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File: 8b3dc4173f5e8cf⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Q Research General IMA….jpg)

e7920d  No.6040642

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>6028589 (Part 2)

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Wednesday 03.27.2019

Compiled here: >>5946363

Tuesday 03.26.2019

Compiled here: >>5943932

Monday 03.25.2019

Compiled here: >>5915285

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

e7920d  No.6040662

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5857423 BO on global notables

>>5857492 BO on "baker assist"

>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images


are not endorsements


>>6040271 New sealed indictment cases map (repost for night crew)

>>6040518 Officials deny that lack of vaxxes caused whooping cough outbreak in LA

>>6040464, >>6040489 1st Commercial quantum computer announced as CES

>>6040304 Algerian Constitutional Council declares presidency vacant

>>6040273 Lavrov certain Cuban Missile Crisis will not be repeated due to events in Venezuela

>>6040231 Dan Scavino: Dems are making #Trump2020 easier by the week!

>>6040158 US Marines: Turn up the volume!

>>6040142 Google employees do not want conservative viewpoints involved with development of AI

>>6039969, >>6040129 Boy tells police he's Timmothy Pitzen, missing since 2011

>>6040128 Tonight, POTUS @realDonaldTrump and @VP Mike Pence are briefed by Senior Military Leadership

>>6040110 Trump’s Labor Department Wants to Drug-Test Applicants for Unemployment Benefits

>>6040100 Papadopoulos: Mueller investigated Israel ties, not Russian ones

>>6040080 "Would you vote to Barack Obama again?" Only 6% say yes.

>>6040078 Pramila Harris spoke of her "gender-non-conforming child during a hearing on the Equality Act

>>6040047, >>6040064, >>6040071 POTUS says ORANGE 3 times instead of Origin.

>>6040035, >>6040048 Collusion? Russians gave $35 Million to company with John Podesta on board

>>6040003 Senators demand details on US Aid To possible Saudi "Covert Nuclear Weapons Program"

>>6039944 POTUS Schedule: calling out Biden & son Hunter becomes the HUNTED)

>>6040623 #7725


>>6039790 Icahn Dumps $550 Million Lyft Stake To George Soros Ahead Of IPO Debacle

>>6039729 Snowden calls on Canada to accept the refugees that sheltered him in Hong Kong

>>6039722 The Case for the Prosecution of Obama, Hillary and Russiagate Co-Conspirators

>>6039719 Tomorrow is "watch" day

>>6039683 Why isn't Hussein defending Biden?

>>6039598 Doug's continued tweet war against Q

>>6039403 AOC faces THIRD election ethics violation complaint

>>6039290, >>6039329 Yasmine Taeb attended Majorie Stoneman Douglas High School

>>6039324, >>6039617, >>6039614 MIssing "h" in DJT tweet

>>6039408 U.S. Army in sync with Q drops

>>6039297, >>6039173, >>6039208, >>6039560 U.S. Army Tweets: Code H Demolition

>>6039261 Roseanne Barr interview with Laura Loomer…unavailable!

>>6039241 Bronx high school teacher arresting trading child porno on the dark web

>>6039197 Vaccine controversy heats up

>>6040654 #7724


>>6038585, >>6038435 Shady ex CEO Carlos Ghosn chimes in, "unveils" the "truth" on twitter (MSN)

>>6038551 Clintons touring with Hollywood Stars, dates and locations

>>6038481, >>6038687, >>6038866 Moar on Biden "cuddling"

baker change

>>6038772 Mueller’s Team claims Trump Report more damaging than Barr reveals

>>6038779 Fairfax Co police: Newport News man secretly recorded 81 men & boys at Centreville Spa World, sold videos online

>>6038803 Judge issues stunning decision in lawsuit alleging gov't negligence in 2015 San Bernardino terror attack

>>6038836 WREXIT: UK Government Betrays Brexit Referendum in Broad Daylight

>>6038852 MS-NBC: "Trump might be re-elected in a landslide"

>>6038889 Update on 5G: It's here

>>6038882 Pence said "peace" and "strength" in his speech today

>>6038939 Daily Beast says Q turned on Gorka (but unclear so far whether it's really true)

>>6038978 Schiff crosses red line, goes after Melania Trump

>>6039094 #7723

Previously Collected Notables

>>6038327 #7722

>>6035977 #7719, >>6036765 #7720, >>6037541 #7721

>>6033642 #7716, >>6034629 #7717, >>6035183 #7718

>>6031314 #7713, >>6032081 #7714, >>6032872 #7715

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

e7920d  No.6040672

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 – The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

(Foreign Language Threads have Translation Capability)

>>5945347 Australia #4

>>4554541 Brazil #1

>>5514044 Canada #2

>>4237797 France #1

>>6030503 Germany #19 (NEW)

>>5313285 India #1

>>5794762 Netherlands #2

>>5944714 New Zealand #3

>>5290557 Nordic#1

>>5568222 Northern Ireland and Ireland #1

>>4924411 South Africa #1

>>5710194 Spain #1

>>5936409 UK #4

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>5968822

Q Graphics all in EST


e7920d  No.6040675

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

e7920d  No.6040680



940d96  No.6040681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




No hate went into the creation of this post.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition, whatever that is.


d54f4d  No.6040682

File: faf72f0b41eeba3⋯.jpeg (529.31 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 0115E141-162D-4145-8804-B….jpeg)


There are countless attacks by the media in an orchestrated campaign. We are at war with the corrupt establishment, and they are fighting back with vengeance. There are millions spent shaping these narratives, much like Fusion GPS, ShareBlue and others. At least 20% of posts are not related to our research and are various forms of subversion or fake news narrative shaping.

The NOTABLES section will help you cut through the chaos and noise.

Notables aren‘t endorsements. Discern for yourself. This board is not much different from any comment section on a site, and yes they pay to “shape” opinion there too. The notion we can control anonymous posts is a huge leap.

If it’s HATE based, it’s FAKE / PAID

NOTHING Q has said supports these narratives. We reject any unlawful activity. Groups that fundraise off “hate” are the most likely culprits. Hate is an industry, much like the news media being more interested in ratings than journalism.

Think for yourself and discern posts in context of Q drops at QMAP.PUB and current events.

Thanks For Playing, Come Again




>>5966972 (Q, pb) rt >>5966583 (pb) rt >>5966470 (pb)

940d96  No.6040685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


ebcbdf  No.6040686

File: b81224b5a5ed12f⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1192x1250, 596:625, ClipboardImage.png)

4d983d  No.6040688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You fags scoped out my friend’s first ever vidya last night and offered some good feedback.

Here’s her second vidya ever and she wanted me to post it here for u fags.

Whatchu fags think??

2nd vidya - https://youtu.be/QdJBg71pl2s

first vidya - https://youtu.be/3wdrhV17JHw

I like the first one better personally but the second one is embedded.

Any requests for good songs she can use in future ones?

600f03  No.6040690

File: d001e96930d1b1a⋯.png (637.23 KB, 3982x1446, 1991:723, ClipboardImage.png)


99a9c8  No.6040691


940d96  No.6040696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

ed9a6a  No.6040705

File: 6729f87e41959e1⋯.jpg (131.1 KB, 800x420, 40:21, trump-epic-painting.jpg)

File: 21f0448fef0557e⋯.jpg (63.46 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 9cbe1caa6423d599a03c0633c7….jpg)

To my fellow anons, Patriots, and Qteam

I am not the most outstanding citizen and I am sure everyone here has skeletons… I have posted before about having drug problems that landed me in prison. Getting out of prison on parole, only to relapse on heroin a month later. Somehow, I was able to manage a heroin addiction and complete parole with out failing a piss test (thanks to drinking Jell-O). A few years go by lost my teeth and almost my arm. I did a great job hiding the scars. I maintained a job, wife, pets and home all on a waiters pay. Obama care is when shit started going down hill. Maintaining all of these things including me and my wife’s addiction was hard enough while also paying off cash advance after cash advance with tip money and working doubles and triples.

My first income tax was great; $1,000 but I had to claim indigent so that I would not be penalized for not having Obama care. Well that only worked a couple times, my last income tax I was penalized $900 which only left me $100. I wanted to kill myself, I became very depressed and lost. I finally got ahold of a friend who was seeing a dirty Suboxone doctor who only charged a fraction, no questions asked.

At first this was a blessing, I felt like I had my life back, I even applied for a job in the public sector and was interviewed & hired the same day. Everything started moving in the right direction fast but there was one problem. I was still addicted to the needle. I shot up Suboxone until the only vein left was the jugular on the side of my neck. At this point it was no longer concealable and finally made the choice to dispose of my needles. Then the Vegas Shooting happened within 2 months of searching for answers I found Q and anons.

You guys taught me a lot just by lurking past breads and reading Q drops. I still wasn’t fully awake but I damn it I was getting close. Q led me to William Cooper's book and audio recordings “mysteries of Babylon” and “hour of the time”. Holy shit, it was like watching a puzzle complete itself; it really put everything in perspective. Mason’s, secret fraternities/societies, mystery religions, lobbyists, big pharma, etc. Now I was pissed! I have been on Suboxone 4 years and finally March 3rd me and my wife (who went on this info journey with me) finally stopped the subs cold turkey. No one ever told me sub withdrawals are far worse and longer than heroin.

I had to miss work for the first couple days, on my third sick day I knew I had to go back to work the next day. So me and my wife worked up the strength to go to a veteran booth at the flea market and buy 2 MAGA hats. I went back to work the next day wearing my MAGA hat (work place acceptable) like a suit of armor and I was doing my job in between vomiting and convulsions. Well it was short lived… me & my partner frequented this gas station often for break and was always greeted by the Hispanic manager and her black coworker. That day I went in with my MAGA hat and a switch flipped, the manager told me to remove my hat, I said “No”. Her coworker jumped in to call me racist and then a black customer chimes in to call me a cracker as I left. I called corporate, and by the time I got home I ended up in the hospital from violent convulsions. That Friday I had to return to work only to be confronted with new rules “no flags of nationality, religious symbols, or political statements”and a meeting with the city management. They played the surveillance tapes; no audio just the manager narrating her lie of the story. I defended myself relentlessly and then I told them what I was going through with my medication that I stopped cold turkey. After me cussing them out in tears they gave me an unscheduled paid vacation.

After I left, I called the DEA and had a different meeting. The fetynal is running rampant in my neighborhood, the park manager was allowing gangbangers and pedos to move in a run our little neighborhood to the ground! I signed the paperwork to become a CI and told them I didn’t care about getting paid but legally they have to pay me. 20 days go by before the physical pain subsides then immediately back to work. Well today was my first buy. I hit the dirty doc, not only is he dirty he leaves the country for months at a time only to write scripts. I got on the subject of Bitcoin with him one day and to my surprise he is a big time investor, well that led to the question. What do you do out of country? He goes to the Philippines to “help the children”. So, yeah this guy is fuuucked.

Not much more info I can provide other than now I might be a doctor shopper with false medical records taking down dirty docs and taking out the scumbag ms-13 & Trinitarios that are poisoning my community. I am sorry this might seem like a slide or what ever but I legally can not share details or compromise myself or my family. God bless Trump, Q team, and Anons. I love you all. I think life is starting to turn around bigly! Thank you for helping make a change!

e7920d  No.6040706


Baker needs handoff

must leave in a few


940d96  No.6040710

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, anton_protocols.png)




Protocols of the Elders of Zion Full Text

cb6fe3  No.6040712

File: 3f9ac91b809748c⋯.gif (2.79 MB, 425x320, 85:64, 20810102.gif)


Ty, baker

7a3d9e  No.6040713

File: 5e253ac47595f29⋯.png (455.49 KB, 660x334, 330:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8b43164d0eb5dc⋯.png (90.18 KB, 758x779, 758:779, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c5775aa40d2f84⋯.png (2.45 MB, 998x919, 998:919, ClipboardImage.png)


More Syrians return from Jordan camps through Nassib crossing

SANA’s reporter at Nassib crossing said that a new batch of Syrians who had been displaced due to terrorist acts returned on Wednesday from al- Azraq and Zaatari camps in Jordan to their areas liberated by the Syrian Arab Army from terrorism.


US officials again snub meeting on disbanding Rukban camp

"US representatives have once again failed to visit to Jleb checkpoint to attend the coordination meeting and instead preferred to discuss the Rukban issue at a platform in Amman (Jordan). The US keeps deliberately delaying a solution to the refugee camp problem, reluctant to grant access for a representational working group to the zone they had illegally occupied and to assume responsibility for the events that take place in Rukban," reads a joint statement by the chiefs of the joint coordination centers of Russia and Syria, Mikhail Mizintsev and Hussein Mahlouf.


Syrian War Report – April 3, 2019: Syrian Military Sends Reinforcements To Fight ISIS In Central Desert



Military Situation In Syria On April 3, 2019 (Map Update)

US-Russian contacts on the evacuation of civilians from the al-Rukban refugee camp have resulted in no progress. US forces prevent the exist of refugees via the opened humanitarian corridor;

A convoy of government security forces reportedly came under attack on the road between Barzah and Esh Al Ururur. No confirmed reports about casualties have appeared;

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) claimed that they had neutralized a saboteur group linked to the Turkish intelligence in Manbij;

9 ISIS-linked persons have been detained by the SDF in the framework of the ongoing security operation in Raqqah;

SDF units continue to search for the remaining ISIS members in the area of al-Baghuz;

Ceasefire violations were reported in western Aleppo, northeastern Lattakia and northern Hama.


Army units target terrorists in Idleb countryside

SANA’s reporter said that army units eliminated terrorist groups and destroyed their vehicles at al-Nabi Ayyoub summit in al-Zawiya Mountain in Idleb countryside.

The reporter added that other army units destroyed a hideout for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists at the outskirts of Basanqul village in Idleb countryside.


US-Backed Forces Admit That Battle Against ISIS In Euphrates Valley Is Still Ongoing

“SDF combing the area in al-Baghuz [al-Fawqani] and its vicinity, dismantling mines, traps, looking for sleeper cells and other remnants of Daesh [ISIS]. There’re still some terrorists hiding in the cave system in vicinity of mount al-Baghuz,” Mustafa Bali, a spokesman for the group, wrote on Twitter.


940d96  No.6040715

File: 04effbbfb53c43a⋯.png (609.53 KB, 910x848, 455:424, T_y_da_laws.png)









c4b5d7  No.6040716

>>6040380 (pp)

Those things you posted… can you explain them or do you know what they mean or what's up?

60582b  No.6040717


"If there is hope,’ wrote Winston, ‘it lies in the proles.’

If there was hope, it MUST lie in the proles, because only there in those swarming disregarded masses, 85 per cent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated. The Party could not be overthrown from within. Its enemies, if it had any enemies, had no way of coming together or even of identifying one another. Even if the legendary Brotherhood existed, as just possibly it might, it was inconceivable that its members could ever assemble in larger numbers than twos and threes. Rebellion meant a look in the eyes, an inflexion of the voice, at the most, an occasional whispered word. But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength. would have no need to conspire. They needed only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to do it? And yet ——!"

418000  No.6040718

File: db40bb1289fcf15⋯.png (250.9 KB, 675x596, 675:596, huh.PNG)

Checked out MAGACoalition stream. Spends all the time bashing Q. ~330 viewing.

Went to Doug's twitter to check it out.

Saw this. (pic related)

I read EVERY notable and am around this board a bit.

Have NEVER seen this. Don't do FagBook though.


86ca5d  No.6040719

cd849a  No.6040720

File: f89121ac7a36b99⋯.png (101.65 KB, 812x1116, 203:279, turkey.png)


Late bread repost regarding anon thinking Turkey gives a shit about human trafficking. As it turns out they are a major hub for slavic woman and this probably started with the Clinton destruction of Yugoslavia.


Turkey is a Major Trafficking Hub

Turkey will likely do nothing and most likely involved.


56d490  No.6040721

File: f7cb7b7301d9022⋯.jpg (217.34 KB, 1280x985, 256:197, ra 43.jpg)

640988  No.6040723

you know, the coolest thing about this is that NSA through /ourguys/ groomed a bunch of literal retards with no social lives to become research savants and used them to disseminate a new platform of patriotic propoganda to save the US and ultimately the world from tyranny WORLDWIDE.

holy fuck… what a feat

Q and /ourguys/ deserves to win for pulling that off alone.

6a873d  No.6040724

File: dafd0df32abb41b⋯.png (401.67 KB, 1612x1513, 1612:1513, brave_2019-04-03_22-26-08.png)

File: 7e3bdb0a48ddf20⋯.png (335.95 KB, 1197x1719, 133:191, brave_2019-04-03_22-29-00.png)

File: 2ca4f33a08668ce⋯.png (275.86 KB, 1282x1477, 1282:1477, brave_2019-04-03_22-39-44.png)

File: f4da1ace0ee9d42⋯.png (329.47 KB, 1380x1668, 115:139, brave_2019-04-03_22-51-59.png)

File: 515af9d799ef859⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1808x1537, 1808:1537, brave_2019-04-03_23-00-15.png)

(some reposts so no LB jump for you)

5f237e  No.6040725


She's sporting a bit of a rash, no?

cb6fe3  No.6040726


Attacks will intensify.

d84de2  No.6040727

File: dfb5efd1767b177⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 01001.gif)

cb6fe3  No.6040729


Fresh shave?

4bd30e  No.6040730


Muh Syria UpdateFag

Good job

eecc64  No.6040731

File: 62f618d5c6e481b⋯.jpeg (7.04 KB, 194x259, 194:259, lexington.jpeg)

This is the Q Century Project.

Send an E-mail to be put into contact with other Q supporters who want to think for themselves. More information will be available soon.


Create a new E-mail for this if desired. Stop using their centralized communications. We must distribute COMMS outside of all centralized platforms. Do not trust anyone. Q is larger than any one and we must ensure that communications will remain intact to coordinate future action. No more social media. No more Q websites. No more administrators. No more moderators. No more paytriots. The above E-mail will become irrelevant and disconnected.


I trust the plan but I have a plan as well. Think for yourselves. It is time for action now.

Are you tired of waiting?

Do you want to bring the light?

Are you willing to fight for your rights?

Do you understand what is going to happen if we fail?

Send me an E-mail and I will explain by the end of the week. I can't do this without you.

This project does not involve or promote any type of illegal activity. This project is not a LARP. This project is about thinking and acting independently.

684d4d  No.6040733

>>6040540 pb

This is the type of typical unamerican bullshit I expect here. You know how many deaths cocaine has caused… how many murders?

and it wasn't that they were doing coke as much as it was they were covered in it and acting like pigs.

f99be0  No.6040735

File: 03544ae9f2edc25⋯.jpg (108.75 KB, 889x851, 889:851, 1a.JPG)

File: fc38be7db8cdc03⋯.jpg (65.61 KB, 680x444, 170:111, 3.JPG)

File: 574ea589f7be4fb⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 693x467, 693:467, 4.JPG)

Pilot who flew the Queen and Princess Diana is found dead with dementia-suffering wife, found suicided


additonal sauce:


a7ac4f  No.6040736

File: 845b18064aca695⋯.png (739.31 KB, 1086x694, 543:347, Screenshot 2019-04-03 21.5….png)

File: 3499071d691cc1d⋯.png (837.84 KB, 1201x740, 1201:740, Screenshot 2019-04-03 21.5….png)

Bill Gates is a "hub" for all sorts of nefarious shit. HIs father sat on the board of Planned Parenthood and he and his wife have made trips to Africa to "help" women with family planning. This is interesting because in Africa the family planning seems to frequently be "involuntary". Catholic bishops in Africa reportedly discovered that a mysterious "tetanus" vaccine program (which targeted only women within prime reproductive years) was injecting a product laced with HCG (human chorianic gonadotropin) which will "help" a woman become "immune" to PREGNANCY (causing miscarriages and infertility). Mr. Gates' "charity" efforts have been rebuffed in India (last I knew) but he's unashamed by his "work" in Africa. https://www.wsj.com/articles/bill-gates-the-best-investment-ive-ever-made-11547683309

cbfab7  No.6040737

File: 8fa61afdb26dba3⋯.png (20.61 KB, 598x703, 598:703, gorkapossum.png)

Gorka's playing possum; he's our guy.

cb6fe3  No.6040738

File: 6b2263a19151b13⋯.png (130.15 KB, 350x232, 175:116, Screen Shot 2019-03-27 at ….png)

6a873d  No.6040739

File: 0b7d0e4fc628f31⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1479x1636, 1479:1636, brave_2019-04-03_23-01-19.png)

File: f66354b571a8edd⋯.jpg (439.58 KB, 2217x1726, 2217:1726, brave_2019-04-03_23-03-21.jpg)

bed5d8  No.6040740

File: c3caadbcddb88fe⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 320x180, 16:9, (you).gif)


click it, faggot.

7163c6  No.6040741

3 moar women accuse Biden of unwanted sexual contact…

We are witnessing a sacrifice, anons.

They realize Hussein is on the ropes (kek) and are cutting loose ends. These people don't give a flying fuck.

925eac  No.6040742

File: 74f25480eced714⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, wrap-up smear User Clip ….mp4)


He probably put the story on FB himself, than his other plants amplified.

0440d3  No.6040743

File: 0cbe7712cb01c5c⋯.jpg (282.33 KB, 500x2055, 100:411, 1.jpg)

File: 835642ca029c6d9⋯.jpg (269.85 KB, 500x2025, 20:81, 2.jpg)

File: baf6be26294923b⋯.jpg (264.84 KB, 500x2055, 100:411, 3.jpg)

Biden says he’ll adjust his physical behavior as three more women come forward - The Washington Post


56d490  No.6040744

File: fae32d25960c3f2⋯.jpg (193.79 KB, 474x788, 237:394, ra them.jpg)

33dfd7  No.6040745

File: 5cea38fcd06de0f⋯.png (6.84 KB, 396x156, 33:13, ClipboardImage.png)

5f237e  No.6040746


Well someone should kindly remind him we are now at "Keep America Great."

757422  No.6040747

File: 62a0c5f8135e5d3⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 600x484, 150:121, Pope Chong.jpg)

02b050  No.6040748


No autists do lifelog

d03ecb  No.6040749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anon do you want to know and feel how it look like when you are in a serious war And that you cannot say a word about it?

Just watch very carefully t the body language of the General and the other dude flanking the President. Trump is a great poker player those two not so much.

Dunford is extremely worried! We have no idea what the fuck is going on But for Fuck sake this as serious as it get.

b07abd  No.6040750



>Destroy one race

>Then destroy another

>Until the “chosen” are left to rule over the drooling morons

It could be that the destruction has been unintentionally more successful with that ethnic group. All kinds of means of destruction have been added to their repertoire that historically used wars to destroy the male population.

The women that haven't been brainwashed to destroy themselves, are used up and thrown away taking care of the people around them.

0cd1eb  No.6040751

File: ea7de76261a1ddb⋯.png (482.33 KB, 1349x525, 1349:525, ClipboardImage.png)

Royal Air Force heading out of South Carolina

1e1507  No.6040752


maybe the red roof

and red shoes

are connected

bd6b62  No.6040753


X9 sticker:

X=24 +9 = 33

ded87c  No.6040754

>>6040517 pb

>>6040615 pb

Maybe kidnappers had a fetish?

35ef97  No.6040755

File: 933d30e0e3b1c97⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 933d30e0e3b1c972ba61476954….jpg)


6b7e5f  No.6040756


post memes, and they don't see

e84558  No.6040757


kek -but true

cb6fe3  No.6040758


I dunno… I'm thinking White Hats are in control.

12e157  No.6040759

File: 569559932006364⋯.png (114.82 KB, 1250x428, 625:214, BELIEVEQmarked.png)

File: b302c03e37900eb⋯.png (314.8 KB, 795x1058, 795:1058, Lessthan10CombinedMark.png)

File: 27d78dbafb58945⋯.png (10.75 KB, 184x255, 184:255, 8chanbucket.png)

File: 04327db9a5e6592⋯.png (105.36 KB, 572x291, 572:291, Oscar.png)

File: 4465ddbfff27307⋯.png (225.25 KB, 383x802, 383:802, GoingDark.png)


Anons, I think we are in the "10 days of darkness" and the "WH clean SIG" (from 3 Apr 18) is ACTIVATED.

And it might be LESS than 10 days. Anons say the end of 10 days is 9 Apr, but Q says "less".. (muh double meanings…)

tl;dr: Gorka has finished putting out the GARBAGE.

There were no Q drops between 13 Jan and 1 Feb. Q marked the end of this period with the "going dark" post (yeah, more double meanings… this foreshadowed the whole VA blackface/infanticide/rape thing that they think they've beaten…)

During that period of darkess, the garbage can appeared in the window of the WH kitchen. This combines the symbolic roles of Anton and Gorka. Anton is chef/baker and Gorka is garbageman.

Note the dates of the two @SebGork replies to @CarpeDonktum:

Jan 31: the day before Q reappears after "going dark"

Mar 28: the day before the end of the show…

Gorka signals that he is done being garbageman just before Linda McMahon leaves the WH, signalling the end of the SHOW, and Q, aligned with the McMahon press conference, signals that Gorka is Q team.

Thanks to Anons catching 4/9, 10 days of darkness:

>>6032213 (pb)

>>6032386 (pb)

>>6032554 (pb)

Here I realize that Q gave me a 17 min delta on the 2nd Q drop in the graphic above:

>>5980574 (pb)

Images that go with Vince McMahon post below:

>>5979315 (pb)

Wrestlemania 23, etc:

>>5979307 (pb)

Prior compilation of posts on Anton/Gorka.

tl;dr: paired "AG" (=Anton/Gorka) Q/POTUS posts on 14 Mar 2019 align with "Anton on Tucker" side-by-side in American Greatness that mirrors prior 11 Feb and 14 Feb Anton reveal

(for keks, @SebGorka has a "Q Anon is Grade A GARBAGE" post that day: https://twitter.com/SebGorka/status/1106347680211578880)

>>5979336 (pb)

Prior but rather outdated writeup on Anton:



925eac  No.6040760

File: 43a22c6f3a6380d⋯.png (820.3 KB, 1076x692, 269:173, FLOTUS-gun.png)

c5bd50  No.6040761

File: 0278264ef651690⋯.png (180.58 KB, 550x550, 1:1, disgust.png)

4d983d  No.6040762


Thats def not something real anons ever posted or perpetuated… but likely the shills have.

Funny how much effort they spend discussing random anonymous postings here but never discuss any of Q’s posts, other than taking bits out of context to mock us with.

The enemy is desperate.

This anon said it well >>6040726

85bf25  No.6040763


My favorite anon

As always, thank you for your service.

5f237e  No.6040764


Kek. Great meme.

a7ac4f  No.6040765


WORLD autism day. A new international holiday.

fddcba  No.6040766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This tune just grows on ya, it has soul.

cb6fe3  No.6040767

File: a6a9c45d7c1493b⋯.png (714.14 KB, 730x910, 73:91, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

d5cd9c  No.6040768

So what was up with don jr praising seb gorka today?

da15a4  No.6040769


Sexy, baker, the forced no-shit link


6b7e5f  No.6040770

File: 450a0b1b2e6335f⋯.png (297.24 KB, 507x319, 507:319, fail6.png)

9c19c7  No.6040771


Whenever they drop things like this (2 h's missing) is the first question "what does it mean?" Can you list the possibilities?

85bf25  No.6040772


Q is fake and gay

cb6fe3  No.6040773


Appear divided and disorganized when you are strong.

6a873d  No.6040774


red shoes, red doors, red roofs, etc…

56d490  No.6040775

File: c2c5f9b54323b0b⋯.png (424.73 KB, 474x676, 237:338, 666.png)

ded87c  No.6040776


But it was no secret no surprise.

We have ten thousand memes should he try to run

It's not complicated.

7163c6  No.6040777

File: db9a3c1770d98c4⋯.jpg (102.85 KB, 1440x1852, 360:463, paulie_pepe.jpg)


Correct but they are throwing Creepy Joe under the bus.

Have you never seen The Sopranos, anon?

This is not a game.

eecc64  No.6040778


Just thinking for myself. A real lack of that around here. Bakers and diggers not included of which I am both.

520d67  No.6040779

Real Question, lads.

Anyone plan on NOT VOTING that did in 2016?

Someone I know in IRL told me today that he is done with voting and the hope of change. He says he voted for Trump in '16 in hope of change, says he understands that he has "delivered" on a lot of promises and the markets are strong, etc… but at the end of the day, in his everyday encounter an in his sphere of influence nothing had changed. Going on to say that pedos and crooks still rule within his realm and the "Hope and Justice" he voted for seems unobtainable. He actually made me understand his POV when I stopped and thought about it.

Is there going to be a lot of people disenfranchised with the lack of justice?

ebcbdf  No.6040780

File: a6cb802a1c1aa33⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1190x1402, 595:701, ClipboardImage.png)


85bf25  No.6040781





Tick tock

e7920d  No.6040782



Any lurking bakers?

Baker must depart the kitchen in 5 minutes


Will notify BO/BV.

Notes so far:

>>6040720 Turkey is a major trafficking hub

>>6040713 Syria update

1d8769  No.6040783


Works for me

ded87c  No.6040784


So what? Jr. also makes fun of "Q"

It's all of a piece.

449688  No.6040785

File: e356d749b71c101⋯.jpg (57.96 KB, 1116x559, 1116:559, Nasime_001.jpg)

File: 592af6a9a7e8ae5⋯.jpg (66.92 KB, 1228x564, 307:141, Nasime_003.jpg)

File: f6ba0fcc5137824⋯.jpg (50.77 KB, 966x523, 966:523, Nasime_002.jpg)

b49fd0  No.6040786

File: 0a78709dc12c2ac⋯.jpg (516.32 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, media-gem-2.jpg)

File: 352c89f0e9ef391⋯.jpg (555.24 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, media-gem-3.jpg)

File: d288d8d48f7e344⋯.jpg (278.8 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, oh-schitt-2.jpg)

b5fbd0  No.6040787

File: f87fe7e9c47a9fc⋯.png (585.37 KB, 876x661, 876:661, Glowboat.png)


>>6040556 LB

>>6040646 LB

And there it is…You outed yourselves…Nice try…

Good luck starting your revolution, feel free to do it elsewhere.

c5bd50  No.6040788

File: 5aca05ecbacc944⋯.png (857.05 KB, 1200x711, 400:237, got-masks.png)

eecc64  No.6040789


Q might be a little gay but not fake.

35ef97  No.6040790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1d8769  No.6040791


A lot can happen in 1.5yrs

cb6fe3  No.6040792


Haven't seen too much MSM other than Fox. They don't appear to be full on hit piecing him.

It appears to be a slow rollout of #Metoo followed by defense followed by #metoo.

7163c6  No.6040793



I guess my point is, it's hilarious that he was the right hand man to the savior himself Hussein and now his ass is grass.

There are enough pictures on the internet to bury his career 100 times over.

418000  No.6040794

File: 980d05a22b30c1b⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 86lH9VOuIE6b0o31.mp4)


So, I'm behind enemy lines. Was watching MAGACoaltion. Ugh.

Now cruising Dougie's twatter. Bleh.

He has this posted.

Vid related



SHA1: 1e2281490017c0990005e507f924ad7c434f5c7d MD5: 954a2369a20a6b91ef43d9e31f51ba2c

For you @PatriotsSoapbox - Dont lose it

86ca5d  No.6040795


That meme made me laugh.

e84558  No.6040796


The stage is being set

Baby steps for the masses

Public opinion swayed… then the real shit drops

882825  No.6040797

File: 52292ad59704a89⋯.png (988.41 KB, 898x600, 449:300, Fake and Gay.png)


These guys are.

593a0a  No.6040798

File: 1ebf346a345c903⋯.jpg (190.19 KB, 1304x1303, 1304:1303, Screenshot_20190403-230713.jpg)

So GOPROs stock ended on some interesting digits.

925eac  No.6040799


Generating a contact list of Anons?

What could possibly go wrong….

5f237e  No.6040801


Wow. That just created one helluva click in this brain.

Thanks anon.

ba74c4  No.6040802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

56d490  No.6040803

File: b7cac5304241644⋯.jpg (55.9 KB, 474x586, 237:293, 10c549bdd580905826cae52bfb….jpg)

414405  No.6040804

f85867  No.6040805


>3 moar


eecc64  No.6040806


What are you talking about?

I didn't even read those other posts let alone know who made them.

You are not thinking.

27dbee  No.6040807

File: b0cb7b468e47c58⋯.png (246.56 KB, 551x4255, 551:4255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc41756be56b9b8⋯.png (165.3 KB, 514x344, 257:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ff1e2d58f3f86d⋯.png (80.43 KB, 1145x342, 1145:342, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump signs memo to fight counterfeit products online

April 3 (UPI) – President Donald Trump signed a memorandum Wednesday to curtail the sale of counterfeit and pirated products online – a move to make third-party vendors more accountable for those purchases, officials said. White House trade adviser Peter Navarro told reporters in a conference call the administration plans to collect more information about how widespread counterfeiting is online, who's behind it and refer them to the Homeland Security, Justice and Commerce departments. From there, he said, officials will make recommendations on potential regulatory or legislative changes.

"These third-party, online marketplaces – Alibaba, Amazon, eBay, others – together with the ecosystem that supports them … they have essentially zero liability when it comes to the trafficking of these counterfeit goods," Navarro said. "That simply has to stop." Navarro said the greatest challenge will be obtaining necessary data.

"We don't know with any certainty how much counterfeiting is going on," he said. "We believe it's a lot. We don't know how much there is, where it's coming from, how it's coming." The memo said counterfeiting is a serious problem that "impairs economic competitiveness by harming United States intellectual property rights holders and diminishing the reputations and trustworthiness of online markets." It also says phony products cheat consumers and pose risks to health, safety – and potentially national security if they get into the Department of Defense supply chain. The administration cited a Government Accountability Office report that says up to 40 percent of items sold online are counterfeit. "Our goal is to rightfully shift the burden of counterfeit trafficking to the supply chain and online third-party and intermediaries who are just blanketing this country with dangerous products that cheat consumers out of billions of dollars a year," Navarro said.




Campaign Authentic Pencil Neck Tee


Counterfeit Pencil Neck Tee Amazon


Within a few days of the Trump campaign's original tee being advertised…Amazon shows up with a copycat one, both are depicted here.

2bcaf4  No.6040808

eecc64  No.6040809

02b050  No.6040810


This is a shill, autists don't have a IRL contacts. Scram!

3f5335  No.6040811

File: 905df31cc511242⋯.jpg (185.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Border States.jpg)

File: 91f2e499e45f0dc⋯.jpeg (3.42 KB, 220x152, 55:38, F-15.jpeg)

File: b1ad58f960670c2⋯.png (338.82 KB, 720x829, 720:829, NATSEC.png)

File: ebe418c268a9536⋯.jpeg (96.36 KB, 1035x546, 345:182, Secret Meeting.jpeg)

The Border is Bigger Than We Know

Excerpts from various Q posts regarding the border. It seems like something very big and characterized as "flow" and "pipeline" is going on at the border.

National Security. National Emergency. All is not publicly disclosed. Public awareness needed.


Some of this is not R vs. D.


Are we missing something? What say ye autists?


YES…the F15 plane pic Q posted. feb 15th

F-15 NAT EM today?


Note ‘Border Open’ context same drop.

Border has more importance than what is publicly disclosed.


Stage set?

Public border-wall fight necessary to bring public awareness re: true intentions of D party.


What vested auth does the Constitution grant a sitting President re: matters of NAT SEC?

Thank you, Mr. Soros.


Why are border states like AZ/CA important?

Why is MX vocal against POTUS?

Those who are the loudest…..


Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important?


Border states are VERY key.

Bigger than you can imagine.

The pipeline.

Not R vs D.

CA is special.

Public will learn.


We don’t say his name.


The protected flow into AZ is no more.


Troops to Border.

Clown Black Ops.

Private funds.

Raised how?

Troops @ Border does what?


To who?

D's involved.

MS_13/Illegals road block.

Sex traffic road block.

Children road block.

Drugs road block.

Guns road block.

China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.

Name we don't say AZ road block.

Jeff Flake AZ road block.

Big money TERMINATE.

The WALL means more than you know.

The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.




Keep watching the news.



5a05e8  No.6040812


Definitely NOTABLE as pertains to Naomi EYE LAND.

20d065  No.6040813

File: 9a2e44e6b885d57⋯.png (494.43 KB, 536x726, 268:363, 43E8E503-580F-4A6F-9435-47….png)


No worries FLOTUS, I’ll take care of it.

23b436  No.6040814

File: a51b8063c75d654⋯.png (2.05 MB, 982x1044, 491:522, ClipboardImage.png)


Do you people have any idea the difficulty in finding a VIRGIN named DIANA in the 1980s in bloody Norfolk in the late 70s?!?!?!

520d67  No.6040815


True True.

But a lot of hope and frustration has happened in 2.5 yrs already.

5f237e  No.6040816


Fascinating. Our /fren Cramer has hyped them for ages.

a7ac4f  No.6040817


Well, "they" seemingly have been VERY successful. However, I'd like to point out that whenever an all out "war" is waged on something (antibiotics vs. microbes, Federal govt. against "drugs", Round-up vs. "weeds", etc, etc.) generally speaking the "something" that is "being destroyed" comes back seriously bad ass and stronger. Think antibiotic resistance, failed "war on drugs" and DANDELIONS (they make a great apocalyptic salad and the tire industry is looking at using them as a natural latex source). Ha, ha, ha the "elites" aren't destroying us, they are making us INDESTRUCTIBLE.

c7815a  No.6040818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


handoff accepted


85bf25  No.6040819


Traitors will hang

This is a free speech board, are you trying to censor me?

fe2bd4  No.6040820

File: 526de4e1f0a00bb⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 355x360, 71:72, K.jpg)

File: 55ebe576623a195⋯.jpg (111.16 KB, 297x368, 297:368, Y.jpg)

File: 91e05084fe5aac1⋯.jpg (201.79 KB, 900x600, 3:2, S.jpg)

File: 65a4803cdff53b1⋯.jpg (20.09 KB, 236x377, 236:377, Faggot.jpg)

4f539d  No.6040821

>>6040518 PB

Vaccines today are a form of Eugenics, testing and not in the best interest of your child. PERIOD.

9c19c7  No.6040822


Did they first fire and refer to law enforcement the teacher who shared it with a student?

129159  No.6040823

File: 67e74a803be903c⋯.jpg (7.13 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e4d813315c5229b30f340477bd….jpg)

7163c6  No.6040824


It's one thing to see some third-rate candidate fall by the wayside due to some random sexual harassment claim..

For the normies to see Biden get steamrolled by the 'new' [D] is absolutely hilarious.

Shows you exactly how much shit Hussein is in.

c7815a  No.6040825


plenty of bakes on this hash for lurking BV who deleted Ebot bread shit

e6f804  No.6040826

U.S. Army tweeted a video of Military Police

"The Sword represents the military"

Q said "There is a reason why a sword is held."

341894  No.6040827

File: 175b54bf34a419b⋯.jpg (64.35 KB, 960x735, 64:49, bidenhogg.jpg)

3 more women have come forward with allegations against Biden. The total is now at *7*

1ba29c  No.6040828

File: 31822146ffae5b6⋯.gif (801.16 KB, 300x209, 300:209, 19266593.gif)


0c6934  No.6040829


they are popping up strawmen to make it difficult for newbies to find us.

also it shows the dangers of a slow moving q train: By the first time the normie will be confronted with the real deal Q, he will have stumbled upon 10 fake Q pushed by MSM and limited hangouts that he probably wont even listen to the real one.

b29631  No.6040830

e6f804  No.6040831

File: fd3c871aac6fe0b⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1633x872, 1633:872, ClipboardImage.png)

Forgot the pic.


3e0a42  No.6040832

>>6040741 Suicide weekend

Biden martyr of Dems

33dfd7  No.6040833


Yeah they seem a lil shook up. That must have been a close one.

eecc64  No.6040834


You're probably too much of a newfag here to remember when, at the very start, everyone added their contact info including location and phone number to a map so we could stay in touch.

This is about a thousand times less than that and I'm not generating a contact list. As I said, the E-mail will be dissociated.

69f710  No.6040835


good read

glad to hear you are doing this

the battle will be every day, forever

just remember you are not alone

proud of you

cb6fe3  No.6040836


Anybody know any active duty Military?

Does it seem like Q is widespread in the ranks?

c4b5d7  No.6040837



e7920d  No.6040838



Timing is excellent. No moar new notes. Have a good bake!

1d8769  No.6040839


yeah, I'm extremely frustrated as well. It's just way to early to make that decision now.

5f237e  No.6040840



We should go back and figure out the 2016 GOP line about this stage. Shit went down.

a7ac4f  No.6040841


I agree.

0cd1eb  No.6040842

File: d2dba88fa0730c4⋯.png (168.81 KB, 302x399, 302:399, ClipboardImage.png)

520d67  No.6040843

File: 23784edb2e4d983⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1199x779, 1199:779, ClipboardImage.png)

1d11f2  No.6040844


I didn't vote in 2016 and will now

0ebf61  No.6040845

File: b1019c2b9626dee⋯.png (1.19 MB, 800x866, 400:433, ClipboardImage.png)

432594  No.6040846

File: e6d1d765e4b01d8⋯.jpeg (75.91 KB, 1020x684, 85:57, 1553774959.jpeg)

54a33b  No.6040847


So the answer is to not vote for Trump in 2020? Brilliant! This is shill shit dude. Thanks for sharing. Now fuck off.

d16464  No.6040848


I was wondering about this the other day anon. I would like to know how this meeting and the border connect. Maybe some others will chime in. I couldn't figure it out.

a0fed9  No.6040849

File: 31fd8e79bdcf184⋯.jpg (695.58 KB, 1438x2206, 719:1103, SmartSelect_20190217-13311….jpg)


"….Criminals of all dimensions - KEEP OUT!"

b49fd0  No.6040850

File: fd47b422c20e01e⋯.jpg (267.06 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, oh-schitt-3.jpg)

cb6fe3  No.6040851

File: e9f0f02c138468e⋯.png (2.35 MB, 2275x1111, 2275:1111, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

This guy looks INfuckingSANE

2bcaf4  No.6040853


saw bidens excuse video

that faggot can LIE his ass off

as good as HRC

he is a dangerous sneaky corrupt

cb9d32  No.6040854


baker typo in notables #7725

>>6040464, >>6040489 1st Commercial quantum computer announced as CES

Change 'as' to 'at'. CES is consumer electronics show.

ebcbdf  No.6040855

File: bc7bcae2adc6e06⋯.png (774.53 KB, 1190x1062, 595:531, ClipboardImage.png)

Sean Penn is looking a bit rough these days.


613f3d  No.6040856


I would not give my kid any vaccine developed after 1960.

190b6c  No.6040857

File: 6489bd9ba12cca7⋯.jpg (228.5 KB, 1280x992, 40:31, 6489bd9ba12cca7fa6fd3b81c3….jpg)


I'm convinced we're just waiting on the normies now, 100%.

34cf71  No.6040858


Congrats anon! That's a tough road. You should be proud.

698837  No.6040859


Think about why Q didn’t start posting until months after Trump because President. L

cb6fe3  No.6040860

File: a6a9c45d7c1493b⋯.png (714.14 KB, 730x910, 73:91, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

33dfd7  No.6040861


Is that Rogers on his right?

7163c6  No.6040862


just broke on Shannon Bream's show, post-Hannity


7bfdea  No.6040863

File: 86f58cc3931757e⋯.png (190.77 KB, 2122x587, 2122:587, AutismDay.png)

File: 0acf285a439a9fb⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1576x1564, 394:391, Autism_day_2019_1.png)

File: 1961e65d55e530c⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1590x1882, 795:941, Autism_day_2019_2.png)

ASD = 1+19+4 = 24

World Autism Awareness Day 2019 → 04/02 → 42

24 | 42 think mirror

April 2nd → 42

1st tweet - 02:02 think 02 (april 2nd) think mirror

2nd tweet - 42:48 - 42 is 24 mirrored. 48 mirrored is 84, 24 past 60.


"reaffirm our commitment to work together"

484e99  No.6040864

US Gov needs to assert

proportionate ownership

of vested itrest

by way of


the American people own


and subsidiaries.

assert privilege

share data



1a7417  No.6040865


Or they want him to disappear before Ukraine becomes a bigger media story.

b29631  No.6040866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is a good one

cb6fe3  No.6040867


Why are Fakewood writers in Atlanta so concerned about Abortion?

c7cf76  No.6040868


Did she send it to the student?

34d8c7  No.6040869


Good videos. Thanks for sharing!

7f4359  No.6040870


For the location of Naomi's Island. As best I can tell.

60582b  No.6040871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








>Keep watching the news.





ca0ba2  No.6040872


I didnt vote for trump in 2016 but will in 2020. kys confernfag shill.

0440d3  No.6040873

File: ff0cc8eabc05444⋯.jpg (104.72 KB, 600x875, 24:35, 1.jpg)

Trump to meet China's top trade negotiator at the White House on Thursday


fe2bd4  No.6040874

File: 0b2de8900461dc4⋯.jpg (192.72 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Show.jpg)

File: 46f0da9a7e70cde⋯.jpg (98.91 KB, 688x832, 43:52, Up.jpg)

File: 09e12c54e431266⋯.jpg (56.62 KB, 325x392, 325:392, Or.jpg)

File: 01e1d703eb4d25b⋯.jpg (530.74 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Shut.jpg)

File: 27333d0d90f368e⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 250x353, 250:353, ==UP==.jpg)

0c6934  No.6040875


"Code GAGA, confirm, Code GAGA… need to activate NY Sex Slave puppet again to come to rescue to Joe Biden…, repeat, Biden is groping kids again, activate the Gaga"

86ca5d  No.6040876


I just noticed that I haven't had to endure the previously ponderous shilling early in the bread. How comfy. Thank you baker.

277abb  No.6040877

There is a Red Door but it's not what you think.

You were told of the Green Door but not the Red one.

Potala palace in the mountain city of Lhasa

b07abd  No.6040878


Yeah, Dunford looks deeply worried, and the guy to Trump's right reacted twice when Trump said "Secret Service." The guy's head swiveled both times.

249dae  No.6040879


That is acting Secretary of Defense Pat Shanahan. Yeah well we are at war. How are they supposed to look anon?

eecc64  No.6040880






You are not thinking for yourselves. Followers. You have your place but I recommend you strive for more.

I'm done for the night. Good luck night crew. Big days ahead.

1ba29c  No.6040881

File: e64aa3c0aa44d9b⋯.jpg (68.84 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 05d28276becbb42b5380e719fc….jpg)


Excellent song. Favorite version

fddcba  No.6040882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a4a287  No.6040883

File: 30c28de83dfdb4a⋯.png (52.37 KB, 479x440, 479:440, Screenshot 2019-04-03_23-1….png)

9d9ad5  No.6040884

File: 10eb9760e5eac42⋯.jpeg (99.45 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 10eb9760e5eac422f27a14492….jpeg)

da15a4  No.6040885

I don't think Gavin Rossdale was ever straight.

449688  No.6040886

File: 66328b19a2b8728⋯.jpg (48.03 KB, 1003x518, 1003:518, Nasime_004.jpg)

File: 90d15c50d3eeb8a⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 964x510, 482:255, Nasime_005.jpg)

File: 0682aa871c449e9⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 886x523, 886:523, Nasime_006.jpg)

56d490  No.6040887

File: 387ee13422abc8e⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 600x899, 600:899, 35945_1196139600.jpg)

54a093  No.6040888

File: ccc00fa903e6e3f⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4c4e84c8cac9ef13d2b066120e….jpg)

File: e4e555d384496e8⋯.jpg (547.29 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 05d1bcbc3d09b6981c53e62065….jpg)

File: cbbe3517f510809⋯.jpg (761.25 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Magic_Sword_Q.jpg)

File: 35cfded7d8f9820⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Military_Merit_Q.jpg)


Great Job Baker !

Semper Fi

b647e0  No.6040889


He looks like a fuckin hobbit

69790c  No.6040890

File: c7e46a2aa36ec59⋯.jpg (667.68 KB, 1172x1003, 1172:1003, joeHog.jpg)

ded87c  No.6040891


Not saying I understood everything you wrote.

But you got some good digits


Which comes out to 5:5

Sorry what happened with the asshole Trump-hater gang scapegoaters.

Maybe you needed to make new associates?

We're having that happen in our life;

Lost a lot of friends for my political research and passions.

But I will make new, better friends.

3a640c  No.6040892

File: 9eb63a58209adc4⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1802x1254, 901:627, BidensGarrison.png)

I'm appreciating the methodical strategy of getting Biden out of the game.

We have had almost precisely a week since the publicity started on the groping angle.

Today, it reached basically full saturation nationally, with the "sex sells" rule having worked like it always does.

And voila, "now that we have your attention", the POTUS and others begin talking about the dirty financial doings of the Bidens.

Videos with Peter Schweizer describing his catalog of digs on the family's deals with the Chinese and their private equity funds are floating quickly to the surface.

Following the President's lead, conservative media figures are reinforcing the verifiable information about Biden's operations with the Ukraine.

It's a beautiful plan.

520d67  No.6040893


Think outside your bubble, retard.

df4dc7  No.6040894

File: c3e514baac7f233⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 635x290, 127:58, political stunt.JPG)


in my opinion, meaning this is another example of


and right now the evil sore losers are doing exactly that..

burying themselves in stupidity.


cb6fe3  No.6040895


You're done for the night?

Real conviction you've got there.

129159  No.6040896

File: 924f56289e41452⋯.jpg (12.1 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 0743c7e57110f7559b5b4a3251….jpg)


He looks like hes been threatened into doing this. Looks very concernfag to me. Maybe they have his family.

b49fd0  No.6040897


Bye Bye Biden.

74d84c  No.6040898

>>6038551 (pb)

They thought (and still think) that we would follow the stars. Wrong, again!

7163c6  No.6040899





Walls are closing in on Biden/Sexual Harrassment as Dems eat themselves alive

2bcaf4  No.6040900


>Real Question, lads.

real answer


925eac  No.6040901

>everyone added their contact info including location and phone number to a map so we could stay in touch.


that's fucking funny.

cb9d32  No.6040902



Cabal can't induct and bind new members into their secret society without human victims to rape, torture, murder in ritual human sacrifice. They "need" to peform horrific acts which are then filmed as "collateral" for blackmail to ensure compliance.

If the human trafficking pipeline is cut off, the cabal will wither up and die?

35ef97  No.6040903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


True Americana

85bf25  No.6040904


I guaran-fucking-tee that power will never be restored to THE PEOPLE of this country. They will destroy it before that would ever happen. There no money to be made giving power back to the people as a matter of fact with the way the world works and considering the people who make up this country, giving power back to the people would actually destroy this county faster than anything else, so maybe Q is for real.

9c19c7  No.6040905


I convinced someone to switch their vote to Trump in 2016. If they now regret that and want me to switch my vote to a different candidate in 2020, should I?

7f867e  No.6040907


That is Huxleys - Brave NEW World.

A small few rule over the worker classes of Betas , Deltas & Episilons.

0440d3  No.6040908

File: cfe8faa6dd3d31b⋯.jpg (291.82 KB, 1000x1250, 4:5, Patrick_Shanahan_Fix.jpg)


Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan (acting)

cb6fe3  No.6040909


IRS probably been doing nothing but hits all its existence.

Def brought out into the spotlight as an actor.

eccabe  No.6040910

File: 98cfb70b1cb9ad2⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

love our memers guys

they give us our ammunition

ded87c  No.6040911

4d983d  No.6040912


If you think Biden is dangerous, you need to grow a pair. He’s a faggot.

c7815a  No.6040913


got it

5f237e  No.6040915


I disagree. I think we've tipped a point. Time will tell.

a69093  No.6040916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For Q Team!!


d5cd9c  No.6040917

Is there any chance trump goes to war against Venezuela or Iran?

I can't imagine he would. I think he would rather send the military to the border, if anything.

But if we do get into a conflict while the border is still fucked, I'm officially done.

cb6fe3  No.6040918

File: 5715297fc6d88b1⋯.png (454.25 KB, 724x525, 724:525, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

File: ba1fdc380f221ad⋯.png (435.94 KB, 593x440, 593:440, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

File: 1dbf61e4eea4e36⋯.png (751.57 KB, 705x663, 235:221, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

File: f4090e057b47fff⋯.png (242.91 KB, 472x352, 59:44, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

File: 470f1de240756c7⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1067x595, 1067:595, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

3a640c  No.6040919

File: bd96fa7c3e22799⋯.jpg (37.72 KB, 300x310, 30:31, BrerRabbit.jpg)


No, it's not a good look at all, Kayleigh– it looks like what it is: a setup.

I keep being reminded of the story of Br'er Rabbit and the Briar Patch.

0c6934  No.6040920

File: 5e0d27f9af1d987⋯.jpg (75.9 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 2xpmkc.jpg)


The Gaga Defense

Works on normies who follow the Stars.

cb9d32  No.6040921

File: 09c073b8adf0b3b⋯.jpg (61.19 KB, 542x315, 542:315, QcrumbsFollowstars.jpg)

File: 1dcd5fbd85c01bf⋯.jpg (305.74 KB, 895x671, 895:671, QCrumbsUndiscoveredStars.jpg)

File: 7b5a070ac558320⋯.jpg (159.32 KB, 907x512, 907:512, QCrumbsUndiscoveredStars2.jpg)

File: 85a52a1765fe633⋯.jpg (620.47 KB, 1244x931, 1244:931, QCrumbsMorningSunFullMoonU….jpg)


Wonder what "missions forward" means?

df4dc7  No.6040922

File: b1a407ed8fc731b⋯.png (915.3 KB, 970x500, 97:50, holdmuhbutt [BETO].png)



remember.. the goal is to have a republican house, senate and white house in 2020…

that means A BUNCH OF OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD has to happen from now til then…

the media and the left are playing the role of the 'bad guys' and 'the morons' in this movie.. and we are ONLY JUST GETTING STARTED…

122d5b  No.6040923

>>6040474 lb

Riiight! Sad that you allow this kind of harassment.

613f3d  No.6040924


All we're waiting for is for djt to give the green light. Some are saying the first boom will come Friday.

The masses are not as fragile as some may think.

Will some things be a shock? For sure. But, no one who is not already mentally or emotionally compromised is going to crumble.

e636e8  No.6040925

"Gym class has been relocated in eight Washington Township schools as district officials weigh what could be a $3.2 million plan to replace rubber flooring that’s been emitting a mercury vapor into the air.

The school board in Gloucester County will hold a special meeting Wednesday night address concerns about mercury contamination in eight of the township’s 11 schools. The mercury had been used during the installation of rubberized flooring before 2000 and several years thereafter. Deteriorating floors are emitting mercury vapors which can be hazardous, officials said."


f85867  No.6040926


Me too, we already know what happened and everyone involved (Thanks Q). Wondering what we'll get first.

>Mueller report

>IG report

>Fisa declas

>Comey texts

If the Senate is the 2 year closer, were probably still far off from arrests. Graham still has to subpoena everyone who started this.. can you testify if you're in jail?

0cd1eb  No.6040927

File: 3d6a349690f7f75⋯.png (624.57 KB, 647x551, 647:551, ClipboardImage.png)


These two faggots….


b5fbd0  No.6040928


I'm not the baker….

a69093  No.6040929


Well now….Another door?? Seems sorta…

The Green Door

0d9d0c  No.6040930


Yes it is a good plan but by whom? My guess is that Kirsten Gillibrand and Schumckie have aided greatly in this well-deserved Creepy Uncle Joe campaign.

484e99  No.6040931

it is time for

fried chicken

nite friends.


86ca5d  No.6040933


Perhaps their plan has recently changed?

300d40  No.6040934


Shanahan is woke as fuck. Looking right at POTUS as he speaks. Eyes of steel. Looks like a good man.

cb6fe3  No.6040935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b29631  No.6040936


I don't "allow" anything. I'm just Anon

ebcbdf  No.6040937

File: e3ce305442fa83e⋯.png (704.32 KB, 1204x1122, 602:561, ClipboardImage.png)

However there is real evidence that you leaked classified info. Sucks to be you Pencil neck.


33dfd7  No.6040938


What I mean is they seem a little shook up about the incident being discussed. It's a serious issue. I wouldn't say that's their everyday war face.

129159  No.6040939

File: 363c76685667f3d⋯.jpg (9.54 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 28ef70fbc65ef88dee553a628c….jpg)


good night, nigga

0440d3  No.6040940

File: b72cdc5cc11c857⋯.jpg (149.27 KB, 634x792, 317:396, download.jpg)

fddcba  No.6040942


Love this one anon

9c19c7  No.6040943

File: c59456751c03e49⋯.jpg (329.59 KB, 979x1399, 979:1399, Screenshot_20190403-212006….jpg)


My biggest fear in life is that other people can hear what I'm thinking.

c5bd50  No.6040944

File: a3e87231c033f39⋯.png (294.25 KB, 2370x668, 1185:334, howtel5.png)

File: 78795c69a476b7e⋯.png (135.6 KB, 2356x286, 1178:143, howtel7.png)

fe2bd4  No.6040945

File: ee8725f438c55e1⋯.jpg (312.79 KB, 857x1200, 857:1200, I.jpg)

File: 37abb9fa3c3a3dd⋯.png (2.03 MB, 749x1000, 749:1000, CAN.png)

File: ba7af123b8f7395⋯.jpg (62.52 KB, 736x588, 184:147, Make.jpg)

File: 2855cb5c5e1bb40⋯.jpg (496.87 KB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Other.jpg)

File: e50e53d8de21002⋯.jpg (129.44 KB, 450x338, 225:169, Plans.jpg)

b647e0  No.6040946

File: ea1d69e962facae⋯.jpeg (11.79 KB, 255x228, 85:76, bc7bcae2adc6e06b119ebe2b3….jpeg)

File: 189b88c35678ea3⋯.jpeg (16.53 KB, 300x300, 1:1, th - Copy.jpeg)

da15a4  No.6040947


And it happened in the last two weeks. Mueller was the [[[DUD]]] offensive

74d84c  No.6040948


Speak for yourself, retard! Autists of varying degrees, not retards.

22e778  No.6040949

the kids under getty museum was a cdan thing during the 2017 los angeles fires. nazis & lizards wasn't part of it tho. >>6040718

593a0a  No.6040950


Stay strong man, you aren't alone.

cb6fe3  No.6040951


The whole night of that oscars was themed sexual assault.

Gaga had a survivor song with servivors on stage with some kind of armband or tattoo like thing saying they survived assault.

Biden did a speech.

And the best movie award was to Spotlight about church sexual assault.

Basically HWood and Political people were the good guys on the moral high ground, and it was the church with creepy priests that were bad.

946c62  No.6040952

Shylocks , shitgibons and fake Jews ,

2bcaf4  No.6040953


debunking shitt is like trying to argue with a shill goes no where

just lies moar

3a640c  No.6040954


Possibly, very possibly.

I don't think Gillibrand's family connection to the giant tangle of NXIVM would survive a presidential campaign, even with Uncle Chuck mentoring her through the mire.

Good thinking, though. Always good to consider who stands to benefit from a set of events.

946c62  No.6040955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

69790c  No.6040956

File: 00d17c3186e58c8⋯.png (583 KB, 615x444, 205:148, biden.png)


>3 more women

Not a peep about all the kids.

THAT needs to change. MEME BLITZ!

520d67  No.6040957


I heard a stat today on the radio, havent backed it up, so take it for what its worth.

"1/2 of all people eligible to vote are registered to vote. 1/2 of all people registered to vote, actually show up and vote."

I'd bank that actually less people than that show up in 2020 if actual real world justice is perceived. Maybe not, but I know its the way i feel personally.

92863c  No.6040958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6039977 PB vaccine infowars.

This knowledge healed my son's eyes. Every parent should have it.

Serious updates on vaccines for people to watch. See Dr. Blaylock on the actual molecular mechanism creating autism, that have been tracked down now.

The two brains you see are from shots.

The one on the left is a child.

The one on the right just as damaged is an adult.

The child brain damage is from the vaccines. The adult brain damage is from the flu shot they are pushing.

This is not the 80's. We can scientifically trace out the movement of ions and molecular structures as they move through the body, easily.

For parents, this is an hour well spent for informed consent. Dr. Blaylock is a Neurosurgeon who specializes in damage done by what is in the shots and what is in the foods.

Almost 20 years ago, he published a book titled, Excitotoxins, The Taste that kills.

At the time my son was 8 years old, legally blind in one eye (20-60) and near blind in the other (20-40).

I am a biologist. I went on a dig, and learned that I had blinded my son in utero because I was a gestational diabetic, and ate aspartame (a form of glutamate).

Both kill nerves if they are ingested in free unbound molecular form. I had burned his nerves away from his retinas.

I took all glutamate out of the diet, and pretty much did what Dr. Blaylock recommends in the video here with supplements.

I was able to heal his eyes back to 20-20 within three years because of this information. Today my son is a pilot with excellent vision.

Brain nerves, eye nerves, the location of the damage is genetically determined.

PARENTS…. Highly worth the time to get the up to date facts that OP points out here in his post.

449688  No.6040959

File: a506b48bc0eda1f⋯.jpg (208.13 KB, 876x760, 219:190, Nasime.jpg)

File: 776ea8e4db5a51c⋯.png (275.61 KB, 500x654, 250:327, nasime_meme.png)


Her story is heart breaking.

if you don't get why people weep for her then you lack a certain sensitivity that others seem to possess.

And yet we use her as a beacon of hope!

She was a true star! Undiscovered!

5f237e  No.6040960


Wee bit Deppish methinks.

02b050  No.6040961


_ __

_/ __\ ___/ |_

\ \\ \ / _\ / _\ / _ \ __\

| | / __ \_/ /_/ > /_/ > <_> ) |

|| ( /\_ /\_ / \/||


613f3d  No.6040962



Kek. I think many people feel that way.

ebcbdf  No.6040963

File: 4939ddb39ecc1a5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1232x1120, 11:10, ClipboardImage.png)

Tough having that on your resume…


684d4d  No.6040964

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ever watched this and the ridiculous amount of masonic symbolism in it.

Pillars… arch. pyramid, white rabbit, horns, and baphomet woven into the floral pattern between the pillars… at the end when the lights go red, you can see baphomet lit up between the pillars and then light comes out from him between the pillars capping off the pyramid.

c7815a  No.6040965


can you explain for non techie?

4d983d  No.6040966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


stop what? Posting dope new Q vidyas my friend just started producing?

Make me faggot.

ed9a6a  No.6040967



It feels amazing confronting my demons. My mind is stronger than my body and I realize that more than ever. I know I will be confronted with hard drugs again more than ever but with prayer and street knowledge I know I will make it. I have never felt the adrenaline like this before in my life. I think I found my purpose.

946c62  No.6040968

Free donut coupon

(212) 490-0666

86ca5d  No.6040969


Thanks for your view. It helps.

27dbee  No.6040970

File: 542ba8f36cffaff⋯.png (1000.85 KB, 770x545, 154:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb51777a129f266⋯.png (836.61 KB, 770x642, 385:321, ClipboardImage.png)

Lori Loughlin and Husband Surrender Passports, Waive Right to Preliminary Hearing

“Full House” actress Lori Loughlin and her fashion designer husband Mossimo Giannulli surrendered their passports in a federal courtroom in Boston on April 3. Loughlin and Giannulli have been indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud in the nationwide college bribery scheme.

The couple paid William “Rick” Singer $500,000 in fraudulent donations to his nonprofit, The Key Worldwide, in exchange for him getting their two daughters designated as athletic recruits, according to federal prosecutors. The alleged bribe worked: both Olivia Jade, 19, and Isabella, 20, got into the University of Southern California as crew recruits despite not rowing at a competitive level. After Judge Mary Page Kelley made sure the power couple understood their rights, Loughlin told her she did. She also informed Kelley that her passport had been turned over to her pretrial supervisor in Los Angeles, reported Jonathan Hall of WHDH-TV. NBC Boston reporter Caroline Connolly said that Giannulli also surrendered his passport. Giannulli also said he understood his rights and the charges and both said they were waiving their right to a preliminary hearing. They then left the courtroom, Connolly reported. The pair were inside for about 45 minutes.

Fellow actress Felicity Huffman, who also appeared in the courtroom on Wednesday, was accused of paying Singer $15,000 to have one of his associates falsify answers on her daughter’s SAT test in order to boost the score. In all, 33 parents were charged in the scheme. Huffman was next in court right after Loughlin and Giannulli and told the judge she understood the charge and the maximum penalty, which is 20 years in prison, reported Connolly. The “Desperate Housewives” star then left the courtroom after also waiving her right to a preliminary hearing. Huffman was reportedly at the court for several hours. The defendants were told they were not allowed to travel internationally, reported Louisa Moller of WBZ.

Singer pleaded guilty to a slew of charges on March 12 and will be sentenced in June. Singer’s associate Mark Riddell, a 36-year-old administrator at IMG Academy, admitted to helping fake some students’ SAT and ACT exams, in some cases taking tests for the students or changing answers. The court appearances came after a report indicated neither actress would likely get a plea deal without prison time. Federal law enforcement sources told TMZ that any plea deal would come with a recommendation by prosecutors for jail time. “You can’t have people being treated differently because they have money. That’s how we got to this place. Every defendant will be treated the same,” one unnamed official said. While prosecutors don’t have the final decision in terms of plea deals, judges take their recommendations into account.


b4e986  No.6040971

File: 55bdcec8e945fc6⋯.png (11.22 KB, 597x153, 199:51, H.png)

1e1507  No.6040972


it is left's version of "optics"

946c62  No.6040973


Really free

1ba29c  No.6040974

File: e7e7f97ec695697⋯.jpg (210.55 KB, 1000x1141, 1000:1141, 1551393042136.jpg)


Fuck off clown. How gullible you think we are [well maybe some boomers on here are]? Fuck your fake and gay honeypot. KYS faggot

b223a8  No.6040975


Sounds like you have jumped many hurtles.

Good for you. I will pray for your continued success and for your safety. Take care anon and God bless!

Keep up the good fight!

c4b5d7  No.6040976


what's a charlie rose?

a4a287  No.6040977

File: c9486d6b97e2f73⋯.png (452.43 KB, 642x625, 642:625, Screenshot 2019-04-03_23-2….png)


882825  No.6040978

File: cfd7ef0d3409966⋯.jpeg (130.12 KB, 750x608, 375:304, cfd7ef0d34099668ace64c594….jpeg)


Hmmm. Undiscovered stars = new actors in town? We know what they learned. Put out

or give up and go home.

946c62  No.6040979


Setbyour berliner free

df4dc7  No.6040980

File: 750ac4393a283f4⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 670x480, 67:48, KINGKEK.JPG)

File: 654eb0a0e3fdc17⋯.jpg (143.1 KB, 1592x610, 796:305, IT IS FINISHED.JPG)

File: 35dd9c93ed8e34b⋯.jpg (117.83 KB, 950x505, 190:101, kekforce.JPG)


awshucks, thanks for noticing.

yeah bro. i use to be a major loser in life.

now I'm just a lonely loser… a HEROIC loser.


I'll be a loser all day everyday as long as AMERICA IS WINNING

0cd1eb  No.6040981

File: c4a3d336193f23d⋯.png (371.82 KB, 697x391, 41:23, ClipboardImage.png)

946c62  No.6040982


Larry knows you're homo

8aa713  No.6040983


You’re full o shit man. There are no lists for 8 ch

613f3d  No.6040984


We shouldn't be "using" her at all.

Care to reword that? I don't think you meant it that way.

0c6934  No.6040985


the white rabbit shit alone is enough to investigate her. I know its another story but I wouldnt be surprised if it turns out lady gaga is amy whinehouse who has undergone massive plastic surgery. she looks completely artificial.

ebcbdf  No.6040986

File: c29dc0142809640⋯.png (565.87 KB, 1200x1236, 100:103, ClipboardImage.png)

One of many poor life choices made by her.


f20cf0  No.6040987


thanks ebot

e5af80  No.6040988

This is concerning - May 25th

“Klan-affiliated group seeks permit for Dayton rally”- May 25th

Montgomery County has received a permit request for a potential rally at Courthouse Square over Memorial Day weekend from a Ku Klux Klan-affiliated group.

The people seeking the permit asked county officials if their names could be redacted from the permit but were told no because the permit is a public record, according to a county spokeswoman. The county is attempting to verify the names the applicants eventually provided and have not yet issued the permit. Permits are not granted without verifiable names, according to the county.Dayton police were made aware of a permit request made under the organization name Honorable Sacred Knights, according to a department spokeswoman.



Dayton NAACP urges residents to ignore upcoming KKK-affiliated rally

DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) – Sunday, The Dayton Unit NAACP announced their plan to hold a family-friendly community event at the same time a KKK-affiliated group will host a rally at Courthouse Square.

NAACP officials held a press conference along with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, urging citizens not to engage with the hate group’s protests. They say that while the group has the constitutional right to gather, they also want to make sure everyone in Dayton remains safe.

“A Community Celebration: An Afternoon of Love, Unity, Peace, & Diversity” will take place on May 25 between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. at McIntosh Park.

The event is described as a “family-friendly, block-party style celebration with speakers, music, and spoken word.”

Derrick L. Foward, President of the Dayton Unit NAACP, says, “Love trumps hate. So we want the media to focus your attention on love rather than hate. We don’t want Charlottesville inside the Dayton community.”

At a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, a driver purposely rammed into a crowd of people, killing one and injuring several more…

122d5b  No.6040989


Sigh. We do not filter anew every bread. There is no point if that was the case. It takes multiple breads to weed out undesirables.

757422  No.6040990

File: 3af6e16db5af928⋯.jpg (62.84 KB, 887x500, 887:500, go pro dump 1.jpg)

File: cc417e617351f15⋯.jpg (63.97 KB, 887x500, 887:500, go pro dump.jpg)



a69093  No.6040991

File: bd54b7b0a7b1f98⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, bd54b7b0a7b1f98cd044a8218e….jpg)



April Showers

9c19c7  No.6040992


We won.

cb9d32  No.6040993

File: c328d9ce46308e2⋯.png (128.66 KB, 801x963, 89:107, 2019_04_03_23:25:23_EDT.png)


Which Charlie Rose? This one?

pic related

Nov 20, 2017 · Eight women have told The Washington Post that longtime television host Charlie Rose made unwanted sexual advances toward them, including lewd phone calls, walking around naked in their presence …

Charlie Rose Sex Allegations: CBS Suspends Him, PBS … - Newsmax

[Search domain www.newsmax.com/TheWire/charlie-rose-sex-allegations-cbs/2017/11/21/id/827377/] https://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/charlie-rose-sex-allegations-cbs/2017/11/21/id/827377/

Charlie Rose was the latest public figure felled by sexual misconduct allegations, with CBS News suspending him and PBS halting distribution of his nightly interview show following a Washington Post report with the accusations of eight women.

946c62  No.6040994


We all know now

afc7ea  No.6040995


Liberals are attacking them all too on twatter saying they are embarrassed by Trump. Pisses me off! Commenting on the looks they have on their faces.

74d84c  No.6040996


Surprised Shit Stain didn't sit on Pedo Biden's lap!

946c62  No.6040997


Real donuts too

a4a287  No.6040998

File: 5ef9a7548047d4e⋯.png (54.14 KB, 626x248, 313:124, Screenshot 2019-04-03_23-2….png)


3e0a42  No.6040999

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Marillion - Kayleigh (Extended Versión) (1985) HD

341894  No.6041000


Not all would fit up her ass

449688  No.6041001


use in the sense of 'present' as, is that better?

118ce1  No.6041002



My manager was talking about how he thinks the Biden stuff is a bunch of hoopla from the progressive left. Literally an MSM talking point. He essentially said women are too sensitive now. I plan on showing him some of Gateway Pundits articles tomorrow.

56d490  No.6041003

File: 6ba4fb5bcefeb39⋯.png (184.68 KB, 480x360, 4:3, pepeVebot.png)



b6702a  No.6041004

File: 331d93df8ea6e09⋯.jpeg (784.74 KB, 1336x990, 668:495, 24EFC20B-9242-4E91-802C-5….jpeg)

File: e7c5caea6b1c728⋯.jpeg (912.94 KB, 2004x1949, 2004:1949, 81B5E3F8-4D5F-4069-B3C6-6….jpeg)

File: 1f087a5389e725b⋯.jpeg (911.09 KB, 913x916, 913:916, 4F287493-C6B6-4311-A987-E….jpeg)

File: 97203774d0474c2⋯.jpeg (82.9 KB, 639x671, 639:671, 0EF0ADBA-7A7D-4EE3-B7A4-1….jpeg)



946c62  No.6041005


Get your coupon now

(212) 490-0666

81a67e  No.6041006

File: 96dd77ea1a054d1⋯.mp4 (5 MB, 640x360, 16:9, PelosiPower.mp4)

File: f46f8ab1901347d⋯.mp4 (3.67 MB, 640x360, 16:9, chuck & nancy - build the ….mp4)


oldies but funsies

cb6fe3  No.6041007


Reminds me of beerfest when the dude falls in the vat of beer.

7a3d9e  No.6041008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Evidence Shows Joe Biden Got Ukrainian Prosecutor Fired Who Was Investigating His Son Hunter Biden

After leaving office in 2017, Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor.

Joe Biden made the remarks during a meeting of foreign policy specialists. Biden said he, “Threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.” Biden suggested during his talk that Barack Obama was in on the threat.

On Wednesday John Solomon revealed what Biden did not tell his audience. Joe Biden had Poroshenko fired because he was investigating Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Poroshenko was investigating $3 million in funds that were being transferred out of Ukraine and into accounts in the United States at that time.

Joe Biden had him fired.

John Solomon joined Hannity to drop this bomb on the Biden family.


35ef97  No.6041009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7163c6  No.6041010

File: a31887325b5e178⋯.jpg (134.1 KB, 523x477, 523:477, 2v8ir2.jpg)

File: b25d2c889780945⋯.png (618.56 KB, 570x380, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17ade6b29e49d5e⋯.png (508.39 KB, 516x380, 129:95, ClipboardImage.png)




Biden was nothing moar than Michael's fluffer

8aa713  No.6041011


I see a red scarf and doorknob in the near future for that guy.

946c62  No.6041012


Trump is getting a Berliner coupon right now from larry

593a0a  No.6041013


Yeah I saw that meme, it's why I was watching gopro today

74d84c  No.6041014

File: 91c835d6901b940⋯.jpg (9.83 KB, 255x187, 15:11, KYS Meme.jpg)

2ec9a1  No.6041015



Mike Pence has had a "problem" that Steele knows all to well might be different VP 2020

b223a8  No.6041016


Every time I see this guy's face I think of that horrible vid of him raping a boy in the shower and I become filled with rage towards him!

946c62  No.6041017


These dudes also applied for their Berliner coupon

684d4d  No.6041018


She arrived dressed like the Mad hatter, performed as the white rabbit, sat in the audience as the cheshire cat, and accepted her award as the queen of hearts.

cb6fe3  No.6041019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Omg this was real

0c6934  No.6041020


that should be a 10 second clip on family guy:

Awww, isnt that Joe Biden raping a kid in the bushes?

*huge truck with lady gaga on stage arrives starting a street concert…*

all heads turning to lady gaga… yeeey lady gaga… forgetting about Biden…

a4a287  No.6041021

File: 4420141919ed557⋯.png (369.8 KB, 628x619, 628:619, Screenshot 2019-04-03_23-2….png)


02b050  No.6041022


Nah, builds character, a few are essential - read the Q post (not all)

a69093  No.6041023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




a0fed9  No.6041024

File: 032a7ab9a5e5574⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1405x2306, 1405:2306, SmartSelect_20190403-22244….jpg)

File: 4926ae81df33be2⋯.jpg (383.12 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, IMG_20190403_222453.jpg)

File: 768f8e1412c84a6⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 447x353, 447:353, SmartSelect_20190403-22251….jpg)

Just found this interesting.


General Joseph Dunford, sitting next to POTUS, has the same style of "notepad" - small paper with a clip - that both Secretary Pompeo and John Bolton had when they flashed their notes, apparently intentionally, to the camera.

Just find it interesting because it's an odd choice of notepad, stands out to me.

0cd1eb  No.6041025


I'm sure it would

da15a4  No.6041026


ebot u bitch

129159  No.6041027



And what do you suppose we do? Follow you?

Goodnight, shill. Do yourself a favor and don't come back to this place.

613f3d  No.6041028


How about "she stands as"?

Not trying to bust your balls over it. Really. It just struck me wrong.

ebcbdf  No.6041029


HRC like most prostitutes will do just about anything for money. However in her case, what she sold, belonged to us.

946c62  No.6041030


Proud old Berliner coupon winners

Ask Larry for a haircut

(212) 490-0666

d8a1b6  No.6041031

File: 353c9d81b88f20b⋯.png (57.61 KB, 629x417, 629:417, Mitchell Q tweet.png)

Q is fascinating and Trump has never disavowed them. He even appeared to acknowledge them at a rally. Read into that what you will.

What I don't get is those who seem quite rabid about denying Q's legitimacy. Who is Q harming? They love Trump and hate the #DeepState.


8aa713  No.6041032


Yep I’m thinking Ukkraine is the bigger story.

946c62  No.6041033


Call now for your Berliner coupon

(212) 490-0666

fddcba  No.6041034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

df4dc7  No.6041035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


thank you patriot.

Billy was always my moms favorite.

for you… and I mean it. I love you.


>2020 IS OURS

3a640c  No.6041036


Mmmm, yeah.

Wouldn't it be great to release the full details of that slush fund for sexual harassment claims?

Name 'em, shame 'em

Bonus: the sex angle would 100% guarantee the normies would be all over it.

Instantly viral, and best of all, impossible to defend.

Anybody on that list is going to dig their grave even deeper if they mouth off about it.

Sex sells, always. Perfect normie fodder.

c56e24  No.6041037

File: 023214caeb7104a⋯.jpg (162.8 KB, 1490x822, 745:411, N339JM - Copy.jpg)

File: e7a4f20a3899073⋯.jpg (105.71 KB, 1013x524, 1013:524, JM1539_companyinfo - Copy.jpg)

File: 4ff55989a599ff9⋯.jpg (98.32 KB, 1221x534, 407:178, 339jm - Copy.jpg)

File: 5913f3921f25f10⋯.jpg (248.1 KB, 1566x951, 522:317, twatter_N339JM - Copy.jpg)

File: ed6e5059bf3d80d⋯.jpg (277 KB, 1574x1072, 787:536, March_4_18_N339JM.jpg)

341894  No.6041038


Bill gets it

b29631  No.6041039


I bet he's a proud Papa

b4e986  No.6041040

File: 9db3b076edf419e⋯.png (101.35 KB, 935x1058, 935:1058, cr.png)

73ae08  No.6041041

File: 5bb37a58274abab⋯.jpg (128.83 KB, 498x300, 83:50, Jump Shark.jpg)

File: 1fa90b139d74c53⋯.png (937.64 KB, 1080x653, 1080:653, 25.PNG)

7a3d9e  No.6041042

File: 83c64ca5df79831⋯.png (134.71 KB, 929x745, 929:745, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d7e4eb3fc7e80e⋯.png (139.63 KB, 927x790, 927:790, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50f2172a638b01f⋯.png (168.45 KB, 926x841, 926:841, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 101c650d1255b46⋯.png (18.54 KB, 918x151, 918:151, ClipboardImage.png)

The CIA Takeover Of America In The 1960s Is The Story Of Our Time

A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, by Lisa Pease

"'We're all puppets', the suspect [Sirhan Sirhan] replied, with more truth than he could have understood at that moment."

– Lisa Pease, quoting from the LAPD questioning of Sirhan

When Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated on June 5, 1968, the American public fell into an hypnotic trance in which they have remained ever since. The overwhelming majority accepted what was presented by government authorities as an open and shut case that a young Palestinian American, Sirhan Sirhan, had murdered RFK because of his support for Israel, a false accusation whose ramifications echo down the years. That this was patently untrue and was contradicted by overwhelming evidence made no difference.

Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman. Paul Schrade, an aide to the senator and the first person shot that night, also says Sirhan didn’t do it. Both have plenty of evidence. And they are not alone.

There is a vast body of documented evidence to prove this, an indisputably logical case marshalled by serious writers and researchers. Lisa Pease is the latest. It is a reason why a group of 60 prominent Americans has recently called for a reopening of, not just this case, but those of JFK, MLK, and Malcom X. The blood of these men cries out for the revelation of the truth that the United States national security state and its media accomplices have fought so mightily to keep hidden for so many years.

That they have worked so hard at this reveals how dangerous the truth about these assassinations still is to this secret government that wages propaganda war against the American people and real wars around the world. It is a government of Democrats, Republicans, and their intelligence allies working together today to confuse the American people and provoke Russia in a most dangerous game that could lead to nuclear war, a possibility that so frightened JFK and RFK after the Cuban Missile Crisis that they devoted themselves to ending the Cold War, reconciling with the Soviet Union, abolishing nuclear weapons, reining in of the power of the CIA, and withdrawing from Vietnam. That is why they were killed.

The web of deceit surrounding the now officially debunked Democratic led Russia-gate propaganda operation that has strengthened Trump to double-down on his anti-Russia operations (a Democratic goal) is an example of the perfidious and sophisticated mutuality of this game of mass mind-control.


79133a  No.6041043

File: 9333eb7f746adc9⋯.png (161.87 KB, 502x758, 251:379, the-circular-khanite.png)

Hello, Qanons. Let's play a timely and interesting game.

What does the red text and the dark cyan text mean?

946c62  No.6041044


This Elon hole needs more bilbo obviously

781153  No.6041045

File: 244533e2dc47116⋯.jpg (209.21 KB, 1247x1280, 1247:1280, IMG_4945.jpg)

File: 6d4f85c678dbb0f⋯.jpg (286.82 KB, 985x1280, 197:256, IMG_5010.jpg)

File: 728e0bebf886d47⋯.jpg (200.53 KB, 941x1280, 941:1280, IMG_5011 (1).jpg)

e188f8  No.6041046


But nobody is talking about the chuldern. Why not?

37b72b  No.6041047

File: 903ef0d6303cdbf⋯.jpg (10 KB, 242x255, 242:255, 1553472472.jpg)

d84de2  No.6041048

File: adedf5ad903086d⋯.jpeg (147.64 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_faggots.jpeg)

85bf25  No.6041049


Now that’s Jewish

9c19c7  No.6041050


MKUltra moved out of the lab.

946c62  No.6041051


Corporate rates available

Bring your Berliner coupon

(212) 490-0666

4d983d  No.6041052



He removed this tweet directly after. Bill was outted as being affiliated to maga coalition and has many questionable links. Look for Bill to subvert at the flick of a switch.

449688  No.6041053



she's not standing now if you want to get technical and literal, sorry to be so blunt.

She is well loved here.

is that what you want me to say?


not be disrespected.

a9fb94  No.6041054


They had this on yesterday's X22 report. Speculating that Biden could be the first big domino to fall.

946c62  No.6041055


Ask Larry to be sure

(212) 490-0666

bd6b62  No.6041056


"These people are sick" …iterally…

POTUS and POTUS Schedule tweets about Healthcare today….

Anons can theorize about withdrawal from all of the many things (((they))) were taking… we know only a tiny piece, I believe.

c7815a  No.6041057



>>6040720 Turkey is a major trafficking hub

>>6040713 Syria update

>>6040862, >>6040805, >>6040741 3 moar Biden accusers

df4dc7  No.6041058

File: c740fb03908a77f⋯.png (607.94 KB, 1125x1126, 1125:1126, gaurdalwaysthere.png)


Bill had TRUMP 2020 TOP ADVISOR on his show today.

and Trump said how much he loves our meme]farmers[ at the dinner speech last night.

he said 'they got me here.. we will never forget our farmers'

…thats enough proof in itself. muchless the watches. people forget the fckn watches and CASTLELOCK

a4a287  No.6041059

File: fba8f2ddd027505⋯.png (447.36 KB, 642x684, 107:114, Screenshot 2019-04-03_23-3….png)


8aa713  No.6041060


Too bad

946c62  No.6041061


Bob barker has to do this shit btw

7163c6  No.6041062

File: cfc9b99540038cf⋯.jpg (26.6 KB, 600x315, 40:21, POTUS PEPE HUG.jpg)



It's been how long? Idk fuck it who cares. If POTUS didn't like Q he would have tweeted, spoke about it, been asked about it, etc etc etc x 1000

When are you shills going to wake up. This is MILITARY PLANNING AT ITS FINEST.

877351  No.6041064

File: 4c7b6a948608142⋯.png (56.92 KB, 852x296, 213:74, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

anons, if could spare a moment, please join me in praying for every anon who is struggling right now. i pray for their health and safety. i pray that they see the light in themselves, in the world around them, and overcome the darkness of their thoughts. i pray that the love of their friends and family and the love and camaraderie of their frens on here, surrounds them and keeps them from taking their own lives. i pray for darkness to leave this earth. i pray for justice, a source of hope for us all.



d8a1b6  No.6041065



If he had removed the tweet, i would not have been able to see it on my stream.


946c62  No.6041066


What a bummer cia fehgel

33dfd7  No.6041067


It means your a fucking bot

3137de  No.6041068

File: 0864788b8fc7d44⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 255x210, 17:14, pepemonkey.jpg)

684d4d  No.6041069

File: 2dbab84705474a4⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 244x207, 244:207, images.jpg)

File: edf4152e7cccbf7⋯.png (93.59 KB, 245x150, 49:30, tumblr_medp62hZ6G1ra0d77o2….png)

File: ff995e5ee9f6a98⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 320x400, 4:5, b1.jpg)

File: 58253ea634c3de8⋯.jpg (8.56 KB, 171x294, 57:98, download.jpg)

da15a4  No.6041070


Nodody wants to say our name and harvest a complete biography in 2hrs for FREE

Theyll never ask

3a640c  No.6041071


The smarter ones DO get it.

It hasn't MATTERED "who" Q is since mere weeks after his/her/its first post.

Q's identity isn't the point; it's the goal which is being achieved so effectively.

In the meantime, Q has managed to conduct a master class in digging.

The benefit of that is increasing citizenship proficiency and the size of the "Q team", which includes us.

86ca5d  No.6041072


Wilson Joliet by JohnCale


484e99  No.6041073

US Government

Asserts Privileged ,Vested Ownership

of Intellectual Properties

Calculated By Investment

Grants from Tax Collected Funds.

613f3d  No.6041074


Language is important.

You obviously do not understand metaphors either.

33dfd7  No.6041075

God damn who triggered the bots

7a3d9e  No.6041076

File: 4ae90cffb841c3f⋯.png (425.17 KB, 1007x916, 1007:916, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac3460d1651a0b6⋯.png (88.02 KB, 998x884, 499:442, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17bdbb910dea175⋯.png (907.94 KB, 1005x830, 201:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2855f668424f9d4⋯.png (52.12 KB, 1010x599, 1010:599, ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau Implements Highly Organized Cover-up of SNC-Lavalin Scandal

SNC-Lavalin affair: Trudeau expels ‘whistleblower’ MPs

Canada’s prime minister has kicked two MPs from his party’s caucus after they accused him of meddling in a criminal case involving an influential company.

Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott had already resigned from PM Justin Trudeau’s cabinet citing their concerns over the SNC-Lavalin affair.

Now they have been expelled from Mr Trudeau’s Liberal Party, months before a general election.

The SNC-Lavalin controversy has cast a shadow over Mr Trudeau’s leadership.

Andrew Scheer, the leader of the opposition Conservatives, said on Tuesday that the prime minister had betrayed justice by removing two corruption whistleblowers.


946c62  No.6041077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

85bf25  No.6041078


WOW yer telligent

d3835b  No.6041079


It’s like Saddams palace. Kek, gig is up! Can’t wait for truth to be revealed.

7f4359  No.6041080


Lol I've been in almost every bread since Oct 28th 2017. Every migration, movement, drama I've seen.

Aside from some personal vacation time, I've been here every night. I never put my name on a map. That's OPSEC 101.

757422  No.6041081


I stay away from posting equity and the analyst upgrade stuff unless it is in the news or it is brought up in here-ULTA is a perfect example.

Saw the upgrade from Loop early last month but did not post. Figured they would start dumping soon after. They did.

ebcbdf  No.6041082


Thanks for the life lesson punchy. Where was this advice when you were yelling and cursing at POTUS at the various award ceremonies?

a4a287  No.6041083

File: 2ee3bf3fa848cfa⋯.png (402.03 KB, 642x729, 214:243, Screenshot 2019-04-03_23-3….png)


946c62  No.6041084


Larry already knows you're homo faggot

35ef97  No.6041085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White House road

449688  No.6041086


hello reporter.

make sure you get our names right.

it is spelled

'a' 'n' 'o' 'n'

0ebf61  No.6041087


NoName might disagree (Grin)

da15a4  No.6041088

118ce1  No.6041089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d16464  No.6041090


I agree Dunford looks worried.

9c19c7  No.6041091


Does she make everything into an art project?

fddcba  No.6041092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

418000  No.6041093


I guess Dougie, using Command Prompt, unzipped a file which, I guess, allowed access to the Patriots Soapbox Discord. It was only up for a second at the end.

c7cf76  No.6041094

File: 61204ddd81e1edd⋯.png (182.41 KB, 382x500, 191:250, 095970E1-F4C5-4BA5-9B57-86….png)

ebf1e8  No.6041095

File: cb15f49963e41d6⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1143x1097, 1143:1097, ClipboardImage.png)

Notice what I notice?

2f31cc  No.6041096


Mad World might be a good one and tell her to keep em comin

be86a6  No.6041097


Don't forget smashed face Kerry is like ketchup to Biden's hot dog.

They are connected in the Ukraine.

3c4885  No.6041099


Some autist out there is gonna dig on all these pics, the time/ date references, which 'awards' shows, and who's in the pics, and come up with the hidden message that was sent. It'll be an interesting read as well.

f99be0  No.6041100

File: 48761796b867f41⋯.jpg (120.61 KB, 637x896, 91:128, 1a.JPG)

File: 2c2692158040b89⋯.jpg (135.7 KB, 647x766, 647:766, 3.JPG)

Pompeo names Morgan Ortagus as State Department spokeswoman


a39711  No.6041101


Take the Boomer stupidity we see here, to the 10th power, and that is what you have on the "Qanon" FB groups.

684d4d  No.6041102

449688  No.6041103


one more point:

one does use a 'star' to guide one while navigating. I mean it in that sense.

d16464  No.6041104

104b8e  No.6041105

File: 826afe19c211424⋯.png (901.58 KB, 1609x1126, 1609:1126, dia cobra comb.png)

File: d7a893b35cb7a87⋯.jpeg (70.21 KB, 720x720, 1:1, meat baby.jpeg)

File: 50a97d453e37e6d⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1335x1154, 1335:1154, wake up 1.png)

File: 889481ea83ede6d⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1487x763, 1487:763, wake up 2.png)

File: 3bb2bc2f3547c15⋯.png (597.08 KB, 1577x956, 1577:956, matrix patents.png)


>under ground chambers holding kids

idk I think that there are some locations in the US and Haiti (and elsewhere) harboring some pretty heinous shit. If you don't think they've utilized underground bunkers to do some really fucked up shit, you're fooling yourselves. 100,000? Seems like a lot of beings, sure; but it could be a pretty compact operation if they were just fetuses and babies.

d54f4d  No.6041106

Ty anon.


8aa713  No.6041107


They are fucking dumb.

a4a287  No.6041108

File: 0d0fb1271878150⋯.png (535.38 KB, 641x698, 641:698, Screenshot 2019-04-03_23-3….png)


2f31cc  No.6041109


All died of broken necks?

946c62  No.6041110

Queerbots go

Run muhjooskike

If {trannywhores = 1 run tredeau}

b929da  No.6041111


Then boatfag will be tracking a certain yacht much tighter. Started Singapore, went to Maldives, transited Suez Canal (there is a fee) now going to Turkey. Aware of slave markets in Morocco. Request assist dig on treaties regardin NATO and Flags of Conveinence vessels. Registry is St. Vincent & the Grandines

8945d8  No.6041112


Oh daniel.

d3835b  No.6041113


Jesus. How many kids did this bitch kill? Sick!

6f65bb  No.6041115

File: a42666a4275ece8⋯.gif (5.26 MB, 480x270, 16:9, youarefakenews.gif)

a8e779  No.6041116


more shills directing traffic off the site

418000  No.6041117







Fuck guys..We gotta pack up shop.

They (MagaCoalition) says that Q went dark just as soon as [they] started "investigating" Matrixxx and PrayingMedic.

The gig is up.

449688  No.6041118


I am not even a little bit like that.

you got me confused with someone else.

a7ac4f  No.6041119

File: f5174d0995ea00a⋯.png (555.07 KB, 931x713, 931:713, Screenshot 2019-04-03 22.3….png)

Would you take some "Round-up" herbicide and spray it on some tall grasses around your house and then take the dead grass, shake out the seeds and bake bread with them? No? Well, farmers are doing just that with oats. Oats are not resistant to glyphosate based herbicides such as Round-up so when farmers see that their crops are at their best for harvest they "dry down" the oats with the herbicide. Oats are highly contaminated with glyphosate which has now been attributed with causing cancer in two plaintiffs who have won millions of dollars after suing Monsanto/Bayer. Glyphosate may be contributing to liver disease, which now affects ONE THIRD of Americans.

c4b5d7  No.6041120

Why was AOC putting ikea furniture together on a livestream???

6fb79a  No.6041121

File: d356e930941d0c8⋯.png (598.91 KB, 1102x493, 38:17, ClipboardImage.png)


19e198  No.6041122

Can anybody give me a link for my cell phone please thank you

946c62  No.6041123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

484e99  No.6041124



you have that?

613f3d  No.6041125



684d4d  No.6041126


2009 VMA Lady Gaga



I noticed the goat between the pillars, and it led me to dig on the internet. That was how I began my red pilling in 2009.

7a3d9e  No.6041127

File: 201a4a93d77690c⋯.png (486 KB, 650x613, 650:613, ClipboardImage.png)

1 Thessalonians 5:3

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

ded87c  No.6041128


what was the shouting at the end.

I couldn't make it out.

Seemed some of the Press were very excited.

3ddf06  No.6041129

File: 44a402412e2b244⋯.png (203.27 KB, 624x836, 156:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46144e3a6aecd32⋯.png (26.13 KB, 715x389, 715:389, ClipboardImage.png)


Colorado Senator Michael Bennet has "prostate cancer"

DENVER — APRIL 3, 2019 - Sen. Michael Bennet has prostate cancer, a spokesperson confirmed to FOX31 and Channel 2 Wednesday evening.


>A way to 'retire' or 'die' before prosecution?


Bennet's largest donor? League of Conservation Voters

their website: https://www.lcv.org/board/

>Carol Browner, Chair – Center for American Progress

>Roger Kim, Democracy Alliance

>Wade Greene, Rockefeller Family & Associates

and MOAR

And that's just the biggest donor.


Bringing the HEAT, Q!

907b45  No.6041130

Autism…. Please,someone smarter than me work on this. I;m just a lowly Nuclear Engineer. People are saying that vaccinations are the cause of Autism. Others look towards genes. I believe if one has a specific genetic disposition [DNA Delta] specific foreign matter will trigger anomalies. RESEARCH what gene DELTA is triggered. Identify genetic disposition and report. Thank you for your engagement to make humanity better.

4ce6ee  No.6041131


>The WALL means more than you know.

>The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.

Red-pill time: the Great Wall of China was actually a southern wall meant to keep the Chinese out. You can tell by the facing of the gates. When Trump mentions the Great Wall, it's a jab in the side. Yes the wall worked. No there were never Mongol horsemen conquerors.

757422  No.6041132

File: 78f0a45f5be735f⋯.jpg (91.64 KB, 666x375, 222:125, Insider trading top activi….jpg)

File: 33e9d0f6f1945c6⋯.jpg (103.13 KB, 931x499, 931:499, palo alto networks dump 1.jpg)

File: d08f2f25f8edeb2⋯.jpg (88 KB, 750x500, 3:2, southern company dump.jpg)

File: 799e049f2fc15e3⋯.jpg (117.68 KB, 879x484, 879:484, viasat inc dump.jpg)

File: 2955d05f1587784⋯.jpg (140.07 KB, 888x499, 888:499, arista dump.jpg)


7fd671  No.6041133

File: 6bb239f3ce2378c⋯.jpg (111.4 KB, 662x821, 662:821, GoNads.JPG)

I was just looking up pictures of Jerry Nadler to see if his one eyebrow is permanently raised. It is not. Then I stumbled on this:

They got to joke about the Upper West Side congressman’s waistline when Nadler’s office asked to attend an Obama fundraiser June 8 at the Upper West side home of BuzzFeed chairman Kenneth Lerer and his wife Katherine Sailer.


43cd21  No.6041134

File: 9e4ec88ac3fcdad⋯.gif (2.63 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 8AC2FD99-9715-4CE1-BC94-02….gif)



74c60b  No.6041135


import mass illegals

msm megaphone "kill whitey"

2nd revolution begins with illegals getting weapons and ammo DHS was stockpiling under hussein

3a960a  No.6041136


My wife left me.

8495a8  No.6041137

File: 43ffd95f6d97167⋯.jpg (47.95 KB, 468x512, 117:128, bidentime.jpg)

0cd1eb  No.6041138


5:09 Creepy Joe says that he never once doubted that Obama's judgement was flawed

85bf25  No.6041139

File: c1958f9f11fcfb4⋯.jpeg (62.75 KB, 750x375, 2:1, D20533E4-A29A-4284-9D67-D….jpeg)

File: c4e0e424e3a8c70⋯.png (8.79 KB, 276x53, 276:53, EB794719-2555-4224-8E32-3B….png)

Save Lives This Passover!

The cries of impoverished and elderly Jews will go unheeded this Passover unless we answer them with help and compassion! Right now, we’re preparing to rush Passover food boxes to help these precious Jewish souls during this sacred time.

Make this Passover meaningful by providing one, two, or even more Passover food blessings — at only $25 each — for struggling Jews who could never afford the items needed to faithfully and joyfully observe this biblical holiday without you.


df4dc7  No.6041140

File: ba632c8dffeac57⋯.png (568.77 KB, 845x653, 845:653, dan dank.png)




all fact. all truth. fully logical and reasoned critical thinking.

how do we keep a crowd on edge of seat?

how do we keep excitement throughout the entire presidency?

it damn sure isn't gunna happen if we would've shot every single firework back in2017. none of you would be here right now.

THE ANTICIPATION/EXCITEMENT is half of the operation.



one meme at a time.

one step at a time.

also. to be BRUTALLY HONEST.

my generation (90 baby) really dont know wut the fck the constitution is, how a court of law is held, or how to ACT in a respectful patriotic manner.

you are watching a movie.

its called 'how to be american again 101' because we really were gunna be FCKKD at the rate we were going…

so when you see these hearings, and lindseygraham dramatic speels.. it is what it is.


FOR THE TARDS TO REFER TO 100 years from now when people start gettin' stupid again.

…we cannot let this happen to another sitting president. well we also cannot let this happen to our SOCIETY again. so its gunna take alot more tenashi69 nonsense to get the message across.. and probably a few more macmillers will be made an example out of… but slowly but surely.. its working.

684d4d  No.6041141

I red pilled myself

1a46cc  No.6041142


First point…


Second pont….

This can also tamper with TSA scanners and the like.

Purpose and motive obvious.

79133a  No.6041143


Not a bot.

How did that document leak?

8945d8  No.6041144

File: 0581bc78e5815d5⋯.jpeg (15.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1553841382.jpeg)

b223a8  No.6041145


I remember reading something about that when I was digging before Q ever posted but I couldn't remember where I had seen it. I looked back at my bookmarks but couldn't find it. Is CDAN the only source you know of that talked about that?

ec69b1  No.6041146

>>6040128 (lb)

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary


April 3, 2019



Cabinet Room

6:13 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you very much. It's a great honor to be with our military leaders. These are tremendous folks. We've had a tremendous year. We've been on the cusp of doing something, and we are on the cusp of doing something very important. We're rebuilding our military like probably never before. Seven hundred billion dollars approved my first year, seven hundred and sixteen my second year.

And I don't know even if these great generals and admirals know, but we're asking for $750 billion. And tremendous progress has been made. You know also about 100 percent of the caliphate in Syria that's taken place as of a few days ago.

And these are incredible warriors, incredible fighters, and it's my really tremendous honor to be with you all. And we're going – after this, we're going to go have a quick dinner over at the White House. But we've been doing this once a year. We meet up more often than that, but we've been doing the dinners once a year. We talk about a lot of different things, and a lot of good ideas comes out.

And it's great to be with you all. And I want to thank the media. You've been extremely gracious over the last two days. The rest of the term, I would say not as good, but that's okay.

But thank you all very much. I appreciate you being here. Thank you.

Q Mr. President, can we ask: Are you concerned that the Chinese may be trying to conduct some espionage against the United States by spying on you at Mar-a-Lago?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I saw the story. Haven't spoken to anybody about it, other than I had a brief – a brief meeting. Gave me a little bit of information.

No, I'm not concerned at all. I have – we have very good control. We have extremely good. And it's getting better. And cyber – frankly, what we're doing with cyber is a story in itself.

No, I think that was just a fluke situation, and I think that the person sitting at the front desk did a very good job, to be honest with you. I think that particular woman did a very, very good job. She was able to see things that other people were not.

But, no, I think it's just a fluke.

Q Will you change any procedures there, sir, in terms of security?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, that's really Secret Service. Secret Service is fantastic. These are fantastic people. And the end result is it was good. I think probably we'll see what happened – where she's from, who she is. But the result is they were able to get her. And she's now suffering the consequences of whatever it is she had in mind.

But I would say I could not be happier with Secret Service. Secret Service has done a fantastic job from day one. Very happy with them.

Q Mr. President, can we ask you – can you explain what relationship you might have with Cindy Yang? Do you know her? Is she a friend of yours?

THE PRESIDENT: No, I don't. I don’t know who she is. Who is that?

Q She's this woman who was pictured with you at your Super Bowl party. She's –

THE PRESIDENT: Oh, I see. She is the one that came to the party. I don't know anything about her.

I mean, I take a lot of pictures with people. That looked like a selfie or something, and I do that a lot. I do that sometimes depending on where I – when I – you know, where I am or what I'm doing, hundreds of times a day.

But, no, I don't know anything about her.

Q Mr. President, the Chairman of the Democratic House Ways and Means Committee moments ago asked the IRS for six years of your tax returns. I want to get your –

THE PRESIDENT: Is that all?

Q That's all.

THE PRESIDENT: Usually it's 10, so I guess they're giving up.

No, I'm – we're under audit, despite what people said. And we're working that out as – I'm always under audit, it seems. But I've been under audit for many years because the numbers are big, and I guess when you have a name, you – you're audited.

But until such time as I'm not under audit, I would not be inclined to do that. Thank you.

Okay, thank you all very much.

Q Mr. President, did you authorize a security clearance for Jared Kushner or others?

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thanks.

Q Any decision on a Defense Secretary, sir? Has that decision been made?


Q Any advice for Mr. Biden, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: I wish him luck. I do wish him luck.

Q (Inaudible) a video talking about how he would change some of his ways of interacting. Do you have any thoughts on that? Should he apologize for his conduct?

THE PRESIDENT: No, he's going to make his own decisions. He's very capable of making a decision, I assume.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

END 6:18 P.M. EDT


131ba0  No.6041147


A child found a way to escape captors Just like we prayed in our intercessory prayer group late last week. Expect more captives to find a way to escape, this was our exact wording.

He escaped from Red Roof Inn, Cincinnati after being missing since 2011. He asked a woman in Northern KY to call 911 and told her who he was. He is 14 now. Story is still breaking and his family has not verified his identity. He told the woman al people but chose her. Poor boy probably did not know who to trust.

Praise God and please help all the people being held to find an escape.


9312f4  No.6041148

File: c7cc4495bcd1c94⋯.jpg (46.39 KB, 537x252, 179:84, Tesla wall.JPG)


I keep thinking about this "wall" Tesla developed. it's at FBI.gov in Tesla files, part 3 of 3, pg 64 I believe.

946c62  No.6041149

File: f50acd425c7d895⋯.jpg (409.06 KB, 600x955, 120:191, 52AF37F5-8D13-41CB-A2E5-4D….jpg)

Hey cupcake

What's your pedogarchs address

ebf1e8  No.6041150

104b8e  No.6041151

File: 0e9c40b8c81a833⋯.jpeg (45.93 KB, 600x613, 600:613, doitfaggot.jpeg)


goddam nigger you glow

d8a1b6  No.6041152

File: 3ef5191a3ee649d⋯.jpg (60 KB, 500x545, 100:109, 2uzzwv.jpg)

File: b45f4c3f41110be⋯.png (433.05 KB, 481x485, 481:485, 6cbaf01a35b21aca28c1cc03cb….png)

File: 5494eebb85b9f4a⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 500x609, 500:609, unxplained-photo-123596146….jpg)

File: ab4df0ec8df40ea⋯.jpg (64.82 KB, 533x751, 533:751, CPTmPeJUwAA-3br.jpg)

35ef97  No.6041153


She is doing fine fyi

46857e  No.6041154

File: 70cc21382d48c92⋯.jpeg (56.21 KB, 759x1080, 253:360, 70ACD1FE-2DBA-405D-8B5C-A….jpeg)



ed9a6a  No.6041155

File: d3b625ae5daf601⋯.jpg (28.7 KB, 317x432, 317:432, 52c9da43e514d05c59d3e224af….jpg)


Winning bigly

124a73  No.6041156


>Omar want's Trumps help to free jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader.

I think she is one President too late.

3a960a  No.6041157


K thanks.

946c62  No.6041158


I was getting 90k mid last month

684d4d  No.6041159

Also in that VMA Gaga performance notice how there is a white sheet hung underneath the stairs… reminds one of the sheet the wagon stopped behind during bohemian grove.

I believe the sheet was a symbol for a sacrifice for the whole world to see and not understand.

4d983d  No.6041160


Yep. Thats right guys. Lets close up shop here. We’re toast. Trump is controlled by the jews and Christ is losing. Its all over… the mossad/magacoalition shills told me so.

757422  No.6041161

File: e1396764a1ebd38⋯.jpg (405.58 KB, 1564x1166, 782:583, quads navy.jpg)



9c19c7  No.6041162


You might be masturbating too hard ebot.

e25fe1  No.6041163


They keep pushing (mandatory) to have the meningitis at 7th grade (1st dose), at 12th grade (2nd or 1st dose - made mandatory on 2016) or when entering college, if missed in HS. HS and colleges would not allow them entrance without this vaccine. THERE IS NO EPIDEMIC OR CASES TO PUSH THIS ON TEENS. How to avoid?

d88a95  No.6041164

File: 98370410f4e7b46⋯.jpg (419.9 KB, 1032x691, 1032:691, DrainTheSwampTrump (1).jpg)

cb6fe3  No.6041165

File: 82fff0de10c1479⋯.png (442.67 KB, 635x678, 635:678, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

0404a2  No.6041166


Just imagine once the steel barrier is in place what a little electricity would do to improve it ;)

7a976a  No.6041168


Sounds like something you'd hear from AJ

65b2a4  No.6041169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Red pills for normies. I’m convinced that Bannon is still firmly Team Trump but I do not think he is aware of Q.

e188f8  No.6041170


Here, of course. I meant on the normienews.

946c62  No.6041171

File: a92c002d127f3e9⋯.jpg (144.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 33EAA663-F9CE-4787-AB04-80….jpg)

Schumer brand Gaylord fake Jew hams have butthole lips and a double gasketed feature

877351  No.6041172



thank you anons.

81a67e  No.6041173

File: e8324a555a3407d⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 700x437, 700:437, amXxWEX_700b.jpg)

File: ca23dcab737d4e3⋯.jpg (330.5 KB, 1412x1600, 353:400, hunger-games-capital-citiz….jpg)


lookalike hunger games fashion style

lady kaka

0cd1eb  No.6041174

File: 5486e7c8d586f02⋯.png (373.51 KB, 1363x525, 1363:525, ClipboardImage.png)

Aussie Air Force leaving Utah

6b1333  No.6041175

File: 86e833e59ec531e⋯.jpg (74.9 KB, 750x911, 750:911, 7num.jpg)

An ominous threat…

f6c5b9  No.6041176


Their entire show was basically, “Q bad. Israel good.”

ded87c  No.6041177


Theirs lots of Q research groups on FB that are private and no one really knows is there.

As with strange titles to through off algos.

No adding of anyone by members

very strict vetting of profiles.

If a group really gets good on FB, it's like any other platform; the mod will go sour and you'll have shills up the wazoo

Very hard to get anything done over there.

How great if the algos were changed.

'Different world" would be created.

cc2056  No.6041178


Fair take

4ce6ee  No.6041179





Go right now to jimstone.is and read his shit about vaccines while it's still posted


This right here is the eye of the hurricane. Run outside and jump around like an idiot while there's still time.

56d490  No.6041180


This is the forth or fifth time I have seen this post in 2 weeks. SHILL PITY PORN !

fddcba  No.6041181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

484e99  No.6041182


image related?


a39711  No.6041183


Outstanding, patriot!

All my local sheriff's deputies are based as fuck so I'm going to have each of them sign up.

Let's do this!

249dae  No.6041184

File: 274b4f36a4d8165⋯.png (224.98 KB, 941x718, 941:718, 274b4f36a4d81651efb273a70f….png)


Chek't Quads confirm ottoman muslims are a scourge.

35ef97  No.6041185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

be4dde  No.6041186

File: 5c41964d94c9a3d⋯.jpg (465.4 KB, 1200x1728, 25:36, 5c41964d94c9a3dd82ab12b090….jpg)


Bill is correct. Whats important is that people know about the global power structure and understand the totalitarian 1984 world they are leading us to. Who gives a fuck what Q is.

b5fbd0  No.6041187


The lizards thing is David Icke, not sure if the Nazi's are his deal as well, but I do recall a video of him talking about the lizards under the Getty

3e0a42  No.6041189

File: 59cc643eff41e7c⋯.png (387.27 KB, 499x332, 499:332, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6041136 Ex wife right now

cb6fe3  No.6041190

Woman on Fox making the point that Obama and crew are silent on Biden.

ded87c  No.6041191


exactly; sock puppet ff; for "excitement"

df4dc7  No.6041192

File: 575be919c460aef⋯.jpg (232.58 KB, 1705x815, 341:163, trolling is fun edition.JPG)

File: 146255bfa5c9c53⋯.jpg (183.74 KB, 1723x806, 1723:806, trolling is fun edition 2.JPG)


we all have warstories, patriot.

some more epic than others.

your testimony resonated with me…

I feel your heart and your pain.

I am still on subetex and vyvance maintenance.. but I am sober from all street drugs and see a counselor/group therapy several times a month.

it's been almost 2 years now.

and I can genuinely and honestly tell you Q changed my life. in a MAJOR positive way.

I'd love to be your friend. innerhealing is possible, patriot. you just have to WANT it.

8aa713  No.6041193


Cramer? The bird dogger fren?

da15a4  No.6041194

The Left is neutralized.

ed9a6a  No.6041195

File: 27a44aa6158a6a5⋯.png (21.92 KB, 255x255, 1:1, BurnInHellDeepState.png)

449688  No.6041196


But I AM a real anon . . .

I do not look like Ben Rhodes!

7a976a  No.6041197


Blood-soaked matzah balls for Christians

The perfect underhanded F-you to their most hated enemy

e41d60  No.6041198


>firmly Team Trump but I do not think he is aware of Q

typical normie boomer

atleast around my parts

and the others (~10%) are utterly clueless libtards

always wonder how they survived this long

8945d8  No.6041199


Anon took ALL that time typing it out. Let him have it. Anon should post his paypal info.

9c19c7  No.6041200

File: a012a48c4ee4c9b⋯.jpg (362.26 KB, 1079x602, 1079:602, Screenshot_20190403-214649….jpg)

3a960a  No.6041201


Looks fun.

85bf25  No.6041202


Patriots are united and treat each other with so much respect, it’s so nice to see.


f99be0  No.6041203

Baker - please include date

Resignations in the news 4/2/2019 - part 1

City Power Plant supervisor resigns


KTRK President/GM Henry Florsheim to retire after 22 years at abc13 Houston


2 board members resign from Florida Virtual School


Medford Police Chief announces retirement


Second Hampshire College trustee resigns


Sullivan Retires From Dist. 207 Board


Head of Alaska’s Public Defender Agency will resign


East Rutherford Mayor Retiring, Ending 49-Year Streak Of GOP Mayors


Linton mayor resigns after suffering extreme bullying


Gates to retire as director of Dacotah Prairie Museum


Boulder Creek softball coach Shane Hesse resigns 3 weeks after 6 starters refuse to play


Rebecca Rimel retiring after 25 years leading Pew Charitable Trusts


York Suburban teacher resigns amid child-sex charges


The legendary ‘gatekeeper’ of the stock market—whose picks dictated trillions in ETF holdings — is retiring


Bryan Dodson resigns from Frisco ISD board of trustees


UConn deputy athletic director Vic Cegles to retire


German FA boss Grindel quits over expensive gift


Molloy College president Drew Bogner to retire next year


946c62  No.6041204

File: c7ce99646d63c38⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 1142x863, 1142:863, IMG_3477.JPG)

File: b03cc390add980f⋯.jpg (250.52 KB, 1111x844, 1111:844, F9BE84FD-D669-4D60-BAE0-8A….jpg)

File: 8f0783dc4ddc00d⋯.jpg (171.08 KB, 921x680, 921:680, 34AF587B-A9A8-43A9-9864-AE….jpg)

File: 98f6891caa33aa0⋯.jpg (256.54 KB, 1135x818, 1135:818, 5AAAE7A1-F1DF-4E41-B8D3-A2….jpg)

File: 48f4e05d5b88bbc⋯.jpg (279.85 KB, 1135x818, 1135:818, 1E0C1975-8DAF-48FB-BC53-5D….jpg)

f99be0  No.6041205


Resignations in the news 4/2/2019 - part 2

Students demand details on Snyder's resignation


Longtime CEO of America’s Christian Credit Union prepares to retire


Wabco CFO Roberto Fioroni resigns after 9 months in the role to take another job


Longtime Skowhegan Savings Bank president and CEO John Witherspoon to retire this year


Gov’t dual citizenship MPs resign


Daycare workers fired following allegation of giving kids melatonin before nap


Hillsboro varsity boys basketball Head Coach Bruce Miles resigns


Christian Jail Chaplain Fired for Saying He Has a “Mandate” to Convert Muslims


Schenectady public safety commissioner resigns


Wizards Fire Team President and General Manager Ernie Grunfeld


Chief, several firefighters resign in East Hawkesbury


Huntsville Botanical Garden CEO to retire after storied tenure


President of Wilson College, Barbara Mistick, to resign at end of school year


Former reporter Paul Bliss was fired for repeated sexual misconduct, CTV alleges in defamation defence


Blue Apron's CEO Dickerson resigns, company names former Etsy executive its new CEO


Lane County Sheriff Byron Trapp is retiring


New Haven alder resigns for California job


VP of Advancement Martin to retire, Alford appointed interim


478a21  No.6041206


STFU midget DeNiro.

f99be0  No.6041207


Resignations in the news 4/2/2019 - part 3

Puerto Rico education, public safety secretaries resign


Children’s charity Barnardo’s are paying tribute to the retiring manager of the BASE in Whitley Bay after 25 years with the charity


Health and Human Services inspector general resigns after nearly 15-year tenure


David Blitzer, who for years was the principal voice in deciding who belonged in the vaunted Dow Jones Industrial Average, is retiring after a nearly 40-year career at S&P Global.


RI GOP Committee Member Resigns Over New Chairwoman


Kennett Square Borough Council Member To Resign


Longtime mining advocate, chamber president retires


Baltimore auditor resigned after feeling pressure to accept unsupported numbers


Glenville State President Tracy Pellett resigning


Pennsylvania Police Chief Charged With Raping Child Fired In Unanimous Council Vote


Shippy resigns, Harris named new coach of Angelo State women's basketball team


Bogner to retire from role of president at Molloy


Superdry chiefs resign after founder wins comeback fight


Dolly Stokes retiring from Victoria County United Way


MUSCOM manager resigns following arrest


Pittsfield fire chief announces plans to retire


Vanderbilt University Chancellor to Resign in August


Eagle River Police Chief Vander Bloomen To Retire


Gartner to resign from Northwoods Children’s Museum


Local priest retiring due to multiple sclerosis diagnosis


Flick resigns Windcrest council seat


Windham County Sheriff Keith Clark to retire


Mishandling of gun investigation leads to principal's resignation


d8a1b6  No.6041208

File: 5ae800589f30bfe⋯.jpg (62.13 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 2c440r.jpg)

File: ee61ee4e9dacbfe⋯.png (2.28 MB, 2500x1653, 2500:1653, Punchy's fight club 4.png)

File: 99a8652919d555f⋯.png (2.25 MB, 2500x1653, 2500:1653, Punchy's fight club templa….png)

File: 20307aee9e7fa57⋯.png (2.26 MB, 2500x1653, 2500:1653, punchy's fight club 5.png)


We are to believe that Punchy has taken the high road, kek

The man that said he would punch Trump.

4ce6ee  No.6041209

File: bec59c48e2de76d⋯.png (396.13 KB, 540x405, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Verizon turns on mobile 5G network ahead of schedule in Chicago and Minneapolis


Psst… Q isn't the only one who lied about timelines to throw the enemy off the scent… Trump better have words with that FCC faggot Ajit Pajeet or whatever the fuck his name is.

f064b3  No.6041210

File: 335beebdbcf8797⋯.png (465.79 KB, 634x679, 634:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 335beebdbcf8797⋯.png (465.79 KB, 634x679, 634:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 335beebdbcf8797⋯.png (465.79 KB, 634x679, 634:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 335beebdbcf8797⋯.png (465.79 KB, 634x679, 634:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 335beebdbcf8797⋯.png (465.79 KB, 634x679, 634:679, ClipboardImage.png)

86f570  No.6041211

File: 8215ade2f21ac4f⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB, 426x240, 71:40, NZ PM Packing Heat.mp4)

NZ PM Packing Heat….. hahaha!

484e99  No.6041212


image to your staement

cant balance

help me?

whats your point?

56d490  No.6041213

File: 3203a6e400efe96⋯.png (58.86 KB, 150x200, 3:4, dali Ra.png)

cb6fe3  No.6041214



8945d8  No.6041215

File: 05338447dbf8595⋯.gif (501.57 KB, 475x338, 475:338, 05338447dbf8595b0bf9a83e7c….gif)


I don't believe you.

613f3d  No.6041216


I dunno. Just glad I don't have kids that age anymore.

If only they were as concerned about what the illegals were bringing in…..

In the late 70s and early 80s the Vietnamese boat people were placed into quarantine for 30+ days before they were introduced into the population

What the hell ever happened to that idea?

c7815a  No.6041217



somebody was sapmming their discord even though they got blocked, it was the discord not the YT so i couldnt see it but it caused a commotion

i wonder if dougie fed that to shills or did it himself

what a dick

48e835  No.6041218


Muh discouragement. Glow much?

Funny all the deplorables sanbagged you in 2016. Fake media couldn’t stop the landslide. 2020 will be D5.

KYS now, avoid the rush. Suicide weekend.

104b8e  No.6041219

File: bea984669ae98bd⋯.png (65.89 KB, 1172x533, 1172:533, anon1.PNG)


you meet and interact with these people everyday

they are normal, they have families, they are just responding to a call the best way they can

definitely not retarded

unless you're using that word as a term of endearment, like nigger or faggot

c7815a  No.6041220



>>6040720 Turkey is a major trafficking hub

>>6040713 Syria update

>>6040862, >>6040805, >>6040741 3 moar Biden accusers

>>6041031 Bill Mitchell twat from earlier today, Who is Q harming?

>>6041146, >>6041024 POTUS MIL briefing transcript, Scavino Pics

>>6041148 Tesla's Wall -FBI.gov in Tesla files, part 3 of 3, pg 64

>>6041100 Pompeo names Morgan Ortagus as State Department spokeswoman

6b1333  No.6041221

File: 9b0a1b3a3736a0e⋯.png (380.76 KB, 595x578, 35:34, Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at ….png)


I clicked that shit.

3e0a42  No.6041222

File: b0fee6756d17680⋯.png (414.26 KB, 474x610, 237:305, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6041122 I have more if needed

f9da6f  No.6041223

File: eb7cca4411b2ad1⋯.jpg (534.68 KB, 1220x680, 61:34, Bren.jpg)

File: 157964f73b36b19⋯.jpg (103.49 KB, 743x485, 743:485, papa john.jpg)

qanon and sex slaves, while the Nexium leader was just proven to have had a sex slave locked in a room for two years.

they are conflating the chatter, o try and steer the narrative. it will work in the near term, like #superdelegates. but they are running out of time. putting qanon and sex slave into the public consciousness stream is not part of (((their))) plan


eccabe  No.6041224

File: 76076a669c96e35⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

our Q memers are rocking the traffickers' world


946c62  No.6041225

File: 072782c45d27987⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_6550.JPG)

File: 8d03ebb536171c3⋯.png (5.74 KB, 632x44, 158:11, 27841227-D011-4D21-BF05-86….png)

File: 8a6f5110adbe36f⋯.png (179.37 KB, 500x647, 500:647, 35F6685F-FB5A-48C9-85F0-B2….png)

File: 8bffbcdeb2d368d⋯.jpg (131.75 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, DCB9FB23-F7D5-46A4-8410-EB….jpg)

c3fb78  No.6041226

File: 498e5d5d714487a⋯.png (824.55 KB, 1248x2471, 1248:2471, qHRC113.png)

i see a missing H post in notables

so i'm reuploading this

5a682e  No.6041227


Whew boy, does this ever hit close to home. All I can say, Anon, is that I have no doubts but that the deep state/dark state/cabal, as well as the pharmaceutical companies want us all dead, and they will use our human failings, our propensities toward addictions or just impulsive behaviors to kill us. If for nothing else, Anon, fight the good fight against the evil motherfuckers, refuse to be their slave. I myself am struggling to quit smoking cigarettes after over 40 years. I don't wish to be a slave to Philip Morris and the Cancer Industry any longer. Godspeed to us all.

8945d8  No.6041228

File: 1c1cf8192e65505⋯.jpg (44.5 KB, 640x427, 640:427, wtf.jpg)

867d1e  No.6041229

Complaint alleges misconduct by El Paso immigration judges, culture of hostility

Aaron Martinez, El Paso TimesPublished 4:37 p.m. MT April 3, 2019

Immigration court in El Paso is known as the


kek with judges being accused of continuously violating the due process rights of asylum seekers and creating a “culture of hostility,” according to a complaint filed by immigration lawyers.

The American Immigration Council and the American Immigration Lawyers Association filed a joint administrative complaint with the U.S Department of Justice Executive Office of Immigration Review, the Office of the Inspector General, and the Office of Professional Responsibility.The complaint, which was filed on behalf of immigration lawyers and their detained clients, states that El Paso immigration judges are hearing thousands of asylum cases a year but are only granting a small number of claims.

It adds that judges also are creating uphill battles for asylum seekers and lawyers by discarding legal requirements.

"Detained immigrants are faced with near-impossible obstacles to accessing a fair day in court,” Katie Shepherd, national advocacy counsel for the Immigration Justice Campaign, said in a statement. “For detained asylum seekers who are unrepresented by counsel, the chances for long-term safety in the United States are almost nil. El Paso has served as a staging ground for unjust government policies like the piloting of family separation and now the expansion of Remain in Mexico.”


ebcbdf  No.6041230

File: e11c57e88fadc98⋯.png (154.71 KB, 1242x820, 621:410, ClipboardImage.png)


119b6a  No.6041231

File: 8c04dcf10e1eac3⋯.jpg (162.18 KB, 899x1038, 899:1038, iu (5).jpg)

File: 158640bbd391c51⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 483x343, 69:49, iu (4).jpg)

35ef97  No.6041232

File: 7b8c2c4df852890⋯.jpeg (91.4 KB, 799x1199, 799:1199, robertd.jpeg)

8495a8  No.6041233

File: 193245029dce151⋯.jpg (193.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, wilcock.jpg)

where's Q?

fe2bd4  No.6041235

File: 668445388205206⋯.jpg (50.44 KB, 313x304, 313:304, srsly.jpg)

43cd21  No.6041236

File: 7cb6503fb87ddd2⋯.jpeg (39.28 KB, 370x360, 37:36, 8C63F947-FC63-4CAB-B505-1….jpeg)

So creepy Uncle Joe has lived to see his legacy destroyed.

Enjoying the show? 😆

449688  No.6041237

File: 8dcf50b7501a02b⋯.jpg (9.07 KB, 255x183, 85:61, pepe_in_npc_briefs.jpg)

104b8e  No.6041238


see now I am a retard, this was meant for


484e99  No.6041239


where you at?

b07abd  No.6041240


On a prepper site I hang out on someone said they personally know farmers who are using it as a dessicant on wheat.

cb6fe3  No.6041241


I seem to remember something about dominoes falling.

35ef97  No.6041242

File: ed56ae4fc587d4d⋯.gif (937.44 KB, 500x281, 500:281, tkjhY0r.gif)

478a21  No.6041243


A Barry "fundraiser" at Buzzfeed's house. Buzzfeed= Dossier. These assholes are so gross w thier incestuous relationships.

8495a8  No.6041244

File: 3a1973426829012⋯.jpg (66.1 KB, 750x562, 375:281, barry&joe.jpg)

0c6934  No.6041245

File: 6c4d5fa9c8af8bf⋯.jpg (123 KB, 956x500, 239:125, 2xpoes.jpg)

What most people dont get:

An actor is a professional lier.

He has mastered the skill of showing emotion where he in reality has none.

So many people think the public appearences of people like Tom Hanks, Harrisson Ford, De Niro show their "true self", how they really are. Nope. Thats just another shape out of their closet, they keep their market value up with.

6b1333  No.6041246

File: 4ef0a58ddb6e36b⋯.png (16.98 KB, 430x287, 430:287, fed213615447cb6beae6211e37….png)


Trips confirm notable link

e68058  No.6041247

File: 990b537ec94ed82⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1018x649, 1018:649, ClipboardImage.png)

4d983d  No.6041248



Well it wasnt showing up on his feed when u went to find it manually but ok. That still doesnt explain his affiliation with maga coalition.

867d1e  No.6041249

File: 21fdf0eed91d769⋯.jpg (25.02 KB, 540x405, 4:3, 635816445189791035-gavel-g….jpg)



Shadilaye my frens

be4dde  No.6041250


Bannon > Mercers > Cambridge Analytica > MI6

Bannon is a servant of the Crown.

946c62  No.6041251

File: 861816adb97e75b⋯.jpg (125.71 KB, 700x847, 100:121, 49E8A06A-4F37-45BF-83BE-1C….jpg)

Have your pedogarch fill out the name and email field so we can show out deep love

613f3d  No.6041253




I think she just dumped his punchy ass, didn't she?

cb6fe3  No.6041254

File: 80abc04ad351580⋯.png (2.96 MB, 2469x1240, 2469:1240, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

Where the fuck did they find this guy

85bf25  No.6041255


All farmers in America use it so they can harvest all crops at the same time.

Time is money

8495a8  No.6041256

File: c3128365a8453ee⋯.jpg (40.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, wilcockcheck.jpg)



606236  No.6041257

File: baebf7ca8ef3076⋯.jpg (234.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190403-223953….jpg)

File: 286dcebdfb33f8e⋯.jpg (100.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190403-224043….jpg)

File: e6b581c935a4592⋯.jpg (148.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190403-224959….jpg)

File: a45755fb7a947fd⋯.jpg (284.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190403-223907….jpg)

something something BO AK47

soon fags

484e99  No.6041258


don't forget the hammer


no one will

cb6fe3  No.6041259


Dean Cain

7a976a  No.6041260

File: 2e168b4b07ecf6b⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 640x640, 1:1, baconPreacher.jpg)

946c62  No.6041261

What's the Biden bromance for anyways ? Does he need some hobbit action ?

249dae  No.6041262

File: 11eb3ccc7896702⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 522x395, 522:395, wanted_for_killing_the_cab….jpg)

6b1333  No.6041263



I will die some day, but my hulk NPC panties will live in infamy.

a7ac4f  No.6041264

Vaccines do not properly stimulate a protective immune response without an ingredient to "rev" up your immune system. Adjuvants are included to promote a strong (dangerous) immune response. There are a number of these adjuvants, but the most ubiquitous and damaging (that I know of so far) are aluminum and squalene (oil based adjuvant). Aluminum is being used to damage EVERY baby getting the Hep B vaccine at birth and Merck's HPV vaccine is a genocidal weapon which disables and sterilizes young boys and girls. This shot was responsible for the deaths of Colten Berrett and Christopher Bunch as well as Christina Tarsell. EVERY shot is dangerous, except as another anon pointed out, the single tetanus (IMO). I used to think that the vaccine issue would topple most Western governments. Now I believe it could topple ALL governments. Only King Jesus has the "antidote" for Satan's fangs (vaccines).

38cc3e  No.6041265

Where are we now on the T minus countdowns? Anything big happen on the T minus 30? Was it disinformation?

449688  No.6041266

File: 35771ec3d75cee8⋯.gif (212.05 KB, 586x768, 293:384, dance_niro_002.gif)

0cd1eb  No.6041267

File: 220326f01fdf484⋯.png (638.76 KB, 1379x634, 1379:634, ClipboardImage.png)

Planefags, why is this UK air force plane showing up on the right, but not shown on the map? This one was the same one that left SC earlier

92863c  No.6041268


Hello :)

70202d  No.6041269

File: be1d67036fdbe0b⋯.jpg (246.81 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, notoutofthewoods.jpg)

File: 66f1654751e7ecd⋯.png (46.37 KB, 1465x252, 1465:252, Screenshot_2019-03-25 GBU-….png)

946c62  No.6041270

File: 2b7b82970916747⋯.png (112.09 KB, 564x487, 564:487, 30DF39A5-05B1-4E7E-8397-22….png)

a39711  No.6041271

File: bf85bd7e6772fca⋯.jpg (120.37 KB, 1336x524, 334:131, purity.jpg)

757422  No.6041272


quads=4 ships…….

b223a8  No.6041273


I have a next door neighbor who every time he and I strike up a conversation, it eventually leads to our consensus on how to fix all of the social injustices we perceive.

Just prior to the midterm elections, he confided in me that he had never voted in his life.

I encouraged him to register and to vote rebub. I don't think he did though.

He a blue collar Union guy so I was surprised he wasn't a registered Dem.

ebcbdf  No.6041274

File: c61dc999930fcd8⋯.png (959.86 KB, 1168x1392, 73:87, ClipboardImage.png)



484e99  No.6041275


why are the vaccinated so fearful of the unvaccinated?


df4dc7  No.6041276

File: 6f01d8611edb10e⋯.png (544.62 KB, 748x500, 187:125, ARE WE WINNING MICHIGAN.png)

File: f351a4b6d4c6546⋯.png (723.52 KB, 702x644, 351:322, are we winning.png)

File: b8c754cfa316cf4⋯.png (677.42 KB, 970x484, 485:242, first step act _ff.png)

File: 651644a7ffdd3e6⋯.png (778.75 KB, 747x497, 747:497, i believe.png)

File: 273409541f58a54⋯.png (1.21 MB, 960x958, 480:479, proud winning.png)


you just give me a bellylaugh.

thank you for that.

I'm gunna say GOODNIGHT FRENS!

to that one… much obliged thank you!!!


the enemy is here posting in hopes to rip the joy from your heart, and plant seeds of doubt in your head.


be like this anon, speak the TRUTH in LOVE, and spread LAUGHTER… not doubt and hate


awshucks, thanks for noticing.

I am hoping my art helps. I KNOW my art will be historic. so save dat shid.





cb6fe3  No.6041277

It's amazing watching Fox right now and for the last week or so.

They portray the obvious. Biden is a creep. Milano is crazy.

They have a guest on that nails it, nails it to the person.

And then they have a sympathizer which just dampens the truth without denying it.

Normally it's a gnarly spin job to destroy the truth with some sort of moral high ground based on rules of politically correctness, in whichever way suits the situation.

672e9a  No.6041278


Hey man

8945d8  No.6041279

File: 9bfe476ceb00889⋯.png (15.38 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4f2e95f29d1d0b551678b3a7bf….png)

104b8e  No.6041280

thanks, back to work digging

c7815a  No.6041281



i dont know about this being notable BUT

march 29th another missing H ?

the original Army H post was on IG 5 days ago

march 29

i posted it last bread

im baking right now so cant do much

but Army Instagram march 29th

check it out

606236  No.6041282

you guys noticing msrkers and deltas in your everyday life yet?

for instance i just loaded this page and was offered bread simultaneously at this cafe in real life.

3196b3  No.6041283

These people are stupid.

56d490  No.6041284

File: 20bc349044ed040⋯.jpg (52.63 KB, 800x800, 1:1, illuminati-symbol-black-ba….jpg)

f7a89b  No.6041285


Thanks for your hope-pr0n theory. Now shut up.

96a52b  No.6041286

File: 5913ab8d0c99e8b⋯.gif (4.39 MB, 600x454, 300:227, 8C97AD72-A2BB-4AFB-B5A3-66….gif)

946c62  No.6041287

File: 10ec44f82d46edb⋯.png (93.95 KB, 500x399, 500:399, 12506F7B-86E7-49E6-8407-DE….png)

File: 6f93a5edb5261f9⋯.jpg (662.3 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_6723.JPG)

File: de28a4a37a42bcc⋯.jpg (637.88 KB, 2011x1200, 2011:1200, IMG_6747.JPG)

Get your homo out of the woods teabaggers

a7ac4f  No.6041288


Yes, but it seems the problem is even greater with oats. Some people believe that part of what people call "gluten intolerance" is really glyphosate intolerance.

8945d8  No.6041289

File: ff57091ce6a0aec⋯.jpg (156.11 KB, 595x578, 35:34, 1508981971541.jpg)



3e0a42  No.6041290

File: 14e58b456352db9⋯.png (344.88 KB, 512x606, 256:303, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6041265 @NASA

Loaded with three tons of food, fuel and supplies for the residents of our orbiting laboratory, the Progress 72 spacecraft is scheduled to launch tomorrow morning for a three-hour flight to the @Space_Station. Find out how you can watch the launch:

Loaded with three tons of food, fuel and supplies for the residents of the orbiting laboratory, the Progress 72 spacecraft is scheduled to launch at 7:01 a.m. (4:01 p.m. Baikonur time) on a Soyuz booster from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

672e9a  No.6041291


Time = Corruption

38cc3e  No.6041292


I've been so confused by this for a while now and now we've got that epidemic of all kinds of diseases coming from the illegals and their camps. Which really is the safer option for the kids and babies? Got first one on the way and don't know what to do.

0e681f  No.6041293


You'll be the hightest ranking anon if you can figure out why Bannon was working with that Biosphere 2 project near Tucson. That story is just plain strange.

6b1333  No.6041294

File: 8716f677d168f56⋯.png (226.45 KB, 448x436, 112:109, BellePanties.png)



TIL vaccines are full of popped blackheads…

f9da6f  No.6041295

i have had to work at it to not say & text 'kek'


a4a287  No.6041296


mind control

70202d  No.6041297

File: 68778fc52432616⋯.png (4.86 MB, 3182x1745, 3182:1745, egbu27.PNG)



GBU-27 Paveway III also know as the hammer, which is drop from the original stealth fighter F-117 of which a new squadron "dark knights" was formed this year.

8b4fdc  No.6041298

been weeks since I've been on the board, you guys having fun still?

a69093  No.6041299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I love you too Anon. I love all my Anons. God Bless You and God Speed.

"The People Were BROKE….

The Elections Were FIXED…

Then You Try To Spread The TRUTH…..

And they'd say, It Just IS what it is."

2020 IS OURS!!!


0cd1eb  No.6041300

File: 6cc6b5d35fabbd4⋯.png (183.28 KB, 749x483, 107:69, ClipboardImage.png)


NVM just popped back up not showing movement though

35ef97  No.6041301


Sounds alot like what the Minnow did also, Right Skipper?

ef7108  No.6041302

File: 9205f147032235d⋯.png (368.19 KB, 1267x506, 1267:506, adsb43191.PNG)


Showing up for me, try a refresh

c7815a  No.6041303


thought they were underoos

48e835  No.6041304


kek. thanks.

1f97ee  No.6041305

File: f5833d1406b1ef6⋯.jpg (205.99 KB, 1000x875, 8:7, f5833d1406b1ef6b012f0191c7….jpg)

8495a8  No.6041306


this is not a game.

249dae  No.6041307

File: 0ccde200715b140⋯.png (43.17 KB, 600x615, 40:41, wwg1wga.png)

d8a1b6  No.6041308


And how many other patriots have been fooled?.

There are many organizations which pretend to be good, and it turns out they are not( just a shell)

What is this affiliation you speak of?

We just did the digs, and found out Maga coalition is fake MAGA in name only.

They have been around for several years, and have fooled many patriots.

Not everyone knows everything about every company/pac/corporation/charity etc, etc

I know Bill is a patriot.

Instead of condemming him for past affiliations, maybe we should educate him, so he can drop all ties with it.

946c62  No.6041309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's actually old forgotten Cold War peanuts story

484e99  No.6041310


nah, simple lack of knowledge..


38cc3e  No.6041311



What about the placeholders anything updates on those?

b0ee2e  No.6041312


any of you fags sit with your legs crossed and your junk squished like these two? Asking for a friend.

8b4fdc  No.6041313


lol of course

c4ee2a  No.6041314


Ukraine distraction. Hunter getting hunted for daddy’s deeds.

7a976a  No.6041315


During much of history actors were considered low class, untrustworthy, and dangerous.

It's Hollywood that propped them up

a4a287  No.6041316


It's like having an HIV patient on newer regimens with no viral load… stigma

13c5df  No.6041317

File: 67fcebffac58d65⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 1800x1360, 45:34, BASTA-Justice-2.jpg)

File: 63c0a8c45e77f87⋯.jpg (435.4 KB, 774x1032, 3:4, BASTA-Justice-Crusader.jpg)

File: c6ead5890f1a7eb⋯.jpg (262.09 KB, 533x539, 533:539, By-Any-Means-Necessary-Jus….jpg)

File: 3b403344c72916a⋯.jpg (171.86 KB, 369x373, 369:373, Justice-Nothing-Less-Will-….jpg)

File: 18e80a82087d2eb⋯.jpg (441.28 KB, 700x933, 700:933, Justice-Necessary-PowerCla….jpg)


or gtfo

0cd1eb  No.6041318


Is it moving though?


ba7a84  No.6041319

The Third Secret of Fatima probably pertains to Masons infiltrating the Church.

I've had dreams about it.

07d84f  No.6041320

File: ebb85e8f6c803e7⋯.jpeg (41.61 KB, 500x446, 250:223, 7A64B8B5-0F5A-4788-B92F-8….jpeg)

8495a8  No.6041321


learn how to play the game.

613f3d  No.6041322


That fucktard has got to weigh at least 300lb.

ded87c  No.6041323

757422  No.6041324

File: e89fcfffcc1de70⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 450x388, 225:194, Blue chicken.jpg)

249dae  No.6041325

File: 388cc2c4f9b82ad⋯.png (2.21 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 30F746ED-0EEF-4469-95F0-21….png)

104b8e  No.6041326



had the same thought

that shit is worth real money these days if they're still in the wrapper

0cd1eb  No.6041328


Nope, total faggot shit

946c62  No.6041329

What happens if pence and nadler hold hands ? Would it implode or explode

70202d  No.6041330


The Dark Knights spotted in Feb reported in March

606236  No.6041331


why, to hide your power level?

btw pepe found the rainforest treefrogs, feels good man. ribbit. also lol at the small fire.

69f710  No.6041332



been following since first posts and have NEVER seen or heard anything like the bullshit you are trying to pull here.

WTF would ANYONE willingly give out their location and phone number to an anonymous person on the internet.

How fucking lazy the shills have become, now that they don’t have access to certain programs/algorithms/ABC info.

ed9a6a  No.6041333


I love your story. I am 27 now, I just found out last year I have hep-c and scaring of the liver also from dirty rigs. Even with health insurance my treatment is too expensive. My wife is untreated as well… I still have nightmares of guilt every other night and fear relapse more than death. I owe my sobriety to Donald Trump and Q. Thank you for sharing anon

d88a95  No.6041334

File: 69ebc501b522dc8⋯.jpg (118.39 KB, 806x457, 806:457, PAIN 16.jpg)

70202d  No.6041335


sry sauce


8495a8  No.6041336

File: ee2730ca11257f8⋯.jpg (989.26 KB, 3840x2400, 8:5, blue-feather alien.jpg)

cb6fe3  No.6041337

File: c10569d5068c010⋯.png (395.38 KB, 607x376, 607:376, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

ef7108  No.6041338


No trail lines, maybe tracking turned off

24dde2  No.6041339

File: b213e853e958483⋯.mp4 (426.11 KB, 320x568, 40:71, m9TpVN2ssNOcR8xd.mp4)

File: ff79bd6e5145bea⋯.png (262.05 KB, 572x632, 143:158, Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at ….png)

New Dan Scavino tweet



a0fed9  No.6041340

File: df39f2b160094e4⋯.jpg (49.6 KB, 800x400, 2:1, IMG_20180713_212051.jpg)

File: b2635c9e3afad84⋯.jpg (167.67 KB, 1080x706, 540:353, Screenshot_20190325-193330….jpg)

Let's see a couple 10X'ers, President Trump!

e7221e  No.6041341

File: dc5b446d55d8b9c⋯.jpeg (76.63 KB, 478x450, 239:225, 8952476D-EB40-483E-BBBB-0….jpeg)

File: 43e004b23b7a78c⋯.jpeg (41.05 KB, 545x562, 545:562, 104A7E36-048B-4968-A35E-B….jpeg)

c58b38  No.6041342


Hi Doug.

Your exposed.

Your ploy to present us 8 Chan as anti-semtic to the MSM will be exposed.

We want to make America great again you want to make America a shit hole.

Ps: your sock puppet responses to your posts every Bread are so obvious a 10 year old would spot them.


946c62  No.6041344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

606236  No.6041345


that 23 32 mirrored timestamp. btw how goncerned should be over 5g

07d84f  No.6041346



d8a1b6  No.6041347


Biden on Biden, kek

484e99  No.6041348

Why should the vaccinated

be concerned about the unvaccinated?

national debate needed.

are we concerned, and need money for future dem's that arrive unvaccinated?


74d84c  No.6041349


So in other words, he be screwed!

19e198  No.6041350

File: 80ba2b9940ed1a6⋯.png (411.25 KB, 500x609, 500:609, ClipboardImage.png)

c7815a  No.6041351


thats awesome!!

MFW thinking of who the hell still has unwarpped roos though

946c62  No.6041352

File: 37657f7d8d868a2⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 4288x2848, 134:89, IMG_6699.JPG)

File: 7d01869736000ce⋯.jpg (25.06 KB, 551x380, 29:20, A1C44900-25C2-402E-B242-1F….jpg)

File: 571bbaafca82a92⋯.jpg (39 KB, 700x734, 350:367, 81C49563-74C0-4F10-8454-81….jpg)

File: abc62f454fb884b⋯.jpg (92.6 KB, 660x635, 132:127, IMG_6702.JPG)

Damn Dead Sea scrolls

c7815a  No.6041353



>>6040720 Turkey is a major trafficking hub

>>6040713 Syria update

>>6040862, >>6040805, >>6040741 3 moar Biden accusers

>>6041031 Bill Mitchell twat from earlier today, Who is Q harming?

>>6041146, >>6041024 POTUS MIL briefing transcript, Scavino Pics

>>6041148 Tesla's Wall -FBI.gov in Tesla files, part 3 of 3, pg 64

>>6041100 Pompeo names Morgan Ortagus as State Department spokeswoman

>>6041203, >>6041205, >>6041207 Resignations in the news 4/2/2019

>>6041174 planefags. Aussie Air Force leaving Utah. over

aaa5d0  No.6041354


You clearly can't read.

672e9a  No.6041355

We serve at the pleasure of the president

249dae  No.6041356

File: 351d576c47e8e81⋯.png (130.96 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 351d576c47e8e818a4ff9e0759….png)

484e99  No.6041357


I hope so

a0fed9  No.6041358

File: 243e8e72e3d836f⋯.jpg (76.13 KB, 659x406, 659:406, TRUST_POTUS(1).jpg)

606236  No.6041359


look into harvoni, works if you get your strain ided, but has side effects.

df4dc7  No.6041360





and I haven't had a single vaccine since highschool 2007…

I am undetectable, and about 9 more months from beating it entirely. my T count is back to normal, just waiting on some redbloodcells to regenerate.

carbon 60, hydrogen water, daily exercise and POSITIVE VIBES (because stress and fear = sickness) and I can without a doubt PROMISE you healing is possible.



we just have to have the comprehension of how it works, and the mindset to use it.

guilt/anxiety/worry/fear is the OPPOSITE of healing. this is how the enemy traps you.


not no more.. at the rate we're going, we might not even need a healthcare plan. topkek

seems like we are waking up in EXPLOSIVE rates.. miracles happening daily by just holistic approaches and gigglin' with love

48e835  No.6041361


No one who finds this board will fall for your glowing bullshit lies. Done w you.

104b8e  No.6041362

File: f1472bcf4f54426⋯.png (299.66 KB, 609x282, 203:94, ghwb - watergate.png)

File: ea2dc416e190200⋯.png (1023.55 KB, 807x913, 807:913, available on archive.org.png)


heard some whisperings wg was really about some pedo files the DNC was collecting on these faggots

b0ee2e  No.6041363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fat fuck.

Click it….

0440d3  No.6041364

File: 7de8dd4a69d14b5⋯.png (93.42 KB, 450x338, 225:169, a tarantula.png)

a7ac4f  No.6041365


I did the best with a mid-wife at home, using a birth pool. In retrospect I would not have allowed ANY vaccinations for myself or my babies. For a way to educate yourself, I'd suggest the "Vaccine Friendly Plan" by Dr. Paul Thomas. This is a good communication tool, but IMO does not go far enough. You could share this with a doctor and perhaps, get a good conversation going about what you will and won't do. Most moms I know now, if going to the hospital, will not let the baby out of their sight even for a moment, as sadly, your wishes may not be respected. I am a Christian and learned a lot of hard lessons about trusting the pharmaceutical industry (sorcery). However, I can tell you that God is absolutely faithful. If your partner is not sensitive to your wishes or things seem out of your control, still, if your faith is in God, do not be afraid. I and my children are damaged but not overcome. I am setting the WORLD ON FIRE because I will no longer shut up about the truth.

c4b5d7  No.6041366

File: 8d9760fd2864042⋯.jpg (125.75 KB, 622x580, 311:290, dream_p9fomvwnc5s.jpg)



"The Act requires that each assassination record be publicly disclosed in full and be made available in the collection no later than the date that is 25 years after the date of enactment of the Act (which was October 26, 2017)"

Who was President at the time? Bush Sr.

Why did he have it sealed for another 25 years?

Because he's in them.

Is that why Trump couldn't have run in 2000?

Because Bush Sr.'s name is still redacted from the JFK Assasination Records, if I remember correctly.

38cc3e  No.6041367

Trying so hard to understand how to read Q and the posts and make sense of everything. Is there a way to learn what the real autists do? How to get better at digging and stuff like that? Feel so useless wish I could contribute more.

946c62  No.6041368

File: 330f0c3860ce5b5⋯.jpg (375.54 KB, 1280x1233, 1280:1233, IMG_6719.JPG)

File: 285f45c693ba3ef⋯.jpg (301.52 KB, 800x1199, 800:1199, IMG_6720.JPG)

File: b07e590d38d8373⋯.jpg (338.65 KB, 1000x1250, 4:5, IMG_6721.JPG)

File: fe3ac7381612a84⋯.jpg (447.46 KB, 2370x1355, 474:271, IMG_6722.JPG)

ef7108  No.6041369

File: cc85efc8fe6cb3c⋯.png (405.15 KB, 965x465, 193:93, Clown I AM.PNG)


Been here since day one, never happened, keep glowing, your ride is here…bye

131ba0  No.6041370


Good they came to tell us that. Other wise we might have discovered some moar. It was fun while it lasted.


23b8be  No.6041371



>Sliiiide to the left

e96df3  No.6041372

File: 9827eb15888365d⋯.jpeg (8.58 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 0cf07246a69cbbb7c225b0097….jpeg)


He's been a degenerate drunk for years.

And that's probably the least of his vices.

3c4885  No.6041373


I almost told someone on my team at work, 'You better sauce that, anon'. Caught myself before I said it though.

afc7ea  No.6041374

File: 773a21aaebc1ae3⋯.jpeg (300.79 KB, 2048x744, 256:93, 179F128F-1DAF-45E5-8906-E….jpeg)

Decode from a twatteranon

faf22c  No.6041375

Lot of concern faggotry going on. Between Gorka and Kushner drama I am seeing some of you guys tucking tail

c58b38  No.6041376



484e99  No.6041377

measles have been used as a weapon of war

672e9a  No.6041378





Y'all know that.

03b0e7  No.6041379

Watch POTUS fire Bolton over all this fake Venezuela neocon war-mongering

And the. The Deep State murders his whole family because he was unable to convince POTUS to start WWIII


e188f8  No.6041380


He's using the silly me defense.

b223a8  No.6041381


Shortage of adrenochrome?

449688  No.6041382


It's a good one!

c7815a  No.6041383



>>6040720 Turkey is a major trafficking hub

>>6040713 Syria update

>>6040862, >>6040805, >>6040741 3 moar Biden accusers

>>6041031 Bill Mitchell twat from earlier today, Who is Q harming?

>>6041146, >>6041024 POTUS MIL briefing transcript, Scavino Pics

>>6041148 Tesla's Wall -FBI.gov in Tesla files, part 3 of 3, pg 64

>>6041100 Pompeo names Morgan Ortagus as State Department spokeswoman

>>6041203, >>6041205, >>6041207 Resignations in the news 4/2/2019

>>6041339 Top Kek - New Scavino

757422  No.6041384

File: 69aff9fc39431ea⋯.jpg (92.58 KB, 612x408, 3:2, eva buy.jpg)


Have not had one of this size on the buy side for some time for a few weeks

218894  No.6041385


Turkey is a genuine shithole country.

74d84c  No.6041386


Kill it, and the demon seed it spawned!

946c62  No.6041387

File: 85e688c479f02fc⋯.jpg (268.93 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, IMG_6725.JPG)

Plenty of tards have careers, even my ex was tarded and she was a helicopter pilot.

920063  No.6041388

File: c06709b82ba5676⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 570x710, 57:71, 01-Sarah-Gibson.jpg)



Thats a hard pass on the phishing expedition.

484e99  No.6041389


trust in God

684d4d  No.6041390


"Murders his whole family"



e96df3  No.6041391

File: 20a49ddbb957d61⋯.jpeg (12.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, afd082ab77050efbf28e8defd….jpeg)


Can I have your SS number?

Trust me, its part of the plan.

9c19c7  No.6041392

File: 00a0008626da3df⋯.jpg (262.45 KB, 1079x807, 1079:807, Screenshot_20190403-220626….jpg)


It's the hello world of graph databases.

613f3d  No.6041393


Prayers for you, anon. I stopped all that shit in 2000. I slipped a few times, but each successive period of sobriety was longer and longer until just no longer felt a desire. I was onoy able to do this thru certain groups. I'm sure you are aware of them.

Good luck and stay the course, anon.

a7ac4f  No.6041394


IMO, it is pure 100% brain-washing. There is an immunologist who completely debunks the idea that the vaccinated need to fear the unvaccinated, but I'm not sure rational thinking will work with everyone.

03b0e7  No.6041395


Nah, turkey is beautiful mate

You should travel moar

190b6c  No.6041396

File: 52f22ec3ea31b43⋯.png (40.71 KB, 398x409, 398:409, SharkPepe.png)


>masses are not as fragile

You must not live in a blue state then, kek. But I know what you mean.


Agree. Of all the things you list, I most want to see Comey's shit, bc the prevailing theme in all these House transcripts seems to be, "Comey never lied about anything, BUT every decision was still his to make." Maybe jumping the shark here, but if Goober gets him out in front of a camera again, shit could get real interdasting real quick.


CAT5 kek?

07d84f  No.6041397


I can’t remember if this is new to me or not. Regardless thank you.

I do remember something along the lines of she stole a ton of info and that’s why she is the woman of the cabal ( at least the woman in public )

218894  No.6041398

File: 11ad1cc13202c0e⋯.jpeg (103.13 KB, 400x291, 400:291, 5E45438B-B0A0-4147-90CF-3….jpeg)

38cc3e  No.6041399


Helps a lot, your words. Thank you.

19e198  No.6041400

They want to people in a Box.

This is the Box I'm in Now



a4a287  No.6041401

File: 406c2ad3b089bdf⋯.png (300.29 KB, 637x624, 49:48, Screenshot 2019-04-04_00-0….png)


27dbee  No.6041402

File: afb46cbf32a5ec3⋯.png (972.6 KB, 992x384, 31:12, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 580f364fea4eb74⋯.png (237.35 KB, 669x1438, 669:1438, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1d894e9e42fe53⋯.png (330.63 KB, 653x578, 653:578, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44125c2e906eaea⋯.png (282.76 KB, 489x631, 489:631, ClipboardImage.png)

FISA Motion Allowed FBI To Share US Citizens’ Info With Foreign Agencies. Here’s How That May Have Played Into The Russia Probe

A 2012 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court motion contained a little-noticed provision expanding the FBI’s ability to share information with foreign officials, which could have laid the groundwork for abuses against U.S. citizens, Rep. Louie Gohmert said. “This motion and order would allow the FBI to collude with foreign governments about U.S. citizens,” Gohmert, a Texas Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. The potential for the U.S. government to spy on citizens — including for potentially political purposes — by partnering with foreign governments has come under renewed scrutiny following a pattern of Trump campaign associates being seemingly targeted abroad or by using their contacts with foreigners. Republicans who believed the Russia probe improperly targeted a political opponent urged President Donald Trump to declassify documents related to the investigation months ago. But Trump ultimately declined, with two foreign countries adamantly opposed to the release.

In a 70-page motion to the court dated April 23, 2012, the Obama administration asked to modify “Section IV.C (Dissemination of Foreign Intelligence Information Concerning United States Persons To Foreign Governments).” “The following underlined text will be inserted into the first sentence: ‘The FBI may disseminate FISA-acquired information concerning United States persons, which reasonably appears to be foreign intelligence information, is necessary to understand foreign intelligence information or assess its importance, or is evidence of a crime being disseminated for a law enforcement purpose, to foreign governments as follows,'” it says (emphasis theirs).

Gohmert told TheDCNF: “‘Reasonably necessary to understand foreign intelligence or assess its importance?’ That’s pretty vague.” “There’s nothing they could obtain on American citizens that John Brennan or James Clapper couldn’t say ‘it helped me understand other intelligence,'” he continued, referring to the former directors of the CIA and of national intelligence, respectively.

Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor, told TheDCNF “this language is very concerning.” “There is ever-mounting evidence that our ‘allies’ in the ‘Five-Eyes’ world were part of the conspiracy to destroy President Trump,” she said, referring to the intelligence alliance between the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the U.K. “This amendment only exacerbates the likelihood of abuses.”

In September 2018, Trump ordered the “immediate declassification” of key documents that would illuminate the Russia probe — which ultimately found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia — but reversed himself days later. He said two unnamed countries, described as “very good allies,”called to express concern. The New York Times reported that the British government expressed “grave concern.”

Foreign governments do not have the same restrictions on monitoring U.S. citizens as the Department of Justice does, since foreign governments are not beholden to the U.S. Constitution. Allowing a two-way exchange of information significantly expands the ability of the U.S. to work with other governments on topics dealing with Americans. The 2012 motion, which was mostly declassified in 2015, also requested additional powers to share intelligence with foreign governments that are still unknown because the relevant portion was redacted. “In addition, the following underlined text is inserted into Section IV.C.2: [redacted],” it said. “To facilitate the dissemination of evidence of a crime to foreign governments, the amendments permit FBI to [redacted].” Gohmert railed against the document on the House floor on March 28, saying the secret nature of the years-old motion meant Congress didn’t know what it voted to reauthorize. “I don’t know anyone that did know back in 2012 that our Obama Justice Department was throwing the door open with this vague and ambiguous language,” he said.


70 page Motion for Amendments to Stand


c4b5d7  No.6041403

File: 112b094814465d4⋯.jpg (387.82 KB, 747x800, 747:800, 112b094814465d43d71e5b140b….jpg)


Awwww… you do care!

c7815a  No.6041404

File: fbca5d535d3faa6⋯.gif (996.97 KB, 500x379, 500:379, bacin.gif)

bakin soon

shitpost now

ultra dank insider info that breaks the internet and gets a you from Q - wait til next bread

104b8e  No.6041405


>Bush Sr

If you want to do some more autistic shit, watch all 5 installments of this,


it's interesting after you've listened to other shit like Cooper's take on Kennedy's driver being the one who shot him or the Zupruder film. If you listen carefully, you'll note the guy speaking in the altered history series was part of a committee to review the JFK files - originally formed under Bush sr, not funded until Clinton. I'll leave it to you to decide, but if I have ever seen a case of limited hangout, this is it.

5da978  No.6041406

File: c720e232c2bbb44⋯.png (33.62 KB, 593x633, 593:633, Mitchell with Posobiec Ada….PNG)

File: 1789128fd7d498d⋯.png (113.54 KB, 1583x597, 1583:597, Gingrich Posobiec Mitchell….PNG)

File: 26cb1eabb9c80de⋯.png (99.19 KB, 1014x495, 338:165, Gingrich Posobiec Mitchell….PNG)


>What I don't get is those who seem quite rabid about denying Q's legitimacy.


>Bill Mitchell twat from earlier today, Who is Q harming?

946c62  No.6041407

File: 88ebaa413cb72ef⋯.png (55.58 KB, 590x288, 295:144, 86DBEE26-10B5-4107-B331-D1….png)

Holly bilbo baggin Sorosanon, was Bateman really homo

fe2bd4  No.6041408

File: 3d8ff9257cead78⋯.jpg (59.8 KB, 500x721, 500:721, Tick.jpg)

File: 45e36c8a8266def⋯.png (648.26 KB, 718x669, 718:669, Tock.png)

672e9a  No.6041409


God is in control.

I am a servant.

My will is not my own.

757422  No.6041410

File: a3f778e7518b25c⋯.png (178.46 KB, 1308x1332, 109:111, pepe turkish.png)

92863c  No.6041411


While we were in law school, we uncovered the FEDs doing the same kind of thing to Native American women. They would go in for a surgery to remove a cyst. Years later, they found out that the reason they could not have children is because someone removed both ovaries.

Globalist medicine forced upon the poor, to make sure they can not have children.

Bill Gates and his wife are the epitome of EVIL.

f9da6f  No.6041413

File: 1c4bf8d75b4a647⋯.jpg (70.08 KB, 327x545, 3:5, 0af amung us.jpg)

hi pam


c58b38  No.6041414

File: c634f2b790263ff⋯.jpeg (19.13 KB, 175x175, 1:1, 95118049-9793-4DAB-B624-6….jpeg)


This is the man who tried to #FalseFlag 8chan, but who is so dense, he accidentally outed himself.

Travis is one of his cronies

8495a8  No.6041415

File: 71185b76742fc43⋯.jpg (64.3 KB, 779x1072, 779:1072, Reich__Wilhelm-d51c5090e92….jpg)


will do…got some good stuff.

cb6fe3  No.6041416

Tucker Carlson!

"The liberal left are living in the PC hell they created for the rest of us."

ad1702  No.6041417


Interesting, but I do not understand because I am not techie. May be for those who are.

a22f53  No.6041418


Ours is tight.. no opinions , only sauce.. a well organized machine.

e96df3  No.6041419

File: a7061ce0370e2e5⋯.jpg (80.61 KB, 1000x738, 500:369, 4300.jpg)


Thats been rumored for awhile.

Who knows.

a0fed9  No.6041420

File: bce3d458f2a288a⋯.png (152.46 KB, 381x260, 381:260, tumbsupwithfrenz.png)

e2feee  No.6041421

Is general dunsford patriot or fake MAGA?

a7ac4f  No.6041422


That's why I'm here. God bless you.

0cd1eb  No.6041423


I heard somebody the other day theorize that this could be a possible way for us to come to an agreement and get out of Syria. Russians agree to get out of Venezuela, and we get out of Syria and stop arming terror groups. Maybe working with Russia forcing the Military's hand publicly since Trump doesn't seem to be in full control of some of these deep state generals

946c62  No.6041424

File: 2293f3f0079bd02⋯.jpg (116.55 KB, 911x1035, 911:1035, IMG_6693.JPG)

File: 9020c0064f04cf3⋯.jpg (84.57 KB, 691x594, 691:594, IMG_6695.JPG)

File: 7a1e5d484d64b57⋯.jpg (46.66 KB, 480x506, 240:253, IMG_6703.JPG)

File: 13be11228aa7c4f⋯.jpg (84.82 KB, 1079x1172, 1079:1172, IMG_6706.JPG)

b0ee2e  No.6041425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


so far just women but just wait till the men and little girls and boys come forward.

Click it….

c4b5d7  No.6041426



on it.

613f3d  No.6041427


I do live in a blue state. There will be hysterics, but they will get over it as soon as some Hwood tells them to. Kek.

684d4d  No.6041428


Pam likes Doggos

0440d3  No.6041430

File: 9da2cbedc3f5710⋯.jpg (104.35 KB, 800x500, 8:5, WWG1WGA.jpg)

a0fed9  No.6041431

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

f9da6f  No.6041433


just when ya think a dude is woke… at least his hair is no longer blue.

56d490  No.6041436

File: dc33fdffa6f7e6a⋯.jpg (102.12 KB, 900x488, 225:122, soros ra.jpg)

cb6fe3  No.6041437

File: 7cd433a16ed86f2⋯.png (103.48 KB, 599x335, 599:335, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

Obvious Biden meme potential here.

My skillz are z-less right now.

3196b3  No.6041438


Patriot, but he is retiring.

faf22c  No.6041442


Thank you Bill Mitchel whoever you are

-anon with no TV who never leaves 8ch or voat

b6702a  No.6041443

File: 8211b0ac4e94686⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1588x1910, 794:955, A53449AD-2F05-4B6D-A568-D….jpeg)

File: b6efc52010c04d7⋯.jpeg (591.96 KB, 1131x1268, 1131:1268, A9D4AE5F-80C6-40F2-97BC-1….jpeg)


If you don’t have a face… somebody else will have on for you.

c7815a  No.6041444

Fresh Bread FOIA Head




baked kinda early



c6fa09  No.6041446

File: f1889b434b624bf⋯.png (477.26 KB, 813x596, 813:596, wtff.png)

File: acfbf4d7fd4d6b9⋯.png (350.24 KB, 907x457, 907:457, kj.png)

File: 9cf63622dfbeca5⋯.png (467.75 KB, 962x477, 962:477, normal.png)

File: 5f46a768e07f64c⋯.png (396.26 KB, 984x571, 984:571, cry.png)

File: db4a87f29a49b80⋯.png (522.1 KB, 1000x593, 1000:593, kcg.png)

bcfb0c  No.6041447


Oaths broken?

cb6fe3  No.6041448

File: 8da1b4c162bc259⋯.png (431.73 KB, 618x384, 103:64, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

f9da6f  No.6041449

File: 246034be754d5bb⋯.jpg (13.53 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 00001.jpg)

ef7108  No.6041450

File: 730b9ba3d403f46⋯.png (575.79 KB, 800x399, 800:399, CLEANINGCREW.PNG)

4fc0e2  No.6041451

File: 4b11f519ba4e5c4⋯.jpg (56.76 KB, 546x457, 546:457, 4b11f519ba4e5c427858843ebb….jpg)

8495a8  No.6041452

File: 4c478b327f0f5e2⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 864x746, 432:373, nasim....jpg)

c1128a  No.6041454


None of the “big names” are true patriots. Their pocketbooks will get hurt, cant do that.

a0fed9  No.6041455

File: 281c2a067284963⋯.jpg (57.68 KB, 514x635, 514:635, TheGreatest.jpg)

4fc0e2  No.6041456

File: 5d0a155de9bf562⋯.jpg (35.84 KB, 540x312, 45:26, 5d0a155de9bf56259418a2b6fb….jpg)

672e9a  No.6041457

File: 933720a14fb3e41⋯.jpg (83.57 KB, 720x424, 90:53, CTF.jpg)

cb6fe3  No.6041458

File: 96752d17491e0d4⋯.png (182.16 KB, 399x509, 399:509, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

a0fed9  No.6041459

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SethRichSource.jpg)

4fc0e2  No.6041461

File: d6abe3a163e1ef2⋯.jpg (158.02 KB, 690x522, 115:87, d6abe3a163e1ef28ebf26354eb….jpg)

a69093  No.6041464

File: ad05890a06eb3bb⋯.jpg (18.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cbbe3517f5108091fa895f0a9f….jpg)

>>6036865 (p/b)

Love. A Love I have never known. A Love and Understanding that I can't even fathom.





a0fed9  No.6041466

File: 430085b71395a98⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 728x408, 91:51, TheCourier.jpg)

35ef97  No.6041467


Pretty sure Dunsford is in the group of 10 Q speaks of

faf22c  No.6041469


Good ol Big Dick Bill

4fc0e2  No.6041470

File: 037e290ace0e229⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2572x1164, 643:291, 037e290ace0e229bddace9f7da….png)

f9da6f  No.6041472

File: f008f77fdc0cb79⋯.jpg (41.91 KB, 640x472, 80:59, crisis.jpg)


flood detected - i'm out

1d6713  No.6041473

File: 82f6150b9fe43f2⋯.jpg (20.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, warrageson.jpg)

a0fed9  No.6041474

File: 3356a7ec7bb0d60⋯.jpg (114.15 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, Covered.jpg)

484e99  No.6041475



might research smallpox, well documented…measles , far less.

read some diaries, letters,correspondence form the past…the overlay that with economic forces controlling markets…the you can see the weaponization of measles. might look at barbados who suported US in the revolution, yet when Cornwall went at hem, we lent no help. Measel's . even spellcheck wont touch measels.

cb6fe3  No.6041476

File: 12cdf7a49823f75⋯.png (513.53 KB, 724x543, 4:3, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

4fc0e2  No.6041478

File: 66cbda995c29e7a⋯.jpg (109.76 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 66cbda995c29e7a96f8f85f943….jpg)

190b6c  No.6041479

File: 6f3f9928ff9bb77⋯.png (378.19 KB, 499x499, 1:1, IceCreamCakePepe.png)


Kek! Hey, maybe it'll be us telling them instead of some Hwood though.

757422  No.6041480

File: e9c88609f7a760f⋯.jpg (338.94 KB, 614x864, 307:432, mb.jpg)

File: 3c2f09086f83992⋯.png (540.93 KB, 780x1170, 2:3, gap.png)

File: ca2f6fa30586d69⋯.jpg (36.71 KB, 401x600, 401:600, bb eye bleach.jpg)

File: 5bcd6159e5e55fa⋯.jpg (89.9 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, BB7.jpg)

0440d3  No.6041481

File: 4e24e5d0daeadda⋯.png (389.54 KB, 800x500, 8:5, DL.png)

cb6fe3  No.6041482

File: 781199dc559677e⋯.jpg (348.88 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, J6eOb.jpg)

1d6713  No.6041483

File: 9c25078db5a60f7⋯.jpg (163.65 KB, 608x592, 38:37, shadilay2.jpg)

a0fed9  No.6041484

File: 9c52dd8dcd475ac⋯.jpg (486.65 KB, 1308x2305, 1308:2305, SmartSelect_20190331-21374….jpg)

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