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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

ad12c3  No.5018592

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4965770 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)

>>4965765 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

ad12c3  No.5018599


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Meme it up on SocMed!

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day.


>>5018522 Plane crash in CA shot down?

>>5018525 On February 2, 2019, Border Patrol Agent Donna Doss died in the line of duty in Tye, Texas. o7

>>5018068 POTUS extra 'n' = Nimrod World Order from Q's drop?

>>5018427 POTUS Schedule update for tomorrow.

>>5018404 USSS Tweet: "Gearing up for the Superbowl? So are we!..."

>>5018397 POTUS twats spelling correction.

>>5018390 Trump to offer optimistic vision in state of the Union Address.

>>5018125 JW Tweet: Obama officials/Clinton aides including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan and Priestap will have to answer questions under oath.

>>5018332 Timothy Ballard: “I’ve fought sex trafficking as a DHS Special Agent – We need to build the Wall for the children.”

>>5018321 Michigan residents accused of plotting to kidnap child from county fair, then rape and burn him alive.

>>5018282 Q Clock Summaries posted earlier.

>>5018262 Combating Terrorist Center at Westpoint: Limited joint venture between the Zetas and MS-13.

>>5018099 Study: Dimensions of child sexual abuse before age 15 in Three Central American Countries: Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

>>5018092 Rapper 21 Savage Arrested by ICE Ahead of Super Bowl: Reports.

>>5018081 Another interdasting possible pedo symbol in Peru?

>>5017854 Antifa has come to Japan.

>>5018051 US DoI Tweet: "10 awesome owl photos for International Owl Awareness Day."

>>5017865 Planecrash in Orange County, CA. Video of two houses burning.

>>5018526 #6407

#6406 Sportsballers Unite Edition

>>5017627 Dimensionn.org in Honduras. 'dasting spiral logo

>>5017694 Queen Elizabeth to be evacuated in case of Brexit Unrest

>>5017506, >>5017562, >>5017577 @DJT re: wall, KEEP OUT! (extra "n" corrected)

>>5017219 Mary Poppins = blackface. "Muh racism" pushed too far? By whomst?

>>5017190 MS Doublespeak: "cruel" to deny gov. facial-recog tech

>>5017186 Moar on UNICEF: Connections to Malawi & Clintons

>>5017182, >>5017354 Spot the symbols: Donate Life America organ/tissue org

>>5017111 Podesta bros' links to Seth Rich Dr. Sava and Lisa Kountoupes

>>5017064 Changed Supreme Court weighing Louisiana abortion clinic law

>>5017063, >>5017082 @DJT re: Tiger Woods (and Anon's kek)

>>5017807 #6406


>>5016955 Side by side on the House/Senate's Planned Parenthood investigations

>>5016663 Fox/Maria: Chief Deputy Whip Dem Kildee: "wall makes sense"

>>5016894 @Breaking911: 3,750 more troops to US border

>>5016722 GM to lay-off 4,000+ North American workers

>>5016671 TGP/FoxNews: Jordan on Bruce Ohr, 13 mtg's w/Steele-->FBI

>>5016620 SFgate claims tip re: Northam pic came from "concerned citizen"

>>5016576 Hope for leafcucks: 2015 election illegitimate bc "interference?"

>>5016560 @Pompeo: United States applauds @Pontifex arrival in UAE

>>5016303 TX: Migrant child-rapist given 60-yr. sentence

^^Baker change^^

>>5016377 Glenn Greenwald: One of the few journalists with integrity.

>>5016372 List of adrenochrome vendors.

>>5016289, >>5016584 Top five US banks and their derivative holdings.

>>5016276 POTUS Schedule update: Arrival - Mar-a-Lago.

>>5017000 #6405

Previously Collected Notables

>>5016214 #6404,

>>5013857 #6401, >>5014626 #6402, >>5015391 #6403

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

ad12c3  No.5018600

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce ---- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>5006726

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

ad12c3  No.5018602

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

ad12c3  No.5018616

File: 80ec3db5c1ff211⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 349x357, 349:357, jesusthelight.jpg)



170c9d  No.5018636

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Stories of the Astral Lizard

- The Re-Stoned

From Russia with love…some good (and safe) space rock from our frens in the frozen tundra. Home of the Urals and the secrets within…


3b1fec  No.5018643

File: 359a8abe3e0df84⋯.png (37.61 KB, 657x527, 657:527, MAGA bra.png)

Nice work, baker.

5a6c41  No.5018644

File: 5b74c2ef87b58aa⋯.png (410.44 KB, 523x358, 523:358, Ruby Rose.PNG)

Thank you baker.

a496f1  No.5018645

File: 5e1879b5eac15e8⋯.png (396.3 KB, 560x400, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)

90b5b1  No.5018647



ca5a64  No.5018648

File: 6a37b5f29d1290e⋯.png (362.01 KB, 1220x1489, 1220:1489, FootballStandUpGetUpQ.png)


0b432b  No.5018649

File: 19da20de7cda97b⋯.jpg (68.46 KB, 540x361, 540:361, Jean Honore Fragonard Youn….jpg)


Bread flying.

>>5018634 (lb)

Why the long face anon?

7a3183  No.5018650


Big kek.

16e5c9  No.5018651

File: 8837f507c7a0d3e⋯.jpg (59.54 KB, 653x1000, 653:1000, pbb.jpg)

Predictive Programming.

Worth a watch.


a496f1  No.5018652

Super Bowl



Superb Owl

4664c4  No.5018653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e9e8c2  No.5018654

This is good: a UNITED start to the SB, Levin will DIVIDE us at half-time, but the tide is turning our way after Kaep, @jack and their conspirators trying for 2 years to tear us asunder

441bd2  No.5018655

File: ec4f8703cd94ab7⋯.jpg (102.41 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, Dyg_H-iWwAMlhKq.jpg)

Pic related. Based on the tail number, posted links below to possible aircraft.

Scroll past the news trolls asking for permission. It hit a tree prior to striking the ground. For those claiming shoot down smdh.





1bf055  No.5018656

File: ae7d9d40caff136⋯.jpeg (3.13 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 988631A2-0D84-4572-9168-B….jpeg)

I am getting married this year and (God willing) plan on starting a family soon after. If Trump didn’t win in Nov. 2016 I would not be doing this. I know there is no way he would attend my wedding but I wanted to invite him and FLOTUS. So my fiancé and I recently sent him an invite. It’s at least a thank you to POTUS..for I would not be in this position if it was not for him. So Q if you are reading maybe let the big guy know we love him & would love to have him kek.

de9d2e  No.5018657

File: 23473a69fd047ae⋯.jpeg (458.54 KB, 1109x1230, 1109:1230, F2088F34-06B6-4B4F-82CC-D….jpeg)

File: e8538ec340756fd⋯.jpeg (332.41 KB, 1503x735, 501:245, D81F0C81-97BF-4366-85D0-6….jpeg)

d5ead9  No.5018658


Do you like the taste of my balls?

a29102  No.5018659

>>5018629 (pb)

No, they have no price tags.

90b515  No.5018660


And who fuck are you claiming to be?

Why should I give a fuck about anything you have to say?

4664c4  No.5018661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

65dc2a  No.5018662



That plane was destroyed by an explosive mid air. This video confirms it. Parts including the propeller and a wing are found a block down the street from the house hit by the fuselage.

ca5a64  No.5018663

File: d722734291770dd⋯.png (1.44 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Gearing up for the #SuperBowl? So are we! Here are Secret Service Uniform Division Officers and their K-9 partners working at the @MBStadium before the game.

ad12c3  No.5018664


kek'd and saved

5a6c41  No.5018666


Let us know if he comes! Congrats!

4664c4  No.5018667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2ec774  No.5018668

File: dbc80c97b47b2ae⋯.jpg (276.43 KB, 1105x481, 85:37, elvira-mistress-of-the-dar….jpg)

Ty Baker

Have an Elvira

3b1fec  No.5018669

File: 93ad3d50042d74a⋯.png (357.6 KB, 928x467, 928:467, Size five.png)

Not an actual quote

8afafc  No.5018670

File: 3f063f41c19209a⋯.png (278.19 KB, 500x417, 500:417, eyesrace.png)


Q already said it was Negro World Order

e9e8c2  No.5018671


Does toe jam have calories?

90b5b1  No.5018672


Yes, do I taste a hint of ginger?

0ab494  No.5018673

File: 24884571490c029⋯.jpg (114.36 KB, 900x563, 900:563, nude_bicycle_tush.jpg)


90b5b1  No.5018674


I'm a hunk on a handstand

9ec408  No.5018675

File: 2247f294f3c107f⋯.jpg (87.59 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, wellyaknows.jpg)



Congrats Anon!

3d20e5  No.5018676

File: 7029586d3db7976⋯.png (248.68 KB, 599x406, 599:406, Superb Owl LIII_2.png)

File: 2b1e070df553371⋯.png (247.21 KB, 599x406, 599:406, Superb Owl LIII.png)

File: fce4be89baa8b17⋯.jpg (612.58 KB, 1300x724, 325:181, Superb Owl Sex Trafficking….jpg)


Here's some Superb Owl batter. Use it wisely. o7

4664c4  No.5018677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1bf055  No.5018678


Thanks anon god bless

d5ead9  No.5018679


Probably lemongrass

90b515  No.5018680

File: 987e462ff6730f9⋯.png (97.37 KB, 247x255, 247:255, thisiswhy.png)



Did you come up with that all by your lonesome?!

45347d  No.5018681

File: 04d79f36c2953e2⋯.jpg (77.21 KB, 777x653, 777:653, 51398322_10157153920974703….jpg)

4664c4  No.5018682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

90b5b1  No.5018683

Not sure, I know toe jelly does, do you know the difference between jam and jelly?

009e1f  No.5018684

File: 38bfc56625819f0⋯.png (812.94 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Screenshot_2019-02-03-15-5….png)

>>5018068 lb

I think:

Earth is a closed system.

God cannot let this evil (IT) out into the Cosmos.

God so loved the cosmos, that he gave his only son

a496f1  No.5018685

File: 6a1ccc847a99990⋯.png (1.16 MB, 739x1105, 739:1105, ClipboardImage.png)

1bf055  No.5018686


Thanks I appreciate it anon

e4097b  No.5018687

File: 96e972b54082c30⋯.mp4 (7.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 720_30_13.23_Feb032019_01.mp4)

Some symbols hold more significance than others.

8afafc  No.5018688


Pure genius

90b5b1  No.5018689

efe96b  No.5018690

6502f6  No.5018691

File: fc00ea7a07fc126⋯.jpg (14.13 KB, 235x256, 235:256, 7jshgrba.JPG)


hope your guests show

congrats you 2

a534b4  No.5018692

Inside DCSNet, the FBI's Nationwide Eavesdropping Network

The surveillance system, called DCSNet, for Digital Collection System Network, connects FBI wiretapping rooms to switches controlled by traditional land-line operators, internet-telephony providers and cellular companies. It is far more intricately woven into the nation's telecom infrastructure than observers suspected.

"It's a "comprehensive wiretap system that intercepts wire-line phones, cellular phones, SMS and push-to-talk systems," says Steven Bellovin, a Columbia University computer science professor and longtime surveillance expert.

DCSNet is a suite of software that collects, sifts and stores phone numbers, phone calls and text messages. The system directly connects FBI wiretapping outposts around the country to a far-reaching private communications network.

Many of the details of the system and its full capabilities were redacted from the documents acquired by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, but they show that DCSNet includes at least three collection components, each running on Windows-based computers."


5a6c41  No.5018693

File: f60200ec0c3813a⋯.png (329.15 KB, 520x623, 520:623, Capture.PNG)


49013e  No.5018694


> propeller and a wing are found a block down the street

A block is not very far for debris moving at airplane speeds.

90b5b1  No.5018695


You're right, it is lemongrass

6f7568  No.5018696

Which Patriots are wearing red shoes? ‘Markers’ on the field… I hate being able to see sometimes. Hanging with non- red- pilled peeps and I can’t point out everything I can see. Glad I have you guys. Now I’m just drinking and laughing while people look at me funny. A friend died from cancer early this morning and I’m watching football. It’s working. Distracted. Prayers for TRUE patriots! Wish we could all hang out.

9ac657  No.5018697


Potus knows

What does he know

We know they have it all

dcf21c  No.5018698



I strongly dispute including this unwarranted conclusion in the notables.

Multiple anons disputed it at the tail end of LB. There simply is not enough evidence to draw that conclusions.

We don't know how high the plane was when the trouble happened.

We don't know what kind of trouble.

We don't know if it contacted something at low altitude that caused the propeller and other debris to separate from the body of the plane.

We don't actually know what is burning at the site where 2 houses were said to be on fire.

Unwarranted conclusion, makes anons look foolish and extremist!

>5018522 LB Plane crash in CA shot down?

4664c4  No.5018699

File: 5f454df3a49dcfc⋯.png (76.98 KB, 1382x777, 1382:777, YJWY4405.png)

File: a34925bd15dc336⋯.jpg (34.28 KB, 474x257, 474:257, YJXZ9809.jpg)

File: e73796ff04baa28⋯.png (75.58 KB, 590x444, 295:222, YKWP6932.png)

File: 5bdbb258b935f04⋯.jpg (112.2 KB, 769x800, 769:800, YLAM2927.jpg)





1bf055  No.5018700


It would be amazing! Thanks anon!

49013e  No.5018701


>Q already said it was Negro World Order


cbc8ef  No.5018702


Thank you, patriots on and off the field.

c48fb5  No.5018703

File: a5bec2af1d78e10⋯.png (442.46 KB, 720x735, 48:49, 2019.png)


Ty Baker as always.

ad5860  No.5018704

File: 8e8c9fa98f90abe⋯.jpg (260.29 KB, 800x1122, 400:561, Trump over obama_2.jpg)

File: 8f81fb4c4df800a⋯.jpg (187.58 KB, 767x785, 767:785, justin fairfax_1.jpg)

File: 7952672f63044f5⋯.jpg (91.27 KB, 800x622, 400:311, 1984 Trump vs Northam.jpg)

File: 8d8e1f1a7aec2e2⋯.jpg (279.93 KB, 811x979, 811:979, northam resignation harris….jpg)

File: aee052e2c961f31⋯.jpg (169.06 KB, 565x765, 113:153, joe pientka RR wont allow ….jpg)


Org DOOM came out 1993.

Was the gate opened before and inspired the video game?

Or is that what they are working on now?

Of course, it could all be fiction.

Also, gate/wall, caravans, gateway to hell, figuratively?

If America falls...

What is the purpose of open borders?

Help people understand and prepare.

Moar know, moar safer for all.

Sooner the better.


ca5a64  No.5018705


ebot's got the biggest hard on for me… I swear…

e908cc  No.5018706

File: 771d9527fc48666⋯.jpg (67.58 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 38261733_523417074779658_2….jpg)

Anybody know why Mattis was sacked?

Trump mentioned him again recently and I realized I don't really know much about that whole thing.


e9e8c2  No.5018707


Maybe I should have narrowed it down to toe 'preserves',

d8aeb1  No.5018708





ad5860  No.5018709


Last bread arg!!

a534b4  No.5018710


Go back to sucking Brock's cock, shill!

cfd51d  No.5018711

Anybody else find that comment in that Super Bowl ad kinda off? Reference to 'Jury Duty':

"Innocent until proven guilty"

>Burly biker looking dude in court

"Well he's guilty, we can all agree right?"

I dunno it just didn't sit right w me

4664c4  No.5018712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dcf21c  No.5018713


that's another point.

We don't know what speed it was going or what altitude it was when trouble happened.


1c0a0b  No.5018714

File: 2aba7d2de65d9de⋯.jpg (595.06 KB, 800x1137, 800:1137, Poulakis_Theodoros_-_The_a….jpg)

90b5b1  No.5018715


really should have

1646a2  No.5018716

>>5018656. Well hell, I can feel the love from way over her. WTG anon

3b1fec  No.5018717

File: df9eec5a7e3c492⋯.jpg (118.62 KB, 1090x706, 545:353, df9eec5a7e3c492533d5bb7cb2….jpg)

48e5c7  No.5018718

File: c5f306d3fa5a668⋯.png (1.78 MB, 650x1703, 50:131, hilldawg_dumbestcunt.png)

Kek, stupid bitch.

c5690c  No.5018719

File: 36abd4e1e3a6b69⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 818x500, 409:250, GENERATION_Q.jpg)

0ab494  No.5018720

File: 3c6d7e631fe8c0a⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 700x1002, 350:501, cassandra_peterson.jpg)


Cassandra Peterson…

1bf055  No.5018721


WWG1WGA anon!

a496f1  No.5018722

File: 9b407023b2f638e⋯.png (1.43 MB, 800x1054, 400:527, ClipboardImage.png)



4664c4  No.5018723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


sure wish it could rain frogs again

a534b4  No.5018724


Mattis? Mattis who? All I see is a nice ass!

541507  No.5018725

File: 957ad227e756007⋯.jpg (284.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 834ee660-7310-4c2a-87a3-96….jpg)

>>5017903 #

>self defense is allowed...


293004  No.5018726


What time zone?

9e2b01  No.5018727

File: a9f70b64ef33946⋯.png (175.46 KB, 393x462, 131:154, downloadfile-18_1.png)

ad12c3  No.5018728


Congratulations anon and God bless!

c60d03  No.5018729

File: 4f54aeab48093c6⋯.jpg (477.75 KB, 550x651, 550:651, After-the-Darkness-550pxls.jpg)

Since today is the superb owl, official NFL artist….he likes symbolism.

aff4c3  No.5018730


All is not lost for him. He can always strip and pose naked for gay daddy porn sites to pay the bills.

1bf055  No.5018731


Thank you anon God Bless!

efe96b  No.5018732


Why is this dude flipping me off?

9e2b01  No.5018733

File: c606291f144dfac⋯.png (841.21 KB, 1080x1378, 540:689, Screenshot_20190203-155111….png)

a188a2  No.5018735

Was POTUS KEEP OUT warning to CERN?!?!?!





e873f9  No.5018736

File: 8811aa4afdffd4a⋯.jpg (391.52 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, racist.jpg)

I'm waiting for them to attack the charcoal face mask.


16e5c9  No.5018737

File: cc9ea12cc5b6101⋯.png (684.48 KB, 799x500, 799:500, HRA.png)


He knows.

Good luck.

ca5a64  No.5018738


It's about intent.

f5a289  No.5018739

File: e6dcf93b42729c9⋯.jpeg (258.09 KB, 1125x1501, 1125:1501, DF373C53-6AC5-401B-B2FF-D….jpeg)

File: 1c52d8d45a444f0⋯.jpeg (295.38 KB, 1125x1617, 375:539, E64BA2D6-DECE-47D5-976C-2….jpeg)

They are talking in code to each other.

e5ddd6  No.5018740

File: c6fed0f6fd289b5⋯.jpeg (526.33 KB, 735x1454, 735:1454, 2889623C-26D4-494A-93F9-8….jpeg)

This reporter is shedding some light on the CIA involvement in MSM

LOL: by "several experts," they mean: 1) a firm that just got caught fabricating Russian bots on behalf of Democrats so severely that they got banned from Facebook; & 2) an Indiana dad who, as an "amateur," studies Russian bots as a "hobby". That's it: (link: https://theintercept.com/2019/02/03/nbc-news-to-claim-russia-supports-tulsi-gabbard-relies-on-firm-just-caught-fabricating-russia-data-for-the-democratic-party/) theintercept.com/2019/02/03/nbc…

Quote Tweet

NBC News


Several experts who track websites and social media linked to the Kremlin have seen what they believe may be the first stirrings of an upcoming Russian campaign of support for Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. (link: https://nbcnews.to/2DQzYdE) nbcnews.to/2DQzYdE




Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald


NBC News and MSNBC will literally say anything the CIA or the DNC tells it to. That's the only point of its existence, especially if it involves The Russia Scare:

49013e  No.5018741


Agreed. We need to know where the debris were found relative to the flight path before impact. If they were found along a straight continuation of the plane's path then there is nothing spoopy about it. But if, for example, these piece were found before of the impact point then it would be suspicious.

ed4580  No.5018742


Was it Hillary's tweet that finally did him in?

ca5a64  No.5018743

Missed the first field goal… eh?

6af43b  No.5018744


We will know MAGA has happened when there is a bona fide American Marriage and Baby Boom. I found a girl and want to do it too. Circumstances currently not favorable. Praying…

372b22  No.5018745

File: ac66f2265c36d9e⋯.jpg (357.75 KB, 1308x988, 327:247, Super Bowl LIII.jpg)

e908cc  No.5018746


Thanks just digging around now.

Popular girl

1bf055  No.5018747


Thanks anon! God bless!!

5fc978  No.5018748



It's not only our seeing dimension, it's other dimensions that we cannot see. Other life forms are tied into this criminal activity

4664c4  No.5018749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

after (YOU) homo rage quit


29495d  No.5018750

Strong Dollar: the $50 bill folded shows the breach in the hoover dam. watch the water.. caravan stay out.. whatever is necessary. Didn't Madonna do a half time superbowl satanic thing about the hoover dam?

45347d  No.5018751

File: 3d77db72e7814c6⋯.gif (130.69 KB, 600x386, 300:193, proxy.duckduckgo.com.gif)

The Breads are baking FASTER every day now!

5a6c41  No.5018752


west coast. its basically happening right now.

1bf055  No.5018753


Prayers to you anon

4752f3  No.5018754


If Ralph Northam is (Out)?

Does that mean [Planned Parenthood] Collaborating Lt. Governor - Justin Fairfax is (In)?

If Fairfax replaces Northam, things are no better, if not worse regarding [PP] and infanticide in VA.

350103  No.5018755

Super Bowl is like a fuckng long SJW/Negro ad. fest. This is sickening.

372b22  No.5018756

File: b0fa9d610baeaee⋯.jpg (181.42 KB, 1030x804, 515:402, watchca.jpg)

197840  No.5018757

File: 029edad8df189a8⋯.jpg (963.38 KB, 2812x1150, 1406:575, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….jpg)

>>5018117 (lb)

loosh…. interesting

293004  No.5018758

4664c4  No.5018759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

45d442  No.5018760

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, 1st Recon.png)


See >>5018655

A plane hitting a tree doing 60-100 mph will shed parts over a considerable distance.

Video >>5018588 shows no indication that it was shot down.

No sound of helicopters or combat aircraft.

Military are very unlikely to shoot down a small plane over a built up area.

c5690c  No.5018761

File: abba095b10e1e2f⋯.jpg (496.61 KB, 1193x796, 1193:796, QCrumbsThingsAreMoving.jpg)

a496f1  No.5018762

File: fa46f419303e5cc⋯.png (626.32 KB, 588x799, 588:799, ClipboardImage.png)


>Cassandra Peterson

6dac79  No.5018763

File: 93bbebc9b4df52f⋯.jpg (18.81 KB, 209x270, 209:270, 96d626c3.jpg)

Dems in Panic Pushes new laws because of the death

of RGB

4664c4  No.5018764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

408c86  No.5018765

File: 7dc0ac02f026ec5⋯.png (184.39 KB, 330x367, 330:367, 11d9343735465ddb5fa32e7890….png)


The Interdimensional President

8afafc  No.5018766


I wonder if Potus is going to hint about election fraud since the dems are going to let the African Stacey Abrams speak after Potus

a534b4  No.5018767


I wonder if Glenn gets the 4 am talking points too?

d5ead9  No.5018768

82a789  No.5018769

File: 69cfb1d0048f3f6⋯.jpg (211.49 KB, 550x651, 550:651, superbowl.jpg)


Nothing Israeli going on there…

3b1fec  No.5018770

File: 7134177e2897bb6⋯.png (580.23 KB, 1105x481, 85:37, dbc80c97b47b2ae386961c6316….png)

3f28da  No.5018771


In 28 days you can have Killer Skin..

4664c4  No.5018772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



6af43b  No.5018773


We help when we deport the illegals who are more skilled and clued-in after living in the US.

abb5fd  No.5018774

Marmalade don’t have twatter


408c86  No.5018775

ad5860  No.5018776



Thanks to Q, POTUS, and Anons!

If Q failed, no wedding.

If Anons failed, Q failed.

Anons, #2, fail?

Anon success = Q success = wedding = winning.

Inspiring, happiness.

The World is glad for a Wedding.

Future over dark, dark to LIGHT.

If People are LOUD, END ds.

6dac79  No.5018777

File: af263a894f7e082⋯.png (516.35 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, clintonDemandsInfantcide.png)


Hilliary demands the new abortion law in NY and VA because of Ruth

ca5a64  No.5018778


I bet he'll roast her, hard and fast, just to leave some egg on her face before she speaks.

Granted, it will likely be pre-recorded.

d5ead9  No.5018779


I wonder if I'm going to die on 5/9.

c48fb5  No.5018780


That's a really super image!

9ea936  No.5018781

File: eaa1c24a8ce1eb9⋯.png (177.75 KB, 374x284, 187:142, 2019-01-30_21-54-40.png)

4664c4  No.5018782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9e2b01  No.5018784

File: 968f35b356d1352⋯.jpg (138.93 KB, 746x584, 373:292, downloadfile-13.jpg)

Before Obama's political correctness.

372b22  No.5018785

File: 4683bb5c79f6659⋯.jpg (70.93 KB, 734x490, 367:245, 12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

5a6c41  No.5018786


I wonder if she threatened him.

5bcb07  No.5018787


Not clear.

The top 10 donors, however, look to be fronts that with some digging I suspect can be linked to certain Major Players.

One example:

The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation

Based in London

Top donor. Owned by Christopher Hohn and his fund "The Children's Investment Fund"

Received the Order of S. Michael and St. George

Two patron saints of protection (michael) and keeping your mouth shut (george)

That's as far as I have gone but it's starting to look like money sent to the CF from the Crown via this fund.

Then you look at Red Cross/Red Crescent.

Q states they're a piggy bank.

And also smugglers

Of what?

Take Haiti for example:

Major catastrophe, donations pour in

Major funds setup:

Clinton Bush Haiti Fund


Catholic Relief Services (would be fun to tie this back to Vatican)

Clinton Foundation Haiti Fund

These funds receive money

Pay Red Cross

Red Red delivers something.

What do you think it could be?

Just pick a top donor and dig. There's a ton here.

Q drops will help make the connections where roadblocks occur.

a534b4  No.5018788


Can't be her, is it? Hard to believe.

1bf055  No.5018789


Thanks anon..love all you fellow patriots!

ca5a64  No.5018790

File: 814be0ad29cb71f⋯.jpg (209.91 KB, 750x738, 125:123, SOTCBP.jpg)

6af43b  No.5018791


Gillespie, who I knew in college, really fucked up by not allowing Trump to campaign for him.

3fd730  No.5018792

File: 9b3f02f51fb9855⋯.mp4 (6.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3QV1P7O6ZwcyCXhL.mp4)

c2fa47  No.5018793

File: 02ab7a086c7f3f4⋯.png (456.15 KB, 364x546, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Racist photo tip came from ex-classmate angry with Northam's abortion remarks

A far-right conservative website was reportedly tipped off about the racist photo on Gov. Ralph Northam's medical school yearbook page by one of his former classmates. A source from Big League Politics told the Washington Post the individual reached out because of "anger" over Northam's recent comments about a bill that would loosen restrictions on abortions. “The revelations about Ralph Northam’s racist past were absolutely driven by his medical school classmate’s anger over his recent very public support for infanticide,” the unnamed source said.

Northam, a former pediatric neurologist, has faced a barrage of criticism for an interview he did with WTOP about whether he supported a bill to roll back restrictions on third-trimester abortions in his state. "This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved," Northam said on Wednesday. "When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physician — more than one physician, by the way — and it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's non-viable." "If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen," Northam said. "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother." He also said comments made by the bill's author, Virginia Democratic Del. Kathy Tran, had “really blown out of proportion.” Her bill never made it out of a subcommittee.

Conservative circles criticized Northam's comments, arguing the governor supported "infanticide." He responded in a tweet Wednesday evening, saying, "I have devoted my life to caring for children and any insinuation otherwise is shameful and disgusting." The photo that surfaced Friday on Big League Politics' website came from Northam's medical school's 1984 yearbook, showing a man in blackface and a man wearing Ku Klux Klan robes. Democrats and other allies in Virginia and across the nation have called on Northam to resign. Northam, who initially apologized on Friday, backtracked during a press conference Saturday, saying he didn't think he was in the photo. Northam also said he did not pick it to be included on his page. The he did acknowledge wore blackface that same year to dress up as singer Michael Jackson for a talent show. The Post also spoke to Patrick Howley, the editor in chief of Big League Politics who previously worked at Daily Caller and Breitbart News. He said a "concerned citizen" pointed out the photo to his team, but he declined to identify his source citing a confidentiality agreement.


6dac79  No.5018794

File: dea5d324e537939⋯.png (647.13 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, tranVideoTakenOffinternetA….png)


Trans says yes the bill would kill babies even until birth. Its in the law. The law demanded by Hillary

9ac657  No.5018795


Usually gives highlights to congress before speech

They can’t stop leaking so maybe before speech we will know

Fraud needs death punch

e908cc  No.5018796

File: 3e52afa45c0f705⋯.jpg (88.76 KB, 500x750, 2:3, vVSHz.jpg)


Thank you Anon.

Lots of good reading here.

Sorry for the slide.

Back to Lurk for me.

a29102  No.5018797

File: b854a449982b2f0⋯.jpg (44.36 KB, 425x447, 425:447, 71vManxgCSL._SX425_.jpg)


And yet they still manage to miss the pedophiles. Gee.

6af43b  No.5018798


Because when Killary twats, libtards listen?

6dac79  No.5018799


Tran introduced a bill – that has since been tabled – that would allow women to ask for an abortion even moments before birth. In a key exchange with Republican Del. Todd Gilbert that went viral, Tran said there were no limits on when an abortion could take place in her bill:

Gilbert: Where it’s obvious a woman is about to give birth, that she has physical signs that she is about to give birth. Would that be a point at which she could still request an abortion if she was so certified? She’s dilating.

Tran: Mr. Chairman, that would be a decision that the doctor, the physician, and the woman would make at that point.

Gilbert: I understand that. I’m asking if your bill allows that.

Tran: My bill would allow that, yes.

https ://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/02/02/va-democrat-kathy-tran-postpones-town-hall-amid-backlash-over-childbirth-abortion-bill/

238230  No.5018800


Wake up, America; Morning's over.

In the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII, Hulu ran a commercial reminiscent of a 1984 Reagan campaign ad that was anything but. “It’s morning again in America,“ it begins, giving the illusion of an actual political ad. It quickly devolves into a dark and flame-filled promo for The Handmaid’s Tale, a dystopian drama portraying a future where a totalitarian government establishes rule in the United States, based on a Margaret Atwood novel by the same name. Critics, viewers and even the cast have drawn parallels between the show’s dystopian America and society under Donald Trump.

0f5a4a  No.5018801

File: 4ccfbbbbfe4c77c⋯.jpeg (14.31 KB, 202x253, 202:253, 50d1e4ecd7bca0694c122facb….jpeg)

>>5018514 LB

>another dimension another dimension another dimension.


af0395  No.5018802


Earth will shock CA, God says to take precautions!

dcf21c  No.5018803

>>5018693 An imagined scenario: Northam gets elected with help from "our" side. Right after the term begins, he is used up for a dual purpose. First, he is one of the front men for floating the murder of live infants. So he takes the heat for that as they try to deaden the people to the idea. Then, according to plan, the old photo surfaces and he is forced out in favor of Fairfax, who is the guy they really want in the position because he is black, but who could not have been elected on his own hook. Northam walks away with an alleged $2 million from PP as compensation. All untrue of course, just a fantasy.

16f020  No.5018804

The Pepsi logo now looks similar to Planned Parenthood

1edf6b  No.5018805


Sure. Let's watch it now since it was totally lost in the election.

7fa35a  No.5018806

>>5018555 lb

Not a Meme. A screen cap of the article.

Try and keep up!

a534b4  No.5018807


Was he that stupid in college? What a dumbass!

d83782  No.5018808

File: 8f88f97adde64cf⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1009x4503, 1009:4503, February-2019-National-Day….png)

February 2019 National Day of … list

A few jump out as being possible candidates for "habbenings."



Nat'l PIZZA Day

Nat'l Love Your PET, DOG Biscuit & Spay Days





Nat'l ALMONDS Day …and moar tingling results.

5a6c41  No.5018809


Things are worse is what i hear but it might slow them down on the abortion bill.

abb5fd  No.5018810

Nothing says they have sunk lower then a snails belly like asking a huge racist loser to speak after the SOTU!

82f38c  No.5018811


That’s sweet Anon! Congratulations! <3

ad12c3  No.5018812


I agree we should wait for more information. Notable removed. Thank you anon.

e873f9  No.5018813


>more than one physician

This is a lie. The bill strikes down the "old" law requiring multiple MD's agreeing on necessity of 3rd trim abortion.

9e2b01  No.5018814

File: 243d1df6ccdc839⋯.jpg (36.31 KB, 370x400, 37:40, downloadfile-7.jpg)


ed4580  No.5018815


This is why I wondered if Hillary's tweet had anything to do with it. She must be getting desperate.

42c4f9  No.5018816

>>5017863 (lb)

A lot of interesting words in that article:

Family Y





350103  No.5018817

File: fc6cc8af766d1a9⋯.jpg (91.48 KB, 833x500, 833:500, 2srvqm.jpg)

34d38c  No.5018818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Issa Britt

c60d03  No.5018819


I have a cache of pics on another device. He likes to draw sperm in the sky, eyes, tree of knowledge, pyramids…. Nothing illuminating or Kabalahish at all fren. ;)

1bf055  No.5018820


Thanks Patriot

5363bf  No.5018821

With the plane crash in CA and Q's jet pic, I wonder if people are trying to escape USA on planes.

6dac79  No.5018822

File: 3d4292c9cba5b68⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1280x1024, 5:4, VAgovCanKillAbabyThatisAlr….png)


The Tran Video goes Viral and the Gov of VA says yes we want the Hilliary abortion bill that tran mentions. On the radio The gov defends Trans and the Clinton Bill in NY

ITs not murder at birth its abortion

81412f  No.5018823


Big and small

a534b4  No.5018824


Points to how big the problem really is, right? If they really wanted to, I am pretty sure they could clean up 90% of the pedophiles.

a29102  No.5018825



Total bullshit, Dan Bongino had the picture too.

e908cc  No.5018826


Feinstein's handler.

Creepy broad.

e27490  No.5018827

Baker >>5018599

Why was the DTCC dig notable removed from #6404? actually, why is #6404 notables bun in fact #6403 bun?

this is the 3rd time anon has personally observed certain baker(s) ignore/remove DTCC digs. watching.


>>5015599, >>5015659, >>5016119, >>5016143, >>5016155, >>5016163 Sandusky and his ties to the Deep State.

>>5016151 Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority.

>>5015672, >>5015706, >>5015715, >>5015740, >>5015997 Fed Reserve and DTCC dig.

>>5016073 Air Canada plane turned back midway through a Christmas Eve flight to Maui for "maintenance reasons."

>>5015866 Millions in Japan affected as flu outbreak grips country.

>>5015811 Anti-aging stem cell usages: PP making a killing.

>>5015728 Univar dig. Someone consolidate posts?

>>5015593 2 HOURS internet cut-off for kids in the works?

>>5015585 Federal BRIDGE – Entrust Enhanced Internet Security PKI monopoly and timeline.

>>5015555, >>5015962 Kamala Harris anti-lynching bill and Smollett's "hate crime" timing. Smollett = activist.

>>5015547 US DoD Tweet: Superbowl LIII highlighting South Korean Soldiers.

>>5015524 VA Democrat Kathy Tran postpones town hall amid backlash over childbirth abortion bill.

>>5015515 Summary of 1957 interview with Margaret Sanger for anons. Interview is about birth control and not abortion.

>>5015498 Netanyahu says Iran controls Lebanese government through Hezbollah.

>>5016214 #6404

4664c4  No.5018828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c5690c  No.5018829

File: f9546ccbe1ede29⋯.webm (1.42 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Q.webm)

a534b4  No.5018830


They sure do listen to Killary's twat!

cbc8ef  No.5018831


He was Snowden’s publicity agent. Clown or useful idiot?

9e2b01  No.5018832

File: 68314453544814d⋯.jpg (20.61 KB, 315x320, 63:64, downloadfile-32.jpg)

File: 4a085369b58dc76⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 581x454, 581:454, 2sqr6f_1.jpg)

26ab94  No.5018833


Do you have the link to this?

372b22  No.5018834

File: 71b6efe2011db1b⋯.jpg (290.58 KB, 892x633, 892:633, P1030800 (1).jpg)


a29102  No.5018835


>Points to how big the problem really is, right?

Yeah. You should see some of the new mind-reading tech the government has but doesn't talk about.

5fc832  No.5018836

File: 351b7837bd35018⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 400x479, 400:479, grmrnazi.jpg)


RBG, Ignofaggot….

dcf21c  No.5018837

File: a1470850a1e67e2⋯.png (308.39 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ClipboardImage.png)



Barney Frank looked disgusting–nipples protruding–in his blue shirt before Congress. Very very disrespectful.

12:36 PM - 21 Dec 2011


90b515  No.5018838


By my count, there's been 8 plane crashes since last Friday.

Can another anon confirm?

162714  No.5018839

File: 7998c43cd87cedb⋯.png (79.87 KB, 1491x510, 497:170, strong drops 1.PNG)






82f38c  No.5018840


God I hope so!

69a83b  No.5018841


The cast…actors? Maybe it's time you wake up. Your lines are tangled.

4664c4  No.5018842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

49013e  No.5018843


> new laws because of the death of RGB

It's easier to push these laws through while people think they don't matter.

162714  No.5018844

File: 40b337f648eccb1⋯.png (74.92 KB, 1492x432, 373:108, strong drops 2.PNG)

6dac79  No.5018845

File: 89975c4f47098c6⋯.png (923.72 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, ThedisstractionFomInfantci….png)


Public outrage about the video that went viral and the gov on radio saying its ok to kill babies at birth.

This stopped the townhall. Imagaine a town hall about infantcide.

Then the yearbook came out

6af43b  No.5018846


Gutfeld said Booker always talks like he has a mouthful of too-hot pizza. He does a good imitation.

a534b4  No.5018847


Dem Disinfo.

6af43b  No.5018848

File: e292fdea20cf5df⋯.jpg (80.72 KB, 600x350, 12:7, spartacus.jpg)

f8d9e1  No.5018849

File: 03111ad7d56403b⋯.mp4 (7.05 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Kill babies.mp4)

ca5a64  No.5018850


I caught that also.

Also, a lot of Mengele references on FOX lately

e873f9  No.5018851


Barney Frank and his gay lover fucked up Fannie and Freddie for their personal gain.

They used to have orgies in their basement.

494efa  No.5018852


this is what needs to get viral moar than the blackkkface

5bcb07  No.5018853


Noticed as well. There's a lot of stringers.

c13072  No.5018854

>>5018566 (pb)

For what it's worth, I did twat it and @tribunal_watch liked it.

4752f3  No.5018855


I see what you mean anon.

Just read HRC's tweet.

She wants Northam (Out).

d0de03  No.5018856


Fuck yeah ebot ! Tool is the shit !

3fd730  No.5018857

File: b7efddc72e18d2e⋯.png (8.51 KB, 258x196, 129:98, download (1).png)


that's so sweet. Congrats and best of luck to you!

a534b4  No.5018858


Then the next question is how? They don't allow us to know. So there is no way to do that.

6af43b  No.5018859


Thank you. We are praying hard.

34bbd5  No.5018860

File: 4dc0b0a32ce5bdb⋯.jpg (49.99 KB, 720x801, 80:89, 51195321_10211018344214531….jpg)

1bf055  No.5018861


Thanks anon I appreciate it!

0f5a4a  No.5018862

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Another slick perverted inversion to hide the fact that they're killing babies and selling the parts.

c5690c  No.5018863

File: 3c1daff6dbad0e8⋯.jpg (77.79 KB, 396x385, 36:35, PepeLight.jpg)

34bbd5  No.5018864

File: 61690ef5ded7837⋯.jpg (53.74 KB, 636x504, 53:42, 50530628_1184124731737988_….jpg)

197840  No.5018865

File: 0c93b509c1ccb2a⋯.png (425.99 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, fifty_shades_of_schneiderm….png)


Schneiderman too

ad5860  No.5018866


Of course, top donors shady AF.

That's how it works.

It's the whole reason they))) opened CF.

The playbook is old.

If know the entire list, big piece of the map.

Knowing origins brings understanding.

>Just pick a top donor and dig. There's a ton here.

Know all the donors, all the way back, know the whole story.

Wars make the women and children run.

Who are there to pick them up and deliver them?

>Red Red delivers something.

>What do you think it could be?

6af43b  No.5018867


Demons must love the human, arms and drugs trafficking, so many opportunities for evil.

252ac5  No.5018868

File: 9bdc0d835756a29⋯.png (212.92 KB, 782x448, 391:224, ClipboardImage.png)

So, apparently, China in general and Shanghai specifically, has a problem - and that problem is a penchant for eating Fetuses.. (among other things)


Baby-eating art show sparks upset

A controversial UK TV programme featuring a Chinese artist apparently eating a stillborn baby has received a number of complaints from viewers.

About 15 viewers called in to complain following the transmission on Thursday night, while 50 others had already contacted Channel 4 to register their disgust before it was even aired.

Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe was one of those who had condemned the Beijing Swings documentary, which featured extreme art in China, as "hideous" before it was shown.

An estimated 900,000 tuned in to see the documentary, which went out at 2300 GMT on Thursday. It was beaten in the ratings by the 1997 movie Beverly Hills Cop II, which attracted 3.4 million viewers.

Beijing Swings featured footage of a man drinking wine that had an amputated penis added to it, as part of an investigation into extreme practices in China.


The documentary also included stills of artist Zhu Yu biting into the body of a stillborn baby.

A Channel 4 spokesman said that while it takes all comments and complaints seriously, it stands by its decision to broadcast the programme.

The artist, Zhu Yu, was quoted as saying: "No religion forbids cannibalism.

"Nor can I find any law which prevents us from eating people. I took advantage of the space between morality and the law and based my work on it."

Mr Yu, who is a Christian, claims religion plays a major role in his work.

But before seeing the show, Ms Widdecombe said: "This programme sounds hideous."

The documentary's presenter, Sunday Times art critic Waldemar Januszczak, defended the documentary on BBC Radio 4's Today programme.


While he did not defend Mr Yu's practice, he said: "It is worth trying to understand why China is producing the most outrageous, the darkest art, of anywhere in the world."

The Chinese embassy in London also reportedly also condemned the programme.

Mr Yu's performance show, Eating People, was originally shown in 2000. It has been shown at the Third Shanghai Biennale in China.

Mr Yu's work is part of a wave of extreme art that has swept contemporary Chinese artistic circles.

The ministry of culture cracked down on what it termed "shock art" after the country was announced as the host to hold the 2008 Olympics.

6dac79  No.5018869

File: 9a0bd03ef809e7e⋯.png (444.38 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, hilliaryThrowsunderBusTheG….png)


Hiliarry demands that the GOV of VA resigns even though he GOV VA and tran was pushing Clintons

Abortion Bill. Also remember Clinton in pres debate and abortion?

The distraction fro the law in NY and VA

Its racism !! Not the Clinton law.

34bbd5  No.5018870

File: 81cb3afc55b4f11⋯.jpg (64.86 KB, 640x410, 64:41, 12079481_740408106093229_5….jpg)

c2fa47  No.5018871

File: 440f971af814081⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1056x528, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon sending thousands more troops to southern border

The Pentagon announced on Sunday 3,750 additional U.S. forces will be deployed to the southern border to provide support to Customs and Border Protection. These additional troops, who according to CNN will be deployed for 90 days, will bring the total number of active duty forces supporting CBP at the border to roughly 4,350. The number of troops being sent to the U.S.-Mexico border is slightly up from the 3,500 figure reported last week.

Last month, acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said the U.S. military's support mission at the southern border had been extended until September at the urging of the Department of Homeland Security. "That support includes a mobile surveillance capability through the end of September 2019, as well as the emplacement of approximately 150 miles of concertina wire between ports of entry," the Pentagon statement said Sunday. Troops were initially sent to the southern border ahead of the November midterm elections as a caravan of about 1,000 Central Americans seeking asylum moved through Mexico on the way to San Diego. Nearly 6,000 active duty service members were sent there in November.

The Trump administration has faced heat for not being completely forthcoming with its plans to send troops to the border. Last week, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., rebuked the Pentagon for failing to provide “full transparency” to the panel regarding the specifics of the Pentagon’s plans to provide additional support to CBP, including how many troops would be sent. President Trump, who is at loggerheads with Democrats in Congress over his demand for $5.7 billion in border wall funding, tweeted Thursday that more troops were being sent to the border to stem the tide of illegal immigration. "More troops being sent to the Southern Border to stop the attempted Invasion of Illegals, through large Caravans, into our Country. We have stopped the previous Caravans, and we will stop these also. With a Wall it would be soooo much easier and less expensive. Being Built!" he said. Trump has threatened to use emergency powers to divert military resources in order to build a physical barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border if Congress can't come to a long-term spending agreement to avert another partial government shutdown by mid-February.


aff4c3  No.5018872


So, he's running for 2020 too. How many of them now? What a sucker's game.

But don't the have to give up their seat in Congress to run? This may turn out to be a good thing after all.

d604ed  No.5018873

File: 38d71d731d6723d⋯.jpg (273.69 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, -Tron-Legacy-tron-legacy-n….jpg)

A female for Captain America?

Yes or NO

5453f6  No.5018874


Looks like one of the HTML codes for bold.

e9e8c2  No.5018875

So has Gillette's commercial leaked yet?

372b22  No.5018876

File: 5cf39c3af46bedf⋯.jpg (63.64 KB, 600x338, 300:169, hillarybooker2.jpg)

34bbd5  No.5018877

File: d0943111ec51e5d⋯.png (318.62 KB, 542x528, 271:264, 50850126_1539073599560005_….png)

162714  No.5018878



67eeb1  No.5018879


A video fag should put black face on him in this video.

cbc8ef  No.5018880


They hate on Christianity while selling us out to Islam, Communism and Satanism.

ca5a64  No.5018881


Anyone else notice this?


238230  No.5018882


No,,,, the "wake up" line is the commercial. Phonefagging here; how do I upload youtube here?

c524fd  No.5018883

File: a3fb77054642f42⋯.png (98.74 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)


How about commencing a dig to see if CERN is publishing open source info on a serious power anomaly that occurred on December 4, 2018 causing a shutdown of a running supercollider experiment that was capable of running in the TeV (tera electron-volt) range.

Maybe fire brigade data from that date from neighboring towns? I believe that collider is partly under France and partly under Switzerland?

Any europanons feel like digging local fire brigade call-outs on that date?

a2ddc4  No.5018884

File: 5f971ae796fda80⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 15492387915883777337038034….jpg)

sports baal go team.

Marcus Peters..


btw I'm not f00king moving to topeka(topkek)

82f38c  No.5018885


I hope you’re wrong Anon. That’s a scary thought.

dcf21c  No.5018886

File: 8b97594b4706eb2⋯.jpg (96.64 KB, 712x512, 89:64, 2018-09-03 22:46:48Z.jpg)


Those <strong> markers are not present in the original drops. They are added by the website. I submit my screencap taken on Sept 3rd, 2018 for evidence.

Qpub.map has a problem if it is adding data that isn't there or treating text as spurious formatting instructions.

5a6c41  No.5018887

File: 46744ccff974a07⋯.png (466.27 KB, 664x643, 664:643, Capture.PNG)

File: c4086cd34906320⋯.jpg (350.32 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, MARALAGO SUPER BOWL 2019.jpg)

a9f97d  No.5018888

File: db6eec2a95643be⋯.jpg (29.4 KB, 512x512, 1:1, DP - Time..jpg)


ThanQ for your time baker.

e3e37c  No.5018889


Is that a U2 song?

5bcb07  No.5018890


all caps STRONG in qdrops

mostly connected with some phrasing of "strong together"

"united we stand"

And the there's this:

<strong>[Next week]strong>

<strong>[Next week]strong>

<strong>[Next week]strong>

Suicide weekend?


I think we're close to trying times where we have to work together.

The STRONG stringers will help us.

Future proves past

9ea936  No.5018891

File: 108b3e70ea204f2⋯.png (423.26 KB, 491x396, 491:396, 2019-02-03_19-07-11.png)


GHW Bush?

ce73ac  No.5018892

just realized..

Super Bowl always be played Early February..

Dindu Nuffin History Month Hype..

Dindu Nuffin SJW circle jerk..

niggafication of america..

shove'd down our throat..

6af43b  No.5018893


It's usually very satanic, which is one of the reasons I stopped watching several years ago.

ed4580  No.5018894


Sounds like a threat to me.

abb5fd  No.5018895

I e watched the entire series, and read the book, and seen the original movie… potus america is NOTHING like any of it!


a90c2b  No.5018896

File: e91ac39fa9992f6⋯.jpeg (1.51 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, CE98A542-E54E-4C89-A893-8….jpeg)

Super Bowl commercial. Expensify.

Women dressed all in gold, dancing like Egyptian gods. Man with an illuminati eye on his fore head.

When you’re awake you see it

c5690c  No.5018897

File: 9a91b1ee49518a6⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Q.gif)

92db8c  No.5018898




Cui bono?


Wee See You!


0ae967  No.5018899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

252ac5  No.5018900

File: 301b93a76258dc0⋯.png (373.64 KB, 1022x1304, 511:652, ClipboardImage.png)



Chinese cannibalism of infant flesh outrages the world

By Youngbee Dale - - Wednesday, December 31, 2014

WASHINGTON, May 10, 2012 — China’s one child policy, baby trafficking, and sex trafficking of North Korean women aren’t the worst human rights violation happening in the country. Aborting innocent and healthy unborn children and eating them to boost one’s stamina and sexual health is.

South Korean customs officials recently seized thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh arriving from China. Since August 2011, South Korean officials have intercepted more than 17000 pills smuggled from China.

South Korean officials became aware of a horrific practice of eating aborted fetuses after Seoul Broadcasting System showed a documentary on Chinese doctors who performed abortions and then ate the fetuses. One Chinese doctor on the documentary took out fetuses from his refrigerator

Earlier this week, the Daily Mail revealed further details about the practice:

“The grim trade is being run from China where corrupt medical staff are said to be tipping off medical companies when babies are aborted or delivered still-born.

“The tiny corpses are then bought, stored in household refrigerators in homes of those involved in the trade before they are removed and taken to clinics where they are placed in medical drying microwaves.

“Once the skin is tinder dry, it is pummeled into powder and then processed into capsules along with herbs to disguise the true ingredients from health investigators and customs officers.”

Chinese authorities denied allegations that the pills were manufactured in China. A Ministry of Health spokesman stated that an investigation conducted last August showed no proof that pills containing human flesh were manufactured in China.

Reports show that the South Korean customs officials aren’t the first ones to witness such a gruesome human rights violation by the Chinese. In 2007, Hong Kong based Next Magazine reported that infant fetuses had became a popular health and beauty supplement in China. In Guangdong, the demand for fetus’s body parts was so high that buyers purchased them directly at the hospitals.

One writer says that in China, reports about meals made from infant flesh surface from time to time. An online video clips on Chinese cannibalism contains the introduction that “eating human flesh is an art form.”

In 1995, one human rights advocate recorded allegation of doctors eating dead fetus after performing abortions at Shenzhen hospitals. To confirm the allegation, an undercover reporter from Eastern Express visited a state owned health center for women and children and asked a female doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that the hospital was out of stock but reminded the reporter to come back. When the reporter went back to the hospital, the doctor offered ten fetuses for free.

In another state-run hospital in Shenzhen, a nurse said that fetuses were in short supply and the price could go up from $10 to $20. In another clinic, one doctor offered the reporter a full-term fetus and recommended that it had the best healing ingredients.

The disturbing human rights abuse comes from a distorted view of unborn children in Chinese culture. Traditionally, ancient Chinese considered ingestion of firstborns, aborted fetuses and placentas as part of a mother’s flesh. An unborn child has no personhood of his or her own. Hence, mothers believed that they were theirs to reabsorb to create a new, healthier baby. This type of belief is common in societies practicing cannibalistic infanticide.

Chinese folk tradition says that placenta consumption helps increase the supply of sperm, and in traditional Chinese medicine it is believed to support blood supply.

Consumption of fetuses and full-term infants is a horrific, vile practice against humanity. The Chinese government must step up efforts to end the practice

9e2b01  No.5018901

File: ca340566e79b5ab⋯.jpg (36.41 KB, 780x450, 26:15, pjimage-361.jpg)

File: b5acc3f81785feb⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 2sqyrw_1.jpg)



AOC'S boyfriend is a devout socialist.

2b3240  No.5018902

File: b08510db615c280⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 480x414, 80:69, champagne pepe.jpg)


Congrats, anon!

aff4c3  No.5018903


Whenever Hillary, the Untouchable, speaks y'all better act, and quick!

2ec774  No.5018904

File: 92bf2d7cb695e84⋯.jpg (116.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Aborted_baby_food.jpg)

162714  No.5018905


I didn't remember them at all.

9ec408  No.5018906

File: fed213615447cb6⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 430x287, 430:287, river_tam_psychic.jpg)

a534b4  No.5018907


And there is your answer. They HATE Christ. Period. Good vs Evil.

e9e8c2  No.5018908


Thighness AND McAuliffe want him gone? Then he's /ourguy/

6dac79  No.5018909

File: 9dbf3c0b80d8f76⋯.jpg (13.65 KB, 420x315, 4:3, Kathy-Tran-420x315.jpg)


Trans comes out and blames the Gov of Racism and must step down. Even impeach him for racism deflecting her own Infantcide Bill.

Impeach the gov for racism. NBC mentions pres was a racist and could be impeached for it like the Gov of VA

372b22  No.5018910

File: 722d403e98db6e2⋯.png (501.34 KB, 620x504, 155:126, hillarybooker1.png)

6af43b  No.5018911


We in the hip-hop community call her R-Bag.

1bf055  No.5018912


Thanks Patriot!!

5fc832  No.5018913

File: 84c37dd7f23fde2⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 568x304, 71:38, abynrml.jpg)


GTFO with your idiot unreality of 90 lb actresses kicking 200 lb men around……

f5577e  No.5018914


Will we need a specific law against cannibalism in the future?

b33811  No.5018915


Its a closed system to protect us.

ca5a64  No.5018916


Good ol' Dr. Green…

923d9f  No.5018917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this sb commercial freaked me out

am i an overly sensitive anon?

7fa35a  No.5018918

File: acaa2c3eea4ebf6⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 640x443, 640:443, SAFE MODE WITH THE WALL.jpg)

dcf21c  No.5018919


Someone posted this tweet about Barney Frank's disrespectful and disgusting nipples after Mattis's departure in response to a question I posed. Nobody saw the response but me. I made a mental note that it could have been spurious or might have been a hint.

ed4580  No.5018920

File: 48c62113798282a⋯.png (26.1 KB, 556x294, 278:147, Hillarythreat.PNG)

4664c4  No.5018921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a47dd5  No.5018922


red vs blue on the bottom

e27490  No.5018923


God bless, anon. POTUS reads all his fan mail so he may certainly reply !

c2fa47  No.5018924



Completely agreed, it is important to know and understand how they are working the narrative and where they intend to shine their light toward.. I think we all could have figured this was coming.

cbc8ef  No.5018925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The symbolism in this mm super bowl commercial.

Kid=candy. Edible.

718964  No.5018926


Funny you say that….spouse anon got kinda freaked out too

5c0da7  No.5018927


Just pointed that out to my wife when I saw it!!

aff4c3  No.5018928


She seriously needs to see an orthodontist about those horse teeth.

427a12  No.5018929

File: 7df653aa0ef6d83⋯.jpg (238.83 KB, 942x1200, 157:200, Red Pill Family.jpg)

File: 17d0062f670a799⋯.png (594.39 KB, 948x428, 237:107, 01cfe65d1c006086a0928ab27e….png)



Congrats and hope your wedding and marriage are blessed.

Glad you found someone as well anon, hoepfully circumstances will improve.

4664c4  No.5018930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6088ac  No.5018931


And the M&M ad where the screaming mother threatens to eat her kids alive…

6502f6  No.5018932

File: 8fc8cf65feec5d4⋯.jpg (123.91 KB, 970x753, 970:753, 5jwhsgfzd.JPG)

dcf21c  No.5018933


I guess I typed that wrong ::

should be qmap.pub

where that anon got the screencaps containing spurious <strong> markers

6af43b  No.5018934


Soetero had a Rainbow Unicorn that pooped gold bricks, but it turned out to be fake and gay like him.

33b4c0  No.5018935

Who is cat eye screwface behind Tran?>>5018794

6dac79  No.5018936

File: 1d819959c76e836⋯.png (547.33 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, POTUStweetKillingBabiesLAw….png)


POTUs tweets About the Abortion Bill about the infantcide.

455693  No.5018937

File: 93de5a9861e24ce⋯.jpg (966.6 KB, 1080x1740, 18:29, Screenshot_20190203-160954….jpg)

File: af218a4f17484d4⋯.jpg (387.12 KB, 1080x1990, 108:199, Screenshot_20190203-160934….jpg)



4664c4  No.5018938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cddcf7  No.5018939

File: af1a6329de8b0cc⋯.jpg (285 KB, 1080x724, 270:181, Screenshot_20190203-161043….jpg)

Hi Potus & Q…

I just want to say it took me a

LONG TIME to find a Pastor!!!

please keep him safe & bring him back.

God Bless guyz.

e27490  No.5018940

File: fc3548ac12040dd⋯.png (600.61 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, childcannibalMandM_SB2019.png)

a534b4  No.5018941


Especially by Judge Jeanine Pirro last night.

0ce705  No.5018942


think of the vastness of "space"

while considering overlaid dimensions

instead of nasa

9e2b01  No.5018943

File: c741630dc826272⋯.jpg (44.5 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, downloadfile-29.jpg)

File: bdd673133390c52⋯.jpg (79.02 KB, 684x446, 342:223, downloadfile-21.jpg)

Illegal aliens self deporting.

2ec774  No.5018944

File: f333ddd3f9bc5b2⋯.jpeg (56.62 KB, 616x924, 2:3, 1536954794875.jpeg)

34bbd5  No.5018945


KEK! Looks like there is more than just 50 shades!

e9e8c2  No.5018946


At their Paraguay ranch.

1bf055  No.5018947


I don’t expect anything he’s a busy guy..but if he did I would be elated! It would be an honor to hear from him..thanks anon, god bless!

4664c4  No.5018948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6af43b  No.5018949


Loser Muppet? /They/ are not sending /their/ best.

408c86  No.5018950


Nice autism: NE is shown in red, too

d0de03  No.5018952

File: f7e696d4d0022b5⋯.jpg (14.92 KB, 436x304, 109:76, 20190203_191123.jpg)


Ebot what does this mean?

009e1f  No.5018953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video of security cam= audio of plane crash. California 2/3/19

Also, sounds like a gunshot post-crash in the ig video clip included in this article.



541507  No.5018954

File: ec09504675ad6ee⋯.jpg (113.24 KB, 1080x490, 108:49, 20190203_180937.jpg)


i think a case is to be made from the Ministry of Jesus concerning the factual irrelevance of this world/life and the taking [finally] of another human's right to chose is evidence of

/Lack of Faith/ in God's Love/Will for (your) life.


372b22  No.5018955

File: ba78450d2b4987f⋯.jpg (328.32 KB, 1192x645, 1192:645, iu (2).jpg)

7d22b3  No.5018956

File: 41963bb2606fb25⋯.jpg (178 KB, 892x808, 223:202, ocasio corbyn.jpg)

So now Ocasio-Cortez is speaking to world leaders on the phone???


90b515  No.5018957


Do we have a deadpool going on Northam?

Put me down for Saturday after next.

6dac79  No.5018958

File: 5fccecd203395cc⋯.png (739.45 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, CNNfakeNewsHidesindantCide….png)


CNN spins talks racism never mentions cuomo infanticide bill calls gov of VA

CNN streams that the gov is a racist

252ac5  No.5018959

File: 259f10ca11536dd⋯.png (728.88 KB, 1065x858, 355:286, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd2ba074e1c6a68⋯.png (728.29 KB, 1058x861, 1058:861, ClipboardImage.png)



Less relevant but still worth a mention given the context provided by the previous 2 posts:

The Fetal Cannibalism Myth Inspired "Dumplings"

This well-known urban legend hails from Hong Kong. According to the myth, aborted fetuses are believed to restore beauty and youth, as well as increase fertility. In one notable case, performance artist Zhu Yu allegedly consumed fetuses for a conceptual art display entitled “Eating People” at the Shanghai arts festival in 2000. The “shock art” sparked controversy, and provoked federal investigations.

In the Chinese film Dumplings, a fading actress reaches out to a local chef named Aunt Mei. After the actress explains her problem, the chef prescribes her famous youth-rejuvenating dumplings. The main ingredient? Fetuses. After realizing the secret recipe worked, the plot spiraled out of control and reached violent heights.


4664c4  No.5018960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c5690c  No.5018961

File: 3afe919e522ec99⋯.jpg (19.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, QSEESALL.jpg)

cbc8ef  No.5018962


Apparently yes.

de214e  No.5018963

File: a853138221d3e3b⋯.jpg (118.97 KB, 500x379, 500:379, 2862111344_f5474fdc2c_z.jpg)

File: e640cb7a9eefbc7⋯.png (193.58 KB, 366x608, 183:304, Emperor Qin Shi Huang with….png)

Not sure why Japan need antifas unless it's do defend the only class subject to social discrimination in Japan.

inorities constitute 4% of Japan’s 127 million citizens. The Buraku are the largest minority, but there are also 650,000 Korean nationals, apart from the Ainu people (the aboriginals). The Buraku Liberation League established estimates their number to be around 3 million – many times more than the official estimates. The Buraku are concentrated in the Western part of Japan and they constitute 10% of people in Osaka and Fukuoka prefectures.

Don't thie JPantifa had Eta in mind.

Since the Eta are not considered human, the were exempt from taxes.


1bf055  No.5018964


That was awesome thanks anon. God bless! America first!!

03c951  No.5018965


It means he gonna dox u

408c86  No.5018966


Top kek!

4664c4  No.5018967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

06285c  No.5018968


um- yeah

freaked me out a bit too

5f9589  No.5018969

File: e7b680dca450ad5⋯.png (566.53 KB, 925x888, 25:24, ClipboardImage.png)


Where's the MSM on this shit?

0ce705  No.5018970


just a theory ofcourse

not banking on it but it matches better biblically in my opinion

d0d9fa  No.5018971

File: 97b78102a75a05c⋯.jpg (98.54 KB, 500x772, 125:193, 2srw3j.jpg)

cbc8ef  No.5018972


I just posted that. It’s gross.

26ab94  No.5018973


Thank you. Just red pilled spouseanon. The reply to viewing this was literally “these people are fucking sick”

6be696  No.5018974


Yes….Zombie Law!

Shoot them right between the eyes when they come for you…

Or get yourself a 'Lucille' and learn how to make her sing!

6af43b  No.5018975


No, he's just a conventional R. McAulliffe was in school with us too.

dc101e  No.5018976


Corbyn is just another socialist like her. Not a leader.

9ec408  No.5018977


"Her Name Was Tracer"

350103  No.5018978


nail on the head anon .. its been like that since 9am this morning.

e873f9  No.5018979


I thought she was married?

4664c4  No.5018980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c5690c  No.5018981

File: c3f28089992ee68⋯.jpg (91.59 KB, 800x537, 800:537, WALL.jpg)

c48fb5  No.5018982



0f0887  No.5018983

Much of their supply was cut.

They forced the infanticide bill through New York.

Were pushing it in other states.

Instead - put Northam in the crosshairs.

So they sacrifice him.

Change the narrative.

Reap the rewards of late abortions in New York

Renewed supply of fully developed infant/fetus.

d0de03  No.5018984


You you even know where I got this from anon?

- and why it relates to ebot ?

7fa35a  No.5018986


Just watched the first 4 episodes yesterday.


a90c2b  No.5018987

File: 128f6f1464e5e7e⋯.png (4.74 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 4D2A0982-FD1B-4BDB-92DB-60….png)

82f38c  No.5018988


Supposedly going to oversee GITMO proceedings

9e2b01  No.5018989

File: 05277db63b8d36a⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1012x1269, 1012:1269, Screenshot_20190202-153456….png)


No not married she's been with him since college.

6dac79  No.5018990

File: b8d0b90595d1497⋯.png (683.93 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, QwithTheRuthHint.png)


Its Time to learn the Truth

Its Time to learn the Ruth

6af43b  No.5018991


That's prob more like how they FIND them.

d604ed  No.5018992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry Captain Marvel and yes, it has happened

4664c4  No.5018993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

05bf25  No.5018994


Thank You.

69a83b  No.5018995


See the post options at the bottom of the reply box. Click on it a drop down will appear where you post the code from YT share under the YT your watching.

Copy and paste in the option drop down

a90c2b  No.5018996


No. They are pushing it in our faces

9ac657  No.5018997

File: d3b19c2eeab94df⋯.jpeg (77.91 KB, 720x801, 80:89, A1103088-E880-458D-B5A1-3….jpeg)

6dac79  No.5018998


misspelling are important

f1829e  No.5018999

File: 538a490bbf0b839⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1436x1362, 718:681, ClipboardImage.png)

a7661d  No.5019000



I know it sounds crazy but I just got a big Déjà vu hit while looking a potential aircraft.

5fc832  No.5019001

File: 58adf36e7167f0a⋯.jpg (128.3 KB, 800x450, 16:9, watspoint.jpg)

e27490  No.5019002

File: 0a085e02491f691⋯.jpeg (71.84 KB, 912x450, 152:75, ....jpeg)


You have deleted bun #6404 and duplicated #6403

49013e  No.5019003


All I hear is the rain water splashing.

9ec408  No.5019004

File: b9d22e70b040338⋯.jpeg (27.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, STRONG.jpeg)

5a6c41  No.5019005

File: 2d5f04cd2ef8a25⋯.jpg (66.55 KB, 950x534, 475:267, 2.jpg)

Stephen Miller spotted at Maralago per press pool.

ed4580  No.5019006

Audi commercial

Spirit in the sky, that's where I'm gonna go when I die.

Add to the Creepy list.

e9e8c2  No.5019007


Then they're BOTH beards.

a534b4  No.5019008


Bet Mc was an amoral fuck, just like now, right?

6dac79  No.5019009




Rascism and Abortion and CNN Cumou live

6af43b  No.5019010


Killary has been a failure in everything she's ever down, even marrying Billy. Everything she touches turns to shit. An incompetent idiot. How can the demoncrats not see that, when it's so obvious?

1edf6b  No.5019011


You don't belong here. Isn't there a cross burning you're missing?

0ce705  No.5019012


I wanted to left hook this guy to the temple the entire time he was speaking

d604ed  No.5019013


Feminism and H-wood gone too far?

28b8c9  No.5019014


Make CTRL+ALT+DEL great again.

872487  No.5019015

File: e5172c9be49688a⋯.jpg (178.73 KB, 1456x1072, 91:67, waiting on the moon.jpg)

d0de03  No.5019016

File: a28cdb9dfc98263⋯.jpg (314.21 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Screenshot_20190203-190736….jpg)


Click on ebots name

69a83b  No.5019017


Just saw that anon

18f1df  No.5019018


and the "kid" says he'd prefer to be broken apart - channeling abortion methods

7d22b3  No.5019019

unless Labour takes over, then he becomes Prime Minister - dk how likely that is though

3fd730  No.5019020

File: cf39827534f1a2b⋯.jpg (64.67 KB, 656x802, 328:401, 1506620976679.jpg)


No not at all. Since it started there has been tons of little hints of various things that i caught. Keep thinking I am overthinking, but maybe not…

9e2b01  No.5019021

File: a9f70b64ef33946⋯.png (175.46 KB, 393x462, 131:154, downloadfile-18_1.png)

File: 425abac4f9abce2⋯.png (934.57 KB, 1010x877, 1010:877, Screenshot_20190203-104735….png)

I am Spartacus.

a47dd5  No.5019022


5+3 = 8

infinite dimensions

541507  No.5019023

File: ac1ac64bc92f4ec⋯.jpg (452.8 KB, 944x1060, 236:265, 20190203_181706.jpg)

408c86  No.5019024


Wife Anon took one look at that pic and went, "EWWWW!!"

58f6dc  No.5019025

File: 0410d655d7c81b1⋯.jpg (175.7 KB, 758x916, 379:458, Pats-4th.jpg)

Reminiscent. Member dis one guise.

When we all watched the game.

4th quarter, Patriots.


d87a56  No.5019026

File: 63a80d50d04871a⋯.jpg (130.7 KB, 735x500, 147:100, nkoiiiee.jpg)

File: 79eb41b2d6592d3⋯.jpg (130.56 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2sf3rz.jpg)

Goodnight, anons. Keep well.

26ab94  No.5019027


Agreed. I’ve been on the boards too long to enjoy anything without seeing all the hidden messages

a90c2b  No.5019028


Then the Audi commercial of the guy choking to death on a cashew.

0d8523  No.5019029


YUP ^^^

872487  No.5019030

File: 0d6dd80cc06f3cd⋯.jpg (68.49 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Mars Heartbeat.jpg)

e1028c  No.5019031

File: e8c5db5472c1a43⋯.jpg (57.31 KB, 888x500, 222:125, PLANNED PARENTHOOD MURDERS….jpg)

a534b4  No.5019032


Cause they don't want to? Regular logic doesn't apply here, imo. They love her because she is evil and serves Satan, just like they do.

82f38c  No.5019034


I hope so. Sounds gross

162714  No.5019035

Hillary Clinton Retweeted The Associated Press

This has gone on too long. There is nothing to debate. He must resign.

Are we sure Hillary isn't talking about Trump having gone on too long and needs to resign.

I think she just gave a GO signal

6af43b  No.5019036


A woman giving birth is in duress and often in no condition to make decisions. Duress is actually an legal excuse to escape from an obligation in many situations.

45d442  No.5019037


No sound of a shoot down.

The sound like a gunshot in the other clip is probably a tyre or pressurised cylinder in the plane or house popping due to the heat of the fire.

90b515  No.5019038

File: df70e41ca4bb9ac⋯.png (597.56 KB, 639x412, 639:412, ClipboardImage.png)



With all this talk about parallel dimensions, and now CERN, today, you guise really need to watch Counterpart.

de214e  No.5019039

File: 5d049cf672d7594⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 257x180, 257:180, 0612a1.jpg)

File: 951d0ea5a3f7c11⋯.jpg (25.12 KB, 468x234, 2:1, image023.jpg)

File: a5f22d690c0469a⋯.jpg (43.37 KB, 400x287, 400:287, kaum_eta2.jpg)

File: 07316ca1cd4f868⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 400x274, 200:137, YoshiwaraGirlsKusakabeKimb….jpg)


Few more Eta images

05bf25  No.5019040


Fentanyl goes nicely with those hypnotic blinking lights.

Try it for a complete televised football experience.

03c951  No.5019041


Thank God it wasn’t a California Walnut

abb5fd  No.5019042

File: d67cb5593e244b6⋯.jpeg (114.48 KB, 600x811, 600:811, 95ADED23-E8AF-442A-B847-5….jpeg)

cda9e2  No.5019043


When I look at his face I imagine the smell of stale sauerkraut and baby powder

4664c4  No.5019044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


372b22  No.5019045

File: 370b8d4afec8f11⋯.jpg (193.21 KB, 957x919, 957:919, pp.jpg)

de9d2e  No.5019046

File: 8767ca601a7e3e6⋯.jpeg (270.85 KB, 1191x498, 397:166, BC6FBEA4-6B05-4503-8BA5-1….jpeg)

File: 0473b3426eca0b1⋯.jpeg (98.94 KB, 1192x499, 1192:499, 0C4073E2-D799-4FA5-9D27-C….jpeg)

File: c918424c34e5b03⋯.jpeg (75.85 KB, 613x325, 613:325, 75496EB5-1846-4940-AA96-4….jpeg)

Interesting delta

b683a8  No.5019047


Thought the exact same thing…. Sick fucks!

009e1f  No.5019048


I think that it would be something that might put 99% of people in the hospital.

5f9589  No.5019049

File: 112e01f24a5b5d1⋯.png (149.05 KB, 851x479, 851:479, ClipboardImage.png)

9e2b01  No.5019050


He's a piece of work.

4f3a59  No.5019051




Aaron McCollum, whether he's a super-soldier or not, accurately predicted Yemen today back in 2010 talking of the Stargate which is in the Gulf of Aden. Wants people to dig on Parsons Corp and how their defense contracting/hospitals are a cover.

Whole vid is interdasting but 29:00 mark gets into Yemen and the Stargate.

Look at what his eyes do to…

can't embed lately: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22S2TNMf8v4&t=3506s

4664c4  No.5019052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5fc832  No.5019053

File: 63a09775c9bab97⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 304x600, 38:75, dayzy.jpg)


dyslexic much?

or just lazy?

it's an abbreviation…

3 letters…

first of each name….

so you stick with Ruth Gader Binsberg

dcf21c  No.5019054

File: 994a7f9739e694d⋯.jpg (166.12 KB, 852x480, 71:40, QCrumbsVastnessOfSpacepepe….jpg)

File: fbf881307f3ad9a⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 519x301, 519:301, QCrumbsSpaceVastness.jpg)

File: ca46b634bca5e06⋯.jpg (107.92 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, Qcrumbsconsider_the_vastne….jpg)

File: 9e0f99ff83dec83⋯.jpg (122.46 KB, 750x519, 250:173, QcrumbsSpace_nice_view_up_….jpg)

File: 622163545f7f6a4⋯.jpg (626.72 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, QCrumbsSpace.jpg)

6502f6  No.5019055


slowed it down to .25 speed

very creepy

a1ba25  No.5019056


Love is blind

4664c4  No.5019057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a534b4  No.5019058


She has been pushing the panic button lots lately.

e0dccf  No.5019059

File: b3970c605c4be3b⋯.png (543.61 KB, 657x841, 657:841, Searcy re BB Covington Leg….PNG)

File: e8ae5f9262ef155⋯.png (68.28 KB, 521x726, 521:726, 1 BB Covington Legal Lette….PNG)

File: 58866c8c5071157⋯.png (37.53 KB, 509x718, 509:718, 2 BB Covington Legal Lette….PNG)

File: 2d3882c9a8ecb0d⋯.png (21.16 KB, 513x463, 513:463, 3 BB Covington Legal Lette….PNG)

File: c04d3d8095e2e54⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1186x789, 1186:789, Q Naughty List.PNG)

Where is Barnes in all this?

Did the Fake MAGA's stunt to try to control the way this story went not work out?

It appears the families have their own attorneys.

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue Media, Celebrities for Libel



>>Q's MSM Naughty List is included as many that libeled the students are on it

119d42  No.5019060


Labour has been comped ,

Fucking joke of a party.

British politics are a fucking joke .

It's a case who is going to fuck you the most.

b46479  No.5019061

File: a8d033de71d7166⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 4032x4032, 1:1, IMG_1558 - Copy.JPG)

File: 931659ab0b6e387⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_1561 - Copy.JPG)

File: d20703d2a650e7f⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_1562.JPG)

File: f3220f7f81a01ec⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_1560 - Copy.JPG)

File: 02500e1a6a45e04⋯.jpg (2.89 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_1563 - Copy.JPG)

16e5c9  No.5019062




Currently watching the newest ep now, kek. One of my other shows.

If there are infinite possibilities then there is no doubt a 'double' of us; our doppelganger.

cbc8ef  No.5019063


I never liked the campaign where they make the MMS talk like people and then make jokes about eating them but this was the worst yet.

912bf4  No.5019064

Anons , who has a link that is working to watch the super bowl ??????

427a12  No.5019065


he has a ginger pube beard, kek

c5690c  No.5019066

File: 9981be84313c36e⋯.png (880.03 KB, 1037x584, 1037:584, q2.PNG)

1b6fcb  No.5019067



These memes always

Deliver the goods


4752f3  No.5019068


It's time to pull a Vince Foster type threat?

4f3a59  No.5019069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's vid

90b515  No.5019070


#METOO, btw!

ad12c3  No.5019071


That's a good question anon. I didn't remove that notable as far as I can recall.

My computer has been acting up all day but that doesn't explain why the notable bun number was changed as I rarely do that.

I reverted the notable bun to an earlier version with the DTCC dig in it.

Good eye and please let me know if you notice any other inconsistencies.

9e2b01  No.5019072

File: 57286857d983295⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 2spkia.jpg)

File: 41e5fee9d914b00⋯.jpg (57.52 KB, 420x500, 21:25, 2spn0s_1.jpg)

abb5fd  No.5019073


Thanks but I didn’t make it. A FB friend did

6be696  No.5019074


He's her beard…or however that works

408c86  No.5019075


Definitely the girl in that relationship

49013e  No.5019076


Not the real trailer. I see bits of 'Jupiter Ascending' in there.

46c3ee  No.5019078

File: 5c6d549b1d949c3⋯.jpg (206.38 KB, 940x545, 188:109, crimedemeonds.jpg)

009e1f  No.5019079


That's what I thought too, no sound of a shoot down.

Just noticed= Crashes at precisely 1:07 on the 1:19 length video at vid timestamp 13:45:11


ed4580  No.5019080


Never thought about that!


abb5fd  No.5019081

Every single person on my fbpage, all 3800 are red pilled! MAGA!

b1bbd8  No.5019082

Saints / Chiefs, would have been sooo much better!

26ab94  No.5019083



e5ddd6  No.5019085

File: 042a2d2ed1a2fa0⋯.jpeg (600.51 KB, 1125x1338, 375:446, F0A47791-3906-477D-BD71-A….jpeg)

BREAKING: Local ABC and NBC affiliates are reporting that Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam has called for "an urgent" meeting

Local ABC station says Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax is in the meeting via @abc7Richard

Local NBC station says it started at 4 pm EST via @David_Culver


a534b4  No.5019086

File: f2006c899cdaa46⋯.png (162.83 KB, 320x318, 160:159, Sarah Silverman anal.png)

4b59b0  No.5019087

File: 1a4e583ac1dfe50⋯.png (3.56 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_0293.PNG)

This pope is poop

6bcae8  No.5019088

Henry Rollins is a faggot.

He sucks dicks




the dollar.

5fc832  No.5019089

File: a0d8ebb02c4bfad⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 275x201, 275:201, taarnamad.jpg)


Limbaugh was prescient with his term of

"Feminazi" so long ago.

I can no longer suspend my disbelief for Pedowood films - they are beyond the laws of physics routinely and the sexual blurring is extremely unrealistic

872487  No.5019090

File: 1cc2f2689a4ec74⋯.jpg (31.82 KB, 474x348, 79:58, keks romulak.jpg)


your posts are easy to find

48f0b1  No.5019091

File: 006435b764d23da⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1377x956, 1377:956, flagphotoshootwflotus.png)

America vs. Deep State



love u frens!

e873f9  No.5019092

File: de8ce4604bda22d⋯.mp4 (5.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, spark.mp4)

Holy shit…

South Park creators took a trip on POTUS' Tesla Time Machine?

cbc8ef  No.5019093


During Chinese famine, cannibalism was common.

5a6c41  No.5019094



82a789  No.5019095

Just while we're on about the dimensions, Q's "The wall is more important than you realize" always leads me to believe it's more intended to be a wall ala South Park's "Imaginationland", only re-appropriated for the holy war: the wall is a defense against any insurgence of future demonic entities.

(Christ is coming back, kids: (most) anon's know)

e9e8c2  No.5019096


How did she get the -Cortez? is she divorced? but kept it to camoflage her beard?

c60d03  No.5019097

File: 8e71addfda27616⋯.jpg (737.18 KB, 900x629, 900:629, A-tasting-In-wine-country-….jpg)



Charles Fazzino


Oh crap…this guy has a winery. I just noted a picture of his and checked….yep.


He loves drawing butterflies as well.

4664c4  No.5019098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2226d1  No.5019099


marriage is the eye opener

1edf6b  No.5019100


Kek! You don't think that can happen?

I've seen it, bro.

Her: 5ft maybe 100 lbs

Him: 6'3 200 lbs.

Fucked him up.

Tae Kwon Do

d83782  No.5019101





Typing in "D's" at qmap.pub yields 47 results.

If Q only meant Democrats, why not use "Democrats" or "Dems" for short?

Perhaps it also needed to work as "Demons." Literally.

1b6fcb  No.5019102

File: 015685781521154⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1086x1109, 1086:1109, 015685781521154df66737fa51….png)



Soppy pasta meme

stealing works for the

red pill juss fine fren

a47dd5  No.5019103

File: b3dde8e8df3ec24⋯.jpg (10.55 KB, 207x255, 69:85, fc6ab9ca5f417b2cb2b9c664e0….jpg)

48f0b1  No.5019104

ad12c3  No.5019105


Good eye anon.

The bun seems to be correct but the bun number was changed.

I'll take a look at how it happened next bread.

Thank you! o7

ad5860  No.5019106


Northam, either a plant the whole time.

Or made a mistake, and now 'sacrifice him'.

If 'supply' was the goal, they))) would prefer a constant supply.

If 'supply' is their goal, then have something to control them))) with.

'FISA goes both ways'.

If lack of supply makes them))) weak, remove their supply.

We are all beneath the boot of our addictions.

Same for them))).

If no addictions, moar free.

4664c4  No.5019107



0f5a4a  No.5019108

File: f5bb94273d3209f⋯.png (122.46 KB, 709x449, 709:449, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5018284 lb

>societal dimensions of organized crime


thanks, this part's interdasting

92db8c  No.5019109

^[RBG]^ {Acheron/Cocytus/Phlegethon/Styx}


Mavronéri in Control

a534b4  No.5019110


Not sure that is news, really.

9e2b01  No.5019111

File: c93b7dae2e80cb6⋯.jpg (69.68 KB, 600x446, 300:223, downloadfile-14.jpg)

File: 06679eba77e77cc⋯.jpg (406.8 KB, 1000x669, 1000:669, downloadfile-8.jpg)

8afafc  No.5019112


LDR claimed we would all die last month. I really miss her coming on 8chan. She was great for laughs

ab2958  No.5019113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well, they were asking for it. It finally happened.

Antifa shot in head by police!

372b22  No.5019114


and there's the drumming Indian

541507  No.5019115

File: ee065eaf2b7dfa1⋯.jpg (504.85 KB, 1080x1155, 72:77, Screenshot_20190203-182347….jpg)

5fc832  No.5019116

File: 06c145ac3da2c70⋯.jpg (28.78 KB, 332x363, 332:363, unimpressed.jpg)


not hiding…

ebcb59  No.5019117

File: 685a3a95f43bf9c⋯.png (49.62 KB, 256x187, 256:187, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)

46c3ee  No.5019118

File: 31dfd75dcc21614⋯.jpg (396.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Steal Your Meme.jpg)

34bbd5  No.5019119

File: bced8fe1d08ecc9⋯.jpg (323.23 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, use.jpg)


Lol…Yes, I knew that he was after pic of him in the bathroom were released…

923d9f  No.5019120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

here's the hand maid's tale sb commercial

they really putting it all out there that they are satanists

872487  No.5019121



might not be what you think. This is a symbolism thing

6af43b  No.5019122


I'll see your 9 and raise you another 8.

82f38c  No.5019123


That’s not her

4664c4  No.5019124

File: afb2e2a2e5098dd⋯.png (74.59 KB, 590x340, 59:34, AEZH1590.png)


238230  No.5019125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




52e729  No.5019126

Dimension N

look it up

162714  No.5019127


I think she told them to take out Trump and don't fail this time.

c5690c  No.5019128

File: a972f28b2df4f61⋯.png (19.05 KB, 395x565, 79:113, OWL.png)

cbc8ef  No.5019129


Still looks better than the butch dyke in the latest comic.

e27490  No.5019130

File: 0e009ee3cba9a02⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1116x1011, 372:337, ClipboardImage.png)


TQVM. always watching your back baker.

a1ba25  No.5019131


Probably a 2nd lieutenant

5f9589  No.5019132

File: 174f839631853fc⋯.png (34.63 KB, 841x448, 841:448, ClipboardImage.png)


current system, I find that I like Manjaro a little bit moar..

abb5fd  No.5019133


Liberals taking their cues from a stupid cartoon LOL!

1646a2  No.5019134


Anons, can a court prove intent when they tweet in code like that? We may decode but IDK. What say you

65dc2a  No.5019135


Why did the propeller, the wing, and other parts not stay with the fuselage until impact? An explosive destroyed it in mid air.

16e5c9  No.5019136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

03c951  No.5019137


The Oakland Rams already said they won’t go to OUR WHITE HOUSE if (((THEY))) win.

‘nuff said

6dac79  No.5019138

File: 1fe960b4bd22c55⋯.png (404.74 KB, 1101x954, 367:318, HRCandChildrenAndInfantcid….png)

f4ba34  No.5019139


But then again, police will shoot anyone in the head. It's what the police stated does.

1edf6b  No.5019140



I can't remember. Is she mexican?

If so, their naming convention goes like this:

First name

Middle name

Fathers surname

Mothers surname

4664c4  No.5019141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

923d9f  No.5019142


hive mind


as Q said


4664c4  No.5019143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

872487  No.5019145

File: 1a545952528d5ba⋯.png (5.01 KB, 409x395, 409:395, ufo alien.png)

File: f35a164a6517576⋯.jpg (100.81 KB, 1142x1392, 571:696, Stay Tuned ie be tuned.jpg)

File: d6177c1ae8c7eb0⋯.jpg (588.06 KB, 2338x549, 2338:549, Stay Tuned Tuning Media He….jpg)

File: c25b9f4476694c7⋯.png (518.02 KB, 1286x535, 1286:535, chrome_2019-02-02_23-49-58.png)

File: f6272da9b6fd078⋯.png (8.21 KB, 369x401, 369:401, Red Aids Video.png)

08f0a1  No.5019146

File: 1d9123e662b9ea5⋯.jpg (434.54 KB, 1099x1600, 1099:1600, downloadfile-20.jpg)

113a4e  No.5019147

what a treasure this is, I think I heard it back in the early 80's when studying philos, ty e


dcf21c  No.5019149


I heard the loud popping sound (some kind of explosion) in the Twitter video but again, you are jumping to a conclusion that is simply unwarranted. There are pressurized devices on a plane that could fail suddenly in a fire causing that kind of a sound.

Need more data. Stop drawing conclusions too early with insufficient data. Tire exploding? Fuel tank exploding? Something on the ground in someone's back yard - maybe a propane tank on their barbeque - exploding? Unknown.

90b515  No.5019150



Meh, you're doing it wrong.

170c9d  No.5019151


Can a photoshop Anon put angel's wings on the gowns created by the three wall lights inside and the two umbrella covers outside?…awesome shot.

ad12c3  No.5019152


Thank you dead pool anon and nice snipe fren. o7

ad12c3  No.5019153


>>5019046 Interesting delta: Post 945 (BOOOOOOM!)

>>5019059 Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue Media, Celebrities for Libel.

>>5018793 Racist photo tip came from ex-classmate angry with Northam's abortion remarks.

>>5018740 Glenn Greenwald continues to point out CIA involvement in the MSM.

>>5018693 Ralph Northam is calling for an urgent top level meeting of his staff.

8b494a  No.5019154

File: 8c02546069c52ff⋯.jpg (315.76 KB, 912x1600, 57:100, IMG_20190203_155340_kindle….jpg)

File: 479505e4de2aaf6⋯.png (252.99 KB, 600x697, 600:697, Screenshot_2019-02-03-16-0….png)

File: de9395f1040b658⋯.png (289.34 KB, 600x979, 600:979, Screenshot_2019-02-03-16-1….png)

Who is William Barr?


c3039b  No.5019155


Don't let money stop you. Justice of the peace and a small gathering with good friends and family can be done nicely on the cheap.

9ec408  No.5019156


Et in Arcadia ego

49013e  No.5019157


I'll take your red-text post as evidence that the theory about the plane being blown up in the air is just shills trying to stir up shit.

6af43b  No.5019158


Great album and band (first two albums).

88babe  No.5019159

File: c93d8bbb65338ae⋯.png (279.06 KB, 596x420, 149:105, super owl 3.PNG)


1bf3b0  No.5019161


fap fap fap


false alarm

no you for you

8afafc  No.5019162


The second cop had the chance to kick him in the nuts but didn't. Dude would have dropped to his knees throwing up. Guess it's better he is dead tho

e27490  No.5019164


and the cross for the catholic, and the red hat for the maga hat.

162714  No.5019165

I hope Northam calls a meeting to tell them he has proof that the photo is not him.

fakenews and dems go down again

238230  No.5019166


Amen, thanks, anon.

Now back to digging

34bbd5  No.5019167


Exceptional Bakers, today!!! Thank You!

f5a289  No.5019168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch and learn why they chose the monarch butterfly.

427a12  No.5019169


not only did this guy embarrass his office and those working around him,now he is going to ruin their superbowl sunday.

Calling a urgent meeting during the superbowl, what an asshole.

Especially because it's all due to him being a baby murder supporter and a racist dumbass.

e0dccf  No.5019170

File: 08cf003701db6b2⋯.png (33.32 KB, 678x328, 339:164, JWoods re Northam Gone By ….PNG)


'He’ll be gone by Wednesday.'


08f0a1  No.5019171

File: d632cb045d66ada⋯.jpg (87.83 KB, 697x422, 697:422, downloadfile-16.jpg)

File: 4751dad2cdc680c⋯.jpg (21.7 KB, 637x570, 637:570, downloadfile-19.jpg)

File: 55c2905e3acbd18⋯.jpg (53.83 KB, 500x345, 100:69, downloadfile-11.jpg)

5fc832  No.5019173

File: 87c787f28094478⋯.jpg (146.43 KB, 604x333, 604:333, brainbakin.jpg)


you expanded your thinking overmuch Anon…

45d442  No.5019174


It hit a fukken tree.

Drive a car into a tree at speed and see how many bits fall off.

6dac79  No.5019175


RGB color model

The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue.

6af43b  No.5019176


How come of these poc's (pos's) marry whiteys?

de214e  No.5019177

File: ce37cc8d1b06adb⋯.jpg (285.95 KB, 1706x1858, 853:929, CuriousB.JPG)


Division shills - have at it.

>Once again, one comes across the Nazi precedent. Hitler’s minions used blood types to explain “German character” with notions of “blood purity” and they argued that Jews were mostly the troublesome Type Bs and “degenerates.” Indeed, blood group B was thought to spawn psychopaths and criminals.


293004  No.5019178


Yes there are certain moves we dont get

But for some reason anons do not wwnt to dig

Barr is a very strange move to say the least

113a4e  No.5019179

etunes good


5158ac  No.5019180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5f9589  No.5019181


Kek… It just seems to work for me although I like Antergos and run it on some of my other machines..

6af43b  No.5019182


Somebody needs to push that bitch down some tall stairs.

8afafc  No.5019183


Why would his nickname be Coonman then?

cbc8ef  No.5019184


That one was okay to me. Heaven is meeting grandpa again with a cool car. Silly but not negative.

3fd730  No.5019185

File: 62fd63116285bda⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 62fd63116285bdaf18c7a71324….jpg)


that is a picture of soyboy leftist faggot. No TOXIC MASCULINITY coming from this feminine looking "guy" with the beard.

Sorry, I know I am going to hell for that but I just can't help it. kek

9ec408  No.5019186


Many other plausible scenarios.

Need Moar input.

6be696  No.5019187


That's Nathan Phillips! KEK

5158ac  No.5019188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e9e8c2  No.5019189


No, she's Puerto Rican, with Sepphardic Grandparents.

c60d03  No.5019190

File: a21cfeed45d9c5f⋯.jpg (89.49 KB, 768x576, 4:3, UnveilingNewBlend1-768x576.jpg)

162714  No.5019191


maybe he hunts coons

c24974  No.5019192


She's good at having people killed….

372b22  No.5019193

File: d8143bbf52d8b13⋯.jpg (336.86 KB, 1674x1299, 558:433, soyboys.jpg)

d604ed  No.5019194


Yeah but they killed him in front of his daughter… That`s the bad thing about this….

46c3ee  No.5019195

File: 4298429fd327042⋯.jpg (100.12 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, quantum-computer3.jpg)

Dirty Evil Secrets

Posted on February 3, 2019 Author Preston

The Fine Art of Human Compromise actually runs the world:

Human Compromise (human Intelligence, “Humint”) is the fine art of entrapping a targeted individual in highly anti-social and often seriously criminal behavior or by bribing them with money or other secret enticements.

If the targeted individual’s “secret sins” ever become known and believed by the public, the result is almost always an immediate “fall from grace” followed by political/social/familial and often economic ruin.

When the targeted individual (usually an up and coming politician, government official, or rising corporate or church leader) is successfully entrapped (compromised), they have essentially given up control of their life to the party that entrapped them.

In most cases the party entrapping the mark provides such great rewards in line with the mark’s desires, that the mark remains satisfied while they lose their very soul.

Silver or Lead, what will it be?:

As John Perkins claimed in his best-selling book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, many prominent foreign politicians are approached by Banking or governmental agents and given a choice: “silver or lead”.

If the mark accepts the offer to do something for money, he gets the money, does not get assassinated, and entraps his nation in what are usually great deals for the International Bankers and large corporations, and bad deals for his country.

The drug cartels in Mexico, Central and South America have always been masters deploying this forced choice. The result, the Mexican government like the USG, is now corrupt top to bottom, 100% compromised and controlled by the Ruling Cabal.

If a dictator refuses to take the silver and the assassinations attempts against him fail, then war is waged against that nations, based on a phony or contrived reason, often a staged false-flag attack blamed on that targeted nation.



e4565a  No.5019196

“17 Year Challenge” on super bowl right now. No coincidences + long-standing nfl/military relationship

e27490  No.5019197


>The bun seems to be correct but the bun number was changed

No. the bun number is correct. the bun is incorrect. hover on bun #6404. see it's the actual bun #6403. see how bun #6404 is gone.

1e415c  No.5019198


We definitely know satan’s comms and speak it fluently. It’s everywhere. They are dying

5158ac  No.5019199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6dac79  No.5019200


Abortion, rasicm and RBG, and the colored model

of the Dems…

Roths Government and Bildburger RGB

cbc8ef  No.5019201


You aren’t a Trump supporter, I take it.

6af43b  No.5019202


Thank you.

5bcb07  No.5019203


A lot of references to together we are strong,

Encouraging words.

One strong stringer decoded to 'declas'

Another stringer states "next week" and "suicide weekend"

I think we're getting close to declassifying

And we need to work together to identify and connect the players

So they can all be shamed and destroyed.

90b515  No.5019204



STILL doing it wrong.

301708  No.5019205



Just saw that.


33ff6f  No.5019206

why dont prisons separate convicts by race.

black prison.

white prison.

Hispanic prison.

Just to see what would happen.

no more gangs.


c3039b  No.5019207


The guys was obviously a shit father for putting his daughter in that situation to begin with. Selfish idiot.

1edf6b  No.5019208



Ok, I'll look it up. Could be the same.

427a12  No.5019209

File: 622b5bc9613cc33⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 5e4ece09a904a68⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

944515  No.5019210

File: 89cfc973b4f6272⋯.png (758.25 KB, 1060x1060, 1:1, Screenshot_20190202-150725….png)



She ain't getting enough dick that's why she is crazy.

8afafc  No.5019211


Operation Wetback, train loads sent back. They just never learn

119d42  No.5019212

File: 2698debd3d7cc43⋯.png (162.47 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_2278.PNG)

File: 4f820243c26b175⋯.png (169.46 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_2279.PNG)


The great awakening anon.

872487  No.5019213

File: 6fcc70429e74b4f⋯.jpg (297.8 KB, 869x496, 869:496, f2f.jpg)

File: 31bed66502168d6⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1812x1332, 151:111, horizontal alice rabbits.jpg)

File: 7a7aaeb8edd8a54⋯.jpg (91.02 KB, 1000x669, 1000:669, Victors.jpg)

File: 95da587f702a697⋯.jpg (57.61 KB, 649x800, 649:800, 1511675692772.jpg)


no… I think you misunderstood me instead. Rabbit ears… tuning…. mk ultra tuning… alien probing experimentation… these are pretty consistent coding https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1091568318618562560

48f0b1  No.5019214

File: 61700053662ea14⋯.png (656.07 KB, 735x763, 105:109, flotusluvsfrensbeinbest.png)

ad12c3  No.5019215

File: 4bb6673d8ec4234⋯.png (32.56 KB, 764x645, 764:645, pepecat.png)

File: 8d17e2777fe9145⋯.png (77.76 KB, 500x699, 500:699, pepepolicecop.png)


Thank you anons.

372b22  No.5019216

File: a1f4e699ffb0519⋯.jpg (116.48 KB, 720x807, 240:269, enemy.jpg)

9ac657  No.5019217


Let me be succinct. Fuck the NFL.

6af43b  No.5019218


That's adorable.

49013e  No.5019219

File: 091c9df5bd0730d⋯.jpg (58.06 KB, 480x480, 1:1, cory.jpg)

29fb5a  No.5019220


Car hit a tree so hard in honolulu dropped the whole engine block then n there car still ended on the opposite side of the street.

5ed16d  No.5019221


Just sitting down, catching up. Is this guy being scapegoated perhaps? Someone to blame for Northrams loss of PP revenue?

a1ba25  No.5019222


Happened in our neighborhood a few years back.

Small private plane.

They go down once in awhile.

Many variables.

0f5a4a  No.5019223


Find it fascinating how they hid the obelisk as a cross.

That's some deep twisted unconscious programming right there.


Really think they're just throwing everything at the wall at this point trying to warp mass perception back to their reality before it's too late (for them). Smells like desperation.

34bbd5  No.5019225

File: ae93606980d2f6f⋯.jpg (69.62 KB, 564x501, 188:167, 42026409931dd6d5c5189c2cdb….jpg)


Congrats! Best Wishes!

162714  No.5019226


telling Lassie the dog to get help?

who is Lassie, and I don't mean the dog show.

ad5860  No.5019227


Are all Mexicans in one gang?

Are all Blacks in one gang?

6dac79  No.5019229


RGB color model

The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue.

d604ed  No.5019230


No man deserves to get killed in front of his children.. Even if you are an idiot

5f9589  No.5019231


I take it that you're strictly vanilla Arch then.. To each their own..

3fd730  No.5019232

File: db0b98d516a50a5⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 494x488, 247:244, B93B1tHCYAA-pO2.jpg)


I don't understand her background picture….why?

6af43b  No.5019233


Cutting off all public benefits and e-verify would deport millions.

0f0887  No.5019234

Normies reporting Owls were ALL OVER Reddit today

cfd51d  No.5019235


KEK! We're watching a movie

e0dccf  No.5019236

File: 113c96cb03e559e⋯.png (29.83 KB, 666x360, 37:20, Bunch re Krassenstein Supe….PNG)

File: e593f4fa4eab7de⋯.png (170.08 KB, 833x887, 833:887, Archive Bunch re Krassenst….PNG)

File: 5ed3b9c5ef6536e⋯.png (33.52 KB, 660x305, 132:61, Krassenstein Superbowl Go ….PNG)

File: 71e7fb31b226617⋯.png (128.59 KB, 841x907, 841:907, Archive Krassenstein Super….PNG)

tfw u r the guy at the super bowl party no one likes





33ff6f  No.5019238


never build your own plane or perform your own heart surgery.

65dc2a  No.5019239


OK. I stand corrected.

03c951  No.5019240


Oakland Rams ;)

113a4e  No.5019242

they love her power, they love the edge of danger, she kills people, attraction for impotent no brainer kinds, this country manufactures them by the ton


33ff6f  No.5019243

872487  No.5019244


we are all going to enjoy a more pleasant view soon

ce56ff  No.5019245

File: acd712b0e1a433d⋯.jpg (39.6 KB, 486x598, 243:299, statue.JPG)


What's this?

ad12c3  No.5019246


Roger, let me see if I can get the fix in before next bread.

Thank you again anon.

6af43b  No.5019247


It's important to Choose Life, it gives Life a chance to choose you.

2ec774  No.5019248

File: 92fb8d5fd0cf18c⋯.jpg (76.39 KB, 600x459, 200:153, 1Cats-Coat-Hangers.jpg)

File: 9a5544463fe50ad⋯.jpg (82.31 KB, 600x705, 40:47, 2Cats--Coat-Hangers.jpg)

ed4580  No.5019249

De'Blasio killed Phil the groundhog!!


5aeaec  No.5019250


Look real women

e1a6da  No.5019251

File: ee50a446a41644c⋯.jpg (123.97 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, downloadfile-27.jpg)

82f38c  No.5019252


Saw this back in tha day. Had no idea what was to come.

8afafc  No.5019253


Seen this happen while sitting on my sons front porch this year. Motor landed 20 ft from the car

f5577e  No.5019254

Some cars are made to do just that.


For that reason.

0ae967  No.5019255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Doctor Tells Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez He Agrees With Trump's Plan

a2ddc4  No.5019256

anyone see the ferris wheel on sportsbaal bowl LLIii?

238230  No.5019257


James, is that you?

67eeb1  No.5019258


Agreed. I don't understand the Barr pick. I trust POTUS though. Maybe Barr never makes it to the confirmation vote. Trump likes "acting". The Barr nomination could be a placeholder.

90b515  No.5019259



Still, props for telling Apple and Micro$oft to BTFO.

408c86  No.5019260


So much awesome

cfb8e7  No.5019261

File: fef5434ddc75508⋯.png (481.71 KB, 580x784, 145:196, metametachexx.PNG)

not for digits but this post deserves the Meta-metachekker. Predictive programming at its absolute


9f1d61  No.5019262


Pericardiotomy (on oneself) can be life saving in any crushing chest injury.

162714  No.5019263


>De'Blasio killed Phil the groundhog!!


So who really did DeBlasio kill?

e9e8c2  No.5019264

So, should Levin(e) really be LeVin? Of the vineyard? French jew?

872487  No.5019265

File: 6678aef9c6e6a05⋯.png (32.74 KB, 680x343, 680:343, Superb Owl Super Bowl.png)


so many evil owls named James

d604ed  No.5019266

I was in an accident yesterday. The anonmobile got pretty banged up. Damn ice on roads

5aeaec  No.5019267


it has one biological male

45d442  No.5019268


Tell me, I've lost count of the number of car wrecks I've scraped off the road.


OK. Thought you were shilling. Peace.

d5470a  No.5019269


say whaaaa???

Daily Beast adding to the jewish victim mentality?

no fucking way! Wow! I’m shocked.

12f7ce  No.5019270

File: d957c744411c0da⋯.jpg (227.73 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 3535EBC.jpg)

Was Qew saying in his last post that it would be his last post?? "last post before going dark" or was he referring to the last time he went dark fer awhile???

5ed16d  No.5019271

File: 88cacd5006fe082⋯.png (385.44 KB, 532x415, 532:415, AQ1.PNG)

She had a documentary?


33ff6f  No.5019272

File: a0d3cd5c5d1ba0a⋯.jpg (417.74 KB, 1920x2500, 96:125, chickwithback.jpg)

thx baker.

its gonna be a super butt night.

170c9d  No.5019273


God beat us to it…kek Great minds.

a534b4  No.5019274

>>5019195 - moar from same article

"Enormous, untapped power exists for any entity that has the means for deep and total spying capability to uncover the secrets of the members of the Ruling Cabal and its hierarchy (aka the Establishment) and a willingness to make certain all these secret sins and abject evil is disclosed to the mases.

Is this how Trump became president? Did a small but incredibly powerful Intel group draft him? A group with deep Intel technical capability needed to uncover all the Truth about the secret sins of the Establishment and a the capability to leak them effectively to the masses in order to begin the process to displace the Establishment from power? For now this is likely to be an improvement but what if this entity that is seizing power has a long term agenda we don’t like? Will this new system emerging best be called Cosmic Fascism?"

8c22fe  No.5019275


If so, that puts a different spin on Comey’s tweet as well? What are these people up to?

67eeb1  No.5019276

hey I created a board for anon who want to chat about the superb owl.



e27490  No.5019277

File: b55cbf346eb2ef4⋯.png (7.14 MB, 3032x2064, 379:258, ClipboardImage.png)


ThankQ #1 Baker.

2ca827  No.5019278


That is the stupidest post all day

6af43b  No.5019279


I didnt know him well, some of my friends did, but, yeah, he was a bit greasy back then too. He was President of the Student Body or some shit, a glad-hander.

872487  No.5019280

File: 3145f78c5e5ec8b⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 3442x3686, 1721:1843, pizzagate.jpg)

0681b5  No.5019281


she gets pushed hard from the msm

a2ddc4  No.5019282


it's a porno with a plot like Rising Sun

113a4e  No.5019283

I try to be careful cause this cat scares me worse than anything


3fd730  No.5019284


Also I posted last bread a Fox article that said there is a 17 year age difference between the 2 quarterbacks.

It talked about this game is about Gen X vs Millenials…young vs old (I was hoping it would say good vs evil, but it did not…kek)

65dc2a  No.5019285


I suppose that guy deserved a safe space and a hot chocolate for pulling a gun on a cop.

ad5860  No.5019286

File: 4695771845b1370⋯.jpg (493.84 KB, 1113x1008, 53:48, gangs.jpg)

6af43b  No.5019287


She's married to the state, Komrade.

5158ac  No.5019288



d5470a  No.5019289

File: 63f1ab866a73712⋯.jpeg (160.68 KB, 1242x1050, 207:175, B5A6A0A0-6AA7-4762-8D62-C….jpeg)

af0395  No.5019290

how do you end your life without committing suicide??? This world doesn't deserve any help.

1edf6b  No.5019291


Yep, it's pretth much the same. It follows the same rules as Spain.

ad12c3  No.5019292


Sounds like a fun night.

48f0b1  No.5019293


the producers did just admit when they won some award that they are republicans..

92db8c  No.5019294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


0787c9  No.5019295

File: 81151afc0fde06b⋯.jpg (6.82 KB, 173x254, 173:254, All_the_pretty_horses_mcca….jpg)



There a great evil in Mexico. It's not Mexicans.

6d3c7f  No.5019296

File: 14cee0b941ff7f2⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 500x358, 250:179, 322-1b634baafe4151e941023b….jpg)

Are you sheep watching our SuperbOwl event??

This is when we brainwash the most of you at once.


–from anon that channels them

119d42  No.5019297


Ive been born for this anon , this is why we are here.

Everything happens for a reason.

We have chosen and we are the chosen.


d04256  No.5019298

I don't know what the commercial was for, but didn't one just use a song by the Fine Young Cannibals? Unbelievable.

dfab91  No.5019299

File: 1a0654e78df5c40⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, derpstate.jpg)



5a6c41  No.5019301


AOC is an antisemite.

ad12c3  No.5019302


I think Q was referring to the last post before he went dark for a while.

34bbd5  No.5019303


I'm surprised the libatarded didn't put her on for a half-time show. We all knew the half time commercials and acts would be complete demented and degenerate liberal trash

6af43b  No.5019304


When she votes in 2020, she needs to consider

whether she is better off than she was 4 years ago. If so, vote Trump.

cbc8ef  No.5019305


Masks? Human skin masks?

5ed16d  No.5019306


She might be too dumb to realize what's going on….loving the attention and money, for sure.


For all we know she may have done porn…

427a12  No.5019307

File: be7d114fcd21d4b⋯.png (148.65 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Trump WWG1WGA checker.png)

780f3e  No.5019308

File: d3302975e37a9a2⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1230x1657, 1230:1657, 83B54BFB-DB3B-46CF-8559-9….jpeg)

anons already knew

most anons know

anons know

dcf21c  No.5019309


Sorry, anon. Hope you're OK.

5f9589  No.5019310

File: 32145d1fb36a023⋯.jpg (279.96 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Linux(5).jpg)


I can't stand either… Micro$ucks or Mac..

3fd730  No.5019311

did they just say Deep State on the SB?


yes, can't get it out of my head now.

9ac657  No.5019312

File: e00484d49ce12d7⋯.jpeg (162.09 KB, 1060x1060, 1:1, 0F7ACEFD-311E-4964-A967-E….jpeg)

7fa35a  No.5019313

>>5018043 lb

No check mark.. Not his account?

a1ba25  No.5019314


With troops coming home from around the world, we might have a little baby boom

0f2c56  No.5019315

Hardly able to watch.

I want to.

But it's rigged.

And then the commercials - driving me nuts.

Just heard a commentator reference the 'deep state'.

bd9a96  No.5019316


Ask yourself, then answer this question. Was the SB ever played in January?




33ff6f  No.5019317

i noticed since kurt russell anon got retweeted by potus, he rarely shows up in here anymore.

d5470a  No.5019318


YOU are a retard.

Jesus was an antisemite. Cortez is a puppet.

e1a6da  No.5019319

File: 106254310dc421a⋯.jpg (518.46 KB, 1038x1600, 519:800, downloadfile-17.jpg)

9ac657  No.5019320

d0de03  No.5019321


> plays overwatch

> calls me the homo

🙄 dosent work that way ebot

293004  No.5019322

Any updates on the meeting with Northam?

81412f  No.5019323


Former agent was jonah hill's (feldstein's) brother.

ad12c3  No.5019324


Thanks anon :)

a2ddc4  No.5019325

File: 3912f32a8820e78⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 15492408733453616035163734….jpg)

el Neff

actors acting

bookies dont bet unless it's a sure thing

427a12  No.5019326


damn global cooling, kek

Hopefully you are okay, and no one got hurt. That is most important.

2078ff  No.5019327

File: 06ea8b0b1d4bf9f⋯.jpeg (8.62 KB, 255x191, 255:191, fc9518e9276b3e978191381bf….jpeg)


This is (((them))) losing their SCHITT & showing the world what (((they))) truly are

8afafc  No.5019328


I can think of a few










c13072  No.5019329

File: 874113e034cde21⋯.jpg (271.83 KB, 612x601, 612:601, comet.jpg)

For those who missed it.


a188a2  No.5019330


He just suck you in and logged you IP

5a6c41  No.5019331

Q, you have to post more than once a week. You like us, remember?

d604ed  No.5019332


It was horrific no matter which way you see it. I`m thinking of his kid here….

90b515  No.5019333


On that we can wholeheartedly agree.

0ae967  No.5019334

File: a49721fded1c98e⋯.png (100.66 KB, 204x303, 68:101, Capture.PNG)

Civil war in the streets of Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan’s London?

Under Sadiq Khan, 40 knife attacks per day is considered the “new normal.” Could the ethnicity of the knife attackers have anything to do with Khan’s reluctance to address, let alone deal with the issue?


9ec408  No.5019335



Even after get fucked cross-eyed, you know she's still thinking of other peoples' money.

6af43b  No.5019336


Logically, she will be caught and executed for that.

34bbd5  No.5019337

File: 7e46c1e5fb461a2⋯.jpg (109.79 KB, 678x893, 678:893, pp Q.jpg)

File: 4f224f6b7f53a24⋯.jpg (27.21 KB, 260x200, 13:10, plannedparenthood40b.jpg)

File: 6d0ef0411eca5f6⋯.jpg (203.97 KB, 576x384, 3:2, So just why are we taxpaye….JPG)

File: 7e28a3b6601ed03⋯.png (1017.14 KB, 1014x1057, 1014:1057, 7e28a3b6601ed036b2936a7f21….png)

File: 97c7df4c6da45a4⋯.jpg (114.7 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 34666040ca50180f6de76ccfdf….jpg)



Time to…

Completely DE-FUND TAXPAYER FUNDED ORGANIZATIONS THAT SPEND ANY MONEY On Elections, Politicians, in addition to capping their salaries and any excess revenue.

So how much are the Dems receiving in kick backs from foreign Aid & Planned Parenthood, etc..?

How are the Democrats & other members of congress getting rich off of a congressional salary???

Why is George Soros' Organizations Getting Any Of Our Tax Money…and then funds Antifa, Illegal Immigrant Caravans, other agendas to hurt the USA?

Is that why they want Foreign Aid funded so badly along with Planned Parenthood, Soros' foundations & organizations instead of your safety and that of your loved ones?

Dems proposed $0 for the border…and $12,000,000,000.00 for FOREIGN AID, Planned Parenthood recieves how much each year???? …etc.

Public records reveal Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who endorsed infanticide as a form of abortion on Wednesday, received almost $2 million in campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood.


List of phone numbers for US Senators


List of phone numbers for US Representatives


U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

1a064c  No.5019338

File: 71f966a759d769d⋯.png (13.27 KB, 640x445, 128:89, iknowtoo.png)

e58f46  No.5019339

File: 24f20871dc9a0dc⋯.png (613.19 KB, 811x900, 811:900, Goblin2.png)

a90c2b  No.5019340


Dark to LIGHT frens, dark to LIGHT

ad12c3  No.5019341


>>5019046 Interesting delta: Post 945 (BOOOOOOM!)

>>5019059 Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue Media, Celebrities for Libel.

>>5018793 Racist photo tip came from ex-classmate angry with Northam's abortion remarks.

>>5018740 Glenn Greenwald continues to point out CIA involvement in the MSM.

>>5018693 Ralph Northam is calling for an urgent top level meeting of his staff.


5ed16d  No.5019342


Yeah, they're meeting right now.

e1a6da  No.5019343

File: b67addf38496749⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 474x435, 158:145, downloadfile-15.jpg)

82f38c  No.5019344


What about Bill’s half black kid that they pretend doesn’t exist?

cee2da  No.5019345


I said it sounds like a gunshot BECAUSE IT SOUNDS LIKE A GUNSHOT.

Prove it doesn't.

f229db  No.5019346

File: 8e059ce8db10dbd⋯.jpg (29.31 KB, 1032x542, 516:271, Warnings From Beyond.jpg)


Demons reveal truth from EXORCISMS done in the 1970s.

E= Exorcist

A= Akabor, a fallen angel, from The Choir of Thrones

E: Demon Akabor, we priests order you, in so far as we are representatives of Christ, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We order you in the name of the Holy Cross, the Precious Blood, the Five Sacred Wounds, the Fourteen Stations of the Cross, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes, Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of the Great Victory of Wigratzbad, the Seven Dolours of Mary, (in the name of) St. Michael the Archangel, all the nine Choirs of Angels, the Angel Erabel, Guardian Angel of this possessed woman, St. Joseph, the Scourge of Evil Spirits, the patron Saints of this woman, all Guardian Angels and Angels especially assigned to priests, all the Saints in Heaven especially those who were exorcists, the Holy Curé of Ars, Saint Benedict, (in the name of) the servants of the servants of God, Padre Pio, Theresa (Neumann) of Konnarsreuth, Catherine Emmerich, all the souls in Purgatory and in the name of Pope Paul VI.

As priests of God, we command you therefore Akabor, in the name of all whom we have just invoked, and in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: you must return to Hell.


A: …above all, the world of today, even the Catholic world, has completely lost sight of the truth that suffering for others is necessary. The fact that you are all part of the Mystical Body of Christ, and that you must all suffer for each other, has been completely forgotten (he whimpers wretchedly like a dog). Christ did not accomplish everything on the cross. He certainly opened Heaven up, but men must make reparation for each other. The sects say that Christ has done everything, but this is not true. The Passion of Christ goes on: In His Name, it will go on until the end of the world (he groans).

E: Continue, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, to say what she commands you to say!

A: It (the Passion of Christ) has to go on. People must suffer for each other, and offer up these sufferings in the name of the Cross of Christ and the sufferings of Christ. You must suffer in union with the Blessed Virgin and all the renunciations she endured during her life in order to unite her own sufferings with the terrible sufferings of Christ on the Cross and in His Agony in the Garden of Olives.

These sufferings were more terrible than men believe. In the Garden of Olives, Christ suffered in ways other than those that you perhaps know about. He was crushed by the Justice of God as if He had been the greatest of sinners, and as if He were going to have to go to Hell. He had to undergo this suffering for you men. Otherwise, you would not have been saved. He had to endure such terrible sufferings, that He was almost on the point of believing that He would go to Hell.

His sufferings were so great that He felt Himself totally abandoned by the Heavenly Father. He sweated blood because He felt Himself totally separated from the Eternal Father and abandoned Him (he weeps piteously). He was crushed as if He were one of the greatest sinners.

This is what He has done for you, and you must follow Him; these sufferings are worth so much; these sufferings, darknesses, these terrible feelings of abandonment when it seems that all is lost and suicide is the only way out… I would rather not say it, no (he sighs heavily).

E: Continue to tell the truth in the name of the Thrones…!

A: God's response is the greatest, and rightly so. When these sufferings make it seem as if all is lost; one feels completely abandoned by God, the least among men and the lowest of creatures. These terrible, terrible sufferings in darkness are the most precious there can he. But the young do not know that. Most of the young do not know that, and therein lies our triumph.

6bcae8  No.5019347

Q gave us Gladys 2nite

e1028c  No.5019349

File: 0b1eee2b7e28cd6⋯.jpg (57.49 KB, 888x500, 222:125, PLANNED PARENTHOOD GUARANT….jpg)

6af43b  No.5019350


Not that many demoncrats on here.

113a4e  No.5019351

white man can jump fast enough, need the lt gove in, radical guarding of the left


af0395  No.5019352


I don't have kids. I can't suicide cause it's wrong. Just come kill me.

e6cfc0  No.5019353



So I wasn't hearing things. I picked it up too, and I'm just looking at this board via my phone as my relatives watch unawares.

34bbd5  No.5019354


They love messages, too…leave them one!

293004  No.5019358


For moar than an hour

Thats why me asked

e27490  No.5019360

File: 5ab04bcc760273d⋯.png (882.35 KB, 1024x568, 128:71, GoldenBear_45_TigerWoods.png)

5fc832  No.5019361

File: 4f45b8fc76923e7⋯.jpg (102.07 KB, 472x472, 1:1, slugskream.jpg)


unfortunately, one has to be immersed in television to begin to be exposed to those things - or actively seeking them out.

we raise rabbits and eat them - no more exposure than that.

television i avoid quite a lot of by not having cable TV.

movies i used to enjoy, until the messaging became the plot.

you appear to have followed these rabbit people down their holes, to no good end…

dcf21c  No.5019362


Couple days ago–maybe it was yesterday– an anon posted about an electric power anomaly at LHC/CERN that caused a shutdown of the xxTeV beam and callup of the fire brigade. Date of incident was around Dec. 4, 2018 (I forget exact date). Did you see that, <^>?

They were sort of vague and got their screencap from a twitter account.

0f5a4a  No.5019363


>They are dying

agree and going out in a blaze of pestilence

c24974  No.5019364

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.png (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, pepe___.png)

0787c9  No.5019365

File: aa9bc974bf20c9a⋯.jpg (66.02 KB, 500x392, 125:98, 846719857_1b8cc5f430.jpg)

File: 3187f63439be6b4⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 2393x3191, 2393:3191, bright_clear.jpg)

File: d04ad125246ecfb⋯.jpg (12.9 KB, 172x293, 172:293, download.jpg)


Forensic on the ads will be interesting. Bet there a double charge of tactiscoped message, subsonic whisper and subliminal embeds.

Unless they got smart. Doubt it. They been using that tech on the flock for four decades and no one ever believed it. Maybe this time.

c227cf  No.5019366

Holy shit. Twilight Zone commercial just mentioned Dimension. !!!

9ec408  No.5019367



Prove it DOES.

Many other possibilities, even if it "sounds like a gunshot".

328ad1  No.5019368



He seemed to be OK with killing a cop or two in front of his kid.

Fuck him, the world's an asshole short.

2a1c5d  No.5019369

>>5018068 POTUS extra 'n' = Nimrod World Order from Q's drop?

Yeah, nimrod world order.

that is it, "nimrod world order" and the JQ

This board is just organic humans.

Not 4chan bots.

This board is all humans. Busy busy swarming humans, trying to figure out "the JQ" with "nimrod"

Very organic, very human, very unfake, real patriots, busily posting and posting here– and maybe "nimrod" is the big answer, and we hate kikes, because we are exactly the same type of people that 4chan bots are, but we're human.


119d42  No.5019370


Thank you anon.

This is bigger than anyone can imagine, we are here for a true awakening.

Shoulder to shoulder .


1b6fcb  No.5019372

File: 958cf9eb6045240⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2srypj.jpg)

d604ed  No.5019373


No one hurt but the 4 runner badly damaged

d0de03  No.5019374


Lol ip address

cbc8ef  No.5019375

“what dimension are you even in?”

New Twilight Zone commercial. Related to Trump tweet?

e1a6da  No.5019376

File: 8c5ecbbd726ad05⋯.jpg (27.24 KB, 474x474, 1:1, downloadfile-10_1.jpg)

dcf21c  No.5019377


Sounds like gunshot =/= was a gunshot

a90c2b  No.5019379


When ‘truth’ is not the truth what dimension are you in … the Twilight Zone. (Dark to light)

next commercial

5ed16d  No.5019380


Won't happen fast. Calls to be made. Stay on Twitter, most likely where we'll hear it first.

a188a2  No.5019381

Horeee Shit!!!!!!

Twilight Zone Commercial about dimensions

5fc832  No.5019382

File: 12b6d0c028da493⋯.jpg (25.45 KB, 400x307, 400:307, nrse.jpg)



so what is the bearing of an RGC CRT to the current supreme court Anon?

3fd730  No.5019383

File: 3357d065cf54df4⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 499x499, 1:1, kwhw73T.jpg)

Weird commercial just now….said when truth is not the truth, what dimension are you in? As he walked through a door with Twilight Zone music playing.

12f7ce  No.5019385

File: 0400c5c6608374a⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 640x958, 320:479, 1546209444961.jpg)


I dunno man sounds like maybe he's saying he gonna bounce.

cbc8ef  No.5019386


Imagine My Shock.

ce56ff  No.5019387


Saw It! Spoopy…

f5a289  No.5019388


This is a slide. There is no sauce. They tried it in earlier breads.

c24974  No.5019389


>Logically, she will be caught and executed for that.

By We The People.

Logically, the streets will not be safe for her…or her associates.

fa3581  No.5019390


I am a priest, and have been involved in exorcisms. The first rule is that you NEVER, EVER believe a demon. They are liars and children of the father of lies. This means NOTHING. Trust the word of God, not the word of Demons.

4f35de  No.5019391


Fuck these commercials are more ominous then any i have ever seen

c7d39e  No.5019392


The third eye guy looks like Steve Bannon.

6dac79  No.5019393


archive offline

f5577e  No.5019395

Saw it. >>5019375

9ac657  No.5019396

File: eefbdd4735dcdda⋯.jpeg (150.26 KB, 1060x1060, 1:1, 9DDF6DA9-3352-4F68-B597-E….jpeg)

d83782  No.5019397


Jordan Peele no less. Obama's fake voice in that video Q referenced.

8afafc  No.5019398


Stop paying taxes. Your money is going for murder of babies

dd2eee  No.5019399


It should be timeline.

Who's timeline is this anyway?

5453f6  No.5019400


Yep, spoopy.

541507  No.5019401

File: 45e2a495b6cf54d⋯.png (211 KB, 461x403, 461:403, ermehgerddermerns.png)


abit shallow but cannot be gainsaid.

c13072  No.5019402


Thanks for giving me a heads up. I was surprised I couldn't find anything on here.

6dac79  No.5019404


This should be notable…. This is the issue

not blackface

9ec408  No.5019406

File: 49e92f0c8e5220d⋯.png (372.61 KB, 621x460, 27:20, popeye2.png)

File: 0dac17e7d662891⋯.png (188.33 KB, 349x712, 349:712, olive_pose3.png)

e1a6da  No.5019408

File: ac363914dac40be⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1014x1213, 1014:1213, Screenshot_20190203-100455….png)

a47dd5  No.5019410


2 days ahead of schedule in this dimension

293004  No.5019411


It was the day it came out

5a6c41  No.5019412

Robo-child weird as fuck.

c227cf  No.5019413


oh wow. didn't know he did the voice for that. innnnnteresting.

9ac657  No.5019414



33ff6f  No.5019415

File: f65e80dd0654ff6⋯.jpg (12.3 KB, 480x360, 4:3, earth is round...period. s….jpg)


its fucking round.

48f0b1  No.5019416

File: e7566f688d1712c⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1535x827, 1535:827, rbg ff ia.PNG)

i'm going full retard until halftime, sorry frens, RBG FF ? IA - Internal Affairs?

shootin from the hip and alreayd realize this sounds crazy

5fc832  No.5019418


it's an image board - buckle up Anon…

12f7ce  No.5019419


Wow that was MY observation on here LAST NIGHT!


d5470a  No.5019420

File: 6c400d134843233⋯.jpeg (162.42 KB, 668x750, 334:375, D824D805-50F2-4626-97F1-B….jpeg)

File: 3d2a1c1ef5f9203⋯.jpeg (153.63 KB, 668x750, 334:375, 900EFF3C-1ECE-4A39-AEFA-6….jpeg)

af0395  No.5019421

PLS end my life

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