e6a21c No.3745497
Welcome To Q Research General
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
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Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html
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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ
The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF
100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com
Q's Latest Posts
Monday 11.05.18
>>3745008 rt >>3744948 -————————– MEMES locked on target? Fire when ready
>>>/patriotsfight/409 -------------------------------- Yes, Mr. President, Anons are actively tracking. Message received (Cap: >>3744884 , >>3744948 )
>>>/patriotsfight/408 -------------------------------- For Anons… (Cap: >>3740800 ; >>3740558 ; >>3740556 )
>>>/patriotsfight/407 -------------------------------- VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! (Cap: >>3740741 )
Sunday 11.04.18
>>>/patriotsfight/406 -------------------------------- Now Playing (Cap: >>3736059 )
>>>/patriotsfight/405 -------------------------------- [PANIC IN DC] (Cap: >>3731877 )
>>>/patriotsfight/404 -------------------------------- TOGETHER WE WIN! (Cap: >>3731276 )
>>>/patriotsfight/403 -------------------------------- The World Is Watching (Caps: >>3731084 ; >>3731231 ; >>3731272 ; >>3731295 )
>>>/patriotsfight/402 -------------------------------- On The Move. (Cap: >>3730520 )
>>>/patriotsfight/401 -------------------------------- Our Eyes Are Everywhere, VIP Patriot! (Cap: >>3730325 )
>>>/patriotsfight/400 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriots! (Cap: >>3730323 )
>>>/patriotsfight/399 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriots! (Cap: >>3730316 )
>>>/patriotsfight/398 -------------------------------- We See VIP Patriots! (Caps: >>3730131 )
>>>/patriotsfight/397 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriot! (Caps: >>3729761 ; >>3729782 )
>>>/patriotsfight/396 -------------------------------- 5:5 - Eyes on, VIP Patriots! (Caps: >>3729489 ; >>3729692 )
>>>/patriotsfight/395 -------------------------------- Listen carefully - strategic speech to be used in the future. ( Caps: >>3729109 ; 3729104 )
>>>/patriotsfight/394 -------------------------------- ALL HANDS ON DECK ( Cap: >>3728440 )
>>>/patriotsfight/393 -------------------------------- Eyes on, VIP Patriot! ( Cap: >>3728416 )
>>>/patriotsfight/392 -------------------------------- Your Country Needs You ( Cap: >>3728350 )
>>>/patriotsfight/391 -------------------------------- Eyes on, VIP Patriot! ( Cap: >>3727877, >>3727912 )
>>>/patriotsfight/390 -------------------------------- POWER BELONGS WITH THE PEOPLE. ( Cap: >>3727695 )
Saturday 11.03.18
>>>/patriotsfight/389 -------------------------------- Eyes on, VIP Patriot! ( Cap: >>3717324 )
>>>/patriotsfight/388 -------------------------------- Who are the real racists? ( Cap: >>3716424 )
>>>/patriotsfight/387 -------------------------------- [D] Party Con: ( Cap: >>3716073 )
>>3715238 --------------------------------------------- Keep your eye on the ball. Midterms & Memes.
>>3714939 --------------------------------------------- POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11 - Now what are the odds of that?
Friday 11.02.18
Compiled here: >>3731026
Thursday 11.01.18
Compiled here: >>3723225
Tuesday 10.09.18
Compiled here: >>3705420
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
e6a21c No.3745530
are not endorsements
>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms
>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes
>>3709707 MAGA Rally Schedule for Sunday and Monday
>>3714264 Codefag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive
>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0
>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation
>>3673226 SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING: Voter Fraud Report hotline; active only during voting hours
>>3735128 ; >>3734562 For Tomorrow’s Rallies: Show support with your phones, showing Q images! (/BO/ approved)
>>3738283, >>3738412 Election Fraud Reporting Hotlines By State
#4757 Baker change
>>3745227 New POTUS tweet - Landed in Fort Wayne
>>3745149 Miami Polling Station Runs Out Of Ballots As Early Voting Soars
>>3745086 Desperate John Brennan Begs People to Defeat Trump
>>3744948 , >>3745360 VIDEO - POTUS' double point at the Q sign
>>3744980 , >>3745009 How Britain Carved Up the Middle East and Helped Create SA
>>3744979 , >>3745015, >>3745235, >>3745276, >>3745305 GREEN NEON Q & POTUS
>>3744978 Conversation between Q and POTUS
>>3744958 QClock: Re-read crumbs
>>3744951 Rally anons, Make use of your phones and show MEMES to the CAMERAS. Force the Q!
>>3744892 London's Heathrow Airport Evacuated Over Suspicious Package
>>3745503 #4757
>>3744119, >>3744128 DOJ Announces Election Watch in 19 States
>>3744138 Russia's new sub demonstrated
>>3744253 Another Hussein Admin cable on Kazakhstan
>>3744302, >>3744508 "IBOR" signed by 50 orgs incl. FB & Goolag
>>3744266 Maryland County Police kill man while serving new "red flag" protective order to remove guns
>>3744317 Haiti organizes Army for surveillance of border and to stop smuggling
>>3744347, >>3744534 New DJT tweets
>>3744538, >>3744620, >>3744641 On Bill Binney
>>3744642 Anon's Idea: Reply with the USA flag on POTUS' tweets to drown out shills
>>3744767 #4756
>>3743391 Crowd at Trump Rally in Cleveland Today is “Much Bigger” Than 2016 Trump Rally at Same Venue
>>3743402, >>3743431, >>3743766 Moar on Kazakhstan
>>3743511 Yes, We Are Better Off After 2 Years Of Trump, Even If Dems Won't Admit It
>>3743543 BOMB THREAT Called in to Building Next to Trump’s Cleveland Venue, Hours Before Trump Rally
>>3743617 New filing in Washington v. Trump: Notice of Voluntary Dismissal
>>3743629 Moar on the island that "disappeared"
>>3743657 Naming pedo priests' names in Buffalo
>>3743725 FOX, NBC, and FB pull POTUS' campaign ad on the caravan
>>3743768, >>3744012 Moar pics of the Q sign
>>3743799 Catholic priest removed from ministry in Oklahoma
>>3743800 Judicial Watch Sues FBI over Failure to Preserve Text Messages
>>3743801 For keks: Science Weighs In, Conservatives “Look Better”
>>3743811 Will the DOJ Go After the Beto Campaign for Diverting Campaign Funds to the Caravan?
>>3743872 Mueller Expected To Make Moves After Midterms
>>3744020 #4755
>>3742561 SYRIA UPDATE
>>3742579 Illinois adds another district to Election Fraud Watch
>>3742593 Kabul Government Controls Or Influences Only 55.5 Percent Of Afghanistan
>>3742600 U.S.-Kazakhstan cooperation
>>3742607 1100 Migrants Apprehended Daily Along U.S.-Mexico Border
>>3742635 Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws on Election Day
>>3742692, >>3743122 Trump Confirms G-20 Summit With Putin, "Not Sure" about the Putin meeting
>>3742712 Ozone layer will be completely HEALED by the 2060s (btfo "climate change")
>>3742715 Troops lay 1000 ft of Concertina Wire at Rio Grande
>>3742865 Dig on "VoteRiders"
>>3743200, >>3743201, >>3743202, >>3743210 Q sign spotted
>>3743260 #4754
Previously Collected Notables
>>3742491 #4753
>>3740140 #4750, >>3740905 #4751, >>3741747 #4752
>>3737848 #4747, >>3738640 #4748, >>3739380 #4749
>>3735552 #4744, >>3736325 #4745, >>3737096 #4746
>>3733248 #4741, >>3734011 #4742, >>3734773 #4743
>>3730959 #4738, >>3731714 #4739, >>3732481 #4740
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
e6a21c No.3745542
War Room
#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs
Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
Best Times to TWEET:
Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC
Q Proofs
Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49
QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs
QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs
Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w
Sealed Indictments
Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677
Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136
All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info
Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php
Spread The Word
>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild
Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads
>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)
>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)
>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)
>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)
>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky
Other Dedicated Research Threads
>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ
>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II
>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554
>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread
>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3
>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4
>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research
>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete
>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5
No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
Q Graphics all in GMT
Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488
Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490
Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950
Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103
Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303
Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071
Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176
Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270
Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327
Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528
Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#54 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>3745260
Q Graphics all in EST
Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529
Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966
e6a21c No.3745548
QPosts Archives
* QMap & Mirrors PDF:
MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM
SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6
MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file
* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/
* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub
* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)
* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html
QPosts Archives in Other Formats
* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t
* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/
* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/
* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help
* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
Tweet Tools
* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets
* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com
* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/
Other Tools
* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg
* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)
* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases
* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub
* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)
* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
Q Research Graphics Library
31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic
Advanced Graphics
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
Meme Ammo Stockpiles
34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/
NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU
>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2
Bread Archives (sites)
Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
Bread Archives (downloads)
MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/
Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Notable Posts Archive (searchable)
Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ
Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h
Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)
Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106
e6a21c No.3745561
#4758 Dough
d31ef2 No.3745591
Stay Strong; Eyes on the Ball
6e9e56 No.3745598
c4b26f No.3745603
https:// qmap.pub is not updating
And yes, POTUS and Q, we got the shot!
f41aca No.3745618
8f7b8b No.3745623
HMMM 8ch under attack again?
feels like DDoS
e28d0b No.3745626
Then use the link below to download our work!
Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!
P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.
We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.
Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!
443aea No.3745636
God Bless The USA!
Tomorrow and everyday, we FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!
Tomorrow we vote for freedom, justice, and safety for all Americans.
Tomorrow, we vote red.
8d97b5 No.3745639
I literally just signed up for twitter the first time ever. I went to Hannity's page, and clicked on tweets and replies. Then a got this message in the pic.
d31ef2 No.3745640
Who even listens to censorship?
Post when insight strikes, new or old alike.
aa1dd9 No.3745641
>>3745350 pb
As this anon said it is up to the voters.
If these people cheat( they will get caught, unlike past elections)
Also If Gillum committed crimes, does not matter if he wins or not.
Can't serve from jail, kek
which would lead to a special election to replace his crooked corrupt ass.
The way the real numbers are looking, i would not be worried about it anon.
MSM is rigging the polls/predictions.
e28d0b No.3745643
653665 No.3745645
b54451 No.3745649
Biggest expose of the anti-America first Israeli Lobby in the history of journalism
An Aljazera journalist went 5 months undercover (in the spirit of Veritas MO) into AIPAC (he is a British jew), and the very top levels of Israeli administration are involved in the espionage, harassment, smear, silencing of American citizens due to their need to maintain support for Israel at any cost, the expense always being booted by the American tax payers and violation of the US 1st Ammend.
This will radically change your views on Israel if you are still under the illusion that Israel is an ally of any Western Country.
Part 1:
Part 2:
>Some scenes:
-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.
-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation.
-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel
-The Hasbara (Israel propaganda arm of public relations, see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_diplomacy_of_Israel ; http://archive.is/xruzD ) information containment operatives will try to attack me in order to try to divert the American people from watching the documentary. They seem quite fond on calling anyone that posts this amazing piece of journalism and anti-fake news effort a muslim, which is quite ironic, since Israel and jewish interest groups (which all of them are zionists) are the main pushers for the islamization of the West (which I am against, as I advocate for the banning of islam in Western nations due to it being an ideological threat (because it is a supremacist ideology))
- The Hasbara information containment operatives will try to divert attention from the FACTS presented in this documentary by attacking its creator, the Aljazera network, but will never EVER discuss the FACTS that are presented in the documentary itself. Typical Hasbara containment operative MO, as you’ll notice from their patterns of behavior
-The Hasbara information containment operatives will ignore the FACT that we don't "hate," nonsensically, we love rationally. Part of loving truth long enough is to have discovered Jewish Supremacism as a major thread in cabal evil. It's a part of what we do here, and always have. It's in our welcome statement, which you can read here: https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html . Pic related number 2 is from that welcoming statement.
1cbf41 No.3745650
What a time to be alive
833f39 No.3745651
>>3745575 (lb)
Yeah come to think of it best just to have a giant compilation that will completely remove all doubts… narrative "death by a thousand coincidences" so to speak.
054584 No.3745652
Very unusual behavior
Bad anon
No twat for you
07a3f7 No.3745654
Qmap.pub hasnt updated last 2 drops.
WTF? SOMEONE get to that too?
730c76 No.3745655
should I buy snacks to watch the happenings on weds or will the happenings go on the weekend? I can hold out til friday since snack sales are better than. dont forget to buy some extra ovaltine.
a92813 No.3745656
Shills, you can't win, you lost ages ago.
a1c190 No.3745658
I'm getting lag you wouldn't believe here.
683c10 No.3745659
They are making a movie
We are watching a movie
What a glorious day
a87efc No.3745660
Bread moving fast. Sorry if mentioned already.
POTUS saying our soldiers will be standing IN FRONT of the barbed wire. (On Mexico soil?)
Almonds activated
917502 No.3745662
Planned Parenthood is their secret weapon, we must take it out!
7cea64 No.3745663
>>3745573 LAST BREAD!
Both Ivanka and POTUS have Eyes On Q sign!
054584 No.3745664
Creepy app telling you how your contacts voted
b54451 No.3745666
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3745649
The most powerful anti-American, anti-American people and anti-American national soverreigty lobby operating in the US right now is the Israeli US lobby, that is an undeniable FACT, the Israeli US lobby is the main ENEMY of the American PEOPLE, and it operates FREELY on American soil, VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of American citizens EACH AND EVERYDAY, and the most tragic part being, all financed by the AMERICAN TAX PAYER MONEY
Fighting the Israeli US lobby is fighting against the most subversive force operating in the West against Western people right now.
The Israeli US lobby is an INTERNATIONAL FORCE, which operates in all Countries of the world, effectively operating like a foreign election meddling force GLOBALLY.
My proposed solution to this grave issue
Jews should not be persecuted for being of the jewish race.
That being said, all jewish group power is going to end, so all jews can be treated as individuals in the face of the law.
The dems are fucked (red tsunami incoming in the midterms), then the corrupt reps are fucked, then the zionist lobby is fucked, then we can unfuck shit at an astounding rate.
Its going to be very entertaining once the dems are nuked to shit politically, to have the FBI flow from the analysis of Clinton Foundation to the Israeli lobby. That's when the real fun starts.
The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of jewish group subversion of Western nations:
Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to israel;
Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purpouses and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purpouses and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Watch the documentary yourself, make up your own mind. Your national sovereignty depends on it.
Word is starting to get out…
Qatar and many others didn't want this story published
449bc4 No.3745667
Rasmussen's latest poll says there are 6% undecided nationwide…..Start sending those memes - Get them to Vote RED!
3845a5 No.3745668
Monday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett attributed the current strong economy to the effort of former President Barack Obama.
When asked about the “fairly strong” economy, Jarrett said, “A lot of the benefits of our economy began a while ago when President Obama was in office. We’re heartened to see the progress we’re making. I also traveled around the country, and I talked to Americans who are still very concerned about what’s happening in their pocketbook. I think the economy isn’t the only issue. The other thing I hear front and center is health care. So many Americans are worried about the Republicans’ plan to take away their health care and make it unaffordable for them. They won’t be able to cover people who have pre-existing conditions. I hear that. People are worried about our values when we start taking families and tearing them apart on the border or threatening to shoot people who are using stones and walking away from a climate deal where we’re worried about our next generation and whether or not our children or grandchildren are going to live in a world where they don’t have to worry about climate change.”
She added, “There’s so many important issues that I’m hearing about; a woman’s right to choose, that’s front and center. You heard on your earlier panel about how important it is for women to get involved in this election. They’re showing up in record numbers. We still have one more day. So, part of my appeal on coming on your show is to encourage everybody to vote. Elections are close in our country. They always are. So, you can’t just simply say, my vote doesn’t matter. It does matter.”
Her Iran deal got flushed by Trump.
e5750d No.3745670
Great compilation. Stolen like a nigger steals a bike!
f43f5e No.3745674
Shit, figures work gets busy as hell right when stuff starts happening.
Still ready for some happenings though!!!
1a3f1a No.3745678
I thought QMAP.PUB was Q's own NSA website.
5545e1 No.3745680
who is going to the rally's tonight..
Q and Potus are begging you to ask…
Do it for your country.
start the chant
Trump will respond!!!!!
cbc6b9 No.3745683
he should be. He has name recognition in prison
ff2bf5 No.3745684
Rally anons,
Be visible. Be seen.
Be loud. Be heard.
Force the Q!
>Faster than you know.
>But, that will soon change (re: visibility).
>Public interest forces the SUN to SHINE.
>Why are we here?
88a46c No.3745687
These aren't supposed to be a thing inside the rally… remember?
e6a21c No.3745691
It'll update. Relax anon.
1a3f1a No.3745692
I think Bill Nelson is related to the bushes. That would explain a few things.
b54451 No.3745693
People of all kinds will learn on how grotesque, inumane and unfairly Israel treats every one in their path to the benefit of the top mafia in the world, the Israeli mafia. And they will know how to solve the issue peacefuly and fairly in order to not harm nor allienate the non-criminal non-subversive jews who support the termination of all jewish GROUP power in the West.
This happens en-mass after the democratic party army of the Zionist Ocupation Government get crushed politically in the mid-term (due to the change in demographic vote patterns toward the republican party, the red tsunami) and legally after the mid-terms in consequence of the illegal and underhanded tactcs used by the dem party in what regards the nomination of SCOTUS Kava and vote fraud during the mid-terms. Add to that the crushing of the Soros machine, which the general public is getting primed for, if you notice the writing on the wall.
When it comes to zionism, at the high levels of the parties both the democratic commies and the neocon Trotskyite push their agenda and peddle their influence for them.
Neocons are globalists too, they want nationalism for israel at the expence of other people, and break laws in all countries in the world to work for their Israel first agenda.
8d97b5 No.3745694
When I signed up, it had Dems suggested for following, at the top Hussein.
e6a21c No.3745695
And 502s and Alcracity errors.
Hold the line
e308d7 No.3745696
There is justice in knowing he is beaten down. I sense he knows the magnitude of his defeat from his posture and expressions over the weekend.
This is a good thing, Justice.
48fae5 No.3745697
"Something is Happening"
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.409 📁
Nov 5 2018 17:08:35 (EST) NEW
"Did they get the shot?"
"I pointed directly at it 3x."
"I turned and double pointed just to be clear."
"Did they pick up the 'Boom, Boom, Boom….Something is Happening'?"
Yes, Mr. President, Anons are actively tracking. Message received.
"Good, that's good."
ff2bf5 No.3745699
Takes some time…no problem, not unusual.
2f290d No.3745701
Aye. Mega lag also here.
b35824 No.3745704
e083fc No.3745705
thread about skippy deleted on half chan
054584 No.3745707
My friend told me it was also suggesting everybody around is demrat. He lives in a heavy military area, it just cant be true
6e9d55 No.3745708
Patriots in the past I was denied the right to vote
dems and repubs would not listen to our complaints
reported to dem and repubs
finally reported to police
the police would not take the report
there needs to be a number or contact if police refuse the information
this happened to many many people
in place illegal aliens voted…..
7cea64 No.3745711
I would rather fuck Susan Rice than this Muslim Brotherhood Chimpanzee!
ff2bf5 No.3745712
Second that
3ac9e9 No.3745713
6ffc98 No.3745714
I'm pretty sure it was fake anyway.
87c1bd No.3745715
Great one. Q said he wanted memes.
ed3933 No.3745717
like a willys jeep in 4lo 1st gear type of shit here
7cea64 No.3745719
Q Confirmed!
7c8f8e No.3745720
Today, in its largest ever single-day action targeting the Iranian regime, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned more than 700 individuals, entities, aircraft, and vessels.
…designed to disrupt the Iranian regime’s ability to fund its broad range of malign activities, and places unprecedented financial pressure on the Iranian regime to negotiate a comprehensive deal that will permanently prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, cease Iran’s development of ballistic missiles, and end Iran’s broad range of malign activities
94d323 No.3745721
ThanQ anon - could watch this over and over…
054584 No.3745722
Sry i thought you responded to a vote app. Sry once again
aa1dd9 No.3745723
You know the clowns are going to hit our board with bots the next 2 days.
Hopefully CodeMonkey can mitigate the attacks.
Thank you CodeMonkey, for all that you do.
71f7dc No.3745724
The loss of muh legacy and popularity to someone with Hussein's ego might actually be just as harsh as a long vacation in Gitmo.
He's in mental prison already.
9355a1 No.3745725
No, anon. The fences are not placed directly on top of the border.
eb6865 No.3745727
I bet we can get more than what is listed for seating here. Check town name.
<pic related
555f70 No.3745728
This meme right here is why it's so glorious to see the confirms in real time.
There is no question for me. This ranks with the first Delta[0] :D
c50cf5 No.3745729
The comments are hilarious.
b35824 No.3745730
thats why you got Air Cav sig
can feel it coming
8775cb No.3745731
Rush Limbaugh will be at the third and final Trump rally tonight at 9:30 CST in Rush's home town of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. This will not be a light occasion.
7cea64 No.3745733
"Did they get the shot?"
"I pointed directly at it 3x."
"I turned and double pointed just to be clear."
"Did they pick up the 'Boom, Boom, Boom….Something is Happening'?"
Yes, Mr. President, Anons are actively tracking. Message received.
"Good, that's good."
512036 No.3745734
2b7118 No.3745736
833f39 No.3745737
According to the deactivated @kabamur_taygeta account, the Pleiadian guy behind Q is Ivanka's twin soul, and Ivanka is the reincarnation of JFK himself.
This is impossible to sauce properly and difficult to verify for yourself (you'd need positive ET contact) so take it or leave it.
3845a5 No.3745738
You will need to use her back hole because Susan Rice is a tranny.
e84fb0 No.3745739
She can dance a Cajun rhythm
Jump like a Willys in four wheel drive
She's a summer love in the spring, fall and winter
She can make happy any man alive
4706f1 No.3745740
#ElectionDay seems to be the highest trending right now
Gonna start lighting it up!
ef1c47 No.3745742
Jeez! TWATTER is lagging badly.
bd6784 No.3745745
Chinese defense minister to visit Pentagon this week
88a46c No.3745747
I'm a spaz. sorry.
1cbf41 No.3745748
a1c190 No.3745749
Ok it's not on my end then. o7
c51309 No.3745751
for all of us banned from twatter
e083fc No.3745752
Up for 7 hours, deleted minutes after someone pasted last Q…
f8e369 No.3745755
u guys are cheerleading morons who vibe the vibes of a mentality that believes "My country! Right or wrong!" That was Germany's mantra during Hitler's time.
Seriously. For you to bust anyone's balls over the "specificity" of anon vs qanon means you are like a jarhead who will never go beyond the rank of private. infantry. cannon fodder. and that's cool. we need you zombies. but know your place cocksuckers.
443aea No.3745756
POTUS remember, we are ALWAYS watching.
Every video, every speech, every rally, every meeting.
b04386 No.3745757
anons, potus boom boom boom was huge
anyone paying attention for long has their eyes all over jim jordan. at this rally not only did potus point repeatedly at a huge bright green Q. he then dropped the "BOOM BOOM BOOM" in reference to Jim Jordan!
not only that! he then went out of his way to break new ground in the crumb dropping world and drop a straight up Q+ to Q conversation verbatim confirming the Q points and the booms.
i take this to be a clear signal that Jim is part of the Q team.
e5e587 No.3745760
When Q asked us if we were ready a month ago I got hard.
It's so hard right now I could etch glass with it
4c4f75 No.3745761
Apparently you can serve from jail. Ask Menendez.
Thank God FL is a voter ID required state. But how in the hell did FL become such a commie state? This race should not even be close.
dfaca6 No.3745763
PST cap
Do you 'AIR Q'?
f7b349 No.3745764
New Q
Do you 'AIR Q'?
71f7dc No.3745765
5 Nov 2018
Military.com | By Oriana Pawlyk
The U.S. Air Force has expanded its Basic Military Training from seven-and-a-half weeks to eight-and-a-half weeks in an effort to align more closely with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ heightened focus on readiness and lethality, officials said Monday.
In a move that took effect Sept. 4 but was announced Monday, the BMT curriculum has been enhanced with additional physical fitness and combat skills courses to train airmen for real-world events during the earliest days of their service, Air Education and Training Command said in a release.
"The future of BMT focuses on creating disciplined, warrior airmen who are ready to support our joint partners in conflicts around the globe," Col. Jason Corrothers, 737th Training Group and BMT commander, said in the release. "These changes to refine the basic training experience are about increasing our readiness and lethality while simultaneously instilling Airmanship and core values from the very beginning."
The 737th is the service's largest training unit, with nine squadrons and more than 900 personnel.
The Air Force is the third Defense Department service to make changes to early enlisted training in recent months. Last October, the Marine Corps restructured its boot camp schedule to create a “fourth phase” for recruits in which they could experience peer mentoring by drill instructors following receipt of the traditional Eagle, Globe and Anchor pin that marks induction into the ranks of Marines. And earlier this year, the Army announced it would expand its 14-week infantry one-station unit training to 22 weeks in a pilot program designed to allow soldiers more time to practice key skills such as land navigation and marksmanship.
Related content:
Here's How the Air Force Hopes to Train 1,500 New Pilots a Year
VIDEO: Air Force Announces Changes to Basic Military Training
Air Force Special Operations Forces Train for Next Dynamic Battlefront
The Air Force changes address the Pentagon's readiness goals through a "revamped expeditionary skills and weapons training curriculum," said Lt. Col. Jose Surita, 326th Training Squadron commander, in the release.
"Readiness is the central theme across the BMT curriculum as we deliver trained and committed airmen capable of delivering 21st-century airpower," he said, referencing what AETC calls the "Mach-21" airman, or the next generation of 21st-century troops.
BMT changes at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, include:
An increase from 31 to 44 fitness sessions throughout training. Workouts will be a "balanced mix of cardio, strength and interval training," AETC said.
The Basic Expeditionary Airman Skills Training, or BEAST, course will happen later in training. BEAST, which previously took place in week five, has been moved to the final training week "as the culminating event of BMT" before graduation, officials said.
A new first-aid course replaces the Self-Aid/Buddy Care program. Instead, airmen will received a beefed-up "Tactical Combat Casualty Course," which mimics real-world situations for airmen to practice live-saving skills in battle scenarios.
An increased focus on weapons handling and familiarization. Whether airmen will receive a full weapons qualification program has yet to be determined, according to Air Force Times.
Elements of "Airmen's Week" will be incorporated throughout the 8.5-week training regimen. Airmen's Week previously occurred the week following BMT to offer airmen perspective into the Air Force's honor code, leadership and character development, among other life lessons.
An emphasis on Air Force heroes and warrior culture. Instructors will introduce the "warrior identity, as well as Air Force history and heroes, every week throughout training," said Master Sgt. Richard Bonsra, a military training instructor. "Those topics will then be reinforced during all training events, such as naming physical training sessions after a fallen airman to cement the experience."
The new BMT experience "accelerates 'mind to heart' adoption of Air Force core values and airman-warrior ethos principles," the service said in a separate video introducing the changes Monday.
More than 37,314 airmen graduated from BMT in fiscal 2017, AETC said. The command is poised to graduate 40,200 graduates by the end of fiscal 2019.
"Over the last 70 years, we have become the most dominant Air Force the world has ever known, but there is no doubt we must be, and can be, better in the future," said Chief Master Sgt. Lee Hoover, 737th Training Group superintendent. "The next generation of airmen will take us there, so it's critical we start them on the right foot. These changes ensure we move in that direction."
2b7118 No.3745766
027748 No.3745767
Not gonna lie….
Bharara being stressed makes my day!
3566b9 No.3745768
Isn't this getting a bit silly?
e308d7 No.3745769
I had not heard that before.
That would make her fake republican mole kid an adopted, and probably abused, victim.
ef1c47 No.3745770
TWATTER has me locked on the notifications page. It won't let me get to the main page to post new tweets.
4c5c20 No.3745771
The picture will be the signifier.
The signifier will force the Q.
f7b349 No.3745773
da63cf No.3745775
c51309 No.3745776
I'm going to count how many moar times the new Q will be posted
already have 3, we're good
b87403 No.3745777
wow. they are absolutely losing their fucking shit.
I kind of wanted to twat some keks, but I kind of feel sorry for them. Dark days for the npc crowd…. I hope they wake up.
48fae5 No.3745779
He knows he's about to Lose his freedom and may be his life!
1a3f1a No.3745780
Every tweet has to be checked to see if it passes the democrat thought police commission's mission statement
4c4f75 No.3745781
I've always thought a member of Q team was also a member of Congress.
1180ff No.3745783
THIS, my fren, is a thing of beauty!
let’s bomb twitters top three trending subjects with it
6ffc98 No.3745785
Very Nice Babe!!
157dce No.3745787
OHIOANON here, When my Anon friend and I went to the Indy rally, Fren was made to zip up their jacket to keep Q covered. As we discussed this further we came to the conclusion that we don't believe SS is trying to hide Q but to protect Q until he can be revealed? What do you all think?
63c4b7 No.3745788
That monkey's not even black. Neither is the actor on the right.
ff2bf5 No.3745789
For the muh jew shills working so hard for their gay master mason…
Donald Trump on His Commitment to Jewish Americans and Israel
I love Israel and honor and respect the Jewish faith and tradition. It's important that we have a president who feels the same way. For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve, and families in Jewish tradition. My administration will stand side by side with the Jewish people and Israel's leaders to continue strengthening the bridges that connect not only Jewish Americans and Israelis, but also all Americans and Israelis. Together, we will stand up to the enemies like Iran, bent on destroying Israel and your people. Together, we will make America and Israel safe again.
>They want you DIVIDED.
>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days…
b35824 No.3745790
can explain later..can't planefag either. Miss that
but thats life.
I do appreciate the updates from pf's
aa1dd9 No.3745791
Trump defintely pointed at the Q sign 3 times. That was Awesome.
4aeabb No.3745792
It's getting a bit confirmed.
6a1667 No.3745793
I really want to hear this while tuning into the rally
512036 No.3745795
From OHIO Rally
264636 No.3745796
Lives with Hussein.
Secret Service protection around the clock.
0fe5ee No.3745797
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Anons help me out.. i can't do it..
Timestamp is 2:20:43 ish.. Trump makes a Q hand sign
It is only a second.. make a gif.
ef1c47 No.3745798
I can't even get to the dialog to post a twat. Everything else on web is working. 250mbps down, 12mpbs up.
I started posting memes.
120d09 No.3745799
What you are reading is a very excited POTUS who is almost ready to pull back the curtain. The time is near anons. Soon there will be no denying what we here have all known for so long. God Bless POTUS! God Bless Q! And God Bless America!
37360d No.3745800
Air Q!!! Woo Hoo!!!
7cea64 No.3745801
917502 No.3745802
Comedy gold mine!
2deb4d No.3745803
POTUS RT'd the video with Q sign
eb6865 No.3745804
Many times I want to twat to them:
"Who would you rather share a room with Booker or Schiff? Asking for a friend"
"Whats your favorite meal? Asking for a friend"
4aeabb No.3745805
POTUS live on Mark Levin. "I think there's something going on"
63c4b7 No.3745806
You can stay
555f70 No.3745807
kekkekek… lots of hair will be on fire tomorrow
c51309 No.3745810
BAKER, would add the video too:
>>>/patriotsfight/410 ——————————– Do you 'AIR Q'? ( Cap: >>3745763, Video: >>3745786 )
e8d7af No.3745811
Every Trump supporter has known for 2 years how they would vote tomorrow. 6% is the NPC beginning to reject their programming. Know who they were told to vote for but does not compute
e72f9e No.3745813
Instead of Paul Ryan being a dick, he should be lucky he is getting off with no indictment for all his dirty shit
0fe5ee No.3745814
5 sec before are the Booms..
47f82d No.3745815
Q will Hannity drop the "Q" tonight?
ea3426 No.3745816
Astro STAR ANALYSIS for November 2018 ELECTIONS
Since most agree it is a referendum on Prez Trump, 3 way comparison was made between:
a) ELECTION Day at 8pm polls closing in Wash DC only significant change for pols close on west coast is Moon a few degrees closer to Sun.
b) USA - Birth of USA July 4, 1776 in Philly
c) TRUMP birth chart.
Most significant was Election Mars (action) conjunct (joins) USA Moon in Aquarius. Moon is the common man - the “people speaking thru elections”. Aquarius rules future concepts. So conclusion is the “people want a new future”.
So does Mars / Moon Aquarius connect with Trump in any way?
It trines (positive energy flow) his Sun (spiritual destiny) and his Uranus (future, change) in Gemini as well as the USA Mars (action) and sextiles (opportunity) Trump’s Moon in Sagittarius. (optimistic emotion “winning”).
Further the Midheaven (govt) for the Election is also in Sagittarius 29 degrees and conjunct (joins) Trump’s Moon (how he connects with the common man). Midheaven/ 10th house rules big government. Being in 29 degrees means the old pattern of government is at the crux of change - an end. 29 degrees usually means something is ending, at 30 degrees flips to new sign.
There are also several oppositions to Trump’s chart and to that of the USA from Pluto meaning - there is plenty of skullduggery afoot in this Election, like a Mafia on overtime working to control the outcome using underhanded methods. Pluto Rules the “hidden powers that be”. This election skullduggery may be the OLD government the people want changed in the Moon/Mars Aquarius vote.
Pluto also rules the Sun/Moon in Scorpio for Election Day. However this Scorpio star system trines (EZ positive flow) the USA’s Jupiter (Law)/ Venus (Harmony) as well as Trump’s Mercury (mind) and his Venus and Saturn (Government). All in the 7th house of the USA public (the People).
So the results may be challenged in Court but with the outcome the same - one that aligns with the Trump USA MAGA objective.
ed3933 No.3745817
Fuckin monkey lookin bitch……Prison
ebf768 No.3745818
Legit question here…
Who here is going to be staying up watching the election returns come in tomorrow night like it's the fucking Super Bowl?
94d323 No.3745819
c48bee No.3745821
Trolling the FAKE NEWS media is FUN!
5f228b No.3745822
POTUS did an AIR Q !!!
3566b9 No.3745823
all of us.
the answer is all of us.
c51309 No.3745825
kek, I'll probably be baking
and will be thrilled to do so!
bd3cbe No.3745826
o7 Sir
Air Q
4c5c20 No.3745828
2b7118 No.3745830
americaaa, fuck yeahhh
8938ca No.3745831
>This is a good thing, Justice.
6c1af0 No.3745832
Air Q confirms once again, living in the greatest timeline. Thanks for nabbing the vid from twatter
48fae5 No.3745833
Air Qanon!
4ca43b No.3745834
YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
e2b12c No.3745835
She's a summer love in the spring, fall and winter
2df6c7 No.3745836
Q, what are your thoughts on Mike Ruppert?
588e61 No.3745837
They deserve it for being eternal pickle smokers!
d7cf45 No.3745838
Maybe old news, but…
NXIVM love story: Kirsten Gillibrand’s father and stepmother fell in love because of sex slaver cult
937614 No.3745840
Requesting POTUS use the word TITANIC in tonight's rally. WWG1WGA
7cea64 No.3745841
That's what they said in the TV series American Horror!
Filmed just before Q started posting?
21cd90 No.3745842
Amazing, beautiful, thank you.
465b1a No.3745843
That’s cute but that’s a game they don’t want to play. Kek.
37360d No.3745844
437f69 No.3745845
It certainly is, team! Convinced 'em we weren't real, didn't we?
ebf768 No.3745846
Every election my kids know that I get the TV all night… and I'm at my computer, with a spreadsheet open… and I'm keeping tallies of my own.
a5dec1 No.3745847
a48d01 No.3745848
Ribbit on toastmaster is working
b04386 No.3745849
ya'll are just begging for disclosure at this point. huge obvious AIR Q…. are you kidding me. let's do this Q
2ca367 No.3745850
7cea64 No.3745851
f7b349 No.3745852
37a773 No.3745853
Look at the pic.
Q knows what he is doing…
Why did he post it?
What is he telling us?
2a32b1 No.3745854
Effin love that vid…"boom boom boom" epic
897ffb No.3745856
None of (((you))) will be relevant anymore in the future.
We will, with ABSOLUTE certainty, KILL those who get in our way.
"muh nazis" "muh racists" "muh antisemites" "muh white supremacists"
dfd8c0 No.3745857
443aea No.3745858
555f70 No.3745862
Oh yes it is!!!! You guys are Kings at it!
4ca43b No.3745863
The best Q air sign to date!!!
aa1dd9 No.3745864
Lynn you really need to stop drinking in the afternoons,, best to wait until after dinner time, so you are not so much of a ignorant lush.
2b7118 No.3745865
Even better : Fit in that you were requested to mention the titanic tonight ;)
bc64b3 No.3745866
88a46c No.3745867
There is still time to make show to enjoy!
a1c190 No.3745868
Well hello there patriot! o7
534e4c No.3745869
how true is pic related
2c6c42 No.3745870
LOVE LOVE LOVE trolling the MSM. They deserve that and so much more Q Let's give em MOAR!! MOAR!! MOAR!!!
f41aca No.3745871
tomorrow is going to be the greatest night ever!
ef1c47 No.3745874
Even a full refresh and my page is locked to the "notifications" page. I cannot create a new twat. Happened about 5 memes into things this afternoon.
Web is fine otherwise.
Full reload. I can see notifications, but I cannot post.
21cd90 No.3745875
DECLAS, FISA, TEXTS, PICS, VIDEOS will be even more fun! Arrests would be the most fun!
443aea No.3745877
biggest troll ever!
4706f1 No.3745879
17 memes so far blasted out…..I'm going for broke anons!!
ebf768 No.3745880
Q, got any sauce or any specifics on attempts to intimidate voters, or otherwise cheat in this election?
b04386 No.3745881
just testing something
60fc67 No.3745882
Bonus points for the authenticity sauce
c48bee No.3745883
POTUS 'really' made that one obvious didn't he?
It was the 'end' that sealed it.
0dd146 No.3745885
786542 No.3745886
WE have a nigger faggot baker…
link my asshole you dead forever fuck
8e8660 No.3745887
e308d7 No.3745888
I still enjoy madcow from 2016 beating. MSM will experience a transient ratings bump.
a96b1e No.3745889
And they don't know how to act about.
6ffc98 No.3745891
Get 'em Q and Q+. We American's have your 6! Thanks for all you do!
5f86e6 No.3745892
I am shadowbanned at the moment
7c8f8e No.3745893
Touching letter to Major Taylor's family from Afghan Army Aviation pilot
"Dear Mrs. Taylor,
Maj Taylor was my friend. I wrote this letter for his family.
I hope this little contribution eases your pain.
Note: this letter was sent to his physical add by one my American mentors. I tried to email too but I failed to find her email."
2deb4d No.3745894
>Trolling the FAKE NEWS media is FUN!
It is FUN for us to watch too!
dfaca6 No.3745895
Can we expect Hannity or Limbaugh to step up and ask POTUS the big Q?
71f7dc No.3745896
This is so great to see.
Larry Schweikart
3h3 hours ago
Per Rasmussen, Trump today in "high 30s" among blacks. Black men in particular are supporting the President.
BET founder: Trump's economy is bringing black workers back into the labor force
BET founder: Trump's economy is bringing black workers back into the labor force
10:11 AM ET Fri, 6 April 2018 | 01:23
The growing U.S. economy and improving business environment is bringing black workers back into the labor force, BET founder Robert Johnson told CNBC on Friday.
Johnson, the nation's first black billionaire, spoke before Friday's jobs report, which showed nonfarm payrolls rose 103,000 in March, falling well short of the 193,000 gain economist were expecting.
In January, the Labor Department reported the unemployment rate among black workers was at its lowest since at least the early 1970s, when the government began tracking the data. The unemployment rate for black Americans spiked in January and then fell in February. The rate was unchanged in March at 6.9 percent.
"When you look at that [January report], you have to say something is going right," said Johnson, a Democrat and founder and chairman of The RLJ Cos.
"You have to take encouragement from what's happening in the labor force and the job market," Johnson told "Squawk Box." "When you look at African-American unemployment, … you've never had African-American unemployment this low and the spread between African-Americans and whites narrowing."
Johnson said that means the jobs market is "soliciting employees who have been out of the labor force, some of it based on discrimination, some of it based on changes in education, access and technology changes."
Additionally, the business environment in the U.S. is also good, Johnson said. "I believe if you take into account the Trump tax cut, you take into account the drop in unemployment, … and you take into account that interest rates are fairly stable" the economy is going to grow, he said.
"I believe the economy is on a strong growth path," he added.
President Donald Trump has touted the black unemployment rate both on Twitter and his State of the Union address in January. Critics say Trump can't take full credit because black unemployment had been on the decline before Trump took office.
Johnson has said he has known Trump for years. Johnson met with the then president-elect in 2016 and said he believes the president wants to work with African-Americans and all Americans to boost the economy.
Johnson also spoke again about a job offer he received from Trump. He said he didn't take the unspecified position because he didn't want a government job and not because of the president's policies.
774aa1 No.3745898
He failed to get the TPP passed
He failed the Roth’s
He is in deep ….
2b7118 No.3745899
4d3a52 No.3745900
Q was green.
GO signal!
Zero coincidences.
e6a21c No.3745903
1d4ffc No.3745904
eb6865 No.3745905
4aeabb No.3745906
Lord knows they have earned some trolling, perhaps an eternity of it.
ff2bf5 No.3745907
Anons enjoy that almost as much as the master troll himself.
48fae5 No.3745908
Loving every minute of it Q….
Best wishes from Britain.
It's only our so called leaders that are criminals and against the US.
e46680 No.3745909
Fun for anons too. Ear to ear!
786542 No.3745910
what we have here is a situation
what YOU have HERE is a situation
situation reQuires a choice
DID (You) make a situaional choice?
english language is soooo versital
Satan… i'ts, WAS, OVER, before you drew sight.
88a46c No.3745911
a4f8ea No.3745912
4c5c20 No.3745913
John McCain still dead af?
As you were, patriot!
7cea64 No.3745914
It was obvious as literal EFF, Q!~
a75ee9 No.3745915
(OP) Board Operator ATTENTION
>>3745239 LB is W Merthon someone who has spread disinfo on Sealed Cases for weeks, he lies like a cheap run
>>3745265 LB LIE Merthon
>>3745268 LB Merthon Buddy Also LIAR
>>3745373 LB Merthon Buddy another Disinfo agent
833f39 No.3745917
They can't tell their head from their butts this entire time and we get pissed when it takes us half an hour to see through an "attack" that "leaked the tripcode and comped QAnon".
b04386 No.3745919
absolutely. i appreciated it a lot. this means we are really close, right?
74eeaf No.3745920
taking 18 yr old son to vote and 3 of his 18 year old frens too! They all have their MAGA hats and just went over the sample ballots!
37a773 No.3745921
I tend to air on the side of quaution..
e30167 No.3745922
Enjoying the show! KEK
588e61 No.3745923
Keep em coming!
We like obvious and the normies need all the help they can get.
2f163e No.3745925
Right?!? What's with the "I'm Canadian…" return value
437f69 No.3745926
116234 = 11/6 234 R Seats in House, doesn't it?
cbc6b9 No.3745928
>>3745821 BHO lost his voice and POTUS still on fire. Looking forward to the last 2 rallies. Finish it strong and let's WIN WIN WIN tomorrow
443aea No.3745929
e5e587 No.3745930
Suicide weekend?
c1c6cc No.3745931
44e787 No.3745932
coming out of the closet?
e083fc No.3745933
21cd90 No.3745934
The media will never cooperate…you said so yourself. Force the issue…DECLAS
2cdf1e No.3745935
321 BOOM!!!!!!!!
a6c903 No.3745937
Referring to the (((+))) POTUS draws right after the "Q"?
You know who it is, and WE ARE READY.
555f70 No.3745938
Yeah, it's unmistakable. POTUS would have to hop up and down and start blubbering to make it any more obvious hahahah
f7b349 No.3745939
It's time, isn't it? What's in store for this rally?
325137 No.3745940
Thank you Q team!
Thank you POTUS
Thank you USMIL
6d0e80 No.3745941
It was very obvious, Q
We saw it! And it was amazingly beautiful.
We love our POTUS! We love you!
Thank you all for everything. We will forever be grateful!
DOITQ, we're ready!!!!
7b60b8 No.3745942
Somtinks habbenin
1a3f1a No.3745943
This is how I start every conversation when trying to explain "Q" to somebody.
Maybe this is the way TRUMP is beginning to tell everyone about "Q"
94d323 No.3745944
Funnily enough, there were a couple of moments in AHS that were coincidental to Q… but I was referring to 2018 will be glorious (or similar).
534e4c No.3745948
It had a nice swirl to it, ~
bd3cbe No.3745950
The + Sign sealed it,, o7
22519a No.3745951
For what crime or not crime you could be not allowed to enter USA for 5years? I heard a rumor that somebody pays good money to fly to America, "do something", and when you come back, you are not allowed to enter USA. Thats sounded suspitious, considering upcoming elections. Could be they planed invasion via tourists? Just thinking.
a5dec1 No.3745952
The Truth.
f4d620 No.3745953
POTUS takes the gloves off after tomorrow?
897ffb No.3745955
incoming 'dangerous (insert [[[globalist]]] buzzword of choice here)' articles who follow Q.
"All of (((our))) pedos and thieves - I mean humanitarian philanthropists and doctors are under death threats"
"We are under attack by white supremacists and anti semites - we dindu nuffin"
"we are under attack by brainwashed republicans calling us names ←—- massive (((projections)))"
37360d No.3745956
Q 'tails' are important.
4ca43b No.3745957
07a3f7 No.3745958
Its been over an hour since the drops that are missing were posted. I never ever recall that happening before.
Qmap.pub would always have them scraped within a few minutes of posting.
What is going on with their scrape rate? Or lack thereof?
5f86e6 No.3745960
You know the media knows you are real. They will never ask Trump about Q.
9355a1 No.3745961
What time is the rally in MO tonight?
22d1d4 No.3745963
Is tomorrow the final hurdle before the heat finally gets turned up?
449bc4 No.3745964
CSpan is covering Ft Wayne inside and out…looks like a good crowd!
e63fa0 No.3745965
DO IT SOME MORE Q !!!!!!! Make a big PROOF !!!!
204e1b No.3745966
e5750d No.3745967
I wouldn't be surprised if the media ignored POTUS wearing a tie with a hundred Q's on it. They're scared shitless.
2c6c42 No.3745968
Shall we hammer the last nail in tonight Sir??
Where WE GO 1!!! Intro?
027748 No.3745969
>POTUS 'really' made that one obvious didn't he?
e08af0 No.3745970
Q, please let POTUS know we hear him. 5:5. We are with him. Lockstep.
e2020e No.3745971
Tomorrow will be glorious-next to reveal Q is ET♥️⭕️⭕️⭕️♥️
c48bee No.3745973
Will you answer the call?
Your Country needs you!
3c2551 No.3745974
Blessings Q, Q+, and all amazing anons.
Grab popcorn, the movie is about to begin.
This is an interactive movie (so get off your asses and VOTE Republican), then we can all see the most amazing clean up of ALL TIME!
a82cbe No.3745975
I agree Q! Lets have Potus add the word "Titanic" in his speech tonight. IF the left win it would be like the titanic 2.0
d83151 No.3745976
f2238d No.3745977
“Somethings happening… and they know know it.” Points the Fake News.
2f290d No.3745980
We’re 5 hours ahead but I’ve got the morning off work to watch it all unfold.
b30d83 No.3745981
"There is something going on, Ohio, that [they] are not talking about."
e3a3d3 No.3745982
Can't wait for the red wave tomorrow!!! Love you, Q Team and President!!!
a5b237 No.3745984
This is GLORIOUS, and it's just getting started!
e308d7 No.3745986
Outstanding meme!
A work of art!!!
7cea64 No.3745987
Exactly, Anon.
AHS was filmed just BEFORE Q started dropping.
Some weird coincedences there, I am tempted to start digging on it.
Q team part of AHS?
Or no?
f05444 No.3745988
876942 No.3745989
thank Q for the proofs!
07a3f7 No.3745991
e19181 No.3745992
Yes, that was magic. And a GREAT Q Proof!
f43f5e No.3745993
2420ec No.3745994
You're in good company, Anon. Most of us are either banned or shadowbanned.
8f92b0 No.3745995
Somethings happening…
3566b9 No.3745996
already did, got a few others out too
e30167 No.3745997
Call me, KEK . that would so sweet!
f7b349 No.3745998
https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/ is up to date not sure what is happening to Qmap.pub
2b7118 No.3745999
35960e No.3746000
Is it Really the End of [them]?
2c6c42 No.3746001
Done deal Sir!! Family and Friends… and EVERYONE I can drag to the polls!!
1d4ffc No.3746002
0472e4 No.3746003
Socialized Medicine in Alabama
partially Doxxing myself here but i dont care anymore.
I had the idea to approach the #Qmunity Halloween night while I waited for my kids to get done trick or treating, but decided to wait till the election cycle was over to post.
I trust that #Q and all the real Anons here are working hard for the American people.
All need to know the work you do isnt just for the middle class. Its for the Dirt poor as well. Solving our governmental problems effects everyone from the bottom up. #WWG1WGA
This could happen to any one of you.
On March 2 2017 I had a work related injury. I had a 300 lb cabinet fall on me at an install. Due to the owners actions I could not file it as a work related injury so I could not receive workman compensation.
(I would sue but im totally broke and can't find anyone to take the case, cause the company is a startup franchise. Even though the accident was caused by his negligence due to forcing me to install product that was not to corporate standards. I was constantly told to "make it work".)
This was 2 days before my AFLAC became active so I did not receive it. On march 6 2017 I had an MRI done of my entire spine. It showed stenosis in my neck, bulging and torn disks in my lumbar spine, and one of those disks (L5) is impinging on my right sciatic nerve. I suffer from constant and radial pain, situational numbness, and weakness in my arms and legs. I am forced to use a cane to walk to relieve the pressure in my lower back.
With out insurance, I forced my self to take a job with Uber and Lyft, to make ends meet until it became too painful to drive; hoping my wife could get a job with medical insurance(hasn't happened yet).
In Birmingham, Alabama there is a community care program at Cooper Green Mercy Hospital. I began that program in June. They had a second MRI done (only pelvis and Lumbar) in July that showed worsening of my lumbar disks. Due to missed communications, I was not referred to a neurosurgeon until Oct 31.
At that meeting, I was told by the Dr. I was not a good candidate for surgery because i did not have insurance and he could not find a surgeon to preform the surgery, but if I came up with insurance I would have a lot more options. Then my pain was belittled and told my spine was not very bad, contradictory to what i was told after the first MRI.
To them I am not worth fixing. They would rather send me to a pain clinic and dope me up than fix me.
This is how a death panel works. Is the patient worh fixing or do you dope them up and wait till the patient "fixes" themselves.
This is as close to single payer "socialized medicine" that I have ever seen here in the USA.
My disability claim is under appeal and will take 16-20 more months.
I need insurance so I can be fixed. I need to be fixed so I can go back to work.
I have a wife and 4 children. We have went from looking at purchasing a home to living in my parents basement; from having 2 cars (buying one brand new) to my wife driving a 2000 neon that is falling apart. Our credit is shot. We have lost almost everything when we lost our rental storage.
I'll say again. This could be anyone of you who read this.
Funds will be used to purchase insurance and pay any co-pays and deductibles. Any excess funds will be used to to put our lives back together.
My thinking was if any of you anons had spare monies to donate it should go to conservative efforts in the election. This election and the one in two years are, The Most Important in United States (if not World) history, not just for we the people but for all our children.
Now, since the election season is over, I feel better asking for help. Help me rejoin the work force. Help me do the things I need to to support my family off the public dole. I have never liked being on food stamps. I dont want to be disabled. I want to WORK. I want my family to feel secure and happy. I dont want my kids growing up on government assistance and thinking thats ok.
Help me stand up so I can help Make America Great Again.
4c4f75 No.3746004
Nice catch anon.
Green is a "Go".
a96b1e No.3746005
And (((they))) can't put the genie back in the bottle.
9e1a55 No.3746007
I answered the call!
2ca367 No.3746009
897ffb No.3746010
VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
812441 No.3746011
6ffc98 No.3746012
I already did!!!
37360d No.3746013
aye, aye, captain Q. Done.
26588e No.3746014
No, Nobody will ask the Q Question because once acknowledged, that would mean the end of Q…
There would be so much media attention that would diminish Q's effect…
It is in our best interest that Q always remains an Anon.
449bc4 No.3746015
Voted straight R here in Colo 3rd
498418 No.3746016
443aea No.3746017
7cea64 No.3746018
Did it
1cafeb No.3746021
Hi Q! Yes he sure did. I hope in 2 years He will be coming out to Ca. so I will be able to go to a rally. Would love it!
d54df3 No.3746022
Not Allowed in my state
204e1b No.3746023
2 Anons voted 2 weeks ago, red ticket.
21cd90 No.3746024
Already did. WA mail in ballots. Probably won't count. But I voted all red. (always do).
a48c5a No.3746025
0efa12 No.3746026
Oh my gosh— yes. Exactly the right man at exactly the right time. Divine intervention!
2cdf1e No.3746027
yessir voted repub for the REPUBLIC!!!
588e61 No.3746028
We got you covered, boss
e5750d No.3746029
Dubs for LIBERTY!
b04386 No.3746031
i would vote vote vote vote vote vote vote… but i'm only allowed to do it once…. RIGHT?
2a32b1 No.3746032
bc64b3 No.3746035
f7b349 No.3746036
Already voted, but getting everyone else I know to do the same- this is the biggest movie of our lives. Shame to not be a part of it!
555f70 No.3746038
oh yes.
'R' individually, straight down the ballot.
7cd314 No.3746039
POTUS did the air Q in MI as well.
9f46a8 No.3746040
>>3745392 lb
All Patriots in these states should be on the lookout for buses showing up at the polls tomorrow.
Eyes On.
0cb847 No.3746041
c1c6cc No.3746042
Same here. I pray for POTUS and all the patriots!
040ddb No.3746043
Voted already! Red Wave!
88a46c No.3746044
I'm not a demonrat.
I can't vote again.
876942 No.3746045
Already voted Q
Call me
2deb4d No.3746046
>Will you answer the call?
Ballot mailed last week [WA]
507597 No.3746047
Make it hot for them Q
499983 No.3746048
Already done.
Go DeSantis!
Go Scott!
a5dec1 No.3746049
7604f2 No.3746050
Shitlibs be like pic attached starting tomorrow night.
fb689a No.3746051
Abrams literally wants to take away their guns. Fucking morons
6b74d6 No.3746052
Whole family voting RED!
792bc0 No.3746054
3324aa No.3746055
Voted RED here in NorCal>>3745973
e19181 No.3746056
and fun for us, as well. I hope, at some point, we'll all be able to meet you (JFK Jr) and POTUS.
fcc12a No.3746058
they are all groomed from a young age to be the fascists we read about in history books
8011cf No.3746059
it has been an honor to be a part of all this Mr.president and Q team GOD BLESS AND GODSPEED the red tsunami is here
e5e587 No.3746061
All for a LARP, right Q?
Anon here since 4 chan, Love POTUS & Q Team, no Homo
22d1d4 No.3746062
We will answer.
I smell a repeat of 2016, going to bed with everyone making their "predictions" based on the "polls"
We're gaining in both the house and the senate, I can feel it.
c0fd24 No.3746063
A [CloWn] shills worst nightmare… Black and Jew POTUS supporters coming together and embracing at rally.
47f82d No.3746064
Not just the US, the world needs you!
a1c190 No.3746065
Glorious Q, and Potus. Europe is with you! Bless all you patriots! o7
ff2bf5 No.3746066
abcfbd No.3746067
Looked like a Q + to me!
aa1dd9 No.3746068
Thank you Q and POTUS, Anons see and know.
44e787 No.3746069
7c8f8e No.3746070
Wow! SEE PIC How the left twists POTUS protecting our election!!!
21cd90 No.3746071
Technically yes, but I'm sure after you die you will vote multiple times, in multiple places, so there's that! Of course, you will vote Democrat then…
85159b No.3746072
>>3745973 Will Do.
075b98 No.3746073
NEW "Q PF 410"
94d323 No.3746074
Funnily enough, there were a couple of moments in AHS that were coincidental to Q… but I was referring to 2018 will be glorious (or similar).>>3745883
ThanQ for your service!
917502 No.3746075
534e4c No.3746077
5d287d No.3746079
Tomorrow will be GLORIOUS!
f833e4 No.3746080
EARLY voted- DAY ONE. Thank you for your service. This has been glorious being a part of this- and I have been here since Drop 1.
1f492a No.3746081
God bless anon.
WE will ALL benefit in the end of EVIL.
18b291 No.3746082
Thank You & God Bless…
443aea No.3746083
2f1f3d No.3746085
The three of us already did.
a5b237 No.3746086
Muh. Unfortunately, I am Canadian.
e6a21c No.3746087
Q's Latest Posts
Monday 11.05.18
>>3745973 ————————————–——– VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Will you answer the call? Your Country needs you!
>>3745883 rt >>3745849 -———————– POTUS 'really' made that one obvious didn't he?
>>3745821 rt >>3745801 -———————– Trolling the FAKE NEWS media is FUN!
3c2551 No.3746088
noice graphic anon.
ThanQ I am honoured
653665 No.3746089
e183cb No.3746091
Godbless you Q team!!!
a96b1e No.3746092
Already voted.
0efa12 No.3746095
Yes!! Me + 11 others I know personally all voted RED!!
5896f9 No.3746096
>>3743816 COUPLE 2 OR 3 BREADS AGO
I am not a Biblefag
I may be off base, but my gut tells me we are going BIGGER THAN WE CAN IMAGINE. Much much Bigger as a certain someone would say.
I think it sorta follows in this order:
-(Changes come about to) Make America Great Again
-Fallout from MAGA helps other country's do the same, World Wide MEGA. Unity
-New Technologies are Introduced. Frequency
-New Pharma/Medical wonders, included big emphasis on Plant -Based (vitamins/minerals needed) Think of the movie Avatar=One with the planet.
-Pineal Gland clarification
-Possibly alien thing due to Cabal involvement
-Worldwide awakening for Good vs Evil
-Revelations comes into play.
(Not a Biblefag at all. I believe IN God, just don't attend church or read Bible in my spare time, mouth like a drunken sailor. That being said, I broke out the Bible for a refresher; and jotted down all the Chapter5:Verse5 passages From each Book(cuz, ya know, 5:5), and was a bit alarmed/excited/concerned that it almost read like a mini-Bible-novel….two pages long. I think THAT is where we are going. Revelations will play out.)
Remember these?
5 steps ahead
12 steps ahead
We have it all.
By all we mean ALL
Info is being kept on each and every one of you
And you won't believe where its kept
They thought you would follow the stars
Enjoy the show (we have no control over any of it)
They never thought she would lose
Now think: Good vs Evil on a much grander scale.
Door of all Doors? Revelations Chapter 4, opening words:
After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven;
How many coincidences do you need before it becomes mathematically impossible?
I think I just became a Bible fag.
5ca983 No.3746097
look closing he did an "Air Q" with his hand AMAZING!
5db15a No.3746098
6e9d55 No.3746099
what to you do if denied right to vote and police refuse your info? This happened in past.
Meanwhile an illegal aliens voted in your place.
Basically you go to vote and they say you voted already. Which you haven;t,. This happened one time with the same issue for 50 people in line.
a1cecf No.3746100
Patriots tracking! 😎 eyes on God bless our President
c62d58 No.3746101
0:18am here in the €-Zone. Gotta get some sleep. Make me proud tomorrow.
Stay safe and Godspeed
4d3a52 No.3746102
For certain.
Answering the call? Yes. Ready!
We are the calm before and during the storm.
b6555e No.3746103
Worst it's ever been
a5dec1 No.3746104
8f92b0 No.3746105
06b991 No.3746106
This is really awesome!
Q, we've come a long way huh?
4c4f75 No.3746107
Already Voted Q! Red ticket all the way baby!
a54ca2 No.3746108
Not even American
Spent Countless Hours this weekend alone In Meme Warfare against the ENEMY.
Plan to spend many more before tomorrow.
e63fa0 No.3746109
Q have Sean Hannity Ask about Q+ !!!!!!!!
e46680 No.3746110
Voted day 1 of early voting in TEXAS! Met two #walkaway Democrats standing in line. Both were voting straight ticket Republican! #REDWAVE!!!
da63cf No.3746111
21cd90 No.3746112
How about one more, beautiful?
4aac93 No.3746113
Kek! RIP my sides
771602 No.3746114
For comment, we turn to our DC reporter in the field, Paul Ryan.
b0fcf4 No.3746115
Sadly can't vote. But everytime I see Anons who can it makes me extra comfy though! Love you all Anons, Q, POTUS, FLOTUS
2cdf1e No.3746116
d6e583 No.3746117
Make memes to help out. That's what i did.
ebf768 No.3746118
By all means, prove your assertion that these are lies.
a4f8ea No.3746119
VOTE! VOTE REPUBLICAN! Save our country! Sooooooo excited!!!!
1d7d27 No.3746120
Nov 5 2018 18:14:18 (EST)
Will you answer the call?
Your Country needs you!
e2020e No.3746121
Time to reveal our father ~ Q… I’m awake… is everyone else???
c51309 No.3746122
kek, completely wrong
far from it, this is fine
dfd8c0 No.3746123
Tried to vote 2016 they rejected my registration. This time were are THERE, First thing great to exercise my right
ee8aa8 No.3746124
Mid 30s first time to register… First time to have something to believe in… Voted red early… WWG1WGA
9ce1dd No.3746125
Do you AIR Q?
Looks likely that something will be coming over the airwaves tonight! Could they be the members of the press that ASK THE Q-UESTION???
Q confirmed Hatch Act not being an issue- I would watch tonight!!!
39de3a No.3746126
If you wanted my vote you would have listened. Get fucked.
e15d0e No.3746127
And taking 10 with me to the polls!
e63fa0 No.3746128
Q have Sean Hannity Ask about Q+ !!!!!!!!
e3a3d3 No.3746129
I voted straight Republican. Even though mitt fucking romney (purposefully not capitalized) was our only choice. Please say POTUS and the QTeam has a plan for the rhino! Love You and all you're doing so much!!! Thank you for eternity!!! Always praying!!!
58d12b No.3746130
Dubs of honor, thanks anons
be6314 No.3746131
In Montana, this time the Crow are with US!
6a95ae No.3746133
YES YES YES❣❣❣❣❣🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
fb05a1 No.3746134
proudly answered, voted early, and voted Republican here! #WRWY #WWG1WGA
a46879 No.3746135
People are going to try to flee the country soon …
dc7db1 No.3746136
50c788 No.3746137
I have no hope for Maryland, but wife and I are voting anyway.
7b1fb0 No.3746138
Start a canadian caravan of MAGA to montana.
1cbde0 No.3746139
GOP fumes amid signs Trump's banking sanctions are being ignored
President Trump’s reimposition of sanctions against Iran might already be facing a challenge from a key international financial entity, Republican lawmakers worry. Treasury Department Steven Mnuchin last week called for SWIFT, a Belgian-based “global provider of secure financial messaging services,” to stop working with Iranian banks targeted by the U.S. pursuant to federal law. He did not demand the blacklisting of every Iranian bank from the SWIFT system, but designated 50 specific entities on Monday. SWIFT released an ambiguous statement in response, saying only that they would disconnect “certain Iranian banks” from their system. But it’s not clear that the international consortium has cut off all 50 of the banks targeted by Mnuchin’s team, sparking a flurry of questions from Capitol Hill to the Treasury Department.
“Nobody will provide clarity,” a senior Senate Republican aide told the Washington Examiner, on condition of anonymity. “A bunch of people have asked them. I’m not sure they know yet, but it’s only been, like, four hours.” It may be the case that SWIFT is disconnecting from all 50 banks in question, but left the statement ambiguous due to a competing law in the European Union. “SWIFT is barred from doing so under the European Union’s so-called blocking statute, which could subject it to European penalties for complying with U.S. law,” as Reuters explained.
On the other hand, that lack of specificity could indicate that SWIFT is only targeting some of the banks instead of all, but downplaying the lack of compliance in an effort to avoid a crisis with U.S. regulators. Iran hawks are already worried that, in that scenario, the Trump administration might fail to impose sanctions on the people who lead SWIFT — the board members of the international consortium are drawn from major banks around the world. “If the law is that it’s sanctionable if you keep a designated Iranian bank on SWIFT, and you've kept a designated Iranian bank on SWIFT … it’s high noon,” the Senate Republican aide said. “If the administration blinks on allowing designated Iranian banks to stay in SWIFT, it would open the floodgates up to sanctions violations, because it would show that they're either unable or unwilling to actually crack down.”
Trump has said in public he would crack down on Iran again as part of the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement. Still, some of the president’s allies have felt the need in recent weeks to pressure the administration to take aggressive steps in renewing the sanctions, even though Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has touted their commitment to the “maximum pressure” campaign. One source speculated that the Treasury Department may not be as enthusiastic about the sanctions as Trump. “There may be resistance at Treasury Department to impose sanctions on a bank that’s on the board of SWIFT,” an Iran sanctions expert, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, told the Washington Examiner. "The Treasury Department may be gun-shy.”
9355a1 No.3746140
You are probably right, anon. It might also mean the end of qresearch as we know it.
1d7d27 No.3746141
6d0e80 No.3746145
Already did, Q
RED, all the way
We're making history!!!!!
Thank you for making sure our vote counts!!!!
2b9c83 No.3746146
Dear friends you better listen to Q and save your country, then come to EU and save us because we need a little help. Even if Steve intends to kick soros's ass.
Seriously, we need your help.
20ff8a No.3746147
Q, I live in Crook County, IL. I vote R in every election when there is a candidate. Some think its hopeless, but I get the whole fam involved and we do our thing. Hopefully the tiny red dot in Crook county becomes a red blotch and then a giant red swath.
06b991 No.3746148
There actually feels like an electricity in the air. No shit!
aa1dd9 No.3746149
I already did vote. First time i voted straight republican.
Walked away in 2016.
ae651d No.3746150
Another angle of air-Q @ 0:10
(already voted BOSS)
1d4ffc No.3746151
Me too! We will never forget these incredible times. WWG1WGA FRENS!
808e80 No.3746154
My 19 year old will being Voting tomorrow!
She just had surgery on her knee and will be taking a folding chair SHES SO DETERMINE!
Voting Red all the way!!!
For her generation and for the future generations we take this stance!!!!
Thank you all!!
c28c13 No.3746156
Prayers, Anon.
Try a chiropractor.
3ff797 No.3746157
"ahhh it burns! the patriot unity, it buuuurrrnsss"
966392 No.3746158
what was the bookie that suspended bets yesterday?
2b7118 No.3746159
I might be blind but I didn't see this posted :
October Update to #SealedIndictments
5,651 new
d7cf45 No.3746161
‘The fingering cult’ – OneTaste – requires NDA’s, arranges fake marriages, much like NXIVM
9e0d53 No.3746162
Voting red incoming
e5750d No.3746163
Pence spotted a faggot.
8775cb No.3746164
No indictment and a giant Foxconn factory to launder whatever his faggy little Not-The-President heart desires.
4ca43b No.3746165
443aea No.3746166
Beware of the Joos
2420ec No.3746167
Can't wait to vote tomorrow!
2dc4c6 No.3746168
Repost from a day or two ago.
1f492a No.3746169
Just keep POTUS safe sir. This is when (((THEY))) will try to pull something dumber than what they've already done.
6dd125 No.3746171
Done and Done Sir!
64fe59 No.3746172
I wish i lived in the USA to vote
fe175f No.3746174
come on…surely everyone realizes by now that as long as it continues to be their field (social media), they get to decide who plays. Praying that changes soon.
37360d No.3746175
e2020e No.3746176
Our RED WAVE…will swallow their blue puddle
e26121 No.3746178
AR-Q my new fav weapon
e6a21c No.3746179
Notables so far
Wew lads, wew Q, wew POTUS !!
>>3745949 Video: POTUS striking an 'AirQ'
>>3745803 POTUS RE-TWEETS the video with the Q sign
>>3745763 U.S. Air Force expands its Basic Military Training
>>3745720 Breaking news on Iran
>>3745709 Rosendale leads in Montana
>>3745697 POTUS tweet and QPost "Something is happening" SxS
>>3745697 New POTUS tweet: "Something's happening"
>>3745663 Ivanka also looks at the Q sign
>>3745645 PANIC
>>3745564 , >>3745573, >>3745614 (all lb) Good shots of 'The Point'
7cd314 No.3746180
Pocahontis and her slim pit going down in Massachusetts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
555f70 No.3746181
4d3a52 No.3746182
POTUS said on OAN there WAS electricity in the air. When he got off Af1. Posted this in lb.
a5b237 No.3746183
e49b05 No.3746185
Roger that. Voted early.
2a32b1 No.3746186
How long? Going to be a shit-storm…. cant freaking wait. Bring it on.
9f46a8 No.3746190
They played 'Beat It' right before POTUS came out.
>I Like Mike!
812441 No.3746191
771602 No.3746192
Trump is the father many of them never had.
d54492 No.3746193
ALREADY VOTED!! First time wife and I voted in a midterm election!!
3ac9e9 No.3746194
Enki sucks, Enlil is our man
6d68e2 No.3746195
Oh how I would love to. But here in Germany voting red wouldn't do any good. ;)
But praying for a RED TSUNAMI!!!
e5750d No.3746196
Hey… uhh.. this is too gross for youtube so sub to my gab for 99 cents a month?
0b5883 No.3746198
Hannity never will. Hannity is a phony faggot.
b30d83 No.3746199
>Trolling the FAKE NEWS media is FUN!
"There is something going on, Ohio, that [they] are not talking about."
b2baf5 No.3746200
I voted in Washington state, so I tried. We shall see.
ba56b4 No.3746201
5d53da No.3746202
17 characters (including spaces)
653665 No.3746204
0ba4b7 No.3746205
Make Americans Gregarious Again
690c9e No.3746207
no need to dox, that is a stupid thing to chant,who is Q, really now, who do you really work for?
be cool if potus stared with "where we go" and pause, and let it all fall into place
4f25de No.3746209
Hello Indiana massive crowds WWG1WGA
786542 No.3746210
are you satan?
are you fucking KIDDING?
Satan is real and knows who he is idiot.
satan is talking to you.
God is TALKING to you.
792bc0 No.3746211
His faggots are getting uglier.
b04386 No.3746212
it may sound silly but getting a (you) from Q absolutely rocks me. i get all giddy like a little school girl. I'm smiling yugely right now! i'm sure some of you know the feeling
e49b05 No.3746213
The media staff looked dejected tonight. Don't know if that's new though.
139d0c No.3746214
From IN rally, "I shouldn't mention Harvard, but…"
9c2842 No.3746215
Yes! I’ll be the first one in line at 6:55 am before work. Very small state, very small district.
dc36ed No.3746217
>>3745883 I would LOVE to be there for the official reveal! Just a faithful supporter, follower, and Patriot. But steadfast in my belief in the American Dream. Thank Q! Thank you, Mr President!
Post last edited at
dd2345 No.3746219
Husband and Wife Anon here. God Bless you Q and POTUS
a604e9 No.3746220
Q is Michael Craig Ruppert
eb6865 No.3746221
That was what got me started on the VoteRiders dig.
Can't really do that in Mail In states like CA/OR
However I uncovered a lot of bigger fish in the process of looking
50c788 No.3746222
Right in the middle of "Proud to Be an American!"
01fd7b No.3746223
POTUS, Q, Anons, Autists, Fellow Patriots, and those who have sacrificed themselves on the altar of freedom:
Every day I praise God for you. What you are doing for our country and this world can never be repaid. Words will never be enough to express my gratitude. God Bless you and keep you, your families, and your progeny FOREVERMORE.
2b7118 No.3746226
I got fucked by my nooblet skills hahaha I just realized my bad
679489 No.3746227
Voting tomorrow. In California, so fingers crossed.
7cea64 No.3746228
Really YOUNG YOUNG crowd behind POTUS tonight!
Super KEK!
dfaca6 No.3746230
Incorrect reference:
>>3745763 U.S. Air Force expands its Basic Military Training
ebf768 No.3746233
This needs to be addressed.
5489e5 No.3746234
f57f2a No.3746235
Q team, my family voted early, straight RED!! We love God and country and we love all of you and President Trump!! GOD BLESS YOU!!
aa044f No.3746237
Yes Sir! I would walk through fire to cast this vote! Thank You!
7c9e78 No.3746238
IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN !!! " Do you 'AIR Q'? "
Do you 'AIR Q'?
@DaveKarstensen Replying to @cubicinch400
and @realDonaldTrump
I can't wait for this to finally go public. It will be historic times #MAGA
11:07 PM · Nov 5, 2018 · Twitter Web Client
5db15a No.3746239
5545e1 No.3746240
Force the question, Start the chant. Who is Q?
Who is Q, Who is Q , Who is Q, Who is Q
d32b9f No.3746241
We can’t vote yet - no early voting.
Will have to tackle the lines tomorrow. BUT, I am voting red ticket.
Was a lifelong dem too! 2016 voted for Trump. I knew back then that if we voted HRC that we would never get our country back. I was in Cali for 10 years and saw what they did to the state w the super powerhouse they had out there. It’s terrifying. It was heartbreaking to be in the middle of Satan’s nest. I lost my job bc I voted trump. I left and came back home to gateway of the country.
It changed here in here since I’ve been gone. It’s tending to what Cali was. I usually don’t vote in midterms but I am this time.
Don’t let me down Q. You have no idea how scary it is for me to go vote tomorrow, personal reasons.
443aea No.3746242
a96b1e No.3746243
Already voted.
b2baf5 No.3746244
I like that. (had to look it up)
ff2bf5 No.3746245
We need to win overwhelmingly tomorrow.
Help wherever you see a chance.
Drive elderly people to the election maybe.
Call friends who told you to not vote.
Do whatever you can do.
And besides all, PRAY for POTUS, for all the good guys, and also for the lost souls…maybe some can be saved.
For the ones taking videos of fraud tomorrow, please be careful, dress normally, call authorities and be save!
The future will be glorious, and YOU are the ones to make it glorious!
0c70cf No.3746246
Q Graphics all in GMT Update
Hi Baker, this post replaces >>3745260 Q Graphics all in GMT #54 seen here >>3745542
Please update the dough.
Godspeed Baker/s
3d43fc No.3746249
Thank you! I ask for an AIR Q and you delivered!!
163628 No.3746250
answering the call
with a joyful heart~
717e29 No.3746251
Voted to save America! 🇺🇸♥️🦅
c51309 No.3746253
notice what you have and look at everyother poster
c28c13 No.3746254
Same here, Anon.
Let JB fuck the state up some more, it's what these morons want.
1c0818 No.3746255
be ready to vote where you are
a1a1ca No.3746256
Tell him to grab a Q and hold it up and then hand it back! FakeNews couldn’t possibly miss that!
d6e583 No.3746257
9355a1 No.3746258
That's funny. Kek
5a80dd No.3746259
I will vote in spirit, as I am neither American nor in America.
139d0c No.3746260
>Done last week! Straight R ticket for the first time in this Libertarian's life (though I did vote for POTUS!). Refuse to let D's get a single seat.
2657fb No.3746261
e2d6a2 No.3746262
Voted Red in Blue California>>3745973
72329f No.3746263
< video id="Test" src= "https://www.bitchute.com/video/yNIoq6bFWIDc/" controls>< /video >
aec516 No.3746264
Hand delivered our mail in ballots to the ballot box this afternoon.
Then had me an Arby's Roast Beef Sammich
God Bless America, POTUS, Q team, Anons and all the Conservatives out there fighting.
792bc0 No.3746265
Demoncrats mostly get elected by vote fraud.
ef08b4 No.3746266
I started using the internet in 1990. Their best DDoS is like a gentle breeze compared to playing an online game over 1200 baud.