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/thestorm/ - The Storm

Legacy Q Research

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This board is now under /QResearch/ control as of 10/08/2018

Looking for Q? Come to QResearch

File: ff800b41bf7101a⋯.jpg (412.02 KB,1512x997,1512:997,thestorm.jpg)

ae9741 No.18269 [Last50 Posts]

The Republic of The United States of America is being Restored

The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.

There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.

Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.


It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here Are The Facts:

There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22

There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.

As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.

Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.

Solution? Sincere Patriots.

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. ― Thomas Jefferson'''

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our Goal Is Simple:

To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE]. We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

Can you?

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.



Please read the "About Shills" section below.

Important Post for Q From CodeMonkey:


"The best, easiest and most secure way to do this would be for Q to become a board owner himself.

Q should create his own board via 8ch.net/create.php. Once the board is secured, he should edit the board settings and enable the CAPS ONLY function. When that happens, only moderators can create threads. Once he creates a thread, he can then lock it so only he can post there. In this case, he won't lose the board because it's explicitly for data dumps only (there are many boards like this on 8chan, like PDF libraries, personal blogs etc.). Discussion would continue on /thestorm/ or any other board of your choice.

If you need help setting this up, I'm all ears. No need for private communications whatsoever."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae9741 No.18274





>>13696 rt >>13655 "Mark graphic material": gop.gov/solution_content/plannedparenthood/


>>13615 rt >>13534






>>13138 rt >>13129

>>13128 rt >>13104

>>13097 rt >>13061




>>8223 rt >>8172

>>8159 rt >>8109




>>7958 rt >>7935




Q posts in /thestorm/ after migration:




[01/05/18 CBTS and /thestorm/ posts together]


01/05/18 CBTS:

Posts on 01/05/18 (EST) (Archive only)

#299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –


www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118

#295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –

media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg


>>5204 -> Graphic

01/04/18 (EST)


>>>/cbts/239015 rt >>>/pol/res/11115887


>>>/cbts/239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation

>>>/cbts/239917 -> Confirmation The Second

>>>/cbts/239968 -> BO Confirms

>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.




C!0demonkey NEW message on Q/BO Controversy 01/06


C!0Demonkey Confirms Q post made in /thestorm/ 01/06


C!0demonkey on making a CBTS secure board per Q's request


The Board Owner Q IS BACK Tripcode Update


Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update


C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement


Board Owner's emergency announcement


>>>/cbts/224690 ← Modanon explains

Q's Tripcodes

For posterity, here are the old trips Q had used so far:

Q !UW.yye1fxo

Q !ITPb.qbhqo


Q !2nVA4xm522

(last trip was wrong trip due to error in entering password)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae9741 No.18277




Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)

1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg

2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg

3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg

4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg

5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png

6: s20.postimg. org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg

7: s20.postimg.org/5eexzohkd/thestormqmap1b_1-07-18.png

Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/

NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/


This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.

Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.




Learn to Read The Map

New throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/



https:// oversight.house.gov/interactivepage/plannedparenthood/


New Spreadsheet

New smartsheet spreadsheet has been made.

NEW LINK: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232

NOTE: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.

We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.

THANK YOU all anons who have helped out, added answers, found news items, given support and had patience with this project.


Latest Q Map - Camp David Weekend Edition


>>>/cbts/252184 media.8ch.net/file_store/92a7a7fd28c4fb2505bfc47e0fe2b370a82dc22ab9a2a4f0c27b7aa80f9cec27.jpg

All Q Posts (meta, txt & html): 496 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/a27edc1e7b365bd954aacd2963d1bd44

Interactive: qcodefag.github.io

Interactive backup: qanonmap.github.io

News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017

Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

Raw Text Q Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/K2s7vcd1bc/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.4.1.pdf

PDF: For Spider Web Mapping dropfile.to/2UrnCy7

Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/M9A8v4d8b3/Q_Spreadsheet_DATASET_01-07.csv >>11976

Time Stamp Spreadsheets: .xls - anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx .csv - anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv

The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)

Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)

Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)

CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae9741 No.18279




CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html

Archive of all 8chan /cbts/ Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC

CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html

Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*

4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL


Q Posts & DJT Tweets Side by Side For Comparison - As Q Requested:


All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

Spreadsheet >>15121

'xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx

.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv


Tools & Information


Mapping tools: >>>/cbts/111700 , >>>/cbts/119941

Free research resources: >>>/cbts/216402

For site archival: archive.fo/

Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf

Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/

The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf

Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s

Reverse Image Search: tineye.com

Compilation of all players/actors and connections: >>13189

Planefag Tools

Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com

Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com

Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com

FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae9741 No.18283





>>17909 Upcoming OIG report likely to trigger second special council -Zerohedge

>>17871 Phili DA fires 31 on 4th day of job - -Zerohedge

>>17265 Fire and Fury available as pdf - WikiLeaks

>>15938 Iranian oil tanker crashes into Chinese ship near NK

>>14309 JFK Chaos

>>13981 RR Sister in charge of Vaccines for CDC?

>>14304 Chicago to HK flight diverted to alaska - vandalized with excrement

>>13002 Union Station DC Evacuated

>>12990 Emergency landing at JFK - report of engine fire

>>12334 California family dead - murder suicide

>>12275 Plane catches fire after collision on runway

>>11782 Ex-Iranian President Arrested

News Section Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18


Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>17675 Fire and Fury , Ch6 and 10 'O' changed to 'Q' -> WikiLeaks

>>17726 anons 40,000ft view compilation

>>17380 Seven TRILLION Q Connection

>>16799 In-Q-Tel , Genetic Engineering , PepsiCo , TacoBell and 50% reduction in sperm counts

>>16759 Loop Capital Markets - Financials

>>16581 When Fake Communitst took over a Wisconsin town

>>16459 , >>16471 Relationships Map - Huma , VJ , MB

>>15704 [rr_out] Q message , POTUS tweet , time stameed

>>14152 rt >>13838 Epiphany!

>>13959 Body Parts Raid in November

>>13925 Obama agency rules Pepsi use of fetal cells 'ordinary business'

>>13753 7th Floor - wikispooks

>>13760 , >>14161 7th floor is no more

>>13655 , >>13658 House Investigation into Planned Parenthood

>>13556 Missing Money - 13B , 6B

>>13515 First Pentagon Audit in History

>>11987 Airplanes missing and Eric Schmidt

>>11968 Mass data collection since Reagan (1981)

Notable Posts Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18


Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.

To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.


BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:



More info: >>>/cbts/140461

>>>/cbts/120430 (Petition)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae9741 No.18285




Research Resources >>>/cbts/211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)

A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422

Alien / Disclosure Related >>>/cbts/26613

Asia Foundation >>>/cbts/15984

Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705

British Connections >>>/cbts/117841

CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>>/cbts/1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461

FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>>/cbts/195194

Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952

Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102

Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163

Israel & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398

Many research links here to give background on current events >>>/cbts/255999

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/1391

Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>>/cbts/147334

North Korea >>>/cbts/1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249

Plane Crashes Thread >>>/cbts/56075

Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198

Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300

Planned Parenthood* >>13655

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171

Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157

Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327

Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409

Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139

Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576

Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367

Stringers, military courts >>>/cbts/189447

Titanic >>>/cbts/106

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346

Who is P? >>>/cbts/202645

* ==Emphasized by Q==

**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>>/cbts/211983.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae9741 No.18286




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1: >>>/cbts/2

Memes #2: >>>/cbts/61078

Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604

Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207

Memes #5: >>>/cbts/189835

Memes #6: >>7090

Infographs: >>>/cbts/10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875

Meme Ammo: >>7161

Meme Ammo By Topic: pastebin.com/WnudyCpd from >>14323

Image Archive by Topic >>15427 , >>15430 , >>16675 , >>17595




→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>>/cbts/134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts

Part 1: >>>/cbts/189448

Part 2: >>>/cbts/189460

Part 3: >>>/cbts/189467

Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B

^^The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)

RedPill Questions - Not Q

>>15931 Foundations

>>15998 Politicians

>>16064 Anti-Trump

>>16204 Planned Parenthood

>>16438 Plane 9/11

Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.


Prayer Requests: >>>/cbts/55606

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps

Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

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20e6b2 No.18287

Can we get a marker thread going?

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ae9741 No.18288





Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http/https://www' part.

e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org

When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and the browser will resolve.

This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the

destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.

Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com

You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.

It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.

If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.

Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com

You can anonymously search web using this site.

It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly

go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make

duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"

directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.

Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.

There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.


About Shills

Read >>>/cbts/226201


Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.

They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.

Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.

So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*

You don't.

Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,

mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart: YOU IGNORE THEM.

Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)

and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.

Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.


Last Dough & Baking Instructions


If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:

Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.

Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.

Last dough: pastebin.com/8UEjBahw From thread: 22

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9e697a No.18289


Thank you baker

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f3c264 No.18290

File: d71583ed387c0fb⋯.png (241.69 KB,683x226,683:226,zap.png)

Q - start your own board, they'll crack the BO/Admin trips faster now.

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bcb803 No.18291

Wikileaks Publishes Michael Wolff's Entire Sold Out Trump Book As A PDF


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ae9741 No.18292


those last 100 posts flew by

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f92126 No.18293

Thank you, Baker!


Was this an early indication that Godfather is actually LdR?

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8d4f0f No.18294


if you worship it

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9ede16 No.18295


Anons are here to record history and map it for the un pilled masses, not make history, they are not waiting on US to do anything, FUCK help us these boards have turned into Teen Magazine.

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9e697a No.18296

"For the longest time I wouldn't believe it, and then I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watched them liquefy the aborted so they could be fed intravenously to the living."

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89a46d No.18297

File: 2df04c2c2420cef⋯.jpeg (81.82 KB,800x450,16:9,D99FD191-025F-49F0-BA77-C….jpeg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7d07fc No.18298


Don't believe this soft peddling of Islam. Islam is a religion of hate, war and death. They created softer versions of it to trick the west into accepting it.

Check out this one minute video by David Wood. youtube.com/watch?v=ANWJ6p3PpCs

▶Anonymous 01/07/18 (Sun) 14:27:33 f7c4e9 No.18106>>18155


>Virtually everything you know about Islam is wrong by design

Well, if the intent of those you named is to make me dislike izlum immensely, then they have succeeded. I'm probably not alone on that.

However, if the swamp draining reveals an izlum that is different (I pray it does), then I am open minded.

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f3d9d0 No.18299


>They block everything out that they don't want to believe.

Very well explained anon, thank you.

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94eff7 No.18300


It was early on - missing "i's"??

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1082ee No.18301


Agreed, Q should create a board where only he can post. Verify it through /thestorm/. Crossposting should make it work seemlessly.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

03dc81 No.18302







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a7d15b No.18303

File: f50662e8c489073⋯.jpg (163.59 KB,1280x937,1280:937,sanguinius-IX-vs-Horrus.jpg)

File: 72eca6c08eec0bf⋯.jpg (2.34 MB,1478x1429,1478:1429,651ba193a2587c66cfe5a2b760….jpg)

File: b6bd8f8057fc1af⋯.jpg (263.28 KB,900x1272,75:106,735119Sanguiniusbyslaine69.jpg)

File: 875a2b76bf6b3f9⋯.png (916.97 KB,1600x821,1600:821,sanguinius_by_tuqi-d6yi7ew.png)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bbc7 No.18304


>>>18222 (You)

>Mom said your soup is ready, you better go and leave this to the big boys.

Fuck off fag. You are Distractor. Everyone in here is talking about AI and religion when we need to be FUCKING TALKING ABOUT LOOP CAPITAL. fuck off

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7286c5 No.18305

Yo Morpheus wattup bro?? / Neo >>18296

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ace585 No.18307


It all depends on their true fears. Some fear death. Kill them. There are much worse things than death out there. It all depends on what you fear the most. A couple of them will either be executed by the outcome of the trial, or be killed per "street justice". Just stating the truth.

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b65663 No.18308

Canal ORG chart- (heard someone opine on YT)

London- Administration Hub

DC- Military Hub (world bully)

Vatican- Big Boss


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8d4f0f No.18309


I'm sorry that you don't feel we should be armed in th battle of good vs evil… we have to deal with this eventually… i'll stop if no-one else brings it back up

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f6e286 No.18310


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7591a4 No.18311

File: 80400348bd51f3c⋯.jpg (61.22 KB,686x427,98:61,1515361202914.jpg)

>yfw i rubber stamp every piece of currency i touch now

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56ff13 No.18312

File: 080769a72f5479b⋯.png (73.82 KB,641x445,641:445,Screenshot 2018-01-07 at 3….png)

Get it while it's hot…

Wiki providing free copy of 'Fire and Fury' about Trump..

https: //twitter.com/wikileaks/status/950093352145432577

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bcc43b No.18313

File: 5b9287f1f99704b⋯.jpg (62.09 KB,750x863,750:863,Cross.jpg)

>>18276 (from last thread)

>Is a crucifix an idol?

Of course not. It Represents GOD.

The Tabernacle, mobile Temple of GOD the Israelite's used during 40 years in the Desert, that the Bible talks about, 3500 years ago, was in the Shape of a Cross. This was 1500 years BEFORE Christ. See PIC

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b591c9 No.18314


But you buy the Satanic angle Q has pushed repeatedly? Are you unaware that Satanists MUST obtain our consent and if we don't give it to them that they then manufacture it ( their leader is the Father of all lies so do you not think they'd probably fuck with our food supply to obtain it?) ?

They have to tell us what they're doing- they do that through predictive programming in movies & TV shows, Then, they also have to obtain our consent- which they do by normalization & propaganda. it's their 3 Axioms- Hide in plain sight- announce their intentions & obtain consent to implement Satanic NWO & slaughter all but 500,000,000 of us to slave for them. It's happening Anon..

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b65663 No.18315



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a49fac No.18316


It almost makes you think that Soylent Green and The Matrix were documentaries…

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b22cf9 No.18317

This might be a stretch, but…

LOOP spelled backward is POOL


In capital budgeting, the concept that investment projects are financed out of a pool of bonds, preferred stock, and common stock, and a weighted-average cost of capital must be used to calculate investment returns. In insurance, a group of insurers who share premiums and losses in order to spread risk. In investments, the combination of funds for the benefit of a common project, or a group of investors who use their combined influence to manipulate prices.

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bbd765 No.18318


Why don't you use the current Pepsi slogan: Out of the Blue / The Joy of Pepsi-Cola

Rewrite is as: Out of the Womb / The Horror of Pepsi-Cola

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dae0b3 No.18319

Shall We get back to Loop Capital? Found a law suit that they were defendants with Zucker (FB) 2012

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106f54 No.18321

After Trump stopped in Hawaii on his way to Asia and on his way home, Obama visited Hawaii over Christmas, too. Took the whole family as cover.

Probably looking to see if Trump got evidence for his forged birth certificate and bribe somebodies.

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a49fac No.18322


I would, but it's dark where I am.

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7286c5 No.18323


Is Soylent Green worth watching ? Never seen it.

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bcb803 No.18324


FB IPO Fraud

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8d4f0f No.18325


represents God =Idol

God is everywhere including in you … why do you need symbols and objects?

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b22cf9 No.18326

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78cb88 No.18327

>>17710 Let's be honest TB has been making $ off of her Q videos. She tried to deny that she had spat with one of the other"Q" twitter ppl over who should be sending normies where. I read it. I saw it. They've since made up because they benefit by promoting each other's youtubes. It really sickens me. Q is FREE. Celebrity Q "reporters" have been made & are cashing in whether they will admit it or not. They love their patreon accounts.

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97c132 No.18328

>>18323 Nah kinda stupid flick

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415f0d No.18329

File: 13c9dc1a5d33095⋯.jpg (24.84 KB,474x267,158:89,lookin.jpg)


Hey OP, just want to let you and anons know there is a new thread to help red-pill family and friends. It's based on a series of posts someone did with only questions on various subjects (they were not mine), which will be really helpful.

Red Pill Scripts


Could you please add this to the pastebin for bakers under REDPILL TACTICS?

Thank you

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7286c5 No.18330


Gonna "rent" it tonight!

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86a2e6 No.18331



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61eb70 No.18332

File: a268c6f55b4df95⋯.png (668.61 KB,750x1334,375:667,7BC11A07-2321-4F7A-A0BA-95….png)


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dae0b3 No.18333


That one is so old, you'd think it would be free by now!! ;-)

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11fc01 No.18334

Another very weird airport story ..

http:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/01/06/watch-passengers-scream-as-plane-next-to-them-bursts-into-flames/?__twitter_impression=true

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7591a4 No.18335


That picture is obviously Luciferian.

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a49fac No.18336


Even though you've been red-pilled now?

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b22cf9 No.18337


Here ya go fellow anon: http://putlockers.fm /watch/zGW1mVvP-soylent-green.html

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9e697a No.18338


Follow the white rabbit. Knock knock

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849b2c No.18339

File: c9c04bac58246bb⋯.png (42.64 KB,607x364,607:364,Pushed right.png)




This seems plausible

The newest board fuckery really threw a spanner in the works. People saying q's second trip was cracked, that it wasn't, the /CBTS/ BO got comped, that /thestorm/ is clown run, all kinds of shit.

really killin' my vibes tbh, but I'll endure

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5f2599 No.18340


It's not me brother. Just doing what God tells me to do.

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e8bbc7 No.18341


I love talking about it but it's so rare that discussion on this board is actually working to solve Q posts. Just behind the scene bakers. We could be doing so much more…

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d333fa No.18342

File: f6c2f42cb6a1b28⋯.png (44.24 KB,2178x58,1089:29,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

File: efd7a9f70e2da20⋯.png (292.33 KB,5074x184,2537:92,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

File: 791797a933975a6⋯.png (999.31 KB,1320x1028,330:257,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

File: deb3750ac0351ab⋯.png (961.38 KB,776x956,194:239,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

File: 4834f90ba1eb38f⋯.png (646.53 KB,652x950,326:475,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)


http://www.the hypertexts.com/Donald%20Trump%20Antichrist%20666.htm

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20e6b2 No.18343

Any twatfags know Lynne’s last twat?

Since Q is talking about Soros now does that mean ++ is shoah’d?

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294bf4 No.18344


Ill be glad to sit down with you and show you what a true muslim is


Yes I do not like the look of it at all. Remember though that the leaders of saudi are all corrupt and linked to clintons cult.

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97c132 No.18345

>>18336 saw it years ago like 10 times dont need to watch again

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7032b5 No.18346


The Holy Quran Experiment:


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61eb70 No.18347


The clerds are serrr crazzerrr

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f0fa80 No.18348



He did make use of the shift-key, at any rate: In both cases the exact lines are "Godfather lll" – with lower-case "L". One of them as last line, the other might have been a first.


I agree, but with Q usually being accurate (he says so at one point even, I believe), I was just wondering if there could be another dimension to this since he hinted at double/multi meanings as well.

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8d4f0f No.18349


yes, but this should help …eventually

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55aa0c No.18350

File: ec66830bd00104d⋯.jpg (122.38 KB,455x779,455:779,ZomboMeme 07012018175714.jpg)

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7286c5 No.18351

>>18338 I'm sleeping, dont wake me up!!!!

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e7fb4f No.18352

“Whatever happened to this Pakistani guy who worked with the DNC?”

>>U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan revoked >>Awan’s curfew restrictions and stopped >>requiring him to be drug tested

150 mile restriction?

>>Allowed perimeter of an ankle monitor?

What airport is within 150 miles (home)?

>>Dulles, DC, Baltimore, Harrisburg

What events can be tied to airport?

>>Stranded passengers(DC); power outage(ATL)

When specifically?

>>Jan 6, 2018 & Dec 18, 2017 respectively

When did POTUS Tweet the above?

>>Couldnt find a tweet but was in the interview >>he did with the failing NYT on Dec 28, 2017

Why is this relevant?

>>Because same article stated he is a flight >>risk??

Planes & Trains.

>>Rats trying to flee


>>May they feel the fear that they caused in their >>victims times 10


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f981bc No.18353


5 hrs ago.

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13035c No.18354

File: d182e559e953e05⋯.png (298.92 KB,786x628,393:314,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

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f92126 No.18355




Oh, WOW! Three lowecase (LLL) is L3!


www.l3t.com ← Their website

Are these bad actors? First sentence from the wiki:

American company that supplies command and control, communications, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C3ISR) systems and products, avionics, ocean products, training devices and services, instrumentation, aerospace, and navigation products. Its customers include the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Government intelligence agencies, NASA, aerospace contractors and commercial telecommunications and wireless customers.

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5d41b1 No.18356


Spelling nazi here. Change 'council' to 'counsel'.

Council is a word, but not the correct word in this context.

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97c132 No.18357

>>18354 Wow another airport imagine that

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e0207a No.18358


Salam akhi

I know

I know of the Jews of Basrah who went to Jeddah in order to spread corruption

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f49088 No.18359

Possible consideration for anyone working on markers and a clock.

Ignoring dates, only using time stamps.

A clock face only has 12 hours. 1:00 and 13:00 appear the same. If placement using a 12 hour face yields anything, it will show how intricately it has been planned.

Good luck.

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89a46d No.18360

File: fd94b0dea7f9518⋯.jpeg (255.3 KB,1888x1260,472:315,217DD8FB-D659-4408-9B5D-A….jpeg)

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20e6b2 No.18361


Fuuug, wishful thinking.

>inb4 Lynne chimes in… your days are numbered cuntbag

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bbd765 No.18362


An adult male in good physical shape would be the sacrifice of choice to harvest Adrenochrome from. If you are going to Redpill you should probably make it factual.

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97b6ab No.18364


Lynn de Rothschild


5h5 hours ago

More Lynn de Rothschild Retweeted Paul Kagame

This is a wonderful initiative; bravo @PaulKagame

Paul Kagame‏Verified account


Follow Follow @PaulKagame


Happy to see how car-free day is successful and continuing to attract thousands not only in Kigali but across the country!

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ac5255 No.18365

Why postpone fake news awards?

What did we miss?

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e8acfd No.18366


Saved both, not sure why…

Like your style…

Good graphics…..

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b22cf9 No.18367


We are building trust.

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d333fa No.18368

File: 59512d51fc57f7d⋯.png (1.61 MB,978x1312,489:656,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

File: 6fc6774a26c1eaa⋯.png (1.11 MB,1306x730,653:365,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

File: 51d080b6892fd05⋯.png (1.33 MB,1284x1292,321:323,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

File: 22bf71a881c28a8⋯.png (71.41 KB,746x296,373:148,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

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dd60d7 No.18369


It was the last movie Edward G. Robinson was in before he died. (Ya gotta be at least a boomer to remember him.)

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f981bc No.18370


Nothing. Its going to be bigger and more meaningful.

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e0207a No.18371


Keep those rare earths flowing

Russ Feingold was part of this

Another perpetual war

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849b2c No.18372


thats because its a load of bluepilled boomer tier number pareidolia bullshit.

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2c5d02 No.18373



>that's how movie stars and celebrities refer to it as drencrom or DC.

wow they talk about it that casually?

even better then to use the street slang

did you realize what it was at the time?

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8d4f0f No.18374


i'd like to be part of that conversation… the Quran is outside my knowledge … please be aware when i make vast statements about religions i do not necessarily mean every follower

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f92126 No.18375


Possible Godfather lll connection?

Two Q team posts had Godfather lll using lowercase Ls. Another anon just made the find.

Is it L3 Q team was pointing us to?

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9ebbd8 No.18376


I still cannot access this. 404'd

https:// www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-%3E%3Enoaction/14a-8/2012/sarahgiltner022812-%3E%3E14a8.pdf

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f5a214 No.18377


Maybe put all of Trumps tweets as tick-marks around the circumference of the clock face in ONE COLOR and Q Crumbs in tick-marks of ANOTHER COLOR

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a5da0c No.18378

File: 20a95fc923aa4aa⋯.png (215.99 KB,828x894,138:149,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

File: 6116479f11af248⋯.png (381.92 KB,733x909,733:909,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

File: 449af601ef851c6⋯.png (304.64 KB,772x908,193:227,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

File: ea5d9e060d210e8⋯.png (153.29 KB,714x907,714:907,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

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3ff01b No.18379

File: 5889dae3e00d428⋯.jpg (159.13 KB,571x647,571:647,LoopCap.jpg)

Does anyone want to make some phone calls?

Still digging…

http://www. loopcap.com/locations/

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cd3a5d No.18380


Could the Q's in the book be related to this post from Q on 12/19?

There will be a day (within the next few months) that a scary but safe personalized message finds its way to you on multiple platforms recognizing your contributions.

We thank you for your service.


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d404f9 No.18381

TBeanz interview with Doc. Corsi fresh Bread…


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887c40 No.18382


before you paste it into your browser you have to eliminate the spaces

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d333fa No.18383


No its a realistic openminded redpilled x'er

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8fb0fb No.18384


Anon, i downloaded it. do you want me to upload it for you?

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3c4f91 No.18386

File: e96f37ff4f700cc⋯.png (537.74 KB,523x679,523:679,screenshot_190.png)

Too soon?

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56ff13 No.18387


Damn….great thought…

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89a46d No.18388

File: b9587e830d7f2ce⋯.jpeg (83.46 KB,531x374,531:374,C3418A75-D48D-4196-B174-F….jpeg)

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97c132 No.18389

>>18381 Thanx for the heads up checking it now

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8fb0fb No.18390


404 for me too, and i fixed the link

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d695a6 No.18391

File: ed7b68d0f04feb4⋯.jpg (4.48 MB,5344x4008,4:3,IMG_20171103_154416783.jpg)


This is a picture from the set of the show superstition.

You were talking about consent when you watch shows and they put something like this right in front of you and you stare at it and you dwell on it and you get addicted to it you are giving them your consent does anybody see what is clearly in front of you?

I don't really care if they find me I'm ready to go.

Look at the colors and then count.

There is nothing random nothing random on a television or movie screen it is all put there for reason.

Nothing random it all has esoteric satanic meaning shows like stranger things Vampire Diaries The Originals Superstition Supernatural if you're watching that show you're giving them your consent that's the bottom line that's the way they look at it I know when I tell you I know I'm saying I know

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86a2e6 No.18392


do you have the gorilla channel?

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264e12 No.18393


It is worth a watch.

Deals with over population, euthanasia, gmos and being fed people.

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a390a6 No.18394

File: 94c41d39ab4c459⋯.jpg (37.41 KB,306x400,153:200,22agk7.jpg)

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e8acfd No.18395


Weather modification is happening for a reason

All will be reviled

I'm I know one, so filter me if required.

PersonalY will be happy when all is done. Blue sky's, stars - and a wonderful atmosphere…..

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2b2e7e No.18396

File: 51e67141f744384⋯.png (2.6 MB,2372x1428,593:357,Sky_Looked_Normal_To_me_to….png)


sky looked perfectly normal to me today

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7032b5 No.18397


I've seen nothing else than this screen for over 11 weeks…

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993b13 No.18398


THor pic relates to this and Im really tired of waiting for the truth! grrrrrr

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fccd87 No.18399

>> 18306


FACEBOOK INC. : CIA startup/funded

GENERAL MOTORS CO : Obama bailout / given to union

FIAT CHRYSLER : Obama bailout / given to foreign country


FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR: Rothschilds, plane crash / assassination

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f981bc No.18400

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3fcd74 No.18401

File: a73f9a46f16462a⋯.jpg (113.4 KB,500x788,125:197,batmanjoker.jpg)

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b0dcee No.18403



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f0fa80 No.18404





No idea, what it means – I'll keep my eye open for triple L's. Just noticed it today, and thought I'd ask the autists.

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bc98b9 No.18405

File: 9c6fb7a8a71df5d⋯.jpg (259.32 KB,1754x1240,877:620,g - Copy.jpg)

I request on behalf of all the good people of the earth

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83d1f5 No.18406

File: cfd7ef0d3409966⋯.jpeg (130.12 KB,750x608,375:304,8D002DE3-B586-46C2-8BB8-6….jpeg)


Everyone should put something small and pro Trump on every bill you spend.

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e0207a No.18407


The Quran has context

(((The Media))) promotes it out of context and gins up hate and misunderstanding

Imagine if there was a billion dollar industry claiming that Jesus was promoting alcoholism when he turned water into wine

Except that there is and it's called prosperity gospel

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f3d9d0 No.18408


It's been ignored because that is how filtering works.

Glad to be of assistance.

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ae9741 No.18409


got cha

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f3c264 No.18410


I'm tired of every forum being subverted

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b22cf9 No.18411


Its…its beautiful!

Incredible job anon.

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89a46d No.18412

File: 3cca951d58abf8b⋯.jpeg (63.64 KB,612x407,612:407,382FCD1A-2F9E-48AC-9902-0….jpeg)

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0b764a No.18413


>Planes & Trains.


>>>Rats trying to flee


To me this has got to be a reference to Assange's tweet, MIA - Paper Planes

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993b13 No.18414


The eye, the Holy See, the only sovereign nation in the UN, aka the Vatican the pope etc.

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f0fa80 No.18415


Thank you baker !

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a49fac No.18416


Ermahgerd! Adrernerchrerme!

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e8bbc7 No.18417


She is spreading the word and has put a lot of effort into her videos I hope she gets rich as fuck as long as she sticks to the truth. have you even watched her videos? The one she did yesterday basically implicates the Cabal only using need articles.

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7591a4 No.18418


What do you want to know about it? How to use it?

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979611 No.18419


>I find it odd that obama can act all cool with hillary when she tried to kill him.

Sounds like a meme …..

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e8acfd No.18420


U think that's normal?

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b22cf9 No.18421


Awesome sauce. Nice work.

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8d4f0f No.18422


I'm sure … Jesus would not have eaten grapes let alone drank wine… similar misconception

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97c132 No.18423

>>18407 I guess sold crack too right …Your an idiot

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ca54e7 No.18424


If Trump manages to destroy Israel the world would be an infinitely better place. Take your misled Christian Kikery somewhere else. Start another board and call it the Synagauge of Satan and Retarded Christian Friends of Israel.

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2cae8b No.18425


Searched https ://qanonmap.github.io/?q=lll

got posts #75, #84

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94eff7 No.18426


Birds are "singing"

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db24c3 No.18427


Filtered. Use the religion board.

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0b764a No.18428

File: 21aa8b9e969e966⋯.png (173.14 KB,321x394,321:394,1402114052273.png)

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bfe3a9 No.18429


Sorry friend, but Q has posted 500 times… it's an almost impossible task

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2b2e7e No.18430


no, I was being facetious

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bbd765 No.18432


There is nothing wrong with drinking a glass of wine.

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94eff7 No.18433


How's that "scary"? Just wondering.

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2b2e7e No.18434


and that really is from today

was worse the day before the "bomb cyclone"

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bd791e No.18435

File: 3e6561994b69eda⋯.png (194.41 KB,550x720,55:72,planned parenthood.png)

File: c17eb215621ed22⋯.png (450.89 KB,706x594,353:297,baby body parts.png)


Why do D's want to keep the black population poor and in need?

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e8acfd No.18436


Sorry, I have dry humour, sometimes…..

I don't think others compute.

Error, parse, crash.

Peace be within.

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89a46d No.18437

File: da164a704b698c9⋯.jpeg (61.92 KB,613x542,613:542,4CF92DBE-3F67-4AB8-BF04-B….jpeg)

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f0fa80 No.18438


That's you txtAnon with secure trip ? Hi ! other textAnon here. Updated the files today after cbts sank in that storm that night . . .

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993b13 No.18439


Don’t watch them then

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64a57b No.18440

File: 5d281a4c71d1179⋯.jpg (2.28 MB,2026x3239,2026:3239,NBC.jpg)

File: b0560e1e65823e2⋯.jpg (2.27 MB,2108x3238,1054:1619,New York Times.jpg)

File: dcc805f7bf1bbec⋯.jpg (1.73 MB,2107x3237,2107:3237,NPR.jpg)


This is one big LARP of information we've known for decades. Remove the people who are brainwashing this country already.

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7032b5 No.18441


Already read it. Very good.

Cyprus also connected and working with Palantir system?

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b22cf9 No.18443



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12c086 No.18444












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a5da0c No.18445


The Trump picture… Every fucking adult on the planet has done that with their hands at some point. This is nothing.

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8d4f0f No.18446


Further, You must understand that we are dealing with several translations later … "wine" would have meant any beverage that alters consiousness.

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64a57b No.18447

File: 2321bb6f576d64a⋯.jpg (2.32 MB,2113x3239,2113:3239,CNN.jpg)

File: 52a36459e98e8ec⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,2500x4420,125:221,jews fox.jpg)

File: 9e27429156f79bd⋯.png (7.78 MB,3375x5175,15:23,supremecourt.png)

File: 6e8f48312513581⋯.jpg (630.68 KB,2106x3240,13:20,hillary jews.jpg)


the rest

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979611 No.18448


>Drencrom is more rampant than anyone will imagine

>It's not just drencrom they use the blood of infants as transfusions

I don't doubt this, and I think it will be one of the things we uncover fully in this process.

But, how in the absolute fuck does this stay secret for so ling?

Since you are part of it, is there nobody with a conscience in that industry?

Is there nobody with basic human morals who would spill the truth about this evil?

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61eb70 No.18449

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3ff01b No.18450

File: e92a4dd4b075d53⋯.jpg (146.86 KB,1099x647,1099:647,Chiglob1.jpg)

File: 18a000d211f4d41⋯.jpg (104.77 KB,1049x655,1049:655,Chiglob2.jpg)

File: 5ac9175bd103efe⋯.jpg (105.49 KB,1055x634,1055:634,Chiglob3.jpg)

That is allot of money…

Still digging…

http://www. chicagolobbyists.org/clients/loop-capital-markets-llc

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bfe3a9 No.18451


"scary but safe" "personalized" on "multiple platforms".

They'll send every one of us a mail or a message. We'll be scared shitless, but it's safe.

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0b764a No.18453

File: 1de1eaa1aba606d⋯.jpg (38.68 KB,321x394,321:394,1402114052273.jpg)


That's better.

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2b2e7e No.18454


same as everyone before said + how is that a "personalized message" "recognizing your contributions"?

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6dd8b1 No.18455

Loop capital funds the global crime syndicates. This is the Q message decoded.


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bb757f No.18456


please do. it cant be accessed anymore. not right now at least.

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0b764a No.18457


It was speculated to be a mass text last night. Trump has that power I guess.

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e0207a No.18458




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64a57b No.18459

File: 900644da333adfc⋯.jpg (331.51 KB,1000x1174,500:587,jews.jpg)

File: 70fd92846d2955c⋯.jpg (319.8 KB,1600x2812,400:703,femikikes.jpg)



feminism and 3rd world invasion of the west too

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a683c2 No.18461

File: 8811d16ef69dfc2⋯.jpeg (277.06 KB,1271x1890,1271:1890,d075b0efbd21d30a198a3154c….jpeg)


In Caps - Record Setting Stock Prices = RSSP

Roth/Soros/Saud and P? (15 Trillion)

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0d9baf No.18462

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3acc59 No.18463



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d333fa No.18464

File: e41d8fec9eaa79b⋯.png (460.44 KB,5104x352,29:2,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)


Ah yes….

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89a46d No.18465

File: cec8fbc93b184ed⋯.jpeg (23.16 KB,232x272,29:34,4FAE1DD9-1906-4FB9-9875-1….jpeg)

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dd9a81 No.18466


I'm willing to bet much of that debt was 'owed' to swamp creatures to begin with.

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bcb803 No.18467


Awan tried to flee, again. planes & trains.

What airports & stations shut down

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b22cf9 No.18468

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e8acfd No.18469


Ty, all things I'm given are noted..

Which place? - and please don't say a code I won't understand. Not from USA.

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bc98b9 No.18470


thats what first woke me… out in hottub during day which i never did, always was in it at night. seeing mfers turn shit on and off going back and forth. i was so f pissed off.

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5d41b1 No.18471


Robinson was dying during filming and his good friend Heston knew it. Supposedly Heston's tears were real.

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3c4f91 No.18472


Tell them you've enslaved a distressed neighborhood and need a cash influx they'll be over right away….

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2b2e7e No.18473

File: a0f54922099548b⋯.png (3.29 MB,2126x1662,1063:831,caps_lock_not_necessary_al….png)

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d695a6 No.18474


No. The answer is no there is no one in the industry that it will come out and talk about this if they ever want to work again.

That is why I walked away with no plan B.

They are all addicted to the fame the money and they think it gives them immortality.

Anybody that's made more than two or three movies they know exactly what's going on most of the time they are blackmailed or controlled in other ways.

There are definitely levels.

There are levels of superiority and levels of knowledge within the club

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61eb70 No.18475


No proofs? Don’t post it

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ef1dbb No.18476



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72e0b1 No.18477

Wind the clock w/ all markers.

W/ = pronounced "double you"?

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a5da0c No.18478


You are close, but a little cray-cray, IMO… Kubrick said something to the effect of; when you watched his movie "Eyes Wide Shut" you were willfully participating in the rituals by watching it. (Consent? Perhaps.) I'll look for the article.

This gets into the metaphysical though. And I think Q wants us to keep grounded.

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bbd765 No.18479


OMG you fucks are idiotic. They don't use fetal tissue to enhance flavor. WTF is wrong with you people. Research if a bit before you shitpost your idiocy.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

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bab2d1 No.18480

potentially retarded thought, but could "the rod and the ring will strike" refer to Q?

kind of literal, but Q's posts were hugely significant, and most of the stuff that came before it has already happened

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6dd8b1 No.18481


And the courts and judges, prosecutors are protecting him. Courts are part of the conspiracy.

AWANS were hired by the CIA to spy upon Congress.

And more, Q message decoded on Loop capital –

Loop capital funds the global crime syndicates. This is the Q message decoded.


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a098b8 No.18483


A thought anons - the book isn't completely full of lies.

For example - POTUS said that Tony Blair gave him a heads up on Brits spying on him to 'gt a ME job'. I'm pretty certain the job part is a lie. However - there spying part is true.

Perhaps us anons are meant to read the book? We can spot hints, clues etc in there.

It's free on PDF to get this crazy ideas out there to completely discredit POTUS which will BTFO on MSM itself, as has always been the plan (for the Normies).

Is it possible that some crumbs are in there aswell?

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a5da0c No.18484


I'll bite… How does the Thor pic relate to this item?

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f49088 No.18485


Depends on the state of the data.

If timestamp is in a separate cell: pseudocode:

If(stamp >12:00, then stamp -12:00, else stamp)

Sort by calculated column. I'm mobile for now. If things were scraped/sorted sensibly this is the easiest task

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3acc59 No.18486


Why not bring Awan to the military tribunal?

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8fcb12 No.18487

Dear Q,

The 2017 movie Misirlou - white hat or black hat op?

Podesta - Walnut Sauce - is that referencing Adrenochrome?

Adrenochrome is real - confirm?

Many thanks, Patriot.

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0b764a No.18488

File: 3abde98107854bd⋯.png (204.84 KB,750x1334,375:667,images.duckduckgo.com.png)


Sure could.

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bc98b9 No.18489


nasty mfers, i would of knocked the f out of em

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6dd8b1 No.18490


150 miles. Airport within range. 7th floor is the CIA. The judges conspired with the CIA and the AWANs, by trying to allow them to flee. US courts corrupted, protecting AWANS.

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27e20f No.18491

Need to refocus on latest Q posts. Specifically the winding of the clock with the markers one.

Its imperative we get this question sorted asap



Focus on the timestamps


Decipher is specifically used, if we were just to 'understand' he would ask us to understand.


>Think Clock.

A cipher that relates to a Clock? Look for Ciphers relating to clocks.

>Wind the clock w/ all markers.



Relevance is imperative, might have something to do with Monday, now Wednesdays, FAKE NEWS awards.

>Future proves past.


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658ae6 No.18492

File: 05a6bcc2f0fa3d0⋯.jpg (74.05 KB,530x500,53:50,schiffA1.jpg)

File: ece56c6121a4ed6⋯.jpg (70.86 KB,530x500,53:50,schiffA2.jpg)

File: 2eb4d8d2537474d⋯.jpg (74.12 KB,530x500,53:50,schiffA3.jpg)

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979611 No.18493


Wow. Just wow.

Selling their souls …. literally.

I pray that the whole truth of it comes out, if only to protect other victims.

Good on you for getting out.

God will reward you.

Thank you for your input on this.

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b22cf9 No.18495

File: 35fd58e390926c0⋯.jpg (103.07 KB,623x457,623:457,c964e-this-metzitzah-bpeh.jpg)

File: 0f0e92b02e04bc0⋯.jpg (7.36 KB,275x183,275:183,download.jpg)



Pic related

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993b13 No.18496


Can you connect them to CERN, the largest supplier of military satellite technology.


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3ff01b No.18497


They just told me to hold and put on creepy elevator music…

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94db01 No.18498


>Because Trump is cleaning up every single one of these fucking organisations, and shining a 1 trillion lumen spotlight on their hidey holes.

…with a parabolic mirror and Fresnel lens, I might add. It must be done: fry the cockroaches under the light!

Mankind will survive the redpill, as long as justice is served

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89a46d No.18499

File: fc44ab14c2c3286⋯.jpeg (51.56 KB,321x394,321:394,86BE4CE6-165C-4FA7-A4FA-5….jpeg)

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5c0537 No.18500


There is still sky out there? Oh yeah. And since I live close enough, but it's cold (for here) I'll be out to see if the Falcon 9 makes it out of the dock. Planning on having a video back up since Mr. Musk has joked it'll probably blow up and I won't be able to see that from here.

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d695a6 No.18501

File: bbfcb809c928109⋯.jpg (5.03 MB,5344x4008,4:3,IMG_20171103_182839506.jpg)


You are looking at black and white alternating which is a Masonic symbol

There are 6 inner white triangles and 6 inner black triangles and 6 points on the outside I have hundreds of pictures like this that I took when I worked on set all types of imagery that is used as set decoration and even though you're focused on the person that's delivering the dialogue this item is staring you in the face and you don't even realize

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ca54e7 No.18502


You are one of those retards that believes Americans fought for the good side in WWII.

Pro tip: We helped the Communists take over the world.

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1fb0e0 No.18503


No. It does not work that way, you gotta scare the mortal hell out of the "donor".

A normal male would just punch you in the throat and laugh, or will generally be less scared and traumatized than an infant.

Plus infant is stronger drug, body size seems to be irrelevant to production of drug.

Another bonus; Babies are tiny - easy to get rid of bodies. No dependents, no fingerprint records etc.

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cbfbd6 No.18504


Not true at all. Older the subject the more impurities.

They terrorize the child (purest blood) the blood gets the adrenaline rush in to the stream. Then they sacrifice the victim and harvest the adrenocrome

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05d8b4 No.18505


I made a post in the main cat of this board >>7584 which contains the full document, maybe it is interesting to post your findings there so we dont fill the board and piss off the anons

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d333fa No.18506


Nice try sliding shlomo//// FUCK YOU

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12c086 No.18508

File: d2dd462e5cfefd2⋯.jpg (506.12 KB,562x307,562:307,MERHILKI.jpg)

File: c57ea1e3d8e51a0⋯.jpg (76.7 KB,960x540,16:9,Streep-meme-2.jpg)

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8fb0fb No.18509


i got 2 files, i'll upload both because im not sure which one was in the link that 404'd


www .anonfiles.cc/file/6d942a530c8e27b12e2141999a5db0b1


www .anonfiles.cc/file/2917284f986cb8ea9a36fdf544976315

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e8acfd No.18510

File: 7b720706649e734⋯.jpeg (69.59 KB,640x360,16:9,image.jpeg)


Biting babies cock and giving them herpies….

Read up, Fk the disgusting bastards..

Don't bann me……..

This is the 1st quick search, there are a lot more.



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1fb0e0 No.18511


Remember this;; anyone who ever kissed a kike!

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e0207a No.18512

Here are the remaining actual Jews. There are not many:




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6dd8b1 No.18513


Yes, bring the AWAN crime syndicate and ALL their cohorts, plus the judges, the CIA and all clowns who have conspired to violate the Constitution and who have conspired to defraud the US elections, VA records, US Congress, all Congressional records, all VA records, satellite systems, all US voter data. All these people are co-conspirators and need to be tried in the MIL tribunals. Including Comey , Mueller, McCabe, Obama, Hillary, many members of Congress, the CIA, the 7th floor…

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3ff01b No.18514



Converge Anons!

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8fb0fb No.18515


i might be very wrong, but that reminds me of the versace "symbol"

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7f3319 No.18516

File: 9c92de6c6cc1a4f⋯.jpeg (33.32 KB,439x196,439:196,6.jpeg)

File: 3a9affa6e612d23⋯.jpeg (37.35 KB,445x219,445:219,10.jpeg)

File: 9c92de6c6cc1a4f⋯.jpeg (33.32 KB,439x196,439:196,6.jpeg)

Notice the titles in >>18291

Chapters 6 and 10 in wikileaks pdf of Fire and Fury

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9a2795 No.18518

File: b61bb9c3ff27fc4⋯.png (377.94 KB,1170x908,585:454,PPP.png)

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979611 No.18519


>>Wind the clock w/ all markers.

Put markers in clock order.

Earliest come first -→ latest

Then read them for Future proves past.

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7032b5 No.18520


Good find, anon!

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e0207a No.18521


A fantastic personal message

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05d8b4 No.18522


more like starbucks

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993b13 No.18523


I’m trying to behave myself and not derail the board just look up “electric universe” and “Hathor plasma” and “mars scar plasma discharge” and maybe click image search for a better idea. That all I’m done no more derailing even tho I’m soooo tempted

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42d221 No.18524


They're eating Peeeeeeople!

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0b764a No.18525



Timestamps are the cipher to decipher, and "thinking clocks" is the key to deciphering them.

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d333fa No.18528


SAUCE or BTFO faggot shill

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bbd765 No.18529


A male would not punch you if he is hog tied and being tortured within an inch of his life then has his head cut off upside down.

Why do you even post when you can't even put together rational thought?

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979611 No.18530


Shit my pants if JA is Q.

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658ae6 No.18531

File: f7c3b055b287943⋯.jpg (70.91 KB,514x377,514:377,tinasmith.jpg)

File: 0a239ebb2c97a24⋯.jpg (37.82 KB,245x368,245:368,bandylee2.jpg)

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12c086 No.18532




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dae0b3 No.18533


Clock Cipher

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20e6b2 No.18534


Hi tbeanercunt

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db24c3 No.18537


Interesting find, yes…

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8fb0fb No.18538


i think Tracy should be IP banned from here.

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bbd765 No.18539


And "an infant is a stronger drug? Adrenochrome is Adrenochrome you moron. Adrenaline doesn't oxidize differently in an infant.

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12582c No.18540


They'll be extremely lucky to ever prosecute the main Awan for anything.

It looks a lot like that guy is going to get an opening to scoot back to Pakistan.

He's got a 150 mile zone for freely wandering the DC area which contains dozens of airports and waterways to get himself to a jet. Which he will only need if some judge does not agree to removing the electronic monitor.

Which will all be moot if he does not have some kind of accident.

The fact that he is not in custody already means we are unlikely to ever learn all he knows.

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20e6b2 No.18541


Start marker thread

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89a46d No.18543



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e8bbc7 No.18544


But why postpone? Have we been distracted? Are we missing information needed by Trump to run the awards? Q Said time is critical!!

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095054 No.18545


What if Seth Rich was Q?

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8fb0fb No.18546


shit you're right..

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d695a6 No.18547


Not being a dick but you are very wrong.

I worked on the show. There are emails memos discussions about the symbolism of everything.

Trust me it's not random.

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1fb0e0 No.18548


Did you get the point?

Then success..

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8d4f0f No.18549


ooooooo you might actually know what the swastika is.

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095054 No.18550

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3c4f91 No.18551


There is a video of Obama slipping and saying Michael instead of Michelle

youtu. be/8cgk732vfGQ

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5e42d2 No.18552


This may be one of the dumbest things ive ever heard

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bbd765 No.18553


No you don't. What the fuck do you think you are a Jedi Master. GTFO

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d89017 No.18554


cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/fetalproductsall.pdf says that pepsi isn't on the boycott list anymore

>Pepsi Beverages

No longer on the boycott list!

Senomyx will not use aborted fetal

cells in any of the PEPSICO

research & development

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6dd8b1 No.18555


Criminals defined here.

The scumbags of the NWO defined.


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1082ee No.18556

File: 33ba955eb409a91⋯.png (88.85 KB,622x409,622:409,breakthemonolith.png)

File: 40e2dcb8a50c9f1⋯.jpg (3.56 KB,199x52,199:52,e6ea92801372056f79f6636704….jpg)




What's up with the sevens?

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bfe3a9 No.18557


The titles with "Q", are changes made by Assange.

He wants us to know something.

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8fb0fb No.18559


How? Seth is dead, Q is alive?

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a5da0c No.18560

File: 1c6da638a52682e⋯.png (274.66 KB,679x889,97:127,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)


(((They))) make us hate Muslims… (((They))) make Muslims hate us… (((They))) love to make the goyim kill each other.

Most don't know that "Wahhabism" (the violent "Islamic" ideology, promoting jihad) was created by a Jew. A "Donmeh Jew". A Donmeh Jew is not even a real "Jew" in the biblical sense of the word (they do not do the works of Abraham). Like many of the Khazarian-Turks, they masquerade as Islamic but secretly practice rabbinical Talmudic Judaism. This is a Cannanite teaching and is thoroughly evil and anti-everything and everyone that is non-Satanic.

FYI: The House of Saud/Alaweed Bin Talal are Donmeh Jews.

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5c0537 No.18562


There is still sky out there? Oh yeah. And since I live close enough, but it's cold (for here) I'll be out to see if the Falcon 9 makes it out of the dock. Planning on having a video back up since Mr. Musk has joked it'll probably blow up and I won't be able to see that from here.


She serves a demographic, I do not care if she makes money. You have to stop thinking like this if you want to flourish within yourself and understand everyone has a role to play and bills to pay. I would rather see TB make some money and a couple of the others (because it is a small and reasonable amount) than this be hijacked by MSM and twisted to their narrative. Those days WILL come, by the way. AJ was the next tier in it, with his paid experts, so you figure it out, and let that useless anger go, or don't, that is on you. If you would deny one person a red pill offered by Beanz because of your feelingz … meh.

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095054 No.18563


Did he die at the scene? or at the hospital? it is possible he survived the attack on his life.

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bc6e51 No.18564


Expand your thinking without filtering fellow anon.

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a390a6 No.18565

File: ccb3f61ccdc10d8⋯.jpg (137.13 KB,669x500,669:500,22ahhe.jpg)

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b5e6e6 No.18566


that product


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f981bc No.18567


Idk. Congress comes back tomorrow and a bunch of people will be missing. Maybe he didn't want people to be distracted by that when he is going after MSM.

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a098b8 No.18569


Just checked on my PDF - it is written HQME !!!!

Do you believe in coincidences?!

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8fb0fb No.18571


No worries anon! i dont get offended when someone corrects me. i just see it as a good thing. even if its a thing as spelling (English isn't my first language) so you're all good!

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bbd765 No.18572

Fuck this shit I'm out of here… Listening to this insane shit is too much for me.

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828ad8 No.18573

Retail EPUB version of Fire and Fury does not have Q's instead of O's

https:// anonfile.com/I2K7v2dbb5/Fire_and_Fury_-_Michael_Wolff.epub

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1fb0e0 No.18574


Senomyx will not use aborted fetal

cells in any of the PEPSICO

research & development

– is this doublespeak indicating they still use baby juice in the flavoring?

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ab243f No.18575

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893ba5 No.18576



[Hong Kong film 2004]

Not for the queasy

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3c4f91 No.18577


So does that mean I can finish drinking this Aquafina sitting in front of me?

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5c0537 No.18578


www.spacex.com/webcast by the way for anyone interested or having a bet on lift off.

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bbd765 No.18579

And believe you me I know Satanists are in control… I just can't stand listening to the idiots posting shit here that makes no sense.

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7032b5 No.18580


I'm not religious, but story sounds good to me!

Is Trump the Antichrist? Possibly…

"As “Anti” can mean “instead of” as well as “against,” Antichrist can mean “replacement Christ,” “instead of Christ,” “substitute for Christ.” Paul confirms this when he says that the Antichrist “sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (2 Thess. 2:4). This is not necessarily an enemy from outside the church, but from inside it. He opposes Christ by replacing him, by taking Christ’s titles, worship, and roles."

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bfe3a9 No.18581


I'm trying to do it by hand.

Searching on github. First, search posts marked with 00:0 and sort them in order, then 00:1, and so on.

Looks a nothingburger though.

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12582c No.18582


Who gives a f-ck.

Can we finally say the Tracy Beanz experiment has failed and she and her "audience" have done more harm than good? She does not get enough listeners to make any positive difference in the real world, which is no surprise considering her show sucks, but her audience has been plenty big enough to shit up this board with dumb, lazy people.

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12c086 No.18583



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3ff01b No.18586

File: a8eaa382a2493db⋯.jpg (153.08 KB,1154x538,577:269,clock.jpg)


>Clock Cipher

Most likely nothing. Was just the first thing I thought of; for Clock cipher.

Pouring over Q posts and maps in the meantime.

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6dd8b1 No.18587


I connected it to CERN also

Loop capital funds the global crime syndicates. This is the Q message decoded.


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89a46d No.18589

File: 13cca5006f79537⋯.jpeg (181.02 KB,1200x800,3:2,79170677-9A0B-4578-A53C-2….jpeg)

look at his face! LMFAO

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ee7a59 No.18590



I don't think there is a good website that contains the info you are looking for. There are a lot of mentions of clock ciphers here, because there was a hunt called Secrets of the Alchemist Dar, and a lot of people thought there was a clock cipher being used in it.

My understanding is that you set the alphabet around the clock, removing (or combining I/J and P/Q) 2 letters so that you have a 24 letter alphabet. There would be 2 letters per number around the clock, and the hands of the clock would point to the letter needed. The hour hand could indicate the first half of the alphabet, and the minute hand the second half, or vice versa.

I don't know if this helps you or not. There are many possible variations for this cipher, especially if a keyword is used, or a scrambled alphabet.

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94db01 No.18591

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bcb803 No.18592


anti-christ has one eye

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1fb0e0 No.18593


You got it…

MOSSAD motto "Thru deception, make war"

akin to farmer brown shooting farmer jones cow and blaming farmer smith.

Farmer brown is a Khazar Jew!

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5c0537 No.18594


Oh now that is is just crazy. Did anyone actually go get the file from Wiki? anything particularly important or notable about the two chosen chapters if that isn't a larp?

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bb757f No.18595


Thank you!

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80c582 No.18596


Been thinking JA is Q or part of Q info since the beginning. It just makes sense. The man is brilliant.

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993b13 No.18597


This relates to the pic at the top of the bread too…ughh but Q looks like an upside down bell. A rod and a ring. Let freedom ring. If you tied that into “solfeggio frequency healing” “pyramids sound healing” “sonoluminescence”

I know it seems wooo wooo but the pyramids are the giant elephant in the room everyone ignores and they were definitely not tombs.

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7286c5 No.18598

>>18522 It's medusas head…

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cb0fbc No.18599



I really like the first one.>>18539



I had understood that the rape, torture and scaring the shit out of babies and kids before their death is what made the Adrenochrome stronger which is why there are so many hundreds of thousand children disappear.

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b591c9 No.18600

File: a21726f5889db1a⋯.png (18.89 KB,829x763,829:763,Rod&Ring.PNG)

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bc98b9 No.18602

Dear President Trump/Q,

Whatever you replace the federal reserve with, please do not consider a rfid chip. We the people do not want, will not accept. We are human being not cattle.

Thank You for all your doing,

God Bless You,

Woken Citizens

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3c4f91 No.18603

File: a517015335e3081⋯.png (288.87 KB,406x650,203:325,screenshot_191.png)

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1974f5 No.18604


Few months is more like march/april/may in my book. I think it will be more like a nod to the Anons that helped during the storm. When I hear personalized I don't think it will be an actual message addressed to us. I don't see how they would identify us personally on an Anon message board. Most of us are using some form of VPN at minimum. I admit I did think this briefly but I just don't see how it could be possible. Maybe that's what makes it scary though.

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415f0d No.18605


POWERFUL can you put the PP logo in there?


Are you cross-posting this information in the Loop Capital thread? Please do if you haven't, so we can keep the info together and see the bigger picture -what Q is trying to get us to see.

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d89017 No.18606


idk, this rabbit hole makes me want to take a long shower

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8fb0fb No.18607


I'll do it right now anon

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0b764a No.18608

File: 063259ffb2a56fd⋯.jpg (257.78 KB,650x433,650:433,photo_2914_landscape_650x4….jpg)


>Julian Paul Assange


>10+15+1 = 26 = 2+6 = 8 = 8*2 = 16 = Q

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d2daeb No.18610

File: 8ef5a9c385ef51d⋯.png (248.44 KB,497x314,497:314,youDUMB.PNG)

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979611 No.18612


Seems you are directly over the target, anon.

Grownups are established legal beings that can be missed and reported missing.

Trafficked children are nobodies who don't know how to contact an authority or fight back in any other way.

Plus, children are easily frightened.

Evil prays on the weakest … in this case children.

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6dd8b1 No.18613


Why is it that dumb things like that can be posted but when someone figures it all out, nobody pays attention or even attacks those telling the truth?

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94db01 No.18614


Even early in life I'd heard the question:

What's in SPAM?

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56ff13 No.18615


Are you going to be posting proof and research in that thread?

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3ff01b No.18616


Will do so now.

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5f2599 No.18617



Don't quote me on this, but pretty sure Obama is the AntiChrist. -> head injury, muslim, etc.

If Mr. T is anything, he's just playing the game to win.

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bfe3a9 No.18618

File: 29dabde515a2fbf⋯.jpg (37.1 KB,544x394,272:197,clock.jpg)

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2c7f11 No.18619


It means that football trumps politics, no pun intended. And there may be other happenings coming to light.

Whatever Trump has planned won't have news legs tomorrow. Maybe he's just waiting for a slower news day.

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993b13 No.18620


Men produce more adrenaline

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daf38d No.18622

Nice >>18589

The Pope is woke!!

http://www.the hypertexts.com/Donald%20Trump%20Antichrist%20666.htm

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b5e6e6 No.18623


also, please note that the bio effects include:

Adrenochrome is also suggested to exhibit psychotomimetic effects (meaning mimics psychosis)

That is the original term for LSD, etc before Huxley, Leary and others decided on 'psychedelic'

Proof that there is a 'high' aspect to the usage

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5c0537 No.18625


Straight out of Chicago

Loop Capital-the World's Most Dangerous Group

(If I might suggest) more recognizable because of the City and a better leader

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979611 No.18627


Great movie.

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3c4f91 No.18628

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b0dcee No.18629

File: 6b964c0d26ec9f3⋯.jpeg (55.08 KB,306x400,153:200,37EC57E8-6D0A-4E0E-8B85-7….jpeg)

File: 1cc5dcff3e45081⋯.jpeg (57.44 KB,306x400,153:200,67FA21C9-655B-48A3-92D7-5….jpeg)

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3ee986 No.18630

File: 3069353d8838edf⋯.png (93.01 KB,1024x253,1024:253,Cipher.png)


Guy check this out….mentions Q as well…coincidence??

http:// www.chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/encrypt-message-meet-usual-place-ten-rather-eight-o-clock-q-using-hill-cipher-key-9-4-5-7–q23777333

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1fb0e0 No.18631


The helpless spirits wanting to be set free is mostly why we are gathered here.

It helps to have a hate for libtard mental weakness of course…

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7d07fc No.18632


that's really creepy. does anyone know what the medical version is used to treat?

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7032b5 No.18633


Don't take everything so literally. Learn to read. Expand your thinking. Is that really so difficult?

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993b13 No.18635


That tower in the pic is relevant does anyone remember what it is? I’m sick and my brain is broken ffs.

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bfe3a9 No.18636


There is something for us anons in those chapters? Infos? Messages?

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c17ad6 No.18638

Any progress on those two bank account numbers Q dropped? I've been looking, but don't see any update on them . . ..

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7032b5 No.18639

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8d4f0f No.18640


I'm still hopeing that he's not going to screw us in the end … time will tell … Q has made enough positive statements that i doubt he (Q) will,

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8aac64 No.18642


>Specifically the winding of the clock with the markers one.

I keep coming back to this one

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1974f5 No.18643


Thanks for posting this again. Its key. Q said 'think clock'

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0b764a No.18644




I think you guys are over thinking it. To decipher Q's post, we need to compile a list of markers then arrange them around a clock based on timestamps.

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89a46d No.18646

File: e40ffac7e2885dc⋯.jpeg (645.37 KB,2048x1536,4:3,9872C59A-4DF8-4788-89C9-2….jpeg)

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ce4a3f No.18647

How can we get a couple of fags to put these memes on social media, anonymously? I have seen many of these memes on Twatter and FB. But, they are just obviously all created by the same fag. Likely, the one with the social media account. Many of the more awakening memes are left here to rot.

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993b13 No.18648


Islam was created by the Templars/Catholics Have fun digging into that

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7286c5 No.18649

>>18600 I heard a rumor about when ur born your lifeforce/chi (whatever u call it) is entering the fetus and thus giving the body life, and that is because of a strong infusion of DMT at that very moment the baby takes his first breath.. And when you pass away the lifeforce exits that same way, through the pineal gland… Just passing info I've heard more than once…

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cf113b No.18650


triple that

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12582c No.18651


Show that to us when you're done with it.


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82950b No.18652

File: ea640598660a10c⋯.jpg (620.96 KB,2000x1378,1000:689,DS-J7fbW4AEa-ns.jpg)

From B.

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0b764a No.18653


He's asking to make a time line, or rather time ring, using the markers.

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1fb0e0 No.18655


Machismo is not the chemical drug they are after.

Look up Adrenochrome on the web.

More about it that I would expected.

It supposedly is the same amount for a grown man vs a tiny baby. So concentrations would be better for babies.

Men can work out and get adrenaline peaks, but nothing compared to a baby being terrified and tortured to death.

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979611 No.18656

After blasting through 25000 last week … and advancing :

Dow futures up 46.


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8fb0fb No.18657

File: 1aa5a539bce5dbf⋯.jpg (60.96 KB,1002x524,501:262,RETAIL CHP6.jpg)

File: 6a0c14185e30710⋯.jpg (49.89 KB,1024x495,1024:495,RETAIL CHP 10.jpg)

File: 07649cc69cc5fa3⋯.jpg (117.51 KB,810x576,45:32,Chapter 6 wiki.jpg)

File: 9c5ad08eb159089⋯.jpg (117.22 KB,817x528,817:528,chapter 10 wiki.jpg)


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0b764a No.18658


Supply me the markers and I just may.

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3ff01b No.18660


Holy Mother good find!!

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7286c5 No.18661


the letter Q looks like a clock

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7032b5 No.18662


Lots of Theater. He won't show the enemy what cards he's got.

Trust Q, Trump, MI, the Palantir system+. They've got all the info and the expertice.

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d2daeb No.18663

File: d0f03e2db7cd802⋯.png (1.34 MB,999x999,1:1,TooMuch.png)

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993b13 No.18664


If money is the root of all evil and our money has a one eyed pyramid maybe the anti christ is money, or debt to be more specific

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e0207a No.18665


This assertion occasionally pops up with no evidence to support it

It's fairly amusing, if unoriginal

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7431b2 No.18666


L3 CEO Christopher Kubasik

https:// www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/12/christopher-kubasik-separation-package_n_2117840.html

https:// washingtontechnology.com/blogs/editors-notebook/2012/11/kubasik-hewson-lockheed-succession.aspx

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12c086 No.18667

File: 750f7e8821c3615⋯.jpg (52.12 KB,500x500,1:1,BUSH AND BARABARABARAV.jpg)

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ee7a59 No.18668


Ok well how many markers do we have. 12? 24?

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ae9741 No.18670


i had always suspected , anything in brackets [ ]

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01b375 No.18671

File: bbe4b97e46eeda9⋯.jpg (148.8 KB,1280x850,128:85,LaVoy Finicum.jpg)


Definitely, because finally I know Patriots are FINALLY fighting back and our allies worldwide are also by our side and fighting back in their own countries. What kept me up was thinking we were cucked beyond belief.

I can even definitely forgive those fighting now with us who have a shady bad past as long as now we fight as a united people again against the true evil that has kept us down, degraded, and technologically retarded.

If anything Q, it feels like the long nightmare was over since you began posting.

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188014 No.18672

I will post memes from here to social media. Been doing so on the reg >>18647

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27e20f No.18674


welp, looks like that applied mathematics is about to come in handy…

Im pretty sure this is just a University level math problem, like it looks str8 out of an exam paper.

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8d4f0f No.18675


That's where I'm at … hoping the signs i've seen are ruse

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1974f5 No.18676


most the time stamps are on 24 hour time.

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3ee986 No.18677


Here is a tool to use this cipher…any mathfags know how to work this??

https:// www.dcode.fr/hill-cipher

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12582c No.18678


Stick around my dude. The stupid is strong in this place.

Luckily, with actual autists, you get crazy ideas from people who might then follow up with good ideas, so it is best to skim past the crazy.

Occasionally you find those who persist, whose only mode is stupid mode and who also have loud mode. These we filter.

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3c4f91 No.18679

File: d4b0af274876fc3⋯.png (280.49 KB,405x651,135:217,Loop Capital.png)

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1e099c No.18680

Why did Trump delay the Fake Media Awards?

Why did Trump delay the Fake Media Awards?

Why did Trump delay the Fake Media Awards?

Why did Trump delay the Fake Media Awards?

Why did Trump delay the Fake Media Awards?

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27e20f No.18681


same, i think its the final clue that helps us crack the rest of the instructions but i cant fathom what it would be

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2c5d02 No.18682



>And "an infant is a stronger drug? Adrenochrome is Adrenochrome you moron.

it might be stronger from an infant because you can cause a much more intense sense of terror in an infant than in an adult.

there are hormones that babies produce in much larger amounts than adults, not sure what adrenochrome is classified as but it's hormone related

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72e0b1 No.18683

Looking at CAPS letters no. 6623 Q post


From vault 7 Protego

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89a46d No.18684

File: be4b2e977ca1f2d⋯.jpeg (82.88 KB,870x579,290:193,6C87AE59-E199-444E-B28D-8….jpeg)

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80c582 No.18685


New date for "Fake News Awards" is the 17th.

Q 17th letter of the alphabet.

Do you believe in coincidences?

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5207d9 No.18686

This story seems legit. Survivor tells how she was brainwashed and raped for years and years and how she even witness one guy killing a boy and a dog in a CAGE LOWERED INTO THE WATER…and then walking out of the room whilst they drown…. sick fucking shit.

This girl seems to be in danger because

a) she know a lot

b) she makes the mistake not getting all the names out

c) she has already turned her story to the wrong authorities (church… wtf)…

anon, give her a hand:

http ://


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c17ad6 No.18687


He wants to include the BIG NEWS coming this week

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27e20f No.18689


this is what i originally thought but when i made the clock with markers, it just didnt make any sense.

IT SPECIFICALLY REQUIRES A CIPHER and that cipher is related to a CLOCK

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e8bbc7 No.18690


What is this?!?!?

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f981bc No.18691


Because there will be something big going on tomorrow tomorrow too. He wants to make sure both the Fake News Media Awards and the big thing tomorrow get a lot of attn.


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658ae6 No.18692

File: d44c396b6a2a7ce⋯.jpg (47.96 KB,321x394,321:394,Uperv.jpg)

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bcb803 No.18693


OIG report drops on 15th

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9ebbd8 No.18694


Yeah, I fixed the link, but no page. It seems to have been wiped.

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a2e421 No.18695

File: bbc4884533e4a01⋯.jpg (47.57 KB,658x339,658:339,TrumpSerious.JPG)

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10b794 No.18696


How about that pic and ….You in da Loop ? Got dat Adrenochrome

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993b13 No.18697


Maybe if we take all posts and remove the date, but just use the time and put them in order that would be something? Like a time line…that’s a daunting task and I’m phoneposting so no go for me for now.

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9ef504 No.18698

Someone posted in the "qonly" board a minute ago saying "this is not what I asked for" because tripcodes are turned off? Someone with more knowledge than me may want to take a look…

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cf113b No.18699


he changed it past the sessions report on the 15th,lol more dirt

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4f5147 No.18700


I don't.

Q stressed about how little time we have left to (prepare the stage, imo).

This extension might be related? It's a tactic one way or the other.

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0b764a No.18701

File: f28b403a54333be⋯.jpg (113.99 KB,707x873,707:873,q8.jpg)



Yeah, sorry I'm not even sure what markers are, much less what they are exactly. If that makes sense. I think they may be confirmations, eg pic related, POTUS tweets, etc.

And it would make sense that Q would want us to compile a graphic or map, in the way of his posts, of the confirmations of his posts. This would help redpill the normies greatly. I'm kinda surprised this doesn't exist yet come to think of it.

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f92126 No.18702


Not today, Satan!

j/k, this proves that we can dig anywhere and find dirt. Good dig, anon. I'm sure we'll find more.

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9e697a No.18703


Depends. How does it taste?

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f5a214 No.18704

File: 06bc0dd718bdbef⋯.jpeg (531.94 KB,1271x1890,1271:1890,47D0905D-EF13-48D4-8431-4….jpeg)


Good catch anon, updated

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7431b2 No.18705


Ls stand for

Frank Lanza, Robert LaPenta, and

Lehman Brothers

9/11 ties

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993b13 No.18706

Ask 4ch pol to help? >>18647

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4f5147 No.18708


Q, Trump and Military units are all being blended together. It's an integration: The Great Awakening.

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27e20f No.18709


iirc i swear Q has previously used a similar cipher. Did he use a Caeser Cipher back on CBTS/4pol? My memory is lacking.

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28284e No.18710


There is no “medical” version.

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3fcd74 No.18711

File: b073a2d7779a66c⋯.jpg (157.34 KB,500x1063,500:1063,hrcadren.jpg)

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22f363 No.18712

Hey anons - just got this link from Dr. Corsi. His 21 page analysis of the recent Q posts. Check it out and see what you think:

https:// www.scribd.com/document/368625779/JEROME-CORSI-Decode-of-Multiple-Messages-by-QAnon-filed-on-8chan-The-Storm-Saturday-Jan-6-2018-Vers-16-0

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3ee986 No.18713


I think it is the Hill Cipher….Q left a crumb

Google "clock marker cipher q"

Look at the first result. Mentions Hill cipher

Here is a hill cipher encryption tool

https:// www.dcode.fr/hill-cipher

Do we have any matrix numbers 4x4 that Q has dropped before?

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3c4f91 No.18714

File: 1057ea20903e8f4⋯.png (284.18 KB,407x652,407:652,Loop Capital.png)

Adjusted Chicago font….

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f981bc No.18715


If its Q he is asking for the board to be deleted.

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d404f9 No.18716

File: d2b26294f7fa52d⋯.jpg (22.36 KB,335x251,335:251,11069398_463049290510076_7….jpg)


I have only followed TBeanze a short time but Lt.Col Roy_Potter (Ret) before the Bundy stand off. I found her through Potter. He is a Patriot and has worked under Patreus. He has many sources still in the military. As far as Beanze goes anyone who begs for $ on Patreon I don't have much use for. I myself work for the Republic and Christ. I have a stake in this through my Grandfather(X5) Second Lieutenant to Georg Washington.

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4c1e2c No.18717



Jan 7 2018, 03:38:06


ID: 90e9dc




House Investigation into Planned Parenthood

www.gop. gov/solution_content/plannedparenthood/

Jan 7 2018, 03:41:41



ID: 345235



Mark as graphic material.



Jan 7 2018, 03:39:46



ID: 345235


7th floor is no more.



Jan 7 2018, 03:33:45



ID: 345235



Review the Congressional investigation on PP.

Be prepared for what you learn.

Next question - how are they allowed to operate?

These people are SICK!



Jan 7 2018, 03:28:14



ID: 05b846


We will never lose again win this is finished.



Jan 7 2018, 03:26:30



ID: 05b846


How are Senators worth many millions of dollars?

How does MW live in a $4mm home?

How many past/current politicians have foundations or institutes?









Jan 7 2018, 03:15:01



ID: 05b846


God FOREVER bless our brave men & women who would give their life to defend this GREAT country.

God bless each and every Patriot in the world.




Jan 7 2018, 03:10:11



ID: 05b846


US taxpayers are paying for it all.

Paris accord = scam (trillions)

Red Cross = scam (billions)

Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)

WAR = scam (trillions)


Who audits where the money actually goes?

Who actually receives the money?

The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.

Slush funds everywhere.

Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?

The hole is deep.

Feel sick yet?



Jan 7 2018, 02:45:43



ID: 05b846


God bless Patriots.



Jan 7 2018, 02:43:37


ID: 60848c



team is working late. damn. big things afoot, eh?

Jan 7 2018, 02:44:58



ID: 05b846



Could you sleep if you knew the truth about EVERYTHING?



Jan 7 2018, 02:41:10


ID: afc54a


Q, is this >www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-pakistan-aid/u-s-suspends-at-least-900-million-in-security-aid-to-pakistan-idUSKBN1ET2DX

Tied to the AWAN scandal?

Jan 7 2018, 02:43:37



ID: 05b846




Who received the stolen intel?

Who paid who?



Jan 7 2018, 02:35:34


ID: d863ec



Im curious if POTUS tweet from Jan 2nd plays a part.

"Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation. Good news - it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record!"

Jan 7 2018, 02:40:14



ID: 05b846






Jan 7 2018, 02:38:57



ID: 05b846


Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!

Ahmadinejed talking.

>>Report: Ex-Iranian president Ahmadinejad arrested for inciting unrest<<

https:// www.timesofisrael.com/report-ex-iranian-president-ahmadinejad-arrested-for-inciting-unrest/

Where did ALL that money go?

How many planes?

Where did the planes land?

Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting?

Why cash?

Why offshore cash?

Why wasn’t Congress notified for approval?

Where did the bank wires originate from?

Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat?

What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money?

Where do majority of Rothschilds reside?

Why is Hussein traveling the globe and visiting major financial institutions?


Who are the Muslim Brotherhood?

Who is AWAN?

Who is Huma?

Who is VJ?

Who created ISIS?

Who controlled ISIS?

What was the purpose of ISIS?

Who is MS13?

Why were known MS13 members released after capture?

Who controls MS13?


Hard to swallow.

Watch the news.



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0b764a No.18718


Share your markers please. That's first step. Seems some of us are rather uninformed, myself included. I have to review your materials to analyze the rest of the contents of your post.

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12582c No.18719


It's a prophecy that showed up on half chan.

Some oldfag can probably explain it.

I've only been on the chans for a couple years and the significance of this or whoever posted it passed me by.

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993b13 No.18721


Yes the pineal gland and melatonin are related to all of that. They activate around 4 months g3station as far as I can remember and then stop at around age 4

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5d8fb5 No.18723


You are only able to post here and talk to Q because of Nazis. Let that sink in.

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bfe3a9 No.18724



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a6a675 No.18726


DOD has posted same pic for years. Find something with meat on the bones.

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3ff01b No.18727


Probably waiting on us, wondering why we can't get our shit together! lol

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2ccc4a No.18728

File: 5ad7ba07b8e8ffc⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,268x188,67:47,dumbass.jpg)

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5c0537 No.18729



Link to his scribed of yesterday for comparison, perhaps?


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c46711 No.18730


Could this be implying that Wolff is Q?

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a390a6 No.18731

File: 367d775ad986d76⋯.jpg (42.63 KB,800x450,16:9,22aifk.jpg)

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3c4f91 No.18732

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a141e3 No.18733


Not sure if this was covered re Loop Capital - Craig Robinson (Michelle O brother) was a vice president at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter from 1992 to 1999 and moved on to become a managing director at Loop Capital Markets, a minority-owned boutique investment banking firm.


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cf113b No.18734

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8d4f0f No.18736


if you think that is an anti-nazi statement you are vastly mistaken.

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d2daeb No.18737

File: 562f6becc6599c6⋯.png (445.06 KB,777x777,1:1,O.png)

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0d9baf No.18738

File: ae032f5e8ec18ae⋯.png (254.65 KB,406x650,203:325,a517015335e308186c0f483f41….png)

File: 59e1c11334697c3⋯.jpeg (10.04 KB,255x170,3:2,be4b2e977ca1f2dcca8611f13….jpeg)

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979611 No.18739


>The helpless spirits wanting to be set free is mostly why we are gathered here.

"See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven."

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0b764a No.18740


Second time hearing this, still haven't seen (nor looked for, in fairness) proof. Anyway, the point still stands in that there's numerous POTUS tweets predicated by Q posts, or sharing keywords, or both. This is why timestamps are important.

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12c086 No.18741

File: 3e83f920677e20c⋯.png (983.79 KB,1626x1230,271:205,TPTAYLOR.png)

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8fb0fb No.18742


no no no, i think Wikileaks are trying to tell us they are working with Trump and Q

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12582c No.18744


Nice pedigree anon. That is cool.

If Beanz was just a blabbermouth who lacks interviewing skills or the industriousness to prepare her shows I would not care at all if she finds people willing to pay her. But her role in advertising these boards was major, central, at a time when we did not need the traffic from her dolt audience.

Enough of my rant. You and I are on the same page.

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dae0b3 No.18745

Ok… been here for 14 hours time to take a break and eat. God Bless you ALL Anons! God Bless POTUS, God Bless Q!

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5c0537 No.18746


replying to self, he is still saying Friday's posts were fake. the only one Q himself said were fake was one from the bad PW trip that is listed for posterity, and I would like to know the groups take on Friday. Dr. Corsi feels Loop is a red herring.

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2c5d02 No.18747

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01c93f No.18748

File: 2331f8b7d25d503⋯.jpg (44.97 KB,580x360,29:18,PepsiAbortionCellsMakeItYu….jpg)

So I 'floated' a pretty well written article about Food companies using aborted baby parts on Twitter today.

I said "Not sure if this is fake' Does anyone know.

Not one like, reply or retweet. (very unusual , since most of my followers are really red pilled.)

So I see that there ARE things they are not quite ready to accept.

This meme will have to wait.

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6dd8b1 No.18749


Yes, this is relevant to this thread.


That sounds like that Jason Goodman talking and saying SR never died. LoL.

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3c4f91 No.18750

File: c5b39e3c361d784⋯.png (294.41 KB,406x741,406:741,Loop Capital.png)


Here's another version of my meme it has Michael listed as well as Magic Johnson

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5d41b1 No.18752


Just added: Maxine Waters, Planned Parenethood - Abortion - Fetal, Red Shoes - Human Skin, Red Cross RED-RED.


Image Archive By Topic


Images with multiple keywords may appear in multiple zip files.

Zip files may expire 1 month after uploaded.


911 - 12 files, 9 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/waH7v2deb2/911.zip

Blackmail – Honeypot – Fleiss – Hefner - 32 files, 9 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, filedropper.com/blackmailhoneypotfleisshefner

Bohemian Grove - 13 files, 3 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www24.zippyshare.com/v/CLpSfXc3/file.html

Bushes – Dubya - 21 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/xaH1vfdcbb/Bushes_-_Dubya.zip

Mason - Freemason - Masonic - 13 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www24.zippyshare.com/v/QfjBKxkX/file.html

Pedovore - 10 files, 4 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www24.zippyshare.com/v/u0Eu17MZ/file.html

Satanic Sacrifice – Moloch - 21 files, 18 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www24.zippyshare.com/v/gMujC7F1/file.html

Shareblue - 6 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www24.zippyshare.com/v/Bnbpjvsl/file.html

Repost part 1 of 2:

Alefantis - 9 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/0y98x0

Alwaleed - 20 files, 9 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/gZlvVkJN/file.html

Amazon – Facebook – Google – Twitter - 50 files, 14 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/YbC7vfd1b5/Amazon_Facebook_Google___Twitter.zip

Anderson Cooper - 79 files, 31 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/andersoncooper

Antifa - 8 files, 1 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/antifa

Astana, Kazakhstan - 14 files, 4 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/8n3esj

Bible - 10 files, 4 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/bible_1

Biden - 24 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 12/28/17, anonfile.com/Rcuer6dfb0/Biden.zip

Black Pop 1 - 8 files, 3 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www116.zippyshare.com/v/MpK21wgT/file.html

Black Pop 2 - 22 files, 3 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/v9nhb7

Black Pop 3 - 12 files, 3 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/z5C6v7ddb0/Black_Pop_3.zip

Boot – Ankle Monitor - 34 files, 12 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/TaCavad9b8/Boot_-_Ankle_Monitor.zip

Bush - 20 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www45.zippyshare.com/v/SdbnwgOG/file.html

Cargo Containers - 8 files, 4 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/Pcp8v6d9bb/Cargo_Containers.zip

Clintons (Bill, HRC w/Bill) - 93 files, 28 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www116.zippyshare.com/v/DfmBoCeZ/file.html

Clintons 2 - 21 files, 16 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/W3B2v0d5b2/Clintons_2.zip

CNN - 38 files, 9 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/cnn

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz - 29 files, 7 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/ryvtia

Dems - 16 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/f29i6f

Drain the Swamp - 37 files, 24 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/65jCZVzm/file.html

Epstein - 14 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/epstein

Expand Your Thinking - 9 files, 3 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/Qepbv5d3b6/Expand_Your_Thinking.zip

Fake Aliens - 72 files, 26 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/5kxmtx

Fake Aliens (duplicate file) - 72 files, 26 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/fakealiens

Fake News - 88 files, 19 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/m00oll

FBI - 34 files, 11 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www45.zippyshare.com/v/Cb2JqQj4/file.html

Gannett - 43 files, 17 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www116.zippyshare.com/v/OIk1km65/file.html

Gillibrand - 23 files, 7 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/V0p3v4d3b6/Gillibrand.zip

Gitmo - 29 files, 10 Mb, uploaded 12/28/17, anonfile.com/rfucrddcbe/Gitmo.zip

God - 27 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=13145749857440723853

God (duplicate file) - 27 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/d3xes1

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8aac64 No.18753


and he said move it around

thanks, anon

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bcc43b No.18754


I second this

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78cb88 No.18755

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c46711 No.18756


So the actual publication doesn't include the Q? It's just the PDF?

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ce4a3f No.18757

File: c5597cd283b0fc3⋯.jpg (78.5 KB,522x800,261:400,pepsi horror.jpg)

File: ced061529e923f3⋯.jpg (76.13 KB,522x800,261:400,pepsi womb.jpg)

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d89017 No.18758


Why should we care what Alex Jones' pet doctor has to say?

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ee7a59 No.18759


Im not sure- I do know most of the stringers seem just like short hand.

Something does feel we have missed it though and they have been avoiding pointing it out to us- cause again, we have to start the people's revolution

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5d41b1 No.18760

File: 415257a7bbf835d⋯.png (27.05 KB,85x973,85:973,ClipboardImage.png)


Part 2 of 3:

Great Awakening - 17 files, 7 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/kqrq9o

Haiti - 13 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, sendspace.com/file/iq02np

Hillary - 251 files, 94 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/y5qbv0dfb8/Hillary.zip

Hollywood - 14 files, 4 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/n2yu0u

HRC - 138 files, 26 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/M6qcved4ba/HRC.zip

Huma - 35 files, 7 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/31tdgy

Infographic / Web of Connections - 67 files, 51 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www116.zippyshare.com/v/bJZ3gpID/file.html

Infographs 2 - 16 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/78C4v6d6b3/Infographs_2.zip

Iran Protests - 19 files, 8 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/CfbMqmHU/file.html

Jesus Christ - 44 files, 17 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www116.zippyshare.com/v/5PV8ZQ0i/file.html

Korea - 10 files, 7 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=76245276463347926336

Loop Capital Mgmt - files, Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/85bcx5

Lynch - 10 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, sendspace.com/file/l6loll

MAGA - 59 files, 19 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/A3q8vcd9b3/MAGA.zip

Maxine Waters - 7 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/qc72v3dabf/Maxine_Waters.zip

Maxine Waters 2 - 15 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/45C6v8d3b3/Maxine_Waters_2.zip

McCabe - 23 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, sendspace.com/file/owdwx6

McCain - 55 files, 20 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/mccain

MS-13 - 9 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/ms-13

Munk - 25 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/munk

Musk - 34 files, 8 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www116.zippyshare.com/v/IGMXh1gD/file.html

NK (mostly N,Korea + some words containing nk) - 216 files, 56 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/nk

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bc6e51 No.18761


Exactly. You haven't checked. Checked.

Please share those that have been authenticated. Thanks in advance!!

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1082ee No.18762


Cool, but why're you replying to me buddy? :)

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12582c No.18763


Maybe time to stop calling him Dr. ok?

Jerome is a decent enough fellow but has more misses than hits with his books, and is clearly wrong about Q. He likely got put into an awkward situation, as a newfag, and has not figured out a way to extricate himself.

Nobody else who discovered full chan a couple weeks ago would be considered an expert on the posts and neither should Jerome.

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eff71e No.18764


Because an appeal to authority will bolster a book deal and YT views. Sweet sweet shekels.

Now in get in line and worship.

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5d41b1 No.18765


Part 3 of 3:

Patriot - 163 files, 48 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/c5y5r4

Patriot – MAGA - 21 files, 10 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/2bC8vad0b7/Patriot_-_MAGA.zip

Pedophile - 102 files, 36 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/pedophile

Pelosi - 22 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/e7ligl

Planned Parenthood / Abortion / Fetal - 23 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/b177vbd7b0/Planned_Parenthood-Abortion-Fetal.zip

Planned Parenthood 2 - 10 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www45.zippyshare.com/v/bK6Un0Gb/file.html

Podesta - 113 files, 50 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/evt28x

Pope - 102 files, 33 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www116.zippyshare.com/v/l6x4KCr7/file.html

Project Bluebeam - 20 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/b4r5veddbf/Bluebeam.zip

Project Mockingbird - 12 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/mockingbird

Qanon - 12 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/zmpdcm

Red Cross – RED RED - 34 files, 10 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/h176v5d8b1/Red_Cross_RED_RED.zip

Red Shoes – Human Skin - 12 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/m678v6d9b6/Red_Shoes_-_Human_Skin.zip

Resigned – Retired - 40 files, 11 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, sendspace.com/file/x77xah

Rights (Bill of Rights, Human Rights) - 17 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, anonfile.com/a8r6vddbbe/Bill_of_Rights-Human_Rights.zip

Rothschild - 139 files, 35 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/79yy8y

Satanic - 139 files, 36 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/suevq4

Saudi Arabia - 9 files, 12 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/08fy9v

Schiff - 215 files, 90 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/schiff

Schmidt - 31 files, 7 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/f8D1v0deb5/Schmidt.zip

Schumer - 80 files, 17 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/HjHDUgxA/file.html

Sedition - 13 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/sedition

Soros - 151 files, 51 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/XRhc850r/file.html

Soylent Green is People - 11 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/ra81vcd6b1/Soylent_Green_is_People.zip

SpaceX - 19 files, 5 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/9qgfkb

Spirit Cooking - 25 files, 4 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/spiritcooking

Storm - 87 files, 43 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, zippyshare.com/v/K0LHeqB3/file.html

Tape – Sex Tape – Red Tape – Tarmac Tape - 19 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, anonfile.com/ebD1vfd7b5/Tape_Sex_Tape_Red_Tape___Tarmac_Tape.zip

Tesla - 12 files, 3 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/ii5e9FCt/file.html

Traitor - 190 files, 76 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/traitor

Treason - 18 files, 9 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/6hwugb

Trump 3 - 10 files, 2 Mb, uploaded 01/07/18, www45.zippyshare.com/v/mPD4jVb9/file.html

Trump-1 - 240 files, 63 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, sendspace.com/file/ix1p2r

Trump-2 - 216 files, 70 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/trump-2

Uranium - 21 files, 8 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=07408534298766432950

Vanderbilt - 64 files, 33 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/YvmGLeKv/file.html

Vatican - 19 files, 6 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/vatican

Voter ID - 27 files, 10 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/voterid

Weiner - 13 files, 3 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, www52.zippyshare.com/v/qvvjPhRj/file.html

Weinstein - 4 files, 1 Mb, uploaded 01/06/18, filedropper.com/weinstein

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d404f9 No.18766


It's life or death now….since JFK we have been at war with our own countrymen…

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979611 No.18767



How about one with the baby and under the baby:

"Secret Flavor"

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89a46d No.18768

File: eff87e571f1af95⋯.jpeg (374.23 KB,1514x1440,757:720,90A2456E-AE19-4153-9886-1….jpeg)

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b22cf9 No.18769

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0b764a No.18770


Worth a try, if you feel yourself pulled in one direction towards some idea - explore. That's what digging is not that I think you need to be lectured by me, just saying.

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12582c No.18771


Awesome, thank you!

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bc6e51 No.18772

ZUMA LIFTOFF 8-10 PM tonight…..

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5c0537 No.18773


Looks good from my end, thanks!

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4f5147 No.18774



You magnificent soul.

Well done lad.

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def223 No.18775

File: ba77c3b2969d746⋯.jpeg (92.21 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515368767.jpeg)

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eff71e No.18776

File: af3de1d166433c2⋯.png (528.85 KB,865x578,865:578,ClipboardImage.png)


member this?


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b284d1 No.18778

Its a quote seen in ancient Mesopotamian statues and such….from the code of Hammurabi

Refers to old Babylon and laws >>18719

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bcb803 No.18779

A famous use of a book cipher is in the Beale ciphers, of which document no. 2 uses a (variant printing of) the United States Declaration of Independence as the key text.


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28284e No.18780


Prophecy of /pol/

Showed up in mid 2016

Lots of speculation but no definitive answers.

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bfe3a9 No.18781



It was Assange to change O into Q.

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658ae6 No.18782


nice effect !

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8aac64 No.18783


we need to run the xxx account numbers through that as well as the time stamps and differences

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b591c9 No.18784


The "soul" according to a 1907 experiment .wikipedia.org/wiki/21_grams_experiment weighs 21 grams. It is weightless when disembodied, once free of karmic debt. If you can repay someone a karmic debt in one lifetime you make an enormous leap forward in your spiritual ascendance

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01c93f No.18785


I thought these were fake. I just went to check. They are real. Has anyone found any other hints in the book?

Wikileaks created the PDF. They could easily have changed the one letter on both those pages before making the page.

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8fb0fb No.18786


It's not in the Retail ePub file that some anon posted! i posted screens!

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bff75b No.18787


opticks are too good these days. they have to hide something about the sky. freeDOME

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77a334 No.18788

File: 3038ff07921b97b⋯.png (3.33 MB,1242x2208,9:16,45618B88-C79F-4930-A765-E0….png)

Is this guy laughing at us? He friended the QFBp

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0b764a No.18789


There's no list of synchronistic posts/tweets. That's the problem. I don't have the time to sift through hundreds of Q's posts and Trump's tweets personally identifying them, and probably missing several. It will require a group effort. Hence my posts!

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c46711 No.18790

File: fa7463413a18d66⋯.jpg (52.52 KB,886x725,886:725,Far-Fuckin-Out.jpg)

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865eb3 No.18791

https:// www.scribd.com/document/368625779/JEROME-CORSI-Decode-of-Multiple-Messages-by-QAnon-filed-on-8chan-The-Storm-Saturday-Jan-6-2018-Vers-16-0

Big bucks beanz and her Jerome corsi handjob

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6dd8b1 No.18792



Usage of ciphers, complex enconded messages, encrypted codes…can you not see how this is connected to an AI relaying the messages as Q for Trump?

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5c0537 No.18793


Not an expert on Q, just Intel type wise. And I'll settle for Mr. I am polite to people with whom I converse, even here. Since he reads, unless he is just doing searches or looking at the top headers, politeness, even though I disagree with him is in order. Have you never taken Debate? or is that not offered on schools anymore? Probably not. Had to give it up for transgender emotional studies or some such.

I have a vested interest in seeing what things morph into after they leave here on the many outlets. Read and disagree, or glom on, it's a person's choice. I obviously disagree with his interpretations on more than one occasion.

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8aac64 No.18794


I have that recollection as well

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f5a214 No.18795


Friendly reminder that Q drops are not t meant to be “solved”.

We wait for news, then confirm previous drops based upon news.

The consensus re the account numbers is that Q was telling (them) that [we] are on (their) tail…

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01c93f No.18796


Good to know.!! Then the Wikileaks version may contain other clues.

If you own the 'official' one can you compare them?

Also was very strange it is on google.docs and not the Wikileaks site. But then again that would leave Wikileaks open to lawsuits.

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b0dcee No.18797

File: de77c15f20addc5⋯.jpeg (70.18 KB,500x500,1:1,44FADEBD-89D1-48E6-9456-E….jpeg)

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78cb88 No.18798

>>18763 Think this is not his field & don't forget he got trolled into JGoodman & GW Larpfest. TB is again giving platform to Q's messages were fake about Loop.

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6f1364 No.18799


Had to check in with his paid-for judge in Hawaii.

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37e536 No.18800



Meaning: A drug / Origins: Invented slang, (i.e., Nadsat vocabulary): adrenochrome?

term used in A Clockwork Orange

The Korova Milk Bar (korova is Russian for "cow") appears in the novel and film A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. It is a twisted version of a milk bar, that serves milk laced with drugs ("moloko plus"). The protagonist and narrator Alex lists some of the fictitious ingredients one can request: vellocet, synthemesc (synthetic mescalines), drencrom (adrenochrome).

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1082ee No.18801

File: 15992435e21fbaa⋯.jpg (19.6 KB,360x243,40:27,prefecture353.jpg)


The photo is “Lingua,” one of two art pieces at the registration area of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

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27e20f No.18803

File: 7072c181524f29e⋯.png (444.14 KB,1001x1253,143:179,7072c181524f29ec91b86fa571….png)

File: dc509f80c2501c6⋯.jpg (163.06 KB,1014x600,169:100,dc509f80c2501c6a4f62a49b05….jpg)


These 2 are the 2 most verifiable markers i know of, though the 3rd is disputed.

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2c5d02 No.18804


finding out they might be cannibals freaked out the redpilled people? interesting experiment.

or do you think twitter blocked it without you knowing? they have a few seconds to delete stuff when you try to post, i think, maybe that happened

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cf113b No.18805

File: 905c109ca7b3e6f⋯.png (165.04 KB,281x528,281:528,pepsibaby.png)

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8fb0fb No.18806


I'm too lazy to read it, i've barely slept.

and im trying to upload a PDF to the PDFS catalog but its not working.

can someone please help me? its a 400+ page PDF about PP

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def223 No.18807

File: c4ee7b04ccd72db⋯.jpeg (107.25 KB,1080x612,30:17,1515369209.jpeg)

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865eb3 No.18808

https:// youtu.be/KX5Z-HpHH9g

Look it's the khazarian predictive programming

Disguised as a comedy sketch

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5c0537 No.18810


See my post about keeping it pure and that he has a following to be led astray. Not sliding this farther than that. It's like forcing yourself to watch CNN so you know what the enemy says for yourself rather than taking Fox news's word for it. Same as adequate saucing.

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3ee986 No.18813


Here is an interesting cipher we could try??

https:// www.dcode.fr/lspk90-cw-leet-speak-90-degrees-clockwise

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d2daeb No.18814

File: 9224f136083155c⋯.png (1.12 MB,1111x741,1111:741,WarRooKEK.png)

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b284d1 No.18815

Twitter filters that stuff right out…anything having to do with an anti abortion stance. There have been a lot of pro-life groups complaining about it >>18804

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f981bc No.18816

Tracy Beanz and her peeps putting the link for this board on twitter FYI.

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bd791e No.18817

File: ef3fbc8796b4311⋯.png (377.15 KB,697x679,697:679,1515369154230 (1).png)


Try this one

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d014bf No.18818


Here is an adult woman with similar experience: Carolyn Hamlett

https://askcarolynandloren. om/book/section-five/ii-short-bios-of-the-authors/#about-carolyn

http://beyondthephysical. blogspot.com

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3581cb No.18819

File: 04cbb7b04a60ff7⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,2000x1378,1000:689,trump-cover-final-e148729….jpeg)


It's being reposted from here. I'm tweaking the image..

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106f54 No.18820

File: 5736ed567635b0e⋯.png (119.27 KB,288x216,4:3,hillary takes a village.png)


We are aware of Hilary's belief "It takes a village" . . . as in Haiti where she has taken a number of them.


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f92126 No.18821


Nice, anon! So, you're saying Godfather III is three people?

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fd4ff5 No.18822


FFS why

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4c1e2c No.18823



Jan 7 2018, 02:38:57



ID: 05b846


Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!

Ahmadinejed talking.

>>Report: Ex-Iranian president Ahmadinejad arrested for inciting unrest<<

https:// www.timesofisrael.com/report-ex-iranian-president-ahmadinejad-arrested-for-inciting-unrest/

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7d07fc No.18824


that's so disgusting. They should be imprisoned for that.

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5c0537 No.18825


Convert it to Word if it isn't protected from it, and do a document comparison. fastest way. I am not touching it. Damned sure not going to G docs for it. Odd they used that link, even with Q stuff and paranoid as I am, I am inclined to look at it as a honey pot of sorts. Got enough problems.

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8fb0fb No.18826


Thats why i said IP ban her and all her followers.

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f981bc No.18827


"because people are pretending to be Q and they should get the information from here instead."

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2b2e7e No.18828


the owls and spiders seem to be afraid of the frog

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27e20f No.18829


i HD'd Computer Security on uni, people use this all the time at even the most basic level of security. Drop the AI shit already, your handlers should really let you go seeing how poorly of a job you are doing.

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8fb0fb No.18830

New wikileaks tweet

twitter .com/wikileaks/status/950152852726525953

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4c1e2c No.18831


News confirms Q

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fd4ff5 No.18832


Like that will work. She does have a role, they do present the info clearly. I guess Fuck it.

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65c9a9 No.18833


This links Q to WikiLeaks for me. Whether WikiLeaks is still controlled by Assange and co or not is another question entirely.

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89a46d No.18834

File: 732397ae65985bb⋯.jpeg (109.76 KB,612x612,1:1,927C23F2-479E-4062-9AD8-9….jpeg)

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1e099c No.18835

Where did ALL that money go?

How many planes?

Where did the planes land?

Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting?

Why cash?

Why offshore cash?

They night that Iran's riots started

Bunch of planes GTFO of there

Planefags were watching them

Did we follow up on where they went?

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cf113b No.18837

File: a5b8b3681fe4c19⋯.png (165.39 KB,281x528,281:528,pepsifetus.png)

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12c086 No.18838






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bcb803 No.18839


remember to mark as Graphic Content

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106f54 No.18840


I read where that pic was a photoshop to begin with.

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12582c No.18841


I have nothing against Mr. Corsi but the way this has spun, with him being apparently against all evidence committed to doubling down on a bad position, makes me annoyed with him at the moment.

Maybe the shills have got me on too much of a hair trigger, if so, I apologize. I've never had reason to publicly criticize him before.

If anyone is to be accused of deficient education right now, I submit it is neither you nor I but the famous author, who may have forgotten the importance of knowing when one is wrong.

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01c93f No.18842


Might want to look here.


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415f0d No.18843


Funny he's still pushing the "imposter" Q posts. He would though or he (and Baruch) would have to admit that Baruch either a) lied outright about being in touch with/able to communicate directly with Q, or 2) Baruch was communicating with someone who claimed to be on Q team and was totally suckered.

Either way makes Baruch look terrible. By extension it doesn't make Corsi look very good either.

So their "sticking with their story" is not unanticipated.

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bfe3a9 No.18844


Tell her to send people to github

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65c9a9 No.18845


This links Q to WikiLeaks for me. Whether WikiLeaks is still controlled by Assange and co or not is another question entirely.

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f5a214 No.18846

File: e7aac75fe1618a7⋯.jpeg (819.36 KB,1047x1413,349:471,0705BCC6-811E-4CBB-966C-0….jpeg)


Yes, and here is Q confirming the 5 min marker…he corrected the anon

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eff71e No.18847

File: f3e7f35c4002407⋯.png (430.58 KB,852x824,213:206,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7b4c0feca8709d⋯.png (85.88 KB,583x186,583:186,ClipboardImage.png)


Now why would someone go to YouTube and link directly to the chans?

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9e3275 No.18848

File: 57a5e812ffe53fa⋯.jpg (7.53 KB,220x229,220:229,intelligence.jpg)

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7591a4 No.18849


If Q is the divine woman I've been exceedingly rude…

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8fb0fb No.18850

Anons! please its important! i found a PDF that im trying to upload to the Pdfs catalog.

its 50+ mb and 400+ pages its about PP

i uploaded it twice but the thread won't show?

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d014bf No.18851



Context : President of Iran from 2005 to 2013.

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887d86 No.18852


Think this refers to when Hussein left office and paid a bunch of his handlers (saying it was for muh Palestine or something)

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1082ee No.18853


Faggotry anon, it's always faggotry

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f92126 No.18854


Very nice, anon!

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0b764a No.18855


Thanks. This is exactly what we need more. It shows both post/tweet with time stamps on both. That's crucial. If you/anyone got more, please share.

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dbc5e3 No.18856


Reviled! Cute!

So true! Our POTUS has said so many times in his speaches…

We're gonna have the most beautiful clean Air!

We're gonna have the best and purest Water!

He Knows!!!

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9e3275 No.18857

File: 8d17eef15114c3e⋯.jpg (51.06 KB,850x400,17:8,9.jpg)


>Fuck this shit I'm out of here… Listening to this insane shit is too much for me.

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2b2e7e No.18858

File: 43a83f6c1744df3⋯.png (1.46 MB,1712x1082,856:541,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)


worst one I've seen - Louie CK "sketch" on Catholic Priests fucking little boys

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=brvH59634H8

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6f1364 No.18859


Nunes gets rest of info on Fusion GPS by this Thursday .. wanted to have names of all media that were paid off and how much perhaps?

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7431b2 No.18860



https:// www.l3t.com

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1e099c No.18861


They are afraid of the Chaotic events that seem to be coming from our memagics -

Yet….our memetic magics are becoming watered down and we fuss and fight more than we work within the waters of Chaos/Kek

Ordo Ab Chao

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415f0d No.18862


Very powerful. Every (sane, non-addict) parent will have a twinge at that, probably regardless of political affiliation. It's just hard-wired in us to protect babbys. Good job anon, really good.

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f5a214 No.18863


Pamphlet has been absent for a while…he was getting hate mail earlier today.

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5c0537 No.18864


UNsat and at least TB and Jordan Sather out right have told people to stay out of the way. I know PA did an interview with A/S so perhaps he can get him to edit his video information and get it out and send them to reddit

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12582c No.18865


Because they are ignorant assholes.

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106f54 No.18866


http ://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/bryan-fischer-obama-was-photo-shopped-into-bin-laden-situation-room-photo

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11ef2d No.18867

File: 8e6c4c86dccd9b3⋯.png (250.92 KB,1527x904,1527:904,NotWL.png)



>Wikileaks created the PDF.

Are you sure?

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f981bc No.18868


IDK I'm blocking anyone who posts the link on my twitter. Ridiculous.

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9839f0 No.18869


Is anyone else missing page 92 of this book from the wikileaks pdf? 92 is black for me. Chapter 6 starts at page/slide 91.

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f981bc No.18870

DC Press Corps KNEW For a FULL YEAR Hillary Clinton Was Behind Russia Dossier – HID IT FROM PUBLIC



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f92126 No.18871


Make the lion's eyes, nose, etc. pop out a little more. This is great!

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ac8727 No.18873

Can we meme Meryl Streep as anti-woman considering she knew about Weinstien all those years and kept her grandstanding liberal mouth shut?

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27e20f No.18874


i dont believe any leetspeak is used at all throughout Qs post so it isnt relevant.

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6caa52 No.18875


I'd love to know what you mean by this. I've definitely noticed and want to know why.

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7431b2 No.18876

File: 44f9cb34e00eceb⋯.png (2.49 MB,2568x1323,856:441,Screenshot 2018-01-07 15.2….png)

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46659d No.18877

Trump CIA Director Mike Pompeo: No 'deep state' at the CIA, ever.

tweeted by Wikileaks

thehill .com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/367819-pompeo-rejects-notion-of-deep-state-at-cia

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865eb3 No.18878


Having worked on over 40 films and TV shows it's been my experience reading scripts that clearly desensitization 2 m morality is a freaking hot priority with these people

If you can get people to laugh about something that is morally wrong well then when somebody comes out that is committed immoral Acts the public subconsciously goes easier on them

Especially those with very Progressive worldview

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8d4f0f No.18879


we have yet to make positive memes… all we've done is attack those we perceive as enemies… not really the mission.

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3581cb No.18880


Thanks! B shares it on Twitter and normies are making it their profile pics..kek

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7431b2 No.18881


Posted by WL

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86716f No.18882

File: 8c72a457f6711ae⋯.jpg (26.08 KB,443x350,443:350,f97.jpg)

Hi shills.

Bob still loves you…

You're beautiful tranny unicorns!

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ae9741 No.18883

File: 0dbe3780761aff1⋯.png (1006.06 KB,1864x2640,233:330,Search_#2_Timestamps , Mar….png)

there are many connections in the [5] marker

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1c1b33 No.18884

File: 1fea199e861758e⋯.jpeg (77.53 KB,800x800,1:1,1346CF37-AB9C-479A-90C5-4….jpeg)



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f981bc No.18885

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c1df94 No.18886


Created a poll for The Storm header picture.

Fire, Ice, Lightning or Other

Vote on what you want:


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3581cb No.18887


I need a better lion. Hard to find the gold lion. Also need lightening/electric Q.

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8fb0fb No.18888


WikiLeaks tweeted it out earlier today Anon

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ec0eef No.18889


That was the entire point of the film, Freddy WAS a pedo. In fact the novelization of the first three films had an included story that told his origin and his pedo ways.

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3ee986 No.18890


yeah I saw the clockwise part of the cipher and it got me thinking…just trying to help figure out what cipher we need to be using

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df9178 No.18891

Lethal Injection is currently the only legal method of execution after Military Tribunal.


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0b764a No.18892


Yes. They tend to spell out words within a given post, but I too suspect they're all related somehow.

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d2daeb No.18893

File: a0c3b88842d450e⋯.png (630.2 KB,777x515,777:515,CouldYouSleep.PNG)

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01c93f No.18894


Truepundit said in an interview today that he heard rumors the IG report is going to be delayed due to an influx of people coming forward with more information. I hope its not true.

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11ef2d No.18895


Just because they linked to it doesn't mean they had any part of creating/posting it. We link to shit here all day long.

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bc98b9 No.18896


the more eyes the better, she is doing her part. thats another reason that we don't fight and look professional for the newfags.

this needs spread far and wide.

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f92126 No.18897


The one I posted would have been perfect, if it were not for the Santa hat. Someone must have the original!

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e0207a No.18898


Seth MacFarlane

Hang him high

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f57219 No.18899


Lion clutters a very good image.

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acbbad No.18900



im weeeeeening

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ee7a59 No.18901


Ok so also- based on this post we missed the 15.


Was that solved ever? Markers are when potus tweeted after posts.

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993b13 No.18902





Godfather LLL


https://en. m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L3_experiment

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12582c No.18903


Corsi needs to bail now, while his embarrassment is limited to a little community of autists on a Chinese paper doll forum.

Don't let a viral antagonism arise, Dr. Corsi. You have nothing to gain from creating a population of detractors who like to poke fun at public figures.

No author needs that.

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a2e421 No.18904

File: 9dec753b8c521c5⋯.jpg (39.57 KB,579x481,579:481,MerylStreep.JPG)

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415f0d No.18905


> It shows both post/tweet with time stamps on both. That's crucial. If you/anyone got more, please share.

Another anon made an entire document with Q posts & POTUS tweets side by side for just this type of effort, should be in the OP or top posts. Combined with the various clock ciphers you and other posters have posted here, this might actually crack it. Also, I think it was you who asked what the markers were (?) - there are [ ] and ( ) whether they mean different things in the cipher I don't know.

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bfe3a9 No.18906


Every parent will reject this kind of message in horror and all our work here will be disgraced.

It's not "they are not ready" or "you must redpill them": Q message will be totally destroyed if we go out with these things.

Just sayin

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ae9741 No.18907


post the results back here before post number 680 , with the chosen pic , otherwise i'll use this one , >>18819

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bd791e No.18908


Sorry, idiotfag here. Don't know how to mark as graphic content.

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893ba5 No.18909


>Ahmadinejed talking.

I bet he knows all sorts of interesting things.

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2b2e7e No.18910


yes they are, all the way down to frying my less than 90 day old hard drive and more

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3581cb No.18911


Thanks I agree. I'm working on it.

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a7d15b No.18912


Make Trump's eyes stand out, turn them into a piercing bright blue.

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887d86 No.18913


Talking to who though? It's not like the current administration in Iran are /ourguys/

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106f54 No.18914


oh my

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dbc5e3 No.18915


What about Coke? Are they doing it too?

I drank that during college. omg

What other food companies are hiding this in the "natural flavorings" ingrediant???

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993b13 No.18916


Someone earlier mentioned the capital letter Z in a Q post or potus tweet.

https://home. cern/about/experiments/l3

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03199a No.18917


So this faggot still pushes that the cm confirmed Q posts are fake? Am I reading this correctly?

If so this is irredeemable faggotry of the highest order.

They all need to be banned from here

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bfe3a9 No.18918


WL can't sign the pdf, they'd end in court for rights infringements.

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750321 No.18919


Wikileaks shared it, doesn’t mean they created it.

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3ee986 No.18920

There are a fucking shit ton of ciphers here we need to be looking at. Check the section under cryptography

https:// www.dcode.fr/tools-list

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e0207a No.18921

"Dr." Jerome Corsi is a known disinfo clown agent

He went to Harvard

Why should anyone listen to him?

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c1df94 No.18922


You can view the results yourself with the RESULTS button. Might have to refresh that page to see it though.

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6dd8b1 No.18923


>thehill .com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/367819-pompeo-rejects-notion-of-deep-state-at-cia


Mike Pompeo is either

1. DUMB.


Full details here

New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government


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12582c No.18924


>quote seen in ancient Mesopotamian statues

Not to be a skeptic my good man, but might you have a sauce on that? I'd really be interested in seeing it.

Not ironic at all. I am interested.

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fa39d7 No.18925

SpaceX - Zuma Mission Live:

http:// www.spacex.com/webcast

Pray for success (Thanks Elon)

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f0fa80 No.18926



In his attempts of exculpating the cbts BO, Dr. Corsi doesn't mention the >>4706 message sent by Q, which actually was confirmed by CodeMonkey >>6139, and which mentions "BIG"

… might be seen as some kind of confirmation of Corsi's "imposter" messages, which included "BIG NEXT WEEK."

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8320eb No.18927


Now, someone is thinking.

What might be more important on Monday?

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e7fb4f No.18928

Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!

>>Please, yes

Ahmadinejed talking.

>>hopefully singing like a bird

Where did ALL that money go?

>>to the Mullahs?

How many planes?

>>8, I think

Where did the planes land?

>>Tehran, possibly Geneva

Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting?

>>Because O didnt have Congressional approval and wanted make sure it went smoothly

Why cash?

>>Cant be frozen; easily dispersed.

Why offshore cash?

>>Another layer of obstruction

Why wasn’t Congress notified for approval?

>>Because Obama legally needed their authorization and he knew they wouldnt approve it

Where did the bank wires originate from?

>>the Judgment Fund

Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat?


What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money?

>>Access; pay to play; promise of future "favors"…they never thought she would lose.

Where do majority of Rothschilds reside?

>>Britain, Switzerland

Why is Hussein traveling the globe and visiting major financial institutions?

>>Looking for a handler? For financing?


>>He owes?

Who are the Muslim Brotherhood?

>>Terrorist Organization

Who is AWAN?

>>Imran Awan, Pakistani ISI and Congressional staffer to the DEMOCRATS

Who is Huma?

>>Traitor deserving of death; involved with MB; the Witch's lov…uh, uh, I mean, aide

Who is VJ?

>>Valerie Jarrett

Who created ISIS?

>>SEE EYE A? M O S S A D? MB? the Witch? McCain? At this point, honestly idk

Who controlled ISIS?

>>Prob one of the above listed

What was the purpose of ISIS?

>>Destabilization of countries so cabal could more easily rape and pillage.

Who is MS13?

>>Wetback terrorist group

Why were known MS13 members released after capture?

>>So they could continue to terrorize and do cabal dirty work within US including murdering SR.

Who controls MS13?

>>DNC, CF, SEE EYE A, the Witch?



Hard to swallow.

>>Lay it on us. We are ready.

Watch the news.

>>Ok, but the lying MSM not reliable.




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658ae6 No.18929


It's the truth. I have evidence, but on a HD in a puked computer. Not hard to find if you both to look, which I suspect you haven't.

If you think the pope is Holy, you need to dig first, before you will accept the truth.

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cf113b No.18930

File: bdc315a328a8940⋯.png (163.55 KB,281x528,281:528,pepsidna.png)

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2b2e7e No.18931


Alex, I'll take "because he wants to give HRC just a few more days to respond to his gracious invitation" for $300 please

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6dd8b1 No.18932


Who says he is a known clown disinfo agent but you and none other?

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993b13 No.18933



Thanks. Reminds me of the Act 2 scene 4 mention by Q. ACTS 2:4 is about speaking in tongues

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dbc5e3 No.18934


What exactly is a village doing with our children?

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e0207a No.18935


You clearly don't "get" the purpose of Harvard

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f83448 No.18936


That is why you use emotinally disturbing images sparingly not because you like to be shocking but because you have to gouge the readiness of the people to the percentage of the Truth.

100% puts you in hospital, remember…

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1c1b33 No.18937


Most headed for turkey

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8320eb No.18938


Why was Q writing at 3 a.m.?

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08cb47 No.18939

>>14465 Israel in Hebrew. Ish=man ra=against El=God, referring to Jacob's wrestling with the angel of God. Has nothing to do with Isis or Ra.

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dbc5e3 No.18941


We put your BABIES in here! Drink up!

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415f0d No.18942

File: c8c7d850147012f⋯.jpg (478.96 KB,2016x1572,168:131,1471990246101.jpg)

File: 9bf5f34a2f17be7⋯.png (1.88 MB,2136x2864,267:358,1472080367494.png)

File: b7f113ac6f94122⋯.jpg (486.91 KB,1392x1432,174:179,lion.jpg)

File: b8f6b0171ef21c3⋯.jpg (2.73 KB,125x125,1:1,MAGA.jpg)


> Hard to find the gold lion.

Not sure if any of these are the right ones, but have at it

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8d4897 No.18943


He must have owed some penance.

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0b764a No.18944


Hmm. I can't find it in this thread's starting posts. That would be huge though.

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12582c No.18945


I'm not sure about that.

Personally I think Corsi wandered into a place he thought he understood, but he was wrong.

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def223 No.18946

File: af548f42b59afbe⋯.jpeg (120.75 KB,1080x692,270:173,1515370149.jpeg)

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c46711 No.18947

File: 0d304ffe8b04bc8⋯.jpg (25.98 KB,480x360,4:3,moare.jpg)

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1fb0e0 No.18948


There is a discontinued VETERINARY version.

Has a patent and everything.

100-200 Breads ago was discussed on /CBTS/

It has been manufactured commercially if that's the issue.

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11ef2d No.18949

File: 9379a94e0892e5c⋯.png (14.11 KB,538x174,269:87,Drive.png)



It's hosted on google drive, not WL. Don't conflate a link ("hey guys, look here!") with direct publication.


I know. I'm pointing this out for the clowns trying to say WL is Q or has connections to Q or any other such nonsense.

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6dd8b1 No.18950


Retard. You want anyone banned who does not agree with your shit ideas and views of the world.

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2b2e7e No.18951

File: 90cf85f616627d4⋯.jpg (134.21 KB,700x400,7:4,Tempestas.jpg)


Here is one for you… it's Latin for "the storm"

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1e099c No.18952

File: 1a08dfeb510fa2e⋯.jpg (136.51 KB,640x512,5:4,images.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

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dbc5e3 No.18953


I like the red one, but plz no gold fringe (remember what that means - uk)…

But make the lion's face background like the last one instead of red.

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2b2e7e No.18954


toooooppppp keeeekkkkkkkkkk

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849713 No.18955

File: 198ee0384d26e10⋯.jpeg (131.06 KB,800x800,1:1,Abortionist.jpeg)

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df9178 No.18956


LdR is the biggest liar on twatter. Laurence Tribe and Killary tied for #2

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f5a214 No.18957


This one is great!

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01c93f No.18958




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94eff7 No.18959


Interesting. An error on the part of the scanner? or a message?? Wonder if any anons know what's on p. 91

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1fb0e0 No.18960


"PP approved"

pp=planned parenthood logot

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865eb3 No.18961


All of these articles produced by online new sources are all owned up the Chain by globalists. Most of these online news sources are owned by the cabalists.

Of course they go out and hire somebody like Pompeo to say what he said.

Next thing you know it'll be all over the news cast because all of these major networks quote these crappy online sources as sources

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dfc615 No.18962

File: f53bb152d2567ca⋯.jpg (33.88 KB,719x209,719:209,pepsi co.jpg)


More on what's used

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e8bbc7 No.18963


He capitizes Clock once and it the second time. Hmm. This is something I can dig into.

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94eff7 No.18964


Corection: p.92

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f981bc No.18965


Q said, 'could you sleep if you knew everything?'

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106f54 No.18966

File: ce25711e9e32d4d⋯.png (906.46 KB,960x570,32:19,fredo.png)

Speaking of the Godfather, MSM is comparing Trump to Fredo. Is this planted

Donald Trump Goes Full Fredo

"But unlike the Godfather character, the president of the United States is backed by powerful people enabling him."

https ://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/donald-trump-goes-full-fredo/549875/

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f83448 No.18967


>Message is all that matters.

All was said here.

You can waste your time taking sides but what will happen is we will know in time! All Truth comes out in time. Do not worry - be on guard, stay positive and Loving, and if the new markers are future-proven - we are set!

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1c1b33 No.18969

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2b7aa3 No.18970

Whats with this timesup thing with the golden globes?

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ce4a3f No.18971

File: 052c6be1765ec11⋯.jpg (79.8 KB,417x459,139:153,ANY QUESTIONS.jpg)

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106f54 No.18972


That is good

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1c1b33 No.18973


She looks a lot like LYNN! LOL

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5c0537 No.18974


They do not consider them babies. They consider them tissue.

Unless you have a link to discuss this person listed, you must name them like at the top, (and preferably sauce it in small font) otherwise it just looks like some old lady tree hugger from Berkeley.

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d775c4 No.18975

File: 4dd94aa5b7d6b74⋯.png (1.68 MB,1251x971,1251:971,foundwan.png)

File: 97972de5c547dfb⋯.png (1.67 MB,1251x971,1251:971,foundwhat.png)

File: 3b2990a99c0048e⋯.png (1.69 MB,1251x1244,1251:1244,HRCStorm.png)

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ae9741 No.18976



about 1/3 the way down

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2b2e7e No.18977

File: 2e402aa71945dea⋯.jpg (177.35 KB,700x400,7:4,lurk-moar.jpg)


anon… that wuz so nice I had to take that watermark off for you

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f5a214 No.18978




[5] and [10] appear to be correct. [15] solve is still pending

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415f0d No.18980


>Hmm. I can't find it in this thread's starting posts.

Under Q-Map at the top here: >>18277

CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0

Time Stamp Spreadsheets: .xls - anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx .csv - anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv

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11ef2d No.18981

File: d555fc3d4a71872⋯.png (301.15 KB,799x905,799:905,Pg92.png)

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89a46d No.18982

I recently read a user ask the question…

Why did Q select us?

My simple answer to the non autistics.

We are not and cannot be brainwashed. We are persistent to a fault.

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106f54 No.18983


maybe add "pepsi secret formula" somehow.

The look on her face is great

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1c1b33 No.18984

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c46711 No.18985


Thank ye

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1c1b33 No.18986

File: c3346e526082b38⋯.jpeg (68 KB,384x384,1:1,C2591D10-55FB-4284-B5BE-2….jpeg)

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bfe3a9 No.18987


What if Trump announced the "fake media award" just to induce all the media in the country to be ready and organized for the event on monday?

And then… drop something else completely?

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893ba5 No.18988


>its 50+ mb and 400+ pages its about PP

max file size for 8chan is 16MB

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0888ee No.18989


So now I will forever call her Dingo instead of Hillary

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04557d No.18990


He goes further than sticking to imposter story by also stating Q’s “Loop Capital/Don’t lose focus” comment was meant as “don’t lose focus by following supposed imposter’s Loop Capital red herring.” WTF?

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5207d9 No.18991

Enough with the fucking q riddles.

I was patient for a full year and more to see these pedos getting locked away.

I dont want another stupid q riddle that points to some plane or some remark. I want justice, now.

whilst we battle here for what is the best meme to portrait bannon, babies are getting fucked in the ass, little boys are drowned whilst sick pedos watch and little girls get their foot sawed off because otherwise some sick old gazilionaire doesnt get a hard on.

trump needs to speed this shit up. and full disclosure. he should at least tell us that the podestas are really in gitmo and will be hanged. you cant imagine how sick and evil these people are. what they have done….

no more stupid q riddles. just give us the wikileaks load. humanity can handle the truth. we deserve it. no more wasting time.

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8fb0fb No.18992


Page 92 working fine for me on the version WL tweeted

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8320eb No.18993



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865eb3 No.18994


I don't think he would have put it off until some Wednesday in the future if that were the case

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df9178 No.18995


Ive read the Koran twice. Islam is at best an aggressice political movement, at worst, a murderous moon death cult. That's why the creeptards can align with it, both their ancient religion and islam are satanic and evil. Against God.

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ae9741 No.18996

quick thread title suggestion?

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fd4ff5 No.18997


I prefer Hildabeast

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8320eb No.18998

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f83448 No.18999



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f5a214 No.19000


Wrong Faggot…

WTF is he supposed to say?

You don’t not know shit about Pompeo go find out

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0b764a No.19001


This should be worth reading at face value, then rereading from the perspective it was written for us covertly.

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1c1b33 No.19002

Someone posted that trump can get all the records to see what news reporters got $$ from and gave to DNC/CF … maybe that’s why the wait… and of course there’s talk the OIG report is done

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f92126 No.19003

File: 28b47cc45eec00c⋯.png (777.55 KB,1844x2132,461:533,15-10-5.png)


Does this help? It was solved last year.

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7591a4 No.19004


If only.

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1c1b33 No.19005



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fd4ff5 No.19006


Humanity Can NOT Handle the truth. You don't get it, you would destroy humanity with your approach, fuck you. This is going, it's not about you, sit down at the back of the bus and shut the fuck up.

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f0fa80 No.19007


as the clock turns

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9839f0 No.19008


Chapter 6 begins at page 91. Page 92 is black.

Chapter 10 begins at page 147. Page 148 is black. Clearly content is missing, as page 91 doesn't flow to 93. Haven't checked to see if more pages are missing yet in this doc.

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ce4a3f No.19009

File: 32747328dd265a6⋯.jpg (85.95 KB,417x459,139:153,DELICIOUS PEPSE.jpg)

File: 9282d35b97957ba⋯.jpg (88 KB,417x459,139:153,PEPSI SECRET INGREDIENT.jpg)

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106f54 No.19010


like it

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2b7aa3 No.19011


Golden globes is promoting a #timesup. Just odd.

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865eb3 No.19012


I think you should rethink your position. Just because you don't know what's happening doesn't mean there are arrest being made that are not being published. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people going ballistic at one time because their favorite politician or their favorite movie star or their favorite music star is outed as being a pedophile with absolute proof what do you think's going to happen? Mass chaos in the streets people burning books burning records storming Hollywood Studios there's no telling what the hell's going to happen

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1c1b33 No.19013


Tick tock?

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7591a4 No.19014



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e0207a No.19015


Hi (((Pamela Gellar)))

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058f06 No.19016

>>18305 check out Cloud Atlas…along the same lines.

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d014bf No.19017

SpaceX re-visit:

SpaceX will finally launch Zuma, a mysterious “restricted” payload for the US government, on Sunday

https://www.rt. com/usa/415219-spacex-zuma-launch-jan-7/

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1c1b33 No.19018


Hmmmmm… I have never watch them and have no intentions On watching them …But feel free to go find out for us and let us know

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f981bc No.19019


And what? That's why he was posting so late. He knows everything, can't sleep until its fixed, like a lot of us.

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106f54 No.19020


That works!! great!!

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cb0fbc No.19021


Corsi did say he found out about Q around Christmas so he has not been through the whole journey. I like Corsi but he needs to start at the beginning and learn what we have learned.

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f83448 No.19022


Oh man these are awesome, can't wait to drop them somewhere

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a65b1e No.19024


I agree with you anon. Most of the tiny details will be lost on the public anyway. They need big soundbites, and they (unfortunately) have to be told what to think. Basically, the actions need to be taken, and we have enough info to explain what it taking place.

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e25e7d No.19025


>Personally I think Corsi wandered into a place he thought he understood, but he was wrong.

I thought so too. He was incorrect about all the posts Q made were legitimate. The interviewer was not that bad either, she let him talk and never interrupted him once. Big change from what happens elsewhere. BUT…how could he get such important info wrong? Maybe he was leaving some wriggle room for the previous board owner who was looking to enrich himself via an info whore who was also to blame which would have implicated the Dr.'s own complicity or understanding of what was really going on? 'Calm Before The Storm' has given us The Storm and a better Board Owner here, and I hope that continues. Looks like Q knew what was going on and decided to put an end to it before the previous BO realized he'd been dumped, and not duped. First instruction, "No Outside Comms." Let's move on! I'll cut Dr. Corsi some slack on this and await his written articles.

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df9178 No.19026


Who would bet that he'll survive 2018?

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0b764a No.19027


Not only that, but also, when POTUS tweets contain keywords from Q's posts.

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b591c9 No.19028

File: a92c38e77608be4⋯.png (1.16 MB,1000x702,500:351,merrylslams.PNG)

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2b2e7e No.19029

File: ff63b7c8ca11b89⋯.png (991.64 KB,1466x838,733:419,Pedosta_at_baby.png)

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89a46d No.19030

File: 23edc99941a04ca⋯.jpeg (81.89 KB,800x450,16:9,EDDF8494-A442-4B3D-999C-6….jpeg)


We are SpartaQus - Justice is coming

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def223 No.19031



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6dd8b1 No.19032



Eye - the eye of Horus.

DEEP - the deep state.

Loop Capital connected to CERN Alice in Wonderland.

Godfather LLL - The Pope?

Alice - Alice at CERN.

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37e536 No.19033


We know that some of the markers are the Q posts that match POTUS tweets. Which other Q posts are also markers?

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e0207a No.19034

Having a PhD in Poli Sci is textbook definition of being an establishment shill

C'mon, anons

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f6e286 No.19035

File: 486ab7cca94d7fe⋯.png (74.1 KB,1080x455,216:91,Screenshot_20180106-165539….png)

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ae9741 No.19036

File: d29d5772d62a44f⋯.png (183.33 KB,474x269,474:269,bread - dough.png)

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f92126 No.19037


Put down that doobie, anon. Come back in an hour or two.

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3c4f91 No.19038


Ate :)

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1e099c No.19039

File: f41fd22e7b0eff3⋯.jpg (131.85 KB,492x643,492:643,awesomeblackguy.jpg)

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1c1b33 No.19040

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b22cf9 No.19042

Is Israel the center of Satanism?

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04557d No.19043


He throwing shade on Loop Capital implication. Dig.

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2b2e7e No.19044


East Coast, North East

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b0dcee No.19045

File: 2e7f758e22919ff⋯.jpeg (37.07 KB,288x216,4:3,73B2560F-43B9-4AE5-8200-E….jpeg)

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df9178 No.19046


Off Q, but subliminal messaging is a yuge part of what these crooktards have been doing to brainwash us sheeples.

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6dd8b1 No.19047


presumption is a dreaded disease.

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1c1b33 No.19048


Hmmm smells good

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e0207a No.19049


so is namefaggotry

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e7fb4f No.19050

BO, I'm not able to filter shills for some reason. Any idea why?

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20e6b2 No.19051

Marker thread started lads

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7591a4 No.19052


Is Satan the center of Israel?

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fd4ff5 No.19053


All the world, but sure, Israel too.

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2b2e7e No.19054

>>18878 TY

It does get much more "desensitizatizing" than Priests fucking little boys

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f5a214 No.19057


Yes, thanks for the refresh…question remains…is ‘soon’ enough?

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3581cb No.19058

File: 60e38d8a31c477d⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,2000x1378,1000:689,trump-cover-final-e1487295….jpg)


Thanks I just found some.. thoughts?

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1c1b33 No.19059


Click filter then refresh page, it worked for me

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5207d9 No.19060



so far we know of a clinton bodycount of like 300 and suspect like 120-250 kids killed by the podesta child trafficing circle for pizza events.

humanity has handled worse before. just think of Vlad the Impaler. This sick mofo killed like 10.000 people because he had a bad day. Or think about Elizabeth Báthory, the "Blood Countess", she is the all time leading female serial killer with like 650 servant girls she mutilated, tortured, raped and killed for her own amusement. Knowing about this shit is what made us leave the dark times behind. We are only a stepstone of what we can become.

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2b2e7e No.19063


fuck, thank you will fix

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e0d72f No.19064


>SpaceX launch of Zuma

FYI we are approx 35 mins until first launch window, 8pm EST.

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415f0d No.19065


I'm just providing what I had from the election season. You can adjust them however you like that will work.


re: Dr. Corsi, I think it is a little of both.


If he has already attached his name to this, and remains a "staunch defender" of Baruch the Scribe guy, then he's already lost. This pdf is shameful and is an exercise in propaganda itself. This will work on some people out in normieland, but not in here. Sorry, but the reasoning is elementary and not anything special that we have not already looked at, accepted or discarded on our own.


Agree to disagree. There is a reason that Q asked us to look into the House investigation on PP. Things are going to come out soon. We function as a think tank and propaganda factory. I am not on board with the baby-eating blood-drinking adrenochrome everyone is a Satanist memes. Those will not be helpful IMO. Planned parenthood selling baby parts is actually real, provable and there is existing evidence for it. It IS profitable to them. Our function is to be prepared when stuff comes out

>"make graphics to educate and calm the public"

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df9178 No.19066


And stop calling me Schiffty on the twatter!

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72e0b1 No.19068


Another lost with W 3x




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e7fb4f No.19069


thanks anon

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fa165b No.19074

Alice was Hillary & wonderland was SA…

CERN is shut down and being sold off as scrap for the past year….

Cern is not and never has been in this picture. Stop now.

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1c1b33 No.19075

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1c1b33 No.19076



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893ba5 No.19078

File: c83b55e53370b02⋯.png (1.46 MB,1220x1280,61:64,cbtslion.png)


Got this one with transparent background.

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fd4ff5 No.19079


Was vlad's time full of smart phone brainwashed fagboi kikebook junkies????

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5207d9 No.19080


why cant humanity handle the truth? this is kinda stupid because we are here for the truth. we make criminological connections. there should at least be a description of what happened and why after everything is said and done.

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b22cf9 No.19081


Yea. It's like Santa Claus for adults. Brilliant strategy but evil.

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d014bf No.19082


> Zuma

Zuma - as a girls' name has its root in Arabic, and the meaning of Zuma is peace. Zuma is an alternate spelling of Zulema (Arabic): version of Salome.

Salome - as a girls' name is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Salome is peace.

1Th_5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

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53c0d2 No.19083


>I've seen nothing else than this screen

I think a lot of anon's have dedicated a lot of their lives to this since PPGate and Seth Rich's murder. I think lots of us were occasional dabblers on /pol/ before that, but when we saw this was an effective platform to take the fight TO them rather than watch it unfold helplessly from afar it was a chance in a million we couldn't let slip by.

Lot's of experience has been gained, searches refined, and skill sets assembled. Realizing we had global reach and influence with the debacle of PPGate (lesson learned), we licked our wounds but never capitulated to the torrent of negative press condemnation.

Seth Rich's murder and the subsequent investigation laid the foundation for the work we're doing today. Even the Antifa side show helped us to connect the dots and round up more connections of the cabal. It has been a continuum of work of a lot of patriots that has brought us to this point.

Look at our organization. Look at the fine work of the bakers, the spreadsheets, the data bases, the archives, the massive amount of information we've revealed despite shills, botnet attacks, mass migrations, famefags, namefags, tripfags, anon's have stayed the course despite the toil, weight gain, carpal tunnels, and domestic and work pressure. Proud of ya lads, proud of ya.

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fd4ff5 No.19085



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72e0b1 No.19086


1776 (+)

=21 (3 x 7)

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20cff9 No.19087


baruch was convinced it was not Q because of a different IP hash, which then gave him the confirmation bias to also say the format of the posts were different from "the real Q"

he would've then asked Corsi about the "stringers" and if they were standard military, when Q uses different types of short-form all the time to get us to research ourselves and pursue different lines of inquiry

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2b2e7e No.19089

File: da9be6f2d8feba6⋯.png (178.97 KB,700x400,7:4,Pedostas_Ate_Your_Baby.png)



Fixed it… thanks for the extra eyes

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df9178 No.19090


Tracy B is a seeker and a finder and she has helped me along the Q path since it started.

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c30234 No.19091

twitter pedo accounts..


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cb0fbc No.19092


Oooo…that makes us the Riders on the Storm?

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bd791e No.19093


Might be reading too much into it. The Chicago Loop is the central business district or downtown of Chicago.


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7591a4 No.19094


Zombies are real in Haiti.

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3581cb No.19095



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1e099c No.19096

File: 98a8b2beecf8f1b⋯.jpg (70.77 KB,435x538,435:538,2113.jpg)

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ae9741 No.19097

File: f597bf9eca0359e⋯.png (434.11 KB,640x427,640:427,bread - fresh warm crusty.png)





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e25e7d No.19098


Yeah, you are right. Lot of Anons dug up a lot of info on that, when it went down I couldn't believe that those posts were deleted??? Researches have areas of interests more than others, planefags are great researchers. I'm more pissed that someone was out to buy into the info flow.

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27e20f No.19099

File: ed1540b6d22e026⋯.png (5.92 KB,438x178,219:89,ClipboardImage.png)


double checking and this [15] marker checks out.

corroborates with Q

Dec 24 2017, 08:49:11

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c



5 minutes.

>Missing 10 marker from past.

>Missing 15 marker from past.

Timestamps have meaning.


the 15 Marker in graphic is prior to the 10 marker so im going to use that marker

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fd4ff5 No.19100


They can handle it.. IN STAGES. You can't dump everything. I demand we tell all, but you can NOT just dump it. Sorry. You will damage people, more than you think. IF you are here, you are far smarter than most, I promise. You can't relate to their brainwashing / stupidity.

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f0fa80 No.19101



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9ebbd8 No.19102




How do we convey this to the normies? This is what I wonder. Try to get a normie to give up watching this stuff, or listening to ((their)) music. I've had very little success.

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