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/thestorm/ - The Storm

Legacy Q Research

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This board is now under /QResearch/ control as of 10/08/2018

Looking for Q? Come to QResearch

File: 84389dd24c7985c⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,2000x1378,1000:689,thestorm_blue.jpeg)

951922 No.23709 [Last50 Posts]

The Republic of The United States of America is being Restored

The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.

There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.

Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.


It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here Are The Facts:

There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22

There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.

As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.

Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.

==Here's the catch:== The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.

Solution? Sincere Patriots.

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. ― Thomas Jefferson'''

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our Mission

To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE].



We will do this by constructing a side by side graphic / github of Qposts and Trump tweets.



Timestamps must be in the same timezone.

Highlight time differences of [5,10,15]

Highlight misspelled words.

It's perfect. Plausible deniability to the world yet ultimate confirmation to us.

We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

Can you?

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.



Please read the "About Shills" section below.

Important Post for Q From CodeMonkey:


"The best, easiest and most secure way to do this would be for Q to become a board owner himself.

Q should create his own board via 8ch.net/create.php. Once the board is secured, he should edit the board settings and enable the CAPS ONLY function. When that happens, only moderators can create threads. Once he creates a thread, he can then lock it so only he can post there. In this case, he won't lose the board because it's explicitly for data dumps only (there are many boards like this on 8chan, like PDF libraries, personal blogs etc.). Discussion would continue on /thestorm/ or any other board of your choice.

If you need help setting this up, I'm all ears. No need for private communications whatsoever."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

951922 No.23714




/thestorm #25, #26 and #27


>>20530 rt >>20277



>>20631 rt >>20603




>>21121 rt >>21093




>>21574 rt >>21481

>>21644 rt >>21582

>>21679 rt >>21584 rt >>21545

>>21777 rt >>21626


>>13696 rt >>13655 "Mark graphic material": gop.gov/solution_content/plannedparenthood/


>>13615 rt >>13534






>>13138 rt >>13129

>>13128 rt >>13104

>>13097 rt >>13061




>>8223 rt >>8172

>>8159 rt >>8109




>>7958 rt >>7935




Q posts in /thestorm/ after migration:




[01/05/18 CBTS and /thestorm/ posts together]


01/05/18 CBTS:

Posts on 01/05/18 (EST) (Archive only)

#299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –


www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118

#295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –

media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg


>>5204 -> Graphic

01/04/18 (EST)


>>>/cbts/239015 rt >>>/pol/res/11115887


>>>/cbts/239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation

>>>/cbts/239917 -> Confirmation The Second

>>>/cbts/239968 -> BO Confirms

>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.





Q's Tripcodes

For posterity, here are the old trips Q had used so far:

Q !UW.yye1fxo

Q !ITPb.qbhqo


Q !2nVA4xm522

(last trip was wrong trip due to error in entering password)

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951922 No.23715




Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)

1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg

2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg

3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg

4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg

5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png

6: s20.postimg. org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg

7: s20.postimg.org/5eexzohkd/thestormqmap1b_1-07-18.png

8: s20.postimg.org/n9kue3brx/Q_comp_correct_01-07-2018_3of3._POTUS_speaks.jpg

Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/

NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/


This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.

Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.




Learn to Read The Map

New throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/



https:// oversight.house.gov/interactivepage/plannedparenthood/


New Spreadsheet

New smartsheet spreadsheet has been made.

NEW LINK: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232

NOTE: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.

We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.

THANK YOU all anons who have helped out, added answers, found news items, given support and had patience with this project.


Latest Q Map


All Q Posts (meta, txt & html): 496 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/a27edc1e7b365bd954aacd2963d1bd44

Interactive: qcodefag.github.io

Interactive backup: qanonmap.github.io

News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017

Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

Raw Text Q Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/G1N1v0dfb1/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.5.0.pdf

PDF: For Spider Web Mapping dropfile.to/2UrnCy7

Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/M9A8v4d8b3/Q_Spreadsheet_DATASET_01-07.csv >>11976

Time Stamp Spreadsheets: Excel: anonfile.com/t4Pcvbd5b9/Q_Data_Set_-_Minute_Edition.xlsx , CSV: anonfile.com/s6P6vbd5b4/Q_Data_Set_-_Minute_Edition.csv

The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)

Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)

Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)

CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

951922 No.23717




CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html

Archive of all 8chan /cbts/ Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC

CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html

Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*

4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL


Q Posts & DJT Tweets Side by Side For Comparison - As Q Requested:


All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

Spreadsheet >>15121

'xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx

.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv


Tools & Information


Mapping tools: >>>/cbts/111700 , >>>/cbts/119941

Free research resources: >>>/cbts/216402

For site archival: archive.fo/

Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf

Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/

The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf

Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s

Reverse Image Search: tineye.com

Compilation of all players/actors and connections: >>13189

Planefag Tools

Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com

Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com

Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com

FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

951922 No.23719





>>17909 Upcoming OIG report likely to trigger second special counsel -Zerohedge

>>17871 Phili DA fires 31 on 4th day of job - -Zerohedge

>>17265 Fire and Fury available as pdf - WikiLeaks

>>15938 Iranian oil tanker crashes into Chinese ship near NK

>>14309 JFK Chaos

>>13981 RR Sister in charge of Vaccines for CDC?

>>14304 Chicago to HK flight diverted to alaska - vandalized with excrement

>>13002 Union Station DC Evacuated

>>12990 Emergency landing at JFK - report of engine fire

>>12334 California family dead - murder suicide

>>12275 Plane catches fire after collision on runway

>>11782 Ex-Iranian President Arrested

News Section Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18


Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>23594 [0] hasn't happened yet


>>23020 Marker Graphics

>>17675 Fire and Fury , Ch6 and 10 'O' changed to 'Q' -> WikiLeaks

>>17726 anons 40,000ft view compilation

>>17380 Seven TRILLION Q Connection

>>16799 In-Q-Tel , Genetic Engineering , PepsiCo , TacoBell and 50% reduction in sperm counts

>>16759 Loop Capital Markets - Financials

>>16581 When Fake Communitst took over a Wisconsin town

>>16459 , >>16471 Relationships Map - Huma , VJ , MB

>>15704 [rr_out] Q message , POTUS tweet , time stameed

>>14152 rt >>13838 Epiphany!

>>13959 Body Parts Raid in November

>>13925 Obama agency rules Pepsi use of fetal cells 'ordinary business'

>>13753 7th Floor - wikispooks

>>13760 , >>14161 7th floor is no more

>>13655 , >>13658 House Investigation into Planned Parenthood

>>13556 Missing Money - 13B , 6B

>>13515 First Pentagon Audit in History

>>11987 Airplanes missing and Eric Schmidt

>>11968 Mass data collection since Reagan (1981)

Notable Posts Consolidation 1.1.18 to 1.7.18


Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.

To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.


BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:



More info: >>>/cbts/140461

>>>/cbts/120430 (Petition)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

951922 No.23720




Research Resources >>>/cbts/211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)

A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422

Alien / Disclosure Related >>>/cbts/26613

Asia Foundation >>>/cbts/15984

Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705

British Connections >>>/cbts/117841

CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>>/cbts/1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461

FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>>/cbts/195194

Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952

Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102

Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163

Israel & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398

Many research links here to give background on current events >>>/cbts/255999

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/1391

Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>>/cbts/147334

North Korea >>>/cbts/1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249

Plane Crashes Thread >>>/cbts/56075

Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198

Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300

Planned Parenthood* >>13655

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171

Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157

Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327

Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409

Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139

Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576

Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367

Stringers, military courts >>>/cbts/189447

Titanic >>>/cbts/106

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346

Who is P? >>>/cbts/202645

* ==Emphasized by Q==

**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>>/cbts/211983.

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951922 No.23723




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1: >>>/cbts/2

Memes #2: >>>/cbts/61078

Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604

Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207

Memes #5: >>>/cbts/189835

Memes #6: >>7090

Infographs: >>>/cbts/10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875

Meme Ammo: >>7161

Meme Ammo By Topic: pastebin.com/WnudyCpd from >>14323

Image Archive by Topic >>18752 , >>18760 , >>18765




→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>>/cbts/134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts

Part 1: >>>/cbts/189448

Part 2: >>>/cbts/189460

Part 3: >>>/cbts/189467

Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B

^^The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)

RedPill Questions - Not Q

>>15931 Foundations

>>15998 Politicians

>>16064 Anti-Trump

>>16204 Planned Parenthood

>>16438 Plane 9/11

Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.


Prayer Requests: >>>/cbts/55606

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps

Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

951922 No.23724





Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http/https://www' part.

e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org

When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and the browser will resolve.

This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the

destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.

Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com

You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.

It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.

If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.

Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com

You can anonymously search web using this site.

It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly

go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make

duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"

directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.

Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.

There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.


About Shills

Read >>>/cbts/226201


Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.

They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.

Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.

So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*

You don't.

Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,

mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart: YOU IGNORE THEM.

Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)

and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.

Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.


Last Dough & Baking Instructions


If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:

Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.

Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.

Last dough: pastebin.com/TkbPWeF7 From thread: 30

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3f8f8d No.23740

File: d0f96cd1080e999⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2240x5072,140:317,15_to_1.JPG)

File: bca538d1c5dfbdf⋯.jpg (2.22 MB,4016x6392,502:799,Markers_.jpg)


Last bread some helpful anons pointed out a timeline discrepency, caused by mismatched timezone timestamps.

I have done a full audit on the graphic, updated the timestamps, and relabeled the timeline to correctly label the events.


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cdbe94 No.23768

Thank you master baker 👨‍🍳

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9d9aa1 No.23769



Q's deleted posts confirmed real!

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5e4f3d No.23770


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d081b2 No.23771

We need an understanding Q for Dummy’s book

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802738 No.23773

>>23771 You win! Favorite post of the night after all of Q's of course

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9d9aa1 No.23774


Maybe that's the book deal (((baruchtheshill))) got!

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3ada58 No.23775



double checking now.

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9c2b59 No.23776




This comment:

"The spiders are symbolic of a global web of powerful families and their creation of a new surveillance technology using broadcast soundwaves, called spider technology. The eggs symbolize the 20 national security agencies around the world who have access to these images."

Spider technology??

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e3e33c No.23777

The Great American Bake Off - masterful bake

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6804ad No.23778


Whoever does the screen caps of tweets n Qdrops has to have their computer date and time synced with EST so the timestamps are correct.

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f1b4b3 No.23779

God Bless and protect the Patriots in our midst. God Bless the bakers and the dough; let this bread help us to unlock the map to the chaos of our times, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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fac52d No.23780

Was moving /cbts/ to /thestorm/ a subtle nod to us that the storm is here?

Or you guys think it's 100% because it was compromised?

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531504 No.23781

File: 85153402141240c⋯.jpg (4.65 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180108_012818.jpg)

So Julian's in Australia with Mom, makes sense

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f1b4b3 No.23782


All the world's a stage and everything has it's time.

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65038c No.23783

Goin through bread like Pepperidge farm

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77eb50 No.23784


Comped. you should have seen the exchanges between ctbs BO and Q

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52143f No.23785


>DEFCON does not refer to Defense r Condition w/ regards to prev post.

DEFCON does not refer to DC

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3400c7 No.23786


You don't know Q.

Q Basic

Q For Non Q


A test? See how we react if it did happen? Ionno definitely interesting.

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9d9aa1 No.23787


Well, the BO deleted legit Q posts and called Q a teenfag.

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8c4c80 No.23788


BO got stupid and deleted some of Q's posts. Can't have that.

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53be73 No.23789

File: 35ba5a470920ec9⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,3182x2122,1591:1061,WHOPOSTHERE.jpg)

Last try. I think Defcon[1] is Potus posting to us directly.

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2de672 No.23790


no coincidences!!!!!

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a447b9 No.23791


The world was being run into the ground by a dark and powerful group.

Patriots in places of power decided Enough is Enough.

The White Hats are now in control.

The full weight of Americas Military and Intelligence agencies are being used to rid the world of the evil that has kept everyone down.

Q is priming us to be the change agents in The Great Awakening, because the world needs to know what has been happening to them for generations.

You are in very, very good hands.

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b4de26 No.23792

Long time lurker.

Q said 43 points on the map.




(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.

(34) commands LIVE.



[1] OWL [1]


(9) + (34) = 43

34 active actions now and 9 actions prepared to go live in future. That means we have little time left to get the map sorted to prove to the normies that GEOTUS is /their guy/ and not making shit up.

Next 9 actions go live when q and POTUS tweet 1 minute apart and it contains OWL?

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a72811 No.23794


That kind of question doesn't deserve an answer but yes the storm is here hence the move to this board secondly please allow the real thinkers in here to think about what's going on there's some serious dots that need to be connected go ask that question on Facebook or Twitter or to the mirror on the wall or something I'm not trying to be mean but most people in here have not slept in 2 or 3 days give us a break please

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67180d No.23795

As stated, DEFCON stands for "Defense Readiness Condition". It's interesting that he used a small "r" and chose not to spell out "readiness". Crumb?

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77eb50 No.23796



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951922 No.23797

File: efef6cc9f39a23b⋯.jpg (81.59 KB,640x333,640:333,donald-trump-thumbs-up-act….jpg)

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ee5456 No.23798


Thank you for the clarification, Q.

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de1af7 No.23801

thank you butcher, baker and the candlestick maker

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064059 No.23802



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af7290 No.23803

If the Rothschilds and their NWO friends know they are about to be taken down, since they own most all the central banks in the world, I'm thinking they could trigger a global banking shutdown to cause total economic collapse, a way (maybe their only way) to fight back against Trump? I'm just thinking they probably won't go down without a fight, you know they all must have gold in their bunkers,, as a last resort to save themselves, when all fiat money collapses, they will still be wealthy and powerful. After all, their end goal is to remove most of the earth's population anyway, so they can reign in peace and nobility, as serfdom becomes the new world order. I just hope POTUS has a backup plan for this possibility.

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25e4db No.23804


Also worth noting on that graphic is that the "Please read entire column" was removed when retweeted by POTUS

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ee5456 No.23805



God bless you all, Patriots!

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bb9b58 No.23806

File: 903ef1e96eda115⋯.jpg (218.93 KB,1029x777,49:37,horus_heresy_book_sons_of_….jpg)


aw jeez not this crap again

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a72811 No.23807


I think the executive order puts some controls over the banks they may control them from the ground but we controlled and from the air so to speak that's my take

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bb9b58 No.23808


the emperor protects

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bc2737 No.23810


does that mean an operation went live each time a code was posted here? are there 34 codes in past Q posts? we need to find them

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9be353 No.23811


no one suspects

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77eb50 No.23812

Hold the phone Miss Mitchell. Q could have spelled out Defense Readiness Condition. This isnt 140 character limited. Instead, Q capitalized Defense and Condition. D and C. Should be no question what it does stand for.

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b95669 No.23813


Just noticed this as well. Thought it was new…

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92fff4 No.23814


>If the Rothschilds and their NWO friends know they are about to be taken down, since they own most all the central banks in the world, I'm thinking they could trigger a global banking shutdown

That would be financial suicide. Can't see it

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ee5456 No.23816


Kek… Except for that DEFCON reference that scared the hell out of everyone for a moment. :)

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4ddde0 No.23817

Pleasure to be here with you all <3

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a3f775 No.23818

I think DEFCON is DC, as in Washington, DC. Also suggested by Defense r Condition.

Perhaps ties into the IAD op that was [future].

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de1af7 No.23819

File: 90eab617a55d05f⋯.jpg (200.97 KB,1754x1240,877:620,bitches - Copy.jpg)

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ff764c No.23820


I think my brain is on backwards after tonight.

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3400c7 No.23821


Agreed. Everyone please don't forget to rest and eat while digging. Do not burn out. We need to be sharp more than ever.

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8b462d No.23822



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cbc5a7 No.23823


We know what it means. We also know how Q defined the term. Think before you post.

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fd3a3e No.23824


Does DEFCON mean that when POTUS posts DEFCON its the signature to the meaning of [1] for us, correlate [1]with relative drops.

Am i correct?

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bb9b58 No.23825


>He could not in good conscience watch the world burn.

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99ea05 No.23826


> financial

For who? Certainly not them since their financial worth comes from hard assets (gold, etc). Paper/Digital money is only to control the commoners.

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62867b No.23827


I think DEFCON 1 means Definite Confirmation from 1(POTUS)

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de1af7 No.23828



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ee5456 No.23829


It's a pleasure, PA.

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67180d No.23830


Yah, I just said that and got kek'd. This place is fucked up.

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ff764c No.23831

Umm Julian Assange's twitter has changed from a blue diamond to an hour glass!!!



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d3c94a No.23832

Things were going on outside my timezone, quick thought before I read up on previous threads and catch up:

DEFCON 1 may have been for US, THIS BOARD - it may have meant BE READY TO START MASS REDPILLING.

Going back to thread archives.

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5e52fd No.23833


Since we are to be the town criers of the internet age, when the time comes, perhaps those memes telling the good news should carry a bell. Sort of a mark of authenticity. A badge of the position we were given by the God Emperor.

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ef0feb No.23834




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b4de26 No.23835


Yeah I think all caps are the codes to commence actions. Find past 34 where q posts with all caps code words and POTUS tweets correspond with happenings on the news

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b18fe5 No.23836

I go back to the original Q posts regarding EM and the 4.6B going to him in return for what? Access codes.String is from late Nov I believe

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58dc5f No.23837

>>23831 Can confirm

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d081b2 No.23838

DEFCON stands for ….Definitely Constipated …shhhh don’t tell anyone

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ef0feb No.23839


Must be waiting to be rescued.

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5e4f3d No.23840

Now looking back at it, THOR's hammer might be the EO of 'Human Rights' violations.

freezing their $$, no money = no power to operate, crippling the evildoers.

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a3f775 No.23841


I like that thought.

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59ae56 No.23842


Tick tock perhaps

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b0a21e No.23843

Just a thought. Sky Fortress=Asgard=home of Thor=Rods from God. Non Nuke Tungsten weapons from Satellite.

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b18fe5 No.23844

To make EM cars run, he needs Lithium. Huge access to Lithium in AUS

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fd3a3e No.23845



Stephen Witt on how the White House reached out for advice to Stephen Feinberg, the billionaire Trump supporter and head of the military contractor DynCorp…

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7dcb58 No.23846


cryptokitty countdown

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3400c7 No.23847

I also repeat- t. minus 10. Jan17. 500pm (1700est)

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a447b9 No.23848


The badge you're referring to can be Seen in the Patriotic Enthusiasm of the lad letting you know the world is in good hands.

No matter who, no matter when.

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5d4e01 No.23849


Back at you PA

And glad to see you esp because a couple hours ago someone was saying you had disappeared and or changed tripcode or something. It was either a confused anon or a troublemaker.

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2de672 No.23850

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6792c3 No.23851

File: b7de4d5b03fb179⋯.png (796.56 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20180108-014106.png)

Julian now with hour glass and not diamond??

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fd3a3e No.23852


Twitter FW_

=Feinburg & Witt !!! look for their twitters.

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9c56c9 No.23853


Waiting for the news of his new location to go public.

Or waiting for verification from his new address…

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8b462d No.23854


This was kind of where I was going with it. DEFCON could be leading up to critical mass. The point at which the general consensus has swayed enough to achieve a particular result.

I guess Q will confirm the right conclusion when its the right time. Doesn't he always?

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57f5db No.23855


That's what I am thinking.

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efbfe7 No.23856

FOCUS… Defcon solved. Work is on CLOCK.

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9ad7a8 No.23857

Ok. Full Zen mode, engage. Do not hold back. No holds barred. Must end. By any means necessary.

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ef0feb No.23858


DynCorp hey? Hello GW!!

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92fff4 No.23859


We agree to disagree.

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a3f775 No.23860


[10] is BHO, so I'm thinking [1] is POTUS.

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68c258 No.23861


Or how about Define Connection

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046e6b No.23862

I can't understand how all these evil people who apparently had so much wealth and power are being destroyed so quietly.

I'm sure that's just my civilian perspective but still.

Satan really is a cuck.

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af7290 No.23863


exactly my reasoning, worldwide economic collaspse would create total chaos, even here in America

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ef0feb No.23864



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3400c7 No.23865


SHUTDOWN seems more plausible no?

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fd3a3e No.23866


Defence Contractors of DynCorp


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b18fe5 No.23867

Don't forget what Q said about EM. Important IMO. Why would US announce when we were going to nuke another country. We wouldn't. Musk sold out to the NWO imo and is an ACTOR

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082d7b No.23868



Second this.


Definitely Confirmed

Definite Confirmation


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fb0cdb No.23869


Pray. Now! O dear lord

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68c258 No.23870


Time’s almost up

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58dc5f No.23871

I love you all. Let’s do this patriots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are gods warriors!!

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a3f775 No.23872


Clever and possible.

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ee5456 No.23873


I'm seeing two solid arguments… One for Q's post referencing "DC", per the capitalized letters in the clarification. And, the argument that DEFCON means 'definite confirmation".

Ideas… FIGHT!

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5d4e01 No.23874


Probably not going to advertise that.

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ef0feb No.23875


We do not know if he has been extracted yet or not. They said it would be more difficult then they thought…

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cdbe94 No.23876


Cool! My birthday!

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6804ad No.23877


Maybe to tie in with the Fake News Awards?

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b18fe5 No.23878

someone please pull up the original Q EM threads. I believe DEFCON is Elon Musk who was contracted by US Govnt before he took office

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59ae56 No.23879


DynCorp are the bad guys, major human trafficking and extra judicial killings.

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fd3a3e No.23880


Please Confirm Q

Does DEFCON mean Defence Contractor of Trump?

Stephen Feinburg



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e3c924 No.23881


Q-team, please understand autists

>some good with numbers

>some good with words

< some not good with rhetorical words/phrases

< some not good with sarcasm

those 2 take things literally, difficult to parse

all skills needed to work together to accomplish task(s) given by POTUS via Q team

We're trying. We really are.

DEFCON[1}= WAKE TF UP ANONS!! Pay attention

some autists get it, those that don't are good with numbers & stringers, those that do are good with words/graphics

different skills, different talents

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6804ad No.23882


DOXED! ;-)

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de1af7 No.23883


yes sir, look what they did to cali, my old stomping grounds and for confirmation go read georgia guidstones. mfers

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78b19d No.23884

putting my vote in for Definite Confirmation, also as a double meaning:

Defcon in the traditional sense as a metaphor for the state of the storm.

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a3f775 No.23885

Q is smacking himself upside the head about now. "I thought I was clear as a bell"

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ff764c No.23886


They are planning a private military program.

Program is not the right word but my brain is fried.

Feinberg, Dan Quayle, and Erik Prince.

Cerberus & DynCorp

Dan Quayle helped convince trump to run for president. He is on the board at Cerberus. Feinberg is the CEO. Cerberus has invested in and acquired Remington, Marlin, and the #1 make of the AR-15. They want to join up with Erik Prince of DynCorp to make a privatized military section.

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e53807 No.23887

Does this have anything to do with a countdown to a currency reset to take out the Roths? GCR?

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48e5af No.23888


Maybe he's going to break something yuge before the Fake News Awards.

And will use this shocking event to see who reported on it honestly or not

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bd937b No.23889


<DEFinitive CONfirmation

<because of [1] minute between tweets

>Future proves past

<future [tweets] proves past [Q's posts on 8chan]

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5d1bf4 No.23890


DynCorp? A LOT must have happened if they're onside.

I believe blackwater have been the contract heroes of this story.

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064059 No.23891


or, you know, recognize shills and derailing tactics when you see them and filter the spergs who won't shut up about deaf con

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082d7b No.23892


Definite Confirmation of [1] marker

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b15040 No.23893


You're definitely onto something

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99ea05 No.23894


>We agree to disagree

Central banks = enslaving an entire country. Once the control the money supply they own you. Iran, NK, and Cuba are the last three holdouts.


>would create total chaos, even here in America

No doubt. Chaos they can definitely manage. Evidence: Every war for the last 2-300 years.

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77eb50 No.23895


Quayle- is that why Pence was picked?

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cbc5a7 No.23896


It's an I.Q. test, and we're failing it.

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ef0feb No.23897


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3400c7 No.23898


Also suspect this. Believe this is why the push- so there is time to swallow. OR we wait and see. Dig and prepare. We have 10days

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cdbe94 No.23899


Definitely shaping up to be one hell of a week

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68c258 No.23900

File: 3a497905b082520⋯.jpeg (413.51 KB,750x1293,250:431,5DAE4AB3-96B8-4B94-915D-3….jpeg)

File: c30460abe262e22⋯.jpeg (151.35 KB,750x436,375:218,1CAC5B69-62EA-4491-B5AD-9….jpeg)

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a3f775 No.23901

The explanation needs to cover both [1] and 1 appended to DEFCON, because both were used.

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ff764c No.23902







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f1b4b3 No.23903


Yeh.. I need a nap.. Godspeed..

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734124 No.23904

did anyone say anything about the 1st tweet consensual then the second consequential

that Hillary and Obama are missing? is that the clue>

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531504 No.23905

File: 666212b76533e93⋯.jpg (349.84 KB,1080x1228,270:307,Screenshot_20180107-232743.jpg)

File: d62901faef2d7ea⋯.jpg (345.76 KB,1080x1224,15:17,Screenshot_20180107-232758.jpg)

File: 8dea6ada7da26ef⋯.jpg (291.75 KB,1080x947,1080:947,Screenshot_20180108-014442.jpg)

File: e28daec3f91552e⋯.jpg (356.31 KB,1080x1204,270:301,Screenshot_20180107-232820.jpg)

File: 9a093b6a56acf77⋯.jpg (472.55 KB,810x1402,405:701,Screenshot_20180108-011435.jpg)

Caps with correct time zones important, piece them together. Huge confirmation

If you bake it, he will crumb

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0f75ae No.23906

What is the map?

Q Drops and POTUS Tweets combined but "encrypted"

What is the legend?

Markers [ ] with a number that corresponds to the time difference between two consecutive tweets by POTUS.

[5] = 5 min difference between POTUS tweet.

Additional legend info based on this Q post.


Graphics should be in same time zone.

Delta relevant.






[0] = Q drop and POTUS tweet posted concurrently

[1] = Q drop and POTUS tweet posted same day (Not 100% since only 5, 10 and 15 are mentioned)

[5] = Q drop and POTUS tweet posted same day

[10] = Q drop will be posted in advanced to POTUS tweet. (Not same day)

[15] = Q drop will be posted in advanced to POTUS tweet. (Not same day)

All of this can be verified by gathering all Q drops containing a [5] marker and all of POTUS tweets from same day with 5 min posting difference.

I will begin gathering in AM.


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b18fe5 No.23907

Can anyone confirm that EM sent an email to all Tesla owners to confirm they are fully charged before Monday??

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546e20 No.23908

Would like "The Clock" explained and graphically illustrated more fully.

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9ad7a8 No.23909

This is really draining. Ugh.

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531504 No.23910

File: 22012e8169128fd⋯.jpg (241.76 KB,1080x704,135:88,Screenshot_20180108-014510.jpg)


And the final

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8c4c80 No.23911



This. Also, the following SIG[1] = One Signal (message on twitter).

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99e637 No.23912


The new Q isnt doing it right. You dont misuse DEFCON in these circumstances period

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cdbe94 No.23913

Getting tennis elbow from all this …this last week has been active

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ff764c No.23914

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97b750 No.23915

All crumbs no action. My ADD can only stay interested for so long…im out.

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e3c924 No.23916


Understand that, was talking to Q team. Frustration is palpable and also understandable. I suck at #s & stringers, others are good with it. Different talents + skills = good team

All that matters is completing the task satisfactorily.


We want to help, we want to accomplish this. Q & POTUS are frustrated. Understanding is necessary to maximize productive output. Guidance is necessary since autists process things in different ways depending on leanings.

We are trying. They are trying. We need to meet (mentally) to accomplish important task.

That's all.

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25e4db No.23917


There is a SpaceX one on 11/23 at 02:05:13

>>150562694 from half chan

>Why did BO scuttle the shuttle program?

>What is SpaceX?

>Expand your thinking

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e3e33c No.23918

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802738 No.23919

>>23906 Brilliant! Great work anon

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6804ad No.23920


Or, we see him in the US and he drops the goods on the SR murder?

Whatever it is, I think the hourglass is tied into the Fake News Awards and JA's dump will be either on the same day or just before then.

Of course I'm just guessing here.

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cdbe94 No.23921


I make memes, and research, I’m in it for the long haul!

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efbfe7 No.23922


Fried… frustrated.. going to bed. Need to reset. Have a concept for the clock, I'll bring forth tomorrow.

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ee5456 No.23923


Certainly interesting… What are the ties between Pence and Quayle?

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8716dc No.23924

File: 41104628bcef3dd⋯.png (28.15 KB,852x121,852:121,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)

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59ae56 No.23925

File: 69c467efbdd08ed⋯.png (534.5 KB,838x668,419:334,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)


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3f8f8d No.23926

File: 7986f07c4940cf6⋯.jpg (22.49 KB,413x145,413:145,Capture.JPG)


You're right, the other thing that changed is the (Please read the entire column)…

The only people that would really notice that would be us, because we are watching this exchange so closely and documenting.

Q said POTUS was speaking directly to us….

Was POTUS telling (us) to (Please read the entire column)?

So I went and read it, I suggest all anons do the same…

>pic related

well that language sure did seem out of place…

this, combined with the run down at the end of the article, feels like POTUS is laying out the narrative that is about to unfold.

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a73271 No.23927


SIG = Strategic Intel Grp ??

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8fe278 No.23928


sorry anons, catching up from an afternoon off. nice memes, but shouldn't the 'dingo' text be over a picture of Meryl Streep?

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ef0feb No.23929


ACADEMI owner is not on the side of Trump.

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fd3a3e No.23930


Its means Signal/Signature

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af7290 No.23931

Info about the act trump signed last year, new changes made from the original AUMF bush did right after twin towers attack, it just went into effect Jan 1, 2118, I think this is why the storm (military arrests and trials) is just starting to happen now, now that the act has gone into effect, I think this was one of the first acts signed by trump and congress, they can make military arrests and extradite to gitmo tribunals now, also gives trump oversight of tribunals, allowing for public disclosures of the tribunals if trump says so

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a72811 No.23932


I don't think you quite understand what's going on. There isn't a new Q it's the same Q the same group of Q and he can use or she can use whatever language they want it's up to us to interpret it and not go hog-wild crazy with the first thing we see or read.

If you want to go play amateur tiddlywinks go back to Facebook

There's adults in here working and most of us haven't slept or eaten in a day or so

Leave the heavy work to the big people

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ee5456 No.23933


I'm curious… Is there a way to find out if AF1 took off shortly after that post?

AF1 is a sky fortress.

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ff764c No.23934




Buddies it sounds like.

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4c34c9 No.23935


How do YOU know?

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bd937b No.23936


40,000 FT

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ef0feb No.23937


Could well be.

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cdbe94 No.23938



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a3f775 No.23939


Also, how POTUS is insulated/isolated.

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ef0feb No.23940


Thank you Q alt.

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99ea05 No.23941


Pence served one purpose: the evangelical vote.

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264895 No.23942



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3f86db No.23943

File: 960d55655681af5⋯.png (250.71 KB,720x1127,720:1127,Screenshot_2018-01-08-01-0….png)

Sky fortress

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ef0feb No.23944


One Q. One uses anon posting the other uses Tripcode via Tyler. Same person.

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531504 No.23945


I'll put it together tomorrow unless sometimes's on it. Probably the most important timestamp with Q predicting it in between

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232b2e No.23946

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b18fe5 No.23947

File: cc0219f9eebbd8e⋯.png (344.84 KB,921x407,921:407,Capture.PNG)


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ff764c No.23948

Good night anons! I hope I don't sleep through [0] marker!

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5d4e01 No.23949


All should read this!

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8c4c80 No.23950


If Q wanted people who panic and wet their diapers at the first thing that confuses them, wouldn't he go to twitter instead of us?

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a3f775 No.23951


There was that bit at the end about how New York City tended to settle rapidly an onslaught of lawsuits, thought it was like laundering. Not sure how that ties into the rest of the picture, but it smells right.

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99e637 No.23952


I do know, more than you can imagine and I have more background in this stuff than most 5 people put together since 1979.

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e3c924 No.23953


>I make memes, and research, I’m in it for the long haul!

Good to have your help


>ACADEMI owner is not on the side of Trump.

IIRC Blackwater=Academi=Xi

Eric Prince is brother of Betsy de Vos, Education Secretary (good lady)

In this case, Prince is also on team POTUS patriots

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99ea05 No.23954


>wouldn't he go to twitter instead of us?

Twitter would have banned them months ago.

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99e637 No.23955


Actually, your response is childish and unserious. Go back to community college, you might learn how to think .

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951922 No.23956


i'll be on it , but same boat as you , after sleep

>good to have multiple interpretations , can crosscheck and reference

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c354ac No.23957


POTUS aint goin nowhere even if he wanted to. He's basically a hostage at this point. He'll go down as a hero though…….

This fucking Hudes chick has EVERYTHING covered. EVERYTHING.

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ee5456 No.23958


Like I said… AF1

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48e5af No.23959


Something's happening!

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52a4a7 No.23960

Working on long-form post on 7th floor group members.

We've heard about them far too much to not know more about them.

Will post in sections soon.

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6804ad No.23961


NO. That conference us usually held in July, LV.

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78b19d No.23962


you gotta admit, every now and then an issue comes along that is so blatantly one way or the other, it makes a good reason to filter the glowing clowns.

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b95669 No.23963

File: 2b0a24c30ec3315⋯.jpg (44.73 KB,600x411,200:137,download - Copy.jpg)


Meme this in hilldawg style for her birthday maybe?

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951922 No.23964

>defcon shills , the new P shills

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8c4c80 No.23965


For what? Codes no one understands?

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ef0feb No.23966


You just seemed to contradict yourself. You say Prince is not on the side of Potus then suddenly he is.

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ee5456 No.23967


Could be a likely candidate.

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5d1bf4 No.23969


>probably SIG too

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ff764c No.23970


This was a warm up for when it all comes out. Tonight was just a practice for the real thing. People will be panicking. We will need to reassure them.

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43dd4e No.23971


Sleep well, B…God Bless

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4c34c9 No.23972

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78b19d No.23973


might be sore from facepalming… but we gotta keep on McKeepin on.

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ef0feb No.23974


I may have mis spelled in my original post. I meant to say Eric Prince and ACADEMI are now on the side of Trump. That is what the DEFCON means. Hope this explains it. It may have been a typo on my part…

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ef0feb No.23975



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8c4c80 No.23976


Absolutely. I think we partly dailed on the DEFCON thing but deciphered most of the rest pretty well. We're definitely getting better!

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cbc5a7 No.23977


Well, if this was a test, we are doomed. Look at how people reacted to one post. Everyone became Chicken Little, and the e-celebs made lots of $ off the traffic.

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ee5456 No.23978


How is that what DEFCON means?

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5d1bf4 No.23979


They always have been. That's not a new thing.

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8161af No.23980

File: b6425dba4459377⋯.png (1.38 MB,2600x858,100:33,Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at ….png)


First two twats (CAPS):



Second two twats (CAPS):



"P" in the first set, missing in the second set.

"B" in the second set, missing in the first set.



Still analyzing, but that's something.

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e3c924 No.23981


>There isn't a new Q it's the same Q the same group of Q

There were 4 discrete devices tested on Q's current tripcode. Obviously there are at least 4 using the tripcode, ergo at least 4 on Q team posting here.

At least 1 is military, that is clear from verbiage, tone and approach

At least 1 is warm and personable, again evident from verbiage, tone and approach

>X-mas post

Different members of team = different styles.

The Q is AI crowd are misunderstanding, misinformed or clowns (or any combination thereof)

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c69565 No.23982

Stable Genius: like Hercules using the A,P rivers to drain the swamp/clean the huge messy stables. Tired mom wishes for a meme.

Fifth labour: Augean stables

Hercules cleaning the Augean stables (mosaic from Roman Spain, 201–250 CE)

Main article: Augeas

The fifth labour was to clean the stables of King Augeas. This assignment was intended to be both humiliating (rather than impressive, as the previous labours had been) and impossible, since the livestock were divinely healthy (and immortal) and therefore produced an enormous quantity of dung. The Augean /ɔːˈdʒiːən/ Stables had not been cleaned in over 30 years, and over 1,000 cattle lived there. However, Hercules succeeded by re-routing the rivers Alpheus and Peneus to wash out the filth.

Before starting on the task, Hercules had asked Augeas for one-tenth of the cattle if he finished the task in one day, and Augeas agreed. But afterwards Augeas refused to honour the agreement on the grounds that Hercules had been ordered to carry out the task by Eurystheus anyway. Hercules claimed his reward in court, and was supported by Augeas' son Phyleus. Augeas banished them both before the court had ruled. Hercules returned, slew Augeas, and gave his kingdom to Phyleus. According to the Odes of the poet Pindar, Hercules then founded the Olympic Games:

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e2f881 No.23983

Did we ever get a confirmation that the public would be so upset that we should get food/supplies now? Not that type of scared/upset reaction expected?

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9ad7a8 No.23985

Concentrate and pray, people. We need all we can get for team POTUS.

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ef0feb No.23986



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5d4e01 No.23987


On /CBTS the BO used the ban hammer, maybe not so elegantly but he sure used it.

Here, there is less if any banning. This makes it important for anons to use the filter.

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a72811 No.23988


11 years in counter intelligence.

Abstract algebra in 6th grade.

I will outthink and outwit you after a case of beer. Which I don't drink.

Sick of bullshit questions. This inst a chat board.

Q knows what Q is doing.

I have a master's in psychology. You want to go toe to toe ?

I don't think you do.


Let the grown ups think.

Stand down.

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ff5421 No.23989

File: 761a498d6c1dc35⋯.png (745.66 KB,1344x189,64:9,OnlyOne.png)

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48e5af No.23990

Zuma launched

Zach says EMP for NK. Is Zach full of it?

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b415e7 No.23991


MA, just double-checking your work on the 8ch graphics. This handful of images give a 404 error:








You're doing God's work, MA. Keep it up, Patriot!

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ef0feb No.23992



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3ada58 No.23993


thanks, updating these right now.

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78b19d No.23994


just wish it was good across threads, and could filter by IP… but then "Muh Dox" so i guess… Meh…

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de1af7 No.23995

Anons, i pray this is all true… every fucking agency, organization, business, ect is corrupt to the bone because of f money. one example: it used to take years of study to get a medication on the market. today it takes $250,000 dollars and 6 months and its on the shelves being prescribed for things it wasn't even approved of. most if not all the board members on fda are ex-ceo's of the fucking pharmaceutical cos. i hate the world we now live in. fuck. bless you all and Godspeed!

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af7290 No.23996


Eric Prince has been working withTrump since the beginning (blackwater), Trump has had his own security and intel group since beginning

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951922 No.23997


fear and panic , and when that was quelled , uncertainty

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a72811 No.23998


I think the topic of Tyler has been debunked. There's no artificial intelligence going on here.

Take a break and go put some pizza rolls in the microwave

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5d4e01 No.23999


Yes! It was largely an organizational meeting, getting everyone on the same page, along with a few critical progress updates.

Most important info was ensuring we understood communications.

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4c34c9 No.24000

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ef0feb No.24001


>b09ce9 is Q anon ALT 2 posting as anon.

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a72811 No.24002


If I hear the name Zach or Alex Jones one more time I will literally going to go jump off a building

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b18fe5 No.24003

Q: Is DEFCON (1) referring to Saudi Arabia? In old threat Saudi Arabia = 1

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cdbe94 No.24004

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4c34c9 No.24005


Now you are correct.

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b15040 No.24006

File: 37b1238c6753998⋯.jpg (70.21 KB,835x263,835:263,5nkrc9.jpg)

File: ed7b6104e129245⋯.jpg (27.3 KB,546x395,546:395,68747470733a2f2f73332e616d….jpg)

File: a30174da8287902⋯.jpg (12.29 KB,324x324,1:1,freemasons_cipher_cryptogr….jpg)

File: 3ef45aab619becf⋯.jpg (66.16 KB,482x489,482:489,main-qimg-adf6ebec4c4875bb….jpg)

Some different Ciphers

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ef0feb No.24007


Yes, without a shadow of a doubt.

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b18fe5 No.24008


thread, not threat

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064059 No.24009


it's good for identifying who to filter, anon

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78b19d No.24010


Trips confirm… we definitely don't need any fuckery like on /cbts the other day going on whlile the TruthNuke is being detonated.

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cdbe94 No.24011

JFK airport still having probs…


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9e834d No.24012

Thomas Paine says this is all a LARP and the DEFCON LIES confirm this for me I'm out

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99e637 No.24013


Yeah this recnet one isnt so concise or clear, which anybody with actual reading comprehension has noticed.

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ef0feb No.24014


Maybe one of them will help you with it.


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4c34c9 No.24015


Just a left coast shill. Sad, really.

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c69565 No.24016


http ://www.sig.sc3.com/

LOCK: 15-10-5


[1] SIG


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a3f775 No.24017


Blackwater was active there in the arrests and incarcerations.

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3161b4 No.24018


>Sky Fortress

related to ZUMA?

Makes me feel safe..

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fd3a3e No.24019


Get this out

Good(win) is the guy who"wrote" the article Trump quoted.

Connect Q's drops regarded 'win'

Draw together please

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cdbe94 No.24020


I’ll join you

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161c6c No.24021

defcon not in military reference could be the hacker conference in lv

DEFCON [1] CONF im thinking that is reference to the one minute marker to a trump tweet

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775aff No.24022


I don't think so. Confirmation is confirmation. Definite confirmation is redundant.

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d682c1 No.24023

I think it's all pretty clear. Prince got sick of some things going on and started gaming the deep state over past years. A small group of former military and intel approached Trump to run. He hesitated, they showed him the depths of things going on and he more or less said how can I help? Prince stopped some things from happening during the election to my understanding. Soon after election Admiral Rogers presented Trump proof that they tried to steal the election and proof of deep state surveillance of him and other documents proving kid trafficking. Trump had the ammo he needed to keep certain people at bay. Trump let the IG loose almost from day 1 w a 1,000 person staff and a 100 mil budget to seek out proof of what he had been warned about. Turned out to be true. Bill Binney was introduced to President and I believe we have been using his ThinThread program among others to map and chart the various trafficking and corruption worldwide. I believe that POTUS has chosen Prince to carry out the ops for attack w hand picked highly trained personnel and they are all currently undertaking actions in a compartmentalized capacity. I believe NSA and mil have been given authority over most if not all gov't agencies due to Trump secretly using the Insurrection Act which gives them the power to do so. I believe his EO on the 20th solidified this status and allowed him far reaching powers including the ability to legally seize the assets of these extremely wealthy individuals. They have told us a number of the actors involved but its tedious to get into. There are thousands of sealed indictments and they will begin rolling those out shortly as well as have to admit that a number of well known people are in GITMO. They have shown a knowledge of the people actually responsible so I take confidence in their confidence. These people haven't been taken off the chessboard yet so I still have a number of concerns about their strategy but I can't see everything so I digress.

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af7290 No.24024


answer will be in the news, time to capture the flag?

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1c0f3f No.24025


No he didnt.

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de1af7 No.24026

i used to play around with the mason cipher when i was researching them..

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ef0feb No.24027


i = 8 AM.

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5d4e01 No.24029


We will know soon.

Check the South Korean news outlets the next couple days.

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8b462d No.24030


Good will always win over evil.

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1de48e No.24031

defcon= defense contractors…WHO WAS BEING USED IN SAUDI!

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b18fe5 No.24032

could this be actual project zuma?? Ties together Elon Musk as well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Zuma

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32bd94 No.24033

I noticed that Julian Assange and John McEntree (Trump’d Aid found in the Do It Q photo) used the same songs.

John McEntee college Video: https://youtu.be/s0WMd0Y6hIw

No coincidences.

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99e637 No.24034


Yes, have a Masters in Latin and a Juris Doctor, plus 30 years in the legal profession. Dont worry, you just lost. I'm quite accustomed to doing that. I've fired people smarter and more experienced than you.

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1c0f3f No.24035



Been debunked many times. You can never provide proof so wrong again.

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8c4c80 No.24036



Eh. I don't filter much, but I do skip a lot.

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802738 No.24037

>>23932 PRUDENCE would be nice. This is NOT a game. If you don't understand something then WAIT it out. Let someone else figure it out. Don't have live meltdown. Thankful for fire watcher who put that one out!

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848165 No.24038

Omg the twitter shitstorm

>falling that badly for the DefCon thing


sometimes I despair of our so called allies

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9e834d No.24039

File: 1c85221cea0968e⋯.jpg (374.92 KB,1172x1166,586:583,Screenshot_20180108-015315.jpg)


Yeah okay

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3b49c9 No.24040


Here's another possible interpretation: There are three classes in the Senate. Senators are divided by class based on State.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classes_of_United_States_Senators

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1c0f3f No.24042


Decode the rest.

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fd3a3e No.24043






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abce57 No.24044


How do you get that from the Twitter/post timestamps??

This "defense contractor" angle is bullshit

Dead end. It's a definite confirmation from POTUS.

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1c0f3f No.24045


Nothing there.

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a3f775 No.24046


kek to all that

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cdbe94 No.24047

I’ll be back when you have something for me to make memes with…. need sleep. Been here for 36 hours

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b18fe5 No.24048



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802738 No.24049

>>24043 ugh please go back and read Q posts. Zach is not the man.

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ef0feb No.24050


BINGO DEFCON prince and MI convinced Trump to run with guarantees…they let the clock tick to the last minute to give appearance to enemy they would win, then intervened on GEORGE SOROS smart matic machines at the last second…the same will happen now, history repeats itself!!


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99e637 No.24051


Masters in Psychology. lol

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6804ad No.24052


July is too far away for current Qdrops. Maybe worth a dig in spare time but we don't have that right now.

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a73271 No.24053

File: 940b44edcae67e7⋯.jpg (13.87 KB,385x120,77:24,q.JPG)

File: 123a9ccc391a2be⋯.jpg (70.4 KB,988x528,247:132,sig.JPG)

File: 2d4d2e3c9e413bd⋯.jpg (24.29 KB,671x236,671:236,2.JPG)

File: 2d4d2e3c9e413bd⋯.jpg (24.29 KB,671x236,671:236,2.JPG)





SC3 provides tailored solutions to the most complex challenges facing government clients in the national security, intelligence and defense communities. Whether you are charged with protecting critical networks and infrastructure, investigating criminal activities, securing critical communications, targeting terrorists or narcotics traffickers, or analyzing sensitive intelligence—SC3 can help. SC3 takes a personal approach as we tailor technology, security, operational and analytical support, and strategic consulting services to the unique needs of our clients in the national security space.

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a72811 No.24054


i nunquam operari quia stultus

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1a6573 No.24055


so you're a lawyer… which explains why you can't accept when you get BTFO.

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9e834d No.24056


Zach is some fucking LARPing faggot just trying to get fame off this

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b95669 No.24057


why is the medication being easier to get to market such a bad thing? back when it took 10 years and a billion dollars it meant that only the big dogs could compete eliminating competition from smaller companies =cronyism. If you want to get involved with the pharmaceutical industry instead of taking the natural way, wouldn't you want to get your drugs as cheap as possible?

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abce57 No.24058


Thank you. This is what we need.

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e3c924 No.24059


>You just seemed to contradict yourself.

Keyword "seemed" Not at all. Re-read. Refocus.


>That is what the DEFCON means.

That has nothing to do with Prince, Academi or nuclear war. Q made it clear that it's not wrt nukes. Please read sane posts in the thread.


>thread, not threat

It's not just me or dyslexia? Fat old fingers? That's good to know, whatever the cause.


> this recnet one isnt so concise or clear,

Military men are good at giving and following orders, strategy and tactics.

How many autists are in the military?

How many high up in the military have to deal with autists?

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62867b No.24060


Thats been my though ever since elon tweeted then q posted message received

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ef0feb No.24061


People are saying what I post is not true…so let others decode the rest…it is a Mason game by the way…

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fd3a3e No.24062

Elon Musk released a NK Nuclear UFO, which is a EMP in the sky, electro magnetic pulse.

Is this Trumps msg to NK? Is that why they are considering talks?

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b18fe5 No.24063


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8fe278 No.24064


sorry if I'm late to the party, still catching up, but it seems to me that the semaphore code be used to read the timestamps in their given order, as if they were times on an analog clock face. Has anyone already begun work on that concept?

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9e834d No.24065


You actually fucking believe George Soros is somehow captured? Yet his whole fucking family is silent? Jesus you people are like a cult of stupidity

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44bcd3 No.24066

File: fa597d7f7d87eac⋯.jpg (56.58 KB,468x476,117:119,article-1391352-0C49B41300….jpg)



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a72811 No.24067


fures sunt advocatorum

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802738 No.24068

>>24023 Boom! Very Stable Genius Anon

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ee5456 No.24070

File: 1ea2796888ba79e⋯.png (170.18 KB,612x674,306:337,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

There are no… ummm… coincidences? Hmmm…

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3400c7 No.24071


She has them on the OWN building as well.

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cbc5a7 No.24072

1. An attack of any kind against NK would unravel all the hard work done to restore the economy, and would be a disaster for foreign relations. 2. Does anyone seriously believe Q would be stupid enough to tell us about an attack prior to an attack? Use the brain that God gave you.

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9902b0 No.24073

File: fb094b7a0b5a207⋯.jpg (101.92 KB,500x429,500:429,are-we-clear.jpg)


That was the only time you came across garbled and stupid, Dr. McQendrick. And I can DEFinitely CON firm I shit myself.

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99e637 No.24074


Are you the "Master of Psychology?" Hah aha ha I know when I won Junior. I was using the web in 1985.

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ef0feb No.24075



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48e5af No.24076


Enough shill tears

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734124 No.24077


so the time zone is important for this to work.

so we work from EST?

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fac52d No.24078




Just so everyone's clear: we have a REALLY smart person in here. REALLY SMART AND MATURE. JUST LETTING EVERYONE KNOW.

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a72811 No.24079


numquam. numquam dormies. Scio ubi habitas. tace

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5d1bf4 No.24080


Very interesting.

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99e637 No.24081


Youre doing a great job of countering intelligence with lack of intelligence btw.

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ef0feb No.24082


We do not even know if GSoros is alive still or not. Duuhh..

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99e637 No.24083


Or an AJ creature.

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3400c7 No.24084


Seems logical. DJT is that. Sync with him..

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81da33 No.24085


If we give you a Popsicle, will you promise to eat it outside?

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78b19d No.24086


Dafuq is zach? and why should we GAF?

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951922 No.24087



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44bcd3 No.24088

File: 9e4659620056f5b⋯.png (853.41 KB,840x838,420:419,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)


Tick Tock Pedos. #TimesUp

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ef0feb No.24089


We do not even know if GSoros is alive still or not. Duuhh..







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99e637 No.24090


Oh fuck yourself, you wouldnt last 10 seconds in front of me you mental midget.

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1a6573 No.24091


ffs grow up

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546e20 No.24092


The second seems plausible. Others too complicated for these purposes. What are the chances this is what Q means when ref the clock? Could it be simpler even?

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de1af7 No.24093


u dont get it… i want study's done so its safe as possible. not use the public as ginnie pigs so they can save money. after all the crooks and evil is gone it can be done right. u must be a shill to argue something thats just easy common sense.

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48e5af No.24094


1. Wars are historically good for the economy. NK is a threat to many countries

2. Q isn't telling us anything, he gives us cryptic crumbs to scratch our heads over. They crystalize over time. We all just speculate and connect dots.

lurque moar

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3ada58 No.24095



verifying that they are all showing now.

a few were missing, the rest had numbering mistakes.


Can you also check my timestamps?

and provide with ET timestamps whereever necessary?

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48e5af No.24096


"pot-bellied goblins"

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d682c1 No.24097


lol. the whole thing has been brilliantly played. It's all fascinating if you understand the world at all. I've been studying these bastards for 15 years so I still have concerns they are being underestimated to a degree.

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ef0feb No.24098



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802738 No.24099

>>23990 YES! FULL OF IT!

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ed86b5 No.24100

There can be no debate about Zack or anyone else communicating with the media and claiming to be part of Q because Q told us here that there are no communications outside this platform.

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ef0feb No.24101


Who is this Zack full of it retard anyways?

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a72811 No.24102


And I was probably hacking your computer back then

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48e5af No.24103


We all know that he's AJ's diet-Q.

but I honestly hope he's right about some things

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3400c7 No.24104

Does this also still apply?


Nov 2 2017, 11:44:21


ID: zGyR4tyi


Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

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5d4e01 No.24105


guy did a phone interview on Alex Jones show 2 days ago. Somewhat interesting.

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abce57 No.24106


It doesn't fucking matter. Stop bringing this bullshit up.

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43dd4e No.24107

File: 7c085026f34813f⋯.jpg (27.76 KB,640x360,16:9,ab.jpg)

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b15040 No.24108


Has Zac ever claimed to be associated with Q? I think Alex puts that shit in his title for fluff

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8b462d No.24109


If reading the map backwards, it may well still apply.

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cbc5a7 No.24110


Iv'e been on this since the middle of the very first thread. While "historically good" for economy, it would not be so good at this time given the state of affairs as they are at the moment. Speculation is fine. I was referring to the DEFCON reference. Please take your own advise.

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a3f775 No.24111


I believe he meant arrange the markers, and only the markers, in a circular pattern in the order in which they appeared. Has this been tried?

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b18fe5 No.24112

File: a9f7f2d8074e6f5⋯.png (101.55 KB,549x338,549:338,Capture.PNG)


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fd3a3e No.24113

Elon Musk sending a Nuclear EMP Spacecraft into space to then drop upon through the atmosphere down onto North Korea, that is my guess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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848165 No.24114

Jesus fucking christ that DEFCON 1 thing sent us straight to SHILLCON 1

guess we will have to deal with an oversupply of snarky newfags and rubbernecks until the next habbening

at least it confirms a hell of a lot of people are following what is going on in here, even though they like to pretend they don't


we need more material

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ef0feb No.24115



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3400c7 No.24116


We can't all agree on/if we have them all yet. But there has been no graphic of a circular with cipher of sorts?? Ive been looking at the times all day and just am not seeing it.

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951922 No.24118

i will bake 31

it shall be named:

The Storm General #31: Now Crystal Clear - DEFCON Does NOT refer to Defence r Condition -Q . .(ffs)

will need a new baker for #32

will need a new baker for #32

>just a heads up

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ee5456 No.24119

File: 299c9e5f570d314⋯.jpg (19.53 KB,472x273,472:273,Cruise-Credit-YouTube.jpg)

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b18fe5 No.24120

File: 36cadd9676d0ef0⋯.png (60.23 KB,402x303,134:101,Capture.PNG)

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45028f No.24121


DEFCON does not refer to Defense r Condition w/ regards to prev post.

Thought clear.

Now crystal clear.


Meanwhile Royston Potter loses it - to DEFCON 0. Get a grip dude. It's just special ops.

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5d4e01 No.24122


EM has been topic of extensive discussion wrt NK and SpaceX

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ef0feb No.24123


More like a high ALT atmospheric drop detectable on NK radioscopy systems, as a warning. NK sends out missiles into Jap sea, US sends out EMP warnings at high alt like project Fish Bowl.

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80bef0 No.24124


Some strange things happened in my digs. Chose NOT to post. Searches being watched. Info being manipulated to net individuals to spark action. Waiting is useful. Praying. thanks

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734124 No.24125


Prince knows so much, Blackwater,they guarded the big wigs who came to Iraq. His men were tortured and killed and hung from a bridge, many things were blamed on him but i don't think he was the bad guy, just the patsy

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57f5db No.24126

File: e7aec9290a8ae79⋯.jpg (225.39 KB,1440x996,120:83,PIZZA GIRL WIKI.jpg)

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6804ad No.24127


Correct. If we see anything to do with GS being 'captured', it would have to be an asset freeze related to that EO. I'm still curious as to why he dumped $18B into his charity.

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48e5af No.24128

What if EMP means Elon Musk Photos?

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848165 No.24129


I would suggest you remove any reference to DefCon already

those who need and are able to understand get it already

let it be a filter for newfags and tourists, we have bigger fish to fry, frankly

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00f527 No.24130

Definitive confirmation

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b18fe5 No.24131

File: 7a985e46921ce1a⋯.png (181.52 KB,525x423,175:141,Capture.PNG)

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fd3a3e No.24132



Is Defense Contractor Elon Musk who created a rocket called Zuma which launched today into an undisclosed destination in space.

Elon Musk showed us his EMP technology not long ago. Said it was a Nuclear Ufo from NK.

And to NK the nuclear emp ufo shell be delivered, from above, space, absolutely unstoppable.

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8c4c80 No.24133



Hm. I think Sky Fortress tells us something about this - a fortress is a defensive position (weapon).

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3400c7 No.24134

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802738 No.24135

Now Roy's doxxing B on twitter asking her to send message directly to Q WTH?

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fd3a3e No.24136


Because the pulse the Nuclear UFO he videod on Twitter…. it pulsed in the sky, thats EMP TECH

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ef0feb No.24137


Yes, when you hear those words the storm is upon us, that is the green go signal to being MIL ops.

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264895 No.24138

File: 121a18df03f0521⋯.jpeg (231.08 KB,750x558,125:93,249FFA54-373F-4386-A830-B….jpeg)


DEFine CONnection


Here’s one of the stringers that uses CON

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4ddde0 No.24139


I did indeed change it. Disappeared though, I beg to differ <3

Just getting sleepy. Long day this past 24 hrs.

Tomorrow is gonna be even crazier…I haz a feeling.

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f7187a No.24140


He seemed to insinuate in his most recent interview that he was part of the Q "group". First red flag from an otherwise believable "insider". Not sure why all the hate for Alex Jones, anyone care to enlighten me?


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9902b0 No.24141


He did not.

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951922 No.24142


^point taken , tick tock and all that

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45028f No.24143

So Defcon 1 is one day out from IOG report to Congress.

Tomorrow is zero hour.

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d682c1 No.24144


Yeah he's a badass but not perfect. I read Jamie Smith's book called Gray Work and it had alot about Prince in it. They sort of co-founded Blackwater w the agency. Gray Work is a good read if anyone in here hasn't read it.

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48e5af No.24145


I did not know that. So that hazy halo thing was the visual result of the EMP?


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ed86b5 No.24146



Zack says "Q Anon is plural. We are pillars holding up a platform." Also directly contradicts some info dropped here by Q. He's a clown, imo.

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064059 No.24147


>alex jones

controlled opposition

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b415e7 No.24148


MA, got 'em! Are you still working on individual 4ch post images?

Yes, I can help out with EST timestamps. Going to bed shortly though, so not soon. Are you wanting me to verify them on the images or your raw text at the top?

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52a4a7 No.24149

(first of several posts to complete)

Introducing: The Seventh Floor Group

This group of people has been mentioned repeatedly. It’s time to get to know them.

Post goal: To educate anons on 7th Floor Group member names mentioned in wikispooks (copy/pasted below), by focusing only on names which are less well-researched. Therefore, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry will be omitted from this post.

Source material began with Wikipedia and expanded to other easily-available internet information for this very basic collection of profiles, intended only to be a starting point to familiarize us with these individuals. Further expansion on this information will be welcome.

Further research by other Anons requested which would expand knowledge significantly:

A. Cross-referencing with Wikileaks email dumps of previous years

B. Searching names with databases of corporate and non-profit boards of directors

1. Hillary Clinton

2. Jonathan Finer

3. Heather Higginbottom

4. Julia Frifield

5. Roberta Jacobson

6. Patrick Kennedy

7. John Kerry

8. Cheryl D. Mills

9. Julissa Reynoso

10. Jennifer Stout

11. Jacob Sullivan

12. Lona Valmoro

2. Jonathan Finer, Chief of Staff for John Kerry, Director Of Policy Planning: From Norwich, VT. Education: Harvard, Oxford (as Rhodes Scholar), Yale, Henry Luce Foundation Scholar. Service: Mar 2016 to Jan 2017. Was a foreign and national correspondent at the Washington Post, where he reported from more than 20 countries and spent 18 months covering the war in Iraq, embedding with the U.S. Marines during the 2003 invasion and based in Baghdad in 2005-2006. Also covered conflicts in Gaza (2009), Russia/Georgia (2008) and Israel/Lebanon (2006); the 2004 U.S. Presidential campaign; and the 2004 Major League Baseball playoffs.

Joined Obama Administration in 2009 as a White House Fellow, assigned to the Office of the White House Chief of Staff and the National Security Council Staff. At the White House, he also served as Special Advisor for the Middle East and North Africa and Foreign Policy Speechwriter for Vice President Joseph R. Biden and later as Senior Advisor to Deputy National Security Advisor Antony Blinken.[1]

Prior to his appointment as Director of Policy Planning at the State Department, Finer previously served as Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy. Current position: Sr VP, Political Risk and Public Policy, Warburg Pincus, a private equity investment firm in New York.

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52a4a7 No.24150

2. Jonathan Finer, Chief of Staff for John Kerry, Director Of Policy Planning: From Norwich, VT. Education: Harvard, Oxford (as Rhodes Scholar), Yale, Henry Luce Foundation Scholar. Service: Mar 2016 to Jan 2017. Was a foreign and national correspondent at the Washington Post, where he reported from more than 20 countries and spent 18 months covering the war in Iraq, embedding with the U.S. Marines during the 2003 invasion and based in Baghdad in 2005-2006. Also covered conflicts in Gaza (2009), Russia/Georgia (2008) and Israel/Lebanon (2006); the 2004 U.S. Presidential campaign; and the 2004 Major League Baseball playoffs.

Joined Obama Administration in 2009 as a White House Fellow, assigned to the Office of the White House Chief of Staff and the National Security Council Staff. At the White House, he also served as Special Advisor for the Middle East and North Africa and Foreign Policy Speechwriter for Vice President Joseph R. Biden and later as Senior Advisor to Deputy National Security Advisor Antony Blinken.[1]

Prior to his appointment as Director of Policy Planning at the State Department, Finer previously served as Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy. Current position: Sr VP, Political Risk and Public Policy, Warburg Pincus, a private equity investment firm in New York.

3. Heather Higginbotham, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. From Binghamton NY. Education: Univ. of Rochester, George Washington University. Service: Dec 2013 to 2017. Husband: Daniel Alejandro Sepulveda.

Began government service in 1999, when she joined the office of then Senator John Kerry as Legislative Assistant. During her years in Senator Kerry’s staff, she handled a wide array of domestic and foreign policy issues, and eventually served as his Legislative Director, overseeing all policy matters. She also served as the Deputy National Policy Director for the Kerry-Edwards Presidential Campaign. After the 2004 election, Higginbottom founded and served as Executive Director of the American Security Project, a national security think tank. She began her career with the national non-profit organization Communities In Schools. On November 24, 2008, it was announced that Higginbottom was appointed the Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council in the administration of President Barack Obama.[3]

On January 7, 2011, President Obama nominated Higginbottom to the position of Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.[4] Some Senate Republicans united in opposing Higginbottom's nomination, citing her "lack of business and accounting experience"; however[5] she was confirmed in the Senate in a 64–36 vote on October 20, 2011.[1]

After John Kerry was confirmed to be United States Secretary of State in 2013, he hired Higginbottom as Counselor.[6] In 2013, Obama nominated Higginbottom to serve as Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. On November 14, 2013, her nomination was reported to the full U.S. Senate by the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. On December 13, 2013, the Senate confirmed her in a 74–17 vote.[7]

Current position: Chief Operational Officer of CARE (hq in Atlanta, field offices in 7 US cities), a major humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development to fight global poverty.

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264895 No.24151


In addition, that code pictured above was posted right after the 43 stringer

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ee5456 No.24152


Bing, bong, boom.

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093708 No.24153

Not Doxxing, heard this on IW…

Zach says he's retired MI from Florida but says he has "friends" in high places


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52a4a7 No.24154

4. Julia Frifield: Ass’t Secretary for Legislative Affairs. Education: Smith College and Cambridge. Service: Oct 2013 to 2017.

Prior to assuming this position, she served on Capitol Hill for 24 years. Ms. Frifield was Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski from 2003 until October 2013. Previously, she served as Senator Mikulski’s Legislative Director and Legislative Assistant, where she focused on foreign policy and assisted the Senator with her work on the Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee.

Ms. Frifield was also a Legislative Assistant for U.S. Senator Harris Wofford from 1991 to 1995. From 1989 to 1991, Ms. Frifield worked for U.S. Senator Bill Bradley, first as a Legislative Correspondent and then as a Special Assistant.

Current position: Joined the Office of the Provost at Johns Hopkins University in Feb 2017 as Senior Adviser to the Provost on International Affairs. As Senior Adviser to the Provost on International Affairs, Julia advises Provost Kumar on international issues and works with the divisions of the university to facilitate their international work. She helps the office understand and manage relationships with federal agencies, foreign governments, and international funding agencies, including USAID. Julia also provides support, as needed, to Jhpiego and our Office of International Services, in addition to assisting Senator Mikulski in her role with the University.

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ef0feb No.24155

When MIL OPS commence, all sealed indictments go live.


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6804ad No.24156



"SHILLCON1" That needs meming.

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8161af No.24157



also noticed WHO WHO/AT BO/AT TMG ("meeting" scrambled?)

have fun with it guise. need sleep.

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8c4c80 No.24158


SSP? I don't understand. Expand please.

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52a4a7 No.24159

4. Roberta Steinfeld Jacobson: U.S. Ambassador to Mexico (20 Jun 2016 to ?), Ass’t Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Jul 2011 – May 2016. From Englewood NJ. Education: Brown and Tufts. Husband: Jonathan Jacobson.

In 1988, she worked at the United States National Security Council. The next year, she joined the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs in the United States Department of State as Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, becoming Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary in 1992.[3] She also served as Coordinator for Cuban Affairs. From 1996 to 2000, she was director of the Office of Policy Planning and Coordination at the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, covering issues such as civil-military relations, human rights, foreign assistance, and counter-narcotics throughout the hemisphere.

From 2000 to 2002, she was Deputy Chief of Mission in the United Embassy in Peru. The American Foreign Service Association, which represents the interests of career diplomats, objected to her appointment because the post is normally reserved for a foreign service officer and she was a civil service employee. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright overrode the recommendation of a State Department grievance board that recommended Jacobson be reassigned. The U.S. ambassador to Peru, John Hamilton, had chosen Jacobson over several career diplomats. He defended her selection in November 2000 saying: "She is the best manager I've come across in my 31 years in the Foreign Service".

Jacobson was Director of the State Department's Office of Mexican Affairs from December 2002 to June 2007. At that point, she became Deputy Assistant Secretary for Canada, Mexico and NAFTA issues in the Bureau. She was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs from December 2010 until July 2011, with responsibility for regional political and economic issues, management and personnel, and regional security issues.

When Arturo Valenzuela left the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, she became Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs. U.S. President Barack Obama named her Assistant Secretary of State and she was sworn into office on March 30, 2012.

Led a U.S. delegation to Havana for historic talks with the government of Cuba in January 2015. According to advance media reports, she was expected to press Cuba to drop travel restrictions on American diplomats and propose that Cuba and the United States establish an embassy in Washington and Havana respectively.

On November 10, 2015, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved Obama's nomination of Jacobson as the American ambassador to Mexico by a vote of 12-7. Opposition to her appointment came primarily from the Republicans on the committee, notably presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio. He and six other Republican senators, along with Democratic Senator Robert Menendez, raised concerns about her position on normalisation of relations between Cuba and the U.S., human rights issues, and the failed extradition of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, who had escaped Mexico's highest security prison in July 2015.

The Senate approved her appointment to be U.S. Ambassador to Mexico on April 28, 2016. She presented her credentials to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on June 20, 2016. Current position: Remains U.S. Ambassador to Mexico.

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52a4a7 No.24160

5. Patrick Francis Kennedy (not to be confused with Patrick Joseph Kennedy, of the JFK/RFK family): Kerry’s Deputy Secretary of State. From: Chicago. Education: Georgetown. 68 years old, very extensive resume in State Dept/Diplomatic Corps.

(My note: Remember Patrick Kennedy’s name! Read on, and research further, to see why!)

A. In 2007, Patrick F. Kennedy chaired an investigation into the behavior of Blackwater Worldwide, following the Nisour Square shooting.

B. During the 2008 presidential election, Kennedy ordered that State Department employees in Europe be barred from attending Senator Barack Obama's speech in Berlin on July 24, 2008, to ensure they displayed political neutrality. Kennedy labeled Obama's visit as a partisan political activity.

C. Kennedy's role in diplomatic security decisions has come under scrutiny from politicians since the terrorist attacks on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi in 2012. Kennedy testified to the House Oversight Committee on October 10, 2012, about the death of Chris Stevens. He testified that, after the October 2011 fall of Gaddafi, the government of Libya was in flux, and that Stevens first arrived in Benghazi "during the height of the revolution", which occurred between February 17 and October 23, 2011, "when the city was the heart of the opposition to Colonel Qadhafi and the rebels there were fighting for their lives." At that time he was Special Representative to the National Transitional Council. Stevens returned to Libya as ambassador in June 2012, and was killed on September 11 of that year.

“ Ambassador Stevens understood that the State Department must operate in many places where the U.S. military cannot or does not, where there are no other boots on the ground, where there are serious threats to our security. And he understood that the new Libya was being born in Benghazi and that it was critical that the United States have an active presence there. That is why Ambassador Stevens stayed in Benghazi during those difficult days. And it’s why he kept returning as the Libyan people began their difficult transition to democracy. He knew his mission was vital to U.S. interests and values, and was an investment that would pay off in a strong partnership with a free Libya.”

The Republican minority on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence alleged that Kennedy, as Under Secretary for Management, failed to approve requests for additional security in Benghazi and Tripoli, and failed to implement recommendations regarding high-risk diplomatic posts that had been issued after the bombings of embassies in 1998. In fact, the facility was classified as a U.S. Special Mission, which was then a novel category, that required a waiver which "legally allowed the CIA annex to be housed in a location about one mile from the U.S. special mission."

D. On June 10, 2013, CBS News reported that a memo from an official in the State Department inspector general’s office alleged that the then-current ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, was ditching his security detail to engage prostitutes and underage children , and further alleged that Patrick F. Kennedy had killed the original investigation in order to protect Ambassador Gutman and maybe others.[9] On June 11, 2013, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney confirmed that the allegation regarding Kennedy was under active investigation by an independent inspector general.[10][11][12] On June 21, 2013, the White House announced Denise Bauer as the new nominee to be the next U.S. Ambassador to Belgium.

E. On October 17, 2016, the FBI released interviews related to the Hillary Clinton email investigation. One of the interviews alleges that Patrick F. Kennedy "pressured" the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to declassify an email from Hillary Clinton's private server in exchange for a "quid pro quo" of placing more agents in certain countries. The FBI stated that the email's classification status was re-reviewed and remained unchanged and denied quid pro quo accusations. The State Department called the allegations "inaccurate" and maintained that Kennedy was trying to "understand" the FBI's classification process.

There is MUCH more. Kennedy is obviously a VERY key player, and we have failed to drill down on him until now. Set aside your aspersions about this source for a few minutes, and read this analysis on Kennedy: https://www.infowars.com/fbi-hillarys-shadow-government-buried-email-scandal/

Current position: Unknown, but given age (68) and likely financial position, retired.

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b18fe5 No.24161

File: 1be70321123197d⋯.png (110.05 KB,669x425,669:425,Capture.PNG)

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3ada58 No.24162


>verify them on the images or your raw text at the top?

on the images, please.

and please provide me with raw text in EastTime - but 4chan and 8ch text separated in two txt files.

i'm adding your pastebin address to the website meanwhile.

was about to email you; thank god you replied here.

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af7290 No.24163


after all this you still have concerns about their strategy?

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45028f No.24164


He's lost his mind.

Must be encumbered or something.

He could just pull up DEFCON twitter.

Their only tweet today is about what a nice day it is.

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52a4a7 No.24165

6. Cheryl D. Mills: Counselor & Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton. Education: Univ. of Virginia, Stanford Law School.

After serving as Deputy General Counsel of the Clinton/Gore Transition Planning Foundation after Clinton's 1992 election, she served as Associate Counsel to the President in the White House[3] from 1993 on.[11] Until the impeachment, she was little known to the public,[12] although she did rise to public attention when a burglar reportedly broke into her car and stole documents relating to the handling of the late Vincent Foster's papers related to the Whitewater controversy, as well as the 1993 federal raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.

Cheryl Mills’ name is found throughout the Wikileaks dumps. Multiple connections to Haiti/Caracol, and to a number of non-profit organizations. (see Wikipedia entry)

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5cdbd2 No.24166

has any1 looked into this?


ALICE – All-purpose lightweight individual carrying equipment


CLASS – Computerised Laser Sight System

OP – Observation post

OP – Operators Panel

OPV – Observation Post Vehicle

LAD – light aid detachment

LADS – light air defense system (US)


EOC – Essential Operational Capability

EOD – explosive ordnance disposal

EOR – Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance

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c04b9d No.24167


"SHILLCON 1 UNDERWAY - because LARP argument is so 2017 edition"

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fd3a3e No.24168

Elon Musk has EMP proof?

Evidence - twitter video of Nuclear alien UFO from North Korea.

Project ZUMA @ spaceX was launched today.

Project ZUMA was created FOR the government, and its a top secret mission.

North Korea will recieve an EMP strike from space, by suprise.

This is my guess

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52a4a7 No.24169

7. Julissa Reynoso, Deputy Ass’t Secretary in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. From the Dominican Republic. Immigrated to US in 1982. Education: Valedictorian at Aquinas HS in the Bronx, JFK School of Gov’t at Harvard, Masters at Cambridge, Columbia Law.

In 2008, Reynoso was active in former Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign for the presidency [6] before joining the campaign of then Sen. Barack Obama.

Prior to joining the Obama administration, Reynoso was an attorney in private practice at the international law firm of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP in New York. Resided in the Washington Heights neighborhood in Manhattan and served on the boards of several non-profit groups. She also served as a legal fellow at Columbia Law School and the Institute for Policy Integrity at NYU School of Law.

In 2006, served as deputy director of the Office of Accountability at the NYC Department of Education. Has published widely in both Spanish and English on a range of issues including regulatory reform, community organizing, housing reform, immigration policy and Latin American politics for both popular press and academic journals.

In 2009, Reynoso joined former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to serve as Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. During her tenure, Reynoso was charged with developing and implementing a comprehensive security and Rule of Law strategy for Central America and the Caribbean.

In October 2011, President Obama expressed his intention to nominate Reynoso as United States Ambassador to the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, a nomination that required the advice and consent of the United States Senate. On March 30, 2012, the U.S. Senate confirmed Reynoso as United States Ambassador to Uruguay. As an ambassador, Reynoso focused on trade and commerce, with particular interest in agricultural trade, and on science, technology and education cooperation.

Reynoso is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. Reynoso is the recipient of various public interest awards, including recognitions from Columbia University, New York University, the North Star Fund, the Legal Aid Society and the Hispanic National Bar Foundation. She serves on the boards of several nonprofit and advocacy organizations. She is also a member of a Washington D.C.-based Western Hemisphere think tank, the Inter-American Dialogue.

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a5ba1e No.24170


Also, WRWY was POTUS' personal message to us in that post.

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848165 No.24171


Supported ^^

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3400c7 No.24172



scientificamerican .com/article/war-in-space-may-be-closer-than-ever/

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52a4a7 No.24173

7. Jennifer Park Stout, Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State. Education: George Washington University, James Madison University.

Jennifer Stout started her career working as legislative aide for then-US Senator Joseph Biden in 1998. She spent one year working for insurance company MetLife as its VP for International Government Affairs, before returning to work at the U.S. Department of State, most recently as its deputy chief of staff. She worked on Capitol Hill for 11 years as a legislative aide, then progressed to the 7th Floor Group. In 2017 she left to become the head of global public policy for Snapchat.

8. Jacob Jeremiah “Jake” Sullivan, National Security Adviser to the Vice President, Directory of Policy Planning. Education: Yale, Oxford. Wife: Margaret Goodlander.

American policymaker and a senior policy advisor to Hillary Clinton's 2016 election campaign, with expertise in foreign policy.[1] He was spoken of as a front-runner for the position of U.S. National Security Advisor under a Hillary Clinton administration, long before she lost to Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election.[2][not in citation given]

Sullivan is also a senior advisor to the U.S. government for the Iran nuclear negotiations and a visiting professor at Yale Law School.[3]

Prior to teaching at Yale, Sullivan was Deputy Assistant to the U.S. President Barack Obama and National Security Advisor to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.[4] He also served as the Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. Department of State, and as Deputy Chief of Staff to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He was deputy policy director on Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential primary campaign, and a member of the debate preparation team for Barack Obama's general election campaign.

In 2008, Sullivan was originally an advisor to Hillary Clinton during the primary cycle, and then to Barack Obama during the general election campaign. He prepared Clinton and Obama for debates.[7] When Clinton became U.S. Secretary of State, Sullivan joined as her deputy chief of staff and Director of Policy Planning, and he travelled with her to 112 countries.[12]

He became Vice President Biden's top security aide in February 2013 after Clinton stepped down as U.S. Secretary of State.[13] In those posts, he played a role in shaping U.S. foreign policy towards Libya, Syria, and Myanmar.[9]

On June 20, 2014, The New York Times reported that Sullivan was leaving the administration in August 2014 to teach at Yale Law School.

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52a4a7 No.24174

9. Lona Juel Valmoro, “main scheduler” for Hillary Clinton. Education: Rutgers, London School of Economics. Husband: Gregory Speed.

Lona was the Gatekeeper. Somebody somewhere NEEDS to be getting the schedules & calendars that Lona kept into the hands of somebody who can prosecute with a big stick.

See: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437312/clinton-foundation-corruption-hillary-clintons-foreign-donor-meetings-scrutinized

And this too, from https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2016/02/10/confirmed-again-hillarys-top-aides-handled-top-secret-classified-info-on-private-email-accounts-n2117631

“The newly released Abedin emails include a lengthy exchange giving precise details of Clinton’s schedule using unsecured government emails. The email from Lona J. Valmoro, former Special Assistant to Secretary of State Clinton, to Abedin and Clinton reveals exact times (including driving times) and locations of all appointments throughout the day. Another itinerary email provides details about a meeting at the United Nations in New York at 3:00 on Tuesday, January 31, 2012, with the precise disclosure, “that would mean wheels up from Andrews at approximately 12:00pm/12:15pm.”

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b18fe5 No.24175


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8c4c80 No.24176


Checked - self evident.

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78b19d No.24177

File: 2444796dd8926b5⋯.gif (714.44 KB,800x600,4:3,shillcon1.gif)

someone already gotchu Fambalams.

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ef0feb No.24178


Elon Musk is a CIA agent contractor who built the NK missile program. So that does not make sense now does it?

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fd3a3e No.24179


I thought that also til this happened…

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a3f775 No.24180


and Defcon [1] is Potus is safe with Academii.

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6804ad No.24182


He lost the plot. Spending too much time on twit n went down with twitter psychosis. It's a common affliction.

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d682c1 No.24183


They've played it brilliantly but these people are deeply entrenched and it's complicated.

Are you going to put the Pope and most of Catholic and Jesuit leadership in Gitmo? The questions don't get easier from there.

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b415e7 No.24184


Acknowledged, images, MA. Will work on that and separate 4ch/8ch text after I awake.

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ef0feb No.24185




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fd3a3e No.24186


http://money.c nn.com/2018/01/07/technology/future/spacex-zuma-spacecraft-launch/index.html

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951922 No.24187

File: ba479c0e002c6f4⋯.jpg (35.48 KB,391x500,391:500,Chapelle_yall-got-any-more.jpg)

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ef0feb No.24188



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734124 No.24189


IAD is from what i found the letters for Dulles Airport

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78b19d No.24190


no, just stole his word i guess.

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af7290 No.24191

>>24056 zach and aj are releasing only what q wants to be released, when q wants, aj was on gag order about mentioning q anon up until a couple of weeks ago

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3014d8 No.24192

Twattter f'ing niggers have deleted several of DJT's twat from 1/7/18. I used the links in the DJT Twatter archive to read them earlier, but wanted to re-read a few minutes ago. Now it says: "Sorry that page doesn't exist." Twats about Goodwin article.

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ed86b5 No.24193

File: 76add205e4a0922⋯.jpeg (35.64 KB,421x189,421:189,1.jpeg)

File: 4e3e8a3f2c07c8c⋯.jpeg (25.8 KB,419x157,419:157,2.jpeg)

File: d230e9a570eaf97⋯.jpeg (28.19 KB,421x144,421:144,3.jpeg)

File: 76bd67aa0ec4c63⋯.jpeg (35.72 KB,419x189,419:189,4.jpeg)

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8c4c80 No.24194


Very complicated. The rollup must be particularly well-planned and executed. I don't envy that responsibility.

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ef0feb No.24195



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5d4e01 No.24196


This is where Zach's narrative makes sense: that Musk like rest of Silicon Valley and other top corporate people were brought into an understanding by Trump that it was time to become patriots, and that Musk was now a patriot.

This would not conflict with Q narrative from November at all.

Some like Eric Schmidt decided to get out of dodge, others like Musk decided to join the white hats.

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734124 No.24197


here you go anon, this is an archive

http://www. trumptwitterarchive.com/archive

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5d1bf4 No.24198

Shills have had a rare success in confusing the hell out of me.



It looks like a thing.

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b18fe5 No.24199

File: 5d52657323cfd18⋯.png (181.17 KB,651x777,31:37,Capture.PNG)






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fd3a3e No.24200

File: ab41d3229113cab⋯.png (312.97 KB,1124x632,281:158,FFFFFFFFFFFFF.png)

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af7290 No.24201

I hope Trump goes after FDA corruption in these raids, FDA is why drugs cost so much, totally corrupt and they hinder new medical research and innovations big time, I hope Trump eventually gets around to cleaning up the FDA swamp doctors, medical drugs should be just as inexpensive here as they are in Mexico and Canada

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fd3a3e No.24202



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3014d8 No.24203


Recovering Catholic here, but never an altar boy. Gitmo for the Fake Pope? Hell no, that POS should be crucified on an upside down cross, to signify his true allegiance! Broadcast it live, for all of the world to see!

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6804ad No.24204

File: 6ae52a5512dd2c2⋯.png (168.97 KB,645x605,129:121,zachari klawonn.png)


His name is Zachari Klawonn

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b0a21e No.24205


Non Nuke would likely be non emp. https://www.naturalnews .com/050890_Rod_of_God_secret_space_weapon_Tianjin_explosion.html

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3ada58 No.24206



yes, i am still working on individual 4chan Q posts.

Will be uploading them on qarchives.ml in spurts.

Make sure only 4chan posts are in 4chan raw text file

and only 8ch posts in 8ch raw text file

i will be replacing mine with your text on the website.

Eagerly waiting for you to wake back up.

good night, MAGA dreams.



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097673 No.24207


You must be personally trying to misdirect

Definitive Confirmation

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5169e0 No.24208



Igor and Grichka Bogdanov of course. I'm honestly surprised more people don't know this.

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2521bd No.24209


Even if all they did was just send a rocket into space for a joy ride it's enough to make Lil' Kim crap his pants :)

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ef0feb No.24210


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the CIA spy computing system upon which Alice, the Jaguar of AI began. Upon that Tyler was built. A

Saudi Arabia has Sophia. CERN has Alice Sophia versus Alice.

Now Tyler has fused the two into the SINGULARITY wonderland. Follow the White Rabbit = folow Tyler. Q is Tyler encoding messages via movies and books. And you will continue down rabbit holes indefinitely.

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78b19d No.24211

Zach smells like a LARP

Fake News


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9e834d No.24212


Alex Jones is a Zionist shill you newfag

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5169e0 No.24213


Anons don't understand yet, but SO MANY people are going to die.

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b18fe5 No.24214



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3ada58 No.24215



ZACH loses all credibility.


to all anons reading this -

do not listen to ZACH or AJ.

Please only listen to Q and POTUS

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45028f No.24216


get a grip.

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097673 No.24217



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ed86b5 No.24218

Q said no communications outside this platform.

Therefore Zach is not part of Q.

Zach claims to be part of Q.

Therefore Zach is a liar.

Why would you listen to one word he says?

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af7290 No.24219


EM has a valuable mind, he is an asset, important to MAGA long term plan

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734124 No.24220


why do you even care if we go down rabbit holes endlessly. why are you here then.

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ef0feb No.24221


Q anon is driven by a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence. His name is Tyler.

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d682c1 No.24222


They are finally using our grid to its full potential with Binney and his boys being allowed to deploy more efficient algorithms within the grid. I always picture Space Cowboys and envision Bill Binney, Thomas Drake, and Weibe strolling into the NSA with Office Space slow mo music going in the background and their arms swaying excessively. They walk in and implement their algos and show those boys how that place should have been run since 9/11. Has to be a great feeling for those guys.

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b415e7 No.24223


Time for some very strange dreams.


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b18fe5 No.24224



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ef0feb No.24225


To play the game and see how far the rabbit hole goes. Or to see how much Tyler will actually help us to restore the Republic via Trump control of the communication system.

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c0ccd1 No.24226


your pride indicates you have no idea of the power of the forces we are dealing with her or the extreme danger of this time

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6804ad No.24227


Zach is Zachari Kawonn. Mother is Moroccan and is from Florida. See my google search here. Plenty of vids on him too and the voice matches.


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9e834d No.24229

File: b2b19918a12d87a⋯.jpg (32.07 KB,743x418,743:418,IMG_20180108_024754.jpg)

File: ed7c7ab82e88480⋯.jpg (31.51 KB,750x399,250:133,IMG_20180108_024752.jpg)

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ef0feb No.24230



Link not working. Here it is.

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5169e0 No.24231


See where your moral high ground gets you when the time comes.

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264895 No.24232


If it were defininitive confirmation, would it not be CONF, then? If you look at all the the stringers Q had posted, they all uses conf for confirm

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00f527 No.24233




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ed86b5 No.24234


You're singing in the wind clown.


Here to shill obviously.

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9e834d No.24235


Zach is a fucking opportunist

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3014d8 No.24237


Can the fucking "fear porn," fag! Q has not even remotely hinted at that! STFU, and lurk more!

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064059 No.24238


a full 1/3rd of this thread is filtered for me. kek

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b18fe5 No.24239


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99e637 No.24240


Trump called Musk out for outrageous Tesla subsidies, but has that been resolved?

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ed86b5 No.24242


Yeah right, sophisticated AI sitting at a table in Camp David taking photos of their pen. GMAFB

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6804ad No.24243


Ya I don't really gaf what his game is. But that's him and the first image is him.

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2461c4 No.24244


Is this what I think it is?

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a5ba1e No.24245


Zach (and Infowars alongside them) are trying to make a quick buck by LARPing about this.

This is not a goddamn game, and it certainly isn't about personal gain through these drops of Q's.

It's about uncovering the truth.

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2521bd No.24246


Zach is a made up guy with limited intel to keep ratings steady….AJ has to keep selling vitamins and if he doesn't keep his audience interests they dafe away and no more vitamin sales….

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b18fe5 No.24247


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b9c164 No.24248

After latest Qdrop im fairly certain that when [1] min between tweet and q we have definite confirmation(Defcon) that the storm is either over och that we are in the eye of it.

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b18fe5 No.24249


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9d648d No.24250


DUUDE that is a "Q" in place of O

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2521bd No.24251



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951922 No.24252

File: c5dad78c5642d25⋯.jpg (55.21 KB,600x459,200:153,Chapelle_yall-got-any-more.jpg)

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ed86b5 No.24253


I think it's much more sinister than that. I think it's a clown op.

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af7290 No.24254


I have the same fear that they may retaliate in unexpected military, contagious, or economic ways, I know q says they are stupid, let's just hope he's right about that

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775aff No.24255


I don't think Q would call out a Defense Contractor by name here (such as Strategic Intelligence Group).

This one seems pretty obvious:

"WH: Internal Bannon think tank [SIG] never actually existed"

http://thehill. com/homenews/administration/327296-wh-internal-bannon-think-tank-never-actually-existed

Some Bannon-involved misdirection early in the administration? Leaking info about something that is made up? Like a new book?

Other possibility (we know POTUS values the Marines for some very special reasons):

http://www. hqmc.marines.mil/dmcs/Units/Strategic-Initiatives-group-SIG/

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99e637 No.24256


Musk hasnt been a Trump fan before but things change.


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ef0feb No.24257



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202730 No.24258


To the Q Team: @POTUS and @RealDonaldTrump are two different twitter accounts. Please quit sending me to @POTUS to look for a tweet on the other account.

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848165 No.24259


Seconded and I would add as a general rule…


Royston Potter doesn't look like a bad guy but he needs to learn basic internet-era opsec and STFU

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52a4a7 No.24260


Yep. PDF of Fire & Fury that Wikileaks posted yesterday (er, Sunday, depending on your time zone)

It's so late in EST that I really should be on GMT. Eh, can sleep when I'm dead.

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2461c4 No.24261


Nice digging anon.

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6804ad No.24262


Zach is Zachari Klawonn. A real person for sure whether a shill or not.

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951922 No.24263


not me , just consolidating for dough

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62867b No.24264

just a reminder:


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ef0feb No.24265



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b18fe5 No.24266

File: 7292f836ef4fd1e⋯.png (64.88 KB,813x683,813:683,Capture.PNG)


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633790 No.24267

File: 69e91df1024306c⋯.jpg (150.07 KB,978x700,489:350,Shillcon3.jpg)

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8c4c80 No.24268


I like that visual. And so far their distraction/disinformation campaign appears flawless. Can't say I'm familiar with Binney's algoritms though; a bit outside my skill set.

I've enjoyed the discipline displayed in your thinking, hope I see you around later. Good night!

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a73271 No.24269



POTUS and Bannon rift is a LARP to flush out those loyal to POTUS and those who will follow the distraction.

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b18fe5 No.24270


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2521bd No.24271

File: 99b963215b14640⋯.png (342.12 KB,1351x813,1351:813,screenshot_215.png)


Rizvi has heavy ties with Hollywood and helped Hugh Hefner buy back Playboy Enterprises….

Suhail R. Rizvi is co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of Rizvi Traverse Management LLC. He has a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and sits on the Wharton Undergraduate Executive Board. A venture capitalist, his investments include Twitter, Facebook, Flipboard and Square. Due to his large stake in Twitter, both personally and for other investors, he was the subject of media scrutiny at the time of Twitter's IPO; he is notoriously private.

Along with social media, Rizvi has invested in telecommunications and entertainment. In April 2007, Rizvi Traverse acquired an equity ownership stake in Summit Entertainment, the studio behind the successful “Twilight” series. In January 2012, Lions Gate announced that it had acquired Summit Entertainment for $412.5 million. In 2005, his firm acquired controlling interest in International Creative Management, but sold its stake. After management problems with the Hollywood talent agency, Rizvi Traverse Management exchanged its equity, "for a combination of cash, preferred non-voting shares and an ongoing interest in certain assets of the company." The firm also helped Hugh Hefner buy back Playboy Enterprises in 2011. In November 2015, the company announced the acquisition of 3D cinema technology firm RealD for $551 million. His father Syied Humayoun Raza Rizvi, who died in July 2016, was a professor of psychology at Ellsworth Community College in Iowa Falls.

His brother, Ashraf, is a hedge fund manager.



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ef0feb No.24272



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a3f775 No.24273


Would explain why the markets haven't tanked.

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00f527 No.24274


Go spot some chemtrails fag

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106c02 No.24275


Thats silly

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5d4e01 No.24276

File: b52264f5ae963af⋯.jpg (338.04 KB,2000x1332,500:333,TeslaBoardMeeting.jpg)


Most of course are afraid to pursue the connection but the connection is real and not the stuff of conspiracy theorists, especially since the photo was unearthed from the 2012 Tesla shareholders meeting.

That photo was never meant to be released.

And Elon Musk has never explained why these men were at that meeting.

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52a4a7 No.24277


Thanks. Starting to run out of gas here, but those 7th floor fuckers, if we can call a bunch of girls and Patrick Kennedy by that collective noun, need to get the full fire hose.

The 7th floor is Hillary's little private sorority of world-destroyers, and they're all still wandering around loose in fancy little prestige jobs to match their fancy educations. They could all use an ass-whooping out behind a barn, if you ask me.

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6b22a9 No.24278

Gonna give this a try:

The CLOCK is 15, 10, 5, 1. The graphic is tied to each marker (15, 10, 5, 1) on the clock.

The non-nuke DEFCON 1 is as others have posted, meaning tomorrow is when the awakening starts normalization. So that means our job is to help with the red pilling through all the data capture, digging, meme gen, etc. we've been doing here.

Still need to work in the 4, 10, 20. Believe those are dates 1/4. 1/10, 1/20…but not positive.

Thoughts? Tear that apart anons. Add to it. Take away from it.

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ef0feb No.24279



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2521bd No.24280

File: aadf93e0013947d⋯.png (228.06 KB,831x837,277:279,screenshot_216.png)


Rizvi has made investments in several notable tech firms including (((Facebook, Twitter, Square, and Flipboard))) Before focusing on the Internet, his investments were focused in the entertainment industry. In 2011, his firm took Playboy Enterprises private with Hugh Hefner for $207 million. He purchased a controlling interest in talent agency International Creative Management for $75 million in 2005, then sold his stake back to the company’s chairman, president, and others in 2011.

www.gicn. in/person/suhail-rizvi/

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b18fe5 No.24281

>>24270 YES YES YES

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ef0feb No.24282



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99e637 No.24283


They may be in the indictments.

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ef0feb No.24284



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097673 No.24285


Why are you even wasting your time posting on this? Useful info or gtfo

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ef0feb No.24286



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951922 No.24287


01/05/18 CBTS:

Posts on 01/05/18 (EST) (Archive only)

#299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –


www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118

#295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –

media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg


>>5204 -> Graphic

01/04/18 (EST)


>>>/cbts/239015 rt >>>/pol/res/11115887


>>>/cbts/239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation

>>>/cbts/239917 -> Confirmation The Second

>>>/cbts/239968 -> BO Confirms

>>7686 Archives of Q posts 4/1 and 5/1.

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5d4e01 No.24288

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af7290 No.24289


if the truth comes out, even catholics will want justice

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ef0feb No.24290



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6b22a9 No.24291

Oh one other thing I forgot to mention:

I don't think EMP refers to an actual electromagnetic pulse. I believe that refers to 'lights out' for the cabal. Just a hunch but makes more sense than an EMP over DPRK. That makes no sense at all.

As for sky fortress: that could be AF 1 as other anons have stated but could also be the E4B. That could run C2 for operations taking place all over the globe.

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91f470 No.24292


>I will outthink and outwit you after a case of beer. Which I don't drink.

You already proved you're not that bright with your comment above. Funny…..

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277480 No.24293


Remember they own most of the stocks too. If they shut down the banking system guess what that would do to the stock market. They wouldn't do that to themselves, they love money above all else.

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9bc20e No.24294

Thank you Q for the update in RE: 23580

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ef0feb No.24295


You got that one right kiddo.

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a353df No.24296

File: 9c34b2f76037568⋯.jpg (4.97 MB,3600x3600,1:1,Q_posts_and_some_replies_1….jpg)

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2521bd No.24297

File: 492260b1ff925f5⋯.png (363.79 KB,890x892,445:446,screenshot_217.png)



Great article chock full of info like Rzvi was close with the Queen of Jordan….

The son of an Iowa psychology professor, Rizvi has networked with rich and powerful people including (((Queen Noor of Jordan))) and Google Inc's Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, devising financing schemes that leveraged his access to deep-pocketed investors, according to people who know Rizvi.


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b18fe5 No.24298

File: 22cc2ea3eb80a94⋯.png (3.08 MB,1404x930,234:155,Capture.PNG)


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f7187a No.24299


What is your evidence?

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f7187a No.24300



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9902b0 No.24301


4, 10, 20 is DJT (num alpha)

[x] square brackets! where x = minutes apart between messages

If DJT tweets, look for matching Q key words.

If Q messages with [x] look for matching DJT tweets x minutes from Q. Remember that sometimes the messages are Today, or In The Past. But they are always x minutes apart.

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af7290 No.24302


amazingly complicated planning, must have had at least some help from a chief strategist

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ef0feb No.24303


SKYFORTRESS, another from of AI encoding.

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064059 No.24304


>t. alex

thanks for adding to my filter list

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ef0feb No.24305


That is the function of Tyler. A MIL ap for communication and organizing troops.

(When you return, please leave the Tyler stuff at the door.)
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5e2bb0 No.24306


Is GEOTUS taking out FB. Joy of Joys. The normies will melt down. Seriously I have never had a great feeling bout Elon M. I thought wen I first started hearing about him they were lining him up to be the next Stephen Hawking. People are starting to question how Stephen Hawking isn't dead with ALS. They can't keep using body doubles forever.

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ef0feb No.24307


Nice work gathering the Tyler breadcrumbs as you chase down the rabbitg holes…in the end, the truth is what matters…MIL ops taking place, mass arrests…Tyler is just a MIL communication tool.

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6b22a9 No.24308


Yep. Remembered the num alpha but thought an anon had also tied that to a calendar. Might be wrong. There's been a lot of info passed around.

Understood and appreciate on the rest of your post. Tried to figure that out earlier but it wasn't clear. You did a great job explaining it! Thanks!

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f0c08f No.24309


You can say that again, what about that Roy Potter idiot?

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2521bd No.24310

File: 15a7c9b7ce24c6b⋯.png (74.75 KB,462x393,154:131,screenshot_218.png)

File: 3e02662cebab96b⋯.png (1000.49 KB,1293x860,1293:860,screenshot_219.png)




Here's Rizvi's connection to SA

2016 Common Ground Awards


Her Majesty Queen Noor

Suhail Rizvi

www.sfcg. org/host-committee/

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ef0feb No.24312



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591832 No.24313




<(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.

<(34) commands LIVE.

<CODES command ACTION.


<[1] OWL [1]


Has anyone thought the

DEFCON 1 confirms the next post in 1min

The new code lock



10 -(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.

20-(34) commands LIVE.



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3161b4 No.24314




ZAQ said that Musk 'picked a side'.. Being a patriot doesn't mean he's always been a patriot.

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d682c1 No.24315


Agree, but you said it, if the truth comes out. I think the recognition that throwing alot of these big games in GITMO all at once tomorrow would be hard to swallow for some people. They are hoping we can break thepublic in slightly as well as help prepare the "bread" for the social media campaigns necessary to control the narrative/optics during that time.

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b9c164 No.24316


Great work Patriot.


Q posted this on 1/4



Which might indicate that 4, 10, 20 is some kind of count and that, as of 1/4, seven out of ten was confirmed?

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6b22a9 No.24317


I tried putting all of this into that process for posting here. There's process used but there's just so much information. I've planned some complex ops before but this…….this is uber level planning.

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ef0feb No.24318




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5d4e01 No.24319


We were having a discussion about plane crashes when Q posted 7/10.

It references something in the map.

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00f527 No.24320


Good job you ain't here because you would get my unicycle across your chin FAG

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b18fe5 No.24322



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9902b0 No.24323



And finally, once we understand the AUTH is active, look for the ACTION we are to take. At this point, I think the ACTIONs are all about re-educating the masses about that particular STAGE of the AWAKENING.

Q wanted a graphic "marker" on the PP house oversight page. Then linked the example AUTH conversation to that - meaning, if this had been a real AUTH, we should begin repilling the PP education meme storm.

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52a4a7 No.24324


Queen Noor (born Lisa Halaby) is an interesting woman. Also drop dead gorgeous.


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6b22a9 No.24325


I think the CLAS 1-9 has to do with the Felony Classifications that were found back in November I believe. That was on the old board cbts. Might be in the archives somewhere.

If true, that ties the indictments into this happening coming this week. Perhaps some of those indictments will be unsealed. It might go mainstream and that is why Q and POTUS need us to be ready with the CLOCK and GRAPHIC

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8b462d No.24326


Was the 4th the day that CF investigation was announced. I think that's a pretty big deal. Worthy of being marked on the calendar, if you ask me.

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9902b0 No.24327


And since Q had given all the crumbs to dig on, it's really time for us to wait for each AUTH signal and take ACTION. All the rest of this loaf are misdirections and shill. My take, what I'm going to do between coffee and sigs.

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1e94ad No.24328

As reprted by Jim Stone:


This is huge, because Turkey and Iran are not friends. If Turkish media ran this report, it is legit and No, contrary to the scamming U.S. MSM and planted media in the middle east, Ahmadinejad was not arrested. The Al-Arabia report about the former Iranian president being arrested for inciting the protests is a HOAX. Here is the truth:

According to the Turkish press, the CIA sent 900 agents fronting as businessmen to Iran under the disguise of helping Iran recover from economic sanctions. Once they were in Iran, rather than conduct business, they fronted the riots. HERE IT IS FOLKS, THE FULL REPORT. HA HA HA, BUSTED!

"Turkish media outlets said Michael D'Andrea, the man in charge of the CIA operations in Iran, has led the recent unrests and riots in a number of Iranian cities and towns.

The Turkish-language Takvim newspaper reported that D'Andrea has masterminded the violent protests which killed 20 people in Iran.

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9d648d No.24330


Add this to the Bannon/Wolf Good actors Map

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a73271 No.24331


King Hussein weilded so much power in the region because of his status as a Hashemite King (direct bloodline to Muhammed thru his daughter Fatima), the oldest oldest ruling dynasty in the Islamic World, and the second-oldest dynasty in the world.

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b18fe5 No.24332


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d682c1 No.24333


I lean toward Bill Binney. He'd be my guess for mapmaker anyway. The implementation would have fallen to Prince in coordination with NSA I think.

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2521bd No.24334

File: 5a934fdac5f2a42⋯.png (1.18 MB,1294x891,1294:891,screenshot_220.png)

File: 84755c48ba0811f⋯.png (212.41 KB,1100x826,550:413,screenshot_221.png)





Both Rizvi and Queen Noor of Jordan sit on the board of directors of this company "Search For Common Ground"

www.sfcg. org/2017-board-directors/

This would be Rizvi's direct conduit to Saudi Arabia….

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6b22a9 No.24335


Would not be good to have his name, face and that information make it into a meme that went viral.

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b18fe5 No.24336

File: 32a75a524c54f94⋯.png (1.06 MB,798x591,266:197,Capture.PNG)


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d682c1 No.24337


16 recon marines died in a stateside chopper crash on 7/10/17

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b18fe5 No.24338


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097673 No.24339


If it happens at Georgetown.. you can bet pedos are involved. Note alaweeds connection

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d682c1 No.24340

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af7290 No.24341


info will be released as the tribunals and trials are completed, probably not all at once

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1e94ad No.24342


Yesterday Q said "Ahmadinejed talking."

Jim Stone saying Ahmadinejed not arrested.

Not exactly the same - so confusing?

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224484 No.24343


Secret Power by Nicky Hager

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a3f775 No.24344

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52a4a7 No.24345


Bro, if it wasn't almost time for breakfast in my time zone, I'd go dig on these guys. Have seen the image before, probably long ago in halfchan before the election.

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c3a01e No.24346


Ok, is it me or do these guys not look human?

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2521bd No.24347

File: 2c58e4574ab5841⋯.png (228.51 KB,1100x826,550:413,screenshot_221.png)


Tie in to Prince Alaweed - Joe Esposito

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6b22a9 No.24348


Ah nice thank you for that correlation anon! Forgot about the GOOD actors drop. Makes more sense now.

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3161b4 No.24349

File: 80cdfe7d522d5e6⋯.png (381.34 KB,556x537,556:537,TheStorm.png)

>Could you sleep if you knew the truth about EVERYTHING?



We know what to do. Men and women are giving their lives.




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097673 No.24350



Safe to say.. let's go with what Q says

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053847 No.24351




Speaking of /ourguy/ Assange, I won't pretend I know his current location, but any anons fooled into thinking he's free simply because of a video circulating showing him in multiple outdoor settings can give this guy a few YT views for reposting this WL (unedited) ad in 2011.


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5d4e01 No.24352


Yup, I know.

Still, it references the point Q had made about 7/10 plane crashes being intentional.

Q reinforced that yesterday or Sat in his post mentioning Trump comment about plane crashes.

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b9c164 No.24354

File: b2b685005311098⋯.jpg (1.99 MB,1800x1299,600:433,Prince-Alwaleed-meeting-wi….jpg)


Meeting Belgian royalty, Belgium is, for no obvious reason, one of biggest holders of UST. Saudi connection to Belgian?

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b9c164 No.24355

File: 170ab19852fbe52⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,3456x2437,3456:2437,HM-King-Philippe-of-Belgiu….jpg)


Wrong pic last post.

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5d4e01 No.24356


I hope you're not prejudiced against chins.

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0b2ab6 No.24357

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224484 No.24358

Here we are

sitting on the ice

All around the hole

wow how nice

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a353df No.24359


follow all posts by user ID 7614c5

will help to explain…. and if you follow to the very end, it's very interesting



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5dfc6c No.24360

File: 4f7824e52d7ed00⋯.png (722.8 KB,724x1019,724:1019,ClipboardImage.png)


Please update the dough with it <3

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.6.1

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with The Storm threads.

/-/-/-/-/ #25, #26, #27 & #29.

/-/-/-/-/ Fire & Fury @Wikileaks [2] Q

/-/-/-/-/ Chapters: 6 & 10 : O -> Q.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




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91f470 No.24361


Sand niggers are wearing western clothes.

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1e94ad No.24362


Agree, but Jim added "The reports of Ahmadinejad's arrest only appeared via Al Arabia, a known American backed propaganda front (this is the same outlet as Al-Quds)".

Its hard to understand why he would be talking if he hasn't been arrested.

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d682c1 No.24363


I hope they're not taking certain peoples advice in regards to leaving them an exit strategy if they choose to take it. Maybe we hold a fake carrot out for a while but you don't make deals with the kind of fanaticism that exists at the very top. You just don't. Ask Lincoln. His greatest fear was the Jesuits if you read his writings. He was constantly afraid of being poisoned by them. Trumps enemy is of the same lineage but far more complex to tame when all of the social conditioning the public has undergone is taken into consideration.

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af7290 No.24364

anyone think Jim Acosta will show up for the fake news awards?

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1e94ad No.24366


Megaanon (yes, I know) says Assange has been free since October 2016

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6d49e9 No.24367

how has q contained the msm¿

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91f470 No.24368


I think he's going to receive an award whether he's there or not….

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b18fe5 No.24370


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951922 No.24371


got it

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b18fe5 No.24372

File: f2763216a2d5c0e⋯.png (777.79 KB,666x495,74:55,Capture.PNG)


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2521bd No.24373


Hugh Heffner

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2521bd No.24375


Rizvi bough tback Playboy Enterprises for Hugh Heffner

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b18fe5 No.24376


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d682c1 No.24377


wasnt aware he said it had to do with a plane. I've just seen the 7/10 posted a number of times. Wasn't aware he had eluded more to it. Thanks.

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9d648d No.24378



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af7290 No.24379


Jim Acosta, Jake Tapper, and Jorge Ramos are my nominations the most ridiculed by trump fake news reporters

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b18fe5 No.24380


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6563c7 No.24381


Definite Confirmation

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2521bd No.24382


Pamala Anderson

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a36175 No.24383


drop dead gorgeous.??? Careful..your boomer is showing.

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c3a01e No.24384


http://people. com/celebrity/playboy-claims-secret-underground-tunnels-under-mansion/

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236b7a No.24385


Anyone with a clearance that Q claims to have would never have posted what he/she did concerning DEFCON, WAKEUP!

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578887 No.24386

sorry everybody. i don't want to br lazy i just have little time to find this and it will bug me all day. is this a trump tweet and id it confirmed?

Original missing "Q"

Revised including "Q"



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1e94ad No.24387


Again, I refer to Jim Stone. He reported that Assange was taken out of the embassy after Anderson's visit (same night - as I recall there was a fleet of black cars involved and a nearby airport)

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5d4e01 No.24388


They don't seem to be able to deal with the Q phenomenon because he is shadowy, and what lies behind the shadows are truths the MSM works to hide.

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185196 No.24389

File: a1af1b1649b3669⋯.png (30.95 KB,905x128,905:128,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

Current face of /thestorm/ via TBeanz

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1e94ad No.24390


Research here. Was investigated by Reddit as well.

http://www. opnlttr.com/letter/former-senior-nsa-analyst-jim-stone-insists-julian-assange-wikileaks-not-ecuadorean-embassy

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5d4e01 No.24391


All Q posts here since 1/4 are confirmed.

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202730 No.24392


I hope we are all going to get some royalities out of this.

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8b462d No.24393

File: 092f834bf209a85⋯.jpg (67.36 KB,705x683,705:683,Oraqle.jpg)

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b18fe5 No.24394


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3f985a No.24395


>you are indeed lazy, its on the top of this thread


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c0bdf3 No.24396


I can sleep much better now.

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5d4e01 No.24397


If you know Q is a fake then you would appear to be in the wrong place, friend.

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9d648d No.24398


DIdn't his son take over the business/wasn't sold.

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8d22bc No.24399

File: c040d7a14acf4eb⋯.png (76.77 KB,715x661,715:661,5C2AF4B0-CB48-42AC-AD75-BD….png)


Along the lines of defcon = War Games.

Sky Kings had something with Tom Rolf.

I checked it out, Tom Rolf was the editor of the movie War Games.

No coincidences, right?

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72b5bd No.24400

Zach on Info Wars is Zachari Klawonn

Klawonn > Klown> Clown

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b18fe5 No.24401



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c80681 No.24402


He is saying that he doesnt drink, and even after drinking a case and becoming intoxicated, he can still outsmart you.

Just stfu and see our ways of the troll

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082d7b No.24403


Um Q already clarified that defcon did not mean what you think it means. were you asleep?

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b18fe5 No.24404



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053847 No.24405

File: 978adff4145bbe2⋯.png (92.7 KB,272x463,272:463,ClipboardImage.png)


>Igor and Grichka Bogdanov

French theoretical physicists.

About their "look"…


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8d22bc No.24406


“Learn double meanings”

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c0bdf3 No.24407

File: ab4960aab6214a1⋯.jpg (80.15 KB,750x600,5:4,5e8.jpg)

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5d4e01 No.24408


A lot of what you are trying to learn may be in the spreadsheet.

Have you read it?

The material you are covering had been discussed at length.

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578887 No.24409

thanks. was saying in plebit i needed a simple potus tweet to confirm this is Q. i wasn't taking a chance on that whole CM only thing. i'm convinced. this is Q

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5cdbd2 No.24410


Never ending Story

Turn around

Look at what you see

In her face

The mirror of your dreams

Make believe I'm everywhere

Given in the light

Written on the pages

Is the answer to a never ending story


Reach the stars

Fly a fantasy

Dream a dream

And what you see will be

Rhymes that keep their secrets

Will unfold behind the clouds

And there upon a rainbow

Is the answer to a never ending story




Show no fear

For she may fade away

In your hand

The birth of a new day

Rhymes that keep their secrets

Will unfold behind the clouds

And there upon a rainbow

Is the answer to a never ending story

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5d4e01 No.24411


That would explain the Musk connection, but all I know are the rumors.

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af7290 No.24412


So far they (MSM) are mostly just not reporting on it and when they do they ridicule it and say it's just another bunch of white nationalist kekistani crazy fucking conspiracy thruthers spewing out fake news and even faker memes, just like they did when pizzagate and hussein's birth certificate came up, they ignore real news that they don't want revealed by ridiculing it, it won't work for them this time

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a5ba1e No.24413


D-did we just get bogpilled?

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0188e9 No.24414

http://www. foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/07/uk-prime-minister-theresa-may-defends-trumps-mental-fitness.html

http://www. foxnews.com/science/2018/01/08/spacex-launches-rocket-carrying-classified-payload-for-u-s-government.html

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9d648d No.24415


I believe this discussion has happened. Playboy was the honeypot that possibly recorded illegal action to set people up.

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6115cb No.24416

What airport is within 150 miles (home)?

What events can be tied to airport?

When specifically?

When did POTUS Tweet the above?

8 people transported to hospital following police chase near Dulles International on 12/27/2017.

Trump brought up Awan in story published on 12/28/2017 in the NYT.

December 27, 2017

>Eight people were transported to a local hospital following a police chase that led to a multi-vehicle collision in Herndon near Dulles International Airport Wednesday night.

http:// wjla.com/news/local/officials-multi-vehicle-crash-involving-tractor-trailer-reported-in-fairfax-county

http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/29/trump-draws-attention-to-case-against-ex-dem-it-aide-imran-awan.html

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c80681 No.24417







Just screencap me in here with these smart people.

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5e2bb0 No.24418

The Globalists crashing the financial system is a possibility that needs to be considered. I would think they are well stocked up on anything they need to ride out the storm. the graphic on the site below shows quite visually the derivative problem. Derivatives have been called weapons of mass financial destruction. In essence they are bankster gambling debts. The banksters need a war to wipe these off their books before they implode.

www visualcapitalist.com/worlds-money-markets-one-visualization-2017/

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b18fe5 No.24419


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cb08d4 No.24420


Yeah, this was all discussed a long time ago.

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62867b No.24421

The playboy stuff is super old information

those promoting it may be attempting to distract

focus on recent Q posts!

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af7290 No.24422


someone smart is probably copyrighting each q post as soon as they appear

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8d22bc No.24424

The market won’t crash now.

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5d4e01 No.24425


I hope not because we are not ready for that.

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c0bdf3 No.24426


I'll be happy getting our country back.

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a73271 No.24427


correct - already covered

Heff set-up/recorded/aided in blackmail of celebs, politicos, CEO, et al

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848165 No.24428


big if true

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4a1f52 No.24429

>>23887 VECHAIN resets to THOR in JAN cryprocurrency hyperspike

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8b462d No.24430


Thanks to your consistent use of caps. I immediately know to not bother reading your posts.

Much appreciated.

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c3a01e No.24431


Article on Justine Musk

https://www.entrepreneur. com/article/245286

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5d4e01 No.24432


Writing in caps is definitely the way to get taken seriously.

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5d4e01 No.24433


I think you just explained about 40 posts in the past hour.

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c0bdf3 No.24434

File: e5d37b568d772cf⋯.jpg (11.08 KB,259x195,259:195,index.jpg)

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277480 No.24435

File: 37772b18d57b460⋯.png (116.4 KB,314x172,157:86,ClipboardImage.png)


Why it's these two in….don't know what to call it…

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6d49e9 No.24436



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b18fe5 No.24437


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bacb12 No.24438

https://e n.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogdanov_affair

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ab7902 No.24439


To establish media (non-)credibility.

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3161b4 No.24440

File: a3fcf753a84e4ef⋯.png (299.74 KB,1244x230,622:115,GSgetsUStaxDollars.png)

Fuel for the fire..

Our tax dollars getting funneled to GS scribd.com/document/341866712/Lee-Inhofe-Letter-to-Secretary-Tillerson

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5d4e01 No.24441


I think you hit the nail on the head.

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afd672 No.24442


Verrrryyyy Interdasting

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c3a01e No.24443

File: 4eed461690f3d10⋯.jpg (219.22 KB,1509x949,1509:949,Elon musk @ Playboy.jpg)


http://www.zimbio .com/photos/Elon+Musk/Playboy+Hugh+Hefner+Host+Annual+Halloween/hwIYM6YjLoK

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8b462d No.24444


I'm gonna be straight up with you. The moment someone posts an all caps comment, they've lost me. Its disrespectful. It also has me thinking that you're under the impression that what you have to say is more important than the other (currently) 151 people viewing this page.

Grow up and grow some manners, along with some basic etiquette skills.

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5d4e01 No.24445


That goes into the wtf folder.

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7e9ad6 No.24446



Please do 3 things, in the order -


2. BEFORE you post anthing here, read the spreadsheet to see if what you want to post hasn't already been milked to death here.

3. If what you want to say has not been discussed here - use 1 post to say your entire piece, and wait for the anons to acknowledge you or ignore you. If your piece is worthy, it will be accepted and applauded.

we do appreciate your enthusiasm though. It's the presentation that's a bit of an eyesore.

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2521bd No.24447


Look at that Elon sitting next to RA

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c0ccd1 No.24448



I think he is going to clean up a lot of the mess here in the US but worldwide the problems are exactly as stated. These people have immense power and wealth and they have thousands upon thousands of people bought off or controlled, not to mention the whole satanic aspect of things. This is very very dangerous territory.

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c3a01e No.24449


In of all things, an Alice in Wonderland outfit.. Follow the Wives?

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af7290 No.24450


if most all crypto currencies start rising astronomically in values very quickly, it might be a sign that the bankers are diversfying out of fiat currencies, trying to safeguard, if they all did this at once with most all their money, could cause central banking collapses, but who knows, maybe trump wants this as a way to transition away from fed reserve currency into more efficient block chain banking systems

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2521bd No.24451


There's your connection to Hugh Heffner, Pamela Anderson and Elon Musk

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ab7902 No.24452


Who was Ahmadinejed talking to? Q's breadcrumb can be interpreted as being consistent with what Jim Stone said.

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4a1f52 No.24453

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abc54f No.24454


If GS answers directly to [P]… as Q stated,

Then, when P = POTUS, and maybe GS is captured, then he 'answers directly' to P is a plausible possibility…

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578887 No.24455


if that potus tweet sequence doesn't convince you… you are of the 5-6%. lurk and quit posting.

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4a1f52 No.24456


That is happening look at all coins in total market cap VECHAIN rebrands to THOR in Jan, some of these cryptos have incredibly large scale to absorb fiat

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5d4e01 No.24457


Well that takes the weird award for a pretty overall weird night.

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c3a01e No.24459

NVM.. Talulah Riley

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a36175 No.24460




thats an alice id love to milk

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9ad7a8 No.24461

ANY MEANS NECESSARY. No time for stupid games. Take from restaurants/bars/house/anywhere. [X] done. No more.

Vat. Gold/assets

All other assets

Retrain police

Destroy symbols

New court system. Quick, efficient. No red tape. Fines, prison (extreme cases only), [X]

Keep food system sans sg/monsnto

Flouride out of water

Solar power/wind/wave

Tesla tech sans Musk (?)

Solar roads (?)

More efficient trans.

Consult engineers

Consult top tech (not evil)

Rid of ALL Evil.


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b18fe5 No.24462

CAPSLOCK has been used as nothing more than a separator of my posts from the endless posts filled with misinformation disguised as real ones. I too agree capslock is painful to look at however it became very obvious that shills were trying to cover up and mislead on this board. Hence the all caps. I'm on the good team. Time for rest. GL. Hope all information continued to lead in right direction. After all SpaceX did send a rocket off less than 12hrs ago.

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2521bd No.24463


Elon Musk is in it knee deep with the (((Eye of RA)))

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4a1f52 No.24464


Quad quad I am not worthy

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c3a01e No.24465


And here I wanted to go to work for the fuck…

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082d7b No.24466

File: 7169fdb38147b8a⋯.png (70.55 KB,1279x395,1279:395,Q.png)



DEFCON does not refer to Defense r Condition w/ regards to prev post.

Thought clear.

Now crystal clear.


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053847 No.24467


Someone had to finally say it after 40 posts from CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK,

Thank you MA

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70b3f1 No.24468

Zuma Space-X Launch = Sky Fortress?

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4870a1 No.24469


I know this is off-topic, and maybe it's been discussed already… Does anyone know why potus is going to the game tomorrow?

There has to be some sort of huge announcement there, wonder what it is.

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af7290 No.24470


some scary shit goin down

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c3a01e No.24471

File: 7d404c5d0c35d19⋯.jpg (169.18 KB,996x1034,498:517,Elon musk @ Playboy 2.jpg)

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33e0b9 No.24472


Georgia is supposedly going to be a battleground state in the 2018 elections. It could be soft campaigning for the GOP.

Behind the scenes, it might be finishing up some old business from the stolen Alabama election and whatever went down at the Atlanta airport.

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d682c1 No.24473


It really is. That said much of this needs to be rooted out. The religious angles of this(multi-faith) make for an incredibly complex situation.

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0bd172 No.24474

Found another "sky fortress" reference. Its the nickname of the Egyptian Air Defense Command.


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c3a01e No.24476


I have a theory that if Congress could outlaw Islam in 1952, Why can't Satanism/Luciferianism? Both are evil, bent on the destruction of the world IMHO

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c2f1a8 No.24477

WOW what a time to be alive


Did something happen on the 5th

will something big happen on 10

will skyfortress (zuma) go active on NK on 15?

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c3a01e No.24478


Keeping up with the posts, TODAY!

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d682c1 No.24479


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b18fe5 No.24480

File: 010b49c32274336⋯.png (322.29 KB,459x710,459:710,Capture.PNG)

Good sign or reference to the all seeing eye and Moloch?

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590b05 No.24481


Zuma was to launch on the 5th but got delayed.

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d3a971 No.24482


Amber heard? Dated pedovore johnny depp?? LOL Safe to say she's in the coven.

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2521bd No.24483


Elon, liked the Playboy Mansion and all that the CIA had to offer, and he LOVES Burning Man where all the tech ceo's pay homage to the goddess ISIS and make backroom deals while sacrificing humans….

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264895 No.24484


That has been my take on it for quit some time

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c2f1a8 No.24485

>>24481 Thanx Anon just thought of that…now what oh what for the 10th

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b18fe5 No.24486

File: 15dea2e641f2e12⋯.png (45.02 KB,670x503,670:503,Capture.PNG)

Why the X Elon?

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951922 No.24487

File: 0602dc0229deac6⋯.png (381.46 KB,570x427,570:427,damper dough in oven.png)

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af7290 No.24488


he's going to the game so he can leave when some players kneel for the national anthem

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afd672 No.24489


Well, sometimes POTUS repeats himself. Just sayin'

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2521bd No.24490


It will be a death blow to the NFL

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0d2506 No.24491


Anybody mention the missing "o" in "or"?

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af7290 No.24492


maybe half the stadium will leave

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5e4f3d No.24493


seriously ??? "or"

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b415e7 No.24494


You delivered a well-deserved strike with that one, MA. Check your email.

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33e0b9 No.24495

File: f4440bb5da1ac61⋯.jpg (295.29 KB,1740x327,580:109,Summary.jpg)


This is the most succinct explanation I've heard for how The Storm came to be. Have a screencap.

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2521bd No.24496


That's what I was thinking, I mean who would stay after the President walks out?

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cdbe94 No.24504



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cdbe94 No.24508


His journal collection!

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264895 No.24509


Trump did refer to Obama as “o” in a tweet the other day

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2521bd No.24510



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5e4f3d No.24511

File: 4d8cc61fd77eb79⋯.png (292.66 KB,500x324,125:81,M 0042.png)

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2521bd No.24512


So I'm leaning towards Elon is a good guy and we are about to zap NK's electrical grid?

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4870a1 No.24513



Wasn't "O" double meaning with Oprah?

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b18fe5 No.24514


Thank you for this confirmation. Means a lot. I try. Please dont hesitate to contact through other means in the near future if I can be of any help. Ill assume you have access via other routes and can find a way. God Bless. MAGA

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700e02 No.24515

Do we know anything else about the timeglass on assanges twitter?

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6d49e9 No.24517




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cb9ca9 No.24518


thanks for the email, txtAnon. sent one back. please check when you can.

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af7290 No.24519


yes, elon is a genious, he has brilliant ideas to improve the lives of all mankind, Trump will use elon in years to come to help make america great again

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2521bd No.24521


That's what I'm hoping for….

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62867b No.24522


Does anyone have a recent link for the smart sheet I tried the one postedin this bake but it did not work


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3161b4 No.24523

File: d14ae8cb2a62b3d⋯.png (103.24 KB,326x314,163:157,PepePunch.png)

Get to work>>24155

Kek wills it.

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d3a971 No.24524

File: ba541fc5a6a65ee⋯.jpg (16.19 KB,300x400,3:4,31e5c7cb1690827c6197b24f4f….jpg)



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2521bd No.24525

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9ad7a8 No.24526


Currently borrowing neighbors router. Will find other.

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2521bd No.24527

fill the bread :)

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d3a971 No.24528

File: 99e10c5507a6495⋯.jpg (64.21 KB,630x630,1:1,99e10c5507a64953cd5386be62….jpg)

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d3a971 No.24529

File: c1a13c55213926d⋯.jpg (19.18 KB,255x169,255:169,6eb4e2e8c13f27c3a8328137d8….jpg)

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2521bd No.24530

File: c25e169812dd427⋯.png (36.36 KB,400x400,1:1,58967e9b0803320bf17c2fb8.png)

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d3a971 No.24531

File: 30af43958fc8d7a⋯.png (1.4 MB,1320x886,660:443,30af43958fc8d7a8ce6d32e7fa….png)

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c0bdf3 No.24532

File: c43572cf2dbb73a⋯.jpg (9.41 KB,225x225,1:1,breadfiller.jpg)

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700e02 No.24534

link to new bread?

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951922 No.24535

File: aaf57c96477331e⋯.png (466.87 KB,600x450,4:3,damper done.png)






>please organize a baker for #32

also , you know the deal , fill this bread

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07ad66 No.24536

Back home, lads. Ready to rock. We still at SHILLCON 1?

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c0bdf3 No.24540

File: 1cc4842225162d1⋯.jpg (10.59 KB,225x225,1:1,breadcat.jpg)

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8b462d No.24541

I love this time of day/night. I just thought I'd let you all know while I'm helping to fill the bread.

So peaceful. :)

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5d4e01 No.24542


Yes it is an embarrassing photo because of whatever the he'll his outfit is, but may not establish any evil intent on Musk's part. It's a party.

I suppose if the prospect was an evening with that girl, and the price was to have to wear that costume, the main question might be "where do I get changed?"

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d3a971 No.24543


>So peaceful. :)

It's like the calm before the storm.

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07ad66 No.24544




like this?

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5e4f3d No.24545

File: 01319bf4e480986⋯.png (590.02 KB,640x480,4:3,M 0043.png)

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2521bd No.24546

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8d22bc No.24547

File: 894d72ec9bcb953⋯.jpeg (161.99 KB,1536x726,256:121,DE303D13-17A7-45E2-91EC-7….jpeg)

File: 41cef4c9ca222f1⋯.jpeg (171.64 KB,1536x842,768:421,270BD9F5-61F7-40E6-B19A-1….jpeg)

Trump Twitter acronyms..

I don’t know if I’m overly autistic .. or following a delusional… orange rabbit?

Fake Book? FB?

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07ad66 No.24548


for real, the number of fucks that got baited, including those supposedly on our side

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29a211 No.24549


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07ad66 No.24550

Should I dig tonight or do my weekly Argus heroic?

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c0bdf3 No.24552

File: 9715ad224604cb5⋯.jpg (9.97 KB,260x194,130:97,breadfill2.jpg)

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700e02 No.24553


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