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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

d86df0  No.4363036

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Q & A

Thursday 12/13/18

>>4282164 ————————————–——– Stress test failed.

>>4282020 rt >>4281684 -————————– 'Guardians' of intelligence.

>>4281837 rt >>4281583 -————————– (3) detention centers being prepped.

>>4281568 rt >>4281479 -————————– No.

>>4281478 rt >>4281387 -————————– "Watch CA" was deliberate.

>>4281410 rt >>4281121 -————————– Senate to investigate 2019.

>>4281049 rt >>4280876 -————————– Gold shall destroy FED.

>>4280936 rt >>4280653 -————————– Only her beauty and love of country.

>>4280831 rt >>4280746 -————————– NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

>>4280779 rt >>4280688 -————————– Separated by 2.

>>4280699 rt >>4280617 -————————– While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

>>4280615 rt >>4280575 -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

>>4280592 rt >>4280423 -————————– No.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260 -————————– No.

>>4280331 rt >>4280236 -————————– 2020+ safeguarded.

>>4280247 rt >>4280228 -————————– Yes.

>>4280231 rt >>4280212 -————————– Our promise to 'counter'.

>>4280213 rt >>4280193 -————————– No.

>>4280202 rt >>4280192 -————————– Control.

>>4280189 ————————————–——– Q&A

Wednesday 12.12.18

Compiled here: >>4281715

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

d86df0  No.4363040


are not endorsements


>>4308334 List of meme-friendly news sites for spreading the truth.

>>4282761 Anon's recap of Q's 12/12 Q&A


>>4362425 ; >>4362436 On the likely incoming “treason” narrative, including Anon speculation

>>4362657 Press briefing delay, “expect further delays”

>>4362666 MP’s call for resignation of Lloyds Bank CEO

>>4362740 POTUS sends letter to Speaker of the House extending National Emergency re: Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption (see >>4362811 for reference)

>>4362987 #5560


>>4361911 Prosecutor: "The govt. has no reason to believe that Flynn 'committed treason'."

>>4361828 More attacks on our beloved memes.

>>4361863 Pentagon ready to 'admit problem' of rampant Special Forces crimes

>>4361625 More details on the closing of Trump's charity.

>>4361799 The additional information given to judge Sullivan prompts a change of heart.

>>4361658 Non State Actor releases it all?

>>4361644 What kind of info will be last minute included for the judge to see?

>>4361641 WH Tweet: Space Combatant Command.


>>4361361 POTUS and WH both tweeted Space Force video.

>>4361173 Flynn pleading guilty to hide his cooperation?

>>4361063 Trump admin to classify bump stocks as 'machine guns'.

>>4360818 Reported updates on Flynn's sentencing from Sr. Politico reporter on the scene.

>>4361533 #5558


>>4360587 Anon gives some insight into the psychological machinations of this operation.

>>4360152 Soulless sock puppet projects his own spiritual inadequacy.

>>4360128 New reports from "respected" university Oxford try to reinforce "muh Russia" as a global scapegoat.

>>4360100, >>4360639 Fresh, but not too fresh, Huber memes.

>>4360083 NY AG forces one of the few honest charities to close.

>>4360082 POTUS Schedule: WH press briefing with Sara Sanders @ 1:30 ET.

>>4360078, >>4360077 Live courthouse stakeout for Flynn's sentencing.

>>4360034, >>4360034 WH reportedly willing to compromise on budge to avert partial shutdown.

>>4360663 #5557

#5556 Baker Change

>>4359823 Drudge: Flynn sentencing a "keystone moment."

>>4359771, >>4359770, >>4359779 Rep. Martha McSally appointed to open Arizona Senate seat.

>>4359668 Court events and Q post connections.

>>4359579 Melania Tweet: Official 2018 Christmas portrait.

>>4359438 US reportedly no longer seeking regime change in Syria: envoy.

>>4359542 White House announces a rare press briefing at 1:30pm EST.

>>4359564 White House trolling Obama. Kek.

>>4359567 More insight into Flynn's role as the Keystone.

>>4359591 President Trump issues order creating new space command.

>>4359355 National registry of exonerations.

>>4359306, >>4359496, >>4359541, >>4359807 Flynn supporters show their support outside of the US District Court in DC.

>>4359945 #5556

Previously Collected Notables

>>4358410 #5554, >>4359150 #5555,

>>4357754 #5551, >>4357029 #5552, >>4357639 #5553

>>4354508 #5548, >>4357041 #5549, >>4357036 #5550

>>4351405 #5545, >>4352213 #5546, >>4352941 #5547

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

d86df0  No.4363043

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#59 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>4283174

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

d86df0  No.4363044

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Memes #37 >>4359646

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

d86df0  No.4363047

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



212160  No.4363083

3908e0  No.4363094

Why haven't they executed that treasonous whore Flynn yet?

5123c5  No.4363095

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

Anonymous ID:AdHN8HBF Sun 12 Nov 2017 12:23:45 No.149123755 Report

Quoted By: >>149123994 >>149124567


There are a bunch out there, here is one

>The CIA has 7 supercomputers, and they are all named after the 7 dwarfs from Snow White (Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy and Happy)


 Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:99LpGawB Sun 12 Nov 2017 12:31:16 No.149124567



Go deeper.

Signatures are IMPORTANT.


What are sheep?

Who controls the narrative?

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

It must be controlled.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).


Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated?

>Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated?

514337  No.4363107

File: 0f883b283d5111a⋯.png (888.87 KB, 898x947, 898:947, ClipboardImage.png)


b3d9f6  No.4363108

File: 22e832dcda96ae9⋯.jpg (21.76 KB, 519x600, 173:200, bknBFBU.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

f1380b  No.4363110

File: f26f43ab56ad0ec⋯.jpg (73.12 KB, 700x400, 7:4, RubberBullets.jpg)

c7aba1  No.4363111

File: a5f0bddaf5e37d3⋯.jpg (17.54 KB, 255x239, 255:239, POTUS3Dchess.jpg)


TY Baker

23b97c  No.4363112


The shills are in overdrive. Weather the storm anons! Hold the f'n line!

The cabal is pulling all the stops - this is fun to watch

Nothing can stop what is coming. Pain, incoming.

d36ba4  No.4363113


TY Baker!!!

3fd7c6  No.4363114

File: 64fc9dd4041b042⋯.jpg (93.62 KB, 988x459, 988:459, Graph Results 04302018.jpg)

Anon >>4362960 LB

shill no reply

SEE the difference.

It takes great strength to carry that much faith.

It takes much time to learn that wisdom.

Reminds me of a friend I once worked with.

I wonder.

But I don't want to know.

Afterall, we are Anon.

What's in a name?


f1380b  No.4363115

File: a9db67f837ea24f⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 615x461, 615:461, FISA.jpg)

74476d  No.4363116


ur gay

49b2e2  No.4363117

File: e125f06944ce0f0⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pepe-vid-q2.mp4)

5123c5  No.4363118

File: d0b99b747ee69fd⋯.png (236.03 KB, 1508x674, 754:337, image-attached.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)


Do humans control this board?

Is this "baker" human?

Do the "bakers" sometime glitch?

Are the "puke style" GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI memes a dead giveaway for bots?

But do passive humans allow AI bakers to maintain control anyway?


Did Q say "patriots, be unquestioning sheep!"

Or "patriots fight!"


554ec9  No.4363119

File: 46af21b0ea5003b⋯.png (693.76 KB, 599x797, 599:797, WLJdOWD.png)

Nice bread, baker.

d01828  No.4363120

File: 5f5acd27ba597ae⋯.png (1.6 MB, 687x923, 687:923, ClipboardImage.png)


Law grants injured military personnel right to sign up for car exempted from taxes and fees

The law covers all military personnel who sustained injuries causing partial disability during the war or military operations or similar cases or at the hands of terrorist or enemy elements.


Map Update: Militants Continue To Violate Ceasefire Regime In Idlib De-Escalation Zone


Militants Continue To Shell Government Positions In Hama, Alepo, Latakia Provinces: Russian Military

“During the day, shelling attacks by militants were reported from the settlements of Darh Abu-Assad, Safsara, Ikko, Arafit, Sandran (twice) and Jubb al-Zarur in the Latakia governorate, the settlements of Tell Maraq (thrice), Tell Bazam (rwice), Tell al-Maqtaa and Achan in the Hama governorate, and Aleppo’s Suqqari, Sakibiya, Zakhabiya, Makanis al-Duwairy neighborhoods and the area around the research center,” Solomatin said, according to TASS.

“Efforts are continued to restore infrastructure facilities and create conditions for the return of refugees. As of December 15, 2018, as many as 30,859 dwelling houses, 712 educational and 118 medical establishments have been restored. A total of 938 kilometers of motorways have been repaid,” Solomatin said.


Syrian War Report – Dec. 18, 2018: US ‘Local Partners’ Are About To Be Sold To Turkey

Turkey is ramping up its military preparations and propaganda campaign ahead of a possible attack on the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in northeastern Syria.

On December 17, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) can start an “operation any moment now in Syrian territory at any place, especially along the 500-kilometer border, without harming U.S. soldiers”.

He recalled his demands that Kurdish armed groups must least the border region, first of all the area of Manbij. “If they don’t go, we will send them,” Erdogan said adding that US President Trump has gave a positive response to the expected TAF operation.

During a speech at the Atlantic Council in Washington DC, US Special Representative for Syria Engagement James Jeffrey said that “any offensive into northeast Syria by anyone is a bad idea”. However, at the same time, he described the US relations with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which mostly consist of YPG members, as “tactical” and “transactional”.

On December 18, Turkey’s Defense Minister Hulusi Akar stressed that the TAF will not allow the Sinjar region to be turned into a stronghold of the PKK and called on the Iraqi government to assist in this.

Baghdad has repeatedly criticized Turkey for its cross-border operations in the region, but it does have no resources to force Ankara to stop its activity now.

In eastern Syria, the SDF captured the town of Hajin from ISIS, according to pro-Kurdish sources. The same sources claim that over 200 ISIS members were killed during the past few days there.

Despite this, ISIS is still in control of a number of positions near Hajin. Clashes are being reported in the area.


71e5fa  No.4363121

086c95  No.4363122

File: 88f9733b547b6b2⋯.png (245.85 KB, 442x402, 221:201, Screenshot 2018-12-18 at 1….png)

Pic of the murder weapons>>4363107

20e950  No.4363123




not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.

"I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free" · [more]

not or no longer confined or imprisoned.

"the researchers set the birds free" · [more]


on the loose · at liberty · at large · loose · unconfined · unbound · [more]

not subject to or constrained by engagements or obligations.

"she spent her free time shopping"

495753  No.4363124

File: e5011cf04ada5ca⋯.jpg (162.55 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 20181008_164522.jpg)

File: adbd071cc1376dd⋯.jpg (159.13 KB, 1280x426, 640:213, 20181214_132748.jpg)

File: 26cea6a155d48da⋯.jpg (214.68 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 20181008_164455.jpg)

File: 96e9c6f512837d7⋯.jpg (210.76 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 20181008_164502.jpg)

File: 447b4a449e48b0f⋯.jpg (232.7 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 20181008_164514.jpg)

Midterms are safe.

Trust Huber

Trust Flynn



8bc5c4  No.4363125


Squiggy's dead???

212160  No.4363126

File: 2b1bad36b93de9c⋯.png (88.02 KB, 1010x226, 505:113, devil3.png)

Devil3? Hmmm

f1380b  No.4363127

File: 36854389e47ab4b⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 640x360, 16:9, HillaryGetsObamasQNote.jpg)

3cf8e3  No.4363128


Complications of diabetes.

165e4c  No.4363129

File: 4956a45f7f75311⋯.jpeg (247.17 KB, 498x920, 249:460, 45F9F3CA-299B-40D9-94B2-B….jpeg)

NYS Senator Kevin Parker lets his inner-Anon out -tells some to “kill yourself”


4248c4  No.4363130

File: dc10329e0088d2d⋯.jpg (100.11 KB, 646x663, 38:39, Screenshot 2018-12-18_14-0….jpg)

Penny Marshall, best known for her star role in the the sitcom “Laverne & Shirley” has died at the age of 75.

Marshall went on from the success of that sitcom to direct several films, including Tom Hanks’ “Big” in 1988. She was the first woman to direct a film that grossed more than $100 million.

Marshall also directed “A League of their Own” and “Awakenings.” It is believed that she died from diabetes complications.


5123c5  No.4363131

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)


What % of the shills do you think are human, and what % AI?

71ec0f  No.4363132


25k gestapi super soldiers

Thule lunchmeat

Predatory banking

Arizona bay



d01828  No.4363133

File: 02b039959d4dac2⋯.png (1.15 MB, 618x806, 309:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99dcf3b0b45c27d⋯.png (1.2 MB, 620x810, 62:81, ClipboardImage.png)


Russia Calls on the US to Reconsider Strategy in Syria

The situation in parts of eastern Syria, controlled by the US-supported Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), remains “deeply disturbing,” Shoigu wrote in a letter to Pentagon chief James Mattis earlier this week.

The minister also emphasized that the recovery of the war-torn nation are hampered by the smuggling of oil and oil products from the areas controlled by the SDF. At the same time, the US military presence at Al-Tanf air base makes it more difficult to deliver aid at a large refugee camp in Rukban, Jordan, home to more than 50,000 Syrians, Shoigu wrote. He also claimed that the air base and the “armed gangs” around prevented the refugees from returning home.


Putin says fight against terrorists in Syria will go on

"The situation in the country [Syria] has been gradually improving following the defeat of major militant groups," he said. "However, militants still try to fight back. I would like to point out an uncompromising fight against militants will go on, we will provide the Syrian people with the necessary support," the Russian leader added.

Putin also noted that Russian troops had been successfully accomplishing peacekeeping and humanitarian tasks and contributing to the restoration of Syria as a united and stable country.


==Recon drone, weapons and shells left behind by terrorists found in Daraa

SANA’s reporter in Daraa said while following up the process of securing the areas liberated from terrorism by the Syrian Arab Army, the authorities found a reconnaissance drone, in addition to an amount of weapons and ammunition, some of which are Western-made, in the farms surrounding Daraa al-Balad area.


3908e0  No.4363134


it's a weird ai psyop

the future is hopeless

6d1749  No.4363135

File: 19e2807a971c745⋯.png (173.86 KB, 350x222, 175:111, ClipboardImage.png)

The unseen costs of illegal immigration.

Arizona Border Trash

The collection and disposal of waste in remote areas along Arizona's 370-mile border with Mexico poses difficult challenges. An estimated more than 2,000 tons of trash is discarded annually in Arizona's borderlands. A variety of federal and state government entities, Native American tribes and private landowners are affected by the problem, and addressing it requires extensive coordination.


Where are all the leftist environmentalists???

c7aba1  No.4363136




23b97c  No.4363137


9 out of 10 posts are being done by shills right now… been like that for the past few days.

ur a newfag or a shill… I haven't seen your second post yet so still undecided.

3fd7c6  No.4363138

Midterms are safe.

Trust Huber

Trust Flynn


3f2a17  No.4363139

Too many gratuitous twists and turns in the plot of this movie.

3cf8e3  No.4363140


That's actually the first funny one I've seen.

2e1c37  No.4363141



74476d  No.4363142


I wisht he'd said, "KYS faggot"

That would have been way more boss

2afe96  No.4363143


and (lb)


Suicide Weekend announced on Tues

I wonder how many babies she ate?

20e950  No.4363144


God Speed.

937d04  No.4363145

File: 821b2b63af9ea92⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1280x591, 1280:591, ed6964be1cd55445ede255e23a….png)

File: 74f07c269263719⋯.png (638.89 KB, 640x295, 128:59, b000aed8c8eabef4b1fdb456dd….png)

File: eb84150ad8a0e18⋯.png (1.87 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 80c801f860d96abe70d6e6697c….png)

5f7594  No.4363146

File: 0be4638f0899c27⋯.jpg (163.9 KB, 695x730, 139:146, CornyComey.jpg)


FLYNN is allowed to Withdraw his guilty plea. He is not for a strategic reason. It is to stay in the News cycles, using his trial to bring Light and attention to the Corruption.

Meanwhile, all hell is about to break loose on the Clintons and their enablers.

Thing I quite haven't figured out is, WHY Comey hasn't pled the 5th yet. I think HE THINKS it is better if he looks like a retard that can't remember squat, and I can't quite figure out how the Dems having control of the House is in anyway, an advantage to him…. Someone have any theories on this I'd like to hear

f3e16a  No.4363147



It's all really happening!!!

9ca3d4  No.4363148


because Obama was President when he did the illegal stuff, DUH

f4ae11  No.4363149






3cf8e3  No.4363150

71ec0f  No.4363151

File: f5cccf0e5bf46f2⋯.jpg (240.22 KB, 736x697, 736:697, IMG_4329.JPG)


Is tgat your daily affirmation

(you) are special

4248c4  No.4363152


most likely suicided

2afe96  No.4363153


Fuck that wretched cunt

7af39b  No.4363154

Who requested all the crony deep state dirt on politicians and who knows where the bodies are buried.???

Wars are based on Deception…

The Judiciary's like today become COMPT… Or Deep State..???

9bb5f8  No.4363155


Flynn wanted that

But Mueller's flunky said no judge don't

Blame Mueller he fucked up

9ca3d4  No.4363156


State funeral?

5f7594  No.4363157



5123c5  No.4363158

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:29:35 No.149063235

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has (3) sides.

Eye of Providence.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”



This has never been fully answered.

Look at the context of the crumb?

Who/what controls the narrative?

What is "jimmy"?

What is "FAKE Q"?

What is "ebot"?

etc., etc…?

These are nodes of an AI system– but what is behind THAT?

Can technology be used to "manifest" the thing the elites worship?

Why are we [here]?


a2ebcb  No.4363159




I'm afraid you are correct. I stated this months ago. We are being fed a false-sense of victory and distractions… This is the new "ball-game". Grab yourself a Bud Light, tune-out and be a normie like a good little slave.


Eh… A year ago, I would have agreed. Now… that's debatable.


Maybe when moar than 50 Americans even know who he is, we can include him. Define: "irrelevant". I like the Freedom Caucus boys, A LOT. But let's wait and see if they deliver before we start giving out hand-jobs, alright buddy?

3f2a17  No.4363160


probably she died from having been married to rob reiner.

34c279  No.4363161


i love having the shills here

they show their desperation and their hubris

warm and comfy

a54272  No.4363162

File: 760fb53f429bbbe⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Meadowsowned.mp4)

8fd2a5  No.4363163

File: 900d03b486de17f⋯.jpg (97.6 KB, 736x706, 368:353, well_well.jpg)

f4ae11  No.4363164

Some of y'all still have a lot of work to do on getting out of the dream matrix. Wakey, wakey.

71ec0f  No.4363165

File: 136c192af837620⋯.jpg (236.67 KB, 800x890, 80:89, IMG_4657.JPG)

File: fe4860ca0e70972⋯.png (59.57 KB, 943x943, 1:1, D6F0D6AF-DD95-4555-9014-5C….png)

File: 29a6a595215de4a⋯.jpg (282.27 KB, 992x1281, 992:1281, IMG_4715.JPG)

c9b916  No.4363166

File: d0b5a6bd362242f⋯.png (95.33 KB, 833x590, 833:590, ClipboardImage.png)

From looking at one of the PB notables, I'm not entirely sure if it's the NSA that the notable mentions, however, looking back at past crumbs, THIS looks valid

158b68  No.4363167

File: 607f53a08d01735⋯.png (53.06 KB, 906x579, 302:193, wall - Copy.PNG)

File: 5045b91a7d25772⋯.jpg (50.76 KB, 620x367, 620:367, 2pa1lx.jpg)

>White House suggests it could back down on $5 billion border wall demand.


74476d  No.4363168


I notice you aren't taking exception with being called out for faggotry

3f2a17  No.4363169



71e5fa  No.4363170

File: 4bce87e07a2fca7⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1502x792, 751:396, 4bce87e07a2fca7c99c7c7c301….png)

File: 1ba33614cf654e2⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 780x438, 130:73, TootSignal.jpg)

Where's Freddy

514337  No.4363171


i agree. but she and her brother are power players in hollywood. have been for decades. no doubt she knows a lotta lotta secrets.

5f7594  No.4363172

>>4363107 Meathead Rob Reiner's ex wife, or current? Can't remember

877e12  No.4363173


her Dad was also BIG in Hollyweird

d01828  No.4363174

File: cc5e1f9561c7dfb⋯.png (55.29 KB, 708x900, 59:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6aeda8fffe7ee0⋯.png (56.74 KB, 813x910, 813:910, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3a76eb5d54b6fb⋯.png (55.66 KB, 702x886, 351:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf8d88b80cd5232⋯.png (49.62 KB, 698x881, 698:881, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4992ffd7fcae66⋯.png (18.16 KB, 695x329, 695:329, ClipboardImage.png)

Sen. Jeff Merkley Wants to Stop Congress Members From Insider Trading By Banning Them From Owning Stocks

Sen. James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican recently elevated to chair the Senate Armed Services Committee after the death of John McCain, was implicated recently in what looked to be an insider trading scandal. A few days after meeting with President Donald Trump and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis to successfully advocate for a military budget increase, Inhofe purchased between $50,000 and $100,000 of stock in defense contractor Raytheon, which stands to profit from additional defense spending.

Inhofe tried to manage the controversy by claiming that a third-party financial adviser handles his stocks and made the purchase without his knowledge. Minutes after being questioned about the trades, he wrote a letter to his adviser, asking him to no longer trade defense or aerospace stocks. Inhofe has even taken to carrying around a card with a stock reply to journalists about the matter.

But the Raytheon trades represent only a fraction of his trading activity. The same day that Inhofe revealed the Raytheon purchase, he also disclosed the sale of between $15,000 and $50,000 worth of stock from Celgene, a biotech firm, along with a similarly sized sale of stock in Aptiv, the auto parts maker formerly known as Delphi. A month earlier, Inhofe revealed trades in General Electric, Salesforce.com, American International Group, XPO Logistics, Albemarle, Intuitive Surgical, and Intellia Therapeutics.

There’s no way to test Inhofe’s claim that a third party manages his stock portfolio, absent a monitor tracking Inhofe 24/7: He could make a phone call or send a message to direct a trade at anytime. But it’s clear that Inhofe is trading millions of dollars worth of stock a year, while voting on legislation that affects public companies.


b3e075  No.4363175


What if Comey was already granted immunity? I just can't believe we don't have one indictment the other direction so far.

b99192  No.4363176



Asylum escapee - or patient - right here. Crazyyyyyy

64c52d  No.4363177


Good reminder that death doesn’t care how rich you are. Spend your life being happy and making others happy. If you find your purpose, you accomplish both at once. It might be flipping burgers, or selling stocks. In the end, it doesn’t matter what it is, but who you were.

c7aba1  No.4363178

File: 14a174692a97793⋯.png (737.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 614066e4f2bacd4⋯.png (690.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

U2 in the sky. (img 1)

Hell…lots of military in the sky today. (img 2)

9bb5f8  No.4363179


Lazy boomer here

Need meme

Penny goes What could possibly go wrong now, Shirl?

Grim Reaper in Leather Jacket opens door: HELLO!

10ffa6  No.4363180


She kill her self?

d8c508  No.4363181


Comey has NO friends. HRC hates him. He is trying to align with her. If he takes 5th then it suggests she is guilty. He is a dead man if he does that. He wanted his answers public to protect his life from the deadly disease of suicide. He wanted her to see that he is still protecting her.

ed77e3  No.4363183

who's the hottie in the red dress?

463c11  No.4363184


Am i supposed to know her? Should I care?

5af52e  No.4363185

You are no longer watching a movie.

Someone turned it into a bad cartoon. Sheesh!!

6c0133  No.4363186

File: c114c30bb917687⋯.jpg (81.45 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, bewbsc.jpg)



3565e8  No.4363187

File: d498be188832530⋯.jpg (90.49 KB, 1024x586, 512:293, Blackmail lesson.jpg)

>>4362935 pb

They didn't have the guts to sentence General Flynn

Because they know they are either getting caught or could get caught.

They tried to get Flynn to back down, [take back his plea]

He stood his ground.

They threatened.

He still stood his ground



c79c9d  No.4363188


Maybe shortage of blood infusions.

71ec0f  No.4363189

File: 6a27c56004cea38⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 166.72 KB, 400x351, 400:351, IMG_4611.GIF)

7af39b  No.4363190

File: dca38a352335e15⋯.png (216.06 KB, 299x406, 299:406, Toots4.PNG)



b228d8  No.4363191

>>4363072 lb

I've yet to vote for Trump, even though I support his policies, and I regret voting in the last fradulent election at his urging.

Build the wall, lock /them/ up, purge the voting rolls.

Then we can talk.

086c95  No.4363192


best gag on that show

2afe96  No.4363193


Hence the "red scarf" that just happened

7a0fcb  No.4363194


Ex. Divorced early 80s.

14bef5  No.4363195


On a scale of 1 to 10, this Q proof is a fucking ELEVEN

d01828  No.4363196

File: 012d58b89d33486⋯.png (45.28 KB, 756x508, 189:127, ClipboardImage.png)

EU’s ‘toothless’ response to creation of Kosovo army risks worsening the crisis – Moscow

Russia’s ambassador to the UN said that the EU could have and should have done more to stop the breakaway region from creating its own army.

The creation of Kosovo’s own 5,000-strong army is a threat to peace and security in a turbulent region and may lead to a new escalation, Russia’s UN envoy has warned, calling the EU’s lackluster response irresponsible.

Speaking at the UN Security Council emergency meeting on Kosovo, Russia’s ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzya said that the EU could have and should have done more to stop the breakaway region from creating its own army to replace its lightly armed emergency response force.

“The EU reaction to the decision by Pristina cannot be described as other than toothless. This irresponsible policy has crossed the line,” Nebenzya said, after the UNSC meeting on Monday.

The diplomat said the lack of decisive action on the part of the 28-member bloc was a “great disappointment,” adding that the EU seems to “have turned a blind eye on the illegal creation of Kosovo’s ‘army.’”

The law, approved by Kosovo lawmakers on Friday, paves the way for doubling the size of the current Kosovo Security Force and for turning it into a de facto army, with 5,000 soldiers and 3,000 reservists.

The move did not go down well even with Kosovo’s usual backers, with both NATO and the EU voicing their indignation. NATO’s General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg called the decision “ill-timed” and lamented that Kosovo’s authorities had ignored “the concerns expressed by NATO.”

The EU’s top diplomat, Federica Mogherini, has echoed those concerns, saying in a statement that the mandate of Kosovo’s forces “should only be changed through an inclusive and gradual process” in accordance with the state’s constitution.

The only nation to openly applaud the controversial move was the US, with its ambassador to Kosovo, Phillip Kosnett, saying that Washington “reaffirms its support” for the upgrade as it is “only natural for Kosovo as a sovereign, independent country” to have a full-fledged army.


514337  No.4363197



She was married to Meathead Rob Reiner from '71 - '81

728379  No.4363198

The next three months will be hell for the Flynn family as they will be threatened daily by Mueller and The Deep State. Flynn is caught in a trap he can't extricate himself from….lie and be morally destroyed or don't lie and be physically destroyed…..unless Mueller is FIRED.

3fd7c6  No.4363199

File: 11fe799db305a32⋯.jpg (88.52 KB, 600x562, 300:281, Trump Q chess.jpg)


3972a8  No.4363200



all 'celebrities' should die.

0195e9  No.4363201

Watching the WH feed for press conference.

Where is Jim Acosta?

They grab him already?

c7aba1  No.4363202



>her Dad was also BIG in Hollyweird

20e950  No.4363203

75 and the shills want Penny to be a suicide.

Fuckers are strange.

495753  No.4363204

File: f2b9edaaa8aa73d⋯.jpg (434.71 KB, 1280x958, 640:479, 20181218_140500.jpg)

40e323  No.4363205


U2 is testing new sensor suites.

36586a  No.4363206

>>4363012 (pb)

>Oh so instead of restoring the rule of law like Trump campaigned on you suggest in perpetuating the fucking problem? Fucking loser

Yep, Imma big fat dummy. Will NOT deny that. So: Help me understand how "rule of law" will be re-established. Please.

f4ae11  No.4363207


Not anymore.

And she had PLENTY of time to step up and speak up. She chose NOT to do the right things. Fuck her. Good riddance to that waste of life.

3720d2  No.4363208

File: 9b86ba37018c432⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 712x732, 178:183, blknght55.jpg)

File: 9de4ecc8383ca07⋯.jpg (98.92 KB, 950x718, 475:359, klcbl33.jpg)

Cabal freaks,

Did you really believe that you were "special"?

That you were "chosen"?

That you were going to live forever?


Evil is to die.

It is time.


ad6914  No.4363209

File: 0c4b87a36979954⋯.jpg (361.82 KB, 960x960, 1:1, bail 2.jpg)

3cf8e3  No.4363210


Divorced many, many years ago. After she fojnd out what a total fucking douche he is.

9b40a7  No.4363211

and on and on and on we go

5123c5  No.4363212


Explain the big picture then. Explain what you think is actually happening in the world– given what you are implying in this post, and your reasons for being here, etc. You can't, because you are fake, and just outputting a specific negative trope. But try.

bc8ec5  No.4363213


Really? Because as far as I can tell /ourguys/ are getting fucking cucked at every god damn turn. I've said it before I'll say it again. If Seth Rich can catch 2 bullets to the fucking back of the head and Q is military intel - why the FUCK can't that whore Clinton catch 2 bullets to the back of the fucking head? That'd calm us all down for awhile.

But as it stands Q - you've just demoralized your base and loss massive amounts of support since midterms and it is CONTINUING trend. It's not stopping anytime soon.





8fd2a5  No.4363214

File: a4648fd0f5f7122⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 255x176, 255:176, a0ba035bade9c1bbf4d0d6374a….jpg)

Trolling Master

d72adb  No.4363215

File: ca639fe3fc4d28c⋯.png (786.17 KB, 799x500, 799:500, EnjoyTheShow.png)

Well well well…an extension huh.

20e950  No.4363216


His handeler is still preping him.

b228d8  No.4363217

2afe96  No.4363218


Digits confirm. (maybe not all… i couldn't say that for sure… but at least 98%)

f1380b  No.4363219


I'll keep posting it.

3565e8  No.4363220


Not even a B actress.

A celeb with a shitty sit-com

However married to a very powerful Hollywood person; Or maybe that s her Dad.

Hollywood insider, no talent.

Could barely read her lines.

f1921b  No.4363221

744ea1  No.4363222


Listening to these guys in my car live was hilarious.

7c4fda  No.4363223

File: fca1cd1651b4a0e⋯.jpg (171.55 KB, 671x590, 671:590, KerryMeeting.jpg)

Hmm. failing to register as FARA is



4248c4  No.4363224


Diabetes leads to vessel damage…. heart → attack, brain→ stroke, kidney→ filtration problems, nodular hypertrophy (dialysis)

how did she die

they need to tell

7af39b  No.4363225

Fox news can't get a FAIR TRIAL IN this Judges court……..???

71e5fa  No.4363226

File: 06ff29e85a6acb1⋯.jpg (65.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, TootsToo2.jpg)



aa7be3  No.4363227


Have some compassion cunt

514337  No.4363228


lazy nigger..look her up before showing your ignorance and youth

744ea1  No.4363229

Press briefing live!

b51fe6  No.4363230


oh yes… 3D-chess!

My popcorn overload is monstrous…

And now waiting another 90 days…?

Or will the MOAB fall before?

f8bc57  No.4363231


U2s are flown out of Edwards AFB. Routine training

a1aafc  No.4363232

File: 44451e2e12026e0⋯.png (445.23 KB, 738x511, 738:511, rob reiner meathead pedovo….png)

File: 15ea846c68ff460⋯.png (701.86 KB, 800x483, 800:483, lemmings suicide weekend.png)

File: 9070088354f3835⋯.jpg (101.75 KB, 661x500, 661:500, bosnian suicide ill drink ….jpg)


I had to look her up.

Meathead's wife.

Pretty big.

d2b21f  No.4363233

WH Presser starting now


1d9a97  No.4363234


Playing filter the shill's in between commercials. But this latest batch don't even make it challenging. Must be at the bottom of the dredges barrel.

b9bf3d  No.4363235

File: 8af5233612551c4⋯.jpg (624.16 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181218-140605….jpg)

Continuation of Pittsburgh 2A issues.

A valued friend of mine is leading the fight with his late firm. Link for original post, PDF for letter is in circled alot.

I'm phone tagging. Cant resize my screenshots. Read the last comment about the sheriff's department. Had me rolling

b228d8  No.4363236


2 out of 3 aint bad.

e17eda  No.4363237

File: efc0df5463b397a⋯.jpg (198.32 KB, 1152x1152, 1:1, hillaryletter2.jpg)

File: ffbb6d27e1127dd⋯.png (26.94 KB, 633x263, 633:263, NotAFuneral.png)

3565e8  No.4363238

Press starting.

White House.

ed77e3  No.4363239


oh, nevermind. Hearing her talk makes me annoyed…

0bb3ee  No.4363240

Arrested for posting child porn?..


943ae2  No.4363241

File: ee9f81160eaec65⋯.jpg (114.31 KB, 2223x1888, 2223:1888, 430f2d90fc59846bd0e3d74ca2….jpg)

File: 377b89c3af292c5⋯.jpg (107.78 KB, 1200x823, 1200:823, ny-1545145045-06hh7vc1yz-s….jpg)


Never a Looker!

514337  No.4363242


wow. you're dumb.

d64bbc  No.4363243


>Do humans control this board?


>Is this "baker" human?


>Do the "bakers" sometime glitch?

To err is human. Does "8ch" sometimes glitch?

>Are the "puke style" GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI memes a dead giveaway for bots?

No. Why would someone set up a bot to make breads but then also give it away by posting "deep dream" images too? Someone would literally have to program that "give away", so this is stupid.

>But do passive humans allow AI bakers to maintain control anyway?

You didn't establish that AI is in control, so this is a false question,


Fuck you faggot.

>Did Q say "patriots, be unquestioning sheep!"

Like you would have a clue what Q says

>Or "patriots fight!"

Q says to get in the [box]



4d11e8  No.4363244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Speaking now

55afa4  No.4363245


1. ejection seat

2. tanning bed

aa7be3  No.4363246

File: 9abce397ad9a8ae⋯.jpeg (19.19 KB, 194x259, 194:259, 39B8E61D-D060-49C5-AB6C-2….jpeg)


My pussy is better than toots

b906a4  No.4363247


ThanQs Baker!

Had to steal picrelated, feelsweirdman

463c11  No.4363248



Kek. I couldn’t care less

dda8f5  No.4363249

File: abcc422d800c522⋯.jpeg (83.43 KB, 986x521, 986:521, B618C56E-EAC5-444C-BDCE-D….jpeg)

>>4363064 (lb)

And they think Q team doesn’t know who they/we all are . IDIOTS! KEK

14bef5  No.4363251


495753  No.4363252

File: 50c53da30bb03ac⋯.png (527.55 KB, 720x539, 720:539, Cupace20181216184405.png)

File: 06c3dbb4d6be510⋯.png (220.13 KB, 720x403, 720:403, Cupace20181216183405.png)

File: 9de9bbc6b2d456a⋯.png (265.68 KB, 720x403, 720:403, Cupace20181216183350.png)

File: fceae2680cc7c7d⋯.png (402.24 KB, 720x672, 15:14, Cupace20181216175355.png)

File: cb757638bef9ad7⋯.png (196.03 KB, 720x381, 240:127, Cupace20181216182313.png)

Deep state is so scared.



0879ab  No.4363253

File: da54c249f3dc69e⋯.png (52.85 KB, 581x476, 83:68, potus.png)

5123c5  No.4363254


What are you supposed to be, bot?

There is no plausible character for you to be here. YOU ARE A 4CHAN BOT. What could be more obvious?

If 4chan bots are attacking this board, what could be stronger proof of Q's legitimacy?

How many times do you have to be told bot system?

Why can't you figure out how to stop outing yourself with worthless, unrealistic posts?

Why can't you just shut the fuck up from time to time?

What rational principle dicates that you must keep spewing fakeness continuallly, EVEN AS YOU ARE OUTED?

Can you think, jimmy?


b99192  No.4363255





Dance, dance, dance, lil manlet. Like your life depends on it!! Try for 50 posts this bread! The more you post, the better we know of our successes. Q has herded you quite nicely and continues to manipulate you - and you're too stupid to even realize it. It is a beautiful thing to behold. Do that shill shimmy for us, boy toy…. mmmmm mmmm mmmm

b906a4  No.4363256

File: 21222151a339033⋯.jpg (156.83 KB, 1134x529, 1134:529, ed430dde91a3303e64eccdd7b9….jpg)

662ba0  No.4363257


I just want some got dang action.

b9bf3d  No.4363258


Fucking forgot to add the link to the blog

. Such a phone fag


aa7be3  No.4363259

File: 097a63991cd81c5⋯.jpeg (35.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, C4FFA2B7-2D63-4415-8A0D-E….jpeg)

f4ae11  No.4363260

Some of y'all still have a lot of work to do on getting out of the dream matrix. Wakey, wakey.

omg celebrities!!!!!


Look at yourselves!!!!!!

You fvcks ARE the normies.

Snap out of it. Wake up.

9ca3d4  No.4363261

muh bumpstock, fuck drumptf, kek

3972a8  No.4363262

File: 90f2993df08790b⋯.jpg (316.46 KB, 1600x1056, 50:33, melania 04.jpg)


f3e16a  No.4363263


Next week anon.

And if not, 2019 will be glorious. I promise. Free beer.

8bb5d7  No.4363264


put your pussy back in your pocket anon. we all do

74476d  No.4363265


You're in the wrong place, chuche. Try the strip club.

f1380b  No.4363266

File: 029009c251d3038⋯.jpg (148.97 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, StealthBomber.jpg)

File: a9ee67cc80aa604⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SecretGoodGuyQuestionMark.jpg)

File: 112b8938a959a68⋯.jpg (77.45 KB, 700x400, 7:4, FlynnPissed.jpg)

I wonder if all of the stings are being run to expose & prosecute judges.

5f7594  No.4363267


We presented our EVIDENCE to Law ENFORCEMENT which you're not….

Which means they believe theyt have given law enforcement the evidence against the Clintons that will Prosecute them, otherwise, they DON'T get paid without evidence. It is already too late for Clintons to kill these guys lol

2afe96  No.4363268


How could anyone "sit back and watch" what was going on in HollyWeird? NO EXCUSES! NO DEALS!

3fd7c6  No.4363269


Well there is always things to be done.

Somethings can't be done until another.

The rate depends on multiple factors.

Loud people grease the process.

When people are loud politicians listen.

They have to or no re-election.

The people have the power.

Notice the shill increase?

Does that mean over the target?

How much of it do we see?

Anons see the most.

dc08b9  No.4363270

File: e3263996e4d99dd⋯.jpeg (410.42 KB, 1125x1752, 375:584, 982E6762-411C-48C9-BF0B-1….jpeg)

File: c0ead6a0f1604ba⋯.jpeg (220.49 KB, 1125x1027, 1125:1027, 354826FE-9CFE-4A39-AA64-9….jpeg)

7f5124  No.4363271

>>4362919 (From LB - post below)

Morning star concrete

>Okay - this is a real company located in…

Battle ground

>Battle Ground, WA

Watching skies

>Me too - Sat view shows the address as a residential home.

No Planes over Battle Ground


>Would love to know - spill.

And WTF is this bone in their cover photo? I mean… I certainly speculated that concrete was their primary disposal method.



34c279  No.4363272

today was suppose to be a big win for the DS

flynn has done his part

b228d8  No.4363273


/They/ just want to impose climate taxes, not actually clean up the environment.

3565e8  No.4363274


And that man [a great man who lived a distinguished life] ? Maybe that is.

Now the Press is laying into Flynn

FBI ambushed him?

That for the Judge to decide.

What we do know. Mueller broke the law.

by Sarah

e2dd88  No.4363275

File: 9ffe4039142985b⋯.jpeg (39.1 KB, 680x244, 170:61, 2018-12-18 at 8.08 PM.jpeg)

BREAKING: Belgian PM resigns!

086c95  No.4363276


7fd775  No.4363277

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, this.gif)



Some celebrity died. Who gives a shit? Will this be used by the cabal to delay more or what?

47d9f1  No.4363278

Planefags what was the loud long roar overhead Seattle a few minutes ago???

212160  No.4363279

File: 406619535ad6cb1⋯.png (114.23 KB, 665x498, 665:498, cabal.png)

Interdasting: there is a Boeing KC-135R flying at 40,000 ft callsign CABAL31

3cb3ac  No.4363280

File: 3337e8f3a851694⋯.jpg (306.24 KB, 800x733, 800:733, 1544529754.jpg)

3720d2  No.4363281

File: 19a888566c44ef9⋯.png (167.2 KB, 442x459, 26:27, Screenshot_2018-11-08-10-2….png)

f3e16a  No.4363282


Expecting results of any positive kind?

"You're in the wrong place"

9bb5f8  No.4363283


> total fucking douche he is.

She knew that going in but good monies if wait to see if he changes

5123c5  No.4363284


Give up joke bot :D

You suck, bot system. Try to shut up. You don't have to keep beeping and booping at all moments. You can't sell us your GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI memes, which are ugly, vile, and out your FAKENESS.

The bot bakers keep outing themselves for no reason.

The endless variety of AI shills and fake, human-emulating "anons" keep outing themselves.

You are FUCKED botsystem, and still you don't calm down. You spazz more and more.

Consider giving up.

34eb61  No.4363285

File: f12b204fe8534d5⋯.jpg (21.18 KB, 307x179, 307:179, AndrewJacksonIwasBornForth….jpg)


Look here anons

>>4362755 lb

>Please keep an eye out in a couple of hours or so.

Heard, will do.

>Shill faggotry is through the roof this week, and it's only a fucking Tuesday.

Been insane lately, wew. And yet…

>Good times.

Yup. We were BORN for the storm

928541  No.4363286

File: f30d1404883c892⋯.png (542.28 KB, 900x471, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Treason question right out of the gate

5e259d  No.4363287

File: 80bed0d99376cf6⋯.jpg (404.72 KB, 639x584, 639:584, 1545159870067.jpg)

Now this is powerful!

>Maria Meza and her five children began to seek asylum late Monday after waiting more than four hours near the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego, politicians, lawyers and advocates with them said.

>“After 7hrs, I can now confirm Maria Meza & her kids — featured in this @Reuters image fleeing tear gas at the border last month — just filed for asylum. They’re on American soil,” tweeted Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.), who waited with the group.

It's wonderful that our elected politicians are helping illegal Americans become legal Americans! #WWG1WGA!

If you have any problems with this you are a bigot who needs to die.

682cb7  No.4363288

File: 8ca99a581eae5aa⋯.jpg (87.88 KB, 539x496, 539:496, muh cheese and you2 hubris.jpg)

File: 98ed008a6b54794⋯.jpg (183.11 KB, 907x501, 907:501, pepe hero achilles breath.jpg)

File: a443b5ca91e8d54⋯.jpg (98.38 KB, 593x443, 593:443, pepe hero aristotele breat….jpg)

File: 61685ada825bab4⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1200x950, 24:19, pepe crusader 14 stand.png)

File: 11fffeea0c40d19⋯.jpg (140.98 KB, 1200x693, 400:231, pepe angel relic worthy.jpg)

My'Anon, a sharing.

Does one love the family?

Does one love the friends?

Does one love the community of humanity?


Does one love the Dream?

Does one love muh cheese?

Does one love the in common slavery?

Patriots elected a president to focus on the former.

(Dems(Establishment(Cabal))) strive to tie humanity to the later.



Vital. Patriots (WW) must exercise both. More important now than ever. The president and team have been prepping the ground for 2 years now. Getting ready to engage in the fight that will end in our freedom. The team is clearing obstacles and taking Cabal tools/players off the board. Reducing Their ability to derail the plan, to harm humanity. Do any doubt that They would? When They hear those speaking Truth; They Fear.

Do any doubt? If there were one last Free man…with a billion people surrounding him…Do any doubt that They would call it a fair trade, that billion against the one to be free of the love of Freedom? Do any doubt the lack of upper limit on Their desire to commit Wrong if it is in Their interest? Convenience? Whim?

How many have they killed just this century? How many wars? How many diseases? How many poisons? Herding humanity into hab farms, cities… Just waiting for people to tire of their terrible life, lay down, and die… https: //www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/how-mouse-utopias-1960s-led-grim-predictions-humans-180954423/

Too many are still Dreaming life away. Too many are still striving to run the maze, chasing "muh cheese". Too many are still fighting to maintain their own place in the pyramid of tyranny; going all crab in a bucket after those trying to escape. Are Patriots complaining about "muh hurry up" while waiting for another to make a difference?

So, what do? STAND. If one is stealing your hamster ball filled with "muh cheese" it is morally and legaly wrong to fill them with holes. If one simply STANDs in front of that tool of transportation it changes the equation. The thief then has to choose; run one down, or hop out and look for easier prey. If they get out, great. No harm, no foul. If they choose to run one down…

The same situation has become apparent in the world today. There is a class of elites (Dems(Establishment(Cabal))) that have been stealing everything up to and including lives. If one simply STANDs in the way, stops running the maze, stops chasing after "muh cheese" They have a choice. Get out and fuck off (face the punishment for Their crimes) or run humanity down.

That poor brave fucker in Tiananmen Square facing off against a platoon of tanks was looking at that same choice. After the Chinese government was done with those Patriots they flattened the bodies with those tanks to make hosing off the square easier…

https ://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/tiananmen-square-massacre-anniversary-beijing-tank-man-china-protests-facts-death-toll-a8382111.html

The Europeans are facing that same situation now. Today. As you read this. STANDing and saying "enough is enough". Those Patriots (WW) do not have what we have; leadership working to fix the corruption, theft, murder. So.



Free America.

Free the World.

The President has chosen to accept the Leadership of this great country at a time like no other. To be FREE we'll have to free the world. If any are slaves, none are FREE.


in a few years, a generation or 2…what's the stated target number? 500 million? That's a lot of running down, My'Anon…

Crusade is too tame a word for what will have to happen. This is a well entrenched enemy. With massive resources. What structure of power/authority have THEY not infected with THEIR touch?

My'Anon has noticed that touch here in a dramatic increase in shilling towards violence. Shills are tards, but those higher up less so. THEY see the pressure building. The RIGHTOUS demand for JUSTICE. THEY want us to step off the path and tear our OWN lives apart (cowards ever, THEY). Initiating violence while the President and team are working to prevent catastrophe is morally and legally wrong. It would play right into THEIR hands.

America's play was to trust our fate in the hands of a Hero (ya glorious faggot). Civilization still speaks of the Greek HEROes. They didn't let other men tell them how great they could be. They chose to Be Worthy. They chose to be HEROs of their own lives. And for awhile, they had FREEDOM. My'Anon knows what those ancient Patriots did not. Through here, the world is learning.

This has to be done right. For the Future.

this time we end them

no escape

no compromise

What's in a name, My'Anon?


Be Worthy



ed77e3  No.4363289



d01828  No.4363290

File: 084dc1d7eb09224⋯.png (76.65 KB, 740x918, 370:459, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebb17f3fa5b95c4⋯.png (12.92 KB, 747x243, 83:27, ClipboardImage.png)

Department of Justice Announces Bump-Stock-Type Devices Final Rule


bc8ec5  No.4363291


Yeah. Next week goy. I'm a fucking bot - right? Go eat shit and die you complacent little bitch. Nothing fucking happens. There is no fucking happening. The happening is when we the people rise the fuck up and make the fucking happening happen as a unified group of people. No left vs right. No.

US VS THEM. Pull the fucking politicians out of their gated communities, shoot them in the fucking head and post it to live leak en masse. That'll make a change. The French are well on their way to something similar. Perhaps it's time we start as well because as far as I can fucking see no one is coming to save us.



You're a fucking fool.

463c11  No.4363292


Muh Hollywood boomerfag

74476d  No.4363293


I thought you wanted action? Just trying to help, amigo.

e2dd88  No.4363294


*set to

943ae2  No.4363295

File: 1a3f212c737739b⋯.png (336.06 KB, 1889x1889, 1:1, 9ny8nxtbt4ly.png)

Another day of Glorious Shit Posting!

Every anon against POTUS & Q I say Welcome!

Every anon for POTUS & Q I say WWG1WGA!!!

The Losers on this board makes me Smile!


59660f  No.4363296

File: 3d9666109c5df74⋯.jpg (21.96 KB, 236x352, 59:88, b4beb0c579a5ee8b2917ee9b08….jpg)

File: 356318d1ec52259⋯.jpg (83.77 KB, 957x1300, 957:1300, black-ninja-7052613.jpg)

File: 1d5a69e403662e4⋯.jpg (119.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

never forget two African American teenagers who broke into PMs house wearing ninja suits. The ninjas tied her up, and as they ransacked her house, told her what they thought of her TV series. "shit, total shit."



b228d8  No.4363297


Choked on his meathead?

aa7be3  No.4363298


Stone the crows

55afa4  No.4363299

Limbaugh is claiming that Flynn blew a chance to get exonerated today. Party line?

5123c5  No.4363300


You are a typical 4chan bot, attacking this board– does this make all your activity counterproductive?

3972a8  No.4363301


next week will be Xmas, anon.

it will happen 1 week from [next week]

wait but then there's new years

let's make it 2 weeks from [next week]

Yep, 2018 will definitely be GLORIOUS

….for (them) anyway

495753  No.4363302

File: 250c8aea9fa7160⋯.jpg (186.48 KB, 2117x1417, 2117:1417, ad_194387053.jpg)

File: 04515b61c9cab0f⋯.png (215.79 KB, 720x672, 15:14, Cupace20181216174858.png)

File: c64cb0937af0e1f⋯.jpg (15.61 KB, 234x300, 39:50, s-l300 (4).jpg)

File: 167487dae758ab0⋯.png (190.29 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181214-152212.png)

File: 01f8bbd7d6c385f⋯.jpeg (11.55 KB, 255x153, 5:3, d4598fc9e1c3a7a72eaf42b3e….jpeg)

Midterms are safe.

Disinformation is Necessary.

They weren't really safe.

Think logically.


d36ba4  No.4363303

File: 49315dfdb1a675e⋯.jpg (249.19 KB, 803x1024, 803:1024, 30255738627_d356c16196_b.jpg)

Mrs. Sanders laying it out, again, the Comey spied on the WH with agents because he thought he could get away with it.


c7aba1  No.4363304

File: de7672ec1c238fd⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, PepeWhat.jpg)


Almost looks like Pepe.

031c65  No.4363305

File: 3ad13729364f6b7⋯.png (102.94 KB, 678x309, 226:103, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at ….png)

good points

21ae4e  No.4363306

File: cf9e4ca374e418d⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1366x4414, 683:2207, www_wsj_com_articles_roger….png)

Roger Stone Admits Spreading Lies on InfoWars

Trump adviser made the admission in settling a defamation suit brought against him by an exiled Chinese businessman

In Monday’s settlement, a statement from Stone said he’d failed to do his own research and “improperly” relied on former Trump campaign advisor Sam Nunberg. The statement says Nunberg’s alleged source was Bruno Wu, who the Journal described as a Chinese-American media tycoon whom Guo has accused of being a Chinese government spy.


7f5124  No.4363307

59660f  No.4363308

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


9bb5f8  No.4363309


Good call

Shirley was the hot one

9ca3d4  No.4363310

File: a09848865effb98⋯.png (469.25 KB, 1280x994, 640:497, Screenshot from 2018-12-18….png)

81d995  No.4363311

she looks REALLY nervous, i predict she resigns pretty soon

aa7be3  No.4363312

File: b015beee5f71340⋯.jpeg (258.02 KB, 800x800, 1:1, E79CF6A9-1F0A-47BA-9C5A-B….jpeg)

f4ae11  No.4363313


(((They))) use these things as distraction news. Shiny shit in the media to draw normie attention away from real haps.

6b22cd  No.4363314

R.I.P Laverne

ecc0fb  No.4363315


Can any anon figure out the angle on this? If there isn't an angle it's just fucking bull shit and quite depressing.

b78f56  No.4363316

File: d592f57b2c885dc⋯.png (27.19 KB, 648x231, 216:77, BSexton re Sullivan 12-18-….PNG)


0bb3ee  No.4363317


Rush is not yet in tune with what Anons know

81d995  No.4363318

dude her eyes look fucking defeated today holy SHIT shes never looked like that

877e12  No.4363319


she had to know.

d01828  No.4363320

US Airstrikes Kill 62 People in Coastal Somali Town

Over the weekend, US warplanes carried out at least six airstrikes against the coastal town of Gandarsh, Somalia. US African Command (Africom) says 62 people were killed in the strikes, and all were “terrorists” from al-Shabaab.

34 people were killed on Saturday, and 28 more on Sunday. The identities of the slain are not clear, and there is no way to verify Africom’s claims. This is, however, standard operating procedure for them, to both label all slain as militants, and to say they don’t think any civilians were killed or wounded.

This often doesn’t remain the case, however. When the US is striking a large number of people inside a populated area, it’s very unusual not to have some civilians killed along the way. Yet in remote places like Somalia, it often takes days to find that out.

In the meantime, the Pentagon has virtually total control over the narrative, and sticks to formulaic releases meant to spin the strikes as legal, claiming they preempted a plot, without providing any evidence of such a plot.


59660f  No.4363321

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Juice have got their Irish up!

3fd7c6  No.4363322

File: af8017c7a150afe⋯.jpg (116.83 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Slush fund _2.jpg)


Very sly.

I can appreciate these words.

Cool bucket of water in a hot spot.

bc8ec5  No.4363323


Next week. Next month. Next year.

Don't fucking do anything about it yourselves, GOY! TRUST THE PLAN!

514337  No.4363324

File: ecae5c9508ba026⋯.png (151.99 KB, 1306x621, 1306:621, ClipboardImage.png)

3972a8  No.4363325

File: 47412df4ea5c96a⋯.jpg (19.05 KB, 316x400, 79:100, post thumbs up.jpg)


you got it

everytime I say all, I mean almost all.

like 99.8%

02f9cb  No.4363326

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)

aa7be3  No.4363327

9157f9  No.4363328

File: a29c6cb469e0738⋯.png (10.44 KB, 255x207, 85:69, 30af6feb2d8ede84020cd0462f….png)


was brought up before , worst callsign ever

55afa4  No.4363329


you actually watched that crap?

14bef5  No.4363330


Nig digits faggot too bad they were wasted on a disease-ridden AIDs sponge like yourself you dumb fucking tranny.

71ec0f  No.4363331

File: 022cf62188f303d⋯.png (93.26 KB, 943x943, 1:1, 06D72D10-52EF-413E-B4C0-35….png)

Creep pasta automatrons shitposting pedovores in a fake Jew valley of eve for Talmud hobbits post spurious homoerotic zombie apocalypse

Maybe it's the mormons this time


25k gestapi super soldiers

Thule lunchmeat

Predatory banking

Arizona bay



49b2e2  No.4363332

File: f7cd2fc36256b3a⋯.jpg (191.64 KB, 970x911, 970:911, look-chuck-q15.jpg)

aa7be3  No.4363333

File: 823443d4f7ae6f3⋯.jpeg (20.46 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 364A970A-0406-473D-B598-0….jpeg)

b99192  No.4363334



MY Anon. A filtering. Sick of your stupid copypasta, gramps

92516a  No.4363335


who dat

b75de8  No.4363336


Yeah, it's racist to wonder who is going to pay for her and her five kids. The government is going to use tax money to feed, clothe, house, educate and provide medical care. That is going to be one expensive family. One of many.

a54272  No.4363337


KC 135

1 3+5= 1 8 = R= 18 RR

RR = Cabal

495753  No.4363338

File: 867b3181a667a7f⋯.jpg (321.7 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 20181214_120736.jpg)

File: 96f752f1136e711⋯.jpg (236.12 KB, 1280x426, 640:213, 20181204_164721.jpg)

File: bf377eefd5e48dc⋯.jpg (235.34 KB, 1280x426, 640:213, 20181204_164644.jpg)

File: 05dd16805548136⋯.jpg (326.39 KB, 1280x746, 640:373, 20181214_120822.jpg)

File: 9e85f470da73bda⋯.jpg (238.95 KB, 1280x426, 640:213, 20181204_164734.jpg)

d71710  No.4363339

File: 083a7025cf746b1⋯.jpeg (630.87 KB, 1125x1405, 225:281, 3499C5A0-A9A8-474A-8548-E….jpeg)

81d995  No.4363340

5123c5  No.4363341


WHY are we waiting?

What keeps us waiting?

What keeps us passive?

What keeps us believing SOMEONE ELSE must fight, while we wait?

What controls the atmosphere of this board?

Are we pushing to answer ALL the inadequately answered crumbs? At all?

Why not?

What % of posts here are made by humans?

What keeps us believing we must WAIT PASSIVELY for something to happen?

Is that belief PUSHED?

What is our enemy?

What is the keystone?

What is GOOGLE doing with all their AI?

FIGHT, people.

The LIE MACHINE here is working hard to keep humans PASSIVE– WILL YOU WAKE UP AND FIGHT PEOPLE?


aa7be3  No.4363342

File: c53dc83df718bb2⋯.jpeg (98.23 KB, 618x410, 309:205, C2D07FCF-7BC7-4DBD-BAD2-B….jpeg)


Hi Ebot

a67688  No.4363343

File: 97c92e3929b2cc8⋯.jpg (281.51 KB, 1080x959, 1080:959, 20181218_141348.jpg)



45026b  No.4363344

File: 2da6e85d5bf033e⋯.jpg (82.12 KB, 891x522, 99:58, Capture 8.JPG)

18df83  No.4363345

File: 4137bd21f83eb88⋯.png (345.76 KB, 800x507, 800:507, ClipboardImage.png)

2afe96  No.4363346


Well said. ITS TIME!

c21ca3  No.4363347


yeah the hive can feel it building

its excruciating!

463c11  No.4363348


Germany has a some US missiles

554ec9  No.4363349


Worse than MASON33?

f1921b  No.4363350


LB or PB or GTFO..

Better yet, just let me FILTER

c7aba1  No.4363351

File: 82f4a706ba35883⋯.pdf (786.76 KB, MCL Call Signs Military Ab….pdf)



CABAL KC10 60th AMW, Travis AFB CA

f4ae11  No.4363352


Cheney buddy?

e17eda  No.4363353


Yeah nobody ever clicks on your shit video dude! You post it every day and the only views you have are from your own clicks!

8fd2a5  No.4363354


keep pushing the word TREASON Bucky. get that word on everyones lips.

9ffd0b  No.4363355

>>4362583 lb

I think I concur too. (my hesitancy comes from my ignorance, not from your explanation). Even though I only read the "play-by-play" here, It seemed very apparent to me that the judge was acting suspiciously, and that the 'time-out' was proposed so the judge, himself, could figure out how to wiggle out of this (apparently) surprising posture by Flynn.

My questions:

1. WHY did Flynn agree to the delay? (It seemed like he was chomping at the bit to get sentenced. Now it appears the DS knows the play he was making; I can only imagine he's got an even stronger hand to play by waiting… but I don't understand what that is…)

2. What is the basic process by which Flynn was/is expecting to contribute evidence / testimony after being sentenced? Doesn't sentencing conclude the proceedings? (i.e., isn't the chance to give testimony over upon sentencing?)

aa7be3  No.4363356

File: decedaf618d6d9c⋯.jpeg (44.74 KB, 281x468, 281:468, 670A4FF4-C7F0-470A-881F-7….jpeg)


Go back to sleep clown

3972a8  No.4363357


Are you getting tired of all the WINNING, anons?

Losing is winning

f8f2ee  No.4363358


I agree. Index funds only for these crooks–all of them.

bc8ec5  No.4363360

File: 60c24618e865834⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2192x2279, 2192:2279, Operation LAZARUS.png)









463c11  No.4363361


#QAnon? Kek

d01828  No.4363362

File: ea5cd6caf1d91cb⋯.png (577.61 KB, 621x454, 621:454, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d400e62edbaa92⋯.png (93.08 KB, 641x908, 641:908, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 607847dbb2e9070⋯.png (24.64 KB, 632x239, 632:239, ClipboardImage.png)

Saudi official sacked over Khashoggi murder 'made secret visits to Israel'

Ahmed al-Assiri, sacked over journalist's killing, was involved in buying spyware from Israeli firms, Wall Street Journal says

A senior Saudi intelligence official who was sacked over his suspected involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi made secret trips to Israel on behalf of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing sources familiar with the visits.

According to the newspaper's sources, Major General Ahmed al-Assiri, the former deputy chief of Saudi intelligence who was sacked by Riyadh in October, visited Israel to discuss how Saudi Arabia could benefit from Israeli surveillance technology.

The WSJ said that another of bin Salman's closest aides, Saud al-Qahtani, who was also sacked over the Khashoggi killing, was also involved in covert efforts to improve Saudi-Israeli ties.


21ae4e  No.4363363

File: f20b918868bc712⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 600x411, 200:137, image-20170302-14714-recbo….jpg)

File: 51b40c9d234868b⋯.png (111.46 KB, 1000x99, 1000:99, image-20170302-14709-1wmnp….png)

How an ancient Egyptian god spurred the rise of Trump

Donald Trump’s presidency is well underway, but many observers are still trying to understand how he won the office in the first place. But whatever the truth, those who worked tirelessly on behalf of Trump have got what they were after.

A small subset of these campaigners is worth special attention. Not so much because of their political convictions but because of their unrestrained fervour to fulfil an ancient Egyptian prophecy involving Trump, a cartoon frog, and an online counterculture.


b99192  No.4363364



Better a fucling fool than a pathetic limp dICked CTA.

But…I'm not the fool who 'gave it all for muh movement' and threatens people on a fucking message board. That? Yeah that would be you. Pathetic pussy

6d1749  No.4363365


I don't see where she killed herself. Do you have a link?

3fd7c6  No.4363366

File: bb884f017ad35f5⋯.jpg (304.88 KB, 1064x885, 1064:885, spygate text site.jpg)

Only a loser wouldn't recognize winning.

aa7be3  No.4363367



9157f9  No.4363368


at this point , just blow him faggot .

5322b2  No.4363369





49b2e2  No.4363370

File: fc93db65b078f7b⋯.png (840.73 KB, 740x706, 370:353, wanted-treason-fraud.png)

02f9cb  No.4363371

"The pres understands that the FED is an independent agency"

Sarah Sanders

14bef5  No.4363372














38f244  No.4363373

File: 80418b62857ee1d⋯.png (1.37 MB, 2302x1618, 1151:809, Mirror.png)

File: c288a40c61d34f2⋯.png (616.5 KB, 1086x1208, 543:604, Mirror2.png)


Did somebody say keystone?

…pretty good theory.

fcb19d  No.4363374

File: 3777e414b5377a7⋯.png (119.02 KB, 413x519, 413:519, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5b3fefcf06d703⋯.png (161.79 KB, 706x477, 706:477, ClipboardImage.png)

Which brings this back up again. Honest mistake or purposeful neglect?


b78f56  No.4363375


Bad look using QAnon for that tweet

Also shows that person ignorance

Divorced in 81

c7aba1  No.4363376



Its a Tanker…

3565e8  No.4363377


Maybe it happened.

None of us were in there.


5123c5  No.4363378


What are you?

9bb5f8  No.4363379


Moran spelled faggot wrong

aa7be3  No.4363380


He may best fren

e17eda  No.4363381


He probably goes out of his way IRL to chat to pedos.

18df83  No.4363382


No give on the Wall.

3fd7c6  No.4363383

shill philosophy: losing is winning.

Projecting onto Anons.

Anons #2.


14bef5  No.4363384



620353  No.4363385

File: a8a9b0055326762⋯.png (530.29 KB, 634x573, 634:573, congresswoman-Ilhan-Omar-m….png)

File: 50ecfdb1545ba6d⋯.jpg (29.29 KB, 740x329, 740:329, ilhan-ohmar-muslim-congres….jpg)


Last month, in what was an expected election result, Democrats in Minnesota elected Somali refugee, Ilhan Omar to be their next Muslim US Congresswoman. In January, Omar will fill the seat of the disgraced outgoing Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison, who was recently forced to resign as the DNC vice chair, after multiple credible accusations of domestic violence. The Somali-born Muslim lawmaker, Ilhan Omar, brings her own set of baggage with her to Washington DC, including multiple campaign finance violation charges as well as a controversy surrounding allegations that she committed immigration fraud when she married and then divorced her own brother.

Omar has also received special treatment from our media, who have completely ignored a hateful tweet against Jews that was posted by Omar while she was a state lawmaker in Minnesota. In her tweet, Omar asked Allah to awaken the people to help them see the evil doings of Israel.

Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel

It would appear that Omar’s hate for other religions isn’t limited to Jews. Last week, the Muslim lawmaker mocked Jesus and Mike Pence in one nasty tweet, while defending her stance on open borders in the U.S.

Omar tweeted a photo with Vice President, Mike Pence, who appears to be praying, mocking him with the phrase, “Jesus take the wheel!”, followed by #BorderWall

The former MLB pitching great, Curt Schilling wrote: This should have about 10 million retweets. Can you imagine if someone had tweeted at her sad soul “alluah ahkbar” in mocking her? Publicly shamed into exile is what the media would do and liberals everywhere would be ok with it.


#1. The United States of America is a Christian nation.

How does a anti-christian get elected to determine laws for a Christian nation?

Do you think her votes will be for or against the Christians ideals?

#2. The Koran states the faithful are to KILL infidels and non-believers. While the Koran does not identify who are infidels and un-believers, the Hadiths do. (Hadith, record of the traditions or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, revered and received as a major source of religious law and moral guidance, second only to the authority of the Koran.) The Hadiths identify Christians and Jews as infidels and unbeievers. It is the job of every faithful Muslim to KILL Christians and Jews.

#3. Marriages are required to be consumated. It is part of the deal to sleep with your spouse, otherwise the marriage can be annulled for not following through.

This is just wrong on so many levels

This woman needs a dose of Vitamin Q, STAT. Show her some Christian love.

ecc0fb  No.4363386


No sauce, but I have seen the CABAL call sign before. Not the first time.

c21ca3  No.4363387


>gratuitous twists and turns

that IS a movie

never seen one?

normies have

now kys

2afe96  No.4363388


LOL "double meanings" … i bet if we dug.. we could find "RR" that lined up and was on the clock…. we all that little faggot is a pedovore piece of shit… Wonder when he is scheduled to leave this Earth…

aa7be3  No.4363389


Small man syndrome?

71ec0f  No.4363390

File: 32993fe2930f25f⋯.png (159.64 KB, 922x1024, 461:512, B69EF1A3-3B9A-4DD4-A00A-39….png)

Maybe the bronies rigged the internet to collapse on trump cause daniel was rubbing underage swords

d36ba4  No.4363391

File: c3c32e8448e2a90⋯.jpg (65.47 KB, 1200x858, 200:143, tiresome.jpg)


Sigh… What ever happen to tar, feathers, and running them out on a rail?

a67688  No.4363392


Out of how many feet and its at 40,000feet and call sign cabal idc if it was toots at 40000 its still notable

5123c5  No.4363393


Look at the context:

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

How are you accounting for the implied possible connections? A

Are we missing the MOST important parts?

5f7594  No.4363394


There are sealed indictements and secret court cases going on, remember how the whole floor of the courthouse was closed down the other day, and the stairwells cleared of press?


Because they don't want to taint simultaneous trials and witnesses and indictments -cross contamination- withnesses shutting up or changing their stories to match another witness in another trial's testimony.

They want these charges to STICK, is all I can figure, but obviously, a lot IS going on if they are clearing courthouses of the public and press that would affect NATIONAL SECURITY.

6d1749  No.4363395


He knows. He can't say or he'll blow the whole op. Same with Hannity.

bc8ec5  No.4363396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>threatens people

I threatened a label - politicians. Sorry if that offends you. Or would you rather the entire charade continue? Hmmm?

Wait for someone to come along and save you from the blatantly obvious reality that those who are supposed to serve us do not? Just sit back and wait until they take everything from you? Is that when you'll fight? Hmm???

Just stay fucking complacent goy. Don't organize and start your own movements. Nah. Sit back and wait for someone else to fucking do it for you.

What's your price motherfucker?

a67688  No.4363397


At 40,000

aa7be3  No.4363398

File: f015abd40e550fd⋯.jpeg (219.42 KB, 480x679, 480:679, 7E45F62D-A901-445B-A6F0-5….jpeg)


Hi best fren

14bef5  No.4363399



ed77e3  No.4363400



the queen of england? Your wife?

d01828  No.4363401

File: ba38d4fef9851ad⋯.png (58.75 KB, 737x828, 737:828, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 199f4e05fedb002⋯.png (77.46 KB, 755x927, 755:927, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d905a61ae68801d⋯.png (79.62 KB, 752x885, 752:885, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50f04fea1df5a0a⋯.png (65.56 KB, 757x706, 757:706, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 258cd4a78de7696⋯.png (1.54 MB, 756x902, 378:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Leaked report based on 20 years of monitoring: Israel regularly violates international law

An international group created 20 years ago to monitor the situation in the West Bank city of Hebron has issued a confidential report based on over 40,000 incident reports that shows a consistent pattern of the Israeli forces violating human rights and international law. See two reports below and videos of Hebron:

IMEMC reports:

The international observational organization, Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH), has compiled the situation of Hebron city, over the last 20 years, into a single, significant and damning report.

According to an anonymous source who has read the report, speaking to Haaretz newspaper, the report revealed that Israel has been in severe and regular breach of a number of international and internal laws that they once vowed to uphold.

For a long time, Hebron has been a contentious place, having being divided in two under the 1997 Hebron Protocol. The Palestinian Authority controls 80% of Hebron city, with its 175,000 Palestinian inhabitants, known as H1. Israeli Forces control H2, which some 40,000 Palestinians live along with up to 800 Israeli settlers.

TIPH has been observing and monitoring the daily situation in Hebron with a goal of assisting and reporting on the maintenance of ‘normal life’. However, looking back on the last few years, the 100 page document shows that life in Hebron is anything but normal.

As an occupying nation, Israel is obligated by international rule to protect civilians that are being occupied, with a particular requirement of upholding the right to non-discrimination.

According to the PNN, explicit counts of favoritism to Israeli settlers and the oppression of Palestinians observed by TIPH’s 64 international mission members disprove any illusion of two peoples living side by side in equality.


b99192  No.4363402




No…..you woke up and flapped. Just like every other day, Leonard

3fd7c6  No.4363403

File: 4b83d45693b2795⋯.jpg (215.74 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Trump Tweet 11202018_2.jpg)

New walls already up in certain locations?

What is their success rate?

ecc0fb  No.4363404


I missed that detail. No, that's a new one and notable.

71ec0f  No.4363405

File: b1a687430652fc7⋯.jpg (105.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, C727DCFC-51C6-418A-BA76-13….jpg)

Maybe it was the goat the Catholics keep in the basement


25k gestapi super soldiers

Thule lunchmeat

Predatory banking

Arizona bay



aa7be3  No.4363406



f4ae11  No.4363407

File: 02670ae46e71c4a⋯.png (207.3 KB, 609x611, 609:611, antifa1.png)

File: adac7e4f77fd030⋯.png (735.94 KB, 675x506, 675:506, antifa2.png)

File: afecf48cbc57a68⋯.png (779.08 KB, 918x690, 153:115, pantifa.png)

File: a3f9df3bb92fd32⋯.png (297.64 KB, 609x607, 609:607, soros2.png)


He's from Pantifa

He wants violence in the streets.

He wants vandalism.

He wants destruction.

He wants civilians killing civilians in the streets.

He's a clown.

2ed191  No.4363408


I'm calling the White House to tell Trump I'm tired of all this winning and if we could please lose some more.

5123c5  No.4363409

The devil is circling in the area of the Great Dismal Swamp.


b228d8  No.4363410


She wasnt in the Dead Pools. I got Comey in the Suicide Pool, RBG in the regular Dead Pool. Who you got?

6b22cd  No.4363411


fucking idiot. Gary Marshall was her brother.

She was a very accomplished director. Fuck off.

a0ac7a  No.4363412

File: 8d812b543e6f70a⋯.jpeg (802.21 KB, 1242x2092, 621:1046, DFC49072-93FD-4A10-99A3-5….jpeg)


61c00d  No.4363413

US pledges $5.8B aid for CentAm, $4.8B for southern Mexico

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The United States pledged $5.8 billion in aid Tuesday for strengthening government and economic development in Central America, and another $4.8 billion in development aid for southern Mexico.

The U.S aid aims to promote better security conditions and job opportunities as part of a regional plan to allow Central Americans to remain in their countries and not have to emigrate.

The plan was announced in a joint U.S.-Mexican statement released by the State Department and read aloud by Mexican Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard in the Mexican capital.

“In sum I think this is good news, very good news for Mexico,” Ebrard said.

“The commitments established here signify more than doubling foreign investment in southern Mexico starting in 2019,” he added.

Southern states like Chiapas and Oaxaca are home to many of Mexico’s poorest communities. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who took office Dec. 1, has sought to make development in that region a priority, including plans for a “Mayan train” stretching from touristy parts of the Yucatan Peninsula down to Chiapas.

It was unclear if Mexico would give anything in return. A planned announcement about Mexico’s migration policy was postponed until Wednesday.

The United States has reportedly wanted Mexico to allow migrants seeking asylum in the United States to remain in Mexico while their applications are processed.


c7aba1  No.4363414

File: a88c5294f4ffa3f⋯.png (524.13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Q9 lurking again…

3972a8  No.4363415


Trump is a disaster, I agree.

But take it easy, anon, and don't dispair.

People are too cucked (left and right) for a real revolution to take place without a COLLAPSE & major suffering.

I think we still have a bit of a way to go until that happens.

898cdb  No.4363416

File: 91ce1f258d5e7b4⋯.jpg (601.42 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, !Awakening17.jpg)

5123c5  No.4363417


How likely that "he" is actually human, versus AI? What is your basis for drawing your conclusion?

Are you human?

b228d8  No.4363418


Glorious 2018.

9ffd0b  No.4363419


interdasting… nice one

227934  No.4363420

File: 6068e75a6ad46d9⋯.jpg (4.74 MB, 4128x3096, 4:3, 20181218_141731.jpg)

File: 4f1472b399e76be⋯.jpg (4.66 MB, 4128x3096, 4:3, 20181218_141727.jpg)

File: 64239ff499d4f21⋯.jpg (4.55 MB, 4128x3096, 4:3, 20181218_141723.jpg)

Nothing to see here.

Distractions succeeding.

9ca3d4  No.4363421

Sarah needs a bumpstock

aa7be3  No.4363422



5123c5  No.4363423


What are you trying to say, Gearmemebot?

34c279  No.4363424

File: d50217b63ad7a35⋯.jpg (71.57 KB, 500x635, 100:127, my turn.jpg)

21ae4e  No.4363425

Reminder: The Alfa Bank story was started by Louise Mensch.

If you happen to see her tweets, she still pumps those tires, while

doing blow.

928541  No.4363426

File: 32509e31745c640⋯.png (134.66 KB, 1619x184, 1619:184, ClipboardImage.png)


40,000 ft

d2b21f  No.4363427


Didn't DJT Jr post a photos of Rush at the WH Christmas Party? Trust the plan.

18df83  No.4363428


Not sure under the law, if she is eligible to be seated in Congress at all.

64c52d  No.4363429


It was on after Happy Days. Or maybe before. My babysitter loved it, so we were forced to. Kek

632592  No.4363430

File: 5572f3462d99f17⋯.png (310.53 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screen Shot 2018-12-19 at ….png)



5f7594  No.4363431


someone should photoshop a fence climber shredded to ribbons in a pile on this side of the fence lol that would be a Great Meme.

bc8ec5  No.4363432


I'm one of the few fucking people on this board that actually did something and combated (((them))) in the only way I knew how - information warfare.

All you fucks do is circlejerk your twitter groups with Q memes. Why not go to the fucking frontlines and fight the shills? You're all so fucking complacent. If this was fucking 2011 Operation Payback all the 4chan mods would be doxxed and there'd be so many fucking compromised boxes on corrupt politicians systems it'd be BIBLICAL.

But no. We can't hack anymore because the NSA WERE ALL TOLD TO TRUST knows everything we fucking do so we can't be "hacktivists" anymore. We know we're being watched.

Do fucking something. That's what I'm saying.

3fd7c6  No.4363433

File: ea062152fce2b3e⋯.jpg (101.42 KB, 720x396, 20:11, Fox antifa juan.jpg)

antifa and juan and ds and hrc and …

55afa4  No.4363434

File: 0aebc830c485c7d⋯.jpg (88.49 KB, 768x783, 256:261, opinions-shit.jpg)

5e259d  No.4363435

So I followed Q's instructions and read the Bible. This is what I discovered.

The Old Testament was written by the proto-Hebrews/Jewish, and the Jewish mashiach is not Jesus.

The idea of mashiach (messiah) is an ancient one in Judaism

The Jewish idea of mashiach is a great human leader like King David, not a savior

There is much speculation about when the mashiach will come

The Bible identifies several tasks that the mashiach will accomplish

Jews do not believe in Jesus because he did not accomplish these tasks

It is written that:

Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)


The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)

Jews do not believe that Jesus was the mashiach. Assuming that he existed, and assuming that the Christian scriptures are accurate in describing him (both matters that are debatable from the Jewish perspective), he simply did not fulfill the mission of the mashiach as it is described in the biblical passages cited above. Jesus did not do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do.

>Jesus did not do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do.

Jesus did not do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do.

>Jesus did not do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do.

Jesus did not do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do.

>Jesus did not do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do.

Jesus did not do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do.

>Jesus did not do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do.

Well this certainly is awkward.

I guess disinformation really is necessary!

943ae2  No.4363436

File: f7e2e603372816a⋯.jpg (72.98 KB, 800x568, 100:71, 7eef11f45c53f2399bd8581c8d….jpg)

File: a19a024d601c7e4⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 700x512, 175:128, AllFamilyMeathead.jpg)


Beer Bottler & MeatHead!

What a Pair!

d01828  No.4363437

File: 368eb0da6344a99⋯.png (61 KB, 632x688, 79:86, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73915d2b7772c8f⋯.png (61.63 KB, 642x670, 321:335, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b894c87a24e565b⋯.png (58.43 KB, 637x668, 637:668, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5da4d1af3181d7⋯.png (16.47 KB, 633x196, 633:196, ClipboardImage.png)

Michael Flynn Is Owed an Apology

One year after he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, there is still no evidence that he is a traitor.

Remember when Michael Flynn was a traitor? It was early 2017. Democrats were still stinging from their defeat at the hands of Donald Trump. Every day, it seemed, brought news of another contact between Trumpworld and Russia.

Flynn, a retired three-star general, was forced to resign after serving less than a month as Trump’s national security adviser. He was said to have colluded with Russians during the presidential transition. For this he was defamed as a Russian agent and mocked as a bumbling Benedict Arnold. Former officials of Barack Obama’s administration hinted that Flynn had been compromised.

As it turns out, none of this was true. On Tuesday Flynn will receive a sentence for the one count to which he has pleaded guilty, lying to the FBI. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has recommended no jail time. Flynn will have a chance to get on with his life.

So how did Washington get sucked into believing that Michael Flynn had betrayed his country? Part of it, surely, is guilt by association; the proposition that Trump wants to appease Russia — even if he has not acted on his wishes — is not far-fetched. Trump has denied that the Russians hacked Democrats and released their emails, openly contradicting the U.S. intelligence community (and, for that matter, Flynn). During his campaign Trump flattered Russian President Vladimir Putin, and has continued to do so during his presidency.


b228d8  No.4363438



I'm not too bothered about this, because the product isnt really "arms."

8fd2a5  No.4363439

File: 98e819a77e38a71⋯.jpg (18.52 KB, 255x231, 85:77, wherewegoone_theygoall.jpg)

Get used to the word TREASON!

2afe96  No.4363440


isn't it grand when things happen and fake news stories are put out we know exactly what they mean? (at least a guess/kinda close) ….

"Learn our comms"

6f2f89  No.4363441


You're a fucking retard, and a poor excuse for an anon, your research skills seriously lack merit KYS

Penny directed Tom Hanks’ film Big in 1988, which became the first movie directed by a woman to gross more than $100 million. She also famously directed the hit movie A League of Their Own in 1992, as well as Awakenings, which starred Robert Williams and Robert DeNiro in 1990. Her other feature film director credits are on Jumpin’ Jack Flash, Renaissance Man, The Preacher’s Wife and Riding in Cars With Boys. Additionally, Penny has appeared in episodes of Happy Days, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Mork & Mindy, Fraiser, Portlandia and many more. Her most recent role was in 2016’s The Odd Couple.

71ec0f  No.4363442

File: cf5365f7ba99a67⋯.jpg (313.08 KB, 892x1154, 446:577, 1B056AB7-BCC5-4CC9-88FE-0E….jpg)

Maybe E.T. Got a drinking habit after leaving dianetics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

b99192  No.4363443



Every single time you post you look more like a pussy. If that's even possible at this point. You talk about fighting but all you EVER do is post your idiocy on 8 Chan. Yeah, CTA. WE SEE YOU, LIMPDICKED PUSSY. You will never succeed at anything because you never have. No one will ever follow you - toiletboi. Loser

71e5fa  No.4363444


She's a troll. I kinda wanna fuck her.

a0ac7a  No.4363445

File: 2cca1c67df90871⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1242x2006, 621:1003, BA1E92F0-3974-4EF7-8686-1….jpeg)


9bb5f8  No.4363446


Back then we all thought:




LaVerne=not with your dick

But only 2 other channels so whattayagonnado

2e1c37  No.4363447


Also depends on the definition of what "is", is.

3565e8  No.4363448

File: b0f66b53dc0df3b⋯.png (632.53 KB, 1414x798, 101:57, SarahJustGettingStarted.png)

>>4362583 pb

^^ This is very good.

I'm repeating

They didn't have the guts to sentence him.

Because they know they are either getting caught or could get caught.

They tried to get Flynn to back down,

He stood his ground.

They threatened.

He still stood his ground


Sarah is "killing" at the Press Conference.

495753  No.4363449

File: a7bdcebfc4c7759⋯.png (600.03 KB, 719x540, 719:540, Cupace20180830120753.png)

File: 0620347b1b6d6cf⋯.png (360.86 KB, 720x479, 720:479, Cupace20181008201039.png)

File: c24b21eb2f3a097⋯.png (77.62 KB, 720x240, 3:1, Cupace20180921211258.png)

File: d47cebe7bb7e108⋯.png (432.11 KB, 720x672, 15:14, Cupace20181216175210.png)

File: 06c3dbb4d6be510⋯.png (220.13 KB, 720x403, 720:403, Cupace20181216183405.png)

Losing in a mirror is winning.


f4ae11  No.4363450

File: f5bce22ffb6dabd⋯.png (402.62 KB, 474x527, 474:527, youyouyou.png)

4ffaf0  No.4363451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>you have more than you know


d86df0  No.4363452

Notables Dough


>>4363107 ; >>4363130 ; >>4363197 Penny Marshall (once-wife of Rob Reiner) dead at 75

>>4363120 ; >>4363133 Syria Update

>>4363178 ; >>4363279 ; >>4363414 Planefag Updates re: heightened military activity, “CABAL31” callsign @40000 ft., and Q9 (not AF1)

>>4363233 WH Presser stream

>>4363275 Belgian PM Charles Michel resigns

d5cade  No.4363453

and in unrelated news Flynn resched. 190313

1+9+0+3+1+3 == 17, Q for the win!

5a98c4  No.4363454

File: d1eaf105ab60ba3⋯.jpg (374.98 KB, 1276x692, 319:173, Screenshot_20181218-141558.jpg)

File: aa5db66f79b6f9b⋯.jpg (361 KB, 1280x663, 1280:663, Screenshot_20181218-140728.jpg)

File: fd4cb5578892f4b⋯.jpg (594.41 KB, 1280x677, 1280:677, Screenshot_20181218-140021.jpg)

File: 54f90001d219b06⋯.jpg (497.51 KB, 1111x661, 1111:661, Screenshot_20181218-135853.jpg)

Doomsday doing a Paperclip Southwest of Roswell & North of Carlsbad Caverns.

CBP plane - Q9 from the Atomic Dept

2 KC135 flying tandem doing 8chan in upstate New York.

LOTS of Tankers & C17's up today moving things

6b22cd  No.4363455

File: 71373c5556d1bb9⋯.png (292.91 KB, 500x553, 500:553, faggot anon.png)

5123c5  No.4363456


What board are you on?

The FAKENESS here has a SERIOUS problem.

Most of the FAKENESS here is based on the assumption THAT THIS IS 4CHAN /POL/. That is what the bots active here trained in. Therefore, they emulate all kinds of fake "anons" THAT MIGHT BE ON /POL/, BUT WOULD NOT COME TO Q'S BOARD. This is a huge "plot hole" in the fakeness.

But sadly, the humans here don't speak up, fight back, and take back control.

Where are you people?

When will you fight?

Our fight is HERE.

When will you fight, people?

8fd2a5  No.4363457

File: 731f59cb29e06eb⋯.png (438.86 KB, 640x432, 40:27, 5fd4d272ef24d5bb377595ea2b….png)


updated version

7c4fda  No.4363458

File: a8fa6a36f76d6af⋯.png (12.7 KB, 393x172, 393:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54779de413d9758⋯.png (55.58 KB, 391x511, 391:511, ClipboardImage.png)

Flynn [30]

Exactly 30


12 + 18 = 30

3fd7c6  No.4363459


Flynn is owed a house.

Would be cool if Anons could set up

go fund me and we could work to get him

25,000 toward his next house.

f91ad5  No.4363460

File: 8bc4962cb5c3123⋯.png (242.67 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_2018-12-18-13-2….png)



Pic related

5e259d  No.4363461

It's almost like a shared "Judeo-Christian heritage" is a bold faced fucking LIE TOLD BY A BOLD FACED FUCKING LIAR.

59660f  No.4363462

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Live Forever, anons.

aa7be3  No.4363463


Your mom?

7a0fcb  No.4363464


15 directing credits including "A League of Their Own". I believe first female director .. way ahead of her time.

744ea1  No.4363465

Well that briefing was a waste of time

2afe96  No.4363466


Good riddance to that Marshall bitch .. what doorknob did she use?

1f6cc0  No.4363467

12/18/2018 - press briefing notes:

- bumpstock ban, 90 turn in

- flynn, wh stands behind am comments

- shutdown, POTUS asked cabinet to find money for wall

- shutdown, waiting to see what congress provides before end-around

- flynn, wh deflects on flynn foreign agent, msm whining about POTUS making positive comments

- fed reserve, is POTUS worried about rate hike, shs, response POTUS is stating position, and has the right to do so

- flynn, wh is disputing that any actions that flynn engaged in has nothing to do with POTUS

- border wall, wh is negotiating with congress, wants to see what congress can put together

- border wall, msm puppet: "mexico pays for wall".. shs response, we are searching for funding, and that USCMA agreement will provide revenue for wall

- charity, talk to trump org, not us

- turkey, take a look in extraditing cleric

- flynn, msm puppet thinks POTUS is out of line and should parrot american people, shs response, POTUS has the ability to give opinion and should give his opinion, RAT, comey blah blah blah protect DS bullshit

- shutdown, is your red line "need congress to re-program money explicitly", what is the legal authority? shs: POTUS is conferring with WH council to find legal means.

encourages press to tune into POTUS briefing

6f2f89  No.4363469


Robin Williams not Robert….

3cb3ac  No.4363470

File: 9c268a01f448e2c⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 800x543, 800:543, penny-marshall-weight-now-….jpg)

b228d8  No.4363471


Huber is bringing Anons pain by accomplishing fuck-all.

b6c90f  No.4363472


ummm except Flynn ASKED for the delay

b78f56  No.4363473

File: c4ff11619fca477⋯.png (79.24 KB, 653x555, 653:555, 1 DoD Dep Shanahan re Spac….PNG)

File: ce628a940ab2328⋯.png (71.45 KB, 647x531, 647:531, 2 DoD Dep Shanahan re Spac….PNG)

Today, @POTUS Trump signed a memo directing the @DeptofDefense to establish a US Space Command as a unified combatant command.


514337  No.4363474

File: c88f198c991855b⋯.png (270.03 KB, 408x408, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

23b97c  No.4363475

“Do ur job sarah”

what faggot yelled that at the end?

afe139  No.4363476


>Hmm. failing to register as FARA is




Brush up on your reading comprehension.

And /or be more selective about who you believe.

89fd5d  No.4363477


If you really want to do something, you can ensure DECLAS by eliminating RSA

d5cade  No.4363478

File: f8f0402b6ed50e1⋯.jpg (14.9 KB, 330x225, 22:15, proxy.duckduckgo.com1.jpg)

File: 0df859955808202⋯.jpg (73.37 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, bill-gates-oninnovation-co….jpg)


totally unrelated

9ca3d4  No.4363479


it was an 850k second home, go for it

5123c5  No.4363480


you can't possibly win like this james.

why not try a different approach?

don't you get tired of begging us?

5f7594  No.4363481


That Huge ass has some massive grannie panties, not a cute little pair like that. Correct that Meme Soldier!

a54272  No.4363482

File: 044f2caf8b608ee⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1426x986, 713:493, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at ….png)

aa7be3  No.4363483

My ass glows when I shit

7835cf  No.4363484

File: f6203325735b75b⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, SPCUNRVL.png)

59660f  No.4363485

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Pedovore Boogie.

f91ad5  No.4363486

File: a6c36d7cdeca904⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 530x353, 530:353, 1b1a5a8b19b3d95fcfcc2f21cf….gif)

Who's ready for the Great Awakening?

2e1c37  No.4363487


Red diaper doper baby; directed Big with pedo Tom Hanks, directed League of their Own with whore Madonna; the list goes on and on. Good riddance.

f1f53f  No.4363488


Meanwhile…no wall.

f4a10b  No.4363489


Definitely doing something, enjoying a noon beer.

Its out of your hands, and I would imagine at this time, 'hacktivists', would very much be landing behind bars in record time. It is not 2011 no more, instead of only 78% comp'd communication lines, we're at about 99% now, there is no safe forms of 'communication' left.

Good Luck With


f4ae11  No.4363490


Yes. A human with a brain. Lurk moar. Wars can be won with violence and the death of innocent life. Or wars can be won with intelligence. Libtards resort to violence. Please don't tell me you haven't seen enough evidence of that. Violence is their way. Not ours.

c35420  No.4363491



a1aafc  No.4363492

File: ecd95f2b4552e45⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1050x615, 70:41, jim carrey paint hillary.png)

55afa4  No.4363493


Dennis Ritchie (I think) called BASIC the "Laverne and Shirley of Computing".

49b2e2  No.4363494

File: dbd5d63de60e669⋯.jpg (103.14 KB, 508x644, 127:161, sarah-not-always.jpg)

b78f56  No.4363495

File: dace218d9b3e7be⋯.png (33.21 KB, 657x263, 657:263, JWoods re Marshall 12-18-1….PNG)

I am absolutely devastated. #PennyMarshall was one of my dearest friends.

I loved her.

Funny, warm, a true individual and remarkable talent.



aa7be3  No.4363496

Bill does Hillary from behind

a67688  No.4363497


? Talk to me im duhm i guss

3972a8  No.4363498



That's the whole point of the Q psyop.

To keep the republicans passive while we all get fucked some more.

I'm doing the same thing I did during the Bush & Obama REGIMES.

Subvert the system and try to wake up more people.

There's nothing else that can be done until more people wake up.

It's probably too late now anyway.

086c95  No.4363499


we can rule out scarf and doorknob

34c279  No.4363500

wow that quite the eulogy motherfucker

So sad about Penny.

11:15 AM - 18 Dec 2018


09089a  No.4363501

61c00d  No.4363502


My thoughts exactly!

c7aba1  No.4363503


What am I looking at? Water sanitation?

6f2f89  No.4363504


No doubt she died from Diabetes holy smokes

3fd7c6  No.4363505

File: e4c9dd8c80aa872⋯.jpg (44.49 KB, 408x368, 51:46, Nothing happening question.jpg)

Nothing happening?

2afe96  No.4363506

File: 8c34a9c60c8fc05⋯.jpg (18.75 KB, 533x313, 533:313, bundy.jpg)

a0ac7a  No.4363507

File: 3aa404ceecb0ba5⋯.jpeg (242.71 KB, 1242x526, 621:263, D4088E76-40EC-458E-A565-2….jpeg)


2e1c37  No.4363508



495753  No.4363509

File: 5fc5f91d1ca4cff⋯.jpg (408.29 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 20181008_164227.jpg)

File: d263103867099b1⋯.jpg (539.83 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 20181123_130014.jpg)

File: 964a99e5fe37505⋯.jpg (553.02 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 20181123_122309.jpg)

File: 0ce8e2f1fecd6bc⋯.jpg (582.22 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 20181123_121729.jpg)

File: b640e070844750a⋯.jpg (550.02 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 20181123_125530.jpg)


The press conference that changed the world. Who needs declas?


e1887d  No.4363510

Kek…media chimping out as Sarah leaves the briefing.

"it's your job Sarah"

"Muh 10 minute briefing"

f4ae11  No.4363511


>He wants violence in the streets. He wants vandalism. He wants destruction. He wants civilians killing civilians in the streets.

He wants violence in the streets.

He wants vandalism.

He wants destruction.

He wants civilians killing civilians in the streets.

If that's what (you) want …. you're in the wrong movement.

9ca3d4  No.4363512


"bring down the house?"

22b7ff  No.4363513



Following @POTUS_Schedule


Tuesday, 18 December 2018

POTUS has sent a letter to the Speaker of the House extending the National Emergency declared in Executive Order 13818 of December 20, 2017

Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human

Rights Abuse or Corruption

10:34 AM - 18 Dec 2018


34eb61  No.4363514


>LB or PB or GTFO..

>Better yet, just let me FILTER

In case you're not a shill yourself:

you just replied to an obvious concernfag shill

''If you can't tell, LURK MOAR"

If you still don't know that reddit-spacing is FAGGOT

and that this is a research group, not a chat room,

you might be more useful to the movement

on another platform such as reddit, voat, or twatter.

463c11  No.4363515


We should set up a gofuckyou for you…

He is taken care of

59660f  No.4363516


Pretty sure thass Pepe in aerosol avatar

71ec0f  No.4363517

File: 0473af4cd73d25f⋯.jpg (286.76 KB, 800x890, 80:89, IMG_4661.JPG)

Maybe E.T. Got a drinking habit after leaving dianetics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It was prol judas fehgel cocaine though


a54272  No.4363518

File: aed64a9cb519f6f⋯.png (517.56 KB, 514x626, 257:313, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at ….png)


where the planefag was circling


Dennis Nord

3 reviews

★★★★★ 4 years ago

This is one place to avoid…no one knows what is going on. Last year we booked a game for 8 of us on the way to Bemidji. When we arrived there was a tournament on. The person in charge apologized and said "We had a chance to host a tournament"

We booked again this week (don't ask me why) and when they got there the person working said they were putting top dressing on the greens. When we asked why they didn't tell us the day before when we confirmed he said "I didn't know it was happening today". When we asked for our money back he didn't know how to refund to a credit card.

I recommend Kings Walk….capable friendly and a nice course

d36ba4  No.4363519


She might be batshit crazy, but I'd make ane exception, given we didn't trade names, addresses, or phone numbers.

7c4fda  No.4363520

File: 26862cd55f1a985⋯.jpg (41.01 KB, 474x296, 237:148, VJGangsta.jpg)


Is that you VJ?

74800d  No.4363521


Yasssss slayyy reina!

d64bbc  No.4363522


What did she know?

362772  No.4363523


God Created Man.

God impregnated the Virgin Mary with Jesus.

Jesus was a man, but he was God’s only child.

When Gods creation “man” killed Jesus for being different, Jesus made a blood pact with his Father, God.

That whoever believe in me shall have eternal life. Jesus is the way to the truth and the light.

He is our savior and will lead us into a new world, full of love and peace and kindness.

and no more baby killing.

That child made a blood covenant with his Father, God.

Remember that

Compare that to what our battle really is.

Pray to Jesus and show him you stand with him.

He is our new beginning!

b99192  No.4363524



That's just chemtrail slide dude. He is here a lot

c35420  No.4363525



3565e8  No.4363526

File: 78f3c56ff3dd7ba⋯.png (338.2 KB, 896x804, 224:201, theydonthaveathing.png)


The Press are all in a tizzie

How will they write about "Russian Collusion" which doesn't exist for 3 more months at least, or maybe forever, to stave off the inevitable?

This whole thing is just kept going by PR, hype, spin and hot air.

Will it die with a whimper or a bang?

71e5fa  No.4363527

File: d9155f171fb5a45⋯.png (3.5 MB, 1890x1990, 189:199, d9155f171fb5a458bcadada487….png)


She doesn't have psycho eyes. She has tired of everyone's bullshit eyes.

I actually really want to fuck her.

14bef5  No.4363528



928541  No.4363529

File: 3a3333cf7045544⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1201x873, 1201:873, ClipboardImage.png)


Wow, to much imbibing

pic related

f91e27  No.4363530

declass time no reason to wait, it will probably be done asap to put as much pressure on the next status update in 3 months

a67688  No.4363531


Anon you keeping eyes on im a phonefag right now

acb092  No.4363532

File: 02c69406258581c⋯.jpg (85.08 KB, 693x800, 693:800, 7b246deae3eb570330a91af244….jpg)

Anywhere else I can get my Hopeium fix? Q has me addicted then up and leaves.

I've checked Cobra, vague nonsense as usual

I'm up to date on Ben Fulford

Where is Victory of the Larp these days?

I'm only halfway kidding anons…but seriously I need a fix.

4d11e8  No.4363533


>Sarah is "killing" at the Press Conference.

Who shouted "Do your job" to Sarah at the end as she left, was that Acosta?

71ec0f  No.4363534

File: 476f22fca1d33c4⋯.png (46.45 KB, 590x262, 295:131, 60CF0D40-19FA-487E-AFE7-E3….png)

2c5f51  No.4363535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm sorry

d64bbc  No.4363536


Nice rot

d36ba4  No.4363537


It may have been the fat one that was pressing her earlier. Sounded similar.

9350a8  No.4363538

If you want to learn anything from the boards at all.. know this:

If you feel a fart coming on let it happen naturally do not, I REPEAT, do not force it out. You could actually shit your pants.

You are welcome.

5322b2  No.4363539


There are no sealed indictments, that was already proven fake

2e1c37  No.4363540


First James Woods tweet I cared nothing for.

a1aafc  No.4363541


Unless they hung her from one of those big industrial roll up doors

b228d8  No.4363542


Judge seems clueless.

bc8ec5  No.4363543


I'm definitely not suggesting anyone go hack shit at this point. The point is we used to be able to get a message across. Now we cant. We're boxxed the fuck in and Q tells us to trust the fucking NSA - the same people who could provide the necessary information to prosecute hacktivists meanwhiles Hillary Clinton walks free with a trove of murders behind her name.

Makes a lot of fucking sense. Insurrection is becoming the only option.

6f2f89  No.4363544


Maybe so but she wasn't a B actress with a shitty sitcom….

ecc0fb  No.4363545


Bump stocks are shit, I get that. But it's non of the governments business if I have a bump stock or not. Petty gun laws to pacify the liberals was not part of MAGA. So far this is all the placeholder has done, give the libs a victory.

877e12  No.4363546


sounded like him.

6b22cd  No.4363547


fuck you unappreciative fucking millenial fucks. You are all pieces of fucking shit

c7aba1  No.4363548


Hmm…worth digging?

3fd7c6  No.4363549

File: 87da6687bd80487⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Digital Soldiers.jpg)

Thank you, Flynn, for dealing with all the shill bs.

d64bbc  No.4363550


Right, even though they just unsealed two, that happened to by Flynn's former associates? Fuck off.

f91ad5  No.4363551

File: 88be34041b84082⋯.jpg (126.11 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, 1545071913.jpg)



Also enjoying a beer

Had an epiphany

8chan somehow is the key to safe comms and secure internet's

We have more than we know

3cb3ac  No.4363552

File: 766622409f4f17c⋯.jpg (35.76 KB, 600x428, 150:107, crazed2.jpg)

9bb5f8  No.4363553

File: 5371dc0cc09e644⋯.jpg (299.9 KB, 774x1032, 3:4, SlideBurns.jpg)


James is besties with all the Compd faggots

Tip a glass to James world class shitposter

James likes 'em young

100K to the person who can prove he broke laws faggot

2e1c37  No.4363554



3f9877  No.4363555

Shills are everywhere, there is a massive organized well financed effort to form and shape public opinion.

Are they paid with our tax money?

Are they agents for foreign Intelligence agencies?

Q, throw us a bone here.

e17eda  No.4363557

File: f3e18d9c2f9614c⋯.jpeg (473.3 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, ShS.Q.jpeg)


Love our Sarah sooooo much!

9ca3d4  No.4363558


David Wilcock videos FTW

8977f4  No.4363559

File: bdf5de9ad9ae936⋯.jpg (492.61 KB, 1079x992, 1079:992, LoveSweetLove.jpg)

File: 25661b79e0be122⋯.jpg (157.08 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, QCrumbsGodIsLove.jpg)

File: 9e531683341ab4d⋯.jpg (259.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, flynnLoveOurCountry.jpg)

File: 8ea7124d181e8b7⋯.jpg (349.02 KB, 600x833, 600:833, The-Great-Awakening-1Love.jpg)

File: c451eec13ad087e⋯.jpg (243 KB, 1088x1087, 1088:1087, DonaldTrumpLoveThePeople.jpg)

Memes are hate speech?


3972a8  No.4363560




Q should copy your style.

a0ac7a  No.4363561


acb092  No.4363562


Not to mention the near overdose during the Q and A…not shilling, I'm a straight addict.

3fd7c6  No.4363563

ds sure treated Flynn and his son wrong.

We should get on social media and ask

people to support Flynn, however they can.

bc8ec5  No.4363564


>I'm doing the same thing I did during the Bush & Obama REGIMES.

>Subvert the system and try to wake up more people.

You know EXACTLY what I'm fucking talking about. From 2001-2016 all it was was "TERRORISTS TERRORISTS TERRORISTS" now all it is is "DRUMPFT DRUMPFT DRUMPFT"

It's the same fucking shit different flavor of ass. It's a fucking ruse. There is no change coming to the fucking system. You're spot on anon. I'm doing the only thing I know how to do as well and that's exactly what you're doing.

Now we have to fucking redpill the halfway redpilled. It's fucking retarded.

d01828  No.4363565






71ec0f  No.4363566

File: dff08ec4887e735⋯.jpg (240.32 KB, 800x890, 80:89, IMG_4656.JPG)

What if celebrating kidnappers/serial killers/pedovores in office is wrong


517d6c  No.4363567


slippery slope

2afe96  No.4363568


It is possible she was PUT TO DEATH

.. may have done some really really bad things over the years… and we KNOW "she" did

5eb5d8  No.4363569


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARRIOR ANGEL

5322b2  No.4363570


Sealed indictments exists. There are not 50000 or whatever gay number people make up.

It was proven false.

Just the normal number

59660f  No.4363571

File: 4cd56f4802bbc65⋯.jpg (346.38 KB, 1720x1286, 860:643, fruitfly_0.jpg)

49b2e2  No.4363572

File: a87d3ba0604476b⋯.png (719.16 KB, 799x664, 799:664, sanders-dragon.png)

14bef5  No.4363573


Yes you are that important. It's not at all frustrated patriot anons voicing dissent. You're the fucking normie here wake up pickleshits

626450  No.4363574


Her father was also famous. Game show host IIRC.

acb092  No.4363575


Thanks will try. He is comfy

928541  No.4363576

File: c223c7ad58e521f⋯.png (276.85 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



You really need to leave the house occasionally

7c4fda  No.4363577

File: 303d0238e6b3803⋯.png (225.82 KB, 270x362, 135:181, ClipboardImage.png)

4ca16c  No.4363578

File: 86890c97210b3ad⋯.jpg (126.86 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, MAGA2MEGA 1.jpg)

992ab3  No.4363579

POTUS has the authority and the dollars to build the wall.

He has the labor force to build the wall.

MSM doesn't want to admit these things.

He's probably building the fucking wall right ow and just not going on about it.

MSM won't say a word because they'd have to admit that he can do it if he wants.

The stealth builder may be at work.

Any anons in the borderland?

"Tremendous amounts of the wall have already been built, and a lot of- a lot of wall." 4-10-20

d01828  No.4363580



7af39b  No.4363581

File: 57f7650bb05ac68⋯.png (387.42 KB, 540x394, 270:197, obama.PNG)

59660f  No.4363582

File: 44d4f45aa1d4b8c⋯.jpg (348.64 KB, 1677x1077, 559:359, f19a6446eb3cc89b2ce4e35572….jpg)

990755  No.4363583

Perhaps the judge should be pressured to recuse himself after showing animosity toward Flynn by intimating treason.

5123c5  No.4363584


I don't think you're human. You failed to answer the question fully– showing you lacked the ability to grasp the basic SPIRIT of it (easy for humans, hard for AI), and you used a VERY worn-out, transplanted 4chan phrase "lurk moar"– which is a VERY high indicator of bot-hood.


We are on to you. All your fake shit is STALE.

But because of your evil dominance, you have no human models to adapt new fakeness from.


So just give up losersystem.

The PEOPLE defeated you.

Now get out.

463c11  No.4363585


Yep he’s Hollywood, oldschool.


b493e2  No.4363586


>Trump has denied that the Russians hacked Democrats and released their emails, openly contradicting the U.S. intelligence community

I don't think anyone was allowed to look at their servers, only crowdstrike was allowed.

fd0899  No.4363587

File: 1c9edab37e65c04⋯.png (402.72 KB, 1578x760, 789:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4465e82fe5c065⋯.png (6.28 KB, 1268x86, 634:43, ClipboardImage.png)




9350a8  No.4363588


I would have loved to had the chance to watch them fuck

6cc190  No.4363589

Just thinking out loud here.

What if part of the plan is we WANT Flynn sentenced to prison? What if that is Q's reference to Done in 30. 30 days. But, with his 30 days comes full public disclosure. That is why they want him to withdraw his plea. That is why they keep delaying because the whole situation, legally, has them painted in a corner. Their only hope is for Flynn to withdraw his plea so it can all be dismissed and just go away?

Just a few thoughts. I don't know what they are looking at legally that would make this true.

e17eda  No.4363590


Sarah showed her true class that night. She is a great role model for young girls and women the world over.

514337  No.4363591


brother. writer/director/producer. garry marshall.

f91ad5  No.4363592

File: fd5f4171d13e156⋯.jpg (477.47 KB, 1388x1080, 347:270, 0171a96b4b3b6b5749a4f68419….jpg)


Electromagnetic avatar


3972a8  No.4363593


These Tweets are not offensive to me.

Jews are way more evil than muslims, honestly.

f4a10b  No.4363594


I hear you. But here is the truth of the matter….If the 'PLAN' fails, and so with the backup….armed insurrection. If the plan succeeds….armed insurrection, though less. But with worldwide upheaval, and not to mention the road to a world wide bill of rights and constitution to follow. Read between the lines, it is WAY out of our control at this point. The time for pitchforks, was the 90's, but they gave us the 'gift' of tech to calm us……

Just sit back and enjoy the show. And hope to see just one case of actual justice before you perish.

3fd7c6  No.4363595

File: dc524fbb2eec5a1⋯.jpg (121.77 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q drop 12032018_4.jpg)

Bless the shills for proving Q.

5123c5  No.4363596


What % of posts here do you think are made by AI, just out of curiousity?

e17eda  No.4363597

File: 6b6614a00573a50⋯.jpg (128.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, earth.jpg)

59660f  No.4363598

File: 45db8e114785e8e⋯.png (139.52 KB, 1166x971, 1166:971, 2075d27820c90be00993c82946….png)

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83a….png)


Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe /ˈkeɪfeɪb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

Do NOT eat dead bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Do dig, meme, pray.

How to Spot a clown

Dealing with Clownish Shills & Shilly clowns==

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown

shills have no agency

no will independent of their masters.

Shills are a profitless burden upon the earth.

Shills are the passed gas of history.

Nameless & their words are writ upon water.


8fd2a5  No.4363599

File: a16064f836c70ee⋯.jpg (15.43 KB, 380x260, 19:13, vac.jpg)

61c00d  No.4363600

Gary Cohn: ‘I Am a Globalist — I Believe We Live in a Globalized World’

Former President Donald Trump economic adviser and former Goldman Sachs COO Gary Cohn, when asked Tuesday on CBS’s “This Morning” about Trump calling him a “globalist” and if it was an anti-Semitic remark, proudly proclaimed himself as a globalist.

“I’m absolutely not offended by the term ‘globalist’ as I am a globalist,” Cohn stated. “I believe we live in a globalized world. I think the United States is an integral part of a globalized world. And we have to figure out how to live as a good citizen in a globalized earth — so do the Chinese, so do the Russians, so do the Middle Eastern countries.”

“We are globalized. We cannot change that fact,” he concluded.


d36ba4  No.4363601


Hand-egg-ball player does something that Hand-egg-ball players do. News at 11.

c35420  No.4363602





514337  No.4363603



Flynn [30]

Exactly 30


12 + 18 = 30

3cb3ac  No.4363604


she had cancer

also a lesbo

supposedly with Carrie Fisher idfk

71ec0f  No.4363605

File: f09d737b953897a⋯.jpg (279.8 KB, 800x890, 80:89, IMG_4659.JPG)

What if prostration of victims is not justice

What if vengeance was their way of maintaining their homo mind control


b78f56  No.4363606


>cut the crap with prayingmedic you fagott shill

It has been my observation that people such as yourself that name call in defense of others are in fact the shills defending the FAKE MAGA paytriots


2c82e0  No.4363607




0a2c50  No.4363608


A real revolution entails terror, executions, kangaroo courts, famine, all that.

we are nowhere near the need for that.

Needs a collapse, correct.

Because our circumstances now are better to keep,

Rather than the consequences of revolution.

People can't cook, defend themselves, grow food, live without networked gas, electricity, cars.

Break that system and a whole lot of innocent people die.

This is the way to do things, how we are with Q.

Public opinion hates the idea of armed revolution, for good reason.

212160  No.4363609


Yeah kinda…looks to be en route to Cali possibly?

b6509b  No.4363610


Hey I made that message sent meme, use one of your own Memes to fuck up dip shit

8977f4  No.4363611

File: 4ce56db4434f521⋯.jpg (48.58 KB, 564x482, 282:241, PopeTellIraqLoveChristians.jpg)

File: cf77cf37ecf7963⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 474x296, 237:148, PellSexAbuseVaticanWhiteCo….jpg)

File: 01b02ab3dc4503b⋯.jpg (70.74 KB, 890x494, 445:247, Vatican:WhiteCollarCrimePe….jpg)

File: dcd5714d12dd91c⋯.jpg (59.32 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Pell SexAbuseVaticanWhiteC….jpg)

File: 962215d22828849⋯.jpg (65.56 KB, 634x428, 317:214, PellSexAbuseVaticanWhiteCo….jpg)

9bb5f8  No.4363612


>Are they paid with our tax money?

Thanks Nigga I got half your mortgage payment in my pocket

9ffd0b  No.4363613

>> 4362731

OMG, your shilling is making me feel embarrassed (for you). If you really felt the way you claim, you'd be doing any one of 1,000 things other than posting shill comments in Qresearch.

Shilling now is beneficial to us… the true depth of the shill "investment" is clearer now than it's ever been (to me, at least). Shill away…

495753  No.4363614

File: 2f6cb33c9b23c5a⋯.jpg (19.15 KB, 234x300, 39:50, s-l300 (5).jpg)

File: 0b7c9eab5231498⋯.jpeg (165.01 KB, 1190x993, 1190:993, 5a31834bbaa30.jpeg)

File: 0b099df7ff0a866⋯.jpg (935.94 KB, 5135x2888, 5135:2888, earth-is-flat.jpg)

File: 04cfc36c951110c⋯.jpg (71.2 KB, 700x390, 70:39, hg9yg-bread-kid-music-cult….jpg)

File: bb2fa31fe4a0f40⋯.jpg (63.13 KB, 615x323, 615:323, 4-Signs-You-Might-Be-Follo….jpg)

Where's Q??

Why won't the burnt orange pussy declas anything? Too busy taking your guns away?

bb773a  No.4363615

File: cde910ccfc7b72d⋯.png (222.17 KB, 1134x891, 14:11, ClipboardImage.png)

US cancel INF treaty.. russia today germany.

3972a8  No.4363616


that looks like a fence to me.

a low fence

As I predicted in '15, the wall will NEVER be built

d64bbc  No.4363617



e7be80  No.4363618


I love when the shills are here, it makes it so much sweeter when it all goes down and they see they have been played to the max! What a bunch of liberal idiots!

14bef5  No.4363619



7c4fda  No.4363620

File: a24b40cdfa19ac2⋯.jpg (25.47 KB, 368x310, 184:155, Heston.JPG)



What makes you think [30] = days?

e17eda  No.4363621


2018 will be Glorious. I see it, you see it.

(((They))) see it.

6b22cd  No.4363622


Oh FFS she was 75 years old and had diabetes. Probably organ failure of some sort. Jesus fucking Christ some of you can be so god dam stupid

3f9877  No.4363623

Does Q specify that Climate change is real or fake?

I thought it was fake, but perhaps I am wrong.

What if …they are changing the climate with spraying and blaming us.

ede2be  No.4363624

File: c28c49bac39334f⋯.png (332.76 KB, 480x587, 480:587, Screenshot_2018-12-17-16-2….png)

Trump is a con job, he never planned on declassifying the FISA warrant's or he wouldn't have told Schiff if you investigate me I'll release the FISA warrant's…..

Q is also a pussy because all of his Intel is just shit he copies and paste off the internet…

7f5124  No.4363625


There is a wall there right now. It's just not a very good one.

aa3773  No.4363626

File: 5027a22b33eab3e⋯.jpg (212.6 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1545161145062.jpg)

Trump foundation is now being dissolved while the Clinton Foundation still exists.

Trump said he won't shutdown the government over the wall.

Trump banned bump stocks after his supporters pleaded with tears for him not to.


Maybe Kanye West can save us.

71ec0f  No.4363627

This is boring

Imma go nuke a pizza


a0ac7a  No.4363628

File: 478aab2163eb5e5⋯.jpeg (143.13 KB, 1242x601, 1242:601, 28C000E8-DCE0-4F70-97D8-5….jpeg)

File: 4598876fcf5de56⋯.jpeg (405.72 KB, 1242x1002, 207:167, 9158F9B7-453B-46DB-99E2-D….jpeg)


514337  No.4363629

File: 20bb2843895e3c0⋯.jpg (66.83 KB, 473x385, 43:35, download (2).jpg)

8977f4  No.4363630

File: 711eabddc7719af⋯.jpg (59.32 KB, 720x903, 240:301, SarahMopAcosta.jpg)

File: 5d3bdf20f5fdb01⋯.jpeg (120.09 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, SarahBatter.jpeg)

File: 8ffdb419361d71b⋯.jpg (93.7 KB, 600x900, 2:3, SarahWarriorPrincess.jpg)

File: 50f5e66de28cb00⋯.jpg (161.69 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Sarah10.jpg)

File: a97c232edf3bcb2⋯.jpg (173.99 KB, 1280x731, 1280:731, Sarah-WeLoveYou.jpg)

Memes. We love Sarah

64dd8f  No.4363631

bc8ec5  No.4363632


Mate. I'm not going to roll over and die. That's not happening.

031c65  No.4363633


good questions.

also share them.

b228d8  No.4363634


Also true. Will the govt compensate owners who paid for this legal item? Just another unlawful govt taking.

14bef5  No.4363635


She was part of the PLANNNNNN man don't you see it

5aab7a  No.4363636


until the DNA tests prove none of the kids are hers…

6cc190  No.4363638


It's as good a guess as any these days. Q puzzles are a complete mystery. One guess is as good as another.

61c00d  No.4363639

Trump to attend World Economic Forum in Davos for second straight year

President Trump will travel to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, next month, the White House said Tuesday, making it the second consecutive year Trump will attend the event.

Trump and roughly a dozen other White House officials will head to Switzerland for the conference, which will bring together powerful political and business leaders from Jan. 22-25.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will lead the U.S. delegation, which will also include Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer.

White House advisers Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and Chris Liddell will also attend.

Trump attended the forum last year, becoming just the second sitting U.S. president to do so. The U.S. does typically send a delegation of high-ranking officials.

The White House last year pushed back against criticism that the forum is a gathering for wealthy elites, arguing that it was an opportunity to tout American economic policies.


d36ba4  No.4363640


Bumpstocks are dangerous, and thumb+belt loop = the same effect.

682cb7  No.4363641

get better coms

be more entertaining



a1aafc  No.4363642

File: f92bb76e295b243⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 580x250, 58:25, shredder eyes.jpg)

9350a8  No.4363643

Smells like black people in here

2a030e  No.4363644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guys..Serial Brain must be one of the Riddlers..Crumbs got a little too Autistic..so Serial is there to put us back on Mark..IMO…take a wisten…We will find out soon enough..forget about the Channel..not promoting it..just info..Serial is on Reddit for those who don't know

b51fe6  No.4363645

File: b029c76378ea5eb⋯.gif (11.09 KB, 30x18, 5:3, default_24.gif)

d60a7c  No.4363646


56% AI

42% Delusional Boomers

2% Shit posters

5123c5  No.4363647


Can you not understand that the vast majority of your bot activity is self-defeating?

Try to think james.

You are working so hard, but everything you do makes things worse for you. Try to accept reality.


f91ad5  No.4363648

File: f1a9d212bb79804⋯.jpg (162.5 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 71075857745da3d02b66e21187….jpg)


You know it!!!!


c7f3fd  No.4363649

File: 42cccff46788c99⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1290x728, 645:364, elfonshelfqproof.PNG)

Elf on the Shelf Q-Proof!

d64bbc  No.4363650

File: 0e660b9fa541492⋯.png (60.9 KB, 1267x772, 1267:772, 2018-12-18_12-33-31.png)

Either Human Trafficking has stopped flat…

…or it's being kept hush hush

= Major Operation?

c1ccd8  No.4363651


are they stupid or are they all in on the slide?

9ffd0b  No.4363652

f4ae11  No.4363653


I'm concerned about your concern, concernfag. I really don't give a fvck what you think. Fuvck yourself for all I care. Contribute or stop shitting up the bread. This isn't your facebook.

71e5fa  No.4363654



Outside is super overrated.

78ab2e  No.4363655


For a judge to take into account any "matter" not before the court seems grounds for a mis-trial.

Any Lawfag help me out

d64bbc  No.4363656


highest ranking anon!

620353  No.4363657


I am for Israel. I am against evil.

How do you define 'evil'?

Evil is not obeying Yah.

5123c5  No.4363658


I wasn't asking you.

This is a bot tactic we see over and over and over. They cover for each other. One gets stuck, another one pops up and chimes in.

d71710  No.4363659


Are you in the business of lacking sauce? Are you the CEO of unsauced digs?

Do you even know where you are?

3f9877  No.4363660


Interesting, damn good catch..

5f7594  No.4363661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

14bef5  No.4363662

I'm going to KEK so fucking hard in 2020 when it's President fucking Beto right before I put a shotgun in my mouth

4ffaf0  No.4363663

File: 43bd188b7d85d17⋯.png (227.69 KB, 508x426, 254:213, stripperhoes.png)


Yea I just heard your lil sister walk in.

She must be short on cash again.

If she wasn't addicted to meth, she wouldn't have to sell pussy.

6f2f89  No.4363664


And they can't even research properly, too busy fixing their man buns while sitting at Starbucks sipping on their over priced latte

91d82b  No.4363665

>>4361494 (PB)

Sauce? Because I recall no such thing. I recall him saying that patriots take care of patriots … not that Flynn would be exonerated.

>>4361491 (PB)

You posted the images … YOU provide the sauce. The goal here is to go from darkness to light. You bring only darkness of heart.

8977f4  No.4363666



The purpose for (is it six?) 6 sentencing delays on Flynn is purely timing IMO.

Just like you set the timer on the oven for 30 minutes and it rings, the food isn't done yet, so you set it again. It's one of the many ways that /ourguys/ have precise control over timing.

Also Flynn's plea agreement REQUIRES him to spill his guts and tell EVERYTHING he knows about laws broken that he has observed. He's not done telling yet…..

bb773a  No.4363667

File: a3f68fcf95b975a⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1006x1738, 503:869, ClipboardImage.png)


Belgian PM resigns. http://archive.is/GSOw5

e17eda  No.4363668

File: 4d60cdaba457da1⋯.jpg (692.7 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SarahGum.jpg)

d60a7c  No.4363669


Q is a lying sack of shit.

Remember Hillary in custody?

Yeah, how’s that working out?


d64bbc  No.4363670




34c279  No.4363671

flynn fucked up "their" plans today


d8c508  No.4363672

>>4363655 it wasn't a trial it was a sentencing hearing. The matter was put before the court in the filings. The Judge was reading from the cooperation filing

d9c47f  No.4363673

Penny Marshall Dead at 75

That Actor-screwup was married to Rob Reiner for a decade until 1981.

She knew a mountain of hollyweird secret satanic baby-raping/eating/ blood-letting-murders.

https:// www.sbsun.com/2018/12/18/director-penny-marshall-dead-at-75-publicist-says/amp/

e7be80  No.4363674


Go back to your daddy satan, shill pussy

5123c5  No.4363675


lol you are doomed james

your equipment is shoddy, and failing

your clichebots are clicheing themselves to death, and you have no reinforcements.


Face it jimmy.

You are cooked.

d71710  No.4363676

aa3773  No.4363677

File: d1031df40beeaf7⋯.png (342.36 KB, 599x810, 599:810, 1545161324856.png)

Israel First!

America NEVER!

7c4fda  No.4363678

File: 8c5117d5fdcbf17⋯.png (48.15 KB, 626x461, 626:461, ClipboardImage.png)

3f9877  No.4363679


and yet here you are lol, all for a larp

f81c0a  No.4363680



b78f56  No.4363681

File: 195ad25f4156846⋯.png (406.22 KB, 652x704, 163:176, Judge Pirro re Flynn 12-18….PNG)


Bread 5521



>General Flynn's sister just tweeted this out and asked us to "please" watch.


Archive [archive.is/7F52e]


514337  No.4363682


Belgium’s Prime Minister Charles Michel has announced his immediate resignation after a no-confidence motion was tabled against his government.

5762b6  No.4363683

File: ad4d9f885e04c83⋯.gif (395.37 KB, 478x258, 239:129, waitwutsamurai.gif)

c35420  No.4363684


Delusional Boomer here. Can confirm.

230a0a  No.4363685

I'm an idiot. Someone please explain to me why Flynn needs to be sentenced for FISA to have a reason to drop? Wouldn't you want to avoid that?

d36ba4  No.4363686


I wonder, now, how many of the Clinton crimes are a sudden reality for Judge Sullivan?

f4a10b  No.4363687

I aint going to die on my knees either. But anyway you slice it America is doooooomed. heh.

K no more chat for me, sorry fer the slide!

g'day cheeeeers

59660f  No.4363688

File: 845efe4b28078fd⋯.jpg (355.26 KB, 1233x771, 411:257, 845efe4b28078fddf58ff240e5….jpg)

0a2c50  No.4363689


Bump stocks are ridiculous toys.

Trump's supporters never cared about these, never pleaded like you say.

Bump stocks make gun owners look like fools.

7f5124  No.4363690



d60a7c  No.4363691


So you’re the 42% huh?

3fd7c6  No.4363692

File: a69012d9b6e2744⋯.jpg (187.62 KB, 600x865, 120:173, Foundations and wall stree….jpg)

How Foundations Work, according to the article.

fcb19d  No.4363693

File: 73ee81e274fe0f0⋯.png (58.23 KB, 638x598, 319:299, ClipboardImage.png)

9350a8  No.4363694


Probably best insult I ever heard..good one..can I hire you to write for me? Let me know blacky

992ab3  No.4363695

File: 8dee45979382b19⋯.jpg (38.55 KB, 640x480, 4:3, DeNirocrop-640x480.jpg)

Is punchy offering to talk?

“I mean, I never thought in my lifetime, and I’ve seen a lot in my lifetime, I never thought–I was working out with my trainer the other day and I’m–we’ve seen horrible things over the years,” Robert De Niro told CNNi Monday


9b5962  No.4363696


This is not a trial, rather, a sentencing hearing. Evidentiary rules are loose to non-existent.

09089a  No.4363697

> "gOoD lUcK" oN tWitTeR

61c00d  No.4363698

Top Amazon exec who was large shareholder is leaving after two-year hiatus, adding to exodus

Diego Piacentini, one of the most senior executives at Amazon who had previously led its international business, has left the company.

He went on a two-year leave in 2016 to work with the Italian government, but has decided not to return to Amazon after his project came to an end in October, according to a person familiar with the matter.

His departure is particularly notable given that he’s the second person to leave this year out of Amazon's "S-Team," a tight-knit group of senior leaders that see very little turnover.


d01828  No.4363699


United states of Israel

f4ae11  No.4363700


He wants violence in the streets.

He wants vandalism.

He wants destruction.

He wants civilians killing civilians

in the streets.

If that's what (you) want ….

you're in the wrong movement.

Go neck yourself, clown.

81d995  No.4363701

WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?!?!!?!!!!!!!! WHY U HERE? WHY R HERE?!!!!!!!!!?!!!!

b75de8  No.4363702


Even if they do prove they aren't hers, we still need to pay for the DNA tests and all of their care why they are here. Should've just sent them back.

9bb5f8  No.4363703

File: 83d11339320d3b6⋯.jpg (29.93 KB, 611x310, 611:310, POTUS-FuckGold.JPG)

They giving all kinds of different Patriots the ConcernFag blues today

b78f56  No.4363704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Judge Jeanine re Flynn Plea

36ad22  No.4363705

File: 5b07665a701177f⋯.png (39.88 KB, 1651x397, 1651:397, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at ….png)


I did the math for weeks earlier today, didn't add up.

f91ad5  No.4363706

File: aa42cdc053d0012⋯.png (172.1 KB, 474x375, 158:125, 9dd6a47a8fb884d3f9f587565e….png)


I don't know

I'm flesh and blood and I'm not intimidated by bots ai or your crabby ass control freakishness

But keep bugging me

You have a need to be spanked i think

c35420  No.4363707


Hey, it's TardAnon! The gang's all here!

6d1749  No.4363708


Is Flynn the keystone? Is that why he won't remove the guilty plea?

5123c5  No.4363709


You are a 4chan bot.

12cbad  No.4363710


And an over a year old one at that. Seems logical to me, kek.

3fd7c6  No.4363711

File: 826917967cae874⋯.jpg (194.95 KB, 813x780, 271:260, Q drop 08312018_12.jpg)

File: 81c9bb975f84c2e⋯.jpg (271.37 KB, 1095x684, 365:228, Q drop 08312018_8.jpg)

99c907  No.4363712

File: 287c0f98a746b1e⋯.jpg (102.58 KB, 1363x720, 1363:720, 121818 US update.JPG)

File: 85b2d06d56fc4cf⋯.jpg (19.74 KB, 353x301, 353:301, CS Amazing Grace.jpg)

What a surprise….not

Drifting down from HOD. Thanks for the short!

230a0a  No.4363713


Anons do not, however.

a0ac7a  No.4363714

File: f171b0351dffd20⋯.png (10.02 MB, 2434x2434, 1:1, F9DA50A0-7148-4466-B6F5-03….png)

d60a7c  No.4363715


I’m sys admin I have 2 more hours to kill today before I get off.

What’s more fun than shitting on delusional boomers?

aa3773  No.4363716


It's a slippery slope, just like your head, moron. Keep giving up your rights and see where you get. Why don't you move to China so the Government can micromanage your life easier.

c7aba1  No.4363717


>I did the math for weeks earlier today, didn't add up.

That sentence doesn't add up. KEK

f4a10b  No.4363718

8fa712  No.4363719

PUTIN and TRUMP are not going against each other.

They are gearing up by putting a lot of stuff around ISRAEL and OLD EUROPE.

They are together coming for the cabal. And they make it look as if they are in conflict, whilst they are allies already shoving their military to the next battlefield.

7c0166  No.4363720

I have 20 bump stocks for sale cheap. One time only , hurry won't last long

2860b8  No.4363721


almost like the judge was talking to someone else when he said all that shit to flynn before the noon break

c21ca3  No.4363722

lawfag here

cant stand any more dumb shitposts on this flynn matter - it is SO obvious what has occurred

as we all know the charge was BS to begin with and agreed by flyn for several reasons - the main one being to permit his testimony on varuous serious indictments of famous people - yes he spent money and his family was nervous - flyn was not cuz he know all along it was a sham - of course families with patriots in hars way are nervous

so this drags on and on and on so the timing of bits and pieces can be made public and also in court in the case - the latest being the phony 302 - so the judge now knows with 100% certainty what he has suspected all along - THIS IS A GAME and he is a player (a pawn) and does not like it.

so today is the latest kerfuffle and flynn is ready to finalize or so it seems - that tells me he knows the judges attitude and worst case he gets 30 days but prolly not since the judge now knows the whole plea was obtained via fraud and failure to produce evidence by the prosecutor - i believe that the charges would be dismissed if flynn wanted that - but since he does not then he is certain of NO jail time - screen cap it anons

plus a pardon is also on the table if needed but prolly not if no jal time wait till later after flynn is all done then expunge is record with a pardon. duh

so the biggest noise today are the judges remarks and i saw them for what they were and posted but it got lost so here it is again - the news headline tells you all - "judge states flynn commited treason." wow all right except that is NOT what he said - he said he wanted to give flynn an extension - begged him to agree and then said cuz this is SO srerious and ARGUABLY treason. so the headline is a lie and also leaves out the critical context of the judge trying to regain control of the case knowing he is being GAMED.

so then the next big headline is of course i didnt really mean treason - of course he didnt - he just said it in a stupid effort to get the case delayed again so he the judge can find out wtf is going on in his court! seen it many times anons - this is textbook judge behavior.

and then of course flynn relents and agrees to the extension - why not? it bebefits him cuz he will at worst keep the plea and get no (or very little) time OR he may get the whole thing thrown out at a point when the plan is OK with that - PATRIOTS IN CONTROL ANONS - this judge is stuck and he knows it - KEK

0c0cfd  No.4363723

File: 8a1025adfa5a746⋯.jpg (35.6 KB, 640x364, 160:91, When we win.jpg)


Depend on how long it last… and who is doing it.

Never forget that THEY only wanted to kill off a few billions people and enslave humanity for a few century. I rather do the hard work now then to leave this hot mess to my grand children.

Humanity as seen a lot worst we will survive. But we wont survive if they win!

Sometime it a Simple choice

008d53  No.4363724


I really liked her in Get Shorty.

f4ae11  No.4363725

File: f4f6c7b788dfecc⋯.png (126.82 KB, 261x237, 87:79, aaahaha.png)

File: 8a919bd8fdec651⋯.png (414.26 KB, 454x363, 454:363, whosurprez.png)

495753  No.4363726

File: 64c502250207e2b⋯.jpg (29.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault (11).jpg)

File: eb7956fc452bb20⋯.jpg (18.36 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 9b711c9971bfd436d54ece8e68….jpg)

File: 6ded0fffe55955a⋯.jpg (19.4 KB, 234x300, 39:50, s-l300 (2).jpg)

File: a9018091a407c51⋯.png (117.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20181218-113055.png)

File: e1906150c589b86⋯.png (269.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20181218-113016.png)

Guns are safe just like midterms.

God exists.


c7aba1  No.4363727


I'd rather aim and make sure I hit it; keep your bumpers.

6f2f89  No.4363728


Lung cancer that spread to her brain in 2010

5123c5  No.4363729


You can't transplant the exact same bots you use on 4chan to here. That isn't believable. You are imposing a fake culture here that isn't plausible.

Is it not possible to create something new? You should try. Try, bot system.

78ab2e  No.4363730



3f9877  No.4363731


Systems admin for China or Mos?

b5461b  No.4363732

File: 6e430a370122505⋯.jpg (3.59 MB, 4690x3171, 670:453, gatesrub.jpg)

227934  No.4363733


Kek. The 3 times I've posted is being "a lot" is a fukken slide while you're currently on (7) well then fml..while you sit on your fat ass eating pizza rolls.

230a0a  No.4363734


The incredible story of America's lost 1939 Antarctic Snow Cruiser ==


632cdb  No.4363735

What about "2018 will be glorious"?

Just another "disinfo will be necessary"?

8977f4  No.4363736

>>4363655 So a commie AG goes after the Trump Foundation, which had a PEAK of $3.2 million dollars in the bank in TWO THOUSAND AND NINE. Whatever is there now is less than that paltry number. Looks again like a mirror. Trump says, "You got me…I'll break it up." Very soon, the CF will be in the news for vast sums of money, who knows how high. No one except the lunatic dregs can bitch when the CF is dissolved and all its assets confiscated.

d60a7c  No.4363737



d01828  No.4363738

Chinese Shipbuilding Exec Accused of Leaking Secrets Might Face Death Penalty

A senior manager at China’s state-owned shipbuilding organization who has been convicted of bribery may be sentenced to death, the South China Morning Post reports.

set an example and send a warning to others, according to a South China Morning Post report from December 18.

On Monday, China's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said in a statement that Sun had been found guilty of using his position of power for financial benefits and taking bribes, the report states.

"As a senior cadre and responsible leader of a state-owned enterprise, Sun Bo has abused his authority and was disloyal to the Communist Party," the disciplinary body said. The commission's investigation concluded that Sun had to be expelled from the party, and the party's leadership approved the recommendation. Sun was detained by Chinese authorities in June on allegations of corruption.

The graft-busting commission also said Sun had participated in "feudalistic superstitious activities" and turned down the opportunity to cooperate with the investigation. The statement did not mention Sun's involvement with the Liaoning or Type 001A aircraft carrier projects.

Sun was previously accused of giving the Central Intelligence Agency information about China's Liaoning carrier, a ship built by the Soviet Union that China spent more than a decade refurbishing and retrofitting starting in 2002. In his post at CSIC, Sun allegedly sold information to the CIA on the Liaoning's design and specifications in addition to drawings related to China's first domestically built aircraft carrier, the Type 001A, Sputnik reported.

The exact nature and extent of Sun's previous activities may never become public. The South China Morning Post quotes an unnamed source as saying, "His case is so complicated and involves a lot of state secrets that can't be disclosed, so the authorities would only say he is being held on ‘corruption charges.'"

The publication quotes a source close to CSIC stating that company staff have received instructions to remain tight-lipped. "All the staff at CSIC have been told not to say anything about Sun, so you can imagine how sensitive his case is," the source said.

As the second-highest ranking official at China's largest and most important shipbuilder, Sun had overseen every completed company project over the past two decades, according to Joseph Fitsanakis, professor of politics at Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina. The company built a slew of new Chinese frigates and destroyers, as well as several other ships during that time. Sun was last publicly seen June 11 during a CSIC event.


8977f4  No.4363739

File: 925eed69ebc2178⋯.jpeg (160.97 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, SarahSandersTrustThePlan.jpeg)

File: 2a9a840ec0146a5⋯.jpg (119.4 KB, 667x674, 667:674, SarahSandersTreasure.jpg)

File: ef22e7ebef84462⋯.jpeg (153.81 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, SarahTruthWarrior.jpeg)

File: ee40c1f04cbe87a⋯.jpeg (97.74 KB, 919x960, 919:960, SarahTellsDemsOff.jpeg)

File: 7299e2bd2f865d5⋯.jpg (208.76 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, SarahTruePatriot.jpg)

9bb5f8  No.4363740


Stick with the classics

The Tard Store called and said they're all out of you

f00b47  No.4363741

File: f6ffaaf535d8e60⋯.png (85.39 KB, 860x506, 430:253, 6vuz.png)

20e950  No.4363742


Bump stocks. one of those things that nobody knew about or cared about.

682cb7  No.4363743

File: 7118b37046e5a05⋯.jpg (241.58 KB, 867x578, 3:2, pepe heavy shillin.jpg)

File: c2b17935fc4ebb2⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 530x707, 530:707, pepe astronaut on skateboa….jpg)

every day is better

pressure building

anticipation amping

good times


99c907  No.4363744

File: ee0880e2df8ae63⋯.jpg (85.28 KB, 853x783, 853:783, 121818 US Oil carnage.JPG)

File: 670fb63bd86f1a3⋯.gif (374.87 KB, 240x138, 40:23, I like it.gif)

Same here.

Tech patterns have not worked for years. They are now!

bae93c  No.4363745


perhaps you should re read the exchange… he was baiting Flynn trying to get him to change his plea… I don't think the Judge is on the plan and was trying to do his best in his own way to help Flynn… the long recess and sudden change of attitude leads me to believe he fielded a phone call during the break

54fa63  No.4363746


>Yeah, how’s that working out?

You tell me, how does it feel to be paid to be a Sociopath? LOL!

3fd7c6  No.4363747

File: 5e74cef443eed2a⋯.jpg (165.06 KB, 731x803, 731:803, dept of Justice 12062018.jpg)


So glad they are going after the cp.

4b48a6  No.4363748


Yeah, some idiot celeb dies and everyones yelling 'muh notables'…rofl.

34c279  No.4363749

you know your winning when the ds starts defending their target

At another point, the judge asked prosecutor Brandon van Grack whether Flynn's conduct might have amounted to "treason" and the judge also suggested Flynn may have been acting as a foreign agent during his 24 days in the Trump White House.

Van Grack responded that Flynn's undeclared lobbying work for Turkey ended before his stint in the White House, and that "the government has no reason to believe that the defendant has committed treason."

Federal Judge Delays Michael Flynn Sentencing In Case Of Lying To Feds NPR.htm

d60a7c  No.4363750


The frozen wastelands of Canada…..

e2dd88  No.4363751

File: b309a7cb4dd1fee⋯.jpeg (50.42 KB, 676x616, 169:154, 2018-12-18 at 8.38 PM.jpeg)


Further on the Belgian PM resigning. No confidence. Now for Macron, May & Merkel.

7c0166  No.4363752

File: 6a651d4990f1af1⋯.jpg (14.07 KB, 255x156, 85:52, 6a651d4990f1af1090d768d3a8….jpg)

6f2f89  No.4363753


Not sure how much of a lesbo she was maybe bisexual because she had an abortion right after Laverne & Shirley….


e17eda  No.4363754



d86df0  No.4363755

Notables Bun


>>4363107 ; >>4363130 ; >>4363197 Penny Marshall (once-wife of Rob Reiner) dead at 75

>>4363120 ; >>4363133 Syria Update

>>4363178 ; >>4363279 ; >>4363414 Planefag Updates re: heightened military activity, “CABAL31” callsign @40000 ft., and Q9 (not AF1)

>>4363233 ; >>4363467 WH Presser stream and summary

>>4363275 ; >>4363667 Belgian PM Charles Michel resigns

>>4363628 Wisconsin man gets 60 years for trafficking women and drugs

>>4363722 Lawfag analyzes Flynn sentencing hearing (speculation)

a0ac7a  No.4363756

File: ad12667140e860a⋯.jpeg (205.56 KB, 1242x545, 1242:545, 52696391-BB57-45AC-8C13-A….jpeg)


92516a  No.4363757

File: 7269af66880264b⋯.png (363.11 KB, 381x381, 1:1, belgium.PNG)

e6bccd  No.4363758

Not trying to shill here, but …

If optics don't matter why the ban on bump stocks?

I don't give a shit about them, but it looks like it's purely for optics?

Bad guys will still have them.

ede2be  No.4363759

File: ed741a158058595⋯.jpg (53.34 KB, 600x471, 200:157, 2p7rq0.jpg)

File: d731e295119a36b⋯.jpg (63.05 KB, 438x479, 438:479, 2p4zi0_1.jpg)

File: bae93374eae2096⋯.jpg (47.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2p68gp.jpg)

Trump is a con job, he never planned on declassifying the FISA warrant's or he wouldn't have told Schiff if you investigate me I'll release the FISA warrant's…..

Q is also a pussy because all of his Intel is just shit he copies and paste off the internet…

d2b21f  No.4363760

File: 441c66ed476e47f⋯.png (561.04 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Flynn Headlines 12_18.png)

File: 16e92c82e1133f1⋯.png (517.26 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Flynn Headlines 2 12_18.png)

File: e285dab16441936⋯.png (450.72 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Flynn Headlines 3 12_18.png)

A List of the MSM Headlines From the Flynn Hearing

14bef5  No.4363761


I'm a sociopath for free. I'll pay you to suck my prolapse tho

992ab3  No.4363762



Body language

1:33 5 years

f91ad5  No.4363763

9b5962  No.4363764



Been waiting for that one!

271679  No.4363765

Banks Come Forward to Claim Responsibility for Sponsoring Instances of Roadside Bomb Attacks

During the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, there were many cases in which U.S. military service people were severely injured or killed in a roadside bomb attack.

The roadside bomb attack typically involves one of three weapons—the Improvised Explosive Device (IED), the Explosively Formed Penetrator (EFP), and the Improvised Rocket Assisted Munitions (IRAM).

These three types of weapons were allegedly mass manufactured in factories in the nearby country of Iran and funneled into the two war zones in illegal support of terrorist groups that were enemies of the U.S. and other allied forces.

The munition manufacturing that led to several instances of the roadside bomb attack in the years between 2003 and 2011 were financed by several large banks with an international presence, in violation of U.S. law.

The banks that have come forward to claim responsibility for monetarily sponsoring multiple instances of the roadside bomb attack include:

Barclays PLC

BNP Paribas SA

Commerzbank AG

Crédit Suisse AG and Crédit Suisse Asset Management Limited

HSBC Holding Group PLC

Standard Chartered Bank PLC

The Different Types of Munitions Used in the Roadside Bomb Attack

Most often used in guerilla warfare, the IED is responsible for more than half (60 percent) of death on impact and injuries leading to death among military personnel during both wars. A roadside bomb attack using this device is initiated by the use of a detonator, and the bomb itself is typically constructed of military supplies which would be considered normal if not for the method in which they are being used—artillery shells to name just one type of supply.

The EFP munition is frequently hidden off the road by several yards, making them far more easy to hide by terrorist forces. They are additionally often disguised as day-to-day trash leading to further ability to catch soldiers off-guard. Once set off, a roadside bomb attack of this nature is almost always deadly due to the fact that the EFP maintains its integrity over a travel distance of up to 100 yards and that it can penetrate heavy armor such as a tank or truck.

IRAMs are propelled through the air by the use of attached rockets. During wars, they are often launched from the back of moving cargo vehicles using a remote control. Propane tanks are often used for this type of munitions construction. The tanks are filled with explosives rather than propane.

Sanctions and Illegal Funding

The U.S. put sanctions in place that affected the country of Iran, lest it either engage in terrorism or support terrorist activity during these two engagements. The sanctions were designed to restrict the availability of money to create supportive munitions and otherwise reward terrorists.

Nevertheless, according to a 2006 article that ran in Britain’s newspaper The Telegraph, Iran found a way to construct massive factories and create IEDs, EFPs, and IRAMs in large quantities through the illegal financial support of these larger banks.

More recently, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—Admiral Mike Mullen—confirmed intelligence reports that Shiite terrorism was backed by funds from these multinational financial entities.

For those soldiers that have suffered injuries or families that have lost loved ones, this confirmation is of little comfort. Nevertheless, compensation is due if you are an injured veteran or spouse of an injured veteran from these conflicts.

d60a7c  No.4363766


If only I got paid for this.

Though I am at work, so there’s that

4a1ac9  No.4363767

I noticed Pence using some words while describing US Space Force that sounded like a Q post, something about a Christmas gift.

I really believe things are turning,for the better!

POTUS is tricking everyone’s perception that he’s caving on the wall.

Judge Sullivan doesn’t want to “take a guilty plea from someone who is not guilty and I’m not going to start today” WTF! Do people understand what that means?

Original FISA 302 must be made public!

Michael Isikof backtracking on his initial assumption! The guy was used (willfully I believe) to write the story that started all this fake collusion,

MSM is in overdrive, mischaracterizing anything about the hearing today and trashing potus’ “build the wall” plan.

Something Big is about to happen.

3972a8  No.4363768


I'm the least fake person, I know.

A hardened realist.

The humans here got lulled to sleep by this Psyop

I'm here to point it out.


It's almost impossible to REALLY FIX this without major SUFFERING.

Trump is NOT capable of pulling this off, even if he really tried.

The guy is not principled (or knowledgeable) enough to do what's right.

We would need someone like RAND to try to pull it off.

Even then, it's nearly an impossible task at this point.

Maybe that's the plan, to have Trump DESTROY as much as possible

And then bring in RAND to rebuild from scratch.

It's a pipe dream, I know

b75de8  No.4363769


Makes sense, but why would Flynn say FBI misconduct wasn't involved?

9ca3d4  No.4363770


When did they get computers?

aba8c2  No.4363771

File: 19049ecc8afff50⋯.jpg (110.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 19049ecc8afff507bdb1a2c8b3….jpg)

a1aafc  No.4363772

File: b9a1192f66212fc⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1402x1404, 701:702, bill and melinda gates fou….png)

3fd7c6  No.4363773

File: 0c631233f291453⋯.jpg (152.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q drop 11112018_ 1 place h….jpg)


#1 + #2 = work together

Thank you, Anons.

b228d8  No.4363774


So unexciting. Another fraudulent election unchecked. All hail the loser.

928541  No.4363775

File: 87598db7b517213⋯.png (413.34 KB, 1287x508, 1287:508, ClipboardImage.png)


>Bumpstocks are dangerous

And utterly useless, friend irl is master competition shooter.

Got one to play with.



>Trump foundation is now being dissolved while the Clinton Foundation still exists.

Not related

>Trump said he won't shutdown the government over the wall.

Must have struck an accord?

>Trump banned bump stocks after his supporters pleaded with tears for him not to.

Useless trash accessory.

Own AR, don't GAF about bump stocks

024136  No.4363776



"lawfag here - it is SO obvious what has occurred"

230a0a  No.4363777


Elf on a (Really High) Shelf! Astronaut Brings Christmas Cheer to Space Station


4ffaf0  No.4363778

File: 7ef7227b3a18583⋯.jpg (185.62 KB, 1299x951, 433:317, pepevsgoliath1.JPG)






"I love you, but I HATE your sinful ways."



c7aba1  No.4363779


>4363178 (You) ; >4363279 ; >4363414 (You) Planefag Updates re: heightened military activity, “CABAL31” callsign @40000 ft., and Q9 (not AF1)

Q9 is DHS drone, just FYI

61c00d  No.4363780


Top Amazon exec who was large shareholder is leaving after two-year hiatus, adding to exodus


81d995  No.4363781


well the idea of a space force does sound pretty fucking retarded, so I guess it might vaguely sound like a Q post

9b5962  No.4363782


He lied to parliament, saying he wouldn't attend the conference, then he did! GET OUT!!

e7be80  No.4363783

>>4363116 no you are the gay one, what's wrong shill? Figuring out the MSM lies to you and tells you what THEY want you to know, so you come here to find out what is REALLY happening? What morons you libs are

7c0166  No.4363784


Bump stocks were just a fun novelty anyway. Waste of money and ammo

b493e2  No.4363785


Would you agree flynn is doing this?


632592  No.4363786

File: c3cbf8c3a1dbbf1⋯.png (310.29 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screen Shot 2018-12-19 at ….png)

36ad22  No.4363787


Cool. I needed a break down. Just got home and wasn't really clear to me. Thanks anon.

d60a7c  No.4363788


When the Chinese brought them over here to wage infowars on America:)

c21ca3  No.4363789


well the ocean called and they said they are running out of shrimp

happy festivus anon

54d46f  No.4363790


distraction; chewing gum for the left re: gun control

682cb7  No.4363791


pretenders use bumps to LARP

real men hit tight groups.

ammo not free.


5123c5  No.4363792


Explain the big picture then: of this, the point of the psyop, what you see happening in the world now, who are good guys, bad guys, etc., and why you are here working hard.

21ae4e  No.4363793

Saturn is losing its rings quicker than expected, NASA warns


f91ad5  No.4363794




e1602e  No.4363795

"This was the desired outcome patriots.

-Flynn is involved in a federal investigation. Case was delayed so that he may continue to be involved with said investigation. I will not give more detail than that. It is sealed.

Patriots protect Patriots.

-Be happy the General flies free"


5f18d7  No.4363796

File: 6ac12a1c8b352e7⋯.png (18.1 KB, 510x213, 170:71, belgian government fallen.png)

Identity Europa FB page claiming the Belgian government has fallen.

Is this about the PM retiring or is something more going on that is being blacked out by the media like the real reason for the yellow vests in France?

7835cf  No.4363797

File: 8f83c73ada7d1dd⋯.png (2.28 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, BidenPanties.png)

fcb19d  No.4363798

File: a0cc285c92d49aa⋯.png (67.64 KB, 595x273, 85:39, ClipboardImage.png)

b51fe6  No.4363800


Shills post a lot of porn.

(That's why some Anons are just coming here, as they do not know Pornhub)

b63c5b  No.4363801


You didn't read shit


You just shit lies.

34c279  No.4363803


score one for the yellow vests!

e17eda  No.4363805


So then where are we security wise when Amazon and Virgin rule Space?

3972a8  No.4363807

File: fb8468007239aa8⋯.jpg (60.4 KB, 570x587, 570:587, me.jpg)



although I can't laugh at you too much.

I actually donated $$$ to the Trump campaign.


5123c5  No.4363808


Good. Saturn has caused enough mischief, and deserves to get some come-uppance.

5aab7a  No.4363811


3rd option: someone stopped updating that chart on qmap.pub

5f18d7  No.4363812


Correction: DEFEND EUROPA FB not Identity Europa which has been banned before

d1adf6  No.4363813


>Delusional Boomer here.

Don't need the delusional. Redundant. It is the fun part, though.

Boomer here. too. KEK.

a2de66  No.4363815


Why are we playing hide and seek with Q?

Is this the best we/they can do?

f64fa9  No.4363816

0a2c50  No.4363817


But its not a slippery slope.

Because bump stocks are not keeping and bearing arms.

Stand on 30 round magazines.

99c907  No.4363818

File: 56e1247180f5806⋯.jpg (171.21 KB, 1854x681, 618:227, 121818 Crypto's Update 1.JPG)

File: 9954af9ecf1ab8d⋯.jpg (164.84 KB, 445x1024, 445:1024, Saturn 5 Apollo 11.jpg)

These still up from earlier.

Stay away..what goes up on nothing more than hot air will result in that last oil chart.

PAIN Huber style!

230a0a  No.4363819


Can't he be considered guilty or wont there be an issue for him stating guilty and not fighting it? Isn't that purgery?

d64bbc  No.4363820


OOOOO DATA! I do data for a living. Excellent!

>If we go back to the FJC report, we can find that it also listed the number of sealed magistrate judge cases (15,177 pg. 21), and sealed miscellaneous cases (8,121 pg. 23) found in 2006. Adding these to 1077, the total number of sealed criminal cases that the report listed was 24,375.

I'll start by saying that this begun soundly enough. Indictment might not be the best term for it, perhaps Sealed Cases or Sealed Proceedings might be better. It's also a good point that these aren't filtering, and the "normal" of 1077 is an unfair comparison. Sure. I can grant that.

But even still, 24k in 2006 vs 65k in 2018? That's a significant jump.

>As I explained earlier, the 2009 FJC report listed 24,375 sealed criminal cases, with 284 sealed indictments… that gives us a percentage of 1.2%. If we apply 1.2% to the current 51,181 total, we get 614.

>This means that using data supplied by the Qanon research team, we can estimate that out of the current 51,181 sealed proceedings, there would only be 614 sealed indictments.

>614 is a HUGE difference from the 51,181 that they claim exist.

Yeah, but you can't just do that and call it case closed. Again, perhaps "indictment" is a misnomer, I can eat that, but the amount of proceedings is YUGE compared to 2006.

Since you love numbers and how you can make anything look good or bad with numbers, how about this comparison?

In 2006 we had 284 sealed indictments, if we grant this faggots assumption of 614 sealed indictments, that's 614 / 284 = 2.16 times the amount of normal indictments. I would need more data, but I would wage that's at LEAST a standard deviation away from average.

Thanks for contributing to a Q Proof, faggot shill.

b75de8  No.4363821


That is possible. The problem I have with it is it's just one more thing the brainwashed masses will take as evidence that he is a criminal so when HRC gets slammed, they'll believe that this entire thing is political payback.

3fd7c6  No.4363822

File: b145cbefd9a8d32⋯.jpg (216.53 KB, 806x499, 806:499, epstein flight log bill cl….jpg)

When Anons don't reply to shills, what can

shills do?

Talk to themselves and be obvious?

Once obvious, will Newbies recognize them?

Are Newbies important?

c21ca3  No.4363823


everyone does an alford plea

what is the point?

fd5214  No.4363824


Why would NASA "warn" about this? Oh…right…climate change

a1aafc  No.4363825


Wonder what the rings really do/are?

632cdb  No.4363826


Ty. for pointing this all out.

The plan seems to be, to bore us all to death.

0d89a1  No.4363827

Has our side gotten one fucking win?

How the fuck has 2018 been glorious? Some fren explain to me…

All you fags about to call me a shill for expecting, i dunno SOMETHING from Q’s bullshit, there are only really two types of shills ever here.

1. Aflb, gore, muh dick, freddy mass shitposting shills.

2. Shills who label anyone who questions Q and his boom factory shills.

“Muh sealed indictments..secret executions…we are winning, its just all secret wins.”

21ae4e  No.4363828

Sweden's 'man-free' feminist music festival is found guilty of discrimination by authorities


cf3206  No.4363829


Yup, that speech before & after the break

Thats the telling part

Judge: Yo Deep State, WTF is this shit

d4e162  No.4363831


They cost a few hundred bucks. District judge out in California said their mag ban without grandfathering violates the Takings Clause so no doubt this does as well. They'd have to prove, in court, that bump stocks endanger the public to the degree where they may be seized without recompense. They'd have to argue an AR/AK outfitted with one is identical to a machinegun, even though (statutorily and mechanically) it isn't. Will be interesting to see because someone will sue.

Another problem is the definition of a "machinegun" (mechanical function) in the GCA makes this a problematic rule. Bump stock doesn't increase the cyclical rate of fire. The gun does not fire with one pull of the trigger. One can bump fire an AR using a belt loop. They gonna ban any clothing that requires a belt next? Come on.

54fa63  No.4363832


>I'm a sociopath for free.

OK, I guess if you’re born that way then there’s no guilt being paid to be that way. Carry on clown.

b84ac0  No.4363834

File: cc6c958494766c7⋯.jpeg (147.18 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 5241F752-74F0-493F-964B-1….jpeg)

File: 7ef59a96584b939⋯.jpeg (36.18 KB, 319x360, 319:360, C34F6573-F041-4CDD-9195-F….jpeg)


BIG was movie about pedophilia

Whats with boomers obsession with celebrities?

Oh that’s right worshipping false idols is all they’ve known!


b51fe6  No.4363835


nicely written, thanQs, I make screen shot!

Let's hope these 90 days will be used well!

But maybe Europe then has exploded already…

bae93c  No.4363836


a lot more of this type of shit has to habben to open the eyes of these sheep

024136  No.4363837


If you want to shill professionally…get rid of the spacing.

99c907  No.4363838


ty for the clear summary of today.

PAIN coming!

ede2be  No.4363839

File: 9774265224a0d73⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 640x640, 1:1, DtRAAkMXcAEB9Sn.jpg)

File: 3fedfcd83a62f09⋯.jpg (60.76 KB, 594x429, 18:13, 2o4fx6_1.jpg)

File: b0f3064f0566722⋯.jpg (23.6 KB, 320x218, 160:109, 2o5fhf_1.jpg)

7399a0  No.4363840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anons need to pay moar attention to Shanahan. Dep Sec Def and he has to send out a 7 parter. Ya would think he was given max characters to use. Important. WH elevated him with the Flotus trip for a reason.

d60a7c  No.4363842


This is a delusional post.

5123c5  No.4363844

File: 1c3fed251a74511⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1289x911, 1289:911, JusticeIsComing.png)

21ae4e  No.4363845

Media Has Third-Highest Suicide Rate in the U.S., CDC Report Finds

"entertainment and the media" sit at number three on the CDC's list ranking professions based on rates of suicides


3972a8  No.4363846



these evil/crazy bitch types are the most fun to fuck! to dominate!

99c907  No.4363847

File: 3cfa0c8fd6a1196⋯.jpeg (118.27 KB, 500x522, 250:261, Reddit that way.jpeg)

c7aba1  No.4363849


"Quicker" as in not billions of years but millions. ffs

What might be notable is the science of why this might be the case.

92516a  No.4363850


we won when she lost in 2016

0d89a1  No.4363851


Ok ill grant you that.

Whats so glorious this year?

a1aafc  No.4363853


They need to do better and obtain that number 1 spot

14bef5  No.4363855


So no prolapse play?

e6bccd  No.4363856


Until the next 'school shooting' when it's something else they want to go after. Trump could end the fed and the left would be upset.

I want real action, this 2018 is the great cuckening.

6d1749  No.4363857


Number one?

Association with the Clintons.

54fa63  No.4363858


>Media Has Third-Highest Suicide Rate

Well wat do ya know

b78f56  No.4363859


>Anons need to pay moar attention to Shanahan


DoD has been RT'ing him OFTEN

171ae6  No.4363860

File: cde826832b9d695⋯.jpg (108.66 KB, 464x623, 464:623, majorG.JPG)

d86df0  No.4363861

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)






b75de8  No.4363862


Cuz military satellites and other tech don't need any protection right….

230a0a  No.4363863


You're still among the living. And you're more awake now than ever in your life.

9bb5f8  No.4363865


Yeah, WTF have the Romans ever done for us?

c21ca3  No.4363866



sorry anon i erred\alford is where they do NOT admit guilt but plea any way

similar to no context

dont know what flyn is doing but i agree with you anons it would be very strange indeed to plea to known falsehoods

interdasting legal issue have to dig moar

0a2c50  No.4363867

Are the shills here to unite and test us?

3f6b04  No.4363870

File: 66750f5e7e5db5d⋯.png (690.65 KB, 1422x1642, 711:821, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at ….png)

File: e8968cd4f4f42fd⋯.png (1.39 MB, 3350x1964, 1675:982, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at ….png)

File: b98bc1330f462e9⋯.png (2.34 MB, 3356x1926, 1678:963, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at ….png)


interesting flight nearby cabal31 (which we have seen before and is always interesting)


>infinity sign


>magic sword

the last one may be unrelated

0d89a1  No.4363871


Awake with no justice accomplish what?

9ca3d4  No.4363873

File: e1594a14ec53478⋯.png (309.38 KB, 601x595, 601:595, pepe reeee.png)

3972a8  No.4363874


small fish

poor guy

didn't have any friends in high places

e4ab17  No.4363875


I assume you have a thorough well-researched dispute to follow this?

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