[–]▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022440>>5022468 >>5022506 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Friday 2.1.19
>>4989823 ---———————————--——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)
>>4989820 ---———————————--——– Anons understand.
Sunday 1.13.19
>>4965770 ---———————————--——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)
>>4965765 ---———————————--——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)
Friday 1.11.19
>>4956136 ---———————————--——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)
>>4956094 ---———————————--——– Public access to intel? (Cap)
>>4956076 ---———————————--——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)
>>4956045 ---———————————--——– BOOM! (Cap)
Monday 1.7.19
Compiled here: >>4834899
Sunday 1.6.19
Compiled here: >>4770751
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022444>>5022565
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Meme it up on SocMed!
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day.
#6412 Baker Change
>>5021735 Did Obama Pay Journos For Positive Coverage And To Attack Trump? Why yes, yes he did
>>5021762 Interesting Connection Planed Parenthood And Fusion GPS
>>5021782, >>5021806, >>5021903 POTUS Schedule update
>>5021793 Chatham Emergency Management Agency seeks 200 ‘crisis actors’ for evacuation drill
>>5021846 Possible sexual assault by Lt. Governor of Virginia
>>5021940 Court papers: Witness claims El Chapo had sex with minors
>>5022048 Resignations in the news today
>>5022061, >>5021745 Hamilton Brown (Kamala Harris' ancestor) was a member of the White Settler Society
>>5022024, >>5022077 USArmy Tweets 'Those Who Stand'
>>5022243 Who Is Justin Fairfax, Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor?
>>5022275, >>5022322, >>5022016 Smollett admits his ribs weren't broken and he didn't go to the hospital
>>5022308 Japanese police investigate online sale of uranium on Yahoo auction website
>>5022397 Dr. Bernard Nathanson and pro-abortion lobby lied to get abortion laws repealed, exaggerated number of illegal abortions and deaths
>>5022376 Four presidentially proclaimed states of national emergency
>>5022422 Child abusers and rapists among 11 foreigners stripped of Australian citizenship after lying to enter the country
>>5022431 #6412
#6411 Fine Young Superbowl Commercials Edition
>>5021611 Special forces suicides up last year, digg on PTSD & soldiers
>>5021281 @KatieHopkins on Brooklyn Muslim Community Patrols look like NYPD
>>5021252 Trump's secretary blasts leak of president's private schedule
>>5021112, >>5021579 Moar Northam: calls "urgent" staff mtg, WSJ on GOP link
>>5021008, >>5021122, >>5021273, >>5021284 VA politician Justin Fairfax
>>5021099 Small (nepostic?) World: Newsom’s uncle Nancy Pelosi's bro-in-law
>>5021044 2015 @DJT: "Brady about to win next 5 superbowls"
>>5020972 New POTUS Scedge (AF1 still cruisin')
>>5021524 #6411
#6410 STRONG Edition (Baker change)
>>5020671 Fake polls used in Roe v. Wade times helped normalize abortion?
>>5020600 Breakdown of 40 NFL owners shows (((1100%))) over-representation
>>5020566 Graphic/Anon theory: Meteor, half-time show = cabal defeat?
>>5020314, >>5020277, >>5020896 Superbowl commercials: "Robo-child" vid
>>5020311, >>5020623 Sen. Ethics Committee lets Cory Booker slide
>>5020296, >>5020381 Colorado Sen. passes popular vote over electoral
>>5020292, >>5020300 Brady audibled "Reagan Reagan" for a run to the right
>>5020265 Meteor hits Cuba (anything else important on Cuba?)
>>5020264, >>5020518 Kamala Harris and Jussie Smollett together in photo
>>5020247, >>5020290, >>5020321, >>5020678 Planefags/@POTUS Schedge AF1 airborne
>>5020224, >>5020234, >>5020204, >>5020219, >>5020229 Dems want traffickers IN.
>>5020197, >>5020223 ZH: POTUS to stay in Syria after all? Israel, yes!
>>5020158, >>5020266 plebbit: cal pilot's fren & witness, was prisoner transport?
>>5020877 #6410
>>5019688 Data on plane involved in Ca. crash and some possible theories on the cause.
>>5020000 Cabal taunting us. Vampire serving Pepsi with human ingredients.
>>5019874 Iran unveils long-range missile on anniversary of revolution.
>>5019845 POTUS Tweet “STRONG” - Delta of 1 year Minus 2 days.
>>5019815 Unapologetic baker reintroduces ‘build the wall’ cookies, orders pour in.
>>5019648 Women’s rights aren’t built on ‘broken bodies’ of children.
>>5019575 US Marines Tweet: "Rock, Paper, Mace."
>>5019488, >>5019620, >>5019895 Prayers for the Protection of the unborn and against abortion.
>>5019482 Corbyn has been the one trying to kill Brexit and is praised by the likes of the Bernie Sanders.
>>5019450, >>5019594 PP isn't the only organization doing abortions. Several groups are funded to do abortions overseas. Call to shovels!
>>5019453 Ocasio-Cortez holds call with UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
>>5019436 Power anomaly at CERN. Call to shovels on local fire brigades.
>>5019409 Man accused of repeatedly raping infant girl.
>>5019438 Re: Yorba Linda crash. Planefag: Security footage shows the plane broke apart mid-air. (unconfirmed)
>>5019433 Twilight Zone Commercial mentions dimension.
>>5020109 #6409
Previously Collected Notables
>>5018526 #6407, >>5019341 #6408
>>5016190 #6404, >>5017000 #6405, >>5017807 #6406
>>5013857 #6401, >>5014626 #6402, >>5015391 #6403
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▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022447
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▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022449
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266
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Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022450
▶ b170f6 (2) No.5022458>>5022486 >>5022500
>>5018740 pb
RE: Glenn Greenwald
GG is a psyop - his boss is widely considered a clown operative.
Any questions?
▶ 536d03 (1) No.5022486
You can chat with him in paltalk politics rooms The Dr Of Common Sense
▶ 2c862f (2) No.5022490>>5022521 >>5022563 >>5022696 >>5022906 >>5023097 >>5023188
Leftists BTFO
List of those hit with Preservation Letters:
The Washington Post
The New York Times
Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
The Guardian
National Public Radio
Atlantic Media Inc.
Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
Diocese of Covington
Diocese of Lexington
Archdiocese of Louisville
Diocese of Baltimore
Ana Cabrera
Sara Sidner
Erin Burnett
S.E. Cupp
Elliot C. McLaughlin
Amanda Watts
Emanuella Grinberg
Michelle Boorstein
Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
Antonio Olivo
Joe Heim
Michael E. Miller
Eli Rosenberg
Isaac Stanley-Becker
Kristine Phillips
Sarah Mervosh
Emily S. Rueb
Maggie Haberman
David Brooks
Shannon Doyne
Kurt Eichenwald
Andrea Mitchell
Savannah Guthrie
Joy Reid
Chuck Todd
Noah Berlatsky
Elisha Fieldstadt
Eun Kyung Kim
Bill Maher
Warner Media
Conde Nast
The Hill
The Atlantic
Ilhan Omar
Elizabeth Warren
Kathy Griffin
Alyssa Milano
Jim Carrey
Preservation Letter:
▶ ff06bb (2) No.5022500>>5022934
Yeah that fag supposedly had all Snowden docs and then took a big payoff from Pierre Omidyar(ebay) to start the Intercept. Still suprised Omidyar never came off Q crumbs.. He durtttyyy.
▶ a8c41a (1) No.5022501>>5022508 >>5022510 >>5022522 >>5022696 >>5022906 >>5023097 >>5023188
From last bread
Q dropped on this, how taxpayers are funding Soros, now JW has confirmed it
>Not sure if this has been posted.
▶ 63d922 (1) No.5022505
Thank you God for this new bread. Bless you all.
▶ a89dbf (3) No.5022509
Buy a gun, ammo, and range time for everyone who can handle one that you want protected. Do it. They found my daughter, they can find yours.
▶ cb962a (2) No.5022510
Baker. Notable
Us subsideses Soros….
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022511>>5023138
What would like to know ? Justin Sather could tell you who the 1st Q was.. he knows… for now let's just call him dreamcatcher
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022512
>>5022439 p
in the same way that the Encyclopedia Britannica is just another UK Sun
▶ 593791 (6) No.5022515
AT&T Continues Laying Off Americans After Profiting Billions from Tax Cut
Multinational conglomerate AT&T is continuing to layoff American workers across the United States after raking in billions in additional profits from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Despite enjoying a $20 billion tax windfall from President Donald Trump and the GOP’s tax cuts in late 2017, AT&T executives are starting off the new year by laying off hundreds of Americans and potentially thousands by the end of the year.
In Syracuse, New York, about 150 Americans will lose their jobs as AT&T closes a call center. In December 2018, the corporation closed call centers in Indianapolis, Indiana; Kalamazoo, Michigan; and Appleton, Wisconsin, leaving hundreds and potentially thousands of Americans without jobs.
Last year alone, AT&T eliminated nearly 12,000 Americans’ jobs, the Communications Workers of America (CWA) union asserts. Meanwhile, AT&T executives claimed they would invest their tax cut savings into creating 7,000 middle-class jobs for Americans.
CWA union officials said that while AT&T has reported massive profits and received billions from the 2017 tax cut, the corporation has continued outsourcing Americans’ jobs to foreign countries like Mexico, India, and the Phillippines.
Hard enough to talk to a live body, much less one who speaks understandable English.
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022517
I watched about 10 mins of the 4th quarter of the SB. One of the first plays I saw was a phantom holding call against the Rams that effectively stopped a scoring drive and lost the game for them. NFL is pure shit and as crooked as Killary.
▶ c5f246 (3) No.5022518
Yes it has, but is also related to the Taxpayers' money being used for foreign aid, PP and Soros' org. kick backs
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022519>>5022526 >>5023070
kek omg the octopus keeps pointing to itself in a room full of mirrors
▶ cef2d1 (3) No.5022521
Ha! Tentacle Porn man is still around shooting his mouth off. Color me not shocked.
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022522
>Not sure if this has been posted.
it's from december, it's been posted
remember adding it to notables my self
▶ b3c0b9 (3) No.5022524
Is that Shrek in blackface?
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022525
In her own words.
▶ 27447f (9) No.5022526>>5022547
Nice mixed metaphor, anon.
▶ e8ad25 (3) No.5022527>>5022766
2 things-
1. CER[N] God particles et al- creates dimensional portals for those who know Q physics. digest that. Superbowl a message? Meteors and Gitmo missed by a meteor mile? How are our judges doing down there? Any more hospitalized? I RBG getting medical attention down there? mmm?
2. Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act signed into law in 2016 by then-President Obama (and allowed by Establishment Republicans like Paul Ryan) that took effect in 2017 and allocated a whopping $160 MILLION taxpayer dollars over two years to pay for government-sponsored propaganda.
Expired and NOT renewable right?
HOW much WALL does $160 million cover (add that to the 20+ mil raised privately by Go Fund Me.
Where is our budget guy Mulvaney-
Can we freeze O's assets to cover it or must we rely on cartel frozen assets only?
▶ 17eaaa (11) No.5022528
>>5021885 (lb)
Claims are to be believed, kek
▶ dc591d (5) No.5022529
>>5022334 pb
When seen the Son, you've seen the Father. When you've talked to the Son you've talked to the Father.
"When 2 or 3 gather in my name, I (Jesus Christ) will be there with you."
This is who we are talking to/with!
▶ 712a2b (1) No.5022530>>5023044 >>5023092 >>5023124
Christian gate keeps intentionally sent to cause division. Christian narrative contaminated with occult symbols. MK ultra programs in mega and Pentecostal church installed by C_A cc 1990.
Most Christian Church compromised
they want you divided..looks like it work
no collaborative effort on this board. Hackers what to steal not work together. Worse the Patriots.
Guess it's good luck, may try to contact in six month…after purification
Im going dark..later
▶ f5ae11 (2) No.5022531
Now that the Super Bowls over I can’t wait for the sotu
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022532
▶ 5c7830 (5) No.5022533>>5022546 >>5022605
It may be the most crazed-to-the-point-of-hilarity conspiracy theory to be floated across social media, in the age of Trumpism and “fake news.”
It is, in fact, the very essence of “fake news,” but to the Trumpy set, it is ironclad law.
I’m speaking of the “QAnon” conspiracy theorists that have been permeating social media for the past year.
The crux of the QAnon theory is that President Trump and special counsel Robert Mueller are secretly working together to bring down a massive network of pedophiles in Democrat politics and Hollywood.
▶ 9f60f6 (2) No.5022534
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. TRUTH SPEAKS FOR IT SELF.
>promises made promises kept
>patriots in full control
ATLVIBEZ [for the throne]
Too much winning? Never. #2020VISION
I LET ONE GO… #wwg1wga
▶ 593791 (6) No.5022535
14 Aug 2018 - 2:53:36 PM
Important takeaway.
We've had the ball the entire time.
Think offense.
Why did POTUS move his entire operation out of TT the DAY AFTER the ADM ROGERS [SCIF] MEETING?
They are in full blown panic mode.
Enjoy the show.
Each FAKE NEWS article written or attack is a badge of honor - military grade.
▶ 03a1c5 (8) No.5022536>>5022550 >>5023001
>>5021943 (lb)
>>5021849 (lb)
Honestly thought it was an image of a doll at first glance…
Guess he is somebody's boy toy
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022537
>>5021793 Chatham Emergency Management Agency seeks 200 ‘crisis actors’ for evacuation drill
if mockingbird is the movie, shit like this is the stage production
git yer tickets, sheeple!
▶ 773c8d (1) No.5022538
>>5022376 (pb)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 30 Aug 2018 - 4:05:11 PM
Who does Huber work with specifically?
Who investigates?
Who prosecutes?
Team of 470?
Huber + IG + 470?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 30 Aug 2018 - 4:05:11 PM
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022539>>5022542 >>5022583
can you imagine what would happen if we got a Russian General bread going?
▶ 96c919 (8) No.5022540>>5022555 >>5022588 >>5022603 >>5022645 >>5022688
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5019433 (PB)
Superbowl Twilight Zone ad mentions dimension?
Stranger Things?
Here's another for you
Project Blue Book, the History Channel show, just did a soft disclosure on trans-dimensional physics…… going back to the 1950's!
This technology could upend the global energy paradigm as we know it.
▶ 6b38e9 (2) No.5022541>>5022561
Oh rearry??
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022543>>5022614
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5022125 (prev)
Trump Border Moat
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022544>>5022559 >>5022571 >>5022597
Dream catcher was Q from Oct 28th to Nov 5th
▶ 593791 (6) No.5022545
16 Aug 2018 - 4:20:15 PM
16 Aug 2018 - 4:10:20 PM
BBC's hit piece on Q. 3min 55 sec
Badge of honor - military grade.
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022546
>The crux of the QAnon theory is that President Trump and special counsel Robert Mueller are secretly working together to bring down a massive network of pedophiles in Democrat politics and Hollywood
that's just blatantly false, Mueller is just exonerating POTUS ffs
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022547
desperate times, desperate measures kek
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5022549>>5022611 >>5022696 >>5022736 >>5022906 >>5023097 >>5023188
>>5020983 pb
this is repost from pb
Mexico's president unleashes labor unrest at border plants
MEXICO CITY --- A mass strike at 48 “maquiladora,” or manufacturer, plants in Mexico’s border city of Matamoros is heading for victory, bringing pay raises for laborers who make less than $1 an hour, or about 100 pesos a day, assembling auto components and TV sets for export to the United States - and causing jitters for the business community.
The labor battle broke out in mid-January after President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador decreed a doubling of the minimum wage in Mexico’s border zones, apparently unaware that some union contracts at the maquiladora plants are indexed to minimum wage increases. The decree sparked a wave of walkouts involving about 25,000 workers.
The maquiladoras claim the strikes threaten the very existence of their industry, which has attracted over 5,000 mostly foreign-owned plants and 2 million jobs by paying very low wages. Union leaders say those worries are overblown, noting that workers at the border plants still earn far less than their counterparts in the United States.
Less than a week after the strike broke out, a majority of the export plants in Matamoros - 29 companies with a total of about 34 factories - have agreed to the union demands.
Lopez Obrador also has shown a certain fondness for militant union bosses like Mine Workers’ head Napoleon Gomez Urrutia and the head of the Electrical Workers Union, Martin Esparza, even though both have been accused of questionable financial deals and of holding more protests than negotiations.
But Zuniga brushes off suggestions that Lopez Obrador favors the miners’ union, and he dismisses accusations that he and other strike organizers are helping President Donald Trump’s campaign to bring manufacturing plants back to the United States.
“Unfortunately, people here in Matamoros live on very low salaries,” Zuniga said. “There is no plot, no conspiracy, other than to protect and help the workers.”
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022550>>5022568
▶ 693b50 (1) No.5022552
Everyone has completely ignored the most offensive photos in Northam’s yearbook! KEK
▶ 04518c (1) No.5022553>>5022595 >>5022701
(lb notable)
What if that is the reason Northam will not resign?
Possible, until he DOES resign. WhIch I think he will within the week.
Imagine having two dem governors getting the boot within a short period.
Who is third in line?
▶ 593791 (6) No.5022554>>5022569
12 Nov 2018 - 8:13:00 PM
#1 attacked person by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?
#2 attacked entity by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?
As of 3:02 pm est today, "Qanon" is now the #2 most attacked entity behind POTUS within the U.S.
Logical Thinking > WHY?
Congratulations, Anons!
▶ 9f60f6 (2) No.5022559>>5022596
Muhdick was Jesus and my car is a dragon.
I met Jerome corsi in DC. He was nice.. But he wasn't Q. Who tf r u and where you getting your lies? Shit counterfeit af nigga. Git Dat shid outta here
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022561
I thought niggers don’t like cold??
▶ 8ff341 (3) No.5022563
Oh lord please let this happen.
▶ be1ba0 (8) No.5022565
There are two countries. Each of which had to be taken down by the new world order. One was Russia, how many times did the NWO attempt to take Russia down? And failed.
The other? The US of A. The NWO didn't make the attempt the same as they did with Russia. They tried (thought they had it) to take it down withing. And failed.
Q said: learn Russian. No worries, it's easy. Just wait until you taste pelmeni's.
▶ a4b2be (1) No.5022566>>5022576 >>5022592 >>5022690
Kek…Q did tell us to learn Russian
▶ c5f246 (3) No.5022567
Yes it has, but is also related to the Taxpayers' money being used for foreign aid, PP and Soros' org. kick backs
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022569
not sure if true but tell you what, he's showing himself the kind of asshole doesn't think twice about abusing other for his on personal thrills.
me likee.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022571
Dude…..lay off the bath salts!
▶ 0a4abd (2) No.5022574>>5022627 >>5022700
What's Good Night Shift??
We In Here
▶ e6c4b4 (7) No.5022575>>5022580 >>5022598 >>5022632 >>5022657 >>5022696 >>5022906 >>5023097 >>5023188
U.S.JANUARY 19, 2017 / 3:05 AM / 2 YEARS AGO
George Soros, Mastercard to partner to aid migrants, refugees
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire investor George Soros will partner with Mastercard Inc on a venture they said could help migrants, refugees and others struggling within their communities worldwide to improve their economic and social status.
The partnership, Humanity Ventures, stems from a pledge Soros made in September to earmark up to $500 million for investments to address challenges facing migrants and refugees.
In a joint statement on Thursday, Mastercard and Soros said that despite billions of dollars of humanitarian and development assistance, millions of people remain marginalized, a situation the private sector can help rectify.
“Migrants are often forced into lives of despair in their host communities because they cannot gain access to financial, healthcare and government services,” Soros said.
“Our potential investment in this social enterprise, coupled with Mastercard’s ability to create products that serve vulnerable communities, can show how private capital can play a constructive role in solving social problems,” he added.
Humanity Ventures intends to focus initially on healthcare and education, with a goal of fostering local economic development and entrepreneurship.
With the creation of Humanity Ventures, Soros could invest up to $50 million to make these solutions more scalable and sustainable, and perhaps encourage smaller projects committed to mitigating the migration crisis.
▶ 17f6da (4) No.5022576>>5022579 >>5022602
And yet, few anons have hardly bothered to do so, if at all.
▶ f87d9f (3) No.5022577>>5022582
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022578
▶ be1ba0 (8) No.5022579>>5022607
How do you know that?
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022580>>5022599 >>5022616
at times I conclude that the one last way to disable these gangsters is to reset the currency.
▶ 6dc0d6 (1) No.5022581>>5022585 >>5022759
Who is Water's handler?
Whos really Water's handler?
Who is Steele's handler?
Who is really Steele's handler?
Who is the real handler?
▶ 0a4abd (2) No.5022583>>5022594
Great move comrade. By pretending to project, the projecting left will say we're claiming to be Russian ops and using admitting to being Russian ops as a cover for being Russian ops.
▶ 17b9d7 (9) No.5022584
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022585>>5022593
Kaepernick is a fucking idiot who threw away a promising career over nothing.
▶ 471c47 (2) No.5022586>>5022626
How about “which will it be Virginia?” at the bottom?
▶ b1917c (4) No.5022587>>5022634 >>5022819
HRC’s least favorite picture of herself.
Wanted Google to wash it.
Let’s cherish it.
The end is near.
Dong dong.
▶ 96c919 (8) No.5022588>>5022603 >>5022612 >>5022645 >>5022655 >>5022728 >>5022891 >>5022906 >>5023097 >>5023188
Antigravitic research falls off the map after 1950s, WHY?
"This paper reviews the development of antigravity research in the US and notes how research activity seemed to
disappear by the mid 1950s. It then addresses recently reported scientific findings and witness testimonies - that
show us that this research and technology is alive and well and very advanced. The revelations of findings in this
area will alter dramatically our 20th century view of physics and technology and must be considered in planning for
both energy and transportation needs in the 21st century. "
"In the mid 1920's Townsend Brown discovered that electric charge and gravitational mass are coupled. "
"The Pearl Harbor Demonstration. Around 1953, Brown conducted a demonstration for military top brass. He flew a pair of 3-foot diameter discs around a 50-foot course tethered to a central pole. Energized with 150,000 volts and emitting ions from their leading edge, they attained speeds of several hundred miles per our. The subject was thereafter classified"
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022590>>5022613 >>5022654
it's like ai inventing ai to study ai in order to make ai more compliant to ai.
the mobius strip to nowhere (redundancy intended).
it's like circling the drain at the speed of light
▶ e6c4b4 (7) No.5022591>>5022639
I don't know, man. He may have, but the likelihood this is a setup is pretty high.
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022593>>5022610
> threw away a promising career
GTFO. He was a mediocre playa. No career in it for him so he made one up.
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022594
gets a little tired after a while.
▶ 471c47 (2) No.5022595>>5022682
AG Herring.
Which is just another Northam. Racist. Pro-PP.
Herring needs a dig.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022596>>5022601 >>5022615 >>5022636
The Q project technically ran Oct 28th to Nov 2…
Q said good bye on Nov 2nd
▶ d37355 (4) No.5022597
▶ 17b9d7 (9) No.5022598
MasterCard was the force behind Patreon purge of Sargon of Akkad and other anti-SJW youtubers.
▶ 17eaaa (11) No.5022600
Definitely in the "uncanny valley" that one.
▶ a54b61 (2) No.5022602>>5022621
" Keystone"
"замковый камень"
▶ 96c919 (8) No.5022603
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5022540
baker notables above
btw this is dr ted loder.
▶ ad2821 (3) No.5022604>>5022624 >>5022629
>>5022340 (lb)
Nortram's a medical doctor (pediatrician). So let's say he talks straight to the point in the Rand/Ron Paul style, who are also MDs, rather than in a politically smooth style. He fucks up the abortion bill narrative and has to be jettisoned by the dems.
The first news blurbs out about Fairfax is that he's eloquent. Solves the straight talk problem. Fairfax worked for PP as a kid, so he's most likely someone who will keep the abortion law on the table. Solves the abortion campaign problem.
All you have to do is set up Northam with a racial smear and move Fairfax into his place, brag about doing right by the blacks, and having the racist talking points ready for anyone who criticizes Fairfax's abortion bill push.
Cui bono? Yeah, it wasn't the GOP who leaked the blackface pics, if you ask me. For the GOP, Northam is best right where he is; a punching bag who won't dare bring up abortion again.
So th question is, who has Northam's back telling him to hold on? Is there a group who has the goods on the plan to replace Northam with Fairfax?
So, it could be the dems are trying to perfectly time a GOP racism scandal right before the SOTU (goes along with Abrams for rebuttal and the timing of the Chicago MAGA assault), or it could be the pubs giving information to Northam to keep him in power to short circuit the SOTU disrupting scandal plan. If GOP is propping him up Northam has a chance to save his rep wrt racism. That would be the carrot, and revenge for the racism smear would be motivation to grab it.
▶ 8ff341 (3) No.5022605>>5022617 >>5022623
We're going to see more of these stories now that boomers are discussing Q stuff in FB groups and apparently it is as hilariously lame as you might imagine.
Remember the only reason any of us gave a rat's ass about Q's crumbs at /pol/ was because he promised the high would be brought low - seemingly untouchable elites in politics and media and elsewhere were going to be found out, publicly, and prosecuted.
That is why Q is a big deal.
Until the first scintilla of those promises comes true, this whole thing will be a laughingstock; and boomers whining on FB only adds to the apparent insanity of it.
▶ a89dbf (3) No.5022606>>5023026 >>5023037
Buy a fucking gun, range time, and ammo for everyone who can handle one that you love and want protected because you were betrayed. Fucking do it even if it makes you homeless.
▶ 17f6da (4) No.5022607>>5022884
Wouldn't more anons attempt to practice here? kek.
▶ edb736 (22) No.5022609>>5022733
It Snowed Yesterday.
8:00 am: I made a snowman.
8:10 - A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn't make a snow woman.
8:15 - So, I made a snow woman.
8:17 - My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman's voluptuous chest saying it objectified snow women everywhere.
8:20 - The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snow men instead.
8:22 - The transgender man..women…person asked why I didn't just make one snow person with detachable parts.
8:25 - The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.
8:28 - I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:31 - The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be covered up .
8:40 - The Police arrived saying someone had been offended.
8:42 - The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
8:43 - The council equality officer arrived and threatened me with eviction
8:45 - TV news crew from NBC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied "Snowballs" and am now called a sexist.
9:00 - I was on the News as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.
9:10 - I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.
9:29 - Far left protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding for me to be arrested.
There is no moral to this story. It is what we have become all because of snowflakes.
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022610>>5022619 >>5022651 >>5022710
Are you kidding? Harbaugh had him in two consecutive SBs except for the refs game-fixing. He was dominant until the 9ers fired Harbaugh and all the good players quit the team.
▶ 593791 (6) No.5022611>>5022648
>>5022549 Mexico's President Disrupting Status Quo at MX/US Border Manufacturing Plants
Helps bring back US manufacturing jobs and improve standard of living for Mexicans.
Keep this up and maybe illegals in US will self-deport?
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022612>>5022645 >>5022672 >>5022805
>Antigravitic research falls off the map after 1950s, WHY?
This is why
▶ 27447f (9) No.5022613>>5022633 >>5022642
It does certainly have the feel of something dredged out from the depths of some byzantine HR department from a company in the movie Brazil.
▶ e8ad25 (3) No.5022614
stock it with gators
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022615>>5022622
Q posted a half hour later you fucking shill
your talking points are legitimately months old, it's pathetic
just sober up and try again tomorrow
▶ 89351c (3) No.5022616
Or, take our money back!
>>5021360 pb
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022617
>Until the first scintilla of those promises comes true
Shirley, you haven't been watching.
▶ cdf008 (2) No.5022618
>>5019450 (pb)
>Eric Rudolph
reminder of who was convicted for the 1996 bombing at centennial park
this happened .5 miles from the site of the superb owl
I wonder if this connection made back at the end of December might have also applied to Eric Rudolph…
▶ 631f67 (1) No.5022619>>5022653
By that description it sounds like the good players left and colin was left sucking all by himself.
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5022620
El Chapo has sex with minors?
Oh the horror!
Well of fucking course he had sex with minors, with mothers, with satan himself if he could. He had people killed, pimped anything that had a heartbeat of any age, and had random people hung in the streets and cut their members off!
He's a drug cartel kingpin!
Sorry…that notable just kind of triggered me.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022622>>5022630 >>5022638 >>5022646 >>5022652
Cause there has been like 7 Q's current Q is not the original Q
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022623
out of the room, pissboy. you're an NPC.
the only reason you gave a rat's ass about Q is because you're a fucking spoiled millenial.
Zuccotti Park much, junior.
Go ahead, pound away at your supercharged keyboard, I won't see a word of it.
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022624>>5022658
Now a me too Lady is saying he raped her in ‘04?
▶ 03a1c5 (8) No.5022628
If only it didn't require a login
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5022629>>5022668
Keep in mind, the other pictures that have surfaced show Northam posing with a few black guys. Racists, like they are trying to make him out to be, wouldn't ever do that. Not ever, and particularly not with a smile on his face. Those were his friends.
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022630>>5022641
>your talking points are legitimately months old
▶ d12b05 (7) No.5022631>>5022659 >>5022704 >>5022711 >>5022727 >>5022755 >>5022766
Anons, we missed something HUGE. PROOF THAT THE 17 SECOND CYCLE TOOK OUT CERN!
Many anons have been discussing and debating CERN and the 17 Second cycle wave from 11/11/2018. Tonight.
>>5019436 (pb) talked about LHC, Large Hadron Collider. It pointed out and event of “an electric power anomaly at LHC/CERN that caused a shutdown of the xxTeV beam and callup of the fire brigade. Date of incident was around Dec. 4, 2018”. Comments ensued.
One Anon (>>5019610 pb ) brought up the 17 second wave that occurred on 11.11.2018 and wondered if “that was what stopped it”. Anon replied (>>5019938 ) NO. and referenced a National Geographic article (fake media, IMO) of the Dec 4, 2018 CERN shutdown.
On 11.11.18, a phenomenon occurred. A 17 second cycle that shot around the world WAS the shot heard around the world. It was first reported to the world by a “earthquake enthusiast’ (has Q all over this!) in New Zealand. One Seismologist stated, “They’re too nice; they’re too perfect to be nature.” They were right.
“It is a very strange signal and it can be seen pretty much everywhere around the world.” (Pic 1) “The signal is clearly not like a regular earthquake, it’s more like a burst of ENERGY”. “It’s like a ringing bell. If you want to get a very low frequency, … you need that bell to be huge.”
“The high-frequency blips instinctively brought industrial or MILITARY activity to mind.”
On the night this occurred, another Anon comments on the 17 second cycle (>>4144779) came VERY close over target on this; not natural, it was man made, that it was a “wave” sent out by MILITARY (white hats) to nullify another wave. “Include Q+ stating Space Force is needed for “defense AND offence”, I can only come to one conclusion, under Occam's razor, that the seismic signature was created by white hats (stepping out hugely here) by use of some exotic tech orbiting in space as a message to the WORLD. It was a space shot across the bow - it is THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD!”
On 12.4.2018 CERN shut down.
Q Told us 2 days BEFORE CERN shut down that white hats initiated the 17 second seismic event! And the best KEK of all time, it was in response to FREDDY! (Pic related)
Q post 2527 could read as:
WAVES in a form that looked like a seismic event were sent World Wide by white hats. White hats “Unified”, (brought together) cabal waves and 17 second cycle waves and in doing so they nullified each other; they simply disappear. The wave sent out by white hats was a 17 second cycle signal. By knocking out (their) satellites, it forced the cabal to bring out of hiding a classified system of communications and put it on-line, at CERN, and then WE destroyed it! This was PLANNED.
The kicker is the event occurred 11.11.2018. CERN shut down 12.4.2018 -- Exactly 23 DAYS after 11.11.
Bring on the PAIN!!
▶ b8b896 (7) No.5022632
How fucking old is this freak?
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022633>>5022644 >>5022744
you are a word-meme master, anon.
keep it up.
▶ dd82a4 (1) No.5022634
the original Hilldawg, before it was put down
▶ 739ce0 (2) No.5022635>>5022647 >>5022681 >>5023029
Man you people are sick in the head. It is the lack of fatherly affection that kids crave that causes all kinds of problems. It is the fact that Men not being warm in personality but cold and distant is a cause of tremendous harm in young men. You're not seeing Brady kiss a 16 year old young man it is his young son. I have four sons and we have always had warm and affectionate relationships. There is not one HOMO among them. Read your bible and tell me that Jesus was not warm and affectionate and he didn't have children by a woman but, children by faith. Anyone who thinks men should not cry or have a heart and be tender and warm with their children are simply encouraging physical abuse.
▶ b7f96e (8) No.5022637>>5022649 >>5022689 >>5022693
I'm tired of the guilty until proven innocent elitist agenda. If the woman has proof, she should approach her district attorney or get a lawyer and pursue charges in a courtroom and not the court of public opinion.
The guy could be the biggest bastard of all time. Use the courts as they were designed and stop using a propaganda fake news media to make her case.
I'm sick of this emotional rolly coaster crap … that produces nothing but confusion spewing out of the mouths of serpents.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022638>>5022650 >>5022697
You don't seem to understand that what you are saying is irrelevant. and stupid.
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5022639
She doesn't look like a low life sleeze like Kav's accusers.
▶ 1b5729 (4) No.5022640
This is a must read for any anon. The world we live in is much more incredible than we could have ever imagined.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022641
You fail to make a point.. the bible is like 2,000 years old but most of you fags still believe it
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022642
yes, Brazil is required in the curriculum of reality.
Godspeed. Honored to have drawn (you) from (you).
▶ 0a6a13 (1) No.5022643
>>5020566 lb
skull and bones all about 3-22. what are the odds 22 years between Olympic bombing and now? digging on centennial bomber in this bham rabbit hole as he hit abortion clinic there (looking into likely suspects for market demand in fetal samples). maybe things in 3s/(22)?
▶ 96c919 (8) No.5022645>>5022692 >>5022757 >>5022783
I respectfully disagree. Antigravitics were covered up and white washed from scientific journals due to national security reasons that persist to this day.
Would you want isis mcgee getting ahold of an antigravitic civilian transport vehicle armed with a miniature tactical nuke?
▶ b7f96e (8) No.5022647
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5022648>>5022665
have to cut off the 'dole' and the incentives to be here as well.
▶ ff06bb (2) No.5022649>>5022664
Anon the commercial courts we have now are used to fuck us. Not help us.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022650>>5022675
You seem to not understand everything Q says is irrelevant and stupid… faggot…
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022651>>5022669 >>5022716
Wow Anon. You exist in an alternate reality.
12,271 yds TD72 INT 30
Highest rank 73.7.
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022652>>5022656 >>5022662
Just STFU already. If this is all a LARP, why are you here trying to get everyone to believe you. What do you gain by telling everyone something they don't believe is true? What is your motivation to be here and tell everyone Q is a LARP? The answer is that the only reason you are here is to shill against this movement to hopefully attempt to kill it. Why do you need everyone to believe Q is a LARP? Because Q is a threat to your bullshit agenda. Suck it faggot
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022653>>5022677 >>5022729
No coaching. Colin was 17-6 as a starter under Harbaugh and would have won 2 SBs if it weren’t for blatant game-fixing . I left the NFL because of that, haven’t watched since, after being a fan since the 60s.
▶ edb736 (22) No.5022654
>it's like circling the drain at the speed of light
▶ 89351c (3) No.5022655>>5022688
Because they confiscated it as alien property for their own benefit, instead of yours as trustees should do, under Trading With The Enemy Act.
You and your property too
>>5022306 lb
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022656>>5022666 >>5022667 >>5022670
Check global.. it's a free speech board you dumb nigger
▶ 5c7830 (5) No.5022657
i don't know…his heart is 25, i believe.
▶ ad2821 (3) No.5022658>>5022674
Yep. Someone has the dems in a headlock.
▶ d12b05 (7) No.5022659
I can't ever get these things right.. all post references are Pb, sorry anons.
▶ 743142 (2) No.5022660
President Trump signaled he could declare a national emergency in order to find funding for a southern border wall, and that declaration could come as soon as next week. Asked by reporters during a human trafficking event whether he was prepared to make that announcement at the State of the Union address Tuesday, Mr. Trump said, "I'm saying, listen closely to the State of the Union. I think you'll find it very exciting."
▶ c5f246 (3) No.5022661
On October 26, 2011, Alliance Defending Freedom1 submit-ted the original report Summary of State Audits of Planned Parenthood Affiliated Providers Showing Waste, Abuse, and Potential Fraud to the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee. On February 7, 2012, Susan B. Anthony List2 joined with Alliance Defending Freedom to release an updated and supplemented version of the initial report to the public, and on April 10, 2013, the second annual report, Planned Parenthood’s Waste, Abuse, and Potential Fraud: Alliance Defending Freedom’s 2013 Report on Federal and State Audits of Planned Parenthood Affiliates and State Family Planning Programs was published. The 2014 edition, released on July 23, 2014, and the 2015 edition, released on September 23, 2015, were entitled Profit. No Matter What. Alliance Defending Freedom’s Annual Report on Publicly Available Audits of Planned Parent-hood Affiliates and State Family Planning Programs in order to reflect Planned Parenthood’s marketing and motto, “Care. No matter what.”
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022662
>If this is all a LARP
After 2+ years of research here, still don't get wtf is larping here.
Anons research. Research based on fact.
Are they calling facts larps? Makes no sense.
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022664>>5022694
perhaps, but the principle of justice is incorruptible, unlike the people who administer it.
▶ 593791 (6) No.5022665
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5022666
You didn't answer anon's question…
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022667>>5022676
And your motivation for spending time on this LARP of a board is……..?
I'll wait…..
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022668>>5022678
With /them/, you don’t have to BE a rayciss, /they/ just have to accuse you of being one.
▶ 17eaaa (11) No.5022670
▶ 88d5b6 (1) No.5022671
2019 and anons still replying to shills. Yikes.
▶ 1b5729 (4) No.5022672>>5022831
You may find this interesting as well
▶ c1e1cc (5) No.5022673
'John of God' faith healer
busted for Sex slave Cult.
Sounds a lot like Keith Raniere
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022674>>5022691
>Yep. Someone has the dems in a headlock.
2018 was Glorious.
2019 is looking to be pretty good, too.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022675
You have a right to your opinion, as do I. Q's information drops led me to research and understand an enormous amount about how the world actually works, answering most of the pressing questions I've had for most of my life.
You, on the other hand, are cold shit in a dixie cup.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022676>>5022685 >>5022698
Can one you you brainiacs show me where I used the work LARP ?
I'm trying to explain something much more complex brainletts
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022677>>5022702 >>5022729
>would have won 2 SBs
With unicorns on offense and fairies on D.
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5022678
I am aware of that. The fact that he's likely NOT, however, means
this story could get even crazier before we see and end to the lunacy.
▶ e4bac1 (14) No.5022679
▶ 59e7d9 (2) No.5022680
Anons helped make 2018 glorious with Trump.
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022681
Yes, it’s the lack of a strong family unit - which the nwo HATES - that causes most of society’s problems. Being a parent is literally the most important job, because it affects the world for generations to come.
▶ 8ff341 (3) No.5022682
Herring comes from an established Virginia family, his name is on a sign hanging on main street in Leesburg.
He made his name in the VA Senate by doing as little as possible and making zero waves, except for being a reliable liberal whose district was turning from purple to blue.
He got elected and re-elected because the local GOP fielded a candidate who was an awkward public speaker.
Herring just needed to not fuck up, and have a D after his name.
His vanilla record made him a good choice for Attorney General on the D ticket.
There is little likelihood of anything racist in Herring's background, in my opinion, but i am just an anon from his district, don't know his past.
Herring is a liberal Democrat whose superpower is keeping his mouth shut.
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5022684>>5022693
Just showing the hypocrite Dems that everything they spew at us, goes BOTH ways.
We don't push it like they do, just giving them a taste of what it is like.
Sometimes you have to fight bullies with their own shit until they "get it" then things go back to normal.
Like punching a bully back and then they back off and leave you alone. Repubs have been too nice for too long of this bullshit.
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022685>>5022722
What are you explaining again? And what is your motivation to bring you 'splaining here?
▶ be1ba0 (8) No.5022686>>5022699 >>5022789
We had a $100 billion/yr. trade deficit with Mexico. Before he was elected, President Trump said the deal stinks, he will make a better deal. He qualified it, candidate Trump said he will make a win-win better deal. Mexico jumped on the deal. Canada? Not so much.
China? $500 billion/yr. trade deficit. Candidate Trump said bad deal, he will make a better deal, a win-win deal.
Okay, the stage is set. How in the world can President Trump make a deal where China gives up a trade unbalance of $500 billion/yr. and Mexico is giving up a $100 billion/yr. trade unbalance and it is win-win-win for China, Mexico and the U.S.?
Sounds impossible, doesn't it? But it is.
▶ 732207 (1) No.5022687
A bit slow. Me and this board tonight. Kek
Anyway, this is an interesting read. Largest cargo planes. AN-24. Can carry 120 tons.
Main battle tanks, complete missile system, earth movers.
24 wheel landing gear
7500 mile range
Can load item in the the front of plane, nose lift up or rear of plane.
Have carried chanook helicopters, yachts.
Volga-Dnepr company
▶ 96c919 (8) No.5022688
exactly anon. the technology exists. Why has our aeronautic technology plateau'd since the 50's when all mathematical projections show technological innovation going exponential? we are driving cars using the combustible engine for christ sake, invented in the 1800s !!! Planes are missles with fuselages!!! That is why it is kind of a big deal, for normies, that the history channel would soft-disclose antigravitics and transdimension technology in episode 4 of Blue Book, seen here
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022689
The demoncrats don’t know or care about the legal system any more than they do about anything else in America. Demoncrats are devils and need to be utterly destroyed.
▶ ca724e (4) No.5022690
>Q did tell us to learn Russian
It's useful to navigate Russian porn forums. Anything else Russian is actually posted in English.
▶ 17eaaa (11) No.5022691
I think 2019 will be rapturous.
With 2020 looming, campaigning is really going to kick in near the end of the year. So any major moves have to be done before then. Otherwise, the elections are safe and we really are in for the long haul.
▶ b3c0b9 (3) No.5022692>>5022717
Exactly. Until there is a way to prevent someone from going anywhere, as in your personal property, we will only see limited use of that technology.
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5022693
▶ edb736 (22) No.5022694
>unlike the people who administer it.
the problem^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
▶ 298ef3 (12) No.5022695>>5022705
fucking thing nearly gave me a seizure. Epilepsy alert holy cow
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022696>>5022728
Notables so far
>>5022507 Another Q hit piece about Russian bots
>>5022490 List of those hit with Preservation Letters about Covington teens and the letter
>>5022501 Reminder: U.S. Subsidizes Soros Radical Leftist Agenda Worldwide
>>5022549 Mexico's President Disrupting Status Quo at MX/US Border Manufacturing Plants
>>5022575 Reminder: George Soros, Mastercard to partner to aid migrants, refugees
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022697>>5022709 >>5022715
Q has always been thought to be a team and some of the team have left the WH.
▶ 27447f (9) No.5022698
They must not require a typing test at the shill farms these days.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022699>>5022775
Without the corruption being run significantly with US soft power, those countries will actually do better.
▶ da88df (5) No.5022701
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5022702
That just never gets old….kek.
▶ 59e7d9 (2) No.5022703
kek, what day is it?
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5022704>>5022720 >>5022734 >>5022751 >>5022772 >>5022790 >>5022801 >>5023014 >>5023064
Scientist had suggested that would also be the tell tale sign of a nuclear sub blowing up under water. But they dismissed that since nobody had heard any news about such an event. Nat Geo had an article about it.
I pointed it out numerous times. But that's how things go here. It has to be low brow stupid shit to get any traction anymore.
I'd suggest there are several Clown Rouge subs that they are trying to track down. That may have been one getting blown up right there.
Helper anons last week said there were 2 they've been hunting. But that's just side sauce.
But yes that 17 second blip everyone heard would be what a sub being blown up under water might look like.
Notable that it was New Zealand.
Home of NWO fuckery AND! Matt Lower and his sheeps
Also 5 eyes intel bullshit and Clinton home next to the Embassy where she was able to get intel and walk it over to NWO fuckers.
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5022705>>5022724
here is a pleasant seizure
▶ edb736 (22) No.5022707
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5022708
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022709
>and some of the team have left the WH.
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022710>>5022721 >>5022723 >>5022743 >>5022746
Everything this pos touches turns to crap. STFO faggot
▶ b7f96e (8) No.5022711>>5022817
Pretty boss Anon. I wish I could just sit in the same room with these guys while they are engaging in these operations. I'd make sure they were supplied with fresh brewed coffee that the angels would envy and keep it coming all day long … just to watch in awe.
▶ a3cab1 (1) No.5022713>>5022735 >>5022854
Brady said parade on Tuesday. Like to see a parade of arrested cabal getting on a plane for GITMO
▶ a4bdd4 (14) No.5022714>>5022800
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Haha Northam replacement is getting busted for sexual scandal
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022715>>5022749
nah not really
that's your opinion
none of the people who have left the white house would've been part of Q
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022716>>5022811
17-6 as a starter with NFC Champs and SB appearances in 2 years. I watched every game. He beat the shit out of the league until the NFL derailed the team. I probably watched NFL games for 20 years before you were even born and I have personally known many of the old Raiders players, coaches and management.
▶ 96c919 (8) No.5022717
Armed guards and TIA. Total Info Awareness. We have the solution already. Time to nutt up.
▶ edb736 (22) No.5022718
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5022719>>5022871
Spoiler Alert!
I just pissed myself. Thx pal
▶ c9f408 (4) No.5022720>>5022750
>I pointed it out numerous times. But that's how things go here. It has to be low brow stupid shit to get any traction anymore
▶ b7f96e (8) No.5022721
Wait … isn't that Satan's line?
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022722>>5022747 >>5022752 >>5022756 >>5022808
What is my motivation… actually good question
- well here we are… Q has failed… and so likely comped by 8ch as the only thing making anyone come to this site - yet some of you are good people… so what's someone who knows the shitstorm that's coming supposed to do?? Fuck if I know… so I throw shit out there to test how you ppl respond… Q is fucked bigly…
If I was Q I'd stop fucking posting… unless Q is just 8ch then I probably wouldn't give a fuck being in the phillipines and all…
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022723
Looks to me like NIKE is the dumb fuck this time.
▶ dc591d (5) No.5022725>>5022753
I thought this conspiracy was being pushed by MUHJUH's -- well hujhum, all these JUHS are in the wrong chat room.
Back to TELAVIV niggerjuhs, time to regroup. The russians are all up in this here board.
Oh an aside. As this is a RussianTroll board -- Maybe the attentions starved sex cult tortured souls of LDR's satanic cult and all those queer bots and nots associated with your crew can now safely leave with full shekel penshion
▶ ad2821 (3) No.5022726
I'm going by a POTUS press question answer right after the abortion quote clustefuck and before the blackface pic surfaced. POTUS said something along the lines of, "I've met him. I'm surprised he said that." To me, that's pretty close to a compliment in that situation, and indicates POTUS has some respect for the guy. It makes me wonder if POTUS would offer help, since both POTUS and Northam would benefit (POTUS benefit would be not having racism flak blow up the SOTU).
Then you add Northam saying," it's me" (blackface), then coming out the next day and saying. "It's not me". Someone really powerful took his back overnight, when you consider Northam told the whole dem establishment to go fuck themselves, on live TV, no less, wrt to resigning. That's not a look the dems wanted IMO.
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022727
I didn’t miss it. <3
▶ 96c919 (8) No.5022728>>5022763 >>5022915
baker consider it my personal mission to get this document on antigravitics made notable or die trying
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022729
I’m sure you know nothing about football.
▶ bc6a85 (13) No.5022730>>5022740 >>5022785 >>5022788
>>5022443 (lb)
<<- read project mayhem
His name was Robert Paulson?
▶ 00878f (7) No.5022732
what am i looking at?
cern pop another superelectromagnet belt?
or mayhap a marmot this time?
or… did they complete their tasking…
<personally æı bet Alice and her buddies are still running full tilt in the basement.
▶ fe38af (1) No.5022733>>5022741
That was good (and funny) anon
▶ d12b05 (7) No.5022734
I know it's not. When in the Navy, I saw what a sub imploding looks like. I can see how some anons might think this, but it is not. Look at the Q post. Q is telling us white hats did it.
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022735
▶ c8a226 (3) No.5022736>>5022769 >>5022817
Wtf does "indexed to minimum wage increases" mean? They don't get a raise with the rise in minimum wage?
▶ 6ab6fb (1) No.5022737
My mother has been filling me in lately. More and more normies know she knows shit she shouldn't because 'her kid keeps her on the up and up' and now that Q is being spoken of more, they come back to her 'it's that isn't it!!!'.
I hope they print 10000000000000x more.
They're doing a lot of the leg work for us. Morans ahaha.
▶ 96ddad (1) No.5022738>>5022945 >>5022959
To both the people in the dark and in the light. There is only one way to survive what is coming on the earth. Turn from this world. Turn from your sin, your family, your friends, your very life, and turn to the one True God! The Lord Jesus Christ will save anyone! He said "Come just as you are." All who bend the knee to Him will be saved. All who do not will be in eternal torment.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022740>>5022809
The plan and Follow the white rabbit come directly from project mayhem and ethersec both predate Qanon.
▶ edb736 (22) No.5022741
copied from here not my work
▶ c8a226 (3) No.5022742
No, but it sounds cool
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022743>>5022767 >>5022773 >>5022811
Harbaugh turned the 9ers around when Colin went 17-6 as a starter his first two full seasons. I saw all the games. The only stats that matter are wins.
▶ 89351c (3) No.5022744
wuz thinking the same
▶ 4b6e22 (2) No.5022745
There is not one reason to engage the obvious shill. Just ignore it.
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5022746
Execs have dumped too
Since February '17
$221,615,141 in Insider sales
$56,301 in buys
see cap 2
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022747>>5022765 >>5022784
I thought that there were multiple Qs, and that the multiple people are part of 8chan. So which is it?
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022749>>5022763
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5022750
Has to have a retarded photo people can make fun of non stop. The more complex ideals that take a little research get soo lost. But then Q will bring it up and then they are all over it.
Summary. Last November 11th, I believe a rogue sub caring D5 ordinance was found and dispatched under the ocean.
This ringing bell was that echo or shot heard around the world.
I'd suspect someone in naval warfare could expound on that theory but as such I took the source at Nat Geo to be credible.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022751
>But yes that 17 second blip everyone heard would be what a sub being blown up under water might look like.
I'm going to go with 'nope'. If it were shockwaves from a nuke, it would have a resonant frequency a lot lower than 1/17Hz. Traveling through sea water, it would be around 166 seconds, and that would be assuming the EARF is 100% sea water, which it isn't.
Unless there's something significant I'm missing, it wasn't anything resonating (as in the result of an explosion.)
▶ b7f96e (8) No.5022752
Awe, you trying to think on your own today? Well it's not working sport. Come back after your neurologist schedule's surgery for that blow you took to your head as a child.
▶ b1917c (4) No.5022754>>5022760 >>5022761
It appears, patriots, that we will soon witness the end of Planned Parenthood.
= end of D party
= end of MSM
Liberals never donate/spend their own money. NEVER.
▶ b8b896 (7) No.5022755
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022757>>5022776
>Would you want isis mcgee getting ahold of an antigravitic civilian transport vehicle armed with a miniature tactical nuke?
That's exactly why it 'died'. No one knew how to implement it/how to harness it. Nikoli took that to his grave.
Yes, certain elements of his technology survived but without him, it was not understood.
Those that did understand it extracted themselves from the scientific community; PLVS VLTRA
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5022758>>5022768 >>5022814
Gladys Knight schools Don Lemon on patriotism and prayer
▶ c1e1cc (5) No.5022759>>5022774
he's a Musician
and old.
still wants to be relevant.
what are you gonna do.
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022760>>5022764
Now THAT would be nice, however, they were fully funded by the Govt in 2018.
▶ e6c4b4 (7) No.5022762
It is rather interdasting.
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022763>>5022781
<thinks kaepernick was a good player
I'll keep disregarding your opinions
I'll add it, was reading some of it
▶ b1917c (4) No.5022764
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022765>>5022777 >>5022797 >>5023128
Q didn't come to 8ch until Courtney Tubbs - goldwater writer brought it here
▶ e8ad25 (3) No.5022766>>5022844
▶ c9f408 (4) No.5022767
> The only stats that matter are wins
the only stats that matter are profits
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022768
Don Lemon is a useless little faggot and a white mans cockholster.
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5022769>>5022802
Going forward if the minimum wage is raised the wages will rise to keep pace.
they could have written it better
▶ 2753da (1) No.5022770>>5022799
I was looking into April 19 (a significant American date) when I discovered Iyyar and the Jewish Independence Day Holiday coming for the 70th time. Yom HaAtzamaut.
Noticed the similarity to Hazmat. With so much risk these days of chemical attack in Stadiums etc I screen shotted a pic of Hazmat at 9:08.
I knew already that the worlds best chemTrace machine is called “908 Devices”.
Is it a coincidence that there is a team from that very company in Abu Dhabi when the Pope is in town and there is a massive stadium event?
The public Mass is in the Sheik Zayed stadium.
▶ 298ef3 (12) No.5022771>>5022778
▶ b7f96e (8) No.5022772>>5022804
If memory serves this 17 second wave had a pattern and cycled for a period of time It wasn't one signal. It was a repetition of them
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022773>>5022791
>The only stats that matter are wins.
Ah. There's your problem, faggot. You don't understand how math works. Done with your shitty slide.
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022774>>5022828
He already fucked up his own great career. Isn’t that enough??!!
▶ be1ba0 (8) No.5022775>>5022816 >>5022820
Is it corruption? Or is it beyond that? Is it the NWO masters making deals? Giving China a 10-15% cut of the $500 billion/yr. Same with Mexico.
Anon has to say, can't wait to see Justine in Canada, May, Macron, Merkel and Brussel's eyes pop out when President Zi makes a deal. This old anon may buy the first bottle of Campaign in over a decade.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022776>>5022794
If you're smart and you think about it a bit, you can figure it out. Not all that difficult. ;)
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022777
Didn't you just say Q should stop posting and is fucked bigly, and there have been multiple Qs? Is it a LARP or a coordinated shill campaign. I'm having trouble keeping up with your agenda
▶ bbadce (6) No.5022779>>5022859 >>5022906 >>5023097 >>5023188
OCEANSIDE, Calif. (KGTV) --- The man who died after a small plane crashed into an Oceanside-area hillside this week has been identified.
Raymond Allen Petty Jr., 58, of Yorba Linda in Orange County, died in the single-engine plane crash late Monday night, according to the San Diego County Medical Examiner. The plane had taken off from Oceanside Municipal Airport several miles away before it crashed into a nearby hillside off State Route 76 near Canyon Drive, the ME said.
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022781>>5022877
He won, moron, something you’ll never do. No sauce for you winning anything, is there?
▶ a965e1 (4) No.5022782
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Got Nuffin
When I'm with you, all my brothers, oh
I feel like a king
It feels like I'm dreaming
When that blood goes rattling through my veins
My ears start to ring
I notice what matters
And I got nothing to lose but darkness and shadows
Got nothing to lose but bitterness and patterns
When I can't find the way to reach you my love
I'm just not the same
Just the same
When I know you're watching out for me
I know what I'm knowing
I can see what matters
And I got nothing to lose but darkness and shadows
Got nothing to lose but emptiness and hang-ups
Oh, when I know you're watching out for me
I look for what matters
And I notice what matters
And I got nothing to lose but darkness and shadows
Got nothing to lose but loneliness and patterns
The flowers blooming, the trains collide
I don't got a thing to lose
Songwriters: Britt Daniel
▶ 2eae35 (6) No.5022783
There was a guys around that time that glued scarab beetle wings to a piece of plywood and flew at insane speeds with no sense of momentum or wind blast. Pretty crazy.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022784>>5022795
Current 8ch staff - Jim- codemonkey (goldwater) Diana - Philip - Burdock
▶ edb736 (22) No.5022785
▶ da88df (5) No.5022786
Any word on PG&E? These guys know it was started by something else and employees are facing termination. We need to dig for proof.
▶ 2db7a5 (2) No.5022787
This is all distraction by the dems to get the baby killing heat off their asses.
▶ 17eaaa (11) No.5022789
>Sounds impossible, doesn't it? But it is.
Consider rephrasing. Kek
(sorry, just triggered my inner grammar nazi)
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5022790>>5022942
Submarine Eruption
Not explosion.
Well now that I reread it!
They are talking about volcano eruption under the sea. Not a Submarine Eruption.
▶ 2e24c8 (19) No.5022791
Try harder for your GED, moron. What was BRADShaws QB rating? How many wins did he have? You know nothing about football.
▶ 09ced8 (1) No.5022792>>5022833 >>5022857 >>5022858 >>5022887 >>5022896 >>5022907 >>5023043 >>5023202
Soros Arrested Story
▶ ea4252 (3) No.5022793
Good evening, fellow anons & autists.
I was just catching up on the most recent Notables and I found something interesting (in bread #6406) regarding UNICEF that might have a connection to at least one of Q's posts (pics related). A couple of the pics are screengrabs from the notable itself & the others are my own to help anons try to see the connection I'm seeing.
PURPLE MOUNTAIN in UNICEF 'logo' for a masquerade 'fundraising ball'…many obvious pedo-related symbols already discussed in that Notable….which I connected to the song America The Beautiful & its better known lyrics; it contains the SEA_TO_SHINING_SEA_ (Q stringer #395)
and also contains the lyrics For PURPLE MOUNTAIN majesties (what does that even mean??)…so I wondered if the Q stringer was meant, in some way, to be connected to UNICEF…as they are a huge organization with obvious pedo fuckery /shady background & connections.
Autists, let me know if you feel any of this is relevant.
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022794>>5022838
>If you're smart and you think about it a bit, you can figure it out. Not all that difficult.
Please then. enlighten us, all-knowing one.
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022795>>5022810 >>5022860
So these people are Q and are fucked and should quit posting?
▶ 3d83d8 (1) No.5022798
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Nigel Farage discusses Brexit and the NWO
▶ c9f408 (4) No.5022799
all the Abramic faiths represented
kikes, christokikes and mudslimes
▶ a4bdd4 (14) No.5022800
This is Notable baker
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022801>>5022806 >>5022830
I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree with your detective work there, Lou.
The 17 second anomaly was explained as a clean zigzag dominated by one type of wave that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat for 20 minutes.
▶ c8a226 (3) No.5022802>>5022850
OK… Yeah, I'm just having a hard time understanding what they're protesting.
▶ 2eae35 (6) No.5022804
What was the CERN frequency in relation to the shot heard around the world?
▶ 513d86 (3) No.5022805>>5022815
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rB3OvlMiL-o" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
▶ ee7dbc (13) No.5022806
Tunnel network implosion
▶ bbadce (6) No.5022807>>5022821
U.S. Dept of Defense
Verified account
Following Following @DeptofDefense
More U.S. Dept of Defense Retweeted 2nd Infantry Div.
Keep your ears open and peeled for a live shot of over 100 @2INFDIV soldiers during the national anthem for #SBLIII today! #SuperBowl
▶ bc6a85 (13) No.5022809>>5022949
>>If it wasn't for the fluoridation of drinking water Richard Nixon would not have become impotent and ordered the Watergate break-in to obtain a copy of a German pornographic magazine depicting inter-racial gay midget feltching known by Spiro Agnew to be hidden in the personal files of Hubert Humphrey…
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022810>>5022813
I specifically said those ppl are the 8ch / goldwater team - which is absolutely correct. I didn't say they were Q
▶ c1e1cc (5) No.5022811
and he failed at being a SJW.
Half Breed spoiled brat.
▶ be1ba0 (8) No.5022812
We, at last, coming home.
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022813>>5022823
I thought you said Goldwater brought Q to 8chan
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022814
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5022815>>5022824
Click Share on YT and copy link.
Then click Show post options on your reply and put link there.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022816
I don't believe it is 'beyond that'. My reasoning is because in this whole Q thing, one of the big new things is the drop of information about how the occult organizations actually work. From a zoomed out game theory view, this hurts deceptive actors because it reduces the play space they can move in.
The bad guys would never make a move that reduces their abilities. The only way they'd do that is if they had something significantly more powerful and it was done, developed and tested in real life. This would take the form of the boot on your face forever - not what we're seeing.
If there is some left-over corruption in all of this, it will be left with a much more difficult time. Technology's advance will keep doing this over and over again into the future until the species either finds its moral equilibrium or we wipe ourselves out.
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5022817
>>5020983 pb
Matamoros is OLD SCHOOL Devil worshipping stronghold. There is always something sinister going on in that place. Likely more to the “story” than what’s addressed in the article.
▶ 2c862f (2) No.5022818
Got another 17 "coincidence"
The 17th president of the united states is Andrew Johnson who served as vp around the time of Abraham Lincoln's assassination. That is the main reason why he became the 17th president
▶ dc591d (5) No.5022819
who can resist following those glassy starry eyes. Screams Hollywood, or is it the moo moo
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5022820
it will have to include having the chinese setting up manufacturing here in order to avoid the tariffs. Look what habbened in the early to mid 80's. All our business's decided it was cheap to off-shore it to them. That needs to be reversed in order for china to stay away from the tariffs. They still have a huge manufacturing capacity.
▶ bbadce (6) No.5022821>>5022839
U.S. Dept of Defense Retweeted
U.S. Navy
Verified account
7h7 hours ago
#DYK playing in today's #SuperBowlLlll between @Patriots and @RamsNFL will be #NavalAcademy graduate LTJG Joe Cardona, still serving #USNavy in the Navy Reserve. Good luck to both teams. Sailors deployed around the world will be watching.
the world will be watching
▶ bc6a85 (13) No.5022822>>5022848 >>5022866
Kek. Meme stolen.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022823>>5022827 >>5022832 >>5022834 >>5022836 >>5022849 >>5022874
Q is fucked cause if Muller doxed them they would be indicted -
▶ be5858 (4) No.5022825>>5022880 >>5022925
The Team,
I don't know how much you all monitor….you have always taught us "no coincidences"…..the parent of my kids is under extreme attack. A literal conspiracy. Its not some paranoid bullshit. It was confirmed by higher ups. You want us to lose our home and put our kids through that? I have to deal with waking up knowing my first born's organs were taken and God only knows where his parts ended up. This is getting a little ridiculous. If my kids end up losing their home… we may lose a lot more than just our home.
God… please help.
▶ ee7dbc (13) No.5022827
Q appreciates your shit advice
▶ c1e1cc (5) No.5022828
Waters is irrelevant to the cause he is trying to support.
But he is still filthy rich.
and Animals was there best album in my humble opinion.
▶ a965e1 (4) No.5022829
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5022830>>5022845 >>5022901
Indeed article needed a re read
So back to drawing board on that one.
17 seconds….nobody knows. It's weird.
But then nobody can explain the mega earth booms everyone is hearing all over the place either. Booms in Chicago because it was too cold? Booms in Atlanta because it was too hot? Bull shit says I.
I hope the booms don't have to do with the Chan Thomas theory of earth crust displacement.
The Story of Adam and Eve
by Chan Thomas
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022831>>5022855 >>5022879
ThanQ for that Anon. Started reading that months ago and never finished. Will now!
▶ c9f408 (4) No.5022832
> they would be indicted
for what
first amendment protections are broad
and its not like Q has ever violated nat sec
which I think, if he is legit, he should
because nat sec as written is unconstitutional
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022833>>5022869 >>5022896 >>5022936 >>5023043
This article is circulating but I don't see any decent sauce in it. Looks like just a bunch of claims.
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022834
Welp, there you have it. Trying to logically follow a shill's argument and it ends with this. Great two step slide from the discussion. You should run for office in the US, although I'm sure you being in the Philippines makes that difficult.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022836>>5022843 >>5022852 >>5022944
*Mueller sorry…
Real truth of real Q
Wikileaks - cicadia - real Q
Mueller wants Corsi and Julian - real Q is directly involved
- learn what sevens exposed is - vault 7
▶ 88ea47 (1) No.5022837>>5022846
ok i was thinking of buying one anyway
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022838
Start with the Lorentz/Laplace force. Factor in the radio effects. Consider that radio and electricity are always co-equal forces. That's as far as I'll go. Enjoy your new hobby.
▶ f87d9f (3) No.5022839>>5022867
22 X
world is watching
▶ 39b2fe (1) No.5022840
Breaking: Virginia Lt Gov hopes to succeed #RalphNortham --- just caught in sex scandal! #MeToo
▶ 0cfe67 (1) No.5022842
Check out the guy that designed the pepsi logo back in the day…
Occult and baby parts and a family name very similar to a certain spirit cooker "performance artist"
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022843>>5022863
Wow tell us more. Do you also work closely with that fat fuck in NZ?
▶ d12b05 (7) No.5022844>>5022929
Do you know all the capabilities of CERN? Read the Q post Anon - "THERE ARE NO COINDENCES" 23 DAYS apart.
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022845
They’re definitely Not telling us Something!
▶ 29e60c (4) No.5022846
Great vehicles. Do it
▶ 743142 (2) No.5022847>>5022853 >>5022869 >>5022889 >>5022892 >>5022903 >>5022913 >>5022919 >>5022923 >>5022953 >>5022995 >>5023012 >>5023069
BREAKING: George Soros has been arrested at 13:23 GMT on 03/02/2019 (in Switzerland)
Soros was arrested when Earth Alliance members stormed his retreat at Saint Margrethenberg, Switzerland, based on a tip off from local police.
The Earth Alliance had enough evidence supplied by Obama and other Cabal informants at GITMO to arrest Soros.
Soros is believed to be in poor health and was prevented from committing suicide with a cyanide pill prior to capture.
Documents found at the retreat revealed the locations of Cabal underground bases from Ireland to Croatia, as well as a new type of CERN quantum "China syndrome) teleporter machine which could use the Earth's Van Halen belt to transport static objects from one side of the planet to the other in an instant.
Earth Alliance source(s) revealed this was their technology stolen by the Cabal back in 2007.
Soros is believed to be currently under interrogation at a bunker near Gasternal, Switzerland.
More info as it arrives…
▶ edb736 (22) No.5022848
please take it
I did
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5022849
Mueller is the one fukked for his involvement with UR-1.
Do you understand what a Movie is?
Do you understand what a script is?
Well, you're watching both.
We are witnessing the first coup of it's kind as it is done on the World's leading Super Power and chaos broke out here, the rest of the World would follow.
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5022850
Oppression and being taken advantage of.
No other choices for most of them. South of TJ has much in the form of chinese manufacturing but mostly new and not at the same level the ones located in matamoras
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022852
Don't forget about the DMs.
▶ 07a6c2 (4) No.5022854
Parade same day as SOTU?
Could be bad….
▶ 1b5729 (4) No.5022855
I've read the entire thing. Well worth your time. The power of the human mind is incredible. It also shows the lengths to which the cabal went to understand how humans think and behave. Anons would be wise to learn these techniques, because they will be useful when the arrests happen. WWG1WGA
▶ 2eae35 (6) No.5022856
No wings or tail. Onlookers looking up the hill?
▶ a965e1 (4) No.5022857
Needs moar sauce
▶ e6c4b4 (7) No.5022858
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5022860
Doxxing intentionally? Wtf?
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022862
I'm so glad the piss doctor Jack Pissobitch is back for the lulz tonight
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022863>>5022872 >>5022875
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5022843
Kim was the 1st person to say Julian would take down Hillary… that's real.. this other shit is a larp
Dates matter 2015 you dumb nigger…
▶ b7f96e (8) No.5022864
You can pull it up on YT
▶ 2db7a5 (2) No.5022865
"Now can I survive being Arkancided?"
▶ bbadce (6) No.5022867
glad someone is here
▶ a4bdd4 (14) No.5022868>>5022877
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Breaking: Virginia Lt Gov hopes to succeed #RalphNortham --- just caught in sex scandal! #MeToo
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022869
▶ bab15c (2) No.5022870
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022872>>5022885
So now you're back to saying its a LARP
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5022873
I wonder if it's possible to correlate the heavy "Q is a larp" pushes with big drops…
They seem to come out in force right before big events, trying to push the narrative
away from something. Tonight is no excepiton.
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022874
▶ ee7dbc (13) No.5022875
Doesn't he host the q megameme folder?
▶ b8ea3b (5) No.5022876>>5022878 >>5022882 >>5022893
Earlier tonight, anon posted a theory about the meaning of NWO meaning Nimrod World Order. I had to go and couldn't reply at the time. But, wasn't there discussion months ago about the N standing for Noahide, as in Noahide World Order? Has that been ruled out? Search hasn't been fruitful, so maybe I'm imagining things.
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022877
it's already in notables, don't need to put some random dude's vidya in there
▶ 29e60c (4) No.5022878>>5022881
▶ 2eae35 (6) No.5022879
crashed the gateway - kek
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022880>>5022902
▶ b8ea3b (5) No.5022881
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022882>>5022900
Future proves past. I don't think we're there yet.
▶ be1ba0 (8) No.5022884
Great idea anon. How we do that? We need to set up a Cyrillic/English keyboard transfer. We get that then we good to go.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022885>>5022888 >>5022890 >>5022894
Current Q is a larp - you fags sit here and make fun of Kim… you are the larp
▶ dc591d (5) No.5022886
▶ d37355 (4) No.5022887
before its news…
a fairly bogus site
wish it was true
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022888>>5022911
OK, Fat fucker Kim. Sorry for fat shaming you
▶ ee7dbc (13) No.5022890
You failed at being human
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022892>>5022897 >>5022899 >>5022904 >>5022961
What is this alliance crap?
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5022893>>5022898
In context of the drop, N stood for Nazi.
The same people pulling the strings behind the scenes of that time are the ones we're taking down.
Lied about the holocaust, the reasons for the war, etc.
Turned into what is now NASA, Mockingbird, C_A, FBI, DEA, ATF, et al.
▶ 29e60c (4) No.5022894>>5022912
Yeah let’s worship the dude making videos in his spa pool with the chipmunk vox effects…
▶ da70be (3) No.5022896>>5022905 >>5022930 >>5022947 >>5023018 >>5023038 >>5023043
RUMORS currently!
Don't know if I believe it yet. Could be disinformation and a "oh look im dead"-card. BUUUT…
Other links:
```GITMO Military Tribunals Going on Right Now! Reporter Watching Them at Ft Mead, started Jan 28th, 2019! ~ Also: Rumor Soros Arrested Today???```
```Update GITMO Military Tribunal Report from C VINE News P1```
```Operation Disclosure```
```BREAKING: George Soros has been arrested at 13:23 GMT on 03/02/2019 (in Switzerland).```
Currenty it seems the sources are only linking eachother. However, in one of the links above. A woman is stating the GITMO mil. tribunals are only allowed to be covered my alt-media (no MSM)
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5022899>>5022921 >>5022927 >>5022941
The Aliens arrested Soros….kek.
▶ b8ea3b (5) No.5022900
Thanks, anon. It seemed like a promising idea, but I never found out whether it was a settled question.
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5022901
The north pole is moving pretty far daily now at a pace they didn't think possible.
If Chan Thomas is correct in his theory. It could cause partial crust displacement for a bit then the poles could flip right back to normal and no fossil records would ever show north being moved.
The other crust theories have been debunked as not possible. But Chan's ping pong theory works.
That theory was put into CIA vault in 1950's!
So when I hear these earth boom boom boom all over the globe, one gets to thinking.
Funny how the story is from a guy named "Chan" and it's story about a chaotic globe.
▶ be5858 (4) No.5022902>>5022926
I thought we already experienced "the greatest challenge of our lives" It keeps piling up. Whats happening is a deliberate plan. You are right… "WTF"?
▶ 6fbd29 (1) No.5022904
>>5022892 Makes it all more legit!
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022905>>5022938
If it were real, it would be damn obvious. It isn't. Therefore….
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022906>>5022909 >>5022933 >>5022951
Notables so far
>>5022507 Another Q hit piece about Russian bots
>>5022490 List of those hit with Preservation Letters about Covington teens and the letter
>>5022501 Reminder: U.S. Subsidizes Soros Radical Leftist Agenda Worldwide
>>5022549 Mexico's President Disrupting Status Quo at MX/US Border Manufacturing Plants
>>5022575 Reminder: George Soros, Mastercard to partner to aid migrants, refugees
>>5022588 Antigravitic research fell off the map after 1950s
>>5022779 Update on a small plane crash
not adding that nonsense about Soros
especially the "AYYYYYSS GOTTEM" one
▶ a965e1 (4) No.5022907>>5023043
Here’s the whole article: says BHO is at GITMO
George Soros was said arrested in Switzerland at 13:23 GMT on Feb. 3 2019. Evidently members of what was known as the Alliance stormed his retreat at Saint Margrethenberg, Switzerland based on a tip from local police. The Alliance was a military force working under orders of the Pentagon, GITMO Military Tribunal Judges and in conjunction with legal entities across the globe.
Soros has been suspected to illegally influence US elections over the years, was thought behind thousands of immigrants forcing their way across the US Border, his organizations were believed to own and control software used in state voting machines and even worse, the multi billionaire was known to be a leader in the Vatican’s Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. He was thought behind regularly scheduled Satanic Child Sacrifice Rites and Human Hunting Parties organized under the Vatican and involving children and kidnapped teens across the globe according to Kevin Annette of ITCCS (www.itccs.org). Vatican, Clinton, Soros, Global Elites Named in Child Rape, Homicides
Evidently the Alliance had enough evidence supplied by former US President Barak Obama and other informants at GITMO to arrest Soros. Obama was believed to have been incarcerated at GITMO for at least a month, exposing crimes of upper echelons of the Deep State to save his own skin. Obama was thought to have been charged with High Treason for multiple crimes including Uranium One and the Benghazi massacre.
Believed to be in poor health Soros was reported to have been prevented from committing suicide with a cyanide pill prior to capture. Presently he was thought to be under interrogation at a bunker near Gasternal, Switzerland.
▶ 06e6f7 (3) No.5022908>>5022922 >>5022935
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Danny Devito M&M commercial asking people if they want to "Eat" him…
▶ 96c919 (8) No.5022909>>5022915
I kiss your ring, baker.
▶ ee7dbc (13) No.5022910>>5022940
Subgroup of Nazis as in the eugenics push from Rockefeller? German subgroup?
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022911>>5022920 >>5022937 >>5022939 >>5023099 >>5023130
Kim is the 400 pound hacker
Kim is Seth's contact to Wikileaks
Q is a RIP off of cicadia follow the white rabbit
Cicadi is connected to Wikileaks
- you all are larping
▶ 17f6da (4) No.5022912
I wonder if he absconded to Kiwiland to find a great deal on abandoned underground bunkers, or if he'd had one already tucked away.
▶ e35e27 (6) No.5022913>>5022931 >>5022963 >>5022976
We are not going to stop talking about the babies no matter how much you try to send us down your stoopid slid. Who dat? Dig on dat.
▶ 21e39e (1) No.5022914>>5022950 >>5023226
Media is beginning to engineer a fake narrative
No they aren't. NOBODY is demanding justice for janet. Media is making it up, just like 'all the Republicans are upset over AOC dancing'. NOBODY is wondering why women's and men's nipples are different.
This seems to be the 'social justice display' that Levine hinted to yesterday.
PREDICTION: 4am talking points for Monday morning will be heavy on the gender blurring B.S.
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022915
>or die trying
didn't want that to happen
▶ 03a1c5 (8) No.5022916
Says "here's to the great unknowns"
▶ b8ea3b (5) No.5022917>>5022940
See, this makes me think Noahide. Just spit ballin' tho.
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5022918>>5022940 >>5023238
Hmm, well if not Nazi then maybe Nihilist?
That's still just a subgroup though.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022920>>5022932
>- you all are larping
Damn, you're right. Now that you've figured that all out, we'll all be leaving. You first.
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022921
▶ 06e6f7 (3) No.5022922>>5022935
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5022908
Christina Applegate hinting at eating children in back seat of car… M&M Commercial
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5022923>>5022954 >>5022977
Wow he was arrest in next month (march) that's amazing - a time travel arrest.
▶ d37355 (4) No.5022925
this is not making sense anon, what are u talking about
▶ 1b5729 (4) No.5022926
Read a few pages of the Bible everyday for a few weeks. Things will start to turn around for you anon. Keep your head up
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022928
▶ 17eaaa (11) No.5022929
"Do you believe in coincidences?"
I agree with you anon, but it has a slightly different meaning.
Q uses that exact question many times.
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5022930
How often have any of these ever sources turned out to be legit? Not saying it's bullshit… but it's bullshit.
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022931>>5022975
>We are not going to stop talking about the babies
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022932>>5022940
About to hit year 4 as a consistent 8ch user.. sorry new fag… I've been here.. you can leave tough guy.. what a fag
▶ a4bdd4 (14) No.5022933>>5022940
What about Virginia Lt Gov hopes to succeed Ralph Northam --- just caught in sex scandal!
▶ b170f6 (2) No.5022934
Absolutely - for some reason this board isn't receptive to much about him. Shame.
▶ 06e6f7 (3) No.5022935
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5022908
Jordan Peele Twilight Zone alternate dimensional
▶ 2eae35 (6) No.5022936>>5022943
Claims BHO in GITMO for a month
▶ da88df (5) No.5022937
This anon is correct. Kim is valuable.
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022938>>5022946
Bush & No Name weren’t obvious
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022939>>5022952
I'm still waiting for the many of Kim's "huge reveals" that were supposed to come to light too. The only one LARPing here is you. You have nothing, and know nothing. And that is why you suck at this
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5022940>>5022956
I stopped trying on the "N" awhile ago
just waiting on Q to confirm a theory basically
<8ch user
<new fag
<tough guy
already answered, it's in notables
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5022941>>5022954 >>5023170
Yeah, and they arrested him next month.
▶ d12b05 (7) No.5022942>>5022955
Subs don't "erupt" underwater, they implode.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022943>>5022978
I am a teapot orbiting Mars. Prove me wrong.
▶ d15685 (1) No.5022944
Now you sound like me :D
▶ 33facc (9) No.5022945>>5022958 >>5022964 >>5023002 >>5023004
How come the word God is NOT in the Bible?
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022946>>5022957
>Bush & No Name weren’t obvious
You are making assumptions about what actually happened to them. Assumptions can lead you to incorrect understandings. I prefer to wait for evidence.
▶ b7f96e (8) No.5022947
Before It's News … You posted something here from BEFORE IT"S NEWS.??? Great bs sight full of fiction. We don't do fiction here.
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5022948
Kekkksss. I’m stealing that.
▶ b8b896 (7) No.5022949>>5022997
Soyboys sperging out about Qtards. It's pretty incredible how much high level insider info falls out of his ass.
▶ ca724e (4) No.5022950
Well I do find its unfair and discriminating that women nipples are blured on TV but we are forced to see male nipples.
▶ e35e27 (6) No.5022951
Excellent. Thank you baker! The pizzagate faggots, don’t forget the pizzagate faggots. They’ve been at it all day.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022952>>5022966
Ok retard we are all wait on Q's huge reveals.. they dont fucking happen.. yeah Kim has been wrong.. still a thousand times more accurate the Q - trust sessions fag
▶ c1e1cc (5) No.5022953
Now thats Science fiction.
would be a good movie.
▶ 17f6da (4) No.5022954
more likely that they're larping in euro date format.. Day/Month/Year
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022955>>5022960
>Subs don't "erupt" underwater, they implode.
Detonate a 100 megaton nuclear device in a sub and see if it implodes.
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5022956>>5022984 >>5022987 >>5023040
Yea, I imagine we'll get about as close to truth on that as we have/will with the 99% in hospital. Still pretty sure that's having to do with the intelligent evil dust(nanoparticles) that Julian Assange warned about.
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022957>>5022967
Everything on this board is an assumption
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022958
>How come the word God is NOT in the Bible?
Because it wasn't written in English?
▶ edb736 (22) No.5022959>>5023004
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Luke 10:27 New International Version (NIV)
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
▶ be1ba0 (8) No.5022961
Yes your are correct. But he has been resuscitated and has been moved to a ski chalet near the Italian border. He's in the Alps.
▶ 07a6c2 (4) No.5022962
▶ dc591d (5) No.5022963>>5022976
Who is that Black woman standing next to that evil man a serial killer from Brazil. Nonames abound.
Is that Oprah? Another Baby Killer?
What demoncrat is one? Are you really learning about this now like the rest of us? If you knew, does that make you a co conspirator? Conspiracy theory hitting close to home - huh?
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5022964
Elohim was and it translates as Gods.
▶ 4ced63 (1) No.5022965
Federal Public Key Infrastructure Guides
excellent graph, whichever 'circle' you hover over, it follows ALL the connections with that player.
what I was getting designing making it easy in future to look at the graph and whoever they want to know about/what connections they simply hover over the circle with that name on it.
Slide bar in top left zooms
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022966>>5022981
I trust me, asshole. I research just like other anons. You are just here to debunk the Q movement and you still can't. Why waste your time here? Don't you have some Manga furry anime to watch? Or do they not have that in the Philippines?
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022967
>Everything on this board is an assumption
False. There is a lot of evidence, like screen shots of actual things appearing online. The existence of those things isn't an assumption. Believing the truth they purport is an assumption.
But yes, tons of what Q has said is plausibly deniable, just like I believe Q wants it.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022971>>5022973 >>5022982
▶ 96686f (1) No.5022972
▶ 8ae101 (12) No.5022973>>5022982
Thought about it….
▶ 298ef3 (12) No.5022976
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5022963
the only good Oprah is the one where she gushes over DJT
▶ 17eaaa (11) No.5022977
He used to be arrested next month, but will be arrested last month now.
▶ bc6a85 (13) No.5022978>>5022983
Are you short and stout? How did you survive the Van Alen belt? I have dozens of questions about this.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022979>>5022998
This one's better - just sayin'.
▶ cb962a (2) No.5022980>>5022988
Newfag…. And a moran
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5022981>>5022986
Literally suck Qs dick for more place holders and talk shit about Julian or Kim… some ppl are really fucking stupid
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5022982
glad I woke up and got some covfefe now, kek.
▶ a4bdd4 (14) No.5022983
Lots of micro dot
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022984>>5023005
>the 99% in hospital
When 'they' find out what and who they really are and what's been done to them. That'll do it.
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5022986>>5023006
Yep, you have literally proven stupidity here tonight. Congratulations
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5022987>>5023005
I agree with the nano dust theory
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5022989>>5023003 >>5023031
Can everyone quit replying to fucking shills? Every single fucking night without fail.
▶ be1ba0 (8) No.5022990
Thank you anons. Hitting the sack. Carry on night shift. Bis Morgan.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022991>>5023167
Even Wikipedia got it wrong…it is the Van Halen belt.
▶ e6c4b4 (7) No.5022992>>5023007 >>5023010
▶ 0723db (4) No.5022993
Suit: Patients Who Used Purdue's Discount Cards Were More Likely To Get Hooked On OxyContin
Unsuspecting patients on the painkiller OxyContin didn’t know their chances of becoming addicted increased significantly when they used the drugmaker’s prescription discount card. Purdue Pharma created the OxyContin Savings Card so people would stay on the drug for longer periods of time, which resulted in higher rates of addiction and more overdoses, claims the Massachusetts attorney general’s office in a recent lawsuit against the company and the Sacklers, the family behind it. Many pharmaceutical companies provide a savings or discount card for expensive name-brand or high-volume drugs. Internal Purdue documents reveal that people on savings cards remained on OxyContin longer and produced especially "high returns" for the Sacklers, the suit alleges. Internal data showed the opioid savings card led to 60 percent more patients remaining on OxyContin longer than 90 days, the lawsuit contends. Staff also allegedly told the Sacklers some people who used the savings card stayed on the highly addictive painkiller for an entire year.
"Purdue determined that opioid savings cards worked like the teaser rate on a long-term and very high-stakes mortgage," the complaint by the office of Attorney General Maura Healey states. Further, "the Massachusetts Department of Public Health found that patients who stayed on prescription opioids for more than 90 days were 30 times more likely to die of an overdose.” WBUR, along with several other media outlets, sued Purdue Pharma to force the release of previously redacted information that was filed in a Massachusetts Superior Court case. When a judge this week ordered the records be released with few, if any, redactions, Purdue filed two appeals and lost both.
A Purdue spokesman says the savings cards don't encourage patients to remain on their prescriptions for an inappropriate length of time. "Using their medical judgment, physicians prescribe our medicines for their patients for the durations they deem appropriate," says Purdue Communications Executive Director Bob Josephson. He adds that the savings cards "are designed to reduce the financial burden for some patients with limited resources." Purdue started the OxyContin Savings Card program in 2008 and within one year had more than doubled the number of patients using the card, to 160,000. The card offered a discount on a patient's first five prescriptions. To amp up sales and to get patients to "remain on the therapy [OxyContin] longer," staff used direct mail and email, as well as sales visits, to push the opioid savings cards, the suit alleges.
At the same time, Purdue received hundreds of calls about OxyContin’s problems. In one week in 2010, the suit says Purdue received 770 calls from patients, caretakers and prescribers who had concerns about abuse, among other things. Sales reps suggested to one Massachusetts doctor, who Purdue paid on the side to promote OxyContin, that he tell patients to drive to New Hampshire to use the savings card because at the time it was banned here. “Purdue reps asked other Massachusetts doctors to do the same thing, and their patients used savings cards … to buy more than 40,000 pills of OxyContin in neighboring states,” the AG claims. In 2012 Massachusetts allowed prescription savings cards to be used. The company still provides a discount, stating people can save up to $70 on each OxyContin prescription.
Eligible patients can save up to $70 on each prescription with the OxyContin Savings Card
▶ 3dd3ff (3) No.5022995>>5023009 >>5023016
>Earth's Van Halen belt
a little flawed there too
▶ bc6a85 (13) No.5022997
You wish you could sperg like that.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5022998>>5023005
Man, I fucked that all up.
pic related.
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5022999
Blank one! Need every fuking D on a wanted poster. EVERY. FUKING. ONE.
▶ 9f75b3 (2) No.5023001
if he was black I would have figured he just came from Ed Buck's apartment
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023002>>5023041
(in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.
(in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.
"a moon god"
synonyms: deity, goddess, divine being, celestial being, supreme being, divinity, immortal.
God is a description, a title. It has been used as “a name.”
There are Elohim “plural,” and there is “The Elohim.” Singular.
God = The only “Diety”
“gods” = created beings.
▶ edb736 (22) No.5023004
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5023005>>5023019 >>5023021 >>5023022 >>5023054 >>5023078
Well, I've got the point to accept we've been being fed humans in our food, etc since birth.
Just want answers at this stage.
Strange it was his last interview before the feed was cut(he said too much)
Then the observatories and satellites being taken down by Q and Co.
Makes me think about frequencies. Pretty sure there was a drop re: cellphones and triggering MK-U?
If it's in all of us, they could probably send a frequency through the phone that activates it and completely FUBARs our asses.
That works, only stole..didn't feel like editing.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5023006>>5023013 >>5023030
Faggot you are white knighting an anonymous person on the internet who has a shit track record and has been wrong 80% of the time
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5023007
The very idea!!!
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5023008>>5023015 >>5023017
If I didn't know anything about Q
And all I heard were the stories coming from the former admins leaving the White House.
I'd probably think Trump was bat shit crazy too.
These people leaving are all telling a pretty damn believable story!
If you read them, it's easy to get caught up in it.
So now that I did that little experiment. I can't hate on normies anymore. Cause again, if I didn't know about Q! I'd be thinking that Trump is just like helter skelter and snorting adderals and hollering at niggas all day long while downing Diet Cokes.
Why do all these aides leaving the White House has the same story that the place is like pandemonium?
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023009>>5023156
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the anons here sperged at right wing sites to get that article up. I doubt the cabal is that creative…
▶ 298ef3 (12) No.5023011>>5023024 >>5023056 >>5023093
this one isn't coincidental tho
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5023013>>5023028
Nope, I'm just here to fuck with faggots like you. And you are the one white knighting people like Julian and FatFuckKim
▶ d12b05 (7) No.5023014>>5023033 >>5023064
"Teams from a dozen nations have been searching by air and sea for the ARA San Juan, which has 44 crew aboard and was last contacted off the coast of Argentina on November 15." Four days after the 11.11 event. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/11/23/americas/argentina-submarine/index.html
▶ ee7dbc (13) No.5023015
Fake Maga some of them
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023016
I think Eddie wore that belt when I saw him in concert. The performance was electrifying.
▶ 8ae101 (12) No.5023017>>5023027 >>5023060
The thing you need to keep in mind is that normies do not seek the truth.
This is why we are here and they aren't.
▶ 2eae35 (6) No.5023018>>5023038
>>>Update GITMO Military Tribunal Report from C VINE News P1
This one's not a rumor. Transcripts posted
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5023019>>5023089
That & also spraying.
▶ 19d35e (7) No.5023020>>5023023 >>5023039 >>5023097 >>5023142 >>5023188
2019 Super Bowl Commercial
Pt 1 of 3
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023021>>5023089
>If it's in all of us, they could probably send a frequency through the phone that activates it and completely FUBARs our asses.
Without 100% confidence, I don't think this is how it would work. Monarch programming works off of A/V triggers. So they'd most likely say stuff via voice (on the phone) to access various alters and modify behavior.
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5023022>>5023045 >>5023089
>Just want answers at this stage.
Ever heard of Morgellons?
Don't go down that hole unless you're ok with never sleeping again.
▶ 19d35e (7) No.5023023>>5023032 >>5023097 >>5023188
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5023020
Turkish Airlines Presents: #TheJourney
▶ f12b3d (20) No.5023024
▶ 9f75b3 (2) No.5023025
ahhhhh that's a precious little baby
▶ b7f62d (1) No.5023026
Betrayed by whom? Locked & loaded.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023027>>5023053
>The thing you need to keep in mind is that normies do not seek the truth.
Yet. Get ready for a ride…
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5023028>>5023048
Oh cause this was a real headline? It's not
Pepe the Baker ?
Current Q is fake and gay and constantly wrong
▶ e35e27 (6) No.5023029
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5023030>>5023042
And are you saying Q is right 20% of the time, or is this just more of your ill thought out shilling?
▶ 17eaaa (11) No.5023031
▶ 19d35e (7) No.5023032>>5023055 >>5023097 >>5023188 >>5023211
#THEJOURNEY: Backstage - Turkish Airlines
"Haven't done anything for 15, 18 years. I love the chase and the speed of the job."
Pt 3 of 3 (Sauces to follow)
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5023033
Yeah that was a photo I took from a dig year or more ago. Just still had it in my file.
▶ 1753b1 (2) No.5023035>>5023046 >>5023047 >>5023068 >>5023077
>Kushner Companies LLC is currently developing RFID chips for humans, with help of Jewish Billionaire, Sheldon Adelson
>The development of these chips is taking place at 666 Fifth Avenue, NY.
Prove me wrong.
Will you take the chip when its time, anon? You'll need to in order to buy and sell.
You are all so fucked and you don't even know.
▶ a89dbf (3) No.5023036
Opie is a fucking faggot and today I'm going to prove it.
▶ a4bdd4 (14) No.5023037
I already buy 438$ worth of bulk ammo every month
▶ da70be (3) No.5023038
Yeah I just noticed. Was quickly gathering info and posting here.
Just found out that these people at ```C-Vine``` are making all the transcripts available to the public after the DoD has approved them.
Part 2 on the GITMO tribunal.
Part 1 in earlier post.
▶ ca724e (4) No.5023039>>5023098
This is finally going main stream for real.
▶ ea4252 (3) No.5023040>>5023089
I must admit that that is what I have believed to be the answer….at least part of the answer…to that vague statement. Nano particulates are real…and I believe they are delivered en mass to the public via chemtrails…just my feeling on it.
▶ 33facc (9) No.5023041>>5023058 >>5023090
Well you just prooved the word God is NOT in thd Bible again.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5023042>>5023049 >>5023052
Pepe the Baker
Trust sessions
- Q is full of shit.. a magic 8ball would be more accurate
▶ f1c487 (2) No.5023044>>5023061 >>5023092
So you really think the Pentecostal Church began in 1990?
Some might say it has always been a part of the Church, (Since Pentecost Sunday circa 29-30AD,) regardless- The current "Charismatic" movement began in the late 1800s/very early 1900s. Look up Aua Street Revival. Obviously, this was all long before the C_A was created, many years before WWI. in fact, more like around the time of the Spanish-American War.
Maybe retake History/Math/Logic/Trolling Class…
▶ 00878f (7) No.5023045>>5023051 >>5023066
crash course?.
▶ 8ae101 (12) No.5023046>>5023059 >>5023065
Ooooooh, I'm skeered now.
Allow me to ask you something here Mr. Fearmongeranon.
WTF do you think will happen when half the country says FUCK YOU I AIN'T GETTING CHIPPED?
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023047>>5023059
No sauce.
Not fact without sauce.
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5023048
Are you saying this isn't a real headline in WaPo? It took 2 seconds to find it.
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5023049
>a magic 8ball would be more accurate
Enjoy your echo chamber faggot
▶ 9e5520 (2) No.5023050>>5023075 >>5023079 >>5023091
"Good news for everyone that was annoyed that we didn’t cover censorship and deplatforming enough on the podcast with Jack Dorsey because he’s offered to come back on again. I’m going to take the criticism to heart and research all the high profile cases on the right and on the left and any instances that might be viewed as double standards. Anything in particular you think is important please leave a mention in the comments and I’ll have someone make a list.
One thing I really liked that Jack said was that he felt that the ability to communicate online was a right that we all should have. Maybe there can be a road to redemption for people that have been banned? I’ll keep you folks posted as to when we work out the details and the date."
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023051>>5023088
Creepy invisible body worms….
▶ bc6a85 (13) No.5023052>>5023082
▶ edb736 (22) No.5023053>>5023084
▶ be5858 (4) No.5023054>>5023089
>Well, I've got the point to accept we've been being fed humans in our food, etc since birth.
Just want answers at this stage.
Its one thing to just chat about ground up humans in our food… its when it "hits them" that its real normies will end up in the hospital. Anons in general should understand we only know around 1.7%- 7.1% tops… there are a million things that we still don't know that would floor us, too. We get cocky… and its fun to say "I want 100/100"… i think thats a foolish desire.
▶ 19d35e (7) No.5023055>>5023097 >>5023188
2019 Super Bowl Commercial
2019 Super Bowl commercials ranked
#THEJOURNEY: Backstage - Turkish Airlines "Haven't done anything for 15, 18 years. I love the chase and the speed of the job."
Scott Free Productions Contact
NOTE: the all caps is formate at the links, not yawlling in caps, Anons.
Aure Atika
The Nature of Time / Until the Birds Return
THE PASSAGE [Think The Journey]
▶ da70be (3) No.5023057
Indeed. Not stating anything. Merely gathering info.
Would encourage to listen to the 2 vids on GITMO though from C-Vine.com.
Good insight into how GITMO tribunals work.
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023058>>5023073
Are you really that dense?
▶ 03a1c5 (8) No.5023059>>5023112
>You are all so fucked and you don't even know.
Bet this shills hunts his meat at WalMart
Not fucked if you know how to survive without the grocery store
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5023060
99% of Normies will never come here and when they do. They will leave promptly upon seeing the first jew hate boobies.
So 8chn and muh Twitter account isn't going to change the worlds mind.
We're not going to be known as the most credible source of news.
Most of us already burned our credibility over past "Q said" anyways. But there it is.
If stories from Trump allies keep coming out like this Cliff Sims guy, then we are ice skating up hill.
Hiring peeps must be a challenge even for the White House.
▶ f1c487 (2) No.5023061
>Aua Street Revival
*Azusa Street Revival
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azusa_Street_Revival should be easy for you.
▶ 0e1f86 (2) No.5023062>>5023074 >>5023081 >>5023086 >>5023118 >>5023125
did hitler know, that he was fighting the cabal?
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5023063>>5023067 >>5023103 >>5023109 >>5023137
Justin Fairfax accuser is a Professor at Scripts (San Diego).
So, she is 3,000 miles from VA.
▶ d37355 (4) No.5023064
hunt for red october and sum of all fears?
▶ 1753b1 (2) No.5023065>>5023072
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5023046
That's what the fake alien invasion is for.
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5023066>>5023088
>crash course?.
Simple search will bring up all the reality that is. Stuff ya can't un-see.
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5023067
**Scripps College
▶ e35e27 (6) No.5023068
You went to all that effort making graphics and shit and nobody fucking cares.
▶ 67d397 (3) No.5023069
And then he magically shows uo at Davos to give his usual speech apparently in good health. So take off larping shill amd stop posting this shit.
▶ 7b4305 (7) No.5023070>>5023076
I just flipped through a useless fact book and one was about the square pupil. Weird.
▶ e7ed33 (1) No.5023071>>5023100 >>5023144
Dark to LIGHT.
After 2 Months, The Sun Rises In The Northernmost U.S. Town
In the northernmost town in the United States, the sun stops appearing above the horizon in November and doesn't make it back up until January.
That first sunrise of the new year is the pivot-point on which winter turns and begins to move toward spring, delivering people on the northern Arctic coast of Alaska from the long spell of darkness.
When the sun comes up in Utqiaġvik, it makes a dramatic entrance: a thumbnail of neon pink inching above the horizon. And people are so, so glad to see it.
"When we get the sun back it's a completely different atmosphere," says Utqiaġvik resident Malcolm Noble. "You see people's faces light up. You just want to step outside."
If you're not from here, Utqiaġvik has an other-worldly look at any time of year. It's almost totally flat. There are no trees, no mountains.
But it's especially striking now, when the cluster of homes and buildings on the cusp of the Arctic Ocean are surrounded on all sides by white: the flat expanse of the snow-covered tundra to the south, and the frozen tumble of sea ice to the north.
Robin Mongoyak drives out to the edge of town where there's an unimpeded view of the afternoon sun hovering just above a never-ending expanse of snow.
"Man, the sun, I've been waiting for it," Mongoyak says. "I tell you what, I've lived here for 49 years, I felt like I had S.A.D. this past year… seasonal affective disorder."
Mongoyak says this was the first time in his life that the winter darkness sat heavy on him like that. But when the sun came back in late January, it reminded him that February and March---what he calls "the best days of sunshine"—were right within reach.
He describes those days with clear enthusiasm: "The whitest snow, the bluest skies, and the orangest circle right there just getting higher and higher, from more orange to more golden, you know, it's amazing."
He repeats a phrase in the Iñupiaq language that he associates with this time of year: quvianaqsiniaqtuq.
"That's what my mom and my dad used to say when we were growing up as kids," he says, "'quvianaqsiniaqtuq!' - 'It's going to get wonderful!'"
"Life is going to spring back to us," he explains. "Spring is coming, summer is around the corner. Birds when they come in big flocks, it's like thousands of people coming to greet us."
Mongoyak gets out of the car with his toddler son, and they gaze across the tundra.
He says that seeing the sun reminds him of all the spring and summer activities that are waiting for Utqiaġvik just around the corner: whaling, goose and duck hunting, fishing on the ocean, caribou hunting on the tundra. And just being outside.
He's gets a big smile on his face as he talks about it in the orange afternoon light.
Right now, Utqiaġvik is gaining minutes of sunlight by the day. By May, the town will be living in the other extreme: 24 hours of daylight, every day until August, when the sunshine hours start to whittle down towards winter again.
▶ 8ae101 (12) No.5023072
Can you say OPEN SEASON?
▶ 33facc (9) No.5023073
Wake up (((they))) control you and your illusions.
The word God is NOT in the Bible.
▶ 0e1f86 (2) No.5023074
any thoughts on this?
▶ a4bdd4 (14) No.5023075
Yeah ask him how long will he be going to jail for, for running a pedo and child trafficking service
▶ 7b4305 (7) No.5023076
Oh yea, and agree or disagree with the Emerson quote?
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023077>>5023085
I like chocolate chips.
▶ ea4252 (3) No.5023078
I also believe the 5G plays a part in this mix: Nano dust->delivered via chemtrails->'activated by 5G….that has been my theory.
▶ bc6a85 (13) No.5023079
It was nice while it lasted huh Joe?
▶ ca724e (4) No.5023081
Find the handler to get the anwer.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5023082>>5023094 >>5023104 >>5023106 >>5023113
Remember when Q hyped 11 11 oh hecking wow fucking all we got was [place holder] amazeballs the wat those plave holders unified america.. wow Q amazing .. yeah calling bullshit
And you niggers are getting brainwashed talking about aliens and JFK jr.. this is awful… Q must be a very sick anti American to allow this…
▶ e6c4b4 (7) No.5023083
Police have arrested Bill Clinton’s faith healer for running Brazil’s largest ever child sex ring.
Joao Teixeira de Faria -- known as John of God – achieved international fame after being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey and having a list of famous clients, including Bill Clinton.
Two months ago, his world crumbled after police discovered evidence that he was a mass murderer, baby trafficker, and sex slave ringleader.
Mirror.co.uk reports: The 77-year-old was arrested a week later in what prosecutors say could be the worst serial crimes case in the country’s history.
Faria’s own daughter, Dalva Teixeira, has also spoken out, called him a “monster” and claiming he molested her as a child.
The case has shocked Brazilians, many of whom regarded the so-called ‘psychic surgeon’ -- famous for performing procedures such as removing tumours or cataracts with his hands and without anaesthesia – as a modern-day miracle worker.
And last week even more explosive acccusations have been thrown at John of God.
Brazilian activist Sabrina Bittencourt, whose investigations led to Teixeira’s arrest in December, now claims the celebrity medium ran a baby trafficking operation where children were “farmed” in Brazil before being sold to childless couples around the world.
Shockingly, she claims young girls were held captive in remote farms where they were forced to produce babies -- before being murdered after 10 years of giving birth.
In a video, Bittencourt, whose organisation, Coame, helps women report sexual assault by religious leaders, said she has spoken to women from at least three continents, including Europe, who claimed they bought Brazilian babies from John of God for as much as £40,000.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023084>>5023087 >>5023102
If you put double equals signs around your text it makes it even bigger (and red). Way better than capslock.
▶ a4bdd4 (14) No.5023085
You will be getting the Hemorrhoid Chip
▶ edb736 (22) No.5023086
▶ 8ae101 (12) No.5023087>>5023101
Bite your tongue.
▶ 00878f (7) No.5023088
well said… heh.
æı am already conversant.
checked tho
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5023089>>5023107 >>5023111
That's what I'm thinking is the 'injection' phase.
1% probably can't be reached due to no-fly zones or inaccessible areas.
Our brain waves operate on frequencies. When Q dropped that last MK drop, I searched nano particles and what they've been doing. They said it can re-generate its own system, setting up a completely new one in your body. I believe they were using it on soldiers with PTSD and stuff. Flicker rates can also trigger MK-U per the visual side, hiding subliminal messages in ads and shows. 40,000ft for sure.
Heard of it, don't think I've been down it.
Been on every trail since a few years before 9/11..wouldn't take a whole lot to surprise me.
Pizzagate digger/exposer, wine digs pretty much shows you how royal bloodlines and the pyramid control pols, CEO's, and the Stars.
I think I'll make that my next quick topic to look at.
^^^quickly scanned that, intradasting.
Definitely gets your gears turning. Then when you start looking at the people who admit the spraying(calling it geo-engineering - I believe Clapper was one, no? and Biden) then you start to question.
I agree, some things would probably sicken me to the point of grabbing my M4 and putting in work but still..I, personally, would like to know.
Gimme all dem red pills! kek.
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023090>>5023110 >>5023121 >>5023145
You were saying?
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5023091
here's some copy for you "joe"
▶ 8e3842 (1) No.5023092
Also check out the Welsh Revival in England, also circa early 1900s.
SMH (do some research)
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5023094>>5023108
and yet you are still here. you must be trying to save humanity from all of this insanity. I'm embarrassed for you
▶ 739ce0 (2) No.5023096
You have a very small brain and an even smaller idea of who God really is. Your idea of God is yourself, wake up before you are left behind.
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5023097>>5023117
>>5022507 Another Q hit piece about Russian bots
>>5022490 List of those hit with Preservation Letters about Covington teens and the letter
>>5022501 Reminder: U.S. Subsidizes Soros Radical Leftist Agenda Worldwide
>>5022549 Mexico's President Disrupting Status Quo at MX/US Border Manufacturing Plants
>>5022575 Reminder: George Soros, Mastercard to partner to aid migrants, refugees
>>5022588 Antigravitic research fell off the map after 1950s
>>5022779 Update on a small plane crash
>>5023020, >>5023023, >>5023032, >>5023055 Scott Free Productions did the Turkish Airlines commercial
▶ 19d35e (7) No.5023098
Yeh, it is a different type of mainstream but mainstream it is becoming.
Interdasting to compare the commercial for Turkish Airlines with commercial for Qatar Airways, both by Sott Free.
Also interdasting that the mysterious brunette is Aure Atika. At her Twitter there is another vid -- providing "Backstage" looksee and a quote from Ridley Scott.
Compare "The Passage" trailer with "The Journey" commercial both in terms of what they are "selling" and what they are "saying".
Allspeed Anons.
▶ 7b4305 (7) No.5023099
So? Maybe I like this game, I think it’s fun.
▶ cef2d1 (3) No.5023100
Fuck that. I'd be in a S.A.D. Mental hospital. I do wonder what jobs are in that area. How people make a living.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023101
Someone had to do it.
▶ edb736 (22) No.5023102
<<really do not like using red text
<<seldom us all caps
▶ e35e27 (6) No.5023103>>5023132
Who’s next in line? This is getting good.
▶ bc6a85 (13) No.5023104
I'm just here until your aneurysm pops, then I'm out.
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5023106
>JFK jr
shill kikes like you are the only ones pushing that shit
try again tomorrow you pathetic faggot
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023107>>5023115
>Our brain waves operate on frequencies. When Q dropped that last MK drop, I searched nano particles and what they've been doing. They said it can re-generate its own system, setting up a completely new one in your body. I believe they were using it on soldiers with PTSD and stuff. Flicker rates can also trigger MK-U per the visual side, hiding subliminal messages in ads and shows. 40,000ft for sure.
Ok, well, believe what you want. I'll put it a different way: I think everything you just typed is bullshit. I suggest reading a lot about actual Monarch slave programming. Then study a lot of physics and electronics. I think you'll come to the same conclusion.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5023108>>5023114
I'm embarrassed that I know Q legit had roots in cicada and could have changed the world.. bit it became a scam.. T-shirt sales and Aliens and JFK JR - SOME OF YOU FUCKED UP
▶ 07a6c2 (4) No.5023109
Wouldn’t be surprised if Fairfax leaked Blackface photo and Northam came up with sex assault claim.
Seems too convenient otherwise
▶ 03a1c5 (8) No.5023110>>5023127
Confirmed secondary source
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5023111>>5023119
Been on those wine digs with ya Anon! Will share- this guy's the leader in Morgellons disclosure. Be prepared. Much moar horrific than consuming stuff unknowingly.
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023112
He’ll be the first one to crack and take a bite out of his wife’s thigh, to save his own puny ass from dying of starvation.
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5023113
>Q must be a very sick anti American to allow this…
Wait, I thought Q was a LARP, or was part of 8chan admins, or was dreamcatcher. Can you give us a flow chart so I can keep up with your ever changing bullshillery?
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023114>>5023126
Does it bother you that you're the only one talking about cicada like it means jack shit? Asking for a friend.
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5023115>>5023120
I've read about monarch.
Try researching the capabilities of nano tech.
▶ e21d19 (1) No.5023116
▶ 19d35e (7) No.5023117
Kek, "Last Call", like in the opening scene at the new Instanbul Airport (biggest in the world) in the Scott Free commercial.
▶ a4bdd4 (14) No.5023118
yep and Paton did to after the war
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5023119
Paying homage to KEK.
Trip 9's and 1's all in this bread for this Anon.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023120>>5023131 >>5023135 >>5023153 >>5023177
>Try researching the capabilities of nano tech.
Oh, I have. Like I said, lots of hype and very little practical implementation.
▶ 33facc (9) No.5023121>>5023152 >>5023171 >>5023178
That Bible (((they))) made.
(((They))) control you and your illusions.
Read the Hebrew vesion, clown
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5023122>>5023148
Look it up and see who that is.
thanks for playing
▶ 7b4305 (7) No.5023123>>5023136
Dude, for real. Anagrams freak me out with their accuracy. That one is almost too easy. Neil was a REAL hero before NASA, right? I like to think that he went along with it all to save himself and his fam, but also to keep Buzz out of the number one seat, bc he’s a glory hog.
▶ 06118b (3) No.5023124
>they want you divided..looks like it work
Divided? It sounds you are simply dazed and befuddled by a subject in which you have no true interest or information!
>Most Christian Church compromised
(says who? SAUCE?)
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5023126>>5023133
It's only relevant contextualy to understanding the purpose and meaning of Q looking at the entire picture. Yeah not shocked most ppl dont seem to care about that.. sad
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023127
Thank u very much. That dude is trippin’
▶ 3dd3ff (3) No.5023128>>5023147
There were a bunch of assholes who were over on 4 chan telling everybody that Q had left, and that everyone had to go to 8 chan.
Q had not left 4 chan. Q had not gone to 8 chan.
But 4 chan basically was able to kick Q out. I was there at the time and those assholes were able to drag Q to 8 chan. It was all a horrible mess.
4 chan was a whole lot more chaotic than 8 chan, 8 chan is more orderly. Fighting against people who want to delete Q was 4 chan. Here, that's not a problem.
▶ da88df (5) No.5023129>>5023140 >>5023160
He calls conversion therapy BARBARIC. While they approve killing babies… WTF?
▶ edb736 (22) No.5023130
>you all are larping
even if this is a larp
we are exposing truth
were ever we can find it
This is the verdict: Light has come into the
world, but people loved darkness instead of
light because their deeds were evil. Everyone
who does evil hates the light, and will not
come into the light for fear that their deeds will
be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
▶ 8ae101 (12) No.5023131>>5023141 >>5023214
Still waiting to see what they do with that Graphene stuff they came up with several years ago.
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5023132>>5023157
The AG, Mark Herring.
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5023133>>5023134
I'm shocked more people aren't gang raping you for your obvious shilling tbh
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023134>>5023139
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5023135>>5023151
I don't see how it's impractical that some bad actors couldn't control a few select airlines and/or pilots, mass produce nano 'bot's that are drug carriers, being sprayed over 99% of the world, then could be triggered to react and release said drugs on a certain frequency or command.
Hell, you got people thinking Jr is still alive.
If a person like me can think of it, it's been thought about by others.
▶ 33facc (9) No.5023136
Why is Musk tweetting that?
▶ ba6de0 (5) No.5023137
Scripps is in Claremont. It is one of several colleges in one university. That university if Obama's Alma Mater. She is pictured with Pelosi on her facebook.
Things get curiouser and curiouser.
▶ 65b1b5 (1) No.5023138
>for now let's just call him dreamcatcher
Duddits and Mr Gray ?
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5023139>>5023155
I'm cancer? BWHAHAHAHAHA. You're the one shilling a 8 chan board that you claim is nothing but a LARP. GTFO then. You are the one here saying its all lies. Fuck off bronie
▶ cef2d1 (3) No.5023140
NY gets to murder babies and continue pushing the gay agenda. Yup, definitely not related to population control or anything.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023141
>Still waiting to see what they do with that Graphene stuff they came up with several years ago.
The most likely thing is very little for a long time. Most media is FULL of hype and bullshit. I've watched it my entire life. In my estimation, 95% of what's said is just around the corner is total bullshit. Beware the media when it relates to technology.
▶ 17eaaa (11) No.5023142
Spiral in Qatar airlines ad
▶ 172553 (1) No.5023143
you are incorrect, EU countries write day month year, don't be a glow worm…
▶ 17b9d7 (9) No.5023144
Need an Eskimo Pepe saying this
▶ bab15c (2) No.5023146
While it’s good to hear Lundestad admit the Obama Peace Prize was a mistake, it isn’t simply because the committee wasn’t able to strengthen his presidency that made it so.
The real reason is that they awarded a prize for peace to a man who had no diplomatic achievements, would allow terrorism to flourish throughout the Middle East, and who would become the longest wartime president in history, expanding war into several countries like Libya and Syria.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5023147
Yes - between you and me.. fuck 4ch its shit - fuck the mods.. I said I have been on 8ch almost 4 years true… cause I learned a long time ago 4ch is bullshit. Half the shit I post there they delete. They hate free speech at 4ch
▶ 298ef3 (12) No.5023148>>5023169
oh…. so it was little Neil? I wonder if that's a real photo… because Q clearance is kind of a thing for the space pursuit
▶ 894a97 (11) No.5023149>>5023231
Just for the record Q Fam
I think the Cliff Sims tell all actually makes Trump look pretty normal.
But interesting thing he does say in there is what the Pence team was like.
Seems the Pence team was ready for Pence to become POTUS any day from the very beginning.
Sims says Kushner is a Globalist big time.
And pretty much Trump is surrounded by a pit of snakes for the most part.
Only dig he really makes as far as I can tell is that POTUS didn't stick up for him when Kushner stuck a knife in his back.
(comes now the Jew haters)
My point being.
This is all normies get to see.
▶ ba6de0 (5) No.5023150>>5023154 >>5023174 >>5023176
SOMEBODY PLEASE SAVE THIS FAST BEFORE IT IS SCRUBBED. I do not know how. Go to Facebook. look up Vanessa Tyson. the first pic is with her and Nancy Pelosi.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023151>>5023158
>could be triggered to react and release said drugs on a certain frequency or command.
The reason is there are other, less expensive/complicated ways to do it. For example, nanoparticles of aluminum (or any metal) in your body + intense HF radiation (think 5G on steroids) could do it.
You don't need nanobots that respond to cell phones. That's mainly what I'm suggesting is absurd. They're not filling the population with nanobots.
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023152>>5023164 >>5023171
You keep proving yourself to be very foolish.
==We== are all aware the Bible was originally written in a different language. Many of us study Hebrew, Greek and Latin to have access to the oldest writings available.
This is “why” we were able to answer your question about Elohim / God, in the Bible…..
Now stop shitting up the bread with your Bible hating bullshit and GTFOHWTS.
…….or simply lurk moarrrrrrrr.
▶ 25810d (4) No.5023153>>5023162 >>5023187
How is the governor of Virginia elected?
Are the governor and lieutenant governor elected together or separately?
What is the line of succession for the governor?
If there be no lieutenant governor, or for any of said causes the lieutenant governor is incapable of acting, the president pro tempore of the senate, the speaker of the house, the secretary of state, the state auditor, the state treasurer, and the attorney general in succession shall act as governor until the …
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023155>>5023159 >>5023163 >>5023173 >>5023224
>You're the one shilling a 8 chan board that you claim is nothing but a LARP.
Scroll up and read my posts. My ID is b1c1ec. You are cancer AND herpes.
▶ 3dd3ff (3) No.5023156>>5023167
There is a Van Allen belt.
▶ 25810d (4) No.5023157>>5023161
sauce with more behind ag
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5023158>>5023175
Well they also had access to HAARP and all that, SBX-1.
Just keeping options open, don't claim to know the specifics.
Not sure what else could affect 99% unless it's in the food/water.
▶ 17b9d7 (9) No.5023160
This violates the First Amendment.
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5023161>>5023166
That was actually the doc I had pulled up, btw.
▶ 25810d (4) No.5023162
sorry anons
shoogle tricked me
this is missouri
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5023163>>5023184
My apologies for thinking you were the same dbag I have been arguing with. If you think I'm cancer for refuting their nonsense, then you can fuck off too. Dispelling shills is my specialty
▶ 33facc (9) No.5023164
You first need to think for yourself.
I never said anything hateful or anything against any religion.
You have that illusion but are blind.
I will pray for the likes of you.
▶ 406d5a (3) No.5023165
"And now the Democrats want to kill me"
Good next line?
▶ 25810d (4) No.5023166>>5023183
anons like sauce a lot
carry on fren
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023167
>There is a Van Allen belt.
Yes. I know. That's why I posted:
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023168
Kek. that sounds about right, coming from the Vatican. Smh. Ugh.
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5023169>>5023218
his patch is 17 too
don't assume until you verify
▶ 67d397 (3) No.5023170
Haven`t you heard? They arrested him at least once a month last year…… Ands the year before that… Seems these Alliance cops don`t do their job too well at all…..
▶ 06118b (3) No.5023171>>5023179 >>5023205
Yeah, don't try to mess with an autist who knows the Bible, Church History, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin…
This is the true purpose of your shilling.
You hate God, Christians, and the Bible.
Had to dim my screen you were glowing so bright. Sheesh!
▶ d12b05 (7) No.5023172
Q was with POTUS on AF1
20:45:17 #AirForceOne Departure - en route #JointBaseAndrews (KADW)
Callsign: Air Force One Indent: 3707 (17)
22:45:17 #POTUS #AirForceOne #AF1 Arrival - Joint Base Andrews (11,11 45 and 17 )
23:12:10 Arrival -- the White House secure area. (23, 11, 11)
▶ 30d060 (2) No.5023174>>5023180 >>5023181 >>5023189 >>5023194 >>5023235
I grabbed a cap - pic related.
You care to tell us who she is and why we should care?
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023175>>5023197
It sounds like you're not very familiar with physics and electronics. I suggest more research. The stuff you're talking about most likely isn't what you think it is.
▶ 7b4305 (7) No.5023177>>5023190
Get the nanites, Sonny.
▶ 03a1c5 (8) No.5023178>>5023204
Predates KJV
Is taken from Hebrew as well as others
▶ 33facc (9) No.5023179>>5023213
You are in a deep sleep.
▶ ba6de0 (5) No.5023181
▶ f5ae11 (2) No.5023182>>5023188
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The face the nation interview
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5023183
Aware. Some are allergic to search engines, too. ;)
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023184>>5023185
Friendly fire. I think we both oopsed. :-)
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5023185
▶ be5858 (4) No.5023186>>5023216
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I needed to watch this a 170 times on Sunday… on repeat. A boost.
▶ edb736 (22) No.5023187>>5023195 >>5023208 >>5023227 >>5023230 >>5023246
Bigger Question
Someone here knows
WHY is the State of Virginia
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5023188
>>5022507 Another Q hit piece about Russian bots
>>5022490 List of those hit with Preservation Letters about Covington teens and the letter
>>5022501 Reminder: U.S. Subsidizes Soros Radical Leftist Agenda Worldwide
>>5022549 Mexico's President Disrupting Status Quo at MX/US Border Manufacturing Plants
>>5022575 Reminder: George Soros, Mastercard to partner to aid migrants, refugees
>>5022588 Antigravitic research fell off the map after 1950s
>>5022779 Update on a small plane crash
>>5023020, >>5023023, >>5023032, >>5023055 Scott Free Productions did the Turkish Airlines commercial
>>5023182 Video of POTUS' face the nation interview
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5023189
"Behavior Sciences"
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023190
>Get the nanites, Sonny.
▶ 86d138 (1) No.5023191>>5023207 >>5023217
Anyone think we might actually see more indictments this week?
▶ 0723db (4) No.5023194>>5023206 >>5023209
Wonder how old that pic is..NP looks a lot younger there..
▶ 8ae101 (12) No.5023195>>5023201
Blue state that needs to turn red.
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5023197>>5023210 >>5023215
Sure thing, Tesla.
Right on that.
The Military is at least 40 years advanced than the public. Nobody would have a clue what they had access to…unless you got some leaks, like WL.
Who knows what kind of quantum tech they got by now.
South Park brown note actually comes to mind, kek.
▶ edb736 (22) No.5023201
▶ 406d5a (3) No.5023202
Somebody's fantasy.
▶ a8a509 (18) No.5023204
God - The original word was Elohim which translates to Gods (plural).
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023205>>5023223 >>5023239
That joker is about to get filtered ID++++
▶ 30d060 (2) No.5023206>>5023212 >>5023244
>when was it taken?
"A couple of years ago"
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023207>>5023217
>Anyone think we might actually see more indictments this week?
Well, sealed court actions are running around 160-170 per day for the last 14 months. Of those (if historical norms persist), around 30% should be indictments.
Unsealed/public indictments? Yes…over the last year there has been a constant stream of indictments and they've been slowly ratcheting up the food chain.
▶ bc6a85 (13) No.5023208>>5023219
Home of the MIC. Lots of military bases, lots of shipyards and defense contractors, and it's a short distance from DC. Obscene amounts of money.
▶ ba6de0 (5) No.5023209
>>5023194 Tyson states on facebook it is two years old. Pelosi regularly gets her face updated.
▶ a0fa8a (21) No.5023210>>5023233
>The Military is at least 40 years advanced than the public
That's your guess? Final answer? Kek
▶ 19d35e (7) No.5023211
See for yourself: a message within the Backstage promo on the Super Bowl commercial by Scott Free.
▶ 17b9d7 (9) No.5023212
▶ 06118b (3) No.5023213
The Bible says you are "dead in trespasses and sin, lost without hope, and blind spiritually" so, we're even, I suppose.
Why can't you just get along with differing groups of decent people?
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5023214
Ton of uses, almost 8000 hits at IEEE's digital library, nearly 2000
in the journals section.
From a quick scan of the titles, all relatively obscure and otherwise nothing normal people would consider useful.
It's still a lab curiosity.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023215>>5023232 >>5023233
>Who knows what kind of quantum tech they got by now.
Physics has limits. Don't believe the hype. Most claims about what will happen in the future are empty.
I'd say MIL is about 20 years ahead, but that's a guess. I've been able to figure out things that are still classified. It just takes knowledge and effort.
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5023217>>5023228
10 sealed indictments that were for the Huawei case were unsealed last week
▶ 298ef3 (12) No.5023218>>5023252
lol, what with a source? Most sources would be from the lynig media - got to do as Q says and use logic and try and decode the symbolism language of the cult. They put their dicks in everything and muddle it all to hell, so while I don't take anything for certain, I can try out rationales and eventually one becomes more logical than another.
From my perspective either he was born and raised for that particular job he ended up having - or it's a doctored photo. I find the number 17 far too coincidental given all the other things I know about it.
▶ edb736 (22) No.5023219
ALL True
I wish I understood it
something about
the United States Corporation
▶ 07a6c2 (4) No.5023220>>5023225
I’m not buying any of it. Racist and Sexual Predator are both right out of D’s playbook.
I think we’re seeing divided factions within the D party starting to eat each other.
▶ ba6de0 (5) No.5023222
Odd. Pelosi wants Northam to resign. Fairfax would replace him. An associate of Pelosi's then accuses Fairfax of sexual misconduct against her. And that person who claims to have been assaulted went to the same college Obama did.
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5023223>>5023254
Who in the fuck announces they are filtering someone on a free speech platform ? - it's like they gayest thing you could do ever here
▶ 67d397 (3) No.5023224>>5023236
Lessee… 42 posts? Yeah… That`s a shill… A Kike shill… With a long pointy nose… and beady eyes,, with a hairlip and a lisp…..wo can`t get fucked cause his mommy has him locked up in the basement… Kinda like norman from psycho….. Yeah… He has a Moma fetish….. And he masturbates and cums on some of Mommy`s underware that he pulled out if the wash….. Rabbi ass fucked him when he was a kid… fucked him up good and proper….
▶ 8ae101 (12) No.5023225
I'm down with that.
▶ 406d5a (3) No.5023226
I would much rather see Janet's nipples personally!
▶ 4b6e22 (2) No.5023227>>5023237 >>5023250
NCMEC, the CIA, and many of it's assets are in Virginia. Huge child trafficking state. They require a corrupt governor to provide cover and protection.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023228
Yes. It is a constant stream. My guess is many are staying sealed because their publication would endanger other pending investigations. (Another way to put this is we're seeing the largest legal constipation in history.)
▶ 0723db (4) No.5023230>>5023237
▶ 7b4305 (7) No.5023231
Pence is def a gray hat, imo. That he didn’t think trump would last long, is just his good old Hoosier sensibilities showing.
I knew there was something off about Kush. I still say reptoid.
▶ abb901 (1) No.5023232>>5023241
>Don't believe the hype. Most claims about what will happen in the future are empty.
▶ 1fac77 (16) No.5023233
No clue what you're talking about.
They thought they understood the 'physics' during the Manhattan Project.
I had a C_A document that actually showed a machine and said it was capable of advancing(speeding up) time but couldn't reverse it. Would actually like to have that doc again, haven't been able to find it.
▶ f97563 (1) No.5023234>>5023247
JESUITS ARE GOVERNING THE EU - The SCAM OF JESUITS is the program of the EU +++ Absolutely read and share +++
In the ECB there are really no idiots, but JESUITS.
Jesuits are not just priests or churchmen. Jesuits accompany leading positions in business and politics worldwide. Her motto: When it gets serious, you have to lie!
The JESUIT Gang of Four and their boss
Jean-Claude Juncker, José Manuel Barroso, Mario Draghi and Herman Van Rompuy are JESUITS!
Francis is the first JESUS PAPER in history. He rules the JESUITS and thus the EU.
Quelle : http://www.killuminati-unzensiert.com/?p=1390
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5023235>>5023251
Keep in mind, a lot of these people are useful tools for the elite.
They have no idea what they're supporting. Of course, this one was
supposedly assaulted by one of them, which makes you wonder
why she continued without saying anything… till now.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023236
>42 posts
This is #48. Just a slow night and I'm quite awake and interested.
Read my posts instead of trying to get {You}s for your payseur.
▶ edb736 (22) No.5023237>>5023240
YES all true
▶ b8ea3b (5) No.5023238>>5023245
▶ 008ebd (18) No.5023239
I did. Anon’s use filters all the time when the board slide w bs. Gore porn, Jewish bashing, etc. You can say whatever the fuck you want….anons don’t have to listen to your shit, if they don’t want too. FACT.
▶ 0723db (4) No.5023240
▶ 55d632 (30) No.5023242>>5023249 >>5023253
I filtered you = I'm a little bitch that cant handle 8ch
▶ a207f3 (3) No.5023243
▶ 7b4305 (7) No.5023244
None them bitches know real life.
▶ 252f45 (11) No.5023246
▶ 17b9d7 (9) No.5023247
So now it’s the Jesuits. Mmmmkaaaaay.
▶ a207f3 (3) No.5023249
I havent filtered since first few days of goreshill. Then i just said fuck it.
▶ bc6a85 (13) No.5023250
It's the home of the swamp basically. A few swamp creatures reside in Maryland, but for the most part, the bureaucrats live mostly in the Northern part of the state. It's very, very Blue.
▶ b1c1ec (50) No.5023251
>They have no idea what they're supporting.
Most in the cabal hierarchy are dupes.
▶ d8ac8e (17) No.5023252>>5023258
could have done a reverse image search and judged for yourself. Process before judgement. It is out there if you look.
tineye perhaps? ;)
▶ 88b308 (24) No.5023253
that's true
but you're still a pathetic shillfaggot
▶ 6c0e76 (25) No.5023254
It has nothing to do with curtailing your free speech and more to do with filtering your bullshit, so one doesn't have to listen to it because it s just bullshit
▶ 298ef3 (12) No.5023258
I did, I'm talking about after I did that and was debating about whether or not it was real. I'm not debating that 99.999% of people may view it as real - merely whether I would
▶ a207f3 (3) No.5023260
Also gotta remember they keep hoe cards to play when they need