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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

26e062  No.3206815

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Friday 09.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/292 ——————————— https://voat.co/v/QRV [Reddit Replacement] ( Cap: >>3132036 )

>>3131847 rt >>3131764 -————————– We will remain here.

>>3131764 rt >>3131643 -————————– Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

>>3131643 rt >>3131408 -————————– https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3130492 rt >>3130421 -————————– We stand ready to support.

>>3130330 ————————————–——– /BO/ thank you for your service

>>3129182 rt >>3129085 -————————– 2.33_AM.png

>>3128926 rt >>3128846 -————————– [McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?

>>>/patriotsfight/291 ——————————— Comey & McCabe Talking? ( Cap: >>3128796 )

>>>/patriotsfight/290 ——————————— FAKE NEWS ABOUT TO SHIFT NARRATIVE AGAINST THEIR MASTERS ( Cap: >>3128530 )

>>>/patriotsfight/289 ——————————— MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP ( Cap: >>3128085 )

>>>/patriotsfight/288 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127989 )

>>>/patriotsfight/287 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127916 )

>>>/patriotsfight/286 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127957 )

>>>/patriotsfight/285 ——————————— THE RED LINE ( Cap: >>3127549 )

>>>/patriotsfight/284 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3127297 )

>>>/patriotsfight/283 ——————————— Prior to each Rally 'threats' are called into local & federal authorities re: 'Qanon' ( Cap: >>3129623 )

>>3124476 rt >>3124058 -————————– PANIC!!!

>>>/patriotsfight/282 ——————————— We are at the PRECIPICE. ( Cap: >>3124353 )

>>>/patriotsfight/281 ——————————— FISA DECLAS WILL BRING THE HOUSE DOWN. ( Cap: >>3124007 )

>>>/patriotsfight/280 ——————————— Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3123958 )

>>>/patriotsfight/279 ——————————— ANONS ARE MONTHS AHEAD ( Cap: >>3122974 )

>>>/patriotsfight/278 ——————————— Read carefully - significant! (Cap: >>3121475 )

>>3121268 rt >>3121219 -————————– Important graphic.

>>>/patriotsfight/277 ——————————— Ask yourself, how would 'FOREIGN' Allies' KNOW what is within a US TOP SECRET FISA warrant? (Caps: >>3121219 ; >>3121828 )

>>3118306 rt >>3118079 -————————– 17 Second Delta Graphic

>>3118276 rt >>3117830 -————————– Nice catch, Anon.

>>>/patriotsfight/276 ——————————— 2165.png ( Cap: >>3117165 )

Thursday 09.20.18

Compiled here: >>3129162

Wednesday 09.19.18

Compiled here: >>3121357

Tuesday 09.18.18

Compiled here: >>3112614

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

26e062  No.3206821


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support


>>3199641, >>3200846 How to access the 404'd breads

>>3187364 List of Breads 404'd

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3206104 Executives are selling off their companies' stock at a record pace

>>3206133 US Economy grew at 4.2% in 2nd Quarter

>>3206166 Kamala Harris blankets FB with anti-Kav ads

>>3206107 Deep digs into Avenatti connecting shady Saudis & Swiss

>>3206759 Russia + 6 hold air defense exercises


>>3205478, >>3205585 Free Stream of Kav Hearings, ETA 10am EDT

>>3205408 A GENTLE PLEA FOR NEWFAGS: Why "lb" signalling off-bread links matters

>>3205636 Dept of Public Util to do statewide safety review of gas distrib sys (Massachusetts)

>>3205491 Full transcript: Christine Blasey Ford's opening statement to Sen. Judiciary

>>3205469, >>3205499 Some diggs on Feinstein & her 3 spousal units

>>3205466 ZOMGGG!! Sky-Is-Falling MSM news story compilation

>>3205441 We Law and Order Now: HMA fraud settlement doesn't end ex-CEO legal woes

>>3205424, >>3205451, >>3205635 8chan banned in China/Russia/Italy, Ital-voater's take

>>3205411 Senior EU lawmaker urges cyber, data audit of Facebook

>>3205363 NASA plugs "next moon landing": Is Space Force Getting a Space Fort?

>>3205356 West Virginia to allow smartphone voting, raising srs security concerns

>>3205333 Wambulance Called: Bronfman wants more freedom after Nxivm house arrest

>>3205310, >>3205353, >>3205364, >>3205405 AIRKEK: 2-planes/I-Nemo/F-RAFQ, US Army

>>3205381 Planefag cadet report


>>3204880 Link for CS-an Kav hearings later today

>>3205056 Jews 150 to 231 times over-represented on Trumps Fake News Award list

>>3205146, >>3205158 lel, Coupla dudes just came fwd as Blasey Ford party rapists

Baker change

>>3204531 POTUS says Dems would vote down George Washington

>>3204540 Goog, MS, and Alibaba to build AR glasses for US Army

>>3204541 FB, Goog, Amaz, Apple, and MS are technology oligarchy

>>3204546 To the Moon and Beyond! NASA plans to revisit by late 2020s

>>3204561, >>3204595 Mueller gets help in Genius Bar, Twatter comments

>>3204981, >>3205037 Anons believe Mueller above was photo op or message of some type

>>3204563 POTUS delays [RR] meeting due to Kav hearing

>>3204599 New Editor-in-chief at Wikileaks is Kristinn Hrafnsson

>>3204610, >>3204636 China calls on US to improve military ties amid tensions

>>3204613 Bezos space startup to supply engines for ULA's Vulcan rocket

>>3204678 Amazon now going to Alexa entire houses

>>3204701 Avenatti's accounts frozen by bankruptcy judge for not making agreed payments

>>3204851 Soros group Demand Justice out to poison Kav's nomination

>>3204896 Link to Text of Kav accuser's opening statement

>>3204913 Grassley has police escort at the Capitol

>>3205006 CDC Dep Director says suicides up in US

>>3205238 #4057


>>3203837, >>3203907 Email showing HRC is behind the Kavanaugh Smear Campaign

>>3204033 Pope explains why pedo rape is OK in the Cath Church or something

>>3204042 Cabal's David Brock writes article warning about Kav. Panic in DC

>>3204173 US and Turkey progress on US Pastor release

>>3204244, >>3204274, >>3204275 Huma Abedin, Muslim Brotherhood, and HRC

>>3204280 UK's May in Trade Talks with POTUS

>>3204294 Dem affirms that Kav is opposed because POTUS wants him

>>3204321, >>3204334, >>3204338 Ellison, DNC, Anti-semitism, Muslim Brotherhood and Israel

>>3204352 HRC to campaign for Gillum in FL

>>3204363 German Archive Anon updated hash; 4062 breads archived

>>3204372 Bill C rape accuser to make Capitol Hill appearance in support of Kav

>>3204381 Blue-checkless Kurt Russell destroys the left in one twat

>>3204413 Taiwan to get F16 parts. PRC not happy

>>3204455 #4056

Previously Collected Notables

>>3202876 #4054, >>3203655 #4055

>>3200554 #4051, >>3201322 #4052, >>3202096 #4053

>>3198207 #4048, >>3198998 #4049, >>3199802 #4050

>>3195873 #4045, >>3196692 #4046, >>3197487 #4047

>>3193493 #4042, >>3194318 #4043, >>3195127 #4044

>>3191162 #4039, >>3191940 #4040, >>3192706 #4041

>>3188860 #4036, >>3189675 #4037, >>3190424 #4038

>>3186478 #4033, >>3187257 #4034, >>3188077 #4035

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

26e062  No.3206823

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3165205

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

26e062  No.3206824

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/6h2LLBhG

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

0645f1  No.3206825

eewww, horrid voice. this will be hard to listen to

56f4bf  No.3206826


7c81b9  No.3206827


16a308  No.3206828


47bc33  No.3206829

She's not funny.

Squirrely nasty bitch!

26e062  No.3206830

Dough #4060


4aee98  No.3206831

OMG her voice. Sounds like a kid

4bcf3e  No.3206832

How many handlers does this bitch have?

a10049  No.3206833

Can't wait for her to call BK racist

e30198  No.3206834


Oh my. She’s a ditz. Ford is actually a ditzy blond.


c26749  No.3206835

Bread title 3000 breads off, kek

f5bb03  No.3206836

this bread is misnumbered !!!!!

aab48c  No.3206837


Holy shit, THAT VOICE.

obvious MK Ultra stooge

56f4bf  No.3206838

Senator, NO.

Classic jew

0e140c  No.3206839

adf6ac  No.3206840

File: ebd6b6b42cdac82⋯.jpg (4.87 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images-6.jpg)

File: 49ab89fd8cfd93a⋯.jpg (27.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Kavanaugh-oath-ap-640x480.jpg)

You don't need Q to tell you who he is. He tells you himself.

e40337  No.3206841

9cb562  No.3206842

crocodile tears, fake as fuck

3d961d  No.3206843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

58a349  No.3206844

File: d47bc5d14c3bbf5⋯.jpg (212.09 KB, 2209x892, 2209:892, cBallseyF.jpg)

a6c2b9  No.3206845


8316f9  No.3206846

Here come the tears. Jesus fuck.

a10049  No.3206847



3666b0  No.3206848

haahah the ol uptalk vocal fry

8a9ade  No.3206849

She just lied under oath.

2e7673  No.3206851

Brett Kavanaugh…The boy who sexually assaulted me.

c5a640  No.3206852

"It" says it is terrified. Prolly the only truthful thing that will come out of its lips today.

8a57ff  No.3206853

If I speak like a timid 5 year old, will you believe me more?

Is my voice quivering enough to convince you?

70cbc5  No.3206854

How long before her Meghan McCain style fake tears?

0645f1  No.3206855


i know so sorry. mia culpa.

529280  No.3206856


She must be under stress

ac8737  No.3206857


The moment she does, the press will erupt at how mean they were to her

2cbea2  No.3206858

Bitch you will need more than caffeine when you are down with your opening statement.

47bc33  No.3206859

I'm going to have nightmares with her voice involved.

I'm filing a lawsuit!

30fbb3  No.3206860

File: 7e9d35504e93c6e⋯.jpg (209.67 KB, 533x800, 533:800, rod_trump.jpg)

thank you, baker, you're a good bloke.

3fa141  No.3206861

File: 1f2385c4ab0c4b4⋯.jpg (115.67 KB, 620x349, 620:349, Kav.jpg)

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

– 1 Cor 13:4-13

b16c91  No.3206862

File: 95de5deee7f3649⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1207x1207, 1:1, 2018-09-27_10-35-37.png)

>>3206789 (last bread)


a7738d  No.3206863

I knew this guy… who knew this guy

7f208b  No.3206864

File: ab164aa2c8d9e73⋯.jpeg (9.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpeg)

and then i smell em like this

1f0460  No.3206865








6a603a  No.3206866

File: 0a64866464b2d5c⋯.jpg (68 KB, 716x843, 716:843, Oath.JPG)




8316f9  No.3206868


046c9c  No.3206869

you SHOULD be terrified. Don't fail. Your master doesn't play nice.

114ffc  No.3206870

File: 6cd60eb07465a8c⋯.jpg (21.02 KB, 474x308, 237:154, testimony.jpg)

hope they ask her about her familial associations



deak etc.

56f4bf  No.3206871

abbcd5  No.3206872

File: a7e754701361463⋯.gif (238.92 KB, 150x107, 150:107, 447a3d61583a69e0073a0bc5bc….gif)

1347f5  No.3206873

File: 1208393d69b7a20⋯.jpg (585.56 KB, 1933x2555, 1933:2555, not virgin mary.jpg)

I have a friend that works for the DS. He says they expect this testimony will go all to shit. But he also says they have a backup plan. (pic related).

Memes at the ready anons.

19e2de  No.3206874

>>3206623 (lb)

Correct -- they can and will do the full Senate vote over the weekend.

Some anons are forgetting that 99% of the Senate rules, norms, and procedures are just that -- conventions that are followed in the ordinary course of business. At the end of the day, the Senate rules are whatever the majority says they are.

And when the minority has been so flagrantly and wantonly violating those very norms, the sense of collegiality that would normally constrain the majority's actions pretty much goes out the window.

70cbc5  No.3206875

File: 6375d36b7c341c9⋯.jpg (67.17 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 2iunia.jpg)

File: 836b6e1b25d8fed⋯.jpg (58.64 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 2iuosr.jpg)

File: d2490bd7ac6e9a0⋯.jpg (153.05 KB, 1400x1000, 7:5, pjimage (3).jpg)

File: bdf124dc49eca6a⋯.jpg (171.59 KB, 1400x1000, 7:5, pjimage (4).jpg)

ae4e37  No.3206876

"Mrs. Ford, how would you recommend to other women the best way to avoid being raped?"

"I can't speak for other women, but as for me, I simply sweep my bangs away from my face."

1f0460  No.3206877








88ba9a  No.3206878


And then, like, he, like, that's when he like, touched me, like…

89d740  No.3206879

who the hell makes a joke as the opener to a RAPE testimony?

<liars, that's who

3e7085  No.3206880

It's a hipster girly voice.

>I'm girly, but I'm also like authentic because I've got vocal fry. I've got an educated but unthreatening little accent. I'm part of the class that is right about everything. I also uptalk! I'm just a wittle girl–beweeeve me!

8316f9  No.3206881


That's a MAN, baby!

ef09c8  No.3206882

File: dd298a0008a9725⋯.png (276.04 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 6C98B9FA-66A6-42C6-8824-71….png)


Top of thread had wrong #

deb005  No.3206883

File: b43087674269265⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1655x1240, 331:248, 66772DFE-E678-4F4F-98A8-8….jpeg)

Perjury is a serious offense, Dr Ford

b793a5  No.3206884

File: 608e401cdd6dc63⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 300x200, 3:2, 1456339448929.gif)

File: 32ba4c0ce41c35d⋯.jpg (11.26 KB, 235x215, 47:43, 1462299535008.jpg)

aab48c  No.3206885


>She must be under stress

Life is tough.

It's tougher when you're a traitor.

30fbb3  No.3206886

A boy named PJ…

b410f9  No.3206887

…and with that swearing in, her attorneys became guilty of suborning perjury and she is about to become a felon. Grassley warned her that everyone else denies her story. She's about to get molested…legally.

4aee98  No.3206888

She talks like a Vall-E-Girl

2cbea2  No.3206890


I don't think the witch wanted to take the oath.

35e9a3  No.3206891

File: 444f6b80ac0cb64⋯.png (894.44 KB, 811x453, 811:453, b3.PNG)


baker- bread no 1060?

c5a640  No.3206892


I don't believe a male could simulate this voice. Anons who said it was a male might be very wrong.

5d50ed  No.3206893

5 eyes = US, UK, AUS, NZ, CAN

3 eyes = US, UK, AUS

_DIFFERENT_ intelligence channels.

Look who set up the Trump coup.


I'm still here CIA niggers.

50f683  No.3206894

Valley girlish Millennial voice

228009  No.3206895

File: 7434a59e47a6a08⋯.jpg (45.84 KB, 620x850, 62:85, Zlata.jpg)


I can't listen

4bcf3e  No.3206896

She reads like a Valley girl. Up-lilt on every sentence. Listen for mis-pronounces. She is reading something she didn't write.

e40337  No.3206897

File: f0993d9ffa52591⋯.jpeg (12.96 KB, 218x231, 218:231, e22f67c8929301a3cd06ba05c….jpeg)

f1b230  No.3206898


Planted memories? What therapist does she have?

3cf901  No.3206899

"Friendly" with boys = Fucks if you are new

adf6ac  No.3206900

File: 4df592f5855bc2d⋯.jpg (18.75 KB, 530x298, 265:149, 104473889-GettyImages-4652….jpg)

529280  No.3206901


Ah, you're reading the subtitles. Thanks

471aff  No.3206902

"Happy Birthday, Mr. President…"


4aab3d  No.3206903

File: 23b9a64ec2c7fa9⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 481x616, 481:616, o8iuytgh.JPG)

7c81b9  No.3206904

KYS NOW!!!!!!

114ffc  No.3206905

File: 738998b26911ac9⋯.jpg (16.02 KB, 320x180, 16:9, common core.jpg)

1f06f2  No.3206906

File: 00c3d3f3518dee5⋯.png (313.15 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1234345436.png)

File: d354f1fbc369dbd⋯.jpg (222.13 KB, 1200x998, 600:499, 1508497574335.jpg)

File: f25083fba711eb1⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 460x259, 460:259, 1509733054697.gif)

File: f290f57d8e9e156⋯.jpg (151.11 KB, 831x640, 831:640, 1520817153668.jpg)

File: 9faca228df66b75⋯.jpg (82.51 KB, 1488x476, 372:119, 1525160272058.jpg)

>I'll put my little girl who dindu nuffin voice on


to expose how dishonest they are

729689  No.3206907

File: 64c5ca9b2afa0df⋯.jpg (6.92 KB, 297x170, 297:170, 64c5ca9b2afa0dfbd764ed65e3….jpg)


70cbc5  No.3206908

Here comes the tears

ab3901  No.3206909

File: 6420a20165f44ad⋯.jpg (15.44 KB, 232x255, 232:255, e4d781b871f27ccf13d93fa63f….jpg)


601914  No.3206910

Kek'n hard at this


e5c978  No.3206911

File: cfa1f3d3a5389a0⋯.png (705.17 KB, 1172x560, 293:140, ClipboardImage.png)


Who the hell is this?!

2cbea2  No.3206912

Well she got 2 of the 4 names.

1ada8b  No.3206913

File: 3e5a0a8e43aa708⋯.png (4.65 KB, 220x96, 55:24, download.png)


she has a little girl voice.

likely, very likely, molested as child.

many such cases. sad.

1f0460  No.3206914


People who are abused at a young age tend to not have their voices mature.

Or this: >>3206837

16a308  No.3206915


8316f9  No.3206916


Who is "they" with the backup plan? DS or Grassley?

7b682e  No.3206917

Look at her top row of teeth at the hearing… then look at the top teeth of the woman in sunglasses. Same?

aab48c  No.3206918


>I don't believe a male could simulate this voice.

I don't believe you know jack or shit about modern technology.

adf6ac  No.3206919

File: 22a92b5c43d4ecc⋯.jpg (448.82 KB, 3359x2625, 3359:2625, https-//s3-us-west-2.amazo….jpg)

70cbc5  No.3206920

Yep here comes the acting

094992  No.3206921


Q has sniped the bread before. Did a few weeks back.

c5a640  No.3206922

>>3206881 With face ludicrously covered with hair, and a squeaky, valley girl voice for the actor to learn. So transparent it is breathtaking.

7c81b9  No.3206923

Kav is going to destroy her bullshit testimony.

4bcf3e  No.3206924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e47457  No.3206925

File: 646bb73b8284b29⋯.jpeg (21.21 KB, 255x170, 3:2, D9B0442A-5A37-4A59-84CC-2….jpeg)

Thx Baker…

f04dd2  No.3206926

File: 6727c97ae0a8a66⋯.png (351.81 KB, 615x430, 123:86, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

File: 5c45a122f11dca9⋯.png (358.05 KB, 624x434, 312:217, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

File: 9efdcb4922a43da⋯.png (372.36 KB, 622x436, 311:218, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

Lawyer, Witness, Lawyer

none of them look confident

Ford is hiding behind her hair, she's highly conflicted

646095  No.3206927

Thank you Baker,

For giving us this bread,

Full of "The View" like live posting,

Reddit fags and Voat fuks, former AOL subscribers,

Full of one post iD's and shitposters,

Forgive us for not digging and posting relevant information.


783459  No.3206928


You talk to elementary school children like this

8016c6  No.3206929

File: 7e87b764d8dfe3b⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a18.jpg)


30fbb3  No.3206930

How long before this cunt asks her lawyers "what's this word" on the written statement?

e40337  No.3206931

Her voice says "crying from acting panic"

Her face says a different story "just keep reading, it will be over soon, then I can cash that check"

aa6a44  No.3206932

This is horrid.

caa6d8  No.3206933

For any anons watching or listening to Ford’s “testimony,” Make sure to take note of her voice. She is intentionally using a “little girl’s voice” (and not her lower register, not the strength in voice of grown women) for appearance purposes. She is using acticing tactics and techniques.

Comparing this to other examples of her speech pattern will reveal distinct differences.

047375  No.3206934

Isn't Mark Judge an imaginary person, why does Ford claim he was one of the boys that was with them during the day she claims all this happened.

26e062  No.3206935


Thanks for the correction.

Baker apologizes

I'm a night baker. End of bread snuck up on me. I'll watch more closely this bread. Things are much slower on night shift.

7c81b9  No.3206936



8a9ade  No.3206937

Not a credible witness. At all. Politically motivated. "Cant remember", "Don't know", etc.

88ba9a  No.3206938


Dr. Shekles to her left definitely seemed against it

8cbc4b  No.3206939

what was the song playing on the radio since it is SEARED into your brain, bitch?

4aee98  No.3206940


Less 5 min and here comes the tears.

729689  No.3206941

File: 83ac35f6312a2bd⋯.jpg (176.17 KB, 750x725, 30:29, 83ac35f6312a2bdca036295c64….jpg)


89d740  No.3206942


and go into psychology

2ce232  No.3206943

File: e4f299513cfe105⋯.jpeg (81.26 KB, 800x450, 16:9, e4f299513cfe1052277b0b049….jpeg)

OMG how did she even defend her dissertation?

Oh, Social "sciences" major

8316f9  No.3206944


No, I'm waiting for lying bitch to stop giving me the history of the entire human race.

47bc33  No.3206945

I'm going to fuking puke - and I traditionally hate doing that!

3f1a57  No.3206946


Ha was just coming on to say just that. And her voice fry….ugh. She has dramatic pauses too.

15440b  No.3206947

File: b6aa5ac3ab8fc1f⋯.jpg (142.97 KB, 777x909, 259:303, 1a.JPG)

File: 6bc9c3956c9dd19⋯.jpg (173.77 KB, 787x746, 787:746, 2.JPG)

Fund backed by Gates, Bezos, Branson invests in Dartmouth-based CarbonCure


f23ae1  No.3206948

What is up with her voice?

7f208b  No.3206949

saved by the one piece bathing suit!

ac8737  No.3206950


Garth. Definitely Garth

2cbea2  No.3206951

She now seems to remember lots of details.




70cbc5  No.3206952

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let the white hats have proof to bust her ass

d2f8f3  No.3206953


>How long before this cunt asks her lawyers "what's this word" on the written statement?


b793a5  No.3206954


the jawline is not the same

fc1c26  No.3206955

#FakeTears #Liar #ShesUgly

8628e6  No.3206956

This lying fucking cunt-bitch will BURN IN HELL!

529280  No.3206957

The poor woman

3cf901  No.3206958

If it's seared into her memory why is she reading it off the script?

f7112f  No.3206959


This is so fucked up for to all the real victims out there!!!!!!!!!

046c9c  No.3206960


11f791  No.3206961

File: 22400a88d75439f⋯.png (8.5 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe-1.png)

Barry White Music was playing

25e201  No.3206962

Wouldn't putting the music up loud cause people to come to it?

10202d  No.3206963


She was coached well.

8a9ade  No.3206964

Oh, so now he "almost accidentally killed her". So now he's an attempted murderer??

7c81b9  No.3206965

They were having a good time but were ambivalent. Gotcha.

89d740  No.3206966

Ok, what she is describing is an actual attack but one which was committed by a Different Person.

7512d0  No.3206967

File: a893446dccfa31a⋯.png (4.96 KB, 486x74, 243:37, ClipboardImage.png)

There are a ton of people watching on Fox News channel on Youtube.

4bcf3e  No.3206968

That's a lot of therapy coming out. Crying now. What a fucking clown show.

5d50ed  No.3206969

Our people see not one legit post.

We are recording, watching. Pure breadshitting.

ac8737  No.3206970

She's describing a Bill Clinton assault

0c2305  No.3206971

I think her script includes liner notes.

Ford: Then, he pressed himself onto me…

[Take a breath, allow voice to waver as if beginning to cry]

Ford: After that….

deb005  No.3206972


>She is reading something she didn't write

This whole thing is a low rent circus, befitting of our garbage culture

a53a8c  No.3206973

She was hypnotized for this testimony.

bfbb6b  No.3206974


We need some hope, here.

Will truth prevail?

1bf4ac  No.3206975


Oh please. She’s already making “pitiful me” voice.

1f06f2  No.3206976

File: 0e66edc43294257⋯.png (11.13 KB, 304x254, 152:127, 561651.png)

File: eda0b1ac07ea91e⋯.jpg (216.86 KB, 600x596, 150:149, 1524594873374.jpg)

File: 1b5b398da637515⋯.jpg (36.01 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 1529029196463.jpg)

File: 6c5ec016a73d437⋯.png (738.57 KB, 750x807, 250:269, 1534654910609.png)

File: 50b4883d4c6c5bb⋯.jpg (192.83 KB, 762x785, 762:785, 1535260571031.jpg)

Is this Mills and Boon?

a546e5  No.3206977

File: 683dc37f53973a2⋯.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0725.PNG)

File: 9a71cc0749ae144⋯.png (732.99 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0726.PNG)

Ford got a second face on her neck…

47bc33  No.3206978

Did they not wire her chair with a shock probe - like they did with stroke?

19e2de  No.3206979

>There were four boys I remember being there: Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, P.J., and one other boy whose name I cannot recall.

Oh shit, I was a boy known as "P.J." in the summer of 1982. Of course, I was only two years old back then, but I'm scared now, anons…

150b50  No.3206980

No more tears, a fake cracking voice. SHAM!

114ffc  No.3206981

File: 1e2e7a1183d5d96⋯.jpg (99.08 KB, 559x788, 559:788, $$$.jpg)

98d62e  No.3206982

om sorry. but aftere over 30 fucken yeear with a fucken PHS BITCH u just dont walk into the SENATE and CRY lik a LITTLE BITCH at all the strategic points while saying; brett.. THE MAN WHO MOLESTED ME.

Its so fucking obvious that i laugh trough it all.

I should not and patrs of me feel bad but dang that is the most obvious setup in the history of women.

What will they do when we all go gay because fuck that shit!

d2f8f3  No.3206983


It is going to take a generation to recover the reputation of women.

d55342  No.3206984

No police report of this. Isn't that strange….

33c881  No.3206985

I can guarantee that any woman who has actually been through a similar or even worse experience is seething listening to this woman.

3e7085  No.3206986


But also, this girly+gravely voice is standard issue for the world she runs in. Unthreatening but familiar and pseudo-authentic : thought to be necessary for woman to compete in academia. Too assured, and you're a bitch, so you have to do this hipster gurl shit. Coin of the realm.

1ecae2  No.3206987

Pinballing off the walls??


6e4f13  No.3206988

File: 5c0ee9a3f693df5⋯.png (328.74 KB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture _2018-09-27-09-40-….png)

What song was playing. She would remember

046c9c  No.3206989



729689  No.3206990


enjoy the show


47b027  No.3206991

Could she try to talk normally? This half sobbing half talking is painful to listen to…

26e062  No.3206992

#4059 Bun in later bread

>>3206104 Executives are selling off their companies' stock at a record pace

>>3206133 US Economy grew at 4.2% in 2nd Quarter

>>3206166 Kamala Harris blankets FB with anti-Kav ads

>>3206107 Deep digs into Avenatti connecting shady Saudis & Swiss

>>3206759 Russia + 6 hold air defense exercises

23edac  No.3206993

"pin-balling off the walls as they made there way down the narrow hallway"

is this some fuckin' book she's thinking of writing?

I don't believe any of this horse shit.

468f9b  No.3206994

Funny, her name is not on the staff page of the Palo Alto university psych dept.


0c2305  No.3206995


No you idiot, he is a real person that many people know, and he has gone on record with his denial.

e40337  No.3206996

Going to be interesting once they start shredding this"story".

There is alot of detail in this statement…

Probably NOT a good thing if there is contradictory evidence.

30fbb3  No.3206997

voice says sad, the eyes don't.

8628e6  No.3206998

Worst acting I've ever seen…even beats Gene Rosen.

1a6044  No.3206999

Mark jumped on the bed TWICE?

This bitch can remember THIS detail, but not the date?

11f791  No.3207000


Looks like a pumpkin.

e3b901  No.3207001

File: 6dde4cc1b89b3b4⋯.png (21.86 KB, 434x160, 217:80, fdgdf.PNG)

a boy named PJ…go get fucked you fuckin MKUltra HOOKER.

c26749  No.3207002


That was actually the story from the beginning. Still the biggest load of bullshit

047375  No.3207003

Her voice is grating on my ears.

8016c6  No.3207005

File: d84508bfe2bbc53⋯.jpeg (14.92 KB, 205x255, 41:51, a1.jpeg)

1f06f2  No.3207006

File: 625f082113d69c9⋯.png (434.08 KB, 538x379, 538:379, 1535758357.png)

File: 7e804ccdc3bd62c⋯.jpg (125.58 KB, 529x1024, 529:1024, 1496953676306.jpg)

File: 04feaaf18f42687⋯.jpg (380.37 KB, 1240x2088, 155:261, 1504957251735.jpg)

File: 811c697b6951835⋯.jpg (106.99 KB, 750x734, 375:367, 1510617095774.jpg)

File: 8118ce3c84e896e⋯.png (290.01 KB, 378x444, 63:74, 1515849727088.png)


is that Bruce Jenner?

7c81b9  No.3207007

"Pin balling" off walls. Ya. Totes normal language. And why isn't it "Brett and Mark's assault"?

1ecae2  No.3207008

It was a Bruno Mars song from 1982.

046c9c  No.3207009


ccc3a8  No.3207010

I don’t see any real tears.

7f8c9d  No.3207011


Qresearch is a live chat now…sad.

529280  No.3207012

Q knows everything

e636eb  No.3207013

there's no tears folks. .. not good for the Actress..

feb5bc  No.3207014

File: 3fa59356adde15c⋯.jpeg (10.78 KB, 232x268, 58:67, PJ.jpeg)

Shes gone to far with bringing PJ into this.

19e2de  No.3207015

How many times do we think she rehearsed this vocal fry performance with her kike attorneys? 10, 20 times?

abbcd5  No.3207016

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)


neck pepe?

65449e  No.3207017


…In conclusion…

33e286  No.3207018

File: 1caa241b2a8aea2⋯.jpg (90.41 KB, 1019x576, 1019:576, weird.jpg)

Why is she reading from a script?

ef09c8  No.3207019

File: fbebbdc16a8a760⋯.jpeg (124.94 KB, 550x359, 550:359, 96F85CB9-1C57-4A22-900D-E….jpeg)


No problem


6e4f13  No.3207020


Yes. Hate this shit. All of my girlfriends who moved to New York or la

146c3e  No.3207021

"WE" !!!

8991e5  No.3207022


Standard fake womans trauma voice. No tears but it sounds sad. FAKE FAKE FAKE

1f0460  No.3207023

File: 276c8fcd7e24765⋯.jpg (44.52 KB, 618x410, 309:205, 180925-kavanaugh.jpg)








d2f8f3  No.3207024

Liars have a way of remembering lots of details, just not the details that can be easily checked.

b793a5  No.3207025

>i have 36 masters degrees but idk how to pronounce "ambivalent"

44c198  No.3207026

This is disgusting. What a shit show.

"…pinballing off the walls on their way down" the stairs

Now BV isn't just at attempted rapist, but she thought he might murder her too

164130  No.3207027

File: 7baa155d59fb311⋯.png (90.11 KB, 262x249, 262:249, ClipboardImage.png)

i want to believe

b16c91  No.3207028

File: 4e98ecbd35de2d5⋯.png (10.15 MB, 2256x3606, 376:601, 2018-09-27_10-41-02.png)


She wants to destroy a fellow human's life, reputation, and family.

Keep the pressure on!

25e201  No.3207029

Romney article came out in april 2012

e3b901  No.3207030

i bet she studied tapes of real survivors for this lousy shit.

10202d  No.3207031

How does the porcupine joke go again?

114ffc  No.3207032

File: ee5c70773f6c148⋯.jpg (15.18 KB, 250x250, 1:1, barry.jpg)

getting moist…

58fed0  No.3207033


50 Shades fan fic read by 2 pack a day grandma

11f791  No.3207034

….and yet you never reported it until 35 years later….

5afbd9  No.3207035


What a cunt. My ___ survived the Presido.

2cbea2  No.3207036



Wait till the bitch gets crossed.

Hard to remember details when you don't know the questions.

70cbc5  No.3207037

Sucky thing is, she gets to take a break whenever she wants

8316f9  No.3207038

When does the prosecutor come out and grill this bitch?

8ca7d0  No.3207039

she is over acting it in my opinion, but i don't know

336510  No.3207040

File: 8e1ef30b9341cf8⋯.png (238.39 KB, 351x368, 351:368, derp.png)

"I am terrified"

16a308  No.3207041


8a9ade  No.3207042

Her voice is the worst part.

083fb4  No.3207043


Did she get a new voice too? This is surreal.

7f208b  No.3207044

sounds like my secretary, and she's totally batshit.

4bcf3e  No.3207045

"Mark was wearing a Nazi uniform and was finishing up eating a baby's arm he just tore off, and then he touched me."

be28dd  No.3207046


This upswing on last syllable is a california thing, as well as the over the top diction

Comes from anglo spanish

She has been in Cali for a long time so may be her adopted speech pattern

c86840  No.3207048



ccc3a8  No.3207049


It’s her prepared statement that was released yesterday.

da2632  No.3207050

Caffeine isn't the only thing she's gonna need

471aff  No.3207051

File: 429751a905fcd12⋯.png (273.35 KB, 533x499, 533:499, ClipboardImage.png)

e40337  No.3207052

File: c9f5025f58ed253⋯.jpeg (91.17 KB, 634x533, 634:533, iur.jpeg)

23edac  No.3207053


I honestly don't care, this is a show.

She;s under oath. Anything she says that turns out to be a lie. She's going to PRISON.

3f1a57  No.3207054


I was assaulted in college. It sucked but after therapy I no longer cry about it.

4aee98  No.3207055


This was traumatic?

529280  No.3207056

The c**t is whoever did this to her

ac8737  No.3207057


If you need a Q drop for hope, you need a lot more than a Q drop

ab3901  No.3207058

well, she's going all out……so, under oath…..


ccc3a8  No.3207059


33c881  No.3207061


Real survivors do not overly dramatize their experience.

e5176a  No.3207062

ever seen a demon speaking? turn on the tv. the lord will step in today and ruin these people lies and lives. trump 2020. difi is a chinese spy traitor. she will die for treason. ford will rot in hell forever

47bc33  No.3207063

Bailiff - whack her peepee!

c86840  No.3207064




Do you mean BK??????

what did our BV do????

1ecae2  No.3207065

The second front door was installed by Arthur 'Two-sheds' Jackson.

0c2305  No.3207066

Ohhhh, I was talking about BRAD Kavanaugh.

My bad!!!

e22d9f  No.3207067

File: 64c6f2aacbb418f⋯.jpeg (57.31 KB, 684x678, 114:113, f4c41386a3beb13c2189e615a….jpeg)

More tits.The most important information we will see today.

ac8737  No.3207068


I would think

047375  No.3207069


She she lean away from the Mic, she's a lip smacker, I hate that.

Killing my ASMR vibes.

47b027  No.3207070

But no one can attest to your “details” not even your best friend so who the fuck did you tell!

ae4e37  No.3207071

“I insisted on a second FRONT DOOR, so I could handle Brett and Mark at the same time.”

7b606a  No.3207072

Lying fucking WHORE makes a mockery of our Judicial System and the Constitution.

55284c  No.3207073

She talks like a a toddler with a vocal fry.

8316f9  No.3207074


Maybe we could get a separate category to talk hearings?

3e7085  No.3207075


I cannot wait to watch Bombard's body language analysis of this vid.

11f791  No.3207076

529280  No.3207077

She's reliving the whole thing - poor woman

1f0460  No.3207078


Interesting take anon.

f04dd2  No.3207079


up-turned girly vocal fry

WEIRD for someone of her age

She's also too emotional right off the bat = less credible

baa24f  No.3207080

THEY f…. up the testimony!!

She left the livingroom/the house after the incident!

BUT it was on the 1st floor remember??????

436cf2  No.3207081


That’s a code. Second front of attack on Trump.

This woman is lying badly.

a6c2b9  No.3207082

File: a0855540aedccd7⋯.jpg (417.41 KB, 1291x734, 1291:734, FeedMeGrassley.jpg)

114ffc  No.3207083

File: 03939c9e3ac782d⋯.jpg (11.09 KB, 300x200, 3:2, b1.jpg)

barry magick

8f85bc  No.3207084

File: 6371184e8f43c93⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 937x477, 937:477, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.JPG)

f017f5  No.3207085

Oh boy, the clowns are losing it today. This is so pathetic.

2ce232  No.3207086

File: 133c85642e7ec95⋯.gif (864.51 KB, 337x285, 337:285, moss_popcorn.gif)

3b11e1  No.3207087


There was that one time though…

601914  No.3207088

File: a9f9be66e644b99⋯.jpg (13.08 KB, 255x252, 85:84, a9976e5327dbc6482b7b9c9e49….jpg)

64ac23  No.3207089

a 2nd front door?


This is a shit show!

3cf901  No.3207090

second Front Hole

6a603a  No.3207091

We need a second front door so the judge wont come get me


47b027  No.3207092


Me too!!!!

9afea9  No.3207093

Marriage counseling over the want of a second front door???


8016c6  No.3207094

File: c1a68b9a2f4d870⋯.jpg (11.62 KB, 166x400, 83:200, funny.jpg)


KEK! It is the demon inside her!

871c53  No.3207095

Fucking A they are an evil bunch. Liberals are psychopaths.

8628e6  No.3207096


Yeah she's deliberately cracking her voice…easy to tell when someone's doing this. It's very distinct from a genuine attempt to hold back tears.

146c3e  No.3207097


fisa + kav + rr = grand slam

trust the plan

enjoy the show

164130  No.3207099

File: 878a69ca5e60a8f⋯.png (179.09 KB, 336x399, 16:19, ClipboardImage.png)

58a349  No.3207100


I am repulsed by her voice. Lucky for me I have to go to work.

e5176a  No.3207101


muh purger.

7eaf66  No.3207102


oh go cry somewhere else faggot, who gives a shit. Anons want to watch among fellow anons, this hearing is the pinnacle. fuck off

763e8d  No.3207103

Normie boards are hoodwinked to believe this lying piece of shit. comments of support, repub hate and hero worship of DiFi is disgusting.

7c81b9  No.3207104


Amen! So sick of this sideshow of lunatic liberals who can't accept THEY LOST!!!

7b02f7  No.3207105

"pinballed" down the stairs. Drama much?

88ba9a  No.3207106

How in the BLUE BLAZING FUCK could she have known 6 years ago that he would be nominated to the Supreme Court??

7eda66  No.3207107


obvious code. It has no reason to be in the story.

Agreed anon

8a9ade  No.3207108



7f208b  No.3207109

this is how crazy people justify their behavior, its always someone else fault, soothing to place blame on someone else.

2e7673  No.3207110

An ELITIST All-Boys School

This is the least credible witness I have ever seen. And that's saying something.

49c1da  No.3207111


a53a8c  No.3207112

Let's see how she does when she isn't reading.

With every probing question will she play the victim?

be28dd  No.3207113


>elementary school

She teaches millenials so kinda the same thing

c61938  No.3207114

File: e733f8ae25dde27⋯.png (70.79 KB, 588x474, 98:79, Screenshot_2018-09-27_15-4….png)

File: 7ebb15d646c8465⋯.png (68.84 KB, 592x474, 296:237, Screenshot_2018-09-27_15-4….png)

File: a2a8369678c29c7⋯.png (70.35 KB, 588x479, 588:479, Screenshot_2018-09-27_15-4….png)

File: c7bbacb33dcccb3⋯.png (97.14 KB, 590x502, 295:251, Screenshot_2018-09-27_15-4….png)


1f06f2  No.3207115

File: a4c6f1018df6df9⋯.jpg (14.97 KB, 316x202, 158:101, 1211441.jpg)

File: c9ad50a82049c4c⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 308x311, 308:311, 685765876.jpg)

File: 85260c0ca40659e⋯.png (29.27 KB, 778x512, 389:256, 1496043338953.png)

File: 7d9d93cd8f9ade9⋯.gif (643.48 KB, 355x355, 1:1, 1534153660141.gif)

File: 11d4bfd490993b4⋯.jpg (135.36 KB, 604x492, 151:123, 1534202735072.jpg)


I saw that, 100% doubt

a7738d  No.3207116

The reason the assault came up was because my husband and I disagreed about having two front doors

5d50ed  No.3207117

File: 7893a530d7b1e45⋯.jpg (88.43 KB, 500x435, 100:87, owned.jpg)

2cbea2  No.3207118

So 5 years ago she thought he was going to be possibly on the Supreme court??????


094992  No.3207119

File: 33e94dae556de41⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, not_rights.jpg)

25e201  No.3207120


Supreme Court

April 19, 2012 / 2:29 PM / 6 years ago

Analysis: A Romney pick for top U.S. court? Frontrunners emerge

Mentioned as often as Clement is Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kavanaugh, 47, sits on a court that produced four sitting justices. He has deep roots in Washington, D.C., having worked in the Bush White House and assisted in the 1990s investigation that nearly led to President Bill Clinton’s ouster.

She then tells counselor in May 2012

c86840  No.3207121



228009  No.3207122

I muted it hoping you fags would keep me posted but everyone's complaining about her voice, shit its bad…like really bad.

45561e  No.3207123



b793a5  No.3207124

did penis ever go into vagina? and this bitch is traumatized? kek

feb5bc  No.3207125


Just say no to vocal fry.

f7112f  No.3207126

this CUNT knows shit about a fucking traumatic attack!!!!

Her claim is she was touched over a bathing suit GIVING ME A FUCKING BREAK MAN!!!!!!!

7b606a  No.3207127


Kek, bitch is under oath. She be gots BIG problem now.

f7c87b  No.3207128


I SOOOOOOOOooooooo hope that was a QinsiderAnon that requested she put that in this speech.


9c030e  No.3207129

"I need a second front door because Brett Kavanaugh could be a SC Justice. How batshit crazy is this?

3d961d  No.3207130


*cough ==LIAR== *cough

e30198  No.3207131

File: 053a4fe3206811a⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1968, 207:328, 45CC5410-5A9A-4594-AB46-D….jpeg)


pic related asslick

b9b0dd  No.3207133

Does she know that only people abused when they were a child speaks in a little girls voice? Because she's already breaking character.

Also, that sounds like one hell of a house remodel, almost made me tear up at the thought.

f04dd2  No.3207134


Yeah, way too soon, it's not genuine

abbcd5  No.3207135

File: 0a22f2a2da5f43d⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 480x578, 240:289, 0a22f2a2da5f43d656b86285dd….jpg)

e40337  No.3207136



We responded the same.

No one is above the dough.

NO ONE!!!!

23edac  No.3207137

"encrypted Washington post tip line?"

44c198  No.3207138



f28574  No.3207139

hasnt wiped her eyes, so no tears?

ac8737  No.3207140


Coacjed and rehearsed

b6724b  No.3207141

Did Harvey Weinstein write this script?

871c53  No.3207142

She went to the same acting school as the Sandy Hook parents. Not one fucking tear, not one. What a lying cunt.

0b3edd  No.3207143

File: 6d46a1f1ff41367⋯.jpeg (180.19 KB, 750x645, 50:43, 7B5D21E1-24AB-49EC-8ABC-9….jpeg)

File: c9058ba04d35726⋯.jpeg (128.79 KB, 589x649, 589:649, D3CFF97D-7B4F-4A89-A13D-F….jpeg)

File: fa6ca13a91d6fed⋯.jpeg (141.4 KB, 706x543, 706:543, 13C253CC-5C9F-4E4B-B238-B….jpeg)

114ffc  No.3207144

File: 54c3e33f695b031⋯.jpg (33.15 KB, 500x472, 125:118, 123.jpg)

10202d  No.3207145


Actors are acting is what I think he would say. But we have the enemy here watching so he is quiet munching on popcorn.

68926c  No.3207146


hey baker just a heads up, you’re missing notable buns for the last two breads

disregard if it’s already been brought to your attention :)

e5176a  No.3207147


DIFI WILL DIE BY THE HANDS OF THE MILITARY. she is going to be killed for treason.


3e7085  No.3207148


not weird, common–she's a university psych professor. she spends her time teaching teenagers about feelz. She lives among people aged 18-22.

a10049  No.3207149


2ce232  No.3207150

File: 9295e31ee589e5c⋯.jpg (26.08 KB, 547x328, 547:328, 9295e31ee589e5cf84d8811214….jpg)

This con-job circus is offensive to people who have experienced actual trauma

529280  No.3207151

I could cry

May God help us all. We need to focus on God right now. He will guide

f7d51a  No.3207152

This is SO much worse than a CON JOB.

This is orchestrated (poorly) Bullshit.

I was always afraid that my attacker would end up on the Supreme Court someday ? ? ?


I can't bear any more of this horse shit.

I gotta turn this off before I give my perfectly innocent TV a flying lesson.

3d063c  No.3207153

File: 94c3b5b10605995⋯.gif (19.76 KB, 89x111, 89:111, E038028A-3C0A-4C21-8237-07….gif)

1ecae2  No.3207154

It was then specifically at July 6 at 8:41am that I remembered it was Brett Kavanaugh who attacked in a year I can't remember.

7b606a  No.3207155


It's true.

cc8557  No.3207156

File: ccb0bc69e19bc99⋯.jpg (76.03 KB, 711x900, 79:100, whinnythepoohsilenceoflamb….jpg)

I am getting a head ache

a53a8c  No.3207157

Does anyone know when DJT put Kav on the "short list"?

c3a2f8  No.3207158

So much (crying) in the voice but not one tear wiped away….. hmmm…

7eaf66  No.3207159


so who's to say the hearing won't provide crumbs to dig fuckwad, you're glowing shill

e40337  No.3207160

I told this person…

This guy at the beach…

My barista…


4aee98  No.3207161


She had therapy. There is a chance she has been programed to be used for something in the future which is now.

1a6044  No.3207162

Lindsay Graham sitting there, completely unamused and not buying her BS.. KEK!

8ca7d0  No.3207163


2 front doors or 2 front holes

8316f9  No.3207164

File: 9ce0a661a7748dd⋯.jpg (63.74 KB, 1226x543, 1226:543, lindatrippblasey.jpg)

33e286  No.3207165


She's trying hard to squeak..i mean cry

ccc3a8  No.3207166

When I testified under oath during my attackers trial my emotions were raw. Bastard attacked me in front of my 5 children.

92ba27  No.3207167


>The second front door…





3f1a57  No.3207168


Yeah this is fun, “watching” it together. :)

47bc33  No.3207169

Enough already.

We need some galAnons to chime in here.

The bitch is full of shit - no?

783459  No.3207170

If this shit will stick, i cant believe ourguys are in control. Thats the test run for me

228009  No.3207171

daca4b  No.3207172

I'm gonna puke. Qteam, if yall don't tear this woman apart I'm gonna be really angry with yall.

2e7673  No.3207173


Ever seen a house with 2 front doors??

But she told them that she needed it because a man who might end up on the Supreme Court some day.

That was her claim. KEK!!

f7c87b  No.3207174


Not just two exits from the home…but two FRONT DOORS.

Cuz who has that?

78a56f  No.3207175



98d62e  No.3207176


And I feel bad for you.

I just cant comprehend that after 30 years a woman with a PHD in how the Mind works can sit and cry while saying all the right words one after another.

Its so obviously scripted its dumb.

Its just plain dumb.

At this point its better if she did not cry and just went full normal like the rest of the 30 years sayin; yeep.. he did and this happened.

thats it.

but no.. she is at age 15 again in the senate.

a brain PHD`er.

this reeks like shit in zero-g.

70cbc5  No.3207177

File: 7a972d9bb02939f⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2iuqqa.jpg)

26e062  No.3207178

#4058 (Bun in #4060 bread)

>>3205478, >>3205585 Free Stream of Kav Hearings, ETA 10am EDT

>>3205408 A GENTLE PLEA FOR NEWFAGS: Why "lb" signalling off-bread links matters

>>3205636 Dept of Public Util to do statewide safety review of gas distrib sys (Massachusetts)

>>3205491 Full transcript: Christine Blasey Ford's opening statement to Sen. Judiciary

>>3205469, >>3205499 Some diggs on Feinstein & her 3 spousal units

>>3205466 ZOMGGG!! Sky-Is-Falling MSM news story compilation

>>3205441 We Law and Order Now: HMA fraud settlement doesn't end ex-CEO legal woes

>>3205424, >>3205451, >>3205635 8chan banned in China/Russia/Italy, Ital-voater's take

>>3205411 Senior EU lawmaker urges cyber, data audit of Facebook

>>3205363 NASA plugs "next moon landing": Is Space Force Getting a Space Fort?

>>3205356 West Virginia to allow smartphone voting, raising srs security concerns

>>3205333 Wambulance Called: Bronfman wants more freedom after Nxivm house arrest

>>3205310, >>3205353, >>3205364, >>3205405 AIRKEK: 2-planes/I-Nemo/F-RAFQ, US Army

>>3205381 Planefag cadet report

7f208b  No.3207179

File: d0f8201486e0ada⋯.jpeg (10.74 KB, 247x255, 247:255, 6b71f1b4535daa492d594d163….jpeg)

45561e  No.3207180


front door

front hole


4bcf3e  No.3207181

Youtube chat stream is priceless…

domeright1​how many sex partners did she have since?

Irma Arts​Lol 😂

New member

Laughing Oldwoman​Wait she just said she named him to her husband re the two front doors


Wanda Alexander​Practiced acting GOAT TEARS

Rose Markows​monica had her dress wheres the bathibg suit

lyfie dragonpul​She recalls every detail of the story but not the names of people she talked to. Makes sense

TheyCallmeSpider-man​she's apparently crying so where are the tears

drumgig​notice she's been *almost crying* (voice cracking, choking up) since the beginning of her statement. clearly rehearsed.

Coolroonies​fruit loopy

Ashley Toerien​Crying is about to happen

Member (1 month)

Bev Taylor​IF this is all there is (I'm not buying it, however), every woman has been "sexually assaulted."

Member (2 months)


Sharon Taylor​Boo hoo

Member (2 months)



Buckeee Petersen​Two front doors triggered the repressed memories … REALLY?

scruttle bear​a FRONT DOOR HOLE

3 H’s​Your civic duty!?!?

Mark Reimer​Coached and scripted


magnify​Laughable stall tactics, trying to make sure Judge C cannot rule this fall on the very important docket ahead… joke… pure scripting….

Jensta 4562​as a women this is embarrassing

V J Min​Civic duty my azz.


JPBAMA​lol lies lies and more lies

Bob Brenna​i knew it. This is horrible. more popcorn

YESTERDAY SAM​all of them democratic

14888a  No.3207182

File: 4128dad4860570f⋯.png (353.69 KB, 556x521, 556:521, ford.png)

e038c2  No.3207183

Tears in her voice just aren't doing it for me

2ce232  No.3207184

File: f44fa3a8882c79d⋯.jpg (293.46 KB, 1164x999, 388:333, 1537188425642.jpg)

bull shit

3cf901  No.3207185

It would be so cool if everyone stood up and walked out in the middle of her script reading

da0795  No.3207186

File: 793141357367926⋯.png (794.11 KB, 864x1019, 864:1019, yall'n'd't.png)

>>3205843 (LB)

>Does a shill know what tard-tier futility is?

If they do, they are not ready to let go of their Brock shekels, just yet.

Some day in the near future they'll all see black SUV's pulling into their hoods with accompanying black choppers hovering above their heads, heralding the end of their lies & deceit & they will finally accept that they were on the wrong side of history, but more importantly, on the wrong team altogether, and that their actions will have earned them Divine retribution & harsh judgement, from which no mortal man's eternal soul can escape. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, for eternity.

t. NDE survivor Anon who had a glimpse beyond the veil

897cc7  No.3207187

File: 821fa9f8d13a395⋯.jpg (146.31 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, CBFord 1.jpg)

File: f2239f232a7e949⋯.jpg (102.1 KB, 640x638, 320:319, CBFord 2.jpg)

File: 385d715db540a37⋯.jpg (74.86 KB, 640x440, 16:11, CBFord 3.jpg)

File: b8d094311b552ba⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 716x417, 716:417, CBFord 4.jpg)

BLOGpost (Link below. 11 photos total included; some posted as followups.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

On Monday Sept. 17th, Christine Blasey Ford’s high school yearbooks suddenly disappeared from the web. I read them days before, knew they would be scrubbed, and saved them. Why did I know they would be scrubbed? Because if roles were reversed, and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, the headline by the resistance would be this:


And it would be an accurate headline. That’s why the yearbooks have been scrubbed. They are a testament to the incredible power these girls had over their teachers, parents and the boys of Georgetown Prep, Landon and other schools in the area. In the pages below, you will see multiple photos and references to binge drinking and the accompanying joy of not being able to remember any of it.

These yearbooks are, therefore, relevant to the national investigation now being conducted in the media, in homes, and in the halls of Congress. And they should not have been scrubbed. If Brett Kavanaugh’s yearbooks are fair game, so are these.

And you will wonder while reading them, why the hell did the faculty approve of these yearbooks? Why did the parents take out paid ads in these yearbooks? Animal House had nothing on the infamous “Holton party scene”.

The resistance media has been singularly focused on Brett Kavanaugh’s high school yearbooks, which imply that he got drunk and threw up. There’s no need to imply anything from the Holton-Arms yearbooks. It’s all there in focus, and the written word too. All of the sordid details as approved for publication by a “look the other way” faculty. And now it’s available for historical/evidentiary review.

It is to this wild Holton culture we must look in order to shed light on the last minuteaccusation by Christine Blasey. And in the official high school chronicles of this era, we find many names of people who can provide relevant evidence.

Christine “Chrissy” Blasey alleges she cannot recall the exact date, place or names of people who were at the party in question. This research is intended to refresh her recollection and the recollections of others who may recall key facts. (In this report, last names have been redacted and faces obscured, other than the picture of Chrissy Blasey seen below.)

The yearbook title is SCRIBE. The relevant issues are SCRIBE 82, SCRIBE 83 and SCRIBE 84, corresponding to Blaseys’s sophomore, junior and senior years, when she and her classmates (and Kavanaugh) were 15-17 year old juveniles.

While preparing this report, I came across a biased viral article from Heavy.com that portrays Christine Blasey and Holton-Arms as the very essence of high school purity. As for the school itself, when Blasey attended it, nothing could be further from the truth, as you will see below.

Brett Kavanaugh attended Georgetown Prep, graduating in the class of ’83. Blasey graduated from Holton-Arms in the class of ’84. The Georgetown Prep boys are mentioned affectionately multiple times in these brazen yearbooks.


Scribe 84 is the yearbook for her senior year. Her name was Christine Blasey in high school, often referred to as “Chrissy”. In the image below, Blasey is pictured at a Halloween party in her junior year. The caption on the right says:

“Lastly one cannot fail to mention the climax of the junior social scene, the party. Striving to extend our educational experience beyond the confines of the classroom, we played such intellectually stimulating games as Quarters, Mexican Dice and everyone’s favorite, Pass-Out, which usually resulted from the aforementioned two.”

The Halloween party pictured above would have taken place within sixteen weeks of the alleged assault, which Blasey claims happened in the Summer of ’82, after her sophomore year.

10th grade seems to have been a ritual initiation into the “Holton party scene”. Another sophomore girl threw multiple all night benders, the highlight of which featured a male erotic dancer in gold g-string:

[SCRIBE 84, pgs. 144-145, looking back on Blasey’s sophomore & junior years ]

1982 was a particularly wild year and Scribe 82 published multiple pictures of minors drinking heavily, beer cans stacked up, liquor repeatedly glorified, "boys, beer and “the ‘Zoo’ atmosphere”. The caption on the right side of the image mocks the faculty and parents, “Come on, you’re really too young to drink.”

[Scribe 82]

[Scribe 82]

1 OF 3

7c81b9  No.3207188


63b482  No.3207189


He didn't, GWB did.

/s… probably

c73fb0  No.3207190

men should only get half a vote from now on

e5176a  No.3207191



114ffc  No.3207192

File: b29b9aea249531a⋯.jpg (104.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, be safe.jpg)


bd73f8  No.3207193

This was written by a professional scriptwriter or playwright.

961124  No.3207194

>>3206369 (lb)

Did she get a new chin? Definitely not the same woman. Also, 2 front doors? And either start crying if it effects you this bad. Stop faking this shit.

85162c  No.3207196

My dudes, this chick is the worst actor I’ve ever seen. It’s like she’s been given the character card of a 13 yo lifetime abused pedo victim… but in reality she’s got like 30 degrees and isn’t a professor? Such a prominent woman in society acting like a fool on tv.

The fake, on the verge of tears, teenager voice is exactly how I mock my drama queen preteen daughter when I’m joking with her.

God this is bad. Ford is really trying to soak up the limelight tho. She’s just a terrible actress.

19e2de  No.3207197


>This anon doesn't know the extra-special kind of torment from decades ago which is really only especially unbearable when there's a conservative appointment pending to the SCOTUS

7512d0  No.3207198

File: c297ee365d81978⋯.jpg (37.16 KB, 336x399, 16:19, Front Door.jpg)

File: 4fd63fe84536822⋯.jpg (36.58 KB, 336x399, 16:19, Front Hole.jpg)

11f791  No.3207199

Totally fake crying

One second she's crying, the next minute she's fine.

5d50ed  No.3207200

Does anyone who is human not know at this point….

All one line shills are just bread shitting?



This is war.

Train. Learn.

We are Psy-Op Ph.D. The reason we post is for the masses. HOOOOAH.

4b5d2d  No.3207201

This is cringy as fuck, holy shit. This really does come off as terrible acting and I mean terrible. Its right on her face. Christ this is the BEST nubjob feinstein could dig up?

23edac  No.3207202

I'm confused…

she said to her state representative receptionist that someone on Trumps short list for SCOTUS nominees had attacked her. Didn't name him.

Then when Kavanaugh gets nominated all the sudden he's the one that attacked her?

how would she know who is on Trumps short list?

046c9c  No.3207203

occasionally she forgets to keep the "cry" in her voice. gotta be consistent to make the lie more believable! Don't fail! Your master doesn't play nice!!!

f23ae1  No.3207204


I was never sexually assaulted in college. It sucks. I still cry about it.

c86840  No.3207205

File: feb4e068e6576a1⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1501x949, 1501:949, trumphilarious.png)


I saw that and laughed so hard

KEK, all good

<With Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh, the BV of /qresearch/ was at the party and gave me a lluuuuuuddd

f1b230  No.3207206

She's pretty much over-acting with keeping up that emotional crackling whiny voice.


bb37f8  No.3207207

Define 'Psychological Projection'.

A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?

471aff  No.3207208

File: 803e1adb7aa7d69⋯.png (272.51 KB, 533x499, 533:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f28b61d162ff27⋯.png (276.02 KB, 533x499, 533:499, ClipboardImage.png)

16a308  No.3207209


436cf2  No.3207210


Creepy Porn Lawyer… yeah, we know.

047375  No.3207211


2 Genders, OMG you're onto something anon. Quick, get your burner phone and tell Avenatti!

f04dd2  No.3207212


Then she's easily manipulated, which fits today

45561e  No.3207213


I have two front holes

8a9ade  No.3207214

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

Her eyes are dry.

a455bd  No.3207215

This testimony is a trap. If it works most if not all heterosexual men will be ruled unfit for duty of any kind. Plus I do not think it was Brett anyway. But in the end there was no sexual assault even if it was true, according to her she eacaped unscathed!

7eaf66  No.3207217


i'm comfy, i get the feeling you must be a blast at parties to hang out with.

1f06f2  No.3207218

File: 38200146809bf2e⋯.png (455.76 KB, 804x876, 67:73, 1479228279226.png)

File: b8a48aa09718e5a⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 711x633, 237:211, 1483061669394.jpg)

File: dc3086892a0211d⋯.jpg (13.17 KB, 235x195, 47:39, 1490464021550.jpg)

File: 51b73c7cf7fc7e9⋯.jpg (348.51 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, 1491258967941.jpg)

File: 0dc2fcc20017d80⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1491284549428.jpg)

I didn't give my name but I accused Kavanaugh

wow, believable

anyone got her nudes?



so brave

9c030e  No.3207219


Because BK could someday be a SC Justice. It makes perfect sense… in BATSHIT CRAZY.

10202d  No.3207220

Idiots that I know who and non political and don't even know the name of POTUS are all into this.

It's pretty amazing.

3e7085  No.3207221


Guess stage tears are one way to let out some of the incredible tension that perjury causes.

b9b0dd  No.3207222

Normally tears happen when you cry.

c5a640  No.3207223


What she experienced is not what I would call sexual assault. This anon knows what sexual assault is. I am very angry at this phoney bitch.

e30198  No.3207224

I think I’m just going to read the notes later.

This is not worth getting all stressed out over.

The woman is a piece of shit and truth will prevail.

e77c47  No.3207225

As The Word Turns

So do the days of our lives

3f1a57  No.3207226


Yes I had something similar in college. I don’t cry about it. I have apathy toward him. Therapy helped a lot and helped me move on.

57ff36  No.3207227


Ralph Retort stream chat better

d4a3c3  No.3207228

whens Q gonna make the cia niggers go away

they make me go insane

70cbc5  No.3207229


Im sorry to hear, anon

daca4b  No.3207230

How did she know that they were "pinballing" down the stairs if she was in the bathroom?

529280  No.3207231


We should remember it was Trump who brought us here. There must be more to this than we see so far

871c53  No.3207232

Our actors are so much better than their actors.

1ecae2  No.3207233

File: 14c948328b5c2f1⋯.png (993.76 KB, 621x545, 621:545, capture_444_27092018_07051….png)

File: 3f8edb5a777c98d⋯.png (319.23 KB, 594x183, 198:61, capture_446_27092018_07331….png)


>>3206195 lb #4059

>>3206202 lb #4059

Ever seen this?

The post with (YOU) is mine.

The other is not.

Both have same ID...

0bf527  No.3207234

File: 7bb48236ad3b13c⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 225x225, 1:1, capobv.jpg)


a 2 fronthole house should be very easy to remember and find…

35c5b4  No.3207235


Make the cringey voice stop. Ugh, it doesn’t make her believable. She’s been coached.

45561e  No.3207236


two scoops!

471aff  No.3207237

"My friends had to remind me…."

That's hearsay evidence.

f7d51a  No.3207238


If this shit sticks, we are the only sane ones left.

Rapidly approaching lock and load.

897cc7  No.3207239

File: 637aa11288537e1⋯.jpg (75.4 KB, 504x883, 504:883, CBFord 5.jpg)

File: c69f1a350d18401⋯.jpg (26.17 KB, 477x274, 477:274, CBFord 6.jpg)

File: c69f1a350d18401⋯.jpg (26.17 KB, 477x274, 477:274, CBFord 7.jpg)


Numerous passages in the yearbooks discuss the drunken keg parties held while parents were away from home:

[Scribe 84]

Scribe 83 joyfully recalls partying with the boys from Georgetown Prep, Kavanaugh’s high school. The editors captioned a collage of alcohol themed photos as follows:

“In case you weren’t into the Holton party scene, here is a brief glimpse at one of the calmer get-togethers.”


Another disturbing aspect of these yearbooks is evidence of overt racism therein. I debated long and hard as to whether to include the following pages. But it’s important that we closely examine the privileged Holton-Arms culture while Christine Blasey was a student there.

Seeing such insensitive racism in action at this prestigious girls academy, attended by mostly white rich girls, provides context of the very privileged attitude exhibited by the Holton-Arms all female student body. That the Holton girls got these yearbooks approved by faculty and paid for by their parents shows just how powerful they were in their own right at such a young age.

And the fact that Holton-Arms had these yearbooks scrubbed from the web - just as Christine Blasey Ford came forward with her allegation against Brett Kavanaugh - proves that they still know how to dominate. In doing so, they prevented the nation from weighing relevant facts. This is why I have chosen to include the following ugliness in the report.

The image below is taken from Scribe 84, Blasey’s senior year edition of Scribe. There are two very disturbing examples of racism in it. Bottom right hand corner:

“At Cheryl’s multi-class party…[Redacted name] came as an uncanny Buckwheat, although she washed the makeup and afro off before the guys showed up.”

[Scribe 84, pg. 150]

You may be thinking that it was just one mean girl being insensitive, not reflective of the greater Holton-Arms society at large. But when we expand the page the caption was taken from, at the top is a black girl with an afro. This is one of the very few images found in those yearbooks featuring an African-American. It does not seem like a coincidence, but rather a probative example of Holton culture.

[Scribe 84, pg. 150]

Now scan the previous caption from pg.150 of Scribe 84, this time down the left side. The editors discuss a house party where, “we were confronted by…a pair of veiled terrorists, [two redacted names], were the guns real or did you just want to get served first?”

Then turn back to pg. 148, where the two Holton girls are pictured in makeshift burqas, holding automatic pistols:

[Scribe 84, pg. 148]

Also note that at the bottom of the caption above, the girls mention their male conquests with great pride:

“No longer confining ourselves to the walls of Landon and Prep, we plunged into the waters of St. John and Gonzaga with much success.”


Scribe 82, pg. 260, shows racy images, including three minors dressed provocatively as Playboy bunnies. The caption states:

“Beach week culminated the year for those of us lucky enough to go. With school and our minds in temporary recess, we were able to release all those troubling inhibitions of the past year. While dancing in the middle of coastal Highway, Ann [redacted last name] and friends picked up some men who passed out in their apartment…”

Read the whole page. It has some weird Hitler jokes as well.

Scribe 82, pg. 260]

Now we turn to the final sentiments from Scribe 84, Chrissy Blasey’s senior year at Holton-Arms. Page 261 gives the parting sentiment of her six-year Holton experience. There are two relevant quotes. The first characterizes the senior girls as sexual predators upon younger boys:

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.


In conclusion, please look again at the page above. In the final passage, the joy of passing out and forgetting everything you did the night before is praised:

“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”


0dc7b1  No.3207240

Twitter doesn't like this "testimony" either

4bcf3e  No.3207241

I'm mellllllllltinnnnng!!!!!!!"

9c030e  No.3207242


Which one?

2ce232  No.3207243

File: b20e932b3032d23⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 540x467, 540:467, tumblr_pbys70Lpav1tt42qzo1….jpg)


I knew this was coming as soon as I read the transcript.. Well done anon

6a603a  No.3207244

File: ba4b36934e5d38a⋯.jpg (113.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, pyoke.jpg)

1ada8b  No.3207245



1f0460  No.3207246

File: 370d48eb9530768⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 752x531, 752:531, gettyimages-1026739614.jpg)



c5a640  No.3207247

>>3207082 The actor tells himself that it isn't really perjury, because he isn't really Blasey. But in the heart he knows the truth. They all do, and it is eating at them.

692bb7  No.3207248


it's what women do like jews say holocaust and blacks say slavery

8316f9  No.3207249




0bd16a  No.3207250

And the Emmy goes to……….Dr Ford

e5176a  No.3207251


CALIFORNIA, Difi, demons.

treason, death, celebration. it will come.

b410f9  No.3207252

File: 4d240eb9235c011⋯.jpg (82.84 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 4d240eb9235c01160c5655c0c1….jpg)

THIS is her big story? She's going to named in a civil defamation suit the second this is closed.

I've been a cop for over two decades and lying has an unmistakable quality that it is flashing brightly on my TV. The more they have to explain why you should believe them…the less you should. The truth has a way of growing stronger with investigation. Lies goes the other way.

She just nuked her world in exchange for wasting a lot's of the world's time and setting back the issue permanently.

7eda66  No.3207253


sharing a node on a vpn anon, happens.

d1447e  No.3207254



44c198  No.3207255

Is that her handler sitting behind her? Wonder what dirt the cabal has on Ms Ford to activate this testimony.

8991e5  No.3207256

She must have taken acting advice from milano…this is terrible

ab3901  No.3207257


Oh baby Jesus

Please let it be true that Grassley has evidence that he will present that will show the American people that this has been a con job from the get go….

and baby Jesus…if this to be so…please don't let Ford choke to death on her caffeine fix before this is done.


871c53  No.3207258


If this shit sticks we've lost the country.

7c81b9  No.3207259



58fed0  No.3207260

File: bde5419868c3a0b⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 250x188, 125:94, KMS.gif)

"…couldn't not do it."

Double negative.

c86840  No.3207261


you're sharing a VPN IP, causing you to share a UID

5afbd9  No.3207262


Spoiler: nothing fucking happened to her.

8a9ade  No.3207263


Because she is a fucking liar.

19a406  No.3207264

File: 3f5b9df4e9845f7⋯.png (98.09 KB, 644x320, 161:80, ClipboardImage.png)


approaching 100k

5c167e  No.3207265

File: cceda90a23f274f⋯.png (167.36 KB, 298x406, 149:203, poohthinks13.png)

Anything but this


How many beers and xanax did this flake pop before coming in here. No wonder she gone need some METH, I mean caffiene

e30198  No.3207266


vpn at work

8016c6  No.3207267


2 front doors = ==2 FRONT HOLES== her husband wanted to be a woman also?

2ce232  No.3207268

File: c37b6eecedf6da3⋯.jpg (53.37 KB, 500x334, 250:167, c37b6eecedf6da38af4291def5….jpg)

046c9c  No.3207269

Christine "Dry Eyes" Ford.

3e7085  No.3207270


Remember those student feedback comments (the ones from before this fall)? People saying something was off with her, and that she was vindictive/destructive if you went against her.

601914  No.3207271


He announced around July 9, right? Or June?

Fuck…her voice is scrambling my brain

abbcd5  No.3207272

exponentially…oh, the pain…

26e062  No.3207273

Mid Bread Notables


>>3206947 Gates, Bezos, Branson invest through fund in CarbonCure

>>3207187 Explanation why Ford's Yearbooks were scrubbed

Also added buns for 4058 and 4059. Admin type fixed the bread number, so refresh if you can't stand the error.

Please call out notables. Bread moving very fast. Almost as bad as a Q post bread.

75d2e0  No.3207274

File: 64fbcbc352818c9⋯.png (2.67 MB, 2426x2088, 1213:1044, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

Sorry if already posted didn't see it glancing at notables.


897cc7  No.3207275

File: fb6dd3db079d77c⋯.jpg (62.58 KB, 565x970, 113:194, CBFord 8.jpg)

File: 3b171b379871172⋯.jpg (74.59 KB, 488x640, 61:80, CBFord 9.jpg)

File: 6f11993de208368⋯.jpg (89.65 KB, 487x640, 487:640, CBFord 10.jpg)

File: 30c8a32456e21a5⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 491x640, 491:640, CBFord 11.jpg)


3 OF 3

efc888  No.3207276

Expect her to be too upset for questions.

Take a break after tearful statement then faint or crying fit.

No questions.

bd73f8  No.3207277


Agreed. This is the real tragedy.

3f1a57  No.3207278


Im the one in the corner watching everyone and analyzing. Kek

e5176a  No.3207279


hello satan. why did you hold on to these claims

washington post, california, difi, demons.

ac8737  No.3207280





30fbb3  No.3207281

File: dbfad3a00bc011c⋯.jpg (98 KB, 800x542, 400:271, two_doors.jpg)

Found Christine Ford's front door(s) on Google Maps.

5d50ed  No.3207282

The bread is in full denial of service now.

Sorry troops. Not much we can do.

a53a8c  No.3207283


When I pray lots of times it brings me to tears. This is a phony victim whimper. These don't have emotion. The only emotion here is fear and regret.

24b0ca  No.3207284

Looks like they bought her some new glasses; appearance.

941c8a  No.3207285


Kek, I see pepe!

ae4e37  No.3207286

I faced "mounting pressure".


7b02f7  No.3207287

I was gang stripped, touched, spread-eagled several times during my adolescent years by neighborhood "friends" approximatey the same amount of time ago. I chose to not say anything as it would have destroy many lives. The boys grew into upstanding men. I am happy with my decision. (They were teens.) I have spoken in therapy about this. After all these years, there is no emotion as is being acted out by this bitch. I talk matter of factly about having forgiven them. The pain has completely dulled by the years.

436cf2  No.3207288


Money laundering.

047375  No.3207289


You guise, it's so much easier listening to her testimony with the volume turned all the way down.

573d04  No.3207290

Fuck that lying piece of shit. #basta

b793a5  No.3207291

File: 952d02bc6ebf738⋯.gif (3.09 MB, 336x178, 168:89, 1467231009786.gif)

e77cad  No.3207292


"pinballed down the stairs" –__–

4aee98  No.3207293


And there is the line….I reached out confidentially to the WA Post. Right.

8ca7d0  No.3207294

any one else hope Grassley says "I would like to play this recorded phonemail from the NSA with you and Dian Feinstein Talking about how to Lie And you saying you don't give a fuck what are they going to do , That would be Epic, lock her up and go vote BK in

c86840  No.3207295


>I've been a cop for over two decades

thank you for your service

but I agree, mark judge and judge K specifically, under oath, deny even being at the party and deny that there was even a party in general

e038c2  No.3207296


She is playing this all wrong if she really wants to be believed. The tears don't sound genuine. She should have gone for poised and concerned. No one is this traumatized by something that happened that long ago, especially given that in actuality even if the event were true, nothing happened to her really. Minnie Mouse voice just makes her seem silly

7a7cf9  No.3207297

Dr Ford's opening statements sound so forced….

She said the Washington Post gained her trust HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

f04dd2  No.3207298

File: 8beadc0366132ed⋯.png (41.93 KB, 1087x103, 1087:103, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

/pol/ cutting to the quick

de62ac  No.3207299


Sandra Bullock? Dude the trannie technology is good now. Look at the new Wonder Woman(man) the Zia character on Jurrasic World Fallen Kingdom. They flood us with trannies.

It is the God of Jews….a trannie god. A faggot god. Baphomet. Tits and a dick.

deb005  No.3207300

File: f5ce8cb2570ebbe⋯.jpeg (191.84 KB, 1737x1668, 579:556, 9BF7564E-A722-42A1-B5A9-7….jpeg)

b16c91  No.3207301

File: 5a0e279bb1d945d⋯.png (10.97 MB, 2256x4219, 2256:4219, 2018-09-27_10-41-02.png)

e5176a  No.3207302


you are a rat satan. your minions will be squashed like you. your eternity is waiting. it comes soon.

efdb24  No.3207303

File: b76a93db432a3bf⋯.jpg (640.53 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, peewee.jpg)

046c9c  No.3207304

You ARE NOT doing well!!!

Moloch will PUNISH YOU. Up your GAME.

f7d51a  No.3207305


Let there be no doubt about the truth contained in this post.

3e7085  No.3207306


I still say, I hope LE is on alert for FF vs. Ford today. It's one of the only moves (((they))) have left.

1ecae2  No.3207307

I will use a crackling crying voice for these entire proceedings.


5d8f55  No.3207308

She just said:

"Sexual assault victims should be able to decide when and whether their identities be made public."


That's the whole package.

No presumption of innocence. No due process.

Guilt by allegation.

456b7c  No.3207309

Fuck this Bitch!

3f1a57  No.3207310


Yes, she will be too emotionally spent to answer questions.

b9b0dd  No.3207311

Can't wait till she goes off script.

This gon be gud.

52494a  No.3207312

File: 2d151389423d379⋯.jpg (83.14 KB, 750x500, 3:2, !guy.jpg)


Point noted.

281561  No.3207313

File: 700df28653b3813⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 680x408, 5:3, 2iur91.jpg)

1ecae2  No.3207314

adf6ac  No.3207315

So far sexual harassment and sexual assault has been made a spectacle of.

Also STOP paying attention to the Vatican Sexual assault news!

You are so easily distracted with the SHOW!

24b0ca  No.3207316

Woman to her right rear has a "you're full of shit" look on her face.

729689  No.3207317


You don't because it's a


7c81b9  No.3207318


Yes!! Lies are like nails on a chalkboard to me. I can barely listen bc it's so damn obvious!

Meh…I'm getting death threats…meh…feel sorry for me so you believe me….boo hoo!

44c198  No.3207319

I want to enjoy the show, but I'm starting to think the plan should have been to burn Washington to the ground.

871c53  No.3207320

Those fucking Russians are hack masters!

390a76  No.3207321

File: 33c895d910909b4⋯.jpeg (123.25 KB, 500x666, 250:333, C17B9BCE-1A1D-4E28-97B1-7….jpeg)

f790a9  No.3207322


I'm supposing we're waiting for Kav. to testify so they can MOAB the testimony with actual evidence?

abbcd5  No.3207323

File: 543586c12bbc2b8⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 400x387, 400:387, 3b3cf0574514c6750db86a7d9f….jpg)

0bd16a  No.3207324


hell no, no way hoser

7b606a  No.3207325


She is possessed, clearly.

She will be burned on cross exam.

e636eb  No.3207326

I wonder if the 3 women know each other. kind of tough for the sexual predator to do this with out the 3 being together somewhere.

or the 3 women knowing friends of each other.

f7112f  No.3207327


I cry for the REAL VICTIMS Who have had

real shit happen to them.

She is lying her ass off , The fake sad, victim voice, the pretending to shake in her voice.. its all forced. She is a psychiatrist, she knows all the "key signs " of a victim but she is lacking the realness of it all.

When the claims of having a boy touch you over your bathing suit is considered life altering.. Holy shit, tell that to the children who were raped.

She is disgusting all the left is left is disgusting for this.

e038c2  No.3207328

WTF did she THINK was going to happen when she WENT to the media, exactly?

c86840  No.3207329


do we have a copy of those?

I forget

b793a5  No.3207331

File: 4025d01b47443dd⋯.gif (833.33 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 1440885922865.gif)


lmao btfo

729689  No.3207332


f3f90d  No.3207333

She'll make her statement, and then Break Down and not be able to continue - hit job accomplished

the fake tears are unbearable

ca3de7  No.3207334

File: 63693d60a7bfdc9⋯.jpg (478.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Implant1.jpg)

8316f9  No.3207335

File: 2a0f8028a1ee8eb⋯.jpg (66.37 KB, 1115x543, 1115:543, goodmanblasey.jpg)

4aee98  No.3207336


Hard to read with tears so the fake boo hoo without them

3e7085  No.3207337


Most liars are good enough actors. Thank God.

25e201  No.3207338

She didn't cry during describing the assault. I find that strange. That would be the moment of emotion.

f790a9  No.3207339


she looks like 200 lbs of chewed bubblegum

19e2de  No.3207340


Lol… and it's actually true

7c81b9  No.3207341


388305  No.3207342

does fake crying count as "perjury"?

fuck's sake

16a308  No.3207343

This part about her having to move out is so she can get that sweet GoFundMe $$$$

6a603a  No.3207344

File: 7d5a7899bd3a880⋯.jpg (9.34 KB, 257x300, 257:300, theef.jpg)


why dont you have a second front door

23b223  No.3207345



471aff  No.3207346

File: 8a19183ca3ce38d⋯.png (539.51 KB, 797x499, 797:499, ClipboardImage.png)

ae4e37  No.3207347

"My family was forced to move out of our home.

Good thing I had the foresight to demand the second front door. Moving the furniture was a breeze."

456b7c  No.3207348

You brought this on yourself! By being a democrat lacky, you have ruined your own life!

0d34b4  No.3207349

File: f043827f2a2eaff⋯.png (131.23 KB, 987x746, 987:746, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

Trying to check off the boxes to deny these points.

Email hacked. Check.

046c9c  No.3207350

Muh email was hacked!! muh russians!!!

4bcf3e  No.3207351

People demanded information about my letter I wrote accusing the SCOTUS nominee of rape.

<facepalm> Wtf did you think would happen? What a joke. Country's full-on retardo if they can't see through this fuckery.

2ce232  No.3207352

File: f731aacbb15afb6⋯.jpg (245.54 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 1536563691573.jpg)


This was baked in last week.

I keep posting

Important for people to know what goes on behind the scenes

e5176a  No.3207353


demon. rat. california reps, wash post, difi.

all will die from treason.

da2632  No.3207354

How much do you think she got paid for this?

3d961d  No.3207355


That's the kind of nickname that'll stick to a gal!

094992  No.3207356


(YOU) anon have won the POST OF THE DAY!

love what pooh thinks

8991e5  No.3207357


Tip toppity kek

1f06f2  No.3207358

File: c9652e724d0ad82⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 750x656, 375:328, 1519403908042.jpg)

File: a097879291f1964⋯.jpg (17.81 KB, 509x339, 509:339, 1519873938442.jpg)

File: fd834f00d7606a5⋯.jpg (149.01 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 1528153642692.jpg)

File: d7310781a8f8c2a⋯.jpg (158.64 KB, 1024x1113, 1024:1113, MemeMagic2.jpg)

File: 0c9cf4083ee21ae⋯.jpg (174.84 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, MemeWar.jpg)


She's too fat to get out of a single front hole? err I mean door

8ca7d0  No.3207359

My front holes have been exploited on 8 chan

8016c6  No.3207360



11f8ad  No.3207361

File: d2e46cd486873a8⋯.jpg (317.89 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Feinstein-Milk-1024.jpg)

23edac  No.3207362

I am no one's PAWN

f04dd2  No.3207363


They're not. When real victims testify they start quiet and timid, then matter of fact and emotionless for either the remainder of their testimony or legitimately break down at really rough parts.

If a victim blathers right away, it's highly unusual and is a red flag.

4b5d2d  No.3207364


This is why I needed a gold plated bathroom because I was afraid that bill clinton would become president and rape me and I needed a room that would show who was behind my shower curtain. My wife's boyfriend couldn't understand why till I explained to him later that day.

e21123  No.3207365

oh god. just stop. she is so lying.

114ffc  No.3207366

File: 00f962c006d49b3⋯.jpg (43.3 KB, 551x484, 551:484, 9.jpg)

track 9

30fbb3  No.3207367

When are we gonna get the fake tears to match the fake broken voice?

bd73f8  No.3207368

And who leaked that letter to the press exactly?

c32b0e  No.3207369


Yes and "He could some day be a supreme court judge" how would she know that, bet Maxine threw that one it.

67116f  No.3207370


She will request a closed door hearing when the questions get tough.

2e7673  No.3207371

File: 3972fb07394aa6f⋯.jpg (21.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 716gg0-768neledvwmz.jpg)




56f4bf  No.3207372

2cbea2  No.3207373

You bitch are a pawn and GITMO will be your checkmate.

1347f5  No.3207374

DO you hear that anons?

She says her email account was hacked and emails trying to recant her story were sent from it.

She set up an out for the emails she sent saying she wanted to back out. She knows they have those emails. Rex was talking about last night.

871c53  No.3207375

What the fuck is her obsession with caffeine? Is it a code word?

25e201  No.3207376


52494a  No.3207377


que up

"One night in BangCock"

3f1a57  No.3207378


anon. Glad you’ve worked through it.

0645f1  No.3207379

soros and steyer are paying me handsomely for this shitshow too!


046c9c  No.3207380

Oh yes - your a PAWN.

e40337  No.3207381

File: a4f04217cb71b2c⋯.png (142.69 KB, 302x323, 302:323, 1538059926396.png)

202597  No.3207382

File: d07b3fa70edfa92⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 533x499, 533:499, bob m.jpg)

File: 5a1bf4266a7b500⋯.jpg (69.14 KB, 750x500, 3:2, KAVANAUGH 1.jpg)

cec17f  No.3207383


They'll be sure to tell us when the book deal is announced.

adf6ac  No.3207384

I Am curious as to why sexual assault is being made a spectacle during the Vatican's pedophile news crisis?

Geez. That's CONVENIENT.

3cf901  No.3207385

Bitch doesn't know what Trauma is

Don't let the front DOORs hit you in the ass on the way out

45561e  No.3207386

she requested some caffeine


does she like ALOT of sugar in it?

601914  No.3207387

Oh FFS…this weak woman with tears in her eyes makes me want to punch her wrinkly face

0bd16a  No.3207388


under normal circumstances Republicans would shut down their popsicle stand and go home, NOT ANYMORE

8bf341  No.3207389

File: 084149e62eada57⋯.png (29.83 KB, 971x387, 971:387, ClipboardImage.png)

check out the anon post above the Q post. Prince has the football. ive never heard it phrased like this.

23edac  No.3207390

caffiene keeps the ROBOT FORD GOING


ccc3a8  No.3207391



f1b230  No.3207392

File: 89a69e4962440fc⋯.png (671.8 KB, 1233x665, 1233:665, Christines world.png)

7c81b9  No.3207393


Hacked my emails hahahaha! It was the Russians!!

f04dd2  No.3207394


Yes, childish

c86840  No.3207395

File: f40a486e675dc94⋯.png (61.26 KB, 567x164, 567:164, ClipboardImage.png)




an anon posted this link last night:


some gold in there

3e7085  No.3207396



3cf901  No.3207397


She likes both!

49c1da  No.3207398


4bcf3e  No.3207399

CANNOT WAIT for Kav to start shooting some .50 cal. judge logic on this fabricated freak.

45561e  No.3207400

As The World Turns~

Folgers in your cup

046c9c  No.3207401

some "caffeine" is repeatedly requested. Excuse for future indictment of perjury. Muh caffeine was denied!! I didn't know what I was saying!

Muh caffeine!!!!!!!!

c86840  No.3207402


564bb1  No.3207403

The tone of her voice is unmasking her.

c61938  No.3207404

File: e1c960f121f08fc⋯.png (19.55 KB, 592x129, 592:129, Screenshot_2018-09-27_15-5….png)

e038c2  No.3207405


Yeah, she is squeaking in all the wrong places. Bad coaching.

f7c87b  No.3207406

And just like that, her stamina, voice and humor have returned.

da0795  No.3207407

OMFKek the on again/off again emotional tremor in her voice is such a blatant tell that this is all a setup

Let her have her coffee, but then drill down hard on this fake cunt.

She is the eternal victim LARP


23edac  No.3207408

I hope someone put truth sugar in that coffee

a10049  No.3207409

does someone have a picture of her house? I want to see where this second door would go

7c81b9  No.3207410

WTF is even happening!? Coffee??

89d740  No.3207411





>>3207110 projection

>>3207151 amen


who the fuck SMILES in their creepy little fake lie voice when they describe an attempted RAPE? makes a joke about caffeine to start and a joke about caffeine to end?

ca3de7  No.3207412

File: 315074c0d54f65c⋯.jpg (201.1 KB, 458x549, 458:549, DiFiMrk.jpg)


<just a little warning

Guess who's ALICE!

33e286  No.3207413

that laugh……..

c5a640  No.3207414

When the individual "Blasey" was sworn in—the hand was raised, right? Who has a still of that? We can check the finger lengths.

4bcf3e  No.3207415

I need caffeine because I just recounted my brutal rape.

82c884  No.3207416

Dang guys, I step away to make some hot tea and the last bread fills up and this one's er halfway done. Calm down lololololol

10202d  No.3207417

She is such a ho her vaja ja lips are rawhide.

5ce4b4  No.3207418

File: 4297bc78c2fe60f⋯.gif (776.07 KB, 500x725, 20:29, 80F45360-865B-43D3-8440-B6….gif)

45561e  No.3207419


she is terrified

2ce232  No.3207420

File: 9160dc283735529⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 540x743, 540:743, tumblr_pfmp5lTJnt1sftx66_5….jpg)


4b5d2d  No.3207421

From "crying" to laughing about coffee. What kind of bullshit is this?

4aee98  No.3207422


She just admitted she talked to the WA Post in confidence like a moran.

7c81b9  No.3207423


Like magic!

e636eb  No.3207424

this lady better come up with crocodile tears, put a tissue to your eyes. or blow her nose. and not request caffeine. .. unbelievable

729689  No.3207425

She is so fucking out of it she couldn't put sugar in her coffee


1f06f2  No.3207426

File: 85260c0ca40659e⋯.png (29.27 KB, 778x512, 389:256, 1496043338953.png)

File: 083afa5b96ad0ad⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 512x768, 2:3, 1515807677704.jpg)

File: d0d8e01462be78b⋯.png (228.76 KB, 790x837, 790:837, 1528646217362.png)

File: 5c268c6d899cef1⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 1086x728, 543:364, 1529863303460.jpg)

File: 6651e211fed3a93⋯.gif (493.92 KB, 400x502, 200:251, 1530145155191.gif)



58fed0  No.3207427

File: be3a6777bdc51aa⋯.gif (993.1 KB, 500x250, 2:1, hairflip.gif)


May I have some caffeine…Thank you

98d62e  No.3207428


Dont get me wrong i want to bash someone as small as disrespecting free-will, ovrruling free-will or setting up suggestions to alter free-will and that includes assault and molesting.

But a supr PRO high as f scientist doing this shit is so obvious a clown i just cant even comperhend that the senate goes along with it.

Il stop the whining now.. i got some cheese with it.

And im glad u got help, you should feel stong af! and i wish u all the best in alltimes, timelines and possible futures.

30fbb3  No.3207429

The Fox News live stream keeps the camera on Ford the whole time, very interesting.

3666b0  No.3207430

File: 8f75626f54a5dbe⋯.jpg (12.51 KB, 300x169, 300:169, phuc-dat-bich-300x169.jpg)

they keep saying the fbi should investigate but grassley put some real top motherfuckers on this. delay works both ways nigga

1150df  No.3207431

Oh good. Coffee and laughing about it.


Anyone else notice her hesitation at being sworn in?

49e29b  No.3207432



being groped with your clothes on would not be a nice experience…but imo she is an insult to women (and men) everywhere who have been violently sexually assaulted, raped, and worse. just my $.02

94b9ff  No.3207433

>>3207169 yes she is full of shit. Notice when she said " All sexual assault victims should be able to decide for themselves whether their private experience is made public."

this is distancing language. She had been using the proper pronoun of "I" all along, when it came to identifying herself as a sexual assault victim, she switched it to encompass "All"

she disassociated herself from the act.

I had assumed she was assaulted in her past just not by Kavenaugh. I no longer believe that because she distanced herself as a victim

d2f8f3  No.3207434


Um, coffee!

436cf2  No.3207435

The first thing Mitchell says is that she noticed she’s terrified.

Yeah, lying to Congress is hard, let’s go shopping!

8626a8  No.3207436

File: fbe31cbb1af96ba⋯.jpeg (88.43 KB, 708x915, 236:305, 1538000952.jpeg)

23b223  No.3207437

And this, girls, is what you will look like when you are 55, if you don't say no to the boys when you are 15.

601914  No.3207438

This is a fucking joke

Like ridiculous fucking joke

046c9c  No.3207439

easily laughing - interesting for a person who's been so "traumatized"

8316f9  No.3207440

File: 67a0eb9e4440b30⋯.png (490.33 KB, 642x484, 321:242, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

c61938  No.3207441

Radio Silence from Hilldawg on the whole affair!


70cbc5  No.3207442

File: 99fa2c83555d03d⋯.jpg (38.09 KB, 533x499, 533:499, 2iurue.jpg)

a6c2b9  No.3207443

"You said that you were terrified…

I'm sorry. That's not right."

Off the rip, this Mitchell woman is SAVAGE

aab48c  No.3207444

Absolutely nothing about this testimony seems credible to me.

537e79  No.3207445

File: d00291508f447d4⋯.png (318.88 KB, 810x875, 162:175, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)


I like to play…

7b02f7  No.3207446


I should add - I am on friendly terms and in one case, close to the "attackers". Again - I understand the "youth" element in my story.

336510  No.3207447

File: aead156ae31458c⋯.jpg (251.81 KB, 1242x1147, 1242:1147, whoa man.jpg)

Hey guys!

Remember when we convinced women that pole dancing is for fitness?


We already won.

9c5c12  No.3207448



while she attended an elitist all-girls school.

c19e8a  No.3207449

File: ff466fbe276bfcf⋯.png (448.41 KB, 900x900, 1:1, MAD PEPE.png)

Ohhh boy Pepe about to destroy this fucking cunt bitch. She's gonna get what she deserves 100% This lying sack of shit is gonna burnnnnnn!

4bcf3e  No.3207450

Get that bitch a Starbucks

3d961d  No.3207451


Irish coffee?

c86840  No.3207452

SHE CAN'T READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

f240bc  No.3207453

She specifically requested to hear from all the senators, not just the prosecutor. She wants that visual. This proves she is acting out of political interests.

a97fae  No.3207455


I'm more "tramatized" by this picture than this lying wench claiming Kavanaugh "attacked" her!

3e7085  No.3207456


Talking to the little girl like she's a little girl.

16a308  No.3207457


What kind of magic Wand does she have?

8626a8  No.3207458

3a7b66  No.3207459

thats a man baby! ( adams apple SCARRING (removal)

1c4876  No.3207460


I agree. She was sending a message to our side….wants a face to face through the front door….maybe?

281561  No.3207461

File: 33e3b2cfe6c602c⋯.jpg (30.23 KB, 680x408, 5:3, 2iurxr.jpg)

25e201  No.3207462

read the texts to us please

0533e9  No.3207463


My guess is it was around the presidential election at the time and set up from there in case a republican won the presidency. My guess is Democracts have files on all potiential justices years in advance.

More easily the clinical notes could have been altered very easily from that time. Especially if hand written.

15440b  No.3207464

File: 745182158e7058a⋯.jpg (106.51 KB, 1003x876, 1003:876, 1a.JPG)

File: 68c3035b1679610⋯.jpg (129.91 KB, 603x876, 201:292, 2.JPG)

Facebook allows advertisers to sell you stuff based on your shadow profile


3cf901  No.3207465

Kavanaugh is going to pull out his movie ticket or something at the end…and drop the mic

0e140c  No.3207466

So, IRL, here at work with a bunch of lefties. Everyone is being compassionate and feeling terrible for this woman. This board needs to pull it's collective head out of it's ass.

Damage done. He's not getting in. And he == wasn't supposed to ==

d2f8f3  No.3207467

Can we get some meme's of this angelic lawyer fired up

0c2305  No.3207468

File: 937c720082b660c⋯.jpg (84.78 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1501588443290cine_algunosh….jpg)

Here comes /ourprosecutor/

164130  No.3207469

File: 0709832c94a77c7⋯.png (328.72 KB, 665x400, 133:80, ClipboardImage.png)








103314  No.3207470

PJ was down stairs

He was tall and nice


ac8737  No.3207471

You didn't HAVE to go public with any kind of story, you chose to do so. Nobody forced you, although Soros money very likely bribed you

1fe921  No.3207472

This is the biggest bunch of BS. I had much worse happen & it didn’t effect the rest of my life for heavens sake. Ford keeps using a trembling voice that is so fake. Poor pitiful me on steroids. I’m not sure if I can get thru this carnival show. I had to mute Feinstein as she repeated unsubstantiated allegations. These people are evil.

1f06f2  No.3207473


ralph is gay, what's that queer doing?

4bcf3e  No.3207474

When I ask a kwestion and you need to go potty or poopy, please wet me know.

055b8e  No.3207475

Shes thinking if her testimony brings down kavanaugh she will be important enough to be one of the 500,000 who get to live.

a10049  No.3207476



So it had to be the 4th Mystery Man who pushed her into the room?

de62ac  No.3207477

Wouldnt it be cool if we knew her special Mkultra code words and we triggered an alter right here on camera? That shit would be fucking awesome.

The people are coming they are coming!

f790a9  No.3207478

This will end up being the death of Roe v. Wade.


3b11e1  No.3207479

File: 89cbcf38bd5ded2⋯.png (104.51 KB, 746x512, 373:256, pepehug.png)

f7112f  No.3207480


She is also trying to play child like,

her comment about having her coffee, she giggles and shrinks her shoulders in like a child.

This is an attempt to be seen as innocent and child like. ….. Real victims dont put on a child like act.. they just gut through it and tell their story and afterwards are stuck in that time frame so are very numb and dazed when being addressed right afterwards.

65449e  No.3207481

f04dd2  No.3207482


she's got all the answers … so genuine

2e7673  No.3207483


Those people don't matter. Their day is over. Let them whine and enjoy it. Kav is confirmed tomorrow AM. Enjoy the show.

471aff  No.3207484

Did someone set her face on fire and put the fire out with a baseball bat? Shit, that face has lived a hard life…

529280  No.3207485


I know - it's so painful to watch seeing everyone suffering.

I am sure we will see what this is all about soon anon.

We must pray. God knows what's happening

89d740  No.3207486

oh she got a new voice y'all it's her bigger girl voice. she going to go back and forth now. big girl voice is actually the scared voice.

efc888  No.3207487

Home in Delaware?


103314  No.3207488

guys guys guys

she kan read fast

126a62  No.3207489

File: 7e19e28fa4cfcda⋯.jpg (65.04 KB, 587x497, 587:497, pepe vomits ford.jpg)

b793a5  No.3207490


he isnt gay

got a fat poo in loo wife

f668d2  No.3207491

Anon was wondering about MA gas explosions…

Could Raytheon be connected?


Also, there are tunnels beneath Lawrence.


ccc3a8  No.3207492

Home in Delaware? She drive there?

0c2305  No.3207493

You have to read the fucking letter to see if it's accurate?

Is this a fucking joke lol?

26e062  No.3207494


>>3206947 Gates, Bezos, Branson invest through fund in CarbonCure

>>3207187, >>3207239, >>3207275 Explanation why Ford's Yearbooks were scrubbed

da2632  No.3207495

There will be no straight answers.. STALLING.. How do I make the lies sounds better?

8ca7d0  No.3207496


she thinks she has cabal protection, you will know when she figures it out

23edac  No.3207497


so fast bra lmao

9390a6  No.3207498


Repost the party on one, again.

33e286  No.3207499

she cant remember when she wrote the letter

f04dd2  No.3207500


24b0ca  No.3207501

Someone told me years ago that people who study psychology are trying to figure themselves out. This woman's little girl voice indicates she has psychological issues from youth. From whatever age that voice originates.

e40337  No.3207502

File: d93a7aa21b39829⋯.png (340.46 KB, 557x465, 557:465, 1538060245339.png)

388305  No.3207503

-is the letter accurate?

-i'll take a minute to read it


fdf27f  No.3207504

File: 30d7e15b76e82c6⋯.jpeg (684.99 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E465F23A-AC8D-4DAD-B405-E….jpeg)

File: 34b99f1a5480e7f⋯.jpeg (33.15 KB, 350x206, 175:103, F721580A-8FD1-4038-ABDC-A….jpeg)

File: 349aa5f1c63b083⋯.jpeg (108.22 KB, 1000x513, 1000:513, 826C2076-9444-4492-9000-0….jpeg)

7c81b9  No.3207505


Bingo! Language of lies is so very important!

5d8f55  No.3207506

She traveled to Republic, MD?


8626a8  No.3207507

File: fb79b8e2963a762⋯.jpeg (119.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1524409971.jpeg)

2cbea2  No.3207509

File: 1fd525ee6247a1e⋯.png (75.04 KB, 329x153, 329:153, ClipboardImage.png)


I have to read the letter someone typed for me.

16a791  No.3207510

As a survivor, I always take accusations like this seriously. Here are the issues I have with Ford:

1) She is bringing this to congress because she “believed” he was going to rape her.

2) She has no corroborating evidence. She went from thinking it was Brett to now it IS Brett. Not to mention the emails.

3) She is traumatized from a boob grab….. I was drugged and raped in the back of a van by the guy I was dating. When I came to, my world literally shifted. It was as if I was caught in the ether between two dimensions. It was a terrifying place that thankfully does not come out to haunt me very often anymore.

4) The forced voice cracking with no tears is not convincing in the slightest. It can be painful to discuss these things, but nearly 40 years down the road you should be able to hold it together reciting your groping story. If I can hold myself together after a decade of struggle I don’t see a reason for her to be sounding this way.

5) In her opening statement she is making this political. She’s speaking more of herself than her experience with Kav and his character.

I had an open mind coming into this. But at this point, I’m not buying it in the slightest. This shit makes me sick.

30fbb3  No.3207511

Too much unnecessary info in her answers… dishonesty afoot.

f04dd2  No.3207512


She needs time to think and not get trapped, this is normal coaching

2f700c  No.3207513

bd73f8  No.3207514


And if she is truthful in that part of story, that means someone in the WA Post betrayed her confidence.

940fcb  No.3207515

bb2c4a  No.3207516


Can you post the dry version of this photo I’d like to sauce it up

4e00e7  No.3207517


Ah yes…a Roko's Basilisk of sorts

e5176a  No.3207518


its coming. dem destruction is coming. they will be a party no more. the military will not stand for this shit show. it is time. why do her letters need addressed and changed?

1f06f2  No.3207519

File: 409a3e787dffc7c⋯.png (258.27 KB, 870x232, 15:4, 1535673827.png)

File: d7d1f63c4be621c⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 422x234, 211:117, 1512433694481.gif)

File: daeff1f0fdd609f⋯.png (121.6 KB, 500x396, 125:99, 1512497868168.png)

File: 5a8a4906ca1accb⋯.png (174.93 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 1530808846932.png)

File: b01911869ac7925⋯.jpg (71.45 KB, 750x686, 375:343, 1531023052202.jpg)


probably not even a real person, a fake persona

da2632  No.3207520

somebody play this idiot some jeopardy music

7c20ce  No.3207521

PLEASE stop swallowing in the mic

4aee98  No.3207522


It was all those sex and drug parties during high school

529280  No.3207523

It's gonna be epic once the penny drops and we all get what the plan has been all along.

We've got to be patient

601914  No.3207524

Why dont we know who's house they were at?

47bc33  No.3207525

she's fuking stalling and whimpering - she needs to be led out in cuffs.

9d6001  No.3207526

File: 1cce6ff3792940d⋯.png (31.47 KB, 128x196, 32:49, libfacealphar.png)

a53a8c  No.3207527

Just a note: Wapo texts were before Trump made the announcement of Kavanaugh as his nominee.

388305  No.3207528

-is the letter accurate?

-i'll take a minute to read it

..yes she just claimed to having written it

>>3207512 yeah but COME THE FUCK ON

2cbea2  No.3207529

Ghost writers on the storm

114ffc  No.3207530

File: 562c9dd427749f9⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 630x472, 315:236, polterguest.jpg)

kav admitted he went to potlergeist

this ties him ti spielberg

wonder if the kav has "leather" souveneirs

0e140c  No.3207531


I hope Kavanaugh is part of the plan and has given evidence of Bush years over. I know the left is fake and gay. I'm just conernfagging on K.

3666b0  No.3207532

2e7673  No.3207533

File: 9e9742eca53b362⋯.png (344.05 KB, 467x453, 467:453, 9e9742eca53b362c4231050e80….png)

File: 7ff07f4df01dee6⋯.jpg (371.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ReeeeArmy.jpg)


Gotta pile on!!

Great PePe!!

25e201  No.3207535

A woman at a house with 4 boys and not sure if others were there

e40337  No.3207536

Her self correcting her communications is a set trap…

PAIN initiated….

e2b5a0  No.3207537

It’s hard to not have wrinkles and a turkey neck from taking all those balls to the face.

f790a9  No.3207538



4bcf3e  No.3207539


And the "polls" showed 92% to 8% on election night. Your lefty friends are in dreamland.

deb005  No.3207540

Which senator is going to ask about the PGA Tour trains?

de62ac  No.3207541


Rehobeth beach is mega Satanic faggotry.

c86840  No.3207542

File: bb9c08a6986d9e9⋯.png (610.21 KB, 758x815, 758:815, triggered.png)

7106e0  No.3207543


I've been mugged and assaulted before as well. went to court and the POS is still in jail.

I don't buy this for a millisecond.

281561  No.3207544

Biggest CON JOB ever

3e7085  No.3207545


I really want this to be the case, but I have to be honest–I'm getting nervous here.

c32b0e  No.3207546


Emails have IP addresses, the provider has device ID, she will be punished.

5d50ed  No.3207548

Shit slide.

Board comped.

88ba9a  No.3207549

OMG why the fuck is she sitting here revising her pre-written testimony!! SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALREADY A FINISHED PRODUCT!

164130  No.3207550

File: e5891f3a3ca0e8b⋯.png (329.39 KB, 663x402, 221:134, ClipboardImage.png)

ccc3a8  No.3207551

The prosecutor unseeded to lay the groundwork.

6a603a  No.3207553

File: 164098b130f1aa3⋯.jpg (50.44 KB, 552x709, 552:709, blas3.JPG)

f04dd2  No.3207554


I was pushed from behind, then how do you know if it was Kav?

4bcf3e  No.3207555

She's not going to make it through 10 questions. The stress is going to shatter her in 3…2…

2ce232  No.3207556

File: 478506bb0809ffb⋯.jpg (28.6 KB, 540x540, 1:1, tumblr_p85exy5foX1vqu2zqo1….jpg)

c06d61  No.3207557

is BK there…? Does he get to speak next ?

f790a9  No.3207558


same situation back in 2016. polls… all skewed and we know how that turned out

9d80ca  No.3207559


She is a disgrace to everything a strong, competent, virtuous woman should be.

a97fae  No.3207560



Holy shite! smfh

c86840  No.3207561


shut up kike

f04dd2  No.3207562


35c5b4  No.3207563


Sooooooo Coached & planned…

af5365  No.3207565

File: 2dce8c9e26dd9c6⋯.png (261.79 KB, 336x399, 16:19, 1538060339977.png)

30fbb3  No.3207566

Hear that?! "you were perfect"

bb37f8  No.3207568

File: d68742f8b6cabe4⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 562x437, 562:437, ha ha ha oh wow.jpg)

>this hearing

146ee9  No.3207569

File: d55f237a2b78329⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3288x1828, 822:457, zero-and-the-hero.jpg)

c86840  No.3207570


yes, after all senators ask questions, its BK's turn

33c881  No.3207571


After they’re through with Ford.

537e79  No.3207572

File: 948e0c36dcf7cda⋯.png (154.15 KB, 397x393, 397:393, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

7c81b9  No.3207573


Victims will know instantly she's a liar.

a53a8c  No.3207574

Before in her open she didn't know who pushed her into the room.

In the statement she said it was Kav.

529280  No.3207575



e40337  No.3207576


These People Are NOT Our Best….

3666b0  No.3207577


he has to, thats why this is gonna be a full on circus

11f791  No.3207578

File: dfeecb0f0c99380⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1160x1125, 232:225, handrubbingintensifies.png)

26e062  No.3207579




Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

471aff  No.3207580

File: 278829ed2f0b5df⋯.jpg (105.84 KB, 844x657, 844:657, cbf bs.jpg)

I've not got the Starship troopers thing, but here's what I have.

f04dd2  No.3207581

1,000 female physicians – so f*cking what .

Meaningless twaddle

88a809  No.3207582


Rehoboth is the beach in DELAWARE. It is a gathering place for DC elites. Many politicians and lobbyists go there. Including Biden and his minions and people from CNN. I know too much about Rehoboth

7b606a  No.3207583


Good catch Anon

146c3e  No.3207584

this rambling is going to drag on till the midterms get here

56f4bf  No.3207585





plural noun: sequelae

a condition that is the consequence of a previous disease or injury.

"the long-term sequelae of infection"

b410f9  No.3207586


Says the copypasta shillfag.. You've got all the selfdoxxing you're going to get…maybe if we could meet in person I'd be happy to personally verify my bona fides…bitch.

bd73f8  No.3207587

Hold on. She can remember in vivid detail what happened 36 years ago but can't remember when she wrote a dated letter less than 2 months ago?

She just screwed herself right there.

25e201  No.3207588


2cbea2  No.3207589

Toilet paper being added to the record?????

Where is a legal fag on this????

Is it legit?


0c2305  No.3207591

"Chairman, I'd like to enter 1000 letters from random irrelevant doctor bitches around the country with too much time on their hands.

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