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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs (New thread coming soon)
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /DayOfReckoning/

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

e475e0  No.3734816

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.04.18

>>>/patriotsfight/405 -------------------------------- [PANIC IN DC] (Cap: >>3731877 )

>>>/patriotsfight/404 -------------------------------- TOGETHER WE WIN! (Cap: >>3731276 )

>>>/patriotsfight/403 -------------------------------- The World Is Watching (Caps: >>3731084 ; >>3731231 ; >>3731272 ; >>3731295 )

>>>/patriotsfight/402 -------------------------------- On The Move. (Cap: >>3730520 )

>>>/patriotsfight/401 -------------------------------- Our Eyes Are Everywhere, VIP Patriot! (Cap: >>3730325 )

>>>/patriotsfight/400 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriots! (Cap: >>3730323 )

>>>/patriotsfight/399 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriots! (Cap: >>3730316 )

>>>/patriotsfight/398 -------------------------------- We See VIP Patriots! (Caps: >>3730131 )

>>>/patriotsfight/397 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriot! (Caps: >>3729761 ; >>3729782 )

>>>/patriotsfight/396 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriots! (Caps: >>3729489 ; >>3729692 )

>>>/patriotsfight/395 -------------------------------- Listen carefully - strategic speech to be used in the future. ( Caps: >>3729109 ; 3729104 )

>>>/patriotsfight/394 -------------------------------- ALL HANDS ON DECK ( Cap: >>3728440 )

>>>/patriotsfight/393 -------------------------------- Eyes on, VIP Patriot! ( Cap: >>3728416 )

>>>/patriotsfight/392 -------------------------------- Your Country Needs You ( Cap: >>3728350 )

>>>/patriotsfight/391 -------------------------------- Eyes on, VIP Patriot! ( Cap: >>3727877, >>3727912 )

>>>/patriotsfight/390 -------------------------------- POWER BELONGS WITH THE PEOPLE. ( Cap: >>3727695 )

Saturday 11.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/389 -------------------------------- Eyes on, VIP Patriot! ( Cap: >>3717324 )

>>>/patriotsfight/388 -------------------------------- Who are the real racists? ( Cap: >>3716424 )

>>>/patriotsfight/387 -------------------------------- [D] Party Con: ( Cap: >>3716073 )

>>3715238 --------------------------------------------- Keep your eye on the ball. Midterms & Memes.

>>3714939 --------------------------------------------- POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11 - Now what are the odds of that?

Friday 11.02.18

Compiled here: >>3731026

Thursday 11.01.18

Compiled here: >>3723225

Tuesday 10.09.18

Compiled here: >>3705420

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

e475e0  No.3734818


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes


>>3709707 MAGA Rally Schedule for Sunday and Monday

>>3714264 Codefag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

>>3673226 SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING: Voter Fraud Report hotline; active only during voting hours

>>3734176 ; >>3734562 For Tomorrow’s Rallies: Show support with your phones, showing Q images! (/BO/ approved)


>>3734326 Afghan peace talks reports

>>3734338 Soros partners with MasterCard to hand out money for migrants

>>3734406 Report on California poll numbers, showing positive results for Republicans

>>3734476 Searching for PapaD’s Byzantine eagle location

>>3734606 New DJT: GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!

>>3734663 Feinstein cancels a rally in California because of a cold (read: no one was gonna show)

>>3734737 New potential murder victim in Vatican skeleton probe

>>3734773 #4743


>>3733392 More battleground election resources

>>3733430 PapaD: “I have faith in director Wray.”

>>3733436 $145M awarded to Customs and Border Protection to build the wall in TX

>>3733487 Bongino on polls and voting

>>3733569 Timeline of Oak Island, NC, attempts to withhold info linking mayor to cp charges

>>3733592 Q warning and HRC tweet offer for bussing assclowns to the polls (Need a ride to vote on Tuesday? >>3733613 )

>>3733855 FBI seeking info on Georgia voting machine hacking suspect



>>3732648 US House 2018 midterms battlegrounds

>>3732621 ; >>3732622 Hussein live, giving a speech about more faggot shit, because fuck him

>>3732662 Possible ballot fuckery in Washington state

>>3732777 Caravan up to 12k

>>3732667 Nashville Antifa possibly signaling to call for shooting

>>3732907 New DJT

>>3732936 Comprehensive list of DJT’s accomplishments as POTUS

>>3733248 #4741


>>3731886 Americans more focused on commonalities than division

>>3732008 Oxfam aid in Yemen bombed by Saudis

>>3732017 Vid of /ourguy/ at Macon rally

>>3732190 Saudis call for Amazon boycott over anger at WaPo

>>3732200 New (short) PV vid: MSM coverage of the Beto O’Rourke exposé

>>3732231 Armed Black Panthers lobby for Dem Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams

>>3732286 ; >>3732327 PapaD: Victoria Nuland; Bill Priestap

>>3732292 Health official to lower drug costs found dead

>>3732364 New DJT

>>3732405 Spokane public school system receives threat via social media

>>3732481 #4740

Previously Collected Notables

>>3730959 #4738, >>3731714 #4739

>>3728682 #4735, >>3729442 #4736, >>3730197 #4737

>>3726347 #4732, >>3727116 #4733, >>3727850 #4734

>>3724063 #4729, >>3724836 #4730, >>3725602 #4731

>>3721758 #4726, >>3722858 #4727, >>3723288 #4728

>>3719442 #4723, >>3720427 #4724, >>3720967 #4725

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

e475e0  No.3734823

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#53 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>3732271

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

e475e0  No.3734827

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

e475e0  No.3734836

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer.

2736b3  No.3734877

File: e2be67939525732⋯.png (481.32 KB, 999x550, 999:550, Hopeandderanged.png)

File: 0931a8df7808f83⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1776x2966, 888:1483, negativism.png)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

b9803e  No.3734878

File: dc501e7b16da27b⋯.png (729.82 KB, 640x868, 160:217, ClipboardImage.png)


5f3708  No.3734879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

228756  No.3734880

11/11 we celebrate the 60 red senate seats ….

da2373  No.3734881

Mexico’s Interior Secy: Caravan Wants To Capitalize On Midterm Elections In U.S.

A top Mexican security official is raising questions about the timing of the migrant caravan headed toward the U.S.

Interior Secretary Alfonso Navarrete said earlier this week, its no coincidence the caravan is approaching the U.S. during election season.

Many experts believe the migrants may be motivated to come to the U.S., by the possibility of Democrat’s gaining seats on election day.


BS - they are organized by subversive groups to infiltrate and undermine the US - they could care less whether it is an election season or not. THEY ARE BEING MADE PROMISES and BEING USED.

841b52  No.3734882


Dope and…

db8554  No.3734883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Nancy Pelosi suffers face spasm as she says Republicans are 'afraid' of her

caab86  No.3734884

File: 6edc6f919b6a4d8⋯.jpg (100.26 KB, 762x500, 381:250, 2lq5oa.jpg)

09e3af  No.3734885

File: 8f41a19718511bc⋯.png (461.18 KB, 544x956, 136:239, muhmcddon.png)

f5e4d0  No.3734886

>>3734764 pb

I wonder if that faggot realizes Bruce is probably referring to Chinese slaves.

Not a fan of Bruce either….had one or two decent songs….the rest..meh

549757  No.3734887

Marcia needs to listen to the crowd. She almost killed it by not pausing right or letting the crowd chant. Needs some sales training or something, wtf.

045cb5  No.3734888

Carlos Danger (Weiner) laptop contains CP : https:// twitter.com/damartin32/status/1059157715363266564

SAUCE : https:// vault.fbi.gov/fbi-communication-on-discovery-of-hillary-clinton-e-mails-on-anthony-weiners-laptop-computer

d5c6dd  No.3734889

File: 85260f55c61366a⋯.png (520.23 KB, 560x419, 560:419, ThanQ BAKER.png)

41a2d5  No.3734890

File: df28e07f5589d22⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1796x980, 449:245, NS17.png)

1c70fb  No.3734891

File: fde1efc0d74918b⋯.png (5.89 MB, 4442x4096, 2221:2048, protectthevote1.png)

File: c6c13ece51ff47e⋯.png (7.24 MB, 4442x4096, 2221:2048, protectthevote2.png)

>>3733425 lb

>Anyone made a meme/graphic for 2416?

I included a few that can be circulated the #FBR #Resist Communities that include Tea Party Patriots. That'll set them off.

This is A UNIVERSAL ISSUE - The libs will spread the message too if it's the right message.

f2028b  No.3734892


can bake if needed

I see other bakers around, and would defer to them

6c579f  No.3734893

>>3734654 lb

Maybe he is controlling Zucks facial expressions. He is the puppet master!

6566e6  No.3734894

File: 75e55c65b75f421⋯.gif (94.38 KB, 337x336, 337:336, eaglemosaic1.gif)

>>3734863 pb

Venetian mosaic https://duckduckgo.com/?q=two+heads+eagle+mosaic+tile+image&t=ffhp&ia=images&iax=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2Fchartranddesign.com%2Feaglemosaic1.gif

118f0c  No.3734895

File: 14e6b6669ae2a12⋯.jpg (39.66 KB, 454x338, 227:169, topkek.jpg)


Thank you, baker.

a02827  No.3734896

File: fe7da7adc082c77⋯.jpg (436.02 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, 7d100020e0864b8aa3d00aa0a6….jpg)


Thank you for your service Baker!

Any Bakers in da house can spell dis Baker?

7cd9a9  No.3734897

>>3734746 (lb)

They're British. Who gives a fuck what they think?

(sorry UKfags. But you don't have freedom of speech and still have a Queen.)

6448b0  No.3734898

File: ccb783bfaff0ad3⋯.jpg (479.42 KB, 864x1210, 432:605, amy.jpg)


7d9180  No.3734899

File: fe9e32d76a0617e⋯.jpg (499.65 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181103-155948….jpg)

Saw this on twatter yesterday, had image of Obummer next to it

c6a4c1  No.3734900

File: 36338e38099e8e9⋯.png (274.53 KB, 415x434, 415:434, Lyndsay.png)


Sure fren :)

1de381  No.3734901

File: 5189df3fb231778⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 400x224, 25:14, 5189df3fb231778bc7fad243b8….gif)


Stealth frogs you say?

09e3af  No.3734902


trip octoes.

bbd644  No.3734903


7fd714  No.3734904

File: 38ffd64534e1581⋯.png (630.27 KB, 508x510, 254:255, d5d1ead5-6a4c-4594-a259-f8….png)

Thanks Baker for what you do. If I had more time, it would be fun to learn to bake. In the meantime have some yummy falafals with a pepper.

6c947c  No.3734905

File: 031054f5be1e20b⋯.jpg (170.96 KB, 499x750, 499:750, 5645e2e162c0cd5d0571ae63ce….jpg)

5eefc0  No.3734906

File: 0644fa87ceec5a1⋯.jpg (11.22 KB, 255x170, 3:2, arkek.jpg)


>ID: 6566e6



cd4f5b  No.3734907

File: ed73a62d1d5acd1⋯.jpeg (382.79 KB, 1287x962, 99:74, fullsizeoutput_21f.jpeg)


4b3bdb  No.3734908

File: bf34222e2237b3d⋯.jpg (462.26 KB, 1920x1014, 320:169, MAKE-USE-OF-YOUR-CELLPHONE….jpg)



>For Tomorrow’s Rallies: Show support with your phones, showing Q images! (/BO/ approved)



d9934e  No.3734909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aaa087  No.3734910

File: b34eb6cacdd061d⋯.jpg (69.09 KB, 600x584, 75:73, ColonelGetsSome.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

2736b3  No.3734911


There may be links from the Service, or from communications you receive from the Service, to third-party web sites or features. There may also be links to third-party web sites or features in images or comments within the Service. The Service also includes third-party content that we do not control, maintain or endorse. Functionality on the Service may also permit interactions between the Service and a third-party web site or feature, including applications that connect the Service or your profile on the Service with a third-party web site or feature. For example, the Service may include a feature that enables you to share Content from the Service or your Content with a third party, which may be publicly posted on that third party's service or application. Using this functionality typically requires you to login to your account on the third-party service and you do so at your own risk. Deep Dream Generator does not control any of these third-party web services or any of their content. You expressly acknowledge and agree that Deep Dream Generator is in no way responsible or liable for any such third-party services or features. YOUR CORRESPONDENCE AND BUSINESS DEALINGS WITH THIRD PARTIES FOUND THROUGH THE SERVICE ARE SOLELY BETWEEN YOU AND THE THIRD PARTY. You may choose, at your sole and absolute discretion and risk, to use applications that connect the Service or your profile on the Service with a third-party service (each, an "Application") and such Application may interact with, connect to or gather and/or pull information from and to your Service profile. By using such Applications, you acknowledge and agree to the following: (i) if you use an Application to share information, you are consenting to information about your profile on the Service being shared; (ii) your use of an Application may cause personally identifying information to be publicly disclosed and/or associated with you, even if Deep Dream Generator has not itself provided such information; and (iii) your use of an Application is at your own option and risk, and you will hold the Deep Dream Generator Parties (defined below) harmless for activity related to the Application.

These things are always phrased so that you have no idea what you are agreeing to. They will say "we are doing ___ with you data, which may include, for example, x, y, and z"… But that means it could also be doing a, b, and c, for all we know…

692d76  No.3734912

File: 5d1d3109ec2bc70⋯.png (239.22 KB, 500x572, 125:143, ClipboardImage.png)

Corrupt ass, LOW IQ Mad Maxine Waters!

bwahahaha Cry me a river, wench!

62cbbd  No.3734913

File: e78bf7b4d8878d2⋯.jpg (646.14 KB, 1200x1575, 16:21, 20-24_4248 1.jpg)

File: 3d06facec0ba397⋯.jpg (731.65 KB, 1200x1575, 16:21, 20-24_4248 2.jpg)

File: 9bb341f58ba19f2⋯.jpg (762.08 KB, 1200x1575, 16:21, 20-24_4248 3.jpg)

File: fa1d46dca96fc86⋯.jpg (802.17 KB, 1200x1575, 16:21, 20-24_4248 4.jpg)

File: 97cede438b93e35⋯.jpg (628.15 KB, 1200x1575, 16:21, 20-24_4248 5.jpg)

>>3734129 (pb)

>>3734161 (pb)

glad to see anons waking up to the Hussein/Subud connection

black/Kenyan is disinfo: he's Indonesian

>>3734189 (pb)

>funded by the KGB

wrong. funded by MI6

5b2aed  No.3734914

>>3734227 pb

Make it as you wish it. If you have the means to compare what you see with what you envision, then, within you is the means to find the ways to make it so.

Contribute info, reasoned argumentation, and ideas. Lead by example, Anon. Remind by effort.

Ronald Reagan asked if not us, then, who? If not now, then, when?

Cheers, Anon.

f2028b  No.3734915

File: 7eb268697afa33a⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1449x1016, 1449:1016, ACB1.png)

fe81d6  No.3734916

File: 94155c2eee431c8⋯.gif (467.49 KB, 230x306, 115:153, 497C42BA-2363-45F5-B82D-6C….gif)



6e68e8  No.3734917

File: 79bb3106471c82a⋯.mp4 (336.03 KB, 202x360, 101:180, WakeTheMonkey.mp4)

all the bot porn be making me wanna Wake the Monkey.

I will #resist.

549757  No.3734918

File: 5f2a28b22b8a179⋯.png (596.37 KB, 1772x1772, 1:1, EFFAA62D-09CA-4B97-8348-ED….png)

da9e4d  No.3734919

File: 916df96a0218a41⋯.jpg (8.46 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images (4).jpg)


6c947c  No.3734920


because he is a douche bag?

5241dd  No.3734921

From Clare’s phantom income to astral projection and reincarnation – a few recollections from my days in NXIVM


fe81d6  No.3734922

File: 78f96cb4e648f2d⋯.jpeg (13.37 KB, 292x173, 292:173, 4B6C2590-1404-4992-9A69-C….jpeg)

567830  No.3734923




Lol…no way BO…mirror…Hussein has his security Clearance…Its No Bueno AMIGO !!

e475e0  No.3734924


Thank you for stepping up.

Will coordinate if another Anon volunteers.

Notifying BO/BV's for a check, regardless.

Will provide updated dough upon confirmation.

Please stand by.

Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer.

7b1bc2  No.3734925

File: fbbea1148d41a24⋯.jpg (103.77 KB, 800x342, 400:171, deepdream.jpg)

e346b5  No.3734926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2736b3  No.3734927


Hey baker, do you know what the original image is that is used to make all the "yellow memes" on the DEEP DREAM AI-based image fuckerer? Thanks


4b3bdb  No.3734928



3cc6d7  No.3734929

File: f141f27c49cd159⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB, 5048x3648, 631:456, mcsally.jpeg)

5687b4  No.3734930

>>3734742 (LB)

This was absolutely brilliant.

I will post this image on my website.

5241dd  No.3734931

Salzman plea deal looks uncertain; NXIVM ‘high value’ witness to provide crucial evidence; defense lawyers team up – including Salzman’s – to try to dismiss charges


d5c6dd  No.3734932

File: 5d3fafdc837a317⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 399x384, 133:128, 5d3fafdc837a317d56b2496cbd….jpg)

c2f87c  No.3734933

File: 1d11135f54aaccf⋯.png (885.25 KB, 760x505, 152:101, ClipboardImage.png)

Pope fires Memphis bishop after investigation

The Vatican recently announced Pope Francis fired Bishop Martin Holley, the Roman Catholic bishop of Memphis, after he refused to resign following an investigation of mismanagement. A Vatican spokesman said Holley’s removal from pastoral governance was due to mismanagement of the diocese and was not abuse related. Francis appointed Holley to the Memphis Diocese in October 2016. Shortly after his arrival, Holley ordered the transfer of about 75 percent of the diocese’s pastors. The Vatican sent two U.S. archbishops in June for a three-day investigation, also known as a “visitation,” to determine if there were any problems with Holley’s leadership. The visitation also looked into Holley’s decision to bring in Canadian priest Rev. Clement Machado to serve as his chief of staff. After the visitation, Machado resigned, but the Vatican didn’t reveal what the investigation found and no cannon law was cited for Holley’s removal. Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville has been appointed as Holley’s replacement until Francis names a permanent replacement.


69c4f8  No.3734934

File: 6ee07f7bcbfeae6⋯.png (934.59 KB, 640x797, 640:797, POTUS 11-4-18 6 pm PST.PNG)

File: e095f8c85acc987⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1107x500, 1107:500, POTUS 11-4-18 6 pm PST pic….PNG)

File: 845f711263c47ce⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1110x582, 185:97, POTUS 11-4-18 6 pm PST pic….PNG)

File: e13ae3cf3a6193e⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1112x625, 1112:625, POTUS 11-4-18 6 pm PST pic….PNG)

File: 62cd5c13bfb95a3⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1110x480, 37:16, POTUS 11-4-18 6 pm PST pic….PNG)

New POTUS Tweet


913363  No.3734935


"Truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains to bring it to light."

– President George Washington

I guess President Washington was a QAnon too!

bfb83d  No.3734936


Damn biblefag tricksters

f6c7e4  No.3734937

File: bf99259fcde86ac⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB, 3046x2034, 1523:1017, 95D4E9FE-11DD-4D55-8655-6….jpeg)


222ba4  No.3734938

File: 4238f2b649bc384⋯.png (17.55 KB, 572x111, 572:111, ClipboardImage.png)


477ae1  No.3734939

File: 3c4756cfcfd7746⋯.jpg (436.26 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, pepe b2 stealth bomber 2.jpg)

780e79  No.3734940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3734721 (LB)

OH sorry I will go back to reddit..wait no..Sorry grammarfag! Did I offend you with my lack of skills? This is the chans. More street smarts then book smarts.We out number you ;)

1c70fb  No.3734941

File: 8bb29ec15e93a29⋯.png (5.44 MB, 4442x4096, 2221:2048, protectthevote3.png)


>>3733425 lb

>Anyone made a meme/graphic for 2416?

I included a few that can be circulated the #FBR #Resist Communities that include Tea Party Patriots. That'll set them off.

This is A UNIVERSAL ISSUE - The libs will spread the message too if it's the right message.

dd9a18  No.3734942

>>3734775 last bread


Entire island once owned by the Carnegie (steel) family.

Can only get there by boat, but anyone can stay at Greyfield Inn there.


Plenty more pics here

6448b0  No.3734943

File: 29d375e8316ee0c⋯.jpg (27.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

2736b3  No.3734944

File: 9fad94f7db96666⋯.png (818.32 KB, 1403x772, 1403:772, bamam8.png)

File: 30cfb0ab430e8e8⋯.png (1.19 MB, 848x1111, 848:1111, shhh.png)

File: 8f62c26fa31e607⋯.png (548.28 KB, 992x825, 992:825, CLAPPERHEAD.png)

File: 4e75f0eeeefd202⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1924x999, 52:27, GEHGHOS.png)

File: ab13bfa136ef2cc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1215x999, 45:37, sincerejames.png)


I volunteer.

91bd97  No.3734945

File: d61ae0b6b3bfeb3⋯.png (222.32 KB, 632x483, 632:483, ClipboardImage.png)

The World IS watching

c6a4c1  No.3734946


One heck of a job today Baker. You are awesome!

567830  No.3734947


Correction 60+

caab86  No.3734948

File: efd20d546cbd9e6⋯.png (15.85 KB, 255x215, 51:43, French_Pepe.png)


Anons are stealthy also… Perfect for the role…

2651be  No.3734949

File: 31e6235cfe8125f⋯.jpg (53.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, SeeSomething-SaySomething!.jpg)

da9e4d  No.3734950

File: 03927ae70187876⋯.jpg (34.07 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 6st8nz.jpg)


1c70fb  No.3734951

File: 3fb3e4a5cc263cd⋯.png (7.74 MB, 4442x4096, 2221:2048, protectthevote4.png)

File: 76c56e14620190c⋯.png (5.9 MB, 4442x4096, 2221:2048, protectthevote5.png)



>>3733425 lb

>Anyone made a meme/graphic for 2416?

I included a few that can be circulated the #FBR #Resist Communities that include Tea Party Patriots. That'll set them off.

This is A UNIVERSAL ISSUE - The libs will spread the message too if it's the right message.

fe81d6  No.3734952

File: 599d72424ee9a19⋯.jpeg (71.84 KB, 285x300, 19:20, 7E9D1B24-161D-4981-BECD-0….jpeg)

228756  No.3734953

You do know that when we landslide the Dems they will say we cheated …..wait for it

7cd9a9  No.3734954

File: cfb2f669a9c58a3⋯.png (414.9 KB, 378x622, 189:311, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)


Because….. this.

Oh, and his name is AUSTIN. kek

0444a9  No.3734955

File: c308dab54ad2400⋯.gif (402.5 KB, 364x330, 182:165, buh_bye.gif)

now animated

b85d48  No.3734956


We never found out who the wrestler was

da9e4d  No.3734957

File: 1e0c76a8a5af2ba⋯.jpg (8.28 KB, 297x170, 297:170, e5ee9afe2c4e9091957c50b142….jpg)

69c4f8  No.3734958


PIC 2 shows very clear images on phones for those suggesting using phones for messages at tomorrows rallies

7b1bc2  No.3734959

1fc5ab  No.3734960


wow, anon, there are more pics coming on that party. Was it in the PEOB (sp), the bunker under the WH?

44f9f3  No.3734961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3734859 (lb)

This is one recording that stuck in my heart, anon. Opening of the new Helsinki music hall, Helsingin kaupunginorkesteri really outdid themselves.

d5c6dd  No.3734962

File: 0ec806b17020edb⋯.png (227.96 KB, 414x419, 414:419, pepespecops.png)

39551d  No.3734963

File: 2edaad3c47820d7⋯.jpg (133.35 KB, 1440x753, 480:251, IMG_20181103_063714.jpg)

f5e4d0  No.3734964

File: f80bcfd95eb0c05⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, pepe time travel 2.jpg)

File: 35a4f1b79585d8b⋯.jpg (302.41 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, pepe digital soldier.jpg)

Thank you Bakers, researchers, memefags and shit posters for your service

40deef  No.3734965

File: 1bb1a050e441586⋯.gif (551.74 KB, 300x225, 4:3, Maxine.gif)


Allow me to point something out Mad Max,

You have been BEGGING for it.

Now STFU, STFD and take your damn lumps Bitch.

bfb83d  No.3734966


Try to post in English, not millennial faggotspeak

d9d533  No.3734967

d9506c  No.3734968

Odds if republicans taking the house.


222ba4  No.3734969


that pool though..i was looking specifically at that pool…

1b727e  No.3734970

da9e4d  No.3734971

File: 340f6a260d6f031⋯.jpg (46.43 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Roco-Siffredi-SNCF-parodie….jpg)

e346b5  No.3734972

File: fbfb15aa8d12958⋯.gif (66.19 KB, 773x512, 773:512, maga pepe.gif)


gimme gimme

2736b3  No.3734973



Is there an issue BO?


fe81d6  No.3734974

File: 8977e21068d271e⋯.jpeg (22.28 KB, 249x375, 83:125, EDC17E72-89E6-4686-9777-C….jpeg)

a2475d  No.3734975

>>3734544 (pb)

I saw an interview with Potus not moar than a month ago when he MENTIONED hearing Podesta was to be indicted but it didn't happen. I am going to have to make finding it a project.

Refuse to believe nobody else saw it.

>>3734858 (pb) that bread was douched. June 23. But you can check German Archive Anon's files. Search notables. There was discussion about Bbergs speech then as well and some board split about exact location and cgi with a disappearing hand. Perhaps search under King Bernhard as he was there.

3cc6d7  No.3734976

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

da9e4d  No.3734977

File: 460c49d9b88de5f⋯.jpg (111.67 KB, 400x400, 1:1, hey-you-come-on-come-to-ha….jpg)

5eefc0  No.3734978

File: 5d48df04f54cde0⋯.png (271.87 KB, 650x430, 65:43, ClipboardImage.png)

5241dd  No.3734979

Prince Al-Waleed’s brother freed


fdc9e0  No.3734980

File: 79c79377aa23896⋯.jpeg (56.45 KB, 463x309, 463:309, download.jpeg)

Spot the Trump voter– ROFL

People watch results come in at Hillary Clinton's election night event at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center on Nov. 8, 2016, in New York City. | Win McNamee/Getty Images

f2028b  No.3734981



I can take it baker, great job today


any updates to the dough would be great, thanks

thanks BO

1e00fc  No.3734982

File: c5e35e0a15912b8⋯.jpg (347.29 KB, 696x696, 1:1, oprah2.jpg)

41a2d5  No.3734983

File: d511e89c4fb4072⋯.png (496.28 KB, 1068x546, 178:91, ReadyPepe.png)

f426ee  No.3734984

Can anons help me help momanon figure out what phone numbers to call if she encounters Q's see-something-say-something situation? She's 78 years old and lives in Duchess Co in toss-up NY19, worried about her guy Fasso. He's up against another carpetbagger and supported by city voters who go up to their country houses to use their votes up there, rather than in NYC where more Dem votes are useless. Such is the analysis of her "bug man" (exterminator), an upstate local and R-voter. She's seeing tons of D signs pop up suddenly and is worried. I told her to put the number of the local police in her phone, but any other ideas?

fbb0a3  No.3734985

File: af91dbc2cfc4d1b⋯.png (876.34 KB, 1005x643, 1005:643, 2018-11-04_21-05-38.png)


Punchy forget his lifts?


b85d48  No.3734986


Thanks for you vigilance, dude.

7dde96  No.3734987

File: 6bc8812c1176b7e⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 480x686, 240:343, 6bc8812c1176b7e5caf7eda51e….jpg)

Got banned for 3 days from Facebook over this photo.


d5c6dd  No.3734988

File: 250981739e220b3⋯.jpg (6.64 KB, 188x268, 47:67, louik.jpg)

841b52  No.3734989

File: 3dc03e0ebdc8f44⋯.jpg (6.21 KB, 339x149, 339:149, pal.jpg)

c75e62  No.3734990

File: 62023c8e0e775e2⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 234x255, 78:85, postmortem.jpg)


anons member this

bbd644  No.3734991







cc4479  No.3734992


crazy you shared this. Im working on a couple bars on the instrumental…

about the movement, the REAL Donald Trump

hopefully ill have it finished soon.

d9934e  No.3734993

File: 7e42b5c26796cae⋯.jpg (320.46 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, GettyImages-669248174.jpg)



f2028b  No.3734994

File: 1b46838d9ab1490⋯.jpg (79.67 KB, 705x705, 1:1, zuckban.jpg)

549757  No.3734995



d5c6dd  No.3734996

File: c54bb65341e447e⋯.jpeg (12.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fd40cb7e67468fec1b646d277….jpeg)

da9e4d  No.3734997

File: cd363a33fb26978⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 6.62 KB, 259x194, 259:194, QMAPS.jpg)

5eefc0  No.3734998

File: 0c4315146cb9ba5⋯.png (373.05 KB, 427x604, 427:604, cbf0c4315146cb9ba59835231a….png)

e346b5  No.3734999

File: 4545a6bea4c06bb⋯.jpg (79.73 KB, 949x678, 949:678, clown toughts.jpg)


nah nah nah nah

nah nah nah nah

hey hey hey

5687b4  No.3735000


These guys are more valuable when they are "free" than if they were arrested because everybody else involved relaxes and thinks of it as business as usual

f5e4d0  No.3735001

File: 5b5d35790d09941⋯.jpg (95.33 KB, 800x400, 2:1, smokey fake news.jpg)

File: 329f6067bba03e3⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 600x800, 3:4, quaid laughing.jpg)

da9e4d  No.3735002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2736b3  No.3735003




I think this is a bot BO, sowing negativity. You know what to do. Thanks man!


130a3d  No.3735004


Let em

c75e62  No.3735005

File: 7abc03908b14f11⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 255x144, 85:48, whitehatinaction SMALL SIZ….jpg)


kek love u BO

b85d48  No.3735006


Muh flat tire

bbd644  No.3735007

File: 96b688bf183ee6f⋯.png (67.41 KB, 2196x276, 183:23, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)




e475e0  No.3735008


Much thanks, BO.


Confirming Handoff.

Updated dough:…

So, Pastebin cut me off.

Looks like I need an actual account now.


Update to Global Notable:

>>3734908 ; >>3734562 For Tomorrow’s Rallies: Show support with your phones, showing Q images! (/BO/ approved)

Update to Notables:


>>3734933 Pope fires Memphis bishop after investigation

>>3734934 New DJT

Please use the dough posted at the top of the bread.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Will get this sorted on my end before reporting for duty tomorrow morning.

Will continue lurking in the meantime.

God bless, Anons.

I hope you all have a great night.

66d53f  No.3735009

File: 9dac44c3118ee18⋯.png (281.44 KB, 421x435, 421:435, fad1bbec8312b9b279814fd15d….png)

7cd9a9  No.3735010



Oh how the tides have shifted. "Soon they won't be able to walk the streets."

222ba4  No.3735011


call 9-1-1 you idiot

da9e4d  No.3735012

File: e2a43779700e669⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 43.26 KB, 581x499, 581:499, IMG_0146.JPG)

2736b3  No.3735013

File: d61f4e7e02308fe⋯.png (288.29 KB, 555x772, 555:772, NOESCAPINBIDEN.png)

File: e6241e608511725⋯.png (414.76 KB, 555x734, 555:734, FFLBN.png)

File: 75f3832a3390ad9⋯.png (236.23 KB, 555x516, 185:172, BLVVN.png)

File: e45ce32462afbd8⋯.png (208.65 KB, 432x588, 36:49, SCVRIDEN.png)

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)


Thank you anon.

945ced  No.3735014


dropped a single a lil while back

got like 80 plays, had a banger though, this was in like August

"homie, you ain't never really wrote me, feelin lonely, goin down like James Comey, Q ain't a phony, but I know that hoes be, ya boy blockin girl's dms like a goalie"

3cc6d7  No.3735015

File: 48ed6f6e1934543⋯.png (579.83 KB, 610x614, 305:307, 2016_again.png)

7fd714  No.3735016


It would be keeping the house, but we are gonna see a red tsunami. Hoping for 60+ in the Senate.

bddf73  No.3735017

>>3734780 lb

<Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team after being ‘quiet’ for so long?

<Who knows where the bodies are buried?

<Re_read drops re: Who knows where….


<Now comes the pain.

d5c6dd  No.3735018

File: dbf76653cd3943a⋯.jpeg (28.02 KB, 255x192, 85:64, image.jpeg)

54ba8c  No.3735019


Haha that's probably already been posted in one of the private groups I was in.

f5e4d0  No.3735020

File: 5620ffa9c2dcae2⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 609x388, 609:388, grass lock.jpg)


His name is Freed Alwaleed.?

c75e62  No.3735021

File: 9068b466ba3f51a⋯.png (497.2 KB, 651x490, 93:70, laughsin6languages.png)

7cd9a9  No.3735022

File: 0c74ca86b7599c4⋯.png (317.28 KB, 938x632, 469:316, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)

File: 44f33180d5b7fb4⋯.png (326.56 KB, 1132x628, 283:157, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)


900 & 009


dcb6c4  No.3735023

John James = Stealth Bomber


18a43f  No.3735024

File: ad9943820a3aa63⋯.jpg (54.94 KB, 900x558, 50:31, swiftconfederacymeme.jpg)

Arguing with libtards on fb be like..

63627e  No.3735025

File: cdbb1d5ee60c47a⋯.jpg (20.79 KB, 418x517, 38:47, image001.jpg)

09e3af  No.3735026

File: 5b9261898d15915⋯.png (872.16 KB, 1052x780, 263:195, Screenshot_77.png)

da9e4d  No.3735027

File: c87760689ee62b5⋯.jpg (122.18 KB, 960x720, 4:3, grdbbtsiabh.jpg)

c75e62  No.3735028

File: f3247dd217773b6⋯.png (275.27 KB, 436x750, 218:375, wtfmackek.png)

f4db06  No.3735029

4b3bdb  No.3735030


TY Baker !

God bless you


d9436c  No.3735031

File: ecdc4e4768ad3ed⋯.jpg (98.27 KB, 300x380, 15:19, SFD.jpg)

256065  No.3735032

File: 1fefa7a356b5012⋯.png (382.01 KB, 898x679, 898:679, ClipboardImage.png)

With New U.S. Anti-Iran Policy In Iraq And Syria, The Fig Leaf Of Fighting ISIS Falls

During the International Institute for Strategic Studies 14th dialogue in the Bahraini Capital Manama, Brett McGurk, the US envoy for the global coalition to defeat the Islamic State group (ISIS), took leave of his designated function by expressing unusual solicitude for Syria when he said it is “necessary for the Iran-Backed militias to leave Syria to ensure a stable and independent country”. The US presidential special envoy also said he is looking forward to promoting “mutual US-Iraq interests and for the Iraqis to strengthen their own interests and sovereignty”.

McGurk, who was directly involved in the formation of the Iraqi leadership (Speaker, President and Prime Minister) in the last few months, didn’t manage to return his favorite candidate Haidar Abadi to power and failed to prevent Faleh al-Fayyad from coming to power. According to private sources in Baghdad, al-Fayyad will be nominated as Interior Minister, a position that requires coordination with US forces in Iraq. McGurk clashed with Fayyad on several occasions when he unsuccessfully sought to limit the activity of Iran and Hezbollah in supporting the formation of the new Iraqi leadership in Baghdad.

The US is mustering all its diplomacy against Iran in preparation for unilateral implementation of full sanctions against the Islamic Republic, expected on the fourth of November. This is why McGurk is attacking Iran in Syria and Iraq.

Nevertheless, the new Iraqi government is reversing Abadi’s concession to the US: the new prime minister Adel Abdel Mahdi has ordered Hashd al-Shaabi (The Popular Mobilization Forces, PMF) to deploy its forces along the Syrian-Iraqi borders. Abadi kept the PMF away from borders where the US forces are deployed and where they occupy part of Syrian territory and the al-Tanf crossing between the Levant and Mesopotamia.

Washington wrongly believes its forces can limit the influence and movement of the Iranian and allied forces in Syria by keeping the Marines in the country. Iranian influence is well established in Syria today, following its unlimited support to the government of Damascus. Even in Iraq, the US presence failed to limit Iran’s leverage on the new government.

US concern is indeed justified: Washington and its allies have lost and failed to “change the regime” in Damascus despite seven long years of war. The Americans used all possible tools and pressure to no avail. US leadership used the “chemical attacks” excuse to bomb the Syrian army without creating any change on the ground. It has used also the card of the Syrian refugees, trying to block their voluntary return. It failed to keep the Jordanian-Syrian crossing at Naseeb closed to prevent Syria from recovering part of its economy. It is also keeping al-Tanf under occupation to stop the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of Damascus from the considerable trade between Iraq and Syria.

The US establishment did not hesitate to support al-Qaeda in Idlib indirectly – after its direct military and training support to al-Qaeda throughout the years of war – by launching a serious warning to Assad in case of any attack against rural Idlib and Latakia where jihadists are based, and Turkey has failed to dislodge them. Moreover, Washington is using the Kurds of al-Hasaka province as human shields to protect the US forces occupying the province. And last but not least, the US is using the UN to try and alter the Syrian constitution, a move only the Syrian parliament can do.


7d9180  No.3735033

File: 797a9f19267b819⋯.jpg (731.82 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181104-201417….jpg)

File: 64487940d9b2eb3⋯.jpg (115.71 KB, 1024x523, 1024:523, IMG_20181104_201421.jpg)


Oh Danny-Boy approves!

2736b3  No.3735034

File: ab8859bea12a731⋯.png (214.34 KB, 612x375, 204:125, bnghoul1A.png)

File: 8fc1ca8c634fceb⋯.png (187.66 KB, 395x446, 395:446, bnghoul2.png)

File: 68f0c22aaafb70d⋯.png (369.46 KB, 698x600, 349:300, eficaljhuck.png)

File: beb45be23a6b87c⋯.png (342.71 KB, 777x450, 259:150, ethicalgunchuck.png)

File: 0f3663a456a6d9a⋯.png (493.64 KB, 777x686, 111:98, Etzhicalchunk.png)

cc4479  No.3735035

File: bff6acc64fb4cd1⋯.png (116.32 KB, 383x206, 383:206, emotionalbeerpepe.png)


take the name calling somewhere else.

GREAT response regaudless, kek

567830  No.3735036

File: a6d7ae48ff8e714⋯.png (62.06 KB, 1277x787, 1277:787, Cate.PNG)

File: 4d4ce2b14a5f382⋯.png (34.17 KB, 526x478, 263:239, ure.PNG)


da9e4d  No.3735037

File: 25665cb55967dc7⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 384x288, 4:3, IMG_0786.JPG)

e780c4  No.3735038

VIP anon meaning . . . theory.

All the VIP anon Q posts might be Q's way of telling us, or someone, that the NSA power AI meme reading is really capable of making sense of memes / pictures.

The various twitter links all have different forms of Q imagery, yet Q is somehow picking them up.

A human could do it, but it would take a lot of humans a long time to parse through all of the country's conservative twitter posts and look at all the photos then select the ones with VIP images.

Q's proving that he's associated with someone who has the computing power to find a huge variety of VIP images hidden amongst the gazillion images on twitter.

a02827  No.3735039

File: 6adc789804e2aee⋯.png (123.22 KB, 919x843, 919:843, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)

File: 6f033a44c9639a1⋯.png (68.74 KB, 910x325, 14:5, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)


Lee Stranahan twats out:

Hey #Pizzagate / #QanonArmy peeps..

How come you didn't find this? Kimberlin is an adjudicated pedophile.

And "of John Podesta's heart!"

You missed this?!?


And includes this twat from Breitbart:

Three cheers for @ericboehlert ally domestic terrorist Brett Kimberlin! The Speedway Bomber of John Podesta's heart!

12:33 PM - 29 Apr 2011



da9e4d  No.3735040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f2028b  No.3735041


New Baker Confirmed

thanks again for the bakes baker, well done!

c75e62  No.3735042

File: caaa87970f12eae⋯.jpg (170.78 KB, 576x720, 4:5, graham.jpg)

File: e4924eedbfaba93⋯.jpg (66.96 KB, 774x960, 129:160, grahamnew.jpg)

e346b5  No.3735043

File: 18dadfa44752c2b⋯.png (110.75 KB, 354x286, 177:143, ClipboardImage.png)


yup yup

from 2011

bring it off the shelf usually when stephen miller gets his mac play on in a bread

felt like pokin the W bot

lookin forward to hearin your dank ish fren

222ba4  No.3735044

5687b4  No.3735045

Waiting for the GraveYard shift to roll in… These guys are the best researchers.

fbedd6  No.3735046

File: b6a74ac760717e0⋯.png (76.86 KB, 698x568, 349:284, ClipboardImage.png)

kek they are so scared of our memes, writing whole pieces on how we make them


d9934e  No.3735047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6bc9e4  No.3735048



Is he pointing to Masons? They use this symbology. Maybe it's not the place, it's just the symbol he's pointing out?

256065  No.3735049

Trump Accuses Saudi Arabia of Unskillful Use of US Weapons in Yemen

US President Donald Trump accused Saudi Arabia of unskillful use of US weapons in Yemen, citing the August attack on a bus carrying Yemeni school children, in an interview for Axios.

On August 9, an airstrike carried out by the Saudi-led coalition in Saada, northern Yemeni province, hit a bus carrying children from a summer camp, killing over 50 people, most of them minors.

"I think it's a terrible situation. I hated seeing what happened with the bus and the children… That's a horror show when you see a thing like that… That was basically people that didn’t know how to use the weapon, which is horrible," Trump said in the interview, released on Monday.

The president went on to say that the United States was "looking at Yemen very carefully."

"It is probably right now the worst place on Earth… I'll be talking about a lot of things with the Saudis, but certainly I wouldn't be having people that don't know how to use the weapons shooting at buses with children," he concluded.

Since 2015, the US-backed Saudi-led coalition of mostly Persian Gulf nations has been supporting the Yemeni government in its conflict with the Houthi movement, carrying out airstrikes targeting Houthis.


2736b3  No.3735050

File: 0a9fc66159859ba⋯.png (364.93 KB, 1346x844, 673:422, LOLATTHIS.png)

File: ff06d626a3d41e2⋯.png (7.53 MB, 3952x2222, 1976:1111, lrdtab.png)

File: 442e23b83be0575⋯.png (274.79 KB, 544x455, 544:455, CRIMEZ.png)

File: 64a81b25dd0e0a7⋯.png (1.34 MB, 999x2115, 111:235, detocdemostyranny.png)

File: 0e08b47537ad0fe⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 747x8187, 249:2729, deticktocqueville.gif)

3eec3b  No.3735051


um, I think they all used #QAnon

f4db06  No.3735052

File: 78d46968e44b966⋯.jpeg (676.88 KB, 1323x1204, 189:172, 9E67B4DF-D14F-4F57-8261-7….jpeg)

69c4f8  No.3735053

File: 16620886f50d263⋯.png (62.03 KB, 663x362, 663:362, Fitton re CNN Propaganda 1….PNG)

File: ff783682fe6f1f7⋯.png (711.42 KB, 650x816, 325:408, CNN Propaganda 11-4-18.PNG)

File: 7f576b80be7186d⋯.mp4 (488.6 KB, 240x240, 1:1, CNN Propaganda 11-4-18.mp4)

.@CNN puts out anti-@RealDonaldTrump ad just before election.



dce6c7  No.3735054

File: 21be1155458a0f4⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 2700x2250, 6:5, 32 mirror of 18.jpg)

File: 7fd7e01343f5c0d⋯.jpg (503.03 KB, 1348x1294, 674:647, 18 mirror of 32.jpg)

File: 3228f194165dfe0⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 3150x1592, 1575:796, 02 mirror of 48.jpg)

File: f88b18ff5a5c69b⋯.jpg (966.68 KB, 2121x1800, 707:600, 33 mirror of 17.jpg)

File: d99b7543cbd312f⋯.jpg (749.87 KB, 1798x1273, 1798:1273, 17 mirror of 33.jpg)


Today's Q Clock

Pic 1

When we're done he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.


POTUS delete/install.

Allowing @Snowden access/censorship/tracking.

Don't drop the soap.

Which country does he really work for?


Today's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 2

Iran is next.

"Mark it down."


Sweet Dreams.

$250B x 2 / year.

What will the texts reveal?

MOAB or precursor?

Today's Classic 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :02

Pic 3




Knowing what you know now.

Watch again.



Tomorrow's Q Clock

Pic 4

AUS donations to CF?


Re_read drops PP.



Guns are safe.

Re_read drops re: Podesta / Huma.

Tomorrow's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 5

Iran is next.


Red Cross Iran.

Follow the EOs.


What happened during this time w/ Huma / VJ /AWAN / +3?



3cc6d7  No.3735055

File: 124f9d0029d4fc3⋯.png (136.18 KB, 255x339, 85:113, postmalone.png)

d9506c  No.3735056


You forget that all districts are hyperlicalized. Broad support doesn’t matter. Your going to be the scream at the sky girl tomm, if doesn’t pan out. Though like said close to 50/50 odds

09e3af  No.3735057


Hah! I remember this pic!

c6a4c1  No.3735058


No coinkidinks!

204aea  No.3735059

File: 593ab7e8794b625⋯.jpg (124.88 KB, 1080x675, 8:5, Never-argue-with-stupid-pe….jpg)

da9e4d  No.3735060

File: 87e465858bdfe48⋯.jpg (73.26 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3182.JPG)

File: ee134caa26b22e7⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3366.JPG)

File: 1524a58085b7c44⋯.jpg (291.79 KB, 751x396, 751:396, IMG_3424.JPG)


7d9180  No.3735061


That needs to be hit with obummer mooshel banana meme

bbd644  No.3735062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7cd9a9  No.3735063


Paywall. Screenshots would help. ty

f426ee  No.3735064


well, not sure 911 will appreciate the emergency if you're saying, A weird bus of people just arrived at my polling station; or, My voting machine malfunctioned and I'm not sure the poll volunteers are taking it seriously enough.

26721d  No.3735065

File: 2f83a2923ad15c8⋯.jpg (64.18 KB, 660x597, 220:199, ID DIY YTK.JPG)

File: 0ef3ff0b5d91f1d⋯.pdf (49.02 KB, INAUGURATION DAY 2017 GIGA….pdf)

File: 2cf1d64ee7e6655⋯.pdf (50.1 KB, INAUGURATION DAY 2017 GIGA….pdf)

re-addressed- try this hopefully work better this time



945ced  No.3735066

File: ec01cc90cc6993e⋯.jpg (17.75 KB, 231x255, 77:85, 5f05b59beb106b8e1c71840439….jpg)


the four fruits reserve is actually really fckn good I buy that all the time for toast wit jam

who you tryna shill on now ebot

bbd644  No.3735067


7b1bc2  No.3735068

File: ef077fb66c8c60a⋯.png (339.54 KB, 395x527, 395:527, Plum_Orchard_Mansion_Pool.png)

d57af5  No.3735069

File: a80837dcddebbcf⋯.jpg (34.49 KB, 490x444, 245:222, hubbard.jpg)


I read about it in past bread[s] in passing. But nothing more than it just existed. You're giving more info on it. Not certain how this connects to the Snow White Servers. 'cept C0$ is likely connected to the Cabal. CIA at the very top.

At the top it is a Satanic org, informed by Satanist Ideology - they call normies "fresh meat"

Case from the past involving a server that was seized by the FBI working with Co$ called "the Fishman Papers" Likely purged by now off the Internets.

A long story for those who followed it.

As sketchy as the "Hari Krsna" but with a more shallow philosophy.

The top truth of Co$ came out in the court papers of the Fishman case in FL and were copied and put on the net.

Top secret / truth "Jesus Christ was a Pedophile"

It didn't hit me the same in the 90's as it hits me now, with more background.

Thinking of Hubbard, there was an Al Hubbard who worked for the C-A in MKUltra project with Tim Leary.

And check the resemblance between l.r. Hubbard and "Hubbell"

L. Ron / EL

Hubb / EL


Chelsea Clinton's bio-Dad

ding ding ding Con-incidence meter off the charts.

e780c4  No.3735070


Good point, but someone still had to look at the images. There are boatloads of #qanon posts.

d50f75  No.3735071

File: 06fc56991612ce8⋯.gif (3.68 MB, 217x272, 217:272, 1505282928114.gif)


$200 an HOUR for memetic consultancy?

and to think, i've been doing it for free, KEK

18a43f  No.3735072


Commie bitch.

2736b3  No.3735073




I must say BO, I don't understand why every time I volunteer to bake, you prevent me from doing so.

And I ask you every time why, if there is an issue, and you never answer. I can't understand it.

I am a patriot; you are a patriot. I put in quite a bit of work on memes and stuff. I don't see any reason I should be excluded from full participation in the community. What say you?



780e79  No.3735074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do you need a hug? Awee.. Come here let me hug you snookums. post a song from your life.

f2028b  No.3735075

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3734933 Pope fires Memphis bishop after investigation

>>3734934 New DJT

>>3735053 CNN puts out anti-POTUS ad just before election.

>>3735054 Q CLOCK UPDATE

something could've been missed in the handoff, just let me know

aaa087  No.3735076

File: 8e523be6188fa4b⋯.jpg (55.08 KB, 600x401, 600:401, witnesses.jpg)

a6c427  No.3735077


tippy top. I'm sure memefags aren't done with this, yet.

da9e4d  No.3735078

File: 968b6f5aac258b8⋯.jpg (27.45 KB, 460x558, 230:279, mandarinincursion.jpg)

cb8883  No.3735079

File: 475ad97779e2363⋯.jpg (8.74 KB, 143x105, 143:105, mattis1.jpg)

Good Advice

23e3ad  No.3735080

File: f0b2942006c5439⋯.png (5.49 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.png)


Got him, board is safe from negativity due to your due diligence- remember-


you dont like


pic related for instuction.

you know what to do- Thanks!

66d53f  No.3735081

File: cb79eb1ed3ac1de⋯.jpg (134.25 KB, 733x490, 733:490, r95b0bzva45.jpg)


That is Kekistan fur ya!

c75e62  No.3735082

File: 52bf04abb1df3eb⋯.jpg (61.35 KB, 650x470, 65:47, THEREYAGO.jpg)

222ba4  No.3735083

File: 640568085965093⋯.png (95.3 KB, 300x280, 15:14, SUN.png)



KEK they are doubling down

ed4969  No.3735084

File: 8877e963094b926⋯.jpg (74.97 KB, 648x478, 324:239, Britney S.jpg)

69c4f8  No.3735085

File: 9d69b0f96aefc22⋯.png (388.95 KB, 585x270, 13:6, PapaD 11-4-18-1 07 PST nam….PNG)

>>3734781 (lb)

Possibly ??

Torelli 99


Tokelli 99

f2028b  No.3735086

File: b1d08131b33fb5b⋯.gif (2.52 MB, 400x362, 200:181, trumpkek.gif)

fbedd6  No.3735087


dude thats what I was thinking. but it was a redditor, so probably just trollin. they dont make most of their memes, they just steal from half chan

f5e4d0  No.3735088

File: bb8b6175ffbc646⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 720x960, 3:4, cnn lies.jpg)

File: 78ee68dcee76d48⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 600x337, 600:337, CNN logo.jpg)

File: feab4a9a67d32e5⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 250x250, 1:1, cnn npc.jpg)

File: bab0388ac59a6bf⋯.png (218.19 KB, 600x343, 600:343, cnna.png)


Good new is nobody's watching that matters.

4-6% ers lost for good.

e3f458  No.3735089

File: 4365b9eb33b45dd⋯.jpeg (62.13 KB, 540x312, 45:26, 04B556DF-2CC9-4A9A-B240-D….jpeg)

File: 39490c28e916299⋯.jpeg (35.81 KB, 639x960, 213:320, 9D0382A9-DF6E-49E1-8F19-4….jpeg)

File: 0c195e8508f9656⋯.jpeg (92.22 KB, 540x543, 180:181, 72D38E99-32A4-46EC-82B9-3….jpeg)

File: b0871a61cfa85dc⋯.jpeg (579.94 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 624DE0DE-D508-494D-A7D4-0….jpeg)

da9e4d  No.3735090

File: 9f56de45eff84c2⋯.jpg (66.13 KB, 960x632, 120:79, IMG_1338.JPG)

File: 205b00a02f16fc7⋯.jpg (43.4 KB, 555x350, 111:70, IMG_1345.JPG)

File: 5ae09a989566c0c⋯.jpg (105.27 KB, 1062x1270, 531:635, IMG_1753.JPG)

e2cf6d  No.3735091


talks about article, doesn't link.

ebca7f  No.3735092


Ass. Hole.

f426ee  No.3735093


ty, what's this # and what area code?

3cc6d7  No.3735094

File: 1cffd11ebb78e85⋯.jpeg (470.33 KB, 809x1280, 809:1280, deniro_legs1.jpeg)

bfb83d  No.3735095


Even if we come up a few short of 60, I'm sure

a few might be being indicted soon

cc4479  No.3735096


Great theory, but your missing a few VITAL details re: manpower required, etc… you'd be surprised what your Military can articulate.


GREATER answer. kek they most definitely used #QANON.

VIP patriot IS WHAT IT IS… a wink. an acknowledgement. a gesture of appreciation.

don't lose the forest.

7b1bc2  No.3735097

d9506c  No.3735098

>>you guys have to read how triggers this Washington post


>>washington post

Stopped reading right there tbqh

d5c6dd  No.3735099

File: 77d3a83a63a4072⋯.gif (116.22 KB, 375x421, 375:421, 71407EAD-8487-4C24-A007-44….gif)

a6c427  No.3735100

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, meme.pepe.shocked.png)

2736b3  No.3735101



Hey baker, and other anon, do you know what the original image is that is used to make all the "yellow memes" on the DEEP DREAM AI-based image fuckerer? We see them all the time, and yet anons don't seem willing to share the image?



da9e4d  No.3735102

File: 2a607fc84b59c08⋯.jpg (111.22 KB, 750x928, 375:464, IMG_0566.JPG)

256065  No.3735103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Papadopoulos Details Alleged Entrapment Scheme By Undercover Deep State Agents

George Papadopoulos - a central figure and self-admitted dupe in the Obama administration's targeted spying on the Trump campaign, gave a wide-ranging interview to Dan Bongino on Friday, detailing what he claims to have been a setup by deep state operatives across the world in order to ultimately infiltrate the Trump campaign.

Reviewing events

In March 2016, Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud told Papadopoulos - an energy consultant who had recently joined the Trump campaign - that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, a claim which Papadopoulos repeated in May 2016 to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in a London bar. Of note, former FBI Assistant Director of counterintelligence, Bill Priestap, reportedly traveled to London directly before Downer met with Papadopoulos, while a few months later former FBI agent Peter Strzok met with Downer in London directly before the DOJ officially launched their investigation into the Trump campaign.

The alleged admission about Clinton's emails officially sparked the Obama administration's counterintelligence operation on Trump on July 31, 2016 - dubbed Operation Crossfire Hurricane. In September 2016, the FBI would send spy Stefan Halper to further probe Papadopoulos on the Clinton email allegation, and - according to his interview with Dan Bongino, Papadoplous says Halper angrily accused him of working with Russia before storming out of a meeting.

Halper essentially began interrogating Papadopoulos, saying that it’s “obviously in your interest to be working with the Russians” and to “hack emails.” “You’re complicit with Russia in this, isn’t that right George” Halper told him. Halper also inquired about Hillary’s hacked emails, insinuating that Papadopoulos possessed them. Papadopoulos denied knowing anything about this and asked to be left alone. -Bongino.com

There are two schools of thought on Papadopoulos and his relationship with Mifsud - the first link in the chain regarding the Clinton email rumor. Notably, Mifsud claimed last November to be a member of the Clinton Foundation, and has donated to the charity.



7cd9a9  No.3735104


WaPo is paywall. Doesn't include Screenshots. kek

fe81d6  No.3735105

File: c851f62ab4d13db⋯.jpeg (119.12 KB, 645x538, 645:538, 19F8F400-0B9A-47E7-A0F3-3….jpeg)

File: 3bce21c3f290e73⋯.png (441.86 KB, 1226x762, 613:381, 52463424-DAC6-454F-98E3-8A….png)

File: afce88b4d81b3f6⋯.jpeg (122.63 KB, 591x402, 197:134, 6736D8AA-86F5-414C-8A69-E….jpeg)

File: 988e3d49109209c⋯.jpeg (83.58 KB, 1354x897, 1354:897, 71807504-5D2F-44F2-8CC8-7….jpeg)

d2e1e9  No.3735106

File: bbdab7ad2816b1c⋯.jpeg (39.04 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 44DCF556-FC99-43BC-BDE8-0….jpeg)

Kekistan will be free soon

fbb0a3  No.3735107

File: 90817c511b17116⋯.png (364.09 KB, 554x374, 277:187, 2018-11-04_21-20-12.png)


Intergalactic freak show!


fee479  No.3735108

File: c56e45dc7cedfad⋯.jpg (260.29 KB, 800x635, 160:127, pepe-memes-for-victory.jpg)

File: d6abe3a163e1ef2⋯.jpg (158.02 KB, 690x522, 115:87, Mosaic1.jpg)

File: 36925dcb2809ee0⋯.jpg (198.69 KB, 638x632, 319:316, Memewar-meme-recruitment-o….jpg)

File: 52c2abe3cf89b91⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2384x2188, 596:547, PepesControlRoomMemewars.png)

File: 8ae533bcd11aa40⋯.jpeg (129.67 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MAGAhoeDown.jpeg)

841b52  No.3735109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tearing up some acoustic American instruments for the night shift

3cc6d7  No.3735110

File: e437ab650aaf637⋯.png (752.84 KB, 1028x578, 514:289, donlemon.png)

516214  No.3735111


Figure out your local non-emergency police telephone number and tell them that there seems to be something "fishy" going on at your local election station and ask them to come check it out.. And take pictures, then post it on the chan or twat and # the shit out of it..

09e3af  No.3735112

File: da51557fdfa0fd9⋯.png (465.42 KB, 676x580, 169:145, Screenshot_266.png)

07f4db  No.3735113


Ha, Kek, more than 10 breads in 24 hours?? Happened to me too, that is how I ended up with a pastebin acct :)

a6c427  No.3735114


>millennial faggotspeak


bbd644  No.3735115



fbedd6  No.3735116

File: 1365c4a72516e04⋯.mp4 (619.73 KB, 240x240, 1:1, Imagine thinking the migra….mp4)

Check out the most recent round of 'migrants'.

Just me, or as each one comes they get more violent?

da9e4d  No.3735117

File: 809628b32b3bb21⋯.jpg (286.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ak47TEMPLAR.jpg)

File: 3d856e1c3166f86⋯.png (930.77 KB, 1267x396, 1267:396, ancientaliens.png)

File: d0e0e57b67ae755⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 3300x2700, 11:9, boomstick.jpg)

2736b3  No.3735118

File: 6f95e01e33c91ee⋯.png (919.26 KB, 878x742, 439:371, UR.png)

File: ad493b06be1b8cf⋯.png (195.72 KB, 442x360, 221:180, PAPA.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

d9506c  No.3735119


This will be a lot of anons tomorrow when Dems win the house. They’ll be +2

d95341  No.3735120

File: 0a926df39a41fb1⋯.png (503.08 KB, 674x844, 337:422, Selection_652.png)

3ef32e  No.3735122

File: 4a05d9e4f93a583⋯.jpg (95.5 KB, 770x766, 385:383, 1.JPG)

File: 784fb4e29b61bb9⋯.jpg (30.42 KB, 757x179, 757:179, 2.JPG)

Ra'anana resident indicted for Netanyahu assassination threat.


d57af5  No.3735123

File: b1050115db33885⋯.mp4 (7.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1960 Al Hubbard Met Timoth….mp4)


sorry I forgot the PB notice.

222ba4  No.3735124


Q said if antifa or anybody making threats or using scare tactics…not to report voter fraud. But if you wanted to report voter fraud just google a fuckin phone number for the police or some shit. Take video! Post it here and emphasize the need to archive.

come on, anon you're not THAT retarded

c6a4c1  No.3735125


All good so far. Godspeed.

23e3ad  No.3735126


its to google, just put your area code in front

f2028b  No.3735127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


different genre and not an instrumental, but great acoustic

4b3bdb  No.3735128

File: daca4ac41b3a499⋯.jpg (318.96 KB, 1920x1014, 320:169, MAKE-GOOD-USE-OF-YOUR-CELL….jpg)




>>For Tomorrow’s Rallies: Show support with your phones, showing Q images! (/BO/ approved)


>pic related


3cc6d7  No.3735129

File: ec31d81b51ef208⋯.png (1.22 MB, 940x906, 470:453, library01.png)

ed4969  No.3735130

d5c6dd  No.3735131

File: ba77d28217b3b41⋯.jpeg (75.61 KB, 707x781, 707:781, 37D07ABF-E8BE-47F2-BD4E-4….jpeg)

567830  No.3735132


Pain (23) cometh 11-11


da9e4d  No.3735133

File: 8cdf76a2eab1d66⋯.jpg (485.7 KB, 1004x756, 251:189, ICHABOD.jpg)

fe81d6  No.3735134

File: 012cb89445a2b23⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 312x302, 156:151, FBD64ECD-1BF6-4693-A2F2-DA….gif)

bbd644  No.3735135

File: 25d540b3362c39e⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 357x200, 357:200, 200.gif)



3450e4  No.3735136

File: d5b6b8431c02ddc⋯.jpeg (147.99 KB, 1200x670, 120:67, D0D948BC-2DE8-45FB-A89D-B….jpeg)

Fresh of the press!

d2e1e9  No.3735137


Cheer up anon

Aint habbening

bef12f  No.3735138


>>3734781 lb

Could be Sirio Tonelli



He does more indoor mosaics though

4d6030  No.3735139


Voter Fraud FBI Hotlines

1-800-659-8726 ext 12381


Local offices: 304-346-2300

Voting Violations Complaints: 1-800-2533931 or 202-307-2767 (202-307-3961 for fax)

256065  No.3735140

Maxine Waters: Trump ‘Placing a Target on My Back’ — ‘He’s Promoting Violence’

Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) accused President Donald Trump of “placing a target” on her back.

Waters said, “It is obvious that the president of the United States of America is placing a target on my back and he keeps calling my name and lying about me in order to make the target work. So I’m not intimidated by it, but I know what he’s doing. So I just continue to do what I do, to call it like it is, to speak truth to power. And I want you to know that the American people, in the final analysis, will understand how divisive this president is, how dangerous he is, and how he is pitting us against each other.”

She continued, “What has happened with the targeting of individuals who have basically been opposed to this president should tell the president about what is going on. All of us who are targeted are simply saying that the president of the United States is taking this country in the wrong direction, that it is dangerous, that it is divisive and he continues to dog whistle to his constituency out there. He’s promoting violence. I’m accustomed to being threatened. We have had at least one individual indicted who threatened to kill me. I have many threats to kill me from different places in this country. So I’m accustomed to being threatened, and while I am not foolish, I’m wise enough to understand that I need to have some security, particularly in various circumstances. I’m not afraid. I’m not intimidated, and he cannot stop me. I’m going to continue to talk about how he has defined himself as this divisive and dangerous man that’s running this country. I think in the final analysis after it’s all over that the American people are going to understand that we deserve better than this. He does not have good values and does not care about anybody but himself. I’m comfortable with the fact that he has the target on my back and that I’m threatened. I will continue to do my work, and I will not back down for one second.”


7d9b06  No.3735141


What about McFaul? He's close to Nuland. Arrogant prick.

69c4f8  No.3735142

File: 2f1f02ef5ff5081⋯.png (55.5 KB, 641x481, 641:481, 1 SCarter re SNL 11-4-18.PNG)

File: e6602f874aa3a19⋯.png (50.2 KB, 642x486, 107:81, 2 SCarter re SNL 11-4-18.PNG)



18a43f  No.3735143


Point goes to anon who knows difference between loose and lose. Other anon looses and is a looser.

5241dd  No.3735144

File: fb42eae92ab7f46⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 548x332, 137:83, e940aa6b4e9ecfe6f21b3359fd….jpg)

File: 582cb4253835ae2⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 800x450, 16:9, we-have-an-5b9eae.jpg)

File: b9bc22b7c99c52f⋯.jpg (213.39 KB, 985x1200, 197:240, DVqtAG0W4AA8GkY.jpg)

cc4479  No.3735145


Great work. KEEP EM COMING!

We need more talent/content creators.


get a vision for 2020 and START PREPARING!

1de381  No.3735146


Barry looks like shit.

db8554  No.3735147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The question is who's really doing the hacking. Go to 40:09 for the conclusion if you don't want to sit there for the whole 45 minutes of tech talk.

6566e6  No.3735148

File: 7d135630cd920c3⋯.jpg (95.88 KB, 500x636, 125:159, webz.jpg)

44f9f3  No.3735149


Holy fukken projection, batman!

836ee8  No.3735150

File: d7c10c86f699f64⋯.png (264.92 KB, 1615x970, 323:194, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)

Is NYT taking notice of MEMEs generated here?


2736b3  No.3735151


Do you really think only the NSA has that capability?

7cd9a9  No.3735152


Not all of them. I was also wondering how a few were found. Also how many of them started their tweet with "Did you see me Q?"

685874  No.3735153

File: a8f59ebe1eafda2⋯.jpg (123.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pfs.jpg)

aaa087  No.3735154

File: 654655f45be0ba3⋯.jpg (82.34 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Americat.jpg)

1d198a  No.3735155

File: 77b816d31e974fb⋯.png (342.72 KB, 563x405, 563:405, klokfags.png)

4b3bdb  No.3735156


I didn't even see BO approved my idea and proposed images, I added them to my original idea.

We're about to land patriots, enjoy the movie !

d95341  No.3735157

File: 21863697679ad1a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 971x1016, 971:1016, Selection_653.png)

3cc6d7  No.3735158

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

b89e65  No.3735159


"The Shining" in Latin translates to "The Illuminati"

dd0ad6  No.3735160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0024bd  No.3735161


NOBODY watches CNN ! STFU, STFD & GTFU ! you gave them more Pub then they will ever get with that

5427b5  No.3735162

File: 9270d8117a9a9c5⋯.jpeg (252.99 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, D78009DC-41BD-43F0-AA81-7….jpeg)

66d53f  No.3735163


I gave you the answer is in the last bread.

Go find it and STFU.

That is how anons roll.

841b52  No.3735164

File: f4ebd5392947d40⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 736x736, 1:1, nightshift.jpg)


thanks anon

and thanks for being here

3cc6d7  No.3735165

File: 6bfe36665e3598f⋯.png (598.52 KB, 732x482, 366:241, organ-donors.png)

4d6030  No.3735166


Voter Fraud FBI Hotlines

1-800-659-8726 ext 12381


Local offices: 304-346-2300

Voting Violations Complaints: 1-800-2533931 or 202-307-2767 (202-307-3961 for fax)

ed4969  No.3735167

d9934e  No.3735168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

256065  No.3735169

File: ba00025dd86e950⋯.png (8.24 KB, 487x163, 487:163, ClipboardImage.png)

f2028b  No.3735170


thank you anon

a49b8a  No.3735171

File: 4ce49e25742a707⋯.png (7.95 MB, 2436x1125, 812:375, wwg1anon.png)

File: b43ccdebd207d9a⋯.jpg (129.98 KB, 1199x506, 109:46, godsent.jpg)

File: 8a237fc6b3bc157⋯.png (295.74 KB, 429x547, 429:547, wwg145.png)


Niiiice! Same Anon from back in the summer?

c75e62  No.3735172

File: 62fd63116285bda⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 255x219, 85:73, cigpepe.jpg)

7b1bc2  No.3735173

File: 8d4699090b9f7a4⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 183x255, 61:85, LMAO.jpg)

18a43f  No.3735174


Telling me to go read WaPo articles? (You)re worse than fucking Q.

bbd644  No.3735175

File: a483221b3c1b035⋯.gif (3.37 MB, 630x385, 18:11, giphy.gif)




2736b3  No.3735176


What is this?

1fc5ab  No.3735177



945ced  No.3735178

File: 1a33ed6ea7405d8⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 230x255, 46:51, 2bb8ad879818072df4611fbff1….jpg)


actually a good playlist, thanks anon, big sean remix is dank

905d93  No.3735179

File: edc9456436a43dd⋯.jpeg (30.12 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 911.jpeg)

HAPPENING NOW: ‘Mystery Boom,’ Possible Explosion Rattles Several Towns In Pennsylvania, Residents Say

GLADWYNE, Pa. — Residents in multiple Pennsylvania towns reported hearing and feeling a large explosion or blast Sunday night. Multiple agencies are responding.

Lower Merion Police and Fire are focusing their efforts in the 600 block of Dodds Lane in Gladwyne. The explosion could be heard township wide — including Villanova, all the way to Northeast Philly, and even part of Burlington County, New Jersey.

Officials confirmed a gas leak and explosion in Gladwyne but residents miles away are reporting tremors.


0030c6  No.3735180

File: acc9e9d649e0ef2⋯.jpg (3.87 MB, 2988x5312, 9:16, deer.jpg)

this was out my window today

94af2f  No.3735181

File: 46c0055885ddd1a⋯.jpg (57.81 KB, 363x480, 121:160, shill2.jpg)

free for the taking

841b52  No.3735182

File: 1e69c37e5c478d4⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d316a74b43534b366b9b080514….jpg)


He'd hit that.

d2e1e9  No.3735184


Not mine

I wish it was!

7c3643  No.3735185

File: 95cb1237811e0bc⋯.jpg (4.65 KB, 254x185, 254:185, scar2.jpg)

912d49  No.3735186


I can’t remember the name of the place I first heard it- I was an exchange student in Finland and it was a cave with a laser light show accompanying the music- I was so overwhelmed from the experience I don’t remember anything else but the show kek

Bought the piano music for it and practiced hard until I could play it (self taught so was a challenge)

5b2aed  No.3735187


Watch Waterworks Waters. Kek.

Reely like MadMax nickname, Anon.

f3a75f  No.3735188

File: 71d2038ddf5fea7⋯.jpeg (891.71 KB, 1242x1278, 69:71, 75A7C9D5-D30D-4CD7-9BB2-E….jpeg)

WTF? TopGolf using our lingo for their IG ads?

9bf264  No.3735189

File: df3810bef47b149⋯.png (793.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bs7LK2m.png)


couldn't let the opportunity pass by anon

2736b3  No.3735190


You did not.

a6e183  No.3735191


Christ, nice dairy anon.

2d15c7  No.3735192

File: 25052fa8422bd47⋯.jpg (48.82 KB, 702x459, 26:17, migranterhigh-five-masterc….jpg)

Soros Provides Migrants With Prepaid Debit Cards To Fund Illegal Journeys


3ef32e  No.3735193

File: 06b0abb1a1a0a9f⋯.jpg (138.55 KB, 596x909, 596:909, 1.JPG)

File: 2cbaa2700ed1208⋯.jpg (46.71 KB, 597x195, 199:65, 2.JPG)

Maxine: Trump is putting a target on my back


They won't be able to walk down the street.

4b3bdb  No.3735194


This is a call to VIPAnons, to show the world that Q is everywhere and maybe force the question.

94af2f  No.3735195

File: 58f1c90894d5934⋯.jpg (16.33 KB, 222x255, 74:85, 7ac59542d66e44b53f44d66ace….jpg)

18a43f  No.3735196


Pepe endorses John James.

7cd9a9  No.3735197

File: e10fc158ca25761⋯.jpg (204.21 KB, 1243x1506, 1243:1506, shoeface.jpg)


Fugly shit comedian, who you talkin' bout? The wounded vet with one eye is a smoking hot 10 and you're walking around with a foot for a face.

69c4f8  No.3735198


>I didn't even see BO approved my idea and proposed images,


I wasn't aware we need the BO approval

d21e53  No.3735199


did alex jones transition to female?

945ced  No.3735200

File: c9ea850b19b8a21⋯.jpg (9.48 KB, 241x255, 241:255, 4e3d8b6e158c93ffe70164d9b2….jpg)


taken, if someone posts that with a 46c0055 picture name, your work succeeded

bbd644  No.3735201





db8554  No.3735202


Sarah why are you even watching the boob tube anyway?

In case you've never heard the phrase boob tube:

1) American slang for the television, and serving as a bargaining tool by parents in disciplining their children, who referred to the time wasted watching it, and lowering their IQ too, hence "boob tube"

2) The new opiate of the people. A electronic box containing a video screen and a speaker, watched by millions of cretins too lazy to go out and get a life. Boob tube watchers get a bad case of half-closed eyes and half-open mouths.

a23db1  No.3735203


I read that long quote from Maxine Waters with a Maxine Waters voice in my head. I hate it that I know her voice so well that my head can read it like that.

c75e62  No.3735204

File: 52a762a48fc5438⋯.jpg (100.36 KB, 500x441, 500:441, frenshere.jpg)


kek! love u fren

da9e4d  No.3735205

File: 9487e07e5630735⋯.jpg (85.1 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, IMG_0936.JPG)

2736b3  No.3735206


Could you explain what you're talking about? The pic is that? "BO approved"?

4b3bdb  No.3735207



>For Tomorrow’s Rallies: Show support with your phones, showing Q images! (/BO/ approved)

See bread.

b504bd  No.3735208

File: 749494513e2e31f⋯.png (357.5 KB, 475x353, 475:353, PapaD 11-4-18-1 07 PST pic….png)


Something like this ought to have been photographed many times by many people. It's iconic. So the difficulty we are having finding it is strange.

This is not the standard Russian or Byzantine/Greek two-header eagle. This one is holding the Earth with it right talons. There is something sinister about that. So I wonder if it is in a non-public place, the sort that would usually discourage photography. I don't think it's an orthodox church.

f5e4d0  No.3735209


How many more days of freedom does DWS have? Something tells me she'll be up to shenanigans Tuesday.

7b1bc2  No.3735210


Same font as The Social Network movie

7cd9a9  No.3735211


Blowing up their secret underground pedo-cave?

18a43f  No.3735212


I'm trying to turn my deep blue Cal hometown red. Imagine the various idiocy I'm dealing with, libtards, faggots, immigrants, tv addicts, govt crooks.

e3f458  No.3735213

File: 688083e6915ee01⋯.jpeg (45.82 KB, 500x342, 250:171, 6548B48E-BB3F-4E5C-8822-6….jpeg)

c75e62  No.3735214


don't use a machine.

paper ballots, fren.

paper ballots only.

b3fdb4  No.3735215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Francis Bacon

7fd714  No.3735216


Your watching a movie. The Dems are self destructing, maybe they are controlled.

94af2f  No.3735217




well Q did say we shouldn't stop our enemies from screwing up. They'll be back

da9e4d  No.3735218

File: 5334ca13ce14881⋯.jpg (150.25 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_0642.JPG)

e475e0  No.3735219


/BO/ suggested good images.

Thought it was cool that he liked the idea.

The "approval" bit was a light joke.

Lighten the fuck up, you tightwad.

1d198a  No.3735220

File: 912d1ea077d5ff5⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 403x586, 403:586, beldrkek.jpg)

674355  No.3735221

File: d106d5507c07400⋯.jpeg (6.49 KB, 232x217, 232:217, 35bd6532023203f36633b66fb….jpeg)

ed4969  No.3735222

File: b44f0969380a238⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, zuxcucker 3.mp4)

1a7375  No.3735223

Did they find Rachel Small yet?

0024bd  No.3735224

Hugin Says Internal Polling Shows Slight Lead Over Menendez in New Jersey Senate Race



4b3bdb  No.3735225


It's in the bread, just an updated version of the pic. It was "approved" by BO as in he thought it was a good idea and provided himself 2 pictures for anons to show.

da611e  No.3735226

Q, will you ask Trump to please advise Utah on Romney? We can't stand that fake dude. Thanks for all you guys are doing! Much love!

18a43f  No.3735227


The Cryptkeeper

23e3ad  No.3735228

File: 6c4e15b1eb88fb6⋯.jpg (207.27 KB, 1333x889, 1333:889, Shill.jpg)


1)Who the fuck ARE YOU


2)WHY are you soooo


0f79e7  No.3735229


ebot is trying pretty hard. low quality content tho

eeeb70  No.3735230


Almost sounded like one of those guys was speaking arabic.

2736b3  No.3735231


I have asked myself this at times. In particular, Pocahontas's absurd actions.

69c4f8  No.3735232



>>For Tomorrow’s Rallies: Show support with your phones, showing Q images! (/BO/ approved)

>See bread.

I saw what the BO posted

The BO does not dictate what I can and can not do in my life

c75e62  No.3735233

File: fc44f9dc0bcd3fd⋯.jpg (9.31 KB, 181x255, 181:255, flotusprayer.jpg)


fuken savd, ty Anon!

130a3d  No.3735234


It's been moar for like 10 yrs now

66d53f  No.3735235

File: 39825a3c697a3c4⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 1421x1429, 1421:1429, 39825a3c697a3c4b95a9bfa6e9….jpg)

477ae1  No.3735236


Why do I get the feeling that cat is about to tell me how to save money on my diabeetus medication?

841b52  No.3735237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

09d586  No.3735238

File: 15ffa652f00ed78⋯.jpg (473.65 KB, 2716x1810, 1358:905, IMG_5802.JPG)

705578  No.3735239

File: 909289d0070b990⋯.png (19.12 KB, 375x170, 75:34, ClipboardImage.png)


Albanian coat of arms

cd4f5b  No.3735240


Trust the plan . Everything is taken care of .

da9e4d  No.3735241

File: 997e7829818fe6e⋯.png (1.01 MB, 2160x1354, 1080:677, 7tbiqUm.png)


5427b5  No.3735242


I’ve heard something similar

“Never argue with fools, from a distance it’s hard to tell who’s who”

6642ec  No.3735243

File: 0e7a645649f8e39⋯.jpg (10.63 KB, 250x157, 250:157, th-1~2.jpg)

File: 7fc92b9788930fe⋯.jpg (50.26 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 2lq76j~2.jpg)

1de381  No.3735244


Here we go anons… The party's just begun. The best is yet to come

8f167c  No.3735245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3cc6d7  No.3735246

File: 7bf1321848e434b⋯.png (456.16 KB, 427x630, 61:90, bo_rep.png)

fee479  No.3735247


Your statement is false.

Q said: If you witness members of ANTIFA or any other people or organizations stationed at 'key' voter locations making threats or attempting to use scare tactics [voter intimidation] please contact local authorities immediately and report the incident(s).

18a43f  No.3735248


FEC violation?

0024bd  No.3735249



945ced  No.3735250


has there been a dig or graph connecting the symbology of nations using this specific bird, with possible ancient symbology of a similar bird? What geographic area is that bird from? looks like the HRE bird symbol too, I swear we've seen that symbol in a lot of places across history

6566e6  No.3735251

<you shitpost the same shit post every bread.

bakers do not get auto-filtered by so many.


tybakers, ty BO

5962ee  No.3735252

File: 9fb7f1767e42eb4⋯.jpeg (84.73 KB, 680x419, 680:419, a06815f2d6ad6f935e5e24119….jpeg)

Night shift!

86e486  No.3735253


For the same reason that indie musicians who hate radio listen to radio…To stay in touch & keep a pulse on what's "popular". Then, counter it. If that makes sense (Q-induced sleep deprivation speaking)

2736b3  No.3735254


Oh, I see, thanks.

a6c427  No.3735255

File: 7eda2b02472173c⋯.jpeg (22.54 KB, 346x352, 173:176, meme.dafuq.boy.jpeg)

681cca  No.3735256

Never thought I'd say this but these shills are so fucking dumb that I'm starting to miss the pleadians.

f5e4d0  No.3735257


Gladwynne is one of the wealthiest Zip codes in the US (Top 5 I think). Nothing heard here…I'm closer than NE Philly from there, but cranking Grateful dead and Black crowes tonight, so who knows…..but considering the area, might be worth paying attention too like those houses that blew up in NJ a few months back.

1fc5ab  No.3735258


some shit goin' down in the KEYSTONE state, that's for certain, anon, way more than their fair share.

12cc00  No.3735259


Deer, deer, deer me

8a9015  No.3735260

File: fbe095c2c58f17d⋯.jpg (925.45 KB, 2848x1904, 178:119, NightVision.jpg)

69c4f8  No.3735261

File: 0ad094e760a9e6f⋯.png (67.21 KB, 643x326, 643:326, Kellyanne re Marsha 11-4-1….PNG)

File: 20b7b03324bfe19⋯.png (639.95 KB, 639x616, 639:616, Scavino re TN 11-4-18.PNG)



a6b22c  No.3735262


Funniest thing to me is 1 eye Dan could quite literally rip that faggots spine out through his mouth. Talking shit to a SEAL. Good plan.

ecef5e  No.3735263

6642ec  No.3735264

File: 1c127d344a742ea⋯.png (37.86 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-11-01-07-4….png)

File: 7fc92b9788930fe⋯.jpg (50.26 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 2lq76j~2.jpg)

2736b3  No.3735265


The fact is, there is a de facto authoritarian situation. BO is a patriot, so it is [cool].

However, he will block anons from baking, such as myself, and will never tell you why. Which I must say, is not so much to my liking. But what can you do? We are [here] for a reason, and I don't question that.

97c79b  No.3735267

File: 1a7bd1e7e0bab20⋯.jpg (154.28 KB, 536x925, 536:925, i.jpg)


1 | Corinthians 13:2-7

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

2—Corinthians 6:6-10

iN puri+y, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.

Proverbs 4:18

The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.


5 5

66d53f  No.3735268


woof woof woof!

Saw it earlier. kek anon.


1d198a  No.3735269

File: a764184b938abda⋯.png (275.1 KB, 450x584, 225:292, weakshllnpc.png)

da9e4d  No.3735270

File: c45cba6c1f80e67⋯.jpg (44.44 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3369.JPG)

File: e52c65ce7b89fb9⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2612.PNG)

File: 37c8a53433f27a3⋯.png (1.6 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2718.PNG)

File: 4b1a0d1ecedde75⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2726.PNG)


44f9f3  No.3735271


Self taught from my experience is always better. The hard knocks have a tendency to stick. Wish I was there to hear you play. Good on you patriot anon. A real self starter!

2736b3  No.3735273

File: 28d9e91893f54df⋯.png (194.13 KB, 463x516, 463:516, kellyanneourgirl.png)

f2028b  No.3735274

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3734933 Pope fires Memphis bishop after investigation

>>3734934 New DJT

>>3735053 CNN puts out anti-POTUS ad just before election.

>>3735054 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3735103 Papadopo Details Alleged Entrapment Scheme By Undercover Deep State Agents

>>3735122 Ra'anana resident indicted for Netanyahu assassination threat

>>3735179 HAPPENING NOW: ‘Mystery Boom,’ Possible Explosion Rattles Several Towns In Pennsylvania (again)

just chekking the links:

>>3735128 ; >>3734562 For Tomorrow’s Rallies: Show support with your phones, showing Q images! (/BO/ approved)

55c991  No.3735275

Post #1595: You may have the site but we have the source.





7b1bc2  No.3735276

File: 813bf3bb305eb54⋯.jpg (85.71 KB, 721x500, 721:500, Night Shift Yet.jpg)

File: cd24938a380d5c2⋯.jpg (288.78 KB, 1600x1152, 25:18, nightcrew.jpg)

File: 1bd2b7cbddf83e9⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 2902x3437, 2902:3437, nightshiftart.jpg)

File: 01c50b274ec4f1b⋯.png (154 KB, 561x502, 561:502, NightShiftPepe5.png)

File: e4ade16aee1df36⋯.jpeg (58.41 KB, 961x641, 961:641, nscnr2.jpeg)

c75e62  No.3735277

File: ce042453de8d641⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1421x1420, 1421:1420, flotuspepeamazin.png)

1de381  No.3735278

File: ddcc305dc0eceaf⋯.jpg (23.69 KB, 360x285, 24:19, 5d163418fbd2cd15027f0948b4….jpg)

0030c6  No.3735279

kek yep the woof woof woof is what alerted me my dog was pissed thats his yard he barked from the window


6b93a7  No.3735280


Thank you!

fdc9e0  No.3735282


Democrats may win tomorrow as you say, but on Tuesday they're going to get their asses kicked.

0d0b94  No.3735283


Well done and so true.

5427b5  No.3735284

File: c3f2c38debaa5b9⋯.jpeg (238.08 KB, 1242x637, 1242:637, 4118CDD3-3506-4040-86F5-7….jpeg)

File: 797f21df52f9de3⋯.jpeg (737.16 KB, 1242x1256, 621:628, 9C4B9BFA-1E65-42CA-A467-7….jpeg)




ed4969  No.3735285

File: 12396dde41fc78d⋯.jpg (80.4 KB, 620x827, 620:827, tard.jpg)

6642ec  No.3735286



Her husband is a Filipino grifter fagggot.

6c947c  No.3735287

File: 2151fb061ae016e⋯.jpg (107.47 KB, 640x400, 8:5, tiresias2.jpg)

File: 3af37aa5201ea39⋯.jpg (128.34 KB, 640x400, 8:5, tiresias3.jpg)

File: 08fd601fdd32898⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 640x400, 8:5, tiresias4.jpg)

File: c10ed12e8bebc33⋯.jpg (91.16 KB, 640x400, 8:5, tiresias5.jpg)

2736b3  No.3735288


Should this bot's anti-POTUS posts get deleted? Just a thought.

3cc6d7  No.3735290

File: f2977bd7156babe⋯.png (67.55 KB, 434x309, 434:309, face.png)

File: 06cbfb8e1f2cc1f⋯.png (473.1 KB, 747x685, 747:685, npc_face.png)

get an npc doing this?

d2e1e9  No.3735291

File: 63f8365b814b00a⋯.jpeg (30.31 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 9F05F235-78A8-4C8B-B42D-B….jpeg)

Originally ITS COMPLICATED but

Feel free to change to change

3ef32e  No.3735292

File: 8d3bf9be56c7675⋯.jpg (95.85 KB, 708x847, 708:847, 1.JPG)

File: d9f23d5ef962c15⋯.jpg (85.72 KB, 691x773, 691:773, 2.JPG)

Police identify pilot killed in Louisa County small plane crash


e10d84  No.3735293


Found a couple llke it in Greek Prophet Elias churches almost like it,

da9e4d  No.3735294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



7cd9a9  No.3735296


I would pay to watch that. kek

674355  No.3735297


Still kekekekeking

66d53f  No.3735298

File: 4e8ce052b61b3ad⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 1305x803, 1305:803, 4e8ce052b61b3ad0447b6db51e….jpg)

3cc6d7  No.3735299

File: b5c676b87ad7d26⋯.png (413.14 KB, 719x558, 719:558, jeb_oct.png)

e3f458  No.3735300

File: b45c2c1ea373939⋯.jpeg (200.71 KB, 1440x414, 80:23, 321A805C-4F6F-4DB8-9680-A….jpeg)

File: 898788fa1f8af65⋯.jpeg (353.62 KB, 1174x777, 1174:777, 4581081C-CACE-4E8E-B2D1-6….jpeg)

File: f7e5f512b73aa38⋯.jpeg (126.97 KB, 597x600, 199:200, 3489A516-6448-4A29-8E30-E….jpeg)

File: 42a0fe2d43c8265⋯.jpeg (63.38 KB, 500x503, 500:503, 221B4585-FEEC-4E25-BB05-8….jpeg)

File: 60f42ae6f799d14⋯.jpeg (91.59 KB, 680x510, 4:3, F07551A0-15D8-4243-A919-1….jpeg)

5dcb23  No.3735301

File: 462a2bfda3c263c⋯.jpg (635.29 KB, 1312x892, 328:223, torelli mosaic.jpg)


I found this, not sure if its relevant:


841b52  No.3735302

File: 3270841a69420be⋯.jpeg (61.5 KB, 961x641, 961:641, nsons.jpeg)


updated the cockpit today

check it out full size

d5c6dd  No.3735303

File: 2c5365114058ebc⋯.png (621.4 KB, 800x448, 25:14, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

d2e1e9  No.3735304

File: a78f2186742ec58⋯.png (148.71 KB, 466x360, 233:180, BF14D632-7A6A-419A-AC99-01….png)


This one also

f3a75f  No.3735305


hahahaha! Posty speaks out about govt corruption and of course a wapo article trues destroying him!

too funny. that was a hilarious read.

860cbe  No.3735306

File: 1f40ec093dfd821⋯.jpg (71.67 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, nry8xffxvdw11.jpg)

u guys seen this?

2736b3  No.3735307


I think we need to dig deeper on the DEEP DREAM AI image-diddling tech. Frankly, I don't trust the AI anons…

ec11fa  No.3735308

So Q comes back and now he's basically a retweet service.

How exciting.

eb3fc3  No.3735309


If i repeat everything 3 times people will like my tune kek

fee479  No.3735310

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB, 695x888, 695:888, ComfyNight.png)

File: 10ae37adec5402a⋯.jpg (437.1 KB, 1600x883, 1600:883, NightMoon.jpg)

File: f28d0ecb199e61a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1222x758, 611:379, NightShift4.png)

File: ad62985263eb037⋯.jpg (124.66 KB, 819x512, 819:512, NightShadilay.jpg)

b504bd  No.3735311


>I swear we've seen that symbol in a lot of places

The double-headed eagle is from the near-east is used by the Greek and Russian orthodox churches. It's found all over eastern europe.

But I can't find any other examples of it gripping the world as it is here.

a07269  No.3735312

File: 01a5e2d62893ca6⋯.jpeg (74.24 KB, 567x759, 189:253, DBC2F5F9-4D70-441D-AFAC-D….jpeg)

1de381  No.3735313


Does that mean aflb is also a retard?

I think those two personas post from the same baremetal.

da9e4d  No.3735314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






7cd9a9  No.3735315


Per my father; ret Navy fighter pilot who flew Cessna for recreation for decades after service—there comes a point when you need to stop. It's not safe. Your reaction time/eyesight isn't what it used to be.

He stopped in his early-mid 60's. This is why.

97f410  No.3735316

>>3734984 Don't know how much good it will do, but try to have your guy appoint you as a poll watcher. That gives you the right to be in the voting area and watching the voters. You can even look over their shoulders as they vote. Write down what you see. You can't take photos. Report any irregularities to the NY Secretary of State who is the person responsible for the credibility of the vote. The Secretary of State may be another commie, so also tell your guy and the party officers if you see an irregularity. Have the number of the Secretary of State at hand. Take a notebook and your letter appointing you as a poll watcher. Show the letter of appointment to the election judge then just watch without saying anything to anybody. Leave the area to call the officials if you see an irregularity. Good luck.

c75e62  No.3735317

File: 24e2d631fc40337⋯.jpg (247.91 KB, 1140x858, 190:143, stephenmiller.jpg)

File: 4726b648a5dc0f4⋯.png (579.79 KB, 1063x963, 1063:963, stephenmillerheygirl.png)

672f3f  No.3735318

Anyone arrested today?

37278b  No.3735319


The part of the globe highlighted looks like south america. suspect it is from there.

8d7cd2  No.3735320



We're waiting for the elections. What more do you want?

705578  No.3735321

File: 6be074d7bfdc56b⋯.png (106.22 KB, 258x387, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

d2e1e9  No.3735322


We are on a mission

Wednesday after celebration we will regroup

5687b4  No.3735323



what is this.. are you posting "my favorite retard"?

6642ec  No.3735324

File: 0ff72b74dc2ecb6⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 500x500, 1:1, downloadfile-37.jpg)

File: dae77e77ae98f24⋯.jpg (50.85 KB, 500x457, 500:457, 2ld0lr~2.jpg)

a6c427  No.3735325

File: 18a5251dfd5b59c⋯.jpeg (142.69 KB, 450x300, 3:2, meme.banjo.intensifies.jpeg)

4978be  No.3735326

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SethRichSource.jpg)

db8554  No.3735327

File: e0edd77b8005ad2⋯.png (337.21 KB, 686x456, 343:228, 123456789.png)


That would be true however why would Sarah stop now? One doesn't simply stop keeping an eye on things just because you find it distasteful. That defeats the entire purpose.

3ef32e  No.3735328

File: fcb97701dd2c0f1⋯.jpg (98.84 KB, 704x598, 352:299, 1.JPG)

Pompeo to meet N. Korea number two in New York


af68b7  No.3735329


100% derpaderp

da9e4d  No.3735330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e3f458  No.3735331

File: 82567413da98414⋯.jpeg (106.69 KB, 1026x698, 513:349, EA2009FB-F426-4ACC-A901-B….jpeg)

File: 1045c40483ba152⋯.jpeg (1.74 MB, 2620x3969, 2620:3969, 6C74E957-FC1A-466D-9F6A-C….jpeg)

File: 7df69a4a12b0e4e⋯.jpeg (92.64 KB, 525x440, 105:88, A079F12C-4469-4DC3-A856-B….jpeg)

Night shift.

ed4969  No.3735332

File: 4a087ab4f8faae3⋯.gif (484 KB, 426x320, 213:160, bogie.gif)

7cd9a9  No.3735333



If these two had opposite #'s I would be seriously spooked.

94af2f  No.3735334

File: 566c6094d189bdb⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 2lq87c[1].jpg)

bbd644  No.3735335

File: 455756ad0c7d993⋯.png (173.5 KB, 1562x784, 781:392, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)

1e00fc  No.3735336

File: 2e77b4a96552f41⋯.jpg (301.72 KB, 1044x522, 2:1, obaphomet.jpg)

92874d  No.3735337



f3a75f  No.3735338


cus he’s a Q follower.

6c947c  No.3735339


if any of you figure out time travel, I would go back in time 45 years and fuck her

860cbe  No.3735340

File: 1682bae8e29f067⋯.png (61.88 KB, 480x588, 40:49, ad0065bb556b07518b4cc57d00….png)

e5a23f  No.3735341

File: 7c12410d863aeb9⋯.jpeg (199.98 KB, 1264x1440, 79:90, 9F6DB32A-482F-4BEE-829B-1….jpeg)

File: 4cf2ad040789284⋯.jpeg (50.37 KB, 599x301, 599:301, 716F5038-08D9-4E8C-A50B-0….jpeg)

File: 63bbf36b1a34b29⋯.jpeg (111.23 KB, 960x480, 2:1, A89DFE2C-6628-4A3D-A3CE-B….jpeg)

File: d35ac6ca101c778⋯.jpeg (42.46 KB, 832x256, 13:4, 92BC184F-07F3-46BC-85E3-2….jpeg)


We awaken by asking the right questions. We awaken when we see knowledge being spread that goes against our own personal experiences. We awaken when we see popular opinion being wrong but accepted as being right, and what is right being pushed as being wrong. We awaken by seeking answers in corners that are not popular. And we awaken by turning on the light inside when everything outside feels dark.

8451a9  No.3735342

File: d34f538eb16ac57⋯.png (48.28 KB, 540x354, 90:59, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)


i'll keep saying it


he is controlling the controllers

forcing the bad guys to self-sabotage

1de381  No.3735343



681cca  No.3735344


the twatter posts are pretty cringe

promised gallows and justice but get retweets

after the election there will be another excuse for lack of happenings

3cc6d7  No.3735345

File: f8e6f586079210f⋯.png (287.07 KB, 611x550, 611:550, memewar.png)

File: 4404d78a6d6d18c⋯.png (286.77 KB, 788x504, 197:126, memewarcan.png)

File: 929859755f1ff47⋯.jpeg (173.99 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, memewar.jpeg)

File: e3fcabeb1621ac2⋯.png (537.89 KB, 630x420, 3:2, memewars.png)

5962ee  No.3735346

File: e7f58ae1ab6b59e⋯.jpg (33.87 KB, 615x410, 3:2, IMG_20181102_192204.jpg)


So cute.

1a7375  No.3735347


Did you see POTUS was on a retweet frenzy today too?

fbb0a3  No.3735348

File: 96745a574d4c0b4⋯.png (353.59 KB, 714x379, 714:379, 2018-11-04_21-36-58.png)


You know they are desperate…

when they resort to pulling out the fruit!

Beware the grapes of wrath!


a4acd7  No.3735349

File: fc4a5c1bc56dae4⋯.jpg (45.06 KB, 877x495, 877:495, 05_15-38-09.jpg)

File: f9c1c299b80c19d⋯.jpg (26.85 KB, 587x321, 587:321, 05_15-36-42.jpg)

FLORIDA nearly 12,000 Dead Democrats had their Absentee Ballots thrown out because they failed to sign them.

7cd9a9  No.3735350


OR encouraging anons to tweet about Q in hopes of getting a shout out. Genius way to spread the message actually.

18a43f  No.3735351

b6f2bb  No.3735352


It's a BLUE WAVE of salty LIBTEARS!

da9e4d  No.3735353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3cc6d7  No.3735354


didn't they do the same apple orange thing 2 years ago

0024bd  No.3735355


Your Mommy & Daddy for Incest

7b1bc2  No.3735356

File: 382008e6dd67d00⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, nightshift.png)


Nice view, anon.

256065  No.3735357

File: e2ab3e5bd58f170⋯.png (737.76 KB, 855x519, 285:173, ClipboardImage.png)

Author Stephen King tells Iowans they should vote out ‘racist dumbell’ GOP congressman Steve King

Author Stephen King dinged GOP Congressman Steve King on Twitter Sunday, calling the lawmaker a “racist dumbbell.”

“Iowans, for personal reasons I hope you’ll vote Steve King out. I’m tired of being confused with this racist dumbbell,” King wrote to his 5 million followers on Twitter.

His comment received 20,000 retweets and more than 124,000 likes by late Sunday afternoon.

What’s going on with the lawmaker?

King planned to quietly glide through the closing days of his re-election campaign against Democrat J.D. Scholten. But some of the lawmaker’s old remarks and tweets have fueled new controversies for their “anti-immigration messages,” Fox News reported.

The congressman kicked a man out of an Iowa event after he said the politician and the Pittsburgh synagogue gunman “both share an ideology that is fundamentally anti-immigration,” the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported.

It appeared King was headed for an easy reelection. Last week he faced condemnation from many Republican leaders and a number of companies announced they would no longer would contribute to his campaign.

Last summer, the Iowa lawmaker was slammed for speaking to a publication related to Austria’s Nazi-founded Freedom Party, according to reports. He reportedly said diversity was not a strength.

What else has King said?

King, the talented horror writer, has tweeted many times about his disdain for President Donald Trump.

One example came on Friday when King wrote:

“The ads say President Trump is delivering results. He’s also delivering hate speech, a pack of lies, and a national debt that’s going to crush our grandchildren.”

In another recent tweet, King called Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz a “slimy crawdad.”

Anything else?

But it’s not all politics. King last week offered an “amazing” tip for writers:

“Note to writers: “Amazing” is very tired. “Amazing” needs a long vacation. Therefore, please don’t write about your amazing party, your amazing girlfriend’s amazing dress, or your amazing vacation. Something more pungent & specific, please.”

The prolific King has authored more than 55 books and sold an estimated 350 million copies worldwide.


86e486  No.3735358


A retweet service for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE that WE, THE PEOPLE are living breathing beings ready to help change the world.

If that makes any difference to you

6fcf91  No.3735359

File: ae9f7f7316b7dbe⋯.jpg (65.2 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1539548035017.jpg)

File: 2e268739d1dd25e⋯.jpg (53.15 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1538952734528.jpg)

File: b8973288626a213⋯.jpg (30.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1538950533747.jpg)

702319  No.3735360

File: 6f14996642c79e1⋯.png (12.58 KB, 810x158, 405:79, www_nytimes_com_interactiv….png)

Since President Trump’s election, his loyalists online have provided him with a steady stream of provocative posts and shareable memes, often filtered up from platforms like Reddit through media channels like Fox News. In return, Mr. Trump has championed many of their messages as his own, amplifying them back to his larger base.

This feedback loop is how #JobsNotMobs came to be. In less than two weeks, the three-word phrase expanded from corners of the right-wing internet onto some of the most prominent political stages in the country, days before the midterm elections.


b56f79  No.3735361

File: b086b5adc42de0c⋯.jpeg (872.64 KB, 1537x2049, 1537:2049, 45C77C6B-B09E-4310-BC4F-4….jpeg)

File: b086b5adc42de0c⋯.jpeg (872.64 KB, 1537x2049, 1537:2049, 64982932-480A-494F-BF9C-2….jpeg)

File: 339d9d6c07ba540⋯.jpeg (752.85 KB, 1537x2049, 1537:2049, D172AF57-E412-4253-BD5E-2….jpeg)

File: 339d9d6c07ba540⋯.jpeg (752.85 KB, 1537x2049, 1537:2049, 532EEEF0-6ACD-4C57-911F-C….jpeg)

File: 254da946fe7e555⋯.jpeg (576.81 KB, 1537x2049, 1537:2049, FEE0D8DF-1B11-498B-810E-5….jpeg)

This is the pool I think you are looking for. I was able to take pictures the day I took the tour. You are no usually able to as a guest.

0d5cdd  No.3735362

File: 9e7e9ade476254d⋯.png (435.05 KB, 651x803, 651:803, MOUND MONSTER2.png)

23e3ad  No.3735363


no. it was Sunday

all the badges were in church

0f79e7  No.3735364


It's a dumb joke, anon, from that song 'Jenny Jenny' or whatever it's called.

Useful info here:


fbd3a2  No.3735365

File: eec2767e07222e6⋯.jpg (111.7 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 9fd8e3455b2a17f7bdfff9fd12….jpg)

69c4f8  No.3735366

File: 5c38793765caea3⋯.png (774.82 KB, 654x874, 327:437, Scavino 11-4-18 6 31 pm P….PNG)

File: ab9d20418b67417⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1102x527, 1102:527, Scavino 11-4-18 6 31 pm P….PNG)

File: 478cfd64ec35db2⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1104x510, 184:85, Scavino 11-4-18 6 31 pm P….PNG)

File: bce54128cf018db⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1114x504, 557:252, Scavino 11-4-18 6 31 pm P….PNG)

File: 1462100b3eb8103⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1111x532, 1111:532, Scavino 11-4-18 6 31 pm P….PNG)



921c93  No.3735367

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>3734563 lb

Sliding this from the last bread. Another Anon had posted it. Very interesting few minutes of Bill Still. I try to catch his analysis when I can…bright guy and straight shooter.

Totally wasn't prepared for what he has to say about something he saw Friday at his polling center. I'll let him explain. You'll be very glad you watched. I am. And I feel validated for the thousandth time again.

bfb83d  No.3735368


Q has been like this for months. Re-read the old

posts and you can understand why we all got so

excited. I honestly didn't really care if the "new"

Q came back

86e486  No.3735369

File: c3b89106661d6ef⋯.gif (890.95 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Logical.gif)

1d198a  No.3735370


William Furman?

841b52  No.3735371


>Nice view, anon.

because of you

that is one of my favs

I'm a sailor

d2e1e9  No.3735372


Me remembers when you were getting on s mission

Good job anon

da9e4d  No.3735373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




5427b5  No.3735374


The keys are no longer held by one.

He shares the key with others

Checks and Balances


674355  No.3735375

File: da63ad2dbead182⋯.png (474.55 KB, 796x745, 796:745, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c084da82aeccd07⋯.png (618.29 KB, 982x856, 491:428, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f702ead5c5034e4⋯.png (525.4 KB, 797x865, 797:865, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcf5c252e9e933c⋯.png (553.66 KB, 864x846, 48:47, ClipboardImage.png)


For Meme purposes

af68b7  No.3735376


yes, something very similar to it.


f2028b  No.3735377

File: 7cb02b752d5beda⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 370x335, 74:67, wtf.gif)

3ef32e  No.3735378

File: 46df9d8ba8dd6a8⋯.jpg (134.46 KB, 870x871, 870:871, 1.JPG)

File: b1e7b39df097b62⋯.jpg (130.44 KB, 649x831, 649:831, 2.JPG)

Obama says Republicans have 'racked up enough indictments to field a football team'


King of Lies & FakeNews trying to explain the indictment count.

c2f87c  No.3735379

File: 51b64a7d3d1711e⋯.png (942.55 KB, 772x546, 386:273, ClipboardImage.png)

GOP requests vote challengers at polls Tuesday

Bob Stefanowski continued on his path of bucking Connecticut tradition, this time by requesting official voting challengers be appointed to certain polling places. Challengers are allowed by state law, but no one remembers the last time a candidate or political party has actually invoked the law. “I’ve been here a long time and I don’t recall anyone using it,” said Gabe Rosenberg, a spokesman for the Secretary of the State’s office. “We had to blow the dust off the statute. This is not something that happens a lot.”

The law allows challengers, which must be appointed by a registrar, to contest someone’s right to vote on the grounds that the voter isn’t who they claim to be, doesn’t have the right to vote, or doesn’t live within the voting district. The challenger must provide evidence under oath to a moderator, who decides whether to uphold the challenge or allow the person to vote.

Rosenberg said the only thing less common than a candidate using the law is a case of actual voter fraud. That may be why no one uses the law, he said. '“We have a very different system in Connecticut … including an elected registrar from each party in every town,” Rosenberg said. “The level of shenanigans would have to be so advanced to corrupt both people that are in different parties that have different interests and different candidates that they’re supporting. We have such a long history of bipartisan election administration in this state.”'

The dusting off of the statute has drawn accusations of voter intimidation from Stefanowski’s opponents. State Democratic Party Chairman Nick Balletto sent a letter to Secretary of the State Denise Merrill arguing the appointment of challengers, in addition to intimidating voters, could create significant delays at busy polling places, ultimately dissuading people from voting. “It appears, irrefutably, to be a voter suppression tactic specifically designed to intimidate people and create delays,” Balletto wrote. “All while targeting citizens who already face huge hurdles when attempting to exercise their rights — particularly immigrants, lower-income residents and voters of color.”

Stefanowski’s campaign manager Pat Trueman, who has not previously worked on a campaign in Connecticut but has run several in Virginia, said it is common in other states to appoint challengers, particularly in a close race. He added that the request for challengers has been organized through the state Republican Party rather than directly through the Stefanowski campaign. “I think everybody is interested in a fair election and this is a piece of that,” Trueman said. “This is certainly within what the law allows and prescribes.” Trueman could not say why the Republican party has never invoked the law before, but said the decision to do so now is simply part of a “comprehensive campaign” during a close race. Though Democrat Ned Lamont has led in most polls since August, a new poll from Hearst Connecticut Media and Sacred Heart University released last week showed Stefanowski ahead by 2.4 percent.

Merrill’s office has been advising local registrars of their rights and responsibilities as it pertains to the law, which allows registrars to deny requests for challengers. Requests were reported in New Haven, New London, Meriden and Waterbury, according to the Secretary of the State’s Office. It was not immediately clear if any had been approved. Merrill said challenges are made under oath, and only when there is reason to believe the voter is not qualified, meaning a challenger could not stand at a door and repeatedly stop voters because they must “know, suspect, or reasonably believe that the voter is not who they say they are, does not live where they say they live, or is disenfranchised, under penalty of false statement.” “Although we take great pains to ensure that only eligible voters are allowed to vote, we are also careful to avoid potential voter intimidation,” Merrill said. “Challenges to the eligibility of voters should not be made lightly — they are made under oath and only when there is reason to believe they have merit, for good reason.”


cd4f5b  No.3735380


Theres a lot of brain in that dome .

6b93a7  No.3735381

File: c331af984d0e397⋯.jpeg (429.28 KB, 1493x982, 1493:982, 779957EB-4F98-4A4A-B722-1….jpeg)


Am I doing this right?

Thanks frens

860cbe  No.3735382


can anyone confirm shop or not?

d57af5  No.3735384

File: bc8cdfb0ed35fb0⋯.jpg (11.06 KB, 219x255, 73:85, clintonmuted.jpg)


Reads like goop.

Enamored of his[?] own ridiculous voice?

I never read Wapoo, but the standard over there must be set by John Skippy Pedesta

780e79  No.3735385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

History repeat….

94af2f  No.3735386

File: c2a6c3154011944⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 485x365, 97:73, 2llyj0.jpg)


Stephen King > Steve King

that's irony…

d2e1e9  No.3735387


We have to push after elections

Promises made promises kept

945ced  No.3735388

File: bde6649f81e199e⋯.png (347.66 KB, 696x564, 58:47, alphaanon.png)

Q in Greek is Omega? The end?

4afc0f  No.3735389


blood bath. no place for kids

18a43f  No.3735390


I seek and destroy on behalf of the silent majority. Cal needs a major league swamp draining on all levels.

47a0ff  No.3735391

File: fd1eed7148f2318⋯.jpeg (201.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 60F4E936-E153-4131-900C-1….jpeg)

a07269  No.3735392


I would destroy him

a6b22c  No.3735393

File: d4c8ce37a269029⋯.jpeg (694.3 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 9A1282BA-10DE-427E-BC14-6….jpeg)


Damn. That’s a Picasso of mounds.


74495c  No.3735394

File: e3efa8871b41fa8⋯.jpg (480.95 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, a6789b20ce7c513a69dd0ae555….jpg)

7907d7  No.3735395


Yeah, I get mad when I hear these stories of people paying thousands of bucks to get to the US. The innocent ones are gonna get screwed so bad. They don't know better and want a better life. I can know all that and still say "go back."

6b93a7  No.3735396

File: 9205a42c31c2d06⋯.jpeg (251.22 KB, 1493x982, 1493:982, BCC67B30-32F9-4E4F-AC52-7….jpeg)

d57af5  No.3735397


look as though Hussain could've been shooped in there? Head looks too big?

Have to look closer.

bbd644  No.3735398

File: 0ca94d27168cc93⋯.gif (449.73 KB, 500x325, 20:13, giphy-1.gif)

The Left right now…



They truly are shitting the bed.

I just went through a bunch of the media's YouTube Channels, and almost all of them have around 400k SUBS, about 1k avg. views/ video, etc…

They are so fucking irrelevant, why can't they just step aside.




6bc9e4  No.3735399


Makes a lot more sense in hindsight that when his wife went and interviewed w places like Clown News Network she/they were thinking that the FBI/Mueller truly had something on POTUS and that his duty was to expose whatever he knew. Thinking that he was being a patriot. Hard to see the full picture when you're in the middle of it and a low level player in a campaign.

he was arrested never knowing he was being spied on the entire time and framed. Clueless to the whole process. Eye opening year and a half for him.

f58d9c  No.3735400

what local authorities should one contact?

police, election board, election workers?


If you witness members of ANTIFA or any other people or organizations stationed at 'key' voter locations making threats or attempting to use scare tactics [voter intimidation] please contact local authorities immediately and report the incident(s).

Internal comms suggest preparations are being made and organized to conduct a 29+ location push [battleground locations].

See Something

Say Something

Uniformed and Non-Uniformed personnel will be stationed across the country in an effort to safeguard the public.

If you witness anything out of the ordinary with regards to staff, officials, machinery & equipment failures and/or malfunctions, unusual 'grouping' [buses dropping off people w/ guide and/or instructor], voter prevention [blocking], or other suspicious activity please contact local authorities immediately and report the incident(s).

See Something

Say Something

[take a picture and/or video only when safe to do so]


cd4f5b  No.3735401


Thats Day crew Anon .

702319  No.3735402

File: 085175c6d487361⋯.jpg (158.19 KB, 1200x946, 600:473, DrNMitSU0AEsGsl.jpg)

File: 7bdd1e391fb1930⋯.jpg (42.26 KB, 606x620, 303:310, 2018-11-03_9-12-30.jpg)

db8554  No.3735403


>Best-selling author Stephen King called for Iowans to vote Representative Steve King out of office because he’s tired of being confused with the “racist” congressman.


that's the only reason he wants the other King voted out kek

a4acd7  No.3735404

File: 13e1c56dded0dce⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 700x388, 175:97, 05_15-42-53.jpg)

7fe11d  No.3735405

File: cec21201bc69f10⋯.jpg (131.71 KB, 624x840, 26:35, Screenshot 2018-11-04_18-4….jpg)

File: 977fdb98419f7d6⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 594x594, 1:1, Screenshot 2018-11-04_18-4….jpg)


7b1bc2  No.3735406

File: 87ccbfc63c7ea15⋯.png (679.08 KB, 961x649, 961:649, nighthawks.png)

256065  No.3735407

File: b6d8ae67b654dd7⋯.png (423.74 KB, 786x911, 786:911, ClipboardImage.png)

da9e4d  No.3735408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




945ced  No.3735409


at one point an anon said the mound meme is sourced from CP

was that a shill slide? what the fuckin hell is that meme mate, I swear I missed the one fucking day that the mound meme appeared

567830  No.3735410


Pakistan connections…who else is Pakistani… Imran Awan !!

593c2f  No.3735411


I freaking love her!

5687b4  No.3735412

Keep in mind Anons that it is going to be a total shit-show after the election.

The Left is going to totally freak out and claim all kinds of insanity…

6c947c  No.3735413


Monster? what a pussy

516214  No.3735414

File: c650239d1268fa2⋯.png (489.68 KB, 957x499, 957:499, HRC NPC.png)


At this point what difference does it make?

86e486  No.3735415

69c4f8  No.3735416

File: 6f4a7e59e7350d2⋯.png (568.75 KB, 640x491, 640:491, Scavino 11-4-18 6 04 pm PS….PNG)

File: 5968641e790a7f1⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1109x566, 1109:566, Scavino 11-4-18 6 04 pm PS….PNG)



a6c427  No.3735417

File: 0503f28945dcc22⋯.png (163.17 KB, 308x503, 308:503, stephen.pointing.png)


checked. Spoopy frens.

912d49  No.3735418


An NWO derivation from coat of arms for Austria (Poland also has similar)?


bbd644  No.3735419




this is just too ridiculous.

da9e4d  No.3735420



8cddfe  No.3735421

Night Shift in the house!

5427b5  No.3735422


Someone has to.

I applaud you

1de381  No.3735423

File: a0b62333f53190f⋯.jpg (84.57 KB, 630x630, 1:1, a0b62333f53190fba19da30f2f….jpg)


Dear Stephen King:

You like pedophiles?



Fuck you. I already threw out all of your books, so fuck you again.

Fucking disappointment you are.

3cc6d7  No.3735424

File: 3441c8e06c628af⋯.png (465 KB, 537x540, 179:180, blue-wave.png)

da9e4d  No.3735425



e780c4  No.3735426

Q said only NSA has the capability. If that's true, then Q could be tweeking someone's nose.

4afc0f  No.3735427


post the original file

26721d  No.3735428


Valerie Jarrett - the kiss of death.

593c2f  No.3735429


If I had the time, I would do the fur of the cowardly lion with the mound

46ceee  No.3735430

File: 8f1bed913978491⋯.png (831.62 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, 4AC8FE87-9DE9-4A8C-B091-77….png)

bfb83d  No.3735431


If 2018 doesn't turn out to be glorious I

think it's safe to say we have been at least

partially used

bbd644  No.3735432




6fcf91  No.3735433

File: 7db4f6d000c5f68⋯.jpg (70.44 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1541385852989.jpg)

File: 37c9302ff9fc485⋯.jpg (26.43 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1541118867559.jpg)

a07269  No.3735434


Fuck Stephen King. He’s a multi millionaire and now his kid is basically writing the exact same books. Last one I read, I had figured out the ending halfway thru. His children will never know debt

da9e4d  No.3735435

0bc541  No.3735436


Any predictions on the midterms?

b85d48  No.3735437


Now thats a headline

da9e4d  No.3735438



ecef5e  No.3735439



It is not Monday the 5th yet. Hmmmmmmm

d1111e  No.3735440

2736b3  No.3735441

File: 3d683697b7502a9⋯.png (84.03 KB, 1007x660, 1007:660, theywant.png)

File: 9b13656e0fa9208⋯.png (331.67 KB, 1852x851, 1852:851, furckbt.png)

File: 55f3bb8ed9295ca⋯.png (92.09 KB, 738x222, 123:37, everytactic.png)

File: 954746603c88337⋯.jpg (5.82 MB, 4896x3264, 3:2, FEAROURCATS.jpg)


It almost certainly is. Do you think anons are posting that? That has nothing to do with what we are about, and seems like a specific campaign to discredit, slide, etc. Look at this thread. It is an oilslick of clearly fake posts. Can you see the overall thing happening [here]?

7cd9a9  No.3735442


Lived in CT 27 yrs, never heard of it. Probably just to listen in and make sure polling volunteers aren't influencing voters.

bbd644  No.3735443



He lives in FL and is a total weirdo.

7907d7  No.3735444


Great! I made one too but yours look incredibly professional.

477ae1  No.3735445



I wonder if this has to do with the 700+ lbs of dynamite stolen from the PA mine operation earlier this year?

The gas lines can't be THAT shitty.

945ced  No.3735446

File: c44dd0ca323c76f⋯.jpg (9.65 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 955548b7825c8e93593899c06c….jpg)


that's what I'm lookin fer

da9e4d  No.3735447



a07269  No.3735448

File: b4d939af14309ba⋯.jpeg (78.84 KB, 605x782, 605:782, DD0B6DFE-96E6-45A2-B9A6-6….jpeg)

cc9f76  No.3735449

Soros rep: Fox News refuses to have me on

Patrick Gaspard, the head of billionaire philanthropist George Soros’s group, said that Fox News have refused to let him on its network to defend his boss against conspiracy theories that Soros is funding caravan of Central American migrants moving toward the US.


Book Soro's himself, not a representative. I want proof of life not a talking head.

a4acd7  No.3735450

File: f1c9a53e6f0119b⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 587x346, 587:346, 05_15-45-48.jpg)

File: ade3b803fc9f075⋯.jpg (24.89 KB, 589x429, 589:429, 05_15-45-33.jpg)

File: fddc59fc6194663⋯.jpg (29.84 KB, 591x604, 591:604, 05_15-45-13.jpg)

File: 280d1c425f38194⋯.jpg (32.36 KB, 585x528, 195:176, 05_15-44-47.jpg)

updated polls results

46ceee  No.3735451

File: b654725d4fa2273⋯.png (380.43 KB, 600x703, 600:703, 2A3D4F80-B286-457A-83E8-E2….png)

bbd644  No.3735452

7b1bc2  No.3735453

File: 7b83e577c18d383⋯.png (748.98 KB, 800x820, 40:41, memelongtime.png)


I didn't make, but I do jollily enjoy sharing them.

To your safety on the open waters!

34dcba  No.3735454

>>3735379 GOP requests vote challengers at polls Tuesday


228756  No.3735455

Wednesday the Libs will be saying N Korea helped Reps steal election

da9e4d  No.3735456



fdc9e0  No.3735457


Enjoy prison cause she would only be 6 years old.

1de381  No.3735458

File: 9603af28d41d00a⋯.png (575.32 KB, 600x549, 200:183, NPCs-BlueLegPuddle4.png)

File: 5769cad515d0174⋯.png (577.38 KB, 600x549, 200:183, NPCs-BlueLegPuddle3.png)

File: 655ee69038a4d87⋯.png (577.91 KB, 600x549, 200:183, NPCs-BlueLegPuddle2.png)

File: f8ef86c72d157c9⋯.png (574.65 KB, 600x551, 600:551, NPCs-BlueLegPuddle1.png)

File: b1749d3f0e640a6⋯.png (575.93 KB, 600x549, 200:183, NPCs-BlueLegPuddle-blank.png)

b85d48  No.3735459

File: 27bacbe6192d54f⋯.jpg (151.33 KB, 713x775, 23:25, stephen king i double hear….jpg)

File: fdaec815ae57448⋯.jpg (189.21 KB, 976x723, 976:723, the stand trump 4.jpg)

fbb0a3  No.3735460


The loudest?

4d6030  No.3735461


Voter Fraud FBI Hotlines

1-800-659-8726 ext 12381


Local offices: 304-346-2300

Voting Violations Complaints: 1-800-2533931 or 202-307-2767 (202-307-3961 for fax)

86e486  No.3735462



It is the 5th in the UK

a6b22c  No.3735463

File: d880fbc82f4e0af⋯.jpeg (13.71 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 3B69C79C-76CF-4B17-86E9-7….jpeg)

File: 10013c0a2645d25⋯.png (170.28 KB, 600x401, 600:401, ECAFC72E-35C2-4EAB-AED1-8B….png)

File: b2f964ef06145d4⋯.jpeg (43.98 KB, 567x748, 567:748, E4483266-2663-4F61-AB64-1….jpeg)

File: 7ff9c9c701ac3e8⋯.png (216.43 KB, 601x402, 601:402, 41E9AC12-686A-4879-B436-DF….png)

File: 88b3712a151b706⋯.png (372.33 KB, 791x770, 113:110, DE7E5E36-92C7-4D4E-B5FC-99….png)

Mound 4 Life

dd0ad6  No.3735464


For: Hillary

From: Sid (Blumenthal?)

France's client & Qaddafi's gold

Qaddafi's gov holds 143 TONS of gold and a similar amount in silver.

Valued at more than $7 Billion

… So. Where is it now?

18a43f  No.3735465


Boy v. Man

f2028b  No.3735466


any idea what this person's sauce is?

da9e4d  No.3735467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cd4f5b  No.3735468

File: f8dd095ade5f7b9⋯.jpg (191.4 KB, 618x900, 103:150, a-soldier-looking-through-….jpg)


Look no blue wave out there .

3cc6d7  No.3735469

File: 23367a7ca13d595⋯.png (110.84 KB, 1370x476, 685:238, nachash.png)

File: 20a1b575f975ebc⋯.png (58.97 KB, 620x378, 310:189, nachash1.png)

File: 8f4e7370485b9ea⋯.png (253.01 KB, 1442x1178, 721:589, nachash2.png)

a07269  No.3735470


Thought he lived in Maine? His shit sucks now, anyhoo. Predictable and played out. And his wife looks like a gargoyle

7cd9a9  No.3735471


Read under the dome when it came out, was so pissed at the ending, I wanted to drive over it with my car but was reading on my ipad so i couldn't.

1e00fc  No.3735472


must be those pesky "Incel White Nationalists" again

d5c6dd  No.3735473

File: ae7cfb3759d48bf⋯.jpg (84.18 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Picture 893.jpg)

File: 0c8d21bc4a37147⋯.jpg (81.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Picture 908.jpg)

c2e5f5  No.3735474

File: ece4619336691c0⋯.jpg (5.66 MB, 5312x2988, 16:9, 20181104_193402.jpg)

File: 44a439570cd5dfa⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 6688x1664, 209:52, 20181104_183913.jpg)

Chattanooganon here, just got back from the rally. FANTASTIC time. Packed house. RICK FLAIR was there!!

So exciting to see Trump, Pence, Marsha, got to sit in VIP section. Lee Greenwood sang, magical time.

d2e1e9  No.3735475


We were fucked for a good course

Yep, we were fucked before

Idk we need to push, too much propaganda we were originally seeking truth, stay the course anon, stay the course

2736b3  No.3735476


Absolutely horrible, disgusting fake memes.

db8554  No.3735477


The Clinton Foundation

4978be  No.3735478

File: 83565e29c97574c⋯.jpg (454.36 KB, 2000x1312, 125:82, b2.jpg)

Would someone with the skill kindly place Rosenstein & Mueller in the Stealth Bomber? (Session isn't Stealth if everyone expects it. The bad guys read Q, too.)

da9e4d  No.3735479



5daf10  No.3735480

PA Booms- gas leak

POTUS made mention in his speech last night about gas lines and what an enemy could do to them

f2028b  No.3735481

LAST CALL, let me know if something was missed


>>3734933 Pope fires Memphis bishop after investigation

>>3734934 New DJT

>>3735053 CNN puts out anti-POTUS ad just before election.

>>3735054 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3735103 Papadopo Details Alleged Entrapment Scheme By Undercover Deep State Agents

>>3735122 Ra'anana resident indicted for Netanyahu assassination threat

>>3735179, >>3735405 HAPPENING NOW: ‘Mystery Boom,’ Possible Explosion Rattles Several Towns In Pennsylvania (again)

>>3735379 GOP requests vote challengers at polls Tuesday

83d775  No.3735482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


never trust a junkie.

841b52  No.3735483

File: 23d6ddea71df8aa⋯.jpg (6.97 KB, 255x171, 85:57, nsfc.jpg)

d57af5  No.3735484


yes, where is Hussain sitting?

What's he leaning back on?

The dude behind him.

I think the head was pasted on there.

Look at the chin, the chin shadow.

Lighting on H's face doesn't match the other dudes.

Where's the light source?

If it was a flash, wouldn't the back faces shine a little bit too?

Guy in the middle in the back doesn't look to me like Talaal either.

Not really.

Is that really his smile?

Would need more photos for comparison

e02387  No.3735485


Well said anon!

adbdfc  No.3735486


You know, POTUS said at a rally last night, talking about "clean coal," that he doesn't want to mention natural gas because if you drop a match in there it's all gone

9bf264  No.3735487


love you too fren!

da9e4d  No.3735488



6642ec  No.3735489

File: 5102446be6e1148⋯.jpg (52.94 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, C_RdlubWAAAFQVG.jpg)

File: 085175c6d487361⋯.jpg (158.19 KB, 1200x946, 600:473, 085175c6d4873615af07ac1abc….jpg)

Valerie Jarrett and her crew creep me the fuck out.

1a7375  No.3735490


If his taxes were anything of concern they would have been leaked already

7359b8  No.3735491

File: 4332382ab55cde8⋯.jpg (94.78 KB, 1050x525, 2:1, IKnowTheyAllLookAlikeHRC.jpg)

File: d85f4b0ee5a246c⋯.jpg (123.85 KB, 1050x525, 2:1, IKnowTheyAllLookAlikeHRC20….jpg)

File: 04865763f453e5a⋯.jpg (81.94 KB, 1050x525, 2:1, IseeQpeople.jpg)

File: 6d4a4bc96ac05bd⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, 1050x525, 2:1, TentCity.jpg)

dd9a18  No.3735492


Did we seize it?

Sorry, I get really excited when somebody brings up possible asset seizure

Beat 'em up and take their shit

That's how the world has always worked

dd0ad6  No.3735493


That's a decent bet…. among others I'd guess.

ecef5e  No.3735494


UK get the news before Pennsylvania did?

4afc0f  No.3735495





ffedfc  No.3735496

File: 349ee532901c187⋯.jpeg (134.06 KB, 1046x1350, 523:675, 6DD6ACAF-0DD9-467E-A8C0-9….jpeg)

File: 8a0fc1e85979c23⋯.jpeg (235.27 KB, 1013x1359, 1013:1359, 12BC759E-F29C-47EB-86E6-7….jpeg)

File: 377ddf51b506c3b⋯.jpeg (381.36 KB, 1081x1383, 1081:1383, DD69F59F-4A96-4F59-9919-3….jpeg)

File: 5625af96c93325c⋯.jpeg (341.79 KB, 1072x1468, 268:367, E163CDE7-92D7-44A9-8B04-8….jpeg)


Open Society Agenda

Seriously, the death penalty is too good for these bastards.

dd9a18  No.3735497

File: 6211df5c6f6665c⋯.jpg (101.08 KB, 599x665, 599:665, ValeriePowerMatrix.jpg)

7fd714  No.3735498

File: 10f31ac3a4f44a0⋯.png (1.24 MB, 790x647, 790:647, 7a0f0970-3deb-4680-b31a-1b….png)

fe81d6  No.3735499

File: 91049bdd10d6ce5⋯.jpeg (210.96 KB, 1024x570, 512:285, 86F0EDFF-C661-4DB1-8B7B-8….jpeg)

44f9f3  No.3735500


Another hero I had to slay. And here I thought with Gunslinger series and the Stand he got it. But in the end, (((they))) got him. Damn.

a07878  No.3735501

Fucking E bot seems oddly human this evening….

4afc0f  No.3735502



f2028b  No.3735503






632393  No.3735504

File: 3a596d1f82933d3⋯.jpeg (495.48 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B6BD4EA0-466E-4EC0-B7A8-3….jpeg)

House of cards. Season 6 Ep 2. Acosta as himself.

3ef32e  No.3735505

File: 8eca30011bde6a5⋯.jpg (106.74 KB, 606x895, 606:895, 1.JPG)

File: 4a088a501de47d5⋯.jpg (62.84 KB, 595x327, 595:327, 2.JPG)

Clintons are cashing in on speaking tour


8549d7  No.3735506

File: b0fb7ec8c242227⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1242x1958, 621:979, 1541385642715.jpg)


>[Jews are] just predisposed—because of their understanding of Jewish history—to identify with outsiders and fear ethnically and religiously exclusive definitions of Americanism.

Normies will have never made this connection prior to reading this.

“Wait. Jews are transforming America for their own preservation?”

>In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote, “It was and is the Jews who bring the Negro to the Rhineland, always with the same concealed goal and with the clear goal of destroying, through bastardization, the white race they hate.”

This will be the first time normies hear a SINGLE specific argument from Hitler.

>These days, the Jew most frequently depicted as secretly engineering the immigrant takeover of America is George Soros. (Full disclosure: His son, Alex Soros, is a friend who has donated to think tanks to support my work).

Normies: “This author defending Jews received money from a wealthy Jew?” [The author is Jewish, but normies won’t know that.]

> During the civil-rights movement, white supremacists in the South made similar claims. “Segregationists believed that African Americans couldn’t possibly have the capacity to lead the civil-rights movement,” observes Mark Bauman, the editor of Southern Jewish History. “So it had to be the Jews and communists—the words were almost interchangeable: ‘Jewish communists.’”


>The major American Jewish organizations overwhelmingly oppose Trump’s immigration policies. So do rank-and-file American Jews, according to several polls. Among whites, Jews were dramatically overrepresented in the civil-rights movement, too.

“Wait, so white supremacists in the south weren’t actually wrong?”

76f06d  No.3735507

File: 3e005ad09f06ef4⋯.png (529.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, widespread_panic_washingto….png)


c2f87c  No.3735508


Just moved from there was all of my life until this year. I worked many polls and campaigns saw a lot of what I would consider corruption at the polls, ..this the first I have heard of this also, but necessary IMHO. I only wish it had been dusted off previously!

0030c6  No.3735509


ginger mound gonna wind up being the most shared nude pic on the internet over time

f14a35  No.3735510



Election Fraud and Voting Rights Abuse Hotlines Established

PROVIDENCE – United States Attorney Stephen G. Dambruch announced today that Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Terrence P. Donnelly will lead the efforts of his Office in connection with the Justice Department’s nationwide Election Day Program for the upcoming November 6, 2018, general election.

In order to respond to complaints of election fraud or voting rights abuses on November 6, 2018, and to ensure that such complaints are directed to the appropriate authorities, United States Attorney Dambruch stated that AUSA/DEO Donnelly will be on duty in this District while the polls are open.

In addition, the FBI will have special agents available in each field office and resident agency throughout the country to receive allegations of election fraud and other election abuses on Election Day.

Complaints about possible violations of the federal voting rights laws can be made directly to the Civil Rights Division’s Voting Section in Washington, DC by phone at 1-800-253-3931 or (202) 307-2767, by fax at (202) 307-3961, by email to voting.section@usdoj.gov (link sends e-mail) or by complaint form at http://www.justice.gov/crt/complaint/votintake/index.php

Message Sent

Free Beer Wednesday

a07269  No.3735511



Mom gave me Sleeping Beauties and it’s just over on the bookshelf sucking

46ceee  No.3735512

File: 0ec15956548c039⋯.png (211.7 KB, 514x367, 514:367, 9345C91E-6C89-411C-AE16-91….png)

b2fe54  No.3735513

G'Nite anons. 5am comes eaRLY

229b41  No.3735514


says the fagbot with 40+ posts per bread. Eat shit nigger.

ffedfc  No.3735515

File: 4f47feea3f123e2⋯.jpeg (375.08 KB, 1028x1475, 1028:1475, 9BD91BDA-B791-46E8-830F-9….jpeg)

File: d5a70859cac48cc⋯.jpeg (344.63 KB, 1038x1452, 173:242, 0148376E-DF24-4B4E-9375-7….jpeg)

File: 60c29d4f1033ccc⋯.jpeg (342.7 KB, 1024x1449, 1024:1449, A69FA4A1-75EE-40DE-B864-4….jpeg)

File: 49c7f453d6187ac⋯.jpeg (224.29 KB, 1051x1358, 1051:1358, 15D925D9-BC4F-418C-9B88-E….jpeg)

dd0ad6  No.3735516


Oh it was seized all right. I remember reading about planes taking off in the middle of the night. As I recall it was the primary reason for even going in to get Qaddaffi. He wanted to move to a gold standard to weaken the petro dollar.

cc9f76  No.3735517



d95341  No.3735518

File: 6e5687e921d1d47⋯.png (284.25 KB, 407x394, 407:394, Selection_654.png)


Oh my goodness…

86e486  No.3735519


Points well made. We didn't don't do this for muh habbenings, we do this because WE are what's HABBENING

b6f2bb  No.3735520

I can tell you this. Tues night is going to be a SLAUGHTERHOUSE. It'll make 2016 look lightweight. RED HURRICANE.

Gives new meaning to the whole RED OCTOBER thing. Future proves past.

db8554  No.3735521

File: 1713812302dd563⋯.jpg (59.47 KB, 600x450, 4:3, peteariana_nov4.jpg)


He needs to stop taking his breakup blues on everyone.

a6c427  No.3735522



>Pakistan connections…who else is Pakistani… Imran Awan !!

200 million other people.

I'm sure everyone here is aware that Hussein worked for a CIA front company in Pakistan in the early 80s.

a4acd7  No.3735523


someone posted it a while back, seemed legit.

is some online realtime polling site ive lost the link see if I can find it.

46ceee  No.3735524

File: ad64ba8c7c4946f⋯.jpeg (309 KB, 1023x567, 341:189, 237CE416-1541-4342-93F4-A….jpeg)

26721d  No.3735525


Whoops! thanks dude - am really tired, no sleepinks!

b56f79  No.3735526

File: 3cc111262032c3a⋯.jpeg (783.69 KB, 1537x2049, 1537:2049, 87AC61E6-76F8-41C2-86E8-9….jpeg)

File: f4f44128c0cfd6c⋯.jpeg (810.03 KB, 1537x2049, 1537:2049, 708E56E1-B90A-4C9F-A26D-F….jpeg)

File: 102a98dc59d3db0⋯.jpeg (744.21 KB, 1537x2049, 1537:2049, 7203E9B5-A4B0-4625-A843-D….jpeg)

I didn’t know what I know NOW back then or I would have never let them bring my grandson in there. These areas were very unnerving to me at the time it’s it like a rec area but spooky feeling.

da9e4d  No.3735527





ffedfc  No.3735528

File: 06c99bab4c1037c⋯.jpeg (290.93 KB, 1034x1485, 94:135, 6844CF23-239A-4B82-AEF3-3….jpeg)

File: 4348b762b966e0d⋯.jpeg (333.88 KB, 1026x1457, 1026:1457, B46778E2-388C-4024-8AB2-C….jpeg)

File: 975ce82ba08d572⋯.jpeg (129.42 KB, 1017x1425, 339:475, CF6EB601-17CD-455C-BE29-5….jpeg)

bbd644  No.3735529




who cares if people get tattoos?

it's their body.


22d28a  No.3735530


1982 Consent Decree is off the table nationwide this time as well.

a6e183  No.3735531


So same as of Hillary winning? That worked out. And how were her supporters the next day?

50/50 is good odds. The districts are hyperlocaized and even if 95% of the country supported Trump that would change individual districts. This place plus watching all the rally’s etc, is an echo chamber. Obv not saying one way or the other. But it will be much closer than you think (in the house), my prediction is Dem +2

4afc0f  No.3735532




bd4551  No.3735533


I came across this book,

Conspirators' hierarchy: The story of the committee of 300

by John Coleman.

hosted on the Clown WEBSITE itself!


I do not know the year in which it was written, but the foreword was signed in 1991.

In the paper/essay/book, Coleman identifies 21 goals of the cabal.

This anon lists them below verbatim.

However, he cautions anons that this is from ((their)) website.

From pages 15–18:

(1) A One World Government-New World Order with a unified church and monetary

system under their direction. Not many people are aware that the One World Government

began setting up its "church" in the 1920's/1930's, for they realized the need for a

religious belief inherent in mankind to have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church"

body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.

(2) The utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.

(3) The destruction of religion and more especially the Christian religion, with the one

exception, their own creation mentioned above.

(4) Control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Brzezinski

call "technotronics" which would create human-like robots and a system of terror beside

(5) An end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power

in what they call "the post-industrial zero-growth society." Exempted are the computer

and service industries. United States industries that remain will be exported to countries

such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. Unemployables in the wake of

industrial destruction will either become opium-heroin and or cocaine addicts, or become

statistics in the elimination process we know today as Global 2000.

(6) Legalization of drugs and pornography.

(7) Depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot

regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up

here in the United States by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations. It is also

interesting that the Committee is presently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in


3cc6d7  No.3735534

File: 8c5a684a5a4d3ed⋯.png (466.36 KB, 537x404, 537:404, dat_wave.png)

86e486  No.3735535


News travels fast anon, light speed last i checked.

66d53f  No.3735536

File: f72b21c174ae905⋯.png (645.83 KB, 790x548, 395:274, Elegant-Flotus.png)

Silent Ones,

I want to work for POTUS (public or personal), in the Marketing/Communications department, specifically graphic design.

I work from home, comfy in my pjs kek (INFJ). He won't regret it. Have him give me a call.


21c31b  No.3735537

File: 18757c9e7d0f14e⋯.jpeg (108.24 KB, 924x500, 231:125, yourshitsretarded.jpeg)

a6b22c  No.3735538



47a0ff  No.3735539


Fucking shill.

b5f033  No.3735540

File: 1cc2b6b1d9f67d8⋯.png (182.35 KB, 1440x1219, 1440:1219, harris 1.png)

File: 9ecd69de3503d72⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1440x1497, 480:499, harris 2.png)

Here it is!!! The only Truth!!!

The Jew and Islamic Hoax is going to be confessed and eradicated!!! You will all know the Truth is with Jesus!!!

North Carolina congressional candidate Mark Harris (R), a former Baptist pastor in Charlotte, said in 2011 that there would be no peace in Israel unless Jews and Muslims converted to Christianity, The Forward reports.

Said Harris: “You cannot be in that land, as powerful and as moving as it is, without realizing the incredible tension that is constantly in that land between the Palestinians and the Jews. There will never be peace in Jerusalem until the day comes that every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”

5962ee  No.3735541

File: 1bd0b6503959dcf⋯.jpg (104.32 KB, 768x544, 24:17, fbi-nation-security-divisi….jpg)

File: 0106daab7cd2f9d⋯.jpg (112.53 KB, 768x431, 768:431, monica-lee-mclean-bromwich….jpg)

1de381  No.3735542


Sasquatches bitch has just been sighted

da9e4d  No.3735543

File: a64039bf5f840f7⋯.png (55.99 KB, 590x288, 295:144, asshole.png)

bd4551  No.3735545


(cont. 1)

(8) Suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the

Committee. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly

hated are the fusion experiments presently being scorned and ridiculed by the Committee

and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Committee's

conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch

properly used could create unlimited untappeed natural resources from the most ordinary

substances. Fusion torch uses are legion and would benefit mankind in a manner which is

as yet not even remotely comprehended by the public.

(9) Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation

and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the year 2000,

people they call "useless eaters." The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to

write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was

produced under the title the "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for

action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the U.S. Government, and accepted by

Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the

population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.

(10)To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class

by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth

policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralized and discouraged workers will

resort to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock

music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually

destroying the family unit. In this regard The Committee of 300 commissioned Tavistock

Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed

Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon.

This work later became known as "The Aquarian Conspiracy."

(11)To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one

created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises. This will confuse and

demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a

massive scale will result. In the case of the United States, an agency for crisis

management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency

(FEMA), whose existence I first disclosed in 1980. There will be more on FEMA as we


(12)To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which

includes rock "music" gangsters such as the filthy, degenerate Mick Jagger's "Rolling

Stones" (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility) and all of the

Tavistock-created "rock" groups which began with "The Beatles." To continue to build

up the cult of Christian fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company's

servant, Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist state of Israel through

identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God's Chosen People" and by donating

very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in

the furtherance of Christianity.

2736b3  No.3735546


Once you realize that there is abolutely a zero likelihood that patriots that are here to support Q are posting these vile "mound memes", then you can look around at HOW MANY of them there are; then you can look at other obviously fake memes, and posts… and then you start to get an idea how the internet works now.

Who controls the narrative?

HOW do they control the narrative?

374b3f  No.3735547

File: bcdb9dae7322493⋯.jpeg (3.2 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 7917BE06-C6EA-4976-A411-E….jpeg)

File: 4c545e768caf6bd⋯.jpeg (2.96 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, A5602787-5081-41A9-BDEC-C….jpeg)

7bbc00  No.3735548


claws over USA specifically. i'm thinking city of london, rome, DC, FED, or other cabal power center

229b41  No.3735549


Psst, your extra chromosome is showing.

b5d010  No.3735550

File: 3a2d55dc2f5afe9⋯.jpg (157.13 KB, 1174x807, 1174:807, Shelby Shoup.JPG)

FSU student arrested for throwing chocolate milk on Republican already has a GoFundMe page up and raking in the moolah. No surprise here.

Source: https://www.gofundme.com/shelbyshoup

1a7375  No.3735551


Damn he could find a million of the same looking girls south of the border. Talk about nothing special.

f2028b  No.3735552


>>3734933 Pope fires Memphis bishop after investigation

>>3734934 New DJT

>>3735053 CNN puts out anti-POTUS ad just before election.

>>3735054 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3735103 Papadopo Details Alleged Entrapment Scheme By Undercover Deep State Agents

>>3735122 Ra'anana resident indicted for Netanyahu assassination threat

>>3735179, >>3735405 HAPPENING NOW: ‘Mystery Boom,’ Possible Explosion Rattles Several Towns In Pennsylvania (again)

>>3735379 GOP requests vote challengers at polls Tuesday

>>3735450, >>3735517 Tweets: updated vote counts for Ohio, Arizona, Florida, and Texas

>>3735505 Clintons are cashing in on speaking tour (again)

bbd644  No.3735553

How much longer until the Print "Media" / Press / Papers

are all out of business?

6642ec  No.3735554

File: 6636ad4044558e6⋯.jpg (114.75 KB, 500x580, 25:29, 2lpb9f~2.jpg)

File: 280cb2a107e6751⋯.jpg (106.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2lesqb.jpg)

a6e183  No.3735555


This pastor is ABSOLUTELY BASED.

b2fe54  No.3735556

File: d12ec89db4f4749⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 1082x646, 541:323, you-check.JPG)



a07269  No.3735557


I’m so excited I feel like making hors d’evoures or whatever…cheese and crackers and shit

da9e4d  No.3735558

File: 1c8c270153699dd⋯.png (46.51 KB, 590x262, 295:131, arbitrage.png)

a4acd7  No.3735559





bfb83d  No.3735560


I wonder if the model knows she is famous

fbb0a3  No.3735561

File: b7f3f03d81ee65a⋯.png (354.74 KB, 945x1071, 15:17, 2018-11-04_21-53-01.png)


Royal Kibbles.

6c947c  No.3735562

Turnout among 18-29 year olds, compared to 2014 early voting: - AZ +217% - FL +131% - GA +415% (!!!) - MI +128% - NV +364% - TN +767% (!!!) - TX +448% (!!!)

bd4551  No.3735563



(cont. 2)

(14)To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem

fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out experiments of the Jim Jones and "Son of

Sam" type of murders. It is worth noting that the late Ayatollah Khomeini was a creation

of British Intelligence Military Intelligence Division 6, commonly known as M16, as I

reported in my 1985 work, "What Really Happened In Iran."

(15)To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all

existing religions but more especially the Christian religion. This began with "Jesuit

Liberation Theology" which brought about the downfall of the Somoza family rule in

Nicaragua and which is today destroying EI Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war,"

Costa Rica and Honduras. One very active entity engaged in so-called liberation theology

is the Communist oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media

attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in EI Salvador a few years

ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely

documented by the government of EI Salvador. The United States press and news media

refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation in possession of the

Salvadorian government, documentation which proves what the Mary Knoll Mission

nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and played a

leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola and South


(16)To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.

(17)To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of the United States.

(18)To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations

(UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements

(BIS), the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions of lesser effect by

gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the United Nations.

(19)Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the

sovereign integrity of nations represented by them.

(20)Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negoti- ate with terrorists whenever

terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi who persuaded

the Italian and U.S. governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime

Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, General Dozier is under orders not to

talk about what happened to him. Should he break that silence, he will no doubt be made

"a horrible example of" in the manner in which Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali

Bhutto and Gen- eral Zia ul Haq.

(21)Take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and

completely destroying it.

18a43f  No.3735564


I got Biden.

db8554  No.3735565


Not with the kind of money Ariana has

f6060b  No.3735566

Why isn't POTUS traveling to Michigan before Nov 6th?

Actively campaigning for Mr. James would throw many stereotypes and false narratives asunder.

da9e4d  No.3735567

File: c6a5d18623aa42b⋯.png (69.09 KB, 590x340, 59:34, cocainehooker.png)

3abfcf  No.3735568


Could have been such a beautiful pool. Used for pure evil.

7cd9a9  No.3735569



*spoiler if you like that shithead Stephen King

Haven't read one since the dome debacle. Alien children putting a "glass" over the "antmound"? Magic phones to call them and beg freedom?

1de381  No.3735570


Holy shit.

bbd644  No.3735571

This is the first time I've ever looked at the Washington Post Website because well, I gotta protect my boy Post Malone..

And it reads like The Young Turks.

9bf264  No.3735572

File: bbc6f5743c4a637⋯.png (798.22 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 8E48C909-700C-48DB-AFA9-C0….png)


841b52  No.3735573

File: 5db75616eb62b36⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 800x418, 400:209, 1509562956156.jpg)


Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then..


great awakening

da9e4d  No.3735574

File: 5286e9fb88f91a5⋯.png (53.84 KB, 590x288, 295:144, eatingchildren.png)

3cc6d7  No.3735575

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

b6f2bb  No.3735576


That cunt seriously wears a crown all day? And feeds dogs out of $15,000 vessels while her "subjects" starve?

Soon, bitch, soon……

a6b22c  No.3735577

File: 9e8f76426d19104⋯.jpeg (14.55 KB, 255x181, 255:181, 4CF263B9-3CB1-4053-806A-3….jpeg)


You’re glowing faggot!

1d198a  No.3735578

File: 537e118712cd591⋯.png (362.05 KB, 750x445, 150:89, yod3.png)


much deadness in him

can be seen now

2736b3  No.3735580

Hey BO, would you consider deleting/banning the pseudo-CHILD PORN posts/posters? I don't think that is an unreasonable request. Thanks.

94af2f  No.3735581

File: 52e93fd6c4f8b71⋯.png (886.9 KB, 1395x857, 1395:857, politico.PNG)


'Trump has hijacked the election': House Republicans in panic mode


da9e4d  No.3735582

File: e52f4bb43e3ffde⋯.png (65.31 KB, 590x314, 295:157, savemoney.png)

4978be  No.3735583


If they can do that, I should be able to legally start a non-profit that fills the commissary of inmates who "correct" pedophiles.

9a882a  No.3735584

File: 90858125c5410a1⋯.jpeg (631.85 KB, 2436x1125, 812:375, 64088C3A-1943-41BA-86C8-7….jpeg)

Look at this and tell me we can *truly* move on as a republic without holding them to account.

I’m not talking 5-10 years of constant division.

I’m talking about 500 years of unity.

681cca  No.3735585



That's most likely a blue wave too.

a6e183  No.3735586



>>asking for money

256065  No.3735587



da9e4d  No.3735589

File: b5ee423433bdee8⋯.png (57.1 KB, 590x314, 295:157, turdscuck.png)

4afc0f  No.3735590


Looks like a slaughterhouse anon.

Burn it down I say, with the vanderbuilt witch inside

fe81d6  No.3735591

File: 8daca37f83e9f0c⋯.jpeg (124.17 KB, 677x1024, 677:1024, EC341CAE-3771-45D2-BFE2-4….jpeg)

File: dc1fc62dbb44b7d⋯.jpeg (258.64 KB, 1060x1000, 53:50, 1ED9791E-6451-4C85-9EFB-0….jpeg)

File: 3b76468ac5f2f82⋯.jpeg (296.73 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 8D7980C1-8076-4619-BA22-1….jpeg)


Reminds me of pics related.

What’s the story here, anon? Care to elaborate?

593c2f  No.3735592

File: 6daaf13a851b8e7⋯.jpeg (46.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 6CB4BEF9-22C6-42A4-BD64-E….jpeg)

860cbe  No.3735593


tonight and tomorrow is their last chance to pull some shit

>1% battery dog

da9e4d  No.3735596

File: 25e372dc56dc785⋯.png (63 KB, 590x314, 295:157, Vfrumo.png)

3c2496  No.3735597



That's not good news.

01baa6  No.3735598

File: aeb14409d16a373⋯.jpg (69.48 KB, 614x439, 614:439, deadHorse.jpg)

8f5995  No.3735599

File: 6a7facf51ae7375⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_3588.JPG)


Yes, very weird. This is King's house in Casey Key, FL.

22d28a  No.3735600


who pushed tattoos anon? who? that's right. where did the capital come from in a tightening economy for all the parlours anon? who created the demand? I hope the ink was as clean as the air and water and vaccines and meat anon.

can i be an individual too anon?

945ced  No.3735601


the dude's been diggin

c2f87c  No.3735602


Can you give me sauce for that I would like to read up on it, please

bbd644  No.3735603




Young people are over the "Media" sounding like their Dad yelling at them…

It's literally insane.

I would say most young people are socially LIBERAL, but the LEFT has gone totally off the rails and is just imploding.

da9e4d  No.3735604

File: 737c8adfa0aab60⋯.png (45.91 KB, 590x262, 295:131, topsecretcode.png)

a6c427  No.3735606


Huber and Horowitz.

6ca19d  No.3735607

File: feb0c047dfc54a3⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB, 2699x993, 2699:993, 96257305-B00A-410E-B92A-E….jpeg)

Puzzling Evidence from an earlier bread.

Hive mind.

Explains a few things around here concerning mound memes.

Pic and highlight related.

da9e4d  No.3735608

File: 8ce7620d4347dfa⋯.png (65.8 KB, 590x314, 295:157, yuuuuuugememe.png)

5427b5  No.3735609

File: 8fcaceb1a71119b⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x1854, 69:103, BB014C50-B1D0-47AA-BA04-0….jpeg)



b2fe54  No.3735611


Most will secretly vote for jobs NOT mobs. Selfish sheeples but that works for us right?

d57af5  No.3735612


check it out on foroforensics.com

Seems like the metadata says it was off an apple computer platform. Would a regular scan have that kind of metadata tag?

I haven't studied enough/

The fotoforensics site will take you through lessons.

I believe it's faked just on the basis of how "Hussain" fits into the image. It's suggestive - a though he's sitting in front. But if you look closer, it doesn't make sense. He's just hanging there.

Also his face is much clearer with a different kind of light than the other faces.

3ef32e  No.3735613

File: 3f515cfc94f8661⋯.jpg (94.86 KB, 779x914, 779:914, 1.JPG)

Josh Fauver, Former Deerhunter Bassist, Dead at 39


18a43f  No.3735614



f14a35  No.3735615


I’m sure he’ll be a door knobed…

4978be  No.3735616


Still only Stealth to normies.

83d775  No.3735618

File: d6d97c5b932e2be⋯.jpg (271.62 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, tonypodesta.jpg)

da9e4d  No.3735619

File: fde1cad2f822fc2⋯.png (51.03 KB, 590x288, 295:144, COMINGFROTO.png)

d95341  No.3735620

File: 3cf4b36de591625⋯.jpg (19.08 KB, 500x281, 500:281, haroldandmaudeeyetwo.jpg)


>HOW do they control the narrative?

By mass spamming repetitive and weak Biden pics day in and day out?

Tell me about how it's done….

bbd644  No.3735621




Tattoos have been in culture since the times of Egypt…

Nothing wrong with being Adorned IMO, but think what ever you'd like!

da9e4d  No.3735623

File: c30e5792934f643⋯.png (43.89 KB, 590x262, 295:131, farts.png)

7fd714  No.3735624

File: c1b59f88d7aff69⋯.png (443.95 KB, 430x647, 430:647, 88c59cc0-44ae-4929-96d1-84….png)


Lighten up its not a real pic

a6e183  No.3735625



This voter fraud. They’re voting Dem.

2736b3  No.3735627

File: 34f7443babb725e⋯.png (895.7 KB, 1259x808, 1259:808, rQQ.png)

b6f2bb  No.3735628


I feel you, anon.


Did you see this????


6566e6  No.3735629

File: 6c9295cb92ba5ae⋯.jpg (54.2 KB, 406x694, 203:347, ft on fb.JPG)

83d775  No.3735630

File: 588bf860c390075⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, tonypodesta2.png)

da9e4d  No.3735631

File: 924f4fd4272d04f⋯.png (71.53 KB, 590x366, 295:183, thinkhard.png)

bbd644  No.3735632




right down the street from Jimmy Hoffa.

8b2f56  No.3735633


Since VJ is the puppet master, should we be concerned where her hands are?

f2028b  No.3735634













the mound is esoteric

eeeb70  No.3735635


God was showing him a vision that he needed to see and possibly report on.

Thank you for sharing this!!!

God and all his heavenly host are on our side!! We are truly in a battle for our very existance!

841b52  No.3735636

File: f7e52d4f5722bb3⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 500x717, 500:717, 1510970685023.jpg)



945ced  No.3735637


tattoos are easy to track

you could shave your head and get plastic surgery, that tramp stamp of a butterfly will always ID you though

6c947c  No.3735638


talkin bout Marsha

593c2f  No.3735639

Ebot is ripping it up right now.. wtf triggered the beast?

da9e4d  No.3735640

File: d595f2ab89d7853⋯.png (69.86 KB, 590x340, 59:34, frumptrevor.png)

d57af5  No.3735641


Is H. supposed to be sitting between the guy behind him's legs? If so, it was really badly done.

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