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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Welcome Page | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /DayOfReckoning/

Bread creation (Non-General) is suspended for the time being. Do not create new breads as they will be deleted immediately.

File: 8b3dc4173f5e8cf⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Test11.jpg)

c3da70  No.3663371

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 ——————————— Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3643730 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -————————– Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen? (Cap: >>3643790 )

>>>/patriotsfight/372 ——————————— effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap: >>3643646 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -——————- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3643633 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 ——————————— Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Cap: >>3643750 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 ——————————— [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3640554 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 —————-———– Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3640570 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 ——————————— Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3640575, >>3640687 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 ——————————— Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3640595 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 ——————————— Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3640609 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -——————- Our voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3640623 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 ——————————— TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3640638 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 ——————————— [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap: >>3640665 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -——————- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3640678 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -——————- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3640688 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3640702 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

c3da70  No.3663379


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3619933 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (New with notables!)

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation


>>3662676, >>3662598, >>3662639, >>3662811 DJT

>>3662703 Anon influence

>>3662877 Lurkrar speaks (especially for newfags)

>>3662770 Water Privitization

>>3662745, >>3662860 Symbolism after Pittsburgh

>>3662758 Old Reminder: China in Hollywood

>>3663082 Censorship. Christian news site dropped Gab-Style

>>3663122 POTUS-Selected 9th Circ. has experience in combating child exploitation

>>3663191 Clockfaggin'


>>3662362 ASD, Australia's NSA, Speech, Twitter, & More

>>3661922, >>3662509 POTUS on DECLAS Ingraham

>>3662056, >>3662210 Planefaggin

>>3662182, >>3662330, >>3662336 POTUS upcoming EO to end birthright citizenship of illegals(Anchor babies)

>>3662192 TDS compilation

>>3662289 Anon Theoy

>>3662276, >>3662329, >>3662345 The Chinese Threat

>>3662450 Google employees planing walk out on Thursday re: Sexual misconduct handling

>>3662520 #4649

#4648 Baker Change

>>3661099 Bowers says he was hearing noises

>>3661271 POTUS vs MEDIA Twitter Poll - 'Who do you trust?', Anons flipped the poll

>>3661191 Khashoggi's "Fiancee" Says Saudi Authorities Know Location of Journalist's Body

>>3661294, >>3661296 Pence's little-noticed speech marked a new US realism toward China

>>3661323, >>3661372 Colombia and Brazil considering alliance against Venezuela (which would include the USA)

>>3661404 More documents show Mayor Andrew Gillum's 2016 Tampa trip was campaign-related

>>3661463, >>3661503, >>3661547 Judicial Watch: 3.5 MILLION moar names on the voter rolls that were eligible to vote

>>3661483 U.S. government broadcaster to punish employees over George Soros report

>>3661605 POTUS' interview with Ingraham

>>3661800 #4648


>>3660341 NSA Presentation at "DefCon 2018"

>>3660378 Anon's Pasadena bomb update

>>3660397 UK - Pakistani Pedophiles Found Guilty of Grooming, Raping Scores of Girls

>>3660412 Moar delta observations

>>3660453 One dead, dozens injured as migrant caravan clashes with Mexican authorities

>>3660458 Sayoc's attorney questions evidence against accused serial bomber

>>3660572 McCaskill Missed Nearly Half of All Armed Services Hearings

>>3660612 Democrat Menendez Supporter Hurls Racial Slurs at African-American, Latino Republicans

>>3660655 Anon's theory: Q posts the day after midterms

>>3660717 Swiss Banker Sentenced To 10 Years Jail In Venezuelan Money Laundering Plot

>>3660857 Chinese Military Scientists Have Infiltrated "Five Eyes" Countries' Western Universities

>>3660979 Smart money is on Republicans keeping control of House, betting site odds say

>>3661020 #4647

#4646 Baker Change

>>3659535 Q: "Save and spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker)"

>>3659581, >>3659913 Q Stinger/Marker theories: 15-10-5 and 3-2-1

>>3659598, >>3659611 Planefags: A lot of activity on the border

>>3659622 Stormy and the Fake Bomber worked at the same strip club

>>3659745 Second migrant caravan storms into Mexico, 'Violent' group from Central America carrying BOMBS and guns

>>3659776 Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris accused of breaking fundraising rules over Kavanaugh vote

>>3659867 UN: Trump Must Allow Caravan Migrants into America (btfo UN)

>>3659811, >>3660032 Trump Nails Stormy Daniels With $341,000 Demand For Legal Fees (pun intended)

>>3660104 New Project Veritas video

>>3660256 #4646

Previously Collected Notables

>>3658152 #4643, >>3659138 #4644, >>3659442 #4645

>>3655623 #4640, >>3656437 #4641, >>3657167 #4642

>>3653283 #4637, >>3654124 #4638, >>3654865 #4639

>>3651069 #4634, >>3651814 #4635, >>3652603 #4636

>>3648767 #4631, >>3649542 #4632, >>3650272 #4633

>>3646416 #4628, >>3647191 #4629, >>3647997 #4630

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

c3da70  No.3663382

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

c3da70  No.3663384

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

4cd4e8  No.3663392

File: 61a5da574e7ac2d⋯.jpg (162.65 KB, 640x762, 320:381, 2lb4gp.jpg)

9e5fe2  No.3663395

File: 6dc90382b5a0830⋯.jpg (96.32 KB, 634x410, 317:205, article-1368772-0B480E2700….jpg)

c3da70  No.3663401

File: 95936083c1436e1⋯.png (8.76 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 043472b4f59dcad89e32a9b433….png)




299ba8  No.3663402

File: 5705f76f0a4d2dd⋯.jpg (196.12 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1531434209338.jpg)


d791fa  No.3663403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f959d7  No.3663405

File: c7d48adbed1049d⋯.png (552.43 KB, 1209x2832, 403:944, ClipboardImage.png)

Dow Erases Yesterday's Loss, Now What?

"Is another dead-cat's life about to be lost?"


d791fa  No.3663406



Thank you for your enthusiasm but don't shit the dough kok gobbling asshats.

a1c3fc  No.3663408


hmmmmm kitty flying today ;)

f959d7  No.3663411


follow the bouncing ball errrrm qat

091277  No.3663412

im about 90% sure Q/Q Team is from AREA 51. DOE. IF any of you DIG an anything related to AREA 51 you will see some common themes with Q drops. Especially the one about POTUS going to LV.

5ce46e  No.3663413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Want to RED PILL folks and affect the MIDTERMS?

Want to do your part? YOU CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE.



3ed3ff  No.3663414

File: 8a5786e64a54c1c⋯.jpg (341.29 KB, 867x849, 289:283, 1540890182052.jpg)

c09e9f  No.3663415

File: f826c9bb45bb84c⋯.mp4 (705.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hillary Clinton cracks rac….mp4)


Don't forget to share this too

Hillary Clinton cracking a racist joke and NPCs laughing it up

b712ad  No.3663416

>>3663390 lb

How long is the journey with this method?

4cd4e8  No.3663417

File: 23ce4ab2fa823c4⋯.png (50.82 KB, 600x700, 6:7, howmanylicks-doesittake-to….png)

bee582  No.3663418

File: 28c9c2b5dee5d8b⋯.png (397.81 KB, 667x595, 667:595, hrc devil.png)

f86a65  No.3663419

File: f8ddfa783a31d63⋯.jpg (111.01 KB, 653x484, 653:484, no q.jpg)

Carry on anons.

We got this.

67a4be  No.3663420

File: 6c0ab401853b455⋯.jpg (12.78 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 27e4c0e0cb7b0521925734f505….jpg)

File: 78f3fe012184d59⋯.jpg (490.75 KB, 750x725, 30:29, 80c7227e9ba9505ad9966009e1….jpg)

File: 218c4c6e2e00466⋯.jpg (12.34 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 6c731d38e68b1913f849bd2f26….jpg)

File: fe0433153bb38a4⋯.jpg (16.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8cd5517128222509d7fa7cf1bf….jpg)

File: 4ba1f10a488cbd3⋯.png (1.28 MB, 744x926, 372:463, 4ba1f10a488cbd368bf8131124….png)


Good morning anons

Just took sips of cofveve

21st day since last Q post

Today is first day he mentions in the Plan

20 plus One

This is a blessed day in the movement for sure

ac3f12  No.3663421

File: 3c9deddaeab50e7⋯.png (482.23 KB, 930x805, 186:161, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Oh Lord, the stupid hurts:

>Which is goddamn shameful, since George Soros is a HERO. He's given away billions of dollars to help other people. Not because he wants a tax break like the Koch brothers. Or a casino license like Sheldon Adelson. Or to make himself viceroy of Afghanistan, like Erik Prince. Or to destroy public education and replace it with Jesus, like Eric's sister Betsy DeVos.

>George Soros just wanted to make the world a better place, so he did.



e347ce  No.3663422

File: 428fbc4d2989d9c⋯.jpg (157.96 KB, 853x875, 853:875, 428fbc4d2989d9ce5a5e6943b4….jpg)

3ed3ff  No.3663424

File: 1828d6045d0f466⋯.jpg (49.68 KB, 615x391, 615:391, 1540906666691.jpg)

Every time a jew pretends to be a Gentile call them out on their lies with a simple comment

>'Is it any wonder why people don't trust you?'

or something to that effect.

Catch them in their lies and watch as they squirm

0c98a5  No.3663428

The Day Our Country Was Stolen:

How the 14th Amendment [sic]

Enslaved Us All

Without a Shot Fired


2e0d00  No.3663431

File: 25526ed9e84f1f0⋯.jpeg (721.92 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, BB7E8F22-B0F6-4051-9493-B….jpeg)

9e5fe2  No.3663432

File: 7bb70864b9cefc2⋯.jpg (15.91 KB, 226x205, 226:205, women-glasses.jpg)


The "Chosen"

43cb4b  No.3663433

EXCLUSIVE Report on Caravan Crisis…BIG Victory on Clean Elections…Left Uses Mail Bomber Campaign to Attack Conservative Speech . He's so correct: "Don't count on the government to get to the bottom of these things. That is up to the vigilance of patriots." Judicial Watch, Fitton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQvQ72uJa6g

c09e9f  No.3663437

b67d8b  No.3663438

File: 5116a9f68de8bce⋯.jpg (211.57 KB, 1496x2253, 1496:2253, 433719.jpg)

Thank You Baker

c66f9c  No.3663439

File: f082860a15beb9a⋯.jpg (313.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, National-Candy-Corn-Day-Oc….jpg)



National Candy [CORN] Day!


dd807a  No.3663440

File: 9b7412a59e04048⋯.png (1.1 MB, 833x486, 833:486, Capture.PNG)

China replaces head of Peking University with Communist Party chief

China’s ruling Communist Party has appointed its own representative to head one of the country’s most prestigious universities, as the administration of President Xi Jinping continues its ideological crackdown on academic life.

“The State Council, China’s cabinet, on Tuesday announced the appointment of Hao Ping as the new president of Peking University,” state news agency Xinhua reported in a brief announcement.

“He will replace Lin Jianhua, who was removed from the position.”

The personnel changes to a position that is ranked similarly to a provincial governor in China’s government and party hierarchy come after the university was dogged by a campaign from its own students to find out the truth behind a decade-old student suicide as part of the #MeToo movement.

It also comes after a signature campaign for Lin’s resignation by Peking University (Beida) alumni, who thought he had handled the #MeToo campaign badly.


b67d8b  No.3663441

File: c42cc28d2650c62⋯.png (47.94 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 200px-Jidf_logo.png)

6652d8  No.3663442

File: 92beb3a0b415591⋯.jpeg (382.38 KB, 1599x1066, 3:2, E1A02C09-7251-495D-A605-3….jpeg)

File: b6249426786b7e3⋯.jpeg (300.11 KB, 1181x782, 1181:782, 75D23777-4783-4D97-9B4A-2….jpeg)

File: 4d21d0e159ae448⋯.jpeg (206 KB, 1166x670, 583:335, B1BFC3F7-90EF-4EF3-8D34-0….jpeg)

1cdb60  No.3663443

File: 483d6e5e8a55df5⋯.jpg (44.8 KB, 265x400, 53:80, 483d6e5e8a55df5ed4b15b1c1a….jpg)

TY Baker!!!



This is how redpilling works, anons. Excellent work!

67a4be  No.3663444

File: 619aeab7515fd28⋯.jpeg (22.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4000bbeba06e2de72264cc2dd….jpeg)


Wait a minute anons, 20 plus one…

Isn't twenty days the longest period they've gone without posting, in July? If this is now the longest period, what if Q has given us all the info we need? The first day after Q? Nah, can not be so, but there is meaning to this day indeed

f959d7  No.3663445


i read that as party chef, had to reread that … i think my coffee is defective today. kek

ac3f12  No.3663446

File: 086b8f777717971⋯.png (110.49 KB, 796x684, 199:171, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Reread the:

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election.


Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in…



This is where we get all the double citizenship homies $$$

4fd84c  No.3663447

Anyone arrested yet? Any Declas? FISA? Texts?


012263  No.3663448


Does this now mean a 'wonkette' is a small version of a 'wonker'

67a4be  No.3663449


People were sayin watch Huma Abedin last bread

3af58e  No.3663450

File: 76372e4fac0443c⋯.png (64.59 KB, 1000x863, 1000:863, homocides.png)

File: cb33c03a5d9e5d4⋯.png (398.68 KB, 1000x863, 1000:863, Honduras.png)

dd807a  No.3663452

File: 67465d668bda3b0⋯.png (469.82 KB, 699x391, 699:391, Climate.PNG)

STUDY: Only 16 Countries Out of 197 Meet Their UN Paris Agreement Commitments

Only sixteen countries out of the 197 that have signed the Paris Agreement have defined national climate action plan ambitious enough to meet their pledges, according to a policy brief released on Monday (29 October), ahead of the crucial UN climate conference COP24 in Katowice (Poland) in December.

The 16 countries are: Algeria, Canada, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Japan, FYR Macedonia, Malaysia, Montenegro, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Samoa, Singapore and Tonga.

“Our analysis reveals that countries are being slow to reproduce their NDC (‘Nationally Determined Contribution’ or climate pledges in UN jargon) commitments as targets in national laws and policies,” the report said.

Implementing the Paris Agreement relies on countries’ translating their commitments set out in the NDCs into national laws and policies, which in turn define quantified and measurable domestic targets, the policy brief explained.

However, it found this translation to be inconsistent with the countries’ climate pledges, a situation that raises doubts about the likelihood of meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement, it warns.


aee302  No.3663453


National Candy [CORN] Day!

[corn] mentioned once by Q

In same post was this.

[Announcement Tonight]

03ea84  No.3663454



Non-Jewanon here.

And people need to learn the difference between the Real Jews, and the Fake Jews. Animus (anti-semitism) should be directed toward the Fake Babylonian Jews. (They) are the deceivers.

3af58e  No.3663455

File: 03ff1489be93311⋯.png (425.34 KB, 1000x875, 8:7, Democrats Don't Mind Crime….png)

File: 5bd4b770e93f617⋯.png (347.3 KB, 1000x863, 1000:863, Guatemala.png)

a1c3fc  No.3663456

kitty hitting some air

87b285  No.3663457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>OG Birther here…the absolute most stunning aspect of Hussein's forged documents was his Selective Service card. Described as "poorly forged" by Mike Zullo…Hussein's is apparently the only one in existence with the year in a 2 digit format. All others are 4. See here….jaw dropping and concise.


I worked for the US Postal Sevice and KNOW that they are mandated by code to use a 4 digit year in the Stamp Cancellation. All our cancellation stamps had 4 digits. That Selective Service card was clearly and poorly forged.

9e5fe2  No.3663458

File: 1b3cc4cb306bc51⋯.jpg (84.51 KB, 325x487, 325:487, eating-contest.jpg)

3af58e  No.3663459

File: e5af5c2f158e771⋯.jpg (84.52 KB, 766x948, 383:474, JFK NSA Poster.jpg)

c22764  No.3663460


Making time and can bake.

Please confirm handoff.

BO/BV's, please be advised.

b6e75a  No.3663461


(((Dude))) is head of Saddleback Church in South Orange County. Think Joel Osteen of SoCal.

I've personally witnessed church staff hand out Moveon.org pre-printed flyers and signs during a protest in 2008

5d51d6  No.3663462


One of the worst candies ever.

7230e2  No.3663463


I just want to piggy-back on this and say that as a white male, I really think we need to check our white privilege.

565614  No.3663464

Birth right citizenship was intended for the children of slaves. Not whoever pops out a kid once you sneak across the border.

c5e005  No.3663465

File: ee3da39dfae2475⋯.png (362.42 KB, 1140x4677, 380:1559, 234234234.png)

882ab4  No.3663466


Prophecies are the least impressive thing that has come out of this movement. Maybe we should just enjoy the show.

Future proves the past. Not the other way around.

0af593  No.3663467

Israeli scientists find chemical process that could lead to hydrogen-fueled cars


eebc2b  No.3663468

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 33091a89e735b3cdd963bd6e00….jpg)


Big if actionable

b67d8b  No.3663469


Kek. Agreed

ac3f12  No.3663470

File: 95069ffeced7a62⋯.png (577.04 KB, 911x975, 911:975, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

File: 2ac6d4c877a016d⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1146x1092, 191:182, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

File: 0fd3878679abcec⋯.png (295.95 KB, 1187x1056, 1187:1056, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Speaking of Huma, someone just retwatted an old General Flynn twat:



a1c3fc  No.3663471


It's deep as this anon knows

347462  No.3663472


Held my nose and voted for DeWine. Don't listen to this authoritarian faggot. Vote for Issue 1.

DeWine thinks anyone who gets stopped with a couple of Oxy, or maybe a couple of tabs of MDMA, or some shrooms (look at treatment of PTSD, etc) should be labeled a FELON for life and given prison by falsely implying that these people are pushers and gang members.

You don't combat the opioid epidemic by ruining peoples' lives and removing their incentive to contribute. You combat it by helping them get back to normal life.

These fuckers always want to control people, and there is no better way to control people by branding them as felons for life and threatening them with a return to prison.


a2cbf2  No.3663473

File: 8b9027225becca1⋯.jpeg (389.33 KB, 1242x800, 621:400, 24A2369F-0FF2-44AA-B185-9….jpeg)

File: c929b488b4e7cb3⋯.jpeg (414.81 KB, 1242x954, 69:53, ACEA9B7F-A05B-4800-9D6C-C….jpeg)

File: 038d68e488a677f⋯.jpeg (427.29 KB, 1242x1467, 138:163, DBAED85E-B619-409C-BB73-3….jpeg)

File: f5f48ac6551f521⋯.jpeg (507.99 KB, 1242x1076, 621:538, FBB5F390-0B4C-4623-8E05-7….jpeg)

>>3662362 (few breads ago)

Has anyone read the comments in the new Australian Signals Directorate twitter yet? Freaking hilarious. Here’s a few screen shots.


0af593  No.3663474


Obama Foundation debuts at #82 on list of top fundraising charities

Chicago-based Obama Foundation ranks 82 on the Chronicle of Philanthropy's new list of top fundraising charities. The list, which replaces the Chronicle's list of 400 top fundraising charities, features 100 organizations that raised the most money in cash and stock contributions in 2017. This ranking does not include revenue from government grants, donated products, or contributions to an organization's donor-advised fund.

The locally based organizations on the list are the Y, ranking 11th with $698 million in cash support; the University of Chicago, ranking 26 with $479 million in cash support, Northwestern University, 51 with $344 million in cash support, Rotary Foundation, 65 with $292 million, Alzheimer's Association, 69 with $279 million in cash support, and the Obama Foundation, ranking 82 with $233 million in cash support. For comparison's sake, the Clinton Foundation, established in 1997, entered the Chronicle's old "400" list in 2004 with $44.8 million in fundraising, which equates to $58 million in today's dollars.

The top charity nationwide is United Way Worldwide, which gathered $3.2 billion in cash support in 2017, 28 percent less than in the year prior. The organization's total revenue was $3.9 billion.

United Way WW is #1

dd807a  No.3663475

File: b68193a350e2f2c⋯.png (409.55 KB, 653x393, 653:393, Capture.PNG)

Moving The Goalposts, IPCC Secretly Redefines ‘Climate’ by mixing existing and non-existing data

The IPCC appears to have secretly changed the definition of what constitutes ‘climate’ by mixing existing and non-existing data

The definition of ‘climate’ adopted by the World Meteorological Organisation is the average of a particular weather parameter over 30 years. It was introduced at the 1934 Wiesbaden conference of the International Meteorological Organisation (WMO’s precursor) because data sets were only held to be reliable after 1900, so 1901 – 1930 was used as an initial basis for assessing climate. It has a certain arbitrariness, it could have been 25 years.

For its recent 1.5°C report the IPCC has changed the definition of climate to what has been loosely called “the climate we are in.” It still uses 30 years for its estimate of global warming and hence climate – but now it is the 30 years centred on the present.

There are some obvious problems with this hidden change of goalposts. We have observational temperature data for the past 15 years but, of course, none for the next 15 years. However, never let it be said that the absence of data is a problem for inventive climate scientists.


c3da70  No.3663476



Much appreciated, thanks for spotting and the great bread last night

0393c5  No.3663477

>>3663164 (pb)

Was Khashoggi murdered by a Deep State Saudi mole and later caught and killed in an "automobile accident"?

George Webb posted the UK article yesterday that GCHQ knew weeks in advance about the attempted K kidnapping. GCHQ intel was that plan ordered by Royal circle but no evidence that MBS ordered or even knew about the plan. As the former second of Saudi intelligence and very close to Prince Dopey, Khashoggi likely knew about the old guard plan to assassinate MBS in Las Vegas on 10/02/17. MBS wanted to interrogate K about this and his other ties to the Deep State. Note ANY news on the one member of the Saudi snatch team who was apparently killed in a "car accident" in Turkey shortly after K disappeared. It makes sense that this guy was a DS/Cabal Saudi old guard mole who had instructions to kill Khashoggi to prevent him from being interrogated back in the KSA. He did his job, tried to exfil during the ensuing confusion but the rest of the team caught up with him and 187'd him. So the Deep State kept K from spilling more truths about the old Saudi ties to the Cabal and then decided to turn the story around and blame the murder on MBS. Makes sense and I believe that Haspel has reported this or something similar to POTUS.

0c98a5  No.3663478

File: 7bdb9e9bd270ec2⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 7bdb9e9bd270ec2528d776c180….jpg)


grey privilege

347462  No.3663479


You don't like chewing on sugar wax?

773a61  No.3663480

U.S. Attorney Coleman Announces District Election Officer

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – United States Attorney Russell M. Coleman announced today that Assistant United States Attorney Thomas Dyke will lead the efforts of the Office in connection with the Justice Department’s nationwide Election Day Program for the upcoming November 6, 2018, general election. AUSA Dyke has been appointed to serve as the District Election Officer (DEO) for the Western District of Kentucky, and in that capacity is responsible for overseeing the District’s handling of complaints of election fraud and voting rights abuses in consultation with Justice Department Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

United States Attorney Russell Coleman said, “Every Kentuckian must be able to vote without interference or discrimination and to have that vote counted without it being stolen through fraud. The Department of Justice will act promptly and aggressively to protect the integrity of the election process.”

The Department of Justice has an important role in deterring election fraud and discrimination at the polls, and combating these violations whenever and wherever they occur. The Department’s long-standing Election Day Program furthers these goals, and also seeks to ensure public confidence in the integrity of the election process by providing local points of contact within the Department for the public to report possible election fraud and voting rights violations while the polls are open on Election Day.

Federal law protects against such crimes as intimidating or bribing voters, buying and selling votes, impersonating voters, altering vote tallies, stuffing ballot boxes, and marking ballots for voters against their wishes or without their input. It also contains special protections for the rights of voters, and provides that they can vote free from acts that intimidate or harass them. For example, actions of persons designed to interrupt or intimidate voters at polling places by questioning or challenging them, or by photographing or videotaping them, under the pretext that these are actions to uncover illegal voting may violate federal voting rights law. Further, federal law protects the right of voters to mark their own ballot or to be assisted by a person of their choice (where voters need assistance because of disability or illiteracy).

Moar @ https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdky/pr/us-attorney-coleman-announces-district-election-officer

87b285  No.3663481


Obama is in Big Trouble. He was assured he would never have to answer to this forgery, and IT WAS TRUMP that forced him to post his Forged Birth Certificate, because

They Never Thought That She Would Lose, with 3 million illegals padding the vote for her and all.

347462  No.3663482


I wrote a children's play (adaptation of one of my children's books) that was performed by their kids acting troop there. CREEPY vibe, for sure.

f0783c  No.3663483


Along with those orange circus peanuts

7230e2  No.3663484

File: dd09f560d60d54c⋯.jpg (38.69 KB, 494x484, 247:242, IMG_0253.JPG)

3ed3ff  No.3663485


Q said his last post would be immediately taken down, thus the need to save offline.

Hasn't happened yet.

773a61  No.3663486

Former Swiss Bank Executive Sentenced to Prison for Role in Billion-Dollar International Money Laundering Scheme Involving Funds Embezzled from Venezuelan State-Owned Oil Company

The former managing director and vice chairman of a Swiss bank was sentenced to 10 years in prison today, after previously pleading guilty for his role in a billion-dollar international scheme to launder funds embezzled from Venezuelan state-owned oil company Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA).

Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Ariana Fajardo Orshan of the Southern District of Florida, and Special Agent in Charge Mark Selby of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Miami Field Office made the announcement.

Matthias Krull, 44, a German national and Panamanian resident, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, on Aug. 22. U.S. District Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga of the Southern District of Florida sentenced Krull to serve 120 months in prison, to be followed by three years of supervised release. Judge Altonaga also ordered Krull to pay a fine in the amount of $50,000 and a forfeiture money judgment of $600,000.

As part of his plea, Krull admitted that in his position with the Swiss bank, he attracted private clients, particularly clients from Venezuela, to the bank. In this role, Krull’s clients included Francisco Convit Guruceaga, who was indicted on money laundering charges on Aug. 16. Krull’s clients also included three unnamed conspirators described in the Aug. 16 indictment.

Krull admitted that the conspiracy began in December 2014 with a currency exchange scheme that was designed to embezzle around $600 million from PDVSA, obtained through bribery and fraud and the conspirators’ efforts to launder a portion of the proceeds of that scheme. By May 2015, the conspiracy had doubled in amount to $1.2 billion embezzled from PDVSA. PDVSA is Venezuela’s primary source of income and foreign currency (namely, U.S. Dollars and Euros). Krull joined the conspiracy in or around 2016, he admitted, when a co-conspirator contacted him to launder the proceeds of a PDVSA foreign-exchange embezzlement scheme.

Ultimately, Krull joined the conspiracy to launder $1.2 billion worth of funds that were embezzled from PDVSA, he admitted. Krull and members of the money laundering conspiracy used Miami, Florida real estate and sophisticated false-investment schemes to conceal that the $1.2 billion was in fact embezzled from PDVSA. Krull also admitted that surrounding and supporting these false-investment laundering schemes are complicit money managers, brokerage firms, banks and real estate investment firms in the United States and elsewhere, operating as a network of professional money launderers.

Krull’s co-conspirators indicted on Aug. 16 include former PDVSA officials, professional third-party money launderers and members of the Venezuelan elite, sometimes known as “boliburgués.”

Moar @ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-swiss-bank-executive-sentenced-prison-role-billion-dollar-international-money

03ea84  No.3663487


That would be RICK WARREN, (author of THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE) not Joel Osteen. OSTEEN is in Texas or Oklahoma. Not SoCal.

God judges the hearts of men and women.

c22764  No.3663488

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)


Handoff Accepted

Didn't bake last night, but I'm sure that Baker will appreciate the compliment.

Notifying BO/BV's.

God bless, Anon.

b712ad  No.3663489

File: 85e5fbc13eae846⋯.png (57.67 KB, 546x614, 273:307, Screenshot_2018-10-30 Ohio….png)



why don't you provide sauce, this makes no sense

a1c3fc  No.3663490

File: d1d71e8020f6a3b⋯.jpg (28.78 KB, 685x367, 685:367, 103018 NAS.JPG)

This looks even worse.

Stick saves happen at any moment.

NASDAQ Composite (^IXIC)

Nasdaq GIDS - Nasdaq GIDS Delayed Price.

7,050.50+0.21 (+0.00%)

As of 10:43AM EDT. Market open.

2ca7da  No.3663491

File: d9e98df3417500d⋯.png (83.23 KB, 240x160, 3:2, flag.png)

Florida Anon. Thank you fellow Anons for all your help this past year. It has been a slow process but JFK type Dem parents are now on board. They were still considering splitting up the votes up until this weekend even. Slowly but surely all your great info made it thru. Mailed in 3 ballots this morning all straight ticket R.

I hope it's buh-bye to do nothing Nelson (no on taxes, Gorsuch/Kav, healthcare, immigration). Pray that all the still remaining Awan questions will remove DWS. But even my parents saw Gillum would be dangerous if elected. None of us have a clue how he is even close in the race. It's really scary if he gets elected - we don't want to be California or New York.

Anyway, it's been a long slow red pill process and I'm glad for all the help I've had from your knowledge and advice. Still nervous and I pray there are many more like us in Florida who will create the red tsunami. A salute to all your efforts and my thanks.

828647  No.3663492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sinema Campaign Staff Responds to Undercover Video

Stay tuned Love this guy

87b285  No.3663493


and Peeps.

and Necco Wafers.

and knock-off m&ms

and peppermints

9bd50c  No.3663494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a1c3fc  No.3663495


tastes like tequila. imo

5d36c0  No.3663496

>>3663375 (lb)

Area 51 is NNSA now, which is DOE. More interesting is the S4 and S5 sites that are just south of Airspace 51. These surface installations are one thing for Aircraft testing and radar cross section testing (stealth) hence the dry lake beds. 60's-70's technology really. Like you said, the info that is out is spotty and plentiful. I'm sure most advanced research is underground as it has been for decades. Look in the Catalog for threads of this nature Anon.

3ed3ff  No.3663497

File: 036366b8354fa62⋯.png (159.06 KB, 3508x4962, 1754:2481, 1540908578606.png)


1. Posters go up on public spaces and campuses on Oct 31st

2. Only use the original design (pic related)

3. No vandalism or crime

4. (optional) wear a Halloween costume with a mask to blend in with trick-or-treaters for anonymity

5. Join the discord and help make threads to spread the word https://disc.ord.gg/cWgaXN2

Building on the huge success of last year, IOTBW posters will be going up again this Halloween. Once again we will bait the left into revealing their hatred and racism towards white people for the voting public to see; we will rip the left's mask off. Leftists are NPCs and their programming is too deeply ingrained for them to resist the bait; they will take it again because they are 100% driven by emotion (hatred) and have zero self control.

>media impact:


>Tucker Carlson of Fox News covering IOTBW last year:


>reasons why IOTBW is even more relevant this year than in 2017:

1. the South African farm murders of whites and government land expropriation without compensation, amplified by Trump's tweet and MSM denial of the farm murders, as well as leftists around the world arguing that white South Africans "deserve it"


2. Australian Senator Pauline Hanson putting forward a Senate motion asking the government to recognize that "it's okay to be white" which was narrowly defeated (she is now on the warpath, brave lass)


3. the Sarah Jeong controversy where she was hired by the New York Times despite a long history of extreme tweets full of explicit anti-white racism and hatred, including "#cancelwhitepeople"; this set a chilling and extraordinarily hypocritical standard that you can publicly hate whites and maintain a high profile career

e14ab3  No.3663498

File: 0f6b813959cd176⋯.png (389.21 KB, 750x451, 750:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Iranian intelligence service suspected of attempted attack in Denmark -security chief

Denmark said on Tuesday it suspected an Iranian intelligence service had tried to carry out a plot to assassinate an Iranian Arab opposition figure on its soil. A Norwegian citizen of Iranian background was arrested in Sweden on Oct. 21 in connection with the plot and extradited to Denmark, Swedish security police said. The attack was meant to target the leader of the Danish branch of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz (ASMLA), Danish intelligence chief Finn Borch Andersen said.

ASMLA seeks a separate state for ethnic Arabs in Iran’s oil-rich southwestern province of Khuzestan. “We are dealing with an Iranian intelligence agency planning an attack on Danish soil. Obviously, we can’t and won’t accept that,” Andersen told a news conference. Iran’s foreign ministry was not immediately available for comment on Tuesday, a public holiday in the Islamic Republic. Andersen said the arrested Norwegian citizen had denied charges in court of helping a foreign intelligence service plot an assassination in Denmark.

Iranian Arabs are a minority in mainly ethnic Persian Iran, and some see themselves as under Persian occupation and want independence or autonomy. Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen said on Twitter that the reported attack plot was “completely unacceptable”. “The government will respond to Iran and is speaking with European partners on further measurements,” Samuelsen said.

On Sept. 28, Danish police shut two major bridges to traffic and halted ferry services from Denmark to Sweden and Germany in a nationwide police operation to prevent a possible attack. A few days earlier, the Norwegian suspect had been observed photographing and watching the Denmark home of the ASMLA leader, police said. In November 2017, Ahmad Mola Nissi, an Iranian exile who established ASMLA, was shot dead in the Netherlands. The Danish security service then bolstered police protection of the ASMLA leader in Denmark and two associates. Last month, Iran summoned the envoys of the Netherlands, Denmark and Great Britain over a Sept. 22 shooting attack on a military parade in Khuzestan in which 25 people were killed.

Iran accused the three countries of harboring Iranian opposition groups. Another Arab opposition group, the Ahwaz National Resistance, and the Islamic State militant group both claimed responsibility for the parade attack, though neither has provided conclusive evidence to back up their claim. Last week, diplomatic and security sources said France had expelled an Iranian diplomat over a failed plot to carry out a bomb attack on a Paris-area rally by an exiled Iranian opposition group.


d791fa  No.3663499


Anyone notice your asshole is faggot yet? Your shill shit doesn't work here.

565614  No.3663500

Misxs you Q. So ready for midterms to he over so we can start getting more stuff done.

e98e35  No.3663501


So all of Soros money donated to NP's is going to be seized. example: 38.1mil dollars to Bato in 3 months. we got money rolling in bitches.

Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in

773a61  No.3663502

Justice Department Continues to Protect the Right to Vote and Prosecute Ballot Fraud

In anticipation of the upcoming general elections, the Department of Justice today provided information about its efforts through the Civil Rights Division and Criminal Division to ensure that all qualified voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots and have their votes counted free of discrimination, intimidation or fraud in the election process.

“Voting rights are constitutional rights, and they’re part of what it means to be an American,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. “The Department of Justice has been entrusted with an indispensable role in securing these rights for the people of this nation. This year we are using every lawful tool that we have, both civil and criminal, to protect the rights of millions of Americans to cast their vote unimpeded at one of more than 170,000 precincts across America. Citizens of America control this country through their selection of their governmental officials at the ballot box. Likewise, fraud in the voting process will not be tolerated. Fraud also corrupts the integrity of the ballot.”

Civil Rights Division:

The Civil Rights Division is responsible for ensuring compliance with the civil provisions of federal statutes that protect the right to vote, and with the criminal provisions of federal statutes prohibiting discriminatory interference with that right.

The Civil Rights Division’s Voting Section enforces the civil provisions of a wide range of federal statutes that protect the right to vote including the Voting Rights Act, the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, the National Voter Registration Act, the Help America Vote Act, and the Civil Rights Acts. Among other things, collectively, these laws:

prohibit election practices that have either a discriminatory purpose based on race or membership in a minority language group or a discriminatory result such that members of racial or language minority groups have less opportunity than other citizens to participate in the political process;

prohibit intimidation of voters;

provide that voters who need assistance in voting because of disability or illiteracy can obtain assistance from a person of their choice (other than agents of their employer or union);

provide for accessible voting machines for voters with disabilities;

provide for provisional ballots for voters who assert they are registered and eligible but whose names do not appear on poll books;

provide for absentee registration and ballots for uniformed service members, their family members and U.S. citizens living abroad;

provide that citizens can register to vote through drivers’ license, public assistance or disability services offices, and through the mail; and

include requirements regarding maintaining voter registration lists.

The Civil Rights Division’s Criminal Section enforces federal criminal statutes that prohibit voter intimidation and voter suppression based on race, color, national origin or religion.

On Election Day, Nov. 6, 2018, the Civil Rights Division will implement a comprehensive program to help protect the right to vote that will include the following:

The Civil Rights Division will conduct monitoring in the field at polling places around the country.

Civil Rights Division staff in Washington, D.C., will be ready to receive election-related complaints of potential violations relating to any of the federal statutes the division enforces. The division will take appropriate action and will coordinate with other entities within the Department of Justice concerning these complaints before, during, and after Election Day.

Civil Rights Division staff will be available to receive complaints related to voting by telephone (1-800-253-3931 toll free or 202-307-2767) or by TTY (202-305-0082), by fax (202-307-3961), by email (voting.section@usdoj.gov (link sends e-mail)), and, by complaint form on the Department’s website at https://www.justice.gov/crt/voting-section.

Complaints related to violence, threats of violence, or intimidation at a polling place should always be reported immediately to local authorities by calling 911. They should also be reported to the Department after local authorities are contacted.

Moar @ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-continues-protect-right-vote-and-prosecute-ballot-fraud

c3da70  No.3663503

Getting 522s and posting errors boards under attack?

4f6bad  No.3663504

File: 881243ee762c658⋯.png (560.74 KB, 1280x533, 1280:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Long shot Senate bids close gap, tighten polls as midterm campaigns enter final week


Changed bakers and all of a sudden start getting CloudFlare errors.

fef139  No.3663505

>>3663038 (lb)

Mmmm... Halle Berry before all the surgeries. DeLish!

6a3165  No.3663506

New Dulcefoe 1 minute video - Patriots loading up to head to the border.


This wouldn't embed for some reason.

Lots of trouble at utube today. BPEarthwatch has been terminated.

Creeping darkness, but look at the beautiful clear, blue sky in the video. Light is more powerful. God wins.

02cbd3  No.3663507


>Want to RED PILL folks and affect the MIDTERMS?

This is so great to see fellow Americans that know the TRUTH about the fucking DemonRats!


091277  No.3663508

File: c4b5e0e1b572163⋯.png (7.43 KB, 420x194, 210:97, ClipboardImage.png)


https: //www.indeed.com/q-With-Doe-Q-Clearance-jobs.html

Still trying to do some digging but Q team is connected to Area 51….

5938e8  No.3663509

File: a6f08f7733e60fe⋯.jpg (122.09 KB, 1020x768, 85:64, chrisey.JPG)



a1c3fc  No.3663510

File: a6d18d41879661b⋯.jpg (36.23 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Interplanet Janet.jpg)


ac3f12  No.3663511


Agree - soon: underfunded minions.

4f6bad  No.3663512


Didn't start that shit until change of bakers.

b56295  No.3663513

something's happening today some serious attacks going on 502's up the ass

631156  No.3663514


A person should be judged by his deeds not DNA.

f21655  No.3663515

File: 60603a739f57f8a⋯.jpeg (67.96 KB, 857x483, 857:483, image.jpeg)

03ea84  No.3663516


How about,

"It's GREAT to be a man or woman created in God's image." ?

75e02e  No.3663517

File: d5d13cd0d7a6130⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1266x1605, 422:535, 2018-10-30_10-47-11.png)


They make these for a reason.


882ab4  No.3663518

File: 1bc54b72f863ea9⋯.png (133.91 KB, 311x162, 311:162, ClipboardImage.png)


Hmm i wonder where I've heard that concept before…

0393c5  No.3663519


*Note the lack of any news about the one member of the Saudi kidnap team who was allegedly killed in an "automobile accident". Was he a Deep State mole who was ordered to prevent Khashoggi from being brought to Riyadh to be interrogated?

f0783c  No.3663521

File: a77fc2dc17bebda⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 3973x1922, 3973:1922, carlin-Religion.jpg)

Religion is a rich man's game played to extract money and control from the population through membership, politics and war. Think for yourself.

Whatever "god" represents, it's not what religious people think it is.

d1fee8  No.3663522

c3da70  No.3663523



b6e75a  No.3663524


Corrections and Retractions: Greg Laurie (born December 10, 1952) is an American author and pastor who serves as the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, Harvest Church of Woodcrest in Riverside, California Harvest Church of Eastvale in Eastvale, California, Harvest Church at Kumulani in Kapalua, Hawaii, and Harvest Orange County in Irvine, California.

9f868e  No.3663525


can we get some insight on this SLIDE? this seems to work as intended, but are there downsides to this as well. no intent to slide, but want MOAR ANON's opinion on this…

eee401  No.3663526

File: 0a62f6079444adc⋯.jpg (12.31 KB, 255x251, 255:251, Pepe You Failed.jpg)

If you don't think the intellectual rigor here is rippling out across the world, you're not paying attention. Just read the comment section here:


It seems the first thing that now occurs is to question the "narrative". The skepticism is so strong now, the cabal can't get away with anything. No more accepting the false flag events. We're done.

The world is "woke", and isn't going back to sleep anytime soon.

0c98a5  No.3663527


mmmm harvest

4f6bad  No.3663528


Just sayin.

a1c3fc  No.3663530

File: a9f854e941157d9⋯.png (735.92 KB, 1356x1363, 1356:1363, About right.png)

b56295 (1)

c22764  No.3663531


Much appreciated.

Thank you for looking out, as always.

Will likely look for another handoff in another bread or so, owing to workfagging.

4bf956  No.3663533

File: dfec504c5eeb4f5⋯.png (5.55 MB, 9552x1480, 1194:185, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3662654 >>3662667 >>3662670 ob all

>>3662708 >>3662797 >>3663182

>>3662667 >>3662723

POTUS on AXIOS gave the interviewer, Jonathon, a scoop.

Watch the body language of POTUS, especially his mouth. I do think that POTUS led the interviewer to the scoop.

Here are caps of the vid's last few seconds. POTUS seemed to wait for the issue to be brought up and then he responded by almost pulling the interviewer toward the scoop.

When interviewer got the scoop, POTUS then waited a few beats before clarifying: Yes, Executive Order.

At the end of the video, as the interviewer seemed to be "celebrating" his "good guess" with his colleague, POTUS snook a glance of assessment. The corner of his smile dropped, his eyes turned back to the interviewer as the guy was distracted, and assessed how well the hook had been set.

What do you think, Anons? Did POTUS get played by a good guesser or did POTUS play the questioner?

a7dcf6  No.3663534


Author of this thread has asked for some verification/fact checking.

Verification to see if the step father of the “fake bomb culprit” last week is the same person as the Florida mobster in some embelzement case.

May have possibly found step sibling ties to Rob Scheider.

081273  No.3663535

File: 9e06dff2673c599⋯.jpg (1 MB, 2880x1620, 16:9, 1519162689405.jpg)

File: b6a43313d82e589⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 4000x2500, 8:5, 1519400960288.jpg)


Smartphone friendly

Bias media archive

>image for direct use





Media is broken, always was broken, time to remove it.

091277  No.3663536


Thank you, trying to dig on area 51. The more I dig the more stuff on area 51 seems to merge to Q drops.

Pretty sure POTUS was meeting with folks from area 51 on the airport. Who owns top floor of mandalay bay? There are jets (janet jets) that fly to and from area51 everyday. They could have brought folks out to meet with POTUS on tarmac. Top floors of mandalay bay look over at that tarmac. Area51 guys could be /ourguys/ and top floor could have been bought to ttry and keep track of who goes in and out

c77499  No.3663537

File: 3db7a89c5962210⋯.jpg (152 KB, 800x800, 1:1, gabforce.jpg)

GAB is the only forum that matters now

The world patiently awaits their return

b4dda9  No.3663538

>>3663481 Zero is going to hang. We know it, and he knows it. In disgrace he will do the sky walker 2 step as a large crowd cheers & takes video. The son of a bitch is so scared now that he can't hide it in public.

773a61  No.3663539


Moar Sauce, as if needed…


ff2de1  No.3663540



To me, one of the best aspects of this video is that it basically captures the spirit of the black barbershop discussions all over the country. This is really effective to reaching the younger hip hop community.

ac3f12  No.3663541

File: 19f540978fe85e5⋯.png (746.45 KB, 1185x616, 1185:616, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)


We're gonna need a bigger "residence" for all the crack ups yet to come….

c3238d  No.3663542


The UN “rule” about Asylum /Refugees now seems created for the pre-planned Migrant Invasions.

Most the Illuminati Globalists have had access to futurist programs (AI, computers, seers). So the UN pre-planned to make invasions of USA and Europe “legal” using the Asylum scam.

Goal being to make Americans and Europeans dependent on the “State” because the culture and market collapses from the burden and chaos of the incoming uneducated, diseased angry, poor.

The underlying primary Purpose of the UN (like EU) appears to be the undermining of individual nation’s sovereignty:

“Obey UN-elected by the people UN”.

de2faf  No.3663543

and just like that, our courageous leader sets (((their))) whole world on fire once again with just a few words. Burn, baby, burn.

e14ab3  No.3663544

File: 2cef91cf481a425⋯.png (550.05 KB, 1061x622, 1061:622, ClipboardImage.png)

Turkey presses Saudi to say who sent Khashoggi killers: Erdogan

The Turkish lawyer looking into the death of Jamal Khashoggi has asked Saudi Arabia’s prosecutor to disclose who sent the team involved in the journalist’s killing, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday. Saudi prosecutor Saud Al Mojeb held talks with Istanbul’s prosecutor on Monday and Tuesday about Khashoggi’s death in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, which has escalated into a crisis for the world’s top oil exporter.

Riyadh at first denied any knowledge of, or role in, his disappearance four weeks ago but Mojeb has contradicted those statements, saying the killing of Khashoggi, a critic of de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was premeditated. The case has put into focus the West’s close relationship with Saudi Arabia - a major arms buyer and lynchpin of Washington’s regional plans to contain Iran - given the widespread scepticism over its initial response. Turkey has kept up the pressure on the Saudis, demanding a full explanation and releasing a steady flow of evidence which undermined Riyadh’s early denials.

Saudi Arabia says that 18 suspects in the case will face justice in the kingdom, despite repeated calls from Ankara for them to be extradited for trial in Turkey. “Yesterday, our prosecutor told the Saudi prosecutor that the prosecution could be carried out in Turkey since the location of the crime is Istanbul,” Erdogan told reporters at Turkey’s parliament. Saudi officials also needed to disclose who had sent a 15-strong team to Istanbul to carry out the operation targeting Khashoggi, as well as the identity of a local agent said to have helped dispose of his body. “Our prosecutor asked who sent the group that came here and said that this needed to be looked at,” Erdogan said. “Saudi officials need to reveal the local cooperators. Let us know whoever this person is and we will find them. “We cannot leave this issue unsolved, we need to solve it now. There is no point in procrastinating or trying to save some people from under this.”

Saudi prosecutor Mojeb held talks with Istanbul’s chief prosecutor, Irfan Fidan, at Istanbul’s main court house for a second time on Tuesday before heading for the consulate where Khashoggi was killed, Turkish broadcaster NTV reported. On Monday, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called on Riyadh to conclude the investigation as soon as possible. “The whole truth must be revealed,” he said. “We believe (Mujeb’s) visit is important for these truths to come out.”


2fb0dd  No.3663545

File: c7c21f39d9c5adb⋯.png (330.81 KB, 667x595, 667:595, Hilheel.png)

03ea84  No.3663546


A person is judged by earthly judges for their earthly deeds.

A man or woman will be judged in eternity if they have not accepted the payment already made on his/her behalf.

"…For ALL have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God."

e98e35  No.3663547


can you imagine a board without shills

dd807a  No.3663548

File: ea7776df86f3662⋯.png (431.59 KB, 649x365, 649:365, CNN1.png)

File: 3e5cd5b35040288⋯.png (420.53 KB, 702x294, 117:49, Capture.PNG)

The Fake Media - Master Manipulators More Dangerous Than Russia

Tantamount to treason

Tantamount to treason, acting like an innocent bystander, the fake media suppresses and bastardizes any positive news emanating from The White House while championing anti-American rhetoric. So it’s this pervasive misinformation that artificially creates racial tension and escalates political friction.

Instead of following the facts, America’s fake media manipulates public opinion and orchestrates fake news to steer the country toward a borderless socialist land mass. This leftist propaganda empire does not deserve to be thought of as a real media source any more than Bill Cosby aka Dr. Cliff Huxtable deserves to be considered an authentic doctor. In both cases, Cosby and the fake media are pretending to be something they are not.

But the devastation and ultimate ruin produced by systemic media deception are much worse than actors doing their job on screen. Nobody in their right mind would put their actual health needs in the hands of a Dr. Huxtable whereas millions of Americans put their trust and information needs in the hands of fraudulent, politically driven journalists, editors, and owners.

“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” underscores the importance of a free press. Unfortunately, America is without that essential element needed for a free society. Only in a media-driven distortion could you have record low unemployment, a thriving economy, and riots.

American politics has a courtroom where only the left is allowed to present the evidence

Although a certain amount of fake news has always been around, the current counterfeit media has never before been so openly biased against conservative Republicans or a sitting Republican President. Former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke was correct when he stated, that fake news was born in August 2014 in Ferguson MO. It was then that the ‘Hands up, Don’t shoot lie’ was created by radical leftists and promoted by the fake media to stir up racial unrest. It could also be said that ethnic strife was brought back from the dead in July 2009 when President Obama said that police in Cambridge, Massachusetts, “acted stupidly” in arresting a black Harvard professor at his home.

Before George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, he made a 911 call which was recorded. “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining, and he’s just walking around, looking about.” said Zimmerman. The police dispatcher then asked, “OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?” whereby Zimmerman responded, “He looks black.” Later on, NBC’s Today Show played an edited version for their audience of the recorded conversation between Zimmerman and the police dispatcher which sounded like this. “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.” NBC, a proud member of the fake media, has never given a full account as to how the recording could have been edited in such a deceitful manner.

Two groups clash in Charlottesville, but the fake media blame only “white nationalists.” Maxime Waters calls for leftists to gather around Republicans and push back, Hillary Clinton states that you can’t be civil to people who don’t believe in far left ideas and former Attorney General, Eric Holder tells an audience to “kick” their political opponents yet it’s conservatives and President Trump the fake media lays the blame on when violence erupts. And with a monopoly in disseminating information, the leftist controlled media directs public opinion on the matter.

American politics has a courtroom where only the left is allowed to present the evidence. All the evidence in the world means absolutely nothing if people don’t know about it. And millions of Americans are denied an adequate source of unbiased information. Conservatives may have the facts, but the left is in sole possession of interpreting and releasing what Americans hear, see and ultimately believe.


f0783c  No.3663549

File: 0b028aa70f6d7ea⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 384x473, 384:473, Onervousboyscout.jpg)

File: 34d836512c51c06⋯.jpg (34.36 KB, 402x339, 134:113, iu (4).jpg)

c77499  No.3663550

Desperate Democrats recite the mantra that sitting Presidents lose seats in Congress during their first midterm elections.

There ARE exceptions.

They all followed 6 quarters of growth.

Just like us.

b712ad  No.3663551

File: c1eb78384ccedb2⋯.jpg (254.49 KB, 1280x846, 640:423, Screenshot_2018-10-29 Goog….jpg)

d0cf7b  No.3663552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3662652 lb

Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate


Why did Trump go along with this as acceptable?

The birth cert can still be downloaded to this day &

taken into Adobe or Corel and seen as 9 layers


ac3f12  No.3663553


Could the EO intel. have been leaked, and POTUS just caught it live?

3af58e  No.3663554

File: 14fc13fe12635a3⋯.jpg (87.44 KB, 500x825, 20:33, 1.jpg)

File: c7204b0704f91d5⋯.jpg (147.63 KB, 500x875, 4:7, 2.jpg)



Sarah Sanders has a knack for lying

c36dda  No.3663555

20 marker over Q, drop the hammer

03ea84  No.3663556


Referring to Saddleback Church (Rick Warren)

565614  No.3663557

nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.


2e0d00  No.3663558

File: a2183ff2c3adeac⋯.jpeg (482.57 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 96919E31-F373-459F-834B-9….jpeg)


5D Potus for sure

You are not supposed to notice though!

3af58e  No.3663559

File: 5946394a12b4d1c⋯.jpg (28.52 KB, 495x285, 33:19, WaPo Bubble.jpg)

565614  No.3663560


*"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Got cut off somehow

638054  No.3663561


Yep. Tough route to get publicity but I think many eyes were opened.

091277  No.3663562

File: 3a8be6db23e3cc1⋯.png (241.25 KB, 1102x894, 551:447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66f992513646205⋯.png (25.3 KB, 366x387, 122:129, ClipboardImage.png)

329c9e  No.3663563


When I was a wee lad in pre school, if we were good all day, as a reward, the teacher gave us one lousy piece of candy corn. Not much incentive there.

ac3f12  No.3663564

File: 29855d0c2de2a99⋯.png (87.09 KB, 904x418, 452:209, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

VOTE in 7 days: “Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” FDR



f01a13  No.3663565

File: 015f865b8e1c822⋯.png (389.38 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 580BCF7E-6823-439A-9EBA-E1….png)

Can any anon explain to me how it’s possible to change birthright citizenship without

1. Changing the constitution

2. Not interpreting it AS WRITTEN

3. Ignoring le working around the Constituion.

I obv agree with POTUS reasons and agree that anchor baby and birth citizenship tourism are a major problem. But what i don’t support is NOT INTERPRETING AS WRITTEN. Obv, that opens the door to all kinds ofnfuckery eso with the 2nd ammendment.

Thanks for responses anons. Just tryna figure this out

631156  No.3663566


I don't accept the doctrine that Jesus paid for all future sins of humanity, that is not even theoretically possible and would defeat the purpose of this creation.

b712ad  No.3663567


That was my impression.

4570fe  No.3663568

So tired that I just layed into TG on Twitter/Fox news for saying that POTUS should talk more about the people who died in the shooting then the shooter. Heading off to sleep.. 😐

e0a2b3  No.3663569

>>3661228 PB


Interesting article. Volcker non Jewish and the last two Jewish…here is that dual allegiance to two nations and the later with allegiance to a political party.

843afc  No.3663570

File: 56463003a5f5c73⋯.jpeg (78.89 KB, 540x706, 270:353, CEE28FA1-4549-481A-A542-7….jpeg)

de2faf  No.3663571


idk, but birthright citizenship should only apply to those here legally

4f6bad  No.3663572


Then you don't understand what faith is.

1cdb60  No.3663573

File: 4c9d7e40b64b7b7⋯.jpg (775.01 KB, 2000x1316, 500:329, Chart of Religions.jpg)


>I'm going to get on a religious high-horse and display my ignorance

As someone who previously studied theology fairly extensively, this is the highest form of spititual virtue signaling possible. Greg's either doing it for show, or to be a complete suck up. There's no other reason for it.

JC is right; God judges the heart; Jew or Gentile.

fcda6e  No.3663574

File: cc035eb4fa95e21⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 588x308, 21:11, Screenshot 2018-10-30_07-5….jpg)

9140b4  No.3663575


Also plausible

4f6bad  No.3663576



4bf956  No.3663577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY, Anon.

The URL for the interview video is in the PIC of vid caps, but here is the vid embedded as sauce.

e4cbb2  No.3663578

File: 61f864aec570949⋯.png (76.55 KB, 250x241, 250:241, EE046131-49F6-40EE-905F-C2….png)

03ea84  No.3663579


Are you saying the GOD and his righteous needs are bound by the man-made theory of linear time?

b4dda9  No.3663580

>>3663548 Well said, but what the evil (and low IQ) talking heads do is not "tantamount" to treason. It IS treason, writ large. Despicably evil–there will be a reckoning for all.

2ce81a  No.3663581

File: 6f3de2e1cfa25ae⋯.jpg (147.23 KB, 1422x791, 1422:791, clinton2.JPG)

File: 3711e974d8c8f07⋯.jpg (247.34 KB, 1440x1313, 1440:1313, clintonbenghazi.JPG)

File: f0f1cb8b8b1db71⋯.jpg (215.59 KB, 1957x1166, 1957:1166, clintonEGO.JPG)

File: c302df6a0bb07c7⋯.jpg (97.71 KB, 971x711, 971:711, hillary111.JPG)


And the crowd just eats it up! If POTUS said this exact same thing…there would be mass hysteria and riots.


e14ab3  No.3663582

File: 3b9ffd834ae71cb⋯.png (868.4 KB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc777ab958a812d⋯.png (157.59 KB, 957x1011, 319:337, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. restricts exports to Chinese semiconductor firm Fujian Jinhua

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration took action on Monday to cut off a Chinese state-backed chipmaker from U.S. suppliers amid allegations the firm stole intellectual property from U.S. semiconductor company Micron Technology Inc (MU.O).

The Commerce Department said it had put Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Co Ltd on a list of entities that cannot buy components, software and technology goods from U.S. firms. The administration is concerned the Chinese firm could flood the market with cheap chips that are also made by U.S. companies that supply the U.S. military. If the U.S. chipmakers go out of business, the military would lose a supplier for an item that must come from the United States.

Trade experts said the Trump administration’s move may be an unprecedented effort to use a legal tool known for punishing foreign companies that send U.S.-origin goods to sanctioned countries such as Iran to instead protect the economic viability of a U.S. firm. The move escalated what until now had been a business dispute into the realm of an international trade conflict between the United States and China. The Commerce Department spokesman said the move was “based on the regulatory standard.” The action against Fujian Jinhua is likely to ignite new tensions between Beijing and Washington since the company is at the heart of the “Made in China 2025” program to develop new high-technology industries.

The world’s top two economies are already waging a tariff war over their trade disputes, with U.S. duties in place on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods and Chinese duties on $110 billion of U.S. goods. Fujian Jinhua makes so-called DRAM, the memory chips that make computers, phones and other devices run more quickly and smoothly.

Micron, a maker of memory chips with factories in Virginia and Utah, has accused Fujian Jinhua and Taiwanese partner United Microelectronics Corp (2303.TW) of stealing its chip designs in a lawsuit in California. In turn, the companies countersued Micron in China, where courts sided with them and banned some of Micron’s chips in China. “When a foreign company engages in activity contrary to our national security interests, we will take strong action to protect our national security,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a statement. A Commerce Department spokesman said the agency would review any appeal by Fujian Jinhua.

China’s Commerce Ministry said in a Tuesday statement responding to the news that it opposed the United States interfering in companies’ normal international trade and misusing export control measures. “China urges the U.S. side to take steps and immediately stop its mistaken ways,” the ministry added. Speaking earlier, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said the Chinese government had always asked Chinese companies to strictly follow local laws when they operate overseas, and asked foreign governments to provide fair treatment to Chinese firms.


793174  No.3663583



fcda6e  No.3663584

File: bbfd771dd4119fe⋯.jpg (98.08 KB, 591x500, 591:500, Screenshot 2018-10-30_08-0….jpg)

El Salvador Provides Assistance to Migrant Caravan as DOD Confirms 5,200 U.S. Troops to Border


c50e58  No.3663585


= Fast Track Supreme Court Case

5 - 4

091277  No.3663586

File: 9229382bfbaf4e4⋯.png (1007.93 KB, 740x562, 370:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1f51c8a42b0a8e⋯.png (41.59 KB, 381x684, 127:228, ClipboardImage.png)


This is all connected to Area51!

3b6278  No.3663587

File: 66f7634cb83a065⋯.jpg (173.53 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Nothing happening question.jpg)

adf979  No.3663588


Was thinking about all of the super rich giving their fortunes to charity when they die.

Its not their money, its the cabal's. They are just returning it to the central bank of evil.

c09e9f  No.3663589


The day after his inauguration, Roosevelt assembled a special session of Congress to declare a four-day bank holiday, and on March 9 signed the Emergency Banking Act, which provided a mechanism for reopening. He continued on for what became his First Hundred Days of the New Deal.

4665d9  No.3663590


Yep, it's coming.

Fully exposed before midterms.

Black population awakening.

3f78c9  No.3663591


So how are you going to manufacture all this hydrogen peroxide in the first place?

Sounds like a journalist who does not understand science very well. Solar energy can be used to create electricity, and electricity can run electric motors or it can split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Which use of electricity to move cars around is more efficient?

c835a0  No.3663592


>captures the spirit of the black barbershop discussions all over the country

Agree, wait until they find out the truth about Hussein.

d88c58  No.3663593


Eva Braun Triggered ! HAHAHAHAHAHA

dd807a  No.3663594

File: 61ca62c92a668bb⋯.png (670.67 KB, 1074x444, 179:74, Capture.PNG)

File: 2714f33728a44a2⋯.png (50.24 KB, 754x114, 377:57, Capture1.PNG)

Join the Great Hoover Hunt

Help us track down handwritten notes from J. Edgar Hoover’s 48 year reign as FBI Director

As Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for nearly half a century, notes in J. Edgar Hoover’s tight script are a familiar sight to anyone digging through the FBI’s files, offering an surprisingly candid insight into the man and his quite often strong opinions on a world he had no small role in shaping.

Using the Assignment crowdsourcing tool, MuckRock is kicking off a project to catalog all of these handwritten notes left by Hoover himself in the Bureau’s files, starting with Hoover’s personal file and the files of his two highest lieutenants, Clyde Tolson and Cartha “Deke” DeLoach.


397f51  No.3663595

File: 519a71a18dd83ed⋯.gif (279.28 KB, 640x639, 640:639, 92998BA0-B992-45C4-A38F-CC….gif)

If already posted , pardon…

Another nurse, whose father is a rabbi, “came in from a mass casualty drill and took care of this gentleman.”


Can not find any mass casualty drill on 10/27/18….wtf?

2e0d00  No.3663596


Potus is great

Love that guy, always having fun

ac3f12  No.3663597

File: 0582da7b28fd729⋯.png (589.66 KB, 720x995, 144:199, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Shit this is good parody:

MEXICO—A migrant caravan full of leftists desiring to enter the socialist paradise of Venezuela departed the United States Thursday and began marching toward through Mexico, stating they will demand asylum so they might experience the far better life that socialism offers.

The migrants claim they are leaving America because of its high standards of living, strong economy, and record employment numbers, and hope to find a better life in Venezuela's much more equitable system.

"Everyone there has the same quantity of possessions and food," said one marcher. "Everyone makes millions of dollars, and very few people work. It's a real paradise." The refugees have complex motivations, but the vast majority simply want to see everything socialism has to offer after suffering the amazing benefits of capitalism for too long.

Caravan organizers dispelled rumors that they were funded by Bernie Sanders, claiming the caravan was an organic grassroots movement.

At its current pace, the caravan is expected to arrive just in time for Venezuela to run out of food entirely.



4f6bad  No.3663598


Illegals are not naturalized or citizens.

You really that thick?

97df65  No.3663599


I see it this way

He states ibvious

Libs argue

Goes to SC for confirmation

Practices change

7ea2f4  No.3663600


>I don't accept the doctrine that Jesus paid for all future sins of humanity, that is not even theoretically possible and would defeat the purpose of this creation.

Since God exists outside of time in an eternal present, if you like, from God's perspective there is no such thing as the FUTURE sins of humanity, only the sins of humanity.

937358  No.3663601

Well, if nothing else Q has been a brilliant campaign strategy for the R’s. I never in my life believed I would vote R, let alone straight ticket.

f01a13  No.3663602


Agree. But is against the constitution as written, and unless I’m missing something, then the latter is much more important. Otherwise shit will all be activized

46ea10  No.3663603

File: 08d901bdad22f78⋯.jpeg (38.92 KB, 355x307, 355:307, 5a763567044ef.jpeg)

ff2de1  No.3663604


I'm gonna have to admit, I have some questions about this one. I get that anchor babies are the catalyst for an EO to counter, but if birth in the country doesn't confirm one's citizenship, what would? Is it only for children of permanent residents and citizens?

I'm figuring he will say the birth doesn't give citizenship if it's from an illegal alien (which makes perfect sense to me), but does that also count for people on work visas?

15a590  No.3663605


Read this article. Will be up to interpretation.

The Supreme Court has never officially ruled on the interpretation of the first clause of the 14th Amendment, which states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."


773a61  No.3663606



The reference to naturalization in the Citizenship Clause is to the process by which immigrants are granted United States citizenship. Congress has power in relation to naturalization under the Naturalization Clause in Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 of the Constitution.




3237c1  No.3663607

File: 55eb455a653bf8f⋯.jpeg (16.02 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ce35073b10f8aa7903bba3910….jpeg)

File: 475add9c77dd56a⋯.jpg (94.55 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2c023o.jpg)

4bf956  No.3663608


Could have been that he improvised after being caught out by the interviewer. But he did pause and then helped with the clarification that the interviewer did not seem ready to press for. So I am leaning toward POTUS feeding the scoop and helping it along. He readjusted in his chair at that moment. Hard to say with certainty so am open to his having improvised on the spot.

Ambiguous enough. Just so, yes.

7073aa  No.3663609


Media has always been fake, it's about ratings.

Two years removed from USMC, 1982, took a job as a security guard in a shopping mall. Year later, promoted to security chief, 14 employees, 400k budget. One night, 15 year old girl was raped on the property. Did an internal investigation, discussed with detective. Following day interviewed by local news for about 15 minutes. Asked if we would be changing procedures, replied waiting for final police investigation. Went home, told family I would be on t.v.. Watched the segment. Unbelievable. Bitch used my responses to answer questions she never even asked me and made me look illiterate. Two days later, girl admitted she lied because she wasn't home at the right time. No retraction from news. Haven't trusted them since.

4f6bad  No.3663610

a1c3fc  No.3663611

File: cc850eb32153afe⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 820x479, 820:479, fed tightening cycle.jpg)

POTUS setting up the banks beautifully

7058d6  No.3663612

File: 1a90e53930575b8⋯.jpeg (40.01 KB, 255x248, 255:248, A1B441E5-28AE-4E0C-9990-7….jpeg)

File: e4a1c45e1cbb57b⋯.jpeg (31.75 KB, 234x255, 78:85, 841FC725-F645-45DF-A8B5-1….jpeg)

f01a13  No.3663613


No you obv don’t know how the fuck to read.

All people born in US, are citizens. That’s what it says phaggot.

de2faf  No.3663614


yeah, idk the answer to that. Will be interesting to see.

03ea84  No.3663615


…and this gives to the concept that the only 'time' that exists is the "eternal now."

773a61  No.3663616



Truman's veto was overridden by a vote of 278 to 113 in the House and 57 to 26 in the Senate.

Speaking in the Senate on March 2, 1953, McCarran said:[4]

"I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished. I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors. … However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States. … I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation's downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.


c835a0  No.3663617


Remember the shots fired at the fuel tank in that direction?


c09e9f  No.3663618


Yes, POTUS flew into Area51 and then took Air Janet to LV.

8f3905  No.3663619


I've been saying this since it happened. The proximity isn't coincidental.

4f6bad  No.3663620


Only if they are naturalized or citizens….the PARENT HAS TO BE NATURALIZED OR CITIZEN!

You learn to fucking read asswipe!

2e0d00  No.3663621

File: 7b4271d7ab7e825⋯.jpeg (447.95 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, B3675AF5-215A-4E15-BCD8-6….jpeg)

f01a13  No.3663622


But do u agree with not interpreting the constitution as ITS WRITTEN? Sorry if uncomfortable. But I don’t want libs interpreting it the way they’d like to. As written is important.

eebc2b  No.3663623


All persons born in the United States seems pretty damn clear. Interested to see what happens here.

fcda6e  No.3663624

File: b5783ce340dabeb⋯.jpg (63 KB, 579x296, 579:296, Screenshot 2018-10-30_08-0….jpg)

e14ab3  No.3663625


Correct, as well as their affiliation with BIS..who is their real master. (yellen, bernanke) So their interest is not in the stability of this country.

b67d8b  No.3663626

File: 64b01765c7aa729⋯.jpeg (256.06 KB, 1440x988, 360:247, 1540388565.jpeg)

f01a13  No.3663627


Ok thank you for this logical, non emotional knee jerk response. Godspeed

ccb605  No.3663628

Doesn't apply to illegals bcs they are not "subject to the jurisdiction" by virtue of being illegal

I have heard a lot of legal scholars say Trump is actually correct and it doesn't have t be amended


a79d20  No.3663629




ac3f12  No.3663630


Applicants for American citizenship, going through the legal process (LAW and ORDER), who give birth during this time, will birth an American (unless citizenship is denied).

Illegal migrants who drop a kid after stepping foot on American soil will NOT birth an American.

8b6ccc  No.3663631


>is against the constitution as written, and unless I’m missing something

>All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.


the argument is that this AND clause excludes illegals.

4f6bad  No.3663632


You have to be born FROM a naturalized or citizen of the US in order to BE a citizen of the US.

Pretty fucking simply spelled out in the article.

b4dda9  No.3663633

File: deac58de0c2be7a⋯.jpg (282.12 KB, 1800x1197, 200:133, Covfefe1.jpg)


Yes, some.

d0cf7b  No.3663634


he confiscated everyones GOLD too.


773a61  No.3663635


You are wrong.

Must be born of permanent resident/citizen or NATUARUALIZED citizen.

Application of Jurisdiction plays a part here, those not under US jurisdiction are under another country's jurisdiction therefore not US citizen.

347462  No.3663636


Kind of agree, but then again there is a FUCKLOAD of things to remember, as as news drops our job as the Greek Chorus is to help clarify the who/what/why of current news drops for the people we care about that we don't want freaking out.

In this sense, it's helpful to know what's going to be coming up in the next few days so we can brush up.

6a3165  No.3663637


sauce for this, please

86307a  No.3663638


You mean like Obummer did DACA?

7ea2f4  No.3663639


>…and this gives to the concept that the only 'time' that exists is the "eternal now."

Yes. I guess one could say that eternity is a state of existence, not a time of existence.

4cd4e8  No.3663640

File: f070858089816ad⋯.jpg (82.04 KB, 751x1024, 751:1024, Military-Units-V2-2-751x10….jpg)


I'm just gonna leave this here.

A handy chart to keep with you when describing the "caravan", to help put it in perspective for people.

5d36c0  No.3663641


Some SA Prince is said to have a LARGE stock hold of Mandalay Bay. Apparently, he owns the two top floors. Janet air is pretty well known

2d2420  No.3663642

File: 18ecd4e302be4dc⋯.jpg (401.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, suspicious looking package.jpg)

Suspicious looking package found in a dark alley

dd807a  No.3663643

File: 0743b1ad2fa2777⋯.png (508.26 KB, 980x404, 245:101, Trump.png)

Trump’s Winning Demeanor

The problem with all the advice to the president urging him to change his demeanor is that it is given for the wrong reason and at the wrong time.

As I have often recounted, since Donald Trump attacks the entire political system and almost everyone in or near it in both parties (including former presidents), it was never going to be possible for him to lower the ferocity of his barrages until it was clear how successful his effort to dislodge or reorient the entire political establishment had been.

Obviously, if he had not won the nomination, or lost the election, he would be, in political terms, a trivia question like Michael Dukakis (Democratic presidential nominee in 1988). He has expelled the NeverTrumpers from the Republican congressional delegations with Senators Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), and others headed for the exits. But if he loses control of the Congress next week, gridlock will reimpose itself, and we will have trench warfare until the next presidential election. In those circumstances, Trump might likely be disposed to be more placatory, and behave more like a contestant in a great national debate, with little realistic hope of changing the system he has attacked much more than he already has.

Trump has revoked almost all Obama’s executive orders, gutted the coercive part of Obamacare, and got his two conservative nominations onto the Supreme Court. Obama’s lasting effect—apart from having admirably smashed the color bar on eligibility for the presidency—has been minimal, as has been Clinton’s. So much for the loudly proclaimed ambitions of both of them to be “transformative” presidents. At transformation, they were a bust. Trump is already ahead of them. America and the world are waiting to see if this president can hold the momentum past the midterms.

The polls consistently have underestimated him, and I don’t believe the polling organizations are unbiased. Nor have they adjusted their echelon of opinion-sampling to allow for the phenomenon of tens of millions of fervent Trump voters largely from demographic groups not in the habit of voting in such large numbers, at least not since the Reagan years. There is also the widely noted phenomenon of the resistance of Trump voters to reveal their preferences, so called “shy Trump voters”—they mistrust anyone who telephones them at home, especially on a robo-call, asking their voting opinion.


fef139  No.3663644


Its about orginalism. This Amendment was written by senator who had written the Civil Rights Act of 1866. That act was vetoed by Andrew Johnson. This Amendment was to force states to accept the recently freed Blacks as equal citizens and not use state law to abridge that freedom.

That was what it was about; making former slaves true citizens. Every other use of it by activist judges (birthright citizenship included) will and should be brought into question. Those things were and are not the intent of the 14th Amendment as written in its time.

f01a13  No.3663645


So u agree with that? I don’t.

773a61  No.3663646





87b285  No.3663647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ha. You noticed that too! He was a hot mess stumping this week.

Where did nerdy 'Mr. Cool' go?

Now he is gray-headed, nerdy, stumbling Hot Mess having to use student assembly to pad his high school gymnasium crowd. Bwah haaaa

c50e58  No.3663649

File: 5f10bd7b3e69a0f⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 251x357, 251:357, andjustlikethat.jpg)

d0cf7b  No.3663650


If that was true we wouldnt many founding fathers as their parents came from England

which is why the Constitution is worded the way it is

347462  No.3663651


Issue 1 makes simple possession (NOT sales or dealing) a misdemeanor.

DeWine Opposes this issue, and he's asserting that we need to keep these people felons.

c3238d  No.3663652


Agreed. You have defined the Media Mind Control problem which started with Radio in 1920’s, expanded to TV in 1950’s.

So the mind control has 100 years head start. Most links up with the UK-Jewish agendas.

So with problem defined, WHAT is Solution?

Trump rallies help because he speaks plainly, forcefully to thousands who want to hear. Good memes cause momentary awakenings if the mind is receptive, Focusing on key pops to awake helps like the White House Young Black leaders - and slogans that make the message simple “escape the plantation” “Blexit” “walkaway”.

Needs to be a program for Young HISPANIC leaders TOO! To counter the crazy migrant mentality and invasions.

Slogans. Concepts. Memes that encourage Hispanics to fix their country not invade others.

a79d20  No.3663653

File: b8a3e4dd8413b19⋯.png (158.09 KB, 846x680, 423:340, soros china.PNG)

File: 8da615e4d4ac2c5⋯.png (96.86 KB, 854x717, 854:717, SOROS CHINA 2.PNG)




Soros, of course, is hardly the only senior globalist who has been openly celebrating the rise of Communist China’s rulers as key players in the emerging “New World Order.” From Beijing to Moscow and Washington, D.C., to London, globalists are all openly pushing for this new order, which is essentially just a euphemism for world government.

In a joint statement put out by Obama and then-Chinese dictator Hu Jintao, Obama made clear that he was fully on board with the agenda. “The United States reiterated that it welcomes a strong, prosperous, and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs,” the declaration reads.

The internationalists’ intent to make China an integral part of the New World Order — to even “own” it, according to Soros — should tell us a great deal about the type of New World Order Soros and his ilk envision. After all, not only does the People’s Republic of China hold the distinction of murdering more people than any other regime in history, but China today still brutalizes and oppresses its citizens, from forcing women to undergo abortions in compliance with its one-child policy to persecuting believers for practicing their faith (see the related article "Chinese Tyranny 2.0"). If such a regime is “actually a better functioning government than the United States,” as Soros claims, how would Soros have the new world function? How about his fellow globalists?

Anyone who doubts that a communist regime as despotic as China’s could realistically become a leading player in the New World Order need only to survey the record to learn otherwise. This record, summarized below, includes China’s ascendency in the existing “global governance” institutions — the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and more. It also includes the new global governance architecture that China is building that will complement the already-existing structure, according to the architects themselves. Finally, the record shows that China is by no means single-handedly increasing its dominance — that Western globalists’ fingerprints are all over China’s rise.

Dominating UN Global Governance

China’s membership in the United Nations was originally held by the free Republic of China (Taiwan, ROC) not the People’s Republic of China. But much to the UN’s everlasting shame, in 1971 the dictators’ club on the East River recognized the tyrannical PRC as the only legal government of China and expelled the ROC. As a result, Communist China replaced the ROC as one of the five veto-wielding permanent members of the powerful Security Council, which not only issues resolutions supposedly binding on the world’s nations but also purportedly is authorized to order military action to put teeth behind its decisions.

Despite its deplorable human rights rec­ord, Communist China possesses a seat on the UN’s Human Rights Council. Of course, at the very least this should sound an alarm bell about the UN’s concept of human rights.



f01a13  No.3663654


Ok thank you, this helps

87b285  No.3663655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For Roland Martin, the Thrill of Obama is GONE!

Watch him go over Obama's Failures!

d33c59  No.3663656

File: 371c2a7140222c0⋯.png (141.61 KB, 425x320, 85:64, 3DCXuZM.png)

882ab4  No.3663657


I fully agree.

It wasn't what I meant.

I meant putting specific dates on these things hasn't worked out too good so far, so maybe we shouldn't.

Nothing wrong with speculating. But every time we've hyped a date and nothing happened we had to go for days with shills and butthurt anons declaring that they are done.

5d36c0  No.3663658


Sorry, forgot to add..I don't think Janet air sports tail numbers

4f6bad  No.3663659


Are you really that fucking stupid?

The founding fathers WROTE that fucking document.

Was not in effect until AFTER it was written.

Fuck your stupid.

86307a  No.3663660


Not at all. But the public will. Goose and gander thinking. Then he'll come back and do it through the House and Senate.

e92f8c  No.3663661

File: 4f303cf56f679af⋯.png (16.81 KB, 638x200, 319:100, ClipboardImage.png)



4bf956  No.3663662


Laura has put her finger on the key issue. Mark Levin, likewise. The difference is between here lawfully and here illegally.

Is that not the hinge upon which the Dems are Hell bent to obscure? Yes. And it makes all the difference to which way the door swings and who opens/closes that door into the country.

Makes basic practical sense, too, as POTUS keeps explaining. The incentive to come to America is America herself; so whether one is here lawfully or illegally, the issue is not about opportunity and all of that other stuff. It is simply about gatekeeping on the border. That is the essence of the whole shebang, as we are aware.

So we must set policy apart from Constitution. The Constitutional provisions do not mandate carving out wide and deep exceptions for illegal entrants – aliens who have not entered through the legal door.

Birthright citizenship is a separate matter and it means a difference that the Dems will be Hell bent to obscure, again.

ff2de1  No.3663663


Makes perfect sense to me. Going through the legal process of naturalization means you have good intentions for citizenship as well as respect for the laws of this country. I guess we will have to wait on the details of his executive order.

I'm glad he is cleaning up the "anchor baby" loophole. It isn't right, and it's a big fuck you to our country from people who take advantage of it.

5e48ca  No.3663664

File: d867c0ea0847299⋯.png (30.39 KB, 303x461, 303:461, ClipboardImage.png)

Which one(s) of these are not like the others?

Fucking Twatter feeling the need to editorialize with fake news.

86307a  No.3663665


Damn. Muh trips. Kek.

03ea84  No.3663666


so, let's draw a correlation between 'Charms Blow Pop' and 'Lurking'

ac3f12  No.3663667


Something to consider:

For Sen. Trumbull, “It is only those persons who come completely within our jurisdiction, who are subject to our laws, that we think of making citizens.” Senator Johnson agreed, stating that he knows “of no better way to give rise to citizenship than the fact of birth within the territory of the United States, born of parents who at the time were subject to the authority of the United States.”

Jurisdiction, says Sen. Howard, “ought to be construed so as to imply a full and complete jurisdiction on the part of the United States, coextensive in all respects with the constitutional power of the United States […], that is to say, the same jurisdiction in extent and quality as applies to every citizen of the United States now.” In other words, the citizenship clause does not cover those who are not under the United States’ full and complete jurisdiction.

Williams clarifies this point at the end of the debate. “In one sense,” he says, “all persons born within the geographical limits of the United States are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States [they are still expected to obey the laws of the land and be punished for breaking them], but they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States in every sense [they are still subject to the jurisdiction of a foreign government to which they owe allegiance].”

Regardless of whether we should have birthright citizenship today or not, it is clear that the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment did not intend individuals not subject to the full and complete jurisdiction of the United States to be included as citizens. It is hard to believe that they would have accepted our modern conception of “birthright citizenship,” in which any person, regardless of whether they are in the country legally, and regardless of their parents’ citizenship, can claim U.S. citizenship.

It is clear that individuals within the territory of the United States, under a tourist or student visa, or who have crossed the border illegally, are not under the full and complete jurisdiction of the United States, but are still under the jurisdiction, at least in part, of a foreign nation.



8b9e7f  No.3663668

File: f1a1191adbf03e2⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 179x281, 179:281, 2l7ga4.jpg)


Buy more shit you dont need, winning!

3af58e  No.3663669

File: 85935d4f60d1952⋯.png (653.56 KB, 400x1160, 10:29, Glo Max.png)

[ 4f6bad ]

3237c1  No.3663670


Cocaine is a helluva drug.

773a61  No.3663672


The Doctrine

The full document of the Monroe Doctrine, written chiefly by future-President and then Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, is long and couched in diplomatic language, but its essence is expressed in two key passages. The first is the introductory statement, which asserts that the New World is no longer subject to colonization by the European countries:[13]

The occasion has been judged proper for asserting, as a principle in which the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.

The second key passage, which contains a fuller statement of the Doctrine, is addressed to the "allied powers" of Europe (that is, the Holy Alliance); it clarifies that the U.S. remains neutral on existing European colonies in the Americas but is opposed to "interpositions" that would create new colonies among the newly independent Spanish American republics:[1]

We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power, we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States.

091277  No.3663673




Exactly! The shooting at the people was a cover to shoot at POTUS. I believe POTUS was meeting with the Q Team

347462  No.3663674

File: f65c2d6d4e306e3⋯.jpg (5.55 KB, 247x204, 247:204, 7days.jpg)

a79d20  No.3663675

Democrats cannot beat Trump on any issue because of common sense of majority of voters.

Their only hope is to get Trump to shut up and shut down his rallies.

9090e2  No.3663676


For years we have seen vids of UN colored armory moving through our country. Could this be the army that will eradicate UN presence?

3b6278  No.3663677

File: 7302e5b1bab0297⋯.jpg (85.82 KB, 800x448, 25:14, decals fisa.jpg)

File: b85f41f351bf77a⋯.jpg (184.58 KB, 588x877, 588:877, Nauert 10292018.jpg)

File: 57e9d062b936e24⋯.jpg (137.24 KB, 584x617, 584:617, Trump tweets 10292018.jpg)

3af58e  No.3663678

File: 504842707243863⋯.jpg (182.17 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Calm.jpg)

15a590  No.3663679

>>3663662 this is what the left hangs their hat on.

There have been later rulings that dealt with birthright citizenship for legal immigrants such as the case in United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898). This case is often cited by supporters of Birthright Citizenship, but the Court clearly ruled that the defendant's parents were legal permanent residents of the United States at the time of his birth, and not once was the legal status of the parents or the defendant ever questioned.

The Supreme Court ruled:

"[A] child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who at the time of his birth, are subjects of the emperor of China, but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States, and… are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States."


793174  No.3663680



JCC 2000 ?

I don’t like this twitter acronyms and shooting in the dark shit, but throwing it out there…

140181  No.3663682

File: 926935855f411bd⋯.png (603.71 KB, 661x2640, 661:2640, 2018-10-30_10-57-40.png)

File: 8f8ae7050da735d⋯.png (86.05 KB, 599x557, 599:557, 2018-10-30_10-46-03.png)

File: a08f3f6ac56c1a2⋯.png (40.48 KB, 650x382, 325:191, 2018-10-30_10-56-39.png)

Interesting twist and omission from most news stories about the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. Apparently the couple whose baby was to be circumcised was gay. A DDG search showed only a very few pages, and when I viewed the results, all pages except the Advocate site (LGBT news site) had only blank web pages.

Synagogue Shooting Occurred During Bris for Gay Couple's Twins

The attack on the Tree of Life Congregation interrupted a Jewish ceremony of male circumcision for a rainbow family.

By Daniel Reynolds

October 28 2018 12:50 PM EDT

The mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue reportedly happened during a ceremony for the children of a gay couple.

The Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh, a local LGBTQ group, revealed that the violent attack occurred during a bris — a Jewish rite of male circumcision — for the couple's adopted twins.

Their identities have not yet been made public, but three sources from the community verified this information to Delta, a representative from the organization told The Advocate. Final confirmation from a partner Jewish foundation is forthcoming.

"We were just informed that this morning's tragedy was happening during a Briss for a set of twins adopted by a gay couple," the organization posted Saturday on Facebook, in a post that has since been edited to exclude this information, pending the final confirmation. "Our hearts and prayers go out to all that were involved including the members of the Synagogue, law-enforcement and first responders."

"We have witnessed the worst of America this morning in our town Pittsburgh. More than ever we must come together as people and change the temperament of our country," the statement concluded.

There are a reported 11 fatalities and six injured in the attack on the Tree of Life Congregation. After surrendering to police, assailant Robert D. Bowers said he "wanted all Jews to die," according to a Pittsburgh police report. Bowers was charged with 29 criminal accounts by federal officials.

LGBTQ groups and public figures have condemned the bigotry that fueled this attack. In the immediate wake of the shooting, Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, noted how the likely hate crime was "motivated by anti-Semitism."

"Our hearts are with the community of the Tree of Life Synagogue, the first responders who bravely rushed into danger to save lives, the people of Pittsburgh, and all those impacted by this tragic act of hate violence," Griffin said in a statement released by the LGBTQ organization.

Sarah McBride, HRC's national press secretary, likewise called out the "real, insidious, and pervasive" anti-Semitism in the United States. The Tree of Life shooting is the deadliest attack on the country's Jewish community in decades.

In his statement, Griffin also outlined a recent history of mass shootings, including the 2016 attack on the gay nightclub Pulse, to underscore the urgent need for gun reform in the U.S.

President Trump pushed back against the call for gun reform; in fact, he told reports that gun laws had "little" to do with the shooting. After the massacre, the Republican politician called for bringing "back the death penalty" through legislation; he also said armed guards at the temple "might have been able to stop [the shooter] immediately,” reports the New York Post.

George Takei, the gay Star Trek actor and activist, joined a chorus of those criticizing Trump for his response. "Let’s stop with the good-guy-with-a-gun fantasy. Let’s start with getting AR-15s off the market," Takei stated on Twitter.



910086  No.3663683


From Nazi collaborator, turning in his neighbours for profit, parking billions of stolen money in his offshore tax free "foundation", to hero. wow… democrats must be desperate..

3b6278  No.3663684

File: c769acc5ad3a857⋯.jpg (125.25 KB, 567x454, 567:454, Nice work Patriots_3.jpg)

File: e9f0b9d77bcd931⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 500x786, 250:393, PRAY before rallies.jpg)

File: 7bf6a48a6ceb817⋯.jpg (108.81 KB, 776x427, 776:427, Trust Sessions we will fin….jpg)

Thank your your rallies, President Trump.

c50e58  No.3663685

File: 11fa074f071a0c0⋯.jpg (86.8 KB, 750x500, 3:2, commonsense.jpg)

97df65  No.3663686


When someone responds like you

Ignorant and rude

I always question intentions

When civilized people argue they act differently, especially when they work for a common goal

a56da7  No.3663687

File: c6c8d49ced826f7⋯.png (602.7 KB, 831x545, 831:545, ClipboardImage.png)

According to important people on television, voting for a third party is irresponsible and selfish. But this puerile belief no longer holds water in Maine, which is using ranked choice voting in November’s midterm elections.

Polls show that a comfortable majority of Americans think that a viable third party is necessary to make their representative government actually represent their views. But ironically, those who vote their conscience are often demonized as purists who allow one of the “lesser of two evils” to triumph.

But this close-minded mantra is being retired – at least in Maine. The state is using ranked choice voting (RCV) in November’s congressional races, allowing voters to rank each candidate. In this system, if your first choice is eliminated, you can still lend support to the “less evil” corporate hack.

In other words: Now there’s no excuse not to vote for the anti-war candidate. The new voting system is just what America needs, Marni Halasa, candidate for New York City Council as an independent, told RT’s Caleb Maupin.


7452f6  No.3663688


If SCOTUS rules for birthright, EO is null

If SCOTUS rules against birthright, the law is null until Congress goes back and rewrites the law. EO stands.

dd807a  No.3663689


people stop talking about the constitution when they replace civics classes in school with liberal arts and social studies, which hopefully Trump and get changed

aee302  No.3663690



5e48ca  No.3663691

File: f30f2ec104f84d1⋯.png (1.03 MB, 705x1200, 47:80, ClipboardImage.png)


Author of the 14th amendment on what HE meant.

It wasn't supposed to apply to foreigners, aliens, or diplomats.

3af58e  No.3663693


Joint Cyber Center

4f6bad  No.3663694


A shit load of conditions in there.

329c9e  No.3663695



Ding ding ding ding

3b6278  No.3663696

File: 40749a6e7c78709⋯.jpg (79.38 KB, 800x450, 16:9, See the shills.jpg)

ac3f12  No.3663697

File: 92414797e42d34e⋯.png (47.97 KB, 902x286, 41:13, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Kek, Bill:

It's gonna be a long 6 years for those who hate America.




773a61  No.3663698



The McCarran-Walter Act abolished the "alien ineligible to citizenship" category from US immigration law, which de facto only applied to people of Asian descent. Small, token quotas of about 100 people per country were established for the countries of Asia. However, people of Asian descent but who were citizens of a non-Asian country counted towards the quota of their Asian ancestral country.[6] Overall annual immigration from the Asiatic Barred Zone was also capped at 2000.[7] Passage of the act was strongly lobbied for by the Chinese American Citizens Alliance, Japanese American Citizens League, Filipino Federation of America, and Korean National Association; though as an incremental measure, as those organizations wished to see national origins quotas abolished altogether.[8]

McCarran-Walter Act allowed for people of Asian descent to immigrate and to become citizens, which had been banned by laws like the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and Asian Exclusion Act of 1924. Chinese immigration in particular had been allowed for a decade prior to McCarran-Walter by the Magnuson Act of 1943, which was passed because of America's World War II alliance with China.[9] Japanese Americans and Korean Americans were first allowed to naturalize by the McCarran-Walter Act.[10] Overall changes in the perceptions of Asians were made possible by Cold War politics; the Displaced Persons Act of 1948 allowed anticommunist Chinese American students who feared returning to the Chinese Civil War to stay in the United States; and these provisions would be expanded by the Refugee Relief Act of 1953.[7]

091277  No.3663699

File: 5a84276d44ef3da⋯.png (32.34 KB, 367x568, 367:568, ClipboardImage.png)


no they dont. Thats who Q was talking about in this DROP.

d50b92  No.3663700

File: 5c2d74dba74ee98⋯.jpg (114.08 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cold.jpg)

Good article on SST wrt Seth Rich:


below from article:

Borne from a FOIA request filed in November 2017 by attorney Ty Clevenger, who requested any information regarding Seth Rich and and Julian Assange. The NSA informed Clevenger in a letter dated 4 October 2018 that:

Your request has been processed under the provisions of the FOIA. Fifteen documents (32 pages) responsive to your request have been reviewed by this Agency as required by the FOIA and have found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526. These documents meet the criteria for classification as set forth in Subparagraph (c) of Section 1.4 and remains classified TOP SECRET and SECRET.

565614  No.3663701




Janet airline is not just for area 51, it is also the CIA's hangar of choice.

773a61  No.3663702

Politics and religion

The Act allowed the government to deport immigrants or naturalized citizens engaged in subversive activities and also allowed the barring of suspected subversives from entering the country. It was used to ban members and former members and "fellow travelers" of the Communist Party from entry into the United States, even those who had not been associated with the party for decades.

The act also allowed the government to prevent polygamists from entering the country. It specifically stated under Title II, chapter 2, "GENERAL CLASSES OF ALIENS INELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE VISAS AND EXCLUDED FROM ADMISSION", Section 212, sub (a), part (11): "Aliens who are polygamists or who practice polygamy or advocate the practice of polygamy". If one was a polygamist, advocate of polygamy or one's religious belief or ideology advocates the practice of polygamy, they would not be allowed in the United States under this law.

4bf956  No.3663703


TY, Anon, for digging that. Always, go to the original meaning of the text as ratified. That is what the judicial branch is meant to do – showing itself to be restrained on policymaking. The Constitutional provisions do not mandate policy on this matter. So the Court is not empowered to re-write nor to affirm policy, just constitutionality.

The next Supreme Court nomination will be lively with this issue, prolly.

6ab435  No.3663704


am i right in saying that the 33rd floor of the hotel was owned by dopey?

the police escorted a man out of the building through the casino while telling the crowd to put up their hands. another Saudi prince?

The building is Y Shaped resembling the one in NK?

how many people died that survived?

Turns out the gun mans GIRL was CIA?

funds sent to the Philippines? - the location where Q was tracked last November?

There was also more than 1 gun man? - the angles were to obscure?

>what else?

06c852  No.3663705

For smarter brains

Did anyone else notice the synagogue "shooting" occurred on 27, 2018? ie. 9/11.

Coincidence? #Occultist love their numbers.

Answer is : 2+0+1+8=11 2+7=9 (9/11)

b824fd  No.3663707


This amendment was written after the Civil War to insure that the children of former slaves were indeed citizens of the USA..It was INTENDED Only to apply to people who are here lawfully

773a61  No.3663708


Current LAW

A 1962 guideline explained procedures under the Act:[11]

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 requires an alien to apply for a petition for naturalization. This form may be obtained from any office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, a division of the Department of Justice, or from any court authorized to naturalize aliens.

Before applying, an alien must be at least 18 years old and must have been lawfully admitted to live permanently in the United States. He must have lived in the United States for five years and for the last six months in the state where he seeks to be naturalized. In some cases, he need only have lived three years in the United States. He must be of good moral character and "attached to the principles of the Constitution". The law states that an alien is not of good moral character if he is a drunkard, has committed adultery, has more than one wife, makes his living by gambling, has lied to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, has been in jail more than 180 days for any reason during his five years in the United States, or is a convicted murderer.

a56da7  No.3663709

File: 59b258e793fef14⋯.png (43.94 KB, 1336x318, 668:159, ClipboardImage.png)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on Tuesday that he will introduce legislation to end birthright citizenship after President Trump suggested he could do so through an executive order.

"Finally, a president willing to take on this absurd policy of birthright citizenship. I’ve always supported comprehensive immigration reform – and at the same time – the elimination of birthright citizenship," Graham said in a string of tweets.

He added that he plans "to introduce legislation along the same lines as the proposed executive order" from Trump. Congress is out of session until Nov. 13.

His announcement comes hours after Trump said in an interview released Tuesday that he will sign an executive order intended to end the practice of birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump said during an interview with Axios.

The move would spark an uphill court battle and pave the way for a showdown at the Supreme Court over the 14th Amendment, which states that all persons "born or naturalized in the United States" are "citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."


86307a  No.3663710


You are getting there!

c9556f  No.3663713


This is a false statement.

Many people were denied the right to vote and illegal aliens voted in their place.

FBI DOJ protecting politicians

091277  No.3663714


True but they have their OWN terminal at Mccarren Literally accross the street from mandala bay hotel. And they fly in and out of Area51 almost everyday from that terminal

1cdb60  No.3663715

File: 590199c5a925c06⋯.png (1.65 MB, 794x1074, 397:537, 1506629423621.png)


> Is it only for children of permanent residents and citizens?

Starting to figure this out, I see…

86307a  No.3663716


Ta da!

03ea84  No.3663717



I agree. Name calling is a backhanded method of shillery and an attempt to silence differing opinions.

Liberals are also guilty of such techniques. When they can't argue a point, they resort to insults and name-calling.

ac3f12  No.3663718


>The next Supreme Court nomination will be lively with this issue, prolly.

Oh yes it will - and we got Justice K in just in time!

c05681  No.3663719

File: c20546437967c3e⋯.png (228.59 KB, 778x462, 389:231, ClipboardImage.png)

565614  No.3663720


Lindsey Graham is saying he will draft up legislation that says exactly what the EO will say and they will work to get that passed. The EO is just for the immediate.

d0cf7b  No.3663721


That was hurtful.

You seem like a very mean & angry person.

Does anyone like you irl?

Because I cant imagine you adding anything good to the world with a demeanor like that

67c927  No.3663722

>>3658715 LB


Hello George

(photo of Bobby Fischer, who (died) in 98.

How did Bobby get here, I must have missed this last night.

b67d8b  No.3663723

File: 2c2a55d3cadde7c⋯.jpeg (167.46 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1540684705.jpeg)


I can't help myself.

7452f6  No.3663724


Why not just fly AF 1 into Groom Lake

4f6bad  No.3663725


That's all you have to say?

Goodbye filtered thick faggot.

a79d20  No.3663726



NOTABLE , even if discussed much much earlier.

4cd4e8  No.3663727


I play with them too.

Q is not a game.

But those faggots are fair play.

6a3165  No.3663728


I thought we were gonna coast into the election next week, try to keep things clam.

And then POTUS and Graham do this. It's really funny. I don't understand what's behind these tactics. They do, that's all that counts.

Enjoying the show and worrying far less.

d791fa  No.3663729



d33c59  No.3663731

File: aa7e95c6fc2f61d⋯.jpg (9.46 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


You mean-

3b6278  No.3663732

File: e703d92bb9626a6⋯.jpg (91.35 KB, 442x588, 221:294, bloomberg tiny chip.jpg)

e0a2b3  No.3663733

File: 511d382fdba27c9⋯.png (371.86 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Actor James Cromwell warns of 'blood in the streets' if Democrats don't win election

Hopefully we can appease the POS and make him one of the casualties of his wanted blood in the streets.

Actors a dime a dozen.

f562dc  No.3663734

Things that exist:

Space Niggers, Space Sandniggers, Space <insert skin/hair colour and/or phenotype here>….

Things that DON'T exist:

Space Muslims, Space Jews, Space Christians, Space <insert divisive national/religious divisionfaggery here>….

d0cf7b  No.3663735


Soul Collector

3b6278  No.3663736

File: 1e0dfa2117ced58⋯.jpg (160.97 KB, 827x566, 827:566, Clinton farrakhan.jpg)

a1c3fc  No.3663737

File: 915beda0a2ed8c1⋯.mp4 (823.68 KB, 180x320, 9:16, LG dont give a fuck.mp4)

910086  No.3663738


schwaches video aus dem uwe boll film. er begeht amokläufe, um auf mangelnde gun control hinzuweisen, yeah right..

c05681  No.3663739

File: 9402a10eabd634d⋯.png (129.49 KB, 330x331, 330:331, ClipboardImage.png)

3b6278  No.3663740

File: 537535e93c5f076⋯.jpg (250.73 KB, 1098x1385, 1098:1385, fienstein looking at Kav.jpg)

b67d8b  No.3663741

File: 95758b38c05d897⋯.jpg (504.15 KB, 700x1050, 2:3, adeline-1.jpg)


Boobs for you meme fag

1cdb60  No.3663742


I hope Betsy DeVos can get a full re-write of our school curriculum soon. It really needs to happen.



Here ya go:


a79d20  No.3663743


>Media has always been fake, it's about ratings

Imho, it has always been about the NARRATIVE AND MIND CONTROL

4bf956  No.3663744


TY, Anon, for bringing that dig. You and others are making the contributions with sauces. This ought to be consolidated. I'd do it but this morn I am going off line for rest of day. Been here since Night shift.

Allspeed, Anons.

b824fd  No.3663745

Birthright Citizenship was never intended to mean you could fly in, have a baby, then fly back to wherever country you came from, and your baby is now a dual citizen with all the rights of American citizen…

The same applies to people who come over the border illegally and have a child (or an "anchor baby") which then allows the baby's relatives to enter the country….

0ac525  No.3663747

A drive towards European coalition politics, greater compromise, greater loss of integrity


8c857e  No.3663748


Ritual sacrifice

but what was it done for is the question?

usually the sacrifice is done to get something in return

c3238d  No.3663749


Years ago read that —

Communist CHINA was a world “experiment” to see how well large masses of peeps could be mind controlled and socially engineered to OBEY the PRIME DIRECTIVES of BIG BROTHER.

The origin of the Communist China takeover is a clue. At the beginning it was brutal with thousands of executions of those who would not obey and convert. Those still alive were programmed with the little Mao book of slogans drilled into brains. Private property concept was destroyed everything belonged to the Matrix State.

The current China pop and leaders are the 2nd generation spawn of the program. Now ready to explore the communist mind control program world wide under the standard of the UN doing the SAME mind control Globalist program under the disguise of “Peacekeeping”.

Recall in book 1984 “War is Peace”. “Slavery is Freedom”.

ac3f12  No.3663750

File: bcbebb028066946⋯.png (793.89 KB, 696x872, 87:109, Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at ….png)

dd807a  No.3663751


I mention to the BO we need a safe space corner, he just smiled and said FK U , can't understand why ,

fcda6e  No.3663752

File: ba928deadf044ca⋯.jpg (100.32 KB, 590x636, 295:318, Screenshot 2018-10-30_08-2….jpg)

Can Trump End Birthright Citizenship by Executive Order?


d791fa  No.3663753


<That'll do pig, that'll do

4f6bad  No.3663754


To true!

5d36c0  No.3663756


PlaneFags would have been all over this. I've read and seen tons of video's in regards to LV. From a helicopter tour company in the area that lets you livefire 50 cal's in the desert, to alt. first responders that use heli's. Like 51, the disinfo drowns out the truth.

4cd4e8  No.3663757

File: efb78b7bef4fac3⋯.jpg (71.33 KB, 560x420, 4:3, 2idfqo.jpg)

a2cbf2  No.3663758

File: 59a03e16f1b764c⋯.jpeg (255.53 KB, 1242x677, 1242:677, B98C2A2C-79D3-43A5-A138-6….jpeg)


b1a85f  No.3663759

Prepare for the most satanically violent lame duck legislature in world history.

b4dda9  No.3663760

>>3663702 It's not just that anchor babies and chain migration are going to be ruled untenable by the SC. I know I am not alone when I say that ALL THAT BS is going to be walked back. Every single freeloader who came into this nation that my people built, popped out babies and said they owned it now, is going to be sent back to wherever the hell they came from, along with their entire brood. Best for all, including them. Let them return home to what will likely be a much better place, due to the economic miracle that is going to sweep the world and create jobs everywhere. Let them have their country and let them stay out of ours unless done legally from the get go.

fbe359  No.3663761

3b6278  No.3663762

File: f9c2c63ede0307e⋯.jpg (241.07 KB, 1087x753, 1087:753, Crossing the river.jpg)



d3f67c  No.3663763

File: afa827c509977f5⋯.png (51.05 KB, 341x561, 31:51, ClipboardImage.png)

> Bowers says he was hearing voices

Not sure if anons already covered this. Old mind control tricks to beam auditory inputs into human skulls by bypassing the neural activation potential and directly implanting messages into the brain. 5G is our enemy.

1) http://forums.tcm.com/topic/245910-patented-voice-to-skull-mind-control-technology-embedded-in-5g-tech/

2) https://www.usa-anti-communist.com/ard/pdf/US_Patented_Mind_Control/US4395600.pdf

3) https://www.usa-anti-communist.com/ard/US_PatentedMindControl.php

4) https://patents.google.com/patent/US6470214

5) Patent for microwave voice to skull tech - https://rense.com/general37/skull.htm

f0783c  No.3663764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Secrets of Vibration and Frequency (The Power of Sound)

5d36c0  No.3663765

File: a399fb205ae617e⋯.gif (978.99 KB, 320x240, 4:3, iheartbeer.gif)

4f6bad  No.3663766


ADS-B has been down for most of the morning.

Just came back about 10 or 15 minutes ago.

4665d9  No.3663767

File: ded69566b2a60ba⋯.png (3.34 MB, 1617x1763, 1617:1763, Q-Clock Oct30-Nov02 Black ….png)



On the Q-Clock

Awakening of the Black Population


Patriots have no skincolor.


1cdb60  No.3663768


It's OK. I know it's probably aggravated some here, but I've intentionally had debates with them, like in the old 4chan days, in order to get normies to see their fallacious arguments.

43cb4b  No.3663769


I had no idea that General Flynn tweeted this. No wonder they were desperate to silence him!

3b6278  No.3663770

File: 7cc995782266383⋯.jpg (123.58 KB, 750x502, 375:251, ICE and ballots.jpg)

a79d20  No.3663771


AND we paid for the armies in China created to destroy us while accomplices here destroyed our military.

1abb63  No.3663772


Groom Lake IS A51, loser.

773a61  No.3663773


Yep, and they need to start with Bush's Contribution in 1990. All those VISA and exclusion clauses.

0af593  No.3663774

File: 648cad8ef22eba6⋯.jpg (24.19 KB, 480x360, 4:3, download (1).jpg)

Happy 37th Birthday Ivanka Trump

d0cf7b  No.3663775


lol- i usually thrash the shills but thought I'd try a new psyop, seemed to shut the fkr down in 1 post

a79d20  No.3663776


>Awakening of the Black Population

be fun if some Haiti drops happened today.

83fba2  No.3663777


My fren is a patriot. he was born here I went to high school with him, his parents were both illegal he was born here never been to mexico, he has a ss card and shit, What about him? he has a family, if he knew this would happen he may have gone back to his country a long time ago?

I was born in shit hole cali my parents are both american tho, but it would suck to get deported back there kek,

but seriously there needs to be a review people who are a part of our community since birth maybe like pre 1990 or something?

5d36c0  No.3663778


Can you pull flight data for LV, maybe 2 nights before the shooting up until the event?

3e006c  No.3663779


POTUS knows the Fakers will spin everything. Think he's saving the most unspinnable for last. To help wake up the undecided voters to the outright dishonest media. He's in attack mode against our biggest enemy (Faker Media) and will be controlling the narrative the next week.

ccb605  No.3663780


"Constitutional scholar Edward Erler has shown that the entire case for birthright citizenship is based on a deliberate misreading of the 14th Amendment. The purpose of that amendment was to resolve the question of citizenship for newly freed slaves. Following the Civil War, some in the South insisted that states had the right to deny citizenship to freedmen. In support, they cited 1857’s disgraceful Dred Scott v. Sandford decision, which held that no black American could ever be a citizen of the United States."

A constitutional amendment was thus necessary to overturn Dred Scott and to define the precise meaning of American citizenship.

That definition is the amendment’s very first sentence: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”

The amendment clarified for the first time that federal citizenship precedes and supersedes its state-level counterpart. No state has the power to deny citizenship, hence none may dispossess freed slaves.

"Second, the amendment specifies two criteria for American citizenship: birth or naturalization (i.e., lawful immigration), and being subject to U.S. jurisdiction. We know what the framers of the amendment meant by the latter because they told us. Sen. Lyman Trumbull of Illinois, a principal figure in drafting the amendment, defined “subject to the jurisdiction” as “not owing allegiance to anybody else” — that is, to no other country or tribe. Sen. Jacob Howard of Michigan, a sponsor of the clause, further clarified that the amendment explicitly excludes from citizenship “persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, [or] who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.”

ac3f12  No.3663781

File: 193d9279d0a1d3f⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1617x1075, 1617:1075, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….png)


God Bless our journey,

God Bless the U.S.A.,

God Bless



445364  No.3663782


Its perfectly theoretically possible. Infinity X infinity = inifinity. Infinity X a really big finite number = infinity.

This is like basic calculus stuff, should not be that hard. Just realize we each deserve infinite punishment (paid by spending infinite time being punished in hell). Jesus is fully God, which means he could take infinite punishment in a single instant.

Hope this helps.

97df65  No.3663783

Am i the only one who recently cant copy from screen?

Phonefagging now

2776fe  No.3663784

File: fa49b3249bb95c8⋯.png (471.06 KB, 1146x636, 191:106, mound-surf.png)

a1c3fc  No.3663785


Bay Area has tons of homes that are for that purpose. Like a friggin' factory.

Always different people with new infants.

Vacate and add the next 'asylum' seeker or WTFIW.

I was out of BA by 2000 but visited. It deteriorated quickly after 2008.

The takeover

379959  No.3663786


Someone knowledgeable should elaborate more on China.

The one time Q touched on it, it was basically a cabal/crown controlled country, hence the easy absorption of Hong Kong.

If Xi is down with the plan it must mean he’s got a massive uphill battle as I’m sure the Chinese upper echelon is even more immoral and ruthless then outside of China seeing as how individuality and morality have been degraded by the communist teachings.

5d36c0  No.3663788


AF1 = Air Force one

86307a  No.3663789


No! Apple devices have been shit the last week.

d3f67c  No.3663790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cymatics - Science vs. Music

d0cf7b  No.3663791


heard someone say that a cpl days ago too, happened after their last update

4bf956  No.3663792




Graham promised to intro legislation that would map with the promised presidential EO.

There are other well-sauced and articulated digs on the original meaning of the 14th Amendment. Hopefully Anons will also dig the citizenship and naturalization clauses in the pre-14th Constitution, as well.

3b6278  No.3663793

File: 5cf4e3c0ba1d441⋯.jpg (130.06 KB, 591x782, 591:782, feinstein license.jpg)

43cb4b  No.3663794

>>3663760 The anchor baby amendment was originally designed for African slaves brought here against their will. It was an effort to protect their children. It's use has been bastardized to protect people coming here of their own volition.

5d36c0  No.3663795


Don't insult people when you can't read.

09bb90  No.3663796


I said it last bread. If it was leaked, it was an authorized leak. It’s Potus doing what he does best - controlling the narrative.

b824fd  No.3663797


I believe that the birthright citizenship will only be cancelled for future births…Not those already here…We are trying to STOP all further incentives to come here illegally.

7452f6  No.3663798


No shit!! that's what I call Area 51

a1c3fc  No.3663800


was going to ask that. Even an old ipod classic fucking up

063543  No.3663801



3b6278  No.3663802

File: a910e86fd98fe9b⋯.jpg (150.61 KB, 991x707, 991:707, dianne feinstein rise to p….jpg)

File: 8f66b12fc6c9a94⋯.jpg (163.18 KB, 806x546, 31:21, feinstein china 31 years 2….jpg)

4665d9  No.3663803


>be fun if some Haiti drops happened today.

It's coming. Watch the news the coming days.


add1a5  No.3663804

>>3662877 (lb about getting back to the board and task at hand)

As long as the work anons do gets recognized. Last night dug half dozen times and provided vids/articles/meme’d and all. 2 times i had my digs noticed.. woke up to find articles linked last night actually notable this morning.. w less work than i did last night.

So yeah would like to see game faces put on and do some work. That said it cant be dig only.. that was just as bad in reverse. Used to not be able to really “talk” about subjects w/o being told we werent digging enough.. equally as bad imho.

Too many want to just run their mouth and not provide any other means of substance.

If i spend time digging, getting links, screenshotting and posting up.. it would be nice to get a noteable nod.. sucks to find someone in same bread who didnt see you already posted.. posting up then getting a noteable for it.

Dig what Im saying?

2ce81a  No.3663805

File: 9fcb0e71c3a763d⋯.png (98.75 KB, 537x464, 537:464, fisa45.png)



>POTUS on DECLAS Ingraham

Waiting until AFTER midterms

POTUS is non stop WINNING

793174  No.3663806



c3238d  No.3663807


Yes, as long as Executive Order clarifies the US Constitution.

1) Born and naturalized (citizens after birth)

2) Under jurisdiction of USA

Illegal Aliens - not born in USA and not naturalized citizens

Illegal Aliens - their citizen status not under jurisdiction of USA but of their native country.

Thus can NOT birth a Citizen.

59df29  No.3663808

Massive dig on Dianne Feinstein


Further Reading: “Dianne Feinstein” (Keywiki.org and Biography.com); “Here’s What Dianne Feinstein Said About the Torture Report” (Time, 12-9-2014); “Feinstein Claimed That As Many As 1.2 Million Women Died from Illegal Abortions Before Roe v. Wade” (CheckYourFact.com, 9-7-2018); “Democrats Send ‘Information’ Concerning Kavanaugh Nomination to FBI” (CNN, 9-13-2018); “Sen. Dianne Feinstein Rails against Brett Kavanaugh’s ‘Aggressive and Belligerent’ Behavior” (ABC News, 9-28-2018); “Who Are America’s Seven Richest Senators?” (Investopedia.com, 1-30-2018); “Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy” (by Ben Weingarten, The Federalist, 8-8-2018); “Feinstein, Husband Hold Strong China Connections” (Los Angeles Times, 3-28-1997); “Husband’s Business Ties Pose Dilemma for Feinstein” (Los Angeles Times, 10-28-1994); “Husband Invested in China as Feinstein Pushed Trade” (San Francisco Chronicle, 10-22-2000); “Senator’s Husband’s Firm Cashes in on Crisis” (Washington Times, 4-21-2009); “A Conversation with Dianne Feinstein” (Wall Street Journal, 6-6-2010).

83fba2  No.3663809


his parents both became citizens after he was 18

d50b92  No.3663810

File: e9f96ee9541372e⋯.jpg (588.77 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, mobstr.jpg)

fcda6e  No.3663811

File: b06c19d73aad260⋯.jpg (60.1 KB, 597x573, 199:191, Screenshot 2018-10-30_08-2….jpg)

Trump to push end to birthright citizenship as U.S. elections loom

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said he will seek to limit the right of citizenship for certain children born in the United States in a new bid to dramatically reshape immigration policies that appeared to run afoul of the U.S. Constitution.


79c402  No.3663812

File: e01a8ae0cd7c5e4⋯.jpg (481.76 KB, 1080x1332, 30:37, Screenshot_20181030-152340.jpg)

File: fe762188a4628b9⋯.jpeg (79.25 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, DquaCPqWkAAyJLv.jpeg)

Saw this elsewhere

Qs last post 2381

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

https://www.law.cornell.edu › uscode › text

fb9b60  No.3663813

Does anyone wonder why is that the state of California with the highest undocumented/illegal immigrant population also has the largest homeless and drug addict problem in the USA?

I bet that if you were to run the statistics, you would find that any state that has a disproportionate number of illegal immigrants also has a larger than normal homeless population, all relative to state population.

"They took errr jebbbss" is actually very true and it is the very poor whites and African Americans who have been getting hit the hardest by illegals willing to work for cash for any wage and thus driving down the wages for the rest of us, legitimate Americans. I will say all Americans because this has a chain reaction effect. Once the lowest wages are driven low, this effects the next up the chain and keep going as far as it can.

565614  No.3663814


Yeah I don't understand releasing this now but it's not my job to know. Lol.

I like it and I hope it gets done quickly. Maybe he released it now to determine the caravan?

1abb63  No.3663815

File: 4def7e9e5efc655⋯.png (37.17 KB, 650x543, 650:543, fuckingretard.png)

1cdb60  No.3663816


This is excellent!

773a61  No.3663817

Communists and Mormons aren't allowed to ENTER the US.

Politics and religion

The Act allowed the government to deport immigrants or naturalized citizens engaged in subversive activities and also allowed the barring of suspected subversives from entering the country. It was used to ban members and former members and "fellow travelers" of the Communist Party from entry into the United States, even those who had not been associated with the party for decades.

The act also allowed the government to prevent polygamists from entering the country. It specifically stated under Title II, chapter 2, "GENERAL CLASSES OF ALIENS INELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE VISAS AND EXCLUDED FROM ADMISSION", Section 212, sub (a), part (11): "Aliens who are polygamists or who practice polygamy or advocate the practice of polygamy". If one was a polygamist, advocate of polygamy or one's religious belief or ideology advocates the practice of polygamy, they would not be allowed in the United States under this law.

86307a  No.3663818


Need to explain so that the entire story is there.

I'm missing pieces. Who said the quote, for example?

What does the Q mean for the equals?

a30526  No.3663819

The Caravan – 0:00 to 0:45

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/XslcgQJMZaY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

6cb387  No.3663820


Those states also have the highest taxes, to pay for all the illegal immigrants, and lots of citizens can't afford them and end up on the streets.

06c852  No.3663821

File: c03e864be51b3ee⋯.png (250.18 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)



14ab06  No.3663822

File: d0c63999d6cb6a8⋯.png (3.84 MB, 2262x2074, 1131:1037, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

File: a5a798334754888⋯.png (3.96 MB, 2286x1990, 1143:995, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

File: 995ac7fc95a9c31⋯.png (3.44 MB, 2218x2120, 1109:1060, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

File: 37a045e89533fbc⋯.png (276.33 KB, 1430x1072, 715:536, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

There are no coincidences.

fcda6e  No.3663824

File: 8817210df06e288⋯.jpg (46.7 KB, 578x371, 578:371, Screenshot 2018-10-30_08-2….jpg)



565614  No.3663825


Lol! Lady just bitching him out and he's just smiling!

0ea794  No.3663826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

555569  No.3663827

Soros in FL.


A report is being circulated by an anonymous truth-teller named “Publius”, documenting how ORANGE / OSCEOLA State Attorney Aramis Ayala’s allegedly secret sources of income are boosting her net worth.

By Jacob Engels

We have reported throurougly on anti-death penalty State Attorney Ayala’s ties to liberal moneyman George Soros over the past two years. We exposed so much truth about the insiduous alliance that our publication was threatened by Soros’ goons.

Now the Central Florida Post has obtained an email sent to the prosecutors office on “HAPPY BOSS’S DAY” calling her out for a nearly $250,000 increase in net worth in just the first year of her tenure. The document alleges that Ayala reported on her financial disclosures a $205,000 money market account, tens of thousands in cash, and $50,000 in “household goods.”

(Embedded scribd link has lalready been scrubbed off of scribd)

3b6278  No.3663828

File: fcfd961be19b72c⋯.jpg (139.24 KB, 800x739, 800:739, Former Chairman Gordon Lau….jpg)

File: a7d94805969eddc⋯.jpg (94.58 KB, 552x528, 23:22, feinstein old photo.jpg)

File: ffcf9e42634bd63⋯.jpg (212.63 KB, 1003x694, 1003:694, Feinstein long ago.jpg)

File: ca10d1bc55cbdf8⋯.jpg (143.29 KB, 623x599, 623:599, sept 2015 meeting with fei….jpg)

File: 5ba12c84293c762⋯.jpg (362.38 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, evil building shenzhen.jpg)

add1a5  No.3663829


So since 1987.. going to dig

83fba2  No.3663830


sweet there are a lot of dirtbags i would trade for his family kek, fucker is white as fuck too he would die

d0cf7b  No.3663831


lucky digs

The Govt never does things retroactively, always for future because people followed the laws that were in place at the time

397f51  No.3663832

File: 16848c29b2fc67f⋯.jpeg (43.4 KB, 474x243, 158:81, A7BA05AC-EE78-4635-B8B4-6….jpeg)


God Speed and God Bless as well, anon…

God Bless Our Republic……

& The Patriots………

43cb4b  No.3663833


Sorry. Sauce: https://www.14thamendment.us/birthright_citizenship/original_intent.html

3237c1  No.3663834

File: 4473e36d27f89ab⋯.jpg (89.61 KB, 926x1200, 463:600, 4473e36d27f89ab34bc368527c….jpg)

File: 875d5038132ac41⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 6d2faa0235b6b97ccee9c578ab….jpg)

File: 97e78b8b91343a0⋯.jpg (13.53 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 07f0b7691853c71207f778f359….jpg)



b67d8b  No.3663835

File: f2764a9d8c53f7e⋯.jpg (159.99 KB, 1440x688, 90:43, IMG_20181016_143114.jpg)

d33c59  No.3663836

File: 2e0a047d1ae2104⋯.jpg (214.43 KB, 670x462, 335:231, best_seller_james_woods.jpg)


Thespians are truly the most Moronic

Sort imaginable.

Most are in the biz due to mental instability!

always searching for who (((they))) are

By being someone other than


Most have a Severe "Left" Education

With todays learning system.

The Bubble (((they))) reside in gives them

No outside real view of the World!


3b6278  No.3663837

File: afe54f6f9353baa⋯.jpg (106.18 KB, 800x450, 16:9, get out of jail card hilla….jpg)

File: 6c6731fb19da6e4⋯.jpg (203.43 KB, 890x562, 445:281, hrc hillary china cia seve….jpg)

File: 1c79c770ef90d28⋯.jpg (128.27 KB, 850x480, 85:48, Q drop 10072018_1 hrc foun….jpg)

dd807a  No.3663838

File: 5a5d573b66b2c94⋯.png (943.84 KB, 856x452, 214:113, Capture.PNG)

File: 7dc64e7abcf2b97⋯.png (601.63 KB, 501x483, 167:161, Qdarktolight.PNG)

In Defense of Americanism

The Left has never understood what made “Make America Great Again” resonate with so many people. We heard their mystification at the notion loud and clear from Democrat front runner for 2020, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who actually said, “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.”

Rather than cherish the lessons learned from the history of our imperfect nation, elements of the radical left and their allies in the media ravage our history, throwing out traditions, tearing down memorials, and questioning the fundamental nature of the American Project. It’s a shameful enterprise that not only spits in the face of the eternal truths undergirding our nation, but also at all we have accomplished as a people.

Democrats either don’t believe in American greatness (or exceptionalism for that matter), or they can’t afford to champion the idea because too much of their base is wedded to a grievance politics that depends on America being something other than great.

Just over 250 years ago, a small agrarian nation, 13 upstart colonies, threw off the yoke of the world’s last, most powerful empire. Our nation became the most technologically advanced, diverse, free, and prosperous country the world has ever seen.

It was founded not on the basis of any one ethnicity or the heritage of a single family, but as a creedal nation rooted in individual liberty, voluntary association, and a proper understanding of human nature. America’s Founders knew that man left to his own devices was no angel, but would rather seek dominion over his fellow man. They designed a system that divided and diffused powers, pushing most of the day to day management of government to the most local level possible, while checking the impulses of our national government with institutions designed to protect the rights of the people. It was a profound event in human history, which many thought could never last.

Yet here we are, more than two centuries later, still a beacon of hope to the world. From the decks of the Arbella to the administration of Ronald Reagan until today, we have been that city on a hill. Americans have bestowed benefits to the human race—from our founding principles, to the inventions of our brilliant minds, to the sacrifices from American soldiers around the world.

The Left seethes at Donald Trump, completely failing to see what many Americans see: Trump isn’t about Republicanism or conservatism or even nationalism, per se. He’s about Americanism; the idea that America is a truly great nation like the world has never seen before, that its constitutional republic, and a belief that free markets at home keep us free.


a1c3fc  No.3663839

File: c8b8dbf4bd9316e⋯.jpg (41.04 KB, 317x479, 317:479, Spoopy Kermit.jpg)


Kek brother

It's Kek

fcda6e  No.3663840

File: 22d671d8a42859a⋯.jpg (66.65 KB, 584x510, 292:255, Screenshot 2018-10-30_08-3….jpg)

Elon Musk: ‘I’m now the Nothing of Tesla’

Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted Tuesday that he had become the "nothing" of Tesla after apparently removing title descriptions from his company website.

The Tesla and SpaceX founder joked that everything "seems fine" after the move, while adding in a second tweet that he will "legally" have to keep the title of president at Tesla in order to not "confuse authorities."

"Deleted my Tesla titles last week to see what would happen. I’m now the Nothing of Tesla. Seems fine so far," he wrote.

"Legally required officers of a corporation are president, treasurer & secretary. Guess I have to keep 1st one or it will confuse the authorities," Musk added in a follow-up tweet hours later….


5ee70c  No.3663841


and yet they prove how much the enemy of the people they are.

a79d20  No.3663842

File: 389b87e7f69ff1f⋯.png (104.65 KB, 388x365, 388:365, obama horns.PNG)


Hussein showing his HORNS TOO!

fb9b60  No.3663843


>Those states also have the highest taxes, to pay for all the illegal immigrants, and lots of citizens can't afford them and end up on the streets.

That's just so wrong. Any country that doesn't focus on and tries to take care of its weakest citizens and its veterans is not a country worth a name.

f3c787  No.3663844


Of course it's after midterms. Try January when they usually take office. Even might be more after january. As per usual, sit on your asses and wait.

3b6278  No.3663845

File: 8f66b12fc6c9a94⋯.jpg (163.18 KB, 806x546, 31:21, feinstein china 31 years 2….jpg)

ac3f12  No.3663846


Mitch knows…

4b5ddb  No.3663848


Don't think 5G is needed to plant ideas. Just a smart phone.

e14ab3  No.3663849

File: 32a8242ea00a2d7⋯.png (576.73 KB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Australia spy chief says 5G risks high, in nod to China firms' exclusion

Australia must restrict foreign firms with government ties from its 5G mobile communications network because it is critical infrastructure, the head of one of the country’s intelligence agencies said, helping to explain why China’s Huawei was banned. Australia expanded its national security rules in August to exclude telecommunication equipment suppliers that it believes have ties to foreign governments. Huawei Technologies Co Ltd said after the policy announcement that it would be prohibited from Australia’s new broadband network.

The events soured bilateral relations between Canberra and China. “5G technology will underpin the communications that Australians rely on every day, from our health systems and the potential applications of remote surgery, to self-driving cars and through to the operation of our power and water supply,” Mike Burgess, director-general of the Australian Signals Directorate, said in rare public comments late on Monday. “A potential threat anywhere in the network will be a threat to the whole network,” he said in a speech that did not mention Huawei or any other firm by name. A spokesman for Huawei did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The company has previously denied it answers to the Chinese government.

Speaking in Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said cooperation between Chinese and Australian companies was win-win, and Australia should not put up barriers to this. “We urge the Australian side to abandon ideological prejudices and create a fair competition environment for Chinese companies’ operations in Australia. We hope Australia handles this issue with caution,” Lu added. Huawei had offered Canberra access to its technology to satisfy security concerns, while it also argued the company structure hadn’t changed since it was allowed to supply equipment to Australia’s 4G network.

But Burgess said the 5G network requires different rules. “Historically, we have protected the sensitive information and functions at the core of our telecommunications networks by confining our high-risk vendors to the edge of our networks,” Burgess said. “But the distinction between core and edge collapses in 5G networks,” he said.

Western intelligence agencies have raised concerns for years that Huawei, the world’s largest maker of telecommunications network gear, is beholden to the Chinese government, raising the risk of espionage. The United States in August restricted access for Huawei and compatriot ZTE Corp to its lucrative market for similar reasons. Australia previously banned Huawei from providing equipment for its fiber-optic network and moved to block it from laying submarine cables in the Pacific. Although widely expected, the move added to tensions in bilateral ties as Canberra had previously accused China of meddling in its domestic politics, which soured trade ties.


83fba2  No.3663850


thats cool, I thought Trump fig out a way to throw out some dirt bag billionaire with the law, just thought about the way the news spun it, of course thats the angle they will play… be ready with facts is best, I'm going to dig now

b4dda9  No.3663851


>its weakest citizens

You said it yourself.

A country should take care of ITS OWN CITIZENS.

That statement does NOT obligate it to take care of people who violated the laws and came illegally.

Your statement refutes itself.

b67d8b  No.3663852

File: 48793e76aff1f2b⋯.jpeg (86.03 KB, 1020x756, 85:63, 1538349028.jpeg)

fb9b60  No.3663853

Dear Lord God please bless and protect our current President, Donald J. Trump and his entire family. In a time like this Lord God, please bless us all and provide us with the courage and the wisdom to continue doing your work and have the right words to say to the world.

Bless and protect the men and women of the USA MILINT, INT and other departments. Bless and protect the Qteam.

a79d20  No.3663854


I want to know why we can't find where Hussein changed his name from Soetero back to Obama.

Well, I know why, but I think it is a legit question to ask the media

565614  No.3663855



6cb387  No.3663856


This will end up before SCOTUS, which is what Trump wants, I'm sure. Then they won't be able to reverse it.

5ee70c  No.3663857


The top 4 floors are owned by dopey and Bill Gates

3b6278  No.3663858

What has China done to America?

How has China hurt America?

Who allowed this to happen over the years?



2 of how many?

What did the 2 do to help China?

2b367c  No.3663859



fcda6e  No.3663860

File: 85dcf41240cdc41⋯.jpg (115.37 KB, 586x604, 293:302, Screenshot 2018-10-30_08-3….jpg)

Second Migrant Caravan Carrying Firearms and Gasoline Bombs: Mexican Authorities


c835a0  No.3663861

File: d3c4c25b71a3985⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 640x292, 160:73, Hussein_sick?.jpg)

f01a13  No.3663862

File: 99fe5fe73383f3a⋯.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 44427B8B-2166-46A0-A0DF-8C….png)

Maryland National Guard deployed to Baltimore.

Any other states sending in their NGs to the major cities?



d50b92  No.3663863

File: 06c145ac3da2c70⋯.jpg (28.78 KB, 332x363, 332:363, unimpressed.jpg)

Good article on SST wrt Seth Rich:


below from article:

Borne from a FOIA request filed in November 2017 by attorney Ty Clevenger, who requested any information regarding Seth Rich and and Julian Assange. The NSA informed Clevenger in a letter dated 4 October 2018 that:

Your request has been processed under the provisions of the FOIA. Fifteen documents (32 pages) responsive to your request have been reviewed by this Agency as required by the FOIA and have found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526. These documents meet the criteria for classification as set forth in Subparagraph (c) of Section 1.4 and remains classified TOP SECRET and SECRET.

Section 1.4 of EO13526:

Sec. 1.4. Classification Categories. Information shall not be considered for classification unless its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause identifiable or describable damage to the national security in accordance with section 1.2 of this order, and it pertains to one or more of the following:

(a) military plans, weapons systems, or operations;

(b) foreign government information;

(c) intelligence activities (including covert action), intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology;

a30526  No.3663864



The Caravan – 0:00 to 0:45


8b9e7f  No.3663865

File: 70521ed761fe02c⋯.jpg (95.09 KB, 670x377, 670:377, 2l37lh.jpg)

File: d058f76359f10a3⋯.jpg (94.63 KB, 670x377, 670:377, 2l1g2p.jpg)

4f6bad  No.3663866

File: b99cdfe279ba392⋯.png (24.89 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch out for your child's treats this trick or treat season.


5-year-old tests positive for meth after eating Halloween candy


347462  No.3663867

File: 0223d23fb8dc699⋯.jpg (17.19 KB, 247x204, 247:204, 14th amendment.jpg)

b824fd  No.3663868

File: 90d735e339a1088⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1054x1526, 527:763, ClipboardImage.png)

This MUST Stop!

83fba2  No.3663869


and saudi royal family is on as a part owner[rich guy time share]

b67d8b  No.3663870

File: 5193ea362183103⋯.jpeg (129.97 KB, 1124x836, 281:209, 1539123579.jpeg)

a79d20  No.3663871


I got this strange feeling that the caravan's troublemakers and ammo are already sitting at the US/Mexico border just waiting for the caravan to get here.

f01a13  No.3663872

File: 9435df6b45d8800⋯.png (1.38 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 6DF848A5-F41F-4DE9-9FD6-94….png)



6cb387  No.3663873


Just think about how many people Soros has bribed like this.

347462  No.3663874


Operation Tourist BOOM

397f51  No.3663875

File: bd170db6ec6cc1f⋯.jpeg (61.55 KB, 474x443, 474:443, 2FDE3FD8-C567-47D4-AB74-2….jpeg)


Lux & Pax…

ac3f12  No.3663876

File: e028756d8e4512f⋯.png (107.66 KB, 535x646, 535:646, Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at ….png)


>Maryland National Guard deployed to Baltimore.


>Cuomo deploys National Guard to protect NYers

95e493  No.3663877


I believe you are right. I also think this must be the surprise that Trump told us about last week.

I'm just not sure why he would stir the pot like

this right before the election. Seems a little risky

b824fd  No.3663878

File: 32288df3dee1607⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1768x1786, 884:893, ClipboardImage.png)

a1c3fc  No.3663879

File: a436802965fe2da⋯.jpg (125.1 KB, 1080x835, 216:167, Las Vegas Clinton Connecti….jpg)

f01a13  No.3663880

File: 77ebfeaf6a42d99⋯.png (141.6 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 9E443B6D-6CAA-437A-A746-AB….png)

16199d  No.3663881


That’s what anon said “dopey”

4cd4e8  No.3663882

File: d8456cd95aa975a⋯.jpeg (106.14 KB, 716x1024, 179:256, Dqw6rWbXgAA04nB.jpg-large.jpeg)

43cb4b  No.3663883


Sauce: https://www.14thamendment.us/birthright_citizenship/original_intent.html

3b6278  No.3663884

File: ab495b0cc0a4362⋯.jpg (199.87 KB, 879x609, 293:203, Brennon Feinstein Apology.jpg)

File: 8cd8d9075aac85e⋯.jpg (110.3 KB, 553x741, 553:741, Q drop 10052018_2 evil fei….jpg)

File: 6ca1387da9ca3fb⋯.jpg (167.02 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Feinstein leaker chinese s….jpg)

File: 2187e7cf100cf71⋯.jpg (221.21 KB, 893x643, 893:643, TIck tock feinstein.jpg)

565614  No.3663885

File: 5d5ad24aef6e869⋯.png (835.69 KB, 1210x963, 1210:963, 5d5ad24aef6e869cebb958b124….png)


It's absolutely happening.

26e4ad  No.3663886


This is awesome.

c3238d  No.3663887



Dirt (earth, geography) does NOT give birth to babies, Parents do. They give their DNA, their heritage to the child.

McCain was born on Panama dirt but parents were US citizens thus he gained the heritage of their citizenship.

Ted Cruz was born on Canadian dirt - he had parents of different citizenships, one was USA citizen. He could chose either parents citizenship as his heritage.

6cb387  No.3663888


Not risky. MOST (huge majority) of US citizens want immigration severely cut back or stopped all together.

a25a9b  No.3663889

File: 793749a265a5ce2⋯.jpg (82.07 KB, 385x407, 35:37, sorosletthem.jpg)

e14ab3  No.3663890

File: a6291a48fbb8e28⋯.png (989.21 KB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

El Chapo loses last minute bid to postpone trial

A U.S. judge on Tuesday turned down a last-ditch effort by accused Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to delay his trial, scheduled to begin next Monday with jury selection in Brooklyn federal court. Lawyers for Guzman said in a motion last week that they needed more time to review more than 14,000 pages documents, largely related to key witnesses expected to testify against their client, that prosecutors turned over on Oct. 5.

However, U.S. District Judge Brian Cogan said at a hearing on Tuesday that the volume of documents was in line with what they should have expected, noting that prosecutors had said in July that it could be 25,000 pages and that sprawling, complex cases like Guzman’s were necessarily challenging for both sides. “Nobody is going to be as ready to try this case as they would like to be,” he said. In what he called a small concession to the defense, Cogan ruled that opening statements in the trial would begin no earlier than Nov. 13, which could allow some extra time to prepare if jury selection finishes early next week.

Cogan also raised concerns at the hearing about the prosecutors’ planned case at the hearing. He said he was concerned that the prosecutors had indicated that they were prepared to present evidence that Guzman was involved in more than 30 murder conspiracies, even though the charges against him are for drug trafficking. “This is a drug case,” he said. “I’m not in any way going to let them try a murder conspiracy case that happens to involve drugs.” He said that while some evidence of murder conspiracies connected to alleged drug trafficking would be allowed, it would be limited. Guzman, 61, has been in solitary confinement since being extradited to the United States from Mexico in January 2017. He was known internationally as the head of Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel.


a79d20  No.3663891

File: 2b846cfe70d0611⋯.png (65.63 KB, 1356x640, 339:160, ng drops.PNG)


some NG drops

848ca3  No.3663892


You go Lindsey!

06ee1f  No.3663893

File: 72ca233f364effe⋯.png (95.78 KB, 617x557, 617:557, 8 Hours Remaining.png)

Brilliant idea to hijack this POTUS hating bitch's poll. Let's finish her off, anons:

https:// twitter.com/Narc_Problems/status/1057067515677949953

a25a9b  No.3663894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6cb387  No.3663895


Exactly. They're NOT citizens. Putting citizens on the street to "take care" of non-citizens is neglectful at best, traitorous at worst.

b67d8b  No.3663896

File: 400ad445caf72ce⋯.jpg (85.11 KB, 720x904, 90:113, vietnam-asma-kabagi_108460….jpg)

We can grow them??

4193e3  No.3663897


Excellent demonstration of open constructive dialogue

Having the freedom to openly express our individual positions allows us to come together to help resolve misconceptions, but also by allowing for the objective evaluation of the facts. It is precisely for these reasons that the founders thought it necessary to codify such freedom with the 1st amendment, a declaration so supremely important that they codified the 2nd amendment to protect it by force of arms should it ever become threatened. Once we lose the 1st amendment, whether overtly or by stealth, the country is finished and then the only voice left will be by those who have the most powerful weapons.

“Socratic dialogue” as a written or spoken conversation between two or more people was fundamental for the birth of Western civil discourse credited to Plato in 400 BC. So, for the media to suggest or otherwise insinuate that dialogue is no longer an option for maintaining civil discourse in 2018 strikes me as the kind of BS propaganda someone might attempt to employ in order render the 1st amendment obsolete and further destabilize a country already polarized by social engineering.

3b6278  No.3663898

File: 7bf47a02d065580⋯.jpg (199.47 KB, 824x524, 206:131, server also hacked by indi….jpg)

c6ca38  No.3663899


Livestock must be protected, but humans must be slaughtered…..

Telling attitude

c63a10  No.3663900


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.


c11a87  No.3663901

>>3619933 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (New with notables!)

God bless you codefag. This has made un-sauced claims re: chronicled drops and happenings inexcusable.

8c857e  No.3663902


Maybe one of those "invisible" planes T was bragging about

462e23  No.3663903

This was Red october for Old Guards around the globe

e35b11  No.3663904


What a fucking idiot. The jews are not a 'chosen people'. They are deceitful and not to be trusted. If there were no reason for it, they would not be universally despised and throughout history removed from cultures they harmed. Cockroaches.

e14ab3  No.3663905

File: 2abd7d15d5b7902⋯.png (654.86 KB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. senator says will offer bill to back Trump birthright citizenship plan

Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham on Tuesday said he would introduce legislation to support U.S. President Donald Trump’s plan to limit U.S. citizenship to certain children born in the United States. Graham, in a statement, said his measure would be “along the same lines” as the executive order that Trump earlier told Axios that he planned to enact. Neither Graham nor Trump gave any details or timeline.


a79d20  No.3663906





NG on duty in several cities

06c852  No.3663907

File: bcbc680b6406dc7⋯.png (570.25 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)


a25a9b  No.3663908


(((They))) thinned out Europe with the Muslim refugees, and now (((they))) want the same for America.

bee582  No.3663909

File: 3946e054f32bc4f⋯.mp4 (368.54 KB, 180x240, 3:4, 99VTnYIvtojSkezT.mp4)

New Time Magazine Cover Animated!

1a8afb  No.3663910



I reccommend a toke to get to know the feling.

With 2 tok ur in. and the last long third being a breaktrough.

some do it in the first. but with 3 ur def in.

Meditate on waht u want to know and t"they" will show u.

They always did with me.

As I was not "in" they did it with my body. that was a wierd experience. They took over my body when i did thing to metaphorically tell me. It was awesome.

It is the single most important thing i did in my life.

0f34b1  No.3663911

File: 535c7caedd9dc1d⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_4710.PNG)


POTUS wants to WIN hearts and MINDS before midterms (Red Wave). He knows what he's doing!

7b33aa  No.3663912


Lose the ego. Qresearch has the heart/mind of the anons that are regulars. It is its own Country, if you will.

Notables belong to the anons, not you.

Have a pleasant day.

4f6bad  No.3663913

File: 4b806528e054a2d⋯.png (217.29 KB, 1264x693, 1264:693, n.png)

Tankers taking same route as yesterday when they were escorting to Globemaster 3.

71c688  No.3663914

File: def793b9a7bc8d7⋯.png (61.77 KB, 1345x255, 269:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9d3b52944a93cc⋯.png (124.96 KB, 1356x483, 452:161, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe anons should be helping to get the word out re: Haiti



[Read very carefully]


b7b43f  No.3663915

File: 881eedfbae90374⋯.jpeg (358.43 KB, 750x1257, 250:419, D19F1272-0C77-458C-A04B-6….jpeg)


MOST countries do NOT automatically grant citizenship based on place of birth.

26e4ad  No.3663917


WTF I love Lindsay Graham….

a66b62  No.3663918

need help, girl I'm talking to is extremely upset about the birth right for anchor babies being taken away. I said, he's not trying to take away citizenship from US born babies that are made by US citizens. She said well, I'm an illegal and I have a son. My whole family was once illegal and they all have kids. She said good luck taking away the 14th amendment. I need a good rebuttal to show her that she is wrong.

565614  No.3663919


Americans are dreamers too.

b824fd  No.3663920

File: 8cb57350ea0b453⋯.png (229.42 KB, 388x400, 97:100, ClipboardImage.png)

95e493  No.3663921


I agree but it might also inspire more lefttards to

vote next week…this has really fired them up

091277  No.3663922

File: de892b11374edd5⋯.png (689.2 KB, 1089x732, 363:244, ClipboardImage.png)


=why would potus fly into maccaren instead of nellis?==

To meet with Area51 folks flying in to meet on a janet flight?

Think tarmac meeting?

3b6278  No.3663924


Q's real first post?

6cb387  No.3663925



Do these mayors think they're putting out NG to protect them against POTUS? Bc that's not going to work out well.

803681  No.3663926

File: 92eb5b9590a1b7e⋯.jpg (264.46 KB, 643x411, 643:411, throw-fish-glow.jpg)


>That was hurtful.

Dude's glowing guise.

4f6bad  No.3663927


Call ICE on her!

Bet that shuts her up.

b824fd  No.3663928

File: cd869afc3e88798⋯.png (942.52 KB, 1300x1012, 325:253, ClipboardImage.png)

8b9e7f  No.3663929


Lyin Ted is Lion Ted now. Traitor and cocksucker Lindsay Trump's new hero. Pathetic.

bee582  No.3663930

File: 7e048702d9fae8c⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB, 320x180, 16:9, GgrOIZ6e0NyKz1OM.mp4)

MSNBC reporter surprised to find Hispanics that support Republicans and oppose illegal immigration

8722ee  No.3663931

File: 49c377f7ef846d6⋯.png (393.52 KB, 322x512, 161:256, ClipboardImage.png)

Uhhh, guise…


06c852  No.3663932

File: 34891477bd2e35c⋯.png (446.36 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

565614  No.3663933


What is the point of this cover though? Don't hey think he will be president for life or are they trying to scare Dems into voting.

c6ca38  No.3663934

File: 9fd78c0e3ae10c6⋯.png (297.97 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, D1009441-FFB1-4FD0-ACA9-4F….png)


Good v evil

Don’t fall for divisive tactics

a66b62  No.3663935


lmfaoooo, she's polish and a friend of mine. I really want to be informative to try and help red pill her about the situation. I feel like she isn't comprehending it totally.

e14ab3  No.3663936


Interesting role shifts..

92122c  No.3663937


How much has she consumed in foodstamps?

I can't wait until we get these parasites off of us.

050182  No.3663938

File: 6a5821848890f42⋯.jpg (512.99 KB, 1680x1539, 560:513, IMG_20181030_114505.jpg)

@usarmycentral tweet…

#DidYouKnow - The arrow on the patch worn by @1stTSC Soldiers points to what would be 10:30 on a clock, signifying that the mission is always accomplished before the eleventh hour. #100DaysofHonor https://t.co/wOIoyn4IhA


b824fd  No.3663939

File: cf03f5fbaf94b2c⋯.png (278.67 KB, 1504x1020, 376:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e857086563a251b⋯.png (204.25 KB, 739x672, 739:672, ClipboardImage.png)

06c852  No.3663940

File: 95a18cff747e4ae⋯.png (691.57 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)


4f6bad  No.3663941


Or she's telling the truth and is seriously opposed due to the fact that they are here illegally and never became citizens.

963343  No.3663942

File: 225845f06ee32e1⋯.jpeg (35.03 KB, 249x400, 249:400, 4517879B-1820-43DE-8676-3….jpeg)

Anyone read this?

Check the caption above the title


3237c1  No.3663943

File: 29ef72123d06850⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 640x462, 320:231, oyypo2t63vzy.jpg)

bee582  No.3663944


exactly this.

they want people to believe Trump will dissolve the constitution and really become GEOTUS.

dfb856  No.3663946


I thought this was very interesting. Copied it to my twatter page. Saving Israel for last. I have no clue how (((+))) plans to conquer that problem. Anyway good read. Thanx.

0f34b1  No.3663947

File: 5b30c0e9be1dc9e⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 332x500, 83:125, IMG_5862.GIF)


Scared Shitless!

"Muh Legacy"

06c852  No.3663948

File: d815a8a918cf765⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

7058d6  No.3663949

File: e0e3258a4cb4d58⋯.jpeg (15.91 KB, 190x270, 19:27, B5E17A4A-0BD5-4657-A8DF-2….jpeg)


dd807a  No.3663950

File: 51ca852d0ea3c62⋯.png (444.55 KB, 600x299, 600:299, Capture.PNG)

This is what our colleges and universities have become and you wonder why no big name arrest have happened yet, they all hate God and Country. After the elections

Teacher Fails Straight A Student For Not Denying God

Something awful is taking place in America today. During most of U.S. history, if someone was clearly of another faith, basic curiosity may have led to questions being asked, but no one cared. What is happening in these post-modern times is that people who worship God in any way are being mistreated, talked down to, and are even seeing their First Amendment rights come under fire, as Faith Reel revealed today.

A student named Grace Lewis was enrolled in “a class offered by Polk State College, in Florida.” Lewis is known for being a very good student, often holding a 3.9 G.P.A. She is, after all, taking college classes while still in high school. That achievement was diminished greatly when she got four zero grades because she held to her faith in the existence of God.

Failing grades were given to Lewis simply because she refused to deny what she knew to be true when questioned. This militant atheist demanded she drop his class and worked tirelessly to convert students.

Russum, as early as week one, started saying that the source of all religion was simply the result of humankind’s “imagination.” By week four, the anti-God opinions were said to be stated as absolute truth, and by weeks 11, 12, 13, the teen was awarded zero’s for not agreeing with his absurd proclamations.

While quick to squash the freedom of religious thought that his pupils have, the teacher himself had a picture a Jesus Christ flashing the middle finger from the heavens on his Facebook page. It seems that he is quite comfortable with such freedoms when he is exercising them.


0c98a5  No.3663951


what better way to reveal FVEY than have HRC extradited to a FVEY country … all rage against her incarceration is redirected at FVEY participants?

92122c  No.3663952


"girl I'm talking to' as in dating? Netflix and chilling with?

You fucking dumb her ass and start making better choices! Go find yourself a hard working pure American girl.

a66b62  No.3663953


I said she is taking it out of context and I'd try to explain better. She wrote this back..

"How lol, he wants kids that are born to illegals in the US not be natural born citizens just because they were born to parents that are not legal. That's fucked up."

I need a very informative rebuttal to this! help!

83fba2  No.3663954

File: f7da2363aa8c0b7⋯.png (34.29 KB, 145x104, 145:104, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at ….png)


Trumps got him going out in public, he don't want to be out there,

Dude flipped, right away, told Hillary to back off after the election but she pushed, he made a deal before the last election with the clinton gang, cabal did not care as long as one of them was in there, she traded spots with him, it was her turn, she had Obamas 8 years to set the stage for her world domination.

Big O will get life in Gitmo, and the public will be ok with that [live stream camera in his cell] because of the forces he helped to take down.

thats the word on the street

347462  No.3663955


You don't even have to go that far. There simply are no "chosen people".

7fed6d  No.3663956


Haha reruns are great sometimes.

GEOTUS should tweet whatever you do don't go to Mexico and join the Migrant Caravan…

Watch them flock down there to March to the border…two birds.

0af593  No.3663957


What purpose does this serve? You think this poll changes dems minds? No. Polls are fake to begin with. Fake news. Waste of time. How the fuck is this a notable?!?

a66b62  No.3663958


no, not with her. friend from high school.

d0098e  No.3663959


My gut tells me Q will be quiet until after midterms. He/they are always quiet when the real shit is going down.

555569  No.3663960

File: b4508b0b535e752⋯.png (888.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, b4508b0b535e752bc8e3236662….png)


Rashada Jai Howard (Gillum's "wife") & Spawn of the Devil.

a020a9  No.3663961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China’s Xi tells military to prepare for war as US Navy warns of high seas encounters

Chinese President Xi Jinping told military officials responsible for the disputed South China Sea to be better “prepared for war” as tensions with the US are rising. Beijing may be bracing for a worst-case scenario with the US.

Xi made the blunt remarks last week as he was meeting the Southern Theatre Command, the military officials responsible for one of China’s five strategic war zones. The calls were made on Thursday as part of his four-day visit to Guangdong province, but the Chinese state media reportedthem only on Friday.

“It’s necessary to strengthen the mission… and concentrate preparations for fighting a war,” President Xi said. “We need to take all complex situations into consideration and make emergency plans accordingly.

We have to step up combat readiness exercises, joint exercises and confrontational exercises to enhance servicemen’s capabilities and preparation for war.


0c98a5  No.3663962


will we be revoking citizenship of prior anchor babies?

8c857e  No.3663963


We have to drop the Us vs Them mentality

Its a war of the mind

f86a65  No.3663964

File: dea9aae6b598e17⋯.jpg (120.9 KB, 811x649, 811:649, good versus evil.jpg)

006459  No.3663967


nobody here will help you dox Q.

02cbd3  No.3663968

File: a3b7e1753282a93⋯.png (279.21 KB, 630x634, 315:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary & CIA Director Panetta Illegally Wiretapped, Spied on Americans Seeking Reward on Osama bin Laden

During the international manhunt for terror king Osama bin Laden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CIA Director Leon Panetta were running a sweet side Op that involved illegally wiretapping and surveillance of U.S. citizens, according to shocking details in the new Deep State book PAINE: How We Dismantled the FBI in Our Pajamas.

Clinton, running the State Dept. at the time, and Panetta again running the CIA. A formidable Democratic duo. Generals of the Deep State, no doubt. Enter the little-known Rewards for Justice Program where anyone can submit tips to help capture America’s most wanted terrorists and receive a hefty cash reward if they are arrested. Or at least that’s how it is supposed to operate.

The price on bin Laden’s head was $25 million.

But according to revelations in the new Deep State book PAINE: How We Dismantled the FBI in Our Pajamas:

American citizens or retired federal agents who were hunting Osama bin Laden became government targets. If their tips and Intel were credible – at least under Hillary Clinton – their submissions became a license for surveillance. That included any information filtering into the program about bin Laden living or being spotted in Iran.

“Any information about Iran was handled by the people at the very top of the State Department,” one intelligence insider with knowledge of the program’s working said.

Another intelligence official went even further, alleging credible tips pinpointing bin Laden in Iran were not only NOT paid because they were never followed up – but the whistleblowers were wiretapped, spied on and monitored to see what they were doing with the information.

“There was a concern about leaking details to the press or having people rail against the government for ignoring their ticket to a $25 million reward,” one insider said.

Instead of using the information to seek bin Laden, State Dept. and CIA resources were being expended to keep a close eye on the whistleblowers who dared to try and collect a public reward for bin Laden’s capture. A status report on each such person and entity was being forwarded to State Dept. brass on a “weekly” basis, one insider confirmed.

The intelligence program was operating like a counterintelligence program, with the Obama administration – Clinton and Panetta – pulling strings to safeguard and kill any information regarding bin Laden in Iran. A sophisticated cruel misinformation campaign dreamt up and implemented by sinister actors.


565614  No.3663969

File: 4763f79d7727e0e⋯.png (184.27 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20181030-104805.png)

File: 24e0259ec9b84c0⋯.png (75.89 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20181030-104747.png)

File: 57bc083597f69d6⋯.png (359.53 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20181030-104757.png)

File: ed511317efd6ec3⋯.jpg (129.73 KB, 1138x800, 569:400, 2c1bd8d0cac44189bdfcacc840….jpg)


It wasn't POTUS. POTUS was at a golf tourney on the east coast when LV went off. It was most likely Jared.


4f6bad  No.3663970


That would be a great start, but probably not.

091277  No.3663971


not doxxing Q…using Q crumbs and digging..

7058d6  No.3663972

File: a65be7cfde4247f⋯.jpeg (113.5 KB, 638x1200, 319:600, D5F8917C-3AEF-49CC-BAC7-4….jpeg)

Are we living

1abb63  No.3663973


I can't sauce the image at the moment but, mid-air refuelers fly assigned paths throughout the CONUS.

Another anon posted a pic in bread sometime yesterday.

0af593  No.3663974


Ridiculous. Just stop.

ac3f12  No.3663975

File: d17a89f55caa1f6⋯.png (62.51 KB, 900x324, 25:9, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

JUST IN: ‘Unstable man with knife’ nabbed outside Brooklyn synagogue, NYPD says - NYDN




091277  No.3663976


september 20th. LV rally.

2b367c  No.3663977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


忘れないと 誓った あの日の夏は远く

I can't forget the promise, You made to me that hot summer night

寄せて返す波にも あの日の风はいない

It seems so long since I held you, So long since you said you were mine

ああ二人で点した あの部屋のキャンドルは

Oh don't you think of that magic night, Of a quiet room and candlelight

光あふれる时代の中で どこへはかなく消えていったのか

Was it an illusion that vanished with the sun, You swore to me without a word that you and I had just begun

恋しさを 闻かせてよ

Let me hear you say, That you want me now

惜しみなく 闻かせてよ

Let me hear you say, There's away somehow

他人じゃないなら なおさら なおさら

Darling we're much more than strangers. I still want you, I still need you

浅い眠りに さすらいながら

Lying in a shallow sleep, My desire running deep

街はほんとは 爱を呼んでいる

Love lives on this street of dreams, The city's calling your name to me

浅い眠りに さすらいながら

Lying in a shallow sleep, My desire running deep

街はほんとは 爱を呼んでいる

Love lives on this street of dreams, The city's calling your name to me

风の中にふるえて 瞬く星のように

I feel a shiver when the autumn wind, Blows round me like touch of your hand

あやまちかもしれないと 哀しく迷っていた

I feel your memory still burning bright, It's like the first star I see tonight

ああ二人気づかない 失ってみるまでは

You never know what you've got fil its gone, But my foolish heart keeps holding on


It kills me to know that we're so far apart


When I know the longing that you've got deep inside you heart

恋しさは こわれもの

Oh the pain I feel, I miss you every night

せつなさは こわれもの

Fragile as a bird, It cut me like a knife

他人じゃないなら なおさら なおさら

Darling we're more than strangers. I still want you, I still need you

浅い眠りに さすらいながら

Lying in a shallow sleep, My desire running deep

街はほんとは 爱を呼んでいる

Love lives on this street of dreams, The city's calling your name to me

浅い眠りに さすらいながら

Lying in a shallow sleep, My desire running deep

街はほんとは 爱を呼んでいる

Love lives on this street of dreams, The city's calling your name to me

浅い眠りに さすらいながら

Lying in a shallow sleep, My desire running deep

街はほんとは 爱を呼んでいる

Love lives on this street of dreams, The city's calling your name to me

a020a9  No.3663978

File: 1d85ff9836e46d0⋯.jpg (151.26 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5bd844c6dda4c8fe188b45a3.jpg)


A controversial adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has issued a sobering warning to Greece, saying it “will end up in a catastrophe” within hours if it decides to wage war on Ankara.

Perhaps having some ‘insight’, known only to the adviser, Yigit Bulut stated: “Greece will end up in a catastrophe within three to four hours if it wages a war against Turkey.” Notably, the suggestion comes from someone who once said Greece is not a challenge to Turkey as “it would be like a fly picking a fight with a giant.”

Bulut's boastful remarks – made recently on local TV – came amid another round of tensions between Turkey and Greece.


75e02e  No.3663979

File: 0f77bc61f21d5d0⋯.png (240.58 KB, 509x553, 509:553, goat.png)


Horns you say?


8c857e  No.3663980


I lurk therefore I Am

287e4a  No.3663981


i’m totally cool with just stopping the practice. Will be a huge deterrent. Backdating it just creates huge problems we don’t need.

83fba2  No.3663982

not a Q BUT its for the Quartermaster so it kinda is ,always done before the 11th hour its 11:55 on the clock

7058d6  No.3663983

File: a610ec4cd327b82⋯.jpeg (16.81 KB, 219x255, 73:85, BE675DFE-5898-4FE7-8932-0….jpeg)

add1a5  No.3663984

File: 2dcbb3a44cf32bd⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, F6CE7BBD-FE77-4E6D-A360-2C….png)


Hell yeah, thanks for sauz.. she was blocked for a 3rd term as Mayor in 1987.. gotta dig on her husbands companies right then. Reason i am digging on this, it actually coincides w/ Clinton’s and their dealings w china while gov of arkansas.. as soon as he(they) got into whitehouse they were immediately trying to sell US secrets to China. First of which was the satellite tech to seperate payloads from rockets (exploding bolts and other) but was blocked till 1997.. which happened to be when Gore/Clintons/+5 others were told about China trying to influence elections. In 1997 is when Clinton Foundation was started..

We just need to dig all the stuff they did with and for china up

b824fd  No.3663985

File: 6fd0650d2b62862⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1480x1962, 740:981, ClipboardImage.png)

Fck these Cucks

92122c  No.3663986


She admitted she's illegal, tell her we send our best wishes as she returns to Poland , she's gonna have to drop her leftist views and be proud of her homeland.. they are Nation of Proud ppl and she can learn a thing or 2

God How I wish it were to happen that way, every last one of these illegals OUT!

b701a3  No.3663987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ann Vandersteel interview with Bill Binney, 10.29.18

Interviews starts at 19:59


Binney started a new business with another former NSA employee, "Pretty Good Knowledge."

There continues to be much waste, especially by big federal contractors. We don't get much for our money.

Binney created Automated Decision Intelligence Architecture (ADIA) for his new business.

This automates the analysis of big data right down to decision making. Helps answer questions.

Preparing to implement this program in various areas including legal ones suing banks (money laundering, etc.). trace the money flow, find patterns

This was the same thing he did for NSA.

If you automate the analysis you can handle any quantity of data, not limits.

Also looking at insurance companies, imports/exports for the world, mapping out where they go, pick out smuggling, etc.

You can pick this stuff out by looking at certain aspects of the data. More focused.

NSA has deteriorated. The thigs that have been happening/the things they missed inexcusable.

Spending $1T on intelligence since 9/11, not getting value for it. Objective of intel is to predict things so as to stop them. Not going well. They nee help.

"I don't know if I have enough time on this earth to help them because they're pretty much losers."

Post-9/11, NSA didn't use programs to predict, they went for bulk acquisition of data to monitor everyone.

Stellar Wind program at NSA. CIA & FBI had direct access to data too.

They collected everything and used against citizens like the Tea Party, whistleblowers, Congress, the courts, everybody.

NSA/spying apparatus became 4th agency of government, possible most powerful; they control the information going to the WH, the decision-making.

"No country in the world has any control over their intelligence agencies. The can't stop what they're doing."

"They can send people out to murder people…."

"NSA tracks 'em, CIA whacks 'em."

A lot of what is happening today is a forensics job (looking at data after the fact), not an intelligence job (prediction).

Binney's approach (discarded after 9/11) was to look for they needles in the haystack and let the haystack go by. Filters in acquisition of data.

Cheney/Bush removed filters because they wanted all the data on political enemies. Power over everybody. They didn't want anyone to know they were doing.

[This is the first 20 minutes of the interview; there's still about another 20 minutes to go.]

7058d6  No.3663988

File: 3f7072bb155ed2e⋯.jpeg (87.3 KB, 812x514, 406:257, 5E5A125A-7FC5-4AE8-A666-1….jpeg)

File: 47cef3300e36859⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 82D19D5C-9E2E-4F34-9893-4….jpeg)

782892  No.3663989


>he confiscated everyones GOLD too.

YES, anon.

Mike Maloney has the best series on fiat currency I have seen:



8ada36  No.3663990


Makes one wonder if MI and Trump had already teamed up back when he was forcing the BC issue on Hussien

0ea794  No.3663991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a020a9  No.3663992

File: b24668f71ac2c10⋯.png (334.42 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5bd7c897fc7e93350b8b45de.png)

Parliament evacuated in New Zealand amid 6.2 quake 

A 6.2 earthquake has struck New Zealand, 64 kilometers east of the town of Waitara, and was felt all across the nation, including the capital city of Wellington. The tremor has even halted a session of parliament.

No tsunami warning was issued by the nation's Civil Defence. So far there have also been no reports of damage or casualties caused by the tremors, which locals say lasted for about a minute.

83fba2  No.3663993

File: be1b32fc2fd0284⋯.png (49.45 KB, 153x122, 153:122, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

773a61  No.3663994

Loss of citizenship

Loss of national citizenship is possible only under the following circumstances:

Fraud in the naturalization process. Technically, this is not a loss of citizenship but rather a voiding of the purported naturalization and a declaration that the immigrant never was a citizen of the United States.[66]

Affiliation with "anti-American" organizations (e.g., the Communist party, terrorist organizations, etc.) within 5 years of naturalization. The State department views such affiliations as sufficient evidence that an applicant must have lied or concealed evidence in the naturalization process.

Other-than-honorable discharge from the U.S. armed forces before 5 years of honorable service, if honorable service was the basis for the naturalization.[66]

Voluntary relinquishment of citizenship. This may be accomplished either through renunciation procedures specially established by the State Department or through other actions that demonstrate desire to give up national citizenship.[67]

For much of the country's history, voluntary acquisition or exercise of a foreign citizenship was considered sufficient cause for revocation of national citizenship.[68] This concept was enshrined in a series of treaties between the United States and other countries (the Bancroft Treaties). However, the Supreme Court repudiated this concept in Afroyim v. Rusk (1967),[69] as well as Vance v. Terrazas (1980),[70] holding that the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment barred the Congress from revoking citizenship. However, Congress can revoke citizenship that it had previously granted to a person not born in the United States.[71]

091277  No.3663995


What is ridiculous? That Q is a security clearance for the DOE? That the DOE owned and operated area51 until 1999..(the start..).. That Q said we arent alone.. That Q mentioned LV in connenction to planes without tail numbers at Maccarren airport..which is where janet airline flies unmarked planes in and out of area51.. Or that it is speculated that area51 has a project called looking glass and Q has mentioned looking glass.. Ya its ridiculous alright..

ac3f12  No.3663996

File: d4624c545a1f377⋯.png (135.98 KB, 928x751, 928:751, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Yeah, well we'll remember this next time you attack the 2nd amendment, ACLU:

This is a blatantly unconstitutional attempt to fan the flames of anti-immigrant hatred in the days ahead of the midterms.

The 14th Amendment’s citizenship guarantee is clear. You can’t erase the Constitution with an executive order, @realDonaldTrump.This is a blatantly unconstitutional attempt to fan the flames of anti-immigrant hatred in the days ahead of the midterms.

The 14th Amendment’s citizenship guarantee is clear. You can’t erase the Constitution with an executive order, @realDonaldTrump.




6cb387  No.3663997


OMG this is epic. NG activated today. 1 yr from original date noted. Holy shit.

Here's something else to think about.

10/25 Plane stopped and searched in MIA

10/29 Phoenix highway shut down, suspect killed in shootout with officers

10/29 Homeland Sec traffic stop in SC

10/30 Plane evac for susp item in Baltimore

Possible they're stopping cabal from fleeing?






4f6bad  No.3663998


Yes, we know about air-refueling.

So explain the hiding of Globemaster 3's flying in formation with them.

Their ads-b is off at the moment, but it IS the exact same fp as yesterdays 2 tankers and 2 Globemaster 3's.

And DON'T try to tell me Globemasters need refuleing going from Oklahoma to Texas border and back to Oklahoma, for fuck sake they aren't called GLOBEMASTER for no reason.

565614  No.3663999

I'm ready if you are here.

c835a0  No.3664000


KEK! Classic.

d6a1c6  No.3664001

File: 164d3bc7862e659⋯.png (251.84 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181030-114337.png)

File: cc7b4cfeefe919f⋯.png (183.36 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181030-112542.png)

File: aa26e2024942dce⋯.png (220.65 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181030-114356.png)

File: 553f3123350967a⋯.png (216.92 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181030-113750.png)

Pain. Mother of Darkness.

The specifics will make people

absolutely lose their shit.

c6ca38  No.3664003


Yes! Many shattered minds

Remember that the wounded will reflexively lash out at the healers

Compassion is the key

And patience

c09e9f  No.3664004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



8c857e  No.3664005



85af34  No.3664006


kek right on

6cb387  No.3664007


Destroying more tunnels and bunkers.

1abb63  No.3664008


FWIW, Q didn't start using tripcodes until post #128 on Nov 9.

ac3f12  No.3664009

File: f049ca3fde910d5⋯.png (807.92 KB, 1380x735, 92:49, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)



803681  No.3664011


>Backdating it just creates huge problems we don’t need.

They are naturalized, I think, not natural born, because a law determined their citizenship status. I would put that qualifier on their citizenship status at least.

d0ad8c  No.3664012


tell her to talk to her consulate and see if there is a way for her to apply for legal immigration.

tell her to talk to an immigration attorney.

dd807a  No.3664013

File: 3de3cbe6ba3b927⋯.png (284.09 KB, 489x274, 489:274, Capture.PNG)

moar censorship

Breaking: Conservative Journalist Laura Loomer Is Suspended from Twitter UNTIL AFTER ELECTION DAY!

Conservative journalist Laura Loomer was suspended from Twitter on Tuesday. She was notified on Tuesday morning without any warning. Twitter did not notify her about what she did that caused her suspension.

Breaking: Conservative Journalist Laura Loomer Is Suspended from Twitter UNTIL AFTER ELECTION DAY!

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft October 30, 2018




Conservative journalist Laura Loomer was suspended from Twitter on Tuesday. She was notified on Tuesday morning without any warning. Twitter did not notify her about what she did that caused her suspension.

Laura Loomer spoke with The Gateway Pundit on Tuesday morning. She told us she was suspended for ONE WEEK until AFTER THE ELECTION.

Twitter can’t afford for @LauraLoomer to be active until AFTER the midterms.

She is a threat because she is good at her job – getting the real story out there. Disinformation is the only way the left wins.#LOOMERED

— Bradley Brewer (@Brad_S_Brewer) October 30, 2018


a020a9  No.3664014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pile of luxury: Hundreds of Maserati vehicles destroyed in blaze in Italy (VIDEOS)

Luxury car admirers might want to look away: hundreds of vehicles were burnt out in a huge fire in the Italian port city of Savona. The gloomy scene, captured on video after the blaze, looks like a post-apocalyptic movie.

The fire, surprisingly, started with water: the sea rose and flooded the north-western Italian city, including two parking areas in the city port, on Monday evening. They were filled with hundreds export-ready cars, including, according to local media, brand-new Maserati luxury vehicles.

The salt water caused car batteries to explode and catch fire in the early hours of Tuesday morning.


c3238d  No.3664015


Another example:

LAW is primarily 1) “agreed upon definitions of a term /word”. 2) “relationships between those terms to define reality”.

If you purchased a TV set from the manufacturer, you have the receipt (birth certificate citizenship).

Then someone stole your TV (illegal alien stole entrance to country).

Then the thief (illegal alien) sold your TV to a 3rd person (anchor baby).

Do you own the TV or does the person (anchor baby) who obtained the stolen TV, own the TV?

c8df49  No.3664016

File: 8a5b8820b396cf8⋯.jpeg (20.98 KB, 252x255, 84:85, b43dd142be17a429dd174e6c5….jpeg)


Here ya go fren.

75e02e  No.3664017

File: 75feebacc11c36c⋯.png (95.17 KB, 254x150, 127:75, 2018-10-27_18-57-17.png)

0af593  No.3664018


It's ridiculous to try and figure out who Q is. You search is irrelevant because it does nothing. Great, prove Q is Bob the guy at 7-11 always buying milk. So what? Great, it started at Area 51? So what?

Origins are useless in this. Q is within a team that is with POTUS. They have taken pics at rallies to show they are with POTUS, pics in Vegas when POTUS in Vegas, etc.

06c852  No.3664019

File: 8c1f4d409e7e863⋯.png (674.21 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

96d8a0  No.3664020

File: 5f91627fd435095⋯.jpg (11.88 KB, 255x170, 3:2, time to maga.jpg)

tippy topof the mornin lads

6349c6  No.3664021

File: fa90df8e4f0c6b5⋯.png (45.47 KB, 1236x518, 618:259, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like Bird is fly'ing again :D Oh well

a020a9  No.3664022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Coastal apocalypse: Luxury yachts, boats destroyed after storm hits Italy (PHOTO, VIDEO)

They were part of what Italian news agency ANSA said were 180 boats damaged in the storm on Monday, during which waves reached 10 meters high.

The catastrophe, which will reportedly cost millions to fix, started unraveling when the port’s dam collapsed due to the merciless weather. It caused dozens of yachts and small to medium-sized boats to wash ashore. It is understood one of the yachts that sank in the Mediterranean waters belonged to the family of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Once the 6.5-meter-high dam surrendered, the battering weather caused the boats to lose their moorings. What followed was the yachts inevitably drifting to the shore one by one while hundreds of startled residents watched in shock.

“It’s impressive to see the yachts’ silhouettes strutting the darkness just as they’re bound to crash,” a witness said. Twenty-one people who had been trapped in the dam were saved by firefighters.


43c026  No.3664023

File: 41f88c1a9b6d831⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 3464x2464, 433:308, 22699128-184A-4F51-9ECB-9….jpeg)


b67d8b  No.3664024

File: a4746de85cd6c74⋯.jpeg (132.06 KB, 1000x1464, 125:183, 1540914928.jpeg)

06c852  No.3664025


New Democrats on their Way to America

b4dda9  No.3664026


Cuomo was/is projecting. Deep inside, he knows better than anyone else that he himself "was never that great." Being of small real worth himself, his limited mind simply can not conceive what real greatness is. If he sees it, he is literally incapable of recognizing it–along the lines of his fellow low life Obama saying, "You didn't build that." Well, yes we did, and it is obvious. Yet their own limited worth and atomic powered blinders prevent them from even wondering what lies beyond the envelope.

By ravaging our history, brain dead leftists attack themselves. Suicidal they are. What we call history includes every single one of their forebears. Now they declare that those people who bred them were all immoral scumbags who knew nothing (again, projection), ergo that they themselves are of zero worth. That last part is correct! They have embraced not just being of zero worth to the world, but also being of large negative worth to the world via willing ignorance and mindless attack on the institutions that at least attempt(!) to protect and nurture us. They are not just objectively neutral—they are dangerous. Yet Walkaway gives them a chance to leave that behind and be their better selves.

How much the British Empire was really thrown off in the Revolution is open to dispute, as you know. The Brit rulers are central right now to supporting the evil matrix aligned against us, said matrix still permeating our own nation.

We want to be ruled by just law, not men–that is all. Opinions vary on how far we are from that ideal at this moment. But wherever we may be on the continuum, we are now moving toward the light…that's a cinch.

a020a9  No.3664027


I think so too.

65424b  No.3664028


Take it to the Supreme Court. KEK

6cb387  No.3664029



97df65  No.3664031


Strzok, hussein

Btw Hussein also has strange scars

We discussed that before

b52a1f  No.3664032

File: ad823c8ce20e0ef⋯.jpg (76.73 KB, 573x411, 191:137, red-wave-vs-dems.jpg)

3b6278  No.3664033


How did Feinstein get her spot in Cali?

Did people die?

Does this make Feinstein's driver more suspicious?

Is Russia more of a threat than China?

Which does fakenews focus on?

What happened in China, once HRC became

Sec of State?

3b3a82  No.3664034


Remember goy aliens dont exist

And if they do the greys are our friends

a020a9  No.3664035


Darn it lol responded to myself.

I think so too.

5d36c0  No.3664036

Can we compile a list of cities NG has been deployed?

46f4e2  No.3664037


Nice work.

97df65  No.3664038





3b3a82  No.3664039

Any ideas on how to get the mothmen to leave me alone

d0ad8c  No.3664041


Also: tell her if she isn't an enemy combatent noone is wanting to harm her. In fact, there might be people who would pay for her plane ride home.

ac3f12  No.3664042



No more sex trafficking hideouts, at least for awhile.

add1a5  No.3664043



Hussein/Clinton/Panetta wiretap citizens in twisted plot to protect info on Usama Bin Laden/collect reward info (so they say.. think moar four keeping his info secret, their tapping allowed counterintelligence on folks w knowledge of whereabouts to protect their protection of UBL)

4f6bad  No.3664044


Let's DON'T, and say we did!

0af593  No.3664045


Last hurricane still leaves some active outside of borders.

f959d7  No.3664046


close the windows?

a2cbf2  No.3664047

POTUS is a clever genius. I’ve never seen so many people discussing & learning our Constitution in my life.

fcda6e  No.3664048

File: 09aa6c3b75f7a71⋯.jpg (37.49 KB, 584x219, 8:3, Screenshot 2018-10-30_08-5….jpg)

1af541  No.3664049

File: 489a7b3053b4f80⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 320x240, 4:3, hah gay.gif)

2fb0dd  No.3664050

File: 203232fe0ddb8f6⋯.gif (2.84 MB, 672x480, 7:5, beachfun.gif)

c3f866  No.3664051


Nice number sequence!

confirms NPC

c6ca38  No.3664052


(But the boss said I need to find out or I’m fired from my shillfag job!)

6cb387  No.3664053


He's an idiot. She'll sue and win.

347462  No.3664054


You have to kick them in the mothballs.

0ea794  No.3664055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

96d8a0  No.3664056

File: d8e5ba2c41539b7⋯.png (410.65 KB, 1016x1247, 1016:1247, 7 10.PNG)

interesting that one of the larger plane crashes in recent history is a mirror reflection of the 7 out of 10 Q drop as if mapped as 7/10 or nah?

7711a3  No.3664057


Didn't she promise to give free blowjobs if her father got elected?

f86a65  No.3664058

File: d4b221ec3994ceb⋯.jpg (87.67 KB, 768x576, 4:3, gnabbed.jpg)

a020a9  No.3664060

File: 520d16fa4b58747⋯.jpg (131.62 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5bd85424dda4c8fb188b45c5.jpg)

Tunnel to the underworld’: Strange subterranean passages found beneath ancient Mexican pyramid

Archaeologists have discovered a mysterious tunnel and funeral chamber beneath the Pyramid of the Moon near Mexico City which was believed to represent a passageway to the ancient underworld.

The 15-meter-wide (50 ft) chamber, located around 8 meters (26 ft) under the surface is believed to have been used for sacred funerary rituals. An additional tunnel leading to the Plaza of the Moon was also discovered, opening at the southern end.

These large offering (ritual) complexes are the sacred core of the city of Teotihuacán,” archaeologist Verónica Ortega from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in Mexico said in a press release.

“All people considered it the mecca of civilisation, so what is found inside can help unravel the relationships this ancient metropolis had with other regions of Mesoamerica,” Ortega added.


c6ca38  No.3664061


Bug zapper

b4dda9  No.3664062

File: 9acd9a8e44e342b⋯.jpg (270.52 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, NeverGoingBack100.jpg)

File: 32fda6761283867⋯.jpg (203.94 KB, 1024x1160, 128:145, NeverGoingBack101.jpg)

File: 75bd12e49e9f33d⋯.jpg (224.02 KB, 1024x1160, 128:145, NeverGoingBack102.jpg)

File: b89122ada0fd0de⋯.jpg (209.01 KB, 1024x1160, 128:145, NeverGoingBack103.jpg)

File: 36528a2e6f0f80d⋯.jpg (243.42 KB, 1024x1160, 128:145, NeverGoingBack104.jpg)

71c688  No.3664063

File: 9100873bd142875⋯.png (136.11 KB, 556x284, 139:71, ClipboardImage.png)

910086  No.3664064


almost perfect. needs a conan o brien too.

0f34b1  No.3664065

File: 42f5ae1ad1bf08a⋯.jpg (193.16 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_6632.JPG)



fcda6e  No.3664066

File: 4ec8e5159d478a5⋯.jpg (119.2 KB, 582x971, 582:971, Screenshot 2018-10-30_08-5….jpg)

File: 90799146452e288⋯.jpg (86.77 KB, 808x832, 101:104, Screenshot 2018-10-30_08-5….jpg)

File: a6066c29d45e953⋯.jpg (59.19 KB, 550x394, 275:197, Screenshot 2018-10-30_09-0….jpg)

3b6278  No.3664067

File: 849aa4358797ff2⋯.jpg (149.23 KB, 709x602, 709:602, Q drop 08312018_10.jpg)


Was Q around before using trip codes?

How do tripcodes help?

97df65  No.3664068

f562dc  No.3664069


good pseudo-scifi mystic fanfiction right here

ac3f12  No.3664070

File: 079a48c0293e740⋯.png (113.49 KB, 887x578, 887:578, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

File: 8f20df40d2a0518⋯.png (232.04 KB, 1037x939, 1037:939, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

Former owner & manager of Dubai-based investment fund found guilty in Manhattan federal court of securities fraud related offensescst.




Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

Southern District of New York


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Former Owner And Manager Of Dubai-Based Investment Fund Found Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court Of Securities Fraud Related Offenses

The first scheme involved a fraud on investors in Maiden Capital LLC (“Maiden Capital”), a hedge fund based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Stephen Maiden was the managing member of Maiden Capital. Between in or about March 2009 and in or about June 2012, AMANAT, along with Maiden and others, devised and carried out a scheme to hide the fact that investments by Maiden Capital in Enable, an investment vehicle owned and managed by AMANAT, had been lost. To facilitate the scheme, Maiden, with AMANAT’s assistance, generated fictitious client account statements that failed to disclose millions of dollars in Enable-related losses.

The second scheme involved accounting fraud at KIT digital (“KITD”), a publicly traded company based in New York, New York, and Prague, Czech Republic. From at least in or about 2009 through in or about 2012, AMANAT, along with Tuzman, KITD’s former CEO, and Robin Smyth, KITD’s former CFO, engaged in an illegal scheme to deceive KITD shareholders, members of the investing public, KITD’s independent auditors, and others concerning KITD’s true operating performance and financial results. Instead of informing KITD’s auditors and investors that millions of dollars that KITD had invested with Enable had been lost or fraudulently misappropriated, AMANAT falsely represented that KITD’s investment with Enable was sound and earning steady interest.

Following the jury’s verdict, the government moved for AMANAT to be remanded into custody because, as alleged by the government, AMANAT attempted to obstruct justice by seeking to procure false bank documents in order to falsely demonstrate that two cooperating witnesses who testified at the trial and the 2017 trial had been paid for their testimony. An evidentiary hearing on this issue commenced and will continue at a later date.



7dd6ba  No.3664071


needs more sauce

96d8a0  No.3664072

File: d238c4c3794a3e6⋯.png (647.33 KB, 832x1117, 832:1117, FTP 1030.PNG)

in for a pen,in for a pounding

i wonder if anything comes up for today

6cb387  No.3664074



Tell her she has no rights as she is NOT a citizen.

3b3a82  No.3664075


Ooh good idea

Is there one for normalfags and dems too

0af593  No.3664076


That was Chelsea Clinton, and it was if her mother won. Ironically, even though Trump is President, Chelsea still stuck to her word and continue to blow.

06c852  No.3664077

File: 53032ad2fae35e3⋯.png (402.84 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)


a020a9  No.3664078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘Making Norway less safe’: 50,000 troops engage in largest NATO drills in decades (VIDEOS)

Massive NATO drills called Trident Juncture 2018 are underway in Norway, involving thousands of troops and vehicles. While the exercise is supposed to make allies feel safe, some believe it only turns the country into a target.

Trident Juncture 2018 is the largest exercise hosted by Norway since the 1980s and the largest NATO has held in decades. Some 50,000 troops from 31 countries, about 10,000 combat vehicles, 65 ships and some 250 aircraft are taking part in the drills that kicked off last week and will go on till November 7, with the troops honing their skills on the land, in the air and at the sea.



1abb63  No.3664079


Why would ACTIVE-DUTY aircraft leave ADB-S on during LIVE MIL Operations?

Can ADB-S reports 'merge'?


They wouldn't. Certainly NOT just so planefags can planefag.


555569  No.3664080

File: abcefa0d370f002⋯.jpeg (93.25 KB, 750x743, 750:743, RNFetchBlobTmp_avpvc5a4aa….jpeg)

File: 2577c538acdd211⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 800x450, 16:9, e688bb3b1be31078a02d899230….jpg)

File: 5cc6a9d26b43465⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 2018-10-07_07-12-24_img.jpg)

File: 121f00d7e6b82e5⋯.jpg (102.21 KB, 578x820, 289:410, 121f00d7e6b82e5885cadde6e7….jpg)


He also pursuing Prosecutors and District Attorneys ad nauseum.



And this is a good summary why:

Thomas Sowell on why the left wants judicial activists:


091277  No.3664081



Im not trying to figure out who Q is only validate a Q clearance claim that one who would hold such a clearance would know such a wide spectrum of classified information from aliens to f16 tech to satanic rituals to who used to run and operate NK…Obviously a Q team member is with POTUS.. im not saying there isnt one.

But Q has asked the question HOW IS POTUS 5 STEPS AHEAD? WHO IS HELPING POTUS?

and im a shill for trying to answer those questions? We have more than we know..

fcda6e  No.3664083

File: 1060e033bcfe358⋯.jpg (92.07 KB, 594x599, 594:599, Screenshot 2018-10-30_09-0….jpg)


287e4a  No.3664084


a candle should do the trick

c22764  No.3664085

Notables Bun

#4651 Baker Change

>>3663405 Dow erases yesterday’s loss

>>3663440 China replaces head of Peking University with Communist Party chief

>>3663452 Only 16 countries out of 197 meet Paris Climate Accord commitments

>>3663498 Iranian intelligence service suspected of attempted attack in Denmark

>>3663502 DOJ statement on protecting the right to vote, prosecuting ballot fraud

>>3663544 Turkey continues to press SA on Khashoggi

>>3663582 US restricts exports to Chinese semiconductor firm Fujian Jinhua

>>3663584 El Salvador providing assistance to migrant caravan

>>3663605 On interpreting the 14th Amendment in light of POTUS’ comments

>>3663661 New DJT: on consumer confidence

>>3663709 Lindsey Graham to introduce legislation to end birthright citizenship

>>3663767 Q Clock on the awakening of the black population

>>3663849 Australia spy chief discusses risks from China through 5G mobile coverage

>>3663860 Second migrant caravan carrying firearms, gasoline bombs

>>3663890 El Chapo loses last-minute bid to postpone trial

>>3663862 ; >>3663872 NG on duty in several cities (past several days)

>>3663968 Report on HRC and C_A Director Panetta illegally spying on Americans seeking reward on Bin Laden

>>3663987 Interview with Bill Binney, 2018/10/29

>>3664013 Laura Loomer suspended from twitter until after Election Day

>>3664070 Former owner of Dubai-based investment fund found guilty of securities fraud

dd807a  No.3664086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brotherhood Of Man - United We Stand (The original group from 1970)

347462  No.3664087

File: 11d2afa13cc5133⋯.jpg (2.04 KB, 270x187, 270:187, cabin.jpg)


Choose they croon

The ancient ones,

The time has come again.

Choose now they croon

Beneath the moon

Beside an ancient lake.

Enter again the sweet forest.

Enter the hot dream

Come with us.

Everything is broken up

And dances.

7e1101  No.3664088

File: 612142e5d7d9a65⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, hillaryracist.mp4)

Hillary just lost everything!


Calm before the storm!


3237c1  No.3664089

File: ffc66ccf5a18a2c⋯.png (411.37 KB, 980x936, 245:234, 1-6r1TiahJTxU7zymeJILXbw.png)

3b3a82  No.3664090


Deport her

ae3450  No.3664091


This crypto Jew should take his message of cuckatude straight to his Satan and put it in his ass.

bddc5e  No.3664092

I see that Hillary was not arrested. Future proves past? Nope

97df65  No.3664093


When laws change, they change from the date they are in place, not retroactively

7058d6  No.3664095

File: 542ae458dad1afe⋯.jpeg (19.87 KB, 255x212, 255:212, DF3D68F9-0B6B-4A0C-8F51-B….jpeg)

0af593  No.3664097


"I saw she wasn't arrested so I decided to come here and state the obvious for me ego"

b67d8b  No.3664098

28d41e  No.3664099


My Fren says you are a ConcernFag

0af593  No.3664100



782892  No.3664101


Jewish Community Center

95e493  No.3664102


Sounds like an insurance scam…couldn't sell them because of new tariffs

0ea794  No.3664105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fbe359  No.3664106


…it's because it is him

0f29f2  No.3664107


Alex, what is cucked evangelical retard?

80fcde  No.3664108


Fake news Anon!! Get your shit straight before spewing BS.

3b3a82  No.3664109


Be me

Be jewish chabad overlord

Fake false flag and kill innocent goyim jews

Phew nobody will ever suspect us now

862983  No.3664110


Earliest pics highlighted women, older men, and toddlers.

Shortly thereafter the truth of young men in their late-teens to thirties dominated, because that's the reality, and it always was.

Not "migrants," thug invasion.

f34374  No.3664111


Less strain on the community/traffic…

a020a9  No.3664112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

75% of Venice under water after unusually high tide strikes famed city (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Venice's iconic piazzas are covered in water, not pigeons, as three-quarters of the city is submerged following a storm that brought strong winds, rose water levels, and toppled trees.


bddc5e  No.3664114


It should be a fucking notable. 2nd it.

d6a1c6  No.3664115

File: 710f6c87ca638a6⋯.png (247.37 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181030-120044.png)

Black mass at age 3.

Rituals to put demonic

entities into our children.

http://whale.to/b/sp/2.html#More About The Secret China Lake Base

1abb63  No.3664116



Trips help to confirm same anon posting.

What point are you trying to make?

06c852  No.3664117

File: 5813a0e3968961b⋯.png (530.48 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)



565614  No.3664118


The NSA as well as info from 17 Intel agencies is way they are always 5 steps ahead. Q Clearance is the highest clearance level in the DOE but it does not mean that Q is DOE. Merely helps us understand that they have very high clearance and are working with Intel agencies (especially Military intelligence - think CyberComm and ArmyIntel.)

2e3f70  No.3664119

So my parents immigrated from Vietnam to the US in 92, they then went through the naturalization process when they were eligible and became naturalized citizens. I was then naturalized through my parents when I was around 8yrs old.

This change of immigration law isn't going to affect people like myself would it?

3b6278  No.3664120

Did Q ever say Hillary arrested?

Watch out for larps?

mockingbird 10/30/17?

14ab06  No.3664121

File: 59422a30b5ecea2⋯.png (7.47 MB, 4066x1928, 2033:964, Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at ….png)

False flag training on Barry Werbers ( synagogue shooting survivor) page? March 2017. Whats going on here? Why is that truck burned and why is that red haired lady's leg "bloody" and her hands tied up? What is the guy on the megaphone doing? Who is he?

Is that Steven Paddock standing there on the right side?

a020a9  No.3664122

Is it just me or is Italy taking a shit kicking?

What the fuck…..

4f0c2d  No.3664124


Take a chill pill nowfag

a1c3fc  No.3664125


71c688  No.3664126

File: f1f57fb15817811⋯.png (456.48 KB, 804x696, 67:58, ClipboardImage.png)




Sauce: https://www.cnn.com/2015/04/27/us/baltimore-riots-timeline/index.html

d0cf7b  No.3664127


Inside the ‘Q Group,’

the Directorate Hunting Down Edward Snowden


As of 2013, NSA has about a dozen directorates, which are designated by a letter, although not all of them are publicly known. The directorates are divided in divisions and units starting with the letter of the parent directorate, followed by a number for the division, the sub-unit or a sub-sub-unit.

Q – Security and Counterintelligence


d5116f  No.3664128

File: 05a4d027bb32a41⋯.jpg (286.87 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, They-look-the-same-1024-2.jpg)

979df4  No.3664129


Thanks Anon. 'Bush isn't a Republican'? This guy is woke! Shared in social medias. #walkaway

e98e35  No.3664130

0af593  No.3664131

5cba0f  No.3664132


Even hell has its heroes, signore.

565614  No.3664133


Sauce on her location today?

06c852  No.3664134

File: d9d32b2fe459690⋯.png (995.98 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

ae3450  No.3664135


Love the fellow white people bit. Jews are not white. They are Jewish. KEK. The Jews even sing about it when we are not looking.

f34374  No.3664138


>never been to mexico,

6a9dcd  No.3664140


I think the key words are "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof"

97df65  No.3664143


Retroactively doesnt apply

Only from the day law changes to the future

Your parents did everuthing correct according to the law for that time period

c09e9f  No.3664144

File: 30552d9ec7e0109⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 728x567, 104:81, 1030-ben-and-jerrys-tmz-7.jpg)

Ben and Jerry's introduces

Cuckold Crunch

f6a18e  No.3664145


John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

c6ca38  No.3664146


Can you provide link? Thanks

71c688  No.3664147


Take note:

>>3663862 ; >>3663872 NG on duty in several cities (past several days)

>>3663862 is from 2015, not currently relevant → >>3664126

1a159b  No.3664149


Still half the day is left, idiot.


ccb605  No.3664150

Cause it is Beto


4f6bad  No.3664151


Were you 18 or older when they became naturalized?

If yes, then you have to apply, if you were under 18, then no.

2776fe  No.3664152

File: 5a75cc61b0c501c⋯.png (40.97 KB, 300x260, 15:13, see-u-nxt-tue.png)

Great hashtag to trend today #SeeYouNextTuesday

f1a5dd  No.3664153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You might need to revise your second list, kek

83fba2  No.3664154

they want the weed smoke blow it at them

bddc5e  No.3664155


I never said she would be arrested. Q did. A year ago. Yet I am a nowfag. Awesome. Live in psychosis land. Just like leftists

97df65  No.3664156


Passport flagged

692afd  No.3664157

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, 1st Recon.png)


If they are carrying heavy loads this will impact the amount of fuel that they can carry.

When operating within the US a routine transport job may be used as a training opportunity.

The C-17 flight of three aircraft when joining up with the tanker effectively become one entity and declare that they accept responsibility for safe separation.

In doing so all the aircraft in the formation except for the leader turn off their ADSB.

The C-17s are tactical airlifters that need to practice formation group refuelling procedures regularly to maintain competence.

The receiving aircraft have to fly accurately in a box just a few yards wide in close proximity to the tanker.

In my eyes this looks quite routine.

a020a9  No.3664158

File: 4f3fe053862a8b2⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5bd7d760fc7e9354438b456e.jpg)

Top Palestinian body suspends Israel recognition until it recognizes Palestine

The Palestine Liberation Organization’s decision-making body has ruled to suspend its recognition of the state of Israel until Tel Aviv formally recognizes a Palestinian state along 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Noting Israel’s continued disregard of signed international agreements, the Palestinian Central Council (PCC) on Monday has decided to “suspend recognition of the State of Israel until its recognition of the State of Palestine on the June 4, 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Following a two day meeting in Ramallah, the PCC also agreed to “end security coordination in all its forms” with Israel, and “disengage economically” from its neighbor, WAFA news agency reports, citing the final communiqué.


6cb387  No.3664159

File: 8f15a82517f84a2⋯.jpg (840.45 KB, 4032x2030, 288:145, womenandchildren.jpg)


Circled those I could tell were women and children. Probably a few more but still…even if i extrapolate the percent in one area to the rest of the group, it's not many.

15a590  No.3664160


No, Q did not.

3b6278  No.3664161


1st post not Q re_qmaps.pub?

After trips used, origin posts not so important?

75e02e  No.3664162

File: 50685afd7bf2f6c⋯.png (325.62 KB, 491x484, 491:484, 2018-10-30_12-07-46.png)


Sheep to them!


bddc5e  No.3664163

f34374  No.3664164

Try this again…


>never been to mexico


>may have gone back to his country

Your question cancels itself out…

If he's never been to Mexico, how would he go "Back" to his country?

You are arguing America is his country No?

Double negative or some shit.

You should drive him there and stay with him.

46f4e2  No.3664165


Religion and Faith in God are very different. I think that is what he is saying.

0af593  No.3664166


Flagged passport = arrested?

97df65  No.3664167


What do you mean sauce???


Q said passport flagged

345d72  No.3664168

I like how nobody commented Hillary was wearing red in her interview yesterda.

Do you think she would wear that color voluntarily? Especially this close to midterms? Red October????

I like the movie so far.

ae3450  No.3664169


If such a distinction exist then the "reeel joooz" need to step up and call out the "fake joooz" themselves. Lets see how brave "reeel joooz" are.

I will wait.

d6a1c6  No.3664170

File: 9f5b1dc4510b3cd⋯.png (226.79 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181030-120705.png)

You want the truth?

Fish hooks in little girls vaginas.

Still want the truth?

d0cf7b  No.3664171


hey 11 post shitter- it wasnt meabt for you.

its a reply, thats why the shiny red number was highlited

Does your mom know youre not in school today?

9528c9  No.3664172


I'd say I'd boycott them if I never bought their icecream in the first place. How about I'll keep doing what I'm already doing and buy locally made icecream instead.

83fba2  No.3664173


kinda but I'm feeing much better now lol, I was listing to msm tricked me

0f34b1  No.3664174

File: 8c00fa1bd3699ef⋯.jpg (194.47 KB, 1155x650, 231:130, IMG_0875.JPG)



0af593  No.3664175


The script of racism was a nice touch. She's giving Musk a run for best actor.

4f6bad  No.3664176

File: 3f765bdaddfefb8⋯.png (22.82 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

They know they are losing and it's their political genocide that they see happening.


Florida Dem compares US political climate to pre-genocide Rwanda


565614  No.3664177


No, he did not Jack.

He was responding to someone claiming she would be arrested 10/30.


"HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities."

a1c3fc  No.3664178

File: 706b70685062b08⋯.jpg (35.7 KB, 500x323, 500:323, Crickets.jpg)




0af593  No.3664179


My mom has been dead for 18 years. She doesn't know about school. Does your mom know what a prick she raised?

5938e8  No.3664182

File: 902567acb2874ee⋯.jpg (136.71 KB, 451x832, 451:832, stayhome.JPG)

1cdb60  No.3664184

File: 986caaf282bbba1⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 1516237764381.jpg)



Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147012719 📁

Oct 28 2017 15:44:28 (EST)

Anonymous ID: gb953qGI No.147005381 📁

Oct 28 2017 14:33:50 (EST)


Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

3b3a82  No.3664185


This is hell

Also all the money in the world and they cant look better

3b6278  No.3664186


Responding to mocking bird?

a1c3fc  No.3664187

File: 0593af109601fdb⋯.png (173.46 KB, 231x486, 77:162, Dominate it.png)

fbe359  No.3664189

File: 1dc05937e689c36⋯.jpg (428.32 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, racist hillary.jpg)

3b3a82  No.3664190


Religion is gay

d0cf7b  No.3664192


lol 14 posts of shit that didnt add anything to the board except negativity, what a human waste you are.

0f29f2  No.3664193


Colombians are seriously slacking here.

I expect better.

1abb63  No.3664194


So, you're saying the the first 127 posts aren't Q?

Just say what's on your mind because you're not really making any sense.

0af593  No.3664195


Thanks! I can see you're here for all the right reasons!

218dc0  No.3664198


URL says 2015

c22764  No.3664199

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)








Removed from dough post-bake.

Thank you for the catch.

1df1d0  No.3664200


I’m here. Go ahead. Better be quick tho. Bread is about done.

71c688  No.3664201

File: 36157fdda6979be⋯.png (156.31 KB, 913x573, 913:573, ClipboardImage.png)



d33c59  No.3664202

File: 5ac3766c76f5eff⋯.gif (1015.54 KB, 245x191, 245:191, Upperclass-Twit-of-the-Yea….gif)

0af593  No.3664204


>lol @ ur 14 posts..I only have 11

d0cf7b  No.3664205


at least your mom cant

83fba2  No.3664209


Yes, ok your right, I guess after I typed it out I realized that I'm retarted, I will go Lurk Moar next time

6cb387  No.3664210


Are you some kind of "undercover" reporterfag? GKY.

e02fac  No.3664211


apparently he did, then he took a Janet flight into Vegas. I was there in Vegas the night before (saw Bill Burr) i have NV and Ca CHL I felt very strongly I needed to carry, annoying my buddy(embarrassment if patted down/wanded at club etc) . and I swear to God there was a weird vibe I picked up on. And as a former US Army 35s I can say with certainty, there were spooks all overthe city the night before. (saw several saudis with secure sat phones in 3 different bars, cops were on point and had been warned of possible terror, we have not been told the truth.

3b3a82  No.3664212


Thats like entry level satanism

Just more motivation to hang/disembowel them

But remember goy

All life is one

They will feel all the pain they caused

Death is a mercy

To them

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