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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

07463b  No.3378804

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 10.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/355 --------------------------------- DON'T BE A PAWN IN THEIR SICK GAME ( Cap: >>3374695, >>3375172 )

>>>/patriotsfight/354 --------------------------------- [Repost][Search & Destroy] ( Cap: >>3373783 )

>>>/patriotsfight/353 --------------------------------- "Wrap-Up Smear" deployed v. Justice K? ( Cap: >>3371630, >>3371514 )

>>>/patriotsfight/352 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Justice K impeachment: CON sold to voters by LYING D's ( Cap: >>3371193 )

>>>/patriotsfight/351 --------------------------------- America's destiny of goodness and good will ( Cap: >>3369559 )

>>>/patriotsfight/350 rt /pf/298 ——————– TODAY, THE REPUBLIC, TOOK BACK CONTROL. ( Cap: >>3372173 )

>>3368187 rt >>3367982 ————-————– God bless, Patriot. Celebrate - this means so much. ( Cap: >>3368259 )

>>>/patriotsfight/349 --------------------------------- POLITICAL HIT by D's. ( Cap: >>3367230 )

>>>/patriotsfight/348 --------------------------------- WELCOME TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. ( Cap: >>3366916 )

>>>/patriotsfight/347 ——————————— IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT ( Cap: >>3362076 )

Friday 10.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/346 ——————————— FACTS MATTER ( Cap: >>3355727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/345 rt /pf/344 -——————- "The Hunt For" dropped - why? ( Cap: >>3353335 )

>>>/patriotsfight/344 rt /pf/343 -——————- And so it begins.. ( Cap: >>3353096, >>3353118 )

>>>/patriotsfight/343 ——————————— Double meanings exist. ( Cap: >>3351839, >>3351859 )

>>>/patriotsfight/342 ——————————— Important moment in time. ( Cap: >>3349354 )

>>>/patriotsfight/341 ——————————— Important to remember. ( Cap: >>3349268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/340 ——————————— A phone was present. ( Cap: >>3349194 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

07463b  No.3378810


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3378103, >>3378140 Doctors Without Borders (MSF) kicked out of Nauru

>>3378248 Research into living forever, funded by Bezos and Peter Thiel

>>3378257 Pompeo twatts that NK progress continues

>>3378399, >>3378481 Anon links flotilla build up to Venezuela Cryptocurrency launch

>>3378508 German Archive Anon updated hash; 4287 breads archived

>>3378574 Oz anon great synopsis with sauce for Oz and NZ fuckery in 2016

>>3378575 Execution for Child Rape OK under NDAA (for members of armed services)

>>3378582 Senate Judiciary blue check trolls Nancy Pelosi blue check

>>3378674 Keep Pepe away from Atrazine! It turns male frogs into females

>>3378237, >>3378617 White women are the next target of Soros the Leftists

>>3378649 CBF Leaker Heather Sawyer supposedly authority on Civil Liberties; worked on FOIA committee

>>3378666 Top Vatican Cardinal accuses Papal critic of "calumny and defamation" (Papal post number)

>>3378787 #4281


>>3377287, >>3377295, >>3377305 Reminder: Justice K's Confirmation Hearings with Senator Graham about tribunals

>>3377330 DHS reply to Bloomberg China hack

>>3377338 Designing a Public School From Scratch

>>3377596 School shooting crisis avoided?? Student had "hit list"

>>3377598 Let the 4am talking points commence: Gas prices

>>3377694 Scientists Accuse DARPA of Genetically Modifying Insects for Bioweapon to Spread Agricultural Viruses

>>3377753 MbS on POTUS, Aramco, and arrests

(Baker Change)

>>3377897 Former Goog Exec Exposes Silicon Valley Hypocrisy

>>3377903 Unrestricted Warfare by the PLA; Anon ties it to >>>/patriotsfight/346

>>3377900 Venezuela officially launches its oil-backed crypto-currency

>>3377803, >>3377978 Graphic sums-up Justice K votes that were anticipated versus ACTUAL with 2 Present

>>3377985 #4280

#4279 Baker Change

>>3376448 Anon on the amount of protestors

>>3376529 These people are SICK!: Moar cannibalism normalization

>>3376535 Dig on the CBF leaker, Heather Sawyer

>>3376619, >>3376678, >>3376743 Planefag updates

>>3376673 US-Mexico-Canada deal targets China with 'poison pill' provision

>>3376720 Pre-Q Qproof

>>3376794 Police Arrest Jordan Hunt, Abortion Activist Who Assaulted Pro-Life Woman

>>3376808, >>3376905, >>3376935 Matrics2 dig

>>3376845 Another Q proof just for fun: SPACE FORCE!

>>3377069 China's attempted patent takeover

>>3377194 #4279


>>3376184 POTUS mocks Feinstein at rally for leaking Ford's letter

>>3376143 More photos of POTUS signing for Justice Kavanaugh

>>3376086 Pelosi releases statement on Kavanaugh's confirmation

>>3376027 Woman Who Helped Expose PP Sales of Aborted Baby Parts Dies

>>3376356 #4278


>>3375512 Clear cut instructions for [SEARCH & DESTROY]?

>>3375478 Wrap Up Smear: Pelosi full press conference video

>>3375266 POTUS: Those who made false statements about Kavanaugh should be held liable

>>3375222 , >>3375272 Rules for Radicals: PDFs

>>3375186 Stock Up: Location of #Walkaway & Red October Memes

>>3375178 Red State Dems who voted no on Justice K

>>3375182 Wrap up Smear and Saul Alinsky

>>3375115 GOP Senators Receive Death Threats Following Kavanaugh Confirmation

>>3375039 Rewatch: DJT winning the Presidency in 2016

>>3375028 Q Posts: #VoteRepublican, POTUS Tweets: Vote Republican

>>3375576 #4277

Previously Collected Notables

>>3374857 #4276

>>3372814 #4273, >>3373668 #4274, >>3374065 #4275

>>3370190 #4270, >>3370955 #4271, >>3371748 #4272

>>3367935 #4267, >>3372435 #4268, >>3369419 #4269

>>3365623 #4264, >>3366459 #4265, >>3367147 #4266

>>3363289 #4261, >>3364066 #4262, >>3364834 #4263

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

07463b  No.3378811

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3361663

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

07463b  No.3378813

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

07463b  No.3378814

Dough #4282


Dough changes:

Added notables

Retired #4276 to previous notables

Baker Requests Handoff

Day shift should be waking soon

a8506a  No.3378822

File: 441763cccf37140⋯.gif (2.07 MB, 600x334, 300:167, t.gif)

7faed0  No.3378828

Anons, trying to redpill some of my hopelessly lost sleeping buds. When I showed them Q, proofs and potus connections, they said this operation is just a psyop to get republicans in.

Q said both Ds and Rs are both corrupt. Soo…are we just replacing a corrupt party with a corrupt party?

Can someone please explain. Need some ammo to fire back at the sleeping ones

61e7c5  No.3378831

File: 6eb3c3b4b349f11⋯.gif (911.98 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, bOObs for bakers.gif)

TY Baker

07463b  No.3378834

>>3377998 Old Bread still active (for 10 posts or so)

2db574  No.3378836


You have a point. My bad.


Great Memes Anon!!!

e1bde4  No.3378837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

from night shift >>3378769 (pb)

"Watch @SRuhle's face when she says Trump uses a "cult like force" to control people"

What going full r*tard looks like ... still laughing. Sharing for the day shift.

2db574  No.3378848


She looks like she's thinking 'Where does she get this shit from?'

8d5a9f  No.3378849

File: d8881659ad4fbe6⋯.jpg (253.66 KB, 1200x790, 120:79, sub_pepe.jpg)

get around me, anons! easy decode.

7796a8  No.3378850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

536b21  No.3378851

File: 6b37e237f372341⋯.jpg (960.74 KB, 2040x1479, 40:29, Do3QvR_X0AA3lAD.jpg)

a19023  No.3378852

File: e21d18ef712e92c⋯.png (250.37 KB, 1536x1682, 768:841, IMG_8697.PNG)


What if they already hat if they already have boobs

ThanQ baker

2db574  No.3378853


God works in mysterious ways!

efcfa1  No.3378854

>>3378840 LB

Or it could be that Lindsey is a slimy piece of shit that will jump on the winning band wagon, even if he knows they are evil and dead against the will of the american people.

It could be that Lindsey thinks you are that damn stupid to buy his bullshit, and currently appears correct.

7214f3  No.3378855


full now

a19023  No.3378856


I knew I saw something on the front


190e91  No.3378857

File: de6d7bae89f2dc2⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 550x563, 550:563, de6d7bae89f2dc2fc7bafa1b41….jpg)


For anyone interested, Gannett is running a political focus Facebook group for the mid-terms. I know it's Facebook, but the group could use some red pills.

Keep in mind that Gannett is connected to the CIA, so you'll probably end up on a watchlist for participating.


a19023  No.3378858

File: 8e68e4d4c7e105b⋯.gif (12.02 KB, 90x90, 1:1, IMG_0168.GIF)


Yup, we did it

483176  No.3378859

File: 368c6f289f45d7d⋯.jpeg (22.75 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 7172A8EC-2D0F-47D1-9263-B….jpeg)

61e7c5  No.3378860

File: 24fcac5bd78ee10⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

d51f13  No.3378861

File: e444fe838b11038⋯.jpg (111.98 KB, 500x716, 125:179, Kav-leftie.jpg)

To round things off…

aa6d25  No.3378862

File: 09df7ec4ec74c44⋯.png (4 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 28D51A8C-1417-41CA-9997-FE….png)

efcfa1  No.3378863


Jesus Fuckin Christ he is queer as 3 dollar bill.

(womans man?)

No wonder we are where we are. These people tell you anything and you folks will buy it.

af6993  No.3378864


Anons know what to do…

190e91  No.3378865


I agree that the Lindsey Graham redemption arc still has along way to go, but I also believe the Q team would have forced him to retire if he was truly awful.

9481cf  No.3378866

Midterms voting has already begun


34d737  No.3378867


Remember that Lindsay was AF in the 80s before Don't Ask Don't Tell. Was easily blackmailed then. I think strings were cut.

974d66  No.3378868

File: a0466e5ae68e17c⋯.jpg (28.1 KB, 255x179, 255:179, PatrioticLove4.jpg)


Morning Baker!! Relief should be here soon. DayBaker said they would be here for duty this AM. Thank you soooo much for covering the (US) wee hours shift, it is a hard one to cover. Sincerely appreciate you!!

I am not up for baking, just got up too see what my beloved anons are doing. Going to be sleeping a bit more and will be ready for a handoff later today if needed.

1e574d  No.3378869

File: c515a233056881b⋯.jpg (5.73 KB, 199x253, 199:253, images-4.jpg)

File: 7b3c1f81fe4abdc⋯.jpg (7.58 KB, 270x187, 270:187, download-3.jpg)

File: fe928a51c095d15⋯.jpg (8.52 KB, 212x238, 106:119, images-6.jpg)

File: 35e414ae519425f⋯.jpg (10.78 KB, 269x187, 269:187, download-4.jpg)

File: 18dac54a87275dc⋯.jpg (8.38 KB, 204x248, 51:62, images-5.jpg)



I have No idea what you are talking about

a8506a  No.3378870

File: 21094e007a27e63⋯.jpg (280.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, browder resnick.jpg)

File: e31539c665d5913⋯.jpg (513.2 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fiji water.jpg)

File: bf69acf07c96e88⋯.jpg (116.76 KB, 507x709, 507:709, wakaya.fiji.jpg)

File: c567e79e79d0f2f⋯.jpg (16.47 KB, 480x328, 60:41, resnick clinton.jpg)

aspen to socal to fiji







watch the water…

efcfa1  No.3378871


Turn your back to that creepy bitch at your own peril.

e7edc8  No.3378872

Drinkin' my last beer

smoked my last bowl

Here's to Justice K!

Victory is Sweet!

What did Conan say about hearing

the lamentations of their women!

974d66  No.3378873


Morning Capri Sun Anon!!

1ed120  No.3378874

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 263d9390017ab777cbdd742b59….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

efcfa1  No.3378875


I ain't askin, and he tells you all you need to know. If he can benefit, he will stick that knife right in your back.

974d66  No.3378876

File: e6930c867d0d514⋯.jpg (34.01 KB, 255x255, 1:1, WWG1WGASoldier.jpg)

b18f1d  No.3378877

File: bbc1d9718ea5cc4⋯.png (222.32 KB, 540x389, 540:389, bbc1d9718ea5cc4d85872059ba….png)

7796a8  No.3378878

File: 2cca7b02b08315d⋯.png (505.61 KB, 690x372, 115:62, shill4.PNG)


61e7c5  No.3378879


Four is better than two,

Two is better than one,

One thing we've all seen,

Is the best is Seventeen.

d5ebce  No.3378880

File: 6c2095d16cc39af⋯.png (339.22 KB, 600x439, 600:439, deliv.png)


Yeah they've got it figured out. Nothing to hope for, nothing to see here.

The swamp owns real estate on both sides of the isle. Might have even been worse for the republicans. Republicans are cleaning house. Democrats are having their house cleaned.

b06f9e  No.3378881

File: 20c46d865b9a6d8⋯.jpg (9.43 KB, 180x218, 90:109, Admiral pepe.jpg)



Pepe has infiltrated the Sub.

ba2274  No.3378882

File: acaeb98782320dc⋯.png (320.86 KB, 483x368, 21:16, morning swordanon.PNG)

File: 98bc567c3498fd6⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1443x1006, 1443:1006, Space force training.PNG)


Afternoon Swordanon :)

30e7bb  No.3378883

File: 6ec7d3506784969⋯.jpg (134.27 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 130507195807-large.jpg)


ty SwordAnon

You are the peace of all things calm

You are the light that shines in dark

588fb9  No.3378884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can we remake this song as "Pepe on a sub"!?

d5c0a1  No.3378885


There is no where they can hide, we see all, we hear all. Top Kek

a66ac0  No.3378886

File: ad04afdb149ad3f⋯.png (654.58 KB, 1315x767, 1315:767, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 553d1bacb2b7e44⋯.png (629.89 KB, 939x792, 313:264, ClipboardImage.png)

D's Playbook as predicted by Q

2/3rd Senate vote required to impeach SCJ.

What are the odds of that?


d5ebce  No.3378887

File: 3b3ac18bbdf922d⋯.jpg (14.99 KB, 480x360, 4:3, laughnoob.jpg)

Tip E Top of the morning anons

a8506a  No.3378888

File: 62dc38b272ab62c⋯.gif (49.64 KB, 532x276, 133:69, 1000 pts.gif)

File: 891c18d1956c058⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 1000x693, 1000:693, sad.jpg)

File: 7e15805b1e1af05⋯.jpg (34.18 KB, 625x415, 125:83, 1k points.jpg)

a19023  No.3378889

File: 94701a3e96c64c5⋯.gif (73.86 KB, 378x376, 189:188, IMG_6754.GIF)


Good morning, Capri sun anon, me likes!


7796a8  No.3378890

File: 06c62267891c53c⋯.png (505.82 KB, 693x371, 99:53, shill5.PNG)


coffee kicking in now.

1e574d  No.3378891


Creepy. I just looked at that first image lol.

3f5f66  No.3378892

File: 91f1b0082aa57d3⋯.png (390.34 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-10-07-11-1….png)

Someone should take a better screenshot of trump talking about Joe Biden at the Topeka Kansas rally. It's meme worthy put a beer on his bicep. It's about 50 minutes in.

224416  No.3378893

File: 382f5fc48f824c4⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 535x542, 535:542, LG exploding fist bump.JPG)

File: 064effdf734a692⋯.mp4 (444.54 KB, 360x640, 9:16, LG Exploding Fist Bump.mp4)

Lindsey Graham 2.0 with the Exploding Fist Bump

190e91  No.3378894

File: 64d1c793dad5afd⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1896x1941, 632:647, Sandwich Islands.png)

4f3c61  No.3378895


Side by side has wrong month on Fox article, Anon. Should be Oct not Sept 7.

72d7cd  No.3378896


Ban phoneposters?

d5ebce  No.3378897

File: 5fc03b8663ba9b7⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 500x260, 25:13, trumpstun.gif)


Playing for 8's didn't see you there.


a19023  No.3378898

File: 5a4a5ad1f36edd3⋯.gif (9.8 MB, 480x360, 4:3, IMG_9881.GIF)

f2d27c  No.3378899

SAD provides the President of the United States with an option when overt military operations and/or diplomatic actions are not viable or politically feasible. SAD can be directly tasked by the president or the National Security Council at the president's direction, unlike other US special mission forces. SAD/SOG has far fewer members than most of the other special missions units, such as the U.S. Army's 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Delta Force) or Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU).[8][9][10]

As the action arm of the CIA's Directorate of Operations, SAD/SOG conducts direct action missions such as raids, ambushes, sabotage, targeted killings[11][12][13] and unconventional warfare (e.g., training and leading guerrilla and military units of other countries in combat). SAD/SOG also conducts special reconnaissance that can be either military or intelligence driven and is carried out by Paramilitary Officers (also called Paramilitary Operatives or Paramilitary Operations Officers) when in "non-permissive environments". Paramilitary Operations Officers are also fully trained case officers (i.e., "spy handlers") and as such conduct clandestine human intelligence (HUMINT) operations throughout the world.[14]

The political action group within SAD conducts the deniable psychological operations, also known as black propaganda, as well as "covert influence" to effect political change in other countries as part of United States foreign policy.[1] Covert intervention in foreign elections is the most significant form of SAD's political action. This involves financial support for favored candidates, media guidance, technical support for public relations, get-out-the-vote or political organizing efforts, legal expertise, advertising campaigns, assistance with poll-watching, and other means of direct action. Policy decisions are influenced by agents, such as subverted officials of the country, to make decisions in their official capacity that are in the furtherance of US policy aims. In addition, mechanisms for forming and developing opinions involve the covert use of propaganda.[15]

Propaganda includes leaflets, newspapers, magazines, books, radio, and television, all of which are geared to convey the US message appropriate to the region. These techniques have expanded to cover the internet as well. They may employ officers to work as journalists, recruit agents of influence, operate media platforms, plant certain stories or information in places it is hoped it will come to public attention, or seek to deny and/or discredit information that is public knowledge. In all such propaganda efforts, "black" operations denote those in which the audience is to be kept ignorant of the source; "white" efforts are those in which the originator openly acknowledges themselves; and "gray" operations are those in which the source is partly but not fully acknowledged.[15][16]

f51b29  No.3378900


Sounds like you are volunteering.

a8506a  No.3378901

File: 8faa6d62691d4fc⋯.png (384.75 KB, 710x609, 710:609, 1.png)

File: 6f9ebbf9bc14bd6⋯.png (392.4 KB, 989x565, 989:565, 2.png)

File: e62bd695a660936⋯.png (223 KB, 664x485, 664:485, 3.png)

974d66  No.3378902


It fits!!

3f5f66  No.3378903


I would, but don't own a computer. Might do it tomorrow at the ones at uni.

a66ac0  No.3378904

File: bbff7cccb119c96⋯.png (651.02 KB, 1307x767, 1307:767, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f4b0b8bcf60b40⋯.png (681.35 KB, 996x907, 996:907, ClipboardImage.png)



Good chatch Anon, corrected:

D's Playbook as predicted by Q

2/3rd Senate vote required to impeach SCJ.

What are the odds of that?


a8506a  No.3378905

File: aba39bc5910011e⋯.jpg (64.65 KB, 449x376, 449:376, family coe.jpg)

File: a6f67293072d5f7⋯.jpg (20.7 KB, 300x296, 75:74, soggy.jpg)

File: 7cc043305bd9510⋯.jpg (75.8 KB, 975x651, 325:217, macarena.jpg)

1e574d  No.3378906

Hey Q could you do a solid? Just say you aren't who I think you are and I can get back to my insignificant life

a8506a  No.3378907

File: d46396725964725⋯.jpg (72.98 KB, 636x382, 318:191, $ war.jpg)

File: be319e138349a64⋯.jpg (211.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 50 cents.jpg)

c1121a  No.3378909

File: 4320d067afd12cf⋯.jpeg (603.5 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, prayer-to-st-michael-the-….jpeg)

224416  No.3378910

File: df9332b24188b9a⋯.jpg (71.37 KB, 1200x867, 400:289, JS BIS.jpg)

80da16  No.3378911

File: 69e90bc924b4677⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 428x281, 428:281, paint the picture.jpg)

File: abed2d8132ae730⋯.jpg (338.4 KB, 600x471, 200:157, cave.jpg)

a66ac0  No.3378912

File: 9f7cb0b3c66d5af⋯.png (651.17 KB, 1309x769, 1309:769, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a3257d06a14121⋯.png (653.67 KB, 946x904, 473:452, ClipboardImage.png)




corrected year too :)

Good chatch Anon, corrected:

D's Playbook as predicted by Q

2/3rd Senate vote required to impeach SCJ.

What are the odds of that?


a8506a  No.3378913

File: be52cd6a98883f6⋯.jpg (630.09 KB, 1600x1104, 100:69, riady.jpg)

File: 4e18e07ec2accb5⋯.jpg (84.87 KB, 633x800, 633:800, pla.jpg)

File: 918e9362b6d0ed2⋯.png (91.51 KB, 826x551, 826:551, klinton.png)

File: 5ae44ee5e3dc034⋯.png (381.9 KB, 680x365, 136:73, you.png)


comey worked there?

they have ops in mexico too?

804955  No.3378914

File: 86f505c78d2194e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 17FDB83A-1988-4D63-88B9-3A….png)

7b029d  No.3378916

File: 61b3354b1f2e204⋯.jpeg (582.17 KB, 850x750, 17:15, IMG_4ED9F613C5AA-1.jpeg)

224416  No.3378917

File: 0eb50bd3f7d4752⋯.mp4 (747.55 KB, 640x360, 16:9, PDJT Comedian in Chief.mp4)

22d528  No.3378918

File: c51462e53c6ef7b⋯.png (703.85 KB, 800x620, 40:31, kekwatch.png)

File: b4b31afcd01f0fc⋯.png (873.87 KB, 902x698, 451:349, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

224416  No.3378919

File: 0d0e6b6ebef5154⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Graham as HULK..mp4)

1ed120  No.3378920

File: 0da035760f5beeb⋯.jpg (23.71 KB, 500x501, 500:501, 0da035760f5beebf0c1697f7e6….jpg)

>>3378248 (PB)

Aubrey de Grey is the founder of the field of aging research. Anon knows AdG and has supported his work many years.

Almost all aging research in the US is privately funded because the cultist control research grants through the captured institutions, NIH FDA and CDC.

There are a number of strategies to extend human healthspan to biblical lengths and beyond which AdG has outlined.

None of the strategies I am aware of propose to employ blood products in longevity treatments, The pro aging and pro youth factors that circulate in our blood stream regulate biological age.

This 2013 article presents a reasonably accurate overview.

>When what health care professionals call “the silver tsunami” hits, healthcare costs will increase astronomically. By 2050, 88.5 million Americans will be over 65, and estimated costs for Alzheimer’s care alone will run from $1 trillion and upwards. As USC’s Dana Goldman explains, “Medicare spending alone is projected to double as a share of gross domestic product, from 3.7 percent in 2012 to 7.3 percent in 2050.” The number of treatments to slow or stop the relentless progression of Alzheimer’s disease now available is zero.

>One response to this building crisis was the 2011 “National Alzheimer’s Plan” (NAPA), which starts with the mandatory “vision statement”:

>For millions of Americans, the heartbreak of watching a loved one struggle with Alzheimer’s disease is a pain they know all too well. Alzheimer’s disease burdens an increasing number of our nation’s elders and their families, and it is essential that we confront the challenge it poses to our public health. —President Barack Obama

>The plan runs on through turgid pages of acronyms and good ol’ can-do, roll-up-the-sleeves huff ‘n’ puff that reads like a 1950s horror film script. The NAPA plan concludes, optimistically, on page 31,with Goal 5, Strategy 5B: Monitor progress on the plan.

There hasn’t been any.

b18f1d  No.3378921

File: 72175da1edf2db5⋯.jpg (228.92 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Cheshire_Cat_Alice.jpg)


←— Q


a8506a  No.3378922

File: fddc91941a249d5⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 454x360, 227:180, bk.jpg)

the name has been spoken

it has begun

8f3b3a  No.3378923

File: 39c09e870b64172⋯.png (766.85 KB, 3090x2032, 1545:1016, GetReal.png)

483176  No.3378924

File: cf919054236a563⋯.png (480.13 KB, 556x758, 278:379, 6BCE8D2C-53AF-48A3-AC24-A9….png)

Eat my CLAM

1e574d  No.3378925


He's such a dick.

d5ebce  No.3378926

File: 861a8ab68d1a33e⋯.jpg (259.13 KB, 720x540, 4:3, pepeswim.jpg)


someone's got to keep an eye on the Union Jack

may as well be pepe

536b21  No.3378927

File: 5856e2efe149ebb⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, election.mp4)

I will support the outcome of this election.

Aye, right.

b18f1d  No.3378928

File: f6d57f9315870b4⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 600x307, 600:307, s-ca2cad269d01619e1f930170….jpg)



80da16  No.3378930

File: 4407628c6fc1035⋯.jpg (261.93 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Q jango.jpg)

0c8cf4  No.3378931

File: c735b4c21a4f000⋯.jpeg (179.96 KB, 1076x690, 538:345, BD3D8681-EC86-4B42-A1B2-3….jpeg)

File: d23b676372fc872⋯.jpeg (101.38 KB, 500x631, 500:631, 22EA4CAE-0673-4E9B-81B7-0….jpeg)

File: 12598985e3a6d5b⋯.jpeg (92.87 KB, 504x500, 126:125, DF618369-4A54-4B74-910F-8….jpeg)

File: 8bcb3042dc47a3a⋯.jpeg (77.73 KB, 556x499, 556:499, 1BE52D6E-0B2B-42D5-B953-3….jpeg)

909f5a  No.3378933

File: 16163dade696715⋯.png (146.92 KB, 928x829, 928:829, pepemelaniacountdowndone.png)

This was a meme posted a few days back. It's not mine but I finished it since she's back this morning.

3c8e97  No.3378934

File: 7115f0a44a85756⋯.png (299.58 KB, 567x567, 1:1, 7115f0a44a85756ad2577cb185….png)


calm down, star girl

d48cb6  No.3378935


What does that hand sign mean?

a8506a  No.3378936

File: bfd9fbb2d79272e⋯.jpg (22.29 KB, 474x266, 237:133, blasey.jpg)

self lynched

on tarmac

224416  No.3378937

File: 2c1e94a1cb3aba9⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 381x594, 127:198, Merkel triangle.jpg)

e4f8ce  No.3378938

Mr President

Sir it’s time to Declassify fisa and roll up all the evil scum.

c65d12  No.3378939

File: 0d77dbef1f1edcf⋯.jpg (208.11 KB, 665x742, 95:106, 0d77dbef1f1edcfbe06a3be6b4….jpg)

File: 70de618beba4a46⋯.jpg (76.08 KB, 324x367, 324:367, 70de618beba4a4670acd675d6a….jpg)

b18f1d  No.3378940


The Rothschild Diamond.

af6993  No.3378941

Sean Szymkowski

For you car fags, this person is a sleeper leftist who not only shadow bans people on GM Authority car Web site that he writes for, he actively pushes a left-wing agenda through this Web site masked as automotive stories and coordinates with other auto sites to push anti-POTUS propaganda. He also will use the Web site to doxx anyone that supports POTUS and isisnown to work with far left union heads and "activist" groups to bully non-lefties and Trump supporters in his native Michigan.

Anyone who can find his cell number and home address and post it on here will receive a nice reward.


Sean Szymkowski

224416  No.3378942

File: 7e460699e0db42f⋯.jpg (95.67 KB, 719x617, 719:617, Pres Trump balls.jpg)

File: 5ea128ddad98175⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 720x766, 360:383, PDJT balls.jpg)

307563  No.3378943

File: b089b41d2a06d53⋯.jpeg (1007.83 KB, 1347x1556, 1347:1556, 253BEDF8-FBCA-4F51-AA56-7….jpeg)

File: 88bb73731180271⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1348x1546, 674:773, 15E1FC26-05A0-426F-907A-F….jpeg)

File: e0c7804be56fb0f⋯.jpeg (993.22 KB, 1334x1267, 1334:1267, 607100FE-0D88-44F9-9815-7….jpeg)

File: 401e640b6140fb8⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1590x1463, 1590:1463, 1994EA42-1D23-46A7-8977-B….jpeg)

File: f4b6938955a1862⋯.jpeg (330.5 KB, 1090x1543, 1090:1543, BB80DAAB-B574-43F3-9F0C-9….jpeg)

There is a worldwide increase in deadly violence from left wing fanatics against politicians on the Right.

This is no joke, credible threats of violence must be prosecuted.

7b029d  No.3378944

File: a182404e9497c7d⋯.gif (30.41 KB, 481x592, 13:16, Mr_Burns_evil.gif)

a66ac0  No.3378945

File: 433185cbc634822⋯.png (618.21 KB, 494x686, 247:343, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bafc987240d8877⋯.png (426.35 KB, 740x523, 740:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc6ef8359e4530a⋯.png (420.38 KB, 760x576, 95:72, ClipboardImage.png)


b18f1d  No.3378946



efcfa1  No.3378947

Qsheep, I am amazed at the percentage of this currently is. Even in the movement that explicitly tell you to think for yourselves, we get one of those "Hey Q, Trust mom?" trust this guy, that guy. A lot of sheep in our ranks, I would say double or triple that on the other side.

Law of unintended consequences.

Can the current system be "fixed"?

Once you start to peel the onion, you will find a new layer of corruption, it's to the bone.

POTUS/Q can get the ball rolling, what happens as a result may not be as desired.

80da16  No.3378948

File: c9bcf72519a986d⋯.jpg (428.84 KB, 600x600, 1:1, sauce force 1.jpg)

b18f1d  No.3378949


didn't we figure out those pics were from 2016? two days ago?

80da16  No.3378950

File: 5808a8cc726f5b6⋯.jpg (237.85 KB, 800x500, 8:5, the menu.jpg)

c96140  No.3378951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some early morning music for the Anons

aaebbc  No.3378952

File: 22e14e9870489b7⋯.png (1009.9 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, ClipboardImage.png)


Time to start dropping the hammer on the sleazebag Demoncrats

224416  No.3378953

File: 3caab1488e04b83⋯.mp4 (8.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Judge A Napolitano say NSA….mp4)

a19023  No.3378954


(((They))) are dogging her today over her clothes

These idiots are so jealous it's funny

7b20ba  No.3378955

File: 792b245fe77c340⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 854x1280, 427:640, ginge.jpg)


You sick, evil, twisted motherfukker!

How dare you fill my brain with such nauseatingly disgusting imagery!

You deserve the red head seal of disapproval!

d48cb6  No.3378956


Funny! But I was hoping for a serious answer

b18f1d  No.3378957


"The end is not for everyone."

7b029d  No.3378958


It's just a cabal gang sign they like to throw in pictures, no better or complicated that your common negro.

a8506a  No.3378959

File: 43acd8066ca8e5b⋯.png (187.6 KB, 641x487, 641:487, run.png)

47ccc7  No.3378960

File: 14d977687b21756⋯.jpg (322.91 KB, 736x519, 736:519, iseeu.jpg)

caca2c  No.3378961

File: d5ab664c3293aa6⋯.jpg (42.34 KB, 510x348, 85:58, LOST.jpg)

File: e1efe8cb6ae7908⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 603x383, 603:383, VOTE REPUBLIC.jpg)

Thank you baker


Thank you and GBY too.

2e34d3  No.3378962


b06f9e  No.3378963

File: 03fb46ee09a173c⋯.mp4 (9.76 MB, 480x854, 240:427, hypnotize.mp4)


Repeat after me:

Cult like force.

Cult like force.

8f3b3a  No.3378964

File: ce665739b068e6c⋯.png (229.81 KB, 500x400, 5:4, FISACorruption.png)

c65d12  No.3378965


They were blackmailing most politicians, making them vote the way they wanted. They probably also were able to threaten anyone they wanted without impunity.

The cabal ran the world, and could make or break most anyone, and take out whoever did not play along.

If Graham was really corrupt, he would be seeking retirement.

His strings were cut, and he is free finally.

d48cb6  No.3378966



1e574d  No.3378967

File: 315623145065a64⋯.jpg (851.64 KB, 2592x1552, 162:97, Cuman_statues_from_Ukraine….jpg)


Represents a bloodline.

54aa2f  No.3378968


Size of front or backholes

a8506a  No.3378969

File: 1b504ebcb08632d⋯.jpg (107.87 KB, 519x521, 519:521, run1.jpg)

1e574d  No.3378970

File: 56749bf415ad8d8⋯.jpg (121.05 KB, 691x509, 691:509, Polovets_baba_GIM.jpg)

b18f1d  No.3378971

File: 3946e0e03ebd966⋯.jpg (394.44 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, D_Fienstein_Cell.jpg)

File: 0aeba38b9c63051⋯.jpg (95.36 KB, 369x554, 369:554, Democrat_final_vote_count.jpg)

File: 15c3821959787df⋯.jpg (217.31 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Dem_tearingUp Kav_poster.jpg)

File: 67904b4eb2d519d⋯.jpg (397.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DS_WMD_Plan.jpg)

dafa80  No.3378972


if alyssa milano is their spokesperson going into midterms, i'd say they are fucked

61496c  No.3378973

File: 0384f203147fd1a⋯.png (10.55 KB, 453x117, 151:39, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm not gonna get my hopes up until I see this…

a8506a  No.3378974

File: 340df849d679d3f⋯.jpg (28.5 KB, 372x391, 372:391, T ihs.jpg)

File: 7b4f696a8d567ca⋯.jpg (27.19 KB, 600x315, 40:21, i.jpg)

File: 2bcb46eb23140d2⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 447x260, 447:260, 1000.jpg)

File: 1fc7175b688b0c4⋯.jpg (39.49 KB, 480x360, 4:3, sun.jpg)

07463b  No.3378975

>>3378935 Or it's a convenient way to hold your hands when you are not doing anything with them, such as being on camera while being asked a question. But that's just the Occam's Razor version.

d48cb6  No.3378976


I even see soccer pundits making that sign on my local soccer channel.

527fa2  No.3378977

>>3378899 So PDJT's twitter use of the capitalized word "SAD" acknowledges Hussein's use of black ops against the current administration? (Pure spitball)

1e574d  No.3378978


A blonde haired blue eyed Mongolian bloodline. Has history geeks all confused.

307563  No.3378979

File: 3c445418804a198⋯.jpeg (318.6 KB, 1472x1668, 368:417, 0B6166BF-7744-410B-8671-3….jpeg)

61496c  No.3378980


It means "I don't know what to do with my hands, so I'm going to just touch all my fingers together to look contemplative and intellectual."

It's not some fucking secret sign… or if it is, it's something that other people do unintentionally and is thus utterly meaningless.

f51b29  No.3378981


This is a technique for implanting memories.

All the women repeating her will very likely internalize the words they repeating and after a while forgetting the context they were spoken in.

Listen to the way She describes the events. Vague surrounding details but very specificeret emotional triggers.

3f5f66  No.3378982


Harvey Weinstein?? She's full of shit. Actors act

aaebbc  No.3378983


Take that ugly bitch down Q sooner than later.

caca2c  No.3378984

File: 05ba0803767a505⋯.jpg (78.36 KB, 604x392, 151:98, THERES NO HONEST DEMOCRATS.jpg)

2e34d3  No.3378985

File: dcae2b7d6976bcd⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 676x960, 169:240, Snoopy.jpg)

a8506a  No.3378986

File: bfd9fbb2d79272e⋯.jpg (22.29 KB, 474x266, 237:133, blasey.jpg)

File: c2ca9a4906f9c93⋯.jpg (20.5 KB, 300x246, 50:41, FF.jpg)

File: bf45133516b9b1f⋯.jpg (120.47 KB, 988x661, 988:661, rolling.stone.jpg)

File: a9da81b343be6fc⋯.jpg (16.5 KB, 236x365, 236:365, que.jpg)

File: 2b978f44964f74a⋯.jpg (25.41 KB, 630x315, 2:1, dildo.jpg)


como se llama hsbc?

19011c  No.3378987

File: 69222eb0be3912c⋯.png (408.78 KB, 780x410, 78:41, ClipboardImage.png)

d48cb6  No.3378988


Merkel does it unintentionally alot

c96140  No.3378989


Sick Fuckers!!

1ed120  No.3378990


You'd think after this happens a few hundred times these MSM shills might wonder if they underestimated POTUS

d5c0a1  No.3378991

File: 3015c688048ff90⋯.jpg (672.26 KB, 955x719, 955:719, QO.jpg)

1ed120  No.3378992


forgot link


d5ebce  No.3378993

File: 02906e22cb0c2d4⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 425x480, 85:96, McMofo.jpg)

07463b  No.3378994


Apparently, with her several dozen HS sex partners, Kavanaugh was the only boy in HS who did not fuck her. That's why it's indelible in her hippocampus.

7b20ba  No.3378995


Q won't need to do a damned thing, she'll do it for us all by herself.

Just remember what Q has already shown us from her - think NK plus her Dem's playbook reveal for starters!

0e9266  No.3378996

File: fee770ed1677c48⋯.png (566.33 KB, 800x598, 400:299, ClipboardImage.png)

1ed120  No.3378997


Please include Pepe's green hose. He looks dickless here. Pape is not dickless.

c96140  No.3378998


Burn, prolly…

caca2c  No.3378999

File: fc5bbdc031fc0f0⋯.jpg (156.85 KB, 624x523, 624:523, KID FUCKER GOING DOWN.jpg)

224416  No.3379000

File: 7c007ecca7dbe4a⋯.jpeg (19.38 KB, 233x255, 233:255, LG I dont give a graham.jpeg)

File: 38c7c41650b0fb0⋯.jpg (144.61 KB, 929x1024, 929:1024, LG PIMPing.jpg)

8b9e40  No.3379001

I was drawing Orange Is The New Black fanart and reading “The Handmaid's Tale” in the front seat of my Tesla when a call came in.

I tweeted about male privilege to the radio to activate it. It was the she-chief.

“Bad news, detective. We got a situation.”

“What? Is Trump trying to ban trans people again?”

“Worse. The Senate just confirmed Brett Kavanaugh.”

The vibrator practically fell out of my anus. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Rape allegations are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true feminine freedom, not subject to prosecution by any government. Do we have any leads?”

“Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided a male feminist doesn't rape someone before we do so.”

“Easy, chief,” I said. “Any male is, by definition, a rapist.”

She laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those manspreaders.”

“Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.”

9481cf  No.3379002

Magnitude 5.9 earthquake shakes northern Haiti; deaths reported


a66ac0  No.3379003

File: 3c4d079057eb92b⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1173x723, 391:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebeb9d5d7814782⋯.png (362.1 KB, 486x356, 243:178, ClipboardImage.png)


bye, bye Bill and crooked Hillary.

We will not miss you.

8f3b3a  No.3379004

File: a3051b6ca6d02e1⋯.png (122.53 KB, 500x370, 50:37, TheyCorrupted.png)

2bfd66  No.3379005

File: 3fe780f6802fabc⋯.jpeg (103.61 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 651FC186-D964-4510-BAED-9….jpeg)

Only tool you need to bring down the internet to millions of people

Feel safe now?

d5c0a1  No.3379006


Oh shit hide the kids!

3f5f66  No.3379007


Punched in the vagina! I was thinking her me too was the Tony from who's the boss.

Her parents used her as a sex object. She's so full of shit. Yet another accusation that can't be proved.

307563  No.3379008

File: 42e2a9d1bc667e2⋯.jpeg (418.55 KB, 2224x1668, 4:3, FBB9DCB5-0455-4845-8273-B….jpeg)

c96140  No.3379009



a19023  No.3379010

File: 37c48a146564909⋯.png (913.35 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_0277.PNG)


That was yesterday

588fb9  No.3379011

File: a3a23809314894b⋯.jpg (91.29 KB, 576x380, 144:95, Welcome_Newfag.jpg)

d48cb6  No.3379012

File: 52b869b638fa59e⋯.jpg (298.4 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, qmilk.jpg)

One for the ladies…

f51b29  No.3379013


Mother fucking kek !

I want to read the rest of the novel

d48cb6  No.3379014

File: 5853780a9600b0c⋯.png (806.27 KB, 1120x1000, 28:25, download (6).png)

3f5f66  No.3379015

File: f11054383abd4af⋯.gif (79.71 KB, 267x512, 267:512, 1722_moloch2.gif)

Planned parenthood still sacrificing babies to Molech!

7796a8  No.3379016

File: a06027eeffdb50c⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1168x935, 1168:935, shill6.PNG)

File: 29deae52869d6ba⋯.png (661.91 KB, 960x474, 160:79, shill7.PNG)



b18f1d  No.3379017

File: e04fbd2a9c76e98⋯.jpg (239.3 KB, 618x512, 309:256, Got_Q.jpg)


did any anons see some of the vids posted showing that first day [Friday] of protesting?

The protesters were in several large groups, and seemed to have handlers. These 'handlers' as we watched, looked as if they were putting these people in a trance like state. It was bizarre. They went all glassy eyed and expressionless as they intoned back everything these leaders spoke to them.

c96140  No.3379018


But it is so sick what these evil fuckers do to tear down another human being… Hard for me to comprehend.

1e574d  No.3379019

File: 76f60f766f97140⋯.jpg (14.19 KB, 225x224, 225:224, download-5.jpg)

File: 4a8d45778e987fb⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images-7.jpg)

File: 44340e3f2fa87de⋯.jpg (9.44 KB, 268x188, 67:47, images-8.jpg)

34c9f5  No.3379020


Anon, I think that this falls under our much heeded "Never interfere with an enemy if they're in the process of destroying themselves" advice. Let them continue. They're on an epic and a very entertaining roll.

P.S. My first capcha began with a "Q" so I continued and got the same results THREE more times! KEK.

bd5d59  No.3379021

Brad Parscale ftw. that's all.

aaebbc  No.3379022


This is great.

9852f4  No.3379023


Compass and square

d48cb6  No.3379024


THIS - thanks

e76e64  No.3379025


is this the new acceptable way to namefag?

1e574d  No.3379026

File: 67651192e13b431⋯.jpg (11.4 KB, 264x191, 264:191, images-9.jpg)

1ed120  No.3379027


Springmeier estimates 2 million MKU programmed individuals in the US.

d61e91  No.3379028

File: 101dad4f12effd6⋯.png (238.12 KB, 822x638, 411:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7441db2a0fd9ad⋯.png (411.27 KB, 1200x996, 100:83, ClipboardImage.png)

His twitter: https://twitter.com/DaveHogue

I think he deleted FUCK YOU ALL TO HELL tweet

Dave Hogue



Trivia-filled, Design Lead @Google, Psychologist, Speaker, Teacher, http://lynda.com Author, Motorcyclist, Traveler, Laughs a lot, Opinions are all mine.

7b029d  No.3379029

File: 77bd01ce976125e⋯.jpg (28.69 KB, 525x301, 75:43, web_gangs-525x301.jpg)


add it to this

07463b  No.3379030


My theory is that they're also harvest fetal blood for their "young blood transfusions." We know they harvest "tissue." Blood is a "tissue." I think they use toddlers for adrenaline-filled blood after raping them to death.

But that's just my theory. Based on Chinese and Koreans torturing dogs to increase the adrenaline and the recently publicized young blood transfusion clinics (for the rich).

1e574d  No.3379031

File: b9ea98df9698d72⋯.jpg (10.48 KB, 279x181, 279:181, images-10.jpg)

6ba882  No.3379032


What hand symbol is that?

6b3d74  No.3379033

File: 828d91e792a8126⋯.png (2 MB, 1836x1289, 1836:1289, tp.png)


When they both know WTF is going on you pay a visit to talk, and beat the swamp in their own game.

d5ebce  No.3379034

File: fb157193f28ee01⋯.jpg (91.31 KB, 634x890, 317:445, laughbezos.jpg)

e497ec  No.3379035

1e574d  No.3379036

File: b6ed71ed9bf16a3⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 189x266, 27:38, images-13.jpg)

File: 831365b41ea8ecd⋯.jpg (8.54 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images-12.jpg)

588fb9  No.3379037


I'm not weighing in for certainty, but it wouldn't surprise me… Look into their ties in the mining industry…

c96140  No.3379038


The level of evil is so sickening to me, I only ever realized & acknowledged it's existence this year - makes me fucking sick.

Awake now, but so troubled by the real & true evil that exists…

e497ec  No.3379039

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpeg (205.64 KB, 1440x811, 1440:811, 1538664811.jpeg)

307563  No.3379040


We can do without innovation for a few decades, Silicon Valley should be nationalized.

80da16  No.3379041

File: 3a0e54e93197701⋯.jpg (173.65 KB, 321x482, 321:482, T.jpg)

d48cb6  No.3379042


It's the one Trump makes

7796a8  No.3379043


ROW the boat, or WADE in the WATER?


watching the water!


1e574d  No.3379044

File: f195f511866823a⋯.jpg (4.03 KB, 157x200, 157:200, images-15.jpg)

File: db8af4833c2840b⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 575x794, 575:794, ecodex_92.jpg)

File: b0e810fafb4a282⋯.jpg (5.97 KB, 234x215, 234:215, images-14.jpg)

File: 94ad04ed4a8950d⋯.jpg (7.47 KB, 150x231, 50:77, hands_23.jpg)

d61e91  No.3379045


I was wrong. He did not delete it.


24fd69  No.3379046


When the city council writes bad laws that good cops must follow - you must clean the council, first.

When the mafia owns the city council, you must get rid of the mafia.

Let Q and team do the heavy lifting. We don't need to make normies believe in Q or convince them to be anons/autists. We are well outside the standard deviation. Particularly those of us who enjoy night shift. We aren't going to "wake up" normies to the world we see. It's like trying to get deaf people to understand sound. They may be able to feel it in their gut/bones from time to time, but to hear music or process speech is something they simply aren't naturally equipped to do.

You leave the red pills on the table. They will take what pills they will, and know where more are when the blue pill doesn't work like it used to.

Some people can be woken up as fellow autists outside the standard deviation. But those are going to be few and far between. Most are content with a very basic understanding of things. Whether or not they understand all the mechanics within the system is not critical in comparison to grasping the principle.

Never deny another person information - and certainly endeavor to assist the curious - but you can't force a person to see information the same way you do. The best you can do is lay it out for them as coherently as you can.

I suppose you can go all Satsuki Kiryuin on them. "Pigs! Pigs in human clothing who must be tamed by force!" But I've been on a kill la kill binge and just feel the need to include it. Actually - that show might be a hell of a red pill for some. But many won't see the symbolism even if you highlight it. It's a hodgepodge of symbolism from Japanese Shinto and Egyptian/Greek mythology. Clothing made from the red thread of fate, clothing being sin humans cloak themselves in, the existence of seamstresses who write a fate to be awarded to a person for service within the system of control… The distinction between human fate and divine fate… It's such a dense package of symbolism that you could write volumes from it.


Oh… And the life fibers are an alien parasite which caused humans to evolve so it could harvest them for food at a later date before spreading like a virus to other planets. That's when you realize these guys knew what they were doing.

When Melania was posed in front of the pyramids, I couldn't help but remember Satsuki's turning of the tables at the top of the Pyramid. "As of this moment, Honnouji Academy and I are putting an end to your reign! People do not live for the sake of clothing. It is we who will determine humanity's future." Very unlikely connection - but consider that Satsuki was more or less a slave to her own family legacy while being molested by her mother. "Those are the facts of this world, and you will surrender to them, you pig who fawns over clothing!"

I'll shut up.

a66ac0  No.3379047

File: 0f55bb2e5e15324⋯.png (392.17 KB, 612x508, 153:127, ClipboardImage.png)


Thats why you find in most Hollywood movies somewhere in the background the clock with the male/femail sun rays.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

caca2c  No.3379048

File: 16b17c62cd898b1⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 604x328, 151:82, SNEAKY.jpg)

262f29  No.3379049



17th letter of the Greek Alphabet

d48cb6  No.3379050

34c9f5  No.3379051


Would you have believed everything Q has enlightened us about if they dropped it ALL at once, anon? If anything, I've become greatly open-minded over this last year of KEK.

6ba882  No.3379052


is it a faction/mob/religion/symbol?

d48cb6  No.3379053

File: 813dffe9b66c419⋯.jpg (295.15 KB, 1078x515, 1078:515, shit.jpg)


It's an Anus

a66ac0  No.3379054


She does it INTENTIONALLY. She even talked about it

aaebbc  No.3379055

File: c86e6852b7bd347⋯.png (291.17 KB, 822x638, 411:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78ef331fdd8ebfc⋯.png (416.96 KB, 676x960, 169:240, ClipboardImage.png)



Sounds like the poor little BITCH DAVEY HOGUE

Needs a time out or to be put out for good.

d48cb6  No.3379056


What did she say?

7b029d  No.3379057

File: d4ebf75a65337b6⋯.jpeg (222.71 KB, 733x557, 733:557, IMG_354F03B126BF-1.jpeg)

Don't engage shills.

d48cb6  No.3379058


Celebrating Child Rape

6156ae  No.3379059

Guise, I woke up uneasy today. Something’s been gnawing at me while I slept. Both DJT and some on our side continue to push diversity down our throats. I heard Grassley wax elequent about how Kavanaugh is muh woman, muh diverse, I hear DJT talk about muh black unemployment, muh hispanic unemployment and so on. Never white - and never male - it’s a swear word, the third rail. Yet I’ve seen in my own career time and time again, my dreams stolen by someone with higher skin preference. I’ve been on this board for at least 6 mos; I know the general thought is that diversity is profiling, diversity is divisive, diversity is quotas, diversity is social engineering - everything we despise. Q told us to think for oursevlves. We need to continue to push back on -yes - DJT and Grassley and whomever you hear talk so lovingly about putting one race or gender ahead of the other, which by definition, means another race, or gender, loses. Fuck.

b18f1d  No.3379060

File: e0ec80fde6eb521⋯.jpg (310.64 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, TP_Trump.jpg)


Then you better grab your shorts because you have one hell of a ride in front of you just to play catch-up to get to 40,000 ft.+

2da950  No.3379061


Here baker

Confirming handoff?

(is cb)

b06f9e  No.3379062

File: c338233a04cee00⋯.jpg (152.51 KB, 800x600, 4:3, v.jpg)


Muh Vesica piscis!

262f29  No.3379063


Relax. Affirmative Action will be struck down by SCOTUS.

c1121a  No.3379064


Like the other anon said: Rs are cleaning their house, Ds are having their house cleaned.

1e574d  No.3379065

File: 9efb8e6a0ff9c00⋯.jpg (6.31 KB, 172x293, 172:293, images-19.jpg)

File: eb17ac5a2515499⋯.jpg (11.26 KB, 194x260, 97:130, images-18.jpg)

File: b7415d8844837e3⋯.jpg (10.66 KB, 175x266, 25:38, images-17.jpg)

File: eef6921e500bc8b⋯.jpg (8.37 KB, 231x218, 231:218, images-16.jpg)

b18f1d  No.3379066


yep…the "shit" hole..[mirror]

bd5d59  No.3379067


Yep, it's really alarming. Esp these two that an anon posted.

>>3353578 (pb)

If you haven't watched these, ppl, please do. It's only a couple of seconds. You'll be gobsmacked. Only way I can square this is that they are all under some sort of "therapist". Maybe that's what Gina is looking at. Hope so!

1e574d  No.3379068

File: c3399aba2e0f528⋯.jpg (3.15 KB, 144x144, 1:1, download-6.jpg)

596001  No.3379069

File: 86b2317abe6ec36⋯.png (591.04 KB, 1064x1671, 1064:1671, 20181007_135302.png)


Articles with attached pics dated 10/06/2018

Someone took metadata from rothschild clinton octoberfest dated 10/06/2018


d48cb6  No.3379070


It's a very popular hand sign it seems

22d528  No.3379071

File: df9de45b98a3b1e⋯.mp4 (7.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Las Pepas - The Frog Pepe.mp4)

Oldie song

8224c2  No.3379072


Ron Paul's veep; told by POTUS he was a potential SCotUS pick. He is on our side, anons.

e497ec  No.3379073

File: b0e6e37c9c9bbce⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 35f6eea5648717cbc0299481e0….jpg)

a66ac0  No.3379074

File: dfdf2109d453f7d⋯.png (54.63 KB, 401x459, 401:459, ClipboardImage.png)


Predicted Sept, 28th.

1e574d  No.3379075

File: 2a3db1944337f72⋯.jpg (4.96 KB, 294x171, 98:57, download-7.jpg)

712837  No.3379076


Geometric shapes that reveal the basic structure and laws of the Universe are not evil per se, they were co-opted by the Cabal.just like many more neutral or positive spiritual things.

d61e91  No.3379077

File: 0de39ef99104635⋯.png (866.5 KB, 1116x820, 279:205, ClipboardImage.png)

China Building New Coal Plants Equal to Entire US Capacity

China is building hundreds of new coal-fired power plants capable of generating a total of 259 gigawatts (GW) of electricity—that’s equal to the entire existing U.S. coal fleet of around 266 GW, findings by advocacy and research group CoalSwarm show.

Most of the new developments owe to a rapid rise in coal plant permit approvals by China’s provincial authorities from late 2014 to early 2016, according to the report, released Sept. 20. As much as a three-fold increase in coal plant permits were observed in 2015 compared to 2013.

“Guaranteed tariffs, easy access to cheap credit, and a recent permitting spree by provincial authorities have led to a rapid build-up of coal power capacity in China,” the report said.

As of 2018, China’s coal capacity sits at 993 GW. The country is responsible for 48 percent of the world’s coal-fired power supply.

The new developments, once completed, would increase the country’s coal capacity by 25 percent to 1252 GW.

This would exceed China’s own coal power cap of 1100 GW as stated in the country’s 13th five-year economic plan for 2016-2020.

Oversupply From Central Planning

From 2005 to 2016, China added 618 GW of new coal power capacity, equivalent to about 15 GW of new coal power every three months, or “one coal plant a week.”

The boom in the number of coal plants in the country reached overcapacity. By 2015, the average coal plant use rate was at 49 percent, according to CoalSwarm.

Central authorities sought to address the situation by devolving power to permit new coal plant construction to provincial levels in Sept. 2014—however, this only resulted in an even faster rate of permits.

In 2016 and 2017, China’s central authorities issued new regulations and suspension orders to curb new coal plant developments by cancelling or postponing them.

But loopholes and loose enforcement have rendered such measures only “partially effective,” according to CoalSwarm.

More: https://www.theepochtimes.com/china-building-new-coal-plants-equal-to-entire-us-capacity_2679901.html

b18f1d  No.3379078


yes…those are the vids we watched.

1e574d  No.3379079


Try to find an image of Putin doing it.

07463b  No.3379080


Handoff Confirmed

Original dough link is updated through your confirmation offer. I reported your post for baker check. I'm giving it to you anyway, but I always like to ask and see a confirmation before departing.

Old Baker thanks you. Shadilay, New Baker!

I retired #4277 to the previous notables, and added some notables. The kitchen is yours!

456e76  No.3379081




I remember learning this in public speaking. Supposedly it makes you look like you care, and are trustworthy. It may be their symbolism, but it is taught to many as just a stance when publicly speaking.

262f29  No.3379082

File: a1257ba5f60e34f⋯.jpg (16.31 KB, 300x166, 150:83, 1.21.jpg)

909f5a  No.3379083


They try and try but they're forced to admit she's as good as if not better then they are at fashion.

091a64  No.3379084

File: 1328b1b2e907155⋯.png (688.96 KB, 1125x1119, 375:373, ClipboardImage.png)

Yes, you are.

2a05f8  No.3379085

File: 6433ba2249780fa⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1200x912, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8d2bf7bd8a8a0f⋯.png (763.83 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, ClipboardImage.png)

Dana White or, let's say, Vince McMahon would never fix sporting matches for symbolic geo-political reasons. Sport is just sport, right? Still, funny how Khabib nicely fills the role of Russian and Muslim. And of course we all know those nasty Russians hacked the DNC and launched a vicious submarine riiiight? Anyone else feel slightly manipulated buy the showbiz finish… shenanigans after the bell? What about Connors 'bus attack' on Khabib? Does the feel like something he would naturally do?


b78ab3  No.3379086


Noticed this to, can't learn anything in this country with the diversity propaganda going on esp in the colleges. Best to avoid anything that enforces it to keep your sanity intact.

2bfd66  No.3379087


They gave this POS a PHD….bawhahahaha…..goog is scum

2bb247  No.3379088

File: a559f2988e52fb6⋯.jpeg (386 KB, 640x993, 640:993, 73490768-B803-49F4-9D77-5….jpeg)

Soros is behind entire plot to frame POTUS!!!!


c65d12  No.3379089

File: b307ae2d01b0a19⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 2jkxki.jpg)

07da72  No.3379090

File: 861e09ae806f024⋯.jpg (210.65 KB, 720x540, 4:3, richterscalertnt.jpg)

Haiti earthquake last night.


(CNN)At least 10 people were killed after a magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck near Haiti on Saturday night, according to Haiti's civil protection agency.

Another 135 people were injured and are currently receiving treatment in hospitals, the agency wrote on Twitter Sunday.

Prime Minister Jean-Henry Céant said a crisis cabinet has been created to coordinate all emergency responses to the earthquake.

"Damage has been recorded mainly in the Far North. All my sympathies to the victims. The executive at the highest level is mobilized to provide appropriate answers. I call on the population to be cautious and calm," he said in a statement posted to Twitter.


They mention in a related headline 5,000 still missing from the big earthquake

596001  No.3379091

File: b0434bbbe4e05b0⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 590x350, 59:35, Adolf-Hitler-590388.jpg)

File: c56c277c2e30938⋯.jpg (43.7 KB, 644x688, 161:172, illuminati-signs-adolf-hit….jpg)

7796a8  No.3379092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1e574d  No.3379093

File: 70cdc18d5ac73d9⋯.jpg (8.33 KB, 183x275, 183:275, download-8.jpg)


Vesicus Picis is hardly evil. Complete opposite.

And yes most close to all of our known symbols had ONE original source. And then they were taken and inverted to mean evil to US.

262f29  No.3379094

File: 76b6d1df6cc5282⋯.jpg (6.92 KB, 207x244, 207:244, Hillary Bloody Teeth.jpg)


Did you say Haitian Earthquake???

07da72  No.3379095



Now saying over 800 dead,,,,

a19023  No.3379096


Yeah, sorry I was pointing it out in respect of POTUS saying that

596001  No.3379097

File: 32ca57c0010c88a⋯.jpg (26.31 KB, 215x281, 215:281, icA2.jpg)

c65d12  No.3379099


destroying tunnels like they did on Epstein island?

2ac919  No.3379100

Good Sunday Morning Anons! Can you feel it? What a wonderful day! A Sunday, so fitting in so many ways. A day of rest, a day of giving thanks to God for our Blessings. Thank you Dear Lord! I know it's a half staff day, I will say a prayer and keep our brave firefighters in remembrance but I'm sorry, it's bad timing and I just can't get myself to lower my flag today, it will remain flying high and proud. Have a wonderful day anons, this is what Freedom feels like, more to come, much work ahead but today is a day of rest, giving thanks and family time. God Bless the USA! WWG1WGA!!

1e574d  No.3379101

File: 6d4b17319704852⋯.jpg (8.07 KB, 249x202, 249:202, download-9.jpg)

4973f8  No.3379102


One of the videos said ‘drink the required drink before’ listen for yourself

2da950  No.3379103

File: e0ebc2e395ce49d⋯.jpg (213.82 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, ClamAquariumComfyResting.jpg)



Ty for updated dough, and thanks bigly

for the graveyard baking.

I'll assume kitchen duties but I reported post too.

Here's an avatar for a little extra

confirm in the meantime. Godspeed baker.

224416  No.3379104

File: 22c0330329e61ab⋯.mp4 (8.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Russians vs muslims.mp4)

Russian vs Muslims

e7edc8  No.3379105


We are a Nation of innovators and innovations.

Can't stop the signal, anon.

dcdc41  No.3379106

File: f5e7f4920d1c11d⋯.jpg (11.29 KB, 255x179, 255:179, trumpfeinstein.jpg)

6ba882  No.3379107


They wouldve gotten the people out of harms way I'm sure…

b18f1d  No.3379108


we know what they are dated, but some anon found the same pics from 2016. Also Jacob Rothschild is in one of the pics, much younger and we believe he died in the plane/copter crash with Green. can't remember now if that was late 2017 or early 2018.

7b029d  No.3379109


how is that even possible, I've slept through several 7.0's

d5ebce  No.3379110

File: 415479011ce6621⋯.jpg (286.5 KB, 1505x2048, 1505:2048, watered.jpg)

aaebbc  No.3379111


There are white, black, red, Chinese. Mexican. Muslin, Asian and various other people in the world….

Then there are….

Wiggers, niggers, spics, chinks, towelheads and so forth……

and that is what makes up the

Demoncratic Party.

Mystery solved.

d48cb6  No.3379112


Proof that the Zombie Apocalypse is real!!


7fbbeb  No.3379113

File: 1f7ac1a6181949e⋯.jpeg (995.13 KB, 1244x1611, 1244:1611, 433A3616-8AF3-414E-8F4B-1….jpeg)

File: 32cccc0305988f0⋯.jpeg (947.22 KB, 1233x1047, 411:349, 7A3AC81B-5B61-4BB6-BD84-8….jpeg)

DoD and Marine tweets for 8am edt


7796a8  No.3379114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

588fb9  No.3379115

File: c55142e05b0f6dd⋯.png (319.04 KB, 502x439, 502:439, Screenshot_2018-10-07 Stee….png)


Body language..

This pic looks like DJT is comfy asserting dominance over Merkel, based upon hand gestures..

but I could also be over-looking something else..

3f4b8b  No.3379116


>The vibrator practically fell out of my anus. ded

9b85c0  No.3379118

2bfd66  No.3379119


Never thought about an entire fault moving

Trillion tons of tnt….holy crap

4973f8  No.3379120


Great meme anon

1e574d  No.3379121


People have no idea about Russia. Lol. Man are they in for a surprise when they piss Putin off.

e497ec  No.3379122

File: b936b0c09eb428c⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 844x734, 422:367, IMG_20180713_150927.jpg)

596001  No.3379123



Can you hook me up with a bread number or est time this was discussed?

b18f1d  No.3379124

File: f4ffdda7faa60df⋯.jpg (253.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Dead_Dem_Voters.jpg)


well…it is getting closer to Nov 6th…..


7fbbeb  No.3379125

File: b291a94782a57b8⋯.jpeg (18.41 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 9448D721-59F8-47B4-B21A-3….jpeg)

a19023  No.3379126

File: 8b4021f579c5674⋯.gif (85.01 KB, 500x343, 500:343, IMG_6354.GIF)


Good day

8b9e40  No.3379127

File: 69c6a0b0b5ccd33⋯.jpg (386.85 KB, 1082x831, 1082:831, 1538913655308.jpg)

File: 1243b18ca45da42⋯.jpg (819.54 KB, 1845x980, 369:196, 1538913674401.jpg)

File: da480b8a23dbf29⋯.jpg (912.17 KB, 1590x845, 318:169, 1538913699921.jpg)

Why are there so many coincidences?

1e574d  No.3379128


Every time this comes up that's what is said. Every time. It's all kosher and has meaning of I'll intention except when Trump does it. Just like when he does 666. It means okay. But when Hillary does it it's evil.

LOL. Whatever you wanna think.

5d1bed  No.3379129

File: 95f7aa823bf3998⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1781x801, 1781:801, 3 39 19.PNG)

File: 81fe37166393199⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1539x855, 9:5, blinkered.PNG)

File: b519fd56450598f⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1733x922, 1733:922, Perspective.PNG)

File: a5b7199fa968884⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1765x890, 353:178, Furrows.PNG)


I watched this movie the other day, and nobody else has commented on it, so I will.

It is the Global News video of the Sen. Jud. Comm. after the CBF/BK fiasco.

I say it's a movie, I wasn't there to verify. Just like I didn't see the towers fall. I watched it on TV. Which I inherently don't trust. My computer screen ain't much different.

I have been wondering about Stzrok's horns on the forehead for days. Were they added realtime CGI? Possible. Were they evidence of an alien being in his body? Was he alien? If he's an alien, are they losing their ability to masquarade as humans? Made me think.

What caught my attention in the movie was that the director kept the camera on the vacated chair of the unnamed D Senator after he spoke. Interesting choice. Dead air is bad, there must be a reason.

Then Kennedy speaks. And the camera naturally swings to— Blumenthal? Huh…

I grab a pen. A clue has been given.

At 3:39:38 Sen K. says, “Two people, two HUMAN BEINGS in pain…” Contrast to what he says later.

At 3:39:57 or so, he says, “Blinkered perspective,” and the camera zooms in on B. Why? So watch the blinking? Is he not human?

At 3:40:05 I notice how deeply furrowed the brows of B's forehead are, and they don't go away while the camera is upon him? Why?

At 3:41:17, the Sen. utters “Intergalactic Freak Show.” Are we really watching others from not-earth? Why did he choose those words? His speech is careful, measured.

To be continued.

4117c0  No.3379130


Expand SAD

5d4273  No.3379131

File: d524ecf1e0d4418⋯.jpg (213.26 KB, 640x1095, 128:219, shills.jpg)

7b20ba  No.3379132


He is working for POTUS and doing a damned fine job of it too!

(Doesn't mean I like the bald headed cunt however)

61496c  No.3379133


This is important.

I think when you hear DJT and other GOP members talk about things like low black unemployment, etc, they are simply rubbing the democrats' noses in their own shit. They care about it SO MUCH, and now we can flaunt it back at them being all gangsta, like, "What now, bitches? What you got to say now? You call us racist, and yet here we are, doing great shit for these so-called 'marginalized people' you think we hate?"

That's the real point there… I wouldn't take that so seriously.

Remember the Charlottesville protests, and how Trump REFUSED to condemn the white nationalists alone? That was your "dog whistle" moment on this score. There truly were bad actors on BOTH sides, and he said as much… the media was appalled that he would condemn the people that were violent AGAINST the white nationalist side… but violence is violence, and they were wrong for being violent!

Don't worry anon…

Personally, I think we all need to just make a real point of saying things that are utterly non-controversial just to trigger the fuck out of them… the PERFECT phrase is: "It's okay to be white."

It says NOTHING about any other race being bad. It's not saying whites are BETTER… it's just saying "hey, white people aren't evil…"

And call out anyone who disagrees as a racist… turn the tables on them.

c65d12  No.3379134



I think we need to make a lot more memes to wake up black people, and make the red wave GLORIOUS, kek

b18f1d  No.3379135


not really…ah..Friday late night shift to morning shift.

d66429  No.3379136


Haiti earthquake, we all know what that means :

Clinton foundation is taking donations for earthquake relief.

6ba882  No.3379137


Did they ever find the TNT stolen from Pennsylvania? I think thats where it happened.

307563  No.3379138


Good meme, “to upheld” change to “to uphold”

d20e8e  No.3379140


They are subversives, parasites.

72d7cd  No.3379142



e6480b  No.3379143

Dear Q and fellow Anons, IrishGettingMarriedAnon here. Haven't been around this week. At the risk of doxing myself here goes. Unfortunately my nephew, a fellow patriot tragically died last Sunday. He was 19. He should have been on my stag (bachelor) party but instead he attended a festival with his friends and died of a massive heart attack. Were drugs the cause? Yes, probably. His friends told me that they had taken MDMA, that designer drug that is glamorized by the stars. Five other young men were also taken seriously ill at the event.

My father, brother and I had to travel half way across Ireland in the early hours of the morning to see him already dead in a Dublin hospital. There was nothing glamorous about it. He had just started university to study Engineering.

Friday was his funeral and he was cremated. We had a send-off for him like only Irish people can do. Dink - Green Mind was played by me in his honour. Only he, FiancéeAnon and I knew the significance of the song.

He loved President Trump and loved nothing more than debating and schooling his large group of friends on US history and politics.

Unfortunately he never got to see your beautiful country or meet your great people. I always told him I would take him some day. He was 6'3 and towered over most people. He played Gaelic football, Hurling, Rugby and Soccer but was afraid of flying.

As a family we discussed postponing the wedding but we all agreed to forge ahead. So in between making last minute wedding plans I am now making plans for some of his ashes to be scattered at some significant spot in the US.

To all reading this please tell those close to you that you love them. Give them an extra special hug next time you see them.


aaebbc  No.3379144

File: 0c16063584e0d86⋯.png (124.22 KB, 340x340, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


A little faggot bitch writer with 3 names writes a useless article about nothing…at least he had a fact right that it takes 67 votes to impeach and that isn't going to happen.

1e574d  No.3379145


They still have men in their country. Fucking American men have man bags and man buns.

d48cb6  No.3379147

>>3353578 (Last Bread)

Those 2 Vids should be posted all over social media.

224416  No.3379148

a19023  No.3379149




Guys that's most likely when they were posted

22d528  No.3379150

File: 259d3cc845f2590⋯.png (111.46 KB, 654x612, 109:102, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)


ned moar ob dis

3f4b8b  No.3379151

File: 144dfaf73204931⋯.jpg (17.14 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


please don't continue… in fact, i heard if you chug a gallon of clorox you can see through their disguises

c65d12  No.3379152


Thank you, i saw a post on it, and copied it from there, and did not realize the error.

Love you spellingFags, no homo, kek

I'm actually a spellFag too at times. :)

34c9f5  No.3379153


Great advice, anon. While I've teased my family with hints about Q over the last few months, I finally made the move and dropped a fairly large red-pill about No Name. Friend exanon is from a military family and also knows the pathology of cancer. I just asked her whether the timing of NN's death and the family's announcement that he was stopping treatment made any sense. Then I pointed out his family's anger/rage @POTUS and reminded her of the bizarre dis-invitation of POTUS to NN's funeral by NN himself. The final straw was the 30-day marker by Q. after a half-dozen follow up questions and her pondering it a bit I had to dampen her excitement and keep her from sharing it all the way women tend to disseminate intel. We live in the second bluest State and a very small-minded community.

bd5d59  No.3379154


Poor English is Poor.

224416  No.3379155

File: 48d0c34dadfb135⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 720x273, 240:91, slave money.jpg)

File: 8ba14bc5f8b75fc⋯.jpg (57.55 KB, 501x526, 501:526, slave not cotton not.JPG)

File: 4a16ec0a43b104a⋯.jpg (150.67 KB, 834x831, 278:277, Slavery 1.JPG)

File: 7e07904c6d9b2be⋯.jpg (95.11 KB, 724x743, 724:743, slavery 9 facts.JPG)

File: e3899ed548ae6c3⋯.jpg (55.75 KB, 640x852, 160:213, slavery as old.jpg)

224416  No.3379156

File: c11c46c56db16d7⋯.jpg (55.55 KB, 497x486, 497:486, slavery black owners.JPG)

File: 4d5ef88b028cf1a⋯.jpg (58.3 KB, 407x370, 11:10, slavery died for.JPG)

File: 37223c0805c4371⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 580x652, 145:163, slavery.JPG)

File: 5235ae4bc7eda40⋯.jpg (115.57 KB, 600x524, 150:131, slaves white ppl died.jpg)

File: 05a91a8740421fc⋯.jpg (50.59 KB, 401x467, 401:467, Slaves.jpg)

224416  No.3379157

File: 40483ea004d667b⋯.jpg (75.34 KB, 968x966, 484:483, Slaves owned by dems 2.jpg)

File: a320d6667145b29⋯.jpg (108.44 KB, 1170x899, 1170:899, slaves owned by Dems.jpg)

File: ad2847aecbea61b⋯.jpg (67.73 KB, 482x599, 482:599, slaves owned by muslims.JPG)

File: c551254bb77ebc4⋯.jpg (74.45 KB, 798x798, 1:1, Slaves owned by Reps 0.JPG)

8b9e40  No.3379158


>Triple parentheses or triple brackets, also known as an (((echo))), are an antisemitic symbol that has been used to highlight the names of individuals of a Jewish background, or organizations who are thought to be owned by Jewish people. The practice originated from the alt-right blog The Right Stuff; the blog's editors have explained that the symbol is meant to symbolize that the historic actions of Jews had caused their surnames to "echo throughout history".[1] The triple parentheses have been adopted as an online stigma by antisemites, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists to identify individuals of Jewish background as targets for online harassment, such as Jewish political journalists critical of Donald Trump during his 2016 election campaign.[2][3]

>Use of the notation was brought to mainstream attention by an article posted by Mic in June 2016.[4][5] The reports also led Google to remove a browser extension meant to automatically place the "echo" notation around Jewish names on web pages,[5] and the notation being classified as a form of hate speech by the Anti-Defamation League.[4] In the wake of these actions, some users, both Jews and non-Jews, have intentionally placed their own names within triple parentheses as a sign of solidarity.[6] Prior to its use in this manner, (((screenname))) had been used in online communities such as AOL to indicate that a user was "cyberhugging" another user.[7]

Maybe Q wants to (((hug))) the (((Jews)))?

1a6479  No.3379159

File: 2a6192e7596de28⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 318x318, 1:1, giphy-3.gif)


Found this one on Rantingly. Go Space Force!

1e574d  No.3379160

File: 07fddbb306abf22⋯.jpg (9.31 KB, 177x285, 59:95, download-10.jpg)

Up and coming American Men. Lol. And you all think you are so badass


cb3a07  No.3379161

File: fc3c7ca63755f56⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1880x1650, 188:165, 1538877061660.png)

File: 5ea033d9eb72e25⋯.jpg (870.29 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1538878352675.jpg)

File: 80d034311471bb9⋯.png (247.5 KB, 322x471, 322:471, 1478875951264.png)

>(((Mike Selinker)))

every fucking time

c65d12  No.3379162

File: 33b2b6a71d5a9b3⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 2jky1h.jpg)

5d1bed  No.3379163

File: 76c836472389a8b⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1653x904, 1653:904, Creepy old men.PNG)

File: 37c6983ca92354b⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1800x929, 1800:929, Breached Dr Fords anonymit….PNG)

File: 2dcc15e53cf5e9f⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1888x931, 1888:931, you should bow your head i….PNG)

File: 630ab2c59f0e490⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1897x922, 1897:922, Hide your head in a bag.PNG)

File: 659e7ea7ed241b9⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1809x929, 1809:929, in a bag for the rest of y….PNG)


3:42:28 Sen. K. says, “Creepy old men.” Sen. B takes a sip and his hands are shaking. His jaw juts out pretty far. If you watch the video when he speaks, you will notice that he has a pronounced underbite when speaking certain syllables. Why?

3:43:10 You really need to watch the movie at this point. You will notice a facial expression that is either amazing CGI or just pure evil. You decide. The words spoken are, “To the person who leaked Dr. Ford's letter, to the person who breached Dr. Ford's anonymity…” Watch the man's face.

Here it gets really good. 3:43:50 Pay attention to what is really said. “You should bow your head in shame in my opinion, and you should HANG, your hide, YOUR HEAD IN A BAG every day for the rest of your natural life.” I wonder what Senator Kennedy has in mind…. My guess is gallows humor.

The camera then shifts to the speaker, but there is a Max Headroom digital moment. You'll hear it.

The quote from Matt. 16:26 is surely appropriate. “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world….

a3475f  No.3379164

Heartbroken for you Irishanon….Good send off however. Bless you and Family.


dcdc41  No.3379165

File: 73bdb9212ded3a8⋯.jpg (65.9 KB, 509x382, 509:382, cnndouche2.jpg)

262f29  No.3379166


MDMA doesn't cause heart attacks, but is also more difficult to find nowadays. It was likely something else, like Mephadrone, sold as MDMA.

MDMA (pure) is decently safe.

Sorry for your loss.

1e574d  No.3379167

File: 9c5a8c6816a172d⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 306x648, 17:36, 2FCB3AB700000578-3384070-N….jpg)

bd5d59  No.3379169


fuck, another one. who does this without wondering why? /headscratch

61496c  No.3379170



Impeachment happens in the House.

Conviction happens in the Senate.

To be impeached means to have the house vote to impeach you. Once impeachment happens, the senate votes to convict… which is where that 67 votes comes in to play.

1e574d  No.3379171

File: 45a3ba63ab0ef4b⋯.jpg (8.35 KB, 259x195, 259:195, images-20.jpg)

5d1bed  No.3379172

File: b4f1c9179b35a5b⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1611x945, 179:105, Nodding in sleep or 25th a….PNG)


Sen Blumenthal speaks next.

His forehead wrinkles sure do smooth out when speaking. See 3:45:33 Why? How?

He says these words, “Families later walk back.” What does that really mean?

At 3:48:54 I believe he utters the true agenda of the swamp. (Kavanaugh) “will chip away if not overturn Roe v Wade and the guarantees that allow women to decide when and whether they become pregnant and have children the decision by millions of Americans to marry the person they love CONSUMERS RIGHTS…???? Why run on the sentence?

At 3:49:14 he mentions an “Imperial Presidency.” Is that a reference to the Intergalactic from before?

3:57:00 Speaking re CBF: “To your son…” At 3:57:48 he says, “her two sons.”

He mentions “Profile in Courage” as a title for CBF, not once, but twice. Interesting comment made in response to a Kennedy? (JFK wrote the book…).

The camera pans at 4:08:42 to either a doddering or sleeping “White House.” What's the director up to?

4c931c  No.3379173


Gotta work with what we have - this is the system, at present.

Agree - UNIPARTY was the way for decades and would still be the way if not for President Trump (and those working The Plan).

Many in Congress, on board with The Plan, are are not the R's we are used to enduring…the D's have not changed at all. Still think hussein is going to ride in on a white horse.

Change is happening and the Admin is using the tools at hand for a quick and sure re-boot.

All happening because The Planners selected the perfect Leader to restore our Republic.

ae24d9  No.3379174


> I am now making plans for some of his ashes to be scattered at some significant spot in the US.

So sorry to lose an Irish anon. My suggestion would be Mount Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty.

b18f1d  No.3379176


In our prayers Irishanon. I hope we can meet up with your nephew at another time at another place. Sounds like he had a good heart in him.

Be safe.

3f4b8b  No.3379177


you seriously need professional help

1084b2  No.3379178


he blew it up!

307563  No.3379179


My heart goes out to you, heavy loss when such promise is snuffed out so young. Prayers.

61496c  No.3379180


Nigga, you crazy…

Seriously… seek help.

12d345  No.3379181



e497ec  No.3379182

File: 9a60ccc29495fec⋯.jpeg (178.41 KB, 1440x776, 180:97, 1538334500.jpeg)

cf04f3  No.3379183

File: e76d35202b9f6df⋯.jpg (45.31 KB, 508x219, 508:219, DigitAnon.jpg)

5fdd73  No.3379184

File: 7bbe85bcc1d8619⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1261x3108, 1261:3108, Putin's 'Red October' Russ….png)

Putin's Red October

ce4181  No.3379185


Anon, can you help me understand your meaning of I O ? I've come across it in regards to a different topic of research. Looking to see if there's an alignment. Thanks.

1e574d  No.3379187

File: 6f7fb2f0f1af0e9⋯.jpg (9.85 KB, 183x275, 183:275, download-11.jpg)

2da950  No.3379188


>exploding fist bump

wtf I love LG now


Replaced in notes, baker

46dfcc  No.3379189

File: ac191b75a6f9791⋯.jpg (67.74 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-anybody-who-thinks-t….jpg)

you mad


you homo

aaebbc  No.3379190

File: 075318a0e09ae0f⋯.png (103.2 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Susan Rice


Many thanks for the encourgement. I’m not making any announcements. Like so many Americans, I am deeply disappointed in Senator Collins’ vote for Kavanaugh. Maine and America deserve better.

Susan Rice


Me https://twitter.com/jrpsaki/status/1048302700100763650 …

3:40 PM - Oct 5, 2018


11.4K people are talking about this

Can this fat assed bitch be a senator from Maine while living at GITMO????????????

00f7e5  No.3379191


Godbless you and your family and loved ones in your sad times.

Rest in Peace Little Big nephew

A hug to you and yours


5d4273  No.3379193


>Michael Starr Hopkins is an attorney and political strategist, having previously worked as a Public Defender in Manhattan and on the political campaigns of Former President Barack Obama and Former Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton. He received his L.L.M in litigation from The Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.

Yeah that's about right. JD from Benjamin Cardozo School of Law, aka Yeshiva University, which is a Jew school. He served as HRC's Deputy Director for Voter Protection in Colorado. Bit ironic.

0fe6b0  No.3379194

483176  No.3379196

File: 3b4739715c28c5f⋯.jpeg (348.26 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 1AE0562B-EAC2-442A-95A2-4….jpeg)

Eat my minge

307563  No.3379197


That man’s face awakens an ancient revulsion, a disgust I suspect is inherited, not learned.

1e574d  No.3379198

File: 5d888035bfc8381⋯.jpg (10.79 KB, 260x194, 130:97, images-22.jpg)

File: 4c5d82dd5bd0dc0⋯.jpg (9.21 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download-12.jpg)

File: 40197d94ca44556⋯.jpg (13.44 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images-21.jpg)

American men. Lol.

5d1bed  No.3379199

File: 0249a066b761b16⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1670x937, 1670:937, Intergalactic question mar….PNG)

File: cf227e8249d7961⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1264x870, 632:435, Eyes move as if an AI came….PNG)

File: eecb61bae21cd26⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1184x933, 1184:933, Jabba and why is she so pi….PNG)

Lastly, there are three screenshots of people whose eyes either did wild things, or in one case, looked like a character from Star Wars.

I am asking anons to look at this part of the movie with me, paying attention to whom the camera focuses in on. I noticed many pixellations surrounding certain people. Are they filter effects? Are they caused by a field that makes the subject look human?

Well, here's some crumbs, or just a crummy observation.

May the world be rid of evil in our day!

46dfcc  No.3379200


7796a8  No.3379201

File: 6d4c093aa071085⋯.png (608.55 KB, 731x458, 731:458, shill9.PNG)


Burn in the HIGH STAKE?


a19023  No.3379202

File: f2c51bf372e1a3a⋯.jpg (3.4 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, IMG_7838.JPG)


Congrats on getting married, I wish he could have come here, we not all nutty like our politicians. God Bless you and your family, I'm truly sorry for your loss

382602  No.3379204


That guy is a shill and he uses IO as his signature at the end of his posts. Better to just sit and watch. You'll learn.

c65d12  No.3379205

File: 538030924173efb⋯.jpg (181.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Q Irish Research Badge.jpg)


Sorry to here that Irishanon.


I'm sure many Americans here would be honored and more than happy to help you and your family fulfill this last request.

There are many beautiful places in America, i have a few suggestions, maybe some can go to a few places.

Near Mar a lago, Washington DC, Rocky Mountains,Philadelphia,New York, The south.

712837  No.3379206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why Russia has no migrant problems

07da72  No.3379207



million not trillion

111103  No.3379209


That guy is a Satanist sick fuck but nice quote.

091a64  No.3379210


Weaken men. Nobody left to fight.

9481cf  No.3379212

US Anons, everytime you start to doubt about liberals and their view of democracy, remember this:

US citizens own 40% of all guns in world - more than next 25 top-ranked countries combined, study suggests

'The biggest force pushing up gun ownership around the world is civilian ownership in the United States,' says author of new report



46dfcc  No.3379213

File: fb00663d3251155⋯.jpg (201.01 KB, 1038x539, 1038:539, clevelandsmith.jpg)

and then one day

zerubabel apocrypha

larped an asshole for it's own eulogy

c65d12  No.3379214

File: 61dcf73abb3a185⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 666x499, 666:499, Q research Christian badge.jpg)

File: e1b4220415a6efb⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 624x500, 156:125, Q Research Christian Badge….jpg)

617a73  No.3379216


>His strings were cut, and he is free finally.

AF colonel (ret). JAG. 4 years Rhein-Main. Central air hub at that time during cold war. & during or right after RAF terrorist wave. Probably knows a lot.

Maybe cback on active duty via POTUS EO?

1e574d  No.3379217

File: d143fa0c07b4446⋯.jpg (9.48 KB, 185x273, 185:273, images-23.jpg)


Yup. If you want to take over something what do you do?

Take out the strongest first.

Except Russia is teaching their kids how to fight.

a94e5e  No.3379218

File: f4cef7aedee21be⋯.jpg (143.45 KB, 1131x645, 377:215, CBFordEatsShit.jpg)


Mmm, now that's judicious

224416  No.3379219

File: e1561e43243dce9⋯.jpg (46.49 KB, 401x402, 401:402, Didn't get a harumph.JPG)

File: 0d919e410da4096⋯.jpg (30.83 KB, 373x350, 373:350, Horse lol.JPG)

File: 9bf763d5340296d⋯.jpg (38.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Laughing out loud.jpg)

File: c7dc325c79b1ddc⋯.jpeg (11.45 KB, 199x255, 199:255, Yes.jpeg)


Russian ICE…..RICE…..ROFL….

d48cb6  No.3379221

Deuteronomy 22:5 King James Version (KJV)

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

fdb289  No.3379222

Morning Q and to American hard working anons

845ad7  No.3379223


WOW, a whole 6 likes.

A force to be reckoned with!

9b85c0  No.3379224


We hate California's lack of self respect too

1e574d  No.3379228


American kids get chicken nuggets and common core.

Go America!

What has Trump done for schools again?


bd5d59  No.3379229


and an alarming lack of anatomical understanding.

6ba882  No.3379230


It blows my mind how people think slavery doesn't exist. You are a Slave today! I'm a slave everyone who is under these people called gov are slaves while they live their luxurious life and steal our children. Money Fed banks,and gov is the reason. Yes there should be a common law, but to tax people for fucking rain? are you kidding me?Too many in gov have been stupid and created stupid laws that have restricted us from being free. It needs to change.

c65d12  No.3379231

File: 4e8704085f91930⋯.png (171.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Dr Pepe Digits checker.png)


You got Digits, Good Morning

aaebbc  No.3379232


Fine house impeaches if the ding bat ever gets control, it won't happen soon.

How does bimbo brain become majority party leader from GITMO??????

So when is the senate going to convict??????

ba6fb2  No.3379234


Not if it was the evil traffickers hiding the tunnels THEY used

534b11  No.3379235

File: 4201e26fdb110a5⋯.jpg (99.48 KB, 962x555, 26:15, RussiaGirls.jpg)


Its just a fucking resting hand position faggot, stop posting this shit

46dfcc  No.3379236

File: 91c46f2ab689bbb⋯.jpg (65.78 KB, 850x400, 17:8, dryrot.jpg)

but since

they killed the Milk

and shoved the Twinkie in the oval

an ass fungus leaf grew to hide the cabbage

and it's stench and wince

1e574d  No.3379238


That's right Trump has done shit for schools.

e6d6a7  No.3379239


In southern South Dakota, in the corner of a field Section, is an old soddie built by my great-grandparents in early 1890s. Grandmother born there as first American-born family member. Family spoke Irish Gaelic in home up to my adulthood. It's MY special place of Irish fortitude, family and our future in America!

46dfcc  No.3379241

File: 143077390233160⋯.png (184.97 KB, 500x736, 125:184, juan-manuel-23-de-enero-a-….png)

965fe4  No.3379242

File: 0cdfb583612a601⋯.jpg (127.03 KB, 693x1024, 693:1024, depositphotos_98329296-sto….jpg)

File: 1203003008423d0⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 281x351, 281:351, 94340_1.jpg)

Anyone want some Popcorn…..

1e574d  No.3379243


Common core what?

5d4273  No.3379244


>Of the more than one billion firearms in the world, American citizens hold 393 million, for a population of roughly 326 million.

Americans driving up global gun sales? Good. I'm in the market for a new rifle anyway.

1e574d  No.3379246


7f3a11  No.3379247


…and Trump does this all the time.

224416  No.3379249


Word for the day….LEGS….Now go out and spread the word…KEK….

bb4cb9  No.3379251


during mitch mc. speech yesterday, patrick leahy was directly behind him and his hands started morphing into reptilian hands or some alien shit. at one point it looks like a 3 clawed hand,

bd5d59  No.3379252


and shameless. wish Q had added shameless. I think this every time the libs are chanting (GoT) Shame!

1e574d  No.3379253


Yes he does. But here it is a resting hand position when he does it. Don't mess with the narrative.

ba6fb2  No.3379254


Also, that's around the time Hillary's body double was being used a lot during campaigning and the Hillary in these pics looks a lot like the fake.

And, Bill was in St Lucia the other day (near Haiti???) Not Germany


307563  No.3379255

File: 5a9ca950a45a163⋯.jpeg (1019.92 KB, 2224x1352, 278:169, 76356B08-E5E0-466B-B9B5-A….jpeg)

Sub-autist pattern recognition skills sufficient

d84459  No.3379257


God Bless you swordAnon.

46dfcc  No.3379258

File: 25303678cc1a4b2⋯.jpg (72.75 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-no-man-is-so-foolish….jpg)

butt fore without

thine potatoe head

molested the drunk judge

of the peking duck pedogarch

planted in a roost of subversion

and conflicts of interest

res ipsa loquitor

d48cb6  No.3379259

File: 3498dc50a6b3b42⋯.jpg (21.72 KB, 564x295, 564:295, download (24).jpg)

1e574d  No.3379260

File: 764e37bd7611695⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 310x163, 310:163, download-13.jpg)

Meanwhile in America

7deebe  No.3379261

File: e605ac6b92eb93c⋯.png (191.02 KB, 1266x846, 211:141, Screenshot_2018-10-07 wrap….png)

It's working

b18f1d  No.3379263

File: 99433014108c420⋯.jpg (298.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Swalwell_Dog.jpg)


That is what I was told when I asked the government official I know in DC. He said "It is the Rothschild Diamond, Fealty to your owner."

I guess, if you are still giving the sign, then you are proving you still have your 'dog collar on'. Like this guy.

6156ae  No.3379264


When we rub nose in their own shit, we have actually embraced the basic premise - and therefore continued propagation of the basic premise ad infinitum. Still Not Good. Still uneasy.

>>3379063 Who is gonna overturn affirmative action? Sotomoyer? Kagen? Roberts? kek. What about the guy who we just hired for life, you know, the one who prefers one gender over the other, proudly? who wouldn't want some great young female faces to look at, kissing their SCOTUS ass all day long?

554f2a  No.3379265

Supplement to first article posted last night on PP whistleblower's death. List "unspecified medical issues" as the cause:

October 4, 2018

Before her death, Holly O’Donnell exposed Planned Parenthood’s horrific secrets

Holly O’Donnell, the former procurement technician for StemExpress who helped expose Planned Parenthood’s business of selling the bodies of aborted children, has died at age 27 from unspecified medical issues. O’Donnell, who was 24 when her testimony first made waves for Planned Parenthood, leaves behind a legacy of speaking up for the voiceless and standing up against the giant of the abortion industry. Many of her eyewitness revelations left us speechless.


She was being harassed:

Pro-Abortion Web Site Runs Hit Piece Attacking Holly O’Donnell, Posting Private Personal Information

Radical feminist website RH Reality Check published a hit piece on Thursday against Holly O’Donnell, a whistleblower featured in several of the undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of unborn babies’ organs and tissue.

Coutts’s hatchet job actually sparked a backlash among many liberals on Twitter and other online outlets, who accused the author of “slut shaming” the former StemExpress employee.


5d1bed  No.3379266


Please look carefully at what I wrote this bread.

3f4b8b  No.3379267


30+ post shill faggot. kys

307563  No.3379268


Most Russians are 5-10% Asian, look at em

5f2205  No.3379270


Makes an anon wonder if the names Perkins Coie will show up in any of those 56K+ sealed indictments. That's the real meat for the feast. FISA declass is just going to be an appetizer.

1e574d  No.3379271


Kiss my brown star.

07463b  No.3379272

File: 70443f43740d1bc⋯.png (1014.33 KB, 1880x1650, 188:165, ClipboardImage.png)



Dem's new slogan:

Win by Losing!

08a5a4  No.3379273

File: 0952ce7a4b8233b⋯.jpg (597.54 KB, 1105x644, 1105:644, walkaway.jpg)


Don't be a pawn in their sick game.

7b029d  No.3379274


This is actually really good advice.

307563  No.3379275


Any death at 27 without a clear cause is highly suspicious.

483176  No.3379276


Did you shit the bed again fag?

dcdc41  No.3379277

File: 98b42e08f3bfdc8⋯.jpg (134.36 KB, 713x400, 713:400, blumenthal.jpg)

d48cb6  No.3379278


Thanks for the info

588fb9  No.3379279

File: 757f931d44e8d24⋯.png (102.51 KB, 250x253, 250:253, Screenshot_2018-08-08 sout….png)


Fuck off with your 36 post satan-loving, bull shit..

Don't take other people's thoughts and assume their mine..

I know body language.. I offered a thought.. You're projecting your faggotry on the board

3f4b8b  No.3379280


how can i when it's full of roth dick?

e18a7f  No.3379281


But y'all know what that implicates, right? Thousands of german and international newspapers are publishing a hoax… also weird all german newspapers had the exact same text published … and that text ended always with the same weird text… about obama wanting to visit the octoberfest but never did… that is so strange

Is it a form of keep the movie running and hill and billary are locked up already (and roth is dead)?

b18f1d  No.3379282

File: 9aaa41dbbbacbdd⋯.jpeg (11 KB, 274x184, 137:92, 9aaa41dbbbacbddaee4ce2d52….jpeg)


got mine …thankx though anon

a19023  No.3379283

File: a39962ca9682b94⋯.jpg (136.83 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, IMG_9020.JPG)

I've been noticing pic like these toonefore you click on the gif, look at POTUS, Theres a glitch, I had a pic from a rally but I can't find it at the moment

38b966  No.3379284

Almost time for RBG to exit stage left

7a56f1  No.3379285

72 Federal Judges appointed


46dfcc  No.3379286

File: fd371f720d1534d⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 763x767, 763:767, bioshockinfinite.jpg)

and so frolicked

the daiseys of discontent

amidst bananas of fog

for soros beget the peanut butter

which got unicorn guy cannibalized

for 4chan dues and sweet bewbs

remember remember the gunpowder treason

1e574d  No.3379287


So you would? Who is the tag?

4c931c  No.3379288

File: b0d67f0b8b4cf9c⋯.jpg (210.39 KB, 958x689, 958:689, wikileaks crs 53_47_2.JPG)

The Summary states a statistic (of sorts) claiming a honeymoon period between a newly elected President and Congress.

Just like the "President's party loses mid-terms", that stat is not so with the 2016 election.


And - notice the 53-47 Senate majority Reagan had his first year. Interesting coincidence.


1e574d  No.3379289

Or fag

5d4273  No.3379290


You want teachers teaching about corruption? Ffs have you ever set foot inside an American school? I HIGHLY doubt it. Let's have Bernie Madoff teach ethics while we're at it. Or Obama teach us about patriotism.

b78ab3  No.3379291



Couldn't agree more anon, good advise.

38b966  No.3379292


OMG Soros bottom boy woke up

b18f1d  No.3379294

File: d33efe06d52e123⋯.jpg (33.88 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ebot.jpg)

06b576  No.3379296

There will be something with FIRE the coming days, according to earlier Q posts and yesterday POTUS tweeted 'arsonist'…


Q !UW.yye1fxo Jan 14 2018 14:49:27 No.22

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].

Reminder: Q-Team/POTUS are always '5 steps' ahead.

f2d27c  No.3379297


46dfcc  No.3379298

File: 7e40348261ecc24⋯.jpg (76.53 KB, 921x1200, 307:400, Marx.jpg)

hither hither

thine homotus

betrays (you)

for a nickel

or a nail

a19023  No.3379299


This was for you


Thought it was a clip my bad

42d0bf  No.3379300

So whats next


e553ec  No.3379301

File: 04bb7c753396aae⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 462x346, 231:173, It must be said.mp4)


>Mike Selinker

3f4b8b  No.3379302


wtf is a tag? idk your gay ass lingo. you from china or iran nigger?

5d4273  No.3379303


>Win by Losing!

They removed the word "lose" from their dictionary. "Losing" is now "deferred success."

38b966  No.3379304

>>3379298 M4xr twatter handle is…#swallowssoros

a1596c  No.3379305

File: 171f7a62caf6a89⋯.jpeg (106.06 KB, 1480x832, 185:104, ukrainemccain.jpeg)

File: b757bb78aca0c93⋯.jpeg (147.96 KB, 1480x832, 185:104, 161231-mccain-ukraine-rus….jpeg)

5bcd76  No.3379306

File: 440028554cbca3e⋯.jpeg (49.4 KB, 600x401, 600:401, C74D0670-1C38-4A05-81FD-E….jpeg)

File: 12e3d2b83ccfd2d⋯.jpeg (27.2 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 60A96FD4-8CFF-4EFB-B351-2….jpeg)

File: 65b061d23ada154⋯.jpeg (38.75 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 38BB33BC-8208-4E04-89C1-F….jpeg)

File: 95438aa9e1175bd⋯.jpeg (30.33 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 5CA6A6B9-B12B-4BC7-843D-C….jpeg)





9481cf  No.3379308


Chancellor admits responsibility for German political CHAOS

Polls indicate the CSU will lose its absolute majority in the Bavarian parliament in an election in the southern state on October 14 expected to bleed support to the ecologist Greens and the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Support for Mrs Merkel is also projected to fall, to around 29 percent, in an election in the state of Hesse two weeks later.


1e574d  No.3379309


Check out the American curriculum before you talk. Because you sound common core educated.

And then listen to Charolette Iserbyt.

I'll be here. Waiting……

224416  No.3379310

File: 5cf5ee1ebbfb9df⋯.jpg (167.83 KB, 500x625, 4:5, intel 1 JFK Jr.jpg)

File: 2b7a6cc80f4c5e2⋯.jpg (107.56 KB, 498x668, 249:334, Intel 2.JPG)

File: 627cd78520f7c01⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 711x399, 237:133, Marine 1 who is that.JPG)

Do the MATH……

46dfcc  No.3379311

File: ca7398a33b91f6b⋯.png (68.99 KB, 590x314, 295:157, IMG_2563.PNG)


keep chasing that Baal dogg boy

aaebbc  No.3379312

File: ebd13d3fef67cda⋯.png (57.96 KB, 255x224, 255:224, ClipboardImage.png)



Dem's new slogan:

Win by Losing!

Time to unseal the indictments.

5bcd76  No.3379313

File: d23b676372fc872⋯.jpeg (101.38 KB, 500x631, 500:631, 3B640F99-4DD1-40AC-95AC-9….jpeg)

File: 12598985e3a6d5b⋯.jpeg (92.87 KB, 504x500, 126:125, E4818349-59FD-40F8-918B-F….jpeg)

File: 8bcb3042dc47a3a⋯.jpeg (77.73 KB, 556x499, 556:499, 9CA9795F-8463-484D-BBC3-5….jpeg)

File: d31be5bfad9589e⋯.jpeg (42.89 KB, 752x500, 188:125, 8F1ED13F-4A09-4046-B1B4-D….jpeg)

File: 6119e4adbcbf0dd⋯.jpeg (28.89 KB, 600x401, 600:401, AEEEAAA8-8E26-4E95-BE3F-C….jpeg)

cb3a07  No.3379314

File: 0c5ec0e5ae94765⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1200x2000, 3:5, mike selinker.png)

>ignore those who push the leftist narrative, goyim

8b9e40  No.3379315

File: 727fcd62e0968b9⋯.png (455.1 KB, 805x823, 805:823, 1538914292566.png)

ba6fb2  No.3379316

File: 6e9e8401c63e11f⋯.png (403.88 KB, 720x542, 360:271, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 0d3be45b495200a⋯.png (414.01 KB, 718x542, 359:271, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

5d1bed  No.3379317


I've noticed that someone posts a little about the Intergalactic Freak Show but I haven't seen anyone really address it.

I did.

46dfcc  No.3379318


Lynn's crothch cabbage has a pager

e497ec  No.3379319


Kek. Fucking idiots

b18f1d  No.3379320

File: 95a777ca054d66f⋯.jpg (487.72 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 2MSM_DS_Unplug_pawn.jpg)

File: d1c83491e5d27b3⋯.jpg (429.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MSM_DS_Unplug.jpg)

224416  No.3379321

File: b671379ff45ade5⋯.jpg (150.69 KB, 550x946, 25:43, Ranting.jpg)

QAnons pissed off someone


7deebe  No.3379322

File: 52756298ec0b136⋯.png (325.4 KB, 532x458, 266:229, Screenshot_2018-10-07 Stee….png)

The new slide

1e574d  No.3379323


Buy a book. Read something so you don't sound so fucking educated.


9481cf  No.3379324

Macron on the BRINK:

Shock resignations and 'chaos' could force Macron into ‘PHASE TWO'

The shock resignation of Mr Collomb, Mr Macron’s most senior cabinet member, poses a fresh dilemma for the Frenchman - whether to replace him or use it as an opportunity to reshuffle his team.

The resignation itself was not entirely shocking, but it was the way it was handled and the subsequent mockery of Mr Macron’s leadership style that gave the French President yet another problematic month.


Europe is waking up

3f4b8b  No.3379325


yeah, because if they were trying to hide someone who's supposed to be dead, they'd let them see the light of day let alone be anywhere near a camera

46dfcc  No.3379326

File: 76febd615945e61⋯.png (83.16 KB, 500x382, 250:191, romeWTF.png)

File: 55733269ae5e928⋯.png (108.06 KB, 500x348, 125:87, support-your-local-black-m….png)

File: 0d7b5e9aac981b0⋯.png (131.46 KB, 500x441, 500:441, tell-me-about-these-democr….png)

happy birthday Islam

38b966  No.3379327

spell check biatch

5d4273  No.3379328


Common core rolled out a decade after I graduated high school. You're 0 for 1. Not getting sucked into this slide. Not giving (you) a (you).

dcdc41  No.3379329


Her cat must be miserable this morning

7ee113  No.3379330


Did the math.

Adds up to nothing.

f2d27c  No.3379331

File: 1444f2f515c64b0⋯.png (12.56 KB, 615x423, 205:141, vvv.png)

Revelation 13




Calculate what John means by 666

74bf79  No.3379332

File: a4eac733dd02547⋯.jpg (63.71 KB, 900x900, 1:1, pepe_7.jpg)

Fuckery is afoot!

For the last 10 minutes I was unable to get here, or any of the Q archive sites. "Server Not Responding", yet every I could go to other sites with no issue.

d48cb6  No.3379333

07463b  No.3379334


Anons, Public Service Announcement

If you ever wondered what the phrase "crazy bitch" means, see the link above.

My biggest fear is certainly far from being confronted by a bunch of women in any hyperemotional state whatsoever. I think that ranks slightly below "spontaneous human combustion" on my list of things to worry about.

558b81  No.3379335


I really think that a major stage in The Plan – but one we haven't had much time to consider yet as there are more pressing concerns – is that qualified Anons will be urged to consider running for office (local, state, federal).

In that way the Patriot/Redpilled community will supplant the Swamp. And we wouldn't have to affiliate with either the Demonrats or either the GOP.

Could call it the Kekistan Party if you want.

46dfcc  No.3379336

File: 62874f8bfa33a6c⋯.jpg (57.61 KB, 606x440, 303:220, nohomo.jpg)

b18f1d  No.3379337

File: abb52fcba80021d⋯.jpg (414.87 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 9_Vote_Nov6.jpg)

1e574d  No.3379338


Still didntnlook her up huh?

Iserbyt served as the senior policy advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first term of U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Iserbyt later came across a federally-funded grant entitled Better Education Skills through Technology (Project BEST), part of which was headed "What we (U.S. Dept. of Education) can control and manipulate at the local level". After leaking this document to Human Events, she was removed from her post in the Department of Education.

She later served as a staff employee of the U.S. Department of State (South Africa, Belgium, South Korea).[3][4][5]

It happened a long time ago


c65d12  No.3379339

File: 0fa3d0a942b12f9⋯.png (798.77 KB, 814x777, 22:21, 0fa3d0a942b12f9c72695db1e3….png)

61496c  No.3379340


More numerology bullshit… and it's not even accurate… I mean it's VL and another VL, then a VI…

d84459  No.3379341


Michael Moore to his credit realized this when he said that Trump and Rs win because they are smarter than we are.

54aa2f  No.3379342


Merkel on brink for 10 years right now… she studied Propaganda&Agitation in DDR and it works somehow. Next german chancelor-candidate for CSU/CDU will be gaygoy Jens Spahn. The AfD is a protest-party like DieLinke (TheLeft).

3f4b8b  No.3379343


i do like the theory. however, some of you faggots would troll the entire world so badly that they would all nuke us at once kek

5d4273  No.3379344


Was explaining that asking schools to teach about public corruption is like having a pedo teach kids sex ed. The institutions are corrupt. Corrupt institutions teaching about corruption oh shit what could go wrong.

f2d27c  No.3379345


But how was John to know!

46dfcc  No.3379346

File: cf71c71a5e03855⋯.png (124.47 KB, 500x561, 500:561, how-felt-when-negan-shaved….png)


soyboy drama

all that homoerotic zombie apocrypha

1e574d  No.3379347


You can't count very well either. Typically American. Think they are so smart. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

a1596c  No.3379348

File: d6635107966e97f⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 900x900, 1:1, trumptopkek.jpg)

34c9f5  No.3379349


Interdasting. Did not know this. You may be on to something, anon. This would explain much about LG.

a19023  No.3379350


It does look like him, there is someone still around that we thought was said to be no longer with us, also Cruz's wife was on a panel that was working on the North American Union (something like that) during the GWB admin. I have the file archived. Anyway it wasn't turning US, Mexico and Canada into one nation

1e574d  No.3379351


Sssshhhhh…….read more. Less edumacted talk.

b18f1d  No.3379352

File: c7143bccd80e695⋯.jpeg (8.67 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 4f3407ccf5a944bc07cac7949….jpeg)

Good night anons/ good morning to most. later.


ba6fb2  No.3379353


This is fucking brilliant! kek

42d0bf  No.3379354

For those winderi g how they pull educators in this shit check


Everything is ready for the teacher, all the tests premade, just redirect students

Its literature but check content, all loaded identity politics and sjw. Texts in pdf available without signing in

c65d12  No.3379355

File: 5a83dba65bc1cb9⋯.jpg (18.01 KB, 600x375, 8:5, 5a83dba65bc1cb9f79e5ad6949….jpg)

1c1d6f  No.3379356

File: 9281393bf037578⋯.png (396.55 KB, 582x666, 97:111, ClipboardImage.png)

>white men and white women work together and benefit from cooperation




9d984e  No.3379357

File: da5ae1593afd92e⋯.png (474.82 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, CORRUPTION - get out fb.png)

File: 5e07b592cf49424⋯.png (1016.21 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, CORRUPTION - not party fb.png)


There's corruption in BOTH parties, and Americans should/can be united in wanting that corruption purged. It's truly bi-partisan!!

41ee62  No.3379358

File: 22e20c930049234⋯.jpg (98.39 KB, 639x512, 639:512, VR-PP-RR.jpg)

>We're Looking for a Few Good Memes Edition

Happy Sunday, anons.

08a5a4  No.3379359

File: 2fd1f0fa6ecf0af⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1611x910, 1611:910, no blumenthal.png)

46dfcc  No.3379361

File: a48f1775cc81e0d⋯.jpg (119.12 KB, 777x960, 259:320, hst.jpg)



keep larping that asshole


abf2e8  No.3379362


I like these essentially.

a19023  No.3379363

File: a54b0b78a3eb6e7⋯.png (95.98 KB, 1031x788, 1031:788, IMG_5087.PNG)


Nite anon

c280b9  No.3379364


fantastic, and true (the gist of the post - questionable in my mind that a shill wrote this).

there's a pretty easy explanation as well. reality always fuckin wins in the long. every single time. there is no way to beat reality.

fucking repeat it to (((yourselves))) over and over again. you can't beat reality in the long run.

e12b5c  No.3379365


he has created an small energy vortex

1e574d  No.3379366

She is known for writing the book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. The book alleges that changes gradually brought into the American public education system work to eliminate the influences of a child's parents, and mold the child into a member of the proletariat in preparation for a socialist-collectivist world of the future.[5] She considers that these changes originated from plans formulated primarily by the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education and Rockefeller General Education Board, and details the psychological methods used to implement and effect the changes.[5]

091a64  No.3379367


[MOS] at work

f2d27c  No.3379368


The same one of you every time makes me think you are one of the innocent ones

42d0bf  No.3379369


Yes but we are promoting vote republican, just sayn

3ee7b2  No.3379370

File: e301ae6098e5376⋯.jpg (54.12 KB, 503x538, 503:538, EuroTrumpism.JPG)

To all my EuroFag frens

Do it any way you like

Just as long as you do it

bd5d59  No.3379371


Sorry for your troubles. Didn't see that tragedy covered anywhere in the Irish news? AnotherIrishAnon.

46dfcc  No.3379372

File: 3067cfb9ca0d93d⋯.jpg (37.35 KB, 381x400, 381:400, yeahhegone.jpg.jpg)

1e574d  No.3379373

>>3379366 me


What has Trump done for education?

091a64  No.3379374


42 posts anon? 10% of the bread is yours?

Take a break.

46dfcc  No.3379375

File: 389357c4cfa7788⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1440x2096, 90:131, ron1.png)

File: a54e1754cd0dd8d⋯.jpg (65.25 KB, 300x390, 10:13, studentloans.jpg)

File: 106b0af7d95e817⋯.jpg (15.97 KB, 175x255, 35:51, survivors.jpg)

1e574d  No.3379376

Come on you Trump lovers

What has he done for education?

483176  No.3379377

File: 9d67b1e3e61bc11⋯.jpeg (26.15 KB, 193x260, 193:260, 24DBBA63-C386-446C-A412-F….jpeg)

3e7cc3  No.3379378

Here’s some crappy info I found when digging around wondering how the Federal Reserve could be restructured:

Is the Federal Reserve Act going to expire?

No. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913–which established the Federal Reserve as the central bank of the United States–originally chartered the Federal Reserve Banks for 20 years. But in the McFadden Act of 1927, the Congress rechartered the Federal Reserve Banks into perpetuity, and so there is currently no "expiration date" or repeal date for the Federal Reserve.


The only recourse to restructure seems to be through another act of Congress which requires a MAGA majority to accomplish.

ba6fb2  No.3379379


Moore only made that video to get US to share it for him to show it to more libs to get out and vote

Didn't work

e9cfef  No.3379380

This group is dedicated to stopping Trump. Enter your zip code to see if they are in your area. They are erecting a billboard on 10/15 near our university and will be at local establishments. So I’m posting Q info hoping to redpill a few.


42d0bf  No.3379381



Gave it to Davos for political gain

04e8ca  No.3379382


caca2c  No.3379383

File: caaa74b93c6e7a9⋯.jpg (60.07 KB, 610x282, 305:141, Soros owns democrats.jpg)

File: 10a3e1ee8b8501d⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 579x348, 193:116, feinstein will fuck u up.jpg)

File: 05ba0803767a505⋯.jpg (78.36 KB, 604x392, 151:98, THERES NO HONEST DEMOCRATS.jpg)

File: 4be0cf2948950dc⋯.jpg (80.59 KB, 518x388, 259:194, HILLARY'S FUCKED NOW.jpg)

1e574d  No.3379384


Flex your muscles. Tell me something!

What has Trump done for education?

You can insult me after you actually make a point at anything.

7ee113  No.3379385


Oh I don’t know.

Awakened the patriots?

d84459  No.3379386


The symbol of Uranus

3f4b8b  No.3379387


he's clearly a foreign faggot shill

abf2e8  No.3379388

bread shitting shills replying to bread shitting shills.


You faggots are not in our class. You are not on our level. Refine your shill and come back.

ba6fb2  No.3379389


Blocked ID

What a waste of bread

f2d27c  No.3379390



I = Intelligence



1e574d  No.3379391


LOL. That's your fucking answer? That's it?

What has he done for education?

1c1d6f  No.3379392

File: 9c95afdb781493d⋯.png (154.29 KB, 610x1160, 61:116, ClipboardImage.png)

3ee2eb  No.3379393


They always write this article after a huge loss. These people need narratives more than junkies need fixes

e5623a  No.3379394

File: d51a5dd68d1792f⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 500x375, 4:3, nodeals.jpg)

091a64  No.3379395


Fuck off


ae24d9  No.3379396


> American hard working anons

Czeched! Trips of truth. Just finishing an 8 day swing thru the South West. Sitting with a cup of coffee listening to the diesel trucks idling in the dark at a cross roads truck stop.

I can tell you from where I sit, Americans are some hard working people. I drove through millions of acres of land put into production by hard working dreamers who had the gumption to make arid land productive, bring water to places it has never been, built roads to haul their bounty to market, all done without a whimper of complaint.

Flyover country IS my country. I've never seen as many flags on this turn since 9/11. People are proud to be Americans. Always have been out here. Antifa needs to protest at a few truck stops to see what really rolls in this country.

7ee113  No.3379397


What have you done for education?

a395cb  No.3379398


Need to drain the swamp first. No. 1 priority.

f2d27c  No.3379399


Bots concur!

1e574d  No.3379400

You fucktards can't answer because the answers is NOTHING. And so because you are common core educated baboons, you insult. Because you can't come up with an intelligent debate.

382602  No.3379401


Alex Soros is getting desperate. Anons see right through him.

a3475f  No.3379402


I did actually. Tragic.

74bf79  No.3379403


Translation: "Waaahhhhh, we didn't get our way!"

41ee62  No.3379404


>white privilege rehash



30affa  No.3379405



salt on leeches method

1ed120  No.3379406

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

b0291f  No.3379407

9b85c0  No.3379408

42d0bf  No.3379409


If they go after white women, thats political suicide

2bfd66  No.3379410

Wanna piss a Jew off?

Make em do some manual labor

1e574d  No.3379411


I home school your fucking rocket scientist.

74bf79  No.3379412


Russian sponsored white privilege… kek

80ea41  No.3379413

Mos should get back to packing for Gitmo. >>3379356

f2d27c  No.3379414

File: 0da8c49c644684c⋯.png (957.01 KB, 554x555, 554:555, hhh.png)

cb3a07  No.3379415


got any more anti-kavanaugh postings from the big nose tribe? im building my collection

7ee113  No.3379416


Gonna need you to try harder, schlomo.

b0291f  No.3379417



1c1d6f  No.3379418



Are you lonely or something?

a19023  No.3379419

File: 43eb2142af531d9⋯.png (417.69 KB, 1772x1210, 886:605, IMG_8869.PNG)


Theses people ARE sick, karma is not (((their))) friend

1dd1e8  No.3379420

File: ab0454068b1fd2f⋯.jpg (785.52 KB, 1404x1522, 702:761, 20181007_054752.jpg)

File: a517073a2b4ae8a⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 580x387, 580:387, hippomaga-695753.jpg)

caca2c  No.3379421

File: dedf01994d746d3⋯.jpg (130.45 KB, 846x564, 3:2, FOCUS.jpg)

File: 5fa5fe3a707db8b⋯.jpg (103.02 KB, 857x404, 857:404, DONT RESPOND TO SHILLS.jpg)

Shills suck….Pathetic attempts to get responses and shit in bread.

Scroll or filter.

75732b  No.3379422

File: 0205af4ddc930a1⋯.png (158.88 KB, 500x717, 500:717, by-any-memes-necessary-urs….png)

File: 035db8cf56ca60c⋯.jpg (141 KB, 640x480, 4:3, malcolm-keks.jpg)

File: 8e03cadc3ccbcaa⋯.jpeg (7.53 KB, 247x204, 247:204, butitdo3.jpeg)

As we recover from winning yet again and begin to navigate the floodwaters caused by liberal tears and melted snowflakes that didn't go sublime, we must focus on the task at hand, the red pilling of normies to our cause. We must help them to see through the BS that clouds their minds and blinds their eyes. We must help them to disregard their feels as even their emotions have been manipulated. The left is quickly learning our tactics, so we too may begin to use theirs. People don't think it be like this , but it do….Shaliday fellow Anons, fight , fight,fight

1e574d  No.3379423


Watch the show. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

1a6479  No.3379424

File: 022d78feebdef53⋯.png (422.62 KB, 782x568, 391:284, mcCarthy.PNG)

File: 6781eb3ee59bc4f⋯.png (18.41 KB, 620x121, 620:121, mc2.PNG)

File: 6781eb3ee59bc4f⋯.png (18.41 KB, 620x121, 620:121, mc2.PNG)

Still much work to do ridding ourselves of the multitude of commiePickoFags in our midst


c1121a  No.3379425


Kek Kek

22d528  No.3379426

File: 38a57905d55c973⋯.jpg (296.25 KB, 1198x900, 599:450, dcfappd.jpg)

File: 9bdece30d635553⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1198x900, 599:450, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)



y y


7ee113  No.3379427


Fuck you.

Patriots fight.

3f4b8b  No.3379428


doubt its even soros, unless he has his claws in china too. i'm betting that's where this fag is from

1e574d  No.3379429


Can't even spell it out can you


224416  No.3379430

File: 021d0b18f83c79c⋯.jpg (21.63 KB, 277x182, 277:182, Chelsea Clinton no daddy n….jpg)

804955  No.3379431


So sorry to hear of your loss. You will be in my prayers.

b3cb23  No.3379432

File: 6689d2396340931⋯.png (476.38 KB, 757x529, 757:529, 2018-10-07_04-57-24.png)

262f29  No.3379433

File: 4f9879a71711a37⋯.png (603.63 KB, 1080x811, 1080:811, indelible1.png)

382602  No.3379434

This shill is so much fun maybe we ought to meme the fvck out of him. He's on par with Nassim.

2da950  No.3379435

Basket of deNotables

Still gotta vet the 3 w/o summaries, just wanted you guys to get a near-500-post update b4 I go afk a couple minutes for my 2nd cuppa.


>>3379324 Europe waking? Macron "on the brink" after most Sr. cabinet member resigns




>>3379090, >>3379095 Haiti Earthquake magnitude 5.9

>>3379077 China Building New Coal Plants Equal to Entire US Capacity

>>3379144, >>3379170, >>3379193 On "cue," (((OpEd))) beats Kav impeachment war drums

>>3378920, >>3378992 Jewish mag would like you to believe no blood used for anti-aging

Baker change

>>3378912 Q proof: >>>/patriotsfight/352 and the dems are calling for impeachment

>>3378849 Pepe joins the Navy

>>3378948, >>3379011, >>3378949

Thanks for looking out, guys.

Helps us bakers a lot.


Thanks anon, baker still only on 1st cuppa. Enjoying this


g'night anon

7796a8  No.3379437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


water in a diff form is all

3109aa  No.3379438

11/11/18 might be currency reset day, all debt forgiven, glorious!

084e81  No.3379439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wrestling has acted as predictive programming for world events, preparing the public and molding their opinions. Notice the idea of Twin Towers being 'demolished' in 1989 in the attached vid - the Muslim, the Policeman, the businessman.

Now the UFC does the same. Consider the archetypes -

Khabib is cast as Russian/Muslim

McGregor is white Irish (like many Americans)

McGregor's Bus attack (always felt staged to me) on Khabib mirrors the 'US weapons' attack in Yemen. Y'know the one Jim Carey wanted Liberals to get all emotional about. The allegory was clear - nasty whitey monstering the poor defenceless bus-people.

Khabib just won UFC229 but his actions afterwards cast him as the villain. The idea is for Americans to be angry at Russians and Muslims - coincidentally same narrative that is playing out in the Fake news media with the 'Russian hacking' and Russian Submarine' scare stories.

Symbolism is everywhere

Symbolism will be their downfall

2be2bc  No.3379440

Election has begun, time for the Really Big Hurt…DECLAS.

d20e8e  No.3379441

File: 591436bde86a264⋯.jpg (14.06 KB, 288x162, 16:9, parasites.jpg)

caca2c  No.3379442


So you're the retard that wastes 20+ posts responding to shills. Ok. If that's your fight. Blah, cant be bothered with retards.

42d0bf  No.3379443


When you set unrealistic expectations

Prepare to be dissapointed

dcdc41  No.3379444

File: 76e70988fbae16e⋯.jpg (109.35 KB, 864x486, 16:9, blumenthalnosign.jpg)

a19023  No.3379445


That happened to me last night

bd5d59  No.3379446


Amen. Can never get proper comfy til SwordAnon arrives!

2bfd66  No.3379447


Chinese over expansion about to blow up in their faces…..once again communism fails

d20e8e  No.3379448

File: 05e0e1643e770c5⋯.jpg (120.35 KB, 722x499, 722:499, para.jpg)

b5377d  No.3379449

File: 53f80849769be2e⋯.mp4 (15.54 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Qpost 2359.mp4)

We are the Volunteers of America!


224416  No.3379450

File: 50c2a48741224b2⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB, 264x480, 11:20, ICRC Corruption.mp4)

ICRC Corruption?????

1ee95d  No.3379451

File: b3b3eb2fb42814c⋯.png (846.1 KB, 1296x757, 1296:757, ZEROGKATE.png)

sweet bewbs conquered outer spaces

3d8a5f  No.3379452

File: c84a5ca536cf4ec⋯.png (173.2 KB, 610x968, 305:484, ClipboardImage.png)

f2d27c  No.3379453


That is 2 different cabals!

WWF linked to US/Zion

UFC to Russia/DragonBeast

4dd68b  No.3379454

File: dc7e52b218d9af4⋯.png (403.38 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1529772480744.png)

d48cb6  No.3379455

File: 012f3708de17cc6⋯.png (105.31 KB, 213x303, 71:101, 1538916883699.png)

804955  No.3379458


Expand your thinking

Jubilee is possible

08a5a4  No.3379459

File: ba5d03e35b8dd9e⋯.jpg (375.23 KB, 820x714, 410:357, CBF white woman.jpg)

c03ce7  No.3379460


Starting to remove pedophiles from the classroom is a good start.

Asked us to consider old v new history textbooks. Obviously working towards a push for truth in history.

Pulled the net off lots of homeschooling options. That's where true education takes place.

I know none of these answers are good enough for you because you are an asshole shill, but I liked writing them.

7796a8  No.3379461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

caca2c  No.3379462

File: d4c168f328df67b⋯.jpg (66.28 KB, 480x300, 8:5, ICE and border protection..jpg)

File: 296c027a0446cb5⋯.jpg (60.69 KB, 600x336, 25:14, Q is TRUTH.jpg)

e497ec  No.3379463

File: 69961bd2eb6cac0⋯.jpeg (51.93 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1538916983.jpeg)

ba2274  No.3379464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mango worms.

50dcce  No.3379465

>>3378649 (pb)

re. Heather Sawyer









Senate Judiciary Committee Interview of Glenn Simpson/By Ms. (Heather) Sawyer (1)

Senate Judiciary Committee Interview of Glenn Simpson

by the United States Senate Judiciary Committee

First Examination by Heather Sawyer (Chief Oversight Counsel for Democrat Dianne Feinstein)



Despite objections of @ChuckGrassley & other @senjudiciary Republicans, @SenFeinstein decided to #ReleaseTheTranscript of Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson’s testimony!!

1ee95d  No.3379466


your face is tarded cause your cabbage is dumb

551100  No.3379468

File: 35c2e5c03567eda⋯.jpg (12.65 KB, 308x185, 308:185, article-2140702-12F7EF3700….jpg)

Possibly NOTABLE

Chinese snuggling human baby pills into Korea…


9dcc04  No.3379469

File: d0271abd2a1589b⋯.jpg (354.72 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, IMG_20181007_082925.jpg)

File: bb6827af6a1b108⋯.jpg (405.86 KB, 1662x1309, 1662:1309, IMG_20181007_072122.jpg)

File: 8d293d30d847478⋯.jpg (333.19 KB, 1378x749, 1378:749, IMG_20181007_083213.jpg)

I got really tired of not seeing this done yet. It seemed obvious. I could have made the Alien cooler looking but I wanted DiFi to be recognisable.

Making a whole slew of new MEMEs, keep checking my YouTube channel (Mith Chronicler)

And for Pete's sake, if you want to help a fellow anon out and fucking subscribe, I would be extremely grateful. It's impossible to red pill Normies if I can't get this channel off the ground. I have some really cool Meme videos. I only use the best memes. 11 Subscribers! ROFL. Production quality is waay too high for that kind of fuckery!

7796a8  No.3379470

File: 19e31e143a56466⋯.png (305.54 KB, 601x660, 601:660, qfrosty2.PNG)


must have been some magic in…

White hats…


1ee95d  No.3379471

File: 31f83867ae75cc8⋯.jpg (96.77 KB, 500x576, 125:144, 10monkeys.jpg)

File: bf524c5c78c6933⋯.jpg (24.59 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 12ftpentagonhole.jpg)

File: 3a0a6bd94cf0504⋯.jpg (326.26 KB, 973x882, 139:126, 911-pentagon-cruise-missil….jpg)

File: 862ed58a121d7e6⋯.jpg (382.6 KB, 810x732, 135:122, download.jpg)

ba2274  No.3379472

File: 78f5f47acc1c647⋯.png (26.61 KB, 553x335, 553:335, ClipboardImage.png)

cf04f3  No.3379473


The lesser of two evils…

1ee95d  No.3379474

File: ed564007cea3762⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 750x549, 250:183, BERNIEISM.jpg)

a764f9  No.3379475


God Bless you and your family, irishanon, many prayer for you!

bd5d59  No.3379476

File: 75c4bcb3faab07a⋯.png (289.46 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Merchandising the Wrap-Up Smear

KathyGriffin of course. https://store.kathygriffin.com/collections/all-products

224416  No.3379477

File: f1b6e9d7e753640⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 1125x376, 1125:376, You decide ur future.JPG)

80ea41  No.3379478

Does any know what is really in those pills? Are the Chinese evil enough to pretend the pills contain human while keeping the actual flesh for themselves? >>3379468

1ee95d  No.3379479

File: c451f7be63aca5a⋯.jpeg (300.22 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, BETOFORSENATE.jpeg)

MS-13 will straighten out your politics

7796a8  No.3379480

File: 737d6e54cb9cfd7⋯.png (175.56 KB, 354x195, 118:65, qwater.PNG)


Water gate?

I O every good movie has one

307563  No.3379481

File: 79612e89ceeaefd⋯.jpeg (367.04 KB, 2224x1625, 2224:1625, 76B20ECE-F5B6-4DAE-85CA-1….jpeg)


Deposition released by Nunes

e497ec  No.3379482

File: a7453e364bbce29⋯.jpg (18.12 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ub4if.jpg)

d18a6c  No.3379483

File: 5969ba7b97c018a⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 671x500, 671:500, wrapupjizzface.jpg)

File: e0dad86e35dabfc⋯.jpg (102.9 KB, 1024x496, 64:31, e0dad86e35dabfcc044d1632c7….jpg)

File: 9c58cf957751746⋯.gif (7.38 KB, 255x143, 255:143, d28021a9b4df54e33a85fa9497….gif)

trigglypuff ate her self to death last night in a fit of soyrage after kav com.. last pic related

f7e416  No.3379484


Top KEK! This video does the job smashingly!

a3475f  No.3379485

File: c1a840738c1f8bd⋯.png (331.94 KB, 720x631, 720:631, 20181007_135946.png)

File: c20f175b314bfc7⋯.png (79.69 KB, 720x592, 45:37, 20181007_140004.png)


3f6892  No.3379486


where's that pic from?

is the asian one a man or a woman?

74bf79  No.3379487

>>3378674 (pb)

Oh so that explains the soyboy epidemic.

cf04f3  No.3379488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Truth Factory vid

0856a7  No.3379489

>>3378935 it is how law schools train their lawyers to look intelligent and trustworthy.

527fa2  No.3379490

>>3379465 Great Find! So she worked for the most corrupt committee on the Hill (HFRC) and then moved on to one of the most corrupt Senators. It's a steaming pile, isn't it?

41ee62  No.3379491

File: 9609fd678e8e6f0⋯.jpg (101.12 KB, 640x480, 4:3, VR-JJ-MI.jpg)


nip that shit in the bud

34c9f5  No.3379492


This is just a masterful troll that's been around awhile, anon.

What we really need is that epic Hitler rant from some movie with that funny as all Kek subtitling. Better yet, an updated version referencing the many recent Q drops coming true.

Here are those brilliant subtitles:

0:00.50 - 0:03.25Sir we have been working to neutralize the Anons

0:04.00 - 0:05.50we've had some success sliding the board

0:05.65 - 0:07.50but the plane fags are difficult

0:08.00 - 0:12.00They tracking the planes 24/7 on their computers

0:12.10 - 0:15.50They are watching the extractions as they happen

0:17.50 - 0:19.00Ok, I get the plane fags

0:19.00 - 0:21.50nothing can be done about them

0:24.75 - 0:26.50muh Führer

0:27.50 - 0:28.50Fake-Q

0:31.00 - 0:33.50Fake-Q is not working as well as we expected

0:34.00 - 0:36.00they have made memes exposing us

0:53.00 - 0:58.50Everyone leave except for Fake Q1, 2 and 3

1:13.00 - 1:15.00I told you about this Q

1:15.25 - 1:17.75muh orders have not been followed

1:18.75 - 1:23.25you are pathetic - how many times did I tell you about their memes

1:25.25 - 1:28.00did you really think just by posting

1:29.25 - 1:31.00as fake Q that you would stop them

1:31.50 - 1:34.00the fake Q isn't even credible

1:34.75 - 1:37.75we need to meme, but all of you suck at meme-ing

1:37.50 - 1:40.50the anons are mocking you now

1:40.50 - 1:42.75but muh team is shitposting on the board 24/7

1:42.75 - 1:46.25your posts suck, no one believes them, we look like idiots

1:46.50 - 1:48.80muh Führer, shitposting causes them to make more bread

1:48.80 - 1:52.00shitposting and making them make more bread isn't stopping them

1:53.00 - 1:54.50next they will go back

1:56.00 - 1:57.75to Anderson Cooper and McLean

1:57.75 - 2:00.50they are exposing us more and more every day

2:00.50 - 2:03.50They figured out the plane crashes, the train crashes,

2:04.50 - 2:08.00and the shootings - they know there are no coincidences

2:08.75 - 2:13.50they know that we tried to make a deal and are telling everyone "No Deals"

2:14.00 - 2:16.75they know about Angela and are telling everyone

2:17.50 - 2:21.75Q posted over 40 times on Saturday

2:27.00 - 2:29.00We had the public bamboozled

2:30.50 - 2:34.00They accepted Marina's Spiring Cooking as something cool the stars did

2:34.50 - 2:36.50now they all know - Q has told them

2:41.00 - 2:42.50They are saying that I am a puppet

2:43.00 - 2:47.50Under Q's latest posts, they are saying that I am a PUPPET!

2:48.50 - 2:53.00Q has told them that N does not stand for Nazi

2:54.00 - 2:56.00They posted the Antifaschistische Flag next to the Antifascist Flag

2:56.50 - 2:59.75Everyone can see that they are exactly the same

3:00.00 - 3:02.50Have you seen the resignation list that they keep?

3:04.75 - 3:07.50It's ok, your Uncle Jim Acosta will keep his job

3:14.25 - 3:16.25Q tells them The WORLD is helping.

3:19.25 - 3:23.25That they are winning BIG, and that they are all connected in this fight.

3:25.55 - 3:26.75PATRIOTS UNITE

3:31.50 - 3:33.75Q tells them "They are winning BIG"

3:40.75 - 3:46.25P, The Vatican, the Queen, Rothschild, Soros, Munk, Rockefeller - we have all failed

3:46.50 - 3:49.00Our symbolism has been our downfall

3:53.75 - 3:56.00We have been beaten by a bunch of Anons


7fea32  No.3379493

File: c848c96465b28f6⋯.jpeg (166.22 KB, 980x551, 980:551, F24F740E-4DC7-400E-A649-A….jpeg)

File: d65755f2f234400⋯.png (612.74 KB, 1266x622, 633:311, 0117BE19-1D5A-4881-BAB8-AE….png)

File: b355f8ddd27735a⋯.png (430.71 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 897013B7-1C9B-4286-A98B-7B….png)

File: 7725b48ca8816b0⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x2071, 1242:2071, A2C4A008-21E6-47C8-9C27-D….jpeg)

File: 08357b0da3bdef4⋯.jpeg (518.98 KB, 1242x1824, 207:304, DA8CC726-EEBB-4E12-ADF8-B….jpeg)


I will pile in here, anon re: Kennedy. He also said the line “Put down the bong.” After Q dropped on China Friday night, an anon found the head of freemasons in China. See photos

Also he called NP “billy goat brain” and an anon found this story out of Georgia.

83986d  No.3379494

Oh and by the way. Before I leave.

You are no better than the Democrats you fight against. You attack, insult, gang bang any one who says something you don't agree with or understand.

Fucking hypocrites.

And I'm still waiting to hear what Trump has done for




c03ce7  No.3379495

At some point we're gonna need a

"Time for fucking losers to shut up"


2c02d2  No.3379496

File: b4947bc4dbcb4c3⋯.jpg (84.87 KB, 892x502, 446:251, Cult like force.jpg)

Tru Dat

1ee95d  No.3379497

File: 4995a5ea27cac91⋯.jpg (2.31 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, IMG_1709.JPG)


ebot repping

bluuuuuue hats

5d4273  No.3379498


It's apparent that China is THE problem. Well we've known that for a while, just percolating out to general public/normies. Wonder if even half of this shit is state-sanctioned or it's simply corrupt as fuck local party officials who do this shit and the giant bureaucracy doesn't catch it. Inherent corruptibility of commie bureaucrats, yeah, if people think socialism will solve our corruption problems…pfft.

551100  No.3379499


Evil enough to grind up babies and market the product for export…

Yes they tested ….read the article..

These people are sick.

01827d  No.3379500


11/11 is Veterans Day

e55e2e  No.3379501

File: 5fa1cbced6fe956⋯.jpg (100.75 KB, 1420x1963, 1420:1963, 5fa1cbced6fe9561db6d235465….jpg)

Went to a football game party last night and redpilled (almost) the entire room with the clip from Pelosi. They are destroying themselves. It was magnificent. Had 2 holdouts who wanted to see the context of the statement.

91d834  No.3379502

Morning anons….

Are other anons planning?

Like what comes next?

What happens when our state and local governments are destroyed with arrests?

Who steps in?

Probably looking at some form of martial law and then what? Elections?

Hard to id the pattern just yet, but would wager it is in the plan…

300c2c  No.3379503


That makes sense.

He seems to be easily manipulated via closeted homosexuality.

I'm sure they thought he was quite perfect for the job.

a19023  No.3379504

File: 19a563b7ad5dc9f⋯.gif (145.47 KB, 240x160, 3:2, IMG_6575.GIF)

c03ce7  No.3379505


Gave you education already.

For healthcare he moved the mandate or penalty.

For the environment he resurrected the coal industry.

I know. You just suck. That's why you refuse the truth.

7fea32  No.3379506

File: 558f347d358ffcf⋯.jpeg (887.31 KB, 1242x1997, 1242:1997, 0CEA8470-0993-4E71-A379-2….jpeg)

File: 1059e2af0891e5f⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1399, 1242:1399, FD393E8C-1F77-4D37-84C5-A….jpeg)

File: 86050b1aa873795⋯.jpeg (509.02 KB, 1242x1811, 1242:1811, 7E026012-986A-4DAA-A828-2….jpeg)


The Goat head story

Mockingbird mouth seems self-explanatory

Plus bonus hip camp


527fa2  No.3379507


>>3379465 Suspected leaker Heather Sawyer/DiFi also involved in GPS transcript leak.

0fe6b0  No.3379508


Noticed when Q dropped. Elusive Snow Pepe.

9b85c0  No.3379509


Removed obama threat against losing funding to schools that doesn't mix bathrooms/locker rooms for children

d48cb6  No.3379510


I took a screenshot of from one of the two videos posted by someone in an earlier bread.

The asian one is a woman.

1ee95d  No.3379511

File: e974679b7496f9e⋯.jpg (126.54 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMG_1364.JPG)

here is one for all you nutty idolars swinging from the peanut butter fringe of TwinkieOTUS in your oval

41ee62  No.3379512



Never go full SJW

c03ce7  No.3379513


Good one!

91d834  No.3379514

File: d7d2caa5828f12b⋯.png (286.35 KB, 375x551, 375:551, SessionsSoon.png)



Sessions in Utah DECLAS

8cb312  No.3379515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c17bd1  No.3379516


Please have someone tell us how many of the sealed indictments have been opened and executed.

551100  No.3379517


Apparently we have found one thing socialism will solve..

The answer to, "where can I get some human baby pills."

83986d  No.3379518


You might wanna research coal on human health there sparky.

3f2c35  No.3379519


I really wish the American public knew more about the fuckng witches that like to cast spells when they don’t get their way. Just think of how many people that pray in this country, not even being aware that this happens.

1ee95d  No.3379520

File: 096e1456487e117⋯.jpg (234.82 KB, 838x1080, 419:540, IMG_1096.JPG)

d18a6c  No.3379521

File: 10d2b609443529e⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, mk libs.mp4)

File: 5bb354331acf7ab⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, mk libs in the open.mp4)


i have the vids i think they came from twatter. the guy posted his own from what i thought

a94e5e  No.3379522

File: b4f36cf83dc62fe⋯.png (690.3 KB, 1080x811, 1080:811, IndelibleHippoPenShitTalke….png)

File: 71fd08c78279546⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1276x1224, 319:306, IronDerpDerp.png)

237523  No.3379523

Anyone notice that goog actually had a FEW pro POTUS articles the last couple of days????

c03ce7  No.3379524


You might want to look beyond your favorite righters when it comes to coal as a fuel source.

5d4273  No.3379525


That and making everyone equally poor and miserable

b3cb23  No.3379526

File: c1f852eaa9d359b⋯.png (633.22 KB, 574x766, 287:383, 2018-05-04_02-37-48 copy 2.png)

File: 5d37abc9c8131bd⋯.png (735.6 KB, 621x595, 621:595, 2018-10-03_06-49-07.png)

File: af914976f63fd91⋯.png (580.8 KB, 631x402, 631:402, 2018-10-07_09-02-46.png)

a764f9  No.3379527


is there sauce for this?

1ee95d  No.3379528

File: d4158dc34a6f546⋯.jpg (161 KB, 902x960, 451:480, IMG_1024.JPG)

a19023  No.3379529


Get the spelling right, it's to-kill-ya


dfd771  No.3379530



Write a book, i would buy.

Muh name is Claire Lisowski and i have a huge clit.

7c04fd  No.3379531


I am fairly certain space is not real and Oct 11 is my birthday. I’m a bit butthurt about this.

a764f9  No.3379532


ahh, i see it now. thanks!

aa6d25  No.3379533

File: 83fb6baebab9d5d⋯.jpeg (22.75 KB, 626x626, 1:1, C0F2F900-88FC-4C14-BB61-E….jpeg)

File: 060831ae6c833dc⋯.jpeg (68.92 KB, 851x500, 851:500, EA9042B7-9D83-426E-9734-F….jpeg)

a1596c  No.3379534


Fake and gay.

382602  No.3379535

File: 5e63ec65193801a⋯.png (260.94 KB, 468x484, 117:121, ignorance4.png)

File: 08be0c8cd0fc365⋯.png (289.1 KB, 399x290, 399:290, ignorance1.png)


And you might want to actually research what all you truly need coal for, dumbass. Your life would turn to shyt without coal, son. Don't be retarded. You have a brain. Use it.

caca2c  No.3379536

File: 2888caa32e395b7⋯.jpg (20.31 KB, 255x242, 255:242, Hiati kids eaten.jpg)

91d834  No.3379537


Getting WAY easier to redpill…red pilled a pretty big politician here the other day :-) Used the video from the batter which is actually pretty good!

f411ee  No.3379538


Guess this clip makes for a good spot to a question I have.

For background, I've sorta pegged Alyssa Milano as a whacky liberal and leftie feminist. Sneaking signs into the Kavanaugh hearing didn't help, nor her endless interviews such as this one. There probably hasn't been a pussy-hat rally she's missed.

That said, yesterday an anon posted a rather uncomfortable picture of her from years back. She wasn't smiling and said image appeared to be made to imprint feelings of degradation. Was it from 'the Fappening' collection, I don't know.

The feeling I had was it was proof of the price she's paid for money/fame in the film and entertainment world. She obviously has known at least this picture exists.

Does anybody know her personal story, specifically as to how she became such a intense 'women's rights' advocate? To me she seems more 'personally' invested than your typical leftie.

d48cb6  No.3379539

File: 5bb354331acf7ab⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Creepy_Lib_ZombiesHH.mp4)

File: 10d2b609443529e⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Creepy_Lib_Zombies.mp4)

1ee95d  No.3379540

File: 822c6a34f7ecff8⋯.jpg (162.3 KB, 640x960, 2:3, IMG_1358.JPG)

1def59  No.3379541

File: 1fb74a525000917⋯.jpeg (919.66 KB, 1662x2365, 1662:2365, D2A7EBE7-5772-44B6-A270-9….jpeg)

f2d27c  No.3379542


"It's not a story the Jedi would tell you"

43607a  No.3379543

File: 471f612c7ea548d⋯.jpg (117.84 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2fpxhe.jpg)

9b85c0  No.3379544



f79e0c  No.3379545

File: 6ae40c6c4214f41⋯.jpg (33.4 KB, 474x711, 2:3, Sure.jpg)


It's almost impossible to do any of this with norms unless you approach it as we were here. Very small crumbs. Preface Tuesday with your norms…don't give the entire thing away.

Mention an event or even say "tuesday".

It's up to them. I have been working on several people but only in the above mentioned way.

Proofs will be used once they freak out. Before that most will not respond until they are forced to.

Print proofs to give to them when the MSM are pounding the drums. Diffuse the fear at the correct moment and they will turn.

1ee95d  No.3379546



you are scapegoating your finances

551100  No.3379547


Making MOST poor and miserable..

Being in charge of Socialism is apparently no fun unless you able to look down on humankind..

..and partake in some powdered baby flesh.

1ee95d  No.3379548


the hindus had to trap their kali demon in some sort of rock formation fyi

804955  No.3379549

File: d511685ff2a85f9⋯.jpeg (584.6 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 07AD73FA-8F6A-4E98-AD6F-8….jpeg)



We will be there to help

91d834  No.3379550



>He seems to be easily manipulated via closeted homosexuality.

They ALL have a blackmail string…someone once told me that a major senator had had a brief affair. Very benign and really no big deal. HOWEVER, was used at critical times to completely manipulate them…

We all assume something really bad, but probably just that he is gay…

And they ALL have had to do something to prove their loyalty = (killed their puppy…)…

c03ce7  No.3379551

File: ce751fae843f366⋯.png (132.14 KB, 815x320, 163:64, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 0e62cc133212d21⋯.png (25.65 KB, 586x79, 586:79, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

(((They))) couldn't crash the stock market in time to inflict doubt through 401(k) statements, so now (((they))) will raise and emphasis gas prices.

(((Their))) timing is a bit early. Expect a DJT smackdown.


b3cb23  No.3379552

File: d6d5699e3a44be3⋯.png (1.13 MB, 959x954, 959:954, 2018-10-07_09-04-12.png)

File: b92295350afd702⋯.png (456.89 KB, 764x321, 764:321, 2018-07-21_23-26-36 copy 2.png)

49b6e0  No.3379553




repeat after me


d18a6c  No.3379554

File: c8a115c88546371⋯.mp4 (365.01 KB, 480x270, 16:9, skyQ.mp4)

1ee95d  No.3379555


those queer cynicisms die hard huh

5d4273  No.3379556


Candidate for Congress in a district near me got in shit for ranting about how Jews control the world, HRC kidnaps kids, etc. Not wrong. Republican Party cut ties with him. Wondering how his chances are now with all of this shit coming out. And the incumbent, his opponent, stated that Ford's ex lied in his letter accusing her of lying.

ba6fb2  No.3379558

File: 72cdeac7d7e3a8e⋯.jpg (720.03 KB, 3000x2201, 3000:2201, russiarussiarussia.jpg)


Simpson went with the Russia narrative bc he already knew a lot about Russian crime families

42d0bf  No.3379559


Do you have a context?

1ee95d  No.3379560

File: bde90d7113f5ee4⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 565x329, 565:329, IMG_1092.JPG)

File: 4ddc625d68ca526⋯.jpg (56.17 KB, 399x472, 399:472, IMG_1094.JPG)

File: d5184e2a7eb2e1a⋯.jpg (81.6 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_1095.JPG)

keep walking into that light assholes

1ed120  No.3379561

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83a….png)



The Jewish Magazine does not want (you) to believe anything. The article does not suggest what you imply either and the author is an anglican. I beleive you must be a democrat with that level of concern for accuracy.

Do you know that God's commandment not to bear false witness means thou shalt not create or deliberatly pass on false information of any kind.

This is kind of important and wouldn't be a commandement otherwise. Error is really dangerous in non linear virtual space.

Q research includes many people in various stages of recovery from lifelong exposure to cultist information operations, but those who unable to update opinions on receipt of new evidence have emotional conditioning preventing positive tranceformation.

Shills go extinct. They can't adapt or whatever they go extinct. And they're never accepted here however much baking they do or how inside they appear to newfags.

A world without meaningless labels = our future = way past shills

a94e5e  No.3379562

>>3379554 cool.

Where's that from?

7fea32  No.3379563




d18a6c  No.3379564

File: 30265cfae396878⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 719x494, 719:494, 672aee7516a82c23e46caa1956….jpg)

ba6fb2  No.3379565


and raising interest rates to squelch the housing market and blame it on Trump

30affa  No.3379567


earth is filled with carbon based life forms

095366  No.3379568

File: e801378c0a1f875⋯.png (1.15 MB, 795x909, 265:303, 37676439278307899612369805….png)

File: dcae76d948b0f58⋯.png (645.51 KB, 776x636, 194:159, 48784728487476576438718328….png)

File: 165638b3498e110⋯.png (1.98 MB, 921x1113, 307:371, 78433487868792981711076429….png)

1ee95d  No.3379569

File: 3965ac451cc0049⋯.jpg (49.4 KB, 640x369, 640:369, IMG_1132.JPG)

File: 87060adddef1661⋯.jpg (156.96 KB, 650x539, 650:539, IMG_1137.JPG)

File: e0df28ce9e6d3e0⋯.jpg (130.43 KB, 720x585, 16:13, IMG_1138.JPG)

c03ce7  No.3379570


Yep. That, too.

91d834  No.3379571





43607a  No.3379572

File: 7044e848b50aa35⋯.jpg (123.14 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2fpyon.jpg)

7deebe  No.3379573

File: 8088b7e957c0e87⋯.png (922.86 KB, 854x620, 427:310, Screenshot_2018-10-07 (4) ….png)


make me proud

923b93  No.3379575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

another video where Pelosi talks about the the wrap up smear - project much?

1ee95d  No.3379576

File: d12c0aa41f3651c⋯.jpg (25.14 KB, 500x277, 500:277, IMG_1151.JPG)

2da950  No.3379577


>>3379465 Suspected leaker Heather Sawyer/DiFi also involved in GPS transcript leak.

>>3379324 Europe waking? Macron "on the brink" after most Sr. cabinet member resigns

>>3379288 Anon summarizes/compares "honeymoon period" stats of POTUS and Reagan

>>3379272, >>3379161 Dem Copes re: Justice K, (((OpEd))): When you lose, call it a win!

>>3379090, >>3379095 Haiti Earthquake magnitude 5.9

>>3379077 China Building New Coal Plants Equal to Entire US Capacity

>>3379144, >>3379170, >>3379193, >>3379476 On "cue," (((OpEd))) beats Impeach Kav war drum

>>3378920, >>3378992 Jewish mag would like you to believe no blood used for anti-aging

Baker change

>>3378912 Q proof: >>>/patriotsfight/352 and the dems are calling for impeachment

>>3378849 Pepe joins the Navy


Dat ship merchant: TOP KEK!

43607a  No.3379578

File: 4eb4bea9f35dd7c⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2j2bfp.jpg)

File: f04239a8b9b919b⋯.png (203.54 KB, 418x552, 209:276, 155013a4e2f7e8cc11912d1332….png)

d18a6c  No.3379579



anon posted the other day said it was from "ballers" sky show

do it sky Q

be7103  No.3379580



That was a tactical move by releasing them. She was shooting a heads-up shot to tell everyone to hide…. GPS

10ef06  No.3379581

Which one of you musically inclined Anons are going to make a remix out of "The sergeant at arms will restore order in the gallery."?


551100  No.3379582


Some of you may want to consider stepping up… Chances are you are more capable than most of your local leaders…

Look towards country commission, school board etc…

You could do a lot of good if you can buckle down and focus on your community.

1ee95d  No.3379583

File: 1873595eec4282a⋯.jpg (115.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1284.JPG)

ba6fb2  No.3379584


Best way is to ask them questions and let them answer. They will hopefully be left with curiosities and do research after the fact.

You cannot force it on them or talk at them.

7c04fd  No.3379585


This is disturbing. I wish you had named that vid “mk ultra libs in the wild”, like they are some weird new creature. Or just bots… Prolly bots. I’ve honestly started asking people irl, “Are you human, or are you bot?” Hard tellin.

1ee95d  No.3379586

File: 1163745bd1a88d7⋯.jpg (36.4 KB, 236x236, 1:1, IMG_1291.JPG)

cac2e8  No.3379587

Declass when?

Today? Tomorrow? This week?

382602  No.3379588


"Redpills" were never about trying to prove Q.

Redpills are the tid bits of very important solid tangible facts. All of the redpills you've dropped over this past year on various social media platforms and in face-to-face communications all add up. Pieces of a puzzle. This was our job, our mission in this, and many of us did a damn fine job at it. Look where we are now. All 100% organic. Non-commercially funded. True Patriots.

01827d  No.3379589

This sounds like a job for placeboing (see his utube vids)


1ee95d  No.3379590

File: 4b032862bf5b325⋯.jpg (142.55 KB, 700x720, 35:36, IMG_1286.JPG)

File: d2dae84c9ace6aa⋯.jpg (70.19 KB, 586x862, 293:431, IMG_1289.JPG)

File: 2e5fa5d05db9e7e⋯.jpg (363.99 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_1311.JPG)

2da950  No.3379591


^^^This^^^. Is why making sure not to get doxxed at this stage is so important. Just get in and start repping our basic platform absent the more "extreme" tags/dogwhistles that dems and normies get triggered by. Slow march is what got us here, we can just slow march it right the fuck back.

41ee62  No.3379592

File: 06899f4e7dafd4f⋯.jpg (139.61 KB, 600x600, 1:1, sauce_force_1_pepe.jpg)


love this, did a little remix

fceff2  No.3379593


The top of Memes31 has the collection of redpilling tips.

1ee95d  No.3379594

File: af4119e719a075d⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 295x386, 295:386, IMG_1391.JPG)

File: 1849eb410e07803⋯.jpg (52.97 KB, 882x616, 63:44, IMG_1392.JPG)

File: b08643f2f4e6a30⋯.jpg (73.34 KB, 432x432, 1:1, IMG_1393.JPG)

551100  No.3379595



God bless you anon.

ba6fb2  No.3379596


Ugh. Couldn't watch all that crap. Do you have a time marker?

43607a  No.3379597

File: d15634f44a2f2ff⋯.jpg (69.07 KB, 474x361, 474:361, 2j2d20.jpg)

d18a6c  No.3379598

File: d37fae92075e9ce⋯.gif (1021.48 KB, 1024x662, 512:331, 1510358827736.gif)

File: 304581b01fd078f⋯.gif (2.08 MB, 430x306, 215:153, 1510526353004.gif)

File: 5c2b47fcc74d2fa⋯.gif (4.62 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 5c2b47fcc74d2fa0ea3c0ec5e3….gif)

File: 911b7f0e8eb660e⋯.gif (250.85 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 911b7f0e8eb660e156018e4930….gif)

382602  No.3379599

File: 02670ae46e71c4a⋯.png (207.3 KB, 609x611, 609:611, antifa1.png)

File: adac7e4f77fd030⋯.png (735.94 KB, 675x506, 675:506, antifa2.png)

File: afecf48cbc57a68⋯.png (779.08 KB, 918x690, 153:115, pantifa.png)

File: a3f9df3bb92fd32⋯.png (297.64 KB, 609x607, 609:607, soros2.png)

1ee95d  No.3379600

File: 1ac3a884d31678c⋯.jpg (21.63 KB, 850x400, 17:8, IMG_1124.JPG)

File: e176d71e9d8dd0a⋯.jpg (138 KB, 960x747, 320:249, IMG_1131.JPG)

File: 319325aa2579783⋯.jpg (195.13 KB, 938x516, 469:258, IMG_1142.JPG)

0ac9d9  No.3379601


Yup, Trump just waives his magic wand and fixes everything in 2 years.

I guess preventing WW3 doesn't help with anything you mentioned.

c03ce7  No.3379602


Recovering politician here.

Holding them accountable is much better than running yourself.

4c4799  No.3379603

If the new narrative is based on projection it will be about…

POTUS abusing Intel services against his enemies

Or rigging elections

e553ec  No.3379604


3.5 fortnights.

2da950  No.3379605


b3cb23  No.3379606

File: d57e4eedcf68706⋯.png (551.65 KB, 903x445, 903:445, pope and a rope copy 2.png)

1ee95d  No.3379607

File: 094dc94b98489bb⋯.jpg (34.4 KB, 676x438, 338:219, IMG_1068.JPG)

74bf79  No.3379608

File: 4836efaa3511ba4⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Kavanaugh!.mp4)


fceff2  No.3379610

File: deac58de0c2be7a⋯.jpg (282.12 KB, 1800x1197, 200:133, Covfefe1.jpg)

Grab a covfefe

a0e44e  No.3379611


Good thing, I just came in and was getting worried…. Carry on, baker!!

e553ec  No.3379612

File: 39bd4749c9719e5⋯.jpg (124.96 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 4-6percent.jpg)

1ee95d  No.3379613


bah bah black sheep

91d834  No.3379614


I'm wondering what will take the banks out…we know it is coming…

+1 on gas..about all they have left..baahahah

42d0bf  No.3379615



I was at a local gathering and its not the club you want to join

e553ec  No.3379617

File: 4641252666dd3bd⋯.jpg (117.08 KB, 600x800, 3:4, djtgotthis.jpg)

b3cb23  No.3379618

File: 1a550e81946e2d1⋯.png (548.48 KB, 851x785, 851:785, 2018-08-30_13-39-09 copy.png)

1ee95d  No.3379619

File: 6e07556c4ea3b39⋯.png (28.47 KB, 490x550, 49:55, IMG_1355.PNG)

e553ec  No.3379621

File: c416b1ccc56c7b0⋯.jpg (125.03 KB, 851x785, 851:785, makemeloosa$$.jpg)

5d4273  No.3379623


They're planning the narrative for when they get hooked up with a new pair of bracelets. "Omg! He's a dictator! Hitler! Ahhh fascism!"

1ee95d  No.3379625

File: 5f2006ba602687d⋯.jpg (146.92 KB, 960x825, 64:55, IMG_1433.JPG)

File: 2d266f0fe16316d⋯.jpg (86.25 KB, 480x451, 480:451, IMG_1437.JPG)

File: d5df9e2f1e044c4⋯.jpg (280.31 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_1439.JPG)

b67b66  No.3379626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Crazy bitches… have a tune to match.

c03ce7  No.3379628


They could run a quick test to determine bank solvency and flunk a few. That would invoke a great deal of chaos.

2da950  No.3379630

File: 0a6055ed2b8ed95⋯.jpg (6.88 KB, 276x183, 92:61, BreadBowlDiner.jpg)

Fresh bread bowl




Fresh bread bowl

a19023  No.3379631

File: fa668cee50862e5⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, IMG_4877.JPG)

File: 73c4bca226281d9⋯.jpg (63.97 KB, 619x617, 619:617, IMG_7741.JPG)

22d528  No.3379632

File: 75b93e87d8428bc⋯.png (451.63 KB, 1030x704, 515:352, Screen Shot 2018-09-30 at ….png)

07463b  No.3379633

>>3379618, >>3379621

No, Hussein. You made yourself look like a totally incompetent, useless asshole. Trump just provides the contrast to make it more obvious.

923b93  No.3379634


in the beginning starting around 1 min

4973f8  No.3379637


Exactly. White ball less men can lie down like door mats and not say a word. But white women like myself are going to fucking cunt punt any toxic feminist talking about ‘white woman’ being the problem. The problem are idiots with their heads up thief asses.

3b7768  No.3379639


Thanks Swordy! God Bless you as well!

91d834  No.3379640


>how Jews control the world, HRC kidnaps kids, etc. Not wrong. Republican Party cut ties with him.

Counsel him/her…all true but not yet time! And this board watched and certainly you can TASK from this board if in line with common goals…we probably have like several NSA folks watching at any given time who can task if needed…and protect as warranted…I KNOW I have had some help when I have asked…

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