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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

96358e  No.4174367

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 12.05.18

>>4171864 ————————————–——– What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

>>4171587 ————————————–——– It's all just a CONSPIRACY

>>4171504 ————————————–——– What do you want for XMAS? ( Cap: >>4171610 )

>>4169476 ————————————–——– People awake are what they FEAR THE MOST.

>>4169002 rt >>4168720 -————————– WHITAKER, HOROWITZ, HUBER, and WRAY.

>>4168720 ————————————–——– Move and countermoves.

>>4167458 rt >>4166910 -————————– EVIL has no place here.

>>4164820 ————————————–——– Follow the names on the list provided [update].

>>4160648 ————————————–——– Please allow us to counter (pic)

>>4160527 ————————————–——– Attention On Deck!

>>4158577 ————————————–——– When you are awake you can SEE CLEARLY

Tuesday 12.04.18

>>4158232 ————————————–——– [Dec 4, 2018]

Monday 12.03.18

>>4139025 ————————————–——– FOX execs pulled (3) scheduled guests

>>4134923 rt >>4134817 -————————– When did "Q" go active?

>>4134831 ————————————–——– If you decide to change careers…

>>4134775 ————————————–——– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5T7Gr5oJbM&feature=youtu.be

>>4134233 ————————————–——– The Art of Trolling the Fake News Media ( Caps: >>4134349, >>4135558 )

>>4131529 ————————————–——– Watch Hannity Tonight. 9:00 pm. ( Original Tweet 1/2/18 >>4133116 )

>>4131288 ————————————–——– THE GREAT AWAKENING. Q

>>4130704 ————————————–——– Postponed. Well played DS. Please allow us to counter.

>>4130455 ————————————–——– DECLAS > Purpose > illuminate the 'TRUTH' > People

>>4130256 ————————————–——– DOJ [policy] does not discuss ongoing investigations.

>>4130062 ————————————–——– Odds of a State Funeral on D5?

Sunday 12.02.18

>>4121139 ————————————–——– The World is about to change.

>>4120336 ————————————–——– Together We Win. (cap: >>4120367 )

>>4119960 rt >>4119614 -————————– FAKE NEWS = ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

>>4119614 ————————————–——– History books.

>>4119162 rt >>4119124 -————————– Light through Darkness. (cap: >>4119202 )

>>4119025 rt >>4118906 -————————– You are learning, Anon. [J C] & Vive la France.

>>4118750 ————————————–——– What you are witnessing in France has nothing to do w/ gas

>>4118436 ————————————–——– larger than anyone can possibly imagine (cap: >>4118458 )

>>4117825 ————————————–——– All you needed was a spark to UNITE TOGETHER.

>>4117452 rt >>4117309 -————————– There is a place for everyone (Freddy btfo'd)

>>4117250 ————————————–——– A WORLD UNITED IS A BEAUTIFUL THING.

>>4115264 rt >>4115161 -————————– Why has the FISA court kept QUIET?

>>4115161 rt >>4115084 -————————– Think multiple meanings

>>4115008 ————————————–——– "They are unlawful enemy combatants" (Article Caps: >>4115132 )

Saturday 12.01.18

Compiled here: >>4133235

Friday 11.30.18

Compiled here: >>4133227

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

96358e  No.4174373


are not endorsements


>>4174227 Hannity: John Soloman has breaking news on FISA tonight at 9pm. Pfff

>>4174220 Pesticide Damage to DNA Found 'Programmed' Into Future Generations

>>4174142 Vice, Vox, BuzzFeed, HuffPost, and other left-wing digital outlets are struggling

>>4174083 Mafia arrests: 84 detained in Europe raids

>>4174056 , >>4173875, >>4174113 Planefag reports

>>4173879 POTUS_Schedule posted for Dec 6

>>4173871 Same Alexander Downer from lb's >>4173068 involved in the "Russia" dossier efforts

>>4173865 Zuckerberg Denies Wrongdoing as Facebook Halts Anti-Competitive Policies

>>4173859 Huge Clinton Donor Indicted for Defrauding U.S. to Win $8 Billion Pentagon Contract

>>4173783 Anon calls missleading headline on lb's >>4173073 , >>4173040

>>4174360 #5315


>>4173286 DOJ sets sights on Podesta Group & Mercury Public Affairs over FARA violations

>>4173235 Major Rescue Operation After Two Marine Aircraft Crash With Seven On Board Off Japan

>>4173068 Did Yellow Cake (Alexander Downer) broker the deal between U1 and Russia? Dig

>>4173065 , >>4173149 Former Head of Org Backed by Chinese Energy Co Convicted of International Bribery

>>4173073 , >>4173040 First indictments connected to the Clinton Foundation unsealed

>>4173009 DOI Twitter: Morning Sun Brings Heat -Dec; arrive late; arrive in style

>>4172986 Rev. Russell Levenson of St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston: Dig call

>>4172980 After Giving $15 Million To Soros Orgs, USAID Fires Half Of Its West Bank Staff

>>4172971 Tom Fitton tweets John Solomon's article

>>4172967 John Solomon's article Q posted includes 'Xmas wish list'

>>4172952 Gannett CEO & President announced his retirement today

>>4173612 #5314


>>4172644 Senate Measure Holds Saudi Crown Prince Accountable for Killing of Jamal Khashoggi

>>4172573 French Police Union Chief to Macron: If you don't fix this, we'll join the protesters

>>4172507 Scientists can now ‘see thoughts of RATS using brain map’

>>4172416 USA Gymnastics files for bankruptcy after hefty lawsuits over Larry Nassar

>>4172397 Sasse calls for investigation into Epstein

>>4172345 Moar on Meng Wanzhou from Huawei arrested in Vancouver re violating Iran Sanctions

>>4172269 , >>4172339 20-Year-Old Chinese Man Arrested for Taking Pictures of Navy Base in Florida

>>4172253 , >>4172260 Old Skool Decodes

>>4172236 Previous QPost: Declas Marker. Dig

>>4172224 "Witch Hunt", and the witch is HRC? Is RR @ClandestineRos1? Dig

>>4172222 On the QClock: The MSM is DEAD

>>4172200 , >>4172621 Another dog msg from Cass Sunstein, Samantha Power's husband

>>4172199 US Marines Launch Search and Rescue Effort After Two Planes Crash Near Japan

>>4171986 (lb) More notable suspicious tweets from the DS

>>4172821 #5313


>>4171798 Clockfag Update: Re-read Crumbs

Baker Change ^^^^^

>>4171508 Officials: Fentanyl Overdose Deaths up 70 Percent in WA State.

>>4171429 ICE threatens to increase immigration raids in NJ.

>>4172044 #5312

Previously Collected Notables

>>4171367 #5311,

>>4169084 #5308, >>4169753 #5309, >>4170526 #5310

>>4166703 #5305, >>4167449 #5306, >>4168299 #5307

>>4164439 #5302, >>4165186 #5303, >>4165944 #5304

>>4162148 #5299, >>4162936 #5300, >>4163665 #5301

>>4159868 #5296, >>4160610 #5297, >>4161285 #5298

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

96358e  No.4174375

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2390914 - The Jewish Question

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#57 >>>/comms/2990, >>4169260

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

96358e  No.4174377

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987 34 >>3690162

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

96358e  No.4174391

File: 98d99b9d01744ed⋯.png (402.34 KB, 600x452, 150:113, TrumpSanta.png)

#5316 Dough


96358e  No.4174401

Backup baker

Locked n loaded?

029cf5  No.4174435


Michael Flynn is just the beginning. There will be no more arrests.

- red

1587be  No.4174440

All I want for chirstmas are the sealed 60k indictments to be unsealed

b45271  No.4174450

File: 154b3ec91357a6c⋯.png (189.61 KB, 476x418, 238:209, 154b3ec91357a6c60a8432f80e….png)

Ralphie: I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle! Oooohhh!

Mother: No. Shoot your eye out.

Everything your momma warned you about is now yours.

Merry XMAS

741aef  No.4174472

File: cb95ebba135eab9⋯.png (621.9 KB, 1507x1562, 137:142, qclock_q_djt(9)3x3XMAScrop.png)

XMAS hits on the clock.

They line up.

Just another "coincidence".

84dc38  No.4174473

Q, was FBI application page meant for anons, or somebody in particular?

5f2c3a  No.4174475

File: b01ba0cc56251e3⋯.jpg (290.57 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, TYB.jpg)

9d0dab  No.4174480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

On The Fourth Night Of Hanukkah-Do You Know Who Did 9/11?

For XMAS, I Want:

"If I'm elected, you'll find out ……

Who Did 9/11

79ee12  No.4174481

File: 286a43fc8f35b8a⋯.jpg (49.97 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1519697489-15623719-169103….jpg)

079dc1  No.4174482


I got you, baker.

Bread's misnumbered, yes?

I'll ask BO/BV to fix when they check.

Ty for the fine baking!!

Confirming handoff?

b0b282  No.4174483


e97bf4  No.4174484

File: 9ef0632517f506b⋯.jpg (146.66 KB, 807x651, 269:217, Screenshot 2018-12-05_20-3….jpg)

File: bfc0a7b33e79873⋯.jpg (83.22 KB, 858x646, 429:323, Screenshot 2018-12-05_20-1….jpg)

05939c  No.4174486

File: 048e10237ab66c5⋯.jpg (232.46 KB, 1024x500, 256:125, 47803454bf710c83da534031ff….jpg)

1587be  No.4174487

File: 5e040409437cdbf⋯.png (1.09 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 5C33BD03-2DAA-4971-BD71-36….png)

File: cf9e9b8e95a49f5⋯.png (517.19 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 46A2D845-1EDB-4D7C-8229-B6….png)


029cf5  No.4174488


One person. They understood.

- red

16ed08  No.4174489




ba1bc6  No.4174490

Is there a Tucker Carlson time change?

022e4d  No.4174491

File: 3e7947c3d709605⋯.jpg (87.13 KB, 500x667, 500:667, A1JauY5CIAE3WOG.jpg)


Thanks Baker!

ba1bc6  No.4174492

File: aaabc02a1585b7c⋯.jpg (195.42 KB, 482x466, 241:233, KSF.jpg)


Don't start faggot

76103f  No.4174493

43 speech replay on Tucker just now

>Last Friday, when I was told he had minutes to live, I called him"


cd4dd5  No.4174494

Castle in Brazil

1a15f1  No.4174495

File: 6308c73dbd24837⋯.jpg (145.82 KB, 1000x1030, 100:103, YpqCyVG.jpg)

So when we pulled out of the Paris Agreement, was that the cutoff of Payseur money flow to France?

9d0dab  No.4174496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why Doesn't Hollywood Make Movies About Who Did 9/11?

*The Zionist Jewish Owned Hollywood makes LOTS of Movies about "muh Holocaust", every one of which ALWAYS gets Oscar Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenwriter, Best Caterer, etc…

*Yet the Biggest, most Stunning Day of Our Lifetime, the Day that Stunned The World, the Incredible Visual of both Towers exploding and collapsing –

In 17 YEARS, Why haven't ANY Hollywood Jewish Producer, Director, Movie Studio etc. made any Blockbuster Movies about 9/11?

*The Families of those Killed on 9/11 have been waiting 17 Years for the TRUTH about Who Did 9/11, and Why.

There is a Mountain of Evidence about this Evil Bloody Day, and about Who Profited from this Mass Murder, and from the Wars that this Day of Infamy 9/11 was used as a Pretext to send Americans out to fight and die for the Zionist Cabal.

Awoke anons KNOW. Engineers, Architects, Forensic Chemists, Intelligence agents, have gone on record about Who and How the Twin Towers were brought down. However the normie sheeple will only believe it from an Official Authority:

1. The President of The United States. Official Press Conference Broadcast on all MSM.

2. Mainstream Media Monopoly. Which is ALL OWNED by Zionist Jews.

For 17 Years, Most Americans have been fooled by Zionist Jewish TV Networks, Newspapers & Magazines about 9/11

*Which is The Bigger Injustice - 9/11 Or The 17 Year False Narrative Cover-up?

Justice For the Victims and Their Families requires Official Presidential Disclosure

Who Did 9/11

*Hint - Who wants to Silence you about 9/11?

1c05fc  No.4174497

File: 46c2e743d6bd6e8⋯.png (4.08 MB, 1066x1600, 533:800, TANKQ BAKER.png)

0f93a9  No.4174498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Les Doplarables

806bc7  No.4174499


Ass like a 12 year old boy no thanks

b6d242  No.4174500

File: 8d5af2a44484d03⋯.png (33.1 KB, 653x258, 653:258, Hannity On the Clock 12-5-….PNG)

File: 13570c701960e80⋯.png (69.91 KB, 633x385, 633:385, Hannity re Solomon FISA Em….PNG)

on the clock


Bread 5315 [lb]



dd62fd  No.4174501

File: 5941c0a197c3838⋯.jpg (76.25 KB, 468x312, 3:2, Chinese midgets.jpg)


between emoji douche and -red fucker I'm not sure who is more desperate.

43a2e6  No.4174502

Free will


it's a bitch anon

decide to live in lux or eternity in decision


cfbc7c  No.4174503

File: ea6ab7ab578e6ee⋯.jpg (48.62 KB, 639x426, 3:2, 2e4vxf.jpg)

File: 357c6e4635a8ae0⋯.jpg (28.08 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2f90q1.jpg)

File: 6bb03afe5259eac⋯.jpg (81.19 KB, 500x582, 250:291, 2e4wf7.jpg)

File: 8189891ec7fb078⋯.jpg (40.4 KB, 670x468, 335:234, 2e4edh.jpg)

File: 4a36aa1f048547d⋯.jpg (106.5 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 4a36aa1f048547d37711e3ef61….jpg)

6b584f  No.4174504

Team @TuckerCarlsonsHair

df5951  No.4174505

>>4174432 (lb)

>Old Q post Dec 12 2017 merry xmas

An anon posted this late last bread.

85d014  No.4174506



79ee12  No.4174507

File: ec1a9934686f6a9⋯.jpg (147.69 KB, 530x530, 1:1, Cyml5QPXcAExsHh[1].jpg)

96358e  No.4174508


Ah, thanks for the look out and asking for an edit, sorry about that.

Thank you for baking too, have a great one Baker, Anons.

Handoff Confirmed

ec7475  No.4174509

File: 8459246f444ea2c⋯.jpg (327.69 KB, 1600x1123, 1600:1123, xmasboobs.jpg)


Tyb! o7

741aef  No.4174510


No Anon.

XMAS has another meaning.

Q wouldn't just not type Christ out of laziness or brevity.

Q said "Learn our comms".

6aff96  No.4174511

>>4173879 (lb)

Talking to Betsy DeVos..you know..the Blackwater gal..

16ed08  No.4174512


Sauce it nigger

b51470  No.4174513

File: 84b931cd6e724da⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 84b931cd6e724da656591df12f….jpg)


Comfee AF… Anyone else? [D5]!

932a79  No.4174514

File: 1834d41952f4863⋯.jpg (87.17 KB, 800x800, 1:1, merchpicasso.jpg)

Shill free bread so far

634727  No.4174515


“The "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, which in English is "Christ".[1] The "-mas" part is from the Latin-derived Old English word for Mass.[2]”

First used in 1551.

76103f  No.4174516


LIVE TV, bitch.

022e4d  No.4174517


You must be a hit with the ladies… stud

d8b2e2  No.4174518


Zactly. I will BE there when my dad passes. He's been on Hospice for 3 weeks now. I'll be there.

84dc38  No.4174519


Ah makes sense, thx anon

cd4dd5  No.4174520

File: 865e8d8fa638785⋯.jpg (49.11 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3413.JPG)

Twinkin the cucks that cuck the twinks

cddef0  No.4174521

File: 6f4e655a2168318⋯.jpg (294.38 KB, 730x410, 73:41, Comfy Pepe in a Box.jpg)

029cf5  No.4174522

Many of you are simply not up to the task. Some of you are.

- red

5c5c2e  No.4174523


hey culla fag is back

preciate your tagging yourself for easy filtering

8e5909  No.4174524

>>4174471 lb

I was studying comparative religion before you were born. Look that up. I have degrees in ancient culture and languages. You dont. You have 16 units of community college and youtube. DoctorateAnon

806bc7  No.4174525


Maybe not but your mom sure enjoys it

f974cb  No.4174526



Thank you Bakers.

e3b6f6  No.4174527

File: fdc11fa51974176⋯.png (433.94 KB, 591x327, 197:109, ClipboardImage.png)

Taliban Kills Scores Of Afghan Soldiers And Attack NATO Vehicles In Kandahar

On December 5, the Taliban announced that its fighters had carried out a coordinated attack on a base of the Afghan National Army (ANA) in the district of Shawalikot in the southern province of Kandahar.

Voice of Jihad, the official news agency of the Taliban, said that 25 soldiers and officers of the ANA were killed and many others were injured in the attack. The agency also acknowledged that 4 personnel of the Taliban were killed and injured.

Earlier, the Taliban said that its fighters destroyed two military vehicles of the NATO in the district of Daman and in the outskirt of the capital of Kandahar with Improvised explosive devices (IEDs). According to the Afghan group’s claims, several service members of the NATO were killed and injured as a result of the attacks.

The NATO has not commented on the Taliban’s claims so far. The US-led coalition usually acknowledges its loses days after the attacks for security reasons.

Kandahar is well-known as one of the main strongholds of the Taliban. Afghan government forces and the NATO carried out dozens of operations in the province during the last few years. However, the Taliban’s influence there is still strong.


e97bf4  No.4174528

File: 19d92a7c993186b⋯.jpg (167.16 KB, 949x566, 949:566, Screenshot 2018-12-05_20-3….jpg)

16ed08  No.4174529


I’ll dig it muhself nvm

eef741  No.4174530


Yea me too

21aff6  No.4174531


Virgin detected.

14f4a7  No.4174532

File: 2505558559239c7⋯.png (257.49 KB, 422x541, 422:541, anton dear cabal.PNG)

anton lavey

>>4173821 (You)


What is the actual goal of these people? I mean, if they were trying to open a portal or something, what were they ultimately hoping to achieve? And what's the foundation of their morality, i.e. how do they perceive good and evil and so forth?

some of those are some deep questions that would take some serious digging to understand. what is the goal? what is the goal of evil… satan… what is evil…. what is satan…. where'd it all come from and what does it want… you know?

i could try to go into all that but think i'll save that for now. i will admit that even having been through all i've been through, i still don't really understand what the ULTIMATE GOAL OF EVIL is.

i know what anton's ultimate goal was… because i asked him and he told me. i'll just tell it to you like he told me and if you want some expanded info, let me know. he said, "we are going to win. When the battle comes we will have amassed so much power on this earth that we will KILL GOD AND TAKE THIS KINGDOM." that's not the direct quote but it's good enough for now.

even that just opens up moar questions though. I'm telling you, if we really get into to this ya'll better have you "expand your thinking" pants on for real. the shit is literally otherworldly craziness.

how do they perceive good and evil? backwards. ass backwards. jesus said to give is better than to recieve. crowley, anton, zeena…. say the best way to gain POWER is to rape, beat, slowly kill and then eat and drink a virgin boy (preferably infant). ass backwards.

b7c5cf  No.4174534


Nice throwback pic. and quote. Would make a nice Christmas card.

5f2c3a  No.4174535

File: b24e773f1327b11⋯.png (21.37 KB, 806x450, 403:225, nsmsp.png)

b57993  No.4174536


Q has done it before

52272b  No.4174537


When you put in front of peoples faces, they will ask questions.

88bb48  No.4174538

File: 22f273c9192231d⋯.png (535.77 KB, 701x699, 701:699, 22f273c9192231d05affbb6174….png)

File: e1d01994d34aebc⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2557x1422, 2557:1422, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 709d9af70b24c05⋯.png (1.02 MB, 2545x1410, 509:282, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89babda7283dfa8⋯.png (1.59 MB, 2549x1418, 2549:1418, ClipboardImage.png)

Planefag Cadet here

AF1 B742 Callsign: SAM41 (POTUS isn’t onboard)

Registration: 92-9000

USAF Boeing E-3B Sentry

Callsign: SNTRY99

Registration: 71-1407


US Military UAV online

Callsign: UAVGH000


20ed29  No.4174539


Why hasn't hollywood rushed through a Will Smith-starring Obama biopic?

…they aren't certain if the story ends in treason, yet.

022e4d  No.4174540


i got two dads…

ba1bc6  No.4174541


He's a comedian you dumb fuck. Show some evidence he's comped or fuck off.

8e5909  No.4174542

File: ba0a6595a60ba73⋯.jpeg (80.27 KB, 825x993, 275:331, bushheavenishot.jpeg)

Can somebody throw this asshole in a hole already?

d63b19  No.4174543

File: 5ffd7bb82c0b206⋯.jpg (127.19 KB, 484x649, 44:59, tumblr_mbmvwtyF0u1qz7t0xo1….jpg)

079dc1  No.4174544


You bet. Sleep well, baker.

Handoff Accepted

BO, BV, can one of you fine Anons fix the bread title # for us?

Change to 5316


36e326  No.4174545


Getting sick of Hannity's fake booms.

4f8e21  No.4174546

Dan Bongino has asked us to do some research. Refer to his show 865, @ 50 minutes and listen from there.

He has a very good theory what Muellar was doing to all he prosecuted. Thus he could put in his report "All Lied" so I can not prove "Collusion"

14f4a7  No.4174547


shit (pb) (pb) sorry guise

e97bf4  No.4174548

this baker might have been butthurt in the past, seems to take note of me

dbecfe  No.4174549

File: b9ebf50fabb61dd⋯.png (823.92 KB, 1642x1155, 1642:1155, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4174301 (lb)

Can't be done, because it is a false statement

If half of these drooling grundel licking idol worshipers paid attention progress would speed up

pic related

7604bf  No.4174550

File: 1a4669a1de04066⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 314x161, 314:161, spiralphaseshiftoptics.jpg)

>>4174414 LB

Yes Spiral phase shift is mainly an optics field topic.

"Laguerre-Gaussian beam generated with a multilevel spiral phase plate for high intensity laser pulses "


cdff8d  No.4174551

File: 1412df3510e6684⋯.jpeg (291.84 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClintonEmailCircusTent1.jpeg)

File: 75391e9dd5c34a7⋯.jpg (86.69 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, BleachBitDoesnt.jpg)

File: e67fe305faef257⋯.jpg (172.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ThoseFourServers.jpg)

File: e7ba0ddf35a1bc6⋯.jpg (128.83 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryEmailServers1.jpg)

File: 179983481d834de⋯.jpg (143.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryEmailServers2.jpg)

ba1bc6  No.4174552


"breaking news"

be444c  No.4174553

File: 83e8466ec62039d⋯.jpg (82.67 KB, 1115x790, 223:158, Capture.JPG)

837219  No.4174555

File: 5bdf33be87b5c6a⋯.png (68.38 KB, 440x401, 440:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 843869b9fd9f980⋯.png (13.23 KB, 453x202, 453:202, ClipboardImage.png)

What do you want for XMAS?

Old Q post…


<Merry Christmas.

Post after that had [10] SEE PIC 2

Roman Numeral X = 10

8e5909  No.4174556

Wow, the libtards are ALL IN on climate change. These idiots dont even know the difference between a man and a woman, but they're experts on geoscience? Fucktards.

cddef0  No.4174557

File: eef10c3d24f7395⋯.jpg (24.7 KB, 300x168, 25:14, goodjob.jpg)

4a1f68  No.4174558





JAH gives this alot of validity to me because



f9ba26  No.4174559


I saw the clip of Bush saying this at the memorial.

c25ea6  No.4174560

File: 068da5f2604d2a6⋯.jpg (22.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b98bd0bd1fe0cc6ac31c10f3a2….jpg)

638c4a  No.4174561

File: 6b73f470a7adf42⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 564x518, 282:259, 96705.jpg)


Found the redditfag.

806bc7  No.4174562

File: b5da915a983ccf2⋯.png (119.32 KB, 304x322, 152:161, Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)


Case in point.

28cb06  No.4174563

File: af06f1b3419de66⋯.jpg (45.91 KB, 650x400, 13:8, ilduce.jpg)

any memefags round / can you put a pepe head on this

21aff6  No.4174564



They are fighting for their country. After US and NATO invaded to take control of the poppy fields and attack them for nothing to do with 9/11 AT ALL. Nationalists should support someone (any fucking afghani) taking control of their country. And bringing our boys the fuck home.


ba1bc6  No.4174565

anons… Joe Rogan is the new slide, don't reply

00b68c  No.4174566


>What do you want for XMAS?

19 angry Democrats roasting over an open fire

af0e02  No.4174567

>>4174324 lb


Some come here to sit and think

Some come here to shit and stink

But I come here to scratch my balls

And write my poems on your walls

7132d0  No.4174568


About the Bush pastor…


Church is creepy as hell. Pastor is a weirdo. Lots of high society are either members or have their events (marriages/funerals) there. Seen Baker give a eulogy there for someone, ironically. It's located down street from Bush home.

1492b1  No.4174569

File: 814779921f9f878⋯.png (23.13 KB, 1279x619, 1279:619, ClipboardImage.png)

FIRST DOJ INDICTMENTS UNSEALED: Clinton Foundation-Connected Bank “Mossack Fonseca” Tied To Money Laundering

WASHINGTON, DC – As reported by Courthouse News Service, Federal prosecutors announced charges this Tuesday against four men connected to the law firm “Mossack Fonseca”, which has extensive ties with the Clinton Foundation.

The charges, which include Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Tax Evasion, Wire Fraud, and Money Laundering Conspiracy, come merely three years after the leak of the Panama Papers by Wikileaks. The papers were received by the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung in 2015 from an anonymous source.

The charges line up with several of the sealed indictments requesting wiretaps, PRTT orders, and search warrants which were leaked by the DOJ recently and reported on by the Daily Crusader (see our full report on the DOJ’s leaked search warrant indictments: PART ONE HERE and PART TWO HERE)

This shows that Clinton Foundation may well be very close to being rolled up; these charges, while very serious, still do not explain some of the leaked PRTT/wiretap orders, such as the National Security orders, the drug trafficking orders, or the orders related to child trafficking or providing aid to foreign terrorist organizations.

The charges filed Tuesday lay out a scheme by which participants would hide their assets in foreign tax havens away from the prying eyes of US and other sovereign nations taxation authorities, presumably to avoid paying taxes and possibly to have assets available should they ever need to flee their respective home countries for their alleged treason.

Authorities have successfully arrested three of the four men; Dirk Brauer, a 54-year-old German investment advisor for Mossfon Asset Management; Richard Gaffey, a 74-year-old U.S. accountant; and Harald Joachim von der Goltz, an 81-year-old German-born client. Mossack Fonseca attorney Ramses Owens, a 50-year-old from Panama, remains at large.

The charges were all levied by U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman in the Southern District of New York, which FBIAnon heavily suggested in 2016 would be where the Clinton Foundation would be taken down.

In a statement, Berman said: “For decades, the defendants, employees and a client of global law firm Mossack Fonseca, allegedly shuffled millions of dollars through off-shore accounts and created shell companies to hide fortunes. In fact, as alleged, they had a playbook to repatriate un-taxed money into the U.S. banking system. Now, their international tax scheme is over, and these defendants face years in prison for their crimes.”

One of the clients, listed as “Client 3” began cooperating with the DOJ, using voluntary wiretaps and by meeeting with undercover agents in America and overseas, in January 2017, heavily lending credence to Daily Crusader’s theory (see our full report on the DOJ’s leaked search warrant indictments: PART ONE HERE and PART TWO HERE) that some of the Cabal crimes being handled by DOJ were necessarily ordered investigated by the President, due to the nature of their “50 USC” statute violations.

Eleven charges were outlined in the indictment against the four men.

Clinton Foundation-connected associates which are related to Mossack Fonseca include Gabrielle Fialkoff, finance director for Hillary Clinton’s first campaign for the U.S. Senate; Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate who has traveled the globe with Bill Clinton; a member of the Chagoury family, which pledged $1 billion in projects to the Clinton Global Initiative; and Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng, who was at the center of a Democratic fund-raising scandal when Bill Clinton was president. Also using the Panamanian law firm was the company founded by the late billionaire investor Marc Rich, an international fugitive when Bill Clinton pardoned him in the final hours of his presidency.

Some of the most consistently reliable news sources, such as RT, have been reporting about the connection between the Clinton Foundation and Mossack Fonseca since at


cdff8d  No.4174570

File: c0a39cc17f0d0f1⋯.jpg (273.62 KB, 1280x605, 256:121, Hillaryhrc_tapeblood.jpg)

File: e11fb0d35b080eb⋯.jpg (113.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WeinerLaptopHillaryHumaRel….jpg)

File: d74ba18013ee4fa⋯.jpg (207.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WeinerLaptopHillaryHumaRel….jpg)

File: 4968cc00f3d171a⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1754x1240, 877:620, Hillary-Huma-Sexting.jpg)

File: bfa027f2195618a⋯.jpg (198.91 KB, 800x966, 400:483, HillaryHumaFacesOfDeath.jpg)

ec7475  No.4174571

File: 4afc2214c21f78e⋯.jpg (40.09 KB, 709x532, 709:532, Libs be like Economics?.jpg)

e91e12  No.4174572

File: 7296b2a6533027f⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 500x330, 50:33, 3c733438fcbd45d0b65771072c….jpg)

0c8e24  No.4174573

File: 80f657755a5b16d⋯.jpg (127.64 KB, 1116x700, 279:175, gift.jpg)

364321  No.4174574

"XMAS" is a way to mention the season without naming the reason for the season in the first place, the birth of Christ.

But to Christians, "XMAS" is a sign that the user is a wannabe who denies the Savior so as not to offend non Christians.

A Christian would know this.

God "sees all" and "hears all", and God is not mocked by posers like muh Q.

More proof that Q is a fraud.

0f9706  No.4174575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Any anons remember this video? Its from Oct. 26, 2017, literally 2 days before Q began posting. Tucker mentions he got a customs form from a confidential source, and then proceeds to ask 40 questions that counter the medias narrative of what happened in Vegas. Socratic method, same as Q (especially early Q). I can't help but feel like Q team was heavily involved in this story before they were officially Q team

bb2ec7  No.4174576

File: 8a09ab1ce7d7201⋯.png (369.94 KB, 623x318, 623:318, fuckoff.png)


Hannity, what bullshit you bring.

029cf5  No.4174577

Many have asked. Yes Q is a virgin. And yes, it is by choice.

- red

df5951  No.4174578


There's a hella boring 2:45 video to sift through on jootube.

e2d365  No.4174579

File: 78fb4308eae8a72⋯.png (268.63 KB, 916x1239, 916:1239, 20181205_203533.png)

Happy, how appropriate my letter rack was on my game!

47c065  No.4174580

>>4174461 (LB)

Yea Kuru looks legit.

21aff6  No.4174581


Wow, they really don’t want us to look into ((Joe Rogan)). Must be over target!!

25282f  No.4174582

Enough low energy bullshit…let’s roll!

d8b2e2  No.4174583


WE know.

4a1f68  No.4174584

022e4d  No.4174585

Your virginity is showing…

ba1bc6  No.4174586


Ya… filtered

f55675  No.4174587

Think about this.

The person posting as Q now does very little.

He gets on here once a day, or every couple days and posts some sentence fragments.

Then all of you, Must be tens of thousands, go to work day and night looking for something that connects the post to something, anything. It takes up so much of your life now.

But even those vague "connections" don't give evidence of what you believe is happening, nor corroborate it. Its all just random connections.

Remember 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon? You could connect TONS of people to him using that rule…did it mean anything? No. Was there some great conspiracy surrounding it? No.

That is what is happening here.

Q doesnt "give" you any knowlege. He throws sentence fragments out there, and All of YOU make vague connections and add to the story line.

You are being run like hamsters in a wheel.

Critical thinking does not mean scouring with a fine tooth comb to find vague connections that look like they might validate your beliefs…

it means questioning yourself and your beliefs. Holding them up to scrutiny and logic…and just entertaining the thought that it may not be real…even if its just to strengthen your faith.

Because this is all faith based.

There has been and is not any evidence except that some dude posted on 4chan over a year ago "the calm before the storm" meant trump was working to take down a satanic cabal…

he resurrected pizzagate. And sice so many people were pizzagate alumnus, it took off.

Free yourself. Question EVERYTHING, even Q.

1c05fc  No.4174588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


George W. Bush delivers an emotional eulogy at his father's funeral

49c5a5  No.4174589

File: 202a81f1a1f476a⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 320x240, 4:3, oh i get it now.gif)

43a2e6  No.4174590

oh the bots created for here

there is no chance a narrative will change here… yet the try

reprogram the bots DS

and keep wasting (losing) time<<<


af0e02  No.4174591

File: 4c2dfee9b3c95f7⋯.png (905.51 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

53775e  No.4174592

We are a tough crowd to please.

Q be like , look they are ALL in Gitmo!

We be like, Fuck that we want them hanging!

ef3ac9  No.4174593

File: 78dc9c08417995f⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 735x1103, 735:1103, John-F-Kennedy.jpg)

What do you want for XMAS?

XMAS = Dec 25 = 12/25

12/25 = J/Y


Christmas day = Declass of JFK Assassination

4a1f68  No.4174594

Adrian Brody, not a bad guy.

These people are BORN into these families / roles.

9d0dab  No.4174595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hyatt Hotel Chain Owned by Pritzker Family–J.B. Pritzker is Democrat Governor-elect of Illinois–Chairman of Illinois Holocaust Museum

*J.B. (Jay Robert) Pritzker is the Democrat Governor-Elect of Illinois (age 53). As Governor, he will hold more private wealth than any other Governor in U.S. history, and the second-wealthiest U.S. politician to ever hold office, after Michael Bloomberg.

He is a Billionaire member of the Pritzker family who owns the Hyatt Hotel chain. Born to a prominent Jewish family. Based in Chicago, he has an estimated personal net worth of $3.5 Billion Dollars. (estimated net worth is usually just the tip of the iceberg that's public)

In 2008, J.B. Pritzker was national co-chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign.

In May 2017 - an 11 minute FBI wiretap of then Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, in a "pay to play" offer to J.B. Pritzker.

On the tapes, Blagojevich asked Pritzker if he would like to be appointed state treasurer, to which Pritzker responded, "Yeah, that's the one I would want."

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._B._Pritzker

*J.B. Pritzker is Chairman (immediate past) of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, which opened in 2009. Pritzker successfully led the capital campaign and planning to build an international institution in the Midwest dedicated to teaching the lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides.

Sauce: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/pages/about/board-of-directors/

Another Mega-rich Zionist Jew in charge of a US State

Hyatt Hotel Chain

The first Hyatt Hotel was bought by Jay Pritzker in 1957 in Los Angeles. Hyatt has over 627 hotels Worldwide.

Address of Hyatt Regency in Q Photo is 11 Paradise Walk, Chongqing

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyatt

^^4 min. video - every year the Illinois Holocaust Museum has an annual memorial day for "the 6 million Jews killed by Nazi Germany".

3f5737  No.4174596


He who writes upon the walls

Rolls his shit into little balls

He who reads these words of wit

Eats these little balls of shit

21aff6  No.4174597


Not a week goes by that I don’t think about Vegas. 100% incontrovertible proof, that the media are not reporters.

52272b  No.4174598


He studied under Alex Jones.

e3b6f6  No.4174599

File: c9ff0d97904d4c4⋯.png (740.62 KB, 637x453, 637:453, ClipboardImage.png)

Border Patrol Agent Hospitalized Following Contact with Powdery Substance

A Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent had to be taken to a hospital on Monday after being exposed to “an unknown substance” reportedly carried by an illegal alien.

An agent working near Douglas, Arizona, on Monday had an adverse reaction to an unknown substance after he came in contact with a man believed to be an illegal alien, the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office told the AZFamily news organization. Sheriff’s Office deputies arrived to assist the agent and called for medical assistance.

The agent reportedly became ill after touching a bundle carried by the suspected illegal alien. The bundle contained a powdery substance, the news outlet reported.

The responding EMS personnel transported the Border Patrol agent to a local hospital for evaluation and treatment. No one has been arrested at the scene where the incident took place.

The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office and the U.S. Border Patrol are investigating the incident.

Border Patrol officials have not yet released a statement on the incident because of the national day of mourning on Wednesday for the late President George H.W. Bush.

A statement is expected to be released early Thursday morning.


4ca1de  No.4174600


16744b  No.4174601

File: d911d6569e7d3b2⋯.jpg (15.49 KB, 255x230, 51:46, DJT Free Ass Whoopings.jpg)

File: 7e460699e0db42f⋯.jpg (95.67 KB, 719x617, 719:617, Pres Trump balls.jpg)

File: 5ea128ddad98175⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 720x766, 360:383, PDJT balls.jpg)

File: 929b73785d220f0⋯.jpg (46.62 KB, 493x504, 493:504, Melania Trump Merry Christ….JPG)

I love these!!!

e97bf4  No.4174602


just keep watching

then regret u said this

eef741  No.4174603

I think the FBI should be politically disbanded, not to be confused with anything else other than that. So you can leave me alone now thanks, spooks are so obvious. There are good people in the FBI but it is hopelessly corrupted and has failed the American people, it should be rebuilt into something better with safeguards for liberty.

866eab  No.4174604

File: 84036f811b8fcc3⋯.jpg (37.5 KB, 768x198, 128:33, POTUSFF.JPG)

POTUS had the perfect opportunity to tell us the Paris riots were a False flag but instead he chose to use that opportunity to show us that it WAS NOT a FF

1492b1  No.4174605

File: 5aa04d6d9725caf⋯.png (277.52 KB, 699x683, 699:683, ClipboardImage.png)

55bd14  No.4174606




That's a valid question.

(And just to clarify …

JAH stands for Jesus? Yahweh??)

Are you saying that you were THERE during the Satanic sacrifice? I had read that Anton LaVey was on his deathbed & his fellow Satanists were recording the event - and as he was dying he said "Oh my, Oh my. Something is terribly wrong" and had fear in his face.

There's a youtube video of the woman who claims she was there and witnessed it.

422d39  No.4174607

File: c996ca47348251e⋯.jpg (477.18 KB, 1100x730, 110:73, HillaryTreason Necklace.jpg)


Damn skippy.

b0b282  No.4174608

Ryan Saavedra

Ryan Saavedra


BREAKING: Larry Wallace, a longtime top staff member of Sen. Kamala Harris (D), has resigned after a $400,000 harassment & retaliation settlement came to light from his time working for Harris in California's DOJ.

A spokesperson for Harris said she was "unaware" of the "issue."

cdff8d  No.4174609

File: 0a43c1719685558⋯.jpg (265.89 KB, 1030x1874, 515:937, topKek.jpg)

5f2c3a  No.4174610

File: d94e32b4cadb899⋯.jpg (81.47 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ghwb.jpg)


Thanks for digging, anon. The pastor figures for being an insider the way he talked during the eulogy. Wouldn't surprise me if the events he described happened on Nov 14 and he's playing along.

09c009  No.4174611

By far, the best correlation of insanity by these evil cabal conspirators.


7f423a  No.4174612


False Flag in Chicago ??

4a1f68  No.4174613




Some people just like being on this board.

I don't like video games.

I don't like Cable TV.

On my down time now I sort of like to just put on a movie and lurk here….

Not to say I'm spending day and night here, but when relaxing its fun.

17b0f6  No.4174614


<Ass like a 12 year old boy

You sound like an expert on this subject.

e0076c  No.4174615

Hey Fam I have serious concerns about waking up the general population that are full fledged brain washed. I witnessed two customers today in our waiting area at work, both die hard dem's downright frothing at the mouth bitching about Trump, praising Mueller, saying how they got so much dirt from Flynn they didn't give him prison time.

At one point they had the audacity to shout out "and what about the blacks?" right in front of my African American co-worker when talking about how dumb people are that voted for Trump (and that co-worker is conservative). It took everything in us not to go at it with them (they were paying customers, would be bad for business) but it scared me how fucking brainwashed these idiots really are.

What do you think is going to happen when this stuff is revealed? Unless it's reported by their beloved CNN, MSNBC, NY Times etc they won't believe it. One of the jackasses was down right calling for someone to take Trump out, begging for someone to do it. Sorry to be a concernfag, but hard to stomach that kind of bullshit without wondering how people like that can possibly fathom the truth.

2f9a97  No.4174616

File: 2c9bb7651288e82⋯.jpg (114.47 KB, 648x612, 18:17, 2018-10-15-22-38-15.jpg)


You, sir, are douchebag faggot anon. I don't give a fuck how motherfuckin mceducated you claim to be. You are wrong and a faggot using appeal to authority, which your supposed mceducated ass should understand is an informal fallacy.

cddef0  No.4174617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not Q related but…OK.

Woman pulls up skirt in crowded station calling to criminalize ‘upskirting’ (VIDEO)


d8b2e2  No.4174618


Being rich isn't a crime unless you're a Demoncrat.

df5951  No.4174619

File: 30867cbaefc281d⋯.png (178.25 KB, 305x625, 61:125, merry christmas.PNG)

5bdba9  No.4174620

File: 15d39b024fb04ec⋯.jpg (131.75 KB, 1975x1284, 1975:1284, _20181205_202353.JPG)

I have never in my lifetime witnessed so many retirements, resignations, arrests, indictments, and exposure of criminal deeds by power people.

We're almost there frens.

806bc7  No.4174621

File: 034766acc9dd334⋯.png (102.42 KB, 260x316, 65:79, Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)

d8b2e2  No.4174622


Mirror this.

f9ba26  No.4174623


Trump has troops go in and destroy cabals poppy fields that Daddy Bush was still making money off and running. It's was covered on here when it happened. Just a lurker that remembers, don't know where to look to find it though.

4ba3db  No.4174624


Yes it’s literally how I ended up finding the Chans

28196a  No.4174625


>What do you want for XMAS

I'll take a declass. That probably has to happen before arrests..

ced1cc  No.4174626


Another Possible Decode of one of Q's latest Crumbs:

As some have already said by using the correct number of the alphabet for M, which is 13, you get "41." GHWB. How could this be correct, since he is already dead.

Consider this as the DOUBLE MEANING: If using X Mas, it could imply who (X) will be dead, mas? Mas in Spanish means more, so it could mean Who more will be dead?) (When you are X=Ex, you are no longer alive.)

00a045  No.4174627

File: 6150ea0f36892d9⋯.jpg (94.8 KB, 933x560, 933:560, xchkn, mbvv.JPG)

1c05fc  No.4174628


9:00 min mark

f9ca3b  No.4174629

File: a44839dbe2fdadb⋯.png (19.41 KB, 1130x636, 565:318, fd5a8fa83ab39576ed6ad3059d….png)


Nice try namefag

7132d0  No.4174630


Wouldn't surprise me. It's a click.

89958e  No.4174631


Do you like being lied to?

No one does right?

Evidence of what you are saying might convert some followers, but you are most definitely not the voice of reason. You are the voice of division. Purposely.

9d0dab  No.4174632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


*NOTE - Just because Israel invented some technology, IT DOES NOT BENEFIT AMERICANS because (((they))) Charge You Through The $$$Nose For It.

*It's Revealing that a Zionist/Mossad Shill would think that inventing some tech shit benefits anyone just because they sell you their shit for Shekels. The arrogance.

That's like saying that if you buy Dinner at their Restaurant, and you Pay Through The Nose for that Dinner, that "counts" as "Israel did a Good Thing For You".



02b98a  No.4174633

File: 55b4f510b883aeb⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 940x519, 940:519, They.know.jpg)

42b82e  No.4174634

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth

1263c0  No.4174635


>I'll take a declass. That probably has to happen before arrests..

What about unsealing some indictments?

00b68c  No.4174636

As Flynn Case Winds Down, Investigation of Turkish Lobbying Persists

Federal prosecutors in Virginia are investigating a secret Turkish lobbying effort that once involved Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser, even as Mr. Flynn’s role in the special counsel’s investigation winds down, according to people familiar with the inquiry.

The Turkey case appears to fit as one of those inquiries because Mr. Flynn has direct knowledge of aspects under scrutiny. Prosecutors are examining Mr. Flynn’s former business partners and clients who financed a campaign against Fethullah Gulen, a cleric living in Pennsylvania whom the Turkish government has accused of helping instigate a failed coup.

Federal prosecutors had begun investigating Mr. Flynn after he wrote an op-ed for The Hill newspaper on Election Day 2016 attacking Mr. Gulen as a “radical Islamist” and a “shady Islamic mullah.” The prosecutors began examining whether Mr. Flynn was working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey.

Investigators later learned the op-ed was part of a larger effort by Mr. Flynn on behalf of Turkey. Mr. Flynn’s company was ultimately paid $530,000 to investigate Mr. Gulen by a company run by Ekim Alptekin, a Turkish businessman close to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.


e97bf4  No.4174637

File: 952d88be6748707⋯.jpg (120.38 KB, 743x694, 743:694, Screenshot 2018-12-05_20-1….jpg)

simple question…

why does he have an eye on his forehead


have we not learned anything?

before even getting to the evidence i know u aren't awake enough, baking makes certain closed minded

79ee12  No.4174638

File: 944b94eee7a9f01⋯.jpg (74.74 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1523899081819[1].jpg)

55bd14  No.4174639





That's a valid question.

(And just to clarify ...

JAH stands for Jesus? Yahweh??)

Are you saying that you were THERE during the Satanic sacrifice? I had read that Anton LaVey was on his deathbed & his fellow Satanists were recording the event - and as he was dying he said "Oh my, Oh my. Something is terribly wrong" and had fear in his face.

There's a youtube video of the woman who claims she was there and witnessed it.

638c4a  No.4174640

File: 8070256e7b24392⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 477x498, 159:166, 8070256e7b243926af67022769….jpg)


>be like

b0b282  No.4174641

Kamala Harris aide resigns after harassment, retaliation settlement surfaces


21aff6  No.4174642


Alright, even if that happened.

1. Shoulda never been there.

2. Were still there and for no real reason.

28196a  No.4174643



c054d0  No.4174644

File: 1b23847671a7484⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Envelope.mp4)

File: 9a54b709988bc0a⋯.mp4 (393.47 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Jeb spooked.mp4)

Did everyone get an envelope, are the two clips related ?


dbecfe  No.4174645

File: a1466e3049da20d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 876x1183, 876:1183, ClipboardImage.png)


>He's a comedian

My how the label has degenerated

00a045  No.4174646

File: 473dc302e3abdc5⋯.jpg (59.4 KB, 771x639, 257:213, ,msnbxvr.JPG)

52d339  No.4174647


Fuck am I looking at?

76103f  No.4174648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0f93a9  No.4174649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6be0ec  No.4174650

body double. neck issue is because this persons neck length is smaller


cdff8d  No.4174651

File: f053f9f8449db6e⋯.jpg (286.9 KB, 490x976, 245:488, 2018-12-06 01:46:42Z.jpg)


>Governor-Elect of Illinois

You posted this once on 12/2, once 12/3, twice previously today, 5 postings total?

What is the goal of spamming this?

caa4ca  No.4174652

File: 2783cce4b15d549⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 255x247, 255:247, f7e748c413ff3c7367ca640f15….jpg)

1263c0  No.4174653

In masonic prophecy the year 2022 is Armageddon.

d8b2e2  No.4174654


Really stupid and gay…

19c850  No.4174655


Symbolism will be their downfall

df5951  No.4174656

File: 1b3ce17484e6bdd⋯.png (18.53 KB, 397x284, 397:284, xmas.PNG)

6b584f  No.4174657


Take a few puffs of DMT and you'll understand.

(Or learn how to breathe in a very specific way while in a Beta State [moving].)

6aff96  No.4174658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

whaddup faggots?

checking in at 1:45 am EU time..

anything new going on..are we waiting for Solomon to be distracted by Hannity's ego or whut?

b6d242  No.4174660

File: b8d6658ddf84a2c⋯.png (449.82 KB, 653x845, 653:845, Rutz re MSNBC re POTUS at ….PNG)

File: 7a69223d0c5db25⋯.mp4 (5.44 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video Rutz re MSNBC re POT….mp4)

I mean, Trump's enough of a ridiculous egotist without these folks downloading all their neuroses onto him and start reading his mind, when all he did was go to a funeral and just sit there.

It's honestly bizarre.

866eab  No.4174661


BTW this Tweet was creepy af to me because I was teaching my son to use the term Fatally Flawed in his speech and debate tournament of couple of days ago and then lo and behold, I see it on POTUS Twitter

09c009  No.4174662

File: 0674c148daf8e0a⋯.jpeg (392 KB, 1100x1149, 1100:1149, 1421AEF6-5556-49D0-B97F-0….jpeg)

05939c  No.4174663


Peeps passed out on a ping pong table at Comet Pizza and Pingpong.

6be0ec  No.4174664

this is why there is a scarf or covering. the neck is dead giveaway in comparison photos


ba1bc6  No.4174665


Yes, it has

8d243e  No.4174666


They're our greatest ally, anon. And I will take you to court for hate crimes if you ever criticize them for doing 9/11. They had to do it because of the holocaust. I mean, 6 billion Jews were killed! They wanted us to know what it's like to never forget. Bless them

bd00ea  No.4174667


I would like DECLAS or Arrests for XMAS. Thanks!

4ca1de  No.4174668


2 different stream I usually watch are experiencing blackouts and jerky streaming

cddef0  No.4174669

File: 0e8ae4b5feefd89⋯.jpg (201.01 KB, 800x600, 4:3, fake gay.jpg)


fake pic of HC being a pedo…debunked earlier this year.

8e5909  No.4174670


Gee? You mean the Soetero Admin did something illegal???!!! Shocking!

cdff8d  No.4174671


well we thought it might be Huma & Hillary passed out on a ping pong table.

d8b2e2  No.4174672


Uz point anon?

19c850  No.4174673


Same here.

55bd14  No.4174674


What exactly is the story behind this pic?? Are the girls asleep or dead?

078525  No.4174675

File: b1dd52cabfd8244⋯.jpg (11.53 KB, 255x149, 255:149, b1dd52cabfd8244d20a42738b2….jpg)

>>4174422 (LB)

Sauce ?

b24f4a  No.4174676


I love your challenge - it’s vital. Not that I completely agree with you. I try to challenge myself in the same way, with various matters. I am 100% positive other anons can do a much better job of it, and part of my answer might look like a cop out.. but, for starters:

How can you watch a movie and tell it’s fake? How can you spot a fake Dali or Da Vinci? Expertise, good sir, and solid foundational knowledge to pull from. Remember that.

So, many on this board have investigated conspiracy theories for some time prior to POTUS, and after time, we have confirmed some as fact and come to acknowledge that much of what the masses see and hear, much of the way they - and previously we - thought was fake, manipulated, garbage. It comes with experience. Much in the same way that you might first-hand witness a report being told in a distorted manner. You’re thinking might go from accepting Everything CNN reports as fact in which you can repeat truthfully, to questioning CNN’s narrative, to rejecting CNN, to questioning Fox, skipping a step and rejecting Fox. To suspecting the report of every national or international event that you hear from a friend who heard from CNN. Etc.

You keep fact-checking on you’re own, or you become despondent. If you start looking for owl symbolism in movies and merchandise, you start to see it everywhere, everywhere. Upside down crosses, baphomet figures, much much other cryptic symbolism. You research and discover the meaning of said symbolism. You see certain major players using and wearing this symbolism. You research the histories of these people and the ancestries, major political leaders.

You find it’s quite strange, for instance, and utterly disturbing, that no one on mainstream media has reported on the Epstein scandal, the Hillary email use of symbolism and its implications, Silsby’s attempt to kidnap children from Haiti and her bailout from the CLIntons, the recently dead reporter who was bringing a sex abuse and pedophilia claim, at least, against Bill.

You spend your time searching for the truth YOURSELF - that is the only way, because to experience something is the absolute best way an individual can validate it.

This is how qresearch operates - it’s fundamental principle, without which, it would not exist as it does, I.e. a mass collective effort by intelligent individuals.

That’s why you go to qmap.pub, and start answering the questions there and many of your own questions using your own time and understanding.

Also, Q has presented uncountable predictions which actually unfolded LATER. The predictions simply could not have been made, even amongst many other predictions that did not unfold as interpreted, without some kind of superior intel than what we now believe we have available as “regular” citizens.

You’ll notice many anons, myself included, question Q’s loyalties and probably will until the end, because it’s our unique nature to do so. We question, because we have discovered so much deception around us that it’s confounding.

e3b6f6  No.4174677

File: a112d7a80253919⋯.png (317.66 KB, 509x473, 509:473, ClipboardImage.png)

DAG Rod Rosenstein Trolls President Trump at DOJ Conference

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein trolled President Trump Wednesday while delivering remarks at the Project Safe Neighborhoods National Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.

“You let the President know that his favorite Deputy Attorney General was here,” a snarky Rosenstein said to the crowd, referring to Trump’s scheduled Friday appearance at the end of the three-day conference on crime.

There has been tension between Trump and Rosenstein ever since the DAG appointed special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate President Trump for ‘Russian collusion.’

Rosenstein has also stonewalled House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes’ investigation into FISA abuses and Obama’s Spygate and smugly refused to answered questions by GOP lawmakers.

Furthermore, the New York Times reported in September that Rosenstein planned to wear a wire to secretly record President Trump and oust him via the 25th Amendment.

Last week, President Trump upped the ante and retweeted an image of Mueller, Rosenstein and other crooks from the Obama administration behind bars for treason.

Although President Trump has stated he will not fire Rod Rosenstein, Sessions’ resignation has ushered in a new Acting Attorney General which puts Rosenstein’s position in jeopardy.


Sauce doc


079dc1  No.4174678


ty clockfag.

I don't understand the :11 delta. How do the :03 and :14 markers relate?


4a1f68  No.4174679




I've seen the video you speak of.

Well I believe there are is only one explantation of this.

Jah, is, in Freemasonry "Lucifer" the Light Bringer, but it really never EXPLICITLY says that in the literature, unless they introduce you to him at the end of the ceremony for 33rd degree Scottish Rite.

so, if we can take a step back for a moment, and take away judgement.

I would imagine these individuals would have been Freemasonic "Luciferians" as opposed to "Satanists", which may to many of you seem like the exact same thing, but they are VERY different.

Also, Rosemary's Baby came out in the same year 1968, and I AM SURE Polanski and his gang was involved in Occult shit, so I imagine this film was about what they were expecting to happen….


86ae00  No.4174680

File: 85a297637b2522b⋯.png (272.8 KB, 815x443, 815:443, Qye.png)


Its like when someone asks what you're thinking and you think all your thoughts at once.

2985f0  No.4174681

File: 37a9cec07110895⋯.jpg (81.73 KB, 381x480, 127:160, white-flag.jpg)

e84a22  No.4174682

File: 14e54985acc670b⋯.jpeg (253.78 KB, 1138x1294, 569:647, A00A607C-762D-4D24-9D72-5….jpeg)

File: dfdf24b13ad41e7⋯.jpeg (165.25 KB, 1106x998, 553:499, BDA81A85-46E0-40F7-96FA-8….jpeg)

File: 8ce618c524de94b⋯.jpeg (239.21 KB, 1305x1545, 87:103, 81ACACFD-E84F-49CB-924B-1….jpeg)

We are winning.

17b0f6  No.4174683


I wish he would say "Christmas" instead of Xmas.

Xmas is something the dickbag Satanists say, for obvious reasons that Q is certainly aware of.

I don't think he would dis respect in that way so it must mean something else.

Glad others are discussing what I was thinking already.

f9ca3b  No.4174684

File: 1a1fc9bf0695410⋯.jpg (53.37 KB, 544x615, 544:615, ae4531b0984c5c62424b9ca4bf….jpg)


More than you do for anyone, Jerome

Jelousy isn't going to get your concealed lust of doxxing Q fulfilled

Suck your own dick

53775e  No.4174685

Will RBG make it to 2020?

f4d801  No.4174686

alli want for christmas is for Q to stop being the worlds biggest nigger

but i know that will never happen

21aff6  No.4174687


This reminds of those MI6 agents, Pussy Riot. SIS needs to step their game up.

88b783  No.4174688


look all of the nodes are useful

whether or not someone that we don't like pays them doesn't matter so much.

hell, our enemies have extravagant wealth the likes of which none of us will have even a vague comprehension for (likely… hell i don't know all of you that well). have you not considered that no matter who people are, the ones we're up agaisnt control so much of the world's wealth that ultimately, somewhere down the line, they'll be comped?



stop being so fucking narrow minded

some of these faggots are more useful to us than they are to the people comping them.

lurk moar

158d4a  No.4174689


Heh. That's kinda like me. Well, except for the "not liking video games" part; I still do to a degree. But Gamergate and the SJWs bruteforcing their way into that medium soured me for a while. I would even consider that debacle my first true redpilling.

You are correct about cable TV, though. And movies. Really, anything prepackaged by Hollywood and the music/TV industries is all indoctrinated/subverted crap. At least video games gave SOME semblance of control and player discernment, and forced narrative/politics crap in games didn't really become prevalent until around the late 2000s.

362126  No.4174690


They tried a SJW biopic with Will Smith before. It sank like a rock at the box office. All of his movies since then have been bombs.

cdff8d  No.4174691

>>4174349 LB

That town in NY where they own a house is called Chappaqua not Chappaquidick.

Chappaquidick is a town in Mass. where Ted Kennedy had that unfortunate inincident.

52272b  No.4174692


so Y=F Kennedy. That is like the big bang theory of letters.

76103f  No.4174693


He was NoNamed.

eef741  No.4174694


Maybe but I will wait and see on that one, all it takes is one administration change to go right back to the way it was.

be081a  No.4174695


Looking for the satirical article where they say Russia Russia Russia hundreds of times. It’s hilarious and would lift my spirits right now, but I can’t find it through many searches and I don’t remember who published it. Thanks in advance frins.

df5951  No.4174696


I've been shilling for you, buddy.

Caught you at the tail end of last bread.

14f4a7  No.4174697


nope. should i look up all of the good vs evil, the new world order worships satan/ god wins/ expand your thinking/ i haven't even started posting about human sacrafice… posts? i can but i think you know they are their. if you don't your either new or a shill.

the Truth is, this is what we are up against and we need to know our enemy. the art of war my friend is not to call knowing your enemy a "slide". i in no way want anyone to feel the need to ask question or talk with me at all. and if you feel the need to filter me then, so be it. i won't be offeneded

b1e995  No.4174698

File: 0a5497750188bd4⋯.png (307.29 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC65.png)

File: 0ae7d10029cf554⋯.png (262.22 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC64.png)

File: ea07e985ad5fb3f⋯.png (252.95 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC62.png)

File: 789a7ca35dd8415⋯.png (311.19 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, COA2.1.png)

File: dd0362354d9da5d⋯.png (455.72 KB, 618x805, 618:805, DWS-is-it.png)

a242a8  No.4174699

File: 160740de670a602⋯.png (407.2 KB, 407x578, 407:578, rapid.png)

4a1f68  No.4174700




The idea of Lucifer in Freemasonry is the idea of the implementation of Free-Will on Christ's or Yahweh's people.

The Freemasons think that all religions lead to this, and that it has been convoluted over the years to scare people from the truth.

They do not see Lucifer as SATAN.

d95179  No.4174701

File: 8bd220d77076ae6⋯.gif (2.05 MB, 540x540, 1:1, 5D0C3DB9-2D22-4BE8-84B8-C9….gif)

Mankind is on the cusp of a Golden Age. But first the World must go through a mass psychosis. It will be a psychological catastrophe for the brainwashed masses. Global Consciousness is reversing polarity. Mayotte was the beginning.

e568b4  No.4174702

X is the Greek letter Chi, stands for Christ

0c1a0b  No.4174703

File: 470cf4f131be327⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1572x1084, 393:271, JFKandPOTUS.png)

20ed29  No.4174704


>where Ted Kennedy had that unfortunate inincident

"unfortunate"? He got off Scot-free!

375739  No.4174705

>>4174461 (lb)

Ah… imvh but my profession opinion these are fake. Anyone can type them up. The jargon is accurate but there’s a few things that jump out like the weird capitalizations and the use of contractions. Plus there’s those pesky HIPAA rules.

This seems to be real



https://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/07/31/doctor-says-hillary-clinton-is-fit-to-serve/ Since it was released to them.

3b36e8  No.4174706

File: e43f46f6a71dbcb⋯.jpeg (172.49 KB, 798x494, 21:13, 1E79AF2B-3CD4-4D55-8DDB-C….jpeg)


looks that way to me. call for shovels?

e97bf4  No.4174707

ok this is fucking shilly in here…… suddenly u want me not to comp someone? COMP HIM


4ba3db  No.4174708


If they did. Jimmy can’t find his! Wonder if either of the obummers got one

96358e  No.4174709


Which streams are they?

4df6d8  No.4174710

File: fe892139733ac55⋯.png (6.18 MB, 2979x1680, 993:560, middle.png)

7:25 AM - 19 Nov 2018


When my Labrador Retriever met her new siblings for the first time. And yes, I am adopting one of them (the middle one, a male). #SomethingToBeThankfulFor #PuttingThingsInPerspective


Is one of them next to distract from Dec13 HUBER testimony?

My money's on BC.

f55675  No.4174711


But a lot of people are. People are going without eating, sleeping because they are trying to decode Q. They are neglecting their personal lives, loved ones, wives, husbands, children, and spending too much time on this Q thing. People are starting to behave violently and being arrested and ruining their lives. People on here are becoming mkre hateful and bloodthirsty as will happen when an expectation goes unfulfilled a long time.

Something has to give. This is all an unreality and it is stealing peoples lives and time, even if they dont realize it they are being hurt.

c57201  No.4174712


X = 24

Hope its not meaning Christmas Eve

But I concur with you making the connection

to the EO.

14a5d1  No.4174713


What is the table saw for?

65981d  No.4174714

File: e5821ba445ed7ea⋯.jpg (27.31 KB, 455x286, 35:22, HRC nn.jpg)

File: 1b30458280a7412⋯.gif (4.88 MB, 500x330, 50:33, HRCbryd.gif)

12 + 7= 17 / 12.7 Dec 7



Q !UW.yye1fxo No.73

Jan 27 2018 18:35:37 (EST)

"Stronger Together"


JAN 27 = 01.27 or 12.7


They will be together when HRC is DEAD.

Qclock MIRROR for 12.7 = :35 / 18:35:37



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 6ac3b9 No.181282

Jan 27 2018 14:37:21 (EST)



H eart attack.

C oincidence?


^This timestamp^ MIRROR = 12:7 (14:37:21)


DEC 7 2017:


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 913bb1 No.52157

Dec 7 2017 22:29:30 (EST)

For Green.



[As in Ever GREEN ]

Q also posted pic of HRC and NoName on DEC 7, 2017.

e3b6f6  No.4174715

Top Harris Advisor Resigns Over Harassment Settlement. Harris Claims She Didn't Know.

A longtime staffer for California Democratic Senator Kamala Harris resigned on Wednesday after a harassment and retaliation settlement came to light from his time working in California's Department of Justice for then-Attorney General Harris.

The Sacramento Bee reports that Larry Wallace, who worked as the director of the Division of Law Enforcement, "was accused by his former executive assistant in December 2016 of 'gender harassment' and other demeaning behavior, including frequently asking her to crawl under his desk to change the paper in his printer."

The lawsuit, which was filed at the very end of 2016, was settled in May 2017 after Wallace transitioned to work for Harris in her new role as a U.S. Senator.

Harris claims she had no knowledge of the incident that happened on her staff.

"We were unaware of this issue and take accusations of harassment extremely seriously. This evening, Mr. Wallace offered his resignation to the senator and she accepted it," Harris spokeswoman Lily Adams wrote told The Sacramento Bee an email.

The accuser, Danielle Hartley, said in her lawsuit that she was brought on to be Wallace's assistant and that she "had concerns she was being harassed and demeaned due to her gender."

Hartley's lawsuit claims that Wallace put his printer on the floor under his desk and ordered her to service the printer on a daily basis.

Hartley claims that she asked Wallace to move the printer to a different spot in the office so she wouldn't have to crawl under the desk, while he was sitting there, to service the printer while she was wearing "dresses and skirts."

Wallace allegedly refused to honor Hartley's request and continued to force her to "replace the paper or ink" on a daily basis, sometimes in front of other men from around the department. The Sacramento Bee adds:

Hartley also complained in the lawsuit that Wallace took away her "meaningful tasks" and put her in charge of running personal errands instead, including booking flights for Wallace’s children and washing and performing maintenance on his car. When she would return from these assignments, the lawsuit states, "co-workers would make hostile comments to her including, 'Are you walking the walk of shame?'"

According to the lawsuit, Hartley eventually informed her supervisor, Shannon Patterson, of the harassment and asked for help. "Hartley observed Patterson enter Wallace’s office and met with him behind closed doors," the lawsuit states, but after that, she began to experience retaliation.

The lawsuit describes that Hartley was "set up to fail," micro-managed by Patterson, investigated by internal affairs on a "fabricated charge" for which she was never informed of the outcome, and "told she should quit her job and seek employment elsewhere."

Hartley says she was involuntarily transferred to another bureau within California's DOJ as she started to search for a new job outside the department.


4a1f68  No.4174717

9ed9f7  No.4174718

R the comms guud ((2nite))?

What’s habbenin?

(((No UK Fag comms)))

I don’t trust them



20ed29  No.4174719


Time for Jimmeh's final 'malaise'.

b1e995  No.4174720

File: b9ebf9960c3d8b7⋯.png (1011.19 KB, 999x814, 27:22, NOTH2.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

422d39  No.4174721

File: cf8a53048da8525⋯.png (412.85 KB, 799x500, 799:500, AllIsWrong.png)


Define 'all'.

b0b282  No.4174722

Lam Research CEO leaves amid misconduct inquiry, fourth chip boss this year to face such allegations

Lam Research Corp. Chief Executive Martin Anstice resigned Wednesday amid allegations of misconduct, the fourth chief executive of a major chip company to leave amid such an inquiry this year.

Lam LRCX, -6.40% , one of the largest chip-equipment companies in the world, said that an investigation by the board and an external law firm into allegations of misconduct in the workplace will continue. Anstice resigned and will not receive any severance benefits, Lam stated in its announcement.


09c009  No.4174723


Concur with your post. Distrust mockingbird post of Wrays clean up crew.

89958e  No.4174724


Don't let it bother you.x-mas, Christmas. Everything Q posts is for a reason, and we will find out soon enough what it was about. Or not. Your faith is in your heart, not Qs.

c7a71f  No.4174725


Same. I hope POTUS is smart enough in the future to no longer endorse Hannity. Even if Hannity had the best of intentions, it would seem the FOX execs have full control of his show, so why even bother trying to report a boom.

d2a1d6  No.4174726


Manson is tied to something called The Process, notable for being behind the Son of Sam murders, and tied to Robert Mapplethorpe and snuff films, as well as a strategy to sow civil terror (controlled fear response).

4a1f68  No.4174727




Well I hope those people get the help they need.

I just see this as an information source/forum/ like I used to lurk when I was younger.

31decf  No.4174728

File: 5d4d6111fdc929c⋯.png (324.65 KB, 620x415, 124:83, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

a242a8  No.4174729

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

5c5c2e  No.4174730

File: 2d2e66fbb8a1f81⋯.jpg (35.21 KB, 573x603, 191:201, 2527.jpg)


Its all related for the battle over 5G unified standards

The downed satellites being replaced by a 5G wave

The spies in the Hyatt, The Q wave from Mayotte

Macrons domestic protests


14a5d1  No.4174731

File: cb7d44edadf2edb⋯.jpeg (661.38 KB, 672x1024, 21:32, empress-elizabeth-of-aust….jpeg)

File: 23825ce55c4298c⋯.jpeg (111.87 KB, 500x675, 20:27, empress-elizabeth-of-aust….jpeg)

The assassination of Empress Elisabeth of Austria

It was a beautiful Indian summer day 117 years ago in Geneva, Switzerland, when Empress Elisabeth of Austria left the Hotel Beau-Rivage, where she spent a night incognito, to hurry to the steamship “Genève”. On this Saturday, 10 September 1898, Empress Elisabeth was assassinated by Luigi Lucheni, an Italian anarchist. The tragic event was well covered in the coeval press, as Elisabeth of Austria – also known as Sisi (not “Sissi”, like in the movies) – was a mysterious fairy-tale princess. She was obsessively concerned about her beauty and spent several hours a day just to groom her knee-long hair. Sports and diets were her passion, and she loved to hike and to ride, but was so slim that she suffered from famine oedema.

As a Bavarian princess who enjoyed a happy and unstrained childhood, the extremely strict court life in Vienna was a burden Elisabeth never got used to. She started to travel and wrote melancholic poems, and after the tragic death of her only son Rudolf she disappeared nearly completely from the Austrian court.

When Elisabeth was sixty years old, she followed an invitation from the Rothschild family to Geneva. Together with her lady-in-waiting, the Hungarian Countess Irma Sztáray, she walked the short distance between the hotel and the pier without her entourage, despite warnings of possible assassination attempts.

Luigi Lucheni, a poor man full of rage for the upper nobility, ran towards them as they walked by on the promenade and stabbed Elisabeth directly into her heart with a self-made weapon composed of a small sharp file. But neither the empress nor (and) her lady-in-waiting realised what really happened. Thinking of a robbery attempt, they went on boarding the ship. A few minutes later, Elisabeth lost consciousness and died.


Summoned by a Rothschild, enroute is prewarned of a possible assination, walking alone between the hotel and the ship she is accosted by a stranger and no one comes to her defense. Those waitng for her board the ship while she is being accosted, she collapses then dies before aid reaches her. The man who stabbed her in the heart, after being caught, claims to have selected her at random.

Was she a chosen satanic sacrifice? Were all of these people a part of the cult? Did she know and accept her role as a satanic sacrificial victim?

7184d7  No.4174732

Reclaim your personal lives from this larp

b6d242  No.4174733

File: 173b57987349f12⋯.png (36.33 KB, 651x282, 217:94, Hannity re Guests 12-5-18.PNG)


Goodwin should be interesting to listen to

Will have to mute Geraldo


51e6b3  No.4174734

File: 725e3caf031ef4d⋯.png (363.3 KB, 768x432, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Anybody that believes noname and/orBush was 197'ed in secret…think twice.

This is what kind of "justice" that is:

Five teens indicted on lynching charges in Virginia mob murder


Notice where they are? That's where POTUS will be if your foolish beliefs are true.

8e5909  No.4174735


Your error is thinking that youtube-level knowledge of a subject is superior to 12 years of hard study, including reading of all sources, attending courses, writing papers, visiting ancient sites, etc. Don't worry, you're not special, it's a common mistake of the uneducated on the internet. Btw, I also have 16 units of community college and youtube in addition to all the above. Get back to me after you've studied The Golden Bough, maybe there will be a demoncrat arrest by then.

52272b  No.4174736


You have to ask yourself, how many police agencies are really needed? Isnt city, county, and state police enough? How many tax dollars must I pay for redundant services?

e3b6f6  No.4174737

Gregg Jarrett: Mueller strikes out trying to nail Trump – Flynn sentencing memo is a big nothing

A sentencing memo that Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed in U.S. District Court in Washington Tuesday recommending little or no prison time for President Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn doesn’t implicate the president in any wrongdoing.

The memo isn’t a “smoking gun” showing President Trump colluded with Russians to win the 2016 presidential election or did anything else illegal. In fact, the memo isn’t even a squirt gun. In terms of President Trump’s conduct, it amounts to nothing of any significance.

In recommending that Flynn – who served as President Trump’s national security adviser for just 24 days – get a sentence ranging from no prison time to six months at most, the memo filed by Mueller said Flynn has offered “substantial” help to investigators about “several ongoing investigations.”

“Given the defendant’s substantial assistance and other considerations set forth below, a sentence at the low end of the guideline range – including a sentence that does not impose a term of incarceration – is appropriate and warranted,” the memo states.

The sentencing memo says that Flynn was interviewed 19 times by prosecutors on Mueller’s team and other Justice Department lawyers. But crucially, the memo doesn’t specify anything that Flynn told Muller’s team regarding allegations against President Trump or anything else.


580a21  No.4174738


I spend day and night here

I have been for over a year now

I know it is not good for me and tell myself to stop or ease up a bit

but the truth is I won't

so why even try?

it is who I am

a dog with a bone that will not let go

1263c0  No.4174739

Washington's Vision

In the National Tribune, 1880, an article appeared giving an account of the "Vision of Washington" at Valley Forge. The account was told by a gentleman named Anthony Sherman, who supposedly was at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-78. The story has been published several times.

Some people will say that it is substantiated by the fact that a copy of the account is in the Library of Congress. This argument of authenticity is misleading in and of itself. The Library of Congress has copies of anything published. That does not indicate accuracy of the content.

I am unaware of any eighteenth-century evidence that corroborates this story. The soldier mentioned as having a first-hand account of the "Vision," Anthony Sherman, was a soldier in the Continental Army. However, according to his pension application, written by him, he states that he was at Saratoga under the command of Benedict Arnold at the end of 1777 and only joined the main forces in 1778 in New Jersey just before the Battle of Monmouth.

Anthony Sherman wrote:

You doubtless heard the story of Washington's going to the thicket to pray in secret for aid and comfort from God, the interposition of whose Divine Providence brought us safely through the darkest days of tribulation. One day, I remember it well, when the chilly winds whistled through the leafless trees, though the sky was cloudless and the sun shown brightly, he remained in his quarters nearly all the afternoon alone. When he came out, I noticed that his face was a shade paler than usual. There seemed to be something on his mind of more than ordinary importance. Returning just after dusk, he dispatched an orderly to the quarters who was presently in attendance. After a preliminary conversation of about an hour, Washington, gazing upon his companion with that strange look of dignity which he alone commanded, related the event that occurred that day.

"George Washington's Vision"

This afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes.

By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to address her, but my tongue had become useless, as though it had become paralyzed.

A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took possession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor. Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed as if it had become filled with sensations, and luminous. Everything about me seemed to rarefy, the mysterious visitor herself becoming more airy and yet more distinct to my sight than before. I now began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations which I have sometimes imagined accompany dissolution. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move; all were alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at my companion.


e6eda9  No.4174740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When will the evils of transgenderism be revealed?

b1e995  No.4174741

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

6be0ec  No.4174742

hes right you know. trump admin needs to make a move. make an example to give q team(anons) proof. even if small. needs to put a public figure in crosshairs


eb219e  No.4174743


Hahah jimmys looking to see if he got a love letter. Good find anon

dbecfe  No.4174744

File: 28533e4149a85fa⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1917x859, 1917:859, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't know what he said, but I could sure use their help in the garden

d8b2e2  No.4174745


Top of my Deadpool list frankly. Want me to post it?

15d0c5  No.4174746



What I want is for them to actually be held accountable and to feel PAIN. Resignation, with a cushy lifetime pension and benefits is neither. The (D)'s have been working hard to ensure the concept of fedgov employment in law as a "property right" that can not be tampered with/taken away. It needs to STOP. Resignations are NOT enough. They need to LOSE EVERYTHING. ALL of them, not just the Tippy Top.

Also, all those Patriots who had their lives destroyed by those in the permanent, malignant bureaucracy need to be made whole. The DS operated by smears and destruction of reputation. There needs to be a mechanism where those who have been smeared unjustly can be restored. GEOTUS spoke about this during the campaign, how it's "not right" but no plan to fix it has ever been discussed.

Those are just two things we need to do before we can heal and move on.

4a1f68  No.4174747




Manson was a master magician..

He got life in Prison, and never even killed anyone himself.

He was too powerful, he had figured out a service to self HACK in this reality that was allowing him extreme power and influence over people…

Reminds me of Egypt.

f9ba26  No.4174748


The person posting as Q doesn't have to do much right now except be the cheerleader. we get discouraged and need the pep talk. We that have been following Q for over a year already now whats going to happen. The Q drops have lead us to investigate adnauseum everything these fuckhead evil POS's have done. Now we just have to be patient for it to happen.

You can't undo hundreds of years of evil in 2 years. Some stuff will never be brought to light. But the rule of law WILL be enforced and the traitors hung.

The sentance fragments have uncovered SOOOOO much info. Shit I never dreamed I'd find out, and everything is only 6 degrees of separation when its so intertwined with the same sick people generation after generation.

Don't like the show, GTFO.

b45271  No.4174749

File: 0d7c3cc2e30e000⋯.gif (2.2 MB, 315x468, 35:52, giphy.gif)

File: 6ac5290e1c29e6f⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 536x750, 268:375, 11225_1.jpg)

File: cb3f5ab30ec3cd3⋯.jpg (44.36 KB, 320x477, 320:477, 1864964_dd4288b_320x_.jpg)

File: 85f5663ded3686f⋯.jpg (16.54 KB, 300x430, 30:43, 398143_16.jpg)

File: 042ecf6d6b8d1a1⋯.gif (822.79 KB, 384x404, 96:101, porngif77574.gif)

X We are over the target

X marks the spot

X___ signature please

X Clear Image

9 inings

3 outs XXX

Pew Pew Pew

Thank you and enjoy the show

4ca1de  No.4174750




774ef3  No.4174751


Which fields are those, and where are they located?

900e06  No.4174752





8d243e  No.4174753


Who has been controlling humanity on this planet? Are they malevolent forces? Which also raises the question, is the god of the old testament evil (i.e. satan)?

4df6d8  No.4174754

File: 8a0f1395590d18d⋯.jpeg (14.77 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 8a0f1395590d18d6768cc25b0….jpeg)

bd00ea  No.4174755

File: 4d936105b8eea80⋯.png (2 MB, 1392x731, 1392:731, ClipboardImage.png)

For the First Time Since 9/11, Federal Gov’t Takes Steps to Prosecute the Use of Explosives to Destroy WTCs

A team of lawyers has successfully petitioned the federal government, by presenting them with evidence indicating that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Centers.


Matt Agorist -

December 3, 2018


In what can be described as a monumental step forward in the relentless pursuit of 9/11 truth, a United States Attorney has agreed to comply with federal law requiring submission to a Special Grand Jury of evidence that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Centers.

The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry successfully submitted a petition to the federal government demanding that the U.S. Attorney present to a Special Grand Jury extensive evidence of yet-to-be-prosecuted federal crimes relating to the destruction of three World Trade Center Towers on 9/11 (WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7).

55bd14  No.4174756


Ahhhhh! Very interesting. I had never seen JAH referenced before. Are you certain it is revealed at the 33rd degree ceremony?

So, are you thinking the person relating this story is a 33rd degree freemason? And if he is/was and was participating in the satanic ritual - why would he be praying AGAINST what was happening. I don't think I'm following what is being said.

And I AM well read regarding SRA, Luciferians, Crowley (Barbara Bush's dad :) ) & some of the occult beliefs.

***And I apologize - I am new. I'm sorry. I don't exactly know how to link to a previous post in a thread that has filled up & gone into a new thread. So I'm not sure if my posts are linking up to our entire discussion or not. I am sorry.

17b0f6  No.4174757



fab30d  No.4174758

b0b282  No.4174759

Disbarment for ex-federal prosecutor in New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Louisiana’s Supreme Court has disbarred a former federal prosecutor whose anonymous online posts led to turmoil at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Orleans and upended a high-profile police abuse case.

Sal Perricone was an assistant U.S. Attorney when his posts were exposed. He resigned in 2012, as did his boss, Jim Letten, who was not implicated in the postings.

A judge cited Perricone’s misconduct in overturning the convictions of five former police officers connected to deadly shootings at New Orleans’ Danziger bridge in the chaotic days following Hurricane Katrina.

The 67-year-old Perricone voluntarily resigned from the practice of law in federal courts. He had hoped to avoid state disbarment. But the Supreme Court said Wednesday that disbarment was “the only appropriate sanction.”


837219  No.4174760


Thanks, anon.


b1e995  No.4174761

File: c1f52b609c8fbc2⋯.png (672.55 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, santa-claws.png)

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

c25ea6  No.4174762

File: 580c023f4979322⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 580c023f4979322065f2066595….jpg)

ba8024  No.4174764


>But a lot of people are. People are going without eating, sleeping because they are trying to decode Q.

Then they are probably too mentally ill or low IQ to be here.

I haven't lost any sleep trying to decode Q in almost a year, there hasn't been any need for that since then.

The only people who are burning out are those think religiously and allow hope and emotion to cloud their judgement.

0c8e24  No.4174765


felt like we've been living in a mass psychosis for at least 50 years

14f4a7  No.4174766


that's only partially true my friend. higher ranks vs lower ranks. the top dogs are down with the devil in a very conscious way

362126  No.4174767

bd00ea  No.4174768


After waiting months for the reply, the U.S. Attorney responded in a letter, noting that they will comply with the law.

“We have received and reviewed The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Inc.’s submissions of April 10 and July 30, 2018. We will comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3332 as they relate to your submissions,” U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman stated.

This letter from the U.S. Attorney was signed by Michael Ferrara and Ilan Graff, Chiefs, Terrorism and International Narcotics Unit.

As the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Committee points out, the U.S. Attorney’s letter does not spell out the steps that will be taken to comply, but 18 U.S.C. § 3332 is clear as to what these steps must be. This law states: “[a]ny such [United States] attorney receiving information concerning such an alleged offense from any other person shall, if requested by such other person, inform the [Special] grand jury of such alleged offense, the identity of such other person, and such attorney’s action or recommendation.” This law also states that “(a) It shall be the duty of each such [special] grand jury impaneled within any judicial district to inquire into offenses against the criminal laws of the United States alleged to have been committed within that district.”

To illustrate just how historic this response is, below is a summary of the information presented to the federal government via the petition. It does not mince words and details the overwhelming evidence indicating the use of explosives in bringing down the twin towers as well as tower 7.

The Lawyers’ Committee’s April 10th 52-page original Petition was accompanied by 57 exhibits and presented extensive evidence that explosives were used to destroy three WTC buildings. That evidence included independent scientific laboratory analysis of WTC dust samples showing the presence of high-tech explosives and/or incendiaries; numerous first-hand reports by First Responders of explosions at the WTC on 9/11; expert analysis of seismic evidence that explosions occurred at the WTC towers on 9/11 prior to the airplane impacts and prior to the building collapses; and expert analysis by architects, engineers, and scientists concluding that the rapid onset symmetrical near-free-fall acceleration collapse of three WTC high rise buildings on 9/11 exhibited the key characteristics of controlled demolition. The Lawyers’ Committee’s July 30th Amended Petition addresses several additional federal crimes beyond the federal bombing crime addressed in the original Petition. The Lawyers’ Committee concluded in the petitions that explosive and incendiary devices preplaced at the WTC were detonated causing the complete collapse of the WTC Twin Towers on 9/11 and increasing the tragic loss of life.

Attorney Mick Harrison, Litigation Director, stated: “The failure of our government to diligently investigate this disturbing evidence has contributed to the erosion of trust in our institutions. The Lawyers’ Committee felt it was our duty as public citizens to submit this evidence to the U.S. Attorney for submission to the Special Grand Jury.”

Finally, after nearly two decades of ridicule, dismissal, and outright intolerance of information contrary to the “official story” of what happened on 9/11, the public may finally learn the truth.

Dear Lord, please let this be legit.

f4d801  No.4174769



im gonna play ps4 and ignore the normies suffering

will i go to hell

4a1f68  No.4174770




Do you have a rundown on "The Process"?

I don't like putting a lot of my energy into Dark Occult Literature.

6b584f  No.4174771

File: 1303d1ffd37014a⋯.jpg (536.82 KB, 1290x1299, 430:433, CrowleyLAMLamiaVampire.jpg)

1263c0  No.4174772



Presently I heard a voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn," while at the same time my visitor extended her arm eastwardly, I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon a stranger scene. Before me lay spread out in one vast plain all the countries of the world — Europe, Asia, Africa and America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay the Pacific.

"Son of the Republic," said the same mysterious voice as before, "look and learn." At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel, standing or rather floating in mid-air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while with his left hand he cast some on Europe. Immediately a cloud raised from these countries, and joined in mid-ocean. For a while it remained stationary, and then moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American people.

A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean, and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows in sank from view. A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn," I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.

Again, I heard the mysterious voice say, "Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn." At this the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward, and from Africa I saw an ill omened specter approach our land. It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued looking I saw a bright angel, on whose brow rested a crown of light, on which was traced the word "Union," bearing the American flag which he placed between the divided nation, and said, "Remember ye are brethren." Instantly, the inhabitants, casting from them their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard.

"And again I heard the mysterious voice saying "Son of the Republic, look and learn." At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: From each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. Throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America. Our country was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I saw these vast armies devastate the whole county and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of sword, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn" When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast. "Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word Union, and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were will nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.

Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn." As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious!

Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud voice: "While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last." And taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word "Union," he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, "Amen."


1c05fc  No.4174773


Lifer is a LARP

now GTFO faggot

b39a09  No.4174774

File: 17ef19ee662d242⋯.jpeg (202.5 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, A5063E31-95B2-4107-BB38-2….jpeg)

b1e995  No.4174775


What is the definition of 'shilling'?

96358e  No.4174776



is fine here

7c60a5  No.4174777

File: 33f22ddc7f867aa⋯.jpg (56.68 KB, 266x200, 133:100, dog_bone.jpg)


Can relate.

bb2ec7  No.4174778


Gollleeee, I never thought about any of these ideas.

Thanks for bringing such amazing concepts to our attention, GeniusAnon!

ec7475  No.4174779

File: 3e11d86748f6e7e⋯.jpg (71.16 KB, 596x472, 149:118, LIBMUHCO2.jpg)

1eec1d  No.4174780


Joe M

‏ @StormIsUponUs

54m54 minutes ago

The very first Q post hit me like a ton of bricks. It was like nothing I had ever read. I look at it again now and its just words, yet I will never forget that moment. I knew it was truth because it plucked a string that has been resonating in my soul ever since. #TrustThePlan

ced1cc  No.4174781


Just spit-balling this, but could X MAS indicate that another X=Ex-President will be dying soon? If for XMAS, wouldn't the best present be Hussein?

1263c0  No.4174782



The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, "Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union." With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States.


b57993  No.4174783

File: 5516b0c16d431a6⋯.png (345.07 KB, 675x911, 675:911, namefags.png)


go fuck yourself faggot

ba2913  No.4174784


just occurred to me that posting the pdf link doesn't really provide sauce. I don't remember where I picked it up yesterday. I'll check my files

sorry, as i said this anon is on meds that wipe me out.🤔 …….sure hope my doctor didn't get a note from DS 😵

It's all good😎

b1e995  No.4174785

File: 838c1af5fc81cdc⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1111x734, 1111:734, be-with-us-now.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: 7de12bffc2a6500⋯.png (15.53 KB, 678x198, 113:33, soze.png)

File: 6cc5fe2e43ff2a7⋯.png (749.29 KB, 1111x694, 1111:694, WWG1WGAkitty.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

f4d801  No.4174786


gender dysphoria is real and most likely is caused by cabal fuckery whether it is chemicals causing people to be born the wrong gender or think they are

same with the gay

they most likely get a sick laugh out of it as usual

b1e995  No.4174787

File: 34f7443babb725e⋯.png (895.7 KB, 1259x808, 1259:808, pppo.png)

af0e02  No.4174788


XMAS is a type of single packet used to scan an Internet server looking for open ports.


I expect that Q knows who is using these types of scans to find servers that can be compromised and used for untraceable VPNs. Of course, there is a technique that nobody has published, but which the NSA has mastered, that can trace ANY VPN traffic regardless of who owns the server or how it has been compromised.

Anyone who is responsible for servers should look into protection against XMAS scans. Paradoxically, if you reply, it tells the scanner that your port is NOT open. But if you do NOT reply, that tells them you have a service hiding there, maybe a weak one that can be exploited.

Of course, XMAS scan packets can also be exploited to DDOS another server by forging the reply address, so ideally your protection would detect multiple probes and stop sending RST or else only reply RST randomly to a percentage of ports and let them think that you have a lot of open ports that are not really open.

52892d  No.4174789


Good. They were spying on everyone.


d63b19  No.4174790

File: 4a6c65b1cab2a3e⋯.png (809.23 KB, 800x800, 1:1, collagegb.png)

4 Nov 2017 - 10:03:28 PM

Please add crumbs above in new complete graphic.

Organized and in order.

Critical for understanding and review.

Spider web.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia (Alice & Wonderland)(see above).

This is staged and deliberate.

Snow White

Godfather lll


b253ea  No.4174791

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

American Outlaws

- Whiskey Myers

Did someone say Bush? Functional Attrition. 65K to go. The U.S. makes excellent rope…and ammunition. Take out the trash. 41 down…good start, regardless of who punched his ticket. Long overdue.


4a1f68  No.4174792




Well I'm not a Mason, just from what I have read even in the 32nd Degree Scottish Rite ceremony transcribed by Manly P Hall it never definitively says anything about "Lucifer",

but I have been told or "heard" that when you reach 33rd degree you are introduced to Lucifer in the Physical / Spiritual Sense and are allowed into this "Social Memory Complex"..

cdff8d  No.4174793

>>4174704 i was being facetious

375739  No.4174794


I look at the board daily on my treadmill.

Kill two birds….. oops I mean feed two birds with one scone! Kekkk

d8d7c3  No.4174795

File: 8c90784ff5a22e9⋯.jpg (125.86 KB, 795x918, 265:306, 3.JPG)

File: e37f2e054a811a8⋯.jpg (134.33 KB, 605x968, 5:8, 4.JPG)

File: e909bf683f0b2ab⋯.jpg (148.83 KB, 659x918, 659:918, 5.JPG)

File: 283af9e40dc7271⋯.jpg (129.23 KB, 695x939, 695:939, 6.JPG)

File: 56fc0984a6b38ef⋯.jpg (38.27 KB, 521x249, 521:249, 7.JPG)

Mueller-referred probe into Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig, Clinton-linked Tony Podesta heats up


25282f  No.4174796

Remember the nuclear attack warning in Hawaii? Why were Bill, Hillary and Huma there? Very strange.

6b584f  No.4174797


They burned GHWB on a feint… so…

Imagine what they'll do to stop/delay 1/1/19 and 1/2/19 til 1/3/19

c25ea6  No.4174798


blessings anon, i am stealing this, forgive me sir.

89958e  No.4174799


Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!

Slide off into the sunset. No way you are worried about countless people reading Q on the Internet.

Where were you protesting Facebook, Twitter and the rest, after they openly admitted to using the platform to addict people? You were silent.

362126  No.4174800

File: ffdbcf15fb11234⋯.png (24.29 KB, 773x453, 773:453, Shilling.png)

7604bf  No.4174801


Since everything is wave and field energy in 4D that drops into "real" with symmetry breaking - maybe. The question is at what point are we in figuring out the fields and waves - like color field and Higgs field? Is it known and just classified?

b57993  No.4174802


>gender dysphoria is real




















that's almost as delusional as having "gender dysphoria"

f55675  No.4174803

16ed08  No.4174804





5ba548  No.4174805


>12 + 7= 17


14f4a7  No.4174806


we are in control of ourselves but are affected by evil spirits to differing degrees. everyone is different. you bloodline, will power, strength of character is not mine and we are affected differently.

as far as I know the true God of the old testament is not evil in the slightest but truly wonderful and good

f4d801  No.4174807


yep people totally kill themselves cuz it isnt real

364321  No.4174808


>where Ted Kennedy had that unfortunate inincident.

Fat Ted drove his Oldsmobile into a creek and left the seen to go home and sleep off his drunk.

Most importantly, he left a female aide to drown in the Olds that he crashed into that creek … fucking selfish coward cunt.

Fat Ted got off with a nothing for all this scumbaggery because Massholes are crooked dems who love the fucking Kennedys.

Calling it an "unfortunate incident" ? You are very obviously a stupid leftard.

b57993  No.4174809

File: c95b0a7b0c02b38⋯.jpg (174.51 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, fukkensaved6.jpg)


I might forgive… but never forget

8e5909  No.4174810


Possibly purely financial crimes in the run-up to military arrests after the revised UCMJ effective 1/1/19?

079dc1  No.4174811

File: 585af4adce8af90⋯.png (18.78 KB, 988x194, 494:97, ClipboardImage.png)


Still on with this Lavey/New Age slide.

Like earlier:

>>4171261 lb

Every post about "faith" as being some kind of supernatural nonsense. Faith means duty to principles, keeping faith with one's people, making promises and keeping them, and trusting that they’ll do the same by you because they’ve proven themselves honorable in their past actions.

The kind of muh superpowers slide shills like this push are part of the New Age brainwashing narrative of the cabal.

There's nothing spoopy about Lavey being a satanist douche. He was one of (((them))), and he engaged in subversive, anti-Christian/Euro/Western practices which (((they))) can be shown to engage in again and again throughout time. THAT is what we should focus on.

Good vs. Evil exposers have enough to contend with here in the physical plane in ways we can define and NAME with hard, factual evidence. Attempts to re-focus our awakening efforts on amorphous, unprovable bullshit are DISTRACTIONS.

f55675  No.4174812


You dont know what I have been doing now, do you?

df5951  No.4174813


Acting in the interests of the previous poster as opposed to acting in the interest of someone who paid me. In this instance, I did so because I felt it was also in the interest of the board.

21aff6  No.4174814


It is real, it’s called “very low testosterone”.

00b68c  No.4174815

File: 96265ca2815c5ee⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1366x4176, 683:2088, www_wsj_com_articles_faceb….png)

Facebook Board Backs Sheryl Sandberg’s Handling of Research on Investor George Soros

Facebook Inc.’s board of directors threw its support behind Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg on Wednesday, saying that it was “entirely appropriate” for her to ask if George Soros had shorted the company’s stock after the billionaire investor called the social-media giant a “menace.”

Facebook’s general counsel Colin Stretch sent a letter from the board to Patrick Gaspard, president of Mr. Soros’s Open Society Foundations. Mr. Gaspard has been among those who have criticized or questioned Ms. Sandberg’s handling of the matter.


4a1f68  No.4174816




Nothing wrong with video games!

I just don't have the attention span

900e06  No.4174817



b0b282  No.4174818

Miss America terminates agreements with NJ, NY and FL


cdff8d  No.4174819

File: a8b69e3e6459921⋯.jpg (136.85 KB, 750x445, 150:89, ClimateChange.jpg)

File: 3185327296b4195⋯.jpg (228.39 KB, 1021x516, 1021:516, paris_climate_accord_junk_….jpg)

b57993  No.4174820


that's because they're mentally unstable

<muh "gender dysphoria"

b1e995  No.4174821

File: ff7f3e1d51996d8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, Niagra-Falls-vacation-pic-….png)

File: 9057aa6a3d11463⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1555x1870, 311:374, Pepe-goes-to-the-movies.png)

File: e99f698fdd02d5b⋯.png (1005.13 KB, 1555x1870, 311:374, moreadorablekittens.png)

File: 4d30e46703aedd5⋯.png (986.39 KB, 1555x1870, 311:374, frogspuppiesandbirds.png)

File: 6ce951fef74b2a1⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 940x6768, 5:36, fakies.jpg)

be081a  No.4174822


Found it and will share it in case anyone else needs a pick me up.


https:// russia-insider.com/en/russia-russia-russia-russia-russia-russia-russia-russia-russia-russia-and-russia/ri24555

7c9779  No.4174823


Break the MSM

c8a9cc  No.4174824

File: 7d00cd68e5f20d0⋯.jpg (25.91 KB, 320x480, 2:3, acid.jpg)



>the rising, curling vapor

a609a0  No.4174825

I'm feeling very comfy lately. Even my soul feels lighter and less burdened.

65981d  No.4174826

File: 37ac632d7a96817⋯.png (405.59 KB, 479x430, 479:430, hrc vote.png)


If it's not a Notable, what is?

634727  No.4174827


They aren’t going to screw around with Christmas.

cdff8d  No.4174828

>>4174793 see >>4174808

You take sarcasm literally?

5a51a6  No.4174829


I love anons

Sharing news and ideas


As for Q still to be determined

Also, its a myth that 8chan thinks this or that- there is no consensus

4f8e21  No.4174830



Yes I recently seen a video on Youtube, the lawyer was discussing how they filed and some of the things they actually had found with proper investigation techniques, and they believe it was the Mossad. with help from Cheney.

967db0  No.4174831

File: 1dd06e52f65b3dc⋯.png (103.28 KB, 1902x897, 634:299, dec 6.PNG)

all q posts from a year ago

806bc7  No.4174832


da0227  No.4174833

Anyone tuned in on fox news to watch SH?

b1e995  No.4174834


I asked for a definition of 'shilling'.

Shilling means FAKE POSTING for ulterior motives.

Do you disagree?

e610e3  No.4174835

File: e7d62062b98b185⋯.gif (84.88 KB, 288x288, 1:1, e7d62062b98b185f8f9cbad228….gif)

>>4172990 LB

This is what I see when my eyes are closed lately. Recieving signal 12-13KHz-ish. It's getting louder.

Followed link. Holy shit. Really? More info please.

37d2ce  No.4174836

File: 9034dd71eb6f2e8⋯.png (129.96 KB, 1042x684, 521:342, Screenshot (2090).png)

(((They))) quickly took it down!


2717ce  No.4174837


Nice attempt at a SLIDE.

PastorAnon here.

I can see a SLIDE when I see one.

Nice try.

Instead of being ((offended)) and ((self-righteous)), how bout you DIG, LURK, or head back to reddit.


f4d801  No.4174838


i was for like 2 weeks

then the unexplained skin burning and whatever the hell it is set in

geuss its back to targetted harassment


51e6b3  No.4174839

Anybody that believes they are something they are not, is absolutely showing signs of a mental disorder.

5ba548  No.4174840


You seriously don't think that Hannitty's Santa is real was his way of telling us that despite the Murdoch's efforts that Q is real? That this is real?SMDH!

00a045  No.4174841

File: 171d3298ed75c57⋯.jpg (24.45 KB, 481x301, 481:301, 3waffcad.JPG)


>We're almost there frens

4a1f68  No.4174842




Reptilian, always used as the "agenda", when discussing Magic.

This was shapeshifting via Magic/ Alchemy.

638c4a  No.4174843

File: b3bcb52c7e4ac63⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 255x171, 85:57, YourHeartRateAtKittenPoint.jpg)


Member when you could joke that you were a lesbian stuck in a man's body and people would laugh?

d95179  No.4174844


Thanks David.

83aa79  No.4174845


Or maybe he's saying that 10 (Roman numeral X) more (mas) are going to be put to death

86ae00  No.4174846


I believe In multiple universes so I am Kanye.

And Kanye if Elvis so I am the king.

Still, Don&Q is the greatest communication event since Jesus. WWG1WGA

4aa79e  No.4174847

time marches on, any updates on Alan.?

14a5d1  No.4174848


He's OK on connect the dots, color by number…maths…eh.

a906ca  No.4174849


Fox compared HW to Noah today. I’m going to pass and just wait for anons who do watch to report back here.

88b783  No.4174850


The see "Lucifer" as the "lightbringer"

There are plenty of connotations packed into that term.

What's important to take away from what the masons think is that there are mystery religions which have been obscured from old, which tell a much more clear picture.

the masons understand well enough that the three branches have been one all along. they've been used the same all along

hell, we were told a couple thousand years ago

>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

They know the three religions were invented to keep the cattle controlled

they know the old religions have been forgotten, the ones that spoke of ancient prophecies and of ancient events

Most seem to be of the opinion that the masons had been infiltrated and their hidden knowledge has been contorted to worship satan.

But, as you say, they worship "Lucifer", the "light bringer". See, these kinds of people don't seem to think in terms of objective good or bad. what they're really insisting is that the one called Lucifer will bring light to darkness. hell there's even subtle mention that the light will bring pain, but that it will ultimately cleanse the world… whatever that means

74729f  No.4174851

File: dc5d95cc1955b59⋯.jpg (26.9 KB, 480x429, 160:143, 1rpp3h.jpg)

806bc7  No.4174852


f55675  No.4174853


These people are not Anonymous. This is not Anonymous.

b57993  No.4174854

File: a4c8a2a80e3a008⋯.png (110.81 KB, 459x478, 459:478, npc2.png)

1c05fc  No.4174855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8d8f3e  No.4174856


been thinking of this Xmas stuff & Hannity…

POTUS draws us all in to watch on monday- nothingburger.. no whistleblower. dissapointment.

at the end he does a seemingly random story of santa- real or not. he got both the guests to say, " there is a Santa Claus."

now the the Q post, what do you want for Christmas?

Santa is real anons, lets see if he brings what we all want..


b253ea  No.4174857


Don't ever tag me again.

79ee12  No.4174858

File: 7ecb215aa3592cb⋯.jpg (368.95 KB, 2000x1418, 1000:709, jm8wisqs53p01[1].jpg)

ec7475  No.4174860

File: d0f4e3c4c78f18f⋯.jpg (102 KB, 800x531, 800:531, Climate_Change_SETTLED!!!!.jpg)


pic related ranks highly too. Among the When Al Gore was born 130.000 Glaciers on Earth.

Today only 130.000 Glaciers exist.

ea66e1  No.4174861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4a1f68  No.4174862




Read The Law of One, articles on The Harvest, Service to Self, The Distortions on this "Dimension", whatever peeks your interest,

and then read the Hidden Hand Dialogue.

Trust your gut with this stuff though, there is no way it is all true.. But, nevertheless, a-lot of it rang true to me in my heart.

bd00ea  No.4174863

File: 383e2123ee2d1b7⋯.png (1.02 MB, 768x576, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. Attorney Takes First Step toward Prosecuting Explosive Destruction of World Trade Center on 9/11

AE911Truth Staff

November 27, 2018

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is pleased to share the following announcement made by the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry on November 26, 2018:

United States Attorney Agrees to Comply with Federal Law Requiring Submission to Special Grand Jury of Report by Lawyers’ Committee and 9/11 Victim Family Members of Yet-To-Be-Prosecuted 9/11 Related Federal Crimes

The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, a nonprofit public interest organization, announces its receipt of a letter from the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York in response to the Lawyers’ Committee’s April 10, 2018 Petition and July 30, 2018 Amended Petition demanding that the U.S. Attorney present to a Special Grand Jury extensive evidence of yet-to-be-prosecuted federal crimes relating to the destruction of three World Trade Center Towers on 9/11 (WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7). The U.S. Attorney, in his November 7, 2018 letter to the Lawyers’ Committee, stated: “We have received and reviewed The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Inc.'s submissions of April 10 and July 30, 2018. We will comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3332 as they relate to your submissions” (emphasis added). (The U.S. Attorney’s letter is available here.)

The U.S. Attorney’s letter does not spell out the steps that will be taken to comply, but 18 U.S.C. § 3332 is clear as to what these steps must be. This law states: “[a]ny such [United States] attorney receiving information concerning such an alleged offense from any other person shall, if requested by such other person, inform the [Special] grand jury of such alleged offense, the identity of such other person, and such attorney's action or recommendation.” This law also states that “(a) It shall be the duty of each such [special] grand jury impaneled within any judicial district to inquire into offenses against the criminal laws of the United States alleged to have been committed within that district.”

This letter from the U.S. Attorney was signed by Michael Ferrara and Ilan Graff, Chiefs, Terrorism and International Narcotics Unit. On November 24, 2018, the Lawyers’ Committee replied, thanking the U.S. Attorney and expressing support for a thorough inquiry into the crimes reported in the Lawyers’ Committee’s petitions.

b0b282  No.4174864

Death of BBC radio presenter Vicki Archer ruled as suicide

Archer had left her drive-time show on BBC Radio Shropshire while it was on air

A radio presenter who left her show while it was on air and was found dead at her home hours later took her own life, an inquest has concluded.

Vicki Archer, who left work part-way through a drive-time show, had a history of depression and had made two previous attempts on her life, Shropshire coroner’s court was told.


b1e995  No.4174865

File: 8d56ce93844ae76⋯.png (240.34 KB, 458x533, 458:533, hjmhy.png)

File: 9f030de3227e1bd⋯.png (603.19 KB, 1189x444, 1189:444, bgcwbjm.png)

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)

File: 80fb824f9795a79⋯.png (915.55 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, L.png)

05939c  No.4174866

File: fea3e7d8ee97f89⋯.png (10.73 KB, 250x255, 50:51, PEPEwinka57b99aed065fff.png)


Yeah, I'll take one for the team.

88b783  No.4174867


ahh you seem to be describing what the "survivors" tend to refer to as "soul memory/soul cell memory"

it's pretty nifty. not really sure if i've experienced it though…

1eec1d  No.4174868



Is this the first?: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/146981635/#q147005381

"Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017. "

6be0ec  No.4174869

lol, xmas is betond anyones understanding on here except for one codefag, lol

bb5c0b  No.4174870

Trump needs to Release all the Classified Doc’s tonight at 11:59 EST


bd00ea  No.4174871



The Lawyers’ Committee’s April 10th 52-page original Petition was accompanied by 57 exhibits and presented extensive evidence that explosives were used to destroy three WTC buildings. That evidence included independent scientific laboratory analysis of WTC dust samples showing the presence of high-tech explosives and/or incendiaries; numerous first-hand reports by First Responders of explosions at the WTC on 9/11; expert analysis of seismic evidence that explosions occurred at the WTC towers on 9/11 prior to the airplane impacts and prior to the building collapses; and expert analysis by architects, engineers, and scientists concluding that the rapid onset symmetrical near-free-fall acceleration collapse of three WTC high rise buildings on 9/11 exhibited the key characteristics of controlled demolition. The Lawyers’ Committee’s July 30th Amended Petition addresses several additional federal crimes beyond the federal bombing crime addressed in the original Petition. The Lawyers’ Committee concluded in the petitions that explosive and incendiary devices preplaced at the WTC were detonated causing the complete collapse of the WTC Twin Towers on 9/11 and increasing the tragic loss of life.

Attorney Mick Harrison, Litigation Director, stated: “The failure of our government to diligently investigate this disturbing evidence has contributed to the erosion of trust in our institutions. The Lawyers’ Committee felt it was our duty as public citizens to submit this evidence to the U.S. Attorney for submission to the Special Grand Jury.”

Attorney David Meiswinkle, President of the Lawyers’ Committee’s Board of Directors, stated: “We have offered to assist the U.S. Attorney in the presentation of this evidence to a Special Grand Jury. We have also requested that Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth provide us expert support in the hope that our organizations will be invited to make a joint presentation of relevant evidence to the Special Grand Jury.”

Attorney William Jacoby, Lawyers’ Committee Board Member, stated: “We call upon the public and legal community to contact us and support our efforts to contribute to this grand jury process and to monitor and ensure compliance by the Justice Department.”

Executive Director and Actor Ed Asner stated: “The U.S. Attorney’s decision to comply with the Special Grand Jury Statute regarding our petitions is an important step towards greater transparency and accountability regarding the tragic events of 9/11.”

db546a  No.4174872

fucking hirono

just hearing her is exhausting

c7a71f  No.4174873

File: 72e53253632b71f⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 564x564, 1:1, bb01da2bff6fff20fb5e91395d….jpg)

6b584f  No.4174874


Heaven forbid you realize you have the ability to do horrendous (though sometimes necessary/revolution) things!

That the capacity for sociopathic control over the world is inherent in every living person.

Best to convince yourself that they're "not human".

"No human could act like that and walk around with a smile…"

74729f  No.4174875

File: 12261c063206377⋯.png (58.34 KB, 200x199, 200:199, 464.png)

89958e  No.4174876


Yet you know what Q followers are doing? Losing wives and husbands. Siting around decoding Q and researching? Not eating? You have a crystal ball?

Yes I know what you are doing. Dividing and sliding. Tell Hillary I said hi next time she visits the CIA

df5951  No.4174877


>Shilling means FAKE POSTING for ulterior motives.

That is one way of looking at it. By explaining my motivation I thought I clarified the point.

In a broad concept, I would define shilling as posting on behalf of someone else.

644d90  No.4174879

File: af65091164db47c⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1400x778, 700:389, X_symbols.png)


X is also the symbol for Nimrod… and it's think with them

aaf36f  No.4174880

>>4174461 (lb)

the one that says Kuru, the word Kuru was added and is faked, the text type clearly shows it is not apart of the original doc,

1263c0  No.4174881

Now American Hero Channel talking about Illuminati worldwide

f9ca3b  No.4174882

File: 6423a2757e98ed8⋯.png (101.4 KB, 1217x995, 1217:995, 6423a2757e98ed8a3d8516bdde….png)


Same thing for any in denial of their true nature

806bc7  No.4174883



14f4a7  No.4174884


(pb) that shit please

no one was praying to YAH at the ritual. we were praying to JAH and were not there. distance doesn't exist in the spirit

JAH or YAH os short for YAHWEH. it's like a nick name. but then again so is YAHWEH

i know that woman and i know that story. false. good old fashion fake news

68e4ea  No.4174885

File: 16dd8ecf359319d⋯.jpg (6.8 KB, 236x236, 1:1, woodstockkk.jpg)


Go waste your life on a computer game. We are doing something real here. Adults here. I think we can manage concernfag

d2a1d6  No.4174886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This looks like a shorter version of the documentary I watched.

Upstate New York, bunch of old rich guys (of course) satanists. SOS murders were human sacrifices carried out by a team, with some videotaped. They had plans to create widespread fear in the cities.

da0227  No.4174887


US television is weird af, lol.

Yesterday I thought that the Ingram Angle was part of SH show, I suffered for 10 minutes of that deep voiced bimbo show, lel.

Tucker is cool, I don't like SH very much but I will watch it today cuz I like to see things for myself.

47c065  No.4174888

Hannity starts. Spewing about Solomans Hill piece

ec7475  No.4174889

File: 07b1fe304d2983c⋯.jpeg (115.85 KB, 585x336, 195:112, Pepe Bless calm.jpeg)


Bless you anon.

4a1f68  No.4174891



Shilling (British coin) The shilling (1/-) was a coin worth one twentieth of a pound sterling, or twelve pence. It was first minted in the reign of Henry VII as the testoon, and became known as the shilling from the Old English scilling, sometime in the mid-sixteenth century, circulating until 1990.

d95179  No.4174892


There is advance technology that they are keeping from us. Unlimited energy.

c9e8ad  No.4174893


Sure, she's not wide but….just look at the X axis!!!!

what kind of 12yr boys to you know?

You must be an actual HOMOSEXUAL.

f9ba26  No.4174894

52955a  No.4174895

Credit to the peerless Charles Ortel for tip on this:

(from about 01:00 in this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn8KPVIbhro)


Oversight of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation

Subcommittee on Government Operations

Hearing Date: Thurs Dec 13, 2018 2:00 pm 2154 Rayburn HOB

See: https://www.theepochtimes.com/clinton-foundation-pay-to-play-model-under-investigation-infographic_2730887.html

a8b39a  No.4174896


Not true. After everything is gone we all still have job offers.

4ab91c  No.4174897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hannity is dropping a couple of Q Phrases kek

65981d  No.4174898

File: cac42d928a32d3a⋯.png (666.47 KB, 1528x6620, 382:1655, KeyD.png)


22, 23, 24.

The stars align

The false Christ they have created will be exposed.

Mary Christ's Mass.

a01c34  No.4174900

File: 2da32e0b6ce95b1⋯.jpg (307.25 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, wowshareblue.jpg)


>not even capable of using (((triple))) parenthesis

Why do you shills even bother man…

88b783  No.4174901


ahh, you must be talking about what Tesla left.

maybe the 11.11 events have something to do with it

bb5c0b  No.4174902


Santa is Fake but the Easter bunny is real.

Wake up anon

d8b2e2  No.4174904


Stole my meme and modified it. My list so NOT notable, only to me and who I coordinate it with (Nunya). [YOU] have issues with this anon?


My DP List 12-4-2018

Hilary Clinton

Jimmy Carter


Bob Dole

Bill Clinton

James Comey

Rod Rosenstein

09c009  No.4174905


Longest slide of night. Thanks.

b454ed  No.4174906

File: a510fb25c7768d2⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 307x387, 307:387, a510fb25c7768d2226baf8f579….jpg)

da0227  No.4174907



Baby Jesus in a cage, top lel.

e97bf4  No.4174908


sorry this was not directed at baker, it was directed at anon trying to get me to not seek Rogan deeds

774ef3  No.4174909



I could just hear her say to herself, "I just can't do this anymore". Jesus

aad163  No.4174910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



a0371b  No.4174911

If the narrative is so important, then get rid of those controlling and replace with those willing to speak truth. I mean how hard is this? Rhetorica.


a82ddb  No.4174912

File: 487ff14c48b05a2⋯.jpeg (180.1 KB, 2000x1338, 1000:669, aarp.jpeg)

Breaking news Hannity

Mueller investigation is a witch hunt

ef3ac9  No.4174913


Anything is possible anon.


dbecfe  No.4174914

File: 2972383a9c58bb9⋯.jpg (6.32 KB, 232x217, 232:217, fukkensaved.jpg)

cddef0  No.4174915

File: 027f7d297227f62⋯.jpg (66.26 KB, 1081x579, 1081:579, sat.JPG)

US Satellite May Now Be Controlled By China

2:28 PM 12/05/2018 | World

Hanna Bogorowski | Reporter

Two Americans wanted to create a satellite in an effort to increase internet access in Africa, but their project is quickly and potentially dangerously turning over into the hands of the Chinese government.

Boeing agreed to build the satellite even after the founders of Global IP informed them it was being financed by the Chinese government through a web of shell companies and foreign transactions.

China appears to be ramping up efforts to usurp the technology, causing concern for U.S. officials.

A Tuesday report from The Wall Street Journal revealed how a state-owned Chinese financial firm may be getting ahold of a U.S. satellite that uses restricted technology relied on by the U.S. military through a web of financial transactions and foreign investments.

While there are several laws that forbid exporting satellite technology to China, Boeing Co. agreed to build the satellite for an American startup company even after the founders told the defense contractor that the Chinese government was financially backing the project, according to the report.

….more in article….


364321  No.4174916

File: 5e6e24162a3f89c⋯.jpg (106.17 KB, 526x539, 526:539, restofthehouse.jpg)


>Hartley's lawsuit claims that Wallace put his printer on the floor under his desk and ordered her to service the printer on a daily basis.

>Hartley claims that she asked Wallace to move the printer to a different spot in the office so she wouldn't have to crawl under the desk, while he was sitting there, to service the printer while she was wearing "dresses and skirts."

What an obvious scumbag.

No way every man in that office didn't know of this fuckery … and Kamala would have known as well … and likely laughed her ass off at its obvious lechery.

1a15f1  No.4174917

File: 37513230c1e3845⋯.jpeg (6.02 KB, 227x222, 227:222, ponder_pepe.jpeg)

What was BHO's email address at clintonemail.com

07a040  No.4174918


(pb) anon mentions L(left) R(right) middle might be (D)…LDR is next dog?

09c009  No.4174919


RBG next

low anon spitball

14f4a7  No.4174920


i'm afraid you don't know what you are talking about but that's ok

f55675  No.4174921


No. Q is an unreality. Wjat will you do when trump leaves office and a new potus comes in and nothing ever happens? Will you be able to admit to yourself it was not real? Or will you be angry because trump didnt bring "the bad guys" down and continue this…wasting your lives?

741aef  No.4174923

File: 1dee9b6af50dba2⋯.png (10.3 KB, 455x242, 455:242, ClipboardImage.png)


There was another post today with an :11 marker. 11s in the time stamp here.

It is the difference between the two dates on the clock by marker.

11 is significant number is all of this.

05939c  No.4174924

No indication of whistleblower(s) in headliner.

. J. Solomon reporting on email chain implicating JC

. Flynn mercy note from Mueller.

d2a1d6  No.4174925

Imagine a room full of Hannity clones all interrupting each other.

51e6b3  No.4174926

MKUltra talking to individuals again.

Florida man says ‘voices’ urged him to kill daughter by throwing her off bridge, court records reveal


782e0d  No.4174927



4a1f68  No.4174928

45a190  No.4174929

Hannity breaking the new John Solomon details right now.

0f93a9  No.4174930

File: 9c5ae6687ecd7e1⋯.png (150.66 KB, 471x585, 157:195, fpi-pepe-security.png)

74729f  No.4174931

File: f4b1a1e396a78b4⋯.jpg (6.07 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 560.jpg)

60d514  No.4174932


(((fuck off juicespam nigger)))

89958e  No.4174933


Learn how to follow a conversation in here, before you post. Idiot

a8b39a  No.4174934


Get two birds stoned at once.

43a2e6  No.4174935


oh wait…

already did…

how did that work out MULTIPLE times?


d8b2e2  No.4174936


AARP is part of the Cabal when they supported Obummer's ACA. Muther fuckers are Dead to me.

9c841f  No.4174937


Sauce on violence and arrests from to much Q?

20ebe2  No.4174938

File: 07019afe6b8f5a9⋯.jpg (259.34 KB, 1232x765, 1232:765, GrimReaperRBGDeadPool.jpg)

88b783  No.4174939


still think we didn't scoop all of those early ones

how long had Q been astroturfing us?

b6d242  No.4174940


>Hannity breaking the new John Solomon details right now.

live stream


a242a8  No.4174941

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

7604bf  No.4174942


I admit the Higgs field could easily be the aether that Tesla endorsed.

b454ed  No.4174943


this is not a chat room, jimmy

ced1cc  No.4174944


Another good possibility, which would ultimately include Hussein, but is even more encompassing of ALL of {{{THEM=DS}}}!

8121ef  No.4174945

File: c48a9ce270dae23⋯.png (397.58 KB, 650x700, 13:14, 430F.png)

51e6b3  No.4174946


Be all kinds of fun in bed afterwards.

4a1f68  No.4174947




"The Process" I imagine is a method of mind control over someone else?

da0227  No.4174948


Newfags need to learn that Israel is an enemy.

3b36e8  No.4174949


He's talking fisa now… not bad.

01b5ed  No.4174950


I read many years ago about how they are trying to open portals to let more demonic spirits in. Most were already opened, but still a few had to be done yet. I can't remember where I read this, but it goes back to Nimrod, and the Tower of Babal possibly being a portal also.

17b0f6  No.4174951


My ass is getting bigger. Must be Q's fault.


b253ea  No.4174952

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Rock That Says My Name

- Steel Woods

You can carve anything on a rock…the truth lasts forever and burns through the darkness.

Anons are securing for themselves a legacy of light. Glory lasts forever..


6f0bdd  No.4174953

So the matrix is the programming we receive from childbirth- the invisible blinders that are built layer by layer to dim our vision as we progress through our development into mental slavery. The matrix is the indoctrination of culture through the (primary) sources of media values and compulsory state education reinforced by fear, anxiety and isolation. To live within the matrix is to live without your humanity.


4b58dd  No.4174954

File: 9cc752548bb82d6⋯.jpg (134.36 KB, 460x460, 1:1, SuperTrumpb.jpg)


but the juice did 9/11.

65981d  No.4174955


KEK. You are correct.

Dayum- Lack of sleep steals simple math. Noted!

3b36e8  No.4174956


He's talking fisa now…. good intro. Solomon coming on later.

d8b2e2  No.4174957


That is me too.

ba2913  No.4174958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Military Tribunals To Begin In January

Published on 3 Dec 2018

Military Tribunals for Deep State traitors attempting to overthrow the Trump administration and those involved in child trafficking will begin in January. A secret meeting in Columbia, South Carolina has set plans in motion for what will finally be justice served to those who harm children and try to destroy our Republic, while former President George H.W. Bush was quietly executed for his crimes in a plea deal. David Zublick unseals the truth in this special report!

GHWB info starts at 20:41

it's all interesting info before that marker but just before the GHWB starts, there is a part of Brennan and how his trial & death will be public that gives me goosebumps thinking about

ec7475  No.4174959

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB, 415x496, 415:496, Comfy.png)

900e06  No.4174960

File: ac9793355a08a88⋯.webm (4.2 MB, 202x360, 101:180, ac9793355a08a88fe91d5173b….webm)


3cec07  No.4174961

File: 92e0fcb7d8fed82⋯.jpeg (838.79 KB, 1242x1711, 1242:1711, 2B66EE7D-4A13-4ADD-A6BB-7….jpeg)



No hearing at all for the FISA at the FISA Court

How, is that even possible in a Presidential election in the United States of America??? FISA court corruption, too!

e855be  No.4174962


been thinking they'll have to have rachel maddow and other liberal media start reporting the truth. some of these people wouldn't believe it from anyone else. hell, spouse anon won't believe me and we've known each other for over 20 years.

df5951  No.4174963



He's wearing his Clown pin.

d95179  No.4174964



Suicide weekend?

Who goes after Killary? I though rbg would go before hilldog

1c05fc  No.4174965

File: 80e056a2d22e1bf⋯.png (532.71 KB, 640x640, 1:1, tenor.png)

09ea95  No.4174966

we already knew/know about the FBI emails

NOT breaking ffs faggots

89958e  No.4174967


Yet here you are, chatting

17b0f6  No.4174968

File: 714aca7dbab7643⋯.jpg (32.86 KB, 594x428, 297:214, GayKirk.jpg)

File: 543a8541ca6eefa⋯.jpg (180.57 KB, 1432x875, 1432:875, Gerbilgate.jpg)

e874d2  No.4174969


>Harris said she was "unaware" of the "issue."

that is a blatant lie

if not she is moar stupid even than

Q says

since when does a 400K settlement go unnoticed in ANY office

b0b282  No.4174971

Former Red Robin Restaurant Company CEO Dies by Suicide

YAKIMA, WASH. (AP) — The former CEO of the national Red Robin restaurant chain has died of suicide in his native Washington state.

The Yakima Herald reports 68-year-old Michael James Snyder died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound on Sunday at home in Yakima.

The Yakima County Coroner has ruled the death a suicide and no further information is being released.

Snyder in 1979 was the first franchisee of the Red Robin burger restaurant, which started in Seattle.


c8a9cc  No.4174972

File: 8eef8e5ee46abe3⋯.jpg (17.54 KB, 500x388, 125:97, notdumbhere.jpg)

6be0ec  No.4174973

this lady is gonna croak any minute. the dems are forcing here to do this. wont last much longer. human body cant take this at this age.


1a15f1  No.4174974

File: 672cce0f48f3739⋯.gif (6.68 MB, 334x480, 167:240, j3joqbnyti221.gif)

4a1f68  No.4174975

d2a1d6  No.4174976


They all are…..Berkowitz was a weak-minded schmo talked into doing some of the shootings.

My hypothesis is that they were going with the serial killer boogie-man, as an assignment from the CFR to sow discord and fear, until they discovered that the mass shooting events were far more effective (notice you rarely hear anything about Serial Killers anymore).

cddef0  No.4174977

File: d08bbf455ee554b⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 1067x530, 1067:530, what the.JPG)

A feminist Lutheran Pastor is currently collecting purity rings to melt down and mold into a giant golden vagina sculpture, a venture she hopes will advance her quest to “take-down” Church attitudes about sex.

Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber is the founder of House for All Sinners and Saints, a Denver, Colorado church that bills itself as “Christo-centric, social justice-oriented, queer-inclusive, incarnational, contemplative, irreverent” and rooted in “theological imagination.”

She first announced her controversial project at the 2018 Makers Conference but has now called upon people via Twitter to send her their purity rings to contribute to her “massive art project,” as reported by The Christian Post.

The purity ring is a symbol held by many Christians as a sign of commitment to abstain from sex until marriage; it was especially popular during the Evangelical Purity Movement of the 1990s and 2000s. However, Bolz-Weber argues that the Christian concept of “purity” is not a positive one.


b7b3df  No.4174978

File: a21df205818dbd6⋯.png (807.69 KB, 1023x554, 1023:554, mxtonedown.png)

File: d8b5faf6800deaa⋯.png (372.96 KB, 1022x550, 511:275, suppres.png)

Heard OReilly interviewed on OANN telling the host that POTUS needs to "tone it down" on Twat. Why can't he just go away, along with the rest of the MSM sewage? How ironic that he depends on the Internet now after he'd spent all that time telling his (Faux) viewers to not trust "Internet" stories because REAL newspeople (such as Luke Rosiak/Awans) were breaking actual news all the time, and BOR's Controlled Entertainment Channel suppressed everything.

b1e995  No.4174979

File: 42edca7096f9a01⋯.png (204.83 KB, 486x333, 54:37, james.png)

File: 1467905eb0767fb⋯.png (304.76 KB, 464x530, 232:265, blimmy.png)

File: 12c95cbbec10c1a⋯.png (289.04 KB, 697x444, 697:444, bgjmy.png)

File: ec27fd8946d96b2⋯.png (918.89 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, youdoindeed.png)

File: f54155812606719⋯.jpg (476.73 KB, 832x1024, 13:16, MarlFAke.jpg)


But why would you broaden the concept?

In an environment [here] where FAKENESS often dominates, arbitrarily broadening concepts pertaining to fakeness would seem to run you the risk of muddying the waters. Surely you want us to be vigilant about fakeness here, right anon? You don't want to CONFUSE the issue by bizarrely changing the meanings of words? That would be insane anon. lol

Do YOU think fakeness is a problem?

What do you think tech giants are doing with all their AI tech anon? Saving it?

What is going on [here]? Is it a game?

Are our enemies trying to control this board or not?

What opinion can you "shill" for yourself about these questions linguisticallyinnovativeanon?

4ab91c  No.4174980

Blue dot thing has flat lined, did we do that?


f55675  No.4174981


When you refuse to listen to any news except what trump tells you is ok to watch, you miss what is actually happening in the world. There is a reason he tells you not to believe certain sources…because he has a lot to hide. And you do not see what is going on in the real world because your head is down doing this.

I am signing off. Think about what I have said. ✌

09c009  No.4174982



she ded


awaiting cabal covens disruption of unveiling evil

5a51a6  No.4174983


True so

364321  No.4174984


Hannity is unwatchable.

375739  No.4174985

But what about those of us who just dgaf? I’ve always felt outside the norm, but honestly don’t care. It’s actually a nice feeling!


9d0dab  No.4174986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did it ever occur to you that not everybody reads this board 24/7, or that New people find this site everyday?

I just red-pilled a bank guard today and sent him here, and he's sending his sister here.

Do you keep tabs on how many times people post porn and other shit?

Why are (((you))) so Triggered by posting about Zionist Influence in our Government?

f0a913  No.4174987

File: fca5418a20d82b1⋯.jpeg (101.58 KB, 604x731, 604:731, fullsizeoutput_6ea.jpeg)

b454ed  No.4174988

File: 1633bb7c6a6ce56⋯.jpg (65.9 KB, 800x486, 400:243, 1633bb7c6a6ce5684f314fdc2b….jpg)

4a1f68  No.4174989

47406c  No.4174990


I like how POTUS wore a blue tie and everybody else is in black tie.

3f5737  No.4174991

You are welcome Anons. Have a great evening.

9c841f  No.4174992


I asked for sauce not an opinion.

c25ea6  No.4174993

File: 2675e3f1b16769f⋯.jpg (109.2 KB, 807x500, 807:500, 2675e3f1b16769f3ba92796293….jpg)

65981d  No.4174994





Live Stream by JU JU Bot.

In your face.


d8b2e2  No.4174995

File: 06d232ecc0ce54b⋯.jpg (19.95 KB, 305x222, 305:222, stupid.JPG)



43a2e6  No.4174996

>>4174935 me



(fuck… ok… y'all can't be hurt by these pukes)


fab30d  No.4174997


Now comes the pain.


Fuq Yup!!

cddef0  No.4174998

File: ca2579ce629a0c8⋯.jpg (167.25 KB, 400x600, 2:3, sauce force 4.jpg)

245faa  No.4174999

You know an order was green lit when potus said on Twitter…



2 tweets back to back


da0227  No.4175000


I know, but its important to watch.

Today is not that bad, yesterday was awful.

88b783  No.4175001


not gonna lie, my knowledge of… basically all those things is limited

do you think that "demonstration", as most are calling it, was a demonstration of what you're describing?

60d514  No.4175002


dank af

a82ddb  No.4175003



c57201  No.4175004


If he would only shut up and let his

guest speak , the public would gather so much

more info. That is the one thing he needs to do

is STFU and let ppl speak. Likes the sound of his own voice. Hard to watch

1a15f1  No.4175005

If Mueller was re-enlisted would Flynn be his commanding officer? Undercover?

e97bf4  No.4175006

File: 17987ab4889c978⋯.jpg (148.21 KB, 1202x617, 1202:617, Screenshot 2018-12-05_21-0….jpg)

b1e995  No.4175007

File: 1bba91a634d926c⋯.png (391.29 KB, 600x507, 200:169, SNMLY.png)

File: ef48999f1946de6⋯.png (401.14 KB, 768x512, 3:2, MuellerJudgment.png)

File: 1110d3a78e31ab9⋯.jpg (1005.84 KB, 782x1111, 782:1111, leclaircestmoi.jpg)

File: 01e2f50a37ae391⋯.png (690.03 KB, 999x697, 999:697, nobswhit.png)

bd00ea  No.4175008

Ryan Saavedra

‏Verified account @RealSaavedra

58m58 minutes ago

BREAKING: Larry Wallace, a longtime top staff member of Sen. Kamala Harris (D), has resigned after a $400,000 harassment & retaliation settlement came to light from his time working for Harris in California's DOJ.

A spokesperson for Harris said she was "unaware" of the "issue."


8e5909  No.4175009


The lack of Justice from the Trump DOJ is the problem.

8121ef  No.4175010

File: b3737a3a54933d9⋯.png (200.78 KB, 577x342, 577:342, 865B5533FDD7.png)

cd6fda  No.4175011

File: 1e254a702290c17⋯.jpg (482.52 KB, 975x1465, 195:293, chamber of shills 2.jpg)

So many of them.

All retard, all the time.

d5084e  No.4175012

File: e1827d19ab9ef8d⋯.jpeg (141.52 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, A9856658-AF5D-4E03-B0CC-E….jpeg)

89958e  No.4175013

File: 5890f2a75226487⋯.jpg (16.27 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 9b8b26192529ddb8540c5e7b6e….jpg)

7604bf  No.4175014


36e326  No.4175015


Did he mention his dad was a motherfucker?

da0227  No.4175016

364321  No.4175017


>PastorAnon here.

I doubt this.

A pastor would know that XMAS is a politically correct poser's way of saying Christmas without offending people like you.

I'll hang out wherever I want, "pastor".

d95179  No.4175018

File: 2294df8a5560c82⋯.gif (223.3 KB, 300x100, 3:1, AD33E7BE-DBF0-4D68-AC18-3D….gif)

5c5c2e  No.4175019


Yes, I know what you have been doing.'

You have been using reason 7 logic to open the eyes of these Q zombies and try to make them deal with reality.


You have caused so many of them to leave this board in the last few hours and turn on CNN that it is ruining our psyop.

These Qculters are belong to US, not you!

88b783  No.4175020


yup yup

thanks for following, anon

we're still not there yet.

don't forget to follow the map. we don't just get to jump around on it

c46e4d  No.4175021

File: 7f745dffae6f344⋯.png (59.17 KB, 635x219, 635:219, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

File: 12564a5b8ce3e49⋯.png (276.77 KB, 1112x548, 278:137, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

File: 7bc8a9c71f3f788⋯.png (65.07 KB, 643x222, 643:222, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

File: 0f225814108e950⋯.png (82.06 KB, 626x216, 313:108, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

File: 0a113b875c6b83b⋯.png (60.57 KB, 649x209, 59:19, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

f50c18  No.4175022


November 20, 2017: "U.S. and Afghan forces have launched a series of attacks on narcotics laboratories in southern Afghanistan, marking the start of what could become a long, expanded air war there under President Trump."


0f93a9  No.4175023

File: a50bf0997b7462d⋯.png (494.43 KB, 477x564, 159:188, true-lies-q1.png)

7c60a5  No.4175024


It's like watching a cat throw up *almost* the same thing every day. But God bless him, he seems to be a patriot and has red-pilled many.

8e5909  No.4175025


Pix of Danielle or it didnt happen.

079dc1  No.4175026

Basket of deNotables

Lemme know feels of +/-, ty anons


>>4174714 Anon's analysis on why HRC is next

>>4174715, >>4174641 Kamala Harris aide resigns for harassment, & she didn't know?

>>4174677 Acting, or Chutzpah? DAG Rod Rosenstein Snarks on POTUS at DOJ Conference

>>4174636 NYT still shilling hard to neg on Gen Flynn: article on "Turkish lobbying"

>>4174575 Anon muses about Oct. 26, 2017 Tucker vid re: Vegas, 2 days b4 Q "started"

>>4174555 Anon suggests [10] marker could be indicated by Dec. 12 2017 Xmas drop

>>4174493, >>4174648 George Bush Jr. said he called Sr. Fri when told "minutes to live"

7604bf  No.4175027


I don't know - but that wave is too fucking perfect.

ec7475  No.4175028

File: 7d45234bcc99634⋯.jpg (242.05 KB, 704x929, 704:929, NAMEFAG back to Reddit.jpg)


We know what you are, glownigger.

5a51a6  No.4175029


Lets put it one level up

What the fuck is a secret court????

Vaccine secret court

FISA warrants secret court

Are they even legal?

51e6b3  No.4175030

File: 3d2f896ed642568⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1280x533, 1280:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Not Trump DOJ just yet, but getting closer.

FBI team who worked under Obama's presidency hollowed out, after latest resignation of key official


1c05fc  No.4175031

File: 0746b94047a643a⋯.jpg (24.67 KB, 384x377, 384:377, 9a5ea613db2f75500f3b71592a….jpg)

d789e6  No.4175032

It takes Hannity FOREVER to say NOTHING


90df32  No.4175033


Lots of dogs are brown.

4f8e21  No.4175034


POTUS may have "drafted" Muellar, then POTUS IS his CO.

a7fefc  No.4175035

I just thought of this and not sure if it has been covered before, but could "ABC agency" actually mean Amazon?

The logo for Amazon of course being an arrow from A to Z (the alphabet)

c8a9cc  No.4175037


world's most successful drywall hanger

93fbc0  No.4175038

File: 945d3ce18a78b3c⋯.jpg (247.87 KB, 1074x1684, 537:842, _20181206_150708.JPG)

Documents show Facebook used user data as competitive weapon


Internal Facebook documents released by a U.K. parliamentary committee offer the clearest evidence yet that the social network has used its enormous trove of user data as a competitive weapon, often in ways designed to keep its users in the dark.

Parliament’s media committee accused Facebook on Wednesday of cutting special deals with some app developers to give them more access to data, while icing out others that it viewed as potential rivals.


http://archive.is/guDnv (it did not archive at all well)

Very interdasting.

b45271  No.4175039

File: 8663c9eae8506ce⋯.gif (3.06 MB, 480x270, 16:9, giphy-1.gif)

File: 63d35705f4dcb85⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1280x868, 320:217, Screenshot-2016-07-04-22.0….png)

File: 7418122e4daf94b⋯.jpg (19.37 KB, 323x439, 323:439, wwe-john-cena-15x-t-offici….jpg)

File: 16639dff5d052b7⋯.jpg (14.93 KB, 236x275, 236:275, 6fce89b534316f9d184fe133e5….jpg)

File: a868760af0cfde1⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 498x280, 249:140, downloadfile.gif)

364321  No.4175040


>Anybody that believes they are something they are not, is absolutely showing signs of a mental disorder.

Like, say, a member of Military Intelligence who is a Trump insider draining the swamp?

6aff96  No.4175041


all that money for all these cunts for nuthin..(((they))) must be fuckin sad..

joe rogan is an asscuntlicker..everybody knows that..his shilling against POTUS is fuckin obvious..

typical orange man bad attitude..

just watch his new interview with Anthony Cumia..it jumps at you..just like the fact that joe rogan is an asscuntlicker.

592538  No.4175042

Hannity could get a lot more info out and give more time to his guests if he didn't rehash Hillary since birth every episode.

7c9779  No.4175043

Why wasn't a link shared to apply at the CIA?

Why's Hannity wearing that pin?

12ad49  No.4175044

File: 232bd0b1a0f097b⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB, 748x750, 374:375, dumpster.mp4)

88b783  No.4175045


which is what prompted my suggestion

maybe, anon… maybe

65981d  No.4175046


>issues with this anon?

Just a wild-ass guess.

Whatever floats your boat.

Stole your meme?


6ce575  No.4175047

e855be  No.4175048


any time hrc has a somewhat pleasant expression you know it is a double.

ec7475  No.4175049

File: 2dd6bc623011a19⋯.jpg (100.84 KB, 800x500, 8:5, DP - 5_5.jpg)

>>4175011 Chkkd.


da0227  No.4175050

cdff8d  No.4175051

File: e06adf876a2e83b⋯.jpg (107.72 KB, 853x512, 853:512, MediaDivides2.jpg)

File: a5700a24c87f660⋯.jpg (116.84 KB, 853x512, 853:512, MediaDivides3.jpg)

File: e75326326fa396d⋯.jpg (131.03 KB, 853x512, 853:512, MediaDivides1.jpg)

File: b07601b593f1840⋯.jpg (266.07 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity10.jpg)

File: 1b5231d94f17f2b⋯.jpg (238.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, AmericaFlagUnitedUnderGod.jpg)


I notice spam and shit posting that's all.

Mentioning the porn doesn't help remove it.

Are you training your newbies to use filters so that if there's porn & gore they know how to avoid seeing it?

Did you teach your newbies how to install a javascript NOPE filter?

When people post the same identical text and images repetitively, I notice, and sometimes just filters them but sometimes call them out on it to ascertain their motivations.

Anons are not divided. Are you divided?

14f4a7  No.4175052


we don't know yet but it is curious

d2a1d6  No.4175053

Solomon just seems like a really nice guy.

5ea9c7  No.4175054

So far John Solomon has all the same stuff we already know.

4a1f68  No.4175055

I think the main issue here is people are too caught up in their predispositions about everything.

Be more open minded.

Evil people are evil, there is no way around it, but we have to figure out a method upon which to try and be understanding of their perspective….

Or we can just keep being good people, and just accept there will always be bad people as well.

dba0cc  No.4175056

File: 02ca41754de66f1⋯.png (906.31 KB, 1199x899, 1199:899, bill hill slip away.png)

slip away!


4583d8  No.4175057

15d0c5  No.4175058




Download and save offline.

Coleman has very similar style to one of the first q's from cbts

5a51a6  No.4175059


Hete we go

Camela goes fown

No future presidential candidate for (you)

ced1cc  No.4175060


All for a Larp? Use logic. Hardly!

362126  No.4175061

Is this the end of Macron? He canceled the tax but the French people say the protests will continue. They have more demands…including raising the minimum wage. But, France doesn't have any money. And they need billions to keep providing free stuff for Angela Merkel's guests and to fund all their socialist programs.

I would love to see them burn Paris to the ground. Perhaps that is what it will take to make the midget faggot to run for his life. The whole world needs to follow their lead and burn every fucking thing down. Then string up all these nasty old globalist politicians by their balls.

Too much bullshit going on for too long. We need a Ctrl-Alt-Del.


0f93a9  No.4175062

File: b88e814027396fe⋯.png (411.91 KB, 753x548, 753:548, armanda-lies-big.png)

a78061  No.4175063


I will be ANGRY as FUCK!

But at least I won't be a satan worshipping, Human Trafficker, blood drinking, democrat.

4f8e21  No.4175064


As Q I believe said. "Once a Marine always a Marine"

df1669  No.4175065

File: 1335709690d8686⋯.png (181.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca88546d9f69683⋯.png (911.03 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c68b154ee668c7f⋯.png (966.42 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4174279 lb

>The Schumann Effect

Theory, our SS# are our personal radio station. Thats the channel they tune you in on. Lots of 432.xx.xxxx type numbers out there…?


ad461e  No.4175066



More likely Google (Alphabet)

15d0c5  No.4175067


078525  No.4175068

File: 4283eec3bbbb337⋯.png (402.28 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 4283eec3bbbb337f40e33b3dc8….png)


1492b1  No.4175069


Feed the normies a little at a time it appears. When Q said "The choice is yours" I thought he meant that the really horrific child sacrifice etc. may never come to light, but if the normies ask us the question we can share enough so they understand, but not so much that they would flip out. I don't even want to see horrific videos or photos. You can't un-see that kind of stuff.

5ea9c7  No.4175070


No Dick Cheney? I'd get that on there quick. Jeffrey Epstein too.

7666c5  No.4175071


Fucking newbies. Huma and HRC passed out on ping pong tables. Just venture a guess where? What are they recovering from binging on? Who does ping pong???

Don't you do any research?

51e6b3  No.4175072


Amen, brother!

5a51a6  No.4175073


According to Q he is a patriot


4a1f68  No.4175074

Has anyone here ever put out a fire with more fire?

0f93a9  No.4175075

File: 70eb16b72b0d7cd⋯.png (350.83 KB, 485x395, 97:79, declas-fisa-pepe-army.png)

f7804a  No.4175076


Hmm maybe that's one reason for a blackout to "purge" the system… so to speak

5ea9c7  No.4175077


The ABC agencies are FBI/DOJ/C_A etc…

c46e4d  No.4175078

File: fb327c9d77807f3⋯.png (60.79 KB, 631x265, 631:265, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)


This still goes on too

da0227  No.4175079

File: 6c113743fca8fd6⋯.jpg (171.63 KB, 643x681, 643:681, Hasbara_Trolls_1.jpg)

File: 56d54ed111626ee⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, IDF_Shilling_Grills.png)

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, Israeli_government_AI_anti….PNG)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, JDIF.jpg)

File: a52822461de6470⋯.jpg (185.91 KB, 844x667, 844:667, Welcome_rabbi.JPG)


If you equate exposing Israel for the enemies they are to shilling, you're a shill yourself.

9ed9f7  No.4175080

I don’t care bout ==odd== comms kek just that I don’t trust the uk fags so comms r not guud take care

4f8e21  No.4175081


alphabet agencies, FBI, DOJ, etc

b1e995  No.4175082

File: 1e8be18d341dc3e⋯.png (1.1 MB, 803x999, 803:999, pksoon.png)

741aef  No.4175083


These are kids lying on a ping pong table. You can see the net.

School strength supports (cause the kids are always lying on the tables).

This is a slide.

5c5c2e  No.4175084


No it is not an "agency"

e84a22  No.4175085

File: 998078bedbb0082⋯.jpeg (165.48 KB, 1125x1315, 225:263, BC347B03-73B8-43D0-B21D-B….jpeg)

File: adf5063cafc4eef⋯.jpeg (222.84 KB, 1125x1315, 225:263, C5EF80A4-7971-4BBF-B02B-7….jpeg)

File: 36a5aa78c793f07⋯.jpeg (198.28 KB, 1125x1315, 225:263, 366DFD4E-6EFD-466D-891C-7….jpeg)

File: b1599b2b89048cb⋯.jpeg (175.71 KB, 1125x1315, 225:263, 863468B7-0FC7-49B3-9973-F….jpeg)

Comey implicated means Mueller Investigation should be shut down tonight.

5a51a6  No.4175086



That was just one of the versions. Never confirmed

4583d8  No.4175087

File: f4b3885477213c9⋯.jpeg (256.51 KB, 1440x1084, 360:271, 1543274168.jpeg)

da0227  No.4175088



Study how fireman manage forest fires.

4a1f68  No.4175089




WHY do they do these things, if they do?

Just because they are so EVIL they cannot help it?

What causes people to be evil?

a242a8  No.4175090

File: c2aabdbc5d8f13e⋯.png (392.96 KB, 814x418, 37:19, hillary.png)

I think it's her but she had a recent transfusion

55bd14  No.4175091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Dr Robert Duncan (Harvard University) lecture on "Voice of God" Technology.

He was part of developing the original technology.

They even experiment on methods that will cause a person to "Walk to Their Deaths".

**(((They))) use activated nanoparticles under magnetic frequency to alter the brain's frequencies & pathways.

**Was used in The Gulf War against enemy. Message: "This is Allah. Put down your weapon."

Voice to Skull Technology is Apparently Embedded in 5G


d186f0  No.4175092

File: eb788f84566b09c⋯.jpg (321.88 KB, 1146x837, 382:279, gn5cow.jpg)

So the 4th that Pedo Epstein was Protected.

Today the 5th DC was absolutely in a panic.

Tomorrow is the 6th

Is the Ficagate movie going to start?

Hannity is starting the trailer right now

b7f581  No.4175093


and the skies are grey.

364321  No.4175094


To most anons still following this psyop, Q is more real than Trump.

It's sick, weak minded following … exactly like a cult.

96358e  No.4175095

File: 14a7dbea42b51e2⋯.jpg (519.36 KB, 1404x1681, 1404:1681, 14a7dbea42b51e297deb68c26c….jpg)

9fca60  No.4175096


He certainly know “where the bodies are buried”

Robert Mueller was appointed FBI director by President George W. Bush in 2001. Mueller was subsequently confirmed by the Senate in a unanimous 98 to 0 vote. He took office on September 4th, 2001.

8e5909  No.4175097


I had Biden, lost, now I got RBG.

d72811  No.4175098

File: 852f70b04e6b99c⋯.jpg (96.82 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 852f70b04e6b99c461d154be18….jpg)

aaf36f  No.4175099


makes me think, the bummer is, if it was doctored, the whole doc cant be trusted, even if the rest is true, and with that, that person with that type of medical problems was in no way able to run for president, so, makes me question also, a body double running for president? hmmm? just more of a clusterfuk fr the brain thats all, she will never be president anyway, but who was on stage in 2016 then?

74729f  No.4175100

File: eeb970748b9d18e⋯.jpg (132.75 KB, 500x997, 500:997, 28efoe.jpg)

3cec07  No.4175101


No. The NSA push back is new. This sounds like Priestap's goods

df5951  No.4175102



>What do you want for XMAS?

>Old Q post…


>Merry Christmas.


51e6b3  No.4175103


I tend to agree…neither one of those laying there are big enough to be hilldawg.

9a90f3  No.4175104


ultimate goal is pretty much what he said. remember lucifer originally tried to flank the throne and thus became the father of half-truths. they cannot actually comprehend the whole truth ever since then (to give is better than to receive). oh, they have a lot of understanding of how power works, how blood covenant works, etc, but they do not have the ability to think beyond their win, which now for the second (major) time they are watching slip from their grasp (the resurrection being the first). they think like criminals. you know why crime doesn't pay? because it is always short-sighted, selfish, somehow. you're trying to give them credit for being able to have an ultimate goal. ever since the resurrection they've been fighting a lost cause but their mythology prevents them from realizing this. the closest they ever came to winning was then. and they lost. what we gain out of fighting them is pretty awesome, though, which is an intimate understanding of grace, not force.

cd6fda  No.4175105


Makes me wonder what is actually going on in the Amazon though.

90df32  No.4175106


I wouldn't worry. Most of what you type is unintelligible anyway.

f5358d  No.4175107


Good writing and good actors make for a good movie.

bc9a6f  No.4175108

Q, how about a Q&A?

65981d  No.4175109


>>>4174714 (You) Anon's analysis on why HRC is next


Please remove the math at the top- it's incorrect.


>>4174714 (You) Anon's analysis on why HRC is next

c9e8ad  No.4175110



Nice ass.

The only crime I see is that this FACT wasn't acknowledged by the passengers.

Shame on them.

8e5909  No.4175111


A cheerleader with no actual game is kinda meh.

1263c0  No.4175112


So on DEC 7, Hillary Clinton will die from a heart attack, an induced heart attack……i.e. she will be murdered.

4a1f68  No.4175113




Mainly good writing.

Aaron Sorkin

4fda8f  No.4175114

Sean let him talk FFS!

df1669  No.4175115


Your own IP address for the next dimension. We're nodes.

a242a8  No.4175116


turns the frogs gay

31fcf7  No.4175117

File: c278ed5605df5bd⋯.png (656.47 KB, 939x632, 939:632, LYING IN WAIT.png)

They go from lying in wait to lying in state. I wonder who else is on ice?

14f4a7  No.4175118


power, anon. they want and are promised moar power. if it get's deep enough (they) start to promise (them) immortal/ after "death" power

837219  No.4175119

File: 837d6af365a5645⋯.png (238.53 KB, 1035x466, 1035:466, ClipboardImage.png)


What do you want for XMAS?


Ties to the EO / Dec 12 Merry Christmas post and POTUS Hanukah tweet?

05939c  No.4175120

File: 814b65fa3d6b98b⋯.png (17.07 KB, 575x213, 575:213, Screenshot (1139).png)


Interviewing J. Solomon now. Nothing new revealed that wasn't already in Q's crumb. Pic related.

d8b2e2  No.4175121


Thanks TRUE anon. Will do.

9ed9f7  No.4175122

What do the UK fags want?

Blackhats? Or (((our guys)))?

The timing of occurrence makes me wonder..

Need some clarification

7604bf  No.4175123

File: a60363ad1c4b082⋯.jpg (87.04 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DruF2ksVsAAJ8XI.jpg)

File: 1268a498e9b2e81⋯.png (75.34 KB, 220x328, 55:82, Helix_oam.png)

File: a7dd181a915976a⋯.gif (273.26 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Phase-modulation.gif)


It appears the 17 second interval leads to 11,000 mile wave length and the antipode in HI. One cycle in the light wave resonated down to the EQ dual wave inner aspect appears to have spiral phase shift ….. (third shows animation of dual modulation)

0f93a9  No.4175124

File: d666123f5c5dbde⋯.png (734.56 KB, 616x523, 616:523, fisagate-release-memos.png)

e84a22  No.4175125

File: fe8ba99293314f1⋯.jpeg (188.1 KB, 1125x1176, 375:392, 54916C7D-F26C-4F33-82DD-7….jpeg)

File: 243078b45bcbe99⋯.jpeg (242.08 KB, 1106x998, 553:499, E1E55576-F01F-41D7-9BA8-1….jpeg)

File: b816391a987720a⋯.jpeg (386.13 KB, 1138x1294, 569:647, 6BC5E89D-1DB2-4450-9C68-F….jpeg)

File: 600224cf2b32d52⋯.jpeg (384.31 KB, 1138x1294, 569:647, 6F553329-E299-414E-B36C-5….jpeg)

File: e9bbbe590602c7c⋯.jpeg (196.6 KB, 1125x1012, 1125:1012, BEFE7863-2E27-4774-8AF9-B….jpeg)

9cbf5a  No.4175126


ok for a hot second I saw that vincent fuscha guy in his face. weird.

f5358d  No.4175127


Wife anon gave me some grief in the beginning, but that ended a long time ago.

9ac34c  No.4175128

what do I want for Christmas?

1- I want my old job back with my service bridged so I can get my proper retirement or

2- I want a Fed US Senator retirement package.

3- I want 0 illegal immigrants in the USA

4- I want immigration and welfare/benefit reform

5- make it a law, no illegal immigrant children get a public school education paid for by payers

6- property tax relief. How can I ever own and keep my property if I have to pay rent to the government?

7 I want the cabal named, outed, and crushed

8 I want mainstream media to tell the truth

9 i want propaganda outlawed

10. I want disclosure along with the truth- release the cures and why withheld, release the tech and why withheld, the truth about history and why it was withheld.

11- expose the evil with proof, force the people to see.

12- I want peace and I want a level population so we can have park and wild places with wild animals and not have to worry about endangered species because humans are pigs.

13- I want Islam made illegal in the USA and all refugees repatriated. If they cannot or will not assimilate to a republic form of government, then they need deporting

14- no dual citizens in government, anywhere or anyplace.

15-I want the assassination attempts on potus made public

16- I want the truth about BHO and MO

17- i want POTUS on Mt. Rushmore, and to have a long and happy life after his service.

18-for all the Q team and supporters to have a nice long vacation to wherever they want go, after an awesome party with anons

ae03cd  No.4175129

File: 85d8b9bb2feca3f⋯.jpg (117.94 KB, 650x400, 13:8, ilduce.jpg)

b1e995  No.4175130


The AI is trying to CHANGE THE MEANING OF THE WORD 'SHILL' to cover for itself.

That is how far the system of fakeness goes.




b45271  No.4175131

File: 9c79fa35e57343f⋯.png (313.68 KB, 1439x1969, 1439:1969, Capture _2018-12-05-21-16-….png)

1ec648  No.4175132

File: a5c48950b250c78⋯.png (144.95 KB, 604x434, 302:217, ClipboardImage.png)

Wait wtf?

The cabal is fucking giving red China U.S. Satellites now?

I mean… the fucking cabal running China is now controlling a U.S. Satellite?


*Two Americans wanted to create a satellite in an effort to increase internet access in Africa, but their project is quickly and potentially dangerously turning over into the hands of the Chinese government.

*Boeing agreed to build the satellite even after the founders of Global IP informed them it was being financed by the Chinese government through a web of shell companies and foreign transactions.

*China appears to be ramping up efforts to usurp the technology, causing concern for U.S. officials.

A Tuesday report from The Wall Street Journal revealed how a state-owned Chinese financial firm may be getting ahold of a U.S. satellite that uses restricted technology relied on by the U.S. military through a web of financial transactions and foreign investments.

While there are several laws that forbid exporting satellite technology to China, Boeing Co. agreed to build the satellite for an American startup company even after the founders told the defense contractor that the Chinese government was financially backing the project, according to the report.

Emil Youssefzadeh and Umar Javed, two Americans who founded the startup Global IP in 2008 with the goal of improving internet accessibility in Africa, realized they needed a lot of equity to get their project off the ground and the satellite into orbit.

In other words, the men needed to scrape up around $500 million.


7c9779  No.4175133


I've never thought about that.

Our origin of birth designates our #.

TY for an original thought. Something to think about.

b1e995  No.4175134

43a2e6  No.4175135

wanna have FUN?

take the IQ test and miss the obvious and get the weird ones.'

it's epic… there is no rating on file.

they will just come up with a number


3b36e8  No.4175136


Not bad… best truth I've seen on msm in a long time…. well done Hannity.

17b0f6  No.4175137

File: 6f4002163e69414⋯.png (748.62 KB, 1305x672, 435:224, SHitshow.png)

0f93a9  No.4175138

File: 6bfcade01c83753⋯.png (550.85 KB, 556x556, 1:1, declas-fisa-house-cards.png)

fab30d  No.4175139


Kek! I get what your saying

But to “jump” around on the

Map is for Me a great way to know the

“One” of where we go we go all. I can see that some are still at a level where anger and sadness at the division and inversion that has been instilled by those that worship death are still worth while feelings to feel (shoot I still have the moments as well) . To know thy self is to know thy choices. And to forgive those that make fucked up ones (from those Satan worshipers to the one that cuts you off in traffic) we can simoultaniuosly feel this forgivenes, anger aaand expect and deliver Justice. What a time to be alive!!! I love all you fuqers so much. Your will and smarts constantly amaze me.

5bdba9  No.4175140



+1 other facility being prepped



Well John solomon was a dud

34136f  No.4175141


https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDoaeQVCu6A

837219  No.4175142

File: 7a4952d800c4007⋯.png (30.53 KB, 535x247, 535:247, ClipboardImage.png)



^^^What do you want for XMAS?

Tied to Q post / POTUS Hanukah 12/12/17


b24f4a  No.4175144


Kek. I think it’s actually that we’ve been put to sleep for 50 years - an absolutely no critical thought or questioning spell was put on us.

6163ad  No.4175145

File: 83696301289c502⋯.jpg (17.39 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 717a5bc2ea4fc0afd24b07b151….jpg)

592538  No.4175146


It's her, the two moles on top and bottom lip.

d789e6  No.4175147

If the DECLAS comes before JC's testimony, there will be ZERO chance of JC being guilty of PERJURY.

079dc1  No.4175148


>>4174472, >>4174923 Clockfag analysis: XMAS hits on the clock & today's [11] marker

>>4174715, >>4174641 Kamala Harris aide resigns for harassment, & she didn't know?

>>4174677 Acting, or Chutzpah? DAG Rod Rosenstein Snarks on POTUS at DOJ Conference

>>4174636 NYT still shilling hard to neg on Gen Flynn: article on "Turkish lobbying"

>>4174575 Anon muses about Oct. 26, 2017 Tucker vid re: Vegas, 2 days b4 Q "started"

>>4174555 Anon suggests [10] marker could be indicated by Dec. 12 2017 Xmas drop

>>4174493, >>4174648 George Bush Jr. said he called Sr. Fri when told "minutes to live"


Gotcha, ty.


What are you asking me to do, anon?


Kek. The things ppl who do math for a living miss. Ty anon.

50888d  No.4175149

>>4175109. They are going to give her a heart attack? Put her in witness protection.

f5358d  No.4175150

File: 6081c10731c18ee⋯.jpg (164.53 KB, 990x932, 495:466, slide.jpg)


What life? You pieces of shit ruined all our lives before they even started.

88b783  No.4175151


yeah this is admittedly above my head

looks cool, though

a78061  No.4175152


I need a perp walk on CNN to know that it really happened.

7666c5  No.4175153



Who (what positions) are entitled to lie in state and hold up the whole government with their funeral? Couldn't we just call Waste Disposal Company?

51e6b3  No.4175154




One watched, the other did NOT!

Do you know which one to filter now?

14f4a7  No.4175155


i'm telling you anons, if you don't expand your thinking you will not be able to accept what is coming.

"the new world order worships satan" Putin (as quoted by Q

you must come to realize that these people are in contractual agreements with otherworldly evil spirits or you won't be able to hang later on

1a15f1  No.4175156

File: efe9ec3eab0bba5⋯.jpg (167.16 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, lfcnjmydy9121.jpg)

af0e02  No.4175157

File: d2eb4e7d8b6b7b4⋯.pdf (1.61 MB, the-individual-and-the-nat….pdf)

File: 9095c97e69d4de7⋯.pdf (854.49 KB, Jane-Roberts-The-Education….pdf)


These are people who have figured out the true nature of the real world that we live in.

It is the place commonly called HELL.

That's right, you and I and everyone in our world, live in Hell which is supposedly ruled by Satan. During our lifetimes, if we advance close enough to God, then after we die, our souls will go to Heaven, and we will continue to develop as a type of low order angel or spiritual creature.

But, if we have not advanced enough, we go to Hell after we die.

Just like last time.

We will be reborn in another human body and have to live yet another life learning how to get close to God, who is our source, and is therefore found within us.

Some people have mistakenly got the idea that their actions have no consequences since they can commit all sorts of evil crimes and there seems to be no retribution. They don't care that they are stuck here in Hell. They like it here. They think life here is fun and they are ready to come back again and again. Their only problem is to try to control the rebirth process, as the Dalai Lama has done, and be reborn in a good family, for their definition of "good" which basically means a family of psychopaths.

They believe that if they can get enough people to join them, then if a majority of soul fragments of an angel become evil, that angel will fall and become a demon and support them. They think they have rigged the only election that matters, and can get control of all of God's angels through this strategy.

Fortunately, there are other soul fragments working against them, namely us Anons. We are also a thousand points of life that are blocking them from taking control of the oversouls of which we are fragments. We are also sleeper cells who are now being AWAKENED in the Great Awakening, triggered by the Great White Brotherhood of Freemasons like Donald Trump, who belong to white lodges that have not been taken over by the forces of evil.

Read the attached Education of Oversoul Seven first, before trying to dive into the Mass Events book. And remember, you don't actually have to understand all of this intellectually. Prayer is more important. Reach within yourself to your source, which is your guardian angel who is the messenger of God, and will put you into direct communication. No churches or priests or paraphernalia are needed.

362126  No.4175158


Makes perfect sense for them to kill her for the next delay. They all hate her guts and want her gone, and she's sick and dying anyway. She's very high profile on a global scale. They could keep her death in the headlines for a long time. I like this theory.

4a1f68  No.4175159



So people really are born with this nature?

To either Love others?

Or Manipulate others?

5c5c2e  No.4175160


burning oil rigs are put out with an explosion that will suck up all available oxygen and put out a fire


that doesnt put it out, it contains it

042ec7  No.4175161


Fuck that. This bitch deserves to suffer.

Suffer through a tribunal. Suffer through being asked about all her wrong doings for the public to see.

I want to see her face when she's questioned.

I want her to squirm.

I want her blood to boil.

And I want her remaining victims that are still living to be able to watch her hang.

f7804a  No.4175162

File: 6cf5209921e848b⋯.jpg (157.56 KB, 960x720, 4:3, south pole Q.jpg)






Enjoy anons!

bc51ba  No.4175163

Interesting tidbit that Gateway Pundit points out-

“This was all predicted yesterday as soon as Michael Isikoff from Yahoo News (the same reporter whose story was planted and used by the Obama team to support obtaining a warrant to spy illegally on candidate Trump) announced that the Mueller gang was wrapping it up”

(In reference to Isikoff’s article making claims Mueller went soft on Flynn to get Manafort and POTUS).


Isikoff article:


65981d  No.4175164


Anon believes HRC died a long time ago.

What we see today is a double.

Kuru advances at a rapid rate- she was experiencing late-stage symptoms in 2016.

Just like GHWB, they are saving her death for an opportune moment.

d63b19  No.4175165

Is Alphabet the owner/Creator of our reality/Earth?

5a51a6  No.4175166


Looks not bad at all, damn

c26a4a  No.4175167

48 years ago and still applies…..

The old man turned off the radio

Said, "Where did all of the old songs go

Kids sure play funny music these days

They play it in the strangest ways"

Said, "it looks to me like they've all gone wild

It was peaceful back when I was a child"

Well, man, could it be that the girls and boys

Are trying to be heard above your noise?

And the lonely voice of youth cries "What is truth?"

A little boy of three sittin' on the floor

Looks up and says, "Daddy, what is war?"

"son, that's when people fight and die"

The little boy of three says "Daddy, why?"

A young man of seventeen in Sunday school

Being taught the golden rule

And by the time another year has gone around

It may be his turn to lay his life down

Can you blame the voice of youth for asking 

"What is truth?"

A young man sittin' on the witness stand

The man with the book says "Raise your hand"

"Repeat after me, I solemnly swear"

The man looked down at his long hair

And although the young man solemnly swore

Nobody seems to hear anymore

And it didn't really matter if the truth was there

It was the cut of his clothes and the length of his hair

And the lonely voice of youth cries 

"What is truth?"

The young girl dancing to the latest beat 

Has found new ways to move her feet

The young man speaking in the city square

Is trying to tell somebody that he cares

Yeah, the ones that you're calling wild

Are going to be the leaders in a little while

This old world's wakin' to a new born day

And I solemnly swear that it'll be their way 

You better help the voice of youth find 

"What is truth" - Johnny Cash

(Performed for Nixon at the White House )

2717ce  No.4175168


My degrees, license, ordination, and church all call me Pastor, so don’t care if you “believe.”

I “believe” you must be new here if that word offends you.

>Time to grow up and learn our comms.

9fca60  No.4175169

File: 6eeccd968b847fe⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1275x1505, 255:301, 1CFC994F-0DCB-4081-B7C3-2….jpeg)


It’s not what we know anon






303b55  No.4175170

File: 9837ebc4fd8cbe8⋯.png (365.98 KB, 744x779, 744:779, Q is watching 2.png)

File: 53c256e8b288c0b⋯.png (5.93 KB, 385x107, 385:107, Q - XMas.png)

File: 76d73ac169b0be8⋯.png (332.07 KB, 635x643, 635:643, Time Lords.png)

>Wait until we see the Christmas present! - Deadpool


<What do you want for Christmas? - Q


(Laughs in comic book speech bubbles)

Eye love a good coincidence…

251df6  No.4175171


what are you SO shocked about?

Q has been telling us it's all about China. NOT RUSSIA. Don't act so surprised anon. It's always been China.

47406c  No.4175172


still waiting for Mondays cancelled tick tock.

9ac34c  No.4175173


Solution: blow it out of the sky, aka, send it to the ground.

55bd14  No.4175174



I HOPE NOT! I don't want her to get off that easy. I want her to suffer, and feel sorry for herself. I want her in GITMO hating every day that she wakes up.

da0227  No.4175175


It puts it out by containing it, once no more fuel is present, it dies.

4a1f68  No.4175176




I agree with that.

Aren't we all under contract here on Earth?

c46e4d  No.4175177

File: ecf26ad7ff476b7⋯.png (64.68 KB, 665x148, 665:148, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

File: e4359e0b65edb27⋯.png (69.87 KB, 651x340, 651:340, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

File: af55c9a018e48eb⋯.png (161.26 KB, 1176x541, 1176:541, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

File: 7dcc61bbbab9781⋯.png (173.35 KB, 379x503, 379:503, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

File: 9ab2c48cc0333a2⋯.png (69.69 KB, 351x483, 117:161, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at ….png)

a78061  No.4175178


XMAS is to Christmas what prolly is to probably.

A huge time saving mechanism.

b1a06c  No.4175179

File: de645a228a1e2da⋯.jpeg (100.31 KB, 638x460, 319:230, 400CD6F5-DFBA-45B2-BF00-A….jpeg)

c57201  No.4175180


That's a mighty fine list Anon.

I would add one more thing.

I want the end to duel citizenship.

No longer can we have ppl in our gov

hold loyalty to and for another Country.

I'm done with it all and I'm sick of seeing it.

There is no Country, no ppl and that should be held higher than our own.

da0227  No.4175181


And Israel.

df5951  No.4175182

File: 73b2a45f3371e79⋯.jpeg (109.66 KB, 750x500, 3:2, urine therapy.jpeg)


It's been really sweet, love, but …

Pic related

600656  No.4175183


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little faggot? I'll have you know my name is John and I was the captain of a football team, and was the starter on my basketball team and have over 300 confirmed girlfriends. I am trained in Guido warfare and I hate every single one of you. You are nothing to me but just fat, retarded lowlifes. I will get straight A’s the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get pussy that easily? Think again, fucker. As we speak my girlfriend is blowing me (Shit is SO cash). You're everything bad in the world, faggot. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I am pretty much perfect in over 700 different ways. Not only do you jerk off to pictures on facebook, but you spend every single second of your day looking at stupid ass pictures. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "cash" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't stop being a stranger, you didn't hit me with your best shot, and now you're jerking off to naked drawn Japanese pictures. I will shit fury all over you and I will take it to a whole new level. You're a faggot who should just kill yourself. Thanks for listening.

dd05ad  No.4175184


Funny the joke was Trump pronounced it "Ch[y]na"

8e5909  No.4175186


Masonry is very dark. It's not light.

12ad49  No.4175187

File: 9729c435a4e70c6⋯.gif (13.42 MB, 600x602, 300:301, dumpster.gif)

251df6  No.4175188


and evil space reptilians.


aaf36f  No.4175189


that is very plausible this day in age, the fakeness of everything is at a all time high

4a1f68  No.4175190




Is the explosion due to a Nitrogen or something? Or Fire?

cddef0  No.4175191

File: 31dfd75dcc21614⋯.jpg (396.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Steal Your Meme.jpg)

9ac34c  No.4175192


nope 377

cd6fda  No.4175193


We were already worldwide, however we werent on all continents.

This looks like it changes that!

Take more pictures, please!

45154b  No.4175194

File: 7d541a0ca3c3628⋯.png (12.63 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 9a662590a98f4c250d21c757a4….png)



you're right

a82ddb  No.4175195

What I learned from listening to Hannity tonight.


1263c0  No.4175196


And yet, James Baker went there in the morning and thought Bush Sr was in just bad shape that he told him he was going to heaven that day. But he didn't call the son until a few minutes before he was died.

They both live in Texas with unlimited means to transportation.

079dc1  No.4175197


5ea9c7  No.4175198


Mueller investigated the Mafia in Boston, Pan Am 103 in Lockerbie, notified congress of WMD's in Iraq, and took over the FBI 7 days before 9/11.

All a bunch of fucked up investigations.

b6d242  No.4175199



>Anon believes HRC died a long time ago.

>What we see today is a double.

So basically Sommer's lead story for tomorrow?

c9e8ad  No.4175200

File: b4c934eb2fb6d86⋯.png (293.27 KB, 769x531, 769:531, ClipboardImage.png)


>My how the label has degenerated


14f4a7  No.4175201


well said anon. i could argue on a few minuscule points but… it'd be worthless. you got it

88b783  No.4175202



be patient, anon

11e13a  No.4175203


ooooh, I have a new favorite meme. thanks, anon!

615eee  No.4175204

File: 494ba7a6c5ff65f⋯.png (144.64 KB, 719x766, 719:766, 20181206_152132.png)

what's this jackass on about?

79ee12  No.4175206

File: cc629e7c26020f5⋯.png (294.25 KB, 486x240, 81:40, whitaker soon.PNG)

8e5909  No.4175207


I wondered at the time if they were going to fake their deaths?

4a1f68  No.4175208




I'm not caught up in presumptions as I am not involved, I just want to go deeper into all of this because I know the "truth" lay deeper.

b57993  No.4175209

File: 81714595bc4573a⋯.png (341.04 KB, 648x426, 108:71, 81714595bc4573ad74a3851a89….png)

49c5a5  No.4175210

File: 802a20e7d1c08b2⋯.png (152.68 KB, 1142x2112, 571:1056, 2018-12-05_20-22-03_Social….png)

e97bf4  No.4175211

File: 5325b1869e4c2f1⋯.jpg (6.08 KB, 141x46, 141:46, Screenshot 2018-12-05_21-2….jpg)







I Won't spam the board but u willl keep sweating at my persistence

da0227  No.4175212


China subversion is going to prime the gen pop to see what israel has been doing to the US over the decades.

All the shit China has been doing, Israel has been doing it, but even worse.

da0227  No.4175216



Patrice was the greatest of all time.


51e6b3  No.4175217


Your a fucking idiot.

It's illegal to kill by lynch mob.

Secret trials, Secret killings are exactly what lynch mobs do.

Five teens indicted on lynching charges in Virginia mob murder


5a51a6  No.4175219


Not true

Some anons literally quit their jobs to be able to research, archive, participate. I am careful to blame them cuz the original impression was 2018 will be glorious

I am kinda on the fence here. Q is a psyop maybe friendly but there are real casualties

65981d  No.4175220


Common Core Math?

I can't believe I missed that. ThanQ Baker

a8b39a  No.4175221

File: 1e170414b215809⋯.jpg (66.98 KB, 478x597, 478:597, 79eee532-6d03-41d3-8a80-6d….jpg)


If you are pure of heart, Q doesn't hurt. Shady Romanian's might though.

05939c  No.4175223


Have a sneaking suspicion that might have been a marker, anon. Could be wrong.

16ed08  No.4175224

Yup, cuz he will take the 5th on every question


88b783  No.4175225


the whole appeal of the comic was someone smarter than you saying things that make you laugh because the audience can recognize you're smarter than they are… (at least at its peak)

that's been lost

74729f  No.4175226


Your saying Putin= (satan)?

cd6fda  No.4175227

File: 1a5e796bd91884e⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1720x1061, 1720:1061, pacific rim q sent us.png)

0f93a9  No.4175228

File: ecd877ec20e3e05⋯.png (501.33 KB, 381x508, 3:4, antifa-rare-photo.png)

9ac34c  No.4175229


Brennan? He was at the Funeral today too.

251df6  No.4175230




just more vomiting from the mouth by the left

1785b1  No.4175231

Maybe x is a marker?


782e0d  No.4175232


Hannity is news for the rest ofthe people who dont have it already..

17b0f6  No.4175233


Did he tell you something you did not already know?

Did he tell you something that he hasn't told you or implied every day for 2 years?

I am watching it now. (Why? I don't know)

Same old shit again.

b6d242  No.4175234


>what's this jackass on about?

One too many bourbons?

1c12f6  No.4175235


> What I learned from listening to Hannity tonight.


You must not be very smart, watching the same show over and over and always getting the same result.

Stop Watching!

55bd14  No.4175236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Exactly. And how disgusting. For money. Fame. They whore themselves out to Satan.

They murder BABIES. They rape babies.

They EAT babies.

They are sick.

741aef  No.4175237

File: 783fcab7f41a7a5⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1077x1077, 1:1, clockwinders.PNG)


Today is at marker :03 (minute stamp in Merry Christmas Picture).

:03 mentioned in tweet.

Minute stamp :31 mirrors [:13]

:13 is minute stamp on Trump tweet.


d72811  No.4175238


Didn't make it but thought you might like..been saving it for long time.. most welcomed

079dc1  No.4175239

fresh bread




fresh bread

plz wait for dough

929b1b  No.4175240


Just another "informed idiot" grasping at straws. "We go him this time, I swear!"

6f0bdd  No.4175241


Mkultra victim with programming to portray Tarot cards on the way down. ((((they)))) leave no trick not done on the big False Flags.

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