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File: 7258c53e99c4062⋯.jpg (152.81 KB,1024x490,512:245,metaQ.jpg)

70f9e8 No.24557

Post research, news, links, etc. of metaphysical, spiritual, esoteric, new-age or other-worldly type of things here.

If your research involves multiple topics, be sure to cross-link in appropriate threads.

Try to stay on topic and only post relevant things. Please avoid bible quotations, we all know that (((they))) re-wrote that book. Religion is not spirituality.

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e846fb No.24636

File: 4bc2ff0d2a36aaa⋯.jpg (46.93 KB,500x539,500:539,4bc2ff0d2a36aaa706da3baf36….jpg)

>What is spirituality?

Spirituality means using the Light of Love.

More specifically, it means having attention to the voice within you that tells you what is right and what is wrong. If you wish to defeat the Cabal in any way - THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO DO SO.

The ultimate goal is to clean the entire planet from negativity and oppression. Positive spirituality is our most effective weapon. The dark side is willing to prevent this by controlling unspiritual people. They cannot harm positive, spiritual people.

Spirituality is hard to explain in concrete words because it deals with your "gut feeling" and has no real anchor in the world - yet can be present with you in every moment of every day. Roughly it can be explained as common sense + nice things + some new ideas.

Spirituality is NOT:

-new age






There is a strong connection between positive spirituality and extraterrestrials. The cloaked space fleet of heavenly powers sitting right above our heads (source of most UFO sightings) is attracted and very pleased by such behavior, however these beings cannot collectively help us if we don't help ourselves first (sometimes it's okay to let kids play with fire so they can experience being burned and learn not to do this). So this is not a contact begging alien worship movement - there are more important things right now.

Some useful sources:







Discard what you don't like or agree with. Apply what you think is true in your everyday life, and observe the effects.

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e846fb No.24642

Some advice on how to jump-start a spiritual healthy lifestyle. This is NOT a strict code. Apply what you wish:

1) Avoid negative, angry people, or people who want to steal your energy and control you.

2) Don´t drink alcohol, don’t smoke anything. Avoid places with smokers.

3) Change the room you are living. Hang only beautiful posters and pictures on the wall, with bright colours. No dark , depressive pictures.

4) Don´t wear dark clothes, use colours or white.

5) Don´t listen to evil music like Heavy metal or worst. Listen to harmonious music, like meditation music or happy music. Music with a high frequency, music with Love.

6) Go often to nature to clean your energy and charge it with new clear energy.

7) Use a good smelling room-perfume.

8 ) Try to play sometimes. You can also use a computer game for that. Of course only a funny game. Not a killing game. Games like Jump and run are fun. Or you play outside ping pong.

9) Make sometimes gifts to your self. Show yourself that you have Selflove. Tell to your self in the mirror that you love yourself. Hang a paper on the door or on the mirror and write on it “I LOVE MY SELF”

10) Don´t watch negative, evil, horror movies on TV. Watch funny Movies, comics, or exciting movies which trigger your imagination for the universe and a brightful future.

12) Try to paint a picture. Painting is a form of healing and meditation. Use colourful, bright colours. Not dirty, depressive colours.

13) Play an instrument, make music.

14) Take Vitamins and St. John’s wort.

15) Don´t eat meat.

16) Don't swear or communicate aggresively. Talk pleasantly, with Love and confidence.

17) Get comfortable with the idea of fasting, and do (distilled) water fasts. When most of your body's energy goes toward your digestion because you're eating constantly, there is little left for your body to allocate to healing. Animals fast regularly when sick.

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e846fb No.24657

File: 86d20986bf104f9⋯.jpg (366.81 KB,1757x775,1757:775,86d20986bf104f95a35218b4b9….jpg)

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e846fb No.24797


Correction of the fourth link, now broken properly:


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bcd18d No.27635

File: 73bb48158f060a2⋯.jpg (28.92 KB,460x346,230:173,glowbitch.jpg)

wow, it took just 1 hr to make the (((glowings))) flood this thread with their derailing pseudospiritual hi-color Mockingbird bullshit…

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e846fb No.27676


You can relax, there was only one poster other than the OP. You can also read what was posted and see for yourself. How can signifying the importance of personal inner work and intuition be Mockingbird?

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c86349 No.28341

Ummm no, not exactly happy with the numbered list. so here is my 2 cents on spiritual initiation.

1) avoiding neg people isn't going to help learning how to deal with them. It's how we allowed the satanic elite to develop as far as they have.

2) do what you want to do, and be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions. Even the best of us need to sit down with a beer once in a while. not saying it is necessary to do, either, it's optional.

3) if you need to surround yourself with positive pictures, how is that going to help you stop the pedos when you are face to face with one?

4) I think of all of the people that wear white in this world, and they tend to be pedos. Wolves in wolf clothing.

5) don't listen to metal? if you think it is satanic music then it is bad, if you think it is beautiful it's not necessarily satanic. Quantum physics, double slit experiment, the nature of the observer changes the rules of the experiment.

6) Go into nature and don't use it as a dumping ground for your negative energy, align with nature energy. Don't use it. Use is a separate action. You are made from nature itself, so be one with it.

7) don't use perfumes, get use to the smells of nature, which also includes the smell of your natural sweat, and how others smell naturally. smell is a result of poor dietary choices.

8) there is no more time for games, it is now or never.

9) Make your focus of the day others, serve others, we spend most of our day serving ourselves, does this awakening serve just you or everyone?

10) Watch negative stuff, how will the world face the problem and deal with it, if it buries it's head in the sand? We make our stand here. We make it now. We serve POTUS, we serve the Creator.

Watch negative stuff and learn to remain centered in your heart so no darkness can take you down ever.

11) Visualization is more important to spirituality than you think, but it is only worked on after all of the healing work has been completed.

12) If someone has to react to colors as if they are dirty, they still have healing to do.

All of creation was created by the Creator, and all of it is beautiful.

13) Music can set a mood, depending on how it inspires you.

14) Look up Earthing, look up ph balanced diet, compare autoimmune disease with the role of antioxidants, which earthing supplies in infinite amounts to the body for free.

15) Avoid red meat, it is okay to eat meat or vegetables as long as you are giving thanks for it. Whether it is meat or it is vegetables, no thanks is no blessing.

Look up high vibrational foods, cacao, spirulina, tachyonized blue green algae, tachyonized silica gel, look up tachyonization.

16. Swear, communicate your heart honestly, within reason, within the balance. Speak your truth from the bottom of your heart.

17. The one idea I agree with the previous poster. Fasting is okay but not on the regular. Raw Veggie Juice Cleanse is probably safer than fasting.

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3acf1f No.28359

>raised jehovah's witness

>found it boring and left when i was old enough to choose for myself

>didn't really follow any religion but still had a belief in god and valued the morals that christianity based religions taught to their children

>never taken any type of drug including cigarettes, no piercings or tattoos and drink alcohol infrequently

>have always felt like the wage slave system is a prison and tried to live within means/without much debt

in a lot of ways, i feel like i've subconsciously prepared for and been waiting for my own awakening


>non-spiritual and apolitical

>lurk on 4/v/ occasionally

>happen to be there when gamergate explodes

>learn how dishonest the media is, how coordinated SJW pushing is, and start to take an interest in politics

>now lurk on 4/pol/ occasionally

>happen to be there when Q explodes

>happen to have just quit my previous job and living on savings, with a lot of free time to spare

>follow Q threads

>some questions and links lead in esoteric directions

>find those particular topics fascinating and spend a lot of researching different view points when not focused on the Q stuff

sounds a lot like synchronicity to me

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5d943a No.28609

File: 009ed3581ad2cc9⋯.jpg (5.9 KB,182x254,91:127,pilly.jpg)



I do swear, I smoke, I eat meat - and I can channel and see aura.


>Some advice on how to jump-start a spiritual healthy lifestyle. This is NOT a strict code

doesn't make a code/rule/order to an advice.

Fake label.

This is how Mockingbird and MKUlcus works…

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fc9be6 No.29031

pissoff hippyfags

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efd55f No.29264

File: 6d15389647cfff7⋯.jpeg (51.13 KB,680x583,680:583,kabamurQ.jpeg)

This is not a game.

Aliens yo

Kabamur_taygeta on twitter…if you're into meta Q he's your guy

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c1e29b No.29314

Mooji several years ago; seems especially poignant now.


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e846fb No.29470


Kabamur is a very good source. This post, however, is not his best one, as Q has used such wording even earlier - check the txt files.


Channeling, seeing auras, etc. are merely consequences of being positively spiritual. They are byproducts, so to speak. But they herald exactly nothing. You can thank the new age cult and other control programs for that confusion.

All Existence is about learning so you can go one step higher. Using this wisdom in practice on this planet has a global positive and much needed impact.


I see (you) felt the need to fit everything to your truth and re-write every single thing on that list, which is not my work in the first place (a person with full memory from higher dimensions wrote most of this). That is allright, however the reddit spacing is redundant.

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e846fb No.29798


Good video.

First you do inner work. Only then your vision will be clear enough.

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0ea6b2 No.30153


>a person with full memory from higher dimensions wrote most of this

sure… let me guess: higher dimensions means (((7th floor)))

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e846fb No.30685

File: c61294094428f83⋯.png (303.12 KB,602x641,602:641,main-qimg-4fc99a721b4037d4….png)


I doubt some secret cabalist would urge you to take responsibility for yourself and try to show you the way to real freedom.

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3acf1f No.32030


>Kabamur is a very good source

i like the uplifting tweets but the "intel" seems suspect

recently, the account claimed ivanka trump has a telepathic link or something to Q

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0300f1 No.33109


There were more claims. The percentage of Truth is hovering around 70-80% in my sense.

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de324f No.33175


*rules (incomplete)

„Du mußt verstehn!

Aus Eins mach’ Zehn,

Und Zwei laß gehn,

Und Drei mach’ gleich,

So bist Du reich.

Verlier’ die Vier!

Aus Fünf und Sechs,

So sagt die Hex’,

Mach’ Sieben und Acht,

So ist’s vollbracht:

Und Neun ist Eins,

Und Zehn ist keins.

Das ist das Hexen-Einmal-Eins!“




A=O=U=I *(polyphonic)




…expand it!

C=K *(K=constructed)







*double,tripple…. meaning



Mo men

No men

*From now on its was forbidden to speak the old language.

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de324f No.33182









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de324f No.33189


02=double one go

03=double it

04=one go

05 06 are 07 08 draw a circle write the ABC



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387629 No.33408


The native cultures (probably)swore, ate meat, smoked, did some hallucinogenics, and they lived a much more spiritual life than modern us.

I don't think God/Source/Creator judges at all. He/She/It wants to grow/expand by experiencing everything we experience.

I do believe that benevolent beings DO judge, and want to help us to escape from the Great Deception. The Law of One comes to mind here.

I have finally learned to trust my inner knowing. (after logical thought)

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857ff6 No.33960


It's probably way more.

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5ecd47 No.33962


go back to reddit you faggots

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49384b No.33974

What if Trump and Hillary are really laughing at us??

What if there really is something in Trump flashing the 666 hand signal every time he speaks?


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5ecd47 No.33994


who cares if he flashes 666? satan isn't real, jews are the ones who run things

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c4d618 No.34672

File: 0b4cd1cb765a7f9⋯.png (24.76 KB,245x245,1:1,ugandan-knuckles.png)


You do not no de wei.

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c4d618 No.34673


"You must understand!

Turn one out of ten,

And two let go,

And three do the same,

So you are rich.

Lose the four!

Five and Six,

So says the Hex ',

Make seven and eight,

That's how it's done:

And nine is one,

And ten is none.

This is the witches one-time one! "

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07b002 No.34950


Da queen has shown me da wei

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8b3889 No.35002

File: 66be31d3c8a9d73⋯.jpg (45.88 KB,480x465,32:31,3f70da6d675ab9a5cb07c379a9….jpg)


>Please avoid bible quotations

Ecclesiastes 7:3

Sorrow is better than laughter,

for by sadness of countenance the heart is made glad.

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af2971 No.35054

File: 9beeb2693dd30ae⋯.png (4.08 MB,1528x3528,191:441,channel full.png)

Manly Palmer Hall is the best source I've managed to find on this sort of subject.


This channel has some great lectures by him plus some other interesting things if you click "playlists" The link to Mark Passio in the firs post is another great source and more current. Still Manly P Hall is my all time favorite, I listen to his lectures a lot when I browse the internet and when I go to sleep I play it in the background.

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0aa7c3 No.35257

Proverbs 17:10

A rebuke goes deeper into one who has understanding

Than a hundred blows into a fool.

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f2f1b2 No.35706

Julian Smith came back to youtube after taking a break..

Has been creating pretty interesting stuff.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9044_5u0HE

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1f286f No.39292


This is a nice list.

HIS blessings on us, I pray.

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