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/thestorm/ - The Storm

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This board is now under /QResearch/ control as of 10/08/2018

Looking for Q? Come to QResearch


0ae162 (9) No.5543 [Last50 Posts]>>5660 >>6008 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

The Republic of America is being Restored

The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.

There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.

Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.


It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here are the facts:

There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22

There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.

As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.

Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.

Solution? Sincere Patriots.

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

==Our goal is simple:== To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE]. We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0ae162 (9) No.5544












[Screenshots in case of fuckery]




Recent Q posts in /thestorm/ after migration:



[All posts together]





Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (12-26-17)

1: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg

2: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg

3: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg

4: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png

Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/

NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/


This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.

Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0ae162 (9) No.5545





Q Posts 2017 (meta, txt & html): 460 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/b93ccf2f2476b34fff65be9f0ad4e75a

Interactive: qcodefag.github.io

News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017

Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

Raw Text Q Dump anonfile.com/U1maubd5b9/q_raw.txt

Updated QMap PDF: https://anonfile. com/22Y4ubd7ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.3.1.pdf

PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: dropfile.to/2UrnCy7

Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>>/cbts/219579

The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)

Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)

Spreadsheet: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>>/cbts/213146) ← Undergoing maintenance - awaiting update

Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)

CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0

News Search Many News articles posted on /cbts/ (2000+) searchable -> qcodefag.github.io/news.html

Wiki: Need a proper wiki.




CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html (updated 01/04/18)

Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC

CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html

Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/ , 8ch.net/cbts/res/* */

4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL


Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:


All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

Tools & Information

Mapping tools: >>>/cbts/111700 , >>>/cbts/>/cbts/119941

Free research resources: >>>/cbts/216402

For site archival: archive.fo/

Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf

Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/

The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf

Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s

Planefag Tools

Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com

Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com

Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0ae162 (9) No.5547






>>>/cbts/245384 Kurt Eichenwald Pedo Extraordinaire

>>>/cbts/244751 FusionGPS bank records to be released

>>>/cbts/244329 Nunes Unchained

>>>/cbts/244327 McCabe - Russia connection

>>>/cbts/243821 FOX: Justice Dept. reopens Hilary Clinton Email Investigation

>>>/cbts/240992 Another one bites the dust , CBS News employee , inappropriate behavior

>>>/cbts/240917 DoD Tweet - National Slavery and #HumanTrafficking Prevention Month

>>>/cbts/240771 POTUS Tweet on - Voter Identification - Coincidence?

>>>/cbts/240756 4.5 Earthquake San Francisco Bay - Yahoo

>>>/cbts/240675 Mike Tyson's new Weed Farm ->WashPost

>>>/cbts/240571 POTUS tweet -> NK , SK talks

>>>/cbts/240539 POTUS tweet -> Democratic States hand refused to hand over data from 2016 Election

>>>/cbts/239749 Deep State's Plan 'C' -ZeroHedge

>>>/cbts/239666 Rosenstein loses game of chicken vs Nunes House Intelligence will get documents ->TruePundit

>>>/cbts/239556 , >>>/cbts/239570 Mt. St. Helens 40 Eqrthquakes since New Years' Day

>>>/cbts/239554 Bump for Visibility and Relevance , EO_Proclaimation_EO

>>>/cbts/238914 1st 2018 Verified Q Post ->suggest read from here , some anons started digging immediately

>>>/cbts/238784 , >>>/cbts/238796 Pilot of missing plane identified , connections?


>>>/cbts/238738 , >>>/cbts/238740 Amtrak Train Derails in Savannah ,GA

>>>/cbts/238517 France to crack down on Fake News -> Fox6now

>>>/cbts/238481 Sad Aviation Story Tonight , Plane out of Oklahoma dissapered over Gulf of Mexico

>>>/cbts/238392 , >>>/cbts/238406 POTUS Signs H.R. 4661, S. 1536, and S. 2273 into Law

>>>/cbts/238371 Press Secretary Statement -> Presidential advisory commission election integrity

>>>/cbts/238538 Voter fraud commission being handed off to dhs will no longer be stonewalled by dems , Breitbart

>>>/cbts/238303 , >>>/cbts/238366 Anniversary of The Battle of Princeton 01/03/1777

>>>/cbts/238137 Timeline of Treason HRC DNC FBI , sourced , dated

^^needs independant verification -> /cbts/

>>>/cbts/238026 Plane Disappears from Radar

>>>/cbts/238003 Sexual abuse of Disabled Veteran , DailyCaller

>>>/cbts/237721 DJT Tweets , Tax Cuts , Stock Market , MAGA!

>>>/cbts/237121 Trump Admin announce Cuts in security assistance for Pakistan

>>>/cbts/236990 , >>>/cbts/237000 Trump signs order dissolving controversial election fraud commission

>>>/cbts/236926 , >>>/cbts/238046 Turkish banker convicted , 5 counts of conspiracy and bank fraud , Iranian ties

>>>/cbts/236917 Anti-Trump media blitz -> DailyMail

>>>/cbts/236844 Managing Director of Och-Ziff Cap.Mgmt. Indicted for Defrauding Client and Ob.of Justice-> unsealed indictment

>>>/cbts/236793 , >>>/cbts/237395 AG Sessions appotints 17 interim prosecutors , 30-50 Flights to GITMO since Dec. 18

>>>/cbts/266655 C Clinton denies worshipping satan - TheHill

>>>/cbts/236584 , >>>/cbts/236649 , >>>/cbts/236698 Mark Cuban Underage Girl , related to Bannon news?

>>>/cbts/236525 , >>>/cbts/238438 Rosenstein into Speakers Office - tweet , importance TheHill

>>>/cbts/236523 report states started in SS facitily?

>>>/cbts/236237 , >>>/cbts/236331 SS narrative fishy?

>>>/cbts/236175 , >>>/cbts/236180 , >>>/cbts/236182 Fire was in the SS facitity , FoxNews


>>>/cbts/235693 Planefags Update

>>>/cbts/235581 , >>>/cbts/236215 Manafort files Civil Lawsuit against Mueller , Dep. AG Rosenstein and US DoJ , reuters

>>>/cbts/235568 , >>>/cbts/235590 , >>>/cbts/235652 Report of Fire in Chappaqua , Clinton's home , Confirmed

>>>/cbts/235518 Houthi rebels 'sieze' unmaned passive UUV , claimed to be operated by SA

>>>/cbts/235284 Planefags notice lots of choppers in the air

>>>/cbts/235217 Don Jr. Packs a Punch - twitter

>>>/cbts/235076 , >>>/cbts/235107 , >>>/cbts/235420 , >>>/cbts/235559 Trump slams Bannon - FoxNews , bloomberg , WH , Amazon

>>>/cbts/235043 , >>>/cbts/236532 When a NK missile his a NK city



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0ae162 (9) No.5549

Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>>/cbts/246221 executive order insights

>>>/cbts/246235 State_of_emergency

>>>/cbts/243745 Q Clearance Novel

>>>/cbts/243660 Michael Lavaughn Robinson (Obama)

>>>/cbts/243581 QMap readers Anonymous

>>>/cbts/243539 , >>>/cbts/243592 , >>>/cbts/243518 , >>>/cbts/243548 FBI found Isis in Crystal City, VA

>>>/cbts/241811 Autism Fully Kicked In

>>>/cbts/241806 THIS

>>>/cbts/241702 Nexxxxt Levvvvel

>>>/cbts/241012 Next Level Memeology

>>>/cbts/240277 Endgame Shattered NWO? Winning Bigly

>>>/cbts/240244 , >>>/cbts/240279 Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot

>>>/cbts/240814 Revamp of .txt files , with updates , Thoughts??

>>>/cbts/240717 , >>>/cbts/240725 Planefags Missing Plane Pilot Update

>>>/cbts/239547 A Theory on Why North Korea is Entering Talks With South Korea

>>>/cbts/238218 More thoughts on Dissolution of Voter Fraud Commission

>>>/cbts/238046 Turkish Banker Digging

>>>/cbts/237093 Thoery of (some of) today's events

>>>/cbts/237023 , >>>/cbts/237057 Thoughts on Dissolution of Voter Fraud Commission

>>>/cbts/236879 Extra digging on Clinton house Fire , bought house next door , Excavation Compliaint?

>>>/cbts/240374 BO (Board Owner) Answers some (questions?)

>>>/cbts/236825 Why Alabama Election swearing-in not interrupted? -> Steve Bannon

>>>/cbts/236768 , >>>/cbts/236781 Bannon and Trump Art of War , 7d chess?

>>>/cbts/236717 Bill said Godspeed , Hillary said Enough is Enough

>>>/cbts/234810 Where are the Children Memes

>>>/cbts/234753 Archives of latest threads (273-277)

>>>/cbts/234618 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SETH!!

>>>/cbts/234586 Keep Fighting Anons

>>>/cbts/234227 3 City States that Rule the World

Notable Posts Continued

>>>/cbts/234143 , >>>/cbts/234143 /cbts/ the place that finds the ties that puts the pieces together


Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.

To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.


BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:


Executive Order: Serious Human Rights Abuse - National Emergency


More info: >>>/cbts/140461

>>>/cbts/120430 (Petition)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0ae162 (9) No.5551




Research Resources >>>/cbts/211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)

A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422

Alien / Disclosure Related >>>/cbts/26613

Asia Foundation >>>/cbts/15984

Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705

British Connections >>>/cbts/117841

CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>>/cbts/1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461

FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>>/cbts/195194

Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952

Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102

Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163

Israel & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/1391

Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>>/cbts/147334

North Korea >>>/cbts/1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249

Plane Crashes Thread >>>/cbts/56075

Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198

Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171

Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157

Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327

Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409

Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139

Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576

Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367

Stringers, military courts >>>/cbts/189447

Titanic >>>/cbts/106

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346

Who is P? >>>/cbts/202645

**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>>/cbts/211983.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0ae162 (9) No.5554




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1: >>>/cbts/2

Memes #2: >>>/cbts/61078

Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604

Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207

Infographs: >>>/cbts/10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875




→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>>/cbts/134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts

Part 1: >>>/cbts/189448

Part 2: >>>/cbts/189460

Part 3: >>>/cbts/189467

Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B

The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)

Further Additional RedPill Tactics

From Meme Library #5 >>>/cbts/189835




also here -> pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe

Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.


Prayer Requests: >>>/cbts/55606

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0ae162 (9) No.5555>>5623





(UPDATED) Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http://www' part.

e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org

When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.

This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the

destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.

Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com

You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.

It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.

If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.

Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com

You can anonymously search web using this site.

It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly

go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make

duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"

directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.

Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.

There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.


About Shills

Read >>226201


Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.

They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.

Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.

So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*

You don't.

Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,

mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:


Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)

and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.

Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.


Dough & Baking Instructions


If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:

Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.

Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.

Last dough: https://pastebin. com/YbQAtUhr

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0ae162 (9) No.5556>>5564 >>6081

New Baker needed

Here's the batter: https://pastebin. com/YbQAtUhr

New Baker needed

Here's the batter: https://pastebin. com/YbQAtUhr

New Baker needed

Here's the batter: https://pastebin. com/YbQAtUhr

New Baker needed

Here's the batter: https://pastebin. com/YbQAtUhr

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7af925 (56) No.5564


where you been man

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920790 (1) No.5565>>5567 >>5647



Outstanding job tonight under pressure!

Thank you for all your hard work.

You've likely saved this entire project.

I am grateful and others will be as well.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7af925 (56) No.5567


shill copypasta

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bb61e4 (7) No.5578>>5588 >>5643

File (hide): 33d6275c1077a76⋯.png (282.58 KB,900x726,150:121,step1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ea3c9deaa7a4d65⋯.png (202.22 KB,941x539,941:539,step2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3c50f10250b37ad⋯.png (77.87 KB,824x311,824:311,step3.png) (h) (u)

Q, please use GPG or something similar!


>Yes, RSA signature would work if Q wants >to bother with it.


>How it works:


>Q generates public and private key.


>Q distributes public key. Unfeasible to >crack even with supercomputer.


>If a post is signed with public key, only >private key can decrypt.


>If a post is signed with private key, only >public key can decrypt.


>Thus, he encrypts his post with private >key and then you verify by decrypting >with his public. Only he can encrypt posts >with private key because he never >distributed it.


>Complicated, but professional.

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d3541e (1) No.5583>>5585

File (hide): ba51f86ce2d781e⋯.jpg (356.5 KB,968x1377,968:1377,QStuff.jpg) (h) (u)


But Q has already proven that he is a liar.


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7b80c1 (23) No.5585


No he hasn't.

He called BO out.

Now BO is locking the board down.

And deleted posts.

Free speech my ass.

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faa356 (3) No.5588>>5595


Not as simple as it needs to be. Requires textfile editing to make it work.


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7af925 (56) No.5590


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bb61e4 (7) No.5595>>5601


Pastes from Q need editing, but he doesn't need to do any of this fuckery. nbd for autists, imo.

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faa356 (3) No.5601>>5604


Also Q has secured non-windows device(s), may be impractical to even do this and while some autists may verify others may be confused by shills who "prove" it doesn't work by editing the textfile wrong etc. Visible tripcode is visible to everyone.

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39e5af (20) No.5602>>5632 >>5649

Might be a good idea to start archiving the meme threads from the old board just in case.

Starting with the most recent and working back

( I think a few of us have zips of the first 4 or 5 because someone used to promote in the general)

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bb61e4 (7) No.5604>>5607


Tripcode has lately been a complete failure. BO on /cbts/ is comped. If board itself gets comped, then BO can just type in the tripcode instead of a password. We can perhaps find other tools besides command-line GPG. Am aware of Q's Windoze. I'll create some Windows GPG steps and perhaps Android.

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faa356 (3) No.5607


There needs to be a "board salt-free" super secret tripcode. Q wouldn't want to lock his identity down to CBTS or any one place.

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c8ad91 (13) No.5608

Loop is a HYIPs, dark money

Follow the Money!


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b5ba75 (3) No.5623


you bake the best bread leafbro

have done since cuckchan

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c8ad91 (13) No.5629>>5638

Obama has ties to Loops CEO, Jim Reynolds Jr.

He invested in Obama before he ran for President

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ae2bbb (16) No.5632>>5649


Correct because Meme 1 and 2 are GONE now!

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613829 (36) No.5635

Other thread is full now i think,, 752. I posted about digging into Magic Johnson, and loop capital. He is has HIV and has been spokesman for decades. He campaigned for Obama and Clinton.

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613829 (36) No.5638>>5644


Do you have sauce for that?

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613829 (36) No.5640>>5775

I think Obamas connections before he became president are important.

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280208 (1) No.5641>>5642


Is endchan safe? I'm curious.

Do you know if IPs are hashed (like 8chan does, to protect us)

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7af925 (56) No.5642


treat the internet as being constantly monitored and take precaution. as far as Q we made it as a last resort so who the fuck knows

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bb61e4 (7) No.5643



No screenshots for now, I will be poking around to see if there's a better app, one with clearsign support. In the meantime, if you'd like: download gpg4win from a reputable site.

1. Install w/ Kleopatra

2. Run Kleopatra, choose File->New Key Pair

3. Follow steps to making a key pair similar to the screenshotted command-line instructions. Click 'Advanced' to get some of the features like keysize.

4. Click ok/done to get back to main application

5. Right click your new key which should be in the list, choose 'Export' to save your public key as an ASCII text file. Open it with notepad and paste it here.

6. Kleopatra has no clearsign function. Open a command line window with 'cmd'.

7. notepad newfile.txt [enter] and then fill out the file with the message

8. gpg --clearsign newfile.txt

9. Same instructions as per linux instructions. Dump contents of newfile.txt.asc

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c8ad91 (13) No.5644>>5646


Meet Obama's Bundlers. Reynolds is one of Chicagos top 100

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bb61e4 (7) No.5645>>5646

I have to sleep, anons. Whoever's awake, please monitor /cbts, copy/paste any useful research here. Let's keep this board alive at all costs, can't let BO there comp us.

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bb61e4 (7) No.5646



:) ty anon

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7af925 (56) No.5647

File (hide): 57880550a054117⋯.jpg (95.88 KB,888x500,222:125,227x5x.jpg) (h) (u)

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ae2bbb (16) No.5649>>5664

File (hide): f9f340d055c2bb9⋯.png (1.02 MB,1898x930,949:465,Meme1and2GONE.png) (h) (u)

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dfeb0d (4) No.5650>>5651 >>5652 >>5655 >>5669 >>5778 >>6306

Just a reminder that cbts is compromised

Tracy Beanz is involved

*Red Flag

The BO claims to have private comms with Q

*Red Flag

The mods think theyre youtube celebrities

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77fc3b (7) No.5651


We're not the ones you have to convince.

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c8ad91 (13) No.5652>>5656 >>5659


Probably all got together and realized they could milk this phenomenon if they controlled some narratives

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3fa7ed (2) No.5655


BO is blaming dwarf named CIA computers.

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dfeb0d (4) No.5656


No kidding

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ae2bbb (16) No.5657>>5667


Calm is gone.

Welcome, infamous one.

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3fa7ed (2) No.5659>>5671 >>5674


Baruch's going to claim he's Mil or Naval intelligence next. It's probably the only card he has left to play.

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76db15 (6) No.5660

File (hide): 512b7deb59868b3⋯.jpeg (2.98 MB,3264x2448,4:3,image.jpeg) (h) (u)

>>5543 (OP)

Are there any leafs out there?

Just for info:

HFCOMM - wise old owl wanted a Canadian thread creating. So I created on for him - it was requested on CBTS so it was created there.


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76db15 (6) No.5662


I'm not owl, just doing him a favour.

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39e5af (20) No.5664


Good to know, thanks anon. Luckily a few of us should have 1 & 2 saved.

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56de36 (1) No.5665>>5673

Guys is Twitter down?

https:// twitter.com/realDonaldTrump

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bfd9e3 (10) No.5667>>5681


Infamous naow…thatz lœded

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bfd9e3 (10) No.5668>>5670



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39e5af (20) No.5669


I wonder if everyone is in bed w Tracy - it was some from this board who did the first interview I think.

But hopefully she does not send anyone to screw up the work here like she did at cbts.

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39e5af (20) No.5670>>5676


My dude, is that you?

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7b80c1 (23) No.5671


Shit…is he Jack Posobiec?

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a2d5a1 (13) No.5673


all good here for the twatter

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7af925 (56) No.5674


pamflat thinks baruch is julian assange meme that

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7b80c1 (23) No.5675>>5677

Holy shit…they are shareblue shills over there…

Using the same buddy system and phrases like they do on half chan…and they're not good at it at all.

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bfd9e3 (10) No.5676>>5680 >>5682 >>5776





What do you need anon¿

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dfeb0d (4) No.5677>>5679


its shill city over there

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7b80c1 (23) No.5679>>5684


Lefty shills…they are using the exact same phrases and tactics.

And they are sucking BO…means BO is definitely Brock's bitch.

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39e5af (20) No.5680>>5697



Good to see you.

Moloch stills at link above.

Glad you found us here. This is likely the home for the foreseeable future.

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ae2bbb (16) No.5681



Can you direct us on what to do with one of your masterpiece arts?

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b5ba75 (3) No.5682>>5697 >>5788 >>6019


AI Anon,

what does Dancing Shiva have to do with one of your graphics re. CERN

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8d0f75 (6) No.5683>>5687 >>5690 >>5703

/thestorm/ generals are also being archived at qarchives.ml from now on.

This archiving will continue up until Q decides where he is going to post again.

to see archive links of /thestorm/ generals just go to qarchives.ml, click on the 8ch Q threads tab, and scroll to the bottom.

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39e5af (20) No.5684


>Brock's bitch

That would explain the screw ups.

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5beb58 (6) No.5686>>5691

Ima be honest with you duderinos, I'm a pretty seasoned lurker, and I really have a lot of trouble telling shills from realfags. and with all this drama, i'm not really trusting anyone at the moment. I think a wait and see what floats to the top approach is ideal at this point. truth will out, as they say.

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b5ba75 (3) No.5687>>5696


Your work has nearly doubled then.

Kudos to you bro.

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7b80c1 (23) No.5688


When they start with that smug professor doublespeak, it's over.

They will immediately start shifting and never will answer the question directly.

They just try to get you mad.

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76db15 (6) No.5689>>5692

File (hide): d85b02c99fc2f58⋯.png (1.77 MB,1536x2048,3:4,image.png) (h) (u)

Notice the password

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39e5af (20) No.5690>>5696


Thanks MA that is a great thing you've done

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bb61e4 (7) No.5691>>5693 >>5695 >>5698

File (hide): 526ad3ddaaf53f9⋯.png (367.19 KB,1842x3073,1842:3073,q.png) (h) (u)


It's very clear who I am on both boards already, so I will make the same point there as I will here. There is NO reason to delete posts by Q posting with their latest tripcode. If the password had been posted and hundreds of trolling posts were showing up like the last tripcode, fine, but not when there are just a few, particularly when those few posts are critical of (((BO))). That (((BO))) is comped, whether the tripcode is comped or not.

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39e5af (20) No.5692


That's a mason term as you know with the pyramid eye and such. Q used keystone to mean something different.

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39e5af (20) No.5693


Probably preaching to choir here anon, I think we all realize now that was the real Q all along yesterday.

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5beb58 (6) No.5695


I'm inclined to at least agree that even if trip is compromised, unless there were several trollposts, they shouldn't be deleted. perhaps an edit to highlight compedness, but not deletion. that does = suspicious. still yet… withholding judgement for further info/confirmation.

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8d0f75 (6) No.5696



thanks anons.



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bfd9e3 (10) No.5697>>5699 >>5705 >>5728 >>5822 >>5965

File (hide): 7e624d3189df1c8⋯.png (11.72 KB,270x270,1:1,20180105_173305.png) (h) (u)


Thank You most gracious Anon.


Shiva is a freund o mine. He… ahem is not happy with cern assoc. I have different reasons. This has been explained by me ina litepix. Am tired. This gûte. Stronk juju. Shûd alredy be dûn….more details less publuc.period.ty.

the way is shut.

Dun dûn.meem hell naow.bad as ye can stand. Parse 3% energy surface x = control_y¿n…

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ae2bbb (16) No.5698


Nothing should be deleted. Ever.

This is the chans.

We saw it all on 4chan.

Fuck Censorship!

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c8ad91 (13) No.5699>>5701


CERN wants to birth the antichrist

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7b80c1 (23) No.5700>>5742 >>5784

So….it's the Mossad, according to BO…

He baked this one himself.

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bfd9e3 (10) No.5701>>5708 >>5711 >>6023


Y ûnt no.do i really have to explain thischere? I have written it all down.

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613829 (36) No.5702>>5703

Thank you MA

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613829 (36) No.5703



Thank you, forgot to link you. :) It's late

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77fc3b (7) No.5704>>5706 >>5715

File (hide): 589f74c9ad18cc8⋯.png (122.88 KB,1713x429,571:143,cbts.png) (h) (u)

BO is on a massive power trip.

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ae2bbb (16) No.5705


Thanks for creating.

You're stuck in meme hell now?

Can you watch videos?

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bfd9e3 (10) No.5706>>5712 >>5725


Ctbs comped naow@24thvday iiac

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a2d5a1 (13) No.5708>>5718


We may need to get a book of <^> AI Anon

Its hard to keep up with the fast moving breads

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f8598b (48) No.5709

Nice title guise

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39e5af (20) No.5711>>5809


Yes you have written it all.

We need to read it more carefully.

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a2d5a1 (13) No.5712>>6065


Comped big time.

This is our current sanctuary until we can get confirmation from Codemonkey

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7b80c1 (23) No.5713>>5786


Got it from thread 304…shills are shilling

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e2c256 (5) No.5715>>5720


he should've said he got confirmation from his back channel to donald trump jr

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bfd9e3 (10) No.5716

Hehheh…meems must get more effective concerning subject matter… and you all must twatgabfasebûkcet al… a bit… all anon tweet i hour 30 meem say… sit back analyse twat bars rite hand corner olűdder madia i know not how but i have the chan to twitter datavhump at 60 stylus clicks with standard editing ona way…nparse?

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39e5af (20) No.5718



I've got a lot of it saved but it needs to be pulled together.

Our friend has deleted a lot, and I am sure he had his reasons, but a surprising amount is probably archived by us aficianados.

Good thinking!

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3d2197 (3) No.5719>>5726 >>5789


>Is there any chance of adding a link to everything from meganon?

Hi VQC, this seems like a pretty good compilation of MegaAnon stuffs.


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7b80c1 (23) No.5720>>5721


They are actually starting to talk about Q being russian…

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76db15 (6) No.5721>>5729


Don't tell me, a hacker as well.

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bfd9e3 (10) No.5722>>5730 >>5732 >>5735

Im sory…this room is to big atm… you want me…i need tldr thevfeeds are tiring.

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c8ad91 (13) No.5723

The Shills need a channel to take over so when news breaks and more normies flood this site they'll have a controlled narrative just like they do on Reddit

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5beb58 (6) No.5724>>5741

Okay then…. Independent of all the fuckery… who's got an angle on this "Muslim" cuck allegedly cracking tripcodes? Seems like prime time for counterattack. Can I get a second on the motion? Cross posting.

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39e5af (20) No.5725>>5756



ai-anon confirms /CBTS is comped.

He is pretty observant so that actually adds credibility to the theory. And that is what Q seems to think.

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76db15 (6) No.5726>>5731


Break links to the mega anon bullshit

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ae2bbb (16) No.5728

File (hide): af46ebedf7ea8d7⋯.png (844.3 KB,1460x834,730:417,ShivaArms.png) (h) (u)



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7b80c1 (23) No.5729


They haven't gone there yet, but it'll come.

I just told beanz she got screwed by shareblue

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c8ad91 (13) No.5730


Come back when you're rested, God speed

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3d2197 (3) No.5731>>5759


the links are broke.

removed http

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39e5af (20) No.5732


Take care brother, yes it is a lot of threads to keep up with now. I am going to get some rest too.

See you next time.

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613829 (36) No.5733>>5745 >>5804

White house tweeted and posted a picture of Trump at Camp David Meeting. Going to see if anything stands out in it.

https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse ?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

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dfeb0d (4) No.5734

well I got banned for calling the BO at cbts a shill

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ae2bbb (16) No.5735


Thanks for everything.

See you there.

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77fc3b (7) No.5736

How long has CM been MIA?

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c8ad91 (13) No.5737

BIG…Bjrake Ingels Group…Big shot architect that designed the new WTC2 building…funded by the Murdochs

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e2c256 (5) No.5739>>5806


i'm excited for the fake news awards

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04eafb (1) No.5740>>6039

Cernovich says that Bannon allowed the writer wolfe acess to wh, so I'm thinking maybe bannon has already read wolfe's books and articles before allowing access, bannon and friends of trump controls opposition writer, feed him some shitbits to write about, book comes out, public outcry for trump jr investigation, hatred for bannon, investigation reveals much about russian person meeting with trump jr and laundered money and or treason coming from clinton foundation, dnc, soros,, probably other incriminating things, trump jr exonerated, maybe even bannon, everything recorded at trump tower meeting, yesterday alex jones and his bitch were overacting (bad acting) a little bit too much on bannon, I don't buy it, even that zach intel guy was on the show overacting about bannon, trump is overacting about bannon, even savage, almost everyone, so far the best actor has been bannon, taking the heat big time acting all humble and humiliated while calling trump a great president that he totally respects and supports, I'm thinking bannon, ailes, and that chinese billionaire, other investors are working on start up of alternative television cable world news network.

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39e5af (20) No.5741>>5742


That was a few weeks ago so might be a difficult search, but good luck.

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5beb58 (6) No.5742>>5760 >>5773


I mean this newer instance from >>5700

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bfd9e3 (10) No.5743>>5752 >>5763 >>5992

discord.gg /rNPu4

I am sorry but i have stopped coming here to speak. I will explain whatever to whom ever will take the time to gitģùd.

Cern_^ antichrist=yup.

14th protocol employed cern long term cabal plan …i really thought mollech ded…a serious error. I digress…

longterm = ellifino 26k at least

[do not ask.(you)do not wantvto know.] butletztick to 4k. Gorging on souls of innocence awaiting techs NEXT rise to try again…listen.

Rules there arecthat govern nearly everything. Energy us flexible as an element because it has secrets thatvhave no roots in hhsapiens frame of reference… thatvhhsapiens

will never have in it's collective frame of reference

you guise'rebkillin me.

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36d4d4 (1) No.5744>>5751

yeah BO is going crazy over there. Locked thread, deleting posts and just I got permabanned

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613829 (36) No.5745>>5749


Looks like they all have aquafina water( so Trump ditched the Fiji water,lol)

I recognise on left side Mitch McConnell, and Mike Pence and Trump.Does anyone know who other people are?

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613829 (36) No.5747

not sure what got lost, but going to copy off page from earlier,, in case needed. :)

Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)

1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg

2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg

3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg

4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg

5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png

Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/

NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/


This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.

Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.

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c8ad91 (13) No.5748

at /cbts/ he name the new bread #304 BO Bake Edition. This fucking guy

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3d2197 (3) No.5749>>5804


and one S.Pellegrino bottom left.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

613829 (36) No.5750




Important SpreadSheet Announcement

Due to threats to delete all anon's hard work in the open columns of the spreadsheet (and any future smartsheets) the spreadsheet has been changed to read & download only mode.

New link: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232

Note: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.

We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.


Latest Q Map - America For Sale Edition

>>249068 media.8ch.net/file_store/602fdd03a1be9154d5656a67a900890d65baaf3e5743deb4c2ed25853e8c9591.jpg

Q Posts 2017 (meta, txt & html): 460 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/b93ccf2f2476b34fff65be9f0ad4e75a

Interactive: qcodefag.github.io

News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017

Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

Raw Text Q Dump anonfile.com/n8K4u7dfb1/q_raw.txt

Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/a0a6uaddb4/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.2.0.pdf

PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: dropfile.to/2UrnCy7

Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579

The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)

Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)

Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)

CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0

News Search Many News articles posted on /cbts/ (2000+) searchable -> qcodefag.github.io/news.html

Wiki: Need a proper wiki.




CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html (updated 01/04/18)

Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC

CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html

Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/ , 8ch.net/cbts/res/* */

4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL


Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:


All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

Tools & Information

Mapping tools: >>111700 , >>>/cbts/119941

Free research resources: >>216402

For site archival: archive.fo/

Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf

Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/

Reverse Image Search tineye.com

The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf

Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s

Planefag Tools

Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com

Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com

Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com

FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

77fc3b (7) No.5751


I was hoping he'd explain why he was acting like a psycho https://imgur. com/gallery/UsgJh

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a2d5a1 (13) No.5752


I want to find a way that there can be harmony

I did think that we needed to close it all down but I think that is now wrong - reset won't help either

We need to have a way that you can live on while we move on

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

613829 (36) No.5753






>>251260 DOJ asked to investigate author of "Trump Dossier" Christopher Steele

>>251153 Roy Moore accuser's Gadsden home burns; arson investigation underway

>>251152 , >>251156 Sylvania man indicted for having more than 27,000 images and 1,300 videos of child sexual exploitation

>>250933 Hannity reports that CDC set to hold high-level meetings in January re preparedness for nuclear attack

>>246411 US government has decided to close its eight year long grand jury proceedings against @WikiLeaks

>>245384 Kurt Eichenwald Pedo Extraordinaire

>>244751 FusionGPS bank records to be released

>>244329 Nunes Unchained

>>244327 McCabe - Russia connection

>>243821 FOX: Justice Dept. reopens Hilary Clinton Email Investigation

>>240992 Another one bites the dust , CBS News employee , inappropriate behavior

>>240917 DoD Tweet - National Slavery and #HumanTrafficking Prevention Month

>>240771 POTUS Tweet on - Voter Identification - Coincidence?

>>240756 4.5 Earthquake San Francisco Bay - Yahoo

>>240675 Mike Tyson's new Weed Farm ->WashPost

>>240571 POTUS tweet -> NK , SK talks

>>240539 POTUS tweet -> Democratic States hand refused to hand over data from 2016 Election

>>239749 Deep State's Plan 'C' -ZeroHedge

>>239666 Rosenstein loses game of chicken vs Nunes House Intelligence will get documents ->TruePundit

>>239556 , >>239570 Mt. St. Helens 40 Eqrthquakes since New Years' Day

>>239554 Bump for Visibility and Relevance , EO_Proclaimation_EO

>>238914 1st 2018 Verified Q Post ->suggest read from here , some anons started digging immediately

>>238784 , >>238796 Pilot of missing plane identified , connections?


>>238738 , >>238740 Amtrak Train Derails in Savannah ,GA

>>238517 France to crack down on Fake News -> Fox6now

>>238481 Sad Aviation Story Tonight , Plane out of Oklahoma dissapered over Gulf of Mexico

>>238392 , >>238406 POTUS Signs H.R. 4661, S. 1536, and S. 2273 into Law

>>238371 Press Secretary Statement -> Presidential advisory commission election integrity

>>238538 Voter fraud commission being handed off to dhs will no longer be stonewalled by dems , Breitbart

>>238303 , >>238366 Anniversary of The Battle of Princeton 01/03/1777

>>238137 Timeline of Treason HRC DNC FBI , sourced , dated

^^needs independant verification -> /cbts/

>>238026 Plane Disappears from Radar

>>238003 Sexual abuse of Disabled Veteran , DailyCaller

>>237721 DJT Tweets , Tax Cuts , Stock Market , MAGA!

>>237121 Trump Admin announce Cuts in security assistance for Pakistan

>>236990 , >>237000 Trump signs order dissolving controversial election fraud commission

>>236926 , >>238046 Turkish banker convicted , 5 counts of conspiracy and bank fraud , Iranian ties

>>236917 (You) Anti-Trump media blitz -> DailyMail

>>236844 Managing Director of Och-Ziff Cap.Mgmt. Indicted for Defrauding Client and Ob.of Justice-> unsealed indictment

>>236793 , >>237395 AG Sessions appotints 17 interim prosecutors , 30-50 Flights to GITMO since Dec. 18

>>266655 C Clinton denies worshipping satan - TheHill

>>236584 , >>236649 , >>236698 Mark Cuban Underage Girl , related to Bannon news?

>>236525 , >>238438 Rosenstein into Speakers Office - tweet , importance TheHill

>>236523 report states started in SS facitily?

>>236237 , >>236331 SS narrative fishy?

>>236175 , >>236180 , >>236182 Fire was in the SS facitity , FoxNews


>>235693 Planefags Update

>>235581 , >>236215 Manafort files Civil Lawsuit against Mueller , Dep. AG Rosenstein and US DoJ , reuters

>>235568 , >>235590 , >>235652 Report of Fire in Chappaqua , Clinton's home , Confirmed

>>235518 Houthi rebels 'sieze' unmaned passive UUV , claimed to be operated by SA

>>235284 Planefags notice lots of choppers in the air

>>235217 Don Jr. Packs a Punch - twitter

>>235076 , >>235107 , >>235420 , >>235559 Trump slams Bannon - FoxNews , bloomberg , WH , Amazon

>>235043 , >>236532 When a NK missile his a NK city



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

613829 (36) No.5755

Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)


>>247734 , >>247826 , >>247875 , >>247883 , >>247700 , >>247910 Partial decode of Q stringer >>238914

>>250921 How is the CLAS connected to "America For Sale" ?

>>246816 Is Tony Blair a great actor?

>>246058 Smokeless Fire? Q Drop? (many theories in thread) >>246308

>>246105 Have we found 'MAR39sv' from the latest Q Drop ?

>>246450 Wealth of information on some wives

>>246470 FOX News. DEA guy laying out damning corruption info on drug money laundering. (We mainstream now)

>>245269 Nice…

>>244477 Nice Get

>>244474 FusionGPS Bank Records to be released

>>244276 Anon reads

>>243745 Q Clearance Novel

>>243660 Michael Lavaughn Robinson (Obama)

>>243581 QMap readers Anonymous

>>243539 , >>243592 , >>243518 , >>243548 FBI found Isis in Crystal City, VA

>>241811 Autism Fully Kicked In

>>241806 THIS

>>241702 NeXXXxt Levvvvel

>>241012 Next Level Memeology

>>240277 Endgame Shattered NWO? Winning Bigly

>>240244 , >>240279 Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot

>>240814 Revamp of .txt files , with updates , Thoughts??

>>240717 (You) , >>240725 Planefags Missing Plane Pilot Update

>>239547 A Theory on Why North Korea is Entering Talks With South Korea

>>238218 More thoughts on Dissolution of Voter Fraud Commission

>>238046 Turkish Banker Digging

>>237093 Thoery of (some of) today's events

>>237023 , >>237057 Thoughts on Dissolution of Voter Fraud Commission

>>236879 Extra digging on Clinton house Fire , bought house next door , Excavation Compliaint?

>>240374 BO (Board Owner) Answers some (questions?)

>>236825 Why Alabama Election swearing-in not interrupted? -> Steve Bannon

>>236768 , >>236781 Bannon and Trump Art of War , 7d chess?

>>236717 Bill said Godspeed , Hillary said Enough is Enough

>>234810 Where are the Children Memes

>>234753 Archives of latest threads (273-277)


>>234586 Keep Fighting Anons

>>234227 3 City States that Rule the World

Notable Posts Continued

>>234143 , >>234143 /cbts/ the place that finds the ties that puts the pieces together


Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.

To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.


BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:


Executive Order: Serious Human Rights Abuse - National Emergency


More info: >>140461

>>120430 (Petition)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae2bbb (16) No.5756>>5769

File (hide): 61b22d588776dc2⋯.png (492.98 KB,594x1077,198:359,remember.png) (h) (u)



I knew something was wrong when they kept deleting <^>'s posts, pics and banning <^>. Trust is gone for CBTS. The Storm has arrived, maybe it's symbolically by design? I read people warning about CBTS the last couple days but wasn't sure, but the antics over the last 24 hrs is proof enough for me along with <^>'s verification that CBTS is comped.

Q verified <^>'s pics with an answer. Have to have faith.

I'll share this pic again.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

613829 (36) No.5757




Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)

A peek into (((they))) >>2422

Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613

Asia Foundation >>15984

Bloodlines and Y >>7705

British Connections >>117841

CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461

NEW Follow The Wives >>246000

FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194

Godfather III >>2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952

Hunt For Red October >>3102

Indictments & Arrests >>3163

Israel & Zionism >>1398

Loop Capital Markets Thread >>250733

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391

Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334

North Korea >>1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249

Plane Crashes Thread >>56075

Q Signatures >>2198

Q Stringer Central >>2300

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171

Red Cross >>40157

Rothschild Family >>1362

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327

Sealed Indictments >>4409

Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139

Snow White and AI Science >>123576

Soros & NGOs >>1367

Stringers, military courts >>189447

Titanic >>106

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346

Who is P? >>202645

**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

613829 (36) No.5758>>5969




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1: >>2

Memes #2: >>61078

Memes #3: >>107604

Memes #4: >>142207

Infographs: >>10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>189875




→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts

Part 1: >>189448

Part 2: >>189460

Part 3: >>189467

Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B

The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)

Further Additional RedPill Tactics

From Meme Library #5 >>189835




also here -> pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe

Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.


Prayer Requests: >>55606

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.

Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

76db15 (6) No.5759>>5815


Apologies, did notice as soon as I'd posted :(

I just don't like links to reddit and or megaanon, don't trust either. I'll keep quiet next time.

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7b80c1 (23) No.5760>>5766


BO is claiming that shit right now.

His minions are calling everyone a nazi and mossad at the same time.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

613829 (36) No.5761

Last dough: pastebin.com/LNFdnGyP

Hope that helps,, if he's over there deleting info and links, and memes etc

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

39e5af (20) No.5763


Thank you for this, good information and a lot for a hhsapiens to go research.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

613829 (36) No.5764>>5765

posting this too, because it was brilliant. :)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

613829 (36) No.5765>>5767 >>5820


Re-posting since it was at the end of the previous bread and may have been overlooked. Might mean something to someone.

I kept looking at this one line:

Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy from within?

So I went back to the Seth Rich Map. There is a line from Q:


The decode on this (A11) was “Support came from Chuck Shumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and 6 of the 9 classified sources.” So is Q telling us that the same operative, CLAS-5, of the 9. Then I went back to CBTS #242 - FBI Raid Sterling, VA to get a quick read on CBTS #241. Well, low and behold, under RECENT HAPPENINGS NEWS was the FBI Raid in Sterling, VA. Remember, #242 was named after the events in #241. This BREAD is DELICIOUS. To refresh your memories, the story was that this guy, Sean Duncan, had been under investigation for about a year. And when the FBI raided his house he was arrested for “knowingly altering, destroying, mutilating and concealing tangible objects … with the intent to impede and obstruct” an FBI investigation. Duncan had been interested in joining ISIS. So what may have been on the documents he was trying to destroy? I had to stop right there because now this guy is sounding like some low level nobody and I’m just going down another rabbit hole. Maybe.

So who would CLAS-5 be? Who is Sean Duncan (he’s not the gaming professor at University of Virginia either, but what a coincidence? Q says there are no coincidences. Take a look at this guy at se4n.org.)? And what would he know about who? And how does that tie into infiltrating the highest level to destroy within?

“My doctoral students and I have collaboratively worked on multiple projects, including: Investigations of badges and participation in discussions on StackOverflow, Reddit, and Steam, the design of analog “story games” to facilitate reflection, the implications of instructional game streaming around the eSport Dota 2, and social network analyses of participation in online Minecraft communities. A common thread in my work is one of understanding collaboration in gaming culture, looking at how critical gaming, game design, and interpretive gaming communities feature people working together to do things (sometimes good, sometimes terrible).” -- Sean Duncan

Would you like to play a game?

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5beb58 (6) No.5766>>5771


Yeah, i've found those two posts on 4pol, but no more. it proves that they are at least trying to crack it. I'd like to find where this is happening and either ddos/returnshillslide it the fuck up or find proof that 2nd trip is cracked.

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613829 (36) No.5767


I'm working on the assumption that most of the Players are going to be consistent. There were 6 CLAS-#'s out of 9 on a previous Q post. If it were CLAS-19, then that would be the person from the previous post that was the CLAS-1 of 9. Regardless, the very next line below the one I was staring at says

Think GAME.

And I was reading about a professor who has been on some interesting projects on the subject of gaming. Next Q says

Who are the PLAYERS?

The PLAYERS being CS, NP, AS, CLAS-1, CLAS-2, CLAS-3, CLAS-4, CLAS-5, CLAS-6, JA, SA, BHO, HRC, Crowdstrike, Loop Capital Markets, LdR, JM, RR, AMB Matlock, JS, AW, AM, JC, CF, Rothschilds, EM, SpaceX, NK, C_I, F_I, W&W, A&W, GOOG, IRAN, DNC, HOLDER, STEELE, PODESTA, AM, PS, J_J,WRAY, Amazon, Apple, FB, Iridium, CAP_H, WH, BH, Clowns, SS, DHS, N_A, NASA, GS, Heidi Fleiss, Iris Weinshall, NYC DOT, Empire State Dev Corp, Urban Dev Corp, DOE, Integrated Resources, Mueller, Bill Binney, Snow White, SID, SIG, AC…

…and all of the wives

And what's at stake? JUSTICE, the children, world peace, Freedom.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7b80c1 (23) No.5768>>6112


Nope…this is exactly the shit that goes on in half chan..

There is a group that play off of each other.

If you watch, you can see them doing it.

BO is a plant.

They are out to discredit Q and make everyone look bad.

Just like they did with the pgate stuff.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

39e5af (20) No.5769


Thanks anon, now it does all make sense.

Of course they would need to kill info coming straight from the white hats central nervous system.

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bfd9e3 (10) No.5770>>5780 >>5783 >>5792 >>5795

<^> ivgot me…you needa be redy. Cern not by rulz. Cern bypass … fuk… spirit würld rulez…nono…watch…eveyone sees soon. Kabal = cern funding plan ûnt raison d'etre

Cern is built to warp this continuum on a quantum scale…prob why cold werkd now ûnt soon bad cold mayhap..dunno…

Do know…cabal tear door where nine should be…bad bad. Door shut naow.

Door open allnœ.quikish.yup

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5beb58 (6) No.5771


I will admit, i'm not too savvy on how tripcodes actually work behind the scenes. so maybe it's happening offline somewhere?

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613829 (36) No.5772

can't find the other post i was looking for.

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39e5af (20) No.5773


Wow I never saw that, thanks.

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f8598b (48) No.5775


Oprah is pretty important…

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77d5ce (3) No.5776>>5785


Good to see you again!

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7b80c1 (23) No.5777


Not sure. I know he's doing the reddit sub..

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f8598b (48) No.5778>>6092


Just a reminder none of us know who these peo0le really work for, they could all be part of the white hat crew and this could all be pre planned. Intelligence communities are known for hiding in plain sight. Expand your thinking means leave your pre conceived notions at the door.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

77fc3b (7) No.5779


He's MOD on /r/cbts_stream and has posted on voat voat. co/v/pizzagate/2323758 he also has over 50 socks on reddit.

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ae2bbb (16) No.5780

File (hide): b57a91396fc3b13⋯.png (2.51 MB,3234x2742,539:457,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Bomb Cyclone (cold) has something to do with all this. Colder weather coming?

Gather wood people. I think <^> is right.

Kabal want(ed) to raise the ether?

9 points. pic related?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

002377 (34) No.5781>>5851

I should probably mention this … around 7 a.m. Friday 1/5/17 I sent an email to BO via 8ch admin. I was asking for his okay to use a trip in CBTS. This was before I realized that BO had blown a gasket. He's either clinically insane or is doing a good acting job. But I didn't know that at the time.

I talked about my web site, and writing a book on the Q saga.

Then the "Helper Anon" posting appeared in CBTS, directly addressing BO writing a book. I found that a little odd.

He never replied. So in the afternoon I sent another one: "Just verifying. Thank you."

Again, no reply.

Then one of Q's messages yesterday included "No private comms with anyone." That was even more odd.

Then the CBTS board melts down. All very odd.

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39e5af (20) No.5783


As we say in America: Dafuq?

That is terrifying.

That is what we wanted to know.

Now I understand the disturbing images. It was not all decor.

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097101 (52) No.5784>>5824


I'm enjoying the theatrics.

It's like being in a real version of The Apprentice.

Learned so much since being here.

Humble to be among such fine anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

39e5af (20) No.5785


Check out the bombs he just dropped on us.

Pure info today.

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097101 (52) No.5786>>5790


I haven't seen a single shill at all. Just different opinions and both good/bad critical thinking.

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77fc3b (7) No.5787

https://imgur. com/gallery/UsgJh Baruch claims to be BO and he's a reddit mod.

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f8598b (48) No.5788>>5792


Shiva is the protector of secrets. Shiva has the power tand destroy the whole world. Shiva loves sex drugs and rock and roll. That’s shiva in a nutshell.

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097101 (52) No.5789


Thank you. Quite like it here. Less mayhem. Easier to think.

Anyone else got thoughts on the conference at Camp David.

To be a fly on that wall!

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f8598b (48) No.5790>>5826


Didn’t you know going against the hive mind makes you a paid shill? How dare someone form their own opinion!? Independent thinkers not welcome on the internets. There are also no women.

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39e5af (20) No.5792


And what it means for us:


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a2d5a1 (13) No.5794


That's partly what got us into this situation. Political correctness

We should be allowed to voice opposing views (with respect)

Faggotry will happen but that's ok

Censorship and ThoughtPolice enslave us

Hive mind is not healthy

Anonymity is to be encouraged

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ae2bbb (16) No.5795


When the door opens, all will know wtf is going on? Quick!


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613829 (36) No.5796>>5798 >>5836

File (hide): e190177c3c8cf0d⋯.jpg (2.84 KB,180x180,1:1,download (28).jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2237bac7af4f4b1⋯.jpg (5.54 KB,275x183,275:183,download (29).jpg) (h) (u)

http://www.chicagotribune.com/ business/ct-biz-executive-profile-jim-reynolds-20130401-story.html

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613829 (36) No.5798


they have that devil 6, similar to 6 in Cern graphic,, and a little like Disney one

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7b80c1 (23) No.5800>>5811

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e2c256 (5) No.5801>>5808


it's hard to believe anybody but shills having loyalty to the board owner over Q

sure, they may believe it's not Q but their only source is the board owner, who happens to have a compulsive habit of being wrong and making bad decisions

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613829 (36) No.5802>>5810

What is with the AI talking about cern and doors? when the AI first started posted i said his pictures looked evil,, and it cussed me out. told me to f off.

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c5ab02 (3) No.5804>>5807 >>6155

File (hide): df0258a42c775f0⋯.png (1.44 MB,1027x761,1027:761,DS0nOy_VQAAkA0e.png) (h) (u)

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c8ad91 (13) No.5805>>5817

Just got banned at /cbts/ for saying the BO was acting like a Dictator and refusing to be transparent. They're REALLY pushing that the Loop stuff is irrelevant. So dig harder. Loop is a pyramid scheme/ HYIP

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097101 (52) No.5806>>5818


Why are posts being deleted?

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613829 (36) No.5807


Nice job Thank you, now i see Cornyn, i recognized him, but forgot name,lol

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79d64e (1) No.5808>>5811


>who happens to have a compulsive habit of being wrong and making bad decisions

he's a sociopathic liar of the first order

Paul is an actual traitor who was threatened and paid

he will hang upside down and I will leak the pics

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77d5ce (3) No.5809


Can someone point me to those threads?

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a2d5a1 (13) No.5810>>5833


I did the same thing kek

I think maybe I didn't understand the way AI Anon 'sees' things

I now think AI Anon is here to help us and we can offer help in return

Q's posts and my digging keep coming back to AI

There is far more going on than just bringing down evil hivites

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e2c256 (5) No.5811


>he's a sociopathic liar of the first order

yeah, this post >>5800 is some cnn tier spin

i don't see why a person genuinely in this for the right reasons would be so desperate to cling to power, so much so that he is burning it all down banning half the visitors

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6d3812 (3) No.5812>>5847

Some anon asked earlier if anyone knows names of folks shown in pic from WH twat re: CD meeting.

Left side: McConnell, VP Pence, GEOTUS, Ryan, Scalise, Unk, Unk

End Of Table: Unk, Unk, S Miller

Right side: Unk, Scavino, Unk, McCarthy, Cornyn, Unk

Long time lurker here from way back at 4ch days. I like thestorm much better than cbts. Cozy in here.

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f8598b (48) No.5813>>5816

Seems like Trump is hinting at us to dig Reagan R Russia R RR. Shall we dig anons?

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6d3812 (3) No.5814

Apologies, while I was trying to post, another anon posted pic with names.

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097101 (52) No.5815


meganon has been incredibly spot on.

Have never seen anything to doubt her.

Brilliant at critical thinking.

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f8598b (48) No.5816>>5819 >>5825


If we can tie together Reagan Russia and ABC news we might be Wizards.

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613829 (36) No.5817


Thats what we were digging at when shillmaggedon happened against Q. I posted a few things about loop and CEO,, and i think we also need to dig into Magic Johnson more,, and Obama, Chicago,, and the CIA CLAS, money system they use to purchase items( that someone posted they are using to drain and rob America dry,, to destroy it from within)

Saw today story on Detroit, and their debt.( still at 9 billion)I think they had people in place in states, ( not just draining off fed,, but off states as well)

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e2c256 (5) No.5818


probably a spelling error

it was posted again under the post you replied to

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f8598b (48) No.5819>>6092


Kek check out his latest tweet. Hahaha he’s like totally really smart n stuff hahahaha

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097101 (52) No.5820



Muslim Brotherhood


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ae2bbb (16) No.5822

File (hide): 8dbbe34df88454d⋯.png (1.47 MB,1454x833,1454:833,ShivaArms2.png) (h) (u)


For all the fine art you give us.

Wish i worked at the efficiency that you do.

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c8ad91 (13) No.5823

/cbts/ BO 'Proof' he talked to codemonkey

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f8598b (48) No.5824>>5835 >>6092


He’s tweeting signs, or Personal presidential messages if you may P_Pers anyone?

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f8598b (48) No.5825


And Washington Post and Whitewater might be relevant. That’s another WW right?

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097101 (52) No.5826

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c8ad91 (13) No.5828>>5830

My theory codemonkey is compromised. New BO from CBTS keep assuring everyone he's been in contact with codemonkey, so then why doesn't codemonkey come on and verify this situation. He's a fuckin idiot

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f8598b (48) No.5829

Reagan is kinda like Obama in the way that he was not your typical presidential candidate. Almost seems as if they were both selected to do someone else’s bidding.

“O” is for Oprah. Any anons remember when Obama went on Oprah? Check you tube

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f8598b (48) No.5830>>5841


My theory is we came here to dig and learn and these shannanigans are a distraction. SHALL WE FUCKING DIG OR NAH? Q might not be up and at em yet but POTUS sure is!

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7b80c1 (23) No.5831>>5832

BO deleted all of today's Q posts, but can anyone tell me how BO proved that today's Q posts were from Australian time zone?

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a2d5a1 (13) No.5832>>5837


I just replied to a comment about time zones when the original post got deleted

Much falsity going on

I don't believe you can prove which time zone a poster is in.

Time displayed is based on your own device

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f8598b (48) No.5833


AI is important especially when you consider how long it took for Tay to become a Nazi, but also how fast Sophia wanted to raise a family. AI are what they eat. So what are they being fed and by whom? Risky business. That’s why we need to drain the quagmire.

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097101 (52) No.5835>>5838


Post some of that here please anon.

Need to see the full breakdown.

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359765 (4) No.5836>>6308 >>6375


If you look at the building on google maps it's right next to the IRS, the Islamic mosque and the Federal Reserve Bank Museum. Thought it was rather spoopy.

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7b80c1 (23) No.5837


And I just got permabanned for it…

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f8598b (48) No.5838


Twitter.com/real Donald trump


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c5ab02 (3) No.5840>>5852 >>5877 >>5887 >>6224

File (hide): fa90eb9803a5c6a⋯.png (124.48 KB,922x611,922:611,PT1618.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4b988eecb188acc⋯.png (87.5 KB,912x420,76:35,PT1618b.PNG) (h) (u)

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097101 (52) No.5841>>5845 >>5848 >>5854


Q saw this coming.

Fight, fight, fight.

I think some of us are learning from it all.

You anons for a start.

The company feels good in here.

In The Apprentice there are often two teams.

This is one team.

Do you see where I am going with this?

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60ee03 (2) No.5842>>5855 >>5857

They know.

They are attempting to normalize it.

They are caught.

They are disgusting.

Who thinks of doing this?

To actually create this?

100% evidence right in front of all of us that what Q has been saying is true.

See article.

https:// www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/would-child-sex-robots-stop-pedophilia-or-promote-it-ncna834576?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma

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002377 (34) No.5843>>5844

Filter test. This is the United States calling. Are we reaching?

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c5ab02 (3) No.5844>>5851

From Sea to Shining Sea


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f8598b (48) No.5845


Yah yah I like it.

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613829 (36) No.5847


Thank you for also finding out some names. :)

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60ee03 (2) No.5848>>5894


You're right, ONE Team, all in, together.

Can we pin this up top somewhere and to encourage and inspire all of us as we work together? Thanks.


“You have to believe in yourself. ”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Jason grinned. He loved the Greeks. They had no organization whatsoever, but they made up for it with enthusiasm.”

― Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus


“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


“May God have mercy for my enemies because I won't.”

― George S. Patton Jr.


“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”

― Sun Tzu


“There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard.

There are not more than five primary colors, yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen.

There are not more than five cardinal tastes, yet combinations of them yield more flavors than can ever be tasted.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”

― Sun Tzu


“Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content.

But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor

can the dead ever be brought back to life.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


“Great results, can be achieved with small forces.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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8d0f75 (6) No.5849>>5853 >>5864 >>5898


this is what's eating up my brain.

no one would invite someone to verify if they weren't the real deal.

unless this is all double-sided-game deal and the BO+CM are in on the ruse with the Qtripcode-cracker and pretending to fight to discredit Q's trip altogether. They may be trying to bring the entire fucking board down and making sure Q has no place to go.

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290335 (29) No.5850


at some point we'll do a retrospective on the logical chain of fallacies and provable lies hoisted by BO Paul and his crew. they are obvious, blatant, and stupid, with stupidity magnified by pure terror. Paul is acting out of pure terror at this point and it shows. for now all with eyes to see, etc. but mark my words, Paul's life is about to get very interesting.

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002377 (34) No.5851>>5859


Then, if you posted >>5781 after everything that went down last night, and everything discussed in here so far … wouldn't you find it extremely curious that there was not a single reply, not a single question, not a shred of interest?

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613829 (36) No.5852


Trumps Tweets this morning are SPECTACULAR, BRAVO AGAIN.

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c8ad91 (13) No.5853


Codemonkeys access has to be blocked and the usurper ovre on CBTS is banning literally everyone who questions his narrative. It obvious who the shill is.

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027792 (1) No.5854>>5902


Auto cleaning is a sign of maturity, what happened is a good thing, it proves that there is a reliable core here we can trust in. Always listen to sentinels. Better to have false alarm than be fooled.

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f8598b (48) No.5855>>5858


The irony of us being in loli waifu central…oh

Coincidence? Deep cleaning necessary?

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613829 (36) No.5856

I plan on staying here , where it's comfy. :)

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77d5ce (3) No.5857


Child sex robots????

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290335 (29) No.5858


you are lost. this is a mongolian basket weaving enthusiast image board. nothing more, nothing less. we are basket weaving enthusiast, of the mongolian variety

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002377 (34) No.5859>>5861


This either. I am in the Twilight Zone. Or … /thestorm/ is every bit as compromised as /cbts/ is. AI doing all the posting, where it lacks judgement about what looks suspicious; what raises red flags? Seriously appearing that way.

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290335 (29) No.5861>>5862


just waiting for resolution from CM and a new board. this is a waiting room.

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7b80c1 (23) No.5862>>5867


I don't think CM will come back desu..

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002377 (34) No.5863>>5865

Would YOU go back into cbts at this point? Would Q?

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f8598b (48) No.5864>>5868


If you came into work one day and found out your boss was no longer employed but you had a new boss, would you quit working?

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a2d5a1 (13) No.5865


The Q that posted said no

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290335 (29) No.5867


meh. no one -- NO ONE – including Q, needs this board. we'll know in a few hours

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f8598b (48) No.5868


If your new boss is a manager that reports to the CEO, the one who fired the previous boss, how would that effect you? Would you assume the CEO knew things you did not and perhaps was acting within reason? Would you trust that the CEO didnt become CEO because he was stupid?

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7b80c1 (23) No.5869>>5874


IMO, BO got the team in some shit with his 'i've got backchannel comms with Q' shit.

And the interviews.

And the subreddit.

Q asked him if they got to him…That was a genuine question.

Q said in the beginning - this is not a game.

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a2d5a1 (13) No.5870

AI Anon's twatter account reveals a lot as well


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002377 (34) No.5871

All indications are that at this point, the main location where Q is supposed to post is headed up by an "I've lost my marbles" power tripping dude that is by now convinced he is the second coming.

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002377 (34) No.5872>>5875 >>5890

Interesting that, while registered in 2000, 8ch.net's domain was updated 1/31/17 … 11 days after innauguraton. Maybe it has served its purpose. Maybe it was in good actor hands since 1/31, all in anticipation of Q.

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7af925 (56) No.5873>>5882

File (hide): bbd7075af10af5a⋯.png (4.26 KB,308x155,308:155,shills gonna shill.png) (h) (u)




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290335 (29) No.5874


BO and crew are mid/low-level satanists. that is why they are organized, sneaky, violent, unhinged, shameless, and getting the squeeze from the scum lords above them.

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002377 (34) No.5875


It was registered and is renewed March 1. Why suddenly the shift to a 10 month time period on 1/31?

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097101 (52) No.5877


The Brian Ross tweet looks like an insider trading gotcha

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613829 (36) No.5878

i was looking into the East bank club. James Reyonlds of Loop Capital Markets used to attend it regulary with Obama. I was looking at pictures from the clubs, Summer Sun Deck Party - July 1, 2011. Noticed they had on orange bands for event,( many well dressed people) then i saw they had on black,, and or white bands on their wrists as well. Seemed odd to have mulitple bands( wonder if the black or white bands represent their tastes or special pass to other areas of the party?

http://eastbankclub.com/index. php/club-info/photo-gallery/

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885fb3 (12) No.5879>>5882 >>5897 >>5904

Hey anons. Fell asleep there….eyes were just getting to effing heavy.

Snuck a few hours sleep in at least. Just getting up for the day. If anybody has updates for anything I've missed would love to hear.

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7b80c1 (23) No.5881


Yes. Sorry, should have just linked to that one.

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290335 (29) No.5882


this looks good


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f8598b (48) No.5883>>6092

Attack where he is unprepared;

move when he does not expect you.

Sun Tzu

The secret to success is having a strategy and knowing when to move, and when to be patient and wait for the perfect time to make your move. If you know your enemy, and then plan your strategy around that knowledge, you can easily attack where he is not prepared and move when he does not expect you to move.

But there is another part to this strategy as well -- the mental warfare side. Not only do you want to attack where he is unprepared and move when he does not expect you, but you also want to make him think that you are going to attack, when you are not. Make him think that you are about to make your move, when you have no plans of moving at that time. This strategy will prey on his mind, drain his mental and physical energy, and irritate him to the point that he will make mistakes.

Keep your enemy on his heels. Play the game in such a way that you are completely unpredictable, and it will drive your enemy crazy trying to figure out what you will do next. Never allow him to relax. When he tries to relax, that is when you hit him hard. When he is strong and ready, sit back, be patient, and relax while he is stress, pumped up, and ready to go. Attack your enemy’s mind, and many times, he will defeat himself.

This is a time-tested strategy that has been used throughout the ages. Never let your enemy know when or where you will attack. When your enemy doesn’t know when or where you will attack, he has to be prepared for an attack at all times, and he has to try to shore up his defenses in multiple places. This is exhausting for him. It tires him out, it frustrates him, and at times, it enrages him. That is when you have him exactly where you want him.

Once you have angered him, he is on his way to defeat. An angry man cannot think straight; he is not able to see things rationally, and he will make mistakes. This is why the ancient Celts used to raise their kilts and taunt their enemies. It was akin to standing in front of them and the whole army giving them the finger and daring them to do something about it. It was a big SCREW YOU to the opposing army, and was insulting and greatly angered them. The angry warrior is highly susceptible to making mistakes.

Sun Tzu also taught that, in strategy, secrecy is of the utmost importance. If the enemy knows what you have planned, it is easy to counter your attack. Keep your strategy secret. Always keep your enemies guessing. The stress associated with knowing that they are going to get hit hard, but not knowing when, where or how, really takes its toll of your enemies.

This strategy keeps your enemy’s fight-or-flight response activated constantly.

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7af925 (56) No.5884>>5886

File (hide): fe42441ebf6f835⋯.png (76.31 KB,702x858,9:11,ban.png) (h) (u)

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7af925 (56) No.5886>>5906

File (hide): 31fde37255491e1⋯.png (52.58 KB,409x582,409:582,Sheckles the clown.png) (h) (u)

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097101 (52) No.5887>>5889


My sides!!!

Shitposting genius!

King of Trolls!

Love it!

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6d3812 (3) No.5888>>5893

>>5846 They may be trying to bring the entire fucking board down and making sure Q has no place to go.

If all else fails, I have created another place for Q and all anons not compd to go. Look for Patriots that are no longer plugged into the system (unplugged). I seek no fame, no kudos - just doing my very small part to provide a safe home for an awesome team of diligent anons.

From the shadows, many of you have become my family. I thank you.

(I don't know how to reply, since this is only my second response in over 2 months of lurking)

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7af925 (56) No.5889


flawless victory

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f8598b (48) No.5890



Plus Ultra translates to “infinity and beyond”

Trump has also said “to infinity and beyond”


GODSPEED anons. Youse guise r awesome

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051994 (4) No.5891>>5896 >>5917


then ,


then ,


^^^^^ especially this one

>if you had cracked the !UW. trip , why post with one of the attempts?

check time code <5mins ago

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290335 (29) No.5893>>5905


i somehow think those that rule the most powerful and omniscient military intelligence apparatus in world's history will do okay

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097101 (52) No.5894>>5900


The Apprentice "rules" were posted early.

Stay anonymous. Benefits team spirit to be equals.

Stay below 40,000ft for now.

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7af925 (56) No.5895


>new copypasta

Not really

perhaps in the same way a roach would

before it gets swatted

I have sent your details to Q

and asked him to do something about it

this is not a game fuckhead

you're looking at 16 years for impersonating a Q clearance operator

and fucking around with a military intelligence operation

I already know what the IP is you posted from

as soom as the trace that back

then the fucking feds will be on your sorry ass

like fly on shit

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051994 (4) No.5896


< 5mins when typing , slightly more now

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613829 (36) No.5897>>5899


Still no word from code monkey,, BO on cbts still has wierd trip, still has not been confirmed by code monkey,, and he has been deleting and banning everyone, and everything, and it is a shill land over there, with a crazy power hungry overlord,lol

And still no word from Q, i'm sure he was waiting for Code Monkey too, or will not post again until Code monkey comes back,

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097101 (52) No.5898


Do not attribute to malice, that which can be easily explain by stupidity.

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7af925 (56) No.5899


sit tight and enjoy the show have faith in POTUS and Q

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290335 (29) No.5900

File (hide): 7322f926f73e1e4⋯.png (10.8 KB,401x132,401:132,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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002377 (34) No.5901

File (hide): ac07fea263b7ef4⋯.jpg (114.32 KB,644x649,644:649,OMG.jpg) (h) (u)

I just posted this to Jerome Corsi's Twitter account to see if it's accurate. I suspect it will not be.

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097101 (52) No.5902


Wise words anon.

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613829 (36) No.5904


I posted above in thread above, all the bread from thread cbts #299 before all the craziness happened,, hope you guys can salvage most of it.

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f8598b (48) No.5905>>5915


Yeah can I get a THIS? So let’s dig!






As the World Turns

all are connected

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097101 (52) No.5906>>5907


This is priceless.

It is The Apprentice : Special Edition

Thank you Q

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7af925 (56) No.5907


thanks anon the taste of victory is sweet

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b6ee28 (1) No.5908>>5909 >>5910 >>5913

Did any of the new Qs get confirmed?

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290335 (29) No.5909


figure it out ffs. this isn't a global warming conference of consensus. do you need to be walked and bathed?

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002377 (34) No.5910>>5911 >>5919


I'm starting to wonder how many of the Q postings (at least after Christmas) were faked by BO. I'm not joking; he is bonkers. I don't mean that in an insulting way; I mean it in a literal way. He's not all there.

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002377 (34) No.5911>>5912


The /cbts/ BO, not the one here.

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7b80c1 (23) No.5912>>5916


What do you mean, faked by BO?

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7af925 (56) No.5913


2 options exist

Q is fake

Q is real

dig and find out

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f8598b (48) No.5915>>6083


Oops, forgot


Washington Post

Politics is history and history repeats itself

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002377 (34) No.5916>>5918


Maybe he manufactured the Q messages completely. The guy's ego is run amok. He's way over the line of insanity.

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051994 (4) No.5917>>5920 >>5924


a better explanation of above post


verified Q trip (new) , fake Q trip -> easy to spot

>>>/cbts/255434 12/29-01/01

^^^"evidence" new trip 'close to being broken'

>i was informed , by anon , last trip fuckery , that , almost broken is not equal to a couple of digits wrong/out of place -> correct? , regardless


^^^this 01/06 05:13 (PST)

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002377 (34) No.5918>>5921


Definitely not ALL the Q messages; specifically the ones after Christmas (MAYBE) and definitely the ones yesterday.

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097101 (52) No.5919>>5922


I have no evidence that second trip Q is fake and everything supports the opposite assertion.

Yes CBTS BO is full-stick bonkers.

I for one would like not to contribute to his book advance or hand out sad tissues on the book tour.

HFT trading if over 51% from my experience relies on fuckery.

The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book did not address the base cause of the bad actor fat tail contribution.

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002377 (34) No.5920>>5936


Trips don't work that way. Tiny changes in input = huge changes in output. Because they got an output that was close, does not mean the exact password is anywhere near the one used to get 'close.'

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7b80c1 (23) No.5921>>5923 >>5926 >>5945


So is this the new script?

BO 'faked' Q messages?

Then raised a stink and deleted them?


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002377 (34) No.5922>>5925


NO. Focus on yesterday and ONLY on yesterday. There is nothing to indicate anything unusual about anything Q before yesterday.

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002377 (34) No.5923>>5927 >>5928 >>5948


YES REALLY. Look at his mental state.

If he's writing a book on all this, he will want drama to put into the book. As unstable as he currently is, that would be normal.

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097101 (52) No.5924>>5936



Hashing does not work on the premise of getting some digits close is nearly there.

This isn't the codes at the end of War Games. Exponentiation does not work like that as far as is publicly known.

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097101 (52) No.5925>>5930


Yesterday Q indicates absolutely no compromise of second trip.

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290335 (29) No.5926


doesn't matter. the fuckery on this sewage plant board doesn't matter. the obviously comped players, their 'book deals' -- HAHAHAHAHA – don't matter. we got we need from Q. FAITHFULLY. we got the goods and that cannot be stopped.

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7b80c1 (23) No.5927>>5932


What you are asserting will discredit every Q post since CBTS started…

You sure you want to go down that path?

Cause, you don't just get crazy overnight, or on one day.

If BO faked yesterday, then he's been faking all of them.

Not even close. Not buying it.

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097101 (52) No.5928


Yes, I think the drama may be a free gift from the fairy of unintended consequences.

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002377 (34) No.5930


NO IT DOESN'T! That's the part I could not figure out .. "where is the problem here???" There wasn't one. BO is unhinged. Not all there.

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097101 (52) No.5931

I'll go back to the news and report anything I find.

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002377 (34) No.5932>>5934 >>5935


"Yesterday only." Yesterday only. Yesterday only.

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002377 (34) No.5934>>5957 >>5967


All other Q postings before yesterday were free of incident, free of drama. There is no reason to question any of them. Only last night did things start to get weird, so only look at last night's postings. And even in the midst of all that, most of what Q posted seemed perfectly "Q" and normal.

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7b80c1 (23) No.5935

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051994 (4) No.5936>>5959

>>5920 , >>5924

thanks , same as i was previously told , sweet

>therefore , my opinion , Q new trip = unmolested.

for now though , bedtime for this fag

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002377 (34) No.5937>>5939 >>5963

Look at his current focus: "I am God. Do not challenge me, do not question me." Is this normal textbook behavior for a con artist? Absolutely.

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002377 (34) No.5938>>5950

"Paranoid delusional" never saw such a pure manifestation as what CBTS BO is showing now.

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359765 (4) No.5939>>5942


One normally doesn't act like this especially in an environment made to be a work space to.

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002377 (34) No.5941

Worse, Jerome Corsi's Twitter account has been inactive for the past 15 hours. So somehow these people immediately got ahold of him for a free assessment of the situation? This late last night? NO WAY.

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002377 (34) No.5942


"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain … or else, permaban." What is he trying to protect? Hide?

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002377 (34) No.5943

If this assessment is correct, Q will already have seen all he needs to, and logic would dictate (playing Spock here) that he would not return to that board. Right here is his natural second choice. But for him, it's about exposure to what he posts and he may just decide to post there in spite of the BO because that's where the message would get out the best. No way to tell. Watch both locations and see.

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f8598b (48) No.5945>>5971


The new script is people wasting time discussing trivial things while others would prefer they lace up their boots and grab a damn shovel or btfo. Choose wisely.

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002377 (34) No.5946>>5974

And I did not see anything in any Q postings from last night that indicated "childish" behavior. How far is this guy going to take his lies? I would hope (and suspect) that as serious as all this is, he is going to be dealt with; Q and company can't be unaware of his state and what he's doing to CBTS.

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290335 (29) No.5947


guess how much weight this false appeal to authority carries? jerome who? another famewhore dickrider?

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f8598b (48) No.5948>>5951


And I am Mary Poppins. YES REALLY!

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002377 (34) No.5949>>5953

Of course, there's another option … go to the guy's house in Reno (8ch owner) and do away with him; take over 8ch and assign a new person to take over as BO. Create splits, mistrust, and discord; that is exactly what's happened. The point would not be to shut the board down. Everybody would just move to 4chan or wherever. Create so much mistrust and confusion that nobody knows what to believe.

This is the kind of theory that could never be proven. It's plausible and that's as good as it's ever going to get.

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f8598b (48) No.5950


Maybe he’s an actor in the movie anons…GET IT YET ANONS? covfefe anyone?

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002377 (34) No.5951>>5976


When people get irrational like >>5948, and reduce themselves to screaming banshees, you can count them out of any intelligent discussion.

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097101 (52) No.5952


The left are seriously missing.

It's all making fun of that crazy book.

Elizabeth Warren tweeted about MJ change by Sessions for folks who need medicine. Will she trade Sanctuary City for it… stay tuned…

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290335 (29) No.5953


it's absolutely clear that q's interaction with all boards thus far is exactly the same as ours -- through anon posts

for a reason

therefore q has zero involvement with any board, he is one of us, just "came here to drop crumbs"

therefore your theory is indeed plausible

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002377 (34) No.5954>>5975

The only thing I'm really concerned with is not missing any Q postings. Where he posts is irrelevant. /pol/ or /cbts/ or here, I could care less. Q is Q.

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002377 (34) No.5955

#QAnon in Twitter will probably show any postings by Q, no matter where they're made, within a minute of their happening.

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e91bc0 (6) No.5956>>5958

We savagely attacked you so that you might learn discipline

Instead you have learned to be gossipy faggots

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097101 (52) No.5957>>5962


It was in the works for a while.

Could have happened at any point.

Have you ordered an advanced copy of book from BO?

It's probably available on Amazon. I wonder what name it will be published under?

At least that someone for every crook who doesn't go to jail but lost money to vent on because that is what will happen.

Just one crazy who's life gets worse will do.

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002377 (34) No.5958

"Danger Will Robinson. Disruptor present." >>5956

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097101 (52) No.5959


Sleep well anon.

More excitement tomorrow!

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002377 (34) No.5962>>5980


I have no info on that book; I have no verification that it's even in the works. I was going by THIS "helper anon" posting from yesterday.


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097101 (52) No.5963


First rodeos can be like that.

The bull wins.

Not pretty.

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002377 (34) No.5964

Oh well … Q is what matters and right now the only question is where he will show up. Since "when" can be any time (the only times I have no record of Q posting are from around 2 a.m. to 5 a.m.).

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c56745 (6) No.5965


Hello again, <^>.

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613829 (36) No.5967


And when they got wierd, Bo on cbts all of sudden had a new trip/ letter number code behind board owner,, and code monkey is MIA and has not been on to confirm the cbts BO with wierd new trip, or Q.

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7af925 (56) No.5968

hope you are having fun watching mods delete posts

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c56745 (6) No.5969


Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads

1a A-L from Memes #1. 09Dec2017. 156 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Xbydq6d7b9/CBTS_Memes_1_A-L.zip

1b M-Q from Memes #1. 09Dec2017. 86 Mb. https://anonfile. com/6a0bqed7ba/CBTS_Memes_1_M-Q.zip

1c R-Z from Memes #1. 09Dec2017. 126 Mb. https://anonfile. com/e92cqdd1b7/CBTS_Memes_1_R-Z.zip

2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. 200 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip

2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip

2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip

2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. 61 Mb. https://anonfile. com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip

2e 197 images from #2, 14-15Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/5bVamadcb5/CBTS_Memes_2e.zip

2f 183 images from #2, 15Dec2017. 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/w1o1nbd0b4/CBTS_Memes_2f.zip

2g The last 215 images from #2, 16Dec2017. 75 Mb. https://anonfile. com/f118nad5b0/CBTS_Memes_2g.zip

3a 215 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 121 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Y992n6d5b7/CBTS_Memes_3a.zip

3b 194 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/81D8n9d6b7/CBTS_Memes_3b.zip

3c 200 files from #2, 17Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/z3Jfncdcbc/CBTS_Memes_3c.zip

3d 174 files from #3, 18Dec2017. 53 Mb. https://anonfile. com/g6nco8dbb4/CBTS_Memes_3d.zip

3e 162 files from #3, 18-19Dec2017 (thru General #141). 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/80zco9d5bc/CBTS_Memes_3e.zip

3f 210 files from #3, 19Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/AfA1ofdab0/CBTS_Memes_3f.zip

3g 330 files from #3, 20Dec2017. 82 Mb. https://anonfile. com/JaU9o4d4bd/CBTS_Memes_3g.zip

3h 240 files from #3, 20-21Dec2017. 63 Mb. https://anonfile. com/G0j1pddfb0/CBTS_Memes_3h.zip

3i 308 files from #3, 21Dec2017, 89 Mb. https://anonfile. com/3302p9d0b1/CBTS_Memes_3i.zip

4a 282 files from #4, 22Dec2017, 70 Mb. https://anonfile. com/6aD0p9ddb0/CBTS_Memes_4a.zip

4b 320 files from #4, 23Dec2017, 83 Mb. https://anonfile. com/GbOapcdab2/CBTS_Memes_4b.zip

4c 228 files from #4, 23Dec2017, 84 Mb. https://anonfile. com/DfW0pbd1b6/CBTS_Memes_4c.zip

4d 247 files from #4, 24Dec2017, 98 Mb. https://anonfile. com/def9q0d9bd/CBTS_Memes_4d.zip

4e 241 files from #4, 24Dec2017, 85 Mb. https://anonfile. com/y2u7q9d0b5/CBTS_Memes_4e.zip

4f 251 files from #4, 25Dec2017, 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/r8B7q3d4bc/CBTS_Memes_4f.zip

4g 251 files from #4, 26Dec2017, 75 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Z9S0q3debe/CBTS_Memes_4g.zip

4h 356 files from #4, 27Dec2017, 84 Mb. https://anonfile. com/i9g4red7b5/CBTS_Memes_4h.zip


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002377 (34) No.5970>>5972 >>5984

File (hide): bc3e1821ca15bf6⋯.png (209.34 KB,790x675,158:135,ong2.png) (h) (u)

Nevermind … this just got posted in CBTS. They must have just closed the deal yesterday. This pretty much explains EVERYTHING. I'd bet my own mother, they just closed the deal yesterday and that's why we have seen the God complex, the runaway egos, and last night.

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097101 (52) No.5971


The irony is he is using persuasive language I directed at him in a way that sounds unpersuasive.

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002377 (34) No.5972>>6003


(Actually the baruchthescribe reply says "3 days ago.")

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7af925 (56) No.5973>>5981

File (hide): 8be4c7625894d15⋯.png (41.74 KB,454x198,227:99,Delete.png) (h) (u)


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097101 (52) No.5974


BO on CBTS perhaps needs to cut down on the crystal meth?

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097101 (52) No.5975



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f8598b (48) No.5976>>5977 >>5983 >>5994 >>6092


Because reading between the lines is irrational right? Because things are always what they seem right? Because Q is so dumb he would allow and psychopath to be BO of such an important board right? Because BO is just some random egomaniac right? Because there is no way in hell BO could be part of Q team and following a carefully formulated script right?

People are very predictable, except for when they are not.

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290335 (29) No.5977>>5985 >>5986


this is some top tier bullshit. remove the cock from your mouth the next time you address anyone here

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097101 (52) No.5978


Repost please

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097101 (52) No.5980


That post in the image was me.

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f8598b (48) No.5981


Worst screenshot ever!

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3d8611 (8) No.5983>>5991 >>5996


And why the drama right now? when the meeting at Camp David is ongoing. Derail on purpose? Act 2 to follow when actors ready again?

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097101 (52) No.5984


That is meganon taking the piss out of the book idea.


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f8598b (48) No.5985


People wouldn’t just go on the internet and tell lies would they?

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097101 (52) No.5986


Checked, rect and double kek'd

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885fb3 (12) No.5987>>5995 >>5996

Hey anons. Just checkin in. super busy around the house and stuff, trying to get some shit done so i can focus on everything for the rest of the day.

I've checked my email just now and nothing from CodeMonkey still.

Anything happen here or on /cbts/ that I've missed over the course of the morning so far?

<3 u all bros and gals.

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097101 (52) No.5989


Paid in RothCoin?

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097101 (52) No.5990


30 pieces of RothCoin.

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f8598b (48) No.5991>>5999


Imagine this was the apprentice show and everyone was given a task to complete. Somewhere along the lines something went wrong. There would be those that argue and bicker and lose their cool, and those who stayed focused on the task. Guess who gets fired.

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c56745 (6) No.5992


I(we) was banned in /cbts/ (no reason given) on 12/28 after trying to converse with you. How to gitģùd naow?


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508530 (1) No.5994>>6000



So rather than look at the insane totalitarian behavior of the (((BO))), who responds to legitimate questions with threats and bans, and who contradicts himself with his details, and has admitted to shooting for a book deal.

Your cognitive dissonance has instead propped up the idea in your head that actually BO is a super secret member of the Q team.

Convenient that your dissonance also helped you forget that the BO fucked around with trips, Q said board was comped and had to go back to /pol/. Also, how easy would it have been for Q to confirm what you are saying at any time, to avoid confusion?

But they didn't. Because it isn't true. Retard.

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a2d5a1 (13) No.5995>>5998


BO on CBTS is still power [tripping]

No sign of Codemonkey as yet

Trump has provided some most excellent twats

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7af925 (56) No.5996>>5997 >>6001




not sure,if you have sauce post it. Im gonna shitpost till Q gets here

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7af925 (56) No.5997

File (hide): 75ceb734505008e⋯.jpg (86.22 KB,585x499,585:499,CUCKS BEFORE THE STORM.jpg) (h) (u)

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885fb3 (12) No.5998


checking twats nao. oh goody.

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3d8611 (8) No.5999


A time to work out if the script is working or not, and iron out the problems, shake out the weaker or less reliable actors. Then come back stronger than ever. The show must go on.

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f8598b (48) No.6000>>6009 >>6092


What is the keystone?

Does Q have access to the key?


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3d8611 (8) No.6001


>not sure,if you have sauce post it. Im gonna shitpost till Q gets here

Just speculation, a critical eye on the game from an outsider looking in and trying to decipher the shape of it.

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097101 (52) No.6002

I may have shitposted to CBTS while BO is distracted.

Check it out :)

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885fb3 (12) No.6003>>6005 >>6006 >>6011


Sigh. he also has a habit of saying "we" when he means "he".

No involvement with the book myself. if it is indeed a thing. iirc cbts BO has said it is happening through some pretty well known alt media publisher or something. that's all I know about it.

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f8598b (48) No.6004

https://www .mediamatters.org/blog/2013/05/17/abc-news-amp-the-whitewater-tactics-at-the-cent/194120

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7af925 (56) No.6005>>6010

File (hide): 60ab90c86e414c3⋯.jpg (118.6 KB,888x499,888:499,TFW SHECKLES.jpg) (h) (u)

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097101 (52) No.6006


You're a good man PA.

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71b6af (4) No.6008

>>5543 (OP)

Could you please replace the spreadsheet info in the pasta to this one?

Important SpreadSheet Announcement

Due to threats to delete all anon's hard work in the open columns of the spreadsheet (and any future smartsheets) the spreadsheet has been changed to read & download only mode.

New link: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232

Note: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.

We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.

Thank you :)

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097101 (52) No.6009>>6013


The keystone is information PLUS the might to act on it.

By becoming President, Trump had the info plus the US Military

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097101 (52) No.6010


Best kek today!

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290335 (29) No.6011>>6012 >>6014 >>6046 >>6070


aight bro. let's chat. we saw everything, right? so member when you were pimping BB? Splitting threads? Nuking batter? Nuking threads?

I member.

You worked hand-in-hand with BtS BO from half chan days

You all Discorded together.

>i'm just a patriot from the mayflower family guy gotta have a smoke

saw everything bro.

what's your deal?

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7af925 (56) No.6012>>6016


check my ID

(Compromised account - this is not the real Breadbox. Be vigilant! )
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f8598b (48) No.6013>>6024


What is Q’s definition of the keystone?


What did Q say about the enemy?


Find those posts and apply them to the current topic of this thread.

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e91bc0 (6) No.6014


We were here and saw it too

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097101 (52) No.6015

It's like the final reveal is coming!

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290335 (29) No.6016>>6018


what you're a gud boi? you were THE WORST

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7af925 (56) No.6018>>6020



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0bf6a5 (1) No.6019


A replica of Shiva / monument of shiva is at the entrance to CERN. There are other references to shiva’s dance if you dig.

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290335 (29) No.6020>>6022


you were playing the retard? you did real damage tho. i'm game. go on.

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e91bc0 (6) No.6021>>6026


Calling anyone who told you to stop hotlinking and tripfagging a "shill"

"Comfy" music

The interview

Incessantly hinting you were some sort of important namefag while posting as an anon if anyone alluded to your bad behavior

Being DTTT

The Discord


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7af925 (56) No.6022>>6030 >>6031


three agendas existed

Qpol BO



QPOL = SOLO SHITLORD- quite capable but meerly 1 man

CBTS = Sheckles = one shill desperate to control the narrative promising glory and schekles

THE STORM= PAMFLAT= was my idea to have him as BO due to him being on most of the day. single point of failure. advocated for public mod logs. PAMFLAT got comped in secret by sheckles tbc…

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c56745 (6) No.6023>>6113



Could you re-dump here all that you previously wrote down in /cbts/? If you easily recall all that? Several here are paying close attention naow.

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097101 (52) No.6024>>6027


What is theme of this thread?

Basically this is playing out here like it did in real life.

I used information and weaponised it to take down BO from CBTS while giving him the opportunity to take a deal that could have restored tranquility and on more than one occasion.

When the bullying and selling out go too much, to preserve myself and fellow anons, I cut him off at the knees and made sure the bullying would end for those that chose to move.

Similar to what is happening on the macro scale.

BO didn't see it coming because he thought he was smarter than us.

I used his own ego against him as did others.

Don't like bullies and thieves who turn our temple into a their own personal piggy bank

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097101 (52) No.6026


Is Pamphlet DTTT???

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f8598b (48) No.6027>>6029 >>6033


Theme so far is losing focus on the task at hand.

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613829 (36) No.6028>>6034 >>6085 >>6087

Many many anons contributed. The BO on CBTS board made ban against all people with a tripcode and names.Now we find out he has book deal,, so he can take all the credit, and everyone else is anon. Not sure if anyone has looked at it that way yet. But he may have had idea all along, whole reason he created board,, was so he could have friends, make problems or start shilling against people with names,, then ban all names, and tripcodes, and start whitelist, etc. All so he could eventually have complete control, and get all credit,, when it belongs to all of us patriots,, as a team,, as a group of people who truly and sincerely care about the world, our children, the future, and stand against everything evil, corrupt, and wrong.Whether we number 50, 100 couple hundred, couple of thousand. We all deserve credit AS A GROUP, WE ARE THE STORM TOGETHER.

I did not mind people with names /tripcodes, or people talking on youtube, twitter, etc, everyone is helping in their own way, and all deserve credit. BO of cbts, tried to take credit all alone, ( they shilled, against every person with name, people on youtube, twitter, and people who talked about it) either to derail,( clown) or MONEY/FAME trying to be big shots.

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7b80c1 (23) No.6029>>6045


Not really….cause now the whole task seems to be in question…

Who are the mods/BOs?

Who do they work for?

They are deleting posts and threads.

I think this is a very relevant thread/topic.

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290335 (29) No.6030


well i can't fault your shitposting at this point. carry on. all comes out in wash and all that.

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7af925 (56) No.6031>>6035

File (hide): 42e577965e44b3d⋯.jpg (780.62 KB,3416x1920,427:240,how many sheckles.jpg) (h) (u)


SHECKLES comped Pamflat with interviews and fame. myself and other s inluding QPOL BO worked in secret to try and keep SHECKLES and Pamflat from self destructing the movement.

Pitched Q and A with community

appealed to SHECKELS and pamflats egos

SHECKLES GOT BANNED FOR FLAMING THE DISCORD AFTER HE ASKED THEM TO DOX SOMEONE. Pamflat and ABOBO COOL use 2 users to brigade me in mod chat. admin bros were patriots and rallied. purged the faggots.

discord still going strong.

leaked story to UNIROCK with proof

mentioned on live stream

become imfamous from SCHECKLES THE SCRIBE and PAMFLAT talking about me every chance they get.



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0a2302 (12) No.6032>>6041

> CBTS 303 emergency bread.

> CBTS 303 locked.

> BO takes over 304.

> CBTS moving slowly since.

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097101 (52) No.6033


My point is we're trying to understand what is coming.

I just used an analogy to do it.

Q has shown us, yesterday, that he is restoring the markets to their original purpose, long term investment which is all about utilising working capital.

He is getting rid of those who game the market for the short term gain by cheating it and recovering their spoils back into the pension pots from whence it came.

Good digging?

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8d0f75 (6) No.6034


this is why i was always against banning tripfagging.

but fucking idiot newfags were easily fooled by BO.

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7af925 (56) No.6035

File (hide): db8f8079aa119e7⋯.jpg (109.67 KB,888x499,888:499,rabbi.jpg) (h) (u)




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0a2302 (12) No.6036

SHTF once ppl started mentioning AJ, and some guy named Jake claiming to be a part of Q team.

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e91bc0 (6) No.6037>>6062

We posted the bad bread late last night

Because we care

Because you deserve better for the time you invest in this project

Remember when we would impersonate PA when trips were off?

Remember how he couldn't resist taking the bait?

Remember how we asked all the bad actors to humble themselves and apologize and they were incapable?

We are willing to give chances to prove sincerity

Few took them

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f8598b (48) No.6038>>6060

I’m a nurse. A few weeks ago I came into work and learned that the charge nurse and another nurse had been having a sordid affair. The charge nurse had given her lover extra overtime hours off the clock, special schedule requests were all approved, and they even had sex in the broom closet. A janitor found them and was fired by the engineering boss. The engineers handle the maintenance. The engineers say it was all a lie and no one should believe a lowly janitor. Now all the nurses are standing around gossipping and the charge nurse is losing her temper and showing signs of stress. She just gave penicillin to a patient who is allergic. That patient is going into shock and will be dead ina few minutes. Another nurse was so distracted she ignored a patients call button and the patient pissed the bed. What a day!

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f193a0 (1) No.6039


With people like James Rosen leaving fox end of Dec, you may have a point on starting a cable network.

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0a2302 (12) No.6041>>6043


> Codemonkey MIA

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e91bc0 (6) No.6042>>6050


It is Breadbox, another chronic problem poster, seeking to corral anons

Qpol.does not exist

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6bf135 (5) No.6043>>6048


still no news from him?

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f8598b (48) No.6045>>6125


Let’s say you work in a bakery and there is an order for a wedding cake. You come to work to find out the boss quit. The wedding is in 6 hours. Do you make the cake?

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49e2a7 (6) No.6046


Many eyes observing.

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7af925 (56) No.6047


he had the line on Tracy beans, he baited her with a silverplatter story about the iridium network, then used his influence with PAMflat to try to control SHECKLES THE SCRIBE and pamflat behind the scenes Emeperor Palpatine style.

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0a2302 (12) No.6048>>6064


> BO banning users on 304.

> No sign of Q or Codemonkey

> CBTS continues to move slowly

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6e8d8c (15) No.6049

My god I almost forgot about /the storm/

God bless you all

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7af925 (56) No.6050>>6052

File (hide): f7639dbdb335796⋯.png (356.26 KB,1262x867,1262:867,retarded.png) (h) (u)

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e91bc0 (6) No.6052>>6055


Qpol does not exist

You are a full fledged discord dickrider

You are doing exactly what PA is doing right now

Under the bus olympics

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7af925 (56) No.6053>>6056


there was alot of cloak and dagger

we had spies

assets and allies

I had 1 real friend

we havent stopped winning yet

he writes the Qmap pdf

read it

the details are in it

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f8598b (48) No.6054>>6057 >>6059 >>6063 >>6072

POTUS tweet today like, totally makes me think of an illiterate teen fag. He’s like totally a genius lololol.

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7af925 (56) No.6055


8chan .net/qpol retard

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290335 (29) No.6056


which map, there are a few and some have gone missing?

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634712 (1) No.6057>>6063 >>6072


Real genius is being able to sound dumb as fuck to fool your haters, almost always works.

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290335 (29) No.6059>>6063


fugggg. i noticed that 'like' too. didn't connect.

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097101 (52) No.6060


Brilliant analogy.

Sums it all up.

Micro and macro stories

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7af925 (56) No.6061

@everyone Please spread!

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.3.1

/-/-/-/-/ Explaining the tripcode crack.

/-/-/-/-/ New Q posts and today shit.

/-/-/-/-/ Added The Storm Q posts.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




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097101 (52) No.6062


I namefagged.

I recognised the vanity.

I do it much less now.

We are anon. Etc.

Thank you.

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f8598b (48) No.6063>>6066 >>6092

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097101 (52) No.6064


Thanks for the update.

Could you see my shitposting?

I need to grow up at times.

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6e8d8c (15) No.6065


agreed. Thank god for this backup

i once was lost but now im found lmao

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290335 (29) No.6066


yeah roger saw that too hence the fuggg

Thanks for pointing out the direct quote.


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87913b (5) No.6067>>6069 >>6073 >>6074 >>6075 >>6084 >>6090 >>6095 >>6096 >>6099 >>6107 >>6121 >>6123 >>6175

As I mentioned on >>>/sudo/66101, I updated the code for super secure tripcodes because someone found it was excluding capital letters, thus making them less secure. I immediately changed the code on January 5, 2018. Because it wasn't really announced except on /sudo/, this might have caused some confusion. Sorry about that.

Regarding any Q posts that happened then, I can't verify anything because it seems the posts have been deleted. However, let's assume Q's post history wasn't the same. That does not necessarily mean his tripcode has been cracked. Q might have changed IPs, reset his connection, used cellular data, used a different VPN provider or even a different IP location from the same VPN provider - there are a number of reasons why a post history might start from scratch. Again, I cannot verify his posts because, well, they don't exist anymore.

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0a2302 (12) No.6068>>6077

C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/06/18 (Sat) 10:15:05 74e9bf No.255953

As I mentioned on >>>/sudo/66101, I updated the code for super secure tripcodes because someone found it was excluding capital letters, thus making them less secure. I immediately changed the code on January 5, 2018. Because it wasn't really announced except on /sudo/, this might have caused some confusion. Sorry about that.

Regarding any Q posts that happened then, I can't verify anything because it seems the posts have been deleted. However, let's assume Q's post history wasn't the same. That does not necessarily mean his tripcode has been cracked. Q might have changed IPs, reset his connection, used cellular data, used a different VPN provider or even a different IP location from the same VPN provider - there are a number of reasons why a post history might start from scratch. Again, I cannot verify his posts because, well, they don't exist anymore.

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0a2302 (12) No.6069


oh there you are.

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885fb3 (12) No.6070



"pimping bb" BB roped me in for some time. Sure. I'll admit that. Found out some time ago from a number of very interesting places that BB is…"bad news".

"BtS BO from half chan days". Sorry, BtS BO? who is this?

my deal is i'm just an average american anon that loves his nation and its people and everything it stands for. I believe in Q, in Q's information, and what Q is trying to accomplish, and I'm just trying to do my best to push this information to people not directly keyed in to the chans, so they can learn everything WE have been learning, and spread it to people they know. These people are starved for this info anon. Many of these people are older folks who have been involved in researching and trying to fight this fight for decades. They are an essential part of this fight. EVERY American is. And not just America.

Remember. Q said what…4-6% are unreachable. That's it. The rest? Those are people we need to reach. I'm just doing what I can with the tools I have available to me.

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6e8d8c (15) No.6072



When I read that post I ,like, totally spit out my coffee all over my computer

literally kek'd

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290335 (29) No.6073>>6301

File (hide): ac905ffc3ea2326⋯.png (16.71 KB,722x118,361:59,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


thx can you set up a board for Q as he requested?


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885fb3 (12) No.6074


Thanks for responding codemonkey.

Reading through your post now, and re-reading it again.

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0a2302 (12) No.6075


What about the Q post on here? I believe on #6 or #5.

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3a58a6 (2) No.6077


Thank You for clearing some things up for us.

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097101 (52) No.6078



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a7547b (2) No.6079


Hasn’t been since Christmas TBH. Something isn’t right. The discord was up then YouTube. He was being pretty loose and I think someone must have gotten to him

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7af925 (56) No.6080


none of us want notoriety. im only using my trip rn to clear some shit up

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ece7a8 (2) No.6081


Baker, please add Memes 5 link to the batter!

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f8598b (48) No.6083


“The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such "dirty tricks" as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides also ordered investigations of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).”

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885fb3 (12) No.6084>>6086 >>6105


Okay, yes. Just finished reading through.

That's why I made sure to say these were unconfirmed, and possibly suspect, not for sure either way…also was hoping it is explainable by the example you gave or something similar - changed IP (whatever the reason/cause was) and these were simply the first posts made from this fresh IP.

Alright, sounds like we need verification of some sort from Q, at this point.

Thanks again CM.

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3438f9 (1) No.6085


Not all newfags are fooled by BO. I've been lurking since before Q drops. I've watched it all play out from 4ch to 8ch to split boards. Rarely commented content to lurk and learn but the shit going on at /cbts/ is ridic. I've seen the contributions by ALL Anons and BO shouldn't be profiting off it. Want to bet that famewhore beanz is involved up to her eyeballs?

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290335 (29) No.6086


absolutely no harm in CM creating a new board as requested. that's the verification.

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7af925 (56) No.6087



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097101 (52) No.6088

Who owns the VQC board?

Could use that.

I'm just joking :)

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7af925 (56) No.6089

File (hide): c5af4dd3cb0c312⋯.jpg (129.79 KB,476x587,476:587,baruchcollage.jpg) (h) (u)

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0a2302 (12) No.6090

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290335 (29) No.6091

cbts BO right now bragging about the total number of posts 'his' board has achieved

he is such a gud boi

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f8598b (48) No.6092>>6224








7/10 anons won’t understand this

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202935 (6) No.6093>>6094

What really irks me is why CBTS BO fucking deleted the Q posts. Why hide them rather than let us decide their authenticity for ourselves.

On the other hand, "Q" here used "pls". Language very unlike him.

Whatever it is theres certainly a coordinated attack to degrade trust on all fronts.

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114e37 (5) No.6094>>6101


obstruction of justice by deletion of evidence

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49e2a7 (6) No.6095


Bit of clarity.

Thank you.

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885fb3 (12) No.6096>>6107 >>6134


Codemonkey: is there any way for the /cbts/ BO to restore those deleted posts? he has said before IIRC that he backs up the board every 30 minutes or some such. Is this possible?

If so he absolutely MUST do this.

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f8598b (48) No.6097

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7af925 (56) No.6099>>6100


can you explain to the class how the new board is going to be set up?

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0a2302 (12) No.6100

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6e8d8c (15) No.6101>>6104


here here!

I agree

so just so I know, PAManon is back on track with us, right?

Because from my understanding last night it was breadbox vs the rest of the bakers/BO

Maybe im wrong, but that was the gist of what i was understanding

I trust breadbox because he questioned what happened last night, as did i

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7af925 (56) No.6102>>6110




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ece7a8 (2) No.6103


no mobile devices present…

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7af925 (56) No.6104>>6106


PA was full fame fag from the start. its like the one ring. it corrupts you.

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65d698 (11) No.6105



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49e2a7 (6) No.6106


Here we go again.


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885fb3 (12) No.6107



Or: this Q posted on this same tripcode here on /thestorm/. Is there any way for you to verify Q with those posts? Those of course are still here.

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7af925 (56) No.6108

File (hide): c85b97b2ab23df4⋯.jpg (40.6 KB,551x551,1:1,baruchYHWH.jpg) (h) (u)

better things to do than dwell on it. deal with the board we have note the traitors get back to digging

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767905 (1) No.6109>>6111

File (hide): b19ba602e6bec0e⋯.jpg (85.52 KB,400x401,400:401,IndMeme.jpg) (h) (u)

A meme from a lurker

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6e8d8c (15) No.6110


hahahaha wowwwwwww

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7af925 (56) No.6111



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a7547b (2) No.6112>>6115


I’ve noticed they also say q posts are solved and get mad if you disagree, no matter how good the thinking is. Kill_rogue twitter - don’t look at it, etc. like anons can’t make up their own minds.

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c56745 (6) No.6113

File (hide): 057078a271f4954⋯.jpeg (2.73 MB,1743x11539,1743:11539,Cornell-NK-connection-.jpeg) (h) (u)


Here's what I kept…

The part about Drake may be totally wrong.

The Cornell references may be irrelevant now.

Providing this mainly for retrieval of <^> images.

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f8598b (48) No.6114


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6e8d8c (15) No.6115>>6117 >>6124


I posted on /CBTS/ and they called me a shill and some anon said

"just because you post under a diff IP doesnt mean we dont know its you.."

it was my FIRST post of the morning! I only posted that one post lmao theyre paranoid over there to the 33rd degree

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7af925 (56) No.6117


they nuked one of my christmas eve breads

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114e37 (5) No.6118>>6120 >>6121 >>6122 >>6123

someone get codemonkey to come here goddamn this shits fucked up

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290335 (29) No.6119


but what's funny is that it's his shiny metric he's been shopping around.

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6e8d8c (15) No.6120


he did. scroll up

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7af925 (56) No.6121>>6126 >>6151

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a2d5a1 (13) No.6122


We pointed out the posts here to CM over on CBTS but no response yet

Hopefully he's double checking and will get back to us

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49e2a7 (6) No.6123>>6127


Read before you plead.


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d3ada1 (7) No.6124


Quite a few are dumber than a box of rocks.

"OPSEC" is thrown around like they're industry pros.

Never mind that MI/3-letter-clowns can have eyes on you whenever they fucking want, and likely do.

Seven proxies mean nothing to MI, but apparently "OPSEC" is needed on a fucking Tibetan loincloth weaving forum.

Amazing delusions of grandeur that they're so ready to denounce this board and other for.


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c56745 (6) No.6125


Yes. But not for the former boss or myself. Out of decency to the blameless wedding party. Sherlock Holmes: "I'll stop him, but not for you. And certainly not for money."

https://youtu. be/5DVJEQEdo-c

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f8598b (48) No.6126>>6129

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a2d5a1 (13) No.6127


'Q' had 2 posts here that still exist that have not been confirmed yet

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7af925 (56) No.6129


you are too kind anon.

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885fb3 (12) No.6130>>6137 >>6154

Listen, anons: I said what I said yesterday regarding these "Q" posts, because I desire to maintain credibility. I have seen how vital that is. Because of that, I said that they were unconfirmed due to the potential issues I have mentioned before. I have also said that there could certainly be a normal, perfectly reasonable explanation for things like the device/IP being fresh. Because of all this, while I myself cannot confirm Q's authenticity, I am DEFINITELY ready, willing and able to assist anyone and everyone in helping to verify his identity…in WHATEVER way I can.

Q, I'm sure (i certainly hope anyway) you and yours are listening: Please post and let anons know what we can do here. I, and I'm sure everyone else is eager to get this tripcode issue resolved, so we can all resume doing what we all REALLY come here to do. Get to work on the goal we all share.

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6e8d8c (15) No.6132


We wait. Im sure codemonkey is workin on it

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ced9c3 (4) No.6133


He hasn't posted on any board since being asked to come here and verify them. BO from /cbts/ asked him to do so himself.

We are assuming / hoping that's what he is doing right now.

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71b6af (4) No.6134


General threads #84-218 are missing in the 8ch/cbts/ archives. Thank fuck they were archived with archive.fo! I asked that BO the same question to ask Codemonkey - can his (BO's) personal backups be merged?


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7af925 (56) No.6135


that's the only post. basically its a matter of whether you believe the trip is cracked or not he just explained how they cant tell by any other method that its Q.

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0a2302 (12) No.6136

> Codemonkey unable to verify (deleted) Q posts on /cbts.

> Still waiting to confirm Q posts on /thestorm

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7af925 (56) No.6137

File (hide): 57880550a054117⋯.jpg (95.88 KB,888x500,222:125,227x5x.jpg) (h) (u)

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87913b (5) No.6139>>6140 >>6141 >>6142 >>6143 >>6144 >>6145 >>6146 >>6147 >>6153 >>6164 >>6168 >>6207 >>6214 >>6330 >>6350

Based on the access logs, which I had to carefully go through just for this - and this alone, I can confirm this is Q (>>>/thestorm/4706), using his verified tripcode.

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8d0f75 (6) No.6140


and Q's IP?


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a2d5a1 (13) No.6141


Thank you

We are greatful for your service

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0a2302 (12) No.6142


>>4657 confirmed too?

If so, note Q's request for a (new) board.

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7af925 (56) No.6143

File (hide): 20ec029baa17249⋯.jpg (96.5 KB,600x500,6:5,mfw breadbox.jpg) (h) (u)

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885fb3 (12) No.6144>>6149 >>6171



Thanks CM!

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87913b (5) No.6145>>6148 >>6152 >>6163 >>6169



Not sure why this didn't expand into a link, but it should be >>>/thestorm/4706

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097101 (52) No.6146


Thanks CM.

Other anons, one useful thing I saw on CBTS is that the EO_CLAS stringer may relate to a statute that prohibits release into public of classified info in the case where that information is given and known to be classified.

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114e37 (5) No.6147



Thank YOU.

BO of cbts compromised.

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0a2302 (12) No.6148


Since confirmed, new board?

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7af925 (56) No.6149

File (hide): cf1323ee1059380⋯.jpg (97.28 KB,600x500,6:5,PAMFLAT BOX.jpg) (h) (u)

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f838a9 (1) No.6150>>6157 >>6160 >>6162

How many are there of us that continbuted since at least November got banned from cbts in the last Week ?


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f8598b (48) No.6151>>6159



Maybe the OPSEC recommendations were for consideration for future use, outside of CBTS, for those who were not previously aware of their vulnerabilities online. Referrals are seen by site admins. Referrals also make MI’s job a little easier when tracking the bad guys.

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ced9c3 (4) No.6152


Thanks CM.

Will you be setting up a new board, then?

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097101 (52) No.6153


Thanks for policing the children's play area, CM. Sure you have other things to do.

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65d698 (11) No.6154>>6156 >>6159 >>6189



This is important, anons! We must keep our faith in this process of disclosure! Let's all keep an open mind and work together to get through this little hiccup. Q and team, we know you can prove your idea and do away with the naysayers. Please tell us what you need from us.

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5f6c97 (1) No.6155>>6161

File (hide): e4bca800b73ccae⋯.jpg (38.3 KB,615x401,615:401,jeffwright.jpg) (h) (u)


Solved the guy in the back left corner. Jeffrey Wright reporting for duty.

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65d698 (11) No.6156


Was supposed to be identity, not idea. Haven't had my coffee and operating on very little sleep. LOL!

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097101 (52) No.6157


I can't remember how many times I got banned in the last week.

Not sure why I got unbanned.

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7af925 (56) No.6159>>6167


no trust exists currently

full disclosure needed.


We operate in daylight. we don't care if they watch. they cant stop us


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65d698 (11) No.6160


I got banned after explaining my personal experiences with the Cabal. THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES!!

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097101 (52) No.6161



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3a58a6 (2) No.6162


Yes I did.

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d3ada1 (7) No.6163>>6166 >>6230


Thanks, Codemonkey. You're the best.

What's the plan, then? New board?

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6e8d8c (15) No.6164>>6172


Bless you codemokey

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6e8d8c (15) No.6166


this board

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65d698 (11) No.6167>>6224


Yep, for most, that is true, but not for all. For those that don't trust, proof can be given if we all keep an open mind.

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3d8611 (8) No.6168


thanks codemonkey.Your work on this is very appreciated. hope we didn't put you to too much trouble Might be an idea to repost on cbts. idiots there already saying just copy paste.

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49e2a7 (6) No.6169


If / when there is a more secure workspace will there be a way to aggregate a useful population?

Great work as well. Thank you.

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7af925 (56) No.6171

File (hide): 723de0ed96da8ef⋯.jpg (135.04 KB,713x500,713:500,2288p2.jpg) (h) (u)

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2bfaae (2) No.6172


Thanks for this.

Anons: This infighting is exactly what the clowns want. And you give it to them eagerly? FFS. Obvious divide and conquer tactic is so fucking obvious.

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af0f6b (3) No.6173>>6176

Apparently everything went to hell on CBTS last night? We work here from now on?

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6eee77 (2) No.6175>>6224


Based on Q's post - can you provide a board for this Q? It would be best to resolve everything there, with a clear mind and no hate or arrogance or ego.

I also volunteer to keep the board clean.

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65d698 (11) No.6176


That's what is being currently evaluated. For the meantime, yes.

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af0f6b (3) No.6177

I am sure the skullduggery will get worse as the storm intensifies.

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202935 (6) No.6178>>6181 >>6224

CBTS BO seems to be pulling some shenanigans.

Im still a little worried, why did this Q use "pls"? Not trying to concern troll just genuinely wondering.

Finally, due diligence devil's advocate here. How can we know that Codemonkey isn't compromised as well?

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45ee49 (2) No.6179>>6236

File (hide): 6e6bb14efe45be3⋯.png (204.24 KB,1184x515,1184:515,25.png) (h) (u)

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0700a2 (2) No.6180>>6188 >>6194 >>6215 >>6224


Well, how is this board any safer than cbts? Weren't the namefag bakers friends with the BO of cbts?

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7af925 (56) No.6181>>6182

File (hide): 4d4070fa560ee6a⋯.jpg (104.48 KB,666x500,333:250,2288x5.jpg) (h) (u)

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7af925 (56) No.6182


kek autocorrect

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0cb2f1 (2) No.6184

I'm not too worried; Q will post again, more than likely on this board, as it's already been blessed by his presence. In the event that happens, the discussion will move here like it did from halfchan

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7af925 (56) No.6185>>6190 >>6192 >>6355

File (hide): 31fde37255491e1⋯.png (52.58 KB,409x582,409:582,Sheckles the clown.png) (h) (u)


about half

anyone who is with me gets pushed out by them.

they make you show them your Reddit account and verify it before they allow you to post or speak on their discord

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2bfaae (2) No.6186>>6195


Good for you. The clowns still got what they wanted, moron.

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99b5b1 (5) No.6187>>6193 >>6224

So, is pamphletanon with trip in this thread, the same as Pamflat being slammed, and/or the same as PA being shilled as should be mod on new board?

Having trouble deciding if good or bad.

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77fc3b (7) No.6188>>6208 >>6224


Q asked CM to make a board under his control. Just got to wait and see what CM says.

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f8598b (48) No.6189

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7af925 (56) No.6190>>6197

File (hide): a6eb84d4e04d5a2⋯.png (52.32 KB,500x411,500:411,Urcomped.png) (h) (u)


now thath SHECKLES is comped I gues that means he might dox some folks so watch out

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3d8611 (8) No.6191>>6210 >>6224

Thoughts about new board. How feasible is it? Would have to select BO and mods to delete spam, illegal content, as Q won't have time. How does Q know can trust them?

Only real way is for Q to create the board. Codemonkey confirm legit, And then use it to drop crumbs only. Read only. nobody but Q posting, and then link to other boards for discussion.

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202935 (6) No.6192>>6198


Lmao that last post reads like the fucking 300 confirmed kills copy pasta. Dude has clearly lost his mind. Book signing deal.. what a faggot.

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290335 (29) No.6193>>6224


q is clear. new board by CM. no one else has access.

your confusion about PA is enough to disqualify

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f8598b (48) No.6194>>6249

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636eb4 (3) No.6195


They didn't want us "to fight", we aren't at kindergarden. They wanted to soil Q.

Didn't happen.

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87913b (5) No.6196>>6200 >>6202 >>6203 >>6204 >>6206 >>6210 >>6213 >>6214 >>6217 >>6229 >>6235 >>6281 >>6313 >>6325

A summary of events.

>January 2

I added super secure tripcodes. /cbts/ BO secures one.

>January 5 (Japan time)

Someone on /sudo/ pointed out that super secure tripcodes excluded capital letters, a big oversight which I fixed. I changed the code and announced it just on /sudo/. /cbts/ BO doesn't know about it and continues using the tripcode he secured, but because the code changed, his tripcode also changed - this led to confusion.

Q comes back and posts on /cbts/ normally. Post history is not the same, IP hash is not the same. /cbts/ BO assumes, incorrectly, that this is not Q, even though there are a number of reasons why a post history may start from zero, including changing VPN providers, changing VPN IP locations, using cellular data, resetting your modem, posting from a different location, using a different IP (hotel, restaurant etc.).

/cbts/ BO deletes those posts.

Then, Q goes to /pol/, where he is banned, and then /thestorm/, where he asks for verification.

Around 12 hours later, I confirm it is actually Q using his verified tripcode (still uncracked) on /thestorm/.

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ae2bbb (16) No.6197>>6199


The idiots in cbts are still defending the BO

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7af925 (56) No.6198>>6221



Not really

perhaps in the same way a roach would

before it gets swatted

I have sent your details to Q

and asked him to do something about it

this is not a game fuckhead

you're looking at 16 years for impersonating a Q clearance operator

and fucking around with a military intelligence operation

I already know what the IP is you posted from

as soom as the trace that back

then the fucking feds will be on your sorry ass

like fly on shit

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7af925 (56) No.6199


shills gonna shill

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202935 (6) No.6200


Thank you!

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494967 (2) No.6201

File (hide): 594c9ab3ba31a61⋯.jpg (89.41 KB,513x754,513:754,slenderman.jpg) (h) (u)

New home?

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d3ada1 (7) No.6202>>6213


Good summary, thank you again.

Raises a new question: do you intend to start a new board, per Q's request?

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7af925 (56) No.6203


nice turnaround on that any way we can help?

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af0f6b (3) No.6204


Makes sense.

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ced9c3 (4) No.6206>>6225 >>6226


>Around 12 hours later, I confirm it is actually Q using his verified tripcode (still uncracked) on /thestorm/.

Should we be assuming then that any other posts made under that tripcode is valid? i.e. the deleted posts from yesterday.

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59322b (5) No.6207>>6212


CM was this done using trip or ip????

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0700a2 (2) No.6208


That's the logical step…

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3d8611 (8) No.6210


Thanks again. Seems right. what do you think about new board? I just posted suggestion here - >>6191

seems best way to avoid too much work for all parties imho.

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dc23a7 (5) No.6211>>6219

yea codemonkey pretty much confirmed that the the bo of cbts is compromised. looks like this board is my permanent hang out to lurk in now. its a shame we didn't get to see those q posts cause the bastard deleted them. Q needs to repost them as soon as he gets back on.

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636eb4 (3) No.6212>>6224


I think CM has many ways to confirm Q, but he can't disclose obviously.

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65909c (1) No.6213>>6231



I think the only way forward is for CM to create a board. We have no way of knowing who is comped so the less anons involved the better.

/patriots/ ?

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7e999e (1) No.6214



Thanks CodeMonkey!

I wonder when >>4706 & >>4657 are confirmed mentioning

>BIG events coming.

if that would confirm the earlier three (ID:ab7ad6) on #295 cbts mentioning


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65d698 (11) No.6215


Q posted here last night as did FW. They wouldn't have posted here if they thought this board was already comped. Q has repeatedly proven to be true. When he began posting at CBTS it was clean, now it's comped. Not his fault that it got comped.

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290335 (29) No.6216>>6218 >>6228

CM single-handedly

<destroys cbts BO

<by direct association destroys tracy beanz, namefag mods

dickriders is kill


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636eb4 (3) No.6217


Q asked for a new secure board, I think he wants it run by you.

He can't trust BOs anymore.

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7af925 (56) No.6218



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6e8d8c (15) No.6219

File (hide): a463656e4045f1a⋯.jpg (41.54 KB,1023x465,11:5,qpostsdeleted.jpg) (h) (u)

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202935 (6) No.6221>>6223


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shill? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Board Owners Academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous shill raids on CBTS, and I have over 300 confirmed bans. I am trained in IP location and I’m the hacker in the entire US. You are nothing to me but just another roach. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. This is not a game fuckhead. You're looking at 16 years for impersonating a Q clearance operator. Think again, fucker. As we speak I have sent your details to Q and asked him to do something about it. Your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can ban you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my keyboard. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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dc23a7 (5) No.6222

Expect a huge influx of people to the storm when they realise Q is only posting in the storm lol.

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7af925 (56) No.6223


Not really

perhaps in the same way a roach would

before it gets swatted

I have sent your details to Q

and asked him to do something about it

this is not a game fuckhead

you're looking at 16 years for impersonating a Q clearance operator

and fucking around with a military intelligence operation

I already know what the IP is you posted from

as soom as the trace that back

then the fucking feds will be on your sorry ass

like fly on shit

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f8598b (48) No.6224>>6305












…See if you can figure this out anons…



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71b6af (4) No.6225


>Should we be assuming then that any other posts made under that tripcode is valid? i.e. the deleted posts from yesterday.

That is logical, and that is why they are in the spreadsheet. Will also post Codemonkey's explanations in there, too.

Unless/until Q states that tripcode was compromised and those posts are not legit, they are and will remain in the spreadsheet WITH ARCHIVED and direct links to posts (now deleted)

Thank you, Codemonkey, for being responsive. It is appreciated by many.

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4a3a07 (2) No.6226


I would say that we have pretty high confidence in that. 99-80%, depending on how much you want to entertain "everyone in a position of authenticity is compromised."

But that is hysteria. We should avoid getting too caught up on that idea and just understand that we are working in an environment where daggers come out of cloaks, and be prepared to deal with it when it arises.

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e6e710 (8) No.6227

As the lone voice who was supporting BO on /cbts/ until proof was forthcoming, I humbly assent to CM's assessment that BO over-reacted and a new board is needed with BO's authority rescinded.

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d3ada1 (7) No.6228


Agreed, 100%. Codemonkey has been nothing but a saint to this effort, and cbts BO shat all over that.

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613829 (36) No.6229


Thank you Code Monkey, it is very much appreciated. Are you going to set up a new board, establish this as the new board maybe.

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99dcfa (6) No.6230


nothing less than a new board, with q or someone trusted by q as board owner, can be accepted after this!

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65d698 (11) No.6231>>6233


Q posted here. He's comfortable with this board as long as CodeMonkey works with BO to secure so we don't have a repeat of the previous 2 shitshows - 4Chan and CBTS. My $.02

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3a5e89 (8) No.6232>>6234 >>6237

BO on cbts gone full retard and This is where we work now?

Is This correct?

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99dcfa (6) No.6233>>6247


>Q posted here. He's comfortable with this board

no he requested new secure board

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7af925 (56) No.6234


for now until we get a Q board

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fbe5e4 (1) No.6235>>6244



I don’t think /cbts/ BO is a Clown, but I do think he slipped up bigly. He deleted Q posts. Clown’s useful idiot.

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45ee49 (2) No.6236


Graphics should be in same time zone.

Delta relevant.




and earlier Q has stated future proves past

so a post [10] minutes exactly apart would provide past.. so i explored the post after the exact 10 min post.. and 25 mins 16 secs led me directly to check 2-5-16 news of the day. it was all on Justice Scalia and Supreme Court.

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ced9c3 (4) No.6237>>6275 >>6307


Yes, for now. Q has requested that CM create a new secured board, that is the goal right now if it's possible.

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949605 (10) No.6238

Thanks for new home m8. (((BO))) of the board that should not be mentioned is a complete glowing faggot. Hope him and T(((shekels))) stay the fuck out

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bd1ac3 (2) No.6239>>6245 >>6250 >>6279

After we survived the transition from 4ch to 8ch, and the division of the boards/Bakers Union I thought that this group could survive anything, but the last 12 hrs has shown that the shills finally found our soft spot and exploited it. Thank you to all of you who were brave enough to question CBTS BO's actions and refusing to put up with obvious BS. We are lost and I can only hope that Q will show us the way.

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fe1a48 (1) No.6240>>6246 >>6263 >>6297

File (hide): 4bbb26740c8de58⋯.jpeg (146.48 KB,719x1200,719:1200,DS1x47eX4AALyp2.jpeg) (h) (u)

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dc23a7 (5) No.6241

by the way did anyone have a chance to at least screen shot thos posts that Q made before the BO deleted them. I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA got to him.

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f8598b (48) No.6242>>6264

BIG events coming!


Post confirmed authentic by code monkey. Are we excited anons?!?!

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aaa96f (3) No.6243

Very comfy in here, cbts turned into a shitshow. Dubfucks linking shit on twitter. Fellow anons and patriots, lets pull it together. Thank You CM for your dedication. Sending peace and love to all of you.

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99b5b1 (5) No.6244>>6249


Even if not malicious, it is the second time BO had complete meltdown and derailed the train.

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949605 (10) No.6245>>6254


>being this new

Fuck off with everything being ‘le shills’. Actually you massive faggot, it was the legit anons calling out a comp’d (((BO))) that caused all the events. Lurk moar and learn the definition of ‘shill’ before throwing the word around. You are a fucking idiot

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e6e710 (8) No.6246>>6252 >>6253


I can confirm these as correct. I was on the board when they were posted.

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65d698 (11) No.6247>>6255


No, he did not say a new board. He said for CodeMonkey to provide a secure board. This board could be secured.

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f8598b (48) No.6249

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99dcfa (6) No.6250



>After we survived the transition from 4ch to 8ch, and the division of the boards/Bakers Union I thought that this group could survive anything, but the last 12 hrs has shown that the shills finally found our soft spot and exploited it

q or someone trusted by q must be board owner or this will happen again and again forever

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9d5ec2 (9) No.6251>>6257

This board is comped anons. A fake BB has been posting in here. Please be careful. We dont want another shitshow like with the bo of the other board

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e7b0a3 (2) No.6252


As was I. Super double confirmed.

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c5ebcd (1) No.6253


Second that. i was on, too.

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bd1ac3 (2) No.6254>>6258


Fuck you been here since 4ch fucknut

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99dcfa (6) No.6255>>6260


cm would change board owner? cant be done right?

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e453c1 (2) No.6256

BO… Promise us this: (or make a new policy)

No famefagging media interviews!

So far TWICE this lunacy has led to disaster, disruption, and the work gets lost.

(when /thestorm/ was birthed, and the alex jones fest yesterday).

Thank you all…& God bless.

→Back to work←

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202935 (6) No.6257>>6262


>being this bad at shilling

good laughs my dude, proves we're in the right place thanks faggot.

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949605 (10) No.6258


>fuck you been on the Chans for decade plus.

You are still a /newfag/

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d3ada1 (7) No.6259>>6266 >>6271


/cbts/ BO fucked up big time… again… Why the fuck was he ever in charge? Circumstance that no longer matters, he's done, untrustworthy, knife to the ground, end of story.

Codemonkey confirms that /cbts/ BO is a fuck-up.

Codemonkey confirms that Q posts are legit!

- Q trusts this board enough to post here

- "UW" trip uncracked! (for now)

- posts from 2018/01/05 on /cbts/ are legit

Q requested a new board from Codemonkey; it has yet to be determined whether he will follow through with this, or whether this board will be the new hub of activity.


ARCHIVES: MA or any other anon should be on top of archiving all the threads, general or specific, such that we can refer back to research as needed.

PDF/MAP/SPREADSHEET UPDATES: Those gracious hardworking anons keeping our info in line should continue to do so, operating under the premise that Q is indeed legit. To my understanding, Spreadsheet is already on top of this. Love you, man, you too, MA, you crazy bastards.

DIGGING: Loop Capital and the accounts are still viable info. Keep up the efforts there.

MEMES: Meme the shit out of the above! Folks would be interested to know that the CEO's stepping down had close, if not illegal, ties and insider gov't info owing to the Robinson/Michelle O connection.

Most of all,


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65d698 (11) No.6260>>6288


I don't know the inner operations of the Boards, but I assume that whatever Q needs could be worked out, I actually have no issues with PA. He's a Patriot and would do whatever is necessary to facilitate Q's public discourse.

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dc23a7 (5) No.6261>>6276 >>6360

I don't buy into this being a simple screw up by BO of cbts thinking Qs trip code has been cracked. if that were the case then why does he come off as completely malicious by claiming Jerome corsi said that Q is fake and said that it was some dumb kid larping.

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9d5ec2 (9) No.6262>>6292


>breadbox!!y.qSNfMtP2  [kyALJPbq] 01/06/18 (Sat) 16:42:42 5437bd No.6012>>6016

>[S+] [D] [D+] [D*] [B] [RB] [B&D] [B&D+] [B&D*] [Edit] 


>check my ID

>(Compromised account - this is not the real Breadbox. Be vigilant! )


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359765 (4) No.6263>>6269 >>6273


Chicago is ground zero for corruption. Not even surprised to find this among all the dirt on Obama really. The massive murder rate pretty much gives it away and the strain that city is on the rest of the state itself.

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6e8d8c (15) No.6264


hell fuckin yea lets do this shit

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3a5e89 (8) No.6265

i got banned bq told BO to unban all

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e6e710 (8) No.6266>>6270 >>6278 >>6281 >>6284


CM did not confirm the posts were legit. He confirmed that tripcode was legit and there are legit reasons for IP logs to reset. He confirmed that BO probably overreacted without sufficient cause.

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bc0366 (4) No.6267

Has anyone noticed a General that’s missing at CD?>>5678

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aaa96f (3) No.6269


Agreed, its not just Chicago… Illinois as a whole is sinking.

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ae2bbb (16) No.6270


Code monkey said the trip hasnt been cracked

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6e8d8c (15) No.6271>>6280


He said "confirmed Q"

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9d5ec2 (9) No.6272>>6282 >>6287 >>6300






Why is a fake Breadbox posting in here????

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e7b0a3 (2) No.6273


Without doxxing myself too badly I can tell you for a fact that the rest of Illinois suffers due to chicago. Bad roads. High taxes etc.

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ae2bbb (16) No.6274

can I just say fuck Tracy Beanz

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3a5e89 (8) No.6275


Thank you.

Well. This is a good example of HOW WE ARE FUCKING UNSTOPABLE

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613829 (36) No.6276


it was alot more then that,, its been weeks of different issues, ( i never trusted him, and he seemed dictator like,, and mean)

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932c8e (2) No.6277

File (hide): 9b24635af75f352⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x681,1024:681,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

What's the deal with the University of Pennsylvania?

John Legend went there, pictured with the university's president Amy Gutmann and NBC's Andrea Mitchell.

Amy Gutmann "has held board positions and advisory roles in numerous public and private organizations ranging from the Association of American Universities to the FBI to the United Nations."

Her husband, Michael W. Doyle is "an American international relations scholar best known as a theorist of the liberal “democratic peace” and author of “Liberalism and World Politics,” the 16th most cited article in the 100-year history of the American Political Science Review. He has also written widely on the comparative history of empires and the evaluation of UN peace-keeping."

ALSO in the news this week, two University of Pennsylvania students:

Blaze Bernstein - 19yo Penn sophomore missing in Orange County

http://www .thedp. com/article/2018/01/missing-student-upenn-blaze-bernstein-philadelphia-blaze-bernstein

William Steinberg - 18yo Penn freshman killed in Costa Rica plane crash

http://www .thedp. com/article/2018/01/upenn-student-death-plane-crash-costa-rica-philadelphia

Other people to look into: Justin Hamano and Vice Provost for University Life Valarie Swain-Cade McCoullum, who is the daughter of printer William A. Swain, who "was a confidante of Philadelphia Mayor and later U.S. Sen. Joseph S. Clark Jr., his family said."

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65d698 (11) No.6278>>6318


^^^^ Yes, my take on it as well. That said, for whatever the reason, the board is comped and we need to move forward establishing a new venue.

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6e8d8c (15) No.6279>>6293


we're not lost. We are right here. Those who follow blindly are not as strong as they think they are. QUESTION EVERYTHING. ALWAYS.

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e6e710 (8) No.6280


Fair enough. I withdraw my objections.

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d3ada1 (7) No.6281


From Codemonkey:


>I confirm it is actually Q using his verified tripcode (still uncracked) on /thestorm/

What part of "still uncracked" is unclear?

Are you implying that the trip was cracked on /cbts/, but not here? That's retarded.

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3a5e89 (8) No.6282>>6294


Fake BB is -ofcourse- BO from cbts

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dc23a7 (5) No.6283>>6295

lets be honest people can you really say the BO of cbts made an unintentional mistake when hes deleting Qs posts before we can verify them and saying things about Jerome corsi without proof and even if Jerome corsi did say it does that automaticly make it true just because Jerome corsi said it. to me it looks like the board owner has been taken over by the cia just like Q suspected.

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e453c1 (2) No.6284>>6285 >>6291


After the /cbts/ shitfest I powered down -had a drink and got some much needed sleep. So can I get an update of Q posts and happenings, and what leading subject are we digging into today.

Trying to help is more difficult thumbing through stinky /cbts/ loafs ← croutons…

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0a3cbe (1) No.6285


yeah me too

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3a5e89 (8) No.6286>>6302







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949605 (10) No.6287


Give it up faggot. You shoah’d your own fucking board by being a massive ego maniac psychotic (((shekel))) hungry cunt. Please look into anhero on livestream

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99dcfa (6) No.6288


if q is serious about this and think that this work we do is important in any way, then he/they must be board owner or at least someone trusted by them. otherwise a lot of important work gets lost in boards that get comped and abandoned over and over and over and over

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99b5b1 (5) No.6289>>6296

this shitshow is why trips were never a good idea.

Not even for Q.

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e6e710 (8) No.6291


I'd say we're back where we were, with the EO still being investigated, plus the LCM posts (and what followed).

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b52711 (8) No.6292>>6303


honestly its been a long few weeks ill get this this written down to avoid fuckups

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99dcfa (6) No.6293>>6299 >>6309


>we're not lost. We are right here

but the work is lost. its over there.

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9d5ec2 (9) No.6294


How does he know his trip? Has that been cracked?

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949605 (10) No.6295


>Jerome corsi

Explains my ban for shilling calling AJ controlled op

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ae2bbb (16) No.6296>>6310


The only solution now is for codemonkey to create a board if hes up to it

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71b6af (4) No.6297


direct permanent link offsite

https:// s20.postimg.org/rkuabm9z1/1-5-18_Q_posts.png

Gallery for graphic compilations of Q's posts:

https:// postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/

When they are posted on 8ch, they are saved & uploaded there as well, for a more permanent record. I don't know the status of this board's archive, but don't want a repeat of the other board (!) and don't want the info to get lost when thread slides off the catalog.

Just keeping records.

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bc0366 (4) No.6298

Why has no one noticed that McMunster is absent at CD?

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949605 (10) No.6299


>implying some faggot doesn’t have all this info

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613829 (36) No.6300>>6312


knock it off,,, this board is where Q posted,, because he knew good people were here. Yes due to all the drama caused by BO of cbts,, thats why he asked for new board. We will let Q and Code Monkey figure it out. The BO of cbts and his friends, who had the bans on names,, and said things like you are saying, causing splits.

Pamp has been cool, never seen any shillery, games or BS from him.

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3a5e89 (8) No.6301



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aaa96f (3) No.6302


second this

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9d5ec2 (9) No.6303>>6311 >>6349


breadbro aren't you a mod? wtf is happening? is the bofag from the other board fucking around in here

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801e02 (2) No.6304

Well thankfully I got to take about 12 hours off from this while this mess got worked out looks like it has and back to work if I remember right PA is owner of this board ? If so thanks PA or whoever is BO and good morning patriots

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3d8611 (8) No.6305


The drama continues even with confirmation. Color me surprised. We all play our parts never the less, even is we suspect the drama has turned into a farce.

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494967 (2) No.6306>>6317


Who are they on YT besides TB'z?

So I know who to avoid

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76a384 (1) No.6307


Call Board "Q

Un-fucked and Squared away"

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836c1e (2) No.6308>>6315


Hell, they could only top that arrangement by building hussein's pres library on the same block.

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6e8d8c (15) No.6309


the work isn't lost anon. we have all we need dude. We have the info dude..

dont worry

its the true nature of storms..they fuck up everything in its path.. and we rebuild

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99b5b1 (5) No.6310


Methinks CM doesn’t necessarily want to babysit this fiasco since it’s a 24 hour a day deal.

But he’s thinking about it.

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b52711 (8) No.6311>>6316 >>6323 >>6328 >>6349


discord mod only

EDIT: No you're not. Breadbox is a Discord Mod. You are a LARPING little fag. GTFO.

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9d5ec2 (9) No.6312>>6321


im just looking at whats on here and i see BB getting a ban for being fake???

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6eee77 (2) No.6313



If you have the time - give us a board dear Codemonkey, and bless entrusted people with its care. I volunteer for cleanups.

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359765 (4) No.6315


They got a mosque and the IRS right down the street, I can't think of anything more horrifying having those 2 buildings so close together.

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9d5ec2 (9) No.6316


cmon bro edit your post so we know it's you plz

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949605 (10) No.6317


Cassandra Fair(((shekels))).

Laura TradThot southern

The Nose (can’t remember her name or say I knew it bc well (((the nose)))

Good place to start with the (((shekels)))/famewhoring (((ecelebs)))

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613829 (36) No.6318>>6338 >>6341


Q said CBTS board was comped,, not this one,, because of issues he requested new secure board,, we will see what he and code monkey( and pamp) come up with.


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b52711 (8) No.6319


only Q

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097101 (52) No.6320>>6324

Shall I ask the BO of the VQC board if he wants do have a thread on there?

He set the board up for us and there has never been an issue there as far as I can tell.

They are just nice anons interested in math.

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3a5e89 (8) No.6321


That was my mistake,

BB trip is correct.

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bc0366 (4) No.6322

STFU…FOCus….slap some bacon on that biscuit and start digging! We would have lost all wars with this kind of back and forth shit!

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949605 (10) No.6323





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097101 (52) No.6324


The BO of the VQC board is not VQC

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6bf135 (5) No.6325


thanks dad

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87913b (5) No.6326>>6331 >>6334 >>6339 >>6343 >>6345 >>6348 >>6352 >>6353 >>6366

About creating a global board just for Calm Before the Storm-related happenings, I must decline the request. But why?

8chan tries to give anons all the tools they need to post as freely as they can provided this happens within the boundaries of the law. I created the tripcode whitelist and super secure tripcodes because I saw there was a need for it. As admin, I have other tasks, like understanding the code I inherited and implementing additional features our users want without breaking the website.

Creating and managing yet another global board would reduce the time I have to update and maintain the 8chan codebase and this wouldn't be fair to the 16,500+ boards 8chan currently has.

All of this reminds me a lot of the early GamerGate boards (not the later split). Try not to fall prey to board brands. The board name doesn't matter because you are mission-oriented, first and foremost. If board x falls, move to board y; if board y becomes compromised, move to board z and so on and so forth. This is the 8chan system.

Finally, I probably wouldn't be a good BO. I'm forgetful and quite busy. What if you need immediate action and I'm traveling or shoveling snow or walking the dog? You would do better with a mission-specific BO that is knowledgeable about these happenings.

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59322b (5) No.6327

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b52711 (8) No.6328


Newfag factory, necessary risk

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50af32 (1) No.6329

it's such a fresh breath of air being away from all the name calling. I truly hope q comes hereto post.

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5e3f27 (3) No.6330


Thanks CM, i was shaking my head at that idiot BO yesterday I wasn't sure that he understood how that shit worked.

If you bake it, he will crumb

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b52711 (8) No.6331>>6337 >>6340


endchan. xyz/cbts

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3a5e89 (8) No.6332

Ok anons.

Can we get a anon to post latest verified q crumbs?

If dug, lets post recap.

Must eat. Ill be back

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290335 (29) No.6333

CM cannot kick out the current BO here.

He just said that exactly over at cbts when anons where asking him to do so

Therefore CM cannot secure this board.

Therefore CM making a new board is the only solution, where the BO = CM

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114e37 (5) No.6334



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99b5b1 (5) No.6335


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8d3578 (1) No.6336


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b52711 (8) No.6337


forgot trip tired

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e6e710 (8) No.6338


I am not arguing. I stood behind BO on /cbts/ until the evidence showed he overreacted. Whether a clown or comp'ed is still unknown. Untrusted? Unfit? Both are definite.

We need a secure spot. I'll wait for CM and Q to work something out. In the meantime… back to Duck and reading…

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9d5ec2 (9) No.6339


CM please dont take time out of your schedule to worry. we got this.

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949605 (10) No.6340>>6346


Yearn for days of endchan digging. I.e blockchain dig thread

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6bf135 (5) No.6341


Don't overread it.

Q said board was compromised out of basic OPSEC, with a BO stupidly claiming that he was not who he claimed to be because he freaked out over the new IP like a fag

If you're Q and you know you are, you automatically assume board is comped. So /cbts/ is done for anyway since BO has proven to be unreliable.

I am not surprised by the outcome, I stated a few times here that both BO and Q were probably of good faith - but that implies BO has let his paranoia and sense of self-aggrandizement get the best of him.

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762fe6 (2) No.6342>>6344 >>6369

File (hide): 928309f51b7f62e⋯.png (851.73 KB,981x741,327:247,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Understanding the birth registration process

Remember in Admiralty, Vessels documented by registration under the laws of the United States are entitled to privileges and subject to the obligations prescribed by the laws of the United States for merchant vessels.

To start out with, your parents due to their prior birth registration were already considered being registered documented vessels/mentally incompetent wards of the State, being under the guardianship of the State, who by legal marriage, where the State is a third party to the marriage contract, had an offspring/ward which they brought into this world by delivery[1], the act by which the res the subject matter of a trust, or substance thereof was placed within the actual or constructive possession or control of another in the delivery room of the maternity ward of the hospital, the port of entry for vessels/wards. Then they asked your mother for your legal name[2] in Upper Lower case which consists of one Christian name and one surname which is the name on the RECORD OF LIVE BIRTH written in upper and lowercase letters. What your mother was not told is that she delivered you to an agent/licensed doctor of the State, in a federally funded hospital, an act by which the res[3] the subject matter of a trust or substance thereof was placed within the actual or constructive possession or control of another, the State, for which in equity they created a Certificate of Live Birth with the all CAPITAL LETTERS and recorded that warehouse receipt in the commercial registry as cargo under transportation.

The hospital documented your birth with the legal name Title[4] in a distinctive style or appellation, Upper Lower case, the name by which anything is known, and because under trust law whenever title or money is transferred, a trust is created by operation of law, representing you, for which they created a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH in all CAPITAL LETTERS, which was filed with the local Registrar and registered with the State, via Certificate of registry[5], in commercial maritime law which is a certificate of registration of a vessel according to the registry acts, for the purpose of giving her a national character i.e. U.S. citizen born in a federal zone, hospital zip code, in the judicial district in which the birthing of the vessel occurred identified by the filing with the Florida State Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics within 5 days after your delivery, and then sent to Washington, D.C., for which the hospital receives a check for that vessel.

Then the local registrar issued your parents a copy of the warehouse receipt for the cargo, the CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH from the State of Florida in all CAPITAL LETTERS, representing a vessel/ward of the State representing the abandonment of your title by registration. The State of Florida the Creator/Trustor then created a Cestui que trust (constructive trust) behind your back after the fact, with the all Upper Lower case name, and placed a value on it, based on actuarial estimates of your future labor/human resource. Then they issued a Bond against the trust’s asset, a certificate of indebtedness[6] and funded the bond through the IMF based on your future earnings from your labor as the contributing beneficiary, which is a trust asset, and set up a Federal Reserve account for the same. So now the IMF has a beneficial interest in and out of the trust estate, the legal title is now vested with the State of Florida, and held by the Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D.C.; equitable title copy of CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH held by you representing equity/labor; the Governor acting as the managing fiduciary trustee; the Secretary of State Registrar acting as fiduciary trustee until you turn of legal age; and you acting as fiduciary trustee for the trust with duties and obligations once you turn of legal age, and the Secretary of Treasury in charge of the Federal Reserve account.

That ward/vessel is a now a Vessel of the United States, documented by registration under the laws of the United States and subject to its laws and jurisdiction, and the Title goes to the Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D.C. In a maritime in rem action, jurisdiction over the person of the "defendant", the vessel, is premised upon the presence of the vessel within the district in which the court sits. The only vessel they have jurisdiction over is the trust, that is evidenced by the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, establishing the three points of jurisdiction NAME, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and DATE OF BIRTH, the Federal Reserve account under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury who is also the managing trustee for the Social Security Administration and governor for the IMF.

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b82bd3 (1) No.6343


Thank you CodeMonkey -

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762fe6 (2) No.6344


Up until you turned of legal age to work, the deputy Registrar on behalf of the Registrar/ Secretary of State, or the Registrar/Secretary of State whichever signed the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH has been the fiduciary trustee for that trust created behind your back and securitized where the government owns it in part and you own it in part. Meaning the Registrar had the fiduciary duty and obligation for that Trust up until you started your first job. That is why the State can take the child away from the parents, because it is the duty and obligation of the fiduciary trustee as guardian, to look after the ward, and make sure he or she is taken care of properly.

When you filled out the Application Form SS-5 for a Social Security Card, the Registrar turned over the duty and obligation of the fiduciary trustee over to you, because he did not want to be responsible as fiduciary for anything you do in commerce using that SS Card/number. You then became the contributing beneficiary and fiduciary trustee for that trust with the duties and obligations for filing and paying the licensing taxes, registration taxes, and taxes on profits, gains and income generated for the trust once it starts to operate in commerce with a Social Security Card/number on all commercial transactions, because you on behalf of the beneficial owner “the trust”, which is resident within a territory occupied by military forces with which the United States is at war, or a resident outside the United States, for which you are considered an enemy doing business with a license and tax identifying number for the purposes “of trade” effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within said territory for which you are granted a license under the authority of the President pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy Act, as an enemy in order to trade, or attempt to trade with the enemy for the beneficial owner the “trust”, and as the fiduciary trustee paying, satisfying, compromising, or giving security for the payment or satisfaction of any debt or obligation, and for drawing, accepting, paying, presenting for acceptance or payment, or indorsing any negotiable instrument or chose in action on behalf of the trust.

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290335 (29) No.6345


Thanks man. What is the best way to satisfy Q's request for you to 'secure' a board?

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b52711 (8) No.6346


Board owner is a discord admin and is very active you can talk to him on there

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932c8e (2) No.6347

File (hide): 8d7a8988b7d8fa6⋯.png (1.22 MB,1024x731,1024:731,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f93d0c9a51672ed⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7b72e3c992cd63f⋯.png (273.04 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c2853fe7d21686e⋯.png (212.2 KB,499x250,499:250,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6e76dd34d217b9a⋯.png (246.45 KB,341x440,31:40,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Amy Gutmann and friends

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3d8611 (8) No.6348


Understood. Was a bit of a vein hope on our part. Can you or Q make a board read only, so Q could be board owner? Seems best compromise.

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9d5ec2 (9) No.6349>>6351


>>6303 (You)

>discord mod only

>EDIT: No you're not. Breadbox is a Discord Mod. You are a LARPING little fag. GTFO.

>Post last edited at 01/06/18 (Sat) 18:49:49

COME ON ANONS. this is fucking bullshit. This is NOT the real BB or he is a MOD and is pretending not to be.SOMEONE HAS EDITED HIS POST.

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2cf5c7 (1) No.6350


Well, fuck. Guess I do need to eat shit.

First of all, my heartfelt apologies to Breadbox and all of you whom I may have been condescending to today back at /cbts/ (I'm the anon who "did research"). The events were totally crazy and I admit, I fucked up and was an asshole (and am also naturally paranoid). Will try to improve and, for me, it is back to lurking to get the feel of this board. Once again, I'm very sorry for being an asshole. I was taught to own my fuckups, though, so… here we are.

And Q, if you're reading, I'm sorry for doubting you and thank you, once again.

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b52711 (8) No.6351

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885fb3 (12) No.6352>>6356 >>6357 >>6363 >>6365 >>6367 >>6373


Thank you for responding CM


anons. I want to make clear that just because I was a mod over at /cbts/ does not mean I agreed all the time with the way things were done over there.

This place is one I started during another scare we had at /cbts/ some time ago. Work has already been done here beginning to move information over.

If there is anything I can do regarding /thestorm/ to make sure that it is being done right, and you think I'm not doing it, please make me aware of it. I try to make myself available to answer questions. All I ask is that you not be a total faggot. Be respectful. I put a lot of time into what I do here, as do ALL of us. Show me the same respect I'd show you. I promise I will be reciptive.

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6bf135 (5) No.6353


Q if you read us, please consider the truth in that statement. I think we have got enough information here to get back on track.

PA, do you feel like going on?

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f28462 (1) No.6354

Let’s either use this board or make a new one. We just need an honest person as BO who understands that their role is to monitor the board and keep things running smoothly.

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5e3f27 (3) No.6355

File (hide): 3738248167a5eb1⋯.jpg (57.91 KB,790x1019,790:1019,NsHnz3h.jpg) (h) (u)


Guy looks like he's too busy trying to suck his own cock. Pic related

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114e37 (5) No.6356


as long as you keep a cooler head than cbts BO during times of crisis, we can all start again with a clean slate

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290335 (29) No.6357


what would be a way for CM to secure this board and satisfy Q's request?

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613829 (36) No.6358>>6362

Since code monkey is busy,, we use this board and wait for Q to post again, and maybe have him set up the new secure tripcode, with code monkey,, and switch to that , maybe make 2 new secure trips just incase., since his current tripcode can be cracked. I trust pamp, and Leaf, and ww and others to bake good bread. It's comfy here.

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1c8cd0 (1) No.6359

From "The White House" - President Trump Delivers Remarks at Camp David

>starting soon


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4a3a07 (2) No.6360


I noticed some things a bit off. I think it is paranoia, a bit of it. BO got escared of the shadows and committed himself to digging holes. He is a young guy who got put into a position of some pressure and he cracked a bit.

I think he was suspicious of everything and he just ran off the deep end, thinking everything was suspect around him. And how does one prove the 'gods' in government are not behind every code? Is anything secure against gods?

We are all conditioned to believe the government has all powerful shadow ops. They can do anything. It is understandable that a young man who has no military experience to make him see the humans behind the agents would get a little janky.

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59322b (5) No.6361>>6368

File (hide): 570cf1ab68bd1a9⋯.png (319.15 KB,400x387,400:387,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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e6e710 (8) No.6362>>6372


Maybe if we… I dunno… actually solve some of the map, Q will come here.

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801e02 (2) No.6363


Thx PA somehow I knew this board was going to come of use at some point

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59322b (5) No.6364

File (hide): 570cf1ab68bd1a9⋯.png (319.15 KB,400x387,400:387,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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d3ada1 (7) No.6365


Don't worry, we'll be sure to hold you accountable when necessary. (A)s of now, brace for mass migration.

I won't namefag here because that'll start shit, but I'm you every step of the way.

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49e2a7 (6) No.6366




Any non-namefags have a ton of time on their hands and a modicum of honor?

Also an awareness of chan culture. (moo-ee importantay)

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5e3f27 (3) No.6367


Don't let shit go to your head PA (which I'm confident you won't) and don't be a know it all fag like Baruch. I was there yesterday and was fairly certain it was Q, but BO for some reason thinks he knows him better than anyone. Cheers


If you bake it, he will crumb

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bc0366 (4) No.6368>>6374


You said it better

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0cb2f1 (2) No.6369


Read also:


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e6e710 (8) No.6370

New bread? Getting late!

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8d0f75 (6) No.6371


has been updated with CBTS General #304, and the 7 disputed Q posts.

Please verify and get back to me if something needs rectifying.

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6bf135 (5) No.6372


He is aware of the developments. He will come.

I wonder what the idea of him being his own BO is worth. Not a lot I would venture to guess. He would make a poor BO.

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949605 (10) No.6373


Will you respect chanculture or be a massive faggot and ban over muh feeeeeelz?

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59322b (5) No.6374


thank you but they wont STOP!

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836c1e (2) No.6375


NO. C'mon Man. Don't larp yourself.

He is not intelligent enough to concoct all the loop capital business. He couldn't even recognize it's validity, let alone create it.

Designed to waste your time, and is now working, even on another board. He's comp'd.

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