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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File (hide): f29555dd6b5230f⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, QResearchGeneral.jpg) (h) (u)


17383d (7)  No.3877933[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 11.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/464 ---—————————— FAKE NEWS/CONSPIRACY ( Txt/PST Cap: >>3869074, >>3869075 )

>>>/patriotsfight/463 ---—————————— PLACEHOLDER - OIG Findings (PST Cap: >>3868958 )

Sunday 11.11.18

>>>/patriotsfight/462 ---—————————— Ratcliffe, Gowdy join list of potential AG picks ( Cap: >>3855856 )

>>>/patriotsfight/461 ---—————————— [Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub] [Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/460 ---—————————— [Placeholder - FVEY_pub] [Placeholder - FISA_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/459 ---—————————— [Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/458 ---—————————— [Placeholder - Branch termination(s)] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/457 ---—————————— [Placeholder - SC rulings re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/456 ---—————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/455 ---—————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/454 ---—————————— God Bless Veterans. (Cap: >>3853561 )

>>>/patriotsfight/453 ---—————————— Who safeguards blank ballots? ( Cap: >>3854059 )

>>>/patriotsfight/452 ---—————————— Let the unsealing begin. ( Cap: >>3852609 )

>>>/patriotsfight/451 ---—————————— Enemy @ the Front Door. ( Cap: >>3851787 )

Saturday 11.10.18

>>>/patriotsfight/450 ---—————————— See the future in order to save the past. ( Cap: >>3838909 )

>>>/patriotsfight/449 ---—————————— News Unlocks ( Cap: >>3838081)

>>>/patriotsfight/448 ---—————————— AMERICAN PATRIOTS UNITED. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! ( Cap: >>3838080 )

>>>/patriotsfight/447 ---—————————— Thank you for your service. #SemperFi ( Cap: >>3838068 )

>>>/patriotsfight/446 ---—————————— We knew then. ( Caps: >>3836553 )

>>3835811 ---—————————————— Expand further.

>>>/patriotsfight/445 ---—————————— WHEN DID WH LEAKS CEASE? ( Cap: >>3835465 )

>>>/patriotsfight/444 ---—————————— [DARK] TO LIGHT. ( Cap: >>3835239 )

>>>/patriotsfight/443 ---—————————— Think Whitaker. ( Cap: >>3835138 )

>>>/patriotsfight/442 ---—————————— Calif fire emergency funding (Cap: >>3834859)

Friday 11.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/441 ---—————————— /GA/452 ( Cap: >>3826401 )

>>>/patriotsfight/440 ---—————————— Justice.jpg ( Cap: >>3826043, >>3825997 )

>>>/patriotsfight/439 ---—————————— Bing search: QAnon news. (Cap: >>3824836 )

>>>/patriotsfight/438 ---—————————— VOTER ID LAW = DEATH OF D PARTY. (Cap: >>3824405 )

>>>/patriotsfight/437 ---—————————— Logical thinking required. (Cap: >>3824182 )

>>>/patriotsfight/436 ---—————————— Why are we so important to the FAKE NEWS media? (Cap: >>3822034 )

Wednesday 11.07.18

Compiled here: >>3855126

Tuesday 11.06.18

Compiled here: >>3815675

Monday 11.05.18

Compiled here: >>3775040

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

17383d (7)  No.3877944


are not endorsements


>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existing breads


>>3877235 George Papadopoulos tweet re: Gina Haspel London operations

>>3877258 Q Clock Update for the Night Shift

>>3877326 Google network traffic briefly routed through Russia, China, Nigeria

>>3877424 Anon dig into the Election Assistance Commission "grants"

>>3877241 Proof of Voter Fraud in Florida Primary

>>3877658 @DeptofDefense: They call it a "Loop Cross," and it looks pretty cool!........

>>3877670 Two Pittsburgh-area mass shooters attended the same high school.

>>3877449, >>3877584, >>3877601 John Poulos, Owner Dominion Voting Systems, & CF?

>>3877768 WTF? The Week USA magazine makes a not-so-subtle reference to 9/11 in latest cover re: Dems taking back House

>>3877923 #4930


>>3876490 Brenda Snipes Reveals Broward Elections Official Was Driving Around with Blank Provisional Ballots in Rental Car (Video)

>>3876538, >>3876619 Surprise, surprise: Killary getting involved in Florida recounts

>>3876549 Nelson campaign sues over Election Day deadline for mail-in ballots

>>3876718 Demoncrat CA Rep. Eric Swalwell teases 2020 run

>>3876790 Investment Adviser to Sports Stars Sentenced to 120 Months in Prison

>>3876842 South Korean Construction Firm Employees Indicted on U.S. Bribery Charge

>>3876895 DWS claims Snipes "followed the law"

>>3876917, >>3876992 Anon dig into $20M government contracts for "foreign voters" supposedly never used?

>>3876812, >>3876971 Never forget: Whistleblower investigating fraud in Broward County shot himself in the head but no gun was found

>>3877005 Criminal investigation now underway in corrupt Broward and Palm Beach Counties after tens of thousands of votes appear

>>3877024 A $2bn Saudi Plan To Assassinate Iran's Leaders Involved Erik Prince And The Trump Transition Team

>>3877162 #4929


>>3875720 Goldman Sachs Group Investigation Initiated

>>3875723 [[[MOS]]] Corsi to be indicted soon

>>3875738 Acting AG Whitaker will consult with senior ethics officials about any matters that could warrant his recusal - DOJ

>>3875760 @USMC tweet: Under the Cover of Night

>>3875762, >>3876042 Corrupt POS Jerry Brown wants "hundreds of billions" for global warming "adaptation"

>>3875737 Demoncrat Kyrsten Sinema wins open AZ Senate seat...

>>3875926 Make police states hip again? Google offered STASI HQ for new Berlin office

>>3875947 New POTUS tweet: expedited request for a Major Disaster Declaration for State of CA

>>3876078 Planefag update

>>3876148 Anon on FB stock's continued downward trend

>>3876149 Dig on Broward County voting machines, ES & S and HRC-linked attorney

>>3875860 North Korea Facts v Fiction

>>3876201 Migrant Crisis: Chile to Send Air Force Plane to Venezuela to Evacuate Citizens

>>3876238 Lebanon Urges Global Community to Stop Airstrikes on Gaza

>>3876332 Fire Statistics show 71.5% cost increase in 2017

>>3876341 Kekekek: Flake, Coons tell Trump to back off the Fed

>>3876358 #4928

#4927 Baker Change

>>3874972 Vatican orders US bishops to delay taking action on sexual abuse crisis

>>3875002 Indigenous women coerced into sterilizations across Canada: senator

>>3875032 POTUS schedule Tuesday, November 13

>>3875057 Lawfag comment on notable lb "will enemy combatant status override BHO admin's blanket pardons?"

>>3875091 Facebook shares close at lowest price since April 2017 as tech stocks plunge

>>3875126 Here's what happens if Palm Beach County can't count its votes by Thursday

>>3875207 Report: France to ‘Embed Regulators’ into Facebook to Examine ‘Hate Speech’

>>3875363 Caravan update (FOX video)

>>3875428 Russia announces Taliban’s demands for US

>>3875432 On the Q-Clock: USSS Travel Prevent -Stay at Home- Alert

>>3875475 Investigators raided the office of former chairman of the Harris County, TX Republican Party today

>>3875338 Latest attempt by the cabal to blame Russia

>>3875285 Planefags, can you explain this fuckery?

>>3877609 #4927 (corrected)

Previously Collected Notables

>>3874884 #4926

>>3872527 #4923, >>3873289 #4924, >>3874040 #4925

>>3870167 #4920, >>3870980 #4921, >>3871721 #4922

>>3867907 #4917, >>3868695 #4918, >>3869474 #4919

>>3865570 #4914, >>3866435 #4915, >>3867198 #4916

>>3863372 #4911, >>3864052 #4912, >>3864858 #4913

>>3862061 #4908, >>3861759 #4909, >>3862516 #4910

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

17383d (7)  No.3877946

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ---—--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ---—— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 --------- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 -- 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 ---- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>3856945

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ---——————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ---———————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966

17383d (7)  No.3877954

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ---——————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ---————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

17383d (7)  No.3877963>>3877981 >>3877984 >>3878011



Baker Requesting Handoff

25fd87 (3)  No.3877977>>3877989 >>3878135

>>3877029 (lb)

Yes, I think Presidential pardons can be revoked by a President.

And, as you say, any President can commute or pardon whoever goes to Gitmo at a later time. That would have always been the case. There’s a reason treason and mass or serial murder are capital crimes (death penalty).

98e3ca (2)  No.3877978>>3877992

File (hide): 32754b01f5edad1⋯.jpg (194.81 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, ddrJFyP.jpg) (h) (u)

Thank you, Baker!

0b6f77 (2)  No.3877979>>3877991 >>3878129 >>3878185

File (hide): e8beeef160b952b⋯.jpg (50.24 KB, 500x473, 500:473, b8.jpg) (h) (u)

thank ya, baker

3326fc (11)  No.3877980>>3877986 >>3878131 >>3878153

File (hide): 639a20b7db373dc⋯.jpg (107.32 KB, 750x705, 50:47, Qpost 2489 recon.JPG) (h) (u)

Here is one direction reconciliation of Q's placeholder reconciliation

SPEC_C and DIS definitions are possible… please beat it up.

6fef5a (15)  No.3877981>>3878006 >>3878011


Here baker

confirming handoff?

0989cc (1)  No.3877982>>3878021 >>3878057 >>3878058

File (hide): 853078c76c04741⋯.jpg (189.99 KB, 640x1095, 128:219, d524ecf1e0d44187119fbcaf3f….jpg) (h) (u)

Keep trying, shills. We're going to get you too.

64d11c (1)  No.3877983>>3878080 >>3878387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Broward Investigation underway.

Bleh, they might do something about 2036.


d5c94c (19)  No.3877984


Smiles in common

f8e8fb (4)  No.3877985

File (hide): 31f667e87718acb⋯.png (240.27 KB, 512x362, 256:181, snipes.png) (h) (u)

70f0c8 (27)  No.3877986>>3878007



214cc7 (7)  No.3877987>>3878009

Thanks, baker

fed016 (16)  No.3877988>>3878126 >>3878265 >>3878408 >>3878440 >>3878663


All lb







3e1a1f (15)  No.3877989

>>3877977 Nope! President cant charge!

4db5b5 (7)  No.3877990

File (hide): 7edb7f35e6f551d⋯.jpg (54.66 KB, 525x367, 525:367, 1542076751-1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 408b9b858639b7a⋯.jpg (88.19 KB, 500x586, 250:293, [m4xr3sdEfault].jpg) (h) (u)

POTUS is insulated.

And I am Anonymous. I am Q.

Patriots think I'm one of them.

074d30 (8)  No.3877991>>3878027


Nice, anon! Mobilefagging, dont have access to my reds right now.

7026bd (8)  No.3877992

File (hide): 1425b37213d9937⋯.png (1.24 MB, 600x900, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


ANd here's a country girl too

7c3237 (4)  No.3877993

>>3877653 (lb)

f435db (6)  No.3877994>>3878002 >>3878024 >>3878043 >>3878094 >>3878113 >>3878211 >>3878622

File (hide): a5bc7df1a88e9a5⋯.jpeg (241.32 KB, 1242x1413, 138:157, DAD36D3B-1C26-4DC9-9B7A-1….jpeg) (h) (u)

Dafuq is going on?

1f7b6d (9)  No.3877995>>3878035

File (hide): 1d367e74ffb85ac⋯.jpeg (462.76 KB, 1242x921, 414:307, AA0521A4-48F2-4ED9-AC87-A….jpeg) (h) (u)

d6fb1a (1)  No.3877996

I'm not a shill but…*shill*

13ed3d (1)  No.3877997


Jack Posobeic is tweeting tonight so I doubt he is in custody.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3877998>>3878015 >>3878093 >>3878154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

earl grey with vanilla soy milk and two lumps of sugar

70f0c8 (27)  No.3877999


b9cc45 (3)  No.3878000

File (hide): d2aedb1d899c4f5⋯.png (635.19 KB, 478x558, 239:279, 22c1c375-0b11-4afe-8cda-ae….png) (h) (u)


cc122a (2)  No.3878001>>3878017 >>3878105 >>3878166

So, if mueller is a white hat…

And was tasked with rooting out foreign interference in 2016 election, AND he identified the mechanisms of their fraud (having illegals voting, which are foreign!) and then setup the trap for the midterms (midterms are safe) and let them do their dirt shit to catch in the act and expose them, and them mueller comes out with indictments against them… that would be sooo sweeet!!! 🤣

db0b6d (15)  No.3878002>>3878019


Jared Kushner didn't have a Twitter history.

c9c05b (15)  No.3878003

File (hide): 1a4989a9d9dfee7⋯.jpg (689.67 KB, 712x2048, 89:256, 1a4989a9d9dfee7f698c67439e….jpg) (h) (u)

>>3877943 (lb)

FBI Anon...and...

76cd29 (5)  No.3878004>>3878053 >>3878068

Voter ID ends democrats

d508f9 (17)  No.3878005>>3878050 >>3878106 >>3878125 >>3878260 >>3878667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


17383d (7)  No.3878006>>3878032 >>3878367

File (hide): 317e9e683c4e2f3⋯.png (121.82 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, blank pepe.png) (h) (u)


Handoff Confirmed

will lurk until BO/BV check

thank you, godspeed, and goodnight, baker and anons

074d30 (8)  No.3878007>>3878025


Kverching already started. EOanon really got 'em going today.

453fcf (4)  No.3878008>>3878051 >>3878560

File (hide): fdd6af5d377da4a⋯.jpg (218.27 KB, 1125x1161, 125:129, npc SHEEP.jpg) (h) (u)


Q comes back..tells the sheep what they want to hear…starts the timer on how quickly the flock runs back into the fold….holy shit people are stupid.

THIS IS A TEST they say…(to see how stupid you are…yes it is) AND he did it on a day the fucking government was closed and they probably measured how many of you retards believed DECLAS would happen on a federal holiday (when no one is at work)…..

holy fuck the psyop is getting good…bolder…flat out reckless…and yet…there are still adherents….adherents of hope.

Enjoy the show…Tavistock has been taking notes.

(those of "us" that have "noticed" this…you know..we're on a list now right? *Incapable of being reeducated* *Incapable of being programed*….it's the camps for us yah?)

dddf4b (5)  No.3878009


gross! her deformed nipples look like a hand! yech!

e7033d (2)  No.3878010>>3878334

e34c9d (1)  No.3878011>>3878038 >>3878066

c1fbef (2)  No.3878012

One looks like the other….

985901 (1)  No.3878013

>>3877961 (lb)

KEKKED HARD and almost choked Anon. Fucking good one!

171a93 (1)  No.3878014>>3878047 >>3878277

Q, the economy is looking a bit rough. Precious metals down, stocks down, and oil is entering bear market. Interest rate hikes? Still stacking silver, brass, water, and food. Just looking gloomy overall.


72e1e8 (46)  No.3878015>>3878026 >>3878093 >>3878154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the cash is either late or skipped town

1221d6 (6)  No.3878016>>3878103

Did you really think we’d allow your goy President to go rogue?


659f81 (10)  No.3878017>>3878036 >>3878121 >>3878192 >>3878338


If Mueller was a white hat, Dems would not be screeching to keep him protected. You don't think they are falling for this Mueller flipped shit do you?

6cb35b (3)  No.3878018>>3878072

File (hide): 1d8df22779ff5ea⋯.jpg (76.28 KB, 640x480, 4:3, pepe snail charge.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): adc222b7bb248f6⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 600x361, 600:361, pepe 3 snails fast as can.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 31c771d291bf3fa⋯.jpg (223.82 KB, 1500x804, 125:67, pepe blood moon astro caba….jpg) (h) (u)

f435db (6)  No.3878019


That’s your take-away?

266d33 (6)  No.3878020

File (hide): 30221455ea26af6⋯.jpeg (350.65 KB, 1689x1256, 1689:1256, BEBB277B-6134-4DFE-87C5-F….jpeg) (h) (u)

>>3875371 lb

The official story of over pressurized gas leak is unlikely to be the whole truth. So many ignition events are hard to account for.

79a306 (12)  No.3878021>>3878140 >>3878324

File (hide): 99042c767c7cefc⋯.jpg (15.75 KB, 188x166, 94:83, killary.jpg) (h) (u)



I suspect Homeland Security went Under-cover Project Veritas Style in every Dem stronghold to recored the handling of all ballots nationwide.

Under cover footage coming soon, to a theater near you!

Yo shills, you will be swinging by the neck until dead, you too Hillary, DWS et al.

695230 (13)  No.3878022>>3878031


I'd guess that most are trained to expect this. At least, they're not totally helpless like we are and they know they're working for the greater good. When you're single purpose of mind, you don't even try to figure it out. The military would be the best at it. At least, that's what I hope.

35dce7 (3)  No.3878023

File (hide): c6c7d7a9ebf4387⋯.jpg (448.49 KB, 1505x1112, 1505:1112, alnwickcatlepottergates.jpg) (h) (u)

From previous bread but touches on the topic of this one:


Enemy Propaganda when we are in a state of War for our country; against invaders and impostors.

Yes, that's a crime.

76cd29 (5)  No.3878024


Drudge does that pretty often I think

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878025



72e1e8 (46)  No.3878026>>3878030 >>3878093 >>3878128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0b6f77 (2)  No.3878027>>3878089

File (hide): 2117589eeb0cdc0⋯.jpg (566.79 KB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, ba.jpg) (h) (u)



I'm not much for digging, but I try to keep the mood up where I can.

39f206 (8)  No.3878028>>3878041 >>3878061 >>3878078 >>3878373

File (hide): 12cdd17f610d2f6⋯.jpg (43.47 KB, 530x297, 530:297, 13_16-28-39.jpg) (h) (u)

857389 (1)  No.3878029

File (hide): 7228dd55b06b3fd⋯.jpg (27.17 KB, 440x250, 44:25, CR.jpg) (h) (u)

cm..one ping?

feel on an island

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878030>>3878093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

695230 (13)  No.3878031

Shit, reference in >>3878022 should have been LB, sorry anons.

6fef5a (15)  No.3878032



thanks again baker

3a7746 (1)  No.3878033

And he saith unto them,

Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?

Matthew 8:26

214cc7 (7)  No.3878034

File (hide): db581665afb8425⋯.jpg (168.1 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, wpapers_ru_Roberta_Murgo.jpg) (h) (u)


5c2510 (9)  No.3878035>>3878081 >>3878184


I'm not sure what the plan is, but this is getting really old, and someone is going to get hurt.

dddf4b (5)  No.3878036>>3878077


you sure about that? I'm not. The cabal is pretty damn dumb much of the time.

30173b (3)  No.3878037

File (hide): da0ee3bf24a1254⋯.jpg (405.82 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, EnjoyFlagPatriot.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8a93f38670df888⋯.jpg (38.83 KB, 650x488, 325:244, EagleFlagPatriot.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f8a569da4dd0ba8⋯.jpg (525.38 KB, 1725x1500, 23:20, QCrumbsPatriotsBraveWWG1WG….jpg) (h) (u)

17383d (7)  No.3878038

>>3878011 thanks and goodnight, BO

fd5f21 (3)  No.3878039

389b99 (1)  No.3878040

File (hide): 71f101f17952023⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1381x777, 1381:777, RighteousBread14 copy.png) (h) (u)

1221d6 (6)  No.3878041>>3878054 >>3878100


>>posting Loomer

Post some Alex Jones and Posobiec tweets next. Lmao

84ec3c (5)  No.3878042>>3878048 >>3878083



Trust yourself.

Research for yourself

Think for yourself.

Have comfort knowing [they] are SCARED, this has never happened.

[They] have never been forced out into the open like this.

2da393 (3)  No.3878043>>3878076


Drudge usually deletes his tweets. Kushner has never actually tweeted.

e50919 (2)  No.3878044>>3878052

File (hide): ba3c452e8ed87eb⋯.png (158.16 KB, 1133x995, 1133:995, ds200.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ba3c452e8ed87eb⋯.png (158.16 KB, 1133x995, 1133:995, ds200.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0591a47d34893ee⋯.png (179 KB, 1235x965, 247:193, ess1.png) (h) (u)

Broward is using Election Systems and Software DS-200


imo that doesnt matter. the fuckery is just old fashion ballot stuffing

1d7763 (2)  No.3878045>>3878250 >>3878329 >>3878374 >>3878717

So did we ever come to a consensus on the "boomerang suicide"?

Anon suggested the other night that maybe it it had to do with Google Boomerang the Gmail/Outlook addon that allows you to schedule emails to be sent in the future. It also allows users to set parameters to auto delete emails by sender/keyword/passage of time.

The boomerang addon has its own servers and to operate requires access to your Gmail account. It does this through the oauth 2 protocol.

Codefags please excuse my ignorance, but isn't this a major vulnerability? Is it possible that this addon was installed by members of the cabal and then exploited by Qteam to access and archive all of their comms?

98e3ca (2)  No.3878046>>3878365

Breads have sure been moving fast tonight. We're all over the place too so I'm having a hard time picking out the target we were over that caused a shill flood.

db0b6d (15)  No.3878047>>3878528 >>3878659 >>3878685


Stock market =/= Economy

dddf4b (5)  No.3878048>>3878233


>[They] have never been forced out into the open like this.

And there is no going back.

165233 (1)  No.3878049>>3878067 >>3878075 >>3878288 >>3878389

Watch the water. Are you watching the water? Watch the water.

And anyone in red shoes. Watch for that. Gotta watch red shoes. And the water.

6429ec (9)  No.3878050>>3878062


I am hundreds of miles from there, but the whole state is like Armageddon. It went really cold suddenly on Thursday night. The smoke is covering everything. It rains ashes. There is an eerie feeling just like you see in that video hundreds of miles from the fires. It smells like smoke all the way down to Monterey. And people are acting weird. Very few people out, but neighbors are helping each other. But, some are acting out. My town is so quiet, it hasn't been like this in forty years.

c9c05b (15)  No.3878051>>3878086



can you hear it rabbi? sssssssssssssss

for reals this time though

e50919 (2)  No.3878052>>3878146

File (hide): 4d1c5e7234c2e63⋯.png (518.32 KB, 1143x863, 1143:863, ds200a.png) (h) (u)

fed016 (16)  No.3878053>>3878068


The commited major voter fraud ends democrats.

d5c94c (19)  No.3878054


close the eyes

only listen to msm

yes, yes, you are wise and informed

445a25 (1)  No.3878055>>3878652

Hey fam

Regarding the blank ballots Q discussed, and who stores them etc…

The post office.

Easy to drop off in a mail truck/move around.

Shitloads found in opalocka mail facility.

Under lock and key.

Any sauce of blank ballots connected to a post office?

70aa03 (1)  No.3878056

Watch out for the defeatist shill/bot posting in all red all caps. Looks like it's short circuiting and posting more and more incoherently. Opinions?

453fcf (4)  No.3878057>>3878071

File (hide): 12aaaccde383c7a⋯.jpg (243.94 KB, 1125x1161, 125:129, NPC puppet master.jpg) (h) (u)


AH…dude..that's about half pol…not about this place…this place is autodomesticated programming central…like…literally. Just the opposite side of the coin.

f8e8fb (4)  No.3878058

File (hide): b3e1410437206fb⋯.png (46 KB, 268x169, 268:169, keanu.png) (h) (u)

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878059>>3878085 >>3878096 >>3878390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e471fb (13)  No.3878060

File (hide): 8c04dcf10e1eac3⋯.jpg (162.18 KB, 899x1038, 899:1038, iu (5).jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5d1e60d75ab80af⋯.jpg (78.78 KB, 691x487, 691:487, iu (6).jpg) (h) (u)

39f206 (8)  No.3878061>>3878070 >>3878082 >>3878092 >>3878108 >>3878119 >>3878190 >>3878528 >>3878617 >>3878659 >>3878685

File (hide): df99d429cca1854⋯.jpg (70.12 KB, 528x419, 528:419, 13_16-30-21.jpg) (h) (u)


Pelosi: Voters are thanking Democrats for 'saving America'

A jubilant Nancy Pelosi, poised to become the new speaker of the House of Representatives, is painting last week's election victory by Democrats as a historic event that has saved the United States.

"As we travel to Washington for this lame duck period, House Democrats are anything but lame ducks," she told colleagues in an email. "We are flying high and taking pride in the greatest Democratic victory in the House since 1974.

She said: 'Thank you, House Democrats, for saving America!' That’s the message I hear from across the country. And I convey that thanks to you."

Pelosi, D-Calif., cited "our excellent candidates, discipline of message, owning the ground" as reason behind the Democratic victory, which looks likely to result in a gain of between 35 and 40 seats. Democrats gained 49 seats in 1974 after President Richard Nixon resigned due to the Watergate scandal.

The California congresswoman called on House Democrats to remain "unified" and to "stand our ground" during the lame duck session of Congress ahead of her expected relevation to the speakership in January.

"We have great opportunity, and therefore great responsibility to get results for the American people," she said. "In the next few weeks, we need to be unified, find common ground with Republicans in our legislative engagements, but stand our ground when we must."

[Byron York: As Dems consider impeaching Trump, GOP leaders regret pursuing Clinton]

Items on the agenda for the lame duck session is headlined by a major part of government funding that needs to be passed by December 7.

Some 75 percent of discretionary spending -- funding voted on by Congress each year – was passed in September. The remaining funds, headlined by money for the Department of Homeland Security and possibly cash toward border security – a top issue for President Trump. GOP congressional leaders have been seeking $5 billion for the border wall, a rise from $1.6 billion in last year's package.

The House is due to reconvene on Tuesday for a week before members leave for Thanksgiving recess.


d508f9 (17)  No.3878062>>3878155


This is what happens when the Swamp doesn't get drained.

7c70e9 (3)  No.3878063

I LOVE THIS THREAD. Lock up Mockingbirds. Traitors!

f72bbb (1)  No.3878064>>3878199 >>3878328

File (hide): ac4370d35c50298⋯.jpg (40.36 KB, 540x500, 27:25, 1458832.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 022f534635de938⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 540x500, 27:25, 1461584.jpg) (h) (u)

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878065>>3878110 >>3878115 >>3878271

Anybody got some Hope Hicks Pics??

I could use a little HOPE right Now!

6fef5a (15)  No.3878066


Thanks fren. AB should be around soon, I'm just filling a gap.

2d3af3 (4)  No.3878067


Don’t forget Ca ….Red shoes and the water

dddf4b (5)  No.3878068>>3878090



The fraud leads to voter ID, which ends the Dems.

4f43a2 (3)  No.3878069

Jude 1:3 ESV

Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.

yeah because a saint is not a sinner.

here this… this is WHY God has the very LAST word.

old ass boomers Knew.


db0b6d (15)  No.3878070


She will fall swiftly.

d29a55 (1)  No.3878071>>3878097

File (hide): fe7eb755b2228e6⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 832x682, 416:341, sawNothing.jpg) (h) (u)

365903 (4)  No.3878072

File (hide): 4f45b8fc76923e7⋯.jpg (102.07 KB, 472x472, 1:1, slugskream.jpg) (h) (u)

eadbe9 (6)  No.3878073>>3878414 >>3878528 >>3878633


Whistleblower Investigating Fraud in Broward County Shot Himself in the Head --- But No Gun Was Found

A federal prosecutor’s body was discovered on a Hollywood, Florida beach in May 2017.

But no gun was ever found.

The Sun-Sentinel reported:

Detectives and a medical examiner found Whisenant had shot himself in the head, Hollywood police said.

Police searched for two blocks north and south of the crime scene but couldn’t find the gun or any other weapon.

He was assigned to the Miami office of the U.S. Attorney’s Office and been hired as federal prosecutor a few months earlier.


b73792 (3)  No.3878074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e471fb (13)  No.3878075

File (hide): 12030d592f96f76⋯.jpg (37.9 KB, 313x400, 313:400, ssdare.jpg) (h) (u)

f435db (6)  No.3878076


Thanks anon.

659f81 (10)  No.3878077>>3878091


You really think people aren't talking behind the scenes. They all know what's what. Why are they trying to hard to keep Whitaker away from Mueller?

Believe what you want. Not trying to change any minds.

fed016 (16)  No.3878078


More stupidity by DS.

More censorship fuckery!

0beae7 (2)  No.3878079>>3878357

File (hide): 5d450139a1a7b21⋯.png (2.48 MB, 2744x1528, 343:191, EFD.png) (h) (u)

Q Post #2477 thoughts, possible connections?


24 77

6 77

SB 677 Senate Bill 677 California

Senate Bill 677 California: “includes monitoring the budgets of the Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection”


“Watch the budget”

POTUS cut funding to California for wildfires due to ‘gross mismanagement’:


Enemy @ the Front Door:

Enemy = Trudeau (Armistice USSS ‘stay’ alert due to possible threat & handshake snub)


Front Door = US/Canadian border?

Enemy Front Door:

EFD = EFD Induction >> Canadian company >> industrial heat induction >>possible heat weapons?

California fires? DEWs? EFD has worldwide presence including US office in Michigan.



And what’s this about spaceships?

In addition to the above, I ran the graphic file name in Q’s post through Google Books just for the heck of it:


81587f (1)  No.3878080

File (hide): 2b2542b816c8125⋯.png (231.79 KB, 454x280, 227:140, SEAN HANNITY TB AGAIN.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): ca14c303a19595e⋯.png (269.87 KB, 533x319, 533:319, sean's tie.PNG) (h) (u)


NICE, FULL ON, TIFFANY BLUE…for over a month….hmmmmm….

5:5 CLEAR COMMS for those with open eyes

90b6a0 (4)  No.3878081>>3878109 >>3878111


This election steeling bullshit is going to send people over the edge.

d508f9 (17)  No.3878082>>3878102


Wow so much winning for (((them)))

79a306 (12)  No.3878083

File (hide): d054ab1f534b362⋯.jpg (86.63 KB, 503x736, 503:736, DeathWish 5.JPG) (h) (u)


In a Cold Sweat Demoncrats?

You Need be.

6cb35b (3)  No.3878084

File (hide): 1cc06ffc4d28a55⋯.png (846.46 KB, 1098x732, 3:2, digital min flynn1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bf8df3756c50fd4⋯.png (898.34 KB, 1092x728, 3:2, digital min flynn2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 97b1bcadd4722dd⋯.jpg (307.51 KB, 1079x1192, 1079:1192, pepe armed forces 01 need ….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e80bdaf566aa27f⋯.jpg (304.2 KB, 1500x815, 300:163, pepe fallout 4 spaceforce ….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e2208ec1c3adf16⋯.jpg (228.66 KB, 1024x730, 512:365, pepe revolutionary battle ….jpg) (h) (u)

The Digital Minutemen.

Unbeholden to the government.

Unswayed by name calling.

We are simply Citizens wanting to live our lives.

But when the need arises, so do we.

What keeps the Digital Minutemen from becoming like the Historical Minutemen?

The front door.

And this scares them.

We all have one.

What keeps our friends and enemies, alike, scared of us and what we can do?

We follow no one.

If they're headed our way, we'll throw in our weight.

If they're standing in our way, we'll drown them in our piss.

Call us what you will.

An unruly, independent, freethinking mass, pretending to be civilized is what it is.

We're awake.

There's no going back.

Unbeholden to the government.

Unswayed by name calling.

We are simply Citizens wanting to live our lives.

But when the need arises, so do we.

The Digital Minutemen.

Meme. Dig. Pray.


32a68d (3)  No.3878085

File (hide): 956633755433e15⋯.jpg (71.43 KB, 468x397, 468:397, Colonel_Sanders7.jpg) (h) (u)

453fcf (4)  No.3878086>>3878160


My guess is…you have NO idea how close you are….to the truth…rabbi. (((WHISPERS…Israel is last…fingers crossed)))

30173b (3)  No.3878087>>3878099 >>3878107 >>3878221 >>3878442

File (hide): 06fc67f001e89c9⋯.png (450.09 KB, 521x567, 521:567, nightshift9.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): a49aa38002881fe⋯.jpg (723.52 KB, 1485x1014, 495:338, HippieNight.jpg) (h) (u)

We here

075dab (1)  No.3878088>>3878442

File (hide): dac4b5d51a21e54⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1868x1240, 467:310, dac4b5d51a21e54a686504c9a6….png) (h) (u)


a96678 (2)  No.3878089


I love you you little shit! ;)

See pic. And remember ;) tune in anon

fed016 (16)  No.3878090



Can agree to that.

dddf4b (5)  No.3878091>>3878101


you are watching a movie.

659f81 (10)  No.3878092>>3878189


Don't know how much more I can take.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878093>>3878104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

27570e (4)  No.3878094


Fox News is doing a boycott of Twitter.

To protest against Twitter keeping Tuckers

address up that some soy boy tweeted.

Thats the word on the streets

1f7b6d (9)  No.3878095>>3878136 >>3878147

File (hide): 2b93870adeeabf3⋯.jpeg (572.61 KB, 1242x1395, 138:155, EB9F922D-6F14-45AB-A7FE-8….jpeg) (h) (u)

ace950 (1)  No.3878096>>3878148


You do realise that nobody here is triggered by an image of comped Alex Jones right? Hehe…fucking stoopid…

453fcf (4)  No.3878097

File (hide): 28bcfb3859068b6⋯.jpg (332.29 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, npc amen.jpg) (h) (u)

a0cd09 (1)  No.3878098>>3878152

File (hide): 0af7b1a4d10dc12⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1249x939, 1249:939, gran-teatro-de-la-habana.png) (h) (u)

>>3877812 LB


d5c94c (19)  No.3878099>>3878114 >>3878491

File (hide): f4ebd5392947d40⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 736x736, 1:1, nightshift.jpg) (h) (u)

6fef5a (15)  No.3878100


>Post some Alex Jones and Posobiec tweets next. Lmao


only listen to msm

Nice false dichotomy (((you))) got there.

We listen to no one, we digg our own sources

659f81 (10)  No.3878101


Spare me

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878102>>3878179

>>3878082 Think Mirror?!

5a5519 (6)  No.3878103

File (hide): 54182fa6fc88c90⋯.jpg (67.89 KB, 675x379, 675:379, hrcroyalwding.jpg) (h) (u)


martial law was the plan all along

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878104>>3878165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5eae5d (1)  No.3878105


Mueller is in a kill box….. that should help you

c9c05b (15)  No.3878106


then dead men on here be like "its just underbrush"

e471fb (13)  No.3878107>>3878442

File (hide): f6fe7cfcf317d05⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 3039x4155, 1013:1385, DSCN0046 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 43d4033ebb8b3b1⋯.jpg (91.7 KB, 495x501, 165:167, iu (3).jpg) (h) (u)

7c70e9 (3)  No.3878108


I hope they pull the rug under her feet with the lawsuits that are forthcoming? With the cessation of consent decree don’t the indicted reps get to step down from office?

5c2510 (9)  No.3878109>>3878132


Then what happens? Patriots riot, Q movement gets blamed. Civil war?

214cc7 (7)  No.3878110>>3878137 >>3878180 >>3878287


She Fine

79a306 (12)  No.3878111

File (hide): 2ff12b050527ac1⋯.jpg (43.93 KB, 375x500, 3:4, ColdSweatRevenge.JPG) (h) (u)

76cd29 (5)  No.3878112>>3878181

File (hide): a807586398229a8⋯.png (89.5 KB, 789x296, 789:296, expulsion.png) (h) (u)

FISA brings down the House?

d646dc (1)  No.3878113>>3878637


If they can start an exodus from Twitter, would they be trying to drain the Presidents Red Sea?

30173b (3)  No.3878114


Hold the fort, anons.

This anon gotta get some shut-eye.


70f0c8 (27)  No.3878115>>3878133 >>3878182 >>3878412 >>3878537



10aa49 (4)  No.3878116

File (hide): e58ad4f5e59851f⋯.jpg (196 KB, 894x894, 1:1, ns.jpg) (h) (u)

020ddd (1)  No.3878117>>3878158

What's the mood like in Q land these days?

eadbe9 (6)  No.3878118>>3878162 >>3878183 >>3878195 >>3878246 >>3878286 >>3878432


Straight up attack. Check out Paul Preston on youtube. He is a lead organizer of the "New California" movement which most of the meetings for these events were in Paradise. Jerry Brown did not want this movement to progress. This was a attack for sure. CA FIRE WAS IN PARADISE

My opinion is that these are designed to flush out longtime Prop 13 protected homeowners. Baby boomers who bought homes in the 70s and 80s for a fraction of what they are worth now and paying a fraction of the possible TAX that could be taken by the Government.

39f206 (8)  No.3878119>>3878139 >>3878141 >>3878143 >>3878170 >>3878208 >>3878346 >>3878622


DOJ: Matt Whitaker consulting ethics officials about recusal

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker is discussing with Justice Department senior ethics officials if he should recuse himself from oversight of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

“Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker is fully committed to following all appropriate processes and procedures at the Department of Justice, including consulting with senior ethics officials on his oversight responsibilities and matters that may warrant recusal,” Justice Department spokesperson Kerri Kupec said in a statement to the Washington Examiner.

The statement came amid mounting calls from Democrats that Whitaker should recuse himself, and leave oversight to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein --- the man that appointed Mueller 18 months ago and has had oversight responsibilities ever since.

Last week, President Trump named Whitaker acting attorney general after the forced resignation of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Democrats have asserted that Sessions’ ouster was an attempt by Trump to undermine Mueller's investigation.

On Monday, top Democratic lawmakers asked Lee Lofthus, the assistant attorney general for administration at the Justice Department, if he has advised Whitaker to recuse himself. Lofthus is also the department’s chief ethics officer.

Citing Whitaker’s multiple public remarks about the special counsel investigation, the Democrats said in a Sunday letter to Lofthus that he has “troubling conflicts of interest,” which include his relationship with Sam Clovis, who supervised George Papadopoulos.

The letter came after top House Democrats were on numerous Sunday shows, warning Whitaker that if he does not recuse, he will be called immediately in to testify when they gain control of the House in January.

"Acting AG Whitaker is a well-qualified and respected former U.S. Attorney who Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Friday called 'a superb choice.' He has the confidence of the President, Department of Justice leadership, and key leaders in Congress," said Kupec on Sunday in response to Democrats.

There has been legislation introduced in both the House and Senate that has bipartisan backing that would protect Mueller from being fired by Trump. The legislation would ensure the only figure with the authority to remove or penalize the special counsel could be the highest ranking official at the Justice Department confirmed by the Senate.

Rosenstein is currently the highest official at the agency who was confirmed by the Senate.

There were renewed calls to pass that legislation, including by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.


7c16a7 (1)  No.3878120


695230 (13)  No.3878121


Of course they would. The public still thinks Mueller is out to get Trump. All they need is public perception to drag things out until they can control it.

From a DS standpoint:

If RM is "dirty," then anything he's touched is legally suspect and thrown out by even corrupt courts. If the DS is counting on him to be /theirguy/, i.e., comped for them, then any indictments against Trump and/or his team are immediately tossed.

From a Trump standpoint:

If RM is "dirty" then his exoneration of Trump is suspect, and we'll end up with a repeat.

In short, both sides need RM to be clean.

He is. Get used to it, because you're going to feel pretty shitty when it turns out that way if you haven't managed to work through the logic beforehand.

a4c049 (2)  No.3878122>>3878210 >>3878218

Without sounding like a dick.. Q.

I bought my popcorn with a Best Before Date of 1 week after 11:11..

Please do something Amazing.. My Family think im Crazy.

fed016 (16)  No.3878123


You are here together with many many muhjooo shills, besides obvious concernshill.

Imo: Blended in shills reply to obvious concernshills, only to do muhjew shilling the same bread…

See the difference. Think for yourselves.

Q #1751

>Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).

>The World is Here.


>This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.

>Peace through strength.


Anons are not divided.

Anons are under attack.

Recognize the difference.

Trust the plan.

>They want you DIVIDED.











9aaaeb (2)  No.3878124>>3878177 >>3878242

File (hide): 1c7e87d5941d198⋯.png (70.95 KB, 690x554, 345:277, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


266d33 (6)  No.3878125



Same mo as other fires it seems, incredible heat but most concentrated in vehicles/housing whereas the traditional tinder-sources like trees aren’t all incinerated. Very sad.

7026bd (8)  No.3878126>>3878265 >>3878280


Did any of you gay boys

Read the website for this product?


We know you only stick your cocks in other men's asses

But there are other people on this planet


Who sometimes have problems with organs that you GAY faggots do not possess.

So keep your cock sucking habits to yourselves

And don't tell the whole world how GAY you are.

1ea701 (3)  No.3878127

Such and amazing picture

e9b8b4 (3)  No.3878128

File (hide): 6930a95310a35cd⋯.gif (110.58 KB, 200x200, 1:1, kys.gif) (h) (u)

9a7a94 (2)  No.3878129

336425 (2)  No.3878130>>3878159 >>3878212 >>3878232

I know a lot of us are getting frustrated with the lack of proof of anything really happening. I too am also tired of all the emails begging for money when the GOP couldn't even help out local candidates in states. Nothing is going to change. I really had high hope for President Trump. As one of his earliest and most ardent supporters, I am starting to lose faith. I'm glad for the jobs but after seeing a unified cheating Democrat party win yet again in local races where most laws that affect our daily life are made, I am about done with it all.

No I am not a shill. Just someone who has put a lot into supporting President Trump like many others here who are tired of the same ole story.

10b226 (4)  No.3878131


Placeholder posts were dumb. Sick of puzzles. Drop the fuckin MOAB Q.

3f5feb (2)  No.3878132

32a68d (3)  No.3878133>>3878149 >>3878150

File (hide): 0128a5a9a6d5f9b⋯.jpg (68.48 KB, 1195x1164, 1195:1164, IMG_20181112_193455.jpg) (h) (u)

214cc7 (7)  No.3878134

File (hide): 42d449ef76ee2f0⋯.png (488.64 KB, 432x653, 432:653, tumblr_mfbsghfySh1r2gk1ko1….png) (h) (u)

We are past critical mass


9dd51a (5)  No.3878135>>3878157


to all you who start out with

"I think… or my take is,,." fantasy scenarios

you could actually research things and provide us with data instead of putting your thoughts down like a diary. This aint The View

7373ec (1)  No.3878136>>3878318




didn't the praying medic

get the ban hammer on

Jew tube today?

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878137

>>3878110 DDG Drop Dead Gorgeous!

9eb70a (1)  No.3878138

File (hide): 8bce5266c4ada3f⋯.jpg (111.02 KB, 670x1193, 670:1193, ebstmvs.jpg) (h) (u)

livin the dream and bustin moves

top kek ebo!

659f81 (10)  No.3878139


If he recuses, I am done.

07992d (2)  No.3878140>>3878169 >>3878238


You don't think they were expecting to be watched?

695230 (13)  No.3878141



5d6606 (5)  No.3878142>>3878256 >>3878281

>>3877886 pb

re video of the dead after the fire

Thank you for sharing this. Hard to watch, and very sad, but I want to know everything about these fires, which seem so unusual in so many ways.

Most people who lives in areas like this know to get out of a fire soon enough. What kind of fire would come up so quick that a whole group of people would fail to get out? Not just one loony guy hosing off his roof--or even the woman putting on makeup--but all of them.

I hope to God we -- or someone -- will find the answers so that they did not die in vain.

f466db (1)  No.3878143

File (hide): a918a5497d8ee7c⋯.png (218.1 KB, 585x333, 65:37, ethicscommitte.PNG) (h) (u)

af8fe7 (2)  No.3878144

File (hide): 0d8f1a69e38af0c⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 259x194, 259:194, shitshow.jpg) (h) (u)

685ec6 (1)  No.3878146


Need to dig to find who the actual owner is.

If a foreign country is involved in ownership, the EO applies.

d77404 (1)  No.3878147>>3878161 >>3878168

File (hide): df9c619f780a0c8⋯.png (61.99 KB, 776x470, 388:235, Capture.PNG) (h) (u)

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878148



d5c94c (19)  No.3878149


night shift kek

6c65c2 (1)  No.3878150


boomerapproves. kek

e471fb (13)  No.3878151>>3878167

File (hide): f002955a53c2f51⋯.jpg (150.46 KB, 664x647, 664:647, buttecounty.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3efaa2c65edbc11⋯.jpg (145.38 KB, 768x696, 32:29, burning.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7009c38f9d1b4ac⋯.jpg (92.4 KB, 678x610, 339:305, campf2018.jpg) (h) (u)

7c3237 (4)  No.3878152

File (hide): 958b13d1c3afdde⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2306x1722, 1153:861, Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at ….jpg) (h) (u)


??? yes, I have been there

3326fc (11)  No.3878153


General note from graphic creator:

FISA brings down the House (WH) or Congress House may not ONLY be related to Carter Page and the 4 FISA warrants / renewals.

Think Imran Awan.. and Feinstein… and others that may have open FISA warrants opened. How do you connect Congress to foreign and domestic bad actors on Carter Page FISA abuse?

No leaks DOJ was great thing Sessions and RR and Mueller (yes Mueller) accomplished. Mueller and RR warned when brought in on May 7th .. go forward with investigation… play the roles out to conclusion, but no leaks whatsoever.

OIG report in review process.. after comments and redaction process from affected agencies / DNI etc… expect Senate and House Intel cmte briefing.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878154>>3878165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6429ec (9)  No.3878155


And Newsom announced friday that he plans to build 3.5 MILLION new homes.


7026bd (8)  No.3878156>>3878178 >>3878310

File (hide): c6692d385d5f212⋯.png (522.53 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Remember this girl?

Well she enlisted in the Navy

And now serves her country

9aaaeb (2)  No.3878157>>3878272


crossed legs club

3f5feb (2)  No.3878158


Dark and angry, with resentful mutterings and idiotic shills. No apparent action has inflamed passions.

659f81 (10)  No.3878159


You're not alone

c9c05b (15)  No.3878160


Jew - we're done with you killing white people.

d508f9 (17)  No.3878161


The cabal must have known this was going to happen, I mean we had an idea they was going to try cheat but it would be stopped instead.

Not allowed to gain a ton of seats, power and fuck up "the plan"

019943 (2)  No.3878162>>3878174 >>3878188 >>3878231 >>3878429


Jerry Brown & Gavin Newsom are responsible for ALL of it!!!

2fafa8 (1)  No.3878163

Lots of negative commentary on social about #QAnon. Many Anons are lost…very lost…spreading the wrong messages. Slipping into the "wrong tactics". YES, some are shills. YET, some are not. Damage control is needed IMO. Or maybe just a little push…hyjack some threads and drop some better MEME bombs.

99aec0 (1)  No.3878164

Interesting but old info- Romney family bought into Bain voting machines in 2012. Looking to see if still involved.


72e1e8 (46)  No.3878165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10b226 (4)  No.3878166


You are high.

5d6606 (5)  No.3878167>>3878305 >>3878722


Can you say more? Is it this county in particular or part of a larger pattern? What is going on in Butte Co, do you know?

b9cc45 (3)  No.3878168>>3878200


Its so comically obvious, so comfy here

400153 (1)  No.3878169


Of course, they were expecting to be watched. But how they were watched is a whole 'nother thing.

fed016 (16)  No.3878170>>3878301 >>3878703


There has been legislation introduced in both the House and Senate that has bipartisan backing that would protect Mueller from being fired by Trump. The legislation would ensure the only figure with the authority to remove or penalize the special counsel could be the highest ranking official at the Justice Department confirmed by the Senate.

who ownes the Senate again? Might that be the good guys?

09154c (4)  No.3878171>>3878219

My poor neighbor still has his Beto sign up. KEK

ed9544 (4)  No.3878172>>3878497

If I get an erection that lasts more than four hours….

A doctor is not who Im calling.

9f0ec1 (1)  No.3878173

File (hide): e0ed1c75337ccee⋯.png (234.91 KB, 891x826, 891:826, 17th.png) (h) (u)

Anyone thought of this yet? Had the thought for a while now, but not seen any talk after the first notable some days back.

e471fb (13)  No.3878174


They better be locked up before the people learn the Truth.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878175>>3878187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

say what again

25fd87 (3)  No.3878176

File (hide): 5f257a63fa182bd⋯.jpeg (160.79 KB, 1006x1130, 503:565, 46FC4B91-D8DB-49B9-8DA0-F….jpeg) (h) (u)

Jeb’s trafficking corridor asset is burned, so he throws his appointee under the bus?

Hoping to keep the CAIR hive of Broward in tact? Another day, another Florida election fixer. Snipes should turn informant (if she can stay alive)?

The Florida hive is why judges, GOP establishment, Sheriff Israel/law enforcement aren’t really going at this election super hard? Even Teddy Olsen’s firm is there dancing this round again (his wife Barbara went down in the plane 9-11 after saying too much, too often on Chris Matthew’s broadcast).

https:// www.rawstory.com/2018/11/jeb-bush-joins-fellow-republicans-trashing-south-florida-elections-supervisor-appointed/

365903 (4)  No.3878177>>3878193 >>3878227

File (hide): 0b6f2c14a3c74b0⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 600x277, 600:277, tucopoint.jpg) (h) (u)

3326fc (11)  No.3878178


Love those Patriot women that can handle the Seamen!

db0b6d (15)  No.3878179



266d33 (6)  No.3878180>>3878196


Hope Hicks is a goddess, I miss her

7c70e9 (3)  No.3878181


2/3 is a lot

79a306 (12)  No.3878182>>3878191 >>3878197 >>3878217 >>3878284

File (hide): 94772ff0343a060⋯.jpg (85.26 KB, 880x709, 880:709, Guillotine.JPG) (h) (u)


The election fraud is caught on camera, undercover.

This is what will Trigger Martial Law and will Drag Demoncrats into Military Tribunals for Treason then on to Gitmo

6429ec (9)  No.3878183



Newsom on Friday.

243fc0 (4)  No.3878184>>3878264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Unless you're talking about bashing your own bishop we leave street violence for the cabal and antifa in these parts. We dig, pray and meme. That is why we win. I can understand why you are pissed off though so have some calming music. Much love.

7026bd (8)  No.3878185>>3878194 >>3878273


Keep posting more of these 16yo girls

We don't want those old hags who are 18 on our board.

d5c94c (19)  No.3878186>>3878202 >>3878215

File (hide): 2235853240e6404⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 614x371, 614:371, houseofcards.jpg) (h) (u)

I'll try this meme a third time

zero traction so far

I thought it was good

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878187>>3878203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1ea701 (3)  No.3878188>>3878206

9a4048 (5)  No.3878189


Now picture her scowling while sitting behind

POTUS at the next SOTU

a83df0 (1)  No.3878190>>3878240 >>3878249


Well no need to vote in 2020 looks like dims will win

2d3af3 (4)  No.3878191


Dream on ….

cc122a (2)  No.3878192>>3878255 >>3878582


Not “falling for it”, but there has to be more to this Mueller thing, the piddly shit he has uncovered so far,…inconsequential. there has to be patriots working in the FBI also, the lack of leaks from him and Huber. It’s brewing.

“They have it all” but can’t be used in court unless collected legally. And FISA works both ways. Once the Trump administration took over, surely they made their own FISA requests as well.

8da929 (3)  No.3878193>>3878228


I just put that movie on!

d508f9 (17)  No.3878194


Time Lines change

76cd29 (5)  No.3878195

File (hide): 7026e8d17231c13⋯.png (348.73 KB, 946x920, 473:460, Paradise_New_Ca.png) (h) (u)


>Paradise and New California movement

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878196

>>3878180 TOO Hot for Mortal Man!

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878197



e9ef72 (2)  No.3878198>>3878214 >>3878457 >>3878489 >>3878549 >>3878593 >>3878607 >>3878685 >>3878708

File (hide): 0af8fe96b61e69c⋯.jpg (61.69 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2me6e8.jpg) (h) (u)

ALERT: Foreign Interference of Mid-Terms.Votes are being counted outside of the United States.

These insider digital certificate authorities appear to be a very sophisticated Man-in-the-Middle network set up for the SES takedown of the American Republic.


Thoma Bravo, ENTRUST, Jerry C. Jones and Michael Chertoff (co-author of The Patriot Act) appear to be running it.


Hillary’s Man-in-the-Middle. (Compiled Nov. 06, 2018). Election System Encryption Certificate Authorities by State. MX Toolbox.


Story here: https://patriots4truth.org/2018/11/06/alert-foreign-interference-of-mid-terms-votes-are-being-counted-outside-of-the-united-states/

4db5b5 (7)  No.3878199

File (hide): 213263a2074fb13⋯.jpg (56.99 KB, 525x367, 525:367, [m4xr3sdEfault2].jpg) (h) (u)

e7033d (2)  No.3878200>>3878209


Except that they are declaring winners and certifying the results.

f98c40 (1)  No.3878201>>3878313

File (hide): 0a6cc1143b3c001⋯.jpg (92.24 KB, 624x351, 16:9, chicom gals.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 59e8712fb1b025e⋯.jpg (68.44 KB, 648x506, 324:253, Chicom tank.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 027ceab99a78e37⋯.jpg (70.88 KB, 1000x775, 40:31, chicom lazer.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0aefcac1f6de09f⋯.jpg (85.67 KB, 689x565, 689:565, chicom ranger.jpg) (h) (u)

Updated info re: Chinese secret tanks hidden in Mexico:

The Red Commie Chicom tanks hidden in Mexico are actually miniatures, one third the size of a US Army 105 mm "Sherman" Mk VII.

These tanks are part of the PLA Special Ops Armored Division based out of Chengdu.

USMC Designated "TeeTees".

The Chinky TeeTees are actually crewed by ultra small midget Chinese women who have been specially bred in Tibet, by PRC President Xi's Mengele Division.

In fact, all the midget TeeTee girls look like a "mini me" version of President Xi, as they are clones, hatched in specialized bioware labs.

The clones have been grown using his "full moon harvested" spermatazoa and gene spliced with ova harvested from Madam Sun Yat Sen in the 1950's.

However, a damaged helix fragment of the Xi DNA bio-nome quadrophonic stereo XYZ strand, resulted in all the midgets developing DD cup triple breasts upon reaching menarche.

This makes them easy to identify, however.

The (3 breasted) Chicom midget TeeTee women will be atmosphere dropped in, from a low altitude Chicom orbital platform (Tian Ching Chong VI) that is in a Geo Sync. orbit directly over Chihuahua, Mexico, at 75.333 miles altitude. Apogee is about 76.9 degrees North. Azimuth 47 degrees SSW.

The TeeTee Midgets, parachute dropped and inserted into the TeeTee armor, will head North, taking no prisoners and not stopping at Vegas.

Up Route 45, on to El Paso, then onwards till outside Denvercity limits.

These tanks are fully armed with the latest Mk 8 torpedoes and EMP waveguides. The TeeTees are fuelled with hydrazine quadrivalent.

We are aware that Chinese infiltrator agents are being co-ordinated out of Broward County by a deep plant sleeper agent known only as "Sum Ting Wong".

Hydrazine Fuel dumps are hidden in Carson National Forest within the 38th Parallel, just south of Big Rock Forks, to the left of the green bushes.

NB: At El Paso, there is a giant 30 foot Saguaro cactus, directly outside a Tex-Mex eatery on Fort Blvd.

This fake carbonfiber cacti conceals a vertically polarized tight beam 17mm array nano tube photon regulated communications/DEW lazer which is used by the Chicoms to triangulate helo drop points for supplies in the impending invasion. Description of lazer is attached.

Anons,that's all I can say at present, as my deep throat mole inside the "Agency" has had to go full stealth mode till the HAARP weapon Cali fires wind down.

I have to protect my sources, please understand. This may sound outlandish, but remember: future proves past.

Stay frosty, Patriots.

Semper Fi.

//Comm Tx//

Code encaps:7334Mhz LSB Almighty Almighty PBR StreetGang.#377645638#

Alpha Lima Lima Foxtrot Oscar Romeo Tango Hotel Echo Kilo Echo Kilo Sierra:decode Enigma Bletchley EB69

//Term. Tx//

683d6d (5)  No.3878202>>3878213


>zero traction so far

There's most likely a reason for that

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878203>>3878282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

214cc7 (7)  No.3878204

File (hide): 102939cc71306bb⋯.jpg (214.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 282115_04big.jpg) (h) (u)

Victory is near

84a505 (4)  No.3878205>>3878262 >>3878323 >>3878446 >>3878568

Fired: Broward County Employee Gives Affidavit, Blank Ballots Being Filled Out

An employee has witnessed Broward County officials filling out blank ballots.


Not sure if this has been posted…

019943 (2)  No.3878206


Most truthful meme I've saw today that SOB stole his way into office and is now wreaking havoc!!!

eadbe9 (6)  No.3878207

"" . ""

39f206 (8)  No.3878208>>3878350


Lindsey Graham: No need for Matthew Whitaker to recuse himself from Russia investigation

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said newly appointed acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker doesn’t need to recuse himself from overseeing the Russia investigation.

“I think [Whitaker] was appropriately appointed, legally,” Graham said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “I don’t think he has to recuse himself.”

Graham, a member of the Judiciary Committee, said he spoke with Whitaker on the phone on Saturday and plans to meet with him in the coming week.

Democrats and a number of Republicans have voiced concern over Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ forced resignation immediately following the midterm elections, saying it could spur a constitutional crisis.


b9cc45 (3)  No.3878209


let them, they will lose.

8da929 (3)  No.3878210>>3878252


Q failed to realize that often people turn off movies that don't seem to go anywhere…

3bd19a (1)  No.3878211


>>3877994Fux Newz Is doing that a as protest against Twitter for the TuCa Bullshit, Drudge Periodically clears his Twitter stuff

5a5519 (6)  No.3878212

File (hide): 6b4be68f1ed64e3⋯.png (73.38 KB, 243x89, 243:89, antibiotic.png) (h) (u)


Martial Law was the plan all along.

d5c94c (19)  No.3878213>>3878222



muh suspicion

f2b41d (1)  No.3878214>>3878225

File (hide): 11c67e26524edd3⋯.jpg (17.57 KB, 236x281, 236:281, allah.jpg) (h) (u)

f8e8fb (4)  No.3878215>>3878236


gots potential….distill….distilll

c9c05b (15)  No.3878216

File (hide): 4023847bc2f2cb2⋯.jpg (70.5 KB, 963x589, 963:589, DN4dCCdV4AE30Cy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 48c057fd1e9a19a⋯.jpg (316.86 KB, 1442x1426, 721:713, yveMtSc.jpg) (h) (u)

51f6ac (4)  No.3878217>>3878283 >>3878298


Doubt it. These election lawsuits are going to tie up the courts for months.

3326fc (11)  No.3878218


Double meanings important

11:11 - 22

27570e (4)  No.3878219>>3878299


kek, I can top that Anon, I took a trip the other day about 45 minutes away from my house and someone still has a Hilllary Kaine sign up.

c1fbef (2)  No.3878220>>3878313

File (hide): 9d0ce5064e6f102⋯.jpeg (116.93 KB, 433x660, 433:660, 8FA2CB2E-25E2-4371-8CF5-5….jpeg) (h) (u)

Are doppelgänger ears a thing?

dea923 (3)  No.3878221>>3878347 >>3878442

File (hide): 5e390d8da182f36⋯.png (399.55 KB, 572x701, 572:701, NightshiftEngaged.PNG) (h) (u)

683d6d (5)  No.3878222>>3878244


concept is good

presentation is fucked

8e3b52 (1)  No.3878223>>3878325

Ventura County Fag here:

Fire near Simi Valley was already under control within 2 hours.

Doesn’t surprise me. Simi Valley Fire Department are a team of harderned veterans.

Anons in the area of the Rocky Peak Fire are safe.

424dd4 (1)  No.3878224>>3878418

File (hide): 93fe00ed2a4de77⋯.png (263.19 KB, 500x314, 250:157, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

d5c94c (19)  No.3878225


kek of a meme

42b5be (1)  No.3878226


Do not lose focus on Loop Capital. Slush Fund for Hussein, HRC, NoName, Pelosi, on and on. nationalsecurityaction.org/who-we-are

25fd87 (3)  No.3878227>>3878322


gimme a DEW

365903 (4)  No.3878228


not coincidence.

look at where Tuco was pointing…

d9c136 (2)  No.3878229

File (hide): f18fdc21b717567⋯.png (166.21 KB, 1343x719, 1343:719, Declas_NOW.png) (h) (u)

4c0ce7 (1)  No.3878230

File (hide): 82935623e162984⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 597x384, 199:128, PlH56.JPG) (h) (u)


2da393 (3)  No.3878231

File (hide): 561ec89b254f947⋯.jpg (407.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, newsom3.jpg) (h) (u)

4bb712 (1)  No.3878232


Anyone thats frustrated or impatient doesnt know how military operations work. Q is the equivalent to a technician of a system rather than the operator. The tech doesnt need to operator to do their job, and can still complete it. The operator (us) needs the technician or else we feel let down. The words trust the plan should instill enough hope in you to overcome the doubt.

84ec3c (5)  No.3878233


Being alive to witness that the destruction of Evil is such a beautiful thing.

This Movement keeps me sane.

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878234>>3878251 >>3878396

File (hide): b7f35e137aa0467⋯.png (2.73 MB, 2528x1350, 1264:675, Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at ….png) (h) (u)


c9c05b (15)  No.3878235

d5c94c (19)  No.3878236


the idea is right

the meme does need work

thank you

541eec (3)  No.3878237>>3878276 >>3878279 >>3878360 >>3878362 >>3878378 >>3878413




79a306 (12)  No.3878238>>3878306


I KNOW they didn't….

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878239>>3878282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

39f206 (8)  No.3878240>>3878254 >>3878257 >>3878327


it does feel like we're losing this round.

074d30 (8)  No.3878242



Intelligence is a spectrum. Posts like these are unintentionally demeaning, while exposing where their intellect lacks. Still, onward we push as a unit.

eca964 (1)  No.3878243>>3878258 >>3878259 >>3878270 >>3878285 >>3878349


fuck shills


Fuck concernfags


Fuck the cabal


Fuck deep state


Fuck satan


Fuck the evil


Trust the plan


Trust yourself


God wins!!!!

d5c94c (19)  No.3878244>>3878269



634bc8 (4)  No.3878245>>3878321

Am heading to bed. Is both very late/early. A thousand yous to the Anon who posted Brendan Dilley's twat. He's been a stinking, gooey, piece of shit stuck on the sole of my shoe since Reddit (I think). Such a fucking poser and has no idea about anything. Also happens to maybe be one source of the anti-semitic garbage that shits up the board.

This man is no one's Brother. He is a stalker and a bully. That is not what we are. Check out his twat - so much muh military, muh maga, muh fat. And I wouldn't worry about the fat if he weren't such an oxygen thief. Fucking bandit.

Aaaanway. I'll let the h-buzz take care of it from here on out. :)

1f7b6d (9)  No.3878246


Rewilding CA Agenda 21, draining Govt budget & distraction while voting frauds takes place I‘d say

ee9d83 (2)  No.3878247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3877803 (lb)


d508f9 (17)  No.3878248

Remember when Q kinda defended the Free Masons?

Remember when Q said the N in NWO doesn't mean New? (hinting at Nazi then backtracked)

Remember when Q was silent during the bombs being sent to deep state and we always have to take the fall/media attacks?

Remember when Q hints of dates then always somehow conveniently gives an excuse?

Remember when Q said we elected them to do the heavy lifting but haven't done anything about election fraud? (yet.. if not to late)

Could go on about more worrying things.

51f6ac (4)  No.3878249


If the people who perpetrated the midterm fraud do not get prosecuted and locked up, I'm never voting again.

93c83b (1)  No.3878250


NSA wouldn't need this kind of exploit to get all of their comms.

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878251



336425 (2)  No.3878252>>3878348


The movie is Groundhog Day. Not enjoying the show at the moment.

a96678 (2)  No.3878253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

db0b6d (15)  No.3878254


It's all in your heads.

659f81 (10)  No.3878255>>3878268 >>3878331


After 2 yrs, false promises, fighting getting us no where, I don't really care about it anymore. Whatever happens will happen without us.

6429ec (9)  No.3878256>>3878529


There are very few roads in and out of those mountains. It is a worry for a lot of us. It was a problem in the Oakland Hills, too. Most roads in California are narrow, windy and you have to pull over going downhill to let a car coming uphill go past. Not enough room for two to pass. No sidewalks, signs, etc. Disabled people, elderly people, people who do not want to leave their pets are at risk. Also, many of those remote places and older people do not have internet, etc.

eadbe9 (6)  No.3878257>>3878330


Dry run. there testing for 2020. what they can get away with

10aa49 (4)  No.3878258




dea923 (3)  No.3878259

487c02 (1)  No.3878260>>3878300


:"She had to put her make up on, she died because of it" …

Some of the most haunting words. Surreal.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

780c3b (1)  No.3878262>>3878290 >>3878323


Yes it was days ago. + Q posted the affidavit as well.

4f43a2 (3)  No.3878263

The obvious course is talk to God.

Satan does it all the live long day.

There you are… not talking to The Lord Of Hosts.



5c2510 (9)  No.3878264


I'm not saying what I'm going to do, I'm just saying what people will probably do.

Enough is enough is right, but is the plan to only step in when shit hits the fan, because I have a feeling shit might get might get real. This terrorist bitch in AZ probably didn't get 25% of the vote, and we are supposed to make a meme and try to force it through all the censorship?

fed016 (16)  No.3878265>>3878399 >>3878532


Yup, most products are for women who have pain during sex and want to 'widen' themselves.


1. Your reply really glows hard

2. It is sold as a dialator for CHILDREN.


And, a board member was so happy about allowing child marriage in FL that he retweeted that.


You get it?

Or you keep shilling for pedo fucks?



c9c05b (15)  No.3878266>>3878312 >>3878425

File (hide): 29d270c172f00a6⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 624x351, 16:9, _92861496_flynn.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5cd9328f6718ca4⋯.jpg (80.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg) (h) (u)

c6c638 (6)  No.3878267

db0b6d (15)  No.3878268


Loser mentality.

683d6d (5)  No.3878269>>3878292


Don't give up.

Back to photoshop man…

6cb35b (3)  No.3878270

File (hide): c841c65f626db94⋯.gif (633.58 KB, 500x460, 25:23, taxi-drive-clap.gif) (h) (u)

eadbe9 (6)  No.3878271





7c3237 (4)  No.3878272


kek…. love how the picture give Barry the V head

074d30 (8)  No.3878273>>3878376


>I dont get it

764264 (2)  No.3878275>>3878293 >>3878308

A Hannity video called "Florida recount is a disgrace" popped up and was just deleted on the Fox account!! I want my Hannity, bring it back I was about to watch it

32a68d (3)  No.3878276

File (hide): ccad9735b20d498⋯.png (300.49 KB, 868x1125, 868:1125, Pickle.png) (h) (u)

fffcec (1)  No.3878277


Keep stacking.

1ea701 (3)  No.3878278

79a306 (12)  No.3878279

File (hide): 01e4670f0e5190c⋯.jpg (49.53 KB, 330x478, 165:239, Mr. Majestyk.JPG) (h) (u)


Organized Crime has met it's match in Q. It will be Glorious.

5b16ce (2)  No.3878280>>3878294 >>3878302 >>3878566 >>3878663

File (hide): e68726f3d60a9b1⋯.png (272.47 KB, 866x482, 433:241, AQ4.PNG) (h) (u)


Meme Batter. Have at it, lads!

6429ec (9)  No.3878281>>3878529


Also, that fire was travelling EIGHTY football fields per minute. The firefighters could only search and rescue. No way to stop the fire.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878282>>3878363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

659f81 (10)  No.3878283

6a084f (1)  No.3878284


I don't know about Gitmo, but bet that we will be presented with irrefutable audio, video, and documented proof they stole the election. It was their last stand, and they never had a chance.

a4c049 (2)  No.3878285


you pinched this from Oasis

76cd29 (5)  No.3878286>>3878366

File (hide): e3e239b5dc0109a⋯.png (314.66 KB, 566x567, 566:567, New-CA.png) (h) (u)

e9b8b4 (3)  No.3878287>>3878295

File (hide): 8e80ed0b6e659bb⋯.gif (41.63 KB, 250x200, 5:4, woody.gif) (h) (u)

243fc0 (4)  No.3878288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shill bot activated

Secondary shill bot detected

Activate Russian Red Shoe Diaries Bot.

eb57c0 (1)  No.3878289>>3878377 >>3878463

>>3875737 (last)

re: Sinema wins in Arizona

They allowed in "early" votes, and allowed errors to be fixed, after the deadline. They did not follow the letter of the law. I think that if that had been done, McSally would have won.

But in the spirit of fairness, or because she had no choice, McSally agreed to a compromise where her strong counties would also allow late fixes to ballots. But her voters were able to follow instructions the first time and didn't need it.

I think McSally made a mistake if she had a chance to refuse that compromise. I felt at the time she'd lose under those rules. And she did.

But they should have changed rules for the next election, not this one after the fact.

84a505 (4)  No.3878290


Thanks thought I had seen it double checking never hurts.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d5c94c (19)  No.3878292>>3878320 >>3878351


I think it is worth another try

The house of card and trump is good

all else sucks?

764264 (2)  No.3878293

File (hide): 517efb01265d871⋯.png (262.85 KB, 1787x882, 1787:882, bringitback.png) (h) (u)


where's muh hannity

fed016 (16)  No.3878294>>3878335


Awesome anon!!

Memefags are just awesome!

10aa49 (4)  No.3878295

67dc18 (5)  No.3878296>>3878316 >>3878364 >>3878424 >>3878438 >>3878452 >>3878465 >>3878659 >>3878685

PF 463

[Placeholder - OIG Report & Findings]

> Office of the Inspector General Report & Findings. New reports can be found here:


[Placeholder - OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]

> FBI, DOJ, and media collusion

https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/798 (Citizens)

https://www.justice.gov/jm/criminal-resource-manual-2054-synopsis-classified-information-procedures-act-cipa (DoJ Officials)

[Placeholder - OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]

>Executive Brance, ABC agency, and media colluding together

[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]

> D=1 in this FISA DECLAS marker (see here: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2862383.html#2863057)

>Therefore, this part of the report is specficially foreign assistance with the FISA applications and evidence gathered to be used therein.

[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]

> Attempted insertion of foreign agents into President Trump’s 2016 campaign

> “ORec” is a toughie - might be “original recording” or “original records” or “on record”

> Information dissemination: Send in unknown person, foreign agent introduced to campaign representative by mediary > Foreign agent disseminates off-record information > Campaign representative accepts information > Campaign rep injects information into campaign > Rep becomes foreign agent

[Placeholder - OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]

>Direct & indirect FISA abuse; the source thereof

> DIS possibly means Defense Intelligence Staff or Digital Imaging Surveillance.



>Organizational chart from CIA Reading Room: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96B01172R000800270001-5.pdf


> DIS also stands for Daily Intelligence Summary, “A report prepared in message form at the joint force headquarters that provides higher, lateral, and subordinate headquarters with a summary of all significant intelligence produced during the previous 24-hour period. The "as of" timefor information, content, and submission time for the report will be as specified by the joint force commander. Also called DISUM.”

>This is the DoD version of the [PDB]

[Placeholder - OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]

>”Umbrella” = the scope of the spying and targeting

>Alternatively, also could be an assassination attempt, which makes sense in light of the “targeting” aspect here. An “umbrella spy” is actually a tool for undercover assassination invented by the Bulgarians: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_umbrella

[Placeholder - OIG report > OTR_C]

>Off or on the record

>Confessions, counsel

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878297>>3878353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61k sealed and no convictions

5a5519 (6)  No.3878298


Or was martial law the end game?

09154c (4)  No.3878299

File (hide): 36ade821610aa9f⋯.jpeg (550.48 KB, 913x1075, 913:1075, 73602EB2-8DC2-41D5-91EA-1….jpeg) (h) (u)


These Dems are some weird SOB’s.

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878300>>3878326

>>3878260 Typical Vain Californian!

995766 (2)  No.3878301>>3878340


jews own the senate. Little St. James is paying shekel dividends

c6c638 (6)  No.3878302>>3878335

File (hide): 4bf199950be1a13⋯.png (623.86 KB, 656x500, 164:125, 561CDF09-6373-4876-9541-CF….png) (h) (u)

bc1acc (1)  No.3878303>>3878369 >>3878410 >>3878621

File (hide): de051a9ad1c3f0e⋯.png (65.75 KB, 1109x270, 1109:270, george p.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): cc1a507fc4d51f5⋯.png (214.59 KB, 492x323, 492:323, pepe73.PNG) (h) (u)

POP a top dropping Bombs…

fef36b (1)  No.3878304>>3878315 >>3878352

File (hide): 4ffb25a3a103b4c⋯.jpg (105.89 KB, 1440x586, 720:293, IMG_20181111_110746.jpg) (h) (u)

e471fb (13)  No.3878305


This is the 3rd Fema money disaster that Butte County has endured in the last couple of years. I'm starting to wonder if the Sheriff is a white hat and the county is being targeted because he won't play ball…

84ec3c (5)  No.3878306


Nope, had their minds on other things.

POTUS has kept them chasing the red ball while he backed them into a corner.

And these people are really THAT stupid, Maxine stupid.

7a04ed (2)  No.3878307>>3878388

File (hide): 3047718c8fc294f⋯.jpg (34.95 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 2mempx.jpg) (h) (u)

A lot of dudes need to take a few of these and trust the plan !

1221d6 (6)  No.3878308


From the man who brought you the war in Iraq…

eadbe9 (6)  No.3878309

File (hide): 399e12fd42fb1f0⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 640x627, 640:627, Drz7yRCVAAALXaa.jpg) (h) (u)

aadfcc (2)  No.3878310


She should be serving my dinner and kranking out babies!


b3d5c1 (3)  No.3878311

File (hide): f3c650c1de6c020⋯.png (393.55 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Vote Fraud Investigation.png) (h) (u)


Thanks for the straight dope. Do you know if the crime is when the vote is cast or recorded or reported or what? I just had a thought earlier that maybe the trap has to catch them officially saying the numbers are xxx, like certifying fraudulent numbers, so I looked up when the last election was certified. Earliest was 5 days, median was 21 days and the latest were about 38 days. All were certified by Dec 16th, so the timelines fit.

659f81 (10)  No.3878312>>3878343 >>3878354


Wow…2 yrs ago and still nothing about it public.

c9c05b (15)  No.3878313


jidf B team out in force again


not sure, except in this case, where they are totally different.

df4519 (5)  No.3878314

File (hide): d3d1955cc021824⋯.png (124.6 KB, 1641x1646, 1641:1646, I'MAFAGGOTSHILL.png) (h) (u)


10aa49 (4)  No.3878315


i have many leather-bound books

my apartment smells of rich mahogany, i…


d508f9 (17)  No.3878316>>3878448


These are the posts I miss, when Q just to drop crumbs, anons would put text underneath Qs words to match it and Q would respond (most of the time) and tell us if we was correct or not.

Nice to see the autism, back again.

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878317

File (hide): b7f35e137aa0467⋯.png (2.73 MB, 2528x1350, 1264:675, Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3998ee627436d22⋯.png (2.4 MB, 2522x1330, 1261:665, Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 05823b64128de30⋯.png (639.88 KB, 1070x662, 535:331, Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at ….png) (h) (u)

fed016 (16)  No.3878318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He did.

prayingmedic got censored by YT!!

First many shills attacked pm here, now Youtube has acted.


Until Further Notice, My Q Videos Will Be Hosted on Other Platforms.


twatterfags, be loud, speak up against censorship!

Find his videos here for the time being:



2d3af3 (4)  No.3878319

Are you ready for …… ? Yawn

683d6d (5)  No.3878320>>3878333


What message do you want to convey without words.

play around with a pencil and a piece of paper, come up with half a dozen different ways of doing it.

select the best one.

634bc8 (4)  No.3878321


I mean a thousand thank yous.

365903 (4)  No.3878322

File (hide): b5177dc9818fe4d⋯.png (166.7 KB, 918x563, 918:563, dew.png) (h) (u)

b003c9 (6)  No.3878323



Not the same story as Q posted about - this one is new. Q posted about the one in 2016, this story was written today and involves a new witness who testifies that this year she saw folks filling out blank ballots.

Good post, anon.

1d4b58 (2)  No.3878324


Don't hold your breath.

2da393 (3)  No.3878325


VCFD are true badasses. And when /OurGuys/ team up with LA and SB, you end up with the best fire fighting force on the planet. (But we need MOAR OF THEM!!!)

6429ec (9)  No.3878326>>3878358


Paradise is a California you do not know.

39f206 (8)  No.3878327>>3878344 >>3878345 >>3878383 >>3878401 >>3878428 >>3878562

File (hide): 70b3c8ed49e6a85⋯.jpg (15.85 KB, 443x223, 443:223, 13_16-46-49.jpg) (h) (u)


Crooked Broward election chief likely to be FIRED

Counting unlawful votes. Destroying ballots. Sunshine Law violations. Busted deadlines.

So many controversies have bedeviled Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes --- culminating in her office’s troubles in the aftermath of Florida’s chaotic 2018 elections — that her days in office are now numbered, insiders and lawmakers say.

She’s losing support from fellow Democrats and faces the increasing likelihood of an embarrassing suspension from office at the hands of either Gov. Rick Scott or his likely successor, Ron DeSantis.

Suspending Snipes from office would put a final exclamation point on one of the most contested midterms in recent Florida history, which has resulted in three statewide recounts --- for U.S. Senate, governor and agriculture commissioner — as well as recounts in three local legislative races. Removal proceedings in the GOP-led Florida Senate could also cause a possible rift among Florida state Senate Democrats if the black caucus rallies around Snipes in the same way it did around her predecessor, who was also African-American, more than a decade ago.


9dd51a (5)  No.3878328>>3878368

File (hide): 89207beea51b9a5⋯.jpg (57.28 KB, 676x639, 676:639, trafficking-1530134101.jpg) (h) (u)


did god tell you it was your mission to meme instead of actually doing something about it?

volunteer, counsel, get involved!

Q & Trump have done more than ever to stop the pedos.


07992d (2)  No.3878329>>3878374

>>3878045 Dig on "boomerang suicide"

This seems like an important clue. Baker notable.

1221d6 (6)  No.3878330


Israel vetoed our Senate candidates. We need at least 2/3 of the Congress to override the veto.

782fb0 (6)  No.3878331>>3878356


1 year. POTUS announced the Storm in Oct last year.

1bc7cb (2)  No.3878332>>3878365


Could it be the the Auth Codes?

d5c94c (19)  No.3878333


stay tuned


04fef2 (1)  No.3878334


Classic scene.

5b16ce (2)  No.3878335


Learning as i go. Humble thanks.


Thanks Captain.

e9ef72 (2)  No.3878336

File (hide): 2724650b3cc5f25⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2jsbyr.jpg) (h) (u)

The Deep State needed a global technology platform, so they stole Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies' invention of social networking. Leader's invention overcame inherent "scalability" problems the Deep State was having with legacy IBM, Microsoft and Xerox client-server platforms.

IBM pumped in a $40 million "donation" to The Eclipse Foundation. Leader's patent attorney, James P. Chandler, III (who was also counsel to IBM), secretly fed Leader's invention to Eclipse. Then a Who's Who of companies like SAP, Borland, Cisco, Intel, Oracle, Wind River, Nokia, HP and Microsoft signed up to get Leader's invention at a breathtaking rate.

Leader's invention enabled Eclipse members to unify their "disaggregation" networking efforts around the planet. In his hubris, Harvard Law professor James P. Chandler described his theft of his client's invention for the Deep State as "in the greater good."

A world of interdependent, self-regulating international networks where the U.S. Constitution is in the way

Tellingly, Slaughter never mentions the U.S. Constitution as a guiding principle in her speech introducing A New World Order to the State Department on Apr. 12, 2004. Neither does she mention Leader Technologies on whom she and her cronies rely to pull off their heist.[285]

Story here, worthy of diggings: http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html#economic-espionage-act

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8a125f (1)  No.3878338


I’m pretty sure every time Mueller has been in the killbox it’s been all-caps. I wonder if MUELLER is something different than actually Robert Mueller. Maybe MUELLER in the killbox is the public/democrat/deep state concept of what the Russia investigation is. When it’s popped up in Q’s posts in the past, it’s sort of suggested that the intent of MUELLER was to this/that/ect….not that that’s what’s actually going on.

He may very well be a white hat, and he may not….but what makes a great movie? PLOT TWISTS.

e9b8b4 (3)  No.3878339

fed016 (16)  No.3878340


Have a hug, shill.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1221d6 (6)  No.3878343


Israel vetoed the DECLAS.

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878344



b73792 (3)  No.3878345


Ill believe it when I see it and her bosses.

3326fc (11)  No.3878346


think logical passion fags

If he has to recuse, then RR MUST recuse and it will go to Noel.

No leg to stand on.

Scaramucci play

2858ed (1)  No.3878347>>3878384 >>3878397 >>3878442 >>3878564

File (hide): 182aca227a391a3⋯.jpg (285.98 KB, 1181x658, 1181:658, t78klt79lkr6rk7.jpg) (h) (u)



9a4048 (5)  No.3878348


"It's like the Academy awards"

995766 (2)  No.3878349


Is that a Rodgers & Hammerstein composition?

fed016 (16)  No.3878350



4c942a (2)  No.3878351

File (hide): a1129c08cb62817⋯.jpg (76.79 KB, 800x533, 800:533, phone 6.jpg) (h) (u)


Speaking of Photoshop. Any one notice how many New Dems are being shooped into DINOS?

c6c638 (6)  No.3878352

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c9c05b (15)  No.3878354

File (hide): 6969e6e1b4664aa⋯.jpg (85.03 KB, 723x663, 241:221, Michael_Alig.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d532c836668f008⋯.jpg (218.36 KB, 1200x1155, 80:77, CzBjtZpVEAAI1-4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4f67bf99a0cfbb0⋯.png (787.94 KB, 819x1249, 819:1249, RUpVLba.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 24a3515ca30fa7d⋯.jpg (505.36 KB, 1239x725, 1239:725, jaime2Balefantis2Balex2Bjo….jpg) (h) (u)


yup. 2 years of lying press coverups.what does that make them?

e795da (6)  No.3878355>>3878393

File (hide): 5df3ad99473d1cb⋯.png (665.95 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, xcxcxc.png) (h) (u)

Thanks Baker and BO !

659f81 (10)  No.3878356


Look at the cap from Flynn. Posted 2 yrs ago this month.

5d6606 (5)  No.3878357>>3878385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Check out this Enemy @ the Front Door video made yesterday by SGTReports:

Discusses many things relevant to your discussion of the Cali fires.

“Enemy @ the Door,” 11/11/18 Sean at SGTReports

Got over 135,000 views in one day; start at ~3:45 for fire report


3e1a1f (15)  No.3878358

>>3878326 Do- Momanon born there!

49488c (1)  No.3878359>>3878400 >>3878404 >>3878499

California Wildfires Updates: 42 Deaths Make Camp Fire Deadliest in State History

PARADISE, Calif. --- The inferno that ravaged the wooded town of Paradise in northern California became the deadliest wildfire in the state’s modern history on Monday when officials said they had discovered the remains of 13 more people, bringing the death toll to 42.

The Butte County sheriff, Kory L. Honea, has said more than 200 people remain missing in and around the town, which sits in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and was popular with retirees.


My local sources say the death toll will be much, much higher.

b003c9 (6)  No.3878360

File (hide): b679ea55c11653a⋯.png (654.28 KB, 653x575, 653:575, May 4 This.png) (h) (u)


^^ This ^^

d508f9 (17)  No.3878361

it felt like we was more in control before the midterms… in feeling as well as action.

The GOP are acting like pussies, sitting around doing nothing.

Trump hardly saying anything about the election fraud.

Q doing what Q always does and hyping something that is nothing and then not talking about what is worrying everyone.

695230 (13)  No.3878362>>3878455


They probably weren't blank. There's a legitimate reason to have blank ballots left over after an election. If they've been filled out, however, and the signatures don't match, then that's a different story.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4db5b5 (7)  No.3878364

File (hide): 9a80cafbd6acd59⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 800x500, 8:5, [m4xr3sdEfault3].jpg) (h) (u)

1bc7cb (2)  No.3878365


Could it be the AUTH codes?


Forgot to on my other post. >>3878332

5588b3 (3)  No.3878366


I like that map, sorta, I think whoever did that is doing a little bit too much gerrymandering. I like coast from Bay Area to LA. I'd give Contra Costa to Left California, as well as Yolo and San Joaquin. Other than that, looks good.

d01903 (3)  No.3878367

File (hide): 4239973abec1e7b⋯.jpg (20.61 KB, 255x170, 3:2, classic.jpg) (h) (u)


thank you fren

have a good eve

693951 (1)  No.3878368

File (hide): 45e5141dc3cd80c⋯.png (200.26 KB, 828x482, 414:241, Human Trafficking 9:18.png) (h) (u)


The most current one.

266d33 (6)  No.3878369>>3878410

File (hide): cbfc0f97794cdf0⋯.jpeg (94.31 KB, 1176x872, 147:109, 9DC501FA-2B19-4908-B024-0….jpeg) (h) (u)

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878370>>3878405

File (hide): 5683d2a44612653⋯.png (302.58 KB, 538x646, 269:323, Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at ….png) (h) (u)


b29d0a (2)  No.3878371>>3878375 >>3878379 >>3878394 >>3878419 >>3878434

Q - why didn’t you save the integrity of the election?

Watch California?

It’s burnng.

db13b1 (2)  No.3878372>>3878406

If "We have it all" why care so much about the optics?

If you have it all why not use it to create the desired optics?


ac6009 (2)  No.3878373

File (hide): 138330dc31809ad⋯.jpg (76.7 KB, 624x960, 13:20, Jew Mask.jpg) (h) (u)


Why isn't the female Kike Merchant Meme asking why Scott didn't fire her ahead of the election, since the Republicans are against corruption and all….

6fef5a (15)  No.3878374>>3878717

>>3878045, >>3878329

Re: notable request, there is no sauce here, anons. Screen caps aren't sauce. Sauce is open-source info anyone can verify independently. Here that means URL links, but it can also be original documents, physical locations the public can visit, etc.

d508f9 (17)  No.3878375>>3878395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah Q wanted us to watch it burn and see the peoples charred remains..

7026bd (8)  No.3878376>>3878467


Reverse image search that photo.

Only one site has it and it says she is 16 yo.

Of course, it is not porn, and I never said it was either.

Just drawing attention to RESEARCH

Which is what this board is about.

074d30 (8)  No.3878377>>3878415


>I think McSally made a mistake


Watch California. EO handles the elections.

d01903 (3)  No.3878378

File (hide): e14eded74771707⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 689x556, 689:556, acosta.JPG) (h) (u)

1d4b58 (2)  No.3878379


And we sent them a shit load of money today too.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878380>>3878403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3b1656 (1)  No.3878381>>3878449 >>3878543 >>3878636

A lot of ANONS on this board have strayed away from the original "PLAN" if we should call it.

The enemy has successfully invaded our base. Plain and simple. Pincer attacking us, with VPN hopping bots, slide posts, shilling, and a simple algorithm cache'ing our meme's.

What has happened? All people seem to care about is 'specific dates' / 'predictions'.

From the beginning, the Q Group has never specifically said, THIS WILL HAPPEN ON THIS DATE!

We are letting the culture and brainwashing society of the 'I WANT IT NOW' move into our own minds.

They whole movement is based around transitioning POWER back to the PEOPLE. Its something we can all get behind. For the last 6 months, we've been lied to, taken out of context, exposed to some small parts of MSM, and hijacked by IW/AJ and others trying to DIVIDE US.

I would like to ask BO/BV's to stay vigilant and help filter some of the REDTEXT/JEWSHILL spammers, to help us get back on the track of Digging and Researching.


214cc7 (7)  No.3878382

The re-emergence of the divine feminine principle was co-opted by the cabal (They knew it was manifesting again.)

That's why we see all these batshit crazy feminists and their twisted ideology, trying to smother and delay the inevitable…

Talk about an excercise in futility.

9a4048 (5)  No.3878383


>illegally conspire to shape the Federal Gov for decades

>gets fired

e795da (6)  No.3878384

File (hide): a88e99d4189a686⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 2000x1581, 2000:1581, night fighter.jpg) (h) (u)

0beae7 (2)  No.3878385


Will do, thanks anon, hadn't seen this come up.

8da929 (3)  No.3878386

Anyone want to explain yesterday's and today's q posts for me?

35dce7 (3)  No.3878387

File (hide): 5b73209b444abc8⋯.jpg (87.9 KB, 1113x800, 1113:800, theresheblows.jpg) (h) (u)

5a5519 (6)  No.3878388>>3878453 >>3878459

File (hide): 0343f71c86f569b⋯.jpg (44.88 KB, 970x506, 485:253, srpwr.jpg) (h) (u)


or some sour power. A cross between StarBud and East Coast Sour Diesel, Sour Power buds are crowned with pale pointed leaves and a garland of orange hairs. Medical cannabis patients treating anxiety, PTSD, depression, nausea, Crohn’s disease, glaucoma, and inflammation have recommended Sour Power. However, the strain’s typically high THC content should be considered with caution by new consumers, as THC may aggravate anxiety symptoms in some individuals.

3326fc (11)  No.3878389


Kauder - red shoes… the blood of the victims they killed.. the aldobrandini legacy

ac6009 (2)  No.3878390

File (hide): 6e8f37870ee8f16⋯.jpg (84.51 KB, 744x900, 62:75, monica_white.jpg) (h) (u)


You're alright, Freddy

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878391>>3878403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

473dd4 (4)  No.3878392>>3878426 >>3878433 >>3878451

File (hide): b3b75f26981538c⋯.jpg (19.78 KB, 696x366, 116:61, bullseye.jpg) (h) (u)

Are you qniggers getting it through your thick skulls yet?

c9c05b (15)  No.3878393>>3878420


she's 9! you fool! too late! you know the rule about 8 year olds. no ketchup on hotdogs after 8.

5c2510 (9)  No.3878394>>3878431


People are dying to fires, no action? DEW's, is the plan for us to retaliate so {they} get the war they want?

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878395



f435db (6)  No.3878396>>3878402


Omg I hate this guy. He gets all hysterical talking about the high price of hearing aids

d5c94c (19)  No.3878397

File (hide): 3270841a69420be⋯.jpeg (61.5 KB, 961x641, 961:641, nsons.jpeg) (h) (u)


Night Shift: This is chrome-plated stove-pipe triple-nickle eight ball, angels eight, five in the slot, boots on and laced, I wanna bounce and blow.

QRX: Roger, you've got the nod to hit the sod.


>Night Shift: This is silver jet, 5558 (callsign), height 8000ft, 5 miles inbound (to the runway), gear down and locked, request permission for a touch and go.

>QRX: Roger, cleared for touch and go.

a01107 (2)  No.3878398>>3878416

Y'all forgot to Think mirror.

Everything Q has said has been the opposite, and reversed.

Hopefully I don't have to read anyone spew those idiotic Q phrases anymore.

Watch the water! Shit, I'd rather watch ancient aliens than this pathetic nonsense.

Sun Tzu my ass. Appear weak when you are strong, but blow smoke up people's asses anyway.

b003c9 (6)  No.3878399>>3878479


Can't even read it anon…that stuff drives me postal.

e6ef22 (1)  No.3878400>>3878437


A lot of those deaths are probably hits. So does that really count?

1f7b6d (9)  No.3878401


Not excusing her in any way but the dems always put these black ladies in dodgy places so when faced with opposition, racism can be screamed before throwing them under the bus.

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878402>>3878447



72e1e8 (46)  No.3878403>>3878409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

266d33 (6)  No.3878404>>3878423


Winds were about 10 mph, humidity at 40%, at start time of fire, not exactly scary numbers.

These fires are acts of war.

d5c94c (19)  No.3878405>>3878450 >>3878454


Trust the plan.

695230 (13)  No.3878406>>3878422 >>3878461 >>3878635


1) Secret pardons.

2) A sudden drop of everything potentially results in riots, civil war, etc., which was deemed a poor outcome except as a last resort.

Instead, they plan out a cat and mouse game in which they control all the cards, precisely because they have everything. Sucks from our standpoint, but would any of you rather be a normie completely in the dark?

e9fe20 (5)  No.3878407>>3878421 >>3878487 >>3878496 >>3878518

File (hide): 0dd581a539b8fea⋯.jpeg (947.43 KB, 1490x2071, 1490:2071, 4FAB5DF4-2A65-4471-AC4A-4….jpeg) (h) (u)

Justice Department to issue legal opinion in SUPPORT of a Whitaker’s appointment to acting AG.

b29d0a (2)  No.3878408>>3878440



72e1e8 (46)  No.3878409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

074d30 (8)  No.3878410



Hehehehehehehehehe. Straight outta Q

27570e (4)  No.3878411>>3878488 >>3878586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What we are witnessing is a weapon,

PG&E (Rothschild) owned, weapon that

fucked a lot of shit up.

We are at War and our enemies have fucking

satellite weapons. This is not a game, as Q

always reminds us. We know 20% of what these fuckers really have up their sleeves.

I pray to God we fuck them up and stop this shit.

f8e8fb (4)  No.3878412

File (hide): d8b30456dd554e5⋯.png (99.73 KB, 398x275, 398:275, descartes.png) (h) (u)

79a306 (12)  No.3878413

File (hide): 3207031a38e4262⋯.jpg (100.34 KB, 775x501, 775:501, Brenner2.JPG) (h) (u)


They can lawyer up all they want. Any Ballot not recorded on Election Day will not be counted per Florida Law.

Recount is a Criminal Chase scene in progress, where the Perps are grabbing Chairs (Recounts) and rolling them behind them, hoping to slow down their pursuers.

These are the End Times for the Demoncrat party and Organized Crime.

6fef5a (15)  No.3878414


I already noted this bread #4876

>>>/qresearch/3835938 Reminder: Federal prosecutor re: vote fraud Brower country found dead

3d16fe (2)  No.3878415>>3878469


Trump said it was voter fraud because of phony signatures

It may not be over.

d508f9 (17)  No.3878416



In other words, everything hopeful Q said is despair?

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878417


9a7a94 (2)  No.3878418>>3878439

File (hide): 660cf943cfff336⋯.jpg (310.4 KB, 791x1024, 791:1024, Newspaper11131955.jpg) (h) (u)


"On this date in “Back to the Future” history, Nov. 12, 1955, lightning struck the clock tower in Hill Valley, Calif. providing enough power (1.21 gigawatts, in case you forgot) to send Marty McFly and the DeLorean back to the future to 1985."

3885c7 (6)  No.3878419

File (hide): cda36fac599d4a8⋯.png (54.03 KB, 1186x226, 593:113, Caps 2018-11-12 at 7.53.20….png) (h) (u)


Cn u b mr stpd? Dnt sld.

In other news, https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/opinions/global-opinions/why-is-israel-tossing-a-lifeline-to-jamal-khashoggis-killers/2018/11/11/6a26572e-e380-11e8-ab2c-b31dcd53ca6b_story.html

e795da (6)  No.3878420


Actually her name is Keisha and she is 6,the Bride of Mohhammed.

Don't you keep up ?

e9fe20 (5)  No.3878421



473dd4 (4)  No.3878422>>3878436 >>3878500


In other words, complete and total bullshit you've tied yourself in knots over. You got duped. It's a hoax.

1221d6 (6)  No.3878423




fed016 (16)  No.3878424


Hive mind!

Many thanks!

7c3237 (4)  No.3878425

File (hide): 6eb589dfa931c96⋯.png (289.05 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Andrew_S_Love_2_Kolor.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f289ec66233084b⋯.png (126.51 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Andrew_S_Love_Kolors.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 339d046e033f9ae⋯.jpg (882.09 KB, 1732x976, 433:244, Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at ….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8dfbee510ca1986⋯.png (713.98 KB, 2000x4200, 10:21, McLean_Virginia_Chris_Klom….png) (h) (u)

c9c05b (15)  No.3878426


nope. are you offering rabbi? you're pretty good at murdering Palestinian kids and Syrian babies for their organs aren't you tough guy? and the whole knows you're the greatest exponent of the art of back-stabbing second only to the British.


c6c638 (6)  No.3878427

8d5a0d (1)  No.3878428


Fired??…Now that's what I call JUSTICE!!!

4db5b5 (7)  No.3878429


ALL of it….


While Q-team is supposed to have all Comms,

signals to these boards by drops of how this works,

but yeah,

lets pin it all on these low-ranking DS pawns.

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878430>>3878525


5c2510 (9)  No.3878431>>3878501


How well do you think it will be received if people find out they we didn't nothing about the hurricanes, and fires?

abbda7 (1)  No.3878432


State of Jefferson is the ONLY way!

db0b6d (15)  No.3878433



8ed9ab (3)  No.3878434


So they could be caught red-handed.

243fc0 (4)  No.3878435>>3878476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You gotta know, I'm feeling love

Made of gold, I never loved her

Another one, another you

It's gotta be love I said it

It's always darkest before the dawn.

695230 (13)  No.3878436>>3878466


What knot? You don't have any argument other than "it's bullshit." Sounds to me like you're just a shill crybaby.

Wah, Orange man bad!

Go fuck yourself.

e471fb (13)  No.3878437

File (hide): 3efaa2c65edbc11⋯.jpg (145.38 KB, 768x696, 32:29, burning.jpg) (h) (u)


Bunch of older country folk. I don't think so.

a4d96e (2)  No.3878438>>3878550 >>3878583 >>3878693


I tend to think PLACEHOLDER either means Whitaker or it represents what will soon be rolled out w placeholder/intel assets/talking heads ie people like Catherine Herridge would be the placeholder to rollout and expose one thing, John Solomon another, Meadows another, Nunes another and so on down the list. Just spitballing. May be Whitaker too because he is just holding the position/place during this phase.

d66f71 (1)  No.3878439


Sheeeiit, Trump's gonna have the jiggawatts he needs to defeat the cabal on 1/21.

19… 5:5?

6fef5a (15)  No.3878440>>3878566

>>3878408, >>3877988


These are lb, baker can't change prev. baker's notes. I'd say repost, but not sure I'd note it. Aren't they're technically medically supplies?

044a08 (1)  No.3878441

File (hide): e34e5b56449c94a⋯.png (644.64 KB, 556x1380, 139:345, Sinema - electorial colleg….png) (h) (u)

Here's what I haven't heard a response to. This win by Sinema in AZ puts the electoral college vote in favor of the Dems come 2020.

How do we beat that? We put these people in jail now for voter fraud

d01903 (3)  No.3878442

File (hide): 783703ec648e64a⋯.jpg (107.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, drain it.jpg) (h) (u)

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

867219 (1)  No.3878444>>3878494

"Midterms are safe">>>>>>>good guys

"Watch CA">>>>>>>>deep state

Q---——--good defeats evil

84a505 (4)  No.3878445>>3878528 >>3878659 >>3878685

File (hide): 0c3cde40b7921e1⋯.png (54.93 KB, 532x752, 133:188, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 18272f61ce45aff⋯.png (63.17 KB, 532x753, 532:753, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 880109f25ef62fb⋯.png (65.23 KB, 532x753, 532:753, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b52c2f7816c7526⋯.png (68.72 KB, 532x753, 532:753, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 38e37fb3e406f05⋯.png (36.34 KB, 532x753, 532:753, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg declines to appear before "international grand committee" investigating Facebook

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will not appear before an "international grand committee" of at least five governments investigating disinformation and election meddling, according to a letter from Facebook that was obtained by CBS News. The hearing is scheduled for November 27. Zuckerberg initially turned down an invitation by Damian Collins, a member of British Parliament, and Bob Zimmer, a Canadian lawmaker. But he was invited again after Argentina, Australia and Ireland signed on to the joint inquiry.

On Monday, Facebook's Head of Public Policy for the United Kingdom, Rebecca Stimson, declined on Zuckerberg's behalf, writing in the letter that Zuckerberg will be unavailable. "Thank you for the invitation to appear before your Grand Committee. As we explained in our letter of November 2nd, Mr. Zuckerberg is not able to be in London on November 27th for your hearing and sends his apologies," Stimson wrote.

More here:


26fa3d (1)  No.3878446>>3878579



f435db (6)  No.3878447>>3878471


You’re pretty damn funny red text shill

67dc18 (5)  No.3878448

File (hide): c977f9d48ffd15d⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1132x1275, 1132:1275, 79107249678affadeac398e5ac….png) (h) (u)


It's because most of those type of posts go ignored and unnoticed. Anons pay more attention to memes, Twatter caps, and MSM articles.

Still out here though.

8ed9ab (3)  No.3878449



3e1a1f (15)  No.3878450

>>3878405 Which Plan? Dis-info is great with Q!

Would like some Heavy Handed JUSTICE for awhile PLEASE!

5a5519 (6)  No.3878451>>3878511

File (hide): d80bf96a8fb93c9⋯.jpg (67.23 KB, 750x500, 3:2, brkbkmtn.jpg) (h) (u)

001561 (1)  No.3878452>>3878550


OTR_C Office of Trade Regulations and Customs

In a earlier post

7a04ed (2)  No.3878453>>3878460 >>3878709



Obviously you know your studies

9a4048 (5)  No.3878454>>3878470 >>3878540 >>3878639


JFK trusted the plan

541eec (3)  No.3878455>>3878477

they were reported blank or obviously used for cheating. no ballot should be out of the possession of the elections office or transferred in rent a car. the election executive order is key. this will bring the house of cards down. dems are starting to squeal and the fucking shills are out in non force. lol


aa66d1 (1)  No.3878456

File (hide): ac538c8a72295c9⋯.png (192.46 KB, 421x428, 421:428, brenda-snipes-2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c789e3cbbb34b01⋯.png (365.1 KB, 493x370, 493:370, tour-guide-memes.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 248861a921f69f4⋯.png (235.09 KB, 645x350, 129:70, obama-best-friends-kids-2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e154fa7855fe1dc⋯.png (264.07 KB, 423x426, 141:142, dual-citizenship-congress.png) (h) (u)

145cb4 (1)  No.3878457>>3878489



782fb0 (6)  No.3878458

Sad as Cali is, people voted for the psychopaths who enabled this. And they'll do it. Probably blame Trump. Hell, they'll blame Q… just like some are doing here.

5588b3 (3)  No.3878459


Link to URL to get seeds?

e471fb (13)  No.3878460>>3878475

File (hide): 0bb52259015ffc4⋯.jpg (268.35 KB, 686x1012, 343:506, nsbomb.jpg) (h) (u)

a01107 (2)  No.3878461>>3878478 >>3878485 >>3878514 >>3878521


I think you are completely wrong. Had Q and Trump acted,and the evidence is as Q says irrefutable, then what could the media do? How could the left rile up riots? They will always try, and probably succeed. Too damn bad!

372bba (2)  No.3878462


Did a search on burnout (search term: how many burnout by 18 months).

Seems the length of time people can hold on is 18 months. If you stay longer than that you are awesome.

So, Q has been around a little over a year. 6 months to go to see who stays and who goes.

3326fc (11)  No.3878463


won't matter… stand-down instructions. have to let the crime be completed. let the rats go arrogant. be patient. it will be soon.

look how aggressive they have become in their talk… they really are stupid… because they cannot be anything other than 100% selfish.

Peace… be at peace… continue with your service anon.

b3d5c1 (3)  No.3878465>>3878615 >>3878659 >>3878685

File (hide): 753256d17450172⋯.png (58.14 KB, 1490x620, 149:62, IG Report splainin.png) (h) (u)



That's the IG for HHS, you want the IG of the DOJ, found here:


473dd4 (4)  No.3878466>>3878486


No other argument is necessary. Nothing has come to pass. It's a hoax. It's all fake. Not one element has materialized.

074d30 (8)  No.3878467


Post sauce or fuck off.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878469>>3878482 >>3878498 >>3878565

>>3878415 Judge Moore would disagree with you!

d508f9 (17)  No.3878470



70f0c8 (27)  No.3878471


I love you dad know what I love you what I found myself saying that all the time and when I realized it I just stop saying it and my life changed I stayeD home mostly alone I missed out on everything I felt like that I had stopped living it was awful

43a841 (1)  No.3878472

In a positive mood. Here is a reminder of who the true character of POTUS:

“In determining legal strategy, Mr. Rampell says, Mr. Trump consults a number of lawyers, then makes up his mind. Often no one can guess the outcome until Mr. Trump announces his decision.

In canvassing different opinions, Mr. Trump does not necessarily limit himself to experts. Trump had to decide what color rocks to use. He liked the whiter ones, but he asked Pam and me and the workmen which color we preferred. We all liked the reddish ones, so Mr. Trump went with them.

In the days leading up to his 2017 New Year’s Eve party, when I chatted with Mr. Trump at Mar-a-Lago about problems in the Secret Service and other matters, he asked my opinion on Israeli settlements and the two-state solution.

I know as much about the Middle East as Mr. Trump knows about the Talmud, but I gave my opinion. Indeed, that was the way Mr. Trump first learned about Mar-a-Lago, chatting with his limousine driver and asking about properties for sale.

When Palm Beach Town Council members opposed turning Mar-a-Lago into a club and later tried to impose crushing restrictions on it, Mr. Trump enlisted Mr. Rampell to use the carrot and the stick.

When Palm Beach Town Council members opposed turning Mar-a-Lago into a club and later tried to impose crushing restrictions on it, Mr. Trump enlisted Mr. Rampell to use the carrot and the stick.

Mr. Rampell sent DVDs of “Gentleman’s Agreement,” a movie about anti-Semitism in the 1940s, and “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” about anti-black prejudice, to the mayor and to each of the town council members.

If Mr. Trump consults a wide circle of people before making decisions, he is also loyal to them. One day, Mr. Rampell opened the door of his Palm Beach home to find an expensive computer from Mr. Trump for his son’s birthday. Mr. Rampell later learned that Mr. Trump had gone shopping for it himself and delivered it himself.

“He is very open-minded and has a humanitarian side to him that people don’t see,” Mr. Rampell says. “He will pay off people’s mortgages and hospital bills. At the same time, he is willing to take risks. Other lawyers told him the town would never approve Mar-a-Lago. He went ahead against long odds.”


c15d54 (1)  No.3878473

File (hide): bb9e116b5aac91a⋯.jpg (262.58 KB, 1080x1071, 120:119, Screenshot_20181112-195652….jpg) (h) (u)


Out Light cracks me up kek!

ca7fbd (2)  No.3878474>>3878492 >>3878495 >>3878509 >>3878513 >>3878526 >>3878527 >>3878546 >>3878547 >>3878551 >>3878559 >>3878570 >>3878671


450d63 (1)  No.3878475

File (hide): c5c315477ecf4c3⋯.png (858.26 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

243fc0 (4)  No.3878476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rollerskating ladies are awesome. Love is free.

695230 (13)  No.3878477>>3878589


And there's no reason for Sherrif Israel to lie… none at all. It's much worse than just blank ballots running around, which can be chalked up to a mistake. If they've been filled out fraudulently, then can't explain that away.

d508f9 (17)  No.3878478


Q more than likely lied about "We Have It All" and the cabal has worked this out.

fed016 (16)  No.3878479>>3878577


95% stopped by now already.

Rest will be stopped soon.

Trust the plan. Stay the course. Pray.

And much love fren!

2d3af3 (4)  No.3878480

Rudy said he expected Mueller to wrap up in Sept 2017 …..Remember that …..

1f7b6d (9)  No.3878481>>3878686

File (hide): 0e0486a8ed0bda8⋯.jpeg (371.16 KB, 1242x706, 621:353, D1504A0B-4E7E-45B5-9EB0-F….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8f428c14e42d1e1⋯.jpeg (307.11 KB, 1242x585, 138:65, BFA97310-09A0-4E4B-BB53-C….jpeg) (h) (u)


71886e (2)  No.3878482>>3878573


Interestingly POTUS did not back Judge Moore

db0b6d (15)  No.3878483

File (hide): 44ab49768887694⋯.jpg (52.83 KB, 624x351, 16:9, IMG_20181019_203157.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9e5216c2f668782⋯.jpg (548.23 KB, 2049x1537, 2049:1537, IMG_20181021_182137.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8e05200a197987a⋯.jpg (86.83 KB, 960x720, 4:3, IMG_20181021_090059.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 35793a57099c099⋯.jpg (315.48 KB, 2048x986, 1024:493, IMG_20181021_204500.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0554a286e7fac17⋯.jpg (205.42 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, IMG_20181022_200858.jpg) (h) (u)

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878484>>3878493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878485



782fb0 (6)  No.3878486>>3878524


>No other argument is necessary. Nothing has come to pass. It's a hoax. It's all fake. Not one element has materialized.

Whatever may or may not be fake about Q, POTUS announcing a Storm was real. What was that?

And whatever may or may be fake here, the crimes and abuse of power you see everywhere are real.

e9fe20 (5)  No.3878487>>3878510 >>3878615 >>3878659 >>3878685

File (hide): 44fa4c1836b52e5⋯.jpeg (126.7 KB, 1409x266, 1409:266, CA80338D-B4F8-4002-AC43-F….jpeg) (h) (u)

According to the WSJ, Whitaker is a placeholder.


a81d73 (1)  No.3878488>>3878506 >>3878561 >>3878587

File (hide): 113b477a3e0ab10⋯.jpg (25.92 KB, 711x550, 711:550, Trust the Plan.jpg) (h) (u)

>>3878411 (Checked)

Think of all the giant fentanyl arrests over the past year. Enough fentanyl found with each arrest to quickly kill an entire city.

I know it's frustrating, Anons. I can't say I'm 100 percent happy with the situation. But we have no idea what kind of sick destruction is awaiting us if the cabal isn't disposed of carefully.

6fef5a (15)  No.3878489>>3878649

>>3878457, >>3878198

I looked at it and can't tell exactly what's being said. Can one of you explain for me to include in notables?

df4519 (5)  No.3878490

File (hide): f0cab347d5b4baf⋯.png (129.58 KB, 1641x1646, 1641:1646, Ted-Mann.png) (h) (u)


bf884f (1)  No.3878491

File (hide): 335994278c086d0⋯.jpg (383.23 KB, 606x655, 606:655, Comfy with Two Frens copy.jpg) (h) (u)

695230 (13)  No.3878492


WaPo. 24-hour fudge rule.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878493>>3878515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878494

>>3878444 In this life// or the one to come?

b003c9 (6)  No.3878495>>3878520


Gowdy up next?

67dc18 (5)  No.3878496>>3878518


Justice Department to issue legal opinion in SUPPORT of a Whitaker’s appointment to acting AG.


08652b (1)  No.3878497>>3878536


best post all day

d5c94c (19)  No.3878498>>3878616


as do I

that one was stolen

Q replied to my post with a second confirmation it would be corrected

did not happen, Q

I get that a good plan is tossed as soon as a battle starts, so I remain

b73792 (3)  No.3878499

File (hide): 6205756937ced96⋯.jpg (8.73 KB, 200x200, 1:1, wink.jpg) (h) (u)


>Camp Fire

79a306 (12)  No.3878500

File (hide): 58c0280a456750e⋯.jpg (88.54 KB, 494x750, 247:375, Death Wish.JPG) (h) (u)


Americans are Methodical.

Learn our History.

This movie is a great start to learn how the American People and 300,000 guns will react.

51f6ac (4)  No.3878501>>3878522


People need to hear the TRUTH about what their gov't and bad actors are doing. That's when the real war breaks out.

250800 (1)  No.3878502

we in here

84ec3c (5)  No.3878503

For anyone who cares where were going next, heres the Narrative:

"All white men are racist bigots that represent the word "Nationalism" & they are going to spark a War."

Then [3] steps will likely follow.

[1]Trump is deliberately feeding the flames of "White Nationalism" (already here, just not fully mainstream quite yet)

[2] They will set off several FF's and link the person to "White Nationalism" & QAnon when they finally have to report on it - This is most likely how they will 'introduce' Q to the public.

[3] Attempt to throw us into a Civil War, blamed on all the -ism's & -it's in the book, and of course, Trump.

Extra: When you hear "Anti-Semitism" in the Media, something pretty big is habbening or they feel the walls closing in…


db0b6d (15)  No.3878504

File (hide): bb8fb62c21f356e⋯.jpg (412.83 KB, 2047x1125, 2047:1125, IMG_20181024_000202.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7f06ae9ee7664da⋯.jpg (67.09 KB, 640x360, 16:9, IMG_20181023_151807.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0554a286e7fac17⋯.jpg (205.42 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, IMG_20181022_200858.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f1de3ac748f85e8⋯.jpg (755.75 KB, 2539x2311, 2539:2311, IMG_20181022_201127.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4792bac4c32222e⋯.jpg (346.95 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20181023_114154.jpg) (h) (u)

c9c05b (15)  No.3878505

File (hide): c66b0c07301de6d⋯.png (672.64 KB, 1175x505, 235:101, Screenshot_2018-10-13 Edwa….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f729fdd917f3880⋯.jpg (336.8 KB, 1809x1536, 603:512, Sambourne7662g2_master.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 00542575061b82b⋯.jpg (245.58 KB, 1809x1536, 603:512, Sambourne7662g5_master.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9c01dc94f4b4f50⋯.png (263.01 KB, 602x1647, 602:1647, Screenshot_2018-10-13 Mind….png) (h) (u)

Can people be an occasion of sin? Is it the

duty of Christian parents to remove occasions

of sin from the children's lives? His eye offends me.

It ought to be plucked out and cast to earth and into

the fire with the rest of him. Deep clean.

c6c638 (6)  No.3878506

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878507>>3878515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

29332b (2)  No.3878508

File (hide): 1be30cf24c6cb10⋯.jpg (43.81 KB, 600x447, 200:149, bots-be-here-tomorrow.jpg) (h) (u)

Shills and bots'll be here tomorrow.

3d16fe (2)  No.3878509>>3878602



here comes Kobach

6fef5a (15)  No.3878510>>3878519 >>3878553


sauce anon?

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878511

File (hide): b8121f141906653⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 254x255, 254:255, Brokbaksenate.jpg) (h) (u)

8fb5fd (1)  No.3878512>>3878539 >>3878569 >>3878651

Whitaker talking abt becoming Sessions Part II??? RECUSAL

https:// nypost.com/2018/11/12/acting-ag-whitaker-will-consult-ethics-officials-about-possible-recusal/

WTH? I can’t have another useless bozo AG with no powers. Is anyone awake in the executive branch? I’ve been here since day 1. People keep dying. Children are still disappearing. I’m not ok with that.

It’s even worse now that we know who and why these things happen. Lord help us!!!

074d30 (8)  No.3878513

3326fc (11)  No.3878514


you have to fill in the blanks.

"undiscovered stars" were found… the moon is rising.

Huber in the shadows.. the Boaz to Mullers Joachim… in the precession there is order… Huber (and others) ready… OIG mention is how you know.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878515>>3878541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

214cc7 (7)  No.3878516>>3878729

Nightshift anons deserve the prettiest girls

e471fb (13)  No.3878517

File (hide): f34112301af7c42⋯.jpg (35.81 KB, 507x221, 39:17, sunsetmound.jpg) (h) (u)

6fef5a (15)  No.3878518>>3878588 >>3878615

>>3878496, >>3878407

sauce plz?

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878519



7f3446 (2)  No.3878520>>3878599


what ya mean anon

695230 (13)  No.3878521


Q told us this in the beginning. Read the crumbs, FFS.

5c2510 (9)  No.3878522>>3878585


Has to be a better way, than to let everything burn up or get destroyed.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

473dd4 (4)  No.3878524


It was just Trump running his mouth trying to sound cool in front of reporters. He's insecure on account of being a draft dodger and a goy in Jew York. He's about as big a faggot as you'll find in this country.

4db5b5 (7)  No.3878525>>3878542




OK. Believe what you want.

All SM platforms are heavily censored, shadow

banning at its worst. The RT only talks to itself

in echo chambers. The LT the same. We speak

in echo chambers only.

America is even MORE divided, all the while

"OurGuys" let the scum buckets trash the

actual dignity of the Presidency further every day.

Nearly 2 yrs since Inauguration, & it's still NOT

possible we're looking at 2 sides of the Same

DS coin? ?

Not what I call "thinking for yourselves."

ca7fbd (2)  No.3878526


she might leave after a good job too and they are trying to twist that shit, otehrwise yea its fuckery to incite more chaos

d508f9 (17)  No.3878527>>3878600


Wow… wtf

6fef5a (15)  No.3878528>>3878663

Notes so far

I have a lot of calls for sauce, I'll revisit those. Plz call out any you want included from here anons, ty!


>>3878445 Zuck declines to appear before "intn'l grand committee" re: Facebook

>>3878073 Remembering May 2017 "suicide" of fed prosecutor re: Broward vote fraud

>>3878061 Pelosi Pride: Voters are thanking Demos for 'saving America'

>>3878047 A simple truth (((they))) don't want you to understand

5d6606 (5)  No.3878529>>3878591 >>3878629

File (hide): ec288bf4bb9f49c⋯.png (115.17 KB, 447x300, 149:100, CALIFIRES THOUSAND OAKS.png) (h) (u)



You both make good points. What I am wanting to determine is whether these fires are normal or not--some people talk about many fires igniting at once. That could just be talk. Or it could be something unusual. There are also reports of electrical problems just before fires break out. Something doesn't seem right here, I know that "ordinary" fires can travel at 40 mph, I was around in S Cali for another Malibu fire. But I've never seen anything like this, really want to know what's up. And then there is Q's reference to Thousand Oaks being on the edge of a fire when the gunman shot people; it WAS on the edge of the fire then, The Borderline / RED LINE, see the attached map.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.444 📁

Nov 10 2018 12:52:21 (EST)


FL & AZ attempt(s) to 'steal' the election(s) --- DO NOT LOOK HERE

CA shooting & Fires [same location(s)] --- LOOK HERE



Is there something significant about the shooting and the fires??

THIS is "next week"

Time to look at shooting/fires??

9dd51a (5)  No.3878530>>3878548

File (hide): 7277d252574c4f8⋯.jpg (14.63 KB, 297x170, 297:170, download (5).jpg) (h) (u)

The EO was just the authority to put DHS onto election fraud.

Trump knows russia didnt hack 2016, it was the Dems.

Read her words

Joint Statement on Election Day Preparations

Release Date: November 5, 2018

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)---in coordination with federal, state, local, and private sector partners nationwide—are continuing efforts to protect our elections. Today, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, DNI Dan Coats, and FBI Director Christopher Wray released the following joint statement:

On September 12, President Trump signed an executive order that makes clear the U.S. government will not hesitate to defend our electoral processes or punish those who attempt to undermine them.”

“Our agencies have been making preparations for nearly two years in advance of these elections and are closely engaged with officials on the ground to help them ensure the voting process is secure. Americans can rest assured that we will continue to stay focused on this mission long after polls have closed.”

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7026bd (8)  No.3878532



I am not stupid

When I use LOGIC

I realize that any product made for women with these problems

Could be diverted to other uses.

So could wax candles

And so coul WOOD LATHES

Because it takes very little skill to use a wood lathe

To turn any diameter of wooden rod to use to dilate child vaginas.

For that matter

AXES AND SAWS can be compromised

Because they can cut off tree branches of various diameters.

Now we know why the California fires left the trees behind.

It is part of the plan to dilate little girl vaginas.

On the other hand, I also know a lot about

Satanic Ritual Abuse

Which is well documented from many sources

And the men do not use prissly little plastic dildos

They use live male penises with hardons

First they use the girl's brothers

And when she is FOUR YEARS OLD

Grandad opens her

And if she needs surgery to recover

No problem, it's part of the plan.

9e5b30 (1)  No.3878533>>3878581 >>3878655 >>3878698

File (hide): 315fe2a1887014a⋯.png (254.88 KB, 1390x1032, 695:516, kirstjen.png) (h) (u)

Investigation on voter fraud etc. done and time for another hammer?

af8fe7 (2)  No.3878534

File (hide): 30226692e86ee4b⋯.jpg (40.51 KB, 500x303, 500:303, aliens.jpg) (h) (u)

ec5109 (1)  No.3878535>>3878605

File (hide): 0b14de78bbb3da1⋯.jpg (130.2 KB, 1706x872, 853:436, Zulu clock.jpg) (h) (u)

Just a thought

Thinking double meaning has many meanings

Thinking about 11-12-2018

Thinking about 11-11

Thinking about 55

Thinking about Military Zulu clock

ed9544 (4)  No.3878536



Didn’t think anyone saw that one.

I mostly get ignored but I try.


ec3f2b (1)  No.3878537>>3878555


Good job Mohinder, you got your 18 posts in and shit up the bread like you shit up your royal Bengal tiger streets. We knew we could count on a shitter like you.

4f43a2 (3)  No.3878538

not a party line.

tooooo fun.

as Satan asked permission many times ago…

some ungenious had a great idea…

Ephesians 6:12 ESV

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

sometimes you feel like a nut… sometimes you don't…


db0b6d (15)  No.3878539>>3878554


He is the Acting AG. GOWDY or whoever is the next appointed AG. Whoever is chosen will get this treatment.

You always have to stand up to bullies.

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878540>>3878639

>>3878454 Jackie wore his brains on her skirt,

all the way back to Washington to prove it!

d5c94c (19)  No.3878541


30 posts, freddie. Really? You are on fire tonight, But damn man.

Polish the silver

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878542>>3878592



683d6d (5)  No.3878543


It's only the enemy shilling with all that shit bro.

We're here for the long haul and can see right through it

df4519 (5)  No.3878544

File (hide): ac06802cb6173ef⋯.png (60.44 KB, 1100x768, 275:192, e.png) (h) (u)


72e1e8 (46)  No.3878545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

09154c (4)  No.3878546>>3878552 >>3878705 >>3878724



DHS is now in charge of voter integrity & POTUS is installing his phase 2 team!

2a2bd1 (1)  No.3878547


WAPO Reports?


Must be True!

9dd51a (5)  No.3878548



463ded (1)  No.3878549>>3878571


>ALERT: Foreign Interference of Mid-Terms.Votes are being counted outside of the United States.

Bloody hell! smdh

Well, that would explain POTUS' new EO, wouldn't it?

67dc18 (5)  No.3878550>>3878631 >>3878715

File (hide): 5aeefc93177566d⋯.png (278.68 KB, 768x746, 384:373, 5aeefc93177566d5df2fcab2d6….png) (h) (u)


No anon, I agree with you that it's most likely that Whittaker is the placeholder in some cases. In these posts I think it's also likely that it's literal - the placeholder is the post itself, and Q is outlining the documents for "future proves past." I will add that to my post next bread as I totally spaced and forgot.


I KNEW I had seen that earlier today but tried to use the bread search at Resignation.info and got nothing. THANKQ anon, team work makes the dream work. Adding to my document.

13f91d (1)  No.3878551



>Remove Kirstjen Nielsen.

Isnt this Boltons keep? His head still attached?

He could've been trying to find a leak…

d508f9 (17)  No.3878552


This good?

e9fe20 (5)  No.3878553>>3878613 >>3878659 >>3878685



7f3446 (2)  No.3878554


no no anon

that's not a real one

don't give it attention

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878555



72e1e8 (46)  No.3878556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1f7b6d (9)  No.3878557>>3878567 >>3878601 >>3878648

File (hide): e061be4f3cb950d⋯.jpeg (708.33 KB, 1242x1262, 621:631, F7C7C25C-A319-4BC5-AF6C-F….jpeg) (h) (u)

c6c638 (6)  No.3878558

d03f6d (2)  No.3878559>>3878597


Is she going somewhere new?

d9c136 (2)  No.3878560

File (hide): ee126a7c01cce10⋯.jpg (535.71 KB, 854x1024, 427:512, wolverines_.jpg) (h) (u)

90b6a0 (4)  No.3878561

File (hide): 33834e78b3e685e⋯.png (61.65 KB, 617x172, 617:172, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


There comes a point where it is better to die fighting.

39f206 (8)  No.3878562>>3878596

File (hide): ff3f8ac154154c3⋯.jpg (14.95 KB, 525x137, 525:137, 13_17-03-52.jpg) (h) (u)

db0b6d (15)  No.3878563>>3878640

File (hide): a4cd9fa699a5773⋯.jpg (178.51 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_20181024_162231.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f35b156c94a0b6⋯.jpg (106.83 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_20181024_162233.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e4213d4fd321749⋯.jpg (70.61 KB, 1080x807, 360:269, IMG_20181024_162237.jpg) (h) (u)

b61416 (1)  No.3878564>>3878572

File (hide): 2dfb01ff3cdefac⋯.png (537.05 KB, 856x860, 214:215, SpaceShift.png) (h) (u)

79a306 (12)  No.3878565

File (hide): 11dd0f671fdc2ac⋯.jpg (75.47 KB, 854x463, 854:463, DeathWish4_b.JPG) (h) (u)


Judge Moore is not the Final Arbitor.

The American People are.

Who needs bump stocks and magazines when you have a box with bullet belts and a fren….

fed016 (16)  No.3878566>>3878613 >>3878669 >>3878707


Ok, to be perfectly clear.

These dialators are made for children (labeled so on vuvatech homepage).

Why the actual fuck would children need to be widened in front and backhole???






70f0c8 (27)  No.3878567>>3878578



3885c7 (6)  No.3878568>>3878630

File (hide): 00a98985c988d68⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1303x3855, 1303:3855, BrowardNewAffadavitElectio….jpg) (h) (u)



Page Cap

3326fc (11)  No.3878569


stop letting their conscious altering hynoptic suggestions divert your own cognitive function.

YOU stay grounded… in peace. no matter what happens YOU stand in that perfect place.

if you move they win… STAND!!

266d33 (6)  No.3878570


Is she dating now?

d508f9 (17)  No.3878571


Trump did all the EOs before midterms for this reason? so even if they lost certain powers the EOs were created anyway?

e471fb (13)  No.3878572

File (hide): 1bd2b7cbddf83e9⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 2902x3437, 2902:3437, 4bc009a986bc2cafdf22d54d7c….jpg) (h) (u)

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878573>>3878610

>>3878482 Q Did! RECONCILE!!

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aadfcc (2)  No.3878575

File (hide): 825f619f7f970b8⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 534x351, 178:117, CTDciarfags.jpg) (h) (u)


(((can you hear me now?)))

db0b6d (15)  No.3878576

File (hide): d7aa1cf00dddd30⋯.jpg (160.37 KB, 1024x959, 1024:959, IMG_20181026_164832.jpg) (h) (u)

b003c9 (6)  No.3878577


The whole concept is maddening. Like you said, those were for CHILDREN (which I did not know until you said it.) Unimaginable. Consumingly infuriating.

d03f6d (2)  No.3878578>>3878594


You know what FAGGOT, you are FILTERER.

Now go fuck off

84a505 (4)  No.3878579


Should I re-post entire article, ya think?

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878580


695230 (13)  No.3878581>>3878655


WaPo. "5 current and *former* WH officials." So, "sources," right? Some (probably all) of which already quit or got fired. Where have we heard that before?

b3d5c1 (3)  No.3878582


Nothing can stop what's coming.


d9149d (1)  No.3878583



72e1e8 (46)  No.3878584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

51f6ac (4)  No.3878585>>3878623


Agree anon. Just have no idea what can be done.

5588b3 (3)  No.3878586


Not saying you are wrong, but who exactly has these satellite weapons? And shouldn't Trump be in ultimate control of whatever satellite weapons the US Gov has?

27570e (4)  No.3878587


Ppl become inpatient, I understand, because

there is so much we just really dont know, what we do know we tend to think is just enough to

round them up and stop it all. Facts are though, Cabal has weapons we have only heard about in comic books, facts are the public is not aware nor do the good guys want to tell the public because it would be a chaos of death brought on by that fear. We may have a great Military, but we still have an enemy that has outer space technical weapons and ideas on how to take many of us out.

I pray every night now ( Not a biblefag, didnt even talk to God since I was 14 or so) but I pray every night now, hoping we can really pull this off… ALL THE WAY

e9fe20 (5)  No.3878588



541eec (3)  No.3878589>>3878615 >>3878632 >>3878710

yes but the number of blank ballots is suppose to be kept a count. which obviously was not done in broward. this looks to be a stalling tactic, they have to be careful not to have more ballots then registered voters in that party. this is exactly why it is almost a week after and we have no results. if they count under auditors and to many ballots they are caught red handed and it will throw the entire vote in that county away. this is what trump is stating. they have been buying time to make sure there are not more ballots then a register voters party


72e1e8 (46)  No.3878590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6429ec (9)  No.3878591


This week is very DARK in California. The air is full of smoke. It is oddly cold because the smoke is over the sun. It really does look like an apocalypse. I have lived here all my life. A fire like this has not happened since the Oakland Hills Firestorm circa 1992. The Loma Prieta quake started some fires, but nothing like this.

4db5b5 (7)  No.3878592


is that a good thing?

2fa085 (3)  No.3878593>>3878620

File (hide): 7139cc562d77b18⋯.jpg (103.68 KB, 671x869, 61:79, Capture.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f56452f876316ad⋯.jpg (59.16 KB, 667x879, 667:879, Capture2.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): c6ebef3c42a28a8⋯.jpg (107.54 KB, 676x851, 676:851, Capture3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 952eecd6f10a290⋯.jpg (105.78 KB, 681x859, 681:859, Capture4.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 639007213b15c97⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 686x874, 343:437, Capture5.JPG) (h) (u)


Sauce part 1


70f0c8 (27)  No.3878594



db0b6d (15)  No.3878595

File (hide): d05903efe906b36⋯.jpg (181.48 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, IMG_20181030_014816.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 13fae6fdddcb431⋯.jpg (185.52 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, IMG_20181030_014814.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5112fe2c0623e00⋯.jpg (143.64 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, IMG_20181030_014808.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ddf44d91e07aac7⋯.jpg (164.19 KB, 1000x711, 1000:711, IMG_20181030_014811.jpg) (h) (u)

39f206 (8)  No.3878596>>3878606

File (hide): 2d051f4a1c5fb5d⋯.jpg (76.69 KB, 591x617, 591:617, 13_17-05-01.jpg) (h) (u)


Stacey Abrams Files Lawsuit to Force Georgia Counties to Accept Rejected Ballots

Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams filed a lawsuit in federal court Sunday in the hopes she could legally force a runoff election in her race against rival Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp.


782fb0 (6)  No.3878597


I wouldn't blame her if she just wanted to take a break. It's a thankless job.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b003c9 (6)  No.3878599


If it is true that Trump going to replace DHS leader, Gowdy would make a good one of those too.

6b138b (1)  No.3878600


Did we get that as a drop?

PF 458

>[Placeholder - Branch termination(s)]

1f7b6d (9)  No.3878601>>3878611 >>3878624

File (hide): f61aa7d6100af5b⋯.jpeg (215.88 KB, 1242x697, 1242:697, EB6A7517-F74A-4A3A-BDCE-6….jpeg) (h) (u)



9dd51a (5)  No.3878602>>3878681


Trust Kansas

a4d96e (2)  No.3878603

I think Whitaker is going to raise so much hell that they'll vote anyone we want in to get rid of him faster.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878604>>3878609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

29332b (2)  No.3878605


>>3878535 Military Clock: Zulu Time 11.11

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878606



2fa085 (3)  No.3878607

File (hide): 313b410d5eaa149⋯.jpg (108.11 KB, 682x877, 682:877, Capture6.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 49090fa5e7d697d⋯.jpg (62.1 KB, 679x871, 679:871, Capture7.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): e1c340ec4853de9⋯.jpg (107.48 KB, 679x876, 679:876, Capture8.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): e69f438f2a1d9b0⋯.jpg (105.28 KB, 681x871, 681:871, Capture9.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9654fe34147bc54⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 279x743, 279:743, Capture10.JPG) (h) (u)


Sauce part 2

df4519 (5)  No.3878608>>3878618

File (hide): 8068f5cb85e5371⋯.png (19.24 KB, 2386x1388, 1193:694, niggerjew.png) (h) (u)


72e1e8 (46)  No.3878609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

71886e (2)  No.3878610>>3878720


No Q did not. I remember sloppy Steve n his crew were pissed that Potus didn’t back their guy.

d508f9 (17)  No.3878611


GOP suddenly grown some balls now?

0af6f4 (1)  No.3878612>>3878619 >>3878714

Civil war now

We lost like az

We are overrun with illegals

6fef5a (15)  No.3878613>>3878707


perfect, ty anon


It's marketed by an MD. We can't make false claims. There are medical reasons for dilation. Whether ppl use these for legit purposes or not is speculation. Not notable.

d5c94c (19)  No.3878614>>3878638

I can't tell the difference between ebot, freddie and tiresias. They all look the same to me.

67dc18 (5)  No.3878615



This is beautiful - us collaborating on a drop like old days, thankQ anon.


Yep, quite literally.


Sorry baker but the sauce is in the replies to the one I linked - anon posted it right after.


3e1a1f (15)  No.3878616

>>3878498 I kept thinking he was keeping that one open for jeff- after he had finished with AG!

b95fde (1)  No.3878617>>3878626

fd5f21 (3)  No.3878618


Go on…

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878619



0cc726 (1)  No.3878620>>3878627


posted this days ago was ignored

10b226 (4)  No.3878621


See how chatty he is? Imagine how Flynn would be. That's why they've drawn out his sentencing date 35 times. They want him SILENCED.

b3d5d9 (2)  No.3878622



>DOJ: Matt Whitaker consulting ethics officials about recusal

>Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker is discussing with Justice Department senior ethics officials if he should recuse himself from oversight of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

>“Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker is fully committed to following all appropriate processes and procedures at the Department of Justice, including consulting with senior ethics officials on his oversight responsibilities and matters that may warrant recusal,” Justice Department spokesperson Kerri Kupec said in a statement to the Washington Examiner.

>The statement came amid mounting calls from Democrats that Whitaker should recuse himself, and leave oversight to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein --- the man that appointed Mueller 18 months ago and has had oversight responsibilities ever since.

>Last week, President Trump named Whitaker acting attorney general after the forced resignation of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

>Democrats have asserted that Sessions’ ouster was an attempt by Trump to undermine Mueller's investigation.

>On Monday, top Democratic lawmakers asked Lee Lofthus, the assistant attorney general for administration at the Justice Department, if he has advised Whitaker to recuse himself. Lofthus is also the department’s chief ethics officer.

>Citing Whitaker’s multiple public remarks about the special counsel investigation, the Democrats said in a Sunday letter to Lofthus that he has “troubling conflicts of interest,” which include his relationship with Sam Clovis, who supervised George Papadopoulos.

>The letter came after top House Democrats were on numerous Sunday shows, warning Whitaker that if he does not recuse, he will be called immediately in to testify when they gain control of the House in January.

>"Acting AG Whitaker is a well-qualified and respected former U.S. Attorney who Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Friday called 'a superb choice.' He has the confidence of the President, Department of Justice leadership, and key leaders in Congress," said Kupec on Sunday in response to Democrats.

>There has been legislation introduced in both the House and Senate that has bipartisan backing that would protect Mueller from being fired by Trump. The legislation would ensure the only figure with the authority to remove or penalize the special counsel could be the highest ranking official at the Justice Department confirmed by the Senate.

>Rosenstein is currently the highest official at the agency who was confirmed by the Senate.

>There were renewed calls to pass that legislation, including by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.


No [L] = Noel

Noel Francisco the Solicitor General.

He would be next in line.

Pannucio is a temp whose term is up.

Francisco has already been confirmed by the Senate.

5c2510 (9)  No.3878623


I vote for some truth bombs. Have someone not Trump deliver some truth MOABS.

4db5b5 (7)  No.3878624


Every day of Inaction brings us one day Closer

to Inauguration Day.

But the MidTerms are Safe.

fd5f21 (3)  No.3878625

File (hide): 31e2e77567fb1f1⋯.png (2.48 MB, 953x812, 953:812, Sex_Trafficking_Florida.png) (h) (u)

782fb0 (6)  No.3878626>>3878657


Like I said, people willingly vote for crap like Cali.

d5c94c (19)  No.3878627


too much, not gonna read

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6429ec (9)  No.3878629>>3878658


The most important thing to know about California right now is that we virtually have a state religion…Climate change. They are tearing up everything and rebuilding.

79a306 (12)  No.3878630>>3878660


A Sign of Affidavits, Testimony, Audio Recordings, Video Recordings, Project Veritas to come Anon,

Shill population and concern is your proof we are winning. Their Dying Gasps we are witnessing. 2018 will be Glorious!

3326fc (11)  No.3878631


agree… placeholder will oversee process of OIG report.

report already circulating among agencies and departments.

could be reason for Sessions resignation too.

RR said he would await OIG review of his involvement in FISA during hearing re: Gowdy / Jordan / Radcliffe

695230 (13)  No.3878632


They have no way of knowing how many there should be ahead of election day. Therefore simply having extra blank ballots on hand isn't sufficient to prove anything. It's simply not enough. It can easily be explained away (even if most people don't fall for it, only takes a few vocal morons). It MUST be more.

01bd57 (1)  No.3878633>>3878662






db0b6d (15)  No.3878634

File (hide): 54f4808f6f297a5⋯.jpg (740.7 KB, 2047x1208, 2047:1208, IMG_20181107_210933.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0cf4184c4431157⋯.jpg (757.39 KB, 3330x2074, 1665:1037, IMG_20181106_163901.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e315c743032d460⋯.jpg (22.8 KB, 624x351, 16:9, IMG_20181107_165048.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8568d132c5312ed⋯.jpg (31.45 KB, 600x400, 3:2, IMG_20181106_000436.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c8890228dba3ea9⋯.jpg (64.17 KB, 624x416, 3:2, IMG_20181108_104932.jpg) (h) (u)

db13b1 (2)  No.3878635>>3878678


Didn't say it all had to be dropped at once.

Select pieces to change the optics.

But http://tjrs.monticello.org/letter/100

what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.

84ec3c (5)  No.3878636


^^Perfect example of a shill trying to sew doubt and confusion into newbies & seed our consciousness with "You were duped, there is no 'Q'"

This is False, of course.

Study their tactics, filter them out.

c049ad (1)  No.3878637

Have you seen @counterchekist on Twitter?? Spewing that the Twitter silence is based on dozens of sealed indictments for all close to Trump from Mueller. Said "Get ready Patriots" 4 hours ago. What the actual fuck?? >>3878113

70f0c8 (27)  No.3878638>>3878674



c9c05b (15)  No.3878639

de135b (1)  No.3878640>>3878723


Look at Lil' Alex next to Pelosi.

He's so thrilled to be taller than a woman for once.


Telling you again, this is the Revenge of the Ugly Loser People

90b6a0 (4)  No.3878641>>3878675

File (hide): 93499f61f6403ed⋯.png (188.96 KB, 402x304, 201:152, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

One thing Q has done - kept us all quiet.

Sheep no more!!

e92aa5 (1)  No.3878642

File (hide): 3ba6e33414386d6⋯.jpg (191.25 KB, 1032x804, 86:67, mtwFctH6.jpg) (h) (u)

14f87f (1)  No.3878643

File (hide): 30e6aaca4d0a797⋯.jpg (78.85 KB, 620x372, 5:3, banksy_did_not_approve.jpg) (h) (u)

1f7b6d (9)  No.3878644>>3878666 >>3878668 >>3878683

File (hide): 1a3791c70147bde⋯.jpeg (681.8 KB, 1242x982, 621:491, C9FAF959-17EB-4781-A047-0….jpeg) (h) (u)


df4519 (5)  No.3878645


I'm the Scatman

Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub

Yo da dub dub

Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub

Yo da dub dub

I'm the Scatman

Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub

Yo da dub dub

Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub

Yo da dub dub

Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop bop bodda bope

Bop ba bodda bope

Be bop ba bodda bope

Bop ba bodda

Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop ba bodda bope

Bop ba bodda bope

Be bop ba bodda bope

Bop ba bodda bope

bf7c49 (2)  No.3878646

File (hide): 000659f4233ebc2⋯.jpg (206.87 KB, 2100x1275, 28:17, IMG_20180920_142537.jpg) (h) (u)

001ed9 (1)  No.3878647

Trump tweet = MDD = Mirrored Drive Door = macpro = hillslag server

2f2865 (2)  No.3878648>>3878721


Yea, well. I wont hold my breath.

2fa085 (3)  No.3878649>>3878685


It`s saying that votes in American elections are being sent through foreign servers to be counted

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878650>>3878661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

67985d (2)  No.3878651


He won't recuse, Rosenstein had more reason to recuse

634bc8 (4)  No.3878652


Pitney Bowes

Chelsea Smith

Broward Country, FL

e471fb (13)  No.3878653


Lieutenant: this also comes directly from French, and literally means placeholder (lieu is French for place, and tenant for taking/holding). Consider how we also use lieu and tenant in English. We can use the phrase in lieu of in lieu of instead of or in place of, and a tenant was originally someone who held land. Lieutenant was originally a general term for a second-in-command, who would take the place of a superior. The word is pronounced quite differently in American and British English. In American English, it sounds like lootenant, whereas in British English, it’s pronounced leftenant. This may be due to the Old French variant spelling of lieu, luef. Or, it may be a result of the fact that in Latin, a lingua franca when the word came into use, the letter V was used to represent both U and V.


5e26fd (1)  No.3878654>>3878718

"PLACEHOLDER" used by guest commentator on Tucker Carlson Tonight

Not exactly a typical, garden-variety word I'd expect to hear… and in the first Tucker show since Q used it a GAZILLION times yesterday.

987590 (1)  No.3878655



Alleged sources also claiming Kelly will be gone too. After the botched campaign can’t imagine Kobach becoming DHS sec

0c7bcd (2)  No.3878656>>3878688

File (hide): 9ab28571748cd8e⋯.jpeg (992.88 KB, 1209x1813, 1209:1813, 17BDF498-DFB7-495A-9CC3-0….jpeg) (h) (u)

Need anons to dig on ITF technologies.


ITF, formerly Avensys, is a leader in "fibre-laser" technology that is used in telecommunications, data communications and industrial applications. Its website no longer displays information on military applications of its products, but an archived version of the site from 2015 shows ITF was offering "a range of robust, high-power components" that are military-grade for the defence market.

Sources familiar with the 2015 national-security assessment said that, in this case, it would not be possible for the buyer to take steps that would reduce or eliminate negative consequences of the transaction, which the government calls "mitigation." The only option was for O-Net to unwind the takeover of ITF.

The security assessment did not elaborate on its reference to military use of laser technology. Directed-energy weapons using fibre lasers are part of what analysts describe as a growing market, and the leading companies are in North America.

5c2510 (9)  No.3878657>>3878665


People are brainwashed in CA there is doubt, I have family members that no matter what I say refuse all truths. Having said that no way CA elected Gavin.

3326fc (11)  No.3878658>>3878691 >>3878696


its part of the 2030 agenda… laws prevented imminent domain of some of that land because people lived there.

they want to push people into the cities… multiple reasons

6fef5a (15)  No.3878659


>>3878487, >>3878553, >>3878296, >>3878465 Moar on Whitaker as "placeholder"

>>3878445 Zuck declines to appear before "intn'l grand committee" re: Facebook

>>3878061 Pelosi Pride: Voters are thanking Dems for 'saving America'

>>3878047 A simple truth (((they))) don't want you to understand

3885c7 (6)  No.3878660>>3878672 >>3878682


We need a new word for Amen. Once we have it, I apply that to your words brother!

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10b226 (4)  No.3878662


He was 95 FFS.

fed016 (16)  No.3878663



please add these:




No medical reason to widen children!!!!!

e795da (6)  No.3878664

File (hide): 2f7b128d50ca1fd⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 318x356, 159:178, ty.gif) (h) (u)


5c2510 (9)  No.3878665


*is no doubt.

e471fb (13)  No.3878666

File (hide): 46499c84bd809e5⋯.jpg (124.53 KB, 600x497, 600:497, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….jpg) (h) (u)

ee9d83 (2)  No.3878667>>3878689


My Grandparents (in law) lived in Paradise (Camp Fire location)… they made it out safe, but their house burned. We live just North of Paradise and visited them often. I believe the fire moved so rapidly due to it's fuel. Paradise is like a maze… little streets and dead-ends all connected to one entry/exit. So imagine you built a little 20'x20' intricate maze, and then filled the maze with rats every 6", and you also built the maze underneath Christmas trees set/packed 6" apart.. Have you ever burnt a Christmas tree, or seen one burn? Poor rats.

2f2865 (2)  No.3878668


Super kek!

c9c05b (15)  No.3878669


ginger figging member that one?

913f92 (1)  No.3878670>>3878694

Between 2008 and 2011, the Pleiadians have increased their presence in the Earth orbit to the extent that NASA was forced to shut down their official manned space program because they could not prevent the leaking of the evidence of Pleiadian presence otherwise.

This is why Shuttle program was terminated.

e5dfed (1)  No.3878671


We can't go after those who have stolen the election until after they certify the votes. I am not buying that she is leaving DHS. Not yet anyways.

372bba (2)  No.3878672


In His name.

34786f (1)  No.3878673


>The link is the alleged text of the Treaty of Peace signed in Paris 1783. If one reads it one may notice something peculiar : the alleged loser of the war is dictating the terms of peace. Since when can a loser tell the victor what to do?

d5c94c (19)  No.3878674


home economics=lol

learn english next

would help

634bc8 (4)  No.3878675>>3878687




641528 (1)  No.3878676>>3878684 >>3878726

Wtf was the point of voting when multiple seats are being stolen out from under us? I have seen nothing but ppl bending over to these ppl and even giving concession speeches and even claiming nothing nefarious happened. It's blatant voter fraud. Every recount between 2000-2015 has ended up with a win for Democrats!! I'm sure just coincidence tho, right? I'm so angry. The country is pretty much lost.

bf7c49 (2)  No.3878677

File (hide): 71ea0e7935a8846⋯.jpg (44.37 KB, 1024x468, 256:117, IMG_20181101_175344.jpg) (h) (u)

695230 (13)  No.3878678>>3878697


Things HAVE been dropping, however. That's the problem, it hasn't been enough to really sway opinion. All the information is out there. This leads us right back to what Q said… implement plan A (let them hang themselves, essentially), or plan B (full drop, essentially).

db0b6d (15)  No.3878679

File (hide): 9d257b9cd136283⋯.jpg (63.28 KB, 1024x552, 128:69, IMG_20181106_132031.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c219738a2cf4790⋯.jpg (342.41 KB, 1680x1863, 560:621, IMG_20181107_195300.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f39fb17fab6bf0e⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 4096x2730, 2048:1365, IMG_20181109_101317.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 365cc74e6200f0c⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 3330x2406, 555:401, IMG_20181107_132324.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 58d24b84dbbd41d⋯.jpg (157.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_20181106_163037.jpg) (h) (u)

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f435db (6)  No.3878681



Kobach is a hard liner on immigration. Perfect choice

c88b2a (1)  No.3878682>>3878700


'Hear hear' is what they said in old times

3885c7 (6)  No.3878683


That's because FLOTUS needs no tucking, Unckie Monk.

d508f9 (17)  No.3878684


It's funny that the most we have had happen, is when stuff is happening against us.

6fef5a (15)  No.3878685


>>3878198, >>3878649 Digg: Are our votes being counted via foreign servers?

>>3878487, >>3878553, >>3878296, >>3878465 Moar on Whitaker as "placeholder"

>>3878445 Zuck declines to appear before "intn'l grand committee" re: Facebook

>>3878061 Pelosi Pride: Voters are thanking Dems for 'saving America'

>>3878047 A simple truth (((they))) don't want you to understand

last call for notes changes

baking soon

c18d31 (1)  No.3878686

File (hide): f00cc772bed6b32⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 999x562, 999:562, td571.jpg) (h) (u)


I wonder if 'Russian' GPS spoofing is related to the Norwegian Frigate hitting an oil tanker and sinking?

90b6a0 (4)  No.3878687


Um its you're (((you))) idiot

0c7bcd (2)  No.3878688

File (hide): d400f0ea87b7d75⋯.jpeg (864.75 KB, 1242x1634, 621:817, F3EB635D-9192-44A7-936A-D….jpeg) (h) (u)



c9c05b (15)  No.3878689


you're some funny fucker aren't you rabbi?

6429ec (9)  No.3878691>>3878699


They are building a two tier society. The wealthy and the servants.

e98baf (1)  No.3878692

Christine Leinonen At Thousand Oaks Shooting!


7026bd (8)  No.3878693


You got it in one!!!!

The placeholder has office temporarily. He is the HARD man who makes heads roll. He is NOT Mr. Nice Guy, He is Mr. Clean and he is here to get rid of the dirt. You can try to attack him, but by the time you get your ducks in a row, he has left town, clean as a whistle…. blower.

Trump will appoint a new AG who then sees Mr. Clean's work through to completion in full compliance with the law. All outcries against Mr. Clean will be met with the same answer. WE WILL ACT IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW AS WRITTEN BY CONGRESS.

The hatchet man is a common tactic in business when a shake-up is needed or housecleaning is required.

e795da (6)  No.3878694>>3878725


I have asked via telepathy, for the Pleiadians to land in my back yard, but so far, no luck.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

782fb0 (6)  No.3878696

File (hide): 5a29ad3aa844b3b⋯.jpg (354.75 KB, 560x420, 4:3, main_pig_farm_meitu_1.jpg) (h) (u)


>they want to push people into the cities… multiple reasons

4c942a (2)  No.3878697

File (hide): c1152ae0383cada⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1600x945, 320:189, phone 4.jpg) (h) (u)



67985d (2)  No.3878698


Scaramucci 3.0, General Kelly might have to go and "act" their for a while

ed9544 (4)  No.3878699

3885c7 (6)  No.3878700


I will take it man. Here, Here!

b4df5b (1)  No.3878701

File (hide): 2c4836981adb055⋯.jpg (156.51 KB, 600x263, 600:263, Every Blade Of Grass.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0a6376ce745233e⋯.jpg (246.89 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe army 1.jpg) (h) (u)

57b68e (2)  No.3878702

Just another odd picture of camp fire in Paradise.. Trees look healthy.

b3d5d9 (2)  No.3878703


Noel Francisco

No [L] = Noel

Senate confirms Trump's solicitor general Noel Francisco

By Alex Swoyer - The Washington Times

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The lawyer who beat President Obama’s recess appointment power grab is now the Trump administration’s top courtroom attorney, after the Senate on Tuesday confirmed Noel Francisco to be solicitor general.

ab0703 (1)  No.3878705


Something is habbening.

fed016 (16)  No.3878707






8ed9ab (3)  No.3878708


You have no idea what cryptographic certificates are. They're how your browser know to put that padlock symbol next to the web address. Having the certificate server located in another country do not mean that votes are being transported to another country to be counted.

This article is bullshit, not even very good bullshit.


This is not notable. It's someone trying to dupe you into accepting an AIM theory.

5a5519 (6)  No.3878709

File (hide): 8044abf2cfbffed⋯.png (38.06 KB, 500x375, 4:3, lulzsec_d3j83u0.png) (h) (u)


A bit of a connoisseur.

79a306 (12)  No.3878710


Every Ballot is Numbered.

Every ballot is time stamped when it was received and recorded.

These idiots cannot work fast enough.

They have Already missed Statutory Deadlines. They have Already Lost.

Mail In ballots had to bed RECEIVED by 5 pm Election Day or they are Not Counted.

Provisional Ballots had to be counted and recorded 30 Minutes after Polls Closed on election day.

They have already lost.

72e1e8 (46)  No.3878711

57b68e (2)  No.3878713

File (hide): a9010ffbdeef0c3⋯.png (648.08 KB, 1125x571, 1125:571, campfire-2018-11-12_23-08-….png) (h) (u)

Just another odd picture of camp fire in Paradise.. Trees look healthy.

oops .. forgot to add picture

5d6606 (5)  No.3878714>>3878728


Don't lose heart. We are here to support each other. It's not over yet. In fact, it's just beginning. Popcorn is till full.

7026bd (8)  No.3878715


There is a bout a one day lag on breads in the search engine at resignation.info

1f7b6d (9)  No.3878716

File (hide): 480df6ad38268af⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1897, 1242:1897, 774E93CB-7BBE-4572-A5D5-E….jpeg) (h) (u)

1d7763 (2)  No.3878717








My apologies, phonefagging and got lazy.

9a4048 (5)  No.3878718


Orrr….maybe…..you read it so many times

yesterday and today that you just notice when people say it now

e471fb (13)  No.3878719

File (hide): 84110a0a1d490ed⋯.jpg (226.41 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, iu (2).jpg) (h) (u)

3e1a1f (15)  No.3878720

>>3878610 Q promised it would be fixed!

e795da (6)  No.3878721


she should be ARRESTED, not outed

stop pussyfooting around and arrest these cunts

44bd02 (1)  No.3878722


Butte Co is meth and drug county. It’s pretty bad there.

35dce7 (3)  No.3878723


He looks adopted.

Likely Soros couldn't get hard for a grown woman.

3885c7 (6)  No.3878724



Tits or GTFO

ed9544 (4)  No.3878725


They want bewbs.

Have to add bewbs.

And you have to kind of jiggle em a little.

09154c (4)  No.3878726


Read the September EO slow & carefully


f966dd (1)  No.3878727

File (hide): 0757f5f0d782a7a⋯.jpg (126.91 KB, 842x1082, 421:541, image002.jpg) (h) (u)

Need to check this out

Lists where servers for elections are by state … and the companies who own the election machines.


These insider digital certificate authorities appear to be a very sophisticated Man-in-the-Middle network set up for the SES takedown of the American Republic.


Thoma Bravo, ENTRUST, Jerry C. Jones and Michael Chertoff (co-author of The Patriot Act) appear to be running it.


Hillary’s Man-in-the-Middle. (Compiled Nov. 06, 2018). Election System Encryption Certificate Authorities by State. MX Toolbox.

( https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2018-11-06-State-Election-Encryption-Certificate-Authorities-by-State-accessed-Oct-06-2018.pdf )



79a306 (12)  No.3878728


You got that Right Anon! They are on the Defense!

dea923 (3)  No.3878729

File (hide): b861b52cba25d6b⋯.png (250.43 KB, 468x709, 468:709, NightShiftBaby.PNG) (h) (u)

6fef5a (15)  No.3878730

fresh bread




fresh bread

wait for dough plz

0f869b (1)  No.3878732


It is tough red-pilling family members because they have been MSM to sleep, so I have to break the Red-Pill into little pieces and feed through out the weeks!

d5c94c (19)  No.3878733

File (hide): 93f049b581b93c7⋯.jpg (1.96 KB, 125x83, 125:83, 1498099162976s.jpg) (h) (u)

Am I in the graveyard shift?

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