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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Welcome Page | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /DayOfReckoning/

Bread creation (Non-General) is suspended for the time being. Do not create new breads as they will be deleted immediately.

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

ec8dbf  No.3634973

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 ——————————— Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -————————– Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen? (Cap: >>3563833 )

>>>/patriotsfight/372 ——————————— effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -——————- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 ——————————— Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 ——————————— [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 —————-———– Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 ——————————— Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 ——————————— Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 ——————————— Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -——————- Our voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 ——————————— TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 ——————————— [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -——————- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -——————- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

ec8dbf  No.3634979


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3619933 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (New with notables!)

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation


>>3634776 Anon breaks down a Q cipher theory using POTUS' tweet

>>3634575 Anon's #1 Fav Lines From Q Drops

>>3634607 Jim Carrey dedicates BAFTA award to Blasey Ford and Kaepernick

>>3634374 , >>3634605 Stockman facing 200+ years after callng out Lois Lerner

>>3634567 More on 'Canadian court rules only men can be pedophile'

>>3634513 Claire McCaskill’s husband and homeless veterans evicted

>>3634387 Anon analysis of DJT Academy Awards. Call to dig

>>3634408 Deep State 'Trying' to Shut Down Free Speech

>>3634350 New POTUS Tweet and Video


>>3634966 #4613


>>3634053 , >>3634126 Fresh new POTUS tweet, a ref to [Batter's Box]?

>>3633795 Bodies of women found in NY's Hudson river ID'd as sisters

>>3633733 Hillary Clinton's Fingerprints Among Those Found on Papers

>>3633718 Shooting: Pittsburgh area blood donation centers extend hours

>>3633698 , >>3633709 In 1994 the WH said HRC turned $1,000 into $99,540

>>3633576 , >>3633593, >>3633611 More drills preceding events

>>3633540 , >>3633752, >>3633798 Canadian court rules only men can be pedophile

>>3634271 #4612


>>3633371 A GoFundMe for Pittsburgh victims has raised over $140,000 in 9 hours

>>3633282 WaPo: 10 days from Election Day, Trump stands at the center of the storm

>>3633109 Book of Q Proofs updated to V1.5

>>3633084 Putin and Trump set to meet in Paris on 11.11

>>3633090 , >>3633257 Gab's hosting has pulled the plug along with PayPal

>>3632969 Industry ties to 5G rollout and ATSC 3.0 TV antenna upgrades

>>3632898 , >>3632935 GOODWIN in the news and a possible Marker?

>>3632894 POTUS Proclamation Honoring the Victims in Pittsburgh

>>3632811 QClock Update: Re-read crumbs

>>3633455 #4611

Previously Collected Notables

>>3632690 #4610

>>3630419 #4607, >>3631197 #4608, >>3632829 #4609

>>3628145 #4604, >>3628878 #4605, >>3629657 #4606

>>3625747 #4601, >>3626629 #4602, >>3627357 #4603

>>3623564 #4598, >>3624340 #4599, >>3625070 #4600

>>3621228 #4595, >>3622028 #4596, >>3622788 #4597

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

ec8dbf  No.3634983

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——-- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 --------- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

ec8dbf  No.3634986

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

ec8dbf  No.3635027

File: 33f31100f398ef5⋯.png (939.96 KB, 1220x1280, 61:64, HappyFirstQAnniversary10.2….PNG)

#4614 Dough


Thanks to all of you who keep the dough perpetually rising and the bread full of incredible things. I love you all and it's an absolute honor to serve alongside you.


Backup baker, locked n loaded?

136005  No.3635046

Learn Portuguese

6cf914  No.3635047

File: 5379e90ef40fcb6⋯.jpg (435.4 KB, 1080x1356, 90:113, 1540699622923.jpg)

Ben Shapiro is really awake! #WWG1WGA #MAGA #BanAntisemitism

136005  No.3635079

After that 114,000,000 native America genocide

All this Jewish soyboy nazi genocide seems lame

Feel free to prostrate yourself in the synagogue of Satan for the old "Mossad" psyop of goolag that killed 30 million

In fact the only blood debt greater is mao's unreported 200 million genocide

So have confidence knowing that Jew baiting idolatry is what caused this usery for tsipraism oil Econ

And the scientologists are truly backpeddling the $3 trillion spent post challenger explosion




Quaralling hobbits on a compd board to Romanceing the spongebob squarepants for Gestapi engineered muhjooskikeshillin Vader Rex soylent orange fake Abraham to spite the Muslim brotherhood while spiteing the justice of children fagOTUS batter With artificial premises and a tax evasion fake narrative Cause peanut butter sex slaves have homo rage from gematria induced Scientology Passive aggressive Satan worship for tsipraism oil lizards of the U.K. To distract from the cursed trillion dollar cocaine dilution hogg cult of pedogate That runs Hollywood with the Mossad curse of goolag but the apocrypha of the Talmud queers zerubabble biltmore BBQ got micheal Jackson killed And now that we all know what rosensteins asshole did to quantitative easements with Julian ASSangel perhaps some real zersetzung can shitpost homoerotic zombie ordeals for white supremacy And fexas false idolatry that's greasing the Koch bros tranny cucking finger cuff privatized water scam that blew deep water horizon with underwriters





Professional tranny help





White supremacy




8a8b27  No.3635093


yessir, ready to go

Handoff confirmed?

not sure how long I can go tonight, but at least two hours

40a389  No.3635098

11a601  No.3635100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Patriotic QRock.

597541  No.3635104



But the Jews reject Christ, so there's that too….

03b8b5  No.3635110

>>3635015 lb

Looked at some other drops and there does seem to be a pattern of movie titles listed just before the Q at the end. One of the movies is Speed and that sounds like how Trump is keeping things running while the control is changed over instead of shutting down stuff like Google or the Fed.

c6f722  No.3635111


BS notable from last bread.

Not notable.

Gematria means precisely nothing - slide/pilpul, whatever you wanna call it.

Fuckery afoot?

f8ff9a  No.3635112

Pray for our Prey the time has come for them to feel pain

40d1f9  No.3635113

File: da68cfac1af9cb1⋯.jpeg (131.64 KB, 1440x821, 1440:821, 00B492D5-1B3B-48B9-8A9A-A….jpeg)

File: 41673164b7658a9⋯.png (172.8 KB, 558x328, 279:164, E4CC34C5-38C4-4889-AA98-DD….png)

759e57  No.3635114


I like Q and all, but that is terrible.

c86da3  No.3635116

File: 1c0e8a0ce175443⋯.jpg (43.37 KB, 720x477, 80:53, alexjones2020.JPG)

b4b287  No.3635117

File: b0615c96d81e5d9⋯.png (57.44 KB, 656x437, 656:437, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3634575 (lb)

<pic related

ec8dbf  No.3635118


Thank you Baker. You've been baking so much. Hope you get some rest tonight.

Handoff confirmed

Have a great one.


Thanks BO. Would it be possible to edit the title of the last bread ref my misspelling? Thanks if so.

e69f64  No.3635119



Arabs are a semitic people, too, correct?

105e61  No.3635120

File: 7d347abc2655c62⋯.jpeg (73.23 KB, 618x340, 309:170, 60FEB5C4-1E31-4339-8C6D-3….jpeg)

File: ff9073189cee7c0⋯.jpeg (194.78 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, EA399120-FFEA-49A2-AF0F-9….jpeg)

File: ba88421d422797e⋯.jpeg (172.24 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 56D342E3-BCD9-48BE-98CB-1….jpeg)

File: 572498e719c4560⋯.jpeg (137.72 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 743F8812-37DD-47EA-8554-C….jpeg)

File: 6445c1a0d50aad2⋯.jpeg (117.73 KB, 998x632, 499:316, 57BB4299-BE11-4FDF-B127-9….jpeg)

Trusted plan. Trust plan. Trusting plan.

0d6ce6  No.3635121


>Jews reject Christ

only that Jesus is the Messiah

03b8b5  No.3635122


Is a retweet enough to be awake. Maybe Matt Walsh is the one whose awake.

8cd040  No.3635123

File: 5a4c02d7269f21a⋯.jpg (28.58 KB, 640x411, 640:411, Dive in.jpg)

d25a43  No.3635124

File: 60ea543a49a2b25⋯.jpg (141.63 KB, 656x868, 164:217, as_tyb.jpg)


Thank you Baker!

Happy Q-Anniversary to You!

aa60b4  No.3635125

File: efa6457e85cf5d9⋯.jpeg (23.84 KB, 187x172, 187:172, 24CADE82-1672-4CC3-85FA-C….jpeg)

Thank You BO, for the free flow of information and ideas…

And Thank You to All of the Bakers and BVs that make this place what it is…,..

Total freedom………

9bf9f3  No.3635126


Correct anon

23e852  No.3635127


Kinda like a baker and a handoff

d7e1f0  No.3635128


But all races reject Christ,why single out the Jewish people

40d1f9  No.3635129

File: 96e7662171ceb01⋯.jpeg (52.12 KB, 400x337, 400:337, A42BF4C3-EEF1-44B7-93FF-4….jpeg)

8a8b27  No.3635130


thanks man

didn't notice that, lb should be ANNIVERSARY


New Baker Confirmed

thanks baker, great baking as always

b86733  No.3635131

Hey anons,

Wasn't that plane crash last year involving that pilot Green, and now there is another helicopter crash in Leicester right in the middle of the abuse allogations against Sir Philip Green?

cb8241  No.3635132

File: dcab7975e34821e⋯.jpg (512.8 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Shall_We_Play_A_Game_12_14….jpg)

03b8b5  No.3635133


Don't know about arabs but Palestines are semitic because they were the Philistines in the Bible so they lived in Canaan with the Hebrews.

7e9a4b  No.3635135

File: 0134bbbe2cdb428⋯.jpg (196.12 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, CHAN.JPG)


Proud Procurer of Specialty Meats!

b33246  No.3635136

File: ca0582b60ec1145⋯.jpg (49.58 KB, 357x185, 357:185, m.jpg)

Thank You Baker!

Happy Qversary!

d40276  No.3635137

Before Lois Lerner Targeted the Tea Party, She Helped the Clinton Foundation


ec8dbf  No.3635138


Appreciate it.


Cheers fren.

1fe029  No.3635139


Thank you!!!

acd0f9  No.3635140

File: 4c8f6d9caf422ab⋯.jpg (74.96 KB, 441x394, 441:394, boots.jpg)

597541  No.3635141


Yes, that is what I meant. And the only way to the Father is through the Son. They reject the Son.

1e1606  No.3635142

File: 424def6304d5f59⋯.png (180.07 KB, 500x618, 250:309, sc1nrd4bsnjy.png)

File: 6676d1b7f4b02b3⋯.jpg (121.4 KB, 906x767, 906:767, yqjjB3KwlIecrqAnDt7CSGfUS0….jpg)

File: a3b1e3a38a8fbac⋯.jpg (422.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cZmwtw.jpg)

File: 42a2071253410a0⋯.jpg (291.51 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, C6G7GayU0AAzsep.jpg)

File: 93ecaa1c081a41a⋯.png (6.36 MB, 3223x1765, 3223:1765, gkd3c1eggzjy.png)

c8f43b  No.3635143

File: 6b5afecc87cffe6⋯.png (134.38 KB, 304x178, 152:89, WalkawayMarch.PNG)



136005  No.3635144

File: ccdb43f74d4b466⋯.jpg (152.38 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_1966.JPG)

File: 46545d8ad47fdee⋯.jpg (39.06 KB, 236x361, 236:361, IMG_1967.JPG)

File: f2bbc9128a80e43⋯.jpg (64.34 KB, 650x654, 325:327, IMG_1968.JPG)

Original quote by hitler after feeding grenades to fake Jews of Hollywood in the biltmore pool

c86da3  No.3635145

File: 311ed644614b5c4⋯.jpeg (203.14 KB, 834x1287, 278:429, 311ed644614b5c455e9969a19….jpeg)

40d1f9  No.3635146

Notice how the ma job shilling has slowed down since the blew their wad.

96b8c7  No.3635147

File: cd2398515d70ac4⋯.png (97.35 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Kek, what's Pap tryna say?

a60d66  No.3635148


Is this an original?

40a389  No.3635149



No problem, fixed.

8a8b27  No.3635150


cheers fren!

kek, I've got /pf/ up just in case

821c2c  No.3635152

File: a1697d569a604ab⋯.jpg (96.87 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, swet gang.jpg)

592ad5  No.3635153

File: f7df2039e825c0f⋯.jpeg (336.62 KB, 1406x1207, 1406:1207, D665E9BD-F065-46B2-A95A-F….jpeg)

I forgot about tha bitch Microdick on GAB

Fucking gay clown

597541  No.3635154


Jewish faith. Not jewish race (or ethnicity)

e1c04c  No.3635155

File: bb9b4aafcd480e9⋯.jpg (27.78 KB, 255x143, 255:143, f0ff47696a3a402b827002a1a4….jpg)

Keep Q..uestioning.




1e23f2  No.3635156

File: f7004f58fe24e62⋯.png (105.2 KB, 896x666, 448:333, Selection_104.png)

File: ee32767e107c184⋯.png (63.91 KB, 478x706, 239:353, Selection_495.png)




4f3210  No.3635157

File: 1cca17e570775e8⋯.jpg (12.15 KB, 333x151, 333:151, meineke.jpg)

870b5b  No.3635158

A Weeke To Remember

0cfc19  No.3635159

File: c69ff3e9342f621⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 685741_1.jpg)

Since we're going down memory lane.

Member when a n00b baker took over at night and posted "I hope Q doesn't post!" Right after that Q posted. It was hilarious.

136005  No.3635160



Did your homotus quuuueefFart on /quuuuueerresearch/ again

c9adb8  No.3635161

File: 4733b10619c9803⋯.jpg (2.52 KB, 127x95, 127:95, images.jpg)


kind of a based post, ebot.


1e1606  No.3635162


fake Christians going to fake

f32bd5  No.3635163

File: a2b3e098f6b3d48⋯.png (326.21 KB, 2101x1281, 2101:1281, download.png)


China's 1st private rocket fails after launch

4f3210  No.3635164


Chat Logs, Bro

b33246  No.3635165


Yes, Proudly here since the beginning! You guys have changed this good girl…

46c541  No.3635166


That he bangs a qt on the reg and he's making fun of muh russia shills

2c09ec  No.3635167

>>3635093, >>3635098, >>3635118

BO, can you check me, too? I might be around later when current baker needs to quit. I have a pastebin account, too, baker, so with BO's check, you can do a handoff in confidence even if BO isn't around.

No guarantees I can be here in two hours, though, but if I am, I should be able to stay until 0600 to 0700 Eastern.

b59710  No.3635168

File: 22b7f00baa699b7⋯.jpeg (63.24 KB, 576x558, 32:31, DmKJ1TCXcAIeaTI.jpg-large.jpeg)

I don't know why, but this reminds me of us.

d7e1f0  No.3635169


Sauce on Palestinian being the Philistines, I don’t think that’s correct

821c2c  No.3635170

File: 3b3f4ae2ae22522⋯.jpg (107.36 KB, 1018x777, 1018:777, ebs alert tits or GTFO.jpg)

eae060  No.3635171

File: f35c07bf2b9958f⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 853x500, 853:500, 2k9n5n.jpg)

1fe029  No.3635172


No Palestinians are not Philistines. the Philistines were wiped out. They only got the name Palestinians because they lived in the Palestinian region. The region was named Palestine in honor of the Philistines.

ec8dbf  No.3635173


Kek, good idea


Thanks BO, saved my sleep. Kek

8cd040  No.3635174

File: b244846d356e84a⋯.jpg (161.28 KB, 776x1280, 97:160, Fuckin America.jpg)


they can't touch the NOT SEMITE posts.

so they go away.

I had fun earlier with them

3d5ab4  No.3635175


(pb)So long as we can be signalled correctly as to who the friendlies are. Who to engage or who to stand down to or if we stand down at all?

9bf9f3  No.3635176


Does it make you feel less dead inside to shit post here ?

3d5ab4  No.3635177

7d2c33  No.3635178


15ccbe  No.3635179


The q-jewelry is cool, anon - if you made it yourself, cheers! Well done :)

db9c58  No.3635180

File: 0e7f433c9c46da7⋯.png (114.87 KB, 470x363, 470:363, Screenshot 2018-10-28 at 1….png)

84f105  No.3635181


What does Q + A equal?

40d1f9  No.3635182

File: a49d000720be1cd⋯.jpeg (36.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 09AC37AA-CBDB-4256-96B5-8….jpeg)

a60d66  No.3635183



I think it is the guys that have changed.

Used to be they would be all over an original baker girl.

0a8c6f  No.3635184

File: 81c09f7648991b1⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1360x1213, 1360:1213, 2018-10-28_00-52-58.png)

d761a9  No.3635185

File: 063915609d3d062⋯.jpg (57.11 KB, 470x322, 235:161, npcHitler.jpg)

File: 50c497ea84ebf7a⋯.gif (266.98 KB, 399x227, 399:227, GIFbullshit.gif)

File: 82cf4da087b4f8f⋯.png (45.41 KB, 466x870, 233:435, PoliticalScale.png)




Holocaust is still a big fat jew hoax.

5b8004  No.3635186

>>3634575 (What is Your Favorite Q drop; from last bread)


Comb your hair {to Snowden.}

d2ff11  No.3635187

>>3634776 pb

I've seen both of those images more than once and never connected them together. I hope we find out.

c7e712  No.3635188


The film Speed is about the need to keep moving over 50 mph in order to prevent a bomb from going off.

f32bd5  No.3635189

File: ddedc3db4155906⋯.png (151.63 KB, 500x575, 20:23, download.png)


Pelosi’s daughter listens to America for HBO film

592ad5  No.3635190

File: abaa9a5b633511d⋯.jpeg (67.47 KB, 636x480, 53:40, DEDC61B7-6AC2-4AC9-A8D5-4….jpeg)

Ya know

We was supposed to be having big celebration and parade….HRC and OBozo were to be in the hot seat of treason

And we got corn

6cf914  No.3635191


You're quite welcome. It's very amusing watching Christians be subverted by the descendants of the people who killed Jesus, isn't it? They're complete suckers. 2000 years and they haven't figured it out. This is why Jews end up running everything, time and time again; Jews are the chosen people. Christians who say they are G-d's chosen are deluded.

a833c4  No.3635192

Greetings of the day, Q.

Make an appearance on the 1st year of our fight together.


c86da3  No.3635193

File: 424d7b8e2aa8c79⋯.jpg (121.46 KB, 1200x758, 600:379, trotskymeme.jpg)

mavet feeds off the kharma of the fake dope war

40a389  No.3635194


You got it bro.

1e23f2  No.3635195


Question & Answer.


eb4f19  No.3635196


Belated congrats on keeping this board through thick and thin. You are now qualified to herd cat anons from everywhere in the world to anywhere in the world. A big Thanx to you, CM, and our BV's as well. What a long, strange (yet exhilarating) trip it's been. Wouldn't have missed this ride for anything.

23e852  No.3635197


I'd suck a fart outta dat ass and hold it in like a bong hit just to taste where it came from… Freelz

1e2e32  No.3635198

File: 70865a62af2d656⋯.jpg (213.58 KB, 720x680, 18:17, 20181028_004120.jpg)

File: 1b6fa76400b21ba⋯.jpg (231.79 KB, 688x936, 86:117, 20181028_004238.jpg)

File: 5bcf9578846c9d5⋯.jpg (132.14 KB, 706x668, 353:334, 20181028_005033.jpg)

What day was the first package delivered?

10/22 @ 3:45 p.m. less than 1hr after HRC tweet

I posted on this earlier but wanted to point out a few things

8a8b27  No.3635199


its a Rlarp shill anon

15ccbe  No.3635200

File: e14f2ddba016b88⋯.png (231.87 KB, 397x398, 397:398, Eagle.png)

Happy Qniversary to all you wonderful anons. Love to all.

Been a privilege, frens.

136005  No.3635201

File: 296e070f24c5ebc⋯.jpg (48.72 KB, 625x415, 125:83, IMG_3469.JPG)

f24243  No.3635202


Q and Anons

d2ff11  No.3635203


Shit I linked the wrong post. I was going to tear apart SB2's bullshit but I did that enough on Reddit.

1e1606  No.3635204

File: 2e8876ce682b6a1⋯.gif (5.27 MB, 500x295, 100:59, www.tvn.hu_4a4ac5858d12d62….gif)

half mast for the jews

7e9a4b  No.3635205

File: ec7679f71d3cfd1⋯.png (261.62 KB, 533x654, 533:654, LL S.png)

File: 549aaea17179626⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Sour.jpg)

LOOMER is on twatter pleading for folks to donate blood.

This Anon's had enough of her shit.

bf2c0e  No.3635206

File: 6e2dd4168b84de4⋯.jpeg (12.35 KB, 255x190, 51:38, flag.jpeg)

Thank You to All The Past Bakers, The Board Owner and to


I still remember the moment that Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States of America and knew that we were saved by the grace of God and his son Jesus.

5c6c27  No.3635207


love all the recaps tonight for we who have been here all along but miss a lot due to lifefagging

258c26  No.3635208

File: 530b9d49585ffc2⋯.jpg (102.49 KB, 508x508, 1:1, Pepe Dreams.jpg)

TY all Bakers, BO, Codemonkey, Wheels, Anons

TY POTUS and Q team

I thought 2016 was off the hook, but this has been amazing

1218c0  No.3635209


I guess one could argue because they killed Jesus.

84f105  No.3635210

File: dd5d7445ede3e3c⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 300x328, 75:82, theChanPolice.jpg)

d761a9  No.3635211



For who?

The fake dead jews at the stupid hoax today?

b59710  No.3635212


Or when Q posted (shit) up the dough.

e7cb98  No.3635213

File: 359b66338e278a6⋯.png (606.5 KB, 715x566, 715:566, KOMO 1 King County Voter S….PNG)

File: 4204110afb49bbb⋯.png (339.36 KB, 533x591, 533:591, KOMO 2 King County Voter S….PNG)

File: cf378c6d0aff020⋯.png (24.04 KB, 530x474, 265:237, KOMO 3 King County Voter S….PNG)

Not sure what to make of the increased registrations [I'll follow up next week in regards to data]

Renton is a sanctuary city / so a bunch of illegals registered today or there was just increased interest in voting which would be likely Republican registrations

King Co. seeing surge in voter turnout ahead of general election


b33246  No.3635214

File: d7e96c3a1e5d7cf⋯.jpg (96.42 KB, 737x397, 737:397, mmnope.jpg)

136005  No.3635215

File: dce5b7a6ca3b12f⋯.jpg (85.87 KB, 460x296, 115:74, IMG_3484.JPG)

d8f97e  No.3635216

In doing some digging I came across this link which blatantly compares trump to Hitler on snopes. This is kind of ridiculous so i thought I would share on here.

https:// www.snopes.com/news/2017/09/05/were-nazis-socialists/

8a8b27  No.3635217


I don't think that was me, or don't remember it happening, know when?


kek, last time that happened that actually was me

c541ee  No.3635218


I forgot about this GIF. I love this one!

e1b8a6  No.3635219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'''Synagogue Shooter-Police refer to suspect as ACTOR throughout broadcast"

Broadcastify Audio of police communications.

https:// youtu.be/XHUihwuq4LY

d761a9  No.3635220


I would not.

That is fucking gross.

1e1606  No.3635221

File: 2a61520c201d55d⋯.jpg (225.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ShimmeringWickedIberianchi….jpg)


I'm so sick of their shit all the way around.

bf2c0e  No.3635222


Great post - greak kek

4f3210  No.3635223


Also about fooling the bad guys with looped recorded video to cover up the actions of the heroes. As in things that have already happened fed into the news cycle to distract.

1fe029  No.3635224


Not all Jews rejected Christ, ALL of the Apostles were Jews, Paul was a Jew. There are many Jewish Christians today.

7e9a4b  No.3635225

File: 5f5c178041673b2⋯.png (618.99 KB, 838x1024, 419:512, Q rec.png)


Just one POTUS makes their heads explode!

This is GREAT!

1e23f2  No.3635226

File: 99910ca7e4c5bbe⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 255x241, 255:241, pepelaughing.jpg)


Ha!!! No. Fuck that fart knocker.



Goofing around with Anon's question.

08556f  No.3635227


I haven't seen much oy veying by normies/NPCs on social media today. Must be hypnotized by weekend sportsball.

f24243  No.3635228

File: 70a2de2a8f6132c⋯.png (14.73 KB, 584x121, 584:121, WWG1WGA.PNG)


Hey Titsanon, happy 1 year

46c541  No.3635229


Censorship is unamerican

0cfc19  No.3635230


It was night shift sometime november. A noob baker took over because it was slow. It was hilarious. Q posts and bread goes crazy.

I know somebody screen capped it for posterity. We laughed about it long.

80881a  No.3635231

>>3634387 (last bread) re: looks like the Academy Awards

The MSM is hoping for any mis-step Trump might make. So the President must be on his top game at all times. They've been doing this since he declared he was running.

Also: is a reference to "a script" that is part of a movie

I've wondered if:

the MSM are themselves part of the script


Trump is finding out who are the cheerleaders

when the MSM is reading the script

who is respectful to the office of president

and thus

who are the traitors who have been hiding out

and now are coming onstage

The reason I say this is because

the press was not really nice to Hillary when she was running

and not really MEAN to Trump

keyword: camouflage

which comes in many variations

after all – who knows better how corrupt DC is than the American Press

84f105  No.3635232


Q = 17

A = 1

Q&A = 18

18 = R

597541  No.3635233


I was referring to the religion or ideology, not the ethnic or racial ones. There is a difference right?

2f1a87  No.3635234


Most of the world does not believe that. I am among those people.

Most religious beliefs are based upon persons geography at birth and the beliefs of the parents.

We have Buddhism, Hinduism, etc in Asia. Europe is primarily Christian of one sort or another. Judaism and Islam in the middle east.

North America is also primarily Christian.

So, if we reject people solely based upon their religious beliefs, we are rejecting half the world.

8cd040  No.3635235

File: 76c72d3d77f9905⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Peperex.png)


Wouldn't go that far but I get it.

I'd do the drink the bathwater though…..

87c237  No.3635236


> the Philistines were wiped out.

Do you know who we're fighting?

ae055d  No.3635237

Military Intelligence



2 Nov 2017 - 12:54:52 AM

Military Intelligence.

No media.

No leaks.

How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?

Focus on Flynn.

Background and potential role.

What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?

Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

Why is this relevant?

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.

What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop?

What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.

What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had?

Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?

These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.


If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control,

we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable

(this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

So was she already prosecuted in a military court and is but a walking corpse or will that happen on Tuesday?

National Guard anons?

Locked and Loaded, Sir!

Your Meme, My meme

Your Larp, My Larp

9bf9f3  No.3635238


Jesus wasn't named Jesus - the letter J is like 500 years old. His name was Yeshua - he was Jewish

8bf0a1  No.3635239


tits, NOW or gtfo

1e1606  No.3635240

File: b0b5364cdd555bd⋯.jpg (246.19 KB, 864x963, 96:107, Pearl Harbor false flag.jpg)


hey lower that flag.

8cd040  No.3635241


Go girl….

d25a43  No.3635242

File: f988238e9db19d4⋯.jpg (30.36 KB, 416x458, 208:229, POTUS_pepe.jpg)

I, myself, almost forgot it – how could I!!! Shame on me!

In case you're lurking: Thank you very much, POTUS & Q, on this great 1-year anniversary

God Bless all of you guys, and THANK YOU for all you've done!

I don't know what I'll do once this is over (and hopefully won), since you've given more than just insight … but I adore your courage & intelligence to tackle what you set out to change!! Thanks!

3d5ab4  No.3635243

File: aa61db34c6491b5⋯.jpg (16.64 KB, 800x764, 200:191, Whocouldbebehindthispost?.jpg)

c541ee  No.3635244

George Papadopolous has his DM's open. So does Hillary and Strzok. Are their DM's being monitored? Because you should take a look at PapaD's DMs.

You should take a look at PapaD's DMs.


2d781a  No.3635245

File: 87582be87c36b29⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB, 2908x1696, 727:424, get-rid-of-blue-crayons.jpeg)

d761a9  No.3635246


Prepare to be lectured on Monday about how evil white people are based on their stupid hoaxes they pulled off last week and today.

Your tune will change.

7e9a4b  No.3635247



Loomer needs to STFU and be called out for who and what she is.

She's Linda Sasour without the berka.

Controlled opposition.

84f105  No.3635248

File: 2b794f5b26f17fc⋯.png (384.04 KB, 637x588, 13:12, JFKJr.RDJTorigpost.png)

c96332  No.3635249

Posting my earliest original full cap of the first crumbs for the Qversary. Had to chop it into pieces because muh file size. Not sure if anyone wants it but im posting it anyway. Love you faggots no homo

Tick Tock is back on the menu boys!

8a8b27  No.3635250


KEK ok yea not me, lurked back then and only started baked a few months ago

5c6c27  No.3635251

>>3634387 lb

what about Hollywoodanon, he was supposed to show up in bright green socks or some such shit

812094  No.3635252

File: 015352577c08680⋯.png (240.86 KB, 752x756, 188:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Werdz of Whizdumb, Jo Bidone:

His list is in revurse kronalojakal order. Reveels playabuck in dash to eluction day.


d2ff11  No.3635253


I'll never forget when that answer came back about a plane hitting the Pentagon. You could hear a pin drop in this place. 5 seconds later all hell broke loose. LOL

6382fe  No.3635254

Who is betting The Donald on reddit gets taken down this week ! We are witnessing a coordinated take down of all conservatives on social media prior to mid terms so Dems can push any narrative they want

bf2c0e  No.3635255

File: c967b8d395b6449⋯.jpg (87.3 KB, 640x640, 1:1, new spirit animal.jpg)

8chan is home for Bakers & Anons who research Deep State that wants to bring down a duly elected president.

Thank Q for bringing us together

318946  No.3635256

File: 60c24618e865834⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2192x2279, 2192:2279, ernestoisafaggot.png)

ernesto is a moron

i mean tiresia

8bf0a1  No.3635257


What the fucken fuck did you just fucking say about us, you little transgender bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda and No Name, and I have over 3000 confirmed kills. I am trained in Guerrilla Che Guevara type warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire fucking US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another sperg target. I will wipe you the fuck out with anal autistic precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Flat Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that fuckery shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Qanon and Clown spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for The Storm, maggot. The GA Storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your miserable gaybie life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare feet. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat and Asian cooking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable Facebook loving ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking spiked tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit furious fury all over you and you will drown in my copious diaorhea. You're fucking dead, kiddo. So there !

c96332  No.3635258

File: ca4b5350f9bdbc5⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1132x8000, 283:2000, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan1_1.png)

File: 39f7c4ddd71a9bb⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1132x8128, 283:2032, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan1_2.png)

File: 6dff91e94217eaa⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1132x8128, 283:2032, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan1_3.png)

File: 9aec6b7e36d55f5⋯.png (999 KB, 1132x6765, 1132:6765, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan1_4.png)

8a8b27  No.3635259

File: 0d9d0825c28947e⋯.png (321.97 KB, 979x727, 979:727, QRsmilealpha.png)


told ya fren

8a74b2  No.3635260


Jesus Christ hated the Pharisees for the deceitful vipers they were, and the current crop of big cabal Jews are basically modern-day Pharisees. There's nothing more Christian than to hate Pharisees and their Satanic works.

d761a9  No.3635261

File: 9c1dc30439bdaad⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 540x453, 180:151, flags.jpg)

597541  No.3635262


Do you not understand what i was saying? The original post was a screen cap of someone saying why Christians should be buddy buddy with jews (my interpretation). My first response was that jews (the religion) reject Christ, which was to counter what was being said in the screencap. I didn't say who was right or wrong. Just pointing out a fact.

15ccbe  No.3635263

File: df99a1883ef24f9⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Binney.jpg)

File: bd7cf282408902b⋯.jpg (151.52 KB, 1200x804, 100:67, RogersSalute.jpg)

File: 2b494cee1cc17ec⋯.jpg (348.53 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, AdmiralLyons.jpg)

Paying tribute to some of our greatest anons. God bless these tremendous patriots.

8cd040  No.3635264


By whom?

356b84  No.3635265


Grammys i think

689dd9  No.3635266

File: 64eca87f4bd8ea6⋯.jpg (192.13 KB, 1455x816, 485:272, moarjobs.JPG)

6cf914  No.3635267


Censorship is necessary or else antisemitism will flourish, sorry. It is not ok to insult the Jewish faith and we will make and keep it illegal to do so. It is already White House federal policy to expel any student from American universities if they express any antisemitic views whatsoever, as it should be. America is for everyone, so Nazis must go.

1fe029  No.3635268


Christians are God's chosen. God has chosen us in His Son. That doesn't invalidate God's choice of Israel.

a60d66  No.3635269


If you had posted this a few months ago, you would have got many comments about redactions…. kek!

8cd040  No.3635270

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5X5 JK.jpg)

08556f  No.3635271


Yeshua is Hebrew. When translated into Greek it became "Iesous," which led to "Iesus" in Latin, then becoming "Jesus" in English. "Jesus" is just a translation through 3 languages. "Yeshua" also exists in English as "Joshua."

f32bd5  No.3635272

File: aadfaf9030fe17c⋯.jpg (80.68 KB, 600x625, 24:25, 1.jpg)

File: 465b9ea9505fa00⋯.jpg (91.85 KB, 600x575, 24:23, 2.jpg)


Polish president seeks WWII reparations from Germany ahead of German-Polish summit

84f105  No.3635273

File: 9b0071a97c2337b⋯.jpg (2.54 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, IMG_7937.JPG)

File: ad2af7b8f3d4a29⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, IMG_7939.JPG)

Why is this "Volume 18" when there is only one volume ever produced?

a0518a  No.3635274


The word Speed means fast.

Often, Q's riddles function on the most basic or superficial level. You don't dig hard dig hard into the finest details of the plot. Speed means fast.

Red October. That means October, the month that this is. And I pointed out 3 or 4 weeks ago, Red generally means blood or violence.

707f38  No.3635275


Jesus Christ hated No One!!! Enough of the Jew bashing!

9bf9f3  No.3635276


Dosent make Jesus / Yeshua not Jewish

e1b8a6  No.3635277

File: cdc9242c137ef52⋯.jpg (145.47 KB, 1171x500, 1171:500, IMG_20181028_020535.jpg)

File: 4ef7353d6319986⋯.jpg (207.04 KB, 1155x421, 1155:421, IMG_20181028_020458.jpg)


Part 2 of Synagogue Shooter - Audio of Police stating ACTOR throughout radio contact.

Here are part transcript of comms in two screenshots where ACTOR is mentioned.

*I didnt transcribe it.

b33246  No.3635278

File: 9b6381513ac077f⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1183x929, 1183:929, Q comes in Red too.png)

288c9f  No.3635279

File: 5dc082c631a6d16⋯.jpeg (634.79 KB, 1242x1466, 621:733, 835BE3B6-B061-43F3-9FCB-A….jpeg)

Looking thru old Q post.

What is ASF?

96b8c7  No.3635280

File: 5a406d8bcdf6973⋯.jpg (14.7 KB, 231x255, 77:85, d82126e778e9468db73280dbd3….jpg)


Soon, it will be down to us. Or up to us. Comfy…

Happy Anniversary, fags!

f24243  No.3635281


You don't have to convince me, I'm the one who thinks through research that Elvis is still alive,KEK I would imagine that we're all in for some odd truths to come out : )

0d6ce6  No.3635282

File: cdf84a394ebfff2⋯.jpg (246.93 KB, 829x815, 829:815, 1-59.jpg)

File: 4ebfd434ef54644⋯.jpg (325.93 KB, 847x900, 847:900, 60-140.jpg)

File: f0255e52bb83ed2⋯.jpg (332.04 KB, 856x942, 428:471, 141-226.jpg)

File: d27d1495b79f0de⋯.jpg (341.91 KB, 856x964, 214:241, 227-319.jpg)

File: 61df448ba8a50b9⋯.jpg (337.59 KB, 856x964, 214:241, 320-408.jpg)

613 Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters


d2ff11  No.3635283


Hey we ugh

We are anti censorship

you can't

you can't just come in here and try to buy new furniture

1e23f2  No.3635284

File: a9d81e60b647050⋯.jpg (141.43 KB, 2100x2100, 1:1, WatchTheWaterP.jpg)



Ha. Thought you were calling me out as the Rtard. See what I stepped into now.


1e1606  No.3635285


yes it would seem that is the case…very troubling they way this anti-semitism awareness act legislation has made it this far.

it must be a fake out otherwise…

d761a9  No.3635286


I miss anon'd


see here>>3635261

0d6ce6  No.3635287

File: ab53b6803d87cbf⋯.jpg (335.18 KB, 856x931, 856:931, 409-496.jpg)

File: 557c34639bbc162⋯.jpg (332.41 KB, 856x941, 856:941, 497-582.jpg)

File: 7cde0eb65a107ab⋯.jpg (124.37 KB, 440x724, 110:181, 583-613.jpg)


c74eff  No.3635288


Jesus was Hebrew. Read your Bible.

67d0ce  No.3635289


"actor" is police lingo

7d2c33  No.3635290


Biden last week said POTUS is new George Wallace then invoked more people wo awere shot

Lincoln , Regan JFK

also he said he wanted to punch him ….

in past. Biden is a coward

1e2e32  No.3635291

File: 5bcf9578846c9d5⋯.jpg (132.14 KB, 706x668, 353:334, 20181028_005033.jpg)

CNN bomb time line has first report at 3:45 pm on 10/22 at Soros house

HRC tweeted at 2:55pm about whatever you choose to do, do somthing.

689dd9  No.3635292

how you sleeping L

12a53b  No.3635293

File: ef9ac6a5eea0f3f⋯.gif (251.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, gif-drawing.gif)

f24243  No.3635294


Noice shirt, didn't recognize you in one, Kek

ef232a  No.3635295

File: ba919ec1f8a5af5⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 650x867, 650:867, 20181027_175004.jpg)

An NPC pumpkin is a great way to get your apartment festive for Halloween.

My NPC is off to a decent start but he's incomplete. I'm going to make him a Women's March pussy hat next. After that maybe I'll get him a soy shake to keep his testosterone levels in check.

ec8dbf  No.3635296


Fren, feel free to remove the larp tier notable I posted lb, in hindsight I should have read until the end. Don't need to tell you it's the first on the list. Kek. My bad.

2f1a87  No.3635297


I did understand your post. Mine was not meant to accuse or pass judgement on you.

23e852  No.3635298

File: 92a85f4ec6642fc⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1936x1936, 1:1, RDT_20180802_1849414829907….jpg)

9bf9f3  No.3635299


What the actual fuck do you think the difference is Anon…. I'll wait

d7e1f0  No.3635300

File: 948a9b6a017b34b⋯.jpeg (101.81 KB, 619x411, 619:411, 084D03D0-9E05-476D-9506-3….jpeg)

356b84  No.3635301

e8e938  No.3635302


Can you imagine if this alert really came through? I would pee my pants for sure.

8bf0a1  No.3635303


>Enough of the Jew bashing!

oy vey, shut it down !!!!

7e9a4b  No.3635304

File: 9dc7aaa7ca0e063⋯.jpg (64.89 KB, 900x450, 2:1, Jail.jpg)

File: 7e6784aa5919de1⋯.jpg (198.35 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, hrc noos.jpg)

File: 958e16686093371⋯.png (2 MB, 1199x787, 1199:787, hrc house.png)


2 more days, you fuking loser



Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147012719

Oct 28 2017 15:44:28 (EST)

HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

84f105  No.3635305

File: e37b45188d95dc7⋯.png (216.34 KB, 1015x361, 1015:361, 10_24_18CRshillmagpost18.png)

File: 5d18a9178950479⋯.png (678.22 KB, 1015x635, 203:127, 10_24_18DRFKJRINSTA.png)

File: b257b11379dfde3⋯.png (623.29 KB, 2400x768, 25:8, 10_24_18RFKJRpostexacttime….png)

File: 6b07e5d694ce792⋯.png (120.53 KB, 874x324, 437:162, 10_24_1818Rshillmindeltapo….png)

18-minute delta confirmed. R is [real].

828ae8  No.3635306


I listened to that earlier today. At first they mention a spent AK-47 magazine then later when the actor surrenders they state he has an AR-15 and a Glock.

AK mags and AR mags look VERY different. You would think if he knew it was an AK mag he'd be looking for an AK-47 as well.

592ad5  No.3635307

File: 53e10fd452dda5d⋯.jpeg (51.93 KB, 480x349, 480:349, 75ECA699-8D9B-4E78-9C00-8….jpeg)

Check your children

318946  No.3635308

tard larping bots

such gynotology

lets throw them to the volcano

a60d66  No.3635309

File: c0256793719059e⋯.png (48.81 KB, 706x878, 353:439, ClipboardImage.png)


The publication is "AMI specials".

Look up the ISSN.


8cd040  No.3635310

File: 1959d7043d6216c⋯.jpg (146.6 KB, 800x757, 800:757, Elvis gets busy.jpg)


Gonna have several special guests.

I can picture an EPIC concert at times.

8a8b27  No.3635311

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3635143 Full coverage of the WalkAway march

>>3635163 China's 1st private rocket fails after launch

>>3635249, >>3635258 Early caps of crumbs

>>3635272 Polish president seeks WWII reparations from Germany ahead of German-Polish summit

>>3635282, >>3635287 613 Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters


ok, understood

saw some anons questioning it, BO can remove if needed too

38257a  No.3635312


You're not welcome here Linda. GTFO!

707f38  No.3635313


I’m not Jewish so fuck off

5c6c27  No.3635314


Feb 10 '19

46c541  No.3635315


Why would you bug me with this shit? I was trying to tease out some fresh tits ffs

b59710  No.3635316


Something Soros Foundation?

b6f0bf  No.3635317

File: b44518a7bc2003a⋯.jpg (8.31 KB, 191x255, 191:255, npcpumpkin.jpg)


good one!

d761a9  No.3635318

File: 0b75b2669c994c9⋯.jpg (81.41 KB, 471x374, 471:374, npcHOLYsite.jpg)

File: 70f3cdf63363339⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 960x604, 240:151, npcDivided.jpg)


Normies and NPC's

93c1dd  No.3635319


shout out to all the fabulous bakers who keep the dough rising everyday, every night without complaint. You are heros is this war.

6cf914  No.3635320


It's for your own good. People can't be trusted with free speech. They need to be guided by those who are wiser, and statistically Jews have the highest IQ. You might say Jews were always destined to be leaders of the world, that is G-ds covenant with us.

318946  No.3635321

evil is still larping

a833c4  No.3635322


R shills are back.

What part of there is only Q you shills don't understand?

4f3210  No.3635323


Alex Soros Foundation

ec8dbf  No.3635324



eb58dc  No.3635325

Oh the Mammories….

One year ago, whilst perusing the halfChan pol for a conversation about las vegas FF, along came Q CLEARANCE PATRIOT.

The board assumed he was a LARP of course at the time (as certainly Q expected), the mood changed from juvenile chan norms to WTF and shit changed forever.

Boy have we come a long way…

On this one year anniversary, could this be the day1 of future proves the past? Can we now start seeing HRC arrested in a few days (in the public this time?)

Talk about an October surprise!


I love you Anons (nohomo)

2018 will be glorious- we only have 65days left for the movie to reach a climax!

553f0e  No.3635326


ABC Agency maybe? Didn't want to drop name of No Such Agency.

Because No Such Agency.

8cd040  No.3635327

File: dd94ff462bca745⋯.jpg (112.71 KB, 1296x1825, 1296:1825, I Dare you.jpg)

This arrived on a t-shirt today……ordered it a month ago.


c96332  No.3635328

File: f0303e58ecd8400⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1143x8034, 381:2678, breadcrumbs2_1.png)

File: 29ad9fd362a14da⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1150x8060, 115:806, breadcrumbs2_2.png)

2d781a  No.3635329


Your both dimwits.

The bible describes the definition of his name…salvation.

The Hebrew word for salvation is Yesha, yode shin ayin (The hand nourishes the eye (knowledge)).

870b5b  No.3635330


from R's point of view, there is only Q.

8a8b27  No.3635331


yea, imprecise wording on my part

carry on anon!

1e1606  No.3635332


Yes but that's okay because they aren't Jewish.


f24243  No.3635333

File: 5b94821844273ed⋯.png (286.81 KB, 471x573, 157:191, wb.PNG)

Doesn't feel like they're really in here tonight, maybe they just found out their checks bounced.But just in case…

80881a  No.3635334


"not one stone will be left upon another"

We wait upon our Jewish brothers

to see the Light of God

and to know the truth of love and forgiveness.

Loyalty should be to God

not to a religion

and not to a history filled with atrocities

that should be shunned by all good men

Repent for God is Love.

572c3b  No.3635335


reminds me of the egg people had to take care of in health class, kek

318946  No.3635336


it;s like game of thrones but with more subjugation and feltcher cronyism

7e9a4b  No.3635337

File: e85932cdecb102a⋯.png (211.6 KB, 488x354, 244:177, RED plane.png)

>>3634387 Anon analysis of DJT Academy Awards. Call to dig PB


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 No.1169345

Apr 24 2018 10:45:00 (EST)

Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?

Red carpet rollout?

Think logically.

The world is watching.


08556f  No.3635338


What about my post was dimwitted? I was explaining that "Jesus" is a name that, through a few translations, was derived from "Yeshua."

e7cb98  No.3635339


>What part of there is only Q you shills don't understand?

Rent is due in 4 days

d761a9  No.3635340


He hated jew money changers.

He also probably hated the people that tortured him to death. And he probably hated the people that demanded he be tortured to death.

0cfc19  No.3635341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Memory lane music.

e1b8a6  No.3635342


Suspect is police lingo not Actor.

Did you review the audio and transcript screenshots?

Where they speak of Staging area ect.

Its (surprise) Propaganda Hoax Shooter Drill gone Live…

b33246  No.3635343

File: 8cef4638dfdd486⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1209x990, 403:330, What Trump saw.png)

File: 2793ce5b3682fb2⋯.jpg (400.02 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Behind the stage is fun.jpg)


Thought I'd get a shout-out, but I did enjoy the USSS!

f104c5  No.3635344

>>3634724 (lb)

TY BO. Likewise! WWG1WGA!

318946  No.3635345

File: 0dab6d737f1dbad⋯.jpg (38.3 KB, 480x480, 1:1, goolagtriggeredstalin.jpg)

8bf0a1  No.3635346


oh, shlomo, are you triggered ?? poor baby

812094  No.3635347

File: c9a6b96f0ec9edf⋯.png (84.33 KB, 846x518, 423:259, ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS knot toking in snide base bull, yeh?

Hulrey, yeh, hur commz are shrill evun on twatur.

Aftur 2016 sheez can luck forwod coz sheez gut a luftime to lose, kek. looongtime, yeh.

a833c4  No.3635348

147005381 - Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.


Happens day after tomorrow?

198598  No.3635349



8cd040  No.3635350


They already do it. Nothing to prepare for.

You must not live in ca

bf2c0e  No.3635351

File: cbf85d756e2844c⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 750x531, 250:177, postal.jpg)

142806  No.3635352


Throwing it out there, cause you know, every movie has to have its plot twist yeah?

2:55 pm is 14:55

1+4 is 5. 22 oct. 4+1+0 is 5, 18

5 5 5 5 18.

b59710  No.3635353


It was an obvious trigger to her co-horts to act.

738160  No.3635354

File: 3f102caefd5b4c7⋯.mp4 (9.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, trumpunity640pchan.mp4)

Power to the People

Renegade pissed projection


e8e938  No.3635355


Thanks Anon, this makes it obvious they can't lose. And there will be "equivalent" actions to what they did to people all over the world.

84f105  No.3635356


Double meanings exist, retarded illiterate. Not to mention there was not answer to the question asked.

7e9a4b  No.3635357



Thought this was Notable AF! No?


597541  No.3635358


>Rent is due in 4 days


What are the shills gonna do when the soros money dries up?

f32bd5  No.3635359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8cd040  No.3635360

File: f866d8bce9f7b42⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, CS.jpg)

b59710  No.3635361


Sorry, I don't understand jive.

318946  No.3635362

ernesto is a piece of garbage

44d901  No.3635363

File: 41a243170e32f61⋯.jpg (49.71 KB, 478x457, 478:457, ff crisis actors in paris ….JPG)

File: f43418c8a7d819a⋯.jpg (43.36 KB, 640x567, 640:567, crisis actor las vegas san….jpg)

File: 204cafa09afde61⋯.jpg (259.8 KB, 796x900, 199:225, ff boston marathon wheelch….jpg)

>>3633576 lb

>Boston Marathon Bombing “Police response training planned, but bombs hit first” – April 15, 2013

Easier to just roll through this page and the associated ones.

Link is to a google page of false flag and crisis actors meme.

Many updated ones with more recent events have been added.


f24243  No.3635364


Don't dox E

93c1dd  No.3635365

Emanuel is his name.


d761a9  No.3635366


I don't

I live in a worse place

I live in a place that didn't USED TO BE republican like you faggots in CA

e8e938  No.3635367


RH Negative or GTFO!

05b13d  No.3635368

This could be old info but

Marker [1] confirmed, right?

10/04 is [:01] on Qlock

10-4 code means Affirmative, Acknowledgement, OK, Message Received

Also: today 10.27 first two deltas are 10 4

first tweet is

Trump Thunders at Media for Smearing His Supporters after Bomb Scares https://t.co/Ggdhs9reY3 via @BreitbartNews


Message received??

sorry for repost <3

84f105  No.3635369

File: e1976837f9adc77⋯.jpg (108.76 KB, 750x448, 375:224, tantrum1.jpg)

b59710  No.3635370


Carve and light him up!

2f1a87  No.3635371


Most politicians have 2 faces. One private and one for us. They are most all cowards.

c96332  No.3635372

File: 38eae28c0b49dee⋯.png (1.39 MB, 991x8128, 991:8128, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan2_1.png)

File: 8b866d74631c58d⋯.png (1.4 MB, 991x8128, 991:8128, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan2_2.png)

File: dd5f4bdc634b829⋯.png (1.64 MB, 991x8128, 991:8128, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan2_3.png)

File: aa2eaf08b90afb9⋯.png (1.22 MB, 991x6597, 991:6597, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan2_4.png)

095cf7  No.3635373

File: 92ffe6c0698ff42⋯.jpeg (80.45 KB, 579x389, 579:389, Q JFK grave slanted view.jpeg)

>>3634776 (lb)

>>3634951 (lb)

I'll do a quick, incomplete breakdown that's 93%+ correct.



C=3, or Roman Numeral 100?

D=4, or Roman Numeral 500?





I=9 or 1(think Roman Numeral/appearance as a 1) or OFTEN 6 (mirror/up is down of 9)

J=10 (drop zeros)=1

K=11, or 1+1=2

L=12, or 1+2=3, or 1 if lower case? (appears like 1), or Roman Numeral 50?

M=13, or 1+3=4, or Rom Num 1000?

N=14, or 1+4=5

O=15, or 1+5=6

P=16, or 1+6=7

Q=17 (duh)…rarely messed with, but same (1+7=8 rule can apply?)

R=18, or 1+8=9, or R=1 (Q which is 17+1=R…R&A are interchangeable)

S=19, 1+9=10 (drop zeros)=1

T=20, or drop zeros=2

U=21, 2+1=3

V=22, or 2+2=4, or often 5 (Roman Numeral)

W=23 (P@in), or 2+3=5, mirrors [53] on clock which is JFKJR's Bday (he's the Punisher/P@in-bringer)

X=24, 2+4=6, or 10 (Roman Numeral)…drop zeros=1

Y=25 (usually means two 5's or 5:5, or 2+5=7

Z=26, 2+6=8

!=1 (where is it on keyboard?/looks like a 1)




111=JK (J=10=1, K=11) John Kennedy

35=JFK 35th pres, 36 is his son


6/14-46 = both POTUS & JFKJR (he arrived as R at 6:14:55 EST and will be 46th pres?

27 & 28 are both references to JFK/JR… JR can be condensed to 1…1111=JFKJR

I could go on, but you get the idea.

It becomes second nature and you will find it EVERYWHERE!

318946  No.3635374

ernesto is a piece of garbage

cb8241  No.3635375

File: ba40b5486c97cb4⋯.png (292.87 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, REAL_VS_FAKE_Q_new_tripcod….png)

member fake Q

a0518a  No.3635376


No, Antisemitism is the result of Jews acting bad. Not all Jews of course, blah blah, but there's a long list of bad guys who are Jews. If the not bad guy Jews don't stop the bad guy Jews, the not bad guy Jews are in danger from those who are pissed at the bad guy Jews who don't know or care about the difference between the bad guy Jews and the not bad guy Jews. Cutting down on the number of bad guy Rothschild and Soros types will cause random Jews to be safer.

ddf124  No.3635377

File: 206e9ba602174e4⋯.jpg (363.31 KB, 1670x1670, 1:1, orangutan-1X1.jpg)

8bf0a1  No.3635378


this is the worst bread I've seen for ages

full of spergs vomiting all their religious shit/jews and christians blah blah yeshuah, jesus blather

fuck off all of you relgious cocksuckers

d761a9  No.3635379


Blatant disinformation.


All three events are suspect

Your photos are all faggot

318946  No.3635380


ernesto is a piece of garbage

6cf914  No.3635381


The truth hurts, doesn't it? Stings your pride. That feeling will pass in time.

8a8b27  No.3635382


added, thought I had seen it before

7e9a4b  No.3635383


Wut? You actually try to misspell these words.

WTF? Is stoopid the new thang?

Not gonna get much positive attention here with that hot mess.

40d1f9  No.3635384

File: 386b66fed60ac7c⋯.jpeg (69.14 KB, 480x480, 1:1, E11145C5-DD25-462E-95D5-8….jpeg)

File: 141332dae35025b⋯.jpeg (376.93 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 2CB73BB8-0AE8-4F55-B141-E….jpeg)

File: d7bcf71be608d4e⋯.jpeg (92.09 KB, 557x474, 557:474, D75B5A68-8B3E-473A-A0EA-B….jpeg)

File: f12ccc5264bef3e⋯.jpeg (219.14 KB, 1210x652, 605:326, 5D325FA6-CAF9-402F-BD88-E….jpeg)

File: c519b412921fd75⋯.jpeg (140.81 KB, 773x986, 773:986, E5F4CA40-CA18-428A-998B-7….jpeg)

c7e712  No.3635385


The Cannibal Club is said to be a hoax:


If so, it is a very creepy hoax that uses very high production values to generate its fake website. Reminiscent of Podesta's "art.":


1fe029  No.3635386


He didn't hate Jewish money changers, one of them was a disciple of his, Matthew. He hated the particular scamming money changers that were desecrating the temple with their crooked commerce.

He did NOT hate those who tortured him, He asked the Father to forgive them and the people who were calling for his torture and death.

That is why He is able to command us to love our enemies.

While we (all of us) were His enemies He sacrificed His life for us. What a God!!!

318946  No.3635387

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbagev

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbage

ernesto is a piece of garbage

572c3b  No.3635388


I would say that is correct, especially since the anthrax incidents after 911.

Like they are really going to let the mail man deliver unchecked mail to any former president.

Of course the secret service has to open and inspect all mail coming to those under their protection.

67d0ce  No.3635390


staging is a meeting place for wounded triage or LEO/first responders

Actor is still POLICE LINGO

SpouseAnon is LEO

24c9ad  No.3635391


All of those are proven shoops.

Fuck off.

8a74b2  No.3635392


Pharisees deserve every bit of bashing they get, for turning away from the true God and His spirit, and embracing the deceitful murderous ways of Satanic Babylonian blood cults.

1e2e32  No.3635393


LEOanon Actor is NOT LE lingo i have never ever in my career used actor in any situation. "The SUSPECT is in custody" is the only term used.

8bf0a1  No.3635394


the R shills and the Religious shills are shitting up this bread

2ca8e9  No.3635395



44d901  No.3635396

File: 2d59f93c9872312⋯.jpg (85.8 KB, 629x720, 629:720, crisis actors for mossad f….jpg)

Ever seen this clown?

9bf9f3  No.3635397


anti-Semitism is the result of white ppl acting like niggers. - instead of white pol being great they are bitching muh joos are holding me down. It's fake and gay !

8cd040  No.3635398


At least I didn't leave and export this lefty bullshit to everyone else's neighborhood.

Unless you live in SF there is no worse place.

d2ff11  No.3635399


Even better….

All conservative sites AND Fox News taken off the air after AIPAC gets involved.

Then Twitter uses it algorithm to ban every single Twitter user it has labeled as conservative.

Then keep going..

84f105  No.3635400



c6f722  No.3635401


Pilpul, nonsense

fce654  No.3635402


To continue on what you said, He was MORE angry because the faith was perverted. The Halakah. When Judah was taken captive in 586BC, They lost their Temple, their GOD and the true law. (Jeremiah 3:8). Why because they went after false gods, Baal and grove, Christmas. fire and tree worship.

So the jews created the halakah, which was the oral law. The allowed Rabbi's, not priests of the Aaron lineage. Christ was furious because they perverted, twisted GOD's law and created the rabbincal, Synagogue and Halakah systems.

This is what angered Christ.

7e9a4b  No.3635403

File: fc9ddfc14e59b40⋯.jpg (10.8 KB, 400x400, 1:1, rh- -.jpg)


WTF does that have to do with anything?

d40276  No.3635404

File: b4e80533d408a17⋯.png (489.01 KB, 967x485, 967:485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1923835394f3866⋯.png (389.53 KB, 736x473, 736:473, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f62ff3288ee22f5⋯.png (145.39 KB, 425x262, 425:262, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aaa02a80c818623⋯.png (530.48 KB, 838x543, 838:543, ClipboardImage.png)

We Have the Server.

2d781a  No.3635405


They must pay the World War I reparations first.

They set up a bank to do just such a thing.

Bank of International Settlements

Get in line Poland.

84f105  No.3635406


Here comes the censorship from the actual shills.

6cf914  No.3635407

File: bf365f56bc90940⋯.jpg (351.58 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, 1540703718476.jpg)


It's inevitable. People are fed up with whites.

e1b8a6  No.3635408


Agreed! I am sure its PedoWood employees that write these scripts for the masonic P.D.s to 'practice'

e1c04c  No.3635409

File: f0cd4fcc9e86ec5⋯.jpg (17.22 KB, 255x240, 17:16, e98d94f41f4dae02a26812e25f….jpg)

File: 00903b6ebd8e3dc⋯.png (8.83 KB, 255x169, 255:169, a618605e5bccaee8f66eff0a0c….png)


Shoulda built a Wall

8a8b27  No.3635410

File: 45e120995b1695b⋯.png (292.74 KB, 475x332, 475:332, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a01aff217f86e7⋯.png (31.57 KB, 172x98, 86:49, ClipboardImage.png)


no way

d761a9  No.3635411


2000 years later…

We are basically fucked.

Thank Jesus.

Face the facts that you live in a fucking jew fairy tale book where the leftist jew baby rapers are "GOD".

I don't.

And I can sleep well at night.


Jesus was a racist anti semite conspiracy theorist.


I hate your faggot one the jews gave you

31a0b4  No.3635412


With the whole fappening on it and you kept it to yourself, tsss.


ccd094  No.3635413

Fucking slut monkey. No more collages. Laptop lost power forever I think. No boot from battery or cord, but shit still charges through it. Doesn't even try to boot. I don't even know what to do, my whole life is making collages at the moment lol. Son of a bitch this phonefagging thing isn't even close to okay.

8bf0a1  No.3635414


kys shlomo

24c9ad  No.3635415

File: 24350d7b7d26bce⋯.png (15.83 KB, 255x199, 255:199, triggered_NPC.png)

c6f722  No.3635416

File: c838ba1f2884af6⋯.png (853.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

7e9a4b  No.3635417


Certainly they aren't after Rh- specifically, are they? <6% of the population- seems difficult to get it with a general call for blood-letting.

d761a9  No.3635418


Gotcha. Good luck fren.

bf2c0e  No.3635419

File: 0f99db7e0a08e8d⋯.jpg (15.81 KB, 255x255, 1:1, meme starwars.jpg)

Thank you Bakers, Anons, Autists, Clockfags, and ==Q==

2e8f5c  No.3635420



take a walk through Compton, Emilia. Tell me how brown your panties are afterwards.

318946  No.3635421



zerbbabel was a farce

fbcfcb  No.3635422


oh please please please red wave washington.

my kids have a transgender cross dresser in public school as a teacher. we pull kids out of school.

cb8241  No.3635423

File: 578b7947d5ebcc5⋯.jpg (81.26 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Crumbs_Back_on_Menu.jpg)


thanks anon

222767  No.3635424

File: 0ae3d8ee8a2d4d0⋯.png (942.61 KB, 965x543, 965:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52420efafbf77dc⋯.png (1.36 MB, 960x630, 32:21, ClipboardImage.png)

Need help.

Please blow up the photo of the Synagogue SWAT team. Could be one or more is from Sandy Hook team.

812094  No.3635425

File: ccd5a26c6f4969b⋯.png (67.19 KB, 846x518, 423:259, ClipboardImage.png)


Whot (?), extra edition in emotion or "extractshun" of poi-son in lovo motion? Yeh, underway way over late.

ef232a  No.3635426

File: c041b1d2de16fe3⋯.jpg (143.39 KB, 600x600, 1:1, R-631104-1263145297.jpeg.jpg)


Years from now when I think back to 2018 right before the midterms, Nightshift will be playing in my head.

Those were the times when false flags happened, when feminists tried to derail Kavanaugh, when FISA declas was delayed, when Rod refused to talk to Congress for the 5th time in a row, when Q went dark for a while, etc. It was easy to get frustrated. But whenever Nightshift played it always calmed me down and helped me get real comfy.

55beba  No.3635427

File: 247ccb8bd053e97⋯.jpeg (433.62 KB, 1242x1152, 69:64, 08912A68-DDA4-41C9-A8DE-6….jpeg)

eb58dc  No.3635428


Oh the mammaries…

That shit went on for nearly a month. Was comical at first, and I think a shill took over for the class clown anon's joke.

It prompted codemonkey to make the trip colored, and shills still try it from time to time.

095cf7  No.3635429


Nonsense my ass. Learn math. Numbers don't lie. Q&A doesn't just mean Question and answer. TBD = 20 2 4 as well as To Be Determined. A321 isn't just a plane model. LAYERS of meaning. Learn the cipher and advance your Q understanding 10-fold.

2f1a87  No.3635430


I never quite thought of it that way, but it has a ring of truth.

84f105  No.3635431


Your six posts so far are nothing but trash, so you are the shitman it would seem.

d2ff11  No.3635432


Low energy clown didn't even try

7e9a4b  No.3635433


Hoax? Then she hoaxed herself. Appeared on her page.

7e0cbb  No.3635434

File: f48251d43e55adb⋯.jpg (17.17 KB, 215x255, 43:51, b73caace5f939457d7fe1e7f23….jpg)

93c1dd  No.3635435


Well deserved award winning gif

136005  No.3635436

File: ea1106bc3c0076e⋯.jpg (64.25 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3421.JPG)

File: 5af804a73a6bc15⋯.jpg (433.7 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, IMG_3449.JPG)

File: cd8b5607254afac⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3479.JPG)

f76593  No.3635437

October Suprise before Elections:

1. Mass caravan of illegal invaders

2. Stock market crashing

3. Fake pipe bombs

4. Mass Shooting

5. Happening in swing states.. FL, PA, 🤔

If you think this was all random you've become the dummy.


1e1606  No.3635438

File: 7cb356d2ccdf2ff⋯.jpg (475.19 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, eicg5rgyjzu611.jpg)

File: 4b9deadbf3700f0⋯.png (363.49 KB, 1402x678, 701:339, 0d688fb6941033c3ba9e2b5a02….png)

File: 64f44815b4877bd⋯.png (13.93 KB, 585x127, 585:127, 000a8ac7cf60d506979a00faa7….png)

File: d92f40d379abce3⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 0d927a6af1305d167c9e4c0c88….jpg)

File: b2d1b25cf66a2fd⋯.png (5.34 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5b06ca5f7922944762569054c1….png)


Do you think a single elected official will tell all the Christians that behind their backs over the last two years their First Amendment has been planned to be vitiated if you say anything "mean" (true) about the fake-semites and their illegal immigration?

222767  No.3635439


Guy on left looks like Wheeler.

14e8e0  No.3635440




GTFO and don't come back until you have read the Bill of Rights from start to finish you arrogant bastard.

55beba  No.3635441

File: 419a79010d6eac6⋯.jpeg (316.36 KB, 1242x681, 414:227, 54D53FF3-3EA6-4239-969E-5….jpeg)

84f105  No.3635442


Weak response. Try again. I'll wait…

ddf124  No.3635443


get yer shit together..we need those collages!

d40276  No.3635444

File: 60b28c110300347⋯.png (182.59 KB, 762x564, 127:94, ClipboardImage.png)


Platte River Networks

64e4cc  No.3635445

+++ friends in high places

1f86cd  No.3635446

File: c7bc365b7b51ff0⋯.png (919.67 KB, 2010x1626, 335:271, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)


I don't think there is a dedicated thread for Clinton Foundation, did a quick search in catalog, got nothing.

But, I read FBI Anon threads after you posted and see the heavy suggestion to research Clinton Foundation. Excellent read, have read some FBI Anon posts before, but never this one. Thx Anon.

From 1/5/18 articles, we know FBI is investigating Clinton Foundation:


We know Judicial Watch is trying to get info on it:


We know Judicial Watch has obtained some info:


The most recent article I could find on Clinton Foundation was earlier this month, which in response to cries for POTUS tax records, a call for audit of Clinton Foundation be made (sounds like at least someone trying to keep topic in mind of the people): (screen cap)


I agree w/Anon that memes regarding Clinton Foundation may be really helpful after reading to FBI Anon's thread. I don't recall seeing many & the ones that come to mind are w/reference to how Chelsea's wedding was paid for.. maybe that was a reference to Haiti? I believe I recall seeing charts, webbing out all the connections.

After re-reading beginning Q crumbs today, and then FBI Anon thread - I get the feeling if there's any revelations prior to election day, they might be about Clinton Foundation. With articles coming out that dems don't want to have anything to do with her (those campaigning) b/c she is now considered "kiss of death" so to speak… maybe that wld be safe game strategy in terms of any kind of imminent declas.

That being said, Clinton Foundation call to memes seems worthy.

f24243  No.3635447


Collage anon down. now in phonefag mode : (

258c26  No.3635448

File: d61451d03b3d032⋯.jpg (142.24 KB, 508x508, 1:1, Pepe Star.jpg)



55beba  No.3635449

File: dcdcbbbb6f867aa⋯.jpeg (638.74 KB, 1242x1292, 621:646, 5E98F16C-014B-45E3-8959-1….jpeg)

05b13d  No.3635450


This is from his Illinois speech. Gotta be extracted from here too. They want to paint Qanon as anti-semitic, tie it to violence.

24c9ad  No.3635451

File: eb7a4a72fbbb4eb⋯.png (466.6 KB, 758x815, 758:815, NPC_triggered.png)

812094  No.3635452



Spellz right, yeh.

e1c04c  No.3635453

File: 48eb1dcc51c9510⋯.jpg (15.75 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 977c7d41acc51b7b005fa51691….jpg)


not too late

8bf0a1  No.3635454


fuck off clown, eat the peanuts outta my shit

e7cb98  No.3635455


>oh please please please red wave washington.

WA will be hard to flip

Hopefully increased voter registration means vote out Cantwell and elect Dino

80881a  No.3635456


that he has fking found out who the russian woman was

who he was told was Putin's niece

he found out something last week

that changed his WHOLE world

mebee got pics?

mebee got pics from London street cameras?

mebee looked like LISA PAGE???

just sayin

e8e938  No.3635457


Trigger words MK Ultra'd

8a8b27  No.3635458


I don't have it but:


707f38  No.3635459

572c3b  No.3635460

File: 83fb2c7dddbad35⋯.jpg (112.79 KB, 900x1080, 5:6, 7513_760abe2f7ea403a5c8ac3….jpg)

318946  No.3635461


we roasting cabbage and potatoe face and twinkieotus on here right now

f69354  No.3635462


Don't forget our Q visit forecaster, AKA PornFag…

1d3c1f  No.3635463


imho there will be no October suprise from Q, R's, or POTUS. The D's are pulling enough boners and Trump needs a clean win they can't cry foul about. We are the majority and Military Inteligence will fix any vote machine fuckery in enough key states like in '16.

84f105  No.3635464


Another garbage post. That makes 8. 100% garbage so far this bread.

5386c3  No.3635465

File: f8aaa9128dc8da9⋯.png (844.64 KB, 1269x1982, 1269:1982, 1540704834148.png)

Hey Q, Happy Qversary

xD … u know I'm teasing with the pic 😆😁

Urs r a lot blurry. Offer still stands.. I'm sure we can pitch in & get u guys a decent cam 😂😂😂🤣😎😉

7e9a4b  No.3635466

File: 0ed22b20df92ffd⋯.png (466.61 KB, 931x540, 931:540, hearts.png)


Your posts bothers me.

Got sauce for the hoax?


I have no doubts it's real.

0cfc19  No.3635467


Comfy indeed. I think most of us are lurking and waiting. Still, it's nice to engage in nightshift bantz every now and then.

c541ee  No.3635468

File: 09131d13625bcb4⋯.jpg (232.4 KB, 784x1024, 49:64, PRN COMBETTA INVOICE.jpg)

File: 4ae8677671bf00c⋯.jpg (29.1 KB, 600x205, 120:41, STONE TEAR AND BORIS.jpg)

File: bba5ae83dbacfb0⋯.png (317.84 KB, 508x532, 127:133, 4aa2ffb708ad9b08f719d1ee19….png)

318946  No.3635469

ernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbageernesto is a piece of garbage

ec8dbf  No.3635470

File: 7ef10a790200e55⋯.jpg (283.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QResearch-500png.jpg)

fce654  No.3635471

File: 0553098b7ffd731⋯.jpg (233.25 KB, 796x900, 199:225, 204cafa09afde616db549ed221….jpg)


I would like to find out how the boston thing was pulled off. I saw some questionable things, like guys with caps on that had the punisher skull and being connected to some black ops..

8bf0a1  No.3635472


says the retarded illiterate shitposting faggot

24c9ad  No.3635473

File: 944f3dc12e2d62e⋯.png (168.67 KB, 497x498, 497:498, you3.png)

e1c04c  No.3635474

File: c5e0dd1184d286b⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1896x1314, 316:219, c5e0dd1184d286baf47e21de76….png)

As soon as KARMA can get delivered USPS

9bf9f3  No.3635475


I really don't care what ppl believe Anon… But white ppl can't claim to be the Master race then claim victim to %2 (Jews) ruling over them. That's not a Master race that's being a Jews nigger. Can't have both. It's a shitty argument that defys logic Anon

44d901  No.3635476

File: 76cbec857dc4646⋯.png (178.1 KB, 610x405, 122:81, at you.png)


>>>3635363 (You)

>All of those are proven shoops.

That was fast!

You looked at all the images on the google search page and disproved each of them.

Your claim is definitely proven by your supporting evidence of:

>Fuck off.

e1b8a6  No.3635477


True. Twatter isnt (yet) filled with the gasping, tears, thoughts ..but I'm sure come 4AM narrative push Monday…that will run all week Ad Nauseum

c541ee  No.3635478

File: 524cf862d2d743c⋯.png (39.26 KB, 440x583, 40:53, Capture.PNG)


d761a9  No.3635479


Boston smoke bomb was obviously a fake media thing after five fucking minutes.

1e2e32  No.3635480


His vest is also the only one with no FBI chest patch. Not saying it has to be on his chest but most of the time its on it. No real reason to ever pull them off

84f105  No.3635481

File: 2e9f7044218982f⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 413x450, 413:450, 20pctopac.jpg)

File: 5211f7f2b672238⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 416x448, 13:14, 30pctopac.jpg)

File: 4df2300ea407e73⋯.jpg (24.53 KB, 418x448, 209:224, 60pctopac.jpg)

File: 59b643a95b81604⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 411x444, 137:148, 80pctopac.jpg)

a60d66  No.3635482


And Wyatt didn't even mention the supposed gang-raping history of POTUS's SC nominee.

0cfc19  No.3635483


Jim projecteth too much.

7e9a4b  No.3635484

File: 5cca2abde648f1f⋯.png (85.98 KB, 235x255, 47:51, Qbaker.png)

318946  No.3635485

File: c5c7bcdf5b9d1c9⋯.jpg (319 KB, 1900x1068, 475:267, babybananas.jpg)

doubtfag then blamefag then sympathyfag then nothing but fake jew pork loins

84f105  No.3635486

File: 5b9d03c5417439f⋯.png (276.87 KB, 960x434, 480:217, 4d48a211.png)

5386c3  No.3635487


wow. wat a tool.

7d2c33  No.3635488

Tesla Faces Deepening Criminal Probe Over Whether It Misstated Production Figures FBI investigation follows company’s settlement of separate civil charges with SEC

Tesla Inc., TSLA 5.09% with a fresh civil fraud settlement now behind it, faces a new legal problem: a deepening criminal investigation.

Federal Bureau of Investigation agents are examining whether Tesla misstated information about production of its Model 3 sedans and misled investors about the company’s business going back to early 2017, people familiar with the matter say.

Action in the criminal investigation, headed by the U.S. attorney’s office in San Francisco, has intensified in recent weeks after the Securities and Exchange Commission settled separate civil charges with Tesla and Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk, the people said.

https: //www.wsj.com/articles/tesla-faces-deepening-criminal-probe-over-whether-it-misstated-production-figures-1540576636

142806  No.3635489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e8e938  No.3635490

File: b98d9b77fdd29d8⋯.jpg (26.91 KB, 350x446, 175:223, elmer.jpg)


SHHHH…be vewwwy vewwwy quiet.


8bf0a1  No.3635491


confirmed R shill spotted


d2ff11  No.3635492


Oh man notable

84f105  No.3635493

File: 1ba32baed0bfda4⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, IMG_7931.JPG)

File: 7715f91dc08a8f0⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, IMG_7932.JPG)

File: 6f6759dda292d6b⋯.jpg (2.33 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, IMG_7933.JPG)

File: b7a05a7c69a322b⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, IMG_7934.JPG)

24c9ad  No.3635494


In their post. Those are proven fakes.

That being said: Why would I bother wasting my time on any of their copypasta?

bffba4  No.3635495


Yup he's lost his mind completely

84f105  No.3635496

File: 0f48afc3f62430a⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 439x468, 439:468, jfkfusca_.jpg)

812094  No.3635497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Knot jive. Sifering on tha flies.

8a8b27  No.3635498


look on the bright side, that irrelevant faggot at least didn't spam last bread

acd0f9  No.3635499

572c3b  No.3635500

File: 747203df3c7292a⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 389x594, 389:594, 2f55k6.jpg)

File: a7b0eb8435e4df5⋯.png (238.56 KB, 730x400, 73:40, a7b0eb8435e4df59dca0963f27….png)

File: eeb197eeae0e4db⋯.png (1.6 MB, 846x864, 47:48, eeb197eeae0e4db306512d3cab….png)

File: 342037a7daed03c⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 470x318, 235:159, 342037a7daed03c75280979911….jpg)

96b8c7  No.3635501

File: e73cf7f43188ca4⋯.jpeg (33.62 KB, 255x244, 255:244, e73cf7f43188ca467de556100….jpeg)


Kek, like the way you think, anon.

84f105  No.3635502

File: d3b2cdd5bf895b9⋯.jpg (39.88 KB, 752x960, 47:60, 6f0PWPm.jpg)

File: a3293432fdd2a50⋯.jpg (42.2 KB, 752x960, 47:60, 6S95YRh.jpg)

File: 4b07502cfc69145⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 752x960, 47:60, TgvGGQU.jpg)

8bf0a1  No.3635503


u fukn dimwit

no hope for some

c6f722  No.3635504

We may be a rag-tag bunch of misfits from around the globe, but on this special day, Q's anniversary, we celebrate what unites us -



597541  No.3635505

File: 7cc8a02139c8b6c⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 1000x1002, 500:501, FB_IMG_1540705196202.jpg)

84f105  No.3635506

File: d94e768735b9bc5⋯.jpg (264.9 KB, 1310x598, 655:299, 8f426e739c1c.jpg)

80881a  No.3635507

File: 2c019a22003b1a9⋯.png (347.43 KB, 532x349, 532:349, spying-on-president-1.png)

File: 13db6219434840e⋯.png (214.05 KB, 336x420, 4:5, trump-point-red.png)


here's my tits

b59710  No.3635508

File: 8e503dcc08c1b48⋯.png (632.78 KB, 643x633, 643:633, Board MAGA Flag Man.png)

File: c1176a47170e938⋯.jpg (111.31 KB, 1000x701, 1000:701, Board Melania Kek.jpg)

bf2c0e  No.3635509

File: e5872bf42521299⋯.jpg (19.45 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cybercommand.jpg)

93c1dd  No.3635510


Do you read what you wrote? Really, call for everyone then call out a group you decide who they are. That is wrong. Love is all you need and the truth will prevail. Lies are temporary no matter how much power and money you possess. Truth.

2d781a  No.3635511


extract (ĭk-străktˈ)

v. To draw or pull out, often with great force or effort: extract a wisdom tooth; used tweezers to extract the splinter.

v. To obtain despite resistance: extract a promise.

v. To obtain from a substance by chemical or mechanical action, as by pressure, distillation, or evaporation


n. A substance that causes injury, illness, or death, especially by chemical means.

n. Something destructive or fatal.

n. Chemistry & Physics A substance that inhibits another substance or a reaction: a catalyst poison.

7e9a4b  No.3635512

File: 1df7a64cfc89db0⋯.jpg (22.38 KB, 295x199, 295:199, 11_11.jpg)

d41467  No.3635513

File: 37d46c3e3195a0c⋯.jpg (634.76 KB, 800x625, 32:25, Mirror.jpg)

Been enjoying this show. Cheers, anons! Proud to be part of this and thanks to everyone keeping it running like clockwork. Get it?

84f105  No.3635514

File: 5de122caed3ef34⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 3021x4028, 3:4, c76ba55e0.jpg)

bf2c0e  No.3635515

File: 5d7b5c00fb4da37⋯.jpg (17.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, kermitbewbs.jpg)

5f067f  No.3635516

File: 6bd8af1ca3f9fc9⋯.png (405.61 KB, 640x427, 640:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Pope Francis Says Accusations Against Him Are an Attack on the Church

Pope Francis said Saturday that recent accusations leveled against him for allegedly mishandling the case of serial homosexual abuser Cardinal Theodore McCarrick are really an attack against the Church itself. In his final address to the synod of bishops — which he delivered off the cuff — the pope said that while the sons and daughters of the Church are all sinners, the Church herself is holy. “Because of our sins, the great accuser takes advantage and roams about seeking someone to accuse, as we read in the first chapter of Job,” Francis said, apparently referring to the devil as well as those who play into his hands. “Right now, he is accusing us forcefully, and this accusation becomes persecution as well,” he said. Some in the Church are persecuted directly, such as those in the Middle East, the pope said, but “there is also another kind of persecution, of continual accusations to soil the church, and the Church should not be soiled. Her children yes, but not the mother, and the mother defends herself from the great accuser with prayer and penance.” “That’s why I asked to pray the Rosary, to Our Lady, to St. Michael the Archangel. It is a difficult time because the accuser is attacking the mother through us and the mother should not be attacked,” he said.

In late August, the former papal nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, issued an 11-page report alleging that Pope Francis had knowingly rehabilitated McCarrick despite his crimes, and for that the pope should step down. Viganò said that he had personally informed Francis in 2013 of McCarrick’s history of abuse, along with sanctions imposed on his ministry by Pope Benedict XVI, and yet the pope lifted those sanctions and involved McCarrick in the naming of future U.S. bishops. Questioned about these charges by journalists, Francis refused to confirm or deny them, but soon after began comparing those who make accusations to the devil.

On two separate occasions, the pope used his homily at morning Mass to condemn accusers as allies of the devil. “Among us is the great accuser, who always goes to accuse us before God, in order to destroy us. Satan: He is the great accuser,” Francis said. “It is true, we are all sinners, we bishops,” he said on a separate occasion, but the Great Accuser “seeks to unveil sins so that they may be seen, to scandalize the people.”

The thinly veiled reference to Archbishop Viganò was not lost on him. The pope “has compared his silence to that of Jesus in Nazareth and before Pilate, and compared me to the great accuser, Satan, who sows scandal and division in the Church — though without ever uttering my name,” Viganò wrote in a second public statement in late September. By so doing, “he put in place a subtle slander against me — slander being an offense he has often compared to the gravity of murder,” he said. “Indeed, he did it repeatedly, in the context of the celebration of the most Holy Sacrament, the Eucharist, where he runs no risk of being challenged by journalists.”

In this statement, Viganò said that the pope’s mishandling of the McCarrick was the central charge of his original report, but it was not the only one, adding that “the pope’s cover-up of McCarrick was clearly not an isolated mistake.” “Many more instances have recently been documented in the press, showing that Pope Francis has defended homosexual clergy who committed serious sexual abuses against minors or adults,” the archbishop said.


c96332  No.3635517

File: c189836cfbbbd1f⋯.png (1.54 MB, 991x8128, 991:8128, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan3_1.png)

File: 862e1aa01902dac⋯.png (1.39 MB, 991x7936, 991:7936, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan3_2.png)

File: 63ff53d74b63b77⋯.png (1.46 MB, 991x7936, 991:7936, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan3_3.png)

File: f14d32ce9f0f809⋯.png (1021.55 KB, 991x5192, 991:5192, pgBreadcrumbsAnon4chan3_4.png)


Was anon a Larp? Seems a bit too detailed for a LARP kek

not even sure why I saved this one. But it's funny to read through the anons dealing with the fallout.

84f105  No.3635518

File: 74275fa6d974809⋯.png (126.68 KB, 624x351, 16:9, 74275fa6d974809ffd3f6ac560….png)

d761a9  No.3635519


Nope. Not relevant at all.

They are in control of the lie.

They have a giant fucking boner with the fake dead jews at the synoguogue "story"

8a8b27  No.3635520

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3635135 Graphic on Raven Chan, Zuckerberg's wife's sister

>>3635143 Full coverage of the WalkAway march

>>3635163 China's 1st private rocket fails after launch

>>3635249, >>3635258, >>3635328, >>3635372 Early caps of crumbs

>>3635272 Polish president seeks WWII reparations from Germany ahead of German-Polish summit

>>3635282, >>3635287 613 Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters

>>3635446 Digs on CF in relation to FBIanon

>>3635488 Tesla Faces Deepening Criminal Probe

38257a  No.3635521

File: a93e5fad8f51a83⋯.jpeg (20.01 KB, 500x266, 250:133, r.jpeg)

8cd040  No.3635522

File: 9f9f60790320568⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1127x727, 1127:727, Kansas gettin it DONE.PNG)

News from Japan:



You recall Kansas making the rounds recently..pic

40d1f9  No.3635523

File: 5f31b747fdbb555⋯.jpeg (36.68 KB, 474x341, 474:341, F880FFE3-4632-4C91-AE77-0….jpeg)

24c9ad  No.3635524


That pic actually proves fusca has different bone structure in his head than JFKjr.

You can see it in non-matching hairline and the way the cheekbones transition to the chin.

That's why you cropped it funny. to try to hide those discrepancies.

GJ ;p

e7cb98  No.3635525

Anons, have you considered the confidence and 100 percent certainty Q has in "the plan" in regards to all the R's that stepped down?

Much speculation of the House being in jeopardy

Yet look how many Republicans resigned / retired / chose not to run

And Republicans will keep the house

That is absolute certainty in the plan / to have the R's step out knowing new R's would be elected in their place not D's

84f105  No.3635526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

31a0b4  No.3635527

The real question is, why the fuck are the shills trying to prove that JFK is that guy in the photos ? What could they get from this ?

1- We stop searching

2- He's someone else and they want us to think he's not.

3- I'm high and I'm sure we can come up with more than this.

84f105  No.3635528

File: 9b16cd73575e493⋯.png (6.65 KB, 456x185, 456:185, The Start.png)

c31ee6  No.3635529


They always accuse their enemies of doing what they do.

1e1606  No.3635530

File: fbe649c3035dbd9⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1327x2705, 1327:2705, Screenshot_2018-07-12 Cong….png)

File: 44958af886777ff⋯.png (368.51 KB, 826x2485, 118:355, Screenshot_2018-08-25 ADL ….png)

File: e7f169343f5ea4b⋯.png (995.39 KB, 1327x7307, 1327:7307, Screenshot_2018-07-12 What….png)

File: 4158371733f2669⋯.png (832.14 KB, 1215x406, 1215:406, Screenshot_2018-10-21 jude….png)

File: c102b02febbf819⋯.png (592.42 KB, 960x552, 40:23, 1500367490800.png)


Antisemitism Awareness Act. Been warning about this for TWO years straight. Check it out.

jews and muslims in auschwitz. you believe the balls on these liars?

d761a9  No.3635531


Counter semitism and nazism are my religion.

America is for everyone.

Not going anywhere you fucking kike.

10301a  No.3635532

File: 8a8730f06d81831⋯.png (85.87 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Progressive Chaos.png)

File: fc62a8e1e5a449a⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 237x300, 79:100, Pull It.jpg)

File: f0b27e259fb4e07⋯.jpg (66.55 KB, 593x557, 593:557, Racist Jew.jpg)

File: c891000c839ce92⋯.jpg (261.24 KB, 1767x741, 31:13, Foundation Myth.jpg)

File: 908d1789d307fb4⋯.png (538.24 KB, 957x868, 957:868, fjhkjl.png)





The Church is the new Israel. The jews whined constantly and then nailed Yeshua to a cross.

Those claiming to be jews today still whine and scheme.

5b8004  No.3635533


Agreed anon. We will probably go this direction with vigor after the midterms, after POTUS' new Congress is seated in January and a few black hats go down first. But agree, it is huge (I read FBIanon's posts too that were re-shared today) and we will be going there.

8a8b27  No.3635534


seriously man, what the fuck is your goal spamming this SAME fucking shit every night?

if you're legitimately mentally retarded, I get it, but if not, please do us all a favor and fuck off back to reddit

or kys, its ridiculous

84f105  No.3635535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Facial profile comparison with Fusca. Proof Positive.

d761a9  No.3635536


Not reading that.

I believe you.

acd0f9  No.3635537

File: 3f16a6e4e8d28bc⋯.jpg (39.91 KB, 293x439, 293:439, jimdance.jpg)

0a8c6f  No.3635538

File: 64b62fd7fb83c4c⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1607x1287, 1607:1287, 2018-10-28_01-19-54.png)


Not everyone is excited!


83f130  No.3635539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Great clip with street musician after Walkaway event in DC

start @ 2:50min

African American musician sees the MAGA hat and say "Make American Great" over loudspeaker. People are waking!!!

fdbc35  No.3635540


I think it’s to fuck with Trumps head because they were really good friends. They want him to know they murdered him. These people are sick

77e0f8  No.3635541

File: 6c35139a36066a9⋯.png (9.08 KB, 300x100, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Cesar Sayoc


a accessory

84f105  No.3635542

File: 9bbedf09b7e8a05⋯.jpeg (65.95 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Honey_FitzRear-View.jpeg)

File: 6de5805a76fc581⋯.jpg (279.17 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, Honey-fitz-03.jpg)

File: d4b26f0e07fa2db⋯.png (615.14 KB, 596x709, 596:709, Honeyfitzbell.png)

2f1a87  No.3635543


Agreed. It is my belief that most people who ceel this way are disenfranchised working class males.

They look for someone to bLame for their status

Enter some one like David Duke to instill and direct that to the jews.

It's not that hard to understand.

8cd040  No.3635544

File: b1f13388071a88f⋯.jpg (12.45 KB, 330x248, 165:124, rs.jpg)

night all….

84f105  No.3635545

File: eafcbc41374583a⋯.jpg (14.54 KB, 202x255, 202:255, 33f960.jpg)

2e8f5c  No.3635546

File: 107c1badb6babca⋯.png (4.12 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 923E5307-A373-4995-8BCE-52….png)

File: 4cd5164925ee140⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1C690DBE-47AE-47C2-BCC1-8C….png)

File: b06381ddd8f8943⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 28D58F3A-0432-477C-AD72-31….png)

File: 4b3cda906ff8c81⋯.jpeg (964.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, DE578DB1-EC40-456E-8EF1-5….jpeg)



44d901  No.3635547

File: 56885ae7071de47⋯.jpg (73.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Terrorism Crisis Actor Bos….jpg)


>>>3635363 (You)

>I would like to find out how the boston thing was pulled off. I saw some questionable things, like guys with caps on that had the punisher skull and being connected to some black ops..

Sorry it took so long to find this on the internet (about 0.3 seconds). . If you have internet…you might be able to find information.

This one was briefly reviewed, it speaks to your point.


d497ce  No.3635548

File: 54387f7302a751a⋯.jpg (207.99 KB, 1023x501, 341:167, IMG_20180926_143306.jpg)

They think they can taunt and harass and threaten and assault and terrorize with impunity?

Patriots strike back! Nothing but one Antifa beat down after another!


38257a  No.3635549


The desperation is old, fake and gay but mostly old. Try a new topic.

d761a9  No.3635550


Night. I am out too.

84f105  No.3635551

File: fcb12ad1236cd69⋯.jpg (138.82 KB, 878x1200, 439:600, 221051-john-f-kennedy-jr.jpg)

17fc3d  No.3635552

Happy Birthday, Q! We miss you

40d1f9  No.3635553

File: d89d2d04225d10e⋯.jpeg (18.88 KB, 255x170, 3:2, FF641A51-0A28-49AD-81DD-F….jpeg)

136005  No.3635554

File: e476d4bfbbbb58b⋯.jpg (37.79 KB, 494x421, 494:421, IMG_3483.JPG)

File: 026255c5821fa9c⋯.png (773.42 KB, 1050x582, 175:97, 9A3330AB-D2D4-4FCC-ABEA-6F….png)

File: 30265cfae396878⋯.jpeg (52.05 KB, 719x494, 719:494, 851A3A3E-A231-4297-9B45-D….jpeg)

10301a  No.3635555

File: 77c0b3206514c68⋯.png (443.25 KB, 1671x1032, 557:344, decfvrgt.png)

d761a9  No.3635556

File: ed8d5db09e4c694⋯.png (602.45 KB, 628x778, 314:389, DS4.png)

File: 437fea0d36d442a⋯.png (3 KB, 228x46, 114:23, DS5.png)

d2de32  No.3635557

File: 91eb6d1e6ad5e75⋯.jpg (113.96 KB, 763x497, 109:71, kurt russell tombstone you….jpg)

c19119  No.3635558

File: 71675e7871f4874⋯.png (5.19 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 71675e7871f4874508638197bf….png)

Now this was a night!

1e1606  No.3635559


come on rabbi you can do better than that

e8e938  No.3635560


Whoa! Awesome!

c2a526  No.3635562


What's funny is that the Rothschilds are the ones who created the Confederacy, and now they unironically try to hurt us by taking away all our Confederacy memorabilia.

812094  No.3635563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>3635450 >>3635511

U Haul rye tight. Therz a salt on who man itty.

Hill obeanz is poi-son gotta extra date, coz loco motion.

See >>3635348

Hover and redoubt.

40d1f9  No.3635564

File: 8b6cab6b30bd7b4⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 400x300, 4:3, EDF9A970-A26B-4924-BA46-10….gif)

5f067f  No.3635565

File: 1bf02bbc5bd987d⋯.png (524.09 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c93136088d86f01⋯.png (236.55 KB, 640x359, 640:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Report: Facebook’s Political Ad Tools Allows Users to Purchase Ads in the Name of Mike Pence, ISIS, Others

A recent report shows that Facebook’s new political advertising system allows users to attach a “Paid for” disclosure to an ad in the name of any politician, political group or even terrorist group without full verification by Facebook. According to a recent report from Vice News, Facebook’s new political advertising tools can be easily manipulated with little to no verification by Facebook. The social media giant added a mandatory “Paid For” disclosure to political ads in May, which aimed to provide further clarity to the origin of political advertisements on the website. Instead, it appears that this mandatory field can be used to spread misinformation.

Vice successfully placed ads on Facebook using the name of a number of prominent political figures and groups including Vice President Mike Pence, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, and even the terrorist group ISIS. All of these ads were approved by Facebook with the names of these political figures and groups included within the “Paid For” disclosure. As part of this experiment, Vice managed to repost ads previously linked to Russian disinformation campaigns with Facebook approving them despite the fact that they were labeled as “Paid For by Mike Pence.” Vice noted that attempting to use “Hillary Clinton” in the Paid For disclosure was denied by Facebook but using false names and fake PACs related to Clinton was allowed. Facebook reportedly did not confirm why Clinton’s name is not allowed to be included in the Paid For section.

Vice reached out to Facebook about the fake ads after they were approved, Facebook told the news outlet that the political ads should never have been approved for the site in the first place. Rob Leathern, the leader of Facebook’s Business Integrity product management team told Vice: “Inaccurate disclaimers have no place on Facebook and these ads are no longer running. Our goal is to increase transparency on Facebook and prevent foreign interference elections which is why we have implemented the authorization process and released the Ad Archive. Enforcement isn’t perfect – and we won’t stop all people trying to game the system – but we have made it much harder and we will continue to improve.” Facebook told Vice that they were working on developing a closer relationship with election authorities in order to better identify the sort of fake ads placed by Vice before they’re approved. Facebook also noted that they do not permit foreign advertisers to place political ads in the U.S. but as Vice points out, it was very easy for them to replicate the same Russian-linked misinformation ads from a U.S. account.

Facebook also recently revealed its top political advertisers since May. Facebook itself was the top political advertiser, spending $12.5 million on image ads while Beto O’Rourke, the Democratic politician running against Senator Ted Cruz in Texas was second after spending $5.3 million. The pro-Trump PAC Trump for America was third, spending $3.1 million while billionaire Tom Steyer’s group Need to Impeach has spent around $1.7 million on the platform. In total, since May advertisers have spent approximately $256 million on nearly 1.7 million political and issue ads on the platform, it’s expected that by the end of the year $8.8 billion will have been spent on political advertising.


fdbc35  No.3635566


They are rubbing it in trumps face that his friend was murdered. Ignore the pieces of crap they are all going to hell

46469e  No.3635567

7d2c33  No.3635568

Nolte: NBC News Hid Information that Would Have Cleared Kavanaugh of Avenatti Rape Allegations

NBC News deliberately hid vital information that would have helped clear Brett Kavanaugh of the serial rape allegations Julie Swetnick and her attorney, Michael Avenatti, leveled against him.

On September 16, Kavanaugh and his loved ones were dropped into a pit of hell due to allegations of sexual assault from Christine Blasey Ford. Although her story quickly fell apart during public testimony, for the three-plus weeks that would follow, in an effort to derail his confirmation, Democrats and their allies in the establishment media did everything in their power to personally destroy this man as a drunken serial rapist.

NBC News and Avenatti played a huge role in this obscene smear campaign. One notable example was NBC breathlessly publishing and airing an assault allegation against Kavanaugh that was quickly exposed as a hoax. NBC did not even bother to independently corroborate this allegation prior to airing it. A Democrat handed NBC the smear, and NBC ran with it.

https ://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2018/10/26/nolte-nbc-news-hid-info-wouldve-cleared-kavanaugh-avenatti-rape-allegations/

08556f  No.3635569


I don't deny that, just odd that I haven't heard much, since shitlibs want to stand on the corpses to as soon as possible to push their talking points.

f24243  No.3635570


That's like MSM=MS13, (M is thirteenth letter)

How many double meanings are there?

9bf9f3  No.3635571


Correct Anon thinking the average Jewish person is anything more than just a person is insane ! Literally - it's like have you ever met a Jewish person ? Have any in your community ? They are just normal ppl… They aren't running the world - wtf is wrong with some ppl ? Lol

96b8c7  No.3635572

File: 0efa29831c23709⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1114x916, 557:458, WindowBlastPepe.png)

cb8241  No.3635573

File: 8b4e2dacb23b484⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1584x1251, 176:139, Happy_Anniversary_Faggots.png)

095cf7  No.3635574


Also eC=35, rase=35

Sayoc=112563 … 11/25/63 was someone's 3rd birthday, just 3 days after his dad was murdered by the bastards. His dad was #35.

1d3c1f  No.3635575


ears must not match or you wouldn't have blacked fusca's out

7d2c33  No.3635576


Bill Clinton had that stuff at the whitehouse

90b520  No.3635577


Unbelievable Talent Anons have here. I am glad to witness

87179f  No.3635578

File: 039ef973a8c0da2⋯.png (20.12 KB, 711x233, 711:233, Brave_2018-10-28_01-50-12.png)


2f1a87  No.3635579


Nice that you could make it to the party, David.

Explain why you think I am wrong.

d40276  No.3635580

File: a5fcee7498064e2⋯.png (148.89 KB, 1309x601, 1309:601, ClipboardImage.png)

Clinton Gives Saudis Heads Up About Wikileaks


136005  No.3635581

Jump out the window Lynn

They will catch you

f0d758  No.3635582

File: f3585be63be815c⋯.jpg (21.98 KB, 500x500, 1:1, spin.jpg)

628a2c  No.3635583

File: 2e7fa299a07fc6f⋯.jpg (81.89 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 2.jpg)

acd0f9  No.3635584

File: 2218e8c65f93be6⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 306x356, 153:178, 265bedbd53b7d1163b1a088302….jpg)

f24243  No.3635585


I made the original,haven't seen that in a while,Kek

8a8b27  No.3635586


dub dubs

thats similar to what I've started to think


fuckers keep posting that

wild shit right there

865fde  No.3635587


Anyone seen MAGA Riot Shill lately?

0a8c6f  No.3635588

File: d57e4eedcf68706⋯.png (551.65 KB, 903x445, 903:445, pope and a rope copy 2.png)

7e9a4b  No.3635589

What's the deal with #WalkAway?

Haven't heard much about it.

By the looks of the vid- despite the horrid weather, GOOD turn-out!

Anons have #'s on it yet?

d497ce  No.3635590

File: eaef7a1b7ac001f⋯.jpeg (829.77 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 27118.jpeg)

Happy one year Birthday/Anniversary Q!

We're still trusting the plan….

c45ebb  No.3635591

File: ae745a5e5ff0d43⋯.png (153.84 KB, 1304x664, 163:83, Q1030 1.png)

File: 1c60eb3de6cfd7a⋯.png (120.88 KB, 781x709, 781:709, Screen-Shot-2017-11-04-at-….png)

File: cc2b40af438274b⋯.png (810.93 KB, 1264x1708, 316:427, cc2b40af438274bbc3c873691d….png)

c96332  No.3635592


KEEP Digging anons

689dd9  No.3635593

File: 05ac7c292dc7f89⋯.jpg (142.08 KB, 1452x678, 242:113, basednpc.JPG)

cb8241  No.3635594


Thanks for sharing this anon - THIS is what finally red-pilled muh spouse. This was the one that pushed spouse over the edge.

045faa  No.3635595


Jews mutilate children as a tenet of their faith. Square this circle q, you must.

ae055d  No.3635596

File: de81a1a07cd287d⋯.jpg (275.09 KB, 1354x778, 677:389, vf5.jpg)


AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW we still concernfagging all over the place about some (in your fucking opinion) insignificant aspect?

All for an R larp tippy top kek

e7cb98  No.3635597

File: 5a35a817a845831⋯.png (110.46 KB, 662x497, 662:497, Gov H re Brian Kolfage 10-….PNG)


1d3c1f  No.3635598


that's actually really annoying

e1c04c  No.3635599

File: c4c96a881c8ee63⋯.png (14.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, dcae41c600b2afd34ca80c4c0b….png)


Up with the plan

095cf7  No.3635600





A321 is a countdown and a plane

SFO isn't just an airport code.

TX bombings…TX was also [21] (on clock 10/24)

6/14-46 isn't just POTUS' birthday (also time R showed up … 6:14:55 EST and will be 46th?)

There are soooo many.

5b8004  No.3635601


Kek! Been a crazy ride indeed.

b59710  No.3635602


Wow, that was fantastic.

327ffd  No.3635603

File: 46b91078a5bf0b0⋯.jpg (645.42 KB, 1437x795, 479:265, lochfoot_bigness.jpg)

File: dca8c588de8869d⋯.jpg (596.84 KB, 1437x795, 479:265, jfkjrshill.jpg)

67d0ce  No.3635604


Media will give it no coverage. I am waiting to hear from Dilley Dilley numbers, but the crowd I saw looked significant.

fdbc35  No.3635605


Cool my first dubs happened on the anniversary. How fitting

93c1dd  No.3635606


Pamphlet is all over the place. Still fringe good / bad guy?

7e9a4b  No.3635607

File: 1edc4a4c66c195c⋯.gif (977.04 KB, 500x381, 500:381, noose gif.gif)


Look at the date: 10/16

They knew what was on it and still closed the case against hrc.

Gonna need more rope.

cb8241  No.3635608


thanks… it was great inspirational material… I was going to keep up with it every month… but then we migrated… and… now it's a year later

d2ff11  No.3635609


I thought about how it would be best to deal with HW and this is my conclusion.

He's too damn old to publicly try him and execute him. So obviously he gets justice behind the scenes.

We have to do something for the public to let them know of his passing. Now he's such a fucking POS that we can't just have him die of being old as fuck. It's got to be an embarrassing death.

Like David Carradine embarrassing.

You may not be able to publicly out everything this guy did, but for the entirety of History people will immediately think of the way he died and laugh at that motherfucker until the end of time.

I don't remember much about David Carradine but I will always remember the way he accidentally offed himself. KEK

14e8e0  No.3635610

File: 4965dc006634e15⋯.jpg (60.89 KB, 900x900, 1:1, monkey.jpg)



I'm sure Q and crew aren't just sitting on their hands while we wait for the next drop.

There is always some kin of fuckery going on behind the scenes.

Keep after their asses Q.

You lurkers in MI have my respect also.

We know you are there.

MAGA, one cabal shithead at a time boys.

7e9a4b  No.3635611



d761a9  No.3635612


What corpses?

eae060  No.3635613

File: 4bf1bf635859684⋯.jpg (54.84 KB, 682x423, 682:423, 2jx029.jpg)

136005  No.3635614


They believe in it too

38257a  No.3635615

File: 929f880daab00b7⋯.jpg (172.07 KB, 888x499, 888:499, anonbaord3.jpg)

File: 51b40ba12ce79d9⋯.jpg (186.5 KB, 800x500, 8:5, anonboard2.jpg)

File: 47a6de53c276b86⋯.jpg (215.93 KB, 888x499, 888:499, anonboard.jpg)

027c6a  No.3635616


Simona Mangiante is his wife, I believe. Smart girl. Italian national. International lawyer.

She's blond, from pictures I've seen, so maybe she dyed her hair and dressed up as a Russian agent for Halloween and Pap posted the pic just for keks.

65d113  No.3635617

File: 4b01b5eda3d1072⋯.jpg (101.04 KB, 502x757, 502:757, yous.jpg)

93c1dd  No.3635618


Looks like a flag that has been draped over a coffin. Triangular. Stripes and triangular stars.

80881a  No.3635619


murdered at the tree of life

could mean HANGING (the cost of TREASON?)

so what would be the unequivocal message?

that the violence won't end until we stop it

Which makes one wonder

was this a message sent in REAL LIFE FORM

as a taste of what would occur

if such a hanging took place?


"I understood why he was shouting, but I never worried"

what is the equivalency? in cabal talk?

someone would be in danger who is not worried

either at a church or otherwise

father or mother? not both? interrupted the service?

when the fuck did that happen?

when did they ever go to fucking church

where someone came in with a weapon?

girl has got her head up her arse

c541ee  No.3635620

File: d4461e2ea2318fc⋯.jpg (64.64 KB, 758x569, 758:569, bruce-willis.jpg)

Happy 1 Year Q.

We fight on to VICTORY!

10301a  No.3635621


It's outrageous and unconstitutional

136005  No.3635622

File: 5cb43e1164a1a1d⋯.jpg (94.59 KB, 700x640, 35:32, IMG_3471.JPG)

File: c921d303de06549⋯.jpg (58.44 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3478.JPG)

File: 87023430517937a⋯.jpg (161.22 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, IMG_3480.JPG)

64e4cc  No.3635623

File: 6ccc77ddbbfae64⋯.png (11.74 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 889c09b81c1a6da86b93a606f8….png)

Is it happening?

2f1a87  No.3635624


Northern Italians are known to be blond.

d2ff11  No.3635625


Yeah don't make the assumption that not having any actual victims is going to stop the left from being a victim. We've seen their history.

And we get to write the history books. Accurately.

1e23f2  No.3635626

File: fce40a602d95150⋯.png (243.89 KB, 676x787, 676:787, Selection_627.png)



Page 2/2 attached.

Nothing really definitive, or I may be missing something.

ca7332  No.3635627


are you

are you

coming to the tree?

64e4cc  No.3635628


Bruce, is that you?

5f067f  No.3635629

File: 3d74d65ee5094ef⋯.png (642.01 KB, 640x429, 640:429, ClipboardImage.png)

Nigeria Launches Probe into Chinese Drugs Allegedly Containing Human Flesh, Fetus Remains

Nigeria’s top intelligence agency warned that Chinese drug makers might be smuggling medicine “containing human remains from fetuses, infants, and flesh” into the country, prompting lawmakers to launch an investigation on Wednesday, the local Guardian newspaper reported.

The Guardian quoted a recent memo from the African country’s National Intelligence Agency (NIA) as cautioning Nigerians: The South Korean Customs Service on September 30, 2018, revealed that it had seized 2,751 Chinese drugs/capsules, containing human remains from fetuses, infants and flesh imported into the country by some Chinese nationals. It stressed that the making of the human remain drugs and consuming them are crimes against humanity, which can also lead to serious health challenges.

Nigeria’s Vanguard newspaper learned that the NIA also learned from South Korea that the Chinese capsules also contained “18.7 billion viruses, including hepatitis B.” On Wednesday, Nigerian lawmakers adopted a measure ordering authorities to identify and arrest the persons behind the alleged gruesome trade. Officials from the Nigerian committees on health services; women affairs and social development; information; national orientation; and ethics and values are expected to work on the investigation with the Nigeria Customs Service (NIS), the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the NIA. Nigerian lawmakers approved the motion to investigate, sponsored by Johnson Agbonayinma from Edo, by unanimous consent. Agbonayinma described the allegation as a crime against humanity, “which can also lead to serious health challenges,” the Cable reported. “If immediate measures are not taken to stem the influx of these drugs and the illegal importers, it will continue to endanger the lives of citizens,” he added.


The Guardian acknowledges: This is not the first time China has been in the eye of the storm over its exports. In 2007, Panamanian Eduardo Arias discovered that toothpaste sold in his country was labeled as containing Diethylene glycol (DEG), the same ingredient that had tainted cough syrup and killed 138 Panamanians in 2006. Panamanian officials discovered the toothpaste came from China and initiated a global response.

Authorities have also accused China of making drugs from babies in the past, Vanguard noted. “In 2011, Chinese officials launched investigations into the production of drugs made from dead fetuses,” the newspaper noted on October 19. “The capsules were disguised as stamina boosters and some people believe them to be a panacea for disease.” China lacks clear standards and guidelines for drug manufacturers, Yazan Saleh, associate analyst at Decision Resources Group in Canda, told the Guardian. “In recent years, more regulations have been put in place but the question of enforcement of these remains a challenge,” he declared.


d40276  No.3635630

File: a517771f5b60032⋯.png (154.04 KB, 741x500, 741:500, ClipboardImage.png)

b59710  No.3635631


Yes, it was quite thrilling. I was sitting on only the outer 1" of my chair, with my face a few inches from the screen. Digging, searching, Q dropping, window opening, …….

d2de32  No.3635632

File: 44b7a52b24cc849⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 505x485, 101:97, 1z6m71.jpg)

I never knew how true this would turn out to be

83f130  No.3635633


?? I didn't pay to watch that clip. How do you define "pay"triot?

1e1606  No.3635634

File: 95966f4ad2e1229⋯.png (414.93 KB, 678x725, 678:725, JFKjr.png)

File: d63a11226168559⋯.png (833.15 KB, 627x1028, 627:1028, Screenshot_2018-10-12 Q Re….png)

File: acd9f7aff85318f⋯.png (1007.19 KB, 1327x1930, 1327:1930, Screenshot_2018-07-14 JFK ….png)

File: 5b6a2789e9d4ecb⋯.jpg (180.91 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DUt0DavW4AIWQ83.jpg)

File: 7a58edac2c4a9ef⋯.png (44.49 KB, 902x379, 902:379, Screenshot_2018-07-24 How ….png)


perhaps JFK jnr is alive. this was begun to stop folks looking squarely at the evidence that it might be so. i think he is alive. i think r-larp is the enemy of that fact (as I hold it to be).

8a8253  No.3635635

File: 2734fd14ad5fc3a⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 716x474, 358:237, DavidGoliath.JPG)

>>3635093, >>3635167, >>3635194

Happy anniversary and a hearty thank you bakers, BO and BVs, Q team and POTUS, and all you glorious Anons. We may not have been the shitlords the world asked for, but we were the shitlords they needed. It's been an honor and pleasure to battle the cabal with you, to pit our humble slingshot of truth & grit against their giant skull of fake news and funny money, and against all odds, bring the whole damn thing down. Here's to beer at the parade, frens.

8a8b27  No.3635636


There really is a happening everyday

And when there isn't, there's a happening behind the scenes

7e9a4b  No.3635637

File: dd16f991b69ab58⋯.jpg (151.94 KB, 1062x1200, 177:200, taking knee.jpg)

File: e4210b10686b073⋯.jpg (101.53 KB, 765x960, 51:64, NFL T.jpg)


^^^THIS. This is what taking a knee really is.

When you support the nfl fukery tomorrow on your tv's, remember that. Remember Brian and #WalkAway.


812094  No.3635638


V. gud job.

Anon, much work,yeh? Got rezults.


6aa6aa  No.3635639

Another Salisbury Cathedral Muh incident

Magna Carta theft attempt prompts cathedral security review


Magna Carta is a charter of rights agreed by King John in 1215. It is considered one of Britain's most influential legal manuscripts. Salisbury Cathedral's copy of the text is one of four that remain in existence from the original.

Magna Carta had established that nobody, not even the king, was above the law of the land > This is the bit they were pushing in the news (((Co-incident)))


cb30a1  No.3635640


I wonder who sent THAT email?

136005  No.3635641

File: b02a41b03125f20⋯.jpg (128.87 KB, 730x688, 365:344, IMG_3468.JPG)

572c3b  No.3635642

File: ac46fd5b0b49665⋯.png (383.02 KB, 795x542, 795:542, Another day in paradise.png)

File: 63670fbc9f2780e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1033x700, 1033:700, Happy New Year Autists.png)

File: 51a7f50260e033f⋯.png (224.44 KB, 1023x637, 1023:637, Q words 2.png)

File: 82b9e508050e4e0⋯.png (228.38 KB, 1091x638, 1091:638, Q words.png)

0a8c6f  No.3635643

File: 1c91b74530b546b⋯.png (83.08 KB, 514x483, 514:483, 2018-10-28_01-56-40.png)

File: 2659cb7bbdd900e⋯.png (628.03 KB, 465x487, 465:487, 2018-10-28_01-58-05.png)

c541ee  No.3635644



b59710  No.3635645


Go to the #WalkAway Official channel on YT.

9b992d  No.3635646

File: cf4f34a1a0d1d8e⋯.jpg (86.13 KB, 663x608, 663:608, 1a.JPG)

File: 2918e61b668c7ab⋯.jpg (107.4 KB, 677x923, 677:923, 2.JPG)

File: 7d16f96e76d6b93⋯.jpg (94.12 KB, 665x802, 665:802, 2a.JPG)

File: c75431783f54e99⋯.jpg (123.65 KB, 680x937, 680:937, 6.JPG)

Microsoft Reveals ‘Maquette’, a VR Tool for Spatial Ideation and Design


c45ebb  No.3635647

File: 8f9c864faf6f4f0⋯.jpg (49.94 KB, 431x767, 431:767, T_egES2VFlNsAI_a7KbTSPLAC1….jpg)

an old favorite

ca7332  No.3635648

Bob Bauer

8b5b5d  No.3635649

File: 1b90102893b8f89⋯.png (42.26 KB, 686x188, 343:94, Screen Shot 2018-10-28 at ….png)



Noice timestamps, anons…

(pic related)

eae060  No.3635650

File: cedeb01e08764f6⋯.jpg (58.31 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 2juvp8.jpg)

File: f37fc177d1d57bc⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 2juljj.jpg)

File: 31c535f41544a59⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 600x401, 600:401, moon man.jpg)


Yeah we`re good at making gingermound composites LOL

5386c3  No.3635651


dude… that hurts my brain. it cant pick which view to look at!

d40276  No.3635652

File: bd910d0b463ac63⋯.png (73.32 KB, 763x435, 763:435, ClipboardImage.png)


24c9ad  No.3635653

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



This song's for you :)

7e9a4b  No.3635654



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 09b0d5 No.1233458

Apr 29 2018 10:11:22 (EST)

Be careful who you are following.

Some are profiting off this movement.

Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.

Patriots make sacrifices.

Some, the ultimate sacrifice.

Patriots are SELFLESS.

Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots?

Think logically.

To some, it’s only about the money.

Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.

You decide.

This is not a game.

The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM.

God bless you all.


8a8253  No.3635655

File: 9e9799d74f8734f⋯.png (502.65 KB, 416x493, 416:493, ClipboardImage.png)

e1c04c  No.3635656

File: 458bdd9d6cb00bf⋯.jpg (13.56 KB, 224x255, 224:255, d82d4641346c43966176d3b2ac….jpg)

File: 190daeeeee60fa5⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, d548c62914a62f5cb51be2bd03….png)

f24243  No.3635657

File: 4ee6e541270c1a2⋯.png (693.06 KB, 976x662, 488:331, Shillville.PNG)


And this one,kek

eb58dc  No.3635658

File: 99cb212431841db⋯.jpg (166.95 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, !Mounds.jpg)


Sometimes you feel like a nut…

Sometimes you don't.

1e1606  No.3635659


beautiful man!

96b8c7  No.3635660

File: 3bd0ca3f2053a61⋯.png (323.45 KB, 600x590, 60:59, 3bd0ca3f2053a61652f6454498….png)



8e5d94  No.3635661

36b79f  No.3635662

File: 5404d996639ad84⋯.png (130.21 KB, 500x522, 250:261, this-timeline-is-protected….png)

Happy Qversary anons!!

Has been a hell of a ride, but surely a pleasure.

God bless.

7b1e71  No.3635663



83f130  No.3635664


>Pamphlet is all over the place. Still fringe good / bad guy?

I don't follow Pamphlet, you tube recommended the clip, so I watched it. It was worth watching but I didn't pay for it.

Some say he is a "paytriot" but I fail to see how Pamphlet "seeks personal gain at the expense of others in this movement" which is the definition put forth by Q.

d2de32  No.3635665

File: d54e92c2c02c2fa⋯.jpg (48.82 KB, 640x347, 640:347, jurassic park glasses off.jpg)

acd0f9  No.3635666

File: 075781b6309a1b8⋯.jpg (30.21 KB, 302x196, 151:98, ee0f4fff58bead72fae25296f1….jpg)

File: ee500cb399a79b5⋯.jpg (100.4 KB, 632x499, 632:499, iu.jpg)

cb8241  No.3635667

File: 7ec21a9de8d48a5⋯.png (258.01 KB, 398x682, 199:341, meetingboos check.png)

File: 74192b69100ed56⋯.png (5.54 MB, 2990x4474, 1495:2237, meetingboosbiggest.png)

File: 712a9033b73815f⋯.jpg (50.6 KB, 500x545, 100:109, Andy_Coop_Honey.jpg)

File: 7829115c3efb8b8⋯.jpg (165.13 KB, 670x946, 335:473, Screen Shot 2018-10-28 at ….jpg)

this was a pretty epic post by Q

572c3b  No.3635668

File: 5b9ff1f2ef5b350⋯.jpg (81.96 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 23fpjn.jpg)

File: ace417971040a4b⋯.jpg (129.02 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 23fggn.jpg)

File: e5eac343e0e8aae⋯.jpg (74.43 KB, 600x426, 100:71, 23fjjj (2).jpg)

File: fa1902351c5510c⋯.jpg (57.11 KB, 500x502, 250:251, 23fi4w.jpg)


I made those, kek

64e4cc  No.3635669

#SkyKing #SeaTac #RichardBRussell #RememberRich #DangerZone


d40276  No.3635670






Sauce: http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/JW-v.-DOJ-Comey-Clinton-Announcement-docs-01448.pdf

At the end

5386c3  No.3635671



5d2665  No.3635672

File: 03cfc746acfbd58⋯.png (406.93 KB, 378x500, 189:250, Jim Carrey.png)

3785d2  No.3635673

File: 64a1b07a4d8e9d6⋯.jpg (58.67 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 1518148956567.jpg)


Qs Job was to ensure the people who own the most guns (conservatives and boomers) did not go out, reorganize the US Millitia, citizens arrest Clinton, Wasserman schultz, Comey, Podesta, Obama, Brennan, Clapper etc etc. Q was here to make you " Trust The Plan", that you didnt have to riot, call your Congressmen, and that MOST IMPORTANTLY you did not start shooting liberals because you were fed up with them constantly getting away with treason, and the MSM constantly shilling against Trump. Q was LITERALLY a Trump sanctioned Millitary Intelligence Psy OP to prevent a civil war at least untill mid terms ( important for him, not us).

Imagine, had we not "Trusted the plan", and DEMANDED at the point of a musket that our government hold people who commit high treason accountable. Hell just 1 million armed citizens marching on Washington, demanding Hillary and Obama's head… They could do NOTHING about it. So yea…

Just Stay ASLEEP you goys, trust the plan. Let you imaginary friend and his team ARREST all the bad people for you. No need to get upset, riot, no need to FIGHT BACK AGAINST DAILY VIOLENT LEFTIST ATTACKS AND RHETORIC. You aren't mad at me for telling you this. Deep down you are mad, because you are scared it's TRUE. You were used, played like a fiddle. " Goodbye Mr.Rosenstein?" =still employee. " Trust Sessions, Kansas, and Huber"= LITERALLY DONE NOTHING. " 5,000 Sealed indictments" Where? When? Who? Why? Hillary and Obama out campaigning. Comey, Brennan, all out breathing free air enjoying their millions and talking shit daily to POTUS .Boom, Red October, Memes at the ready? Ready to see arrests? Declasse..

Dont be mad, he told you " Disinformation is necessary", he just didn't tell you it WAS ALL DISINFORMATION, designed to keep you patient and pacified!

cb8241  No.3635674


top kek anon - great memories

222767  No.3635675


Advanced Systems Format (formerly Advanced Streaming Format, Active Streaming Format) is Microsoft's proprietary digital audio/digital video container format, especially meant for streaming media. ASF is part of the Media Foundation framework.

e3d67f  No.3635676

File: 9d020c7d7868450⋯.jpeg (215.9 KB, 1280x1580, 64:79, AQAY4700.jpeg)

027c6a  No.3635677


Maybe Pap and his wife went to a Halloween party as Boris and Natasha LOL.

d40276  No.3635679

>>3635630 - Anon tells Comey and Lynch to Indict HRC or Resign


46c541  No.3635680


When/where did this pop up anon?

ae055d  No.3635681


interesting observation


(you) stfu i am a very stable genius just like my hero 4 10 20! kek

eb58dc  No.3635682


Helluva ride indeed.

Ballsack memes, pelican shit, Gingermounds, lampshade kike, the Panda Clock, King tower, The amazing digs and memes, and most shit so crazy only Anons would believe it.

8a8b27  No.3635683

File: 0a06bd485880b82⋯.png (159.94 KB, 798x505, 798:505, ClipboardImage.png)


no shit

page 410 in the pdf

fa665f  No.3635684

I don't see that this has idea has been posted, so I'll float this…

Was the Pittsburgh shooting basically anti-Q violence?

What I am suggesting, more specifically, is that the shooter Robert Browers was thinking extensively in the past week or so about Q, and especially about the fact that Q has been around for a year, on Oct 28.

The archive of his gab account (https://imgur.com/a/cwB9QkR) reveals that he was quite hostile to the role of the Jews, and basically regarded Trump as a Jewish stooge, even though he was quite sympathetic to the basic MAGA theme. More specifically, multiple postings in the past week are quite specifically anti-Q, sometimes portraying Q as a false prophet leading people astray. Others are implicitly anti-Q (like the Holocaust-skeptical "baker" meme.) (Of course, none of this is being reported in the MSM or even in pro-Trump or dissident venues, where all serious discussion of Q is forbidden…)

On the surface, his shooting is seemingly a reaction to a local Jewish immigrant aid group, probably provoked by his thinking about the "caravan". But why does that break him and impel him to mass murder? Maybe he has been reviewing the "year of Q"…

Let's break down his final gab post line by line:

"HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people."

This references the local Jewish group, and presumably the coming caravan. He is saying that this is what is happening RIGHT NOW.

"I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered."

I think this might be a response to the final Q posting on Nov 9. (I presume this is meant to be the final post until the election, as others have suggested.) Of course it counsels patience, and reminds us of the hard work needed to root out the malefactors who are still in government. It urges us not to act simply on "emotion and personal desire" but to focus on "logic and critical thinking".

"Screw your optics, I'm going in."

I think that "screw your optics" might be the biggest tell here. The first two Q posts were on Oct 27, 2017. The second was longer, and was basically the more formal introduction of Q. One line was "POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics". Remember that this is where Q says that the POTUS is not going to address the nation to explain what is really going on, etc.

My speculation is that the shooter recently read at least the initial Q posts and the final Q post, and snapped. "Screw your optics" is a rejection of Q. (And of course the MSM really is playing up the idea that Trump has inspired "anti-Semitic violence" despite the shooter clearly being anti-Trump.)

Of course, he did the shooting a day early (Oct 27), but that was the Jewish Sabbath and he figured that was the day to make a splash.

d2de32  No.3635685


So was the shillstorm that followed, holyyy shit

83ab1b  No.3635686


Walnut sauce kek

f24243  No.3635687

File: cc85efc8fe6cb3c⋯.png (405.15 KB, 965x465, 193:93, Clown I AM.PNG)


I found your van

f69354  No.3635688


>Pope Francis Says Accusations Against Him Are an Attack on the Church

Hey, He's finally figuring it out!

136005  No.3635689

File: ce0563e0d1dad9c⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 800x450, 16:9, IMG_3470.JPG)

96b8c7  No.3635690

File: a1c5b3436ccba35⋯.jpeg (85.41 KB, 603x477, 67:53, a1c5b3436ccba3547a49966cf….jpeg)


Tanks, anon!

8d8dbf  No.3635691

File: d56f624220504df⋯.png (1.2 MB, 951x650, 951:650, Capture.PNG)

anybody seen these nasty little things ….where ya'll live

46c541  No.3635692

6aa6aa  No.3635693


Indeed - everyone at werk thinks i'm a nutter

Stay safe Anons

18d71e  No.3635694







234790  No.3635695

File: a52153b27992f27⋯.png (386.89 KB, 781x436, 781:436, ClipboardImage.png)

c541ee  No.3635696

File: fb486035bc9e8db⋯.png (123.5 KB, 333x333, 1:1, LOVE EYES PEPE.png)

File: f68efd3a351b2ff⋯.gif (110.49 KB, 532x357, 76:51, boom.gif)



9bf9f3  No.3635697


What ! Oh baker where art thou

8e5d94  No.3635699

File: e51424ac9dad7d2⋯.png (3.65 MB, 2234x1412, 1117:706, wakaway1.png)

File: 7bbb95d1c388baa⋯.png (235.28 KB, 408x410, 204:205, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)


Tracy was there

d2de32  No.3635700

File: c44b8604f20ad61⋯.jpg (56.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, space ghost 6.jpg)


What the fuck is that?

10301a  No.3635701


So they control the narrative. How about Trump just saying it was a hoax and showing evidence. Oh, too close to election time. Well, he could've started with Parkland.

fdbc35  No.3635702

File: 9f81bcc09d3e701⋯.jpeg (100.6 KB, 800x418, 400:209, 419F5086-22F3-4CA8-B4E3-E….jpeg)

8a8b27  No.3635703

LAST CALL, let me know if something was missed


>>3635135 Graphic on Raven Chan, Zuckerberg's wife's sister

>>3635143, >>3635539 Full coverage of the WalkAway march

>>3635163 China's 1st private rocket fails after launch

>>3635249, >>3635258, >>3635328, >>3635372 Early caps of crumbs

>>3635272 Polish president seeks WWII reparations from Germany ahead of German-Polish summit

>>3635282, >>3635287 613 Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters

>>3635446 Digs on CF in relation to FBIanon

>>3635488 Tesla Faces Deepening Criminal Probe

>>3635546 Synagogue's rabbi blogged about gun control

>>3635565 Facebook’s Political Ad Tools Allows Users to Purchase Ads in the Name of Mike Pence, ISIS, Others

>>3635516 Pope Francis Says Accusations Against Him Are an Attack on the Church


is this in a recent release?

would appreciate finding the release statement from JW's website too


see: >>3635683

confirming it and posting this post

83f130  No.3635704


>To some, it’s only about the money.

>Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.

>You decide.

I decide I am not here for money. next

db941c  No.3635705

File: 4a9be8fbbdd1ce5⋯.jpg (81.28 KB, 591x569, 591:569, 28_19-08-58.jpg)

The #LiberalBomber suspect is pictured here with Izzy Hernandez just last year. He doesn't appear to be destitute. Why would an alleged @realDonaldTrump enthusiast attend a banquet and take pictures in a photo OP with a known Democrat? Facebook has been taking this picture down.

136005  No.3635706

File: 3b81c302bc17911⋯.jpeg (61.89 KB, 570x688, 285:344, 04010BA0-7EAF-42E4-8CBA-9….jpeg)

5386c3  No.3635707



that went on for 2 weeks

5f067f  No.3635708


Indeed, imagine that! kek

ccd094  No.3635710

File: 4d2459b38459976⋯.jpg (114.13 KB, 510x662, 255:331, inCollage_20181028_0059131….jpg)

Don't judge me lol

8e5d94  No.3635711

File: 5822e4916b66cf7⋯.png (307.34 KB, 649x873, 649:873, Pepe-kek-storm.png)

b59710  No.3635712


We really get our use out of meme dough. Hillary sliding down the stairs, then sliding all over anything and everything…..

acd0f9  No.3635713

05b13d  No.3635715

Trump says something is coming next week that will make us very happy

8d8dbf  No.3635716


hell i dunno..they crawl out of the rocks at night sometimes

64e4cc  No.3635717


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/G8E1HDBw5CM" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

8ff79e  No.3635718


All the time, there's a hive of them in the cesspool they call Washington!

8a8b27  No.3635719



we're in it


declass is after midterms, so no the FISA wasn't released either dumbass


the left is feeling the pain right now


arrests happen DAILY

the high profile arrests will happen when Huber begins prosecuting


as an intel source, yes, Q has done a gret fucking job

now btfo shill

5386c3  No.3635720

File: 504db6d37fec378⋯.jpg (100.75 KB, 666x264, 111:44, q6tyuvhbj709.jpg)

this was one of the best Q Drops

4929a8  No.3635721

Lady in good news talking about "huge pillars of the church". I thought to myself, "Temple of Solomon, you mean?"

Pray for me… I'm about to change it to cnn…. We'll see how long that lasts….

f24243  No.3635722

File: 7db7e7830253f33⋯.jpg (132.98 KB, 1024x788, 256:197, 8ed51ecefffabf16c5f1515990….jpg)

d2de32  No.3635723


Fucking goblins

83f130  No.3635724

File: 39a777953555eca⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 350x449, 350:449, tv1.jpg)


>Wow, that was fantastic

46c541  No.3635725


Its on the JW official webiste. Looks legit

8635e2  No.3635726

File: 6e22c1dfb8ee5ff⋯.jpg (37.35 KB, 360x604, 90:151, watch_out_for_concrete_ste….jpg)

9bf9f3  No.3635727


Thank you - needs sauce.

24c9ad  No.3635728


Pff.. those?

We have democrats where I live. They are known to eat babies.

eb58dc  No.3635729



I did the "keep on truckin'" one!

Still chuckle when I see it!

d40276  No.3635730


I posted the sauce its from the Comey Announcement files

e3d67f  No.3635731

File: 86304b357e8554d⋯.jpg (370.59 KB, 1472x828, 16:9, IMG_3018.JPG)

finger in the butt





14e8e0  No.3635732

File: 36c54716511f20d⋯.jpg (117.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, hunting season.jpg)


Not lately.

045faa  No.3635733

I trust the plan. With all my fiber. Contact me about the mutes. Trappists.

d40276  No.3635734


I posted the sauce dumbass

SAUCE: http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/JW-v.-DOJ-Comey-Clinton-Announcement-docs-01448.pdf

PAGE 410

689dd9  No.3635735

are you ready to submit and answer the question

anon has 1000% of your attention

you've relegated yourself to begging

anon expects the highest levels of intellect and consciousness

83f130  No.3635736



yes, (YOU) fail to control how i think

cb8241  No.3635737

File: e24529bca6a7ab1⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1464x1458, 244:243, HRC_NO.png)


it was - def in muh top 10

36b79f  No.3635738

File: 687aa34fdc825ee⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 440x90, 44:9, The charm (2).jpg)

File: 6dbb15b134099aa⋯.jpg (35.77 KB, 570x116, 285:58, Q you (2).jpg)

File: 64aef3f193e4fdd⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 564x564, 1:1, b9b2f82167068006c253c6039f….jpg)


One of the most impressive for me, although I didn't need Q to tell me if they existed or not, I was already sure.

My favorite is the (You) from "The Charm", Kek!!

8a8f3a  No.3635739

File: a3f5f0afbce0ae5⋯.jpeg (185.59 KB, 1125x1362, 375:454, 45089C01-4208-44F2-9D23-A….jpeg)

Happy Birthday Q!

What a ride 2018 has been…here’s to a GLORIOUS 2019!

8a8b27  No.3635740





sorry, I didn't copypasta it, its in notables, sorry

>>3635630, >>3635670 JW email release: [Redacted] tells Comey and Lynch to Indict HRC or Resign

341c6a  No.3635741

File: fe62c31ab18a6b8⋯.jpg (859.47 KB, 2459x1691, 2459:1691, Qclockhalper9.jpg)


old Q clock with iridium on it

fe9be3  No.3635742

File: fd591a5454ae8f8⋯.gif (2.14 MB, 498x273, 166:91, (YOU).gif)

1e1606  No.3635743

File: caf9fa00d6bf0e5⋯.jpg (23.49 KB, 320x421, 320:421, 47784_001.jpg)

File: 85783af34d36004⋯.jpg (56.68 KB, 400x394, 200:197, P1.jpg)

File: 135e4c9626fef6c⋯.jpg (82.96 KB, 410x307, 410:307, babalon.jpg)

File: d301cdf1cd8b485⋯.jpg (155.2 KB, 1348x1640, 337:410, Equinox of the Gods Cover.JPG)

d724f6  No.3635744


Can I get a blank please & thanks!

05b13d  No.3635745


"weeks and weeks and week"

136005  No.3635746

File: e8714eed203b7f7⋯.jpeg (73.43 KB, 630x630, 1:1, F5C307C7-9D67-495F-B810-1….jpeg)

We can even gas them at the Denver airport

No since wasting all that engineering

e3d67f  No.3635747

File: 25362a38341c235⋯.jpeg (126.21 KB, 736x1103, 736:1103, HJNA3303.jpeg)

fce654  No.3635748


I was there when he and others took the discord server and went elsewhere leaving numerous anons high and dry. however, all the great researchers got together on another server. then Pamphlet was outed by Q as was Corsi and AJ. Sad, real sad. But they took money to allow people to talk to Corsi. I post now and then and lurk many times to see what's up

9bf9f3  No.3635749


-sauce for baker - don't yell at me Anon - lol 😂

eb58dc  No.3635750


My fav was when Q Said "Twitter down. Injection good".

Then anons are like, wtf - Twitter is not down…

4 minutes later…. It goes offline.

Anons were posting hard-on pepe's


c31ee6  No.3635751

"John Haley, San Francisco’s top Muni [Municipal Transportation Agency] official, has announced his retirement just one month after his assistant sued the agency, accusing Haley of groping and harassing her."


e3d67f  No.3635752

File: a06bb31e67d71db⋯.jpg (86.68 KB, 630x420, 3:2, IMG_3039.JPG)

222767  No.3635753

File: 4588833b8da53ce⋯.png (685.97 KB, 600x439, 600:439, ClipboardImage.png)


Notice the red paint strewn on the ground and the fake victim, expressionless - no pain, no spurting blood, while other actors just sitting around

5386c3  No.3635754

File: 033aebffdab7811⋯.jpg (131.69 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 150509105610-putin-victory….jpg)

689dd9  No.3635755

it upsets you because you know it's true

1e23f2  No.3635756

File: 52471edd5e923d3⋯.jpg (7.58 KB, 250x191, 250:191, hahahahahahahaha.jpg)

0a8c6f  No.3635758

File: e6447d7bdbe89b8⋯.png (99.96 KB, 785x437, 785:437, 2018-10-28_02-06-29.png)

Happy 1 Year Q.


8ff79e  No.3635759

Add this one.

The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?


e3d67f  No.3635760

File: 15c19b957738a71⋯.jpg (272.76 KB, 1280x943, 1280:943, IMG_3013.JPG)

File: fb7f9e52fe06b55⋯.jpg (120.95 KB, 1152x1101, 384:367, IMG_3015.JPG)

File: 182854ff0fe48e0⋯.jpg (351.14 KB, 1472x828, 16:9, IMG_3016.JPG)

bf2c0e  No.3635761

Sinema has become a total train wreck

The Arizona Senate race is one that Democrats think they can pick up. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is unpopular;Right now, Republican Congresswoman Martha McSally and Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema are duking it out. Sinema had a commanding lead, but the vicious fight over the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh gave the GOP base a boost, plus the serial bad news from Sinema’s past activist history has turned her Senate run into something of a dumpster fire. There’s no way to spin some of this insanity. No way. Her anti-war activism, her ties to the far left, trashing her state and stay-at-home mothers, and promoting events for a lawyer with terrorism ties, among other things, it’s been a slow-moving train wreck.

Let’s go through the road bumps in what has become a disaster of a political campaign.

To protest the Iraq War, Sinema reportedly tried to summon witches to a protest. She has compared U.S. deaths in Iraq to those who have died illegally crossing the border:

"To state that immigration is not a war or is not equal in magnitude to war, I believe, dishonors those who have died in this country and others as migrants. I volunteer with a group called No Mas Muertes—No More Deaths—and I cannot explain to you the pain that I suffered one hot day last July as I scoured the desert along with scores of others for the bodies of those who have died tortuous and painful deaths in our desert … Death is death, and to rank one form of death as being somehow more important than other death [sic] does us no good as humans. The deaths suffered in the Mexico-Arizona desert are the same as the deaths that people suffer in the Iraq desert—they are needless, senseless deaths.

Oh, and what was that remark about joining the Taliban?

Her biggest anti-war event was a February 15, 2003, protest in Patriot's Square Park in Phoenix. Flyers, as first reported by CNN's KFile, distributed by an anti-war group led by Sinema depicted a US soldier as a menacing skeleton inflicting "U.S. terror" in Iraq and the Middle East.

In her activism for that event, Sinema was willing to work with all groups, including a local anarchist group that helped organize the rally. Appearing on the radio show of local libertarian activist Ernest Hancock a day before the event, Sinema said, "Libertarians, Democrats, Republicans, Greens, independents, anarchists, socialists, communists, whoever wants to come. They're all welcome."

A decade before she took an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution, Rep. Krysten Sinema was palling around with anarchists. And while the Arizona Democrat certainly condemns violence now, as a far-left activist, Sinema refused to condemn anarchist destruction of property.

Emails from June 2002 and obtained by the Washington Examiner Sinema's work as a community organizer for the Arizona Alliance for Peaceful Justice. The group, she wrote at the time, “opposed the use of violence and weapons in all situations” and “believes in world disarmament.” For all those high-minded ideals though, Sinema wasn’t ready to force her beliefs on anarchists.

“When AAPJ attended May Day (sponsored by the Phoenix Anarchist Coalition), their guidelines differ from ours,” Sinema emailed a fellow protester. “They are okay with weapons and property destruction in some instances, and so those of us who chose to attend the event knew that it would be inappropriate to ask someone to not destroy property or to carry a weapon.”

She’s called Arizonans crazy people who live in a meth lab of democracy. It’s a mess. Oh, you bet McSally brought up the Taliban remarks, which Sinema tried to pivot by saying McSally was trying to smear her campaign, not giving the full picture, and that she’s always fought for Arizona. Yeah, no one should buy this; even local media isn’t buying it, noting that Kyrsten Sinema of 2018 is the pod person version of whom they’ve known since 2002

"Right now, this is Kyrsten Sinema circa 2018 running against Kyrsten Sinema 2002 to 2010," said Brahm Resnik, a reporter and anchor for KPNX Phoenix.

And let’s not forget that she called stay-at-home moms, a favorite target for the feminist Left, leeches. So, she’s insulted women voters, Arizonans, veterans, and pretty much anyone who doesn’t think like her. No one should trust Sinema as a centrist Democrat. And what her history has shown is that she was on the loony train way before it was cool for mainstream Democrats to consider purchasing a ticket in the Trump era.


c541ee  No.3635762

File: 879fc87d8076ec1⋯.png (978.23 KB, 585x582, 195:194, DO_IT_Q.PNG)

14e8e0  No.3635763


"You made the list.

Pick up your phone.".

That was the Q to end all Q's at the time.

e3d67f  No.3635764

File: 0da2068a497ca59⋯.jpg (158.66 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG_3043.JPG)

027c6a  No.3635765


>He doesn't appear to be destitute.

Like the some of the 'bums' all over DC. The destitute look is only their work clothing.

18d71e  No.3635766


Salvage dat HDD!

83f130  No.3635767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fdbc35  No.3635768


Gave me chills.

80881a  No.3635769


just suppose:

that fake events are staged to occur

when it has been discovered through intel

or when a hit man turned evidence to the state

that a hit was supposed to occur

so they stage a fake event

to fool those who arranged the HIT

(making them the terrorists)

and all is being kept under wraps for a future sting

just sayin

eb58dc  No.3635770


Gotta hand it him, that was slick.

That shill went silent as fuck that night!

28f1df  No.3635771

File: 0d569085eb4f676⋯.png (931.25 KB, 1023x556, 1023:556, themvsus.png)

File: 8a237fc6b3bc157⋯.png (295.74 KB, 429x547, 429:547, wwg145.png)


It's all controlled & scripted, and has even gone beyond the corrupt MSM.

Look how POTUS called out the Dodgers' "manager". It's because "they've" been doing it to sports, as well. Pussifying America's Pastime to the point that world-class athletes are like fragile fine china now. Notice how MLB players can have hats, socks, shoes, bats, you-name-it PINK as opposed to just a band or patch for Susan B Cancer & Mothers' Day, but they wouldn't let Harper have RW&B on his shoes on July 4.

Add on especially how they are replacing players' SMARTS & instincts with over- "analytics" – going so far with "shifts" and making the players keep index cards in their pockets.

Watch controlled baseball "commentators" bitch about POTUS saying something. They are Commies who want everything "America" gone.

5386c3  No.3635772

File: 157fb3cb239816f⋯.jpg (128.13 KB, 1200x906, 200:151, GettyImages_166042491.jpg)

File: 9401c0fbd0946b0⋯.jpg (24.1 KB, 166x207, 166:207, 20181027_231743.jpg)


e3d67f  No.3635773

File: bb99722c36c3cfc⋯.jpg (556.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_3026.JPG)

a0518a  No.3635774


you found the secret

8a8f3a  No.3635775

One of my favorite Q quotes regarding CS.

“He has to use the bathroom prior to leaving”

But there are so many to choose from 😉

1f4835  No.3635776


This is an aspect of the rabbit hole that only some Anons have had the calling to follow… the various occult grimoires, like the Lesser Key of Solomon, that show us the "instruction manuals" the swamp critters use to call upon demonic powers to aid and abet their nefarious mission.

It's a very good thing some Anons are studying this dark stuff: Know Thy Enemy.

045faa  No.3635777

Nano drones.

bf2c0e  No.3635778

File: 5f87865f1f50f72⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 194x255, 194:255, clipboard2.jpg)

Thank you to the bakers and the anons who dig then give sauce.


e3d67f  No.3635779

untrigger your homotus

64ef57  No.3635780


Fuckin Goodlatte, y'all. I bet he wrote the redacted indict or resign letter.

ae055d  No.3635781

File: 81322d22f655dfd⋯.jpg (608.3 KB, 3140x2196, 785:549, JNB.jpg)

File: 3e8b37ec6a2e1e3⋯.jpg (122.35 KB, 1158x718, 579:359, INFO I'M YOUR.jpg)


awesome to be allowed to assist in any way

i wont even start, just an R larper now kek

When Q said "pick up your phone" I actually thought Q was gonna call me kekistan!

fdbc35  No.3635782


Is that when he Schiffed in his pants? Epic

bf2c0e  No.3635783

File: b6964bfcbdbffcb⋯.jpg (8.8 KB, 255x166, 255:166, shilly.jpg)

46469e  No.3635784

File: 112fd4f3d6a3a32⋯.jpeg (149.75 KB, 903x768, 301:256, 4ECA6F7A-35F2-4135-BB19-0….jpeg)

e3d67f  No.3635785



689dd9  No.3635786

why hide?

your fear precedes you everywhere

bcb5ba  No.3635787

File: 62a18bed39ea73d⋯.png (135.03 KB, 293x408, 293:408, Screenshot 2018-10-01 at 6….png)


Have wondered about that…

Parkland shooter had a cast on his arm when he made his video right before he went to the school…

2281b8  No.3635788

File: e86bc34491bfb4d⋯.jpg (81.55 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2l4eve.jpg)

136005  No.3635789

File: 865e8d8fa638785⋯.jpg (49.11 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3413.JPG)

bf2c0e  No.3635790

File: d4be333767ed46c⋯.jpg (201.28 KB, 984x899, 984:899, wwg1wga1.jpg)

c31ee6  No.3635791


I think that image led to the highest number of Top Spin-Off Memes.

1e1606  No.3635792

File: bde392114ef9a95⋯.png (215.13 KB, 596x699, 596:699, Screenshot_2018-10-28 Q Re….png)


very nice anon

e3d67f  No.3635793

File: 613ab79f3a2b777⋯.jpg (572.23 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_3028.JPG)

8a8b27  No.3635794


>>3635135 Graphic on Raven Chan, Zuckerberg's wife's sister

>>3635143, >>3635539 Full coverage of the WalkAway march

>>3635163 China's 1st private rocket fails after launch

>>3635249, >>3635258, >>3635328, >>3635372 Early caps of crumbs

>>3635272 Polish president seeks WWII reparations from Germany ahead of German-Polish summit

>>3635282, >>3635287 613 Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters

>>3635446 Digs on CF in relation to FBIanon

>>3635488 Tesla Faces Deepening Criminal Probe

>>3635546 Synagogue's rabbi blogged about gun control

>>3635565 Facebook’s Political Ad Tools Allows Users to Purchase Ads in the Name of Mike Pence, ISIS, Others

>>3635516 Pope Francis Says Accusations Against Him Are an Attack on the Church

>>3635629 Nigeria Launches Probe into Chinese Drugs Allegedly Containing Human Flesh, Fetus Remains

>>3635630, >>3635670 JW email: [Redacted] tells Comey and Lynch to "Indict Her (HRC) or Resign"

>>3635761 Sinema has become a total train wreck

46c541  No.3635795


He came back months later asking if he should still be worried…MONTHS LATER!

36b79f  No.3635797


Born in Jewish controlled region, but wasn't a Jew, for teaching different teachings than the (((Jews))) he was crucified.

Yeshua was NOT a Jew, his teachings go WAY beyond Judaism and Christianism.

Jews say he was a Jew because that puts them in a position of authority against Christians: "so, your 'messiah' came from (((our))) religion, thus he is lesser than (((us)))".

People has still a lot to learn.

f24243  No.3635798

File: a0be38b3295f6de⋯.png (115.28 KB, 356x238, 178:119, chu.PNG)

c541ee  No.3635799

I have a feeling we will be reading many interesting FOIAs for a very long time.

96b8c7  No.3635800

File: ce16d7f13f12ace⋯.png (357.25 KB, 722x571, 722:571, ce16d7f13f12ace4f7b4ace1fc….png)


Just glancing at this stuff, and recalling some other similar stuff, the Page/Strzok texts, etc…the Bureau seems really concerned with how the media reports on them, sending articles around to all the head muckety-mucks, dear director in particular, for review. WTF, is this normal?

e3d67f  No.3635804

File: 7c14d3a69881e1f⋯.jpg (251.8 KB, 1312x950, 656:475, IMG_3193.JPG)

watch the trailer to "strange brew"

then come back to /quuuueerresearch/

bf2c0e  No.3635806

File: e88c0639a1c005a⋯.jpg (22.41 KB, 480x360, 4:3, how lies become truth.jpg)

Here's to Bakers

They take on the FakeNews/Deep State

689dd9  No.3635807

anon can see every detail

every fucking detail

detail that you can't conceptulize

there are more of us than you think

ccd094  No.3635808


Fortunately I archive on external and online, just lost the one I was working on so no biggie.

eb58dc  No.3635809


Don't discount gingermound and the nutsack overlay.

But HRC fall was probably the most used "actual" meme snibbit to my knowledge.

c541ee  No.3635811


I noticed that too. Send around A LOT of articles about themselves. Hillary's emails with Huma were the same. Cared a lot about their public personas.

e3d67f  No.3635812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1e1606  No.3635813

File: 0f789cfae9fd5e4⋯.png (270.99 KB, 635x1054, 635:1054, ee01Screenshot_2018-09-02 ….png)

d724f6  No.3635814



83f130  No.3635815


>Corsi and AJ

Thanks for sharing. I knew about Corsi and AJ being called out, but I stopped watching them back in January when they tried to derail the FISAMEMO release efforts. Never really followed pamphlet and wasn't impressed with his Corsi worship podcasts.

e3d67f  No.3635816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7e9a4b  No.3635817


>https://www.youtube.com/embed/G8E1HDBw5CM" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>


05b13d  No.3635818



d25a43  No.3635819


Here's to you fren! Thanks for the words of honesty & truth!

1f4835  No.3635820


Yes, one of the greatest head fakes in history was to bind the Jews' Old Testament in the same volume as the much more enlightened New Testament.

It creates the impression in too many feeble minds that there is such a thing as "Judeo-Christianity". Leading to all sorts of undeserved sympathy for the (greatly misled, and oftentimes satanic) Israelites, the Hebrews, whatever you want to call them.

65d113  No.3635821


you literally couldn't read the first page of the NT, could you?


>the absolute state of shills

17b397  No.3635822

File: b4855d828ecf139⋯.jpg (184.12 KB, 1440x1277, 1440:1277, PicsArt_10-03-08.09.05.jpg)

In re: 5:5

Do we know 11/22/2018 is 55 years since 11/22/1963?


6aa6aa  No.3635824

File: d537b31c7024ed8⋯.png (37.75 KB, 651x279, 7:3, ClipboardImage.png)


I Picked up there was no Answer…….

b3bd64  No.3635825

Happy one year faggots!

Been here since day one.

Been an absolute pleasure!

From talking in questions then images.

Leaving halfchan.

Baker wars.

Board owner the scribe being comped and a HUGE twat.

From unlocking soooo much info on so many things we just had no clue about.

The swamp revealed.

Q has brought us who followed Fbianon and others together under one huge umbrella.

God bless anons, autists and all patriots!

689dd9  No.3635826

there is a massive distinction between details and facts

you will never understand it

subordinate form of existence

136005  No.3635827

File: 4f08fdd01f29190⋯.jpg (213.37 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, IMG_3235.JPG)

e3d67f  No.3635828

File: 74cdfa8f8090fff⋯.jpg (51.02 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3092.JPG)

db941c  No.3635829

File: 6e4f35acc919ef9⋯.jpg (53.16 KB, 587x392, 587:392, 28_19-24-01.jpg)

cb30a1  No.3635830

Surprised no anon has brought up the spreadsheet yet.

eb58dc  No.3635831


I also wonder if LdR actually lost her bowels when Q told her "we hear you breathing".. Talk about creepy thing to say, but she more than deserved it!

d25a43  No.3635832

File: e192f1d707c6d0f⋯.jpg (50.68 KB, 570x761, 570:761, pepe_drunk.jpg)


forgot image – apologies!


cb8241  No.3635833


thanks anon, will save

bf2c0e  No.3635834

File: 37f056403ba7654⋯.png (14.53 KB, 194x255, 194:255, PTTP.png)









Board Owner

Thank You

6109c4  No.3635835


I'm in there!

6aa6aa  No.3635836


Ignore Image - was in clipboard

5386c3  No.3635837

File: 2fc61b130a76927⋯.jpg (756.13 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, donald-trump-image.jpg)

64e4cc  No.3635838

covfefe = fullness of time

apocalypse = unveiling that which is hidden

b59710  No.3635839


I remember that night, but why was he there and what was going on…. memory blank on it.

e3d67f  No.3635840

File: 96d28a2305915e9⋯.jpg (101.96 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_3223.JPG)

5f067f  No.3635841


That poster next to her has very interesting words on it..

bf2c0e  No.3635842

File: 4dca702221000fd⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 206x255, 206:255, aMeme1.jpg)

c96332  No.3635843


You verify time zone anon? total go code if times line up

136005  No.3635844

File: cd8b5607254afac⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3479.JPG)

46c541  No.3635845


Anything to stay relevant


we're still not dying of thirst ;)

c31ee6  No.3635846


My favorite one of those would probably Hillary falling..sliding..being dragged into prison. kek

96b8c7  No.3635847


Ha, anons are like the exact opposite…we don't give a FUCK what they think of us kek. I'll bet they hate that.

bf2c0e  No.3635848

File: c9ac76f156f2a2a⋯.jpg (19.78 KB, 552x307, 552:307, 20th.jpg)

dd1e00  No.3635849



I laughed so hard when that happened. I sympathized with the newly-minted baker and his honest sentiments, because night shift can be slow (and hence a good way to learn to bake), and whenever Q posts, the bread grows so fast it's like unleavened bread on Passover.

e3d67f  No.3635850

File: c58c78952e0ebc0⋯.jpg (125.26 KB, 510x360, 17:12, allseeingblucifer.jpg)

File: 57c1c9b9ece3e2c⋯.jpg (50 KB, 1500x843, 500:281, idiocracy-event-austin-1.jpg)

File: e567493bbd9d302⋯.jpg (89.09 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ihatecianiggasdeco.jpg)

5d2665  No.3635851


RR in a mason handshake…

b93099  No.3635852


Yep, 'twas so.

fce654  No.3635853

File: ba2cbd372c4ad07⋯.png (104.98 KB, 521x334, 521:334, pepe-monkey.png)

9b069f  No.3635854

I don't know why but today's attacks have angered me. All the other attacks I laughed at, knowing just how stupid these people are. Make them pay, Q. Make it glorious.

bf2c0e  No.3635855

File: be7d21126b80309⋯.jpg (63.61 KB, 650x499, 650:499, a starwars_milkyway.jpg)

36b79f  No.3635857


Funny, ask yourself:

Who put the bible together and for what reason?

How many times has it changed?

How many teachings on the bible do you understand?

What is the context on those writings?

Who really wrote them?

For me the bible is just another book, one of the greatest, sure, but as all of what is manmade, infinitely limited (and purposefully manipulated since it's inception).

Don't limit yourself by one book.

And don't you EVER limit the teachings and wisdom of God.

cb8241  No.3635858

File: 5439bb09e082c08⋯.png (410.93 KB, 1134x1042, 567:521, Board_Comped_CBTS.png)

File: e7e314b4215d9b1⋯.jpg (195.64 KB, 700x400, 7:4, CBTS_Best_Thread.jpg)

7e9a4b  No.3635859

File: 025c8ca74e9d2e1⋯.png (7.79 MB, 1800x7280, 45:182, RED proof.png)



The FF are childsplay compared to the rest of their crimes against humanity.


8e5d94  No.3635860

File: 341f3b60b2d2b23⋯.png (6.09 MB, 2400x1800, 4:3, POTUSOvalOffice.png)

65d113  No.3635861


Whatever you have to say is not worth paying attention to it's so retarded.

8a8b27  No.3635862

File: 5dda95e92b7178e⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 620x625, 124:125, ac2b0732ff63133efba5d612a7….jpg)












happy anniversary to you too faggot


when I was first starting to bake, that happened once

but now every other bread is easy comparatively!

at that point, had not had a 'trial by fire' baking shift yet

(but the one the anon was talking about was in november, not me)

bf2c0e  No.3635863

File: 22f14c30a3b8fc3⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 599x799, 599:799, Antartica by Space by NASA.jpg)

e3d67f  No.3635864

File: 83de5efb2d8c464⋯.jpg (88.24 KB, 578x747, 578:747, fluffybobross.jpg)

572c3b  No.3635865

File: 03cb9d9c442d391⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 526x526, 1:1, 03cb9d9c442d391a36999fa01f….jpg)

b2641c  No.3635866


Looks like above email is Rebyeki too then. Any comp anons able to match the name to redacted.

d834e9  No.3635867

Happy 1 year faggots.

I came from /pol/ around the time Q migrated here.

Got my fair share of suprises and awesome discussions with /ourguys/ here.

Also got the best Q (you) I could possibly hope for on my "incarnated extraterrestrials" comment, which is referenced in Q1134. Yes I sometimes shill "pleiadians" as an over simplified 100k+ introduction for normies. I hope y'all ready for what comes next ;^)

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