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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

ee25a7  No.3470456

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 -------------------------------- Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -------------------------- Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

>>>/patriotsfight/372 -------------------------------- effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -------------------- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 -------------------------------- Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 -------------------------------- [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 -------------------------- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 --------------------------------- Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 --------------------------------- Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 --------------------------------- Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -------------------- Your voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 --------------------------------- TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 --------------------------------- [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -------------------- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

ee25a7  No.3470467


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3445122 Kanye Memes & CALL FOR SUPPORT ON TWATTER


>>3395243 BO : "/cbts/ and /thestorm/ ownership transferred. Thanks CM... All bans lifted"

>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)


>>3469843 Harvest moon clocks

>>3469853 Minor dig on President's special relation to the Marine Corp

>>3469905 Facebook Purge: Here is The List Of Pages Deleted by Facebook

>>3469986 Pilot killed when small plane crashes in Paulding County

>>3470014 Hurricane Michael on the clock

>>3470107 Plane makes emergency landing along Brevard County road, for 2nd time in a week

>>3470073, >>3470195 A plot to oust Duterte as president of the Phillipines

>>3470289, >>3470291 The Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs

>>3470451 #4400

#4399 Baker Change

>>3468965, >>3468991, >>3469192 What Q posted in the 15 days prior to HRC requesting her clearance be ended

>>3469257 Anon: is Khashoggi connected to the heroin trade?

>>3469411 Reminder: CFR membership

>>3469419 Kashoggi had "brothels in the air"

>>3469455 Puerto Rico mayor arrested

>>3469683 #4399


>>3468296 POTUS announces more midterm campaign stops

>>3468315 Avenatti/Riyadh connection

>>3468510 1999 article on the Triad/Clinton connection

>>3468895 #4398


>>3467431 ; >>3467433 On the Khashoggi “story”: MSM attacking MbS and POTUS (analysis)

>>3467499 Brexit set to be finalized tomorrow before being presented to British government next week

>>3467514 ; >>3467639 ; >>3467834 ; >>3467973 ; >>3468106 Alamoudi dig: extensive links to cabalists

>>3467586 More links between NoName and Dopey Prince media assets

>>3468163 On Khashoggi and Princess Di

>>3468114 #4397


>>3466633 LdR pulls out of Saudi “Davos in the Desert” conference (moar sauce pending)

>>3466652 Macron’s popularity plummets in France owing to globalism push

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3466764 Clockfag Update

>>3466771 Hypothesis re: FISA DECLAS and grand jury proceedings

>>3466815 Links between NoName, cabalists, and Saudi media orgs

>>3466837 William Coors dead at 102

>>3466937 NATO Supreme Commander: US carrier off Norway’s coast puts Russia on notice

>>3467123 ; >>3467376 Khashoggi and Dopey Prince link

>>3467302 #4396


>>3465853 ; >>3465908 ; >>3466288 Stealth fighter jets still unaccounted for after hurricane; Tyndall AFB “complete loss”

>>3465884 Rep. Jim Jordan discusses UniParty strategy to delay FISA DECLAS, hearings

>>3465915 Faggots file ethics complaint against Press Sec. Sanders over Kanye selfie

>>3465974 On the Hive Mind, newfags, and normies (commentary)

>>3466182 US-led coalition dropping phosphorous bombs on ISIS

>>3466269 Honduran migrant horde heading to US/MX border

>>3466287 ; >>3466327 ; >>3466495 New DJT

>>3466360 Austrian politician convicted of libel for accusing man of sexual harassment on Facebook

>>3466415 ; >>3466436 Pat Cipollone to be new WH counsel

>>3466516 #4395

Previously Collected Notables

>>3464975 #4393, >>3465744 #4394

>>3462725 #4390, >>3463433 #4391, >>3464215 #4392

>>3460410 #4387, >>3461178 #4388, >>3462164 #4389 (from #4390)

>>3458134 #4384, >>3458894 #4385, >>3459653 #4386

>>3455848 #4381, >>3457056 #4382, >>3457707 #4383

>>3453562 #4378, >>3454337 #4379, >>3455034 #4380

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

ee25a7  No.3470471

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

ee25a7  No.3470472

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

ee25a7  No.3470483



f064ca  No.3470521

I know the bellow Q post discouraged anons when we didn't see arrests....But this isn't

the first time Q has implied something was imminent...and didn't come through.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 747524 No.3337560 ??

Oct 4 2018 20:27:12 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 747524 No.3337502 ??

Oct 4 2018 20:25:27 (EST)


Memes ready?



Are you ready to see arrests?

Are you ready to see PAIN?

Are you ready to be part of history?


I did the below post a while back and I think Q is using the same tactic. Q Team spins

us up...implying a huge release is coming. This triggers THEM to react (play a card).

This latest one, got them to show how they have planned to crash the markets. I think

Q team was recording all trades and moves to see how they did it and who was involved.

They take the players down, identify who they were taking orders from...and take them

down (it wasn't just the FED). What's nice is we didn't see an ICBM (that threat neutralized,

or FF). They hit the markets. I think they're playing their last cards.

I don't remember what Q was saying was coming when I posted the below but I remember we

all felt low.

?Anonymous (You) 08/16/18 (Thu) 21:36:470c5d64 No.2639424>>2639515 >>2639516 >>2639546

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 21e481 No.2636358 ??

Aug 16 2018 19:32:11 (EST)


Timelines change.

Watch the budget.


I know the above post discouraged some anons….but let's think on this a little. I believe

we've got a front row seat to the silent war of cat and mouse. On 6/10 we had a missile (ICBM)

launch from the Puget Sound. And in two months (2 months to the day) the white hats responded.

Then Q posts the below drop. "How many billionaires own islands" meaning they got the black hats

to play a card and now not only did they take out that black ops site but now they know they need

to check all other islands (around the world) that are possible similar sites and take them out.

The previous missile launch at HI. had them play another card and that exposed a capability as well

and I believe they've neutralized that type of threat (remember "relationships are very important").

Between the 45,000+ sealed indictments, the EOs plus the strings cut on NK, the take out of black ops

sites in the Middle East and meetings with Putin….they know they are fucked. Now the game is to

trigger them to play a card and counter.

The time this comes to an end isn't important….what's important is cutting their teeth and eliminating

their CoC.

Enjoy the show!

This seem right to anyone else?

Anyway Anons, we have a front row seat to the silent war....don't get discouraged when we are used...

Q is tooling them here as well!

This is glorious!

b44ade  No.3470534

File: 63598e5e45ac095⋯.pdf (383.33 KB, Awan PDF.pdf)

File: 61c04459c4cbcd7⋯.png (40.01 KB, 774x624, 129:104, Capture.PNG)

6d9199  No.3470541

File: 22546cf7b81048d⋯.jpg (174.21 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, bewbsinkitchen.jpg)


c62e82  No.3470543

Just stop with the 'clock' already

It's predicted NOTHING accurately, it's only been manipulated after the fact, to 'show' it says this or that.

Anybody still following this clock bullshit is actively supporting one of the biggest shill discrediting tactics we have aimed at us.

b44ade  No.3470546

File: 9066340f645530d⋯.png (205.23 KB, 457x578, 457:578, EFFECTED BY AWAN HACKING 2.PNG)

File: 9a1d5d525a62613⋯.png (220.31 KB, 452x578, 226:289, EFFECTED BY AWAN HACKING 3.PNG)

File: 357a8031857a4b8⋯.png (189.9 KB, 447x578, 447:578, EFFECTED BY AWAN HACKING 5.PNG)

File: a4610c4766c399b⋯.png (317.85 KB, 446x579, 446:579, EFFECTED BY AWAN HACKING.PNG)

File: 35051d0c7e5055c⋯.png (239.38 KB, 440x577, 440:577, EFFECTED BY AWAN HACKING 4.PNG)

e53153  No.3470547

File: c4ab51dd6ad28be⋯.jpg (188.04 KB, 987x440, 987:440, 56n576jk897lk8967k85j67j6j.jpg)

315827  No.3470548

File: 899c29b14c98b3e⋯.jpg (654.63 KB, 1440x1435, 288:287, MagaMilf1.jpg)


….for the troops too ;)

c7978d  No.3470549

File: 462af317ac65ae3⋯.jpg (296.65 KB, 602x666, 301:333, 6f7bf108f98d167453156f21c4….jpg)

Thank you Baker

b44ade  No.3470551

File: 568261ebeaf5ac8⋯.png (3.37 MB, 3515x5625, 703:1125, BDT SIDE BY SIDE.png)

6d9199  No.3470552

File: 8df13fa4582fbec⋯.jpg (9.82 KB, 224x400, 14:25, erthyfertaduyu65.jpg)


b44ade  No.3470553

File: 23f81139412392a⋯.png (267.02 KB, 692x502, 346:251, 5.5 SIDE BY SIDE.PNG)

08efec  No.3470554

You walkawayfags pretending to be anons shouldn't bring your socialist ideas with you. Leave it behind jump off a bridge. I'm no mans yes man. I will do and say whatever I wan't to do and say. That's my right as an American. If you don't like it, your a fucking nazi. Quit trying to infringe on my right to think freely and speak freely. You got it all wrong. Don't put your faith in man. Always remember that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

2df791  No.3470555

File: ea03afebb759255⋯.jpg (135.2 KB, 929x541, 929:541, LL cankles.jpg)


>>3470067 (lb)

>anyone have just the cankles

c7978d  No.3470556


Read between the lines

35c23f  No.3470557

File: 8c710adaebc8191⋯.jpg (956.13 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, af1c4979aa61ecc41d09d78560….jpg)


Tis better to leave something to the imagination, anon.

3603cb  No.3470558

>>3470549 That's not gonna age well!

61ce44  No.3470559

File: a39fb1a2354cc59⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 1u5Fqbl.gif)

Thanks Baker!

fbdf18  No.3470560

File: 9fb4cae9414d9f0⋯.jpg (80.5 KB, 683x683, 1:1, 28067443831_2025919676_b.jpg)

TY Baker!!!

25d0a9  No.3470561

File: eddca3603ce2b4d⋯.png (765.9 KB, 785x587, 785:587, who_are_the.png)

8ca9b8  No.3470562

File: ee62f29292de5fe⋯.png (224.79 KB, 406x521, 406:521, Ud.png)

File: 3c1359677ad6f1f⋯.png (62.88 KB, 790x683, 790:683, 35e1dc84778ccebc954f4e5a41….png)

File: 05a48f902ca793f⋯.png (264.02 KB, 676x683, 676:683, PEPE HELP (2).png)

a0610d  No.3470563


Nice appliances.

240fea  No.3470564

File: a05daaacb10e04c⋯.png (120.36 KB, 321x157, 321:157, Untitled-11.png)


agreed. good points.

753787  No.3470565

File: 3e82f4eae7924d6⋯.jpeg (21.5 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 278C9423-3D2F-43E9-8229-9….jpeg)

File: 382008e6dd67d00⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, B97BE40F-413C-4507-AB75-16….png)

902a13  No.3470566

>>3470542 lb

okay. Im sure he'll be real worried about thousands of dollars. are you kidding? thousands? what are you 12? thousands is fucking lunch money you twit.

b8fedb  No.3470567

File: 46dc1844dc70a78⋯.png (3.19 MB, 1624x992, 203:124, Screen Shot 2018-10-13 at ….png)

Democrats are treating Kanye the way they treated MLK.

Same massage of Love. Same DNC Hate.

25d0a9  No.3470568


TY anon kek

b44ade  No.3470569

File: c2f66990998bca6⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 865x357, 865:357, CAIR CHECK MB MONEY LAUNDE….jpg)

File: 79fc6f9f425c035⋯.jpg (38.26 KB, 640x332, 160:83, HUMA MB MONEY LAUNDERING.jpg)

File: f29401575a4e308⋯.jpg (91.28 KB, 1200x681, 400:227, MB MONEY LAUNDERING.jpg)

3fc2b2  No.3470570

File: 86759cd773a4659⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 463x715, 463:715, 2a.JPG)

File: 9f6e578c27eb7c6⋯.jpg (108.69 KB, 477x854, 477:854, 6.JPG)

File: 1c7e964eeac9c05⋯.jpg (102.97 KB, 462x775, 462:775, 7.JPG)

File: dd8c6e06765ca1d⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 492x505, 492:505, 8.JPG)

Governments Tell Google's Nest To Hand Over Data 300 Times


2df791  No.3470571


moar please :-)

b9e5b3  No.3470572


Let's hope for a happy ending.

f064ca  No.3470573


Ha…and you had to use him????

f35b21  No.3470574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My 2cents..

Are you ready to see arrests? - How many protesters got arrested?

Are you ready to see PAIN? - Kavanaugh confirmed

Are you ready to be part of history? - The GOP finally grew some balls + the court was flipped.

Lurking Music. Enjoy!

b93f2c  No.3470575



Wonderland was/is SA. Still an interesting find anon.

be3820  No.3470576

File: 1115b48029021cf⋯.jpg (152.23 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, Extraordinary.jpg)

File: ef3493476cb0e99⋯.jpg (153.52 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, Extraordinary2.jpg)

File: 29153f51b893369⋯.jpg (124.8 KB, 624x960, 13:20, QCrumbsOperatorsOnsite.jpg)

>>3470525 lb

OK, a variation. Twatters can pick the one they prefer.

899688  No.3470577

File: 019784a563c880a⋯.jpeg (383.22 KB, 750x935, 150:187, 713DD5FB-C31E-4019-80AE-8….jpeg)

240fea  No.3470578


oh you watch. He will slowly be eliminated from the holloywood scene. If you watch the brainwash channels you will pick up little shit eating comments about him over the next few weeks.

I hate rap and all that stupid shit. But this guy is winning me over.

c3191a  No.3470579

File: 0d8d254de33d69f⋯.png (597.18 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, pedo he.png)

File: 154d9556e5fdc38⋯.jpg (92.06 KB, 1080x939, 360:313, GOP.JPG)

File: f2aa4a292f88f81⋯.jpg (35.41 KB, 468x516, 39:43, Ele star.jpg)


Whoever is making these they are fabulous!

Only one problem- you're using the wrong GOP logo!

See pics below!

PLEASE correct these- they are GREAT!

b44ade  No.3470580

File: 0e68070cd2c5b1e⋯.png (206.41 KB, 640x639, 640:639, clinton foreign donation g….png)

902a13  No.3470581


Tottenham sucks

366bee  No.3470582

File: e3a677376567731⋯.gif (3.08 MB, 400x224, 25:14, 35566A9D-82CE-4611-91DA-29….gif)

File: fea0ffb5fdb1e33⋯.gif (375.15 KB, 434x250, 217:125, FA24AE49-F6F2-4A6C-947C-B5….gif)

File: 7c51533d2d4bf1f⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 320x180, 16:9, F74CAAE7-9604-4512-9BA3-83….gif)


I have taken care of at least 2 individuals with similar eye issues (that I have noticed). They were not high functioning like these folks. They spoke coherently but not in complete sentences. Strange and brief interactions. My question for you is what the hell are they?

f064ca  No.3470583


Thanks for the tunes Anon.

647222  No.3470584

File: bb682353f2776f1⋯.png (38.77 KB, 255x159, 85:53, Kanye_BLM.png)

a3cadc  No.3470585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Compare the appearance of JFK Jr. in the video to the photos in the recent 20-year Memorial Special magazine I found in Kroger today.

61ce44  No.3470586

File: 22c641ba73d2214⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 402x605, 402:605, 6502709_700b.jpg)

b44ade  No.3470587

File: df4ba067b64ed5b⋯.png (88.73 KB, 877x1213, 877:1213, DEEP STATE FLOW GRAPHIC.png)

e44979  No.3470588

File: 4b33ef0555ca535⋯.jpeg (98.23 KB, 500x646, 250:323, 974B1339-B7F6-4D5D-98BF-D….jpeg)

File: 3b85e7b185ec774⋯.jpeg (23.75 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 24209B51-6554-417E-B783-C….jpeg)

File: ae79df91339fcdd⋯.jpeg (99.06 KB, 965x720, 193:144, FB23366E-DEB2-4F0F-A5E5-1….jpeg)

File: 940c688f98c5172⋯.jpeg (24.89 KB, 240x240, 1:1, 0790EA93-0825-4AB2-AF6B-6….jpeg)

File: f7fc6ba16156968⋯.jpeg (24.4 KB, 255x168, 85:56, D90D5ACC-936E-43BA-B15C-1….jpeg)

78760e  No.3470589

File: 7efac83984eadbd⋯.jpeg (71.76 KB, 595x530, 119:106, Donald replaces Barrack.jpeg)


It is far too difficult to control everyone else so your timeline can be completed on course.

Q said it best, "Timelines change." That's in your post.

It's enough for this anon to know things are in the works and no one appears to be giving up or giving in.

240fea  No.3470590

File: e19f6e94534ac88⋯.png (465.95 KB, 401x428, 401:428, fullcutout.png)


yup. I play dirty.

cbcf1d  No.3470591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a3cadc  No.3470592

File: f0f2dfeedfa1b0e⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0529.JPG)

File: c76ba55e0948978⋯.jpg (2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0530.JPG)

File: bd35bda0c30a710⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0531.JPG)

16a21f  No.3470593


I think they've been in the cat/mouse threat elimination mode for quite a while now and it continues. This last headfake ("Are you ready for arrests?") just gave the shills fodder for attempts to derail the anons, that's all.

Monitor, dig, harvest, enjoy.

Oh…and to all the cabal fuckers: You will be caged or dead.

b16a53  No.3470594

File: 4d5eedcf72c9681⋯.jpg (76.47 KB, 600x392, 75:49, 2k2987btr.jpg)

File: 74d787bc4fb3d82⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 600x392, 75:49, 4564tr.jpg)


35c23f  No.3470595


Kek. Almost used that pic.

476e4f  No.3470596



this is a good place to put it:


3fc2b2  No.3470597

File: 52ebe0e2611186a⋯.jpg (126.44 KB, 613x884, 613:884, 1a.JPG)

File: 59ea73063c70267⋯.jpg (121.59 KB, 614x921, 2:3, 2.JPG)

Unconfirmed: TRON to Partner with ‘China’s Google,’ Baidu


39c0b1  No.3470598



Damn right

Seconded and NOTABLE

educating walkaways that it is indeed THEIR THINKING that’s needs to change

ea3447  No.3470599

To the clock fag from last bread, at the bottom of your clock, what does shared (acc). mean? Can you please explain to me?

0cfc4c  No.3470600


I definitely think you are correct. We are part of the plan and we must allow Q to use the post to trick the deep state. It is bigger than us or our desire to see arrests, etc.

We are in this for the haul and the real takedown.

c7978d  No.3470601

File: 9f5e4f7aa88b7aa⋯.jpg (16.43 KB, 545x693, 545:693, VNYfAY7.jpg)

TESLA knew that we could all have FREE ENERGY

Tweet this to show the cabal that WE KNOW

35c23f  No.3470602


Careful, anon. You might catch gingervitus.

736be3  No.3470603

Just wondering

How international is this Deep State?

Are they like the Cobra in GI Joe or Hydra in Captain Murica - Winter Soldier.

82ecd9  No.3470604


You. Are. HYSTERICALLY funny. Seriously. You should try stand-up comedy

a3cadc  No.3470605


Thanks, will do that!

0741b4  No.3470606


Yes even with Trump

09e765  No.3470608


>Hell bound and down? Loaded up and truckin'? Is he gonna do what they say can't be done?

f064ca  No.3470609


Yep, all my chips are in.

78760e  No.3470610

File: 3e580cc2d268698⋯.png (20.36 KB, 255x253, 255:253, Clowns in America.png)

0741b4  No.3470611



899688  No.3470612

File: 66306d0a45f8b87⋯.png (36.75 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 4F7C2043-E964-4A68-BBCD-7C….png)


I’m willing to see it again.

One of my favorites.


e22af1  No.3470613



61ce44  No.3470614

File: 404582f9e02eae7⋯.jpg (188.89 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, cF1wkaQ.jpg)


Thanks Anon. I think I'll manage.

2df791  No.3470615

File: c6fe63f5f63b415⋯.jpg (38.19 KB, 345x350, 69:70, bear arms.jpg)

File: ce81ad433c7ed02⋯.jpg (38.1 KB, 347x351, 347:351, im only responsible for wh….jpg)

401c75  No.3470616

File: 488418eb2b7c2bb⋯.jpg (7.11 KB, 260x194, 130:97, Unknown.jpg)

6d9199  No.3470617

File: 002efec45a54558⋯.jpg (166.9 KB, 1000x1049, 1000:1049, maga1.jpg)

0741b4  No.3470618


>>Kanye posting

You must be new here.

26c6c5  No.3470619

File: 5de122caed3ef34⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 3021x4028, 3:4, c76ba55e0.jpg)

File: d94bbe06d0ba758⋯.jpg (118.6 KB, 960x540, 16:9, d94bbe06d0ba7.jpg)



KEK. George knows. George Magazine, that is.

daa2d6  No.3470620


All except Ivanka because that’s literally her job

08675b  No.3470621


30a293  No.3470622


I shit you not… the other night, I go to a Republican Committee meeting and there are two people sitting the table wearing necklaces with pentagrams on them. One wearing all black, one wearing all red… and a MAGA.

The next day, I called the Chairman from that town and I said…. "those two new people that came to the County meeting"… and the Chairman says… "you mean the Satanists"….. can't make this shit up. They are out in the open with it. And no one noticed this.

671b24  No.3470623


>>3470504 lb

The pedestal was likely moved out of the way for the video...

The haircut is slightly off though.

e22af1  No.3470624

File: 39cdbbfddd04065⋯.jpg (59.46 KB, 600x772, 150:193, obamasuit.jpg)

25d0a9  No.3470625

File: 813d89899266d9f⋯.png (95.6 KB, 225x291, 75:97, cankles.png)

753787  No.3470626

File: df66c02409de27a⋯.jpeg (27.72 KB, 255x245, 51:49, B1696EE8-6E75-4C28-9E06-E….jpeg)

129861  No.3470627

File: 1328260be1b6dc9⋯.png (40.09 KB, 636x359, 636:359, ClipboardImage.png)


b93f2c  No.3470628


Anons need to remember that this is an open comms place. Q sometimes is speaking to us, and sometimes he's speaking to us to illicit a reaction from (((them))), and sometimes he speaking to (((them))) with info or disinfo.

It's not a clear and concise message every single time. Saying HRC will be arrested on a certain date for instance, most definitely creates a reaction that allowed for Intel to be gathered.

Saying "are you ready for arrests?", "prepare the memes" ect does the same exact thing.

Disinformation is necessary.

7ab2fe  No.3470629

File: 6c494d93a4ff6d0⋯.mp4 (5.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trumpdidyouleakdianne.mp4)

I think the more we have to throw at them before the midterms the better.


128c56  No.3470630

File: 550afc13e04607f⋯.jpg (55.89 KB, 778x476, 389:238, NightShiftShillsVsBots.JPG)


Ty baker!

Tasty bread, as always fren.

Sorry I've been away from the kitchen last few days guys, been catching up on IRL stuff (incl sleep, kek). I'll check in tomorrow, should be able bake some if needed.

Have a great night winning, Night Crew!

0bfcb0  No.3470631

VIDEO: Republican Campaign Canvasser Allegedly Chased, Assaulted

Video released by Republican Justin Fareed’s congressional campaign Friday shows a man chasing someone the campaign identified as Isaac, a college student and Fareed canvasser.


8bd2da  No.3470632


One thing that concerns me about them is their commitment.

Think battered wife syndrome.

Are they willing to completely start over, including their way of thinking?

Or will they be sucked back in by false promises?

82ecd9  No.3470633

File: e84169499fbc1a7⋯.png (31.55 KB, 97x200, 97:200, Screenshot 2018-10-11 at 1….png)

902a13  No.3470634


masterful kek

35c23f  No.3470635

File: 1ca60c331c56e6a⋯.jpg (374.25 KB, 1078x1280, 539:640, 1ca60c331c56e6af16e9363e0b….jpg)


My bewb folder is getting out of control.

74cb4f  No.3470636

File: f52878a5413b0ee⋯.jpg (26.97 KB, 480x473, 480:473, f52878a5413b0eeb16facacec9….jpg)


never seen shoes cry before .

b44ade  No.3470637

File: 7c292dfa6ecb24c⋯.pdf (2.54 MB, Jeffrey Epstein Part 01 of….pdf)

File: 6b9c217dda07038⋯.pdf (1.26 MB, Jeffrey Epstein Part 02 of….pdf)

File: 6b0cdd08940862d⋯.pdf (1.44 MB, Jeffrey Epstein Part 04 of….pdf)

File: 64a67c411cabfa7⋯.pdf (432.76 KB, Jeffrey Epstein Part 05 of….pdf)

File: 2058305f35c5dce⋯.png (114.66 KB, 764x654, 382:327, Capture.PNG)

b93f2c  No.3470638


Great day POTUS!

61ce44  No.3470639

File: 77dbee689c9fd3d⋯.jpg (105.12 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 6aecd456ad9b451747b7c18718….jpg)

4fc7d9  No.3470640

>>3470545 pb

i'm honestly suprised it hasn't been worse already.

how quick could we get the Emergency Anon Morse Code Carrier Pigeon Network up and running?

899688  No.3470641

File: 2236c05e22eb071⋯.jpeg (68.63 KB, 474x521, 474:521, 6FAA54DA-0A0A-48C2-AD2A-5….jpeg)

80158a  No.3470642

File: 52c213bc106e847⋯.jpg (62.45 KB, 500x576, 125:144, IMG_20181013_221005_640.JPG)


Jr. is in Boca

6d9199  No.3470643

File: eb10ec479f79100⋯.jpg (195.06 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, maga2.jpg)

0cfc4c  No.3470644


Were they paying to keep themselves protected, like shop owners paid the mob bosses. If they were under threat of exposure they paid to keep their secrets hidden.

c7978d  No.3470645

File: 4681b9aeef35c87⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 960x768, 5:4, 43598250_10156055794680895….jpg)

Refreshment for the Baker

ee25a7  No.3470646


understood, thanks cb

0741b4  No.3470647

More bewbs pleez.

More big fat MAGA beefers ftw.

b16a53  No.3470648

File: 68b0dbee4c23389⋯.jpg (45.59 KB, 600x392, 75:49, 2k2bnu.jpg)

File: fa497c857c1f2c2⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 600x392, 75:49, 2k2bi9.jpg)

File: d4d3f4fa5743239⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 600x392, 75:49, 2k2bk7.jpg)

30a293  No.3470649

File: f9a6fe07a88086f⋯.png (325.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Green_Suit_Faggot_Obama_v2….png)

File: 28d420db13af0ed⋯.png (5.36 MB, 3033x1849, 3033:1849, Obama_looking_at_Obama_Boo….png)

File: 4baf6fdd208ed6c⋯.png (578.54 KB, 887x512, 887:512, Mushroom_Suit_Boy_You_Got_….png)

b44ade  No.3470650

File: 4616e5a507f8eff⋯.pdf (335.71 KB, Jeffrey Epstein Part 07 of….pdf)

File: fd781f6758059d7⋯.pdf (503.71 KB, Jeffrey Epstein Part 08 of….pdf)

a1d70c  No.3470651


She started ratting everyone out because the thought of wearing that ankle boot was too much for her to take : )

77b7cc  No.3470652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Telephone call from Istanbul.

4fc7d9  No.3470653


can't even imagine what that dude is feeling right now. thirty five fucking years guys holy fuck.

foreign nations scare the shit out of me. fucking handful of hash gets you damn near stoned to death.

899688  No.3470654



Thas a woman right there.

My cloud folder is getting quite pronounced myself.

d70807  No.3470655


SYMBOLISM. Know / understand what you are saying when you use an Inverted Pentagram in your Meme. All have been used on the Republicans' Elephant – none have been used on the Democrats' Donkey. Do you mean to use the Goat Head to represent Republicans?

b44ade  No.3470656

File: 82a37a27dd327e1⋯.png (908.26 KB, 1127x2574, 1127:2574, LOOP CAP BHO GRAPHIC LONG.png)

File: 57a8849f8820894⋯.png (144.45 KB, 960x540, 16:9, LOOP CAP GRAPHIC.png)

08efec  No.3470657


You have a point. I'll give you that. With that said, I'm not an apologist and I won't make excuses for Q. I still support Q team and POTUS. But I'll never agree with every jot and tittle that comes out of Q or POTUS. I'm about 98% If anyone doesn't like that they can take walk off a short bridge. I'm tired of anon infringing on other anons rights and ridiculing them for it. It's Bullying and I will no longer stand for it. Enough is enough. So the next time one of you socialist fags calls someone a newfag or says go back, expect someone to step up in defense. It's still a free country assholes.

8120d8  No.3470658

>>3470348 (lb)

that is a woman even though the article says 'him'.

Look at fem hands, arms, and she gots bewbs.

0741b4  No.3470660


Yes. Paying in votes. Also Imran Awan is not Pakistani by blood.

b697dd  No.3470661

Oh T.I. what a good little chimp you are. I hope GEOTUS and Q put you inside these [ ] for dishonoring FLOTUS.

You dont fuck with a mans family an example must be made.

e0e0e7  No.3470662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@3:00..click clack

61ce44  No.3470663

File: e7c9ddf64adfd79⋯.gif (7.91 MB, 480x270, 16:9, tenor (2).gif)


Don't click on the image (gof) if you have a weak stomach.

b44ade  No.3470664

File: a48f2a7cff4e350⋯.png (3.94 MB, 3515x5625, 703:1125, LORDS PRAYER CHANGE PREDIC….png)

537a9b  No.3470665


I paid your Momma for you to be aborted, but the kike bitch pocketed the $!

26c6c5  No.3470666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Silence is Golden.

6d9199  No.3470667

File: 1ac3bd99dbe61a5⋯.jpg (126.68 KB, 640x799, 640:799, maga3.jpg)

35c23f  No.3470668

File: 168d8d2bbf223be⋯.jpg (223.42 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, ab0681cbeaf73c043cf176aa24….jpg)


Girls with big tits usually turn into land whales.

c7978d  No.3470669


Where the heck is this from?

eacffd  No.3470670

File: eee83080f0344ea⋯.png (49.57 KB, 638x371, 638:371, POTUS 10-13-18 8 42 pm PDT.PNG)

New POTUS Tweet

b3c3a2  No.3470671

File: aa18edfcf012c0d⋯.png (382.3 KB, 854x1202, 427:601, Screen Shot 2018-10-13 at ….png)

What the media aren’t telling you about Jamal Khashoggi


899688  No.3470672

File: f274cbeaead664d⋯.jpeg (78.74 KB, 498x376, 249:188, 9D42A59B-9DE0-4AFD-833D-B….jpeg)

be3820  No.3470673

File: db482f32d38e2ae⋯.jpg (229.14 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Extraordinary3.jpg)

b16a53  No.3470674

File: addce33bc96505d⋯.gif (695.54 KB, 1418x789, 1418:789, 9849P_2a.gif)

589f96  No.3470675


Lymphedema. Common in cancer patients after having lymph nodes removed.

Also an anecdotal link to agent orange exposure as a birth defect.

c3191a  No.3470676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Significant percentage' of Eir customers affected by broadband outage - Ireland

Global Internet Could Crash In Next 48 Hours - "Outage Across The World"


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922142

Apr 6 2018 14:17:40 (EST)

Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.




b44ade  No.3470677

File: 0b9dbaaed8193a9⋯.jpg (78.19 KB, 720x405, 16:9, JOHN KERRY ASSAD TRAITOR.jpg)

File: 0bcb1a0de98487f⋯.jpg (29.05 KB, 320x240, 4:3, PELOSI ASSAD TRAITOR.jpg)

0bfcb0  No.3470678

How can they do this when they dont own the song? If I recall correctly, Prince was suing to get back ownership of his material.

Prince's family: Stop using 'Purple Rain' at Trump rallies

Prince's family doesn't want "Purple Rain" played ahead of calls for a "red wave."

"The Prince Estate has never given permission to President Trump or The White House to use Prince's songs and have requested that they cease all use immediately," tweeted Prince's half-brother Omarr Baker in a statement on behalf of the musician's estate. Prince died in 2016.


a993bf  No.3470679


Really? Just wondering? You fucking Clown.

179a98  No.3470680

File: 8ac3326c8028ee8⋯.png (151.17 KB, 822x879, 274:293, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: 05b4b1a99bc2022⋯.png (107.96 KB, 821x798, 821:798, Q MILITARY 2HISTORY CHAPTE….PNG)

File: 99a3a2f9827f999⋯.png (130.58 KB, 821x815, 821:815, Q MILITARY 3HISTORY CHAPTE….PNG)

Military history

Home Military history Spycraft: The Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs Page 3




With the end of the war growing near, Donovan remembered the lessons of Pearl Harbor and the value of intelligence in occupied Europe and other theaters of war. At the behest of President Roosevelt, he prepared a detailed memorandum calling for the creation of a permanent postwar agency to act as a central clearinghouse for intelligence. In the covering letter of this 1944 memo, Donovan wrote: “When our enemies are defeated, the demand will be equally pressing for information that will aid us in solving the problems of peace . . .”1

However, Washington politics during the last days of World War II eroded Donovan’s influence along with his dream of forming a civilian central intelligence service. Many in government considered the OSS a temporary wartime agency, not needed in peace time any more than the Office of Price Administration, which oversaw the rationing of sugar and car tires. For them espionage was an inconvenient wartime necessity like gas coupons and war bond drives. Unable to see future challenges to national security, they believed America’s involvement in spying should end with the war.

Donovan’s memo, intended for the private consideration of the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was leaked to the press. Columnist Walter Trohan, leading the charge against a standing intelligence agency, wrote in February 1945, in the Chicago Tribuneand New York Daily News: “Creation of an all-powerful intelligence service to spy on the postwar world and to pry into the lives of citizens at home is under serious consideration by the New Deal. The unit would operate under an independent budget and presumably have secret funds for spy work along the lines of bribing and luxury living described in the novels of E. Phillips Oppenheim.”2

This was a direct policy and class attack on Donovan and his “blue-blooded” operatives, even down to the mention of Oppenheim. A popular and prolific British spy novelist of the day, Oppenheim pioneered the genre that would eventually became known as the international thriller, rarely missed an opportunity to have his characters revel in extravagant luxury. The message was clear: spying was elitist, unsavory, and un-American.

After Donovan’s confidential report remained unacted on by Roosevelt, a second negative report made its way to President Truman’s desk. This one, prepared by a Roosevelt aide, Colonel Richard Park, Jr., offered a devastating review of the OSS and with it, Donovan’s proposed peacetime intelligence agency.3 Truman accepted Park’s position and wasted no time acting. Within weeks of V-J Day in mid-August, the President signed an order on September 20, 1945, abolishing OSS and directing it to disband by October 1, 1945.4 Providing only ten days for the dissolution of the agency, the executive order left no time for a political counteroffensive by Donovan and OSS supporters.5

Two days prior to its official termination, the OSS staff gathered in Washington at the Rock Creek Park Drive skating rink (near the present-day Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts) to bid farewell to one another. Addressing the assembled crowd, Donovan said, “We have come to the end of an unusual experiment. This experiment was to determine whether a group of Americans constituting a cross-section of racial origins, of abilities, temperaments and talents, could risk an encounter with the long-established and well-trained enemy organizations.”6

Closing down of OSS did not completely dissolve its capabilities. Bits and pieces of the organization were seen as valuable and absorbed into other government entities. Research and Analysis was moved to the State Department, and other sections were incorporated into the War Department (later the Department of Defense) under the name Strategic Services Unit. Those transferred included overseas OSS stations and a skeleton crew from operations and technical support made up of a few experts in wireless communications, agent documentation, and secret writing (SW).7 However, the majority of OSS engineers, scientists, and craftsman assembled for wartime duty, returned to the private sector, taking with them their expertise in producing the specialized equipment required for intelligence operations.

America was without a functioning centralized intelligence agency, though not for long. In January of 1946, two months before Winston Churchill warned of the coming Soviet challenge in his historic “Iron Curtain Speech” in Fulton, Missouri, President Truman signed the Central Intelligence Group (CIG) into existence. The occasion became a jovial ceremony where attendees were supplied black cloaks, black hats, and wooden daggers.


fdc7b8  No.3470681

>>3470653 Being stoned to death might be preferable over being alive in a Turkish prison!

5e6a79  No.3470682

File: 2c28daecfb5c48d⋯.jpg (591.09 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Hippo DiFi.jpg)

File: 0ec78790f6ecca4⋯.jpg (578.87 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Hippo time to run.jpg)

This meme can easily be tailored to a target audience. Because it is directed at hypocrites, the semi lefties around the middle won't take it personally. The bottom four percent are lost anyway.

One simple theme, one easy to identify picture, one targeted audience.

As far as the rhinos go, yes, it applies to all hypocrites like mcstain.

96b61c  No.3470683


The eyes. The hair. The skin.

Okay I am waking up the wife.

5ff40e  No.3470684

File: 31ba537d87ec44a⋯.png (555.26 KB, 1080x547, 1080:547, Screenshot_20181013-231806….png)

Anon who asked for source on

There is two images

One from https://youtu.be/g9ys-Lfu4Sc

And I believe the goat head pic is from vouge Ukraine august 2014

61ce44  No.3470685

File: 6a138a97114979c⋯.jpg (70.13 KB, 600x851, 600:851, 79164764adbe16e1e3fa14f0ef….jpg)

b44ade  No.3470686

File: 02d541b95a1efc9⋯.png (381.49 KB, 670x507, 670:507, MCCABE FIRED SIDE BY SIDE.PNG)

80158a  No.3470687

File: 4c362435743986f⋯.jpg (26.55 KB, 500x628, 125:157, 7gUC8ub.jpg)

8120d8  No.3470688


get your own

be3820  No.3470689

File: 51f5bc5c7110660⋯.jpg (89.77 KB, 707x413, 101:59, 2018-10-14 03:49:05Z.jpg)

Welcome back to the WH, POTUS!

Such extraordinary energy and leadership.

We love you!


Big day! Pastor Andrew Brunson, who could have spent 35 years in a Turkish prison, was returned safely home to his family today. Met in Oval Office, great people! Then off to Kentucky for a Rally for Congressman Andy Barr. Tremendous crowd & spirit! Just returned to White House.

8:42 PM - 13 Oct 2018 (Pacific)

b16a53  No.3470690


Gray hair?

d83c0b  No.3470691

File: 201b4c06d2563f3⋯.gif (245.88 KB, 300x243, 100:81, pepe-expressions-photo-sho….gif)


>jot and tittle

have not heard that phrase since since I was a whipppersnapper, long ago.

42f44a  No.3470692


You need to replace the word "Boomers" with "The Cabal" ... don't blame normal people who have nothing to do with the mess of the 1% .. and btw .. fuck off with the Boomer shit. Most of us were on this team before you were born. The advent of the internet (which you can't imagine life without) is the only thing that is allowing us to fight back.

80158a  No.3470693

File: db8efd048742329⋯.png (370.45 KB, 438x540, 73:90, pic4-15.png)

35c23f  No.3470694

File: 871ec61c1b02e52⋯.jpg (388.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Saoli-1-UB.jpg)


Thanks, anon. Here's a pic of a horse for payment.

e44979  No.3470695

Freedom and liberty in Middle East…has a cost…the more you know!

Dodi al Fayed cousin

Queen Britain

Arms deals

Osama Bin Laden


c7978d  No.3470696

File: 61d86724a4ffd41⋯.jpg (38.22 KB, 247x413, 247:413, Yuri_Milner.jpg)

Just saying this son of a bitch gets massive poon and he has a small peener

240fea  No.3470697


im xgener, but yea I dont get the hatred for boomers. See it all the time. Must be a y generation thing.

61ce44  No.3470698

File: 582add22f24667c⋯.jpg (57.78 KB, 540x728, 135:182, 20f63ff7344e76d6bc86d8880e….jpg)


Fine. Have a blonde.

25d0a9  No.3470699

Mossad brainwashed everyone huh

fff82d  No.3470700

File: 0440f4fcb8a06aa⋯.png (106.12 KB, 1143x567, 127:63, Screenshot from 2018-10-13….png)

File: 6b6710e421327c7⋯.png (42.83 KB, 634x479, 634:479, Screenshot from 2018-10-13….png)


Looks like POTUS tweets between Jan 1/1 and 1/8 are missing from qmap.pub and trumptwitterarchive. Still showing on tweettunnel though

b44ade  No.3470701

File: 16f2c41696a904d⋯.png (1.07 MB, 736x554, 368:277, NK using China ships proof….PNG)

File: 53e8e42baf78a4d⋯.png (596.53 KB, 625x468, 625:468, NK using China ships proof.PNG)

ee910a  No.3470702


Matthew 12:45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”

5ff40e  No.3470703


Sorry the answer wasn't I the same bread as the question but I was checking my twatter acct

- accept the horse. Much appreciated Anon

899688  No.3470704

File: 2df3fbb4c54efed⋯.jpeg (31.92 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2FA22C22-9AFB-4EF5-A185-8….jpeg)

File: 0ade2ef3c80342d⋯.jpeg (70.13 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, A8BB83BC-957C-42EA-BD39-3….jpeg)

8d96d7  No.3470705

Can an anon direct me to the address for the Q cards?

736be3  No.3470706


should be 3.5 years, right?

ce3f87  No.3470707


Is there a part 03?

86b45b  No.3470708


They're all dims

0cfc4c  No.3470709

Very sad that their life has turn secretive but at least they are alive and will be able to openly serve one day.

b16a53  No.3470710


Agreed. She is perfect.

129861  No.3470711

File: 20ae9dd147edeff⋯.png (22.06 KB, 637x231, 91:33, ClipboardImage.png)


c3191a  No.3470712

File: 6b445fe4ee29959⋯.jpg (71.67 KB, 255x143, 255:143, AWAN.jpg)

a3cadc  No.3470714



compare the hair

c23f94  No.3470715

Any truth to Podesta in USP Lee?

4fc7d9  No.3470716


i dont doubt that for a second. even in American prison.

i would take an excruciatingly unimaginable death before i would walk back into that hell on earth.

c7978d  No.3470717



671b24  No.3470718


Lighting and magazine paper…

ee25a7  No.3470719

File: 3ecc1620863f53f⋯.png (932.57 KB, 1256x1126, 628:563, tuckerbased.png)

eacffd  No.3470720

File: 44af787f18516d9⋯.png (27.72 KB, 648x236, 162:59, POTUS 10-13-18 8 53 pm PDT.PNG)




736be3  No.3470721


relax bro, take it easy

dont get too attached to things

35c23f  No.3470722

File: ee5b9d876340a82⋯.jpg (216.73 KB, 800x988, 200:247, ee5b9d876340a822406ff8f96e….jpg)


Is okay. I'm kinda slow, too.

Have a pic of a bread isle, too.

0cfc4c  No.3470723

I don’t understand the paperclip pages.

Why was this done is Obama’s time? Are was it done for look but not action.

08675b  No.3470724


Maybe notable. BBC reporting too


c7978d  No.3470725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

366bee  No.3470726

I have no idea how to help them. It is troubling.


80158a  No.3470727

File: b8d6599e94988e0⋯.png (135.8 KB, 460x293, 460:293, 1526618696.png)


No joke. Not to mention insulting POTUS.

26c6c5  No.3470728

File: 4ffa4f8e40b6d5d⋯.png (311.32 KB, 712x423, 712:423, NPTSTEWTT.png)


"Rally" is the only word that has an unnecessary capital. What does that mean?

4949be  No.3470729


This is a great idea. The Hippocratic party!

5da15d  No.3470730

a lot of people have been speculating on what the keystone is, I have my own guess, it's the bank for international settlements.

The Bank for International Settlements is an organization that was founded by the global elite and it operates for the benefit of the global elite, and it is intended to be one of the key cornerstones of the emerging one world economic system.

f064ca  No.3470731


Nice, agreed.

eacffd  No.3470732



I thought of posting the song too

6d9199  No.3470733

File: 8af11f9aeb1c4da⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 250x345, 50:69, fjruru37eu347eru.jpg)

ee25a7  No.3470734

File: c365cf528db18ae⋯.png (20.84 KB, 372x164, 93:41, keystonecrumb.png)




ef36a5  No.3470735

File: b1584fb2f54ee0d⋯.jpeg (90.66 KB, 749x483, 107:69, E89163A0-05D9-4B67-929A-9….jpeg)

b44ade  No.3470736

File: 64874d4735fa56a⋯.png (423.1 KB, 578x517, 578:517, SHIP TO SHIP NK CHINA EVAD….PNG)

50295b  No.3470737

File: 042e851ec544862⋯.png (20.47 KB, 624x281, 624:281, Screenshot_2018-10-13 Mind….png)

File: 9c01dc94f4b4f50⋯.png (263.01 KB, 602x1647, 602:1647, Screenshot_2018-10-13 Mind….png)

File: d532c836668f008⋯.jpg (218.36 KB, 1200x1155, 80:77, CzBjtZpVEAAI1-4.jpg)

File: 40129a728fdf9e6⋯.png (43.46 KB, 644x274, 322:137, Screenshot_2018-10-13 Mind….png)

File: 46e6e7bde90ff3a⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1230x1238, 615:619, z4d5b21bf6de932d6502a47ddd….png)

2031b9  No.3470739

Ba'al in Hebrew mean owner, master, husband etc

Lmao jew lovers btfo

Ba'al owns the jews KEK

2df791  No.3470740

File: 80aea5e858c8939⋯.jpg (23.37 KB, 253x255, 253:255, you mad.JPG)


>You must be new here.

no, but you must be the new jew here

c3191a  No.3470741

File: bd4e145ee3104e9⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 550x343, 550:343, elders.jpg)


Kek! Don't forget about the one where the BOOMERS made the internet possible for these indignant youth.

Hey fuktards… You didn't build that

Your welcome.

56de9c  No.3470742

File: 39c5790cfd1d6de⋯.png (142.65 KB, 393x364, 393:364, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___GM.png)

401c75  No.3470743

File: 236910b57964d95⋯.jpeg (24.4 KB, 350x350, 1:1, imageService.jpeg)



49b912  No.3470744

Hey. I got this collage I am trying to share. It is 30mb. I can't get it to load up on MAGAimg, Imgur, or the chans… any ideas?

fdc7b8  No.3470745


Welcome back!

61ce44  No.3470746

File: afcec44f099c2e5⋯.jpeg (8.12 KB, 190x265, 38:53, images (2).jpeg)

9171be  No.3470747

File: 637462aa64717ba⋯.png (260.52 KB, 832x832, 1:1, 12 moves Alyssa Milano.PNG)

i think often, what the fuck is this clock.. the circular logic, the coincidences(there are no coincidences), etc

outside of the clock, the Q phenomenon, known to anons, its own circular logic, in this case - when Alyssa Milano gets phone confiscated in chambers during Kavanaugh hearings.

I think to myself one day a few days ago, wondering what to dig on, the candy crush saga during the SOTU Q drop, i think ofit not because Alyssa Milano (yet) but the line about the civilian tech (not sure if civilian tech) - that was a drop on NSA tech but also a drop that those chambers are laced with it. THATS when i think of Alyssa Milanoand THATS when i pull both the Alyssa Milano phone stuff and the candy crush SOTU stuff and THATS when i clockfag. After i gather some shit, some almost similar shit but seemingly unrelated shitan i just clock out.

so here's the deal. simply circle the timestamp of the SOTU civilian tech Q drop. then mark the date of the phone confiscation. the delta is 12. 12 ticks, 12 minutes, 12 etc on the clock FORWARD is the Q drop. i think to myself. FEK, 12 moves ahead.

so now its a clockfag. so now what does it mean? i think it means simply what i just layed out above, knowing the Q phenomenon like we do we can now deduce that NSA tech snooped Alyssa's fuckery and put an end to it.

why it fits on the clock as a mirror, i guess thats on Q, because its above my pay grade

0cc578  No.3470748

Q, make sure you understand, that enough of the lies and bs is enough, and the ** needs to go. You need to have the decency to clarify or take over so that This anon can move on after having sacrificed more than enough.

f064ca  No.3470749


Yep, me too.

ee25a7  No.3470750

Notables so far frens, let me know if something was missed


>>3470570 Governments Tell Google's Nest To Hand Over Data 300 Times

>>3470670, >>3470711 New POTUS Tweets (PDT)

>>3470671 Moar on Khashoggi

>>3470680 The Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs cont.

>>3470700 POTUS tweets between Jan 1/1 and 1/8 are missing from qmap.pub and trumptwitterarchive


try saving as a jpg

will be smaller, but postable

a3cadc  No.3470751


I don't quite subscribe to the theory that VF is JFK JR. But that magazine pic on page 13, is definitely JR. and he looks OLDER.

6c96cc  No.3470752


Had a Middle aged woman stare at me at a lecture…. for over an hour. This was 30 years ago. Grey business blazer and jacket. Grey hair in an outdated almost beehive do.

Her eyes…. Yellow where the white should be and slit pupils. Still makes my hair stand.

b44ade  No.3470753

File: c5ab09b0d5cf403⋯.png (890.37 KB, 1111x1952, 1111:1952, KEYSTONE.png)

5ff40e  No.3470754


Wtf I love the bread isle now

Thanks anon

903e7a  No.3470755

File: e20ee88aded436e⋯.png (364.78 KB, 505x575, 101:115, ewwwboy.PNG)

f064ca  No.3470756


Thanks, feels good when other anons see what you think you see.

80158a  No.3470757

File: 374b208b8b1a393⋯.gif (631.51 KB, 320x240, 4:3, tumblr_inline_o8a72egf891s….gif)

ef36a5  No.3470758

File: e7f1986b468fc08⋯.jpeg (121.5 KB, 1200x673, 1200:673, 89B83472-46B5-43AB-B571-3….jpeg)

366bee  No.3470759

Did you speak to her?


49b912  No.3470760

File: 7675db0a4ea447f⋯.jpg (8.73 MB, 4000x3600, 10:9, CollageALL.jpg)

This may be way too small, dunno. Probably enlargable… if that is a word.

8213eb  No.3470761

File: 69cd3432a80cd25⋯.jpg (153.58 KB, 1022x678, 511:339, redwave-fb.jpg)

Red Wave in the Democratic Peoples' Republic of California??

So I was hired to spend today (all fucking day) photographing kids football. Agricultural area of California 90%+ Latino (mostly legal too).

The Star Spangled Banner is played (or preformed live) before each game.

This is the part I was really interested to see.

I am in this particular area fairly often, so it shouldn't have shocked me. Everyone stood not one Player, Coach, or Family member in the stands took a knee (either side of the field).

During one playing of the National Anthem, two kids were goofing off, a coach gently nudged one of them into the other and suggested that the kids "Show some Fucking Respect for Your Country".


ef36a5  No.3470762

File: 7eab7951f42075c⋯.jpeg (70.74 KB, 504x537, 168:179, 4B33E828-5993-46F6-94DC-4….jpeg)

File: bee43d968c6f03d⋯.jpeg (54.43 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 506A7E16-354B-4ABA-8025-A….jpeg)

71abda  No.3470763


Media Forgets to Mention Jamal Khashoggi was in the Muslim Brotherhood

Everything the media is telling you, is a lie

For several days the media has been shrieking, wailing, crying and beating its breast over the possible tragic fate of Jamal Khashoggi.

Every utterance made by the Turkish Islamist regime is treated as fact by the media. Trump is being barraged with "how could you" lectures by the same media that is happy to ignore the tens of thousands of political prisoners in Turkish jails.

Why is the media so in love with Jamal Khashoggi?

Guessing isn't hard. It's the easiest thing in the world. And there's only one kind of fellow that the Turkish government would be up in arms over. There's only one kind of Muslim the media loves. Only one kind.

The fate of Khashoggi has at least provoked global outrage, but it’s for all the wrong reasons. We are told he was a liberal, Saudi progressive voice fighting for freedom and democracy, and a martyr who paid the ultimate price for telling the truth to power.

Sorry, no.

In truth, Khashoggi never had much time for western-style pluralistic democracy. In the 1970s he joined the Muslim Brotherhood, which exists to rid the Islamic world of western influence. He was a political Islamist until the end, recently praising the Muslim Brotherhood in the Washington Post. He championed the ‘moderate’ Islamist opposition in Syria, whose crimes against humanity are a matter of record. Khashoggi frequently sugarcoated his Islamist beliefs with constant references to freedom and democracy. But he never hid that he was in favour of a Muslim Brotherhood arc throughout the Middle East. His recurring plea to bin Salman in his columns was to embrace not western-style democracy, but the rise of political Islam which the Arab Spring had inadvertently given rise to. For Khashoggi, secularism was the enemy.

The Washington Post was happy to provide a forum for a member of a terror network that is responsible for murdering countless Christians and Jews.

The media is hysterically attacking a Saudi reformer (to some degree) in support of an Islamist.

Everything it's telling you is a lie.

It was Yasin Aktay — a former MP for Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development party (AKP) — whom Khashoggi told his fiancée to call if he did not emerge from the consulate. The AKP is, in effect, the Turkish branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. His most trusted friend, then, was an adviser to President Erdogan, who is fast becoming known as the most vicious persecutor of journalists on earth. Khashoggi never meaningfully criticised Erdogan. So we ought not to see this as the assassination of a liberal reformer.

And it gets worse.

Most of the Islamic clerics in Saudi Arabia who have been imprisoned over the past two years — Khashoggi’s friends — have historic ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Khashoggi had therefore emerged as a de facto leader of the Saudi branch. Due to his profile and influence, he was the biggest political threat to bin Salman’s rule outside of the royal family.

And worse.

And that may have been the fatal snub, not least because Khashoggi had earlier this year established a new political party in the US called Democracy for the Arab World Now, which would support Islamist gains in democratic elections throughout the region. Bin Salman’s nightmare of a Khashoggi-led Islamist political opposition was about to become a reality.

This is what the media and those politicians stupid enough to be shrieking about Khashoggi support.


4fc7d9  No.3470764

File: 2009d5280d72e49⋯.gif (487.81 KB, 500x223, 500:223, sweetsweetfreedom.gif)

c7978d  No.3470765

File: 0c11352459e539d⋯.mp4 (5.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DB-uWPteYy41KV7W.mp4)

0cfc4c  No.3470766


My goodness we had amazing music compared to what is produced today.

52698a  No.3470767

File: 95c7e061dc9a0bb⋯.jpg (59.33 KB, 421x387, 421:387, 6ddb95666b1b1b6342b4e8ebf0….jpg)

those running in midterms need better memes and their own version of "4am news" but this time for WE the PEOPLE.

What would be some good "filters" to apply in terms of creating memes and compiling news for candidates in specific states??

eacffd  No.3470768

File: 0c7d7bed2827ef2⋯.mp4 (350.4 KB, 480x274, 240:137, This is @CNN.mp4)

c23f94  No.3470769

No? Podesta isn't in custody?

82ecd9  No.3470770


Everything will be fine. Just go outside and play.

ef36a5  No.3470771

File: b5097ccc10e9cdc⋯.jpeg (93.04 KB, 750x579, 250:193, 5BCCA828-391D-45FB-A69A-7….jpeg)

fff82d  No.3470772

File: d96da4d3e0f8ce6⋯.png (39.36 KB, 872x344, 109:43, originalClockFag.png)

Hey Clockfags

Original clockfag in pic related

e44979  No.3470773

Eye of Mordor>Huma Abedin?!


b44ade  No.3470774

File: c7f5e768495f185⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1064x532, 2:1, SESSIONS RR DINNER.PNG)

78760e  No.3470775


The original poster you link to needs to go back to school and learn history. Their entire rant is suspect.

It was the boomers parents who created the Social Security Act. The only boomers that got to take full advantage of the benefits is the older end of the generation.

9b625f  No.3470776


Fucking epic and saved!

71abda  No.3470777


Jamal Khashoggi Blamed 9/11 on US Support for Israel

"A Muslim cannot be happy with the suffering of others. Even if this suffering is that of Americans"

There's a reason that the media loved Jamal Khashoggi, the Muslim Brotherhood member and Osama bin Laden pal. And there's a reason that it's mourning his supposed disappearance.

Here, after September 11, Jamal Khashoggi blames the Muslim terrorist attacks on America's support for Israel.

Americans want unconditional condemnation of the horrible attacks that happened in their skies and on their land. They also want total cooperation in their fight against terror according to their own definition of what terrorism is and exactly who the terrorists are. But Saudi Arabia will not give in to such demands.

America's definition of terrorism apparently differs sharply from the Muslim Brotherhood member's definition.

Saudis tend to link the ugliness of what happened in New York and Washington with what has happened and continues to happen in Palestine. It is time that the United States comes to understand the effect of its foreign policy and the consequences of that policy. But unfortunately such rationalisation is still not part of the American reality.

In other words, Americans had it coming for supporting Israel.

A Muslim cannot be happy with the suffering of others. Even if this suffering is that of Americans who neglected the suffering of Palestinians for half a century.

The theme comes up again later in Khashoggi's rant.

The Saudis haven't forgotten that only days before the terrible crimes in New York, there was an art exhibition on the streets of that city in support of what New Yorkers saw as the plight of the Israelis. We can't understand why no one thought of depicting the plight of the Palestinians, who are the occupied community. Despite our unhappiness with such actions of utter ignorance, Saudis have all expressed deep condemnation of the September 11 crimes.

Big of them, isn't it.

We should be equally big by expressing condemnation of whoever disposed of Jamal, whether it was the Saudis or his Turkish pals staging a little false flag operation, and then decide that we really need to discuss the definitions of disappearance and missing.

And then wonder whether Jamal sufficiently cared about the plight of the Tibetans.


899688  No.3470778


Its pride that makes you think you could help.

They willingly blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

Do you feel you should pray for or help demons too?

They are for the anointed to deal with now.

If they break the rules.

56de9c  No.3470779

File: bc1f08e280efbac⋯.png (28.65 KB, 649x177, 11:3, ClipboardImage.png)


WRWY anon, not going anywhere

495d72  No.3470780

File: 21f3b52cabf7b05⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 999x706, 999:706, yous.jpg)

File: b36bbaaab1c1efb⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 999x518, 27:14, clown5.jpg)


Here is your "you" clown nigger

cf7d76  No.3470781

>>3470533 (lb)




all multiples of 11


87a7d2  No.3470782

File: a81c127b0c894bf⋯.png (4.07 MB, 1513x1591, 1513:1591, 24380826301887053278346420….png)

5a30ef  No.3470783


>I know the bellow Q post discouraged anons when we didn't see arrests

Your above post is nothing more than a shit shill attempt to demoralize the board and anons. But you know that, because you made sure you got the 1st post after the dough. And oddly enough, it was 2 minutes and 10 seconds before the last bread filled. You shills forget, it’s not just about waiting for the dough to post, it’s also about waiting for the last bread to fill and that’s your tell.

Now, kindly fuck off and GTFO, real patriots are in charge. She lost, you lost, and in the end, you FAILED.

c7978d  No.3470784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0cfc4c  No.3470785


Excellent! Many on this board are so talented at making memes. If they are made for candidates we will get them circulated.

2df791  No.3470786

File: a85a87fba1846ba⋯.jpg (235.53 KB, 1823x1027, 1823:1027, CNN KW.jpg)

4fc7d9  No.3470787


i hate to admit it but that does look like an older version of himself.

god damnit jon jon stay the fuck out of this shit if your alive. were not a bunch of tea and crumpet toting brits. youre just gonna piss a lot of people off once the shock value fades and fades fast.

4a9e05  No.3470788

File: 2e6ea251a9f251b⋯.jpg (103.39 KB, 841x556, 841:556, iu (7).jpg)

File: cd4bb0a57192604⋯.jpg (155.98 KB, 924x586, 462:293, Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at ….jpg)


Holy Picto-Hive Mind, Batman!

6c96cc  No.3470789


As soon as it was over I jumped up and ran down the chapel stairs - yes it was a church - to the guy giving the lecture. He looked at me and told me not to worry about her. Told me they follow him wherever he goes. CREEPY

899688  No.3470790

0d5d00  No.3470791


IMO it was another stress test to see how far along CM is on the BW. How do you make sure you get a over powering response to do a test on a platform. Compare with QA and are you ready, the preamble and after effects. A few days later CM gives an update. We don't see what he sees, he has better tech toys than DS.

Now its about pass and review, both Patriots and DS clowns. Q team has to make sure they have a fail safe system before they start calling in massive fire missions. Ole timer Anons know this and have seen this before.

Check or hold! WWG1WGA!

3fc2b2  No.3470792

File: d41fb7d7a730baa⋯.jpg (82.66 KB, 526x870, 263:435, 1a.JPG)

Small plane crashes into Payson home, investigation underway


c7b715  No.3470793

File: 01c50b274ec4f1b⋯.png (154 KB, 561x502, 561:502, NightShiftPepe5.png)

Evening, frens!

Shills still bitching about lack of Q?

50295b  No.3470794

File: 4f67bf99a0cfbb0⋯.png (787.94 KB, 819x1249, 819:1249, RUpVLba.png)

File: 5cd9328f6718ca4⋯.jpg (80.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 8272b54efa143ae⋯.png (453.16 KB, 934x599, 934:599, 0c26b5a4010a84d5a55977392d….png)

File: f953fca2e00fa5d⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 600x799, 600:799, 9pBQZxJ.jpg)

File: c713bd167a6d3d8⋯.png (647.41 KB, 1140x748, 285:187, fffffff.png)

fff82d  No.3470795


kek. original clockfag got a smackdown. "just make sure you…."

e96eee  No.3470796


Yea, what gives. Thats some weird shit!!

b44ade  No.3470797

File: 80bb05d383aecd1⋯.jpg (535.88 KB, 1001x1117, 1001:1117, SA CRACKDOWN GRAPHIC.jpg)

647222  No.3470798


9 minutes between tweets


8f400e  No.3470799


>mom dies to cancer when im in kindergarten

>father drinks. hardly speaks ever. work is life

>wut are emotions

>sports and reading

>school some sick daycare

>learn some normie shticks

>college a joke. pay for piece of paper with name on it

>work eat sleep repeat slave

>alone cept imageboards

>family worries

>birthday. sister calls

>"Anon! It's your golden birthday!"


>"You'll be 30 on the 30th! It's going to be a great year!"

>cool cool.

>read and think about Q & anon posts every night and day

best year of my life


366bee  No.3470800

All have sinned and fall short.

All. Especially me.


35c23f  No.3470801


Taking them all down at once isn't as important as taking out the ones who can actually think.

The easiest way to win a war is to take out the tenth of a percent who actually make things happen. The rest will flounder helplessly screwing their lives even moar. HRC has never been a strategist, so taking her out isn't important (and carries a risk of riot backlash).

2ba235  No.3470802





96b61c  No.3470803


It is a Jew thing. Divide and Conquer. Some anons have mistakenly picked up on the theme and ran with it but they do not understand the origin.

No doubt JIDF came up with it originally as a way to divide the movement. They come up with labels and smear people. Like Incel and that kind of Jew faggotry.

4a9e05  No.3470804

File: cb3883f287b59a0⋯.jpg (98.65 KB, 519x353, 519:353, 8fd883822b2c1821bf503306b0….jpg)

80158a  No.3470805

File: f0bf984206122ab⋯.jpg (30.7 KB, 410x612, 205:306, downloadfile-13.jpg)


Jr. had a sex change and moved to Napa.

899688  No.3470806


That brings back memories.

Still have this on my FB page.


f064ca  No.3470807


Could be, that fits as well.

25d0a9  No.3470808

File: 0051433c4497b00⋯.png (614.49 KB, 537x747, 179:249, lem1.png)

File: 29802fd387ad8a6⋯.png (477.56 KB, 560x559, 560:559, lem2.png)

d64396  No.3470809



05c2a5  No.3470810

File: aa1d3ffc5679bae⋯.png (3.18 MB, 2000x1338, 1000:669, 9e0fcb2655fe1f396e789cab56….png)

ef36a5  No.3470811

File: b62931113793c60⋯.jpeg (130.75 KB, 884x473, 884:473, 51E73567-119A-43E6-ACCE-3….jpeg)

671b24  No.3470812


See the mob of cameras? I can’t imagine what life would be like under such a constant glare. I wouldn’t wish for it.

c3191a  No.3470813

File: 39b07731dd2ee16⋯.jpg (104.46 KB, 750x420, 25:14, UN P.JPG)

File: 9bf76976a7fe140⋯.jpg (49.01 KB, 753x393, 251:131, id UN dino.jpg)


Soon to be irelevant.


.@realDonaldTrump, we the undersigned Members of Congress respectfully request that you consider replacing Ambassador Nikki Haley with…


4216c7  No.3470814


I've missed her.

a twatter had that as their avatar but replaced it

yes I knew it wasn't the twatter themselves I just appreciated seeing it every day>>3470698

87a7d2  No.3470815

File: e7c611a69ed57dc⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1282x950, 641:475, 32965947087547578969217632….png)

96b61c  No.3470816


She is not wearing ANY undergarments. Wow

0cfc4c  No.3470817


Yes! Thank you for reposting this information. This is what I was saying. It could be a blessing that this reporter was killed/ taken out. He was part of the evil ww groups.

Many people die and the MSM does not mention it, even reporters. This is being magnified because this reporter is one of them.

a3cadc  No.3470818


there even appears to be less calogen in his facial skin, and the neck looks older too.

shit, dude.

25d0a9  No.3470819

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Doors - The End

647222  No.3470820

File: f83907f22e5a259⋯.jpg (57.19 KB, 300x234, 50:39, Madman_GodsOtherSon.jpg)


Bless You Anon, you will be saved in Q's Kingdom

902a13  No.3470821

File: 91b17a45d0f55d0⋯.jpg (240.12 KB, 965x1202, 965:1202, HRA3.jpg)


dont they always?

05c2a5  No.3470822

File: 56506fa5040fb8c⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1921x1075, 1921:1075, 1539412386570.png)

4fc7d9  No.3470823


JESUS dude theres so many falling out of the sky now you got a chance of dyng beneath one not just IN one.


d3dac7  No.3470824

File: cd7f7bf39f08e27⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 3105x2328, 1035:776, IMG_6042.JPG)

f064ca  No.3470825


Nice agreed, I just want them all down…We have the chance clean this world.

49b912  No.3470826

File: 6bc497b31438851⋯.png (146.76 KB, 229x255, 229:255, ClipboardImage.png)

a041e7  No.3470827


You should have heard the boot’s viewpoint

bc2874  No.3470828


Did I miss the "Lemon juice" memes?

899688  No.3470829


Me too.

Grace and Mercy alone.

But these are no longer our concern.

They know they are damned.

Free will.

Move on and help others probably right in your neighborhood or city.

ef36a5  No.3470830

File: c9855f9ed91f4ed⋯.jpeg (280.29 KB, 1249x1185, 1249:1185, 70670390-5983-4B81-AD26-4….jpeg)

eacffd  No.3470831

File: d7d3619ff8bb37a⋯.png (805.8 KB, 654x727, 654:727, DoD 10-13-18 9 01 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 6080f48b420e67c⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1237x822, 1237:822, DoD 10-13-18 9 01 pm PDT p….PNG)

His puppy missed him! 🐶


30a293  No.3470832

File: 0b50e0fbbd18de3⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Beyond_Borders_Comet_Silsb….png)

File: 1fe9b3bd391c3b2⋯.jpg (105.08 KB, 640x932, 160:233, Little_Red_Fox_WTF.jpg)

File: 9df0eaebd1695ee⋯.png (453 KB, 739x904, 739:904, Little_Red_Fox.png)

File: d64a4d1f10ba25a⋯.jpg (436.06 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Little_Red_Fox.jpg-large.jpg)

File: 41c797c85aa9623⋯.png (364.32 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, little_red_hen_little_gold….png)


The Little Red Fox is a restaurant right next to Comet Pizza and Ping Pong. The same people who own Politics and Prose own The Little Red Fox.

08efec  No.3470833


Good analysis! I'm kinda thinking the stone would be an EO signed by POTUS. Just the feeling I got from reading over your post. I could be wrong though. I'm just a "paid shill" ridiculed for speaking freely and exercising my right to free speech. What do I know?

71abda  No.3470834


While Jewish Lefties Advocate for Khashoggi, He Urged Saudi King to Fight Israel

The outcry over Jamal Khashoggi, an old friend of Osama bin Laden and a member of the Hitler-loving Muslim Brotherhood, has reached certain Jewish organizations and pundits.

It should stop.

One of Khashoggi's differences with the new Saudi king had to do with the Jewish State.

While the Saudis were engaged in a certain amount of political outreach to Israel, Jamal Khashoggi wanted to see the Saudis ally with the Muslim Brotherhood.

And move against Israel.

"Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman should get rid of his complex against the Muslim Brotherhood and stop treating them as the enemy or a threat to Saudi Arabia," he said.

"This is a big mistake."

Khashoggi, who spoke to Al Jazeera from Washington, DC, expressed hope that Saudi Arabia would go back to assume its leadership of the Arab world and shift its focus to the causes that are very important to the Arabs, mainly to support the Palestinians in their struggle against Israel.

He deplored the authorities' decision to allow some in the Saudi news media to express support for Israel against the Palestinians, while journalists and intellectuals known to support the Palestinian cause were put in jail or felt afraid to speak out.

So much for the myth of Khashoggi as a supporter of the free press.


3fc2b2  No.3470835

File: 1f59cd33e21b9c4⋯.jpg (115.12 KB, 713x834, 713:834, 1a.JPG)

File: 563358059117997⋯.jpg (85.17 KB, 622x517, 622:517, 2.JPG)

Twitter is facing an investigation over data collection in its link-shortening system


179a98  No.3470836

File: e45c92b6072ef98⋯.png (119.79 KB, 854x889, 122:127, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: 1ffaf9168499448⋯.png (115.27 KB, 813x907, 813:907, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: 5f7ce4d74c24aeb⋯.png (112.6 KB, 828x913, 828:913, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: 97f22384ed468ef⋯.png (111.91 KB, 819x901, 819:901, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: bc111b9060e13b0⋯.png (123.38 KB, 859x910, 859:910, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)


IMAGE 1: (larger content at link)










ef36a5  No.3470837

File: e1e35d273e3fb11⋯.jpeg (97.04 KB, 600x430, 60:43, ACB60B43-1B26-47D9-8FB9-2….jpeg)

c3191a  No.3470838

File: 313268ec73d8539⋯.png (469.21 KB, 1175x489, 1175:489, DEclass.png)


They can smell the DECLASS coming.

If they ignore it (and shut down the net) it'll go away, right?

ee25a7  No.3470839

File: b2e77ae1c07f961⋯.jpg (115.44 KB, 714x481, 714:481, npc5.jpg)

74cf06  No.3470840

File: ba86547aea33ce9⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 750x562, 375:281, nsmofo.jpg)

4fc7d9  No.3470841


not gonna lie man that picture spooks me a bit. fucker tries to waltz in on some high horse as a grand finale after all this shit, dont know what ill do. but it will no longer be a part of this.

56de9c  No.3470842


I was harsh earlier, didn't see where you were going with this. It's getting clearer. My apologies, & glad you ignored me.

Only one suggestion, some of the Q drops posted here as images, are what's missing, just IMO

fbdf18  No.3470844

File: 746a4f5fb6ef18e⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 2048x1344, 32:21, 598987.jpg)










Dear God, what have I done; lol. This place is starting to look like heaven. Have anons seen these guys' video series on Q posts and the Deep State? Interesting lay out:


87a7d2  No.3470845

File: 4fe40c2fa272893⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1707x1108, 1707:1108, 89732265426789323648923812….png)

30a293  No.3470846

File: 4afb0352c0dfff6⋯.png (244.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Ken_Starr_Claude_Moore_Mol….png)

File: c7f255df6be8f02⋯.png (128.39 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Ken_Starr_Professsional_Co….png)

File: d57843375fa8d97⋯.png (699.92 KB, 2000x4200, 10:21, McLean_Virginia_Chris_Klom….png)

File: bc7fa32b5fa62e3⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1956x1580, 489:395, McLean_Map.png)

File: 6eb589dfa931c96⋯.png (289.05 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Andrew_S_Love_2_Kolor.png)


regarding Christopher Kloman….

Love - cult name- wrote letter supporting Kloman

3fc2b2  No.3470847

File: b317604267f1e0a⋯.jpg (145.41 KB, 902x827, 902:827, 1a.JPG)

File: 14c7e385140e4e2⋯.jpg (116.2 KB, 584x795, 584:795, 2.JPG)

#MeToo Setback: Austrian politician convicted of libel for accusing man of sexual harassment on Facebook


ce3f87  No.3470848


Do we know who this presentation was given to?

903e7a  No.3470849

File: 38d74bd1cada588⋯.png (1.01 MB, 804x650, 402:325, rlarp.PNG)


R larp dead

Get over it

ef36a5  No.3470850

File: 273be0dd9e243df⋯.jpeg (123.66 KB, 500x658, 250:329, 12180A2C-EA3B-43F8-B934-7….jpeg)

2df791  No.3470851

File: bbac11f9c290d71⋯.jpg (26.7 KB, 365x316, 365:316, booker ll cankels.jpg)


>TY anon kek

b720d8  No.3470852

File: 4de2ad69a1ca1c5⋯.png (629.94 KB, 912x960, 19:20, 43952883_2440398762853376_….png)

366bee  No.3470853

Have they been amongst us all along?

Now that I pay attention I have noticed?


4fc7d9  No.3470854


im hoping its just a worse angled shot with those overhead lights, you can see the color bleed a little on the top of his head in the video.

00c15a  No.3470855

File: f5b6757af83a703⋯.jpg (13.5 KB, 192x255, 64:85, clownteabag.jpg)


their little stock market game is pathetic

it proves they control < 5% of the market

these people are stupid

87a7d2  No.3470856

File: 0b47ce26da56046⋯.png (1.45 MB, 848x802, 424:401, 30765807912063307689409123….png)

74cf06  No.3470857


Muffin tops for the ankles.

b3c3a2  No.3470858


We are the factory. We make the machines. http://billlawrenceonline.com/make-machines-midnight-express/

e236ef  No.3470859

File: 1a16dace9631e5c⋯.png (87.48 KB, 613x247, 613:247, ClipboardImage.png)

c7978d  No.3470860


What if POTUS sends a TEXT with an IP address?

eacffd  No.3470861

File: 17598a56e8bb2e5⋯.png (574.75 KB, 662x730, 331:365, DoD 10-13-18 7 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 3cddb273ffda1bf⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1123x750, 1123:750, DoD 10-13-18 7 pm PDT pic.PNG)


On watch!


4216c7  No.3470862

Message for / Q to the BO:

I see VPN ads here. One is PIA, Private Internet Access.

I use PIA already for while.

Recently if using CHICAGO PIA connection gateway, receive BANNED msg. forcing me to choose another gateway.

Clearly some ahole did some faggery at some point, but…..kind of sucks for us regular fags.

Possible to remove IP from blacklist?

ee25a7  No.3470863


not sure its necessary, or if you really want to, not sure how many pages you're talking about

your posts have the link in it

that being said adding this one too, its good info

71abda  No.3470864


Jamal Khashoggi was Bin Laden Pal, Mourned His Death, Vouched for Terror Funder

Media martyr Jamal Khashoggi is being described as a political dissident.

Sure. So were Hitler, Khomeini and Osama bin Laden.

By no coincidence, Jamal Khashoggi was an old friend of Osama bin Laden.

In early 1990 Bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia and gave a lecture in which he predicted that Saddam Hussein would invade Kuwait.

Jamal Khashoggi, who had travelled extensively with Bin Laden in Afghanistan, attended the talk and afterwards asked his old friend how he could be so certain of the future.

"He recited a verse from the Koran," recalls Jamal.

"The verse means the one who practises jihad for God, for Allah, God will show them the right path. I wasn't comfortable about it. He had given himself the position of 'I am seeing things because God is directing me towards it'. That was the first time I felt that Osama began to have an inflated ego."

Jamal lost touch with Bin Laden in the mid-1990s and Khaled in the early 1990s as both completely rejected his ideology.

Although it has been many years since either of them saw Bin Laden, both admitted feeling sad at the death of their old friend in a raid by US forces in Pakistan earlier this month.

The media spins this as Jamal being a moderate. Only insofar as tactics go.

He was a Muslim Brotherhood member and continued backing the Jihadist network.

Under Muhammad bin Salman, the hitherto ambiguous Saudis now side with the Emiratis. He speaks of a “triangle of evil” encompassing Iran, IS and the Muslim Brotherhood. As such he seems to be drawing a dividing line between Arab states (and tame salafists) on one side, and all forms of Islamism on the other—be they non-violent Brothers or jihadists. “It is a crazy analysis about the threat of a pan-Islamic empire,” says Jamal Khashoggi, a former editor of al-Watan, a Saudi-owned newspaper, who now works as a columnist in exile in America. “He treats IS and the Brotherhood as the same thing—the only difference being that IS tried to create the caliphate immediately by violence while the Brotherhood wants to create the caliphate slowly, through democracy.”

Although the Brotherhood never seemed very strong in the Gulf, its election victory in Egypt in 2012 unnerved Gulf rulers. Saudi Arabia and the UAE enthusiastically supported the coup that overthrew President Muhammad Morsi of the Brotherhood, not least because he was moving closer to Iran. For Mr Khashoggi, the campaign against the Brothers is an attempt to extinguish the last embers of the Arab spring: “Democracy and political Islam go together.”

That's that "democratic" Caliphate.

And here's Khashoggi vouching for an alleged terror funder for Al Qaeda.

Yet Mr. Khalifa is unsure how long he will enjoy these freedoms. He is a wanted man, believed by analysts and intelligence agencies, including the FBI and CIA, to have links to the heart of Al Qaeda. Using charities in the Philippines as a cover, Khalifa is alleged to have funded the radical Islamic group Abu Sayyaf. He is also said to have spearheaded plots including a foiled 1995 plan to hijack planes and crash them into the Pentagon and CIA headquarters - widely seen as a blueprint for the Sept. 11 attacks.

The victims of Sept. 11 have named Khalifa in their multibillion dollar lawsuit for damages.

Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi columnist whose views are aired in the Western media, is a Khalifa supporter.

"I know Jamal very well and there is no way I believe he is involved [with Al Qaeda]," says Mr. Khashoggi.

This is the media's new martyr. If the Saudis disposed of him, they seem to have gotten rid of a terrorist mouthpiece.


Former Bin Laden friend denies terror ties


30a293  No.3470865

File: 33bbda3c5d8a7e5⋯.png (125.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Charlie_Gibson_Chris_Kloma….png)

File: 1cc171a2eac7621⋯.png (90.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Gil_Grosvenor_National_Geo….png)

File: 5a7a5801cd1450a⋯.png (223.91 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, William_D_Hagar_McLean_Klo….png)

File: f289ec66233084b⋯.png (126.51 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Andrew_S_Love_Kolors.png)

File: a66825b2dd1b45c⋯.png (376.82 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Dick_Dabney_Schmitt.png)


regarding Kloman

25d0a9  No.3470866

File: 2bd92339b513f3c⋯.png (723.83 KB, 657x785, 657:785, afterparty.png)

74cf06  No.3470867


Here comes the gay scat porn…

2c518a  No.3470868


Her hair is the wrong color

87a7d2  No.3470869

File: cc66ffd46d54ccf⋯.png (1.48 MB, 848x802, 424:401, 08976320732632645608963210….png)

4fc7d9  No.3470870


i fucking pray to god it is DEAD. family and friends have died in these senseless bush fueled wars. i know those people the c[]a is fucking NOT THAT SMART god damnit, why we didnt kill them all the night of september 10th 2001 or the 12th blows my mind. the entire military hates every one of these fuckers especially the bushs.

6b063f  No.3470871


Yeah… let's fight tyranny with fascism. That's a great plan.

61ce44  No.3470872

File: 445c667a8241b8f⋯.jpg (125.5 KB, 600x1300, 6:13, redheads-parting-the-sea-t….jpg)

e44979  No.3470873

File: 3131a82a6d07a8d⋯.jpeg (69.81 KB, 609x388, 609:388, 643DA651-2284-45A2-9AF5-3….jpeg)

80158a  No.3470874

File: e28a937d492e8e8⋯.jpg (109.64 KB, 760x760, 1:1, Cath-Janes-author-pic.jpg)

49b912  No.3470875


Fair enough. Gotta figure out how to screenshots to add some screenshots. Only been at it about a week. Far from a techie pro.

a3cadc  No.3470876


the magazine is on shelves until december 14, 2018. take a gander at page 13. My photo of a photo may not be convincing enough.

74cf06  No.3470877

File: 1e57dd0a5a76de9⋯.jpg (94.22 KB, 736x1103, 736:1103, bf22e7d34550d61de4001a8cb9….jpg)

08efec  No.3470878


It all makes sense now. He's a fags fag.

50295b  No.3470879

File: 44e38b82412f339⋯.png (436.89 KB, 975x621, 325:207, 0bb1c30d4d533ef3545149fd7b….png)

File: 0cffbd59f73b2d2⋯.png (952.68 KB, 1012x604, 253:151, 1479949190347.png)

File: eff7cb8edd34e54⋯.png (258.93 KB, 1301x572, 1301:572, Screenshot-2018-5-6 Tender….png)

File: f1255423eaef411⋯.png (380.92 KB, 1033x392, 1033:392, Screenshot-2018-5-6 Joy Ch….png)

File: 262f6fe56ec260a⋯.jpg (572.61 KB, 2879x2879, 1:1, AkTbeCj.jpg)

9171be  No.3470880

File: c44bd7011ed8dbb⋯.png (260.57 KB, 832x832, 1:1, 12 moves Alyssa Milano.PNG)


no need to circle october 9

this is a better graphic

clockwork Q

12 moves ahead of the DerpState

ef36a5  No.3470881

File: 4b059edf28c0c15⋯.jpeg (255.15 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, 7D94E0F6-7F63-4EC2-A80E-5….jpeg)

be3820  No.3470882

File: ac09555facec4bd⋯.jpeg (210.54 KB, 992x725, 992:725, QCrumbTruthFree.jpeg)

File: 416b3d08c3bd9a2⋯.jpeg (194.22 KB, 992x725, 992:725, QCrumbTruthSpreading.jpeg)

File: 6219825a1adf862⋯.jpg (97.89 KB, 500x679, 500:679, QCrumbsSilentNoMore.jpg)

File: 7c0316f7367aef7⋯.jpg (98.13 KB, 500x679, 500:679, QCrumbsMorethanYouKnow.jpg)

File: 4b0ea53f36d9606⋯.jpg (453.37 KB, 1536x1024, 3:2, QCrumbsPicture.jpg)

d64396  No.3470883

File: 8679c0ca30701dc⋯.png (14.9 KB, 633x335, 633:335, twitter_com_GeorgePapa19_s….png)

File: bf7a202a7cbe803⋯.png (69.95 KB, 644x291, 644:291, www_goodreads_com_quotes_4….png)

File: a5c757976fb1751⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 333x499, 333:499, 51hrFMm0xoL._SX331_BO1,204….jpg)


f064ca  No.3470884


I hope you're right…that it wasn't just a small showing of what they can do.

4fc7d9  No.3470885


ha no magazines where im at fren. either way. i would applaud the man for staying alive and hidden this long, but i would tell him to CRAWL STRAIGHT BACK INTO HIS LITTLE BITCH CAVE AND LAY THERE TIL HE ROTS AWAY LIKE ALL THOSE HE LET PASS SINCE.

2df791  No.3470886


>Jamal Khashoggi was Bin Laden Pal, Mourned His Death, Vouched for Terror Funder

karma is a bitch

401c75  No.3470887

File: a1189b49d46474b⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 550x413, 550:413, rolls-royce-limo-mirage.jpg)

899688  No.3470888


Nothing new under the sun.

77b7cc  No.3470889


Looks like Bell's Palsy

c3191a  No.3470890

File: 2e7dccfdec93a84⋯.jpg (116.31 KB, 1125x1045, 225:209, ldr no.jpg)

File: 8d990b4903fdbdf⋯.png (515.35 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, LdR Q.png)


Who's NOT giving a presentation:

LdR's unavailable at the moment


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: /lc4nimE No.149262582

Nov 13 2017 13:04:46 (EST)

Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.


ee910a  No.3470891

the shills who cry boomer are just that…. shills and very low IQ

b720d8  No.3470892

File: 6eae3c7b0cab0f6⋯.jpg (114.33 KB, 693x695, 693:695, 44041537_2329443150657877_….jpg)

87a7d2  No.3470893

File: f1e4a9c1fd09c3e⋯.png (1.5 MB, 923x865, 923:865, 08706892168682386904605306….png)

7101f0  No.3470894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When it crumbles, we will stand tall, together.

2c518a  No.3470895

File: 5e572b41af2d195⋯.jpeg (18.83 KB, 255x220, 51:44, FC233888-6A1F-4E0C-A897-E….jpeg)


That’s better

61ce44  No.3470896

File: 37e5b1e63711e7f⋯.jpg (124.4 KB, 600x635, 120:127, 03c85667aa6460d93844a2a681….jpg)

80158a  No.3470897

File: 40dc7b9f74283b9⋯.jpeg (114.07 KB, 533x850, 533:850, 2342483-young-redhead-wom….jpeg)


Getting demoted to graves is a bitch.

26c6c5  No.3470898


Not the Grand Finale, the Grand Overture: only the beginning, my friend. Open your eyes. You are about to awaken.


He is and always has been at the center of this shit. What did you think: that he was just playing a prank for the fun of it? Did you know he stated that he 'would bring those who killed his father to justice - even if it means bringing down the government?'

0d5d00  No.3470899



Confiscate those shoes, those kitty heals needs to be examined thoroughly for its composition to withstand such pressure. Agent 51, bag'em!

89c6f2  No.3470900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2c518a  No.3470901


Chill nigga

56de9c  No.3470902


You have a good eye, that matters a lot. Screencaps depend on the OS you're using, if WIndows,

- Alt+Prt Sc

- paste into you image editor

b16a53  No.3470903

File: 608253876c2dcbd⋯.png (631.21 KB, 600x848, 75:106, 11267449_1629760457240919_….png)

87a7d2  No.3470904

File: 3143dc133473586⋯.png (410.2 KB, 963x734, 963:734, 78784327842787869819871324….png)

6f0f92  No.3470906


Reptilian/Human hybrids.

They were given Reptilian Alien DNA.

Whole new meaning to sell your soul. Hybrids are also told to rape as many children as possible.

"If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

8ddf15  No.3470907

File: 51516202878842d⋯.png (440.55 KB, 1482x1581, 494:527, Exposed_The_Naked_Truth_Ab….png)


>>3466717 pb in global notables

On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

I appreciate the notables but arrests of any person of the Cabal would not directly affect an election unless it was a candidate or candidate's family.

Please remember that Q pointed us to Rep Gohmert's essay regarding Mueller. In it, Gohmert described Mueller targeting a Senator and a Representative just before an election.




In 2006, the Robert Mueller-led FBI took horrendously unjust actions to derail Curt Weldon’s reelection bid just weeks before the vote—actions that were later described as a “hit job”: “Each of Weldon’s 10 previous re-elections had been by sizable margins. Polls showed he was up by 5-7 points [in the fall of 2006]. Three weeks prior to the election, however, a national story ran about Weldon based upon anonymous sources that an investigation was underway against him and his daughter, alleging illegal activities involving his congressional work. Weldon had received no prior notification of any such investigation and was dumbfounded that such a story would run especially since he regularly briefed the FBI and intelligence agencies on his work.

A week after the news story broke, alleging a need to act quickly because of the leak, FBI agents from Washington raided the home of Weldon’s daughter at 7:00AM on a Monday morning… Local TV and print media had all been alerted to the raid in advance and were already in position to cover the story. Editor's note: Sound familiar?

Within hours, Democratic protesters were waving “Caught Red-Handed” signs outside Weldon’s district office in Upper Darby. In the ensuing two weeks, local and national media ran multiple stories implying that Weldon must also have been under investigation. Given the coverage, Weldon lost the election… To this day, incredibly, no one in authority has asked Weldon or his daughter about the raid or the investigation. There was no follow up, no questions, no grand jury interrogation, nothing.

78760e  No.3470908

File: 5905d9c69db47c6⋯.png (214.52 KB, 324x351, 12:13, Da Ferk.png)


Anon, I am not liking the feel of the childrens photos you are posting and I would like you to stop.

08efec  No.3470910

File: 40acdd6f372c1a3⋯.png (136.93 KB, 531x355, 531:355, 280.png)

Don't dare think out of line!

ee25a7  No.3470911


seriously, do you work for a lobbying firm that is against ethanol or some shit, did you get bullied by ethanol?

never thought someone could be so triggered by fucking ethanol

c7b715  No.3470912

File: c9bd1e774676b02⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 640x716, 160:179, DpalUiGU4AAI7LF.jpg)


Hell, they bitch about lack of Q when Q's posting kek!

2df791  No.3470913

File: e85c720473f9845⋯.jpg (301.29 KB, 1374x642, 229:107, CONTROLLING PUBLIC OPINION.jpg)

File: 91dce658735a4ed⋯.jpg (155.07 KB, 901x500, 901:500, TUCKER IS WQKE.jpg)

00c15a  No.3470914


if it was a word, it would be enlargeable

d042b8  No.3470915

File: ab55372a1c8e5e3⋯.jpg (110.65 KB, 720x558, 40:31, dancefloor.jpg)

Hope you faggots are enjoying life this evening! This Patriot is.

I Thank every man and woman that have made this possible.

If Hillary had won…. I wouldn't be Country dancing, I'd be living in the fallout universe.

a3cadc  No.3470916


The magazine has a chapter about his obsession with exposing this people behind the assassination. He had been warned several times by uncle Teddy and the FBI there were people that wanted him dead because he wouldn't leave it alone.

b720d8  No.3470917

Oh look… another MS13 Caravan is on its way!

Hundreds of Hondurans head for US border in mass migration 'march'


49b912  No.3470919


Hey thanks. I had tried the ctrl+prtscrn but could never find the image. Pasting worked great.

ef36a5  No.3470920

File: 09bff9674822ede⋯.jpeg (181.65 KB, 931x1400, 133:200, 46DF2992-DD41-4572-8C68-1….jpeg)

25d0a9  No.3470921

>Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

>One of many.

>Net shut down.

49b912  No.3470922


Perfect. Thank you!

80158a  No.3470923

File: 30c1313dd09f9a4⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 449x400, 449:400, 3778-449x400-redman1.jpg)

4a9e05  No.3470924

File: 8fc7835cbb22509⋯.jpg (293.45 KB, 704x672, 22:21, 7675db0a4ea447ff6211a0e3c7….jpg)

87a7d2  No.3470925

File: d30bb1d978365cd⋯.png (1.6 MB, 918x870, 153:145, 09816289632642432509190642….png)

fbdf18  No.3470926


Ethanol production is a temporary contingency plan. Use additives in your fuel for the next couple of years until we figure out how to supplement these farmers' crops with something more useful like quinoa or hemp.

2c518a  No.3470927


Dubs conf boobs

243f90  No.3470928


I've read/seen this.

Basically one of the major net ….well fuck me I can't back this up but it was planned. Crack Jones was talking about it the other day (I got bored…needed the KEKs).

But who knows.

Could be either side up to funny business at this point. I'd rather it be our guys.

ee25a7  No.3470929

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB, 859x784, 859:784, thisshit.jpeg)



61ce44  No.3470930

File: c22cf2c9e708e09⋯.jpeg (112.37 KB, 543x790, 543:790, A32CC485-75D3-4695-A1B9-B….jpeg)

c7978d  No.3470931


Who holds the keys?

b720d8  No.3470932

File: eea35a9c468f4bf⋯.jpg (124.58 KB, 500x624, 125:156, 2jwo59.jpg)




970cc4  No.3470933

File: 663e297bf007464⋯.png (461.57 KB, 720x1121, 720:1121, Screenshot_20181013-231401….png)

Another space telescope switches itself into safe mode.


61ce44  No.3470934

File: 1aa94699087b327⋯.jpg (123.41 KB, 600x750, 4:5, grownup_corner_325_640_hig….jpg)

c3191a  No.3470935

File: 2ba55eb115877d2⋯.jpg (60.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, outage.jpg)



I wonder if EBS/EAS to cell phones would be operational without the net. I spose, but maybe not? Blocked as well?

Cuz always thought that was the reason for the tests- that when it shuts down, EBS and alerts would be the only way he could tell us what was habbening.

ef36a5  No.3470936

File: 52f859c08a0cc3a⋯.jpeg (220.79 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, 244D82FB-92DE-40F7-BC28-1….jpeg)

78760e  No.3470937

File: 019df9459eca46a⋯.jpg (92.13 KB, 630x445, 126:89, CNN Blackmail Meme3.jpg)


Just in time for Dems mid-term push. Surprise!

9b625f  No.3470938

File: e142891d3cc2516⋯.png (985.89 KB, 596x597, 596:597, zpa4.png)


Great work anon.

b16a53  No.3470939


Right. He could have single handedly come out of his bat cave and crushed the cabal in one fatal swoop. IF he's alive, he's laid low for a damn good reason.

e35b8d  No.3470940

File: 0c8108d25b03593⋯.jpg (71.93 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Di con.jpg)

File: 07ba6b7d27b63a9⋯.jpg (107.61 KB, 500x501, 500:501, disoft.jpg)

File: ba043a05064a5da⋯.jpg (53.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, disoon.jpg)

File: aad967a1b5f4ea4⋯.jpg (137.73 KB, 727x729, 727:729, lady Di.jpg)

File: 28404fa2cf7cf5d⋯.jpg (126.34 KB, 930x500, 93:50, sneez.jpg)


piling on.

00c15a  No.3470941


but how do they get past the honduran/mexican border wall?

2c518a  No.3470942


Great trigger discipline

74cf06  No.3470943

File: fe2567b86368df0⋯.jpg (124.92 KB, 1024x615, 1024:615, article-0-0C5AF86500000578….jpg)

87a7d2  No.3470944

File: 688a78e9d3f1219⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1448x1322, 724:661, 13646990713963259086329081….png)

e44979  No.3470945

File: 219f150b2ea1264⋯.jpeg (35.95 KB, 365x316, 365:316, 00152731-CBB2-4DBA-AFF2-4….jpeg)

b720d8  No.3470946


It's patchy.

ce3f87  No.3470947


The one I'm referring to was done by the House IG in Sept. 2016 re: Awans. Who was that presentation given to and why was there no action on it? As in, did Lynch nix it/hide it? Obviously points at the Awans using the DNC for nefarious purposes.

0239ca  No.3470948


So this is what is meant by

"the sky is falling"?

6f0f92  No.3470949



Thought it had something to do with the motherships entering.

ee25a7  No.3470950

Notables so far frens, let me know if something was missed


>>3470570 Governments Tell Google's Nest To Hand Over Data 300 Times

>>3470670, >>3470711 New POTUS Tweets (PDT)

>>3470671, >>3470763, >>3470777, >>3470834, >>3470864 Moar on Khashoggi

>>3470680, >>3470836 The Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs cont.

>>3470700 POTUS tweets between Jan 1/1 and 1/8 are missing from qmap.pub and trumptwitterarchive

MSM Forgets to Mention Jamal Khashoggi was in the Muslim Brotherhood

>>3470792 Small plane crashes into Payson home, investigation underway

>>3470835 Twitter is facing an investigation over data collection in its link-shortening system

>>3470917 Hundreds of Hondurans head for US border in mass migration 'march'

>>3470933 Another space telescope switches itself into safe mode.

240fea  No.3470951


I believe those are from back in the NXIVM days. A few months ago last spring I believe.

4114a6  No.3470952

File: 5886e747e172ce4⋯.jpeg (266.83 KB, 1125x1026, 125:114, 91D5994D-7180-437D-9667-4….jpeg)


56de9c  No.3470953

File: b2ecf35c30ac6c4⋯.png (390.98 KB, 1046x1056, 523:528, Clipboard1.png)


Not a problem

4fc7d9  No.3470954


ya. bring them down. ive tried myself, against my own family in the upper echelons of c[]a niggerdom. not let new york city the country and world be brought down around us for 2 decades til "he" decided it was "time"

ANY one of you supporting this r jfk jr shit deserves to get crushed under the weight of every last ounce of steel in the trade center and drown in the blood of every patriot and drug addicts death as a direct result of inaction and bush family free reign. PERIOD.


9171be  No.3470955





the corn before the storm

trust the plant

highest ranking shill? A Kernel

4a9e05  No.3470956

File: 60130968c1f148c⋯.jpg (103.95 KB, 508x508, 1:1, Jim-Morrison-Quotes-1.jpg)

87a7d2  No.3470957

File: c4c510785d6d5ae⋯.png (1.58 MB, 917x868, 131:124, 36094389759789782317321745….png)

ef36a5  No.3470958

File: b8ab23328f7aa20⋯.jpeg (285.39 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, CADC2D29-D738-44B2-953F-9….jpeg)

2df791  No.3470959

File: 35febce9d1df99b⋯.jpg (51.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, IMG_3980.JPG)

251ed4  No.3470960

A thought on how we can, yes WE, can change the design of the GOP logo. I'm sure many here are frustrated as to why the 3 stars on the GOP elephant are inverted and have been since around 2009.

I saw earlier today while workfagging that someone had made a "Jobs not Mobs" meme that also included the GOP logo with upright stars.

Our mission should we choose to accept it: We pump out major memeage including the GOP logo with upright stars. Maybe even some large resolution upright star GOP logos.

Theory: With upright stars, we can track which GOP officials have connections to this board. If they are saved and used from here, we will start seeing upright star logos in the wild. When we see them we will immediately know who is true MAGA and who is pretending to be.

Or at least who are the ones with staffers that frequent this board.


61ce44  No.3470961

File: 30f7bc50ed40130⋯.jpg (63.9 KB, 600x595, 120:119, aadc1490efd8a74a06974a7673….jpg)

b3c3a2  No.3470963


Good stuff about Stevens and Weldon. What happened to them should have been a wake-up call to any non-zombie.

Curt Weldon Speaks (from 2016) http://billlawrenceonline.com/curt-weldon-speaks/

179a98  No.3470964

File: f93f3ad576754aa⋯.png (116.26 KB, 847x905, 847:905, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: 25218ea2f8e8061⋯.png (116.86 KB, 836x911, 836:911, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: 83b968a31216be7⋯.png (106.39 KB, 853x897, 853:897, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: 13401667fcb042f⋯.png (120.51 KB, 820x915, 164:183, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: b303a35dfc1f871⋯.png (154.01 KB, 825x909, 275:303, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)












80158a  No.3470965

File: e0999f3c0ed7c55⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 5973da4d34f3670bc3a7f26356….jpg)

4fc7d9  No.3470966

File: f63edf5ce88e89d⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 655x438, 655:438, 01503003.JPG)

08efec  No.3470967



Don Lemon wearing two watches. What does this represent. "Symbolism will be their down fall". Q

08675b  No.3470968


Thank you for this anon! Remember the meme wars

25d0a9  No.3470969


I like the idea of putting them right side up, seems less satanic that way

87a7d2  No.3470970

File: 22b9ef13bdd24db⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1382x864, 691:432, 32780647801270643785026447….png)

26c6c5  No.3470971


…said the Clown Nigger for his last words.

017db0  No.3470972


a true and perfect patriot

96b61c  No.3470973


I had my three adult sisters have dinner with my wife and my daughter without me invited. KEK. Wanted to ask them if it was safe with me KEK. They had questions since I have not let up on my Q research. Not stopped since Pizzagate.

My wife had to convince them everything was perfectly fine. I took my wife and kid on the ride with me. Everyday I told them what I found or read. About eight months ago they just accepted it was all true.

Best year ever.

49b912  No.3470974

File: b7658bbfc023d93⋯.png (75.1 KB, 197x256, 197:256, ClipboardImage.png)

c3191a  No.3470975

File: 7f612ddf03b61a5⋯.png (37.42 KB, 300x494, 150:247, socra.png)

File: bb241516b908837⋯.jpg (61.07 KB, 474x593, 474:593, soc oz.jpg)


Interdasting. And they modeled the OZ lion after Socrates.

Because in the movies, it transfers to RL.

These People Are Stupid.

be3820  No.3470976

File: 7c76f350d281070⋯.jpg (87.7 KB, 720x960, 3:4, MillstonePunishment.jpg)

File: 962cfd171f87b33⋯.jpg (72.01 KB, 430x609, 430:609, HillaryMillstone.jpg)

File: fd85b46da47195f⋯.jpg (175.26 KB, 1137x1156, 1137:1156, Millstonepedofate.JPG)


God bless, anons.

This anon needing to get some sleep now.

56de9c  No.3470977

File: efa7a1894e4fb1b⋯.png (38.58 KB, 615x282, 205:94, ClipboardImage.png)

87a7d2  No.3470978

File: 9a2ce16c3672102⋯.png (1.57 MB, 917x868, 131:124, 73237626425432696532400435….png)

9b625f  No.3470979


Looks great.

You're on it!

2ba235  No.3470980

File: 5ca8d8abbd00dbe⋯.jpg (43.04 KB, 600x377, 600:377, lets-solve-chinas.jpg)


a3cadc  No.3470981


agreed. Also, in the article he said he didn't care if he took the WHOLE GOVERNMENT down to hold those responsible to be exposed. Could be he's waiting for the death of Bush Sr. Who knows. I sure don't

4fc7d9  No.3470982


all he had to do is expose the c[]a

all We had to do was arrest the c[]a

we didnt need HIM for that.


e96019  No.3470983


>arrests of any person of the Cabal would not directly affect an election unless it was a candidate or candidate's family.

Might I direct you to the list of C_A clowns running for office at the moment?

Any more dense and you'd be a fucking singularity.

23b96e  No.3470984

File: 23cc1413ccc27ec⋯.png (602.6 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, kanye2.png)

08efec  No.3470985


Holey Fuck!

671b24  No.3470986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

87a7d2  No.3470987

File: 18856744ba5c094⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1534x864, 767:432, 37783746598789721706436788….png)

26c6c5  No.3470988

File: 54dc492cc018400⋯.png (314.43 KB, 711x420, 237:140, NPTSTEWT.png)

What letter in this tweet did not need to be capitalized?

71abda  No.3470989


Farmers forced to grow GMO corn, thin margins crops already growing, don't want that shit fed to the masses but also don't want the farmers going broke. Maybe there's more to it1

94f2a1  No.3470990

File: dbd76c724cf01d7⋯.jpeg (6.93 KB, 284x177, 284:177, fb.jpeg)


thank you, baby

wtf just happened to the board?

4fc7d9  No.3470991


eat shit filtered cia sympathizer

13e1c6  No.3470992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61ce44  No.3470993

File: a9fea1ab869a1a9⋯.jpg (72.11 KB, 600x748, 150:187, 14d85211500d9722050bb68707….jpg)

56de9c  No.3470994

File: a9cb4d78f3d1c9c⋯.png (303.01 KB, 900x507, 300:169, ! _ dingdingding 5;5.png)

87a7d2  No.3470995

File: f0ea5304a9b5061⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1600x915, 320:183, 98891328932787456546854343….png)

35c23f  No.3470996

File: 2dc4724d531f759⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1370x820, 137:82, 2dc4724d531f759fe4661cbe40….png)


No worries, anon. Gingerslides are part of nightshift.

a3cadc  No.3470997


EXACTLY! We are watching a show. And most of us are real life Trumans

736be3  No.3470998


Are our alliies, Forces of Light getting more reinforcements into our Solar System?

86b45b  No.3470999


He'll call Amro. Don't worry. Remember the last one of these? What did it distract from?

671b24  No.3471000


How many coincidences….

f91523  No.3471001

Hollywood is busy making movies on political topics. These are movies I saw trailers for this weekend. Are we ready for them?

Vice - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6266538/ - Is this one going to be good for red-pilling or will it just be a blast on the Republican party? It’s difficult to tell. To get ready for this one, we may need to put more emphasis on this not being a party thing.

On the Basis of Sex - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4669788/ - This one could potentially make RBG look like a saint of sorts. I’ll leave it up to you to figure out what to do about it.

The Best of Enemies - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4807408/ - I’m not quite sure which way this one will lean in the end. It appears that it is the story about the various parties developing into friends as they work through their issues. If so, it could be helpful.

26c6c5  No.3471002

File: f624766835863de⋯.jpg (38.21 KB, 400x300, 4:3, yesyeshaemppal.jpg)

8aa573  No.3471003


Trump should tell the Mexican President if those hundreds approach our border,

Mexico can forget about the Trade Deal.

They should be arrested in Mexico, since they are there illegally.

647222  No.3471004

What would Space Force fight currently? There must be whole bunch of shit going on that we dont know. Telescopes going offline…WTF Anons?!

179a98  No.3471005



f35b21  No.3471006


I agree with you. As a professional “oldfag” “lurking” newsfag I see the big picture. Q is a part of the puzzle and disinformation is necessary. Disinformation does not only happen here but it also happens in the “mainstream” media. Trump is going to play his cards when the time is right and right now he does not need to play them. (((they))) are in full panic mode and destroying themselves. I would be lying if I did want a YUGE October surprise but we do not need it. In the event the the red wave fails we have plenty of ammo to take the fuckers out! Why waste that ammo now?

3603cb  No.3471007


87a7d2  No.3471008

File: c44eb931a35bb9a⋯.png (1.59 MB, 917x868, 131:124, 37287450876543889328514365….png)

c7978d  No.3471009

File: 138121c4c317b68⋯.jpg (118.52 KB, 747x705, 249:235, Pi.jpg)

Make it Robitussin and I'm in

4216c7  No.3471010


Until this board I had no idea cramming corn cobs into places was such a 'thing' Yeah yea Rule34 n all I know, but still. So many non repeat posts……

251ed4  No.3471011

2ba235  No.3471012

File: 38908a097e8c6bc⋯.jpg (79 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, keep-selling-assholes.jpg)

240fea  No.3471013


nice work

b16a53  No.3471014

File: 838c2dea6187c8f⋯.jpg (179.93 KB, 944x1422, 472:711, big-girl.jpg)


Do they bleed?

e5feee  No.3471015

File: db8fdac08e55f5e⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 800x430, 80:43, 2k2hlr.jpg)

d64396  No.3471016

File: a4d8f86757be49c⋯.png (215.58 KB, 446x440, 223:220, 20-let-the-hate-flow-throu….png)

647222  No.3471017

Q- Please post some Space Force crumbs

4fc7d9  No.3471018


his intentions were valiant and i never thought any less of him, until all these fucking retards tried shaping him out to be some grand finale unifying force behind this movement. its fucking insulting and cowardly.

87a7d2  No.3471019

File: 4b06e2fe088c75e⋯.png (929.79 KB, 1011x877, 1011:877, 77373052096898061269043282….png)

74cf06  No.3471020

File: 4e660d7effd85a7⋯.jpg (207.41 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 583183.jpg)

c3191a  No.3471021

File: 044f5a80d07ff75⋯.jpg (151.27 KB, 500x376, 125:94, !sthemp.jpg)

File: 659910c7712a022⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, HEMP.png)

File: ff1d8df60a1c534⋯.jpg (29.34 KB, 852x480, 71:40, cleevon.jpg)




Gonna corner the market and fuk all y'all!


26c6c5  No.3471022




3603cb  No.3471023

>>3470993 That's a GINGER I could GET BEHIND!

08efec  No.3471024


You can't tell me that not one single anon knows the answer to this question. Fucking pathetic!

d042b8  No.3471025

File: 53eb90aa7f0fd41⋯.jpg (98.5 KB, 800x774, 400:387, Batman1.jpg)

fbdf18  No.3471026


Intermission until midterms. I wouldn't expect too much to happen until after then.


You know, imitation is the highest form of flattery. Just haven't seen it quite like this before; lol.

94ff79  No.3471027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(Bread #4400)


Here's something similar posted an hour ago:

St-Pol De Leon France orb object crossing pics


a3cadc  No.3471028

File: f0f2dfeedfa1b0e⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0529.JPG)

6f0f92  No.3471029


Everything does. :D

4a9e05  No.3471030

File: 002829ec524e1c8⋯.jpg (25.92 KB, 283x235, 283:235, c31916917907fc83535a257653….jpg)

b44ade  No.3471031

File: 3c51a4c0e28b573⋯.png (476.5 KB, 547x620, 547:620, RR MEMO WRITTEN AFTER MANA….PNG)

File: d0e50ba0d800ccc⋯.png (75.96 KB, 485x605, 97:121, RR MEMO.PNG)

File: 8a2a80d7ab8048f⋯.png (48.88 KB, 486x606, 81:101, RR MEMO 2.PNG)

File: 7e38b749a71f9d6⋯.png (42.71 KB, 483x629, 483:629, RR MEMO 3.PNG)


61ce44  No.3471032

File: 6b2682780271763⋯.jpg (113.93 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 900a36ddc43e189dfb1133a6a4….jpg)

Helps keep the blood flowing, Anon.

b697dd  No.3471033

Hey boss,

Can you hook me up with a day of annual leave so i can go see you and be in the vip section on the 19th and MAGA like a fucking boss?

I would totally bang in, but i am on leave restriction of sorts…family and shit. Ill even wear my (maga) hat and (kek lives matter shirt).

c8f67b  No.3471034

File: d68fa2529fffd4e⋯.jpg (6.9 KB, 318x159, 2:1, rodsfromgod.jpg)


this is all you need to know for now… think NK

4fc7d9  No.3471035


amen. was paranoid as fuck after watching that movie thinking the man was watching our every move. turns out… we were not wrong.

dude in the moon still freaks me out.

b39ea4  No.3471036

What is all the outrage over the ethanol about? My understanding is it was lessening the regulations, not necessarily providing more subsidies.

87a7d2  No.3471037

File: eaba46505f784a7⋯.png (1.45 MB, 848x802, 424:401, 32893218912310897589060981….png)

File: ac62a3f0d50f3df⋯.png (788.61 KB, 1582x799, 1582:799, 09874289603268901289078916….png)

30b7da  No.3471038

File: 79f4fd32cd508f5⋯.jpg (676.32 KB, 1064x1100, 266:275, never-too-early_truman.jpg)

72286e  No.3471039

File: ba11ecddcf550fd⋯.jpg (97.02 KB, 1050x500, 21:10, weaponized autism.jpg)


This is all kinds of epic anon.

Hope you keep pumping these out

e35b8d  No.3471040


red october = wave building. i actually feel sry for the… jk.

6f0f92  No.3471041


Some sources say that. Let's hope so.

736be3  No.3471042


We got battle star galactica star destroyer type shit

to make sure smartass aliens know not to fuck with us or our solar system

433435  No.3471044


Awesome bra.

0a6b40  No.3471045

File: 4c47f252bee9503⋯.jpg (104.84 KB, 750x891, 250:297, 364feb660234bfd5cb44a32ee3….jpg)

56de9c  No.3471046


It's annoying, would never wanna know the persons storing that on their HDDs

08675b  No.3471047

6f0f92  No.3471048


Good night. Ty!

5f8314  No.3471049


i agree, i feel like we will OPEN THE MARKET and have more choices, the ethanol may be cheaper but we should see 5 or more choices of IT AND other stuff

eacffd  No.3471050


>What is all the outrage over the ethanol about?

Sharia Blue or other shills

87a7d2  No.3471051

File: 0b0db531fa1d628⋯.png (4.07 MB, 1513x1591, 1513:1591, 2380776409230961290784-218….png)

d042b8  No.3471052

File: c1f290706aecedb⋯.jpg (168.97 KB, 900x900, 1:1, gimger1.jpg)

71abda  No.3471053

File: 0fef829eb5830f2⋯.png (28.02 KB, 787x317, 787:317, ClipboardImage.png)

End Of 17-Year War Is Near As U.S. Officials Agree To Meet With Taliban Leaders

Almost since I can remember, the U.S. has been at war on terror in the middle east but now U.S. officials have finally agreed to a meeting with Afghan Taliban officials. The meeting could see the officials from both sides discuss a possible negotiation to the end of the 17-year war. Officials from the Afghan Taliban say that the United States has agreed to discuss the withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan in a one on one meeting in Qatar.

A precursory meeting already took place in Doha on Friday where representatives from the armed terrorist group and U.S. envoy Zalmay Khalilzad discussed the Taliban's conditions to ending the nearly two-decade-long war. "Six US delegates arrived in Doha to have a meeting with our Taliban leaders and agreed to discuss all issues, including the pullout of foreign troops," a Taliban official said. "But, it was a preliminary meeting and all issues were discussed in general, not in detail."

In 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump increased the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan as part of a new and more aggressive strategy against the armed group. Currently, there are around 14,000 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, something which the Taliban has said is an obstacle to negotiating peace in the country.

The Taliban's conditions for peace in Afghanistan include the withdrawal of all foreign troops, lifting the sanctions on its leaders, and the release of imprisoned Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. The armed group also seeks to establish an official political office.

The U.S. actually requested a Taliban office be established in Doha in 2013 to facilitate peace talks but it was quickly shut down after coming under pressure over a flag hung outside the office which was also flown during the Taliban's rule of Afghanistan. Afghan President Hamid Karzai halted all peace talks over the flag issue and said his office was presenting itself as an unofficial embassy for a government which was in exile and not officially recognized by Karzai's administration.

The flag was removed and the office has been left empty with no future announcements about its possible reopening. Negotiations have been forced to move elsewhere in Doha while U.S. officials in Kabul and Zalmay Khalilzad were among those present in the Qatari capital.

Related coverage: Taliban Hostage Caitlan Coleman Says Thoughts Of US Home Kept Hope Alive

The meeting marked the second time that U.S. officials met with the Taliban leaders in Qatar. The first meeting occurred in July and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Alice Wells oversaw negotiations. Khalilzad was recently appointed as U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation in September.

During his time in the new role, Khalilzad has met with Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates in an effort to renew talks with the Taliban directly. The group has been known as Afghanistan's largest armed militia that was crushed during the U.S. led invasion in 2001. The Taliban has repeatedly turned down opportunities to talk with the Afghan government calling them "U.S. puppets".

The U.S. announced it was ready to begin direct negotiations with the Taliban in July and to "discuss the role of international forces". Former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan Abdul Salam Zaeef confirmed the U.S. decision to discuss pulling out troops from Afghanistan.


25d0a9  No.3471054

61ce44  No.3471055

9de99b  No.3471056


My brotha from anotha motha. Top KEK. I'm doing one of every single cap and save since I arrived from twatter to half chan on November 9, 2017. I'm just starting and imagine it'll be a couple years to complete. No homo love you anon. Fukken Saved.

08675b  No.3471057


It’s a mason thing

23b96e  No.3471058

File: 533ace53535d900⋯.png (605.46 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, kanye3.png)

a1d70c  No.3471059

File: e39c45f5b4ae70e⋯.png (101.31 KB, 648x748, 162:187, Nightshift SF.PNG)

c6c90a  No.3471060

This is a good idea!!


>Theory: With upright stars, we can track which GOP officials have connections to this board. If they are saved and used from here, we will start seeing upright star logos in the wild. When we see them we will immediately know who is true MAGA and who is pretending to be.

Or at least who are the ones with staffers that frequent this board.

cf7d76  No.3471061

File: 7166c6ecb827109⋯.png (296.47 KB, 711x671, 711:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6346eaf01a0600a⋯.png (202.47 KB, 701x694, 701:694, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22e5a87adc940c2⋯.png (187.28 KB, 687x626, 687:626, ClipboardImage.png)


87a7d2  No.3471062

File: f07dd0d235db8ba⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1277x1308, 1277:1308, 32803874329780127906430793….png)

736be3  No.3471063

File: 9c923d33c103863⋯.png (16.29 KB, 658x643, 658:643, 9c923d33c103863f567d80bf25….png)

e35b8d  No.3471064


he/she/it does not want to be a bitch. who 'mans' the scoop shovel in the yard?

647222  No.3471065


I talked with a MI who told me the rods have a short shelf life and that the drones they have are so good now that rods aren't the future because they have to wait until it is in position, whereas they have so many effing drones up now that they can strike quick 24/7

d64396  No.3471066

Nervous Democrats ask: Could Election Day disaster strike again?

FiveThirtyEight gives Democrats a 76.9 percent chance of winning the House one month before Election Day. Their odds for Clinton’s victory two years ago? 71.4 percent.


f35b21  No.3471067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



c7978d  No.3471068

File: 1c4e006e0d65ffd⋯.jpg (48.08 KB, 721x538, 721:538, nuwxlhxe00s11.jpg)


4a9e05  No.3471069


They call it the Truman Syndrome. Makes you wonder…

Truman Syndrome is a form of psychological delusion in which the patient believes that he or she is trapped inside in a reality television show, or that people are monitoring his or her every move. The name for this syndrome is a reference to The Truman Show, a 1998 film which revolved around a character who was living his entire life on camera without being aware of it. To those of sound mind, this condition might sound a bit ludicrous, but not dangerous, although this is not, in fact, the case: it can actually be very dangerous for the people who suffer from it.

Psychologists have suggested that Truman Syndrome is a culture-based delusion, noting that it tends to arise in developed nations where there is a high level of surveillance, and where reality television shows are easy to access. Many people living in such societies have a certain amount of nervousness about being under surveillance or watched by the government, but people with this illness take it to a whole new level, subverting very real concerns into a complex delusion.

Patients with this condition often specifically reference The Truman Show, along with other films and books with similar premises. They claim that they are living in an entirely artificial world where nothing is real and every action is carefully documented on a camera and watched by a television audience or government agency. Like the title character in the film, they think that they are slowly breaking through to the truth, but no one believes them.

Aside from the fact that delusions in general can be psychologically harmful, this condition can also be dangerous. Individuals may think that specific actions will release them from the show, for example, allowing them to win prizes, and these actions may involve dangerous activities. People may also become frustrated by the repeated denials of their delusions, lashing out at friends and strangers alike in an attempt to get people to admit that they are inhabiting an artificial world. Some sufferers also have difficulty coping with real-life events, believing that these events were manufactured as part of the reality shows they inhabit.

Treating Truman Syndrome is complex. The use of anti-psychotic drugs and anti-depressants can help, but ultimately, extensive talk therapy is the best option. Because the entire delusion rests on the premise that the world isn't real, the treating psychiatrist or psychologist may struggle initially to be accepted, especially if he or she is confrontational with the patient.


87a7d2  No.3471070

File: 6479d50c35c2f91⋯.png (1.02 MB, 842x829, 842:829, 89490943203654986852861289….png)

671b24  No.3471071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61ce44  No.3471072

File: e176526bbf1696e⋯.jpg (121.93 KB, 600x1066, 300:533, c4bc3614494e4ba72fe3baa80e….jpg)

f91523  No.3471073


Maybe this has something to do with it.


7a0c2e  No.3471074

what triggered shillcon 1

c3191a  No.3471075

File: ca0437249612838⋯.jpg (26.13 KB, 650x593, 650:593, hemp bio.jpg)



74cf06  No.3471076


Needs more boobs

b44ade  No.3471077

File: f8851f946a44cb2⋯.webm (3.27 MB, 630x355, 126:71, Wrap up smear.webm)

9b7ca1  No.3471078

Trump and Kanye gave SNL so many gifts this week and they still couldn't make me laugh…..and I'm high

e35b8d  No.3471079


add to the list of resignations. lmao.

9171be  No.3471080

File: bd8c67e2be51603⋯.png (55.2 KB, 563x720, 563:720, ClipboardImage.png)

b720d8  No.3471081

There's value in this format…

"Don't worry, anon, it's all according to Q's Plan"


1. Create Q-niverse

2. Give anon information with no feasible way to act on it outside of making memes until they alienate everyone they know until "It('s)" is supposedly "Happening".

80158a  No.3471082

File: ba841bc90fc6992⋯.jpg (120.21 KB, 730x779, 730:779, 1535330663.jpg)

2ba235  No.3471083

File: 179e9e2b4b22533⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 800x600, 4:3, spaceballs_by_rawwwrrrface.jpg)

8163c7  No.3471084


gtfo with that Zionist bullshit

muh Osama did 911


is baker going to uncritically put a kike article on notable? looks like it

b720d8  No.3471085

File: a29b6f00e059497⋯.jpg (62.89 KB, 615x768, 205:256, 43626669_1975775902490722_….jpg)


forgot meme format

7a0c2e  No.3471086


more like every single thing you do is recorded at all times

and if you dont do what you are told they will torture you with gangstalking em weapons or worse

1f11e3  No.3471087

File: 258edc868c7d621⋯.jpg (49.89 KB, 245x326, 245:326, drfhyoi4.jpg)

File: 25ba15937987e77⋯.jpg (30.66 KB, 300x421, 300:421, 666_ha47.jpg)

File: 285451308e31005⋯.jpg (13.96 KB, 223x300, 223:300, 666_ha50drake.jpg)

File: 781e21ec07da1d3⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 570x795, 38:53, 666_ha100.jpg)

File: 2ae67426493297d⋯.jpg (55.57 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 666_hand_gesture_2.jpg)

4fc7d9  No.3471088

File: 38fe35633021a7a⋯.jpg (28.26 KB, 400x300, 4:3, themanseverywheremannnn.jpg)


thing that fucked me up the most about that movie, never saw it until a teacher made us watch it in class (while i was on some h e a v y drugs) study and do whole reports on "product placement" and surveillance, started looking twice at every big labeled jar of coffee, weird timed shit people would say. that movie fucked me up for like a whole month kek.

b39ea4  No.3471089


Figured as much. shills gotta shill. I just don't understand why they are still batting for the losing (((team))).

30b7da  No.3471090

File: 1dc4ed2c6f20028⋯.jpg (630.64 KB, 1200x877, 1200:877, moon-room_quit.jpg)

87a7d2  No.3471091

File: 3edd5429c464a72⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1104x1050, 184:175, 88989745459128972453407862….png)

61ce44  No.3471092

File: 4f35e5864795dda⋯.jpg (139.06 KB, 600x862, 300:431, 372518706b7a081b6ecd6bde24….jpg)

c7b715  No.3471093

File: fc3d5d494ffdaf1⋯.png (440.49 KB, 1295x1023, 1295:1023, fc3d5d494ffdaf181d6b40e7bb….png)



3603cb  No.3471094

File: e1cf819fa44f662⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x169, 255:169, HALFNHALF.jpg)

b44ade  No.3471095

File: 7ee26bfbae484cd⋯.jpeg (45.45 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ebcf91d26d186644788354139….jpeg)

30b7da  No.3471096

File: d3a0c87a127f395⋯.jpg (677.14 KB, 1006x1200, 503:600, face-you-make_neo1.jpg)

b16a53  No.3471097


Not to be pessimistic here, but… Things are.. A little more complicated than that, I'm afraid.

87a7d2  No.3471098

File: 72451b8a1d28b77⋯.png (1.68 MB, 866x841, 866:841, 83293289806691207593278947….png)

08efec  No.3471099

File: 13bc1cb7677c796⋯.png (26.75 KB, 853x515, 853:515, 321.png)

File: 328d9d8dd072e31⋯.png (28.91 KB, 896x568, 112:71, 322.png)

File: ff74201e15a47d6⋯.png (27.68 KB, 863x572, 863:572, 323.png)

File: 4f92593709b7832⋯.png (17.54 KB, 836x332, 209:83, 324.png)

File: cc50c5c308807b9⋯.png (177.1 KB, 389x565, 389:565, 319.png)


Thank you!

7a0c2e  No.3471100


everyone you know is a fucking retard anyways

at some point its not longer

wow this person doesnt know

its more

"wow this person is a subhuman who would rather shove their head in the sand than care"

gitmo for them too

9de99b  No.3471101

File: 5dbd671662c10a6⋯.png (2.88 MB, 2778x1772, 1389:886, Screen Shot 2018-10-14 at ….png)


Was this sickness posted?

c10925  No.3471102

File: 6658f0ce22d72ab⋯.jpeg (94.87 KB, 666x480, 111:80, 6FC1A6A2-F1CD-406E-A08C-A….jpeg)

Promises made.

Promises kept.

cda4df  No.3471103

File: 4d9784c9dd1ad37⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1280x2487, 1280:2487, 1510219411959.png)

All this chatter about Jamal Khashoggi.

When are you people going to look into his uncle, Adnan?


Connections to both Donald Trump and Alwaleed Bin Talal, as well as the CIA and the military-industrial complex.

35c23f  No.3471104

File: a03397d0b71df57⋯.jpg (159.57 KB, 1584x1540, 36:35, a03397d0b71df57e2a3ecfaf7c….jpg)


For anyone who likes old stuff, ethanol is a nightmare. It eats up rubber (think carburetor gaskets and rusts steel (think fuel lines, tanks, filters, and needle valves)

78760e  No.3471105

File: 077e263dfd7875a⋯.png (632.04 KB, 699x729, 233:243, Smear Wrap.PNG)

ee25a7  No.3471106



its just for digs on this WaPo CIAnigger

56de9c  No.3471107

File: eff1d485457d1f5⋯.png (445.17 KB, 1893x883, 1893:883, ClipboardImage.png)


4216c7  No.3471108



Reminds me of this past Independence Day.

I wore a Q Tshirt to the parade & BBQ.

Her: Is it political?

Me: Yes, but not overtly, if you don't know what it means, you won't realize it's political.


The FB post of us all together later, someone conveniently placed large font text of HAPPY 4TH over the middle of shirt. KEK I guess they looked it up before posting kek kek

4fc7d9  No.3471109

File: 480197e150868da⋯.png (132.02 KB, 500x281, 500:281, tumblr_m7nb8x5cCy1qzzh6g.png)



oh ya, the i found out about this too. thatttttt did NOT help. still makes my skin crawl.

87a7d2  No.3471110

File: ae8898ed96123b1⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1282x950, 641:475, 38071326430650973219034262….png)

f064ca  No.3471111


Wow…that post will keep me up for a while.

a3cadc  No.3471112

File: 2c7e35f8f4e9d1d⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0532.JPG)


I think he knew that in order to bring his obsession to fruition, he would have to protect himself at all costs.

Because nobody would pursue it as vigorously as he would. he knew that.

The circumstances around his 'death' are spoofy enough that a staged death is plausible.

26c6c5  No.3471113


Imagine the odor. Fuck

8aa573  No.3471114

File: ac4641b4feccbfe⋯.jpeg (61.18 KB, 1240x920, 31:23, DpCrdV6U8AAaPPm.jpg-large.jpeg)

e35b8d  No.3471115


a branch office in Antarctica is fairly unique.

87a7d2  No.3471116

File: f8259f81cf51054⋯.png (675.98 KB, 603x702, 67:78, 08746507923906109136410964….png)

b16a53  No.3471117


Sorry anon. Reply was for post just above yours.

b44ade  No.3471118

File: 2d529c8219ed187⋯.png (397.9 KB, 490x490, 1:1, e0fa3100758d362bcffa2e7a9a….png)

cda4df  No.3471119


This might sound dumb, but I'm finally glad Trump created some policy I don't really agree with. I get scared sometimes, being so pleased with everything he does.

c10925  No.3471120

File: e507707284dc890⋯.jpeg (42.04 KB, 507x332, 507:332, EB544201-7A6D-4919-BB81-5….jpeg)

Promises made.


b16a53  No.3471121

78760e  No.3471122

File: f7dae1ff15e29c9⋯.png (588.07 KB, 697x730, 697:730, Alleviate Fear.PNG)



Wrong one posted initially. Need to delete it

b720d8  No.3471123


I see you've been imbibing the ethanol in support of our great american farmers!

b39ea4  No.3471124


I know ethanol is shit. My question relating to Trumps announcement was geared towards an understanding that it removed regulations, not increased them.

b44ade  No.3471125

File: 9b565011ca90e02⋯.jpg (75.99 KB, 720x693, 80:77, DRywDQSVQAAk2sm.jpg)

d042b8  No.3471126

File: 8bedcc99bebe21f⋯.jpg (69.58 KB, 819x337, 819:337, roadwarrior1.jpg)

26c6c5  No.3471127


Definitely. He had to bide his time.

3603cb  No.3471128

>>3471118 PUNKIN_ CHUNKIN?

80158a  No.3471129

File: 2adb37a66eac76a⋯.jpg (65.31 KB, 450x505, 90:101, ANtMU4c.jpg)

ae31df  No.3471130

File: 727ca5ee4e1b77b⋯.jpeg (72.7 KB, 604x402, 302:201, kkk.jpeg)

647222  No.3471131


good intel! bless you anon

c6c90a  No.3471132


How can inert titanium rods have a “short shelf life” or ANY kind of dated shelf life - ever - much less in the vacuum of space??

I get the maneuver thing, but a “shelf life”?? I call bullshit on that part.

96b61c  No.3471133


This is Jew Marine. He is the Corn fag from Tel Aviv. I guess they think it is working…or they are just going through the motions now.

d64396  No.3471134

Three reasons Mueller may not charge Trump with obstruction

Washington is in another frenzy over the disclosure that President Trump’s lawyers are preparing answers to written questions from special counsel Robert Mueller. Observers are speculating on the meaning of this move, as anticipation grows for the investigation’s culmination.

The most significant aspect of this story may be what it did not contain: questions about obstruction. Mueller is asking about Russian collusion, rather than the driving force behind his appointment after the firing of former FBI director James Comey.

Mueller’s obstruction investigation could well prove to be the suspense of the bomb that never goes off. Indeed, there is ample reason to question whether Mueller ever seriously believed obstruction had the capability of exploding into a criminal charge.

For two years, the public has watched this figurative bomb beneath a table at the Oval Office, waiting (and, in some cases, openly praying) for it to explode. Their wait has been fueled by commentators who scream “Boom!” with every disclosure, great or small.


433435  No.3471135


Killary is a dumb loser whom nobody would have heard of if she hadnt married Billy.

b720d8  No.3471136


If GEOTUS didn't make it so the farmers could more openly grow corn, how the fuck were ever supposed to get out of the POPCORN shortage?

come the fuck on.

e96019  No.3471137


No worries.

Was confused for a second, admittedly, but it's all good.

25d0a9  No.3471138

File: 8084a54798bde43⋯.gif (179.41 KB, 300x222, 50:37, truman_fiji.gif)

240fea  No.3471139


I was part of the whole ethanol push way back in the latter nineties early 2000's. Farmers where struggling back in those days and were looking for other markets to enter. There are good and bad things about it. Basicallyt is just alcohol. IMHO its the best use for GMO and trans corn. Id rather burn that shit in a car than eat it.

970cc4  No.3471140


>black hats, and wooden daggers.

Where the term "black hats" comes from?

Military dress uniform hats white…ones I'm familiar with.

b44ade  No.3471141

File: d068999b18cd28c⋯.png (31.82 KB, 594x547, 594:547, cdef6d269b4752c8dc97db35d2….png)

61ce44  No.3471142

File: 18931f91c55b20d⋯.jpg (61.55 KB, 600x805, 120:161, 059d1c44371c954f66eef8db41….jpg)

9171be  No.3471143


open image in new tab

looks just fine

tippy top rank anon

8ca9b8  No.3471144

File: 292217edb170671⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 641x500, 641:500, 2k2hbp.jpg)

File: 46af73831affc1d⋯.jpg (52.79 KB, 641x500, 641:500, 2k2hv8.jpg)

Maybe you forgot what its like to asleep with a attention span that last a less than week.

You can bet your ass Trump knows how to play the public game.

4fc7d9  No.3471145


what about Brilliant Pebbles?

rods are so last star war.

15e7e6  No.3471146


If Americans demanded ETHANOL,

gasoline would go back to $1.35 a gallon.

947125  No.3471147



We've been ready for this.

1f11e3  No.3471148

File: 458b456100a57b6⋯.jpg (143.4 KB, 736x1733, 736:1733, 52400ff32bd8a4b32c24f57aa4….jpg)

87a7d2  No.3471149

File: 2a55bce461a914b⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1365x897, 35:23, 38278732340888830126908324….png)

File: e4840aad4fedc99⋯.png (5.13 MB, 1546x1740, 773:870, 99268308962198061368904368….png)

e44979  No.3471150


Check today’s breads

Extensive notes

ee25a7  No.3471151

LAST CALL FRENS, let me know if something was missed


>>3470570 Governments Tell Google's Nest To Hand Over Data 300 Times

>>3470670, >>3470711 New POTUS Tweets (PDT)

>>3470671, >>3470763, >>3470777, >>3470834, >>3470864 Moar on Khashoggi

>>3470680, >>3470836, >>3470964 The Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs cont.

>>3470700 POTUS tweets between Jan 1/1 and 1/8 are missing from qmap.pub and trumptwitterarchive

>>3470792 Small plane crashes into Payson home, investigation underway

>>3470835 Twitter is facing an investigation over data collection in its link-shortening system

>>3470917 Hundreds of Hondurans head for US border in mass migration 'march'

>>3470933 Another space telescope switches itself into safe mode.

>>3471053 End Of 17-Year War Is Near As U.S. Officials Agree To Meet With Taliban Leaders

>>3471107 Do not lose focus on LOOP CAPITAL

>>3471134 Three reasons Mueller may not charge Trump with obstruction

c6c90a  No.3471152


I need that book!!

94f2a1  No.3471153

File: b5c7c372201ffb0⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 736x736, 1:1, nightshiftbye2.jpg)

87a7d2  No.3471154

File: e2c5dd6a7512981⋯.png (697.41 KB, 1204x852, 301:213, 72763027643676765203701321….png)

78760e  No.3471155

File: cafe4dc31422316⋯.png (977.42 KB, 818x596, 409:298, Capture2.PNG)

d64396  No.3471156

Is Trump on a Collision Course With Impeachment?

Democrats are largely ducking the topic on the campaign trail, but few people in Washington doubt that it will be on the table if they win the House.


8120d8  No.3471157


Have missed something here anons?

Yooz all talkin like Jr. just rose up from the dead. That vid is from 1995, the presser when he debuted his Mag for the first time. I watched it live.

Again…did I miss something?

9de99b  No.3471158

The water content is the main bad thing about ethanol. AKanon here. That's why we don't use it. Water in tanks and frozen fuel filters in the winter. Not to mention the buildup the water causes.

35c23f  No.3471159

File: 6c95c9cfcb55b1f⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 625x416, 625:416, 3c9a43752ccb8595a695481574….jpg)

5:5, anon.

It's good to realize that we still have minds of our own.

7a0c2e  No.3471160


you get the rope too

80158a  No.3471161

File: 34b768211597c37⋯.png (336.93 KB, 664x521, 664:521, 1539393189.png)

9b7ca1  No.3471163


I heard it was the other way around

899688  No.3471164


Frenchies are the best dogs.

736be3  No.3471165


all my feels

You get better performance and better mileage with 100% real gasoline.

I did the math a while back, mixing in ethanol with gasoline actually reduces the energy extracted from gasoline portion of the fuel, more-so then it should. So not only does ethanol already screw up and gunk up fuel lines, fuel tanks and fuel injectors it also lowers the energy produced by burning the gasoline portion of the ethanol-gas mix as well.

Messed up and pissed of a gear head and lead footer like me!

ee25a7  No.3471166


>Again…did I miss something?

nothing but shilling and faggotry

87a7d2  No.3471167

File: afc6f7dd1085ffa⋯.png (1.52 MB, 939x892, 939:892, 88134789287624879647656592….png)

4fc7d9  No.3471168


fuckin fiji.

that whole plot line had some similarities to weird shit going down in my life at the time too. always at the wrong time.

man i might have to flip this one back on, even though jim carreys un American psychotic ass is in it.

243f90  No.3471169


fuckin' NOICE. saved.

6f0f92  No.3471170

File: 7aba8c8d721da6f⋯.jpg (11.99 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault-3.jpg)

File: 061aeef8e40da41⋯.jpg (41.19 KB, 644x363, 644:363, illuminati-signs-donald-tr….jpg)

b39ea4  No.3471171


Maybe i should restate my question. Because y'all are seeming to miss the point. Did his announcement:

1. Increase or decrease regulations?

2. Provide more or less government money to farmers?

b16a53  No.3471172

File: 8f6af52dff40666⋯.png (44.92 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 1200px-Flag_of_Northern_Ir….png)

File: fedfcec9703b183⋯.png (600.66 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 822e27c5424ed63b70ce9a2de7….png)

File: 9595adce51ff160⋯.jpg (195.11 KB, 876x595, 876:595, a-migrations.jpg)

File: 8d980a7ef228897⋯.jpg (281.54 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1911r.jpg)

File: 43c20041c8f6807⋯.jpg (16.63 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Cross De Burke.jpg)


Red hair. Trait of the tribe of Zarah-Judah. True Israelites, not the birthright thieves that would have you believe they are from Judah.

08efec  No.3471173

File: 04168c4e2afc648⋯.png (703.57 KB, 926x747, 926:747, 327.png)

File: 13bc1cb7677c796⋯.png (26.75 KB, 853x515, 853:515, 321.png)

File: 4f92593709b7832⋯.png (17.54 KB, 836x332, 209:83, 324.png)

File: 328d9d8dd072e31⋯.png (28.91 KB, 896x568, 112:71, 322.png)

File: ff74201e15a47d6⋯.png (27.68 KB, 863x572, 863:572, 323.png)

87a7d2  No.3471174

File: a3b4998b22c0819⋯.png (1.47 MB, 848x802, 424:401, 78218732483420032404356430….png)

406e3e  No.3471175

>>3470224 (lb)

I'm starting to think it was more a "make sure you lose your reelection attempt" thing.

Quiet and discreet.

96b61c  No.3471176


The Jews have a thing with shit. I think it is the mirror thing again. They mirror the natural order in all things. Pain is pleasure. Shit has a deep biological repulsion in humans…it is why they force the torture victims to eat shit. The huge natural revusion.

It is why the Jew is doing this kind of shill.

9171be  No.3471177


thats awesome - all anons should read this - california anthem pride

side note

the night when the kaepernick knee was on the night shift meme-go-round was fucking hilarious,way more hilarious than the mound

736be3  No.3471178


You need to add in an octane booster or fuel lines / injectors cleaning additive every 2-3 months to keep the engine happy and the gas mileage good.

40914d  No.3471179

File: 07344219ce07aaa⋯.png (317.83 KB, 862x856, 431:428, edit1.png)

71abda  No.3471180


> Jamal lost touch with Bin Laden in the mid-1990s and Khaled in the early 1990s as both completely rejected his ideology.

Says bin laden rejected his ideology, I'd say Khashoggi had a hand in setting bin laden up as the 911 patsy as the Zionists and MB are working hand in glove. Knowing bin laden as he did he would've known of his kidney problems and that he died long before the staged BS.

c3191a  No.3471181

File: 3ebca1280c1f001⋯.jpg (178.15 KB, 576x676, 144:169, hemp ford.jpg)


All that plastic Chinese crap, ya mean?



433435  No.3471182


Any VA anons monitoring that fucktard Red Hen restaurant?

78760e  No.3471183

File: 8ad32447bffe6bd⋯.png (379.19 KB, 405x400, 81:80, (you).PNG)


I like this idea however, I made a bunch of memes tonight during DJT's speech using a template provided by an anon with the GOP logo.

Evidently another template got posted and the difference was in the direction of the stars.

So this template was originally shared stars GOP style, changed somewhere along the line, and then re-issued as a template with GOP tilted stars.

87a7d2  No.3471184

File: c3f35a70f245262⋯.png (1.58 MB, 917x868, 131:124, 32074376537534300754754686….png)

87a7d2  No.3471185

File: cd1e04d8b6ab959⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1162x1043, 166:149, 98321787543258791273450101….png)

c6c90a  No.3471186


Reason 1.) Because Trump didn’t obstruct justice.

Reason 2.) Because at no time did Trump obstruct justice.

Reason 3.) Because justice was never obstructed by Trump.

d042b8  No.3471187


I agree with you, anon.

Just giving us a little laugh this evening.

God Bless Patriot

b44ade  No.3471188

File: d27a1ea57ea737d⋯.jpg (357.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, b9826e2f7cb7226f17a5b41491….jpg)

File: 7472cdd46289a3d⋯.png (804.03 KB, 1134x646, 567:323, Capture.PNG)

c3191a  No.3471189

File: 2cbe9991d628d3e⋯.jpg (14.08 KB, 255x174, 85:58, RedHen.jpg)


Red Hen owner's plate- pic related

94f2a1  No.3471190

File: dc40169481d2159⋯.jpg (4.69 KB, 159x159, 1:1, MEMA.jpg)

87a7d2  No.3471191

File: 3566a54a63ae798⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1069x804, 1069:804, 87784324808761237878532480….png)

49b912  No.3471192

File: 2554b70e163d64f⋯.png (1.51 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageB4401-2.png)

File: 116eb0b1e44f879⋯.png (1.46 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageB4401-3.png)

File: 62b567e43a5464e⋯.png (1.37 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageB4401-1.png)

Thanks for all the love you all! I really do enjoy doing it.

08efec  No.3471193


Shouldn't have to tell ya Baker but this is Notable as fuck. This is exactly what Q is talking about when he says symbolism will be their downfall.

87a7d2  No.3471194

File: 306c27af611e6bb⋯.png (1.05 MB, 838x872, 419:436, 54687546874657808870230613….png)

4fc7d9  No.3471195

e35b8d  No.3471196

File: 68fde56e5e6ae11⋯.jpg (229.84 KB, 1316x500, 329:125, edit.jpg)


thank you.

1f11e3  No.3471197

File: 3e2cacc7edfdb0e⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 410x344, 205:172, lzhv1wjl.jpg)

File: a6abde3ba385a55⋯.jpg (38.82 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 13001302_510753369108851_8….jpg)

File: 3eb849f17bd884b⋯.jpg (190.1 KB, 555x624, 185:208, apple-1.jpg)

File: 2edfb9d52094e59⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 460x264, 115:66, lottery666zi.jpg)

a3cadc  No.3471198


yes, you missed this photo in a recently published magazine. Check out his hair and skin in the photos. And compare his appearance in the video to the photos in this mag. What does your gut tell you about it.?



240fea  No.3471199


whoops I apologize. I dunno. I been busy all day and just stopping by shooting muh outh off. I dont know. Last I heard we were supposed to trust grassley. Something must have changed or these are just clowns shillin.

87a7d2  No.3471200

File: 5761e9455791612⋯.png (1.13 MB, 868x734, 434:367, 43984387587507648732478537….png)

b16a53  No.3471201

File: 22f54cfd941815a⋯.jpg (228.2 KB, 720x415, 144:83, true-israel-abraham-israel….jpg)

File: f9ebd648590eb23⋯.png (462.72 KB, 1336x832, 167:104, Untitled.png)

File: 9b6276399b9eeeb⋯.gif (6.92 KB, 315x340, 63:68, throne-david-map.gif)

c032ae  No.3471202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7f7509  No.3471203


The ethanol is just a short-term, knee-jerk reaction to the Chinese (Xi Jinpin/Iowa) attempt to pry farmers from the Trump base.

d83c0b  No.3471204

Nutcase and pal in a Jeep gets onto NAS Lemoore in CA, drives around with CHP chasing him.

The FLIR money shot right here, about 10 minutes in, an F-18 takes out the crazy. With the crazies help.

Pursuit onto NAS Lemoore Ends When Jeep Crashes Into F-18 Super Hornet


5d1760  No.3471205

Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), currently representing AZ-9 and running for Senate was one of the congresspeople who had the Awan brothers Pakistani spy ring staff on her OFFICE PAYROLL. Yet here we are in a tight race, and we have heard nothing about that yet in order to help Martha McSally. I hope there is some October surprise coming up or this will be the most bungled midterms in history if we lose. We're playing with one hand tied behind our back.

4c9b87  No.3471206

File: cbb9fb5904cd38c⋯.png (46.17 KB, 554x276, 277:138, HRC is pure evil.png)


>Promises made.

>Promises kept.

87a7d2  No.3471207

File: dd8140e6ea42a19⋯.png (1.25 MB, 813x739, 813:739, 23749063250780120577543832….png)

9a4222  No.3471208

File: fa4891e00124602⋯.jpeg (746.89 KB, 3000x2245, 600:449, 3000.jpeg)

Trump has US pastor freed from Turkey for him in Oval Office

Brunson left his chair beside Trump, kneeled and placed a hand on the president’s shoulder. As Trump bowed his head, Brunson asked God to “give him supernatural wisdom to accomplish all the plans you have for this country and for him. I ask that you give him wisdom in how to lead this country into righteousness.”

He continued: “I ask that you give him perseverance, and endurance and courage to stand for truth. I ask that you to protect him from slander from enemies, from those who would undermine. I ask that you make him a great blessing to this country. Fill him with your wisdom and strength and perseverance. And we bless him. May he be a great blessing to our country. In Jesus’ name, we bless you. Amen.”


406642  No.3471209

File: 14b69c47fdfc573⋯.png (450.97 KB, 1268x678, 634:339, Feinstein Cold medicine.png)


History of Leaks as bad as Leaky Leahy?

87a7d2  No.3471210

File: ae27d6839aef6b6⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1006x1166, 503:583, 09862189062491289063240198….png)

96b61c  No.3471211


Alien fleet has earth on lock down till we finish off the Satanist. Seems we have lots of friends and some enemies flying around the planet.

35c23f  No.3471212

File: 5341c322c34a4fb⋯.jpg (143.2 KB, 633x727, 633:727, 5341c322c34a4fba45bfcc2205….jpg)


>Messed up and pissed of a gear head and lead footer like me!

That's our problem, anon. We're gearheads instead of mindless consumers who can't comprehend steering with the throttle.

b44ade  No.3471213

File: a3e9bf0519e6b66⋯.png (1.32 MB, 984x894, 164:149, a3e9bf0519e6b66f614a7d1682….png)

a3cadc  No.3471214


yea. The magazine is still on shelves

cf7d76  No.3471215


it's all here.


9b7ca1  No.3471216

File: 42cf963dca47c28⋯.png (215.53 KB, 738x273, 246:91, Screenshot 2018-10-13 at 1….png)

Imagine a timeline where Corry Booker is our next president

87a7d2  No.3471217

File: f5bb51c9f0f9e57⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1270x899, 1270:899, 83273782090869806982169682….png)

647222  No.3471218


he also said that drones just 3 years old are parked and old technology, said the stuff drones could do right now would blow my mind.

72286e  No.3471219

File: 27e71c5a6a74e2d⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 1920x1068, 160:89, retrowave maga.jpg)

Retrowave MAGA

fca525  No.3471220


thats what he gets for pissing off (((them)))

c032ae  No.3471221

87a7d2  No.3471222

File: f3a333f0ca472ed⋯.png (1.47 MB, 848x802, 424:401, 32784378243008721306136436….png)

7a1c37  No.3471223







26c6c5  No.3471224


Yeah, the Anniversary Edition of George Magazine with the pic of him 19 years older is shilling and faggotry. You are really smart. Fuck that George Magazine.

9171be  No.3471225


collage anon, we got love for the idea and the work


really great stuff

doesnt really fit in a notables bun, dont trip.plus you have your own thread now. kudos.


open image in new tab and you can do full zoom control anons

>>3467876 ← collagefags thread

ee25a7  No.3471226


>>3470570 Governments Tell Google's Nest To Hand Over Data 300 Times

>>3470670, >>3470711 New POTUS Tweets (PDT)

>>3470671, >>3470763, >>3470777, >>3470834, >>3470864 Moar on Khashoggi

>>3470680, >>3470836, >>3470964 The Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs cont.

>>3470700 POTUS tweets between Jan 1/1 and 1/8 are missing from qmap.pub and trumptwitterarchive

>>3470792 Small plane crashes into Payson home, investigation underway

>>3470835 Twitter is facing an investigation over data collection in its link-shortening system

>>3470917 Hundreds of Hondurans head for US border in mass migration 'march'

>>3470933 Another space telescope switches itself into safe mode.

>>3471053 End Of 17-Year War Is Near As U.S. Officials Agree To Meet With Taliban Leaders

>>3471107 Do not lose focus on LOOP CAPITAL

>>3471134 Three reasons Mueller may not charge Trump with obstruction

>>3471173 Master mason on masonic symbolism

b44ade  No.3471227

File: b8df7afc3f0fce8⋯.jpg (687.07 KB, 2080x1544, 260:193, 1511372030331.jpg)

File: a4e67e996574562⋯.jpg (181.28 KB, 1163x807, 1163:807, 1511558385907.jpg)

87a7d2  No.3471228

File: 6e171b45f23af36⋯.png (1.48 MB, 848x802, 424:401, 13298432908754908612360684….png)

80158a  No.3471229

File: 6ad6572beeda875⋯.gif (287.31 KB, 260x137, 260:137, 1537851861.gif)

179a98  No.3471230

File: 53dafc651195854⋯.png (119.45 KB, 840x911, 840:911, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: 357b4ae686739f2⋯.png (109.55 KB, 836x891, 76:81, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: 28539f1a1eb0fa6⋯.png (117.29 KB, 822x905, 822:905, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: b4aacf32f07f1e5⋯.png (116.2 KB, 837x906, 279:302, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)

File: 7199776caf392f6⋯.png (110.34 KB, 833x917, 119:131, Q MILITARY HISTORY CHAPTER….PNG)











9de99b  No.3471231


Thank you Pastor Brunson for praying for POTUS and country.

87a7d2  No.3471232

File: eba6e00bf054d00⋯.png (939.37 KB, 768x820, 192:205, 32132873000000005083287328….png)

4fc7d9  No.3471233

File: 30df6f4eb104720⋯.jpg (180.62 KB, 1213x521, 1213:521, HK_Drone.jpg)

ee25a7  No.3471234


>>3470570 Governments Tell Google's Nest To Hand Over Data 300 Times

>>3470670, >>3470711 New POTUS Tweets (PDT)

>>3470671, >>3470763, >>3470777, >>3470834, >>3470864 Moar on Khashoggi

>>3470680, >>3470836, >>3470964 The Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs cont.

>>3470700 POTUS tweets between Jan 1/1 and 1/8 are missing from qmap.pub and trumptwitterarchive

>>3470760 Yuge collage from CollageAnon

>>3470792 Small plane crashes into Payson home, investigation underway

>>3470835 Twitter is facing an investigation over data collection in its link-shortening system

>>3470917 Hundreds of Hondurans head for US border in mass migration 'march'

>>3470933 Another space telescope switches itself into safe mode.

>>3471053 End Of 17-Year War Is Near As U.S. Officials Agree To Meet With Taliban Leaders

>>3471107 Do not lose focus on LOOP CAPITAL

>>3471134 Three reasons Mueller may not charge Trump with obstruction

>>3471173 Master mason on masonic symbolism

c62e82  No.3471235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill Still on 2018 mid term predictions

Looking pretty good from our stand point.

b16a53  No.3471236

File: 69ece015f8bacdc⋯.jpg (258.84 KB, 997x720, 997:720, 141f813c.jpg)


Danke anon.

9a4222  No.3471238

>>3471208 Trump has US pastor freed from Turkey for him in Oval Office


87a7d2  No.3471239

File: 95be77f3e053683⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1202x921, 1202:921, 32908654943298021683468965….png)

e35b8d  No.3471240


that they care even less than I do?

<(38) must be working for commission.

671b24  No.3471241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bcdb9c  No.3471242

File: 84a1c5c4e1d3779⋯.jpg (111.08 KB, 489x759, 163:253, happening2.jpg)

b39ea4  No.3471243


Just seems to me that the shills are embracing the corn ethanol angle. (suprise) but no one seems to be applying logic and reason to potus decision. I understand that on the surface it is an effort to combat the china trade issue and throw the farmers a bone. If it decreased regulations and provides less government money to a special interest group than I am all for it. Markets clear when they are allowed to.

b44ade  No.3471244

File: 2ea43afd2ce82d5⋯.jpg (729.13 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, 1510005033971.jpg)

File: bc7b1a4e1881eaa⋯.png (1 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1510098237174.png)

ee25a7  No.3471245



been in, happened early today


can you repost this for next bread, didn't get it in before baking

87a7d2  No.3471246

File: 99dee4d2b404669⋯.png (1.6 MB, 917x868, 131:124, 08969999196888140917544563….png)

495d72  No.3471248



did you abandon the "I'm paying for it Q, come and get it or muh cabal" and start shilling the corn angle? Is this what it is going to be for a few breads?

c3191a  No.3471249

File: 0b12716f78eb34d⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 457x400, 457:400, Sirius 911.jpg)


The sticker on the light says "Sirius"


c032ae  No.3471250



>Ba'al in Hebrew mean owner, master, husband etc

>Lmao jew lovers btfo


crazy mudda fucks

15e7e6  No.3471251


Looks like Trump pissed (((them))) off again too.

They're taking it out on us tonight.

87a7d2  No.3471252

File: 1309cf69a94c63f⋯.png (635.66 KB, 678x890, 339:445, 94940712375032548943580897….png)

49b912  No.3471255


Yea. I recommended against putting it in notables earlier. It is cool and all, but I can make it available elsewhere.

f064ca  No.3471256


Guise…I need help on this post. I think this may be interesting.

f91523  No.3471257


Maybe this.


13e1c6  No.3471258

File: 72a1a745d5afd47⋯.png (73.05 KB, 680x259, 680:259, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

File: 5d2e41d47bc3e5d⋯.png (119.15 KB, 830x571, 830:571, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

when the best shills can do is cry about ethanol… you know they have nothing.


74cf06  No.3471259


Farmers also have more to do than make dumbass text on a corn background.

9b625f  No.3471261

File: a05da665c592b45⋯.jpg (196.12 KB, 640x800, 4:5, FrogLight.jpg)


Love it!

Curious coyote.

0a6b40  No.3471262

e35b8d  No.3471263


ppl ask why do you waste your life on a LARP?

"I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do.

So I'll leave it up to you."

406642  No.3471264


It would be "Better" for them is it was a mill stone tied around their neck and tossed into the sea! Their fate will surely be worse!

433435  No.3471265


My teenaged daughter told me tonight she had seen some vids of Antifa and she asked me if they are "crazy." I said, "Unhinged." We are DEEP in libtardland.

9171be  No.3471266

File: 4710965258802c9⋯.png (670.33 KB, 438x643, 438:643, 1485330497062.png)

wheres Ebot tonight

he have a hot date with a toaster?

b44ade  No.3471267

File: 0b05d14068ea51f⋯.jpg (95.55 KB, 469x640, 469:640, 1507085298730.jpg)

c10925  No.3471268

File: 57f795f129fc413⋯.jpeg (123.34 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, D6352C91-B5C4-4642-9630-6….jpeg)

Promises made.

Promises kept.

bbbda5  No.3471269

File: aaaea2cb69ef998⋯.png (1.26 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 3940ABEC-CE76-4B2D-8C4C-6D….png)

240fea  No.3471270


perhaps he has been drinking the shit.

5a30ef  No.3471271


Wow, a shill gets digits again. Only been going on for weeks now, hasn’t it?

Newfags, look at posts, replies and posts of those who replied. Then search Q posts with the word “shill”.

2ba235  No.3471272

File: ecc15c07bae036c⋯.jpg (56.05 KB, 300x300, 1:1, thats-not-all-hes-lost.jpg)

26c6c5  No.3471273


Gold is the skin of the gods after all.

fbdf18  No.3471274



Precisely. When Trump first said it, even I was like "Wuuhhh?" but then it occurred to me you can make ethanol from other plants. Decriminalization is going to be huge for the US.

9423bf  No.3471275


These might be the most interesting to me. Can anyone tell me how long we’ve been in a Cold War with China? From the sounds of Pence, decades.

d042b8  No.3471276


Ten Years go by so quick. Do they not, Anon?

b16a53  No.3471277


Snagged that from a site that had scary game cam captures. I'm sure it was staged.

87a7d2  No.3471279

File: b05a75117ccc1f2⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1415x961, 1415:961, 32780309475460543428989658….png)

240fea  No.3471280

File: 46c30422eb280fd⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 259x194, 259:194, rrwfd.jpg)


now you prolly just triggered him

80158a  No.3471281

File: 1dcbb40b52a480f⋯.png (254.43 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Prostate meme.png)

25d0a9  No.3471282

File: 5c0f243e1cf415d⋯.png (279.42 KB, 658x366, 329:183, 2020_booker.png)

ce3f87  No.3471283

File: 526e32f11621c89⋯.png (631.04 KB, 1446x956, 723:478, Kenya Citizenship.png)

9171be  No.3471284


next bread

ill drop somemoe

13e1c6  No.3471285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

at 1:45

we have gotten 19 different people out

remind anyone of a Q crumb?

30a293  No.3471286

File: 880efe4fdcefb42⋯.png (389.82 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, V_V_W.png)

File: d6e391300ecffb0⋯.jpg (131.15 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, NYS_GOP_convention_2018.jpg)


Also in the New York GOP logo, they have the interlocked Vs making the W in New

495d72  No.3471287


no doubt


fucking toilet

4a9e05  No.3471288

File: 40c8aecc12a3f7f⋯.jpg (136.57 KB, 930x599, 930:599, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….jpg)

File: b1090ff886067d3⋯.jpg (153.52 KB, 937x599, 937:599, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….jpg)

f064ca  No.3471289


Thanks…I'm having trouble.

870f75  No.3471290


Possible bible prophecy from Daniel. Daniel describes a statue where the gold head is Babylon, the silver shoulders are Persian Empire, the mid section of bronze is the Greek, and the iron Hips down are the Roman Empire that split East (one leg) an West (other leg). In the toes, just before the return of Christ, the iron was mixed with clay. When asked Daniel replied:

"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, ((they)) shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

Daniel 2:43

This reference to a ((they)) separate from "men" happens Very early in Genesis 6 where God describes the reason for the flood. (((They))) abducted women and created half breeds that would forever be reknown in history. (Think Hercules or Atlas etc, half man, half god (evil angels who abducted the women)

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

God of course had prophesied this very thing in the Garden of Eden when he declares war on Satan for attempting to destroy Adam and Eve. He said to Satan:

"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Genesis 3:15

Jesus warns that these evil angels will be back abducting people in the last days before he returns, by referring to the abduction days as the "Days of Noah".

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:37

Jesus warned that these angels would tell a great lie when they returned that most people would believe. What lie?

Most likely the very same lie that they told ancient man, that they were the ones who created us, that they were "gods" from the "stars". …. Today's concept of "alien" being sold to a biblically illiterate public.

Most interesting to Christians these days, is the number of non Christian "abductees" who have been able to stop the abductions, by telling the "aliens" to leave in the name of Jesus. Also interesting to Christians is the lack of Christian Abductees in the Abduction records. Almost all abductees self identify as anon Christian of one sort or another. But, Christianity itself does not seem to preclude the right to use the name of Christ to force the demons and the "aliens" to retreat. I thought this most interesting.

889c4f  No.3471291


Discouraged?! How about enraged!?

There is now about a 93% that there will be A LOT of violence starting within a week of the up coming election, regardless of who wins. Learn history! There is outrage on both sides. There is NO unity. MS-13 arrests, arrests of street level sex industry people and sealed indictments be damned. Nothing of real significance has changed in America that prevent the outbreak of an overt war from the left OR a covert war - in the form of individual attacks on Globalists, Elitists, Criminal Totalitarians and ALL of their minions, thugs and "other" agents, including their propagandists and protestors - from the Patriots.

Count on it. Be ready for it and be ready to do whatever is necessary to defend the Country, The Constitution and Trump. Q Team didn't get the job done. Protect the interior the Country and the Border from the illegal invaders too. Approx 30 million are already inside and at least 100 more arrive every day!

2ba235  No.3471292

File: 0b66179aa6d4088⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 625x389, 625:389, everbodygotthat.jpg)

671b24  No.3471293


Part of changing the world sometimes means one needs to live a live action role play…

b44ade  No.3471294

File: 8e9fda794152679⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 8e9fda79415267900881866a91….jpg)

ee25a7  No.3471295

7a0c2e  No.3471296


vote republican goyim

ignore the fact that the liberals are walking around threatening to filet your kids

c032ae  No.3471297


awesome stuff anon

can't imagine how long that took

96b61c  No.3471298


43 post of this shit. Jew Marine you need better copy. Try to do something original

25d0a9  No.3471300

File: 8ef9bbe2e9d3863⋯.png (30 KB, 300x156, 25:13, A1.png)

File: 41bb1d5399e6b10⋯.png (52.17 KB, 271x197, 271:197, A2.png)


this kind of A also interesting

35c23f  No.3471301

File: 1e15a1a84ea8de9⋯.jpeg (173.51 KB, 768x500, 192:125, 1e15a1a84ea8de906ca4097b2….jpeg)


Great, but what are you planning for my old Stihl chainsaw that will last longer than me? Buy a new one? How about my mower? Leaf blower? Classic car? Emergency generator? Weed whacker?

Until plans are made for stuff that was engineered to last a lifetime, forcing anons to buy "obsolescence engineered" stuff that will fail in five years is bullshit.

e35b8d  No.3471302



This is the most hope I have felt since 1968. It was so obvious that evil was in charge. Millennials don't understand the importance of freedom because they do not know what it is.

5a30ef  No.3471303


No you’re not.

fbdf18  No.3471304


He's going to feel really stupid when Hemp is used instead of corn.

3603cb  No.3471306

File: 24d95ba3378b92e⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 311x311, 1:1, Jew here!.jpg)


לא תישא עדות שקר! לכי לבנות את המקדש שלך!

9423bf  No.3471307


Heard the Mandela effect fucked with people on Samsung’s new A

49b912  No.3471308


Ask my coffee pot lol.

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