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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

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This board is now under /QResearch/ control as of 10/08/2018

Looking for Q? Come to QResearch

File: 2875f7d248a2baf⋯.png (9.94 KB,255x151,255:151,687f348a332eff6634f6eb8847….png)

1b0739 No.256834 [Last50 Posts]

The Republic of America is being Restored

The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.

There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.

Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.


It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here are the facts:

There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22

There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.

As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.

Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.

Solution? Sincere Patriots.

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

==Our goal is simple:== To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE]. We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

Can you?

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1b0739 No.256837




Posts on 01/05/18 (EST) (Archive only)

– #299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –

https:// archive.is/4wvwi

www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118

– #295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –

https://media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg

https:// archive.fo/s1tua

>>249169 -> Graphic

Posts on 01/04/18 (EST)


>>239015 rt >>>/pol/11115887


>>239692 -> Graphic

>>239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation

>>239917 -> Confirmation The Second

>>239968 -> BO Confirms




C!0demonkey NEW message on Q/BO Controversy 06/01


C!0Demonkey Confirms Q post made in /thestorm 06/01


The Board Owner Q IS BACK Tripcode Update


Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update


C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement


Board Owner's emergency announcement


>>224690 ← Modanon explains

For posterity, here are the trips Q has used so far:

Q !UW.yye1fxo

Q !ITPb.qbhqo





Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)

1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg

2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg

3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg

4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg

5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png

6: s20.postimg. org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg

Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/

NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/


This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.

Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1b0739 No.256839




Important SpreadSheet Announcement

Due to threats to delete all anon's hard work in the open columns of the spreadsheet (and any future smartsheets) the spreadsheet has been changed to read & download only mode.

New link: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232

Note: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.

We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.


Latest Q Map - Fight, Fight, Fight Edition

>>252184 https://media.8ch.net/file_store/92a7a7fd28c4fb2505bfc47e0fe2b370a82dc22ab9a2a4f0c27b7aa80f9cec27.jpg

Q Posts 2017 (meta, txt & html): 460 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/b93ccf2f2476b34fff65be9f0ad4e75a

Interactive: qcodefag.github.io

News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017

Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

Raw Text Q Dump anonfile.com/n8K4u7dfb1/q_raw.txt

Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/22Y4ubd7ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.3.1.pdf

PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: dropfile.to/2UrnCy7

Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579

The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)

Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)

Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)

CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0

News Search Many News articles posted on /cbts/ (2000+) searchable -> qcodefag.github.io/news.html

Wiki: Need a proper wiki.




CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html (updated 01/04/18)

Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC

CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html

Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/ , 8ch.net/cbts/res/* */

4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL


Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:


All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

Tools & Information

Mapping tools: >>111700 , >>>/cbts/119941

Free research resources: >>216402

For site archival: archive.fo/

Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf

Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/

Reverse Image Search tineye.com

The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf

Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s

Planefag Tools

Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com

Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com

Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com

FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx

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2be9da No.256840

NROL-76 ZUMA payload scheduled for Launch today. Happy Hunting!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1b0739 No.256842






>>255948 Sessions/Camp David/Saudi Prince arrests/Trump stands with Sen. Paul

>>251260 DOJ asked to investigate author of "Trump Dossier" Christopher Steele

>>251153 Roy Moore accuser's Gadsden home burns; arson investigation underway

>>251152 , >>251156 Sylvania man indicted for having more than 27,000 images and 1,300 videos of child sexual exploitation

>>250933 Hannity reports that CDC set to hold high-level meetings in January re preparedness for nuclear attack

>>246411 US government has decided to close its eight year long grand jury proceedings against @WikiLeaks

>>245384 Kurt Eichenwald Pedo Extraordinaire

>>244751 FusionGPS bank records to be released

>>244329 Nunes Unchained

>>244327 McCabe - Russia connection

>>243821 FOX: Justice Dept. reopens Hilary Clinton Email Investigation

>>240992 Another one bites the dust , CBS News employee , inappropriate behavior

>>240917 DoD Tweet - National Slavery and #HumanTrafficking Prevention Month

>>240771 POTUS Tweet on - Voter Identification - Coincidence?

>>240756 4.5 Earthquake San Francisco Bay - Yahoo

>>240675 Mike Tyson's new Weed Farm ->WashPost

>>240571 POTUS tweet -> NK , SK talks

>>240539 POTUS tweet -> Democratic States hand refused to hand over data from 2016 Election

>>239749 Deep State's Plan 'C' -ZeroHedge

>>239666 Rosenstein loses game of chicken vs Nunes House Intelligence will get documents ->TruePundit

>>239556 , >>239570 Mt. St. Helens 40 Eqrthquakes since New Years' Day

>>239554 Bump for Visibility and Relevance , EO_Proclaimation_EO

>>238914 1st 2018 Verified Q Post ->suggest read from here , some anons started digging immediately

>>238784 , >>238796 Pilot of missing plane identified , connections?


>>238738 , >>238740 Amtrak Train Derails in Savannah ,GA

>>238517 France to crack down on Fake News -> Fox6now

>>238481 Sad Aviation Story Tonight , Plane out of Oklahoma dissapered over Gulf of Mexico

>>238392 , >>238406 POTUS Signs H.R. 4661, S. 1536, and S. 2273 into Law

>>238371 Press Secretary Statement -> Presidential advisory commission election integrity

>>238538 Voter fraud commission being handed off to dhs will no longer be stonewalled by dems , Breitbart

>>238303 , >>238366 Anniversary of The Battle of Princeton 01/03/1777

>>238137 Timeline of Treason HRC DNC FBI , sourced , dated

^^needs independant verification -> /cbts/

>>238026 Plane Disappears from Radar

>>238003 Sexual abuse of Disabled Veteran , DailyCaller

>>237721 DJT Tweets , Tax Cuts , Stock Market , MAGA!

>>237121 Trump Admin announce Cuts in security assistance for Pakistan

>>236990 , >>237000 Trump signs order dissolving controversial election fraud commission

>>236926 , >>238046 Turkish banker convicted , 5 counts of conspiracy and bank fraud , Iranian ties

>>236917 Anti-Trump media blitz -> DailyMail

>>236844 Managing Director of Och-Ziff Cap.Mgmt. Indicted for Defrauding Client and Ob.of Justice-> unsealed indictment

>>236793 , >>237395 AG Sessions appotints 17 interim prosecutors , 30-50 Flights to GITMO since Dec. 18

>>266655 C Clinton denies worshipping satan - TheHill

>>236584 , >>236649 , >>236698 Mark Cuban Underage Girl , related to Bannon news?

>>236525 , >>238438 Rosenstein into Speakers Office - tweet , importance TheHill

>>236523 report states started in SS facitily?

>>236237 , >>236331 SS narrative fishy?

>>236175 , >>236180 , >>236182 Fire was in the SS facitity , FoxNews


>>235693 Planefags Update

>>235581 , >>236215 Manafort files Civil Lawsuit against Mueller , Dep. AG Rosenstein and US DoJ , reuters

>>235568 , >>235590 , >>235652 Report of Fire in Chappaqua , Clinton's home , Confirmed

>>235518 Houthi rebels 'sieze' unmaned passive UUV , claimed to be operated by SA

>>235284 Planefags notice lots of choppers in the air

>>235217 Don Jr. Packs a Punch - twitter

>>235076 , >>235107 , >>235420 , >>235559 Trump slams Bannon - FoxNews , bloomberg , WH , Amazon

>>235043 , >>236532 When a NK missile his a NK city



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69cead No.256843

Dammit i can't decide who is following the gourd and who is following the sandal anymore. This is insane.

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1b0739 No.256844

Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)


>>247734 , >>247826 , >>247875 , >>247883 , >>247700 , >>247910 Partial decode of Q stringer >>238914

>>250921 How is the CLAS connected to "America For Sale" ?

>>251363 Further look into CLAS.

>>246816 Is Tony Blair a great actor?

>>246058 Smokeless Fire? Q Drop? (many theories in thread) >>246308

>>246105 Have we found 'MAR39sv' from the latest Q Drop ?

>>246450 Wealth of information on some wives

>>246470 FOX News. DEA guy laying out damning corruption info on drug money laundering. (We mainstream now)

>>245269 Nice…

>>244477 Nice Get

>>244474 FusionGPS Bank Records to be released

>>244276 Anon reads

>>243745 Q Clearance Novel

>>243660 Michael Lavaughn Robinson (Obama)

>>243581 QMap readers Anonymous

>>243539 , >>243592 , >>243518 , >>243548 FBI found Isis in Crystal City, VA

>>241811 Autism Fully Kicked In

>>241806 THIS

>>241702 NeXXXxt Levvvvel

>>241012 Next Level Memeology

>>240277 Endgame Shattered NWO? Winning Bigly

>>240244 , >>240279 Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot

>>240814 Revamp of .txt files , with updates , Thoughts??

>>240717 , >>240725 Planefags Missing Plane Pilot Update

>>239547 A Theory on Why North Korea is Entering Talks With South Korea

>>238218 More thoughts on Dissolution of Voter Fraud Commission

>>238046 Turkish Banker Digging

>>237093 Thoery of (some of) today's events

>>237023 , >>237057 Thoughts on Dissolution of Voter Fraud Commission

>>236879 Extra digging on Clinton house Fire , bought house next door , Excavation Compliaint?

>>240374 BO (Board Owner) Answers some (questions?)

>>236825 Why Alabama Election swearing-in not interrupted? -> Steve Bannon

>>236768 , >>236781 Bannon and Trump Art of War , 7d chess?

>>236717 Bill said Godspeed , Hillary said Enough is Enough

>>234810 Where are the Children Memes

>>234753 Archives of latest threads (273-277)


>>234586 Keep Fighting Anons

>>234227 3 City States that Rule the World

Notable Posts Continued

>>234143 , >>234143 /cbts/ the place that finds the ties that puts the pieces together


Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.

To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.


BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:


Executive Order: Serious Human Rights Abuse - National Emergency


More info: >>140461

>>120430 (Petition)

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c85989 No.256845

When is a larp not a larp? When it is Live?

Good actors or bad actors, all are on a stage.

Who set it up?

Who closed the curtain?

Will there be a second half?

Was there a reason the intermission happened when it did?

Timing is key in comedy.

Will the second half be a comedy like the first, or a tragedy?

And whos getting the chop if so?

Riddle me this.

Who are the actors in this play?

What roles have they taken on?

Have they swapped roles?

Do they know they are on stage?

Or just some?

Are enemies friends?

Do we truly know the nature of the enemy or are we just guessing?


FaBeKey. Or not.

Sometimes a pipe is just a pipe.

There are no coincidences. But there are synchronicities.

This is an apple -> Banana

This is a lie -> Truth

This is the truth -> Lie

This is an opinion -> Maybe

To Larp or not to Larp, that is the question.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1b0739 No.256847




Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)

A peek into (((they))) >>2422

Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613

Asia Foundation >>15984

Bloodlines and Y >>7705

British Connections >>117841

CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461

NEW Follow The Wives >>246000

FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194

Godfather III >>2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952

Hunt For Red October >>3102

Indictments & Arrests >>3163

Israel & Zionism >>1398

Loop Capital Markets Thread >>250733

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391

Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334

North Korea >>1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249

Plane Crashes Thread >>56075

Q Signatures >>2198

Q Stringer Central >>2300

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171

Red Cross >>40157

Rothschild Family >>1362

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327

Sealed Indictments >>4409

Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139

Snow White and AI Science >>123576

Soros & NGOs >>1367

Stringers, military courts >>189447

Titanic >>106

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346

Who is P? >>202645

**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1b0739 No.256848




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1: >>2

Memes #2: >>61078

Memes #3: >>107604

Memes #4: >>142207

Infographs: >>10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>189875




→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts

Part 1: >>189448

Part 2: >>189460

Part 3: >>189467

Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B

The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)

Further Additional RedPill Tactics

From Meme Library #5 >>189835




also here -> pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe

Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.


Prayer Requests: >>55606

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.

Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1b0739 No.256849





(UPDATED) Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http://www' part.

e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org

When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.

This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the

destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.

Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com

You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.

It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.

If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.

Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com

You can anonymously search web using this site.

It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly

go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make

duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"

directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.

Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.

There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.


About Shills

Read >>226201


Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.

They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.

Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.

So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*

You don't.

Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,

mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:


Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)

and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.

Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.


Dough & Baking Instructions


If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:

Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.

Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.

Last dough: pastebin.com/12vTJHVk

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d974c2 No.256850


The Glowing Clowns lost their audience?

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c263e8 No.256851

Everybody is here.


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1d3cb9 No.256852

10 minutes to bake stale bread. A new record.

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1b0739 No.256853

I saw no bake for like 50 minutes and felt it was time to step in….first bake setup sorry it its shit….

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1b0739 No.256855

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76856d No.256856

Has the board been unfucked?

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d974c2 No.256857


I Know!!!!

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76856d No.256858


Thank You Anon for this hearty bread!

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1d3cb9 No.256860


No bake for a reason. But it’s fun watching a crap show get flushed.

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c263e8 No.256861

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1b0739 No.256862


Whats the reason?

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2be9da No.256863

I don't understand how the board is "Fucked" seems like codemonkey made it very clear…

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76856d No.256864

I've just been planefagging and listening to comfy ass music… waiting for Obama's carbuncle to be removed.

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2be9da No.256865

when Q starts posting somewhere else, we can speculate on "boardfuckdness" until then…

We're on the target, and Q has continued to post in cbts

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c263e8 No.256866


BO confusion.

Everyone migrated here


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c263e8 No.256867


Incorrect he has begun posted at the storm.

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2be9da No.256868


and listening to this advice is your own choice.

I am going to stay at /cbts where Q is!

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1b0739 No.256869


I dont give a rats ass where people migrated to I'm staying here!!!

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1d3cb9 No.256870

File: 87c36cffb021e0d⋯.png (48.12 KB,302x197,302:197,47A6671A-62EC-42ED-AA3D-1B….png)


BO is a lying POS Shill. Self serving conniving faggot. Watch how quick this gets banned.

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2be9da No.256871


okay. well then /thestorm is a good place to be.

BO confusion is settled.

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76856d No.256872


I saw CM's notes… I get it, but between the shills, the clowns, name and famefags… it was getting messy. I had to take a hit of acid to put my thoughts together.

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1b0739 No.256874


And filtered….

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2be9da No.256875


this doesn't seem productive. That list of names has yet to try to bash people or divide…

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1b0739 No.256876

I happen to like Tracy Beanz and don't mind at all if she uses my research….

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ece2d1 No.256877


Suit Yourself

Nobody cares really.

This is just for the anons that want to follow Q.

Why do you think nobody is here? Not very smart. Q is at the storm go look for yourslef but like i said suit yourself.

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4bd85b No.256879


I missed an episode.

Q migrated over to the storm?

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1b0739 No.256880


copy that….

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4bd85b No.256881


Thank you.

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809a86 No.256882

This was on Twatter may be nothing but seemed odd.

Brian Stelter‏Verified account

@ brianstelter

Following Following @ brianstelter


Insidery Q I included in the latest edition of @ ReliableSources: Is Michael Wolff seeking a TV analyst gig? If so, what network will he end up at? ht t p:// bi t. ly/2m 1 t7D Z

12:21 PM - 6 Jan 2018

3 Retweets 12 Likes

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2be9da No.256884



what for Q. The future is in our favor.

Truth will be exposed… either way,

/cbts or /thestorm… its all the same lol

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2be9da No.256885


*wait for Q

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4bd85b No.256886


I'll just monitor 2 boards. It's all good. Thanks

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ece2d1 No.256887


Yes this board was compromised. More like confusion with the code for tripcodes leading the BO to believe Q tripcode had been cracked. But that was not the case a shitstorm errupted everybody called BO a fag and Q got verified over at the storm. Now he is asking for a place where he can dump securely without anybody else fucking shit up.

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ece2d1 No.256888

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 11:04:06 e0bc1f No.6623>>6625 >>6626 >>6630 >>6632 >>6634 >>6636 >>6637 >>6641 >>6642 >>6643 >>6646 >>6647 >>6649 >>6650 >>6652 >>6654 >>6655 >>6657 >>6660 >>6661 >>6662 >>6663 >>6666 >>6667 >>6672 >>6673 >>6676 >>6689 >>6696 >>6698 >>6708 >>6719 >>6722 >>6726 >>6730 >>6732 >>6748 >>6749 >>6751 >>6753 >>6761 >>6770 >>6789 >>6790 >>6808 >>6829 >>6831 >>6833 >>6835 >>6841 >>6842 >>6846 >>6852 >>6854 >>6862 >>6895 >>6926 >>6951 >>6978 >>6996 >>7027 >>7101 >>7112 >>7130 >>7131 >>7157

THEY Divide.

WE Conquer.

Anticipated – human nature.

Anticipated – interruptions by others.

Matlock meant to become PUBLIC.


CM – thank you for IDEN verification.

CM – how can a secure ‘read only’ board be set up whereby the message can be safely delivered?

If a board was created, you verified IDEN, and control was w/ you/us, that would eliminate confusion as to IDEN/AUTH correct?

No mod management – only info dumps.

Fact-finding, archiving, discussion, etc. can then be done on a designated ‘follow up’ board.

Message is all that matters.


Time is severely limited.


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4bd85b No.256892


Thank you for taking the time to provide an update. I was here for most of the chaos, but left before it was resolved.

Hopefully, all will get back on track.

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96888c No.256894

Just a heads up for newfags and late-comers:

Following Q's lead this information campaign has migrated to The Storm.

Q are now posting there, as confirmed by 8Chan administrator CodeMonkey.

Q have stated they will no longer post on CBTS.

The mission continues…

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a3261d No.256895

I'm sure this was posted before.

Trump at Camp David today: "A very special place"

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a3261d No.256896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ece2d1 No.256897


You are welcome.

Yes we are back on track.

We are working on providing read only board for Q so nobody else can fuck shit up.

Time severely limited

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ece2d1 No.256898


>Just a heads up for newfags and late-comers:

Following Q's lead this information campaign has migrated to The Storm.

Q are now posting there, as confirmed by 8Chan administrator CodeMonkey.

Q have stated they will no longer post on CBTS.

The mission continues…




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4bd85b No.256900


That is the best idea I have heard in a long time. A secure one for drops, and others for work, banter, and shitposting.

That would make life so much easier for all concerned.

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fa0fda No.256902


Are you serious?? You should see what REALLY goes on! They banned GOOD people and tried convincing us all that Q was a FAKE! Wake up! These people are either retarded or deceptive! Either way, not to be trusted.

deleting Q posts because they knew codemonkey would confirm … fuck that.

They tried doxxing

And banned ppl who spoke out against it!

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ca4383 No.256903

Pulled out the Reagan stability card.

"Why is the relevant?" because that didn't work against Reagan so Bush Sr.s family friend tried to assassinate him.

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ece2d1 No.256904


Yes it got ugly very very ugly. But we can put this behind us dont let your feelings get in the way this is not about you or me its about a nation/nations/earth. 8chan Admin cleared all the confussion. Now everbody is working together over at thestorm.

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a58d02 No.256905

Yeah, Q's posting on /thestorm/ right now.

Get fucked right up the asshole, BO. You suck.

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ece2d1 No.256906


It really is part of chan culture anons calling eachother shills and ppl getting banned for the lulz but at the end of the day we come together to get shit figured out, Thats what We do.

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bb4f92 No.256908

It's just sad what is going on. I hope this can be turned around. This was well oiled machine

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96888c No.256909

It's not the first time the location changed. Was originally on 4Chan. Now it's on The Storm. No big deal. The mission is rolling on smoothly.

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ece2d1 No.256910


Exactly is the crumbs that matter not the place.

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bbf864 No.256912

I have a simple question for a BO:

Why the name 'Baruch the scribe'? Seriously?

Distrust came on like a flood when I saw this.

Why you would choose such a nick, all things considered, is beyond me. As has been mentioned many times, this isn't a game, and perception is so important.

I hate to put it so bluntly, and there certainly are good, patriotic jews in this world. . . but we all know the saying, 'fool me once. . . ', fool me one thousand times shame on me, and if 'Baruch the scribe' doesn't answer this question for me, I have no more faith in this board.

The quickest glance through human history shows the clear implications of an ((individual)) installing themselves as a middleman. 'Trust me to interpret, guys! ONLY trust me!'

I've seen quite a bit of ego, heavy handedness, and if theres some Israeli stooge standing between myself and Q at this point, it'll be entirely 4ch and reddit from here on out.

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ece2d1 No.256914


Don't go against the BO.

CodeMonkey was just trying to protect the integrity of the bread. But didnt know about the code change to tripcodes.

Its all good.

The mission continues.

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ece2d1 No.256916

New crumbs

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 13:52:55 c9daa0 No.7958>>7975 >>7976 >>7977 >>7979 >>7983 >>7986 >>7991 >>8001 >>8009 >>8022 >>8037 >>8058 >>8069 >>8122 >>8135




Think clock.

Wind the clock w/ all markers.


Future proves past.


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ece2d1 No.256917

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 13:49:41 c9daa0 No.7930>>7935 >>7938 >>7944 >>7945 >>7954 >>7959 >>7963 >>7966 >>7967 >>7969 >>7972 >>7978 >>7981 >>7988 >>7994 >>7995 >>7996 >>8003 >>8018 >>8020 >>8027 >>8028 >>8037 >>8038 >>8077 >>8099 >>8118

Marker missed?


POTUS Tweet - RR/out.

Why is this relevant?


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ece2d1 No.256919

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 13:55:06 c9daa0 No.7980>>7987 >>7997 >>7998 >>8000 >>8005 >>8007 >>8010 >>8013 >>8032 >>8033 >>8037 >>8052 >>8111 >>8149 >>8161 >>8166 >>8212 >>8221 >>8230 >>8245

Why is POTUS referring to the Black pop now?

Refer back to crumbs.


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d974c2 No.256920


FAKE Quote References from the Storm

The highlighted 7130, 6636 rct are ALL FAKE.


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96888c No.256921


Get a clue namefag. All Q posts have been confirmed by 8Chan administrator CodeMonkey and this information campaign has migrated to The Storm. Q are posting there now.

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ece2d1 No.256924

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 13:55:06 c9daa0 No.7980>>7987 >>7997 >>7998 >>8000 >>8005 >>8007 >>8010 >>8013 >>8032 >>8033 >>8037 >>8052 >>8111 >>8149 >>8161 >>8166 >>8212 >>8221 >>8230 >>8245

Why is POTUS referring to the Black pop now?

Refer back to crumbs.


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ece2d1 No.256925

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 14:03:28 c9daa0 No.8039>>8045 >>8046 >>8051 >>8055 >>8062 >>8063 >>8064 >>8081 >>8085 >>8086 >>8087 >>8098 >>8106 >>8107 >>8120 >>8140 >>8217 >>8226 >>8243 >>8294 >>8296 >>8328

How much did AUS donate to CF?

How much did SA donate to CF?


Why is this relevant?

What phone call between POTUS and X/AUS leaked?

List the leadership in AUS.

IDEN leadership during Hussein term.

IDEN leadership during POTUS' term.

Who controls AUS?

Who really controls AUS?


Why is this relevant?


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ece2d1 No.256926


Go check for yourself NameFag!

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ece2d1 No.256927

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 14:07:34 c9daa0 No.8091>>8105 >>8110 >>8113 >>8133 >>8141 >>8144 >>8155 >>8164 >>8174 >>8186 >>8191 >>8265 >>8308 >>8319



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ec98e0 No.256928

File: 2e602a3315c7e1b⋯.jpg (908.28 KB,1440x2276,360:569,Screenshot_20180106-162536.jpg)

Back online after 2 days & need to make sure this circulated

Apparently we HADN'T hit rock bottom yet

Give a follow to @RepDanDonovan if you're on Twitter as he fights this abomination



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3da111 No.256929

Wait isnt codemonkey that turkish piece of shit who runs /pol/ and is currently running /pol/ into the ground? Learningcode? Rachposter? He runs this place too? And you faggots trusted him knowing this?

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ece2d1 No.256931

File: 581e88c62373eff⋯.png (617.29 KB,295x640,59:128,254d3301a888d245e2568b062c….png)

Look familiar?

Note the desk.

Where is everyone this weekend?



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ece2d1 No.256932

Q is dropping like crazy.

Needs to catch up. Get ready for next week.

Get in here Fags.

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ec98e0 No.256933


Shine that light on the article above Q >>256928

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ec98e0 No.256934


Camp David

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42fbc5 No.256938


^^ This

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ece2d1 No.256939

File: 975eaa7bac0c566⋯.jpg (104.92 KB,1027x761,1027:761,975eaa7bac0c5669889b3b02d0….jpg)



Another confirmation.

Q is there.

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992ec5 No.256940



This is a fantastic idea. A read only board for Q drops only with this place to research.

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d974c2 No.256942


Go to the Storm and read the actually posts I said.

why is only 3 out of many are highlighted and Fake?

You are ALL being duped. Ck it out yourself.

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ece2d1 No.256943


Thats behind us.

If you are not here to help than please proceed to the nearest exit.

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42fbc5 No.256944

Ever since Pamphlet namefag egofuck Anon went on InfoWars I have lost faith in chans. They should ban his name. Period.

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42fbc5 No.256945

Ban Baruch the Smegma while you are at it.

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42fbc5 No.256946


It's an ever present reality… wtf are you talking about.

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992ec5 No.256947


>Go to the Storm

Its namefag + famefag central over there who were responsible for fuckin this board up last time around.

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ece2d1 No.256948



>please proceed to the nearest exit.

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d974c2 No.256949


8081 is a LIE People, go ck it out. The comment is about Australia not this pic

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0b66be No.256951

what the fuck is even happening I left last night around 6. I need QRD

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42fbc5 No.256952


Go suck on your moms dildo peasant.

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ece2d1 No.256953


Yes, well we can keep this board to ourselves just keep track of Q posts and tranfer here we'll discuss here and there whatever floats your boat.

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ece2d1 No.256955


Ok will do now if you

>please proceed to the nearest exit.

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217283 No.256956

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42fbc5 No.256957


Your superiority/inferiority complex is showing. Get to suckin b0i! That nob isn't gonna polish itself!

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ece2d1 No.256959

File: 83e4539267c1a36⋯.png (136.35 KB,1362x838,681:419,cda1c55ffca4778b87776a157c….png)

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ece2d1 No.256961

File: 4ecebfc910d4558⋯.jpeg (4.59 KB,275x183,275:183,download.jpeg)



Get to work or GTFO

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42fbc5 No.256962


I've been here and at half chan since this shit started… fuck you kindly. (with your moms steely dan)

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ece2d1 No.256963

File: d358ad075ebab0a⋯.png (18.25 KB,428x227,428:227,f63f987a1b67273cd7c7c68b90….png)

File: 7608e37ea87d4b7⋯.png (11.16 KB,803x92,803:92,ab7b54cfab2faf31838426ca59….png)

File: 666e61bbf18e502⋯.png (13.47 KB,842x161,842:161,36d877ad05b56e4f28210a1f1c….png)

File: fc4edd82bbffba5⋯.png (4.24 KB,255x87,85:29,1195adbd64605cd8db1c91c17d….png)

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42fbc5 No.256964


You faggot… I have shit saved in the bread over the course of months… I have been working.. I'm just not a famefag or namefag. The likes of which are an active threat to this board.

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3da111 No.256965


Look, if that cocksucker runs this board, there's no reason to stay here. Look at /pol/ now for christ's sake. He's just gonna keep throwing wrenches.

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3da111 No.256966


Not meant to be a reply to any specific person.

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ece2d1 No.256967


Then stop shitposting and get to work nigger.

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42fbc5 No.256969


Filtered your glowing ass.

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2da3a3 No.256972

File: c8a8f6775c8be92⋯.png (2.64 MB,1440x2560,9:16,20180106_165844.png)

File: ce2eb7067eebe84⋯.jpg (460.14 KB,1440x1730,144:173,Screenshot_20180106-165913.jpg)


Doesn't seem to match pens in Camp David photo

Can you make out the brand? I see an ONTE followed by what may be a D but not positive

Any pen fanatics out there?

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f12ede No.256976

File: 12820c199014764⋯.jpg (7.08 MB,7580x7560,379:378,Q_comp_correct_01062018_3o….jpg)

Latest Q map

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305b84 No.256977


Spoken like someone that doesn't have a clue what the original question was all about. (Hint: it's not in the resources, faggot)

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3998e6 No.256978


en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Montegrappa

Looking for model now.

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817796 No.256981

File: 3fdab307437dd92⋯.png (277.05 KB,638x314,319:157,ClipboardImage.png)

We'd like to be right of center!

Right of Center - We don't kill babies!

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fb8037 No.256987


Not surprisingly, the Rockefellers donated the land the UN sits on. Not sure about the building on it.

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2e3f53 No.256988

Regarding Q's 1/4 post:

What makes a movie GOOD?

GREAT actors?

George Carlin used to say "I'm here for the show". And what a show this is! What's unfolding is like the best of Tom Clancy and Neil Stephenson x 10.

Which is to say it feels scripted. Some have postulated that we are living in a computer simulation. Sometimes I feel like a puppet on a string, driven by external forces.

I hope that much is revealed about conscienseness, and our true nature and origins.

10 minute interview of George Carlin by Dennis Miller:


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2e3f53 No.256990

Meant to also point out that the starring role is played by a reality TV star.

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997a5c No.256992

Q anon is driven by a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence. His name is Tyler.


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cc3c29 No.256993


fucking bullshit this ip is not blocked!

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997a5c No.256996

Tyler is an AI communication system. Trump uses it to communicate via Tyler. Explains all the special encoding of Q-Tyler messages.

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997a5c No.256998


Just because someone has an alternate point of view you want to attack them? FYou!

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cc3c29 No.256999


bullshit this ip is not blocked!

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997a5c No.257000

Obama may be using Tyler also.

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cc3c29 No.257001



oh shity smell of cia farts lol?

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997a5c No.257002


>Just because someone has an alternate point of view you want to attack them? FYou!


Just because someone has an alternate point of view you want to attack them? FYou!

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997a5c No.257003



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2da3a3 No.257004


Nice work.

So btw what's going on in the latest feather ruffling? What's effed the board up now? I wasn't on yesterday at all.

Who hosts the board doesn't supercede it's effectiveness.

Is that what I'm seeing? I haven't gone too far back yet to see when the latest diversion arose

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cc3c29 No.257005

hanz and franz we are here to fuck you up so no work gets done /_\

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997a5c No.257006

User ID #2015ea = Clown shill, butthurt.

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997a5c No.257007



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cc3c29 No.257008

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997a5c No.257010


Nobody controls Tyler now. That is our advantage.

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fea2f7 No.257011


the BO deleted the posts of, mocked and abused, then banned Q

everybody has now moved to /thestorm/ because this guy keeps fucking up and is unstable

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cc3c29 No.257012

that's ok traitors your days are numbered God is cleaning house and the rope will break your necks soon enough

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997a5c No.257013


Yep. Retard.

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997a5c No.257014


BO made a mistake maybe, cause the Q Ip changed…and BO did not consider that a user IP will change when a new proxy or source ip is used….

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cc3c29 No.257016

lol clowns on the left jokers on the right

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997a5c No.257017

Tripcode or board user ID changes when user changes his IP. BO did not consider this and thought the new Q was a larp…

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cc3c29 No.257018


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997a5c No.257019


>User ID #2015ea = Clown shill, butthurt.

User ID #2015ea = Clown shill, butthurt.

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997a5c No.257020


User ID #2015ea = Clown shill, boring.

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fea2f7 No.257021


it's about his 3rd or 4th mistake now that has stopped Q from being able to post

and even now that he's been proven wrong, he still stubbornly denies it

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305b84 No.257022


TOO BUSY. Colors not content. No need for verbage to be 7+ different font colors.

If you want it to be taken srsly, tone it down.

Otherwise great info.

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997a5c No.257023


ya all do keep this in mind now…

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1208fa No.257024


Q has been posting all day today.. just not in this glowing clown swamp

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997a5c No.257025


Well, not much can be done then I guess….

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d10244 No.257026


Call me stupid and an ID10T for falling asleep behind the wheel, but Where THE FUK did Q post this that the thread #'s are so low… 7958

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997a5c No.257027


good. got a stinky linky for us?

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fea2f7 No.257028


he is posting at https://8ch.net/thestorm for the moment

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997a5c No.257029

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817796 No.257030

File: 7aabb810fb6070d⋯.png (39.58 KB,634x352,317:176,ClipboardImage.png)

I'm just catching up, I know, but wanted to post anyway…

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d10244 No.257031

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fea2f7 No.257034


codemonkey (site admin) has more tools to verify who is posting than a board owner does

codemonkey can see IP

BO can only see Hash generated from an IP, which codemonkey has explained himself, can change for numerous reasons

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1208fa No.257035


if you were any kind of autist you would have found it already glowfag

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997a5c No.257036


Is this Q? →>


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fea2f7 No.257038



that is somebody copy-pasting new Q posts from /thestorm/

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997a5c No.257039


I do not care to be an autist, such a seeker. I had not sought for it yet…was busy with the shit head poster…

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997a5c No.257040


So has codemonkey shown how BO was wrong to delete Q posts?

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2da3a3 No.257041





Wow…a lot happened. Hey as long as there's a common place we all migrate to then SO BE IT

I'll head over now. Just make sure during all this division we don't lose people. That's hard to avoid & could just be a tactic. Not all frogs will make it to the next lillypad. We need a stronghold.

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1208fa No.257042


you are neither Q nor intelligent. how bout namefagging with CoIntel instead faggot

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fea2f7 No.257043


this isn't a dictatorship

the board owner shouldn't have deleted those posts regardless if it was a fake or not

the fact of the matter is that whether it was legit Q or not (it was) was still up for debate but the board owner decided we weren't allowed a choice or discussion and banned anybody that disagreed

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997a5c No.257044


That thread not receiving replies….not able to post there…

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997a5c No.257045


I never said I was Q and you have no idea how intelligent I am. So STFU allready moron.

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8370f0 No.257046

File: 7c947cb3af99ea0⋯.jpg (183.88 KB,1065x715,213:143,Defense Bill.jpg)


The Defense Authorization Bill was signed at the White House Dec 12 not at Camp David. The same day the pic of the pen was first posted. Therefore Q is not at Camp David right now

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997a5c No.257047


I am not the only one who did not go to that thread in time before it closed…

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72df6b No.257048

Just throwing this out there:

I heard Gen Kelly is quitting soon, but where has he been lately?

I didn't see him at the Camp David presser today, and he hasn't been mentioned in any recent news.

Anybody know whats up with that?

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3da111 No.257049


Why should anybody believe you?

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b990bd No.257050


Is there another option? I have seen what the other group is like, both here and over on their page. Every time they are around all hell breaks loose, they simply cause chaos. In the meantime, now, efforts are scattered. I have been here since 4chan, but if that is the group to go to now I will need to step away as I find them and their antics intolerable and their is to much chaos to get much done.

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72df6b No.257054


AIfaggot Quinn

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fea2f7 No.257056


well you could always go read the original posts yourself https://8ch.net/thestorm/res/7827.html#7930


it's a board like any other

you can create threads for a specific topic if you want

things are always going to be chaotic so close to a board migration though

it should calm down in time

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977946 No.257058

File: dc605cb6559d55b⋯.png (719.42 KB,710x952,355:476,Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at ….png)

Anyone ever see this?

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090d89 No.257060

Have fun over there. We’ll miss you


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feabca No.257061


Good post. Any and all warmongering is ALWAYS cabal's doing.

Refer to

https://archive.4plebs dot org/pol/thread/98575113/#q98602388

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ece2d1 No.257062

Everybody calm the fuck down we already told you Q and everybodyelse is at


Go there if you wish.

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997a5c No.257063


On which thread specifically?

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3da111 No.257065

And then you have this Qintel guy trying to make everybody believe that Q is an AI run by the Clowns, are you fucking kidding me? Are you? This is bullshit.

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1c7baa No.257066

K_N6b_Conf_22:30 _07-15_YES

Atl_ F_W 3-751941_YES





_15^s 123-6 _ GO






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fea2f7 No.257067

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b990bd No.257068

File: 7d9465f0c9d2a66⋯.png (767.88 KB,643x833,643:833,DoD 1-6-2018 5 am.PNG)

File: adfb05ac9008062⋯.png (95.68 KB,988x347,988:347,DoD 1-6-2018 5 am 404link.PNG)

I saw this early this morning and didn't post it amid all the chaos. I have found that the DoD posts usually have meaning. When I clicked on the link in the tweet, I received a 404 notice. Many of the links posted here to go to the storm result in a 404 page. Anyone want to help me figure that one out?

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286462 No.257069


But if you see Tracy B. Tell her She is not welcomed there.

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3da111 No.257070

I've had enough of this crap. What makes any of you think any imageboard is secure enough? Look at the jackoffs that run this place.

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fea2f7 No.257071


>When I clicked on the link in the tweet, I received a 404 notice. Many of the links posted here to go to the storm result in a 404 page. Anyone want to help me figure that one out?

might be a problem on your end

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514576 No.257072

>>256851 we should thank the clowns for creating that board and drawing the normies.

For the unaware, fake Q and antifungal leaf bread are in charge over there. But here we are anons, survived another wave trying to wipe us out and ready to dig up all we can about the acct numbers, loop capital, and the recent Q drops that caused such a firestorm.

I’m still not tired of winning here, even though we do so much of it

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514576 No.257074

>>256867 incorrect. The Q with the cracked trip is posting there.

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b990bd No.257075


I just checked, the page is still down, but I expanded my thinking - and typed Qanon into the search box on top - and what came up? The article from the DoD tweet.

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514576 No.257076

Amen brother. Let that board draw the normies and shills while we work in peace>>256869

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286462 No.257077


That has already been figured out read before you post. Read top comments in this thread.

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3da111 No.257078


Why the hell should anyone believe you? You could be anybody.

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b990bd No.257079

File: 22f579518d6ffb2⋯.png (298.2 KB,990x885,66:59,DoD link Qanon.PNG)

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8f27e6 No.257080

By all means she should use the research we provide, but she needs to stop lying and name fagging to pretend that she authors that research. You need to wake up anon. Stop with the hero worship and show some honor and devotion to our ideals. >>256876

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8f27e6 No.257082

>>256879 no. The clowns are trying to subvert us to a board they control so they can determine what research we do and delete what they don’t want known.

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1208fa No.257083


ask yourself.. what has this vaginal life support system contributed to the discussion.. besides sending the shilliverse here to pester us?

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c493c8 No.257085

Tracy Beanz is controlled opposition. It's what (((they))) do.

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07b494 No.257086


Lies. The other board is clown owned. All the shills that we’re banned here are posting there. A bunch of name fagging cockroaches and the most notorious shill bakers are over there.

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1208fa No.257087


nah, i doubt it. she is an opportunist who has a decent sized youtube platform to be able to communicate with cuntbags like baruch the BO over at ctbs. jafo looking to catch some $$ in the process. if we could convince her to use her audience to meme the fuck out of people on twatter, she might actually be worth more than a talking vagina

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07b494 No.257088

>>256894 not true. Cbts stands. The clowns attacked this board as step 1 step 2 is getting us to migrate to their board

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3b74da No.257089

File: a1563b16419de44⋯.jpg (96.3 KB,640x643,640:643,IMG_20180102_171520.jpg)

File: d77757adef871cf⋯.jpg (15.69 KB,320x276,80:69,IMG_20180101_094936.jpg)

I know I'm nobody. Just another Anon. But why the heck did we split up theboards in the first place? It sure seems like it's caused nothing but more confusion and back and forth infighting. We need to work together. We have excellent digging and finding on both boards. But some things are missed on each. If out together then it would be so much more efficient. Someone needs 5o choose a fair honest Anon as the board owner. Cuz all this drama is friggin annoying as heck.

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c493c8 No.257090


I wouldn't hold my breath. They are losing control of the narrative, and (((they))) know it.

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76856d No.257091

File: aef1affa488f08a⋯.png (636.78 KB,1218x1012,609:506,cummings_deals.png)

might as well meme the fuck outta the Cumdumpsters!

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0f3746 No.257093

Good eye anon. You’re correct, the clowns are trying to get us to use their board again. This is the second time they’ve caused major disruption and the claimed Q moved to their board. >>256920

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0f3746 No.257095

Codemonkey? I don’t know why people keep saying that name. There is no such administrator


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320f65 No.257097

File: 41ea7ddde5d9f14⋯.jpg (57.19 KB,388x443,388:443,Violence Has Escalated.jpg)



Havent been on for a couple days

What the fuck is going on

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59dbcd No.257099


Not only that, this is the second time the clowns disrupted the board and claimed Q moved to their board.

However, we should monitor that board and repost any relevant findings here so that it isn’t lost when the clowns delete that board

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c493c8 No.257100


"The site is understaffed, and Hotwheels Codemonkey/Ron can take quite a while to fix your problem."

Sauce: https:// wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/8chan

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286462 No.257103


Do as you wish. But let it be known Q wont be back to this board he has already been verified by 8chan Admin on thestorm after the shitshow yesterday.

Good luck!

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286462 No.257105

File: 4418ba4df8d4094⋯.jpg (6.16 MB,7580x7560,379:378,12820c199014764eb8eb430f60….jpg)

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07b1e6 No.257110

>>257087 as anons we’re ghosts. You can’t hit a target you can’t see, so the first step by the deep state is to make us a target that they can hit, hence the namefagging twat claiming leadership of ctbs. If successful, then ctbs can be discredited by an attack on whichever deep state shill has imposed their image on our efforts. Tracybeanz is poison to cbts.

Trust me Machiavellian deep state maneuvering is my specialty. I know how the games are played and how to win them

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38c1bf No.257111

Has it been discussed Trump's use of 4 and 5 dots rather than the 3 dot elispses?

Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence…..

….Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star…..

….to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that!

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07b1e6 No.257112

The storm board came into being the first time the clowns tried to shut us down. It wasn’t created by cbts anons. It’s a deep state ploy


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b990bd No.257113

File: 09dfd107c4bbcd7⋯.png (896.04 KB,557x613,557:613,God Bless Trump Bus.PNG)

I just saw this on twitter. For any meme makers that might like to use it to counter the Trump is Hitler narrative - although I think that lie has mostly faded out.

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0287a2 No.257114

11 SA Prince’s arrested. Why? They want their water and electric bills paid.

www.arabnews.com/node/1220201/saudi-arabia They were sent to Ha’ir prison, a large maximum security facility. MbS doesn’t play fair.

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07b1e6 No.257115


Here’s our project for the day anons. Anyone have any insight on how to crack this nut?

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38c1bf No.257116


July 15, 2017 5:32 p.m. ET

July 15 news

Elon Musk warned a gathering of U.S. governors that they need to be concerned about the potential dangers from the rise of artificial intelligence and called for the creation of a regulatory body to guide development of the powerful technology.

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3da111 No.257120


What's up with the guy saying Q is an AI operated by the clowns in america? Is he to be trusted? Why would somebody start saying that crap?

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75b883 No.257121

You fuck off for a few hours and all hell breaks loose.

I suppose that's what you get when you entrust important stuff to a load of autists. Kek.

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930ae8 No.257122

Q, if I'm trying to make a video explaining the history of the cabal up to 9/11 am I on the right track by doing this?

Knights Templar -> Fractional Reserve Banking

Rothschilds -> finance old "black" European nobility and their wars

Rise of capitalism -> "black" nobility getting in bed with industrialists b/c they see the shifting power dynamic

Old landed aristocracy + Rothschild financiers + sellout Industrialists -> The Committee of 300

Committee of 300 -> establishing the drug trade and stripping South Africa, colonies, etc. of natural resources

Establishment of America -> threatens The 300's interests

Various traitors throughout history + infiltrators -> hollowing out of American values

Federal Reserve -> control of monetary policy

OSS -> CIA -> control of political policy

Tavistock -> control of cultural policy

Mockingbird -> control of media

JFK threatens to undo -> assassination

assassination -> no more chances Presidents as puppets no more real elections

9/11 -> bleeding America dry and destroying the heart of its people with the endless war and "terrorism"

9/11 -> Trump deciding enough is enough as it happened literally right in his backyard

Am I on the right track? Please correct me where I am wrong. This is just the first part I want to make. The second part will be Bush II, Obama, leading into 2016 elections and now you, Q.

One last thing is 3301 (((them)))? Please help it feels like things are spiraling out of control into a full blown witchhunt on Twitter.

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2e3f53 No.257123



Last 3 chars of the link V4Q: Victory for Q!

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093249 No.257124


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83ea61 No.257128

I’m on an iPad, and this interface fucking blows. Totally worthless for digging. Even trying to select the right text field to type in is a major bitch on this thing.

H1515 looks like a job for our plane fags. I’d post more but fuck this iPad. Will be back when I’ve corrected my hardware difficulties


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266785 No.257129

When Chester Bennington, spawn of John Podesta, grandson of evil, saw the "skippy"-Video and how John Podesta got off on getting called "father" he remembered being raped by him and wanted to come forward. thats why he had to be taken out. for them he was a bastard anyway.

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266785 No.257130


"linkin park" counts as the "most successful band" of the 21st century. you dont rise in the music industry without selling your soul. spreading satanism was the entry ticket.

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817796 No.257131

File: 1fc476bbceb79e7⋯.png (40.48 KB,611x392,611:392,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f74a35b06a88524⋯.png (168.23 KB,884x388,221:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1024a0562035ff5⋯.png (25.85 KB,985x299,985:299,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35ccb60862413b7⋯.png (11.69 KB,297x555,99:185,ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS talks about "and others"

Does "others" include SERCO?

Rupert Soames…

Wikipedia: why is "Rupert Soames" not linked??

What is SERCO: o'care??

(all pics related)

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817796 No.257134

File: 4f37582f1c67fa1⋯.png (231.2 KB,438x576,73:96,ClipboardImage.png)



Can we make a thread for SERCO?

Here are some video links as well (just started looking into it)…

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5AOgsjSSwE&feature=youtu.be

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXtemo5-vz8

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093249 No.257135

*!* Possible legit Q post in Catalog *!*

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093249 No.257136

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817796 No.257140

File: cbf1eeac3e58ee0⋯.png (80.19 KB,241x183,241:183,ClipboardImage.png)


Here's a better vid from Abel Danger…

https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEtpdIU3e5Y

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817796 No.257142


They run all seven immigration detention centers in AUSTRALIA!!!!

Q did mention AUS in last set of posts aye?

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38c1bf No.257144

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d64ce5 No.257145

File: 164e41e1d754937⋯.jpg (685.77 KB,1080x1629,120:181,smwkl9xzsh801.jpg)

Here's the 8ch Admin post explaining what happened for those who are still lost.

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817796 No.257146


Didn't POTUS mention in a speach/tweet not long ago that the money that went to Iran for their nuclear deal for hussein, came from other countries too, because we (US) didn't have enough $$ to give them?

Guess who controls the UK's entire nuclear arsenal and systems?


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1208fa No.257147


BO is comped and vacated in shame. we are elsewhere. Q had many posts today.

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d64ce5 No.257156


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d64ce5 No.257157

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d64ce5 No.257158


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22b198 No.257159

It's a little un-nerving when you've lived your whole life feeling you were on a 'mission' and talked to God, albeit after many tests to prove he (assumed gender, lol) is real.

Then somewhere along the way you die for a short time, and find out for sure. Can't tell anyone because you know they'll think you're crazy (with a past to kindof prove it).

Fast forward a few years, and here I am. Honestly had not read the entire book of revelations until the other day. So weird.

Anyways.. if this is a "game" it's been well scripted and created by God to teach people, ONCE AGAIN!!!, the dangers of playing with evil/magic/sorcery/etc. Some will not listen. Some want answers just like I did, and had to go down dark paths to find the light. If Evil DOES exist, then therefore God must also exist is the logic.

Anyways.. truly wish people would not mess with it. The truth is in the bible. The more who fear God the better. You do not want God's wrath upon you. Trust me. Godspeed anons. Hope we learned something. I know I did.

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d5c34a No.257160


This anon understands and speaks the truth.

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817796 No.257161

File: f9711618e803983⋯.png (1.96 MB,1366x768,683:384,ClipboardImage.png)

SERCO is the key:

They control our aviation systems - 7/10 plane crashes

They control our prisons - where their homosexual and eventually child sexual torture began.

They control our Justice system - Judges!!

They control all our transportation - Train derailment! they lost their temper!

And much more…

Sidley Austin




SBA - POTUS keeps stressing the SBA

US Patent Office - clean energy, cancer treatments, etc.

They control our Drivers License Programs!!

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0287a2 No.257163

I can’t deal with the storm.

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5cf736 No.257164

??????? where is everyone?

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2ab5ca No.257166

dead board to to /thestorm/

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2ab46b No.257167


So is Q returning to /cbts/ or is he continuimng to stay on /thestorm/?

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ea8487 No.257169


Communication is key.

CM did a good job.

BO's falter was understandable as well.

Gentlemen, bring your team member's closer. Arguing is done. Get ready.

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1208fa No.257170


his last post here was the one where he called out the POS BO. Q has posted multiple times today at the other place

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fea2f7 No.257171


he is posting on /thestorm/ for the moment but may be making a board only for his crumbs in future

then we can discuss them wherever, although most have moved from here already

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9d63ac No.257172


Kinda odd …never seen Q post so much in one day … very odd actually

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817796 No.257173


So true! I know someone who also died for minutes in a car crash.

He and the driver were hit, t-boned. The driver, a very dear friend, asked God if it was available for his friend to awake again, he knew he was dead already and had been for a while. God told him yes. So this dear Christian friend commanded him to awake and rise in the name of Jesus Christ and he woke up!

This man that died and was raised from the dead, was on his way to teaching at a home based bible fellowship class, as was his friend with him. They were going to teach the rightly divided Word of God and many were saved that night! If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here!!

We need to reverance God, not fear him. We also need to reverance His Word, the Word of Truth.

II Timothy 2:15

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

I too believe that God's hand is here and with our POTUS and this entire movement towards truth, goodness, love, peace!

This is not a game and it's not about our feelings - it is about saving people, it is about saving the world…

I Timothy 2:1-6

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks, be made for all men;

2 For kings, and [for] all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

3 For this [is] good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

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1208fa No.257174


Message is all that matters.


Time is severely limited.


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b990bd No.257175

File: cb256971803be85⋯.png (260.46 KB,866x804,433:402,SERCO Seven Sisters link.PNG)

File: 7c82c99724ff3f8⋯.png (161.31 KB,960x792,40:33,Maureen Baginski FBI under….PNG)

File: b62832e699c377c⋯.png (450.11 KB,1099x759,1099:759,Maureen Baginski NSA.PNG)


How may I help you with this research? In a brief review of SERCO cross referenced with the "Seven Sisters" connections that I have been researching I have found this thus far. May be nothing or may be something.

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817796 No.257177


Oh thank you!!!

I think we need a separate thread for SERCO.

BO's please?

Whatever you can find. I think there's been some mention of SERCO on the boards here, but we need more and it needs to be centralized in it's own thread.

I really believe that SERCO is the key to a lot of the movement we have been seeing. They are the ones fighting POTUS, they have the means in and of themselves.

I was wondering if Q ever pointed us to them specifically in any of Q's posts?

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3da111 No.257180


>albeit after many tests to prove he (assumed gender, lol) is real.

Yes, it's HE. It's been HE for thousands of years. Why would that stop now? Why would it even be questioned?

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ed4445 No.257182

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817796 No.257183


I wonder if she's named in any way in the POTUS EO on Human Trafficking? Or if she's part of any 9/11 Investigation going on.

Where is she now? Working in FBI?

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b85660 No.257184

Damn.. I leave for a few hours and come back to this… Sad!

>Grabs coat and hat, doesn't let door hit the ass.

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817796 No.257185


Careful! No live links!!

I saw the Iranian President thing this morning, interesting right! POTUS said we would step in and help the Iranian people at the right time.

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b77ee4 No.257186

Follow the Food, not the Gold.

Elite said: Control the food, control the nations.

Soros sold gold for farming.

https:// www.thestreet.com/story/11130142/1/5-stocks-to-bet-on-farming-like-soros-does.html

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b77ee4 No.257187


This was the 2nd common thread in the disclosures. The 1st mentioned in the Soros article. http://www.ldcom.com/global/en/about-us

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b990bd No.257188

File: fe6beed32a223e5⋯.png (38.9 KB,601x877,601:877,Maureen Baginski Bio - Blo….PNG)


I do not know where she is now. Perhaps retired or deceased. I don't know. This info from 2011 is the most recent I can find. Still digging. I can cross reference her with the names on POTUS' EO.

I believe she is tied to 9/11, but I'll look that up after I check the names from the EO.

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817796 No.257189


>hence the namefagging twat claiming leadership of ctbs

When did she claim leadership of cbts? Reddit yes. Just wondering.

>Tracybeanz is poison to cbts

Purposely or just by being a targit they can hit?

She's been around for a while, she has some credibility right?

Who has she supported in the past? I mean before Trump#45.

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817796 No.257190


Well, that's okay. Just wondering.

There are so many connected to SERCO. Even Hussein - link being o'care right. They control our health system! Wtf!

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817796 No.257191



aka MonSatan!

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1208fa No.257192

File: fa3ff95ce9915fc⋯.png (335.88 KB,846x476,423:238,123.png)


erm interesting person

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1208fa No.257193



interesting person

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22b198 No.257194


Amen my earthly brother. We will all meet again.

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ffdcba No.257195


I've watched a lot of that Jordan Maxwell stuff. It's believable but then I really wonder.

What if you give birth at home and never sign up for social security? I guess you can get away without paying taxes and not taking SS payments…but it's probably an uphill battle trying to navigate life without SS# and birth Cert. I know that satanist shit is voluntary and count on people not reading the fine print or DTOS

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ed4445 No.257196


>Careful! No live links!!

8chan and The Goldwater are the same company on the same servers fam

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817796 No.257197


Yup! What a glorious time it will be!

This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through!

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817796 No.257198


Oh, I read that wrong! the former president!

Goldwater and 8chan!!! What is going on!!!

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ffdcba No.257199


I know this guys a lunatic

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ffdcba No.257200


Shes on our side. Exactly what is she opposing? she's just reading the news…and sharing shit from here and fags get mad cuz she's making money from it (so be it)…she's spreading the word. That's about it. Nothing special or nefarious

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0287a2 No.257203


This was correct. I am unsure what Trump’s policy is. No nation building for sure. Given his comments on Iraq, and well, all US long term expensive stays in the Stans. Question is how to allow country to be democratic and deter a vacuum from happening.

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b990bd No.257204


Yikes! This one here (MG), she is a rabbit hole unto herself. I have gone through the names on the EO and I will not say she is not connected to the other 12 names BUT she is definitely connected to 1 name; in which way, good actor/bad actor, don't know, still digging:

1. Mukhtar Hamid Shah; Date of Birth (DOB) August 11, 1939; alt. DOB November 8, 1939; nationality, Pakistan

Her name also came up repeatedly regarding 9/11 as well as the Trailblazer Project.

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0287a2 No.257206

Is anyone on this board working on latest Q posts?

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a2a0fd No.257207




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817796 No.257209

File: 4f71a7f5516a6bc⋯.png (38.39 KB,977x595,977:595,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6254be993f60b2a⋯.png (21.49 KB,721x563,721:563,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f20d364bf69079d⋯.png (17.67 KB,768x490,384:245,ClipboardImage.png)


Can't find much on this company.

Found this:

https: //www.ipaddress.com/websites/thegoldwater.com

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fce3f8 No.257211

If this place isn't now Owned by the CIA…

Why did the Board Owner sell it to them and why is nobody but CIA ScHillarys left posting here?

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b990bd No.257212


Oh just stop - adults are working. I am anything but deep state CIA. I support my country and my president Donald Trump.

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0287a2 No.257213


Not registered with NV either.

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f43e77 No.257214


Thats exactly what I'd expect the CIA to say.

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b9f5dc No.257216

File: 41b3fa4e3a2d45f⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,1014x10659,338:3553,6012018085759.jpg)

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22b198 No.257220


Aren't we all? :)


Yeah.. well… ;)

Phonefagging sucks butt. Js

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0287a2 No.257221

Rogers video


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0287a2 No.257223


These are all the Q posts make to /thestorm. Codemonkey verified trip.

It tends to be “noisy” on thestorm thread

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900e4f No.257224

File: 1aab30d1ac4ee0e⋯.png (217.74 KB,407x500,407:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52314fd45c567f8⋯.png (685.14 KB,663x783,221:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2153a8c2d354efa⋯.png (997.15 KB,1000x666,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9cbd374f6ca8cd⋯.png (159.84 KB,645x444,215:148,ClipboardImage.png)

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000772 No.257225


Not buying it. Heard too many charlatan Pentecostals making claims about people being raised from the dead yet never met one actual witness. The church is corrupt and the leaders are liars.

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36d568 No.257226


whats going on w/ thestorm.. cant find thread #15 .. & this place is eerie quite

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900e4f No.257227


I have no idea.

What happened?

Where did everyone go?!

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36d568 No.257228


i heard last bo banned a lot of ppl .. same fag that fuked Q…

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22b198 No.257229

All who have written and worked in these threads for the good of the children are safe from the storm. We've done God's work to unravel the cabal. Any harm to us goes onto (((them))) exponentially.

They will feel God's wrath for calling for genocide of an entire race, as well as attempting to cover and hide and shill for disgusting acts against innocent children.

And now we wait, but do not laugh or get haughty. This is far from funny, even though it takes dark humor and unhealthy coping mechanisms to endure.

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900e4f No.257230


Must be the weather.

Few threads are locked here.

Everyone must be hiding in the locked or deleted threads?!


You don't say… My goodness gracious!


Can I stand with you under you're umbrella?

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0287a2 No.257231

Who is this guy?

Old story: No one wants this guy. /www.nytimes.com/2017/12/20/us/politics/american-detainee-saudi-arabia.html

Now he’s pissed that he’s been detained. Although I fully believe he should got benefits of US Const. From what I’ve gathered, he was caught by Kurds with fighting in Syria for IS, then sent to Iraq and turned over to US Mil, where he’s been detained. He’s willing to talk, but only with a lawyer, what deal is he trying to make?


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0287a2 No.257232


BO here banned many. They’re congregated at the storm. Near as I can tell codemonkey made trip changes. Q made posts, BO deleted posts, thinking they were bad, because CM didn’t tell BO about trip change. Anyway Q’s short on time probably at camp David, so he posted on the storm, which CM verified.

It was a cluster. I have nothing against the storm. Like many of the trip anons there that have very good input, I like the quiet too.

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0287a2 No.257233


Jump to >>11912 for #15

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22b198 No.257234


We all have our own umbrella. :)

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900e4f No.257236

File: d6879d0a06d945e⋯.png (90.56 KB,480x360,4:3,sscbstbtstsbsbs.png)

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36d568 No.257238

File: f4e6d9ae54ac06a⋯.jpg (580.87 KB,1999x544,1999:544,Screenshot_20180106-212818.jpg)


sweet thx

i wasnt sure if Q agreed to have bread blessed by him 1st b4 giving to BOs

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817796 No.257252


to /thestorm

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a2a0fd No.257253

You folk needa go geta counts ina media ana meema…saturation data barrage.

go to twatgabetal dump meem folder naow

<thank (you)



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1488db No.257254

A grand jury in August returned an indictment in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia charging Awan and his wife, Hina Alvi, with a total of four counts, which included federal bank fraud and conspiracy. Awan has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

“Whatever happened to them?” Trump continued. “With the two servers that they broke up into a million pieces? Whatever happened to him?”

The president brought up the case while denying any collusion between his campaign and the Russians during the 2016 election.

Awan has not been charged with anything specific to his IT duties in Congress. But the case has drawn interest from Republican lawmakers because of Awan’s role for prominent Democrats and the access he had to sensitive data.””

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000772 No.257255


She deleted the tweets. Good for her. That makes me see her in a positive light. I think maybe she just didn’t understand the culture here and the importance of anonymity.

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b990bd No.257256

File: b9422683ebd058a⋯.png (47.79 KB,755x745,151:149,WL Baginski 1.PNG)

File: f0157fbac7c2d10⋯.png (50.86 KB,699x719,699:719,WL Baginski 2.PNG)

Maureen Baginski is mentioned in one of the Podesta emails via WL. It appears (I am still digging) that she was a mole in the NSA that helped cover up information that would have prevented the 9/11 attack. She is said to have been part of The Brennan Group.

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22b198 No.257257

Talmud, not torrah. There. Fixed it. Maybe. Dunno. I only know one thing for absolutely sure.

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749526 No.257258

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 22:21:21 21baf9 No.12425>>12431 >>12433 >>12434 >>12435 >>12437 >>12438 >>12441 >>12445 >>12454 >>12458 >>12459 >>12460 >>12461 >>12464>>12465>>12466 >>12475 >>12477 >>12478 >>12481 >>12490 >>12491 >>12492 >>12494 >>12495 >>12499 >>12504 >>12511 >>12513 >>12514 >>12523 >>12526 >>12544 >>12561 >>12562 >>12566 >>12574 >>12593 >>12595 >>12604 >>12613 >>12616 >>12629 >>12640 >>12649 >>12650 >>12658 >>12663 >>12670

“Whatever happened to this Pakistani guy who worked with the DNC?”

150 mile restriction?

What airport is within 150 miles (home)?

What events can be tied to airport?

When specifically?

When did POTUS Tweet the above?

Why is this relevant?

Planes & Trains.



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7e88b5 No.257260


Assimilate or gtfo. We do things for a reason and it doesn’t matter if you understand why or not

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22b198 No.257261

Aren't rich people games just fun? Just a joy to behold. Fun, fun games. Love it.

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817796 No.257262


I am definitely NOT Pentecostal. Neither is my friend who teaches the word. Only Christian, in the purest sense of the word – i.e. NOT a man made religion. Only based on God's rightly divided word, only!! Christian - as in born again of Holy Spirit. No water babptism or none of that "religious" stuff.

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0287a2 No.257263


Check George Webb Twitter. He’s been on this from day 1. 12/16/17 Awan tried unsuccessfully to get ankle monitor removed. Given curfew midnight to 6 am, 150 mile range, His wife and kids are back in states, passport confiscated, though he could get new one easily.

Earlier Q post regarding ATL Q said IAD drill in future.

Trump’s tweet was 12/29

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0287a2 No.257266

When AwN was caught at airport first time, he almost made it. There was talk that TSA removed his name/passport from DNF list. Clearly someone in DNC tipped him off. Wife made it out previous day (?). Awan was trying to close real estate deal.

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5bc9f4 No.257267

File: f022338b2787083⋯.jpg (57.92 KB,720x443,720:443,ocean-infinity-system-720x….jpg)

This might be relevant, given all the plane "hijinks" lately. Ocean Infinity, which bears quite a similar logo to our own infinity chan, is volunteering to search for free unless it succeeds at finding the missing MH370.

>With the relatives of those on board MH370 still desperate to know what happened on that fateful flight more than three years ago, and an entire industry equally keen for answers to this enduring mystery, the Malaysian government is now talking to a U.S. firm about the possibility of a new search effort that could work on a “no find, no fee” basis.

An unlikely prospect that they will, so what makes them to sure? I looked at their website, seem like a competent crew so maybe it's just that: confidence. On the other hand, who has all the information…?

Might also be a cover to search for a fleeing sub with high-value targets on board? Also just a bit of meaningless wordplay but: ocean -> oh-chee-an -> chee-an -> chan.

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0287a2 No.257269

Thestorm is latching onto Jacob Hill drug bust in Crystal City as Awan trying to escape.

His ankle monitor is good for 150 miles, If he runs, going to be on a private plane owned by a dem elite.

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5bc9f4 No.257271



Spooky. Last night I was watching this on reflection of the cult's plans, presumably now derailed.


Why are there so many strange coincidences surrounding /cbts/, both in terms of Q and POTUS (for example), and in my own life personally. Also these were among the first posts I read here since last listening to the video, just got back.

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0287a2 No.257272

Q posts research

How much did AUS donate to CF? 10 yrs $88 m > $0 when wikileaks emails. CF records don’t match AUS. dailycaller.com/2016/07/27/exclusive-clinton-foundation-got-20m-from-down-under-or-88m/

How much did SA donate to CF? WSJ says $10-$25 m, Since 2001, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates gave as much as $40 million to the Clinton Foundation. Individuals donation records? 
Read more here: www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article24782695.html#storylink=cpy

AUS was heavily involved with HIV/AIDS Clinton Health (Access)Initiative. CHI was “facilitator” means they skimmed 10% and passed money onto “local” groups. www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/08/the-sordid-history-of-australias-deals-to-facilitate-the-clinton-foundations-access-to-asia.html


AUS uses soft diplomacy especially dealing with China. Advantageous to coordinate vaccine programs through CF than conduct air raids in Syria.

Obama and his successor could control China/SEAsia. We could control ME by partnering with Saudis—$165 billion worth of arms sales were approved by the State Department to 20 nations whose governments gave money to the Clinton Foundation. The counties buying weapons from the US were the same countries previously condemned for human rights abuses. They included Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. $29 billion weapons to SA www.huffingtonpost.com/medea-benjamin/hillary-clinton-saudi-arabia_b_9374490.html

Why is this relevant? Only works if Labor party is in power in Australia. 2013 liberals came to power in Australia. MbS was named crowned prince early 2017 in surprise move. Mohammed bin Nayef was longtime favorite of US.

What phone call between POTUS and X/AUS leaked? With Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Trump hammered on the 2,000 refugees that Obama’s agreed to take in. Real bad idea. Said he was halting immigration from Syria.

List the leadership in AUS.


IDEN leadership during Hussein term.

Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, (2013 liberal )Tony Abbott, Turnbull

IDEN leadership during POTUS' term. Turnbull

Who controls AUS? PM

Who really controls AUS? Corporations, financiers.

UK? banks www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=39586

Why is this relevant? Banks control economy controls taxation controls military controls people. AUS balance. Trade with China strategic alliance with US. Sees decline of us power under BHO as way to get closer with Asian partners.

Qbilateral cooperation in the areas of cyber defense and cyber security incident response and expanded cooperation on ballistic missile defense (BMD) in the Asia-Pacific region.12 A bilateral working group is to look at ways Australia can contribute to a BMD system. Concerned about South China Sea reclamation

UK & US permanent UNSC members. NATO, UN, G8, huge grade relations, partners, probably controls 95% of world economies through banks

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fea2f7 No.257273


this is good stuff, anon

thee are 5 more new Q posts if you are not lurking there


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7ccaf3 No.257275


Hey guys, most of us have moved over to /thestorm/

Q is posting at /thestorm/

BO asked that all diggers go to /thestorm/

BO unmodded other mods and myself early this morning.

It appears this board is not now being moderated.

BO said it's been fun, but he wants to concentrate on his website and the sub-reddit. He then locked the last thread, #305

Last message from BO >>256810

See you guys over at


God bless and Godspeed.

-Modanon / Nightbaker

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e70f8c No.257277



>Awan was trying to close real estate deal. like Lot's wife. If you're running from the law, don't look back.

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e70f8c No.257279



This guy is lying. Q at the storm is not Q, We're on target here. keep digging on last confirmed Q drops before board was compromised. LOOP CAPITAL and acct numbers.

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fea2f7 No.257281


the loop capital post was included in the ones BO said was fake

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217283 No.257283


it seems like this board may not be here forever, i also know the people running thestorm have made questionable decisions to some anons, so there is yet another board for our discussions.


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ff464f No.257284

Sooooo much hate on the BO an Mods!!!!!!



God Bless, the realiziez know this! Stay Strong, You guys have no idea that 100 years from now, you are going to be on the level of Thomas Paine, Jefferson, Franklin, etc.

Q : Please Sir, we are ready; disclose to world and present the BO with an award. God Bless and Semper Si

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dba5b6 No.257285

my niggas! hows it going

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217283 No.257286


>is seems like this board may not be here forever in this capacity*

what i meant to say,

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dba5b6 No.257287

someone needs to let Q know, that the world is ready for the truth and transparency. justice for the ones trusted in positions of power must be locked up no more snowflake shit. we do not give 2 fucks about there frilly feelings. fuck um!

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e70f8c No.257289


then ignore me and head over to the storm. See ya!

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e70f8c No.257290


> so there is yet another board for our discussions

Surprise, surprise! And yet another board.

You know why you glow? Because you're fucking stooooooooooopid

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34503c No.257291

DUDES…. remember from the wire when prez unlocks the code using a clock???? https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQBlq45c1T4

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34503c No.257292


the clock code http:/ /thewire.wikia.com/wiki/Clarifications

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ff464f No.257295

Q team;

please soon, were all ready, if the team doesnt move soon all momentum is lost, PLEASE SIR DISCLOSE THE TRUTH WERE READY!!!!

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ff464f No.257297

If you got in the oval office sir, and laid it out, you would be the biggest hero in history! please do it soon sir, so many have give all to expose the truth, none more than you Sir. Please strike soon!

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b990bd No.257299

File: 33ec433aa28c3bc⋯.png (89.95 KB,635x705,127:141,Apatow.PNG)

Fox and Friends just featured a segment regarding Judd Apatow's comments and attacks on POTUS.

Seems appropriate to make memes to counter the narrative. I am not a meme maker.

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7ccaf3 No.257301

update 2

BO has posted the following message on the subreddit -


>Q has moved from posting on The Calm Before The Storm on 8chan to The Storm. What does that tell you? The Storm is close. Very close. MONDAY will be big. Of course our very own /u/PamphletAnon is the Board Owner of /thestorm/ so we will be bringing you everything as it happens!

>/cbts/ remains open for you to browse but of course there are no Q updates there any more so it is a lot less busy. The extra free time will allow me to work on the website and answer your questions!

>All for a LARP eh?


>The Old Board Owner


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d5c34a No.257304

File: 086b8f7ceb0046a⋯.jpg (110.03 KB,522x500,261:250,Apatow Shut Up.jpg)

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b77ee4 No.257307


Prior to qchan…post of aus tax $$$ to HRC made person angry on board. It wasn't a HE. And shared that indiv received a employment in one of the CF locations.

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1a86fc No.257310



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02d363 No.257311

the glowniggers over at the storm banned me. They really get touchy when you point out that they're CIA

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02d363 No.257316

The Freemason's in the UK are blocking police reform. Wonder why?



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a4bc93 No.257317


Great read, thanks.

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7c0572 No.257320


Push the message

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d5c34a No.257321


perma-ban or multi-day?

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1feb9f No.257322

Anyone still working here?

This was brought to my attention has it been noticed already?

Lea Holifield

1 hour ago

Mr. Motley,

Can you get word to anyone that is researching Qanon posts? I have some info regarding a "Q clue" that I'm not sure that they have noticed yet.

The link below is to a Presidential Executive Order 8063, dated March 07, 1939 EO_CLASSIFIED_WH

It is in regards to Authorizing the Appointment of Certain Executive Positions in the Railroard Retirement Board without compliance with civil service rules.

[RR-out] [P_pers]

https://t.co/BMR9w7XXSu https://t.co/BMR9w7XXSu via @duckduckgo for Android

Notice the clues, as follows,




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1feb9f No.257323


sorry about the link i missed it

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02d363 No.257324

>>257321 I don't know.


>Anyone still working here?

yep. the shills and normies followed a pied piper so now we can dig in peace.

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e78cec No.257325

"It would not be in good conscience…" (not conscious)

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1208fa No.257326

everyone is either on reddit or /thestorm

this board is compromised because the Board Owner is a sell out glowfag level 100

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02d363 No.257327

>>257322 Good find. The RR board is a bunch of NWO appointees and the office really serves no purpose in the first place. Why do railroad employees need their own federal agency to deal with retirements?

I'll have to look at their budget to see what kind of cashflow the NWO was pushing through the agency.

The chairman retired in 2015 and hasn't been replaced.

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02d363 No.257328


>everyone is either on reddit or /thestorm

then go hang out with them fag. your services aren't required here

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02d363 No.257330

File: b85963d62cd21c6⋯.png (46.77 KB,287x386,287:386,retirement board.PNG)

File: 4523752cd948fa4⋯.png (54.92 KB,1032x953,1032:953,the board.PNG)

File: d774466a0e18b3f⋯.png (111.05 KB,967x574,967:574,steven anthony.PNG)

File: 6003590f87d2f3d⋯.png (101.73 KB,969x449,969:449,walter barrows.PNG)


The retirement board is located in Chicago. Chicago means NWO in the same way that a red corporate logo generally indicates Rothschild.

Also, Roosevelt established it so that there are no requirements to serve on the board. The board right now is just two Obama appointees.


March 7, 1939



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1feb9f No.257331



Cool yea keep me updated plz.

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010e96 No.257334

Sorry if I have no idea what's going on. (Need full story here) But why do some people claim that a lot ppl migrated to /thestorm/? I think someone is practicing distraction tactics here or something else must have happened. Need full story pls.

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1732c3 No.257335


Check it out. They have.

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010e96 No.257336


But what about Q? Won't he post here anymore?

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1feb9f No.257337


No has his own boar 8ch.net/qonly

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e0db21 No.257338

How can anyone following Trump on Twitter not see how funny this guy is. Look at this guy. He is like the kind of Dad jokes.

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080338 No.257340


The Q on storm is VERY different than the q we had before … TOO different.

I’m starting to think the BO here wasn’t compromised. Rather, he was pushed out.

The questions now are things many folks already know and have known for decades. Somethings wrong.

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807734 No.257341


Yeah…I think after she realized that these people can and will hunt you down and kill you for sport. She realized that maybe she better stay Anon.

Namefagging to get you 30 dollars a month in Adwords Revenue….can get you KILLED in this little shitstorm.

They can/will/andwant to make an example of someone.

Ask Breitbart…….

They kill for sport.

So take that in mind before you start your blog/book/ or what the fuck ever else.

Don't come here looking to become the next Alex Jones.

This shit can get you dead.

Or someone else dead.

Death is very possible.

Proceed with caution stay Anon

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e9f437 No.257343

graphic…. be advised b4 watching

skip to 1: 40


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07ff1b No.257345


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010e96 No.257346


No, he hasn't. Found it out myself. Thanks.

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010e96 No.257347


For anyone wondering. Q is going to post on /thestorm/ in future.

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59b30b No.257350

Relevant video, please watch.


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a6140d No.257351

File: 86d8dc1955fbf49⋯.jpg (196.73 KB,900x598,450:299,Voter ID 01.jpg)

File: 1a88013f931036e⋯.jpg (140.95 KB,800x534,400:267,Voter ID 02.jpg)

Good memes found from twitter. Please distribute far and wide, anon.

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807734 No.257352


Hacked Q?

I think this whole Q thing is all tits up at this point.

You guys know it.

But you want it to keep going so you got made up bullshit Q.

The Pen photo- I wanted to believe, but the more I look…the more it doesn't prove it's him.

thestorm is full of teenfag and far out conspiracy bullshit.

Gut tells me - a bunch of losers trying to harvest enough data to make a book and name for themselves.

Over 100+ days of this shit now.

I think if Potus will do fine without our conspiracy bullshit.

Q on thestorm. Nah….I don't think so.

It's not him. My gut says otherwise.

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010e96 No.257353


So, fucking what now? I am confused as you are. Will Q continue to post here or is he gone forever now? The ID of Q is clearly the same though, but as mentioned it could be hacked, then again others accuse the Board Owner having his fingers in this game.

I fucking got no clue anymore

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288ade No.257354

BO lied and claimed he had private comms with Q. Q absolutely denied BO’ s assertion. Why are you all still here? Are you following BO or following Q? Because I thought we were following the truth, and liars like BO can’t be trusted with the truth.

I see a lot of bitching about namefagging and famefagging regarding /thestorm/, but isn’t that exactly what is going on here with AJ interviews, Tracy Beanz vids, and talks of book publishers? Watch this shit get deleted. I’ll see myself out to /thestorm/.

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b990bd No.257356


I agree. I grudgingly checked their page this morning. They were making memes made here two months ago. They were trying to figure out things from months ago already done so here. And reading Q's comments, something was off. Q has a tone, a vibe - it's missing on the Q comments on the storm. If I am wrong then I will find a way to help elsewhere for sure.

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807734 No.257357


Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing?

Or keep on doing what we've been doing that brought shills into here in the first place.

I further suggest that Qfans and Gloryfags being on another board…is better.

Let's the real searchers get shit done.

Stringers didn't make this board worth seeing.

We did.

Q drops helped frame a narrative sometimes.

But we've got enough info now…we know where the narrative is heading.

I suggest we carry on over here.

No famefags no more.

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a6140d No.257358


Then leave! Why do stormfags feel the need to come here anymore? Concernfag much?

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1208fa No.257360


lol@ qonly been to that board? or talked to the guy who set it up and then got banned from thestorm for spamming about the board so Q could go to it?

1. stop namefagging

2. disinformation needs to stop

3. i know who you are.. know your youtube channel well. knock it off

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a6140d No.257361


We were doing this long before Q. Creating a spike in urgency and resolve has served it's central purpose. Move forward. I'd just as soon win calmly the entire duration.

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807734 No.257362

And again you jump over there

And since when does Q jump in and answer questions from anon? Like he's on there full time.

Nope, no and no.

Maybe someone inside? MAYBE

Maybe Zak from Alex Jones?

But Q never answered questions and sat on the board.

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8a321c No.257363

File: 741be18dc09c4f6⋯.jpg (50.19 KB,500x691,500:691,mandelavoterID.jpg)

In almost every country you have to have ID to vote. MUST have it in South Africa. MEME makers - can you use this?

If it's good enough for President Mandela, we should also have voter ID !! Hope the photo/attachment is included in this post

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010e96 No.257364


Now that you mention it. Possible that Alex Jones (Controlled Opposition) has his hands in this. Let's wait if the "real" Q will return here.

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807734 No.257365


Hmm now that you mention it

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807734 No.257366

Someone is having a fuck of a time

watching us chase our tails

fighting each other

divide and conquer

Damn how many times will we let Illuminati

fuck us over with the same tactics!

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537bf2 No.257367

George Bush was in Tyler Texas when JFK was killed… one of the times he was asked.

What’s in Tyler Texas?

The first particle accelerator

It was in operation in 63

Qintel are you the Bush’s AI?

They fed the Clintons to the wolves

Infiltrated with Bannon

Trumps post,

>he was trying to be the next Karl Rove

Karl Rove = Bush spin master extraordinaire

BITCOIN IS are def related to the collider network

So are UFOs

So is Tom DeLonge

And his Pedo pal,


And Saturnian Pagan Cults.

Ima side with the people who don’t eat CHILDREN.

But in the meantime think about this

That “interstellar” object that was slingshotted around the sun…

>they never thought she would win

If she did

Tom DeLonge and his CIA handlers would be on television WITH HRC parroting fake disclosure.

Sidenote: (Tom I pray you aren’t one of them and just got duped same goes for Levenda)

How convenient a cigar shaped object flies around the sun.

Think of the timing on that

Could that be a Ring Maker of SATURN

(Norm Bergrun’s book from 1970’s is source material)

Could (((they))) pull a random rock from “interstellar space” around the sun?

With black technology yes, it would be easy.

Just give it a tug at the right moment.

Depending on the timing, speed, trajectory, source must be discovered.


Did Trump Team take out their Saturnalian “gods”?

Did he knock a ring maker out of orbit?

what’s with all the deep underground “particle detection” facilities?

Gravitational waves


Trying to find their opposites

So called “dark matter”

Very occult idea if you ask me

(((THEY)))also tricked us into thinking the majority of God’s creation was dark.

It is not.

Dark matter is fake

It’s just matter hidden due to electricity

Saturnalian cults + UFOS = a way to militarize space in a very bad way

I Want To Believe

Very occult, very sly programming.

I Want To Believe in ‘’’Christ’’’ (already do)

‘’’Not’’’ UFO disclosure by baby eating occultists or Clowns in America.

Going into Space WITH Christ.

And with Russia

(Not nuking them like HRC)

Trump announced international, joint space ventures.

So did JFK

(((They))) took him out for it… While Poppy was In Tyler, Texas —NOT— working for the CIA.

and coincidence adds up,

Barbara the Zapata Oil boat turned Bay of a Pigs boat of travel

Poppy and Skull in Bones has been in control of this country since at least Dulles died.

The torch was passed to Poppy the drug and oil kingpin.

Clinton has been Poppy’s play thing since Iran Contra

(((They))) were just thrown to the wolves

all used up

What about (((Poppy and family and friends)))???

So let’s talk about Tyler, Texas?

And Dr. Mary’s Monkey

>look at the wives.

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fea2f7 No.257368


how do you explain alex jones cracking the tripcode and posting from a previously used Q IP address?

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b990bd No.257370

File: cb55dddf5882448⋯.png (49.68 KB,642x386,321:193,POTUS 1-7-18 6 33 am.PNG)

File: d1e2795b0237088⋯.png (44.76 KB,639x345,213:115,POTUS 1-7-18 6 40 am.PNG)

File: 9581a2f05a5fb9a⋯.png (34.4 KB,654x274,327:137,POTUS 1-7-18 7 15 am.PNG)

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b990bd No.257371

File: 18d85923a25020b⋯.png (49.32 KB,637x377,49:29,POTUS 1-7-18 12 35 pm.PNG)

File: e086c68112f6f2a⋯.png (42.51 KB,628x337,628:337,POTUS 1-7-18 12 42 pm.PNG)

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b990bd No.257372

File: 1931c190162a8fa⋯.png (56.17 KB,911x378,911:378,WL Fire and Fury.PNG)

File: 3235c5da231df4e⋯.png (69.92 KB,657x370,657:370,WL Fire and Fury pdf.PNG)

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b5ec3c No.257373

I have found who is "VJ"

It is yet another reference to Ronald Reagan.

A study completed in 2001 was completed regarding Cognitive Rehabilitation in Dementia. 24 participated in the study. Ages 60 to 84. Page 486 - "VJ" could not recall famous faces or names if famous people. Ronald Reagan had this form of dementia.



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320f65 No.257374


Q won't be posting on this board anymore.

Everyones over on /thestorm/

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4ddbfb No.257375

File: 24f0cddbbd4dde9⋯.jpg (514.22 KB,1240x1750,124:175,obr1101001.jpg)


Look at the crumbs and see for yourself.

The Truth always comes forward.

If you don't use cosmic Universal Love in your Heart and consciounsness, you end up where this board is now.

Imagine what would happen if BO had used more Love and less rash jumping to hateful conclusions. Q would not have to go to 8pol at any point, the decisions made here have prevented him from posting more than once. And now he is banned - imagine how ridiculous that sounds.

This is a lesson everyone has to learn. You can learn it the easy way (being positive and loving) or the hard way (being egoistic and negative).

This is important because the future of our Planet depends on the individual thoughts and actions, so you have to see of what kind they are. I'm posting the uplifting pictures for a reason.

Peace out anons.

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e8a494 No.257376

Agreed. Last REAL Q post was here 01/04.

Trump's (R)onald (R)eagan tweet with "out" confirmed.

Q on Storm makes spelling mistakes.:

"We will never lose again win (sp) this is finished"

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05076c No.257379

File: b5ef803c4e6c829⋯.jpg (30.46 KB,934x700,467:350,worm.jpg)


>>Pic Related

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67f838 No.257380

File: 5893b81b62f02eb⋯.png (85.85 KB,622x551,622:551,wl9u9kljds1.PNG)

File: 1b38dd4ebf70965⋯.png (64.82 KB,624x452,156:113,wl9u9kljds2.PNG)

Wikileaks dumped Fire & Fury


Interesting edits to this version though…seems Q has replaced O in these two chapter titles…

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c338b2 No.257382


were u at camp david Q?

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1894dd No.257384

File: 977a33cfb319420⋯.png (589.73 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Untitled.png)


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c338b2 No.257386





http://www.montblanc. com/en-us/collection/writing-instruments/starwalker/111514-StarWalker-Extreme-Rollerball.html#

Do they gove away these pens all the time? so expensive!

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7a4130 No.257389

Who is Researcher and California Activist Who is Deborah Tavares?

What threats to citizens and infrastructure has she been warning about?

What did she did she discover about ++ Rothschilds ++ and California Electric and Gas companies?

Why would a sovereign nation allow an external entity and foreign people to take ownership of the nations electrical and gas grids of their own land?

What would this compromise?

What dangers and threats could this pose to the nation? To the citizens? To the property and home owners?

Why is the electric and gas company under investigation for the fires and complete destruction of thousands of homes and structures in October 2017 in Northern California and December 2017 in Southern California?

Who owns the Electric and Gas companies in the areas of these fires?

Why do Rothschilds own so many of the Electric and Gas Companies in California and other areas of the United States?

Why do the United States not own their own Electric grid and Gas companies?

Why has this compromise been allowed to occur?

Who are the dangerous "helpers" that come in after the fires? After the floods? After the hurricanes?

Who are buying up the homes and properties after the fires for pennies on the dollar?

Are foreign buyers allowed to buy up large areas of these American properties and do they receive perks for doing so?

What is geo engineering? What has Harvard and congress recently been proposing regarding geo engineering for the US?

Who benefits for California to maintain years of drought?

Who owns the water? Who owns the Electric grid?

Who benefits if California Governor Brown declares an area no longer sustainable for human habitation? Who benefits from the destruction of thousands of homes in California and Houston and Puerto Rico?

What does "owning the weather" mean?

Why did the US Military declare they would "own the weather by 2025?"

Who owns and controls the US weather today?

Who really owns and controls the IS weather today?

Who benefits when the president declares a state of emergency for States experiencing a natural disaster?

Why does Governor Brown believe so many more disasters will come and the president will no longer be able to continue to send aid to all the states affected by disasters?

Who really controls the weather?

Why did California Governor Brown declare the total destruction of homes and regions "our new normal?"

Why did he say we can expect more and more fires and floods and earthquakes for the next decade?

Who controls the weather?

Who controls the direct energy weapons?

Who controls Haarp?

Who can create earthquakes as a weapon?

Who can create droughts and storms as a weapon?

Who can create fires as a weapon?

Who benefits from "sustainable development?"

Why did Governor Brown leave his state of California during the largest fire in California history to attend the Paris Climate meeting?

Why did Governor Brown state he was more than a state leader that he was really a global leader?

On day 3 of the Thomas Fire in California how did Governor Brown know the fire would continue on for a month?

What are Direct Energy Weapons?

What does a house and car look like after a fire was started in them using direct energy weapons?

What are Microwave Weapons?

Why are Smart Meters being looked at as a link to the fires in the homes in California?

What does modern war look like today?

What are EMFs and Radio Frequencies? What are electro magnetic pulse Weapons?

What are the modern war weapons that can be used discretely?

Can weather and fire be powerful Weapons of war?

What does war look like today?

Why do Americans believe a war is not happening on their soil?

Deborah Tavares Critical World Events Jan 3, 2018 - The Power Hour

https://you tu.be/7Y5zkcyV4Xw

https://you tu.be/-1H9V6TQU_U

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0713ba No.257390

File: f2e62e214afe304⋯.png (868.83 KB,1024x760,128:95,knight1[1].png)

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cfa25b No.257392


The clowns have tried to shut this board down twice. The first time they did it they created the storm and started claiming that Q was posting over there. No one fell for it. The board was attacked again a few days ago and trip codes were cracked. Once again the clowns started telling everyone that Q had moved to the storm, and they were able to fake it because Q's trip was cracked.

The clowns have been heavily spamming threads to convince anons to go to their board so they can control the flow of information.

All the normies have gone to the storm, and some of the anons were suckered as well. They want everyone there because they have a cracked Q acct and they can delete whatever research they want and ban whatever anons they want. All the biggest shills and namefagging glory whores in cbts history that were banned here are moderators there, douchebags like antifungalleafbread, (b)readbox anon, etc.

In your position, not knowing who to trust, you should monitor both this board and the storm. You should first save or archive any data you post to the storm because if it's relevant, they'll delete it. You should also save any relevant data you find posted in the storm and repost it here so that it won't be lost when the clowns over there pull the plug.

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cfa25b No.257394


>The Q on storm is VERY different than the q we had before … TOO different.

yeah. The first time the clowns were able to cause this much damage to the board, they were able to crack the tripcodes. It's safe to assume that they did it again.

The Q over now exhibits the same personality as one of the clown mods, so it's safe to assume the clown mod is posting as Q.

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cfa25b No.257395


beat it hippie

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c7f3c0 No.257396


Divisive nigger.

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320f65 No.257397


alright so what's Q's !UW.yye1fxo code then

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cfa25b No.257399

>>257397 Don't know you. he's only posted here anon so far.

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320f65 No.257400



tbh I don't see whats different about the Q posts over on the storm. How'd we find out his trip was cracked

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cfa25b No.257401

>>257351 those are really good memes. Nice work

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cfa25b No.257402

>>257353 research the Q drops that were made right before the clown attack. Q gave account numbers showing a money transfer from one bank acct to another and he also gave us Loop Capital to dig into.

The shills are given a list of keywords or topicws that they are supposed to watch out for, which is why you can verify the importance of a Q drop by the response of the clowns. Since those drops brought such a frantic attempt to end the board, that's what we should be digging into right now

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4582e1 No.257404

File: 55e76616a420d75⋯.jpeg (358.8 KB,1536x565,1536:565,B5FE6949-B185-41A8-BEB2-F….jpeg)

Since no one will answer me on the storm, maybe someone here will. I do not know how to search Q posts, but has Q ever said anything about McMaster? This screams of McMaster to me.

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cfa25b No.257405


>I further suggest that Qfans and Gloryfags being on another board…is better.

I concur.

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fea2f7 No.257406


>and started claiming that Q was posting over there. No one fell for it.

>All the biggest shills and namefagging glory whores in cbts history that were banned here are moderators there, douchebags like antifungalleafbread, (b)readbox anon, etc.

pure fiction

nobody claimed Q was posting there the first time

/thestorm/ board was created (prematurely) the first time this BO fucked up and blocked Q from posting, and for the record, i have been on the side of not migrating every time until he banned Q

this may have changed overnight but pamphletanon is the board owner over there and up until yesterday had no other mods, and i think Illiterate teen fag is also banned there

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fea2f7 No.257407


>Illiterate teen fag

bread box

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cfa25b No.257408


>BO lied and claimed he had private comms with Q

he didn't lie, the clowns cracked the trip.

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b990bd No.257409


This is a searchable database of Q posts. I would personally be cautious of any Q posts added after the chaos ensued. That is my choice, use your own discernment.

https:// qcodefag.github.io/

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cfa25b No.257410


you're not wrong. they are at the shit end of the bell curve and you aren't.

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320f65 No.257411


>clowns cracked the trip.

post proofs

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cfa25b No.257412


>/thestorm/ board was created (prematurely) the first time this BO fucked up and blocked Q

A lie. (b)readboxanon, the BO of the storm did that in an attempt to force everyone over there. He was also deleting threads, starting multiple threads and disrupting in every way he could, which is why you can't even type his name here any more (it's changed to "illiterate teen fag" if you try).

The guy that was such a glowingCIA nigger that he got his name banned is now in charge of the board you're shilling for.

Beat it douchenozzle. Your plan didn't work. We're still here

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cfa25b No.257413

>>257364 you want us to think alex jones is controlled opposition? Sorry man, the only dipshit here is you.

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320f65 No.257414

File: 4b131d77edd7c4b⋯.webm (2.78 MB,640x360,16:9,Fightin' Words.webm)

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cfa25b No.257416


This is a legit Q drop anons.

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080338 No.257417

File: 5c64ee0326cdcbf⋯.jpeg (833.26 KB,1300x917,1300:917,E2F2CE27-3A73-44C6-A4A5-4….jpeg)


These photos were handed out like candy …

lots of people tweeted these and other variants … pool photographer ..

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1208fa No.257418


How many Marvel Conventions have you been to?

What makes a lousy Larper?

Back to furryville with you.

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320f65 No.257419

File: dfa824ea5803c95⋯.png (425.37 KB,1840x3645,368:729,The storm migration.png)


prove it you fucking faggot

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320f65 No.257420

File: a03c5df41a6545c⋯.png (16.62 KB,1154x166,577:83,The storm confirmed.png)

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cfa25b No.257421


a short (incomplete) summary on a ton of digging to do here, Deborah tavares is a california activist who has provided info on Rothschild ownership of utilities, the link between those utilities and the fires in California.

The fires in Ca are caused by haarp, energy weapons, and other advanced warfare. Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown is a globalist that is involved in the plot to burn California to the ground, after which the property is snapped up dirt cheap by foreign parties that are incentivized to do so.

We have the technology to control weather and cause earthquakes and those weapons are being employed against us right now by the NWO. The US has been compromised by selling our utilities to bad actors that are now using those utilities to wage an unseen war against America.

EMF, microwave, and radio frequencies are being used as weapons (cell towers only operate at 15% capacity to provide cell phone reception. what is the other 85% for?).

We are at war and the media has pulled the wool over our eyes.

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cfa25b No.257422


fuck you. I'm busy digging into the latest Q drop. Go larp at the storm.

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cfa25b No.257423


notice that every pen on that table is sitting on top of a pad of paper but the pen in front of that one guy towards the end of the table that appears to be on the phone?

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080338 No.257424


Shealah Craighead took these photos. There are 4 photographers on that team. she leads it. Major events, it’s very safe to assume she took the shot. Then they layer down, military shots are with one of the military attached photographers, and everyday event ( egg roll) is done by another … but she oks every shot released regardless of who takes it. She will make a pool of images available to the press in meetings that are without press coverage like this one.

Just an FYI on how it works behind the scene.

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080338 No.257425

And, as an aside, she’s a brilliant photographer. And has a very distinctive style. Every photographer is slightly different. Composition, exposure, angle are all like a signature.

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6479d6 No.257427

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b990bd No.257428

File: fd0d49f5270b5f2⋯.png (205.19 KB,1021x898,1021:898,Space X 1-7-18.PNG)

Space X launch presumably in a few hours. Lets see if it is cancelled again.

https:// www.space.com/39257-spacex-secret-zuma-mission-launching-soon.html

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1208fa No.257435


for those with the stomach to read what congress found out, then seemed to overlook in their planned parenthood review

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464e93 No.257436

why is the board operating differently regarding filtering?

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3707f6 No.257441

File: f3ffe796cb9689c⋯.png (17.02 KB,478x627,478:627,902758993f51a24262107aa2f0….png)


Get fucked niggerbrain. The only problem with this board is the dangerously low levels of niggerhate.

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061a16 No.257445


nice glow, fag

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c5c42d No.257448

File: 74a1acda1cf146e⋯.jpg (120.58 KB,888x499,888:499,I recognize you.jpg)

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22cb87 No.257450

Where is everybody at ?

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4582e1 No.257451

Thank you Anon. I’m careful about EVERYTHING. This is nagging at me though, and I have to scratch that itch. >>257409

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c5c42d No.257453


Dunno about you but I am scratching my nuts and contemplating being a sad overweight gamma fag from the hood.

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Post last edited at

1208fa No.257454




as the world turns = one year

day of days is january 20th

the mass disclosure is to come out on the 20th

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320f65 No.257456


how so

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b897a5 No.257459

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e2f2c4 No.257460

BOx, d6 V 4 15 1

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6ef471 No.257466


over in /thestorm/

where Q is

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b990bd No.257469


That was completely my error. Meant to post POTUS recent tweet and respond to the other regarding HRM. Sorry.

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b990bd No.257470

File: 8cb4b16dce8b9ce⋯.png (46.71 KB,654x346,327:173,POTUS 1-7-18 6 36 pm.PNG)

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c5c42d No.257471

File: 57880550a054117⋯.jpg (95.88 KB,888x500,222:125,227x5x.jpg)

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2ab5ca No.257474

dead board go to /thestorm/

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131ecc No.257477

File: 3e76a4d69a94cca⋯.png (539.32 KB,1034x451,94:41,fake q.PNG)

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e0eaaa No.257478

Good job BO?

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c5c42d No.257480

File: 447ba53198dc723⋯.png (3.54 MB,2048x1366,1024:683,sweet_tea2.png)

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392b2e No.257482

you anons following the blackout at JFK airport?

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cb6b02 No.257483



its stephen miller for sure

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5bda6f No.257484

File: 3650e35364480e9⋯.png (36.8 KB,1094x218,547:109,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

new Q over at /storm/

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cb6b02 No.257485

hey guys did you see the pdf wikileaks tweeted chapter 6 and 10 they replaced o with q

Chapters 6 & 10 are in relation to the year 610 which is classed as the 'Julian Calendar'.

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cb6b02 No.257486


15 jan?

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5bda6f No.257487


no idea, that puts on at next monday…..trump's worst media awards moved to wednesday….

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5bda6f No.257488

File: 6c70a810406cbf8⋯.png (36.19 KB,1000x220,50:11,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

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5bda6f No.257489

defcon 1…sounds serious

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cb6b02 No.257490


wikileaks tweeted this they replaced o with q in chapter 6&10

in relation to the year 610 which is classed as the 'Julian Calendar'.

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5bda6f No.257491

File: 4ed52fa46542f64⋯.png (38.51 KB,902x216,451:108,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

File: c8f45ab1ac96f4f⋯.png (47.35 KB,1378x218,689:109,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

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131ecc No.257493


Q drop (real Q not that dude at the storm)>>257389

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cb6b02 No.257494


he is talking about the pdf that wikileaks tweeted

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5bda6f No.257495

i'm watching both boards, and i must say there's not much "diggin" going on, on /storm/. they're over there talking about header designs, and lame shit. somethigs up….

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5bda6f No.257496


would seem so, i'm heading over to read now.

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cb6b02 No.257497


in which thread q posted that?

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5bda6f No.257500

File: 1827c14f98b0786⋯.png (76 KB,1746x368,873:184,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

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5bda6f No.257502



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392b2e No.257504

am i the only one that thinks the JFK blackout is significant? similar to atlanta and LAX

didnt Q make a drop that ATL blackout was supposed to be a snatch and grab and bad actors got away?

why would this be different

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b990bd No.257508


I have been following events at JFK all day, as well as other things. I think with the uncertainty on the board, some may be watching, compiling info and waiting, at least that is what I am doing - here - not at the storm.

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5bda6f No.257509

File: 89a2ac6df133760⋯.png (57.01 KB,1366x254,683:127,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

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392b2e No.257510


what did i miss? ive only been gone since friday

when did /thestorm/ happen and why is Q over there now?

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131ecc No.257511


>am i the only one that thinks the JFK blackout is significant?

No. How close it is to the Awan's? ATL was apparently an op to pick up Leo Wanta (good guy)

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cb6b02 No.257513


why q posting there not here

is q banned from posting here

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131ecc No.257514


q drop. Rothschild's own our utlities, started ca fires. Jerry Brown globalist that's in on it. using energy weapons, haarp, weather against US.


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131ecc No.257515

>>257513 fake Q. trip was cracked. board compromised and anon's lured to cia board


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5bda6f No.257516


i was away for a few days as well, i came back and everyone had moved away. about half i'd say. i'm not 100% sure what happened, but something again, with BO, and codemonkey. lots of talk of comped BO, and trip cracks.

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cb6b02 No.257517


the fucking cia

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529585 No.257518


AJ/IW is pure CLOWN! Probably doesn't even realize the C-A owns him!

Takes a pretty small mind to buy that a Q would expose himself, his family and friends to bad actors before they're all in custody

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131ecc No.257519

File: 951da2e65d039d6⋯.png (93.42 KB,487x183,487:183,don't get lost.PNG)

>>257510 not Q. trip cracked. Q warned us this would happen, dumber anons were tricked anyway

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c5c42d No.257520

File: bbbe3470a7f6eca⋯.jpg (92.94 KB,510x510,1:1,bulla.jpg)

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5bda6f No.257521


i'm staying here, for some reason the new Q posts don't feel/sound right, to me. Maybe i'm just crazy. I'll have to wait and see.

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b990bd No.257522

File: 62efc16d6a5543e⋯.png (49.45 KB,650x405,130:81,POTUS 1-7-18 7 23 pm.PNG)

File: 4a8f49686baee3a⋯.png (399.55 KB,651x763,93:109,POTUS 1-7-18 7 24 pm.PNG)

These new tweets are POTUS fixing the "consensual" to "consequential". I noticed the consensual the first time and thought "OK, lets just see where this goes".

https:/ /nypost.com/2018/01/06/were-still-better-off-with-trump-than-clinton/

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131ecc No.257523

>>257521 while you're here, scroll up and dig into the anon Q drop. it's a big one

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fea2f7 No.257524


>about half i'd say

lol this thread is only 2/3rds finished and is 30 hours old while the last /thestorm/ thread maxed out in just over an hour

most of the posters here are just helping direct lost anons to the new board

ignore the disinfo fags trying to keep everybody away

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e97359 No.257525


I'm staying here. To me it's pretty clear that team is brought in to destroy cbts just like they have attempted to before.

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5bda6f No.257526

File: 0749a8df979e800⋯.png (68.12 KB,2902x218,1451:109,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

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f65e21 No.257527

File: b76480763bd36c7⋯.jpg (1.75 MB,3024x4032,3:4,1507513890325 legs2.jpg)


protect yourself,(THEY) are Looking Too,Scrub Pix & Music Late Night UTUBE entries,YoURsafe w/mE But OTHERS R On tew yAll >>256839

skin tags /moles are like FingerpRINTS GooG VACA BiKinIPix fOund By zOOming n PASS ON .,.God Bless

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87c1f0 No.257528


Tonight's tweets just seem really "off". Not quite sure what to make of them.

Too many in the wind right now.

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e97359 No.257529


Hello Q. Respect!

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5bda6f No.257530

File: 43848cd066a0d4a⋯.png (135.9 KB,1154x550,577:275,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

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591db5 No.257531

is the goodwin in q drop as michael goodwin in tweet

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b990bd No.257532


Yep. But POTUS does not tend to make mistakes…and if he does, well then, covfefe. We'll find out what was up soon enough.

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5bda6f No.257533

File: 480238a560f0315⋯.png (81.22 KB,1392x308,348:77,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

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87c1f0 No.257534


Please, explain the time and date on that Q post.

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f15b93 No.257535

All Qs trips have been compromised….what's the point anymore

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5bda6f No.257536


just a screen shot from /storm/ i'm not in the US. so my time stamp may be different than yours

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5bda6f No.257537

File: 0d7e2ffa9fccfd5⋯.png (124.19 KB,1354x502,677:251,Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at ….png)

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131ecc No.257538

>>257530 Trump didn't tweet twice with a 15 minute interval. since that's the case, I don't feel it would be appropriate to take your word that he left a Q out and then edited it in.

Your reference to the post was too vague. Have to be more specific to imitate Q

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900e4f No.257539


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131ecc No.257540

>>257537 this motherfucker is glowing so bright you could see him from space.

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900e4f No.257541


Why the FUCK has this important Q post been deleted?




>10, [10-9]



>Floor is yours.

>Twitter FW_

>Twitter [kill_rogue]



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5bda6f No.257542

everything's gone all wacky, i'm out. back later.

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07b8f4 No.257543

File: a7ff24b8e253143⋯.jpg (121.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (1).jpg)

Q = Qubits. This is Cerns true purpose.

Qubits are needed for Antigravity. We are pretty much living out the plot of Interstellar. If you are reading this post odds are you weren't invited to the dance.

Trillions of dollars missing


The Leftovers TV show


Sphere emerges from sphere statue outside the Vatican.

CERN - Shiva - Dance of destruction.

Earth isn't flat. At 40000 feet u can see what's coming at us from behind the Sun.

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131ecc No.257544

I'm out for the day.

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fea2f7 No.257545


the BO said it was a "fake Q", deleted them all and banned Q

it's why everybody left

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87c1f0 No.257546

There is so much deliberate splintering. Tons of normie tourists. "Anon" has gone. Everyone wants self glorification of the "celebrity of Q". This project is lost if the central hive collective can't get its shit back together. Too much has gone in to be pulled of by such ignorance and petty bullshit.

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900e4f No.257548

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f65e21 No.257549

File: 4bff45b2776ded7⋯.jpg (1.75 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_5908 legs.jpg)


again scRUB Pix&uTube eNTrieS iCANN tRack ing.Moles,sKIntAgs/mOLes liKE FinGERprINts UrSAFE wME buT (THEY) r CloSE,GodbLess

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c5c42d No.257551

File: e5541e071652e6f⋯.jpg (17.04 KB,302x197,302:197,rip shills.jpg)

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c5c42d No.257552

File: fe7ca9f3633ba13⋯.png (19.07 KB,1130x127,1130:127,these people are stupid.png)

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0713ba No.257553

File: 20a523ec406efb7⋯.png (880.81 KB,1024x760,128:95,knight1[1].png)

File: 4ef151e492f68d3⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x760,128:95,knight2[1].png)

File: 8789aa611bd2526⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x760,128:95,bill[1].png)

File: da7579adfdddaa3⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x760,128:95,linda[1].png)

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859791 No.257554


BOs - Make god damned sure that Q post that states DEFCON1 is legit. As in you are willing to bet this board on it. It's that important. If it's not 100% for sure real then let everyone know. Pick up the phone if you have to. It's that important.

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c5c42d No.257555



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8584dd No.257557

Just pause for a moment and consider that this is perhaps the longest serial thread on an image board in the entirety of human history. Guinnes calibre stuff, Anons.

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c5c42d No.257560


trump crusader slaying a soros dragon

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0a5596 No.257561

CLAS could mean Closed Loop Action System. Google references Raytheon. Others reference a management system. Think of them as either pre-authorized procedures, or something automatic that is authorized to act. Q post says CLAS 1-9 are now authorized and live.

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0713ba No.257562



stand by.

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67dbec No.257563

File: 8ef6a3e217b1509⋯.jpg (93.87 KB,500x748,125:187,22ax2n.jpg)

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859791 No.257564


BOs get yourself onto Twitter and search DEFCON1 - then go back and verify if the Q post that contains that term is valid.

There's real fear growing there and half are thinking the post was a LARP. It would be good if that particular post is verified 100% now. Do it now!

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0713ba No.257565

File: 646848ff2568fee⋯.png (811.67 KB,1024x546,512:273,SOROS_AGENTS-1024x546[1].png)


while you wait

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a70c0b No.257566

I just saw a bunch of Q posts on twitter by a guy named B that are nowhere on the CBTS or STORM board. Where is Q posting this stuff?

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c5c42d No.257568


youre a badass anon



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859791 No.257569


B is on Twitter and not having a good time. It goes back to the post by Q with DEFCON1 in it. That post needs to be verified as 100% valid NOW

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b990bd No.257570

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a70c0b No.257571


I saw a bunch of people giving him shit about defcon…and as it real, because defcon is a major thing I guess. I'm not military so….

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320f65 No.257572


golden, anon

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b990bd No.257573

File: 3a01039c717bc6f⋯.png (365.85 KB,577x588,577:588,defcon1.PNG)

File: cd329763efec59f⋯.png (253.46 KB,399x808,399:808,defcon1Q.PNG)

File: 3c2465294e903fc⋯.png (278.52 KB,580x602,290:301,defcon1Q2.PNG)


Twitter is in a panic if you search defcon 1. Too many comments pictures for me to screen cap. Basically they took the tweets from this evening from POTUS with the consensual/consequential error, say it was missing a Q which confirmed the second POTUS tweets with the changed word therefore confirming Q's post on the storm of defcon 1 and also that Musk launched tonight with weapons to NK and that 9 states are ready to go live and 34 commands are ready.

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f34c9a No.257574





Test (checking if links work)

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a7b02e No.257576


That’s stretching credibility way too far.

As far as defcon 1 …not a snowball chance in hell … you’d see massive mobilization …. leave would be cancelled, you’d see massive activity in and around bases … NONE of which is happening … somebody just fear mongering and has no clue what their talking about

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a7b02e No.257577


Stating we are in defcon one tells me that person can’t be trusted … this country has never been in defcon 1 … hell, the Cuban mussel crisis barely got us to 2 …

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b990bd No.257578


I never said I believed it. Just conveying the info from the posts from the storm that have made their way to twitter. If it is true, then I'd expect to hear from POTUS imminently. Either way, I'm calm and unworried.

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0713ba No.257579

File: aff27ff4ae48782⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x760,128:95,knight4[1].png)


For God and Country.

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1a815c No.257580


D D Right behind you.



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842c7c No.257581

File: e78daeb88c4dcbe⋯.jpg (40.28 KB,454x307,454:307,comfyburger.jpg)


Can I just say how much I love this new mapped-out, aggregated happenings feed?

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0d00e4 No.257584

DEF CON 1 @ Sands Hotel & Casino in 1993…now The Venetian (Sheldon Aldeson)

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5440cb No.257585

You know, I'd be able to spend a lot more time working in this if I didn't have a damned traffic citation to worry about on the 17th Q.

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2908e1 No.257586

Q, your "Defcon 1" posts are some truly sick shit. GS and LdR would be mighty proud of you! Time to end the fucking word games and speak plainly to the public. Never forget you've arrived where you are because of the lifelong efforts of so many patriots to expose the truth!

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519d58 No.257587

File: 98b09028f750cc6⋯.png (173.38 KB,1203x990,401:330,bankse.png)

File: 96267e05b258c4f⋯.png (856.51 KB,2501x1976,2501:1976,logos.png)

File: fd8b8ece1169d96⋯.png (154.71 KB,1172x556,293:139,plagues.png)

hey, db-q.com guy here, quick update since I haven't posted my research in a few days. I've been deep, and I mean really deep in research for the past few days.

After finishing my central bank timeline I was planning on making infographics to wars but Iv'e come to realize the point I want to make is better said through how industries change when central banks are instituted. The whole "Pyramid" thing - it's cause it's all a fucking pyramid scheme and I can prove it with what I'm doing now….. anyway, I have so much to share and material to wrap everything up but after realizing about a dozen places the deep state has sabotaged our research tours I've come instead to realize I need to make a video/infographc/etc on this stuff pronto. There are a lot of things we have all gotten wrong, and it's because as Q said about their efforts - but luckily I can just compare oh say - what they consistently push as true and what they always robo reply to as false (pretending to be us) I can actually paint a hell of a narrative that finishes the q-map for all intensive purposes. Q said that news unlocks the map - but he didn't mean "tomorrow" so much as yesterday - history is a treasure trove to us if you know how to read what he has said and objectively look at history to tell a story…. and that's what I'm doing now. It's not easy to prove what I want to prove but it's essential to keeping us on the right tracks.

So that's my update, oh and the images are just random things I'm working on - and I also have made a lot of progress on the Titanic Podesta stuff - I've found the bootlegging in the 20's to be tied to Chicago and well, that's a can of worms that'll probably trigger a handful of auto reply bots haha - but that's why I won't say what I found ;) but it's coming, oh it's coming soon!

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0713ba No.257588

File: cdc633a2de97cfd⋯.png (988.84 KB,1024x760,128:95,harris[1].png)

File: f0b1370fcf63037⋯.png (903.27 KB,1024x760,128:95,apes[1].png)

File: 866d3e4689e83e0⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x760,128:95,delta[1].png)

File: d356a1b5eab13dc⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x760,128:95,flynn[1].png)

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5440cb No.257589


Folks have cracked that a long time ago

https://youtu. be/6P318bELif8

But the information needs to be spread mainsream

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5440cb No.257590


https://youtu. be/yikOoysUGIY

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519d58 No.257591


I'd be shocked if they cracked the best stuff I'm uncovering now - but I don't have a monopoly on the truth - I'm mostly just refusing to take info from our scene until I finish verifying things - a few things we really do have wrong and it worries me - so much so that I've had to redraw everything to see wtf they have managed to detour us away from.

Repition is their power and they have consistently told a few things to us- changed a few things on the spreadsheet and much else- I got super focused on the central banks after they managed to convince us to delete it from the main posts - and Q said NO! this is essential! and he's fucking right - I had to make a giant timeline to prove it - but prove it I Did!

and well, I have a lot to show but my autism makes me a bit of a wierdo when it comes to actually posting rather than researching - but I'm trying as hard as I can

oh right and the red cross thing - yea they fucking use animals to spread garbage - but did you know this is tied to Norht Korea? What's under north korea? Oh Hell, and by that I mean they shove a bunch of Koreans in a pin with diseased animals until they get infected

that's how it works!

Bruce Edwards Ivins

Red Cross - Anthrax….. and what happened when Bush made the DHS? This is a story I haven't seen anyone figure out - but I'll do what I can to explain it soon.

What about Prescott Bush's bank being stolen by Wilson? These are stories I haven't heard any of us talk about - and I'm reluctant to post those words cause of the feeder bots - but fuck you deep state you push your phony narratives I'll prove it and not a god damn thing you can do to stop me!

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a7b02e No.257592


Lots love megs …

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aa06c7 No.257593


Nice. These are the way to get memes to the anti-trumpettes. They have to be baited otherwise they will go into full blow denial….give them the vulcan cognitive dissonance treatment instead.

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5440cb No.257594


i'm all for putting up more information on timelines of the banksters. More evidence the merrier. Post away. The biggest picture is to see that the ink wasn't even dry on the Declaration of Independence before the crown clown Barristers (lawyers) were sent in as spies to take over. They used deep state tactics to take over the congress, covered-up the original 13th ammendment banning titles of nobility thus allowing lawyers the ability to serve as members of congress. Passed banking legislation allowing the Crown and Rothschilds to eventually put in Central banks, not once, but 3 times before finally gaining a complete foothold in 1913/

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5440cb No.257596

Everything about the government since the "civil war" has been a complete and utter coup de tat, fraud.

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0d00e4 No.257597

Campaign to Defend the Constitution (DefCon)

DefCon [Won]?

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5440cb No.257598

Put plainly and bluntly, we are STILL fighting the Revolutionary War.

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5440cb No.257599

DEF CON 1… Defending the Constitution, Won… Nice play on words. But Yeah, I'd say that may sum it up.

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ac88c8 No.257600


So did I, plus another source stated Q has a board now?

Trump also tweeted ‘calm before the storm.’

Why don’t some Q posts update here?

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519d58 No.257601

File: 70a8cc085e67126⋯.jpg (188.52 KB,576x1024,9:16,70a8cc085e67126332c047b138….jpg)


You aren't completely wrong or right, the founding was something special tho. It seems we agree there, it's a philosophy thing and I've found people mentioning the Rothchilds back then - it's amazing that they knew this stuff back in those days and yet managed to lose it in history.

Well I'll bring it back - but I digress, I wanted to say that there are about 6 good presidents after Lincoln, as far as I can tell, the ones Q has confirmed specifically are just JFK/Reagan/Trump - he confirmed that when he replied to my theory on the titanic when I mentioned them. But there are others and a web of secret wars that we finally have the clues needed to untangle.

Mostly I can tell the story by tracing the history of the KKK to the rothchilds - and how they got us all the shitty presidents that pushed Progressive politics like Wilson, FDR, and so on - they sold our country off as soon as they could get rid of Astor - and they did the same thing just a little while later in Canada - fuck it's a long story….

I wanted to talk about natural rights and the philosophy of John Locke (who was alive when the first central bank came to be) - but the quantity of words I would need to give to properly convey the sentiment I have just won't fit - so instead I'll get back to work - we are indeed still fighting the revolutionary war - and from the moment we won it - until this very day we have been fighting the entire world of banks - trying to gobble up the only country built foundationally on freedom. It's a fascinating story that we have no actors worthy to play….. but one day we will.

I think this video explains a bit,

Betty Boop - Bimbo's Initiation - 1931




if you consider that the FED came out in 1912 and then they got infinite money - all the big companies appearing then Boeing, and Disney got funded in soon and so many others - they just sort of flooded us with infinite money - bought and corrupted it all - this video is the truth, it's what happened for decades after we gave ownership of the country to the banks.

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5440cb No.257602


In all honesty, we haven't had a legitimate de jure president since maybe Lincoln.

Which makes all presidents since then frauds as well. Trump, on the other hand receives no paycheck from the corporate fraud posing as government. Meaning he is not contractually bound by the corporate government to do its bidding. Which makes him a truly de jure President of the American people. Unless I miss my guess, that would make him the 24th(?) legitimate president.

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519d58 No.257604

File: d258e24ad21b802⋯.png (157.78 KB,296x246,148:123,image3.png)


amusing you say that after I posted my 6 presidents thing.

I really will get back to work but there are some good presidents - one definitley good president is Calvin Coolidge - who as soon as he left office the deep state crashed the market cause they couldn't so long as he was in office. and then he got fucking murdered 2 years after leaving office (they gave Reagan Mad Cow disease) - and killed JFK - these are pretty strong indicators - and there are others….. but one thing deep state has done consistently is get us to disparage as many presidents (aside from Trump) that they can cause part of the thing they want to do is re-take the narrative - and if they can't make us turn on Trump - they will make him isolated - but he's not - there are other good people - but I have to get back to work

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5440cb No.257605


Sex sells… Obviously its sold the American people out long ago.

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1daca3 No.257623

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6ba66c No.257624





->quetisu entered into search engine

Meriam Webster Definition for Quietus


Definition of quietus

1 : final settlement (as of a debt)

2 : removal from activity; especially : death

3 : something that quiets or represses

·put the quietus on their celebration

Looks like a coincidence to me nothing to see here goy.

Please confirm or deny Q>>257573

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d5b48e No.257626

Missing a bunch of latest Q posts from /thestorm/.

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8a683e No.257628


current general -


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d5b48e No.257629


It looks like they were all deleted for some reason. There are graphics though. This shit is getting STUPID. Don't understand why they would be deleting Q posts that have correct damn tripcode. Everyone needs to GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER.

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d5b48e No.257630


My bad, my settings were fucked up. All the new posts are visible here:




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1fae17 No.257634


Is this from halfchan? Trying to bounce back and forth with the Storm and glad to see things chugging quietly along over here.

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1fae17 No.257635



Might want to rethink that?


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f89346 No.257636


A boy that you cant let go, or stop thinking about. A boy that changes your life, and makes you believe in happiness and love and friendship. He is the most incredibly clever, intelligent, and good looking Boy. He is a boy you'll want to spend the rest of your life with. He is someone to give your whole heart to, and someone that will heal all your pain and worry and fear. A Quentin is the boy you never thought existed, cause he is so perfect in every way.

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b89ecb No.257637

File: 5ac7a7a5d99f9f2⋯.jpg (221.75 KB,562x499,562:499,1z25hy.jpg)


Games overtime for action and Q who the fuk u think half truths is ok fuck off

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f34c9a No.257638

If Patriots are in full control, why are planes still spraying the sky?

Old habits die hard?

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b89ecb No.257639


Fucking bulllsheettt we are going to have to take them down

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ac88c8 No.257640

Latest Q posts are not updating here?

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f34c9a No.257641


POTUS can do it with one EO and public announcement…

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f89346 No.257642




(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.

{(J) states of 2:11 AM '18}

(34) commands LIVE.

{(DC) commands 11:8:21:4}


{2:14:3:4:18 command AM2:19:8:14:13}


[1] OWL [1]

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b89ecb No.257644


Fucking now or feel the wrath

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dd7f5a No.257649


To get the job done, the research needs to be shared. Q himself told us to copy and make stuff available. With everyone being anonymous, it's difficult to give credit. And it's quite possible many here (most?) would prefer to remain under the radar anyway.

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dd7f5a No.257652


From what I can tell, that's been going on here anyway. Notice all those green backlinks? If Q moves, I hope it's to somewhere with better search features. If I don't have things archived locally, I can't find things.

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e00142 No.257653

File: 7d9bb37bfa10a9b⋯.jpeg (37.34 KB,239x255,239:255,92A220CF-15AF-4C80-8BF8-5….jpeg)


>yes…yes…stay divided.

Really makes me think

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b89ecb No.257657

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7dde57 No.257660

>>257576 I agree. BO said Q's trip was cracked 3 days ago. normies didn't pay attention

Since we aren't going to the shill board, the shills are bringing their larp here

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7dde57 No.257661


> Just conveying the info from the posts from the storm

Don't. that Q was confirmed cracked 3 days ago by BO. keep your larp at the storm.

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7ff45e No.257663

Q Post's in TS feel like a larp. wording not correct for questions. seem like someone is trying to CTRL+C the style. i give up. i know enough. now ill just watch and hope.

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7ff45e No.257664



>http://abcnews.go.com/U S/fire-reported-trump-tower-roof-york/story?id=52207417

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7ff45e No.257665


>https://www.politico.com/st ory/2018/01/07/trump-fake-news-awards-327285

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50f555 No.257666


I've taken up gardening to get my mind off this stuff. I still check in to keep up to date, but can't dig like I used to.

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7ff45e No.257668


hard to given the shitshow that is famefagging, glow niggers, and the state of both boards…

maybe we needed it to die down for security purposes.

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7dde57 No.257670


If you're too stupid to see that kyke slut is a glowing cianigger then you're too stupid to be of any use here. GTFO

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239027 No.257671


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cd845b No.257690

1) The mistake you made in deleting the Q posts because they seemed from a new device shouldn't lose you any respect. Mods in the new board are also showing you respect, which is great to see. Jerome Corsi made the wrong call.

2) Code Monkey's Super Secure Trip can be used to help Q in the future, correct? Looks like it is superior to the one he is using now.

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b963f9 No.257694

its a shame…all the disinfo and all the gullable newfags…

i leave for the weekend and come back to a dead cbts.

I checked the supposed new board /thestorm and its nothing like cbts.

what the fuck happened?

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7ff45e No.257696


falsified internal confusion followed by fake q/BO posts.

all boards shit. CBTS/SpookHunt ConfirmedDead;

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b963f9 No.257697


seems like glowing niggers got what they wanted…

twas fun, anons

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433464 No.257698

Is there any serious digging going on here? The noise of the storm is disheartening. Larp central. Then bad mouthing and shame posting anons. That’s not why we’re here.

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57f77a No.257699

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b963f9 No.257700


>Is there any serious digging going on here?

bundies are free. directly related to U1 and the habbenings

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6e13a0 No.257703

Anyone here notice the size of the 2017 US federal deficit? Strange coincidence or…?

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b963f9 No.257704


no, where are we at now? I mean, half the year it was a free for all on spending. Inflation is threw the roof…look at housing prices, bitcoin prices, stocks…

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508a14 No.257705


She didn't think Q's drop on cbts was Q.

Q posts back, "da' fuck it ain't", and bolts the board.

She has no business dealing with Q stuff if she doesn't know Q stuff when it bites her in the ass.

How the fuck can you defend a "Q expert' who can't recognize a Q post?

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6e13a0 No.257706


https:// www. usgovernmentdebt.us/us_deficit

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b963f9 No.257707


$666. illuminati confirmed

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e84c5f No.257709

File: 6614ba305f2f0df⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,698x350,349:175,34signal.JPG)


Hi. This is cool and all, but you know what would be even cooler? Appreciation.



You're welcome.

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50c6b0 No.257711





DEFCON does not refer to Defense r Condition w/ regards to prev post.

Thought clear.

Now crystal clear.


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