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dd8d34  No.3622048[Last 50 Posts]


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3619933 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (New with notables!)

>>3542169, >>3542282 8chan Was Down & Under Attack According to Ron (Also Expect Recurring Outages)

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

#4596 Baker Change

>>3621372 Secretary of State confirms Harris Countey voter rolls at risk

>>3621393, >>3621792 Iranians Caught Posing as Americans on Facebook to Hype Mueller & Slam Trump & Kav

>>3621404 Twitter Can Collect Your Data Even If You Log Out And Delete The App

>>3621483, >>3621925 POTUS schedule for tomorrow

>>3621496 Twitter admits it should have taken down threatening tweet sent by mail bomb suspect

>>3621693 DHS chief marks first section of Trump's border wall.

>>3621736 National network of Catholic church leaders told to preserve all communications

>>3621809 Eyewitness tells how agents arrested Cesar Sayoc

>>3621814 US religious orders asked to ID priest abusers

>>3621970 Mexico, Canada play hardball on trade deal over steel tariffs

>>3622028 #4596


>>3621150 POTUS Amends Seminole Tribe of Florida Disaster Declaration

>>3621184 Sauce on Heidi Fleiss black book listed on eBay

>>3621149 CNN: Bomb suspect threatened people on Twitter and Twitter didn’t act

>>3620774 , >>3621056, >>3621065 Dig on Madeline Sayoc

>>3621024 Lawyer for mail bomb suspect’s family: 'He found a father in Trump'

>>3621009 Unsealed arrest for WI man attempting to buy radioactive material

>>3621002 Meme request for a glowing C_A van

>>3620922 The new space race and POTUS is right on time

>>3620863 'False flag' hoaxes about bombing suspect persist, despite evidence

>>3620805 Texas Democratic Party Leader Funded 'Voter Fraud Ring,' Says Government

>>3620710 POTUS complains Twitter purged his followers, cites ‘bias’

>>3620684 Bezos lost up to 14B personally during a brutal day for Amazon stock

>>3620675 Voat found incidents of postal workers dumping Republican absentee ballots

>>3620622 Fox News analyst sas bombing suspect threatened her on Twitter

>>3621228 #4595


>>3620405 , >>3620263 Anon commentary on the bomb habbening

>>3620291 , >>3620365 POTUS tweets re the Charlotte rally

>>3620118 Video surfaces of bomb suspect holding an anti-CNN sight at Trump rally

>>3619983 The Sherman family offer 10m reward for info re the murder of Barry and Honey. Dig

>>3619909 , >>3619982 Van digs

>>3619896 Homeland Security Requests Military Support at the Border

>>3619880 POTUS instructs the Pentagon to trim military budget for 2020

>>3619866 Avenatti tweets dismissal doc ref he and Stormy Daniels

>>3619850 , >>3619863 Dana Perino on Avenatti: 'just a discreditted carnival barker'

>>3619830 CAUGHT: Mexican Police Stop Buses & Trucks, Force Them to Take Immigrants to US Border

>>3619828 FBI Tweets about the recent b/ombs

>>3619823 , >>3619838 Stormy Daniels, Heidi Fleiss & a previous QPost

>>3620462 #4594

Previously Collected Notables

>>3618938 #4592, >>3619727 #4593

>>3616687 #4589, >>3617426 #4590, >>3618219 #4591

>>3614702 #4586, >>3615167 #4587, >>3615925 #4588

>>3612102 #4583, >>3612847 #4584, >>3613612 #4585

>>3609788 #4580, >>3610580 #4581, >>3611329 #4582

>>3607499 #4577, >>3608259 #4578, >>3609059 #4579

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

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dd8d34  No.3622049

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——-- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 --------- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dd8d34  No.3622051

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

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dd8d34  No.3622055

File: 0d9d0825c28947e⋯.png (321.97 KB, 979x727, 979:727, QRsmilealpha.png)



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5eb1f4  No.3622103

I saw a graphic tonight before I left with the connection between Soyac and Will Sommer. I forgot to save it. anyone have a copy?

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d7c2a9  No.3622105

Because of the Hatch Act, happenings have toi wait until after the election

I think that Friday and Saturday, the 9th and 10th are the dates.

Trump has to be in the air on the 10th to be at the Armistice parade in Paris on the 11th.

Due to timezone changes, it would be better to leave on the 9th.

In the air on the 9th.

In a safe unknown European location on the 10th.

And the 11th begins the week of BLACKOUT NECESSARY

31 Oct 2017 - 8:31:00 PM

Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).

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66c175  No.3622106

File: a0a8fe994477477⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 550x404, 275:202, tips-fedora-04.jpg)

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b77852  No.3622107

MSNPC livestream on youtube to troll

>for those who feel trolling is fun


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8cbf65  No.3622108


So was terminator

John titor = John trump = john connor

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d02dc3  No.3622109

File: 2b480999ecb764f⋯.png (956.57 KB, 1240x964, 310:241, ClipboardImage.png)

Clapper and Brennan. You idiots are not as smart as you think.

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d7c2a9  No.3622110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lux Ex Tenebris (Light From Dark)

~ original by etherealwinds

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85d5ae  No.3622111

File: 3bc3075ca77a5d1⋯.jpeg (336.85 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, DqeARMHX4AUr7E0.jpg-large.jpeg)

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b171b9  No.3622112

File: 53cd94c4582a183⋯.jpg (111.94 KB, 720x728, 90:91, NYC trash free2.jpg)

As requested per


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f9c380  No.3622113


we get that benefit without the real or fake bombs

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f9dadb  No.3622114

…what if the van was supposed to be the bomb?

what if he was in the middle of making turning the entire van into a bomb ..

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a9ebfa  No.3622115

File: cba1dc94e869346⋯.png (175.58 KB, 728x546, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

FBI confirms recovery of all known packages mailed to Trump foes

FBI confirms recovery of all known packages mailed to Trump foes

by Anna Giaritelli

| October 26, 2018 10:23 PM

Print this article

The FBI announced late Friday it now has in its possession the missing three packages it had reported were sent to Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Democratic donor Tom Steyer, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. "Earlier today, packages addressed to former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Sen. Kamala Harris were recovered in New York and California, respectively," the FBI wrote on Twitter. "The #FBI has confirmed a package has been recovered in California, similar in appearance to the others, addressed to Tom Steyer."

All known packages sent to 13 Democratic politicians and donors have been accounted for. However, the FBI warned Thursday that other packages containing bombs may still be floating around. Additional officials who were the intended recipients of these packages are Democratic donor George Soros, former State Secretary Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Attorney General Eric Holder, former Vice President Joe Biden, and actor Robert De Niro. Democratic lawmakers, including Rep. Maxine Waters of California, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, and Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey.

Federal agents took Cesar Altieri Sayoc, Jr., into custody in connection with the mailed bombs Friday. The 56-year-old U.S. citizen is white and a resident of Florida. He has been charged with five federal crimes, authorities announced Friday afternoon. The Justice Department did not immediately respond to an inquiry about further charges related to the latest packages recovered.

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977175  No.3622116

File: ba5264bd73e4d85⋯.jpg (106.13 KB, 962x387, 962:387, 5457020-6321433-A_number_o….jpg)

File: 04361ff61f0f83b⋯.jpg (211.25 KB, 962x624, 37:24, 5457770-6321433-image-a-22….jpg)

File: 29e15fd2ba9b25a⋯.jpg (151.75 KB, 962x479, 962:479, 5451254-6321433-Authoritie….jpg)

File: be06fda6ca225f2⋯.jpg (69.19 KB, 962x465, 962:465, 5451252-6321433-One_Twitte….jpg)

This daily mail story has alot of pictures.


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ce0eaf  No.3622117

File: fa380bfa60a3f9f⋯.jpg (71.1 KB, 908x407, 908:407, jfkdsaklfjkasfkadnfakjd.JPG)

File: 484f56848970bb8⋯.jpg (90.83 KB, 724x538, 362:269, Capture.JPG)

Halloween = the eve of All Saints' Day

One year anniversary of Q post #1

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863fb3  No.3622118

File: c230d4ecccb97a6⋯.jpg (149.43 KB, 1119x1367, 1119:1367, _20181026_232326.JPG)

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ab8d69  No.3622119


fun Neberu(Jupiter) fact:

Jupiter... Does not orbit the Sun. They orbit each other. because the orbital center of these two bodies... Is outside of the sun's volume.

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ebc2fe  No.3622120

>>3622052 (LB)


If the bombs are jokes

It must be a hoax!

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946d6a  No.3622121

Dear Q,

I know there are cool things happening right now.

I am feeling a bit left out.

Maybe just a small party favor? ~

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c94af9  No.3622122

File: 7e52cd07c8f1cc3⋯.png (545.05 KB, 918x516, 153:86, ClipboardImage.png)

can one of you mad geniuses work some magic with this? I see a caped crusader.

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f5c36c  No.3622123


13 Angry Democrats

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977175  No.3622124

File: a830be26701c3a9⋯.jpg (27.68 KB, 470x457, 470:457, 5452788-6321433-The_window….jpg)

File: 35ce6f56f508c77⋯.jpg (180.53 KB, 962x1041, 962:1041, 5455632-6321433-image-a-16….jpg)

File: 6134620f60ddc3d⋯.jpg (89.86 KB, 962x495, 962:495, 5458890-6321433-image-m-23….jpg)

File: 06d97cbe880bef2⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 470x391, 470:391, 5457014-6321433-image-m-20….jpg)

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7658f0  No.3622125

File: 3ef62b19fb78d9b⋯.jpg (68.07 KB, 615x410, 3:2, TRUMP 2016 SC PRIMARY.jpg)

File: 4cca2070727718c⋯.jpg (138.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, TRUMP STATS SC PRIMARY.jpg)

"February 13, 2016. There was a GOP primary debate that night in Greenville, South Carolina, so every Republican in Washington was watching. Seemingly out of nowhere, Trump articulated something that no party leader had ever said out loud. “We should have never been in Iraq,” Trump announced, his voice rising. “We have destabilized the Middle East.”

Many in the crowd booed, but Trump kept going: “They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none. And they knew there were none.”

Pandemonium seemed to erupt in the hall, and on television. Shocked political analysts declared that the Trump presidential effort had just euthanized itself. Republican voters, they said with certainty, would never accept attacks on policies their party had espoused and carried out.

Back in Washington, rival GOP campaigns frantically searched for ways to discredit what Trump had said. They found what they considered a silver bullet in a recording of an episode of the Howard Stern radio show from 2002, in which Trump seemed to approve of the idea of overthrowing Saddam.

By Washington standards, this qualified as a kill shot. The candidate had once uttered complimentary words about a war that had not yet started. Therefore, he had no right to criticize the same war fourteen years later, after it had proved disastrous. Consultants for the Jeb and Marco Rubio campaigns traded high fives.

Republican voters had a different reaction. They understood that adults sometimes change their minds based on evidence. They themselves had come to understand that the Iraq War was a mistake. They appreciated hearing something verboten but true.

Rival Republicans denounced Trump as an apostate. Voters considered him brave.

Trump won the South Carolina primary, and shortly after that, the Republican nomination.

Republicans in Washington never recovered. When Trump attacked the Iraq War and questioned the integrity of the people who planned and promoted it, he was attacking them. They hated him for that.

Some of them became so angry, it distorted their judgement and character."

-Ship of Fools

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db102b  No.3622126

File: f92af85564b5ef6⋯.jpg (18.33 KB, 214x255, 214:255, bewbs.jpg)


thank you baker

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038917  No.3622127


nonsense. gotta sleep in the van, dude. what are you, some kinda rich kid?

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1f4001  No.3622128

File: f6336309c044aac⋯.png (69.86 KB, 775x500, 31:20, ClipboardImage.png)

from last bread - screams SNOPES to me, regardless great insight into seminole nation - Hard Rock (Disney) and Hollywood Florida

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22871d  No.3622129

>>3622012. (lb). Yes. Win win for all and POTUS comes out smelling like a rose.

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ff7095  No.3622130

File: dc32c455c18f9f1⋯.png (453.66 KB, 1757x794, 1757:794, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fcf4a0d1fe48d3⋯.png (472.84 KB, 411x725, 411:725, ClipboardImage.png)

Not sure if posted before but here is something interdasting

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9e1e06  No.3622131

File: 99f792a042817c6⋯.jpg (61.35 KB, 751x581, 751:581, P1050548 (1).jpg)

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a29848  No.3622132

File: 11f201cf5b068ee⋯.jpg (93.59 KB, 672x520, 84:65, IMG_20181026_232117.jpg)

Google has altered search results for Sayoc. see Matt Casdorph twitter

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0d6e0a  No.3622133

File: 03d00a3cc36de84⋯.png (288.17 KB, 504x330, 84:55, shallnotpass.png)

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172636  No.3622134


Can anyone even imagine anymore someone like Little Marco being the fucking President? Never again will someone Low-T have a chance.

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1cc3b6  No.3622135

Time travel is not possible until a fixed point in the universe that doesn't move can be found.

No way to know coordinates of anything until that is found out.

Earth Moves,

Solar System Moves,

Galaxy Moves,

Known Universe expanding and moving.

One point in time is at a fixed point, every other point from that point is thousands of miles away from that point in a matter of seconds.

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07b072  No.3622136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Ship of Fools

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359c0a  No.3622137


Johnny Cash= Johnny Quest= Johnny B Goode

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bbf5dd  No.3622138

everything about this entire situation is false. The bombs were false, the arrest was false, the suspect is false, the flag is false. FBI says they tracked postal marks yet packages have no postal marks. Biden says he got a package before he ever got a package, Kamala Harris has a package alert from a trash pile but doesn't get a package ( then she does) We should see 17 bombs but stop at 16 if this guy was a Q conspiracy nut. Mad max gets 2 and Biden gets 2 ( although we have fun with creepy uncle Joe memes and peach 45 memes, neither of these people cause anyone to get angry because they are ridiculous and a joke so why 2 bombs each?) ANSWER: POTUS hijack the narrative . no postage marks because they were caught before and replaced with dummies . They fooled the dummies and CNN went live on air with evacuations and showing the pics. Claiming a mailed package only to walk it back and say a Currier. Now everyone is wondering what post marks the FBI followed to track all of these pictures floating around that show hand delivery. no postage marks show up. POTUS catches he guy and end of threat therefore no need to carry on the drama , let's get back to midterm talk

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106b21  No.3622139

File: 538bce6749b46ab⋯.png (519.7 KB, 791x696, 791:696, Screen Shot 2018-10-25 at ….png)

>>no anon your missing it,

go re read the first crumbs, line the first crumbs up on the clock, future proves past date, so the 2017 date is its own drop,[the start] 30 day operation

it starts on 4:20




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946d6a  No.3622140


this was such a silly thing to see today

the big production they made of it all

full coverage by helicopter of the whole trip

covering with a tarp and then having it come off.

then having FBI guys riding on the flatbed for the rest of the trip to hold it on after the whole world saw it on national tv….

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3b46fc  No.3622141

I don't normally even turn on CNN, decided to today to hear them repeat CNN SUCKS – trolling 100%

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85d5ae  No.3622142

File: 60669912f1383e0⋯.jpg (174.8 KB, 720x646, 360:323, DavidCarreyDean.jpg)


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d02dc3  No.3622143

File: c202a744803fe85⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1256x1490, 628:745, ClipboardImage.png)

James you are a disgrace to your rank and uniform.

Selling out to the highest bidder? Are 30 pieces of silver really worth your soul?

Integrity is not in question. You lost that a LONG time ago.

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78fbb3  No.3622144

File: f4a2404474d7378⋯.jpg (765.44 KB, 1352x1600, 169:200, tyb.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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137006  No.3622145


shot at the C_A.

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dd8d34  No.3622146


>until a fixed point in the universe that doesn't move can be found


let me know when you find it

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59aaea  No.3622147


Are you a freemason?

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a19353  No.3622148



One needs to attend law school to identify lying pieces of shit who lied under penalty of perjury to CONGRESS? Ya, ok CPL. Whatever you say.

This douche is so very confident his handlers will protect him. NOPE!

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ff7236  No.3622149

File: bafe7e8f6e596df⋯.png (772.33 KB, 893x680, 893:680, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….png)

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ec8e47  No.3622150


Nice, some of my favorite movies.

Interesting how /ourmovies/ were the ones that 'predicted' 9/11.

There's only two explanations for how accurately BTTF portrayed 9/11.

1. Time Travel

2. /falseflag/

Maybe both are true.

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4caa3a  No.3622151

File: aefdd97474b75d8⋯.jpg (107.96 KB, 968x677, 968:677, 1a.JPG)

File: 3923b2ad2c5c2b3⋯.jpg (113.15 KB, 660x733, 660:733, 2.JPG)

Federal Government Joins Lawsuits Against Tetra Tech Over Hunters Point Shipyard Cleanup


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f5c36c  No.3622152


13 Angry Democrats

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df402b  No.3622153



where did that pic come from?

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f5afa7  No.3622154

Haven’t seen it mentioned yet but Sayoc’s white van looks like it was designed to look very similar to “JFK Jr” Trump supporter’s van.

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1b06aa  No.3622155

POTUS mentioned a "big surprise" next week

twice at the rally tonight.

Any guesses?

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ab8d69  No.3622156


Is that from the vid of the van?

They did a shitty job of securing that tarp..

I think that tarp was only put there to prevent us from picking apart the insides of the truck any further while it sat in that lot!

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c72fff  No.3622157

File: 171050489843425⋯.png (434.66 KB, 446x405, 446:405, Baker Thanks.PNG)


Top of the hour news on the way home (AP?) stated 15 bombs sent.

Who are the other 3?

thankQ Baker

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d7c2a9  No.3622158

File: d8629c3b2fd64d1⋯.png (415.09 KB, 670x340, 67:34, ClipboardImage.png)


As Above, So Below


The term, “As above, so below” was recorded in the Hermetic texts from The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, which states: “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing.”

The as above so below is also the hidden secret biblical alchemical science of the allegorical stories behind the veiling of 666, the beast or Revelation, Lucifer, and Jesus Christ.

Lucifer, the fallen angel is the Latin word for the Greek word phosphorus (Greek Φωσφόρος Phōsphoros); a name meaning “Light-Bringer.” The phosphorus atom is of the nitrogen family, but having that characteristic of firing. Hence, the term light bringer for this is the very chemical energy that next to calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in the body used primarily for energy production, growth and the repair of body cells and tissues. It is the very energy that you need to think, live, create and yes, even have sex with to create babies to further evolve or devolve your family blood line.

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445bb4  No.3622159

File: c1c660c8095e21a⋯.png (352.61 KB, 912x524, 228:131, gus eye.png)


Highly underrated overlooked band


I'm really starting to believe this eye thing where they sever the brain and make these people into sociopaths/lack empathy.

Did anyone see the movie The Natural? The guy Gus who fixes the games and fucks with everyone/everything for his own gain had a big eye too…guy pretended to be a magician and Illuminati like.

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bb6dce  No.3622160

File: 2ce2063fd2fc7e3⋯.png (157.17 KB, 581x591, 581:591, ClipboardImage.png)

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a01c0b  No.3622161


Whoa, I never dug on the Montauk Project, though I heard bits of info here and there. Very interesting stuff.

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494618  No.3622162


Whoa. You speaka language I don't get lol. They what because of how? I feel dumb, you basically explained it for idiots to understand LOL!! Magnetic something or other?

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5e3394  No.3622163

File: 5c868bd85ef9745⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 563x564, 563:564, 5c868bd85ef97455f0930ab3f6….jpg)

File: 0e1ab6c3bcc57ca⋯.jpg (41.08 KB, 600x600, 1:1, DqTbptFV4AA4UEh.jpg)

File: 98cb88435e4b383⋯.png (566.6 KB, 634x716, 317:358, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….png)

File: 950969cfafc5e6c⋯.png (411.09 KB, 640x741, 640:741, Screen Shot 2018-10-25 at ….png)

Some fine looking #WalkAways

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946d6a  No.3622164


that is our blue wave being carried off on a caravan~

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055319  No.3622165

File: 3d2b68c9ac511f4⋯.png (457.32 KB, 604x606, 302:303, marina.png)

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494618  No.3622166


That shit is fucked up.

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018027  No.3622167


I believe this is true for the entire solar system…. The system barycenter is outside the sun's surface layers.

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c94af9  No.3622168

File: 2899c8b2acc2057⋯.png (438.9 KB, 918x516, 153:86, ClipboardImage.png)


yes it's the van video. look at this. bare handing the driver's side door handle.

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ff7236  No.3622169


says source is reuters but why would they feel the need to take a picture of that van unless they knew they needed proof.

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db102b  No.3622170

File: a545d48938e9eb7⋯.png (517.33 KB, 631x625, 631:625, pepe_trumpwall.png)


No means No!

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3be6c1  No.3622171

Great article with pictures.

Bob Snyder of the New York auction house Cohasco says the “rebel” newspaper shows how “everyone was good and mad” at the British just months before the Revolutionary War began. The masthead design is a variant of the “Join, or Die” political cartoon credited to Benjamin Franklin.

“These were very important propaganda tools,” Snyder said of newspapers and pamphlets of the era. “The viciousness then in some was as much or more as it is today. . (But) the language was more powerful in putting down the other side.”


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08653d  No.3622172


How about pics of Bloomberg, DeBlasio, and Cuomo instead. The liberals directly and publicly depict us as trash, but since we've been cucked, we can't attack liberals directly, we have to attack the muslims for which they stand.

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f9dadb  No.3622173


that shit was a car bomb.

wake up anons!!

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172636  No.3622174


Don't forget picture taken in the middle of the night when they claim they didn't track him to AutoZone until, what, 8:30 am?

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c72fff  No.3622175

File: e157d06ab4b6d9e⋯.png (850.48 KB, 652x644, 163:161, Cat Council.PNG)



That's an awesome line for a meme.

Dem's 2018 Blue Wave

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ed8546  No.3622176


We all know that future-events have been printed on the $100 and $50 and $10 (I think) dollar bills (when folded into a demonic pentagram, as DS did with the OKL and World Trade center and Pentagon bombings). These "unfulfilled events" include a nuclear blast from a nuclear missile hitting off the coast of NYC and flooding the Hoover Dam.

Have these means of destruction been stopped yet?

Thank you. This is not a game.

Have you

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bb6dce  No.3622177

File: e8c9b0c79a992e8⋯.jpg (133.93 KB, 1105x697, 65:41, erzawaifu.jpg)

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4b559a  No.3622178

>>3622147 No Mason is FREE!

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ec8e47  No.3622179

File: 1415f2ca3317d28⋯.jpg (23.56 KB, 505x336, 505:336, Matrix.jpg)




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59aaea  No.3622180



BTW - Arrival movie was one of the biggest "SIGNS" I've had.

My mind thinks differently about time and perspective. It's no longer linear.

Anon- you think a linear point must be discovered because you think time is completely linear.

If time is NOT linear, then a fixed point is not required.

Time is spherical or circular in my observation with a "forward" direction on our current plane of existence.

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85d5ae  No.3622181


Thankfully the news crew conveniently got there just in the nick of time.

unfortunately, they only swept by the van without really focusing on on

aaaaaw, look at that… just now they started to cover it.

thankfully they got what LITTLE they did.


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e704de  No.3622182



3 pro trump comments and im banned

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a9ebfa  No.3622183

File: a677f2560f0f400⋯.png (728.84 KB, 830x320, 83:32, ClipboardImage.png)

‘2010 Called, It Wants Its Talking Points Back:’ Reporter Stuns Room In Confrontation With America’s Highest Ranking General

Military Times reporter Geoff Ziezulewicz pushed back against the U.S. military’s top general during a conference on Friday. When Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the military was making progress in Afghanistan, Ziezulewicz criticized him for reciting old talking points. The exchange comes amid frustration on the part of the Pentagon press corps over what it says is a lack of transparency about U.S. wars and military operations worldwide.

A veteran reporter lobbed a bit of journalistic skepticism at America’s highest-ranking general on Friday, pushing back when he offered a rosy assessment of the Afghanistan war effort. The exchange came during Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford’s appearance at the annual Military Reporters and Editors conference in Arlington, Virginia. In a Q & A session, Dunford said “security has not significantly deteriorated” in Afghanistan and the U.S.-led military coalition there is making “incremental progress over time.” Those well-worn buzz phrases didn’t sit well with Military Times reporter Geoff Ziezulewicz, who interjected, “2010 called, and it wants its talking points back.” Ziezulewicz’s response — an unusual bit of sarcasm from the defense press — was noted by many of the Pentagon reporters in the room.

Although Ziezulewicz himself did not comment on his exchange with Dunford, his frank retort likely stems from frustration among the Pentagon press corps about what it sees as a lack of transparency on Afghanistan and the military’s activity in general. Among defense reporters, there is a sense that top Pentagon officials, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, are closing off access to information that used to be provided as a matter of routine. Since Mattis took over at the Pentagon, the military has stopped providing troop levels for Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, something it had done regularly in the past. The Pentagon also no longer publishes casualty and force strength data for Afghan security forces, key metrics in evaluating how the war effort is progressing. Dunford says the information is being withheld at the behest of the U.S.-backed government in Kabul, but defense reporters suspect the Pentagon is using that excuse to obscure how the war is going. They have also complained about a lack of access to Mattis and other top Pentagon brass, who interact with the press far less frequently than in previous administrations.

Despite concerns about secrecy, reporters credited Dunford for his candor at the MRE conference, where he answered a wide range of questions about the military’s activities around the world. “There is often frustrations of late between the Pentagon press corps and senior brass over a lack of access. They’re real,” Washington Post defense correspondent Dan Lamothe wrote on Twitter. “But I’ll say this: Gen. Dunford is taking pointed questions today at #MRE2018 and answering both directly and passionately. Hope others take notice.”

The military journalism conference occurs as the U.S. is directly fighting or supporting at least six wars on three continents, plus dozens of counterterrorism missions at any given time. Under Trump, the war in Afghanistan has stretched into its 18th year with no discernible end in sight, while Washington is preparing for a long-term military intervention in Syria. In Yemen, the U.S. is supporting a Saudi Arabia-led coalition in its campaign to oust Houthi rebels from power. Washington’s involvement, which includes aerial refueling, surveillance and targeting assistance, is increasingly being questioned amid weekly reports of atrocities committed by coalition forces against Yemeni civilians.


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a01c0b  No.3622184


That too. We need to grow up, spiritually, not play with technology we're not wise enough yet to know how to handle.

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78fbb3  No.3622185

>>3622052 (lb)

Kek. Was wondering about that too.

Helicopter was on it all the time, incl at the end when all the king's horses and all the king's men (fbi) couldn't get the van off from that truck again.

>>3622095 (lb)

Only explanation I could think off, was Htach act, because vehicle now is in government/federal possession, and it was full of political stuff being driven through town.

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f9c380  No.3622186


thanks for the history. didn't know this precious nugget.

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db102b  No.3622187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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09be2f  No.3622188

File: b5e24b6ca29ece4⋯.jpg (561.69 KB, 1975x2633, 1975:2633, Rep_Dim_wenches.jpg)

File: 98bbdf55cc99797⋯.jpg (185.48 KB, 750x750, 1:1, Rep-dem.jpg)

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ebc2fe  No.3622189

File: 7cea0f56335de5f⋯.jpg (91.04 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_2127.JPG)

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445bb4  No.3622190



See "Stranger Things"

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c94af9  No.3622191

File: 27657abd24536d8⋯.png (169.42 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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137006  No.3622192


i suspect just about every guy saw the natural.

best lines in the movie?

"what!? i lost it in the sun"


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df402b  No.3622193


I am confused

HOw and when Did reuters get a pic of Caser driving the van?

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501888  No.3622194

File: 9f406b7118084a5⋯.jpg (324.72 KB, 2178x1624, 1089:812, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….jpg)

these people always do this smile thing with their mouth closed… always makes me think it's some kind of code for communicating that they are keeping their mouth shut

she looks ridiculous

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e704de  No.3622195

Frens.. its getting scary out there for us. I have had respective discourse with lefties and only get banned. WTH happened to free speech and hearing BOTH sides?

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c94af9  No.3622196

File: 60c80950f7e3cac⋯.png (687.98 KB, 490x794, 245:397, ClipboardImage.png)

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a19353  No.3622197


Can you tell when last edited?

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15d631  No.3622198

File: c9c947197322d33⋯.png (592.39 KB, 1051x693, 1051:693, Captuyjtsre.PNG)

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b4286e  No.3622199


Since when does T level determine a person's worth as a presidential candidate?

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86da35  No.3622200


the meme machine top fucking kek

this redwave is going to destroy all odds

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7554c9  No.3622201

File: 2f7ad66f7d3f15c⋯.jpeg (122.48 KB, 898x628, 449:314, jiiiiiiiiiidfblackopsTIER….jpeg)

File: f838f0c869104c1⋯.jpg (52.95 KB, 810x450, 9:5, JIDFinfiltrators.jpg)


Posted late in bread. Just reposting one time to get some eyes on it and activate some almonds and possibly rustle some jimmies of our (((Greatest Ally))) glorified shit posters that down syndrome folks do a better job at. Tranny's and soy boys and coal burners... all of them. Change your diaper regularly Jewish Inexpedient Diaper Force. Tap away on the keyboards while we send you more rope. (Good jews plz leak the game plan of shill factory #17)

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15d631  No.3622202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ff7236  No.3622203


Alpine towing dig

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a19353  No.3622204


Since Trump.

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ff7236  No.3622205


Indeed, and why?

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4b559a  No.3622206

File: 74370e5f3f35157⋯.jpg (128.71 KB, 996x607, 996:607, BestPOTUS.jpg)

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1cc3b6  No.3622207


8 seconds ago you were thousands of miles from where you are. And thousands of miles after reading this.

Time is directional.

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56c830  No.3622208


Thank you Anon

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3b46fc  No.3622209


I found Tuckers book pretty informative. I learned how after he (Trump) criticized the Middle Eastern wars –Bill Kristol (Weekly Standard) flipped his shit against Trump. Bill Kristol was a huge agitator for the gulf wars and was a foreign relations advisor – (why I still haven"t figured out).

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bb6dce  No.3622210

File: b035d01a6f7029a⋯.png (165.79 KB, 575x597, 575:597, ClipboardImage.png)


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22871d  No.3622211


See post 3621887 in the last bread.

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a19353  No.3622212


What happened? The left lost and has been having a temper tantrum since.

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445bb4  No.3622213


Great movie..lots of good one liners. Fun fact. I played baseball in the stadium they filmed in, before it was demolished. Had some of the "cardboard fans" from the set too.

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73af9b  No.3622214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ec8e47  No.3622215



>Thinking that using human perception is the key to understanding reality.


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e27fec  No.3622216

does it bother any other anons how POTUS kind of announced the arrest of this "bomber" without questioning it despite the obvious inconsistencies in this story? Optics?

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b4286e  No.3622217


Beyond stupid.

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7658f0  No.3622218


Whatever. Dunford does a great job and so does Mattis. The press is not owed certain information just because it use to get it. Press has abused its access to this info in the past, so now they don't get it.

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f9c380  No.3622219


gonna print this out and post some around this liberal town

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8a3d00  No.3622220


Quick Question: Are there any pictures of the van when the BOMB SQUAD arrived? Surely if he was living out of his van they’d have sent one in to examine it?? Check it for booby traps, ect….I haven’t seen any pics, seems odd.

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863fb3  No.3622221

File: 422e41177533b11⋯.jpg (246.71 KB, 1342x1982, 671:991, _20181024_185857.JPG)


Convenient photo, touché DS.

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6086c0  No.3622222

File: dda795b34cb87c3⋯.jpeg (84.99 KB, 525x486, 175:162, 45DCE3C3-7E0E-45CA-AD2F-1….jpeg)

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9f03ee  No.3622223

File: f893f0e6a90dcb5⋯.png (13 KB, 255x194, 255:194, stopposting6bc4c78241b4db6….png)

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172636  No.3622224


Found the SoyBoy

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a9ebfa  No.3622225



Just like Q said….

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e704de  No.3622226

File: 62ada8d05c0cc0e⋯.jpg (11.61 KB, 345x90, 23:6, msnbctimeout.JPG)


3 pro trump comments.. BANNED

but people can say want to exterminate trump supporters NOT BANNED

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ebc2fe  No.3622227

File: 9ddf6856b74012c⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_6448.PNG)

Needs a caption!

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38b9fb  No.3622228


I should've been a farmer, Red.

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df402b  No.3622229


we still don't know if the bomber is singing about who his handlers are?

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445bb4  No.3622230


Nice Digits anon! ON her Bday too!

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86da35  No.3622231



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a5ef3d  No.3622232

File: a12969e12187b53⋯.png (637.31 KB, 1192x796, 298:199, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)

get in the van

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31cba1  No.3622233

File: 49e0fdbd51f0a11⋯.png (68 KB, 190x251, 190:251, 2018-10-24_22-33-50.png)

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dd8d34  No.3622234

File: 760e41de7f9acb2⋯.png (246.43 KB, 772x590, 386:295, chekked25.png)



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93728d  No.3622235

File: c7da43584e411de⋯.png (1.21 MB, 724x715, 724:715, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9ebfa  No.3622236


Agreed, in addition they will use what ever they can to try and stack the deck.

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4b559a  No.3622237

File: bc93234a572a961⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 255x151, 255:151, creppypornlawyer.jpg)

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ca1f87  No.3622238

>>3622036 pb

sarcasm might not work here, because that's what they really believe.

They are dumber than you think.

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1cc3b6  No.3622239


Measurements are a science.

All science is perception.

What other understanding is there?

Scientific perception from any source if proven fact is the same across all observations.

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137006  No.3622240


i dunno if this is more disinfo or not… strikes me as another "crazy obvious" notable… and anything that "obvious" is not to be trusted… will continue to watch.

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ff7236  No.3622241

File: 73cd7ecdc9c6d94⋯.png (118.2 KB, 1265x348, 1265:348, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….png)

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db102b  No.3622242



Johnny Cash

I hurt myself today

To see if I still feel

I focus on the pain

The only thing that's real

The needle tears a hole

The old familiar sting

Try to kill it all away

But I remember everything

What have I become

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know

Goes away in the end

And you could have it all

My empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns

Upon my liars chair

Full of broken thoughts

I cannot repair

Beneath the stains of time

The feelings disappear

You are someone else

I am still right here

What have I become

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know

Goes away in the end

And you could have it all

My empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you hurt

If I could start again

A million miles away

I will keep myself

I would find a way

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c72fff  No.3622243


I remember that phrase but can't find it in a search at qanon.pub ??

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86da35  No.3622244

File: 6c57f978ad09d69⋯.jpg (80.56 KB, 720x835, 144:167, DpfVYUGW4AAeXiG.jpg large.jpg)

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ab8d69  No.3622245

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>how jupiter does not orbit the sun

Barycenter. that's the word I was looking for. vid related.

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c96003  No.3622246

File: 7a1d0e5acc4e573⋯.png (338.25 KB, 643x355, 643:355, JIDFtard2.png)



the IDFtards always make me laugh. kekekek

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ca1f87  No.3622247


In practice that's not true though.

Ever done experiments in a class?

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e704de  No.3622248


3 respectful pro trump comments and MSNBC banned me.. mostly because I disagreed that Trump did not make the environment for bombers to kill people.. the media don't even take his side. BAN

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86da35  No.3622249


van of NPeaCe

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1cc3b6  No.3622250


Trump Fund raiser since 1979?

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f5c36c  No.3622251


Just like POTUS tweeted

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445bb4  No.3622252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


9inch nails wrote the song kek

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946d6a  No.3622253

watching all the white vehicles today with the bomb transportation things

felt a bit ghostbusterish to me

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137006  No.3622254


wait a second… isn't that Val J?

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ebc2fe  No.3622255

File: bbd247309871e42⋯.gif (529.69 KB, 550x309, 550:309, IMG_7539.GIF)

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baad1e  No.3622256

File: ba19ac5264f3c08⋯.jpg (46.62 KB, 540x540, 1:1, DmlwRGeU8AA1QSv.jpg)

Stop trying to find a smoking gun on the bomber the dems have played their cards and any research will only verify their narrative and make us look bad.

you need to get back on what they are trying to distract us from that is Soros funding this dam invasion dont take the bait like a normie were better than that.

Go after the provable digs.

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5e3394  No.3622257

File: be8fee0931c8c36⋯.png (702.42 KB, 813x675, 271:225, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….png)

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7658f0  No.3622258


From a POTUS twat.

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b4286e  No.3622259


You're an idiot. It has to do with intelligence, intuition, moral fiber and the guts to follow through on what is right.

Fuck you knuckle draggers.

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359c0a  No.3622260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


[ HiFi ] Will The Circle Be Unbroken Vol.2/Nitty Gritty Dirt Band/Johnny Cash/Ricky Skaggs

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ec8e47  No.3622261


Ah that is interesting.

One that happened and one yet to pass.

I know it is coming.

Some call it GESARA.


Double slit experiment.

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f5c36c  No.3622262

Mr. Robert DeNiro

110 Hudson St.

New York, NY 10013

(212) 941-4050


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1d2e32  No.3622263


huh? you don't need to know the position of information, you just need to be able to read it. hence why it is bound.

time travel only requires ability to transfer information backwards to a point when you opened the portal. then information can be provided backwards in time until that point and only that point. /duh…

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106b21  No.3622264


orange man bad

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0d6e0a  No.3622265

File: b0d6b29442997af⋯.png (465.09 KB, 504x672, 3:4, bottomfeeder.png)

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7e28ce  No.3622266

File: 5acc7e6f3322742⋯.jpg (13.94 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images35.jpg)


Dont know exactly why, but I like the dude on the left.

Great style.

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db102b  No.3622267

File: 875a2d6ee774568⋯.jpg (13.86 KB, 229x220, 229:220, pepe_<3.jpg)


Old school print = good idea

Wear a hoodie

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59aaea  No.3622268

File: 4fe62505d8586e5⋯.gif (439.75 KB, 300x300, 1:1, sun-moon2.gif)

File: f0fd87c14a99684⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 240x320, 3:4, sun-moon1.gif)




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c94af9  No.3622269

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a6ac89  No.3622270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Nine Inch Nails

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ab8d69  No.3622271


To be sure. The fact that Jupiter has enough mass to force the sun to orbit it… means that it effects all of the other planets that have a barycenter inside the sun as well.

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c94af9  No.3622272

File: 157ae71fe75b887⋯.png (205.22 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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172636  No.3622273

File: 6a658ace9d69924⋯.jpg (17.19 KB, 220x229, 220:229, npc3.jpg)


Go change your tampon, Marco

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a9ebfa  No.3622274


Anon you are correct POTUS did tweet that

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bb6dce  No.3622275

File: a81e601858e31a5⋯.png (152.98 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


He did an awesome job describing his own death. It was a five Inch Nails remake. But it was so fitting for him.

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08653d  No.3622276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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74bb97  No.3622277

File: 5fb928d2840c075⋯.jpeg (3.35 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 256CCE4A-3DB0-4877-8662-D….jpeg)

Clapper is a pussy >>3622143

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c72fff  No.3622278

File: 33c4874ce6e20ca⋯.jpg (188 KB, 450x799, 450:799, Interdasting.jpg)



It does appear to be him driving the van

Where did they get the pic? Did he post it somewhere? Someone else put it on social media?

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946d6a  No.3622279


thanks for making that meme for me~

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bb6dce  No.3622280

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121b53  No.3622281

I used to live down the street from a Kroger. A lady lived in her car in the parking lot. Everyone knew her name

If his van was in that lot for a year, why haven’t we heard anyone who works in the shopping complex talking about his creepy ass

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9d3330  No.3622282

File: eb8aaecf42d81e9⋯.jpeg (130.92 KB, 1080x658, 540:329, alphatrumpbetamulatto.jpeg)

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a01c0b  No.3622283


And Sessions said the bombs were sent by USPS, which is a demonstrable lie.

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a9ebfa  No.3622284


What is this Anon?

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ff7236  No.3622285

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35a1b2  No.3622286



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501888  No.3622287

File: fea1da8b41ce234⋯.jpg (291.79 KB, 1058x1746, 529:873, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….jpg)

File: 89ec6397b21b6c9⋯.jpg (245.58 KB, 1234x1092, 617:546, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….jpg)

Drew Zambelli - former Cuomo advisor, died.

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1cc3b6  No.3622288


Double slit experiment we were able to figure out.

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c96003  No.3622289


>the guts to follow through on what is right.

that requires big T amirite?

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b4286e  No.3622290


Get a brain, cartoon man.

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c72fff  No.3622291


That's the guy they're trying to say is RFK jr.

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a5b0cd  No.3622292

File: 998d4868cdb901a⋯.jpg (216.94 KB, 1849x941, 1849:941, autism2.JPG)

File: 9feba9a4e9024c8⋯.jpg (57.02 KB, 618x819, 206:273, q1913.JPG)

File: 4511ba471027912⋯.jpg (133.75 KB, 1839x965, 1839:965, 1913..JPG)

File: ad92e3cd4ac4c2b⋯.jpg (310.19 KB, 1352x955, 1352:955, autism.JPG)

Hey guys… Ok, so maybe its just the weed kicking in BUT My wife sent me some screen-caps with dates on them. Pretty wild coincidences. The 1913 post is important because the year 1913 (lucky 13 right?) was the year the 16th ammendment was passed… Quite possibly the worst words ever written on paper since the dawn of time. Anyway I noted that not only was this 1913 date important BUT it also had the effect of changing every single other number up by one…

This made the 2221 post about Aliens turn into 2222 fucking quad-aliens. Anyway I thought Man… I wonder if Q was answering all the questions on Q@a day and missed one… What I mean is Q actually wanted the 2222 to go to aliens but was off by one and so they said … fuck it, hack 8ch and stuff some post in there… Oh! I know bring attention to 1913 while you are at it!! And so Q snuck this post in to shift stuff and bring attention to 1913. LETS GO LOOK AT PF AND SEE IF ITS THERE…


Well, coool, Its buried in some bread then. Lets see if it has any replies! If Q makes a post there are ALWAYS replies. So if something fuckey is going on then there may not be any replies which would stick out like a sore thumb. ANYWAY I go there and look … and. there. is. no. Q#1913.

So what am I missing here? Where the fuck did this come from if its not in PF and not in Qresearch? Am I a dope and not able to find it because im fucking up some timezone thing or making some other mistake? Q tells us to keep offline backups of everything right?

Can any of you fuckers verify that #Q1913 is a real Qpost and actually was posted somewhere because I can't find that damn thing and my head is starting to swirl with time machines and mandella effects and so I need a sanity check… FInd me this fucking post in a bread or in PF and you are my best FRIEN… But if you can't find it then think about that… It means stuff was injected into Qmap… Happy Friday!

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a19353  No.3622293


How is it, that all of a sudden, all of these pics are showing up? Had these pics made it onto social media they would've gone viral as PROOF that POTUS supporters were nut jobs. They would have found him and interviewed him.

AND, his van would've been destroyed. The clowns really suck at their jobs nowadays.

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78fbb3  No.3622294

File: 40af6258b7a86b1⋯.png (181.78 KB, 473x397, 473:397, CS_van.png)



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ec8e47  No.3622295



It's got a Reuters logo.

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41e64f  No.3622296

>>3621342 LB

vERITOS video has dnc operatives hiring crazy people to interrupt at rallies and do stupid crap we saw with bombs. Earlier thread

>>3621332 LB MSNBC Host goes nuts…Not news this is lead the narrative c_a acting like a newscaster.

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987e36  No.3622297

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ab8d69  No.3622298


ps- and think of this:

The "sunspot cycle" is 11 years

guess how long it take Jupiter and the sun to orbit each other once?

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86da35  No.3622299

File: 27e2872d60862a8⋯.png (546.55 KB, 1251x609, 417:203, 4GF5SD64G65SD.PNG)


what kind of faggotry is this

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dd8d34  No.3622300

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3622115 FBI confirms recovery of all known packages mailed to Trump foes

>>3622116 This daily mail story has alot of pictures of the van

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b93046  No.3622301

File: 54ec9114ced6a25⋯.jpg (77.29 KB, 583x580, 583:580, Screenshot 2018-10-26_20-3….jpg)

File: f47a9fea81fd47b⋯.jpg (247.87 KB, 540x1118, 270:559, Screenshot 2018-10-26_20-3….jpg)

File: 1042d36b7a15cec⋯.jpg (214.77 KB, 529x1029, 529:1029, Screenshot 2018-10-26_20-3….jpg)

File: 6e140c8b9992cdb⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 534x141, 178:47, Screenshot 2018-10-26_20-3….jpg)

NYT Defends Publishing Short Story Imagining Assassination of Trump


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445bb4  No.3622302



Philly anon visitor got his 4 tires slashed parking in the city w/trump sticker on car. Super libtards here

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489d2c  No.3622303

File: 63b34adca0d5f21⋯.jpg (90.49 KB, 620x349, 620:349, PEPE - Tell Me Moar.jpg)



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976ccd  No.3622304


What is the difference between SG T 13 and SG VF?

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1b06aa  No.3622305


I'd steal that if I was allowed to post anywhere

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67b2d6  No.3622306


Jason Pourne

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ec8e47  No.3622307


Quantum shows that our brains are inadequate tools for properly describing reality.

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4caa3a  No.3622308

File: 16e58c40bad6228⋯.jpg (108.9 KB, 593x879, 593:879, 1a.JPG)

File: e38b5c7a609afa7⋯.jpg (122.16 KB, 586x900, 293:450, 2.JPG)

Amnesty India says raid, frozen accounts aimed at silencing govt critics


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34b54a  No.3622309

File: dd9d76d35d2d3a9⋯.jpg (309.01 KB, 1653x829, 1653:829, OLD FBI VAN CONVERSION.jpg)

>>3622095 (LB)

>>3622052 (lb)

>and can somebody plz explain why the tarp is necessary?


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018027  No.3622310


Jupiter is nearly massive enough to be a brown dwarf anyway, it produces significant heat in it's own right. Did you ever read the 2001 A Space odyssey book series?

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080330  No.3622311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5267b7  No.3622312



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bb6dce  No.3622313

File: d88dc804eaaa494⋯.png (164.57 KB, 422x662, 211:331, ClipboardImage.png)

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c96003  No.3622314

File: 9fad326c46ece79⋯.jpg (28.61 KB, 540x378, 10:7, hillthumb.jpg)

>>3622222 cheQek'd

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7658f0  No.3622315


How is THIS not hate speech??

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ab8d69  No.3622316


I read that and the sequel, and rendevous with rama.

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018027  No.3622317


Jupiter orbits every 11.9 years, not 11…

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27698b  No.3622318


Yes anon, correct…

Trent Rezner , the song writer, after hearing Cash’s rendition, stated it is his song now…

It is sad because it is about smack addiction…

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ec8e47  No.3622319



Will watch.

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86da35  No.3622320

File: 163ef3a16bede7c⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1419x1191, 473:397, fdjkgjsdf.png)



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4f93a9  No.3622321

Hmmm..I ask SG T 13 a question and they bolt ...

don't want to answer my question?

>>3621904 (lb)

Who/what are the 4 pillars ? ( I think you know what i'm asking you about)

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946d6a  No.3622322


to make sure EVERYONE had eyes on

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b0459e  No.3622323


Al Bielek


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a9ebfa  No.3622324


Where is that ?

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96f890  No.3622325

File: a32cf8b292ecec0⋯.jpg (138.51 KB, 918x477, 102:53, Muh blue wave!.jpg)


>>3622122 (checked)

Was heading out to bed. Just whipped this up for teh lulz. Someone else will do a much better job.

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501888  No.3622326

File: 58f77082062ea1f⋯.png (535.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Jay_Z_Marina_Hudson.png)


Popular street. Jay Z has a place there too.

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987e36  No.3622327


About a pint

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445bb4  No.3622328


NYT is disgusting. Biggest hypocrits on the planet along with WAPO.

Only 4-6%'s will be reading their echo chamber rags.

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a79fb2  No.3622329

You see a commercial on tv and think someone actually got paid to come up with this ridiculously stupid idea for a commercial. A commercial so bad you want to grind your teeth.

But worse than that, someone then watched the finished product and said, “yeah, let’s use it.

They are often, literally an insult to ones intelligence.

You nearly feel robbed of I Q for just watching it.

That’s how I feel about these so-called bombs and that van.

Q, you are so right. These people are stupid!!!!!

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f5c36c  No.3622330


An address and phone number that are PUBLIC

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976ccd  No.3622331


KEK! Good one

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15d631  No.3622332

File: b2ca7be22d9ab4a⋯.png (209.36 KB, 586x593, 586:593, Cap2223ture.PNG)

File: f94608ffa6012c7⋯.png (852.12 KB, 1091x564, 1091:564, Capt19ure.PNG)

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f9c380  No.3622333


dude, your video clearly shows jupiter going around the sun.

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a5ef3d  No.3622334

File: ae4f5e262b0ff35⋯.png (716.97 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)

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124fb3  No.3622335


That's the set up boyz and gals.

He's willing participant, FBI informant/comped slave. Unless you want your complicated life to become far more uncomfortable…you do what WE say bitch!

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db102b  No.3622336





Didn't know it was a remake.

Original was haunting.

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359c0a  No.3622337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Leonard Susskind (/ˈsʌskɪnd/; born 1940) is an American physicist, who is professor of theoretical physics at Stanford University, and director of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics. His research interests include string theory, quantum field theory, quantum statistical mechanics and quantum cosmology. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the US, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, an associate member of the faculty of Canada's Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,and a distinguished professor of the Korea Institute for Advanced Study.

Susskind is widely regarded as one of the fathers of string theory. He was the first to give a precise string-theory interpretation of the holographic principle in 1995[9] and the first to introduce the idea of the string theory landscape in 2003.

Susskind was awarded the 1998 J. J. Sakurai Prize.

Why is Time a One-Way Street?

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ca1f87  No.3622338



Gotta reverse engineer this crud to find the root.

Extract the fact that these memes never showed up here?

I don't even think they wre planted by a shill

could this be re-worked merde from half-chan?

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86da35  No.3622339


that fucking metal visor must be unique

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a6ac89  No.3622340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Best use of the song.. ever

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137006  No.3622341

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a5b0cd  No.3622342


Where is her fucking broomstick… and checking those lovely quints

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7e28ce  No.3622343

File: 8469b54c3a010d1⋯.jpg (6.75 KB, 240x210, 8:7, images36.jpg)


hahaha, conspiracy nutjobs

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ab8d69  No.3622344


Does the "sunspot cycle" has enough slack in it to account for the .9?

I bet it does :)

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987e36  No.3622345


He may be a lover but he ain’t no dancer

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f5c36c  No.3622346

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ff7095  No.3622347


Yeah, so I think it's a trolling tactic by whoever's editing it.. Resonates with Skippy's tweet today so we should still pay attention to it for additional clues it may offer

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bf21cf  No.3622348

File: d6a3d691f7b77f4⋯.png (467.33 KB, 732x666, 122:111, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….png)

File: 6bb17cfd16d8839⋯.png (95 KB, 751x338, 751:338, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….png)

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a19353  No.3622349


Welcome to the Stasi state.

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41e64f  No.3622350


How many criminals have faked their death and gotten away with it for years, decades. Why do you think it can't happen to JFK jr. The guy wrote a magazine named George because he knew who was behind his father's assassination. Do you think he might know his life was in danger?

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137006  No.3622351


so the window decals don't fall off.

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018027  No.3622352


In 2010 Odyssey 2, the monoliths turned Jupiter into a star and aided primitive life on Europa, by 3001 Final Odyssey, that life was nearly intelligent. I need to read those again, it's been years.

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fb861f  No.3622353

File: 76d7a4334a8b754⋯.png (112.6 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 5C24694F-64E8-41CF-AA86-8A….png)

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86da35  No.3622354

File: 80976606f8fb18d⋯.gif (140.77 KB, 551x524, 551:524, SVP-C9001-7.gif)

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458368  No.3622355

File: 5a07cfbf6d8f61f⋯.png (89.37 KB, 886x239, 886:239, #165PF.png)

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7554c9  No.3622356

File: a4df6f213d3e60d⋯.png (64.95 KB, 960x668, 240:167, memeacq.png)

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ab8d69  No.3622357


dude, kek.

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c72fff  No.3622358

File: 7b2048a4905fdfe⋯.png (9.86 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ThankQ w Olive.png)

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976ccd  No.3622359


Well, SG VF was posting the same exact stuff last weekend (less mouthy) and now we have SG T 13. There's only so many times I can see Avril Lavines face per bread.

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fb861f  No.3622360

File: acaae51ae7b302a⋯.png (86.37 KB, 673x887, 673:887, A1FA4927-F07D-4524-AEC6-49….png)

File: cef87caf47104f7⋯.png (101.43 KB, 675x887, 675:887, D1218239-83C2-4C90-A97C-E4….png)

File: 2d9cd5c56c5b8f6⋯.png (84.78 KB, 677x889, 677:889, B3631BC5-C5E2-43BF-B906-DD….png)

File: 23b43dd631ef809⋯.png (77.19 KB, 677x886, 677:886, C5B8FF8F-9F24-4C37-BC66-1C….png)

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f773d7  No.3622361

File: 26d571e87092a1f⋯.png (178.84 KB, 568x337, 568:337, Screenshot 2018-10-26 at 3….png)


Vincent warned us

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f5c36c  No.3622363


Yes it is Anon and thanks for the verification

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a9ebfa  No.3622364


Hmmm, Nice getting ready for some shipments…or shall we say special packages..very interesting

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111f51  No.3622365

Q is gonna drop soming big near or ater the midterms. When I was in MARSOC they taught me to think out side the box the this was the white hats plan along fuck up the democats false flag one or more of the bombs were supposed to explode notice Q was never on the van the white hats made him look like the crazy bernie supporter same mo living in a van sound familiar the Dems spent the whole day forming from the mouth bla bla Trump supporter everyone now sees the Dems blame Republicans Trump when. No one blamed Bernie all the Dems are saying Trump said he would pay for llawyer when his supportes we're getting attacked in 2016 oh no!!!! Fake news!!!! All not good reason to attack anyone ever one see where hate and derangement comes from all falling apart ha ha ha ha

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080330  No.3622366


Think deeply on it while you do.

(((They))) have always known.

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db102b  No.3622367



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445bb4  No.3622368



I like both, but 9inch nails sound wins for me overall…I don't know many of their songs, but it's my favorite. I know more Johnny Cash songs

Wanted man is #1 and

San Quentin.

If he were alive today he could do a song about Gitmo

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a5ef3d  No.3622369

File: 5f91e1a7f9627af⋯.png (711.88 KB, 1196x1134, 598:567, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)


screenshoted cursor derp

time bed go now

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404050  No.3622370

File: 22578370ce2f36a⋯.jpg (355.21 KB, 816x528, 17:11, why is kstp covering up am….JPG)

File: 081c484c78cff7d⋯.jpeg (157.6 KB, 734x980, 367:490, 2bb8f550fac047e3f9945f776….jpeg)

File: b5dff5dd2beabac⋯.jpeg (142.41 KB, 750x1241, 750:1241, 060e2128e18150a0da3ce6ef1….jpeg)

File: ebfdb64fab5eeae⋯.png (421.66 KB, 711x796, 711:796, Amk cover up.png)

File: 7598dd4175a416d⋯.jpg (69.31 KB, 640x475, 128:95, 13b077d5de4c700a43ac8fe840….jpg)

Why the scrubbing of Amy's name, KSTP? Protecting her current re-election and a possible 2020 Presidential run (Amy was campaigning in Iowa when she's running in MN). Her Iowa campaigning stump sure looked like a future stump for 2020.

Amy klobuchar concerned about you and your family's safety? The answer is obvious…She voted against (Nay) on….

Denying Legal Status for Immigrants Convicted of Certain Crimes

Authorizes the Attorney General to Delay Transfer of Firearms to Suspected Terrorists

Stop Illegal Reentry Act

Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act (Toomey Amendment)

Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act

Requires the Completion of the Fence Along the United States-Mexico Border

National Guard Deployment on Southern U.S. Land Border

REAL ID Funding

Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act of 2016


SAYCO MN charges dismissed by Klobuchar -

Article (kstp) anon linked was changed/updated and Klobuchar's name/ref removed.

Klobuchar was Henn Co prosecuting attorney in 2005

Amy Klobuchar's name scrubbed from CAS trial reporting

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a5b0cd  No.3622371


Has anyone just ASKED that guy if he was JFK Jr? Surely he must be on this board by now… Maybe he will stop by and make a post saying he IS or IS NOT in a difinitive fashion to end all this nonsense.

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96f890  No.3622372

File: 9f9c325cf0f1894⋯.jpg (72.55 KB, 859x503, 859:503, PEPE - isle of comfy!.jpg)


Nice HRC bday digits. Also in pb anon noted corrected that Potus called her Crooked Hillary again b/c her birthday today. A little gift..

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bf21cf  No.3622373

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ca1f87  No.3622374


"Top Soccer recruits for Trump"

That's gotta be fake.

I'm thinking that if people had really died, no one would bother to question too much about his van and about the whole story.

The narrative of how "he was caught " is straight soap opera "As the World Turns"

I 'd say do some background check , if possible, on the dude that supposedly fingered him?

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a79fb2  No.3622375

Who’s going to win the signed MAGA Hat from POTUS?

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86da35  No.3622376

File: fb40c7157bb1b10⋯.png (316.34 KB, 466x312, 233:156, 456h4df65.PNG)


van visor with orange lights seems pretty rare

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8cbf65  No.3622377


Haha look into renaissance art

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570a50  No.3622378


SG VF had legit info

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bf21cf  No.3622379

File: eff4ac889b93bf3⋯.png (54.17 KB, 514x201, 514:201, mtww.png)

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137006  No.3622380


just buy the damn pillow… you'll sleep better.

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211b41  No.3622381

File: aa6335919f1afb1⋯.png (51.54 KB, 1335x324, 445:108, ClipboardImage.png)

Former President Obama on Friday took a swipe at President Trump over those who have been caught up in special counsel Robert Mueller's probe.

"They promised to take on corruption. Remember that?" Obama said while going after Trump and Republicans during a Democratic campaign event in Milwaukee, Wis.

"They have gone to Washington and just plundered away. In Washington, they have racked up enough indictments to field a football team," he said.

"Nobody in my administration got indicted."

'Nobody in my administration got indicted' — President of shade, Barack Obama pic.twitter.com/JWB9CftoGj

— NowThis (@nowthisnews) October 26, 2018

As of this month, Mueller's team has indicted or secured guilty pleas from 32 people as part of his sprawling probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Four of those people include former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign aide Richard Gates and Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

Trump has repeatedly slammed the investigation as a partisan "witch hunt" and called for it to be ended.

Obama on Friday also took aim at Republicans who criticized Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's emails during the 2016 election cycle. He alluded to a New York Times report this week that said Russia and China are eavesdropping on Trump’s personal phone calls.

"They didn't care about emails," Obama said. "And you know how you know? Because if they did, they'd be up in arms right now as the Chinese are listening to the president's iPhone that he leaves in his golf cart. It turns out, I guess it wasn't that important.”


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1cc3b6  No.3622382


Those are pictures of his van though.

I'm guessing that the Cesar van was a copy to mimic this.

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ac00f8  No.3622383


What are you here for?

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eb513c  No.3622384

your all wrong and are avoiding the issue ,which is socialism.It depends on inclusiveness.Which ever group is despised,has a ally in every other despised group,pedophiles would in be one group,lesbians or homosexuals in another,special interest groups ,foreign agents ,fetishists, criminal groups seeking goverment protection,and so on .Its death to everything but the despised.and that would be Justin Trudeau.Period


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c930e2  No.3622385

File: 088cf9a958bf33e⋯.jpg (35.03 KB, 590x249, 590:249, 27_16-45-50.jpg)

Podesta speaks out=

False flag right wing crazies will have a hard time spinning this, but no doubt they’ll try. Wait for them to claim Cesar Sayoc was a secret employee of the deep state https://wapo.st/2qdzIhb


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ca1f87  No.3622386


It's two guys. At least.

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c77b21  No.3622387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


time stamp



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7658f0  No.3622388


Not me. I already gave $ twice this month. Good luck with winning it!

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b93046  No.3622389

File: f0827e3c42a7f89⋯.jpg (146.06 KB, 590x885, 2:3, Screenshot 2018-10-26_20-4….jpg)

File: 0e9d71fbb1b8214⋯.jpg (116.4 KB, 584x779, 584:779, Screenshot 2018-10-26_20-4….jpg)

File: 380adb9ebd07624⋯.jpg (152.3 KB, 748x846, 374:423, Screenshot 2018-10-26_20-4….jpg)

File: fb8a345e3c6dbd1⋯.jpg (132.87 KB, 742x798, 53:57, Screenshot 2018-10-26_20-4….jpg)

NEW: @TheJusticeDept official John Gore testified US Attorney General Jeff Sessions directed DOJ not to meet w @uscensusbureau to discuss ways to get higher-quality citizenship data other than adding citizenship question to #2020census, according to plaintiffs’ new court filing



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038917  No.3622390


metal visor has the cop lights in it.

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9f03ee  No.3622391

File: 712770421b4eafa⋯.png (35.04 KB, 460x258, 230:129, ClipboardImage.png)


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404050  No.3622392

File: e6d3b60e9979daf⋯.jpeg (141.27 KB, 750x1255, 150:251, d749d726b3f6e280656f30e3b….jpeg)

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f5c36c  No.3622393



Shit is fishy as hell and Anons JUMPED on it RIGHT AWAY

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5267b7  No.3622394


There seems to be an internal power struggle within the Q operation, which is why Q posted no outside comms and several people have come out saying they have comms with the Q team.

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ca1f87  No.3622395


Oh course we will.

Either that or he was cultivated and recruited.

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dd8d34  No.3622396

File: ab230621fddb562⋯.png (39.22 KB, 484x420, 121:105, npcbrainlet3.png)


<It's two guys. At least.

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8cbf65  No.3622397


Sorry attending to other matters.

Mama bird can't feed you everything.

Every word makes 4

4 pillars = cube = law of the material world

Carbon = 6 protons 6 electrons 6 neutrons

Aka 666

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07b072  No.3622398

File: fd75d4d79169498⋯.jpg (12.81 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d316a74b43534b366b9b080514….jpg)


I thought about being a shill for a day.

Don't have it in me.


signed, night shift

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6ffdd7  No.3622399


>8 seconds ago you were thousands of miles from where you are.

Albeit, thousands of miles from here I was 8 seconds from when I am.

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a0a5ad  No.3622400


When I started checking into Nibiru, I cracked some astronomy textbooks. Depending on which one you read, 50% to 100% of stars are part of at least a binary system.

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987e36  No.3622401


Converted camper?

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7658f0  No.3622402


We are conspiracy theorists and crazies? He goes on tv claiming to see aliens!

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a19353  No.3622403


Good Time Barry is literally shitting his pants.

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96f890  No.3622404

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Kek that line reminded me…

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b00715  No.3622405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7e28ce  No.3622406


Vincent might be white hat military intelligence.

What you think?

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458368  No.3622407



SG = Saint Germain, SG VF said IIRC


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d7c2a9  No.3622408

File: 2fd59164e70c90e⋯.png (645.48 KB, 900x1180, 45:59, ClipboardImage.png)

Angry Khazar Jews Reject DNA Science and History


As the truth slowly sinks in that they are not the seed of Father Abraham, but rather are of the bloodline of ancient King Bulan from Khazaria, the Khazars who comprise the vast majority of today’s people calling themselves “Jews” become more and more frantic. Many are concocting lies and myths and accusing modern-day scholars of falsely labeling them as “Gentiles.”

It is evidently a real horror for a Khazar to be known as a “Gentile.” After all, for their entire lives, most Khazars have been taught by their rabbis the Talmud’s plain teachings regarding the inferiority of the Gentiles. The Gentiles, the Talmud says, are “unclean animals.” Their mission in life is to be nothing but “servants” to their Jewish Masters. Worse, the Talmud requires that, The best of the Gentiles are to be killed.”

Now, the Khazar Jew—which means virtually every “Jew” on planet earth—discovers through DNA testing that he or she is that loathsome creature he hates: a defective Gentile! What a supreme shock.

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5e3394  No.3622409


I have a brand new car, and it pisses me off that I can't support Trump with a sticker.

I just don't want it to get destroyed.

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f9c380  No.3622410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the sun is in the middle you barycenter bozos

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172636  No.3622411



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a79fb2  No.3622412


One more before mid-term for me.

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a9ebfa  No.3622413



A side by side needs to be done on this, very important…I believe.

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976ccd  No.3622414


Oh these comms are from "WAY outside"…I fell for it last weekend. Not going to again.

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bb6dce  No.3622415

File: a2a211d4ee11275⋯.jpg (113.15 KB, 1506x1027, 1506:1027, ERGO.jpg)

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863fb3  No.3622416

File: 62218bde257483b⋯.jpg (267.21 KB, 2020x1110, 202:111, _20181026_234808.JPG)

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86da35  No.3622417

File: 08d6b175461547b⋯.png (548.71 KB, 1251x338, 1251:338, d56c4s6za5d.PNG)


is this it?

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445bb4  No.3622418

File: 48acc63cbc61994⋯.jpg (104.75 KB, 900x980, 45:49, 111111 - Copy.jpg)

File: 225e180e720a551⋯.jpg (165.97 KB, 728x567, 104:81, portfolio obama cuffs.jpg)

File: 94d3833faec54a7⋯.jpg (105.9 KB, 728x567, 104:81, portrait huber.jpg)

File: e01d3bea3428b31⋯.jpg (6.48 KB, 300x300, 1:1, punisher white.JPG)

File: 329f6067bba03e3⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 600x800, 3:4, quaid laughing.jpg)


Yet….after midterms Barry …SOON

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7658f0  No.3622419

File: e4924eedbfaba93⋯.jpg (66.96 KB, 774x960, 129:160, Yall never get it.jpg)

Good night POTUS.

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0ff076  No.3622420

File: d2ab5c67d23180f⋯.jpg (476.5 KB, 809x1280, 809:1280, DeNiro-Shorty.jpg)

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74948f  No.3622421

File: 1ce59d21bb206d2⋯.png (148.92 KB, 374x226, 187:113, bye bye blue wavers.png)

File: 76087d5c3778f2a⋯.jpg (44.26 KB, 628x353, 628:353, clinton-warren.jpg)

was trying to make it look like a float, but i ran out of talent


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dd51d7  No.3622422

File: 9046cb7ec99f9d1⋯.png (26.8 KB, 660x239, 660:239, heidi on Tom Sizemore 11 y….png)

3621184 >>3621210 >>3621211 >>3621226


@TomSizemore Begs Court To Dismiss Child Sex Abuse Lawsuit https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2018/10/tom-sizemore-sexual-assault-molestation-dismiss-case-lawsuit/ …

@TomSizemore Can't Stay Clean Sparks Relapse Fears On Film

https://www.nationalenquirer.com/photos/tom-sizemore-drugs-rehab-relapse-scandal/ …

BIGHEARTED DE NIRO LAYS IT ON THE LINE TO SIZEMORE https://www.nationalenquirer.com/celebrity/bighearted-de-niro-lays-it-line-sizemore/

@TomSizemore Begs Court To Dismiss Child Sex Abuse Lawsuit https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2018/10/tom-sizemore-sexual-assault-molestation-dismiss-case-lawsuit/ …

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86da35  No.3622423

File: 64ad99f5809455d⋯.jpg (8.61 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1540608912290.jpg)

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ec8e47  No.3622424

File: 464e6f5133ae5b4⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 768x470, 384:235, VV.jpg)

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018027  No.3622425

thread needs more boobs

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c77b21  No.3622426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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08653d  No.3622427

File: c208347d1e002e5⋯.png (554.73 KB, 797x483, 797:483, Fake Memorial.png)


Doesn't look like it

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8cbf65  No.3622428



In me.

It we.

U we.

Lemuria rising, a tale of two suns- a sign of two ages intertwined between two eggs- you see the kingdom in your dreams but do you feel the kingdom in your heart?

Drift between what exists and what doesn't, what is creation without creativity? Without a creator? What is a block without a foundation? What is a brick without a wall? What is a wall without a floor and what is a floor without a ceiling?

When you look to the left and see dust, when you look to the right and see dust. When you look to the north and look to the south and see nothing- look again to the south to the north for you will see light.

When the veil is lifted from the shadows of sorrow the only thing that remains is remnants. A fracture in the scheme. The fracture becomes a fission and the fission becomes a fusion. Again anyone with two ears better listen.

Teaching goes beyond the teacher. What is a teacher without a thought and what is a thought without a teacher? What is a puzzle without pieces? What are the stars without pieces? What is the bull without the Taurus? When you know these answers you will know the next step.

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c94af9  No.3622429

File: 9f157a4043de7fc⋯.png (201.89 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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67b2d6  No.3622430


Meet the Cloggers

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987e36  No.3622431


That’s spot on methinks

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8efc6a  No.3622432

File: 4c8c0db6e86ab80⋯.jpeg (276.51 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, E196A984-8713-4D42-8B47-5….jpeg)

File: 74573a26c1b3427⋯.jpeg (502.21 KB, 1619x810, 1619:810, 047E6A16-5AEF-4204-B5D1-B….jpeg)

Come on anons.

There’s much better lines than I came up with.

Do it youself with the template or answer on this post and I’ll put the text in.

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784175  No.3622433

File: 51d454fb40b80a1⋯.jpg (77.72 KB, 540x583, 540:583, image.jpg)

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445bb4  No.3622434


I know…I'm afraid of putting a Q or Pepe or WWG1WGA on my car due to NPC violence

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ab8d69  No.3622435


The barycenter movement does not invalidate that model.

rather, it adds even more detail that the computer that made that graphic likely didn't have the power to render ;)

I agree with the helical model, and I think the barycenter piece adds to it.

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a0a5ad  No.3622436


He's been at multiple rallies. What the hell is that about?

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a5b0cd  No.3622437


checked and thanks! It WAS just the weed. Anyway Happy digging and go read about how awful the 16th ammenment is and print it then use it as toilette paper.

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bb6dce  No.3622438

File: ad6d2efe125c909⋯.png (209.66 KB, 574x598, 287:299, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca1f87  No.3622439



Ur the blind one

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976ccd  No.3622440


SG VF had some legit stuff. But the pics got excessive.

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5267b7  No.3622441


Fair enough. I am pretty sure I know who SG VF / SG T 13 is. I believe and can interpret quite a bit of what they are trying to say, wish they would be more up front though. I think it is an act, not pure stupidity.

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a563ef  No.3622442


this person is a brainlet

Sauce: I’m from the 2083

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b93046  No.3622443

File: 5adfe01432cbe97⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 585x577, 585:577, Screenshot 2018-10-26_20-5….jpg)

Escobar: Who Profits From The End Of The Mid-Range Nuclear Treaty?


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c72fff  No.3622444


Don't fret, anon. Your work may be someones inspiration.

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14e3c2  No.3622445




Concur. This is a marker for sure.

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15d631  No.3622446


Potus new helicopter? He needs one of those sob's they are a lot faster……….

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a9ebfa  No.3622447


Nobody got indicted because he created a rigged game for all of their crimes..

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445bb4  No.3622448

File: 2d84f3ec289cc28⋯.jpg (38.84 KB, 650x975, 2:3, mirror tits.jpg)


Think Mirror

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67b2d6  No.3622449


What foot feels floor, foot feels foot.

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72392c  No.3622450

File: 9beba8f0109f61a⋯.png (273.1 KB, 730x556, 365:278, Screenshot_2018-10-26 Men ….png)


Is Barry following a script?

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a19353  No.3622451

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07b072  No.3622452


get it out there

I will


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946d6a  No.3622453

two caravans (white van and illegals)

two attempts by the dems for a blue wave

both failed…

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baad1e  No.3622454

File: 7adfaec9b9dfd49⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 500x316, 125:79, 7adfaec9b9dfd4904ce79d26cd….jpg)


Agreed this is a diversion and trying to disprove it only ends up verifying it

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fb861f  No.3622455

File: 762466f762da5ba⋯.png (88.24 KB, 680x887, 680:887, 4BEF7F6E-B8C4-48EE-8344-0B….png)

File: c84e40df5253822⋯.jpeg (24.69 KB, 261x323, 261:323, 74B0EF36-A667-4B1F-9280-2….jpeg)

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f1f723  No.3622456


Shills are editing Cesar's Mylife page trying to get anons to bite on fake news so they can discredit anon research

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8cbf65  No.3622457


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a563ef  No.3622458


No. Complete LARP.

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211b41  No.3622459

File: bd3f4d8be67c25e⋯.png (195.19 KB, 646x662, 323:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Page 1 of 18 from Grassley to DOJ/FBI referring Avenatti for additional charges


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01cecd  No.3622460

File: e7131f8ee510bca⋯.jpg (445 KB, 1280x888, 160:111, dsasdasd.jpg)

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106b21  No.3622461

would you guys rather know and be surprised when shit goes down?

or do you want to know when its kicking off?

just curious I am 90% sure most of us know whats going on but for those of you still trying to kinda work through it all do you want the spoiler?

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dd51d7  No.3622462

File: c2c9c9ebda71571⋯.png (372.79 KB, 1281x734, 1281:734, utah pyke.png)

File: 0ab3595136a95ea⋯.jpeg (87.87 KB, 800x522, 400:261, 800.jpeg)


DJT: on MeToo, "They should sue"

She did for 3 million

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8cbf65  No.3622463

1. There are extraterrestrials. They are beings of pure spirit; angels and demons, who have souls (quantum) but [some] do not inhabit physical bodies.

2. The Cabal (Illuminati in basic terms) has "priests" who summon specific ETs (demons) and allow them to temporarily possess their body. While possessed they speak or write, dance or perform to followers of the cult (pop culture), and in return, they are allowed to experience the pleasures of the body for a time. Orgiastic bisexual sex, torture and killing of sacrificial victims, Drinking blood, and screaming and screeching. Great fun for the ETs on holiday in humanland.

3. Satanist is a pale word that doesn't even begin to describe what these people are up to.

4. The possession part, has a technical name. It is called "channeling". "Angels" do it too.

5. Angel is a Greek word meaning messenger because angels are messengers of God. Prophets used to channel messages from angels. Yes, this means that the Prophets in the Bible were "possessed" at the time the messages were received.

6. The "channel" exists regardless of whether or not you are possessed. Any person can communicate directly to "God", internally. The voice of God is like a still, small voice within. Usually, you hear nothing, but when you quiet the mind in a prayerful state, the thoughts come to you. Essentially we are all god speaking through our collective consciousness.

7. Creativity is a form of speaking with God,

8. The muse of the artist is, simply speaking, that voice of God within. The reason artists feel that a muse is female is because God is essentially female if you can describe such an expansive being in such a restricted and limited way.

9. A female mammal creates a new creature out of the substance of her own body. This is why God is often perceived as female. She created the Universe and All That Is out of the substance of her own being. Our souls are fragments of her. This is why Jesus referred to us as the sons of God. In his language and cultural context he was trying to express that fundamental connection that EVERY person has with God. Even the most evil ones. Even the most deluded.

10. The scale of life and the Universe is incredibly huge. Expand your thinking. There is no death, no destruction. Everything is. By following the arrow of time, it changes and transforms, but always, it is.

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494618  No.3622464

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e704de  No.3622465


omg this is how they target US. Everything was great about him except his political views.

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137006  No.3622466


the people in mid-range?

(perhaps i'm overthinking this one)

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f1f723  No.3622467


The instagram post is interdasting though

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96f890  No.3622468

File: 0a01b9af7fa2128⋯.png (289.43 KB, 490x756, 35:54, NPC Glowing MAGABOMBERSVAN….png)


"There shall only be one…"


Same here. Reposting pic related. One anon requested this and another anon made it.

Goodnight frens, see ya next Night Shift!

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dd8d34  No.3622469

File: c32bd56e4741955⋯.png (126.14 KB, 670x347, 670:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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e704de  No.3622470


oh and can we say

1. pizza

2. definitely canned responses.

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f5c36c  No.3622471

File: 14ece0000eb23c5⋯.jpg (56.2 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, DjS_zOTW4AAvo-t.jpg)


Look at those arms

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c94af9  No.3622472

File: 972ef2aab4182a0⋯.png (204.51 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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b4286e  No.3622473


He's a groupie.

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137006  No.3622474

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fb861f  No.3622475

File: a1b6d436f64a840⋯.png (298.51 KB, 700x500, 7:5, D135D160-4D54-48E3-84AD-81….png)



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d7c2a9  No.3622476

File: a8e2c6075c595b3⋯.png (288.74 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Khazar DNA Project


The Khazars are one of the most mysterious populations of the Old World whose abrupt disappearance from the history pages has tantalized scientists for years. Who were these Eurasian warriors? Were they Giants, Amazons, Turks, or Mongols? What happened to them? Were they enslaved by their conquerors or were they absorbed into a different population? Where can we find their DNA residues?

Our knowledge of the ancient Khazars is based almost entirely on the writings of educated, wealthy, elite men who often contradict one another. The Soviet Union did its share of spreading fear and prejudice around about the Khazars that still prevails among many people and hinders studies in the field. It’s time to change our approach to Khazar history by harnessing genetics and combining it with archaeological and historical knowledge.

The possibility to reveal the genetic background of these mysterious people through genetic data is one of the most exciting ventures now available with modern and ancient DNA.

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a46603  No.3622477

File: b710fb520b19cf9⋯.jpg (433.66 KB, 1119x1367, 1119:1367, DENIRO.jpg)

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404050  No.3622478

File: 28c76afc84f11c0⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 40198860_10211877323154052….jpg)

File: fc7cc1ab640a125⋯.jpeg (97.36 KB, 470x705, 2:3, fc7cc1ab640a125d47c8d9be9….jpeg)

File: a19ed1dd72a15bf⋯.jpg (135.09 KB, 576x384, 3:2, death pen pedo.JPG)

File: 9be17d94614ae31⋯.jpg (174.63 KB, 788x755, 788:755, 1488414116911.jpg)

File: 1dedf0fcc199c55⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 492x592, 123:148, hillarys pedos.jpg)


Pedo Podesta is just desperate…

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8cbf65  No.3622479



Look for the eye

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a0a5ad  No.3622480


Needs a parade of floats.

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3d8af8  No.3622481


Some of us live Stranger Things o.O

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f72832  No.3622482



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20f42f  No.3622483

File: 11beb232336da2c⋯.jpg (70.88 KB, 751x429, 751:429, will_sommer.JPG)

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4caa3a  No.3622484

File: 7436041e16887a6⋯.jpg (162.67 KB, 1139x937, 1139:937, 1a.JPG)

File: 5740607a461edab⋯.jpg (77.25 KB, 447x694, 447:694, 2.JPG)

File: 7cf78d896a6fff6⋯.jpg (76.73 KB, 430x642, 215:321, 2a.JPG)

File: 5742ae1b348a9e5⋯.jpg (54.1 KB, 437x742, 437:742, 6.JPG)

File: d9e4c091a4d73a6⋯.jpg (83.04 KB, 424x852, 106:213, 7.JPG)

Fake profiles of Cesar Sayoc are popping up on Facebook and Instagram


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41e64f  No.3622485


13 Angry DEmon rats

in the situation room after the election, phones in another room ?

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67b2d6  No.3622486

I wonder how DeNiro distinguished the bomb from his last five movies?

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1f4001  No.3622487

File: 790febf290bd18d⋯.png (47.92 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

43 freedoms - theres a Q posts that says 43 connections

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b93046  No.3622488

File: 8663903eec36082⋯.jpg (82.71 KB, 583x752, 583:752, Screenshot 2018-10-26_20-5….jpg)

Potus speaking to over 400 young black leaders at the White House!


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41e64f  No.3622489


KEK keep em rolling

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987e36  No.3622490


Who walks beyond death?

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8efc6a  No.3622491


I’ll give it a go.

Graphic designer.

Stand by.

Might be a day or two.

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3fcc66  No.3622492


Your premise is wrong, the universe is not expanding (hawkings was a quack), the solar system and galaxy are figments of your govt education (there is heaven above), the earth is not moving (prove it to yourself, toss a ballinto the air and catch it)

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dd8d34  No.3622493

File: 48cd018d282c4e0⋯.png (126.24 KB, 674x348, 337:174, ClipboardImage.png)


oops, fixed the right side

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c930e2  No.3622494

File: e5ace3a89d731ec⋯.jpg (53.69 KB, 586x464, 293:232, 27_16-54-35.jpg)


Smaller migrant caravan advances quickly toward US, treks 62 miles in one day


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080330  No.3622495



Human brain behind God.

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863fb3  No.3622496

File: 3a2b9b1e0ef830c⋯.jpg (131.24 KB, 1604x1158, 802:579, _20181024_185920.JPG)


you would get soooooooooo much more attention if you filled in the name AND email fields

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7e28ce  No.3622497

File: ca6ae86d11b91ef⋯.jpg (11.39 KB, 300x168, 25:14, index36.jpg)


5d chess, that is above me. Dude must be genius.

How could he know the Future? Time traveller?

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07b072  No.3622498

Red Sox / Dodgers

1/1 top of 10th

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445bb4  No.3622499



I want to know and happen asap. need to get plenty of popcorn ready and take the day off work to watch it unfold

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fb861f  No.3622500

File: 6274b1fbd2196bb⋯.gif (10.16 KB, 698x224, 349:112, 7E7AE5F6-B14C-4409-8DC9-1D….gif)



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8cbf65  No.3622501


What isn't an "act"

You're watching movie

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1f4001  No.3622502

File: 8deeb82bd92fe77⋯.jpg (43.33 KB, 500x635, 100:127, wrM.jpg)

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1cc3b6  No.3622503

File: 777541bdf18236a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 809x1280, 809:1280, rdbs.png)

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e704de  No.3622504

HOLY FUCKING SHIT GUYS what if the bombs were these peoples 'faking deaths" way out.. whitehats made them into dudes.. and they are just going with the commentary of blaming trump because thats what they were going to do and these pedovores were going to be off to antartica?!

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b00715  No.3622505


even cnn guest couldn't believe the shit that came out her mouth

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dd51d7  No.3622506

File: 24d8686a81ef06e⋯.png (197.47 KB, 733x463, 733:463, heidi on tom morgan.png)


He molested her in Utah on a movie Morgan Freeman was directing..

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a0a5ad  No.3622507


>He's been at multiple rallies. What the hell is that about?


>He's a groupie.

A groupie who gets to sit in the special seating section behind POTUS?

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d7c2a9  No.3622508

File: 240630f028e7ade⋯.png (11.29 KB, 536x141, 536:141, ClipboardImage.png)

Jewish Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries

A collection of abstracts and reviews of books, articles, and genetic studies


This section is the most comprehensive summary of Jewish genetic data. In recent years, advances in genetic technology and the broadening in scope of genetic studies to encompass more ethnic groups have allowed scientists to come to more accurate conclusions. Now that we have the benefit of more than a decade of comprehensive genetic testing of Jewish populations using modern techniques, we have finally come close to answering all the questions about Jewish ancestry. Part of the story is that Eastern European Jews have significant Eastern Mediterranean elements which manifest themselves in close relationships with Kurdish, Armenian, Palestinian Arab, Lebanese, Syrian, and Anatolian Turkish peoples. This is why the Y-DNA haplogroups J and E, which are typical of the Middle East, are so common among them. Jewish lineages from this region of the world derive from both the Levant and the Anatolia-Armenia region. At the same time, there are traces of European (including Northern Italian and Western Slavic including Polish), Northwest African (Berber), and East Asian ancestry among European Jews. Many Greek and Roman women married Jewish men before conversion to Judaism was outlawed by the Roman Empire, and many of the Southern European ancestral lines in Ashkenazic families come from these marriages. Ethiopian Jews descend from Ethiopian Africans who converted to Judaism. Yemenite Jews descend from Arabs who converted to Judaism. North African Jewish and Kurdish Jewish paternal lineages come from Israelites. Jewish Y-DNA tends to come from the Middle East, and studies that take into account mtDNA show that many Jewish populations are related to neighboring non-Jewish groups maternally.

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4f93a9  No.3622509


I have stood at the veil…. where there is pure silence, air is not air… there is unspeakable peace.

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dd8d34  No.3622510

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3622115 FBI confirms recovery of all known packages mailed to Trump foes

>>3622116 This daily mail story has alot of pictures of the van

>>3622301 NYT Defends Publishing Short Story Imagining Assassination of Trump

>>3622459 Letter from Grassley to DOJ/FBI referring Avenatti for additional charges

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5e3394  No.3622511

Anons, what do we have to look forward to right after the midterm elections in only 11 days?


Mueller Probe ends

IG Reports


Nunes had 5,000 documents (emails or transcripts?) he wanted to release.

RR Resigns

What else? Seems like a lot is coming up and I am missing some things (besides future arrests).

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f9c380  No.3622512


yabut the sun is IN THE MIDDLE

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74948f  No.3622513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d8af8  No.3622514


NIN, but Cash's version of that song has always sliced right into me.

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a360ea  No.3622515

File: d2f33f3fbecb0de⋯.jpg (144.44 KB, 395x398, 395:398, 2018-10-26_20-56-02.jpg)

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445bb4  No.3622516


Welcome 11. Glad you're alive

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2439ad  No.3622517


Yeah, it was supposed to rain and they don't want the wet paint to run.

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e704de  No.3622518


air is moving with us fren

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86da35  No.3622519

File: cb59b25b2bb08b3⋯.png (1.25 MB, 972x575, 972:575, f56sd46f5sd.PNG)

okl detective faggots what kind of van is this best shot i got of name

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71849e  No.3622520


when was this posted

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6da331  No.3622521

File: f3f6c9f7fec83b3⋯.png (9.55 KB, 255x167, 255:167, f3f6c9f7fec83b396d32677a61….png)


4:45 "He played the part well" These people are stupid

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eddce6  No.3622522

File: 9ec1f52c3097678⋯.jpeg (801.04 KB, 4423x2949, 4423:2949, 0C1C3462-1FDF-4BA1-B85E-5….jpeg)

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080330  No.3622523


I don't think that's confirmed yet.

IIRC, only pics of him outside have 'surfaced'.

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018027  No.3622524


I like her.

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359c0a  No.3622525

File: 61e0d27d4846e5e⋯.png (414.22 KB, 326x502, 163:251, ETs.PNG)

File: 73cc6d5145af3ed⋯.png (209.47 KB, 493x309, 493:309, Mirage.PNG)


Picturing Extraterrestrials: Alien Images in Modern Mass Culture

Whether we realize it or not, among ET's precursors are the ecstatic maenads of ancient Greek art, early depictions of Christ in Byzantine icons, the religious visions shown in 15th-century Spanish paintings, and the popular images of witches and incubi from the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, in our postmodern space age, these timeless figures of imagination and art have taken on the otherworldly trappings of alien creatures. By the same token, centuries-old beliefs, whether in nature gods and goddesses, demons, witches, Satan, or saints, have evolved into the current New Age mythology that often surrounds the stories and pictures connected with aliens. Fueled by a huge entertainment industry, mass media, and the relentless profit drive of capitalism, alien imagery has become ubiquitous, and in the process the line between fantasy and reality ever harder to discern.

The Mirage-Men

Perception Management

How the US government created a myth that took over the world.

UFOs: weapons of mass deception… For over 60 years teams within the US Air Force and Intelligence services exploited and manipulated beliefs about UFOs and ET visitations as part of their counterintelligence programmes. In doing so they spawned a mythology so powerful that it captivated and warped many brilliant minds, including several of their own. Now, for the first time, some of those behind these operations, and their victims, speak out, revealing a true story that is part Manchurian Candidate and part Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

"This is an incredible story about deception and tomfoolery in high places. The filmmakers have uncovered a tale that tells us that everything we thought we knew about UFOs is wrong. And the truth - the true truth - is much more interesting."

Jon Ronson -http://miragemen.com/

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ac8991  No.3622526

File: 40c80418bbb5a71⋯.jpeg (126.48 KB, 750x497, 750:497, 8E97826F-615B-4D7F-BCB7-B….jpeg)

File: 80134915947ca8d⋯.png (1.14 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, B96FB23E-8A39-4ED9-B00A-7D….png)

File: 03176618b5dc332⋯.jpeg (232.6 KB, 750x852, 125:142, 98AF3DE7-9517-4673-AE31-9….jpeg)

DOWN SHE GOES! It should be a national holiday when this Baal worshipping baby eating, child sex trafficking, treasonous cunt goes to Gitmo! #LockHerUp

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72392c  No.3622527

File: 28e7d5aa3f739b5⋯.png (687.07 KB, 1830x845, 366:169, 28e7d5aa3f739b584112aaf7e9….png)


nice work anon: don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good - made me laugh!!!

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172636  No.3622528


CF reports/prosecution (JW and Ortel)

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6da331  No.3622529


Late 90's dodge ram-van

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74948f  No.3622530


oops. SJW's started a doxxing service on kickstarter. principal name : Candace Owens

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9f03ee  No.3622531


RAM 2500

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f5c36c  No.3622532

File: 9698647690386c8⋯.jpg (109.84 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, DjS_zOQX4AE2Eoa.jpg)

Is it becoming clearer Anons?

Wig and glasses?

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67b2d6  No.3622533


(correction…fuckin spellcheck)

When foot feels floor, foot feels foot.

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494618  No.3622534

File: 26a091d2342f57e⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 20181026_215658.png)


And it just gets stranger and stranger.

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6e84c2  No.3622535


> This is why God is often perceived as female.

wait, whaaaaaa???? keep pluckin that chicken lady

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1b06aa  No.3622536


Milwaukeefag here….God I wish I would have been there when he said that.

No one was indicted because you corrupted

the DOJ and FBI you lying nigger faggot!

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eddce6  No.3622537

File: 13b595b98c71a77⋯.jpeg (140.25 KB, 1105x735, 221:147, 91B6A120-9099-434E-8B12-5….jpeg)

File: 9f7dd53564b3b24⋯.jpeg (178.37 KB, 1105x735, 221:147, 5DDCA2BF-FF3A-4342-8EB5-F….jpeg)

File: 861e2b80e995fc6⋯.jpeg (152.48 KB, 1105x735, 221:147, 826C2F09-ACB7-408F-91FD-5….jpeg)

File: 76050af37190c15⋯.jpeg (133.43 KB, 1105x735, 221:147, 2783D0E3-3612-465B-B129-E….jpeg)

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fb861f  No.3622538

File: 8ffe003a2c23334⋯.jpeg (126.61 KB, 1024x434, 512:217, 5536A558-E470-45A8-9F90-9….jpeg)

File: c7dbe3fd150709a⋯.jpeg (13.31 KB, 263x192, 263:192, 26FF9265-9F5D-4D32-85F3-3….jpeg)


Targets were planning to all join Elvis and Tupac in the Bermuda Triangle by faking their own deaths.

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ed8546  No.3622539


Phil Schneider was correct then?

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e7ad9c  No.3622540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b4286e  No.3622541



How do you think groupies get noticed?

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106b21  No.3622542


I would be ready 11/1/18

I would be comfy 11/11/18

How many days is that?

wind the clock with ALL the markers


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07b072  No.3622543


not he van with police arrested the guys in front of

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59aaea  No.3622544


9+: God is also like a Father who wants to bond with us as sons, and spend quality time together.

How do you tell who is possessed by them?

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ab8d69  No.3622545


I think it flies through space more like a badly thrown forward pass….

Following the helical format of course, but wobbly because barycenters.

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c94af9  No.3622546

File: bf116aa1317b62e⋯.png (201.66 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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c72fff  No.3622547

File: c58c9e6b196a059⋯.png (18.71 KB, 427x313, 427:313, Capture Q 489.PNG)


I believe that was 19 (pic related)

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ca1f87  No.3622548


Predictive Programming.

Done deliberately.

Yep, false flag

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5267b7  No.3622549


i drove a dodge ram 2500 for a while… it looked alot like that. handles, doors, window shapes…

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9858a1  No.3622550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dig it, bitches.

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e704de  No.3622551


you are picking up what i am putting down

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bb6dce  No.3622552

File: 5cfad65c0b1e771⋯.png (1.9 MB, 809x1280, 809:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e77d1e09719432c⋯.png (183.36 KB, 213x365, 213:365, ClipboardImage.png)

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137006  No.3622553

>>3621150 (ob)

is this where the connections are going?

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404050  No.3622554


I love it!

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ef3901  No.3622555


Ending the nuclear treaty has more to do with freeing us up to fight China anyway we want to. Russia breaking the treaty just happened to be the way for us to get out of that treaty.

POTUS wants a trilateral treaty with China and Russia when it comes to a weapons treaty.

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2c34fd  No.3622556


Can you say BIG DONOR?

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931a67  No.3622557

File: cfb4de36c8e1745⋯.png (860.78 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, DAED2E38-BD20-40BB-9273-5F….png)


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f15251  No.3622558


Different stickers on back window.

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1f4001  No.3622559

File: f9443bb1fa1c909⋯.png (11.73 KB, 921x156, 307:52, ClipboardImage.png)


on 11/22 with a :33 timestamp

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34b54a  No.3622560

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dd8d34  No.3622561


nice dub-trips

agree with the whole post

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2439ad  No.3622562


Wouldn't that be funny if that was AJ?

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c72fff  No.3622563

File: 560df48496ade11⋯.jpg (163.85 KB, 960x712, 120:89, Gorilla Ballet.jpg)



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501888  No.3622564


top kek

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a0a5ad  No.3622565


More Murican kulchah.

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f5c36c  No.3622566

Who visited Michael Avenatti's office?

Kinda looks like the van guy's arms

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ff7095  No.3622567


Still oblivious to the Streisand effect or has his twaater been whitehatted?

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ac8991  No.3622568

File: bb20fc32a03e840⋯.jpeg (119.08 KB, 750x730, 75:73, DEB6DDF8-D25A-439E-BE96-D….jpeg)

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dd51d7  No.3622569


you gotta be some kind of evil when the pedo kid turned hollywood madam tells you to , "Check your morals."

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c96003  No.3622570


not really…but I did notice that the photo is reversed (stop sign).


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31a651  No.3622571

File: eb584db5593e4aa⋯.png (564.79 KB, 1428x2185, 1428:2185, Capture _2018-10-26-23-49-….png)

File: 244d3ebe96c3384⋯.png (929.98 KB, 1387x2139, 1387:2139, Capture _2018-10-26-23-52-….png)

File: 517ed9a2394cbdf⋯.png (399.71 KB, 1440x2392, 180:299, Capture _2018-10-26-23-44-….png)

File: 5e72ee35e5b12c2⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1440x2045, 288:409, Capture _2018-10-26-23-37-….png)

File: 6afeddf642fd2f8⋯.png (320 KB, 1380x2240, 69:112, Capture _2018-10-26-23-37-….png)

Sayoc worked at West Palm Beach Ultra Gentlemen's Club where Stormy Daniels performed a few months ago and was protesting Trump there.

Ultra Gentlemen's Club = Clown Confirmed.


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ef3901  No.3622572

Vincent Fusco is a GOP/Trump donor, that is why he is at all the rallies in the VIP section.

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67b2d6  No.3622573


Somebody had to pay for his trip to LA…since he's reportedly broke.

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bb6dce  No.3622574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a19353  No.3622575


Not possible without help.

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b93046  No.3622576

File: e8e8832b023af7a⋯.jpg (212.36 KB, 884x929, 884:929, Screenshot 2018-10-26_21-0….jpg)

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86da35  No.3622577


ram 2500 with visor is hard to find

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d20cf4  No.3622578



Jim looks like he got the HIV

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f5c36c  No.3622579


It would be HILARIOUS if it was the nobomber van guy

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6a71ff  No.3622580

Ok Q… What are we doing here ? This is a current events site now …. Can you give us a little inside baseball on what’s going on ?

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ec8e47  No.3622581

File: 5cd672663a3d4c4⋯.jpg (230.54 KB, 800x589, 800:589, Vertumnus_årstidernas_gud….jpg)

File: 9e2f6947096e6c0⋯.jpg (62.41 KB, 515x475, 103:95, i-8f3e98954abf5fe1ae31ef78….jpg)


I found a third eye.


The brain I found.

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a79fb2  No.3622582


Be not afraid.

Carrying a gun helps too.

My truck has MAGA and TRUMP 2020 stickers on it and I keep a MAGA Hat in it to where when I’m driving.

Stand proud in your beliefs.

Cars can be replaced, America can not!!!

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1cc3b6  No.3622583





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7554c9  No.3622584

File: 242c40117d34cf7⋯.jpg (55.96 KB, 540x511, 540:511, 242c40117d34cf7b8297da5036….jpg)


KEK and checked.

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86da35  No.3622585

no offense to ram fags but most dodges on the road are overly aggressive drivers

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080330  No.3622586


It's b/c the clowns snapped them all up for shit like this.

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ab8d69  No.3622587


Jim looks like the walnut sauce and pizza supplies dried up on him…

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f5c36c  No.3622588


I wonder who?

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a19353  No.3622589


Dude has hair and is a guido. Bombathon van creeper clown has tattooed hair and is taller.

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ac8991  No.3622590

File: 3645c257995d3b8⋯.jpeg (176.14 KB, 750x653, 750:653, 47938EBD-6117-4562-925B-0….jpeg)

File: 89918bd281c4852⋯.jpeg (76.46 KB, 750x396, 125:66, 5A8F416E-169C-401D-AC7B-4….jpeg)

Can’t wait for your next drop Q. Miss you but we trust the plan & praying for the Q team daily #WWG1WGA

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9e0ac4  No.3622591

So we have a possible ID @ avenatti office and stormy performing st the same club he worked at (April).

Too spoopy…

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7e28ce  No.3622592


Well, that is the Captain obvious part of the story.

I am telling ya, dude is 5d chess grandmaster.

You watch.

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080330  No.3622593


It's b/c they're pissed about having bought a dodge in the first place.

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dd51d7  No.3622594


Among the men who are reportedly listed inside the book are Johnny Depp, Billy Idol, famed producer Robert Evans, Hugh Hefner, Jack Nicholson, Star Wars creator George Lucas and OJ Simpson defense attorney Robert Shapiro.


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863fb3  No.3622595


That right there is 2018 False Flag Express Van.

Standard features include:

Fresh paint and collage MAGA stickers

A tranny owner who lives with mom and dad.

Mail bombs that weren't really mailed

And a maxium 48 year sentence for terrorizing the public

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67b2d6  No.3622596


The Man Behind the CaraVAN.

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5267b7  No.3622597


I drove a 2500 that looked just like that, no visor I dont think. 1995/6 maybe?

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c4dd8b  No.3622598


Take AI and mix that with Quantum Computers, then you will understand how trump has a time machine.

Future Proves Past



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c72fff  No.3622599

File: fb0448a4a9e426d⋯.png (654.31 KB, 632x412, 158:103, BLANK-DJT Reaching Out.PNG)


Personal favorite. TY anon

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e74b2f  No.3622600

File: 2928ca2a8cc3953⋯.png (595.93 KB, 1772x1772, 1:1, 79CBABFE-3BFD-4F58-A82C-7B….png)



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491ba9  No.3622601

File: 3acc1ad8e89bf53⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Former President Obama.mp4)

Former President Obama: “Nobody in my administration got indicted."


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137006  No.3622602


if you say so vince.

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ed8546  No.3622603


that visor helped him live in his car (?)

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f5c36c  No.3622604


Starting to become clearer what is going on?

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86da35  No.3622605

File: d54321140bcd45e⋯.jpg (58.91 KB, 400x388, 100:97, vkr13.jpg)

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b4286e  No.3622606


True story:

The guy who produced Top Gun was Don Peterson. He was known to acquire hookers from Heidi. She refused to send him any more after he got violent with one of them.

So, there are limits to what even Heidi would do.

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15d631  No.3622607

They don't know what they think they know…

Obama and his administration face MILITARY TRIBUNALS…………not indictments…"We're gonna snatch'm, try them, and execute the judgements swiftly!"

"They didn't care about emails," Obama said. "And you know how you know? Because if they did, they'd be up in arms right now as the Chinese are listening to the president's iPhone that he leaves in his golf cart. It turns out, I guess it wasn't that important.”


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9f03ee  No.3622608

File: 95d39e3a270a2e5⋯.jpg (14.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe3dshuibfjdbf.jpg)


>5d chess grandmaster.

>You watch.

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1f4001  No.3622609

File: 5f91627fd435095⋯.jpg (11.88 KB, 255x170, 3:2, time to maga.jpg)


think mirror :54:45


5:5 :55:55


tippy top of the hour :00:00

time stamps are not a magic trick

synch the clock, the clock stays synched

at least in the session

its not 100 but i got it to at least a 98

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7554c9  No.3622610


Damn, don't know any swamp monsters that are buff like that.

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1cc3b6  No.3622611


And they drive so shitty you have to floor it to get it to go and it goes too much. Press on the brakes and it doesn't stop so you press harder, then suddenly stops.

That's a Dodge for ya.

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ed8546  No.3622612


early on in the trump rallies

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9e0ac4  No.3622613


I just got home and catching up. Dots connected, FO SHO.

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7e28ce  No.3622614

File: 5845cfb7e281194⋯.jpg (8.31 KB, 250x202, 125:101, index6.jpg)

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86da35  No.3622615

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5e3394  No.3622616


I live in CA. My neighbor (landlord) hates Trump. If I put a sticker on my car, I'd probably be evicted.

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038917  No.3622617


need a side-by-side of NoodleBomber and the police sketch of Stormy's ex who she'd recognize anywhere.

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757de5  No.3622618

so what are the odds on a private citizen (farmer or rural/country resident) on the Tx border ends up shooting and injuring or killing one of the 'caravan' migrants?

How batshit will the MSM and lefties go if so?

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172963  No.3622619

Is anyone else getting sick to the gills of this gaslighting insanity?

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74948f  No.3622620


i would not say anything about her efforts elsewhere but her shameless self promotion here is too much.

a year ago i was trying to figure out what a 'shill' was - i swear i can tell Brennan now, and Ben Rhodes, and not just shills. James Woods, so many others.

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f1f723  No.3622621

File: af4004dfced3450⋯.png (495.71 KB, 996x579, 332:193, Screenshot from 2018-10-27….png)

File: 4098884dac96b06⋯.png (67.38 KB, 973x516, 973:516, Screenshot from 2018-10-27….png)

Whadya think of that Gracie logo anons?

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c94af9  No.3622622

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80b95c  No.3622623

In response to previous bread notable regarding Postal Service involvement in rigging elections….

This shit needs to be FUCKING VIRAL. We have the mother of all “October Surprises” we can use as the perfect weapon in the mid terms.


Get the memes ready on this. This deserves its own thread/meme war room. Smoking Gun evidence of mass collusion to rig elections in favor of democrats.

Every single D win ever within at least the last 2 years can now officially be thrown into question.

This is YUGE!!!

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75ca83  No.3622624


Now those 13 angry scumbags need to shut the Fuck up. The world is watching.

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7eaf6b  No.3622625



The ugliest most low IQ bunch of mutants to ever step foot on the internet. Yeesh. look at that man/woman/ogre third from the left. Straight outta the goonies

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ff7236  No.3622626


Hair piece?

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c930e2  No.3622627

File: a4f8206d4ea66cb⋯.jpg (90.7 KB, 766x732, 383:366, 27_17-05-29.jpg)

Cruz Blasts Media Coverage On Bombs: 'Any Narrative That Can Be Turned Against President Trump, They Use'


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9e0ac4  No.3622628


This certainly explains how it got to LA

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f9dadb  No.3622629

Suspect lived 'in a fantasy,' those who know him say

"..Sayoc was kept on because he did his work reliably and good drivers are hard to find, she said. But he disturbed his co-workers with racist comments and texts, she said.

Gureghian said Sayoc quit in January and told her he had trained to be a truck driver hauling hazardous materials, with a "top secret" clearance.

"He would categorize himself as a white supremacist. He would just say, 'Take back the world. That's what he would always say, 'Take back the world.' "

>he had trained to be a truck driver hauling hazardous materials, with a "top secret" clearance.


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5267b7  No.3622630

File: 394e9f45203dfab⋯.png (110.41 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

it is close.

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01c741  No.3622631


Who the hell are you and why the heck should anyone pay attention to the shitty memegraphics you are posting?

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8cbf65  No.3622632


Look into their eyes

Here's another


Most world leaders and popular celebs have backup clones.

Why do you think ((they)) change appearances so much?

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bb6dce  No.3622633

File: ee2490f85e8776f⋯.png (405.93 KB, 800x452, 200:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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445bb4  No.3622634

File: 81aa4512dca0417⋯.png (219.31 KB, 600x337, 600:337, heid.png)


Heidi Heidi Heidi Hoe

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41e64f  No.3622635

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fb861f  No.3622636

File: 311deb4b8ca4659⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB, 2175x1223, 2175:1223, 5AEA58FA-E499-4CF8-849E-7….jpeg)


Here’s some high energy tiddies, Anon.

They help.

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2c34fd  No.3622637


Dude has fake hair - that's a wig, anon. Not saying they're the same guy, but guido has a toupee on.

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fe76ae  No.3622638

File: 3169c4c44a0c072⋯.png (5.84 KB, 430x123, 430:123, Screenshot_2018-10-26 Para….png)


<pic rel



No http:// needed.

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6a71ff  No.3622639

Obama said they indicted enough people to make a football team …….. Hey Q …Obama said nobody in his administration got indicted …. WOW !!

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ed8546  No.3622640


look at this guy, instinctively carrying his car key as a weapon?

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d4f1df  No.3622641


Where does the bottom pic come from??

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dd51d7  No.3622642


Robert Shapiro is melting in news articles.

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491ba9  No.3622643


That's all they got left. Soon they will be gaslighting the gas lighters.

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137006  No.3622644


we'll learn to love the USPS when they become our local banks (after the RV)

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172636  No.3622645


OhioAnon here. Registered a month ago for absentee, which was mailed 10/10. Never showed, so I went to vote in person. Poll Lady said they are getting a LOT of them not showing up.

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c002e0  No.3622646

File: f38ef3a6929a48f⋯.jpeg (633.84 KB, 1716x905, 1716:905, 1FD81116-9CD7-4F57-A689-E….jpeg)




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09feaf  No.3622647

File: 4f1af67c539f36a⋯.jpg (29.58 KB, 471x348, 157:116, 03ac9b8f716ab8dd613cb85cd3….jpg)

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a0a5ad  No.3622649

File: b353a73e9119c28⋯.jpg (50.66 KB, 563x633, 563:633, LAFLOLWATT.jpg)


>IIRC, only pics of him outside have 'surfaced'.

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8cbf65  No.3622650


Now go beyond


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ebc2fe  No.3622651

File: 6fd2043d07273b6⋯.jpg (177.52 KB, 671x900, 671:900, IMG_6355.JPG)

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902f4c  No.3622652

File: b50edabd2db9626⋯.jpeg (73.69 KB, 799x430, 799:430, 91ABB90A-D754-4A4B-8880-7….jpeg)

Anons…I hope you’re all drunk and happy.

Because 2018 will be glorious!

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e704de  No.3622653


yes why can't people see through it.

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ff7236  No.3622654


screencap from another anons post. sorry.

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67b2d6  No.3622655

Why is it that the C_A is so fixated on using White Vans for all their operations?

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55c461  No.3622656

File: 2fbc2f9aaa629b8⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 320x480, 2:3, 21674663c914de2ab0563af8e1….gif)


Plus a Q drop related to the tard-bomber ….

Would be much appreciated….

I'm not sure our digs are going to answer the important questions on this one….

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172636  No.3622657


A Filipino white supremacist?

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9e0ac4  No.3622658

I saw a pic with him having longer hair on the sides. Looks like it was recently tattooed on. That isn’t spray. It’s shaved and he either has plugs or a hairline tattoo. That explains why it is so “perfect”. But the hair on his sides in ina few pics I saw. I’m phonefagging and trying to dig.

Any anons have closeups of his real hair on the side?

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8a3ba8  No.3622659


Where are we supposed to get the van's VIN from?

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3d8af8  No.3622660


Got any dirt?

That's one beautiful bastard. It's been demonized but damnnnnnnnnn fine aircraft.

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ed8546  No.3622661


this guy looks like he's left-handed.

what do we know about the alleged bomber?

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fb861f  No.3622662

File: f458b87f2f9634a⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1242x924, 207:154, B5FE7EBB-5924-425B-9DC9-00….png)

>>3622666 —— COMING UP

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c94af9  No.3622663

File: 82027776e8890cb⋯.png (201.1 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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445bb4  No.3622664


Dude it's been going on for decades….we're all on the verge of insanity…and really hard since 911

Used to be cute stuff like the moon landings…now it's serious shit

and Fake bombs

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5e3394  No.3622665

File: 5655ea34e8ed012⋯.png (695.88 KB, 767x678, 767:678, Don Jr. Head Security.png)

I've held on to this for a few months.

Decided to go ahead and share.

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f5c36c  No.3622666


компрометирующий материал

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9761da  No.3622667

File: 709089457c2e5c2⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1608x1214, 804:607, tarp5.png)

File: d034633af6b683a⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1808x1094, 904:547, tarp4.png)

File: 31903e785aa881b⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1608x1244, 402:311, tarp3.png)

File: b402bfbf1ceea6e⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1758x1306, 879:653, tarp2.png)

File: 53274bded726fa0⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1780x1310, 178:131, tarp1.png)

What tarp job are they trying to sell us? how many different times did they uncover and recover in different ways WTF??

Whole thing CGI?

The 8ch catalog posts look REALLY cgi but the whole damn thing could be too!!!!

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ab8d69  No.3622668


My question the whole time is, exactly why have the clowns been so interested in attempting to portray Vincent as jfkjr?

I've had the suspicion that it was an op designed to see if [they] could get anons to stray from reality, and failing that, to try to get anons to attack vips.

So far both angles would be failed angles; anons only mock the poster of the memes ;)

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ec8e47  No.3622669

File: 9d9748e16c6dd7b⋯.png (660.96 KB, 1478x837, 1478:837, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)


Shit, it's fucking real.

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3d8af8  No.3622670

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c002e0  No.3622671

File: 32e788d031bd982⋯.jpeg (204.39 KB, 1405x667, 1405:667, C3DCAF71-97E3-42F1-BE7C-8….jpeg)

File: 72e44a5a883ec76⋯.jpeg (728.17 KB, 1108x1586, 554:793, 6EAB0254-3804-40BC-B542-C….jpeg)

Bonus Round

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cff665  No.3622672

File: 0f56535e671bb34⋯.jpeg (452.16 KB, 1200x1840, 15:23, 68B048F3-CEF2-4934-BA8C-B….jpeg)

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8cbf65  No.3622673

Who knew that the Orion empire keeps a DNA log of almost every living human in which they clone and sell to off planet bidders for food, sex, slavery, pets etc?

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c930e2  No.3622674

File: ef6b7a7c4fc1d5b⋯.jpg (115.26 KB, 851x560, 851:560, 27_17-08-23.jpg)

File: 099b5dd820dcd39⋯.jpg (73.07 KB, 587x486, 587:486, 27_17-07-51.jpg)


Posters in New York declare Trump supporters ‘trash’


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ff7095  No.3622675

File: 6f798a1518c6f8b⋯.png (1.46 MB, 757x821, 757:821, hrchumatitties.PNG)


Well memed Anon, got me right in the keksticles

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86da35  No.3622676


this right before a trump rally last week, before potus arrived

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fb861f  No.3622677

File: 11e83d67e3388e2⋯.png (607.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, CFB45049-1C3C-4468-B2BE-A0….png)


WTF does this even mean?

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67b2d6  No.3622678

It's OK to Drive a White Van.

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72392c  No.3622679

File: 82f01b996f2f5c7⋯.png (123.4 KB, 750x736, 375:368, 711.png)


Mike Pompeo! ;-)



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445bb4  No.3622680

File: 6188acad6dd1179⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 413x395, 413:395, trump laugh.jpg)


Top Kek

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172636  No.3622681


They are virtually unnoticed by those that are asleep.

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b4286e  No.3622682



Not to mention all the lapd and politicians. Kek.

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080330  No.3622683


I took a new one for a test drive with a salesman back in the nineties.

He told me to pull over and engage the 4-wheel for a test.

Tranny actually dismounted.

Had to get a tow back to dealship.

No sale.

Never buy a dodge.

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853b53  No.3622684

File: f277fe1d560c2d1⋯.png (666.69 KB, 631x752, 631:752, DoD 10-26-18 9 01 pm PDT.PNG)

File: cfe410df22ec57b⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1174x779, 1174:779, DoD 10-26-18 9 01 pm PDT p….PNG)


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902f4c  No.3622685

File: 1a3682d17612805⋯.jpeg (104.95 KB, 666x480, 111:80, C248AABF-71F0-46AB-B399-9….jpeg)

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41e64f  No.3622686


meme is extraordinary

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f5c36c  No.3622687



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5e1343  No.3622688

File: ae5560201003367⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 33620effb57117e7a434f7c067….jpg)

It's Time

Dems continue rhetoric because they know they were in no immediate harm. It's a sham. It just emboldens them more.

Been here since end of December. Lurked forever.

I need a vacay from ALL OF IT.

Memes/Maps going to the back burner. I am burnt.

My personal life needs attention.

As in I need a fn GoFundMe kinda attention. Been putting things off too long.

Call me Q

when there is news worth coming back for. Like actually declas of docs or actual arrests or actual end of Mueller witch hunt.

Throw a dog a damn bone with a little meat on it.

Love you all

No homo

Did my duty

Vote Red Down the Line

Keep on keeping on Anons


Signing off


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e27fec  No.3622689

File: ad0a268925bd15b⋯.mp4 (12.19 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, findtruthQ HOYa3aaRZuAFsXe….mp4)


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a79fb2  No.3622690



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bb6dce  No.3622691

File: cd4574b8dd57f15⋯.png (340.63 KB, 704x396, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Never saw an anime like that one. The art was crazy and the mind bend….

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67b2d6  No.3622692

White Van

White Man

White Van

White Man

White Man

White Van

Oh…I get it…

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f9dadb  No.3622693

Documentary Filmmaker Took Pictures of Cesar Sayoc’s Van – 10 Months Ago (Photos)

David Cypkin’s girlfriend texted him a news story Friday morning, soon after Cesar Sayoc was arrested on suspicion of sending multiple mail bombs. She asked him: “Is that the van??”

It was the van. On Dec. 31, 2017, after months of seeing the van parked in front of a Jewish grocery store near his south Florida home, Cypkin, a documentary filmmaker, took some pictures of it — and wondered about its owner.

It was the same van authorities seized Friday — a van covered in pro-Trump, anti-Democrat and anti-CNN stickers. CNN and some of the Democrats received mysterious, potentially explosive devices this week.

Cypkin, a producer whose documentaries include “Cocaine Cowboys,” is well aware of the right-wing conspiracy, already circulating online Friday, that the van was a Hollywood creation, designed to trick people and manufacture a Trump connection to the mailings. So he tweeted not only his photos, but also metadata showing that he took them on the last day of 2017.

>It was the van. On Dec. 31, 2017, after months of seeing the van parked in front of a Jewish grocery store near his south Florida home

https://www.thewrap.com/documentary-filmmaker-took-pictures-of-cesar-sayocs-van-9-months-ago-photos/Documentary Filmmaker Took Pictures of Cesar Sayoc’s Van – 10 Months Ago (Photos)

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b0459e  No.3622695

File: 88ab08caf007df3⋯.jpg (148.43 KB, 1000x1225, 40:49, Bobby.JPG)

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ed8546  No.3622696


watch for a demonic showing (struzk and the cruz-sign-stealing-demons are good examples)

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172963  No.3622697


Yeah I know, but I'm weary of it at this point. And it's insulting because they are now so fake it's like they're laughing at us.

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9f03ee  No.3622698

File: 42ee5105b53087a⋯.jpeg (6.76 KB, 255x145, 51:29, waitwhatdice.jpeg)

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86da35  No.3622699


wtf is happening top kek

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71849e  No.3622700

File: 64d6d62fc2cda56⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 255x157, 255:157, 4e8ce052b61b3ad0447b6db51e….jpg)


whitehats knew way then about him.future proves past

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1f4001  No.3622701

File: 33a2945d789a35f⋯.png (123.88 KB, 595x263, 595:263, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd8d34  No.3622702

LAST CALL, let me know if something was missed


>>3622115 FBI confirms recovery of all known packages mailed to Trump foes

>>3622116 This daily mail story has alot of pictures of the van

>>3622301 NYT Defends Publishing Short Story Imagining Assassination of Trump

>>3622459 Letter from Grassley to DOJ/FBI referring Avenatti for additional charges

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e74b2f  No.3622703



Dodge has improved

the Challenger is beast

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86da35  No.3622704


looks good commander

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c002e0  No.3622705


Dude at CPL office in Qpic?

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fb861f  No.3622706

File: e723158b3a6f7ba⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 37369953-A31E-4E34-B92B-9F….png)

File: 4954cee5a81ef37⋯.jpeg (816.26 KB, 1212x1988, 303:497, 3E28408B-AE4F-48E6-904E-F….jpeg)



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c72fff  No.3622707

File: 9e859e7b25aa98b⋯.png (507.7 KB, 1139x658, 1139:658, Handsome.PNG)


Finally a real Russian bot. I thought they were like sasquatch

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bb76f2  No.3622708


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c94af9  No.3622709

File: 1b201afda601fff⋯.png (204.25 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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cff665  No.3622710

File: 885bb685715e492⋯.jpeg (602.55 KB, 1524x882, 254:147, 6CBC3CC3-755E-4B57-B230-3….jpeg)

File: f5273a62e261487⋯.jpeg (362.48 KB, 1668x1669, 1668:1669, 8CEBCBC1-E0DD-4B3C-A996-2….jpeg)

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f19b2f  No.3622711


It’s SuuuuperVan!

https:// twitter.com/Fuctupmind/status/1056007291823185921?s=20

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ff7095  No.3622712

File: 5bf83bbb0c33569⋯.jpg (40.31 KB, 688x456, 86:57, menschy_merchant.jpg)

>>3 622688

>>36 22688

>Been here since end of December. Lurked forever.




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5e3394  No.3622713

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4caa3a  No.3622714

File: 7a00a715cb3c740⋯.jpg (119.36 KB, 945x865, 189:173, 1a.JPG)

File: 5efdf32f09b32ef⋯.jpg (94.11 KB, 515x765, 103:153, 2.JPG)

File: a1dfb34d247ac4d⋯.jpg (90.68 KB, 525x649, 525:649, 2a.JPG)

GitHub is now officially part of Microsoft following the close of its $7.5 billion acquisition


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72392c  No.3622715

File: c1c746bbaf3b907⋯.png (91.2 KB, 1138x569, 2:1, Screenshot_2018-10-27 комп….png)

File: c779e31a991da9e⋯.png (402.18 KB, 1297x1799, 1297:1799, Sscreenshot_2018-10-27 ком….png)

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a9ebfa  No.3622716


They should, we know they won't, until they are forced :)

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6ffdd7  No.3622717


Not sure reality can actyually be properly described. Like ever.

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445bb4  No.3622718

File: 66a37e66334d41b⋯.png (668.56 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, pepe russia3.png)


Behind every icicle

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ab8d69  No.3622719




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8cbf65  No.3622720


Job 9:9



How about revelations??

What hasn't come true?

What does apocalypse mean in Greek?

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ef3901  No.3622721

File: 2b781b42498edfd⋯.jpg (67.11 KB, 720x405, 16:9, downloadfile.jpg)

Moar Miller.

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fb861f  No.3622722

File: e5faff0904f2ea9⋯.jpeg (53.29 KB, 1024x888, 128:111, 04296707-520B-4847-9CCB-2….jpeg)



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c94af9  No.3622723


this one is begging for Mr. T to be driving.

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ec8e47  No.3622724


I watched it years ago, in a haze of sickness.

But I'll never forget the impression it left on me.

I'll probably rewatch sometime in the future with new eyes.

I know for a fact that certain anime are redpill outreach programs.


Working on it.

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b4286e  No.3622725

A chill just ran across the bread.

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080330  No.3622726



You kids and your puttin' computes into everything.


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a9ebfa  No.3622727


>компрометирующий материал

compromising material

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946d6a  No.3622728


Blue Wave

Under Tow

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20f42f  No.3622729

File: 3d0ec0acd7d749d⋯.jpg (127.8 KB, 610x349, 610:349, shiningfurry.jpg)

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34b54a  No.3622730

File: f50539de7d6e32b⋯.jpg (200.86 KB, 1235x875, 247:175, HATES JEWS WHILE PARKED AT….jpg)



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db102b  No.3622731



Fellow Callifag!

Fly the American flag every day.

Pisses off the non-patriots and is a quiet signal to fellow patriots.


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e27fec  No.3622732



this movie is hilarious and edge of your seat thrilling at the same time

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c72fff  No.3622733

File: 33c3ad09da26e8f⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1000x795, 200:159, Kek-Sons of Kek.PNG)


THIS is my personal favorite. hahaha

You are on a roll and that video was REEEE

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9f03ee  No.3622734

anyone have the C_A tweet that states they work in everyday jobs and lists a few?

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ab8d69  No.3622735

File: 513d7142f373f14⋯.png (961.9 KB, 800x720, 10:9, Red_Tsunami_Incoming.png)

File: e0912374b553eb1⋯.png (204.98 KB, 480x302, 240:151, pepe_loves_the_wave.png)


dubs confirm, pepe has a big suit and a red wave

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c930e2  No.3622736

File: fbb78cf8417507f⋯.jpg (70.38 KB, 791x679, 113:97, 27_17-16-07.jpg)

File: fce29b4d61c744a⋯.jpg (77.94 KB, 589x627, 31:33, 27_17-15-02.jpg)

Papadopoulos wants immunity to testify before Senate


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74948f  No.3622737

File: 1d91b556f867125⋯.jpg (106.24 KB, 588x470, 294:235, valenti H and K.jpg)

File: 84767de50a4fe11⋯.jpg (141.67 KB, 1024x810, 512:405, valenti.jpg)

File: 892eb23a2d321ac⋯.jpg (90.96 KB, 484x644, 121:161, MOCKINGBIRD.jpg)


head of the MPAA shown with Dr. Kissinger and JFK's successor.

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fb861f  No.3622738

File: 553768f9d8d791d⋯.jpeg (538.64 KB, 1250x1000, 5:4, 11113A43-1E22-45E8-A98A-D….jpeg)

File: 5a424041e885c57⋯.jpeg (2.6 MB, 1242x2136, 207:356, 7E9ECAEF-EDCA-4389-90AA-B….jpeg)

File: 75364f07148a334⋯.jpeg (139.63 KB, 1024x494, 512:247, 4DCD7803-93D5-4DC9-87D9-9….jpeg)

File: 5dd46acde12577c⋯.jpeg (2.48 MB, 1242x2085, 414:695, 1075B21A-ADFA-4A3E-8364-0….jpeg)



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c94af9  No.3622739

File: 8c502bbe5779df1⋯.png (201.63 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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51ea0e  No.3622740


I guess you have never heard of calculations for any given point can be made accurately based on movement.

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fe76ae  No.3622741

File: df70b9c7f5ca046⋯.jpg (282.87 KB, 562x812, 281:406, df70b9c7f5ca04665e0538c92a….jpg)

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bb6dce  No.3622742


Give an example you believe to be so. Ill go watch it

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ff433e  No.3622743

File: a02f70f3b407bfd⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 500x464, 125:116, pepepumpkin.jpg)

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ac00f8  No.3622744


Apocalypse means unveiling. Disclosure

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467ca6  No.3622745

Soros fund manager Howie Rubin

Involved in Lawsuit, Allegations of Rape and Trafficking

Update November 2017

several cohorts worked together to entice women "to travel across the United States to a secret penthouse Rubin controlled in Midtown Manhattan."

That lawsuit, filed by two self-identified Playboy models and another model from Florida, claims they were beaten, sexually abused and raped by the married Rubin, a former top manager at Soros Fund Management and Bear Stearns, in multiple incidents in New York City in 2016.

Their lawyer in court documents said the women were "lured" to New York by Rubin and his accused co-conspirators to meet Rubin "on the pretense of 'companionship and photoshoots,' only to have Rubin assault and rape them."


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41e64f  No.3622746


Bad joke or evil information?

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2c3596  No.3622747

File: 6440af004ce75b2⋯.png (711.34 KB, 889x500, 889:500, indedttx.png)

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080330  No.3622748



>in front of a JEWISH supermarket.

And the KEK's keep comin'!

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c002e0  No.3622749


Not sure if Anons are catching this.

Too focused on onenonbomber

Pretty fucking notable and a hell of a catch

For the record, I think Jr. knocked the bottom outta Stormy…and good for him

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431dd6  No.3622750

File: 14bb0d1c08df600⋯.jpg (65.5 KB, 908x678, 454:339, PD3.JPG)

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db102b  No.3622751


My license plate holder is the American Flag.

No problems with non-patriots.

Quiet signal to fellow patriots.



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9761da  No.3622752

File: d39d6dfe051d71f⋯.png (38.9 KB, 194x136, 97:68, catalo2.png)

File: e6151306f0a8458⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2126x1346, 1063:673, CATALOG.png)



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86da35  No.3622753

File: f3585be63be815c⋯.jpg (21.98 KB, 500x500, 1:1, circles.jpg)

File: f3585be63be815c⋯.jpg (21.98 KB, 500x500, 1:1, circles.jpg)


this timeline is getting weirder and weirder >>3622519

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72392c  No.3622754

File: 9587b9aa83c5bc6⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 450x557, 450:557, 01d1d9a15ad7f7282f4a00568d….jpg)


always nice to see

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86da35  No.3622755

File: 44e9ef505e45c96⋯.png (295.25 KB, 441x389, 441:389, 555555552.PNG)

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6da331  No.3622756

File: 055e72c116aa980⋯.jpg (55.48 KB, 630x354, 105:59, 03c0333aad24ee31102146751c….jpg)


Mark of the beast trips

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195a66  No.3622757

>>3621931 (PB)

Idiot? He's an excellent investigator as well as writer. You should only hope to be as intelligent.

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ab8d69  No.3622758


And Armageddon is a field where shit goes down, yep.

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dd8d34  No.3622759

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4b559a  No.3622760

>>3622720 There is a Board for that!

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ec8e47  No.3622761


The easiest example is FMA:B

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

The villains are all part-humans that thrive on the sacrifice of other humans, on their blood, and on genocide.

Their logo is a six-pointed star along with an ouroboros.

It's very blatant.

But most cannot connect.

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72392c  No.3622763

File: 49aa9f91b347fdc⋯.jpg (225.42 KB, 900x505, 180:101, kellyannconwaycouch.jpg)

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987e36  No.3622764


It’s chroming a turd

Upscale Conversion camper

Similar to modding a dodge neon to street racing pimp

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74948f  No.3622765

File: fb0c31268cba1b7⋯.png (611.48 KB, 658x669, 658:669, IAO-logo.png)

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7eaf6b  No.3622766

File: f4052b2b81c4ae7⋯.png (248.06 KB, 1024x763, 1024:763, 1024px-Expulsion_judios-en.png)

File: 359eba7aa7a8e0c⋯.png (1.25 MB, 928x8800, 29:275, jewish expulsion2.png)



Never understood how they think they are so superior. Being a soulless, heartless, backstabbing, trifling asshole doesn't make you more intelligent.

Congratulations on taking advantage of good people just trying to live their lives. You're simply willing to stoop way lower than anyone else.

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c94af9  No.3622767

File: af3f9fe44cfed0f⋯.png (198.24 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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9761da  No.3622768

File: ebdad8756ae5ad2⋯.png (270.67 KB, 452x322, 226:161, catalog4.png)

File: d53da37e5741a38⋯.png (316.7 KB, 800x308, 200:77, catalog3.png)



see! they added our catalog!!!!! the bastards

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c002e0  No.3622769



Maybe drop this top’o’da’nexbread

If you don’t

I will. That was a hell of a catch. Why’d ya hold ur fire?

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445bb4  No.3622770

File: 659e3406b1d181f⋯.jpg (374.38 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Pocohantas gift.jpg)

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21e822  No.3622771



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ec8e47  No.3622772

File: 1fc1390e3ccd29a⋯.jpg (110.35 KB, 894x894, 1:1, 921f1f8fb70ebd9b03768ede4b….jpg)


>Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

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67b2d6  No.3622773


Clearly for MSM subliminal purposes…

it's a Dodge Caravan.

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172636  No.3622774


See? Even the fucking van doesn't auto-update.

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172963  No.3622775

Where did he get that 3chan sticker? I want one!

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b79b19  No.3622776


The power of meme magic will now result in Hillary setting fire to her head and jumping out of Trump Tower… Happy "LAST" Birthday!

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d82ab8  No.3622777

File: 3fc6d5bc775cc1d⋯.jpg (22.88 KB, 800x451, 800:451, president-donald-trump-off….jpg)

Dogers Win!

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aa6fd3  No.3622778


David Cyptin and his Hollywood co-producer

Who is he, who is his co-producer? He's put himself out there running with seeing the Pinstripe van, he then says his co-producer took pictures of the van and reported it to the FBI. Later in another social media clip he mentions to have had their food delivered by the alleged bomb maker driving the same van.

Out of all the caps floating out on the web, there appears to be 3 different versions of the suspect van. There is a rear cap of the van with the license plate clearly visible where the plate appears to be personalized. This van cap also shows a bike rack with what appears to be a shape of a covered mid sized bike,

The van cap on the tow truck shows the front end of the van where you are able to see carefully arranged/placed items on the dash which has seemed to have never moved despite being loaded on an inclined bed.

The photographer seems to have been given unlimited access to the proximity of the suspect van using in some cases a video drone. While the van was still stationary at point of origination, the van was not being tended to, but a video shows activity opposite side of the van where Crime scene techs are seen to be carrying items and loading them into the tech vehicle.

Now here we have some new caps and some of which we have already seen Who the hell is David Cyptin and his co-producer. Everything looks staged.

Democrats have demanded two FBI investigations now and each demand has been acted on with one resulting in arrest *Kavanaugh and the ACME bombs). This is my observation which can be added to the research if it is of any use. ThanQ Anons.

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a93560  No.3622779


its only reversed because its the reflection of a side mirror

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757de5  No.3622780


actual kek out loud there

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b69028  No.3622781

File: 0a649d7e01fa08b⋯.gif (3.55 MB, 600x338, 300:169, bb-5bce65b24318f.gif)

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ebc2fe  No.3622782

File: c87fe0e5421a344⋯.jpg (730.97 KB, 2300x3600, 23:36, IMG_6138.JPG)

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1e3864  No.3622783

File: 9d058cf033358f3⋯.png (508.22 KB, 833x533, 833:533, ClipboardImage.png)

lest we all forget.

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5e1343  No.3622784

Watching Pompeo

He handles Dem Senators with such a nice firm I am staying on point and you can't trip me up with your political bullshit!

Trump moves his chess pieces in a very Tsu Art of way.

Salute Anons

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570a50  No.3622785


with or without another d?

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86da35  No.3622786

File: b6426e3d116d206⋯.png (336.43 KB, 441x315, 7:5, 11255352.PNG)


its uniqueness is fucking with me

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c94af9  No.3622787

File: 2407340bc71e800⋯.png (194.84 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd8d34  No.3622788


>>3622115 FBI confirms recovery of all known packages mailed to Trump foes

>>3622116 This daily mail story has alot of pictures of the van

>>3622301 NYT Defends Publishing Short Story Imagining Assassination of Trump

>>3622459 Letter from Grassley to DOJ/FBI referring Avenatti for additional charges

>>3622693, >>3622730 Holes in the "narrative" about the fake bomber

>>3622736 Papadopoulos wants immunity to testify before Senate

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db102b  No.3622789


NIN deserves major kudos

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01adcb  No.3622790

File: c78a44f01d16c26⋯.jpeg (21.54 KB, 288x175, 288:175, images.jpeg)


"Are we having fun yet?"

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976ccd  No.3622791


So do the Mormons.

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fb861f  No.3622792

File: 36f36d985d04bdf⋯.jpeg (55.96 KB, 615x411, 205:137, 2F48B47A-5D6C-48D7-B2FA-2….jpeg)

File: 959341e1422cfe9⋯.jpeg (58.14 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 3243D103-7B94-4C2E-8943-3….jpeg)




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5c702b  No.3622793


What a waste of trips.


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b4286e  No.3622794


Are you doubting its true meaning?

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8cbf65  No.3622795

File: ccdee31cbddea03⋯.jpg (193.92 KB, 540x960, 9:16, IMG_5281.JPG)



Hey you figured it out!

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ff433e  No.3622797

File: 58efd89435b286d⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, hey_girl_1.jpg)



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ef3901  No.3622798


I'm adopting Pompeo as my dad.

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86da35  No.3622799




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ab8d69  No.3622800


I said this this afternoon and I will say it again:

This bomber op was a direct message to us.

[They] officially declared war on us, today, in a language we cannot misunderstand, as has been proven by all of the evidence we dug up since morning.

[They] literally told us to bring it.

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894e62  No.3622801


It's not a movie

It is now a cartoon

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fe76ae  No.3622802

File: caea1a9f8c92400⋯.jpg (544.64 KB, 795x1353, 265:451, Lurking.jpg)

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e27fec  No.3622803

File: 18ef45d0b14a634⋯.png (402.04 KB, 722x416, 361:208, ClipboardImage.png)

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c72fff  No.3622804

File: 5905d9c69db47c6⋯.png (214.52 KB, 324x351, 12:13, Da Ferk.png)


Always helpful when anons connect the dots

What is Jr. doing with CPL's heat?

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9761da  No.3622805

File: 21f5274ea766f71⋯.gif (4.37 MB, 444x250, 222:125, laughingkek.gif)

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bb6dce  No.3622808


One of the ones I passed on because of the content. Have you ever seen Tron Uprising. It was so great that Disney refused another season, ala Rosanne.

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ab8d69  No.3622809

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5e3394  No.3622810


Was worried about doxing him.

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cff665  No.3622811

File: d1bf999d5a78cca⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1668x2147, 1668:2147, C13C7694-8D8D-439A-88EB-4….jpeg)

EL PASO, Texas - Immigrations Customs Enforcement (ICE) has acknowledged it will be changing the way it processes migrant families who illegally enter the US, no longer reviewing the families' post-release plans before releasing them into the general public.

ICE officials told ABC-7 it currently needs to review where a migrant family was going before they were released. "ICE previously reviewed their post-release plan, including ensuring they had secured travel arrangements to reach a final destination within the United States. There is no requirement that this review be conducted, it was a self-imposed process instituted by ICE," officials said in a statement emailed to ABC-7.

ICE said the change is due to the increase in migrant families coming to the US, acknowledging it no longer has the capacity to conduct these reviews without risking violation of the Flores limitations on lengths of stay for families in Border Patrol or ICE custody.

The curtailing of all post-release reviews for immigrant families started on October 23, 2018. The families will be issued a notice to appear in immigration court, then released.

"For us, it is a new policy, because up to now, we've not had, we've not been aware of any way of people being released to the street," said Ruben Garcia with Annunciation House, a shelter for migrants in South El Paso.

According to Garcia, Border Patrol or ICE previously provided transportation for immigrants. Now, Garcia believes, ICE will no longer do that and rely on different agencies to provide assistance with transportation or other services.

Right now, Annunciation house is partnering with hotels and churches to provide housing for immigrants released by ICE. Garcia says the border is currently going through a surge of immigrants flooding to the border.

Garcia says that by the end of this week, they will have taken in as many as 1,500 families, which they consider to be record numbers.

The surge in migrants entering the US comes as a large caravan of Central Americans left Honduras, bound for the US with a group estimated at 7,000 people.

As the caravan travels through Mexico, it has dwindled to nearly 4,000. Mexican officials report nearly 1,700 members of the caravan decided to seek asylum in Mexico. Hundreds more accepted offers to be bused back to their home countries.

Garcia says Mexican officials reported the group of nearly four thousand has splintered and some of its members are headed to different border towns, like El Paso.

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59aaea  No.3622813

File: 8f1f619517b6d20⋯.jpg (6.82 KB, 216x233, 216:233, download.jpg)

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e74b2f  No.3622814

File: 1b82d842f356cce⋯.jpeg (385.12 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, A19EF21A-B52A-42AF-BCC4-7….jpeg)

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791a7c  No.3622815


Don't fall for it. All masonic is satanic shit.

True Lodge? New Atlantis?

Ask yourself why is there pyramids all other the earth?

-Why NEW world order?

-was there a PREVIOUS world order?

-Could Atlantis be the start? FIRST WORLD ORDER?

-what scriptures say? ENOCH? PLATO?

-what all ancient mythologies from around the world have in common? (look at deities_attributes)

the "order" originated from Atlantis. Ignorance was ALREADY strength back in that time, meaning for "the order". That's why all our "ancient knowledge" is burdened.

In Daniel 2, you have pretty nice allegory on "the order" or cabal as the giant

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038917  No.3622816


does the earlier van with the stripe also have the visor?

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86da35  No.3622817


dodgers about to choke

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bb6dce  No.3622818


Mt Miggito

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db102b  No.3622820


No. Alex Jones?

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b4286e  No.3622821


Sounded as though you were heing sarcastic.

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fb861f  No.3622822

File: 12821fc9c6c7d39⋯.gif (387.98 KB, 588x440, 147:110, 1C278227-B297-4C25-BB6D-97….gif)

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74948f  No.3622823

File: 3c31d2d4634a90d⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 960x639, 320:213, may cide.jpg)

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41e64f  No.3622825


And the stars fake their death.

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a6fe26  No.3622826


been there.


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ca1f87  No.3622827


They decorated it with a blue wave.


Is that a drone taking footage.


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ab8d69  No.3622828


all good :) better to ask than assume :D

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c94af9  No.3622829

File: 7a127d8a04f1226⋯.png (202.9 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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86da35  No.3622830


aluuuminiiium activated

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c94af9  No.3622832


pretty sure it was a news chopper

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d43fb0  No.3622833


fucking commercials between pitches..

really fox..

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976ccd  No.3622834


That would explain CHAN DED then. But if it were war on us, all they would have to do is shut this down.

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987e36  No.3622835


It looks better in black

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86da35  No.3622836


quick message from coke

kek, faggotry

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1e3864  No.3622837






What are they up to?

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c002e0  No.3622838




Tho he doesn’t strike me as one to give a fuck

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b4286e  No.3622839


I try, anon.

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8cbf65  No.3622840

File: 3a9039dd947afe4⋯.png (153.54 KB, 1242x594, 23:11, IMG_6025.PNG)

File: 37e4a58ac8b7d3b⋯.jpg (349.81 KB, 1176x2960, 147:370, IMG_6030.JPG)

File: 9ac278c21dc8712⋯.jpg (401.56 KB, 1208x2417, 1208:2417, IMG_6031.JPG)

File: 1c80a7ee7fbf0c9⋯.jpg (363.58 KB, 1221x2960, 33:80, IMG_6032.JPG)

File: d43fec80f95618d⋯.jpg (341.41 KB, 1144x2960, 143:370, IMG_6033.JPG)


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f19b2f  No.3622841


https://. twitter.com/Fuctupmind/status/1056007291823185921?s=20

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34b54a  No.3622842

File: 82f597d29c47b82⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 409x431, 409:431, POTUS SURF BLUE WAVE.jpg)



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86da35  No.3622843

File: b944528fe013f23⋯.png (251.29 KB, 389x379, 389:379, b944528fe013f238f8e21d0418….png)



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9f03ee  No.3622844

File: 5ca1da7a5e85808⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



This is a Dodge Caravan.

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ab8d69  No.3622845


That would instantly turn us into martyrs.

[They] would prefer to turn the greater public against us.

So war of attrition it will be, unfortunately.

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2c2d0a  No.3622846


Shutting us down would be too easy. We’d just regroup anyway. And we’re already awake and disseminate disinformation without direction.

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ca1f87  No.3622847


no kidding, Sherlock.

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86da35  No.3622848



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ec8e47  No.3622849


>Tron Uprising

Never checked it out.

I'll look into ti.

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dd8d34  No.3622850

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74948f  No.3622851


chanded cuz channed is just too obvious. until next week ;)

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c002e0  No.3622852


I think that’s Jr’s heat

One of them, anyway. He has another and he is just as intense looking.

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accdd7  No.3622853


blue wave

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e74b2f  No.3622854


i missed the whole thing standing in the rain waiting to get into the trump rally

was worth it tho!

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5e3394  No.3622855


I will go ahead and post next bread.

I figure Q wouldn't have posted the one of him at CPL office if they were too worried about it getting out there.

Also, the hats that wanted to know probably I.D.d him right away.

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74948f  No.3622857


go code bread fill

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ca1f87  No.3622858


President Trump pointed to him the other day at ta rally. He doesn't look like the other folks.

The white van thing wasn't a coincidence.

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c72fff  No.3622859

File: 6ddd917c0da266f⋯.jpg (236.82 KB, 900x675, 4:3, baby-rolling-eyes.jpg)


Oh I got it backwards!

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27698b  No.3622861

File: 2c42f3d05d2b404⋯.gif (755.95 KB, 500x281, 500:281, DD75F5A9-7BC3-4B0B-9CCD-B2….gif)

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dc4c4d  No.3622862



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ebc2fe  No.3622863

File: fc8e4fc1e587624⋯.jpg (404.31 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_6511.JPG)

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