[–]▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28497 [Last50 Posts]>>28516 >>28536 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
The Republic of The United States of America is being Restored
The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.
There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.
Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.
It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here Are The Facts:
There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22
There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.
As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.
Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.
==Here's the catch:== The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.
Solution? Sincere Patriots.
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. ― Thomas Jefferson'''
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our Mission
To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE].
We will do this by constructing a side by side graphic / github of Qposts and Trump tweets.
Timestamps must be in the same timezone.
Highlight time differences of [5,10,15]
Highlight misspelled words.
It's perfect. Plausible deniability to the world yet ultimate confirmation to us.
We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
Important Post for Q From CodeMonkey:
"The best, easiest and most secure way to do this would be for Q to become a board owner himself.
Q should create his own board via 8ch.net/create.php. Once the board is secured, he should edit the board settings and enable the CAPS ONLY function. When that happens, only moderators can create threads. Once he creates a thread, he can then lock it so only he can post there. In this case, he won't lose the board because it's explicitly for data dumps only (there are many boards like this on 8chan, like PDF libraries, personal blogs etc.). Discussion would continue on /thestorm/ or any other board of your choice.
If you need help setting this up, I'm all ears. No need for private communications whatsoever."
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28501>>28855
>>13097 rt >>13061
>>13128 rt >>13104
>>13138 rt >>13129
>>13615 rt >>13534
>>13696 rt >>13655 "Mark graphic material": gop.gov/solution_content/plannedparenthood/
>>20530 rt >>20277
>>20631 rt >>20603
>>21121 rt >>21093
>>21574 rt >>21481
>>21644 rt >>21582
>>21679 rt >>21584 rt >>21545
>>21777 rt >>21626
>>23580 - Crystal Clear
>>7958 rt >>7935
>>8159 rt >>8109
>>8223 rt >>8172
Q posts in /thestorm/ after migration:
[01/05/18 CBTS and /thestorm/ posts together]
01/05/18 CBTS:
>>5204 -> Graphic
>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.
Q's Tripcodes
For posterity, here are the old trips Q had used so far:
Q !UW.yye1fxo
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Q !2nVA4xm522
(last trip was wrong trip due to error in entering password)
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28504>>28531
Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)
1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg
2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg
3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg
4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg
5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png
6: s20.postimg. org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg
7: s20.postimg.org/5eexzohkd/thestormqmap1b_1-07-18.png
8: s20.postimg.org/n9kue3brx/Q_comp_correct_01-07-2018_3of3._POTUS_speaks.jpg
Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/
NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/
This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.
Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.
Learn to Read The Map
New throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/
https:// oversight.house.gov/interactivepage/plannedparenthood/
New Spreadsheet
New smartsheet spreadsheet has been made.
NEW LINK: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232
NOTE: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.
We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.
THANK YOU all anons who have helped out, added answers, found news items, given support and had patience with this project.
Latest Q Map
All Q Posts (meta, txt & html): 496 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/a33bf9a05847deb2a49e10c5a596ec95
Interactive: qcodefag.github.io
Interactive backup: qanonmap.github.io
News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
Raw Text Q Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE
Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/d6U1v2d6b9/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.6.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/M9A8v4d8b3/Q_Spreadsheet_DATASET_01-07.csv >>11976
Time Stamp Spreadsheets: Excel: anonfile.com/t4Pcvbd5b9/Q_Data_Set_-_Minute_Edition.xlsx , CSV: anonfile.com/s6P6vbd5b4/Q_Data_Set_-_Minute_Edition.csv
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28506
CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Archive of all 8chan /cbts/ Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/ , 8ch.net/cbts/res/*
4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Q Posts & DJT Tweets Side by Side For Comparison - As Q Requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Trump tweets between OCT 08,2017 and JAN 08, 2018 https://anonfile.com/v4g7wdd/Trump_Tweets_EST.csv
Spreadsheet >>15121
'xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx
.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>>/cbts/111700
Free research resources: >>>/cbts/216402
For site archival: archive.fo/
Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Reverse Image Search: tineye.com
Compilation of all players/actors and connections: >>13189
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28510>>28694
>>23831 JA's twitter turned from blue diamond to hour glass
>>17909 Upcoming OIG report likely to trigger second special counsel -Zerohedge
>>17871 Phili DA fires 31 on 4th day of job - -Zerohedge
>>17265 Fire and Fury available as pdf - WikiLeaks
>>15938 Iranian oil tanker crashes into Chinese ship near NK
>>14309 JFK Chaos
>>13981 RR Sister in charge of Vaccines for CDC?
>>14304 Chicago to HK flight diverted to alaska - vandalized with excrement
>>13002 Union Station DC Evacuated
>>12990 Emergency landing at JFK - report of engine fire
>>12334 California family dead - murder suicide
>>12275 Plane catches fire after collision on runway
>>11782 Ex-Iranian President Arrested
News Section Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>28431 probable significance of Trump's speech
>>25049 Marker Graphics
>>24252 Introducing The 7th Floor Group
>>23594 [0] hasn't happened yet
>>23020 Marker Graphics
>>17675 Fire and Fury , Ch6 and 10 'O' changed to 'Q' -> WikiLeaks
>>17726 anons 40,000ft view compilation
>>17380 Seven TRILLION Q Connection
>>16799 In-Q-Tel , Genetic Engineering , PepsiCo , TacoBell and 50% reduction in sperm counts
>>16759 Loop Capital Markets - Financials
>>16581 When Fake Communitst took over a Wisconsin town
>>16459 , >>16471 Relationships Map - Huma , VJ , MB
>>15704 [rr_out] Q message , POTUS tweet , time stameed
>>14152 rt >>13838 Epiphany!
>>13959 Body Parts Raid in November
>>13925 Obama agency rules Pepsi use of fetal cells 'ordinary business'
>>13753 7th Floor - wikispooks
>>13760 , >>14161 7th floor is no more
>>13655 , >>13658 House Investigation into Planned Parenthood
>>13556 Missing Money - 13B , 6B
>>13515 First Pentagon Audit in History
>>11987 Airplanes missing and Eric Schmidt
>>11968 Mass data collection since Reagan (1981)
Notable Posts Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
More info: >>>/cbts/140461
>>>/cbts/120430 (Petition)
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28511
Research Resources >>>/cbts/211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>>/cbts/26613
Asia Foundation >>>/cbts/15984
Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705
British Connections >>>/cbts/117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>>/cbts/1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>>/cbts/195194
Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952
Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102
Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163
Israel & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398
Loop Capital >>>/cbts/250733
Many research links here to give background on current events >>>/cbts/255999
Marker Thread >>19041
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>>/cbts/147334
North Korea >>>/cbts/1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249
Plane Crashes Thread >>>/cbts/56075
Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198
Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300
Planned Parenthood* >>13655
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171
Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157
Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327
Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139
Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576
Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367
Stringers, military courts >>>/cbts/189447
Titanic >>>/cbts/106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346
Who is P? >>>/cbts/202645
* ==Emphasized by Q==
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>>/cbts/211983.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 98d7a7 (10) No.28512>>28524 >>28631 >>28740
Pull the other one. Jones claims that, not POTUS. Jones is claiming Zach in Morrocco is part of Q but Q clearly stated that they make no communications outside of this platform. Therefore Jones and Zach are both lying. People who don't agree with you are not shills but calling everyone who disagrees with you a shill is a well known shill tactic.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28513
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1: >>>/cbts/2
Memes #2: >>>/cbts/61078
Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604
Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207
Memes #5: >>>/cbts/189835
Memes #6: >>7090
Infographs: >>>/cbts/10
Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875
Meme Ammo: >>7161
Meme Ammo By Topic: pastebin.com/WnudyCpd from >>14323
Image Archive by Topic >>18752 , >>18760 , >>18765
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>17943 ; >>>/cbts/134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts
Part 1: >>>/cbts/189448
Part 2: >>>/cbts/189460
Part 3: >>>/cbts/189467
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
^^The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
RedPill Questions - Not Q
>>15931 Foundations
>>15998 Politicians
>>16064 Anti-Trump
>>16204 Planned Parenthood
>>16438 Plane 9/11
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>>/cbts/55606
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 135e6b (13) No.28514>>28726
https:/ /www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/…/CIA-RDP79B01202A000100050004-8.p…
ing collection operations is a separate matter not covered by this instruction. ) IDEFINITIONS. 2. TALENT material is the product obtained from U. S. reconnais- sance operations from sensitive manned aircraft overflights. 3. KEYHOLE material is the product obtained from U. S. reconnais- sance operations from satellites.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 147f47 (11) No.28515
Trump: "And I will standing with you for many years to come."
Nashville, TN, Jan, 8, 2018
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 699de8 (3) No.28516
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 255d55 (2) No.28517>>28525 >>28634 >>28637 >>28934
Who do we think started the TTower fire?
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28518>>28559
Before posting links, type pairs or triples of apostrophes before and after “https://www” part.
For added security, before posting links type pairs or triples of apostrophes before and after “https://www”
To access sites, simply copy+paste the link into your browser URL bar instead of directly clicking.
e.g. https://twitter.com , https://en.wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and the browser will resolve.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Read >>>/cbts/226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart: YOU IGNORE THEM.
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Last Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: https://pastebin.com/5NVq2m9n From thread: 35
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 7dca70 (8) No.28519>>28521
POTUS was making a 'sign' for going AROUND the fake media! Not making a Q~!
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▶ b451fa (5) No.28521
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 53519e (23) No.28522
Haven't looked. Maybe they're newly red-pilled? Perhaps you should be glad she set up her reddit and kept them out of here.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 3eccc5 (2) No.28523>>28568 >>28577 >>28989 >>29050
"Ahmadinejad talking"
Wait I thought Ahmadinejad was captured by the Iranians…
Who captured him? Who is he talking to? Who is in control of Iran?
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ ae54ba (7) No.28524>>28538 >>28883
AJ is going a bit sideways at the moment but he has been saying stuff for years that everyone ignored and it was the truth. I am giving him some slack for now. He deserves it.
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▶ 147f47 (11) No.28525
Those, who wanted all eyes on this fire.
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▶ 99567a (1) No.28527
I want one of GEOTUS' Official "game-worn" EO Sharpie pens!!
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 135e6b (13) No.28528>>28548 >>28603 >>28650 >>29302
The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary's Emails
https:/ /www.thedailybeast.com/the-spy-satellite-secrets-in-hillarys-emails
Aug 12, 2015 - They are to be kept in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF, which is a special hardened room that is safe from both physical and electronic intrusion. • TK refers to Talent Keyhole, which is an intelligence community caveat indicating that the classified material was obtained via satellite.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ a97ee5 (2) No.28529>>28545
"Storm the beaches"
Day of Days Q
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 03ce5c (2) No.28530>>28533 >>28551 >>28574
>That was odd… after he signed the executive orders and was congratulating everyone, they started to play, "You can't always get what you want."
this song was stuck in my head the other day
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▶ 3851ff (8) No.28531>>28547 >>28586
Thank you baker !
As a small correction, please change "496 posts" to "512 posts" in the dough. >>26408
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▶ 9e53a4 (8) No.28532>>28640
that is fucking sweet… anybody want to start an rf-ISP with me… i haz the technology and a plan … need money and paperwork doer
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▶ 5f42d7 (7) No.28533>>28551 >>28558
They played that song after the rally as well
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28534>>28624 >>29102 >>29157
Look, I seriously believe after an anon mentioned this (thanks bro whoever you are) that there are mad similarities between Loop and BCCI
I happened to just have seen that movie with whats his nuts about BCCI so this has really activated my almonds.
BCCI was founded by a Paki banker and some rich sheik. They used the bank as their personal fund for all their friends as well as fuckers like Noriega and others. They were also perpetually in the shitter financially because they used deposits to offset bad loans (some raghead principle that you dont ask about close friend's finances before loaning them stuff).
They also secretly took controlling interests in 3 US banks.
They laundered shitloads of money for warlords and the CIA maintained accounts there.
1. Who founded loop capital. Where did the fucking money come from to start the shit? There's something there.
2. Can we reasonably connect their work to CIA fronts or suspected CIA fronts.
Please read, I'm sorry for the link I don't want to give them clicks but this is VERY INFORMATIVE
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.28535>>28561 >>28603
What Edward Snowden didn't disclose - The Week
theweek.com/ articles/447319/what-edward-snowden-didnt-disclose
May 4, 2014 - He also had a "Talent Keyhole" ticket, giving him access to information about the global architecture of overhead imagery, surveillance and reconnaissance programs. (Generally, when you're awarded an SI clearance, you get the TK one at the same time.) He therefore had a window into the sources and …
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▶ 255d55 (2) No.28536
>>28497 (OP)
PS Thanks for this bread chef!
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▶ 23fe78 (1) No.28537>>28570
I think our space based assets can now sense the exact location of fissile material and guide precision munitions to the target.
That would mean we can see and destroy every one of NK's warheads, even while they are being moved, within a matter of minutes.
Multi spectral imaging or magnetic resonance sensors, or whatever, Trump just neutralized North Korea's ability to attack us.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
▶ 98d7a7 (10) No.28538>>28981
That's how controlled opposition works. They give you enough truth to be seen as credible but ultimately lead you in the wrong direction. Just another famefag, imo.
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28539>>28744 >>28784 >>28929
Holy fuck anons.
>sun is setting, shining right in my eyes
>dat MUSIC
>finally took the advice and tried praying for POTUS etc earlier today
>spent lots of time in threads last few days, fasting essentially because too interested to to stop to eat
It's all hitting me. I got chills. I feel like I just had my second Q-related and only other religious experience ever, like God himself smiled and winked at me very briefly.
(Re: Speech).
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28540>>28546 >>28554 >>28623 >>28636 >>28643
FOUR P-8 Poseidons over Miami, with herc further North. One P-8 is circuiting over Jacksonville. Something's going down.
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▶ 2141f2 (7) No.28541
>Obama faked Irish ties
The "O'Bama is black Irish" thing was a joke, anon.
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▶ 901252 (5) No.28542>>28552
He is trolling…… reminiscing about kicking the British Army's ass….. keeps quoting Andrew Jackson
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▶ 9cbaa0 (2) No.28543
Great speech today!
"You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you might find
You get what you need "
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▶ 3eccc5 (2) No.28544>>28664 >>28671
Who took over the cbts board?
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▶ 763d1d (1) No.28545>>28947
Next OP edition imho.
Inspirational speech as always Mr President. You will awaken the courage and confidence of all Americans once the truth comes to light, once the truth comes all your speeches will make sense to the lost I hope & they will march together towards light armed with courage and confidence.
God bless all Anons, Bakers & operatives.
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▶ a97ee5 (2) No.28546
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▶ 2ca43c (1) No.28547>>28567 >>28586 >>28596
I have 510. Please don't make me go back into all these sources. 1 was removed because it's on the Github page but it's a Codemonkey posting. I'm sure the other can be accounted for.
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28548>>28603 >>28633
Yes! Someone is getting my point! This is what will bring her down! NRO is probably pissed that she shared this on her server and foreign agency have it.
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▶ 24706e (1) No.28549
Fuck off concernfag. Need a Tampax?
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.28550>>28560
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▶ 7dca70 (8) No.28551>>28558 >>28569
"You don't always get what you want, but…
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▶ 8074e7 (2) No.28552>>28562
you cant always get what you want playing---
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28553
And nothing known about him from 12 to 30. You don't think maybe he'd go looking for those generous magis?
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▶ a65e12 (2) No.28554>>28587
I mentioned this earlier.
I have 6 in the air right now.
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▶ 98d7a7 (10) No.28555>>28668
I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she was gonna meet her connection
At her feet was a footloose man
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes
You find you get what you need
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.28556>>28565
>Does anyone care about LOOP and similarities to BCCI or NAH because I even took out the lappy and am prepared to fully autist
Yes we DO care, and please, please make sure you are cross-posting your research results in the Loop thread, so we can see what we have, what we're missing and analyze it
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▶ 03ce5c (2) No.28558
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28559
You'll get it next time. Appreciate it.
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▶ b451fa (5) No.28560>>28572
>pew pew
Man, tha'ts brilliant. Channeling Tyson. Kek.
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28561>>28603 >>28652
Snow White leaked information that included Pine Gap AU the NWO DUMB Super spy hub next to Alice Springs…Under ground down under.
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▶ 5121a3 (9) No.28562
May be hes saying thats who we are up against. Going to bring down the Queen?
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▶ 7cee45 (6) No.28563>>28651 >>28690
WTF! Immediately following GEOTUS address at Farm Conference FOX-biz criticizes he didn't mention NAFTA. The address was wonderful and then they immediately responded negative.
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▶ 37563c (9) No.28564>>28610 >>29238
Group member 1: Jonathan Finer
Chief of Staff for John Kerry, Director Of Policy Planning: From Norwich, VT. Education: Harvard, Oxford (as Rhodes Scholar), Yale, Henry Luce Foundation Scholar. Service: Mar 2016 to Jan 2017.
Was a foreign and national correspondent at the Washington Post, where he reported from more than 20 countries and spent 18 months covering the war in Iraq, embedding with the U.S. Marines during the 2003 invasion and based in Baghdad in 2005-2006. Also covered conflicts in Gaza (2009), Russia/Georgia (2008) and Israel/Lebanon (2006); the 2004 U.S. Presidential campaign; and the 2004 Major League Baseball playoffs.
Joined Obama Administration in 2009 as a White House Fellow, assigned to the Office of the White House Chief of Staff and the National Security Council Staff. At the White House, he also served as Special Advisor for the Middle East and North Africa and Foreign Policy Speechwriter for Vice President Joseph R. Biden and later as Senior Advisor to Deputy National Security Advisor Antony Blinken.[1]
Prior to his appointment as Director of Policy Planning at the State Department, Finer previously served as Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy. Current position: Sr VP, Political Risk and Public Policy, Warburg Pincus, a private equity investment firm in New York.
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28565>>28618 >>28705
Which thread my dude I see a couple with low post counts
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▶ c365ad (2) No.28566>>28575 >>28579 >>28678 >>28748 >>28984
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▶ 3851ff (8) No.28567>>28596 >>28698
There's 233 in halfChan (incl. seemingly erroneous/useless posts as test, [reposts]]] etc) -- we've verified that with the txtAnon.
MasterArchivist also has 279 for 2018 so far. Let me know if you want to compare MsgIDs or timeStamps.
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.28568
Art of the Deal. Either (((we))) have him or (((they))) are letting us in on the waterboarding.
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▶ be5b99 (1) No.28569
That was his campaign song.
But did you catch the words? Blood-stained hands, Chelsea Drug store?
I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she would meet her connection
At her feet was her footloose man
No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need
We went down to the demonstration
To get your fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a fifty-amp fuse"
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need
I went down to the Chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda
My favorite flavor, cherry red
I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy
Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead"
I said to him
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You get what you need
You get what you need--yeah, oh baby
I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28570>>28724
Yes!!! NRO AF Satellites USMC drones.
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▶ 37563c (9) No.28571>>28610 >>29005
Group member 2: Heather Higginbotham
Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. From Binghamton NY. Education: Univ. of Rochester, George Washington University. Service: Dec 2013 to 2017. Husband: Daniel Alejandro Sepulveda.
Began government service in 1999, when she joined the office of then Senator John Kerry as Legislative Assistant. During her years in Senator Kerry’s staff, she handled a wide array of domestic and foreign policy issues, and eventually served as his Legislative Director, overseeing all policy matters. She also served as the Deputy National Policy Director for the Kerry-Edwards Presidential Campaign. After the 2004 election, Higginbottom founded and served as Executive Director of the American Security Project, a national security think tank. She began her career with the national non-profit organization Communities In Schools. On November 24, 2008, it was announced that Higginbottom was appointed the Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council in the administration of President Barack Obama.
On January 7, 2011, President Obama nominated Higginbottom to the position of Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Some Senate Republicans united in opposing Higginbottom's nomination, citing her "lack of business and accounting experience"; however she was confirmed in the Senate in a 64--36 vote on October 20, 2011.
After John Kerry was confirmed to be United States Secretary of State in 2013, he hired Higginbottom as Counselor. In 2013, Obama nominated Higginbottom to serve as Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. On November 14, 2013, her nomination was reported to the full U.S. Senate by the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. On December 13, 2013, the Senate confirmed her in a 74--17 vote.
Current position: Chief Operational Officer of CARE (hq in Atlanta, field offices in 7 US cities), a major humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development to fight global poverty.
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▶ fdd746 (1) No.28572>>28580
JW is using single words, "She" followed by a period "." symbolizing "new"(knew). He.(new)She.(new)#HeKnew#SheKnew
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▶ 53b85d (2) No.28574
That song has been played ever since his campaign rally days - and at the convention.
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28575
Based hilarious POTUS.
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▶ 147f47 (11) No.28577
Historically Italy has close ties with Iran. I believe from colonial times and post-colonial times.
"Top Diplomats Mull Boosting Iran-Italy Ties
TEHRAN (Tasnim) -- Foreign ministers of Iran and Italy in a meeting in Rome discussed ways to promote cooperation between the two countries in various fields, stressing the need for stronger economic ties."
https:// www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2017/12/01/1588967/top-diplomats-mull-boosting-iran-italy-ties
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▶ 7dca70 (8) No.28579
I just love this man!
God Bless Our POTUS!
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▶ b451fa (5) No.28580
Oh, I know. Are you not familiar with Tyson's world record setting poem? Look it up. Great idea.
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▶ 54d04e (1) No.28581
people getting all crazy bc of defcon..dont even follow the baking…just see some drama value and run to channels ffs ugh..potter all mad
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▶ 5df4c3 (1) No.28582
baker plz add latest Q posts from last night to the batter
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.28583>>28765
I think we can expand Oprah to the focus on the democrats and black pop. The black elites are harming “their own” people as much if not more than other cultures. They are pimping out the people they should be uplifting and helping. Pimping them out tomsatanic bullshit. Rap music isn’t doing them any favors…
ANd when and if dirt comes out on Obama we need to have plenty of facts regarding this pimping to calm people bc riots r bad mkay
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▶ 857911 (1) No.28585
>be DJT
>play "You Can't Always Get What You Want" after most major rallies and events
>do this for over a year
>start funneling info to chan tards
>watch in dismay as they fixate on that song only now
>briefly reconsider why in God's name you chose to trust piecing together global corruption intel to these idiots
Get it together, morons.
DJT has better things for you to do than fixate on the fucking Rolling Stones.
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28586>>28595 >>28596
Updated batter: https://pastebin.com/zw3rHsRs
Also removed bold tags from "example" links in OpSec.
512 is a closer approximation of the Truth. Remember there is also a recent 8pol Qpost (around the time we migrated here) that was deleted. I've yet to see it.
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28587>>28960
I've found five around Miami and a P-40 Clipper. Where's the other one?
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▶ 853c55 (10) No.28588>>28611
sorry if this has already been covered
Teachers protesting at Loop Capital for ripping off the schools and teachers
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▶ 37563c (9) No.28589>>28602
Group member 3: Julia Frifield
Ass’t Secretary for Legislative Affairs. Education: Smith College and Cambridge. Service: Oct 2013 to 2017.
Prior to assuming this position, she served on Capitol Hill for 24 years. Ms. Frifield was Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski from 2003 until October 2013. Previously, she served as Senator Mikulski’s Legislative Director and Legislative Assistant, where she focused on foreign policy and assisted the Senator with her work on the Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee.
Ms. Frifield was also a Legislative Assistant for U.S. Senator Harris Wofford from 1991 to 1995. From 1989 to 1991, Ms. Frifield worked for U.S. Senator Bill Bradley, first as a Legislative Correspondent and then as a Special Assistant.
Current position: Joined the Office of the Provost at Johns Hopkins University in Feb 2017 as Senior Adviser to the Provost on International Affairs. As Senior Adviser to the Provost on International Affairs, Julia advises Provost Kumar on international issues and works with the divisions of the university to facilitate their international work. She helps the office understand and manage relationships with federal agencies, foreign governments, and international funding agencies, including USAID. Julia also provides support, as needed, to Jhpiego and our Office of International Services, in addition to assisting Senator Mikulski in her role with the University.
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▶ 5e4438 (2) No.28590>>28626
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▶ 5e314b (4) No.28591>>28604 >>28672
War of 1812 goes on to this day. Fucking British..
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▶ 5e4438 (2) No.28592
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28593>>28595
It needed a bit more adjustment than that, some thing were repeated twice. I liked the bold instructions for now, until anons adapt to the revisions I think it might help. But do as you will, thanks again.
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28594>>28599
Rubbing it in their faces won't get them on board. It will just make them dig in more. I know my snowflake friends a little too well. Gotta show them evidence.
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28595>>28626
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▶ 3851ff (8) No.28596>>28626
*incl. 2018
not "for 2018"
Last time I checked, also the "Raw Text Q Dump" has 512.
NP. Thanx!
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.28597>>28616
https:/ /www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/…/CIA-RDP79B01202A000100050004-8.p…
ing collection operations is a separate matter not covered by this instruction. ) IDEFINITIONS. 2. TALENT material is the product obtained from U. S. reconnais- sance operations from sensitive manned aircraft overflights. 3. KEYHOLE material is the product obtained from U. S. reconnais- sance operations from satellites.
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28599
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▶ 4e9316 (9) No.28600
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▶ 37563c (9) No.28601
Group member 4: Roberta Steinfeld Jacobson
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico (20 Jun 2016 to ?), Ass’t Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Jul 2011 -- May 2016. From Englewood NJ. Education: Brown and Tufts. Husband: Jonathan Jacobson.
In 1988, she worked at the United States National Security Council. The next year, she joined the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs in the United States Department of State as Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, becoming Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary in 1992.[3] She also served as Coordinator for Cuban Affairs. From 1996 to 2000, she was director of the Office of Policy Planning and Coordination at the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, covering issues such as civil-military relations, human rights, foreign assistance, and counter-narcotics throughout the hemisphere.
From 2000 to 2002, she was Deputy Chief of Mission in the United Embassy in Peru. The American Foreign Service Association, which represents the interests of career diplomats, objected to her appointment because the post is normally reserved for a foreign service officer and she was a civil service employee. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright overrode the recommendation of a State Department grievance board that recommended Jacobson be reassigned. The U.S. ambassador to Peru, John Hamilton, had chosen Jacobson over several career diplomats. He defended her selection in November 2000 saying: "She is the best manager I've come across in my 31 years in the Foreign Service".
Jacobson was Director of the State Department's Office of Mexican Affairs from December 2002 to June 2007. At that point, she became Deputy Assistant Secretary for Canada, Mexico and NAFTA issues in the Bureau. She was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs from December 2010 until July 2011, with responsibility for regional political and economic issues, management and personnel, and regional security issues.
When Arturo Valenzuela left the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, she became Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs. U.S. President Barack Obama named her Assistant Secretary of State and she was sworn into office on March 30, 2012.
Led a U.S. delegation to Havana for historic talks with the government of Cuba in January 2015. According to advance media reports, she was expected to press Cuba to drop travel restrictions on American diplomats and propose that Cuba and the United States establish an embassy in Washington and Havana respectively.
On November 10, 2015, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved Obama's nomination of Jacobson as the American ambassador to Mexico by a vote of 12-7. Opposition to her appointment came primarily from the Republicans on the committee, notably presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio. He and six other Republican senators, along with Democratic Senator Robert Menendez, raised concerns about her position on normalisation of relations between Cuba and the U.S., human rights issues, and the failed extradition of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, who had escaped Mexico's highest security prison in July 2015.
The Senate approved her appointment to be U.S. Ambassador to Mexico on April 28, 2016. She presented her credentials to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on June 20, 2016. Current position: Remains U.S. Ambassador to Mexico.
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▶ c365ad (2) No.28602>>28937
That’s Trantastic!
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.28603>>28654
Now I understand, thank you for those.
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▶ 9e53a4 (8) No.28604
YeAh… someone finally got my meme from a month ago
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.28605>>28730
talent keyhole (TI) | Clinton Email Investigation Timeline
www. thompsontimeline.com/tag/talent-keyhole-ti/
“TK” is an abbreviation for “Talent Keyhole,” which the New York Times reports “ relies on satellite intercepts of conversations or imagery data. The program involves some of the most secure information in the intelligence agencies' computer systems.” “NOFORN” means no foreigners should read the intelligence. (The New …
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28606>>28625 >>28641 >>28645
SEVEN P-8s around Miami now!! WTF is going on?
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▶ 98d7a7 (10) No.28607>>28736 >>28819 >>28951
So, how many anons just played You Can't Always Get What You Want in its entirety?
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▶ 243735 (4) No.28608>>28745
https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse /videos/1544379322316462/
POTUS in Tennessee, his speech at the Farm Bureau convention.
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.28610>>28622
Can you please make a thread for the 7th floor group? That way the research findings can be concentrated and won't get lost across generals.
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28611>>29103 >>29123
we need to meme this
except instead of rich customers lending deposits to bail out the bad loans of the bank (bcci) the feds bail out Loop.
I think. If im reading this correctly
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▶ b668ae (3) No.28612
30-50 (new) from Congress have been rumored to not be returning or resigning this week. So far, I've heard Hatch, McCain, Cummings. Who else?
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▶ 37563c (9) No.28613>>29139
Group member 5: Patrick Francis Kennedy (not to be confused with Patrick Joseph Kennedy, of "those" Kennedys)
Kerry’s Deputy Secretary of State. From: Chicago. Education: Georgetown. 68 years old, very extensive resume in State Dept/Diplomatic Corps.
(My note: Remember Patrick Kennedy’s name! Read on, and research further, to see why!)
A. In 2007, Patrick F. Kennedy chaired an investigation into the behavior of Blackwater Worldwide, following the Nisour Square shooting.
B. During the 2008 presidential election, Kennedy ordered that State Department employees in Europe be barred from attending Senator Barack Obama's speech in Berlin on July 24, 2008, to ensure they displayed political neutrality. Kennedy labeled Obama's visit as a partisan political activity.
C. Kennedy's role in diplomatic security decisions has come under scrutiny from politicians since the terrorist attacks on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi in 2012. Kennedy testified to the House Oversight Committee on October 10, 2012, about the death of Chris Stevens. He testified that, after the October 2011 fall of Gaddafi, the government of Libya was in flux, and that Stevens first arrived in Benghazi "during the height of the revolution", which occurred between February 17 and October 23, 2011, "when the city was the heart of the opposition to Colonel Qadhafi and the rebels there were fighting for their lives." At that time he was Special Representative to the National Transitional Council. Stevens returned to Libya as ambassador in June 2012, and was killed on September 11 of that year.
“ Ambassador Stevens understood that the State Department must operate in many places where the U.S. military cannot or does not, where there are no other boots on the ground, where there are serious threats to our security. And he understood that the new Libya was being born in Benghazi and that it was critical that the United States have an active presence there. That is why Ambassador Stevens stayed in Benghazi during those difficult days. And it’s why he kept returning as the Libyan people began their difficult transition to democracy. He knew his mission was vital to U.S. interests and values, and was an investment that would pay off in a strong partnership with a free Libya.”
The Republican minority on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence alleged that Kennedy, as Under Secretary for Management, failed to approve requests for additional security in Benghazi and Tripoli, and failed to implement recommendations regarding high-risk diplomatic posts that had been issued after the bombings of embassies in 1998. In fact, the facility was classified as a U.S. Special Mission, which was then a novel category, that required a waiver which "legally allowed the CIA annex to be housed in a location about one mile from the U.S. special mission."
D. On June 10, 2013, CBS News reported that a memo from an official in the State Department inspector general’s office alleged that the then-current ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, was ditching his security detail to engage prostitutes and underage children , and further alleged that Patrick F. Kennedy had killed the original investigation in order to protect Ambassador Gutman and maybe others.[9] On June 11, 2013, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney confirmed that the allegation regarding Kennedy was under active investigation by an independent inspector general.[10][11][12] On June 21, 2013, the White House announced Denise Bauer as the new nominee to be the next U.S. Ambassador to Belgium.
E. On October 17, 2016, the FBI released interviews related to the Hillary Clinton email investigation. One of the interviews alleges that Patrick F. Kennedy "pressured" the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to declassify an email from Hillary Clinton's private server in exchange for a "quid pro quo" of placing more agents in certain countries. The FBI stated that the email's classification status was re-reviewed and remained unchanged and denied quid pro quo accusations. The State Department called the allegations "inaccurate" and maintained that Kennedy was trying to "understand" the FBI's classification process.
There is MUCH more. Kennedy is obviously a VERY key player, and we have failed to drill down on him until now. Set aside your aspersions about this source for a few minutes, and read this analysis on Kennedy: https://www.infowars.com/fbi-hillarys-shadow-government-buried-email-scandal/
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▶ 989d00 (2) No.28615
JA on Aircraft carrier heading to USA.
it would be so f cool if potus postponed fake news award show to wait on ja to get here. So ja could announce! EPIC
ja on every damn tv station world wide exposing everything with potus and military behind him!!
ultimate redd pill
i can see it now, potus saying we have all the evidence from ja servers and have issued ww arrest warrants and indictments.
omg, i hope that card gets played.
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28616>>28653 >>28768
Yes and the CIA is Keystone they are the ones that decide what to do with NRO/NSA etc. Intel.
Remove keystone (CIA)
Open Door of all doors
Green door (find patch)
< Know everything >
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28617>>28630 >>28669
I don't think NRO is only or even main client of SpaceX. Dig more.
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▶ 2544a3 (6) No.28618
not the same anon, but there's one that has more posts than the rest. i'd stick with that one for visibility's sake
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▶ 25f01b (3) No.28619>>28794
At the Farmers speech, POTUS kept referring back to Andrew Jackson.
Andrew Jackson is on the US 20 dollar bill (20) 2+0=2
Today is (1/8/18) 1+8+1+8=18 18+2 =20! It's a LOOP! Now he's headed back the nations Capital!
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▶ 2141f2 (7) No.28621
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▶ 37563c (9) No.28622>>28823
I don't know how :/
If you'll throw one out there, I'll repost it all there.
The more exposure these creeps get, the better, though.
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▶ 36f0ea (5) No.28623>>28627 >>28646
Plane fag…I am starting to have a crush on you -
I am really digging the info you provide and am so glad you are not on a separate thread.
Thanks for your dedication!
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▶ 92599e (5) No.28624>>28638
That was me brother. Glad you took interest because it looks to me like a massive laundering organization and is going to involve a lot of digging.
I've suspected that FusionGPS was a CIA front company, and like you said, this one likely involves clowns too.
Q asked us why POTUS has tweeted about blacks and jobs lately. Loop capital has mainly blacks in its upper management. Q has said that the leaders of black communities will be exposed as frauds who keep the communities poor. Perhaps Loop Capital redirects charity money to other "causes."
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▶ e35e8e (2) No.28625>>28701
Primary Function: Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) and Anti-surface Warfare (ASuW), (((Intelligence))), Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)
www. navair.navy.mil/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.display&key=CFD01141-CD4E-4DB8-A6B2-7E8FBFB31B86
wew i'm ready for the fireworks
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28626
I've seen it. I don't bake often so mistakes happen, especially when they were inherited. Don't be afraid to correct further:
(this new opsec takes some time to get adjusted to)
Also this >>28590 is worth taking a look.
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28627>>28660
There are SEVEN of them in the area now, one just landed. Whatever it is, it's BIG.
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.28628>>28683
Late to party, but dug this.
ZUMA Primer
Zuma is a Navy satellite named after a aztek king who promised to kill all who practiced sacrifice and sodomy.
- Zuma is short for Montezuma
- Part of the lyrics in the Marines hymn.
- Montezuma (city) got its name from the King Moctezuma II (yr.1466).
- King Moctezuma was also called "The furious gentleman"
- When the Spanish invaded (Spanish invasion, 1519) Moctezuma died
- Before his death, during a catholic mass a Diplomat explained "You all need to stop your practice of sacrifice and sodomy, or you will all be object to Montezumas Wrath"
1. Marines' Hymn
S: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marines%27_Hymn
2. Halls of Montezuma
S: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Chapultepec
3. Moctezuma II
4. Montezumas wrath (Moctezuma II)
S. books.google.se/books?id=JxAQHFL7qtQC&pg=PT56&lpg=PT56&dq=wrath+of+montezuma&source=bl&ots=LwHrfvzHsh&sig=Jk8-n1w6axOQqd4eP9iSzHkZ_u4&hl=sv&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwji3pKqrMnYAhWGHpoKHe_8DMAQ6AEIVzAK#v=onepage&q=wrath%20of%20montezuma&f=false
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▶ 5e314b (4) No.28629
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28630>>28772
Actually they are a big client AF/NRO since Obama cut funding.
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▶ b668ae (3) No.28631
My favorite alternate Q source is Bindo, a hindu hiding in the mountains of Kurdistan. Him and Trump are likethis.
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▶ d304b4 (4) No.28632
Santa Maria (Catholic Links)
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.28633
I am nobody.
Hope this will help with Crumbs.
God Bless Patriots
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▶ 2141f2 (7) No.28634
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▶ 530957 (14) No.28636
Largest P-8 base right now is NAS Jacksonville. Whole ramp is lined with them now, as replacements for the P-3s
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▶ b668ae (3) No.28637
Retributive occurrence .
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28638>>28788
I really think we need to find:
1. Who or what org provided original capital for the founding of the business - VITAL VITAL VITAL
2. Plausible clown business ties
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▶ 4f3157 (1) No.28639>>28670
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▶ 66ae9d (2) No.28640>>28649
WIMAX was crushed, wonder which hrc donor killed that
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▶ bced33 (1) No.28641
Hunting subs maybe?
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.28643>>28665 >>28702
New on-land kinds of subs
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▶ b26bcd (1) No.28644
Gamergate data package w/ search engine
What you will find in this package:
* Search engine in code/search.py (install python)
* Spreadshits in data/
* Three years of anons' digs scattered among different files, hence the search engine
Have some infographics.
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▶ ed0900 (1) No.28645>>28659
NAS down there…
More than normal?
Training a new class?
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28646>>28667
I post it here as it's live and other autists can correlate our Planfaggedness to other news and events.
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▶ 3987c5 (1) No.28647>>28657
Not saying plane fag's information isn't something, but looks like they are stationed in Florida normally right?
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▶ 9e53a4 (8) No.28649>>28956
doesn't matter … 5G is way better … and FCC leht a public band in it.
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▶ 4e9316 (9) No.28650
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▶ 13600e (3) No.28651>>28692
He did mention NAFTA though. He said it was currently being negotiated.
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▶ 9fb507 (4) No.28652>>28689 >>28801
>NWO DUMB Super spy hub next to Alice Springs
Could you please explain? Alice Springs is extremely relevant to me. I haven't seen any mentions of it until now.
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.28653
Ty Anon
I will lurk, dig, Pray.
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28654>>28741
We can start a thread if it is derailing but I felt it was pretty relevant when I came across the email server. Normies blowing up my Twitter over this now. Red pill effective…also Loop Capital effective
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▶ 4c9a28 (8) No.28655>>28741
Had to skip out in the middle of last bread. Just wanted to say:
>>28255 ← From last bread
Mo bettah! Good work, anon!
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▶ 7c7a56 (5) No.28656>>28673 >>28893
one of the JA Twatter acc'ts (@julianassange) has a hour glass sand timer added to the name.
perhaps a message?
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28657
Yeah, but they wouldn't being them all home at once like this, there's usually some on patrol.
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▶ 2ab231 (1) No.28658>>28741
THE patriotism is running high .
Anons are united in battle .
Those who have sacrificed to protect there country will be proud.
Brilliant work ANONS BE PROUD.
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▶ 530957 (14) No.28659
Maybe. It's quiet right now, but possible. For additional non classified info, we have C-130s and C-40A Clippers. A shit ton of helos now and then.
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▶ 36f0ea (5) No.28660
I'll keep an eye on your posts. Thanks
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▶ c92c7f (1) No.28661>>28992
Motion to add to the archive.
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▶ 749a75 (3) No.28662>>28717
By Mick Krever, CNN
Who controls the Hermit Kingdom?
According to a North Korean defector -- a former regime insider who was one of Kim Jong Il’s favorite poet-propagandists – it is not the 31-year-old dictator Kim Jong Un.
“When Kim Jong Il died and Kim Jong Un succeeded him, people saw the transfer of power from father to son,” Jang Jin-Sung told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in London. “What they did not see also was what happened to the apparatus of the totalitarian system that supported the rule of Kim Jong Il.”
That apparatus, Jang said, is the Organization and Guidance Department, or OGD -- it was Kim Jong Il’s education as he rose through the ranks, and was full of his university friends.
It is an “old-boy’s network” made into a massive surveillance organization.
“Kim Jong Il had the OGD as his old boys' network,” Jang told Amanpour. “Kim Jong-un may have friends in his Swiss school, but he has no one inside North Korea.”
Jang is the author of a new book, "Dear Leader: Poet, Spy, Escapee -- A Look Inside North Korea."
“After the execution of Jang Song Thaek [Kim Jong Un’s uncle], he has become an orphan -- not just in terms of family connections, but in terms of politics.”
“He's a political orphan.”
Precious little is known about Kim Jong Un, who inherited the leadership of North Korea after his father’s death in 2011.
Since that time, Jang said, Kim Jong Un has had to rely on his father’s “old-boys network” to get anything done.
But because that group does not respect the younger Kim, who was educated in Switzerland, the way it did his father, Kim Jong Un has become nothing more than the symbolic head of North Korea.
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▶ 853c55 (10) No.28663
So has this video been shared here before?
Chicago teachers protesting outside Loop Capital in 2014 for scamming the teachers and the schools
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▶ 21cf12 (2) No.28664
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28665
LMAO!! No, they could be going to different areas around the Florida coast. Unless Trump has brought them home as he has something better online now…
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▶ 3851ff (8) No.28666
No worries. Thank you for baking !
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▶ 36f0ea (5) No.28667>>28676
I know. I am on the board 16-20 hours per day!
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▶ 21cf12 (2) No.28668>>28699 >>28725
who are you talking about?
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28669
To be fair I know that this shit is so secret that I won't be able to find much. They actually have a ton in the FOIA but we know the juice is off the table. Only place you can find anything is on HRCs servers.
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▶ 36f0ea (5) No.28670
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▶ 530957 (14) No.28671>>28686
What would you call people that don't believe in the New Testiment, even after Jesus sat and had brinch with them? yeah, those guys. That's who is over there now. Puuuuuuuurists.
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▶ ecafc0 (1) No.28672>>28687 >>28697
this isn't a nationality issue anon, this is a global battle for the soul of our species.
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▶ a2368e (6) No.28673
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▶ bc7867 (7) No.28674
Well said. When the obvious was recently pointed out, that Bitcoin and the other cryptos are Ponzis with no backing, intrinsic value zero, a Bitcoin shill rushed in to talk his book.
Our leader, DJT, yet again today addressed the flyover people who are the heart and soul of this great land. And once again, he DELIVERED. This regular pattern of delivery will likely lead to some financial/monetary/economic improvements that must, sooner or later, involve gold as the backing. Wedded to the blockchain makes the most sense.
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28675
SO, the guy who founded Loop capital went to fucking trade school / vo-tek to be a fucking TV repairman and was from the south side of chicago (aka poor / also the area gangs ran and still do).
then he magically goes to Northwestern and somehow has enough financial captial to start a brokerage firm?
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28676>>28706
That is some dedication. Try not to collapse! Take care of yourself.
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▶ 280b3d (6) No.28677>>28681 >>28837 >>29157
"“Whatever happened to this Pakistani guy who worked with the DNC?”
150 mile restriction?
What airport is within 150 miles (home)?
What events can be tied to airport?
When specifically?
When did POTUS Tweet the above?
Why is this relevant?
Planes & Trains.
So, we're talking about Imran Awan.
https://en .wikipedia.org/wiki/Imran_Awan - "Awan was born in Pakistan in 1980.[2] He won a green card for himself and his family in the green card lottery when he was 14.[3] After emigrating to the US in 1997, Awan worked at a fast-food restaurant while attending community college, then transferred to Johns Hopkins University where he earned a degree in information technology.[3] He became a U.S. citizen in 2004[4] and resided in Lorton, Virginia."
Wasserman Schultz’s ‘Islamophobia’ Claim Prompts Angered Marine To Go Public On Awans - http://dailycaller .com/2017/08/24/exclusive-wasserman-schultz-islamophobia-claim-prompts-angered-marine-to-go-public-on-awans/
- U.S. Marine, Andre "Taggart rented the Northern Virginia home of Awan, who had frantically moved out after learning authorities were onto him." … “I just want to get these [guys] locked up and exposed and now,” Taggart told TheDCNF. “The people who facilitated them should also be locked up, as far as I’m concerned.” … “I’m absolutely disgusted with everything going on in the country right now, mostly because of right-wing conservatives, but with respect to this situation, political affiliation is irrelevant,” Taggart said. … “Him, his wife, his brother, all working down there --- there’s no way they could do this without help. If we can drag Trump and his wingnuts through the mud for the Russia influence that they are having, then it’s only fair that we also expose this s--t,” Taggart said."
- "Also on Wednesday, an Awan relative, Syed Ahmed, told The Daily Mail that “for the sake of money they would have done anything… [Imran] might have been selling this information.” … "Imran Awan’s brother Abid operated a Virginia car dealership while being paid $160,000 annually working for multiple House Democrats. The dealership received $100,000 from an Iranian fugitive linked to Hezbollah, according to court records."
N.B. Car dealership is called [C]ars [I]nternational [A]. - http://www .realnewsdelaware.net/index.php/2017/07/25/the-brothers-awan/
- "Some Democrats were “hacked.” Well…. some 20 Democrats had members of the House IT staff illegally access their emails and steal their harddrives." … "As Luke Rosiak points out, most of these Democratic House members are members are highly sensitive Intelligence committees, such as the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the House Foreign Affairs Committee." … "Interestingly, the members of The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence asked for $125,000 in funding to get Top Secret clearance for staff members. The Awans spent much of their time on the payrolls of many of the signatories." … to be continued…
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▶ 05faf3 (3) No.28678
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▶ 699de8 (3) No.28679
our buddy Ohr just got stripped of his privileges
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▶ e0edcd (1) No.28680
So this is clearly an intelligence operation that is the antithesis to mockingbird, very fun
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▶ 280b3d (6) No.28681>>29135 >>29157
>>28677 …continued…
"Amjad Awan goes back to the BCCI days. BCCI was the world’s seventh largest bank before being shut down in 1991 over money laundering allegations and ties to known terrorists groups around the world." … "The Awans also run a car dealership in Northern Virginia called “Cars International A” and referred to as CIA in court documents." … "What we know for sure is that 5 Pakistani nationals had access to emails and computer hardware for at least 31 Democratic Congresspeople and potentially compromised some very sensitive information. This data was sent to an offsite server that has yet to be located." - a copy of the true story of 9/11 found by U.S. Marine, Taggart?
Washington Dulles International Airport is where Awan was arrested. The airport is within the 150 miles restriction of Awan's home in Lorton, Virginia.
Events tied to WDIA = "As part of the September 11th, 2001 attacks, American Airlines Flight 77 was hijacked while en route from Dulles to Los Angeles and flown directly into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, killing all 64 on board as well as 125 in The Pentagon." - https://en .wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_Dulles_International_Airport
…and… Virginia man cited after bringing loaded gun to Dulles Airport on Christmas - http://wjla .com/news/local/virginia-man-cited-after-bringing-loaded-gun-to-dulles-airport-on-christmas
Now, for the life of me, I can't find POTUS tweeting or re-tweeting "Whatever happened to this Pakistani guy who worked with the DNC?", only the many articles, for instance: http://www
.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/29/trump-draws-attention-to-case-against-ex-dem-it-aide-imran-awan.html - article is dated 29th December, 2017, though question was asked 28th December, 2017 to nytimes.
I have, however, noticed that POTUS tweeted https://twitter .com/realdonaldtrump/status/946731576687235072 on 29th December, 2017, which is about the "horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc." I don't do coincidence. Awan is in the U.S. due to that system.
Also, I noticed that POTUS usually only posts "#NeverForget" on 11th September of 2016 and 2017, with the exception of 28th January, 2017…and then, BOOM, today https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/950371619247153154
Are we going to receive the truth of 9/11, this year, sometime around March, when Awan's due to make an appearance?
If so, then yeah, FEAR!
"Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!" and so on and so forth.
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▶ 4c9a28 (8) No.28682
Our autists are on an entirely different level. I look at their work and only half-understand it, at best. Have a look at their latest stringer decode:
It involves using MI and NSA to drive out RED RED.
Much love to our autists!
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▶ 05babb (8) No.28683>>28695 >>28716 >>28718 >>28727 >>28815 >>28827 >>28921 >>28923 >>29064 >>29184
It looks like Zuma may not have made it. Not confirmed, but interesting that they are reporting this. arstechnica.com/science/2018/01/the-zuma-satellite-launched-by-spacex-may-be-lost-sources-tell-ars/
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▶ 9ab40e (2) No.28684
What'd we miss?
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▶ d5f5ac (1) No.28685>>28703
Ad hominem fallacies are all you can think of? I took the red pill many years ago. If you think Judaism is synonymous with satan worship you know very little. I wouldn't be surprised if all these Star of David/Protocols memes are clown plants to make Q and this whole forum easy to discredit by branding it all as ignorant skinhead neo-Nazis.
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▶ 9e53a4 (8) No.28686
the same thing i call Christians that refuse to read the Apocryphal texts … stupid.
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28687
Kindly reminder that this is true.
Also, battle must be fought on the inside as well. Try to clear up as much negativity as you can - this will make sure you are an anathema to any satanic influence.
Remember /cbts/ BO… Love is the only way forward.
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28688>>28721 >>28722 >>28773 >>28809
I love this, this is trolling and top kek!! They know we are watching! :)
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28689>>28696
Pine Gap. 1200 Marines CIA NRO NSA
Search web for Pine Gap Intercept article.
Then search Pine Gap NWO
Then search Pine Gap Tesla
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▶ 3be113 (3) No.28690
Fox is part of the media/nwo/cabal. Expect the worst from them. Dobbs is ok, but not true blue. He dumped on POTUS several times.
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▶ 4de957 (2) No.28691>>28734
This is a trial ballon, not a stunt.
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▶ 7cee45 (6) No.28692
Yes! Thats the point I am making. That was the first thing they said after his remarks ended. The worm has turned even at FOX-biz since the sale. Or they have been trying to play the audience, the latter I think. Did not even acknowledge anything else. Initial reaction is the editorial (and psy-op ) story they seek to promulgate it seems.
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▶ fcb4c6 (2) No.28693>>28711 >>28834
So I'm working, can't lurk a ton right now….
Any anons listening to the POTUS speech, notice the giant parallel between the story of Jackson, and the storm?
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▶ 4c9a28 (8) No.28694>>28707 >>28713
Probably should add this to Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s).
>>>/cbts/257702 Latest stringer decode 01/08/2018
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▶ 2141f2 (7) No.28695
May it's (((fake news)))
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▶ 9fb507 (4) No.28696>>28700
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▶ 5e314b (4) No.28697
Rothschilds live in England. This goes back to 1776. Not the people, but the crown and the London banking system ie LIBOR
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28698>>28908
Should I be bothering to include more half chan in my work? Goal was to document Q's questions and answers to them in accessible form.
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▶ 98d7a7 (10) No.28699
The question is, who is POTUS talking about?
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28700>>28785
God Speed
Also earthquakes & Antartica related
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▶ dcc3f5 (1) No.28701
>Anti Sub warfare implies there’s an enemy sub
I don’t like that implication.
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▶ 9792a2 (1) No.28702>>28732
Research it a bit, subs is a cover they do a lot more
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▶ 2544a3 (6) No.28703
tip for the newfags, this is a shill. ignore/filter
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▶ 530957 (14) No.28704
Everyone see BO's Youtube channel and impending call in. I believe I read he's even going to have Corsi on, so that will be interesting.
I have begun to think we need a thread that has all the Youtuber's listed for archival purposes. Because holy shit everyone and their brother is on this, and it is now headed to the Hill and some of the more mainstream areas, as a larp, of course, so be prepared.
I am telling anon because there will be a huge onslaught of haters, sliders, shills and newfags so we do need to be on our toes. I could care less about manners, this is chan, fuck off, but you get the idea.
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.28705
>Which thread my dude I see a couple with low post counts
LOOP Capital Markets thread
I wouldn't bother to post in here >>18431 that guy is insane. We can take the actual info from that insane guy thread and put it in the one linked to first to separate out the ai bullshit.
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▶ 36f0ea (5) No.28706>>28712 >>28882
I hear you…working on re-balancing…didn't expect Q to go beyond a few weeks…
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28707
Looking at that this very moment.
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▶ 0e69fc (1) No.28710>>28757
Fire and Fury>
Wikileaks release pdf >ch6 HQME+ch10 GQLDMAN=16
Qpost (9)(3+4)=16 [0]
Time 22:18:45>34-18=16 [0]
Trump tower fire reported 7:20am
POTUS Twitter 6:20am #NeverForget>N14+F6=20
Qpost LOCK 15+10+5=20[0]
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▶ 3be113 (3) No.28711
Yep. Made me smile. I salute you, Mr. President.
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28712
This is just the beginning.
There is so much more to come on many levels. Q fits into the puzzle. The Event window is open.
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▶ 5f42d7 (7) No.28713>>28746
I wouldn’t add that yet. Have you actually read through it?
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▶ 989d00 (2) No.28714>>28880
have a little story for you anons:
my ex had her ex'es pc.. thought he was a pedo
i called state so they could send investigator
the nsa showed up (2) of them, giving me a card
next time they (2) of them he gave me another card
first card said he was nsa
second card said he was fbi
wtf, are they one in the same
has always bothered me.
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▶ 5121a3 (9) No.28715>>28728
anybody watching the five? on fox news. Dana just said the psychologists had some secret cabal the looked at the camera..
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▶ 25057b (2) No.28716
all the more reason to believe its true purpose is covert if they just happened to have now "lost" it…
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▶ ae54ba (7) No.28717
CIA has their headquarters in Switzerland with some conspiracy rumors of connections to CERN of all things.
Q gives clues CIA runs NK through Kim. This seems to connect the dots.
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.28718
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▶ 5121a3 (9) No.28719>>28782 >>29248 >>29266 >>29308
You have all been taken for a ride here.
Hillary isn't going to jail. Nor will Obama, Podesta, Wasserman-Schultz, or any other DC criminal. Nothing is going to happen. Status quo.
Sealed indictments? Meaningless.
Following planes on radar? Wild goose chase.
Be sure to drink your Ovaltine, you've been punkd, bitchez.
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▶ 7066bd (3) No.28721
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▶ 8cbf36 (3) No.28722>>28763 >>29116
Daddy, what did you do in the great war of 2018, I was a planefag dear, and a dam good one.
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28723>>28753 >>28799
"The ghost riders in the sky…." (guitar solo)
VERY interesting traffic tonight…
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28724
Hmm… Not sure what to think about those. Was in a totally non-political forum when someone shared that a drone attacked a wedding he was attending.
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▶ e8e65c (2) No.28725>>28737
this is from a stones song that POTUS played after he was elected and various other times since . (((They))) didn't get what they wanted, finally..
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▶ 901252 (5) No.28726>>28769 >>29039
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▶ 05babb (8) No.28727
We've launched plenty of covert satellites and declared successful orbit. This time they didn't.
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▶ 5f42d7 (7) No.28728>>28731 >>28776
Didn’t catch that. Wouldn’t surprise me if they did. Cabal has infiltrated most professions. Psychology would be of high importance to them.
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▶ 147f47 (11) No.28730
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▶ 5121a3 (9) No.28731>>28755 >>28838
she mentioned cabal twice now. and greg made some references to 8chan info. im shocked!!
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.28732
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.28734>>28743 >>28770
Is this real? I hate that mofo
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▶ 05faf3 (3) No.28735
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28736
Might have if equipment I brought here had audio. Speech will have to wait.
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28737
They're going to get what they need though…
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▶ 9fb507 (4) No.28738>>28751 >>28767 >>28811 >>29094
Regarding Oprah, if anyone feels like digging or memeing, there was a huge sex abuse scandal involving her South African girls school in the mid-00s. It was big in the media at the time, but has been subsequently memory-holed. The Wikipedia page for the school downplays the scandal.
I hadn't thought about any of this until last night, but in light of Pzizagate and other revelations, I wonder if it something more systemic than an isolated incident. In any case, it's good meme content to use against her hypocritical #MeToo crap.
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▶ 66ae9d (2) No.28740>>28760 >>28779 >>28780 >>28803 >>28816
I believe you are spreading disinformation. I've seen you, or someone posting from the same cut-and-paste farm, in prior breads.
I listen to AJ every day, at least the first hour of his pod cast. He has never claimed, in my listening, that Zach is Q, nor has he claimed that Zach is in the Q group. What Alex has stated, and accurately in my view, is that the intel Zach has provided almost entirely meshes with the intel Qanon has provided, and thus he (Alex) feels inclined to believe Qanon.
So, unless you can cite something I missed in the last week or two, you are wrong.
Normally, as per recommendations of BO and bakers, I do not reply to people I perceive to be shills. However your tack is potentially dangerous as you are slightly less obvious than the usual Sharia Blue / Media Mutters shills I'm used to sifting out, so I make this post.
If you can post something solid - a link to a specific youtube with a specific time stamp - that proves you are right about Alex conflating Zach with Q - then I will apologize and we will collectively learn from you. However, if as I suspect, you are here to subtly erode confidence in Alex then consider yourself outed.
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.28741>>28821
I don't think it was derailing I just didn't quite follow what you were saying last thread, so when the other anon posted those articles it really made it click for me. I'm dividing my time between the spreadsheet (adding direct clickable links to the archived posts) and the general thread, so it's easy to miss stuff sometimes. Anyway, it's highly relevant and I really, really hope some enterprising meme magicians will put that together and shoot it out to the normisphere.
Not my file, I just wanted to make sure it got some attention - I know the marker anons would really find it a big help. Timezones have caused some confusion so whatever will help is good.
This is exciting! I'm so humbled and proud to be able to help with this effort.
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▶ 5ff37c (9) No.28742>>28761
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▶ 05babb (8) No.28743>>28747
It's real. The guy's a perpetual asshole NeverTrumper. twitter.com/BillKristol/status/950399812070985728
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▶ 441184 (1) No.28744>>29070
Take ur meds faggot you are seriously over emo
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28745
Did he say anything about not letting Monsanto do to them what they did to Australia?
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▶ 4c9a28 (8) No.28746>>28892
Much of it, yes. The point is to get this some visibility and get other eyes on it for confirmation. Neither you nor I can be the arbiter of its veracity.
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.28747
I know him well from the days of Sucking W's dick
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▶ 147f47 (11) No.28748>>29196
Only, if Merkel won't send them money first and take them all in!
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▶ 9ab40e (2) No.28749>>29059
Exhibitors at that symposium.
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▶ e81221 (2) No.28750
POTUS' speech "of this new exciting chapter".. Was he referencing the Q chapters?
He also mentions reAWAKENING!
What a time to be alive Anons!
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▶ 2141f2 (7) No.28751>>28759 >>28767 >>28775
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▶ 17b394 (10) No.28753>>28771 >>28799
how so explain to dumber anons
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▶ 59a1d6 (2) No.28755>>28798 >>28824
Any sauce on the specific psychologists she just very publically accused of being a cabal?
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▶ 749a75 (3) No.28757
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▶ 5ff37c (9) No.28759>>28767
Made this the first time we brought her up
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▶ 2db3ed (3) No.28760
“I listen to AJ everyday”. Please. Say no more.
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▶ 34fd90 (1) No.28761
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▶ 52edf8 (1) No.28762>>28847
Fresh airplane crash
http://www.dailymail. co.uk/news/article-5246855/Light-aircraft-crashes-Worcestershire-field.html
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▶ ae54ba (7) No.28763>>29116
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28764
The Loop Capital tie is that this is a thread that includes corruption the city of Chicago starting way back in the 70s, through the Obama presidency.
1. How did a child from the south side of chicago, raised in poverty, obtain his MBA from Northwestern? Who paid? All scholarship? or do we have a special benefactor?
2. How did this same person manage to run teams at at PaineWebber and Merrill Lynch?
There is a lot here
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▶ bc7867 (7) No.28765>>28797 >>28829 >>28970
Oprah is right in the middle of everything. There is no reasonable way to exclude that person (looks mannish to me) from the discussion. Particularly when she is being floated as "presidential". Absolutely sickening.
It has been stated here that the black populace was and is specifically targeted by (1) the music industry and (2) drugs forced into their neighborhoods by the Clowns. That is a fact. In addition, false leaders were foisted upon them, leaders who became entrenched and the default spokespeople for people with a massive literacy issue---and who have constantly shrilled into their ears that they are "victims" of the evil whites. Then the 4th plank of the leftist assault on black America has come relentlessly from the fake media. Everything instantly and with evil purpose made into a race issue. Bottom line: they had a huge amount of help in sinking to where they are.
Is the black community innocent then? No, hell no. They embraced all this stuff and are highly reluctant to let it go. But DJT is masterfully taking the correct approach with this, like so many other things. He is bringing jobs, which is converting many on the periphery, as we speak, to seeing the world more clearly. People with jobs have more self respect, more hope, , more skin in the game and a more live and let live attitude.
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28766
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▶ 2141f2 (7) No.28767
>The title comes from a direct quote by Shug Avery. " I think it pisses God off when you walk past the color purple in a field and don't notice."
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.28768>>29134
The Way We Live: 8/1/04: On Language; Behind the Green Door - The …
Aug 1, 2004 - But what is the significance of the green door, and what goes on behind it? I put that question to the long-embattled head of the C.I.A. as he was leaving office. That phrase has long been used to refer to intelligence units in the military, Tenet responded, ''often housed in spaces with a green door to denote …
The Door of All Doors
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▶ 12b9e7 (2) No.28769>>28774
This meme is shit. TK = a classification. e.g. because of your specific "talents", you have be authorized to look through the "keyhole" at some very narrow scoped data.
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▶ 4de957 (2) No.28770
Yes, and it should be taken seriously (when the time is right).
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28771>>28781
Lots of names like Spectre, Ghostrider, Wolfhound, Combat Talon, what does it suggest? Covert shit, combat shit if necessary = Marines out there. They have gone a-hunting…
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28772
I don't think they were the client when the rocket got shot on the pad last year.
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▶ f70dcf (3) No.28773
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▶ 901252 (5) No.28774>>28778
thanks…. meme makers always appreciate the help from diggers
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.28775
Search “black assassins color purple”
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28776>>28996
Watch out for semantics. Anyone can say "satanic cabal", "love and light", "in the name of god", "for the country", etc, etc.
What really matters is what you mean by this, and what stands behind those words!
You are right however. All areas of human life and work have been under the cabalist influence and have lost touch with the Truth.
Look at how children operate - all Love and beauty, full of energy and kindness. The world has not yet gotten to them.
This is also the reason why pedos and satanists rape them and drink their blood and adrenochrome.
Dark spirituality seeks to drain positive spirituality.
Only with the power of our True Spirit can we destroy them once and for all.
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▶ 749a75 (3) No.28777
Maybe someday, saved by zero
I'll be more together
Stretched by fewer thoughts that leave me
Chasing after my dreams, disown me, loaded with danger
So maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Holding onto words that teach me
I will conquer space around me
So maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
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▶ 12b9e7 (2) No.28778
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28779
Zack DIRECTLY claimed to be on Q team saying "we are pillars holding up the republic" or some such shit. WE. HE SAID WE. FILTERMAN HAS REPEATEDLY SAID HE IS Q ANON.
WRONG AGAIN that zack meshes with Q.
Q: Musk bad, sessions good
Zack: Musk good, sessions bad
Like, do you even listen to what they are saying or read what you type? NO I WILL NOT PROVIDE A LINK. GO BACK AND LISTEN AGAIN AND UNTIL THEN FUCK OFF
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▶ e8e65c (2) No.28780>>28800
Trump can be seen saying "you have a great reputation, I will not let you down." to Alex Jones…people saying hes a clown op is annoying.
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▶ 17b394 (10) No.28781>>28802
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▶ 25057b (2) No.28782
>Behind the Green Door is a 1972 American feature-length pornographic film, widely considered one of the genre's "classic" pictures and one of the films that ushered in The Golden Age of Porn.
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▶ 4e9316 (9) No.28783>>28786 >>28791 >>28808
Twitter analytics for the info, graphics, memes, and Q drops.
You anons are reaching more than you know!
"31.1M impressions over this 28 day period "
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▶ 51b82f (2) No.28784>>28804
Been saying this for a while. Listen to him and do his will and your soul will be nourished anf replenished. For we fight not other humans, but powers and principalities. Spirit doing its work…
God is good.
He gave us one more chance to fix it.
A kingdom of consciousness…of righteousness. Or none at all.
We choice. This is not a game.
Glory to him.
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▶ d8513a (7) No.28785>>28817
I heard Pine Gap was blown up circa. 2014.
It's been said that this laser sighting here was beam weapon fired by the Deep State from Pine Gap at some secret space program or UFO craft, to which it was redirected back at Pine Gap where extensive damage occured.
http://www.mirror.co.uk/ news/world-news/mysterious-red-laser-is-proof-11693654
Rumor goes.
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▶ 4e9316 (9) No.28786>>28791 >>28850
From just one twitter account covering Q.
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▶ 92599e (5) No.28788>>28806
I'll dig.
Suddenly the Dem's obsession with racism makes sense to me on a higher level than before. Not only are they ripping off black communities and keeping them slaves for votes, but a corporation run by blacks perpetrates it. Who would dare question a company that helps money flow to charities and is run by blacks? Unless, of course, a person was racist.
Loop is a great name for a company where money goes in one way and loops around somewhere else, round and round it goes.
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▶ 05faf3 (3) No.28789
Test kitchen? For what? Spirit cooking?? Give me a fuckin break
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▶ 27c3ab (2) No.28790>>28810 >>28839 >>28920 >>29046 >>29185
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▶ 4e9316 (9) No.28791>>28818 >>28850
21.5M impressions in the last 7 days from just one account tweeting your info.
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▶ 7ba18c (3) No.28793>>29006 >>29043
So Imran Awan's current address is in Virginia approximately 20 miles from Dulles International Airport. Coincidentally the single aircraft that was allowed to leave ATL during the black out headed straight to Dulles
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▶ 08125c (7) No.28794
Well done Anon. Im phonefagging and though i had smeared finger schmutz on my screen. Kek
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▶ 853c55 (10) No.28795
I posted this while ago…not sure if its been shared already. Teachers protesting Loop Capital in 2014 for scamming them and the schools in the bailout youtube.com/watch?v=46gRPVpYdpw&feature=youtu.be
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28796>>28825
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.28797>>29011
At fault Tom an extent as we are all responsible for our own actions but…sometimes not. Brainwashing and mind control is very powerful. Are North Korean citizens to blame for their culture? They murder their own family meme bears for watching the wrong tv show….but how far gone are their senses? They are completely brainwashed.
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▶ 5121a3 (9) No.28798
they showed Brian Karem who is a wh correspondent for PB magazine. Then she says its like these psychiatrists had like a secret cabal together.
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▶ 188aad (4) No.28799>>28812 >>28845 >>28873
AC-130Js are gunships. Fitted with 30mm and 105mm side-mounted cannons.
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▶ 667a98 (3) No.28800>>28805
Jone’s psyop is prob Trump, do you really think he would openly discount him? That would be a stupid thing to do. Doesn’t mean AJ is legit by any means. C’mon now
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28801>>28817
Rumor has it, Pine Gap tried to shoot down a UFO and had the ray reflected right back at them, causing at least some destruction of the base. Can anyone confirm that?
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28802
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▶ ae54ba (7) No.28803
Zach was talking and said Q…then stumbled over 'we' then back to giving info that Q has given us etc. Zach is suspect not Jones. Jones never said Zach was Q. I think Jones has believed in Zach but after Zach saying 'we' I now question Zach. I hope Jones catches this.
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28804
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
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▶ 667a98 (3) No.28805
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28806>>28844
Thank you.
I'm trying to distract myself from flaming the fuck out of the famefags and whoever else cannot read or be bothered to learn. This provides a lot of meat to do so. I can find a lot on his history, but nothing on the funding of the firm.
His father had like a 2nd or 3rd grade education, and his mother only slightly more.
These are vital
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28808
That's roughly about the population of Poland.
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▶ f70dcf (3) No.28809>>28848 >>28863 >>28913 >>29061 >>29203
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.28810>>29015 >>29185
He looks like a tranny
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▶ 53b85d (2) No.28811
REgarding Oprah -----
What can we dig up on STEADMAN?
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28812>>28836
Spookys, or Puff The Magic Dragon.
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▶ b27d73 (2) No.28813>>28826 >>28830
ZUMA May be Lost…..
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.28815
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▶ 3be113 (3) No.28816>>28822
You listen to AJ every day?
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▶ d8513a (7) No.28817>>29049
I posted this link up above >>28785
>http://www.mirror.co.uk/ news/world-news/mysterious-red-laser-is-proof-11693654
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▶ 169bb2 (2) No.28818>>28822 >>28828 >>28832 >>28835 >>28860 >>29025 >>29067
Beanz has made about $23,500.00 for monetizing Q posts. Smart gal or traitor??
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▶ 2757de (2) No.28819
sang along as I read the words someone generously provided previously :)
whoa…he knew. he's known all along. even made it his campaign song. can't help but smile. been waiting for this since whitewater
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▶ e35e8e (2) No.28820>>28871 >>28901
Not recent news just figured i would post this since i believe this was Trump talking to 4chan
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28821>>28864
I will meme the shit out of it then. I posted the same article in last thread but it's easy to miss stuff here desu.
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▶ 667a98 (3) No.28822
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.28823>>28842 >>28986 >>29055 >>29123
>I don't know how
It's super simple, no experience necessary!
Start at the catalog page: https://8ch.net/thestorm/catalog.html - at the very top is a text link "Create a Thread" - click that & the text box will appear
1. pick an image
that's required, should be at least related to the topic, click the grey part of the box to pick your image file or just drag & drop it in the grey area at the bottom of the text box
2. Enter the title of the thread in SUBJECT line of the text box
>Do not enter anything in Name or Email fields
3. in the Comment part of the text box, write something that describes what the thread is about
4. Click the New Thread button on the comment box and give the site a minute. It will open on your new thread.
You can link your thread here directly (right-click, copy link location)
like so
or, just the first post in your new thread. Once your new thread opens up, just click on the first post like you are going to reply, copy the post number and paste in here with a description of your new thread and invite people to post there.
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▶ 5121a3 (9) No.28824
im gonna dig. not enough info.
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▶ 9abfaa (1) No.28825
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▶ 1896b5 (2) No.28826>>28858
Remember when the mini shuttle disappeared for months? Same shit. It's still up there doing it's job.
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▶ 147f47 (11) No.28827
Maybe it is a good idea to make the world believe that Zuma didn't make it?
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▶ d8513a (7) No.28828>>28843
Sauce for that #? Guarantee you she isn't getting near 24K for twitter & youtube stuff.
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▶ 251aa9 (1) No.28829
Failed to mention the dems minimum mandatories essentially locking up the black ‘father’ and role model
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▶ fb4796 (4) No.28830
And Hussein was a great guy.
What else do you want to believe?
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▶ 4a6343 (2) No.28831
Janette Outlaw is on the BOD at Loop in Chicago and also the board chair of 'Girls in the game' which has an obvious peso symbol. Turns out Oprah has donated $350m multiple foundations/charities/hospitals and the ADL.
https:// www.wbez.org/shows/eight-fortyeight/oprahs-stealth-philanthropy-in-chicago/d13919c0-7aab-4077-ba56-41cb7d765637
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▶ 4e9316 (9) No.28832
Is that even a question? haha
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▶ 243735 (4) No.28833>>28869 >>28933
You have got to listen to Trump's speech today.
Towards the end of the speech, he spoke about the battle of New Orleans and Andrew Jackson.
He speaks about stopping the British govt against all odds. He says what is happening now is equivilant.
He speaks quite a few minutes about the battle, it is not fast.
https://www.facebook.com /WhiteHouse/videos/1544379322316462/
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▶ 263447 (7) No.28834
That has to be something right….freaking lovin that!
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28835>>28870 >>28942 >>29023
I keep saying she needs to be stripped of her ability to generate views on our work especially given she is now taken to shitting on us on twitter and encouraging general ill sentiment towards us.
I don't personally give a fuck if everyone hates us, they wont come here then, but she is taking our information and getting rich off of it. Now, she has to slap her stupid face on it to do so, but I really hope eventually we collectively decide we have had enough of her shit.
We need to either: 1: distribute our own information and rob her of her views
2: meme her to hell
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▶ 188aad (4) No.28836>>28939
AV-130U Spookys have a 25mm autocannon, 40mm and 105mm cannon. Same idea, slightly different armaments.
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28837>>29008
150 miles? Are you kidding me? These people can do major damage with nothing more than an internet connection.
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▶ 59a1d6 (2) No.28838>>28905 >>29255
Dr. Bandy X Lee comes up as the Dr's opinion that POTUS is somehow mentally ill:
follows is from a cbs article:
"Nevertheless, questions about Trump’s fitness for office have been swirling for months. Democrats in Congress have proposed a law requiring Trump to undergo a psychological exam, and invited a Yale psychiatrist to deliver a briefing last month on the topic.
“Lawmakers were saying they have been very concerned about this, the President’s dangerousness, the dangers that his mental instability poses on the nation,” said the psychiatrist, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, in a phone interview on Thursday.
“Mr. Trump is showing signs of impairment that the average person could not see,” Lee said. “He is becoming very unstable very quickly. There is a need for neuropsychiatric evaluation that would demonstrate his capacity to serve.”
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▶ f7d58e (1) No.28839>>28876 >>28895 >>29046 >>29185
This one is almost as good.
100% of Trump's staff thinks he's incapable.
Do they still not realize they are being trolled?
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▶ a2368e (6) No.28840>>29172
Wikileaks Tweet
Full doc: Class action suit against Google for racial, gender, political discrimination with dozens of screen shots from internal forums
www .scribd.com/document/368692388/James-Damore-Lawsuit
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▶ cd1756 (4) No.28841
South Africa was forced to confront its hidden plague of sexual abuse on Monday after the full scale of a scandal at a school set up for disadvantaged girls by talk show host Oprah Winfrey was revealed.
At a bail hearing in Johannesburg, dormitory matron Tiny Virginia Makopo, 27, was charged with 13 separate counts of abuse, including indecent assault and criminal injury committed against at least six students aged 13 to 15 and a 23-year-old at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, at Henley-on-Klip outside Johannesburg
http: //content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1680715,00.html
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28842>>29074
>>I don't know how
Just tell him to lurk more and pipe down already. Seriously.
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28843>>28867 >>29200
She bought a whole fuckload of new equipment.
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▶ 853c55 (10) No.28844>>28861
Im having the same issue…all I can find is very vague overviews. I did notice he employs a lot of relatives and invests in their businesses >>28806
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▶ 14442a (15) No.28845>>28931
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▶ 2bdb41 (1) No.28846>>28852 >>28853 >>28855 >>28859
Where do I go to see Q’s latest post. Please help!
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▶ 147f47 (11) No.28847>>28854
Worcestershire is its own sauce!
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28848>>28857 >>28913
Sorry, what county? I'm a Brit and don't recognise the names.
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.28850
And from now on, I call you BDAfags!
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▶ a2368e (6) No.28852
The Batter (top of the page)
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▶ 263447 (7) No.28853
Right at the top of the freaking thread….you skipped right over it.
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▶ 169bb2 (2) No.28854>>28881
Kek, we call it Wootster sauce
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▶ 3851ff (8) No.28855
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.28857
Looks like Jacksonville FL
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▶ b27d73 (2) No.28858>>28918
Exactly, it stands to reason to me that the satellite being "Lost" is exactly what they want everyone to think while it fires up its engine and goes and shifts it's orbit by a large amount so it conveniently gets lost again then gets on with it's nefarious mission.
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▶ cd1756 (4) No.28859>>28877
Look at top of the bread
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.28860>>28868 >>29114
I don’t see a problem getting paid for hard work. I would consider it but I’m too scared to get tracked down and murdered…posting here is scary too but I do it anyways
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28861>>28874 >>28878
I'm starting to think Chicago gang history is tied into this and I need to find out who had the money in Chicago at this time to fund an education in return for favors later on.
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▶ c5ffde (1) No.28862>>28872 >>28879 >>28886 >>28889 >>28909 >>28924 >>28932 >>28948 >>28949 >>28981 >>29068 >>29100 >>29119 >>29123 >>29132 >>29218 >>29223 >>29260
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▶ 17b394 (10) No.28863>>28898
N7811F is headed right into loop
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.28864
>I will meme the shit out of it then.
That's great, you make really good memes too! The public really, really needs to understand that
> someone helped smuggle that SAP out of the SCIF
(through all those layers of security)
> gave that SAP info to someone who had no clearance for that project & wasn't "read in" to that specifically
> HRC told Huma to "turn it into non-paper"
scan it, change from analog (paper) to digital
>HRC told Huma to send it through a non-secure channel
This was intentional. It was definitely a conspiracy (at least 3 people working together to break the law) and it was NOT accidental or just careless.
You don't get papers out of a SCIF by accident.
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▶ 99a5a7 (1) No.28865
Check this out .
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▶ 8cbf36 (3) No.28866>>28875 >>28885
Massive NYPD Shakeup Underway; Top Chiefs Being Fired
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▶ d8513a (7) No.28867
But that doesn't answer "24K from Q posts"
She has a patreon that she's had before Q was Q. Checking it, she has near 500 patrons, which seems plenty for new equipment. Doesn't mean it was "from Q", necessarily.
If you're going to shit on someone, need good sauce for it, or you're just looking like a shill
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28868>>28896 >>29161
She takes the work of others and spins it as hers. Her work consists of reading and digesting information provided, IMO.
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▶ fb4796 (4) No.28869>>28907 >>28928
Time to fuck up the limey's again?
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.28870>>29146
Waste of time. Start your own Youtube channel and make $. Stop whining about her. Divide and conquer only helps (them). Give it a rest.
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.28871>>29263
Prob Q.
Q as in quantum.
As in D-wave to power the Intel. 5 steps ahead.
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▶ 7dca70 (8) No.28872>>28886 >>28887 >>29026 >>29195
Are you fucking kidding?
WTF…here we go again!
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▶ a2368e (6) No.28873>>28966
Did you set your tripcode wrong? or are you just namefagging?
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▶ 853c55 (10) No.28874>>28890
Has to be Rahm and his gang….I did read Moochelle's dad was big into the Chicago underworld. And Rahms dad was some sort of Israeli spy dude >>28861
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▶ f6f2f2 (2) No.28875
Sounds Weinergate had some obstruction of justice
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.28876
File under "They are so stupid"
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▶ 4e9316 (9) No.28877
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▶ 08125c (7) No.28878>>28902
The chicago democrat machine has had that city and by extension the entire state locked up for generations. Rahm runs it like a mafia
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28879>>28886 >>28950
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▶ 74e425 (2) No.28880
Years back, I knew a guy whose x called on him and dept of treasury/sec Serv agents came and confiscated his computer.
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▶ 147f47 (11) No.28881
Thought, we needed a little fun ))
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28882
I expect it will go until there's a major perp walk.
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▶ 1bf1fa (1) No.28883>>28888
filtered due to poor judgement and limited intelligence
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▶ ae54ba (7) No.28884>>28904 >>28925 >>29290
No idea what is going on but something big is.
Massive NYPD Shakeup Underway; Top Chiefs Being Fired
Most notable is the 3 star Chiefs that are being forced out. They include: Thomas P. Purtell, Chief of citywide operations; Joanne Jaffe, chief of community affairs; Joseph Fox, chief of transit; Diana Pizzuti, chief of personnel.
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▶ b451fa (5) No.28885>>28900 >>28940
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▶ 7066bd (3) No.28886
Here we go again…..boards fucked.
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▶ fb4796 (4) No.28887>>28903 >>28910 >>29208
PamphletAnon you just lost your board if true.
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▶ c125f4 (2) No.28888
Ok Mr. Unlimited Intelligence
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▶ 05babb (8) No.28889>>28899
So is this guy co-opting all the work being done here now? Will he be controlling the narrative to normies on what Q is communicating here?
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28890
This is worth time to examine
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▶ 51b82f (2) No.28891
All of you anons….and who ever q is or not and all the other breadcrumbs dropper.
The point is that, we are all doing trumps work, who is doing the lords work. I am not smart and cant dig like some of you.
But i can tell you that, regardless if you are servant of him or not. He is using us to do his will. He never forgets his people. My hats off to all of you. I know he will have a place in his table for all of you.
Joshua 24:15….. everyday happening in this war and this place right now. Just humbled by all of you.
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28892>>28911
I judged it worthy of add. Bit of a stretch, but worth a look.
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▶ 451787 (1) No.28893
per qanonmap.github.io/?q=time, and CTRL+F, Q has noW used the word TIME in 60 instances as of this moment (regular search w/o CTRL+F only shows 48 times)
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▶ 25f01b (3) No.28894
Something odd I noticed during the presidents speech today. He kept walking over to stand exactly behind the teleprompter screens, both of which were blank and transparent.
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▶ cc0406 (2) No.28895
This is like a better version of Don Tullipso.
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.28896>>28914 >>28916
I don’t see the problem. It’s called commentary.
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28898
Somebody expecting a boat, by any chance? Since they know the commercial airlines are stitched up, it's any way out now, no matter what the means.
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▶ fcb4c6 (2) No.28899
They have been trying very, very, very hard to do exactly that, yes.
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▶ a65e12 (2) No.28900
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▶ 9fb507 (4) No.28901>>28922
Any Las Vegas that doesn't explain 4chan "-john" and the MGM executives who dumped their stock weeks in advance should be treated as disinfo. And that's not even getting into the numerology and occult symbolism surrounding the attack.
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28902>>28919
Would be worth it if we can connect this to the founding of Loop capital and or the elevation of the founder.
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▶ 0a3ee5 (4) No.28903
I believe he is participating iirc
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▶ b451fa (5) No.28904
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▶ 5121a3 (9) No.28905
wow thank you!! let me dig on her.
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.28906>>28912 >>28915 >>29215
Found the Green Door Patch
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28907
Oi, Brit Planefag here, we're not all Limeys, OK?!
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▶ 3851ff (8) No.28908>>28954 >>29229
For me and the other textAnon was the aim to create a complete txt-based, i.e. parseable version of all messages & timeStamps. I believe SpreadsheetAnon also just mentions the test/repeat messages in between the more important posts.
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▶ 17b394 (10) No.28909>>28917
fame (((whoring)))
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▶ 7dca70 (8) No.28910
Someone start a new thread 'The Storm Is Here' and just wait for the inevitable migration coming! smfh
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▶ 4c9a28 (8) No.28911
Thanks! Much props to our autists. I've now read the entire thing and only had one question, which I posted as a reply. Everything else is documented, yet hard to follow for us normies. It looks pretty brilliant to me.
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▶ d8513a (7) No.28912
I want to know what the fuck going on in those military programs
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▶ f70dcf (3) No.28913
>>28809 Jacksonville, Florida USA
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.28914>>28938
She doesn't claim it's her work FFS get a grip. Don't like, don't watch. She;s trying to spread the word. Love her or hate her. Theres a dozen more just like her doing the same thing. Trying to redpill, though many might just be preaching to the choir.
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.28915
Whats that all about?
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28916>>29056
Providing zero new research is called laziness, actually
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▶ 25f01b (3) No.28917>>28927
This had BETTER NOT be TRUE.
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▶ 05babb (8) No.28918>>28926
Another article on the rumors of Zuma's demise. www.popularmechanics.com/space/rockets/a14848403/rumors-swirl-that-the-secret-zuma-spacecraft-launched-by-spacex-was-lost/
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▶ 08125c (7) No.28919
I know for a fact they extort 'campaign donations' for Rahm. If you decline donating health inspectors or zoning or somebody shows up to hassle you. If you do donate you get a little sticker to put on your window that says you donated
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▶ 74e425 (2) No.28920
I hate Nora O’Donnell but she ripped him pretty bad this morning.
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▶ 5f1d92 (2) No.28921
more plausible deniablilty?
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28922
All pieces fit. The cabalist want to push surveillance and war, all with our money. And we let them do it. This is an important message to get out and the proof is literally everywhere, you merely have to ask Q-uestions - nothing else! The Truth is out there.
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▶ 530957 (14) No.28923>>28957
Now this might be a reason for all the P-8s out over the ocean this afternoon. Stepped out for a minute so if someone else thought of it, my bad!
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▶ 13600e (3) No.28924
Other than alerting everyone watching to where we are, ignore him. He redpills people in his own way.
Arguably, really interested people were going to find 8chan anyway. I did (from the 4chan debacle). Be patriots.
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▶ 147f47 (11) No.28925
"What exactly triggered the shakeup was not immediately known."
Wild guess: Restoring the republic?
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▶ 08125c (7) No.28926>>28935
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28927
You can't discount ego so easily. It will lead you into ruin, if you don't transcend this limitation spiritually.
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▶ 66c0e0 (1) No.28928>>29001
Didn't you lose the war of 1812? you tried to invade Canada and got sent packing.
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▶ 9ae57f (3) No.28929
The Great Awakening.
Time to open up our eyes,
and rise,
and SHINE!
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.28930
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▶ 188aad (4) No.28931
Don't see one currently but ADSB coverage is spotty outside of CONUS
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▶ c164a1 (8) No.28932>>28945 >>28952 >>28953 >>29033 >>29193
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28933
I second this. For those who might not know, Jackson is relevant because he was a true Patriot.
>"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out."
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▶ a0d399 (1) No.28934>>28980 >>29058 >>29071
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▶ 0a3ee5 (4) No.28935>>28946
If true, gives new meaing to ZUMA G
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▶ 853c55 (10) No.28936
So I guess him and the co-founder met a U of W LaCrosse. Maybe this fella is the money man
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▶ 74f297 (4) No.28937
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28938>>29042 >>29177
You're new.
We don't fame fag here. We don't take credit for what we don't do. And we don't claim to speak for all anons.
The difference being I see two people setting themselves up to be the harbingers of what's real in Q-land and what's not - and its her and Corsi. I can overlook Corsi given his history and his willingness to issue a correction.
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▶ f6f2f2 (2) No.28939
They also have a C130 with a giant antenna on the side for FLIR night vision
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28940
How about another P-8 over NY right now? The Marines are handling this with Navy support. It's not on the map, but it's there all right…
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▶ cfd866 (3) No.28941>>28959 >>28971 >>28976 >>29123
https:// anonfile.com/J7h2w1d6bd/Trump_Tweets-EST_Timestamps-divided_up_per_day_-_duration_since_last_tweet_added.csv
Trump tweets from 10/08/17 to 01/08/18 with duration amount (hh:mm:ss) between each tweet per day. (I have not figured out best way to determine time differences between days)
All timestamps are EST.
Pulled from trumptwitterarchive.com
Look for all the [1], [5] ,[10] and [20] differences between tweets.
What is the map?
Q Drops *and* POTUS tweets combined but "encrypted" (have to be decrypted using legend)
What is the legend?
Markers [ ] with a number that corresponds to the time difference between two consecutive tweets by POTUS on his personal twitter. (P_Pers = POTUS Personal)
[5] = 5 min difference between POTUS tweets.
*Additional legend info based on previous Q post.*
"Graphics should be in same time zone.
Delta relevant.
So the markers not only help locate the tweets but should help find the corresponding Q drops.
[0] = Q drop and POTUS tweet posted concurrently
[1] = Q drop and POTUS tweet posted same day (Not 100% since only 5, 10 and 15 are mentioned)
[5] = Q drop and POTUS tweet posted same day
[10] = Q drop will be posted in advanced to POTUS tweet. (Not same day)
[15] = Q drop will be posted in advanced to POTUS tweet. (Not same day)
If anything is incorrect or missing let me know.
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▶ 2db3ed (3) No.28942>>29088
When I first saw her stupid boring channel back in Nov she had 30k subs. Now she’s got 57k thanks to swiping others work. And she’s not even effectively red pilling smh
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▶ 8426f0 (2) No.28943>>28961 >>29092
New blocked just taken off from Dulles.
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28945>>28955
YouTube is the new TV for the masses. It's full of distractions and barely worth a watch.
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▶ 08125c (7) No.28946
Perfect way to send it down the memory hole. Just say it never worked in the first place.
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▶ 9ae57f (3) No.28947
May the lost be found.
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▶ 552d50 (2) No.28948>>28958
No way to authenticate this. Could just be random people claiming they are mods.
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▶ 9e53a4 (8) No.28949
called it at the end of November
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▶ 7c7a56 (5) No.28950>>28962
not only which Mod, but what is their intent?
Corsi has been in deep for decades….his analysis and colloboration with TB had aspects of disinfo (continuing to discount the now infamous deleted cbts Q posts as false), which is a departure from his historical bent in books and interviews. Something smells here…. again
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▶ 74f297 (4) No.28951
can't get it out of my head!
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▶ 333b76 (3) No.28952>>28964
Have heard PamphletAnon on Infowars, and SGT interviews for sure. And corsi with both as well.
Just sayin'
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▶ 17b394 (10) No.28953
Just Zach larping again
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.28954
>I believe SpreadsheetAnon also just mentions the test/repeat messages in between the more important posts.
Yes, they are noted (and linked directly with date/timestamp ID) but just not repeated (some of them are quite long).
I am almost done adding all the direct links to the archived pages of Q's posts here on 8ch from /otherboard/
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▶ c164a1 (8) No.28955>>28967
You don't get it. If this is true, BO is likely compromised.
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▶ bafe72 (2) No.28956>>28963
5G is dangerous and harmful to humans
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▶ 05babb (8) No.28957>>28968 >>29007 >>29121 >>29262
That actually makes sense. This guy posted this: twitter.com/pbdes/status/950473623483101186
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▶ 0a3ee5 (4) No.28958>>28977
pretty sure PA said we was going to a few days ago-iirc
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▶ 924ae3 (5) No.28959
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▶ 103ab0 (2) No.28960>>29154 >>29162
The Clipper is not a P-40. That's VIP Transport.
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▶ 17b394 (10) No.28961>>28972 >>28979
what does blocked mean…
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28962>>29013
I'm willing to believe Corsi has decent intent given his history and suspect he might have been out of his depth with 8c culture and flow of info.
I will be watching him though.
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▶ 9e53a4 (8) No.28963
possibly IMHO the electric grid is the biggest problem
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▶ c164a1 (8) No.28964>>28999
This was before Q came to his board. Also, was this verified?
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28965>>29006 >>29035 >>29055
-Added the /cbts/ stringer info.
-some other tidying of the batter
-reply to this post with further things you deem worthy of adding/correcting.
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▶ 188aad (4) No.28966>>28973
Does that look like an unintentional tripcode?
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28967>>28981 >>28991
Then, what does "compromised" mean?
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.28968>>28987
IF the Zuma is Trumps toy, then I would say this is the information strategy. Keep Cabal unsure.
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▶ 853c55 (10) No.28969
Wonder why Reynold's partner and co-founder was fired in October 2017(Terminated - 10/11/2017)
Cell: (312) 961-5871
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28970
Goes back to Q questions about Dems and media, maybe? I have to agree. There's relevance. And she's as capable of financing her campaign as POTUS was.
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▶ 924ae3 (5) No.28971>>29086
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▶ 8426f0 (2) No.28972>>28988
Plane's call sign blocked
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.28973
Yeah the first F is not capitalized. Better fix that ;)
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▶ 9d1921 (1) No.28974
actually trying to figure out how long it will actually take….. it's…. mortifying….
Kek it hit me again!
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.28975>>28998
PA, please advise on who is going on with CORSI and the plans for discussion.
It's only fair.
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▶ f378bd (17) No.28976>>29187
Worth mentioning markers also come in the form of keywords.
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▶ 552d50 (2) No.28977>>28997 >>29003
PA shouldn't be doing anything like this.
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▶ dfdbe4 (1) No.28978
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.28979>>28988
NO Squawk Ident = no tail number, they don't want us to know. Most likely a prisoner flight, look for the escort plane.
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▶ 7cee45 (6) No.28980
Really! Hicks faked his death from pancreatic cancer so he could become Alex Jones? Never mind that they look nothing alike! GO AWAY!
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▶ 2544a3 (6) No.28981>>29009 >>29052 >>29093
jesus christ. plebbit went nuts kissing his ass and just took him at face value when he "analyzed" Q posts
he fucked up the formatting, overlooked things already known, and yet claims to be an expert. coupled with the fact he works for AJ, points to it being deliberate misrepresentation. just like anon said here >>28538
feed you enough to make you believe and point you in the wrong direction. i'm surprised he admitted he was wrong about the deleted Q posts being legitimate
>what means compromised
cannot be trusted
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▶ fbb20b (3) No.28982>>29062
You mean fire at Trump Tower was SpaceX weapon test?
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▶ e81221 (2) No.28983>>29054 >>29123
Julian Assange changed the 'O's to 'Q's when he uploaded "Fire and Fury" to WikiLeaks, but only in 2 chapters.
[2] Q Chapters?
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▶ 9ae57f (3) No.28984
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.28985>>29002 >>29016 >>29123
Utah Underground Data Center?
Q crumbs GREEN?
Door of All Doors?
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▶ 37563c (9) No.28986>>28994 >>29036
Ah well. Successfully created a new thread, but the interface will not allow reposting of previously-posted material. Throwing in the towel.
Board owner is welcome to delete thread.
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▶ 8cbf36 (3) No.28987
Zuma is proly a weather sat and it's got rocketman shitting his kimono
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▶ 17b394 (10) No.28988
oh shit get popcorn
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▶ 750fc2 (1) No.28989
If ahmadinejad is leader of the resistance there, I say we should stay the fuck out of it. All bad actors. >>28523
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▶ c164a1 (8) No.28991>>29145
We don't famewhore. That's the entire point of this place. BO especially shouldn't mess with that stuff, it seriously hurts the integrity of the board. BO knows this, so if he should do such a thing you can immediately assume there are malign intentions.
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▶ bafe72 (2) No.28992>>29034
Why is HRC in the WH? I thought she was at Gitmo.
Additionally, I thought BO was in Gitmo. See posts that he is traveling.
So who is in Gitmo?
Also saw post stating McCain not coming back to Congress. Was this an official announcement?
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▶ 90e694 (1) No.28993
You gotta be kidding with this corsi bullshit again! This is the same faggot that called Legit Q posts from cbts as being written by 'an illiterate teen pretending to be of military background' why in gods name would you be interviewing this idiot when he clearly has no clue. Fame whoring fuck if this is true pamphlet. Don't go the way of the cbts BO.
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▶ 9e53a4 (8) No.28994
screenshot it 1 pixel smaller
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▶ 92599e (5) No.28995>>29004 >>29024 >>29080 >>29123 >>29147
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▶ 53519e (23) No.28996
When was the last time you were around children?
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▶ 0a3ee5 (4) No.28997
mods on both boards know each other
disagree on some fundamentals
so far the lack of ban hammer has been nice
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▶ 4e9316 (9) No.28998
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▶ 333b76 (3) No.28999
Someone claims to be PamphletAnon in this vid published on the 7th.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PGtWm3suSY
No idea what this means. :)
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▶ 5121a3 (9) No.29000>>29022
Weekly standard reported on the 1/6/2018 a republican senator approached Dr. Bandy to discuss mental fitness. Bandy will not disclose who the senator is. any info on Gillibrand?
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.29001
Newsflash - we're fighting a war now, in here. Put the handbags down and get working.
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.29002
>Door of All Doors?
Recent Intel Processer exploit leak
Meaning Trump got all Cabal info even if they burn it Clinton style
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▶ 7dca70 (8) No.29003
It's like CBTS BO bitching about all the shills posting/shitting up the board at the same fucking time he is doing YouScrewed videos talking about CBTS! WTF
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▶ 17b394 (10) No.29004>>29010
like the ones that shut down the laptop investigation?
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▶ ca62e3 (2) No.29005>>29017
Dude, looks like a lady.
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▶ 7ba18c (3) No.29006>>29096
Baker, I believe >>28793 answers several of Q's questions
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▶ 79b190 (2) No.29007
There are conflicting reports in the Ars Technica article that makes me think the issue with ZUMA is actually disinfo. They say that the payload fell out of orbit along with the upper stage yet in order for that to happen there would have had to have been something wrong with the F9 upper stage which was reported as successfully deorbiting. I have a hard time believing if there was a problem with the upper stage they would call it a successful flight. ZUMA probably performed a disappearing trick similar to what Misty satellites do. Total deniability.
https:/ /arstechnica.com/science/2018/01/the-zuma-satellite-launched-by-spacex-may-be-lost-sources-tell-ars/
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▶ 280b3d (6) No.29008>>29084
What are you talking about? Awan has a 150 miles GPS tagged restriction on him. I'm posting with regards to Qs questions.
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▶ 2db3ed (3) No.29009
That’s all they do there, kiss ass to Tracy & mods, everything they say is the gospel
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▶ 92599e (5) No.29010
That's what I was thinking.
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▶ bc7867 (7) No.29011>>29047
Every person is responsible for their own actions. We have free will. Bad actors have always attempted to force humanity to bend the knee against their better judgement. That is the game, yes? Some bend more than others. Mind control techniques are blasting all races. Drugs, music, MSM and fake leaders are a plague to all. No one living now has a bed of roses.
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▶ cbed05 (3) No.29012
what if ZUMA is a dilivery to let's say NK or other goons…secret mini nukes maybe ?
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▶ 7c7a56 (5) No.29013
yeah, agreed. Corsi was a reliable source and good researcher for many years, I own some of his books, so I have supported him at that level.
I plan to tune in, armed with healthy skepticism and discernment. I would like to see the mod weigh in beforehand though
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▶ 098b4e (5) No.29014>>29028
Well, since we're not letting Oprah go, this link from the wayback machine was posted so threads way back when:
True or not, it's a VERY interesting read, and a feasible "theory"
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▶ 68c61e (1) No.29015>>29026
You might be right, lol. The jawline going in an arc from the ear, the lips, the slanted shoulders…
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▶ 13600e (3) No.29016>>29123
Already determined to be RED CROSS. Also, Keystone is KEY = MI and STONE = patriots.
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▶ 7cee45 (6) No.29017>>29021
I'd still mouth fuck her!
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▶ cbed05 (3) No.29018
anybody got flight trajectory ?
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▶ 5ff37c (9) No.29019
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▶ 287370 (1) No.29020>>29065 >>29123
> & Fury PDF from WL… Can you confirm the Creation time and content creator name on your pdf?
1/5/2018 2:06:05 PM
▶Anonymous 01/08/18 (Mon) 12:13:39 e65244 No.27710>>27722 >>27740
(reposting from last bread --- important crumb that needs verification)
Original crumb >>27564
Anons that have downloaded the Fire & Fury PDF from WL… Can you confirm the Creation time and content creator name on your pdf?
Option 1 >>27564
Creation Date: Jan 7, 2018 5:12PM
PDF Producer: PDFium
Option 2 >>27604
Creation Date: 5/1/2018 2:06pm
PDF Producer: Calibre 3.9.0
UPDATE: PDF is no longer available from wl original link on google drive, hope you saved it.
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▶ 7cee45 (6) No.29021
Expand your thinking.
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▶ 5121a3 (9) No.29022
Trump tweeted aboout her that she is willing to do anything for support in campaigns.
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▶ 530957 (14) No.29023>>29048 >>29051 >>29123
Give it a rest. Get a job. Stop whining. And stop making up numbers. You try too hard. Seriously.
The Corsi thing, AJ has full on co opted the boards via Corsi. The tweets and his ad today were iritating and I have no idea if He (AJ's writers) Or Corsi did it, but it damned sure made it sound like he was saving ourselves from ourselves with is expertise. Until now, his mistake bothered me, and the spit between the boards is hard and fast after that.
You want to Jump all over Beanz with no cause in comparison with some of those fuckers out there. It's why I said we need to start a running tally and start dispelling disinfo. That is WHAT PA is going to do by having his own, non monetized YT. I think it is as good a way as any to try to keep it straight. All interviews I have heard, yes Baruch held less cred, just in his choices of verification and delivery, but PA kept it together and sane sounding. Face it fuckers, Big media is nosing around and there is a reason Q said get our shit together, so we don't fail him, nor our millions of collective hours worth of work. They will turn us into tinfoilers at every turn, and shit, we have stuff here, especially with the sliders that will just make that seem more true, but there is REAL, LEGIT mapping and ties being made and being made understandable for the future that is coming.
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▶ 4c10ef (1) No.29024
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.29025>>29032 >>29048 >>29085 >>29091 >>29123 >>29153 >>29181
If your skill is to decrypt comms, decrypt.
If your skill is to dig, dig.
If your skill is to make memes, meme.
There are always people that can't lurk, dig or meme, but have the skill to "sell" the product to the normies If they are willing to dox themselves (make themselves a target), then I don't care if they make a little cash. I'll use them just the same.
They are the rifle. We make bullets. Let's give them all the ammo we can.
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.29026
hes got those puffy DSL;'s
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▶ 27c3ab (2) No.29027
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▶ 098b4e (5) No.29028>>29123
didn't break link correctly, COPY AND PASTE INTO NEW TAB/WINDOW PLEASE
web.archive.org/web/20051218122727/http:// www.chappelletheory.com:80/
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.29029>>29041 >>29053 >>29081 >>29191
Anyone ever look into the role gold plays in DNA?
GQLDMAN made me think of that.
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▶ 206da8 (2) No.29030>>29060 >>29123 >>29124
Great energy right now. I don't want to derail nuthin, but I just saw this from last night's Q posts. Wow. If you haven't seen it yet…..
"Do you think POTUS re-tweeted MAGA PILL for no reason?
We chose this BOARD for a very specific reason.
We believe in you."
This is all so epicly epic.
Not only is Potus doing what he said he was going to do, he's such an all-around cool guy.
Not trying to be a too here, just still in awe from his speech today.
Back to work you amazing Autists.
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▶ 147f47 (11) No.29032
You understand it.
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▶ f378bd (17) No.29033
Maybe staff plans to grill the guy.
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▶ e0b8a6 (1) No.29034
You're retarded. That's part of a multi-part twat quoting the NY Post. Go away now faggot.
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▶ 5f42d7 (7) No.29035>>29096
Well, I know we have 2 stringer links from cbts up, but someone created one over here we may consider adding. I’m working on an easy read graphic with just the stringer said people can refer to. I put some graphics in there already just to list them all out, but I will be adding updated versions as I get them done.
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.29036
>Throwing in the towel.
C'mon anon you can't give up that easily. Just make an adjustment and try again. What is the link for it? I will help you if I can.
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.29037
Tracking it back: the phrase last had a spate of usages in 1988 about the National Security Agency, command center of our global eavesdropping. Once gathered, wrote Peter Iseman in The Times Magazine, voice and signals intelligence must be analyzed at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, then at a huge underground facility hidden beneath a pineapple field in Kunia, Hawaii, and finally 'behind the Green Door' of National Security Agency headquarters at Fort Meade, Md. (I once got lost going to an interview there and asked a local cop where N.S.A. was. You mean No Such Agency? he said and pointed the way.)
During the Iran-Contra investigation that year, an N.S.A. official testified that Gen. William Odom, then N.S.A. director, had ordered him to get an employee who had assisted Oliver North out of a public job and put him behind the green door of N.S.A. as quickly as possible, which meant out of contact with outsiders.
Before that, the phrase crashed into the public consciousness in a sense
unconnected to espionage. In 1972, Behind the Green Door was the title of one of the first pornographic movies widely released in the United States. (Deep Throat
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▶ cf1257 (10) No.29038
Are the god damn Noise Marines still here?
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▶ 901252 (5) No.29039
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▶ 206da8 (2) No.29040>>29171
Great energy right now. I don't want to derail nuthin, but I just saw this from last night's Q posts. If you haven't seen it yet…..
"Do you think POTUS re-tweeted MAGA PILL for no reason?
We chose this BOARD for a very specific reason.
We believe in you."
This is all so epicly epic. Not only is Potus doing what he said he was going to do, he's such an all-around cool guy. Not trying to be a too here, just still in awe from his speech today.
Back to work you amazing Autists.
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.29041>>29045 >>29066 >>29072
Just sayin'.
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▶ c5e174 (1) No.29042
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▶ 530957 (14) No.29043>>29057
Incorrect, if you mean during the "fire" black out. A foreign cargo aircraft was also allowed to leave, mid way through the black out to Europe. Cargo terminal and private terminals were not affected by power loss.
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▶ 79b190 (2) No.29044
Here's USN Beechcraft GTMO341 again headed back from Florida, lets see how close it gets to Guantanamo.
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▶ 098b4e (5) No.29045
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▶ 44c43f (2) No.29046
Is he a POW who was forced to write that book?
Or was it really that easy to trick him into writing a book with obviously false information?
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.29047>>29169
>>29011 so you’re saying all North Koreans should be held responsible for being brainwashed?
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.29048
Rational thinking….good. Too much division going on and whining
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▶ 53519e (23) No.29049
Mirror as shield. Good idea in age of energy weapons.
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▶ fbb20b (3) No.29050
He was not captured. Propaganda.
900 foreign CIA/Mossad/MKO ops were arrested.
Read pic.
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.29051
Please pull out your tampon, fag.
Stop dickriding Beanz. Pathetic and sad!
Everything you said about a non monetized YT is fine with me.
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▶ 3851ff (8) No.29052
Sounds like a case of half-normie with half-knowledge. Got on track too late, now needs to show he's the "Dr." to the other half-normies.
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▶ 699de8 (3) No.29053
odd, Goldman Home led me to think that Trump used his new little weapon to purposely laser his air conditioner unit at Trump Towers to show the world our power
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▶ 655ff7 (1) No.29054>>29075
If you actually read the comms you'd have seen that Wikkileaks only pointed out the fact that "SomeOne" had put them on Google Docs, and provided a link, broken shortly after - I didn't see it on on of the official WL DL servers
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.29055>>29063 >>29074
This might be helpful to add, so no one has to retype it all over again :)
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▶ 530957 (14) No.29056>>29082
How do you know she doesn't post anon? J/S
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▶ 7ba18c (3) No.29057
Wrong, I was tracking the aircraft that day. Unless you can show me the flight data for the other aircraft its BS
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▶ cf1257 (10) No.29058>>29071 >>29095 >>29140
There are photos of AJ when he was young though, which is around the time bill hicks died looking bloated and old. Kinda hard to say these are the same guys. It's a funny meme but come on.
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▶ 3c382b (1) No.29059
lots of high ranks.. Lockheed martin and friends
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▶ 7dca70 (8) No.29060
I thought the same thing, brought tears to my eyes!
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▶ fd4f1b (1) No.29061
i cant be the only thinking that this indicates more than just an anomoly…
My guess is that in that AO is an OP happening and Q (group) is trying to show us where the happenings are
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.29062
Discussed 3 loaves ago. Only if photofags and firefags show us a hole in the roof. Lurk moar.
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.29063>>29074
I would fit this into the "lurk moar" category.
Or, to put it in more positive words, "patience is a spiritual virtue".
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▶ 5f1d92 (2) No.29064
Also its been brought up before but SouthPark Episode "Sons Of Witches" on their website seems to have a reference to Trump and a Satellite that can shoot a lazer from the sky he uses to destroy an evil witch its at the end of the episode.
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▶ 4c9a28 (8) No.29065>>29123
I got mine direct from WL, which was hosted on GDrive. Note that I did not modify it, although it says so. I'm in EST if that matters.
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.29066
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▶ 53519e (23) No.29067
My vote? Smart. She put a lot of work into it, as have many of us. Rent doesn't pay for itself.
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▶ ca62e3 (2) No.29068
Please…NO!!! This isn't the way to get the message out.
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▶ 037ecf (2) No.29069>>29123 >>29249
DEFCON - definite confirmation
Q in POTUS' tweets
Q in JA's tweets
Its a love affair for the
"P_pers", the Patriotic Persons (us!)
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▶ 2bb57c (3) No.29070
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▶ 7dca70 (8) No.29071>>29077 >>29087 >>29158
Total BS!
Different ears, different men!
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.29072>>29078
Gold Mansacks
forgot pics
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▶ 8074e7 (2) No.29073>>29123
north korea south korea talks start today btw
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▶ 2544a3 (6) No.29074>>29131
no. see:
if anon is so fucking new he can't make a thread, why the fuck is he shitting up the board with uninformed posts
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▶ 530957 (14) No.29075
Correct. And they are not going to tell anyone where they got the link either, nor possibly have any knowledge of the shenanigans. Docs were on a G Doc server, so perhaps someone can backtrace that. And it may be a good idea to validate anyone spooping us. Not just glowing in adoration (even if it was cool and funny)
I gaurantee you his imprint is tracking it down because it was Copyright infringement and they may or may not have lost money. Who can say.
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▶ 5ff37c (9) No.29076
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▶ cf1257 (10) No.29077
That pic was taken in the 90s too, the one I posted, which is either right before or after Hicks died. Hicks looked horrible before his death.
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.29078
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▶ cc0406 (2) No.29079
Phonefagging ornwould post images: potus just tweeted 1m apart 5:58 and 5:59 eastern time
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▶ 4fd302 (6) No.29080
colossal if yuuuge
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▶ 333b76 (3) No.29081
Gold is being used in CRISPR DNA modification.
https:// phys.org/news/2017-10-gold-nanoparticle-virus-crispr-approach.html
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.29082>>29111
She said she doesn't, but I don't fucking know.
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▶ 4c9a28 (8) No.29083>>29090 >>29123 >>29136 >>29180 >>29210
Time is PST. 1-minute difference for POTUS.
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▶ 53519e (23) No.29084>>29101
That means he was granted a relatively normal life for now.
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▶ 5f42d7 (7) No.29085>>29160
I’ll bite my tongue on this for now because I can’t say it in a nice or constructive way at the moment. All I will leave with you right now is two words; Character. Integrity.
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▶ cfd866 (3) No.29086
That was me from earlier. I got off work and updated the csv with duration between tweets.
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▶ 7cee45 (6) No.29087
different ears, different brow ridge, different nose, different eye color. different chin, ……………
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▶ eea91c (1) No.29088>>29105
Not being a jerk here but fyi peeps…her Twatter hit 10k only a few months ago. Her increase in followers since is all Q related. She has gained the traction she has in the last year. 25k more Twatter followers since Q. Seen it in real time. So be it. We reap what we sow good or bad.
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▶ 97f7ef (2) No.29089>>29112 >>29117 >>29123 >>29176 >>29207 >>29213
Found something!!!!
Sky fortress is TRUMP TOWER!
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.29090>>29110 >>29120 >>29123 >>29465
What about subsidies for not growing shit or growing useless Monsanto GMO corn
Just sayin…Farmers make $$ and will only make more going forward.
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.29091
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.29092
Callsign SIS648
Silver Air 648. Enroute to KSGR (Sugarland Regional - Texas).
Gulfstream G200
Sauce: FlightAware.com
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▶ 05babb (8) No.29093
He had no choice but to admit he was wrong about Loop Capital since Q confirmed all posts were legit during that timeframe and everyone was sharing it on Twitter.
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▶ 10abbe (1) No.29094>>29189
how about this
Oprah: White people "just have to die". Oprah: White people "just have to die". see:
pic related from jimstone.is
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▶ bc7867 (7) No.29095>>29107
Not the same guy; the ears are different.
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.29096
Added to Recent Posts.
Added to Research.
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▶ d4ffa6 (1) No.29097>>29104 >>29122
Trump code? Just a few minutes ago.
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▶ f0d1b6 (1) No.29100
Come to Andy - 'Gas all the Kikes' Warski .. More shekels goyim
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▶ 280b3d (6) No.29101
You obviously haven't read any of the links in my posts. Quit bothering.
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▶ e36ae2 (1) No.29102
Here's archive: archive.is/z2ImU
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▶ 4c2abd (1) No.29103>>29138 >>29157
Wasn't BCCI also involved in the Iran Contra affair with GHWB?>>28611
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▶ 4fd302 (6) No.29104>>29122
Air Force Base F18?
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▶ 129570 (2) No.29105>>29118 >>29125
>we are reaching more people
this is supposed to be a good thing and what Q has told us to do
division shills should be banned
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▶ 342398 (2) No.29106
Last from [P_pers]
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▶ cf1257 (10) No.29107>>29206
Alright, If I ever have to change my face to become someone else, I'll also have them alter my ears so it completely seals the deal. Is the ear thing just a meme? You can get those changed.
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.29108>>29123 >>29142 >>29251
Open The Door of All Doors
Deep Throat (of our Times)
God Bless Patriots
God Bless Q
God Bless Potus
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▶ c3db8c (23) No.29109>>29129
Spooky - Serious business.
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▶ 5ff37c (9) No.29110
Farmers deserve it. They've been getting fucked hard for a long time. Now we can have things like local cow milk, cheese, eggs, and all those goodies again. Its really about goddamn time Monsanto crashed and burned
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.29111
Well she sure did. Right there.
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▶ d8513a (7) No.29112>>29117 >>29128 >>29213
Not seeing anything referring to Trump Tower as "Sky Fortress" in your search there
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▶ 7c7a56 (5) No.29113>>29123 >>29130 >>29144
unrelated perhaps, posting as at least an FYI
BREAKING: Massive Fire Breaks Out at London Paint Factory; 15 Fire Engines & 90 Firefighters on Scene
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▶ 53519e (23) No.29114
Same sentiment here. I would rather be under the radar. I haven't asked for anything because I don't need to. I don't name myself in my work.
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▶ a02cc0 (2) No.29116
Agree. Both counts. ;-)
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▶ 3851ff (8) No.29117>>29213
Agreed that sky fortress could refer to TrumpTowers. But the image is likely a result of "trump tower" in your search terms.
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▶ 25cd02 (1) No.29118
Bingo. Q and co. know exactly what's going on.
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▶ 75ea09 (2) No.29119
For the love of all things holy.
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▶ f758b6 (1) No.29120
You obviously don't know anything about farming.
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▶ c125f4 (2) No.29121
Let them say that it was gone. This was a secretive launch to begin with. Not too many people know about it, it seems. And now they are saying that it's simply "lost"
Could very well be part of the overall plan
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▶ 4e9316 (9) No.29122>>29137
American Farm Bureau Financial 2018
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▶ 924ae3 (5) No.29123>>29151 >>29213
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▶ f378bd (17) No.29124
Yup. On that note, the days when Q has to come in here merely to say "come on fags, get to work" are the days when Q stops coming here. Q serves us, we serve Q, and we all serve at the pleasure of POTUS. If we lose interest in the facts, become lazy and entitled, treat it like a game essentially, POTUS will become displeased. We may play some critical role in overall operations but that doesn't mean we aren't expendable at a certain point. The operators are busy, they expect great things from us because they're making America great again. In the end it comes down to the Pareto rule, 20% of anons will do vast majority of the work and only 20% of those anons' work will be majorly useful. So I guess, don't feel bad if (you) haven't contributed much, but also don't stop trying to contribute what you can.
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▶ 2544a3 (6) No.29125>>29166
if these moar people are being fed bad intel, does it really help?
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▶ fb4796 (4) No.29127
Definitely want to give PamphletAnon a chance as he's served anons well and been a good patriot as far as I'm concerned.
But made another board for backup.
Tired of twatter and famefag drama, need a comfy place for anons and Q to serve POTUS.
And nothing ELSE.
Will post name should it be necessary.
Good bakers and anons will be most welcome.
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▶ 97f7ef (2) No.29128
Read the caption By the images.. saw a brief news clip calling trump tower that am trying to find the article
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▶ 75295e (1) No.29129
It's armed with a single side-mounted 25 mm GAU-12 Equalizer Gatling gun capable of unloading 1800 rounds a minute. It also employs a Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft autocannon---think a machine gun that fires artillery shells—as well as a 105 mm M102 Howitzer that fires 33-pound shells (fer lulz). The Spooky also features an improved fire control system and increased ammo capacity.
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▶ 4fd302 (6) No.29130>>29163
>Caught putting toxic chemicals in house paint for depop?
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▶ 8c71ed (12) No.29131
The point is to get the research results collected in topic threads. That was all. I'm splitting my time between here and the spreadsheet and trying to help. People help how they can. If we can KEEP the research together, that's helpful.
But whatever.
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.29132
And while your at it, why just don't you give them a fucking tour of our war room.
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▶ 490a69 (2) No.29133>>29159 >>29170 >>29188
POTUS Speech today
"(US presidents for last 25 years) where are they? What happened? WHERE ARE THEY?"
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▶ a02cc0 (2) No.29134
And Trump opened…
The Door of All Doors
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▶ fbb20b (3) No.29135
9/11 can be put to the test. If Israelis are not exposed it's all a scam.
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▶ a2368e (6) No.29136>>29149
PFL - Paid for Listing (advertising) ?
CF - Clinton Foundation?
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▶ 4fd302 (6) No.29137
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.29138>>29155
Yes the CIA maintained slush funds via BCCI and used them for that shit
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▶ 3566db (3) No.29139
This Joker is up to his neck in the Deep State and a big player in the Obama crime spree.
He protected the Underwear Fake bomber.
He bailed the minute MAGA was elected…
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▶ d8513a (7) No.29140
Yo did he get that jacked from infowars supps?
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▶ 1896b5 (2) No.29142
Behind the Green Door was about a woman abducted and forced into sex slavery
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▶ 5ff37c (9) No.29144
There was also another apartment fire in Manhattan. Fucking NY man
HAPPENING NOW: At least 14 injured in 4-alarm blaze at apartment building in Manhattan - FDNY
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.29145>>29168
This is bad if there is unchecked ego and book deals and other limited activity designed for sleepers. I'm sure this BO is above that, but it's always good to warn him.
Also, I really doubt you can change his mind. Just let him know what's Right and True.
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▶ 53519e (23) No.29146
Agreed. Need to respect those doing the work, not tear them down.
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▶ ae54ba (7) No.29147
Assholes need to be taken down for making people believe lies on their site.
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▶ 2565d4 (1) No.29148
Any advise to make it more normie friendly?
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▶ 17b394 (10) No.29149
what if potus random capitalization is related to q abbreviations?
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▶ ced39e (1) No.29150
https: //farleftwatch.com/2018/01/08/far-left-militia-leader-rakem-balogun-arrested-by-fbi/
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▶ 135e6b (13) No.29151
TY anon
Im not a "soft man"
but I have tears in my eyes.
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▶ 263447 (7) No.29152
Please pardon if this info has been shared already…..
Loop Capital has 22 locations. looks like they have coverage for basically every major city I can think of.
Atlanta, GA
Boston, MA
Cardiff, CA
Charlotte, NC
Little Rock, AR
Los Angeles
Miami, FL
Milwaukee, WI
New Orleans
New York
Pensacola, FL
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
San Francisco
Sausalito, CA
Washington, DC
West Palm Beach
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▶ 901252 (5) No.29153
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▶ 530957 (14) No.29154
Woot Woot! A little of this, a little of that, at an altitude of 32, 000 ft. For your convenience there are reading lights, air vents and an oxygen compartment located above your seat. There are over wing emergency exits located mid cabin and (2) or (4) exit doors depending on configuration. Ahhh yessss. Or like I said, so I heard.
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▶ 924ae3 (5) No.29155
c_a have account with _B_I_S_ with unlimited __//////////@y@\\\\\\\\__
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▶ 37563c (9) No.29156>>29165
AF1 should be landing at Dobbins ARB in Marietta any minute now prior to POTUS attending NCAA championship game @ Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta. Just saw a photo posted by WSB TV of snipers in place above scoreboard.
Also, compiled dossier of photos & basic bio information has been anonymously uploaded to the 7th Floor Group thread. Thanks to other anons for solid information on info posting. Learned!
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▶ 280b3d (6) No.29157
Awan is linked to BCCI - see here >>28677 and continued here >>28681
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▶ 7c7a56 (5) No.29158
fuck you, I knew Bill. but, to humor your lunacy though… any forensic analysis of skull, ear lobes, nasal structureetc etc would show YOU that posting this was a waste of our time, but then again, that was your intent.
you shoould kys
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.29159>>29164 >>29198 >>29199
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.29160
Sempre Fi anon. I understand.
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▶ 53519e (23) No.29161
We were told by Q to cop and disseminate. See 148033380. Lighten up!
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▶ 530957 (14) No.29162
Also, it's a C- 40. It is the military equivalent to a 737-700. And a bastardization that has performed admirably well considering.
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▶ cf1257 (10) No.29163>>29219
that's some Nurgle shit
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▶ cbed05 (3) No.29164
POTUS was referring to previous presidents that did not speak to the farmers
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▶ 924ae3 (5) No.29165>>29175
post the 7th group here we can see that
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▶ 129570 (2) No.29166>>29182
disinfo is everywhere
even Q has given us plenty
the message should be for everybody to research and make their own conclusions (while keeping an open mind to different conclusions)
being close-minded and or blindly following a single source of information is what dumbed down our planet and allowed us to be enslaved
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▶ 92599e (5) No.29167>>29211 >>29225 >>29253
Interesting Gorka retweet here.
Side note: after last night's markers, I've stopped saying twatter or its variations
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▶ c164a1 (8) No.29168>>29183
You're absolutely right. I don't believe PA would do this, known him since 4chan, doesn't seem like that kind of guy
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▶ 08125c (7) No.29169>>29178
More importantly, can they be unbrainwashed or has it been too long and theyre now unsalvagable
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▶ 75ea09 (2) No.29170>>29174
I can verify, he said it at the beginning of the speech. I too smirked.
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▶ ae54ba (7) No.29171
If you put all the CAP words together
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▶ 44c43f (2) No.29172
>Class action suit against Google
it's funny, worth looking thru
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▶ 103ab0 (2) No.29173
Well……shit. Just figured this out.
From an earlier Q post:
What makes a GREAT actor?
They play their part very well.
It all makes sense now.
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▶ 037ecf (2) No.29174
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▶ 37563c (9) No.29175
On another topic, Trump is expected to be catching up with Herschel Walker during the game - oldfags will remember their acquaintance from the New Jersey Generals in the old USFL back in the 80's.
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▶ 09f41c (1) No.29176>>29213
Assange is safe at HQME!!
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.29177
I disagree that she's taking credit. She clearly states its not her work and when she speculates she says so. Unlike many jewtubers who speak in absolutes like they know everything about space tech/aliens/science, etc. I understand how you might feel that way. Say what else you want about her, I don't really care, but she's just reading shit on a screen mostly. I got no skin in the game. Call her a famewhore for all I care.
I didn't watch the episode in question and many youtubers are guilty of claiming Q or Q posts aren't real or some other fairy tail….I take it all with a grain of salt. I found this place when Q dropped because of her. I wasn't following her, but stumbled on a video of hers and lead me here….so that's a good thing. Talk to her directly. No sense bitching about it here and trying to cause a drama of divisiveness. If it spreads the message, I see that as a good thing.
If she just went on and claimed all this was her work, then you are absolutely correct. I just haven't seen that, but I've not watched her regularly.
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▶ 9e53a4 (8) No.29178>>29194
i'm a little more concerned about the libtards at this point
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▶ 263447 (7) No.29179>>29186
Saw someone mentioned not being able to find when Loop was started, was 1997 based on the info in this pamphlet for them I found…
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▶ 52adfb (11) No.29180>>29240
Dig. Any Q messages with key words in DJT tweets? [x]
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▶ c087b2 (2) No.29181
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▶ 98d7a7 (10) No.29182
Exactly. Q are using the Socratic method. The best way to truly enlighten people.
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.29183>>29190
I know, right? He seems so nice. Very good quality to have, and it doesn't mean he's weak.
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▶ 3566db (3) No.29184>>29226
We "lose" all spy satellites. Standard cover.
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▶ 2bb57c (3) No.29185
and when you put them together…
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.29186>>29224 >>29293
Who provided the funding?
I can't find that.
I really think this is Chicago gang related / dem gang related.
How does a brand new firm begin to win city bids? Nope. Not without influence or someone muscling them into it.
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▶ cfd866 (3) No.29187>>29233
Thanks, any examples?
I'm going off Q post from yesterday and Anons who helped break down what he was trying to tell us (see attached pics.)
I figured this would be the quickest way to locate all possible tweets that correspond to Q drops.
Since we know any with a [5] are posted on the same day.
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▶ 243735 (4) No.29188>>29221 >>29272 >>29296
https://www.facebook.com/ WhiteHouse/videos/1544379322316462/
Towards the end of the speech… at 31 minutes in…he goes in detail about Andrew Jackson and his battle against the British.
Says Great General, great president… defends port against British in New Orleans, fought to hold back a British force twice as large.
203 years ago today a brutal battle began by British.
British under estimated the American spirit. Jackson proved them wrong within 1/2 hour the Americans force won against one of the biggest forces.
Says today the battle lives on in country.
Was he telling us what is going on now?
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/andrew-jackson -shuts-down-second-bank-of-the-u-s
Jackson held back the banks and had multiple assassination attempts on his life
Sauce is above.
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▶ cf1257 (10) No.29189
Trump will definitely bring this and everything else out against her should she actually throw her weave into the ring. I had doubts about this before, but after seeing James Woods' tweet, I am completely absolved of doubt. Her campaign must be crippled before it can even stand up.
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▶ c164a1 (8) No.29190>>29197
I have a lot of faith in the trusted namefags.
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▶ 997834 (1) No.29191
William Goodwin
Reader in Forensic Genetics
Verified email at uclan.ac.uk
Forensic Geneticsmolecular biology
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.29192>>29222
Fire & Fury was a plant!
WL Would NEVER alter a document
Jeez guys this timeline is amazing!
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▶ ee76e2 (1) No.29193
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▶ 08125c (7) No.29194
Very true. 70 year anniversary of the Clowns this year. That is plenty of time to scramble all the American brains
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▶ 4eefaa (1) No.29195
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▶ f1d297 (1) No.29196>>29204 >>29274
Merkel will take them all in… my fucking country!
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▶ cf1257 (10) No.29197>>29217 >>29234
Who…are the trusted namefags?
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▶ 7066bd (3) No.29198
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NqQvwD3Aho
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▶ 490a69 (2) No.29199
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▶ 530957 (14) No.29200>>29250 >>29270
She got a new desktop for God's sake. It isn't even Alienware. or a ROG. It's just a better desktop. And it was near Christmas. People being generous? She still holds down a full time job (do you?) as far as I know, so she ain't breaking the bank just yet…
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▶ 853c55 (10) No.29201
One more time….has this already been seen?
Teachers protesting outside Loop Capital in 2014
Accused Loop and Rahm of scamming them and the schools in the bailout
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▶ d304b4 (4) No.29202>>29205 >>29214 >>29231 >>29236 >>29242 >>29261 >>29271 >>29281 >>29288
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▶ 1b4a7d (1) No.29203
We got any relevant news from the ground there?
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▶ f151d0 (1) No.29204
not anymore , just like me Canadian .
re my country
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▶ b6ad72 (2) No.29205>>29209 >>29220
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▶ bc7867 (7) No.29206
Yes, ears can be altered. But the natural aging progression is for the ears to get larger. In those 2 shots, the older ear is smaller. Very hard to pull off, and would raise red flags anyway.
Having said that, I am not in opposition to your efforts, friend. Have seen it suggested that Alex Jones is a prince of Liechtenstein. Not supporting that view, but not automatically dismissing it either. These possibilities should be considered, no matter who we are looking at.
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▶ 280b3d (6) No.29207
Trump Tower fire: Fire fighters respond to blaze in midtown Manhattan
http://www .independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trump-tower-fire-latest-updates-midtown-manhattan-new-york-donald-trump-home-fire-fighters-respond-a8147751.html
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▶ cf1257 (10) No.29208
a board is disposable, Q is not.
We can shed many many skins.
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▶ d304b4 (4) No.29209
Did this in the AM, not sure where it when.
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▶ cd1756 (4) No.29210>>29237
The reason Farm Aid was started was because farmers lands were being taken left and right and nobody was covering it. It was called something like Farmgate, its slipping my mind. Lots of illegally obtained land by the government
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▶ 5ff37c (9) No.29211
This is where Oprah comes in.
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▶ 9cbaa0 (2) No.29213
>nice find.
>>29112, >>29117, >>29123, >>29176
>simple search "trump tower fortress"
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▶ 5e314b (4) No.29214>>29220
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▶ 14442a (15) No.29215
Nice job. It's the military Intel secrets from my research and an old porn
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▶ 5f42d7 (7) No.29216>>29244
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▶ c164a1 (8) No.29217
Basically the fags that are around since ye olden days on cuckchan, and created this board when trips were switched off on /cbts/ (12.15.17)
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▶ 098b4e (5) No.29218
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▶ 4fd302 (6) No.29219
(((Their))) plans for death & decay by any means ramped way the fuck up after the Kenyan Fraudster was put in the WH. Never underestimate your enemy's depravity Anon..
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▶ d304b4 (4) No.29220
I believe we are missing markers still. ANONS provide me with tweets/comments, I will create clocks all day. I have a template.
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.29221
2nd one still standing right near Independence Hall. Look familiar?
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▶ 2863de (4) No.29222>>29232 >>29267
sorry anon jumping into this here and need a cluebat, can you give sauce on what you’re referring to re: altering a doc? thx
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▶ 4c100f (1) No.29223
Whats next an exclusive interview on buzzfeed or huffpo?
Ughhh.. I miss cbts.
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▶ 263447 (7) No.29224>>29230
Im looking… let Anons know if I come up with anything.
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▶ cd1756 (4) No.29225>>29269
Yes her Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, Most likely a front to snatch kids
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▶ 14442a (15) No.29226
Exactly it was sent to orbit along another NRO satellite that doesn't exist.
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▶ a5adb3 (1) No.29227
Wow, just wow. I’m a humble Esq computer literate no autist tho u r the Bomb>>29202
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▶ 53519e (23) No.29229
There's a lot of material. I've debated making the raw posts available, the stuff I work with. I could. But there is a LOT of irrelevant stuff, too. Tough call. Making ALL of available allows for better searching, but waters down the result and we're back at overwhelming again. I have visions of making much more available than I already have, though. If they want it ALL, they can always go to the chans.
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▶ 263447 (7) No.29230
In fact, glad you mentioned what you did… has me wondering if there is some sort of Resko angle or something with all of this….would really dovetail right….
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.29231
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▶ 2544a3 (6) No.29232>>29265
i think what anon was saying is that WikiLeaks never alters documents. implying it was altered before being given to WL
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▶ f378bd (17) No.29233
Small business saturday is one example, though not a great one maybe. But there are others. I might have some, but I can't post them because already exist. Only option would be to edit the file or link to the preexistent one. I wish this was simpler.
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▶ 14442a (15) No.29234>>29254
Dont trust Codex he's AI CERN KEK disinformation shill.
< ∆ >
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▶ b6ad72 (2) No.29235
Anons, say a prayer for POTUS, Q, and Operators tonight. This is a spiritual battle too! 80/20
<Prayer Request Thread
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.29236
Added to notable posts!
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▶ 2757de (2) No.29237
lot of farmers losing their land due to inheritance taxes too. kids inherit and have to sell it off to pay due to price increases in land over the years
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▶ 2dfd0f (1) No.29238
>Group member 1: Jonathan Finer
Classic clown resume'
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▶ 342398 (2) No.29239
Another from [P_pers], [20] mins after the second tweet, that was [1] min after the first.
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▶ 98d7a7 (10) No.29240>>29258 >>29268
In the speech POTUS said "farm country is God's country." Reminded me of Q's "For God and Country."
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▶ 2f95b1 (1) No.29241>>29280
Something I thought about last night laying in bed regarding Q’s post on what makes anGOOD movie?
So I think what could be a thing that makes a movie good is the REWARDS it receives!
Without GREAT actors IN the movie than it isn’t good and is not up for any rewards!
Idk am I onto something?
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▶ 05babb (8) No.29242
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▶ a2368e (6) No.29244
GAF Ground Alert Facility/ Ground Assault Force
NA - NOT ALARMED?/ National Access / Not Authorized / Naval Academy / Naval Aviator (US Navy)
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▶ 4c9a28 (8) No.29245
20 minutes since last tweet… POTUS. These last three tweets make a 1/20 that fit withing the DJT pattern we've been seeing. 4-10-20.
Time on this graphic is PST.
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.29247
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▶ 3566db (3) No.29248
..and Hillary has a 99.999% chance she's going win tonight!
You will all be crying again when it goes down.
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▶ 530957 (14) No.29249
I think we should be clear about Assange. He is not patriotic. He believes in transparency and free will of the people. His highlighting Catalonia is an example. Spain and the EU putting their thumb on them and the cover up of the brutality via MSM. He is a complex thinker. If Trump had been dirty and someone would have offered him the goods he would have released them to, so that people could form their own knowledgeable opinions. IN all countries, not just ours - that is what he works toward. Wiki has stuff from all over the world. Not just stupid Podesta's emails.
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▶ 2863de (4) No.29250>>29256
if you don’t build your own PCs you shouldn’t be on chans, senpai
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▶ 14442a (15) No.29251
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▶ 853c55 (10) No.29252
More shady Loop business dealings
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▶ 4fd302 (6) No.29253
Here's a few hanging around before being auctioned off
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▶ c087b2 (2) No.29254
Moar like an impotent child wearing a wizards hat screaming at everyone for attention.
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▶ b692bf (1) No.29255
Same thing they did to Reagan
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▶ 530957 (14) No.29256
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▶ 74f297 (4) No.29258
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.29259
Wonder if Greenland has any relevance to green…gonna go dig on pillars of Hercules and plus ultra and Greenland.
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▶ 9dd2a7 (2) No.29260
Thank tracy he was on her show,it's like an enemy within our troop,not cool, hope you guys profit nice on it , you may need it for the lawyers one day
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▶ 5f42d7 (7) No.29261
Be careful with your time stamps. If you’re going of your timestamp on the first tweet then your second graphic should be 11:23. I know people may say we’re going off of minutes, but it will confuse and muddy the waters.
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▶ 53519e (23) No.29262
Allies "above"? Speculation runs wild. Dinner conversation should be interesting.
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▶ d59a8a (1) No.29263>>29300
…and as in D-wave to Anal-ize the Intel (Spectre) captures
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▶ 2863de (4) No.29265
oh, was the F&F pdf altered? thx for something to dig. in what way?
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▶ 9cc04f (1) No.29266
I dare you to go post that right now on Twitter
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.29267>>29273 >>29295 >>29299 >>29304 >>29309
Fire & Fury book is a Trump production
It is a part of the "Great actors" scheme.
Wikileaks would never publish an altered document from 3rd party. (WikiLeaks version has Qs instead of Os in chapter 6 and 10)
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▶ cf1257 (10) No.29268>>29277
Farm Country is where the most pure germanic whites live. Aryan people are those closest to god. Trump knows the truth.
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▶ 4a6343 (2) No.29269
>>29225 Check out 'Oprah's Angel Network' Involves organisations like these…A Little Bit of Heaven, Girls In The Game,Connections for Abused Women and their Children and so on. Still cant believe she donates to the ADL though.
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▶ 4b2f91 (24) No.29270
Yeah bitch, I do. fuckoff back to plebbit fag.
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▶ 098b4e (5) No.29271
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▶ 243735 (4) No.29272
You know what is interesting about Potus speech too. As I was tweeting it out, I then used Andrew Jackson's initials…
Realized they are AJ…. look familiar JA… Julian Assange.
You really need to listen to Potus speech and story…. I don't believe it was random, even though he was speaking about him due to Tn and 203 years ago today.
I think there was information in that story.
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▶ 2863de (4) No.29273
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▶ 147f47 (11) No.29274
Merkel will be history soon. Yesterday Peter Sutherland died. More and more Europeans loathe the EU.
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▶ 98d7a7 (10) No.29277>>29286 >>29292 >>29301
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▶ 034a24 (1) No.29280
Think you mean "awards?"
Back to the drawing board with this half baked tangent.
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▶ f378bd (17) No.29281>>29284
Forgot to highlight Q timestamp in first one, important to show his post predated Trump's tweet.
By only 16 minutes, as an aside that's not worth including in the image.
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▶ 5ff37c (9) No.29282
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▶ f378bd (17) No.29284
Forgot: otherwise, looks great.
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▶ 17b394 (10) No.29285
https ://benjaminfulford.net/2018/01/08/financial-war-may-escalate-massive-emp-attacks-final-showdown-looms/
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▶ c164a1 (8) No.29286>>29292 >>29297
Fuck off white hating bastard
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.29288
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▶ 2141f2 (7) No.29290
>chief of personnel
Key to draining the swamp
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▶ cf1257 (10) No.29292
It's just a theory. I don't hate those with less of god's light inside of them.
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▶ 263447 (7) No.29293
I found this on their site, note it mentions 6 folks… so, we're down to 6 people….from what it looks to me anyway….
> "Loop Capital’s founders have always believed that every piece of business has to be earned. As the firm has grown from six hard-working entrepreneurs in 1997 to more than 170 professionals today across a wide range of services, the founders continue to seek out leaders who understand that reward comes from hard work and earning the trust and respect of clients, every day of the week."
BANG, just found this:
> "James Reynolds, Jr. is Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Loop Capital. Mr. Reynolds, along with Albert R. Grace, Jr., founded Loop Capital in 1997 with a simple motto as a guide: "To provide client service beyond expectations." The motto still serves as the foundational driving force of the firm. Mr. Reynolds currently oversees all aspects of Loop Capital, including investment banking, brokerage and financial advisory services. "
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▶ d794e5 (1) No.29295
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▶ 04f2da (14) No.29296
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▶ 98d7a7 (10) No.29297
I don't hate anybody except you, you filthy scat farmer.
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▶ 92a505 (1) No.29298
Feb 12 new Letterman show, first guest advertised is Obama. It sure would be a surprise if it is a "No Show" guest.
www.cbsnews.com/ amp/news/david-letterman-announces-obama-as-first-guest-on-new-netflix-show-releases-trailer/
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▶ 853c55 (10) No.29299>>29311
Two people in the media have actually commented today that they think it has all been a Trump designed event >>29267
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.29300
Real time - all answers to any question - proactive analysis set to fulfill specified goals and or objectives.
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▶ f378bd (17) No.29301>>29312
Filter yourself from this board bitch.
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▶ bc7867 (7) No.29302>>29307
I was reminded we ought to look at these again. 2nd dump follows this.
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▶ 74f297 (4) No.29304
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▶ 2bb57c (3) No.29305
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▶ 4ce930 (30) No.29306
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▶ bc7867 (7) No.29307
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▶ 9dd2a7 (2) No.29308
Wrong, they will all fall soon, and listening to you makes me think your on that same path.Watch your step brah
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▶ a80b04 (11) No.29309
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▶ 5ff37c (9) No.29310
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▶ 36ceae (15) No.29311
Then its at least 3 of us.
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▶ 98d7a7 (10) No.29312
Filter your rancid ass and keep on doing what I'm doing.
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▶ 67d72c (1) No.29463
Not sure if this has been brought up yet, but here is an article Jack Matlock wrote regarding Edward Snowden. http://jackmatlock.com/2013/08/snowden-in-russia/
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▶ 53519e (23) No.29465
I wonder how much Australian farmers got paid to grow ebola wheat. Can't let that happen here.
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