e5e5bf No.19055 [Last50 Posts]
The Republic of The United States of America is being Restored
The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.
There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.
Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.
It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here Are The Facts:
There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22
There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.
As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.
Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.
Solution? Sincere Patriots.
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. ― Thomas Jefferson'''
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our Goal Is Simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE]. We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
Important Post for Q From CodeMonkey:
"The best, easiest and most secure way to do this would be for Q to become a board owner himself.
Q should create his own board via 8ch.net/create.php. Once the board is secured, he should edit the board settings and enable the CAPS ONLY function. When that happens, only moderators can create threads. Once he creates a thread, he can then lock it so only he can post there. In this case, he won't lose the board because it's explicitly for data dumps only (there are many boards like this on 8chan, like PDF libraries, personal blogs etc.). Discussion would continue on /thestorm/ or any other board of your choice.
If you need help setting this up, I'm all ears. No need for private communications whatsoever."
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
e5e5bf No.19056
>>13696 rt >>13655 "Mark graphic material": gop.gov/solution_content/plannedparenthood/
>>13615 rt >>13534
>>13138 rt >>13129
>>13128 rt >>13104
>>13097 rt >>13061
>>8223 rt >>8172
>>8159 rt >>8109
>>7958 rt >>7935
Q posts in /thestorm/ after migration:
[01/05/18 CBTS and /thestorm/ posts together]
01/05/18 CBTS:
Posts on 01/05/18 (EST) (Archive only)
#299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –
www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118
#295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –
media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg
>>5204 -> Graphic
01/04/18 (EST)
>>>/cbts/239015 rt >>>/pol/res/11115887
>>>/cbts/239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation
>>>/cbts/239917 -> Confirmation The Second
>>>/cbts/239968 -> BO Confirms
>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.
C!0demonkey NEW message on Q/BO Controversy 01/06
C!0Demonkey Confirms Q post made in /thestorm/ 01/06
C!0demonkey on making a CBTS secure board per Q's request
The Board Owner Q IS BACK Tripcode Update
Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update
C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement
Board Owner's emergency announcement
>>>/cbts/224690 ← Modanon explains
Q's Tripcodes
For posterity, here are the old trips Q had used so far:
Q !UW.yye1fxo
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Q !2nVA4xm522
(last trip was wrong trip due to error in entering password)
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
e5e5bf No.19061
Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)
1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg
2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg
3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg
4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg
5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png
6: s20.postimg. org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg
7: s20.postimg.org/5eexzohkd/thestormqmap1b_1-07-18.png
Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/
NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/
This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.
Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.
Learn to Read The Map
New throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/
https:// oversight.house.gov/interactivepage/plannedparenthood/
New Spreadsheet
New smartsheet spreadsheet has been made.
NEW LINK: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232
NOTE: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.
We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.
THANK YOU all anons who have helped out, added answers, found news items, given support and had patience with this project.
Latest Q Map - Camp David Weekend Edition
>>>/cbts/252184 media.8ch.net/file_store/92a7a7fd28c4fb2505bfc47e0fe2b370a82dc22ab9a2a4f0c27b7aa80f9cec27.jpg
All Q Posts (meta, txt & html): 496 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/a27edc1e7b365bd954aacd2963d1bd44
Interactive: qcodefag.github.io
Interactive backup: qanonmap.github.io
News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
Raw Text Q Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE
Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/K2s7vcd1bc/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.4.1.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/M9A8v4d8b3/Q_Spreadsheet_DATASET_01-07.csv >>11976
Time Stamp Spreadsheets: .xls - anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx .csv - anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
e5e5bf No.19062
CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Archive of all 8chan /cbts/ Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Q Posts & DJT Tweets Side by Side For Comparison - As Q Requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Spreadsheet >>15121
'xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx
.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>>/cbts/111700 , >>>/cbts/119941
Free research resources: >>>/cbts/216402
For site archival: archive.fo/
Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Reverse Image Search: tineye.com
Compilation of all players/actors and connections: >>13189
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
e5e5bf No.19067
>>17909 Upcoming OIG report likely to trigger second special counsel -Zerohedge
>>17871 Phili DA fires 31 on 4th day of job - -Zerohedge
>>17265 Fire and Fury available as pdf - WikiLeaks
>>15938 Iranian oil tanker crashes into Chinese ship near NK
>>14309 JFK Chaos
>>13981 RR Sister in charge of Vaccines for CDC?
>>14304 Chicago to HK flight diverted to alaska - vandalized with excrement
>>13002 Union Station DC Evacuated
>>12990 Emergency landing at JFK - report of engine fire
>>12334 California family dead - murder suicide
>>12275 Plane catches fire after collision on runway
>>11782 Ex-Iranian President Arrested
News Section Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>17675 Fire and Fury , Ch6 and 10 'O' changed to 'Q' -> WikiLeaks
>>17726 anons 40,000ft view compilation
>>17380 Seven TRILLION Q Connection
>>16799 In-Q-Tel , Genetic Engineering , PepsiCo , TacoBell and 50% reduction in sperm counts
>>16759 Loop Capital Markets - Financials
>>16581 When Fake Communitst took over a Wisconsin town
>>16459 , >>16471 Relationships Map - Huma , VJ , MB
>>15704 [rr_out] Q message , POTUS tweet , time stameed
>>14152 rt >>13838 Epiphany!
>>13959 Body Parts Raid in November
>>13925 Obama agency rules Pepsi use of fetal cells 'ordinary business'
>>13753 7th Floor - wikispooks
>>13760 , >>14161 7th floor is no more
>>13655 , >>13658 House Investigation into Planned Parenthood
>>13556 Missing Money - 13B , 6B
>>13515 First Pentagon Audit in History
>>11987 Airplanes missing and Eric Schmidt
>>11968 Mass data collection since Reagan (1981)
Notable Posts Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
More info: >>>/cbts/140461
>>>/cbts/120430 (Petition)
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
e5e5bf No.19071
Research Resources >>>/cbts/211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>>/cbts/26613
Asia Foundation >>>/cbts/15984
Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705
British Connections >>>/cbts/117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>>/cbts/1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>>/cbts/195194
Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952
Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102
Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163
Israel & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398
Many research links here to give background on current events >>>/cbts/255999
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>>/cbts/147334
North Korea >>>/cbts/1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249
Plane Crashes Thread >>>/cbts/56075
Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198
Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300
Planned Parenthood* >>13655
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171
Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157
Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327
Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139
Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576
Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367
Stringers, military courts >>>/cbts/189447
Titanic >>>/cbts/106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346
Who is P? >>>/cbts/202645
* ==Emphasized by Q==
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>>/cbts/211983.
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e5e5bf No.19072
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1: >>>/cbts/2
Memes #2: >>>/cbts/61078
Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604
Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207
Memes #5: >>>/cbts/189835
Memes #6: >>7090
Infographs: >>>/cbts/10
Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875
Meme Ammo: >>7161
Meme Ammo By Topic: pastebin.com/WnudyCpd from >>14323
Image Archive by Topic >>18752 , >>18760 , >>18765
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>>/cbts/134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts
Part 1: >>>/cbts/189448
Part 2: >>>/cbts/189460
Part 3: >>>/cbts/189467
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
^^The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
RedPill Questions - Not Q
>>15931 Foundations
>>15998 Politicians
>>16064 Anti-Trump
>>16204 Planned Parenthood
>>16438 Plane 9/11
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>>/cbts/55606
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
e5e5bf No.19073
Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http/https://www' part.
e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and the browser will resolve.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Read >>>/cbts/226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart: YOU IGNORE THEM.
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Last Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: pastebin.com/B4bU0ksW From thread: 24
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2bb12a No.19105
https:// nworeport.me/2017/02/19/it-has-begun-tillerson-fires-most-of-the-7th-floor/
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2bb12a No.19106
"The 7th floor is no more"
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0715b6 No.19107
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e5a5bd No.19108
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99c7ee No.19109
list of pedo twitter accounts
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1c0738 No.19110
Thank you based Bread Baker for Baking the direction and post we need to focus on into the bread.
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b5d09b No.19112
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b0c686 No.19113
You have to ease them in.. Gonna still be pretty fast guys. It started with the soft hollywood sex-abuse.. all M-F, nothing dark yet.. That's a step.. get it?
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debca6 No.19114
thank you baker for this delicious bread
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ec17be No.19115
Thanks, Anon.
I have no social media and made a ton of them. Seems the only guys spreading memes are spreading their own. (for the most part)
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674d74 No.19116
hint use military time and we may know as the world turns from this context
12/9/2017 13:45:57 Q
12/9/2017 13:48:57 >>60291
12/9/2017 13:48:57 Timestamp US Military against POTUS' recent Tweet - US Military.
12/9/2017 13:48:57 How many clues must we provide?
12/9/2017 13:48:57 As the World Turns.
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0715b6 No.19117
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27fe54 No.19118
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680229 No.19119
The blue "Q" looks much better. Good job.
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b3e79f No.19120
Just a reminder that spiritual Love is the solution for every problem :)
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c588d1 No.19121
He continues to say that 1/5/18 Q posts are bogus, despite Code Monkey having called them genuine based on his re-checking.
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9bf4ad No.19122
If Q turns out not to be the second coming of Jesus I'm frankly going to be disappointed.
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6ec6db No.19123
>Loop capital
>Christopher Poole
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6ec6db No.19124
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680229 No.19125
Can someone meme this real mean like? Please make it hard.
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67bf25 No.19127
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ee082b No.19128
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5c2a59 No.19129
So glad to be back. I lost you when I restarted my iPad and couldn’t get back. You’ll be happy to know that nobody gave up how to get back even tho I asked nicely. Everyone was silent.
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adb4b2 No.19130
Tasty bread, anon!
The memetic warfare graphic looks blurry. Try it without that graphic.
That's definitely the right graphic!
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d1a8b8 No.19131
Absolutely amazing baking dear anon.
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9771ee No.19133
Trip advisor founded in pizza place, uses owl with different colored eyes. Is there more to the eyes than their explanation?
1. A slice of history: The company was founded in February 2000 in a small office above a pizza shop called Kosta’s in Needham, Massachusetts.
2. It wasn’t always about reviews: The site was originally designed as a B2B tool not a customer review site, but once the travel community started using it for that purpose the site quickly evolved to meet this need.
Green means go: Millions of consumers have seen the TripAdvisor ‘owl’ logo, but how many know why one eye is red and the other green? In fact, the two colours symbolise the way travellers choose where to go (green) and where not to go (red) on their next trip.
http ://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/lists/15-things-you-didnt-know-about-TripAdvisor/
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3a5e5b No.19134
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79b34b No.19135
There is obviously a hidden message in the markers. With the clock cipher we should be able to decode.
The Storm has arrived?
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9771ee No.19137
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670d25 No.19138
What if CM was wrong?
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dac7b5 No.19139
Someone needs to do a meme video with hillarys face posted over the main witch on hocus pocus while singing songs on eating children.
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d64403 No.19140
Thanks Q
Thanls Nazis of /pol/
Thankyou all - we will win this and secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Next stop Alpha Centauri
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46c392 No.19141
Thank you master baker 👨🍳
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b634c4 No.19142
I think Q would have called that out…
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6b76a8 No.19143
In relation to using a clock cipher.
The 24 hour time stamp changes depending on where you are. If we are to decipher timestamps then we nee ? To find a commonality between all people reading Q.
Which might be the difference between Q and Trump tweets. Possibly only the tweets that contain words used by Q.
Or. It could be deciphered based on Q posts and the timezone of where Trump is known to be at the time of the Q post. This would require a bread that had known Trump location at time of Q post
I'm leaning towards the delta between Q posts and Trump tweets.
Does anyone know the total number of related Q posts and Trump tweets?
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9bf4ad No.19146
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adb4b2 No.19147
If CM was wrong, then Q's trip was cracked. How can we trust anything then?
That said, everything Q has provided, whether in dispute or not, has added to the bread.
I believe it's all Q.
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f847a1 No.19148
Or Zulu…
Supposedly this is an MI OP.
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0715b6 No.19149
What if you find that Jesus and your bible were orchestrated to create division and were actually constructs of man?
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257537 No.19152
Corsi loses all credibility if he doesn’t recant and correct immediately. TB interview was snow job whitewash. All the Corsi defender fags need to suck it or lurk more.
Q said look into Loop Capital and all hell broke lose with Corsi at the center. Corsi just doubled down in interview saying Q’s second mention of Loop Capital was meant to “stay focused” by not looking into Loop Capital. Anyone else smell the horseshit?!
Friday - Q Loop Capital - Corsi Imposter - Q Board Comprimised - Flack - Target - Loop Capital
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a6542d No.19154
semi true
n 2018, the LHC begins its final year of data-taking before the second long technical stop. This technical stop, set to last from late 2018 to early 2021, will allow CERN’s technicians, engineers and physicists to renovate and improve the accelerator complex, as well as the experiment collaborations to prepare their detectors to fully exploit the future higher luminosity of the machine.
home .cern/about/updates/2017/12/cern-wishes-you-happy-new-year-2018-0
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b3e79f No.19155
I will never differentiate between my fellow humans ever again.
We are all ONE against the CABAL!
See you in Alpha Centauri!
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fab7b6 No.19156
>Tanya S. Chutkan JUDGE
OBAMA appointee. Call me surprised. NOT!
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanya_S._Chutkan
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680229 No.19157
Do you believe in a God ?
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67bf25 No.19158
Anons, that pic of the crossing that Q posted.
what if it had a hidden code or message?
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ee082b No.19159
And his drops line up with current events, and the connections he points out line up when researched. And CM verified it twice.
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670d25 No.19162
Not if it was a 'fake' Q
Agreed… Just fiddlin with being devil's advocate
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7c9ec4 No.19163
Weird how someone just threw a Corsi bomb in here. Wonder who threw it?
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045924 No.19164
How do you spell "BLOWJOB" in hebrew!?!
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e5a5bd No.19166
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5da7b7 No.19167
Based on this post, I've been assuming that Q was indicating that there were 5 total times this would occur, and was showing us where [10] fell in the sequence.
If you assume [5] was the final marker, then that leaves [15] and two others prior to the [10] to find, if this assumption about the post is correct.
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b634c4 No.19168
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a6542d No.19169
there used to be a steganon havn't seen him for awhile… i believe the important part was the tassels
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0715b6 No.19170
Technically, still 100% true. The deal top purchase CERN has fallen through. It's sitting there, collecting dust. Don't hold your breath waiting for it to get restarted any time soon.
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b3e79f No.19171
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069487 No.19172
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ee082b No.19173
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680229 No.19174
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c588d1 No.19175
Always a possibility.
I have a great respect for Dr. Corsi.
Have followed him for long time.
On the matters of 8ch tech, CM is more knowledgeable. I lean toward CM's evaluation due to his having the expertise to evaluate data in front of him. It was a hands-on check, which Dr. Corsi did not have access to conduct.
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adb4b2 No.19176
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f5429b No.19177
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3f89ad No.19178
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67bf25 No.19179
I'm gonna try a online decoder. i don't think its reliable but worth a try
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ec17be No.19180
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a6542d No.19181
that would make me unbelievably happy
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adb4b2 No.19182
Understood, anon. Carry on.
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d64403 No.19183
Once the globalist racemixing, pedosexual, one world synagogue of satan is destroyed all peoples will have homogenous lands to thrive.
It will be beautiful.
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680229 No.19184
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b3e79f No.19185
then we will know in time.
Remember /cbts/ and the hateful BO there.
BO needs to be in Love with the Truth, not on a perpetual egoistic witch-hunt.
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9771ee No.19186
I really like the dinner one
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6ec6db No.19187
To recap mine and a few other anons thoughts from last thread: it may be the case that markers are - among other things, possibly - synchronistic Trump tweets/Q posts, both in terms of timestamps or keywords, and one of the things Q has asked us to do is compile all of these markers and align them on a timeline (time ring) in some manner, eg according to a clock cipher perhaps.
Therefore any confirmations that picture both Trump's tweet and Q's post with timestamps accurately, are of import. Please share em if you got em.
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e3c757 No.19188
Banned over at CUNT storm for saying AJ is controlled op. Then the hook nose cunt tbeaner and corsi drive theory home
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4c24e5 No.19189
HAHAHA Love it. So true.
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adb4b2 No.19190
Yes, and they were all solved last year. Move on, please.
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4c24e5 No.19192
Maybe the SpaceX launch is nothing but a giant birthday firework for Little Rocket Man
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e3c757 No.19193
Marker thread started
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674d74 No.19194
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257537 No.19195
I did…got a problem? Address the comment.
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ccd315 No.19196
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522384 No.19197
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045924 No.19198
Can you "stretch" the white inner of the circle logo into a fetus shape?
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254f09 No.19199
I'm confused, cuz I thought the 7th floor was the CIA rogue element. So it was the state dept. all along, under bush thru hussein?
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6ec6db No.19200
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674d74 No.19201
original file name had DACA0911 mirrored
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a59c3d No.19202
Loop capital funds the global crime syndicates. This is the Q message decoded.
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8775b4 No.19203
Lady at the end of the table…. Karen Hudes
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469ec8 No.19204
Benghazi was a hit. Chris Stevens knew too much.
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0715b6 No.19205
CERN isn't going anywhere, really isn't an issue and really has nothing to do with anything on this board, honestly.
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680229 No.19206
Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.
It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
Can we replace "Men" with "Patriots"? Q is likely a team.
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9771ee No.19207
WikiLeaks email:
Dear Mr. Berat Albayrak,
Please use Trip Advisor.
https ://wikileaks.org/berats-box/emailid/28295
Hacked Emails Reveal DNC Head Shared Intel with Turkey. … after the email account of Berat Albayrak, … committees that supported Hillary Clinton for …
http ://dennismichaellynch.com/hacked-emails-reveal-dnc-head-shared-intel-turkey/
Hacked Emails Reveal DNC Head Shared Intel with Turkey
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7c9ec4 No.19208
not you. and yes I have a problem.
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ba7e17 No.19209
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337036 No.19210
Thanks, anon. Not sure there are any "clues" on that page, other than the mention of the ongoing "rodent problem", lol!
It was another anon saying p.92 was missing
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875ed3 No.19211
lol keep this on hand
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e3c757 No.19212
>one of my better photos
Thanks m8 that’s me, second from the right
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0715b6 No.19213
Son of a…
that was the most awesome captha yet, but while I was staring at it, about to take a screen shot, it reloaded and I lost it. :(
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a6542d No.19215
man is that chick dumb … i believe about 2% of what she says.
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2a6fb3 No.19216
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838f4a No.19217
Godfather LLL
https://en. m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L3_experiment
Owl - google
Y - yahoo
Spiders and weavers
Cern invented World Wide Web the largest spy tool in the world - the eye
Godfather LLL - L3 collider
Snow White - apple
Jason Bourne - google deep dream
Spell - mass hypnosis and mind control via control of information online
Someone earlier mentioned the capital letter Z in a Q post or potus tweet.
https://home. cern/about/experiments/l3
Hahahah cern is not shut down. In fact they are building another tunnel. L3 collider was a Cover to hide what they really do. Please research before posting such naive statements.
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cce02d No.19218
wrong how? he simply verified that the first Q posts on /thestorm/ were from a same IP address as those in /cbts/
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a59c3d No.19219
Wow, thank you for listening to me Trump!! You did it!!
Welcome Karen and welcome World to our new Global Debt Facility backed currencies!!!!
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8775b4 No.19220
Then why is she at Camp David
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e5a5bd No.19221
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838f4a No.19222
Look up Cybele and festival de Hilaria
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a6542d No.19223
like i said awesome … why are you trying so hard to convince me?
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9e8a62 No.19224
https:// www.erowid.org/chemicals/adrenochrome/
Excerpt from "The Private Sea" by William Braden
Chemistry and mysticism
The question of religious chemistry has been underscored recently by
the wide attention given to the theories, already mentioned, of Dr. Abram
Hoffer and Humphry Osmond. Their adrenochrome-adrenolutin hypothesis
suggests that schizophrenia may be caused at least in part by defective
adrenal metabolism. Very briefly, the adrenal gland secretes the hormone
adrenaline, which helps coordinate biological mechanisms in emergency
situations, for example, a fist fight or a threatened traffic accident.
Heart rate is increased, the blood is sugared up and pumped to the
necessary muscles. Adrenaline also may affect the emotions, contributing to
anxiety and depression. In the body it turns into a toxic hormone called
adrenochrome, which in turn can be converted into either of two other
compounds: dihydroxyindole or adrenolutin. It is possible that
dihydroxyindole balances off adrenaline to reduce tension and irritability;
in schizophrenics, however, adrenochrome is converted primarily into
adrenolutin, which also is toxic, and the combination of
adrenochrome-adrenolutin results in a poisonous disruption of the brain's
chemical processes. That is the theory. And the prescribed antidotes are
nicotinic acid (niacin) or nicotinamide (Vitamin B-3). Discussing one of
the villains in the piece, the scientists write: "There are few who doubt
that adrenochrome is active in animals or in man, and it is now included
among the family of compounds known as hallucinogens - compounds like
mescaline and LSD-25 capable of producing psychological changes in man."
>>http://www. lycaeum.org/leda/docs/12469.shtml?ID=12469
3-Hydroxy-1-methyl-5,6-indoline-dione, C9H9NO3 (mol. wt. 179.17)
Produced in the body by oxidation of epinephrine (andrenalin).
"… Then came the discovery that adrenochrome, which is a product of the decomposition of adrenalin, can produce many of the symptoms observed in mescalin intoxication. But adrenochrome probably occurs spontaneously in the human body. In other words, each one of us may be capable of manufacturing a chemical, minute doses of which are known to cause Profound changes in consciousness. …"
–Aldous Huxley
Doors of Perception
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469ec8 No.19225
Too busy. I bet you think the more the better.
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2bcc2f No.19227
Dr. Corsi's decoding of recent Q posts.
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c588d1 No.19228
I think Dr. Corsi is wrong in his interpretation; however, I cannot agree that he should be dismissed so easily.
Corsi is a great man, stellar intellectual, fierce and thorough investigative journalist, and a true patriot. He has served this country in a variety of ways. I trust him to say the truth as he genuinely sees it.
I don't agree with him this time, but he is one of the good guys.
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838f4a No.19229
The Alice expiriment http://iopscience.iop. org/article/10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/S08002
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cd45d7 No.19230
If you could take your hitlerfag propaganda and kindly shove it back up your ass from whence it came, we would be much obliged. Fuck you very much.
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0715b6 No.19231
Should do one with his toupee coming off totally and the lion tattooed on his head under it..
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adb4b2 No.19232
As long as you understand that [15], [10], and [5] were already solved last year. I saw anons trying to solve the [15] on the last thread and wondered if they were very new to the game.
Pic attached.>>19187
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a6542d No.19233
prob to negotiate the global collateral accounts … her job has nothing to do with her ability to speak to human beings
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069487 No.19234
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2a6fb3 No.19235
? People asked for it.
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ccd315 No.19236
Like this? (Not a very good artist)
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254f09 No.19237
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7c9ec4 No.19238
Great, we get it. YouTube celebs vacuum up work here and sell it. Now you're pumping it back into here.
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a59c3d No.19239
I knew my conversations with you on the rogue forum before the big wipe would pay-off!!!
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b3e79f No.19240
It is also possible that Q itself is a LARP and no arrests will ever be made and status quo remains.
And even if this "worst case" comes true - even then - the awareness and the anon machine is AWOKEN now.
We have the red pills, medium dosage. Individual ingestion varies. Many of us do our jobs on many fronts.
Remember the goals: to remove the evil controllers and reclaim our rightful control over this dear Planet Earth, so we can live in harmony with each other and as was given by the grace of our dearest Prime Creator.
I serve the Prime Creator unconditionally with Love. He guides me in my earthly tasks and challenges and for this I need no religion, organization, imageboard, image, text… just LOVE.
God is LOVE.
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9e8a62 No.19241
http://www. spacex.com/webcast
falcon launch in approx 15 min
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b634c4 No.19242
It is 7th floor of State Dept…
Group that came up with the drone hit list…Kerry was part of it I'm pretty sure..then HRC.
Also the group that headed off a lot of the HRC investigation.
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674d74 No.19243
using the clock cipher those markers give us one letter per tweet/post
using military time gives us 4 letters per
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e5a5bd No.19244
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4ae8de No.19245
Biggest sting to come. Banking.
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045924 No.19246
That says a lot!
And it is very obvious what it means.
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055d6f No.19247
Why does the baby have a boner tho …
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e5e5bf No.19248
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4ae8de No.19249
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4eb2d4 No.19250
There's a thread with posts full of scripts for various subjects that can be used to introduce friends & family to the issues, get them to start thinking and thinking for themselves
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337036 No.19251
Kek! Tho you may now add Corsi to the list!
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055d6f No.19252
jk , its good anon
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e8a76c No.19253
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838f4a No.19254
Reminder Godfather lll was posted by Q with three lowercase Ls. The L3 was a several billion dollar project to search for the God particle. Here’s the thing tho, it was really a money laundering scheme and all the data was fabricated. >>19217
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0715b6 No.19255
Actually, I like it… simplistic, by conveys the point. Well done. ( from an artist )
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1c0738 No.19256
i think there was meant to be a resource for that in the works but nothing has come of it yet.
we have qcodefag. github. io as a Q resource.
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e3c757 No.19257
>get (((comfy)))
Back to (((oven)))
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b634c4 No.19258
Excellent questions…
Can argue with libtards with those also…
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26ed70 No.19259
"I" did. And I am not Corsi. "I" support adequate and clear Q coverage outside that does NOT lead back to here. If Q only wanted 100 people to know, this isn't what he would have done. This medium was used because of its potential viral nature, our desire to separate fact from fiction and sheer determined nature. There are links in every chain, and information trails. This is one of them. The outside formats are another.
Because of his "stature" and others like him that were bound to eventually become involved, these issues arise. His break from us regarding the loop posts, and how we disagree on the open ended nature of the Q presentation is also inevitable.
I didn't realize it was going to open such a handy slide and distraction of people I thought otherwise gainfully researching and made it a matter of evidence and thought we would move on. That leads me to two conclusions, the baddies found a good slide target (for which is my fault) or, the inherent nature of truly autistic people has obviousl flaws in that they focus on emotional basis versus logic at critical times and get hung up on really stupid shit.
To everyone here, I apologize for being the first to link the information for comparison, and I will be sure not to do it again. I have been at this a long time, and I actually believe that all the rubbish talk going on is not from true diggers. They do not respond this fervently and usually glide on. So we have a lot of wanna be autists and shills and I fed them the bait. Then PA did afterwards. And I have already warned extensively about getting star struck. Look what it did to CTBS and the fracture we have now.
Undoubtedly they will still snort the next Q crack and do their thing because of a need to inside themselves to rationalize a fake day but keep working with an illogically one time "glitch" in the matrix but whatever.
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0715b6 No.19260
Not possible.. Lurk MOAR!
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7c9ec4 No.19261
New Age bullshit peddlers get the rope too
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2bcc2f No.19262
One is never wrong when honestly describing his own perceptions, it's a tautological impossibility. I will venture that you are not familiar with her videos. As for analysis of information, I will rely on my two graduate degrees and 25 years as a professional research writer rather than on your two years of part-time community college.
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674d74 No.19263
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b3e79f No.19264
This was to calm the doubters.
Q checks almost all boxes. He can be trusted.
>nice id
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514af5 No.19265
What is the purpose of ISIS?
Globalists never get a 1:1 return on their investment. The purpose of ISIS is multitude.
1. Create a boogyman for the Military Industrial IC Complex to have a reason to exist.
2. Provide a clear and present danger to US liberties, in such a manner that security will trump liberty and law can be inacted to remove liberty, 2nd Amendment for example.
3. Destabilize the Assad regime for the purposes of Regime Change in Syria.
4. Syrian regime change was necessary to further envelop Russia with NATO troops. To divide Syrian territory as per the Greater Israel Doctrine. Also necessary to stop Gazprom from taking too much profit out of natural gas sales to western Europe. The pipeline had to run through Syria.
5. To be held until needed for future operations as conducted against Syria.
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257537 No.19266
You don’t even have to go that far…their own words have completely discredited themselves. Up till now I’ve found Beanz useful.
“Loop Capital is not the droid your looking for!”
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ee082b No.19267
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0715b6 No.19268
Not possible… Lurk MOAR
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ec17be No.19269
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5da7b7 No.19270
I've been over and over and over the markers and reading the Map from the beginning. Shit has been driving me nuts.
This is an alternative cipher to explore as well.
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a59c3d No.19271
She is not dumb. That is banking cabal shill saying that. She has been appointed by the 188 members who sit on the Board of Directors of The World Bank and the IMF as the overseer mandate trustee of The Global Debt Facility. I had a conversation with Steve, Q and Trump about this and they apparently followed my suggestion and met with the 188 members and they confirmed her!!
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045924 No.19272
Freezing PRIVATE property due to criminal activity.
BANKS are private property (FED RESERVE)
So when it becomes Seized— Who owes interest?
Do I smell a plan here!
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48f9a3 No.19273
do we have one big infograph for it somewhere?
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77f4ea No.19274
H.E.K.293 human embryonic kidney cells,aborted fetal cell line. Senomyx uses to evaluate how human palate will react to synthetic flavors.
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b3e79f No.19275
True spirituality is not some new age cult. Read the last two sentences.
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e3c757 No.19276
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2bcc2f No.19277
Well, nobody has it ALL right, in fact, some Q posts may not turn out as Q would wish, because war is fluid.
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fd721b No.19279
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96c755 No.19280
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c588d1 No.19281
Anon, I don't know how to be clearer. Even great men make mistakes. I fully accept CM's approval of the 1/5 Q posts. I think Corsi is wrong. I think Corsi is making a mistake with his interpretation. It's just not reasonable to damn someone for a mistake.
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292133 No.19283
>Subtle Lions?
Too hell with that! How about this anon's lion?
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6ec6db No.19284
Thank you anon. As far as I can tell, the top half of that image is very, very good; the bottom half is less important… insofar as the point, at this stage, is merely to document "coincidences." This shows 3, clearly, with timestamps, side by side, and is well written.
Q has said everything has meaning, nothing is coincidence. Even tweets/posts that are out of sync timewise, that share the same terms - and particularly, if capitalized, in one or both mediums tweet or post - may be relevant here. I can't promise I'll get to it tonight myself, but I'm curious to search Q's text for capitalized words from Trump's tweets, or vice versa.
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e3c757 No.19285
An (((useful))) idiot when shit hits the fan to break to ‘normies’. Containment at best
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50041e No.19286
Do you mind elaborating?
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e5e5bf No.19287
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7c9ec4 No.19288
Crawl back into your hole, witch
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a20848 No.19289
we will never get the truth and nothing will change
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839615 No.19290
WWW Above Had 1776
1776 (+) = 21 (7 x 3)
LOL upside down = 777
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b5d09b No.19291
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1c0738 No.19292
So it looks like there is meant to be 5 total markers?
Q/Potus-# would mean Q posts that Potus posts have a specific correlation too.
So if we know [10] and [5], and possibly [15] (see Nov 4 Q Drop re: "Q= Alice") in what order is 5,10, and 15 in terms of Potus Marker number.
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9e8a62 No.19293
>not solved or we would be able to read the map
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4eb2d4 No.19294
Human trafficking, sex-trafficking, child-trafficking, corruption
Look at the child-trafficking network map. Compare to the personnel in the US govt who were convicted of having/producing child porn or facilitating trafficking. (will post next & link)
Notice the positions they were in.
Notice how they were specific positions that are needed in the child-trafficking network.
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a59c3d No.19295
This is proof that I did speak with Q on the rogue forum before the wipe and that they took my advice and had the 188 members of the banks confirm Karen as the overseer mandate trustee, just as I suggested they do!!
Thank you Q and Trump for listening!
Thank you Karen!!
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26ed70 No.19296
www.spacex.com/webcast has gone live
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d126ab No.19297
Fusion GPS in the news again
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b3e79f No.19298
I have questioned the !RRV guy who claims to have solved the qmap, and he referred me back to country codes. He is a bit sketchy though.
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388416 No.19299
Nice but add a couple of deuces in the bowl with him
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337036 No.19300
Tbh, I doubt it. People don't normally change the part in their hair from one side to another. Everyone has a "natural part" whether it's on the side, or in the middle.
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069487 No.19302
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4c24e5 No.19303
Thought this topic was over and done with. That was yesterday news. We are on today's.
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ca3e78 No.19304
I save a lot and post them when I see a relevant discussion on Twitter.
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6cf07b No.19305
Corsi is either too stubborn to admit he's wrong or disinformation.
I would never believe corsi and beaner over CM. Both are newfags and famefags
Q told us to focus on loop capital. CM confirmed disputed and deleted Q posts are real
Anyone shilling and pushing otherwise is a glowing CIAnigger that needs to be banned.
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2bcc2f No.19306
What if you have an extremely poor understanding of comparative religion and spirituality? Which question is more likely to be true?
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055d6f No.19307
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bf5653 No.19308
Are you going to nitpick like a kike or do something useful?
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b3e79f No.19309
It's a thing to be ignored, because it serves no purpose.
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ec17be No.19310
These are some of my favorites, so far
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ee082b No.19311
Really, so we shouldn't be digging into the fact that they helped fund Obama's campaign and launder money. OK.
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292133 No.19312
Some anon's been imbibing?
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50dc3d No.19313
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ccd315 No.19314
If you can fix it for me, it would be much appreciated.
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838f4a No.19315
cern does tons of this secret genetic research. It’s a huuuugeee money laundering scheme and the particle collider is just what they tell the public bc nobody will question a bunch of nerdy space scientists. But the collider is all fake. The NSA even said so! They build bombs and spy satellites and research on the dead and living! >>14610
Cern should not be ignored any longer. It’s DEEP and demonic and very very hidden and you can’t find out who donates funding, where it owes, who is in charge. Good luck trying. Deep should be a keyword considering their tunnels and secret projects, one of which is supposedly to create a black hole or worm hole, with no regard for safety, just to feed their own godly ambitions.
shiva is the only Hindu god with he power to destroy the whole world, shiva is also a transgender alcoholic and drug addict. Let that sink in then the demonic opening ceremony will make way more sense.
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c588d1 No.19316
valid point. Agree.
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2bcc2f No.19317
Maybe he made a mistake, so what? He's been an avid, risk-taking Patriot for longer than most of us have been alive.
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17284a No.19318
People who don't understand anon/chan culture.
We prefer anon because it lets the idea speak for itself. No upvote/downvote, like or retweet BS. Nor are we clouded by names except where necessary (Q).
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50dc3d No.19319
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2bb12a No.19320
Confusion will occur… Fight through the fog of war.
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2a6fb3 No.19321
Those are the lions I used. The face is black so it is hard to see on the dark background. So I put them on the sheets of paper to make it less cluttered. Feedback not so positive so far.
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2bcc2f No.19322
Appoint new Judge - Roy Bean.
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2bb12a No.19323
Get that Rothschild-faggot Hitler the fuck away from any meme including my president, please…
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839615 No.19324
Stupid autocorrect ed to lol
LLL = 777
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a59c3d No.19325
I do not need to elaborate cause all the shills are attacking me with false accusations. Q and Trump know who I am.
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4eb2d4 No.19326
This is a map of US govt personnel who were arrested in on 10 yr period for
possession of child porn
production of child porn
assisting in human trafficking
Look at the positions they occupied. Compare to >>19294 and see how they overlap.
< NOTE they are in the very positions necessary for a trafficking ring/child-trafficking/network.
This is who gets compromised. This is how they do it.
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96c755 No.19327
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507369 No.19329
Ok. But the article is from February 2017
cbsnews. com/news/state-dept-layoffs-under-rex-tillerson-being-carried-out/
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069487 No.19330
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b58242 No.19331
THE UNITED STATES “I am prepared to wager that well within twenty-five years the Americans themselves will have realized what a handicap has been imposed upon them by this parasitic Jewry, clamped fast to their flesh and nourishing itself on their life-blood.
It is this Jewry that is dragging them into adventures which, when all is said and done, are no concern of theirs and in which the interests at stake are of no importance to them.
What possible reason can the non-Jewish Americans have for sharing the hatreds of the Jews and following meekly in their footsteps? One thing is quite certain, within a quarter of a century the Americans will either have become violently anti-Semitic or they will be devoured by Jewry.
If we should lose this war, it will mean that we have been defeated by the Jews. Their victory will then be complete. But let me hasten to add that it will only be very temporary. It will certainly not be Europe which takes up the struggle again against them, but it certainly will be the United States.
The latter is a country still too young to have acquired the maturity conferred by age and exaggeratedly lacking in political sense. For the Americans, everything has so far been ridiculously easy. But experience and difficulties will perhaps cause them to mature.
Just think for a moment what they were when their country was born, a group of individuals come from all corners of the earth hastening forward in pursuit of fortune and finding at their disposal a vast continent to appease their hunger and all theirs for the taking.
National conscience is a thing which develops very gradually, especially in vast territories such as these. Nor must it be forgotten that these individuals had been drawn from a variety of races and had not yet been fused by the bonds of a national spirit. What an easy prey for the Jews.”
“The USA has become a state as a result of liberal ideas and various other factors, through financial monopolies too. But they will never be a nation: they will always be the scene of internal disturbances, ideological, ethnic and religious rivalries. The USA will be overtaken by events.” ~ Political Testament of Adolf Hitler, February 24, 1945.
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292133 No.19333
Livestream of Zuma launch:
http:// www.spacex.com/webcast
Pro tip, remove space from link.
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2bcc2f No.19334
Corsi is one of the primary actors in disproving Soetero's identity and citizenship. Take that to the bank.
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b3e79f No.19335
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b0c686 No.19336
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06bf05 No.19337
OK, just looked briefly at a video with Corsi and this Tracy chick.
Went forward to them discussing cbts Q BO issue.
Chick says she and Corsi (Self anointed Q 'experts'?) determined Q posts were not Q. Further, she posts that on her Twitter.
Shortly thereafter. Q posts board is comped, I'm gone.
Dafuq. Chick is the one who fucked up cbts.
People too lazy to research the chans and needing a fix to be 'informed' as fast a possible take this chick seriously?
May be I listened wrong.
https://hooktube .com/mcL3XKy0I-s
c. 7 min mark chick says she makes call Q is fake.
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a6542d No.19339
first off did you not read my response to the same comment you are replying too? second i wouden't have spent that last 30 years broke if i worked for the cabal…third if you don't think that woman has a problem with english then you've never watched one of her youtube videos.
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2bb12a No.19340
Pssssshhhh… I'm going to look into it just because you said not to.
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3af11c No.19341
Ya his interpretation of the Loop Capital is fuckin terrible and I told them that, but still glad he's taking the time to help. They don't really ever ask the question why Q left CBTS in the first place, which is because Baruch deleted his posts and Q said he wouldn't post there again so he came to thestorm. I don't think Baruch banned him either, so why did verified Q move? Because CBTS BO was wrong. Plain and simple
If you bake it, he will crumb
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3f89ad No.19342
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26ed70 No.19343
I agree and again, am sorry. Moving FWD. Zuma watching (creepy ads) and staying on topic. I am no good with cyphers of the sort that some are looking at, so I am going to think Clock in a different way and see if lightening strikes me or something.
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2bcc2f No.19344
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79b34b No.19346
Very detailed, nice
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4eb2d4 No.19347
>on the rogue forum before the big wipe
Are you the one threatening to delete answers from the spreadsheet?
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6ec6db No.19348
Look stupid faggots, your rabid hatred for Hitler, however founded given Q's revelations, is only divisive at this point and in this location of the internet. Deal with it for now, this is not helping. The point of the image was merely to thank the anon, keep the sand out of your vaginas.
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bcd9cc No.19349
Pretty sure that is ice cube.
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96c755 No.19350
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838f4a No.19351
I challenge you all to find 10 facts about cern from before the year 2000
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64ff02 No.19352
He doesn't explain how Q could operate with a compromised trip and false poster out there. And he states "don't lose focus on Loop Capital" means "do not focus any attention on Loop Capital"?? Seems a weak interpretation. Q can confirm of course, but if comp'd trip is out there, how can you trust any Q posts?
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337036 No.19353
We never know to whom you speak
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ee082b No.19354
DUDE!!! Graphic anons are right up there with plane anons!
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2bb12a No.19355
"RAAAWWWWRRR, don't talk about CERN ever again, or I'll SWAT your house." - Glowing nigger
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2bcc2f No.19356
Speak for yourself.
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d031e1 No.19357
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fab7b6 No.19358
>4. Syrian regime change was necessary to
allow for the installation of a Roth controlled central bank. Syria is one of 4 countries that do not have a Roth controlled central bank. Cannot have a NWO without all the countries being under control of the Roths.
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6cf07b No.19359
Fuckin a right Anon
She is deliberately spreading misinformation and going unchecked
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b634c4 No.19360
beans has always stolen others' work…and now it would appear her and the BO over there got some of the $18b infusion from soros…
As soon as Q dropped the Loop info, her and BO disappeared for several hours…
Then both came back yelling 'Fake Q'…
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0715b6 No.19361
Seriously, who does she think she is?
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2890b7 No.19362
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1c0738 No.19363
Potential for 5 total markers? If we have [15][10][5], then we have 2 more?
I swear Q was telling us RR was a marker, >>7930, sayign we missed something and then put RR inside [Square brackets]. Whats the chance that the RR tweet+Qcrumb difference is another marker.
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838f4a No.19364
Why? You blind or stupid?
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ec17be No.19365
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2bb12a No.19366
Righteous… Righteous!
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257537 No.19367
Believe what you want, he’s the one besmirch his own good name and not owning up. He should have made his comments anonymously. This appeal to authority bullshit is counter to all of Q’s efforts.
If he’s such a great man he needs no apologists; now’s his chance to walk the walk. Welcome to The Storm, Corsi, own it or get lost. We were fine with our great Anons.
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2a6fb3 No.19368
It's Morgan from the walking dead…
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254f09 No.19369
If I was a pepsi addict, that right there would make me quit in a second!!! Excellant!
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b5d09b No.19370
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64ce05 No.19371
The chick is just trying to hustle shekels out of people.
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c588d1 No.19372
She is still doing it, isn't she?
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cd45d7 No.19373
Doesn't change the fact that hitler was as bad or worse than LDR or any of these fuckers we're having to deal with today, just because you share his views on jews doesn't make him someone to idolize or promote. He was a fucking evil piece of shit. If you cucks want to associate with that, then fine, but do it elsewhere. This isn't about jews. this is about ousting evil fucks no matter their make or model. so kindly sit and rotate, nazifag.
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4eb2d4 No.19374
It really is vital for people to understand, and compare that and this one >>19326 to see how people in the US govt had been turned and participated (or were able to participate) in human trafficking/child sex trafficking/child porn production/distribution. Many different departments, many different levels of officials involved.
This is the filth that needs to be rolled up. The large nature of it is a bit difficult to really picture, but there it is.
I also have one for Laura Silsby and the Haiti operation (child-trafficking) and the sketchy people involved in that…
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069487 No.19375
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2bcc2f No.19376
Comey must really love this meeting, because it's going to make "Justice flow down like a river."
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e5a5bd No.19377
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a59c3d No.19378
Her job is being the overseer mandate trustee of The Global Debt Facility, as appointed by the global 188 members who sit on the Board of Directors of the IMF and the World Bank. She, Trump and We are going to:
1. Eliminate the national debt, which is one big scam.
2. Have all countries mint their currencies free fo the banking cabal.
3. End the banking cabal scam.
Thank you Q, Trump and Karen!
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289333 No.19379
Also, doesnt Israel really want the Golan heights?>>19358
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e8a76c No.19380
Yeah, don't forget he personally gassed the 6 gazillion!
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48f9a3 No.19381
spacex rocket just had "max Q"^^
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2bcc2f No.19382
Yes, the gun-running "revelation" from Libya to Syria this past week has been known since the event .
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b634c4 No.19383
I told her to stop that shit right after BO lost his mind the other night…
Her minions started hugging the shit out of her and thanking her..
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137143 No.19384
Q post 01/07/2018:
>We will never lose again win this is finished.
<win not when
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1c0738 No.19385
fairly certain (one of) the marker we are missing is a Jan 6 tweet combo.
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13da1f No.19386
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a59c3d No.19387
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17284a No.19389
SpaceX launch successful.
Another message sent?
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b3e79f No.19390
CBTS BO acted out of ego, arrogance, and desire for fame. He wanted to do things "his way" because he does not trust the gentle flow of the Truth, how it shines all by itself when you simply let it through.
Q had problems posting since the first fiasco when the namefield was disabled, and it ended in such a way that Q has been banned from the very board made from him. Now the board has been deserted and is unmoderated. Is this a positive outcome?
Therefore, can you expect positive results with a negative attitude?
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478cd7 No.19391
Really good, that could go viral
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67bf25 No.19392
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c588d1 No.19393
she's defintely 'not my cup of tea', as the old saying goes.
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257537 No.19394
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8daf8e No.19395
>Doesn't change the fact that hitler was as bad or worse than LDR or any of these fuckers we're having to deal with today
How so?
>He was a fucking evil piece of shit
Was he? How do you know? What makes you say this?
What's your deal? I know you won't answer me except for the muh 6 million bullshit.
If it isn't about Jews then what is it really about?
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c80899 No.19396
Q ANON speaking on Alexjones
It does not matter if you like Alex Jones or not, Trump uses him as he pleases.
Check it out
Q give more insight on certain things already posted here
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23b3f0 No.19397
Me Laughing at the Clock Deciphering
(pic related)
How the Qteam Feels on their planning
(pic related #2)
What the anons are currently doing
(pic related #3)
I wanna help but I love you so no I wont tell the magic secret cause its a very very……………..very very………very……….very………..very……long journey that you aint got the willpower for.
save yourself fam
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a59c3d No.19398
I am referring to the wipe on the D forum, not to any spreadsheet.
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838f4a No.19399
Interesting after this was posted Q made a post about not being able to trace funds….hmmm coincidence? Maybe I’m just like, not smart?
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78ff44 No.19400
Thumbs Ups… Worth a Thousand Words…
More Like A MILLION Words !! MAGA
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b3e79f No.19401
Q has specifically stated "no other comms".
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b58242 No.19402
What evidence of this do you actually have? You are following these threads and have learnt nothing about how the world works?
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7c9ec4 No.19403
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67bf25 No.19404
Filtered, fucking shill.
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2bcc2f No.19405
The proof is in the pudding.
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e631ed No.19406
Wooden shekel.
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79b34b No.19407
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67bf25 No.19408
Anon, just filter him!
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c2c14e No.19409
You've literally been claiming to have some secret since CBTS #25 or earlier. Fuck off
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674d74 No.19412
We need a list of all markers in order
I cannot tonight or I would be on it. the q2pdelta spreadsheet should be a huge aid
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a6f65c No.19413
Damn, those are some old images.
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a59c3d No.19414
Sorry but I never said any of that. You are replying to the wrong person. I know who she is and spoke with Q and Trump about her already. They followed my advice.
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3f89ad No.19415
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94d9a4 No.19416
>If it isn't about Jews then what is it really about?
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ee082b No.19417
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b3e79f No.19418
The proof has to be found yourself.
Country codes are a good starting point. What next?
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7c9ec4 No.19419
You have tiny hands
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2a6fb3 No.19420
No such thing as a coincidence. everYthing has meaning.
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2bcc2f No.19421
What if I told you I went to the same school as Trump and was neighbors with him for 5 years?
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680229 No.19422
Yes, God is love. Any ideas on the new Q posts?
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309b48 No.19423
No jackass we are not, take your AI and religion and GTF out, we have work to do and you have to finish your homework or your mom will take you off the Ritalin so be good.
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c80899 No.19424
you faggot
He is disclosing the intervew Alex had with Q.
They say they will post the original call soon, but they still have not finished the editing
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680229 No.19425
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309b48 No.19426
Strange, driving home from town and what comes on the radio MIA, all I want to do, is take your money!
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7c9ec4 No.19427
you don't belong here
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6ec6db No.19428
Bitch, you're clearly arguing from an emotionally and excessively upset mindset. You have a personal dislike for Hitler, obviously. And you're using Q's less than clear finger-point at him to justify your actions. Which are, forcing your view on everyone else. Which is childish. You are too invested in what other people think and do. Ignore posts you don't like. Your disruptions are unhelpful and more detrimental than the posts you complain about, at this point in time. Which are, any post that in any way mentions Hitler in anything less than a completely negative light. In short, fuck off.
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ec17be No.19429
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0715b6 No.19430
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2bb12a No.19431
>This isn't about jews.
But… it is.
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11e5a0 No.19432
We need to use the same time for Q posts and tweets….likely EST since that is DC and the WH.
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254f09 No.19433
I'm not sure who that lady is, but it can't be Karen Hudes. She's a little off to me!
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33a047 No.19434
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06bf05 No.19435
Yeah, just posted a video link where chick says she made call that Q wasn't Q at cbts.
Q expert says Q isn't Q?
Q immediately says fuck you I ain't.
People take this chick seriously?
Chick shouldn't be allowed anywhere near /thestorm/.
A person whose actions damage themselves as well as others need to be avoided. At all costs.
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2bcc2f No.19436
How embarrassed you will be when you discover that Trump and Q both have advanced graduate degrees and are in general very well-educated.
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674d74 No.19437
back to /cbts/ with you
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f89094 No.19438
that's the thing about being retarded tho
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2969aa No.19439
Can you put trump on a black background?
Go back to the other Q
Extend the image so the "The Storm" is under the Q completely.
I think that may clean it up.
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c80899 No.19440
I know he said that but maybe they changed their mind or the intervew was made before that statement.
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2924e9 No.19441
I think the staged approach is the way to go. The trick is finding the right pace to do it.
I'm fairly old, a veteran, I've seen my share of bad shit in my life. I've waxed cynical over the years and mistrusted most everything. I fucking loath politicians! I didn't think anything could surprise or shock me anymore. But when I learned about Q and started following the discourse over at 4chan and then here, and when the FULL implications of what was being revealed hit me—the Satanists, the sick pedos, the blood, the murders, NK, the Clowns, etc.—I actually wept. I had to go off and be by myself one night because the tears flowed uncontrollably and I didn't want to be seen like that. I almost couldn't handle it. I have children and all I could think about was when they were little and them possibly being snatched up by these sick, filthy fucks and abused, tortured and murdered. I took it PERSONALLY! It was rough, but when I got over it, I wanted to, well, I'll just say I wanted JUSTICE!
We have to wake people up quick, but not too quick. I don't know the answers. I'm just an old dumbfuck fag, but let's not waste any time. To those anons leading the charge, I tip my hat to you. You are doing God's work.
And to Q, thank you!
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337036 No.19442
Maybe it's only the MARKERS that should go on that clock? As in only what's between the [brackets]??
DId someone already say this? I'm a confusedfag, smh
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ee082b No.19443
You are aware that POTUS' grandchildren are jewish, right?
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2bb12a No.19444
Q would never talk to AJ… AJ is jelly of Q.
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4eb2d4 No.19445
It's important to look at them together and compare >>19326
Actually look and compare them. What do you see?
Here's one for Laura Silsby and the Haiti operation (child-trafficking)
What do you see?
Look at the patterns
Now plug this into:
>Red Cross
disasters provides access to children
>Clinton Global Health Initiative
access to poor unwanted children in areas where records aren't kept or kept very poorly
>charities for children, PREGNANT TEENS
Has anyone really followed up to see where those babies go after they are "adopted"??
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838f4a No.19446
Cern has only been around for more than 50 years building bombs n stuff…..let’s ignore that tho…let’s make anon cranky heh
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b634c4 No.19447
Her minions hang on every word….
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d1a8b8 No.19448
So Trumps recent tweet about VoterID laws ties into an older Q post, here:
>Nov 14 2017, 18:25:09
>ID: wmN+33xv
>For the coming days ahead.
>Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?
>Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about?
>Does he need money?
>Does he need fame?
>What does he get out of this?
>Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of?
>Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?
>Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.
>Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
>Why, hours after the election, did seven people travel to an undisclosed location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting?
>Why didn’t HRC give a concession speech?
>When was the last time a presidential candidate didn’t personally give a concession speech?
>What happens if the border remained open and the MSM continued to brainwash?
>At what point do Patriots, and hard working men and woman, become the minority?
>What about voting machines?
>Who owns the voting machines?
>What about voter ID laws?
>Photo ID? When is it necessary and must be presented? Make a list. Laugh.
>Would the chances of defeating evil grow less and less with each passing year?
>What does ‘red line’ mean?
>Why, again, were the arrests made in SA so very important?
>What strings were immediately cut?
>Follow the money.
>When does a bird sing?
We also had the recent meeting at Camp David. Red line.
There are intel reports around the kremlin talking about how Assange can't be extracted as easy as we thought.
Would that explain the recent set back of the fake news award?
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fab7b6 No.19449
Sadly, it is not just US Govt officials either. It begins with the local law enforcement that are compromised, the local banks that turn a blind eye to the money-laundering, the local business owners that look the other way (motel/truckstop owners), etc. It is all truly a cancer in our society.
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257537 No.19450
Ding ding ding!!!
Basic anonymous shill tactics have failed thus far. It only makes sense the next level would involve “credible voices” “making mistakes.”
Loop Capital - Stay focused - diiiiiiiggggggggggg
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e5a5bd No.19451
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0715b6 No.19452
Honestly, I don't think she has the brains to access this place on her own. I'd pay big money to sit next to her and video her trying to.
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a59c3d No.19453
Details here
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c80899 No.19454
just listen to the interview and decide for yourself.
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b58242 No.19455
You are aware there were Jews aligned with Hitler, right?
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a4acba No.19456
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b5d09b No.19457
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674d74 No.19458
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7c9ec4 No.19460
just leave here and drink bleach
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ee082b No.19461
So his grandchildren are Nazis?
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337036 No.19462
Makes it look like you are talking ABOUT Sheriff Clarke, not like he is saying the words
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055d6f No.19464
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d98774 No.19465
Looks like a success. Get ready NK.
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4767aa No.19466
UK > Canada > Australia another possible connection: URANIUM
Canada connected to the shipment of Uranium to Iran and NK
Australia - world's largest miner of Uranium http:// www.world-nuclear.org/information-library/country-profiles/countries-a-f/australia.aspx
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b58242 No.19467
You understand little of what you speak I am afraid.
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292133 No.19468
>Next stop Alpha Centauri
We're conquering the peace loving peeples of Alpha Centauri?
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2bcc2f No.19469
Reviewing internet resources and reconveying found information–usually with credit by reference and/or links–is called research, not stealing. Have you ever heard of "footnotes." "bibliography" or "acknowledgments?" You can find these things in something called " a book." Try it sometime.
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2a6fb3 No.19470
>Black background
Like a border/frame? Not sure what you meant.
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aea608 No.19471
Love and light used together dead giveaway of luciferianism
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839615 No.19472
Q keeps putting IDEN in posts identification?
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50041e No.19473
Picture certainly looks like her. Would be a good thing.
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5da7b7 No.19474
Q also called the Pope / Lord's prayer shot call a "marker," and has also included the [] surrounding many other words or letters.
I think all are possibly a part of it.
Possible that markers should be added to a clock based on minute stamp of the Q post.
The Q/Potus markers I think are the keystone to the entire map.
Isn't that what Q told us? He told us the keystone would let us read the map, and he also said it literally represents Q and POTUS.
I think if you lay out posts based on timestamps, around the clock (probably just certain ones, possibly just the ones containing markers)…..
Would the "delta" on the Q/POTUS marker days create a "slice" of the clock, indicating the events that will occur next? Any other marked post that falls in that time gap, on any date, will happen soon?
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b3e79f No.19475
They ring true, two minor mistakes from my perspective: 1. warlike attitude 2. human nature is not as described. Nothing out of the ordinary because this may all just be semantics, because languages itself are limited and words have (too) many meanings.
I don't want to discuss this - these are my own thoughts. Thank you for asking.
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11e5a0 No.19476
Does anyone have a screen cap of the Q posts that the cbts BO[neHead] deleted? Our markers are off due to the timestamps being deleted then added back.
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507369 No.19478
100% TRUTH. AJ is SUCH an attention whore
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5d5835 No.19479
I think you meant US $
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23b3f0 No.19480
the fuck u been at? truth bread, dropped the 369….the fuck u want mofo, harvest my body parts?
damn shillary clown.
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680229 No.19481
The original words were epic enough.
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3f89ad No.19482
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a6542d No.19483
>She is not dumb. That is banking cabal shill saying that
>(You) are a lier
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64ce05 No.19485
She is a Twatter famewhore who begs for shekels so she can spend her time “investigating” but she’s always on Twatter or making videos.
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e5e5bf No.19486
'today was a good day'
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b3e79f No.19487
Which is why I try to put the focus on the ENERGY behind the message.
I am well aware of what you try to convey. This is good to keep in mind - you don't want to be the average pretend-spiritual new age lackey that copypaste spams that everywhere.
Spiritual development is the key out of this cage. It will set you free forever. You must find this yourself.
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680229 No.19488
Thank you for sharing.
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045924 No.19489
Hitler was confirmed to be cousin to Rothschild and was an AshkeNAZI Khazar Jew himself.
As was most of his SS high ranking.
"Aligned" is a weak word considering the truth.
It is true though.
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8daf8e No.19490
How does that make Hitler evil? That's the subject, the guy won't answer why he thinks hitler is evil. It's purely emotional shittery.
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dc564f No.19491
Ayo baker, please update the dough! <3
/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.5.0
/-/-/-/-/ Added CodeMonkey posts.
/-/-/-/-/ Updated with The Storm threads.
/-/-/-/-/ #15, #16 & #17.
/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
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43b5b1 No.19492
Calm before the Justice, Jail, and Death?
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11e5a0 No.19493
It's been working using EST….I had it through the end of Dec, then the BO[neHead] cbts BO screwed it up in recent days. As long as everything is EST (or just the same), it works. It does not matter where anyone is located.
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67bf25 No.19494
Fire And Fury book
Chapter 6+10 = QQ
Check this out…
en .wikipedia.org/wiki/610
"Year 610 (DCX) was a common year starting on Thursday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. "
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7c9ec4 No.19495
You must leave here and never come back cuntlord
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289333 No.19496
So the new Wikileaks video sure makes it look like JA is just roaming around outdoors
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a59c3d No.19497
Look at the patterns here:
Loop capital funds the global crime syndicates. This is the Q message decoded.
Haiti - Hillary - Soros - Loop Capital - CERN - Bitcoin - Uranium Crime Syndicate - Congress people - Mueller - Comey - McCabe, Obama, Bush. All connected.
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50dc3d No.19498
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ee082b No.19499
Then either…
POTUS is dumb for having a jew help him win the election
Kushner is clean
(You can't have it both ways)
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257537 No.19500
Maybe? Maybe he’s a Pedo? Maybe John McCain is patriotic hero. Who knows. Maybe he should correct his mistake instead of doubling down on trashing his own credibility.
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2b95ae No.19501
Could use some work and more attention to detail, but you have the right idea going!
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3bcc8f No.19502
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e06486 No.19503
Found the cabal shill.
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79b34b No.19504
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e5e5bf No.19505
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8daf8e No.19506
Kushner had very little to do with Trump winning and only got involved once Trump was in the oval office. I don't believe he's still around. I think Trump already dealt with the kushner problem quietly.
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337036 No.19507
Why would the call need edited. What could they be hiding?
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b58242 No.19508
I have made no such assessment of Kushner, the topic was Hitler and the truth of WW2.
You are narrative shaping, why are you here if not for truth?
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a59c3d No.19509
>Haiti - Hillary - Soros - Loop Capital - CERN - Bitcoin - Uranium Crime Syndicate - Congress people - Mueller - Comey - McCabe, Obama, Bush - ISIS - THE CIA - JTTF - DAVID PATRAEUS. All connected.
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64ce05 No.19510
Exactly. Shill 4 shekels.
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33a047 No.19511
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adb4b2 No.19512
No screencap needed if you're using the Raw Text Q Dump up in the bread sauce.
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d031e1 No.19513
Maybe the our meme genii can meme to discredit all the e-celebrity whores that steal our work?
I really despise them.
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337036 No.19514
I agree. He said timestamps were important
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838f4a No.19515
https://en.m. wikipedia.org/wiki/IDEN
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4606fe No.19516
Awesome…. I watched about 6 plus hours of YT about the true Hitler. That JFK quote is right on.
Anons… You realized that history is written and re-written by the victors. The Blitz - the story of the Germans mercilessly bombing London was exactly the opposite. The Brits were bombing Germany…
Think like the Russian Scandal.. The Uranium One deal.. They accuse DJT of Russian scandal to hide their Russian Scandal.. They just keep repeating history, because it has worked in the past.
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adb4b2 No.19517
Please, for the love of God, tell me you took the dick out of this. I can't red-pill normies otherwise.
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6ec6db No.19518
>We also had the recent meeting at Camp David. Red line.
Also, there was some speculation last night that "red-line" may relate to ThinThread, NSA's superior program that was improperly shelved in favor of - what was it? Trailblazer, a huge time waste and money sink. Imo an unlikely connection but I thought I'd mention it.
>Trumps recent tweet
Post pic plox.
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a59c3d No.19519
>(You) are a lier
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b5d09b No.19520
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64ce05 No.19521
Anyone editing Q’s words is the enemy. Creates misinterpretation if the words are changed or removed.
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56bbd3 No.19522
namefag with a super secure trip, im sure youre important right
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ee082b No.19523
I didn't catch the beginning of the convo. I just see night after night people saying jews this jews that, yet POTUS moved the embassy, has jewish daughter, son in law, and grandkids. But the Jew haters say they support POTUS. POTUS cant be both genius and support the "terrible" jews.
That was my point.
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cdf7a5 No.19524
Re-read ALL Q crumbs here:
https://qcodefag. github.io/?
(((they))), the rothschilds and kikes and what not, are also part of the problem, though exceptions may exist. No more cuckservatism. No more 'muh racccciiist' cuckery.
Address the question and the problems squarely. World is a racial, hostile place. Accept this, and overcome it with strength for your people, and along with like minded allies.
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2bcc2f No.19525
Ellen is not part of the globalist new age transgender gay agenda, not at all. Why would you say that? Ellen is so cool.
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96c755 No.19526
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d15f05 No.19527
Yes AJ is a attention whore yes he talks over his guests yes he can get on your nerves. Without his we may not have gotten people on board to vote for his most people wouldn't even have a clue without him and no he doesn't talk to Q but he does talk to potus and i did make a meme of him saying i'm jealous of Q. Now STFU about AJ and get to work or get the fuck out.
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cce02d No.19528
australia must be the worst country on the planet in terms of trade deals
they probably gave away uranium and paid the clinton foundation millions for the pleasure
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56bbd3 No.19529
go back to reddit idiot
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4eb2d4 No.19530
Please stop samefagging.
There was a thread created on the Fringe described as "rogue" and someone from there threatened to delete all anons' answers from the spreadsheet after their threads were shut down (which I have nothing to do with). Person was here last night from there with same threats.
What is D forum?
Yes the point exactly is that it is widespread, throughout governments and outside them in the private sector. I'm trying to get people to see the patterns
Those were actually Sheriff Clark's words! He's a good one (though not Sheriff any more). And he was right
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ee082b No.19531
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b634c4 No.19532
This….she def needs one…
She went after one of our named anons also…that shit don't fly.
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674d74 No.19533
most if not all of the anons that made /thestorm/ use names
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b58242 No.19534
A true great awakening would involve the truth of WW2. This storm is basically an encore of WW2, but in a shadow War form.
The propaganda used for WW2 shaped the "foundation myth" of Western Civilization ever since and has been used by our enemies to subjugate and hollow out the West.
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64ce05 No.19535
They should be put in Gitmo with the rest of the corrupt pedos IMHO.
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337036 No.19536
I figured. But if people don't know that - that's what it looks like. Just trying to help.
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6cf07b No.19537
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839615 No.19538
I wondered with all the media stuff in 248746
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ee082b No.19539
No, I missed the beginning of the convo.
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27fe54 No.19540
Original timestamps on all webpages are in GMT/Zulu time. When downloading a CSV from the trumptwitterarchive, I get GMT as well.
However, "Raw Text Q Dump" contains all messages in EST, and "All Q Posts (meta, txt & html)" (both Resources above) has metaFiles in EST.
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6ec6db No.19541
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838f4a No.19542
> >19515
search “Iden radio cellular weapon”
Then apply this to the previous cern posts and connect all the dots.
Happy hunting.
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4eb2d4 No.19543
>But the Jew haters
Are you Jewish by any chance, B?
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72f913 No.19544
The Brit strategy in WWII was if you kill enough
civilians they will turn on their government.
I think the west still uses that strategy to this day.
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469ec8 No.19545
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8daf8e No.19546
Trump didnt actually move the embassy. That hasn't happened yet. Trump just said it will happen. So what? Trump trusts jews, doesn't mean the people have to. Doesn't mean the people have to just swallow their obvious bullshit because the POTUS does. He's not right about everything, and just about all of his policies go against what the jews blatantly lobby for.
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f5429b No.19547
ok ANONS lets have a little story time
be me young kid playing runescape
love the fucking game.jpg
dedicate lots of time into game over years as kid.
game dies.rip
life happens im older now
runescape has been revived
how could life get any better.PDF
see twitch streamers monetize every little fag thing
see a girl do some stupid lame shit and monetize it
people call her on her SHIT
always some faggy little online personas AKA
protect their queen
it happens everywhere folks lets MOVE ON
thats what u tracy bean ppl are doing and its crowding up the board with ur stupid shit non-issue. MOVE ON and dig I hope that by me sacrificing this one POST, the ones whom were going to post, enjoy this story and reflect, to see that now isnt the time to let your emotions get the better of you
we all have different opinions here. lets move on and d-d-d-d-d-d-dd-d-d-d-d-ddDDIGGGGGGGGG
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257537 No.19548
Didn’t Corsi’s own “interpretation” of the Loop Capital comment actually contribute to the deletion of it? HELLO!!! And all the fallout?!
Loop Capital - Flack - Target
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fab7b6 No.19549
Yeah, I guess I just kind of assumed that people had already figured out the obvious, but apparently not. Ugh. Thanks for pointing out to everyone. Hopefully they'll get it.
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2bcc2f No.19550
People confuse evidence with proof. Proof is a finding of fact based on evidence, not just information, which is evidence.
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f77273 No.19551
Lul "intelligence expert" and knew about Q 2 months late. He didn't even witness the tranny porn sliding on 4 . What a newfag guy probably gets paid to spout the shit he reads in our posts lul
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337036 No.19552
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b3e79f No.19553
Yes, Ellen discusses important topics like the entire world being ruled by a satanistic Cabal and regularly reminds people how to recognize and free themselves from the satanic influence so we can create a free society based on positive values. Heh.
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ee082b No.19554
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197532 No.19555
CIA director states there is no deep state in his sparkling clean agency…..Trey Gowdy doesn't look convinced.
http:// thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/367819-pompeo-rejects-notion-of-deep-state-at-cia
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50041e No.19556
How close do you think we are?
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50dc3d No.19557
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cce02d No.19558
i listened to his zach segment the other day
i could barely understand the guy due to the low volume and muffled tone of his phone
so i had to turn the volume up and have alex nearly burst my ear drums every time he interrupted
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838f4a No.19559
IDEN seems like a soft disclosure to the TIs who were asking for recognition…gotta Drive now wish I could say more. I’ll try again later.
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289333 No.19561
Anon Scan put it out about 2 hours ago. Fundraiser video >>19531
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ccd315 No.19562
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3d139d No.19563
Clock Cipher.
What if all the messages are put on the dial at their relative times (i.e. interleaved) and then the message is read around the clock? I don't know what unwind means though. After the messages are applied by time, rotate the dial?
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b3e79f No.19564
You cannot trust statements from TV-people. You need awareness and results.
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b58242 No.19565
You're trying to simplify things far too greatly. WW2 was not remotely that simple and neither is the narrative you are putting forward with your binary choice.
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d031e1 No.19566
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aea608 No.19567
Let me give you a clue about celebrities they are all in on it they are all told what to say what to wear how to act how to react trust me there is no really cool people working in Show Business they all play A Part good guys and bad guys they all have a role some of them are meant to keep you.docile some of them are meant to keep you pissed off
That's the truth I know I worked with many of them. They have publicists that tell them what to say at the right time in order to capitalize on what's Happening and what's popular
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a59c3d No.19568
Who would be preventing Assange from being extracted?
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137143 No.19569
Which pic?
Felix Leiter. :)
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0715b6 No.19570
Whatever floats your boat…
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d126ab No.19571
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6ec6db No.19572
>https://qcodefag. github.io/?
Link-breaking is no longer necessary.
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e5e5bf No.19573
didn't watch , did it look anything like the previous launch?
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a59c3d No.19574
Maybe the British Government?
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680229 No.19575
Back down, anon. I love all of you. We are writing history.
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7c9ec4 No.19576
one of the worst offenders. they are authorities, you see
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4dc7ac No.19577
We will never lose again win this is finished.
he in place of i
could it mean HE has the Iridium? or he doesnt have iridium?
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507369 No.19578
Who the fuck are you?! lololololol You obviously got a big 'ol crush on AJ so I will ignore your pathetic word vomit. But seriously, THANK YOU for the laugh faggot
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a6542d No.19579
yes i've said that many times…english is stupid to many arbitrary rules
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64ce05 No.19581
A Beanz in Gitmo meme? Top kek
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c9ba2c No.19582
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2bcc2f No.19583
Voter ID would be the end of demoncrats, they only win by fraud. Franken, Doug Jones, Soetero, VA governor etc etc etc
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a59c3d No.19584
Yes WE are.
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e5a5bd No.19585
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ee082b No.19586
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adb4b2 No.19587
Also, you slandered the previous BO, when it was obvious someone was posing as him to raise people's hackles. This was in version 4.4.1. If you have since removed it, I retract my statement.
Pic related… Look at the trips.
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b3e79f No.19588
Reminder on a very important Q post.
Read EVERY line!
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d1a8b8 No.19589
Always in intervals of 5 minuets.
It seemed like a countdown that ended on Dec 28th, but there are many themes of Q's that have multiple meanings that we only seem to catch with the relevant news.
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cdf7a5 No.19590
THIS. Never forget (((who))) won ww2, the rape of civilization and the initiators and main profiteers of (((colonialism))).
No to subversion. No to cuckery. Division is the result of weak, fearful people blaming instead of each protecting their own people and allying with like minded.
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c83221 No.19591
>>How many past/current politicians have foundations or institutes?
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5da7b7 No.19592
Either what I said here "the delta shows the slice of pie"
Or, what if the Q/POTUS markers are to show us where to move the minute hand [5] [10] [15] etc.
Once you move the minute hand, it should be pointing towards posts that have been arranged at that location on the clock, signifying that information is immediately relevant?
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0715b6 No.19593
Good grief, Jew hatred, CERN, AI.. did the shill bus just drop another load off?
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ee082b No.19594
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d99bef No.19595
my guess is that tripadvisor has some hidden codes in the web pages signalling which businesses are pedo-friendly that is only understood by the pedos
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674d74 No.19596
good thinking, anon
try try try till we get it
simple first
I took unwind to mean decode at the time
could mean back it up by the interval as you suggest
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2bcc2f No.19597
Tracy B has a job and a husband.
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e34127 No.19598
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a59c3d No.19599
Well, the only obstacle is the banking cartel itself. Karen says ther must be an agreement among all, otherwise we will all have WWIII if the banking cartel does not cooperate with the plan.
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097345 No.19600
here is a spreadsheet where everything is sorted by time of post regardless of date
hopefully somone can make a clock or convert this to 12 hour format
all credit to excel anon i simply c/p'd and sorted
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289333 No.19601
I can't tell if its recent or not…he hasn't been seen much >>19594
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d031e1 No.19602
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8daf8e No.19603
>Jews get kicked out of 109 countries
We're done with jews. Welcome to 110.
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ee082b No.19604
Sorry, I missed what the conversation was about. I'll shut up now. :-)
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f9238b No.19605
>There was a thread created on the Fringe described as "rogue" and someone from there threatened to delete all anons' answers from the spreadsheet after their threads were shut down (which I have nothing to do with). Person was here last night from there with same threats.
At least get the story straight: An anon poster who called himself Qanon created a wannabe thread at The Fringe forum. His thread was CLOSED and DELETED. He also posted his tripe IN THE SPREADSHEET. He included the name of The Fringe forum, which was objected to by that forum.
He threatened to DELETE portions of the spreadsheet, which has caused the spreadsheet to be READ ONLY.
The Fringe forum HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with that fiasco.
It was an ANONYMOUS poster who was either off his meds, a glory gag or a shill.
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2bcc2f No.19606
Kushner went to SA the day before the Purge.
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26ed70 No.19607
And yet miraculously survived the bubble and recession because of their practices. They were bulletproof to the "recession." There may be reasons for that we are now understanding
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4606fe No.19608
There is a huge difference between the Jews and the Zionists. Hitler recognized the Zionist Merchants and Banksters and was able to fight against them. His People adored him. Austria welcomed him in the Parade of Flowers.
Anons have to accept the fact that you are now being red-pilled about Hitler. The Zionists were what he was after.
I am trying to find the documentary that convinced me and will post it when found.
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b5d09b No.19609
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a6f65c No.19610
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680229 No.19611
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59ad9b No.19612
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cd45d7 No.19613
You're right on the wasting time front, and ignoring them being the better option. You're wrong on the rest, I think you'll agree we should all stay on target. Hitler isn't the issue. jews aren't the issue (though some may be jewish) allowing the cause to be aligned with something that is in fact what we are fighting against is counterproductive. it is also a known tactic by our enemies. "look how crazy these guys are, they worship hitler" "Trump is hitler" etc. We go after darkness wherever it hides.
The storm: Your equal opportunity justice bringers.
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64ce05 No.19614
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7c9ec4 No.19615
what a buffet grazer. disgusting.
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967aed No.19616
That typo has been bugging me from the beginning. It means something.
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26ed70 No.19617
No. The week before. He had returned before it started, but he traveled with no fanfare, nor announcement, nor usual entourage. It was a blip on the radar for most.
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2bcc2f No.19618
Maybe he means outlier.
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97287f No.19619
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aea608 No.19620
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6cf07b No.19621
Leaf! I am most hungry for a maple loaf.
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674d74 No.19622
this is very helpful
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a59c3d No.19623
You are correct. The banking cabal attacked Hitler because he was not part of The Global Banking Cartel.
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6cf07b No.19624
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3d6bd5 No.19626
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337036 No.19627
Can I hope that Hor-hey guy is next?
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e34127 No.19628
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99c7ee No.19629
i felt the same way listening to that.. anyone can go back to her previous vids
i like tracy but didnt like how this was handled.
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097345 No.19630
if you could figure out a way to subtract 12 hours off of the 12 - 24 hour times, or know a way i can do it without doing it manually, let me know
otherwise i will do it manually and post it
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1c0738 No.19631
Ive had another thought, gather the markers (3 or 5 of them?) and add all the timestamps together/subtract them?
Could that be what he means by wind? Wind something UP, you build up tension in the clock.
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5d5835 No.19632
This thread is missing UFOs and the Sun God Ra. Then it would be shill-tastic.
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a59c3d No.19633
No such word.
No such agency.
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4eb2d4 No.19634
Have you actually posted any evidence in there yet?
>Does anyone have a screen cap of the Q posts that the cbts BO[neHead] deleted?
LOOK HERE: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Choose 8ch Q posts (button on the far right)
there are individual screenshots of each post.
ALSO I used that site's archive.fo of the threads you need
>/cbts/ general #295 & #299
and I have direct links to each of Q's posts on those threads in the spreadsheet. Threads were archived BEFORE DELETIONS, so that should help.
The beginning of every Q post is on a light green line for easy visual identification.
Date | Post # | direct link (to thread, also to post in archive.fo) | time/datestamp (EST) and ID
all on the same row in light green.
All Q's posts in there are harmonized to EST.
Hope that helps
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50dc3d No.19635
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b3e79f No.19636
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6ec6db No.19637
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36098c No.19638
someone leaked Bannon's book on the internet.
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2bcc2f No.19639
Maybe Tracy B made a mistake in one vid but in general shes one of the best Q vidiots.
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579d80 No.19640
hmm thanks for letting me notice this details. Will update soon.
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79b34b No.19641
Valerie Jarrett, who served in a leadership role in the Obama administration as senior adviser to the President, will join the University of Chicago Law School as a distinguished senior fellow. Jarrett's appointment begins Jan. 1, 2018.
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a6542d No.19642
someanon had an awesome pdf but i lost it during a reinstall
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c34210 No.19643
Here here! There is only ONE race, and it's the human race!
Pair of idiots. Pay attention to Q. This is good vs. evil, nothing more, nothing less i.e. not Rep vs. Dem, not black vs. white, not gay vs. straight, etc. Fuck off back to halfch /pol/ if that's your craic!
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1d6cc7 No.19644
how in the fuck is bitcoin in all this? used to launder money?
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2bcc2f No.19645
Chess not checkers.
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0715b6 No.19646
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e5e5bf No.19647
^^^i think Q gave us a clue as to timestamps etc
notice what he replied to >>8109 , and what he said
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469ec8 No.19648
I didn’t get past the 10 minute mark in that propaganda video.
I stopped after
10 Days
PhD 1972 Harvard
25 years in banking
The mods including you Tracy
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674d74 No.19649
add 12
military time
and more letters
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fab7b6 No.19650
I thought it was another reference to "winning".
Nov 22 We are winning bigly.
Nov 29 We are winning.
Trying to tell us to keep the morale up because things are going just fine. Get comfy!
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2890b7 No.19651
Patraeus. Now there’s a name that needs to be brought up. Soon!
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d031e1 No.19652
>>19620 nice work!
2 of many
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c588d1 No.19653
Yes. Think RATLINES!
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045924 No.19655
I think the truth will filter out once two things happen.
1. People win over the money masters who perpetrated the war.
2. The propaganda money stops flowing in to constantly filter the truth from being recorded as historical fact while trying to lock up anyone who disagrees.
The time is soon.
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e631ed No.19656
Holy shill shitnami, Batman.
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2bcc2f No.19657
She's a real signaler of queer virtues!
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b5d09b No.19658
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6cf07b No.19659
When she was accurate she was helpful to an extent and tolerable
When she anoints herself an expert on the backs of Anons and spreads disinformation she needs to be stopped.
Meme cannons lads
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4dc7ac No.19660
to me it should be WHEN instead of WIN (lc of course) but he removed and i inserted.
when i was removed before.. there was iridium missing.. now i is in place and he is removed. so either someone has been removed and iridium is in play or he still has no iridium
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96c755 No.19661
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e5a5bd No.19662
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8daf8e No.19663
Good luck telling the jew lovers that.
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257537 No.19664
Loop Capital - Flack - Target
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5d5835 No.19665
>how in the fuck is bitcoin in all this? used to launder money?
It would be hard to launder money with bitcoin since it has a PUBLIC LEDGER of all transactions.
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99c7ee No.19666
dude ,she redpilling the masses. not necessary.
she had gotten an ego out of this though.. may have.. the BOs that go on her show definitely have a boner about how great they r…. yet, keep fuking up Q's comms…
i know u BOs do a shit of a lot of work & we appreciate it!!! i apprecaite the anons over those who want glory and recognition… i feel its a slippery slope to the dark side
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ee79aa No.19667
i personally filter anyone talking hate about tb cause its disruptive and takes everyones attention off of Q and what we r supposed to b doing. sounds jealous and childish.
go start a tb hate board and let us work
paid to distract much
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c588d1 No.19668
Too much time spent on hate posts about Beanz and Corsi…
Lets do our work, Anons.
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292133 No.19669
>Do I smell a plan here!
Yes you do. We all know one of the first things Jeff Sessions did was reinforce civil forfeiture. The recent EO's about the Federal Credit Union System and asset forfeiture for "Corruption, trafficking, mineral extraction etc" drives it home. He's going after ALL their assets. Godspeed Mr. President, Godspeed.
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2890b7 No.19670
Is he the Oli North of today?
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1d6cc7 No.19671
well exactly thats y im asking how its involved
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d126ab No.19672
You are no different. The work you do here has been done by others, you just collect it and bring it here. The idea is to wake others up, get rid of the ego's.
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680229 No.19673
Can a memeanon make a "Obama/Hillary were unable to protect the 2016 election from Russian hacking and therefore shouldn't be in power, or Trump won legit. You cant have it both ways" meme?
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8daf8e No.19674
it's counter productive
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045924 No.19675
I love it!
For "some reason" it should be inverted in color, base black seems like it spreads a darker message (not race related, but that thought is funny)
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579d80 No.19676
Why can't you? Do you really think normies never saw a dick or that there isn't dicks on FB or they dont go on pornsite ?
Anyway, if you want a version with that image censored, I can do it.
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fab7b6 No.19677
Oh my, I hadn't even considered that before, but it makes sense. Something like that weird AC printout. Geez.
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b634c4 No.19678
Thank you MemeMaster.
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2bcc2f No.19679
I just started looking at his stuff. He generally reports whats already known, the rest he beats around the bush endlessly. I feel Zach is AJ's created Q puppet. An American muzzie with Q -level Clearance hiding in Morocco? Um-kay.
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e97697 No.19680
Top kek!
Crissy Tegan: Kek Queen? Pens?
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79a455 No.19681
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289333 No.19682
Someone should make a meme that kind of outlines all the uses for aborted babies…that would be very effective
They say the majority of women regret it…imagine if they knew how those fetuses were used
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2890b7 No.19683
AMEN! Direct that energy elsewhere. Create a board or whatever it is you do.
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52a287 No.19684
I've never got an answer to a unrelated topic, kinda, What was it that fell from Hillary Clintons leg as she was helped into the back of a S.S. vehicle, when she had the abrupt departure from the 911 memorial event 2016? Something fell from her pants and made a clanging noise?
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b65f14 No.19685
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4606fe No.19686
Here is the Hitler 6 plus hours documentary.
Lincoln fought the central banks…JFK was killed because he fought the central banks.. Hitler fought the centrals banks… successfully post WWI
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FdGOkaJbjg
I know this is a long video, but I am convinced. Lost friends over this opinion.
Don't take the blue pill….
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5972dd No.19687
When was the last time you created videos consistently that bring people to the good side?
Have you ever created videos and do you know what it takes including time and equipment?
Beanz will red pill more normies than her circle jerking haters who only have the discipline or attention span to post shit memes.
Prove me wrong.
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257537 No.19688
Bank said after Loop Capital, credit no good.
(Mic drop)
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b58242 No.19689
I believe that is inevitable yeah. Just a question of length of time.
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b634c4 No.19690
But we don't intentionally put out false info for a purpose…
Difference btwn research and agenda.
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c34210 No.19691
What "They say" is bullshit.
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56bbd3 No.19692
Filter ALL name fags, they are cancer. Anything useful will be repeated by anons.
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adb4b2 No.19693
I'm not the only one that wants this to red-pill normies, anon. Please, be a patriot and censor it. Your work is important.
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2bcc2f No.19694
Their job is to brainwash.
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6ec6db No.19695
>allowing the cause to be aligned with something that is in fact what we are fighting against is counterproductive.
Is it? What, because some posters in some of the threads still show signs of reverence for Hitler? (a) That means nothing; (b) you gotta understand, some of the posters here came from /pol/ and they have been believing for years, possibly, that Hitler is /theirguy/, yet they mean well and it is neither fair nor reasonable for newfags or anyone, for that matter, to expect them to reconstruct their worldview so quickly, just be patient and let them come around as they surely will when they feel there is sufficient evidence, which is why they became convinced in their own minds that Hitler was good in the first place, and which there surely will be if Q is in fact legit (which I believe he is). When Nazi posts become even one tenth as detrimental as they were at the end of 4/cbts/, feel free to sound the alarm. But no sooner, please.
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579d80 No.19696
hmm thanks for letting me notice this details. Will update soon. He's still a shill tho. See other proofs (and he was called out by Q) but story done, lets move on from the drama ^^
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99c7ee No.19697
besides its AS… GS son's blockchain that controls it??? this way investigated a looooooooooooooooong time ago
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f77a93 No.19698
If that is Karen Hudes, this shit this is going to be one bizarre storm
Worth a read:
http://www.interpretermag. com/karen-hudes-rts-whistleblower-who-believes-world-bank-controlled-by-second-species/
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839615 No.19699
we win, It's finished
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469ec8 No.19700
Go back to plebbit.
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674d74 No.19701
some in the last thread asked what Q was doing up at 3:00am.
>I now believe clock ciphering a post for us
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4767aa No.19702
Could Australia be the Cabal's lifeboat in the even of a nuclear war?
>5m people in a country same size as USA
>Lots of natural resources
>nice and out of the way from from all the fighting
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ee082b No.19703
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11e5a0 No.19704
ID for this Beanz for filter??
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aea608 No.19705
First thing I don't think it's a coincidence that your post ends and three sixes.
Secondly making money off of this process is pathetic.
Make YouTube videos about cooking about how to fix cars saving the planet? Be like Jonas Salk just give it away for the good of humanity
GTFO go give her a back rub or something
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26ed70 No.19706
I do not think that the different pieces are new. I wish that they were, but the way it is cut to make the phrases has me concerned. I wish it were true though, I will say again, because there is a play by the group he started to take away their tax exempt donation status and protect it under free speech laws. He was basically sold out, because the nonprofit he helped to start received a generous donation and sort of rotted from the inside out. While I was reading about it from wiki and his last few posts, I was reminded of stuff we have seen here in how that devilry works.
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6cf07b No.19707
No, it's vital. When someone is deliberately spreading false information about this it's not an annoyance or a distraction. It's CIAnigger bullshit I don't care who it is. If she was in here being inaccurate she'd be flamed.
Same rules apply outside. We didn't force her to get in bed with us, she did that herself. If you can't take the heat get your ass out of the kitchen. She's now a redpill LIABILITY AND THAT DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS Q AND IS RELEVANT
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8daf8e No.19708
Tried to bring up the HQ to my uncle, who was once stationed in Germany (70s) and he tried to tell me proof was that there were gas valves coming out of the ground. I was like "cyanide is not a natural gas" and he got pissed off.
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289333 No.19709
I just mean statistics when I say "they" >>19691
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e5e5bf No.19710
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2bcc2f No.19711
Does this orange jumpsuit make me look fat? Yes, it does.
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a6542d No.19712
it her … i sat through hours of her blabbing
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adb4b2 No.19713
I agree that he was quite disingenuous. May have sold out. I'm glad we've moved on.
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d49e97 No.19714
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0715b6 No.19715
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c34210 No.19717
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6ec6db No.19718
>The storm: Your equal opportunity justice bringers.
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e34127 No.19719
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2bcc2f No.19720
That one time they had sex without some kids.
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b58242 No.19721
Hitler being the only man to actually arrest a Rothschild.
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a1bcf9 No.19722
Been there, done that. Don't get discouraged; some people just don't want to learn the truth.
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dc0c30 No.19723
Jorge Ramos
Listen to him and close your eyes
He sounds exactly like a Robin Williams character
https://www .youtube.com/watch?v=Ercuui06kxs
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ee082b No.19724
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4767aa No.19725
>23m people in a country the size of USA
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e97697 No.19726
lions are a nice touch. homage
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2bcc2f No.19728
aka "brains" or "smarts." Try it sometime.
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13da1f No.19729
How much did AUS donate to CF? 10 yrs $88 m > $0 when wikileaks emails. CF records don’t match AUS. dailycaller.com/2016/07/27/exclusive-clinton-foundation-got-20m-from-down-under-or-88m/
How much did SA donate to CF? WSJ says $10-$25 m, Since 2001, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates gave as much as $40 million to the Clinton Foundation. Individuals donation records?
Read more here: www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article24782695.html#storylink=cpy
AUS was heavily involved with HIV/AIDS Clinton Health (Access)Initiative. CHI was “facilitator” means they skimmed 10% and passed money onto “local” groups. www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/08/the-sordid-history-of-australias-deals-to-facilitate-the-clinton-foundations-access-to-asia.html
AUS uses soft diplomacy especially dealing with China. Advantageous to coordinate vaccine programs through CF than conduct air raids in Syria.
Obama and his successor could control China/SEAsia. We could control ME by partnering with Saudis—$165 billion worth of arms sales were approved by the State Department to 20 nations whose governments gave money to the Clinton Foundation. The counties buying weapons from the US were the same countries previously condemned for human rights abuses. They included Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. $29 billion weapons to SA www.huffingtonpost.com/medea-benjamin/hillary-clinton-saudi-arabia_b_9374490.html
Why is this relevant? Only works if Labor party is in power in Australia. 2013 liberals came to power in Australia. MbS was named crowned prince early 2017 in surprise move. Mohammed bin Nayef was longtime favorite of US.
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2890b7 No.19730
How long did that one take?
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b3e79f No.19731
That is an excellent thing to do. Thank you for bringing the attention to this.
We sure could use help of awakened people with good public reach.
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4dc7ac No.19732
when was the last time you monetized someone else's work for shekels?
have you ever jerked off with a cheese grater?
beanz is as relevant as a chode node.
you are wrong
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6a76b7 No.19733
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50041e No.19734
Why not just take out the cartel?
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a59c3d No.19735