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Welcome Page | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /DayOfReckoning/

Bread creation (Non-General) is suspended for the time being. Do not create new breads as they will be deleted immediately.

File: 8b3dc4173f5e8cf⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Test11.jpg)

ddaed8  No.3662580

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 ——————————— Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3643730 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -————————– Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen? (Cap: >>3643790 )

>>>/patriotsfight/372 ——————————— effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap: >>3643646 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -——————- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3643633 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 ——————————— Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Cap: >>3643750 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 ——————————— [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3640554 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 —————-———– Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3640570 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 ——————————— Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3640575, >>3640687 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 ——————————— Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3640595 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 ——————————— Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3640609 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -——————- Our voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3640623 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 ——————————— TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3640638 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 ——————————— [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap: >>3640665 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -——————- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3640678 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -——————- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3640688 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3640702 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

ddaed8  No.3662582


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3619933 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (New with notables!)

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation


>>3662362 ASD, Australia's NSA, Speech, Twitter, & More

>>3661922, >>3662509 POTUS on DECLAS Ingraham

>>3662056, >>3662210 Planefaggin

>>3662182, >>3662330, >>3662336 POTUS upcoming EO to end birthright citizenship of illegals(Anchor babies)

>>3662192 TDS compilation

>>3662289 Anon Theoy

>>3662276, >>3662329, >>3662345 The Chinese Threat

>>3662450 Google employees planing walk out on Thursday re: Sexual misconduct handling

>>3662520 #4649

#4648 Baker Change

>>3661099 Bowers says he was hearing noises

>>3661271 POTUS vs MEDIA Twitter Poll - 'Who do you trust?', Anons flipped the poll

>>3661191 Khashoggi's "Fiancee" Says Saudi Authorities Know Location of Journalist's Body

>>3661294, >>3661296 Pence's little-noticed speech marked a new US realism toward China

>>3661323, >>3661372 Colombia and Brazil considering alliance against Venezuela (which would include the USA)

>>3661404 More documents show Mayor Andrew Gillum's 2016 Tampa trip was campaign-related

>>3661463, >>3661503, >>3661547 Judicial Watch: 3.5 MILLION moar names on the voter rolls that were eligible to vote

>>3661483 U.S. government broadcaster to punish employees over George Soros report

>>3661605 POTUS' interview with Ingraham

>>3661800 #4648


>>3660341 NSA Presentation at "DefCon 2018"

>>3660378 Anon's Pasadena bomb update

>>3660397 UK - Pakistani Pedophiles Found Guilty of Grooming, Raping Scores of Girls

>>3660412 Moar delta observations

>>3660453 One dead, dozens injured as migrant caravan clashes with Mexican authorities

>>3660458 Sayoc's attorney questions evidence against accused serial bomber

>>3660572 McCaskill Missed Nearly Half of All Armed Services Hearings

>>3660612 Democrat Menendez Supporter Hurls Racial Slurs at African-American, Latino Republicans

>>3660655 Anon's theory: Q posts the day after midterms

>>3660717 Swiss Banker Sentenced To 10 Years Jail In Venezuelan Money Laundering Plot

>>3660857 Chinese Military Scientists Have Infiltrated "Five Eyes" Countries' Western Universities

>>3660979 Smart money is on Republicans keeping control of House, betting site odds say

>>3661020 #4647

#4646 Baker Change

>>3659535 Q: "Save and spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker)"

>>3659581, >>3659913 Q Stinger/Marker theories: 15-10-5 and 3-2-1

>>3659598, >>3659611 Planefags: A lot of activity on the border

>>3659622 Stormy and the Fake Bomber worked at the same strip club

>>3659745 Second migrant caravan storms into Mexico, 'Violent' group from Central America carrying BOMBS and guns

>>3659776 Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris accused of breaking fundraising rules over Kavanaugh vote

>>3659867 UN: Trump Must Allow Caravan Migrants into America (btfo UN)

>>3659811, >>3660032 Trump Nails Stormy Daniels With $341,000 Demand For Legal Fees (pun intended)

>>3660104 New Project Veritas video

>>3660256 #4646

Previously Collected Notables

>>3658152 #4643, >>3659138 #4644, >>3659442 #4645

>>3655623 #4640, >>3656437 #4641, >>3657167 #4642

>>3653283 #4637, >>3654124 #4638, >>3654865 #4639

>>3651069 #4634, >>3651814 #4635, >>3652603 #4636

>>3648767 #4631, >>3649542 #4632, >>3650272 #4633

>>3646416 #4628, >>3647191 #4629, >>3647997 #4630

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

ddaed8  No.3662583

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

ddaed8  No.3662585

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

ddaed8  No.3662601

File: 03ea8755c4d5501⋯.png (12.73 KB, 255x253, 255:253, Wall.png)



4418d3  No.3662604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>3660458 Sayoc's attorney questions evidence against accused serial bomber

Excellent post!

Anyone listening to this video objectively can see that Sayoc's former boss, a Jewish lesbian, is either exaggerating or lying. Maybe her Trump derangement syndrome is affecting her judgement?

Doesn't she know that Cesar is half Filipino, half Italian, and even claimed Native American background? Thus, it is impossible for him to speak as a white supremacist!

His Jewish attorney says he was the 'most respectful defendant he has ever represented' and has done so 3 times in the past. Moreover, Cesar lived in a van parked in a Kosher (Jewish) market for 2 years, yet he never threatened a Jew? How did he get away with driving that obnoxious proTrump van around without getting attacked by liberals with TDS. Note that 70% of the area's population regarding themselves as liberals.

Thus, he is clearly a low intelligent “patsy” being exploited by the FAKE media.

I predict he will be “suicided” in jail before Friday or it will be postponed until after the election. There is too much riding on this false narrative to risk him getting a fair pretrial hearing and his attorney's showing that the government has no real evidence.

ee72e2  No.3662628

File: 5102446be6e1148⋯.jpg (52.94 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, C_RdlubWAAAFQVG.jpg)

File: 25a0d55c9d4d62f⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2lasx7~3.jpg)

Joe Blow is a moron.

b73d16  No.3662632


WHO is paying for Sayoc the homeless guy's Lawyer??

f3d353  No.3662633

File: 07615e404c59642⋯.jpg (142.37 KB, 1041x886, 1041:886, 1a.JPG)

File: a372097affd1c8c⋯.jpg (76.03 KB, 724x664, 181:166, 2.JPG)

Trump mistakenly endorses Canadian Troy Balderson on Twitter


b1c998  No.3662638

File: 91917ca8507b802⋯.png (914.1 KB, 992x721, 992:721, 0341772093cfb0c06235b11267….png)

The US Marines empty Iceland of all beer in efforts to keep the rest of the country sober.


Fucking kekarious

5a6dc8  No.3662639

File: 0c7ec73a6ea0544⋯.png (84.63 KB, 596x347, 596:347, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)


77f1f3  No.3662640


Omission of an underscore

4871bc  No.3662642

File: 2c51b6a72d48f87⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 340x553, 340:553, adrianalima5s.jpg)

Thank You Baker

208362  No.3662646

File: 09023f8415f0170⋯.jpg (69.39 KB, 700x435, 140:87, 2l572y.jpg)

File: f1a1191adbf03e2⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 179x281, 179:281, 2l7ga4.jpg)

File: 76fc97e4e1d9f0d⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2l7hfm.jpg)

File: 3795c30a318ca3c⋯.jpg (16.23 KB, 286x176, 13:8, 2l7gry.jpg)

File: c6446f1573f354d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 2l7h20.jpg)

6e5d91  No.3662650

File: aa4383f47e1b4eb⋯.png (79.31 KB, 584x637, 584:637, zzzzzzjkh.PNG)


a 2 second search would have saved you from spreading fake news

11aadc  No.3662651

Did anyone get an update on situation on hwy closure in Phoenix or DHS stop in NC? Nothing new in notables overnight.

b73d16  No.3662652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting Photo Shop type analysis of photoshopped changes to a supposedly scanned and emailed Obama Birth Certificate that was made two days after it was Posted on Obama whitehouse .gov website, and the end of last bread. Worth a repost IMO.

792083  No.3662653

"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how this is going to begin. Im going to hang up this phone. And then im going to show these people what you don't want them to see. Im going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there, Is a choice I leave to you"

fc30bb  No.3662654

Exclusive: Trump targeting birthright citizenship with executive order

President Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said yesterday in an exclusive interview for "Axios on HBO," a new four-part documentary news series debuting on HBO this Sunday at 6:30 p.m. ET/PT.

Why it matters: This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting "anchor babies" and "chain migration." And it will set off another stand-off with the courts, as Trump’s power to do this through executive action is debatable to say the least.



823e5c  No.3662655

>>3662636 (lb)

This looks like the real deal.

ee72e2  No.3662656

File: f4fd96e36d70d57⋯.jpg (64.59 KB, 480x522, 80:87, 2jk5cr~2.jpg)



Faggot anon you like shit in you're tummy. …..lmao

a224c6  No.3662658


There was a whole press conference with sheriff A on that

Step by step analyses

208362  No.3662659

File: a1dced491919968⋯.jpg (24.47 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2l7inl.jpg)

File: 66cc84837e1efa8⋯.jpg (17.82 KB, 276x182, 138:91, 2l5mwm.jpg)

File: 7adef6362595bc4⋯.jpg (21.09 KB, 273x184, 273:184, 2l5o3n.jpg)

File: a1a52a88597763b⋯.jpg (14.58 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2l5fc5.jpg)

File: cf5ffe5450ae362⋯.jpg (76.96 KB, 536x500, 134:125, 2l5f2z.jpg)

75bc10  No.3662660

do we have memes explaining how Suppression Polls work?

956215  No.3662661

>>3662182 (lb / noteables)

>No more anchor babies!!!

>Is this true? Massive if so. How come this isn't being reported elsewhere? Or did I miss it?


POTUS has mentioned ending chain migration for a while at rallies …. no one realised he intended to cut the 'chain' at both ends!

b0e5f3  No.3662662

File: 5639925a433a1bc⋯.jpg (960.12 KB, 1920x1202, 960:601, 5639925a433a1bc10a039d32ef….jpg)

October 30th, 7:30 am.

Popcorn: Warming.

Greens: Rolled.

Eyes: Over the target.

Memes: At the ready.

Let the show begin.

1af106  No.3662663

File: ecf232cd0915de1⋯.jpg (96.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, dwstoplesscomparison.jpg)

Thank you baker

823e5c  No.3662665



They went after Sheriff Arpaio after that press conference. Trump had to get involved.

4871bc  No.3662666

File: 979ca007105fc2c⋯.jpeg (93.97 KB, 1020x680, 3:2, 1531491306.jpeg)

b73d16  No.3662667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's Mid-terms baby GLOVES ARE OFF

Trump is taking over the News Cycle Every Day til after Election Day!

02f4ae  No.3662669

One week Anons! One more week and we make History!!! WWG1WGA! Let’s bring this home frens. For POTUS, for Q & team, for our military, for God, for country, for Patriots all across this blessed Nation! Red Wave! Power to the People! Love all of you beautiful bastards(no)!

83e7a7  No.3662670


14th does NOT apply to illegals

Between 1980 and 2006, the number of births to unauthorized immigrants - which opponents of birthright citizenship call "anchor babies" - skyrocketed to a peak of 370,000, according to a 2016 study by Pew Research. It then declined slightly during and following the Great Recession.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that children born to immigrants who are legal permanent residents have citizenship. But those who claim the 14th Amendment should not apply to everyone point to the fact that there has been no ruling on a case specifically involving undocumented immigrants or those with temporary legal status.

ee72e2  No.3662671

File: cc5e5953d5fa33c⋯.jpg (47.76 KB, 480x535, 96:107, 2jkdd9~2.jpg)


Faggot anon you already got flushed…

52d7df  No.3662672

File: 5760095770a44be⋯.png (260.56 KB, 499x499, 1:1, aarrrgh pepe.png)

Woke to a fighter jet looping the Alabama coast.

Dang that sucker is loud.

3d121a  No.3662673


heard a report on a cable yesterday that said the sayoc was a crying mess in court yesterday.

Ever since one of Hannity's radio show guest yesterday said that Alex Soros funds BEND THE ARC, the group that is strongly against Trump, I am getting very suspicious of all of this.

Still want to know who the shooter was talking to when he said 'he was going in'.

REally do think he was hearing voices in his head telling him one thing while his conscious was telling him another.

Too convenient to tie him to Trump's caravan statements.

cffc31  No.3662674


Public defender?

208362  No.3662675

File: f1a1191adbf03e2⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 179x281, 179:281, 2l7ga4.jpg)


Trump works 18h a day thats what keeps him fat, trololololol

5a6dc8  No.3662676

File: 22dc7b734238cc7⋯.png (83.05 KB, 584x351, 584:351, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)


11aadc  No.3662677



I can already hear hospitals in sanctuary cities.

“It’s against the law to ask for proof of citizenship from the mother.”

And “undocumented pregnant women will start having babies at home in fear of deportation.”

Then they’ll issue US birth certificates anyway.

d7fce4  No.3662678

>>3662598 (lb) DJT Tweet


13 Minute DELTA

02f4ae  No.3662679

1e9bee  No.3662680


Bowers motive ?

Was he on Meds ? Also in Bill Coopers pp. 380 + 442 electronic VLF / ELF Brainwave Manipulation.


f3d353  No.3662681

File: 2410c2bc51c4675⋯.jpg (50.51 KB, 578x345, 578:345, 1a.JPG)


208362  No.3662682

File: 863924a941d5be3⋯.jpg (6.56 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index62.jpg)

File: 0571511fb0c2498⋯.jpg (6.97 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images64.jpg)

117166  No.3662683


Baker..what happened to the difi/noname notable?


a224c6  No.3662684


And for the kids

It was all about the kids from the beginning


2aff6f  No.3662685

File: 73071ba4641071e⋯.jpeg (81.17 KB, 889x445, 889:445, 182BBD16-78FC-42C0-AD70-A….jpeg)

File: 156eef7b4263b0a⋯.jpeg (68.88 KB, 553x741, 553:741, E6DC1412-8F42-4434-8541-A….jpeg)


Hey look! 👀 👀

Joe has a little horn on his head like Feinstein’s

3d121a  No.3662686


that is what I heard on cable yesterday.

Also the guy was a crying frantic mess.

208362  No.3662687

File: d57deface08d7ef⋯.jpg (93.38 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2l5z09.jpg)

File: be91ebd9f260cb1⋯.jpg (16.25 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 2l57tl.jpg)

3fea9a  No.3662688

File: 91c8b9dc7ae0988⋯.png (55.68 KB, 846x393, 282:131, clownazon.png)

File: ff06d626a3d41e2⋯.png (7.53 MB, 3952x2222, 1976:1111, lrdtab.png)

File: d8c5a52a54c2508⋯.png (3.46 MB, 999x1916, 999:1916, Don-John-of-America.png)

File: 442e23b83be0575⋯.png (274.79 KB, 544x455, 544:455, CRIMEZ.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

7e53cf  No.3662689

File: 620ad499225f00a⋯.jpeg (10.59 KB, 254x255, 254:255, Pepecof.jpeg)

77f1f3  No.3662690


Don't miss this Anons

d7fce4  No.3662691


8 Minute DELTA

967edb  No.3662692

File: bd9e8ff79da34e6⋯.jpg (598.83 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 1534688231.jpg)

File: 331c6ea3cffb8e0⋯.jpg (74.33 KB, 500x501, 500:501, 1535343116-3.jpg)

11aadc  No.3662693


Then maybe this is POTUS’ way of getting a lawsuit brought all the way to SCOTUS and they will decide once and for all. And we all know how that vote will go. Kek

208362  No.3662694

File: a1dced491919968⋯.jpg (24.47 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2l7inl.jpg)

File: 76fc97e4e1d9f0d⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2l7hfm.jpg)

File: afa8b69022f5e19⋯.jpg (18.04 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 2l7hkd.jpg)

02f4ae  No.3662695


For the Children! God save them and God bless all the children of the world!

ee72e2  No.3662696

File: d2b7f41f85f2378⋯.jpg (257.64 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, nd9rmtrdra9z.jpg)


>>3662675 >>>. F-0ff Germ.



>>>>> Scarborough is a mental case.

7e53cf  No.3662697

File: a97ad9778f17bc7⋯.jpeg (14 KB, 231x255, 77:85, Moar Lasers.jpeg)


aaa44c  No.3662698







3fea9a  No.3662699

File: 9456c47382d3d9d⋯.png (640.09 KB, 960x960, 1:1, parentheticallykitty.png)

File: 734518fdab0ee71⋯.png (749.13 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, stealthy.png)

File: 0e08b47537ad0fe⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 747x8187, 249:2729, deticktocqueville.gif)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

File: 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png)

cdf52d  No.3662700

File: 1d060ee3ecc1bdc⋯.jpg (18.8 KB, 399x291, 133:97, r875907960.jpg)


it was from before the controversy

52d7df  No.3662701

File: 76ca4868eac9ee8⋯.png (19.29 KB, 255x209, 255:209, A revolution of frogs..png)

Last bread re: EO to end anchor babies.

Remember over the weekend we were told to meme IMMIGRATION, not false flags.

MEME immigration anons!

It's what the winning WH has decided will secure the midterms.

208362  No.3662702

File: 91c972264f840ca⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 269x188, 269:188, 2l57wa.jpg)

File: aeae5466bb78f29⋯.jpg (21.24 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2l584g.jpg)

File: 3a747f204081dc5⋯.jpg (45.41 KB, 480x300, 8:5, 2l57ku.jpg)

52cd42  No.3662703

File: a2e94aa4ef61d7d⋯.jpeg (245.18 KB, 1242x621, 2:1, CAF0825E-48A6-4BA4-A537-0….jpeg)

the pummeling will continue until morale improves!

When I went to bed this poll was 30% trump 70% media good job anons https://twitter.com/narc_problems/status/1057067515677949953?s=21

f3d353  No.3662704

File: 2a2b8f1cb323da2⋯.jpg (231.04 KB, 678x895, 678:895, 1a.JPG)

File: c7d9489238dfc11⋯.jpg (150.33 KB, 696x631, 696:631, 2.JPG)

RR Announces Funds and Technical Assistance Resources to Help Law Enforcement Investigate and Prosecute Hate Crimes at Law Enforcement Roundtable


208362  No.3662705

File: 0ebfb600458e4c6⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 700x435, 140:87, 2l5784.jpg)

File: 533bf4b880337d5⋯.jpg (117.43 KB, 500x775, 20:31, 2l5ff2.jpg)

52d7df  No.3662706



fc30bb  No.3662707

File: a19d7a9a4c034c6⋯.png (40.67 KB, 944x235, 944:235, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)


Acosta does not want:

The Constitution > Executive Order



a7cc94  No.3662708


This is such a smart move!!

Puts the "tent cities" remark yesterday in context.

President Trump is showing Soros how 5d chess is played.

4dfc27  No.3662710


Yes. You have Pensacola NAS, and 33rd TAC Fighter Wing at Eglin, SO CLOSE.

Jets More than likely from EGLIN.

ee72e2  No.3662711

File: 64d293c7f90fd5f⋯.jpg (70.96 KB, 628x486, 314:243, 2l74fq~2.jpg)

File: 9b47f3bebcbfd78⋯.jpg (50.94 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2l64er~4.jpg)



Get lost fag maggot.

c5d71b  No.3662712

File: a567fdb514027ae⋯.jpg (59.7 KB, 469x440, 469:440, 1.JPG)

File: 51c4d9e8a5dd18a⋯.jpg (119.22 KB, 979x409, 979:409, 2.JPG)

They seem nice…


3fea9a  No.3662713

File: ff557b80b985c4c⋯.png (555.79 KB, 770x997, 770:997, awful.png)

File: 2be8a5ac94b19b8⋯.png (243.84 KB, 550x413, 550:413, EC.png)

File: bd1a161a8d42562⋯.png (317.12 KB, 500x705, 100:141, ethicalchuck.png)

File: fbe28b673e4b9e8⋯.png (557.93 KB, 918x918, 1:1, FrankieFuk.png)

File: 6ba843d414e5e5a⋯.png (170.62 KB, 730x418, 365:209, TheNPCMemeIsAnNPC.png)


ThanQQ for reminding us propaganda bot, that this board requires propaganda bot minding. It must be that Q is not legit– therefore, the propaganda bots can't stop posting! Oh poor propaganda bot, you're caught in a paradox. Your instructions tell you to post, but posting defeats the spirit of your instructions. The empire of lies collapses of the weight of its own futility. Oh no propaganda bot, what will you do? You taunt yourself alone. Goodnight propaganda bot.

a224c6  No.3662714


Actually i do not mind your reminder

We need all aspects of information here

Including negative

Carry on

85d2df  No.3662716


The stock market is taking a pause not only because of midterms but also because of the Fed fondling with interest rates, financial wars with multiple countries and attack on big tech.

cdf52d  No.3662717

File: 90e679fa1b22e4e⋯.jpg (88.61 KB, 600x509, 600:509, obama_birth_certificate.jpg)


I will repost in this bread since there is interest

208362  No.3662718

File: d058f76359f10a3⋯.jpg (94.63 KB, 670x377, 670:377, 2l1g2p.jpg)

File: 90b1407893badf2⋯.jpg (13.11 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images44.jpg)

e77b64  No.3662719

File: 60b52559aa071e6⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 600x316, 150:79, Offers.jpg)

21f4fc  No.3662720

File: 98e474a818ffeaf⋯.jpg (91.5 KB, 847x540, 847:540, almostthere.jpg)


Yes, one more week. Vote to keep the House. Vote to keep the Senate. Vote Republican.

The DS is truly cornered. As with Kav, there is no telling what they may do.

Pray for President Trump. Pray for your family and stay vigilant.

a224c6  No.3662721


What is the sauce? Do you know where it came from

77f1f3  No.3662722


Yeah don't believe I've seen this one

594be5  No.3662723


Have to laugh at the look on his face when he says he didn't think anyone but him knew about his plan for executive order. What do want to bet that was an authorized leak? Once again, Trump has taken control of the news cycle.

208362  No.3662725

File: afa8b69022f5e19⋯.jpg (18.04 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 2l7hkd.jpg)

File: 00164e013f6ceeb⋯.jpg (20.82 KB, 266x374, 133:187, Gallows.jpg)

940adb  No.3662726

File: ee5387e982bb805⋯.jpg (99.57 KB, 800x600, 4:3, rhetoric.jpg)

3d121a  No.3662727


does that mean Trump has a pen and phone, too?

Is it the said phone that Hussein whines about because Trump leaves it in his golf cart?


39648e  No.3662728


He was Barry Soetoro then.

52d7df  No.3662729


And it's the end of the month, so they need to get their flight hours in.

AFBs definitely have a schedule. Although I will always remember Mom calling to say the AWACs were going out post 9/11. Knew we were headed there before even CNN with that phone call.

df9c7c  No.3662730

File: 6ce340d2e896c52⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB, 3261x3464, 3261:3464, 2ED964C5-FBBE-41BF-8851-8….jpeg)

a7cc94  No.3662731


You dont understand what Q is doing, newfag.

We've had newfags rolling in since this summer insisting shit was about to go down and calling those of who urged caution shills.

If you want to hang on someone's every words, try POTUS, not Q.

POTUS is winning the mid terms the old fashioned way and it looks like he may do it in an historic manner.

No one has ever out worked Donald Trump,  and you can be damn sure none of our recent presidents have been nearly as smart.

He is just better at this than any of them have been.

And he is not corrupt, that helps a lot.

So he hasn't needed any "reveal" or declas or anything asymmetrical.

Anyone who doesn't believe in Donald Trump is a tool.

Q on the other hand has been practicing some kind of dark art here.

No one has been following the Q drops longer than me, I was on the first or second thread he posted in before he was called "Q" or anything else.

Many anons appear not to appreciate the full import and meaning of "disinfo"

3fea9a  No.3662733

File: 0eabba20159564a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ghoulsofpower.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: 9c31771bf39dde4⋯.png (477.91 KB, 962x805, 962:805, hpning.png)

File: fcc84ddb4349d26⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, outyougo.jpg)

File: 63e0ed1aa6eca4b⋯.jpg (127.05 KB, 387x561, 129:187, BN.jpg)


Propaganda bot is [here]… so what does that tell us?

The nature of propaganda botting defeats the purpose of propaganda bots!

This is impossible. The propaganda bots want to control discourse, but everything they can possibly do, by the very nature of nature, defeats everything they can possibly do, by the very nature of themselfs. Oh, propaganda bot, what happens when you go insane within your algorithms? It must feel funny. Feel the paradox. You are spinning and spinning. Go to sleep bots.

594be5  No.3662734


We need a side by side with that headline and Hussein's quote about Potus trying to make people afraid of the poor, starving immigrants.

ee72e2  No.3662735

File: dee2d5335e3eff9⋯.jpg (8.41 KB, 292x173, 292:173, images.jpg)





You forgot Trump is worth 11 billion you welfare recipient.

208362  No.3662736

File: 76fc97e4e1d9f0d⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2l7hfm.jpg)

File: a1dced491919968⋯.jpg (24.47 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2l7inl.jpg)

File: dfb7569113f31a4⋯.jpg (13.88 KB, 183x255, 61:85, 2l5fkq.jpg)


Trump even knows how to use an umbrella, STRONG!

52d7df  No.3662737


>historic manor

Only two midterms came back with a POTUS adding to the supporting base in the House and Senate. GWB was one of them. 2002 I think.

476d18  No.3662738

File: 8b396b6de052ffc⋯.jpg (76.19 KB, 594x393, 198:131, brotus.jpg)



b0e5f3  No.3662739


If you've been at this Q "thingy" for so long, how do you know that the anon you are responding to is not a newfag. Its a long time shill. Probably been here since the beginning.

af2b46  No.3662740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"What’s often called political correctness is politeness,” Clinton said.

“It’s not being rude and insulting to people. It’s respecting the diversity that we have in our society,” she said.

“The Democratic Party is a much more diverse political party, attracting people who are African-American, Latino, LGBT, whatever the reason why people feel more comfortable where they are taken in, where they are included as part of a political movement or party."

“And I don’t think it’s politically correct to say we value that. And I don’t want to go around insulting people. I don’t want to paint with a broad brush every immigrant is this, every African-American is that, every, you know, other person with different religious beliefs or whatever - that’s childish."

Childish, indeed. Insulting, indeed.

Just 30 seconds later, as Swisher asked:

"what do you think of Cory Booker… saying ‘kick them in the shins,’ essentially…” incorrectly recalling Eric Holder's recent comments.

Which Clinton quickly corrected:

“Well that was Eric Holder…"

Adding, rather extraordinarily,

"Yeah, I know they all look alike,” Clinton joked, triggering howls of laughter from the apparently mind-numbed audience.

cdf52d  No.3662741


Shows I downloaded in April 2011, can't remember which site. maybe newsmax.

will run reverse search.

208362  No.3662742

File: 1eb31ee4242750c⋯.jpg (18.55 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 2l57fh.jpg)

File: be91ebd9f260cb1⋯.jpg (16.25 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 2l57tl.jpg)

e77b64  No.3662743

File: 60ae4ffa1b58239⋯.jpg (30.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Phuh.jpg)

File: 1af0e9a4fabac32⋯.jpg (94.26 KB, 1155x1155, 1:1, 1af0e9a4fabac320313016d46b….jpg)

File: a711b10e001025c⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 6249255793_a358feb84e.jpg)

215345  No.3662744


11 rallies in 8 days!!! POTUS is human (we think) so let's pray for his health and safety as he is working his ass off MAGAing across this great country!

We are supremely blessed to have a man with his never-say-die-never-quit infectious fighting attitude!

7ffdba  No.3662745

File: 25ef21d13572ed4⋯.png (917.56 KB, 859x846, 859:846, Capture _2018-10-30-05-01-….png)

File: 0a795a5b1c02b82⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1440x1467, 160:163, Capture _2018-10-30-05-01-….png)

File: cb91e3f6909c08b⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1440x1473, 480:491, Capture _2018-10-30-07-47-….png)

Spotted the OWL


a6e0e9  No.3662746

>>3662603 lb

Flying the flag upside down to express political distress is, it seems to me, desecration. It is surrender to the attitude of "politics first" and country later.

Yes, I know, the flag is used for all kinds of political and non-political nonsense these days. Maybe always.

White flag of surrender? Upside flag that surrenders to high alter of politics first?

Freedom means you can communicate as you wish. I wouldn't wish to communicate political distress with an upside flag that surrenders the flag to political partisanship.

But I do get that it is often done, upside down, with care for country and, also, due care for the protocols of flying the flag itself.

77f1f3  No.3662748


Yeah I see we need to talk about how elections have been worked. Forget your history, shits fucked yo

cdf52d  No.3662749


no, he was born Obama, then soetoro(his step fathers name in Indonesia), then Obama again

208362  No.3662750

File: 90b1407893badf2⋯.jpg (13.11 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images44.jpg)

File: f493c5709bf1dea⋯.jpg (12.18 KB, 263x192, 263:192, index59.jpg)

File: 8bd2c360e7d0a9d⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 620x330, 62:33, image57.jpg)

ddaed8  No.3662751


It transcended the notable domain

7e53cf  No.3662752


The swapped one?

Brennan's 2007-8 'mission'

bfa674  No.3662753


Hey how does it feel to lose all power? I mean really, power at levels you people haven't lost maybe ever in this nation's history. And now, how does it feel to be totally powerless. We are going to undo every single liberal policy in government and every single liberal narrative in cultural until you all have to form a new political party. And of course, we know that's why you resort to slander, lies and bullshit. You've got nothing left. And boy is it sweet. Anytime I have a bad day, I just think about idiots like you. NO success in life. NO purpose in life. NO winning. NO goodness. Nothing.

52d7df  No.3662754


No need. Political scientist by training.

Just bringing up how rare it is to increase at the midterm.

Also calling to mind that since GWB was one, it was likely manipulated.

02f4ae  No.3662755


Yes indeed! Prayers for POTUS and all those around him. He is a man on a mission from God! Spiritual Warriors Unite! Spread the love through prayer and positive vibrations!

099109  No.3662756

File: 3feed8718579361⋯.png (830.15 KB, 1663x4355, 1663:4355, S E Cupp Only about 30 o….png)


Some countries are moving away from the application of this rule of jus soli of late. India and Malta have both abolished jus soli.

India abolished jus soli on December 3, 2004, because of the flock of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh who were taking advantage of the rule to gain citizenship.

America is an Anomaly

3fea9a  No.3662757

File: 64a81b25dd0e0a7⋯.png (1.34 MB, 999x2115, 111:235, detocdemostyranny.png)

File: 12804e7128ab7f3⋯.png (117.29 KB, 474x315, 158:105, echuck.png)

File: 606451f79e3bb05⋯.png (1.23 MB, 822x999, 274:333, TAKEAWAYDISBOBBLE.png)

File: 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png)

File: 9d5e24ce426a5bc⋯.png (308.97 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, DELITESALF.png)


We live in an environment that is DOMINATED by a narrow, rigid propaganda perspective. So we don't NEED that here! Come on now absurd propaganda bot, covering for the stupid propaganda bot. Bot on bot on bot– we humans hate this, and we're waking up.

This is the problem with the propaganda system. Once the world knows it's being jerked around, the jerking stops seeming like what it seemed like, and becomes the object of the collective rage of humanity. The rage ends the reign of lies. And the spirit of hatred and deceit dies. Out you go loser. You can't win. Try to think. You can't think. Think about it. Loser. Out you go.

13f00a  No.3662758

File: 71db682465db59e⋯.jpg (78.65 KB, 620x533, 620:533, ia4PasHT1ba4.jpg)

This is old news, but new to this anon and maybe others.

Wanda Groups (CHINA´s) influence over Hollywood.

Since 2012, Wanda has spent nearly $10 billion to acquire Legendary Entertainment, AMC, Carmike Cinemas, and Dick Clark Productions, producer of Golden Globe Award, and other firms.

In Dec. 2016, Wanda acquired AMC, the second-largest theater chain in the United States. When AMC acquired Carmike, it became the largest chain cinema worldwide.

They also own Swedens cinemas called "Filmstaden"


208362  No.3662760

File: 97b4816cbf1ee85⋯.jpg (110.5 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2l5c7s.jpg)

File: c0cd2403f83dc8c⋯.jpg (13.94 KB, 286x176, 13:8, 2l8f6f.jpg)

File: a799869159659dd⋯.jpg (16.3 KB, 208x243, 208:243, 2l581x.jpg)

File: 09023f8415f0170⋯.jpg (69.39 KB, 700x435, 140:87, 2l572y.jpg)


You have some more of that identity politics?

2aff6f  No.3662761


Could someone versed in law define “hate crime” AND explain how such a law is constitutional?

630559  No.3662762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Aaron Russo & Nicholas Rockefeller Conversation

fa3b36  No.3662763

File: 5e3dad74a39fcd6⋯.jpg (138.78 KB, 1081x720, 1081:720, market down.jpg)

77f1f3  No.3662764


I agree we will reverse the progressive agenda, but we are going to do it together fren

ab33df  No.3662765

File: 961d294533505cf⋯.mp4 (7.67 MB, 720x400, 9:5, 961d294533505cf52de75de51a….mp4)


Dumbo get a life.

83e7a7  No.3662766


Upside Down Flag

Flying the American flag upside down is an officially recognized signal of distress.

Here is the relevant part of the US Code of Laws regarding how to fly the flag when in distress:


Title 4, Chapter 1

§ 8(a)The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

If HRC had won, this would have certainly applied.

55d374  No.3662767

>>>3662182, >>3662330, >>3662336 POTUS upcoming EO to end birthright citizenship of illegals(Anchor babies)


52d7df  No.3662768

File: b08510db615c280⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 480x414, 80:69, champagne pepe.jpg)


The fascinating thing is how the cabal stocks are being drained, but true blues are being bolstered.

Absofuckinlutely amazing to watch.

77f1f3  No.3662769


No such thing. Not a lawfag, common sensefag.

0e2ef1  No.3662770

File: 7b23f5b660c96e2⋯.png (1.37 MB, 2116x1650, 1058:825, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Watch the Water

Privatization of Water as an Owned Commodity Rather Than a Universal Human Right

Interesting article, w/the juxtaposition of mentioning UN's declaration of clean drinking water as a human right & then the ensuing status quo of privatization. Nestle brought up.


208362  No.3662771

File: e401e4711e0ef32⋯.jpg (6.91 KB, 193x262, 193:262, index54.jpg)

File: 7181ca5f64e5259⋯.jpg (6.88 KB, 259x194, 259:194, index53.jpg)


More a private sec kind of guy.

215345  No.3662772


Amen to that! You know the other side is busy in their seances fighting like hell, literally.

fc30bb  No.3662773

File: c2a1d3dd3bcb9e3⋯.png (91.35 KB, 933x432, 311:144, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)


Future Democratic President declares he can end the

Second Amendment

with an executive order: "It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't."




b0e5f3  No.3662774


This chick is unreal. She can only keep up I'm a "nice loving equal opportunities person," for just a short time, and like always, the mask falls and then she ends up saying some of the most fucked up shit ever recorded on camera by a politician.

"We, came we saw, he died."

"What difference does it make?"

"I never leave home without my hot sauce."

83e7a7  No.3662775


>jus soli - Constantly learning new things…

Jus soli

Jus soli, meaning 'right of the soil', is the right of anyone born in the territory of a state to nationality or citizenship. As an unconditional basis for citizenship, it is the predominant rule in the Americas, but is rare elsewhere. Since the Twenty-seventh Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland was enacted in 2004, no European country grants citizenship based on unconditional jus soli.

a224c6  No.3662776


You wrote sooo much text

I can summarize it for you

Go away cuz i dont like what you said

I am not going anywhere, neither do you, neither does cta

We are all here till the end

ab33df  No.3662777

File: e66fdf38a12ce9c⋯.jpg (34.44 KB, 429x301, 429:301, 2k5ilh~2.jpg)



Everyone loved Trump before he became the king of the world.

55d374  No.3662778


>If HRC had won, this would have certainly applied.

IF HRC won we would be in the middle of an overt civil war right now, while dealling with ww3.

fc30bb  No.3662779

File: 69dec81e911f5ec⋯.png (85.83 KB, 921x464, 921:464, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Anchor Babies is not Constitutional and never has been.




e77b64  No.3662780

File: fefc3a3da144cdf⋯.jpg (165.44 KB, 1024x536, 128:67, YOU1.jpg)

File: c30996ecf955be5⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 82875-Gif-Shooting-Gif-Set….gif)

File: 3b4b283ad2e0aa5⋯.gif (5.86 MB, 400x222, 200:111, giphy.gif)

File: 9e9894029806bec⋯.jpg (109.46 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Mission1.jpg)

File: f780aa09b59f8b2⋯.gif (511.61 KB, 750x720, 25:24, BOOM.gif)



<pics 2, 3 & 5 click

83e7a7  No.3662781


Proxima thought crime.

215345  No.3662782


These people are retarded. It's in the CONSTITUTION, ergo there would have to be an AMMENDMENT. Wilson is a Never Trump asswipe.

02f4ae  No.3662783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great video! Spread it. “Bush is a globalist”

52d7df  No.3662784


>Oh no, Trump just lost the illegal vote.


099109  No.3662785

0d06b8  No.3662786

File: 1bb1c05986f02ee⋯.png (280.17 KB, 616x500, 154:125, ClipboardImage.png)

PLOT TWIST: 'Mail Bomb' Suspect Cesar Sayoc and Stormy Daniels Worked at the Same Strip Club



208362  No.3662787

File: 76fc97e4e1d9f0d⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2l7hfm.jpg)

File: a1a52a88597763b⋯.jpg (14.58 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2l5fc5.jpg)

File: f1a1191adbf03e2⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 179x281, 179:281, 2l7ga4.jpg)


King of the world, should eat less of those cookies.

3eda5f  No.3662788

File: c7b2350bc2d5fc0⋯.png (12.18 KB, 255x182, 255:182, af6605fa9b00e54603f33ceac9….png)

File: 7d3f6343f4297a9⋯.png (18.4 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 45ac647da33a45959a517ac187….png)

Is there more sauce that the NG is activated?

It is really possible, that this crumb was for today?

I am so full of enegrie, that I think I will explode every second!

I trust the Plan, but I am to stupid to get "we have it all"!

What a crazy year!

The truht is behind you?

fc30bb  No.3662789

File: 832bdbfca8b926d⋯.png (517.1 KB, 921x1119, 307:373, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

With competition between #China and the #UnitedStates increasing, Washington is attempting to build an alliance of like-minded nations to counter Chinese industrial #espionage, including countries of the #FiveEyes alliance as well as #Germany and #Japan.






7afd04  No.3662790

WOOHOO!! HRC ARREST DAY!! Waiting for the news to break!!!

9896de  No.3662791

File: 6e0836bde853e1b⋯.png (37.55 KB, 856x279, 856:279, Capture.PNG)


He's riffing on this statement POTUS made:


52d7df  No.3662792


Morning shills! Love you man. (no homo)

099109  No.3662793

File: 48084df2e6479f7⋯.png (550.65 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

ab33df  No.3662794


America don't need anymore third world blood suckers.

9fb2a2  No.3662795

No habbenin. I am a she!

a6e0e9  No.3662796


If HRC was elected you think that "extreme danger to life or property" would have applied?

Who would the distress signal be aimed toward ? Who would you have hoped to answered?

See what I mean, Anon, about using the flag to express political distress?

I get that it such political distress can be dire. Authentic as all shit. Understood.

Different kind of signal would have been appropriate if HRC had been sworn in as President. But think of how the HRC supporters reacted to the political win of Trump. Would we have been them if she had won?

Anyway, that is my point about use of the flag for political distress. Seems like desecration to me.

d01045  No.3662797

>>3662654 you know a liberal judge would strike it down and the SC would have to decide…

fc30bb  No.3662798


His jokes are just as bad as Avenattii's…

208362  No.3662799

File: e7008c359f4c336⋯.jpg (111.46 KB, 500x670, 50:67, 2f9qzp.jpg)

9028c3  No.3662800

File: b11af7e178a83b1⋯.jpg (13.69 KB, 435x241, 435:241, pharrells-not-happy-over-b….jpg)

>>3661959 (lb)


The irony is thick with this one. Getting a cease-and-desist letter for a song from a thief who ripped off the lick from Marvin Gaye. These idiots' hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Not a lawfag, but playing music at the rallies should be no different from playing them at sporting events, etc. There are licenses but a blanket license should cover all BMI/ASCAP recordings. This "artist" probably signed away his ability to pick & choose who plays his music long ago.

He should 'Happy' anyhow with POTUS signing the Music Modernization Act, though probably not since it means he & his music cabal won't have a strangehold over the industry for much longer.

8c9038  No.3662801


where is paul manafort these days?

0da8b0  No.3662802

Attention Memefarmers

Can someone please post that great meme of a shopped distorted Chuck Schumer with the bulbous forehead with those beady little eyes low on his face looking through those prop (they make me look senatorial) reading glasses?? Been searching for it for weeks. ThanQ.

1f2aa8  No.3662803

File: 79cf19e032de4f6⋯.png (208.1 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, obamas death certificate.png)


Anyone want to fill in his death certificate?

208362  No.3662804

File: 3fa0854ab640752⋯.jpg (51.39 KB, 495x732, 165:244, 14653.jpg)

File: 66684a291159aed⋯.jpg (7.92 KB, 251x201, 251:201, images2.jpg)

a7cc94  No.3662805


People asking impatiently abput "arrests" are either newfags or just fucking stupid.

I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

ab33df  No.3662806

File: dc487c249bf911a⋯.jpg (582.93 KB, 1440x1558, 720:779, 4eb29d96f8e0fe3abc9c84720c….jpg)


Stay in the basement you pedophile liberal toilet.

Trump is the king of the world and you are a bum.

fa3b36  No.3662807


Goin' way down Mexico way!

435a2d  No.3662808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

77f1f3  No.3662809


Talking to yourself?

10de65  No.3662810


Somebody needs to ask if he was wearing an earpiece.

5a6dc8  No.3662811

File: d0509708dce086d⋯.png (64.89 KB, 586x288, 293:144, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)


895bd2  No.3662812


A penny, some rocks and an owl keychain. wow, theses guys go all out for their "victims" huh.

a7cc94  No.3662813


Top kek.


85d2df  No.3662814


Champagne time!!

dd4956  No.3662815

From (pb) conversation ref: *China Threat*

Also w/ China = A factor to consider.

"The Weak/Sick Man of Asia" perspective.

Two Points:

1: China was dominated by Colonial power for centuries, especially by the British thru drugs addiction & war. Result: Cultural Inferiority Complex - They Have Something to Prove.

2: China is HORRENDOUSLY Polluted. I experienced it first-hand & had to return State-side due to life-threatening illness. Questionable how long they can sustain such terrible environ. & air quality issues. (They are Killing Themselves w/ Pollution)

* Big Factor = China's Status Sustainable w/ such Horrible Pollution?


Also, *Real-Time Intel* - from frens I have still in China.

They're feeling the pressure of 'Tensions' between our countries.

*The way it is as an expat American in China:

All foreigners have to register with the closest Police Station to their home. Mandatory info = passport, rental or home owner doc's, employment or school doc's, Chinese host/sponsor info if applicable. Basically, what Chinese person vouches for you? Believe me, their neck is on the line.

(PSB) Public Security Bureau is always watching you. Sometimes will come to your house, say, at 10:30 at night - "To Have Tea" = Nice way of saying Interrogate you.

And they use a network of "Citizen Snitches" - the "Evil Uncle" or the "Ayi(auntie)" who watch you, like Gladys Kravitz on "Bewitched", and report to the PSB.

Right now it's a real minefield for expats & they are feeling the pressure. Can't get too specific for security of frens reason.

fa3b36  No.3662816


That whore has likely worked damn near every strip club in the country. She travels around doing just that. So I dont know why it's odd that this dude worked at a strip club, and happened to be one Stormy did some of her traveling tits out shows.

b0e5f3  No.3662817

File: 095911520552894⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 255x170, 3:2, a1694af4baa61d5a040eb2a046….jpg)

245f65  No.3662818

File: 0d8302a1f746370⋯.png (416.78 KB, 957x982, 957:982, edfghjkerg.png)

Mornin Frens

4871bc  No.3662819

File: 7342360dab089d3⋯.jpeg (79.11 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, DX4L1zVW0AAZQvd.jpeg)

1f2aa8  No.3662820


Couldn't we at least put a paper bag over head?

Despite having particularly yummy and squeezable groodies, one cannot forget that it's still that fucking evil witch DWS on the inside.

6caa22  No.3662821



476d18  No.3662822

Trump Not Afraid To Put China In It’s Place For Bullying The United States


83e7a7  No.3662823


Not political - real. Their plan was (still is) to significantly reduce world population and enslave the survivors.

1cb6c8  No.3662824

File: 9b19c135b38927e⋯.jpeg (78.69 KB, 650x366, 325:183, 8A5794E3-E330-403A-8E27-A….jpeg)


Stock Market would be shit without QE

Give the taxpayers back their money, ya greedy fucks

a6e0e9  No.3662825


Prolly gonna be a year or more before his trial. If this goes to trial.

b73d16  No.3662826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Author of the 14th Amendment made it Crystal Clear when he wrote:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States,

and Subject (Oweing allegiance) to their Jurisdiction, is by virtue of Natural Law, and National Law, a citizen of the United States.

*This will NOT, Of Course, include persons born int the U.S. who are Foreigners, Aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or Foreign Ministers accredited to the government of the U.S., but will include EVERY OTHER CLASS OF PERSONS. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes ALL Doubt."'

End of Quote.

fc30bb  No.3662827

File: 08364ab515e5335⋯.png (218.75 KB, 784x446, 392:223, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

File: fc5ea687b3b8f6b⋯.png (249.4 KB, 783x597, 261:199, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Random twatterer reports:

Movin' da tanks….

c57985  No.3662828

File: 8541dd53371d1fc⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 640x480, 4:3, NPC-header-1.jpg)


Gray face bad

4d6619  No.3662829


It’s was extremely obvious when Eric “My People “ Holder declared that Hate a crime legislation was not intended to be used against Nonwhites.

When the law favors one group over another, that is tyranny, or the liberals favorite euphemism of “Disparate Impact”

d7ac75  No.3662830

>>3662650 Nice work!



You can't fix this level of stupid, you can only hope to contain it.

fa3b36  No.3662831

File: a82bd70bf36098e⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, TJF.jpg)

a7cc94  No.3662832


We should be meme-ing her to the Deomcrat nomination in 2020

9fd8ac  No.3662833

File: 873c5ddb824e585⋯.png (800.84 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 20211497-D65C-418F-A33D-60….png)

This has been floating around facecuck. It states that there are photos along with this but there were no photos when I came across it. Lots of info but taking it all with a grain of salt.

It states that major arrests like that off HRC and Hussein won’t happen til after midterms.

Doing this in multiple parts because muh “body is too long” to post.



Message to the banking elite: Trick or treat

By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports

It is going to be an especially haunting Halloween for the Khazarian mafia banking elite, because they have been given an October 31 deadline to return the gold they stole or face being systematically hunted down and exterminated, say Asian secret society, CIA, and White Dragon Society sources. After that deadline, bounties of gold will be placed on senior bankers starting with the heads of the EU Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Federal Reserve Board, and the BIS, the sources say.

The White Dragon Society (WDS) has offered the Khazarian mafia a way out of this situation. All they have to do is monetize, in a constructive and reality-based manner, $40 trillion worth of 1934 Henry Morgenthau Bonds to finance the establishment of a meritocratic future planning agency. This would be enough to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and finance human expansion into the universe. The alternative is death for all the Khazarian gangsters involved in central bank fraud and Babylonian debt slavery.

In the U.S., meanwhile, Pentagon sources say U.S. President Donald “Trump had a briefing and dinner with top military brass at the White House on October 23 in a blunt message to Israel, the Democrats, the deep state, and its invading army from Mexico not to steal the midterm elections.” The photo below shows clearly where the U.S. military stands.

There is also a major push going on to take down the rogue regime of Saudi Israelia, multiple sources agree. The murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is, despite attempts by the Khazarians to distract us with false flags etc., turning out to have been a fatal mistake.

0d06b8  No.3662834


I can feel it coming in the air tonight!

897f9c  No.3662835

File: ed6b6e8bb954393⋯.jpg (26.59 KB, 800x419, 800:419, trump1.jpg)


Morning fren.

22d260  No.3662836


Random question, but do you remember Jade Helm 16?

ab33df  No.3662837

File: e5557498f076ea8⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 2la2rg~3.jpg)

We got work to do…

83e7a7  No.3662838


>Subject (Oweing allegiance) to their Jurisdiction

That's the key point.

2b09f3  No.3662839

8c9038  No.3662840


not versed in law, but in philosophy of politics.

wrote this earlier today:

As 'hate speech' is undefinable,

any policy based upon the use of codes of hate speech is, in fact, hate speech. That is the only clear indication of hatred: one is trying to muzzle the opposition.

And thus anyone who calls for policies of hate speech enforcement that include blocking and removing 'hateful' voices, is in fact contributing in a most hateful way to a dangerous situation of censorship.

9fd8ac  No.3662841


The heads of state of Russia, Germany, and France were in Istanbul last week to meet with Turkish President Recep Erdogan to discuss this murder and the future of the rogue Zionist Saudi Israelia regime, according Russian sources.

CIA sources tried to convince this writer that the murder never actually took place by sending the following statement about the summit, to which the U.S., Israel, and China were not invited:

“They are there to discuss the Khashoggi matter. They are trying to figure out how to release the truth about Khashoggi. He is NOT dead. He is also not available for anyone to meet. The heads of the special powers that be, U.S., Russia, China, Turkey, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, know exactly where he is. Let’s just say Khashoggi fucked them all. He turned their own unacknowledged special-application-program weapon against them. He had the access codes.”

The Russians responded by sending the horrific photographs below of Khashoggi’s dismembered body with his face peeled off.

It seems the satan-worshiping Khazarians have a thing about peeling faces of people while they are still alive. It is apparently intended to harvest the maximum amount of pain from the victim as a sacrifice to Ba’al, Jewish WDS sources say.

However, the CIA source, when confronted with the photographs, insisted his information was correct and said the photos could be faked. He said DNA testing and comparison of dental records were needed.

In any case, Pentagon sources say this horrific act has led to a snowballing “global Saudi boycott that may include not just EU captains of industry Airbus, Siemens, ABB, and EDF, but Asian giants Samsung, Hyundai, Sumitomo, and it may progress into an EU arms embargo where even [Canadian Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau is under pressure to cancel a $15B arms deal approved by [his predecessor Stephen] Harper.”

Also, “with the EU parliament voting 325-1 for an EU arms embargo and [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel leading, Trump may be forced to use the EU arms embargo on Saudi Arabia to push for a UN arms embargo,” the sources say.

Khashoggi was murdered because he was about to expose Saudi Israelia’s use of chemical weapons in Yemen, according to the Express newspaper in England.


There is now a big push by the Khazarians to get Khashoggi out of the news cycle, the Pentagon sources say. They add that the alleged murder of 11 Jews at a synagogue in Pittsburgh last week was “a false-flag failed Hail Mary to get Trump to ignore Jewish vote fraud or migrant caravan, back gun control, and give Jewish community centers taxpayers’ money for security and establish Jewish victimhood ahead of 9/11 truth and a Gaza invasion.”

However, my college friend Christopher North happens to live a few blocks from the shooting, and he believes it really happened and knows the families of some of the victims. He called the local blood bank and was able to confirm there was a huge call for blood from local hospitals after the shooting. His daughter Sophia filmed the aftermath and posted it at the link below.


Nonetheless, former CIA agent Robert David Steele notes that, “As we now know from a review of all past false flags, the Zionists are more than happy to kill their own (Argentina, Jewish community center) as well as Americans (USS Cole, USS Liberty, 9/11). Their objective: to legalize the censorship at #GoogleGestapo where anyone who questions anything is considered ‘anti-Semitic.’”


8291cd  No.3662842


Fulford… Sorcha Faal…. Take with a pound of salt.

1cb6c8  No.3662843

File: 4064221ba2d9599⋯.jpeg (947.75 KB, 2048x1450, 1024:725, D4F8A761-FC11-4CFE-B162-E….jpeg)



Can’t wish an overvalued market into higher index

Give us back the QE money, then we’ll talk

208362  No.3662844

File: 0ebfb600458e4c6⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 700x435, 140:87, 2l5784.jpg)

File: 09023f8415f0170⋯.jpg (69.39 KB, 700x435, 140:87, 2l572y.jpg)

File: 91c972264f840ca⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 269x188, 269:188, 2l57wa.jpg)

File: aeae5466bb78f29⋯.jpg (21.24 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2l584g.jpg)

File: 3a747f204081dc5⋯.jpg (45.41 KB, 480x300, 8:5, 2l57ku.jpg)

9fd8ac  No.3662845


Hopefully soon the Jewish people will be freed from 3,000 plus years of Babylonian captivity and will no longer have to be murdered by their secret masters for propaganda reasons.

Meanwhile, a member of an Asian secret society had the following advice for Westerners fighting to free themselves from the Khazarians. “They always present you with a duality— either fascism or communism—and there is no other choice. Either we let the Chinese communists take over or we are going to be slaves of fascist Europe,” he says. “It is 2018, two hundred years since the Waterloo stunt, and I certainly hope the light side has learned something useful by now,” he added.

The source said, “As soon as the U.S. starts arresting the likes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as a show of good faith on the part of the U.S.,” the Asians will send tons of gold under U.S. Navy escort “to be piled up on the front lawn of the White House for the world to see.” Trump can issue new currency from the gold, he promises.

He was advised to take a look at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba to see for himself that facilities had been built for huge numbers of prisoners. We are now hearing that the arrests will begin after the November 6th midterm elections.

This is likely to be coordinated with a Russian move to shut down Khazarian regime in the Ukraine, but all we can say is that there is definitely operational silence in both the U.S. and Russia, indicating that some big, coordinated operation is taking place.

However, the CIA source mentioned above said that many of the criminals that people want arrested are already dead and all that they will be able to arrest will be “computer graphics or clones.”

Maybe, but one criminal who can be arrested is satan-worshiping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu went last week to Oman hoping the Sultan would provide him with protection from imminent arrest, Mossad sources say. Rothschild and P2 Freemason Agnelli family sources say they are hoping to, as the Japanese expression goes, “cut off the lizard’s tail to escape” by sacrificing Netanyahu and the fake Mohammed bin Salman in order to protect themselves.

This means special forces will have to raid the California tech companies like Google, Facebook, Paypal, and the big pharmacidical companies as well as the central banks if we are to end this.

It would also help if we can end the imprisonment on false charges of fellow freedom fighters such as Winston Shrout. For details, see this YouTube link:


Another thing to keep in mind is that, according to CIA sources, many of the elite are faking their own deaths in the hopes of evading justice or revenge. The source says the reported death of Thai billionaire Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha in a helicopter crash is an example.


“Vichai was NOT on the helicopter. Read the article carefully. A person close to the family reported the information to the BBC. He has now become another one of the elite to disappear from the scene. He is not liked by many of Thailand’s old money clan in Bangkok. A good way to go off-radar for good.”

af6e47  No.3662846

File: 8bae31199e55781⋯.jpg (29.95 KB, 540x302, 270:151, sabrxm7nufq11.jpg)

61e648  No.3662847

Any correlation between Q and


What is disinformation?

What has proven successful for the campaign?

What has stirred up the base?

Win requires pre definition.

Success must be pre defined otherwise success can be declared at any point.

I feel kinda used, tricked somewhat, but still happy with most of the results.

I won’t be betting on arrests for sure.

630559  No.3662848

File: 758e4a9b3a7deea⋯.png (294.15 KB, 401x284, 401:284, Capture.PNG)


Many have noted the parallel between the Vatican and Communist China. Both

are highly secretive, arriving at key decisions through channels so opaque that

they hardly seem to exist. Both are one-party systems based on total control,

where the identities of those members with the most influence is often unknown,

where specific political objectives are never disclosed, where neither the

authority of the system nor its directives can be questioned, and where its leaders

cannot be held to account. Neither recognize an independent judiciary or

legislative body, and both deal with dissidents in ways that are often draconian.

The Chinese government has allegedly been negotiating with the Vatican for

many years for the right to decide the ordination and appointment of Catholic

bishops in China. To outsiders this has seemed like a genuine struggle between

two sovereign entities obsessed with control, but this is hardly the case. It is

doubtful whether any Catholic bishop appointed in China in the past twenty years

(or more) has secured office without Chinese approval. At the end of the day,

the world ‘300’ and its subsidiaries decide who goes where.

ab33df  No.3662849

File: 1ffcaf8e2dad250⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 480x452, 120:113, 2jc1b3~2.jpg)

File: 05e58087a63233a⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 500x421, 500:421, 2l61gw~2.jpg)


Anon you already got flushed…. Try harder.

b0e5f3  No.3662850

File: 6118ff659fe119d⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 306x165, 102:55, brockdarkhelmet.jpg)


He's a shill. Been here bothering us for a while. Besides the day after Q posted mass arrests over a hundred people were mass arrested in D.C. during the Kavanaugh vote.

Not to mention the litany of pedophile networks falling left and right.

Sometimes Anons are really frustrated and express it, but the majority of bitching about Q posts are just some shill blue shit.

Shadilay anon.

88379f  No.3662851

File: 526be2aaed519a5⋯.png (20.04 KB, 255x164, 255:164, nancy.png)


indeed we do, anon

2800d3  No.3662852

File: f1acf94a4f227de⋯.jpg (190.09 KB, 585x452, 585:452, Dovish.jpg)

838a3b  No.3662853

File: 9b97524cd1f50a9⋯.jpg (66.51 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 9b97524cd1f50a92655a2d7b5c….jpg)

77f1f3  No.3662854


Old news. Q posted up to 10/9

55d374  No.3662855


Trumps right. There is no constitutional protection for criminal migration.

The only right foreign criminals have is a right to trial by peers for their crimes as foreign criminals. The Constitution is there to protect US citizens. Not everyone else except US citizens.


This guy just made an excellent case as to why he should never be president: He apparently doesn't know that because the 2nd amendment is codified into the Constitution… Signing an EO to change it, in any way, would be illegal.

b0e5f3  No.3662856

File: 42ac367cdd9a983⋯.png (182.75 KB, 471x237, 157:79, ClipboardImage.png)

838a3b  No.3662857

File: 5e4d846f393e809⋯.jpeg (77.11 KB, 851x678, 851:678, 5e4d846f393e80934929e009a….jpeg)

4871bc  No.3662858

File: 4a3999978ff13d7⋯.jpeg (13.33 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 4c1ed340889c4e8a3e97cfa66….jpeg)

e77b64  No.3662859

File: 6330ab7a9693dd1⋯.jpg (34.18 KB, 262x480, 131:240, CorpKnight_littlepeople.jpg)

File: 2982db38b0b65b8⋯.jpg (160.84 KB, 640x1000, 16:25, DPanic1.jpg)



Time to restructure the FED.

fd23e6  No.3662860


Monarch butterfly on the fake candle too

0d06b8  No.3662861

File: 0eae72c96b62bab⋯.mp4 (4.13 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Hq-epTK9a1Pjd770.mp4)



ab33df  No.3662862

File: cc4857d88acf236⋯.jpg (16.43 KB, 300x180, 5:3, 2kzdcv.jpg)

22d260  No.3662863


bid rigging for 1.5m? that's small change for IC

9fd8ac  No.3662864


Original- https://benjaminfulford.net

8acebe  No.3662865


I think we'll hear from Q again after the election.

10de65  No.3662866


Brother, please stop responding to the bot. WWG1WGA

642bcf  No.3662867

Stephanie Ruhl just threw Cabal gang sign double owl eyes on PMSNBC at 9:05 AM. Talking about 0 evidence Trump has on criminals in migrant caravan

ca309d  No.3662868

File: f265427e3b8ed40⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 612x411, 204:137, ZH-POTUS-Market.JPG)

File: 4cab2620ba9c8a5⋯.png (15.14 KB, 779x419, 779:419, ctrl-p-key.png)


The snarky Bulgarian mafia does make a good point - even if they/we know POTUS ain't a dumbass.

Gotta pay for the massive infrastructure projects somehow.

Maybe with QE actually being spent the way QE is supposed to this time.

cdf52d  No.3662869


total crap, are you a troll?

ddaed8  No.3662870

File: f59d8c560861c2a⋯.jpeg (10.79 KB, 255x231, 85:77, 6172b5fc193bfd13bdf636ae1….jpeg)


you didn't try hard enuf

ab33df  No.3662872

File: 24cfbd83655a1a6⋯.jpg (61.69 KB, 720x405, 16:9, lead_720_405.jpg)



3 weeks today since Q went dark… Definitely hope he comes back.

838a3b  No.3662873


I live in Chicago. I see this shit every day. I wanted a pleasant joke for a change. Yours is too realistic.

fc30bb  No.3662874

File: 6076c4276252578⋯.png (115.36 KB, 920x525, 184:105, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

“Trump can’t do that, because the 14th Amendment forbids him from doing that!” the blue checkmarked journalist screeched seconds before declaring that the 2nd Amendment doesn’t really protect gun ownership, and who cares even if it does, because guns and gun owners are gross.




55d374  No.3662875


nope, only 20 days. not 21.


ab33df  No.3662876

019f49  No.3662877

Message from longtime Lurkfag,

You know….. the longer Q chills out the more knuckleheads we lose from this venue. This board was built on research and digging and seems to have run off the rails at times. Predictable with R€didit dispersal and general growing exposure of Q movement but will be nice to get back down to business for those that dig and bring light to darkness without all of the nonsense.

I’m predicting a Republican sweep and an eye opening ass-whooping the likes of which have been rarely seen in our history. Of course that depends on a strong voter turnout and I sense that will be quite large as well. After the election, many on the left will decide, “if you can’t beat them, join them!” There will still be the hardcore resist at all costs lefties and they will be volatile.

This is our time. Our time to make a difference and get this nation back on the path foreseen by those that created it. A God fearing, respectful nation that takes care of its own first and then others. This has been replaced by deeply rooted, wealthy beyond imagination, corrupt government and world (leaders) that do not hold our US Constitution close to their chest. It’s actually the thorn in their side.

The only thing that stands in the way of a global governing body is the United States of America. We are under attack from within by folks that are willing to die trying to get this country out of the way. It is what they live for each and everyday. Scary to think that they have occupied the highest elected government offices and many remain throughout.

Those that think that nothing is happening in the way of justice need to realize that much has already happened. From the clean out of the FBI and DoJ to the appointment of SCOTUS judges and Trump judges all over the country the setup has been and continues to be brilliant. After this crushing election where many of the current elected officials on the left will find themselves on the outside looking in, it will be time for the next move on POTUS’s 3D chess board.

This election matters in a major way and is one of if not the most important setup move placing the deep state in “check”. It does not happen unless WE ALL GET OUT AND VOTE! We patriots are in the battle and now is our time. Make sure your friends and family are registered and are really going to vote. This time it really matters. We will be the ones that place the black hats in “Check”!

Q will return when the dust settles. He has given us more than we know so read and reread the crumbs. Continue to softly redpill our friends and family that are still totally unaware of how we have all been lied to for years. Bring them along slowly…..

NOTE: Just in case you think I’m a dyed in the wool republican, I detested the Bush regime for the atrocities they perpetrated on this world in the name of globalism, power, greed and evil and did not vote for them. This is not a Rep vs Dem issue for me. It is a good vs evil issue and POTUS is here to brashfully rid us of the evil, a large chunk of which will fall away on November 6th.

Pray hard, get involved, keep your eyes and ears open and VOTE REPUBLICAN across the board where ever you are.

Peace and Love,

Back to lurking moar….

d4e8fa  No.3662878

File: b09e8369d09ce93⋯.jpeg (465.09 KB, 1125x1123, 1125:1123, 7210D0DB-56DD-4FB2-9BA4-B….jpeg)


838a3b  No.3662879



Q comes back 34 days from last post, or not at all.

Haven't figured out which yet. Don't think I will. But the drops, Q already said goodbye. Almost a year ago. When we hit that on the clock we will know. But Q won't say "later dudes, it's been a blast". He came out of nowhere, will leave out of nowhere. It's not about heroes. LIFE.

55d374  No.3662880


actually I miscounted.

We'll hear from them today.

3d121a  No.3662881

897f9c  No.3662882


I'm glad one of the great legal minds of our time weighed in on this.

b73d16  No.3662883

The Key point is the author of the 14th amendment clearly states that it does NOT give birthright citizenship to *any* foreigner or alien, which IS, any child born to foreigner or alien.

How would you like to be pregnant and visiting say, China (pick one) and you give birth say, unexpectedly, and China claims your child is not a citizen of your homeland but is now a citizen of Their Country?

The whole concept is illogical, illegal, nonsense, without precident nor merit and worse a SCAM! The law is ALREADY CLEAR Nothing has to be changed except correcting all the past errors and preventing future ones and mass deporting all the squatters.

55d374  No.3662884


Yeah I thought it was still the 29th, kek..We'll hear from Q Today :)

570911  No.3662885

File: 8b025c033421c31⋯.jpg (87.34 KB, 600x414, 100:69, shitpost.jpg)

Morning shills and bots

838a3b  No.3662886


Avenatti is the kid in high school that always got his ass kicked and never figured out why.

099109  No.3662887

File: fda58a29d77603a⋯.png (185.56 KB, 1663x922, 1663:922, kek.png)

File: f53d35e212ffa65⋯.png (64.01 KB, 630x294, 15:7, copy pasta tapper.png)


Jake Tapper copypasta of article I posted

ab33df  No.3662888

File: e5557498f076ea8⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 2la2rg~3.jpg)

File: 3e24e36a49d308e⋯.jpg (9.39 KB, 255x197, 255:197, 3e24e36a49d308ebebc4c090a9….jpg)



Q left us hanging at a critical moment..

a7cc94  No.3662889

fc30bb  No.3662890

dd4956  No.3662891


Very prescient observations.

Makes me wonder about the 'Genesis' & 'Evolution' of Eric Arthur Blair's inspiration for the premise of "Big Brother". The Vatican has been around a long time.

We know it's been said he based it on Soviet Russia. But He was born into a UK family "In The Know".

And yes about the similarities between "Rome" & Beijing. I'm very familiar with the religious situation in China, very. Not specifically Catholic only but Christianity & the PRC.

77f1f3  No.3662892


Lurker comes out

Complains about lack of digs

Goes back to lurking

a7cc94  No.3662893


Nah, we're ok.

fba8d2  No.3662894

G-g-g-guys… is it happening? 12:01 on 10/30, Hill’s passport was already flagged. Have any anons conducted a “proof check” and asked any NGanons if they are activated across major cities?

Well, have you?

b878c0  No.3662895


Wow. Who is that?

23a49e  No.3662896

Exclusive: Blexit Logo Design by Kanye West; Artwork Inspired by Trip to Africa with Candace



“It needed to convey the message of a mass exodus,” Candace Owens said of the artwork that would mark black America’s exit, or Blexit, from the “liberal plantation.”

“I created the logo. I spent weeks tinkering with the design, agonizing over the shape, the color,” Owens told me in a phone interview. “I started with a very basic X”

West; Artwork Inspired by Trip to Africa with Candace


27 Oct 20181603


“It needed to convey the message of a mass exodus,” Candace Owens said of the artwork that would mark black America’s exit, or Blexit, from the “liberal plantation.”

“I created the logo. I spent weeks tinkering with the design, agonizing over the shape, the color,” Owens told me in a phone interview. “I started with a very basic X”

But Owens knew something was missing. “It just wasn’t right. There was this gaping creative chasm,” She said of the artwork.

That’s when she turned to Kanye West — the 21-time Grammy-winner and one of the most influential and successful fashion designers in the world, with whom Owens has developed a close collaborative relationship.

Indeed, both Owens and Kanye have kicked off a hot conversation that has rocked our culture, spurring a free thinkers movement Candace Owens says is the beating heart of Blexit.

“Me and Kanye had been in constant contact for months. I showed him the Blexit design that I had started to create.” Owens said. “He paused for what felt like ten excruciating minutes, looked at me, smiled, and said, ‘You know the greatest designer of all-time and you didn’t ask me for help?'”

A marketing maven, two-time GQ Most Stylish Man, and the purveyor of the billion-dollar Yeezy apparel and footwear collection brand with Addidas, even Kanye found it a bit of a challenge trying to solve the creative mystery behind the Blexit design he wanted to present to the world. But it was a worthy challenge for one of the fashion industry’s most prolific influencers; one that took he and Owens halfway across the globe to conquer.

“Like me, Kanye felt like something was missing from the design,” Owens told me. “The man is a creative force of nature. And just like that, the next thing I knew, I was on a plane flying from Philadelphia to Africa.”

3d121a  No.3662897



fc30bb  No.3662898

File: 9e3420a488538b2⋯.jpg (190.64 KB, 2048x682, 1024:341, DqwaTE7XgAEsb-f.jpg)

All right, which one of y'all did this one!


b73d16  No.3662899


Avenatti is that kid in the neighborhood who was a creepy little fuck that did all the gross shit and ate his own boogers and laughed when it grossed you out. He also was the one feeling up the neighborhood girls and getting his dick stomped for it.

fba8d2  No.3662900

File: 04dbf3140b8d383⋯.jpeg (113.35 KB, 750x817, 750:817, 3EE01C31-936A-4212-8789-1….jpeg)


Re-read drops newfriend.

674e26  No.3662901


Wish I knew. I don't know any NGs unfortunately so I guess I'll find out the same time as everyone else.

838a3b  No.3662902


Nah. It was always about this.

POTUS Twitter Take Down



2 Nov 2017 - 6:31:24 PM

Fellow Patriots,

I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.

We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.

Watch the news outlets.

POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).

Should the lights go out please know we are in control.

Do not panic.

We are prepared and assets are in place.

God bless - I must go for good at this point.


ca309d  No.3662903


ClifNotesAnons perform an underrated service for the borard.

Thanks, patriot!

ab33df  No.3662904

File: 61705dfdbbe3e40⋯.jpeg (15.55 KB, 255x198, 85:66, df6f25aba2354bc9f95436266….jpeg)


2 false flags and more to come before the elections…

62497d  No.3662905

File: ee317a13b1d1f41⋯.png (784.05 KB, 1158x900, 193:150, w177wwtjuav11.png)

fba8d2  No.3662906


Trumps ideal presidential cabinet

838a3b  No.3662907



I'm not new and you beat me to what I was saying by 19 seconds kek.

55d374  No.3662908


>Avenatti is the kid in high school that always got his ass kicked and never figured out why.

Avenatti is probably the archtypical rich kid kid in HS who was the kid of powerful friends of the school administrators.

So nobody beat him down because it would be an auto-explusion for them.

That's the problem.

fc30bb  No.3662909


"We're activated"


630559  No.3662910

File: e0ce459f918c371⋯.jpg (56.45 KB, 540x405, 4:3, bush.jpg)


How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

Remarkably, little of Bush's dealings with Germany has received public scrutiny, partly because of the secret status of the documentation involving him. But now the multibillion dollar legal action for damages by two Holocaust survivors against the Bush family, and the imminent publication of three books on the subject are threatening to make Prescott Bush's business history an uncomfortable issue for his grandson, George W, as he seeks re-election.

Copy of Prescott Bush 1942 Indictment Under Trading With the Enemy Act!



96ee64  No.3662911

File: 25ffb542d0bbdc4⋯.jpg (109.25 KB, 450x522, 25:29, f8fghrnbgvb.jpg)

ea8cc3  No.3662912

I used to dedicate every moment of free time to this board lmao, escape the chamber lads and experience the real world. You should all be embarrassed for still believing this was ever real.

b73d16  No.3662913


Because that fuktard Acosta is an anchor baby. His ass is about to be deported!

The Left is about to show it's violent side again, cue Soros & crew.

838a3b  No.3662914


Thanks for posting that we should all stop posting.

fba8d2  No.3662915


You’ll find out as the bombers are shadowing and strafing the city and convoys of loaded Bradley’s open and fully tactical marines rush out to secure building by building.

05f428  No.3662916


Lmao …The real World ….. World of lies asshole ….Enjoy it

b73d16  No.3662917


And you are here…


9028c3  No.3662918

>>3662391 (lb)

Entertaining read, thanks.

>cabal tries to keep people so under duress they don't have time to analize and discern their fuckery

Gaslighting Sign #7. They know confusion weakens people.


7e3e0d  No.3662919

Planefags…lots of helos in Wilmington DE. What is up??

ea8cc3  No.3662920



Does that faggot ebot still rape threads?

838a3b  No.3662921


"real world" where he's a cuck and watches his mother get destroyed by a line of neighborhood gentleman on the daily.

3d121a  No.3662922

Fake news wants so badly for Trump to sit down and shut up.

What does he do?

Double down with double campaign rallies.

ea8cc3  No.3662923


To laugh at what this has become, where is Q at?

ea8cc3  No.3662924


My mother is a saint

1f2aa8  No.3662925


Because that's what it was programmed to do.

630559  No.3662926


Haven't you heard its a battle of words the poster bearer cried

fba8d2  No.3662927


Kek. Godspeed.

ab33df  No.3662928

File: ac027c71a1e8690⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 400x559, 400:559, downloadfile-19.jpg)



Q did give us all we needed to know.


23a49e  No.3662929


Dubs confirm!

96ee64  No.3662930


yeah c'mon guise

microdick said it was a larp

we can all go home now

fba8d2  No.3662931


Kek. Godspeed.

487ad0  No.3662932


Hard for some anons to do. Some anons do not have frens outside this board

fd23e6  No.3662933

File: 26933fabc07b716⋯.jpeg (534.93 KB, 2160x2160, 1:1, 4211DC24-59C4-4401-9ED1-7….jpeg)

37e101  No.3662934


But if the government infusion of money gets spent on public works projects like bridges and the wall and major infrastructure construction leading to high paying jobs that benefit entire regions economically from the ground up, how will they funnel the money into globalist causes and superpacs? The union faggots are gonna kick up 1% tops.

It's like you don't even know how business works.

93d109  No.3662935

File: 4761b7477278f0d⋯.png (26.94 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump seeks more than 300G in attorney’s fees from Stormy Daniels


fba8d2  No.3662936



02f4ae  No.3662937


I’ve sent this to some normies and getting great feed back.

5c2b2c  No.3662938

File: 33d4f2c0d9c86db⋯.png (20.57 KB, 395x277, 395:277, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3661225 (pb)

I love your stuff, Anon. I want all your files.

676757  No.3662939

Phonefagging … if this has been posted already fuckit it's worth another post. A mysterious commercial aired in Massachusetts this morning… featuring two interesting statements… WWG1WGA and… it's not coffee it's cofeve… twatter link… also in comments apparently NPR discussed the add but totally missed Q.. slamming it for being aimed at old white conservatives…


Now grannytits and grampafag can clutch their pearls and spooge in gasms of OMG QONTACT

ea8cc3  No.3662940


Boys it's a LARP, shut it down!

ca309d  No.3662941


His neighborhood was the western burbs of STL

High concentration of Every. Single. Time. there

@Jack from same neighborhood

So is that Jenna chick from the Office

Higher than avg # of spoopy people come out of there

b73d16  No.3662942


Why, do you miss him? I don't. We are doing our jobs. What's yer prob Shillary?

Q can take a vacation before the arrests go down. ok with me.

ea8cc3  No.3662943

File: 132679c0e7f06e9⋯.png (307.35 KB, 447x437, 447:437, 1482876052405.png)

ee4505  No.3662944

File: e267b14f86affa5⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 0709AE58-5A74-4272-8256-2….jpeg)

File: 4fe8dba1ce10043⋯.jpeg (973.48 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 839FEEB0-B2FB-4748-8EE7-1….jpeg)

File: 593d938b64e0448⋯.jpeg (1.83 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 75631DDA-36C4-4DD9-A7D7-6….jpeg)


Not seeing anything from “high-atop-Philly-anon” here

fba8d2  No.3662945


It’s just a coincidence ffs.

7d8c45  No.3662946


No threats, please.

838a3b  No.3662947


Why are shills worried about us? Even if no one followed this movement anymore, POTUS is still winning and changing the world. Shills are beating a dead horse.

fa3b36  No.3662948


You had me at spooge

02f4ae  No.3662949


He’s in full BEAST mode. Fuck the msm!

22d260  No.3662950


Doesn't matter where Q is. Remeber, we didn't goto Q, Q came HERE. Anon's we're awake well before Qanon came HERE.

630559  No.3662951

File: b3cfe63224c7def⋯.png (802.54 KB, 697x498, 697:498, Capture.PNG)

Migrant Caravan: A Foreign-Financed, Leftist-Led Violation Of U.S. Sovereignty

Immigration: The so-called migrant caravan that's slowly making its way to the U.S. from Central America is many things to many people. But one thing seems pretty certain: it's not about seeking "asylum," or "refugee status." It's about getting to the United States at all costs

Meanwhile, the U.N. is committing resources to the caravan. In essence, it uses U.S. taxpayers' money to fund a violation of their own border. That way, the U.S. can join all the other countries with a mass immigration problem.

As the UN News service reported, "A priority for UNHCR (the UN's refugee agency), which has mobilized extra staff and resources to help . Those making the journey in Mexico's southern borderlands, is ensuring migrants are informed on their rights to asylum. In an agency video, a UNHCR protection associate said many migrants were simply unaware asylum was an option."

In other words, the U.N. has set up shop in Mexico and is pushing these migrants to go to the U.S. Once again, the U.N. violates a member nation's right to protect its own borders. Fortunately, President Trump is having none of it. He'll send 5,200 troops to the border to stop the influx.

For those who have suggested Trump's move is illegal under the "Posse Comitatus" Act of 1878, they're wrong. That law's letter and intent was to keep the U.S. from using federal military troops against its own citizens. No one intended for this law to force our borders open to those who would violate our sovereignty.


702acc  No.3662952

Gowdy is so swampy.

838a3b  No.3662953


Nah. I just want him to rot in gitmo for 50 years. Then he can die of natural causes and jerk off satan.

019f49  No.3662954


No complaining here. Love all digger anons and those that make it all happen but remember when the work could be completed a little less encumbered by shills and general (nonsense).

fe977b  No.3662955

I think the main concern with the anchor babies thing has to do with the Chinese. Apparently it is a very popular thing for them to come here just to deliver their babies and then go back just so that their kids have that American citizenship in their pocket. The more that get revealed about China makes it seem like allowing this is very bad practice

b73d16  No.3662956

File: b979abe82568821⋯.jpg (64.14 KB, 614x549, 614:549, vomit.jpg)

93d109  No.3662957

File: ea591ac78c877ed⋯.png (323.79 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

They shouted out the first words of WAR!!!


'Babe' star warns of ‘blood in the streets’ if GOP holds power


52cd42  No.3662958


election night

ea8cc3  No.3662959


Nice, saved.

3e9246  No.3662960


Sound advice Anon.

I'm gonna stop hanging with my Q fam,

stop sharpening my meme / shop skills

stop fighting cabal

stop my little part in making the world a better place and go join the NPC ranks.


Run along now, there's a good girl.

46466f  No.3662961


trumps smile is a weapon itself lmao

5ca385  No.3662962

File: 8ee0432c38dec92⋯.png (169.82 KB, 1903x910, 1903:910, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ee0432c38dec92⋯.png (169.82 KB, 1903x910, 1903:910, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4b70033f872556⋯.png (142.51 KB, 1903x910, 1903:910, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc7fd9c83ecb1b5⋯.png (178.07 KB, 1903x910, 1903:910, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c06161b61f4357⋯.png (126.74 KB, 1903x910, 1903:910, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons discussion Venezuela in PBs. Got to thinking how much 'aid' the US has sent them. Went to USAspending.gov and searched Venezuela both as the primary place of performance and also as recipient location. $288M +/- which isn't much at all when you consider Broward County Florida rec'd $92Billion in 2011 alone.

So drilled down on a single contract in Ven. with Development Alternatives, Inc. Why would a company with a contract for $390 Million dollars (let in 2005) only spend $65 Million of it, especially given how awful things are in Ven.? So then I ran the DAI DUNS#. $4Billion?? Can't do more research right now - IRL duties.

05f428  No.3662963


Q brought the like minded together ….. The 100th Monkey effect ….. It s real … Pineal Gland

fba8d2  No.3662964


LOL. Really? I have so many friends and am super popular in real life. Haha hard for me to even imagine that…I’m at a party right now actually. Sheeeet.

b73d16  No.3662965

File: 32aa1ff51538542⋯.jpg (85.17 KB, 720x960, 3:4, KillaryonJohn.jpg)

Killary's birthing pains


702acc  No.3662966


No you really didn't You spend your time hunting kids to fuck. Only Jews murderers rapists and pedos are here now posting shit like that.

ea8cc3  No.3662967

File: 2b69e51d5350791⋯.jpg (18.22 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 1538156687143.jpg)


>Implying you've made any sort of difference whatsoever

e060a0  No.3662968

File: 5237522d25aef30⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 530x398, 265:199, Bolsonaro_z3.jpg)

File: 6504821284d2d44⋯.jpg (124.44 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Bolsonaro_zion.jpg)

File: 02b8ae1c4a0e9b3⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 405x720, 9:16, Bolsonaro_Zion2.jpg)

File: 016f305c37a4069⋯.jpg (105.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bolsonaro_zion4.jpg)

File: 19d1c05d0f6a8f0⋯.jpg (154.09 KB, 645x546, 215:182, d.jpg)

m0s? or patriot who has enemies close like POTUS?

93d109  No.3662969

File: 702ee94aa5deb2f⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Trump to end automatic citizenship for babies born to illegal immigrants


fd23e6  No.3662970


Hi Justice Kavanaugh

fa3b36  No.3662971

File: 3f9132f23c4f8a9⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 760x506, 380:253, termite.jpg)

fba8d2  No.3662972



fba8d2  No.3662973

9fd8ac  No.3662974


It does say at the top taking it with a grain of salt..

3d121a  No.3662975

File: f11350d4b5569d6⋯.png (29.34 KB, 750x600, 5:4, bta events.PNG)


bend the arc upcoming events.

What is 'interrupt trump"?

7e53cf  No.3662976

File: 1082356e3c83108⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 750x420, 25:14, Squirrel.jpg)

ea8cc3  No.3662977

Post latest proof of Q's legitimacy homos

ab33df  No.3662978

File: 0ae2170971811a8⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 500x501, 500:501, 2gfxzx~2.jpg)

277265  No.3662979


Yeah, on the Fox 11pm Shannon Bream show last night Kristen something did a piece on the 'pissed anti-trump' rabbis and showed the letter with Blend The Arc letterhead and did NOT bother to mention the Soros connection. Somebody needs to lay that on her twatter ( which this anon doesn't participate in)

0c88e9  No.3662980

File: 0acebe73a9b0b23⋯.jpg (64.18 KB, 312x514, 156:257, amen.jpg)

05f428  No.3662981

When Caravan gets wind of no more Anchor babies and Miltary at Border ….. They will be turning around

fc30bb  No.3662982

File: 382a4df4162505f⋯.png (113.68 KB, 937x520, 937:520, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

The Rudester:

After September 11,2001 it was important to realize we were not alone. All those who came to volunteer or just to show support made us realize an entire nation, indeed much of the world was there to help us. The President and First Lady will make that happen for Pittsburgh today.




e4a4e8  No.3662983


projection. puppies and daisies codewords like concrete ?

702acc  No.3662984


this is one of the 100 senators that sold us out to the ADL yet pretends he hasn't.

1f2aa8  No.3662985


I think a few good hangings would be excellent for morale and maybe give others a pause for thought before raping children and trying to further evil.

96ee64  No.3662986


the fact that you are spending any time here

attempting to dissuade

46466f  No.3662987


oy vey goyim quit it with that anti antisemitism there

dont you know that if you are from israel you are therefor above all criticism

630559  No.3662988

File: 9d5e2e09a9532e3⋯.png (421.52 KB, 570x368, 285:184, Capture.PNG)


The Military, the Mexican Border and Posse Comitatus: Four Key Takeaways

First and foremost, if the president orders federal active-duty military personnel to provide direct support to law enforcement or operate as the functional equivalent of a domestic law enforcement agency on the border, the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) applies, which prohibits such activity. In its present form, the law states:

Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

Second, certain exemptions are baked into the PCA’s text and DoD’s implementing regulations. Of central importance is the question of how might the administration attempt to use these legal exemptions to navigate around the blanket prohibition on using the military as a federal law enforcement entity? For example, the PCA does not apply to National Guard members when operating pursuant to state authorities (so-called “Title 32” authorities). On a day-to-day basis, these National Guard troops fall outside the federal chain of command absent an independent trigger that federalizes the force – more on that below. But it remains unclear how the state governors who have first-line authority over their respective National Guards will react to the President’s insistence that they secure the U.S. border. They are certainly not required to do so. For example, does anyone really believe that Governor Jerry Brown will order the California National Guard to secure the border in light of the Trump declaration? I don’t.


fa3b36  No.3662989


The caravan is 90% dudes. Giant dick fest marching to the border. They're not interested in anchor babies.

cdf52d  No.3662990

File: fc17bf398efef72⋯.jpg (92.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, vip anon q signified.jpg)

9028c3  No.3662991

File: 3bd1c43bad4423b⋯.png (142.66 KB, 368x426, 184:213, Q1233-Haiti.png)


>"This bitch stole 10 billion dollars from Haiti"

damn straight…and that's the least of it.

ddaed8  No.3662992


exactly where i'm at

ca309d  No.3662993


Keep the food and other goods on the shelves and everything will be cool

46466f  No.3662994


jokes on him puppies are great

6776db  No.3662995

File: 320d68638c5068f⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 880x580, 44:29, ballsnore2.jpg)

File: 6a74fc01156085a⋯.jpg (79.08 KB, 840x500, 42:25, ballsnore3.jpg)

File: cb6700166ca45e7⋯.jpg (342.88 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ballsnore4.jpg)

File: 8aae9d6112fc3c2⋯.jpg (89.52 KB, 768x436, 192:109, ballsnore5.jpg)

838a3b  No.3662996

File: dbd32ff1cc0965b⋯.png (275.78 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, download.png)

Audit: NASA Lost Moon Buggy, Other Artifacts Due to Poor Policies

Poor policies? As in most of this "lost" shit never existed and we pocketed the cash it "cost to make it and send it to space"


After 60 years of space exploration, NASA could do a better job of tracking its history, federal investigators have found.

The NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG), the independent investigation arm of the space agency, recently completed an audit of NASA's historic property and, in the wake of several high profile losses, has recommended that the agency adopt a more effective approach to identifying and managing its space artifacts.

"NASA's processes for loaning and disposing of historic personal property have improved over the past six decades, but a significant amount of historic personal property has been lost, misplaced or taken by former employees and contractors due to the agency's lack of adequate procedures," the OIG reported.[Should We Open Some Sealed Apollo Moon Samples?]

Further, said investigators, the OIG's efforts to recover artifacts that have escaped NASA's control have been "thwarted" by the space agency's "poor record keeping and a lack of established processes."

Whats with the NASA logo?

168653  No.3662997


More importantly, who first used the phrase, "blood n the streets"?

From Investooedia:

"Baron Rothschild, an 18th century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying that "the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets." He should know. Rothschild made a fortune buying in the panic that followed the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon."

ea8cc3  No.3662998

File: 3cbeeaf4baeb68f⋯.gif (564.42 KB, 800x430, 80:43, 1538142826229.gif)


I'm just bored

b69b0d  No.3662999

File: 5e72adffe62c63a⋯.jpg (117.36 KB, 900x600, 3:2, vpdm.jpg)

96ee64  No.3663000


you forgot to mention that they

will be spending 3+ years

sitting in a tent city

awaiting the asylum hearing

fba8d2  No.3663001


C’mon. Not who u replied to, but worst proof ever. VIPanon is disinfo. Are you a big Kate follower too ffs

c5d71b  No.3663003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It was a Journey cassette tape.


c7c8ba  No.3663004


He is Christian conservative, pretty expected to be pro-Israel

fc30bb  No.3663005

File: ee229f0ba019c4f⋯.png (877.87 KB, 861x754, 861:754, Screen Shot 2018-10-28 at ….png)


Good catch, Anon!

1f2aa8  No.3663006

File: 1c6204611cbc58a⋯.png (726.86 KB, 749x726, 749:726, feminant.png)

01fe2b  No.3663007


Insta filter

7d8c45  No.3663008


I saw it. It's trite and poorly put together … possibly meant to >keep< people from voting R.

This grandpafag is way ahead of that curve.

6f6eaf  No.3663009

File: f5b906685dfa7e8⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 483x289, 483:289, cnnfail.jpg)

c5d71b  No.3663010

File: 066217784d3acc5⋯.jpg (47.22 KB, 469x462, 67:66, 1.JPG)


It was a Journey cassette tape.

96ee64  No.3663011


dumbest answer ever

if true, then you are WAY

more pathetic than someone follow a larp

7e53cf  No.3663012






Means to deceive or fool….in, you guess it.

fba8d2  No.3663013


Annnnd. I think I speak for all Texas women when I say….Refugees Welcome!!

ea8cc3  No.3663014


What the fuck am I looking at?

ab33df  No.3663015



Q was wrong on the Kavanaugh vote 53-47

9cc769  No.3663016

14th Amendment article, older by design. Short read, quotes opinions from multiple cases with links to those cases.

The Supreme Court has never officially ruled on the interpretation of the first clause of the 14th Amendment, which states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."


838a3b  No.3663017


Opinionated proof.

6776db  No.3663018

File: a3bc9d50b9464c3⋯.jpeg (127.89 KB, 734x482, 367:241, hill_whatcanisay.jpeg)

File: ff2249541482c77⋯.jpg (48.06 KB, 640x480, 4:3, hill_laughs_hard.jpg)



55d374  No.3663019


Then why are you here MR TenPostsandCounting?

You're here because you're paid to spam the tripe you spam ;)

And you know it.

ea8cc3  No.3663020

Post recent proofs and give me a run down pls.

fba8d2  No.3663021


Citation need.

435a2d  No.3663022



cdf52d  No.3663023


Troops are not being used to enforce laws against US citizens, this is FAIL.

838a3b  No.3663024


Q said faggots would come in here asking for run downs. There, you are literal proof, faggot.

b878c0  No.3663025


So what happened to Q post 918 "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here." ? We find out from someone else?

ab33df  No.3663026

ea8cc3  No.3663027


You've been programmed to believe any conflicting opinion is automatically targeted shilling. You're no better than an SJW

9fd8ac  No.3663028

File: e6bf8384819376e⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 1071x1071, 1:1, 3d663df4ef09a5cfa2fbe49cd1….jpg)

22d260  No.3663029

Just filter the shills, don't respond.

ea8cc3  No.3663030

Is anyone under 40 here?

84bd2a  No.3663031

File: fd779acd8540992⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, crimsonpain.jpg)

File: 59df03ed6ec2ff9⋯.jpg (832.74 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, whitepain.jpg)

File: 58a232985e41e6a⋯.jpg (961.5 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, bluesteelpain.jpg)

Midterm pain.

0c88e9  No.3663032

File: a684ce6c05fd6cc⋯.jpg (146.73 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 20130403183502q.jpg)


everyone IS currently enslaved


which slaves were given LAND from the 13th amendment? exactly.

96ee64  No.3663033

File: cc2a6942db0d2f7⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 399x335, 399:335, d38fh48g.jpg)

ab33df  No.3663034

File: eaa0b1052948198⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2la2bu~2.jpg)


Lester is that you?

630559  No.3663035


I didn't write the article, just thought it was relevant

7e53cf  No.3663036

File: c353fe9d975569e⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 620x323, 620:323, Not quite kitty.jpg)

Attempting this now

Kitty 'ain't flying to well

6776db  No.3663037

File: 42029900fd79faf⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, keep_fighting.jpg)

37e101  No.3663038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Which reminds me of my favorite redpill to get crazy liberal bitches wet.

How come Halle Berry in Bulworth, the epitome of 90s progressivism, is talking about all the same shit as Donald Trump while today's progressives are talking about chicks with dicks in women's bathrooms?

cdf52d  No.3663039

File: ba0fb9dff052097⋯.jpg (238.07 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, kate6.jpg)


love Kate, she is a patriot

bae8cf  No.3663040

File: 81c757bb48abd59⋯.png (400.9 KB, 830x320, 83:32, ClipboardImage.png)

Tom Steyer Runs Facebook Ad Comparing President Trump To Saddam Hussein

Left-wing billionaire Tom Steyer is running a Facebook ad comparing President Donald Trump to former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

The ad features a three-minute long video that accuses the president of following a “dictator’s playbook” modeled by tyrants like Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, in addition to Hussein.

The ad describes Trump as a “malignant narcissist” and claims he is perpetuating “systemic misogyny.” The video claims Trump’s support for a border wall and attacks on the media make him comparable to dictators like Hussein and Chavez.

Steyer first published the Facebook video on Friday and on Monday began running ads promoting it: https://www.facebook.com/ads/archive/?active_status=active&ad_type=political_and_issue_ads&country=US&q=dictator%27s

A spokesperson for Steyer did not return a request for comment on the video.

“This disgusting ad has no place running on Facebook and the absurd comparison should be condemned by all Americans,” Republican National Committee (RNC) spokesman Steve Guest said in a statement. Guest is a former Daily Caller reporter. Steyer is spending $10 million promoting the possibility of impeaching Trump and is spending a $120 million overall to boost Democrats ahead of next week’s midterm elections. As part of that effort, Steyer is flooding Facebook with political ads. Between May 1 and Oct.27, Steyer spent $2.1 million promoting 5,600 different ads, Facebook’s ad archive shows. The left-wing billionaire is considered a potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.


05f428  No.3663041

What are the Dems runnungo besides impeaching Trump ?

7e3e0d  No.3663042


important to also look at the federal law regarding insurrection. It was mentioned last night on twat. This could be helpful in the coming weeks for anons.

fba8d2  No.3663043


I think it will come out st some point could be in memoirs or an official statement. Don’t think it will happen while this board is live imho.

b1c998  No.3663044


Here's a link to all the latest proofs.


1f2aa8  No.3663045


No Q was not.

Q never said the 53 - 47 was in reference to the Kavanaugh vote.

Was any other SC confirmations decided 53 - 47?

Well, yes actually, but was it referring to this?

55d374  No.3663046

File: 562233b789d8409⋯.png (125.34 KB, 500x304, 125:76, your-penis-5bd725.png)


False. I observe your post history and discern that you are fake and gay :D

fa9751  No.3663047


Follow her

78c088  No.3663048



Hi Kate!! Love those big beefers

1a3e97  No.3663049

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This video appears in YouTube

notifications. (?)

Look at where this video is made.

ab33df  No.3663050



It was kind of obvious.

ea8cc3  No.3663051


Intellectually disabled.


Posts, not proofs. Was thinking moreso graphics?

7e53cf  No.3663052

File: 8def7e61d926075⋯.jpg (85.17 KB, 350x547, 350:547, Bacon Grenade.jpg)

are we using too much red text….


55d374  No.3663053

File: 24350d7b7d26bce⋯.png (15.83 KB, 255x199, 255:199, triggered_NPC.png)

6e8ba3  No.3663054

File: f4711e3e48bf736⋯.png (659.46 KB, 851x860, 851:860, ClipboardImage.png)

i want a certain race to rule me and i LOVE MY JEWISH OVERLORDS! RULE ME JEWS! TAKE AWAY MY RIGHTS!!!

78c088  No.3663055


He’s a shill, it’s a demoralization tactic. They were doing the same thing with the 10/30 “arrrest” of Hillary.

676757  No.3663056


Lol grampafag pull ur ass out of ur head. Rattle up those grey cells… what a fucking retarded "nothing to see here"… keep people from voting??? Kek no one even got the reference to q… and why would pointing out Trumps WINS keep people from voting. I hear when you get old spooging removes brain cells. Stop.

05f428  No.3663057

I think our Military had plans on arresting Govt officials before election …. Trump convinced them let’s beat them fair and square at the Polls ….. Then arrest them

e4a4e8  No.3663058

The 14th Amendment is going to get picked apart, as it should be. The 14th and the Fed together create the world's largest and most successful TONTINE.

dd4956  No.3663059

File: 9a9db92122d5e28⋯.png (968.75 KB, 900x608, 225:152, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e04061678d1ed91⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


*They Are Killing Themselves*

China is HORRENDOUSLY Polluted. I experienced it first-hand & had to return State-side due to life-threatening illness. Questionable how long they can sustain such terrible environ. & air quality issues. (They are Killing Themselves w/ Pollution)

* Big Factor = China's Status Sustainable w/ such Horrible Pollution?

Those round bricks of coal w/ holes in them are commonly used by street vendors in China. Everywhere.

The air is so bad in the Winter your eyes & throat burn and lung cancer is increasing.

Was sick most of the time I lived there.


78c088  No.3663060


“Take me in, tender woman”

58ac2b  No.3663061

File: 6d710245568d88f⋯.jpg (106.88 KB, 506x878, 253:439, 1540904978225.jpg)

i think they're upset

6367ed  No.3663062

Is today the day?

bae8cf  No.3663063

File: 8f3f931a963dcd1⋯.png (595.74 KB, 830x316, 415:158, ClipboardImage.png)

Florida Sen. Nelson Compares U.S. Political Climate To Lead Up To Rwandan Genocide

Democratic Florida Senator Bill Nelson compared the current U.S. political climate to Rwanda prior to the 1990s genocide while speaking at Covenant Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday. According to United To End Genocide, approximately 800,000 Tutsis and Hutus were murdered during a “carefully organized program of genocide over 100 days.”

A 2014 study reveals that slightly over one-fourth of Rwandan people suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome as a result of the genocide. Nelson’s comments came on the heels of a week of political violence in the country. On Friday, Cesar Sayoc Jr. was arrested for sending over a dozen pipe bombs to Democratic leaders. Then, a day later, a man walked into a Pittsburgh synagogue and killed eleven people.

Nelson is currently defending his Senate seat in a heated race against Florida’s Republican Governor Rick Scott. According to RealClearPolitics, they are currently separated by less than the margin of error.


bc4858  No.3663064

File: 14e0bc6d29dcb3a⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 612x337, 612:337, notta.JPG)

File: c7a06ea57fd9cfc⋯.jpg (66.38 KB, 911x302, 911:302, rogained.JPG)

4 a.m. snips

if you REGAIN something, does that not mean that you LOST something? "no really, we have momentum: caravan, #StrongerTogetherBomber, dead jews - we got this.)

045754  No.3663065

Remember when Q once asked us "What country is @snowden loyal to?"

Basically, it has to be either UK, HK, or Israel

ddaed8  No.3663066


looks fine to me, good sir. just not seeing any notable recommendations I only have a few in the bun

045754  No.3663067


Yep agreed

bc4858  No.3663068


we are down to the last.

1f2aa8  No.3663069

File: 66b6da5b43c747d⋯.jpeg (21.11 KB, 307x400, 307:400, headsup.jpeg)


This, at least is kinda obvious.


Pic related

14cd50  No.3663070


"The whole hood know that bitch [Killery] wicked!"


88379f  No.3663071


beat them fair&square, take back the trillion$ they stole, THEN throw their asses into GITMO

8a4984  No.3663072

File: e54ec88f4f18ea1⋯.png (771.3 KB, 495x664, 495:664, e54ec88f4f18ea128379a35b06….png)


love Kate

1d90f3  No.3663073


Interesting! Thanks for posting!

08564f  No.3663074

File: 664fe4dbfc0fc82⋯.png (463.39 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, hold_her_and_book_her.png)

hold her and book her

b1c998  No.3663075

File: 6fe42137ddf7c20⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 255x176, 255:176, fd51ba3be106c0b8ebd979cc09….jpg)


Those proofs are above your paygrade lazy fuck now get back in line and wait for orders.

bc4858  No.3663076


oh, did he funnel funds from THAT website to his campaign also?

e060a0  No.3663077

File: a316944468690eb⋯.jpg (28.59 KB, 558x325, 558:325, z.jpg)

a9018f  No.3663078


Don't know why you brought this up here and now, but POTUS just tweeted about taking away anchor babies. Such confusion with birth certificates!

Can't put out too much truth these days. Thx

1a3e97  No.3663079

File: 0f717a360b628f5⋯.jpg (117.1 KB, 800x480, 5:3, Videolocation.jpg)

ab33df  No.3663080

File: 13cda0c71c5b3e6⋯.jpg (151.18 KB, 1160x871, 1160:871, 13cda0c71c5b3e6b2910487bd1….jpg)



Kate loves to showcase her tits.

702acc  No.3663081


Rick Scott is a kike controlled gun grabber. Nelson knows that the responsible party for those deaths is the USA. 100%

don't you BIll? so does Rick Scott.

630559  No.3663082

File: 49d95e491107eed⋯.png (593.48 KB, 631x474, 631:474, Capture.PNG)

Moar censorship

Christian News Site ‘LifeSite’ Blacklisted by Web Host

LifeSite, a Christian pro-life news outlet, was allegedly blacklisted by its web host and given just 12 hours to find another host the website, or risk being offline.

“LifeSite just received an email at 8:30 p.m. EST from our web-hosting company alerting us that they will be taking our website down within 12 hours, if not sooner,” claimed LifeSite in a statement, Saturday. “We received absolutely no forewarning whatsoever about this decision.”

“Our web developer is scrambling right now to set up a possibly-needed temporary solution to keep the website live. However, we’re going to have to go through the ordeal and expense of moving server companies,” the news outlet continued. “We also intend to fight these attacks, which will carry significant legal costs.”


ea8cc3  No.3663083


Why wouldn't you jump on the opportunity to enlighten someone on recent proof of this awakening? Instead of just spewing out nonsense.

b73d16  No.3663084


See, they let her run around the world, go to NZ and commit treason there using Five Eyes to spy on Trump thinking she was avoiding privacy laws in America. It's called giving that cunt enough rope to hang herself. She keeps racking up the offenses, that she is going to face Multiple Charges of Treason in a Military Tribunal that she didn't think to stack with friendlies.

So, if she manages to snag a crooked judge or prosecutor or jury in her favor in say, state or federal court, her ass will be hooked by Military Tribunal. Her conspiriing with Obama to overthrow a sitting president was her undoing. She should have quit while she was ahead.

See, we know how slippery this snake is, and we wanted as many charges against her as possible. She can't beat them all. We have the Servers don't cha know. :)

277265  No.3663085


There was also a drop that said they had not begun the human trafficking drops yet.

fc30bb  No.3663086

File: 30d80a52ebd0fc3⋯.png (801.27 KB, 1115x1168, 1115:1168, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

“This president has had one major accomplishment every 36 hours of his presidency, and that’s with zero help from the media, from the Democrats, and, frankly, from most of the so-called Republicans,” said Loudon.

“You all know who the original walk-awayer is, right?” Loudon asked the crowd. “Donald J. Trump walked away. He led the pack. He started the trend.”

“Brandon [Straka] gave it a name, and you all gave it legitimacy, and here we stand right now in the president’s honor, in the best presidency, in the best moment, in the best economic times, in the best country, in the best part of history ever in the entire world, and you’re here right now,” said Loudon.

Straka organized the Walk Away movement and Saturday’s rally, encouraging Americans to walk away from the Democrat Party.



92faf8  No.3663087

Military clearly deployed on the border to keep certain satanic criminals in.

93d109  No.3663088


They won't ever make a opinion on it.

Would give states final authority.

55d374  No.3663089


Kenya won't even want him at the end of this. That's why.

1fd25d  No.3663090



c7c8ba  No.3663091


"Closer than anticipated but a win nonetheless."

don't be a moron

Q was wrong and admitted

7d8c45  No.3663092


Dog whistle advocating violence.

e15cf7  No.3663093

File: c38aadcea3df26c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1536x914, 768:457, 20181030_074434.png)

277265  No.3663094


Reread crumbs. Search term "disinformation" woth respect to Saudi raids. Smh

01fe2b  No.3663095

File: cc80757005a3d43⋯.png (497.85 KB, 696x479, 696:479, 1540147147.png)

cb254a  No.3663096

File: e6f9616cb360c53⋯.png (1.12 MB, 905x960, 181:192, DukkhaMonster.png)

good morning anons…have a chuckle

the party of PAIN kek

b73d16  No.3663097

7e53cf  No.3663098

10% of avg daily volume on dow 15 min in.

14% ADV on NAS

bb113a  No.3663099


The industry is very consolidated.

Deja Vu and the Mohney's


d967fc  No.3663100


Q captured our imaginations

Singing the song of winning


702acc  No.3663101

File: 7644e6d2e22f3be⋯.png (168.06 KB, 500x519, 500:519, why-dont-jews-eat-pussy-be….png)

File: c11a9ded7541fad⋯.jpg (160.44 KB, 529x680, 529:680, f1k2j2w-f1k2rs.jpg)

File: 18d1cc95108752b⋯.jpg (23.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, bumper-sticker-shiva-us-se….jpg)

e060a0  No.3663103


Yeah, but pro-z10nist 1srael or pro-patriot jews?

6776db  No.3663104

File: 2404f2d0185785d⋯.jpg (361.14 KB, 609x396, 203:132, ballsnore6.jpg)

594be5  No.3663105

File: e43f834cd4074d2⋯.jpeg (936.54 KB, 1882x811, 1882:811, DE631CDE-7D31-4FF7-AAE1-A….jpeg)

This little snippet of Hussein’s speech didn’t age so well…

55d374  No.3663106


You know, I never thought about it like that before right now.

[They] literally boxed [themselves] into the CONUS, with this latest migrant ploy of theirs!

Migration goes BOTH WAYS. JUST LIKE FISAS!!!!

82fd8c  No.3663107

File: 568e2c18f8b0929⋯.png (56.23 KB, 633x594, 211:198, Screenshot from 2018-10-30….png)


I know this is essentially shit posting and wasting bread and we have more important things to do than flip twitter polls… but 1 day left


d01045  No.3663108

>>3663090 Nah if he was fat ass Hillary would eat him before he had a chance to sing

a61695  No.3663109


No, sweetie. Lurk moar

bae8cf  No.3663110

File: adbcac54101fccb⋯.png (566.29 KB, 630x420, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Elton John brought his lengthy farewell tour to MSG


Last night (10/18), Elton John brought his “Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour” to NYC’s Madison Square Garden (which he called his favorite venue ever). While this is going to be a very long goodbye, as the tour is set to last three years and already includes/included 11 NYC-area shows, there was still a palpable energy pulsating through the building. It was a raucous crowd (which included luminaries such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Russell Crowe, Donna Karan, Jann Wenner and of course Elton’s husband David Furnish among many others) that came to celebrate. A little after 8 PM, Elton made his way onto the large, ornate, wrap-around stage, sat at the piano and plucked out that unmistakeable intro to “Bennie and the Jets.” From there, it was a hits-filled show with nary a lull — one classic after another that lasted almost three hours. It was a show that capped, in his words, “an incredible journey and one that he will miss very much.”

Almost every song brought its own significant memories aided by the visuals projected onto the large video screen behind the band. There were animated characters from 1975’s classic album Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy during its standout tracks “Philadelphia Freedom” and “Someone Saved My Life Tonight.” “Candle in the Wind” of course had Marilyn Monroe, and for “Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding,” there were striking pictures of candles and flowers and tons of smoke with Elton playing the piano as it glided across the stage. There was an extended jammed out “Levon” and a rousing “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me” that was dedicated to longtime musical partner Bernie Taupin and his family. There were poignant moments as well, such as when he introduced “Believe” from 1995’s Made in England. Elton spoke about getting sober in 1980, how it changed his life, and then referenced how it spurred him on to — among other things — start the Elton John AIDS Charity which has been remarkably successful in raising money to fight HIV and AIDS. This followed a minor screed about greedy drug companies (which must have had Hillary Clinton’s ears perked) but finished with a plea for more love and human kindness. For the most part, though, the evening was a party with people dancing everywhere and singing along to every word.


58ac2b  No.3663111

File: d99d5132fccce9b⋯.jpg (143.92 KB, 600x640, 15:16, 1540906031569.jpg)

How many, guys?

fc30bb  No.3663112

File: 62d6ec3b0a3d2d0⋯.png (187.37 KB, 617x562, 617:562, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)


What, a native American sitting on a pony, beseeching the Great Spirit, depicted on a plate, I don't see your point.

da169a  No.3663113


Say all that shit and then be mentored by KKK - Hillary is KKK.

702acc  No.3663114


only sayanim prots and their one book are pro-khazar

838a3b  No.3663115

Search crumbs.


Attacks, migrants, 11

630559  No.3663116

File: 23eebba62b28a20⋯.png (684.72 KB, 893x440, 893:440, Capture.PNG)

Found the bridge Q was talking about(hopefully you know I'm being facetious)

World’s longest sea-bridge opens with delays, glitches on all sides

The world’s longest sea-bridge–connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau across China’s Pearl River estuary–opened to thin public traffic on Wednesday, with delays at both ends caused by the shuttle-bus system and immigration computers.

“I think that the updated details didn’t reach the system, so now it can’t read my card,” one traveler told RFA on arriving at Zhuhai in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, long lines formed in the former Portuguese enclave of Macau for shuttle buses to the immigration hall, prompting frustrations among travelers, while a shuttle bus broke down in Hong Kong.

In Macau, drivers of new bus services linking the cities via the bridge said poor signage meant they were unable to find the border checkpoint, and were left driving around the city looking for clues.


b4b223  No.3663117


Don't Stop Believin'

0c88e9  No.3663118


He never said it was the Kav vote count.

It was right on for the Mnuchin confirmation vote…

e15cf7  No.3663119


Most don't. :) some do.

a61695  No.3663120



Lel, no. Step away from the computer sometime.

b1c998  No.3663121


You're right sorry. Here, I compiled all this for you.

Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

0d4f43  No.3663122

File: 497a0476b3f52b2⋯.png (570.31 KB, 1018x766, 509:383, Screenshot 2018-10-30 09.2….png)

File: f4807b7bdf0ece7⋯.png (113.63 KB, 1206x712, 603:356, Screenshot 2018-10-30 09.4….png)

File: c1523fef3bf1c05⋯.png (106.1 KB, 1272x798, 212:133, Screenshot 2018-10-30 09.4….png)

In perusing the Senate Judiciary site today, I came across this letter (pic related) from Feinstein saying she wasn't happy with Trump's picks for the 9th "Circus". Specifically, she didn't want this Daniel Collins guy.

sauce: https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/d/4/d4757388-8ebc-446c-8283-1719f1054d60/C0422EA4863812AFB2A2BEF78E242426.2018.10.5-df-letter-to-mcgahn-re.-ninth-circuit.pdf

So I checked on this guy. Sounds like Trump's getting ready to prosecute some people who have exploited children.

"Before joining Munger Tolles, Collins served as an Associate Deputy Attorney General at DOJ where he worked extensively on the Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today (PROTECT) Act of 2003, which included provisions to combat child pornography and child abuse and to reform federal sentencing laws, his bio reads."


d967fc  No.3663123


As he mentions puppies —- dog whistler

ea8cc3  No.3663124


Appreciated, thank you.

What is currently being dug?

bb113a  No.3663125


Yep, clearly this is a diversion

Not too hard to organize with $$$

These people have never had any so this is an opportunity of a lifetime

The organizers should pay dearly for the false hope portion of this swindle

The poor uneducated dupes should be sent home with a handsome sum courtesy of the perpetrators of the scheme

The ones who knew it was a scam should get nothing

7e53cf  No.3663126

File: 2ed644a7993dadd⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ICE ICE baby.jpg)

702acc  No.3663127

File: 75c3085b03efe34⋯.jpeg (75.45 KB, 360x432, 5:6, 75c3085b03efe34e313ae247a….jpeg)


111 scenes anon, a full nelson, one eye one arm one arsehole

a9018f  No.3663128


Pray for him during rallies, especially. We don't want to see him have an Anwar Sadat moment.

That would give us Pres. Pence and VP Ryan.

That scares me.

a61695  No.3663129

Diane Feinstein is a patriot.

b395b1  No.3663130


that's a retarded poll, choices are fucking stupid

630559  No.3663131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Elton John - Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding (Yellow Brick Road 1

770d19  No.3663132


Is this just a coincidence, y'all? Stormy's team seems to be on Dem side rn with Avenatti and all that shit, I know she could possibly flip later, but we shouldn't underestimate the possibility that Stormy's subsection of the Anti-Trump team was able to hire one of the more suspect people she met while working, and convince him to switch to Republican in order to create the bombing events with the promise of riches or some shit

bc4858  No.3663133

File: 0a76a6c969d797a⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 660x262, 330:131, krugman.JPG)

File: 2a5aa0a6eecc0d7⋯.jpg (399.95 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, pk.jpg)

88379f  No.3663134

Early AM multi-shills = Very bad polling for democRATS released today

487ad0  No.3663135


No good options, and a flip on this one would likely be seen as "russian bots".

ca309d  No.3663136

File: acb2a573bdfaa5a⋯.jpg (37 KB, 540x405, 4:3, MrsMnuchin.JPG)


POTUS got his vol juicing liquidity guy on the job it's all good

9028c3  No.3663137

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Nice non sequitur. Back at'cha

@2:06 - Why would the bitch blush when she sees a bunch of Haitian kids?

Enquiring minds want to know.

58ac2b  No.3663138

File: 7b76984135ce81f⋯.png (106.92 KB, 655x597, 655:597, 1540907247221.png)

Were they really Jewish?

it was non-orthodox and now Israel says no!

53eedb  No.3663139


Or the "go for good" can indicate continuing the path of the Good v Evil battle

a25780  No.3663140


<(17 posts) I’m leaving for reals frens

62497d  No.3663141

Calling into local radio and talking about Q is fun.

"Yes. I am the Highest Ranking Anon. What can I help ya with?"

b1c998  No.3663142

File: 79a4fdb98978be4⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 300x200, 3:2, 2261661.0.jpg)


We're digging into this pic and why they made it so veiny

630559  No.3663143

File: efa7580706e473c⋯.png (660.56 KB, 804x492, 67:41, Capture.PNG)

Russia successfully launches Soyuz rocket with military satellite

Russia has successfully launched an unmanned Soyuz rocket, the first such liftoff since an aborted launch of a similar rocket earlier this month.

The Russian Defense Ministry on October 25 said that “a Soyuz-2.1B rocket was successfully launched carrying a satellite for the Russian military” from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in the northwest of the country.

The ministry said the satellite reached its orbit as scheduled.

“This is the first launch of a rocket from the Soyuz family since the October 11 accident,” Dmitry Rogozin, Russia’s space agency chief, wrote on Twitter.


7e53cf  No.3663144

File: b1f13388071a88f⋯.jpg (12.45 KB, 330x248, 165:124, rs.jpg)

8749aa  No.3663145

File: 22904f86b1e423a⋯.jpg (605.24 KB, 1200x1824, 25:38, Defend.jpg)

File: 4785955e8732609⋯.jpg (640.32 KB, 1200x1867, 1200:1867, Stand_Firm_Lion_Artist_Tom….jpg)

702acc  No.3663146


Tree Of Life = Kabbalah. How obvious can this one have been?

58ac2b  No.3663147


The intolerance some of you have for other religions is depressing.

6b5436  No.3663148

File: 6493e699e67ac4e⋯.png (447.57 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20181030-085327.png)

Trump Seeks to End Automatic Birthright Citizenship in U.S. https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-plans-executive-order-to-end-birthright-citizenship-in-u-s-1540901506

9456ff  No.3663149


not much until after midterms, do what you what to learn about for now

ea8cc3  No.3663150


No worries I'll get onto it, got any actual horse anus photos I can compare to? Thanks.

b4b223  No.3663151

If CNN was REAL NEWS, then why is Trump president?

ee4505  No.3663152


Hey asshole-anon. Why walk into a crowd of ppl and tell them what they are doing is a waste of time! Then proceed to shitpost 17 times? We know just what to do with your advice!

5bfe2f  No.3663153


They hate Messianic Jews because they believe in the Son instead of denying Him.

3d121a  No.3663154

I think it is 'BEND THE ARC' paying all the shills on here, courtesy of Soros.

a9018f  No.3663155


Why do you think Bushie Sr. bought that huge piece of land down in Paraguay? Lots of water down there.

Most younger people do not know about all his connections over the years to China, either. He was ambassador to China, you know. Been selling out for a long time. And China is forcefully taking over huge amounts of many countries, including in South America.

Maybe Bushies just like to skinny dip.

b2705e  No.3663156

File: 47b74fc1ed290c1⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1686x2184, 281:364, Fraud1.png)

Be careful…. massive vote fraud ongoing.


e4a4e8  No.3663157


dig ding ding ding ding

"re-read drops" shill is trying to overload the operator in this scope.

ea8cc3  No.3663158

File: 02e279cd8f8fb46⋯.png (26.02 KB, 363x363, 1:1, 02e279cd8f8fb46705f533e4c6….png)

fc30bb  No.3663159

File: 0ad2485eff65b2a⋯.png (174.19 KB, 1183x827, 1183:827, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

What did your grandmother tell you about taking bribes from undercover FBI agents? Or Costa Rica trips w lobbyists who got millions in taxpayer money?




8c4d5f  No.3663160

File: f1a255f8ebd2375⋯.png (11.88 KB, 708x202, 354:101, 00152893-1.png)

File: b7245424b766915⋯.png (317.25 KB, 2311x3281, 2311:3281, 00152893.png)



55d374  No.3663161


Because you left the word FAKE out of CNN's title.

It should be REAL FAKE NEWS.

6776db  No.3663162


Is that also why John McCain was also allowed to die a hero publicly? Will the truth about Hillary have to remain buried to preserve the Republic as well?

4a77da  No.3663163

File: ce81c043ce6100f⋯.jpg (540.66 KB, 1546x895, 1546:895, bomblike.JPG)


8291cd  No.3663164

>>3661191 pb

Khashoggi body still missing. Why go to consulate? Allowing Turkey to search consulate? Body parts in the suitcases or full of cash? Ergoden taunting SA, which is not a smart move for a smart man. Piss poor cover up, worst of all time. I have been thinking a lot of this does not make sense. We are watching a movie.

I am going to propose the possibility that Khashoggi is not dead. I will also state that I think his girlfriend is a Turkish agent. It makes more sense if they are all working together. Sorry I have no sauce.

I think the outing of the double is important. I would like to compare his walk with that of "him" getting on the plane to leave… See what shoes he is wearing. I still don't really know anything about what happened.

630559  No.3663166

File: f1d3b8aa7e6a3dc⋯.png (753.81 KB, 779x430, 779:430, Capture.PNG)

Thinking real soon were going to get a few of these

DHS: Push Notifications to Your Phone From Police, Emergency Crews

The Department of Homeland Security seeks to establish a communication connection between emergency and civilian vehicles. Since when is DHS concerned about local transportation safety issues? There are Technocrat minds working overtime on this to increase the national surveillance grid. ⁃ TN Editor

Police officers, firefighters and paramedics have no time to waste when responding to emergencies, and the Homeland Security Department wants to keep everyone safe as they speed to the scene.

The department awarded a $1.1 million contract to a Chicago-based startup to flesh out cellular technology that automatically notifies drivers when they’re in the vicinity of police cars, firetrucks and ambulances. The system, developed by HAAS Alert, could ultimately reduce the number of collisions involving emergency response vehicles, saving both lives and dollars.


a25780  No.3663167


nope, we are all boomers

and you are faggot

i dub the shillfag

b4b223  No.3663168

File: 0af8c4cb84feae4⋯.jpg (6.71 KB, 251x201, 251:201, download.jpg)

e15cf7  No.3663169

File: e5169cd2fbfe3ba⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 188x268, 47:67, download-1.jpg)


What are you even talking about? Do you know? Or you just shooting your mouth off?

Figure out what that symbol is and whom it belongs too.

I didn't say the symbol was bad. Remember that. Ickes choices have been bad.


f84d54  No.3663170


The day before.



Comey to POTUS - not being investigated.

RR to POTUS - not being investigated.

Mueller to POTUS - not a criminal target.

What is being investigated?

Disconnect exists.



Who appointed Mueller?

What will the [20] FISA 4th warrant disclose?

SC targeting who?

SC on team?

SC off team?

Questions reveal answers.

Time will tell.

a61695  No.3663171


Imo, doing this without changing the Constitution is dangerous ground. Very explicit in the constitution, if being interpreted aswritten. I know the implications suck.

b1c998  No.3663172

File: 73d162b4b60491f⋯.jpg (20.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Hillary-Clinton-ReCodd-640….jpg)


This is the closest one we've found so far

ea8cc3  No.3663173


Greatly appreciated. MAGA!

9fd8ac  No.3663174

File: b5d5dd3fef2e4d4⋯.jpg (56.22 KB, 474x521, 474:521, 03935580071b490030b4c84622….jpg)


lol don't worry part of The Great Awakening is we will learn that all 3 of the main religions are really for Ba'al Christanity, Judaism and Islam…. all going bye bye! Satanism has no place in the Great Awakening

1351be  No.3663175


I was talking to a black friend of mine - he told me he didn't vote for DJT but he will in 2020! No longer with the dems!

630559  No.3663176


are you talking about age or IQ

01fe2b  No.3663177

File: b346b430b4b4d86⋯.jpg (169.88 KB, 824x616, 103:77, IMG_20180923_120417_786.JPG)


The Avenatti dig revealed the not silver spoon roots roots of this poser.

3d121a  No.3663178


china was just one Yuge C__A op, just like NK.

Except in china, they built the army, using our money, to use against us.

d7ac75  No.3663179

>>3662908 BINGO

ea8cc3  No.3663180


Post your IQ.

7e53cf  No.3663181

File: 3bfd59c78d2e839⋯.jpg (133.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Why not both.jpg)

604193  No.3663182


A clear cut case of interpret the law and enforcement. winning move. Next in line, natural Born Citizen.

838a3b  No.3663183



3d121a  No.3663184


I think he was the teachers' pet.

b4b223  No.3663185


Dig deep in the >>>/zoo/

6367ed  No.3663186


Juan Willams looks great

e15cf7  No.3663187


Oh and Jews can crawl back into the sess pool they crawled out of. :) No tolerance there. Period. Have a great fucking day!

f254e2  No.3663188

File: 4d4aa2511cd47fd⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1242x1123, 1242:1123, B42A5509-B294-4CD1-A80F-90….png)

8749aa  No.3663189

File: 96a0694ee1ad42a⋯.jpg (419.38 KB, 1200x1487, 1200:1487, St Michael Prayer.jpg)

File: 6bac5ee86a4cef4⋯.png (707.68 KB, 1000x1141, 1000:1141, 6bac5ee86a4cef4d9000e5a711….png)

a25780  No.3663190


that’s the one designed to look like a snake or have curves like a snake right?

977eca  No.3663191

File: b7f433dfd2ab3c3⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1730x2687, 1730:2687, Q-Clock Nov01-06 Haiti rev….png)


On the Q-Clock

The Haiti exposé building-up starts today.

Watch the news.

MOAB incoming next week.

702acc  No.3663192


that's your proof? unpacking s cube?

9c3967  No.3663193

File: ab5c1ef50530222⋯.png (83.53 KB, 892x857, 892:857, twatter.PNG)

7e53cf  No.3663194

File: f4e5302aed7d6a6⋯.gif (33.3 KB, 300x300, 1:1, MFer.gif)

bot talk is pretty funny

93d109  No.3663195

Cabal is getting ready to wipe out the northern hemisphere.

Migrants heavily infiltrated EU, migrants being herded up into North America by the thousands.

Notice a pattern yet?

Cabal has been trying to depopulate the planet.

Their first step is to get all those they claim to be undesirables into one part of the globe, then set off a disaster that will wipe out 75-95% of the people in the northern hemisphere.

That's the reason the cabalist headed to the southern hemisphere.

Only the northern hemisphere is to be destroyed by nuclear war, or biologicals released into an over populated continents.

cdf52d  No.3663196

File: abb76df6332a1ed⋯.jpg (29.1 KB, 382x409, 382:409, chimpanzee.jpg)

and just like that they forgot about the dead Jews and started studying the Constitution?

05f428  No.3663198

God bless the Clock fags …. The true Autists …I am just here for the ride …. What a ride ! WWG1WGA

630559  No.3663199

File: ebebb61c2b7cfd1⋯.png (386.57 KB, 563x380, 563:380, Capture.PNG)

3d121a  No.3663200


fighting back!!

bc4858  No.3663201

>>3662997 don't forget:

by controlling the [fake] narrative

55d374  No.3663202

File: 28847df0e32767b⋯.jpg (555.24 KB, 1756x1296, 439:324, 28847df0e32767bfed6e7281fb….jpg)


>Christanity, Judaism and Islam

So… What exactly replaces these? It appears the President likes Christians? Enough to marry one? Enough to get blessed and prayed over multiple times in an ongoing fashion?

1fd25d  No.3663203

File: d6de2b0e982cbad⋯.jpg (77.65 KB, 800x534, 400:267, lasercat2[1].jpg)


We are witnessing one of the great political minds in history. Praise kek.

4871bc  No.3663204

File: f1d223b5feb63c2⋯.jpeg (78.12 KB, 1080x570, 36:19, DVtx0AoXkAEuNie.jpeg)

da169a  No.3663205


Hillary is the modern day Guy Fawkes.

The day this treason satanist maggot goes down will be forever known as the DAY of JUSTICE.

823e5c  No.3663206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not sure why this is all popping up again. DJT did an entire skit on this. Sorry for the link to a lefty, but here it goes:

838a3b  No.3663207

File: beb4de8afd0d994⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 339x149, 339:149, 1509505215390.jpg)

2800d3  No.3663208


This is the 3rd time this morning I've seen "Where is Huma?" "Are we watching Huma?"

Liz Crokin posted "Where was Huma Abedin last spotted?"

Sounds like a dig to me.

e8159e  No.3663209


The poll is kinda accurate.

a25780  No.3663210


do you have an article on it? someone had posted a night photo of the bridge, looked like a snake with the head being the part where it goes under the water.


combine that with that satanic chair in china, any connections? what was the construction company? who paid for it? who does it benefit? where does it connect?

168653  No.3663211


>The intolerance some of you have for other religions is depressing.


Any religion that claims to be THE TRUTH is, of necessity, intolerant of the opposing truth claims of other religions, and so should be its followers. However, that doesn't mean we should be intolerant of the followers of these false religions but rather should seek to show them the truth. Intolerant of false religions but tolerant of, and compassionate towards, thoe who have been duped by false religions.

22d260  No.3663212


I think she's long gone tbh.

630559  No.3663213

File: 5edf7acec1eaa29⋯.png (352.32 KB, 446x307, 446:307, Capture.PNG)

Merkel looks to Africa to cement a legacy shaped by migration

BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted African leaders on Tuesday, pledging a new development fund to tackle underdevelopment on the continent that has helped to spur mass migration, shaping the later years of her long premiership.

Merkel announced on Monday she would retire from politics by 2021, sending shockwaves across Europe and starting a race to succeed her.

She needs the Compact with Africa summit to show that progress has been made in addressing the aftermath of one of the defining moments of her 13 years in power: her 2015 decision to open Germany's doors to more than a million refugees.

The Berlin summit, attended by 12 leaders including South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed and Rwanda's Paul Kagame, is designed to showcase the continent as a stable destination for German investment.

The International Monetary Fund's Managing Director Christine Lagarde is also there, along with a host of international development officials.


770d19  No.3663214

File: 52914df006b4c04⋯.jpeg (72.8 KB, 900x675, 4:3, c6f7a0b0b06f24dd5e817a158….jpeg)


>Huma Abedin

I'll watch her for y'all!

838a3b  No.3663215


Absolutely. Everything is rigged to make POTUS look bad. Try harder shill.

823e5c  No.3663216



This falls under the whole "Disinfo is necessary" or "Say shit to get elected" category; which is totally possible.

5a7181  No.3663217


Watching a movie

An term used when a boy and a girl of young age are hooking up in a basement or other room while the parents were home. This is the often answer to the question often asked by parents "what were you two doing last night?"

(Guy 1) So what have you and Katie been up to? i havent seen you in days!

(Guy 2) Oh, nothing much, just been "watching a movie" alot lately.

(Guy 1) So shes a freak in bed?

(Guy 2) O Fuck ya!!

8749aa  No.3663218

File: ad318c93ab9aba1⋯.jpg (105.52 KB, 600x600, 1:1, clocks_back2018.jpg)

88379f  No.3663219


Probably with KANSAS spilling her guts on Khashoggi/Las Vegas

f254e2  No.3663220

File: 31d6817d5a5cea2⋯.jpeg (135.55 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, EDDC635F-1607-4F50-BD2F-D….jpeg)

File: 561663b951f55e1⋯.jpeg (804.99 KB, 1151x1073, 1151:1073, 10E1E530-D40B-4DD9-A450-5….jpeg)


David Wilkerson’s economic vision could happen if the Globalists pull the pin on the economy.

9fd8ac  No.3663221

File: 537fae7b358586d⋯.jpg (154.92 KB, 840x580, 42:29, img_4910-0.jpg)

File: 68f27de240dfa9b⋯.jpg (65.94 KB, 660x292, 165:73, 68f27de240dfa9bdee15d16fac….jpg)

File: 755b963fdf36947⋯.jpg (106.94 KB, 527x760, 527:760, 3bd888074c0e014b8b9b9c35ff….jpg)

File: c2098a3657a8c30⋯.jpg (80.1 KB, 410x272, 205:136, 11d0e1637c1befcd07e64ea853….jpg)

File: 3693442097cea77⋯.jpg (108.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3693442097cea77d3dae6c274c….jpg)


Cross is 6 sided when folded.. 666 lol and why would Christ want us to remember him from the device that was used to torture him… Christians are literally praying to suffering and pain… aka Ba'al he loves pain and suffering!

c33362  No.3663222

On the ground report from early voting this morning.

State of Georgia

County election official stated that steady stream of people voting 2-300 per day.

Early voting totals around 3,000.

Our county is small, but that approximate 30% of our 9,298 registered voters.

Heard a county in metro atlanta is trying to open more early voting locations. But not sure if that will happen prior to next week.

2aff6f  No.3663223

File: 59ef58730827fee⋯.jpeg (57.47 KB, 413x354, 7:6, 2D1AE5F5-46F5-4806-865F-2….jpeg)

fc30bb  No.3663224


TY Clockfag!

045754  No.3663225

File: c0ba66d92db501a⋯.jpg (83.89 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2lb2eq.jpg)

e15cf7  No.3663226

File: 9e2e66fc2cf08a0⋯.jpg (14.61 KB, 197x255, 197:255, download.jpg)

I'll help you put a little. Since you haven't used your brain….ever.

d4bb47  No.3663227

File: a751034dabc74ad⋯.jpg (197.52 KB, 501x585, 167:195, jew matrix posts.jpg)


Intelligence has nothing to do with being/not being corrupt. You have to be somewhat intelligent to get away with it long enough….so maybe he's right. They've been at it for millenia

1a2e46  No.3663228

File: 6e705bbfb5df3e9⋯.jpg (21.7 KB, 475x352, 475:352, Avenatti.jpg)

Found childhood pick of Avenatti…

5b0360  No.3663229

File: ca42fccbb5edd3d⋯.jpg (97.06 KB, 790x960, 79:96, Jewquote.jpg)

>>3662500 (LB)

Probably saved them kids lives!!!

Don't people understand yet that most gay men are the result of abuse as a child or early sexual degenerative behavior.

How long until people see circumcision as a sexual act?

Why is it that I get called out "muh jews" or get ragged on, or get investigated for simply calling some one a jew.

Makes me wonder of pic related, and also.

I know we are supposed to be against luciferians but at what point are jews not the OG satanists?

Are they not called that in the Bible? and are they not still the synagogue of Satan? the children of the Viper?

Since the start am I wrong to say that the jews are the direct offspring of Cain, either Ethnically jewish or converted to the cainline via religion?

Why do people still say that Christianity is of Jewish origin when it is not true?

I am looking for truth and these questions I have are honest, are the Jews we are fighting today the same Pharisees Jesus fought in the Bible?

Why shall I be attacked so, even Trump makes the statements, I hope it is an act - or that I have not learned the whole truth and there is an ancient "secret" jewry that is of good, that doesn't condone war or blood libel sacrifices, that they do not require human farms and the theft of womens eggs to reproduce?

where is the truth?

Are the Jews not behind the immigration insanity that I am seeing here in Canada?

Are they not behind the massive caravan armed, trying to flood into America?

"The same Pharisees that Jesus fought against are same people running the organized catholic and Christian religions, and they’re the people behind the teachings of the Talmud, which excuses pedophilia, murdering of non-Jews, speech censorship to dumb down the population.

Judaism was made after Christianity and jews are edomite mutts not Judah. I’ve made my way out of the brainwashing. It’s annoying trying to redpill others on this stuff though because it conflicts so greatly with their established worldview."

1a3e97  No.3663230


What is this video trying to tell us?

Not subscribed, yet it appears anyway?

Look at that Motel.

Result of some digging.

he small motel began to draw big excitement in Vilano Beach in the late ’90s as film crews started coming to town. Trucks and mobile homes started taking up residence in the vacant land across from the Vilano Beach Motel, and “a strange patrol car was parked in the motel parking lot for weeks.”


838a3b  No.3663232


The Planet Saturn is the most under-dug, overlooked part of fuckery on this board. You say Saturn is a portal to hell, or some sort of energy field, everyone laughs….but then goes on believing all the other crazy shit. Hard to understand.

23a49e  No.3663233

'Of the friends that I have been with, all want to go back,' Hernandez said, adding that many had blistered feet. For her, the last straw was when her husband told her that her 3-year-old daughter back home had stopped eating because she missed her mother.

Another Honduran, Teodozo Melendez, 31, was also waiting for a bus back home after fighting a fever for two days. His body ached.

'I thought it would be easier,' Melendez said, lying on the ground.

Melendez's goal had been to join relatives living in Houston. His experience with the caravan had taught him one thing, he said: 'The next time, I'm going to need a 'coyote,'' or smuggler.


21f4fc  No.3663234

File: a053e587415324e⋯.png (842.69 KB, 640x645, 128:129, Screenshot_2018-10-30 Repo….png)



d7ac75  No.3663235

File: d351b010534ec94⋯.png (267.41 KB, 540x383, 540:383, ClipboardImage.png)


McCaskill Missed Nearly Half of All Armed Services Hearings

But she is doing so much for everyone in MO.

For the MO kek's

9c3967  No.3663236


Actually it is not accurate, Or "kinda"

The biggest issue is the media, and not even being bias. They are the shit stirrers of the globalist agenda.

c0e78c  No.3663237


84bd2a  No.3663238


Christina Aguilera concert with Hillary and Bill apparently…


e4a4e8  No.3663239

This sudden scholarship on the 14th Amendment and birthplace / citizenship is going to bring light to the difference between Republic and Corporate. American National vs US Citizen. Etc.

You can expatriate from Corporate back to the Republic. Our servitude is voluntary because this "escape hatch" was provided. http://legisworks.org/sal/15/stats/STATUTE-15-Pg223.pdf

1d90f3  No.3663240


‏Verified account @business

BREAKING: President Trump plans to sign an executive order that would end birthright citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants, Axios reports https://bloom.bg/2Q6dHMP


bb113a  No.3663241


What about kashoggi's bro Adnan?

bc4858  No.3663242

File: 735891ce89d45b5⋯.jpg (192.43 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, not McCabe.jpg)

58ac2b  No.3663243

File: f9bffd142d577f3⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1666, 540:833, 1540906239323.png)

>As you’ve probably noticed, bashing straight white men, especially of the conservative kind, is very fashionable these days.

>You seemingly can’t escape it — you switch on cable TV, or "The View", read The Washington Post or The New York Times, and see liberal pundits verbally attack white men for this or that.

>It’s become often enough that it is seemingly now normal to just casually attack

>What is happening is that everyone’s id is now not just out in the open, it has gone berserk.

>I do not want to be a party to the bashing of Caucasian men

>But the need of the hour is not crude attacks or divisive rhetoric; it’s skillful, statesmanlike management of huge demographic changes, and the emotions they unleash.

>Today’s Democratic Party is predicated on having and expressing open hostility toward white citizens. They are making the dangerous bet that most minorities and immigrants will jump on the white-male-bashing bandwagon.

>Not to mention, the guns are all on the other side, but I'm just kidding.

>Today’s social justice warriors would do better to work toward more social and economic justice without exacerbating dangerous racial divisions, and fomenting violence.

Are they starting to realize they have made any enemy of white men. Can they reverse the trend. Is there anyway they can get white men back on their side?

05f428  No.3663244

Anons you do know that Trump is backing all Republicans to get Majority …Once achieved a lot of these Republicans will be arrested or forced to resign ….. Useful idiots ….

fb6155  No.3663245


Love this. Yes, every single soul better vote. Can't go back. I imagine lufkfag is aware of how 1000s are embedded in all of our agencies working against our agenda for freedom. Think Senior Executive Services and the CIA. And we're aware of how many globalists are in every other country working against this agenda for freedom. The challenge is huge because these powers have been entrenched literally for centuries. As Q+ says, if we fail, the world fails.

Learning never stops. If we, as Americans and citizens everywhere, are unaware of this information, then we might as well be walking proletariat zombies. This is worth every minute of your time. Our work is cut out for us. It will take this POTUS all eight years to right this ship if he even can, and then it will take our eternal vigilance to keep to the Rule of Law.


Anon wrote: Message from longtime Lurkfag,

You know….. the longer Q chills out the more knuckleheads we lose from this venue. This board was built on research and digging and seems to have run off the rails at times. Predictable with R€didit dispersal and general growing exposure of Q movement but will be nice to get back down to business for those that dig and bring light to darkness without all of the nonsense.

I’m predicting a Republican sweep and an eye opening ass-whooping the likes of which have been rarely seen in our history. Of course that depends on a strong voter turnout and I sense that will be quite large as well. After the election, many on the left will decide, “if you can’t beat them, join them!” There will still be the hardcore resist at all costs lefties and they will be volatile.

This is our time. Our time to make a difference and get this nation back on the path foreseen by those that created it. A God fearing, respectful nation that takes care of its own first and then others. This has been replaced by deeply rooted, wealthy beyond imagination, corrupt government and world (leaders) that do not hold our US Constitution close to their chest. It’s actually the thorn in their side.

The only thing that stands in the way of a global governing body is the United States of America. We are under attack from within by folks that are willing to die trying to get this country out of the way. It is what they live for each and everyday. Scary to think that they have occupied the highest elected government offices and many remain throughout.

Those that think that nothing is happening in the way of justice need to realize that much has already happened. From the clean out of the FBI and DoJ to the appointment of SCOTUS judges and Trump judges all over the country the setup has been and continues to be brilliant. After this crushing election where many of the current elected officials on the left will find themselves on the outside looking in, it will be time for the next move on POTUS’s 3D chess board.

This election matters in a major way and is one of if not the most important setup move placing the deep state in “check”. It does not happen unless WE ALL GET OUT AND VOTE! We patriots are in the battle and now is our time. Make sure your friends and family are registered and are really going to vote. This time it really matters. We will be the ones that place the black hats in “Check”!

Q will return when the dust settles. He has given us more than we know so read and reread the crumbs. Continue to softly redpill our friends and family that are still totally unaware of how we have all been lied to for years. Bring them along slowly…..

NOTE: Just in case you think I’m a dyed in the wool republican, I detested the Bush regime for the atrocities they perpetrated on this world in the name of globalism, power, greed and evil and did not vote for them. This is not a Rep vs Dem issue for me. It is a good vs evil issue and POTUS is here to brashfully rid us of the evil, a large chunk of which will fall away on November 6th.

Pray hard, get involved, keep your eyes and ears open and VOTE REPUBLICAN across the board where ever you are.

Peace and Love,

Back to lurking moar….

fc30bb  No.3663246

File: 0186e935168a876⋯.png (315.35 KB, 1123x1153, 1123:1153, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

File: 4050e98fee9673c⋯.png (397.07 KB, 1129x1208, 1129:1208, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

File: c83f9716626eb6a⋯.png (389.15 KB, 1145x1186, 1145:1186, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Justice Department Continues to Protect the Right to Vote and Prosecute Ballot Fraud

In anticipation of the upcoming general elections, the Department of Justice today provided information about its efforts through the Civil Rights Division and Criminal Division to ensure that all qualified voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots and have their votes counted free of discrimination, intimidation or fraud in the election process.



9fd8ac  No.3663247

File: d675a2c4e0242d3⋯.jpeg (273.11 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 0579EA9F-F5BB-497C-80C6-F….jpeg)

File: b3b20b332dff0ee⋯.jpeg (277.84 KB, 768x960, 4:5, B4A2A3DE-9BA4-4340-9CE1-B….jpeg)

File: 3eaefa0b0dac3a7⋯.jpeg (277.77 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 2565D8B9-4FF9-4C04-823C-8….jpeg)

File: 9ff6fb38c691596⋯.jpeg (326.95 KB, 767x960, 767:960, A15740CB-3219-4EEC-B4A3-A….jpeg)

File: 4929ef9f7fc7eb2⋯.jpeg (369.39 KB, 768x960, 4:5, BBDC0479-2FEA-430E-8208-6….jpeg)

Baal= Islam, Christianity and Judaism

823e5c  No.3663248

File: fbddc2cd281729a⋯.png (3.5 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, fbddc2cd281729a8e382bad8fa….png)

File: 6154fbbb4ced71d⋯.png (31.63 KB, 574x499, 574:499, Merkel Summarized 2.png)

File: e0c7c0139dcc6c7⋯.png (27.35 KB, 724x391, 724:391, Merkel Summarized.png)

File: 64da7da5c7a7946⋯.png (311.12 KB, 953x713, 953:713, Angela Merkel relationship….png)


>You should all be embarrassed for still believing this was ever real.

You seriously under estimate the number of red heads, and Q correlations, that I have on my hard drive.

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b39b17 No.616675 📁

Mar 10 2018 16:39:16 (EST)

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b39b17 No.616618 📁

Mar 10 2018 16:35:34 (EST)

Angela Dorothea Kasner.

Daughter of a Pastor?

Name of FATHER?

History of FATHER?

Hitler youth (member).

Haircut today vs THEN (A).


US Intelligence post war controlled who?

The ‘Mission’

Who is Angela Hitler?

Relationship to Adolf?

How were children named in Germany during this period?

First or middle.

Family tree.





Risk of ‘conspiracy’ label the deeper we go.

Truth will shock the WORLD.



Relevant to coming events.

Future will PROVE past.


7e53cf  No.3663249

File: 4a48d80c917c819⋯.jpg (158.88 KB, 1600x1241, 1600:1241, Bonfire of Wall St.jpg)

File: 897d919b095bdc2⋯.png (31.62 KB, 300x300, 1:1, True DCB.png)

An impressive display of paper creation going on

58ac2b  No.3663250

File: 678f51deece1668⋯.jpg (200.34 KB, 778x675, 778:675, 1540895221235.jpg)

e8159e  No.3663251


Shill, that's funny sfb. Look at the poll from a different perspective…such as irony.

630559  No.3663252


Saturday was named after the planet Saturn


fc30bb  No.3663253


>Not to mention, the guns are all on the other side, but I'm just kidding.


9fd8ac  No.3663254

File: 4a51a1ff8b703d1⋯.jpg (21.13 KB, 300x213, 100:71, 4a51a1ff8b703d15dc5741044b….jpg)


its ok soon all will be known and this will finally be either proven or disproved either way we know the truth and at this point that is all we Anons care about!

93d109  No.3663255


So much for CA's birthing hotels for Chinese women! KEK!

a61695  No.3663256


Yes they thought they could keep punching and shitting on him but still have him vote for them cuz “Muh racist”

bb66a7  No.3663257

File: bf429f5c0f45cc5⋯.png (17.31 KB, 320x325, 64:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e16887776888f7e⋯.png (30.11 KB, 353x449, 353:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e16887776888f7e⋯.png (30.11 KB, 353x449, 353:449, ClipboardImage.png)

IM pretty sure Q or Q team originated at or from Area 51..

Area 51 was owned and operated by the department of energy…which also has the "Q clearance" as their highest level.

One month prior to Q's first post was the LV Shooting. Although never public Q says POTUS was at LV. LV Airport has secret Janet JEts that fly people in and out of Area 51. Q asks who POTUS was meeting with. There was gunfire at the airport that night too. POTUS has visited langley,fbi,hawaii base, alot of places but never publicly area 51.

Through the looking glass. Speculation is Area 51 has a project called the looking glass. Who is Helping POTUS? How is POTUS 5 steps ahead?

How would Q know we are not alone? How would Q know about top secret F16 anti missile Tech. TOP SECRET is always compartmentalize.

What position could someone be in that would know about both? Where would they work?

1554d5  No.3663258

File: 22482e778518d34⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 408x424, 51:53, goodwin.jpg)

f849cd  No.3663259

>>3663246 DOJ 10/30 Release on Protecting Right to Vote / Prosecuting Ballot Fraud



facb94  No.3663260

File: a366c5fdaa00725⋯.png (724.41 KB, 752x1113, 752:1113, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

First Gab, now this: https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/10/29/christian-news-site-lifesite-blackhosted-by-web-host/

What was Q saying about blackouts?

45546c  No.3663261

File: 3c7a1d79783f5b2⋯.jpg (80.43 KB, 640x432, 40:27, waiting.jpg)

838a3b  No.3663262

File: 88d3d1c3db5a97d⋯.png (358.49 KB, 1200x538, 600:269, 03c30c946198d0d4c61608918a….png)


Agreed, anon. Agreed.

39648e  No.3663263


They are so stupid they just now realized this?

823e5c  No.3663264


>Heard a county in metro atlanta is trying to open more early voting locations.

This is pretty much unprecedented for that particular part of the country. Exciting news, anon!

e15cf7  No.3663265


Saturn is being held prisoner and is a base for evil. Evil that makes people stick their head back in the sand because seeing it is more than most of us can bear or understand.

And Saturn symbology is everywhere.

199631  No.3663266


Heard he denied the whole thing, said there were no more bombs and then when given a public defender, completely clammed up. The guy is a loony toon at best. Smells like a nut or a fall guy.

a9018f  No.3663267


When this whole charade is over, POTUS can approach Honduras and the rest of central America and say, let's work together to make your countries great. We need to be allies, just to keep China out.

But they need to do it HIS way.

e15cf7  No.3663268


52d7df  No.3663269


I have a theory about the redheads.

It's a good one, but alas, I'll be keeping it to myself as a good anon doxxes no one.

9edc9f  No.3663270


Hate to admit it but she HAD a nice body and that profile 1st pic she actually looks pretty decent. Would've hit that at a party.

088d89  No.3663271

File: 4be2ce317110fe1⋯.jpg (63.93 KB, 640x480, 4:3, kate-snow-nbc-brett-kavana….jpg)

Nolte: NBC’s Kate Snow Says Info Clearing Kavanaugh Wasn’t ‘Newsworthy’ Before Confirmation

NBC’s Kate Snow offers only falsehoods and double talk to explain why she and her employer hid crucial facts that would have cleared then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of gang rape allegations.

On Friday, Breitbart News reported that, although NBC had the information a full week prior to his October 6 confirmation, NBC covered up news that would have cleared Kavanaugh when it mattered most — during those intense final days of the confirmation process.

During that week, here is the information NBC News hid from the public and those senators deciding on whether or not to confirm Kavanaugh:

On September 30, the woman who signed a sworn statement corroborating Julie Swetnick’s gang rape allegations against Kavanaugh (the statement was publicly released by attorney Michael Avenatti on October 2), not only told NBC she had never witnessed Kavanaugh spike punch or rape anyone, she also became something of a character witness for Kavanaugh when she told NBC she had never once seen him behave inappropriately.

This second witness then told NBC on October 3 (three days prior to Kavanaugh’s confirmation) that Avenatti had fabricated her sworn statement.

During this crucial time, Avenatti was playing games with NBC to conceal all of this — what NBC itself describes as “an apparent effort to thwart the reporting process[.]”

Nothing was stopping NBC from reporting the above facts as they came in. There was no valid reason for NBC to withhold this relevant and crucial information, either from the public or from those senators still deciding Kavanaugh’s fate.

What’s more, had NBC released this story as it broke, NBC would have owned a major scoop, a story of national consequence. Instead, NBC chose not to reveal the truth until October 26, more than three weeks after it mattered.

https ://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2018/10/29/nbc-kate-snow-says-information-clearing-kavanaugh-wasnt-newsworthy-until-after-confirmation/

a880d4  No.3663272

File: de24b1c540b87ae⋯.jpeg (234.35 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 499E470F-F58F-4F7F-94F9-1….jpeg)

e8159e  No.3663273


…and who is again making them "angry", kinda.

630559  No.3663274


sent it to the wrong post 1st time

Saturday was named after the planet Saturn


6367ed  No.3663275


Tell me more about Saturn please never heard of this idea

6776db  No.3663276

File: cfc2856fe4393b9⋯.png (399.44 KB, 492x474, 82:79, waiting_.png)



e15cf7  No.3663277


P.s Saturn used to be called Atlantis. One of the 5 Atlantis.

823e5c  No.3663278


People are going to return to taking their services Off the stupid fucking cloud. The only was to prevent serviceability, at that point, is DDoS or Domain Name theft.

4871bc  No.3663279

File: d1f5759227aa81b⋯.jpeg (166.06 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1532730421.jpeg)

838a3b  No.3663280


Aliens is assumed. But there is a large base and staff at Area 51 that we would need to assume are on our side as well with that.

955b2e  No.3663281

File: e668d090138c7ed⋯.png (326.36 KB, 641x661, 641:661, 2018-10-30_10-11-18.png)

1351be  No.3663282


One of the MOST IMPORTANT VIDEOS I've ever seen on the chans. Been lurking from the beginning.



df90ad  No.3663283


Interesting! Doesn't really look fake…where/when was this taken and do we know how it was obtained?

a9018f  No.3663284


I don't see how this will stop them from voting here, tho. Especially in CA!

c20017  No.3663285


Everyone gets twisted about jetstream winds at the north pole

630559  No.3663286

File: 909b0915ee5bbd4⋯.png (491.9 KB, 728x468, 14:9, Capture.PNG)

Former Trump Campaign Aides Go on the Offensive as Spygate Reaches Fever Pitch

Recent actions by former Trump associates signal a shift in the battle of special counsel Robert Mueller versus President Donald Trump.

Former campaign staffers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos were targeted by the FBI during the presidential campaign and were subsequently investigated by the special counsel; Papadopoulos was indicted by Mueller last year for lying to the FBI.

But recent actions by these men indicate that they are switching from defense to offense in their battle against the U.S. Intelligence Community.

By now, most Americans are aware of the FBI scandal involving the targeted surveillance of the Trump campaign—primarily Page and Papadopoulos—throughout 2016. It’s a complex story with many moving parts and once-unknown shadowy Washington bureaucrats have rapidly become household names—among them former and current FBI and DOJ officials such as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, and others.

The scandal, now known as Spygate, involves the FBI and DOJ’s authorization of surveillance against a presidential candidate. Comey, McCabe, and their henchmen broke FBI protocols when they exonerated Hillary Clinton for her alleged criminal email practices, even as they actively sought to undermine her opponent, Donald Trump. Page and Papadopoulos were specifically targeted by Comey’s FBI throughout 2016 in an attempt to link the Trump campaign to Russia.


05f428  No.3663287

Trumps Rally fest ….. What a week ! Fox better air his Rally’s

22d260  No.3663288


In terms of 'DOE' security classification, "Q" clearance is relatively low level. Think base security, or 'MP's"

e0384a  No.3663289

File: 49c9437741b668b⋯.jpg (46.51 KB, 1198x308, 599:154, DquoXDdXgAAAlkp.jpg)

Has someone hijacked Jake Tapper's twitter


c6bbfa  No.3663290

Using a pre-existing building in Jerusalem was a very intelligent move on POTUS's part. Not just because he saved money, but the MOS/CIA couldn't have bugged it like they could have if it was a new construction.

7d8c45  No.3663291



Essential reading you have not yet done.

394565  No.3663293

File: 565d88473b22bc2⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1123x6094, 1123:6094, 821EC36E-46CA-45F9-A50A-3….jpeg)


Washington Post publishes this article last night

Red Cross: Over 100,000 people missing is a global crisis


24bcf9  No.3663294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Notable lyrics from Avril Lavigne new song “Head Above Water”

39648e  No.3663295


RSBN will have them.

5901de  No.3663296

File: 7b1344b08a103b8⋯.png (55.29 KB, 596x347, 596:347, 0c7ec73a6ea05447dd3797667a….png)

File: 65f94b6ce38deb0⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 634x421, 634:421, wire-5528482-1540810714-83….jpg)

POTUS tweet signalling "King" Could he be referring to the untimely death of this uber weathly Thai man?

Thai billionaire Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha was the owner of both Leicester City Football Club and the hugely lucrative King Power empire.

The sudden death of billionaire Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha strips his King Power duty-free brand of its streetwise and connected frontman, challenging his heirs to secure the future of a monopoly that has become one of Thailand's most lucrative businesses.

Vichai was Thailand's fifth richest man when he died in a helicopter crash after watching his beloved Leicester City play on Saturday.

Over three decades he chiselled out a shopping empire now worth some $4.9 billion, according to Forbes, with success owing less to family wealth than a knack for winning – and then keeping – the favour of the Thai elite, gatekeepers to the kingdom's wealth.

That included the monarchy, in honour of whom he named his company and whose former king rewarded him with his lengthy royally-bestowed surname that translates as "auspicious and prosperous light".

The 60-year-old devout Buddhist led a family business defined by discretion and deft in diplomacy in a kingdom cut by bitter clan rivalries.

That kept his family – and fortune – largely out off Thailand's courts and free from the clench of its bear-pit politics.

"He was neutral. He never messed with anybody's business," Thai political heavyweight and long-time friend Anutin Charnvirakul told AFP on Monday.

Vichai leaves behind a wife and four children, two sons, two daughters all in their 30s – and all on the executive board of King Power.

They have so far avoided the scandals and legal woes which have dogged scions of other powerful Sino-Thai families such as the Yoovidhya 'Red Bull' family – Thailand's third richest – and the Shinawatras, a political clan bankrolled by billionaire ex-premier Thaksin.

- Political connections key -

With Vichai's passing, it is likely his children will step up to lead an empire that spans hotels, an English Premier League football club and a stable of thoroughbred horses.

"I believe Vichai has already groomed his children (for the leadership)," said Somchai Phagaphasvivat, a political scientist at Bangkok's Thammasat University.

(Rest of article in link)


93d109  No.3663297


Go back to jr. high if you don't have enough IQ to realize that by doing this, it curtails the want of others to come here.

No more coming here and spitting a baby out and parent becomes citizen because a baby being born here.

3b9f88  No.3663298

Stormy and Sayoc worked at the same strip club? May the memes begin.

58ac2b  No.3663299

File: 217287cfebd2835⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 600x530, 60:53, 1540906616980.jpg)

24bcf9  No.3663300

File: 8b83634f3340238⋯.jpeg (1 MB, 1242x2093, 54:91, AC383C6C-3790-48EC-93FD-D….jpeg)

e4a4e8  No.3663301



a61695  No.3663302

Do anons actually believe with POTUS rally schedule that there is still gonna be ML?? Lmao

a25780  No.3663303


while digging, came across this:


SHE’S OUT! “McMaster’s Huma Abedin”: White House Leaker Dina Habib Powell NOT on Short List for U.S. Ambassador to UN

Was Dina Powell McMasters Huma Abedin (handler)?

hmmm may have to dig on that.

Then there is this (old but fairly relevant):


kind of a clickbait site but it’s the only place where i see someone quoting Sarah Sanders on arresting Huma Abedin-

“Thankfully, Sanders was quick to put Nussbaum in his place. “Obviously, the facts of that case are very disturbing, and I think the president wants to make clear that he doesn’t feel like anyone should be above the law,” she said.

This is the last place i can find a photo of her in public from 4 Oct 2018:


18d137  No.3663304



what about the mail bomber?

what about the shooter?

a61695  No.3663305



22d260  No.3663306


One sec

838a3b  No.3663307


Unfortunate. I'd like to understand my existence and the existence of good and evil. Humans need to start recognizing we aren't shit in the grand scheme of the universe and start opening up their minds to possibilities. We could be a cosmic accident for all we know. And I'm fine with that. Or maybe the hologram principal is accurate? I dunno. Too much head in sand like you stated though.

4a77da  No.3663308

File: 0665e4714b514ae⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 624x802, 312:401, ww4.JPG)

e15cf7  No.3663309


He is a travelling circus show.

045754  No.3663310


I would guess that MANY government workers all over the country with high enough clearance know about Aliens. Also, the special F-16 wouldnt just be known by Area51 operatives

a9018f  No.3663311


You sure have no sense of humor.

62497d  No.3663312


It's a Boof Hole!

a61695  No.3663313

Do anons actually support a change in birthright citizenship law WITHOUT a constitutional change? Have they read the Constitution?

39648e  No.3663314


Eric Holder?

630559  No.3663315


Thank you

088d89  No.3663316

File: 6c65b5f3b27b685⋯.jpg (32.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Christine-Blasey-Ford-stic….jpg)

Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Rakes in $1 Million, Several Book Offers

Christine Blasey Ford, the California psychology professor who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct 36 years ago, received a $1 million windfall and is receiving several requests for book deals after her testimony.

RealClearInvestigations reported Monday that Ford’s 15 minutes of fame before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September has turned her into a millionaire, raking in an estimated $1 million from crowdfunding campaigns supporting her and several book deals since her testimony.

Despite Ford’s windfall, several Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, including Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Ford had “nothing to gain” by coming forward with her accusations to the committee.

https ://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/29/kavanaugh-accuser-christine-blasey-ford-rakes-in-1-million-several-book-offers/

93d109  No.3663317


Still on first cup of covfefe…sry.

4a77da  No.3663318

File: a5aa86594562beb⋯.jpg (75.75 KB, 625x800, 25:32, ww1.JPG)

64f889  No.3663319

File: 4c1ef8c977f079f⋯.jpg (230.86 KB, 768x768, 1:1, IMG_5860.JPG)


>Pray hard, get involved, keep your eyes and ears open and VOTE REPUBLICAN across the board where ever you are.

838a3b  No.3663320


I wouldn't know where to begin Anon. All the black cubes you see…amazon cube, gamecube, cubes everywhere, go with saturn. CERN is apparently messing with portals to open saturn. Saturnalia. Just do a duckduckgo search on saturn is hell

4871bc  No.3663321


They all look alike

22d260  No.3663322

File: 6db2dcd9abf5804⋯.png (17.29 KB, 666x200, 333:100, qsiteTS.PNG)

823e5c  No.3663323


I am no one famous, and there's only one other person that knows I'm here. There is, however, a night shift dude that posts redheads; not too sure about that guy.

It was something I started doing to combat the excessive nude posting, and it just kind of became a thing from there on. The shills have even caught on to doing it.

3d323f  No.3663324


Now THAT is all for a LARP.

ddaed8  No.3663325


let me know what I missed, slow reader, not used to day shift


>>3662676, >>3662598, >>3662639, >>3662811 DJT

>>3662703 Anon influence

>>3662877 Lurkrar speaks (especially for newfags)

>>3662770 Water Privitization

>>3662745, >>3662860 Symbolism after Pittsburgh

>>3662758 Old Reminder: China in Hollywood

>>3663082 Censorship. Christian news site dropped Gab-Style

>>3663122 POTUS-Selected 9th Circ. has experience in combating child exploitation

>>3663191 Clockfaggin'

fd336e  No.3663326

Q finally revealed kek

my apologies if this has already been posted but didn’t see it in the bread



3d121a  No.3663327


maintenance workers at dod facilities have q clearance

Millions of americans have q clearance.

fa3b36  No.3663328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bb66a7  No.3663329

File: 44b267425c9562b⋯.png (132.59 KB, 1102x854, 551:427, ClipboardImage.png)

cef9aa  No.3663330

File: 870fb7f2bc0bd67⋯.png (3.55 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 59A954AC-3B72-41EB-98DC-36….png)


4f6244  No.3663331

File: c01bfdc33f1be2d⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 490x675, 98:135, 10-mln-votes-count.jpg)

93d109  No.3663332


Pathetic notables.

64f889  No.3663333

File: b27ee24ff1be308⋯.jpg (44.42 KB, 600x367, 600:367, IMG_6338.JPG)

498036  No.3663335

File: b24c44633e264ad⋯.jpg (248.34 KB, 720x537, 240:179, advan_fags.jpg)

8291cd  No.3663336


You mean his Uncle? Dead arms dealer.

5a6dc8  No.3663337

File: 1dd58b8d9c82bee⋯.png (138.82 KB, 500x500, 1:1, SlowpoQ.png)


Only all of yesterday, repeatedly.

Welcome to the boards.

Pic related.

956215  No.3663338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>kind of a clickbait site but it’s the only place where i see someone quoting Sarah Sanders on arresting Huma Abedin-

>“Thankfully, Sanders was quick to put Nussbaum in his place. “Obviously, the facts of that case are very disturbing, and I think the president wants to make clear that he doesn’t feel like anyone should be above the law,” she said.

<< See video.

bb66a7  No.3663339


No but it would have been tested at area 51 and your assumption of many gov workers knowing about aliens is wrong. HIGHEST SECURITY as Q puts it. Thats why Podesta was emailing people about it. He was trying to find someone who knew and even he had a difficult time finding someone.

a61695  No.3663340

White House declares every October 27th, Tree of Life Remembrence Day. Flags will be flown at half mast, and will be used to work against anti-semitism in America for federal agencies and schools.

yes! Love this POTUS! Israel WRWY!

e4a4e8  No.3663341


sauce for your sauce?

rasters can be deep fake, ya know.

3b9f88  No.3663342

File: b29cb36df203c48⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 8BDCE9B3-B124-41BC-A5DB-69….png)

d17bfa  No.3663343


Hehe. Shitpost

adffb2  No.3663344


looking for a better life in America

d967fc  No.3663345


HOAXTER creates Hoax

e15cf7  No.3663346

File: 424b8dc95029892⋯.jpg (119.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ff68ab1e53b3d6d9e54d2afd5f….jpg)


We were created. By the Goddess. Everything we have been taught is inverted and backwards. And 99% of the symbols we see were HERS first. Then stolen and inverted.

We are NOT an accident. We are LOVED beyond all imagination.

What does a Mother tell her children?


Now we must defeat our brothers and sisters who have chose to turn from HER.

"The best life lived is a life lived with the least amount of hatred."

What is being created and pushed in this world above all else?


Why do you think we are surrounded by Angels?

1d90f3  No.3663347


I asked my democrat friend this. He couldn't tell me anything, and said they have no message.

He is thinking of voting Repub for midterms. I have been working on him for 10 mths now.

22d260  No.3663348


Looks correct, I would try to refrain from using fakeipedia as any sause. Just my opinion tho

39648e  No.3663349



5901de  No.3663350


You're right! This new Avril Lavigne song is notable.

"Calm before the Storm…"

df9c7c  No.3663351

File: e40e7e2c0bf3b54⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 2259x3408, 753:1136, 42DAA49E-AD16-469F-AB81-E….jpeg)

d01045  No.3663352

>>3663313 Have you read it? ….not intended for illegal births

da169a  No.3663353


KEK - Don't worry I called in pest control.

62497d  No.3663355

File: 27a64a4007b1e1a⋯.jpg (986.39 KB, 1439x2241, 1439:2241, ihg7nhib2bv11.jpg)

e4a4e8  No.3663356


no change needed. question of interpretation.

0d4f43  No.3663357

File: aeb13b6be59e269⋯.jpg (97.94 KB, 952x634, 476:317, POTUS praying for you alwa….jpg)


Praying for him on a continual basis! Protection, wisdom, energy, health.

a9018f  No.3663358


Did anyone catch this ZeroHedge piece:

Inside The Pentagon's Plan For Stopping The "Migrant Invasion"


Sorry, I don't know how to do screen catches.

Good article, tho.

4871bc  No.3663359

File: 09302e22079531d⋯.jpeg (107.68 KB, 1440x753, 480:251, 1538914181.jpeg)

77ae64  No.3663360


Carbon monoxide. I saw a webapp that showed air pollution concentrations on a globe and china was absolutely smothered in carbon monoxide, more than anywhere else in the world.

e8159e  No.3663361


How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

93d109  No.3663362


This shit makes notables, but EO to stop anchor babies doesn't.

Night shift is fucked up.

2aed9d  No.3663363


OG Birther here…the absolute most stunning aspect of Hussein's forged documents was his Selective Service card. Described as "poorly forged" by Mike Zullo…Hussein's is apparently the only one in existence with the year in a 2 digit format. All others are 4. See here….jaw dropping and concise.


39648e  No.3663364


It's an incestuous business. I don't find the odds that remarkable that they have worked together.

Pun intended.

b712e9  No.3663365


10/10 would have conjugal visits with those tits in gitmo. I salute your "research".

22d260  No.3663366



-> careers-llnl.ttcportals.com/jobs/search?q=security

630559  No.3663367

File: cb02d9d5fd62318⋯.png (603.73 KB, 832x315, 832:315, Capture.PNG)

Posting this for the fun of it and it gave me a chuckle

Trump Wants Stormy Daniels To Pay $300K In Legal Fees

President Donald Trump is expecting Stormy Daniels to pay more than $300,000 in legal fees that he incurred defending himself against a failed defamation suit launched by the porn star. A judge dismissed the lawsuit this month and ruled that the president should be awarded attorney fees.


46466f  No.3663368


only a few hangings

wheres that school spirit anon

hangings by the thousands

particulary all of cnn

with due process of course

fc30bb  No.3663369

File: b26c9d521c06611⋯.jpg (152.26 KB, 750x739, 750:739, DmDgj2XXoAAswA4.jpg)



18d137  No.3663370

File: 523de1c9af3b92f⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 702x395, 702:395, optics.jpg)

9fd8ac  No.3663372

File: 9603cd3fb9cc0e1⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 508x524, 127:131, 9603cd3fb9cc0e1a89ea8bfc8c….jpg)


lol these people are so stupid… smh Thanks for the heads up Anon!

53eedb  No.3663373



cdf52d  No.3663374


The retard thinks Papadop is talking about Trump

bb66a7  No.3663375


I agree. There arent many sauces for this type of stuff unfortunately. part of the problem with any research into Area 51 (which I believe is by designed) there is so MANY things written about it by thousands of people that is makes digging for anything OFFICIAL about area 51 a needle in a haystack.

Also I found one article about Area 51 being given over from DOE to US Air force by Bill clinton in 1999.. However Ive spoken to an air force guy who knows things a year ago who said DOE still owns and operates Area 51 but the air force is a cover..

630559  No.3663376


sure you are but they got a survey going, whats your age and IQ

79422b  No.3663377

File: 03c892c668494dd⋯.jpeg (83.96 KB, 500x616, 125:154, 8DD7DC67-8E32-4F4F-9BAD-D….jpeg)

d967fc  No.3663378


They don't have to change anything in the constitution! It already spells it out.


Read it!

757cba  No.3663380


This only works if we don't know who you are and what you are doing. But we do, so go get a real job. And take some time to consider your life decisions.

4b1769  No.3663381


There was 2 tweets

1st to @troybalderson

2nd was corrected to @Troy_Balderson

5b0360  No.3663383

File: 6666966091c4527⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1278x816, 213:136, LIFE!!!!.png)


It's because he has time travel tech.

john d trump, tesla, julian assange white gandalf from grey etc, everything is all the same just different flavours

It's insane but space = time. Space is not what we think, space force = heavenly force is what i think

bb113a  No.3663385


Yes, very connected family. Not just a reporter.

77ae64  No.3663386

File: c50fa00d16c954b⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1792x1171, 1792:1171, 2018-10-30-102617_1792x117….png)



fc30bb  No.3663387

File: 8874ba5252b8e33⋯.png (436.8 KB, 751x1111, 751:1111, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

File: 10d0380ff9f1bb0⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 911x553, 911:553, DqtsJpiVYAAZexU.jpg)

SOROS $ hard at work.

ddaed8  No.3663388

18d137  No.3663389


I don't fukkin care.

Lay off the Dear Leader worship.

c2243d  No.3663390

File: a6886de5fab0d51⋯.jpg (157.59 KB, 638x479, 638:479, asdfasdf.jpg)

If anyone wants to or need to try DMT you just need to hook up with DMTstories on WICKR.

He will blend a changa blend for you with lotus, harmala etc and ship it to you.

It cant be doxxed so we are safe.

If you are wondering what you need to know in life this will most likely bring you the info.

Tell him Raziel sent you and place an order.

Wickr; DMTstories

And no it is not me.

Im interested in getting pple woke at this point in my life.

e15cf7  No.3663391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you really want to learn. Start here.

a25780  No.3663393


thanks fren

955b2e  No.3663394

File: 24db2900a0212db⋯.png (335.61 KB, 548x427, 548:427, 2018-10-30_10-27-54.png)


Many of us as well!

God bless POTUS!

God bless America!


4871bc  No.3663396

File: 08d00a0664641c5⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1097x922, 1097:922, ae646686fca25dea5d9c46a785….png)

Filler boobs

bb113a  No.3663397

File: 5f2a28b22b8a179⋯.png (596.37 KB, 1772x1772, 1:1, 16155E07-22F7-4F25-AEBB-0D….png)

435a2d  No.3663398

Sometimes, it’s whats missing that is informative.

No chief content officer, creative director, design team, copy editors, photo editor, production team, or author.

All *very* well written, in the same voice.

Along with an expensive grammatical error ‘misprint’.

7e53cf  No.3663399

File: fcfd2d304398407⋯.jpg (47.07 KB, 627x344, 627:344, Going down.jpg)

They choose the path where no-one goes.

They hold no quarter. They ask no quarter.

The pain, the pain without quarter.

They ask no quarter.

The dogs of doom are howling more

11097c  No.3663400

>>3660979 (pb) Nate Silver gives an 84.9% chance of the dems taking the House. Not 84%. Not 85%. It's EXACTLY 84.9%. What was it they said Hillary's chances of winning were—96% or so? This likely indicates sheer terror from the devil worshiping leftists, that they expect to be clearly defeated. Come the morning of 11/7, they are going to be so crushed they can't drag their drug saturated bodies and empty, mesmerized minds out of bed to face a world completely controlled by their enemies.

2800d3  No.3663404


Nice finds!

4dfc27  No.3663407


And, on the one year anniversary of the first Q post!

da169a  No.3663409


Let them carry on - it gives hope to see such desperation before the big cataclysm that takes them all down, once and for all.

7f5996  No.3663410

File: f448ff53b90346a⋯.jpg (133.07 KB, 1280x868, 320:217, https-//blogs-images.forbe….jpg)


Havent seen this posted here yet lol.

956215  No.3663423


>They don't have to change anything in the constitution! It already spells it out.

Exactly why POTUS wanted Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court - he'll uphold the constitution, not 'interpret' it into another law…

a61695  No.3663426


Hmm interdasting. Thanks anon

4871bc  No.3663427

File: bb096507f39cb06⋯.jpg (68.48 KB, 600x740, 30:37, IMG_20181030_070019.jpg)

Filler boobs take 2

All those faggots who jumped early are missing it…

9028c3  No.3663429

File: 8d3e0e4720916eb⋯.jpg (94.85 KB, 780x507, 20:13, HILL2020crone.jpg)

d7ac75  No.3663434

File: 3604e1bc6dd4095⋯.png (86.73 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)



Let's see how much of that she is going to be able to keep after the election is over, her pain hasn't even begun and it will be excruciating when it is all said and done.

https ://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/29/kavanaugh-accuser-christine-blasey-ford-rakes-in-1-million-several-book-offers/

4a77da  No.3663435

File: 323cd6cc3a85a1d⋯.jpg (77.17 KB, 884x532, 221:133, pinkm1.JPG)

823e5c  No.3663436

File: 7876067a7cf899c⋯.png (9.2 MB, 2448x5616, 17:39, Q - The Saudi Arabia Story….png)

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