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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

58f165  No.9802149[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 06.30.2020

>>9801649 ————————————–——– Fear not. Find peace through prayer. Biblical.

>>9801439 ————————————–——– Like clockwork. (Cap: >>9801445)

>>9801324 ————————————–——– Does a combination of prisoner release + 'mask' mandate(s) provide for a more dangerous environment to citizens? Cause and Effect. (Cap: >>9801418)

>>9800233 ————————————–——– Lone Warrior! (Cap: >>9800277)

>>9796768 ————————————–——– COVID-19[2] positive patients in MEXICO were quietly transferred [routed] to CA (Caps: >>9796799, >>9796826)

>>9795578 ————————————–——– Humanity is good, but, when we let our guard down we allow darkness to infiltrate and destroy.

>>9795415 ————————————–——– THESE are the times that try men's souls.

Monday 06.29.2020

>>9792365 ————————————–——– Loyalists_critical. Remember your oath. Remember your mission.

>>9791782 ————————————–——– Holy Trinity Sunday letter to Potus Pt 2 (Cap: >>9792890)

>>9791774 ————————————–——– Holy Trinity Sunday letter to Potus Pt 1 (Cap: >>9792890)

>>9791494 ————————————–——– THE NEWS IS FAKE. THE INSURGENCY IS REAL.

>>9791468 ————————————–——– DoD whistleblower coming? [D] PARTY [[F] PUPPET MASTER(S) (string pullers)] DEATH SPIRAL (Cap: >>9791488)

>>9790615 ————————————–——– Another Chinese special delivery? (Cap: >>9790631)

>>9790498 ————————————–——– When does COVID-19[2] MSDNC [fear] push end? Think 2020_P election +1.

Sunday 06.28.2020

>>9778955 ————————————–——– How do you circumvent? [controlled lines of comm [propaganda]] Backchannels are important. Knowledge is >power< (Cap: >>9778972)

>>9778683 ————————————–——–"Free thought" philosophical viewpoint formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

Friday 06.26.2020

>>9760450 ————————————–——– Stand at the ready (Cap: >>9761648)

>>9760239 rt >>9760174 ————————— [ES] Mistakes to you are roadmaps to others.

>>9760164 ————————————–——– As the darkness falls so does our enemies.

>>9760134 ————————————–——– The next few weeks will demonstrate our resolve. (Cap: >>9760145, >>9760155)

>>9760093 ————————————–——– Rising to the occasion. Understanding what's at stake. (Cap: >>9760109)

>>9757400 ————————————–——– Did order(s) violate gov mandated policies? Would a jury of peers agree actions were reckless? negligent? (Cap: >>9757469, >>9757759)

>>9750472 ————————————–——– The honor is ours. Nice meeting you. (Cap: >>9750489, >>9750548)

>>9750369 rt >>9750276 ————————— 3 seconds [delta]. Dan is to blame.

Thu 06.25.2020 >>9792938

Wed 06.24.2020 >>9779580

Tue 06.23.2020 >>9779449

Mon 06.22.2020 >>9746851

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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58f165  No.9802165

Global Announcements

>>9698938 Announcing a new resource for bakers and anons

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>9802013 Why Egypt is staying quiet on Israel’s West Bank annexation plan

>>9801930 House Democrats just introduced a resolution to impeach the Attorney General.

>>9801882 Department of Justice And Federal Trade Commission Issue New Vertical Merger Guidelines

>>9801872 The Department of Justice Warns of Inaccurate Flyers and Postings Regarding the Use of Face Masks and the Americans with Disabilities Act

>>9801754 ‘We may all be moving to Canada soon,’ Schiff says at disinformation and election interference talk

>>9801733 Biden Pledges To ‘Restore’ U.S./WHO Relationship ‘For all its shortcomings, missteps’

>>9801679 Sidney Powell Drops a Bomb or Two on the Glaring Problems With the Flynn Case vid

>>9801659 Supreme Court Gives a Victory to Public Funding of Religious Schools

>>9801644 Climate Advocate: 'I Would Like to Formally Apologize for the Climate Scare'

>>9801602 Israel's Sovereignty Bill: How Much Will it Cost And Who Will Pay the Price?

>>9801592 BREAKING: Judge temporarily blocks Trump’s niece Mary Trump from publishing her tell-all book - @TheHill

>>9801566 Scott Morrison will announce a major shift in defence policy to the Indo-Pacific

>>9801548 Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Follow the Doc’s Orders, I Will Not Hold Any Rallies” vid

>>9801523 Obama admits it: Riots and protests are 'tailor-made' for electing Joe Biden

>>9801487 2022: A Vaccination Passport. The EU Keeps Quiet Over Suspicious Documents

>>9801455 Netanyahu Warns Assad Not to Ally With Iran’s Ayatollahs, Hints Israeli Ops in Syria Will Continue

>>9801445, >>9801418 Q caps

>>9801430 More than 1,000 inmates at California's San Quentin Prison now have coronavirus

>>9802132 #12545


>>9800811, >>9801052 planefags soar

>>9801216 Watch: Belgian Protesters at Anti-Annexation Rally Call for ‘War Against Jews’

>>9801202 Establishment Back Tracking Begins: Labour Leader Who Took a Knee Claims He Doesn’t Support BLM

>>9801147 Gov. Kristi Noem: ‘We Will Not Be Socially Distancing’ at Mount Rushmore Independence Day Event

>>9801120 Trump: I Am ‘The Lone Warrior’


>>9801088 Fox cancels livestream of Louis Farrakhan's 'message' from 'God' after massive outrage/ copy: massive outrage: over

>>9801041 Potus w/cap

>>9801028 Facebook Nerfs News Feed; Will Prioritize Original Reporting, Demote Stories By Anonymous Authors

>>9801001 EU Extends Ban On US Travelers, Lifts Restrictions On China, Canada, & Rwanda/Scared huh

>>9800996 Warren would revoke Medals of Honors awarded to troops of the U.S Army's 7th Cavalry Regiment in what has come to be known as the "Wounded Knee Massacre."

>>9800990 FCC blacklists Huawei and ZTE as ‘national security threats’

>>9800968 “God Will Not Give Way to the Care of the Devil” – General Michael Flynn Offers a Prayer of Hope for America

>>9800947 Gold Smashes Above $1800 For First Time Since 2011

>>9800927 Here we go again: AP doubles down on unverified ‘Russian bounties’ story, cites ‘sources’ claiming WH aware of intel in 2019

>>9800921 Q vid 14.6K views now on The Lone Warrior & 1 comment.


>>9800863, >>9800881 @GovRonDeSantis governor’s mansion is currently barricaded and “no trespassing” signs are posted

>>9800844 Influence

>>9800769, >>9800836 DNC calls Mt. Rushmore Independence Day Celebrations "White Supremacy Rally"

>>9800750 Mice ‘cured’ of Parkinson’s in accidental scientific discovery

>>9800725 In Japanese a lone warrior is called Ronin

>>9800724 Cali news from San Diego

>>9800710 NYT: Don't cancel that newspaper subscription For the keks!

>>9800707 Black Lives Matter chapter co-founder once referred to white people as “recessive genetic defects”

>>9800696 Parler is banning left wing accounts….

>>9800675 The Lone Warrior | Cinematic Epic Soundtrack - Music By Sharon Gabrieli, Archangel Gabriel


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e340bd  No.9802167

File: 00896a853de27d0⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_714.jpg)

File: 5d9e4ba10e37ca0⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 940x1253, 940:1253, IMG_715.jpg)

File: f8a3b641f079d78⋯.jpg (542.45 KB, 662x875, 662:875, IMG_716.jpg)

God is Love

God's on our side

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58f165  No.9802175


>>9799890, >>9799931, >>9800050, >>9800458 planefaggin

>>9800277, >>9800281, >>9800370, >>9800446, >>9800499, >>9800570 Q cap for view count, now 31-over 3k views in 10 mins, over 5k

>>9800200, >>9800387 China passes controversial national security law for Hong Kong, prohibiting secession and foreign interference

>>9800177 Is Bayer off the hook after coughing up $10 BILLION to settle Monsanto weedkiller lawsuits?

>>9800075 US could ‘change the world’ by devaluing the dollar – hedge fund manager

>>9800000, >>9800536 diggie gawdz be smilin on Potus today

>>9799998, >>9800063 Moar Ohr

>>9799851, >>9799880 There are no black people! vids

>>9799846 Supreme Court Rules In Favor of Religious Schools, Says Aid Bans Are Unconstitutional

>>9800584 #12443


>>9799652 Interpol Responds to Iran’s Request to Arrest Trump With a Firm “No”

>>9799620 New DJT w/CAP: THE LONE WARRIOR!

>>9799559 DC protesters have set up a “guillotine” in protest of Jeff Bezos in front of his complex in DC

>>9799398 Barbara Flynn (Gen Flynn's sister) takes the oath.

>>9799295 New DJT w/CAP: Chuck, we will get lower drug prices done. Thanks!

>>9799290 How does a PCR Test for Coronavirus work:

>>9799281 financefag reporting: Wells Fargo said it expects to cut its dividend for the first time in more than a decade...

>>9799229 Two votes are always better than one...

>>9799176 Carl Reiner has dead at 98. died from natural causes on Monday

>>9799158 EU Extends Ban On US Travelers, Lifts Restrictions On China, Canada, & Rwanda

>>9799147, >>9799226, >>9799455, >>9799498, >>9799639 planefag reporting

>>9799145 It appears that roughly 80% of the population has immunity to Covid-19, and the nature of the test gives false positives to people who previously had the virus

>>9799105 Connecticut GOP Calls on ‘Democratic Party’ to Change Name: ‘Years of Racial Oppression’

>>9799098 Dateline July/2019: (video) Mass Arrest of Marines Accused of Human Smuggling at Camp Pendleton

>>9799048 Virginia Democrats Propose Reducing Charge For Assaulting Police Officers

>>9799030 WR Ops meme blast update: TODAY WE ADD THE 5TH GOVERNOR TO THE #5ofDeath: #WOLF

>>9799695 >>#12542


>>9798935 Wheres all the guns and ammo obama bought?

>>9798868 New DJT w/CAP: We are tracking down the two Anarchists who threw paint on the magnificent George Washington Statue in Manhattan. We have them on tape.

>>9798850 Pain Clinic Owner Extradicted From Italy. numerous charges related to "pill mill" operations in Florida and Tennessee

>>9798696, >>9798749 Failing fake news NYT retreats from phony Russia Bounty story. Wonder what press corps has to say to Kayleigh today? Our bad? fuggers.

>>9798620 planefag reporting

>>9798618, >>9798930 Inspired by Seattle, militant left-wing protesters have created another “autonomous” no-cop zone around NYC’s City Hall.

>>9798586 anons nom: NPR interview with Barr is a classic case if innuendo and gotcha questions.

>>9798526 Hunter Biden travel June 2020 FOIA. We are granting your request under the FOIA, Title 5 U.S.C. § 552 (as amended) and 6 C.F.R.

>>9798408 Appeals court limits Wisconsin early voting. The three judges also banned most voters from having absentee ballots emailed or faxed to them

>>9798326 City of St. Louis Positioning to Charge Home Defenders. circuit attorney Kimberly M. Gardner issued a statement

>>9798295 As of a few hours ago a 5.1 EQ in Mena Nevada

>>9798290 Reddit Accepted $150 Million From Chinese Firm ‘Tencent’

>>9798276 anon is begging for eyez on for Q proof: updated graphic for Q proof "Children of Light". responses were a wash lb

>>9798281, >>9798289 Catherine Herridge: Rare public statement from CIA Director Haspel.

>>9798977 #12541

Previously Collected Notables

>>9796636 #12538, >>9797454 #12539, >>9798216 #12540

>>9794359 #12535, >>9795084 #12536, >>9795861 #12537

>>9792000 #12532, >>9792719 #12533, >>9793559 #12534

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58f165  No.9802182

War Room

>>9021616 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9260794 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #13

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

Germany #58 >>9523968

UK #17 >>9566053

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #2 >>9578272

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

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META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

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Q Graphics all in GMT #119-#121 >>>/comms/17717, >>>/comms/18151, >>9797864

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58f165  No.9802184

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Bypass WSJ "paywall" Grease/Tamper Monkey script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/377618-the-wall-street-journal-full-text-articles

Meme Ammo

Memes 59 >>9786152, 58 >>9579253

* COVID Knowingly — mega.nz/folder/VNw33KwZ#4zmGWC7cmZIKhUgtN3JBbw

* Trump Successes v2 — mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* 2020-Jun — mega.nz/folder/8ZwVDKYQ#CFhZxu0GbWUmgk4vfNiRpg

* Antifa — mega.nz/folder/xVpVnIYb#DE5xZRgLxABb4H-8EFxAug

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #20 >>>/comms/17719

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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7b5ea0  No.9802185



It's manipulating LOVE.


ex.crew.bots of the sinking shit ship~


>Seductive coercion is much more difficult to recognize and it is the most prevalent; It persuades rather than forces but can be much more powerful than force. It employs manipulation and control of information and authoritative endoreality based on shunning and inclusion.

Exactly like the manipulators here 🤣😂🤣


ChinAIDS TYBetrayer of trust


mr.phig|ment fairytail


(Aura)soap (White)shower ex.tavistock.lotion.bot gone


66bakers made in china



k.ings f.all c.rash Aunty Forgiveness


It's cringe watching a stale sthick like teh jews being rehashed beyond a dead horse.

c.orcs float away | Black Americans are Americans


status: 0

error: China/baker's network attack

status: 0

error: China/baker's network attack

status: 0

error: China/baker's network attack

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7b5ea0  No.9802186

As far as we're aware, discussions (atm) that that focus on anything but exposing our enemies next application of their bioweapon is fruitless~



















At first they shoved infected people into nursing homes.

>Next challenge: rise in cases [due to testing inc & MX>CA] but overall decrease in death rates [nursing home scandal in public domain _no longer viable option].

So is it just a raise in cases?

Are they going to send them to another vulnerable group?




If we find out what their next target / plan is, and expose it, WE SAVE LIVES.

Remember, we are at War, Soldiers.

Now is the moment of Action.

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58f165  No.9802187

File: c49ec72d6e0f0c3⋯.jpg (147.02 KB, 478x481, 478:481, c49ec72d6e0f0c3db8bce2c85e….jpg)



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7b5ea0  No.9802188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Recent Easy to Digest videos about ChinaVirus+BLM

Joe M Covid911 - INSURGENCY



The Truth Factory Secret Agenda Behind BLM (And a huge exposure of Bidans work to destroy the black community, IN HIS OWN WORDS)

"Toxic Masculinity isn't the problem, it's a lack of masculinity that has destroyed the futures of children."


Also see:

'The democratic plantation really is worse than the plantation I grew up on.' [POWERFUL]

"Black people are suffering not because of racism, but the destruction of the family and the lack of moral character"


"Check Your Privilege" can also be seen as an adroit leveraging of "Master Suppression Techniques".

Master suppression techniques are [five or seven, variously] strategies of social manipulation by which a dominant person or group maintains such a position in a hierarchy.

Making invisible: diminishing the "privileged" individual through marginalization

Withholding information: intentionally not defining what the "privileges" mean, and changing the definition when convenient

Heap blame/put shame: using humiliation to subjugate the "privileged"

Threat of force: because the logical extension is "check your privilege – or else"

If the CYP subject tries to assert his individuality – rejecting the imposition of guilt by group membership – the assertion itself will be seen as an affirmative demonstration of the subject's denial and guilt. There is no way out for the innocent victim of a "Check Your Privilege" exercise. *Its manipulative underpinnings could hardly be more insidious.*


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7b5ea0  No.9802189

File: 9a6c33085527cac⋯.jpg (5.29 MB, 2079x7357, 297:1051, Qproof_Airplane_PictureUpd….jpg)

I've updated the central Qproof of Trumps AF1 flight, in 2017. To me, this constitutes undeniable evidence that Q is of the highest Security Clearance within Americas Intelligence Services.

This War is very real. You're already involved.

This proof strikes down a few main claims against the validity of Q, namely, that they do not originate from within Americas Intelligence Services as well as their continuity of Identity.

"Q was taken over / hijacked" simply isn't so.

I have a question for each of you: What does a Presence of Force look like within the Combat Domain of People/Culture?

In the Combat Domain of Space, we have Satellites.

In the Combat Domain of Cyber, we have Networks.

In the Combat Domain of Air, we have Planes.

In the Combat Domain of Ground, we have Tanks.

In the Combat Domain of Sea, we have Ships.

In the Combat Domain of People… what do we have?

Another Question: Are we at War?

Is there a War against a deeply entrenched network of people, bound by blackmail and malicious thirst for power/control?

Would this network have a hierarchy similar to a Shadow Government?

What assets do they own, that afflict the Combat Domain of People?

Are the hydra-like 'Main(lame)' stream medias singing the same tune?

Does that provide a combative advantage to their control over people?

Is control over that powerful of a spell, likely to disband without a fight?

Who would they be fighting against?

Are there those that swore an oath to defend The People, The Constitution, from enemies foreign and domestic?

What would their Presence of Force, in the Combat Domain of People, look like?

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adb980  No.9802190

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de724f  No.9802191


Q, how does the rapture/harpazo fit into all this from your perspective? I'm seeing a great setup to make the choice obvious to all, and then remove those who have received the Holy Spirit and leave the rest to the rewards of their works.

Thank you Jesus for saving a wretch like me...

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47a9b2  No.9802192

File: 8dc76f1270d2bce⋯.jpg (281.4 KB, 871x632, 871:632, obamagatesuck.jpg)

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c9cb01  No.9802193

File: f3b006720c9fb2b⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 640x355, 128:71, ZomboMeme_26062020030828.jpg)

File: 7e155030ff29618⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, ZomboMeme_26062020031516.jpg)

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de724f  No.9802194

File: 93e148b852dc31d⋯.png (7.07 KB, 233x98, 233:98, ClipboardImage.png)

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774a6e  No.9802195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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691246  No.9802196

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

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f66ce9  No.9802197

File: 81fa3b565a1d5a7⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1643x692, 1643:692, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)


TY Baker!

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15a0af  No.9802198

File: 0409ec2ca691163⋯.jpg (279.25 KB, 1024x1537, 1024:1537, Niege_Menegat_08.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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000000  No.9802199


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5078dd  No.9802200

>>9802180 (pb)

>"en masse" ?

It's fucking Dan.We're fucked

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000000  No.9802201


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963aa2  No.9802202

File: 014913d8408792a⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 740x487, 740:487, husseinstrapdown.jpg)

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291526  No.9802203

shills whine

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f7f965  No.9802204

File: cb260fc797eef40⋯.png (43.97 KB, 698x280, 349:140, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59d3c69f148b91d⋯.png (101.61 KB, 906x548, 453:274, ClipboardImage.png)


Main articles: War in Afghanistan (2001–present) and Russia–United States relations

In 2010, Iran reportedly paid Taliban fighters $1,000 for each U.S. soldier they kill in Afghanistan.[2] U.S. and British officials have accused Iran of giving support and weapons to the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.[3][4] In August 2019, The Washington Post reported that Iran's "relationship with the Taliban now spans the economic, security and political realms and is likely to grow as the Taliban asserts itself again."[5] Pakistan was also accused of supporting Taliban.[6][7]

Russia initially supported the United States' War on Terror and agreed to provide logistic support for the United States forces in Afghanistan. In May 2015, Russia closed a key military transport corridor which allowed NATO to deliver military supplies to Afghanistan through the Russian territory.[8] Intelligence reports that Russia supplies arms to the Taliban have persisted for several years with contact in Northern Afghanistan beginning around 2015.[9] Security officials from the United States and Afghanistan have previously determined that Russia provides financial support and arms to the Taliban and its leaders.[10][11] Russian government officials have called the accusations baseless.[11] Carter Malkasian, a former adviser to US military commanders in Afghanistan, said that Russia began cultivating relationships with "certain Taliban elements" in northern Afghanistan around 2015, ostensibly as a response to Islamic State activity.[9] According to the BBC, Russia "is deeply concerned about the rise of Islamist fundamentalism in the region spreading in its direction. And it sees the Taliban as one potential bulwark against this."[12] In February and again in May 2019, a delegation of Taliban officials and senior Afghan politicians met in Moscow to hold a new round of Afghan peace talks.[13][14] Reuters reported that "Russian officials as well as religious leaders and elders had asked for a ceasefire."[15]

Unit 29155 is a covert unit of the GRU tasked with foreign assassinations and other covert activities. The unit has been linked to the 2016 Montenegrin coup plot, the poisoning of Bulgarian arms manufacturer Emilian Gebrev, and the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal.[16]

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000000  No.9802205


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7b5ea0  No.9802206

File: 8b07c7782d2982c⋯.png (911.07 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust006.png)

File: 0df76650ed2fe7e⋯.png (842.46 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust005.png)

File: 449c8418f62774c⋯.png (985.61 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust004.png)

File: 1148d0276181b17⋯.png (914.96 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust003.png)

File: 2aec26d29c631d0⋯.png (962.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust002.png)

Arm yourselves for War.

Instincts reign supreme~

Trust yourself.

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5ee370  No.9802207

File: f2f54f784767506⋯.jpg (44.96 KB, 1008x280, 18:5, red_shoes.JPG)

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1ace3d  No.9802208

"it is the only way"

I don't know dog, that "plan Z" you mentioned is starting to sound Mighty appealing

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58f165  No.9802209

File: 6a3f36671976143⋯.jpg (58.46 KB, 735x689, 735:689, 6a3f366719761435afb904f6de….jpg)




I likes it just fine

trade ya some

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e340bd  No.9802210

File: 53ef5b79df3ef7c⋯.jpg (573.02 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_711.jpg)

File: 68232f67165694c⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, IMG_712.jpg)

File: f998268a4eef322⋯.jpg (396.38 KB, 550x617, 550:617, IMG_713.jpg)

Pray for America

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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000000  No.9802211

because the clowns are getting antsy after the Chinese "Law" has dropped and they're running out of hidey holes?

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98ee63  No.9802212

File: dcc8fef7ab10756⋯.png (350.04 KB, 459x459, 1:1, digmemepraythenews.png)

Do you think it's a coincidence they banned and prevent you attending Church _house of worship?

We are not helpless.

Prayer is more powerful than we realized.

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7f6662  No.9802213

File: e3499569d936d68⋯.png (661.38 KB, 796x595, 796:595, Screenshot_from_2020_06_30….png)

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1393cc  No.9802215

File: 9a54b4776ddafeb⋯.jpeg (60.48 KB, 500x498, 250:249, pro_trump_meme.JPEG)

Anons this is an important conversation, honestly, the longer I'm here the more worries I'm having. I've been here since thread 1 of CBTS, PG, and way before.

Q saying "don't worry we're in control" and "We are here for a reason" creep me the fuck out.

Although no public arrests/hangings have been made (they can't even ever tell us that McCain was put to death - because they are too worried about controlling the public). We are constantly told "HEY, BILLIONARE executives are quitting with huge bonuses! Aren't you happy!? CEOS are quitting!" We are supposed to be fucking happy about that?

We have been relegated to cheering for behind the scenes movement.

Q (NSA) team is here to CONTROL THE RIOTS.

They know we know. They have more than confirmed our suspicions on what's going on. We wrongly think they are on our side to take them down.

Although Q & NSA ARE ON OUR SIDE - they don't HAVE THE SAME GOAL.

Their goal is to protect the military, and the nation from changing. They are here to CONTROL us. They are here to convince us not to riot. They are here to convince us not to kill democrats. They are here to convince us to VOTE for president.

The problem is, I'm fucking pissed.

It's becoming more and more clear with EVERY POST.

Q has no interest, in EVER bringing anyone to public justice. They are handing things with "internal military tribunals" - THEY WILL NEVER BE TELEVISED. THEY WILL NEVER BE PUBLIC.

Where the fuck do you all think McCain went.

Q team is very proud of themselves, for putting him to military tribunal. The problem is - NORMIES DONT KNOW ANY OF THIS.

We really need to demand PUBLIC HANGINGS. I'm sick of CEOS resigning peacefully.

This entire team seems convinced to try to change the medias mind. It's a waste of fucking time. The media is gone forever - and Q team has yet to understand this.

They are literally here just to convince us from rioting because they know we are pissed. We are literally cats to them, and they are the cat herders.


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c9cb01  No.9802216


Its that special time travel quantum predictive converted Atari 2600 conversion.

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291526  No.9802217

File: ba831e6507157d6⋯.png (170.1 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06302020_….png)

File: b8ac98a45dbcb3a⋯.png (60.78 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06302020_….png)

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6c3af5  No.9802218

File: 549a7561f947516⋯.png (549.76 KB, 645x854, 645:854, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8941728b7a51ba⋯.png (38.8 KB, 668x622, 334:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cbb5beb7147196⋯.png (34.71 KB, 651x537, 217:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu indicates delay in annexation date after meeting with US envoys

Knesset speaker, national security adviser also participate in talks with Ambassador Friedman and special envoy Berkowitz

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Tuesday with US Ambassador David Friedman and special Middle East envoy Avi Berkowitz, a day ahead of his self-imposed date for beginning to annex West Bank lands under an American peace proposal, and indicated after the meeting that he would miss the July 1 target date.

“I spoke about the question of sovereignty, which we are working on these days and we will continue to work on in the coming days,” Netanyahu said shortly after wrapping up the talks, meaning the groundwork ahead of the move will continue after July 1.

The Times of Israel reported on June 3 that US approval for annexation on July 1 was “highly unlikely.”

Also in attendance were Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin, National Security Adviser Meir Ben Shabbat and the bureau chief of the Prime Minister’s Office, Ronen Peretz, the PMO said in a statement.

The meeting comes as Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz continue to publicly spar over the timing of the annexation plans, with the premier dismissing Gantz’s assertion that it is too early to begin implementing them.

Gantz said Tuesday that Israel needs to move ahead on the Trump plan with “partners” from the region and international backing.

Earlier Tuesday, in a meeting with US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook, Netanyahu appeared to mock comments Gantz made during a meeting with the US team on Sunday, in which he said annexation should wait until after the coronavirus pandemic has passed.


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5c6fbc  No.9802219


Hell no. We've had to listen to this asshole since 2008. He's said too much already.

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4cb4fb  No.9802220

Pray Anons

Pray for clear vision.

Pray for steady hands.

Pray for discernment.

Pray for all of these things to come together as you peer through the scope of your rifle in the coming target rich environment.

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15a0af  No.9802221

File: 846e83f30991b3f⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 357x357, 1:1, w1.gif)

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19d9bd  No.9802222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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acb673  No.9802223

File: 5e0edd9021e7449⋯.png (905.73 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, signature.png)



bredshitters sent back to sauron

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f66ce9  No.9802224

File: 6d1a1a2d1befdcd⋯.png (629.53 KB, 605x973, 605:973, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)

what's little weasel tryin' to say:

The 4th is Coming. We are a country of change and adaptation. Better times ahead!Flag of United States



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000000  No.9802225


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7b5ea0  No.9802226

File: b91650fee74eacf⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineNew.jpg)

File: 1f3ebaf8ac5c911⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineRenew.jpg)

File: 72ae0e4266088af⋯.jpg (713.94 KB, 540x960, 9:16, LovingPipiPepe.jpg)

File: ab73cf33256190f⋯.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineFresh.jpg)

File: f4ca23342cb8a0d⋯.jpg (2.72 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineBright.jpg)


Flynn DOJ_dismiss_week_1

FISA unmask_DECLAS[public][select date(s)]_week_2

CLAS 1-99_week_3 [you are here] (May-17-2020)

4 (May-24 to May-30)

5 (May-31 to June-6)

6 (June-7 to June-13)

7 (June-14 to June-20)

8 (June-21 to June-27)

9 (June-29 to July-4) ←(You) are now here

10(July-5 to July-11)


Light rips through darkness~

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6c3af5  No.9802227

The Good News About COVID-19 the Corporate Media Keeps Hidden

As the pandemic panic porn continues because identified cases are rising, Dr. Fauci is back on television, and the media is once again demanding a national response. However, there is news they don’t share with you that could help reduce the already unwarranted levels of fear. Obviously, that doesn’t fit their partisan agenda.

Many commentators have noted that rising case numbers are not necessarily a reason to sound the alarm. The fear with COVID-19 was always of overwhelming the hospital system. The correct numbers to look at are COVID-19 hospitalizations, the percent of positive tests, and the age breakdown for severe disease.

A doctor from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center said in a press conference Wednesday that people who are testing positive do not appear to be getting as sick as they did earlier in the pandemic. Dr. Donald Yealy also noted this trend was being seen in the wake of massive protests.

He suggested the country is focusing too much on rising COVID-19 case counts.

“We need to change our mindset and focus not exclusively on the number of cases, but on the severity of illness. We shouldn’t just be counting those who have a diagnosed infection,” Yealy said. “For the vast majority of people testing positive, their illness is mild, or they don’t even know they have any symptoms of COVID-19 infection.”

Dr. Yealy also noted that the positive case rate was about one in 400, which has remained steady for weeks. He also noted improved treatment protocols and some success with Remdisivir and other medications. Effective treatment is in addition to some success protecting the elderly and a much younger patient load testing positive.


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5ee370  No.9802228




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755b75  No.9802229


No. Save it for God.

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5cd92b  No.9802230


If they would have just fixed this shit in 2017

we would have recovered by now

And how the fuck could Plan Z have been any

worse than the Hell we are living in now?

We got Trunk elected to fix shit and now we

have to do it again????

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acb673  No.9802231

File: 6a969ab2786e058⋯.png (1.4 MB, 993x1280, 993:1280, shitspah.png)

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16c0f1  No.9802232

>>9801520 (pb)


I started showing symptoms on Feb. 28 and my main two symptoms were an intense headache (11/10) and body aches. Only mild fever, no cough, but I did have fluid in my lungs which gradually dissipated. The funny thing is that when I started taking Mucinex regularly, the headache subsided…which makes me think it was similar to a sinus infection or something with all the mucus trying to drain.

Anyways, was better in a week or so, and was able to get an antibody test in mid-April which came back positive. No one ever contacted me for info on when I got sick, so I was lumped in with April's numbers.

Also of interest, my symptoms started on Feb. 28. The first confirmed case in TX was March 4. I had no history of travel, therefore; there was already community spread in TX earlier than what is currently recognized.

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98ee63  No.9802233

File: 72c600a96563b5f⋯.png (234.08 KB, 428x428, 1:1, AWKENPRYIO.png)

You are not helpless.

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242e54  No.9802234

File: 4e50bc858536530⋯.png (656.31 KB, 969x545, 969:545, NEWSOMKILLS.png)

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f66ce9  No.9802235

File: 069e98edc7c9403⋯.png (94.11 KB, 1053x487, 1053:487, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)


>En masse:

Twitter users reported Scavino's misleading tweet

en masse

Saturday, which flagged Twitter's site integrity team. Users employed the new reporting function, which allows tweets that are considered "misleading about a political election" to be flagged to Twitter's moderation staff for a potential takedown.


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000000  No.9802236


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f7f965  No.9802237

File: 6f79a5f9591685e⋯.png (125 KB, 842x660, 421:330, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 921b380d731a26e⋯.png (108.01 KB, 685x670, 137:134, ClipboardImage.png)


==msnbc.com staff and news service reports

updated 9/5/2010 9:56:51 AM ET==

Search NBCNews.com

Report: Iran pays $1,000 for each U.S. soldier killed by the Taliban

Afghan group's treasurer admits receiving money from Iran, newspaper says

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000000  No.9802239


heh, the "Covers" come off!

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f81c93  No.9802240


"Fast_Jack", Jim and Ron are barely competent at running this site/board, what do you expect , kek…

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bbf839  No.9802241

File: 75ea875b636e9d8⋯.jpg (27.12 KB, 480x360, 4:3, s002013001a.jpg)

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15a0af  No.9802242

File: 712d618d5815452⋯.jpg (237.63 KB, 953x532, 953:532, 20200624_182042.jpg)


Quads Chk'd

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ab5a22  No.9802243


Dan is to blame again

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000000  No.9802244


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58637f  No.9802245

File: 528c0d9b87efb3a⋯.jpeg (369.58 KB, 1536x1589, 1536:1589, 3A56A396_6A00_44F4_B98F_7….jpeg)


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4999b4  No.9802246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>9801548 Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Follow the Doc’s Orders, I Will Not Hold Any Rallies” vid

Remember the Hillary 'green screen' glitches with almost no audience?

They can't do that shit again.

Covid BS works on multiple fronts for them.

But not for long.

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6c3af5  No.9802247

File: dc7d8104f3db432⋯.png (338.83 KB, 498x294, 83:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2b0e40e923966c⋯.png (391.08 KB, 566x435, 566:435, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2741516ec497ebe⋯.png (364.43 KB, 549x414, 61:46, ClipboardImage.png)

Antifa Terrorist Fires Handgun Into SUV During Utah BLM Protest

Shots were fired into a white SUV at a Provo, Utah BLM rally on Monday, reportedly putting a 60-year-old man in the hospital.

Footage shows a white Ford Excursion pushing its way past a group of protesters blocking the intersection of Center Street and North University. As the driver is nearly free of the group, a masked man can be seen firing a handgun into the cab.


According to Deseret, approximately 100 protesters filled Center Street on Monday to protest police brutality.

Via Desert News:

A video of the confrontation with the white Excursion was captured by a Daily Universe student journalist, Lisi Merkley. In the video, the vehicle can be seen pushing through protesters attempting to gather in front of it, picking up speed as it goes while protesters cry out. At least one person falls to the ground before the SUV speeds away.

Another video by KSL-TV shows what appears to be a man in a mask pointing a gun at the passenger side of the white Excursion as it pushes forward. A loud popping sound is heard and a flash is seen from the barrel of the gun.

Protester Betsy Croft, who witnessed the incident with the SUV, claimed that there were "three to four cars that have been trying to run into the groups of people that are congregating at the main intersections in Provo," adding "This is a peaceful protest so that kind of action is unwarranted and clearly an attempt to be violent."

Peaceful indeed, Betsy.

The 60-year-old man underwent surgery and has non-life threatening injuries, according to KUTV. Police have yet to locate a suspect.


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7b5ea0  No.9802248


Whine, Whine, Whine~

Crawl back from whence you came~

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000000  No.9802249


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913de9  No.9802250

File: 065c313788a8659⋯.jpg (231.66 KB, 1220x1736, 305:434, EbnVtbpX0AArpFp.jpg)

File: 21ec8f2f8b9d3b7⋯.png (664.83 KB, 848x744, 106:93, brave_JqwlPbxvC2.png)

Panic in London ?Theresa May worried by -On Tuesday, the former prime minister condemned the decision to appoint David Frost as national security adviser,?????https://twitter.com/i/events/1277941463511207938

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000000  No.9802251

Anyone else noticing the increase of the demoralizing shills lately? Somebody is panicking.

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f66ce9  No.9802252

File: 9740b86f1db72a0⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2046x834, 341:139, Screen_Shot_2020_06_11_at_….png)




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232bd2  No.9802253

File: 9a02d15c9c87c15⋯.png (368.29 KB, 612x346, 306:173, NEWEYES.png)

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6c3af5  No.9802254

File: b4aa4c64dc2b04e⋯.png (32.64 KB, 675x299, 675:299, ClipboardImage.png)

Fauci predicts 100,000 new COVID-19 cases per day if US can't control outbreaks

Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, warned members of Congress on Monday that the U.S. could reach 100,000 new COVID-19 cases per day if the country does not get a handle on the pandemic.

Speaking before the Senate health committee, Fauci said the country is heading in the “wrong direction as the average number of daily cases continues to go up.

“We’re going in the wrong direction if you look at the curves of the new cases,” said Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “We need to do something about that and we need to do it very quickly.”

The U.S. is now recording 40,000 new cases per day, surpassing previous records set in April when New York was the epicenter of the outbreak.

Now outbreaks in Texas, Arizona, Florida and California account for 50 percent of new infections in the U.S.

Fauci stressed that the U.S. can’t just focus on those four states because outbreaks there "puts the entire country at risk."

Fauci declined to estimate potential COVID-19 deaths when pressed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), but said the situation is “going to be very disturbing, I will guarantee you that because when you have an outbreak in one part of the country, even though in other parts of the country they're doing well, they are vulnerable.”

"I would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 [cases] a day if this does not turn around and so I am very concerned," he added.

Indeed, dozens of states are reporting increased COVID-19 case numbers, which cannot all be accounted for by increased testing. Experts have tied rising cases to states reopening their economics too soon after closing businesses and telling people to stay home earlier this year.

Public health experts also worry that people are not taking seriously recommendations to stay 6 feet away from others or to wear masks when social distancing is not possible.


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755b75  No.9802255


I just want to know for real:

Can I relax and set off some illegal fireworks with my family on the 4th? Or do I need to hunker down with a locked door and the bolt already racked? Because these comms are getting ominous.

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58f165  No.9802256


>>9800811, >>9801052 planefags soar

>>9801216 Watch: Belgian Protesters at Anti-Annexation Rally Call for ‘War Against Jews’

>>9801202 Establishment Back Tracking Begins: Labour Leader Who Took a Knee Claims He Doesn’t Support BLM

>>9801147 Gov. Kristi Noem: ‘We Will Not Be Socially Distancing’ at Mount Rushmore Independence Day Event

>>9801120 Trump: I Am ‘The Lone Warrior’


>>9801088 Fox cancels livestream of Louis Farrakhan's 'message' from 'God' after massive outrage/ copy: massive outrage: over

>>9801041 Potus w/cap

>>9801028 Facebook Nerfs News Feed; Will Prioritize Original Reporting, Demote Stories By Anonymous Authors

>>9801001 EU Extends Ban On US Travelers, Lifts Restrictions On China, Canada, & Rwanda/Scared huh

>>9800996 Warren would revoke Medals of Honors awarded to troops of the U.S Army's 7th Cavalry Regiment in what has come to be known as the "Wounded Knee Massacre."

>>9800990 FCC blacklists Huawei and ZTE as ‘national security threats’

>>9800968 “God Will Not Give Way to the Care of the Devil” – General Michael Flynn Offers a Prayer of Hope for America

>>9800947 Gold Smashes Above $1800 For First Time Since 2011

>>9800927 Here we go again: AP doubles down on unverified ‘Russian bounties’ story, cites ‘sources’ claiming WH aware of intel in 2019

>>9800921 Q vid 14.6K views now on The Lone Warrior & 1 comment.


>>9800863, >>9800881 @GovRonDeSantis governor’s mansion is currently barricaded and “no trespassing” signs are posted

>>9800844 Influence

>>9800769, >>9800836 DNC calls Mt. Rushmore Independence Day Celebrations "White Supremacy Rally"

>>9800750 Mice ‘cured’ of Parkinson’s in accidental scientific discovery

>>9800725 In Japanese a lone warrior is called Ronin

>>9800724 Cali news from San Diego

>>9800710 NYT: Don't cancel that newspaper subscription For the keks!

>>9800707 Black Lives Matter chapter co-founder once referred to white people as “recessive genetic defects”

>>9800696 Parler is banning left wing accounts….

>>9800675 The Lone Warrior | Cinematic Epic Soundtrack - Music By Sharon Gabrieli, Archangel Gabriel


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47a9b2  No.9802257

File: ec17ada0fe2e114⋯.jpg (182.72 KB, 618x410, 309:205, asteroid.jpg)

Happy International Asteroid Day

"In two years, NASA will demonstrate its asteroid deflection technology on the newly named Dimorphos, a moon orbiting the near-Earth asteroid Didymos. This will be the agency's first full-scale demonstration of this type of technology on behalf of planetary defense. Dimorphos received its name last week, just in time for a reflection on the importance of understanding the threat of near-Earth asteroids. Near-Earth objects are asteroids and comets whose orbits place them within 30 million miles of Earth…"


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000000  No.9802258


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000000  No.9802259


Fauci will be channeling Carl Sagan for the remainder of this flu season.

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5ee370  No.9802260


nah, the biblefags always do that when bibicull Dan is in the pulpit

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000000  No.9802261


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c79976  No.9802262

So last night a private jet with somebody familiar flies into Gabby Gabreski airfield near the Hamptons and today a "sexyjet" leaves from the Hamptons. Making up for loss of Lolita Express. Went to find the PF report on that, clearnet is being a bastard, boatfag still wore out from yesterday and early start at things today. BTW, the survey ships are really popular, all th way from Martha's Vineyard, to off the Jersey Coast, with a couple working whatever the "Virginia Project" is off of Virginia Beach. Yes cranky BF is still cranky, see >>9788283

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6c3af5  No.9802263

File: 54039ca7dd938ad⋯.png (599.11 KB, 616x404, 154:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed19a9c2fe11a2c⋯.png (82.99 KB, 665x769, 665:769, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31b7d3867dc378b⋯.png (51.38 KB, 683x445, 683:445, ClipboardImage.png)

Major Space Force Units to Be Called Deltas, Officials Announce

The U.S. Space Force has determined how it will be organized, right down to the squadron level.

The newest military branch on Tuesday announced that it will operate with three primary field commands, responsible for training space professionals; acquiring space systems from industry; and supporting combatant commanders with space force personnel and capabilities.

The three primary field commands expected to be activated later this summer are: Space Operations Command (SpOC), Space Systems Command (SSC), and Space Training and Readiness Command (STARCOM), according to a release.

In the Air Force, subordinate to its headquarters is the major command, which is then composed of a numbered air force, wing, group, squadron and flight. The Space Force by comparison will only have three echelons of command: the field commands, deltas and squadrons, officials said.

"This is the most significant restructuring of space units undertaken by the United States since the establishment of Air Force Space Command in 1982," Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett said in a statement. "Innovation and efficiency are driving our mission as we position the Space Force to respond with agility to protect our nation's space capabilities and the American way of life."

STARCOM will be responsible for educating and training space professionals, according to the Space Force announcement. A two-star general will oversee this field command; officials estimate STARCOM will be active by 2021.

Meanwhile, a Space Force officer in the rank of O-6 will lead a provisional Space Training and Readiness Delta, to be established at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado next month.

"This unit will serve as the parent organization for a number of education, training, and operational test and evaluation units transferring to the Space Force in summer 2020," officials said.

The service said deltas will be led by O-6 officers, a rank equivalent to Navy captains or colonels in the other services, and will be organized to support a specific function, such as operations, training and installation support. Squadrons manage the "specific tactics" needed to execute the Space Force mission, according to the announcement.

Meanwhile, the SpOC will be the provider of forces for the combatant commands, coalition partners and the joint force.


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ca5ac9  No.9802264

File: dfc10331ca9b8cb⋯.jpg (45.95 KB, 675x680, 135:136, 1588095006689.jpg)


Oh God quit whining. I'm the biggest complainer on the face of the fucking Earth and you people are giving me fucking cancer with your garbage. I know you're a shill anyway, but for anyone else reading this just shut the fuck up and enjoy the show already.

>but it's haaaaaaaaaard

YEAH NIGGER IT'S WAR IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY. I have no job, no friends, no money, no fucking nothing. I'm not some pampered little rich shit who hasn't been effected by all this. That's war, you should be fucking lucky y'all are as comfortable as you are you fucking whiny little twats.

This is the final battle for the fate of humanity, and you're as comfortable and safe as you are. Think about that for a fucking second, if you're even capable of self-reflection you stupid fucking dumbfuck dipshit piece of fucking garbage.

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b0afea  No.9802265

File: 74d579a522060d3⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 360x360, 1:1, christiansvsjews.jpg)

>>9801216 pb

War Against Jews sounds good to me.

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cd006f  No.9802266


Enraged me at the time. Thanks for reminder Anon. Needs to be replayed…

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764d1f  No.9802267

File: 9164c763b47b9f5⋯.png (546.25 KB, 1110x754, 555:377, Tired_Yet.png)


>The problem is, I'm fucking pissed.

(You) are exactly where they want you!

Demoralized, angry, confused, sure nothing good will ever come from any of this.

The choice is yours, to see through their trap or fall into it!

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1ace3d  No.9802268

Red text shill, we all notice but we're taking it up with Q not you.

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1393cc  No.9802270

File: e9a60847273b1ce⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Q_s.jpg)

If Q ever gets something on the scoreboard please call me and let me know.


Q's posts have had zero impact on the Deep State.



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291526  No.9802271

File: dbc4b7cf33387e4⋯.png (270.35 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ty_easy_filters.png)

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4554bd  No.9802272

I just want evil defeated

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f66ce9  No.9802273

File: e028756d8e4512f⋯.png (107.66 KB, 535x646, 535:646, Screen_Shot_2018_08_09_at_….png)


>Public health experts also worry that people are not taking seriously recommendations to stay 6 feet away from others or to wear masks when social distancing is not possible.


The Y bin Clowned.

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3c3b07  No.9802274

File: 0e36930058133f3⋯.png (298.52 KB, 606x553, 606:553, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_06….png)

Joe Biden: "We're giving a portion of the population who has responded to the race-baiting the President has engaged in a sort of free pass."



was that a threat

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000000  No.9802275


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f2a640  No.9802276

File: cf85d608647bde5⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, gettyimages_609583972_2048….jpg)

Save The Children…..

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5146c9  No.9802278


More cases due to more tests, but what about mortality rates, especially if the focus is on not sending covid-19 positive elderly to nursing homes?

Just scaremongering?

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000000  No.9802279


I'm a biblefag. So are your trying to imply that the biblefags are trying to demoralize? I don't think so.

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db1135  No.9802280


whats AMV from?

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5078dd  No.9802281

File: 0070a39607048c2⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1786x1447, 1786:1447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2679dd7e45d001d⋯.png (620.77 KB, 750x979, 750:979, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55b65bb41631cd1⋯.png (617.48 KB, 750x1187, 750:1187, ClipboardImage.png)



Are you Q Pharisees getting nervous?


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1a48a6  No.9802282

Just received this text from terrorists

Hello <my name>, this is <some non-white person> from VOCAL-NY. We're reaching out to urge people to take action to dramatically reduce police budgets, and reinvest that money into critical community needs. The over-policing and violence we are witnessing is normal for too many Black and Latinx communities. Do you agree that we need to dramatically decrease police budgets and reinvest in critical communities needs?

When will these terrorists be stopped?

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47a9b2  No.9802283

File: d4f627118f7776c⋯.jpg (728.72 KB, 1220x787, 1220:787, bevig.jpg)

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6c3af5  No.9802284

File: cd2e0d946087d2a⋯.png (737.35 KB, 929x621, 929:621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebb60229fd080fa⋯.png (321.38 KB, 556x679, 556:679, ClipboardImage.png)

Explosion in north Tehran with thick smoke

An explosion has taken place in north Tehran, Iran’s ISNA news agency reported on Tuesday, without citing the reason for the blast or any additional information.

Video posted online by the agency showed thick black smoke rising into the evening sky.

Jalal Maleki, the Tehran Fire Department spokesman, told the Tasnim news agency that a fire had broken out in a medical clinic in north Tehran and firefighters have been sent to the scene.

The head of the Tehran Emergency Center, Peyman Saberian, told the Fars news agency that three people have been injured in the fire.

An explosion took place close to a sensitive military site near Tehran last week which a defence ministry spokesman told state TV was caused by a tank leak at a gas storage facility.


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bdefb3  No.9802285

File: 2a6f5caab2c39d5⋯.jpg (140.24 KB, 1280x1226, 640:613, goodlookinout.jpg)

I am finding peace through prayer. I've stumbled a few times in my faith but God forgives and I am eternally grateful. Someday I hope to find a wife who shares my values.

God bless.

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5c9dbf  No.9802286

>>9802081 (lb)

We have known that all along. This is our last chance and there will be casualties. It has to be done Anon. God help us all.

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94ba5e  No.9802288

Three and a half years of waiting.

Democrats haven't stopped shit.

Rinos that left are pulling the strings of the media.

Shadow government is exposed and doesn't give a fuck.

Programming has gone into hyperdrive

Social media has silenced the silent majority.

Parlor…who benefits?

Fox is calling Joe Biden the president!!!

Police are being weakened.

New viruses are COMING

China is interfering and nobody is doing squat.

I'm actually shocked we are still getting proofs.

Where the fuck is theACCOUNTABILITY

Where is law and order?

People have the attention span of 3 seconds MAX. Three fucking seconds.






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000000  No.9802290


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de724f  No.9802291


"WE" may see all this somewhat clearly, but there are still too many who are oblivious with their minds in the chains of a lifetime of deception. I ask strangers often what they think of Q and still rarely run across any who know anything at all.

Take care of what's close and you are able to, and trust that God will save His own from His wrath. We're just watching early birth pains still…

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755b75  No.9802293


Fair answer. I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled.

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f66ce9  No.9802294

File: 1b9bf668fd726f5⋯.png (244.26 KB, 629x553, 629:553, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)





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12cdb9  No.9802295

File: 91389222cacef45⋯.jpg (214.54 KB, 1408x548, 352:137, 1593541866759.jpg)

Caught up on notes and didn't see this, sorry if posted already this bred.


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5ee370  No.9802296


11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 12 “Speak to the people of Israel, If any man's wife goes astray and breaks faith with him, 13 if a man lies with her sexually, and it is hidden from the eyes of her husband, and she is undetected though she has defiled herself, and there is no witness against her, since she was not taken in the act, 14 and if the spirit of jealousy comes over him and he is jealous of his wife who has defiled herself, or if the spirit of jealousy comes over him and he is jealous of his wife, though she has not defiled herself, 15 then the man shall bring his wife to the priest and bring the offering required of her, a tenth of an ephah[a] of barley flour. He shall pour no oil on it and put no frankincense on it, for it is a grain offering of jealousy, a grain offering of remembrance, bringing iniquity to remembrance.

16 “And the priest shall bring her near and set her before the Lord. 17 And the priest shall take holy water in an earthenware vessel and take some of the dust that is on the floor of the tabernacle and put it into the water. 18 And the priest shall set the woman before the Lord and unbind the hair of the woman's head and place in her hands the grain offering of remembrance, which is the grain offering of jealousy. And in his hand the priest shall have the water of bitterness that brings the curse. 19 Then the priest shall make her take an oath, saying, ‘If no man has lain with you, and if you have not turned aside to uncleanness while you were under your husband's authority, be free from this water of bitterness that brings the curse. 20 But if you have gone astray, though you are under your husband's authority, and if you have defiled yourself, and some man other than your husband has lain with you, 21 then’ (let the priest make the woman take the oath of the curse, and say to the woman) ‘the Lord make you a curse and an oath among your people, when the Lord makes your thigh fall away and your body swell. 22 May this water that brings the curse pass into your bowels and make your womb swell and your thigh fall away.’ And the woman shall say, ‘Amen, Amen.’

23 “Then the priest shall write these curses in a book and wash them off into the water of bitterness. 24 And he shall make the woman drink the water of bitterness that brings the curse, and the water that brings the curse shall enter into her and cause bitter pain. 25 And the priest shall take the grain offering of jealousy out of the woman's hand and shall wave the grain offering before the Lord and bring it to the altar. 26 And the priest shall take a handful of the grain offering, as its memorial portion, and burn it on the altar, and afterward shall make the woman drink the water. 27 And when he has made her drink the water, then, if she has defiled herself and has broken faith with her husband, the water that brings the curse shall enter into her and cause bitter pain, and her womb shall swell, and her thigh shall fall away, and the woman shall become a curse among her people. 28 But if the woman has not defiled herself and is clean, then she shall be free and shall conceive children.

Numbers 5

eat a bowl of dirt, bitch

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6f1764  No.9802297

File: faef27e772e069b⋯.jpeg (417.78 KB, 2042x1280, 1021:640, 131D015C_8FC9_4FF4_AD7C_F….jpeg)

File: 6558b9b55711e99⋯.jpeg (410.12 KB, 2044x1283, 2044:1283, 2120BD65_A665_45C4_B733_0….jpeg)

The Flynn legal defense fund website has a „Digital Soldiers Store“.


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80a85e  No.9802298

File: 67e39fb19c61dad⋯.png (465.83 KB, 458x458, 1:1, awkentohdivyu.png)

Dig. Meme. Pray.

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6c3af5  No.9802299

File: 4b3f48cf5cc03f3⋯.png (730.11 KB, 736x896, 23:28, ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese Declare Code Red in Provences… Hubei.. guizhou.. Sichuan.. chongquing, china experience Days of Flooding

Major Flooding Chinese Provences… Hubei.. guizhou.. Sichuan.. chongquing, china

Code red declated in China Flooding



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e546eb  No.9802300

File: fc79d1dac52fa06⋯.png (62.21 KB, 234x206, 117:103, gfstr5o09457573556HHo9.png)

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c9cb01  No.9802301


Seems to be the only sports event going on.

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15a0af  No.9802302

File: 6fc6636c4a0f01b⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 269x262, 269:262, 20191229_183716.jpg)

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6b570a  No.9802303

File: ef44e9f8e4fde52⋯.jpg (93.22 KB, 716x346, 358:173, Thanks_Ron_Jim_and_team.jpg)

File: b4a7bd80a1454f3⋯.jpg (180.41 KB, 841x660, 841:660, MK_Ultra_weapon.jpg)

File: 57a138069dc58f0⋯.jpg (695.66 KB, 2048x1125, 2048:1125, MILITARY_INDUSTRIAL_COMPLE….jpg)

File: 5b0c80ef2d60bb6⋯.jpg (62.47 KB, 518x388, 259:194, McStain_s_hid_a_LOT.jpg)

File: d6aebfe44b0f3cd⋯.jpg (850 KB, 2140x1364, 535:341, 50_YEARS_ADVANCED_TECH.jpg)

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1393cc  No.9802304

File: ac210d40a4e7c95⋯.jpg (85.83 KB, 500x632, 125:158, BLM_Freakshow.jpg)




BLM retards will never demoralize me.

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db1135  No.9802305


good! no such thing as bad publicity…will be waste of money and take down whoever is connected

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173256  No.9802306

File: e12aeedc7c9c596⋯.png (793.56 KB, 497x588, 71:84, POTUS_winning_music_never_….PNG)


Thanks for getting that off my chest Anon. Better times ahead but for now, hunkered down and still winning

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14c1dc  No.9802307


It has nothing to do with it.

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feb206  No.9802308

File: 2d6d74c19e14d45⋯.png (269.2 KB, 613x345, 613:345, DANSTORM.png)

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30065d  No.9802309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>9801649 lb

Your pushing the Gods, I'd be careful.

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000000  No.9802311


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ef6c71  No.9802312


She's in the Crosshairs now>>9802295

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6c3af5  No.9802313

File: b6946cc4e626a40⋯.png (570.72 KB, 703x347, 703:347, ClipboardImage.png)

Senior Egyptian judge dropped from elite council after drafting anti-torture law

A senior Egyptian judge, who attempted to draft an anti-torture law, has been arbitrarily dismissed from the country's Supreme Judiciary Council, a legal source told Arabi21.

Asim Abdul Jabbar, the vice-head of Egypt's court of cassation - the country's highest appeals court - had been set to resume his membership of the seven member council in 2021 before his name was suddenly dropped off the list.

It followed an abrupt verdict by the judiciary's acting head, Abdullah Amin Asr, the source said, which appears due to Abdul Jabbar's efforts in making torture illegal.

Judge Abdul Jabbar is known for defending the independence of the Egypt's legal authorities during former dictator Hosni Mubarak's repressive rule.

Human rights groups have documented endemic in Egypt's prisons under Predident Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi.

In 2015, the veteran judge was accused of working with a human rights organisation to co-draft laws to combat torture in prisons and detention centres, along with the president of Cairo's court of appeal and former Justice Minister Hisham Raouf.

In 2019, a judicial disciplinary body dropped all charges against the two, who were given the all-clear to re-join the Supreme Judiciary's Council under the auspices of the council's head Asr, now responsible for Abdul Jabbar’s dismissal.

Judge Asr was one of many top judges appointed by Sisi, who last year installed the heads of the Supreme Constitutional Court, as well as the Administrative Prosecution Authority.

The move came as part of sweeping constitutional changes which extend the president's term in office and granted the military even greater influence in Egyptian political life.

Human Rights Watch said the changes would serve to "entrench repression" and "consolidate authoritarian rule".

Since Sisi took office in 2014, his government has been complicit in large-scale human rights abuses including unfair trials and torture, as well as a clampdown on opposition and the press.

Egypt was ranked 66 out of 126 countries for government interference in criminal justice last year, in the Rule of Law Index released earlier this year by the World Justice Project.

The country was ranked 121st overall in the index, which includes areas such as fundamental rights and regulatory enforcement.


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06202c  No.9802314

File: d1f2da61de8fec7⋯.jpg (172.53 KB, 916x666, 458:333, lone_warrior.jpg)


>>9801649—– Fear not. Find peace through prayer.


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e340bd  No.9802315

File: 58df67acaa8b3a0⋯.jpg (1017.05 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_708.jpg)

File: f5659baf96e6739⋯.jpg (766.88 KB, 1080x673, 1080:673, IMG_709.jpg)

File: 829a147118341c6⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, IMG_710.jpg)

Pray for Clarity

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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90fed0  No.9802316

Sorry frens, got here late. Did POTUS tweet Lone Warrior after Q's post?

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2a28e3  No.9802317

So when will there will be at least ONE ARREST? Until someone is arrested and justice is publicly displayed, Q is just a pipe dream. 3 years and no justice nat all.

Q, your posts are now meaningless. Always moving the goal posts. Always tomorrow. Always "soon."

Produce or admit you too are powerless to stop these people. But stop screwing with Patriots who just want Justice, freedom, and peace.

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000000  No.9802318


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5cd92b  No.9802319


Fuck you, faggot. Then Qringe should have

told us how ugly this was going to get in the

beginning instead of blowing smoke up our

ass for 3 years. CUNT

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3c3b07  No.9802320

File: 7eb6e8cfa18fbee⋯.png (388.1 KB, 608x623, 608:623, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_06….png)

The Pentagon has announced that roughly 1,700 service members will help to support President Trump's July 4 celebrations.


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000000  No.9802322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>9800233 (pb) Q

>>9801649 (pb) Q

Dare to be a Daniel

(Daniel 8:16) And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.

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93d847  No.9802323


Thanks, I needed that.

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90e68d  No.9802324

>>9800079 (pb)

> decentralizing social media

So… Where does all of this dead data… End up?


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db1135  No.9802325

File: b871d89292f4ba1⋯.png (309.65 KB, 500x406, 250:203, GatDeepState.png)

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823a4b  No.9802326

>>9801649 (lb Q)

This is why POTUS didn't immediately fire all the US Atty's like Clinton did or clean out the MIL.

If there are not TRAITORS to expose, the normies will never see the truth.

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feb206  No.9802327

File: 85cc59d3936ef1c⋯.png (259.23 KB, 642x361, 642:361, WeArrangeTheMeeting.png)

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6c3af5  No.9802328

File: 12c240d8cdc711f⋯.png (680.66 KB, 604x441, 604:441, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli journalist in Lebanon accused of recruiting for Hezbollah

Security service says Beirut Hamoud and her Lebanese husband tried to enlist two residents of her hometown of Majd al-Krum as operatives for the Iran-backed terror group

The Shin Bet security service on Tuesday accused an Arab Israeli woman living in Lebanon of working to recruit Israeli citizens as operatives for the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group.

According to the Shin Bet, Beirut Hamoud sought to enlist two female residents of her hometown of Majd al-Krum, an Arab town in the Galilee. The women, whose names weren’t published, were arrested on May 2 and were granted conditional release after they were interrogated.

Hamoud was questioned by Israeli security forces in 2013 over suspicions she had contacted Hezbollah operatives and met with them at one conference in Morocco in 2008 and another in Tunisia in 2012, after which the Shin Bet said she left Israel for Lebanon. There, she married Bilal Bizri and now works as a journalist at the Hezbollah-linked Al-Akhbar neswspaper.

“Alongside her work as a journalist in Lebanon, Beirut Hamoud and her husband Bilal are run by the terror organization Hezbollah to locate and recruit Israeli citizens for operations for Hezbollah,” a statement from the Shin Bet said.

The security agency said Hamoud contacted the two Majd al-Krum residents and met them in Turkey in December, after which the Shin Bet questioned them on suspicion that Hamoud and Bizri had tried to recruit them to Hezbollah.

“During the investigation the contact between the two and Beirut was confirmed, as well as information about the meeting in Turkey and the way in which Hezbollah worked through Beirut and her husband to enlist additional Israelis for Hezbollah operations,” the Shin Bet said.

According to the security service, one of its agents called Bizri to warn him that Israel was on to them and to cease their efforts to recruit Israelis citizens for Hezbollah. A portion of the undated phone call was released by the Shin Bet.

“Send greetings to your commander in Hezbollah… in the near future there will be a few surprises for him from us,” the agent said during the call.

At the end of the phone call, Bizri said, “I’m not in Hezbollah or anything like it.” The quote was not included in the Hebrew subtitles of the recording sent out by the security service.

The Shin Bet didn’t specify for what type of operations they suspected Hamoud had tried to recruit the women. But it stressed “the great severity” with which it viewed “exploiting Israeli citizenship” to help the activities of terror groups.

Responding to the accusations, Hamoud said the two Majd al-Krum residents were childhood friends of hers and accused the Shin Bet of investigating her because she married a Lebanese national.

“In 2013 they tailed me for two and a half months and interrogated me. They found nothing, because there wasn’t anything to find, nothing but the illusions in their heads,” she wrote on Facebook.


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cf4da6  No.9802329



soro's cheques must have came in.

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292d07  No.9802330


You are preaching to the choir moron.

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5078dd  No.9802331



You may be angry red text man, butthisright here is a really good point.

Q, why the fuck do you need consensus? How many white old ladies need to be attacked and robbed by niggers on the streets until enough wake up?

Shit, this is making my blood boil. At least I can pray to God….

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4b1d77  No.9802332

>>9801028 (PB)

Yeah, yeah ... the only "victory" here is for the Jews and the faggots.

Fox will still be airing an anti-white piece of race baiting whose only function is to destroy the remaining cohesiveness of the American culture.

Proof? They could have showcased black American patriots such as Crispus Attucks, the Tuskogee Airmen, the black soldiers of the Civil War and today ... all of whom ADDED to America. Instead, they want to talk about historical wounds. As of 1965, there IS NO "systemic racism". What's left is individual racism and nothing but generations of working together and NOT "picking the scabs of history" can heal that. I understood this in 1965 ... when I was 13 years old. Since electing Obama, race relations stopped healing and fresh injuries have been encouraged ("Hands up, don't shoot" is a lie).

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db1135  No.9802333




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4999b4  No.9802334

File: 19ea8e06aacf237⋯.png (722.47 KB, 1179x730, 1179:730, hillary_greenscreen_glitch.png)


Full analysis:


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c9cb01  No.9802335

File: ed06b32338bf78f⋯.jpg (92.23 KB, 800x432, 50:27, ZomboMeme_20062020161642.jpg)

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000000  No.9802336


It's funny how people who don't really know or understand the bible, like to toss out bible quotes that they don't even understand nor do they even really care about God.

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478e91  No.9802337

File: d238fdc40174f3c⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 3yxzw7.jpg)



The beautiful sound of shills weeping and crying.

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242e54  No.9802338


So there is more for us.

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ca5ac9  No.9802339

File: db45c8a585a69ce⋯.png (190.34 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 1573753576188.png)


You're not an organic poster and everyone knows it. Tie yourself to your car by the neck and cut the breaks, you fucking loser.

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173256  No.9802340


Brilliant. And slightly frightening. Nik'd

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1393cc  No.9802342

File: a698e16fe740761⋯.jpg (26.38 KB, 500x399, 500:399, yrt.jpg)



Degenerate you are addicted to pornagraphy and child molestation.

F + off

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5cd92b  No.9802343


Yeah, I'm a paid Soros shill…suck my dick

you Facebook bitch

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000000  No.9802344


Anon, the point is:

1. Nothing is left to chance

2. Q is drumming up public support in this way because…

3. It's actually a Humanist movement, but to come forward and say it would cause a mass exodus of the the hyper religious

4. Events are being contrived to keep the evangelical based engaged

5. Q and team do seem to be well-intentioned enough to follow through on making the world a better place, so…

6. Apocalypse has been cancelled

7. Humanity does enjoy, perhaps for the first time ever, true progress

That's why it's frustrating. They are walking the public through self-awakening. Now look around you at all the masks, and realize the work ahead. Not to mention that there's a much simpler way to do all this. MUCH simpler. But, if @POTUS were to just come out with it, it'd shorten the movie that some are enjoying, and might not have the lasting effect needed to keep humanity progressing for the next couple of hundred years.

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755b75  No.9802345


Soros is all for communism, right?

How would he like it if all his assets were seized and given back to the world? Only seems right.

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3c3b07  No.9802346

File: 9150e6ce999e4d7⋯.jpg (101.22 KB, 534x460, 267:230, checkem.jpg)


Trips Activated!

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5078dd  No.9802348

File: 6d707b32a1c5dc1⋯.png (240.59 KB, 480x360, 4:3, the_plan_sucks.png)


The plan sucks you fascist nigger.

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db1135  No.9802349

File: aab20edebf4b305⋯.png (724.7 KB, 790x648, 395:324, CatLOL.PNG)

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4cb4fb  No.9802350


>>soro's cheques must have came in.

And they are discovering what the rest of us have been dealing with.

It isn't enough to pay the bills so ya have to put in overtime just to make ends meet.

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6c3af5  No.9802351

File: 11b4757df67186b⋯.png (431.44 KB, 570x598, 285:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2eb319e0bd36ec5⋯.png (102.3 KB, 784x874, 392:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96101bf77b57384⋯.png (50.98 KB, 812x472, 203:118, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ae7e8186243c90⋯.png (764.14 KB, 787x899, 787:899, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10cccc1dbc55f3e⋯.png (38.35 KB, 791x355, 791:355, ClipboardImage.png)

California Town Boots Church from Downtown After Residents Worshiped There for 25 Years

Apparently, a church that’s been part of the downtown scene in Salinas, California, for over a quarter of a century just isn’t vibrant enough for what the city wants.

If that sounds like it’s against the law to you, a court disagrees.

A Bay Area federal court has ruled that the city of Salinas can push out the New Harvest Christian Fellowship, an evangelical assembly that’s been there for 25 years, because of the fact it wants “a pedestrian-friendly, active and vibrant Main Street,” Fox News reported.

The city’s zoning code was amended in 2006 to ban “[c]lubs, lodges, places of religious assembly, and similar assembly uses” on the first floor of buildings in the downtown area. The move had been made “to stimulate commercial activity within the City’s downtown, which had been in a state of decline.”

New Harvest, which had rented on Main Street for decades, bought a building on the same street in 2018. It requested to use the first floor for worship but was denied.


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15a0af  No.9802352

File: 87e1099d88f6539⋯.jpeg (62.28 KB, 1080x610, 108:61, 1587156352.jpeg)

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000000  No.9802353



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755b75  No.9802354


We're playing the long game. Centuries.

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93d847  No.9802355



This should be notable.

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f66ce9  No.9802356

File: 5d5ad24aef6e869⋯.png (835.69 KB, 1210x963, 1210:963, Screen_Shot_2018_09_27_at_….png)

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5c6fbc  No.9802357


So about 2 companies. ROE? KEK

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fad512  No.9802359


Everyone sees Q.

But it's getting really bad.

-- at this rate there won't be an america left by christmas.

--- when peoples unemployment runs right before the election it will be chaos.

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6c3af5  No.9802360

File: 77ddfcdcec7f83b⋯.png (935.8 KB, 745x512, 745:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a4a6b0c3e0bdd9⋯.png (38.64 KB, 783x337, 783:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu and Covid19

FNA*: Netanyahu was very quick to administrate a lockdown at the outset of the coronavirus outbreak in Israel. Was Covid-19 his only reason for the lockdown?

Gilad: You are tapping here into a crucial aspect of the Covid 19 affair which none of the Western media has been brave enough to look into. As early as March 12, the Israeli PM announced nationwide school closures and urged the formation of an emergency unity government to “save the lives of tens of thousands” of Israelis from the coronavirus, Netanyahu presented a profoundly stark assessment in which there would be “tens of millions of deaths” worldwide unless the pandemic was stopped. Political analysts who follow Netanyahu closely immediately understood that Netanyahu desperately needed the pandemic and the hysteria around it. And it is clear that the Israeli PM managed to utilize the corona crisis to serve his cause. He postponed his trial. He formed a large unity government and practically destroyed both his rival party (Blue & White) and its leader Benny Gantz. So it was no surprise that once Netanyahu was finally able to form his unity government, Israel was relieved of its lockdown: Israelis were free to enjoy the sun again. Far more peculiar is the fact that the rest of us needed Netanyahu to form his government so that our leaders would also allow us to enjoy the blue sky.

FNA: The political deadlock came to an end with the formation of an emergency cabinet to address the coronavirus outbreak. Why did Netanyahu unite with his forever rival Benny Gantz after they competed with him for power for over a year? Why did he make such an abrupt political u-turn?

Gilad: We are often misled into believing that the Jewish state is a pluralist political entity divided between Left and Right political blocks. The truth can’t be further. The Jewish State is a hard-core nationalist entity. It is institutionally discriminatory. It differentiates racially between Jews and the indigenous people of the land.

Though it seemed for a while that the Israeli Knesset was divided between Netanyahu’s block and the so called ‘centre Left block,’ the vast majority of the Knesset Members within the so called Centre Left block are actually to the right of Netanyahu. This applies to Avigdor Lieverman and his party. Many of the Blue & White’s politicians, some of them war criminals, ended up in Netanyahu’s government. Even the Labour party is ardently right wing in its approach to the Israeli Arab conflict. In Israel there is only one left party that upholds universal and ethical philosophy. It is called the United Arab List.

FNA: When all of the courts, including the court in which his case was pending, were closed as a measure to counter the coronavirus outbreak, Netanyahu formed a unity cabinet, became Prime Minister and was granted immunity against the court's decision in his case. Do you believe that at some point in the future justice will be served, and he will be held accountable for the allegations of bribery and favouritism?


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53955a  No.9802361

File: 683778d1753c933⋯.jpg (234.28 KB, 599x800, 599:800, pinocchio_joe.jpg)

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736e33  No.9802362


Hmmm, Melinda Gates looks feminine there.

Has she been switched out? Or masculinized?

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15a0af  No.9802363



Haven't seen that one in awhile

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071f45  No.9802364

File: 29039cf858efdb2⋯.jpg (159.86 KB, 2070x1152, 115:64, Covid_1984.jpg)

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000000  No.9802365


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6b570a  No.9802366

File: 36c94b27f55d25d⋯.png (603.56 KB, 500x704, 125:176, All_shifts.png)

File: 3795b4c830df6fc⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 547x247, 547:247, PURGED.jpg)

8 hrs of solid reading… Just chilling for now…All good.

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1393cc  No.9802367

File: 438e0e654144685⋯.jpg (96.22 KB, 800x997, 800:997, downloadfile_3.jpg)


Q is just getting more silly by the day.

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bbf839  No.9802368

File: 470d18d5159bbac⋯.jpg (239.85 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, rpyMdZn.jpg)

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a26ff4  No.9802369

File: d5f8e00460f17e5⋯.jpg (273.11 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, The_Americans_Creed_683x10….jpg)

File: c47bee169d271ba⋯.jpg (54.1 KB, 500x354, 250:177, 6844579452_c2850383b4.jpg)


Don't act like a Jew! No excuses!

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736e33  No.9802370


Linda the Concernfag is busy today.

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190ecf  No.9802371

File: 181a1faa6de7995⋯.png (879.35 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, teamtrumppepes.png)


Thanks for keeping the kitchen running smooth, cranking out the tasty bakes baker!

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2d5331  No.9802372

File: 6e5d0f44dd5ff95⋯.jpeg (477.27 KB, 736x1040, 46:65, 0F63B90E_1DC8_4B24_9558_9….jpeg)

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b9bd74  No.9802373


no, before.

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5146c9  No.9802374

The idea of releasing violent murderous criminals en masse without access to enough money to sustain themselves, but maybe enough to get a gun to commit robberies, while everyone is expected to wear masks and loot stores, while police are told to stand down and the law abiding citizens are denied their 2nd Amendment Rights to protect themselves.

All while the msm is doing everything to create a race war and target law enforcement and measures taken by Potus to restore order.

At the same time, D governors were killing elderly systematically in nursing homes.

The enemies of humanity, at full display.

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30ccd1  No.9802375

Coup Flu


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736e33  No.9802376


Criminal referrals to what?

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3d186e  No.9802377

File: 375751d58948603⋯.jpg (55.57 KB, 502x284, 251:142, TRUE_STORY.jpg)

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4999b4  No.9802378


Drop #1278

Patience isn’t always easy.

But vital to get right.


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ca5ac9  No.9802379

File: 6494dd8c3324f73⋯.png (841.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, randy.png)


>Randy is that you?

Yeah, it's me. Fuck you want nigga?

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000000  No.9802381


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e340bd  No.9802382

File: 81ef35443fcddd2⋯.jpg (674.79 KB, 1080x708, 90:59, IMG_705.jpg)

File: a39934109114e2d⋯.jpg (829.33 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, IMG_706.jpg)

File: 3d285623266e074⋯.jpg (577.8 KB, 1080x705, 72:47, IMG_707.jpg)

Pray for Trump

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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6c3af5  No.9802383

File: 312cf6b04ed1db1⋯.png (13.56 KB, 549x179, 549:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c272559eaf6bea7⋯.png (422.64 KB, 927x813, 309:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 977110fe8dabbe8⋯.png (30.72 KB, 914x203, 914:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 509f9d9c8e12460⋯.png (116.95 KB, 944x656, 59:41, ClipboardImage.png)

Airbus To Cut 15,000 Jobs As No Recovery Expected Until 2023

Update (13:48ET): Airbus has just announced it will slash 15,000 workers across its entire global workforce and doesn't expect a recovery in air travel until 2023.

"Airbus has announced plans to adapt its global workforce and resize its commercial aircraft activity in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This adaptation is expected to result in a reduction of around 15,000 positions no later than summer 2021. The information and consultation process with social partners has begun with a view to reaching agreements for implementation starting in autumn 2020." - the press release states

The unprecedented drop in global air traffic has been sharp and severe due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Airbus doesn't see a "recovery to pre-COVID levels before 2023 and potentially as late as 2025."

Airbus highlights regions where it will make the largest cuts to its workforce:

5,000 positions in France

5,100 positions in Germany

900 positions in Spain

1,700 positions in the UK

1,300 positions at Airbus' other worldwide sites

"Airbus is facing the gravest crisis this industry has ever experienced," said Airbus CEO Guillaume Faury.

"The measures we have taken so far have enabled us to absorb the initial shock of this global pandemic. Now, we must ensure that we can sustain our enterprise and emerge from the crisis as a healthy, global aerospace leader, adjusting to the overwhelming challenges of our customers. To confront that reality, we must now adopt more far-reaching measures. Our management team and our Board of Directors are fully committed to limiting the social impact of this adaptation. We thank our governmental partners as they help us preserve our expertise and know-how as much as possible and have played an important role in limiting the social impact of this crisis in our industry. The Airbus teams and their skills and competences will enable us to pursue our ambition to pioneer a sustainable future for aerospace," said Faury.

Airbus shares trading on Eurex are range-bound between EUR 48-85.


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351760  No.9802384


serious old boi white masons own that cartel town with an iron grip – corporate land.., every single one that does food (not that many of em, looke em up or drive through while you still can - under gavin - isnt that the name of a raven, if so very apt…)

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f66ce9  No.9802385

File: d80d429ac3e3755⋯.png (774.21 KB, 742x753, 742:753, Screen_Shot_2018_10_25_at_….png)


TY - AhIsTheMaker.

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14c1dc  No.9802386


Would those be fireworks from CHY-NA? What kinds of toxins are in those besides the usual? Hmmm?

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cf4da6  No.9802389

File: 4e37f50bb008b2d⋯.jpg (303.31 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, 1588385603531.jpg)

File: 9e59db0d35fd66c⋯.png (430.12 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, 1588451146344.png)

File: 862d9f55eb9bb2c⋯.jpg (108.82 KB, 508x640, 127:160, 1590363092520.jpg)

File: a161e133930c95e⋯.jpg (75.48 KB, 1070x602, 535:301, a161e133930c95e632a6b871c0….jpg)

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1393cc  No.9802390

File: ecf022f28fa5008⋯.jpg (60.43 KB, 500x390, 50:39, 45.jpg)



Take a break fuck head.

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19505b  No.9802391

See the bread

visualize the catalog

backchannel through the index

relocate the bread

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000000  No.9802392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f3f790  No.9802393


You guys are seriously very bad at this

But cheers for answering the real question

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30ccd1  No.9802394


Magazines and clubs vs. Reality and farmers markets.

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4cfbb9  No.9802395

File: 32cc5b8d0b254b3⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1910x1000, 191:100, Cuomo_covid_dead_parents.png)

First real attempt at a meme. Suggestions, edits?

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e0b1d1  No.9802396


men are pretty slim in their 20's. Slim neck, slim waist. Once they get into their 30's, even if they arent fat, they start to widen. I think that's him. He's just older now and harder to hide body composition.

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ea126c  No.9802397

Releasing criminals, Defunding Police…hmm…kinda looks like the Democrats are preparing for a actual WAR…there is NO other explanation for it.

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3c3b07  No.9802398



That looks like frogs in a pan getting boiled

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4999b4  No.9802399



Drop #520

Future proves past.

NOTHING is a coincidence.

The MAP is the KEY.

PLANNED for [3] years.


















[CLAS_GITMO_ J z9-A][89]




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f66ce9  No.9802401

File: b4d7866b8bdac00⋯.png (59.34 KB, 609x357, 29:17, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)

Nancy Pelosi just released her radical climate change agenda—written by Democrats and for China.

· It punishes the American economy

· Gives China a free pass to pollute

· Wasn’t debated once by Members of Congress



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000000  No.9802402


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2a28e3  No.9802403


I'm not a shill. I'm a fed up American. I trusted Potus and then Q. I believed POTUS when he said in the debates "because you'd be in Jail" to Hillary. I believed Justice could still happen.

Now, 3 years later they are running free and our businesses, churches, communities, and families are under attack with NO HELP FROM POTUS. No arrests, no response, just Q saying "Enjoy the show." So Q and POTUS and Barr and everyone else lying to us can go fuck themselves. Should have used the military in the first year of POTUS's term and rounded all these people up. Instead, we got put on house arrest and told we were racist.

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f66ce9  No.9802404


They're in a pipe, brainlet.

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000000  No.9802405


>This is the final battle for the fate of humanity

Actually, this shit isn't going to end at the end of this plan. Just a good huge chunk of evil fucks going to prison. I would imagine that someone like @POTUS at the helm, lots of measures have been put in place to catch actual criminals all over the web, and in other places. That's good, and when I come across those honeypots, I report them up so that patriots can make them less detectable.

The problem this anon has with what's going on now, in the public realm, is it's completely unnecessary and 100% preventable and avoidable. Unless Q wants to admit that they don't have any control over COVID-19, Soros and Antifa, and the coming pig flu and elections, then yes; all avoidable. All so that "more and more" can "wake up".

Sorry. Tell Joe down the street grandma had to die on her own so your other neighbors could "have their eyes opened". That should make him feel better.

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14c1dc  No.9802406

Should we be trusting fireworks from CHY-NA? Fireworks are normally toxic, but could there be anything…….special in them this time around?

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755b75  No.9802407


>Everyone sees

Bullshit. Look around you if you live in any major city. Plenty still don't see. That isOURfailure, not Q's!

As for everybody asking what to do: SPREAD THE FUCKING MESSAGE. We've already been given marching orders in the clearest possible terms! It isOURrole to wake people up so that the Plan can go forward without mass unrest! It isOURjob to calm the public and provide the truth! It isOURjob to facilitate The Great Awakening, not Q's!

If you're really so desperate, then ACT desperate! Grab a megaphone and stand on a street corner. Slap flyers all over the place. Text everyone you know. Skywrite the truth. Scream the truth. Spray paint the truth. Write the truth. Mail the truth. Type the truth. Spread it from the rooftops if you have to!

Enough bitching, more action!

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cf4da6  No.9802408


terrible shill. Go get some sleep.

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764d1f  No.9802409

File: 7eb121a76aaf35a⋯.jpg (177.28 KB, 510x505, 102:101, pepe_army.jpg)


>The Pentagon has announced that roughly 1,700 service members will help to support President Trump's July 4 celebrations.

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000000  No.9802410


Jim still planning on qresearch coming to a close in November, Mr. Pig?

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6c3af5  No.9802412

File: 29f7e6c7eaec484⋯.png (1.67 MB, 943x759, 41:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a5522836388707⋯.png (62.27 KB, 757x844, 757:844, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c4b5d07d90a343⋯.png (55.47 KB, 775x769, 775:769, ClipboardImage.png)

Learning From the Past: History Provides Clues into Israel’s West Bank Annexation

Since 1948, Israel has annexed, occupied, taken, destroyed, built, and renamed everything from individual homes and property to public spaces, to historic monuments. And it has no intention, or reason, to stop.

Palestine has been annexed, occupied, stolen, and Palestinians have been dispossessed, exiled, caged, detained, subjected to an apartheid regime, and killed by the state of Israel for over seven decades. Every few years the world wakes up to protest some aspect of Israeli apartheid, occupation, or a massacre, and then it returns safely to its deep slumber.

Every so often, Israel manages to awaken the angst of the European Union and other international organizations with some announcement or another, a murderous attack on Palestinians, a declaration of annexation or “sovereignty,” and then, as if under the influence of a spell, the angst disappears just as fast as it arose. What usually follows is a long procession of world leaders coming to visit Israel or inviting the Israeli prime minister to their capital to bestow their love and respect for him and the so-called Jewish State.

This time seems to be no different. The Israeli annexation of the Palestinian Jordan River Valley has brought about the world’s displeasure. “A violation of human rights,” says Michelle Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. We hear that it is a violation of international law and the end of the prospect for peace, as though this is unprecedented and as though it was unexpected. It has long been clear that Israel would annex part of the West Bank, and it was obvious that the Jordan River Valley – the eastern part of the West Bank – was the most likely to be first.

Annexing the entire eastern part of the West Bank means Palestinians will be cut off from the international border with Jordan and will be surrounded by Israel on all sides. Israel wants access to that land, which currently provides West Bank Palestinians some 50 percent of their agricultural products, and wants complete access to the Jordan River.

What Will It Mean

What exactly is the declaration of sovereignty and annexation? No one seems to know for sure. Israeli military experts admit they were not informed as to the details of the move. Israeli politicians are vague and Palestinians, well, no one talked to them, and in any case, people in positions of power don’t care what they think.

Saeb Erikat, who still holds to the title of Palestinian Chief Negotiator, said in an interview with the Israeli television channel Ynet, that “the situation is very severe.” “I have never seen it more severe than I see it now.”

Much of the Israeli press is focused on what the potential Palestinian response may be, and particularly if Israelis should expect violence. Considering the fact that for over seven decades now, Palestinians have been on the receiving end of Israeli violence, it is a cynical thing to ask. According to leaks from a meeting of Israel’s top security chiefs though, the answer to that question is unclear. While the army and Shabak (Israel’s secret police) chiefs claim there will be a violent reaction and that Israelis will see “terrorism” rise, the Mossad chief claims that scenario is unlikely. Either way, Israel never cared much for what Palestinians think and is not concerned with their reactions.

Knowing all too well where his support lies in the United States, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech to Christians United for Israel (CUFI). CUFI is amongst the largest pro-Israel groups in the United States. Netanyahu spoke of the annexation of in biblical terms. He spoke of biblical lands and what he called “Israeli sovereignty over Jewish communities.”


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351760  No.9802413



do you type while wearing masks? are you seat belted in and have your drool cup and bib on / hand?

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53955a  No.9802415

File: 63b0f7877f407bd⋯.jpg (303.51 KB, 1278x543, 426:181, hydra_and_fauxi_2.jpg)

File: cce792200f9a75a⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 1600x2240, 5:7, dr_fauxi.jpg)

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17c2fc  No.9802416

File: 72e1e1c0c991cdf⋯.png (739.4 KB, 651x511, 93:73, hwge88ugh1y2h9qjery8g4th1u….PNG)

find out if this is a myth to bust

Adam Savage of ‘Mythbusters’ allegedly raped sister as a kid: lawsuit


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4cb4fb  No.9802417

File: 2c437b2d4f74641⋯.png (57.71 KB, 300x300, 1:1, untied_shoes_1.png)


War against this?

"“I had to teach my friend how to tie his shoes, he either wore velcro or tucked the laces into the shoe up until that point.“"

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3c3b07  No.9802418


Uh-huh. subliminal messaging We are slowly getting cooked & don't know it

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09448a  No.9802419

File: ce747f7f061fc31⋯.png (653.46 KB, 852x1119, 284:373, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9801649 pbQ

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1393cc  No.9802420

File: 72ede714f704281⋯.jpg (116.79 KB, 500x893, 500:893, 46tt6i.jpg)

Q is a democrat operative.

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c9cb01  No.9802421

File: efe2672702fc411⋯.jpg (52.81 KB, 640x629, 640:629, 145706c00edca405eee6979d09….jpg)

I'm not crazy, I'm in control

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373403  No.9802422


He's kinda got a point, anons

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ca5ac9  No.9802423

File: 2ca521f9b9f1f9c⋯.png (1.42 MB, 980x1179, 980:1179, Alsorandy.png)


Nah, I heard you been asking about me. Fuck is up, you want my autograph or something?

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a3f906  No.9802424


muh pleasure



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fad512  No.9802425


All the people on unemployment (april) will loose it just before november

unless Trump does something

This will probably decide the election.


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643a77  No.9802426

File: 10a9d72251116e6⋯.jpg (54.51 KB, 640x1032, 80:129, greenspancontemplates.jpg)


top text is good.

bottom could be worded better..imo

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f66ce9  No.9802427

File: 8a3d17eb1890cd1⋯.png (288.53 KB, 617x676, 617:676, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)

fauci doubles

'It's Going To Be Very Disturbing': Fauci Says #COVID Cases Could Surge By 100,000 A Day



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000000  No.9802428

"The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time that the perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up to such an extent that he does not perceive you as an enemy."


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6c3af5  No.9802429

Russia Withdraws From UN Deconfliction System On Syria Because Some Of Its Facilities Are Used By Terrorists

TASS reports (source):

Russia has decided to quit the United Nations system of humanitarian deconfliction in Syria because some of this system’s facilities were used by terrorists, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said on Monday at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

UN Under-Secretary General Mark Lowcock told the meeting that Russia had withdrawn from the humanitarian deconfliction mechanism on June 23.

“This mechanism operated on a voluntary basis and was not fixed by any Security Council resolutions or other legally binding documents,” Nebenzya said. “Our probes repeatedly demonstrated that some of the deconfliction facilities were actually used as terrorists’ headquarters, so they could not be granted a humanitarian status.”

Russia rules out any possibility of strikes at civilian facilities in Syria, despite its quitting the United Nations deconfliction mechanism, Vasily Nebenzya vowed.

“We suggest that from now on the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs settle the issue of deconfliction directly with the Syrian authorities. It would be right,” he said. “Russia will stay committed to its liabilities under the international humanitarian law. We have repeatedly stressed that Russia’s aerospace forces use an efficient target verification system, which excludes any possibility of attacks on civilians facilities.”

The Russian diplomat recalled that the United Nations had launched an investigation in July 2019 because of presumable violations within the humanitarian deconfliction mechanism. “The probe results have confirmed the mechanism’s drawbacks,” Nebenzya noted, adding that the Russian Defense Ministry was conducting its own investigation to check the conclusions of the UN commission. “It will derive its own conclusions and we will share them with you,” he added.


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4c9de8  No.9802430

File: 1c12489af09c3d7⋯.png (861.89 KB, 573x960, 191:320, ClipboardImage.png)

Winning! Facebook keeps my accts locked for 30 days at a time. Twatter banned me almost 2 years ago. Just joined Parler a few days ago. I posted this pic 12 hours ago and it was viewed by almost 2k people already. Holy shit, it a night and day difference. (I'm not jumping in blindly, but so far we're crushin it, kmfao. AND there's unity. Plus, the energy is much higher and people are happier over there. They seem more authentic because they get to say whatever they want to.

(Also, I can call trolls faggots and nothing happens to my acct.)

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e0b1d1  No.9802431


Anon knows the plan has been planned much longer than 3 yrs. That's been stated many times. What did Q mean by this?

>PLANNED for [3] years.

Planned to last for 3 years? The takedown to take 3 yrs?

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4cb4fb  No.9802432


At that point there is a 13 week extension available.

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1393cc  No.9802433

File: 9d4f0b8586c5797⋯.jpg (68.27 KB, 500x524, 125:131, 46qmyc.jpg)

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242e54  No.9802434


HGJ, roids and achrome. These satanic fucks want to get ugly. I think being hideous is a badge of honor. Think mirror for illuminati faggotry.

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6c3af5  No.9802435

Russian Anti-Terror Chief: Jihadis Are Intentionally Spreading Coronavirus

Terrorists are using ‘infected members to spread COVID-19’.

The head of Russia’s Anti-Terrorism Center has warned that terrorists are intentionally trying to spread the coronavirus, using it as a form of bio-weapon.

Andrei Novikov, head of Russia’s Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), told Russian state news agency Tass that the terrorists are using the health crisis to further their own agendas.

“While governments are trying to ensure health security, focusing on protecting the lives and health of their people, recruiters of international terrorist groups are not just taking advantage of the difficult situation in order to recruit more ‘Jihad soldiers,’ they are calling on infected members to spread COVID-19 as wide as possible in public places, state agencies and so on,” Novikov said.

The anti-terror chief also noted that terrorists have been hampered by lockdowns and so are finding other ways of recruiting and spreading fear.

“As the population started moving into self-isolation and borders between countries were closing, the level of terrorist activity had somewhat decreased,” Novikov said.

“The reason is obvious – it became significantly more difficult for terrorists to move around, especially between countries, given that border control as well as disease control and prevention were heightened,” he continued.

Novikov further added that online “Media centers were activated which combine the spread of terrorist and extremist ideology and the recruitment of new members.”

He stated that anti-terror efforts are now focusing more on stopping the spread of misinformation designed to induce societal collapse.

“Above all, they are linked to mobilization technologies to ensure public safety, to thwart the spread of unreliable information and any attempts to wreak panic and social tension,” Novikov asserted.

Interestingly, Novikov also claimed that terrorists are using resentment against government imposed lockdowns, as well as a “declining quality of life” in countries hit hardest by the coronavirus, to entice new recruits.

“There is a common understanding that the objective “social fatigue” should be separated from the restrictions introduced and its artificial amplification in order to destabilize the constitutional structure,” Novikov stated.

The warnings echo those of European Union counter-terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove, who recently noted that terrorists are planning to use upheaval caused by the coronavirus pandemic to find holes in the national security of target countries.

Kerchove warned that a “massive amount of money that will be spent to address the economic, social, and healthcare consequences of the virus” should not be taken away from national security spending.

“We must prevent the one crisis ending up producing another,” he urged.


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47a9b2  No.9802436

File: 03da0791883ad95⋯.jpg (352.09 KB, 764x788, 191:197, faucipan2.jpg)

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1a48a6  No.9802437


They're using voter information to find my phone number?

What in the fuck? How am I supposed to feel safe if these terrorists have this information?

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ca5ac9  No.9802438

File: 76a37ea5f9fbfd8⋯.png (92.59 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ackshully.png)

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6b570a  No.9802439

File: 6013bc897eab7ce⋯.jpg (77.8 KB, 621x414, 3:2, Milley_warning.jpg)

File: 333cd7c5eb28ffb⋯.png (327.69 KB, 902x471, 902:471, ThanQ.png)

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395f19  No.9802440


You are so convincing! How many RMB do you earn per day? 10?

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242e54  No.9802441

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e0b1d1  No.9802442


that looks like a woman

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261b0e  No.9802443


Timeline is 3 years from first drop? Lets all hopefag until 11/4!

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643a77  No.9802444

File: 94070a9209b4c96⋯.jpg (249.15 KB, 1200x899, 1200:899, anne_schuchat.jpg)

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6c3af5  No.9802445

File: a651b87708de95b⋯.png (43.89 KB, 770x422, 385:211, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Used $601M Seized From Venezuela To Fund Border Wall With Mexico

Approximately $24 billion of Venezuelan public money has been taken out of the country, and out of those an approximate $601 million have been used to construct the US-Mexico border wall, Univision reported.

Reportedly, government documents, which were first reviewed by Univision, prove the money was used specifically for that.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, US President Donald Trump promised that he would “make Mexico pay” to build the wall, but has entirely failed.

As such, he has turned to other ways to construct the $18 billion project.

Trump used the National Emergency he declared after losing a “fight” with US Congress which led to a 35-day government shutdown, to siphon $8 billion for wall construction from other government accounts, including $600,993,368.26 from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund.

Several unsuccessful efforts were made in Congress and the courts to block Trump using the confiscated assets for the wall.

A bill in the House of Representatives sought to include a provision that “prohibits the use of funds from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund to plan, design, construct, or carry out a project to construct a wall, barrier, fence, or road along the southern border of the United States.”

The United States has seized at least $1 billion of Venezuelan public funds that Washington in turn claimed were supposedly being stolen by officials from Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s government.

“None of that money… has been returned to the Venezuelan people,” Univision reported. “Instead, most of the money is being collected by the U.S. Justice and Treasury Departments and held in special forfeiture funds used mostly to fund law enforcement investigations.”

In the Univision report, the mainstream narrative is followed, in the way that the Maduro government is a “widely repudiated regime.” And US-Proclaimed Interim President Juan Guaido is described as the country’s interim government.

Univision disregards the actions of the us US and European countries that led to the stealing billions of dollars of Venezuelan public money, justifying the theft with allegations of Venezuelan government corruption.


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db1135  No.9802446

File: 1294a6657bde7a2⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 340x289, 20:17, Subsider.jpg)

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0c8671  No.9802447

File: 06ccaf141f9f07c⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, faggotry_works.png)


>I'm not a shill.

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fbd22e  No.9802448

File: 6131068f7a97363⋯.png (100.11 KB, 1692x552, 141:46, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)

File: 583ee8e9e92297a⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1452x1370, 726:685, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)

This anon has theory and maybe it has already been discussed. Q said 70%-30% or 60% 40% would know not know some disinformation is necessary etc. An abnormally high rate of police officers have died from Covid-19. The story about the Giddings officer/Youth consellor threw up a red flag. This is a youth "prison" and a tough one. it also has had plenty of kids come out and say they were sexually trafficked in there. WHAT IF. these "officers" who are dying of covid are actually getting shipped out to Gitmo to be taken care of as maybe they are the traffickers and the on the front lines of protecting the rat lines from detection. Just a theory that needs more in-depth if someone has some time.

Well an awful lot of indictments? or possible



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47a9b2  No.9802449


Needs sauce

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ef6c71  No.9802450

joe bYden

nancY pelosY

james comeY

adam schYff

hillarY clYnton

barack husseYn

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12cdb9  No.9802451


Related to how the Russia hoax started. Not much being said because charges are pending.

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32811b  No.9802452

File: 775846ab80e8153⋯.jpg (162.64 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, coumonursinghome1.jpg)


matbe less words .

but just keep memes going

never be afraid of good intentioned criticism

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65ac50  No.9802453

File: 1b5813dd3e1df96⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1333x749, 1333:749, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9801649 Q

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000000  No.9802454


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764d1f  No.9802455


>Releasing criminals, Defunding Police…hmm…kinda looks like the Democrats are preparing for a actual WAR…there is NO other explanation for it.

Trump 2020 campaign ads write themselves!

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3dee26  No.9802456

Does it make sense to start a #Recall meme campaign. Lotsa Govs, Atty Gens, etc. Dovetails with the Knowingly and Killer hashtags.

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071f45  No.9802457

File: fde1b92dc684664⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 550x825, 2:3, lawlessness.jpg)


lines up

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06c001  No.9802458

File: ff374f8ef771ce5⋯.png (103.75 KB, 300x220, 15:11, Doolittle_Raid.png)


Be not afraid


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755b75  No.9802459


I'm not a shill, and I was unironically up all night slapping flyers with the text from Joe M's Covid 911 insurgency vid all over my hometown. Follow suit, in your own way if you feel like it.

Not everyone is gonna be open to listening to a backchannel source named "Q" posting in green text on a darkened imageboard. Some people don't even use social media, let alone 8kun.

Apparently it's shilling to say this, but:GET THE MESSAGE OUT THERE. IT IS LITERALLY YOUR JOB.

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f3f790  No.9802460

Well Q, ya blew it, champ

We've known that a while now but hey

Thanks for letting us gather rent free on ya boards! Trace that (:

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fbbf72  No.9802461

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19505b  No.9802462

File: 481e4bdfca9f13e⋯.jpg (2.66 MB, 3008x2000, 188:125, 330442030_88f0f30d33_o.jpg)

This war comes witha price

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4cfbb9  No.9802463


Thank you, will tweak it.

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47a9b2  No.9802464

File: 547070263084510⋯.jpg (47.25 KB, 680x383, 680:383, recallgavinmaga.jpg)


It's been done

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5c6fbc  No.9802465


People have been trying to understand the Bible for thousands of years. The fact that it has spawned so many religions seems proof enough that no one has got it yet.

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692ed5  No.9802466

File: 0b1b90e4c83a863⋯.png (11.63 KB, 547x164, 547:164, ClipboardImage.png)

It's a win, win, no matter who wins.

Imagine if [D]'s acktuallee win, then evidence of [their] crimes comes out before Inaug.

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ea126c  No.9802467

All they have to do to draw a big support is start arresting those low hanging fruit perps….you do a few of them a week with a progression increasing upwards towards the bigger fruits and panic will set in to a point where we will have "Canaries" all over the place!!!

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d3d027  No.9802468

File: 94927c16b9c1b27⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB, 640x800, 4:5, you_about_to_lose_yo_job.mp4)

You about to lose yo job

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3b8ec4  No.9802469


>What in the fuck? How am I supposed to feel safe if these terrorists have this information?

If I were to purchase the right list I also would have your number. Pollsters get numbers from lists created with any and all information the person gives. I have been a pollster, I have seen the lists.

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000000  No.9802470


>You are so convincing! How many RMB do you earn per day? 10?


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1393cc  No.9802471

File: f4acacb9f51435e⋯.jpg (28.96 KB, 500x397, 500:397, Q_s_BOOM.jpg)

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c9cb01  No.9802472


Ilan Omar seems like a no-brainer

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ca5ac9  No.9802473

File: 440c6d05726951f⋯.png (226.52 KB, 350x262, 175:131, somuchrandy.png)


Dawg is you stupid or something? We been through this already nigga.

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4ca851  No.9802474

File: cb57c8af0de3fc5⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1024x4711, 1024:4711, SEA_PAH_Seattle_Pups_and_H….jpg)


Ability to see [clearly] what they've hid from you for so long [illumination].

Missing den from hidden - dogs den

Was just doing a little archiving of this site because it links to the chaz shooting of two black teens. Car had a bumper sticker for grrbear masks and a dog crate in the back.


seattle based sick fucks - figured good time to share for eyes on

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000000  No.9802475



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4cfbb9  No.9802476


Thank you for the feedback anon.

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3dee26  No.9802477


TY Anon. Would like to see Ducey and other RINOs added too.

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764d1f  No.9802478




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fd6f3c  No.9802479

File: f165396eefb437d⋯.png (476.38 KB, 602x942, 301:471, ClipboardImage.png)


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d94d5c  No.9802480

File: 1877b4b215d2feb⋯.jpg (63.05 KB, 756x435, 252:145, FauciClueless.jpg)


>Fauci predicts 100,000 new COVID-19 cases per day if US can't control outbreaks

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395f19  No.9802481


Wow! Now you are really convincing! Have an extra RMB!

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242e54  No.9802482

File: a0433af34f28548⋯.png (525.88 KB, 833x417, 833:417, CUOMOBEER.png)

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19505b  No.9802483


There should be a homestead tax exemption

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755b75  No.9802484




Maybe I do need a nap. Whatever, energy drink and cigs will do.

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f2a640  No.9802485

File: 1e5d5fa89246d0e⋯.png (753.45 KB, 590x1251, 590:1251, Screenshot_2020_06_30_Gemm….png)

File: ca54a2396a704d0⋯.mp4 (7.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pXLtsatGU1JsjK4Y.mp4)

The purpose of #Covid_19 is to usher in the final phase of the New World Order’s global dictatorship. Everyone who is awake to this has a duty to share the truth widely with others who are still going along with the #plandemic. The clock is ticking: http://gemmaodoherty.com/videos

More here


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06202c  No.9802486

File: f7b8de1448ae929⋯.jpg (228.45 KB, 1110x528, 185:88, 1700_independence_day.jpg)


>The Pentagon has announced that roughly 1,700 service members will help to support President Trump's July 4 celebrations.





>Trips Activated!



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db1135  No.9802487

File: e5faff781ac324d⋯.png (221.44 KB, 643x680, 643:680, Shills3.png)


if you are here..then We have there info to…good job cheeseanon…welcome to the trap v2

can't stop the signal Mal

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acb673  No.9802488

File: 8eb0e4210e4996d⋯.png (99.52 KB, 811x808, 811:808, emo.png)

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351760  No.9802489

>>9802319 ← asshole trannie boi soi ben collins got fired from msdnc, did you get fired??

are you gonna sue em for bias??


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643a77  No.9802490

File: 3df3a4dda3d4ecb⋯.jpg (26.8 KB, 513x447, 171:149, lebowski.jpg)


far out, man.

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3d186e  No.9802491

File: 1da20d6b5faa847⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 417x419, 417:419, THROAT_STOMPER.jpg)

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cfbfb9  No.9802492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

She’s warming up

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90fed0  No.9802493


I think people see how fucked up things are, but they haven't connected the dots to the culprits yet. When I see at least 50% of people NOT wearing masks in grocery stores, then I'll believe that people finally SEE. But right now, I'm the only rebel out there in my neck of the woods, and it's a pretty big neck. It's a pretty red area too. Yet people are still wearing their masks like good sheep, even in 85 degree days. Still brainwashed as far as I'm concerned.

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db1135  No.9802494



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755b75  No.9802495

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000000  No.9802496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>9800233 (pb) Q

>Lone Warrior!

Dare to be a Daniel

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e0b1d1  No.9802497


this household will continue homeschooling. Shocked to find juniorhighanon cannot tell time on a regular clock face or read/write cursive. He's highly intelligent; school just did not have time to teach these things because of state mandated requirements. They tell them what to teach and give them a specific amount of time to teach it before they must move on to the next concept. 1-2 days allowed for each concept. Kids who dont get it just get left behind.

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4cb4fb  No.9802498


Yep. Time to go crack one open and have a smoke while these Randy Niggers get their shit together.

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56d8fc  No.9802499


Maybe each day (your local time zone)at 4:45pm we should all say a quick prayer for POTUS and Patriots worldwide, for the safety of good/innocent people, for every move the DS make to implode in their face, etc. Not a theologian, but maybe if we pray as a group, perhaps our prayers will be amplified. Obviously we are in different times zones, so every time a time zone hits 4:45, we’ll be sending out waves positive energy.

Then at 5 o’clock we can all enjoy an ice cold beverage and continue our work.

From the beginning we have been given insight into the silent war being fought so that as the public begins to awaken we can be there to guide and comfort those around us.

We are veterans, lawyers, builders, supermarket cashiers, etc, etc; all working together for the common good of humanity. We each have unique skills that we bring to the table. Together we can destroy the evil that enslaves humanity.

(4:45pm is my suggestion, no particular reason)

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467b11  No.9802500

Blacks, Hispanics, Arabs, and Muslims were all forced upon the West, by the Jewish central banking elite, to cause all the violence and chaos that we are currently seeing. It was all planned. It was all by design. All done intentionally in order to collapse Western society.

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691246  No.9802501


Maybe … Do you expect me to believe that forcing nursing homes to take the infected killed people?

Snicker your damn right it did.

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261b0e  No.9802502

What % of people are sheep normies?

It feels endless I don't know anyone IRL that's not, only frens here. Even my wife I redpill daily and she still believes the NYT over this place.

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736e33  No.9802503

File: 67f70b5d8a431db⋯.png (1.62 MB, 964x1024, 241:256, ClipboardImage.png)


Big Mike's brother looks like a woman. Something about the lips and eyes. Blech.

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000000  No.9802505


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1393cc  No.9802506

File: d543ff1725df776⋯.jpg (31.17 KB, 500x339, 500:339, bbw.jpg)

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ea126c  No.9802507


yep….no body will riot over her leaving, except the ISIS/Muslim/Islamic/Sharia Law loving terrorists…naw…that won't stir up some shit….but it would cast all of them into the light…how many deaths are you counting on???

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47a9b2  No.9802508

File: f581d72d398ebff⋯.png (879.67 KB, 864x620, 216:155, wilhelmns.png)


There's something sinister going on with the pet rabbit community as well

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370a89  No.9802509


No, there shouldn't be property taxes.

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736e33  No.9802510

File: 4b76f1aebfdd19a⋯.png (307.81 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, grandmakiller.png)


Fewer words.

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b0afea  No.9802511


You don't need to use red text for this, but yes this is fucked up.

We have a fucking President who is supposed to be our guy.

There are some things that he can do to fix some of these problems.

The most fixable of the problems are the health restrictions.

Trump can't figure out how to lift these health restrictions?

New CDC guidelines.

1) All the "spitting in mouth" stores remain closed.

2) Everything else - back to normal.

Then - when Dem Govs don't go back to normal, Trump can then say "they aren't following CDC guidelines"

But Trump hasn't done this even though it was clear that this could be done months ago.

What is happening now is that we're typing words and Dem Governors are sucking like never before.


Time for normal, TRUMP.

TRUMP is standing by and watching shit get cancelled, people wearing masks and distancing.

No more of that. Make changes. The health people at the Fed Gov should all be saying everything is fine and back to normal, and if they don't say that, and don't change the rules, they're all fired.

Remember when we thought that one thing we would be sure about was that Trump knew how to fire people?

That TV show, The Apprentice, "You're Fired", all that? Why did we not get that? We voted for that. And we watch every Fed Gov worker in the health area being total shit, and Trump not firing them.

Trump acts like the Democrats are in charge and we act like it's normal for GOP President and GOP Senate after 2 years of GOP President, GOP Senate and GOP House to result in country that seems like the Democrats are in charge.

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f2a640  No.9802512


Because he's dead….George Bush Sr.

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6c3af5  No.9802513

File: 5024f4f33c265a3⋯.png (74.69 KB, 721x839, 721:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d605f388d808a1a⋯.png (32.11 KB, 783x406, 27:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Social media earthquake as Parler welcomes 1,000,000 new users

The Western Journal reports that there has been a breakthrough in the hammerlock Facebook, Twitter and other Big Tech social media have had on the population. For the last few years, these big networks had become creeping censors, eliminating well-known but more “fringe-y” conservatives and their news sites from mainstream sharing and distribution. Now, with Twitter and Google’s recent bans (or warnings) again quite prominent conservative or alternate news sites like ZeroHedge, the Federalist, and Carpe Donktum, it appears that a tipping point has been reached, with alternate social media Parler picking up one million new users in only about one week.

The Big Tech companies are on record for censoring, banning, blocking and even deleting the accounts and activities of conservative or otherwise intellectually honest individuals and organizations. Examples of note include: Laura Loomer, Robert Stacy McCain, Milo Yiannopoulos, Richard Spencer, Roger Stone, James Allsup, Candace Owens, Alex Jones and his site InfoWars, James Woods, an actor who is very conservative, Lindsay Shepherd, all have been banned or temporarily shut down on Twitter for posting conservative opinions Twitter does not like. many of these people have also been disables or banned on Facebook. Steve Turley has suffered deplatforming on Youtube apparently. We at The Duran have been shut down periodically, and Yours Truly is currently sitting out a partial ban on posting on Facebook for probably the sixth or seventh time, after having my primary account and all its contacts completely disabled and deleted last November.

The Western Journal piece, written by Christine Favocci, has some very interesting things to say:

Twitter is increasingly hostile to conservatives and their viewpoints, but users have found a refuge on Parler, a fast-growing conservative alternative to the popular social media platform.

According to the company’s co-founder and CEO John Matze Jr., Parler gained an additional 1 million users since around the time Twitter banned two popular conservatives last week, essentially doubling the number of users on the app.

“Our main focus is free speech — the idea that there’s no political censorship,” Matze told Stuart Varney on Fox Business on Monday.

“It’s a town square for people to get together and have conversations whether it’s about politics, about their hobbies or whatever it might be but without the idea that there’s somebody looking over your shoulder saying, ‘Is that a politically correct view or not? Is that one you’re supposed to have?’” Matze said.

“We really just want to do that while retaining people’s right to privacy,” Matze said, promising that his company does not sell personal data.

He also said the new users were “mostly conservatives” along with some young, leftist Black Lives Matter protesters “who’ve actually come to argue with the conservatives who are joining.”

“So it seems that it’s kind of a big movement,” Matze said.

While Matze said the company has many decency standards comparable to “daytime television” or acceptable public behavior, the platform doesn’t censor viewpoints.

“We don’t really care politically what people think; we just want people to have a discussion in a cordial, friendly manner like you’d have on a town square and that’s it — share information and communicate with one another.”

“We don’t care about your political views, we encourage people to debate.”

Many high-profile Republican politicians such as Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz have joined the platform.

Parler also counts President Donald Trump’s son Eric and his wife as well as the Trump 2020 presidential re-election campaign as users, according to Forbes.

While many still maintain their Twitter accounts, Gaetz used the platform to explain the move and encourage his followers over to Parler.

“I’m on @parler_app. Follow me now! @RepMattGaetz,” he tweeted.

“Technology companies shouldn’t be able to put their thumb on the scale and reshape speech in our country. Features of the technology should apply equally to people regardless of viewpoint.”

Technology companies shouldn’t be able to put their thumb on the scale and reshape speech in our country. Features of the technology should apply equally to people regardless of viewpoint.

LINK: https://parler.com/profile/RepMattGaetz/posts …


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c6f312  No.9802514

File: acb79baf6b0a43b⋯.png (229.46 KB, 853x636, 853:636, ClipboardImage.png)

Picking up Good Vibrations

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cb325f  No.9802515


STRIKE when the time is right

We are up against CHEATERS, HACKS and the mind-controlled slaves - the public - doesn't understand this yet!

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0c8671  No.9802516


Brevity, anon, brevity.

The art of the meme is in its visual impact.

You lose that if it comes with an essay.

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a3f906  No.9802517



>>9802445 U.S. Used $601M Seized From Venezuela To Fund Border Wall With Mexico

>>9802429 Russia Withdraws From UN Deconfliction System On Syria Because Some Of Its Facilities Are Used By Terrorists

>>9802351 California Town Boots Church from Downtown After Residents Worshiped There for 25 Years

>>9802320 The Pentagon has announced that roughly 1,700 service members will help to support President Trump's July 4 celebrations.

>>9802313 Senior Egyptian judge dropped from elite council after drafting anti-torture law

>>9802299 Major Flooding Chinese Provences… Hubei.. guizhou.. Sichuan.. chongquing, china

>>9802284 Explosion in north Tehran with thick smoke

>>9802274 Biden: "We're giving a portion of the population who has responded to the race-baiting the President has engaged in a sort of free pass."

>>9802263 Major Space Force Units to Be Called Deltas, Officials Announce

>>9802257 Happy International Asteroid Day

>>9802250 Panic in London ?Theresa May worried by -On Tuesday, the former prime minister condemned the decision to appoint David Frost as national security adviser?

>>9802227 The Good News About COVID-19 the Corporate Media Keeps Hidden

>>9802218 Netanyahu indicates delay in annexation date after meeting with US envoys

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14c1dc  No.9802518


God's already been on that. It doesn't end well with evil, no matter the outcome of this current event.

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805af1  No.9802519

Q, this “let people see for themselves plan” isn’t going to be very effective and here’s why.


Look at the Patriots alignment. Tally the amount of people here by whether they are conservative or liberal (right or left).

Add up both the traitor and evil alignments. Tally the amount of people in those two spots by right vs left.

Take the tally of alignment by party you get and divide by 126.

That if my theory is correct is an accurate tally of the amount of patriots and traitors in this country by political party amongst the lay folk aka the rank and file members of R and D.

Meaning that the vast bulk of leftists are “Children of the Serpent” as alluded to in previous drops and are thus in full support of the evils their higher ups are involved in.

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db1135  No.9802520


Y in the name is a code…is Y a funny letter??? is it added? tp regular alphabet as like a symbol..like @..

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3b8ec4  No.9802522


>TRUMP is standing by and watching shit get cancelled, people wearing masks and distancing.

So tell us, what should the FEDERAL government be doing?

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000000  No.9802523


>Wow! Now you are really convincing! Have an extra RMB!


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65ac50  No.9802524

File: a57313fef1261ba⋯.png (49.02 KB, 1141x601, 1141:601, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca5ac9  No.9802525

File: 80bf3797df44e6c⋯.png (19.17 KB, 96x95, 96:95, randyout.png)


Uhh… aight you have a nice day sir.

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6b570a  No.9802526

File: 391d543f1d5acf3⋯.jpg (504.33 KB, 1499x1161, 1499:1161, LIGHTNING_DONE_RIGHT.jpg)

File: 5052d1c63eb55b6⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 499x504, 499:504, Angels_from_above.jpg)

File: d4cd7406d67b6fe⋯.png (150.23 KB, 683x283, 683:283, Q_strikes_rathole.png)


Not from where I'm sitting it won't.

Ever heard of the saying…"the proof is in the pudding"

As much as I don't like pasting this traitors face….

That's blood and there will be plenty of it….Hope you like the taste of your own.

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f66ce9  No.9802527

File: 1c1e93156ea8b08⋯.png (341.09 KB, 607x967, 607:967, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)

File: 1960c25c59751ad⋯.png (639.58 KB, 839x1211, 839:1211, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)



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92e537  No.9802528

File: 51e8c8e5163b1c0⋯.png (929.4 KB, 1369x649, 1369:649, ClipboardImage.png)

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291526  No.9802529

File: 37952bfac4a091e⋯.png (380.11 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06302020_….png)

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6c3af5  No.9802530

File: 8470cafa5eaac16⋯.png (101.05 KB, 761x845, 761:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c941f642c3bd33⋯.png (26.23 KB, 745x252, 745:252, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Faces No Questions About Michael Flynn Probe During His First Press Conference In Three Months

Former Vice President Joe Biden held his first press conference with reporters in nearly three months, but faced no questions about recent revelations about his interest in Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period in early 2017.

Last week, attorneys for Flynn disclosed notes taken in early January 2017 that suggested that Biden brought up an obscure law called the Logan Act that the FBI cited to continue an investigation against Flynn.

Last month, Senate Republicans released documents showing that Biden submitted a request for an intelligence report regarding Flynn on Jan. 12, 2017.

Flynn’s lawyers released notes last week that Peter Strzok, a now-former FBI counterintelligence official, took during a Jan. 5, 2017 meeting that made reference to Biden.

Biden was in the meeting with President Barack Obama, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-national security adviser Susan Rice, and other administration officials.

Comey briefed the White House on a phone conversation that Flynn had on Dec. 29, 2016 with Sergey Kislyak, who then served as the Russian ambassador to the United States. The FBI recorded the conversation during routine surveillance of Kislyak.

The FBI by that point was poised to close an ongoing investigation into whether Flynn had covert links to Russia. But Strzok and other FBI officials intervened on Jan. 4, 2017 to keep the investigation open. They cited Flynn’s call with Kislyak, and raised the prospect that Flynn violated the Logan Act.

Passed in 1799, the law has never been successfully prosecuted in U.S. history.


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e877c1  No.9802531

File: 6c2fcc4a3be12a6⋯.png (1.04 MB, 933x1335, 311:445, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS just dropped this meme on Twatter:


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764d1f  No.9802532

File: 910670c1d05a8ea⋯.png (537.35 KB, 1012x652, 253:163, Tired_Yet.png)


>I'm a fed up American.

Than (you) are right where they want you!

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000000  No.9802533


>STRIKE when the time is right


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f72cd9  No.9802534


A serious fire has been reported at a medical clinic in northern Tehran, with locals posting footage of an explosion at the site and images of thick, black smoke. Three people have been injured, officials said.

Iran’s ISNA news agency published footage of clouds of smoke over the scene, while other online videos which purport to have captured the incident showed flames and a descending whirl of sparks.

The emergency services later said it was likely caused by the explosion of a gas cylinder used to store liquefied gas.

Twitter users said that the incident happened near Tajrish Square, one of the busiest areas of the capital.

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691246  No.9802535


Logical fallacy

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261b0e  No.9802536


Still not convinced Mad Dog is a traitor but its not looking good

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c6f312  No.9802537

File: cadfa2b21c167e9⋯.png (122.26 KB, 420x279, 140:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.9802538


Really? Who did Jesus preach to? Who understood and got the message? Was it the poor people who knew they were broken vessels and sinners, or the ones who were, "leaders," and were self righteous and didn't think they needed redemption?

Luk 18:24  And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful, he said, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 

Luk 18:25  For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. 

Luk 18:26  And they that heard it said, Who then can be saved? 

Luk 18:27  And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. 

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6c3af5  No.9802539

File: 2bfad5c0c35de43⋯.png (57.02 KB, 665x858, 665:858, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6084272c5f6cda⋯.png (25.58 KB, 673x366, 673:366, ClipboardImage.png)

Victory as British court grants judicial review of at-home abortions

The coronavirus crisis 'has been a convenient smokescreen for implementing home abortion which has long been a goal of abortion advocates,' said a U.K. pro-life advocate.

WESTMINSTER, England, June 30, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― A British court has permitted a judicial review of a decision to allow home abortions during the coronavirus lockdown.

Yesterday the Court of Appeal struck down the High Court’s decision to reject pro-life group Christian Concern’s challenge to the United Kingdom Health Secretary’s measure.

The limits of the 1967 Abortion Act were relaxed in March to allow for early abortions during the lockdown. In late March the British government first permitted women who are up to ten weeks pregnant to receive abortion pills by mail to self-administer at home without a medical practitioner present. The Health Department flip-flopped on the decision twice, concluding on March 30 that DIY at-home abortions could go ahead.

In his decision to allow Christian Concern’s challenge to the legality of self-administered abortion to go forward, Lord Justice Lewison wrote that it is “arguable” that Health Secretary Matt Hancock exceeded his powers under the Abortion Act when he defined “a pregnant woman’s home” as a place where abortions can be lawfully performed. According to Christian Concern, Lewison also said that their argument “has a real prospect of success.”

The organization stated that the Court of Appeal will now hold a public hearing to decide if the Health Secretary’s decision “should be quashed.”

Christian Concern reported that they will advance two arguments that may overturn the de facto legalization of at-home abortion. The first is that only Parliament, and certainly not the Health Secretary, can change the law. The Abortion Act stipulates that abortions may take place only in hospitals run by the National Health Service and in “approved” clinics. The second is that permitting women to perform abortions on themselves is directly contrary to the aims of the Abortion Act, “which is to prevent ‘backstreet abortions’ and ensure that the abortions take place in safe [sic] and hygenic conditions.”

The Department of Health released its abortion statistics for 2019 on June 11. They revealed a new abortion record for England and Wales: 207,384. The number of abortions in Scotland for 2019 are not yet known. However, they hit a ten-year high in 2018 with 13,286 babies aborted. Meanwhile, 129 babies were aborted in Northern Ireland within two months of its pro-life law being forceably altered.

Christian Concern’s Andrea Williams blamed the rising abortion rate on the British government’s determination to liberalize the deadly practice.

“Abortion numbers are at record highs,” she stated.

“The government is making every effort to liberalize abortion to the point of decriminalization,” Williams continued.


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47a9b2  No.9802540

File: 41122a36bc7d11a⋯.jpg (292.99 KB, 1056x605, 96:55, god2.jpg)

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5078dd  No.9802541



This is a good point.



FFS, 800,000 kids are abducted every year. That's 2,000 kids a day. That's over 1.5 Million kids that were abducted, raped, tortured, killed and eaten since we'vehad it all

Anons, reconcile this fact. You are Ok with this, Q is Ok with this. Let's pray.

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1393cc  No.9802542

File: b47b876e2bd70ed⋯.jpg (37.05 KB, 500x501, 500:501, Randy_1.jpg)

File: 4d0d29df4ad3851⋯.jpg (41.81 KB, 500x583, 500:583, Randy_jj.jpg)

File: 99c05366d8ec019⋯.jpg (31.12 KB, 500x499, 500:499, Randy.jpg)

File: c325782468e30f3⋯.jpg (40.41 KB, 500x465, 100:93, 46randy.jpg)

File: 03a242a321abac4⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x499, 500:499, Randy_.jpg)

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ea126c  No.9802543


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19505b  No.9802544


Have you seen molly anywhere just lookin for molly

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5c6fbc  No.9802545


>STRIKE when the time is right

The only thing I will say about this is that the original plan was started long before the current shit show we are living through now. So we are focusing on what is happening in the streets today. What happened to all the things that began the plan many years ago?

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19fc42  No.9802546

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f66ce9  No.9802547

File: 42039075214b07a⋯.png (68.41 KB, 617x362, 617:362, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)

Simon & Schuster's statement on the judge's temporary restraining order of Mary Trump's book:

"We plan to immediately appeal this decision to the Appellate Division, and look forward to prevailing in this case based on well-established precedents regarding prior restraint."



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354eb1  No.9802548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rand Paul GOES OFF On Shutting Down America To Dr. Fauci

7mins 30 seconds

Rand makes some very salient points (i.e. he speaks common sense).


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6b570a  No.9802549


It's hard to read the eyes of someone in the military…. can be a cold look, but that's for a reason….He got me.

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7591c2  No.9802550


Have you read any comments under #DeSantisKillsFlorida?

If people really are waking up, I sure don't see it.

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042d42  No.9802551

File: 54659bd5596fa0b⋯.pdf (262.5 KB, Warrior_of_the_light.pdf)


The Manual of the Warrior of Light

Paulo Coelho

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6c3af5  No.9802552

File: 33cccf074cc0122⋯.png (291.73 KB, 551x385, 551:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4645bb1036cb981⋯.png (559.7 KB, 814x776, 407:388, ClipboardImage.png)

Clare Bronfman Replaces Mark Geragos; Hires Famed Black Lawyer Ronald S. Sullivan Jr.

In a surprise move, Nxivm convict, Clare Webb Bronfman, has replaced celebrity lawyer, Mark Geragos, with well known Black lawyer Ronald S. Sullivan Jr.

Geragos, whose tenure with Bronfman came late in the game, negotiated a plea deal for Bronfman about a month before she was scheduled to go to trial.

At the time it seemed to be a sweetheart deal for the sinister heiress. She had been represented by Susan Necheles as lead attorney when she was arrested in July 2018. Geragos took over as lead counsel in 2019.

Bronfman was the top henchwoman for Nxivm leader Keith Alan Raniere and spent well over $100 million at Raniere’s direction, much of if used to pay for lawyers to sue civilly and to advance perjurious criminal complaints meant to indict enemies of Raniere and herself.

She seemed to have escaped more serious charges and the supposed sweetheart deal, crafted by Geragos, appeared to be a mere slap on the wrist. She agreed to pay a $6 million fine [about 3 percent of her net worth] and in return, or so it seemed, she would get about two years in prison.

The 21-27 month sentencing guideline estimated by the prosecution, however, turned out to be worthless. That may be because an estimated 100 victims came forward after her plea deal and wrote shocking victim impact statements, which were included in her presentencing report, describing, in horrifying detail, how Clare Bronfman destroyed their lives.


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000000  No.9802553


Mat 23:23  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. 

Mat 23:24  Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. 

Mat 23:25  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. 

Mat 23:26  Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. 

Mat 23:27  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. 

Mat 23:28  Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. 

Mat 23:29  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, 

Mat 23:30  And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. 

Mat 23:31  Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. 

Mat 23:32  Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. 

Mat 23:33  Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? 

Mat 23:34  Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: 

Mat 23:35  That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. 

Mat 23:36  Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. 

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e38909  No.9802554


i misread it, sorry anon.

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c66603  No.9802556

File: f936b79f3620741⋯.jpg (2.53 MB, 5021x2824, 5021:2824, POTUSRedeemer.jpg)

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f0c36b  No.9802557

File: dc17d534b5338f9⋯.png (266.23 KB, 569x996, 569:996, ClipboardImage.png)

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c6f312  No.9802558


no But Brought a whole pound of Mary

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57263f  No.9802559

been living under a rock the past 2 weeks

what have i missed?

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2dfc9c  No.9802560

File: 2d636ca1c12d135⋯.jpg (140.11 KB, 1408x1414, 704:707, hussein_renegade_q_drop.jpg)

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000000  No.9802561


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755b75  No.9802562


No problem, I'm a mess this morning and I really do need some sleep. Nothing but hugs, fren.

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4999b4  No.9802563


>The takedown to take 3 yrs

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a666d5  No.9802564

This Christcuckery will not win Trump the election.

Q, you are fucking up your OP. The original Q memelords are NOT Christian.

Quit your fucking crying because you didn't listen to us.

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93d847  No.9802565


Found the Baptist.

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63e997  No.9802566


key word


means nothing



those mean something

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17c2fc  No.9802568

File: d0101f9df415836⋯.png (303.86 KB, 646x551, 34:29, u7f8wqrf93hqyfgcf834hqoeaj….PNG)



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953e03  No.9802569



Not if they start killing people to get the death rates up again.

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7f6662  No.9802570



I don't understand any of the Furry fandom

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ea126c  No.9802571


Obviously they side stepped him, because WE ARE THE ONES ON LOCKDOWN..NOT HIM!!!

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cc676f  No.9802572

Timothy Charles Holmseth is the official reporter for the Pentagon Pedofile Task Force and the Qanon team. Please read all of Timothy's articles that have been authorized by the Qanon team here: https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/

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f0c36b  No.9802573

File: e60bac6bc77eb8b⋯.png (441.75 KB, 604x956, 151:239, ClipboardImage.png)

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643a77  No.9802574

File: 6082259b93ab458⋯.jpg (181.43 KB, 1575x1572, 525:524, schifty_hoax.jpg)

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3d186e  No.9802575

File: 4e5b9bc42fd3c06⋯.jpg (117.61 KB, 506x551, 506:551, LAST_GASP.jpg)

File: 9fa60f2d717368f⋯.jpg (121.61 KB, 525x552, 175:184, THE_BIG_ONE_PING_ONLY.jpg)

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9a1c3e  No.9802576

File: 3068bbaed34a8f8⋯.jpg (395.5 KB, 1058x762, 529:381, 16_Year_Plan.jpg)

Deep State, Elites and Democrats are Pushing a ‘Color Revolution’ on the American People But the Target is American Freedom

Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, “democracy” NGOs and other groups since the 1980’s. They were used in crude form to bring down the Polish communist regime in the late 1980s. From there the techniques were refined and used, along with heavy bribes, to topple the Gorbachev regime in the Soviet Union. For anyone who has studied those models closely, it is clear that the protests against police violence led by amorphous organizations with names like Black Lives Matter or Antifa are more than purely spontaneous moral outrage. Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a US President, but in the process, the very structures of the US Constitutional order.

From the Gateway Pundit. Full article is here:


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6c3af5  No.9802577

File: cba6dd84569ff7f⋯.png (11.55 KB, 346x109, 346:109, ClipboardImage.png)

60+ Groups Demand Senate Pass Sanders Amendment to Slash 'Out of Control' Pentagon Budget by $74 Billion

More than 60 progressive advocacy groups representing millions of members across the U.S. are pressuring senators to pass an amendment led by Sen. Bernie Sanders that would cut the proposed Pentagon budget by 10% and redirect the $74 billion in savings toward funding healthcare, education, jobs, and housing in impoverished and neglected communities.

"Our militarism budget is out of control," a coalition of 61 advocacy groups wrote in a letter (pdf) to senators on Monday. "In 2019, the United States spent more money on our military than the next nine countries combined. The Department of Defense's budget eclipses that of federal courts, education, the State Department, local economic development, public health, and environmental protection combined, yet the Pentagon is incapable of passing a basic audit."

"Millions have lost their jobs and access to healthcare as the novel coronavirus pandemic rages on. The current moment should force us to confront the reality that, for too long, we have invested in the wrong priorities."


The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) currently under consideration in the Senate calls for a $740.5 billion military budget for fiscal year 2021. Last week, Sanders and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) unveiled an amendment that would reduce the proposed outlay by 10% and use the savings to "create a federal grant program to fund healthcare, housing, childcare, and educational opportunities for cities and towns experiencing a poverty rate of 25% or more."

Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) have introduced a companion amendment in the House. Lee has also introduced a resolution proposing up to $350 billion in cuts to the Pentagon budget by closing U.S. military bases overseas, ending funding for ongoing wars, and slashing private service contracting.

The coalition of progressive advocacy groups—which includes Public Citizen, RootsAction, CodePink, and Win Without War—wrote Monday that "common-sense steps" like "eliminating redundant and unusable weapons systems, ending wars, ceasing reliance on expensive contractors, and rejecting new nuclear weapons development" would "allow us to properly focus our investments on our most urgent and pressing human needs."

"The jarring recent images of police with weapons of war in our streets is a stark reminder of how militarism and white supremacy drive misplaced spending priorities both at home and abroad," the groups wrote. "Meanwhile, all over the country, millions have lost their jobs and access to healthcare as the novel coronavirus pandemic rages on. The current moment should force us to confront the reality that, for too long, we have invested in the wrong priorities, the wrong tools, and the wrong solutions."

In a virtual "Putting People Over Pentagon" town hall Monday night, some of the organizations behind the letter joined progressive lawmakers to discuss the urgent need to reduce America's bloated military budget and invest in key domestic priorities.

"This 10% cut is eminently doable and reasonable," Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said during the event. "But it's not going to be easy… As progressives, it is our job to redefine and reimagine what it is to be strong. Strong means an end to endless wars and a return to robust diplomacy and international coalition building."


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755b75  No.9802578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They'll look high and they'll look low,

They'll look everywhere we go,

But when the sinners find us we won't hide.

They'll come loud and they'll come fast,

But we shoot first and we can last.

Keep your rifle by your side.

Singing, "Oh, Lord, this Earth was made for us."

Singing, "Oh, Lord, this sinful life just ain't enough."

So we'll take a stand,

Because we must protect our land.

Keep your rifle by your side.

They'll come day and they'll come night,

They'll have our children in their sights,

But if they don't have Faith their eyes are blind.

They can scream and they can shout,

But they will never smoke us out.

Keep your rifle by your side.

Singing, "Oh, Lord, this Earth was made for us."

Singing, "Oh, Lord, this sinful life just ain't enough."

Let me hear the voice,

You know we have no other choice.

Keep your rifle by your side.

They'll have bombs and they'll have tanks,

Because they have money in their banks,

But we won't fall as long as we can fight.

They'll go on and preach their hate,

But they won't get past the gate

Keep your rifle by your side.

Singing, "Oh, Lord, this Earth was made for us."

Singing, "Oh, Lord, this sinful life just ain't enough."

When I see your face

I know I must protect my place.

So, keep my rifle by my side.

Singing, "Oh, Lord, this Earth was made for us."

Singing, "Oh, Lord, this sinful life just ain't enough."

When I see your face

I know I must protect my place.

I'll keep my rifle by my side.

Keep my rifle by my side.

Keep your rifle by your side.

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65ac50  No.9802579

File: 116ca357a338463⋯.png (117.83 KB, 355x455, 71:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c9de8  No.9802580

File: e4883e5bc9dd456⋯.png (483.83 KB, 652x453, 652:453, ClipboardImage.png)


Dayum, it's over 3k now. I'm just a QResearch bred distribution center..but then people can grab the bredrolls and deliver them to twatter, etc


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15a0af  No.9802581

File: fc70f4291245957⋯.jpeg (147.66 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1593528495.jpeg)

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3d2693  No.9802582



Anons get it, we understand what you are saying. But it is hard to have/keep the faith when all we see is destruction.

Good people are being hurt over and over again.

We understand things must be done the right way but we are running out of time.

We need more than words ~ we need action!

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000000  No.9802583


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3c3b07  No.9802584

File: e1aa40c7f3f8fd9⋯.png (20.5 KB, 1268x367, 1268:367, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_06….png)

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51e2f7  No.9802585


Texas bar owners suing state's governor over forced closures==


UPDATED ON: JUNE 30, 2020 / 3:01 PM /


A dozen bar owners in Texas are suing Governor Greg Abbott and the state's alcohol commission, alleging a recent executive order from Abbott that forced bars to close has unfairly singled them out and may lead to their doom. The lawsuit comes as Texas is seeing a surge in coronavirus cases this month.

Texas was one of 20 states that began phased reopenings of its economy in mid-May, a move that allowed shuttered Lone Star bars and restaurants to welcome back customers, at least at limited capacity. But weeks later, Texas hospitals became inundated with thousands of new COVID-19 cases.

Abbott blamed the uptick on "certain types of activities, including Texans congregating in bars," according to a statement last week. The swelling coronavirus case load prompted Abbott to halt the Texas reopening plan and issue an executive order on June 26 that blocked people from patronizing bars.

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63e997  No.9802586


and what are we celebrating

take those soldiers and clean some shit up

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5c6fbc  No.9802587


Then why so many different religions?

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042d42  No.9802588

File: e526cd0d22c1779⋯.jpg (268.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Space_Force1_5.jpg)

File: d45e78ca0b1315e⋯.jpg (177.5 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Space_Force3.jpg)

File: 466bfcdbdaa898d⋯.jpg (224.54 KB, 992x740, 248:185, Space_Force5.jpg)

File: 0a15ff5efa35beb⋯.jpg (532.37 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Space_Force9_5.jpg)

File: 562a79090c1fc3d⋯.jpg (453.67 KB, 1500x1250, 6:5, Space_Force_16.jpg)


Space Force!

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2d5331  No.9802589

File: 567a49dd36576bb⋯.png (280.69 KB, 563x462, 563:462, 5D6FB2A7_9BA2_4643_A7FC_EC….png)

File: 3b87dcfb9b3e6b2⋯.png (375.97 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DDCD7332_20AB_4256_896C_8D….png)

File: 0230a75f90ff379⋯.jpeg (423.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 149F2172_CDB6_416C_8CC1_B….jpeg)

File: 81da84ea2d6e486⋯.png (261.29 KB, 412x508, 103:127, 65A39F39_5F03_44E0_A230_CE….png)

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be8984  No.9802591

File: 9cb694c544006ef⋯.png (160.64 KB, 360x373, 360:373, 90809216893.png)

File: 6b0ab2b4d9fac53⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1173x865, 1173:865, 457891297866378.png)

File: 9cb694c544006ef⋯.png (160.64 KB, 360x373, 360:373, 90809216893.png)

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a84dac  No.9802592

File: be4851ded6a1511⋯.jpeg (317.32 KB, 566x1156, 283:578, 8BEA8CDA_4B24_4450_B922_F….jpeg)

File: ec1e341528ed494⋯.jpeg (341.8 KB, 750x772, 375:386, A0768577_B43E_4C97_8266_F….jpeg)

Reddit’s new racist policy rules against white people


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90fed0  No.9802593


I haven't looked at those comments, and I don't see a big awakening yet either. I do have a leftist niece that is beginning to see that something is wrong though. She finally stopped watching MSM, and she's not really buying the virus thing anymore. She's a nurse too, and even she says something's not right with what's being reported.

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764d1f  No.9802594


>been living under a rock the past 2 weeks

>what have i missed?


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cf4da6  No.9802595


Very bad female shill right here lmao.

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963aa2  No.9802596

File: daac641b32a26bd⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 739x415, 739:415, 2D16DBF9_AA9A_4496_90CA_4A….jpg)

WASHINGTON: "Congress is readying proposals to rebuke President Donald Trump’s plans to pull about 10,000 U.S. troops from Germany amid dissatisfaction with the administration’s rationale for the move and concerns it will weaken NATO.

As Trump confirmed rumored plans to draw down American military personnel levels in Germany in the coming months, a bipartisan group of senators led by Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney proposed an amendment to the Senate’s version of the annual defense policy bill that would freeze troop numbers in Germany.

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., said separately Tuesday that the plan seemed strategically unsound and that Congress should block the administration until it makes its case. Legislative action is likely in the House on Wednesday when Smith’s panel marks up the HASC version of the bill."


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6f6c03  No.9802597

File: de4947ad885dea9⋯.mp4 (631.04 KB, 320x568, 40:71, gnBKpjgdBRomU1ih.mp4)

Mike Karenovich

Can WE make this stick since he just told us all to just wear the fucking mask:

He was widely known years past to call out the "Cucks" and to have "Gorilla Mindset"

so this is just kek submission


Peter Dilecto


Replying to


Mike Karenovich

9:49 AM · Jun 30, 2020




You wear shoes, shirts at restaurants. You don’t fart in elevators. Wearing a mask is on that level - just not a huge deal.

When real poltical change is impossible, and you won’t admit that to yourself because you’re invested in delusion, a mask becomes a symbol of rebellion.

9:34 AM · Jun 30, 2020




Wear a f*cking mask

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6c3af5  No.9802598

File: 31e9a1d9731d129⋯.png (386.69 KB, 571x765, 571:765, ClipboardImage.png)

At least 17 dead in explosion in medical center in Tehran

The head of the Tehran Emergency Center told Iranian media that three people have been injured in the fire. However, reports on social media have already reported on at least 17 dead.

A loud explosion was heard in northern Tehran on Tuesday evening causing thick clouds of smoke to fill the skies, Iranian News Agency ISNA reported on Tuesday.

According to state media, the blast in question happened in the underground levels of Tehran's Sina Athar medical clinic and patients are currently still inside the building.

The head of the Tehran Emergency Center, Peyman Saberian, told the Fars news agency that three people have been injured in the fire.

However, several reports on social media have already reported at least 17 dead from the attacks, with dozens more injured.

The explosion was caused by a gas leak, Tehran Deputy Governor Hamid Reza Goudarzi told state TV.

Jalal Maleki, the Tehran Fire Department spokesman, told the Tasnim news agency that a fire had broken out in a medical clinic in north Tehran and firefighters have been sent to the scene.

Last week, an explosion took place close to a sensitive military site near Tehran which a defense ministry spokesman told state TV was caused by a tank leak at a gas storage facility.


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19505b  No.9802599

File: 4e4baefcad09b22⋯.gif (371.93 KB, 320x234, 160:117, Gif.gif)

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6b570a  No.9802600

File: 56cf289f3e51794⋯.jpg (135.09 KB, 737x900, 737:900, gods_design.jpg)

File: af512b6c16cb5bf⋯.jpg (79.84 KB, 612x437, 612:437, WISE_WORDS_FOR_SOUL.jpg)

File: 171c91bc686cd3e⋯.jpg (57.77 KB, 411x480, 137:160, COMFORT_THE_AWAKENING.jpg)

File: e63e208cd1af90a⋯.jpg (57.31 KB, 453x600, 151:200, RIDERS_OF_THE_STORM.jpg)

File: d2cd03e81096ba8⋯.jpg (97.8 KB, 499x436, 499:436, Sioux_truth.jpg)

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c6f312  No.9802601

File: 96114428a8bf05f⋯.png (208.42 KB, 369x291, 123:97, ClipboardImage.png)



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19bf65  No.9802602




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ef6c71  No.9802603

#BlackLivesMAGA is an ace #ht

positive and true

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51e2f7  No.9802604




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feef9d  No.9802605

>>9802091 (LB)



Where's that damn kitty?

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2f92a3  No.9802606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

G Edward Griffin - More Deadly Than War - Part 1 of 8


"The title of this presentation is: More Deadly Than War", but the subject matter itself is revolution.

We're going to examine in quite a bit of detail the communist theory and practice of revolution, particularly as applied to the United States.

Now, this will not be something dreamed up out of thin air, this will be the strategy as taught by them, and advocated by them in their own manuals, in their textbooks, and in their schools.

Now the organization of this material will lead to three rather startling conclusions.

The first is that the communist program for revolution in America is divided into two phases; violent and nonviolent.

The second conclusion is that the strategy for violent revolution calls for chaos, anarchy, mass confusion and panic among the people, a crisis in government, and then, out of the vacuum, the sudden seizure of power by communist led guerilla bands."

Sound familiar? Chaz is a dry run.

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f0c36b  No.9802607

File: 93e487873890c9e⋯.jpg (59.05 KB, 679x400, 679:400, 93e487873890c9e1c15067c99f….jpg)

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3c3b07  No.9802608

File: 5db06ad3ffc74b4⋯.jpg (21.19 KB, 480x377, 480:377, 5db06ad3ffc74b4c5e070bf35a….jpg)


Shut up

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acb673  No.9802609

File: a05876c3ccd0f12⋯.png (671.21 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, vogon.png)

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57263f  No.9802610


besides that

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2dfc9c  No.9802611

File: dace610d8a66b80⋯.png (274.39 KB, 1082x570, 541:285, VENUS32_USAF_C_40B_over_Ch….PNG)

File: c828144eb2d355f⋯.png (369.07 KB, 1076x568, 269:142, AZAZ09O9_US_army_C_560_ne_….PNG)

VENUS32 USAF C-40B south to Jacksonville, NC for low alt pass right by Camp Lejeune and now nw to Charleston, W. VA with some low alt passes of Yeager Airport

AZAZ09O9 US Army C-560 departed College Station, TX-Easterwood Airport after a ground stop-inbound from Houston Hobby Airport

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4cb4fb  No.9802612


Someone just tested positive…

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5cd92b  No.9802613

File: 182baa843321da4⋯.png (52.94 KB, 590x487, 590:487, Screenshot_2020_06_30_at_2….png)

Masks will kill people confirmed


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51e2f7  No.9802614




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4ca851  No.9802615


>Ability to see [clearly] what they've hid from you for so long [illumination].

DEN also Denver airport code

>Missing den from hidden - dogs den

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000000  No.9802616


You mean NBC?Univision? Well then, we have to trust them.

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5c6fbc  No.9802617


Yeah, so it was the joos. Why do Christians read the Old Testament and support Israel?

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3d2693  No.9802618

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d4a7a3  No.9802619

File: c302e1d81d3275a⋯.jpg (89.02 KB, 498x750, 83:125, bewbs.jpg)


I'm not angry as I post in all red caps like a shill.

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6c3af5  No.9802620

File: 2717599d462781e⋯.png (713.37 KB, 758x459, 758:459, ClipboardImage.png)

The Media Is Lying About The ‘Second Wave’

For months, the Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media kept a morbid Covid-19 “death count” on their front pages and at the top of their news broadcasts. The coronavirus outbreak was all about the number of dead. The narrative was intended to boost governors like Cuomo in New York and Whitmer in Michigan, who turned their states authoritarian under the false notion that destroying people’s jobs, freedom, and lives would somehow keep a virus from doing what viruses always do: spread through a population until eventually losing strength and dying out.

The “death count” was always the headline.

But then all of a sudden early in June the mainstream media did a George Orwell and lectured us that it is all about “cases” and has always been all about “cases.” Death, and especially infection fatality rate, were irrelevant. Why? Because from the peak in April, deaths had decreased by 90 percent and were continuing to crash. That was not terrifying enough so the media pretended this good news did not exist.

With massive increases in testing, the “case” numbers climbed. This is not rocket science: the more people you test the more “cases” you discover.

Unfortunately, our mainstream media is only interested in pushing the “party line.” So, the good news that millions more have been exposed while the fatality rate continues to decline – meaning the virus is getting weaker – is buried under hysterical false reporting of “new cases.”

Unfortunately, many governors, including our own here in Texas, are incapable of resisting the endless lies of the mainstream media. They are putting Americans again through the nightmare of forced business closures, mandated face masks, and restrictions of Constitutional liberties based on false propaganda.

In Texas the “second wave” propaganda has gotten so bad that the leaders of the four major hospitals in Houston took the extraordinary step late last week of holding a joint press conference to clarify that the scare stories of Houston hospitals being overwhelmed with Covid cases are simply untrue. Dr. Marc Boom of Houston Methodist said the reporting on hospital capacity is misleading. He said, “quite frankly, we’re concerned that there is a level of alarm in the community that is unwarranted right now.”


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be8984  No.9802621

File: 59adf0ea4124f7a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 983x930, 983:930, 6543098213890790854.png)

File: 8c04bcc7d530b7a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1173x865, 1173:865, 547789964356450987.png)

File: 59adf0ea4124f7a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 983x930, 983:930, 6543098213890790854.png)

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467b11  No.9802622

Top Democrats are now praising Jerome Powell and Steve Mnuchin for their work of selling out America to the central bankers during the scamdemic outbreak.

Is this what "the Patriots are in control" looks like? The Democrats seem very happy with Powell and Mnuchin right now. Very happy.

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cc676f  No.9802623


If anyone has any questions for the Qanon Team please ask Timothy Charles Holmseth. He is the official reporter for the Pentagon Pedofile Task force and the Qanon Team.

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000000  No.9802624


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6f017a  No.9802625

>>9801649 (lb-Q)

...so what you're saying is that it has to get so bad and people see things as so dire that they need a "savior" to save them...

...queue the "Trump is the AntiChrist" narrative...or IS he...

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3c3b07  No.9802626


Thernovich is the biggest fucking faggot loser. Blocks people who don't agree with him on everything & gets alimony from his Ex-wife. He fucked a trap once too

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ea126c  No.9802627

I'm getting the wrong vibe out of Trump…I really did think he didn't want to go down as the PRESIDENT THAT "LET" AMERICA GO TO HELL and BECOME A SHITHOLE……I just wasn't getting that vibe from him….but I could be wrong..

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47a9b2  No.9802628

File: 7d373e04eaa2bca⋯.jpg (554.09 KB, 866x865, 866:865, viral.jpg)

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261b0e  No.9802629


Monopoly money for all their friends!


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106326  No.9802630

>>9802618 >>9802608

suck me shit shills.

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6f6c03  No.9802631


says be polite

wear a mask

then says the word


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d4e836  No.9802632


Post makes me think of the breath of life

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c9d388  No.9802633


Never interrupt your enemy when he is destroying himself. Optics. Wakeup call for normies.

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3d186e  No.9802634

File: 34e5bb3f4ecaa2e⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 340x482, 170:241, BUMMER_DUDE.jpg)

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7b5ea0  No.9802635




Bots running at the same time there sweetie~

Three easy filter+'s lol

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de724f  No.9802636


"Biblical" -Q


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2dfc9c  No.9802637

File: 1546fd773ef4b30⋯.png (1.8 MB, 931x687, 931:687, POTUS_Space_Force_DD.PNG)

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4ca851  No.9802638


A munitions plant went Boom? Shocking.

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351760  No.9802639


nickwhore wallace has been non-stop promotion of the spectakkkular biden performance –biden nailed it!!

they must be so proud

proud baby killers

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63e997  No.9802640


> why the fuck do you need consensus

this is the big reveal

q needs consensus or the system will not support right action

that means we do not have such consensus now

that also means we do not live in a system of law any more and enforcement is futile

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17c2fc  No.9802641

File: e68547a80c4925c⋯.png (166.61 KB, 395x183, 395:183, 5qygt8739qhyaegfg8hqaeytg7….PNG)

Twitch suspends @POTUS



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6f6c03  No.9802642


he did not plan the video well

wife and kids behind him


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ef6c71  No.9802643


Flood it with venetian masks

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92e537  No.9802645

File: cb022bffc58f278⋯.png (35.52 KB, 1581x461, 1581:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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971f29  No.9802646


That only happens to concern fags who hide behind TOR.

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2d5331  No.9802647

File: 5033e46a3867a67⋯.jpeg (127.68 KB, 796x547, 796:547, D6E2449D_A3D5_4123_ADFA_F….jpeg)

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165977  No.9802648

File: 56dece15fd738ce⋯.jpg (141.73 KB, 999x499, 999:499, qoath.jpg)

File: e3b005b064f72bc⋯.jpg (109.52 KB, 611x408, 611:408, oath.jpg)

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5cd92b  No.9802649

File: 25be47d9409de15⋯.png (455.08 KB, 575x956, 575:956, 1593536480226.png)


Reminder that Cernobitch is a dirty kike

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691246  No.9802650


Blah not any denomination… Just love my redeemer.

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5146c9  No.9802651


This might be why the Swine Flu is making news again, will most likely be a heavy burden on those who's immune system took a hit from the covid-19 virus.

All to force mail-in voting fraud.

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764d1f  No.9802652

File: ee7003597b2d60d⋯.png (2.88 MB, 2196x1424, 549:356, Masks.png)


>Masks will kill people confirmed

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6c3af5  No.9802653

File: 735e96598f5a3e0⋯.png (251.81 KB, 459x637, 459:637, ClipboardImage.png)


Anthony Fauci Warns: Pig-Bound Virus in China Could Cause Another Pandemic

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testified Tuesday that an emerging virus found in pigs in China shares traits with the 2009 Swine Flu and 1918 Pandemic Flu, and U.S. public health officials are monitoring the disease.

Fauci, a White House coronavirus task force member, explained before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee that the virus — known as “G4 EA H1N1,” — doesn’t appear to infect humans, however, it has shown “reassortment capabilities.”

Fauci says new swine flu found in China hasn't been shown to infect humans, but it's demonstrating reassortment, which could cause spread. Not an "immediate threat," but "you always have the possibility that you might have another swine flu-type outbreak" https://t.co/vAOmsWGPI6 pic.twitter.com/FzrRnjVNz5

— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 30, 2020

“In other words, when you get a brand new virus that turns out to be a pandemic virus it’s either due to mutations and/or the reassortment or exchanges of genes,” he stated. “And they’re seeing virus in swine, in pigs now, that have characteristics of the 2009 H1N1, of the original 1918, which many of our flu viruses have remnants of that in it, as well as segments from other hosts like swine.”

Fauci warned lawmakers of the “possibility that you might have another swine flu type outbreak as we had in 2009.”

“It’s something that still is in the stage of examination,” he added.

During another part of his testimony, Fauci expressed that he is “quite concerned” regarding the recent surge in Chinese coronavirus cases, blaming states for possibly reopening too soon and some Americans ignoring guidelines to stop the virus’ spread.

“We have got to get that message out that we are all in this together,” he said. “If we are going to contain this, we’ve got to contain it together.”

Federal and state officials have also blamed the surges on younger people failing to take precautions, like face masks and distancing in public.

Also appearing before the panel Tuesday was Robert Redfield, director of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention; Stephen Hahn, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration; and Brett Giroir, assistant secretary of the Health and Human Services Department.

Concerning the recent increases, Redfield said it’s “imperative” that Americans take personal responsibility in employing preventative measures to stop the virus’ spread.

“Specifically, I’m addressing the younger members of our society, the millennials and the ‘Generation Zs,'” he said.

“I ask those that are listening to spread the word,” he added, urging younger people to “embrace the universal use of face coverings.”


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000000  No.9802655


PPP pinged ALL the accounts.

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53955a  No.9802656

File: 0a7b98927fa6b93⋯.jpg (130.36 KB, 510x408, 5:4, nunes_lebowski.jpg)

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cf4da6  No.9802657


found a mad shill hahahah Suck it bitch.

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6f6c03  No.9802658


>Mike Karenovich

>Can WE make this stick

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691246  No.9802659


This guy is full of shit for any noobs.

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7f6662  No.9802662



Chemicals in face masks causing allergic reactions include: formaldehyde, ethylene urea melamine formaldehyde, quaternium-15.

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6c3af5  No.9802664

Joe Biden: Trump Not ‘Cognitively Aware of What’s Going On’

Former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday claimed President Donald Trump appears not to be “cognitively aware of what’s going on,” an apparent response to his political opponent attacking his own mental agility.

“This president talks about cognitive capability, Biden, known for his repeated verbal flubs, began a speech on the coronavirus pandemic in his home city of Wilmington, Delaware. “He doesn’t seem to be cognitively aware of what’s going on.”

“He either reads or gets briefed on important issues, and he forgets it, or he doesn’t think it’s necessary that he need to know it,” the presumptive Democrat nominee added, before criticizing President Trump over unsubstantiated reports that Russia offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill U.S. military personnel. In a Tuesday statement, the Department of Defense said it had no corroborating evidence that Russian offered bounties to Taliban fights to kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

“The Department of Defense continues to evaluate intelligence that Russian GRU operatives were engaged in malign activity against United States and coalition forces in Afghanistan. To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports,” Pentagon Spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said.

Asked by a reporter about speculation regarding his own mental decline, Biden replied: “I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I am running against.”

Biden’s apparent accusation regarding President Trump’s cognitive condition comes as voters continue to worry about the former vice president’s own mental state.

As Breitbart News reported:

One-fifth of Democrat voters believe that Joe Biden (D), the Democrat Party’s presumptive nominee, is suffering from “some form” of dementia, and a majority of likely voters say it is important for him to address the issue publicly, a Rasmussen Reports poll released Monday revealed.

The survey, conducted June 25-28 among 1,000 likely voters, asked respondents, “From what you have seen and read, do you believe Joe Biden is suffering from some form of dementia?”

The survey found that 38 percent of voters, overall, believe he has dementia, while 20 percent within his own party say the same. According to Rasmussen, “that compares to 66% of Republicans and 30% of voters not affiliated with either major party.”

President Trump has repeatedly remarked about Biden’s verbal flubs, saying the former vice president is “not mentally sharp enough” to be in the White House.

“Biden doesn’t know, I mean, he doesn’t know he’s alive,” the president said recently. “I’m against somebody. Think of it. I’m against somebody that can’t answer simple questions. I’ve never seen anything like it, but here’s what I am against. I’m against a very powerful party, the Democrats, and they can take this glass of water and say that’s your candidate.”


Projection 101

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000000  No.9802665


>I'm not angry as I post in all red caps like a shill.


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be8984  No.9802666

File: e8d2184f24a9ca7⋯.png (195.44 KB, 869x872, 869:872, 68587921368904.png)

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c9d388  No.9802667


If you knew your bible you would understand. There are people who listen to God and those who don't. It doesn't matter what your ethnicity is. Which category are you in?

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2dfc9c  No.9802668

File: c02caf4ecd32622⋯.png (628.15 KB, 787x674, 787:674, POTUS_this_shit_again.PNG)

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3dee26  No.9802669

I suck at memes, but am trying out: Battleground? Shut it down!

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be8984  No.9802670

File: 46820cd792c2288⋯.png (388.82 KB, 956x882, 478:441, 2817891263264.png)

File: fca05f61d36ad3e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1034x835, 1034:835, 9807613546768.png)

File: 85abe9557d2d03e⋯.png (383.04 KB, 956x882, 478:441, 4078923908712643.png)

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351760  No.9802671


bet all the responses are: F.U.C.K. Y.O.U.

man standard hotel is bringing out the nickwhore in schitt

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953e03  No.9802672

>>9801520 lb

>Ventilators should not be used.

And how many are still being used? Too many.

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32811b  No.9802673

File: bc4bbd9e18d846b⋯.jpg (182.14 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, coumonursinghome3.jpg)

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e340bd  No.9802674

File: f56e03cd031bde5⋯.jpg (861.61 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_703.jpg)

File: 07b08c679fb5b90⋯.jpg (870.87 KB, 1080x782, 540:391, IMG_704.jpg)

Pray for Patriots in Harms Way

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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a3f906  No.9802675



>>9802611 planefaggin

>>9802653 Anthony Fauci Warns: Pig-Bound Virus in China Could Cause Another Pandemic/We got the proof this is bullshit!

>>9802577 60+ Groups Demand Senate Pass Sanders Amendment to Slash 'Out of Control' Pentagon Budget by $74 Billion led by Sen. Bernie Sanders

>>9802552 Clare Bronfman Replaces Mark Geragos; Hires Famed Black Lawyer Ronald S. Sullivan Jr.

>>9802548 Rand Paul GOES OFF On Shutting Down America To Dr. Fauci vid

>>9802539 Victory as British court grants judicial review of at-home abortions

>>9802530 Biden Faces No Questions About Michael Flynn Probe During His First Press Conference In Three Months

>>9802445 U.S. Used $601M Seized From Venezuela To Fund Border Wall With Mexico

>>9802429 Russia Withdraws From UN Deconfliction System On Syria Because Some Of Its Facilities Are Used By Terrorists

>>9802351 California Town Boots Church from Downtown After Residents Worshiped There for 25 Years

>>9802320 The Pentagon has announced that roughly 1,700 service members will help to support President Trump's July 4 celebrations.

>>9802313 Senior Egyptian judge dropped from elite council after drafting anti-torture law

>>9802299 Major Flooding Chinese Provences… Hubei.. guizhou.. Sichuan.. chongquing, china

>>9802284, >>9802598 Explosion in north Tehran with thick smoke

>>9802274 Biden: "We're giving a portion of the population who has responded to the race-baiting the President has engaged in a sort of free pass."

>>9802263 Major Space Force Units to Be Called Deltas, Officials Announce

>>9802257 Happy International Asteroid Day

>>9802250 Panic in London ?Theresa May worried by -On Tuesday, the former prime minister condemned the decision to appoint David Frost as national security adviser?

>>9802227 The Good News About COVID-19 the Corporate Media Keeps Hidden

>>9802218 Netanyahu indicates delay in annexation date after meeting with US envoys

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6c3af5  No.9802677

‘Russian bounty’ story shifts: New York Times now claims Afghan CRIMINALS & not Taliban were paid, cites anonymous sources again

The New York Times is doubling down on claims that Russia offered bounties for the killing of US troops in Afghanistan, but now says local criminals and not the Taliban were the recipients, again offering no actual evidence.

The new article, published Tuesday, says that “electronic data showing large financial transfers from a bank account controlled by Russia’s military intelligence agency to a Taliban-linked account” was intercepted by US spies and “bolsters suspicions” that Russia offered bounties to militants – as claimed by the Times last week.

Breaking News: The U.S. intercepted financial transfer data that bolstered suspicions about Russian bounties on American troops in Afghanistan, officials say https://t.co/TsllSxuSo2

— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 30, 2020

Once again, the Times quotes anonymous sources – “three officials familiar with the intelligence” – so the claim is impossible to verify. No evidence of the alleged electronic transfer is provided, only a third-hand hearsay that “analysts concluded from other intelligence that the transfers were most likely part of a bounty program.”

The article eventually gets around to quoting several local officials from Afghanistan, who say that several people who transfer money through an Islamic banking system are “suspected of being part of a ring of middlemen” between Russia and “Taliban-linked militants.”

The 'hawala' banking system does not actually use electronic transfers. Moreover, the article says the Afghan security forces found “a half-million dollars” – presumably in cash – in one Kabul home about six months ago. Safiullah Amiry, described as “the deputy provincial council chief” in Kunduz, “said the Afghan intelligence agency had told him the raids were related to Russian money being dispersed [sic] to militants.”

In the original article, the Times claimed President Donald Trump had been briefed on this alleged plot sometime in March. The White House, the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence have since denied this.

So the narrative has now shifted, with the Times citing “two officials” who say the information was included in Trump’s written presidential daily brief (PDB) “in late February,” accompanied by the – likewise unverified – claim that Trump typically doesn’t read those. The article also claims the CIA mentioned the intelligence in its World Intelligence Review newsletter, also known as The Wire, dated May 4.

The identity of the suspected recipients of the “Russian bounties” has shifted as well, from the Taliban to “criminals closely associated with the Taliban” – according to yet another anonymous US official.

Most mainstream US media outlets and the Democrats have taken the original New York Times reporting at face value, denouncing Trump as “Putin’s puppet” and a traitor for allegedly not doing anything to “punish Russia” based on the purported intelligence assessments, rather than demanding to see evidence there was anything to it.


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cf4da6  No.9802678

File: 60ba1371faef32f⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2020x2020, 1:1, 60ba1371faef32f438671d0eb2….png)

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c9cb01  No.9802679

File: 0c4075f43f9c6ef⋯.png (512.22 KB, 1134x637, 162:91, Na6VpGZRejtDFDJy49qLb3_120….png)

Can someone shoop bidens face here? Seems like his only trick left is to think his flashy smile will win votes.

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b79a83  No.9802680

File: 8719fe637595af3⋯.jpg (248.27 KB, 2136x1427, 2136:1427, cheap_fun_family_vacations….jpg)


Kek, they like "family" trips

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000000  No.9802681


>Never interrupt your enemy when he is destroying himself. Optics. Wakeup call for normies.


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351760  No.9802683

nickwhore all proud of the eu for not WELCOMING American tourist..

like anyone is flying anywhere, and the US wasn't the first to shut down eu and chYna.. dumas whorin noBubba wallace

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fb5dd8  No.9802684


Thank you, anon!

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2d5331  No.9802685

File: fe734e5fa0009c5⋯.jpeg (83.14 KB, 720x721, 720:721, C5FC119F_C985_48DA_A371_C….jpeg)

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9bb683  No.9802686

File: 295bc4e8c5ad2ec⋯.jpg (14.17 KB, 166x255, 166:255, 91bf12dc8e6862c70ba53e011e….jpg)

Q.. you are fucking delusional


Fear not.

You [we] are not helpless.

Enough must see.

It is the only way.

You are being presented with the gift of vision.

Ability to see [clearly] what they've hid from you for so long [illumination].

Their deception [dark actions] on full display.

People are waking up in mass.

People are no longer blind.

Do you think it's a coincidence they banned and prevent you attending Church _house of worship?



One must only look to see.

Have faith in Humanity.

Have faith in yourself.

Let light guide you.

Find peace through prayer.



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11cbbd  No.9802687

Is there a strategy/tactic/protocol, named after a country, that releases violent prisoners in order to destabilize a country? I know that several countries have employed this method such as Nigeria and other African nations but i thought there was a tactic named after a particular country. Research has fallen flat trying to find anything on it.

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5146c9  No.9802688


> wear a mask

Sounds more the schiff comms to those trying to dismantle the US.

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e877c1  No.9802689




How much more proof does the MSM 'so-called' reporters need to ask the "Q"????

Freakin Crazy…. No questions yet?? Come on!!!

Q??? What does it take to get an investigative reporter to connect the dots and simply….


wat thuh hell.

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ea126c  No.9802690

MARTIAL LAW IN ….3…..2……1…..BOOM!!!

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5c6fbc  No.9802691


I understand that Mr. Pig. That's the "Trust the Plan™" part for anons. We will see how it works out in time.

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f2a640  No.9802692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fauci Removes Mask When Cameras Stop Rolling

Jun 29, 2020

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000000  No.9802693


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9a1c3e  No.9802694

File: 637aa2fe6b49e73⋯.png (666.93 KB, 691x462, 691:462, Grass_Sniper.png)


Take Aim Now: Name the Elites, Bankers and Financiers of 'The Revolution'

Elites and the 'ruling class' have always pushed this bullshit. None of the street riot and loot chimps would be doing what we see today WITHOUT PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. Hell many of them do not even have enough money to pay for gas to go to several weeks worth of 'protests.'

This is entire 'revolution' is enntirely paid for by individuals, organizations and companies - history proves it time and time again.

Name the name the individuals who fund this shit. George Soros is not funding the entire thing, however he is a good whipping boy to blame, as he is guilty of this tyranny. Same goes for the Rothschild group.

Name the elites, financiers and all the money interest people who love to stay off of the stage of the revolution theatrics and bloodshed.

Name them, then they can be destroyed on way or another.

Fix hard targets and take the revolution to them.

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15a0af  No.9802695

File: 64bbbca3867bd8c⋯.jpeg (161.76 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, 1593384319.jpeg)

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b0afea  No.9802696


You might have been the first covid in Texas.

And Mucus - yup.

This is borderline NOTABLE here. Yes, it's a single data point, but it's a data point that says 1) I had covid 2) mucus and headache 3) anti mucus drug Mucinex got rid of both mucus and headache.

It seems to me that when it comes to treating symptoms - things that fight mucus are the way to go.

I mentioned Serrapeptase and Nattokinase, but it looks like Mucinex works too.

I think I'll do some research on pubmed, looking to see which of the greatest natural cures of various things also have a good effect on mucus.

pubmed mucus turmeric

pubmed mucus ginger

pubmed mucus garlic


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764d1f  No.9802697

File: 78d4971ebe90303⋯.png (1 MB, 936x610, 468:305, 0_biden.png)


>Joe Biden: Trump Not ‘Cognitively Aware of What’s Going On’

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51e2f7  No.9802698

If they were really interested in saving lives….they should ban abortion. … could save half million a year or more.

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000000  No.9802699



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cfbfb9  No.9802700

File: 1d9a5006c500081⋯.jpeg (147.08 KB, 828x637, 828:637, 2B818B2A_BDC8_42C4_8973_2….jpeg)

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47a9b2  No.9802701

File: e85e50a86759773⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 667x445, 667:445, maskref.jpg)

Searching for images of people refusing to wear masks and you get this perspective only.

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19505b  No.9802702


Same i use this site to make quick memes


Its a funny hobby

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2a9743  No.9802703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I don't believe in coincidences anymore after Q came into my life..

Trump talked about wanting to buy Greenland from Denmark (Im from Denmark, the media went apeshit crazy here).

Q has mentioned D sky is falling push to public (scare to control) and prepare for sky is falling.

Then I just came upon this trailer for this movie called Greenland and the theme is about meteors hitting the earth, mostly in USA apparently.

Maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing…

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3d186e  No.9802704

File: a2b219b29ad7e7b⋯.jpg (106.42 KB, 461x580, 461:580, DS_DID_THIS.jpg)

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6c3af5  No.9802705

File: 0bf145ac2be402e⋯.png (72.48 KB, 746x799, 746:799, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfa274b2956c22f⋯.png (41.38 KB, 738x538, 369:269, ClipboardImage.png)

The Justice Department, Department of Health and Human Services, and the Federal Trade Commission Partner to Alert Public of Contact Tracing COVID-19 Fraud Schemes


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32811b  No.9802706

File: 8c1ce12270908fb⋯.jpg (67.85 KB, 576x433, 576:433, pelosimask1.jpg)

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18d4b2  No.9802707

File: 543c32d6df09249⋯.png (65.19 KB, 353x442, 353:442, ClipboardImage.png)


This is the file name when saved….


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be8984  No.9802708

File: 0ab8b74c1b7dcd6⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1376x1046, 688:523, 548901287654.png)

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19bf65  No.9802709


i have that 12 inch!

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08a228  No.9802710

File: 1d4f6f14fee4923⋯.png (166.58 KB, 539x556, 539:556, 3M.png)

Wear your mask goyim!

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c9d388  No.9802711


Okay, let's roll with that assumption. What do you suggest we do instead? Vote for Biden? Vote for democrats who are the ones doing the destroying? Let's hear your plan.

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cb325f  No.9802712


>What happened to all the things that began the plan many years ago?

Still there or neutralized

We only hear certain things

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000000  No.9802713


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c58dc9  No.9802714


notableNXIVM trial update Bronfman pre -sentencing hearing

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47a9b2  No.9802715

File: dae150a3fbe0349⋯.png (195.19 KB, 826x595, 118:85, maskmark.png)

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3d186e  No.9802716

File: 8db20c566f6fbc3⋯.jpg (119.06 KB, 509x543, 509:543, DS_CHILI_COOK_OFF.jpg)

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971f29  No.9802717

File: 07643ba0a296a8e⋯.jpg (20.58 KB, 300x359, 300:359, Grammar.jpg)



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be8984  No.9802718

File: abaa7ebf29181a6⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1376x1046, 688:523, 90712034659.png)

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65c9bb  No.9802719

File: b199a322d8dcb6e⋯.jpg (17.23 KB, 402x280, 201:140, Capture.JPG)


I'm 1st generation..and that's a fair point…..BUT.. the Tech now and back then is completely different…the weapons now and back then are different…and the brainwashing is different…NO TV back then…..So common sense says wait…And SEE…kekekekep…opppps sowwy to many keke's

Civilian Organization Of Propaganda:

On 16 August 1940, Nelson Rockefeller was named Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (CIAA), with responsibility for disseminating news, films, and radio to Latin America. CIAA retained its independent existence throughout World War II, despite the formation of several other information organizations.

On 11 July 1941, the Coordinator of Information (COI) was formed, headed by Colonel (later General) William ("Wild Bill") Donovan. COI's responsibilities included the gathering of intelligence and the analysis and dissemination of information abroad, outside Latin America. COI was a predecessor of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The Foreign Information Service (FIS), with Robert Sherwood as director, was formed within COI. It dealt with news and white propaganda outside Latin America, and quickly behaved almost as an autonomous unit.

On 13 June 1942, the Office of War Information (OWl) was created with Elmer Davis as director, subsuming several other agencies including FIS (but not CIAA). FIS, under Sherwood, became the Overseas Branch of OWl, dealing in white propaganda. In this June 1942 reorganization, COI became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), with Donovan, operating as code number 109, as director.

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15a0af  No.9802720

File: 577483c54d2361c⋯.jpg (587.98 KB, 1920x864, 20:9, 20200630_110704.jpg)


Here's one

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acb673  No.9802721

File: 49fcd63b2eb963a⋯.png (52.89 KB, 590x487, 590:487, shitt.png)

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cc676f  No.9802722


Qanon has no issues with Timothy Charles Holmseth. Qanon gave Timothy to post here on the chans as a representative.

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467b11  No.9802723


Twitch is also pushing Pride like crazy. Pride being the mother of all sins. The sin of Lucifer.

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5c6fbc  No.9802724


>If you knew your bible you would understand

That seems to be the standard answer from people who can not otherwise explain. Thanks anyway.

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d4e836  No.9802725

Man Shot After Protester Fires Handgun Into SUV During Utah BLM Protest

A 60-year-old man was put into the hospital after a protester fired a shot into his SUV at a Provo, Utah BLM rally on Monday.



How close are we for the publicity war to go to hot?

It seems only days away.

It is too late to prepare?

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7591c2  No.9802726


I guess that's a start but we are a very long way from where we need to be. Q said: A population that trusts without individual thought.

A population that obeys without challenge.

A population that remains outside of free thought, and instead, remains isolated living in fear inside of the closed-loop echo chamber of the controlled mainstream media.

IMO, and I've done a lot of studying behavior these past 3 yrs, the majority of the population will never change. They don't want to think. They don't want to be individuals. They WANT to be controlled. And they are so easy to manipulate. Our side has just as many as the left.

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47a9b2  No.9802727

File: a5ef472fd300bda⋯.jpg (357.66 KB, 800x681, 800:681, hillarysocial3.jpg)

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764d1f  No.9802728


>If they were really interested in saving lives….they should ban abortion. … could save half million a year or more.

PP = Population Police

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19bf65  No.9802729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not the only one

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32811b  No.9802730

File: e8da05e3ad48b17⋯.jpg (84.51 KB, 834x500, 417:250, cuomo3.jpg)

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18ae57  No.9802731

File: a065e46bc95aaa1⋯.png (524.28 KB, 596x621, 596:621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36af69dcacff2f1⋯.png (1019.04 KB, 808x1217, 808:1217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cebcd43de2cc2b8⋯.png (197.74 KB, 810x1146, 135:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Report to Congress on Columbia-class Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine Program



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18ae57  No.9802732



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47a9b2  No.9802733


thank you

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3d186e  No.9802734

File: 5f19157e2bfe669⋯.jpg (55.84 KB, 575x318, 575:318, DUD.jpg)

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af7361  No.9802735


The Bank for International Settlements, or BIS.


>Name the name the individuals who fund this shit. George Soros is not funding the entire thing, however he is a good whipping boy to blame, as he is guilty of this tyranny. Same goes for the Rothschild group.

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1bfbdc  No.9802736


He was part of Weinstein’s defense team

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a5d7a5  No.9802737


Though you have read text

I partly agree with you

I would question further

Is current fuckery a part of the plan?

Guess what, Q just admitted it is

Cuz we need to show

Ya right, instead of exposing crimes, to show the general population is pushed into submission

What a wonderful plan it is!!!

Congratulations anons

You have bern had

Q is not even sugarcoating it recently

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b7a2ae  No.9802738

File: 9fe9dd3d5711ccc⋯.jpg (131.87 KB, 800x600, 4:3, JUMP.jpg)

File: f41655d8b0ad45b⋯.jpg (140 KB, 800x800, 1:1, THE.jpg)

File: fba49ab2d6f7c84⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 600x450, 4:3, SHARK.jpg)

Just know, thieves get caught

Watch if you're smart

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5c6fbc  No.9802739


thanks for a rational answer. Holding on still.

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042d42  No.9802740

File: b6f433b1e6634df⋯.jpg (741.71 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, VanDan.jpg)

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ea126c  No.9802741

File: f9f3499af46e6c2⋯.jpg (68.47 KB, 753x927, 251:309, Kek_Coke.JPG)

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e199e9  No.9802742

File: c9356f5a60bb6c1⋯.png (686.88 KB, 976x732, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef9ebd987e66561⋯.png (3.03 KB, 492x134, 246:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 434bc5404662997⋯.png (2.93 KB, 570x108, 95:18, ClipboardImage.png)

good name

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6f6c03  No.9802743

File: 1db5162947dd811⋯.jpg (9.62 KB, 474x316, 3:2, download.jpg)

File: 9d03809527ea356⋯.jpg (13.1 KB, 474x322, 237:161, download_1_.jpg)




shirt is all drippy spotted

and that long piece of hair

that is all wet?

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000000  No.9802744

china and the democrats would like to thank you all for helping in spreading their shitty bioweapon that failed miserably the first time

keep those masks off, you're a big ol tough american, aint no virus gonna infect you if you pray, aint no need for soap if the lawd jaysus is with you

china appreciates your participation in being a dumb fucking stereotype

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6c3af5  No.9802745

File: 70e1739c7839cc8⋯.png (78.67 KB, 617x891, 617:891, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c42ab541f9011e1⋯.png (31.76 KB, 607x490, 607:490, ClipboardImage.png)

Time to Expose the Fraud That Launched BLM

On Black Lives Matter's website, the organization's radical founders trace the creation of their movement "to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murderer, George Zimmerman."

Had those founders paid any attention to the trial, they would have known that Zimmerman should never have been charged with murder, let alone tried. The fact that he was arrested can be attributed to a stunningly blatant fraud orchestrated by the attorney who has been prominently milking the racial divide he helped create, Benjamin Crump.

As it happens, the one person capable of exposing this fraud is George Zimmerman. All Zimmerman needs is his own Atticus Finch, an attorney brave enough to resist the howling mob and stand up for the truth.

In the way of background, Zimmerman has filed a suit in the Circuit Court of Florida's Tenth Judicial Circuit. The evidence is overwhelming that Trayvon Martin's support team, including Martin's parents and their attorney, Benjamin Crump, knowingly substituted an imposter witness for the real "phone witness" in order to secure Zimmerman's arrest for the 2012 shooting death of Martin.

Also named in the suit are the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE); the State of Florida; former state attorneys Bernie de la Rionda, John Guy, and Angela Corey, and HarperCollins, the publisher of Crump's defamatory book, Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People.

In a 2012 deposition, the perjured testimony of the imposter in question, Rachel Jeantel, enabled the State of Florida to arrest Zimmerman and take him to trial. Evidence strongly suggests that state attorneys knew that the witness was a fraud.

Zimmerman was inspired to launch the suit based on the dogged research done by Los Angeles filmmaker Joel Gilbert for his documentary film and book of the same name, The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America.

Attorney Larry Klayman was brave enough to file the suit, but Zimmerman has parted ways with him and is now seeking a Florida attorney with a strong knowledge of state procedures to push the suit through to its conclusion.

The defendants effectively ruined Zimmerman's life on April 2, 2012, five weeks after the shooting. On that fateful day, de la Rionda flew to Miami from Jacksonville to depose Brittany "Diamond" Eugene, the girl who was on the phone with Trayvon up to the moment of his death.

Trayvon's mother, Sybrina Fulton, had met with the real Diamond Eugene at least once before in mid-March. Crump may have met with her as well. He certainly coached her to follow his fraudulent script of a raging Zimmerman stalking and killing the scared little boy Trayvon Martin. His phone interview with Diamond was recorded by ABC's Matt Gutman and broadcast.


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47a9b2  No.9802746

File: 1777a1882ff298e⋯.jpg (162.59 KB, 512x512, 1:1, stop.jpg)

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000000  No.9802747


>Okay, let's roll with that assumption. What do you suggest we do instead? Vote for Biden? Vote for democrats who are the ones doing the destroying? Let's hear your plan.


==When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.==



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90fed0  No.9802748


I can't believe more people can't see through this shit yet. The only reason these criminals want you to wear a mask is to keep you in perpetual fear, otherwise you'd most likely forget about COVID as quickly as you forget about the flu. They clearly can't have that though. They want people constantly reminded of this "horrible" virus.

The bottomless pit of hell is too good for these people.

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f72cd9  No.9802749

File: 5b3fd66d274ad7d⋯.png (114.1 KB, 441x364, 63:52, l_kngv45dr9.PNG)


Moderators for the now-banned subreddit “r/The_Donald” have helped other subreddits with toxic content find a new home, using a backup forum created to circumvent previous Reddit restrictions. Although Reddit banned some of these subreddits this month, r/The_Donald and others have had ample time to prepare.

On June 29, Reddit announced that it was banning about 2,000 subreddits in an attempt to make its policy against hate speech more explicit. One of those banned forums is r/The_Donald, a pro-Trump subreddit known for spreading misinformation and bigoted content. The subreddit was quarantined in June 2019 by the platform following a Media Matters report on its users issuing calls to violence against law enforcement. In the months following the quarantine, the subreddit’s moderators created a backup forum called TheDonald.win, which they then promoted on r/The_Donald and which the subreddit’s users officially moved to earlier this year after a further crackdown from Reddit.

TheDonald.win is now extending its efforts beyond just providing space for users of r/The_Donald. During June (and particularly since Reddit’s announcement yesterday), the moderators have helped launch new forums for multiple subreddits under the existing “.win” infrastructure.

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5c6fbc  No.9802750


Mmmmm…chili. KEK

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65ac50  No.9802751

File: c5f33eca6b04114⋯.png (152.23 KB, 719x548, 719:548, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a06265152ee7ba4⋯.png (143.84 KB, 519x500, 519:500, ClipboardImage.png)



Oct 23, 2018

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2dfc9c  No.9802752

File: fbe08ff4619e4c7⋯.png (428.39 KB, 486x436, 243:218, No_Name_agrees.PNG)


sure bruh

same shit different day

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d3d027  No.9802753

File: 90dd8db32191808⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1570x880, 157:88, Screen_Shot_2020_06_30_at_….png)

Colin Kaepernick Netflix Series Coming Soon


NEW YORK, NEW YORK - AUGUST 29: Former San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick watches a Women's Singles second round match between Naomi Osaka of Japan and Magda Linette of Poland on day four of the 2019 US Open at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center on August 29, 2019 in Queens borough of New York City.Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images

Former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, the man who launched the movement of kneeling during the National Anthem at sporting events, will be getting a scripted Netflix series about his life

According to Fox News, Kaepernick will be teaming with “Selma” and “13th” director Ava DuVernay for the series, “Colin in Black & White,” which will focus on the athlete’s “formative high school years, lending meaningful insight into the acts and experiences that led him to become the activist he is today.”

The series will be six episodes, which the former quarterback and Black Lives Matter activist will narrate.

“With his act of protest, Colin Kaepernick ignited a national conversation about race and justice with far-reaching consequences for football, culture, and for him, personally,” DuVernay said in a press release on Monday. “Colin’s story has much to say about identity, sports, and the enduring spirit of protest and resilience. I couldn’t be happier than to tell this story with the team at Netflix.”

Kaepernick said he is honored to help bring his story to life as a black man adopted into a white neighborhood.

“Too often we see race and Black stories portrayed through a white lens,” said Kaepernick. “We seek to give new perspective to the differing realities that Black people face. We explore the racial conflicts I faced as an adopted Black man in a white community, during my high school years. It’s an honor to bring these stories to life in collaboration with Ava for the world to see.”

Cindy Holland, vice president of Original Content for Netflix, said the streaming giant is proud to bring Colin’s story to life.

“We’re proud to bring Colin’s experience and his creative vision to life as he joins Ava to share his powerful story and message with all our members around the world,” said Holland. “It is an unparalleled union of two strong and defining voices coming together to tell the story about what it’s like to be Black in America.”

Following the violent protests and riots in response to George Floyd’s death at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, Colin Kaepernick opposed civil protests, arguing that civility “leads to death.”

“When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction,” Kaepernick tweeted. “The cries for peace will rain down, and when they do, they will land on deaf ears, because your violence has brought this resistance. We have the right to fight back!”

Back in 2016, Kaepernick launched a protest movement when he said that America has been allowing cops to “murder” black people and demanded that police officers undergo further training.

“People of color have been targeted by police,” Kaepernick said. “So that’s a large part of it and they’re government officials. They are put in place by the government. So that’s something that this country has to change. There’s things we can do to hold them more accountable. Make those standards higher. You have people that practice law and are lawyers and go to school for eight years, but you can become a cop in six months and don’t have to have the same amount of training as a cosmetologist.”

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cf09f6  No.9802754

File: c4fdd8830e8f9f9⋯.png (476.64 KB, 691x689, 691:689, unleashed.png)

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c66603  No.9802755

File: 0e831da6b3ea4d5⋯.jpg (584.91 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ASD.jpg)

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ca5ac9  No.9802756

File: b80aa1af1c62ba2⋯.png (10.12 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1200px_Flag_of_Texas_svg.png)


I was out and around my city today. No one is wearing masks, maybe 10% of people tops. And this is in TX where they're trying as hard as humanly possible to beat us into submission. Everyone's just going about their business as best they can, walking their dogs, working, having lunch with friends, only wearing masks if they're absolutely required (like in a store.) The main reason their plan will fail is simple human nature; you cannot realistically expect all of society to shut down, hide in their homes with surgical masks on forever. Eventually, people are going to realize that hey, it's actually not the end of the world and go about their business. And that's exactly what's happening in my city.

So eat a bag of dicks, Fauci. Come down here and put the mask on our faces, you little queer. Oh no, only a 99.7% survival rate! Oh, the humanity!

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be8984  No.9802757

File: 27cc92b5403223b⋯.png (642.71 KB, 1302x1126, 651:563, 76134008974185.png)

File: c09b3657d98372d⋯.png (755.69 KB, 1461x772, 1461:772, 98043780801097843.png)

File: d373a551f76c02c⋯.png (659.63 KB, 1302x1126, 651:563, 1287126342116.png)

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7490bd  No.9802758

File: 0e4093c76ac81b1⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 1600x950, 32:19, Parting_of_Red_Sea.jpg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 66:

Praise for God’s Goodness to Israel

A Song. A Psalm.

66 Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth;

2 sing the glory of his name;

give to him glorious praise!

3 Say to God, “How terrible are thy deeds!

So great is thy power that thy enemies cringe before thee.

4 All the earth worships thee;

they sing praises to thee,

sing praises to thy name.” Selah

5 Come and see what God has done:

he is terrible in his deeds among men.

6 He turned the sea into dry land;

men passed through the river on foot.

There did we rejoice in him,

7 who rules by his might for ever,

whose eyes keep watch on the nations—

let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah

8 Bless our God, O peoples,

let the sound of his praise be heard,

9 who has kept us among the living,

and has not let our feet slip.

10 For thou, O God, hast tested us;

thou hast tried us as silver is tried.

11 Thou didst bring us into the net;

thou didst lay affliction on our loins;

12 thou didst let men ride over our heads;

we went through fire and through water;

yet thou hast brought us forth to a spacious place.

13 I will come into thy house with burnt offerings;

I will pay thee my vows,

14 that which my lips uttered

and my mouth promised when I was in trouble.

15 I will offer to thee burnt offerings of fatlings,

with the smoke of the sacrifice of rams;

I will make an offering of bulls and goats. Selah

16 Come and hear, all you who fear God,

and I will tell what he has done for me.

17 I cried aloud to him,

and he was extolled with my tongue.

18 If I had cherished iniquity in my heart,

the Lord would not have listened.

19 But truly God has listened;

he has given heed to the voice of my prayer.

20 Blessed be God,

because he has not rejected my prayer

or removed his merciful love from me!

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764d1f  No.9802760

File: f9962c51708b86e⋯.jpg (121.65 KB, 639x842, 639:842, Low_IQ_Maxine.jpg)

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6c3af5  No.9802761

File: 94c4095e9ab4779⋯.png (682.54 KB, 622x875, 622:875, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8557170e232dcd2⋯.png (25.15 KB, 624x316, 156:79, ClipboardImage.png)

End Cancel Culture with One Simple Trick

I was reading a long think piece on the Brit UnHerd.com about Scott Alexander shuttering his “Slate Star Codex” blog because he was afraid of being outed by the New York Times.

Then I had an idea.

Here’s how to stop the Cancel Culture dead in its tracks. If any social media user accuses someone of being a “racist” or a “sexist” or any category in the left’s Codex of Preferred Progressive Pejoratives then that user’s social media account is canceled forthwith.

Hey @Jack! Whaddya think of that, pal?

And as a gesture of good faith I propose that the same should apply to right-wing pejoratives, such as “Commie bastard” or “pinko.” Or “poofter,” for, according to the EU, homophobic hate speech is #1 in social media takedowns. Of course, nobody has been canceled over being called a leftie in over half a century, not since the dreaded cancel culture of McCarthyism was defeated by heroic Hollywood foes of the Hollywood Blacklist.

Anyone that really wants to go ahead with an accusation of racism should be required to post a $1,000,000 bond against the possibility of a suit of libel or slander. Because, I propose, the burden of proof for a racism accuser should be the same as in criminal accusations: proof “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

What I want to know is: how come you battalions of civil-rights lawyers and law professors and anti-hate activists, committed as you are to bending the arc of history towards justice, have not already proposed this remedy?

Whaddya say, civil-rights lawyers and law professors, and activists?

Yes, I heard you: white privilege, centuries of colonialism, systemic racism, blah, blah, blah. Would that apply to the white working class dying of despair from the opioid epidemic? Hey, how about white college professors? And whatabout Brahmin professors in U.S. universities from South Asia, the highest income group in the USA? When we are talking about Brahmins, we are talking about thousands of years of caste privilege.

Yep. I got it. You chaps are as addicted to canceling racists, sexists, and homophobes as the late George Floyd was to fentanyl. To give up the delicious emotional high of canceling “far-right” social-media white-supremacist terrorists would be as hard as kicking the fentanyl habit.

And worse, how would the left recruit its activists and activistes if they weren’t being enticed into the left by the cancel entry drug? Why, the nation’s mental health professionals may need to invent a new PCSD, a Post-Cancel Stress Disorder, for the post-cancel culture sufferers, and enforce a lockdown of all deplorables until a cure for PCSD has been developed in double-blind testing protocols.


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261b0e  No.9802762


Q can't do shit, neither can TRUMP.

They know more truth than we do and say this is up to God now, so get good with your faith.

Well that's all we can do. I've been as blackpilled as anyone but I am going back to meditation and stocking up on supplies/ammo for the super chimpout

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c6f312  No.9802763

File: 8095299a2ab8fdd⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1576x664, 197:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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291526  No.9802764

File: 6a0e02eed816626⋯.png (275.54 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06302020_….png)

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cc676f  No.9802765


If Qanon has an issues, Qanon will speak out. Timothy Charles Holmseth read a letter on the air a few weeks ago from POTUS authorizing his reporting for the Q team.

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30ccd1  No.9802766


Of y’all still paying Netflix, reconsider.

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000000  No.9802767


You have NO sense of creativity nor the imagination to see just how popular that club is. All the acronyms plus the global TBTF list, around 500 financial institutions.

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47a9b2  No.9802768

File: 32ea2e246d69701⋯.jpg (725.83 KB, 1387x1106, 1387:1106, catch22.jpg)

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24b185  No.9802769


"There were a lot of benefits that came out of my policy of forcing the COVID patients into the nursing homes. Well, benefits for me and the party. Those folks in the homes, not so much."


"When I forced COVID patients into the nursing homes, many people there were upset, but I told them I wanted them to stay positive."

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5a48d6  No.9802770

File: ba05bf23a10895c⋯.jpg (184.81 KB, 750x557, 750:557, Doubtfag.jpg)

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db1135  No.9802772

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90fed0  No.9802773


Netflix will be no longer by next year at this time.

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000000  No.9802774


They will never ask. They don't want to give Q any more visibility beyond what has already developed. Best it stay in the conspiracy realm, rather than be confirmed in any way.

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c79976  No.9802775


Don't know if you are the formerly known as "Whiskey Six" or "Renegade Outlaw" or Special Agent David Gabriel or merely a red text shouting Chicom instigator but how about you shut the fuck up? You're so damn tough grab a few friends and take back Seattle yourself, starting now

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3d186e  No.9802776

File: e79bcec764f0856⋯.jpg (97.69 KB, 399x611, 399:611, DS_DID_THIS_2.jpg)



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1bfbdc  No.9802777


David Brock is a clown and needs to be put down

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19bf65  No.9802778

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1ede7c  No.9802779


Have same thing, thought it was a basal cell, but good to know it's just a cowlick nip.

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f66ce9  No.9802780


NW Harris County - most residents eating bags of dicks out of their masks and shaming Patriots.

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17c2fc  No.9802781

File: 8e930e51d5b4d4c⋯.png (667.05 KB, 994x519, 994:519, hurag8sgvujeaywg98fjgoaygf….PNG)

Pakistan PM Imran Khan slammed for saying bin Laden was 'martyred'


fun lil tidbits in here

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cf4da6  No.9802782

File: b2b9b995c5754de⋯.jpg (779.65 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, b2b9b995c5754de4fc149603e9….jpg)

File: b2fcf92b6c50a27⋯.png (331.72 KB, 534x640, 267:320, b2fcf92b6c50a27da447d254ab….png)

File: b04eb1339e8897a⋯.jpg (112.34 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, b04eb1339e8897a8f593fbd168….jpg)

File: c595219a6f10cea⋯.jpg (523.88 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, c595219a6f10cea880d1061402….jpg)


Goodnight shill.

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be8984  No.9802783

File: b5748e1fbb98441⋯.png (216.54 KB, 1011x733, 1011:733, 078906812096346845.png)

File: 4f2ecae62b27ef8⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1255x845, 251:169, 548901239762430897365.png)

File: d15526cf1bd6d2a⋯.png (239.01 KB, 1013x739, 1013:739, 0974671261309764.png)

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db1135  No.9802784


fuckin A Bubba!

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000000  No.9802785


Nope, sheep forget and move along.

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823869  No.9802786

Memes, prayers, Youtube videos, Tweets, Op-Eds, frogs and Keyboard Commandos do not win wars and destroy evil people.

The sooner you all realize this, the more "awakened" you will be to the fact Q may be a static operation only.

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6b570a  No.9802787

File: b035a6d23d6548a⋯.jpg (173.35 KB, 739x538, 739:538, One_heart_many_colors.jpg)

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a3f906  No.9802788


trips of kek


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467b11  No.9802789


Netflix is owned by Luciferian Jews who want to cause social division. Avoid. 'Everything' is free on the Internet.

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2dfc9c  No.9802790

File: d85d97cd99b38dc⋯.png (344.83 KB, 1096x573, 1096:573, VENUS65_USAF_G5_has_depart….PNG)

VENUS65 USAF G5 has departed Buffalo/Niagra Int'l Airport s-this AC was doing tandem fly-overs with the USAFSOC C-32B over Rochester, NY earlier

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68b908  No.9802792





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4cfbb9  No.9802793

File: 69bed36839bb534⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1910x1000, 191:100, Cuomo_nursing_homes_update….png)


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34b537  No.9802794


They know people are onto them using science so now they're adding another unpredictable variable into the equation.

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000000  No.9802795


We get Q, they get a Netflix series.

It's just not fair.

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242e54  No.9802796

File: 8c5c33582924372⋯.png (602.4 KB, 968x436, 242:109, memevag.png)

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c9d388  No.9802797


Okay, how do you decide who is good and who is bad? Will they get trials? Will you follow the constitutional guidelines? Or do you just want mob rule? What do you think the media would do with that kind of optics?

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000000  No.9802798



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276c65  No.9802799

Does anybody dig anymore? Or is it just JIDF shills and boomers who post terrible memes?

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3dee26  No.9802800


TY anon

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261b0e  No.9802801


Get a job loser your propaganda is completely nonsensical and ineffective

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645f9a  No.9802802

File: a288346aae76b3e⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1m7mE7urvef2fM.mp4)


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be8984  No.9802803

File: a8d5160c7b15833⋯.png (1.15 MB, 933x816, 311:272, 4570120976346564.png)

File: 6737c4cb422836f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1182x825, 394:275, 1328747843908654376.png)

File: 5486aafe47be81c⋯.png (1.16 MB, 933x816, 311:272, 547690120968346.png)

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5c6fbc  No.9802804

File: 5f42b89b5949944⋯.jpg (20.68 KB, 710x421, 710:421, antifa_firing1.jpg)

How many more innocents have to be sacrificed to the Plan?

Man Shot After Protester Fires Handgun Into SUV During Utah BLM Protest


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033b27  No.9802805

File: 866fdb0c612c36d⋯.jpg (247.07 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, PlainFacts.jpg)

File: ad787cd3ac99834⋯.jpg (54.39 KB, 1178x749, 1178:749, Candle1_2_3_.jpg)

Be The light that is needed in the world.

Together WE Win!

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65ac50  No.9802806

File: 32c04148d5daf77⋯.png (170.31 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


yes, they do

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cfbfb9  No.9802807

File: 8f5923786231728⋯.jpeg (45.64 KB, 473x640, 473:640, 776BA5F8_557B_4259_B92A_A….jpeg)

File: 47c2b75b48fc6cf⋯.jpeg (346.18 KB, 828x810, 46:45, EDF595C4_D3A8_4AEF_82C0_E….jpeg)

File: e5865eff2385fd3⋯.jpeg (53.06 KB, 450x640, 45:64, F8B48DAE_489E_4E76_B1D6_B….jpeg)



How and why?

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cf4da6  No.9802808


you mean meme's shill.


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6c3af5  No.9802809

File: d361a8894efbe4a⋯.png (392.45 KB, 559x907, 559:907, ClipboardImage.png)




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368031  No.9802810

File: b16b820871fd049⋯.png (121.73 KB, 1202x765, 1202:765, broward_co_audit_election_….PNG)


Everyone remember Brenda Snipes, the Broward County Election Supervisor??? Well, just found an article summarizing the findings of the audit of the Nov 2018 election.

There are concerns for Nov 2020 election.

"Multiple shortcomings contributed to a problem-plagued 2018 election in Broward County, many of which were on public display while a national cable TV audience waited for Florida to recount votes in elections for governor and U.S. Senate. A controversial audit 18 months later is now detailing even more failings."


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000000  No.9802811



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a5d7a5  No.9802812


Mandatory vaccines i guess

May wake anons up

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08a228  No.9802813

File: f8129c6718e06f0⋯.png (290.29 KB, 540x281, 540:281, ClipboardImage.png)


Adam Savage of ‘Mythbusters’ allegedly raped sister as a kid: lawsuit

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09448a  No.9802814

File: ff6c5b11d946c2d⋯.png (305.34 KB, 474x304, 237:152, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31185b82c355c13⋯.png (29.57 KB, 835x521, 835:521, ClipboardImage.png)

in other news. terry crews is getting roasted today for stepping off the plantation and having a mind of his own.



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467b11  No.9802815


Worse yet, Q is a Deep State PSYOP. An enemy kindergarten teacher.

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3c3b07  No.9802816


I love Dan

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19505b  No.9802817


Since the beginning of this ive thought people put to much faith in Q its odd how anons lack Faith in God but give it to a letter on the internet that types out open ended stuff. Just the strangest thing when you think about it

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ca5ac9  No.9802818


Houston unfortunately gets more and more deep state every year. So does Austin (where I am) so I can only assume people here aren't wearing them because they're self-interested pricks, not because they're making any sort of stand. Still, barely saw anyone wearing them.

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db1135  No.9802819


I remember I once felt forgotten..it feels so bad you have to forget about it…these things remind me of that but…but reminds me that I was Not forgotten..it just felt that way in the shadow..

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51e2f7  No.9802820

File: b4cd149d0777aee⋯.jpg (116.52 KB, 917x733, 917:733, bruce_ohr_not_fired.jpg)

File: 6cb496f855eaf0e⋯.jpg (88.77 KB, 607x764, 607:764, bruce_and_nellie_q_3483.jpg)

File: d668280efbad79c⋯.jpg (42.24 KB, 970x548, 485:274, bruce_saving_nellie.jpg)

A theory that Nellie Ohr, who speaks fluent Russian, helped the White Hats set up the DS in this new Russian Hoax

As far as I can tell, Bruce has not been fired. We know he has been cooperating, trying to save Nellie. Either way, why was it important for us to know Nellie speaks Russian?

This latest hoax has 'russians' bribing isis to kill Americans. Is it true, and if so, it is really 'Russians"? or c_a Clowns? set up with help of Nellie and Bruce?

Why is Bruce Ohr still @ Justice?

Nellie Ohr _ C_A

Fluent in Russian?


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000000  No.9802821


Chinese psyop. Said for a year.

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c6f312  No.9802822



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08a228  No.9802823

File: f9cd37b0513f2a2⋯.png (359.27 KB, 512x310, 256:155, magshlom.png)


>Q is a Deep State PSYOP

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3c3b07  No.9802824


…the fuck

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261b0e  No.9802825


memes actually pass on a message, unlike the garbage you make and think is a meme

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000000  No.9802826



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f66ce9  No.9802827


Mostly 'cause they're LIbtards, kek.

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47a9b2  No.9802828

File: 03c76f173bcf32b⋯.jpg (659.4 KB, 1608x1058, 804:529, gregggun.jpg)


If we do get that blackout and Martial Law, the military could clean up the riffraff in the dark. When the power/communications are restored….viola. "new world" to adjust to… hopium, I know. But still a possibility.

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c3156f  No.9802829


Cute Kracknass Bros rehash.

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643a77  No.9802830



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57263f  No.9802831


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430e48  No.9802832

File: 0bb5792f3cf7ba0⋯.png (26.31 KB, 738x217, 738:217, ClipboardImage.png)

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51e2f7  No.9802833


I always thought they were emptying out prisons to make room for deplorables.

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e340bd  No.9802835

File: 56f629a25ee933d⋯.jpg (597.94 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_701.jpg)

File: 7b8e166a28e2ad6⋯.jpg (735.38 KB, 1080x717, 360:239, IMG_702.jpg)


Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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be8984  No.9802836

File: 3856c6df527d9cc⋯.png (871.14 KB, 1592x845, 1592:845, 546078129045.png)

File: a8c4a6402f5d463⋯.png (1.14 MB, 915x863, 915:863, 5431224790564038.png)

File: d788e6c9f8525f3⋯.png (795.21 KB, 1464x774, 244:129, 863209741289010.png)

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5a48d6  No.9802837

>>9802776 But, when I point out mistakes, I'm a CCP shill?


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be8984  No.9802838

File: 58b5bd392b7f42f⋯.png (897.7 KB, 764x753, 764:753, 07606891206934.png)

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08a228  No.9802839

File: db2571168f0e742⋯.png (911.92 KB, 654x900, 109:150, ClipboardImage.png)


>Chinese psyop


Communist China was created by Rothschilds and their agents.

October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People's Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).

Mao would murder sixty million innocent Chinese people under his rule mainly to destroy traditional Chinese culture in order to gain total control. As with Christianity, any practitioners of spiritual systems where outlawed, killed, and thrown into gulags, to die a slow death through slave labor, starvation and torture. The Communistic systems became the new culture of control. With China under their flag, Tibet was next on the list as being the last bastion of spiritual and historical knowledge. All the Jewish systems seek to remove spiritual knowledge from Gentiles and keep it in the hands of the Jewish elite. This is a major part of their indoctrination program. There has been a major Jewish population in China for over a thousand years such as the Jews of Kaifeng.

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db1135  No.9802840

File: 81d55e166a6d215⋯.png (43.86 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1584390079497.png)

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c6f312  No.9802841


Escalations are Escalating

Needs more sauce

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cfbfb9  No.9802842

File: 51164a77c7217fd⋯.jpeg (66.18 KB, 250x345, 50:69, 06161AE0_C7FA_4A72_B48B_C….jpeg)

File: 2cf6cca7114839f⋯.jpeg (60.03 KB, 425x600, 17:24, 97F186FA_CF99_44CB_BA40_0….jpeg)

File: 34cdc1197b44a01⋯.jpeg (146.97 KB, 634x782, 317:391, 4128B0DF_17F4_4020_8DCF_0….jpeg)

File: fdf3da763bdbc49⋯.jpeg (23.17 KB, 299x428, 299:428, 6ED958E1_9F13_4BDB_98FE_F….jpeg)

File: 6b6c0f40759cb44⋯.jpeg (137.14 KB, 528x797, 528:797, 6CC7853E_F84A_4764_8A26_0….jpeg)














Yeah it’s a fucking cult

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755b75  No.9802843



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c9d388  No.9802844


It's the truth. It was also very short and concise. There are people who believe God and those who don't. Was that too difficult for you to understand? I can't really make it any simpler.

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795a84  No.9802846

File: b3121305d811885⋯.png (191.53 KB, 460x559, 460:559, Screenshot_from_2020_06_30….png)

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5c6fbc  No.9802847


>I always thought they were emptying out prisons to make room for deplorables.

Protect yourself from a riot and see how fast you wind up in prison.

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51e2f7  No.9802848



they are taking out the "Russians" and ISIS involved in latest Russian Hoax…covering their tracks….right after Schiffty and Ds get briefed on it.

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7f6662  No.9802849



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f81c93  No.9802850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing

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764d1f  No.9802851

File: 2c7ce667ebead8f⋯.png (590.53 KB, 604x862, 302:431, BEST_FREAKING_POTUS_EVER.png)


>Everyone remember Brenda Snipes

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2dfc9c  No.9802852

File: 461b390a7370eeb⋯.png (169.68 KB, 474x395, 6:5, PEPE_funny_to_all.png)

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8df6bb  No.9802853



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c9cb01  No.9802854

File: d80a535d5fa5c33⋯.jpg (19.99 KB, 655x365, 131:73, legion_chapter_3_episode_p….jpg)

File: 17dd339264b3c9f⋯.jpg (38.94 KB, 904x511, 904:511, hfeKAwtLyoBM8kVr9e5bWC_120….jpg)

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51e2f7  No.9802855


>Protect yourself from a riot and see how fast you wind up in prison.

i know…. they prepared a space for all of us.

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82f1b3  No.9802856

File: dfa5fddb0b685c5⋯.jpg (166.2 KB, 1103x564, 1103:564, EbxrCb4XsAA8aHf_2_.jpg)

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f66ce9  No.9802857






Love you Anons no homo.

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c9d388  No.9802858


How do you prove that?

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51e2f7  No.9802860


>Texas bar owners suing state's governor over forced closures

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6c3af5  No.9802861

File: 1dc9262359ff966⋯.png (358.41 KB, 525x869, 525:869, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b391212b161f352⋯.png (352.94 KB, 525x862, 525:862, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1b80e967709b8a⋯.png (339.99 KB, 531x864, 59:96, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79197632817ed0b⋯.png (342.75 KB, 512x861, 512:861, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f6be03b2f4f1bd⋯.png (367.09 KB, 531x863, 531:863, ClipboardImage.png)


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430e48  No.9802862

File: 1fc7b0b8c680026⋯.png (422.49 KB, 727x571, 727:571, ClipboardImage.png)

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be8984  No.9802863

File: 0ae9f8a9c457e5e⋯.png (949.68 KB, 838x825, 838:825, 45981298754376.png)

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0c8671  No.9802864


>>Everyone remember Brenda Snipes

And she looks naked if I see her without her "I voted" stickers.

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000000  No.9802865



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4cfbb9  No.9802866

File: 37af84eb5e1dbbf⋯.png (660.86 KB, 955x500, 191:100, 46u76a.png)

final version, I hope it circulates. Thank you for all the feedback anons!

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291526  No.9802867

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82f1b3  No.9802868

File: b59e06f57ebbe16⋯.png (246.8 KB, 453x696, 151:232, b59e06f57ebbe16bb1326adaae….png)

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a3f906  No.9802869


>>9802611, >>9802790 planefaggin

>>9802850 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing

>>9802781 Pakistan PM Imran Khan slammed for saying bin Laden was 'martyred'

>>9802753 Colin Kaepernick Netflix Series Coming Soon

>>9802731 Report to Congress on Columbia-class Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine Program

>>9802653 Anthony Fauci Warns: Pig-Bound Virus in China Could Cause Another Pandemic/We got the proof this is bullshit!

>>9802577 60+ Groups Demand Senate Pass Sanders Amendment to Slash 'Out of Control' Pentagon Budget by $74 Billion led by Sen. Bernie Sanders

>>9802552 Clare Bronfman Replaces Mark Geragos; Hires Famed Black Lawyer Ronald S. Sullivan Jr.

>>9802548 Rand Paul GOES OFF On Shutting Down America To Dr. Fauci vid

>>9802539 Victory as British court grants judicial review of at-home abortions

>>9802530 Biden Faces No Questions About Michael Flynn Probe During His First Press Conference In Three Months

>>9802445 U.S. Used $601M Seized From Venezuela To Fund Border Wall With Mexico

>>9802429 Russia Withdraws From UN Deconfliction System On Syria Because Some Of Its Facilities Are Used By Terrorists

>>9802351 California Town Boots Church from Downtown After Residents Worshiped There for 25 Years

>>9802320 The Pentagon has announced that roughly 1,700 service members will help to support President Trump's July 4 celebrations.

>>9802313 Senior Egyptian judge dropped from elite council after drafting anti-torture law

>>9802299 Major Flooding Chinese Provences… Hubei.. guizhou.. Sichuan.. chongquing, china

>>9802284, >>9802598, >>9802832 Explosion in north Tehran with thick smoke

>>9802274 Biden: "We're giving a portion of the population who has responded to the race-baiting the President has engaged in a sort of free pass."

>>9802263 Major Space Force Units to Be Called Deltas, Officials Announce

>>9802257 Happy International Asteroid Day

>>9802250 Panic in London ?Theresa May worried by -On Tuesday, the former prime minister condemned the decision to appoint David Frost as national security adviser?

>>9802227 The Good News About COVID-19 the Corporate Media Keeps Hidden

>>9802218 Netanyahu indicates delay in annexation date after meeting with US envoys


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609813  No.9802870


No shit, nobody is showing up to them. It's a good way to cover up nobody is interested.

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be8984  No.9802871

File: 3800bb139254927⋯.png (1.88 MB, 883x874, 883:874, 450982302089765.png)

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000000  No.9802873


Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing

tyvm for link

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18d4b2  No.9802874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don Jr. slams Biden's lead in polls, takes dig at Hunter Biden | Part 1


•Jun 30, 2020

FOX Business

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6c3af5  No.9802875

File: 23279cbe049c84b⋯.png (342.63 KB, 524x866, 262:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a039075c7ed08f4⋯.png (348.09 KB, 532x862, 266:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00aa4f6692ee3e6⋯.png (345.45 KB, 524x859, 524:859, ClipboardImage.png)

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261b0e  No.9802876

File: edf4c422ca78f04⋯.jpg (16.16 KB, 400x400, 1:1, cf1.jpg)



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82f1b3  No.9802877

File: f594258600f2320⋯.png (78.36 KB, 255x246, 85:82, f594258600f2320a67d47ac423….png)

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37f0f9  No.9802878

Afternoon patriots

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c79976  No.9802879

File: 386f9319f3819a5⋯.jpg (48.36 KB, 720x690, 24:23, 69536401_935993396747004_4….jpg)


We muster on Friday night. Two neighboring States are expecting a call to assist with Blocking Forces if the Call to Arms goes out that night and Saturday, under cover of fireworks, the civil war is on. Happy now hothead shillfuck? Remember how you came here screaming for action because you may get it, and if your ass gets in the way be advised you may learn very quickly what a mercury fulminate tipped round can do. There, now go report to your Assistant Director, your Commissar, or whoever. Thanks to all BLM/antifa fucks that have been setting off all the fireworks,will make Sweep and Clear so much easier when regular people think the noise is just more fireworks.

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be8984  No.9802880

File: 5288925df1b3eca⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1363x1007, 1363:1007, 7865789011087364.png)

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fb5dd8  No.9802881

Driving privilege changes, LGBTQ+ history curriculum among Illinois’ new laws

Effective July1st


LGBTQ+ history part of curriculum

LGBTQ+ history will be required to be taught in Illinois public schools starting in the 2020-2021 school year, as House Bill 246 states that U.S. history courses “shall include a study of the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this county and this State.”

The bill also requires schools to purchase textbooks that are “non-discriminatory as to any of the characteristics under the Illinois Human Rights Act,” and they must “include the roles and contributions of all people protected under the Illinois Human Rights Act.”

House Bill 2265 requires public schools to teach at least one semester of civics courses in either sixth through eighth grade.

The content will focus on government institutions, discussion of current and societal issues, service learning and simulations of the democratic process.

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30ccd1  No.9802882

File: b62cd8d30c53314⋯.jpeg (24.93 KB, 664x630, 332:315, EC9ED3AF_107B_4339_8A1A_B….jpeg)

File: 85a297637b2522b⋯.png (272.8 KB, 815x443, 815:443, F747436F_E4E7_4554_A24F_9B….png)

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a134c7  No.9802883

File: 55e1509536526f4⋯.jpg (426.54 KB, 1258x737, 1258:737, Untitled.jpg)

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be8984  No.9802884

File: e9c77699de123c7⋯.png (958.93 KB, 622x618, 311:309, 578178643546547.png)

File: 417616289dee12f⋯.png (884.88 KB, 730x875, 146:175, 458997649043.png)

File: e9c77699de123c7⋯.png (958.93 KB, 622x618, 311:309, 578178643546547.png)

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000000  No.9802885

Trips of truth: This is a chinese psyop

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47a9b2  No.9802886

File: 831850f28f66d33⋯.jpg (141.53 KB, 625x460, 125:92, joeblack3.jpg)

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842d87  No.9802887


central PA is called Pencil-Tucky for a reason ; they will be shot by farmers ; if the dogs don't get them first ; the roads are all curvy and hilly…it is not a city environment like they think…

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000000  No.9802888


Shit sum ting went wong

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2dfc9c  No.9802889

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB, 1027x731, 1027:731, pepe_flags_out.gif)

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3c3b07  No.9802890



Hopefully, none of them bought the Trump Firework packages that some bluecheck Team Trump members have been tweeting about.

I still think it's funny that they are selling Trump labeled Fireworks during this time lolololol

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5078dd  No.9802891


>Trips of truth: This is a chinese psyop


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a5d7a5  No.9802892


Welcome to a shitshow

Q just admitted current state of affairs is a part of the plan to show normies or else

Anons continue snoooozing


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755b75  No.9802893

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db1135  No.9802894

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feef9d  No.9802895


Operation Paperclip.

Who won WWII?

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5c6fbc  No.9802896


I fully understand people's belief in God. People believe in Buddha, though not the same way, and many others, as well. People have believed in all sorts of things they deem to be true. Does it mean they were all true? The Bible was compiled by men, political men. Many things were omitted. Do you trust the men who decided what to include or exclude from the Bible?

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000000  No.9802897


nope. See above ahahahahahahah

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430e48  No.9802898

File: eae6686bce7bfc2⋯.png (14.4 KB, 679x73, 679:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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be8984  No.9802899

File: 07592df3266807f⋯.png (775.03 KB, 1564x648, 391:162, 1764940875644.png)

File: aa773d3ada911e5⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1038x842, 519:421, 976245514760890.png)

File: 5c77b8716d48617⋯.png (770.6 KB, 1565x649, 1565:649, 7547612764116.png)

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755b75  No.9802900

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bbebb8  No.9802901

File: 4cba23afaf177ed⋯.png (554.32 KB, 1066x313, 1066:313, ClipboardImage.png)

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a5d7a5  No.9802902


Doubt that

Prolly comes from Trump administration

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c9d388  No.9802903


I believe in justice, do you? Do understand the meaning of that word? I do.

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7b5ea0  No.9802904



crew spotted~

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009a55  No.9802905

>>9801649 (pb)Q - Just let me know that (YOU) Really Do Got This!

It's been disheartening - to say the least these last two weeks.

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4aceab  No.9802906



“99% would end up in hospital if they knew...”

So what?! Some people aren’t even alive anymore to watch their children grow up.

I recognise most of not all of history is wrong. I’ve probably eaten human flesh through fast food. I’ve been investing poisons my whole life bla bla bla.

BRING IT ON ALREADY. We want the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

The people who betrayed God deserve to have their life rocked. Enough is enough.

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19bf65  No.9802907

File: 8f939cc9440be05⋯.png (784.89 KB, 906x507, 302:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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8dddac  No.9802908

File: 394e0311e92345b⋯.jpg (15.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 85051a5353141d3⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 480x270, 16:9, get.gif)

File: ad0396d6d40e443⋯.jpeg (42.26 KB, 680x383, 680:383, EbZFB5bXQAIyOUj.jpeg)

File: 028626c8b700ff3⋯.gif (439.53 KB, 220x220, 1:1, tenor.gif)

Are we not meme'ing truth anymore on Twitter?

Just wondering if there was a Go signal I was too impatient to see.

Where are you, fags? Make a random account and go to work.

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ee7fc9  No.9802909


Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have an excuse for cancelling the DNC convention in Milwaukee; thereby blocking Team Bernie Sanders from visible opposition while protecting candidate gibberish from himself.

Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily keep club candidate Joe Biden sealed in the basement; where the electorate is not exposed to visible signs of his dementia.

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18d4b2  No.9802910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don Jr.: Social media companies are controlled by 'leftists' | Part 2


•Jun 30, 2020

FOX Business

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ce2bd8  No.9802911


> I have no job, no friends, no money, no fucking nothing.

How come?

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abe88b  No.9802912



Yeah, because Obama's Netfux has SUCH credibility. what a dumb ass

I'm glad he is calling the real Q fake — separate that shitstain from us

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2dfc9c  No.9802913

File: 0511102121fec68⋯.png (474.5 KB, 531x681, 177:227, full_of_shit_as_usual.PNG)

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467b11  No.9802914


The deterioration of society. All by design. Jewish design.

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70bfec  No.9802915


Russia did,.

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c6f312  No.9802916

File: 73e2196e0195df7⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1579x743, 1579:743, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fe051  No.9802917

File: e943810df6865ff⋯.png (804.49 KB, 807x529, 807:529, criminals.png)

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609813  No.9802919


They want you divided


Go away shill

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3d186e  No.9802920

File: 6652868a75ddaa6⋯.jpg (76.48 KB, 437x497, 437:497, YEAH.jpg)

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430e48  No.9802921

File: 82120ff720113ad⋯.png (809 KB, 730x760, 73:76, ClipboardImage.png)

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5fa00c  No.9802923


>the theme is about meteors hitting the earth, mostly in USA apparently.

>Maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing…

Kinetic impacts from space rocks are extremely rare. Rocks from space carry different charge potentials than our Earth. We see meteors "light up" as the enter our atmosphere. That is no coincidence. Those space rocks are being electrically etched away by the charges clinging to the surface of the Earth, which make up our "atmosphere". Meteors do have potential to "impact" the Earth, but it has moar to do with our global electric circuitry than an actual "impact" collision. So, really not much to worry about. This is age old fear porn, based upon MUCH moar extreme circumstances that anything recognized by "science" today.

For example, once upon a time the moon was on a direct collision course with our home planet. Instead of smashing into us and destroying both objects in a kinetic impact, there were huge arc discharges which prevent total annihilation, and actually "locked" our moon in place as a satellite to Earth. When one calculates the sheer amperage present in the atmosphere, it's not difficult to see how much potential power is present at any given time. The voltage differential doesn't even have to be that great to achieve tremendous amounts of power (Amps x Volts = Watts).

There was a considerable amount of destruction, but ultimately life existed before, during and after this [event], even though it forever changed certain aspects of life on, along with geological features of, Earth. The Electromagnetic Force is extremely powerful, yet it's role is often ignored by "science" for a variety of reasons. Point is, there are Forces in Nature which protect you even though you aren't fully aware of their existence. Fear not, anon. We will be fine. At least for now. Meteors are fear porn, basically.

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6b570a  No.9802924

Can someone get Kayleigh a portable mic….the only way her mic drop exits would be any better…Would be tossing it at a reporter on the way out…lol… Classic.

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d4a7a3  No.9802925

File: 94fef130d47220c⋯.jpg (46.03 KB, 583x805, 583:805, podesta_hm.JPG)

Is this Podesta? What do you think?


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291526  No.9802926

File: eceaf5778835788⋯.png (40.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, epstein_sdny_cf_laptop_wei….png)


Very nice, ty

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be8984  No.9802927

File: ee11ab544cef0f6⋯.png (656.39 KB, 992x747, 992:747, 14378106926540547.png)

File: b0557879265823d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1034x835, 1034:835, 532190305455.png)

File: 770bb3dd2211387⋯.png (663.73 KB, 992x747, 992:747, 7541290784509.png)

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feef9d  No.9802928


Try again.

Dig moar.

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ea126c  No.9802930

I see what you are saying…but I see it differently….all this isn't about "Q"….I'm here for the board, "Q" is just a added benefit…"Q" could just up and vanish and most of us would still be here making meme…digging…praying…etc…Trump, "Q"…granted it is a nice subject to play on…but I've been a channer from a long ways back…they come and they go…it's not about "Q"…remember this "Q" CAME TO THIS BOARD…THE BOARD DIDN'T GO TO THEM!!!.

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c9d388  No.9802931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Learn, if you really want to know the truth.

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b79a83  No.9802933

File: 82ef860c86d6f4f⋯.jpg (86.25 KB, 729x342, 81:38, 46u81r.jpg)

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483921  No.9802934


Took longer than i thought…..

next bread, kek.


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3d6a98  No.9802936

>>9801649 lb


Boss, what percentage of people are you looking for to become aware? I would say that most, the ones that are interested see what is going on. Another impeachment inquiry into Barr? Another coming for POTUS? It really is time for these wretched bastards to feel hot, stinging, life altering P-A-I-N Sir.

God Bless you All Q. Good grief we need his blessings more than ever.


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84817e  No.9802937

About those prisoners, Q, you're supposed to be forgiving.

Pretty divisive to throw people in prison.

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d94d5c  No.9802940

File: 1fb623b624d21cc⋯.jpg (77.13 KB, 805x512, 805:512, FauciMask.jpg)

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5c6fbc  No.9802941


Wasn't this the tentacle porn guy? To be sure, this story is completely a mirror of reality.

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db1135  No.9802942


why fireworks cancelled in LA…they are by water..Port..No in My Hood..

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674199  No.9802944

File: 87651bc27bdd9f7⋯.png (334.65 KB, 520x347, 520:347, ClipboardImage.png)


It never ended.

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0358e4  No.9802945


Thought it was gonna start 10 mins ago…

i know theres always a bit of delay, but geez..

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65c9bb  No.9802946


Did Germany put Lenin in power

“In the middle of April [1917] the Germans took a sombre decision. Ludendorff refers to it with bated breath. Full allowance must be made for the desperate stakes to which the German war leaders were already committed. They were in the mood which had opened unlimited submarine warfare with the certainty of bringing the United States into the war against them. Upon the Western front they had from the beginning used the most terrible means of offense at their disposal. They had employed poison gas on the largest scale and had invented the ‘Flammenwerfer.’ Nevertheless it was with a sense of awe that they turned upon Russia the most grisly of all weapons. They transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia.”

Winston S. Churchill

The World Crisis, Volume five.

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65ac50  No.9802947


so why you no on /pol?

this is Q's board

you came here

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19505b  No.9802948


Eh who cares hes a duschebag idk why this whole thing revolves around dragging good people into following pieces of shit. Kinda wastes the lives of the 99 doesnt it?

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8e0dc5  No.9802949


IDK but i saw it yesterday Fukn Creepy

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c6f312  No.9802950

File: aa1dafbfc8d741f⋯.png (215.52 KB, 642x758, 321:379, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.9802951


Dats Him!

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119694  No.9802952


Doesn’t really look like JP

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19fc42  No.9802953


Lurk moar

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963aa2  No.9802954

File: ebfea90877ba40a⋯.jpg (45.06 KB, 749x484, 749:484, bowserpublicurination.jpg)

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ce2bd8  No.9802956

File: 083752f1b6e21c8⋯.png (105.6 KB, 254x180, 127:90, ClipboardImage.png)


That's what the owners of this burned out business thought once.

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a3f906  No.9802957

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0358e4  No.9802959


checkd. Fuck that wannabe tripper

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242e54  No.9802960


Because Newsom is faggot.

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5146c9  No.9802961

Did [they] try to create a real life version of The Purge?

No cops, everyone wears a mask to not be identified, everyone has access to illegally obtained firearms (no tracking information), violent criminals, rapists and murderers are released from jail with no way of sustaining themselves without committing crimes.

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a3e162  No.9802963

File: 6b5f48efb045a9f⋯.jpg (152.97 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1591361195493.jpg)

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5ae685  No.9802964

File: 501c3d65aadeb99⋯.png (10.77 KB, 255x182, 255:182, behold.png)


Great first attempt, you're doing well. Comments below.


^^^^^This anon is right. Both top and bottom texts could be "tuned up". You want to convey the same message, with fewer words, and make the lettering larger. Using the black background header/footer to the image also helps because it makes white lettering pop. If you put words in the image itself, you have to worry about losing visual impact due to the image in the background.

Examples of how I'd fine tune the language:

Top line - I mandated nursing homes to accept Covid positive patients

Bottom line - Trump's guidelines said to avoid this, but I did it anyway (great point to emphasize) and now your parents are dead.


I ignored Federal guidelines and your parents are dead. But I'd rather call them "shiny objects."

Using terms like "my negligent policy" are accurate, but not really necessary. Average people will figure that out.

Credit the Trump administration facts, and press the ugly facts for the commies. The people will place blame on their own. A good example of this is your use of the term "shiny objects." You don't have to tell people it's wrong (you couldn't fit that in anyway) - they get it.

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0c8671  No.9802965


There is nothing to show this is pedosta.

Doesn't look like him.

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5c6fbc  No.9802968


>Learn, if you really want to know the truth.

Why should I trust this man? Was he there when they chose the books to include and exclude from the Bible? Or does he simply have an opinion that you ascribe to.

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07b509  No.9802970

dam Housley


15 criminal referrals now in and I am told maybe 1 more coming. That doesn’t mean 15 people…it could lead to a lot more because of conspiracy.

1:10 PM · Jun 30, 2020

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65c9bb  No.9802971


Nobody voted for Q..And this wouldn't be here if not q…THE CHANS…Still would be,,,,said that over 3 years ago..kekekekeke

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ea126c  No.9802972


I started this board,,,Q came here after me.

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755b75  No.9802973


You want to know the funny part? All us chicanos are gonna set them off anyway. Suck it, Gavin.

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90e68d  No.9802974

File: 600ec47f4e48519⋯.png (827.57 KB, 682x583, 62:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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7f6662  No.9802975

File: d5e0793cf633049⋯.png (244.53 KB, 522x431, 522:431, Screenshot_from_2020_06_30….png)



can't find a profile pic

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b79a83  No.9802977


S WIth ecerything china do. Kek

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6b570a  No.9802979

File: 02135f43f418b85⋯.jpg (213.26 KB, 500x748, 125:187, dumb_fucks.jpg)

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abe88b  No.9802981



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0358e4  No.9802982


Doesnt look or sound like him. Be real nice if people stopped posting bs that ends up making us look bad, but that seems to be the point….

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a3f906  No.9802986

File: e1c5f34b7a867a0⋯.png (231.89 KB, 474x332, 237:166, e1c5f34b7a867a09c3cb5cc7c2….png)

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90fed0  No.9802989


Exactly. And how do you keep COVID-19 relevant?

You make people wear masks.

This is all a big scam, essentially making people afraid of the flu.

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