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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

d76082  No.3353261

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




NOTE TO BAKERS: Continue w/standard OP graphic, NOT anniversary CBTS, per BV request.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 10.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/345 rt /pf/344 -——————- "The Hunt For" dropped - why? ( Cap: >>3353335 )

>>>/patriotsfight/344 rt /pf/343 -——————- And so it begins.. ( Cap: >>3353096, >>3353118 )

>>>/patriotsfight/343 ——————————— Double meanings exist. ( Cap: >>3351839, >>3351859 )

>>>/patriotsfight/342 ——————————— Important moment in time. ( Cap: >>3349354 )

>>>/patriotsfight/341 ——————————— Important to remember. ( Cap: >>3349268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/340 ——————————— A phone was present. ( Cap: >>3349194 )

Thursday 10.04.18

>>3337560 rt >>3337502 -————————– Are you ready to be part of history?

>>3337502 rt >>3337425 -————————– Memes ready?

>>3337425 ———-----------------------------——– Anons Ready?

>>>/patriotsfight/339 ——————————— USSS granted entry to MANY ( Cap: >>3334475, Corrected: >>3334853 )

>>>/patriotsfight/338 ——————————— NARRATIVE SHIFT IN FULL FORCE. ( Cap: >>3334434 )

>>>/patriotsfight/337 ——————————— Swamp Fighting Back. ( Cap: >>3334284 )

>>>/patriotsfight/336 ——————————— PAIN.jpg ( Cap: >>3334140 )

>>>/patriotsfight/335 ——————————— Israeli intelligence - stand down. ( Cap: >>3333966 )

>>>/patriotsfight/334 rt /pf/333/ -——————- Images. ( Cap: >>3333935 )

>>>/patriotsfight/333 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3342031 )

>>3331903 rt >>3331878 -————————– We do try.

>>>/patriotsfight/332 ——————————— Nothing to See Here… ( Cap: >>3331909 )

>>>/patriotsfight/331 rt /pf/330 -——————- How the [SPY OP] re: Russia hacking… was CONSTRUCTED. (Cap: >>3331068 ; >>3331084 )

>>>/patriotsfight/330 rt /pf/329 -——————- [Part re: Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie now being revealed?] ( Cap: >>3330476 )

>>>/patriotsfight/329 ——————————— Read carefully. ( Cap: >>3324299 )

>>3323818 rt >>3323746, >>3323750 -——— ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.

>>3323704 rt >>3323661 -————————– Not what you think.

Wednesday 10.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/328 ——————————— It takes time to reach the public domain. ( Cap: >>3322970 )

>>>/patriotsfight/327 rt /pf/324 -——————- Read Carefully. Sessions tomorrow [doc related] ( Cap: >>3322218 )

>>>/patriotsfight/326 ——————————— Tensions Flaring ( Cap: >>3318349 )

>>>/patriotsfight/325 rt /pf/324 -——————- Enjoy the show! ( Cap: >>3318267 )

>>>/patriotsfight/324 rt /pf/267 -——————- What a wonderful day ( Cap: >>3317922 )

>>3317104 ———-----------------------------——– [Pg 20 - Assange Arrest]

>>>/patriotsfight/323 ——————————— Sessions meeting Huber.. What are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>3315937 )

>>>/patriotsfight/322 ——————————— What a wonderful day. ( Cap: >>3315505, >>3316304 )

>>>/patriotsfight/321 ——————————— Ford herself coached by the C_A? ( Cap: >>3307739, >>3307756 )

Tuesday 10.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/320 ——————————— 53-47 ( Cap: >>3298266 )

>>>/patriotsfight/319 ——————————— SAVR.jpg ( Cap: >>3297831 )

>>>/patriotsfight/318 ——————————— Are you registered to vote on Nov 6th? ( Cap: >>3296825 )

>>>/patriotsfight/317 ——————————— Symbolism will be their downfall. ( Cap: >>3310187 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

d76082  No.3353285


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

NOTE TO BAKERS: Continue w/standard OP graphic, NOT anniversary CBTS, per BV request.

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3352626, >>3352731 Restock on ammo at our massive graphics library

>>3352642 Spreadsheet is updated

>>3352649 Saudi Crown Prince Slams Obama, Praises Trump, Claims Aramco IPO Is Back On

>>3352687 New Papadopoulos tweet

>>3352702, >>3352973 Link to transcript of Sen. Collins this afternoon

>>3352795, >>3352867 Libtards repeating instructions (absolutely hilarious)

>>3352825 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3352828, >>3352902 Sub in an article from a Russian article dated march 16 2018, and on wiki dated February 14 2018

>>3353027 Double meaning?: DWS FAILED to FLEE.

>>3353136, >>3353147, >>3353162 Tweets about protestors on capitol hill

>>3353157, >>3353172 Top US admiral warns of Russian submarine threat (CommieNewsNetwork article linked by Q)

>>3353176 [Markers] matter

>>3353251 #4248


>>3351858 Murkowski has an interesting background.

>>3351882, >>3351923 Article about the Russian sub

>>3351935 Manchin and Collis are a Yea for Justice K

>>3351968, >>3352195, >>3352436 Flags on the sub

>>3352213 Chuck Grassley Accused Of Anti-Semitism For Blaming Kavanaugh Protests On George Soros

>>3352268 Hispanic Voters Favor Strong Border: Poll

>>3352300 Attempt to smear Justice K: Reuters put his picture for the cop who is guilty of murder


>>3352329 U.S.-led Bloc Uses ‘Russian Hackers’ Narrative To Justify Preparations For Global Cyber Conflict

>>3352491 #4247

#4246 Baker Change

>>3351063 SYRIA UPDATE

>>3351124 CNN Vs Hungary: Leftist Network Clashes with Foreign Minister on Multiculturalism, Migrants, Soros

>>3351156 Activists Pledge $1.9 Million to Susan Collins’s Democratic Challenger If She Votes

>>3351169 George Soros' thoughts on money influencing elections in 1997

>>3351304 The Mechanics of Deception - Dossier exhibited Multiple Writing Styles and Writers - both English and non-English Speakers

>>3351307 IS THE DEEP STATE GOING TO GET THEIR WAR? (in Venezuela)

>>3351295, >>3351537 USAirForceAcademy tweet: Calm before the storm

>>3351438, >>3351567 Reminder of the 30 hour rule

>>3351477 Manchin: I will vote to support Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.


>>3351587 POTUS has a rally in KANSAS Saturday

>>3351610 Facebook Employees in Uproar over Executive Who Backs Brett Kavanaugh

>>3351715 #4246

#4245 Baker Change

>>3350303 Sen. Collins announces decision re: Kavanaugh (streams in bread)

>>3350323 Virginia man pleads guilty to receipt of cp

>>3350382 Media statement re: INTERPOL president Meng Hongwei

>>3350425 MBS says he loves working with POTUS

>>3350510 Summary of Senate Judiciary Committee Investigation

>>3350694 Ginsburg denies DOJ request to block Ross deposition in 2020 census case

>>3350728 Chicago cop found guilty of 2nd degree murder

>>3350919 Russian intel officers charged for hacking anti-doping orgs

>>3350936 #4245


>>3349523 Thirteen states now investigating alleged sexual abuse linked to Catholic church.

>>3349632 Criminals can buy passports on the Dark Web for as little as $15.

>>3349578, >>3349670 Chelsea's husband dig. (Old Q drop)

>>3349697 Dems giving Machin a greenlight on yes vote in bid to salvage midterms?

>>3349736 Soros reopens in Berlin after being shut out of Hungary.

>>3349756 Infograph on Dr. Ford's house history.

>>3349996 American Bar Association says it is reopening Kav investigation.

>>3350094 Russian embassy in UK demands proof amid cyberattack claims.

>>3350047 Saudi crown prince slams Obama and praises Trump.

>>3350184 #4244

Previously Collected Notables

>>3349289 #4243

>>3346973 #4240, >>3347879 #4241, >>3348622 #4242

>>3344767 #4237, >>3345530 #4238, >>3346271 #4239

>>3342146 #4234, >>3343164 #4235, >>3343988 #4236

>>3339617 #4231, >>3340463 #4232, >>3341233 #4233

>>3337370 #4228, >>3338099 #4229, >>3338859 #4230

>>3335083 #4225, >>3335829 #4226, >>3336593 #4227

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

d76082  No.3353290

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>3352595

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3353250

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>3321214

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

d76082  No.3353296

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 1 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - —-: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

d76082  No.3353307



b33e81  No.3353341

File: 266b0284eef9761⋯.jpg (50.42 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 50.jpg)

Yank yank yank Q

Bring the PAIN or STFU

f50fec  No.3353352

File: fe7f84192b1063b⋯.png (162.61 KB, 571x581, 571:581, Untitled.png)


4d7b37  No.3353355


232a37  No.3353358

>>3353153 lb





421b88  No.3353364




Re: Q Graphics all in GMT update - https://pastebin.com/3FpTMmcY as shown here >>3353280 (LB)… tidier spacing.

Godspeed Baker!

2469fd  No.3353366

File: 9ac0ea44eda0cbc⋯.png (54.99 KB, 588x229, 588:229, ClipboardImage.png)

d76082  No.3353373


fixed, thanks


>>>/patriotsfight/345 rt /pf/344 -——————- "The Hunt For" dropped - why? ( Cap: >>3353335 )

104d2d  No.3353374

File: 1184794abffe31c⋯.jpg (56.9 KB, 576x575, 576:575, ScreenCap_001.jpg)

File: 2e7e2f5bc6c38d2⋯.jpg (127.4 KB, 1257x1440, 419:480, 345a.jpg)

File: 72040f4e959653c⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 636x382, 318:191, 345b.jpg)



Post Justice K confirmation.






"The Hunt For" dropped - why?

When was the unauthorized missile fired?

Was it found/discovered prior to [Hunt]?



Double meanings exist.



b45ad4  No.3353376

File: 53201b936226ece⋯.jpeg (672.18 KB, 750x823, 750:823, IMG_5BC9849E8F73-1.jpeg)

4bb061  No.3353377

MSM is going to try to pin the Whidbey missile on the Russians!!

7c482d  No.3353378

File: 036881e74560e4c⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 2048x3072, 2:3, misslestoped_.jpg)


Post Justice K confirmation.






"The Hunt For" dropped - why?

When was the unauthorized missile fired?

Was it found/discovered prior to [Hunt]?



Double meanings exist.



[17 .'s btw]

daeaab  No.3353379



the new Q on prev bread hit cool digits for a cap

00982e  No.3353380

File: d6a783c7b7ce697⋯.png (951.22 KB, 1024x500, 256:125, GdOq8FpIC8LjKeHaESHTalYH0H….png)


hunt for red october based on true events

check dates:

08bd76  No.3353381

File: 1df9782880d350c⋯.jpeg (67.76 KB, 864x486, 16:9, EE50372F-893B-448F-9993-E….jpeg)

File: 4a2c69e4d746a27⋯.jpeg (128.88 KB, 732x470, 366:235, BC0DEB7C-59C9-4594-BE80-9….jpeg)

File: 2509e445a179a1f⋯.jpeg (25.19 KB, 304x202, 152:101, 1EFDC5F5-3C14-423A-BBDD-5….jpeg)

File: c7778dd3e70003f⋯.jpeg (68.05 KB, 618x480, 103:80, 7108F1C4-6F70-4579-AD0F-2….jpeg)

e4675c  No.3353382

File: 0034ba0c5b8b46f⋯.jpg (107.91 KB, 436x310, 218:155, 0034ba0c5b8b46f9ea5d2be51d….jpg)

alright , its getting hot in here frens,

stay hydrated make yourself comfy,and get a good cup of covefefe

it´s all you need in this times

88b584  No.3353383

File: 5ec100083063e6d⋯.png (81.74 KB, 836x920, 209:230, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2249c9fe21e26f6⋯.png (33.72 KB, 813x340, 813:340, ClipboardImage.png)

Christine Ford’s Friend and Cohort Who Pressured Leland Keyser to Change Story Is Now Represented by Top Deep State Lawyer

The fourth alleged witness in Christine Blasey Ford’s story of alleged sexual assault by Judge Brett Kavanaugh denied the allegations in September.

Leland Ingham Keyser says she has no recollection of EVER BEING AT A PARTY with Brett Kavanaugh and does not know him.

Ms. Keyser is a lifelong friend of Christine Blasey Ford and was one of her best friends in high school.

Leland Keyser is working with the Judiciary committee and has testified for the THIRD TIME now that she has NEVER been at a party with Brett Kavanaugh.

Christine Ford’s friend Leland Keyser said on Friday she was pressured by Democrats, and specifically Christine Ford’s close friend Monica McLean, to change her story on Brett Kavanaugh and lie to the US Senate.


3b2008  No.3353384

Pour one out this weekend for the NeverTrumpers who will have to delete their “But Gorsuch!” macros. Bill Kristol’s paid army of poorly disguised anonymous trolls who couldn’t find work anywhere else in the best economy in half a century hardest hit.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 5, 2018

ef8d21  No.3353385

File: 2b717b45d320834⋯.png (926.55 KB, 1081x589, 1081:589, ClipboardImage.png)

88b584  No.3353386




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

d76082  No.3353387

File: 1e5a9058ca4130d⋯.png (13.73 MB, 6086x5314, 3043:2657, missilesidebyside1.png)


51458e  No.3353388

File: 252b30678d74ceb⋯.jpg (235.49 KB, 987x800, 987:800, IMG_121.jpg)

patriots fight!


0ee371  No.3353389

File: 4a318ca996cab9b⋯.jpg (61.26 KB, 624x604, 156:151, Q13.JPG)

New Q repost from last bread.

f4f8e6  No.3353390

File: 92cd21d806d4269⋯.jpg (6.99 KB, 275x98, 275:98, e8616aca8c77ba3fd106db6673….jpg)

Guys can you just clear something up for me.

The term 'Stand Down' is usually used when you are leading your group into a fight and dont want them to make a move yet, so you tell them to Stand Down.

Now Q is telling Israeli intelligence to stand down.

Does that mean he is working with them / (((they))) are working for Q???

6da9c0  No.3353391



245836  No.3353392

File: 038bee4146d38f0⋯.png (203.73 KB, 692x728, 173:182, foggo.png)

Foggo is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Explorer’s Club of New York.


dde97f  No.3353393

File: 0eeb38553efda11⋯.gif (784.85 KB, 320x240, 4:3, IMG_5848.GIF)

fdb340  No.3353394

File: 9ea87db98e91989⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (4).jpg)


I'm digging Foggo… Spoopy(?) bubble-head w/ lots of time in Libya, member of Council of Foreign Relations. RIGHT NOW running a major war game in Europe.



Commander, Allied Joint Force Command Naples/Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe/Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Africa

Admiral James G. Foggo, III

Adm. James Foggo is a 1981 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. He is also an Olmsted Scholar and Moreau Scholar, earning a Master of Public Administration at Harvard University and a Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies in Defense and Strategic Studies from the University of Strasbourg, France.

He commanded the attack submarine, USS Oklahoma City (SSN 723) in 1998, which was awarded the Submarine Squadron (SUBRON) 8 Battle Efficiency award and the Commander Fleet Forces Command Adm. Arleigh Burke Fleet Trophy for being the most improved ship in the Atlantic Fleet. Foggo completed his major command tour of SUBRON-6 in 2007.

Ashore, he has served in a variety of assignments, most notably as executive assistant to the director of naval nuclear propulsion (NAVSEA 08); division chief, Joint Staff (J5) for Western Europe and the Balkans; executive assistant to chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; executive officer to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and commander, European Command (EUCOM); and director, Navy Staff.

In Naples, Italy, he served as commander, Submarine Group 8; commander, Submarines, Allied Naval Forces South; deputy commander, U.S. 6th Fleet. During this period, he also served as the operations officer (J-3) for Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn (Libya). Additionally, Foggo was a NATO Task Force commander in Joint Task Force Unified Protector (Libya). During his last European assignment, Foggo commanded the U.S. 6th Fleet, Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO.

Foggo’s awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit and NATO Meritorious Service Medal. In addition, he was awarded the 1995 Adm. Charles A. Lockwood Award for Submarine Professional Excellence and the State of Oklahoma Distinguished Service award by the adjutant general. In 2006, he was awarded the Chevalier de l’Ordre National de Merité and in 2017 he was awarded the Legion d’Honneur by the French Government.

Foggo is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Explorer’s Club of New York.

Updated: 21 February 2018

20a3a5  No.3353395

File: ab82fa2bd5abe3e⋯.png (522.3 KB, 930x820, 93:82, cec170304a9ee74c2000c37c68….png)

File: 867db8dd134fd8e⋯.jpg (13.19 KB, 236x207, 236:207, ae74cb9b81b50354b30099a163….jpg)

translation: nuclear war averted…..pacific coast…radiation detected?

b3920f  No.3353396

File: a05e784748bebcb⋯.jpg (76.73 KB, 570x400, 57:40, USS_Liberty_.jpg)

3b2008  No.3353397


she also later deleted it

43c270  No.3353398

File: ff693a246326b93⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 500x450, 10:9, anythinggos.jpg)


Song request. Maybe Trump can play this at his next rally.

And if not then I'm sure you Anons, Q and Team will enjoy.


39dac7  No.3353399

Spectrum cable still down

They have to send a tech in from China?

Fucking idiots

ad7a28  No.3353400


Prophetic digits man…. undeniable

88b584  No.3353401

File: f7706fa2be58307⋯.png (89.72 KB, 891x724, 891:724, ClipboardImage.png)

"Make Them Scared"-Website Posts Uncorroborated Sexual Assault Claims Against Male Students

Site features dozens of unsubstantiated allegations; take them ‘with a grain of salt,’ moderators say…

A website allegedly run by University of Washington students allows individuals to publicly accuse people of sexual assault with no evidence.

The website, titled “Make them scared UW,” was first registered in November of last year but reportedly launched in late September of this year by University of Washington students, the Daily UW campus newspaper reports.

It appears that the list of accused rapists and sexual assault perpetrators has grown substantially on the site in recent weeks in the wake of the rape claims made against U.S. Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Meanwhile, one student named on “Make them scared UW” told The College Fix that the allegation is false, that the University of Washington has dismissed the allegations against him as completely uncorroborated and cleared him of any wrongdoing.

Thus far, every person named on the list is male, and their names include the school they attend. Many listed on the site appear to be University of Washington students, but as apparent word of this site has spread, students from many other colleges are now listed, too.

The site does not employ any mechanisms to verify the truth of any accusations it publishes, and the website’s moderators attempt to protect themselves from liability or criticism by stating atop the list of the accused: “Please remember, just because a name is on this list does not mean the individual is guilty. All it means is that we have received an accusation against them.”

The moderators of the website did not respond to The College Fix‘s repeated requests for comment. The Fix sought to learn if the site’s moderators had any concerns about accusations being directed at innocent people, and whether or not the website has received any legal challenges for publishing unverified allegations.

According to the FAQ page of the website, “Make them scared UW” is a “communal rape list.”

It is “intended to be an online hub for anyone who wants to expose the names of their attackers and harassers, and to fill a gap left by inadequate treatment of these cases by formal institutions.”


86cb46  No.3353402

Unseal the indictments!

bf9cc9  No.3353403

File: 50f913b3ecc45f9⋯.png (55.7 KB, 951x615, 317:205, Q1743.png)

File: ec106fcb19df7f4⋯.png (108.92 KB, 957x673, 957:673, Q1464.png)

File: 771769cc7bbbcc0⋯.png (67.13 KB, 847x708, 847:708, Q1357.png)

File: 7e6f5f64f429a53⋯.png (45.62 KB, 972x571, 972:571, Q1254.png)

File: f478b0a40af3539⋯.png (43.18 KB, 973x640, 973:640, Q992.png)



And so it begins..

How do you start a WAR?

>[Markers] matter.

Playbook [FAIL].


37977e  No.3353404

File: 132b72eed6d0952⋯.jpg (9.46 KB, 255x174, 85:58, 086e7e73d73ae870980a3aa976….jpg)

>>3353173 lb

somebody shopped a face in her bump on her forehead


whose face is it.

Looks like Mark Kelly to me,

He is astronaut husband of GAbby Gifford.

b2b69f  No.3353405

Putin is Russias President.

His job is to look after the Russian people.

Put yourself in his shoes.

He wants to win why not take advantage of his enemies.

Trump comes along.

Russia/Putin becomes our Ally

Xi becomes our Ally

Xi and Putin are also under attack by the deepstate which is rooted Globally

7c4f08  No.3353406

File: 76c1bd74a693427⋯.png (171.59 KB, 718x547, 718:547, ClipboardImage.png)

Q posted "We are moving up the timeline" on Feb. 20th.

This article suggests that the timeline on the launch was moved up since it's now reporting that it's at sea and they were expecting it to be in 2019!!!

Not sure if this is what Q was relating to, but interesting!

d83fc0  No.3353407

File: dc7da871a207118⋯.png (973.55 KB, 819x611, 63:47, russia.png)

49df46  No.3353408

File: 6d21c52103f0f2b⋯.png (757.13 KB, 600x916, 150:229, popcorn8.png)

So the UK/AUS is going to try to claim that Russia was such a large global threat (DNC "hacks", etc.) that they volunteered the surveillance information that they gathered through their own "independent investigations."

Will it work? Considering all of the smoke coming from the FISA DECLASS and McCabe memos I'm going to wager no.

4bb061  No.3353409


CNN is going that direction with their reporting.

4b7ad2  No.3353410


Those defy gravity

a77fa5  No.3353411



08d618  No.3353412

File: 04c16eef22809b5⋯.jpeg (805.89 KB, 1059x1451, 1059:1451, BF011F4F-EC16-4952-AE83-6….jpeg)

>>3352643 (lb)

NOICE Kavanaugh meme, Anon (or whoever made it). Chokes ya up a bit (meme attached)

51ade7  No.3353413

File: c7a188c35ce41a8⋯.jpg (30.19 KB, 640x360, 16:9, muellerrobert_012113upi_le….jpg)

Mueller moves for forfeiture order to seize Manafort assets

A court document submitted by Mueller's attorneys Friday afternoon called for Judge Amy Berman Jackson to grant Mueller's request to seize five properties in New York owned by Manafort as well as a life insurance policy and three bank accounts.

Forfeiture of the assets identified as part of Manafort's scheme to hide millions of dollars made lobbying for pro-Russia parties in Ukraine was agreed upon in a plea agreement signed by Mueller and Manafort last month following the former Trump associate being found guilty on eight counts in his Virginia trial.

"[T]he defendant admitted to the forfeiture allegations in the Information and agreed that the following property constitutes or is derived from proceeds traceable to the offense alleged in Count One," the court document states, while noting that two of the New York properties were substitutes for assets unable to be seized by the government.

The filing by Mueller's attorneys adds that any person claiming a legal interest other than Manafort in the properties or seized assets would have 30 days to petition the court to assert their legal stake in the assets once the order is approved.

"Any person, other than the defendant, asserting a legal interest in the Forfeited Assets may, within thirty days of the final publication of notice or receipt of notice, whichever is earlier, petition the Court for a hearing without a jury to adjudicate the validity of their alleged interest in the property," the document states.


a72cfc  No.3353414


so did the Russian navy help POTUS find the cabal's rogue sub to thwart their plan?

08d618  No.3353415


Warning to MOS to btfo or else?

1b8e5f  No.3353416

Post Justice K confirmation.

>Once Kavanaugh is confirmed they are going to switch to:


>You got it.


>UK/Aus will be saying the same thing. Another possible Poison attack.


>Deflect Declas of information and say RUSSIA attacked us, ignore the declas.


>Again the same, RUSSIA gets blamed for the attack of the "missile" launch they will fear porn us into.


>Can't beat US, Move to RUS

"The Hunt For" dropped - why?

>The Sub was found long before Whitby Island.

When was the unauthorized missile fired?

>When AF1 was flying over G to Singapore.

Was it found/discovered prior to [Hunt]?






Double meanings exist.

>They will try to use Russia to blame when we find the truth about the Missile coming from the DECLAS with RUSSIA.






dc6216  No.3353417

File: 0d5094686af32b8⋯.jpg (28.22 KB, 575x519, 575:519, 3dlsv8cjnfq11.jpg)

ad7a28  No.3353418

File: 3cf2025ed12f71c⋯.jpeg (37.94 KB, 777x582, 259:194, covfefe 3.jpeg)


Let's get this party started!!!

18e890  No.3353419

so White Hats launched the missle early because they knew the Red October Sub push was going to drop?

b33e81  No.3353420


super kek

fdb340  No.3353421

File: c1c3c7c86ddcbb8⋯.png (151.8 KB, 650x602, 325:301, 2018-10-05_1814.png)



Post Justice K confirmation.






"The Hunt For" dropped - why?

When was the unauthorized missile fired?

Was it found/discovered prior to [Hunt]?



Double meanings exist.



2469fd  No.3353422


She deletes a lot of shit doesn't she?

d050b8  No.3353423

File: 3eed348dadcec7a⋯.jpg (267.2 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, XVII.jpg)


yea, start a war with a ff

this will be stopped right?

e0a1e5  No.3353425

File: 19ba6bb330088b7⋯.jpg (509.26 KB, 1080x1401, 360:467, Screenshot_20181005-151228….jpg)

who's are Russian Alley that is going to fishing?

that's what I'm thinking… someone's got some dirt. playing double agent and now going to expose deepstate … maybe??

b1971f  No.3353426

File: 8360356a6c960bd⋯.jpeg (735.45 KB, 500x6663, 500:6663, 3E9378D1-DDE9-45A5-9ACA-8….jpeg)

Patriotsfight for workfags

Friday drops

daeaab  No.3353427

File: 0c730492fb92dc1⋯.jpg (121.84 KB, 864x864, 1:1, VSWA037C-USN-Culinary-Rate….jpg)

File: 04b35d4ad329749⋯.jpg (150.63 KB, 520x762, 260:381, 1510405502799.jpg)


Thank you bakers!!



0720d3  No.3353428

From RT

Now this is transparency! NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border, calls it 'defensive'

Published time: 5 Oct, 2018 14:57

Amid ceaseless accusations of Russian aggression, NATO will deploy 45,000 troops to Northern Europe in what will be the alliance's largest "defensive" exercise since the end of the Cold War.

Fifty aircraft, 70 vessels, and around 10,000 land vehicles will take part in NATO's Trident Juncture 18 drills, which are set to begin on October 25, with live field exercises continuing until November 7. Thirty-one allied countries and partners are slated to participate.

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg described the massive military maneuvers as "defensive and transparent," adding that all members of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), including Russia, had been invited to send observers.

The drills will simulate the defense of a member state being attacked by a "fictional" aggressor, but the drills' set locations in Norway, Finland, and Sweden leave little to the imagination. Observers have noted this setting of this year's drills may have been prompted by the growing struggle with Russia for control of the strategically-vital Arctic.

The drills will also test the alliance's ability to operate in cold weather – but it appears that at least some NATO states failed to properly prepare their troops for the chilly Norwegian weather: Around 1,000 Dutch soldiers set to take part in the drills were asked to shop on their own for suitable warm underwear, with the Dutch government reportedly giving each soldier €1,000 (US$1,167) to stock up on warm undies.

Although it's not the first Trident Juncture exercise, this year's drills will be larger than anything seen since at least the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. The Trident Juncture 2015 exercises, for example, involved 36,000 international troops accompanied by 60 warships and about 200 aircraft.

NATO has significantly increased its military presence and activity along the Russian border, including in the Baltic states and eastern Europe, since Crimea's reunification with Russia and the outbreak of conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014. In the last few months alone, the alliance has held a number of high profile drills. In June, more than 18,000 soldiers from 19 countries took part in the two-week Saber Strike exercise, held in Poland and the Baltics. Then at the end of August, Latvia hosted the biggest war games ever staged on its territory since gaining its independence. Some 10,000 troops from more than a dozen NATO countries participated in the drills.

The number of NATO troops stationed in the region has also increased. Poland has offered the US $2 billion to establish a permanent military base on its territory, and in Norway, a contingency of US Marines has been increased from 330 to 770.

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented earlier this week that "the escalation of NATO's military and political activity in the Arctic region, namely, in the immediate vicinity of Russia on the territory of northern Norway, hasn't gone unnoticed."

And while NATO gears up for its largest military drills in more than two decades, the alliance is also taking aim at Russia on the cyber front: A barrage of accusations against Russia over alleged government-ordered hacking was curiously timed to coincide with a NATO meeting on cyberwarfare.


80842e  No.3353430


Is Russia going to help us get our steel mills back up?

8977d6  No.3353431



your term.

df0fa8  No.3353432

>>3353318 (pb)

I don't have "dirt" - just very much disagree with Assange's supposed "mission". It's misguided at best and seems pretty fucking nihilistic. Nihilism is the worst.

4c4f7a  No.3353433

File: f12f90abe946946⋯.png (289.66 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, WWG1WGA Soldier Q Alpha.png)

>>3353298 lb

I make them for everyone to use. I am honored if you use it.

e9bb14  No.3353434


Current bread updated.

a1029d  No.3353435

File: b2295a2862a823f⋯.png (272.35 KB, 680x1178, 340:589, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: 0d1ee22560ed06d⋯.png (203.38 KB, 954x946, 477:473, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: f84fb82d2b257de⋯.png (106.02 KB, 548x416, 137:104, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: 78ef5e299c3c2bc⋯.png (658.68 KB, 943x468, 943:468, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: ff0ae725d51668c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1321x1195, 1321:1195, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)


William Pendergast has not been active on Twitter since Q came to 8chan.

Q? Is Mr. Pendergast doing well? God Bless him and his family.

(Note typo in last name on wikipedia block)

0f1c81  No.3353436

File: 6b07ec9c519dd9b⋯.jpg (78.31 KB, 1080x1209, 360:403, freedombell.jpg)

R Proofs thread is completely gone?

Can't find it in archives either.

Where did that shit go?

88b584  No.3353437

File: b1d56b1e93685a9⋯.png (46.92 KB, 654x817, 654:817, ClipboardImage.png)

Rand Paul’s Wife in Open Letter to Cory Booker: Our Family Facing ‘Horrifying’ Threats

Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) wife, Kelley, wrote an open letter to Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) expressing her anguish over the harm done to her husband and the “horrifying” threats the family has faced, which she said Booker encouraged when he told President Trump’s detractors to use acts of intimidation against the president’s supporters.

Kelley began her letter, which CNN published, by telling Booker that she is comforted by the police patrols assigned to their Kentucky home.

Booker has also told people opposed to Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, to “get up in the face of some Congresspeople.”

The latest threat against the Rands came as someone put the senator’s cell phone number online. Kelley wrote:

I now keep a loaded gun by my bed. Our security systems have had to be expanded. I have never felt this way in my life.

In the last 18 months, our family has experienced violence and threats of violence at a horrifying level. I will never forget the morning of the shooting at the congressional baseball practice, the pure relief and gratitude that flooded me when I realized that Rand was okay.

He was not okay last November, when a violent and unstable man attacked him from behind while he was working in our yard, breaking six ribs and leaving him with lung damage and multiple bouts of pneumonia.


8e2315  No.3353438



fd4971  No.3353439

>>3352976 (pb)

Gotta take it one step at a time with the audience…too fast and their walls will come right up!

76cdb9  No.3353440




Save America. Vote Republican.

>>3303371 pb

>Register to VOTE.NOW.


>Find your state. REGISTER.



861fec  No.3353441


'Hunt' was dropped because the rogue sub was being tracked the whole time.

84e30b  No.3353442


Tippy top

055b97  No.3353443

So q, what yer sayin is , you DON’T have the sub?

df46fb  No.3353444

File: f743ae7e8172576⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fhgN7j1.jpg)

Thank You Baker

42604d  No.3353445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia, Russia, Russia.

Today's post tells us why we were directed to that DOJ news conference about Russian hacking.

Here's a Russian news response to the indictment by the UK, Netherlands, and the US.

No Games For You! US and Netherlands Accuse Moscow of Cyber-Attacking World Sport Organizations

e33bfd  No.3353446


Same place you should go. The fuck outta here.

d76082  No.3353447


thanks B__

485997  No.3353448

File: 143d57fbb29d0c4⋯.png (19.87 KB, 774x536, 387:268, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

Привет мир

91d625  No.3353449


We win by uniting humanity against the Jews. This is what it was all about.

febce2  No.3353450

File: 9a7d59dafd803f7⋯.png (224.49 KB, 450x423, 50:47, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___.png)

b33e81  No.3353451

File: 7adfaec9b9dfd49⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 500x316, 125:79, likebutton.jpg)

d49d4a  No.3353452


Once the "there is only Q" post happened well….

20275c  No.3353453

File: deb55d3f4788077⋯.png (57.02 KB, 661x528, 661:528, Concha re Avenatti 10-5-18.PNG)

File: 27c3fd6bdca80d7⋯.png (76.91 KB, 657x387, 73:43, Bila re Collins re Avenatt….PNG)

File: 47e76699f85e038⋯.png (351.69 KB, 653x765, 653:765, DB re Avenatti 10-5-18.PNG)

File: d3ba1a9272d2cf1⋯.png (424.89 KB, 660x776, 165:194, Soave re Avenatti 10-5-18.PNG)

File: 656277cd207823e⋯.png (46.21 KB, 631x442, 631:442, Blake re Avenatti 10-5-18.PNG)






0ae507  No.3353454

>>3352570 (lb)

This is the one. The reversal of the commies.

Red October = BLOOD

18e890  No.3353455


ah thanks fren

27b2d2  No.3353456

none but the most understanding get wtf is going on right now.

You are being controlled?


can You fight?


it's so fucking complicated it's stupid.


b21288  No.3353457

File: 2175c72113f7500⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1374x912, 229:152, 70163017853217096540896385….png)

a9c591  No.3353458

File: 8c1aa3c53a5c6e7⋯.jpg (8.04 KB, 235x283, 235:283, 87picture.jpg.opt235x283o0….jpg)





International Nuclear Weapons Alliance

Director: Peter Andre Levin

88b584  No.3353459

EU Open to Talks on Equal Car Tariffs With US – German Minister

The European Union is open to an arrangement with the United States on equal or lower tariffs on car imports, the German economy minister said Friday.

"The EU has been cautious. We are ready to discuss lower or equal tariffs on cars. This would be the best option for all citizens and businesses in the US and Europe," Peter Altmaier told Austria’s ORF channel.

Altmaier said after an informal meeting of EU trade ministers in Innsbruck that EU-US talks on car tariffs were underway. He added there were no results but the negotiations had just begun.

The minister said he was convinced that the union could reach a trade deal with Washington to avoid duties on most industrial goods and avert a trade war. He said EU businesses were already suffering from the US tariff war with China.

In July, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and US President Donald Trump held a meeting to discuss trade relations between the two sides agreeing, among other things, to avoid any new tariffs while negotiating future arrangements for trans-Atlantic trade.

The trade relations between the United States and the European Union have been deteriorating since June after Trump introduced tariffs on steel and aluminum imported from the EU.


6da9c0  No.3353460

File: ce0eda45bb1845e⋯.jpeg (19.86 KB, 251x255, 251:255, 51e994713dc1989f35d75f864….jpeg)

>>3353446 (you)

466ceb  No.3353461


proof that you're a faggot?

your post is evident

gtfo shill

a6a4ee  No.3353462

File: f719684945f58d0⋯.png (146.15 KB, 1013x411, 1013:411, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: 44869c16e105727⋯.png (585.32 KB, 925x770, 185:154, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: c5c7241c2c49713⋯.png (314.37 KB, 812x1161, 812:1161, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: 6ded0692f6d9cc9⋯.png (196.41 KB, 814x588, 407:294, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

0720d3  No.3353463

Sub Launch + NATO exercises equals False Flag

Gulf of Tonkin

a1029d  No.3353464

File: 7e7f95a87530c5c⋯.png (234.15 KB, 952x797, 952:797, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

a50190  No.3353465

File: cf2e6dd4545b804⋯.jpg (241.66 KB, 928x718, 464:359, P1030649.jpg)

a5e693  No.3353466


these people are EVIL

253ce5  No.3353467

>>3353378 When Q said we have the sub, could it be that the deep state had named their rogue sub Red October, as an inside joke? After all, they are commies.

My impression of the new Russian sub being referenced in relation to "The Hunt" being dropped, indicates that that sub is not particularly being hunted. Of course we want to know where it is, but double meanings exist.

Can Red October mainly refer to the last gasp disruptions of the US reds/deep state/traitors as their plans collapse?

df46fb  No.3353468

File: 9aa5a319ab5e53e⋯.jpeg (75.01 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1536596694.jpeg)

6e5d3c  No.3353469


Have you not got any baby toys to play with? Go away with your stupidity.

ac468f  No.3353470

File: 2354f23d14e781a⋯.png (410.96 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 2354f23d14e781a810fac44f98….png)

File: f513bee96187eae⋯.png (340.96 KB, 768x768, 1:1, f513bee96187eaea98d2129d32….png)

File: bc2b17f3d6f0c22⋯.png (329.74 KB, 768x768, 1:1, bc2b17f3d6f0c2235ee5f6f8c2….png)

File: e72fa198c9ae77d⋯.png (297.58 KB, 768x768, 1:1, e72fa198c9ae77d9fbb3b1bae2….png)

File: 66ed387a3da1564⋯.png (280.55 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 66ed387a3da1564de13e835f29….png)


51ade7  No.3353471

File: 3ded4efb3f4e525⋯.jpg (21.77 KB, 640x360, 16:9, amazonheadquarters_061617g….jpg)

Of course they do!

UK cybersecurity backs Apple, Amazon's refutations of Bloomberg report

The United Kingdom's cybersecurity agency on Friday said it supported Apple and Amazon’s claim that their systems were not compromised as was reported by Bloomberg News.

“We are aware of the media reports but at this stage have no reason to doubt the detailed assessments made by [Amazon Web Services] and Apple,” National Cyber Security Centre, a unit of the British intelligence agency, GCHQ, told Reuters.

Apple and Amazon have refuted a story by Bloomberg, which reported that the companies' systems were compromised via computer chips manufactured by Super Micro Computer.


227ad6  No.3353472


Q came to the chans in October 2017. Not 2016.

2baadd  No.3353473

File: b813470a283d469⋯.png (714.01 KB, 1191x1151, 1191:1151, ClipboardImage.png)


Admiral James G. Foggo, III, Commander of US Naval Forces Europe, Commander of US Naval Forces Africa, and Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples will join us on Friday, October 5, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at The Army and Navy Club

podcast from 9/30 by foggo about it https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/on-the-horizon/id1435476433?mt=2

84e30b  No.3353474


Mueller could use some strong drink.

dc59fe  No.3353475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

хаха бенис хд

26b2b7  No.3353476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



9ba417  No.3353477

File: cd06a4362304801⋯.png (551.37 KB, 1330x633, 1330:633, Delta8.png)

Q Posts 8 minutes before CNN article?


0f1c81  No.3353478

File: a04b4931a8cca50⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Qmemorial.jpg)



Fuck this shit

If Jr. is up to all this shit

If Jr. brought this shit up

Then I'm going to dig into it

Because if it's HIM

He's taken a year off my life.

So I don't give a shit if he wants us to talk about him or NOT!

I'm Gonna!

d308c6  No.3353479

>>3353309 (lb)

YES!! I have the most JACKED sleeping pattern now! Joked to Q that we will need a gym membership after this! The CBTS10, the G.A.25 kek!

>>3353340 (lb)

Ha! That is what i am talking about.. neighbors say “i havent seen you around in forever!” Kek

>>3353343 (lb)

Absolutely.. already an insomniac.. kek this is the best though!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

f24c7e  No.3353481

File: fb85b958a361fe0⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q djt53473113.png)


Just a reminder about comms.

[Markers] matter.

Q needs more people on the clock.

Look at the attached image. 53-47 isn't necessarily a senate vote (even though everyone assumed it was).

It is a demonstration of comms, markers and mirrors.

Learn to READ.

729496  No.3353482


>Post Justice K confirmation.












>"The Hunt For" dropped - why?


>When was the unauthorized missile fired?


>Was it found/discovered prior to [Hunt]?






>Double meanings exist.


…………….. [this]? any reason



ac468f  No.3353483

File: fe9123c33d47fe9⋯.png (254.46 KB, 768x768, 1:1, da3046d7c982e11d77e5da061d….png)

File: 4ddb73981060b8c⋯.png (198.27 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 709a03cb5fc93ecdaeb0f529c8….png)

File: 082ec7877f74114⋯.png (262.19 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 483f9711bd010d6057d79f6d88….png)

File: 52e557e4b5aff96⋯.png (193.86 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 49e1977e51094db52fae3e3306….png)

File: 6dd73369c30bff3⋯.png (243.49 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 033386c5336905ee5f23e4a9d3….png)

82f8e7  No.3353484

File: 686ff8ed7e8dd41⋯.jpg (9.69 KB, 255x168, 85:56, b5ecf1a1c12b8d240c28489a7a….jpg)


Two 'X' flags (double cross? Pixelknot?)


Red october.


614d09  No.3353485

File: 08dc4cddb348ea0⋯.jpg (175.75 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2itrn9.jpg)

421b88  No.3353486

File: 28986c7f718071f⋯.jpg (750.67 KB, 6280x4424, 785:553, Q Map Graphic 51.jpg)




Excellent, but now this:

Q Graphics all in GMT Update

Hi Baker, this post replaces >>3353250 Q Graphics all in GMT #51 seen here >>3353290

Please update the dough.

Godspeed Baker/s

889bfc  No.3353487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tim was dead within two years of asking the question

88b584  No.3353488

German WKB Systems Offers Damascus Aerated Concrete to Restore Buildings

German WKB Systems manufacturer offers Damascus to use its aerated concrete to restore buildings destroyed during the civil war, commercial director of the distributor of WKB Systems’ products in Syria told Sputnik on Friday.

WKB Systems has some 25 plants in Russia producing AAC (autoclaved aerated concrete) blocks, Badr Badir said at the Rebuild Syria expo.

"We want to participate in the reconstruction of buildings in Syria, so that our material is used instead of the usual stone and blocks of the old type. It keeps heat, which will help pay less for heating," he said.

Badir noted that the Syrian authorities are interested in this material, but investors were needed to participate in the import of aerated concrete.

"There will be a significant demand for building materials in Syria in the next ten years… Those who make decisions on the use of materials have already come to us. They tell us: we have been using our usual blocks for a hundred years and we are satisfied with it. They're afraid of new experiences. They need to be convinced," he stressed.

In turn, a representative of Iran’s Wagon Pars company Mirzaei Mohammad told Sputnik that they were conducting negotiations with Damascus on the supply of wagons for Syria.

"Before the crisis, we delivered only a thousand freight cars for the Syrian Railways. Now we are sure that they need to update their set of cars… Negotiations with the Syrian Railways are underway, and we hope to conclude contracts in the near future," he said.

He noted that Wagon Pars was ready to supply Syria with freight and passenger cars as well as with wagons for the Syrian underground in case the project was unfrozen.

Syria has been in a state of civil war since 2011, with the government forces fighting against numerous opposition groups and militant and terrorist organizations. Russia, along with Turkey and Iran, is a guarantor of the ceasefire regime in Syria. Moscow has also been providing humanitarian aid to residents of the crisis-torn country.


0720d3  No.3353489

>>3353428 RT NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border, calls it 'defensive'


Adds to the game (((they))) are playing

055b97  No.3353490

File: edab935ef182010⋯.jpeg (2.31 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 41214BD1-8AF7-4363-AA0E-B….jpeg)

can you imagine my glee if Podesta the molesta is arresta on 11-3-18??

but until then; DAILY REMINDER!

Day 1. with 0.00 arrest

as you were

bc5dfc  No.3353491


hey brah, i'm not against the JR theory, but there is no good reason to wed it to R. that was the larp part. cheers

64d763  No.3353492


Who dare interrupt the jew performing his shtick?!

There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

d68264  No.3353493

File: fbeef18d19e7f20⋯.png (738.17 KB, 1310x1390, 131:139, LKlkjOEKFurics.png)

File: 8b1a2097932d7bb⋯.png (5.91 MB, 2368x1688, 296:211, phonepresentWHITE.png)

b1971f  No.3353494

“Hemlock. Make it a double. For a friend.” -Q


485997  No.3353495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e33bfd  No.3353496

File: 5e2b4c228393f32⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 250x250, 1:1, nope.gif)

a1029d  No.3353497


correct - i'd assume this guy left early to work on it prior to showing up on 8ch last october.

5793b3  No.3353498


I've been looking for it too

dfc181  No.3353499


Xi is not our ally at all, he will be around when President Trump is gone in 2024.

d76082  No.3353500


just to be sure:

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>3352595

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3353486

0c3959  No.3353501


Good job collecting these all in one place.

20a3a5  No.3353502

File: e1bc9b7ac87810b⋯.png (368.46 KB, 600x407, 600:407, chinese-chips.png)


think chinese chips…..

4c69d6  No.3353503


That's gonna be me tonight.

387404  No.3353504

>>3352867 (last bread) Video of sheep baa'ing (creepy btw, wtf do they have them do that)

Uhhhhh wuts feinsteins aide doing there digging in her purse?

To the right of the cult leader in the black "Im a survivor" tshirt.

51ade7  No.3353505


I hear that's his thing.

84e30b  No.3353506


Q is not Mossad, I am 73% sure.

daeaab  No.3353507

File: 7b3c244d95270b2⋯.png (191.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 46.png)

File: e4c69617dbb64af⋯.png (193.66 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 57.png)

File: 68f9820abccd15f⋯.png (230.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 107.png)

File: 224c60c936f0ce9⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1024x682, 512:341, military storm.png)

File: f79a2422029884e⋯.png (161.77 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 65.png)

Who's having fun on the one?

happy Qanoniversary

love you no homo

0094a5  No.3353508

I have a question. Is this Russia Russia Russia going to link us back to the Ladislav Lani (ladi?)posts? Sorry might not have the name correct and the search function is being a bitch today

d22577  No.3353509

File: 60d33b15e1c5f21⋯.jpg (67.36 KB, 669x439, 669:439, 60d33b15e1c5f21ea346873a9f….jpg)


No matter who or where you are…

ALWAYS have a plan B

They have one for sure. How it comes off or if it's even allowed is the ?

699886  No.3353510

File: 590e6ee5e5ec26b⋯.png (967.54 KB, 788x1615, 788:1615, NotaMissile.png)

You wanna see some helicopters?

b33e81  No.3353511


It's right under the "Newfag" tab

a77fa5  No.3353512

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is actively considering waivers on sanctions it will reimpose next month for countries that are reducing their imports of Iranian oil, a U.S. government official said on Friday.

The administration withdrew from a deal over Tehran's nuclear program in May and is unilaterally reimposing sanctions on Iran's crude oil consumers on Nov. 4. The sanctions aim to force Tehran to stop its involvement in conflicts in Syria and Iraq and halt its ballistic missile program. Iran says it has abided by the 2015 nuclear deal, which was struck with five other world powers, besides the United States.

The administration is "in the midst of an internal process" of considering exceptions called SRE waivers, or significant reduction exemptions, said a government official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

It was the first time a U.S. official said the administration was in the process of considering waivers. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in India last month that the administration would consider waivers and that some buyers of Iranian oil would take a "little bit of time" to unwind their trade with Iran.

White House National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Thursday that the administration's objective was that there be no waivers and "exports of Iranian oil and gas and condensates drops to zero." He added that the administration would not necessarily achieve that.

The administration is "prepared to work with countries that are reducing their imports on a case-by-case basis," the official said.

The comments followed news that India, Iran's No. 2 oil customer after China, will buy 9 million barrels of Iranian oil in November. It was an indication that India will continue purchasing crude from Iran, despite the Trump administration's push to get countries to stop their purchases.


729496  No.3353513


IF CNN is the news maker

And Q mentioned..

Does Q have a team/ asset in CNN?

6e5d3c  No.3353514


By that thinking, Hillary would be arrested at the end of this month too.

b21288  No.3353515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Russians are coming!

The Russians are coming!

EMERGENCY! Everybody to get from street!


421b88  No.3353516




Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>3352595

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3353486

N.B. Please use this pastebin instead of copy & pasta of the post for more accurate spacing: https://pastebin.com/cuUUVUiB

025493  No.3353517


Would you really want to see anything happen to him? If he wants to be revealed, he will choose the time, not us, anon.

faa8a2  No.3353518


I see Brennan is not flapping yet again about us starting a NUCLEAR WAR.

ac468f  No.3353519


i miss when Qresearch was on half chan. it was more fun.

6eac25  No.3353520

File: 8ee2d42b182b660⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1448x1024, 181:128, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN image earliest date 2012

Severomorsk, the main administrative base of the Russian Northern

2dbcad  No.3353521


Hillary had a year attached.

f24c7e  No.3353522


We don't normally do deltas to CNN posts (within or between POTUS and Q is the norm) but if you find a good connection with delta :08 will consider it for validity.

dc309c  No.3353523

File: c4f06028ab3d2d2⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Be A Hero

SpouseAnon just asked "what's printed on their t-shorts? Be a HERD?"

seems legit tho.

dfc181  No.3353524


Mueller is quite an asshole.

ef3e71  No.3353525

File: 2c09f67d635c4dd⋯.jpg (114.59 KB, 657x371, 657:371, freeworld.jpg)

File: e6dbf08e79a948c⋯.png (202.55 KB, 593x448, 593:448, Doxxer.png)

File: 3b223497e6b9cd0⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1280x888, 160:111, arrestsorosnow.png)

File: 75e79405a0404c9⋯.png (321.84 KB, 465x380, 93:76, sorosASSblaster.png)

File: f882de26e7c3577⋯.png (247.37 KB, 315x477, 35:53, exposingfien.png)

Be gone!

421b88  No.3353526

>>3353500 Nope! More like >>3353516

d76082  No.3353527



>>3353383 Christine Ford’s Friend and Cohort Who Pressured Leland Keyser to Change Story Is Now Represented by Top Deep State Lawyer

>>3353392 Adm Foggo is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Explorer’s Club of New York.

>>3353413 Mueller moves for forfeiture order to seize Manafort assets

>>3353428 NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border, calls it 'defensive'


put one moar space and it should be good

0720d3  No.3353528


CNN is MOCKINGBIRD and Q gets the news pings

df46fb  No.3353529

File: 4a95991b42b90b4⋯.gif (956.86 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mB_BM7.gif)

9afa77  No.3353530

Q's last line "…………….."

Is actually 5 sets of Horizontal Ellipsis followed by 2 Periods.

… … … … … . .

Or 5 Dashes and 2 Dots. In Morse code the maximum concurrent Dashes in a letter, is 3. So we get … … … / … … . .

Which in Morse code would spell OZ.

6e5d3c  No.3353531


It didn't.

9003c8  No.3353532

File: 6e3222b8485e99b⋯.jpg (189.21 KB, 1000x1020, 50:51, soothersmaylive.jpg)


CFR member?

Attn: General Mattis

I request that you decommission this man and burn his flag.

~US Navy Vet

88b584  No.3353533

File: c534459c286e3cb⋯.png (180.26 KB, 785x553, 785:553, ClipboardImage.png)

Belfast Refuses to ID Pedophile Responsible for Rape of 2-Week-Old Baby in Hospital from Rape

Anger is rising in a Belfast town in the Annalong area of County Down where a pedophile has been arrested for leaving a 2-week-old baby in the hospital after a brutal rape.

The identity of the 25-year-old sexual predator is being protected by Belfast authorities, locals say, causing furious parents to blast the government.

The Armagh Magistrates' Court arraigned the suspect on rape and grievous bodily harm with intent charges, pending new potential charges as a result of ongoing Investigations.


0f1c81  No.3353534

File: 57ed1c4ad267de3⋯.jpg (8.25 KB, 207x255, 69:85, fishingbuddies.jpg)


Dear Dumbass

Where did the WWG1WGA bell come from?

Who's yacht is it on?

Since your likely a retard, or yourself a shill, I'll just answer it for you.

It was on JFK's yacht.

And that's a pretty fucking recent post wouldn't you think?

Next question retard.

Where was JFK Jr.s beach front home?

Again, I'll give you a hint…..Florida

8f7699  No.3353535

The submarine also signifies that a lot of the investigation is happening under the surface, while it is much calmer on the surface.

Given the absolute craziness going on right now on the surface - it must be unthinkable how much chaos is going on under the water right now, in DC, and worldwide as well.

e33bfd  No.3353536

File: 55eafff19976b7b⋯.jpg (47.35 KB, 500x377, 500:377, Q.jpg)

70110e  No.3353538

Q, how will POTUS deal with the optics of arrests when the cry will be "Trump is arresting his political opposition!"? Will arresting members of all political parties at the same time change that? What are the odds of martial law during that time?

cfd173  No.3353539

What would you do if "Q" said "Pick up the phone"…………………………………….And your phone rings…………………………it happened back in when all this started……………..I was there when it did……………………..It was great!!!!!!!

43c270  No.3353540


Thanks ;)

20275c  No.3353541

File: 0207bc5267c79c6⋯.png (349.97 KB, 648x602, 324:301, Drudge re NYTs re Dem K In….PNG)

File: 2e544fafb59ee3a⋯.png (41.44 KB, 438x478, 219:239, 1 NYTs re Dem K Investigat….PNG)

File: dc38da1f3b2148c⋯.png (44.54 KB, 427x536, 427:536, 2 NYTs re Dem K Investigat….PNG)

File: f59d42a6b2130c1⋯.png (37.16 KB, 438x445, 438:445, 3 NYTs re Dem K Investigat….PNG)

House Democrat Promises Kavanaugh Investigation if Party Wins Control



b1971f  No.3353542



Infiltrated msm

4bb061  No.3353543


So is [RR]

20a3a5  No.3353544


✔ no more secrets

f2b213  No.3353545

File: 71ab980a20d27ad⋯.png (566.56 KB, 1093x967, 1093:967, InterPol Cheif Missing.png)

His family have not heard from him since he left Interpol HQ in the French city of Lyon for a trip back to China on 25 September, officials said.

"He did not disappear in France," a source close to the inquiry told AFP.

The South China Morning Post quotes a source as saying Mr Meng, 64, was "taken away" for questioning in China.

It is not clear why he was being investigated by "discipline authorities" or where he was being held, the Hong Kong-based newspaper adds.

Officials in China have so far made no public comments on Mr Meng, a senior Communist Party official there.

What is the French investigation looking at?

It was opened after Mr Meng's wife went to police to report her husband missing.

She was initially quoted by police sources as saying she had not heard from him since his departure on 29 September.

But the French interior ministry later said the correct date was 25 September.

"Exchanges with Chinese authorities continue," the ministry said.

"France is puzzled about the situation of Interpol's president and concerned about the threats made to his wife."

It did not provide any further details.

Has Meng Hongwei angered China?

According to BBC Asia Editor Celia Hatton, Meng Hongwei's disappearance seems to fit in with a now familiar pattern among China's senior Communist Party officials.

The official in question suddenly drops out of the public eye and an alarm is raised that the person is "missing", usually by members of the public, she said.

Eventually, the party issues a terse statement that the official is "under investigation", the official is then booted from the party for "disciplinary infractions" and - eventually - a prison sentence is announced. She said since Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, well over a million party officials have been disciplined in some way.

Celia Hatton said Mr Hongwei's case was notable in that his wife notified the French authorities. She said family members of missing party officials rarely, if ever, reached out to foreign authorities, in fear their relatives would face ever greater punishment.

Also, at one time, China prized Mr Meng's lofty position at Interpol so it was hard to imagine what he had done for Beijing to willingly, and publicly, forfeit the top job at Interpol.

How has Interpol reacted?

In a statement, the organisation said it was aware of reports of the "alleged disappearance" of Mr Meng.

"This is a matter for the relevant authorities in both France and China," it said.

Interpol added that the secretary general - not the president - was in charge of the day-to-day running of the 192-member organisation.

As president, Mr Meng leads the Executive Committee, which provides the overall guidance and direction to Interpol. Mr Meng's term is scheduled to run until 2020.

Before taking over at Interpol, Meng Hongwei was deputy minister in charge of public security in China.

When Meng Hongwei was elected as Interpol's president in November 2016 he said he was ready to do "everything he could towards the cause of policing in the world".

Mr Meng has 40 years of experience in criminal justice and policing in China, notably in the fields of drugs, counter-terrorism and border control, according to Interpol.

After his election human rights groups expressed concern that the move could help China pursue political dissidents who have fled the country.

Interpol can issue a red notice - an international alert - for a wanted person.

But it does not have the power to send officers into countries to arrest individuals or issue arrest warrants.

8977d6  No.3353546


fine Kelley, but perhaps you should not have gone along with the fixed sentence for the man who tried to kill your husband.

helped keep a target on all our backs did that disposition, bit like bike-lock antifa professor…

these sentences are meant to cause harm…

d76082  No.3353547


kek, I just did the last line anon, all the others are lined up

and put one moar space at the bottom link, then its lined up

9ba417  No.3353548


Not meaning it is a marker in any way to be considered.

Article just anticipated by Q.

b21288  No.3353549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russian Submarines Beware!


bc5dfc  No.3353550


8chan formatting does things to dots, too. happens every teim

00982e  No.3353551

File: 7d50e071cb12d09⋯.png (32.68 KB, 1171x347, 1171:347, 5qqc.png)

245836  No.3353552

File: e59938d4c532756⋯.png (114.73 KB, 559x388, 559:388, exclub.png)

There's something rotten about The Explorers Club.

bf9cc9  No.3353553

File: 94a4bcd561d43eb⋯.png (349.29 KB, 885x859, 885:859, PF345.png)


>Post Justice K confirmation.



Of course. "The Enemy"


Think recent DOJ Presser re: Russia - everyone piled on




Panic "Russia did it!"


Of course - shift away from (((them)))

>"The Hunt For" dropped - why?

Location known

>When was the unauthorized missile fired?

June 10, 2018

>Was it found/discovered prior to [Hunt]?

Must have been


"Evil Russians" narrative



>Double meanings exist.




These people are SICK.

Would Clearly start a WAR to save the Deep State!

861fec  No.3353554


Perhaps he's enjoying his stay at the GITMO resort.

2c8736  No.3353555

File: 80b83f3ef171038⋯.jpeg (452.84 KB, 1012x867, 1012:867, 7FCA814F-C1DB-4669-B1B1-1….jpeg)

Israeli cops question Netanyahu a 12th time in corruption probes

JERUSALEM – Israeli police are questioning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a 12th time as part of their investigations into corruption allegations. Investigators arrived Friday at Netanyahu's official residence in Jerusalem as protesters gathered outside with a large banner bearing Netanyahu's face and the words "crime minister" and chanting slogans calling for justice.

Media reported that Netanyahu is to be questioned concerning two corruptions cases in which police have already recommended indictments. One involves allegedly taking gifts from billionaires, and the second involves trading positive media coverage for legislation to weaken a free daily newspaper.

Police had no immediate comment.

Netanyahu was last questioned by police in August concerning a corruption case involving Israel's telecom giant.

The prime minister has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, dismissing the accusations as a media "witch hunt."

Two Netanyahu confidants have been arrested on suspicion of promoting regulation worth hundreds of millions of dollars to the Bezeq telecom company. In return, Bezeq's subsidiary news site, Walla, allegedly provided positive Netanyahu coverage. The confidants have turned state witnesses.


2dbcad  No.3353556


Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.

9e3bd5  No.3353557


After cloture has been invoked, the following restrictions apply:

No more than 30 additional hours of debate may occur on the bill in question[36] (though this additional time is commonly shortened or vitiated altogether).

No Senator may speak for more than one hour.

No amendments may be moved unless they were filed on the day between the presentation of the petition and the actual cloture vote.

All amendments must be relevant to the debate.

Certain procedural motions are not permissible.[which?]

The presiding officer gains additional powers in controlling debate such as the power to count to determine whether a quorum is present and to rule amendments, motions, and other actions out of order on the grounds that they are dilatory.

No other matters may be considered until the question upon which cloture was invoked is resolved.

03fa81  No.3353558

File: 0bc10d020f817fd⋯.jpg (77 KB, 600x750, 4:5, admiral foggo official 8x1….jpg)

>>3353157 lb


>Foggo, the commander of US Naval Forces Europe,

surprise surprise


Admiral James Foggo is a 1981 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. He is also an Olmsted Scholar and Moreau Scholar, earning a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) at Harvard University and a Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in Defense and Strategic Studies from the University of Strasbourg, France.

He commanded the attack submarine, USS Oklahoma City (SSN 723) in 1998, which was awarded the Submarine Squadron (SUBRON) 8 Battle Efficiency award and the Commander Fleet Forces Command ADM Arleigh Burke Fleet Trophy for being the most improved ship in the Atlantic Fleet. Foggo completed his major command tour of SUBRON-6 in 2007.

Ashore, he has served in a variety of assignments, most notably as Executive Assistant to the Director of Naval Nuclear Propulsion (NAVSEA 08); Division Chief, Joint Staff (J5) for Western Europe and the Balkans; Executive Assistant to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Executive Officer to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and Commander, European Command (EUCOM); and Director, Navy Staff.

In Naples, Italy, he served as Commander, Submarine Group 8; Commander, Submarines, Allied Naval Forces South; Deputy Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet. During this period, he also served as the Operations Officer (J-3) for Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn (Libya). Additionally, Foggo was a NATO Task Force Commander in Joint Task Force Unified Protector (Libya). During his last European assignment, Foggo commanded the U.S. 6th Fleet, Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO.

Foggo’s awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, and NATO Meritorious Service Medal. In addition, he was awarded the 1995 Admiral Charles A. Lockwood Award for Submarine Professional Excellence and the State of Oklahoma Distinguished Service award by The Adjutant General. In 2006, he was awarded the Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Merite and in 2017 he was awarded the Legion d’Honneur by the French Government. Foggo is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Explorer’s Club of New York.

614d09  No.3353559

If their plan is get the stoke the Russia hate/fear after the Kavanaugh vote, that shits gonna backfire.. people are sick of it. lol. dems have really tried every play in their book and nothing works.

ef53e7  No.3353560

French police investigate Interpol chief, missing on home visit to China

PARIS (Reuters) - French police are investigating the disappearance of Interpol chief, Meng Hongwei, who was reported missing after traveling from France to his native China, and they have placed his wife under protection after threats, the interior ministry said on Friday.

Meng's wife contacted police in Lyon, the French city where the international police agency is based, after not hearing from him since Sept. 25, and after receiving threats by phone and on social media, the ministry said.

A person familiar with the investigation into the disappearance said the initial working assumption of Western investigators was that Meng had antagonized Chinese authorities in some way and had been detained as a result.

"France is puzzled about the situation of Interpol's president and concerned about the threats made to his wife," the ministry said.


6c6c4c  No.3353561


at the going rate I'll be arrested much sooner than any of them would be -"for optics" I'm sure-.

Kudos anon!

5112f1  No.3353562





cross in their flags - UK / AUS

dfe20c  No.3353563


Here, I fixed for you.

51ade7  No.3353564

Dude's still alive?

She needs to have extra security.

George H.W. Bush salutes Collins after speech supporting Kavanaugh

Former President George H.W. Bush praised Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) on Friday after she delivered a roughly 45-minute speech on the Senate floor in support of Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court.

Bush saluted Collins's "political courage and class" after the key GOP senator told her colleagues that allegations of sexual assault levied at Kavanaugh by three women did not rise to the standard of evidence needed for her to vote against the nominee.

".@SenatorCollins — political courage and class. I salute my wonderful friend and her principled leadership," the former president tweeted.

.@SenatorCollins — political courage and class. I salute my wonderful friend and her principled leadership.

— George Bush (@GeorgeHWBush) October 5, 2018


27b2d2  No.3353565



20a3a5  No.3353566

File: c37892ff941d6e0⋯.png (194.24 KB, 485x664, 485:664, Captture.PNG)

8937bd  No.3353567

File: ced8a7f591344f4⋯.jpg (83.35 KB, 843x572, 843:572, palin-rally-michigan--600x….JPG)

File: 429ffb4f314d9ec⋯.jpg (22.63 KB, 600x303, 200:101, palin-rally-michigan--600x….jpg)

>>3351858 (pb) Murkowski has an interesting background.


Seems Palin & Lisa M have a family-Pol history….

Could be InterDasting for 2022???

Palin and Murkowski are longtime political foes. Plain defeated her father Gov. Frank Murkowski in 2006 in the GOP primary, thwarting his reelection bid. Palin successfully endorsed GOP challenger Joe Miller who defeated incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the 2010 primary. Murkowski then controversially ran as a write-in candidate, winning reelection over Miller in the general election.

Wikipedia notes Murkowski, who initially was appointed to the Senate in 2002 by her father Frank Murkowski when he left the Senate after being elected Alaska governor, has never won a majority of the vote in the general election.

“Although Murkowski has won three full terms to the Senate, she has never won a majority of the vote; she won pluralities in each of her three races, with 48.6% of the vote in 2004, 39.5% in 2010, and 44.4% in 2016.”

Minutes before Palin tweeted to Murkowski about 2022, she retweeted former aide Rebecca Mansour speaking about Palin and Murkowski, “2/2 And I defended that fact that a brave woman whistleblower was the only person to ever defeat the crony corruption of the Murkowski family. That woman was @SarahPalinUSA, and I’m sure you have plenty of misogynist attacks to throw her way, just as you’ve thrown them at me.”

Say what you will, but Sarah still captivates man

9afa77  No.3353568


Oh I didn't know. For a test the next 3 should be separate periods and not a horizontal ellipsis.

d76082  No.3353569

File: 465de7b1b1d6baa⋯.png (153.63 KB, 625x626, 625:626, ClipboardImage.png)

I see the JFK jr shills are on duty again

right after the muh larp shills.. interdasting

they've been kvetching in the night shifts lately, maybe they'll get tired

b33e81  No.3353570

File: e53b8039b5a3b06⋯.jpg (51.63 KB, 590x350, 59:35, oh-shit-night-5bb7e4.jpg)

Run newfags… RUN!!

3248dd  No.3353571

77880e  No.3353572


axis of evil


silicon valley

mockingbird media

26b2b7  No.3353573



The retarded shills got rid of it. Let's start it back up, but instead have everything posted in the main bread. Only arrogant retards pound their fists and cry about R not existing. There are mountains of evidence everywhere including the many Q posts…, that is, if you are not are retard or a shill. Truly smart people are picking up on on it, and even better, they are getting a tougher skin against the 8chan bullies.

0f1c81  No.3353574


I remember

But it got confusing after that.

729496  No.3353575


could be related the the presidents alert?

421b88  No.3353576



It's up to you, but my browser shows it out of line the way you did it.

Maybe it was you a couple of weeks ago I had this discussion with.

I'll continue with the way I do it, and you yours if you do so choose to.

I think our browsers might be displaying differences.

Whatever it may be, at least it's not a massive difference ;)

Godspeed Baker

0094a5  No.3353577

Can anybody else find the posts about the Russian spy who said there were Soviet weapons stockpiles hidden in North America. At the time it seemed as though only 1 had been reported as found

1505ed  No.3353578

File: b94a03a6bc647e7⋯.png (416.82 KB, 600x471, 200:157, 1538778008230.png)

File: 10d2b609443529e⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Creepy Lib Zombies.mp4)

File: 5bb354331acf7ab⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Creepy Lib ZombiesHH.mp4)

a77fa5  No.3353579

File: e435d91fcf7b00f⋯.jpg (132.04 KB, 1484x1123, 1484:1123, OT3W25GIQYI6RHAPF75PNVBCVI.jpg)

October 5 at 7:17 AM

NEW DELHI — When the United States enacted a series of sanctions in retaliation for Russia’s alleged interference in U.S. elections, the goal was to punish an adversary, not to penalize friends.

But that is exactly what could happen as India — a country that the United States has sought to cultivate as a strategic partner — moves ahead with a major $5 billion weapons purchase from Moscow.

On Friday, during an official visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to New Delhi, India signed a contract to buy five S-400 Triumf antiaircraft missile systems from Russia.

In theory, such a transaction will expose Indian entities and officials to U.S. sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. The legislation, which was passed last year, mandated penalties for countries doing significant business with Russia’s defense and intelligence sectors.

Now the crucial question is whether President Trump will grant a waiver to India for the purchase of the S-400. Last month, the United States imposed sanctions on an arm of the Chinese military for buying Russian fighter planes as well as equipment for the S-400.

The United States and India have drawn closer in recent years as both countries cast a wary eye on China’s growing influence in the region. But the tussle over the Russian missile system represents a case of conflicting priorities.

From the U.S. perspective, the sanctions are a necessary and appropriate response to Russian interference in the U.S. elections — and Washington expects allies to assist in that effort.

India, meanwhile, is keen to deepen ties with the United States but not at the cost of severing a long-standing defense relationship with Russia. More broadly, it wants the independence to determine its own approach to countries like Iran and China, where its interests may differ substantially from those of the United States.

India “cannot be put in a position where, in effect, Washington decides what kind of relationship they have with these other countries,” said Ashley Tellis, a former senior George W. Bush administration official and longtime India expert. “That’s where Delhi will draw a bright red line.”

(pic) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, right, hugs Russian President Vladimir Putin before their meeting in New Delhi, India, on Oct. 5. (Yuri Kadobnov/AP)


dfe20c  No.3353580

File: 243685c23cb2b67⋯.jpg (233.17 KB, 859x836, 859:836, fixed clock.JPG)



Forgot picture.


fdb340  No.3353581


Admiral James G. Foggo

On Yourtube -> The Next Battle of the Atlantic? A Conversation with Admiral James G. Foggo


Foggo is member of Council of Foreign Relations (known spoopy) and New York Explorers Club (spoopy?)


Founded in New York City in 1904, The Explorers Club promotes the scientific exploration of land, sea, air, and space by supporting research and education in the physical, natural and biological sciences. The Club’s members have been responsible for an illustrious series of famous firsts: First to the North Pole, first to the South Pole, first to the summit of Mount Everest, first to the deepest point in the ocean, first to the surface of the moon—all accomplished by our members.

Our mission is to advance field research, scientific exploration, resource conservation, and the ideal that it is vital to preserve the instinct to explore. The Club’s goals in research, education, and public service include the orientation of young people toward careers in field science and engineering, and the encouragement of scientific exploration of land, sea, the air and space, with emphasis on the physical and natural sciences. We serve as a common bond and meeting point for explorers and field scientists worldwide, thus continuing the early goals laid down by our founders in 1904.

2559cb  No.3353582

Missle launched June 10

Hunt for dropped Feb 11?

0720d3  No.3353583


YES, using NATO to create a WAR with RUSSIA

Russian Sub goes to sea and NATO starts exercises in the Area.

Remember the Gulf of Tonkin incident


253ce5  No.3353584

>>3353390 My take on Q's #335 is not that he was telling MOS to stand down, but rather informing us that MOS had been maneuvered into standing down while their US media assets are dismantled.

bc5dfc  No.3353585

File: a24389764987c55⋯.png (303.23 KB, 888x757, 888:757, 2017-11-22 DTTT Q Code.png)

File: dfa6f65df640998⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1111x6516, 1111:6516, 2017-11-22 Q_DTTT_Pick up ….png)

febce2  No.3353586

File: e209d0b2d5fc042⋯.gif (110.95 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shillcon3.gif)

ad7a28  No.3353587



40fb1a  No.3353588


Fake drop. Kys

7027ae  No.3353589

File: 7c7bdc3708f2b0c⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 618x242, 309:121, Q russia #345.JPG)

File: 0de708a472de6e8⋯.jpg (43.45 KB, 495x367, 495:367, adm foggo.JPG)

Top US admiral warns of Russian submarine threat

America's most senior naval officer in Europe, Adm. James Foggo, said Friday that he was "concerned" about some of Russia's newer and more advanced fleet of submarines.



c22d67  No.3353590

>>3353316 LB , The " Raise The Titanic " movie and huge ship GLO-MAR Explorer were a clown cover-op to lift parts of a sunken Ruski sub and its missiles. great cold war story.

faa8a2  No.3353591


Perhaps… Susan Rice up and applied for some seat today. Wonder if she'll be spared. I wouldn't, I'd make she and ValJar were cellies.

dc309c  No.3353592


so few lawyers to go round

CBF's beardy lawyer is McCabe's lawyer too, good at the ol' gofundme's.

Stzroks lawyer is former Obama pick SEC guy, who worked with Stzroks wife. Resigned on inauguration day.

ef3e71  No.3353593


Time for this 10-5-23 to go down.

2dbcad  No.3353594



Q post 1 quoted this ….

dfc181  No.3353595


True dat, finger waving at Jim Jordan.

Biggest asshole has to be Brennan.

Clapper already threw Obama under the bus. Stay tuned…))

daeaab  No.3353596

File: 34be83c017a63df⋯.png (102.89 KB, 255x174, 85:58, pol sm.png)

File: 88d43a26b9791d5⋯.png (125.29 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 2.png)

File: 0069c006ad643e7⋯.png (11.2 KB, 236x255, 236:255, kap.png)

File: d8f53748c6059b2⋯.png (267.67 KB, 525x511, 75:73, pizza.png)

File: a277e34fa56c46a⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1920x796, 480:199, tipy ic.png)


enjoying the ride?

fdb340  No.3353597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



40fb1a  No.3353598


Anyone know if Murkowski is a dual-citizen?

df941e  No.3353599


This is listed as a Q drop from the beginning

bc5dfc  No.3353600


ok, but no need to clutter the general with your tests, come on.

you can do it all here:

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

9d491f  No.3353601

File: d15634f44a2f2ff⋯.jpg (69.07 KB, 474x361, 474:361, 2j2d20.jpg)

File: fc39170c73a2bdd⋯.jpg (82.57 KB, 657x499, 657:499, 2gdpzt.jpg)

37977e  No.3353602




7c482d  No.3353603

File: 35d1de954b082d8⋯.png (117.95 KB, 1133x681, 1133:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 036881e74560e4c⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 2048x3072, 2:3, misslestoped_.jpg)

Here's the first mention of Red October (Without 'The Hunt For')

The missle was launched on June 10th, 2018 @ 3:56AM

e5ad19  No.3353604


Bush’s not on same side as Clinton soros cabal


Different power factions?

3bee6d  No.3353605


well hurry the fuck up already

nuke it

show us whatchagot or stfu

1505ed  No.3353606


Also, just noticed white shirt dude from the right video is hanging out in the crowd on the left… trolling a portion of the herd?

51ade7  No.3353607


They feel the noose tightening….yes….experience the fear….


8977d6  No.3353608


Mmmm K

2baadd  No.3353609

File: 176c2b086583d94⋯.png (224.54 KB, 668x623, 668:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35008eaeb239d1c⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1157x1001, 89:77, ClipboardImage.png)



93b497  No.3353610

File: e3c6b1fcd8546c6⋯.jpeg (60.99 KB, 482x439, 482:439, 4780DA07-E51C-4D96-A108-F….jpeg)

f24c7e  No.3353611


post numbers matter.

time stamps matter.

misspellings matter.

a69538  No.3353612

File: bb7a40f484ff2d2⋯.png (368.21 KB, 1155x691, 1155:691, moar-soros-faggotry.png)


is there any reason this guy is still breathing?

9da889  No.3353613

File: b18973556ebda0f⋯.jpg (346.35 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Bless-this-Bread-8.jpg)

Thank you, Baker.

20275c  No.3353614

File: b78fe472550d128⋯.png (351.4 KB, 652x897, 652:897, Harlan re Collins Tweets 1….PNG)

File: 11d587b56106a01⋯.png (620.3 KB, 927x830, 927:830, Pic 1 Harlan re Collins Tw….PNG)

File: c53b25150a8105a⋯.png (318.53 KB, 1131x690, 377:230, Pic 2 Harlan re Collins Tw….PNG)

File: bb2e610b4657995⋯.png (581.67 KB, 1021x811, 1021:811, Pic 3 Harlan re Collins Tw….PNG)

File: 82bd12d78d4f00d⋯.png (551.01 KB, 1162x775, 1162:775, Pic 4 Harlan re Collins Tw….PNG)


SEE Also

Bread 4247


0094a5  No.3353615


Missile was launched as Trump was leaving the g7 in Canada on his way to Singapore to meet Kim

0ec0ca  No.3353616


>Where did the WWG1WGA bell come from?

White Squall (1996)

64da4e  No.3353617


Jan 13 was the 'drill' in Hawaii

7ad2fe  No.3353618

File: f45fe675c261333⋯.jpg (341.81 KB, 1242x1300, 621:650, 1538776553652.jpg)

40fb1a  No.3353619


If so, incorrectly. But I believe it’s just him responding to an anon. I was there when posted. Not Q. Ask yourself even, is that how Q posts, ever?

2dbcad  No.3353620


Cmon Anon.

Be best.


But I still am on board with this happening this month!

27b2d2  No.3353621


do you even know who in the fuck I am?

no… no you don't.


76cdb9  No.3353622


Fuck off shill.

It matches perfectly and shows clearly the clock works.

614d09  No.3353623

20a3a5  No.3353624



7daca3  No.3353625

File: f2a1bdffee36a93⋯.png (125.6 KB, 581x468, 581:468, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

This broad…

84e30b  No.3353626


Bibi did nothing you wouldn’t do if it were your people who were chosen by god to have dominion over the rest of humanity. But god chose the Jews, so back off.

daeaab  No.3353627

File: 082f55794de408e⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 318x405, 106:135, amen brother.jpg)

File: 2fc600f7942cf89⋯.png (3.73 KB, 614x80, 307:40, 2scoops 3pluses.png)

File: ecfb82c228d2838⋯.png (11.03 KB, 837x237, 279:79, trump nwo tl dr.png)

2c8736  No.3353628


Maybe Red October was a rogue sub from Israel. Saving Israel for last.

e33bfd  No.3353629

File: fb5f320136ddc11⋯.jpg (9.72 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 9475ebaee35f2d00515fc77a03….jpg)

2baadd  No.3353630

File: 9d5320e3600f074⋯.png (312.61 KB, 399x313, 399:313, pack.PNG)

File: 7e37a00a46494fd⋯.png (44.79 KB, 615x489, 205:163, start-menu.PNG)

File: 9dd950fd54a3ddf⋯.png (114.79 KB, 975x312, 25:8, lgbtq.PNG)

bc5dfc  No.3353631




a9bae9  No.3353632

File: 68b886a62a82ccc⋯.png (887.76 KB, 1057x1288, 151:184, 20181006_002722.png)



2a2a02  No.3353633

Anons the crazy bitch on twatter who said she would off herself if Judge K was voted in. The pic is from the TV Series 'Charmed' Season 1 Episode 2.


6e5d3c  No.3353634


OK I give you that one kek. I forgot it had the year. I remembered the date though :)

2c8736  No.3353635


This won’t age well.

054087  No.3353636

Hell hath no fury like a democrat scorned.

Evey single one the dems who have called for attacks of intimidation against members of Congress should be arrested.

Fuck them!

64d763  No.3353637

File: 57e73773a3243a0⋯.png (16.1 KB, 500x247, 500:247, ClipboardImage.png)

Q and the NSA must be so happy to have a surveillance-friendly SC justice about to be confirmed.

a77fa5  No.3353638

FDA revokes use of seven food additives

The US Food and Drug Administration on Friday revoked the use of seven food additives after environmentalists and food safety experts presented data showing six of the synthetic flavoring substances and flavor enhancers caused cancer in laboratory animals. The seventh synthetic flavor, styrene, was removed because manufacturers no longer use it.

The FDA decision is "an important victory for consumer confidence," Laura MacCleery, policy director for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, said in a statement. MacCleery added that the FDA action was a response to a 2016 petition and a subsequent lawsuit asking for an FDA response.

The six substances are synthetically derived anibenzophenone (benzophenone), ethyl acrylate, eugenyl methyl ether (methyl eugenol), myrcene, pulegone and pyridine. Benzophenone can no longer be used in rubber articles that come into contact with food, the FDA said.

Companies who use these six additives will have 24 months to identify suitable replacements in food products, the FDA said.

The additives, said MacCleery, were deemed safe by the FDA in 1964 and have been commonly used in candy, ice cream, chewing gum, baked goods, drinks and other foods since that time. The US Department of Health and Human Services' National Toxicology Program tested the additives and found they caused cancer in two species of animals, according to the petition.


0f1c81  No.3353639

File: dd4eee2085b8ddd⋯.jpg (17.59 KB, 255x197, 255:197, demsaregone.jpg)

File: 98d3a602ec613a0⋯.jpg (9.15 KB, 255x142, 255:142, db8dfcc7afb97515dbb8df8221….jpg)


Honestly man.

I don't think they are real bullies.

I think they are Q team.

With R sitting right there with them.

I think they wanted to drop a meta crumb and the snatch it back off the table.

But since I'm a little pissed at no habbenings today, I feel like bringing it back up frankly.

However, it was mostly wife anon asking about it and I couldn't find the proofs.

Of all the threads to delete. That makes it more than obvious they are trying to slide that one off board.

But you can't slide it out of my mind.

I saw it.

I'm not toopid

40fb1a  No.3353640


Very likely tbqh

a6a4ee  No.3353642

File: ebb021494b33f18⋯.png (83.23 KB, 749x439, 749:439, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png)

df941e  No.3353643


I'm just saying it's archived as one of the first drops, before tripcode.

d76082  No.3353644

File: ccbef97c8c1935a⋯.png (53.96 KB, 435x290, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



Q replied to it

COME ON anon

623cfb  No.3353645

File: e3a53b55f96479f⋯.jpg (140.86 KB, 987x800, 987:800, IMG_121.jpg)


Needle tracks?

df46fb  No.3353646

File: 8cc49b8f7d0f320⋯.jpeg (189.06 KB, 1440x1305, 32:29, 1538743528.jpeg)

d49d4a  No.3353647

File: d91c798bd15a09f⋯.png (106.84 KB, 1163x574, 1163:574, jfk jr.PNG)

27b2d2  No.3353648


it's not only happening…



811f76  No.3353649



Voter ID is voter suppression…it suppresses illegals aliens from voting.

9ba417  No.3353650

>"The Hunt For" dropped - why?

>"The Hunt For" dropped - why?

>"The Hunt For" dropped - why?


They are now ALLIES.




5a1cb3  No.3353651

File: 48cf272d85ebf05⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 400x298, 200:149, WOW! SMFHH - Izhalla Zande….mp4)

Democrats be like

7c482d  No.3353652

File: f699827f8464ab7⋯.png (50.06 KB, 1135x382, 1135:382, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d402d77e4e1ae7c⋯.jpg (598.11 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, RED_October_Twat.jpg)

Who's pulling the strings?

3d114b  No.3353653

When there is no longer any secrets,

there will no longer be major deception/cabal

88b584  No.3353654

File: 11f6a14fd0a3d4c⋯.png (451.48 KB, 671x866, 671:866, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9176d7b19d4241c⋯.png (528.72 KB, 717x873, 239:291, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42cd6ddf3bc2deb⋯.png (596.18 KB, 717x854, 717:854, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1bc42602dd6813⋯.png (507.54 KB, 711x916, 711:916, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c95d70bf0008147⋯.png (729.08 KB, 731x683, 731:683, ClipboardImage.png)

Who is Behind “Fake News”? Fake Videos and Images

While the independent and alternative media (including Global Research) are accused without evidence of publishing “fake news”, the routine publication of “fake news” by the corporate media is invariably overlooked.

While those who criticize the mainstream media are tagged as “conspiracy theorists”, the evidence amply confirms that the corporate media is involved in the publication of “fake images” and “fake video footage.”

And now the European Union is contemplating the adoption of laws which criminalize “fake news”:

“Is criminalizing fake news the way forward? German lawmakers have called for legal action against the production and distribution of fake news. But digital rights groups warned of the harrowing effects it could have online, including censorship.” (Deutsche Welle, December 14, 2016)

This proposed legal action is largely intended to “go after” the independent online media and social media which is challenging mainstream media reports.

In this article we will focus on the news coverage pertaining to a selection of important events including the March 2016 Brussels terror attacks in which fake videos and/or fake images were used by the corporate media with a view to deliberately misleading public opinion.

1. The Brussels Terrorist Attacks, March 2016

The First Fake Surveillance Video Footage at Brussels Airport

The evidence amply confirms that the Belgian Media Used fake video footage with regard to both the morning terrorist bomb attack at Brussels airport as well as at the afternoon attack at the metro station

Brussels News media Dernière Heure at dhnet.be as well as La Libre reported on the terror attacks by providing a CC Camera Airport Surveillance Video of the terror attacks.

The published video footage was fake as documented by a blog posting on Media Part.

The video pertains to a terror attack at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport on 24 January 2011 (posted on youtube in November 2013).

The report of DHnet.be on the Brussels airport attack used the video of the Moscow 2011 attack with the date of the Brussels attack: (22/03/2016) pasted onto the Russian video.

Below is the screenshot of DH’s report.



13a165  No.3353655

>>3351920 pb

Perhaps Q crumb's last line 'Double meanings exist', is not about the sub at all, but was meant to clear up the confusion brought on by (((WWG1WGA))) in Q's previous post.

It means one thing to us… but as a previous anon has suggested, it has a double meaning for (((them))).

fdb340  No.3353656


"chasing night skinks" ? red herring?

b45ad4  No.3353657


She go peepee in their coke

2baadd  No.3353659


you the real MVP anon


link to Foggo Warns talk today


2dbcad  No.3353660


I've battled with this myself.

Q confirmed per graphic… but I believe it was him responding as well. Not certain.

Disinfo is necessary.

b9b2c2  No.3353661


>jews won't allow any changes to the system they've rigged

>countries are forced to consolidate power to get over this malicious power

>oy vey, why is it always us?

0f1c81  No.3353662


got sauce?

729496  No.3353663


Could the DS have stolen a Russian sub to fire the missile


Q found the sub meaning hunt for no longer?

3bee6d  No.3353664


delusional bastard

113370  No.3353665


Replies indicated 0 support?

bf7408  No.3353666


It's also 17 dots…

fe0f50  No.3353667

Hey Q,

Have an AnonIdea. Words matter (aka "Branding"). Ask GEOTUS.

People calling the Great Trade Deal the NEW NAFTA - that's just wrong but, U.S.M.C.A doesn't flow off the tongue. Gov't things NEED an Acronym.

Maybe POTUS can go with "USMC-AGREE". What do you think?

d2d3f3  No.3353668

File: 8772e9d45c14868⋯.jpeg (223.42 KB, 1242x1279, 1242:1279, 5BA0F0FB-BC77-409B-868B-D….jpeg)

Hmm. Legit?

a6a4ee  No.3353669

File: 3d2b0b17f619609⋯.png (149.85 KB, 342x350, 171:175, Screen Shot 2018-07-08 at ….png)

febce2  No.3353670

File: 56e9445fef67b6f⋯.png (857.26 KB, 796x1668, 199:417, ClipboardImage.png)



Here we go with this again…


0f7f8e  No.3353671

PF 453




PF 2348

I found some spots where Q emphasized the importance of markers. Not necessarily 'marker hit', but the statement that something would be a marker. I counted 10? not a pro/clockfag/whatever. maybe my input can help someone along the way. How many markers do we expect?

[Markers] matter.

PF 477

Wind the clock w/ all markers.


Future proves past.


PF 307

The "marker."

Learn to read the map.

News unlocks the map.



Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference. Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.

First marker - PF 26

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).


Marker [1] Confirmed.

Confirmed: 15, 10, 5, 1



——– is this the countdown? missed 15, missed 10, now 5 left, then 1, then [0]?

2nd marker - PF 437

$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).


Left eye [marker].

3rd Marker - PF - 964


4th marker- PF 992

WH clean SIG.


Everything is planned.


Marker 5 - PF 1090

Buildings E of spider web.

Spider web marker.

Open source.


Marker 6 - 1226

As the World Turns.


Everything has meaning.


7th Marker PF-1241


Iran is next.


CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.

Marker 8 - PF 1357

What must happen pre 11.11?

11.11 provided as strategic marker.

Marker 9 - PF 1464

No. 100

Dark to Light.

1:07 [Marker]

Marker 10 - 1743

Was the Truth revealed re: FISA/Dossier?

Important marker.

Think connections.

fd6dd3  No.3353672

Q2348 Proves CNN Fake News

Qdrop 2347 and Qdrop 2348 features the Russian Yasin Class submarine as described in the Defcon article. CNN [ FAILED ] and used a stock image of a Russian Kilo Class submarine in their article and twitter feed about the Yasin class submarine as described in the article.

(less tha 2 minutes to "inspect" the CNN photo and compared the two submarine classes on wiki… beyond the scope of CNN journalism… surprise they didn't report the Russian Navy is flying a "Confederate" battle flag in the pics too… KEK)

7daca3  No.3353673

File: b740d0a7976fe32⋯.jpg (181.08 KB, 1026x1214, 513:607, d34a2c58b8702983e48cb73b6a….jpg)


And now she's encouraging to ENDLESSLY "harass" a Representative in public. FOREVER.


e5ad19  No.3353674



Why is that so far fetched?

What q posts mention Bush

Hannity close close ties to bush

Limbaugh bush

It’s reasonabke to assume there is more than one entity battling for control of humanity

ef3e71  No.3353675

File: ae946d76dd62306⋯.jpg (35.52 KB, 392x300, 98:75, Kekeken.jpg)

387404  No.3353676


Simmer down (you)

Its from a movie, not from JFKs or Jrs boat.

054087  No.3353677

File: 9610a8c34b69690⋯.jpg (19.53 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 9610a8c34b6969018175e73c36….jpg)


df0fa8  No.3353678




ff2ff2  No.3353679

File: a066ee6474a6bf2⋯.jpeg (298.3 KB, 750x564, 125:94, 3AE19EEF-35EB-4C3D-A2ED-2….jpeg)

File: e1b388c6032e3a4⋯.jpeg (96.4 KB, 750x124, 375:62, 2AF82EAC-A658-4CCB-B9FC-9….jpeg)

Check time stamp

Embezzlement in the news +++

27b2d2  No.3353680



it's not only happening…



c4d64b  No.3353681


Your right. You happened to be a faggot

84e30b  No.3353682

File: 527e55fc28e682b⋯.jpeg (319.4 KB, 1951x1668, 1951:1668, B680BDCA-340E-4993-B278-D….jpeg)

dc72d8  No.3353683

a77fa5  No.3353685

File: d6fee21a5dfe8e3⋯.png (1.02 MB, 2276x2268, 569:567, A1F.png)

File: d996df95ae9a553⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 606x122, 303:61, i-love-my-country-above-al….jpg)

2baadd  No.3353686

File: 667e2a0ed0a6f97⋯.png (812.18 KB, 1039x764, 1039:764, ClipboardImage.png)



515b18  No.3353687

With this poverty

Who the fuck needs

Asskissing psychphants

Flaunting skonkas

On queeeeeerresearch

20275c  No.3353688

File: d9447edf1bfd215⋯.png (642.3 KB, 662x751, 662:751, FBI Fugitive Friday 10-5-1….PNG)




I imagine if every Anon shared their pics, they'd all be caught by tonight or tomorrow morning

113370  No.3353689


I thought the missing sub was neutralized at some point?

7d5cb3  No.3353690

File: 635286646bd4d17⋯.png (345.85 KB, 1440x937, 1440:937, ClipboardImage.png)

27c3da  No.3353691


Just remember that everything you think you know about Russia, you learned from the media and the deep state…

1dd340  No.3353692

File: d6f896c7df224dd⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Puppy.jpg)


Every one of these should be reported for abusive language.

245836  No.3353693

File: 6878fc41c720194⋯.png (10.79 KB, 551x342, 29:18, rose.png)

File: 9b70b50ffc00b4b⋯.png (5.78 KB, 327x144, 109:48, rose-a.png)

File: f0c1fd41244246e⋯.png (86.32 KB, 890x744, 445:372, rose-b.png)

Will Roseman (Explorers Club) - Xandros - PC/Open System

b33e81  No.3353694


Not fooling anyone with (you)

0720d3  No.3353695


I bet that Whidbey Island missile was stolen from the Russians

2a2a02  No.3353696


'The Hunt' is over. It is now time for RED OCTOBER.

faa8a2  No.3353697


hahahaha muhjooshills' mystification about (((HUGS))) kek

4bdd47  No.3353698

File: 30ba9719e0cda4d⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, frys electronics oct 2018.jpg)

My local Fry's electronics…

ef3e71  No.3353699


I hope so…I'm getting tired

cfd173  No.3353700


I did see a picture of HRC arriving at the FBI headquarters on that date.anyone got it.

d83fc0  No.3353701



Holy shit… this is really really creepy.

720294  No.3353702

File: e878309f6aa0052⋯.jpg (50.85 KB, 620x413, 620:413, weeklyPills1.jpg)

File: ffc850869e0ea99⋯.jpg (96.9 KB, 500x719, 500:719, weeklyPills.jpg)

7d5cb3  No.3353703

File: fb18c98107b92ce⋯.png (350.15 KB, 490x326, 245:163, ClipboardImage.png)

b2b69f  No.3353704

What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?

dfe20c  No.3353705

File: dee9ac455e77633⋯.jpeg (5.76 KB, 308x164, 77:41, here.jpeg)


Imagine how many times you jerk off this pic, to see that.

88b584  No.3353706

File: d2aeb189fe1ea8d⋯.png (598.16 KB, 719x880, 719:880, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17c281d88cea3a6⋯.png (583.4 KB, 714x923, 714:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a74f9276d7d66e⋯.png (527.79 KB, 713x905, 713:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5e1d47836ab87e⋯.png (620.45 KB, 726x741, 242:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29397b11d08d44a⋯.png (849.79 KB, 672x904, 84:113, ClipboardImage.png)



The Mainstream media’s response

According to the Independent:

CCTV footage that was shared after the Brussels attacks, believed to show video from inside Maelbeek Metro station, has been proven fake.

As news emerged of the third explosion in the Belgian capital, which targeted the station situated near EU offices, many began sharing what they believed to be footage of the bombing.

However it was soon discovered that the video in fact came from the Minsk Metro bombing of 2011 that killed 15 and injured over 200 people.

The Independent’s report is based on a fallacy.

It was the mainstream media that published the Moscow and Minsk video footages.

It was thanks to incisive social media blog reports that the use of fake videos by the mainstream media was revealed.

The more fundamental question: Two cases of fake videos on the same day. A coincidence?

Can we trust the mainstream media reports concerning the Brussels terror attacks?

Read Complete article on Brussels Fake Videos

2. Coverage of Syria War: BBC Switches Images

According to Sifty News

“The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been slammed for mistakenly using a photo taken in Iraq in 2003 to illustrate the Syria 2012 massacre, in which over 100 people, including 32 children, were brutally killed.

The picture, taken on March 27, 2003, showed a young Iraqi child jumping over dozens of white body bags containing skeletons found in a desert south of Baghdad.

It was posted on the BBC news website under the heading “Syria massacre in Houla condemned as outrage grows”.

According to The Telegraph, the caption stated the photograph was provided by an activist and cannot be independently verified, but said it is “believed to show the bodies of children in Houla awaiting burial”.

df0fa8  No.3353707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b33e81  No.3353708


worst haiku ever

57281c  No.3353709

File: 233877e6b0c8e28⋯.png (5.43 KB, 446x100, 223:50, fgdsdfgfdgdfgd.PNG)

this Q post just popped into my head..

weather - guys name is Foggo

ww (worldwide) - upcoming Nato countries participating in drill

FF (false flag) - what we need to watch for

49df46  No.3353710

File: 99ba45ce8cf79b3⋯.png (421.08 KB, 1451x1162, 1451:1162, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey anons I think I might have something.

At the end of Q's last crumb is a series of dots.

They're not uniform.

If you type them out in Notepad++ you get a series of small dots and two large dots.

It looked a lot like morse code to me and sure enough:

The length of a dot is 1 unit.

The length of a dash is 3 units.

I came up with several combinations. I don't believe the list to be exhaustive.

2f0f5c  No.3353711

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Gulf of Tonkin

Not the only ff in history. Sadly.

Anyone else having trouble posting? Getting a ton of errors.

e0a1e5  No.3353712


that sums up my last retarded post!

7c482d  No.3353713

File: 9c92f939394030d⋯.jpg (341.21 KB, 1474x811, 1474:811, old-yeller-milts.jpg)

inb4 milts puts on the fred'mask

2559cb  No.3353714

"The Hunt For" Dropped




11 Feb 2018 - 3:23:50 PM


11 Feb 2018 - 3:13:20 PM


I would like to inquire of Q (with highest respect) whether RED_OCTOBER refers to

1) the fictional submarine whose torpedo homed in on itself and destroyed itself


2) the [RED OCTOBER] [Красный Oктябрь] cyberespionage malware discovered in October 2012-January 2013. It operated worldwide for up to 5 years before its discovery. It sent info ranging from diplomatic secrets to personal information, including from mobile devices. Red October was termed an advanced cyberespionage campaign intended to target diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations worldwide.


3) Something else


Future news will highlight.

Note "The Hunt For" was dropped.

Details matter.


9d491f  No.3353715

File: 4c53de0c6cdd40a⋯.jpg (139.39 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2gdoap.jpg)

995e43  No.3353716

Does anyone else use the twatter crumbs dropped by Q to find good folk to follow? (and there are a lot of femanons, I noticed)

fe223b  No.3353717


Trolling him on half chan worked like a charm.

0720d3  No.3353718


That is a given.




20a3a5  No.3353719

File: 312138752f239dd⋯.png (19.03 KB, 578x376, 289:188, 7Capture.PNG)


correct translation:

d76082  No.3353720



>>3353387, >>3353603 Reminder: Whidbey Island Missile launch graphics

>>3353383 Christine Ford’s Friend and Cohort Who Pressured Leland Keyser to Change Story Is Now Represented by Top Deep State Lawyer

>>3353392 Adm Foggo is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Explorer’s Club of New York.

>>3353413 Mueller moves for forfeiture order to seize Manafort assets

>>3353428 NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border, calls it 'defensive'

>>3353545 Missing interpol chief in China

>>3353659 Adm Foggo at the Atlantic Council


019757  No.3353721


New Russian stealth subs have been in the news for the last year or more.

Puget sound missile launch evidently from a water based platform.

Russia & USA have not been playing ball with the Cabal Masters.

The Cabal Master have wanted Russia & USA at major war with each other while they continued to "Off-Shore" tech & industry to their more recent (last 30 yrs) "Cash Cow" China.

"War is a Racket" & slave labor makes money too.

a9bae9  No.3353722


Thats MK Ultra live!

1b8e5f  No.3353723











Why is Big Pharma essential?

Expand your thinking past cures.

Why are China & Russia communist S/closed?


Building 8.


HRC Sec of State 2009 - 2013.


Think Sever Access [granted]

Money talks.


RBG replacement [lifetime appointment - age]?

f2b213  No.3353724




b91f47  No.3353725


So Argentina sub goes missing 11/15/17

Hawaii missile event early January 2018

Q says drop “Hunt for..” 2/18

Q292 March 2018

Widbey Island June 2018

The Kazan was at sea trials.

What are odds that this Russian sub helped locate the missing Rogue Cabal sub with its advanced signals tech?

It has conventional prop.. so it’s not stealthy.. but it can locate stealthy.

Cabal trying to start war with Russia.. always trying to stop US and RUSSIA from peace (JFK> Richard Russell tapes; Reagan> tear down these walls; McStain pushing on Russia; etc.)

This Admiral talking to CNN must be black hat.

They failed with Kav.. losing MSM control.. they will move back to Russia ahead of FISA release to shape narrative in advance of Mueller probe ending (demand by House) and RR impeachment / resignation..

Last choice to stay hidden is war.. they will try!

Pray for patriots to stop them!

64d763  No.3353726


What is the explanation for the particular hour on which the clock's first day is set? The hour and day are not the same integer, so what determined the beginning of time for the Q clock?

113370  No.3353727


The devil despises the man and woman in union with each other and with God.

515b18  No.3353728


Yada yada zombie

Blah blah blah treasonous pedovore

Some yutz is asking to get shitposts by a Twinkie

Gevetch gevetch death cult started murder cult

51ade7  No.3353729

>>3353666 ←——-TRIPS CONFIRM! 17 dots at the end of Q's last post!


Autist of highest calibur

65e6fd  No.3353730



b33e81  No.3353731




4873ab  No.3353732


I seent it too

dc309c  No.3353733


Trips of truth! It's a witchhunt alright . Here's Hillary's backchannel to Bibi through Lanny (now Cohen's lawyer) From recent HRC email drop:


From: Lanny J. Davis

To: H

Sent: Thu Sep 02 09:20:34 2010

Subject: Confidential

Dear Hillary:

I have a private and highly trusted communication line, unofficial and personal, to PM N1, and he trusts me and my private

source close to him does as well.

Please let know - or set me up with one of your aides - to help deliver unofficial messages if needed and to help persuade if


Everything - everything - I do will be off-the-reco rd, never never disclosed to anyone (even Carolyn) if you choose to contact

me or someone else does.

You have my word of honor.

Good look my friend.

A lot is riding on this and, in my biased opinion, no one on the planet (other than your wonderful husband) can get this done as

well as you– and he doesn't have your advantages in your position as a bridge between all worlds, within Admin as well as

between I's and P's and US and Arab leaders.

Praying for you tooBest,


88b584  No.3353734

File: d2c3efc2c22e0cc⋯.png (674.29 KB, 703x905, 703:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ba65b63eb5ae3a⋯.png (702.15 KB, 674x898, 337:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 331cbf2b948c108⋯.png (387.68 KB, 712x910, 356:455, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efeea7b580881ca⋯.png (4.33 KB, 668x109, 668:109, ClipboardImage.png)



Alleged Chinese cops in khaki uniforms repressing Tibet demonstrators in China, CNN, March 14, 2008 1’40”

Their khaki uniforms with berets seem to bear the imprint of the British colonial period.

Khaki colored uniforms were first introduced in the British cavalry in India in 1846.

Khaki means “dust” in Hindi and Persian.

Moreover, the cops with khaki uniforms and mustache do not look Chinese.

Look carefully.

They are Indian cops.

The videotape shown on March 14 by CNN is not from China (Gansu Province or Lhasa, Tibet’s Capital). The video was taken in the State of Himachal Pradesh, India. The videotape of the Tibet protest movement in India was used in the CNN report on the Tibet protest movement within China.

In a March 13 Report by CNN, demonstrators are being arrested by Indian police in khaki uniforms during a protest march at Dehra, about 50 km from Dharamsala in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh.

VIDEO; Tibet Protest movement in India, CNN, March 13, 2008

“Indian police arrested around 100 Tibetans on Thursday, dragging them into waiting police vans, as they tried to march to the Chinese border to press claims for independence and protest the Beijing Olympics.” (REUTERS/Abhishek Madhukar (INDIA))

Below are images from the CNN’s report on March 13, on the protest movement in Himachal Pradesh, India:

Compare these images to those in the March 14 CNN report. Same cops, same uniforms, same Indian style moustache

27b2d2  No.3353735


fun stuff… don't fuck with 4 chan… IF… you are online.

Challenge 4 faggots…I AM NOT ONLINE!!!!!!!

Who in the fuck is Daniel?

You can only be hacked IF you are online.


7c482d  No.3353736


I'm up for baking.

6e5d3c  No.3353737

File: b9af15f6ca0e16d⋯.jpg (133.44 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, redoctoberpotus1.jpg)

3d114b  No.3353738

The missile was shot from a stolen Russian sub?

And if it succeeded, it would have been FF that Russia hit us or POTUS,

and it would have started a war?

3bee6d  No.3353739


ok putin

master propaganda agitproporist

2baadd  No.3353740

File: 0f460630e887603⋯.png (347.2 KB, 581x448, 83:64, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14241efc64ffcca⋯.png (784.55 KB, 577x1050, 577:1050, ClipboardImage.png)


most forced hashtag ever

5f307c  No.3353741


Checkered floor, owl, and the cards make me think alice in wonderland

e33bfd  No.3353742

File: 852ac2864203ac8⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 240x135, 16:9, 852ac2864203ac8755de235490….gif)

76cdb9  No.3353743


Welcome newfag.

Make sure you lurk a little to see who is fren…

Also read all q crumbs, helps much.

425fdb  No.3353744


been getting dead breads midway through for the last couple of hours and refreshing revives them. haven't been able to post properly for two days some times it takes a few tries. no 502s yet.

113370  No.3353745


Real scumbag.

e4ee7a  No.3353746


I don't know what your angle is



e4675c  No.3353747


its a technic called human microphone, to transport information to a large crowd without having something to amplify, but keep on hyping it up

03fa81  No.3353748

File: 205dad1c9425645⋯.jpg (206.14 KB, 1144x1255, 1144:1255, tf36.jpg)




NATO stooge?

>During this period, he also served as the operations officer (J-3) for Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn (Libya). Additionally, Foggo was a NATO Task Force commander in Joint Task Force Unified Protector (Libya).


Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn (JTF-OD) was established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya.

On 31 March 2011, NATO formally integrated all remaining air operations pertaining to air operations over Libya under its command and control, with all of these operations becoming part of Operation Unified Protector. Joint Task Force Odyssey Guard was inactivated and replaced by Combined Joint Task Force Unified Protector as the command element for operations over and around Libya.

88b584  No.3353749




Who is Behind “Fake News”? Fake Videos and Images


bf9cc9  No.3353750

File: 57228e916dc8a72⋯.png (209.17 KB, 1423x502, 1423:502, CNN1005-1.png)

File: 40457d3338aefd9⋯.png (79.13 KB, 1075x390, 215:78, CNN1005-2.png)

CNN fear porn as usual.

Far from a WARNING.

Normal military diligence.

1dd340  No.3353751

@AlmostJingo has a couple of videos of the gauntlet of harpies Susan Collins had to plow through to go and give that speech.


cc4bfe  No.3353752


… _ _ _ …

b2b69f  No.3353753

H.R.7030 introduced in House by Debbie Wasserman Schultz

To protect the information obtained by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for the placement of unaccompanied alien children from being used for any purpose other than providing safe and secure placements, and for other purposes.

Democratic Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz from the state of FL, along with twenty-six cosponsors, introduced bill H.R.7030 on Oct 02, 2018.


d76082  No.3353754

>>3353530, >>3353666 17 dots at the end of /pf/345


adding though

d1aad6  No.3353755


There was no stolen RUSSIAN sub

9d491f  No.3353756

File: 4eb4bea9f35dd7c⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2j2bfp.jpg)

889bfc  No.3353757

File: 68bda5140adc729⋯.png (658.76 KB, 562x478, 281:239, idiot1.PNG)

File: a4090ed34148173⋯.png (312.09 KB, 700x463, 700:463, Capture.PNG)


Have you noticed what the opposition looks like

e0a1e5  No.3353758


kek.. looking for a date anon?

e38131  No.3353759

File: 211ba521152539e⋯.png (509.46 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A7B6A4BA-0E68-4C0D-941F-E4….png)

File: 6347f25ab138717⋯.jpeg (917.19 KB, 1242x1932, 9:14, 3F32D94C-2BE6-450C-8E31-F….jpeg)

File: 7a0c9deba100f81⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1923, 414:641, 8708F7D6-BD0E-4E30-AAD2-4….jpeg)

File: ee77e04d548aa6e⋯.jpeg (800.67 KB, 1242x1937, 1242:1937, 7F876352-90D2-4AB7-A789-7….jpeg)


That’s the Jolly Roger flag https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/news/a28209/navy-spy-sub-jolly-roger-uss-jimmy-carter/

20275c  No.3353760

File: 2c8c3e5a56c01c2⋯.png (29.26 KB, 651x337, 651:337, Mitchell re Sessions 10-5-….PNG)


b33e81  No.3353761


Like people are too dumb to scroll over the blackout???

UR fukin dumb

df46fb  No.3353762



6e5d3c  No.3353763

File: df559377cfb89e0⋯.jpg (100.51 KB, 570x758, 285:379, fingerme.jpg)

7027ae  No.3353764


what page is that on in Rules for Radicals?

093c30  No.3353765

File: ee0af0e375645dd⋯.png (626.59 KB, 999x577, 999:577, finished.png)

File: f18584a5dbf11c1⋯.png (201.69 KB, 474x579, 158:193, manchinpatriot.png)

File: fce4daf908b9564⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1156x1111, 1156:1111, Thanunciasion.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: 6574c56a26ee415⋯.png (969.66 KB, 1111x633, 1111:633, HRPNN.png)

113370  No.3353766


Thanks for the decode, Dr. Corsi.

d22577  No.3353767

File: 7bbaf7cac476fe2⋯.jpg (40.98 KB, 500x375, 4:3, generealripper.jpg)


Nice shooting Soldier!

515b18  No.3353768


2baadd  No.3353769

thank you baker

>>3353659 Adm Foggo at the Atlantic Council

should be

>>3353597 Adm Foggo at the Atlantic Council

bf9cc9  No.3353770


Sorry, forgot sauce.


0a93f3  No.3353771

File: 8d5e397886f002b⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2133x1254, 711:418, Q-Clock Oct04 DECLAS comin….png)


Updated Q-Clock on Russia Narrative Shift

The narrative is [WAR]

Provided by an (attempted) False Flag attack.

6da9c0  No.3353772


Thats tremendous .. didn't realise it was so obvious ?

d3c20b  No.3353773


I predict Murkowski will resign her seat when the (currently secret) investigation into perjury before the Senate reveal that she was intimidated by DiFi into voting how she did.

cc4bfe  No.3353774


these people are stupid

37977e  No.3353775

File: a00f3c015db8eb4⋯.png (206.09 KB, 745x387, 745:387, erika thompson.PNG)

it started before Trump was nominee!!

Does this location match any photo?


88b584  No.3353777

File: 84a7174360352ff⋯.png (188.06 KB, 734x464, 367:232, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dcecf906195252⋯.png (31.38 KB, 591x469, 591:469, ClipboardImage.png)

Chip-Level Spying Has a Long History Under the Chinese Regime

If Chinese spy chips were found in the hardware of Apple and Amazon (they were according to a report by Bloomberg; the two companies deny their servers were compromised), this should have been expected. There’s a long history of cases like this.

The Senate Armed Services Committee warned of this threat in May 2012, and found over 1 million counterfeit parts is U.S. military systems—largely from China.

Here’s a quote from that report: “The investigation uncovered dozens of examples of suspect counterfeit electronic parts in critical military systems, including on thermal weapons sights delivered to the Army, on mission computers for the Missile Defense Agency’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile, and on a large number of military airplanes.”

This was also just the tip of the iceberg. Remember in 2013 that Chinese spy chips were found in electric kettles and irons being sent to Russia. They would search for unsecured WiFi connections, then call home.

Also remember that in 2011, recording devices were found in all dual-plate Chinese-Hong Kong vehicles, which were installed by China’s Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.

In June 2010, Chinese-made memory cards in Olympus Stylus Tough cameras were found to be infected computers. The same virus was found in memory cards of Samsung smartphones.

And similar embedded threats were found in Chinese-made TomTom GPS systems and other devices that were being sold at places including Best Buy, Target, and Sam’s Club. A list of cases could go on for a while.

Among the more serious cases was the “Zombie Zero” threat that was uncovered in 2014 by TrapX.

TrapX found that a Chinese company had installed spy software in handheld scanning devices used for global shipping.

The infected devices in the “Zombie Zero” case gave Chinese spies access to all corporate financial data, customer data, and shipping data on the infected systems and also complete situational awareness of global shipping and logistics operations.

The U.S. government tried addressing the threat of embedded breaches in the supply chain through a law passed in the 2014 U.S. federal budget that requested a review of products purchased by federal agencies.

China’s Ministry of Commerce of course didn’t like this very much. It released a statement soon after saying the U.S. policy would “have a negative effect on Chinese companies, besides harming the interests of U.S. firms.”

Chinese state news outlet Global Times even claimed the United States should “correct its mistaken ways” after the law was passed.

A similar program was passed in the private sector around the same time, called the Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard Accreditation Program, but was likely sabotaged in attempts to appease the Chinese regime.

Included in its 422 members were 11 groups based in China, where most of these threats originated.


ef3e71  No.3353778


Tomato fertilizer?

84e30b  No.3353779


Suffrage needs a rethink

76cdb9  No.3353780

d308c6  No.3353781


👊 100%

I have been doing a hell of a lot of digging into the clinton admin/presidency and i can tell you this, they ran it loose and wide open. Have some bigger posts working on and will be up tonight.

6eac25  No.3353782


linda sarsour was doing the exact same thing yesterday

113370  No.3353783

File: ea213287d7b575b⋯.jpg (17.99 KB, 263x191, 263:191, oogwaymeme.jpg)


Oogway is such a badass.

019757  No.3353784

Didn't BHO say the 80's wanted their Foreign Policy back?

A top US admiral warns of a Russian submarine threathttps://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/1048324715469783040

d050b8  No.3353785


putin and trump are hip to their bs

so i don't know how it could be possible to start a war with the two.

372597  No.3353786

7c482d  No.3353787

File: ef6e0f70482bfb0⋯.png (2.39 KB, 472x114, 236:57, ClipboardImage.png)


It's 17 dots. 8chan just groups three into a single char instantly.







a9bae9  No.3353788


Yeah but look at their postures … and the zombielike sound of their voices

Like totally drained / mindcontrolled

e62cd7  No.3353789

File: 6b672e6655f9209⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1170x679, 1170:679, ClipboardImage.png)

90e161  No.3353790


It is flu shot season…. just sayin, assumptions make a blah blah blah

bc5dfc  No.3353791



but that's another stringer…

what do you think of the one given over the phone to DTTT?

6da9c0  No.3353793


what's ur thoughts on UK ?

d76082  No.3353794


I bet you are


my bad, fixed

614d09  No.3353795


saudis bush

limbaugh and hannity do as their told and q has mentioned bush.

515b18  No.3353796

Jesus started Islam and committed a ton of art with Balkan pagans

7027ae  No.3353797


…from being used for any purpose other than providing safe and secure placements…

THAT has to be made into a NEW LAW ???????????????

f1bbdf  No.3353798

File: f5715da581ea456⋯.jpg (331.78 KB, 1024x1502, 512:751, laurie-lipton-4.jpg)

3bee6d  No.3353799

dc91c9  No.3353800


It's the flags - Blue cross on white is Russian navy. The red one I can't find (and it looks photoshopped)

425fdb  No.3353801


i get this in ascii from the page code

… … … … … . .

five triple dots and two single dots … space added for emphasis

8937bd  No.3353802


Fuck off, dumb ass….

He's dead. He & JFK serve as markers & basis

in reasoning.

You don't even fucking know your basic anatomy.

Some of us have actually met & spoken w/

Vincent from the rallies. Go KYS now.

dfc181  No.3353803


>George H.W. Bush

Barely, by George!

W has been true to his word, as I am to mine.

70110e  No.3353804


>Have you noticed what the opposition looks like

I'm talking about when they arrest Hillary, Obama, Bush, etc. and all of their evil minions.

093c30  No.3353805

File: 1e55577834393fc⋯.png (93.92 KB, 300x300, 1:1, murk.png)

File: 20eaa396349aae3⋯.png (202.41 KB, 316x446, 158:223, KANT.png)

File: 95219489f603580⋯.png (488.28 KB, 720x720, 1:1, catppening.png)

File: bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png)

bc5dfc  No.3353806


>Didn't BHO say the 80's wanted their Foreign Policy back?


the footage of him brushing away any idea of Russia being a credible ennemy is hilarious, all the more so because it's from around 2014/2015, if not even later

113370  No.3353807


Trips confirm Baker Girl Angel.

f2e7d3  No.3353808



TY Anon!

BAKER NOTABLE? - Marker in Drops Lead to Revelations

or something something

df0fa8  No.3353809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ef3e71  No.3353810

File: 0bd53d5b1983a2f⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 560x374, 280:187, nope.jpg)


EWW…filter that shit

623cfb  No.3353811


About as many times as you imagine guys jerking off.

e33bfd  No.3353812

File: d868e2bc8e46578⋯.png (268.96 KB, 518x482, 259:241, d868e2bc8e4657889c2af2faf0….png)

1bc83c  No.3353813

File: e6f5f2bbf810b9b⋯.png (1 MB, 1136x752, 71:47, McCabe-GoFundMe.png)

New filing re: Andrew McCabe v DoJ [Status Report]


51ade7  No.3353814


The Admiral talking to CNN must be black hat.

NOTABLE deduction anon

fa4637  No.3353815

File: e128b026f4279c5⋯.jpg (109.34 KB, 1242x988, 621:494, IMG_9562.jpg)

File: d50d32924864de7⋯.jpg (324.44 KB, 1242x1128, 207:188, IMG_9566.jpg)

Anyone watching the US Navy blue angels perform? Only live feed I can find is Fox on periscope

515b18  No.3353816

File: fef492aaa3cf2ba⋯.jpg (373.71 KB, 1920x1536, 5:4, IMG_3257.JPG)

File: 52eb59de8deeea1⋯.jpg (132.76 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IMG_3258.JPG)

File: 8ce1a3a3bba19aa⋯.jpg (146.39 KB, 1000x881, 1000:881, IMG_3259.JPG)

POlka dot trigger

PAY up your insurance premium

245836  No.3353817

File: dd72c42b4e004ad⋯.jpg (15.78 KB, 300x400, 3:4, Rickover.jpg)

File: 9d2a8dea618d52d⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 304x400, 19:25, Rickover Time.jpg)


5d0ee4  No.3353818


They’re smear campaigns failed. Their side has n>>3353668

This is disturbing. Ugh!

7c482d  No.3353819

File: fc35aeedbfcaedf⋯.png (13.38 KB, 354x892, 177:446, ClipboardImage.png)

df0fa8  No.3353820


Benis wants noble wrath?

I would not have thought that. It may be because he's a walrus in a shirt, tho. Will take walruses more seriously. Huh.

9003c8  No.3353821

File: 657e42bc405d787⋯.jpg (85.02 KB, 500x667, 500:667, ClassyShift.jpg)

729496  No.3353822



Who is the Admiral?

e01ed9  No.3353823

Anonymous ID:v3eCc2tY Sat 04 Nov 2017 21:15:52 No.148016769 Report

Quoted By: >>148020902 >>148023938 >>148026153

[Repost Lost]

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)…

Alice & Wonderland.


[Repost Lost]

What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?

To who was it addressed?

When was POTUS' Twitter taken down?

Why is this relevant?

What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?

Who was it addressed to specifically?

When was POTUS' Twitter taken down?

Has this ever happened before?

Why now?


How many times did the attack occur (secondary clean up)?

What is the purpose of tracking?

What is the purpose of disruption?

Why did POTUS have military guards (uniform) while in HI?

Why is this relevant?

Do military guards (uniform) typically assist the USSS?

Why is this relevant?

What flying object was recently shot down?

Why is this relevant?

How precise is geo tracking (non-public c-level pro)?

Why is this relevant?

Alice & Wonderland.


[Repost Lost]

Q = Alice

You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland.

Everything has meaning.

God bless.


remember this! what's the meaning of Q = Alice. when potus says, "alice, let's go to a movie" is he actually referencing watching this movie with Q?

2baadd  No.3353824

File: a57e26c0171afde⋯.png (260.17 KB, 599x544, 599:544, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53426835cd18164⋯.png (709.45 KB, 599x1264, 599:1264, ClipboardImage.png)


88b584  No.3353825

File: 6dcd381bf50a8e2⋯.png (263.82 KB, 635x512, 635:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a653917996af31⋯.png (94.17 KB, 368x390, 184:195, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ebc15ae365448d⋯.png (50 KB, 833x497, 119:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad77bf5536ea261⋯.png (33.83 KB, 814x346, 407:173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bf5cef921f2f0d⋯.png (31.21 KB, 838x365, 838:365, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN’s Jim Acosta Accuses GOP Kavanaugh Supporters of ‘Bullying the Press’, Whines ‘Can’t You Guys Win Gracefully?

CNN’s Jim Acosta posted about the looming confirmation vote on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, ticking off a laundry list of liberal causes that might be affected by a more conservative court. Acosta was called out for spouting liberal talking points and did not take it well, deleting a tweet that accused his GOP critics of “bullying the press” and whining, “Can’t you guys win gracefully?”

Acosta wrote, “It’s bullying the press. And it’s shameful. My goodness. Can’t you guys win gracefully?”

Acosta was replying to comments by a senior Mitch McConnell staffer and a former Paul Ryan spokesman.


6eac25  No.3353826

File: 58e2636d21fcb2d⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1380x974, 690:487, ClipboardImage.png)


69° 5'3.53"N 33°24'47.08"E

d308c6  No.3353827


Holy feck. Yeah we are at the most critical time now.. these few motherfuckers are up against us all.. whats your move deep state?

Way more of us then you, and we want you BAD!

f2e7d3  No.3353828



Good spotting.

889bfc  No.3353829


they have jobs now ,to busy working

27b2d2  No.3353830



755483  No.3353831



Alice in Wonderland, Woodland Hills, CA

476f04  No.3353832


UK and AUS was in on the missile?

2f0f5c  No.3353833




Ok thank you, I tried 3 different devices and 2 alternate browsers. This probably is not on my backend. We will soldier on o7

Refreshing seems to fix the 502s but my posting just freezes at a percentage.

5adbec  No.3353834


from jail… that won't work for you hun.

d050b8  No.3353835

File: b9b13bdfd817d92⋯.jpg (879.57 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, frankendemon.jpg)

b33e81  No.3353836

File: de454d5c693eef8⋯.jpg (41.33 KB, 620x348, 155:87, night-shift-reporting.jpg)

2242f1  No.3353837


Search the string of dots on qanon.pub, the posts with that same string are highly relevant rn.

a6a4ee  No.3353838

File: 950cfde3f911fb1⋯.png (843.22 KB, 1230x746, 615:373, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)



f68645  No.3353839


yes they let you know fast how much they "REALLY" control lol got my shit fucked with pretty good car radios and all

986fc5  No.3353840

File: 5cfde94ae8d5aa8⋯.png (292.75 KB, 1115x507, 1115:507, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 707e508a6cc165a⋯.png (57.66 KB, 349x606, 349:606, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7efdd759cef7aa⋯.png (12.05 KB, 338x195, 26:15, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3352649 (lb) Saudi Crown Prince Slams Obama, Praises Trump, Claims Aramco IPO Is Back On

^^^^^Anons, here is why this is


Q asked us:


>Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening?

I pulled the POTUS last tweet prior to SA happenings and did a graphic awhile back…


I believe this is a MARKER and we could be mirroring what happened in SA right now!

70110e  No.3353841

File: ced1f90fb2795e1⋯.jpg (39.04 KB, 460x288, 115:72, nuremberg-460_978349c.jpg)

eb1109  No.3353842

One thing I notice is that law enforcement always have some people wearing gloves, when facing the leftist loonies. Seen it in all pantifa skirmishes, inside K’s hearing, now all over Capitol. Maybe, just maybe, they’re getting forensic evidence of a bunch of the same people being involved in all of such derailing efforts, therefore building a strong rationale to build a case against true sedition and conspiracy to overthrow a legitimate government, from the stupid paid shills up to their minders. Buh bye DNC, Soros, liberal ngos and the Chinese PC.

df46fb  No.3353843

f12f2b  No.3353844

File: 2920eb425e3b4b2⋯.jpg (86.34 KB, 1275x562, 1275:562, anonaskspotus.jpg)

just had a thought. most Q posts aren't straightforward, there are double meanings, and the timelines need to be interpreted and deciphered.

that being said… what if we took all the posts where Q is directly answering an ANONS Question?

i'll bet if you put all those posts together it would be highly relevant and informative.

just like this wonderful anon did with POTUS


MANY MANY Q posts say this explicitly

bf9cc9  No.3353845

File: 77352a2e1e7c167⋯.jpg (214.64 KB, 1140x644, 285:161, lays-crisps-in-china.jpg)

7daca3  No.3353846

File: d36e5b461031172⋯.png (952.35 KB, 986x796, 493:398, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)


Nice Anon!!

d4e82c  No.3353847

File: c8a115c88546371⋯.mp4 (365.01 KB, 480x270, 16:9, skyQ.mp4)


snagged this morning

=do A Q==

515b18  No.3353848

File: 1e6b5b4abb8376b⋯.png (59.73 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_3256.PNG)


HAL: Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.

HAL: I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

2baadd  No.3353849

File: cf1a13ded2977fe⋯.png (236.14 KB, 931x434, 133:62, magaa.PNG)

20a3a5  No.3353850

File: 891f16bf61b0aa7⋯.png (446.18 KB, 1148x625, 1148:625, 1Capture.PNG)

File: 2bea3eb34a6c22c⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1251x658, 1251:658, 2Capture.PNG)

File: 8014dfc32bac55d⋯.png (97.74 KB, 745x644, 745:644, 3Capture.PNG)


think US planes downed..why..chinese chips..??

POTUS in front of the UN council warns China "do not interfere in our november elections" election tampering…..what types of things require chips

253ce5  No.3353851

File: 135d02cac5e91eb⋯.jpeg (164.48 KB, 960x617, 960:617, BatheCovfefe.jpeg)


When a drink of covfefe isn't enough…or it's too late for it…

6e5d3c  No.3353852

File: f632737be4ca1c2⋯.jpg (264.64 KB, 650x453, 650:453, friends.jpg)


cea7cf  No.3353853

File: da8dc0c27016471⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 2048x3072, 2:3, Aisformissilelaunch.jpg)

Red October? The missile that was launch by supposed hacked by chinese submarine? Does this connect to the Samson Option but on the scale of Submarines? Why did Q post answering of the Q? Get it? The Q? THE FUCKING JQ?! I am serious you nigger faggots, they chose /pol/ for a reason.

7c482d  No.3353854


Screenshot it fool!

8937bd  No.3353855


wouldn't need an asset – wasted resource.

all comms & platforms & devices easily tapped

and monitored by OurGuys.


8977d6  No.3353856

Khazar Gefilte media blaming the Kievan Rus.

a50190  No.3353857

File: 59ac2644e0444ca⋯.jpg (168.99 KB, 876x547, 876:547, P1050304.jpg)

67bdf2  No.3353858


NO fucking way this is real

03fa81  No.3353859

File: afd0ed405ae9ef8⋯.jpg (17.9 KB, 349x262, 349:262, 201.jpg)



>Foggis warning at Atlantic Council / running war games in Europe


>NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border, calls it 'defensive'


>Foggis NATO bio



51ade7  No.3353860

>>3353394, >>3353748 Moar Foggo digs


8842b5  No.3353861


lotta awake Aussies here too

7b1745  No.3353862

File: 5188b5ac75453c5⋯.jpg (286.53 KB, 586x768, 293:384, DeNiro_Pimpin.jpg)

cc4bfe  No.3353863

File: 591a60cfd2028f1⋯.jpg (159.71 KB, 1123x598, 1123:598, download (3).jpg)


This was a real honourable woman….

d22577  No.3353864

File: 6af6869700ac2c7⋯.jpg (111.03 KB, 792x612, 22:17, Not explorer but.....jpg)


The Club kind of gives it away. Eat some sick shit they do..

3e6623  No.3353865


let us know what you find

90e161  No.3353866

File: 6985fd049599553⋯.gif (2.16 MB, 500x374, 250:187, PepeSun.gif)


rare pepe for you…

ef3e71  No.3353867


FFS…Gitmo this bitch already!

e5ad19  No.3353868


3 posts linked to alwaleed.

One point in triangle

Clinton’s soros other points in triangle

Alwaleed taken down so bush aligns against remaining points in triangle?

fa946a  No.3353869


When you are evil enough to play MAD a rogue rocket here and there is enough to topple the world

08d618  No.3353870


Bad ass! Gotta snag it too

51ade7  No.3353871

>>3353394, >>3353748 Moar Foggo digs


good diggin anons

d050b8  No.3353872

File: a4d0d5163711a75⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 255x170, 3:2, jumppepe.jpg)


all our modern cars.

421b88  No.3353873

Q, POTUS, Anons, et al, I'd like to thank each and everyone of you!

It's been almost a year that I've been glued to this device. I have back pains from lack of movement. I've drank goodness knows how much tea. I've loved EVERY minute of it, no matter how much (((they))) have messed with my device and had my eyes burning.

Yesterday, I received the GREAT news that I've got the 2 jobs I was interviewed for the day before. I'm so freakin' excited, I dunno wtf to do with myself :D

'So what? Anon got a job - big deal.' you might think. This will be the first time I've been in paid employment for over 5 years, due to ill mental health. I've done plenty volunteering, but only 'cause very little commitment was expected of me. I feel READY to take on the EXTREMELY important roles I've been offered. This is YUGE for me! NEVER in a million years did I think this possible: me helping others improve their mental health, wellbeing and thus lives by being myself AND I get paid! Who'da thought?!

Why post this here? 'Cause I strongly believe I wouldn't have come this far in such a short period of time had it not been for this movement.

I've faced many demons making graphics, reading crumbs, reading responses - especially the well researched ones - and using critical thinking without being told I over-analyse. You guys are the best AND I don't think I'm that bad, either, now… thanks to you all.

N.B. My creating graphics shall continue when I'm working. I get free-time, the same as anyone else in employment ;)

For the cause!

God Bless and Godspeed Anons!


fd6dd3  No.3353874


Question for Q team:

In Qdrop 2348, Q staes "double meaning". Since the linked CNN twitter report/article can not get stock photos ccorrect, doesn't that mean they are reporting fake news and Qdrop 2348 has "Triple Meaning"?

150921  No.3353875


Makes you think tomorrow is …Done in 30

0720d3  No.3353876


Where are the Fuckwits?

27c3da  No.3353877


Whats interesting about this is that if the person who wrote all this is who they say they are at the end – someone NOT involved in the plan – then it could simply be a case of becoming aware of dates (Oct 30) and ASSUMING it meant Monday and 2017…

0a93f3  No.3353878


As of my understanding… according to the Q post at right bottom of graph (February 11) the false flag would be Tuesday, October 9th, as it is lined out on the Q-Clock.

d22577  No.3353879

File: 27955138c070441⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 186x255, 62:85, VP.jpg)

476f04  No.3353880

File: cba3f860cc2697c⋯.png (397.43 KB, 416x508, 104:127, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)



Double Headed Eagle?

ffa9a5  No.3353881

File: 2e11ecb88404077⋯.png (192.55 KB, 716x429, 716:429, 2e11ecb884040779a86e3216a1….png)


No fucking way.

04c709  No.3353882


Well this is my theory on it. The Cabal is preparing to sacrifice Bush for 9/11. So they have Bush go out and support Trump's pick, praising the Senators who vote for Kavanaugh. This is an attempt to slide Bush in to look like a Trump ally. The 9/11 papers that were approved for release recently will show Bush involvement in 9/11 and only his involvement. This will be devastating to any Republicans that we're in office at that time, and they will likely go for treason charges against them. That's what I see the Democrats setting up. On the flip side of that I can see this being the "oops" moment Q referred to, they only asked for certain pages but the whole thing gets sent out instead. Oops.

b1971f  No.3353883

File: 8360356a6c960bd⋯.jpeg (735.45 KB, 500x6663, 500:6663, EF6FE9D9-3C8A-4904-B2B7-E….jpeg)

File: 0ab0cc073f9b5db⋯.jpeg (307 KB, 1200x1555, 240:311, 8AD801DE-61E2-4046-9602-E….jpeg)

Posting s con Friday patriotsfight

113370  No.3353884



No, let /them/ keep talking. No normie in their right mind thinks confirming a Justice should be like this shilly circus.

f2e7d3  No.3353885


Yeah, it only satisfies those with a confirmation bias. "He's guilt! There's an investigation, see?" Like Mueller on Trump. Fucking tired of it.

f2b213  No.3353886

File: 398538b49809cbd⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1275x1272, 425:424, WHC.png)

1dd340  No.3353887

File: 5760095770a44be⋯.png (260.56 KB, 499x499, 1:1, PepePirate.png)




God, I'm so proud of those guys!


a50190  No.3353888

File: a2389ab3f36d196⋯.jpg (192.87 KB, 531x921, 177:307, iu (2).jpg)

File: fdfa138ac53dece⋯.jpg (106.13 KB, 638x436, 319:218, DSC_8224.jpg)

2559cb  No.3353889

File: 40afc3ed6996087⋯.jpg (63.13 KB, 594x589, 594:589, 90.jpg)

Have we reached the point where their best move will be to croak BC before the mid-terms?

Heart attacks can be deadly

7ce3b4  No.3353890

File: 61a626d5375ce5e⋯.jpg (493.77 KB, 1919x915, 1919:915, Clip_64.jpg)

51ade7  No.3353891

Anyone else's internet connection going whacky off and on while here?

8cdf65  No.3353892



8842b5  No.3353893


working waiting watching

ef3e71  No.3353894


Drop dead fred…old one.

Milenians gonna struggle

485997  No.3353895

File: 58940f580126de4⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1440x821, 1440:821, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)



febce2  No.3353896


>Will it work?

Negative. Will work only to "strengthen" the resolve of the left already convinced that Russia is still an enemy, and/or that POTUS colluded with Russia to get elected. Played out playbook being played out keeping their supporters running in circles. Predictable.

6da9c0  No.3353897

File: 8469c4e0b9f331b⋯.jpg (268.67 KB, 640x920, 16:23, 04fde40a5d39699514514f3e57….jpg)


you sir are amazing !

8436b6  No.3353898

File: eb86125d2458aaa⋯.png (445.24 KB, 1085x625, 217:125, Evil and Threats.png)

This is evil, on it's face. It is wrong. Our Founding Fathers did not contemplate the possibility that the whole world would be sending in money through non profit corporations, to pay off jackals to have their way with the good people we send to Washington to represent us.

This has to stop. But how?

What can we do to get tough on the snakes, and protect the people we send to Washington from blackmail set ups, threats, and yes, some have been murdered over these years?

1) Privacy is for citizens, not for the governing bodies, except in cases of war/intelligence gathering, where lives need to be protected. Yet, just about EVERYTHING is classified to cover (((their))) criminal activity. One can literally argue at this point that all this secrecy in government has become a THREAT to our legislators very lives, because they are being forced to work in the dark.

I think MURKOWSKI and everyone in her shoes should be required to wear a wire and record every conversation. Let the globalists try to have words with our good people in the light, not the dark.

Imagine how many threats would never happen.

Imagine how hard it would be for (((them))) to write laws for us to live by, behind closed doors, and slap our inquiring legislators with "You can know what is in the bill AFTER you pass it, as was done with Obama Care.

How DARE they.

2) I think our legislators need an anonymous place to drop info they have to us, to we the people, if they are threatened, or, as in many cases, invited to a party, drugged, thrown in bed with someone for a blackmail set up. I think every legislator should be able to yell for help the morning after, or, the minute they receive ANY blackmail evidence. Who to? To us. We the people.

We are the only safe place to run to, in this age of politicized agencies full of murderous threatening jackals.

3) If they have to discuss intelligence, or sensitive material, let them do it in a SCIF or other place where the evil ones can not get to them. Somewhere safe.

4) It's high time they all have security detail too. Remember the baseball game shoot out? If rep. Scalise did not have special security detail, where would the Republican team be today? Yeah. 6 feet under.

Same with the attempt to kill them all with that train derailment. After all of that, HOW is it that all of those random people were able to bust down our legislators doors and trap them in elevators?????


It's time to protect our legislators from the evil ones among them, and from murdering criminals within our borders. It's time to defend them the way we defend our president now. It is time to have them actually write the legislation WE want without living in fear for their lives, cow-towing to corporate criminals, international or domestic.

4) Just to be sure we are not accidently voting in DUAL citizens with allegiance to another nation, or, new criminal legislators with an agenda, I think background checks should be done on every legislator BEFORE they are allowed to put their name on any ballot in any state.

Give them the same treatment that a Supreme Court nominee gets. Keep the Jackals away from them, by never putting (((them))) on the ballot. We also need background checks on every long term agency employee stat. Time to drain the swamp in a big way.

08bd76  No.3353899

File: 695f43f422bdab1⋯.jpeg (21.21 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 5D92CD98-8955-4CF8-B652-9….jpeg)

File: 7321c6741ad180d⋯.jpeg (81.94 KB, 650x615, 130:123, 75543478-3C8C-41E7-AF30-A….jpeg)

093c30  No.3353900

File: 027c45947ff835f⋯.png (645.41 KB, 1136x752, 71:47, WONTYOUPLEASEHELPTODAY.png)

113370  No.3353901


Get used to it, press boi.

fe0f50  No.3353902


Don't forget that feet started to be found along Canadian East Coast right about that time. Lots of them! Unidentified IIRC.

4564aa  No.3353903


That bastard has a service dog?

27c3da  No.3353904


Does it not occur to anon that Putin has his own Deep State shit?

2c8736  No.3353905


Yes. It’s exactly what was done.

20a3a5  No.3353906

File: 5e82a05176f9520⋯.png (173.28 KB, 1234x808, 617:404, 99Capture.PNG)

d22577  No.3353907

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5X5 JK.jpg)


2 cases CF's

9d491f  No.3353908


They don't mainline flu injections, pal.

27b2d2  No.3353909




d4e82c  No.3353910


habe you seen the f35 raptor "thrust vectoring"

and thats old tech..

planefags what say you? real? not real?

"i think ill try a barrel roll"

febce2  No.3353911

File: 9475ebaee35f2d0⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 255x151, 255:151, laughinginputin2.jpg)

7c482d  No.3353912


Neutralized against the exact mission it's intended for: To silently start a war between two countries.

Because it has been found.

We have eyes on it now.

372597  No.3353913

3b1063  No.3353914

Is this a stang (wizard staff) or a crucifix? Calls from conservative Catholics for Pope ouster as Conclave was legally invalid?

Www.abyssum. org


holy guacamole Monsignor

995e43  No.3353915


Hey, they "right" kind of woman follows Q.

b722a0  No.3353916


Congratulations anon!

03fa81  No.3353917

File: b62aa3df24541bc⋯.png (1.13 MB, 557x2235, 557:2235, BigTechElectionHelp.png)


>…..what types of things require chips

voting machines for one

worry not, Big Tech is offering state & local authorities pro-bono services to make sure everything's on the up & up

e77e88  No.3353918

That's fun.

Don't gotta Hunt For something if you know where it is.

fc5c66  No.3353919

Melania is former MI6

Melania is Q

84e30b  No.3353920


There would have to be coordinated cuts of multiple cables to cripple communications, heavily monitored

4de12b  No.3353921

File: e0e985777725558⋯.jpeg (68.01 KB, 450x432, 25:24, sky launch.jpeg)


"The missile was launched from the sky. There is nothing in the photograph of the missile launch that indicates the missile travelled between the water and the initiation of the firing event."

Q is this the sky event?

2242f1  No.3353922




febce2  No.3353923


Use a VPN or two. Or three.

d76082  No.3353924



>>3353387, >>3353603 Reminder: Whidbey Island Missile launch graphics

>>3353383 Christine Ford’s Friend and Cohort Who Pressured Leland Keyser to Change Story Is Now Represented by Top Deep State Lawyer

>>3353392 Adm Foggo is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Explorer’s Club of New York.

>>3353394, >>3353748 Moar Foggo digs

>>3353413 Mueller moves for forfeiture order to seize Manafort assets

>>3353428 NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border, calls it 'defensive'

>>3353530, >>3353666, >>3353787, >>3353819 17 dots at the end of /pf/345

>>3353545 Missing interpol chief in China

>>3353579 India caught in the crossfire of muh Russia

>>3353597 Adm Foggo at the Atlantic Council

>>3353654, >>3353706, >>3353734 Who is Behind Fake News?

>>3353725 Missing Argentina Sub = Rogue Sub?

>>3353771 Updated Q-Clock on Russia Narrative Shift

b33e81  No.3353925



08d618  No.3353926

Are you ready to see arrests? YES!

Are you ready to see PAIN? YES!

Are you ready to be part of history? YES!

a77fa5  No.3353927


don't doubt it for a second. "president" clinton only got there by being bush senior's coke muel and and his wife's bitch. kek

90e161  No.3353928

File: 6c6eb32ee6b8998⋯.jpg (578.23 KB, 1029x684, 343:228, proxy.duckduckgo-11.jpg)


you are assuming I didn't know that?

d1aad6  No.3353930


Looky libtards, i found confederate flag

77880e  No.3353931


regarding mockingbird msm trying to push Russia narrative, they are retards, their talking heads are stupid as fuck

ad7a28  No.3353932


That's just an embarrassment…. seriously

d4e82c  No.3353933

File: a1409b6ce317c26⋯.jpg (88.04 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 2j4vle.jpg)

File: 76495381f54e2cb⋯.jpg (129.3 KB, 609x500, 609:500, 2j7go9.jpg)

027377  No.3353934

File: 623f570846a2fb3⋯.png (20.84 KB, 200x209, 200:209, Russian_coa_1589_grozny.png)


After the fall of Byzantium the use of two-headed eagle symbols spread to Grand Duchy of Moscow after Ivan III's second marriage (1472) to Zoe Palaiologina (a niece of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos, who reigned 1449-1453),[14] The last prince of Tver, Mikhail III of Tver (1453–1505), was stamping his coins with two-headed eagle symbol. The double-headed eagle remained an important motif in the heraldry of the imperial families of Russia (the House of Romanov (1613-1762)).

The double-headed eagle was a main element of the coat of arms of the Russian Empire (1721-1917), modified in various ways from the reign of Ivan III (1462–1505) onwards, with the shape of the eagle getting its definite Russian form during the reign of Peter the Great (1682–1725). It continued in Russian use until abolished (being identified with Tsarist rule) with the Russian Revolution in 1917; it was restored in 1993 after that year's constitutional crisis and remains in use up to the present, although the eagle charge on the present coat of arms is golden rather than the traditional, imperial black.

3d114b  No.3353935


I wonder if she had a microphone in that black case thing she is holding up.

It sure would have picked up the conversation perfectly.

Reminds me of undercover people with a clipboard (microphone) when talking to people.

94c03f  No.3353936

File: d6fd386e62cd498⋯.jpg (58.03 KB, 642x365, 642:365, rouble.JPG)

803b32  No.3353937

File: 2b614cc4abc686d⋯.jpg (177.38 KB, 800x450, 16:9, _exvbjsvdcfq.jpg)

019757  No.3353938


Q has been showing us (future proves past) that the Deep State has been working multiple plans to blame Russia for a "First Strike" on USA for the past few year.

New stealth subs news, FF missile launch, supposed poisoning in UK, "Russian Agent" hackers doping scandal etc…

Many thought the missile launch Puget Sound was meant to blame No Ko or China.

Was meant to blame Russia. They need us at war with each other.

4bb061  No.3353939


No stars anon.

49df46  No.3353940


8ch bamboozled me.

c37482  No.3353941

Tsar Alexander - assassinated

Abraham Lincoln - assassinated

Otto Von Bismarck - attempted

All taking on financial powers which lends credence that this quote was from Otto….I know published in 1921, he died in 1898. there is such a thing as publishing something after one''s death.

The division of the United States into two federations of

equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the

High Financial Power of Europe. These bankers were afraid

that the United States, if they remained in one block and as

one nation, would attain economical and financial

independence, which would upset their financial domination

over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds predominated.

They foresaw tremendous booty if they could substitute two

feeble democracies, indebted to the Jewish financiers, to the

vigorous republic, confident and self-providing. Therefore,

they started their emissaries in order to exploit the question

of slavery and thus to dig an abyss between the two parts of

the republic. Lincoln never suspected these underground

machinations. He was anti-slavery, and he was elected as

such. But his character prevented him from being the man of

one party. When he had affairs in his hands, he perceived

that these sinister financiers of Europe, the Rothschilds,

wished to make him the executor of their designs.

They made the rupture between the North and the South

imminent! The masters of finance in Europe made this

rupture definitive in order to exploit it to the utmost.

Lincoln's personality surprised them: they thought to easily

dupe the candidate woodcutter. But Lincoln read their plots

and soon understood that the South was not the worst foe, but

the Jewish financiers. He did not confide his apprehensions;

he watched the gestures of the Hidden Hand; he did not wish

to expose publicly the questions which disconcert the

ignorant masses. He decided to eliminate the international

bankers, by establishing a system of loans, allowing the

states to borrow directly from the people without

intermediary. He did not study financial questions, but his

robust good sense revealed to him that the source of any

wealth resides in the work and economy of the nation. He

opposed emissions through the international financiers. He

obtained from the Congress the right to borrow from the

people by selling to it the bonds of the states. The local banks

were only too glad to help such a system. And the

government and the nation escaped the plots of foreign

financiers. They understood at once that the United States

would escape their grip. The death of Lincoln was resolved

upon. Nothing is easier than to find a fanatic to strike.

The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There

was no man in the United States great enough to wear his

boots. And Israel went anew to garner the riches of the

world. I fear that Jewish banks with their craftiness and

tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of

America and will use it to systematically corrupt modern

civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of

Christendom into wars and chaos in order that "the earth

should become the inheritance of Israel." 

There's other folks that took on the money system that didn't Fare well either.

253ce5  No.3353942


<what types of things require chips

Literally everything has semiconductors in it anymore. Even dinky little things like dimming light switches, LED light bulbs, every kind of computing device, all new appliances, vehicles, etc.

That coupled with the ability to transmit data wirelessly over short distances and the ubiquitous cellular and WiFi, means if data is being captured in devices of the so-called "internet of things", the data can be relayed.

e5ad19  No.3353943


That would make sense, but if it’s sold that both republicans and democrats were were corrupt and we intend on cleaning out corruption on both sides, I don’t see how we would need to save face.

4c4f7a  No.3353944

File: 36a039718c113d6⋯.jpg (515.8 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Angel Q Plane.jpg)


Holy flying Q .

d308c6  No.3353945


So it was the missing sub that launched missile on June 10? Thought they found it, returned crew?!?

f2b213  No.3353946

File: a62dea2acb97eec⋯.png (2.04 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, EFB.png)

113370  No.3353947


AL is safe. Q

dc309c  No.3353948


fuck thats scary. zombies indeed. such low energy.

df46fb  No.3353949

File: 280135a9b0e850d⋯.jpeg (108.1 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, 1538527568.jpeg)

9da889  No.3353950

File: 15398835396478f⋯.jpg (318.76 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Operation-Mockingbird-Ask-….jpg)

File: c34ba99feb78901⋯.jpg (277.22 KB, 753x506, 753:506, Operation-Mockingbird-Ask-….jpg)

File: facf19f1ff4af0d⋯.jpg (669.18 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, Operation-Mockingbird-Ask-….jpg)

File: 3ec5389019ca400⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, Operation-Mockingbird-Ask-….jpg)

File: 04657cf0fc41d68⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Operation-Mockingbird-Ask-….jpg)

Operation Mockingbird: Ask Questions.

d2e636  No.3353951


They wear gloves because of bodily fluids. Blood, shit, piss, jizz, whatever. Antifa wouldn't hesitate to try to infect a cop with HIV, Hep B or C.

421b88  No.3353952

>>3353897 Nice, but I'm not a lesbian! Thought that counts, though ;) *tee-hee*

>>3353916 Thanks Anon :)

d1aad6  No.3353953


It was sarcasm

3e6623  No.3353954


Dont forget SUM OF ALL FEARS

2c8736  No.3353955


Navigational systems of Naval Destroyers. Remember the ships running into the other ships? That’s what Q is referring to. Future proves past.

d68f03  No.3353956

File: 29b25c4a97aba17⋯.jpg (567.5 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181005-185256….jpg)

File: 1f08271446107ad⋯.jpg (587.14 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181005-185303….jpg)

File: d3227289ca4639f⋯.jpg (667.78 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181005-185310….jpg)

What is this?


Pics. Related

8977d6  No.3353957

File: 0cdaa46b55a908a⋯.png (1.56 MB, 746x9185, 746:9185, Screenshot_2018-10-05 Pers….png)

File: 6a469e175ee4c30⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 1651x4679, 1651:4679, OVERREPFIXED.jpg)

Khazar Gefilte media blaming the Kievan Rus and add this author to the list of Talmudic tyrants. She has to go back. Cancer.

87d65e  No.3353958



Translates to 5:5

713503  No.3353959

File: efe479e97c71953⋯.jpeg (111.52 KB, 812x456, 203:114, 48371682-B7F1-444B-AD56-2….jpeg)

d050b8  No.3353960


well im just hoping it never comes to this.

there has been to many wars and senseless death. every war planned and started over lies.

im over the evil shit. NO F MORE! God wins=We win.

e0a1e5  No.3353961

File: 8cdfebc459b2202⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 464x447, 464:447, beerkek.jpg)


create Q dating BO xD

lol… I'm just messn w ya. good luck anon

253ce5  No.3353962

>>3353889 Klintoon=weak, soy boy wuss. Always was, still is, always will be. But not to worry, it's a DIET coke–the 2nd cup is adrenochrome. Can't wait to see this scumbag, who's mere existence has brought so much turmoil into my life for pointing out his many crimes to normies, brought to complete justice. You will never escape it, BC.

2f0f5c  No.3353963

File: 3d8d05cc011b096⋯.jpg (263.84 KB, 1414x557, 1414:557, CHINESE SPYWARE KILLS US P….jpg)



Pretty much everything requires chips these days. Read somewhere that Hilldog had control over those chips. Coulnd't find corroborating evidence but interdasting.

Also that midde pic reminded me of a Pepe. Pic related I guess…

515b18  No.3353964

File: 497e6af93ad7ed2⋯.jpg (255.31 KB, 1600x903, 1600:903, IMG_3255.JPG)


Interviewer: HAL, you have an enormous responsibility on this mission, in many ways perhaps the greatest responsibility of any single mission element. You're the brain, and central nervous system of the ship, and your responsibilities include watching over the men in hibernation. Does this ever cause you any lack of confidence?

HAL: Let me put it this way, Mr. Amor. The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made. No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information. We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error.

fe0f50  No.3353965

I don't see this mentioned, sorry if you already covered this.

I searched for sequel to Hunt for red october (badGuy - Alec Baldwin - curious). First in list was Patriot Games -


I never saw it but will poke around now to see if anything is applicable.

d76082  No.3353966



9da889  No.3353967

File: 54f047e07deb2ff⋯.jpg (318.87 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Operation-Mockingbird-Dema….jpg)

File: bd0dcd2725bceea⋯.jpg (274.89 KB, 753x506, 753:506, Operation-Mockingbird-Dema….jpg)

File: 73bb3741e4383a7⋯.jpg (677.92 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, Operation-Mockingbird-Dema….jpg)

File: 5323c95ecd96aa1⋯.jpg (2.09 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, Operation-Mockingbird-Dema….jpg)

File: 32e6dc8f970f526⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Operation-Mockingbird-Dema….jpg)


Operation Mockingbird: Demand Answers

c72f68  No.3353968

File: c2b03431a3f703b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1067 mutiny.PNG)


Since Cumulus is owned by the Cabal this story should surprise no one. Anti-Trump market manager, Sean Shannon, tells hosts Kimmer and Shannon Burke to take the TRUMP 20/20 sign down inside the studio, because a woman was offended. Cumulus, iHeart, Entercom…pure evil. Deep in debt, so who calls really programs the stations?

d3c20b  No.3353969


The red background with blue 'X' is for the Russian equivalent of the Coast Guard.

4bb061  No.3353970


The FED and the Titanic may have answers.

a6a4ee  No.3353971

File: eca99376f60aa5c⋯.png (868.57 KB, 787x1103, 787:1103, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

fa4637  No.3353972


I'd fall right out if they did that.

20a3a5  No.3353973




e01ed9  No.3353974


potus "alice, let's go to a movie"

Q "q = alice"

i don't know how i missed this before

713503  No.3353975

File: efe479e97c71953⋯.jpeg (111.52 KB, 812x456, 203:114, 48371682-B7F1-444B-AD56-2….jpeg)

File: 5b891bfd595b321⋯.jpeg (169.9 KB, 1026x824, 513:412, 8D3D844D-6709-4B78-AF3D-F….jpeg)

093c30  No.3353976

File: b3a5942ec05d6c2⋯.png (180.62 KB, 710x449, 710:449, FREMNZ.png)

File: 01eb4dbe342f9e7⋯.png (490.24 KB, 720x720, 1:1, WUVYOU.png)

File: 314bac7426ba69f⋯.png (839.48 KB, 600x833, 600:833, kittyenhanced.png)



d1aad6  No.3353977


Member menstrual blood lib protestor at K confirmation. You def need gloves

e62cd7  No.3353978

File: 1e568b4b4b0e5de⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 480x270, 16:9, QFLIER.gif)

f2b213  No.3353979


Tryin to get his Trump Hump on

485997  No.3353980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cda41f  No.3353981

No way Putin hasn’t been informed of what’s going down in the US and Globally

c19154  No.3353982


Use a VPN or two. Or three.

019757  No.3353983


And I forgot the missile launch against hawaii that was intercepted.

Multiple scenarios played simultaneously.

1dd340  No.3353984


A couple of things would really help:

:: Next phase of the internet - Tim Berners-Lee is working on something totally new, just saw an article about it this week

:: Deweaponized social media! This place has been a great fortress for us, but the most widely-used social media outlets in the world CANNOT be censored. Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc - all violating our First Amendment rights

This is America - we can do better.

713503  No.3353985

File: cea96c0c10181ae⋯.jpeg (305.66 KB, 928x1448, 116:181, 974C6CB4-B517-4E01-838C-9….jpeg)

fa946a  No.3353986


Exactly. Trust Trump, trust Putin, but the rats still under the floor boards have an agenda of their own. More frightening is the little effort it will take to start the fireworks.

986fc5  No.3353987

3 military transport helicopters in last 5 mins

6e5d3c  No.3353988

When do the 30 hours expire guise?

7c482d  No.3353989

File: b6c3e41da9c72b2⋯.jpg (39.19 KB, 499x447, 499:447, goku-smile.jpg)


Well, yeah. Just let me know when you'd like to hand off.

093c30  No.3353990




2baadd  No.3353991

File: 024a69a1761dd20⋯.png (493.81 KB, 877x513, 877:513, ClipboardImage.png)


around 39:00 is where the guy on the left starts asking scary questions about russia and foggo responds


3d114b  No.3353992

File: 0b0f0c83805bb6f⋯.jpg (401.14 KB, 1837x1940, 1837:1940, df559377cfb89e0941e58b9f66….jpg)

MICROPHONE in the black case?

e33bfd  No.3353993



This is porn for planefags.

27b2d2  No.3353994


there are soooo many happenings going forth it's CRAZY!!!!!!!



425fdb  No.3353995

054087  No.3353996


KG fucking B!

126a8e  No.3353997

File: 2177b40c698efbb⋯.jpeg (151.61 KB, 733x1000, 733:1000, 4E253C90-D7BF-463F-BA7F-0….jpeg)

1b8e5f  No.3353998

File: 03bce0ed4fe9b51⋯.png (812.12 KB, 892x886, 446:443, wwithus.png)



USS Richard B. Russell

Sturgeon-class attack submarine,



Q post E Flag 708!!!!!


Nickname of USS RBR = E

She also earned six Navy Unit Commendations, and seven Battle Effectiveness Awards (formerly the Battle Efficiency Award), commonly known as the Battle "E", during her career.

Q post E Flag 708!!!!!

Q post E Flag 708!!!!!

Q post E Flag 708!!!!!



Until 1 October 2001, when she entered the Nuclear-Powered Ship and Submarine Recycling Program at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard




Russia’s Most Advanced (And Stealthly) Nuclear Submarine Ever Just Went to Sea

Oct 5 2018.




"Rich: Hey I want the coordinates of that orca, with err, you know the mama orca with the baby, I wanna go see that guy”


Notice Audio is end of weblink is 17!


Grieving orca Tahlequah finally drops her dead calf after carrying it on her forehead for 17 days for 1,000 miles”




"Ketron Island is an island and a census-designated place (CDP) in Pierce County, Washington, United States. The island had a population of 24 persons according to the 2000 census, and 17 persons at the 2010 census.”



31ba67  No.3353999

File: c6d4bb8d90de67c⋯.png (172.97 KB, 420x587, 420:587, ClipboardImage.png)

44d879  No.3354000

File: 0d628635a10ff59⋯.png (324.91 KB, 1799x1037, 1799:1037, Selection_486.png)


Posted this awhile ago… From the stoopid 'Ballers' show.

e0a1e5  No.3354001


no fukn way.. this REAL!??!


713503  No.3354002

File: f81bb98b43f633d⋯.jpeg (73.99 KB, 915x481, 915:481, 6D85397C-E2B7-49F7-B7A1-8….jpeg)

b33e81  No.3354003


Q DOES NOT = ALICE dipshit

Alice = HRC

Welcome newfag

68bba6  No.3354004

File: d914213acc004d8⋯.jpg (586.56 KB, 2500x1875, 4:3, 00rod-rosenstein2.jpg)


>So is [RR]

8f5e79  No.3354005


Also in WL (Benghazi)


44c023  No.3354006

Arrests, maybe Antifa done? Protesters gets arrested tomorrow?

c5a2a0  No.3354007

An unauthorized missile launch (June 10) means it was from a US sub. Our sub was the Red October.

Q team found that sub before the missile was fired, and disabled the missile so it was nothing more than fireworks, like how it foiled the BDT bomber.

367026  No.3354008


It was fun, with a totally different vibe & set of anons, not many of us oldfags left from then I guess.

53a5e5  No.3354010


They will vote tomorrow.

76cdb9  No.3354011


He is /ourguy/ and supporting the plan.


6ca57e  No.3354012


Shop the original Aliens head on feinsteen.

I have been thinking about this all day while listening to talkradio.

Seems appropriate.

1dd340  No.3354013


Is there a National Guard base near you? Those guys have to train. Operating aircraft and big hardware is similar to playing a musical instrument– you have to do it frequently or you lose the muscle memory and mental habits necessary.

20a3a5  No.3354014


howabout missiles and submarines?

b726e2  No.3354016

What Active Admiral would make such a claim publicly? His Twitter account is unverified and joined June 2018. Just another fake CNN source!

2c8736  No.3354017

File: 6b91c1332d61662⋯.jpeg (226.02 KB, 1290x296, 645:148, EAAC9560-F1CD-4FDC-AD9B-1….jpeg)

9003c8  No.3354018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Latest from Judicial Watch

NEW Docs Obtained by Judicial Watch Show State Dept. & USAID Funneling MILLIONS to Soros Operations

>Read about the documents here: http://jwatch.us/3yTZcS

bc5dfc  No.3354019



a phone.

just a phone.


close enough.

that's it.

all that is needed.

9ba417  No.3354020


Weeks weeks ago Russia and China carried together their largest military exercise.

The US and Russia are working together to defeat the cabal.

So, deduct the relation with China.

All together.

9d491f  No.3354021

File: b43927ee89241cc⋯.jpg (130.62 KB, 530x803, 530:803, Collin.jpg)

d76082  No.3354022


>>3353387, >>3353603 Reminder: Whidbey Island Missile launch graphics

>>3353383 Christine Ford’s Friend and Cohort Who Pressured Leland Keyser to Change Story Is Now Represented by Top Deep State Lawyer

>>3353392 Adm Foggo is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Explorer’s Club of New York.

>>3353394, >>3353748 Moar Foggo digs

>>3353413 Mueller moves for forfeiture order to seize Manafort assets

>>3353428 NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border, calls it 'defensive'

>>3353530, >>3353666, >>3353787, >>3353819 17 dots at the end of /pf/345

>>3353545 Missing interpol chief in China

>>3353579 India caught in the crossfire of muh Russia

>>3353597 Adm Foggo at the Atlantic Council

>>3353654, >>3353706, >>3353734 Who is Behind Fake News?

>>3353725 Missing Argentina Sub = Rogue Sub?

>>3353771 Updated Q-Clock on Russia Narrative Shift

a6a4ee  No.3354024

File: 1b5ee531874be0e⋯.png (401.64 KB, 403x696, 403:696, Screen Shot 2018-08-26 at ….png)

0b2e6a  No.3354025

File: fff0fc313ed00f7⋯.jpeg (587.63 KB, 673x1517, 673:1517, 9F7D0B8D-D2D0-4E41-BD66-6….jpeg)

File: 1b32a387620631f⋯.jpeg (578.71 KB, 1242x1036, 621:518, C7946570-2BDB-4BB2-B6C6-D….jpeg)

e5ad19  No.3354026


Hi Daniel

“Do you want to play a game”

Enlighten us with all of these happenings you speak of

093c30  No.3354027


84e30b  No.3354029


Remember the Maine (FF)

Lusitania (FF)

Pearl Harbor (active ignorance of threat)

Gulf of Tonkin

WMD Iraq (fake)

9/11 FF

Almost all US conflicts over past century have been actively sought by the evil ones still among us.

e0a1e5  No.3354030


I stand with Putin! this guy has been against the cabal for years!! go watch his speeches at the international meetings..

6e5d3c  No.3354031



You should ALWAYS be using a jailed browser and VPN. Preferably on a livecd with no hard disks mounted.

2469fd  No.3354033

File: 422f9e08bb9fc96⋯.png (63.42 KB, 588x271, 588:271, ClipboardImage.png)

ef3e71  No.3354034

File: cff18ede01d59a4⋯.jpg (200.45 KB, 1081x617, 1081:617, waterboard.jpg)

c5a2a0  No.3354035


>i miss when Qresearch was on half chan. it was more fun.


713503  No.3354036

File: 50abe19f4edc5b5⋯.jpeg (834.33 KB, 916x1232, 229:308, ED08B2FD-6451-46C7-AE01-1….jpeg)

66fa3b  No.3354037


Russia Today propaganda in Notables? haha sure, good day for that???

8436b6  No.3354038


Totally Agree. We need the internet version of the "public square" under the Supreme court rulings. Do you have links where anons can learn about this?

c41f5a  No.3354041


at the time she was SoS she likely did have that level clearance…

054087  No.3354042


You are delusional. He is NOT our guy. Has NEVER been our guy and will NEVER be our guy.

00f3d6  No.3354043

File: 56a1246100caff8⋯.png (66.63 KB, 943x563, 943:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f4289111827bdb⋯.png (225.08 KB, 447x392, 447:392, ClipboardImage.png)

90e161  No.3354044




45969d  No.3354045

File: 15d1166570dd8ca⋯.jpg (96.23 KB, 650x615, 130:123, ahahahahahehee1111pt2.jpg)


Added to it ;)

fa4637  No.3354046

Link to US NAVY Blue Angels performance


941a84  No.3354047

File: 5b721300defc61c⋯.jpeg (600.55 KB, 1226x1690, 613:845, 166F2C51-9D46-45A4-AAD0-5….jpeg)




d68f03  No.3354048


b33e81  No.3354049


You never see a bumpersticker on a Mercedes.

Or a tatoo on a hot chick.

8937bd  No.3354050

File: e062cbb9a6936c3⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 1160x767, 1160:767, Aerial Q Jets 3.JPG)


Grabbed one….

e01ed9  No.3354051


you anons and your love of name calling never cease to amaze me. refer to Q post # 78


372597  No.3354052

File: 869393bef03f5cc⋯.jpeg (271.7 KB, 1242x939, 414:313, 8D8F0461-2ABC-4CFB-8722-4….jpeg)

Wew lads

49a776  No.3354053

5:49>>6:06. = 17

2f0f5c  No.3354054

File: 705bb320655265d⋯.jpg (116.5 KB, 691x491, 691:491, What dems think Due Proces….jpg)



>Have you noticed what the opposition looks like

Totally not unhinged at all… smh.

fc5c66  No.3354055


Week 3 - FFFFFUCK the LIBS

2019 - Overturn Roe

713503  No.3354056

File: eb01f2d9a5bffe5⋯.jpeg (53.27 KB, 514x441, 514:441, 4BEA56C2-814A-44B7-9527-9….jpeg)

d050b8  No.3354057


and many more, sandy, boston

093c30  No.3354058

File: fe2ed9927b38ae4⋯.png (287.58 KB, 737x737, 1:1, NICEMAN.png)

File: 9b11221111a1ab4⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1500x2000, 3:4, inbread.png)


Don't be scared danny boo boo!

7b1745  No.3354059


stop the namefaging, your failing at being 'cute', it's annoying as fuk

dfe20c  No.3354061

6e5d3c  No.3354062


Thanks fren :)

889bfc  No.3354063

File: f62fd835bebb2ff⋯.png (264.65 KB, 703x392, 703:392, Capture.PNG)


Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web

Last week, Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, asked me to come and see a project he has been working on almost as long as the web itself. It’s a crisp autumn day in Boston, where Berners-Lee works out of an office above a boxing gym. After politely offering me a cup of coffee, he leads us into a sparse conference room. At one end of a long table is a battered laptop covered with stickers. Here, on this computer, he is working on a plan to radically alter how all of us live and work on the web.

“The intent is world domination,” Berners-Lee says with a wry smile. The British-born scientist is known for his dry sense of humor. But in this case, he is not joking.

This week, Berners-Lee will launch Inrupt, a startup that he has been building, in stealth mode, for the past nine months. Backed by Glasswing Ventures, its mission is to turbocharge a broader movement afoot, among developers around the world, to decentralize the web and take back power from the forces that have profited from centralizing it. In other words, it’s game on for Facebook, Google, Amazon. For years now, Berners-Lee and other internet activists have been dreaming of a digital utopia where individuals control their own data and the internet remains free and open. But for Berners-Lee, the time for dreaming is over.


d76082  No.3354064



cc4bfe  No.3354065


Well done Anon - Good luck with the new job and continue to be a positive force in the world!

d2e636  No.3354066



Seen Blue Angels perform a half dozen times, Thunderbird another half dozen times, and that's an awful tight loop. Since I can't see where (or how) the loop began, can't make heads or tails.

b33e81  No.3354067


WRONG newfag

… so wrong

113370  No.3354068


Def recall her if she votes No on Justice Beer.

425fdb  No.3354069


lol that won't fix much if you understood how easy it to work around especially if you leave javascript turned on. Oh wait you need that for all of the web, meh.

9ea9e2  No.3354070


>"creative" reinterpretation of reality through popular media, specifically a book made by a faggot leftist


Why, WHY is it always Harry Fucking Potter, it isn't even that fucking good!

0720d3  No.3354071



Judicial Watch: New Documents Show State Department and USAID Working with Soros Group to Channel Money to ‘Mercenary Army’ of Far-Left Activists in Albania


76cdb9  No.3354072


Lurk more.

253ce5  No.3354073

File: 10a8c8c417caed1⋯.jpg (199.74 KB, 606x655, 606:655, NightComfyFrens.jpg)

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB, 415x496, 415:496, NightComfy.png)

File: 46ae5b0bea13fdb⋯.png (483.82 KB, 740x738, 370:369, NightShiftPepe3.png)

File: cb8a572e543ac19⋯.jpg (24.72 KB, 439x363, 439:363, frensdrive.jpg)


Wuv U frens

7e0ac1  No.3354074


great summary

713503  No.3354075

File: 6cbca19f68a1865⋯.jpeg (112.02 KB, 962x761, 962:761, 757263DA-DB32-4569-A4D4-D….jpeg)

27b2d2  No.3354077



any search is a win anon.

wtf is wrong with your keyboard?


b6a850  No.3354078


Not surprising.

6da9c0  No.3354079


well in that case GMTgrafixanon…. rules be rules! ;)

d91acd  No.3354080

File: d20cadcf97c0b97⋯.png (696.95 KB, 1163x833, 1163:833, 112.png)

French police probe Interpol president Meng Hongwei's disappearance


bc5dfc  No.3354081


aaah calm down

we've had Nasimfag bake a few, we survived (actually that was awesome, many bakers learned to bake that day)

93a492  No.3354082


Lots of college age chicks donate plasma

87d65e  No.3354083

Don't engage the shills faggot. Prolly a shill team mate yourself. Stahp. Filter. Ingore.


e0404b  No.3354085


Go watch some more CNN

e0a1e5  No.3354086

File: 6cfd7ed9e6826c2⋯.jpg (39.52 KB, 1080x224, 135:28, Screenshot_20181005-160113….jpg)

File: 897374540c457e5⋯.png (184.01 KB, 675x615, 45:41, trump remain calm patriots….png)

CODE MONKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!! we need those servers STAT


84e30b  No.3354087


I trust the Russians about 10x more than the Chinese.

4bb061  No.3354088


I read one chapter of the first book and quit. Fuck Harry Potter and the beliebers.

0720d3  No.3354089

CM is everything working?

The lag is really bad today.

c4d64b  No.3354090


Said the faggot with 14 posts

954435  No.3354091

File: a7735679f29268b⋯.jpeg (372.38 KB, 1125x1999, 1125:1999, 687FACF8-103A-4E39-97A0-9….jpeg)

d22577  No.3354092


His yearly address is great. Takes questions from audience.

I have never doubted him.

68bba6  No.3354093

File: 4065df8c129101e⋯.jpg (109.93 KB, 660x662, 330:331, dual.jpg)


89 of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel


866447  No.3354094

File: 6ea104c2b21aad8⋯.jpeg (54.63 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 4792EF52-B0A3-4607-AF1A-F….jpeg)

85f75b  No.3354095

Will not be post again.

Cox will win CA. DiFi will win reelection in CA. Her involvement in leaking Ford's letter will be public after the election. Governor Cox will appoint a new R senator. California's salvation is at hand.

093c30  No.3354097



2af834  No.3354098

File: 599107ea88e7c36⋯.jpg (6.24 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 1e000d62a1ac0d13a981e3004f….jpg)

bc5dfc  No.3354099



>Why, WHY is it always Harry Fucking Potter, it isn't even that fucking good!

because they have no general culture.

they got noffin - just the few basic things every other drone like them has.

it's sad/tragic, really

2b7807  No.3354100



I remember USAID coming up in the recent batch of Clinton emails released I think

e01ed9  No.3354101


explain Q post # 78 then.

a72cfc  No.3354103

Diane Forestein

d1aad6  No.3354104

File: 2e2de1a451e6842⋯.jpeg (21.84 KB, 255x182, 255:182, F66C1E84-C9AF-4E85-9D4B-1….jpeg)

Earlier today anon left

Said will come back to night shift cuz nobody supported muh russia

I guess he is trying now again

Meme for you

ef3e71  No.3354105







a52c7d  No.3354107


he is telling the media controlled by Israeli influenced assets, that must back down or they will be shut down

da26d1  No.3354108

File: f8a37ae04369438⋯.jpg (18.55 KB, 328x213, 328:213, fo.JPG)

good morning

9d491f  No.3354109

File: 6f663542854ae7f⋯.jpg (31.5 KB, 350x460, 35:46, bukowski.jpg)

930a86  No.3354110

6e5d3c  No.3354111


Hacker won't get access to anything.

dd6c9b  No.3354113


Yeah. Whatever you say Brock:

>Poll finds Israelis extremely, and near uniquely, supportive of Trump, US policy

Pew survey shows 82% of Jewish Israelis trust president's handling of global affairs, 94% have favorable opinion of US – views which are out of sync with most other nations


>new survey found that an overwhelming percentage of Orthodox Jews support President Donald Trump.

>According to the poll, which was commissioned by the US-based haredi Ami Magazine, 91% of American Orthodox Jews gave Trump a "Satisfactory" or "Very good"


8cdf65  No.3354114

9003c8  No.3354115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They don't read anything else

d14977  No.3354116


active shooter in D.C tomorrow

94c03f  No.3354117

File: 52ceb00883ee08f⋯.jpg (130.43 KB, 888x621, 296:207, pepepond.JPG)

113370  No.3354119

>>3354095 Cal is all about vote fraud. Just ask Bern.

b33e81  No.3354120

File: f647580e7ee271d⋯.jpg (77.58 KB, 634x512, 317:256, anons-will-own.jpg)

ddea23  No.3354121


I think that's what Q is saying. The other two launches, if successful, would have been blamed on the Russians. I don't think it's really a Russian sub firing. It's one of ours that has either gone rogue or been hijacked using the Chinese tech.

04c709  No.3354123

Is it plausible that the Presidential Alert pinged the stealth sub. It could not be bypassed so I am speculating

e4d791  No.3354124

File: f54aa3e05ec7449⋯.jpg (238.67 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 39351980_295541304360566_4….jpg)

20a3a5  No.3354125



howabout missiles…….if planes can be dropped like flies can missiles be made to fly?…..no more secrets

d76082  No.3354126

File: a86c035bd739f86⋯.png (555.56 KB, 790x445, 158:89, cbtsMAGA.png)









fc5c66  No.3354127


I trust Russians more than the Left

401795  No.3354128

Susan Rice "jokes" about running against Collins


a50190  No.3354129

File: 409cbc8ae010e88⋯.jpg (20.69 KB, 265x152, 265:152, 84c6745d76c72093b0646e4d8d….jpg)

425fdb  No.3354130


sure … good luck with that. How safe is your router? How safe is your network?

054087  No.3354131


Number 1: Fuck off with your lurk moar bullshit. Been here from the beginning.

Number 2: Obviously, I totally 100% disagree that Putin is "our guy".

Do you really think Potus trusts Mr. KGB?

Do you really? If so, why?

87d65e  No.3354132

And then???


51ade7  No.3354134

File: 450740fb1533799⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, ca_q.png)

File: c5973cab4ee8299⋯.jpg (70.53 KB, 400x466, 200:233, ca_maca.jpg)

File: b578188f769bae7⋯.png (9.92 KB, 192x255, 64:85, caagenda.png)


I love this post!


d4e82c  No.3354136



its real

thanQ anon

058624  No.3354137

File: f9efa2baa1d352b⋯.png (268.35 KB, 1242x1292, 621:646, IMG_6966.PNG)

2f0f5c  No.3354138

File: 2ef4dec8fd8c33f⋯.jpeg (48.08 KB, 600x416, 75:52, Q-Bumpersticker.jpeg)



I got a bumpersticker on my Mercedes. Pic related.

719842  No.3354140


and 1 is a republican…

cc4bfe  No.3354141


Seems not to be split 50/50 down party lines!

7b1745  No.3354144

File: 5826ce9fde39ea7⋯.png (478.96 KB, 466x466, 1:1, 5826ce9fde39ea71fbeaa14b3f….png)


A bit quick on the accusations are you anon?

If you can't tell who is who here then "go back".

e5ad19  No.3354145


What is your prerogative on this board

Why the name?

Why the constant cryptic posts with no substance?

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