[–]▶ 9da856 (9) No.2979674>>2979836 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Tuesday 9.11.18
>>>/patriotsfight/214 ---——--------—————- We Will Never FORGET! We Will Never FORGIVE! PATRIOT DAY. ( Cap: >>2977922 )
Monday 09.10.18
>>>/patriotsfight/213 ---——--------—————- NO private comms. ( Cap: >>2969984 )
>>2966091 rt >>2965953 -------------------------- WE WILL NEVER FORGET!
>>2965953 rt >>2965895 -------------------------- ATTENTION ON DECK. BATTLE STATIONS.
>>2965895 --------------------------------------------- PREPARE YOUR MEMES.
>>2965614 ---———————————--——– Nothing to See Here.
>>2964697 rt >>2964559, >>2964624 ------— HOOAH! Oscar worthy?
>>2964511 rt >>2964423 ---——----------——-- updated to show the anon's post
>>2964443 rt >>2964345, >>2964367 ------— Patriots WIN.
>>2964343 rt >>2964303 ---——----------——-- Make it and they will crumb.
>>2964247 rt >>2964144 ---——----------——-- ANONS CATCH IT ALL!
>>2964129 rt >>2964015 ---——----------——-- Graphics showing [2] time zones.
>>2963742 rt >>2963562 ---——----------——-- WRWY! WWG1WGA!
>>2963528 rt >>2963466 ---——----------——-- [0] marker graphic
>>>/patriotsfight/212 ---——--------—————- [Sample] ( Cap: >>2963410, >>2963422 )
>>>/patriotsfight/211 ---——--------—————- [Today] ( Cap: >>2963216 )
>>2962894 rt >>2962827 ---——----------——-- Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!
>>2962785 rt >>2962342 ---——----------——-- anon requested
>>>/patriotsfight/210 ---——--------—————- https://saraacarter.com/new-texts-reveal-fbi-leaked-information-to-the-press-to-damage-trump/ ( Cap: >>2962409 )
>>>/patriotsfight/209 rt >>>/patriotsfight/208 -- https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1039235839333679105 [0:00] ( cap: >>2962063 )
>>>/patriotsfight/208 ---——--------—————- https://twitter.com/mitchellvii/status/1039216694000906241 ( cap: >>2962063 )
>>>/patriotsfight/207 ---——--------—————- DECLAS OF FISA WILL INITIATE ( cap: >>2960371 )
>>>/patriotsfight/206 ---——--------—————- WHY NOW? ( cap: >>2960101 )
>>>/patriotsfight/205 ---——--------—————- Your vote counts ( cap: >>2959562 )
Sunday 09.09.18
>>2950995 rt >>2950906 ---——----------——-- READY THE MEMES. [FISA CORRUPTION]
>>2950879 rt >>2950871 ---——----------——-- Confirm: Article date: 9/16, post date 9/14
>>2950846 rt >>2950820 ---——----------——-- Microfail ( Link Cap: >>2950966 )
>>2950820 rt >>2950600 ---——----------——-- Attempts to deceive AUTISTS/ANONS will FAIL ( Link caps: >>2950884 )
>>2947850 rt >>2947825 ---——----------——-- Knowledge is Power ( Cap: >>2947996 )
>>2947825 rt >>2947705 ---——----------——-- RT Anon Shills Shilling on Hannity ( Cap: >>2947943 )
Saturday 09.08.18
>>>/patriotsfight/204 ---——--------—————- FREEDOM.jpg ( Cap: >>2936226 )
>>>/patriotsfight/203 ---——--------—————- There was a time when ( Cap: >>2936111 )
Friday 09.07.18
Compiled here: >>2966475
Thursday 09.06.18
Compiled here: >>2963971
Wednesday 09.05.18
Compiled here: >>2948665
Tuesday 09.04.18
Compiled here: >>2925504
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
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▶ 9da856 (9) No.2979677
are not endorsements
>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA ? MAKE THIS GO VIRAL ?
>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2979343 Nuclear Power Plants At Risk By Hurricane Florence
>>2979105 'Patriot/s' connection on the QClock
>>2979102 New 9/11 documentary, 'War Games'
>>2978362 NYMZA -- > Sonora Aero Club
>>2978397 Israel Spy Rings: Introducing Israel Companies To Help Build American Telecom Lines, Allowing Base Level Access
>>2978436 Observatory in New Mexico used to set Solar Storm Narrative to Mask EMP Attack?, >>2978182
>>2978455 Running Mossad Agents Seen In America
>>2978552 13.1 QPost #521
>>2978771 9/11 - The MILWAUKEE/ANTHRAX Connection of Coincidences
>>2978835 #3769
>>2977317 NYMZA: The Hand Behind Globalism?
>>2977358 Update From Syria
>>2977372 Surely!, A Mere Coincidence Implies Israel's Involvement in 9.11, >>2977387 Mere Coincidences! (pdf), >>2977423 Just Coincidences!
>>2977375 Mind, The Gap. Bond Street Station London Evacuated, >>2977398
>>2977396 FBI closes down National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, >>2977545
>>2977421 Facebook Installs Bot That Can Identify Offensive Memes
>>2977430 Microsoft Canada Moves HQ to Toronto
>>2977449 Atlantic Storms: Tesla & Hutchinson's Research on Atomic Dissociation?
>>2977510 After many Senior Staff resign from GUSA, president Sahil Nair resigns too.
>>2977551 Meadows to [RR] re: the new Strzok/Page texts
>>2977585 Big Thread: Senior Google Execs Mess With Votings that Boosts their Product
>>2977649 GITMO Hearing with New Military Judge against Khalid Shaik Mohammad, >>2977774
>>2977764 Educating The Masses Into Willing Submission
>>2977890 9.11 Evidence, >>2977910, >>2977968
>>2978038 #3767
>>2976573 Hurricane Florence Putts Washington DC in State of Emergency, >>2976685, >>2976761, >>2976727
>>2976576 17 years ago today: President Bush Sits in Classroom & listens to Singing Children during 9.11 attacks
>>2976577 Like Qlockworkz, >>2976578, >>2976581
>>2976641 List of Mysterious Deaths of 9.11 Related Witnesses
>>2976677 WTC's Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project, >>2976708, >>2976724
>>2976705 Rumsfeld during 9.11 Attacks
>>2976732 9.11: Up, Close & Personal Video Footage
>>2976758 US Lab in Georgia May Have Engaged in Lethal Experiments on People
>>2976766 9.11 collateral damage (pdf)
>>2976800 Google/Cohen/HRC involved in Syria fuckery
>>2976803 Chinese Government Works Toward Ending Family Planning Policies
>>2976820 Rossiya Airlines CEO Resigns
>>2976822 Bob Woodward confirmed as FBI Asset
>>2976843 Marvin Bush, GHWB younger brother, Securacom & WTC
>>2976850 Quality 9.11 Documentaries, >>2976957
>>2976869 Magic Sword/Face of Evil Proof
>>2976934 PACE Calls for Control of Foreign Funding of Islamic Money Streams into Europae
>>2976937 Make Africa White Again: Snow in South Africa
>>2976962 Alphabetical List of 9.11 Related Victims
>>2976987 5G Rollout Continues
>>2977067 NoName Died 17 Days Ago
>>2977153 Viva Catalonia! 1 Million March The Streets Calling For Independence
>>2977154 9.11 Forebodings in January 2000
>>2977183 Demands For ALL E-mails on Wiener Laptops
>>2978045 #3767
>>2975787 ; >>2975832 Sackler family behind oxycontin production opens second opioid company after the first fell
>>2975866 Family Bank CEO David Thuku resigns
>>2975884 Unitech independent director resigns
>>2975917 Continued dig on Gannett = Sightline Media Group
>>2975929 Former president of Georgia claims Samuel Patten, US lobbyist and Manafort associate, tried to blackmail him
>>2975939 National Pharmacy Association’s board member for Scotland resigns
>>2975989 Older 9/11 dig from three years ago
>>2976001 Grand Jury finds police were complicit in PA Catholic Church sex abuse coverup
>>2976039 Director resigns from Pentair board
>>2976093 CCG chair resigns
>>2976176 Khan’s London Assembly votes to push to “reverse” Brexit
>>2976200 ISIS recruiter to walk free in UK next month
>>2976238 Missouri rally cancelled due to storm
>>2976259 New DJT
>>2976261 On POTUS’s commemoration speech and “In The Face Of Evil”
>>2976439 USA Today story: schools preparing for opioid overdoses
>>2976460 #3765
Previously Collected Notables
>>2975674 #3764
>>2974181 #3761, >>2974165 #3762, >>2974960 #3763
>>2971020 #3758, >>2971789 #3759, >>2972600 #3760
>>2968595 #3755, >>2969378 #3756, >>2970197 #3757
>>2966301 #3752, >>2967002 #3753, >>2967833 #3754
>>2963899 #3749, >>2964569 #3750, >>2965444 #3751
>>2961706 #3746, >>2962525 #3747, >>2963273 #3748
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
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▶ 9da856 (9) No.2979681
War Room
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
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>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
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>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research
>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966
▶ 9da856 (9) No.2979683
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Germanarchiveanon ---————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Learn To Bake!
Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
▶ 120a8e (6) No.2979685
▶ aa1a37 (4) No.2979686
Hopeful is moar the case. When he's hanging from a noose… lasting impressions change you…. that's all I'm saying anon.
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2979688>>2979717 >>2979734
What was up with the delay? What's going on?
▶ 09292f (12) No.2979689
Wasn't there something about Trump getting ready to fight election fraud?
Pic Related
▶ 827127 (11) No.2979692>>2979816 >>2979890
▶ b7994d (1) No.2979693
>>2979653 (pb)
Outright deleted on 4, severely hampered on 8. After enough of us complained it was unbumplocked.
▶ 744047 (2) No.2979697>>2979809
Baker! Bread should be 3770
▶ 167828 (1) No.2979701>>2980002
from this Video too.
Where is these building????
And where is the plane?
We hope, the truth comes out now!
greetings from Germany
▶ 2d6457 (6) No.2979703>>2979714
>>2979659 (lb)
Except they're not going to continue to get away with it, they are getting a lifetime all access pass to Club Gitmo
▶ edc2e7 (3) No.2979705
▶ 9da856 (9) No.2979706>>2979737
here's the old paste from the last bread: https://pastebin.com/raw/dyGAMxLV
▶ fff392 (3) No.2979708>>2979733 >>2979778 >>2979844
TY E-Baker
"McDonald's burger bought in Utah in 1999 looks exactly the same as the day it was first flipped (even after it spent two years in a COAT POCKET)"
▶ f3de8e (1) No.2979709>>2979733 >>2979798 >>2979893 >>2979902 >>2980004 >>2980024 >>2980245 >>2980262
Verified account
1h1 hour ago
#DidYouKnow: The Sun periodically belches huge blobs of plasma, energetic particles, and magnetic fields. Listen to our experts discuss the Sun’s powerful explosions in the latest episode of our Gravity Assist podcast: https://go.nasa.gov/2CIJP72
▶ f04f52 (1) No.2979710
Chocolate Rain
Some stay dry and others feel the pain
Chocolate Rain
A baby born will die before the sin
Chocolate Rain
The school books say it can't be here again
Chocolate Rain
The prisons make you wonder where it went
Chocolate Rain
Build a tent and say the world is dry
Chocolate Rain
Zoom the camera out and see the lie
Chocolate Rain
Forecast to be falling yesterday
Chocolate Rain
"Only in the past" is what they say
Chocolate Rain
Raised your neighborhood insurance rates
Chocolate Rain
Makes us happy living in a gate
Chocolate Rain
Made me cross the street the other day
Chocolate Rain
Made you turn your head the other way
Chocolate Rain
History quickly crashing through your veins
Chocolate Rain
Using you to fall back down again
Chocolate Rain
History quickly crashing through your veins
Chocolate Rain
Using you to fall back down again
[Verse 2]
Chocolate Rain
Seldom mentioned on the radio
Chocolate Rain
It's the fear your leaders call control
Chocolate Rain
Worse than swearing, worse than calling names
Chocolate Rain
Say it publicly and you're insane
Chocolate Rain
No one wants to hear about it now
Chocolate Rain
Wish real hard, it goes away somehow
Chocolate Rain
Makes the best of friends begin to fight
Chocolate Rain
But did they know each other in the light?
Chocolate Rain
Every February washed away
Chocolate Rain
Stays behind as colors celebrate
Chocolate Rain
The same crime has a higher price to pay
Chocolate Rain
The judge and jury swear it's not the face
Chocolate Rain
History quickly crashing through your veins
Chocolate Rain
Using you to fall back down again
Chocolate Rain
History quickly crashing through your veins
Chocolate Rain
Using you to fall back down again
Chocolate Rain
Dirty secrets of economy
Chocolate Rain
Turns that body into GDP
Chocolate Rain
The bell curve blames the baby's DNA
Chocolate Rain
But test scores are how much the parents make
Chocolate Rain
Flipping cars in France the other night
Chocolate Rain
Cleans the sewers out beneath Mumbai
Chocolate Rain
'Cross the world and back its all the same
Chocolate Rain
Angels cry and shake their heads in shame
Chocolate Rain
Lifts the ark of paradise in sin
Chocolate Rain
Which part do you think you're living in?
Chocolate Rain
More than marching, more than passing law
Chocolate Rain
Remake how we got to where we are
▶ 02d39c (3) No.2979713
Grabbed en Snatch
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2979714
All you have is hope.
You know who else promised a lot of hope and change?
▶ d4fbe3 (4) No.2979715>>2979807 >>2979963
Nearly lost my fucking mind there.
Still going to get some twinkies.
Here's an ass!
▶ 4a2ecc (10) No.2979717>>2979787
You didn't step up to bake.
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2979718>>2979727 >>2979737 >>2979746 >>2979748 >>2979752 >>2979761 >>2979768 >>2979775 >>2979781 >>2979808 >>2979817 >>2979828
Baker here
I'm so sorry BO, anons.
My system all crashed up just before baking, just back on after a restart.
Really sorry to cause stress.
I can bake again if you trust me to.
Thank you E-Baker !
▶ 33d85b (4) No.2979721>>2979773
4.5 Magnitude Earthquake of the Korean Peninsula this morning. Isnt this where China is building their military islands?
>S. China Sea
▶ e64498 (3) No.2979722
>>2979346 (last bread)
all of the above
▶ f263eb (11) No.2979723>>2980067 >>2980222
I find it spoopy af that BOTH of the weather buoys in the path of the FLORENCE are offline for the last 12 hours.
wave height 230 miles north or south of the storm is 1m.
▶ 917627 (3) No.2979726>>2979912
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. 9/11 Predicted on The Lone Gunmen pilot episode on March 4th 2001
▶ 0acc25 (6) No.2979727>>2979779
No problem baker. Thanks for all you do!
▶ 2ab436 (1) No.2979728
-Ephesians 5:11
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
-Proverbs 26:24-26
Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.
-John 15:26
When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me.
-Luke 8:17
For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to Light.
-Matthew 4:19
"Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will send you out to fish for People."
God Wins.
▶ 9da856 (9) No.2979730>>2979768 >>2979779 >>2979790 >>2979936
I cannot man the kitchen for the whole bread, I just e-baked because I saw no baker was on duty.
▶ c36550 (2) No.2979732>>2979794 >>2980049 >>2980248 >>2980365
Judicial Watch sues Justice Dept. for records from Anthony Weiner laptop
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch sued the Justice Department Tuesday for all emails found on the laptop of disgraced New York Congressman Anthony Weiner related to the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
Judicial Watch’s lawsuit comes following the Justice Department’s failure to act on two of the group’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The group is seeking all records regarding the bureau’s probe of Weiner’s laptop, records retrieved from that laptop, and all records of communications between FBI officials regarding Clinton’s knowledge of “illicit activities” involving Weiner.
“The Anthony Weiner laptop-Clinton email cover-up by the Obama DOJ and FBI is central to uncovering the corrupt politicization of those agencies,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement Tuesday. “The same FBI that provided cover for Hillary Clinton was going full bore against then-candidate Trump and this lawsuit aims to uncover the full truth about that corruption.”
▶ 19a1ab (3) No.2979733
So the sun is an old McDonalds hamburger??
▶ 9c8037 (1) No.2979734>>2979740 >>2979749 >>2979776 >>2979864
Fake handoff I guess
TYB for stepping up with the E-BAKE
▶ 0a4ee3 (6) No.2979736>>2979757 >>2980405
Requesting planefag assistance
Can any planefags check to see if there was a blackhawk flying around the Cloudcroft/Sunspot region of New Mexico this last week, or week before. Would be much appreciated, thanks.
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2979737>>2979779
inb4 I could post, thats what happened to NB
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2979738
Notes from lb
>>2979343 Nuclear Power Plants At Risk By Hurricane Florence
>>2979105 'Patriot/s' connection on the QClock
>>2979102 New 9/11 documentary, 'War Games'
▶ c83457 (1) No.2979739
Following the money back in 1994 with arms deals, Lockheed martin, and NORMAN AUGUSTINE, who was chairperson for RED CROSS for 9 years up to 2001
▶ 25a6a4 (6) No.2979741
▶ 744047 (2) No.2979746
but can we trust your computer?
▶ 74902b (1) No.2979748>>2979779
WWG1WGA thx Baker
▶ 2d6457 (6) No.2979749>>2979763
thank god for the invention of the razor
▶ 827127 (11) No.2979750
▶ 47132d (1) No.2979751>>2980187
Please let this be the first day of Truth and Freedom
▶ 0d566c (2) No.2979752>>2979766
AT&T has a major outage. Your problem baker?
DS very quiet today. Wonder if they are up to usual trickery.
▶ 9c52f5 (8) No.2979753>>2979819 >>2979830 >>2980123
Daaaaang. Couple breads went by with out the copypasta JIDF jewbagels bombarding us. Even with several anons posting research regarding their kind
I think putting ISREAL and MOSSAD and JEWISH SUBVERSION into the bread is making them finally get the clue???? Trying to mislead anons on this forum, only draws a fuck ton of attention onto your groups activity.
▶ e27563 (1) No.2979754>>2979855
More and more fake accounts at Facebook with porn have foreign kids (Asia/Africa/South America) as the ground profile. Pedorelated anyone seen it?
▶ d80dab (14) No.2979757>>2979783 >>2979829
The planefagging app we use for military aircraft shows them in realtime (or 10 min delay). It does not offer any way to search past military flights. Next time, ask us as it's happening, OK?!
▶ b9ff15 (2) No.2979758>>2979804
on this 9/11
Great presentation
"Where did the towers go" dr judy Wood.
Scientific and no stupid guessing.
GREAT and eye opening. Great quality pix and vid.
▶ 454ae7 (1) No.2979759
>>2979368 (lb)
This is the Bob Woodward who lied about a deathbed confession by CIA Director William Casey. It never happened. We were there 24/7 right outside Casey's hospital room. Woodward tried and we threw him out. He lied about the encounter in his book "Veil."
▶ 32a2eb (30) No.2979760
He doesn't sweat the petty
Does he pet the sweaty
▶ 3b3c06 (6) No.2979761>>2979793 >>2979796 >>2979832
It's all good, shit happens. We'll fix it up.
▶ 4f5691 (2) No.2979763
sell them to the arabs instead of firearms
▶ ab6e5a (1) No.2979764>>2979872 >>2980308 >>2980380 >>2980392 >>2980448
Think logically.
Q posts article about “drinking blood”.
Why now? Let’s dig together.
Google “Twoofy Sangs” if you dare.
Modern day vampires are real.
Blood boys are real. (Silicon Valley?)
Hollywood normalization is real.
Q has cut off (their) young blood supply.
They are so thirsty right now.
They are weak without their supply.
They crave. Such strong cravings.
The Sangs are Twoofy. So Twoofy.
HRC was going to feed them our blood.
Angelina and Billy Bob. Dig.
Johnny Depp’s illness. Dig.
Severe pain from withdrawals.
Nerve disorders and iron poisoning.
Forced to use Chelation Therapy.
Forced to take Oxycontin for pain.
But, oh the health benefits.
No more age-related diseases.
Some blood tastes better than others.
Haitain blood is preferred. Why?
If “donors” dry up, what do you do?
Go public and pay for willing “donors”.
$8,000 for 2.5 liters of young blood.
Fresher = better.
Younger = better.
Scared = better.
Why stop at drinking human blood?
Why are they normalizing cannibalism?
Spirit Cooking. Katy Perry. Walking dead.
Red Shield = Rothschild (Blood Money).
Red Cross = Blood Supply.
Red Hen = Blood Meals.
Red Shoes = Blood Sacrifice.
Anthony Bourdain. Human meat chef?
Kate Spade. Human skin designer?
Don’t go too far down this rabbit hole.
Good news. God wins.
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2979766>>2979800
(not the baker)
but I had an outage yesterday, didn't let me confirm a handoff
but another baker was here so it was all good
▶ ee3151 (4) No.2979768
▶ 9ba247 (1) No.2979769
Q Team what r u doing to stop that bloody chemtrails hurricane Florence please?
▶ f2fbf6 (2) No.2979770>>2979824
Either shopped or @breaking911 is intentionally lying. Watch the vid. He states 25-30 years.
▶ 02d39c (3) No.2979771
Plenty of hard wet work for our brave first responders.
▶ 0af42c (1) No.2979772>>2979791
>>2977317 (pb)
>>2978362 (pb)
Believe it or not, I went down this NYMZA rabbithole a looong time ago on the site.
Some of the images are now gone, because they were absolutely huge and I hosted them at kek.gg (before their image hosting service got shut down) so they're gone now. I'd have to dig them up on a separate computer, if I even still have them - but IIRC, they were basically the same as what this guy posted, so nbd.
Anyway, it's a good resource if you want to explore this topic.
Cheers, anons.
▶ f7d533 (3) No.2979773
<Isnt this where China is building their military islands?
I don't think that it's there..
▶ 3d6c2b (2) No.2979774>>2979848
>>2978261 (pb)
Did a little looking through this. Likely used keywords and generated crossword.
I'm sure there is more.
<pic related
▶ 4a2ecc (10) No.2979775
Shit happens, no worries. Thanks for letting us know.
▶ f263eb (11) No.2979776
hate to comb that out after a long day at work…
▶ c67bf0 (3) No.2979777>>2979845
This is very weird.
Update: https://www.kvia.com/news/top-stories/closure-of-national-solar-observatory-remains-shrouded-in-mystery/793035021
▶ 09292f (12) No.2979778
I worked for McDonalds for 3 years. I can definitely vouch for the food fuckery that goes on there.
20 Minute walk to and back, 8+ hours walking around on the job and my ass gained weight working there.
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2979779
Thanks a lot guys. Welp. E-Baker, will I take it back? Thanks a lot for baking, you're a rockstar man.
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2979780
I wonder if people in other countries, who look at our advertising, think the US is only made up of white female/black male couples and literally no other combination.
▶ ffa5dd (1) No.2979781
Ty Baker. Great work.
▶ 0a4ee3 (6) No.2979783
Oh okay no worries, will do.
▶ b67bd7 (3) No.2979784
fake and kek
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2979787>>2979856 >>2979904
Don't know how to anon, forgive me. I'm just a simple person trying to get by and learn.
One week on the board, doesn't really make for good qualifiers.
▶ ef16df (1) No.2979788>>2979799
▶ 4a2ecc (10) No.2979790
o7 way to step up baker
▶ f2fbf6 (2) No.2979791
6 months is a " looong time ago"?
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2979793
▶ d80dab (14) No.2979794>>2979857
>>2979732 Judicial Watch sues Justice Dept. for records from Anthony Weiner laptop
was in past bread but here is sauce, now can be notable?
▶ 825bac (1) No.2979795>>2979865 >>2979942
Since we are already conspiracy theorists, I will throw this out there. Mulitple hurricanes across the east cost are going to be used to cover cabal round ups and the public will be okay with it. Here is why:
-Background: POTUS has shit in the MSM's cereal for so long they cannot get the taste of it out of their collective mouths. Meaning he is all they talk about regardless of what is going on in the real world. This is a critical piece of the puzzle and had to go on for years to engrain the message in THEIR heads. This goes side by side with their promotion of any storm as "er mer gerd it is the end of the werld lets panic everyone!" This is also critical because people freak out enough to declare a state of emergency on a state and federal level. This opens up a who's who of federal agency personnel and potential embedded operators (think DHS) wouldn't look out of place, just as the military doesn't during an emergency like this.
-Now: Anons are well versed in weather modification and I believe the DS was in control of this tech until recently. I also believe that one or more of the DS satellites that did so is now in control of white hats but "offline" for them. So, why would white hats generate the 4 lined up in a row? The only people roaming the streets are "law enforcement" and criminals. AND, disasters are a perfect way for people to disappear and appear dead for all intensive purposes.
-Theory: White hats maintain the storm long enough to snatch the people they need to and then shut it down. This will be done across several storms if needed with the same process repeating itself until they have who they need and limit potential damage or loss of life. The MSM won't cover the missing actors for 2 reasons. First, it will likely not be reported at a local level for them to catch on to it. And two, they are so butt hurt over POTUS that the news cycle will continue as usual.
-The genius of it: IF this occurs and some one actually gets a story on the MSM about these people going "missing," (the longer beforehand the better) white hats that are "locals" could go on record as saying "the last day we saw them was before this storm or that storm." This creates a pattern for what comes next, creating the narrative that all of these people were using the storms to FLEE. POTUS comes out with the "Storm is upon us," and proceeds to lay it all out there. Groups of prominent people all "fleeing" lends credence to being guilty in the public view. Considering it is all treasonous and horrible shit, it shouldn't take much to convince all those that aren't lost forever. "Manhunt" ensues and each are "caught" at various times but won't get to speak to the MSM to tell them what really happened because of MUH MILITARY TRIBUNALS. Sorry so long winded, flashed into mind out of nowhere and had to get it off my chest. Love to all involved - no homo
▶ 0d501f (1) No.2979796
One of these days, when this is all over, I'm going to personally go and find you 72 redheads.
▶ aa1a37 (4) No.2979798
Anything to do with FBI evacuated observatory yesterday and today? Something's up….
▶ bf9013 (2) No.2979799>>2980283
Hope this includes Israel.
▶ 0d566c (2) No.2979800
Thank you to BO, Ebaker and baker.
Let's make a tasty loaf.
▶ 48cda5 (9) No.2979801>>2980039
Is there any way to get ALL of the random pics posted by that Anon? or is it multiple ID's?
▶ 3184f8 (3) No.2979802
>>2979329 (lb)
Reminds me of the movie Baron Munchaussen
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, talks with returning guest, Walter Bosley.
With deep state technology and secret science becoming harder to suppress, and our understanding of past and present black ops programs constantly expanding, it is easy to see why stories of breakaway civilizations and and secret space programs have piqued public interest.
From the inception of NYMZA, America’s first military industrial complex, to the sensational saga of the Sonora Aero Club, today’s returning guest, Walter Bosley, has followed these threads diving deep down the rabbit holes and today he joins The Higherside almost a year later to update us on where his research has taken him recently.
42:00 Continuing with the topic of Trump, Greg and Walter discuss several synchronicities such as the similarities between the Dellschau drawing and modern-day Trump marketing, as well as it appearing in the 4500 series of Dellschau’s work and Trump being our 45th president.
▶ 9c52f5 (8) No.2979804>>2979896
She doesn't blame planes does she???
Might watch later.
▶ d27c91 (5) No.2979805
Canter's Deli is a Jewish-style delicatessen, opened in 1931 in Boyle Heights, and later moved to the Fairfax District of Los Angeles, California, near the border of West Hollywood, where it is now. It has been frequented by many notable movie stars and celebrities
▶ 91ed9c (1) No.2979807>>2979946 >>2979947 >>2979973
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2979715
>>2978528 lb
Khazarian Zionist Cabal Whore-fication of all Christian Women and Girls has succeeded in turning everything in America to LUST, Porn, Christian whores and sluts.
No Christian women allowed on 8chan UNLESS you're a naked slut is exactly what (((they))) want.
"Shiksa" is a Yiddish derogatory word for Christian (gentile) girls and women... derived from the Hebrew word meaning "a detested thing".
Guess who owns the $96 BILLION Dollar Porn Business?
▶ 5a0f06 (3) No.2979808
Better stay of "those" websites while baking, kek.
Thank You E-Baker
▶ 9da856 (9) No.2979809>>2979826
My bad, I was moving quickly to e-bake
BO Please Correct Bread Number
▶ f7f264 (2) No.2979813
Oh so last year's were the biggest and now we have even bigger? Next year even bigger?
How can anyone doubt these are geo-engineered storms?
▶ a5cdea (7) No.2979814>>2979840
Slow day huh Micro?
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2979815>>2979838 >>2980037
Why again? It's important
Because they are the Censorship program itself, as best it can be deployed on the chans through agents with the same access to the board as you have.
Here's a much needed reminder on this Patriotic Day thanks to the abundance of counselors throwing fits on our board:
I was removed with lies so the clowns could keep their powerhouse of posting IP's.
They're terrified of me because I have their resources mapped out, and I have a system to find more again ; )
They're terrified of you because… well lets find out!
They can be taken out far far far easier than thought, with zero [permanent] friendly fire.
I believed in (You). I still do.
You deserve your Alive wateringhole on the overly-censored net back.
Thank you all, for your Time and Service o7
▶ 871872 (3) No.2979816>>2979837 >>2979900
乇乃oイ ノ丂 レ乇ム尺刀ノ刀g キ尺oᄊ u丂 んow イo ᄊムズ乇 ᄊ乇ᄊ乇丂?
イん乇丂乇 ノᄊムg乇丂 刀oイ キou刀d o刀 イん乇 w乇乃
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2979817
Thanks for the update baker, was worried we had gotten shut down for a second.
▶ 5bd59a (5) No.2979818>>2980013
▶ 6f8497 (2) No.2979821
Watch the water!
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2979822
For a "Brand that unites" they sure are interested in one very specific combination.
Express CEO - (((David Kornberg)))
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2979824>>2979892 >>2979906
look at the file name
its a shop
▶ d80dab (14) No.2979825
You wasted 8.9 MB to post THAT?
▶ 3b3c06 (6) No.2979826
▶ 38c014 (1) No.2979827
habbenings? Maybe it's just not being made public because of the day it is…but maybe (hopefully) all of these images we are seeing are some hints of things happening.
One can hope, right?
▶ 9da856 (9) No.2979828>>2979857
No problem baker, I was happy to e-bake.
▶ 124372 (2) No.2979829>>2979866
A red Tail .. lmao .. I used to work on that jet ..
▶ 6a9245 (2) No.2979830
Last bread they switched to the "10 seconds between Q post and POTUS tweet means nothing" spiel
▶ c5b60a (8) No.2979831>>2979846
>>2979663 (lb)
See, I got you faggots just now. Posts like the type I just made get overwhelming responses, but legit research often goes unnoticed even here. Normies care even less. Q can't even stop social media from shadow banning users. You'd think in the three year planning period, they would've devised a plan early into Trump's presidency to fix social media so we could have a level playing field for redpilling folks. A month out from midterms @jack finally has to testify before Congress. Talk about timing!
▶ 7285a4 (1) No.2979833>>2979871
Couple of sad traitors crawled back out to tweet
▶ cd7532 (1) No.2979834
wipe israel from the earth already
▶ 190292 (1) No.2979835>>2979891 >>2979983 >>2980315
I have a feeling this Storm tracks more North and by Thursday night DC/North Virginia will be land fall. When have we seen a storm track a week out that dosent have a few possible tracks? This one since last Friday has been said to be hitting the Catalina’s. There is more to this. I’m not a WeatherFag but don’t these Storms usually get pushed North by the Gulff Stream?
▶ a367f1 (4) No.2979836
>>2979674 (OP)
>>2978937 (lb)
>What will really make it truly unforgettable--talking unforgettable for the ages–would be to let the FULL UGLY TRUTH [about 911] come out …
Well, that pipe-dream ain't gonna happen (at least NOT TODAY)
As someone who was AWAKE to the TRUTH of 911 in OCTOBER 2001, while EVERYONE else I KNEW was still asleep, I finally came to terms with that reality long ago after spending countless hours of lonely research over the years.
HOWEVER, I still remain hopeful that FISA will be DECLASSIFIED SOON and we will see some REAL progress in destroying or at least severely weakening the globalist deep state. THAT should be our focus at the moment, NOT whining every time a concern-shill attempts to DIVIDE US and weaken our resolve.
▶ 871872 (3) No.2979838>>2979861
shut up AFLB, you made YOURSELF irrelevant by throwing hissy fits since CBTS. You're the most disruptive and destructive shill we have.
▶ a5cdea (7) No.2979839
Muh Premium Content not paying the bills huh?
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2979840
It's mr milts isn't it?
▶ 32a2eb (30) No.2979842
Swinging that leverage round all those commie tensors has gotta be great for the tax structure[s]
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2979843
Maybe i'm old fashioned, but like, y'all could just not steal 7 copies of Madden?
▶ 9c52f5 (8) No.2979844>>2979907
And to think, this is what DEFANGO literally lives off of. Synthetic plastipatti's
▶ c67bf0 (3) No.2979845>>2979898 >>2979960
More details in this Sept 7 article
▶ 2d6457 (6) No.2979846>>2979874
You got us? We are obviously trying to bestow reason unto someone who cannot be reasoned with. kys
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2979847>>2979885
I still love her.
▶ ac91fb (2) No.2979848
▶ a05db0 (2) No.2979851>>2980185
Those that continually look for "Q" proofs are not here for the greater good.Their cause is of evil intent to distract. They will see soon enough and will require much attention to see what the hell has been going on all their lives. Blesses to Potus, Q, and ALL anons. Sadly for some they MAY-NOT be able to HANDLE the TRUTH too well AT-ALL!
▶ 63ea22 (8) No.2979854>>2980376 >>2980406 >>2980433 >>2980443 >>2980456
Why is Israel being saved for last when it's mostly those fuckers shitting up our 3k+ breads..
▶ 25a6a4 (6) No.2979855
▶ 7d7c0b (1) No.2979856>>2979961
Welcome. It's great that you've found us. Don't worry, most of Anons don't bake! Don't let people get under your skin. You must, however, grow the toughest skin you've ever had, while working along our side! The Chan's are pretty nasty, yet we have the best Patriots in the world! ….
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2979857
Noted anon, thanks.
Cheers man, really. And okay, back on the bake here here. Owe you one.
Thanks for your support, all
▶ 4b33e1 (3) No.2979858
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>2979196 (pb)
Top kek.
Mossad isn't sending their best.
▶ 5c91e5 (6) No.2979859>>2979881 >>2979899 >>2980073 >>2980109
I was looking up lower flying jets, and remembered
Princess Juliana International Airport in Saint Marten, in the Caribbean.
Exciting beach and they have 'fun' being blown back by jet blasts when they take off.
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2979861>>2979929
much lies
so slander
▶ f396d9 (1) No.2979862>>2980049 >>2980248 >>2980365
Hamas Exposed: Iran, Qatar, and Turkey Funding Terrorist Activities in Gaza
Turkey’s Role in Funding Hamas
Turkey has become a major player in Hamas’ financing, while remaining a NATO ally. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies Senior Vice President, Jonathan Schanzer, told SaraACarter.com, “Turkey has become the top external headquarters for Hamas. Senior military and financial officials from the terrorist organization are welcomed in Turkey.” Schanzer continued, “Turkey has, in some cases, turned a blind eye to their military and financial activity. In some cases, it has actively assisted Hamas. This kind of behavior is not befitting a NATO member state. Between this, Turkey’s Iran sanctions-busting, its support for Jihadists in Syria and its authoritarian rule at home, there is a good argument to be made for ejecting Turkey from NATO. The problem is that NATO lacks a procedure for this.”
Qatar’s Assistance for Gazan Infrastructure
Hamas abuses the foreign aid they receive and directs almost all of its resources into terrorism, neglecting many of the basic needs of its people. Because of this, Qatar has stepped in to help the terrorist organization cover its tracks.
In early 2018, the emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, renewed his support for Hamas, pledging $9 million dollars in continued aid to the people of Gaza, footing the bill for medicine, food, and energy.
Iran: A Leading Sponsor of Terrorism
According to the 2017 State Department Assistance Related to International Terrorism Report, Iran remains one of the leading sponsors of terrorism abroad. Recently, Hamas launched hundreds of smuggled, Iranian-made rockets into Israel, according to Israeli security forces.
Hamas’ mission is clear: wipe the State of Israel off the face of the map at all costs. They are so desperate to do so, that they drag their own people into their operations, paying civilians to become public relations pawns for international media attention.
According to the Israel Defense Forces, “Hamas provided free transportation from throughout the Gaza Strip to the border for innocent civilians, including women and children…paying $14 a person or $100 a family for attendance---and $500 if they managed to get injured.”
This was all part of a lie. What the media called “violent protests,” turned out to be staged theatrics. Hamas is only going to continue to advance their evil agenda with the help of Turkey, Qatar, and Iran.
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2979864
Really didn't need that mental image dood.
I think I'll just filter you.
▶ 48967c (1) No.2979865
It’s plausible…!?
▶ d80dab (14) No.2979866>>2979922
Must be a minor thrill seeing it again, kek
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2979867>>2979905
If you listen carefully, the (((Elite))) will tell you their exact plan for the egalitarian, utopian future.
“All White people are racist”
“Racism has no place here”
“All White people have no place here.”
They want us gone.
▶ 1bd3a1 (5) No.2979868>>2979931
US Warns Iran It Will Respond to Any Attacks on Its Diplomatic Missions in Iraq
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States warned Iran not to launch attacks on US government facilities in Iraq and pledged to hold Tehran responsible for any such incidents, the White House said in a press release Tuesday afternoon.
"[W]e have seen life-threatening attacks in Iraq, including on the United States consulate in Basra and against the American embassy compound in Baghdad," the release said. "The United States will hold the regime in Tehran accountable for any attack that results in injury to our personnel or damage to United States government facilities."
Iranian forces last week launched a missile attack on bases belonging to the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) as well as adjacent refugee camps located in Iraq that reportedly killed at least 16 people and wounded 38 others.
PDKI Secretary General Mustafa Mawludi and his predecessor Khalid Azizi were reportedly among those wounded in the attack.
Kurds are the largest ethnic minority in Syria, Iraq and Turkey, and Iran has its own smaller Kurdish population. The PDKI has recently been stepping up its fight against Iranian security forces, especially in the west of the country, where many of Iran's Kurds live. The PDKI supports the right of self-determination for the Kurds.
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said earlier that Iranian forces launched the strikes against what they called terror groups in Iraq, claiming that the latter had ignored Tehran’s calls to cease their attacks on Iranian forces and shut down their bases in the region.
▶ 25a6a4 (6) No.2979869
▶ 869838 (3) No.2979871
I need a Q translation of these tweets.
▶ 67a58c (12) No.2979872>>2979927
Stellar work Anon!!
Top Kek!!
▶ c5b60a (8) No.2979874>>2979901
Your reasoning is simply "trust the plan." That doesn't work so well with normies either who don't analyze timestamps.
▶ 43e662 (1) No.2979876>>2979889 >>2979915
▶ 5c91ec (1) No.2979877>>2980366
>>2979095 lb
There's a Sargasso Sea Commission…
▶ 32a2eb (30) No.2979878
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Kimchi kimchi
I love mcdonalds
▶ 1bd3a1 (5) No.2979880>>2980049 >>2980248 >>2980365 >>2980423
Twitter Alternative Gab.AI Blocked by Google -- for Hate Speech
Google deleted Twitter alternative Gab.AI from their platform this week.
Far left Silicon Valley elites decide who gets a voice in America today.
NewsBusters reported:
Google’s approach to hate speech is heavy-handed to say the least.
Google Play Store, the app store for Android cell phones, recently decided to crack down on its hate-speech policy. Recently, Gab.ai, a social media platform that markets itself as an alternative to Twitter, was “suspended and removed” on September 9 from the Google Play Store yet again. That’s because, according to Google, the app “violated the hate speech policy.”
While the site has some questionable users, Gab.ai is focused on allowing freedom of speech on its platform. This is the second version of the app that the site had launched. On Twitter, the Gab.ai profile said it had a “global filter on ‘hate speech’ words” and tried to fully comply with Google Play’s policy.
CEO Andrew Torba published the list of hate words that had to be filtered out in order to meet the standards of Google Play. The list was extensive.
Torba criticized the app store on his Gab.ai profile, saying, “Weird that apps which allow pedophiles to roam freely and prey on young children (Twitter, Periscope, Mastodon) are all allowed on the App Stores. But Gab.ai, which takes a hardline stance against illegal pornography and child abuse, is not allowed.”
▶ 7515cb (1) No.2979882>>2979925
My favorite part is the part where all the treasonous libtard commie bastards die.
I want info, no riddles.
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2979884
▶ 0f1e35 (3) No.2979885
May I ask how you control her eyebrows? You DO control her eyebrows, yes?
▶ 9b6050 (2) No.2979886>>2979916 >>2979928 >>2979943 >>2979969 >>2979986 >>2979998 >>2980017 >>2980058 >>2980110
I was admitted to the ER about an hour ago for chest pains. I was really anxious until they brought me to my room…#17! Now i am comfy awaiting test results.
There are 70 ER rooms here, what are the chances?
Wish me luck.
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2979887>>2979941
Incoming space herpes!
▶ a5cdea (7) No.2979888
Captcha trivia night?
▶ fa53ef (2) No.2979890>>2979934
The rattlesnake shown here is on the $20 bill issued in 1778 by Georgia. The Latin motto (Nemo me impune lacesset) means, "No one will provoke me with impunity."
▶ f263eb (11) No.2979891
still spoopy that the storm is supposed to be 500 miles in diameter, but the buoys that are 230 miles away (one west and another to the north) show wave height of 1m.
both of the full data buoys in the storm path went offline over 12 hours ago…
▶ fff392 (3) No.2979892
Big and wet…and we in California have not seen a drop of water fall in 6 mos.
▶ a43990 (2) No.2979893
The event is coming soon…
▶ cf4bea (1) No.2979895
Updated case file Byrne v. Clinton Foundation et al
▶ b9ff15 (2) No.2979896
No she does not.
VERY woke and critical thinker judy wood.
Highly recommend it
▶ 25ac78 (4) No.2979897
>>2977319 (pb)
Dude, the third one with Robert Caron from Voter Truth could be legit--probably is–in that QAnon (all of us here on this board) are giving information to the masses every minute of the day. I think it's a stretch on this one.
On the other two, you're on the mark because they say they've "talked" to QAnon. First of all, QAnon is not one person. Second, neither is Q, apparently. Last, no one on this board is identifiable enough to be "talked to" by those low-tech faggots.
▶ c67bf0 (3) No.2979898>>2980414 >>2980474
Otero County Sheriff Benny House said the Otero County Sheriff’s Office was asked to standby.
“The FBI is refusing to tell us what’s going on,” House said. “We’ve got people up there (at Sunspot) that requested us to standby while they evacuate it. Nobody would really elaborate on any of the circumstances as to why. The FBI were up there. What their purpose was nobody will say.”
He said he has a lot of unanswered question about what occurred at Sunspot.
“But for the FBI to get involved that quick and be so secretive about it, there was a lot of stuff going on up there,” House said. “There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers but nobody would tell us anything.”
▶ 120a8e (6) No.2979899
Kek been there a time or two. The island; not the blowback
▶ 827127 (11) No.2979900
Well allow me to assist further, Mr. E
▶ 0a4ee3 (6) No.2979902
Radio blackout incomingggggg.
▶ a5cdea (7) No.2979903
Find the pictures with a car. If there are none Click 'Next'.
▶ 4a2ecc (10) No.2979904>>2979988
Understood. Boards/threads are 100% created by the people, no automation, which requires a bit of patience because, well, shit happens. Minor inconveniences. When the DDOS attacks occur, when 502 errors pop up, when it gets shilly as hell, we still persevere. Because it's that important to do so.
Annnnd, glad to have you here. Fee free to contribute in whatever way works best for you. Stick around, you'll see the patterns & it won't phase you after while. It may even get funny to you if you're lucky.
▶ 63ea22 (8) No.2979905>>2979909
▶ f7f264 (2) No.2979906>>2979956
Doesn't negate the fact of another geo-engineered cabal storm right on Trump's watch, again.
▶ a367f1 (4) No.2979907
>this is what DEFANGO literally lives off of.
that must explain why I reflexively smell fast food every time I see that fuck
▶ 53d83f (3) No.2979908>>2979932 >>2980066 >>2980151 >>2980178 >>2980248 >>2980365 >>2980402
Best site ever for current weather events, including real time update satellite images of current storms.
Raw sources for weather data and satellite images
▶ 63ea22 (8) No.2979909
Jermey Corbyn threatening Hungary government.
▶ 968916 (9) No.2979910>>2979941 >>2979975
It is impossible for me to have space herpes because their is no outer space.
Don't you mean that I have earth herpes.
▶ 48cda5 (9) No.2979911>>2979957 >>2980340 >>2980348
So far this person has posted Roman paintings, Places in Washington D.C. and now in L.A.
▶ d4b89f (2) No.2979912>>2979930
Made by 10-13 productions like X - Files and Millenium , by Chris Carter ? Betcha.
▶ 67a58c (12) No.2979913>>2980343
Hey Anons…Have you ever seen posts come in out of order based on their timestamp?? For instance…
Post #1 comes in @ 15:00:01
Post #2 comes in @ 14:59:55
Post #3 comes in @ 15:00:01
I've never seen it but it must happen at times right??
P.S. Make SURE to Vote and rally up Patriots to VOTE. TY.
▶ c24b84 (2) No.2979916
I will pray for you! Hopefully it's nothing serious, anon.
▶ 23dcd1 (1) No.2979917>>2980040 >>2980080 >>2980279 >>2980427
Lots of liberals posting things like this on social media today. I was surprised that about half of them also alluded in posts to wanting to know what really happened that day.
Finding out that most if not all of the presidents in their lifetimes were complicit in 9/11 -- except for Trump who is a patriot – would have been an excellent opportunity to awaken them.
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2979918>>2980226 >>2980468
▶ 1789f1 (2) No.2979921>>2979950
Definitely harder to be an anon in the dark
▶ 124372 (2) No.2979922
major thrill. Not often I think about that life now. Wish I never left it.
▶ 25ac78 (4) No.2979923
>>2977183 (pb)
The attached image is probably pretty accurate. Kek!
▶ 32a2eb (30) No.2979924>>2980069
Thanks for all the fish
Legos copy
▶ c5b60a (8) No.2979925>>2979935
Bill Clinton is in Gitmo. They let him out to attend funerals. They also let him restart the Clinton Foundation and celebrate the opening of a solar power plant in the Caribbean in August.
▶ aa1a37 (4) No.2979927
Definitely the new DNC slogan now vs. hope and change BS… This one will stick like honey forever…
▶ a43990 (2) No.2979928
1 out of 70 I'd say kek Hope you feel better soon!!!
▶ 0a66e6 (4) No.2979929>>2979938
Recent attempts to salvage your dignity haven't gone unnoticed, yet when you continue to bring up old shit we know for a fact you're guilty of, it doesn't help. 2 steps forward, 1 step back, when you defend yourself you keep stepping backwards.
Move on.
▶ d4b89f (2) No.2979930
To add .. 10-13 is day Demolay , a Mason was killed and Templars went underground in year 1307
▶ f7d533 (3) No.2979931
there comes the guerillas in Iran..
▶ 67a58c (12) No.2979932
Wow…This is cool. Exactly what I was looking for. Top Kek!!
▶ 2b8bfe (4) No.2979933>>2979959 >>2979979 >>2980015 >>2980045 >>2980049 >>2980135 >>2980248 >>2980289 >>2980365 >>2980399
General Flynn Changed his background today
▶ 827127 (11) No.2979934>>2979990
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2979890
NO ONE INJURES ME WITH IMPUNITY is the motto of Scotland
▶ 1789f1 (2) No.2979935>>2980065
▶ 6a6122 (5) No.2979936
Way to step up baker
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2979938>>2979948 >>2979972
Guilty of what?
Go on.
▶ a5cdea (7) No.2979939
What font is that?
▶ 3d6c2b (2) No.2979940
Duplicate bread # 3769
<pic related
▶ 968916 (9) No.2979941
Oops. Dis be 4 you.
▶ 240c72 (4) No.2979942
I want to like your theory, but it's fucked up if they're going to prolong these storms long enough to do a round-up. Heavy rains and flood waters are serious business; those of us here in the Eastern US have experienced some messed-up weather and floods the last couple years that have destroyed livelihoods and families. Whatever white hats need to do, needs to NOT come at the expense of innocent people by playing with the weather. Lord knows we've been sprayed long enough.
▶ 5a0f06 (3) No.2979943
Saying a prayer anon. 17 is on your side.
I think microdicks avi would look great on that severe pain chart.
▶ ee3151 (4) No.2979944>>2979971 >>2979996
Don't know why I'm bothering but,
▶ 9c52f5 (8) No.2979946>>2979964 >>2979973 >>2980390
I'm suprised this point doesn't get brought up more. Nevermind the damage this has done to countless adult males in our country.
Young children, are being HYPER SEXUALIZED and exposed to all manner of sexual deviancy at an early, EARLY age now that they all get internet access practically as soon as they can walk.
Many of us here are victims of this and the "watching porn and masterbating every day is totally normal" rhetoric you see spewed by everyone including doctors these days.
They want to
destroy the family unit
and poison us from the inside. This is the whole reason this shit was invented.
All cross links from another bread: >>2390914
If you want to know why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.
If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.
I suggest you read the bread these come from entirely, these are just a selection.
TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):
>>2409242 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology
>>2409189 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, part 2
>>2562709 -- Jewish persecution of Christ and Christians since Christianity inception, part 1
>>2562715 -- part 2
>>2562720 -- part 3
>>2562725 -- part 4
>>2562731 -- part 5
>>2562734 -- part 6
>>2562740 -- part 7
>>2562763 -- The Khazar theory
>>2581628 -- Usury was (and is) a weapon of domination (debt slavery) over the goyim and its use with that end was and is teached to jews in the Torah
>>2581630 -- The history of Poland, the paradise of jews
>>2581633 -- Some jews talk about the divine promise of each jew getting 2800 goy slaves when the jewish Messiah comes to them
▶ 4c611b (4) No.2979947
Actially they use shiksa for jewish whores as well.
Gtfo slider.
▶ 869838 (3) No.2979951>>2979962 >>2980012 >>2980353 >>2980396
The adrenochrome market has been destabilized. Articles like these and others are an attempt to normalize selling babies/children's blood.
Watch how erratic the celebrities /powerful at the top are beginning to act.
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2979952>>2979965 >>2979970
Hey anyone here know how good the tacos are in Louisiana?
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2979956
no it doesn't
but the pic that anon posted is a shop, kek it does prove that
▶ d27c91 (5) No.2979957>>2979967 >>2980165
and the 9/11 memorial ….
▶ 6a6122 (5) No.2979958
HUGELy BIG if Huge
▶ 67a58c (12) No.2979959>>2980031
Whoa!! You Anons are on fire today with what you're sharing. Thanks for helping me keep my 40K view in tippy top shape.
▶ bba7c4 (1) No.2979960>>2980330
LEfag here…my guess is there was some espionage or classified leaking going on. Notice they closed the observatory and evacuated it along with the Post Office.
The PO employees have been temporarily relocated. This looks like the facility employees are being interviewed, while the PO gets searched for classified information.
Wonder what they were taking pictures of with that big (solar) telescope that has everyone's panties in a wad? Hmmm…
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2979961
Thanks! Glad to be here.
The great meme war has prepared me for the thickest skin ever.
I've noticed the shilly things happening on the board, I do try to interject humor but also try to link articles I find relevant.
Please to make your acquaintance.
▶ bf9013 (2) No.2979962>>2979981 >>2979994
The left will agree and use this as a reason to keep abortion going.
▶ dc8777 (2) No.2979963
▶ f35696 (2) No.2979964
Porn is the new talking point in shareblue i see. Cute.
▶ 09292f (12) No.2979965
The Gumbo's better. Sadly, we're getting more Taco eaters.
▶ 52933e (6) No.2979966>>2980049 >>2980248 >>2980365
Accuweather - Dangerous Category 4 Hurricane Florence likely to stall and pound Carolinas, Virginia for days.
▶ 48cda5 (9) No.2979967>>2979974 >>2980030 >>2980075
Definitely something behind all the pics
▶ 82245c (2) No.2979968>>2979995
Another day and still no unredacted unedited FISA docs.
And still no unredacted unedited IG report, three months waiting.
▶ fff392 (3) No.2979969
God Bless…be well anon.
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2979970>>2980010 >>2980102
Fucking amazing.
Blackened chicken… creole crawdads… cajun boudin…
It's legit delicious.
▶ 413faf (2) No.2979971>>2979987 >>2980018
It's a dirty, bullshit, whore lie based on dirty, bullshit, whore magic lying science bullshit that was shat out by Horus the dirty, bullshit, whore lie god. That's what that is.
▶ 0a66e6 (4) No.2979972>>2980070
Your post explains it well enough, so no need. How's about you put those posts in chronological order for starters. You think we can't read timestamps?
▶ 462d7e (6) No.2979974>>2980030
anyone know how many there have been so far?
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2979975
<trying really hard to fit in but failing miserably
you're getting there
▶ f7b626 (5) No.2979976>>2980051 >>2980108 >>2980136 >>2980195 >>2980300 >>2980467
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Occam's razor.
18 different videos, most by people on cellphones video'ing PLANES hitting towers.
You can't get much more proof of aircrafts hitting them.
▶ e0e7a6 (3) No.2979977
I get it, "Watch the water". OK
▶ 6b6819 (1) No.2979979
▶ 462d7e (6) No.2979980>>2980044 >>2980095
can you run an iphash history on the anon dropping pics?
▶ 7d6839 (1) No.2979981
one of my lefty friends did just this already. its sad
i pray for them/us all
▶ 25a6a4 (6) No.2979982>>2980008
Good you are here. Welcome.
There is again a lot of shilling in here.
Currently much muhjew stuff, besides FE and other bs.
Please think for yourself if this is ok with Qs message.
A lot of cabal folks are from jewish families and also israel is involved in a certain way. That is no secret and was and is being digged on.
However, generally blaming all jews and using 'nose' images, saying 'kike' and 'goy' over and over, is not based on facts and just division shilling.
By that shills hide the fact that the leadership of every religion seems to be involved.
Many CEOs are involved. Many politicians, worldwide. Many advisers from thinktanks are involved. ... Many are not jewish.
There are many 'real jews' like J Kushner, they are fine people who want freedom like us. Some of the cabal activities have used beeing jew as a shield/cover to hide their activities and blame others.
Also, sacrificing children to moloch, getting high on adrenochome and gay mason stuff is not a jew thing.
>>2815685 lb
>>2941990 lb
>Anons are not divided.
>Anons are under attack.
>Recognize the difference.
>Trust the plan.
▶ e4f80a (3) No.2979983
High pressure pushing it down instead of allowing to follow normal direction. Does happen though, naturally. But there are a lot of things wrong with the wind speeds. We will see.
Posted earlier so sorry if broken record:
▶ 1bd3a1 (5) No.2979984>>2980085 >>2980139
Time to speak to the Anon's about the obvious contradictions.
You know we are driven by truth but we are lied to regularly.
We know who the real enemies are but this is contradicted by the government.
We experience and see crime everyday but no justice.
We know we are ruled over by subversion yet we are being subverted here.
Good people of all ages are being killed raped and abused everyday.
We are being poisoned everyday.
Are we just another tool of the ELITE?
When do we see justice? Or are we being led to the slaughter?
▶ 4b1e47 (1) No.2979985>>2980198
I guess infowars readers think Trump is gonna get impeached? I voted no way
▶ 48cda5 (9) No.2979986
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2979987
wtf are you even whining about?!
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2979988>>2980059
Thank you for the welcome, I've been noticing the attacks and was a little panicked earlier when the new board wasn't up.
I to try to take this board with a grain of salt, sometimes that just takes understanding there are real people out there behind all of these chats.
People who just want to help.
▶ fa53ef (2) No.2979990>>2980094
Have a drink on me Anon!
▶ 4b33e1 (3) No.2979992
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. An excellent example on how zionist Israel first traitors work at deflecting attention from the truth about Israel and Israeli crimes
▶ 869838 (3) No.2979994
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2979995
Still argue they are hidden in the 30+ images we just picked up the last three breads.
I'll be sure not to tell you if we find it.
▶ 968916 (9) No.2979996
The pics in the meme are official photos from NASA. It is mathamatically impossible that the
planet would match EXACTLY to the most minor details both years.
ESPECIALLY if your pic is actually true. It would NEVER be exactly the same EVER EVER EVER.
But I understand your aprehention.
▶ de9bc0 (1) No.2979997
As It Happened…
Never Forget.
Never Forgive.
▶ 67a58c (12) No.2979998
Prayers Anon. We have at LEAST 120 GOOD years in us if we were to live naturally, so no matter what, you are strong and you are healthy, and that your body will recover and your BEST days are ahead of you and US.
We need you. Keep us updated and prayers are incoming. KEK!!
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2980001
Best part of this story is how the dude wasn't even aware that a plane had hit the building he was in until he called his wife and had her check the news.
▶ 9b164e (2) No.2980002
>>2979540 (pb)
My only thought when I watched the vid Q linked to was that these traitors need to stand in the public square and every family who lost a loved one on 9/11 should get to stone them before their bloodied bodies are hanged. It enrages me every time I think of what they did to our citizens!!
Q, please tell me this is going to come out very soon!!
▶ c5b60a (8) No.2980003>>2980022
Except, everything is still classified and redacted, social media is censored, fake news is out of control, and we're two months from elections.
▶ 6cbbbb (1) No.2980006
/qresearch/'s going to be SO COMFY when all those fair-weather fags are really gone (as if)
▶ efadfa (3) No.2980007>>2980089
Anyone actually pick up on the license plate? 7 DWARFS!
▶ 9c52f5 (8) No.2980008>>2980032 >>2980038 >>2980122
Ahhhh there they are. Drop the bait, out they come.
> mason stuff is not a jew thing
Is that right?? Reconcile.
▶ 0acc25 (6) No.2980009>>2980048
Praying's a good time.
▶ 09292f (12) No.2980010>>2980027 >>2980046 >>2980093
Umm, It's Blackened Redfish, Crawfish Jabalaya, Boudin and Cracklins. Visit us more often Yank.
▶ 54636f (2) No.2980012
There's apparent wisdom in the old testament to not drink blood, that was reaffirmed as a new testament commandment in Acts 15.
The sick fucks that drink children's blood in satanic rituals may gain some time on earth but aren't going to live forever, which was the first lie.
▶ 25ac78 (4) No.2980014
HEY! Why is the Star of David trying to rise up above Kansas's head?!
▶ d80dab (14) No.2980017
Hope everything turns out OK. You are in God's hands, a great place to be.
▶ 462bd6 (3) No.2980018>>2980119
Buy a telescope and look up.
▶ a5cdea (7) No.2980019
You'll find you may get less ridicule if you add some context.
▶ 827127 (11) No.2980020>>2980253
The Deep State Cabal has been providing supporting evidence and telegraphing this "move" for over 2 decades now.
Read below and you will see that this was being setup as a major population reduction kill shot. We were being SETUP!
Report of the Commission to Assess the
Threat to the United States from
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack
Published 2004
Report of the Commission to Assess the
Threat to the United States from
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack
Published April 2008
Electromagnetic Pulse EMP Attack A Preventable Homeland Security Catastrophe
Published 10/20/2008
"In 1997 and 1999, the House National Security Committee and the House Military Research and Development Subcommittee held hearings on the potential threats to civilian systems in America from an EMP attack."
Gaffney: Iranian EMP Attack Could Kill ‘9 Out Of 10 Americans’
Published 09/01/2009
"GAFFNEY: Within a year of that attack, nine out of ten Americans would be dead."
Former CIA Director: 'Two Thirds Of The US' Could Die From An Attack On The Country's Power Grid
Published 08/05/2014
Joint Hearing on “The EMP Threat: The State of Preparedness against the Threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Event”
Published 05/13/2015
North Korea won the battle against America's EMP Commission
Published 10/05/2017
"Over the weekend, in a dim corner of Washington D.C. and in a quiet recess of the Pentagon, a national security tragedy occurred with little notice or fanfare. On Sept. 30, the Congressional Commission to Assess the Threat of Electromagnetic Pulse to the United States of America (or EMP Commission) was shut down indefinitely."
Congressional Report A North Korean EMP Attack Would Kill 90% of all Americans
Published 10/16/2017
"The U.S. congress has been informed that North Korea possesses the ability to execute an EMP attack on the country with a nuclear bomb that could indefinitely shut down power grids. The attack would kill up to 90 percent of Americans within a year."
US report lays out apocalyptic consequences of North Korean electromagnetic pulse attack on America
Published 10/24/2017
"In the worst-case scenario, the food supply in grocery stores would be consumed within three days, and the 30-day national food supply in warehouses would begin to spoil. In one year, up to 90% of the population could perish, he argues."
EMP Commission warns ‘blackout’ of electricity, food, water to last ‘year or longer,’ huge death toll
by Paul Bedard May 09 2018 11 11 AM
"Three reports on the issue have been declassified by the Pentagon and seven more are awaiting clearance."
The Danger to US Electrical Grid Gets Needed Awareness
The Patriot Post August 24 2018
"Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey explained the reality of what a significant attack would cause: “If you have 30 to 40 percent of the electricity, you may end up having cold showers and warm beer but at least you can continue to function and rebuild. If the whole grid goes down, you are back in the dark ages literally and figuratively. If you end up with zero instead of 40 percent, for example, it’s not just that you have a serious problem with rebuilding, it’s that your civilization and constitution are gone. That’s the end of everything.”
Nuclear electromagnetic pulse
The beat starts out slowly yet quickens to a swift pace right before we disarmed NK yet… that was just one Deep State Outpost…
Remember the Presidential Proclamation/Preparedness Month!
Timetables changed!
We are ahead of schedule!
▶ 14ecf8 (2) No.2980021
Nothing is random.
<ref to "random" pics?
▶ 63ea22 (8) No.2980022>>2980376
Lol trust the plan Goy
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980024
oh, thats what triggered the FE/fake space shills
good to know
interdasting too
▶ 5bd59a (5) No.2980026
Lets not underestimate that Western Union is what illegal immigrants use to wire money back home
▶ 783df9 (4) No.2980027>>2980081
Cracklings be some yummy shit
▶ 67a58c (12) No.2980028
Quads confirm we need to keep being good autists and that nothing is random.
▶ c14d6a (1) No.2980029>>2980368
Looks like the 911 lies are going to continue indefinitely. Anyone with two wise and at least that many brain cells knows the official story and given reasons for the building collapses Is complete bullshit. Fuck this “ some truths have to be hidden forever“ bullshit. Concealing the truth on the basis that too many people couldn’t handle it is a complete cop out and will assist in allowing future false flag attacks
▶ d27c91 (5) No.2980030>>2980061
Yep, agree something is up. I'd guess like 30 or 40 pics….we noticed them about 3 breads ago…were they going longer than that?
▶ 2b8bfe (4) No.2980031
You dumb dick shill,you havent been paying attention front hole bitch.
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980033
Nice digit snag.
Will do.
Food then images to find zip files.
It's gotta be there.
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2980034
What if I told you that what we perceive as light is the interaction of "electric" and magnetic waves, and that light "itself" isn't moving at all?
▶ 599157 (2) No.2980035
kek, i love these, moarrrr
▶ 5f33db (2) No.2980036>>2980062 >>2980098 >>2980107
Bill Mitchell has some very good / exceptional really / points in these tweets
I hadn't really connected the two like he did / many people attacking Q are also attacking Sessions, including Posobiec who did an interview with Roger Stone demanding Sessions be ousted
Tweet 5 is just funny!
▶ 561ac5 (3) No.2980037
KYS you fucking UGLY BITCH!
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980038
anything done in darkness is just that: fuckin darkness!
▶ 9da7c7 (5) No.2980039
▶ 02d39c (3) No.2980040>>2980174
Well, at least he's not having a seizure and being thrown around like a side of beef.
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980042
closing in on 3,000,000 posts
and 4,000 general threads
nice anons (and shills I guess)
▶ 120a8e (6) No.2980044
Great idea! Seconded
▶ d80dab (14) No.2980045>>2980192
Dubdubs confirms.
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2980046>>2980093 >>2980111
I was just talking about tacos, but those things are awesome as fuck, also.
▶ ad8354 (13) No.2980048
Right, that makes 2 times it is ok
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2980049>>2980151
Early notes
And a check in. Anything missed here?
>>2979966 Stormwatch: Category 4 Hurricane incoming
>>2979933 General Flynn changed his twitter background today to an eagle
>>2979880 Google have 'suspended and removed' Gab from its Playstore
>>2979862 Iran, Qatar, and Turkey Funding Terrorist Activities in Gaza: Sara Carter
>>2979732 Judicial Watch sues Justice Dept. for records from Anthony Weiner laptop
▶ 2b8bfe (4) No.2980050>>2980132 >>2980397
Nice Anon. Nice enough to steal!
▶ 556298 (3) No.2980051>>2980078 >>2980115
Pretty much all of the so called "amateurs" were jewish video professionals. All video that was EDITED had the explosion eliminated at its start.
▶ 9b164e (2) No.2980052
If you were married to HRC, wouldn't you be?
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980054>>2980096
▶ 13b36a (2) No.2980055>>2980207
▶ 6a6122 (5) No.2980058>>2980088
Good Luck Annon…Here comes The PAIN Scale Question…
▶ 4a2ecc (10) No.2980059
>>2979988 ← Nice pair of dubs there
o7 It's not perfect, yet it's worth it. As for grains of salt, it's necessary, keep a bag of rock salt handy, you'll need it all KEK. Just be sure that what YOU add, is worthwhile, the world is watching…
▶ 32a2eb (30) No.2980060
You don't wanna know why ponychan is classified do you
▶ 48cda5 (9) No.2980061>>2980134
Anon, me too, about 3 breads ago. Started noticing when it was a pic of a kid holding an upside down dollar bill
▶ 0a66e6 (4) No.2980062
Q "punches" right too though?
▶ 73cf0d (1) No.2980063
Somebody posted a video earlier of a fat English paliament guy. I think Lord James of Blackheath.
Video posted twice at EXACT same timestamp by 2 different ID's I believe.
I thought that, in and of itself, was somewhat notable.
So I watched the video. It was fairly short and to the point. It was about $15 trillion dollars and a shitload of gold being scammed and stolen etc. by the Fed and JP Morgan and foreignors and Greenspan and Little Timmy Guytner and others. I found it to be quit notable.
The video got me digging, which led me to the link for this old blog I'm including. What I read seemed very notable. Looks like fertile digging ground. Could even be a Pandora's box. I guess I'll check to see if the fat English guy got whacked by the Clinton cartel yet.
▶ c5b60a (8) No.2980065>>2980149 >>2980208
It's true. Then, 4 days ago, a month after Clinton's visit, the son of a govt worker from that country was shot and killed by a cop in Dallas, TX.
▶ 901dd9 (2) No.2980067>>2980128 >>2980152 >>2980215
I've been getting some weird vibes off this one.
Last time it was Harvey (?) dodging Miami and zig zagging through the straights of FLA.
NC here.
Enjoy the show.
▶ 27415c (2) No.2980069
The one upper factoid shill kek!
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2980070>>2980147
I didn't want to assume so quickly but damn has someone ever taken the wind out of your sails.
so low nrg.
▶ 462d7e (6) No.2980072>>2980082 >>2980086
Potus talking up the storm so its not out of place when he tweets the storm is upon us
▶ 020a82 (1) No.2980073
Last pic is kill. There's video somewhere
▶ a5cdea (7) No.2980074
Is this how you get even Jack? lol
Having Kielbasa for dinner tonight?
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2980075>>2980100 >>2980337
I noticed most of them are in public places, no other images found in reverse search.
Some at concerts, and areas I would suspect trafficking is done.
Or am I the only one who noticed that?
▶ 871872 (3) No.2980076
look closer. its like using the letter 3 for E. The english is there, in disguise from bots
▶ 90e7f6 (1) No.2980077>>2980101
whats the largest image size I can upload to chan?
▶ f7b626 (5) No.2980078
I was just waiting for some asshole like you to say some stupid off the wall non Occam's razor bullshit…and there you are.
▶ e4f80a (3) No.2980080
agreed. but hopefully soon.
▶ 09292f (12) No.2980081
Come for the Beignets and Community Coffee. Dine on food that's not really all THAT great, but reminds you of why northern cooking just plain sucks. And maybe you'll find a woman that can drink you under the table almost as well as an Irish chick. Good times.
▶ 63ea22 (8) No.2980082
Wishful thinking.
▶ 67a58c (12) No.2980083>>2980397
Beautiful Patriot!!
▶ 6a9245 (2) No.2980084>>2980238
Wow didn't see this coming… went from Muh Joos, to "Q's a larp - 10 seconds don't count", and this bread FE Faggot appears.
▶ 82245c (2) No.2980085
"Where Justice Ends, Tyranny Begins"
Is that answer enough for (you)?
Yes. We are living under tyranny.
Can Trump save us?
Or do we have to save ourselves?
▶ 419ab2 (1) No.2980086>>2980092 >>2980130
Everyone will lose their minds if that happens.
▶ 4a2ecc (10) No.2980087>>2980239
▶ 9b6050 (2) No.2980088
Kek. Only a two now.
▶ adbb5f (1) No.2980089>>2980184
Who's car in 2014?
▶ 61e3c0 (1) No.2980090>>2980143 >>2980205
Wasn't there an anon on 8chan with Spartacus memes the other day? hahaha
▶ 63ea22 (8) No.2980092
Especially if nothing happens still when after it has been said.
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2980093>>2980169 >>2980188
And I don't know how many degrees from Kevin Bacon this is, but I'm a degree away from the founder of Copeland's.
Muh friend went to school with his daughter and would hang with the fam, so she knows him directly.
Also, New Orleans is nice to visit, but I prefer to stay in Metairie when possible.
10 minute drive to wherever I want.
▶ 827127 (11) No.2980094
and have some dab on me fren
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2980095
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980096>>2980127
completely unintentional, in another thread
was jokingly chekking my trips and got quads
praise kek
▶ 968916 (9) No.2980097
▶ 0ee5a9 (2) No.2980098
Pretty strange how CNN and HuffPo gave Stone a platform to plead with Trump to 'remove hillbilly Sessions'. Sudden interest in justice and saving america?
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2980099
Inconsequential reminder that Steven Spielberg learned of the Holocaust in his late 30s
▶ 48cda5 (9) No.2980100>>2980199
it seems there a few different ID's going on
▶ 2b8bfe (4) No.2980101
HRC ass, I think is the largest image upload the chans can take, please dont test it out though.
▶ 5ad942 (4) No.2980102>>2980116 >>2980142
dont come back to my state
▶ 6f387e (4) No.2980103
At it again…
▶ 22b15c (1) No.2980104
Just listened to most of Cooper’s 8 hr 911 show.
It’s not surprising he was killed so soon after.
He had a lot of answers as to lose of freedom to come and the blind acceptance of the citizens hours after they came down.
Got Alexa?
Back to lurking
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980106
am i the only one who realized aint shit coming out until after the elections?
▶ 5bd59a (5) No.2980107
"Those aren't really R's"
haha, Bill! I know you're here. You obviously know enough about Q to know which R he puts in the killbox
▶ 2d6457 (6) No.2980108
Hard for me to watch as a Red Blooded American
I hope these fuckers BURN IN FUCKING HELL
▶ 905fab (1) No.2980110>>2980193
Found this rock on the beach the other day.
What are the chances?
▶ 09292f (12) No.2980111
Ah. You should see our Walmarts after 6 PM. How they fit 11 in a Chevy S-10 Camper, i'll never know.
▶ f553d0 (1) No.2980113
So, is "humanitarian" similar to "vegetarian"? have [they] been that "in your face" about it?
▶ 3b3c06 (6) No.2980114>>2980124 >>2980141 >>2980145 >>2980156 >>2980161 >>2980170 >>2980200 >>2980413 >>2980440
>26 subnets
We had to unban a lot more than that thanks to you. Here's a small sample of what we had to clean up due to allowing a retard with a patriot mask access to the Range-Ban function. There are many more than this.
▶ 5a0f06 (3) No.2980115
Would you like to provide some sauce for those claims? I'd love to check it out.
▶ 783df9 (4) No.2980116>>2980188
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980118>>2980144 >>2980177
Picked up 45 (kek) large image drops from the 3 previous breads.
Can anyone confirm?
▶ 9579c3 (1) No.2980119>>2980125 >>2980163
FE Shills get a helium balloon and fly up, they must.
▶ dc8777 (2) No.2980121
▶ 25a6a4 (6) No.2980122
Masons swear secreat oath and are for sure not good for society.
Many mason lodges use symbols also jews use.
However, the reason for that is, it is both based on ancient/egypt and numerical stuff.
You need to be more accurate.
The is no such thing as "THE Jew".
The ones who divide are not with us.
▶ 901dd9 (2) No.2980123>>2980403
They're busy setting up narration strategy on that Syria gas attack crap.
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980124
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980125
above the earth I am
freezing it is
▶ 84d862 (3) No.2980126>>2980154 >>2980213 >>2980481
Has anyone bought into the RAH RAH chearlead fest put out by Q today declaring today and all future 9/11 as "patriot day". Do I have it right, that Q asking to ready the memes was to help rebrand "9/11 was an inside job" to "patriot day".
And are we to be happy that POTUS reiterated the official narrative that "Islamist terrorists" alone did 9/11?
This is total bullshit. Might as well call it "patriot act" day or "project for a new American century" day. Or "project for Greater Israel" day.
Are the anons buying into this?
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980127>>2980158
I found you. What a waste of quads.
▶ f263eb (11) No.2980128>>2980157
TXGC_anon here.
just chill cuz whatever is going on, there is nothing you can do to stop it.
like flood - all you can do is watch the water rise, and then, you're just fucked.
luck to you anon.
▶ 2833a1 (2) No.2980129>>2980432 >>2980453
Just reading about Andrenochrome and found this part:
„As he scrolled through the photographs and I debated killing him, I saw masked men hovering over the victims and torturing them. As they were being tortured, their blood was being drained into containers. Other photos showed the production facilities - enormous rooms that looked like chemistry labs where the blood was filtered and the compounds were extracted.“
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/5rv75f/i_just_learned_the_horrible_impossible_truth/
Reminds me of Q Post from February:
Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?
Sound familiar?
Wonder where they derived that idea from.
Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.
Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.
The end won't be for everyone.
That choice, to know, will be yours.
▶ 6fc7f0 (4) No.2980131>>2980220
In regards to the NSO observatory shutdown in New Mexico. Issues with web archive relating specifically to the Sep 3, 2018 snapshot.
4 X class flares
Also, for all that is holy, do not go down the rabbithole and search for Anna L.h.hughes NSO images on DDG. Not enough eyebleach in the world. (Was trying to find out what happened to the researchers there on twitter etc. I was not prepared for the horror.)
Also, this is directly between White Sands Missile range and AFB - and roswell, on the mountain range between. Just found it interesting.
Also, it wasnt the Observatory that was the only thing shutdown. The Sunspot Post office was also shutdown. If this was to prevent people from seeing something in the last few weeks to the next several months, its a rather ineffective means of doing so. Maybe some sort of biological attack was mailed there? Or was something shipped from there? Speculation will run rampant until more details emerge.
▶ d80dab (14) No.2980132>>2980259
Why do we need that word 'steal' in our vocab when memes are freely given and free to pass around or modify?
Pic related.
▶ 968916 (9) No.2980133>>2980176
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. If we can show that "planets" look like stars from earth doesn't that say something?
Why do they worship the planets?
▶ d27c91 (5) No.2980134>>2980172 >>2980194
Kid looked like someone we should know in his youth.
▶ 67a58c (12) No.2980135>>2980148
I love how the stars look on this. The overall feel of it is GREAT. Wish I had a copy, I'd change mine as well.
▶ 6bb2be (1) No.2980136
I'm certain there is far more to 9/11 than we are being told but I'm also certain that planes did hit those towers.
▶ 52933e (6) No.2980137
Human stupidity, at its finest. Kek.
▶ aa360a (2) No.2980138
I respect Juan Williams because he has mastered his craft. That being said. I wish I could take a five pound diarrhea shit into his mouth.
▶ 240c72 (4) No.2980139>>2980153 >>2980242
This is why it's important to not trust anything 100%. The Q rallying cries last night of 'all hands on deck' really got us pumped up, the board had a lot of comradery. You could just feel it. And today, a lot of anons have felt let down. Question everything.
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2980141>>2980190
That's a lot of people who know the truth about jews!
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2980142>>2980179
At least I didn't say "crayfish".
I'm parallel, just a few states over, so we have a different name for those delicious little bastards.
▶ 5bd59a (5) No.2980143
▶ 48cda5 (9) No.2980144>>2980159
seems about right
▶ 827127 (11) No.2980145
moar info for make benefit of glorious understanding?
▶ 0a66e6 (4) No.2980147
>How it feels to be BTFO and have nothing left but to resort to personal attack
You are the very definition of low energy.
▶ d80dab (14) No.2980148>>2980223
Right click Gen. Flynn's background and select download.
▶ c5b60a (8) No.2980149
See the lack of responses to this >>2980065 compared to my emotional post of working hard for MAGA and "doubting" the plan.
▶ 53d83f (3) No.2980151>>2980178
Consider this, with alternate name?
Raw sources to monitor SKY EVENTS
▶ f263eb (11) No.2980152
the other thing I find super interdasting is that the MSM is NOT showing all their multiplicities of spaghetti models.
it's like the track is ordained and all models are in sync.
now, wtf is that?
▶ 1bd3a1 (5) No.2980153
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980154
im with you. reading that canned garbage sucked. get cheny for the love of god.
▶ 120a8e (6) No.2980156
Mad appreciation for your dedication, BO!
▶ f7b626 (5) No.2980157
…and with Q's 'watch the water' comments, the water may be going to get pretty high in the surge.
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980158
wasn't even trying, kek willed it, I didn't
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980159
Four more here so far.
▶ 462d7e (6) No.2980161>>2980190 >>2980229 >>2980249
can you run an iphash on the largepictureanon?
▶ 413faf (2) No.2980163>>2980217
Fucking dirty FE bullshit is a dirty lie and a dirty whore made up to turn the dirty lying whore god WHOREUS into the center of bullshit FE faggotry!
▶ ad80ba (6) No.2980164>>2980276
Normalizing faggotry
5. He Once Masturbated With John Lennon
Perhaps the most shocking anecdote was when McCartney casually mentioned a group masturbation session that involved him and three of Lennon's friends at Lennon's house. "Instead of just getting roaring drunk and partying -- I don't even know if we were staying over or anything – we were all just in these chairs, and the lights were out, and somebody started masturbating, so we all did."
Going into further detail, McCartney said that the five boys encouraged each other to shout various names of celebrities during the session. "We were just, 'Brigitte Bardot!' 'Whoo!' and then everyone would thrash a bit more," he said. "I think it was John sort of said, 'Winston Churchill!'" McCartney concluded the raunchy tale, writing it off as nothing more than "good harmless fun."
▶ 9da7c7 (5) No.2980165
And what looked like Azalia Banks performing
▶ 0acc25 (6) No.2980167>>2980175 >>2980250
Requesting NOTABLE on previous bread, where I proved that anybody can post within 10 seconds of a POTUS tweet. We can't be this sloppy.
>>2978958 (pb)
▶ 727f50 (4) No.2980168
>>2978362 2b ago
Currently digging on this..have for last 2 hours.
Not just for the obvious numerical things on the surface.
Currently looking at Aeron. Sonora Aero Club. Pilots of reported account Tillman could be related to Pat Tillman.
▶ 09292f (12) No.2980169>>2980211
Metarie is nice. Grand Isle? Was a trucker for a while. Can't imagine the times i've broken the hearts of Red Lobster, Capt'n D's and the other fish chains. Glad to have you fellow Louisiana Anon.
▶ 561ac5 (3) No.2980170
AFLB really needs to become an hero
▶ 9df1fe (1) No.2980171
Hit the Deep State with a Cat 5 POTUS. Do it now. DECLAS.
▶ 462bd6 (3) No.2980172
It’s either James Comey… with all the gnomes… or someone else just messing with you all
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980175>>2980227
it'll be spammed again
tell the anon to repost, again
▶ 968916 (9) No.2980176>>2980201 >>2980203 >>2980204 >>2980212 >>2980228
Follow the links, find the truth of our world.
▶ 120a8e (6) No.2980177>>2980186
Wow! I grabbed some but it slowed my chit down big time.
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2980178>>2980196
Okay, how about we add 'weather' on the end?
>>2979908 Raw sources to monitor SKY EVENTS (weather)
▶ 0f1e35 (3) No.2980179>>2980258
Crawdads in aquariums are astonishingly vivid and captivating, but they don't add net clean to the tank, counter-intuitively.
▶ 6f387e (4) No.2980181>>2980197 >>2980441
One more year of Insult and Injustice for the victims of the Israeli attack on the USA.
Very sad.
But they rang a bell…
Instead of saying stupid shit like "We will Never Forget," and other platitudes, why not just be honest for once and say "We will Never Do Anything About It"?
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980182
▶ efadfa (3) No.2980184
The plate looks like 2018. These pic sizes are big. Does anyone know how to use pixelknot?
I'm phonefagging & don't think I can do it on phone.
MAybe each following photo gives the clue to the password to unlock the previous photo?
▶ 23e55a (5) No.2980185>>2980273
Let's just think logically. If someone had told us just one short year ago that the following were fired (and awaiting indictments) we would have never believed it:
I'd call this a grand slam (not even factoring in what else is on the horizon).
▶ 462d7e (6) No.2980186
BO please run iphash on largepicanon
might have left a password for steg or something
▶ a05db0 (2) No.2980187
Not one spec of dust on the White Helmets' pristine uniform! Never Ever heard af a white helmet injured either. Great Acting folks but all lies
▶ 5ad942 (4) No.2980188>>2980246 >>2980252 >>2980258
new orleans sucks, its cosmopolitan louisiana and smells like cat piss
crawfish, get it right
also fuck crawfish, taste good but im not taking two hours to eat anything, fuck that
▶ 2a95a3 (1) No.2980189
Before our most important election (besides Nov 2016):
FISA documents released?
All of the above?
Inquiring minds want to know.
▶ 3b3c06 (6) No.2980190>>2980210 >>2980229 >>2980230 >>2980232 >>2980260 >>2980265 >>2980310
This is only a tiny fraction of the bans. Subnet bans, not IP bans. All you had to do was be on the same subnet as one of these IPs and you were banned, without knowing why, with your posts deleted, and appeals denied.
Thanks (((AFLB))).
Who? and Why?
▶ 2833a1 (2) No.2980191
▶ 903ea9 (1) No.2980192>>2980278
Onward to the next phase?
▶ edc2e7 (3) No.2980193>>2980377
The Earth provides the truth. Every day…
▶ 48cda5 (9) No.2980194>>2980240 >>2980244
He had a t shirt on with planes on it. Polo Sport shirt
▶ 4cf243 (1) No.2980195
they did not have cell phones or quality cameras in Pennsylvania I guess. disappointed that the most secure area in the world failed to show America a plane hitting pentagon. or one single jet in the air .tracking any of the 4 planes.
▶ 53d83f (3) No.2980196
Thank you baker!
▶ 63ea22 (8) No.2980197
Everday looks more and more like "We will Never Do Anything About It" is coming true.
▶ 3cc4d7 (1) No.2980198
that must be fake or liberals swamped the poll
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2980199>>2980224
Now the question is? Sleepers, or just Anons documenting what they think is odd?
Most of those pictures, require locating and dating what day they were taken.
OMG its really starting to dig at me. I feel like there's WAY more to it.
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2980200>>2980225 >>2980271 >>2980322
39 Core [BR]'s
The others were for muh_dick
The more reasonable strategy for him would be to keep track of the IP hash and keep the ban appeal-able to see if anyone else uses it but hey, I've just been watching them for 9 months now so what do I know right?
Here's the ban list screenshot a day before I was removed, proving you lie over and over again… for what reson, exactly?
▶ ad8354 (13) No.2980201
You also have an habbit of shitting in the backyard of your neighbour?
▶ 33d85b (4) No.2980203>>2980324 >>2980479
cant believe they still try this. anons have never been dumb enough to fall for it and never will. nor will we be dumb enough to fall for the fishbowl earth, or whatever you fucking kikes are calling that new one.
▶ 827127 (11) No.2980204
Vatican was the first flat earthers so you are wonderful company…
why not go full matrix maya? I mean… I am
▶ f263eb (11) No.2980205
that sauce be some good eating…
▶ 27415c (2) No.2980207>>2980272
I know Q said no paytriot corsi
still Cant buy it he had them shredded
▶ 9da7c7 (5) No.2980208>>2980314
You have got to be fucking kidding me
Thats his mom???
▶ d0d1fa (3) No.2980209>>2980316
US-funded site in Georgia may have conducted illegal experiments on humans -- ex-minister
A US-funded medical facility in Georgia may have been involved in illegal experiments on Georgian citizens, former Georgian security minister has claimed, citing leaked documents he obtained.
Igor Giorgadze, a former state security minister turned-opposition figure, has made the groundbreaking revelation during a press conference in Moscow on Tuesday. He said he managed to acquire over 100,000 pages of documents about the research done at the Richard Lugar Center for Public Health, located just outside the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi.
“Preliminary research on the documents … indicates that biologists from the US military medical group in Georgia and private contractors under a federal contract with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) could have indeed been conducting secret experiments on Georgian citizens,”Giorgadze said.
“A whole number of such experiments were lethal for my compatriots,” he added, citing a list of 30 people, who were treated for Hepatitis C in the facility in December 2015. Surprisingly, 24 of the said patients died on the same day, according to the documents.
“Many questions arise, since their cause of death is listed as ‘unknown’ and that no investigation into their deaths was launched,” Giorgadze stated.
Apart from the patient lists, the former official has invoices from the facility, which included rather strange purchases for a health institution, to say the least. Among them, there were “capsules for toxic compounds” and even ammunition for small arms, according to Giorgadze.
The former official admitted the documents might have been a deliberate disinformation attempt, yet, as a veteran intelligence officer, he believed them to be genuine. The ex-minister urged the US President Donald Trump to launch an investigation into the facility founded back in 2011, during the Obama administration.
The center was initially operated by Georgia’s Defense Ministry and prompted numerous allegations of bioweapons research and its involvement into outbreaks of epidemic diseases in the region. Georgia’s authorities, however, have repeatedly dismissed such accusations.
The facility has also been viewed with suspicion in Russia, with some top officials, including FSB chief Nikolay Patrushev, alleging that it was involved in bioweapons research.
▶ 462d7e (6) No.2980210>>2980234
see id ef7f5e ITT
Has been dropping very large filed pictures in last several breads. many anons believe might be something like steg to them. Wondering if anon made a post about decrpting them
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2980211>>2980261
I'm not in Louisana, I'm a few states away, but I know how to roll, and who to roll with, when I'm there.
Red Dress Run and White/Dirty Linen Night/s are a blast.
▶ f7b626 (5) No.2980212
I seriously never thought de-evolution was a real thing, until I heard of people believing in FE.
They have no common sense, they lack critical thinking, and more than likely still believe Santa will come to visit them.
What a waste of a brain.
▶ 84d862 (3) No.2980213>>2980243 >>2980251 >>2980274 >>2980318
what exactly are we never to forget Q?
who exactly do we never forgive Q?
This is utter and complete bullshit. BS propaganda and very shoddy effort to boot. We know Bush, Cheney, Chertoff, whole PNAC crowd all knew 9/11 was coming and know they wanted it to help justify total war in the middle east to secure energy sources, reshape balance of power and flood white/Euro west with Muslims to quicken genocide.
And you have violated the trust of many anons by posting this terrible effort at flaky propaganda!
▶ 52933e (6) No.2980214
Fox Reports more Google Interference in 2016 Presidential Elections. Targeted Latino Vote in an attempt to help Clinton win.
▶ e99257 (3) No.2980215
Here with ya Anon, just south of Ft.Bragg , at this point , its like a bum on the merc said, ….it beez wut it beez Bruh!. Be safe, batten down the hatches, best of luck to you and yours
▶ 90d965 (1) No.2980219
something is happening
▶ 6fc7f0 (4) No.2980220
Seriously. Try to pull up that web archive. It automatically redirects you to the september 6th snapshot. I was only able to pull ot up once today, and that is where i got that report of the 4 X Class flares. Between the 28th Aug snapshot and 6 september the website went under a renovation and changed the look. NO mention of X Class flares etc. Archive.is doesmt even recognize the 3 September archive snapshot. Its like pulling teeth to get to it.
Also pic related, its from google maps photos in the area, interestig artwork on building. (Guy in photo is a nobody - tour guide)
▶ 23e55a (5) No.2980221
I sure hope this is--literally–the Calm before the Storm.
▶ df1701 (1) No.2980222>>2980439
Nullschool only shows 75mph top wind speeds
▶ 67a58c (12) No.2980223
TY Anon!! I didn't know that existed. It looks like I can only download HTML though. I am a nontech guy, so it looks like a stopping point. That's okay, it was worth a shot!! Thanks again.
Now I need to go buy and read "Field of Fight". I just noticed the General told us to. KEK!!
▶ 9da7c7 (5) No.2980224>>2980349 >>2980385
Bugging the shit outta me too
Not sure why
Theres a theme somewhere
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980225>>2980451
You are an asshat.
Your tactics slowed real anons down.
Life is swell without your baking/bv.
Life would be better if you took up knitting instead.
▶ bef897 (4) No.2980226>>2980285
Interesting, didn't know about that
▶ 0acc25 (6) No.2980227>>2980284
Anybody can post within 10 seconds of POTUS tweet. Pic related.
I am on Pacific time. Delta is 6 seconds.
Link to request by an Anon to do this test:
Link to proof post:
>>2976241 (You)
I am doing this because we are under scrutiny and should not be making claims that are easily disproven.
Q can rectify by posting seconds BEFORE POTUS.
requesting this as a NOTABLE thanks
▶ 4a6d8c (1) No.2980228
Just this one post (below) could keep you digging for days!
The rabbit hole is deep with this one. All the way to the OTHER wonder land.
▶ 48cda5 (9) No.2980229>>2980249 >>2980271
>>2980161 A few of us have requested the pics that were posted in the last 3 breads that were all large sized pics by the same person if possible.
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980230
they think some random pictures or noteworthy for some unexplained reason other than the fact they were posted
▶ 3184f8 (3) No.2980231
Eloquent & poignant as usual.
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2980232
Pretty sure nobody else on my subnet. I was banned probably 15 times by that faggot. You can probably tell why based on my post history. Every single time in the reason for ban he linked a completely unrelated, undeserving post. Every appeal rejected. He's a kike, and was banning anyone who noted jewish criminality. It was blatantly obvious.
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980234
i saw an anon post a .jpg in excess of 11mb the other day here
▶ 166a3b (1) No.2980235>>2980287
We need 500k signatures for free speech. Even larpniggerloving Q/ueers and child raping leftists can agree on that.
Traitors are working for ChiNa
▶ fe0495 (1) No.2980237
Passed a septic tanker truck today and on the back it said CAUTION: MAY BE HAULING POLITICAL PROMISES. I couldn't get a pic but definitely Grade A meme material. Figured I'd share for the meme farmers!
▶ 5c91e5 (6) No.2980239>>2980389
▶ 9da7c7 (5) No.2980240
It was a shirt with a 9-11 scene on it
▶ 1bd3a1 (5) No.2980241>>2980268
Christian actor Kevin Sorbo returns Nikes: ‘They hurt my feet when I stand for the national anthem’
Christian actor Kevin Sorbo has jumped on the Nike boycott bandwagon.
Many former Nike fans began voicing their outrage at the company after it unveiled its latest “Just Do It” ad campaign, which featured former NFL player and activist Colin Kaepernick and the campaign slogan, “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”
What are the details?
In a rather tongue-in-cheek Facebook post, Sorbo revealed that he’d returned a pair of Nikes to a retailer because they hurt his feet while standing for the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
In an interview with CNS News, Sorbo explained his post, which read, “I just returned a pair of Nike shoes to the store. I complained that they hurt my feet when I stand for the [national anthem].”
Sorbo told the outlet that he felt Nike “blew it.”
“I laughed when I saw the hypocrisy in [the ad],” Sorbo explained.
“Nike blew it,” he added, calling the company’s move to feature Kaepernick in the ad campaign as a “horrible move.”
“Horrible move by them to compare the millions he is still being paid by the NFL and the millions Nike [may have given] him to whine about his misfortune and how he ‘sacrificed’ everything to make a stand against police brutality when true heroes gave their lives to protect his right to whine,” Sorbo explained.
“Only in America can you fail upwardly in sports,” he added.
Sorbo didn’t have many kind words to spare even for Kaepernick himself, saying that he “sucked” as a football player.
What else?
The outlet reported that Sorbo also sarcastically suggested that the NFL and NBA “need more diversity,” such as “more Koreans, more Jewish players, more Russians, more Norwegians, and more people from Guam.
“[It’s] not fair that so many African-Americans are ruling the leagues,” he added. “Just so unfair.”
Sorbo pointed out the obvious sarcasm in his diversity remarks, and adamantly noted that he is a “firm believer” that people ought to “hire the best people for whatever job it is.”
▶ d21607 (1) No.2980242>>2980303 >>2980307
A rather interesting Q proof is that when Q announced snow white was down many anons tinnitus and headaches were gone
Really makes you wonder doesnt it
▶ e64498 (3) No.2980243
▶ d27c91 (5) No.2980244
I haven't seen anymore pics since the 9/11 memorial one….you?
▶ df5627 (2) No.2980245>>2980306
10 The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter. 12 The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of their light might be darkened, and a third of the day might be kept from shining, and likewise a third of the night. 13 Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice as it flew directly overhead, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow!”
▶ 09292f (12) No.2980246>>2980277 >>2980286 >>2980290
Helpful tip. Louisiana is NOT New Orleans and New Orleans is NOT Louisiana. Other places to see. None worth mentioning above the middle f the state tho.
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2980248>>2980284
Notables Update
Let me know…
All stable here btw, all good.
>>2979908 Raw sources to monitor SKY EVENTS (weather)
>>2979966 Stormwatch: Category 4 Hurricane incoming
>>2979933 General Flynn changed his twitter background today to an eagle
>>2979880 Google have 'suspended and removed' Gab from its Playstore
>>2979862 Iran, Qatar, and Turkey Funding Terrorist Activities in Gaza: Sara Carter
>>2979732 Judicial Watch sues Justice Dept. for records from Anthony Weiner laptop
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980249
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2980229
If it's what I think it is, BO is not going to give you a confirmation.
Anyone want to actually try to get this done?
▶ 561ac5 (3) No.2980250
▶ f263eb (11) No.2980252
you be some kinda dumbass anon.
and prolly kinda uncoordinated if you can't peel a crawfish.
stay away - you starve to death down here anyway.
maybe you can handle these - they the ez open kind…
▶ c77f1f (2) No.2980253
it is much more likely we will experience another CME similar to the 1859 Carrington event.
▶ 917627 (3) No.2980254>>2980359
S.Africa 'close to war zone' with 57 murders a day
South Africa's murder rate rose again last year, official statistics showed Tuesday, with over 20,000 killed across the country -- about 57 a day – as police admitted they were struggling to keep control.
A total of 20,336 people were killed in the 12 months to March this year, up from 19,016 the previous year.
The numbers reflect a 6.9 percent year-on-year increase, one of the highest per capita since the end of apartheid 24 years ago.
"Fifty-seven a day, that's how South Africans are murdered. It borders close to the war zone while there is a peace, there is no war in South Africa," Police Minister Bheki Cele told reporters.
▶ 5c8656 (4) No.2980257>>2980269 >>2980425 >>2980475
code red and computer worm and 911 ?
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2980258>>2980298 >>2980329 >>2980382
They can get purty. I thought they were lil' filter/cleaner guys, though.
At least the "cosmopolitan" parts are relatively clean. I was working a yob that took me aaaaall over the place.
Like… a decade after Katrina and shit was still busted.
All the money the celebrities raised and spent to rebuild… what little they did was absolute garbage and they pocketed the rest… like eeeeeevery other time.
▶ 8f94e1 (1) No.2980259
>Why do we need that word 'steal' in our vocab when memes are freely given and free to pass around or modify?
>Pic related.
"What you seek, I give freely…The Mountain of Meme's is lonely at The Top."
That, is the Law of Memes.
▶ 9da856 (9) No.2980260>>2980271
These are largepictureanon's ID's for the corresponding breads if that helps
bread 3767 ID: e3371c
bread 3768 ID: 053d6e
bread 3769 ID: cf8b6c
bread 3770 ID: ef7f5e
▶ 09292f (12) No.2980261
Alright then. Enjoy!
▶ c363ab (4) No.2980262>>2980281 >>2980335
Hate to piss on your slide…but I’m gonna.
Meditate on the phrase
That is all, grasshoppa
▶ 83a70d (1) No.2980263>>2980292
good Lord ! that is HORSESHIT go to PSU Ewall, TropicalTidbits
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2980265>>2980282 >>2980387
You mean after 2 months of silently collecting more than 1K hashs I narrowed our spammers down to 39 calculated [RB]'s
Why do you hate me so?
What the hell did you do to someone putting this much effort into improving the quality of our board?
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2980266
Corsi's still MIA, last seen on live stream Aug 30. Stand in presenters are holding the fort.
Wonder what's happening there…
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980268
▶ 5c8656 (4) No.2980269
What Is a "code Red" in the Marines?
"Code red" is one of several military slang terms for extrajudicial punishment. The term was a major plot point of the 1992 film "A Few Good Men," in which a character dies after receiving a code red.
▶ f4e16b (1) No.2980270
#redwave is happening! I think we could also use a #greenwave
▶ 3b3c06 (6) No.2980271>>2980296 >>2980311 >>2980313
We canned your ass because you can't handle other peoples opinions. It's no lie that you were a ban-happy SJW bitch.
Would appreciate it if someone pointed me to a post.
Perfect, ty.
Post last edited at
▶ ad80ba (6) No.2980273>>2980470
Recovered conversation from one year ago
Guy1: "Some dude on the internet will know when Mcstain dies down to the day, hour, min. He will also predict a missile scare in Hawaii and give us insight to North Korea ..which he will accurately predict isn't a threat anymore as well….He gives us crumbs to help us see a full picture, he has POTUS do "Q's" on live TV and the order as we know it is worried, failing and hating."
Guy2: "Jesus. I can't wait for a year from now!
Guy1:" Nah, no one believes he's real and most shill the board all day calling him a larp. Some are paid to do it, others simply have small dicks."
Guy2: "So what you're saying is our environment improves a year from now, but not our intellect."
Guy1: "Precisely!"
▶ 33d85b (4) No.2980274>>2980301 >>2980309
>And you have violated the trust of many anons by posting this terrible effort at flaky propaganda!
first of all you dont fucking speak for me faggot.
and after an entire generation of killing america, kidnapping, raping, and eating our children in the name of the devil, do you really think POTUS' priorities really lye in releasing truth in the first two years that would completely tip off the deepstate and cause mass confusion just because fucking retards like you wanna whine about "muh truth" this is the Great Awakening faggot. get on board or GTFO.
▶ d0c00e (1) No.2980275
And THEY thought this Day of Reckoning would never come…
17 yrs later, here we are
They never thought she would lose
"Vengeance is Mine, and retribution,
In due time their foot will slip;
For the day of their calamity is near,
And the impending things are hastening upon them."
Deuteronomy 32:35
Key communication from POTUS today from Flight 93 Memorial:
"We will remember thatfFree people are never at the mercy of evil because our destiny is always in our hands. America's future is not written by our enemies but by our heroes. Brave patriots will rise up in America's hours of need, and they too will fight back"
▶ 67a58c (12) No.2980276
Yeah no. I'm cool with gay folks if they aren't flaming (Whatever…I got vampires and cannibals after my kids) But never in my life would I EVER stay in a room where this was happening. MUCH less blurt out names of MEN.
I mean…Come on.
"Good harmless fun."
▶ 5ad942 (4) No.2980277
exactly, south louisiana is where its at, also my entire life ive lived here, no neeed for the tip m8 lel
▶ d80dab (14) No.2980278
▶ 9b4552 (3) No.2980279>>2980299
>Finding out that most if not all of the presidents in their lifetimes were complicit in 9/11 -- except for Trump who is a patriot – would have been an excellent opportunity to awaken them.
But would they believe anything Trump says? If it's not on MSM, they'd never believe it.
If POTUS had made a major disclosure today at , I believe it would have severely hurt POTUS and the Midterm chances.
▶ 52933e (6) No.2980281>>2980360
Kek. Nicely done.
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980282>>2980288
Because you lie. There was collateral damage - you just refuse to acknowledge it.
Please. Get a life outside this board.
▶ b69d4f (1) No.2980283
Read the whole article.
…”slapping sanctions on any foreign country that tries to interfere in US elections, besides Israel.”
▶ 0acc25 (6) No.2980284
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2980285
Black people are heavy.
He can't bear the weight of carrying them AND the LGBTQXYZ community at the same time.
He's supposed to be a PRIDE icon now, too?
Even THAT won't get the lefties to watch sportsball.
They'll probably started proclaiming that the NFL won't hire him BECAUSE he a gay… while ignoring all other "out'n'proud" players.
▶ c363ab (4) No.2980286>>2980347
Gimme top 3 places after NO…off the top of your head.
▶ ee3151 (4) No.2980287
You took a funny meme and turned it to shite by typing.
▶ d80dab (14) No.2980288
Yes there was. That ahole banned me, for example. Memefarmer.
▶ 6f8497 (2) No.2980289
Eagle lands on an aerial holding the American Flag for 9/11 memorial in Minnesota.
▶ f263eb (11) No.2980290>>2980426
you didn't get off the damn interstate then.
lots of things hidden north of Alexandria anon.
they just get missed if you don't get off the main roads and talk to folks.
but you right about NO.
they make creole gumbeaux - full of okra and tomatoes and veggies.
real gumbeaux is roux and meat, and maybe a little mushroom.
▶ bc73af (1) No.2980291
Could use a little backup Anons!
▶ e0e7a6 (3) No.2980292
I think ready.gov done that so kids could understand. I thought it was funny myself.
▶ acf6d7 (2) No.2980294>>2980319
That tower is so ugly.
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2980296>>2980361
Once you got rid of him, and at the same time I remember you calling him out on his "pilpul" I knew you were /ourguy/ along with that other BV who posted all the mel pics, haven't had a problem since. Trust you guys more than I trust Q.
▶ 355bda (2) No.2980297
This was predictable…
▶ 0f1e35 (3) No.2980298>>2980371
I think cleaner *shrimp* - Jacques - contribute to the tank's hygiene
▶ 9b4552 (3) No.2980299
*at the memorial service
▶ 727f50 (4) No.2980300>>2980472
What we see now of these attacks has much to do with the forced navigation to digital TV. I have always wondered how they pulled off the impact explosions, as in lessening them.
Have always supported the hologram theory as possibly more plausible. Massively staged attack requires massively edited narrative.
▶ 84d862 (3) No.2980301>>2980381
I said many anons, not specifically you. If you fall for that propaganda bullshit. Good for you, have fun. Enjoy your Patriot Day with some burgers and hot dogs.
▶ 23e55a (5) No.2980302
I KNOW that face!
▶ aa360a (2) No.2980303
When was that? Again? Fellow work Anon said his tinnids was bad today. He is very active here.
▶ 950544 (1) No.2980304>>2980346
▶ e99257 (3) No.2980305
if it were one of us it would finish up with "prove me wrong"
▶ 240c72 (4) No.2980307>>2980332
Was here that night. Everything makes me wonder. Unfortunately, my tinnitus is still strong as ever, kek.
▶ c9adb0 (3) No.2980308
amazing work, well put
▶ ad80ba (6) No.2980309
▶ efadfa (3) No.2980310
Bo see post in this bread below
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980311
This bread.
▶ 23e55a (5) No.2980312
"Excuse me, FutureWifeAnon. Sauce?"
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2980313>>2980328 >>2980334 >>2980370
Except I banned exclusively on whether there was consistent spammed content across the individual IP's on the Range.
Which has nothing to do with opinion
▶ c5b60a (8) No.2980314
yep. Major fuckery. The deceased guy worked at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, which has major Clinton Foundation involvement,and he moved from St. Lucia to Arkansas to attend college. The mother was in charge of rebuilding St. Lucia after Hurricane Tomas, 10 months after the Haiti earthquake. She was minister of sustainable development and also worked in the shipping/transport sector for a time.
The officer who killed him shot a man in 2017 during a traffic stop. Here she is, pictured middle, to inflame racial tensions after Obama's speech and just before midterms.
▶ a367f1 (4) No.2980315
>I have a feeling this Storm tracks more North and by Thursday night DC/North Virginia will be land fall.
That is my hope as well, anon. I grew up in the Cape Fear region (Kure Beach, NC) and took a direct hit from Diana in 1984 (even walked out during the eye).
>I’m not a WeatherFag but don’t these Storms usually get pushed North by the Gulf Stream?
Not sure how much the gulf stream effects its migration North, but usually they are turned North by an approaching weather front from the West.
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2980316
Dear God in Heaven, that's horrible.
▶ 274e69 (1) No.2980317
I was just watching a video where Trump was talking about the 911 attacks (the video was from years ago).
In the video, he's talking about how he can't believe that the planes were able to penetrate the steel in the twin towers.
As I was watching the video, it dawned on me- maybe the buildings really were hit by the planes, but the reason the planes were able to penetrate the steel was due to the inferior steel that Q has spoken of.
This makes sense, this could be the reason that Trump is bringing our steel mills back. He knows that the twin towers were built with inferior steel, and that's why the towers came down like they did.
Video of Trump talking about the 911 attacks. He talks about the structure of the building around the 5:17 marker-
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2980318
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980319>>2980356
Is that the new "freedom" tower?
▶ 6a6122 (5) No.2980320
▶ b67bd7 (3) No.2980322
What the Leaf did you just say about me you little Fungus? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in bake school and I've baked the most breads in >>>/CBTS/ , and I have over 300 confirmed bakes. I have been involved in numerous Discords , I have am trained in divisionfagging and I am the top divisionfag in my entire crew. You are nothing to me but another bread , I will combine you with yeast and knead you the fuck out the likes of which you have never seen before , mark my fucking bi-polar disorder. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? Prepare to be banned fucker. As we speak I am corellating you IP hash into a database , so you better be prepared for the storm faggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your contribution. You're fucking banned kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can ban you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my right index finger. Not only am I extensively trained in unwarranted banning, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the JDIF internet force and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of this board, you little astute observer. If only you could have known what temporary retribution your little "accurate" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn history buff. I will remove all your Fungus , dry it out , crush it into powder and you will choke on it. I'm fucking Canadian , baker.
▶ d0d1fa (3) No.2980323
AI detects ‘mysterious repeating’ signals from ‘alien galaxy’ 3 billion light years away
Researchers at Breakthrough Listen, a project involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), have used AI to study signals from distant galaxies and found that we may have missed a lot in the hunt for alien life.
The team, led by UC Berkeley doctoral student Gerry Zhang, examined a phenomena known as Fast Radio Bursts or FRBs. These are signals from galaxies billions of light years away from Earth. FRBs last mere milliseconds and are extremely difficult to detect given the vast distances and huge areas involved.
The research is based on an unknown object called a “repeater” that is producing these FRBs, that is affectionately known as ‘FRB 121102,’ and is the only known FRB to have emitted multiple bursts.
“FRBs from 121102 originate in a dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years from Earth, but the nature of the object emitting them is unknown. There are many theories, including that they could be the signatures of technology developed by extraterrestrial intelligent life,” the press release said.
More at
▶ 9c52f5 (8) No.2980324
Speak for yourself, anon. A lot of people here question NASA and for good reason. If you can't tell CGI when you see it, that is your issue.
FE is merely one possibility out of many when you start to question that apollo bullshit.
The amount of fake footage and CGI pumped into the public through MSM regarding space should make any honest anon wonder, what are they hiding?????
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980325>>2980339
▶ 827127 (11) No.2980326
<<<<< *OBSERVING THE FRONTIER 2018 Conference Videos -- click Premium then Deeper Look*
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▶ c61047 (1) No.2980327
no unredacted fisa today? wow who could have guessed
▶ f263eb (11) No.2980329>>2980424
you dead on about the cleanup.
insurance companies denied hundreds of thousands of claims, and the feds did nothing.
but most of us are used to that down here.
▶ 06f8a8 (1) No.2980330>>2980428 >>2980449
You have the right idea, LEfag.
Reposting now that the subject is getting some traction.
Last Thursday, the FBI evacuated the entire town of Sunspot, NM. They haven't told anyone why. The 'town' is basically a loop road with about 30 buildings, the largest of which is a giant telescope which stares at the Sun.
Theories, in approximate declining order of plausibility IMHO:
-Someone infiltrated the observatory as a scientist and used the telescope to spy on US Military operations at White Sands / Holloman AFB in the valley to the west?
-Antennas at the site were being used to relay information from White Sands / Holloman AFB and a sniffer was found in the equipment? Explains the FBI showing interest in the antennas.
-Nearby Cabal activity which needs to be covered up? The telescope is in a remote, mountainous area with good forest cover. Good place for Islamic school shooter training camps, cartel child trafficking campgrounds, etc. The FBI could have decided the town makes a good staging ground and they don't want anyone talking. Helicopters have been seen in the area. I'll rate this theory as plausible. Any anons want to go on a hike?
-The Cabal is planning a false flag EMP and the FBI is setting the stage for the narrative? This one sounds plausible at first. They would certainly love to give us something bigger to worry about than exposing their evil. They would love to ink the water and escape, while we all eat each other. However… why frame the Sun when they could frame Russia? What about all the other scientists who would know the truth? Wouldn't it be suspicious to leave most of the world untouched? What about preppers who know the main difference between solar and nuclear EMPs: A solar EMP can fry power grids and satellites but Faraday shielding is not required. Your personal stuff will be 100% protected if it is simply unplugged, and will most likely be protected even if it is plugged in but turned off. Sure, the general public will believe anything, but the conspiracy theorists would be all over this.
-Someone mailed anthrax or some shit? Unlikely because we haven't heard of any evacuations of the larger post offices the mail would have gone through. The Sunspot Post Office is probably a novelty post office anyway so talk about them shutting down the post office is a red herring (unless spy mailed USBs).
-Telescope being legitimately used to observe missile tests at White Sands? Unlikely because anons have not noticed anything unusual at White Sands or Holloman AFB and they always close a certain road when doing a test. There is no point in keeping a test secret because the public can see them.
-Scientists watching a large sunspot have figured out that a giant solar flare will fry the power grid and the government doesn't want a panic? Unlikely because (1) These things aren't predictable. Most large sunspots don't produce flares big enough to harm us. (2) There are other solar observatories, including satellites, and we haven't heard of those scientists being evicted from their offices. (3) If the sun did blast a huge flare at us, it would be obvious to amateur astronomers, as the Carrington Event was. (4) If the sun launched a giant flare last Thursday it would have got here by now.
-Aliens with a moon-sized spaceship? Anons have explained why this one is retarded but it won't go away, and neither will the Flat Earthers. You know what that means.
▶ d80dab (14) No.2980331
I have an idea. Let's downgrade the shills to pests. They are no more than a minor bother, a trivial inconvenience. Easily recognized and easy to scroll past.
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980332>>2980415
went camping recently where there is NO cell access. tinnitus stopped up there. started as i came down the mountain.
▶ 8118b2 (1) No.2980334>>2980344
Nobody misses you nigger, kill yourself.
▶ 727f50 (4) No.2980335
Clue being NASA
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2980336
You're either very dense or you still have a raging hateboner for me so which is it?
▶ 3184f8 (3) No.2980337
>Or am I the only one who noticed that?
Nope. Also appears to be a few references to New Haven, Yale, S&B & Masons.
▶ fc2804 (1) No.2980338
6 tweets by POTUS on the storm so far. We patiently await for further orders. WRWY!
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980339
kek, disregard that side by side, was trying to see if I could get the "maximum size" post
and it stayed after it didn't go through
▶ d5526d (2) No.2980340
>So far this person has posted Roman paintings, Places in Washington D.C. and now in L.A.
Could be from black hat's phone.
It's a signal.
▶ 6fc7f0 (4) No.2980341
8.78 mb? Super duper hidef
▶ 0e1288 (2) No.2980343
Yes, there are times it's not in order, think it's the way it goes through maybe, like all the posts sitting in traffic and sometimes you cut in front of the car ahead of you, whenever Q posts or digit posts it gets totally weird with the time
▶ ad80ba (6) No.2980344>>2980352
I can back up this Anons claims. We haven't missed you for a second.
▶ 09292f (12) No.2980347>>2980394
Go west on I-10. Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles. If you ask, you will get the right directions. Packed parking lots mean great food.
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980348
And Poland.
And maybe ethiopia
And Ireland.
▶ d80dab (14) No.2980349
I checked one, and it was an 8.9 mb image of a white mercedes with CA plates, and two street names on an intersection in the background. Foliage appeared to be CA.
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2980350
>>2979343 Nuclear Power Plants At Risk By Hurricane Florence
>>2979105 'Patriot/s' connection on the QClock
>>2979102 New 9/11 documentary, 'War Games'
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980351>>2980367 >>2980373
try that again:
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980352
▶ 7327e2 (1) No.2980353>>2980393
And who is the biggest trafficker in human blood??
▶ e125d7 (1) No.2980354
Whoa guise kinda.
▶ 9627d4 (1) No.2980355>>2980372
Another giant day of let downs from Q team
So it's over right? It's a larp?
That or Rosenstein is more powerful than the US Military or whatever Q claims to be
▶ acf6d7 (2) No.2980356
Yep, that's right.
▶ 827127 (11) No.2980357>>2980400
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Major Alerts, Earthquake Surge, Krakatoa, Satellite | S0 News Sep.11.2018
▶ b58175 (1) No.2980358
Looks like sacrifice scene. Sorry for my drawing skills, and sorry if it was noted before.
▶ f7d533 (3) No.2980359
<It borders close to the war zone while there is a peace, there is no war in South Africa,"
Civil war in process.
▶ c363ab (4) No.2980360
Thx fren.
Enjoy a set of bewbs
▶ 4c611b (4) No.2980361>>2980412
Jew jew jew, kike kike kike, pilpul pilpul pilpul. Is this a new kind of shilling? Being an annoying muhjoo idiot?
▶ 6a6122 (5) No.2980363
Follow the pic…both in Poland…track these anons
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2980365>>2980380
>>2979908 Raw sources to monitor Sky Events (weather)
>>2979966 Stormwatch: Category 4 Hurricane incoming
>>2979933 General Flynn changed his twitter background today to an eagle
>>2979880 Google have 'suspended and removed' Gab from its Playstore
>>2979862 Iran, Qatar, and Turkey Funding Terrorist Activities in Gaza: Sara Carter
>>2979732 Judicial Watch sues Justice Dept. for records from Anthony Weiner laptop
▶ 01ad9e (2) No.2980366
thanks for following up - glad someone else found it intradesting….. just weird - I know I have never seen that - not on flightradar24, not on ADS-B, not even on Google Maps…. which BTW…. when did regular Google Maps turn into a globe when you backed out…. not talking about "Google Earth"…. just regular google maps
▶ ae9668 (1) No.2980368
yea this is a fuckin lar[
▶ 312d60 (1) No.2980369
What if I told you every experiment confirms it is constant (in a vacuum)?
▶ 9c52f5 (8) No.2980370
I hear REDDIT is hiring???
Anons can take care of themselves you puffed up crows cock. Glad you were removed before I found my way here.
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2980371
Now I want crawmonsters the size of jumbo ass tiger skrimps.
Dag nabbit.
▶ 355bda (2) No.2980372
Now now anon, Q posted a link to a cool memorial vid. don't be saying they didn't do anything today.
▶ d4fbe3 (4) No.2980373>>2980404
Nothing so far.
I'm collecting as many as I can find for future potential reveal - if any.
Otherwise, i just filled up muh harddrive with someones oversized vacation photos.
▶ edc2e7 (3) No.2980377
Also this. Fight. Now. Today. Tomorrow. The fucking next day. Fight.
▶ 4a2ecc (10) No.2980378
The responsibility of 300 million people at minimum, nearly 8 billion max. No room for error or it ALL goes bad for EVERYONE.
Imagine that level of responsibility on your shoulders, and the minor concerns that get hyped here take a back seat.
It could be worse. We could have HRC as POTUS who doesn't give a fuck about any of us & we'd never get a FISA warrant to DECLAS in the first place, let alone even have a CHANCE of getting any truth about 9/11 officially revealed.
Don't be ingrates. Be grateful.
▶ 375d11 (5) No.2980379
▶ c9adb0 (3) No.2980380>>2980461
▶ 33d85b (4) No.2980381
I know you had to reply cause its your job but if this is the best you got, you aint gonna have a position in unit 8200 for very long. completely outed yourself stupid. go stand under a Palestinian rocket ya fuckin pile of pig shit.
▶ 5ad942 (4) No.2980382>>2980476 >>2980484
louisiana is the most corrupt state
but katrina really only fucked up the shitty parts of louisiana except maybe lake charles and up north, new orleans is a bowl or sewage and crime and idk why anybody eould live there tbh
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2980385
Has BO responded? I might just go and pick out the pics from (PB's) since it's more than one trip.
Seems coordinated in some way and like I said, all in public places.
▶ ad80ba (6) No.2980386>>2980420
Red Cross Stringer & Obama
4 Dec 2017 - 9:50:10 PM
Re-review RED_RED stringer.
Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.
Cross reference.
Date of stringer vs video?
Learn to decider.
News unlocks message.
Find the keystone.
▶ 6f387e (4) No.2980387
You banned anyone that was even slightly critical of jews.
You chased off a lot of good anons, not because they were wise to jews, but because they hate censorship of any kind.
Your actions are yet one more reason why people who know how you jews operate hate jews and want them dead and gone.
▶ 4a2ecc (10) No.2980389
▶ 4b33e1 (3) No.2980390
Thanks for sharing my pasta with the links to the JSI bread.
▶ 6c17a1 (2) No.2980392>>2980429
Why pay 8,000 for young blood which when consumes will have no material effect beyond pleasing your deamons when
YOU CAN BUY IT FOR 85.00 a pint from US sources?
Dig, as you say.
And if you want to stay young forever we;ve been able to do that since 2010 when Amy Wages identified pro aging blood factor GDF 11. These can be readily synthesiszed so those no need for draining infants. Anyone doing that is doing it for SOME OTHER REASON.
There is a much easier way to reverse aging by reprogramming your cells to youthful metabolic phase.
You can read exactly how here.
If "sangs" are "twoofy" it's not because they need blood to stay young.
They are lieing about that to conceal Moloch's needs by claiming (((they))) need it to stay young. They don't. They need to feed the monkey.
▶ aa15e7 (19) No.2980393
They're certainly up there, maybe not the biggest though.
▶ c363ab (4) No.2980394
Lake Charles makes me itch. An I think I have an x living there now.
I’ll give Lafayette a shot next time.
Thanks for the tip Boudreaux!
▶ 40a8da (2) No.2980395>>2980417
Hopefully, some sauce will show up soon, but
it looks like Sessions may be making a move on
the Social Media giants.
▶ d5526d (2) No.2980396
Hillary Clinton Carries Ninja Squirrel Hot Sauce Everywhere
'Hot sauce'
▶ d4fbe3 (4) No.2980398
Electric wooden harp is best harp.
▶ 727f50 (4) No.2980400
Ben's site one of the best imo. Gives you facts and a little commentary. Up to you to decide what it all means.
Very professional..been watching him since 2016
▶ d0d1fa (3) No.2980401
17 years after 9/11, Al-Qaeda rebranded by US government & media as besieged rebels
Seventeen years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the US government and media outlets have decided that Al-Qaeda is now a rebel group worthy of our sympathy. The cynical narrative change is par for the course, experts told RT.
As somber newspaper headlines mark the anniversary of the devastating attacks, some commentators have pointed out that the terrorist group accused of murdering 3,000 Americans seventeen years ago is now occupying northeastern Syria -- with the US threatening to take military action if the "rebels" are evicted from the region by the Syrian army and its allies.
The United States has spent an estimated $1.5 trillion on its Global War Against Terrorism, launched in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, but the United States now seems to find itself providing diplomatic cover -- not to mention excellent press – to the terrorists that it once vowed to eradicate.
The majority of Syria's Idlib province is controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a State Department-designated terrorist group that is regarded as indistinguishable from Al-Qaeda. But the US has signaled that it will respond militarily to any efforts by Damascus to evict the internationally-recognized terrorist group from its last stronghold in Syria, with the New York Times even fawning over the jihadists as "a de facto governmental authority, facilitating trade across the long border with Turkey and organizing aid deliveries." What happened?
Never forget?
Even as social media fills up with maudlin GIFs vowing to "Never Forget"the September 11 attacks, one of the reasons that Al-Qaeda has been able to remain in Idlib is because Americans have actually "forgotten,"analysts say.
"A lot of time has passed since 9/11. They got Osama bin Laden and people have moved on, and they have other issues that they're focusing on," former Pentagon official Michael Maloof told RT. According to Maloof, many Americans are now preoccupied with domestic scandals like "Russian collusion," and they're "not focused on the extent to which the Trump administration is providing backing and support to Al-Qaeda today in Syria. And it's really tragic."
However, those who are paying attention are "tired of the lies," Willy Wimmer, a former state secretary to the German defense minister, told RT.
"I think the public in the West is tired of the lies of their own government concerning Al-Qaeda, or other terrorists groups." He noted that it's an open secret that the US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia and Gulf states provide direct and indirect support to "rebel" groups that under normal circumstances would be considered terrorists.
What's the endgame?
But what does the United States hope to gain from deterring an attack on Al-Qaeda's last enclave in Syria?
Washington's threats of military action are a way of preserving a "modicum of influence" in Syria, Maloof said. "The US is looking at Idlib and support for Al-Qaeda to maintain influence and try to deflect attention away from domestic problems." He added that the US is using the excuses of "humanitarian disaster and chemical weapons" to justify its military activity in the country.
"They're going to go kinetic if there's an attack in Idlib," Maloof predicted.
Wimmer warned against trying to overthink Washington's shocking change of heart concerning Al-Qaeda. "You can't look at US foreign policy under logical terms," he said.
"These groups are used to topple whole regions, not only Syria but also other countries, and at the end we fight against a threat that was organized by our own governments. And I think people are tired of this."
He noted that the US has "danced on its own argument" by accusing Russia of using anti-terrorism operations as a false pretext for getting militarily involved in Syria, adding that unlike Russia and Iran's presence in the country, "under all legal terms, there is no justification for a US presence in Syria under international law."
▶ 297f88 (1) No.2980402
Agreed, live on Gulf Coast;
during H. Season I check this site almost daily.
▶ 13b36a (2) No.2980403
Its "Pardon Me" by the way good sir.
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980404
kekked audibly at that
I haven't seen any explaination, just anons wanting a hash, which will likely show just the pics
unless it shows random posts too
▶ 01ad9e (2) No.2980405>>2980462
other planefag is correct - we watch in real time - we can look at commercial aircraft schedules…. but Blackhawks… not so much…. no schedules for them…. but thanks for asking anon
▶ ad80ba (6) No.2980406>>2980444 >>2980464
Shill or not - great question.
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2980410
▶ 52933e (6) No.2980411
The importance of “The Day Of Trumpets.”
September 11, 3 BC
▶ c77f1f (2) No.2980413
> allowing a retard with a patriot mask access to the Range-Ban function.
you should consider it a learning experience?
>It's all good, shit happens. We'll fix it up.
that is a good motto
it shows the true anon spirit
▶ e2aba5 (2) No.2980414
>“But for the FBI to get involved that quick and be so secretive about it, there was a lot of stuff going on up there,” House said. “There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers but nobody would tell us anything.”
A little critical thinking here.
People around antennas and work crews on towers. What are antennas on towers used for? Communications. Voice, Images, Data.
What are post offices for? Communications. Mail, mailing of objects like CD's, thumb drives, DVD's. Communications, recordings, images, data.
Now they've seized the post office in the closest adjoining town as well. What are they looking for?
Evacuee's being interviewed by government personnell (FBI?), no (medical) quarantine. No information to local LEO and apparently no leakage to news media from residents.
Are the residents interned? Incommunicado?
This isn't a "security" issue in the "hazard to public safety" vein. This is a security issue for the government.
Something was observed, documented, and was being promulgated and they brought the hammer down hard and fast to keep it from the public.
So. Secret space program?
Impending Solar catastrophe? Prevent panic?
Or a CYA operation so important to have them go full martial law on a small town?
▶ 240c72 (4) No.2980415>>2980430 >>2980483
I hear ya, anon. My tinnitus lessens dramatically when I'm out in nature with no phones/WIFI around, but still there, so makes me think it's permanent damage. Would love to have that inner silence again.
▶ bef897 (4) No.2980416>>2980437
Photoanon in last three breads (all pb)
▶ 63ea22 (8) No.2980417
Action of any kind at this point would be nice..
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980420
Aw. WI Nat Guard in that last one
Learn to "decider."
Obviously a reference to W.
Never found the keystone.
Never found the hidden data in the images.
Are we destined to be failures forever?
▶ e4f80a (3) No.2980422
Just pull funding from UN, evict under EO, and let Developer in Chief turn a YUGE profit for We the People. 18 acres in Manhatten.
It is located in the Turtle Bay neighborhood of Manhattan, on 17 to 18 acres (6.9 to 7.3 ha) of grounds overlooking the East River.
▶ 917627 (3) No.2980423
▶ c41c12 (13) No.2980424
I wonder if Trump is going to officially acknowledge the blowing up of that levy…
▶ 5c8656 (4) No.2980425
early warning worm to alert ?
code red
Also found in: Dictionary, Acronyms, Wikipedia.
A message announced over a hospital’s public address system warning the staff of
(1) A fire occurring in the facility, indicating that emergency measures should be taken
(2) Weather conditions that are potentially hazardous to health due to pollutants and/or high air temperatures
(3) A patient arriving with burns
(4) An external disaster and incoming casualties with life-threatening injuries
code red (kōd red)
A vague term for an oral directive that indicates immediate danger (e.g., fire, inclement weather, overcrowding of ER areas).
code red Public health A message announced over a hospital's public address system indicating that
1. A fire is occurring in the facility, or.
2. There are weather conditions that are potentially hazardous to health by dint of pollutants and/or high air temperatures
hit before 911 - attacked WH later ?
https ://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/code+red
▶ 09292f (12) No.2980426
Duck Gumbo. There's a reason why Cajuns are 'Healthy"
You're right about I-49. Had the wrong experiences. I'll give it a second chance next time i travel.
▶ 0e1288 (2) No.2980427
I can't wait till they all look like jackasses because they're too lazy, stupid or fooled to find the Truth. Half of Our Country is brainwashed. was in NYC a few days ago, Giant Beyonce and JAYZ lit up sign right in the middle of Times Square, my wife's like uughh, and I tell the kids, "look kids, Evil" We all laughed and watched the libtards on the way out, haha
▶ d80dab (14) No.2980428
I like having a menu of hypotheses to choose from, kek!
Anthrax was my chosen hypothesis but the lack of closure of intermediate transit points tends to refute it.
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980429
fuck muhlock with an aids dick
▶ 52933e (6) No.2980430
I sympathize. Same problem - 24/7.
▶ 968ef8 (2) No.2980432>>2980445
I just learned the horrible, impossible truth about a drug called “adrenochrome.”
Please help.
Someone close to me may be connected to the disappearance and murder of countless children; most of them refugees or otherwise disadvantaged - all untraceable. All forgettable. And now, all dead.
He told me about a drug called adrenochrome that could produce a high beyond any other. And unlike those other drugs, there are no ill effects. Quite the contrary; there are substantial benefits from consuming it: greater health, increased vivacity, and a host of other, smaller effects. Combine those with an intense sense of euphoria and you have a substantial demand.
The issue is this: it is a derivative of the chemicals produced by the human body when it is under intense, immeasurable fear.
My former friend, who confessed his involvement during a fleeting crisis of conscience, insisted this was true and cited a number of dubious-looking studies and fake news sites. But then there were the photos.
He didn’t allow me to make copies for fear of implicating himself personally, but he’d been to a “farm,” he called it, in one of the Baltic states. There were photos of countless people, all seemingly under the age of 15. They were naked and chained to tables and walls and floors in a windowless room the size of a football stadium. I couldn’t estimate how many there were.
As he scrolled through the photographs and I debated killing him, I saw masked men hovering over the victims and torturing them. As they were being tortured, their blood was being drained into containers.
Other photos showed the production facilities - enormous rooms that looked like chemistry labs where the blood was filtered and the compounds were extracted.
The worst, though, were the mass graves.
Men stood around them and laughed as they unloaded truckloads of carcasses into pits. They used pitchforks to gather up anyone who had been left behind.
I asked him why he was allowed to take these pictures. He said no one would believe it was happening. And he’s been right.
Rumors about facilities like this have been around for decades. Journalists have tried to report on it, only to be laughed out of their editors’ offices. One journalist, a Swede, came the closest to bringing it into the mainstream. He died, along with his family, in a hideous house fire.
Listen to me: the pictures I saw were not faked. They were not staged. They were, without any doubt, real.
And there’s one more thing. One more picture. Believe it if you want, I don’t care. I need to get this off my chest.
There was an image of adrenochrome users.
I don’t know what I expected. Well, I guess I do: strung out, gaunt, miserable-looking addicts with despair and desperation in their eyes. It’s what we’ve all associated with drug users thanks to heroin and crack and whatnot.
This was different.
The image was of a lavish conference room in a skyscraper. Where, I could not determine. Syringes of the drug were sitting on gilded plates on a thick table of polished wood.
I recognized the faces sitting around that table.
World leaders. Entertainers. Religious icons. All grinning. All happy. All ready for their injection.
Seeing those familiar faces was the initial shock. It wasn’t the final one.
On the far side of the table, almost too small to be seen but still unmistakable, was an iconic head of state. A recent one. He was laughing as he reached for his syringe, but there was something unusual about his hand. It wasn’t its normal, small, pink self. It was green.
It was webbed.
It was clawed.
It was reptilian.
▶ 4c611b (4) No.2980433
▶ 69cd19 (18) No.2980437
this is an image board ffs
▶ 0ee5a9 (2) No.2980440
Based BO unbanned me twice when C_AFungus was fucking shit up.
▶ ab0f8e (1) No.2980441>>2980450
It's no wonder they hate us so much.
We continue to kill & die for them and give them more money.
▶ 5ddf1a (11) No.2980444
likely nuclear blackmail
▶ 0acc25 (6) No.2980445
▶ d4fbe3 (4) No.2980446
i take it back. liquid harp is best harp
▶ cfc701 (16) No.2980447
Well you rock BO. Thanks fren.
▶ ad1e4e (1) No.2980448
Amazing anon, thank you.
▶ 6fc7f0 (4) No.2980449
When this first popped up, i was skeptical and ignored it. But today was bored and started to dig on it. And i have to agree that the whole thing is weird. Thanks for the run down on theories. I was looking through archives amd twats from people that worked there, and can not find anything that legit explains why they evacuated the mountain top. I did look at the NM terrorist compound in relation >500 miles away. Also on other side of the state as Area 51 (i was super bored). That is a good call about the red herring on the post office. Why single that place out of all the other businesses? Is it because its also the only other federal building there?
▶ 6f387e (4) No.2980450
You got that right.
If we don't have any self respect, why should anyone else respect us.
▶ d80dab (14) No.2980451
His favorite tactic was to not-so-subtly tell anons what to research and what to ignore. The reason was "momentum". Theories unrelated to his current momentum favorite were not to be discussed. He wanted to herd anons into a narrow chute.
▶ 84d55f (12) No.2980452>>2980478
For the lurkers demonstration, I present to you those who responded to me with…
rustled jimmies.
rustled jimmies everywhere.
Don't worry, we'll get our waterhole back
▶ 40a8da (2) No.2980454
He needs to head to the Outer Banks
for some rare East Side Surf
▶ 6c17a1 (2) No.2980455
GEOMAGNETIC STORM SUBSIDES: As predicted, a moderately strong G2-class geomagnetic storm occured during the early hours of Sept. 11th as a stream of high-speed solar wind buffeted Earth's magnetic field. The storm is subsiding now, but not before causing this outburst of auroras over Fairbanks, Alaska:
▶ aa1a37 (4) No.2980456
Bottom up the hole we go….
▶ c27fc3 (1) No.2980457
Weird. Glad I missed this while working today.
▶ e49edc (1) No.2980459
For the faggots who can't understand why Q can't just drop all the documents it's very simple. They would be breaking the law and tainting Grand Jury bias. This gives the bad guys an actual defense since the political nature of the crimes. Also, it has to look like we discovered these connections and are bringing the truth to the world. I imagine team Q was hoping that we would be a team of stealth red pillers distributing truth throughout the web with well sourced arguments and dope memes. The research ability of the hive mind is well known and feared. We are going to have our undeniable proof very soon with the FISA drop/declass. This is the winning anons are hoping for. This is why Q says ready the cannons and prepare. After this undeniable proof they will begin dropping everything, slowly. We are still in the first phase people (Easy to swallow). Everyone can handle that the government illegally spys on people. They still cannot handle child trafficking and satanic ritual abuse mind control CIA black programs, blackmail brownstone operations and et cetera. Besides the selling secrets, human abuse, starting wars, organ harvesting, et cetera, they are also involved in having secret false flag assets and agents who are waging a secret war against american citizens. Think Muslim compound. They want a civil war if they can't get WW3. If people were to learn that the government is secretly planning the mass extinction of its own people with a civil war or nuke strike [16 YEAR PLAN] they would end up in the hospital. The tricky part is other countries are involved in our downfall so to reveal the treason means kicking off WW3 as well. It must be done precisely as planned or we suffer and the world suffers.
▶ 599157 (2) No.2980460
wew, thanks dude
▶ fe9be1 (13) No.2980461
New Bake
New Bake
The toofy sangs have already been noted anon, a good few times, yesterday the latest.
▶ 0a4ee3 (6) No.2980462
No worries, would blackhawks and the FBI be a weird combination?
▶ 971ccf (12) No.2980463
Thanks BO, now it's a matter of figuring out where to go from here.
▶ c9adb0 (3) No.2980464
Can you imagine how big the plan is?
How TIMING has to be precise?
How everything needs to work as clockwork.
Everything has an effect.
Everything that will happen is for a reason.
We don't need to know WHY.
Use logic. They are one of the deepest infection.
They need to remove others first.
They need to freeze assets.
Stop the money. And gather more evidence.
A lot must be done. They are taking risks everyday now, kill or be killed situations.
A lot is going on that we do not see.
We should do what we can, and trust the plan.
We don't demand anything.
We know it is coming.
We have patience.
We stick together.
The truth will set us free!
United We Stand.
Where we go one, we go all.
▶ 120a8e (6) No.2980465
▶ 25a6a4 (6) No.2980466
>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days…
Simplifiying and dividing muhjew shilling is not working. Anons see it.
>Fellow Patriots:
>What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.
>Stay the course and trust the plan.
>Protective measures are in place.
>Remain BRAVE.
>We knew this day would come.
<United We Stand (WW).
>Conspiracy no more.
▶ 9b4552 (3) No.2980467
>most by people on cellphones video'ing PLANES hitting towers.
Bullshit. How many phones had cameras with video capabilities of any sort of decent quality in…
▶ 4a2ecc (10) No.2980468
Whoa. Devastating if true.
Makes me think, some anons should be more careful with the baker girls that they store & post. Just saying…
▶ 32a2eb (30) No.2980469
THE Bottom screen queer and fake
▶ 23e55a (5) No.2980470
Oh, snap! Tippy-top KEK to you, Sir.
▶ f7b626 (5) No.2980472
You see the video footage, 18 different points of view, and you still think of off the wall bullshit to explain it?
Who the fuck is going to pay high dollar for holotech, when the real thing is so much cheaper to use, and kills even more people in the process?
Occam's razor.
▶ e2aba5 (2) No.2980474
> What their purpose was nobody will say.”
Is this, not the Q FISA DeClas drop the reason for the persistent attacks on the board?
▶ 5c8656 (4) No.2980475
The worm spread itself using a common type of vulnerability known as a buffer overflow. I
loop used ++
as in C++
or as in roth its ++
▶ f263eb (11) No.2980476
naw anon.
you're glasses are covered in slime.
DC is the most corrupt place.
surrounding states are just behind them.
we kill pedos down here.
if you kill a pedo, grand jury will not refer charges.
anywhere can be a real shithole.
it's the people living there that decide that.
many left after the storms - lost everything.
many are now freshly Texan.
but those that stayed are making it work.
just takes time.
go refresh your ind on how many storm hits since Katrina.
▶ f951d7 (1) No.2980481
so now the dancing israelis are the winners
▶ c24b84 (2) No.2980483
I have had it for years. I don't think it will ever go away.
I am thankful it's not too serious and disturbing. I have thought about the lariam (Mefloquine, amalaria profylaxe) that I have taken in the past: it can affect tinnitus.
▶ 09292f (12) No.2980484
Absolutely right. We've corrupted ourselves into Cabal immunity.We only deal with our own. Remember that most of the N.O. runaways went to Houston, Atlanta and other large places.they can keep that!