0b031e No.19861 [Last50 Posts]
The Republic of The United States of America is being Restored
The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.
There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.
Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.
It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here Are The Facts:
There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22
There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.
As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.
Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.
Solution? Sincere Patriots.
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. ― Thomas Jefferson'''
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our Goal Is Simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE]. We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
Important Post for Q From CodeMonkey:
"The best, easiest and most secure way to do this would be for Q to become a board owner himself.
Q should create his own board via 8ch.net/create.php. Once the board is secured, he should edit the board settings and enable the CAPS ONLY function. When that happens, only moderators can create threads. Once he creates a thread, he can then lock it so only he can post there. In this case, he won't lose the board because it's explicitly for data dumps only (there are many boards like this on 8chan, like PDF libraries, personal blogs etc.). Discussion would continue on /thestorm/ or any other board of your choice.
If you need help setting this up, I'm all ears. No need for private communications whatsoever."
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
0b031e No.19862
>>13696 rt >>13655 "Mark graphic material": gop.gov/solution_content/plannedparenthood/
>>13615 rt >>13534
>>13138 rt >>13129
>>13128 rt >>13104
>>13097 rt >>13061
>>8223 rt >>8172
>>8159 rt >>8109
>>7958 rt >>7935
Q posts in /thestorm/ after migration:
[01/05/18 CBTS and /thestorm/ posts together]
01/05/18 CBTS:
Posts on 01/05/18 (EST) (Archive only)
#299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –
www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118
#295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –
media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg
>>5204 -> Graphic
01/04/18 (EST)
>>>/cbts/239015 rt >>>/pol/res/11115887
>>>/cbts/239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation
>>>/cbts/239917 -> Confirmation The Second
>>>/cbts/239968 -> BO Confirms
>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.
C!0demonkey NEW message on Q/BO Controversy 01/06
C!0Demonkey Confirms Q post made in /thestorm/ 01/06
C!0demonkey on making a CBTS secure board per Q's request
The Board Owner Q IS BACK Tripcode Update
Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update
C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement
Board Owner's emergency announcement
>>>/cbts/224690 ← Modanon explains
Q's Tripcodes
For posterity, here are the old trips Q had used so far:
Q !UW.yye1fxo
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Q !2nVA4xm522
(last trip was wrong trip due to error in entering password)
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
0b031e No.19867
Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)
1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg
2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg
3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg
4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg
5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png
6: s20.postimg. org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg
7: s20.postimg.org/5eexzohkd/thestormqmap1b_1-07-18.png
Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/
NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/
This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.
Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.
Learn to Read The Map
New throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/
https:// oversight.house.gov/interactivepage/plannedparenthood/
New Spreadsheet
New smartsheet spreadsheet has been made.
NEW LINK: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232
NOTE: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.
We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.
THANK YOU all anons who have helped out, added answers, found news items, given support and had patience with this project.
Latest Q Map - Camp David Weekend Edition
>>>/cbts/252184 media.8ch.net/file_store/92a7a7fd28c4fb2505bfc47e0fe2b370a82dc22ab9a2a4f0c27b7aa80f9cec27.jpg
All Q Posts (meta, txt & html): 496 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/a27edc1e7b365bd954aacd2963d1bd44
Interactive: qcodefag.github.io
Interactive backup: qanonmap.github.io
News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
Raw Text Q Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE
Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/G1N1v0dfb1/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.5.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/M9A8v4d8b3/Q_Spreadsheet_DATASET_01-07.csv >>11976
Time Stamp Spreadsheets: .xls - anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx .csv - anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
0b031e No.19869
CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Archive of all 8chan /cbts/ Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Q Posts & DJT Tweets Side by Side For Comparison - As Q Requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Spreadsheet >>15121
'xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx
.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>>/cbts/111700 , >>>/cbts/119941
Free research resources: >>>/cbts/216402
For site archival: archive.fo/
Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Reverse Image Search: tineye.com
Compilation of all players/actors and connections: >>13189
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
0b031e No.19872
>>17909 Upcoming OIG report likely to trigger second special counsel -Zerohedge
>>17871 Phili DA fires 31 on 4th day of job - -Zerohedge
>>17265 Fire and Fury available as pdf - WikiLeaks
>>15938 Iranian oil tanker crashes into Chinese ship near NK
>>14309 JFK Chaos
>>13981 RR Sister in charge of Vaccines for CDC?
>>14304 Chicago to HK flight diverted to alaska - vandalized with excrement
>>13002 Union Station DC Evacuated
>>12990 Emergency landing at JFK - report of engine fire
>>12334 California family dead - murder suicide
>>12275 Plane catches fire after collision on runway
>>11782 Ex-Iranian President Arrested
News Section Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>17675 Fire and Fury , Ch6 and 10 'O' changed to 'Q' -> WikiLeaks
>>17726 anons 40,000ft view compilation
>>17380 Seven TRILLION Q Connection
>>16799 In-Q-Tel , Genetic Engineering , PepsiCo , TacoBell and 50% reduction in sperm counts
>>16759 Loop Capital Markets - Financials
>>16581 When Fake Communitst took over a Wisconsin town
>>16459 , >>16471 Relationships Map - Huma , VJ , MB
>>15704 [rr_out] Q message , POTUS tweet , time stameed
>>14152 rt >>13838 Epiphany!
>>13959 Body Parts Raid in November
>>13925 Obama agency rules Pepsi use of fetal cells 'ordinary business'
>>13753 7th Floor - wikispooks
>>13760 , >>14161 7th floor is no more
>>13655 , >>13658 House Investigation into Planned Parenthood
>>13556 Missing Money - 13B , 6B
>>13515 First Pentagon Audit in History
>>11987 Airplanes missing and Eric Schmidt
>>11968 Mass data collection since Reagan (1981)
Notable Posts Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
More info: >>>/cbts/140461
>>>/cbts/120430 (Petition)
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
0b031e No.19876
Research Resources >>>/cbts/211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>>/cbts/26613
Asia Foundation >>>/cbts/15984
Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705
British Connections >>>/cbts/117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>>/cbts/1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>>/cbts/195194
Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952
Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102
Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163
Israel & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398
Many research links here to give background on current events >>>/cbts/255999
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>>/cbts/147334
North Korea >>>/cbts/1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249
Plane Crashes Thread >>>/cbts/56075
Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198
Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300
Planned Parenthood* >>13655
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171
Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157
Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327
Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139
Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576
Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367
Stringers, military courts >>>/cbts/189447
Titanic >>>/cbts/106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346
Who is P? >>>/cbts/202645
* ==Emphasized by Q==
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>>/cbts/211983.
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0b031e No.19877
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1: >>>/cbts/2
Memes #2: >>>/cbts/61078
Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604
Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207
Memes #5: >>>/cbts/189835
Memes #6: >>7090
Infographs: >>>/cbts/10
Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875
Meme Ammo: >>7161
Meme Ammo By Topic: pastebin.com/WnudyCpd from >>14323
Image Archive by Topic >>18752 , >>18760 , >>18765
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>>/cbts/134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts
Part 1: >>>/cbts/189448
Part 2: >>>/cbts/189460
Part 3: >>>/cbts/189467
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
^^The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
RedPill Questions - Not Q
>>15931 Foundations
>>15998 Politicians
>>16064 Anti-Trump
>>16204 Planned Parenthood
>>16438 Plane 9/11
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>>/cbts/55606
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
0b031e No.19882
Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http/https://www' part.
e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and the browser will resolve.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Read >>>/cbts/226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart: YOU IGNORE THEM.
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Last Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: pastebin.com/aHAhnExQ From thread: 25
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4bf357 No.19899
Delicious… Thank you Baker
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985dd1 No.19902
i know i posted this in the last bread - - not trying to spam - - but Q posted about WINDING a clock
i have updated the sorted by time spreadsheet so hours 1 - 12 and hours 12 - 24 are combined — essentially, all posts are in the order of a 12 hour analog clock
someone make a damn clock with this shit
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0ef8bc No.19903
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7af3f4 No.19904
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df7d49 No.19905
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d129ef No.19906
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2408aa No.19907
in case IDEN has two meanings.. this IDEN is rather creepy
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d29ed0 No.19908
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f65b53 No.19910
Attention TimestampFags
Anyone needing a handy resource for trying to find markers by comparing to POTUS twitter, plotting Q posts on clock faces, etc. please see the below links. I broke out the time for you and sorted by minute, regardless of the day or hour.
Baker feel free to include this if desired, although it's just a minor tweak on the Data set that I keep updated and in the batter.
Excel: anonfile.com/t4Pcvbd5b9/Q_Data_Set_-_Minute_Edition.xlsx
CSV: anonfile.com/s6P6vbd5b4/Q_Data_Set_-_Minute_Edition.csv
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6efe22 No.19911
I am soooo hoping so! When is the last time he would be able to be in the sunshine!?
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299a41 No.19912
I know it's on their building
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df7d49 No.19913
do we have a confirmation on who runs nk or are we still questioning if its cia or EM
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dda002 No.19914
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9c5618 No.19915
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0698e5 No.19916
Q post 01/07/2018:
>We will never lose again win this is finished.
<win not when
Steve Wynn of Las Vegas fame?
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82b4ba No.19917
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a5fe9d No.19920
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f65b53 No.19921
Watch for a POTUS tweet or major news with a keyword of "win."
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985dd1 No.19922
thank you for your work
i took your original sheet and made it so hour 12 became hour 0, hour 13 hour 1, essentially combining the posts into a 12 hour clock time frame
>>19902 find it here
couldnt have done it without your work anon, much appreciated, hopefully you can do something with the 12 hour version if you wish to
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ae6b8d No.19923
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726682 No.19925
Love and good intuition will set you free
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7af3f4 No.19926
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299a41 No.19927
Ugh typed no. In wrong
On great Pepsi meme, I know it's on their building
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7a2269 No.19928
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4e8b62 No.19929
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d129ef No.19930
/Ourguy/ since he btfo Jim accosta for cosmopolitan bias
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19b31b No.19931
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8f9113 No.19932
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0b031e No.19933
an update is an update , added
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7af3f4 No.19934
My thoughts as well.
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669c32 No.19935
We will never lose again ….Win ! This is finished >>19916
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82b4ba No.19936
Think clock.
Wind the clock w/ all markers.
Future proves past.
>key word timestamp
also, military time
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f65b53 No.19937
Thanks, it's a group effort. I was only able to build mine on the back of the rawtext anons that initially scraped data.
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281131 No.19938
why would you go to a 12 hour clock? that just causes confusion.
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1bf400 No.19939
Cast your vote for the header picture!
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e40a5b No.19940
If you haven’t seen the final PP report…..
PP final report archives-energycommerce.house.gov/sites/republicans.energycommerce.house.gov/files/documents/Select_Investigative_Panel_Final_Report.pdf
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0ef8bc No.19941
I dont think seconds are relevant >>19910
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50474c No.19942
This guy is too cool and collected. Glad he’s teamQ.
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82b4ba No.19944
Q said use military time, so 24
marker may be necessary to adjust that
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be5bc1 No.19946
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984ec2 No.19947
MW could also be Mark Warner. He is worth a cool 250 million due to some insider info he got on the telecom industry
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fcb3bc No.19948
Thanks for this. That last entry on Sheet 1 of "12:36:31AM" should be 00:36:31, surely!?
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281131 No.19949
hour 12 is not 00:00
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1bf400 No.19950
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933d73 No.19951
He has that schiffty scum film about him.
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fcb3bc No.19952
00:00 = 12 midnight
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82b4ba No.19953
true, think we are on the page 00:00-23:59
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0b031e No.19954
can you repost this with the link broken , and ill add it to the dough
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984ec2 No.19955
He is definitely smarmy as hell. I hate Schiff…would love to see him go down >>19951
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0e9b8c No.19956
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0daa8b No.19957
I meant he makes good points, and that I was filtering the other cucks… #FuckinTriggeredForNoReason
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3f72e7 No.19958
He is great!! Very smart and together!
I honestly don't know how they all handle it, from POTUS, to him, to Sanders. How they deal with the press and not want to slap them silly. I would have thrown my mic at Jake's ugly face and walked out!
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97baa8 No.19959
"Riders on the Storm", the Doors
https: //youtu.be/BLBV6ZwLKDU
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44cf24 No.19960
Me too anon, me too!
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f65b53 No.19961
They aren't, but they are in their own column, not really affecting the sort, so I left them. More info never hurts.
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9c5618 No.19962
JA outside?? In the natures??? Nippy air???? Where could he be!!!??
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933d73 No.19963
How many will not return to Congress or announce exits this week? 30-40-50? Lyin Elijah, McCainslewabel, who else?
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82b4ba No.19964
good choice
awesome riffs
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a285e1 No.19965
So guys is Julian free? Old video? I don't think so or green screen?
Huge if big
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d129ef No.19966
Hi Anonfriend. I like your style
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32595e No.19967
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933d73 No.19968
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6efe22 No.19969
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0ef8bc No.19970
What makes you think the post time is relevant?
What message would it transfer?
Would it nod indicate that there is a limit of posts to how many post will be made?
Does Q responding to anons not destroy the code?
What about the mess with Q being banned?
I fear you guys are wasting your time, drop it and do some productive research
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44cf24 No.19971
I think it is Green screen, but i think he left the embassy
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5c43ce No.19972
Where is BO?
Where is Hillary?
Where are the Podestas?
Where is GS?
Where is Imran Awan?
I want to Trust Sessions. I also want these listed parties and others to be prosecuted publicly.
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9a073f No.19973
http://www. northjersey.com/story/news/sussex/2018/01/07/plane-hard-lands-sussex-county-no-injuries-police-say/1011693001/
Plane 'hard lands' in Sussex County; no injuries, police say
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e0e86b No.19974
Can I get the stacks of money meme with
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281131 No.19975
must be the way it was worded.
00:00 hours has always been midnight, 13:00 is 1:00 in 12 hour clock.
yep, that's it, the way the op posted it.
should have just said transfered to 24 hour clock.
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e40a5b No.19976
From SpookAnon archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/qxwGMxKu/page/2/
7 entities controlling henchmen 1 dead, 2 in wind since election. Believed they still use Numbers stations. Who are the 7? Soros isn’t one.
Middle henchmen: global elitists, Bilderberg, Zionist Elders, corporations, and banks.
Wars are plotted decades in advance and orchestrated to achieve the destruction of nations and natural elites, depopulation, demoralization, and of course power and profit.
Zionist Elders. Hitler gave them Israel, JFK gave them nukes, what’s do they want from Russia? War.
Hitler died fighting them when they changed the agreement for a better offer.
JFK was killed for attempting to stop them from developing nuclear weapons.
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82b4ba No.19977
sounds like a 3/10
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83e4be No.19978
Bakers…please add Corsi “Errors” to batter so YT fuckery has proper deterrence.
This Corsi shit is flagrant.
“Loop Capital is not the crumb your looking for.” - Corsi
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f47785 No.19979
what has she done?
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7af3f4 No.19980
My bad son, sorry.
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50474c No.19981
Agreed. We have a great team. Calm and cool wins EVERY time. Let them throw stuff.
The Long Game.
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df542a No.19982
Anons- I don't want to distract from convo but I want to make sure banner is acceptable. Several anons have mentioned it is too cluttered. Please suggest any changes and/or create a worthy banner to replace it. If you want to suggest little tweaks I suggest we move to a separate thread as to stop cluttering.
No more name fagging from me. I don't want or need credit/attention and I don't give a fuck if you think my banner image was shit because I'm not an emotional little bitch.
< Here's the original art I was just shopping over if you want it.
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12c003 No.19984
Hey timestamp fags I wrote a Python script to analyze Q's posts.
Can map any digit value to any char you want.
https://pastebin. com/BXsvU7Kz
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d1344d No.19985
Can we count? Is this really #24?
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82b4ba No.19986
they are all good
even the sauce
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a285e1 No.19987
The second scene looks legit like hes's outside almost. The leaves and clouds look like green screen tho
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0daa8b No.19988
No prob fam, same team.
"Don't F with THIS lad, Eh?" lol
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50474c No.19989
She’s over the target. Shills are blowing her up.
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985dd1 No.19990
Q said to wind the clock, and clocks generally have 12 numbers, so i was looking for a way to order the timestamps around a simple clock
this is true, if you wish to put what i have as hour 00 after 11, please do, but 12 is at the top of the clock , and i am trying to read it like a clock, and for the column sorting sake, that required me to put 0
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933d73 No.19992
The people are crying out for justice.
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6efe22 No.19993
Is it Jerome Corsi we are talking about? I got some anon graphics I can send him to correct him on this?
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9c5618 No.19994
The one you got is good
If these newfags are more worried about the pic than the content and nutrition of the breads then we’ve got a problem
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281131 No.19996
the whole top section is nothing but a novel in itself.
not many will take the time to read all that, let alone hit any of the wall of links in it.
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d129ef No.19997
Promoting disinformation
CM confirmed all disputed Q posts as real. She along with doctor diabetus are still claiming they are fake. They are claiming loop capital is not the "crumb you are looking for" - when any half tard with eyes can read Q himself tell us to dig on it.
Disinformation shills
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e9c6b0 No.19998
I liked v 3.0 (I think) as well as the current. Great work.
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a8a9e1 No.19999
Great graphics work fellow Anon! Press on. Godspeed!
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024de8 No.20000
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dc04f7 No.20001
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82b4ba No.20002
here ya go, anon
https:// www.wattpad.com/437853234-codes-and-ciphers-clock-cipher
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d129ef No.20003
She's spreading false information
Filter this glowing nigger
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bda6ef No.20004
I remember 15=Past, 10=Past, 5= Preset from our digging and Q on the CBTS board regarding the time difference between Q and POTUS tweets…could this be relevant to the "clock"? I truly think Q posted the "future" events first then to present…at least at the beginning posts.
What is the connection with Q and POTUS time stamps? I'm pulling my hair out!! Aughh!!
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5c43ce No.20005
Yes Dr. Jerome Corsi
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a285e1 No.20006
Holy shit there's shadows on his face, wtf
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d29ed0 No.20007
The goldleaf lion in the upper-left would be a great add.
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9c5618 No.20008
Should we start a new thread dedicated to Tracy fucking Beanz?? This is out of hand
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82b4ba No.20009
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985dd1 No.20010
>https:// www.wattpad.com/437853234-codes-and-ciphers-clock-cipher
thank you
nice numbers
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30f16a No.20011
Yeah…over the target….no.
She's still saying that Q's posts from the 5th are fake, that Corsi knows all about Q, and she busts on B from this board.
2 hours ago.
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df7d49 No.20012
yes jesus christ we are going through bread like a mother fucker
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df7198 No.20013
>>19902 – ok, thank you
perfect…thank you
Wind the clock w/ all markers.
Future proves past.
Piecing all markers together now…tapping into full autism mode.
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90156e No.20014
More Karen Hudes stuff. Common and recent themes on her twatter. Letter pdf posted today.
https://twitter. com/karenhudes
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bfc49d No.20015
We will never lose again.
W, in this, is finished.
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1bf400 No.20016
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2a7d47 No.20018
Anons - sorry if posted but an important read
https://theconservativetreehouse. com/2018/01/07/wow-interesting-interview-with-joe-digenova-links-doj-nsd-john-carlin-with-fisa-court-judge-rudolph-contreras/
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f65b53 No.20019
>What makes you think the post time is relevant?
Q has said repeatedly timestamps matter
>What message would it transfer?
That'what we are trying to determine. Various methods being tested, including mapping timestamps to characters, or arranging posts and having markers point to them.
>Would it nod indicate that there is a limit of posts to how many post will be made?
Does a clock run out of minutes to use?
>Does Q responding to anons not destroy the code?
Not if you are filtering that as noise, and only consider marked posts
>What about the mess with Q being banned?
Starting to sound pretty glowy to me, nigger.
>I fear you guys are wasting your time, drop it and do some productive research
How about you go search the archives for how many times Q has asked us to find the keystone, learn to read the map, note the markers.
>pic related
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281131 No.20020
your going to throw it all off by 12 hours like that, unless your actually calling out mid day as 12:00.
otherwise it's 1200hrs.
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885b9e No.20022
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bda6ef No.20023
YES!!! That would truly be a God send to relieve all debt!!
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5c43ce No.20024
Did we confirm it was her at Camp David? She has twatted that DJT is a fake, back in Jan and March 2017.
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d1344d No.20025
The dude has only looked at Q posts for 10 days and Tracy builds him up as an expert witness.
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d129ef No.20026
this is vital because she is fucking up the redpills which is a Q DIRECTIVE TO GIVE THE NORMIES
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2a7d47 No.20027
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7af3f4 No.20028
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6efe22 No.20029
Done. We just need to prove them wrong with the facts. If he knows that Obama is a fraud there is no reason he shouldn't be able to look at the facts and agree that they need digging.
Bonus if it also shuts up Beanz.
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776590 No.20030
Tell me that's not a drone…
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7c99f4 No.20031
use it if you want
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1090fd No.20032
may the force be with you
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07398e No.20033
15 is 1111
10 is 1010
05 is 0101
is that our countdown our clock?
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1bf400 No.20034
Advice on meme-ing the Black pop.
Look up current trap stars.
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5c43ce No.20035
Karen Hudes—
DJT is a Fake…. Not to be trusted, unless something has changed.
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984ec2 No.20036
Mark Warners biggest campaign donors are Chase and the Blackstone Group
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82b4ba No.20037
>Tell me that's not a drone…
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9988b7 No.20038
Tell me what post numbers you are missing and I will find them for you if I can.
I just looked, for example for this thread
link left intact because it is internal and it is 404
the archive of that thread exists:
I will go through the spreadsheet and continue to update all of Q's posts on 8ch with direct links to the posts in the archive.fo of the thread.
Did you look on that site also for the threads on /cbts/? He has archives there up to #305
Please also cross-post your findings to the Loop Capital thread!
Well whatever man, I'M the admin of the spreadsheet so I can see all the history of every cell on there. I know what was posted exactly when.
Q definitively stated he/they did NOT post anywhere but halfchan and here.
So anyone claiming to have talked with Q, have had messages from Q or that he/they posted anywhere else is either lying or misinformed (duped).
Q was very, very clear.
>You do not have any of the deleted Q posts there nor any files from the dates I mentioned posted. A huge amounts of dates missing.
Are you talking about on the spreadsheet? Q posts are missing?
If so, please cite exactly which ones, on which dates.
>getting a 404 on that link
Try again, works fine for me. Another anons test please?
>definitely need the pre-deletion caps & timestamps…that's important. also need to verify what time zone they were captured in, which is likely wherever your browser is located.
I'm in EST so that helps. ALL Q posts that I see are on EST. This is harmonized with textanon's raw text file as well.
>all the Q drops from the 25th of December until the second of Feb
Q wasn't around anywhere in February. What are you talking about?
Q has made VERY clear he does NO drops on ANY other site.
You were not talking with Q.
> suggest a format that shows a money loop, or like a loopy loo from the unsuspecting communities and knowing lobbyist donors to Obummer and his cronies and bypassing the communities they are meant to help?
>Or… like a freeway loop that bypasses the hoods for a speedy cash drop to the big playas.
Ok, thank you - I will try to incorporate that.
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bfc49d No.20039
W I N Conference
A pioneer in the field of professional women’s events and leadership journeys on a global scale WIN inspires leaders, to run companies and initiatives with noble values, and to fully live their own lives with beauty and enthusiasm.
With a creative and holistic take on traditional business topics, WIN has transformed and celebrated thousands of women and hundreds of companies. Through plenary sessions and workshops, the Global WINConference looks at the World, Work and You and how we can all make a contribution as agents of possibility. The Global WINConference is the most established forum on leadership and female empowerment in Europe and it has been running since 1998.
WIN accelerates change by modelling, developing, empowering and connecting leaders in a global, authentic and feminine way.
http ://www.winconference.net/WINConference
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2a7d47 No.20040
You are absolutely correct! That girl needs to shut it. She’s ruining everything.
Too many breads because her “followers” are here
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07e895 No.20041
youtu.be /4V0N1x675FQ
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d1344d No.20042
Why redundant flags? Balance?
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9c5618 No.20043
So do it and be done with it! Nobody gives a fuck about Tracy beanz we are here for much bigger reasons than one dumbass who can’t tell her head from her ass
A real Q post from a real Q post
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df7198 No.20044
This doesn't work….it needs to be sorted by Date & Time so that it will correlate with certain Twatter posts. 1 crumb drop needs to be 1 row with Date & Time of drop.
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bda6ef No.20045
Hmmm…made me think of "bath salts"…wtf was in that and why were people taking it? Somebody (clowns) had to put it out in public and tell people.."oh hey, this will get you really high", but they leave out the part about it making you want to eat people! WTF?!
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263435 No.20046
Fucking shit.
She's getting jerked around because she's an idiot falling for /cbts/ BO being an idiot.
It's a retard chainfuck of glorywhoring going more public by the day.
The drama takes away from the research.
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985dd1 No.20047
keep us updated anon
if you need any grunt work done i will be up
i will repost the original 24 hour clock with no changes sort in SHEET 2 of the spreadsheet within the next few minutes
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7c99f4 No.20048
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2a7d47 No.20049
Don’t get me started on that fool. He is just like Kaine
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9c9785 No.20050
I like the original.
Minimalist here, so at most, Lion top left, 'Q' top right, /TheStorm/ across the bottom.
Great work, regardless.
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3f72e7 No.20051
I know, but I still want to throw something at Jakes ugly face, he's got that droopy eye thing going - perv!
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d129ef No.20052
Proof is CM validating the Q posts they dispute. They cannot possibly argue they know more than the fucking site admin
Additionally if you can read you can see Q yelling at us to keep digging on loop and they say he said to disregard. FALSE
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df7198 No.20053
link works now…not sure what changed. thanks
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985dd1 No.20054
look at >>19910
for that i think this one will serve you better
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984ec2 No.20056
They all look like they have someone locked in their basement >>20049
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e0e86b No.20057
Love it….Next stop Twatter! Keep 'em coming, anon! Thanks!
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4c4a08 No.20058
Hi i'm a newfag.
I came here yesterday from twitter.
OMG hi everybody!
Guess what? Potus is going to come out and tell the world that people are eating babies!
And And guess what, Pepsi is filled with ground up babies (yeah i saw the stem cells report), the earth is flat, and unicorns are real.
This is like the best day ever!
I Apologize to the Autists still working hard to research hard data for shitting up the board.
It's been an amazing couple of months.
You glorius bastards.
God Bless and Godspeed
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9a6c89 No.20059
That's how controlled opposition works.
Instead of saying something like "The anons…" it becomes "We" like she is digging, etc. Then her drooling followers think that she is in the "know" and that she has "all of the answers." Then she can say whatever the fuck she wants, no matter how off the mark she is.
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50474c No.20060
Jesus. People are aloud to be wrong on a point. He IS wrong on Loop- he missed it. So what. Steve B of Microsoft said that the iPhone would never gain any market share. It happens.
Focus on Loop, memes and other red pilling activity.
And ironically- I will to. Kek
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854935 No.20061
Cheap chinese research chemicals of all sorts. Mainly alpha-pvp as far as i know. Synthetic cathinone, psychedelic and stimulant effects. basically kept people awake for days, + tripping = severe psychosis, I think the face eating was just media shenanigans.
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7c99f4 No.20062
I think we should keep it like it's been the whole time just take out cbts for the storm
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8cda4b No.20063
00:00 is at the top of the clock in a 24 hr. clock. It is midnight.
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bfc49d No.20064
http ://www.abbreviations.com/WIN
Miscellaneous » Months Abbreviations
Rate it:
Microsoft Windows
Computing » Software
Rate it:
What Is Normal
Internet » Chat
Rate it:
When In Need
Community » Religion
Rate it:
Women In Need
Rate it:
Winn Dixie Stores, Inc.
Business » NYSE Symbols
Rate it:
Warfighter Information Network
Governmental » Military
Rate it:
Wireless Intelligent Network
Computing » Telecom
Rate it:
Wireless Information Network
Computing » Networking
Rate it:
Whip Inflation Now
Governmental » US Government
Rate it:
What's Important Now
Rate it:
Wine Is Not
Miscellaneous » Unclassified
Rate it:
World Information Network
Rate it:
Women's Information Network
Rate it:
Western Integrated Networks
Business » Companies & Firms
Rate it:
Workforce Investment Network
Business » General
Rate it:
Wildlife Information Network
Medical » Veterinary
Rate it:
Water Insoluble Nitrogen
Academic & Science » Chemistry
Rate it:
Work It Now
Miscellaneous » Unclassified
Rate it:
Women's International Net
Rate it:
Writing In Narrative
Community » News & Media
Rate it:
Whats Its Name
Miscellaneous » Unclassified
Rate it:
World Insurance Network
Business » Companies & Firms
Rate it:
Www Irc Nl
Miscellaneous » Unclassified
Rate it:
Winton, Queensland, Australia
Regional » Airport Codes
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df7198 No.20065
ok, thanks…if I can get this data, I can get it deciphered for us.
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9988b7 No.20066
Ok, that's good. Again, let me know if there is anything missing or if you need anything. I will do my best to help. I'll be popping in and out putting those archive links into the spreadsheet, so if I don't see your reply, YELL AT ME until I do :)
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7af3f4 No.20067
Keep up the good work anon.
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d1344d No.20068
also BTW. We are not Q level. We are A level. We were chosen for our A. We are proud of our A.
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b5b9e9 No.20069
One of the pics say she is a whistleblower. Maybe she’s doing some explaining or maybe she’s blowing some whistles >>19233
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281131 No.20070
it's the start of a new 24 hour period.
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bda6ef No.20071
I posted about the 15,10 & 5 as well…BUT NOBODY IS PAYING ATTENTION!!!
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5c43ce No.20072
Can you add more spacing please? Hard to read as is. Thanks
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0b031e No.20073
>going through bread like a mother fucker
tell me about it
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c6afde No.20075
Why can't I post a meme here that I just uploaded to the meme depository? I get a "That file already exists".
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30f16a No.20076
Kinda made sense to me after BO posted on reddit that he had a book deal…
I asked her on twit if she's gonna co-author it…
Her 'friends' had to come to her rescue and hug her.
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df7198 No.20077
This doesn't work……not going to work for the cypher guys
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1709b1 No.20078
Grind up their bodies and feed them back to (((them))). Don't wanna waste em.
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d129ef No.20079
Q told us that we need to redpill normies.
She's now poisoning the pills
Side op needed to meme her into obscurity. Alternatively, we need to distribute our own info free of famefags
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f65b53 No.20080
I made that one, if you have a different need let me know and I can try to get you something formatted how you need it.
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7af3f4 No.20081
The file already exists.
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c8d583 No.20082
I think this background with no extra treatment, with the electric "Q" and "THE STORM" lettering only, is fine.. Simple, crisp and to the point
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82b4ba No.20083
I don't want any attention given to this work product
that is my main beef
nb4 too little too late
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9c5618 No.20084
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d1344d No.20085
Do that shit again and I’ll report your dumbass.
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885b9e No.20086
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6699e2 No.20087
The article is from MAY 1, 2017. Get with the program.
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f47785 No.20088
everyone loved her not that long ago.
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9a073f No.20089
Loop Capital + Transunion.
Did Loop Capital have insider info on the Equifax breach? Did they cause it or contribute to it? RICO? Espionage? How deep?
https://www. loopcapital.com/loop-capital-participates-co-manager-transunion-665-million-initial-public-offering
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a8a9e1 No.20090
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e81813 No.20091
Last one. Testing the wording.
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985dd1 No.20092
yes it should
>>19938 – i have posted the non 12 hour clock – - essentially the original posts sorted by 24 hour time – on sheet 2 of the spreadsheet
link broken here
https:// docs.google.com/spreadsheets /d/1AA1kJOCfU_W4lJlWDnA6mYh-NnJFL6BmOvE2s8dRSao/edit#gid=569609529
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1bf400 No.20093
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ae8e4a No.20094
because you already posted it on the board
change a pixel if you want to repost
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30ca9d No.20095
I assumed IDEN means identify. Q has used it at least once before, IIRC.
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8f9113 No.20096
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07e895 No.20097
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0b031e No.20098
they are , they lurk and dig
>its shilly in here atm
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281131 No.20099
i liked the one that was originaly used when this board was started up.
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2a7d47 No.20100
Till they realized she’s fake and tries to use some sexy voice on her YT. She’s annoying
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8cda4b No.20101
Generally recognized worldwide as midnight. Or are you thinking Q has indicated otherwise?
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6efe22 No.20102
I sent Jerome graphics and screen shots from the anon research on Loop and also sent him the link to the qcodefag file and asked him to read the crumbs and cross check with current events happening after the crumbs dropped. Not that he will listen to me but maybe it will shut beanz up for a bit.
Trying to hold back the inner bitch here.
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964d65 No.20103
Regarding Jews:
Everyone must understand this one important distinction… Jesus mentioned Jews who "say they are Jews and are not". And he implied/said that REAL Jews do the works of their father Abraham. He told us, "You will know them by their fruits".
Hence, he was saying, "#NotAllJews", essentially.
Now, I'm not playing Shabbo's goy here, just saying, if you are a Christian like myself, we ought not cast such a wide net when condemning Jews. If we condemn just one innocent, we are liable.
Khazarian-Talmudists, such as the "Donmeh Jews" (House Of Saud) are the real enemy. Well, them and their puppets/adherents. Talmudism IS Satanism. Make no mistake. It is the fruit of rebellious Cannanite teachings.
Hence, I employ you all to embrace what Jesus taught us… "Know them by their fruits". Discern the enemy by their deeds. The Talmudist is skilled in blending in to various groups to sow discord and draw condemnation on the group at large.
Imagine someone impersonated you. And then that person did a bunch of horrible shit in your name. Would that make you a bad person? You see my point… We must be careful who we cast stones at.
You wanna know who is chosen by God? It is those who answer his call. Those who keep the Father's/God's commandments. Those who follow the leadership of Christ and trust in him. Those who truly repent (METANOIA) and walk the narrow path. That's who.
Whether one buys into the Scofield "chosen people" bullshit or not, is irrelevant. Even a "chosen Jew" is nothing in the eyes the Lord and God, if they do the works of the devil.
(I hope this clears some things up for some folks.)
God bless.
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d29ed0 No.20104
ML's site has been going 404 all day. I can attest. I grab all of his archives for local storage.
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0a676e No.20105
Black pop working.jpeg with unemloymenet stats GEOTUS vs. Hussein
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50474c No.20106
Q- save us from ourselves. We have lost focus.
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9c5618 No.20107
Dude we do not need to give her another second of thought. If we act like she doesn’t exist, she disappears. She following crumbles. She will be forced to admit she fucked up. This is elementary school level shit. Ignore the screaming stubborn child in bed and she will fall asleep.
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c6afde No.20108
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8cda4b No.20109
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9a6c89 No.20110
It is very sad, and I know where this all leads, and it ain't a good place.
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cae826 No.20111
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9a073f No.20112
Sounds like RAHOWA/WCC racial bullshit from the beginning of the internet.
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281131 No.20113
if he has, i have not seen it.
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a0b378 No.20114
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e9c6b0 No.20115
If anons like, I can make different versions.
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1bf400 No.20116
Looking real good!
Maybe a white umbilical cord can separate the red and blue half circles?
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7af3f4 No.20117
>I didn't get any (you)'s :(
Friendly advice for future reference: kindly remind anons if you feel it's so important, or develop the idea a little more and try again.
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69592a No.20118
Multiple GEOTUS tweets incoming!
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2a7d47 No.20119
Agreed. Cbts2 almost. Bitchfest
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df7198 No.20120
Here's what I need.
1 - All Q posts sorted chronologically by Date, then Time (24 or am/pm, just be consistent)
2 - All @realdonaldtrump Twats sorted the exact same way as #1 and in the same time zone.
Must be consistent with 24hour or am/pm and ascending or descending. Consistency matters.
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df7d49 No.20121
trump latest tweet
“His is turning out to be an enormously consensual presidency. So much so that…there has never been a day that I wished Hillary Clinton were President. Not one. Indeed, as Trump’s accomplishments accumulate, the mere thought of Clinton in the W.H., doubling down on Obama’s…..
6:21 PM - 7 Jan 2018
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bda6ef No.20122
It is extremely shilly! Q told USC what to do but nobody seems motivated or focused to do it!! FFS I'm obviously a phone and can't get all the information and crumbs…and it is like we have lost all the true autists!? WTH is going on here?!!
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d1344d No.20123
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c021af No.20124
Riding the Storm Out. REO Speedwagon
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82b4ba No.20125
every report has been dismissed. don't waste everyone's time reporting, faggots.
thanks bo and mods-we were way overbanned at /cbts/
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964d65 No.20126
Yeah… You obviously can't/didn't read the post.
Go into a dark-room and glow, shill.
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2ea15e No.20127
these are 3 markers. I doubted the validity of the 3rd one for a while but im convinced that it is now a suitable marker
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d129ef No.20128
You're right anonbro
I'm feeling really aggro and probably need a break
I make a point not to use my autism for evil but she pushes all my buttons
Time for a drink
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bda6ef No.20129
Fuk damn autocorrect on iPhones!! KEK!
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e9e21d No.20130
Except for the fact this guy has literal link to catalog on his twit page but yeah beaz deserves roasting
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30ca9d No.20131
I always liked pic related the most.
(Sorry to say that I really dislike the light blue one on the OP.)
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9c5618 No.20132
Just filter lol it’s a hell of a drug.
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e81813 No.20133
The most annoying thing about TB and the reddit forum is that they have everything WRONG. Q has answered questions and marked correct findings. These people are still looking for the fucking keystone, ffs!
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d1344d No.20134
But the new graphics make us look like a FUCKING YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Enjoy
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4bf357 No.20135
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829002 No.20136
… does this mean…
keep focusing on LC
that LC is a distraction? i thought it meant disinfo & to move on…
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82b4ba No.20137
good stuff anon
if you are clock ciphering, you need this
https:// www.wattpad.com/437853234-codes-and-ciphers-clock-cipher
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df7198 No.20138
Weaponized Autist is here….just need my data…
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9c5618 No.20139
Drink up. Big week ahead!
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4ed29b No.20140
Keep fighting Anons!
“You have to believe in yourself. ”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Jason grinned. He loved the Greeks. They had no organization whatsoever, but they damn well made up for it with enthusiasm.”
― Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
― Arthur Ashe
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“May God have mercy for my enemies because I won't.”
― George S. Patton Jr.
“Rules are for children. This is war, and in war the only crime is to lose.”
― Joe Abercrombie, Last Argument of Kings
“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”
― Sun Tzu
“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.”
― George S. Patton
“There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard.
There are not more than five primary colors, yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen.
There are not more than five cardinal tastes, yet combinations of them yield more flavors than can ever be tasted.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”
― Sun Tzu
“Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content.
But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Great results, can be achieved with small forces.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Never, never, never give up.”
― Winston Churchill
“I eat problems and shit solutions.”
― [Anon]ymous
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984ec2 No.20141
thats a badass image. >>20131
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a5fe9d No.20142
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9c5618 No.20143
It means keep digging, anon
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6f3f82 No.20144
loop muther fucking capital markets
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8cda4b No.20145
Perhaps FW will pop on to get us back on track soon.
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db1307 No.20146
WTF "Donald J. Trump
Verified account
5m5 minutes ago
“His is turning out to be an enormously consensual presidency. So much so that…there has never been a day that I wished Hillary Clinton were President. Not one. Indeed, as Trump’s accomplishments accumulate, the mere thought of Clinton in the W.H., doubling down on Obama’s….."
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0b031e No.20147
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07e895 No.20148
YES YES YES anon this is the ticket MOAR!!!
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69592a No.20149
Every time I filter - ID+ I get a small hit of dopamine…it feels GREAT!
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d1344d No.20150
Bite me. I have never reported shit. That scrolling bullshit was deserving.
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c6afde No.20151
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d129ef No.20152
It was the second mention of it. It means do not stop digging on loop capital who essentially launder money for obama
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50474c No.20153
Loop will connect many dots.
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5c43ce No.20154
Loop Capital is worth digging into. Disinfo agents have been directing people away from it.
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d29ed0 No.20155
I miss TASTY ASS MUSIC. Put a few in the bread myself. So many different styles and I liked them all.
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9c5618 No.20156
Nooo my soul
God damnit anon I buried those painful memories and now you made them come back to the surface
Not the chicks man… not the baby fuckin chicks
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8cda4b No.20157
More coming. Watch for the word: win
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9a073f No.20158
Loop Capital buys MMODAL, MMODAL goes bankrupt, comes out with 350m less debt.
https:// mmodal.com/
AI? Strange…
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1709b1 No.20159
Hiding behind their own effed up Satanic cozy legal system and red tape.
Watch all the liberals that don't even believe in God start quoting scripture. Glorious.
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932fee No.20160
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d129ef No.20162
The more we find on loop the dumber the disinformation shills look.
More loop. more
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df7198 No.20163
see >>20120 – exact date & time is extremely relevant
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932fee No.20164
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30ca9d No.20165
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82b4ba No.20166
was directed at the board
you were just the trigger
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985dd1 No.20167
by date, then time, do you just mean a chronological depository of all Q posts?
i believe i have that, added to sheet 3 of the google sheets i have posted in this bread
if that sheet is not what you want then i have misunderstood you, sorry, just let me know whats wrong about it
i dont think i can help you with the twats but ill look into it, if not hopefully someone else has access to that
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8cda4b No.20168
How is that ambiguous in any way??
Do not lose == Keep
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3e3b86 No.20169
I had to go check Trumps tweet. This doesn't sound like him at all. He's trying to trigger someone the way he worded it.
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15a23e No.20170
MH370 was a ruse to get suckers to pay to map the Indian ocean seafloor for the Navy that was not yet mapped. Well a small part of it….convenient excuse.
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e81813 No.20171
in > >8223, Q confirmed that P_Pers is 'POTUS_Personal'. In a previous thread (cbts?), Q said that someone takes orders from P. POTUS is P?
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7af3f4 No.20172
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332635 No.20173
Totally, I thought it was fake but then why on my twitter?
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df7198 No.20174
look at their bonds from 2006 for [$115,000,000] – track that client, where did those execs go, what industry after Utility – [corn syrup, etc.]
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50474c No.20175
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8c9d16 No.20176
Lol, Is he trolling those who don't accept that he's a stable genius!
Absolutely brilliant!
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df7d49 No.20177
can someone post the link to the cataloge of this board please. it took me all fuckin day to get through the past breads and 8chan is already hard af for newfags to go through
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a20446 No.20178
Water main break causes (more) chaos at JFK (VIDEOS)
Published time: 7 Jan, 2018 23:55
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1108ec No.20179
Interested in an explanation for this as well if that really is her at CD.
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9c5618 No.20180
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b7f26e No.20181
Repost from this morning for greater visibility
I want to revisit these Q crumbs:
Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/19/17 (Tue) 18:20:02 ID: 03c2f4 No.127397
Bill Binney.
Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/19/17 (Tue) 18:22:21 ID: 03c2f4 No.127429
PATRIOT of the highest caliber.
The movie "A Good American" is a documentary about Binney's group in the NSA that developed a project called Thinthread. Thinthread was a project that was originally conceived for analyzing behavior leading up to international military events and then the concept was adapted for preventing terrorism. The project works by identifying transactional networks among all the people of the world. The metadata analysis included communications and financial interaction. It had the ability to identify suspicious behavioral activity even while protecting people's privacy rights by masking people's identity.
It was shut down because it competed in interest with the big government program Trailblazer. Trailblazer was a swamp initiative that created a lot of millionaires, but did not protect the American people. It was more intrusive in breaching people's privacy, and from what I understand relied upon an intimate and detailed database of "all" individuals. and was probably useful as a tool to attack political opposition.
Thinthread was shut down within the NSA and was prevented from being implemented in various applications across several government agencies. The individuals involved in Thinthread were eventually raided in their homes and equipment and documentation for the project were confiscated.
I believe what actually happened was that Thinthread was squashed not because it competed with the swamp's cash cow programs but was shut down BECAUSE IT WAS IDENTIFYING CORRUPTION WITHIN THE SWAMP, and not just external bad actors as it was originally designed to do. It could not help but do this. Not everyone in DC is corrupt, but following evidence of suspicious activity and corruption quickly leads back to the swamp. It thoroughly laid bare the dirty secrets of the swamp.
POTUS had Pompeo meet with Binney in October 2017 and the cover story was that this meeting was related to the DNC "hack".
I think what has happened is that Thinthread was turned back on. The inevitable result was that corruption in the swamp and globally was easily highlighted, and that Thinthread, or a variation of it, is the tool POTUS and Q are using to work their magic.
These people are stupid. Power is the currency of the swamp. They don't understand the higher calling of an American PATRIOT -
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."
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1bf400 No.20182
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44cf24 No.20183
I read something about some buisness men working on Cloaking stuff were on that plane?
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b55356 No.20184
Tracy treated the dude like an expert ONLY because he has an intelligence background. That was clear. She is imperfect, but will work to ease your concerns. With the complaints going around, she must. Now… Like a good little normie fag I will sit back and lurk.
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9c5618 No.20185
He’s, like, jeopardy smart
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bc4d02 No.20186
he's quoting someone . . . another tweet will soon follow
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7af3f4 No.20187
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1da314 No.20188
I noticed in prior thread a picture of Karen Hudes at Camp David. Isn't she part of the Dragon family gold lawsuit? I believe Q mentioned something about the belly of the dragon dripping water. I don't know if it's related or not.
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38d834 No.20189
Grab this from the batter
It has all Q timestamps in GMT & EST.
trumptwitterarchive.com lets you download a CSV with original timestamps.
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6efe22 No.20190
Where is the T!!!!!
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df7198 No.20191
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a20446 No.20192
Water main break causes (more) chaos at JFK (VIDEOS) Published time: 7 Jan
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fc7ec0 No.20193
Just searched fire and fury and quote not there
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e3b6bd No.20194
Looks like the WikiLeaks tweet with the link to the "Fire and Fury" PDF has been deleted.
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82b4ba No.20195
>It has all Q timestamps in GMT & EST
sweet! thank you, anon
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9c5618 No.20196
You should have that shit memorized
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bc4d02 No.20197
who do you think he's quoting?
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decbca No.20198
Steve Hilton on Fox has a guy on talking about a lawsuit in FL because the DWS ballots were destroyed too early. Tim Canova. Intredasting
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a5fe9d No.20199
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985dd1 No.20200
consensual im assuming should be CONSEQUENTIAL
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8cda4b No.20201
In the menu at both the top and bottom. It says: [Catalog]
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9988b7 No.20203
Hey, if you are working on the markers, did you see this post below? (maybe it will help)
>Hey timestamp fags I wrote a Python script to analyze Q's posts.
>Can map any digit value to any char you want.
That's weird I've been using it off and on all day (and nite). It seems to be working fine right now. In fact, I'm just gonna archive the entire site heheheh
https:// archive.fo/CR0XP
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d1344d No.20204
Yeah, I’m kinda triggered atm. This place looks like a fucking tube/twatter account. Fucked up graphics and lazy ass wannabes. Fuck it. I’m out.
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0ef8bc No.20205
I dont get it, why does Q want that we do all the digging?
Why is he not giving to us the information?
Is this some game to Q, or are they doing that to keep as many people involved as possible?
Or is this part of playing with the CIA and the other loosers?
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9a073f No.20206
Loop Capital CEO also on Board of Directors for
the Chicago Urban League, a non-profit operated by Blackboard Inc, a FOR profit educational company based in DC.
James Reynolds
Chairman and CEO
Loop Capital Markets
Steven J. Sherman
Managing Director
Loop Capital Financial Consulting Services
https://www. thechicagourbanleague.org/domain/10
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1bf400 No.20207
No soylent slides please.
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6efe22 No.20208
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743ce6 No.20209
Here's two samples of timestamp clocks/timelines.
On the timeline, I just grabbed the posts that had brackets and ordered them according to timestamp.
On the clock, I only had one delta. I know we have identified more, I just didn't have screencaps of them.
Here are the pdf files and screenshots of the first page of the file.
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541c2a No.20210
Must be something big if it’s taking that long to finish the rest…
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c469b1 No.20211
Anons all waiting for POTUS next tweet like the sunrise after a cold dark night.
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a20446 No.20212
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932fee No.20213
Come back late. It's cleared out then.
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c6afde No.20214
It's about all that I am good for…back to lurking
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e85645 No.20215
Love all you faggots, MAGA!
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82b4ba No.20216
hang around
this clock cipher is gonna be huge
the hive mind is getting close
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b2fdd6 No.20217
Never ever forget Anon, the world must know where the nuggets come from
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8cda4b No.20218
HA. Keeping an eye out, but this one's taking awhile. Letting his libfags stew…
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df7d49 No.20220
just a new fag trynna help out as much as possible
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9c5618 No.20221
Still there for me
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e3b6bd No.20222
Thanks. Saved a copy myself!
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7af3f4 No.20223
Protip: press [home], click catalog in the thin orange banner.
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a285e1 No.20224
Who's got a Cap of the deleted Q posts?
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07398e No.20225
real copy does not have Qs at chapter 6 and 10?
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30f16a No.20226
Excellent. There has got to be something behind her attitude…
CM verified and re-verified…
This is nuts.
Hate to see Corsi spreading wrong info..
Hopefully the info you sent him will make a difference.
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97baa8 No.20227
A couple of nights ago when lots of anons were arguing and shitposting about Bannon, an anon posted that that Bannon hunted submarines in the navy and that he became naval director of communications at the pentagon, today Bannon mentioned the same thing, I think Bannon saw the post and how it effectively shut up a lot of the anti Bannon haters, he used it today in this response, it might be a reveal that he 'sees' these posts (I see you)
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30ca9d No.20228
>>20142 Is that what they are, chicks? Need larger size, min. 600 pixels, 1800 is better. Since I never saw this image before how would I be able to tell what the whitish things are? Looks like large popcorn?
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5c43ce No.20229
Michael Goodwin
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19eb59 No.20230
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3aace2 No.20231
Has ther been any connections found yet to the Wells Fargo incident?
Creating fake accounts in the name of thousands of customers?
Never punished for that? Hmm!
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cae826 No.20232
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8f9113 No.20233
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151fcc No.20234
Kind of eliminates the need for hairnets, eh?
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8cda4b No.20235
I'm in the minority, but I say it's not her. Her hair isn't even parted on the correct side. If she was on the list of those going to Camp David, that would be some good sauce, but I am not in possession of the list.
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985dd1 No.20236
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2ea15e No.20237
Trump is tweeting, 14mins ago.
its a continuation tweet but there is at least 14 mins gap.
Wouldnt it make sense to have it all written down before hand to pump out all tweets quickly? or is the time between the posts deliberate.
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4ae205 No.20238
This dovetails precisely with the Rofschilds AMAQ on GLP years ago. When you think about how many Hollywood movies have been made and watched by billions, with scenes of with the landmarks Western Civilization being destroyed, you can truly grasp what our future has in store for us. They told us beforehand and no one raised an objection.
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541c2a No.20239
Lol well it is odd it’s taken that long. Usually it’s one right after another
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0b031e No.20240
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3ce137 No.20241
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5c43ce No.20242
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df7198 No.20243
quick instructions to work it? I just need very precise & accurate chronological data. Think same spot on planet Earth that an event happens.
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1bf400 No.20244
Results as of now. Looks like Lightning is leading!
Vote now at:
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2ea15e No.20245
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829002 No.20246
my brain doesnt work like urs… i saw it the other way. my bad
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6ba60a No.20247
Let's make this clear. Q never intended for "Q" to be what went viral. The intention was for answers, information, connections, enlightenment, to be what went viral. Beanz has made it all about Q and NOT about the actual fucking evidence that exposes people to the damn TRUTH. She's a distraction to the ACTUAL mission.
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9c5618 No.20248
Hahahha he asked for a link.
That definitely works too but newfag should know the address
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c5d9db No.20249
https://drive.google.com /file/d/1Bt6BSc-kxJeTUpMEoJkkbEgEZaSmPjA3/view
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df7d49 No.20250
….failed policies, washes away any doubts that America made the right choice. This was truly a change election, and the changes Trump is bringing are far-reaching and necessary.” Thank you Michael Goodwin! (Please read entire column) mgoodwin@nypost.com
6:36 PM - 7 Jan 2018
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6efe22 No.20251
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1108ec No.20252
look at her twitter profile pic, part is correct
twitter. com/KarenHudes/status/946428163982315521
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e3b6bd No.20253
Looks like they tweeted it again at 8:11pm tonight. Still has the Q in place of O for chapters 6 and 10.
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541c2a No.20254
Or could’ve been tested out here…..
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932fee No.20255
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e85645 No.20256
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793309 No.20257
it's supposed to be 'consequential ' lol
https:/ /nypost.com/2018/01/06/were-still-better-off-with-trump-than-clinton/
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981eb9 No.20258
Yup really strange 2 part-er
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981eb9 No.20259
….failed policies, washes away any doubts that America made the right choice. This was truly a change election, and the changes Trump is bringing are far-reaching and necessary.” Thank you Michael Goodwin! (Please read entire column) mgoodwin@nypost.com
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4ae205 No.20260
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932fee No.20261
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854935 No.20262
Another tweet coming in [10]? Q going to post with a close delta to POTUS tweet?
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2ea15e No.20263
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bc4d02 No.20264
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0b031e No.20265
when he's done , we need to compare the tweet to the quote he is using
>notice the " at the start
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84ece3 No.20266
Binny was one of the team of independent security researchers who figured out forensically that the info from the DNC leaks was copied at high speed, meaning it could not have been copied remotely, it was copied to a USB or similar device that could support higher speeds. He helped figure out it was a leak, not a hack.
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df7198 No.20267
I don't see a Sheet 3 – only Sheets 1 & 2 using the link above in the Bread. Am I using the wrong one? Followed: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=526615d9859649bbb85460c498bab296
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a5fe9d No.20268
I was phonefagging
I'll send a better one in a bit
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e40a5b No.20269
1. Rothschild
2. Koch brothers
3. QE II & Philip
4. Arnault
5. Mikhelson/Timchenko
6. Liliane Bettencourt (may be dead)
7. SA House of Saud
Banks: bank of China, Bank of England, JPMorgan, Deutsche, Royal NK of Canada, credit suisse,
Oil: Aramco, BP, Exxon, Total S.A.
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9c5618 No.20270
Top of every thread as well
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2ea15e No.20271
heres hoping.
FW/Q are you watching?
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82b4ba No.20272
15 is P on the clock
dial it back 15 characters?
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7af3f4 No.20273
It's a good start, and thank you, but I find it too illegible personally. Also, I'd point out in case it isn't already widely observed: POTUS's use of the word 'puppets' seems like a confirmation in itself, given the frequency with which Q used the word puppets in his early postings in particular. I hope you continue your efforts!
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5d7621 No.20274
Thank you Michael Goodwin!
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e0e86b No.20275
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df542a No.20276
Everything has meaning
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9c9785 No.20277
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5e0f9f No.20278
3 boards / 3 months of Lurk'n …
I think I now qualify as a speed reader !!
You Guy's Fuck'n Rock !!
I wish there was more that I can do to help , but all I can do is help spread the word .. I went from sounding like a jerk to people asking me what is going on ….So I guess it is working guy's …
Keep it up Patriot !! , Gitmo need filling !!
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151fcc No.20279
Terminal at JFK Airport goes dark after power was turned off following a water pipe break that flooded the arrivals area; Port Authority launching investigation into the incident
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a285e1 No.20280
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a20446 No.20281
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8cda4b No.20283
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
3m3 minutes ago
….failed policies, washes away any doubts that America made the right choice. This was truly a change election, and the changes Trump is bringing are far-reaching and necessary.” Thank you Michael Goodwin! (Please read entire column) mgoodwin@nypost.com
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19eb59 No.20284
He put specifically to read the entire column.
“His is turning out to be an enormously consensual presidency. So much so that…there has never been a day that I wished Hillary Clinton were President. Not one. Indeed, as Trump’s accomplishments accumulate, the mere thought of Clinton in the W.H., doubling down on Obama’s…..
….failed policies, washes away any doubts that America made the right choice. This was truly a change election, and the changes Trump is bringing are far-reaching and necessary.” Thank you Michael Goodwin! (Please read entire column) mgoodwin@nypost.com
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932fee No.20285
Article Trump said to read.
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6efe22 No.20286
Need some Q drop about this SpaceX launch.
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332635 No.20287
What timezone are you?
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bc4d02 No.20288
anons searched high and low for that [15] . . . ultimately realized it was yet to come.
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83e4be No.20289
No, we don’t have to prove shit. It’s flagrant. Baker just needs to add “mistakes to be corrected” to hold non-anons capitalizing and helping accountable for glowing error… There needs to be strong deference for misrepresentations of Q and or Boards so that efforts can not be co-opted.
Hopefully it’s just a mistake, but we wouldn’t let that shit fly with Anons. Seriously, that shit needs to be nipped in the bud.
I’m not out to hate on Corsi or Beanz, but they’re not allowed to leave a steaming pile of shit on the coffee table and expect it to clean itself up. It’s the accountability that comes without anonymity.
“Loop Capital, not crumb your looking for.”
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3dca63 No.20290
…and normies will understand…
And feel really shitty about being pro choice too…
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932fee No.20291
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3c738c No.20292
SpaceX involvement has been the hardest thing for me to try and understand
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d56fee No.20293
"Goodwin" for a "win"
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e9c6b0 No.20294
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acc067 No.20295
I think Q will verify if that [15] is correct.
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fcb3bc No.20296
half-inched n twatted :D
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9c9785 No.20297
Indeed. I marked the red dot, because the img already existed
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97baa8 No.20299
Q knows it t is a way of making learning fun, mysterious, and puzzeling, controlled opposition, he knows most people even most anons were brainwashed since childhood, they all need to be educated in these things q is posting about, he's hoping the memes will enlighten the masses, it's all part of the plan
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df7198 No.20300
I tested this one…the trumptwitterarchive data is not accurate enough…some is, some is not based on when they pulled data. May have to go manual mode for this one, unfortunately.
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541c2a No.20301
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985dd1 No.20302
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3c738c No.20303
woah didn't mean to have that sage there, sorry
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c021af No.20304
STFU and lurk moar
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1bf400 No.20305
I was thinking today how much faster I can read now that all this has began.
Q is training us well.
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6efe22 No.20306
Future proves past!
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9c9785 No.20307
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3ce137 No.20308
Lightning: It's God striking
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985dd1 No.20309
third hseet ofc
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44cf24 No.20310
Fire and fury Chapter 6 and 10 = 610
610 = Year 610 (DCX) was a common year starting on Thursday (link will display the full calendar) of the JULIAN calendar
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82b4ba No.20311
Like. What would be a better font color than white?
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4f4ab3 No.20312
“consensual,” an apparent misquotation of a New York Post op-ed that called his time in office “consequential.”
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4aecc6 No.20313
Trump is Enlil. Q told us this with the photograph of Thor. The eagle is Enlil symbology
Enlil and Enki have United again. This is truely amazing.
Satan was allowed to rule and to commit genocide of the human race….the demonic Satan symbology proves this.
Enki earth and Enlil (Zeus) will rule together and balance each other out? We will be allowed to keep our memory through incarnation as we grow?
We are safe. We are truely “safe”.
My only concern: does humanity need a ruler and a guide? We would be in good hands, however if we are forced into a situation where we need to bow and worship any ruler, this may not be the best situation.
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a285e1 No.20314
Even though it's definitely Q we need him to verify those posts when he comes back to shut up the dissenters
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0b031e No.20315
>im a little behind in the thread
delta between those two words though
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53dd77 No.20316
But Trump drinks coke….
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2408aa No.20317
15 mins between posts
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e9c6b0 No.20318
I'll experiment & post.
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1bf400 No.20319
Thors Hammer!
…poor ice :(
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db1307 No.20320
Shit so 6:36 and 6:21 Post by POTUS 15 mins
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dc21ec No.20321
Tilt the fetus towards the blue a bit more so that the umbilical cord can run from the belly button but remain the midline of the red-blue division. Then, move the baby upwards a bit, because we want the blue to be readily apparent and actually emphasized.
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b82132 No.20322
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cae826 No.20323
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8cda4b No.20324
Nope, the lady at CD has her hair parted on the opposite side as the pics posted of Karen above. Again, I'm in the minority, and will not slide this thread any further on this matter. Nor waste my time on what I believe to be a red herring.
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95695d No.20325
Here are a few weather variations
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7c99f4 No.20326
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b2fdd6 No.20327
P is going to be ……………
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38d834 No.20328
Thought it'd be original timestamps there (and not when they pulled it) … will double-check myself. Thanx.
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1e97b1 No.20329
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6286d9 No.20330
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7af3f4 No.20331
>Thank you Michael Goodwin! (Please read entire column)
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83e4be No.20332
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db1307 No.20333
10 and 5 were done, rewind the clock, this is epic
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1bf400 No.20334
Left (purple) one is perfect!
Do you have a bigger version?
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df542a No.20335
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30ca9d No.20336
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90156e No.20337
Can't say with 100% certainty its her. We need to find another pic of the CD meeting.
Although, her posts (aside from DJT is a Fake) match much of what is going on here.
Q has taught us:
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
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9c5618 No.20338
Not all hero’s wear capes yo
My boiiii
He’s not jooish, right?
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dc21ec No.20339
For those who didnt see: https://youtu. be/0PWu3BRxn60
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d1344d No.20340
Just fucking shoot me now
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9c9785 No.20341
I always laugh at the 'i feel Q coming soon' anons.
The last 20 minutes, my gut has been saying he's coming soon with something monstrous.
(That, or I need to eat)
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df7198 No.20342
Perfect….that's got Sheet 3 and is in proper format. Thanks. Time Zone for this again to be certain?
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0b031e No.20343
not just read , comprehend
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932fee No.20344
Yes, I posted link above
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decbca No.20345
I agree, but the American mind especially has been trained from birth to follow people, or things, not ideas. And Q has to know that this would happen to a degree in order for his message to get out there. You don't ask questions that smart, in that way without knowing human psychology. In today's society we must attribute everything to someone or something, and identity politics is part of that disease.
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3c738c No.20346
>Gitmo need filling !!
made me laugh more then it should have
Justice for the children and other victims couldn't come soon enough
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6efe22 No.20347
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83e4be No.20348
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6efe22 No.20349
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a4bdf5 No.20350
Oh shit. the hacker "4chan" is compiling lists of Tracy Beanz twitter followers to dox.
I've seen the list. This is serious. If you have followed or RT'ed TB you are putting yourself at risk, even more so by being here. They are tracing people from Twitter directly to here.
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3f72e7 No.20351
What is that a pic of? Looks like soft serve icecream or frozen yogurt??
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2ea15e No.20352
Jan 7 2018, 19:28:14
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 05b846
We will never lose again win this is finished.
We will never lose again
this is finished.
Michael Good >Win
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d129ef No.20353
Win misspelling
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8cda4b No.20354
Meant for >>20252
I gotta stop talking to myself, kek!
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df7198 No.20355
with the Twitter API, it's relative to the viewer, not the poster for those time stamps. That's also an important distinction in how the cypher works.
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7af3f4 No.20356
Please cease linkbreaking. It is no longer required (and never should have been). Thanks though.
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a285e1 No.20357
If he does get ready to post that graphic
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932fee No.20358
Some of the wording Goodwin uses is interesting…….
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0b031e No.20359
conse Q nsual
^^^ say it out loud , sound it out
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d129ef No.20360
We need to read the whole article for crumbs
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7b8070 No.20361
The SpaceX launch was successful, ongoing prayers for the rest of the OP with the proper deliverance of the payload to their respective destinations and the operational ability of that which was delivered. Why at night? 'The evening and the morning were the first day,' and this required 'Adult Supervision.' Hopefully the US will lead the world in space exploration, but this requires a far more united humanity. The President extended good will to Our Patriots, and then wished all Patriots good will. The President spoke of the upcoming Olympics in South Korea in his press conference yesterday, hints of a 'reunited peninsula' did not fall on deaf ears. Excluding the Russians from participation is a bit of a low blow from the corrupt IOC, any overtures at this stage might be too late? We're not united as a country, let alone a peaceful world, because of the never ending on-going efforts to divide. 'We conquer.' Those elements face extreme reprisal for their nefarious efforts.
We are all very grateful for the decent 'loaf drops' as indeed we are on a tight schedule time-wise. The time has come to pick up the pace, but 'stages' are needed to adequately set the scenes of social acceptance in exposing the depths of corruption. Ascertaining the motives of those who would seek to thwart Our President in his objectives are relatively simple, but let us not equate 'stupid' with 'evil.' The leaders of the rest of the world are certainly well aware of the corruption that has ruled over US for quite some time now, and it is the task the President to right these wrongs if indeed he is 'the leader of the world.' Many world-wide are importuned by illicit considerations.
'Epiphany Sunday' is a reminder to all of those who travel on life's journey that there is cause for hope, but let us not forget 'Rachel weeping for her children…because they are no more.' Herod took a while to realize he had been duped, and there many of US and around the world, patriots of all nations, who want and reasonably expect 'good to overcome evil.' That time has now come, and we hope & pray that President Trump brings about a greater good from the evils that has so beset us all.
In checking the calendar, it was 1/22/90 and not 1/17/90 of Brit Hume's interview on ABC News.
The other news that broke that morning was that an 'off-world satellite' had been retrieved by US Military reconnaissance forces.
That was a gift from our 'Adult Supervisors.'
What was done with it?
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3e3b86 No.20362
He has been showing up around 11-11:30 pm PST the last few days.
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82b4ba No.20363
if you could alpha the background…..that would be …..
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3b0edd No.20364
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932fee No.20365
What the fuck for????
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e85645 No.20366
Ding! Ding! Ding!
That's our 15 min marker.
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df542a No.20367
What a waste of time.
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bc4d02 No.20368
remember? we even had help from UK anon . . . it was a major effort.
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df7198 No.20369
Anyone have ability to export Twatter posts to spreadsheet?
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6286d9 No.20370
I think no changes. Real nice.
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a285e1 No.20371
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a20446 No.20372
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3f72e7 No.20373
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50474c No.20374
Haha, couldn’t help it.
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932fee No.20375
No thanks. I'll linkbreak.
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07398e No.20377
or god win?
or godwins law?
>Godwin has stated that he introduced Godwin's law in 1990 as an experiment in memetics
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d1344d No.20378
Trust me. They have all our shit. Clicking on a live link isn’t the problem.
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c021af No.20379
This would be awesome if the white background was just transparent have it all the storm behind this fantastic graphic
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bc4d02 No.20380
We will never lose again win this is finished. Q
win, win, win!!!!!!!!
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a285e1 No.20381
He's winding that clock, the next in 10 or 5
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151fcc No.20382
Power and Water at JFK and Trump tweets "W.H." as if they were initials.
Webster Hubbell?
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e85645 No.20383
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0f3027 No.20384
The new graphic is great but it would be kind of nice to settle on one so it would be easier to pick out when we go to the catalog.
Not a demand, just mentioning something from a user interface standpoint.
Now I have to really read the descriptions instead of just finding the easily recognized graphic with a number lower than "751" under it.
Nice graphics though, good work by the artist.
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5c43ce No.20385
Agree, this was my first thought
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69592a No.20386
love to all (except the shills)
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6efe22 No.20387
Where is that article!?
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07e895 No.20388
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932fee No.20389
New York post, Michael goodwin
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985dd1 No.20390
no problem, Sheet 3 is in EST.
let me know if you need me to do anything else, i think some anon posted about an exportable trump tweets CSV so i will look into that
excited to see what you can come up with anon
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bc4d02 No.20391
yep. problem was, Q had used the past tense, so anons were convinced all the times given had already occurred. not so.
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9c5618 No.20392
Guess it wasn’t ‘evidence based’ enough ..
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95695d No.20393
kek, love you too, nohomo
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6efe22 No.20394
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0b031e No.20395
and he confirmed Q , by misquoting the NYpost
see my other post
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07e895 No.20396
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d1344d No.20397
Much better but transparency overlay
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95695d No.20398
toooooooooooooooooopppppp keeeeeeeekkkkkkk
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07e895 No.20399
elaborate with more sauce?
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4aecc6 No.20400
Everyone needs to learn about Annnaki. This will help you interperate what Q is telling us.
When LdR said “we made you”. You will figure out why she says this. (If that was indeed LdR)
Everyone needs to figure this out. It’s key. Astrology is key “above so below”. It’s all connected.
The Awakening
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bc4d02 No.20401
this is the missing "i"
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97baa8 No.20402
q iis 50 moves ahead of everyone, q knew he would go viral, how could anyone not wonder who q is?
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985dd1 No.20403
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7c99f4 No.20404
took it from the other pic, don't have a transparent copy,it would look cool
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3e3b86 No.20405
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a4bdf5 No.20407
SHIT! I'm on this list and I see my PRIVATE EMAIL!!!! I will NOT POST IT HERE.
If you follow T Beanz on Twitter and come here you are being tracked and put on a DOX list.
This is my last message. I've been comped.
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df7198 No.20408
That's not how it works….hate to be a bummer, but it's not how it works.
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0b031e No.20409
and it has a missing 'i'
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6ba60a No.20410
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d1344d No.20411
Mount up you fuckers. We gonna raid the palaces.
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30ca9d No.20412
I posted the link already, here it is again: >>20336
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df7198 No.20413
tell 'em to bring it…I use a Compaq 64
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9c5618 No.20415
I posted the link. Pfizer was spending more money than it was worth, apparently.
Gotta cut down on spending. Dog days are over. The trump effect, I’m assuming
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932fee No.20416
Where can we look to see if were on it
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82b4ba No.20417
get another background and alpha that stuff
you are onto a good one
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c469b1 No.20418
Sucks to learn the hard way anon. This isn't a game.
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9fb6f7 No.20419
Still wearing the boot. Do you think there's more to it than just a broken toe?
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44cf24 No.20420
i wonder if it has any meaning though haha
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44cf24 No.20421
where can i see the list?
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8cda4b No.20422
Also why he typed that it was a "consensual" presidency?
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299a41 No.20423
I thought so. PR, AP, PATRIOTS in FULL CONTROL, maybe even a FEC ref
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30ca9d No.20424
We did some experiments with the Twitter API a few days back.
IF you have a Twitter account, it shows timestamps according to your Twitter profile, which should be the same as your user agent (PC time zone settings).
IF you don't have a Twitter account and look at Twitter on the web, Pacific Time is displayed. We only tested it in PST obviously could not test PDT in this season.
Does anybody have data to contradict this? If you do, post it here right now, it's needed.
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4bf357 No.20425
There have been 158 diversions from @JFKairport since Thursday (1/4). Of those, 121 have been international flights and 17 happened today.
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bce5a7 No.20426
Imo, military time is presumed…
Look at all the time stamps on these boards.
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19eb59 No.20427
From the NY Post article
"If Clinton had been elected, we would not know that top FBI leaders conspired against Trump to help her. Her financing of the Russian dossier would still be a secret, and there would be no knowledge that the FBI used her dirtiest trick to spy on Trump associates. Russian collusion would have been accepted as fact without a shred of evidence."
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3dca63 No.20428
I use a glock 45 mostly with lots of other options, and own lots of land, pigs, and backhoe…
Bring anything.
I'll even dispose for a fee….
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a285e1 No.20429
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63a7c8 No.20430
what did they mean by this?
https://twitter.com /DeptofDefense/status/950186369187332096
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7af3f4 No.20431
So Trump's tweet was missing a T in 'consequential.'
Q's post said 'win' when he meant 'when' based on context.
Letters in question are T, H, E.
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df7d49 No.20432
Trump has been the first prez we the people voted for without it being rigged
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9c5618 No.20433
Zero fucks given. CIAnigger scare tactics
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33ddd7 No.20434
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e85645 No.20435
Nice!!! Agreed transparent bg needed.
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82b4ba No.20436
I'm colorblind. the last two look identical.
A deeper red on the second one?
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44cf24 No.20437
where did you see the list`?
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df7d49 No.20438
at least sense reagan… or jfk
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0f3027 No.20439
That was very thoughtful of you anon, Corsi should appreciate the kindness which is not always characteristic of the web nor the chans.
To paraphrase the old Arabic saying, it seems like Corsi backed the stupid horse.
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7af3f4 No.20440
Please stop that. Linkbreaking.
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9988b7 No.20441
>quick instructions to work it?
You'll have to ask >>19984
It's not my script, it's his. I just thought it would help you with your task.
You are most welcome. I hope it helps in some way.
A/B testing
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932fee No.20442
Not convinced it's happening
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d1344d No.20443
Oldfags Atari here
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95695d No.20444
when it's that good…. gotta take that watermark off
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339ef6 No.20445
Unwind - backwards (read it backwards)
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07e895 No.20446
was the research yeilding any results?
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30ca9d No.20447
>>20358 Such as? (I admit skimming it real fast – it's hard to stop speedreading after doing it 16 hours a day for >2 months!)
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82b4ba No.20448
>mo, military time is presumed…
explicitly stated by Q
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6f3f82 No.20449
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6efe22 No.20450
Probably not, haha.
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932fee No.20451
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13a053 No.20452
Rip of the mask show them who you are bro. Eleftheria e thanatos
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8cda4b No.20453
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f47785 No.20454
sounds like a clever way for people to start unfollowing her. also if that is true tracy is getting everyone doxed lol
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44cf24 No.20455
because thats not how you do it, remove the http://
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3e3b86 No.20456
Here is the article Trump tweeted we should all read.
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0daa8b No.20457
Oh shit, wat up? could be something. does not play into my half-dyslexia very well.
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7af3f4 No.20458
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19eb59 No.20459
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9988b7 No.20460
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decbca No.20461
Sigh. Platypus. All I got on the left overs. That is a discussion for another board. It is quite interesting and if that comes to pass, well then it does. They still aren't getting my gold and I am no one's slave class.
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45aa4d No.20462
Spoon feeding does not help with critical thinking
Using the Socratic method helps reinforce what we are learning
Some things need to be individually discovered for it to have effect
We are writing history here.
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1bf400 No.20463
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932fee No.20464
Animals and spirits. I forget now. Just strange
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82b4ba No.20465
please be quite. we break all links here. lurk more
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12c003 No.20466
Read the pastebin. Example timestamp and map files included.
All you need is a python 3+ interpreter on your system. I can't make it any easier.
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d29ed0 No.20468
Consensual is the correct term, anons, meaning: by the consent of the people.
Consequential is the wrong term.
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9c5618 No.20469
Dude this is seriously some shill tactics right now. I can’t believe you guys are dumb enough to actually be scared of following or retweeting somebody on twitter
Ever since we started investigating LOOP CAPTIAL MARKETS, LLC. The FEAR MONGERING has been cranked up to Bush/Obama era government style tyranny lol
You have literally nothing to fear. NOTHING. These people have NOTHING.
You give them the illusion of power
They have none. Relax and research
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e9c6b0 No.20470
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decbca No.20471
Don't give a shit, but where's the sauce for these little (turd) nuggests?
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cae826 No.20472
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eb2f77 No.20473
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932fee No.20474
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761a0c No.20475
>Ahmadinejed talking.
ahmadinejad arrested
>ahmadinejed arrested
ahmadinejad arrested
>ahmadinejed arrested
ahmadinejad arrested
>ahmadinejed arrested
>Ahmadinejed talking.
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eaf9dc No.20476
Got a Red Rider BB gun, but it'll break the skin.
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f65b53 No.20477
Timestamp Markers submission
Here is my submission for a completed marker list, at least as I currently understand it. Please review and share feedback.
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5c43ce No.20478
No. He misquoted the article intentionally
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f47785 No.20479
should have been bread
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7a91ac No.20480
A /cbts/ post connecting ++ Rothschilds to ownership of many US Electric and Gas companies and grids:
Who is Researcher and California Activist Deborah Tavares?
What threats to citizens and infrastructure has she been warning about?
What did she discover about ++ Rothschilds ++ and California Electric and Gas companies?
Why would a sovereign nation allow an external entity and foreign people to take ownership of the nations electrical and gas grids of their own land?
What would this compromise?
What dangers and threats could this pose to the nation? To the citizens? To the property and home owners?
Why is the electric and gas company under investigation for the fires and complete destruction of thousands of homes and structures in October 2017 in Northern California and December 2017 in Southern California?
Who owns the Electric and Gas companies in the areas of these fires?
Why do Rothschilds own so many of the Electric and Gas Companies in California and other areas of the United States?
Why do the United States not own their own Electric grid and Gas companies?
Why has this compromise been allowed to occur?
Who are the dangerous "helpers" that come in after the fires? After the floods? After the hurricanes?
Who are buying up the homes and properties after the fires for pennies on the dollar?
Are foreign buyers allowed to buy up large areas of these American properties and do they receive perks for doing so?
What is geo engineering? What has Harvard and congress recently been proposing regarding geo engineering for the US?
Who benefits for California to maintain years of drought?
Who owns the water? Who owns the Electric grid?
Who benefits if California Governor Brown declares an area no longer sustainable for human habitation? Who benefits from the destruction of thousands of homes in California and Houston and Puerto Rico?
What does "owning the weather" mean?
Why did the US Military declare they would "own the weather by 2025?"
Who owns and controls the US weather today?
Who really owns and controls the US weather today?
Who benefits when the president declares a state of emergency for States experiencing a natural disaster?
Why does Governor Brown believe so many more disasters will come and the president will no longer be able to continue to send aid to all the states affected by disasters?
Who really controls the weather?
Why did California Governor Brown declare the total destruction of homes and regions "our new normal?"
Why did he say we can expect more and more fires and floods and earthquakes for the next decade?
Who controls the weather?
Who controls the direct energy weapons?
Who controls Haarp?
Who can create earthquakes as a weapon?
Who can create droughts and storms as a weapon?
Who can create fires as a weapon?
Who benefits from "sustainable development?"
Why did Governor Brown leave his state of California during the largest fire in California history to attend the Paris Climate meeting?
Why did Governor Brown state he was more than a state leader that he was really a global leader?
On day 3 of the Thomas Fire in California how did Governor Brown know the fire would continue on for a month?
What are Direct Energy Weapons?
What does a house and car look like after a fire was started in them using direct energy weapons?
What are Microwave Weapons?
Why are Smart Meters being looked at as a link to the fires in the homes in California?
What does modern war look like today?
What are EMFs and Radio Frequencies? What are electro magnetic pulse Weapons?
What are the modern war weapons that can be used discretely?
Can weather and fire be powerful Weapons of war?
What does war look like today?
Why do Americans believe a war is not happening on their soil?
Deborah Tavares Critical World Events Jan 3, 2018 - The Power Hour
https://you tu.be/7Y5zkcyV4Xw
https://you tu.be/-1H9V6TQU_U
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4e8b62 No.20481
Jim Reynolds, CEO, Loop Capital
Straddling the worlds of high finance and community activism
good read: http: //articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-04-01/business/ct-biz-executive-profile-jim-reynolds-20130401_1_loop-capital-zoetis-equity
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ae8e4a No.20482
especially when there's probably already a cure that has been held back because it would cost pharma profits
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dc04f7 No.20483
You'll shoot your eye out!
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71e901 No.20485
Look at that evil fucker.
I believe in happenings through consensus. I believe if enough people wish him dead, it will happen. Let's all give him our "best" wishes.
Perhaps the blessing of a flesh eating disease.
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bce5a7 No.20486
We see U, I use a sling-shot.
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726682 No.20487
Oh snap. I've been breaking links bad this whole time. Serves me right for not reading the OP…
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3dca63 No.20488
Just a hammer and some pigs, no traces…
BB Gun overkill actually…
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15a23e No.20489
Memes.com has been down for at least 5 days…coincidence? Having to find alternates
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4b841c No.20490
They say your hair will stand just b fore lightening strikes, that’s the feeling I just got after seeing the [15] confirmed
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82b4ba No.20491
thank you for the patience
last looks best
try blood red on #2
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0b031e No.20492
it doesn't matter , he was quoting an article , the article says consequential
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8cda4b No.20493
Ikr. Messing with this EastCoastfag's sleeping schedule. ;-)
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df7198 No.20494
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ef5606 No.20495
I wouldn't trust Karen as far as you could throw her. I've listened to most of her interviews. She never convinced me she was for anything but NWO or a tool of the BIS
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a5fe9d No.20496
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6ba60a No.20497
No clue but it's still interesting. Wouldn't put it past WL's to do somethin like that and see if anyone caught on.
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decbca No.20498
preeeettty much, and not even a good one.
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932fee No.20499
You're fine. Fuck that glowing fag
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e85645 No.20500
> media-hair-on-fire moment
> latest explosion of gossip and sniping
> another day on the razor’s edge
> washes away any doubts
> orgy of regulations aimed at strangling capitalism’s last animal spirits
> judicial food chain
> sexual monster
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b55356 No.20501
Bull. Even if true, you think we give 2 fs.
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7af3f4 No.20502
If you wanna break em, eliminate the www. part I guess.
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df7198 No.20503
haha…which I had gotten one. always had to use the neighbor's
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d1344d No.20504
Taco Bell and phonefag
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0d55b4 No.20505
Well, thank God I went with my gut instinct on this chic. I watched one of her videos when all this started and didn't get a good vibe from her.
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9988b7 No.20506
Wait - but aren't Q's markers typically [x] minutes between Q's post and Trump's tweet? Not between Trump's tweets themselves?
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317f66 No.20507
That make difficulties for those of us with certain platforms.
You could just add a capital X at the end of the link. We can delete one character at the end easily.
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776590 No.20508
I don't care what Michelle told you!!! You will not be pegging me tonight or any other night !!!
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4bf357 No.20509
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0f3027 No.20510
A book deal for BO?
Suggested title: "My 30 Pieces of Silver"
Suggested pseudonym: Pete Best
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932fee No.20511
My impression is she's dumb. Had zero interest
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7efb94 No.20512
Can you say Operation Mockingbird?
https:// 8ch.net/thestorm/res/7090.html#q20202
http:// (Turkish report)
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2ae856 No.20513
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4aecc6 No.20515
Woodpecker: Q told us trump was Enlil by giving us the picture of Thor. You should check it out.
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0a676e No.20516
15 minute time difference in tweets first was at 6:21pst second at 6:36pst
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1108ec No.20517
It's possible that the lady is White House photographer Joyce N. Boghosian but I can't find a picture of her.
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82b4ba No.20518
that works, but I put a space so that the search engine in some browsers are kicked in without a totally valid link
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1bf400 No.20519
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d29ed0 No.20520
Gotcha, anons. Thanks for the correction.
I retract this:
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e9c6b0 No.20521
working with limited color selection
I'll see if I can find a different program to use
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8cda4b No.20523
Yes. I think this was it. The "q" missing which ties it to Q.
I don't think Q himself is missing, I think that was POTUS' "nod" to Q.
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299a41 No.20524
Speaking of shoes
How about, She thought she was a shoe in until she Left it in the middle of the street.
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d1344d No.20525
I’ll fucking age dox myself and say I wrote code on a fucking teletype
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bce5a7 No.20526
Dude, Make your own Deborah Tavares thread and see it you can answer some of those questions yourself, maybe you get some help.
All that shit don't belong in this thread.
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33ddd7 No.20527
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decbca No.20528
Ya think? It isn't even clever. Yawn
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3dca63 No.20529
Hit a burger place, Taco Bell (and their Illuminati commercial lately) are owned by PEPSICO.
And that makes my belly queazy!
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204131 No.20530
Add to graphic.
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0ef8bc No.20531
Trump last posT was 27 min ago, still no reply by Q.
See you guys tomorrow
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d1e640 No.20532
Under rated. Please re-post. Then pack your bag and get out, you're too close to home.
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d29ed0 No.20533
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30ca9d No.20534
>1/22/90 and not 1/17/90 of Brit Hume's interview on ABC News.
>The other news that broke that morning was that an 'off-world satellite' had been retrieved by US Military reconnaissance forces.
Well that is indeed interesting! It sounds like you know…
So far I have not been able to find it using Google search 'off-world satellite' retrieved by US Military reconnaissance
or ABC News search abcnews.go.com/search?searchtext=Brit%20Hume%201990&r=old
This will take some digging apparently. You seem fairly certain of your info…
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4bf357 No.20535
What are you guys talking about, missing Q? There's no missing q in the tweets?
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e85645 No.20536
>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
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