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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs (New thread coming soon)
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /DayOfReckoning/

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

c9debd  No.3749355

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 11.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/412 ——————————— MEMES now front & center. (Cap: >>3747409 )

>>3747136 rt >>3747094 —————-———– Both brothers do have a pending sealed indictment.

>>>/patriotsfight/411 ——————————— The 'LEFT' has no chance. ( Cap: >>3747075 )

>>3745973 ——————————————— VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Will you answer the call? Your Country needs you!

>>3745883 rt >>3745849 —————-———– POTUS 'really' made that one obvious didn't he?

>>3745821 rt >>3745801 —————-———– Trolling the FAKE NEWS media is FUN!

>>>/patriotsfight/410 ——————————— Do you 'AIR Q'? (Cap: >>3745763 Video: >>3745786 )

>>3745008 rt >>3744948 —————-———– MEMES locked on target? Fire when ready

>>>/patriotsfight/409 ——————————— Yes, Mr. President, Anons are actively tracking. Message received (Cap: >>3744884 , >>3744948 )

>>>/patriotsfight/408 ——————————— For Anons… (Cap: >>3740800 ; >>3740558 ; >>3740556 )

>>>/patriotsfight/407 ——————————— VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! (Cap: >>3740741 )

Sunday 11.04.18

>>>/patriotsfight/406 -------------------------------- Now Playing (Cap: >>3736059 )

>>>/patriotsfight/405 -------------------------------- [PANIC IN DC] (Cap: >>3731877 )

>>>/patriotsfight/404 -------------------------------- TOGETHER WE WIN! (Cap: >>3731276 )

>>>/patriotsfight/403 -------------------------------- The World Is Watching (Caps: >>3731084 ; >>3731231 ; >>3731272 ; >>3731295 )

>>>/patriotsfight/402 -------------------------------- On The Move. (Cap: >>3730520 )

>>>/patriotsfight/401 -------------------------------- Our Eyes Are Everywhere, VIP Patriot! (Cap: >>3730325 )

>>>/patriotsfight/400 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriots! (Cap: >>3730323 )

>>>/patriotsfight/399 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriots! (Cap: >>3730316 )

>>>/patriotsfight/398 -------------------------------- We See VIP Patriots! (Caps: >>3730131 )

>>>/patriotsfight/397 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriot! (Caps: >>3729761 ; >>3729782 )

>>>/patriotsfight/396 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriots! (Caps: >>3729489 ; >>3729692 )

>>>/patriotsfight/395 -------------------------------- Listen carefully - strategic speech to be used in the future. ( Caps: >>3729109 ; 3729104 )

>>>/patriotsfight/394 -------------------------------- ALL HANDS ON DECK ( Cap: >>3728440 )

>>>/patriotsfight/393 -------------------------------- Eyes on, VIP Patriot! ( Cap: >>3728416 )

>>>/patriotsfight/392 -------------------------------- Your Country Needs You ( Cap: >>3728350 )

>>>/patriotsfight/391 -------------------------------- Eyes on, VIP Patriot! ( Cap: >>3727877, >>3727912 )

>>>/patriotsfight/390 -------------------------------- POWER BELONGS WITH THE PEOPLE. ( Cap: >>3727695 )

Saturday 11.03.18

Compiled here: >>3747294

Friday 11.02.18

Compiled here: >>3731026

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

c9debd  No.3749369


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes


>>3709707 MAGA Rally Schedule for Sunday and Monday

>>3714264 Codefag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

>>3673226 SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING: Voter Fraud Report hotline; active only during voting hours

>>3735128 ; >>3734562 For Tomorrow’s Rallies: Show support with your phones, showing Q images! (/BO/ approved)

>>3738283, >>3738412 Election Fraud Reporting Hotlines By State


>>3748668 USMC headed to the border in advance of migrant horde

>>3748824 Justice Dept. sending staff to monitor polling sites on Election Day

>>3748830 ; >>3748949 New DJT: Massive crowd in Indiana; en route to Missouri

>>3748851 ; >>3748870 Planefag Update: On planes proximal to AF1/AF2

>>3748860 Chinese defense minister to visit Pentagon this week

>>3748877 AG’s from 20 states pledge to preserve ICE, hours before midterms

>>3749014 States activate NG cyber units for the midterms

>>3749305 AZ candidate Sinema, the flip-flopping cunt - now supports POTUS sending troops to border

>>3749329 #4762

#4761 Baker Change

>>3747928 New on the Bangladeshi Fireworks terrorist

>>3747943 Hannity reporting massive lines in Missouri for rally (Live on Periscope: >>3748210 )

>>3747958 Judicial Watch files FOIA over Justice Dept. records on CF investigation

>>3748024 California: two mass killers on death row found dead

>>3748194 ; >>3748221 New DJT: Thank you Indiana!

>>3748249 Mexico City sheltering caravan migrants

>>3748455 SpreadsheetAnon Update

>>3748542 #4761


>>3747534 POTUS: "The BIGGEST YOU, YOU" and a GIANT AIR Q - Sauce to follow

>>3747472 UN: 64 new allegations of sexual exploitation or abuse over past 3 months

>>3747288 New Toastmaster Script

>>3747279 Disclosure: the twitter account Q posted, shared this video an hour ago

>>3747240 OBAMA UNHINGED: Mocks Hillary’s emails, Ebola, Trump, migrant caravan

>>3747747 #4760


>>3746896 Two sentence summary of SpyGate

>>3746877 Screencaps of Sarah and Kellyanne at the Fort Wayne Rally

>>3746793 NEW TRENDING HASHTAG #ElectionEve ( in addition to #ELECTIONDAY )

>>3746405 Moar photos of 'The Point'

>>3746403 Fort Wayne, Indiana Rally photos


>>3747042 #4759

Previously Collected Notables

>>3744767 #4756, >>3745503 #4757, >>3746288 #4758

>>3742491 #4753, >>3743260 #4754, >>3744020 #4755

>>3740140 #4750, >>3740905 #4751, >>3741747 #4752

>>3737848 #4747, >>3738640 #4748, >>3739380 #4749

>>3735552 #4744, >>3736325 #4745, >>3737096 #4746

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

c9debd  No.3749371

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#54 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>3748130

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

c9debd  No.3749375

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

c9debd  No.3749379

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



b80eb9  No.3749405

File: 37c9522d74fa7c8⋯.png (399.08 KB, 850x568, 425:284, hrappeningtwee.png)

File: 283039969e39231⋯.png (860.09 KB, 1280x817, 1280:817, HAPPY-CAMPAIGN-O'BAMA.png)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

2e33ef  No.3749412

File: f477f3f122c9545⋯.jpeg (940.78 KB, 1248x1589, 1248:1589, E45150DC-5429-48C4-A5AF-2….jpeg)

b80eb9  No.3749421

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 3b4729b13b0e421⋯.png (190.55 KB, 264x911, 264:911, Bidlav14.png)

File: 12ad6f8838daaa8⋯.png (321.86 KB, 429x704, 39:64, bidenreddress.png)

File: 74095837c74687c⋯.png (228.22 KB, 444x656, 111:164, BIBEN.png)

7c2fe3  No.3749422

LMAO at CNN news right now

it's the best comedy show I've ever seen!

b4d7ec  No.3749423

lotta testosterone here.

notta problem, I just hope it doesn't blind you to the many golden nuggets of feminine wisdom that are scattered about.

Ivanka 2024!!!

b37229  No.3749424


good lord….head was about to explode towards end last

fe07f5  No.3749425

Anons.. i really want to believe. but trump did not do the q sign at the neon Q sign. he did it on the other side of the stage. tell me where he was giving the circle dash sign to a Q sign??

i really want to believe but this isnt as clear cut as some would have you believe.

watch the video


right at 3hrs, opposite of stage the neon Q is


7b8a02  No.3749426

>>3749330 (lb)

So important to pray. While it's true that God wins ultimately, evil has a lot of power in the here and now and should never be underestimated. Have recently been (as have many close to me) a casualty of the demonic sword. Have hope, have confidence, and also heads up, and pray.

18d561  No.3749427

File: ff8db88754656ea⋯.png (594.34 KB, 774x768, 129:128, ff8db88754656eaad31ebbb904….png)

c7f6bb  No.3749428

"George Orwell's '1984' is the expression of a mood, and it is a warning. The mood it expresses is that of near despair about the future of man, and the warning is that unless the course of history changes, men all over the world will lose their most human qualities, will become soulless automatons, and will not even be aware of it".

- "1984", Orwell, George; Copyright, 1949, by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., Paperback Edition, 51st Printing; Excerpt From Afterward by Erich Fromm, Copyright 1961 by The New American Library of World Literature

5:5 George Orwell. May you Rest In Peace. We are forever indebted to you for your precient warning which anons here have never forgotten. We will next help save your Compatriots Across the Pond.

a71a52  No.3749429

File: 1a8e785a83167fb⋯.png (404.48 KB, 601x627, 601:627, ClipboardImage.png)


f35a4a  No.3749430

File: 2a5bcbc477daaf8⋯.jpeg (743.92 KB, 3122x4101, 3122:4101, eeacb1626bbc8a62a25f615d9….jpeg)

Night shifffffffft!

de8e4a  No.3749431

File: 3f1bb05c10b3d3a⋯.jpg (377.57 KB, 1247x832, 1247:832, IMG_751.jpg)

patriots vote big!!

8de54e  No.3749432

File: 2f3519f7bed02ce⋯.jpg (442.52 KB, 1474x1114, 737:557, REDWAVE.jpg)

b80eb9  No.3749433

File: 6101fd1413a85a1⋯.png (185.22 KB, 524x322, 262:161, OVER.png)

File: 38c65811bbebd8c⋯.png (317.88 KB, 630x577, 630:577, Iron-Mike-2.png)

File: 30dc30ff1c0c106⋯.png (753.75 KB, 1111x712, 1111:712, THEY-ARE-A-CHANGING.png)

File: 8d823e0efc9e52e⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1111x864, 1111:864, Iron-Mike.png)

File: e2be67939525732⋯.png (481.32 KB, 999x550, 999:550, Hopeandderanged.png)

a8eba2  No.3749434

File: 65835cca6d87794⋯.jpg (69.03 KB, 830x787, 830:787, 1.JPG)

File: 20d092388ec3180⋯.jpg (77.66 KB, 835x418, 835:418, 2.JPG)

Ukrainian citizen wanted for large-scale fraud extradited from Switzerland


faea69  No.3749435

File: dc8b3fd91efc5b4⋯.jpg (139.48 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 180330232658-via-crucis-in….jpg)


10c357  No.3749436


I haven’t gone blind from it yet.

5c08ec  No.3749437

File: 85260f55c61366a⋯.png (520.23 KB, 560x419, 560:419, ThanQ BAKER.png)

b0dab8  No.3749438

File: f40d80295a5f135⋯.jpg (71.99 KB, 593x488, 593:488, hava cigar.jpg)

File: de019bcbcc57a84⋯.jpg (84.83 KB, 750x399, 250:133, Capture.JPG)

>>3748931 (PB)

i am not a fan, but re-reading FBI anon. (required for newfags like me, PB notables)

290263  No.3749439

File: 248f4c78dadbfb4⋯.png (105.45 KB, 208x500, 52:125, VENUSTITS.png)

aeee6e  No.3749440

File: d82126e778e9468⋯.jpg (14.7 KB, 231x255, 77:85, pepemeditatehavduc.jpg)

>>3749413 (lb)

>>3748841 (lb)

>Candle in the wind

Seemed out of place.

769f0c  No.3749441

File: b84c6c02083a74b⋯.jpg (9.97 KB, 270x187, 270:187, b84c6c02083a74be0709089ec6….jpg)

grabbed and started to spread this one lb.


ty, meme anon

31d2cd  No.3749442

File: 3d054b159f14315⋯.png (816.35 KB, 746x1008, 373:504, Screen Shot 2018-10-20 at ….png)


TY Rally Baker! Awesome Bread!

0ec6ad  No.3749443

Is Hannity trolling mockingbird media by wearing C_A pin?

MSM works for clowns..

b01231  No.3749444


its a brilliant book, I think I reread it 3 times in the last 2 years.

6f7a98  No.3749445

File: b065e101aba303a⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1238x820, 619:410, stf.png)

24d25c  No.3749446

File: df4b1ee07921ba8⋯.jpg (557.76 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, force the q.jpg)

7c379d  No.3749447

File: 289c8b6c2a5936a⋯.png (253.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepegoldstar.png)


luv it

e4c79d  No.3749448

File: 88c227469f7273f⋯.jpg (71.73 KB, 450x500, 9:10, NoALLEGIENCE.jpg)

File: 82bc8c9b26a03ba⋯.jpg (799.88 KB, 1999x1336, 1999:1336, BOOMx3.jpg)

File: fa2d08bde62883b⋯.png (551.18 KB, 765x502, 765:502, RobertELee.png)

File: 71e487bbe3833de⋯.jpeg (285.9 KB, 1234x1602, 617:801, YOU.jpeg)

File: 0e215e5fdb63b82⋯.jpg (709.16 KB, 1800x1198, 900:599, FIRE.jpg)

a2e2fc  No.3749449


Ivanka is a liberal and we need to be done with family political dynasties.

b80eb9  No.3749450

File: ab8859bea12a731⋯.png (214.34 KB, 612x375, 204:125, bnghoul1A.png)

File: 8fc1ca8c634fceb⋯.png (187.66 KB, 395x446, 395:446, bnghoul2.png)

File: 3c684ece1d72c1a⋯.mp4 (479.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, seethingghoul.mp4)

File: 4e75f0eeeefd202⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1924x999, 52:27, GEHGHOS.png)

File: ab13bfa136ef2cc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1215x999, 45:37, sincerejames.png)

f58585  No.3749451


Replacing our constitution with a family monarchy is not in The Plan..

Clintons and Bush's tried that already.

7c4f27  No.3749452

File: b58b462ab1af9bf⋯.jpg (25.94 KB, 800x452, 200:113, ergoproxy23189.jpg)

812f78  No.3749453

File: 494a87cebf4d80f⋯.jpeg (683.76 KB, 500x6631, 500:6631, 8739232B-EE23-4D87-90A2-8….jpeg)

Patriotsfight 406-412 compilation

For workfags just arriving

c80fce  No.3749454

File: a0454176a3e41f5⋯.jpg (124.39 KB, 872x950, 436:475, cuminpelosismouth2.JPG)


Pop goes the weasel

cause the weasel goes pop.

a5119c  No.3749455

File: 2cf883417b6a533⋯.jpg (388.9 KB, 880x628, 220:157, linda-harrison.jpg)

Thank You Baker

b6972a  No.3749456

File: 482d3e970d67a89⋯.png (334.21 KB, 435x327, 145:109, ENJOY.PNG)



a75840  No.3749457


Red Wave in Giradeau

b9b749  No.3749458

Bible story time. From 1 Kings. The story of Elijah.

King Jeroboam made golden calves for the people of Israel to worship. Over time they became idols used to worship Baal. Eventually after many different kings were overthrown thu subversion and betrayal, king Ahab ruled and was married to the pagan queen Jezebel, who proceeded to murder all of God’s remaining prophets- except Elijah. God told Elijah to hide with a widow and a long drought began.

After years of famine, Elijah came out of hiding and challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest. Two bulls would be prepped but only the god who consumed the offering with fire would be proclaimed the true god. All of Israel came to Mount Carmel to watch.

Baal was given all of the advantages: he had 450 prophets. They got to pick their sacrificial bull first. They were given all day to call to their god to consume the bull but by evening no one answered.

Elijah built an altar and prepped his sacrifice, and told the Baal prophets to pour 4 jugs of water over it thrice. Elijah said a prayer once all was ready and the bull, the altar and the water were consumed by THE LORD’s fire immediately. The people declared their belief in THE LORD and slaughtered all of the prophets of Baal. Only then did THE LORD bless the land with rain.

Moral: Baal had to be proven a false god BEFORE the rain. Otherwise he would have been given credit by the people who had been led astray.

The rain will come anons. But only after the false prophets are discredited. Trust the plan.

acd352  No.3749459



The last meme is from the funeral

Loose it

Also how many mosr bidens do we need to see, so you can stop obsesding with him?

e20739  No.3749460


Nice try CNN. Still not gonna watch

3c3d7f  No.3749461

File: 9ecacda4c198a6c⋯.png (583.01 KB, 794x562, 397:281, Dems Worse Nightmare.png)

The DemonRats worse Nightmare!

8cb286  No.3749462

File: aad8dcf0a7b4e95⋯.jpg (554.22 KB, 2295x1233, 255:137, 20181105_210153-1.jpg)


Needs to out there tonight before bed Eastern time!

Arrested communist and pro Palestinian

db4756  No.3749463

File: 5a823032cb42f7d⋯.png (531.39 KB, 720x515, 144:103, ClipboardImage.png)

062258  No.3749464


That's the only logical conclusion.

c9debd  No.3749465

File: 58f0099516a32ba⋯.png (262.49 KB, 466x643, 466:643, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at ….png)


cad4ea  No.3749466

>>3748210 (lb)

Watched the Periscope, note that Hannity has his own USSS detail looking after him.


4413ae  No.3749467

File: ae177bdf7095c9a⋯.jpg (77.02 KB, 480x360, 4:3, lastgame.jpg)

lets see something good POTUS. I watched the other two, hows this getting topped off?

b80eb9  No.3749468

File: 7237a2296787eab⋯.png (813.36 KB, 1111x740, 1111:740, vaxxerbill.png)

File: 66e9dfc55fc9b7d⋯.png (325.58 KB, 1111x645, 1111:645, WEL.png)

File: 30cfb0ab430e8e8⋯.png (1.19 MB, 848x1111, 848:1111, shhh.png)

File: 3d683697b7502a9⋯.png (84.03 KB, 1007x660, 1007:660, theywant.png)

File: 6ce951fef74b2a1⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 940x6768, 5:36, fakies.jpg)

aeee6e  No.3749469

File: e944b6b5e14dd76⋯.png (707.94 KB, 565x900, 113:180, pt08799c9e846bf111f9aea3d5….png)


I agree

c14d7b  No.3749470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

71ce68  No.3749471


Tiny Dancer this time.

432e25  No.3749472

File: 1a5f4ec957e0bf9⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 225x225, 1:1, invaders.jpg)

f35a4a  No.3749473

File: f8a518f86e3d2e8⋯.png (107.01 KB, 720x1263, 240:421, Screenshot_20181105-201845….png)


26a601  No.3749474

So Q and the Secret Service

It actually makes a 'lot' of sense that the SS would not take kindly to Q.

Put even a little thought into it and you'll probably realize a few things. First, you'll remember that <10 'know'. Some of them may be believers, some of them may be 'wtf'ers. But all of them should view Q as a potential threat. (as they should 'any' movement that has this much support). Too easy to put on a Q shirt or hold a Q sign and be seen as 'one of the group' - until which time bad motives meet opportunity. Additionally, it is their JOB to see everything as a threat - and respond accordingly. Finally, there 'are' even some SS who are certainly not Trump supporters - they just happen to be far more professional than, say, the FBI.

So I can't really see it as anything but the SS operatives doing their job, when they confiscate a Q sign or demand an apparel change.

b4d7ec  No.3749475


clearly you have a problem with smart, attractive, accomplished women.

c14d7b  No.3749477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f58585  No.3749478


No, Tiresias loves to see those pictures of biden diddling little kids publically.. Why else would Tiresias have literally every single picture of Biden otherwise?

769f0c  No.3749479



a8eba2  No.3749480

File: 6f8f40ea473cc5a⋯.jpg (109.03 KB, 665x948, 665:948, 1.JPG)

File: 07ddeda29315e16⋯.jpg (57.3 KB, 629x354, 629:354, 2.JPG)

Malta's Pilatus Bank shut down over fraud charges


63d290  No.3749481

File: 035e214650675d3⋯.png (398.11 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181105-211748.png)

File: 61e34e8aa42b135⋯.png (243.12 KB, 371x517, 371:517, 20181105_211857.png)


5c08ec  No.3749482

File: 29e448ecdb52fb3⋯.jpeg (353.35 KB, 804x1024, 201:256, 5EE375EE-B119-4838-9681-8….jpeg)

41de3b  No.3749483

File: 0a9b515d02b9df5⋯.png (137.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Enjoy the show.png)


Sooooo Ready!!

e99c51  No.3749484

File: ad859cc81ef783b⋯.jpg (91.78 KB, 607x499, 607:499, Ask Me About Q.jpg)

cf2038  No.3749485


That is funny while I am talking to someone about spaying wild mares. Trying to figure out why - much easier to castrate the stallions to control the population. My guess is there has to be a market for horse ovaries - odd but about the only logical reason.

46fc49  No.3749486

Don't know how "live" these streams are or what fukkery they're playing. Went to two different Livestream and they were totally different.

db4756  No.3749487

File: 225306950cb477b⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1530x1159, 1530:1159, red white and blue.png)

bacfef  No.3749488

File: 3fbe5381c8cdbeb⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 769x763, 769:763, canadian-patriots_-a-truth….jpg)

>>3749230 (lb)

KEK eh!

7c4f27  No.3749489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a478b5  No.3749490

File: d8cee3fca4c3943⋯.png (33.33 KB, 129x254, 129:254, glowing.png)

5fe179  No.3749491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Georgia Rally , Huge Crowd (Cameras zoom and pan)

d7c6ff  No.3749492

File: 0558645ec7ff3be⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DIANE_CLOWN_STEIN_red.png)

File: 99d600ae2b22452⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DIANE_CLOWN_STEIN.png)

c14d7b  No.3749493


love u Gramps

87675c  No.3749494

If you voted early.. get a poll watch party together.. wear your MAGA and Q stuff.. bring your signs.. and go stand like volunteers in the parking lot.. legal distance from polling place! Show your support and colors! Report anything illegal! Cheer everyone going to vote! Be positive! Be upbeat! Show the Patriotic Love for your country! If people ask.. red pill them with basics .. economy .. border.. human trafficking .. military intelligence drops.. the Q!!!

b80eb9  No.3749495

File: 8f62c26fa31e607⋯.png (548.28 KB, 992x825, 992:825, CLAPPERHEAD.png)

File: 9aa4ad7c830bbc1⋯.png (733.98 KB, 1111x788, 1111:788, cling.png)

File: 9ee85e3b36fc687⋯.png (388.04 KB, 600x596, 150:149, divided.png)

File: 708b08fa59d9702⋯.png (3.29 MB, 999x1916, 999:1916, Don_J-BOOM.png)

File: ff06d626a3d41e2⋯.png (7.53 MB, 3952x2222, 1976:1111, lrdtab.png)

38cbd2  No.3749496

File: c52a812ec4f88e4⋯.jpg (11.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, COMFEFE.jpg)

File: b4903b4c48941db⋯.jpg (14.5 KB, 255x182, 255:182, b3488b6f51b283c11fc4605122….jpg)


c9debd  No.3749497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's not a bad song, but it's out of place.

Green Mind, however…

7c2fe3  No.3749498


ENJOY THE SHOW (me state)


eab6e9  No.3749499

File: 3693bbf19989542⋯.jpg (151.23 KB, 1861x1367, 1861:1367, 7afa7e016912686aa9f55c834c….jpg)

Does MoveOn.org and their ilk have a plan for rioting after losing the Midterms – or just if Mueller/RR get fired? Asking for people who have to go to work on Wednesday morning…

0ec6ad  No.3749500


Tiny dancer is my song.. like really. I karaoke that shit!

812f78  No.3749501

File: 89bcf3d0b84fd36⋯.jpeg (60.63 KB, 860x465, 172:93, 54118F19-CA97-4BC3-A113-B….jpeg)

File: d0a2722102ce489⋯.jpeg (74.5 KB, 500x780, 25:39, 5F41EAAD-D0E8-4667-A3C1-3….jpeg)

File: 9628a34cf23266a⋯.jpeg (100.73 KB, 537x499, 537:499, DEC229C7-2B90-4B0C-AD65-F….jpeg)

File: d2b08bedbe62063⋯.jpeg (86.43 KB, 625x500, 5:4, BC543D50-EBE2-4EB5-90B0-C….jpeg)

File: 1d509197b29b0d7⋯.jpeg (42.75 KB, 400x252, 100:63, 63DD980F-7417-474D-984F-E….jpeg)

33cc59  No.3749502

File: 0672026d11cf038⋯.jpg (152.59 KB, 755x833, 755:833, cleaveland rally 1.jpg)

File: 1794ac0767b5bc4⋯.jpg (131.38 KB, 729x510, 243:170, Qhint ivanka with T-tweet.jpg)

2 rallys, 2 obvious Q-sights and both of them are posted on trumps twatter ..

How long till FN drops the Q-uestion ?

Allready spoted a Q-shirt in the crowd (RSBN - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iawQnzy6xzg -> often showing the crowd… great pictures, and better view on VIP-Patriots ;) !

2e9fd4  No.3749503

File: cad144dd00d11d7⋯.jpeg (99.34 KB, 1158x640, 579:320, fullsizeoutput_241.jpeg)

Where are our KangarooAnons ???

b0dab8  No.3749504


as opposed to…. troll level 9000, about to drop the hammer

6f7a98  No.3749505

File: d7af4030187fbe6⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1626x1064, 813:532, HighestRanking.png)

63d290  No.3749506


Hold me closer Tony Danza

291641  No.3749507

File: 4497c59d858a3bc⋯.png (22.42 KB, 238x70, 17:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a73719a7551cae0⋯.png (13.73 KB, 240x88, 30:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 495543fcb36e165⋯.png (15.84 KB, 255x128, 255:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f66bb2623ed1b4⋯.png (12.49 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

(1 of 2)

CHINA = INFILTRATION > Satellite Tech & Control

1: How They Are Infiltrating North America.

2: How This Connects to [Hong Kong - Shenzhen - Guangzhou]

3: Ref. Q Posts - Big Tech, Traitors in North America etc…

4: Possible ChiCom satellite connect > recent US MIL ACFT & SHIP Mishaps.


*As the 1997 UK > PRC hand-off of [Hong Kong] approached, many Chinese fled to AUS & Canada. (Most likely spies mixed in)

* Norsat - BC, Canada company founded in 1977.

(Founder) - Rod Wheeler

(Norsat's primary customers are from the military, broadcast and maritime industries.)

(The Present)

Recently in news: 2017 - Chinese take over Canadian company.

(Now) Norsat International Inc. - owned by:

Hytera Communications Corporation Ltd. - Shenzhen, China

Subsidiary: Sinclair Division

(Interesting Detail)

Long-term presence of Chinese in Norsat way before (China) Hytera take-over.

AMIEE CHAN - Don't know if native to Canada or immigrated.

President and CEO

Started w/ Norsat - 1998, became CEO 2006

ARTHUR CHIN - Don't know if native to Canada or immigrated.


Started w/ Norsat - 2002

WEE ER - Looks to be from Asia

Gen. Mgr, Sinclair Division

Started w/ Norsat - Sinclair Division - 2016

Troubling Picture:

1: Norsat Intl. - Canadian Co. > Top [3] Exec's Chinese. (employed as far back as 1998)

2: Hytera - Shenzhen Co. Est. 1993:

a) Established 10 R&D centers inside and outside China, including Shenzhen, Harbin, Nanjing, Hebi, Dongguan Songshan Lake, Bart Meade Germany, Cambridge UK, Zaragoza Spain, Vancouver Canada, and Toronto.

b) Worked w/ Siemens and IBM in R&D.

c) [Big Concern] from Military Capability view:

Hytera is China's first core unit for drafting (PMR) Private Mobile Radio communications digital trunking standards and has become the backbone of global mainstream communications standards associations. The company is a global leading enterprise that simultaneously masters TETRA, DMR, PDT, and LTE technologies and owns mature applications. It also undertakes the R&D task of Broadband Multimedia Trunking System of National Science and Technology Major Project to develop next-generation professional network trunking communications technologies.

Hytera provides complete PMR product portfolios from analog, digital, to integrated broadband-narrowband products, including the digital radio and trunking system, smart radio and system, command and dispatch, private Internet of Things (IoT) and emergency communications, communication command vehicles, satellite communications, and smart accessories.

Customers in 120 countries.

In recent years, Hytera has been active in providing PMR communications support for international major activities and event security, such as the G20 summit, the BRICS summit, and Rio Olympic Games, and gained the trust of more and more government and industry customers.

Just let this company's stated Capabilities & Reach sink in.


Trudeau said his government determined the acquisition of Norsat, based in Richmond, British Columbia, would not affect national security.










bfb3eb  No.3749508


was arrested days ago….

db4756  No.3749509

File: 1e4b5368665ce29⋯.png (277.22 KB, 1050x1218, 25:29, Voting for Dummies.png)

709be2  No.3749510


DOJ must be effectively buttoning up the illegal vote, so there's no more reason to appeal to the pro-caravan constituency. Now Sinema tries to save what the can among legal votes.

It shouldn't be very much, we all know what she has done.

006fb1  No.3749511

File: e84de98755b7cc8⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1203x1241, 1203:1241, 8FDA41A4-0246-4E33-B651-B1….png)

File: a1ba529cc026e80⋯.png (578.71 KB, 1203x1241, 1203:1241, 34C92BC8-E54A-4120-A6E2-2C….png)

432e25  No.3749512

File: 1bba4a62fccd221⋯.jpg (62.48 KB, 630x435, 42:29, backfire.jpg)

7c2fe3  No.3749513

Hannity kickin it tonight!

6f6a54  No.3749514

The Devil and his servants are scared of big wins tomorrow by the current POTUS and good Republican candidates. Feeling a lot of darkness and plenty of spiritual assaults and traps today. Very spiritually tough and intimidating to deal with. The evil one is pulling out all the cards and all the stops that he can.

Please pray for better tomorrow anons, for blessings for this country USA, our current POTUS, our Armed Forces and for big, big, big wins tomorrow by all the good GOP candidates in as many elections as possible. Very important that we win as much as possible. Repercussions from tomorrows elections for seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate, both chambers of Congress will be felt for centuries.

4585cf  No.3749515

File: ad261d89ba28e4b⋯.gif (296.01 KB, 834x870, 139:145, comfy.gif)

e6f055  No.3749516

>>3748209 pb

Wowza… Top kekkin' on #4 CH!

b80eb9  No.3749517

File: 188675365ffe347⋯.png (1010.69 KB, 999x1329, 333:443, makewesterncivilizationgre….png)

File: ca75311b40cd35b⋯.png (917.53 KB, 2972x646, 1486:323, oopskarl.png)

File: 91c8b9dc7ae0988⋯.png (55.68 KB, 846x393, 282:131, clownazon.png)

File: 442e23b83be0575⋯.png (274.79 KB, 544x455, 544:455, CRIMEZ.png)

File: 45d5258eeab2269⋯.png (145.67 KB, 474x290, 237:145, LIONTED.png)

5c08ec  No.3749518

File: 211387931994ce9⋯.png (464.06 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 5e9167e1eeb9e12209805c516c….png)

b4d7ec  No.3749519


exactly! if it wasn't a bunch of men thinking with their balls, we'd just castrate the stallions. Much cheaper. You can use these little rubber band things and they just fall off about a month later.

Ivanka 2024! Girl power!

a5119c  No.3749520

File: e67ce5aa832e2f1⋯.jpeg (161.26 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, 1535593589.jpeg)

15837d  No.3749521

>>3749295 lb

I have yet to see any solid evidence of much, anon.

1b6296  No.3749522

File: d15177c8c9e4e07⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, KEK Dude Q Alpha.png)

3c3d7f  No.3749523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The DemonRats worse Nightmare!

Can a TwatAnon send this to Diamond & Silk!?!

I'd LOVE to see Diamond & Silk interview these two Hispanic female Trump supporters!


7c4f27  No.3749524

File: 5f5d90d2ceac747⋯.jpg (556.25 KB, 1474x1467, 1474:1467, madmaxine2.jpg)

File: f6dd911083d81e9⋯.jpg (634.68 KB, 1460x1469, 1460:1469, madmaxine1.jpg)

File: 73360c3b9637965⋯.jpg (269.56 KB, 826x982, 413:491, madmaxine.jpg)

File: 088e105886a86de⋯.jpg (112.66 KB, 800x621, 800:621, Mad-Maxine-Politician-Turn….jpg)

0ec6ad  No.3749525

dffab1  No.3749526


The media will never ask. If they ask, they lose all control forever.

7c2fe3  No.3749527


I don't feel it

and I am very in tune

I feel them scattering like the rats they are

turning on each other

and eating their own tails~

b189d9  No.3749528

File: e3332c7738fad0a⋯.jpg (108.56 KB, 1052x428, 263:107, Q anon.JPG)

We see you Anon.

b1a07e  No.3749529

A shout out to all the black hats on here….

Enjoy watching the Good Folk Winning, Red Wave is in coming!

aad2cc  No.3749530

>>3749215 (lb)

Believe it or not, that Q drop was a response directly to my comment.

I'm still here.

It was very helpful to me at that time. I knew I wasn't the only one at odds with their family and friends.

Keep your head up anons.

b80eb9  No.3749531

File: e7b8eaf375b5097⋯.jpg (110.26 KB, 364x555, 364:555, HKRBN.jpg)

File: 99fb36886e0c9a5⋯.jpg (98.53 KB, 444x530, 222:265, brylrmb.jpg)

File: ee5d5af1c589102⋯.png (683.52 KB, 1111x748, 101:68, bybrlm.png)

File: 4aa5a398c05f1a5⋯.png (428.96 KB, 600x828, 50:69, BIBRM.png)

File: b6021d07c3a1bc5⋯.jpg (180.34 KB, 555x598, 555:598, biden-kissing.jpg)

42951a  No.3749532

File: 57131ec6fa2aac6⋯.png (458.63 KB, 673x517, 673:517, eye on the ball 2.PNG)

3e9fdb  No.3749533

File: 4650be546264162⋯.jpg (367.74 KB, 1080x1424, 135:178, Screenshot_20181105-182213….jpg)

Excited & Nervous about tomorrow

deb52c  No.3749534

File: 0e69fc8c2e59021⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB, 2184x1776, 91:74, 42502B17-A1EB-4610-B366-2….jpeg)

New President Trump Twatt

27ce3c  No.3749535

File: 0ef23b22355010b⋯.jpg (184.25 KB, 500x1100, 5:11, 1.jpg)

File: 8d5854f0576978d⋯.jpg (181.14 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, 2.jpg)


20 GOP attorneys general plead to congressional leaders to preserve ICE hours before midterm elections

b6972a  No.3749536

File: 83acfe05f4fced3⋯.png (631.42 KB, 516x624, 43:52, Capture.PNG)

Hannity just pointed at his CIA pin a second ago. didn't get capture in time.

e4c79d  No.3749537

File: 549ac4c7365be28⋯.png (5.64 KB, 400x400, 1:1, comfypepe.png)

File: bafd008dac77b94⋯.jpg (24.78 KB, 400x400, 1:1, WinElf.jpg)

File: e0fbbc2f78e1924⋯.jpg (229.48 KB, 888x510, 148:85, trump_i_like_mike_.jpg)


Nice Proof

Starting to get real comfy all up in here

God Bless


a71a52  No.3749538

File: 81f85f26b3598b5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 992x658, 496:329, ClipboardImage.png)

Tank You Baker

ad70af  No.3749539

File: 85443af6f0f1b2f⋯.jpg (346.74 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, !Maxine-Waters-Posters-Man….jpg)

File: 0b51c5651dd66d0⋯.jpg (285.39 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, !Maxine-Waters-Posters-on-….jpg)

File: b576b43491d2fac⋯.jpg (293.58 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, !Maxine-Waters-Poverty-Pim….jpg)

6dce49  No.3749540

File: 9334d5a9b4f386e⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1016x1322, 508:661, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at ….png)

82966e  No.3749541

File: 5b47bb78c033bbe⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x862, 621:431, 3C6A8422-9ED0-447C-A78F-0….jpeg)

Ty Baker!

7c4f27  No.3749542

File: 8695c95d99e667a⋯.jpg (30.22 KB, 487x500, 487:500, buckwheat.JPG)

File: d66067e5635e3f2⋯.jpg (19.45 KB, 222x285, 74:95, soros1.JPG)

006fb1  No.3749543

File: 8c55045a730f75d⋯.gif (2.72 MB, 257x388, 257:388, C7DC7B79-F313-499C-B31C-CA….gif)

e99c51  No.3749544

File: a586aa3e4b66433⋯.jpg (96.38 KB, 607x499, 607:499, Air Q.jpg)

d357cb  No.3749545


Saw that also. Q shirt on full display!

1b6296  No.3749546

File: 209f3379cb761d2⋯.jpg (353.38 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, I See Q People Q.jpg)

bb1fa6  No.3749547

>>3749345 lb

Just do it anon. I use http://memebetter.com/generator

Just remember to keep it simple, subtle and/or sarcastic.

b80eb9  No.3749548

File: 08ae978f0fbdc2b⋯.png (377.13 KB, 555x624, 185:208, brbmn.png)

File: 7abb18e3f710545⋯.png (229.06 KB, 519x444, 173:148, DNIBN.png)

File: 1765703d5811000⋯.png (243.06 KB, 444x521, 444:521, NBNN.png)

File: 5f331f0cf73ea52⋯.png (985.81 KB, 777x970, 777:970, halp.png)

File: b411322423c04bb⋯.png (372.77 KB, 555x622, 555:622, BidenXMAS.png)

5fe179  No.3749549

File: d660c0e50c0b9f7⋯.jpg (59.77 KB, 530x347, 530:347, 06_15-22-04.jpg)



33a884  No.3749550

File: 961d294533505cf⋯.mp4 (7.67 MB, 720x400, 9:5, Video-The-Beginning-Of-The….mp4)

For Keks

Classic video, 2 minutes of delicious Liberal Tears.

Looking forward to MOAR tomorrow.

ae1327  No.3749551

File: 125bceb18487d9b⋯.png (591.9 KB, 650x473, 650:473, Hannity re Show Me Video 1….PNG)

File: d3317a85483d1a2⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2 Hannity Show Me Video 11….mp4)

Crowd is already amped up


ef9703  No.3749552

File: 64d577e04c684a2⋯.jpg (193.08 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Pic1.jpg)

File: 77545ecef0dafc1⋯.jpg (284.86 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Pic2.jpg)

IndianaFag here. Just got back from the rally.

Please excuse the poor quality pics taken with a low-tech device, but it's sauce that I was there.

There were three protest outbursts, but one of them was very close to where I was sitting (area circled). This was right near an entrance into the arena, and the two girls who were screaming and flipping everybody off were on the rail that's circled. Now this is the upper level, which I believe you can't get to from the floor (if you're on the floor you have to go out and up the stairs…you know if you've ever been to a basketball game.).

Anyway, to get to the point…it wasn't but a minute before a TELEVISION camera (not sure which network…couldn't see that well) came through that entrance and turned the camera on the girls and then the crowd…in fact, it almost looked like they were only interested in getting the crowd response…whole thing was lame and obviously staged, but I want to see if that footage pops up somewhere.

There is no way they made it from the media area all the way up there…so they were waiting. Cameraman was accompanied by a blonde with a black top on. I think Trump even made a comment about how fast the camera got up there.

Oh, and by the way, outside across the street - about 50 protestors.

Atmosphere: FUCKING ELECTRIC. Not an empty seat…anywhere!

14273a  No.3749553


roast beef-a-snatch. eww. no thx.

5e326d  No.3749554

File: b19acd89e194722⋯.png (185.82 KB, 450x450, 1:1, air q slam dunk 2.png)

f58585  No.3749555



Whose more of a pervert, Biden, or (you), for having every single image of biden touching children?

It's a real tough call.

eab6e9  No.3749556

File: 29d375e8316ee0c⋯.jpg (27.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


And then interrupt right when POTUS is saying, "Who is Q? Well, let me tell you…"

6516a9  No.3749557


The rare chocolate starfish in its natural habitat

b80eb9  No.3749558

File: de5340959f73232⋯.jpg (802.09 KB, 640x3984, 40:249, REALSMARTBIDEN.jpg)

File: 4f33e1bb6118de0⋯.jpg (781.56 KB, 640x3984, 40:249, REALLEADERBIDEN.jpg)

File: 8e0eaba1e2437ea⋯.jpg (1021.34 KB, 640x3984, 40:249, REALBIDEN.jpg)

File: 6a66cb7d4580628⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 640x3984, 40:249, REALVALUESBIDEN.jpg)

File: 023752cf1220e58⋯.jpg (938.26 KB, 640x3984, 40:249, REALTOUGHBIDEN.jpg)

2db671  No.3749559


looks like blue shirt on the left is a build your own Q

da103e  No.3749560


My Red Pill book along with Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451'

7c2fe3  No.3749561



guilty pleasures coming

4f4610  No.3749562

File: bbfc5442a53c8ad⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2121x1800, 707:600, 33 mirror of 17.jpg)

File: d99b7543cbd312f⋯.jpg (749.87 KB, 1798x1273, 1798:1273, 17 mirror of 33.jpg)

File: f194e174ba087bc⋯.jpg (648.4 KB, 1600x1261, 1600:1261, 03 mirror of 47.jpg)

File: b8658a750637efe⋯.jpg (603.36 KB, 1800x1272, 75:53, 34 mirror of 16.jpg)

File: 115c2803930e10a⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2244x1379, 2244:1379, 16 mirror of 34.jpg)


Today's Q Clock

Pic 1

AUS donations to CF?


Re_read drops PP.



Guns are safe.

Re_read drops re: Podesta / Huma.

Today's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 2

Iran is next.


Red Cross Iran.

Follow the EOs.


What happened during this time w/ Huma / VJ /AWAN / +3?


Today's Classic 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :03

Pic 3

USSS on high alert.


Drain the swamp.

MZ personal donations?

FB CENSORING (anti conservative).

Like Clockwork.

+ Military start / wall.

Tomorrow's Q Clock

Pic 4

United We Stand (WW).


Their attempts will FAIL.

Desperate people do desperate things.

It is during this period of time that surveillance pays off.

"Sleeper Cells"


Tomorrow's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 5

Don't forget about Huma.




SA [vital].

She had to win at all costs.

You know why.


cf2038  No.3749563



not in a horse just get a bunch of infected dead horses. I think they do that in sheep though. But it is not a male thought thing there is a money reason - has to be.

b0dab8  No.3749564


it is conveniently placed early in the bread for maximum filter utilization (filter, newfags & when necessary filter newfags)

f35a4a  No.3749565

What if Hannity asked the Q?

7c4f27  No.3749566

File: 39450a20f7465ec⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 85.11 KB, 755x1024, 755:1024, CreepyUncleJoe.jpg)


i spoil this because it is disturbing

40bb13  No.3749567

File: 9f8c77244fb6a8c⋯.jpg (74.51 KB, 678x680, 339:340, Repubs not Perfect, but De….jpg)

b80eb9  No.3749568

File: 3bcc5383d3f0ee1⋯.jpg (106.1 KB, 412x458, 206:229, KRBRBRN.jpg)

File: aa0c27ff38214e5⋯.jpg (140.55 KB, 555x601, 555:601, bimage.jpg)

File: ae48805f1203b00⋯.jpg (139.29 KB, 551x444, 551:444, mrbrm.jpg)

File: 39c444b25acc981⋯.jpg (212.21 KB, 494x478, 247:239, brigmbm.jpg)

e9f450  No.3749569

Wednesday will be the Sky event ….Libs screaming at the sky

1e1442  No.3749570


And immigration is (or was recently) the top issue in Arizona. Drug smuggling, human trafficking. Phoenix is a huge hub for all sorts of crime.

de8e4a  No.3749571

File: c5c512bbe1c6439⋯.jpg (997.36 KB, 1521x1137, 507:379, IMG_514.jpg)

patriots vote high energy!

eb9219  No.3749572

File: 5c8e538f93f3f66⋯.png (1022.79 KB, 950x633, 950:633, CNwo9p784ygthulbaviuygba8w….png)


38ea41  No.3749573

>>3749225 pb

Yeah, it's definitely questionable.

And what about Disney and Fox?

Disney Fox merger is completely unacceptable.

I'd argue that the Sherman Anti-Trust Act has been far too accepting of mergers.

I'd like to see the media giants torn to shreds, not allowed to get any bigger.

We need more voices, not fewer.

And yes, Monsanto is evil. Glyphosate is poison.

ae5b36  No.3749574


b189d9  No.3749575


Yea, like a Flag "Q". right?

dbe6bb  No.3749576

Alright Anons, pretend it's November 7th and R's maintain control of both the house and Senate (with more seats in the Senate).

What issues do you want to see POTUS and congress focus on immediately? I'll start.

1) DECLAS + mass arrests.

2) Secure the border.

3) Reform the immigration system.

4) Reform the education system (eliminate liberal brainwashing in schools and improve performance).

e99c51  No.3749577

File: 67efc4b7198c959⋯.jpg (97.03 KB, 607x499, 607:499, Get the Shot.jpg)

2c2ac5  No.3749578

File: 4a8910eb278676f⋯.jpeg (187.55 KB, 736x1102, 368:551, Nightbreaker_001.jpeg)


Awesome baker! o7

inb4 look at me, I'm the nightbaker nao meme

1a9d7a  No.3749579

File: 2bacd80221bab83⋯.jpg (16.66 KB, 275x183, 275:183, !humane.jpg)

b80eb9  No.3749580

File: 41e3627a0bb1143⋯.png (917.1 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, marlWELL.png)

31d2cd  No.3749581

File: 153eb1d05ea8071⋯.png (118.99 KB, 887x518, 887:518, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at ….png)

PDop Drop:

The guys with illegal FISAs on them by the Obama administration, me-Page-Flynn-Manafort, have been silenced. A FOIA request on my FISA should be very interesting reading in case declassification doesn’t occur. Shocked the @nytimes is asking for Page’s FISA to remained sealed.




c82b84  No.3749582

File: 38f29a18f3f45a3⋯.jpeg (134.31 KB, 1414x325, 1414:325, CF23D372-E32D-4294-8990-D….jpeg)


19d401  No.3749583


Don't worry, I got some horsey sauce for it.

438f28  No.3749584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



e3ad67  No.3749585

I just want to say, it's been one hell of a ride, anons. Since the first post on half chan, to whatever is about to happen that we're all feeling…

I fucking love you guys & gals, even those of you I've cussed to hell and back… Please forgive me. Despite all our differences, we're all in this together and will be to the end. WWG1WGA!

Let's finish this shit, Together!

13ad8a  No.3749586


You must be new here

8cb286  No.3749587


I wasn't aware she was arrested days ago. You should have done a better job informing the public. Now get back to work. There are elections to not lose.

f35a4a  No.3749588


It will have to be border first and keeping the peace.

7c2fe3  No.3749589


gelding a stallion is perfectly safe and fine

and the logical thing to do

63fd23  No.3749590

File: fce14d075c4d66b⋯.jpg (449.16 KB, 1828x1632, 457:408, QSurvivorswwg1wga.jpg)

7c4f27  No.3749591

File: 3a52c6d2c8723c4⋯.jpg (48.09 KB, 575x620, 115:124, nancy.JPG)


eab6e9  No.3749592


It's a Biden bot. The anon who wrote the script is sleeping.

5e326d  No.3749593

9ace98  No.3749594

>>3748813 (pb)

DJT tweet “for for”


6-15-18? Qpost June 15/18?

b4d7ec  No.3749595


right, and if they're dead they cannot mate.

problem solved.

33cc59  No.3749596

File: 67e12001bf3440e⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 570x422, 285:211, Patriot nr. 3.jpg)

File: c7bfe28068b80aa⋯.jpeg (13.6 KB, 255x239, 255:239, Kek bait.jpeg)

File: 06c0ec5c34f8606⋯.jpg (172.14 KB, 739x737, 739:737, Memes höhlengleichnis.jpg)


We´ll see - 3.rd VIP on the screens with GF/Wife :D

Interesting to see, if trump-team will post visible sings of Q in his next posting..

Than we got 3 rallys, 3 sings/shirts, and 3 reposts by trump - wonder if that will bait them.

142863  No.3749597


All the way!

41de3b  No.3749598


Excellent share… TY Anon!!

8cac91  No.3749599


I wondered if they are reading the board there.

b80eb9  No.3749600

File: caa2468a45341ce⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1320x742, 660:371, ppdp.png)

File: ad493b06be1b8cf⋯.png (195.72 KB, 442x360, 221:180, PAPA.png)

a8eba2  No.3749601

File: 2b34f43995038fc⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 1090x602, 545:301, 1.JPG)

File: 2b5f5d81a885e12⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 537x738, 179:246, 2.JPG)

Medical issue forces world’s largest passenger plane to land at DIA for first time


4f4610  No.3749602

File: 7c8c0695e72026e⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1691x1280, 1691:1280, Chicken25.jpg)

ce5a85  No.3749603


Yep. The BLM has programs to take care of wild horses on BLM land. They do a periodic round-up and they have corrals and equine-handling equipment. A ferrier I talked to once had witnessed some of the activities. They restrained the horses in some kind of a chute and thing like a calf table only full-size, and one by one trimmed their hooves using a power circular grinder. Very fast. Requires some kind of very effective restraints too. Had to do it on a regular basis. I suppose not as often as a captive horse because these wild herds are running around on rocky soil wearing down their hooves.

So I simply cannot believe that castration is not the easiest way. Look up elastrator, it's a device, one of the ways that cattlemen castrate calves. Apply an elastic band that cuts off blood supply to the testicles and after a while it just falls off. No blood, no surgery.

291641  No.3749604

File: 7274d120b799b1e⋯.png (69.27 KB, 255x144, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd4655de11cc1e1⋯.png (37.44 KB, 255x169, 255:169, ClipboardImage.png)


>(2 of 2)

>CHINA = INFILTRATION > Satellite Tech & Control

>1: How They Are Infiltrating North America.

>2: How This Connects to [Hong Kong - Shenzhen - Guangzhou]

>3: Ref. Q Posts - Big Tech, Traitors in North America etc…

>4: Possible ChiCom satellite connect > recent US MIL ACFT & SHIP Mishaps.


If you Control The Satellites.

And you've Inserted Hackable Micro Chips in Equipment.

You can take control like > "Droning" a Ship or a Plane.

The Supermicro chips in the motherboards discovered in USA according to earlier news articles:

* Are manufactured in Guangzhou, China.

Right next door to Shenzhen & Hong Kong.

That seems to be the "Epi-Center" of all this Espionage.

(Newsmax article)

"New Evidence of Hacked Supermicro Hardware Found in US Telecom"

Based on his inspection of the device, Appleboum determined that the telecom company's server was modified at the factory where it was manufactured. He said that he was told by Western intelligence contacts that the device was made at a Supermicro subcontractor factory in Guangzhou, a port city in southeastern China. Guangzhou is 90 miles upstream from Shenzhen, dubbed the `Silicon Valley of Hardware,’ and home to giants such as Tencent Holdings Ltd. and Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.

Norsat (Satellite Co)(Canada) > Hytera (China) = Control of Satellites.

Supermicro (San Jose, CA) > Mfg'd (Shenzhen, China) = Inserted USA Mil hardware.

USA Military Ships & Planes "Mysteriously" lose control & crash.





f27ea4  No.3749605





6ec0bc  No.3749606

>>3749152 lb

My interpretation of Q

Is that he is saying: "WTF?"

Is this supposed to mean something?

If this is what the LEFT considers to be a meme

Then we are winning BIGLY.

e5fd44  No.3749607

File: 6a19b28ec3c8e94⋯.png (66.47 KB, 374x168, 187:84, HannityCIAPin.png)

File: 048a938dda3e180⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1638x1524, 273:254, ciapin.png)

81a507  No.3749608



38cbd2  No.3749609

File: 03768e17d3bdaf2⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 248x189, 248:189, 48b0afc106822e12cdc254f627….jpg)


Not a chance

c7f6bb  No.3749610


I've had a dogged-eared copy near my bed for 2 years, anon. The Man nailed it and Patriots stepped up at the right time to get us all involved. "1984" along with every other warning were all just about to be dropped down the "memory hole".

1b6296  No.3749611

File: 0edcf53955ba81f⋯.png (982.28 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q Flag Q.png)

d4559e  No.3749612

File: f416208354a4420⋯.jpg (72.96 KB, 1036x500, 259:125, 2lswxi.jpg)

File: f6b436e2250c1cb⋯.jpg (69.29 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2lswze.jpg)

File: 9b539e41c34014f⋯.jpg (35.11 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 2lsx1a.jpg)

File: dfd9d32a80bf91b⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 610x300, 61:30, 2lsx4v.jpg)

File: a745b52004c9438⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2lsx38.jpg)

f35a4a  No.3749613



c14d7b  No.3749614



3c3d7f  No.3749615




50:00 "OMG I looked at my 401k and I was PLEASE people, get with this President!" ahahahaha


NOTHING says 'I love you' like doubling my 401k in one year! hahaha

4954b2  No.3749616

What a fucking day anons!

After I visited my 56 year old dying aunt in the ICU after work, I got home and my 89 year old great grandmother slumped to the floor . Clenching her chest, gasping for breath, she pointed at an envelope on the coffee table. I ran to the table , grabbed the envelope, then crouched on the floor next to her, as she shank to her haunches.

"Raise the…envelope to my lips," she spoke with great effort. "I want to lick…the seal…my final vote….for …our….POTUS!"

My hands shook as I drew the envelope seal across her drying tongue and sealed it.

"Postmark it quick…ny boy…and VOTE!"

As she collapsed further on the floor my great grandfather nearly lept out of his wheel chair and bolted down the stairs, crashing in a heep. He drug himselff to mama's side and said, "Get to it boy. I'll do CPR for as long as I can."

Turning toward the door, I heard a gun shot. As I looked behind me, my mom came staggering out of the kitchen with her Glock 9mm in one hand and a cleaning brush in the other. As the red stain on her left shoulder rapidly expanded, she called out, "Go! I voted already! Give a shout out to 911 on your way my son!"

So it's been a long hard day anon's. I hope I did the right thing.

31d2cd  No.3749617



fe07f5  No.3749618


i really want to believe. but trump did not do the q sign at the neon Q sign. he did it on the other side of the stage. tell me where he was giving the circle dash sign to a Q sign??

i really want to believe but this isnt as clear cut as some would have you believe.

watch the video


right at 3hrs, opposite of stage the neon Q is


b644c6  No.3749619

File: 4e0c3d0d5dd7d34⋯.png (297.16 KB, 588x483, 28:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03f20c9f706e81d⋯.jpg (75.93 KB, 720x621, 80:69, dfc.jpg)

File: 4651e5465eb86bf⋯.png (639.51 KB, 695x462, 695:462, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b349b17fa49455⋯.png (574.41 KB, 1268x1072, 317:268, 2b349b17fa49455e33d77e59ee….png)

File: 9b3a455a93db0fa⋯.png (1.54 MB, 748x834, 374:417, 9b3a455a93db0fafac6aba5ddd….png)

>announces plan to deny asylum-seekers who don't show up at ports of entry, in latest major immigration policy shift

Wow, what a harsh response! Also, I heard that the immigrants will only receive federal aid if they ask nicely, or sue, for it.

Trump's pro-immigration and pro-asylum stances, along with these immigrants hailing from third world hellholes means that our culture and values are being slowly but surely destroyed.

41de3b  No.3749620

File: 485dfb1c269fba5⋯.jpg (78.1 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, 485dfb1c269fba504b63969689….jpg)

57a38b  No.3749621

File: 133114be866062b⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, StayTogetherBeStrong.jpg)

File: 7825c10f1501867⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, STAYTOGETHER.jpg)

File: 1bab3a1a475e760⋯.jpg (174.3 KB, 931x524, 931:524, Clinton_Doesnot_care_about….jpg)

File: 13922a79b22d157⋯.jpg (364.14 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Fight Well Patriots.jpg)

Holy Patriots~

80486c  No.3749622

File: 1dc2dd520b03535⋯.jpg (46.59 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1dc2dd520b0353521f226916d8….jpg)

Is POSTUS violating any laws with the Q team?

If so, wich?

If not, why?

What could clowns and the MSM could make up about this when/if POTUS confirms Q?

How to fight back?

I believe this are good questions that anons should be ready to answer.

7c2fe3  No.3749623


get em!

b80eb9  No.3749624

File: 2be8a5ac94b19b8⋯.png (243.84 KB, 550x413, 550:413, EC.png)

File: 12804e7128ab7f3⋯.png (117.29 KB, 474x315, 158:105, echuck.png)

File: bd1a161a8d42562⋯.png (317.12 KB, 500x705, 100:141, ethicalchuck.png)

File: ee0af0e375645dd⋯.png (626.59 KB, 999x577, 999:577, finished.png)

File: fe2ed9927b38ae4⋯.png (287.58 KB, 737x737, 1:1, NICEMAN.png)

cf144c  No.3749625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

94779a  No.3749626

File: 30a2b6f2a829228⋯.png (484.57 KB, 394x422, 197:211, zzzxxccccvvvvb.PNG)

2fce2c  No.3749627


Would be excellent, but "Your Guilty" should be "You're Guilty"

6dce49  No.3749628

File: 539d8c969b74b12⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1006x1024, 503:512, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at ….png)

1a9d7a  No.3749629

File: 129b3dd1eebdd50⋯.jpg (22.39 KB, 320x180, 16:9, meme-mime.jpg)


They just can't get it.

6f6a54  No.3749630


Agree to disagree.

I sincerely doubt that the day before monumental elections the evil one has decided to let his foot of the gas and just coast along.

The past two weeks for me have been extremely intense, spiritually speaking. As soon as I leave my safe and marked spiritual zones I am under intense coordinated and strategic planned attack(s) one way or another.

eb18ce  No.3749631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Great Meme War Speech

ab8f1d  No.3749632


You realize Manafort brings down the Podesta's and many others, right?

c694de  No.3749633

File: 8de507d05a6ba4e⋯.png (289.54 KB, 466x443, 466:443, 8de507d05a6ba4e8cfefd909a1….png)

745ec3  No.3749634

File: b279c5f39710afa⋯.mp4 (3.91 MB, 640x480, 4:3, election midterm november ….mp4)

e99c51  No.3749635

File: 0afb7f42e7f642d⋯.jpg (95.35 KB, 607x499, 607:499, Acosta.jpg)

ae1327  No.3749636

POTUS arriving / Hannity to go speak with him

de1b05  No.3749637


A cutting balls off horses slide.

I must say, not bad.

27ce3c  No.3749638

File: 5e8cdf1c341ab33⋯.jpg (181.96 KB, 500x1275, 20:51, d.jpg)


ICBM test launch scheduled for Tuesday night from Vandenberg Air Force Base

31d2cd  No.3749639

File: 4421fee9ce3241e⋯.png (559.43 KB, 698x766, 349:383, Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at ….png)

db4756  No.3749640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Overview of America


b644c6  No.3749641


does it really matter?

653924  No.3749642



<< lets finish this shit, together >>

Hell yeah brother. We all agree on one thing

RED TSUNAMI is happening tomorrow, and


Love you back! We got this!!!

2e33ef  No.3749643

File: f6ead1092025e63⋯.jpeg (842.58 KB, 1185x1245, 79:83, F67FE690-731F-4825-9E5A-C….jpeg)


b80eb9  No.3749644

File: 434a665832d7d3f⋯.png (242.95 KB, 593x555, 593:555, herngchuck.png)

File: 68f0c22aaafb70d⋯.png (369.46 KB, 698x600, 349:300, eficaljhuck.png)

File: beb45be23a6b87c⋯.png (342.71 KB, 777x450, 259:150, ethicalgunchuck.png)

File: a821d37a426ae57⋯.png (233.89 KB, 542x400, 271:200, Echuk.png)

File: 98fe280b589cbc6⋯.png (254.89 KB, 620x435, 124:87, DebbieBombermanShultz.png)

d18640  No.3749645

File: 6bf0ccbf9629cf2⋯.jpeg (968.25 KB, 1919x1443, 1919:1443, 664A995A-B330-45B6-9065-8….jpeg)


>>3749245 (lb)

>Britanon wishing the USA well

>>3749366 (lb)

>The Netherlands present and praying for Red Tsunami

>>3749346 (lb)

>Canada in da house

Wonderful to see frens here WW! Here is a flashback graphic from Italy earlier this year.

a8eba2  No.3749646

File: 1c7abc5c526d94c⋯.jpg (153.93 KB, 673x924, 673:924, 1.JPG)

File: 5d36a48bdb1c674⋯.jpg (99.54 KB, 667x551, 23:19, 2.JPG)

Erie men identified as victims in fatal Broomfield plane crash


5da106  No.3749647



828374  No.3749648

File: 94df7c0f8f4f09f⋯.jpg (256.19 KB, 1147x645, 1147:645, Screenshot-2018-11-5 🔴 Wat….jpg)

Hannity triple-pointing at Q dude=

best screen cap i could get… he def triple pumped it… almost like POTUS earlier today… he made sure…

7be10f  No.3749649


They are saying, "Damn Concernfags"

cf2038  No.3749650


yes properly. Elastor bands on horses in not a good option.

c7f6bb  No.3749651


Maybe it was confiscated from one who no longer needs it and was given to Hannity to wear like a war scalp.

e165a8  No.3749652

>>3749380 LAST BREAD

POTUS keeps saying that at the rallys= " like a puzzle. maybe we can put all the pieces together"

6ec0bc  No.3749653

Q dropped this tweet from PrayingMedic:

48) Extremist meme artists have taken over Instagram.

Who woulda thunk it?

It was the 48th tweet from a thread of 166 all about Q related things. You should read the whole thread which is a lot easier on this page:


All 166 messages on one page. Enjoy!

eb83ea  No.3749654

File: 3a3ee8f5721c9cc⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 687x503, 687:503, 0cc5fc3614607d08a918c30154….jpg)


I missed most of the Q posts today and POTUS's air Q! That was great to come back to though right after VOTING!!!

I took my paper ballot to the post office today - the closest one where I live is a 45 min drive, but sooooooo worth it! Just wanna make sure it gets counted! Norcalfag here voting REPUBLICAN all they way down the ticket!!! (as much as possible i.e. - in cali you don't have a repub choice in some seats).

Hopefully by 2020 we will have turned Cali RED!!!

Love all you fags, no homo!

f35a4a  No.3749655


Manafort, Page, and papaD are all plants. Where the hell have you been??

b3ca3f  No.3749656



Censorship of the right on social media platforms. . . Start with the SJW at DISA shutting down rigjt sites like vox day. American digest, lucianne, etc. . Then reinstate rex, wicktor, and the rest on Twitter

c6e0dd  No.3749657


Be prepared to capture video tomorrow of mockingbird tears.

dfb9d0  No.3749658


Thanks Dennis, a true Patriot!

1e6890  No.3749659


Pussy Creek?

or Rock Uranus?

7c8d10  No.3749660

File: 807c01d69d96a8e⋯.png (230.87 KB, 506x236, 253:118, 329.PNG)

File: d27ccd9f0a645cc⋯.png (222.8 KB, 505x233, 505:233, 330.PNG)

God-Speed Patriots!

cad4ea  No.3749661


POTUS if you ended with that line I would finally convince my wife that I'm not insane

b80eb9  No.3749662

File: b251f9b2cb9e38d⋯.png (72.06 KB, 474x314, 237:157, unless.png)

File: e8fc28dc7ce8093⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1688x1080, 211:135, trashyjoe.png)

File: c91f12f7f978d20⋯.png (283.75 KB, 737x737, 1:1, Rezizt.png)

File: fce4daf908b9564⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1156x1111, 1156:1111, Thanunciasion.png)

File: e808649426f5c3d⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1248x1000, 156:125, It-is-the-Lords-doing.jpg)

38cbd2  No.3749663

File: f66835c8100aa45⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 9c75476228eb58ffd10edc3515….jpg)

bd811b  No.3749664

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

not sorry, this song is pretty badass.

Are you cool?

Well I'm cool.

Is everybody cool?

31d2cd  No.3749665

File: 7ca8a5b64fd2d98⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1571x884, 1571:884, Screen Shot 2018-10-25 at ….png)

63fd23  No.3749666

File: e61f70f0765dde3⋯.png (70.75 KB, 986x312, 493:156, Caps 2018-11-05 at 9.30.21….png)

2e33ef  No.3749667


Absolutely with you on this! WRWY WWG1WGA

291641  No.3749668


>Supermicro (San Jose, CA) > Mfg'd (Shenzhen, China) = Inserted USA Mil hardware.


Correction: Mfg'd (Guangzhou, China)

7be10f  No.3749669


Someone do a reverse image search on this

60de3c  No.3749670


And to which Q said, "Plants need water"…

4f4610  No.3749671

File: 81363a85e048636⋯.jpg (413.32 KB, 954x1200, 159:200, Vote Red.jpg)

File: 17c50c07e476514⋯.jpg (945.24 KB, 1524x2067, 508:689, Vote Red2.jpg)

File: 3bb22c3f6a23a1a⋯.jpg (962.95 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Vote Red3.jpg)

File: 2a9c07d53db9884⋯.jpg (389.06 KB, 708x1200, 59:100, Vote Red4.jpg)

File: 404e7d05a89c0c2⋯.jpg (320.63 KB, 1400x872, 175:109, Vote Red5.jpg)

95978c  No.3749672

File: a3c80acde222e41⋯.jpg (81.24 KB, 960x540, 16:9, trumpnationalist.jpg)


b0dab8  No.3749673

File: 96859ecb1e20977⋯.png (61.21 KB, 685x304, 685:304, sean n bibi.PNG)

File: 9f19178cbb81f0d⋯.jpg (370.55 KB, 894x712, 447:356, jewsnews.jpg)


that last button is about to go. sean is not my hero.

3da882  No.3749674

File: c1a15c81324bead⋯.png (376.18 KB, 498x515, 498:515, ClipboardImage.png)

0d235b  No.3749675


>Bozo O'Rourk

432e25  No.3749676

File: 54ce08ff5331c34⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 720x479, 720:479, menendez.jpg)

205e3a  No.3749677


Never give up

Don't live in fear

Keep your mind open

Have Fun

babc47  No.3749678

File: 41480fc28b66fbd⋯.png (321.93 KB, 767x946, 767:946, hcf inves 1.png)

File: 9e3d8176cfc404c⋯.png (86.22 KB, 530x777, 530:777, hcf inves 2.png)


An anon released the info that Judicial Watch just filed a FOIA to find out what the DOJ has found out about the Clinton Foundation:


Went looking for sauce on this FOIA.

Nothing in the past few months—no background info, no reports saying the JD came to any kind of decision. Just a report in early Jan., from Fox quoting unnamed govt sources:

“The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes.”

Looks like the DS trying hard to keep the results of this investigation under wraps:



006fb1  No.3749679


That is the epitome of soft porn.

812f78  No.3749680


Cervix Cave

81bae4  No.3749681

File: 1db125ffbfa1bd7⋯.jpg (79.86 KB, 960x720, 4:3, hawtbaker1.jpg)


thank you baker!

f58585  No.3749682

File: 12f2d9a953de9db⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1984x1776, 124:111, 1984 Proof Quote.png)


Here, have a 1984 edition Q proof.

8b3fa3  No.3749683

Is David Limbaugh supposed to be the brother of "Rush" "the Blue Bus is calling us" L. ?

968e3c  No.3749685


Short dress, high stage, close crowd…gutsy and hot!

a2e2fc  No.3749686


How bout a lb or pb faggot. Nobody ever said he did the air Q at the neon Q.

31d2cd  No.3749687


trips…for the evil doers…

ab8f1d  No.3749688


You're kinda missing the big picture here…

b80eb9  No.3749689

File: 3c684ece1d72c1a⋯.mp4 (479.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, seethingghoul.mp4)

File: 633ae8fe3078809⋯.png (844.21 KB, 1372x777, 196:111, bama3.png)

File: f49e34eee9748fd⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1200x797, 1200:797, FRENN.png)

File: db2aa3c6568f9e2⋯.png (378.97 KB, 658x492, 329:246, hapbpening.png)


Looks it.

a9653e  No.3749690

File: 756f8c794f0d90e⋯.jpg (161.7 KB, 1000x746, 500:373, KEK-10b.jpg)


Here's a bigger gun for you.

babc47  No.3749691

>>3749678 is PB (sorry)

afe6a7  No.3749692

Hoosieranon here

Indiana will not let POTUS down. We never have and never will. Joe goes down tomorrow.

You can just feel it in the air around town. Electric.

I don’t care if it fucking rains fire here, I’ll be at the polling location 7am with bells on.

Wifeanon and I can’t wait to vote. Everyone here is revving to go.


8d3543  No.3749693

The Stones sold their rights to their earlier music.

POTUS trolling the Stones.


ad70af  No.3749694

File: 41d3ddb7ca09ab1⋯.jpg (677.75 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening12.jpg)

ed7b2b  No.3749695

File: 812517a7376b220⋯.jpg (78.2 KB, 634x345, 634:345, miller33.jpg)

bb73fe  No.3749696

Air traffic unusually high out of IAH tonight.

d92207  No.3749697

File: a8aba2c976e3cc6⋯.jpg (87.86 KB, 685x540, 137:108, earth11.6.18 pr.jpg)

14273a  No.3749698

File: 7ca95994eefa6a7⋯.jpeg (536 KB, 1242x1123, 1242:1123, E8C29F99-83CB-49B2-AB31-6….jpeg)


shes perfect


kek. i could eat anything with that stuff on it.


see attached homo.

7fb732  No.3749699


He is. This is their home town acc to Hannity.

13ad8a  No.3749700

File: 6cc7bdb4933530a⋯.jpeg (12.98 KB, 218x231, 218:231, fbb82069c5a50c07c56e1fb38….jpeg)


Love this place. It's fam.


769f0c  No.3749701

File: 2979cbd94def144⋯.jpeg (4.55 KB, 137x166, 137:166, nsd2.jpeg)

efcc5c  No.3749702

File: 252f3a4e9191aeb⋯.jpg (111.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 111111.jpg)

File: 0f854864d5d696a⋯.jpg (74.19 KB, 485x666, 485:666, r143.jpg)


Thank you Baker

cf2038  No.3749703


Answer is NO on elastrator bands

"Image result for can you castrate a horse with elastrator band

Special elastrator pliers are then used to place a tight latex (rubber) elastrator ring gently around the base of the scrotum. … Elastration is normally limited to castrations done during the first few weeks of life, and it cannot be used for species where the scrotum does not have a narrow base, such as pigs or horses."

31d2cd  No.3749704

File: ce9bdee7b777851⋯.png (742.85 KB, 996x658, 498:329, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)

f3ad02  No.3749705

File: 6ac1a4ba9385a99⋯.jpeg (43.84 KB, 600x414, 100:69, 9B50D7EE-2D15-4CDD-8BB8-6….jpeg)

File: 446bdc69d7bf9f6⋯.jpeg (68.45 KB, 450x418, 225:209, 486002B4-DDFB-4BA5-905F-E….jpeg)

File: 2849e213fef6044⋯.jpeg (126.96 KB, 880x659, 880:659, 5CF8285D-AD2D-4C94-94C3-1….jpeg)

File: 6d3e7e82f9c43d8⋯.jpeg (135.56 KB, 857x799, 857:799, 3615F118-B765-4248-ABCF-F….jpeg)

File: 88957d826f8bc10⋯.jpeg (74.64 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 95944E2C-549B-494F-8280-8….jpeg)

8b3fa3  No.3749706


Wow you guys. Never enough.

So demanding.

dfb9d0  No.3749707


Sarah's talk tonight was fantastic!

0fdeb4  No.3749709

File: 95996b2d98e9304⋯.jpeg (47.25 KB, 300x300, 1:1, F894913B-E044-4C35-8670-6….jpeg)


I just happen to be in that very first thread also. What a friggin ride it’s been! It’s been maddeningly glorious. Honored to be here with you all!


Day shift signing off. Enjoy Night shift.

432e25  No.3749710

File: 135a4bb3c9f26c6⋯.jpg (52.94 KB, 633x396, 211:132, podesta-bullshit.jpg)

b80eb9  No.3749711

File: 6525f8044bc554c⋯.jpg (185.04 KB, 398x445, 398:445, ibrmnm.jpg)

File: a9f69ab3a3abfa1⋯.jpg (96.91 KB, 444x456, 37:38, IBVBN.jpg)

File: 8a5eb073e47cdcc⋯.jpg (135.41 KB, 556x444, 139:111, HVBRNM.jpg)

File: ec04e4af7bc1e99⋯.jpg (123.67 KB, 463x423, 463:423, bdn2.jpg)

File: ef9cfc2dc00aa1c⋯.jpg (162.93 KB, 555x558, 185:186, BD20.jpg)

57a38b  No.3749712

File: 0c86516cdbde8cb⋯.jpg (151.74 KB, 529x676, 529:676, [CHINA].jpg)

File: 53e47f25db3f3b1⋯.jpg (590.9 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)

File: 9fb2faa7ecb1724⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

File: 6f47a734cca5c3b⋯.jpg (612.13 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, FrogTinyQ.jpg)


8b3fa3  No.3749713


No resemblance.

a312ed  No.3749714

File: 7cde9bc7abf9a73⋯.jpg (87.84 KB, 850x960, 85:96, IMG_5106.JPG)

I will not be able to sleep tonight or tomorrow!!!

I'm so pumped up & amped up!!! VOTE RED AMERICA!!! YEEEEEEEEE!

(My opposite take on Reeeee! Kek!)


I need more Fuking popcorn & Beer!!

1e6890  No.3749715


You can't always get what you want,

but if your Paul McCartney you get a check.

a8eba2  No.3749716

File: 1a4b7dda6137ab4⋯.jpg (62.62 KB, 647x795, 647:795, 1.JPG)

File: 6f710d92cdfe8fe⋯.jpg (107.73 KB, 622x624, 311:312, 2.JPG)

M1 CEO Karen Kooi retiring next month


7c2fe3  No.3749717



41de3b  No.3749718

File: 7ca9041afb40bf2⋯.png (51.39 KB, 498x457, 498:457, 7ca9041afb40bf289a39f0df84….png)


To the end Anon…. Love you ALL…

This has been the best 2 1/2 yrs of my life !!! Working with you all has been an Honor.

6f7a98  No.3749719





Your support is heartwarming!

Thank you Britanon, Netherlands, and Canada.


5e326d  No.3749720

File: 5bd810ac51d79fd⋯.jpg (144.4 KB, 750x617, 750:617, pirate i can feel it in me….jpg)


You said it, buddy!

We will vanquish this evil with shitposting, love, and facts.

They will never recover from the power we have when we fight together.

Love to you all!

3e9fdb  No.3749721


woot woot, I concur!

fbe342  No.3749722

POTUS on Hannity LIVE from backstage at the rally after commercial break

b37229  No.3749723

File: 787ef64fbd30f17⋯.jpg (279.73 KB, 1069x1600, 1069:1600, Baker Bewbs3.jpg)

eab6e9  No.3749724

File: 71ac6709b224b86⋯.jpg (23.56 KB, 460x177, 460:177, q.jpg)


Text Hannity to ask the question.

a9fc53  No.3749725

File: 64015c945fa35de⋯.jpg (190.74 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EnemyofthePeeps.jpg)

Q, can we get a twatter injekshun so that I'm no longer shaddow banned? Only so many hrs left 2 meme.

Thanks fren!

deb52c  No.3749726

File: 245c690f4a83475⋯.jpeg (96 KB, 810x1024, 405:512, 7DFE353A-2406-494C-AA48-D….jpeg)

I would listen to Sara..

3da882  No.3749727

File: 97012e7e493624f⋯.png (143.47 KB, 1133x253, 103:23, ClipboardImage.png)











c5fc52  No.3749728

File: 7bd23af09308aac⋯.png (929.33 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 1541471582665.png)

94779a  No.3749729

File: af09ec8b3365888⋯.jpeg (27.5 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 78dc20c7819fee42616bbd575….jpeg)


kek , i dunno lets flip a coin .

845356  No.3749730


Ride's not over yet, anon. WWG1WGA!!!!!

69a2cb  No.3749731

File: 52ce072ebee54f8⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1128x1536, 47:64, 99008877.jpg)

7c4f27  No.3749732

File: 0385a7f486f9bf0⋯.jpg (105.06 KB, 1024x742, 512:371, chucks_tears.jpg)

File: 499fe649612021c⋯.jpg (595.77 KB, 302x325, 302:325, fake-tears-chuck-schumer.jpg)

File: 1226d94e82644a7⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 800x416, 25:13, fake-tears-chuck-schumer-0….jpg)

File: 179172429131dc8⋯.jpg (21.12 KB, 416x299, 32:23, obama-crying-staff.jpg)

File: 0a141a658bf668a⋯.jpg (185.53 KB, 565x595, 113:119, chuckMuhNancy.jpg)

5fe179  No.3749733

File: 37f7ef603d4c7a9⋯.jpg (69.73 KB, 568x568, 1:1, 06_15-32-42.jpg)

41de3b  No.3749734


Sleep Well day shift Anon… Much love!!! McT

7c2fe3  No.3749735

will we get a surprise visit from FLOTUS tonight?

I hope so

e9f450  No.3749736

Do you feel the energy in that building in MO…..WOW!!!

b6972a  No.3749737

Any other anons thinking they're throwing out Q shirts?

4585cf  No.3749738


She could def help you move a fridge

494917  No.3749739

File: 986107a0560a22a⋯.png (160.06 KB, 510x299, 510:299, topkek.png)

b80eb9  No.3749740

File: 1e6d7cc96970644⋯.png (382.15 KB, 610x395, 122:79, soonkitty.png)

File: 9e4ee5d566995e5⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 414x251, 414:251, TheSessionsSwat.gif)

File: 23967b7ea9d513d⋯.png (3 MB, 2151x1111, 2151:1111, justicecoming.png)


He is absolutely vile.

2da9da  No.3749741

File: 3117027bda00bbd⋯.jpg (914.11 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 29dcfea112bb052558f07cecb8….jpg)

Hey Anons,

So I'm eating at Jason's Deli, salad bar of course. And after 20 mins the kids and wife's orders still are not out and I'm the only one eating. She goes to talk to them, they did not get the orders in. Long story short, all meals for me tonight. Why do I bore you with this. Because I just took my dinner savings and donated it to @realdonaldtrump 's get out the vote effort!

Red Wave

Suck it Dems

Suck it Deepstate

We're going to make America great again.

7be10f  No.3749742


Q, Q+,Q++

d92207  No.3749743

File: 9428834cbed86ed⋯.jpg (90.21 KB, 960x540, 16:9, JDEOP.jpg)

bacfef  No.3749744

File: f35c07bf2b9958f⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 853x500, 853:500, 2k9n5n.jpg)

b644c6  No.3749745


Trump will build the wall after sufficient numbers of third world invaders are living here. Then the white middle class who elected him won't be able to escape. Screencap this.

18d561  No.3749746

File: 07bb46494ec4b96⋯.png (140.15 KB, 1200x685, 240:137, mtiger.png)


show me state

9b1793  No.3749747


KEK to the illustration fag who drew this. Nice work.

a8eba2  No.3749748

File: 59b021733164082⋯.jpg (131.25 KB, 672x800, 21:25, 1.JPG)

Citi Appoints John Dugan To Succeed Retiring Chairman Michael O'Neill


a74bf0  No.3749749

File: 9fbb65f6caefbb2⋯.jpeg (18.29 KB, 255x225, 17:15, DAFBDEA2-BDE5-4080-B782-4….jpeg)


Thanks for all your work today, anon.

13e33e  No.3749750

File: 2971999963cb90a⋯.png (157.41 KB, 615x358, 615:358, f92baec5-0290-412a-9bf1-f3….png)

File: a939f12b515ccd7⋯.png (341.99 KB, 614x345, 614:345, e2a46afe-2e97-43b7-bc81-9b….png)

File: fa11ee6dcfb3111⋯.png (208.29 KB, 615x346, 615:346, b6e89aed-1493-4a0c-9d5f-5d….png)

b37229  No.3749751

File: 280d8b65f1e9541⋯.jpg (51.92 KB, 580x460, 29:23, You.jpg)

5bd68c  No.3749752

Rs win 2 seats in the house. Rs win 7 seats in the senate.

6f5e1e  No.3749753

File: 67f0b9ba0250424⋯.jpg (6.72 KB, 150x150, 1:1, meme3.jpg)

25d64c  No.3749754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

acd352  No.3749755

Night frens

Wherevar you are

All over the world

In psych wards, moms basements, cozy rooms, outside waiting for the rallies,



3d7d52  No.3749756

File: e2cad160f47cb10⋯.png (24.76 KB, 666x364, 333:182, ClipboardImage.png)

Dont know if this has been brought up


Watch the video, 8 to 12 second mark Nothing significant at then of the video?

Q Posts

Is Q Saying it was the 'end' of the Q potus made and not at the end of the video?

Did POTUS make a Q and then a + "QPlus"

Something Significant in that grainy video

745ec3  No.3749757


and the crowd throws back at him..

We aRe With You

deb52c  No.3749758



NO SHIT! Great Job Anon!

7c2fe3  No.3749759

File: b44d1eb502e3e99⋯.png (113.36 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

31d2cd  No.3749760

File: 79f21a6805fa02d⋯.png (1.12 MB, 787x958, 787:958, Screen Shot 2018-10-28 at ….png)

d4559e  No.3749761

File: 1fd2ed2ec73bdc5⋯.jpg (64.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2lsxi1.jpg)

3c5d96  No.3749762


The difference is who planted each.

d4559e  No.3749763

Hannity, ask the Q

c29d34  No.3749764


once GWHB is finally exposed as a treasonous murdering snake, will they finally changed the name of that infernal airport?

62a606  No.3749765

Taking bets Anons,

How BIGLY will we win tomorrow and what happens on the 7th

63d290  No.3749766


Of all micro penis'….his is the most micro.

e4c79d  No.3749767


sounds like you voted for biden a few times.

e5f4e3  No.3749768

Q…..PLEASE TELL POTUS TO SAY (at some point tonight) WWG1WGA!!!

d18640  No.3749769

File: 9ed0275d57b4532⋯.jpeg (42.9 KB, 407x442, 407:442, ED7ADFBB-EBE2-4B6D-BD79-A….jpeg)


>Your support is heartwarming!

>Thank you Britanon, Netherlands, and Canada.


5feca1  No.3749770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

has anybody posted this steve bannon interview on fleccas talks channel yet? worth a share


bannon loves the npc meme

red wave incoming if patriots turn out to vote

7c8d10  No.3749771

File: 7df54d6319db027⋯.png (541.94 KB, 496x554, 248:277, 333.PNG)


Already Voted all RED here Hoosier!!

eef4f1  No.3749772

File: e435e89b29cfb51⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 480x360, 4:3, npcorangemanbadmeme.jpg)


I only check CNN with no sound because I know what theyre saying (pic related), I just check their demeanor to see if we are winning.

82966e  No.3749773


Another 'retirement' likely = another indictment. They have proceeded at a clip of 5,000 per month approx. can you just IMAGINE the goal-setting meeting…trying to estimate taking these YUGE criminal networks down. Truly blows my mind and fills me with awe of the Plan. Blessed are we.

13e33e  No.3749774

File: 625f605c368c8e2⋯.png (338.43 KB, 610x611, 610:611, Capture.PNG)

JW filed a FOIA lawsuit w/ the CIA (previously run by the Obama-appointee John Brennan) for answers on discussions w/ former Senator Harry Reid on the anti-Trump Dossier that was funded via Clinton + the DNC via Fusion GPS & was used in FISA applications.


b0dab8  No.3749775

File: 8a137bea7fd6b37⋯.jpeg (12.68 KB, 255x170, 3:2, sarahfag.jpeg)

deb52c  No.3749776


He could lead, and let the crowd finish even!

15038e  No.3749777


Right after the change the name of the Little Rock airport

f3ad02  No.3749778

File: 64934863c4527b1⋯.jpeg (135.02 KB, 525x296, 525:296, 2FDDFE37-8C9F-4DF4-AE4D-5….jpeg)

File: 80f27441882dba5⋯.jpeg (40.81 KB, 706x395, 706:395, 955A2CD1-588C-406A-8A0D-F….jpeg)

d444cf  No.3749779

File: d3c4704d2b07b6a⋯.jpeg (418.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, C35518EB-80F7-433D-ABB8-9….jpeg)


I donated a couple days ago, anon! The only campaign I've ever donated to in my life: DJT!



d4559e  No.3749780

Anons, this is truly the calm before the storm

71f59b  No.3749781

File: e6b2cc4e2b4dd1c⋯.jpeg (268.6 KB, 1024x1535, 1024:1535, C778A26A-6D5D-467B-B702-6….jpeg)

File: 706e53d7e40c403⋯.jpeg (250.35 KB, 1668x1166, 834:583, CB14F01F-E90D-471F-8F71-A….jpeg)

Q let’s get these ladies airborne!

e9f450  No.3749782


60 senate seats …hold the house

b37229  No.3749783

File: 3bfd59c78d2e839⋯.jpg (133.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Why not both.jpg)

sorry about glorat back there

here's PG


b80eb9  No.3749784

File: cfefcbd243ddfe7⋯.png (912.76 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, SALUTE.png)

File: b213c017c673e52⋯.png (212.31 KB, 443x315, 443:315, THANQS.png)

File: 9c31771bf39dde4⋯.png (477.91 KB, 962x805, 962:805, hpning.png)

File: 0695bb45bb6424f⋯.gif (516.7 KB, 1111x954, 1111:954, kekppening.gif)

File: 86e04a8437d6c73⋯.png (505.98 KB, 850x568, 425:284, hrappening.png)

769f0c  No.3749785

File: e71232a2b3242ee⋯.jpg (7.83 KB, 255x170, 3:2, aa3940d0883c21f4c88da6bcea….jpg)


Why would he be concerned for the mental health of the night shift?

LOL, fren

494917  No.3749786

File: 99f6d58e8891615⋯.png (264.21 KB, 588x455, 84:65, target.PNG)

5bd68c  No.3749787



2c2ac5  No.3749788


WRWY all the way patriot!! o7

2da9da  No.3749789


Do it Q

deb52c  No.3749790

6f7a98  No.3749791

File: 9ec105b2547b4a8⋯.png (286 KB, 510x448, 255:224, comfycat.png)

3d571f  No.3749792


Would bring the house down.

eef4f1  No.3749793


satan constantly roams the earth seeking souls to destroy.

053f81  No.3749794

Michiganders- beware Proposal 2.

The flyers and synopsis being put out doesn’t reflect what’s really in it. This link has the 100-word ballot description with the 8 pages of what it really says underneath. Glad I dug into it:


eb83ea  No.3749795

File: a69d5e52dc69cda⋯.jpg (17.83 KB, 255x189, 85:63, VotingPepe.jpg)

Tomorrow will be an explosively exciting day!!

Our RED WAVE TSUNAMI will hit the coast!!

a5119c  No.3749796

File: cf2f43020784ab1⋯.jpg (256.82 KB, 1440x741, 480:247, IMG_20181017_102123.jpg)

2e9fd4  No.3749797


Q said they have to force it .

45989e  No.3749798


It's one lifetime memory after another here, even when the main topic of the evening is horse birth control.

62a606  No.3749799



He will, right after Hannity asks who Q is

acd352  No.3749801


There was an anon posting from a mental ward thats why

90e8d3  No.3749802


Yes yes yes.

bcf3f4  No.3749803


The PLAN is decades in the making and they have wargamed it thousands of times. They had these list probably for years.

31d2cd  No.3749804

File: 7fd4b1fa68e4614⋯.png (350.94 KB, 1185x712, 1185:712, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

File: 0f4b1c8ef8980ba⋯.png (434.42 KB, 666x429, 222:143, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

7c2fe3  No.3749805

another first in history tomorrow

when the house is taken

5e326d  No.3749806

File: 46c17da079299ea⋯.jpg (62.8 KB, 400x547, 400:547, saagar enjeti do it q.jpg)

2da9da  No.3749807

File: 203a355ef7386ed⋯.jpg (14.81 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 203a355ef7386ed6a8d16f9b9d….jpg)

deb52c  No.3749808


For sure it would! Tonight is the nightr!.. or tomorrow :D kek

c7f6bb  No.3749809


Is this why Xi is gushing all the conciliatory trade talk?

6f7a98  No.3749810

File: 87792f88d8c7cfc⋯.png (447.53 KB, 496x552, 62:69, PictureDay.png)

27cd70  No.3749811

File: 195d41c0c800c85⋯.jpg (107.55 KB, 1017x747, 113:83, SmartSelect_20181028-22012….jpg)

File: b7ebf91b354653c⋯.jpg (91.57 KB, 1480x1195, 296:239, Q_Pain.jpg)

Put 'em to sleep, Q!

b80eb9  No.3749812


this should be


Good looking out anon.


0ab997  No.3749813


Good word, anon.

8c6035  No.3749814

File: cd6c969a8d72a1a⋯.jpg (194.62 KB, 668x589, 668:589, left.jpg)

d444cf  No.3749815



This would cap off this amazing day!

6c7420  No.3749816

0>>3749607 look closer. They’re not the same pin. Duh

7c4f27  No.3749817

File: 95d89c9fe67beb8⋯.jpg (140.13 KB, 1333x752, 1333:752, trum_blood_shoe.jpg)

e70198  No.3749818

File: d69318c91307b38⋯.png (850.36 KB, 714x800, 357:400, pepeflotuswinning.png)

bacfef  No.3749819

File: e61d91cf85d3368⋯.png (180.62 KB, 640x468, 160:117, mountieKEK.png)

84ff04  No.3749820

What kind of memes does Q want?

432e25  No.3749821

File: d16e18c42483a9b⋯.png (645.07 KB, 700x418, 350:209, deniro.png)

769f0c  No.3749822


Don't doubt it. At all.

TY, anon

62a606  No.3749823

I was honestly hoping the USSS would be handing out Q shirts at the final rally tonight so everyone in attendance would be wearing one.. how could it be ignored then?

4ff44a  No.3749824


Anons are the best!

ad70af  No.3749825

File: d394ee79d1a3a06⋯.png (436 KB, 689x636, 13:12, !haha.png)

b644c6  No.3749826


Ask Q why Trump's DHS stages synagogue shootings

745ec3  No.3749827

File: eab416779ce0b82⋯.mp4 (197.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, cuomo election governor mi….mp4)

2e9fd4  No.3749828

File: 17e99a66cc1e14a⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 630x630, 1:1, IMG_4065.JPG)


DO IT Q !!!

End the night with WWG1WGA !!!!!

4c373d  No.3749829

File: 1ac3bd99dbe61a5⋯.jpg (126.68 KB, 640x799, 640:799, 1ac3bd99dbe61a5f0dbd85ad9a….jpg)

File: 1bccd519a7acab3⋯.png (718.62 KB, 800x519, 800:519, 1bccd519a7acab33b75335a621….png)

File: 44973eff684d47d⋯.jpg (51.4 KB, 503x502, 503:502, 44973eff684d47dd1652f39b3c….jpg)

7be10f  No.3749830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But it's so hard Sister Sarah

So hard!

But I'll never leave. No matter how concerfag I get. I can't. Because Sarah…Sarah…No time is a good time for Goodbye….

and this

Jams 4 Bread

is for (you)

57a38b  No.3749831

File: 24b488db2ebf27d⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Magic Sword - In The Face ….mp4)

File: 97628d61c217cf7⋯.mp4 (6.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, UnifyAndWatchOurFlagAscend.mp4)

The Rod and the Ring will Strike

b435de  No.3749832

File: 94229db52455629⋯.gif (662.3 KB, 800x528, 50:33, DiVo.gif)


TFW nothing happens except "Next Week"

3c3d7f  No.3749833


>What a fucking day anons!

You are truly a rancid dick of the worse order!

You will pay for your disgusting bs…enjoy, MFer!

8337f4  No.3749834

File: d360430ddf0bf5b⋯.png (741.44 KB, 564x1203, 188:401, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

a8eba2  No.3749835

File: c6ee7195951a43c⋯.jpg (174.71 KB, 915x939, 305:313, 1.JPG)

File: 17384154166f2da⋯.jpg (73.13 KB, 598x487, 598:487, 2.JPG)

2 CA death row inmates found dead; suicide suspected


13e33e  No.3749836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

62a606  No.3749837

I hope everyone on twitter is @hannity right telling him to ask the question

b80eb9  No.3749838

File: d61f4e7e02308fe⋯.png (288.29 KB, 555x772, 555:772, NOESCAPINBIDEN.png)

File: e6241e608511725⋯.png (414.76 KB, 555x734, 555:734, FFLBN.png)

File: 75f3832a3390ad9⋯.png (236.23 KB, 555x516, 185:172, BLVVN.png)

File: 49d2d2a1f1a3029⋯.png (411.56 KB, 1123x932, 1123:932, FRLBRDN.png)

File: e45ce32462afbd8⋯.png (208.65 KB, 432x588, 36:49, SCVRIDEN.png)

745ec3  No.3749839

File: 0d4592f04a1774e⋯.jpg (52.61 KB, 761x622, 761:622, nowomannocry.JPG)

6ec0bc  No.3749840



Agreed. The Q movement is not about displaying signs or wearing T shirts. It is about

Making America Great Again!

And there are lots of things far more important than displaying Q paraphernalia.

1. Vote Republican

2. Be a Patriot and UNITE with your neighbors, even with confused liberals.

3. Monitor YOUR elected representatives at Federal, State, County and Municipal levels

4. Make the motto See something, Say something part of your daily life

5. Be nice. America is a team and everyone else is a team-mate.

dec7c0  No.3749841


5:5 hand gesture

31d2cd  No.3749842

File: 00eb66ed2689933⋯.png (830.96 KB, 936x862, 468:431, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)



3cdfd0  No.3749843


That fuck is DEAD to US

13ad8a  No.3749844

File: 381964b108f224d⋯.jpg (180.48 KB, 850x469, 850:469, grandpa.jpg)


Fixed dat fur you anon.

7423bd  No.3749845


I'm banned.

So is that old newfag who doxxed himself earlier

4ddaff  No.3749846

File: 13b5bdd732fe36c⋯.png (35.06 KB, 322x200, 161:100, ss.png)

36k Watching.


18d561  No.3749847

File: 4dfb8bb82784b3e⋯.jpg (165.16 KB, 2937x678, 979:226, 8a78065180a7231254949e9c06….jpg)

8c6035  No.3749848

File: 1c0bc51e0cc0d32⋯.jpg (61.19 KB, 502x382, 251:191, gingerQ.jpg)

File: 706ccfa31956688⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 626x425, 626:425, sunmound.jpg)

205e3a  No.3749849

President Trump and Rush

2 smartest men in America

In flyover country


The world I had envisioned my whole life

May be happening

81bae4  No.3749850


that must be rich or lacking a mirror.

6a4c16  No.3749851



likewise here.

greetz from overseas.




what will become of this place after midterms I often wonder… we're about to see…


745ec3  No.3749852

File: 4cd879c5ca2b3ec⋯.jpg (91.59 KB, 1132x802, 566:401, bullshit2.JPG)

File: 5a076105dc90deb⋯.jpg (89.18 KB, 1131x798, 377:266, bullshit.JPG)

File: 1c072a6f5e8dc28⋯.jpg (92.57 KB, 1132x796, 283:199, tfwtrump.JPG)

432e25  No.3749853

File: 66f755d677b7fb9⋯.jpg (113.58 KB, 960x960, 1:1, clinton.jpg)

a8eba2  No.3749854

File: f2bedfeaa349269⋯.jpg (156.04 KB, 818x923, 818:923, 1.JPG)

File: 47a81be0372e30e⋯.jpg (61.49 KB, 565x423, 565:423, 2.JPG)

Ventura County airport director's death found to be suicide


1b6296  No.3749855

File: 62a95726b41ed48⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, United Q.jpg)

bcf3f4  No.3749856


Thats just crazy.

Got to keep going tempted to stare too long.

84ff04  No.3749857

Please someone tell me what kind of memes so I can help!

518f75  No.3749858

File: f5675f8c675087a⋯.png (670.7 KB, 859x511, 859:511, ClipboardImage.png)

3f0346  No.3749859

File: 893d0d16d30310e⋯.jpg (50.41 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2lt7du.jpg)

82966e  No.3749860


Had a moment watching Bohemian Rhapsody…scene was re: the lyrics to the movie's title. Went something like this: "Scaramoosh, scaramoosh…. Utter nonsense"


e99c51  No.3749861

File: 4056f137cec25f2⋯.jpg (90.28 KB, 607x499, 607:499, Ask Me About Q 02.jpg)

a0620b  No.3749862

Hannity is an ASSET..

That explains a lot.


4954b2  No.3749863


It's shopped you know.

738d96  No.3749864

File: 08dc289c8f44ef9⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 595x809, 595:809, cnnhan.JPG)

CNN is coming undone about Hannity. I don't know why they are so upset. The crowd payS a tremendous amount of attention to CNN, they shouldn't feel left out.


bd811b  No.3749865



That would never happen.

The left would scream astroturf..

69a2cb  No.3749866


i wouldn't punch her front hole

with Bookers' dick

31d2cd  No.3749867

File: 325b890aa065ac5⋯.png (675.5 KB, 1418x943, 1418:943, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 3da096d0fa4f915⋯.png (364.89 KB, 826x872, 413:436, Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at ….png)

eb83ea  No.3749868


He'll be crying tomorrow for sure! Kek!

c694de  No.3749869

File: 7bd9855be3b5946⋯.jpg (6.74 KB, 250x205, 50:41, 1497797722439s.jpg)


DO IT Q!!!

769f0c  No.3749870

File: 703ef1c252182b9⋯.jpeg (6.65 KB, 255x195, 17:13, ea3dfe5826f1eb851fa1b226f….jpeg)


Not yet.

7c4f27  No.3749871

File: 499fe649612021c⋯.jpg (595.77 KB, 302x325, 302:325, fake-tears-chuck-schumer.jpg)

File: 1b8298edceda0d9⋯.jpg (82.32 KB, 740x706, 370:353, chuckjokerface..jpg)

File: bf4c6e5727279b4⋯.png (372.51 KB, 687x723, 229:241, nancy3.png)

b01231  No.3749872


your choice, ginger mounds or memes that might change someones mind in the election

b11161  No.3749873


fbe342  No.3749874

fbc3ae  No.3749875

File: dbb2d224e5535c5⋯.jpg (2.67 MB, 2160x2160, 1:1, 20181105_214327.jpg)


645804  No.3749876

We live in the timeline where our POTUS has been communicating with us about wiping out the Roths and their DS friends WW, through the Chans.

969fa3  No.3749877

No first the Dulles , killer of many airport. >>3749764

432e25  No.3749878

File: 36458f1ecec56b6⋯.jpg (40.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, oakland.jpg)

c18844  No.3749879

File: 13b190711584e2d⋯.png (556.47 KB, 1296x793, 1296:793, wwg1wga.png)

f802b9  No.3749880

File: 1631ef5fddc8dd3⋯.jpg (303.08 KB, 1423x1200, 1423:1200, nxivm.jpg)

a478b5  No.3749881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reporter calls Michigan Senate Candidate John James (Republican), leaves message, accidentally didn't hang up….

1a9d7a  No.3749882


judging from that post >>3749804 , pepe did it…

31d2cd  No.3749883

File: 2e34832d92867cf⋯.png (234.28 KB, 931x988, 49:52, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at ….png)

bd811b  No.3749884

File: 57fd5e5b6c31aee⋯.png (584.87 KB, 600x549, 200:183, Cryin-Schumer.png)

a9653e  No.3749885



I wish I could take credit, but I just kekked it!


745ec3  No.3749886

File: d27abcba83df1ea⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB, 854x480, 427:240, cuomo election governor mi….mp4)

File: 365052715346fc7⋯.jpg (114.59 KB, 1282x798, 641:399, look.JPG)

aeee6e  No.3749887

File: 7a157188d478a47⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 8b277d7386980e9d868b48fb68….jpg)

94779a  No.3749888

File: d789885c9c426df⋯.jpg (6.71 KB, 255x128, 255:128, cccd03ba8975e26b75e808c166….jpg)

5c1554  No.3749889

File: d20aabeae6f0679⋯.jpeg (36.37 KB, 251x255, 251:255, 7C052823-F213-4BE8-B800-9….jpeg)

aad2cc  No.3749890

File: f110075098cd7e7⋯.jpg (36.07 KB, 640x360, 16:9, GoGetEmDoanld a.jpg)

18d561  No.3749891

File: 2a972aa73780601⋯.png (61.31 KB, 296x170, 148:85, master.png)

b0dab8  No.3749892

File: 3a7dcb5a62da9f5⋯.jpg (211.75 KB, 577x608, 577:608, newfag.jpg)



>>3749799 3 filtered faggots. STFU

b80eb9  No.3749893

File: d263b206e41620f⋯.png (283 KB, 1745x534, 1745:534, hahahahabo.png)

File: 9b13656e0fa9208⋯.png (331.67 KB, 1852x851, 1852:851, furckbt.png)

File: feb9228214ff4bb⋯.png (64.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, SOON.png)

File: 55f3bb8ed9295ca⋯.png (92.09 KB, 738x222, 123:37, everytactic.png)

File: 115cd036e37f3d8⋯.jpg (104.95 KB, 444x378, 74:63, PFIBDN.jpg)



I advise against posting or claiming false and stupid things. Think about it.

Justice is coming.


b11161  No.3749894

¿The IBM 5100 did, indeed, contain functionality that was hidden from the public. At a time when most computers could only support the BASIC programming language, the IBM 5100 had the ability to emulate programs in both BASIC for system/3 and APL for system/370 (the “system” in this case refers to IBM mainframes). According to Bob Dubke, one of the IBM 5100 engineers, this function was hidden “because of worries about how [IBM’s] competition might use it.¿

8b3fa3  No.3749895


I missed why we are supposed to do that.

Didn't they already reveal it today.

Didn't you guys already see it.

Don't you trust your own minds,

Why need to prove to others.

When they want to reveal it , they will.

Q asked people to pressure the Media, but that was months ago.

Is that still supposed to be current?

f802b9  No.3749896

File: ff423f64680daac⋯.jpg (174.49 KB, 900x478, 450:239, POTUS-Kek.jpg)

f160af  No.3749897

File: 2c1133e1996041d⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 805x903, 115:129, chicken6.jpg)


Spoiler……? KEK……

62a606  No.3749898


Screaming astroturf doesn't matter as long after they scream something it is followed by "WHO IS Q"

f58585  No.3749899

File: 6ffbe25a5ee8db5⋯.jpg (115.73 KB, 597x1178, 597:1178, 1503484872116.jpg)


Also known as "Best Timeline"

969fa3  No.3749900


In my best holier than thou accent, 'I rather like this timeline. Lovey, can we stay a bit?'

c18844  No.3749901

File: 09a7583813b2de5⋯.png (730.93 KB, 998x561, 998:561, red shockwave.png)

5c1554  No.3749902

File: 3374994f322388c⋯.jpeg (192.1 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, 8BDFF3B1-4F5E-4982-A32A-D….jpeg)

File: 7bb0ebad1088e11⋯.jpeg (255.6 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, 2C2D2D89-51C6-4861-81A0-4….jpeg)

File: 858ff356db2541d⋯.jpeg (166.77 KB, 719x1111, 719:1111, 549EA656-2DB7-41B7-866F-2….jpeg)

995ce4  No.3749903

File: 05b6b42600a9d75⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1280x1313, 1280:1313, feelsgoodman pepe.png)


I've been anon for 9+years. Spent many years on /b/, /pol/, ect. One night last NOV, I thought I'd check to see what's going on in /pol/…

Next week will be one year of my following Q. Most amazing year of my life! I've seen it all, live, with my own eyes. The things I have seen. I'm here and I am NOT leaving!

7c4f27  No.3749904

File: 02656ecdec4b424⋯.jpg (16.78 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 1c77f04f9c007ce4fc90f0013c….jpg)

File: cddb3fdab1b2665⋯.jpg (979.6 KB, 2129x1420, 2129:1420, af1balls1.jpg)

3cdfd0  No.3749905

File: 3c38e82a62adc21⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 305x300, 61:60, stay.JPG)



b435de  No.3749906


muh Q retweet

47edcd  No.3749907

File: d7b8f19906ecc87⋯.jpeg (615.09 KB, 1084x723, 1084:723, 9150D4D0-CA89-4CBB-8C24-F….jpeg)


5fe179  No.3749908

File: 826f876a82c81b2⋯.jpg (77.31 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, avenatti.jpg)

b11161  No.3749909

==¿Places have the strangest times…

Can't be in a place without a time……

Or can you………?¿==

d4559e  No.3749910

File: faefcfb03e73342⋯.jpg (80.52 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2h5ogz.jpg)

e165a8  No.3749911

bd811b  No.3749912

31d2cd  No.3749913

File: 8af275ec7b30dd0⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1281x820, 1281:820, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at ….png)

File: 639add424805305⋯.png (311.27 KB, 609x558, 203:186, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at ….png)

File: 7f2513ca05923a4⋯.png (907.22 KB, 779x914, 779:914, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at ….png)

efcc5c  No.3749914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>It's just electricity, nothing to be afraid of

0d235b  No.3749915

File: 557988c071ff34c⋯.png (3.57 MB, 2040x1148, 510:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04dda843ec899fb⋯.png (794.2 KB, 540x960, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

Now, I haven't voted since No Name was on the ballot… I was traumatized after voting for him. Even now, I still don't necessarily feel great about voting, because of things I've come to believe in about God, and His Kingdom, and seeking that first.

But I'm gonna do it this year. Not for me, but for God, and for you Patriots.

Just wanted to let you know, and share the Love.








745ec3  No.3749916


^trips confirm

f992b2  No.3749917

File: e55a2beedff7426⋯.jpg (130.22 KB, 960x950, 96:95, Dpat6vFX4AIfjsb.jpg large.jpg)

4f4610  No.3749918

File: 479597428256785⋯.png (381.88 KB, 650x762, 325:381, Screen_Shot_2018-07-20_at_….png)

18d561  No.3749919

File: fb564025085a608⋯.jpg (349.18 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 1ecab3b393a11e01eea23f371b….jpg)



287221  No.3749920

File: cf7386e0866428d⋯.jpeg (31.5 KB, 500x344, 125:86, C9A63F0C-53E4-4CFB-A417-F….jpeg)

eab6e9  No.3749921

File: 6cf943e9c1a879a⋯.jpg (120.78 KB, 599x806, 599:806, q.jpg)

I don't twat, but someone RIGHT NOW should twat Hannity to ask the Question.

84ff04  No.3749922

I am just gonna post all the Q drop memes I have. I wasn't sure if he wanted specifically election ones. HERE WE GO! FOCUS ANONS!!!

5c1554  No.3749923

File: 13947323a527510⋯.jpeg (107.98 KB, 600x487, 600:487, 2912343A-0A84-4D9E-AD01-6….jpeg)

faaa96  No.3749924


Hannity being an asset was pretty clear last December, IMO.

5c08ec  No.3749925

File: 9b6ff90bc839145⋯.png (133.71 KB, 566x454, 283:227, Chick8.PNG)

c29d34  No.3749926


it's always incensed me how that beast has sat at Astros games without so much as a boo from the crowd.

Oh maybe they will take down the Halliburton sign and everything else Cheney-related at Minute Maid Park too.

It's easy to get ahead of ourselves when we're winning.

d4559e  No.3749927

File: 112ab468be9b67a⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 780x439, 780:439, 2i8zwt.jpg)

15038e  No.3749928


Let that sink in.

Like, am I high right now? This shit is incredible.

7c4f27  No.3749929

File: b854299d79465b6⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1662x1109, 1662:1109, sad.jpg)

6b3bfe  No.3749930

File: c0d928a2a4293f3⋯.png (386.79 KB, 677x666, 677:666, Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at ….png)

File: 6aeb5a2b9df9302⋯.png (108.66 KB, 639x644, 639:644, Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at ….png)

File: e34e07bf7cb4c72⋯.png (48.83 KB, 618x262, 309:131, Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at ….png)

Japan Anon here, I need to watch BBC World News for work.

They are spouting off about how Trumps racist adds and how the Democrats are going to win everything. It saddens me to say it, but BBC is totally against Trump, there are a few reporters who tell the truth but there must be a push from Management to make him and GOP look like fools and idiots.


For you US anons, the BBC World service is the worlds largest news broadcaster…. It has a HUGE influence especially in Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe.

The Ozzie reporters tend to be more honest and open about Trump and Republicans, with their US reporters being about 50/50. The UK reporters and commentators LOATH Trump, and hence you deduce so does BBC management (MI6??).

The BBC World Service News Network

The BBC World Service, the world's largest international broadcaster,[1] broadcasts radio and television news, speech and discussions in over 30 languages[2] to many parts of the world on analogue and digital shortwave platforms, Internet streaming, podcasting, satellite, DAB, FM and MW relays. In November 2016 the BBC announced again that it would start broadcasting in additional languages including Amharic and Igbo, in its biggest expansion since the 1940s.[3] In 2015 World Service reached an average of 210 million people a week (via TV, radio and online).[4] The English-language service broadcasts 24 hours a day.

The World Service is funded by the United Kingdom's television licence fee, limited advertising[5] and the profits of BBC Worldwide Ltd.[6] The service is also guaranteed £289 million (allocated over a five-year period ending in 2020) from the UK government.[7] The World Service was funded for decades by grant-in-aid through the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the British Government[8] until 1 April 2014.[9]


452150  No.3749931

File: 27da7e1a6367fd9⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1274x710, 637:355, A1A79A0C-2446-4356-88E8-96….png)


Because if you tripled CNNs ratings Hannity stop beats them?

e9abc6  No.3749932

Stacey Dash


e93d36  No.3749933


Easy to castrate the stallions and MANY Equine Vets would sign up to help for free to help.

b80eb9  No.3749934

File: 20eaa396349aae3⋯.png (202.41 KB, 316x446, 158:223, KANT.png)

b11161  No.3749935

¿It's easy to reason with Cypher once you have to experience the matrix vs true reality. But does the steak really taste that good?¿¿

f3ad02  No.3749936

File: b05910666390e26⋯.jpeg (908.05 KB, 1125x1855, 225:371, 4B937350-1416-4453-87B4-1….jpeg)

84ff04  No.3749937


25d64c  No.3749938

We may hit Houston TX rally-type numbers watching this one. RSBN at 37.5k and rising

2c2ac5  No.3749939

File: 6e2533889ed1f8c⋯.jpeg (10.85 KB, 255x228, 85:76, pepetummeupp.jpeg)

aaa94f  No.3749940

File: 27825b9a1318ac8⋯.jpg (129.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_2394.JPG)

9c7576  No.3749941


DHS is not implicated in that. It was likely carried out under the direction or involvement of former FBI, who just happened to be involved with security at the synagogue.

d4559e  No.3749942

File: 73c8465652c04d8⋯.jpg (91.34 KB, 500x512, 125:128, 2j2833.jpg)

31d2cd  No.3749943

File: ee0b535f7e95bdf⋯.png (182.14 KB, 412x330, 206:165, Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at ….png)



38cbd2  No.3749944

File: f2cd25dc216db25⋯.jpg (13.49 KB, 255x147, 85:49, 4d21d0e159ae448ca60303d816….jpg)

Rally with frens!

0ac4f1  No.3749945


7c7919  No.3749946

File: e6528c5bc34b40b⋯.jpg (429 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, american-flag-2260839_1280.jpg)


Agreed Anon. What a ride. I quit my job to be here and on the internet communicating and learning and sharing as much as I could. This is forever a part of me and my soul and I thank all of you Honest Anons and Bakers, BV's, BO and Overwatch for ALL that you have done and continue to do. It's been a honor.

Now…Let's sweep these bastards out and take our nation back for GOOD!!! #MAGA


85a510  No.3749947

If POTUS says WWG1WGA tonight it will be

the second best night of my life

The best was Nov 8, 2016

eab6e9  No.3749948


For someone who has been woke to the Roths and fuckery since 1975, this blows me away.

c77934  No.3749949




0c2f4d  No.3749950

Podesta confirmed.

d4559e  No.3749951

File: dd70f6f3e23b029⋯.jpg (59.69 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2jnnyb.jpg)

645804  No.3749952



I always have to pinch myself. Especially when explain gin who Q is to normies. I sound like a crazy person.

5c1554  No.3749953

File: 6a7f767de85955e⋯.jpeg (108.39 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 9C1DAD39-F117-4BF5-8846-5….jpeg)

745ec3  No.3749954

File: 71d8654b0bc8406⋯.jpg (49.9 KB, 757x622, 757:622, toomuch.JPG)

File: eb00f7ffde31c26⋯.jpg (57.28 KB, 761x622, 761:622, chuck.JPG)

d444cf  No.3749955


ThanQ God for Patriots like you!

eef4f1  No.3749956


I got Biden in the Dead Pool. Who you got?

34c24b  No.3749957

File: 182d2b411b2ba81⋯.jpg (153.76 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2ggwma.jpg)

File: b689399d2d64d9b⋯.jpg (109.35 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2d7ely.jpg)

File: 1651ba385cfb548⋯.jpg (120.98 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2d7ev2.jpg)


I posted about doing that last bread kek


d4559e  No.3749958

File: dd030b88fd1cb74⋯.jpg (49.66 KB, 686x960, 343:480, 42299117_10217499498065551….jpg)

aad2cc  No.3749959


Fuckin A, anon.

Fuckin A!

4f4610  No.3749960

File: 2ee1a344adcf5ba⋯.png (331.26 KB, 677x756, 677:756, Screen_Shot_2018-07-20_at_….png)

e9abc6  No.3749961

File: 8727d7b66a5cf33⋯.png (51.01 KB, 451x261, 451:261, stacyq1.png)

File: 635eed8a17e707e⋯.png (161.04 KB, 439x287, 439:287, stacyq2.png)

Stacy Dash



4edcb1  No.3749962

File: 3f1e2a6a662fdff⋯.jpeg (27.1 KB, 499x499, 1:1, iu.jpeg)


WWG1WGA …comfeeee night tonight anon!

babc47  No.3749964

Great to have such an insider scoop. The REAL story!

e70198  No.3749965

File: b578188f769bae7⋯.png (9.92 KB, 192x255, 64:85, caagenda.png)

File: ae982425a0a9ca2⋯.png (90.08 KB, 1200x731, 1200:731, stateofjefferson_flag.svg.png)


>Hopefully by 2020 we will have turned Cali RED!!!

Red or State of Jefferson

9852bd  No.3749966

File: 51c1be1bad721c1⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1536x1989, 512:663, 0302254B-338C-4B57-B9C9-F2….png)


California, Governor, Jerry Brown sends an additional 650 Guardsmen to protect our borders and coastlines and California

31d2cd  No.3749967

File: f2e948697d7df0b⋯.png (1.76 MB, 947x1209, 947:1209, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)



bb1fa6  No.3749968


we will not bend

we will not break

we will never give in

we will never give up

we will never back down

and we will never surrender


be7640  No.3749969

>>3749894 APL was a version of BASIC called A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE>

745ec3  No.3749970

File: 7187daf313c50bf⋯.jpg (206.52 KB, 1255x752, 1255:752, duuuuh.JPG)

3f0346  No.3749971

File: c10e976e2d366cd⋯.jpg (43.22 KB, 660x371, 660:371, 06ecf407e7ff6e946535fb35c3….jpg)

27cd70  No.3749972

File: 0bf07737705baaf⋯.jpeg (107.03 KB, 500x633, 500:633, CAF3FCDD-D2C9-45BB-8EA8-0….jpeg)

2229aa  No.3749973

Hannity Live on FOX news about to interview POTUS before rally.. I'm wondering what Q's will be asked.. Tune in!! Will he force the Q? would be great timing..

d4559e  No.3749974

File: ea4bcea80840990⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 513x336, 171:112, moub2.jpg)

6f7a98  No.3749975

File: 7e0aa234553c7fe⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1078x826, 77:59, ENJOY.png)

c29d34  No.3749976


Houston minus the illegals would look more like a town than a city

ed7b2b  No.3749977

File: 98b1c32d8f85c3c⋯.png (9.22 KB, 478x265, 478:265, newfag.png)

cf2038  No.3749978


There has to be a lobby what wants the horse ovaries is all I am saying - or a think tank getting rich on doing a much more complicated procedure.

81cdd0  No.3749979

File: 5f91317659926c1⋯.jpg (11.49 KB, 239x255, 239:255, ;).jpg)

3cdfd0  No.3749980


Understood. It's a IQ level/forgetfulness thing… DEAL….

5c9265  No.3749981


going RED tomorrow.

f0f52a  No.3749982

File: 8b69202489745b6⋯.png (170.26 KB, 500x306, 250:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a7bd7dce9271b5⋯.png (87.92 KB, 500x198, 250:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eab1ad655703b93⋯.png (38.45 KB, 899x244, 899:244, ClipboardImage.png)

Maduro Scrambles To Repatriate Venezuela's Gold After Trump Crackdown

Nicholas Maduro, Venezuela's seemingly unshakable authoritarian ruler who has managed to hang on to power for years longer than even the most fervent optimists predicted when his country collapsed into a hyperinflationary supernova, is starting to sweat. Just four days after president Trump signed an executive order ("I hereby report that I have issued an Executive Order with respect to Venezuela that takes additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13692 of March 8, 2015," Trump wrote in his letter to the leaders of the House of Representatives and Senate. ) last Thursday enabling new sanctions on Venezuela’s gold sector, in a bid to disrupt trade with Turkey which U.S. officials believe is undermining efforts to cripple Venezuela's economy and force Maduro and members of his government out of office, Maduro is now seeking to repatriate about $550 million in gold bars from the Bank of England over fears it could be caught up in international sanctions on the country.

There are two problems: i) Maduro is probably too late now that the US has effectively placed a lien on Venezuela's gold, and ii) there is barely any precious metal left. Venezuela’s hard currency holdings have dwindled as existing U.S. financial sanctions have effectively blocked President Nicolas Maduro’s government from borrowing on international markets. According to the IMF, venezuela's gold reserves were just above 5MM troy oz most recently, down from a recent peak just below 12 million. Much of this decline is due to the country's payment for imports in gold, and is what the US is hoping to curb going forward. As a result, Maduro’s government is now - belatedly - hoping to redo what his predecessor Hugo Chavez did several years ago when he prudently repatriated the bulk of Venezuela's gold, and now Maduro is seeking to repatriate the 14 tonnes of gold held in the Bank of England back to Venezuela.

Confirming that this transaction won't be exactly "smooth", Reuters reports that the Bank of England has "sought to clarify what Venezuela wants to do with the gold", suggesting that despite Venezuela being the rightful owner of this gold, it is about to face challenges in getting it back. According to Reuters, the plan has been held up for nearly two months due to difficulty in obtaining insurance for the shipment, needed to move a large gold cargo, although the real reason is likely quite different. Losing access to the gold would be a huge blow to the country’s rapidly dwindling finances, and also to Maduro's rule who has been able to keep on the good side of the military thanks to generous bribes. It would also further crush the already struggling population as lack of hard currency will create even greater shortages of basic goods ranging from staple foods to drugs and toilet paper.

The amount held by the BOE is equivalent to five times the total hard currency that Venezuela has sold in 2018 via hard currency auctions that are carried out under the country’s 15-year-old exchange control system, according figures compiled by local consultancy Sintesis Financiera.

While the government has promised to auction 2 billion euros in foreign exchange over an unspecified time frame, it has yet to say where it plans to obtain those funds. Meanwhile, even if somehow Venezuela manages to repatriate the gold - which now looks unlikely - the new U.S. sanctions could make selling it to raise hard currency difficult. “If the government wants to carry out operations with the gold that it plans to bring, it would have to be done with allied countries because of the sanctions,” said Tamara Herrera, an economist with Sintesis Financiera. The government has promised to auction 2 billion euros in foreign exchange over an unspecified time frame, without saying where it plans to obtain those funds.


a8eba2  No.3749983

File: 559675f962923ae⋯.png (554.21 KB, 1017x553, 1017:553, Livken.png)

7c4f27  No.3749984

File: 04299712384cc61⋯.png (3.02 MB, 992x1539, 992:1539, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42889eb8cd7f8dd⋯.png (1.66 MB, 736x1035, 32:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4814fc9600605c0⋯.png (1.52 MB, 999x800, 999:800, ClipboardImage.png)


>Stacey Dash

bec812  No.3749985

File: 41e34ffd0f914ac⋯.png (86 KB, 571x292, 571:292, ClipboardImage.png)

I might have cracked something here…

The Passcode - 116234 : Translation…

11-6 (voting day)

Republicans retain the House with 234 seats

b11161  No.3749986

¿Answers lead to only higher corridors in which more doors open that get posed as questions. Unfortunately you must open an infinite amount of doors and then walk through to the first given door an unspecified amount of times over to get even a small fragment of your self back.¿

9f75b1  No.3749987


Well, I just got done listening to Dave Janta on SGT report. 6 weeks ago Iran shipped people to Guatamala and Hondourus that had received Terrorist training. Trump was informed. THAT is why he is being Pro active and not waiting til the last minute of their arrival so it's a 'Humanitarian issue" and they have to be let in. He knows what this is!


47edcd  No.3749988


I felt the same after voting for (oh god I don’t want to say it) Obummer. I knew I fucked up when he won the Peace Prize. OMG. I have been on a mission to redeem myself since. WWG1WGA

4de701  No.3749989

>>3749068 (last bread)

It is very easy to get completely sucked into this to the point everything else disappears. You have to find a balance. Good for you recognizing the importance of Q ! Much compassion for you Anon.

c31a62  No.3749990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We don't care about locking her up anymore.

d4559e  No.3749991

File: 31f5add7b8014d4⋯.jpg (32.61 KB, 625x366, 625:366, 43057936_10217614418058479….jpg)

a478b5  No.3749992

File: 69df880d06b09b5⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2040x1526, 1020:763, far-left-loonies-ben-garri….jpg)

26a601  No.3749993


I always did have a thing for her…

ab8f1d  No.3749994

3709ce  No.3749995

File: c15ab617bbd2ae1⋯.jpeg (80.45 KB, 650x488, 325:244, popcorn pepe.jpeg)

File: 9f9c325cf0f1894⋯.jpg (72.55 KB, 859x503, 859:503, isle of comfy.jpg)

a358fe  No.3749996

File: 6f45c453cb6fd47⋯.jpeg (65.03 KB, 425x298, 425:298, 5A9900F9-4731-4357-AE5A-D….jpeg)


Any chance she gets the interview?

3f0346  No.3749997

File: 7fefe1a9bdb9c5f⋯.jpg (3.46 KB, 425x425, 1:1, 41QlFvElJ3L._SX425_.jpg)

2c2ac5  No.3749998

File: 68c9fa117fd21a5⋯.jpg (21.45 KB, 255x254, 255:254, DOITQ!!!!.jpg)


Well now…

769f0c  No.3749999

File: cebf309fb4ef615⋯.jpg (6.66 KB, 255x171, 85:57, ygwyn.jpg)

438f28  No.3750000




we will not bend

we will not break

we will never give in

we will never give up

we will never back down

and we will never surrender


c18844  No.3750001

File: adb16e11280ccd0⋯.png (583.94 KB, 400x497, 400:497, JFK Candle.png)

63fd23  No.3750002

Got muh Lugol's today about 2 hours after email saying it would be delayed. Red iodine says Red Supermajority.

fdfba7  No.3750003


good lord, i watched it for six minutes inadvertently waiting for the end.

It never came.

025681  No.3750004


>I might have cracked something here…

Welcome to almost 12 hours ago…

f35a4a  No.3750005

6cbe31  No.3750006

Benny @bennyjohnson


I reached out to sources running GOP campaigns in tight state races to get their read heading into election

Their responses shocked even me:

- "Libs will cry tomorrow"

- "This polling is better than '14 & '16"

- "Your red wave shit is spot fu**ing on"

- "The Red Wave is real"

351065  No.3750007


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Must have.


5c08ec  No.3750008

File: fc66767121233a4⋯.jpg (100.36 KB, 936x853, 936:853, 1396832415238.jpg)

9f606b  No.3750009

File: 9b68d9e19b55226⋯.png (7.28 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ac9259b63c556c2f77f7f712d2….png)

828374  No.3750010


While you guys are saving the World… this is what we ask for … kinda funny… I would like a green Farmers hat. Gmail kicked back my message to the WH… fucking dicks.

a312ed  No.3750011


I voted for Obama the first time bc I was a stoopid college liberal & NEVER payed attention to politics & watched CNN. BUT, something clicked inside of me & I started paying attention & watching all news outlets & really started SEEING truth. Didnt vote BHO the second time & voted for TRUMP in 2016 & turned into a Truth Digging Machine!!

I have never voted in midterms before nor has my family…we are all voting RED tomorrow!!

74c50a  No.3750012

File: d436b31874f0b1b⋯.jpg (128.1 KB, 868x1157, 868:1157, myprez.jpg)

Anons, could HRC be incarcerated?

I've been studying the various versions of the picture for months, and the thing that really gets me is that there's no door handle on the inside and a heavy duty lock on the door.

d4559e  No.3750013

File: 5d5b49952e9bfac⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 1122x1058, 561:529, 5d5b49952e9bfac5a991a2ba83….jpg)

31d2cd  No.3750014

File: 16d6aaaded43169⋯.jpg (26.69 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 601.jpg)

27cd70  No.3750015

File: fd12953047dcae3⋯.png (418.64 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage(27).png)

8b1a53  No.3750016

File: 5eeab724055ed28⋯.jpg (196.58 KB, 1067x954, 1067:954, kgrents.jpg)

File: 50945302908db78⋯.jpg (223.87 KB, 753x897, 251:299, kgmom.jpg)

File: 5ca9b403d7f6454⋯.jpg (186.89 KB, 1227x612, 409:204, kgdad.jpg)

File: 7f5546e5f91c356⋯.jpg (431.45 KB, 1830x995, 366:199, kghrc.jpg)

62a606  No.3750017




Am I wrong in saying this constitutes treason? I am pretty sure his propaganda in front of a foreign adversary populous whom just today said they were at war with us could be lending aid to an enemy

d4559e  No.3750018

File: a2db49a6783febc⋯.jpg (66.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2fbwtw.jpg)

7c4f27  No.3750019


last one is a fake

503b0f  No.3750020

File: 8c9b7f007fa4ff3⋯.png (174.55 KB, 1806x486, 301:81, excerpt pg 8.PNG)

File: e9f60b482c7d19d⋯.pdf (633.03 KB, Smokescreens - by Jack T. ….pdf)

This might be an interesting read.

Book: Smokescreens

Author: Jack T. Chick

Page: 8

b11161  No.3750021

==3D seeing is believing

5D believing is seeing==

63fd23  No.3750022


Digits confirm! Quads checked.

a8eba2  No.3750023

File: e0b5adfc40390f6⋯.jpg (128.87 KB, 874x880, 437:440, 1.JPG)

File: 78c2beb50ef0b36⋯.jpg (126.31 KB, 611x785, 611:785, 2.JPG)

FBI warns that terrorists with drones pose ‘escalating threat’ in US


c14d7b  No.3750024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



9f606b  No.3750025

File: 0ffb75c3958ad7d⋯.png (10.99 KB, 255x168, 85:56, bfb12f0caed2389953f3dd83b2….png)


QUADS of ultimate power.

5aeaac  No.3750026

Hi God, Pepe Anon Frog here

One last post, before election day.

May Your will be done. Amen.

e9f450  No.3750027

14273a  No.3750028


stacey dash is very under rated. and shes fine af.

09a73b  No.3750029

File: 187de33f6ea8744⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 397x400, 397:400, laughing dog.jpg)

438f28  No.3750030

File: 8f778bd4bab08a6⋯.png (17.89 KB, 255x218, 255:218, redwavegarrison.png)

QUADS Confirm, KEK!


d4559e  No.3750031

File: 0639d53b1ea1a16⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 500x600, 5:6, stopbluewave.jpg)

13e33e  No.3750032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clay Anon

edd906  No.3750033

File: 342fed0c5f9bc8b⋯.jpeg (218.58 KB, 567x685, 567:685, 9B8751CD-65AA-4EB9-BA67-4….jpeg)

File: bd170db6ec6cc1f⋯.jpeg (61.55 KB, 474x443, 474:443, 0EA3E002-E1A4-4C05-B9FB-3….jpeg)

May God Bless & Protect Our President & Patriots…

For The Love & Glory Of The Republic For Which It Stands……

One Nation, Under God , Indivisible, With Liberty & Justic For All………

81a602  No.3750034

File: 26e243f4a681e7f⋯.mp4 (367.76 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AirQ2018.mp4)

>>3747751 (lb)

Made a gif of airQ WITH Q drawn in. For anons.

645804  No.3750035


Well, duh.

🔴 Tsunami

d47105  No.3750036

Ready to cross the Delaware with you, President Trump.


aeee6e  No.3750037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

afe6a7  No.3750038


You just know it’s coming, Patriot

Tomorrow is gonna be Yuggge!

438f28  No.3750039

ad70af  No.3750040

File: 17faa3a09c871ca⋯.jpg (154.43 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, CO5l6wbUkAAdxSY.jpg)

eb83ea  No.3750041


Beautiful! Saved!

d4559e  No.3750042

File: 884500158df0d06⋯.jpg (95.15 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 2ctql5.jpg)

351065  No.3750043


Tippy kek!

19d401  No.3750044

File: ea5b6eab439185d⋯.jpg (295.68 KB, 1047x920, 1047:920, teamwork.jpg)


Onward and upward Patriots!

85a510  No.3750045


Pete Davidson

babc47  No.3750046


Boy, as soon as I read "Pursuant to your request," I knew this was not a "friendly" letter! Sure enough, after saying "yes you've got the troops" Brown tries to buy it back as much as possible. Obviously, a situation where he can't really say no.

Handwriting wise, I notice how Brown's signature "y" stabs down like a stake in the ground!

d18640  No.3750047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrat message to voters in 5 words

7423bd  No.3750048

File: 5337fd2c5c5e1d2⋯.jpg (68.36 KB, 626x461, 626:461, doubleslongarm.jpg)

7be10f  No.3750049


Yeah, it takes a while to really grasp it. Really have to let it sink in for a while.

But when you lay it all out there like that.

41de3b  No.3750050

File: fec5373463bbe31⋯.png (205.33 KB, 432x446, 216:223, crying pepe.png)


Hard to believe They chose us… What a privilege

eab6e9  No.3750051

File: bc1640290d70d92⋯.png (6.09 MB, 2000x4386, 1000:2193, nqn8qtwtdxk11.png)

File: 4fde56b935804f9⋯.png (3.66 MB, 2000x2866, 1000:1433, 4fde56b935804f9cdb573a3242….png)



d4559e  No.3750052

File: 0f9cb70946b71c2⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 279i82.jpg)

27cd70  No.3750053

File: c4528f2bd4b1b13⋯.jpg (159.58 KB, 748x484, 17:11, 2aa097cf7beab7fee7792959df….jpg)

c694de  No.3750054

File: e71021c065500fd⋯.png (187.55 KB, 397x386, 397:386, 1532623329961.png)

b01231  No.3750055


do you have the original?

489f4a  No.3750056

anybody got a link to a replay of the rally? tia.

2b12d4  No.3750057

File: 9178e0d758434f8⋯.jpeg (9.22 KB, 148x255, 148:255, tits pepe.jpeg)

Moar conversations with the spouse.

Close. Very close.

Dude's made a living believing the cabal.

It's not easy.

efcc5c  No.3750058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And so we reach Cape Girardeau. I think someone sung a song about Cape Girardeau once.

>Been around Cape Giradeau

>Parts of Arkansas (MENA)

>Got so goddamn hungry

>I could hide behind a straw

ed7b2b  No.3750059


Holy Shit you are right…Houston is occupied territory. The actual #'s have been deliberately obscured, but by the numbers that have been admitted, approximately 10% of Houston's population is illegal. I wouldn't be surprised if it is 30% or higher.

All I know is there are times when I am surprised I hear English.

aaa94f  No.3750060

File: 1b080a553b14654⋯.jpg (482.67 KB, 2560x1920, 4:3, IMG_7295.JPG)


Love my WW kin! WRWY!

738d96  No.3750061

Bush never had this much enthusiasm yet the vote was razor thin at that time. How could it be now?

c9debd  No.3750062

Notables Bun


>>3749446 Q proof of POTUS pointing three times at Cleveland rally

>>3749465 New DJT

>>3749507 ; >>3749604 Dig on China, Canada, and spying capabilities

>>3749552 Anon reporting on the protestor incidents at the Indiana rally

>>3749562 Clockfag Update

>>3749638 ICBM test launch scheduled for Tuesday night from Vandenberg AFB

>>3749643 US teenager arrested for human smuggling

>>3749716 M1 CEO Karen Kooi retiring next month

>>3749748 Citi appoints John Dugan to succeed retiring chairman Michael O’Neill

>>3749982 Maduro scrambling to repatriate Venezuela’s gold

34c24b  No.3750063

File: be7d114fcd21d4b⋯.png (148.65 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Trump WWG1WGA checker.png)

a478b5  No.3750064

New Photos Corroborate Perjury Claims Against Rep. Ilhan Omar, as She Deletes Social Media Evidence


da103e  No.3750065


Scaramouche (from Italian scaramuccia, literally "little skirmisher"), also known as scaramouch, is a stock clown character of the commedia dell'arte (comic theatrical arts of Italian literature). The role combined characteristics of the Zanni (servant) and the Capitano (masked henchman). Usually attired in black Spanish dress and burlesquing a Don, he was often beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice…

So, the ? is; will you do the Fandango? (Spanish Dance)

79d021  No.3750066

File: edfd717af89d23e⋯.png (37.16 KB, 655x239, 655:239, ClipboardImage.png)

We are IN the Game with you tonight Q!!!

e548b5  No.3750067

File: d7ccaf53818d3f8⋯.jpg (180.29 KB, 1365x1024, 1365:1024, nfl_logo_new2.jpg)

If 70% of politicians are being blackmailed & controlled, how many NFL people are being controlled?





I suspect that Mike Tannebaum for one is Cabal controlled….can't sauce it though.

Steelers- Seahawks Super Bowl is the place to start for proving fixed games. Public already suspects. YouTube/Google banned all the good Steelers-Seahawks truth videos. That tells you something.

845356  No.3750068


Nice gif.

f3500e  No.3750069

File: 47247cf677e00ae⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, weather.png)

when the dems lose tomorrow, they'll blame the weather

5b65e6  No.3750070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

812f78  No.3750071

File: ab6757e3d759765⋯.jpeg (243.54 KB, 962x995, 962:995, 056A7D1C-7AFA-4243-9CB1-5….jpeg)

File: d2b08bedbe62063⋯.jpeg (86.43 KB, 625x500, 5:4, BF9402F3-8AD0-4BCA-B442-C….jpeg)

File: 89bcf3d0b84fd36⋯.jpeg (60.63 KB, 860x465, 172:93, 4A5B3869-0690-44AD-B124-E….jpeg)

18d561  No.3750072

File: b94a99a042321df⋯.jpg (88.53 KB, 500x314, 250:157, bukowski-foto-24.jpg)

438f28  No.3750073

File: cd01f5aff2b16e0⋯.png (11.11 KB, 255x184, 255:184, doitq.png)

File: c8e73755dc7f57c⋯.png (11.8 KB, 255x161, 255:161, nobluewave.png)

d4559e  No.3750074

File: c4b533533610f5f⋯.jpg (124.22 KB, 960x778, 480:389, 1010 (15).JPG)

babc47  No.3750075


It wouldn't seem like home wo creepy Biden photos.

0ec6ad  No.3750076


Cried a bit last speech muhself, fren!

ab8f1d  No.3750077





The letter is from APRIL

7fb732  No.3750078

They are throwing shirts out!

aaa94f  No.3750079

File: e5c3a9894f039b4⋯.jpg (289.54 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, IMG_6245.JPG)

26a601  No.3750080

File: fe5b9ed5c36cfe6⋯.jpeg (8.36 KB, 168x255, 56:85, Checkem_Freedom_Tiddies.jpeg)


Oh man, how LIT would that be - Final Rally, POTUS Flat-Out acknowledges Q, unequivocally?

… drooolll

006fb1  No.3750081


Fucking racist weather.

13ad8a  No.3750082


>Hard to believe They chose us… What a privilege


41de3b  No.3750083



Do you hear us Q???????

e93d36  No.3750084


Never fails to make me Kek!

bdb098  No.3750085


This is just fine by me.

ae1327  No.3750086

File: 521544c48d5743a⋯.png (334.08 KB, 662x568, 331:284, POTUS Schedule 11-5-18 6 5….PNG)

File: ac26c4fc4dd779f⋯.png (719.2 KB, 1105x622, 1105:622, POTUS Schedule 11-5-18 6 5….PNG)

474578  No.3750087

aeee6e  No.3750088

File: a027461f4c4d0da⋯.jpg (39.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepeqlsdendbfdvbdhv.jpg)

d4559e  No.3750089

File: e0d8b68e21d29f0⋯.jpg (59.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2635mn.jpg)

383c99  No.3750090

File: 0da5bee01db8559⋯.jpg (37.05 KB, 520x280, 13:7, Staceym78uw236nl4f.jpg)

File: 138d786f708ce16⋯.jpg (49.24 KB, 450x589, 450:589, Stacey52y9kl44.jpg)

d92207  No.3750091

File: 1697ef46622c0df⋯.jpg (194.17 KB, 960x540, 16:9, DemRepPri.jpg)

0a110e  No.3750092


Very interesting. Who is Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad

c77013  No.3750093

File: 0227f0de1456eea⋯.jpg (14.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, this.jpg)

38cbd2  No.3750094

File: 2783cce4b15d549⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 255x247, 255:247, f7e748c413ff3c7367ca640f15….jpg)

f58585  No.3750095


Kek, try getting a job, when nearly anywhere you apply requires you to be fluent bilingual in spanish…

85a510  No.3750096

File: c0a1d42573ba08b⋯.png (1.3 MB, 680x1024, 85:128, c0a1d42573ba08bd39012af522….png)

2bde2e  No.3750097

File: 41d62efcb09a5f3⋯.jpg (117.38 KB, 366x550, 183:275, fairy.jpg)


good job WifeAnon.

645804  No.3750098


Can confirm. Just told a Houstonian today that it wasn't as blue as they think. Minus the illegals it's red.

a478b5  No.3750099


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

ad8d89  No.3750100


care to wager on whether the lotteries are also rigged or not?

34c24b  No.3750101

Hannity talking to Trump NOW

874320  No.3750102

File: 3cd554683bde2de⋯.png (659.85 KB, 988x572, 19:11, shhann.png)

File: 160e4fd31e08567⋯.png (566.45 KB, 1017x530, 1017:530, tonedown.png)

15038e  No.3750103

File: b486871108d1725⋯.png (12.06 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 974D8A06-D6B5-4215-8970-F6….png)

I spy a Q on Fox. We see you anons.

7c2fe3  No.3750104

POTUS with Hannity now!

a312ed  No.3750106


Sauce Faggot

e5bb6b  No.3750107

File: 6864b3f32c2df17⋯.mp4 (223.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, i am cool i am smart.mp4)

31d2cd  No.3750108

File: 7ac37d8462b40db⋯.png (156.62 KB, 323x329, 323:329, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at ….png)


Wouldja just look at it!

287221  No.3750109


I figure Hannity and Sara Carter have been read in already.

81a602  No.3750110


Parents visiting over Thxgiving holiday, not libs but don't believe POTUS is for the people either. Gonna be tough.

62a606  No.3750111

File: d65843dc5ae1924⋯.jpg (23.97 KB, 652x367, 652:367, Seth.jpg)

Does anyone else have that "I may be dreaming" feeling?

it's been a very long 2 years 9 months 36 days

e4c79d  No.3750112



babc47  No.3750113


Anti-trust. What's that? (I seem to recall something in distant history about Ma Bell….)

230509  No.3750114

If you own Q gear wear it to the voting stations. Loud and proud!

2300cb  No.3750115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GEOTUS Rally in Missouri.

c29d34  No.3750116


I took a Greyhound from Houston to Austin once and I do believe I was the only native English speaker in the bus terminal.

eab6e9  No.3750117

here we go.

7dd21f  No.3750119


Any body have live stream hannity link?

mine just pooped out!

4f02e6  No.3750120

File: 59f0b68db702225⋯.png (36.85 KB, 500x282, 250:141, whosawesome.png)

74c50a  No.3750121


The first time I saw this picture was as an RT on a POTUS tweet in Dec 2017. I found it by following some clues in a Q post. I'll have to go back and find that stuff. It'll take a few minutes, maybe by next bread.

5c1554  No.3750122

File: 9487e6c1f45b3a4⋯.png (897.75 KB, 1226x675, 1226:675, NottooLate1.png)

81a602  No.3750123


tx First time making one.

205e3a  No.3750125


When I heard that speech

The one that Q keeps linking to

I will never forget that moment

When I knew he knew

And I knew

It was real

9f606b  No.3750126

File: d9706066ea8e340⋯.jpg (103.97 KB, 800x599, 800:599, d9706066ea8e3407a7a50284fa….jpg)

fcb05c  No.3750127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5b65e6  No.3750130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

26a601  No.3750131

Hannitus-Inturruptus, do the world a favor and actually 'ask the damned question'

f160af  No.3750132

File: dbdf3c00c33f2e2⋯.png (1.64 MB, 948x708, 79:59, picQ.PNG)



4a6217  No.3750133

File: 059112226f2868f⋯.png (535.8 KB, 977x967, 977:967, refuse.PNG)


d47105  No.3750134

Can we get a WWg1WGA at the rally, Trump?

31d2cd  No.3750135


He's wearing it openly!

SS stand Down on Q merch?

a312ed  No.3750136

File: a9a5626f7c075a7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 148.01 KB, 434x986, 217:493, IMG_5908.JPG)



442654  No.3750137


It was the Al Smith dinner video for me.

8b1a53  No.3750138


Always Cover Your ASP!

7c4f27  No.3750139

File: f7798694548c634⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

383c99  No.3750140

File: 93a2824a12851eb⋯.jpg (132.3 KB, 1006x1200, 503:600, WWG1WGABELL.jpg)


Quads of truth!!!!!

1fc525  No.3750141

wow RSBN You go girls!

Linked on drudge to your live stream for Missouri Rally.

Nice job!

5c0908  No.3750142

POTUS on with Hannity NOW.

b644c6  No.3750143

File: cbbbe2cacf89e22⋯.png (24.85 KB, 696x224, 87:28, ClipboardImage.png)

aad2cc  No.3750144

File: f16a014af47f56e⋯.jpg (734.23 KB, 880x1186, 440:593, you-are-appreciated.jpg)

1b6296  No.3750145

File: 52529c64289fc70⋯.jpg (493.22 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Minute 1 Alt Q.jpg)

4c373d  No.3750146

ALOT of _PLUS_ & _Digging_ while looking into the camera!

94779a  No.3750147

File: 901d05a452c6545⋯.png (16.29 KB, 255x254, 255:254, fbf9e7cf85cee2375abf79b201….png)

62fee9  No.3750148




eab6e9  No.3750150


Guarantee you that's fake news. Or it would be front page WaPo.

5aeaac  No.3750151


Trips say he lives.

d18640  No.3750152


>Bannon interview

Thanks for sharing!

The Munk debate last week was amazing! Bannon nailed it.

13ad8a  No.3750153

File: 9c96ff3e3a59249⋯.png (420.72 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, pepe-girl.png)


Keep at it wifeanon!


bb1fa6  No.3750154


Thanks HRA for the quad boost, major kek acknowledged!

81a602  No.3750155


She looks cut out. Photoshopped onto the background.

7b8a02  No.3750156


He's going to need to rest his voice. but man, that guy has iron pipes. can't believe he can talk after all these rallies.

c5fc52  No.3750157

File: 7103c34b2e0f7b2⋯.png (156.21 KB, 675x416, 675:416, 1541472980098.png)

09a73b  No.3750159

File: c6eee46e292d403⋯.jpg (160.53 KB, 864x1105, 864:1105, pepe-salute.jpg)

a97704  No.3750160

Since this morning I’ve had trouble getting onto twatter (don’t have an account or use app mainly use my phone to lurk off of the browser) anybody else have problems with Twitter links or getting through with search engines

8c6035  No.3750161

File: 725039ce96f34e1⋯.jpg (23.17 KB, 255x219, 85:73, death.jpg)

File: 13b318fe3ac692c⋯.jpg (26.14 KB, 255x219, 85:73, fight.jpg)

1a9d7a  No.3750162


Re-ask that question in 24hrs.

will be revealing.

c6e0dd  No.3750163

File: efdf82cfa6cb808⋯.png (11.57 KB, 1097x150, 1097:150, Brave_2018-11-05_21-56-52.png)



look at this shit. BASIC isn't anything like this shit.

7be10f  No.3750164

File: f8e06f3c034a949⋯.jpg (7.11 KB, 299x169, 23:13, thatlldopig.jpg)

c694de  No.3750165


Godspeed fren

Godspeed to All Anons out there <3


3650ff  No.3750166

c9debd  No.3750167

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)






26a601  No.3750168


ya think?

9b1793  No.3750169


That's funny…Scott Adams was just periscoping about if the weather is bad voting would tend to swing more Republican.

27cd70  No.3750170

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SethRichSource.jpg)

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

2b12d4  No.3750171


Dat pepe!

38cbd2  No.3750173

File: cc4f8ad87ba8428⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 442x352, 221:176, cc4f8ad87ba8428516b7984fb7….jpg)

POTUS is fighting hard for us tonight anons. You can tell by his body language and his voice that he is giving it everything he's got. Anons, Pray for POTUS to give him the energy to finish this night strong! WE LOVE YOU POTUS!!!

acd352  No.3750174

File: 56a9651efb4521c⋯.jpeg (23.34 KB, 173x255, 173:255, 7E294DF5-630A-4D36-940B-8….jpeg)

File: 257eb630ac77a18⋯.jpeg (167.7 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 970D9E2B-806D-42AC-8B1B-C….jpeg)

Again i strongly suggest not to use this Biden picture because it is from the funeral.

971419  No.3750175


Why did you post a picture of a fairy taking a shit?

7dd21f  No.3750179


you're the best anon!

c6e0dd  No.3750180


queue the montage of biden sniffing people.

4512d1  No.3750181

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