0EEA-7F04-477F-B928-1….jpeg)

Boat flag here…

CF Crystal is currently underway, albeit only 1kt.

It collided with the Iranian Sanchi, varying oil to NK

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e59aae No.18124


best thread out there on /cbts/ from anon 7614c5


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4370c8 No.18125


Oh my, I have watched one of your periscopes then… hmmmm. Besides the fact that you won't lose the email on your posts, I am not sure that this is the place to doxx yourself like that, with all the twitter connections and the like, unless that is your intended desire.

For what it's worth, I agree with you that the way the peeps in black are treated as furniture and how loose the lips can be in the case of those egomaniacs is something that you can use to your advantage. Just be careful.

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a49733 No.18126

File: 5bd6e2b64058ff7⋯.png (221.98 KB,728x886,364:443,screenshot_189.png)


Interesting article I just got done reading in The National Catholic Register about the Planned Parenthood undercover videos….

www.ncregister. com/daily-news/why-the-catholic-behind-the-planned-parenthood-videos-went-undercover

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62eaad No.18127


This is great!

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186e15 No.18128

File: e07eb2ead95fe97⋯.png (1.32 MB,1251x1280,1251:1280,MW1.png)

File: d2b7827543b6ee9⋯.png (1.31 MB,1251x1280,1251:1280,MW2.png)

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a63e9e No.18129


Also, generous amount of LIGHT.

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7d755d No.18130


that's excellent

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0b7278 No.18131


"Puppy monkey baby"

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a2619f No.18132

Been looking through some old bookmarks. Some good info here anons :NOTES FROM RECENT AMA (similar to above, just more misc info) relevant notes from AMA: http://archive.is/Wt2T0 >CF is heavily tied into Chinese interests >HRC will sell out weapons, favors, intelligence, and people to anyone willing to pay. >"The Bonner Group, warm or cold?" Hot. >FDI in South Africa by China is no accident, and the Clintons are always tied up in the mix. As is Tavistock >Why did George Soros make more moves in the markets? >Henry Paulson: past corporate affiliation? Where did he get the idea of TARP from? What major bank went under as a result of his actions? >USAID = human trafficking >Africa is a hotbed for investment by the Chinese and other organizations. The question is, how is HRC benefiting from the investment deals? Why would she want to engage a war over the African plains? >Why are Haiti's financial records spotty? Who does the accounting? >It screams shady because it is shady. Who is affiliated with the BoD for M Partners, and do they have ties to the CF? >high level insider is misinformation but there is some interesting philosophy >Q: "I found it rather odd the people who write the reports on issues like human trafficking in Haiti are also the group that award mass aid grants to Clinton foundation members like Muhammad Yunus" A: Be careful. >"gematria": Purely coincidental. >Monsanto, GMO's, HRC >"gold and oil flow in opposite directions": but typical rules for commodities are muted by OPEC's meddling >"obama foundation/the foundation run by his brother": Definitely dive into it >food and minerals in africa >john poindexter and cibolo creek ranch >scalia was murdered for something more sinister than trafficking >2% discrepancy between actual vote and exit polls is fraud >"child trafficking": Is it an integral component of elite circles? Yes.

https:// www.zerobin.net/?60cc135924b408b8#s7OUAnwqkyDky0eyL9TmMLiDqwdkvGyrJyu0h51rIlA

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6e1950 No.18133


Excellent quote.

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8ff6ca No.18134

File: 99789f0e8b71ac7⋯.png (43.29 KB,949x486,949:486,1515358506433.png)

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