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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

f78cc4  No.3379616

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 10.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/355 --------------------------------- DON'T BE A PAWN IN THEIR SICK GAME ( Cap: >>3374695, >>3375172 )

>>>/patriotsfight/354 --------------------------------- [Repost][Search & Destroy] ( Cap: >>3373783 )

>>>/patriotsfight/353 --------------------------------- "Wrap-Up Smear" deployed v. Justice K? ( Cap: >>3371630, >>3371514 )

>>>/patriotsfight/352 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Justice K impeachment: CON sold to voters by LYING D's ( Cap: >>3371193 )

>>>/patriotsfight/351 --------------------------------- America's destiny of goodness and good will ( Cap: >>3369559 )

>>>/patriotsfight/350 rt /pf/298 ——————– TODAY, THE REPUBLIC, TOOK BACK CONTROL. ( Cap: >>3372173 )

>>3368187 rt >>3367982 ————-————– God bless, Patriot. Celebrate - this means so much. ( Cap: >>3368259 )

>>>/patriotsfight/349 --------------------------------- POLITICAL HIT by D's. ( Cap: >>3367230 )

>>>/patriotsfight/348 --------------------------------- WELCOME TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. ( Cap: >>3366916 )

>>>/patriotsfight/347 ——————————— IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT ( Cap: >>3362076 )

Friday 10.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/346 ——————————— FACTS MATTER ( Cap: >>3355727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/345 rt /pf/344 -——————- "The Hunt For" dropped - why? ( Cap: >>3353335 )

>>>/patriotsfight/344 rt /pf/343 -——————- And so it begins.. ( Cap: >>3353096, >>3353118 )

>>>/patriotsfight/343 ——————————— Double meanings exist. ( Cap: >>3351839, >>3351859 )

>>>/patriotsfight/342 ——————————— Important moment in time. ( Cap: >>3349354 )

>>>/patriotsfight/341 ——————————— Important to remember. ( Cap: >>3349268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/340 ——————————— A phone was present. ( Cap: >>3349194 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f78cc4  No.3379620


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3379465 Suspected leaker Heather Sawyer/DiFi also involved in GPS transcript leak.

>>3379324 Europe waking? Macron "on the brink" after most Sr. cabinet member resigns

>>3379288 Anon summarizes/compares "honeymoon period" stats of POTUS and Reagan

>>3379272, >>3379161 Dem Copes re: Justice K, (((OpEd))): When you lose, call it a win!

>>3379090, >>3379095 Haiti Earthquake magnitude 5.9

>>3379077 China Building New Coal Plants Equal to Entire US Capacity

>>3379144, >>3379170, >>3379193, >>3379476 On "cue," (((OpEd))) beats Impeach Kav war drum

>>3378920, >>3378992 Jewish mag would like you to believe no blood used for anti-aging

Baker change

>>3378912 Q proof: >>>/patriotsfight/352 and the dems are calling for impeachment

>>3378849 Pepe joins the Navy

>>3379577 #4282


>>3378103, >>3378140 Doctors Without Borders (MSF) kicked out of Nauru

>>3378248 Research into living forever, funded by Bezos and Peter Thiel

>>3378257 Pompeo twatts that NK progress continues

>>3378399, >>3378481 Anon links flotilla build up to Venezuela Cryptocurrency launch

>>3378508 German Archive Anon updated hash; 4287 breads archived

>>3378574 Oz anon great synopsis with sauce for Oz and NZ fuckery in 2016

>>3378575 Execution for Child Rape OK under NDAA (for members of armed services)

>>3378582 Senate Judiciary blue check trolls Nancy Pelosi blue check

>>3378674 Keep Pepe away from Atrazine! It turns male frogs into females

>>3378237, >>3378617 White women are the next target of Soros the Leftists

>>3378649 CBF Leaker Heather Sawyer supposedly authority on Civil Liberties; worked on HCFA subcommittee

>>3378666 Top Vatican Cardinal accuses Papal critic of "calumny and defamation" (Papal post number)

>>3378820 #4281


>>3377287, >>3377295, >>3377305 Reminder: Justice K's Confirmation Hearings with Senator Graham about tribunals

>>3377330 DHS reply to Bloomberg China hack

>>3377338 Designing a Public School From Scratch

>>3377596 School shooting crisis avoided?? Student had "hit list"

>>3377598 Let the 4am talking points commence: Gas prices

>>3377694 Scientists Accuse DARPA of Genetically Modifying Insects for Bioweapon to Spread Agricultural Viruses

>>3377753 MbS on POTUS, Aramco, and arrests

(Baker Change)

>>3377897 Former Goog Exec Exposes Silicon Valley Hypocrisy

>>3377903 Unrestricted Warfare by the PLA; Anon ties it to >>>/patriotsfight/346

>>3377900 Venezuela officially launches its oil-backed crypto-currency

>>3377803, >>3377978 Graphic sums-up Justice K votes that were anticipated versus ACTUAL with 2 Present

>>3377985 #4280

#4279 Baker Change

>>3376448 Anon on the amount of protestors

>>3376529 These people are SICK!: Moar cannibalism normalization

>>3376535 Dig on the CBF leaker, Heather Sawyer

>>3376619, >>3376678, >>3376743 Planefag updates

>>3376673 US-Mexico-Canada deal targets China with 'poison pill' provision

>>3376720 Pre-Q Qproof

>>3376794 Police Arrest Jordan Hunt, Abortion Activist Who Assaulted Pro-Life Woman

>>3376808, >>3376905, >>3376935 Matrics2 dig

>>3376845 Another Q proof just for fun: SPACE FORCE!

>>3377069 China's attempted patent takeover

>>3377194 #4279


>>3376184 POTUS mocks Feinstein at rally for leaking Ford's letter

>>3376143 More photos of POTUS signing for Justice Kavanaugh

>>3376086 Pelosi releases statement on Kavanaugh's confirmation

>>3376027 Woman Who Helped Expose PP Sales of Aborted Baby Parts Dies

>>3376356 #4278

Previously Collected Notables

>>3374857 #4276, >>3375576 #4277

>>3372814 #4273, >>3373668 #4274, >>3374065 #4275

>>3370190 #4270, >>3370955 #4271, >>3371748 #4272

>>3367935 #4267, >>3372435 #4268, >>3369419 #4269

>>3365623 #4264, >>3366459 #4265, >>3367147 #4266

>>3363289 #4261, >>3364066 #4262, >>3364834 #4263

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

f78cc4  No.3379622

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3361663

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

f78cc4  No.3379624

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

f78cc4  No.3379635

File: c8f7c33e1c62fb4⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 255x168, 85:56, StartDiggingNewfags.jpg)



58e143  No.3379636

File: 5eb860a90cb2ac2⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1327x975, 1327:975, Got Popcorn.png)

Got Popcorn…..

7d6ec1  No.3379641

File: c5a8d6afebcdce5⋯.gif (754.55 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 7FEC9315-5215-4B94-8DE7-F0….gif)

09969e  No.3379642

File: 704ede2fc83411c⋯.jpg (89.8 KB, 600x422, 300:211, IMG_1329.JPG)

File: ac62f8ee3c1156d⋯.jpg (87.28 KB, 552x793, 552:793, IMG_1367.JPG)

File: 2580628eeb2dc9f⋯.jpg (64.8 KB, 363x496, 363:496, IMG_1368.JPG)

and behold that momentus attraction of sacrificing the devil

0f8e1e  No.3379643

File: 48fe1897e5e7211⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 182x276, 91:138, piazadora.jpg)


09969e  No.3379644

File: 9d014883e1056c3⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 500x740, 25:37, IMG_1444.JPG)

File: 77c7f0b8d4d8a22⋯.jpg (546.17 KB, 1000x1538, 500:769, IMG_1458.JPG)

File: 8fb3ff837d0db06⋯.jpg (104.75 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1459.JPG)

2d1f6e  No.3379645

File: 512fa4f6b2c80c0⋯.png (650.03 KB, 607x683, 607:683, ObamaIronThroneTweet.PNG)

File: 9a3990be40fab1a⋯.png (335.92 KB, 764x792, 191:198, ObamaThroneArticle.PNG)

Symbolism will be their downfall.




1c724f  No.3379646

File: 175ba5ed635d900⋯.jpeg (140.5 KB, 874x813, 874:813, 170DD2A8-E2B2-4A00-93D8-4….jpeg)

File: f409d26905a5565⋯.jpeg (1.93 MB, 2957x1633, 2957:1633, 8CB64EC3-B565-4075-BF11-A….jpeg)

File: dcca965800c41f4⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB, 3072x2304, 4:3, 5BCA5C9B-8AD1-43B3-BFF4-F….jpeg)





7b3635  No.3379647

File: b790bcd643f0337⋯.jpg (387.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WeThePeopleGreatAwakening5.jpg)

File: f05a90d2a2d04b8⋯.jpg (178.47 KB, 1022x433, 1022:433, GreatAwakeningYoda4.jpg)

File: 715d5fe23249e79⋯.jpg (86.58 KB, 789x451, 789:451, GreatAwakeningDog5.jpg)

File: 42ef85900a92cb8⋯.jpg (69.19 KB, 460x631, 460:631, GreatAwakeningWakeUpAmeric….jpg)

File: c76c53c5ea16403⋯.jpg (195.77 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, GreatAwakeningTrustYoursel….jpg)

Is it pretty soon, anons?

The Kav confirmation was on the critical path.

Many other happenings lined up right behind Kav.

But China. Throws a monkey wrench into things. Been lurking in the background. Fucking China.

09969e  No.3379648

File: d9131ca4ecf2401⋯.jpg (51.29 KB, 480x355, 96:71, IMG_1452.JPG)

4f7b61  No.3379649

Ha ha must see clip

By the was Rising Serpent needs to cut out the self congratulatory retweets in his comments.

Also needs to cut out the big words in the tweets, they're getting idiotic. Put down the thesaurus buddy.


197558  No.3379650

File: f13082b65998bb6⋯.jpeg (43.76 KB, 750x558, 125:93, 94F4FDC9-62BB-4FE3-8562-2….jpeg)

File: e98706dcc19f953⋯.jpeg (112.84 KB, 888x499, 888:499, FB5D0A3D-3D79-4966-B379-B….jpeg)

2b89b3  No.3379651

Sooooo no riots across the country, huh?

Kind of disappointed.


0f8e1e  No.3379652

File: 4eb4bea9f35dd7c⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2j2bfp.jpg)

File: 82a93082f6bb6fc⋯.jpg (380.99 KB, 852x1358, 426:679, 5c8faa6fbc045afba885839b79….jpg)

09969e  No.3379653

File: 004e4c86dad4695⋯.jpg (57.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_1455.JPG)

File: 392ee00cd0c962f⋯.jpg (151.48 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1456.JPG)

File: 498a24602822cca⋯.jpg (120.52 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1510.JPG)

it was over way

before it started

tortuga knew

milk and leon

197558  No.3379654

File: 867d922442b28f8⋯.jpeg (59.92 KB, 750x562, 375:281, CD9F506A-DC7D-42D3-A8E5-8….jpeg)

File: 130c60e918e879c⋯.jpeg (99.17 KB, 654x624, 109:104, 84257718-C03F-4797-B17D-C….jpeg)

12771f  No.3379655


Aaand this dumb bitch will be shocked when the FBI pays her a visit.

8e76bf  No.3379656


It's a tax scam scheme, don't be silly.

9cb610  No.3379657


Secret service en route

197558  No.3379658

File: 59fd1a5934305ab⋯.jpeg (60.16 KB, 720x405, 16:9, FABFE24E-D127-4709-84A6-B….jpeg)

69831c  No.3379659

File: f343bc1cc41b9b1⋯.jpg (92.98 KB, 550x653, 550:653, ubuntu.jpg)

d40e96  No.3379660

File: e7d727794d03048⋯.jpg (161.27 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 11.3 psalms.jpg)


His goodness will let the very elect (seven thousand that stood against Satan without wavering), being the first fruits, that would suffer for Him in the near future and bring this age into "the millennium" which is the Lord's day. The elect destiny is to lead people to the knowledge concerning, Who the Kenites are.(Roman 11 ) (Ephesians 1 )

ROMANS 11:4 I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal

EPHESIANS 1:1 … To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus


WE, Our movement, are HIS elect!

378963  No.3379661

File: d308a766b5131a8⋯.jpeg (14.04 KB, 255x170, 3:2, d308a766b5131a8e1c1ec3618….jpeg)

the night shift and that ginger muff meme had me crying laughing last night(related) lulz

197558  No.3379662

File: 4e383d08d9ffeab⋯.jpeg (51.25 KB, 540x359, 540:359, C115DF8E-BAF4-490C-9E1F-7….jpeg)

ee2732  No.3379663

File: 26bf220194868b8⋯.png (41.96 KB, 576x215, 576:215, ClipboardImage.png)

09969e  No.3379665

File: f32fa95f31ef7d3⋯.jpg (26.22 KB, 236x330, 118:165, IMG_0888.JPG)

sacrificed everything for bronies and 4chan

always remember unicorn guy

8e76bf  No.3379666

File: b561ef851af2ca2⋯.png (67.53 KB, 674x533, 674:533, Federal Reserve restructur….png)

Chatter about restructuring Federal Reserve

4f7b61  No.3379667


cc: Brian Fallon

12771f  No.3379668


When's the last time we had a good, old-fashioned American riot? Rodney King? Baltimore and Ferguson nothing compared to Rodney King, Watts, Tulsa race riots, Detroit…. Not like I want one, but if they're gonna do it, do it right…so Trump declares martial law, brings in the military and spanks (shoots) rioters.

197558  No.3379669

File: 0df531a97dea5eb⋯.jpeg (56.96 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 19CE7A13-57C2-474F-8D2A-6….jpeg)

ad56a0  No.3379670

File: 0f459e4137dd0ac⋯.png (449.81 KB, 478x427, 478:427, feinstein-clown.png)

9cb610  No.3379671

File: d623d37f1f438d8⋯.jpeg (595.26 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 73B0B26D-5920-488B-AF86-7….jpeg)


Ty baker

LG time!

d39897  No.3379672

China cuts some banks' reserve requirements to spur growth

China's central bank said on Sunday it would cut the amount of cash that most banks must hold as reserves to lower financing costs and spur growth, amid concerns over a potential economic drag from an escalating trade dispute with the United States.


China pumps $109bn into economy as trade war bites on growth

China has slashed the amount of cash some of its banks must hold in reserve as Beijing’s leadership seeks to bolster a flagging economy.

As higher US interest rates and fears of a trade war piles pressure on economies around the world, China’s central bank said on Sunday that it was cutting the reserve requirement ratios (RRRs) by 1% from 15 October to lower financing costs and spur growth in the world’s second-biggest economy.


POTUS is winning again

ee2732  No.3379673

File: cb8e5f2f6e08ddc⋯.png (228.34 KB, 576x425, 576:425, ClipboardImage.png)


09969e  No.3379674

File: a64039bf5f840f7⋯.png (55.99 KB, 590x288, 295:144, asshole.png)

197558  No.3379675

File: 506561abe941272⋯.jpeg (182.97 KB, 1200x715, 240:143, BE028406-BE54-47F7-BAFC-D….jpeg)

ad5454  No.3379676

File: 1a977a07796f0a8⋯.jpg (221.07 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, IMG_5906.JPG)

8e76bf  No.3379677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


John Williams – Fed Could Be Gone In Coming Financial Overhaul

got the digits on Fed talk, kek, not planned

0f8e1e  No.3379678

File: 2ddff4e4d56fb5e⋯.jpg (79.86 KB, 565x499, 565:499, 2jba2g.jpg)

651b61  No.3379679

File: befce78c19b3b76⋯.png (431.6 KB, 495x368, 495:368, snow flake.PNG)

197558  No.3379680

File: 7eb7cb73a15b2cd⋯.jpeg (112.72 KB, 703x651, 703:651, A39173E5-55B2-401F-BA3E-B….jpeg)

09969e  No.3379681

File: 1a4d1f438087c47⋯.png (69.03 KB, 590x340, 59:34, evilleaders.png)

62a0a8  No.3379682

File: 0adc5f56cfd8707⋯.jpg (109.22 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 0adc5f56cfd8707a4710d4641c….jpg)

197558  No.3379683

File: 40f55afd0ffa72f⋯.jpeg (101.84 KB, 663x515, 663:515, B066E34C-1776-4763-AB1F-9….jpeg)

09969e  No.3379684

File: d595f2ab89d7853⋯.png (69.86 KB, 590x340, 59:34, frumptrevor.png)

gynotologists got a crater to fill with soros

12771f  No.3379686


Cut reserve requirements so when a bank run takes place, they'll go up in fucking flames. China is well on its way to being proper fucked. Shame that more people can't/won't see what POTUS is doing.

197558  No.3379687

File: 099be617ed1c10e⋯.jpeg (79.7 KB, 466x590, 233:295, AEE03EC0-F84F-4CA7-A19C-C….jpeg)

1b8a07  No.3379688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This woman dissects and destroys

BlowZ Ford and Palo Alto Univ

4808bd  No.3379689

File: b8e1237bee0a9aa⋯.png (470.8 KB, 1131x1600, 1131:1600, IMG_9733.PNG)

ThanQ Baker

ee2732  No.3379690

File: 3b9f36429964590⋯.png (322.38 KB, 1045x617, 1045:617, ClipboardImage.png)

the idiots don't have a clue whats about to hit them ….

09969e  No.3379691

File: e551e8b5cb94605⋯.jpg (140.72 KB, 1428x787, 1428:787, dinnerforschmucks.jpg)


teh apocrypha is teh illegal

8e76bf  No.3379692

File: fe5efd917b252c6⋯.png (791.67 KB, 670x1560, 67:156, Screenshot_2018-10-07 Fed ….png)


Fed Killing the Economy – John Williams

Economist John Williams says the recent rate hikes mean the “Fed is killing off the economy.”

Williams says, “I heard President Trump make some comments to that effect, and he’s right. The Fed is trying to raise rates. The idea is if you get higher rates, the banks will be able to make more profits on their lending. It will also encourage bank lending. Unfortunately, on the consumer end, it raises the consumers’ cost of borrowing as interest rates go up. It makes mortgages more expensive. It makes borrowing more expensive. Mortgages go up, people don’t buy as many houses. What you are seeing right now is effectively a recession in the housing market, in the construction area. Existing home sales have been down for six or seven months in a row, and it’s down year over year.”


197558  No.3379693

File: a9f79b43f3800d0⋯.jpeg (73.47 KB, 496x514, 248:257, 0BC23A44-B77F-476E-9911-6….jpeg)

d9954d  No.3379695

File: 9bb7fc966ce75c1⋯.jpg (13.91 KB, 195x259, 195:259, DotOcXSU4AAQhqI.jpg)


divisive baitfaggot in our midst

I need my cofveve, didn't know the fuckn shills woke up this early

bf1f99  No.3379696



If he's wrong, not a big deal right? If you are?

9a4e50  No.3379697

File: 9b9a26583a84f3f⋯.jpg (34.06 KB, 670x447, 670:447, Benjamin-Netanyahu-hand.jpg)


Oy vey!

ff2918  No.3379698

(Last bread - sorry didnt get your number!)

Which one of you musically inclined Anons are going to make a remix out of "The sergeant at arms will restore order in the gallery."?


> "Theyre taking the hobbits to isengard remix?"

428a40  No.3379699

File: a219401ddfb42a9⋯.jpg (67.39 KB, 600x450, 4:3, marta-722206.jpg)

Thank You Baker

09969e  No.3379700



quuuuuuueeeeeeeer research

see /trump/

its homotus is fagOTUS

188630  No.3379701


Look at the name


7995d8  No.3379702


You are talking to a bot.

197558  No.3379703

File: c59466ec6882467⋯.jpeg (122.96 KB, 498x493, 498:493, 8AB9286A-8220-4101-9BF2-A….jpeg)

ad56a0  No.3379704

File: 4adefb3f6e401ed⋯.png (607.69 KB, 638x449, 638:449, ford-charged-perjury-if.png)

4808bd  No.3379706

File: 4b9c4bcdb143ded⋯.jpg (76.27 KB, 516x450, 86:75, IMG_4471.JPG)


Covfefe for you

197558  No.3379707

File: 12fcd6067df29bf⋯.jpeg (150.71 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 74CF0D91-F208-48BE-A84E-F….jpeg)

File: b1c54eb514bebbc⋯.jpeg (686.09 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, C4E04CC1-F10E-4F24-AC01-9….jpeg)

0f8e1e  No.3379708

File: 4f71d7e28aad280⋯.jpg (104.79 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2gsqtx.jpg)

8fd9ad  No.3379709


China was fucked when they decided to play games with the yuan peg. Was over then.

8fb346  No.3379710

File: edc216ef80e12df⋯.png (859.49 KB, 800x585, 160:117, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons, I need you to pray for a friend of mine. He works as a programmer in an office filled with nothing but liberals, snowflakes, and soy boys. They were working over this weekend to finish an update to one of the code modules.

When it was announced that Kavanaugh was confirmed, several of his workmates' heads exploded, and my friend was injured by the shrapnel. Please keep him in your prayers, Anons.

Thank you.

d9954d  No.3379711

File: 972e64a5f02fbeb⋯.jpg (56.44 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 199df1265e4284db977cbbe257….jpg)


Oh my lord, thank you anon, that's the call I needed

09969e  No.3379712

File: c593bed0bad2b16⋯.jpg (119.52 KB, 1430x623, 1430:623, goshecon.jpg)

it's an abscessed credit market

7d6ec1  No.3379713


No longer there she deleted it

f8c9fd  No.3379714

File: 8e0b4cf3c94017e⋯.jpg (332.47 KB, 1931x2279, 1931:2279, PicsArt_10-07-05.55.13.jpg)

File: c9a6055e3bb7a4d⋯.jpg (444.27 KB, 1809x2000, 1809:2000, PicsArt_10-07-06.17.45.jpg)

File: c39a2d8b8790071⋯.jpg (875.82 KB, 1983x2358, 661:786, PicsArt_10-07-09.08.36.jpg)

File: c68e24501de5a0b⋯.jpg (667.35 KB, 1969x2305, 1969:2305, PicsArt_10-07-09.19.59.jpg)

File: 26c3806ac922474⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1983x2409, 661:803, PicsArt_10-07-09.18.10.jpg)

Red October, Red Red, Follow the White Rabbit, Child Trafficking and the Vatican.

Red Cross has history of issuing Travel Papers with no research beyond the Vatican's stamp of approval ie The Nazi Ratlines La Vista Documents.

The Red Cross also has a history of willingly turning a blind eye to corruption ie Jews who were used as human lab rats in the death camps were called Rabbits. The Red Cross knew about these atrocities but kept it quiet.

Another interesting article I found in the OCTOBER 1966 International Review of the Red Cross showed Catholic Relief Services donating 18 Giant White Rabbits to orphans for food. They called it an experiment?

Now in modern times we see Catholic Relief Services working hand in hand with the Clinton Foundation and The Red Cross in Haiti. So we have our most trusted Catholic Church and Red Cross who can issue travel documents without any pushback working with orphans/refugees.

Firm connections? This is a deep rabbit hole, including the Muslim Red Crescent Foundation (Islamic Red Cross branch). Is the Catholic Church also funding the trafficking operations? I am Catholic and every year they have a huge presentation during Mass on donating to the Catholic Relief Services with pledge envelopes, little money boxes to collect coins at businesses etc. This infuriates me now to know that they were partners with the Clinton Foundation.

Been with Q since beginning, My Catholic Awakening has been the hardest pill to swallow personally, now I am questioning ALL. Thank you Q for opening my eyes, it took awhile but I now accept the Church for what it is.


La Vista Document


Red Cross Nazi Rabbit Experiments


b673e3  No.3379715


meh, let him have his views. he knows that on those nights he can't sleep, he ponders if God is real and it upsets his stomach. that's true of all atheists

0f0940  No.3379716

File: cc0ab37765fe176⋯.jpeg (101.32 KB, 582x1000, 291:500, B8A45C1D-2572-4CCE-9EFE-3….jpeg)

File: 95812d5574de22a⋯.jpeg (700.65 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 0F521ABB-9BB0-44F7-B824-D….jpeg)

File: cc0ab37765fe176⋯.jpeg (101.32 KB, 582x1000, 291:500, 3C5C2615-66FF-4D80-96CF-E….jpeg)

197558  No.3379717

File: d98a097e96bee1f⋯.jpeg (72.78 KB, 840x420, 2:1, 87CCC631-4114-4C57-8D51-8….jpeg)

d9954d  No.3379718

File: 5670efc9bdec668⋯.jpg (16.28 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 97315f2d1f789590d82d02a5c2….jpg)

8e76bf  No.3379719

File: 2b213af2f1db2ee⋯.jpg (134.57 KB, 658x658, 1:1, ebot4.jpg)


E-bot needs saved.

2b5411  No.3379720

trips for fisa week

33e602  No.3379721


This is a dumb thing for him to say. My t-bills like the rising rates.

f570ae  No.3379722

File: 273e96073e4d3fc⋯.png (359.13 KB, 745x610, 149:122, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4955d7cc7b05153⋯.jpg (35.36 KB, 419x302, 419:302, MonkeyThoughts.JPG)


If CSPAN didn't create clip, who created it and put it on CSPAN?

b673e3  No.3379723

62a0a8  No.3379724


With attitudes like that, they will be getting what they deserve.

Ariel Dumas just brazenly declared she is a proponent of slandering innocent people and perjury

Not a good look if her ability to get work depends on her public image.. I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole held by a migrant worker.

d9246a  No.3379725

File: 1a746c17eda6c05⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 256x192, 4:3, targetacquired.gif)


I see you

378963  No.3379727

File: 3482a641cbf2790⋯.jpg (111.08 KB, 750x500, 3:2, magamamasrbest.jpg)

29e9fe  No.3379728



Everyone know there is nothing in liberals heads to create shrapnel

2fc1d1  No.3379729

File: a6e5bd1ba9e24c5⋯.png (7.03 KB, 612x483, 204:161, ClipboardImage.png)

197558  No.3379730

File: b1dc1963e48994b⋯.jpeg (86.84 KB, 750x500, 3:2, BB4B8C3F-05EB-45BB-8D31-B….jpeg)

09969e  No.3379731

File: fb85de184e59496⋯.jpg (86.73 KB, 996x996, 1:1, IMG_1784.JPG)

ff2918  No.3379732


Gentlemen, we are witnessing the biryh of a new industry here.

Basement Protest signs - cant get them at kinkos.

Need someone to go on shark tank with this idea. Slogan "Made in the basement with love"

8fd9ad  No.3379733


Every 1/4pt or 25 basis points is equal to the system needing up to $25-30b to cover it's rolling costs.

That will end poorly.

d9954d  No.3379734

File: 0345c7f498c91eb⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 720x960, 3:4, jesustrumpepe.jpg)


first sip of my 'fveve goes out to ya anon, God Bless

09969e  No.3379735


larp the homotus for your peanut butter credits from soros

8e76bf  No.3379736


I with you because I'm a saver, but he is talking about restructuring the Fed, seemed relevant to Q post.

d3157f  No.3379737

What remaining cards does cabal have to play

Whelp they still have the media so

ET disclosure. They would say Trump is an extraterrestrial. They would out themselves as such but they would be able to spin the truth towards trump was negative. They could force an information shock on the population and forever taint the truth. They would claim they are the saviors. The would get our ahead of the awakening.

Right before election

4808bd  No.3379738

File: 6cdb411ed868599⋯.gif (995.64 KB, 450x341, 450:341, IMG_6627.GIF)

aaa8cc  No.3379739


Didn't notice that. Good eyes. Any similar vids like that?

f78cc4  No.3379740

File: d4e1638b0d731e3⋯.jpg (100.88 KB, 1091x237, 1091:237, WelcomeNoFemfagging.JPG)

>>3379643, >>3379671, >>3379689, >>3379699

Ty anons

>>3378874 lb

Mornin' Sword Anon. Sorry I missed this earlier. Always grateful for your blessing over us.

>>3379637 lb

>white women like myself

Appreciate the feisty spirit for the cause, but please respect our rules about staying Anon on the board. Plz read our welcome statement if you haven't yet (see pic).


Identifying yourself as female in any way usually gets 5-10 reminders that the customary consequence is to show us your tits or GTFO

557b02  No.3379741


Hahaha. Cuff ‘em and stuff ‘em

de239c  No.3379742

File: 52e940084f49983⋯.jpeg (721.96 KB, 1273x1600, 1273:1600, The_Battle_of_Lepanto_by_….jpeg)

File: b521b408ec68551⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1800x850, 36:17, rally-hero2018-2.jpg)

A painting and a rally in Washington DC to remember the historic Battle of Lepanto which was fought and won this day, October 7th, 1571

… Paolo Veronese, (1528–1588)

The Battle of Lepanto, c. 1572

oil, canvas

Dimensions: 137 x 169 cm

Accademia of Venice, Venice, northern Italy

National Rosary Rally - Washington DC

The 54 day Novena for Our Nation concludes with the National Rosary Rally at the US Capitol on the October 7 Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary; headlined by speakers comprised of nationally known Catholic clergy and laypeople.

The National Rosary Rally takes place in Union Square to the west of the US Capitol in front of the Capitol reflecting pool starting at 12:00 noon on October 7 and is expected to conclude around 2:30 pm. All four Rosaries will be prayed along with intentions which include: respect for life at all stages of development; the sanctity of marriage and families; upholding constitutionally protected religious freedom; and the return of our nation to God and Holiness.

more information https://www.novenaforournation.com/

a1fa23  No.3379743

A week to remember is this week. We will see a lot of chess piece movement.

Q :





378963  No.3379744

File: 48ab4182a6cb7f0⋯.jpg (97.97 KB, 474x498, 79:83, 48ab4182a6cb7f019e5b4542b3….jpg)



yum covfefe muh fav

ad56a0  No.3379745

File: ec07b9281dd4ffe⋯.png (309.64 KB, 439x682, 439:682, womens-right-defend-2e.png)

70113d  No.3379746


Good guys planting it so they could refer to it now.

09969e  No.3379747

File: cb1b548040d8bb3⋯.jpg (111.54 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1674.JPG)

ya'll are wasting too much time of mine

a05366  No.3379748

File: 65fdb069dfe9bfe⋯.jpg (32.16 KB, 458x610, 229:305, 811865cced205e569a5c5ffd9f….jpg)

board is slow this this morning - comfy - have an extra blessing, maybe it will keep the shills away

May you…be blessed with

The light of the sun and the radiance of the moon

The splendor of fire,

The speed of lightning,

The swiftness of wind,

The depth of the sea,

The stability of earth,

And the firmness of rock

0b7337  No.3379749

File: cc8ca78e59cd1ef⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1888x1144, 236:143, shumer.png)

a6c3e3  No.3379750


More empty spaces, more to fit. I believe it.

197558  No.3379751

File: 4ab2b0a4e059db9⋯.jpeg (112.78 KB, 807x480, 269:160, AC2B8CF6-D1F9-49EC-8575-E….jpeg)

947b36  No.3379752

File: ccadf186273a56f⋯.png (90.26 KB, 1409x1188, 1409:1188, 43804659478324689138921794….png)

62a0a8  No.3379753


SO the USSS is busy this week, I take it?

8e76bf  No.3379754


I got 52 billion on 21 Trillion is my math wrong?

8fb346  No.3379755

File: ed1d62c32d30012⋯.png (115.67 KB, 500x336, 125:84, ClipboardImage.png)


(Pic related)

64401f  No.3379756

DHS is denying the Bloomberg report about microchips being used by China to spy on companies and intelligence agencies. Why?


44b7da  No.3379757

File: eb66f70e12d613d⋯.jpg (161.23 KB, 736x499, 736:499, ford_irony.jpg)


Improved version

bf1f99  No.3379758


Catholicism is a pedo cult. Why would anyone continue going to mass to worship the virgin mary? Wake up people.

0f8e1e  No.3379759

File: a50bdf7b7fed40b⋯.jpg (84.13 KB, 656x369, 16:9, 1k4gqk.jpg)

09969e  No.3379760

since trump was the biggest cia child kidnapper with the "covfefe" cocaine smufggling

we should make things super appealing for the superlative satanic rituals on the pedogate board

d9d8c8  No.3379761

File: 933f89bb90827d2⋯.jpg (57.23 KB, 800x500, 8:5, churchill.jpg)

“We have, ourselves, full confidence that if all anons do their duty, if everything is archived, and if we continue to build the map, as we are building the map,

/Pol/ shall prove themselves once again able to defend humanity, to ride out the storm of data, and to outlive the tyranny of fake news, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.

At any rate, concernfags, that is what we are going to do.That is the resolve of our QArmy and every last autist, baker, and anon. That is the will of POTUS and of the nation.

The Q clearance patriots and the Annonymous watchers, linked together in their cause and in their need for truth, will defend to the death their native soil,

aiding each other like good patriots, to the utmost of their strength.

Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen, or may fall into the grip of the Cabal, and all the odious apparatus of the liberal left,

we shall not flag or fail.

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in Cyberspace,

we shall fight on the facebook, and twatter,

we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength on the jootube, we shall defend our freedom, whatever the cost may be,

we shall meme on the instagram,

we shall meme on the gaming forums,

we shall meme in the tinder and in the snapchat,

we shall fight in the every inch of cyberspace;

we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this movement or a large part of it were subjugated and broken,

then our anons beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the Q patriots, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might,

steps forth to the rescue and the crushes the masters of old.”

29e9fe  No.3379762


TWO Videos


2 scoops

2 genders

2 terms

12771f  No.3379763


Very true. Just needed a POTUS with a pair of balls to exploit all of China's weaknesses. Majority thinks that China is this economic juggernaut that can't be stopped. Trump will show them.

e4d8ad  No.3379764


Much Love

bf1f99  No.3379765


Obviously you're not one of those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Carry on….

2fc1d1  No.3379766

File: b8ce26487963881⋯.png (42.8 KB, 582x655, 582:655, ClipboardImage.png)



Found the archives:



d4a454  No.3379767

Man has no moral instinct. He is not born with moral sense. You were not born with it, I was not - and a puppy has none. We acquire moral sense, when we do, through training, experience, and hard sweat of the mind.

-Robert A. Heinlein

09969e  No.3379768

File: 1ef207d3c264add⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, IMG_0629.JPG)

8e76bf  No.3379770

File: 3980629a97f7cd6⋯.png (259.42 KB, 745x610, 149:122, he did.png)


people like arrows, some people need arrows

71f8f5  No.3379771

6 minutes into Trump's Topeka rally last night he said this about SCOTUS:

"You're going to have other Supreme Court Justice's places to be filled; it could be three, it could even be four, it could be a lot. And, if you allow the wrong people to get into office, things could change. They could change and they could change fast."

RBG is ready to head out soon - she's 85 and looking older by the day. Breyer is 80. Next oldest is Thomas at 70, who I hope is on the bench for 20 more years. Both Clinton appointees. Kagan and Sotomeyer are the other liberals, both appointed by Obama.

Does this statement mean there is dirt on K or S? Does it mean an expansion to 11 along with RBG and potentially Breyer retiring?

197558  No.3379772

File: 062267907efc44d⋯.jpeg (117.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 0580BF72-ED1E-40BA-A8FC-8….jpeg)

0c404d  No.3379773

File: 79bfcc9b521e673⋯.jpg (104.62 KB, 659x650, 659:650, sad.jpg)


b4612a  No.3379775

File: 15cb834f2e90c76⋯.jpg (55.4 KB, 739x490, 739:490, kav fein hypocrisy_3.JPG)

10871c  No.3379776

File: a18bfebe492769b⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 800x449, 800:449, a18bfebe492769bf18032ba4fe….jpg)

File: 1ddd1aa3f32b5a2⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 800x500, 8:5, F.jpg)

File: a54ae36a8ad49b1⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1024x1223, 1024:1223, SideEye.png)

e4d8ad  No.3379777

09969e  No.3379778

File: d6144a210f32767⋯.jpg (89.35 KB, 382x500, 191:250, IMG_0121.JPG)

mow the lawn

8f6b75  No.3379779

Re ==silver tsunami==

>>3378920 (notable in previous bread).

Eurofag here.

Please, USAnons, be VERY AWARE of anyone talking about a "silver tsunami". their goal is to run your fears, telling you of no money for pensions or healthcare.

It is all a cabal trick. Fully tested in Europe.

They will run your fears in every newspaper, talk show, etc. on this.

THEIR ENDGAME: (as in Europe)

*everyone will get assisted suicides

* coma patients will be yanked off their machines within 1st 48 hrs telling family "brain dead" or "high costs"

* once you turn 50, your general practitioner will invite you for a check up, and ask you to sign a NO RESUSSITATION FORM. Telling you, that when you have a heart attack, you only have 2% chance of survival, and if you survive, 80% will end up a vegetable.

* merci kills for cancer patients.

* nationwide mandatory organ donation.

==>AND REMEMBER: they do not take your organs AFTER death but PRIOR.

All of this (AND MOAR) is fully operational in several European countries. Vote Dem and USanons too will have all these VERY NICE things.

Dont believe their "silver tsunami". It is as FAKE AS GLOBAL WARMING. It's all just a trick, to get at your money and organs.

ppl dying before their pension is a BIG WIN for the companies in Europe. They get to keep a BIG chunk of the $$$$$. The State Pension Is the biggest winner, as STATE PENSION isnt paid when you die before 70.

197558  No.3379780

File: 63bd1f04a103ef1⋯.jpeg (139.31 KB, 427x1199, 427:1199, 402DA387-14E7-4DCD-8240-4….jpeg)

62a0a8  No.3379781

File: cf2a4268ede53e6⋯.jpg (439.6 KB, 2048x1606, 1024:803, popeonarope1.jpg)

29e9fe  No.3379782

File: 50d2ddd98c524f1⋯.mp4 (3.06 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, Redistrict lost User Clip….mp4)


2nd Video Posted

Redistrict because we lost.

Pelosi wants to redistrict because they lost the last election.

197558  No.3379783

File: 293af32434ca360⋯.jpeg (81.64 KB, 1080x786, 180:131, 5E4E9C81-9FD1-4312-84DF-D….jpeg)

428a40  No.3379784

File: 052003892c6a765⋯.jpeg (249.18 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 1532703464.jpeg)

197558  No.3379785

File: 8f328b2f7046bd3⋯.jpeg (85.88 KB, 445x554, 445:554, 67F35FE2-7D1D-46C1-A059-C….jpeg)

7badbe  No.3379786

So on Q's 'their need for symbolism will be their downfall' — I believe that POTUS and others have hijacked a lot of that symbolism and use it liberally to confound them. Imagine thinking certain things have a particular meaning, and then having those same symbols used in your face by someone in a way which makes no sense.

I also believe that it has been known for a long time that they use headlines, pictures, etc. (on a daily basis) to communicate. Q et. al. know their comms - it would be good for this board to dig and learn those comms. There has been a sad dearth of digging here of late

8fd9ad  No.3379787


No..it's hard to tell as the numbers we get to see are horribly skewed. It could be well above even your calcs due to the leverage inherent.

People forget that NOTHING was done to help or solve 2008 controlled demolition. One of the roots of that crash came from Oct 2002 and the FRB's need to create another facility to exchange crap for cash…Repo process.

This was after virtually all of the reqs put in place after the depression ere removed. We still had the uptick rule and 'some' enforcement of GAAP. Wasn't much going on prior to Shrub's admin however when Cox was installed at S.E.C. IT WAS OVER.

09969e  No.3379788

File: f9463eadc0f7901⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0475.JPG)

who wants to change mah tire on mah backhoe

62a0a8  No.3379789


Democrat party mantra: "If we lose change the rules."

Rinse and repeat.

0f8e1e  No.3379790

File: 79d2245a3fbccb5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 411.76 KB, 1200x986, 600:493, frightened_child_14694662.jpg)

eec124  No.3379791


Good morning, Baker.

Operating on standby this morning, should be able to fully commit to baking this afternoon if need be.

Watching the rally now; missed most of it owing to life obligations.

Can tell that this next week is going to be beautiful.

God bless, Anons.

I hope you all have a great day.

09969e  No.3379792

File: 8e3c5a3f05dbf3d⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0403.JPG)

62a0a8  No.3379793

File: 76cbac5f0d1d829⋯.png (1.64 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, satanic pedophiles.png)

188630  No.3379794


Do you have any docs to support?

I have friends in Europe would like to redpill

They are not only clueless, they are on a high horse about those issues?

9a4e50  No.3379795

File: 9c32989392bf193⋯.jpg (115.15 KB, 650x365, 130:73, pussy hat.jpg)

09969e  No.3379796



you prol launder your money through their bank and can;t get over it

7badbe  No.3379797


POTUS never says things by accident. There definitely was a message delivered by that statement. It will be interesting to watch that unfold

263bb0  No.3379798


Finally someone said!


12771f  No.3379799


Yeah it's good if you hold treasuries, time deposits, anything pegged on the ff rate, don't expect an economic collapse any time soon, and have ZERO debt. Horrible for everyone else. Plus raises the cost of servicing our debt. Banks are happy because it increases their net interest margin.

3fae14  No.3379800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When you play the game of thrones…

0f8e1e  No.3379801

File: ef59bae72e18771⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 284.15 KB, 1200x500, 12:5, 1h0s091wq34re.jpg)

ad56a0  No.3379802

File: c44f62135616a35⋯.png (708.49 KB, 589x678, 589:678, potus-does-not-always-win-….png)

09969e  No.3379803

File: 94d53ae36003ead⋯.jpg (55.02 KB, 510x408, 5:4, IMG_0669.JPG)

maybe it wasn;t the peanut butter saurkrauters Twinkie white supremeacy satanism

a6905c  No.3379804

Feinstein looks older than Ginsberg after this week.

62a0a8  No.3379806


Actually I divested from all that shit as a teenager. Religion is carp.

It's not even good enough to be herring.

d40e96  No.3379807

File: 8c64d2885cfe6c5⋯.jpg (6.24 KB, 252x189, 4:3, 6.5 Pi.jpg)

File: 95be74054fac3be⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 1179x926, 1179:926, PHI.jpg)

File: 28cdffe9c6bfb5d⋯.jpg (10.12 KB, 284x199, 284:199, DURER.jpg)



OK, smart ones- explain this then:


Carbon-12; one of 5 elements in the human DNA is composed of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons. NOTE THE NUMBER OF MAN

ADENINE, 312, CYTOSINE, 660, GUANINE, 426, and THYMINE, 564 along with CARBON 12 make up the elements of our DNA/RNA.

It is ONLY when PHOSPHOROUS is mixed with the above that life is formed.



PHOSPHOROUS is also known as Lucifer.

PHOSPHOROUS is one of the other 5 necessary elements that forms our DNA.

Tesla knew this.

The marriage of the 5 and 6.

NOTE PHI: The RING is struck with the ROD = Q


(The Bible has been corrupted. Like the news, one must be careful what is believed.)

09969e  No.3379808

File: 42d51f92489009a⋯.png (53.37 KB, 590x288, 295:144, homosoftporn.png)


go get the Baal dogg boy

e4d8ad  No.3379809



a6c3e3  No.3379810


I heard that!

579f6f  No.3379811

File: d46396725964725⋯.jpg (72.98 KB, 636x382, 318:191, $ war.jpg)

File: 62dc38b272ab62c⋯.gif (49.64 KB, 532x276, 133:69, 1000 pts.gif)

File: be319e138349a64⋯.jpg (211.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 50 cents.jpg)

10871c  No.3379812

File: 9da2cbedc3f5710⋯.jpg (104.35 KB, 800x500, 8:5, WWG1WGA.jpg)

7b3635  No.3379813

File: bdf957ea1af3570⋯.jpg (144.91 KB, 500x683, 500:683, covfefe1st.jpg)


Kek. Here →

7badbe  No.3379814

Go find the many, many pics of POTUS using the triangle hand signal - he always has it with the 'capstone' pointing DOWN. But he uses other things as well. He is definitely using hand signs, plenty. Wonder what he is signalling

c6d00f  No.3379815

>>3379521 (lb)


They call this "MIC CHECK". Came out of the Occupy movement when Bloomberg took the amplified sound away.

See they've gone full on cult programming with it. No surprise.

Hard to capture in a pic meme, but some skilled videoanon could do major damage with a 30 second clip. Totally creepy, will turn mainstream Dems off in a flash mob.


579f6f  No.3379816

File: bfd9fbb2d79272e⋯.jpg (22.29 KB, 474x266, 237:133, blasey.jpg)

File: c2ca9a4906f9c93⋯.jpg (20.5 KB, 300x246, 50:41, FF.jpg)

File: bf45133516b9b1f⋯.jpg (120.47 KB, 988x661, 988:661, rolling.stone.jpg)


067395  No.3379817


Slipped a gear there dintcha?

And here I thought you were an asshole just

because you are name faggin'.

Turns out that you're stupid too?

087b99  No.3379818

File: c87cbef571c4433⋯.jpg (80.63 KB, 540x720, 3:4, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.JPG)


Odd coincidence or not

8fd9ad  No.3379820

File: 9e631e5fdf4975a⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 570x523, 570:523, Nixon_In_88_He_s_Tan_Reste….jpg)


That it's on….

43c597  No.3379821

File: 1ca2cce7084439d⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 269x202, 269:202, 1509484980842.gif)



could be Rom , gypsies have highly developed coms - pose as illiterate, compete as families tribes and individuals below radar, have and enormous database on human populations aquired through Mitt parlor operation they use to screen suckers in every city in the US.

They have practised deception and illusion and cons on ye normies for thousands of years. They are free. They were original copper and tine smith and many Kalderash still do a bit of work in the line.

The Rom networks are important, would be allies, but are they kenites ? IDK


4edabf  No.3379822

File: 0764a6f667ac3dc⋯.png (24.36 KB, 580x200, 29:10, Screenshot 2018-10-07 at 6….png)

File: 562d9e104fef29d⋯.png (137.02 KB, 611x882, 611:882, Screenshot 2018-10-07 at 6….png)

Jr. trolling





d9954d  No.3379823

File: c27cf8f2dbad480⋯.png (378.73 KB, 699x404, 699:404, c27cf8f2dbad480b4974d14ca7….png)



We takin the world together again today, Q?!

728c86  No.3379824


Do we have this?

BREAKING: GOP Senators Receive Death Threats on Their PERSONAL CELL PHONES Following Kavanaugh Confirmation

7badbe  No.3379825


YES - but I think there is much more than just that

2fc1d1  No.3379826

File: b65078b7a9b7701⋯.png (105.8 KB, 574x562, 287:281, ClipboardImage.png)

google salt

62a0a8  No.3379827


welcome to /qresearch/.

Read 9 months of bread before posting, thx.

de2e9c  No.3379828


Hand signal with the pyramid pointing down is a signal of the left hand path, or in other words, extra special evil. President Trump is mocking them with that.

09969e  No.3379829


still trying to suck on mah butthole huh homo

2e325d  No.3379830

File: ef221fc1924d5c9⋯.png (206.93 KB, 1044x712, 261:178, Pickens County.png)


Not exactly true. He's from the reddest county in the reddest state. He'd still be voted out if he *came out*

0f8e1e  No.3379831

File: 6291cc7711dda82⋯.jpg (134.2 KB, 1010x500, 101:50, 1jmk96.jpg)

12771f  No.3379832

Talk of CPL being an actor

Michael Avenatti Turns Radioactive As Liberals Blame Porn Lawyer For Kavanaugh Confirmation

Following Friday's announcement by Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) that she would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the left flipped on one of its recent heroes; Michael Avenatti.


As a result of Collins citing Swetnick's claim, liberals began to pile onto Avenatti - blaming him for Kavanaugh's impending Saturday confirmation, while conservative pundits poked fun. 

Avenatti may be a Republican operative cuz no one could pull off this self-sabotage, unless it was deliberate.

— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) October 5, 2018


09969e  No.3379833


it's a stalker

stfu tard

d9d8c8  No.3379834


Responding to a bot isn't stupid then?

ee2732  No.3379835

File: 98d830411f8f687⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, wrapup_smear.mp4)

For those still wanting the wrapup smear video here's the video direct link. easy way is to use VLC to either play it or use it to convert the file to save it locally (using file->convert function):


2b89b3  No.3379836

File: 7447436522f3c7c⋯.jpg (107.11 KB, 967x737, 967:737, muhboobs.jpg)

File: bfa3fd07fb7cbce⋯.jpg (296.4 KB, 3000x2201, 3000:2201, pathetichobag.jpg)

d39897  No.3379838

How China rules the waves

FT investigation: Beijing has spent billions expanding its ports network to secure sea lanes and establish itself as a maritime power


Could Chinese involvement in Israeli ports pose a security risk?


Think Ports


09969e  No.3379839



shitheads that need to pay taxes

8fd9ad  No.3379840


That is the sign for "go"

3fae14  No.3379841


Sucks to be you. Shareblue Sunday shift.Anons are home with loved ones, riding the wave bro. It's all over. Get a real job.

7badbe  No.3379842


Exactly. That all needs to be dug and discussed — Q has said multiple times 'learn our comms' - I don't think he only meant the comms used on this board. There is an entire battle being waged while we watch, and it isn't all obvious

5ea0b4  No.3379843

Soros, Obama Grooming Ca Senator Kamala Harris For 2020 Presidency

Oakland, CA- According to research and reports by the Sturgis-Fellowes Institute, billionaire George Soros and former president Obama are waging a campaign to slip the new junior California senator, Kamala Harris into the White House in 2020.

“Because there was such broad appeal for Soros’ protégé, Barack Obama, Mr. Soros has been searching for a similar candidate,” stated Archer Sturgis, executive director of the Sturgis-Fellowes Institute. “Mr Soros has enlisted former president Obama to teach senator Harris how to be silky smooth in her rhetoric and delivery.”

“Kamala has a strong background in law and is of mixed race and pretends to identify as African American, just like Obama does,” cited Justin Simpson, SFI historian. “The only difference between Kamala and Barack is gender and we all know how much democrats want to put the first woman in the White House. This should come as no real surprise, in that Soros dumped millions into the coffers of Ms. Harris’ senate bid and he has always despised Hillary Clinton but was willing to use her as a tool for domination, much as he did Obama. According to our research, Ms. Harris already has nearly a quarter billion dollars in campaign funds for the 2020 presidential bid.”

“We have been speaking to different factions of the Democratic Party, Cory Booker included, who are livid about the big donor plans for 2020,” added Sturgis. “All of these democratic senators have been sharpening their platforms and their teeth since losing the election in November. They thought they had a chance to be the party nominee on the next go around. Now they seem to have been thrown to the wolves.”

Senator Booker, the junior senator from New Jersey, has vowed to fight and block the rising star, Kamala Harris at every turn. “I have been out here fighting the right and left for 4 years!” Booker stated emphatically. “I’ll be damned if some soft squishy Californian is going to come up in here and try to push me aside in the race to lead this country. Not going to happen!”


197558  No.3379844

File: fa11d5af940b01c⋯.jpeg (179.14 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 89112C9A-6C55-43B0-915A-2….jpeg)

File: 46730430faea59d⋯.jpeg (120.29 KB, 435x550, 87:110, 0986CBA7-A249-4DC1-84B2-E….jpeg)

09969e  No.3379845

File: 845e5ed57379212⋯.png (1.24 MB, 743x986, 743:986, holycock.png)

these dang grief mongers keep asking for a nickel or a nail

728c86  No.3379846

File: 7aeefbe49d62aaa⋯.png (47.11 KB, 837x288, 93:32, AQ2.PNG)


Pic didn't load.

Didn't see in Notables.

8fd9ad  No.3379847

File: f866d8bce9f7b42⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, CS.jpg)

de239c  No.3379848

File: a5c6f6726e242f5⋯.jpg (57.47 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 170525163010-melania-trump….jpg)

File: d2fac5916830343⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 4500x3030, 150:101, Trump_Little Sisters.jpg)

The anti-Catholic shills are out today. No surprise.

Gives me a good opportunity to set the record straight.

Firstly, yes there is corruption in the Church … along with draining the swamp, the Church needs to be cleaned, it's long overdue.

Other points to keep in mind:

1. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is Catholic.

2. FLOTUS Melania Trump is Catholic and owns a rosary … she took her own personal rosary to the Vatican to be blessed by the Pope.

3. POTUS President Trump stood up to defend the nuns known as the Little Sisters of the Poor against the injustices of Obamacare, and even honored the Sisters at the White House Rose Garden.

Funny thing, I've just been inspired to say an extra prayer for the shills at Mass today.



7b3635  No.3379849

File: b3dc21962cc3bd9⋯.jpg (352 KB, 1200x854, 600:427, GodBlessAmericaFlag.jpg)

File: b8c4c479d843af7⋯.jpg (256.52 KB, 913x552, 913:552, QCrumbGodBlessAmerica.jpg)

File: 860065459492a1c⋯.jpg (477.11 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, GodBlessAmericaFlagFirewor….jpg)

File: 8b5129e6d0d6ac5⋯.jpg (217.4 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, America-GodBless.jpg)


Nice. Feels good.

d40e96  No.3379850

File: 4b988aac59d1f52⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 204x255, 4:5, carlin.jpg)


Even ebot sees what a fuktard you are.

But yes- take the Bible literally like you do the news.

That should work out well for ya.

ad5454  No.3379851

File: 4b4091ac8894f45⋯.jpg (102.84 KB, 540x423, 60:47, IMG_5907.JPG)

44b7da  No.3379852

File: dc414352e595bd5⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, wrap-up smear User Clip ….mp4)


← mp4 version

2b89b3  No.3379853


I hope Linda is laughing!


55c197  No.3379854

File: 2188e525e623d76⋯.png (151.89 KB, 270x270, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

428a40  No.3379855

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

12771f  No.3379856


Got another leftist "it's my civic duty" doxxer running around. Time for some fucking justice.

579f6f  No.3379857

File: c191f8d89afb893⋯.jpg (76.02 KB, 454x348, 227:174, safra 12 3 99.jpg)

File: 891c18d1956c058⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 1000x693, 1000:693, sad.jpg)

File: 21094e007a27e63⋯.jpg (280.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, browder resnick.jpg)

File: c191f8d89afb893⋯.jpg (76.02 KB, 454x348, 227:174, safra 12 3 99.jpg)

File: b73923d5896b7a2⋯.png (383.54 KB, 594x424, 297:212, hsbc russia.png)





0af13b  No.3379858

File: b1cbb98f3a0f991⋯.png (375.8 KB, 611x444, 611:444, begoneyou.png)

2c8f62  No.3379859


He also said absolutely no comms outside of this board, so you're being pretty selective in your interpretation.

7badbe  No.3379861


See? I KNEW this board was full of anons who know - it's time to get back to using that knowledge. We have much to gain, all of us, by sharing, learning, and spreading this stuff

09969e  No.3379862

File: 66243d09b43e502⋯.jpg (108.17 KB, 916x916, 1:1, 66243d09b43e502d123e80e015….jpg)

what if

we are mutilating male penises for

this talmud queer shit show

2c1158  No.3379863

File: 6119e4adbcbf0dd⋯.jpeg (28.89 KB, 600x401, 600:401, EB532C10-D8F5-4091-8BD0-C….jpeg)

File: 440028554cbca3e⋯.jpeg (49.4 KB, 600x401, 600:401, EA8D9241-436C-46B7-88E9-3….jpeg)

File: 65b061d23ada154⋯.jpeg (38.75 KB, 600x401, 600:401, F4AA9418-1072-45BA-9ACE-7….jpeg)

File: 95438aa9e1175bd⋯.jpeg (30.33 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 76C45CF8-F100-4820-AAE2-3….jpeg)

File: 8d1a0faf2c17b66⋯.jpeg (32.59 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 8EFD5D9C-D40B-4ADA-85D6-2….jpeg)



188630  No.3379864


Fox should put it on a loop instead of their talking heads

9a3e8d  No.3379865


Justice K Confirmed.

Keep the momentum of the party together.

RR hanging is way overdue


MSM Resignations. Gitmo Receives new tenants.


Missing anything?

ee2732  No.3379866


huh … the version i uploaded is mp4 you can't not have it mp4 the site only accepts mp4 … lol didn't you see the embed. Some people are paranoid enough to want their own downloaded copy i included an easy recipe to do so.

579f6f  No.3379868

File: 2d30fb7df263a32⋯.jpg (77.87 KB, 229x247, 229:247, fisa.jpg)

File: 15a1a7a962ff9a7⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 500x375, 4:3, goat.jpg)

File: 125eae55b96a83f⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 194x302, 97:151, kav.jpg)

69831c  No.3379869

File: 9341c58ff60c068⋯.jpg (110.87 KB, 480x588, 40:49, anon-beer.jpg)

62a0a8  No.3379870


>upside down triangle mockery

Especially when he does that, points right at a swampie, and then laughs in [their] faces.

He's done it. I love POTUS. God protect him and his circle of Patriots.

067395  No.3379871


I'm expecting RBG to be removed after it comes to light that she was knowledgeable of Clinton and Lynch's plan for her seat (and/or Scalia).

She will make the third.

If Breyer retires (likes over the next 4 years), he will make the fourth.

3fae14  No.3379873

217ea7  No.3379874

File: 3fa15c5abd5593b⋯.png (256.53 KB, 490x326, 245:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1644ff73e92199⋯.png (329.2 KB, 490x399, 70:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab6ea0c50b2fecd⋯.png (321.19 KB, 490x399, 70:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bff758a3ce51604⋯.png (320.54 KB, 490x399, 70:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdbd72496620b89⋯.png (30.19 KB, 383x186, 383:186, ClipboardImage.png)

Q gave us two hashtags.

These should be trending every day for the next 30 days.

To the MIDTERMS and beyond!

579f6f  No.3379875

File: c6657632a025f0c⋯.jpg (36.62 KB, 317x475, 317:475, china.jpg)

File: 2b978f44964f74a⋯.jpg (25.41 KB, 630x315, 2:1, dildo.jpg)

09969e  No.3379876


look at all those schmucks off to see the wizard of OZ

bf1f99  No.3379877


But Q said a plane hit the pentagon. So it must be true.

2c8f62  No.3379878


Nobody but you cares about your stupid fucking church.

It is irrelevant to all of us that aren't members of the same cult.

29e9fe  No.3379879

File: 2e725bd1ac1e60b⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 675x486, 25:18, merlin_106710409_d5896170-….jpg)

File: 6242ae0862478dc⋯.jpg (40.56 KB, 675x472, 675:472, merlin_129558428_1e7b047f-….jpg)

Who dat?

7563e2  No.3379880

File: 1e68ca1634c8a59⋯.png (445.23 KB, 1010x515, 202:103, Capture.PNG)

Heitkamp and Collins will be on 60 Minutes tonight

188630  No.3379881


If ourguys analyze and decide red wave is real they may wait till after midterms


e4d8ad  No.3379882

File: 5845cafb258d847⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 650x488, 325:244, 33.jpg)

9725c9  No.3379883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pelosi issues clear Seek and Destroy orders with " WRAP UP SMEAR " instructions.

Turn The Mirror Back On Medusa !

Pelosi Wrap up Smear Transcription:“You demonize – we call it the wrap up smear. If you want to talk politics. We call it the wrap up smear. You smear somebody with falsehoods and all the rest and then you merchandize it. And then YOU write it and we’ll say, see it was reported in the press that this this this and this so they have that validation that the press reported the smear. And then it’s called the wrap up smear - now I’m going to merchandize the presses’ report on the smear that we made. It’s a tactic and it’s self evident.”

7badbe  No.3379884


Well, I believe that reference was pretty specific. But if you don't think symbolism is being used by not only the Pres, but his cabinet members (Pompeo's Coke bottle, the water bottles by Pence and Trump)…then maybe you're being selective, no?

8fd9ad  No.3379885

File: b1f13388071a88f⋯.jpg (12.45 KB, 330x248, 165:124, rs.jpg)


don't think that any one knows all…I certainly don't.

09969e  No.3379886


i am not interested in your idea of felatio faggot

a6c3e3  No.3379887

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I am not into prophecy, but this guy said "Mark Taylor Prophecy Roe v Wade will be Overturned. Donald Trump will appoint 5 Supreme Court Justices." because 1 will die, 1 will retire and 3 is kicked out…


0f8e1e  No.3379888

File: cbf39e8326d877a⋯.jpg (77.49 KB, 565x499, 565:499, 2jb91m.jpg)

7b3635  No.3379889

File: 6182f23930c6791⋯.jpg (42.84 KB, 629x504, 629:504, Brainlet.jpg)

File: af4df7dff2344e6⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 638x359, 638:359, Disabled.jpg)

12771f  No.3379890


I don't expect it to be public, though. Unless a fuckin octogenarian wants to put up a huge fight. Thinking she'll be forced to retire.

a9c58f  No.3379891


"We believe Survivors" …

… Unless she's the former girlfriend of the Deputy Chairman of the DNC, keith 'muslim brotherhood" ellison, who has photographic evidence (as discovered by her sons on her computer), contemporary notes from two doctors and a slew of women eager to testify that she told them immediately after the abuse occurred…

"We believe Survivors" … unless you're one of the woman our former president, william jefferson clinton, raped and/or assaulted.

… unless you were raped at 12 by a man in his forties that our former 'first lady' hillary clinton defended all the while laughing that she knew her client had lied.

"Yeah, muh We believe Survivors"

If however you DIED, then will elevate the perpetrator into 'The Lion of the Senate' or, at the very least, be sure he has a nice gig on msnbc every morning alongside his wife.

09969e  No.3379892

File: 9652157efb58678⋯.jpg (22.55 KB, 403x348, 403:348, 9652157efb5867850a094664fc….jpg)

have some emotionally stimulating resolutions from the goolag experiment that had to clean up the nazi experiments

579f6f  No.3379893

File: e31539c665d5913⋯.jpg (513.2 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fiji water.jpg)

File: c567e79e79d0f2f⋯.jpg (16.47 KB, 480x328, 60:41, resnick clinton.jpg)

File: 43acd8066ca8e5b⋯.png (187.6 KB, 641x487, 641:487, run.png)

d40e96  No.3379894

File: 994b3451c18b835⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 255x171, 85:57, Q hand.jpg)




32ed38  No.3379895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can you help me with this?

Is this something that was always done?

7badbe  No.3379896


Of course not. That's the point of each sharing what he knows – put it all together, and you have more than you knew before.

09969e  No.3379897


your a scientologist with a dildo habit huh

41cea7  No.3379898


Scum of the earth, real question is how is Browder still alive?

188630  No.3379899



I am for religious freedom but god save us from those who want to impose religion on everyone, no matter which one

10871c  No.3379900

File: 4c2bcfe5b99d289⋯.jpeg (64.49 KB, 600x334, 300:167, booker harris.jpeg)

217ea7  No.3379901

File: 369aa03ab776e4e⋯.png (473.74 KB, 1206x423, 134:47, ClipboardImage.png)


He didn't say what kind of plane anon.

One word.


7d6ec1  No.3379902

File: c7bac1a10aa79fe⋯.jpeg (32.7 KB, 237x245, 237:245, 3B38927E-73AD-45C8-9C28-E….jpeg)

Fucking Comfy as hell

7b3635  No.3379903

File: 0cbd88b1f720574⋯.jpg (121.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PatriotForeignDomestic14.jpg)

File: c91f02c6cce05cd⋯.jpg (231.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PatriotForeignDomestic11.jpg)

File: 24e9c1cb3cc8113⋯.jpeg (465.01 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, Foreign Domestic4.jpeg)

File: 4d1a83e0124222a⋯.jpeg (581.86 KB, 1800x1286, 900:643, Foreign Domestic5.jpeg)

File: b0d6c32a834a8b9⋯.jpg (203.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PatriotForeignDomestic6.jpg)

09969e  No.3379904

File: 1e205c549865b90⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 480x322, 240:161, JACKELOPEFOUNDONLINE.jpg)

e4d8ad  No.3379905

File: ac3964b7d49f925⋯.jpg (28.1 KB, 267x400, 267:400, wudbe.jpg)


8fd9ad  No.3379906

File: ab4a20f7130e05d⋯.jpg (95.24 KB, 640x960, 2:3, You know you would.jpg)


you know that for sure..was for others.

f78cc4  No.3379907


Good morning to you, baker.

Is a great rally, innit?

'Bout spit out my celebratory Kav beer when

he said Blumenthal was "a Da Nang DICK."

Trollmaster in Chief, is our POTUS.

>Can tell that this next week is going to be beautiful.

Seems like "glorious" is on the calendar.

See ya later on, God bless baker

579f6f  No.3379908

File: e62bd695a660936⋯.png (223 KB, 664x485, 664:485, 3.png)

File: 2bcb46eb23140d2⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 447x260, 447:260, 1000.jpg)

File: c158fc9554fca6e⋯.png (21.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, beta.png)

File: fddc91941a249d5⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 454x360, 227:180, bk.jpg)

2c8f62  No.3379909


Obviously it is.

But when Q said understand our comms, it stands to reason that should be read in the context of his other comments regarding "comms" and that they are strictly limited here.

So your assertion that maybe he was talking about hand signals in that statement wouldn't follow.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't dig into hand signals and other symbols being used in plain sight.

Just being sure we don't misapply drops that have clearly contradicting context.

fadbd8  No.3379910


Responding to a bot is pretty retarded.

Suggest you lurk moar.

ad5454  No.3379911

File: 831f52428da4ab2⋯.jpg (180.52 KB, 720x607, 720:607, IMG_5899.JPG)

39fa4f  No.3379912

File: 3ed5d032eaafbd4⋯.jpg (149.47 KB, 619x486, 619:486, blumenthal1.jpg)

ba0bb9  No.3379913


glad you found it

7d6ec1  No.3379914

File: b4390ce62e29c7f⋯.jpeg (55.92 KB, 336x447, 112:149, 8C411C4B-BB8B-46E4-BB61-8….jpeg)

3cdbad  No.3379915

File: b307ae2d01b0a19⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 500x539, 500:539, dredscott_meme.jpg)

File: e444fe838b11038⋯.jpg (111.98 KB, 500x716, 125:179, Kav-leftie.jpg)

File: dafbd8d9126aefa⋯.jpg (286.95 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, danang.jpg)

File: fcd0244c24af0ef⋯.jpg (121.49 KB, 593x593, 1:1, aPolCult.jpg)


>google salt

Cult warriors (that is, all who identify as SJW's)

play their virtue signaling cards on the media table with unconscious irony: these symbolic virtues are gathered like participation trophies from all the cringy social “events” to which they brought their specialness and then used on (anti)social media, to mark safe spaces for unthinking feelers to assemble and reinforce the MKUltra programming, without the need of direct handlers.

Ex: “I’m a (victim group A) and a (socially approved “minority”) and I think this shit, so agree or join the irredeemable list!”

Stand up on your own, if given half a chance? Divine design

Cling and drag everyone with you? Infernal way

62a0a8  No.3379916


Pff if we could get the deck stacked with a super majority of constitutionalists, the Republic will be safe for generations.

That would be glorious as fuck.

579f6f  No.3379917

File: 62dc38b272ab62c⋯.gif (49.64 KB, 532x276, 133:69, 1000 pts.gif)

File: 8faa6d62691d4fc⋯.png (384.75 KB, 710x609, 710:609, 1.png)

File: 6f9ebbf9bc14bd6⋯.png (392.4 KB, 989x565, 989:565, 2.png)

7badbe  No.3379918


I just miss when this board was exploding with research and the discussion thereof – it was good, and it helped a lot of anons, this one included

9725c9  No.3379919


See William Coopers Mystery Babylon series on YT about sun worship. AMEN is said to be

amon - RA . sun god.

4da374  No.3379920


>We believe Survivors

Calling them "survivors" begs the question, assuming that false accusation is not possible.

378963  No.3379921

File: be14fbb3664c937⋯.jpg (53.23 KB, 728x410, 364:205, 15-6.jpg)

File: 7fca723b23e0771⋯.jpg (16.2 KB, 474x266, 237:133, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

parentanon/symbolismfag here

watched a older movie w kidanon last night so many spoopy things in it.

movie is call Chicken run (2000) mel/ourguy/ gibson

the "farm" looks just like a nazi camp right down to the jack booted women running the place

the chickens gather in the hut #17 to plan the getaway.. i wont ruin the end but coup#17 is involved

lots of other things from /our/ guys in there too.

these days its hard to find ok things for kidanons to watch /knowing/ what we know.. disney has always been F'd most of us knew that

but every thing kidanons watch needs to be checked out by us parentanons frist imo..

the kids are our the future and must be protected

teen titans go! to the movies! symbolism recap coming next.. /our/ guys symbols are all over that movie. the show too

is there a better thread to post this type of stuff in? i post here in gen cause its where the action is

love ya'll anons (nohomo)

197558  No.3379922

File: 877a9d3acea47d6⋯.gif (43.2 KB, 300x355, 60:71, 1E6633B8-F669-4A7C-82CB-C8….gif)

7563e2  No.3379923

Board is kind of fast for a Sunday morning.

d40e96  No.3379924

File: d3276c44535c1eb⋯.png (28.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, PHI_2.png)


OBVIOUSLY, Kenites are KEY (KEYSTONE) to the TRUTH we need to find!

Dig with me?

08c93f  No.3379925

File: 3a10a7f0bc0b3ba⋯.jpeg (94.48 KB, 744x477, 248:159, 0BEDDA72-3D77-4B68-912B-E….jpeg)

09969e  No.3379926

File: 8dff83d565713c8⋯.jpg (64.78 KB, 949x960, 949:960, 8dff83d565713c82d8a18600f7….jpg)

let's just kill them all in a plane accidents at the same time

62a0a8  No.3379927


Makes sense after what's gone down in the past 2 weeks..

We're entrenching as the new media :D

29e9fe  No.3379928


Anons do you recommend a Mail.ru account?

579f6f  No.3379929

File: 0f51ea5b49b49a8⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 232x346, 116:173, ccp.jpg)

File: 4e18e07ec2accb5⋯.jpg (84.87 KB, 633x800, 633:800, pla.jpg)

File: 918e9362b6d0ed2⋯.png (91.51 KB, 826x551, 826:551, klinton.png)

File: 5ae44ee5e3dc034⋯.png (381.9 KB, 680x365, 136:73, you.png)

59704f  No.3379930

File: 24dd7ecc2ecfb37⋯.jpg (72.62 KB, 750x750, 1:1, WWG1WGA.jpg)

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI6 Oct 2018 - 12:05:20 AM

Justice K >>> Highest Court in the Land.

Law & Order [majority] [U.S. Constitution] safeguarded.



Think HRC win >> SC appointments >> SC 'Corrupt' TILT [ex: LL]

Now comes the real PAIN.

Now comes the real TRUTH.





They want you DIVIDED.








This movement challenges their ‘forced’ narrative.

This movement challenges people to not simply trust what is being reported.

Research for yourself.

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

This movement is not about one person or a group of people.


Save the Republic!

Hatred and Dissension in the Nation will Heal.



Glenn Beck -5-28-2010- Founders' Fridays- Black American Founders


The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution, is an American history book written by William Cooper Nell, with an introduction by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was published in 1855 by Robert F. Wallcut.

Joseph Hayne Rainey (June 21, 1832 – August 1, 1887) was an American politician. He was the first black person to serve in the United States House of Representatives, the second biracial person to serve in the United States Congress (U.S. Senator Hiram Revels was the first), and the first biracial presiding officer of the House of Representatives. Born into slavery in South Carolina, he was freed in the 1840s by his father purchasing the freedom of his entire family and himself. Revels and Rainey were both members of the Republican Party


Benjamin Banneker

From 1792 through 1797 Benjamin Banneker, an African American mathematician and amateur astronomer, calculated ephemerides (tables of the locations of stars and planets) for almanacs that were widely distributed and influential. Because of these works, Banneker became one of the most famous African Americans in early U.S. history.


7b3635  No.3379931

File: 6f94e8072a41227⋯.jpeg (119.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, walkawayBelieveWomanExcep….jpeg)

File: d628bfbd1f6d42b⋯.jpg (134.89 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayDemRape.jpg)

File: 0239b0a65c04d09⋯.jpg (134.29 KB, 698x888, 349:444, Wait40YrsAccuseRape.jpg)

File: ee15d02338495ae⋯.jpg (93.98 KB, 540x559, 540:559, EllisonBeatGirlfriends.jpg)

File: 64e2704187ea687⋯.jpg (199.96 KB, 1129x651, 1129:651, KeithEllison.jpg)

ee2732  No.3379932


oh dear *smirks*

0f8e1e  No.3379933

File: 986ae44c90b7f66⋯.jpg (94.59 KB, 400x400, 1:1, brandodreamer.jpg)

2c8f62  No.3379934

File: 095788681bc08c7⋯.jpg (218.19 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, light.jpg)


Religion is a way for the weak to seek God, and for the Godless to control the weak.

That's all it's ever been.

557b02  No.3379935


I’d hit that

a89e80  No.3379936


never watched the show..so I dont understand this.

12771f  No.3379937


Hence the "separation of church and state." Was never meant to ban religious shit on public land but to bar the government from adopting an official religion and becoming a theocracy.

09969e  No.3379938


d3157f  No.3379940

2c1158  No.3379941

File: f921db3f4685a36⋯.jpeg (13.67 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 74A7239C-4864-470D-8F7A-F….jpeg)

File: d31be5bfad9589e⋯.jpeg (42.89 KB, 752x500, 188:125, 7FD9A33D-488F-4A4B-921D-9….jpeg)

File: 97227aa86e5c15d⋯.jpeg (29.57 KB, 600x401, 600:401, CD6A3FC7-711B-41E4-9704-E….jpeg)

044fd1  No.3379942



Filtered Faggot

bb868f  No.3379943

File: 90a02bc83822595⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Creedance-Lindsay.mp4)

Lindsey "Lib-Tears" Graham




69831c  No.3379944

File: d98a8f9bee81861⋯.png (984.83 KB, 656x982, 328:491, cock.png)

62a0a8  No.3379946


Is that what you're doing?

429621  No.3379947

File: a49365f204d55b7⋯.png (81.99 KB, 874x516, 437:258, ClipboardImage.png)

Take note of the following SEN seats currently held by DEMs:

MN2: Smith (D)

WI: Baldwin (D)

IN: Donnelly (D)

MO: McCaskill (D)

ND: Heitkamp (D)

Republicans have a fight to increase majority in Senate. These seats hold significant potential to switch to Republican.

78e2c3  No.3379948



f570ae  No.3379949

File: 38ba4de29fe1298⋯.jpg (20.48 KB, 319x269, 319:269, FeinsteinJewish.JPG)


Way to be a dick, Dick.

7badbe  No.3379950


we all interpret things differently, and a lot depends on the context and timing of the respective crumbs. I am not here to argue with you; disagree if you choose, it doesn't matter to me. I am one person - you are only one person.

Direct comms refers to what takes place with direct comms - that happens only here.

But they are communicating things to 'the enemy' as well, while we watch. It was that to which I was referring. You have misinterpreted my intention.

191f90  No.3379951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Truth Kitty Does it Again

The Truth Factory's Take on CBF

Must watch video just out.

62a0a8  No.3379952


Kek, lindsay might be a fag, but he's /ourfag/

33e51d  No.3379953

Money Honey Maria Bartiromo on FOX. Good lineup. Talking about RR coming before Congress this week. Darryl Issa and Nunes in NOW

43c597  No.3379955

File: cd9292b67d849ff⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, 2560px-Saintes-Maries-de-l….jpg)


Replying to self

The Rom believe they have permission from Christ to steal from the gadjo, the non gypsies because a gypsy stole nails which were intended to crucify Christ, who blessed the gypsy for it and gave the gypsies the right to rob the gadjo until the time He should return.

Kenites, copper and tinsmiths, Kalderash largest and most prosperous of the clans in the US .

There are many Romani groups, but only one Law. (Romen isy but, a Zakono yekh in Ruska Roma's and Kaldarash dialects)

Rules of Romani Code describe relationships inside the Romani community and set limits for customs, behavior and other aspects of life.

The Romani Code is not written; the Romani people keep it alive in oral tradition.

The kris is a traditional institution for upholding and enforcing the Romani Code.

The Rom do ritual magic. Occult anons will know more.

Kenites? Still possible.

4cc759  No.3379956

I see all these -Q sent me-, but in my case it was more -I was sent to Q-…

9a4e50  No.3379957

File: 1ee115f8e482787⋯.jpg (74.2 KB, 480x270, 16:9, obama got.jpg)

8fd9ad  No.3379958


The thing I hated(my issue not anyone else) the most was hooking in at various times and either in the middle of the several comm tests or Q&A where breads are flying it's difficult to keep up. I have learned to be patient…especially after the first set of comm tests

217ea7  No.3379959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saudi journalist missing.

Used to pal around with our favorite CIA terrorist Osama bin Laden.

Something seems off here.

9288e6  No.3379960

File: f52fdc68b56537b⋯.png (593.53 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 7531135C-8F09-4212-8CB4-0C….png)


CuomoLeaks.com is a website to blow the whistle on Cuomo’s corruption. But idk if I trust it. This could be like the child trafficking hotlines that google set up globally, only to cover their tracks. If you really have evidence of Cuomos corruption I encourage you to contact the FBI or the justice department or even one of /ourguys/ on the senate or in the house or whatever.

I don’t know if it’s legit, but Cuomo is one of the most stinky corrupt pieces of shit in the world of Politics. I’m a millennial and the chances of buying a house in my great state of NY is slim to none thanks to this corrupt piece of shit.

Don’t get me started on the Tappan zee bridge.

NYers and those in the tristate know what I’m talkin about

7b3635  No.3379961

File: 210aeef69bee11e⋯.png (203.93 KB, 486x351, 18:13, Bill Clinton rape victims.png)

File: 7f4f06333bdcbcb⋯.jpg (173.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, RedOctoberWalkawayDoubleSt….jpg)

Agree. Calling them "survivors" or "victims" begs the question (creates a predicate where if you answer the question you have inherently agreed with the false premise). It's a trick. Yet those who actually were raped or abused, my heart goes out to them. The use of the twisted logic does denigrate those who actually suffered abuse or rape. The twisted use of language to create false narratives and false beliefs has got to end.

62a0a8  No.3379962

File: f9f336bd3d80c1b⋯.gif (649.36 KB, 245x200, 49:40, whining5.gif)


Want a tissue, faggot?

d39897  No.3379963

$150 billion & $1.8 billion in cash given to Iran without Congressional Authorization & not 1 receipt or hearing produced!

Why, is Obama & Kerry running around the world?

29e9fe  No.3379964

Nationality Israeli, Russian

Occupation Businessman: venture capitalist, founder of Digital Sky Technologies (DST Global)

7563e2  No.3379965


What day does RR come before Congress? Closed door I am sure, popcorn if not.

b4612a  No.3379967


CSPAN has a feature that allows users to clip CSPAN videos and save them.

Full link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?430348-1/minority-leader-pelosi-very-confident-support-caucus [Pic Related]


428a40  No.3379968

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1535943976.jpeg)

42c5d9  No.3379969

Can’t wait. We lose this midterm and it’s all over. Don’t you millennial dumb fucks get it?

f570ae  No.3379970

File: d9e06b26eab98ee⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 436x285, 436:285, Eastwood.JPG)


Tough guy, huh.

b4612a  No.3379971

File: 115dadcb99edda5⋯.jpg (26.32 KB, 769x235, 769:235, CSPAN pelosi 6 22 17.JPG)


forgot pic

29e9fe  No.3379972

File: b25c94d414df318⋯.jpg (87.4 KB, 800x480, 5:3, Центральный_офис_Мэйл.ру.jpg)


What is with the bridge?

7d6ec1  No.3379974

File: 2be9bd16c0071aa⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 245x350, 7:10, 85EB6BEA-B24C-4C20-B882-7C….gif)

Ebot take your meds

7563e2  No.3379975


Go back to bed.

428a40  No.3379976

File: 7892f7c0b3b0225⋯.jpeg (118.58 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1538916238.jpeg)

263bb0  No.3379977


These people are SICK!

Swamp will be drained.

After will be only a museum out there.

bb868f  No.3379978

File: 4cbd37603ddf1d4⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB, 406x720, 203:360, Lindsey-Sweet-By-and-By.mp4)




Moar /ourfag/

Lindsey "Doncha Cry Mama" Graham


This anon made like 50+ of these in all styles:


378963  No.3379979

File: 82506c7f8a5b485⋯.jpg (14.42 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 583c42df10ddc860d79e73d7bc….jpg)

7b3635  No.3379980

File: f95c71e91af2357⋯.jpg (142.41 KB, 537x751, 537:751, NurseYOU.jpg)


Here, give ebot this (I have ebot blocked) –you is ebot not 'you'

3e6884  No.3379981

/patriotsfight/346 - VP Pence speech ref. China Threat


Now that POTUS & Q have seen fit to address the China Problem:

More food for thought.

Here's some sauce on a historic Chinese connection w/ New Zealand (FVEY)(with a strange pizza-related connection):

Rewi Alley:

Expat New Zealander who defected to Communist China & became a huge propaganda tool of Mao - A prized foreigner who lauded the Chinese Communist Party. Prolific writer of ChiCom propaganda.

His biography is named "Gung Ho: Rewi Alley of China"

Contemporary NZ - CN connection - pizza shop, Goldman Sachs related:

Gung Ho Pizza, owned by two New Zealanders, opened in Beijing in 2010.

Co-owner: John O’Loghlen

Auckland-born John O’Loghlen first came to China in 2005 with Goldman Sachs as part of the the China Netcom IPO team before a stint as Asia Development Manager for gobal pizza giant Dominos.

Could be nothing. Found the connections interesting > NZ > CN > Pizza > Goldman Sachs > John O'Loghlen - Another connection on the Cabal Map?

China connection to NZ. So who are these guys from a FVEY country, big finance connection & why a pizza shop?




7d6ec1  No.3379982

Noname is now a sex toy

d9954d  No.3379983

File: 3a488f461802177⋯.png (70.56 KB, 260x260, 1:1, trumpppoooooo1.png)

43c597  No.3379984


pursued by The Kindly Ones.

Use the euphemism the Red Eyes are real.

23f891  No.3379985


Could be nothing more than being taught at school, like this Anon was, to keep your hands still while listening or debating so as not to appear like a hysterical ass…

b5f12e  No.3379986


His father was a scumbag too … He would not give NYPD 9 mm handguns …..Once Pataki was elected in November as Gov he approved the 9 mm just to steal the spotlight from Pataki …..

d40e96  No.3379987

File: 58f7302dce544e9⋯.jpg (5.91 KB, 255x216, 85:72, Q spot.jpg)


>The Romani Code is not written; the Romani people keep it alive in oral tradition.The kris is a traditional institution for upholding and enforcing the Romani Code.

Interdasting. Although they haven't written it down, there must be something written about it! We can find it, yes?

48cabe  No.3379988

File: 63300b28ca4f9d0⋯.jpg (7.67 KB, 194x260, 97:130, churchie.jpg)


What on earth are you talking about?

>we shall meme in the tinder.

Churchill is not our guy. He was a mason and is responsible for the slaughter of more than 50,000 allied troops during the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign in WW1.

He's possibly the worst tactician in history…

Let me guess… You're a pom?

Probably drinking tea on the beaches while the ANZACs are cut to pieces.

d9327b  No.3379989


This is the first morning in a month that I haven't woken up wanting to choke somebody.

7d6ec1  No.3379990

File: 368c6f289f45d7d⋯.jpeg (22.75 KB, 255x215, 51:43, F553B556-6737-495E-AC4C-3….jpeg)

378963  No.3379991

File: 5969ba7b97c018a⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 671x500, 671:500, wrapupjizzface.jpg)


meant to post this one..

1e6f7b  No.3379992


parentofmanyanon here

I like this. We need a better spot to do this!

0c347b  No.3379993


what have you dug lately?

8fd9ad  No.3379994

File: 0a0d66f07b92c69⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 1300x957, 1300:957, gold 100's.jpg)

File: af5a41a823382a7⋯.png (437.94 KB, 1003x516, 1003:516, Gold grab.PNG)


wait until you read about Hussein, Geithner, Paulson spiriting a few plates out of treasury and taking them to PI. Read the Black Eagle Trust and it will take places you never knew existed.

6e3976  No.3379996

File: ec5699d70e617d9⋯.jpeg (111.44 KB, 960x950, 96:95, E9FD9DD5-752E-492B-A390-2….jpeg)


All right fags, according to Q’s last couple of drops, we ALL need to be on twitter, IG and any other platforms, leading an army of infoagents to red pill the masses.

No more “I don’t do twitter” lame ass excuses. Fuckin make an account and get on the front lines, or as far as I’m concerned, you don’t grasp the WWG1WGA component of this.


f302ff  No.3379997

File: 617a874aed39abe⋯.jpeg (299.82 KB, 1242x757, 1242:757, FC17B216-477A-443A-9126-D….jpeg)

soon to be 6-3 kek


197558  No.3379998

File: 3a3908e78bc035e⋯.jpeg (82.71 KB, 539x455, 77:65, 3110A55A-5BE1-4E6B-9B4C-3….jpeg)

File: c4dee3773e89dfa⋯.jpeg (74.73 KB, 406x481, 406:481, 84678BC7-F689-460E-AAEE-C….jpeg)

f570ae  No.3379999

File: 3545fba826ad721⋯.png (534.25 KB, 859x588, 859:588, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's you arrows faggot.

29e9fe  No.3380000


DST Global is headquartered in Hong Kong — accepting investments from international investors, including sovereigns. Also, it is worth remembering that Russia-U.S. relations were much better in 2009 and 2011 when these investments were made following

Secretary of State Clinton pressing the “Reset Button” in Moscow in 2009.

428a40  No.3380001

4da374  No.3380002


The way to answer is, "give me some evidence of the crime and I'll believe the accusation".

197558  No.3380003

File: a3736ab2ff78180⋯.jpeg (283.3 KB, 995x909, 995:909, 859A47BE-C72E-4952-87D8-9….jpeg)

044fd1  No.3380004


It's a good idea. Maybe board owner can suggest something?

b4612a  No.3380005

067395  No.3380006


What a pussy. Scared to tell us how he really feels.


eec124  No.3380007

File: 08fb7d1f66b4400⋯.jpeg (28.84 KB, 287x209, 287:209, LurkerArt.jpeg)


POTUS' energy continues to surge.

Glorious is most definitely on the calendar.

Normie recon: all points positive.

University liberals are starting to withdraw, but a select few (say, 4-6%) are holding out, the stupid fucks.

Meanwhile the good actors are more fired up than ever, with more joining the ranks by the day.

The Kavanaugh smear campaign most definitely backfired on the cabalists.

Couldn't be more excited on this end.

Back to lurking.

Will catch you this afternoon.

God bless, and keep kicking ass.

8e76bf  No.3380008


you asked who, when it was right there. Maybe you need to ask better questions.

579f6f  No.3380009

File: 6aadd08acdf1181⋯.jpg (72.02 KB, 500x300, 5:3, leibniz.jpg)

File: f0cb606d59b409f⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 600x424, 75:53, harmony spheres.jpg)

File: 45112879f63e70f⋯.jpg (180.96 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, cusa.jpg)

69831c  No.3380010

File: 52b869b638fa59e⋯.jpg (298.4 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, qmilk.jpg)

9725c9  No.3380012


Soldier sign up to DIE. Most get this on its face, but I wish more would realize that they also are subject to SECRET TESTING , by their own government ( Evil Clown Factions ) and they may , without consent , be harmed and have life greatly shortened. – Sucks but its true , see Radio Bikini.


85e13c  No.3380013

File: 502730a19c02407⋯.png (1.07 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, F3F0816D-6C07-48A3-A5DA-CF….png)

Daily reminder:

Days since Q promised arrests: 3.0

Number of hi profile arrests: 0.0

as you were….

71486f  No.3380014

File: 67603f0c559028c⋯.png (126.95 KB, 500x455, 100:91, youve-mistaken-me-for-some….png)

REMEMEBER reMEMEber that last human experiment cleanup by the fake jews of the rothschilds

d39897  No.3380015


Who are puppet masters behind this?

72ab68  No.3380017

Break day.

Play nice kids

d40e96  No.3380018


I never said anything about the reality of it all.

You assume much.

The very fact I used Carbon-based life forms as my platform states such.


Merrily, merrily merrily, merrily, life is but a dream

a6c3e3  No.3380019


We will win. We will be out voting this time around. The brain dead and hand out recipients are always too lazy to vote in Nov. The radical libtards consists of few I am sure.

My estimation.

a9069c  No.3380020


So obvious. There are hundreds of hours of content on cpsan, most of it is dead air or boring talks about nothing anyone cares about. Allowing users to make clips of these that are actually worth watching is smart on their part.

de2e9c  No.3380021


Partially correct, anon. It was to bar the Federal government from having a particular religion. States were free to have their own state religion, and some did.

71486f  No.3380022

File: 4cb233d44975691⋯.jpg (84.66 KB, 1080x1205, 216:241, neolibtardspaceballslogic.jpg)

e79da7  No.3380023

File: 92df3b834c7b74d⋯.png (775.22 KB, 749x745, 749:745, ClipboardImage.png)

someone shop Lindsey's face on this

4e65be  No.3380024

File: 1992af743695a95⋯.jpg (24.45 KB, 438x384, 73:64, 6b2761b2ccfcb09ddeb3397af5….jpg)

37ae1f  No.3380025

4. But you endure not patiently, nor fulfil the commandments of the Lord; but you transgress and calumniate his greatness; and malignant are the words in your polluted mouths against his Majesty.

5. Ye withered in heart, no peace shall be to you!

6. Therefore your days shall you curse, and the years of your lives shall perish; perpetual execration shall be multiplied, and you shall not obtain mercy.

7. In those days shall you resign your peace with the eternal maledictions of all the righteous, and sinners shall perpetually execrate you;

8. Shall execrate you with the ungodly.

9. The elect shall possess light, joy, and peace; and they shall inherit the earth.

10. But you, ye unholy, shall be accursed.

11. Then shall wisdom be given to the elect, all of whom shall live, and not again transgress by impiety or pride; but shall humble themselves, possessing prudence, and shall not repeat transgression.

12. They shall not be condemned the whole period of their lives, nor die in torment and indignation; but the sum of their days shall be completed, and they shall grow old in peace; while the years of their happiness shall be multiplied with joy, and with peace, for ever, the whole duration of their existence.

7badbe  No.3380026


Could be, but very doubtful. I also am not only referring to while listening or debating (although in higher-level public speaking classes, gestures are taught). But there are pictures on magazine covers, object placement in those pictures, poses, etc.

a9c58f  No.3380027


It certainly, in Alinski fashion, is intended to try to prevent anyone from suggesting it could be a false accusation. It also implies it was a very severe encounter.

Even if CBF' thirty six year old vague allegation were true, (though I've never believed it), I think it's safe to say most women would not still be traumatized by it. They truly have gone through worse, and this sordid ordeal only makes it harder for real victims to be believed.

I think more women are angry about what feinstein/ the dems and chrisine ford did then men are.

ae65f6  No.3380028

File: d2094fb67d66915⋯.jpg (161.07 KB, 1200x1007, 1200:1007, 1514534304733.jpg)


Agreed Patriot… I forgot my twatter login with throwaway email. Downloaded the app gave up at login. Then deleted it when it tried to open every Twitter link. Gotta stop being a lazy fuck and get out of the qresearch bunker.

Tldr. Thanks

b42f30  No.3380029

"ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities believe that prominent Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who disappeared four days ago after entering Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul, was killed inside the consulate, two Turkish sources said on Saturday. "


71486f  No.3380030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f570ae  No.3380031

File: 5a71411e1430da5⋯.jpg (68.25 KB, 734x502, 367:251, FeinsteinHorn.jpg)

File: abae63b4ebb3bc9⋯.png (441.47 KB, 560x800, 7:10, StrzokDad.png)

They run in packs.

b5f12e  No.3380032

Bartiromo just said closed door meeting with RR this week ….Ruh Roh……

197558  No.3380033

File: 0959f9d711db1b8⋯.jpeg (118.17 KB, 1918x1032, 959:516, 3AE363D8-16E8-458D-9119-F….jpeg)

a9069c  No.3380034


Fuck no.; I don't do twitter.

579f6f  No.3380035

File: 19b008ef6426313⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 400x430, 40:43, ah Q.jpg)

File: 93d9be384ea69aa⋯.jpg (34.58 KB, 620x350, 62:35, pooh.jpg)

File: be319e138349a64⋯.jpg (211.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 50 cents.jpg)

d39897  No.3380036


The Black Eagle Trust: Is There a Hidden Financial System Based On a Large Gold Treasure? [infographic]



9288e6  No.3380037

File: 88a399cf138fca2⋯.jpeg (565.43 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B8F74AE6-2B3F-43C9-9CED-6….jpeg)

Melania is the GREAT SPHINX

10871c  No.3380038

File: 5ff2a442ffc2fd6⋯.png (461.08 KB, 800x375, 32:15, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

has anyone dug on https://www.younglife.org Young Life camps - they are global? $387 million revenue

This pic WTF.

655096  No.3380039

File: d316ef282f41fc5⋯.jpg (304.27 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Feinstein-Leak-1024.jpg)

8947c7  No.3380040

File: c765ff778987bad⋯.jpg (157.26 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 11.jpg)

29e9fe  No.3380041



DST Global divested its position in Facebook in 2013 and in Twitter in 2014, shortly after each of those companies’ initial public offerings and well before the 2016 U.S. elections.

10871c  No.3380042

File: f451cccdc2322c9⋯.png (799.39 KB, 1200x1606, 600:803, ss.png)

a6c3e3  No.3380043

3fae14  No.3380044


Agreed. Demlike drunk.

34be7a  No.3380045

File: 571aea2f8c439d5⋯.png (230.76 KB, 534x399, 178:133, weird hrc or crh.png)

File: ee37a90fbe891ca⋯.png (294.15 KB, 556x597, 556:597, weir hrc or crh2.png)


When I click open the tweet it goes from #HRC to #CRH

71486f  No.3380046

File: 11ef6ee8b3e5ff8⋯.jpg (524.87 KB, 1142x1422, 571:711, pavloVdealwithit.jpg)

d3aa96  No.3380047

File: 4ba8a47858086d0⋯.png (12.91 KB, 619x178, 619:178, DXLgqoy.png)

579f6f  No.3380048

File: ef11b97d1277195⋯.jpg (124.11 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, buttplug.jpg)

File: b027d656b880cfe⋯.jpg (62.3 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, cnn.Meth.jpg)

1f9c02  No.3380049


Dianne is scary, looking at her gives one the chills.

7badbe  No.3380050


Nothing in the past few days, but plenty on Blasey-Ford when that was relevant. And I looked around when the word 'cement' was popping up all over the place. Trying to settle on what to dig, with relation to China, which seems to be a hot topic at the moment. Will take direction when the coming week begins to unfold. The Kavanaugh show needs to wind down a bit for the next thing to pop up.

0f8e1e  No.3380051

File: 5c4099236e4a990⋯.jpg (164.25 KB, 729x500, 729:500, 1j7u2s.jpg)

6e3976  No.3380052


That’s like a soldier saying “I don’t do warfare”…. you want to be remembered as a gutless bitch ass anon, suit yourself faggot. You obviously don’t represent WWG1WGA.

Grow a pair of balls homo.

9288e6  No.3380053


I am among the group of people who believe the great sphinxes head was replaced. It’s totally disproportionate and there’s no way it had a human head. Big body/tiny head?

No way. They were entirely too precise. It was built way before the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs. Just wanted to put it out there

d40e96  No.3380054


He's on an executive par-3 course getting birdies on every hole!

74e2be  No.3380055

File: af516273873cf3b⋯.png (40.45 KB, 1378x272, 689:136, ClipboardImage.png)



7b3635  No.3380056

>>3379871 Kagan and Sotomayor are braying that the SC may have a cloud over its legitimacy. It became illegitimate when they themselves were named by Obozo, the un president, the pretender, the illegal alien, the enemy of America. Kagan and the "wise Latina" are subject to removal from the court, and possibly more. But these people don't know when to shut their mouths.

cbfb73  No.3380057

File: f86905a061384b3⋯.jpg (67.08 KB, 468x594, 26:33, th4V001KG4.jpg)

188630  No.3380058


Anons have many talents

We contribute where we can and want

6e3976  No.3380059


Oh, you’re a giant pussy too? Cool story. Leave the fighting for the real anons then. You’re as worthless as the shills.

Fuck off faggot.

c294df  No.3380060

File: 47115bd057e7ee5⋯.png (656.65 KB, 724x1007, 724:1007, swprdy3 copy.png)


Bless you as well Swordanon!

To all things Swordy!


b5f12e  No.3380061

Nunez just said on Bartiromo POTUS must DECLAS the FISA

71486f  No.3380062

File: 9b237c1004a7254⋯.jpg (121.98 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, buggshills.jpg)

Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road

Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow-brick road

Follow the yellow-brick, follow the yellow-brick

Follow the yellow-brick road

You're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz

You'll find he is a Whiz of a Wiz is ever a Wiz there was

If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was the Wizard of Oz is one because

Because, because, because, because, because

Because of the wonderful things he does

You're off to see the wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz!

0f8e1e  No.3380063

File: 1c81a69de7b8b72⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 565x499, 565:499, 2jb8gc.jpg)

378963  No.3380064

File: ae28cdd6256e144⋯.png (318.36 KB, 480x622, 240:311, e5e057e32e3118214eb2c95199….png)



i know many of us here have children and see though the bs propaganda that our kids are subjected to daily. its been on going for many gens (imo even before tv)

i stopped kidanon from habing that tablet right around the time all the pedo grooming videos where exposed..

i see other anons post movie symbolism stuff here too

yo bo/bv is there already a thread for stuff like this

i thought we had one before.. it might have gotten bumped w how fast the boards move

300-350mm world wide was a while ago. bet its even more now

(pic not really related)

579f6f  No.3380065

File: 21094e007a27e63⋯.jpg (280.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, browder resnick.jpg)

File: c567e79e79d0f2f⋯.jpg (16.47 KB, 480x328, 60:41, resnick clinton.jpg)

File: e31539c665d5913⋯.jpg (513.2 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fiji water.jpg)

File: bf69acf07c96e88⋯.jpg (116.76 KB, 507x709, 507:709, wakaya.fiji.jpg)




6e3976  No.3380066


Cool story homo. You don’t listen to direct orders from Q?? Then you aren’t a Q anon. Now kys.

a6c3e3  No.3380067


You are wrong. We don't like FB, Twitter, but I reach people the old fashion ways. Do not judge because you know nothing about us.

f63115  No.3380068

File: b208b4720563fb7⋯.png (240.17 KB, 622x451, 622:451, Macron Coucher.png)

37ae1f  No.3380069


I believe in prophecy, shill. Especially when it rings so true, it's clearly evident to all but the most clueless of fools, namely ((((((((you)))))))))

71486f  No.3380070

File: f3419cb690ebe26⋯.png (48.1 KB, 500x434, 250:217, resist-fascism-and-leberal….png)

5ea0b4  No.3380071


Again, of course. But fingers crossed since we are now the Justice K stage!

188630  No.3380072


Check commonlit.com

067395  No.3380073

File: 1b7c15385bb4852⋯.jpg (120.16 KB, 500x597, 500:597, mmlt.jpg)

4da374  No.3380074


>in Alinski fashion

How exactly? Allinsky didn't originate circular reasoning (and it's a favourite of Bible-thumpers).

b4612a  No.3380075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

188630  No.3380076


Khe khe khe

6e3976  No.3380077


You should reach people through all mediums available. It’s cool tho. You can do as u please. If it pleases you to be remembered as a half ass soldier that didn’t listen to Q’s direct orders, than so be it.

579f6f  No.3380078

File: be52cd6a98883f6⋯.jpg (630.09 KB, 1600x1104, 100:69, riady.jpg)

File: 8faa6d62691d4fc⋯.png (384.75 KB, 710x609, 710:609, 1.png)

File: 918e9362b6d0ed2⋯.png (91.51 KB, 826x551, 826:551, klinton.png)

a89e80  No.3380079


w/a little white spray paint the Kill could be made into Kiss

2ac7c9  No.3380080

File: 7a3d82f6b0f7529⋯.png (3.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

4e65be  No.3380081

File: 25280a033d44b42⋯.png (409.02 KB, 581x720, 581:720, 1538692174.png)

2c1158  No.3380082

File: fd908859222cced⋯.jpeg (27.97 KB, 600x401, 600:401, C14132BF-FBC8-41E9-80CB-C….jpeg)

File: 8d2ea03b734946c⋯.jpeg (48.77 KB, 600x401, 600:401, DD8C7AE1-ED47-472D-B558-7….jpeg)

0423f9  No.3380083

Watching Nunes, FISA warrant on Carter Page IMO boils down to private prosecution! The Killary Camp - a private party was persecuting the Trump Campaign!!!!

"A private prosecution is a criminal proceeding initiated by an individual or private organisation (such as a prosecution association) instead of by a public prosecutor who represents the state. "

"The right to private prosecution in federal cases was removed following the 1981 Supreme Court decision in Leeke v. Timmerman, affirming an earlier decision in Linda R. S. v. Richard D."


3a58f3  No.3380084


we've seen enough of your bullshit, now fuck off

33e51d  No.3380085

Nunes says in Maria's show…another source giving information. Sussman provided documents re Russian hacking.

Fisa abuse. FBI did not tell that their information was coming from DNC. Nunes says POTUS must declassify. RR is f'd.

d3aa96  No.3380086

File: 39092ee27057d36⋯.jpeg (117.96 KB, 990x872, 495:436, 9060DD88-A8D6-4434-B4FA-E….jpeg)

ae65f6  No.3380087

File: a35bf5aedcb2da2⋯.gif (3.58 MB, 558x424, 279:212, ChristineFord_TriesToStop_….gif)


The timing will be perfect. You know the Trump team knows the red wave will come. They just want to go for high score and salt mining at this point

10871c  No.3380088

File: 6b416d626077452⋯.jpg (11.11 KB, 376x282, 4:3, glo.jpg)

[ 6e3976 ]

579f6f  No.3380089

File: fddc91941a249d5⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 454x360, 227:180, bk.jpg)

File: 2bcb46eb23140d2⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 447x260, 447:260, 1000.jpg)

71486f  No.3380090

File: 27716bb004173dc⋯.jpg (33.01 KB, 584x590, 292:295, Ni0mV2x.jpg)

8f6b75  No.3380092




Here… sauce..

https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5470655/





10871c  No.3380093

File: 43e0bf103c052f7⋯.png (212.48 KB, 1162x302, 581:151, treason.png)

File: 146545449f36658⋯.jpg (113.35 KB, 600x490, 60:49, traitors.jpg)

ac35e2  No.3380094


No holding back now, we'll get them!!

734cdd  No.3380095

File: 533387cbbe81300⋯.jpg (22.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BOOM.jpg)

File: 2e59d6a2a1eb92e⋯.jpg (24.98 KB, 403x299, 31:23, Foghorn T Leghorn.jpg)

We may just have to go to unsealing because we won't get the docs released due to blocking from RR and others.

5 Eyes is fucking up our shit - STILL 3 YEARS LATER

Fucking Deep State Cabal has to burn - AND SOON!

Go to the mat POTUS AND Q

Fuck this shit and move on to get them to GITMO

74e2be  No.3380096

File: 87ade414be8e9ec⋯.png (673.98 KB, 806x576, 403:288, ClipboardImage.png)

SEOUL, South Korea — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he had a “good trip” to North Korea, meeting with its leader, Kim Jong-un, on Sunday and making progress in diplomatic efforts to denuclearize the country.

Later, the office of President Moon Jae-in of South Korea, who was briefed by Mr. Pompeo on his North Korea trip, said that the United States and the North had agreed to hold a new summit meeting between their leaders as early as possible.

The two sides are expected to soon hold working-level talks to set the details of the planned meeting, such as the date and venue, said Yoon Young-chan, a spokesman for Mr. Moon.

In Pyongyang, Mr. Pompeo held a two-hour meeting with Mr. Kim, followed by a 90-minute luncheon hosted by the North’s leader.


85e9ca  No.3380097

File: b08510db615c280⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 480x414, 80:69, champagne pepe.jpg)

Shills are nasty and personal this morning.

Hey shills. Guess what? I'm still very very happy with POTUS and tickled to be a part of /qresearch/.

Here. Have a morning champagne. Maybe it will help your attitude.

188630  No.3380098

c294df  No.3380099

File: 7befd9335f6b592⋯.png (312.46 KB, 602x568, 301:284, 2018-09-28_23-37-08 qq.png)


But what is it?

5a5c53  No.3380100

File: 435884071c0f081⋯.jpeg (327.52 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, IMG_2380.jpeg)

File: f951d31c757c42f⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 276x400, 69:100, IMG_2379-1.JPG)

File: 07fcaf111df7c46⋯.jpeg (230.67 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, IMG_2378-1.jpeg)

Starting to feel like a smooth criminal

71486f  No.3380101

all that bullshit


shart and shart

and fart faces

579f6f  No.3380102

File: 3d3ff42104c5a4f⋯.jpg (416.06 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, c phone.jpg)

File: 6edf75cbff08177⋯.jpg (149.12 KB, 800x533, 800:533, cat phone.jpg)

0423f9  No.3380103


RR is f'd if he didn't have another purpose/investigation he was working on.

Nunes, "I don't know what the hell they've been looking at all this time."

See my comment also about this appearing to be a PRIVATE PROSECUTION >>3380083

a6c3e3  No.3380104


Q's direct orders? WOW. You are missing the point.

409603  No.3380105


8f6b75  No.3380106


organ donation by default

afa57b  No.3380107


I think she is going to tip over

afa57b  No.3380109

File: 811809807c081dd⋯.jpg (35.23 KB, 306x523, 306:523, ec4c546785066fdc220f6c65e2….jpg)

7d6ec1  No.3380111

File: 9d67b1e3e61bc11⋯.jpeg (26.15 KB, 193x260, 193:260, FD007C6C-82FD-4435-972A-F….jpeg)

579f6f  No.3380112

File: 5b2885f28b12326⋯.png (518.04 KB, 1025x579, 1025:579, gayness progression.png)

File: b6ed3a7cb79b1f1⋯.png (496.59 KB, 1000x550, 20:11, angle.png)

File: b701d9b8a6b77ba⋯.jpg (9.39 KB, 231x218, 231:218, hodogz.jpg)

File: 85e37b04b218bb5⋯.png (128.84 KB, 433x494, 433:494, mafia lavender.png)

4b8c97  No.3380113

File: 53f80849769be2e⋯.mp4 (15.54 MB, 640x640, 1:1, wrapupsmear.mp4)

71486f  No.3380114

File: 46fac9b39f0db2a⋯.jpg (23.22 KB, 218x255, 218:255, frickinlasers.jpg)

alice in wonderland was about the disturbed cia experiments from the late forties to the eighties

6e3976  No.3380115


He posted it twice and even said what hashtags to use. Pretty fucking obvious he wants us spreading that shit online. Why do u think he had to repeat it?

And I’m the one that doesn’t get it? Fuck. If there weren’t faggots like you, he wouldn’t have to repeat himself.

10871c  No.3380116

File: 3e2a940bb9f45b1⋯.png (56.65 KB, 500x589, 500:589, very.png)


71486f  No.3380117

File: 424d7b8e2aa8c79⋯.jpg (121.46 KB, 1200x758, 600:379, trotskymeme.jpg)


all those enemies in the MSM again huh

e79da7  No.3380118


i agree with you Mr. Hancock

f302ff  No.3380119


Lionel embedded Pelosi video in a tweet. Good for him…. spread it!


4da374  No.3380120



Another thing as an aside, "survivor" is quasi-numinous term in the lexicon of their ersatz religion. Something akin to "Saint" in real religions.

10871c  No.3380121

File: 5586e555c3e2e0e⋯.jpg (217.7 KB, 750x958, 375:479, NSA Dont Talk.jpg)

File: a3ea47bd15cc0f0⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, Shut Up.jpg)

c294df  No.3380122

File: ee1ffbd0db23fad⋯.png (378.43 KB, 635x328, 635:328, 2018-10-06_00-16-38.png)


Tigger and Pooh Bear banned in china!


ac671b  No.3380123

Wow, @LindseyGrahamSC (who has never opposed a sitting senator) says he'll go to Trump states with Dems who voted against Kavanaugh and actively campaign against them.

Red-State D's who voted 'no' are in trouble.

1d5b2b  No.3380124

a thought on Q drop 2360:

#2342 asks memes ready? one look at 2360 screams to me that anons are to flood all sm with [DNC] [HRC] and keeping blacky down (walk away?).

midterms are approaching quick. those slothish ways need some nudging.

been a real show. that's for sure.


2c1158  No.3380125

File: 5beb470c3055380⋯.jpeg (215.92 KB, 999x749, 999:749, FA96F199-523B-4886-9C33-3….jpeg)

File: d845a95bff04c88⋯.jpeg (603.15 KB, 1679x1144, 1679:1144, 7B1D1560-35B4-4AA9-900E-7….jpeg)

File: 834e8b3b4f352a8⋯.jpeg (121.5 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 0DFE6F2B-6457-4238-AD51-8….jpeg)

File: 9ee9e7f4994e2bf⋯.jpeg (132.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ED5528B1-6B79-44D5-82A9-F….jpeg)

4b8c97  No.3380126


Brazilians vote in tense presidential race led by right-winger.

BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilians began voting on Sunday in a polarized presidential race that could result in the election of a far-right former army captain, whose praise of past dictatorships enrages critics but whose promise of a brutal crackdown on crime and corruption has electrified his supporters.


188630  No.3380127


Sometimes i wonder

Do we have Q interpreters here who are just volunteers or…

5c7d5d  No.3380128

Ay, Q!

Where does the BRICS bank fit into the plan?

cbfb73  No.3380129

File: 79fa8556f4340d4⋯.jpg (40.25 KB, 620x349, 620:349, 2ixtqw.jpg)

a6c3e3  No.3380130


Listen up you idiot. It is about spreading the news. If you have a twitter, use the hashtags. How do you know how many I reach without tweets. Trump reach a lot more with his rally than any tweets can reach. Many people don't want to be a part of BS social media.

263bb0  No.3380131


You have to have a computer specifically for the twatter war if you don't want they crash down your operating system.

Yet tested many times. Loosed all files. Twatter is a shit hole! Separate all your stuff away from the computer you use for social networking.

This is not a game.

29e9fe  No.3380132

File: 5ef5bc227b9f996⋯.jpg (284.15 KB, 1130x1200, 113:120, DNugiQRX0AEmMv-.jpg)

Sky Event

71486f  No.3380133

it is like the babel tower needs to gush and gloat about bullshit

53325a  No.3380135


Don't go getting excited. A clip in C-Span is not what you're thinking. Any registered user can create a "clip" from any C-Span video, name it, and add their own caption information.

62a0a8  No.3380136

File: 1dc2dd520b03535⋯.jpg (46.59 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 8b8cc722fe0c23e7b1d4b05203….jpg)

99543b  No.3380137


Is that Freddy?

71486f  No.3380138

File: 64bd9914752254e⋯.png (120.76 KB, 500x407, 500:407, joseph-stalin-with-a-jewis….png)

all that glimmers is not golden

all that you hear is not a flower

579f6f  No.3380139

File: 4bdb670aae146f4⋯.jpg (172.55 KB, 542x529, 542:529, ll.jpg)

File: a6f67293072d5f7⋯.jpg (20.7 KB, 300x296, 75:74, soggy.jpg)

File: 4b10f55cc5e2395⋯.jpg (56.79 KB, 634x578, 317:289, lois.jpg)

lois lang

n. deak



d40e96  No.3380140

File: 14e4de151c15d90⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 1242x762, 207:127, 17.jpg)

Inauguration of Donald Trump

January 20, 2017 = 1/20/17


1+2(0)+2+1+7= 17

8fd9ad  No.3380141

File: fa6df0273260f8b⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1121x649, 19:11, Capiche.PNG)

a89e80  No.3380142


too late the cabal made sure I had no money and no retirement. all the corps are timing to let go of folks before eligible, or did away with it entirely (no pension at all)

378963  No.3380143

File: 12d7a0ab0a5b333⋯.jpg (43.9 KB, 720x676, 180:169, 42723557_1758883684209025_….jpg)


grammer nazi?

non parentanon? you dont know tired till you are single parentanon with custody

651b61  No.3380144

File: 6d4c093aa071085⋯.png (608.55 KB, 731x458, 731:458, shill9.PNG)

ad5454  No.3380145

File: 38ec33c3a6c418c⋯.jpg (396.16 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_5909.JPG)

5c7d5d  No.3380146

File: b4c84d4efd6abc1⋯.png (279.25 KB, 1280x490, 128:49, microcosm.png)

File: e78f2cf1a94ae1f⋯.png (26.58 KB, 493x383, 493:383, twoRealities.png)

71486f  No.3380147

File: 42f7656fb08d2aa⋯.jpg (22.66 KB, 320x400, 4:5, seizethepropertolli.jpg)

f570ae  No.3380148

File: 4f6f9097695736c⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 502x376, 251:188, Faith.JPG)

9725c9  No.3380149


Q Team clearly wants all Anons to be the conduit or bridge between raw intelligence crumbs and widespread , commonly understood public knowledge.

Anons are the " Tip Of The Spear " in Counter-Mind-War.

Page 368 , Behold A Pale Horse - picture of MIND WAR memo.


c294df  No.3380150

File: 56445c3fe4e5a31⋯.png (796.26 KB, 600x942, 100:157, 2018-06-27_08-59-20.png)




2c912c  No.3380151


C-SPAN allows you to create your own "snippets" from their video reel. That means the original video reel was taken by C-SPAN.

so, this "clip" aka "snippet" is user created.

IE, the clip, the title, and the description were created by a user, not C-SPAN

797778  No.3380152

File: ca059bfc3e0299b⋯.jpg (116.05 KB, 900x750, 6:5, ca059bfc3e0299b8c3a99c3a5d….jpg)

File: 5195467dfe0ee08⋯.jpeg (61.63 KB, 505x503, 505:503, 5195467dfe0ee08cb5a7ff97e….jpeg)

File: 74d3099d167735f⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 757x500, 757:500, DbpZhKNV0AA0MMX.jpg)

File: 0dadfc5b0ec1d01⋯.jpg (268.17 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 0dadfc5b0ec1d01677f51e62c0….jpg)

797778  No.3380153

File: bb44cd817e60fd3⋯.jpg (129.09 KB, 789x1200, 263:400, DV4jOu5VAAEoytX.jpg)

File: 59199adcb8fd0e4⋯.png (230.15 KB, 500x911, 500:911, the-dirty-dossier-dozen-we….png)

File: 993a88888db1774⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 800x800, 1:1, cartoon_30_1.jpg)

File: 471c7dc5d95a9e6⋯.jpg (132.83 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, Dm0yOz1W4AAsXTo.jpg)

ac35e2  No.3380154

File: 5b54cd632cd1f84⋯.jpg (184.03 KB, 1080x657, 120:73, Screenshot_20181007-092711….jpg)

Get with the proGRAHAM

797778  No.3380155

File: 2dc918b9902aa95⋯.jpg (146.54 KB, 600x550, 12:11, DOJ_FBI_OfficialsInTheSpot….jpg)

File: ee59c7dc1be0252⋯.jpg (127.47 KB, 1125x949, 1125:949, DbDbxyCV4AAluW2.jpg)

File: ff269dc87250c58⋯.png (123.86 KB, 500x532, 125:133, the-real-election-collusio….png)

File: 36cc7d2ae924a23⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, fbi-doj-fisa-investigation….jpg)

d9327b  No.3380156


bot, GIR. 'All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade… away… again'

797778  No.3380157

File: 0bbe78620603ac9⋯.png (15.62 KB, 255x218, 255:218, 4df13180d7ac5172f7287700dc….png)

File: 721291f4731497d⋯.jpg (124.84 KB, 494x615, 494:615, small-group-3.jpg)

File: c52943fc9bcc7d1⋯.png (767.58 KB, 666x612, 37:34, e7088751ec30d37fb73f5dfae5….png)

File: 6dfe59ca1a9aaa2⋯.jpg (46.61 KB, 600x433, 600:433, Deep-state-2-600x433.jpg)

4b8c97  No.3380158


China Cuts Reserve Ratio, Releases 1.2 Trillion Yuan Amid Rising Trade War, Record Defaults.

China's central bank announced it would cut the Required Reserve Ratio (RRR) for most banks by 1.0% effective October 15 for the fourth time in 2018, a little over three months after the PBOC announced a similar cut on June 24, as Beijing seeks to stimulate the slowing economy amid the growing trade war with the US, a slumping stock market, a sliding yuan and a record number of bond defaults.


579f6f  No.3380159

File: 903bcaa87a79f09⋯.png (332.34 KB, 711x596, 711:596, poison.png)

File: 7e15805b1e1af05⋯.jpg (34.18 KB, 625x415, 125:83, 1k points.jpg)

71486f  No.3380160

File: e9734ab9a778993⋯.jpg (183.72 KB, 1001x693, 13:9, pepehetism.jpg)

3e6884  No.3380161

ref. Justice Kavanaugh

How many of these crazed, triggered celebrities are members of:

The Black Eye Club? I wonder.

I saw Reese Witherspoon sporting a black eye.


343f13  No.3380162


Public libraries got lotsa computers if you don't want to risk your own. Just suggestion.

12771f  No.3380163


Apologies. Was referring to federal government. Should've clarified. Federal constitution used to only apply in DC. Then the 14th Amendment comes along. Brings good and bad. States hands tied but they can't shit all over the Bill of Rights. Not taught in schools, surprise.

0b7337  No.3380164


Fight Fight Fight

e5379c  No.3380165

File: 3a29eef3cf2ee78⋯.jpeg (488.26 KB, 1215x1060, 243:212, 706AC370-FE64-4F52-B505-C….jpeg)

File: 48fae04f385b3d1⋯.png (217.61 KB, 622x336, 311:168, 7028C307-B802-4661-A9CE-50….png)


My new favorite word.


29e9fe  No.3380166

What would "Secretary of State Clinton pressing the “Reset Button” in Moscow in 2009" mean?

d40e96  No.3380167

File: 1df7a64cfc89db0⋯.jpg (22.38 KB, 295x199, 295:199, 11_11.jpg)

Inauguration of Donald Trump

January 20, 2017 = 1/20/17



188630  No.3380168


They made it easy but put socially charged articles only . Correct answers are all political and sj shit.

62a0a8  No.3380169

File: 519737eb6897f83⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 650x357, 650:357, kekandjesusdo.jpg)

0f80b5  No.3380170



0f8e1e  No.3380171

File: df6330e13672e8a⋯.jpg (100.13 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 1jw2o0.jpg)


Well, given that you are only 7 years old and still believe in Santa Claus, vitamins, aliens visiting from outer space, flat earth, man never landed on the moon, black magic, witchcraft, invisible spiritual demonic forces and blah blah blah…we'll let it slide, Tiger.

d39897  No.3380172

Is thif for real?

Just like the 2nd Act of a horror film where a virus(leftism)which turns humans into vicious violent creatures, has ravaged the city. A few sane people take refuge in a building while the infected are trying to force open the doors!!!


7badbe  No.3380173


…or the Pergram?

c294df  No.3380174

File: 51429ee949f848d⋯.png (739.62 KB, 639x752, 639:752, qq777.png)

6c237d  No.3380175


NOTABLE BAKER — "Wrap Up Smear Illustrated"

Great education video made on wrap up smear tactical tool.

Due to it's simple approach and great layout, it think it's a notable baker

f570ae  No.3380176

File: 300c00aa3becd2d⋯.jpg (156.97 KB, 704x468, 176:117, Harvest.jpg)

71486f  No.3380177

File: c94deba442e3cf7⋯.jpg (398.41 KB, 3000x1828, 750:457, WHATwILLISwAStALKINGaBOUT.jpg)

f78cc4  No.3380178




Been thinking the same thing


>Normie recon: all points positive.

Yeah, sounds like it. Fantastic.

Positive energy higher at my workplace too,

but haven't heard any water-cooler chat for specifics.



>triggered by hearing the rules

>filters baker

Not sure you're in the right place, nigger

a711d0  No.3380179


cb8918  No.3380180


That's cool.

b5f12e  No.3380181

GRASSLEY says the Resist aunce iHQs is in Capital Hill ….. Double meaning ? VJ is running HQ with Obama right on Pennsylvania ave ….up the street from the WH

5c7d5d  No.3380182


Best redemption arc ever.

9a4e50  No.3380183

File: 9703b34fe959d47⋯.jpg (382.24 KB, 960x638, 480:319, kamala 2020 txt.jpg)

File: c8ee4e6aa57ed3b⋯.jpg (322.91 KB, 960x638, 480:319, kamala 2020.jpg)

8fd9ad  No.3380184

File: a1eafc37c1c8fb0⋯.jpg (167.9 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Brennan FAP.jpg)

71486f  No.3380185


scorched earth demon shit

gestapi adored 88 ""ss""

and satan is 666

they are all queer superstions

a711d0  No.3380186


$100 bucks says Kamala Harris and Cory Booker are having an affair.

abc0b1  No.3380187

>>3378867 (PB)


Asshole's have been holding that over him for years...

Strings get cut...spine grows back..

Welcome back Senator....

Thanks Q ... enjoying the show.

74e2be  No.3380189

File: 765a2ad3be32dea⋯.png (42.83 KB, 1118x240, 559:120, ClipboardImage.png)

The globalist/establishment in all its forms (lodged in the media, both major political parties, the intelligence community, and Internet providers) now dominate most of the information from which we derive opinion. We are at risk of not having all the information necessary to insure responsible thought or action.

Because Trump took “their White House,” he is universally hated by all globalists whose intent is to squeeze him out by any means necessary. Seemingly all the major medias except Fox News and some radio talk shows spew a continuous hate Trump line and vilify everyone defending or associated with him. No good is mentioned from their array of media outlets. No one in U.S. political history has been vilified more.

The intelligence community with Obama administration holdovers, now referred to as the Deep State, targeted a duly elected president with what is now known as the “Russia Hoax.” Finding no evidence of Russia/Trump collusion after a two year Special Council Mueller probe; all in an effort to impeach their hated president as a traitor. This, while completely ignoring — even covering up — a real Russian/Clinton collusion story and the Russian Uranium One deal giving Russia 20 percent of America’s uranium profiting the Clintons by millions. This, with the bleach-bitted 35,000 Hillary Clinton emails (a copy discovered on the Anthony Weiner laptop) so attesting to this deal, many of which were classified documents sent over her unsecured server. Most of this information is absent in globalist-controlled mediums.

Trump supporters, called “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, do not see equal justice under the law and thus continue chanting “lock-her-up” at Trump rallies. Some Trump supporters have concluded that this never could happen with the existing information block on globalist controlled/influenced mediums. Hence some supporters are showing up at these rallies in Q T-shirts to bring attention to QAnon (hereafter cited as Q), a new defensive phenomenon in the present establishment war against Trump and patriots.

The Washington Post on Aug. 1, 2018, fairly accurately described the movement: Q is ”an anonymous user claiming to be a government agent with top security clearance, waging war against the so-called deep state in service to the 45th president." “Q” feeds disciples, or “bakers,” scraps of intelligence, or “bread crumbs,” that they scramble to bake into an understanding of the “storm” — the community’s term, drawn from Trump’s cryptic reference last year to “the calm before the storm”— for the president’s final conquest over elites, globalists and deep-state saboteurs.” Q followers are those attempting to decode the vague messages found on the 4chan and 8chan message boards.

More Here:


a711d0  No.3380190


So… You're Jewish.

56d167  No.3380191


>Best redemption arc ever

now if we can just get Faux News to redeem itself…

29e9fe  No.3380192

File: 124c55c25a8184c⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 53f72aa169bedd284d6da163-7….jpg)

File: 7d8556e1ab628f2⋯.jpg (61.96 KB, 885x516, 295:172, 20090306-230657-pic-653914….jpg)


428a40  No.3380193

File: f38b3d9b4cf3745⋯.jpeg (197.33 KB, 1440x1150, 144:115, 1528647438.jpeg)

cb1061  No.3380194

File: 6ec1b53d1148ed1⋯.jpg (32 KB, 480x246, 80:41, 2jk7cy~2.jpg)

File: e014beb0ee58376⋯.mp4 (11.99 MB, 540x360, 3:2, The Gong Show - Gene Gene ….mp4)

America is now a better place.

8e7c21  No.3380195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brian Fallon? Of Gaslight Anthem?

71486f  No.3380196

File: 58e56e2b3abb669⋯.jpg (118.18 KB, 720x534, 120:89, smellmyfinger.jpg)

smell my finger

a9c58f  No.3380197


I have my Alinski RfR on the other computer, so I'll paraphrase a tactic or two. And though the Bible arguments can often be circular, I don't think my original comment was.

That said. According to Alinski YOU define your opposition, including with lies if need be (all the better really).


Now, he's busy trying to refute the false allegations (rather than delivering his own story), AND you've poisoned the well. HE'S UNFIT TO BE ON THE SC! Abusers don't deserve to sit on the highest court in the land!

Another tactic, to add to the first…you NEVER LET UP! You make the accusations 24/7…on tv, with mobs at restaurants and their offices!!! ANYONE WHO VOTES FOR HIM WILL PAY A PRICE!

You NEVER walk back the allegations, in fact you double-down. HE WAS GANG RAPING THE GIRLS…THEY LINED THEM UP/TRAINS IN THE HALLWAY!!! You are trying to wear the opposition down. Most will do anything to make it stop. It also takes it's toll on the families.

Study up on Alinski's RfR. Though they were around earlier, his took root here. SA was HRC's mentor. The left plays by those rules. Once you understand, it's akin to having the other team's playbook.

d9954d  No.3380198

File: 692c67b5cdeb6cc⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 611f6e3d89ae687c18a8fea054….jpg)


he's so gross though

a711d0  No.3380199


abc0b1  No.3380200


I can't agree with anything she says….but…..

Nice rack….

Just say'n

d40e96  No.3380202

File: 0f00999c2acb09c⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, Qbatman.png)


ThanQ for that!

Digs on DC Comics also applicable here!

Batman is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, and first appeared in Detective Comics #27 (1939).

1523da  No.3380203

>>3380154 L. Graham to Campaign Against Red State D's who Opposed Kavanaugh


Graham Unshackled!

a05366  No.3380204

File: b5ab2067f0ba97d⋯.jpg (72.05 KB, 1256x531, 1256:531, die faggot 2.JPG)


replying to self….i think i jinxed it early in the bread, sorry frens

197558  No.3380205

File: 0a1e83c9680f84f⋯.jpeg (43.41 KB, 640x420, 32:21, 99BDE1F6-8B39-4205-A451-6….jpeg)

71486f  No.3380206

File: 61f3391566aff8b⋯.jpg (102.18 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, disobey2.jpg)


and the cia spokesman idol

is the guy fawkes

of the gunpowder treason ritual

62a0a8  No.3380207


My only bitch with your declaration is that if you are intelligent enough to find out how to red text…

Then you are intelligent enough to figure out how to make it so, in a less red way.

Good day!

cbfb73  No.3380208

File: 223c01ab1f41b02⋯.jpg (51.83 KB, 675x500, 27:20, 2ji998.jpg)

a75007  No.3380209


Booker likes guys not girls. Allegedly.

56d167  No.3380210

File: 6dd666db8631b82⋯.png (196.11 KB, 539x534, 539:534, ClipboardImage.png)

71486f  No.3380211

File: ad34f3da1f41dd3⋯.jpg (75.89 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, sorrysquirrel.jpg)

b1fcc8  No.3380212

File: 6796c27b85c08f3⋯.png (208.81 KB, 359x458, 359:458, screenshot_443.png)

not mine but I couldn't resist

188630  No.3380213


It indeed looks like they want to bang each other to death

a9c58f  No.3380214


Thanks. Never heard that before. I'll try to learn about it.

7badbe  No.3380215


THey're still not getting it. 'Disciples' or 'bakers' - kek

8fd9ad  No.3380216

File: bb4b1d76ec01a74⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 624x351, 16:9, Hussein plan b.jpg)


They built a tunnel from his house to the WH via the Islamic 'office' several blocks away..


12771f  No.3380217


Kamala giving Corey "fuck me" eyes

29e9fe  No.3380218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

197558  No.3380219

File: 71262ee98803b98⋯.jpeg (334.48 KB, 1153x1429, 1153:1429, D4C68599-B043-464A-AD8A-E….jpeg)

0b7337  No.3380220


I thought the same thing.

71486f  No.3380221

File: 36b46910c495923⋯.jpg (11.23 KB, 223x226, 223:226, thedarksideofcommies.jpg)

they old old way of the MSM

2c1158  No.3380222

File: f7ede2b0f393611⋯.jpeg (103.69 KB, 888x499, 888:499, CE28287C-8D9B-4CBD-8878-2….jpeg)

File: 27c31c9db153b87⋯.jpeg (135.51 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 7673A4DF-C488-44AF-8FE5-C….jpeg)

4f7b61  No.3380223


No, this tosser.

Executive Director, @wedemandjustice. Former aide to @EricHolder, @HillaryClinton and @chuckschumer.


0af13b  No.3380224

File: 3efd40d28218d72⋯.png (269.81 KB, 368x509, 368:509, booker1.png)

File: 2aa75e4f999bc07⋯.png (407.63 KB, 882x595, 126:85, booker2.png)

used to have brown eyes?

a9c58f  No.3380225


Nice meme. Captures it well.

93645b  No.3380226


Should actually be called "Thought Crime", since that's exactly what it is.

4b8c97  No.3380227



cbfb73  No.3380228


wants to be white…

a89e80  No.3380229


time to start the slut shaming…

e9445d  No.3380230

File: 1c01d5e1d1a075d⋯.jpg (782.63 KB, 2000x3008, 125:188, SKZkM7H.jpg)


Found your mom—-

d9954d  No.3380231

File: 2aff3efb4952ac7⋯.jpg (8.59 KB, 247x204, 247:204, 2aff3efb4952ac727992d9e9e6….jpg)

306e47  No.3380232

Damn. Surprised there aren’t any better LG thug life vids. The ones I found kinda lame

579f6f  No.3380233

File: 1d3e9f608b19043⋯.png (55.24 KB, 1000x900, 10:9, c1.png)

cb8918  No.3380234


They SO fear a public thinking for themselves.

4f7b61  No.3380235

File: ecc9a5f365709ef⋯.png (22.92 KB, 637x139, 637:139, ClipboardImage.png)

71486f  No.3380236

File: abee34def223ac1⋯.png (746.76 KB, 680x463, 680:463, herobrinemyth.png)

368f27  No.3380237

File: 0c29fa994b95851⋯.png (366.2 KB, 384x570, 64:95, ClipboardImage.png)


Fixed if for ya…

197558  No.3380238

File: e16f26264f7de1b⋯.jpeg (951.76 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, C1E31E00-769D-4EF7-AE50-A….jpeg)

8fd9ad  No.3380239

So full of shit he doesn't know which end to wipe.


577c3a  No.3380240


They don't wake up this early. What time is it in Tel Aviv?

2c730b  No.3380241

File: 348b9ba6a724320⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1001x678, 1001:678, ClipboardImage.png)


Pepe added

f78cc4  No.3380242

Basket of deNotables


>>3380113 2 min. TY on the "wrap-up smear"–Dem's character-assassination technique

>>3379880, >>3380178 Susan Collins and her challenger heavily funded Heitkamp on 60 min tonite

>>3379978, >>3379943, >>3380123 Anon's musical tribute to LG: He may be a fag, but he's /ourfag/

>>3379771 Anons consider POTUS @Topeka rally re: SCOTUS places: "could be 3, 4, could be a lot"

>>3379756 Huh. DHS denies Bloomberg report re China's spy microchips. For why tho?

>>3379673, >>3379697 The Oy Vey Heard Round the World: Bibi's wife Sara goes on trial for fraud

>>3379672, >>3379686 China inflates fiat currency to counter 'trade war', cuts $ reserve reqs

If we can get some sauce on the LG-campaigning-v.-sitting-Reps stuff, I'll make its own note, rather than just a comment. I'll try to dig it out if I have time.

e3a9f5  No.3380243

File: 9625de9e1f76c08⋯.jpg (117.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PvP.jpg)

File: 6f3e456db5fae7e⋯.jpg (119.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hand.jpg)

File: 1ee8474ee6ca27f⋯.jpg (132.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Control.JPG)

File: 3dfc9dce57e1e81⋯.jpg (139.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Role or Side Does Not Matt….jpg)

File: 4a7e510cc5bdaef⋯.jpg (134.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Family Game.jpg)

f570ae  No.3380244

File: 590b16f9a69ce44⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 471x344, 471:344, MonkeyDurr.jpg)

cb8918  No.3380246


Subversion never sleeps goy.

d880b0  No.3380247

File: b402433880410a7⋯.jpg (124.53 KB, 1431x699, 477:233, IMG_20181007_103942.jpg)


Used to be a Blue Army Catholic, now I See. Please research more. It took me a year to get here and still do not have all the answers but if you research Q books etc even outside of Q it is all there. Been through the Dark night of the Soul so I sympathize for any Anon going to the next level of Awakening.

579f6f  No.3380248

File: b828c32f0db0ecb⋯.jpg (387.35 KB, 1710x1305, 38:29, az.jpg)

File: f02243fd5b72943⋯.jpg (114.76 KB, 992x558, 16:9, zim.jpg)

burning tree





cbfb73  No.3380249

How is the FUND for Collins opposition even LEGAL?? isn't that campaign fraud?

71486f  No.3380250

File: ce94786bf7bfe88⋯.png (259.2 KB, 500x984, 125:246, iso-national-socialist-org….png)





ty tony for that sexy mexi

4f7b61  No.3380251

File: 1d5c540673e5e5a⋯.png (52.91 KB, 817x252, 817:252, ClipboardImage.png)


Fixed it for you. Facts matter.

abc0b1  No.3380252

File: 4c639c295ce3281⋯.jpg (991.75 KB, 500x212, 125:53, 500full-verbal-kint--slash….jpg)


Q wasn't kidding when they asked us what makes a great movie..

Ghram's redemption arc…check

Omorosa's great acting….check

I'm waiting for the plot twist hopefully better than the Kayer Sose reveal…

197558  No.3380253

File: 478ab961f4e1c60⋯.jpeg (86.2 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, 869A5E28-D9D7-472C-BA45-D….jpeg)

0423f9  No.3380254

File: aa3f4ff3c836fcb⋯.png (149.51 KB, 559x473, 13:11, ClipboardImage.png)

The KAV issue is not new. SCOTUS denied a US Citizen RIGHT TO BE HEARD 6 days after Scalia's MURDER!


579f6f  No.3380255

File: 7faffef04c4bcb4⋯.png (298.74 KB, 703x437, 37:23, fag.png)

File: 08fa423692d4c98⋯.png (87.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, comabt.png)

File: 2b978f44964f74a⋯.jpg (25.41 KB, 630x315, 2:1, dildo.jpg)

c337a4  No.3380256


Hebrews 11:1

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

8fd9ad  No.3380257

File: bd55e2078024e32⋯.jpeg (117.83 KB, 876x1024, 219:256, Step 1.....UNDERPANTS.jpeg)

43c597  No.3380258



Yes there is substantial literature on gypsies - as a criminal con artist operation in the US Joe Mitchell wrote about them in the 1930s

the current expert on crimes and cons is a detective on SFPD - blanking on name.

Gypsie operate like the mafia, HQ is a "Mitt parlor" usually. The family assigned the territory will protect it - encroachment by other gypsies result in a "kris" or trial if not dealt with on the spot by the authorized gypsy.

Usually the head of the family, a "rom baro" gets involved and soaks both parties so they have incentive to not escalate disputes.

Some of the kriss imposed penalties are meta physical. Rom report witness people die as a result of an oath taken before witness in the open forum of a kris.

People are offered the opportunity at trial to take an oath affirming their innocence of the crime in question. Refusal is considered confession. Some guilty people try to take the oath.

The usual oaths are gruesome specific about consequences like a fatal heart attack and something like that often happens according to those present.

Gypsies have been running around our psychic infrastructure operating intelligence networks, maintaining databases, feigning illiteracy and practising occult rituals.

we haven't had reason to dig them, Q hasn't mentioned them, but given the above and their own legendary connection to Jesus Christ we might find some connection in time.


IDK Biblefags or Hermeticanons may know.

306e47  No.3380259


They’re democrats. Everything is legal for them. Campaign fraud, selling/leaking classified material, intimidation, violence. You name it. If you vote Democrat you get a free pass

b45e14  No.3380260

File: b8a8327ed4a6e3b⋯.jpg (232.13 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, REEEEEE.jpg)


Uh oh.

Call the cops.

Call the NYT.

This woman RAPED her sign!

cbfb73  No.3380261


exactly…they want to rip apart the constitution and the institutions.. and then bring MARXIST COMMUNISM. not hard to see.. pretty incredible.

4da374  No.3380262


That wasn't aimed at you. With circular reasoning I only meant calling any rape/sex abuse accuser a "survivor". I see what you mean with your further explanation. Actually Alinsky was a pretty smart guy and I don't see his methods as completely morally corrupt but rather quite useful against any establishment, good or bad. To the extent we're in power, we should defend against them and to the extent we're out of power we should use (some of them maybe).

83d871  No.3380263


Unrest in Brazil - elections are today - Bolsonaro a Trump-like candidate?


Brazil votes amid anger at the ruling class

SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazilians are choosing their leaders Sunday in an election marked by intense anger at the ruling class following years of political and economic turmoil, including what may be the largest corruption scandal in Latin American history.

Many had thought that “throw-the-bums-out” rage would buoy the chances of an outsider and end the hegemony of the center-left Workers’ Party and the center-right Brazilian Social Democracy Party, which have for years battled it out for the presidency.

Like much in this election, it hasn’t turned out as predicted. The man who has benefited most from the anger is a 27-year veteran of Congress — Jair Bolsonaro — whose outsider status is based largely on hard-right positions that have alienated as many as they have attracted — nostalgia for a military dictatorship, insults to women and gay people and calls to fight crime by loosening controls on already deadly police forces.

In second place is former Sao Paulo Mayor Fernando Haddad of the Workers’ Party, which has won the last four presidential elections.

Bolsonaro garnered 36 percent in the latest Datafolha poll, with Haddad 14 points behind. The poll interviewed 19,552 people Friday and Saturday and has a margin of error of 2 percentage points. If no one gets a majority on Sunday, a runoff will be held Oct. 28.

“In general, these are the strangest elections I’ve ever seen,” said Monica de Bolle, director of Latin American Studies at Johns Hopkins University. “It’s shaping up to be a contest between the two weakest candidates possible.”

The campaign to run Latin America’s largest economy, which is a major trade partner for countries in the region and a diplomatic heavyweight, has been unpredictable and tense. Former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva led initial polls by a wide margin, but was banned from running after a corruption conviction. Bolsonaro was stabbed at a rally in early September and campaigned from a hospital bed in recent weeks. And all along, Brazilians have said their faith in their leaders and their hopes for the future are waning.

This election was once seen as the great hope for ending a turbulent era in which many politicians and business executives were jailed on corruption charges, a president was impeached and removed from office in controversial proceedings, and the economy suffered a protracted recession.

Instead, the two front-runners merely reflect the rabid divisions that have opened up in Brazilian politics following Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment and the revelations emerging from the “Car Wash” graft probe.

Bolsonaro, whose base tends to be middle class, has painted a nation in collapse, where drug traffickers and politicians steal with equal impunity, and a moral rot has set in. He has advocated loosening gun ownership laws so individuals could fight off criminals, giving police a freer hand to use force and restoring “traditional” Brazilian values — though some take issue with his definition of those values in light of his approving allusions to the past military dictatorship and his repeated derisive comments about women, blacks and gay people.

“There is a strong desire for change,” said Andre Portela, an economics professor at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, a leading university and think tank. “Bolsonaro has been able to channel that and present himself as the bearer of change, though it’s not clear if he really would be.”

Haddad and the Workers’ Party, meanwhile, have portrayed a country hijacked by an elite that will protect its privileges at all costs and can’t bear to see the lives of poor and working class Brazilians improve.

Haddad has promised to roll back President Michel Temer’s economic reforms that he says eroded workers’ rights, to increase investment in social programs and to bring back the boom years Brazil experienced under his mentor, da Silva.

Caught in the middle are Brazilians who dislike both candidates and see them as symbols of a broken system. …

Yet it’s not clear that voters will reject the many politicians implicated in the scandal because the electoral system heavily favors incumbents and big parties.

The election has seen large increases in the numbers of candidates from marginalized groups, including black, indigenous and transgender Brazilians, and some think the anti-establishment feelings could translate into a more representative ruling class.

cb1061  No.3380264

File: 400519f4f4f7a10⋯.jpg (58.15 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 2hcpru~2.jpg)



Kavanaugh: What goes around comes around.

197558  No.3380265

File: 0bd655c79ba0609⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1152x768, 3:2, B216F814-50DB-4629-A1DC-13….png)

7d6ec1  No.3380266

File: 0089214ded68482⋯.png (442.12 KB, 700x714, 50:51, F83A093C-2686-4C67-A15E-28….png)

Waiting for Q

43c597  No.3380267


fugg forgot


e3a9f5  No.3380269


That wasn't the Force so much as a huge sigh of relief…..or a fart. Could go either way, I guess.

197558  No.3380270

File: c5e4769fcf1fe75⋯.jpeg (51.68 KB, 303x329, 303:329, 10EC81B8-F707-451C-B60C-9….jpeg)

53325a  No.3380271

File: 509a6193713e2c4⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1706x952, 853:476, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

Now: Kudlow with Maria dogging China HARD.

cbfb73  No.3380272


no shit sherlock.. tell me something I don't know already. smh

56d167  No.3380273


>We may just have to go to unsealing because we won't get the docs released due to blocking from RR and others.

Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein

cc2fbc  No.3380274

Know your history anons. POTUS is starting to bring up history on Tariffs in his rallies. This will then lead to the Federal Reserve System conversations. As the Federal Reserve Act being repealed will be what truly sets us free.

My financial planner had no idea what the Federal Reserve was and how it works. Which told me that most likely a huge perentage of the population doesn't know either.

You can "bank" on it being in POTUS crosshairs.

797778  No.3380275

File: 09707a75d345200⋯.png (527.03 KB, 794x670, 397:335, ClipboardImage.png)


f7c013  No.3380276


This is worth spreading - good red pill for the ill informed. Good work anon if it was you who made it.

368f27  No.3380277


Tell it to ebot .or Pantifa, their stock…

d880b0  No.3380278


Not sure what part you need help with. I am happy to go into more detail if you have a direct question. And I agree Bill Cooper is a good read and watch on you tube. Puzzle all comes together when you are ready.

86cb15  No.3380279


The way I look at this is; I've been here 1 Year, mostly lurking(every single day)for hours. Posting avg 2/wk , to cut to the chase I think there are thousands like me. I've personally have informed 30-50 people, and so on and so on. I also split time on twatter for purpose of memeing what I see here.


655096  No.3380280

File: 58ce0ba73ef832c⋯.jpg (61.65 KB, 600x401, 600:401, Weiner-redcarpet.jpg)



0f8e1e  No.3380281

File: cb231d50686d40e⋯.jpg (38.39 KB, 420x316, 105:79, 1j4ybb.jpg)

579f6f  No.3380282

File: 4cd31dbcf36380b⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 1449x1000, 1449:1000, huma gf.jpg)

File: bf45133516b9b1f⋯.jpg (120.47 KB, 988x661, 988:661, rolling.stone.jpg)

File: a9da81b343be6fc⋯.jpg (16.5 KB, 236x365, 236:365, que.jpg)


no borders







43c597  No.3380283

>>3380258 self replying on gypsies

nuttin here for you shills


53325a  No.3380284


Bolsonaro is a non-PC, anti-Globalist candidate. Bolsonaro 17. We need him to win!

71486f  No.3380285

File: 2767cd344662fc4⋯.png (409.49 KB, 1454x993, 1454:993, buttFUCKiTunes.png)

064d20  No.3380286

File: 20e9f3608963681⋯.jpeg (904.47 KB, 1193x1176, 1193:1176, BF52BBE1-462F-4029-9B89-1….jpeg)


197558  No.3380287

File: 17a5d6a987ab444⋯.jpeg (109.29 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 36ADA3D4-2A06-47F3-AC05-B….jpeg)

62a0a8  No.3380288


>>>3380113 2 min. TY on the "wrap-up smear"–Dem's character-assassination technique

I wonder if they are smart enough to know that once an exploit a divisive social tactic is burned known by the population, it becomes worthless to the user?

92db69  No.3380289

new trump twat: pompeo and kim… loking forward to meeting chairman Kim in the near future

0423f9  No.3380290


I wonder why Q was so formal with RR instead of just saying…

Goodbye [RR]

My jury is still out on whether he is white hat or black hat. The Scope of the Mueller investigation change August 2017 - why? and to what? Old financial transactions in Manafort case were suddenly applicable.

Things that make you go…hrmmm.

7badbe  No.3380291



In horrific details about the double murder and attempted suicide, investigators say Monica McCarrick killed the little girls and then propped their bodies against the front door of the apartment in a bid to prevent rescuers from getting in.

Those nasty McCarricks…

8fd9ad  No.3380292

File: 3a5e30e32e65ef3⋯.jpg (29.13 KB, 480x360, 4:3, A.jpg)


Proper fucked…all of SA. We need that wall now because the wave of people coming when the shit-show in Venz hits will be a powder keg.

Certainly the C_A caused most of these problems but they will manifest into a wave of people that will make the trek earlier this year look like a church picnic.

71486f  No.3380293

File: 706c0853fd80f53⋯.jpg (175.48 KB, 1440x938, 720:469, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg)

56d167  No.3380294


>I wonder if they are smart enough to know that once an exploit a divisive social tactic is burned known by the population, it becomes worthless to


which is why we need some of these FFs exposed ASAP

pick one, any one

8e76bf  No.3380295

File: 23cfa41af290a43⋯.png (318.1 KB, 384x570, 64:95, democrat fascism.png)


fixed it for you

d40e96  No.3380296



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.352

Oct 6 2018 17:36:11 (EST)

Expect this.

We will impeach Justice K…

CON sold to voters by the LYING D's.


2/3rd Senate vote required to impeach SCJ.

What are the odds of that?



Goes with your other Notable

71486f  No.3380297

File: c58659103eebcec⋯.jpg (312.47 KB, 2480x3508, 620:877, fullcommunistrelease.jpg)

cb1061  No.3380298

File: 6950365f4a7d4a8⋯.jpg (20.52 KB, 225x300, 3:4, 47137c0ca883c49ef7a17cc605….jpg)



This photo creeps me the fuck out.

2fc1d1  No.3380299

File: 59ee4aae610be28⋯.png (783.59 KB, 1082x831, 1082:831, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aab8bb22a7bb7df⋯.png (589.01 KB, 1845x980, 369:196, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0326b7d3e56ef2e⋯.png (708.28 KB, 1590x845, 318:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Why does it have to be every single time?

c8f56c  No.3380300

File: 6f0f91776cc6c9f⋯.png (521.33 KB, 640x1688, 80:211, Alexis Grenell.png)


(((every fucking time)))

368f27  No.3380301

File: 1ed35da8a87ad53⋯.png (364.76 KB, 385x569, 385:569, ClipboardImage.png)


whoops forgot the corrected pic

0c404d  No.3380302

File: bd066227b9fa569⋯.jpg (39.23 KB, 830x650, 83:65, ks3.jpg)

File: 3176a1c8772602b⋯.jpg (196.7 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ks2.jpg)

noticed her collect POTUS book from podium at the end of KS rally.

could this be Q poster?

197558  No.3380303


Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

2c1158  No.3380304

File: 7624f11c764680a⋯.jpeg (94.42 KB, 500x649, 500:649, BF64336E-B6F0-4B71-9D43-F….jpeg)

b1fcc8  No.3380305


yeah, well halfbloods.

anyone familiar with breeding will tell you that offspring from F1 hybrids ('pure' bastards) is mostly crap. The F1s are what breeders make to provide: they are great, look nice and may taste well but can't reproduce in simile, that's why one needs heirloom, races.

When one ties in Mendelian wisdom with evolutionary biology, more specifically r/K selection theory you've got a perfect explanation of today's chaotic mayhem in progressive circles.

32ed38  No.3380306



What Would Serial Brain Think?

6e3976  No.3380307


Are you holding rallies with 30k people? I didn’t think so. Talking to the few neighbors and family members that will listen truly pales in comparison to the amount of people one can reach online.

I don’t like SM shit either but I do it cus I’ve seen the dialogue I can spark with people who aren’t hearing both sides of the argument.

0af13b  No.3380308

File: f68dedae94dc2fa⋯.png (720.56 KB, 622x442, 311:221, Romans8v19.png)

File: ffdd3e2ae4d358b⋯.jpeg (170.73 KB, 960x720, 4:3, revelation-2-11.jpeg)

0f8e1e  No.3380309

File: dd6cc199c13509a⋯.jpg (90.7 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2iaxea.jpg)

71486f  No.3380310

File: 56c3bf525f11fce⋯.jpg (46.68 KB, 564x625, 564:625, idlewdthatpony.jpg)

any reports from the ragged edge and fringes of the fashionable zombies stuck in the matrix

9a4e50  No.3380311


Kim Jong in USA!

56d167  No.3380312


once you unplug the TV cord permanently, life become much more serene

37c3d3  No.3380313


There is a photo of Rice and Flynn as well. Let me dig that up for you.

a89e80  No.3380314


IDK if Graham is gay. Maybe he should go help the gaysfortrump org. get the gays on the maga train.

ba0bb9  No.3380316

griffin confrontation about her brother


3d82f4  No.3380317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wow…from 2014 sounds like Trump…Kav…and the Anons and the PLAN! KIM CLEMENT PROPHECY - SUPREME COURT, DRAIN THE SWAMP

cb8918  No.3380318


Watch the water. Beautiful water FALLS.

71486f  No.3380319

File: 828de77067c0262⋯.jpg (240.42 KB, 650x639, 650:639, FDamnitNASA.jpg)

what's the space force gonna do about a space shark really

c294df  No.3380320

File: 57d258d379dd23c⋯.png (751.38 KB, 1024x509, 1024:509, 2018-09-30_00-33-05.png)

File: f11fced4a150d60⋯.png (950.22 KB, 749x772, 749:772, 2018-09-05_11-04-38.png)

2c1158  No.3380321



0c404d  No.3380322


sarahs too busy to be Q

Q is with POTUS almost 24/7

c337a4  No.3380323


you people call it fake news we just used to call it bullshit

7badbe  No.3380324


I agree with you - most days I post nothing unless it is some sort of info. that I found somewhere. Then I drop it here. If someone picks it up, great. If no, I assume I was off the mark and move on - or I will wait a while and post it again.

I haven't managed to enlighten anyone but my boomer parents - which was no small feat. I work at a place where even a whisper of this stuff would hijack my career, so I never mention it there

d3aa96  No.3380325

File: 00faa06208fb29e⋯.png (51.79 KB, 598x364, 23:14, 1538922593122.png)

1be6a7  No.3380326

File: 23802e36e4e1784⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 3018x2388, 503:398, apiirfbybs-1491037614[1].jpg)


And, Q has said three times so far, "disinformation is necessary,"

The evidence proves that no plane hit the Pentagon. Look at the intact filing cabinet, computer monitor, wooden desk and wooden chair. Conclusion: directed energy/atomic dissociation


0af13b  No.3380327


halfblood of what? "taste well"?

71486f  No.3380328

File: 9bc6ea8c174c5a0⋯.png (408.92 KB, 1024x1272, 128:159, sTALINBr0n13.png)

3675d3  No.3380329

File: b14ee3027503ae8⋯.jpg (113.42 KB, 1373x899, 1373:899, pain2.jpg)

29e9fe  No.3380330


Keep your feet off the sofa

f2a7a7  No.3380331

File: 047ba3380c82061⋯.png (866.25 KB, 704x650, 352:325, libtards.png)

6e3976  No.3380332


Quit trying to fear monger. That’s bs. I’ve used my home computer and cell phone for Twitter red pulling for years. They have removed accounts of mine but never have I experienced the bs you said.

Try harder faggit.

044fd1  No.3380333


Anyone can bake faggot. Don't get all high and mighty. Fame fag calling out racial and sexist doesn't need to be a Baker. Just calling you out. They are YOUR RULES, stupid as they may be.. Not mine or theirs. You don't OWN board so it looks to me you're someone trying to be a division fag.

197558  No.3380334

File: 2b691a76bd63556⋯.jpeg (46.37 KB, 260x375, 52:75, 52289326-B87D-4CA0-95F9-2….jpeg)


Shaddup I’m not gay, I’m free.

698099  No.3380335



Brought tears to my eyes… thanks!

c294df  No.3380336

File: c1538bb37a4a7c1⋯.png (222.67 KB, 618x361, 618:361, 2018-10-05_08-41-33.png)

File: fabebf6813d99c9⋯.png (280.98 KB, 500x359, 500:359, 2018-10-05_08-42-53.png)

File: b752a401dfc2916⋯.png (4.85 MB, 2284x1215, 2284:1215, 2018-10-05_08-44-45.png)

File: 18f11e8e5a1f6c7⋯.png (920.95 KB, 864x638, 432:319, 2018-10-05_08-44-04.png)

0481cb  No.3380337

File: 6330ab7a9693dd1⋯.jpg (34.18 KB, 262x480, 131:240, CorpKnight_littlepeople.jpg)

File: 7620d3458a90459⋯.jpg (549.43 KB, 915x1142, 915:1142, CR1.jpg)

File: bf638c1cae56520⋯.jpg (446.19 KB, 915x992, 915:992, CR2.jpg)

2c730b  No.3380338

File: 3276880b3b940e0⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1063x751, 1063:751, ClipboardImage.png)

a9c58f  No.3380339


Well said. Agree down the line. A smart and wise general strives to learn the ways of their adversary. As you point out, information isn't 'bad' because a 'bad' man said it. It stands on its own. Trust me (as I'm sure you know), many of the white hats/leaders we admire are well versed, and utilize, lessons from Machevelli (sic?), Alinsky and Captain Kurtz (such?)…Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now.

"If I only had a hundred men able to do that (savage warfare against the Vietcong), this war would be over, quickly." Something like that.

263bb0  No.3380340


Right, public libraries are a good solution for those who have time for meme wars on twatter.

Just don't forget to make gifs as suggested by Q, Q2145 !

Others will be censured by the AI !

Thanks, Anon!

338aa1  No.3380341

File: b0fef4eaa2bad8e⋯.png (58.88 KB, 849x212, 849:212, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 43f14e1d973cfec⋯.png (39.83 KB, 876x96, 73:8, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: cfef07510546698⋯.png (27.84 KB, 788x139, 788:139, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: b474e93871d467c⋯.png (115.93 KB, 669x543, 223:181, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 39969def3e65482⋯.png (82.85 KB, 666x382, 333:191, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

71486f  No.3380342

File: 55e3acc6e29b678⋯.jpg (272.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sQQN.jpg)

579f6f  No.3380343

File: bf69acf07c96e88⋯.jpg (116.76 KB, 507x709, 507:709, wakaya.fiji.jpg)

File: e31539c665d5913⋯.jpg (513.2 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fiji water.jpg)

File: 21094e007a27e63⋯.jpg (280.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, browder resnick.jpg)

File: c567e79e79d0f2f⋯.jpg (16.47 KB, 480x328, 60:41, resnick clinton.jpg)






6e8077  No.3380344

File: a40f387c4aebe4e⋯.png (453.15 KB, 504x388, 126:97, Lindsay-wwe.png)

ad3f8b  No.3380345


john Travolta strut

beegees "stay alive" double meaning

cb8918  No.3380346


Why? POTUS has taken thousands and thousands of pics. Remember that before he called out Barry's BC and ran for prez they all loooooved him. Hell, Barry wanted to BE him. (Still does). Kek.

6e3976  No.3380347


Yeah cus shills always encourage people to do exactly what Q would like them to do???

Your projection is gay. Try harder faggot.

d3aa96  No.3380348

File: 727fcd62e0968b9⋯.png (455.1 KB, 805x823, 805:823, 1538914292566.png)

File: 686d3057ca65463⋯.png (166.53 KB, 590x760, 59:76, 153891608645888753-1.png)

File: 4a3a5c8026bcda6⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 600x1200, 1:2, dad.jpg)

File: f31a21755878272⋯.png (125.43 KB, 591x1080, 197:360, 1538922716080.png)

Ya'll niggas really pissed off the bugmen

d40e96  No.3380349

File: 3760f8757531d59⋯.jpg (535.16 KB, 936x879, 312:293, DemJust.jpg)


Should add that, this Qdrop has double meaning- imo.

Justice K has broken our laws- it will be found.

cb4cd8  No.3380350


with your skills I'm thinking retail sales

428a40  No.3380351

File: 2800636f3bcaaba⋯.jpeg (58.12 KB, 1020x780, 17:13, 1538923920.jpeg)

56d167  No.3380352




fuck you

71486f  No.3380354

File: b155c5c5bf2f30a⋯.jpg (629.21 KB, 2145x2608, 2145:2608, KGBchicken.jpg)

4e6e9d  No.3380355



The engine was too small for a boeing passenger jet.

d3aa96  No.3380356

File: 255898fe4ddb652⋯.png (73.48 KB, 1178x218, 589:109, 1538922780389.png)

37c3d3  No.3380357

File: 45ad1da9b8fef96⋯.jpeg (60.53 KB, 680x616, 85:77, DV9URKlXkAYcp5Y.jpeg)

a6542d  No.3380359

File: 89ce965792d7c70⋯.jpg (338.21 KB, 1405x975, 281:195, 20181007_075347.jpg)

2fc1d1  No.3380360

File: f6355a737803588⋯.png (1.58 MB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

0f8e1e  No.3380361


Kurtz: Do you question my methods, Willard?

Wiilard: I…don't see…any method…at all…sir.

c294df  No.3380363

File: 0140dc7a95d27d4⋯.png (170.94 KB, 411x408, 137:136, 2018-04-05_02-21-33 copy 2.png)

71486f  No.3380364

File: 98be3d2e6f38ad0⋯.jpg (2.93 MB, 4600x3100, 46:31, johnnyfivewreckingball.jpg)

29e9fe  No.3380365

File: 5764adafe218636⋯.jpg (57.88 KB, 749x437, 749:437, i4v2so1y8rq11.jpg)

Aisle 12 was packed after the anti-Kavanaugh rally

32ed38  No.3380366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



There are bombers, fighter jets, subs, tanks, carriers, admin…

Find what you're good at and run with it.

c4840b  No.3380367

File: 3750da87790f934⋯.jpg (433.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3750da87790f934341273c10e6….jpg)

d3aa96  No.3380368

File: 76b4f49f5fa51f1⋯.png (71.37 KB, 1742x252, 871:126, 1538923062140.png)

f78cc4  No.3380369

File: c04b6b32a6606d9⋯.png (391.19 KB, 515x600, 103:120, ClipboardImage.png)


>>3380286 Good morning from @DJT: SecPompeo all smiles @meeting with Kim

>>3380161 Hollywood puppets "unhinged" over Kav. It's called "winning." (get used to it)

>>3380113, >>3380288 2 min. YT on the "wrap-up smear"–Dem's character-assassination technique

>>3379880, >>3380178 Susan Collins and her challenger heavily funded Heitkamp on 60 min tonite

>>3379978, >>3379943, >>3380123 Anon's musical tribute to LG: He may be a fag, but he's /ourfag/

>>3379771 Anons consider POTUS @Topeka rally re: SCOTUS places: "could be 3, 4, could be a lot"

>>3379756 Huh. DHS denies Bloomberg report re China's spy microchips. For why tho?

>>3379673, >>3379697 The Oy Vey Heard Round the World: Bibi's wife Sara goes on trial for fraud

>>3379672, >>3379686, >>3380158 China inflates fiat currency for trade war, cuts $ reserve reqs


>you prolapsed assholes


They sure do project their worst fears, don't they?


Love it. Fucking McNabb for the win, kek.>Q Research General #4283

8fd9ad  No.3380372

File: 971e1feb0330a47⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 400x200, 2:1, 38X 2.jpg)

73b9aa  No.3380373

File: 5eafed52b97b5ec⋯.png (102.79 KB, 334x465, 334:465, J_W_M_456kfcsnddrs33_3.png)

e-b@t has gone from tw1nkie fascination to KFC. I got ur tw1nkie right here, e-b@t

f570ae  No.3380374

File: 9ee60c3270a922e⋯.jpg (37.7 KB, 393x359, 393:359, GangofJews.jpg)

a89e80  No.3380375


on yahoo..we hit the comments to articles. I know other anons are there/.

8e7c21  No.3380377

4f7b61  No.3380379


Fake quote.

cb8918  No.3380382


Dear lord. These people WANT a civil war. That'll be short.

dac98a  No.3380383


Needs a GIF with Bill Clinton popping up and disappearing.

197558  No.3380384

File: eb01f2d9a5bffe5⋯.jpeg (53.27 KB, 514x441, 514:441, DB5D9FD5-FC2E-4FDF-BD53-6….jpeg)

95f09c  No.3380386


I’m looking for the q anon edit of this pelosi video. Saw it last night here can’t find it now. Had edits of other clips mixed in as examples

0f8e1e  No.3380387

File: ab4de503d926218⋯.jpg (72.44 KB, 618x412, 3:2, 198j8o.jpg)

8851bf  No.3380388

Face the Nation just said they asked 20 different democrats to be on the show today, and all declined.

guess thier attorneys have told them, "better stop talking"?

579f6f  No.3380389

File: 367853f22856e6d⋯.jpg (182.75 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, hirono.jpg)

the hirohito 0 solution

solves all problems

d3aa96  No.3380391

File: 49c0bd22895ef50⋯.png (402.14 KB, 594x651, 198:217, 1538923353095.png)

f78cc4  No.3380392


got a lag, plz be patient if no announcement

577c3a  No.3380393


Why would you crop out the date?

577c3a  No.3380394

File: 3710434e008941e⋯.jpg (313.74 KB, 1777x1768, 1777:1768, chess1.jpg)

1b22bf  No.3380395

File: e5e86a4de6ee665⋯.jpg (195.57 KB, 1772x1772, 1:1, andJustice4All.jpg)


lady justice has been raped, truth assassin

rolls of red tape seal your lips, now your done in

338aa1  No.3380396

File: 2f41bd7861709d3⋯.png (135.12 KB, 272x381, 272:381, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: d9993ad3809cbd0⋯.png (297.52 KB, 1009x572, 1009:572, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

32ed38  No.3380398


I'd give anything to see that scene with Kek face on Murray.

c294df  No.3380399

File: 64457980fed3b7e⋯.png (501.9 KB, 609x413, 87:59, 2018-09-23_20-46-19 copy 2.png)

d3aa96  No.3380400

File: c6ac80fbad00a86⋯.png (54.97 KB, 602x440, 301:220, 1538923714692.png)

0af13b  No.3380401

File: 1430099b70bcaa9⋯.png (441.41 KB, 916x747, 916:747, c_fair_twitter.png)


Sick of these snowflake bullies. They call make disgusting threats of violence, then try to guilt trip w/ "muh feels"

(This is a Georgetown professor)

841c47  No.3380403

File: 7e8fa8fc0fbd6e9⋯.jpeg (907.92 KB, 2224x1626, 1112:813, BA88C329-3A55-440C-81B2-9….jpeg)

File: 3a2df36bc9bd198⋯.jpeg (499.06 KB, 1436x1626, 718:813, E870E09F-E491-4C96-90D8-5….jpeg)

>>3379077 pb

This is propaganda. For decades, similar propaganda has been used against farmers in the US, particularly growers of orchard crops like walnuts, cherries and apples. I believe President Trump even warned against chinese propaganda against US farmers. China has planted enough cherries to wipe out the need for US growers to produce, etc. with the USDA and FDA complicit in the propaganda. As a walnut grower, the china statitics were cited many times as I was preparing for new acreage. What the media will not tell is that the air and water quality, along with growing practices are so bad in China, that the walnuts are coming off the trees at harvest already rancid and completey unfit for consumption. Same with many others. China’s tomato paste is another particulary poisonous well, and there are many examples of it being used in Europe and Africa, often being packaged and sold under false country of orgin labeling.


f2a7a7  No.3380405


According to that filthy Sarah Silverman creep, they are just waiting for the military to be on their side and step in to support them and then they'll kill every one of us deplorable patriots. They are THAT stupid.

338aa1  No.3380406

File: 4a3692196edad07⋯.png (197.44 KB, 568x606, 284:303, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 9449495c57dec05⋯.png (139.17 KB, 570x610, 57:61, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 0d3061737f8ea1a⋯.png (41.88 KB, 552x192, 23:8, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 06628bfdf6045f0⋯.png (27.69 KB, 1145x80, 229:16, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: cad5b0af540e41b⋯.png (343.08 KB, 1148x607, 1148:607, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

579f6f  No.3380407

File: f0cb606d59b409f⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 600x424, 75:53, harmony spheres.jpg)

File: a943d4a8776e1ab⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 337x450, 337:450, here.jpg)

6e3976  No.3380408


Do u always waste bread with posting the oldest most worn out memes in all of Q research. You’re glowing faggot. Now kys.

71486f  No.3380410

File: 7584ba9e0dcf00e⋯.png (624.04 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, brightcolorsofautumnhitler.png)

like swine in slop

they keep larping that asshole

chasing their peanut butter deity

2c1158  No.3380411

File: 5ba601a76d6d963⋯.jpeg (28.43 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 11ABF949-4E35-4A4C-937E-B….jpeg)



9bf93f  No.3380412


Clintons as part of China's underground army, kek!

338aa1  No.3380413

File: 56b3b12ca348da4⋯.gif (87.65 KB, 500x349, 500:349, borga.gif)


Pope Innocent VIII


Pope Alexander VI- Rodrigo Borgia

2b89b3  No.3380414

File: e7e133a7ec57c3f⋯.jpg (99.18 KB, 630x944, 315:472, looks-like-youve-had-a-bit….jpg)

7b3635  No.3380416

File: 13efd22bd19c0c7⋯.jpeg (8.65 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Point17.jpeg)


Checked & kekked.

dac98a  No.3380417


Thanks, anon. It's a start.

579f6f  No.3380418

File: c6657632a025f0c⋯.jpg (36.62 KB, 317x475, 317:475, china.jpg)

File: 5eea210cd4fe48c⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 500x375, 4:3, dumb bitch.jpg)

32ed38  No.3380419



dc6204  No.3380421

I want to share my realization of RED OCTOBER. Many know by now that in Russia the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 is called Red October because it occurred on October 25 by the old calendar.

And just like in Russia in the beginning of the 20th century, the Rothschilds, Schiffs etc. launched a smear campaign against Tzar Nicolas II. They used the WWI and other things to turn the public opinion, called him bloody dictator, etc.

You know what happened after the revolution. Lenin-Trotsky killed tens of millions of Christians, demolished churches, killed priests, and instituted a totalitarian government. Then there was a bloody civil war between the monarchists and communists. It was a real holocaust.

And 100 years later the same people with their puppet media are running a smear campaign against democratically elected President Trump with the intention to remove him from power and throw our country into an abyss.

But now things are different. The US population is armed. There is internet and access to alternative information. There is Q who reveals what is happening behind the scenes. And by Divine Grace anyone who has eyes can recognize the evilness of the left.

By electing Donald Trump we avoided a great danger. They already had FEMA camps prepared for us with millions of plastic caskets and made-in-China guillotines to dispose of millions of us.

So we should not be complacent and realize the great danger still hanging over our republic, thanks to the Russian example, if we ever allow the leftists/Marxists/anarchists/fascists whatever you want to call them to take back control.

We need to forcefully remove them from power by prosecuting the traitors and criminals and by voting them out in November.

0f8e1e  No.3380422


I would still lick her pussy and fuck her missionary style. Don't give a fuck what whore's politics are! SHEEEE-it.

4e23d3  No.3380423


Why pizza shops? Because you can traffic kids there. Abuse kids in the shop and people would not realize what is going on. Pizza and kids go together. Also, that is why Disney parking lots are great place to trade or pick up kids. Kids all over the place and no one sees because out in the open.

2c1158  No.3380424

71486f  No.3380425

File: 2c438d076857ca3⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 728x500, 182:125, thesepeoplearesikh.jpg)

f78cc4  No.3380426

File: 17c4815869b4224⋯.jpg (6.14 KB, 275x183, 275:183, BreadBowlPresidio.jpg)

Fresh Bread Bowl




Fresh Bread Bowl

cb8918  No.3380427


Delusional doesn't even begin to explain their lack of brain power. The NG is gonna have some fun with these temper tantrum lunatics.

4ff4ab  No.3380428

File: 01c5b4f9f5b8c0c⋯.png (748.67 KB, 727x733, 727:733, ClipboardImage.png)

1c724f  No.3380429

File: 5e24f8a7fbd0b5e⋯.jpeg (52.89 KB, 634x484, 317:242, 88AEB5A1-AA85-41EE-8658-7….jpeg)

File: b13c8e9eff0b334⋯.jpeg (63.61 KB, 636x408, 53:34, 7A0E971D-9FC5-48D4-A396-4….jpeg)

File: 5722e27e149e17d⋯.jpeg (111.32 KB, 800x1138, 400:569, 60ACA57E-FF66-43C1-8922-6….jpeg)

Shumonkey: Origins

8851bf  No.3380430


just watched it..

4f7b61  No.3380432


Much better

5832e7  No.3380433

SCARY Shit right there…


f9df6d  No.3380434

File: d5948f15e745216⋯.jpg (38.61 KB, 491x779, 491:779, WhatDoTheyFEAR.jpg)

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