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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File (hide): 029a0c4cebf327e⋯.png (4.33 MB, 2373x1788, 791:596, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


28d365 (16)  No.2476158>>2546048 >>2659749 >>2983351 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

(pic related) is an "article" I wrote about Q

I'm not a writer, but a scientist, so I deal with facts not emotion or disinfo

I wrote this for newfags here, normies, and the [MSM], so we can combat the CLEAR disinfo and misinfo (LIKE WHAT A FUKKEN BAKER IS FFS)

please read it and tell me what should be edited

when anons feel good about it, I'll post the PDF (which I'm sketchy about due to the potential of myself being doxxed)

but I think the best way to combat disinfo, is with info, so I wrote this

It says "By Anons", so I intend this to be a product of /qresearch/ NOT MYSELF



28d365 (16)  No.2476172>>2476246 >>2610510

here is copypasta of an outline I posted yesterday, to give you an idea:

I think we should combat the disinfo the MSM is putting out, basic outline:

I: intro

II: WHERE/WHEN DID/DOES Q POST (history, yet 'redacting' qresearch KEK, fuck em)

III: WHO IS Q (not doxxing, just giving some facts/stating Q/Q+/Q, DELTA/Q, AUTH….)

IV: WHAT IS Q (content of crumbs)

V: WHY DOES Q POST (great awakening) (conclusion)


and edits, suggestions, comments, etc

kek it says (might be corny, let me know):


An introdcution

By Anon

Edited by Anons

if we get something we agree on, it could be spread

THE MSM HAS DONE NOTHING BUT DISCREDIT, we should fight back using a written document

bcfdaa (1)  No.2476181>>2476329 >>2659881

Would be helpful to post the pastebin of the original text so anons can copy it down and edit.

8604a7 (10)  No.2476246>>2476329


Notice they never refer to /qresearch/ always generic 8 chan, BUT they quote specific content.

The often cite /pol/ but avoid giving anyone specifics to come here, just get lost in 8 chan board names

A little odd they focus on the fakes, since they have no real info but lots of misdirection like all the Q poseurs

79028f (3)  No.2476260>>2476329

>Q, the anonymous poster that gained a considerable of amount attention…

Should this read "a considerable amount of attention"?

79028f (3)  No.2476315>>2476329

>The Great Awakening and Q are not a "conspiracy theories"…

Should this read "are not "conspiracy theories""?

28d365 (16)  No.2476329


fuck I though I edited that, doing that now


true, thats why I "redacted" our board name

a bit of trolling too


I just realized I posted the wrong file, this is the one from two breads in general ago (so they've been fixed, but not in that pic)

but continue


true, let me do that

28d365 (16)  No.2476406

here is the pastebin, check out what I put under that blanked out area for /qresearch/:


(and some oldfags should check those dates in section 2, was lurking back then, don't member the exact dates, so tried to use archives of Q's posts to track it)

d55981 (13)  No.2476413>>2476421 >>2523952

PDF attached of Edits and Revisions to Paragraphs 1 & 2.

Will continue.

28d365 (16)  No.2476421>>2476655


damn, thats clear as fuck

editing now

28d365 (16)  No.2476433>>2476596

(MAGA isn't capitalized like it should be through out, I'll edit those, but put them into your lists if you want to)

28d365 (16)  No.2476596


kek and We The People

d55981 (13)  No.2476655>>2476702 >>2523952


: ) Happy to oblige

PDF attached of Edits and Revisions to Paragraphs 3-6

28d365 (16)  No.2476702>>2476882


updated pastabin for the page 1 edits:


thank you

still not 100% confident on the dates, will recheck those tomorrow

I want this to be "from /qresearch/, because we know this stuff and MANY do not (or are being lied to)

28d365 (16)  No.2476780>>2476790 >>2476869

File (hide): a6c9cfa068d1ecd⋯.png (20.53 KB, 350x160, 35:16, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>anyone claiming otherwise should be considered fake news and disregarded immediately

I think I'll keep it this way because of the wording of the crumb

28d365 (16)  No.2476790


but I see your point

28d365 (16)  No.2476865

updated pastabin for page 1 and 2 (and that paragraph on page 4)


d55981 (13)  No.2476869>>2476878


Makes sense to me. Didn't catch that.

Here's Paragraphs 7-9

28d365 (16)  No.2476878


thank you

will likely leave for the night after these edits

but will be back sometime in the morning/afternoon


going to update the graphic also

d55981 (13)  No.2476882>>2476913


I wondered about October 27th. I thought Q's first post was October 28th. But I am just focusing on revision and edits. Not gonna argue about dates. Also, be assured your work is very well written. Don't take my edits and revisions as criticisms. It's what I do for a living and all good writers subject their work to editors. It's brave of you to do so.

28d365 (16)  No.2476913>>2477007

File (hide): 5b8f01cfc8027a3⋯.png (44.48 KB, 356x259, 356:259, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


shit (in the text I have the 29th), fixing that now

> Don't take my edits and revisions as criticisms.

I'm not, its necessary

I'm not a writer, and when I do, I make mistakes CONSTANTLY because its essentially a stream of consciousness.

the current baker in general is willing to help as well

I think this could turn out to be a great idea, maybe not, we'll see

but thanks anon, o7

d55981 (13)  No.2477007>>2477026


Here ya go, Anon. I could've done that soooo much faster if it was in Word. But it is what it is. Good job! and Good Night! ; )

28d365 (16)  No.2477026>>2477028 >>2477507 >>2479562

File (hide): 3021e12f941b727⋯.png (6.29 MB, 3044x2396, 761:599, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


thanks anon, we got through it though, kek (I'll do this part tomorrow)

updated pastabin: https://pastebin.com/tuguYfWz

with updated pic

(both without the latest edits)

I plan on getting as many edits as possible, so that this is LEGIT a /qresearch/ document, then posting the pdf and the final pic, then try to get anons, newfags, lurkers, warroom anons, and eventually normies to spread it

its factual, and people should read INFORMATION, not dis/misinfo

I'll be back tomorrow and finish these edits then ask if there are any specific details that need fixing (like that damn date, not sure who I fucked that up)


28d365 (16)  No.2477028



kek, meant how

its late

night, o7

2524a6 (1)  No.2477193>>2480626

Hey there,

Editingfag here. I see that you have received edits that haven't been incorporated yet. Please post some sort of heads-up in here once that has been done, and I'll take a round on the updated version, if you like.

8604a7 (10)  No.2477507>>2480626


Sadly, this great effort is likely to be bumped out of sight by some random shit post about someone's favorite quantum or frequency-based religious cult.

6e101c (1)  No.2479166>>2480626

File (hide): a379a21eafeeaf2⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 255x254, 255:254, BestQ.jpg) (h) (u)

Please add language that Q anons must have Patience. Removing the influences of Deep State, Globalist, progressive socialist will take time. Their corruption runs deep within our government. The public will be aware of only a small part of this process.

9eea73 (1)  No.2479562>>2480626

File (hide): 8ea2de5234fbbd2⋯.jpg (56.7 KB, 575x431, 575:431, djtapproves.jpg) (h) (u)


much appreciated anon

and editor anons, too


it's pretty nauseating, the media 'coverage'

hope for the best tho, some claims are too absurd not to further wake up those who started to shake the illusions recently. imo.

05a18d (30)  No.2480626>>2481946

File (hide): 2d265d3da6496a9⋯.png (6.29 MB, 3134x2409, 3134:2409, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


good point, I'll try, added this (its an intro only though, didn't want to go into too much detail about it):

"Q reminds anons and the public that this fight’s “Scope and size [is the] biggest in history,” to “Trust the plan,” and to “Stay the course,” because this will be a long fight."

and took out:

President Trump faces both known and unknown challenges, and the unknown are being revealed to the public daily. (never liked the wording anyway


I didn't put in the last edits until now, and moar edits are encouraged and welcomed, but I tried to get all edits in, if I missed any, they'll show up in another read through

updated pastebin: https://pastebin.com/199fGS71

update pic



had the thought, think its a good idea

I tried not to get into things that the public wouldn't know (like the missile FFs, or many things deep in the crumbs like that) in that 5th page

if its spread, its good real info instead of disinfo

(just got back on)

kek, and tried not to be too hard on the MSM, so maybe they fucking learn something

762e6f (7)  No.2481946>>2482073 >>2490610


small suggestion

section II, 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence

8chan, a non-affiliated image board similar to 4chan was launched in 2013 as a free-speech alternative to the increasingly hostile 4chan.

8chan, a non-affiliated image board similar to 4chan was launched in 2013 as a free-speech alternative to the increasing censorship at 4chan.

05a18d (30)  No.2482073


that makes sense and sounds better


(will post that edit after I get moar)

d791e0 (1)  No.2484389>>2485500


Maybe add that we have archived everything and that threads are still available.

05a18d (30)  No.2485500


I say to go to qanon.pub, qmap.pub and others

05a18d (30)  No.2488706>>2490479

File (hide): a5fc2e94aab0b4c⋯.png (6.32 MB, 3134x2409, 3134:2409, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

saw other errors in the beginning while editing that I didn't clean up last night

updated pastebin: https://pastebin.com/zgVT4U4f

updated pic

d55981 (13)  No.2490479>>2490499

File (hide): a5fc2e94aab0b4c⋯.png (6.32 MB, 3134x2409, 3134:2409, Q Basics 2.png) (h) (u)


Here you go, fren. Also attached is the copy I proofread as posted from general bread #3139 tonight 8/6/18.

05a18d (30)  No.2490499>>2490610


awesome, will start now

d55981 (13)  No.2490610>>2490692 >>2490991


p.s./ I agree with this suggestion:


Last advice is don't go getting too much more input. This is damn near perfect and you don't want to lose "voice" in the process.

762e6f (7)  No.2490692>>2490991


>This is damn near perfect and you don't want to lose "voice" in the process.

I concur, it's looking good

I look forward to the final product

05a18d (30)  No.2490991>>2491082

File (hide): 13c13d2d4829ac4⋯.png (6.63 MB, 3134x2409, 3134:2409, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



shit, I posted an old verison last here

the one with the watermark is current (posting now)

I really think this could be a good way to spread a document FROM here, not form the MSM

my thinking is to try to get Q to comment/reply to the pic (when we have a final version), then post the pdf for spreading

or the other way around

05a18d (30)  No.2491082>>2491359


(oh, and didn't do the those edits just yet, finishing a side by side)

but will start in 5mins

d55981 (13)  No.2491359>>2491416


don't rush honey i am burnt for the night anyway just gonna browse a bit over on general and probably fall asleep and have bad dreams or good depending which post i fall asleep to

05a18d (30)  No.2491416>>2491525 >>2491596


kek gotcha

but DNI = Director of National Intelligence (Clapper), so I think I will keep that

here is the updated pastebin:

and updated pic

I think we're getting close to the final copy

want to run it by the BO, some BVs if possible, and anons again

762e6f (7)  No.2491466>>2491643 >>2493371

File (hide): 82c25bd03d01d6e⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Untitled.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

something I've been working on

I'd appreciate some feedback

d55981 (13)  No.2491525


aha, Clapper Sorry, fading fast

05a18d (30)  No.2491596>>2492566

File (hide): f6c74d412984ab7⋯.png (6.66 MB, 3134x2409, 3134:2409, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>here is the updated pastebin:

kek, pressed reply by mistake without putting the shit in

pastebin: https://pastebin.com/XyiqtDzZ

and pic

changed it to "By Anons"

05a18d (30)  No.2491643>>2492092



I really like that anon

762e6f (7)  No.2492092>>2492250



I'm trying to draw attention to two related things at the same time

1. the mockingbird media seeks to control what people think rather than simply report the facts

2. the greatest sin of the mockingbird media isn't what they tell us… it's what they don't

I think you understand how Q fits into that picture

any feedback, or things that could be improved would be appreciated

I want to produce something that will smack people between the eyes with the realization they've been lied to and induce some Quriosity

05a18d (30)  No.2492250


I think its great anon

not sure what to suggest other than maybe moar examples, but then again you don't want it to be too long

keep at it, o7

09b1b5 (1)  No.2492566>>2492664

File (hide): 7cab3e7793f53e2⋯.png (442.36 KB, 772x532, 193:133, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


See sc. Found one correction. GJ anon.

28d365 (16)  No.2492664

File (hide): e963fa14f0bed86⋯.png (6.68 MB, 3134x2409, 3134:2409, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



thank you, just did it

pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gtFH7kff

updated pic

79028f (3)  No.2493371


Fantastic work! May I suggest including a link to qanon.pub, perhaps at the very end? This would give curious newcomers an opportunity to learn more about Q and The Great Awakening.

e5691d (4)  No.2494312>>2495674

Hi there,

I'm afraid this edit is based on one of the earlier versions. Also I forgot to turn on Track Changes when I edited in Word (or else I could have run a Compare Documents on the whole thing and then made a PDF showing the changes). Sorry about this. I usually have routines for doing this sort of work, but this was something of an exceptional case. Still, if you read this against the current version, you might find some suggestions of interest. And if you would like me to do a run-through of any later version, just let me know.

6c0858 (7)  No.2494474>>2495674

I did about 70% of it, then stopped. Feel free to use or discard any of what follows:


I (page 1):

Q, the anonymous poster who gained a considerable of amount attention over the past few weeks, is now receiving attention from the Mainstream Media (MSM). While the MSM have written stories before about Q, a notable increase in the number of stories written occurred after President Trump’s rally in Tampa Bay on July 31, 2018. This brief introduction is intended to educate those who are unaware of, interested in, or beginning to follow Q, and to refute the misinformation, disinformation, and fake news about Q. The Great Awakening and Q are not “conspiracy theories”, but an information operation and movement that is completely nonviolent, seeks truth, and wants to help President Trump make America great again.

This introduction is not meant to explain all that Q has said in the information and intel posted (known as crumbs, an allegory to bread crumbs), just the basics. To get a complete explanation, it would be best to go to sites like qanon.pub, qmap.pub, qproofs.com, and other similar sites that compile crumbs, side by sides (graphics with sources confirming intel in crumbs side by side), and proofs (proving coincidences mentioned by Q are not coincidences). To properly be introduced to Q, and the movement associated with Q called the Great Awakening, there are main themes the reader should understand: where and when did Q start to post; who posts as Q; what is Q and the Great Awakening; and why does Q post? Knowing the answers to these basic questions, someone who is ignorant of, curious about, or just starting to learn about Q can further his understanding by reading more crumbs and viewing more graphics. This is also intended to educate the MSM, which seems to not understand the basics of Q and the Great Awakening, yet continue to write uninformed, ridiculous, and laughable stories that are rightly considered by we the people, fake news. All claims are backed up by Q’s crumbs and are found on the previously mentioned sites.

6c0858 (7)  No.2494476>>2495674

II (page 2):

The first crumb that Q posted was on 4chan, an image board Internet forum launched in 2003. Q posted in the thread named “Mueller investigation” on the board /pol/ on October 29th, 2017, and on other threads that day. On October 31st, 2017, Q then posted in the thread named “Bread Crumbs - Q Clearance Patriot”. Late on November 1st, 2017, the thread “Calm Before the Storm” (CBTS), named after President Trump’s mysterious phrase said on October 5th, 2017, was created. Q posted on multiple iterations of CBTS (536 total threads) until saying 4chan was infiltrated, deciding to move to 8chan.

8chan, a non-affiliated image board similar to 4chan, was launched in 2013 as a free-speech alternative to the increasingly hostile 4chan. A board was created with the same name as the thread Q posted in on 4chan, /cbts/ on November 19th, 2017. Q posted on /cbts/ until January 6th, 2018 (308 total general threads), saying the board had been compromised. Q had several problems using the tripcode, a “pseudo-registration” that verifies a poster’s identity, notably on December 14th and 21st, 2017, among other instances. This inability to use the tripcode forced the anons, the anonymous posters who followed and conversed with Q on these boards, to make a new board /thestorm/. Q first posted on /thestorm/ on January 5th, 2018. Q and anons stopped using /thestorm/ after 41 general threads due to internal disputes and self-promotion, forcing another migration to a new board. On Monday, January 8th, 2018, the board still in use today was created, named REDACTED HAHA (this will not be given, and the board being currently used will be referred to as The Board). Q has been able to post freely on The Board since then, and still posts crumbs to the day this missive was written. Q also made a private board, for just Q, for the first time named /greatawakening/ also on January 8th, 2018. On previous boards, Q would post crumbs and anons could discuss them there, with Q. On the private board, just Q would post, in case there was an inability to use the tripcode. On March 28th, 2018, Q stopped using /greatawakening/, saying it was under attack. After a long delay, Q made /patriotsfight/ on May 4th, 2018, the private board Q uses today. There are no communications outside these boards or with anyone privately, and like Q stated, anyone claiming otherwise should be considered fake news and disregarded immediately.

The MSM cannot accurately describe how The Board works, so some clarification is needed. 8chan is maintained by the Code Monkey (CM), who hosts The Board. The Board Owner (BO) maintains The Board, appointing Board Volunteers (BV) to help. 8chan has a limit on how many posts each thread can have, 751. So, in order to maintain the research anons do in the general thread, an anon must make (bake) a new thread (bread) each time one thread (bread) reaches 751 posts. This anon is known as the Baker. The Baker is responsible for posting Q’s recent crumbs, notable posts of research from the previous thread, and other important information and links used by anons (the dough). The Board has several other threads, besides the general research thread, to keep memes, side by sides, and other research topics. These are maintained by the BO and BVs. Those who attempt to disrupt, discredit, or distract anons on The Board are referred to as clowns or shills. Q can go for weeks posting several times a day, while during certain times not posting for weeks. There have been more than 2 million posts on The Board, over 1700 crumbs dropped by Q in total, and tens of millions have been reached. Q and the anons who spread the crumbs with their associated graphics will continue to reach millions more, not just in the United States of America but around the world.

6c0858 (7)  No.2494478>>2495674

III (page 3):

Q posts anonymously, but there are hints to who Q could be. The signoff as Q in most crumbs began in a post on November 2nd, 2017. Before then, Q introduced the concept of being a “Q Clearance Patriot”. “Q Clearance” is a Department of Energy security clearance that has access to Top Secret, Secret, and Formerly Restricted Data, in addition to National Security Information. This clearance is similar to the Top Secret clearance in the Department of Defense. Importantly however, Q never claims to have this specific clearance, or to work for the Department of Energy. It is an allusion. The “Q Clearance” signifies that Q has a high level clearance, and alludes to the “Q Clearance” given to Jack Ryan in The Hunt for Red October when he did not have the necessary clearance to help in the hunt for the rogue submarine. The “Q Clearance” allusion is meant to imply that Q has the necessary level of security clearance to be cryptically divulging information, while maintaining national security and not leaking.

Q has also posted under other signoffs: “The WH”, “4,10,20”, “Q+”, “Q, DELTA”, and “Q [auth478-24zgP]”. Q occasionally does not use a signoff, yet anons know it is still Q due to the tripcode being used. There are several unconfirmed theories on each of their meaning, but it is best if individuals see the signoffs in their contexts to draw their own conclusions. Q has said at least three times that “We serve at the pleasure of the President”, implying not only does Q work for President Trump, but that Q is a team. Early on, Q would use “I” a few times, but now only uses “we”. Q on occasion posts pictures of the President’s pen and signatures, scenes from Air Force One while the President is traveling, and other images and crumbs that imply Q is close to the President. Q has said that “Less than 10 can confirm [who or what Q is]”, adding that “only three are non-Military”. It is important to note that the anons on The Board do not try to “dox”, or try to identify, who exactly Q is. Q is a team of high-ranking officials within the Trump Administration who post to awaken the public to sensitive and important happenings that the media may or may not report on, and provide insider context. While less than 10 people can confirm Q, it is widely thought that there are multiple people that post as Q. Notably, serving the President, who serves the American people, also implies Q serves the American people. Due to the fact anons do not know whether Q is a single person or a few people when posting, it is common to refer to Q as a singular person.

By reading Q’s crumbs, someone can infer that whoever posts as Q is close to President Trump. The policies President Trump advocates, the events President Trump partakes in, and strategies President Trump deploys are all mentioned by Q in real time, along with the other pictures that imply a connection between Q and the President. In real time, anons have decoded Q's sometimes-cryptic messages to understand what President Trump’s intentions were for a specific event or policy. While the public awaits the revelation of who posts as Q, anons were given this on March 10th, 2018 in reference to who Q is: “How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.” Who Q is remains a mystery to anons and the public, but it is not important. The messages, information, intel, and facts that Q posts should be and are important. Anons do not focus on who Q is, but focus on what Q is saying. The intel decoded from the crumbs gives anons and the public thereafter seemingly insider information on what President Trump’s administration has done, is doing, and will do.

6c0858 (7)  No.2494482>>2495674

IV (pages 4 and 5):

Starting from Q’s first crumb, there have been cryptically worded statements and questions that are meant to lead anons and the public to insider information about the policies, events, and strategies of President Trump. This was, is, and will be done without violating National Security (NATSEC) and Operational Security (OPSEC) rules, so there is no leaking or divulging of secret or classified information. Q serves at the pleasure of the President, and the intention of this information operation, known as the Great Awakening, is to inform the public, whom the President serves. The intel is focused on what President Trump faced, is facing, and will face as the leader of the free world. The President faces corruption, subversion, sedition, and evil; and is fighting them for we the people of America, and ultimately the world. Q uses “signatures” that are cryptic phrases or allusions to hint at ongoing or upcoming events. Signatures like “Alice and Wonderland” (not to be confused with just Alice), “Sum of all Fears”, “Hunt for Red October”, and others are meant to allude to an event that cannot be explained at the time the signature is used. Q also uses “stringers” that are important, puzzling, and complex strings of words, numbers, letters, and symbols that are meant convey more sensitive information. As an example of what stringers are, Q posted this within a series of stringers on November 25th, 2017: _FREEDOM-_v05_yes_27-1_z. This being a basic introduction to Q and the Great Awakening, an overview will be provided so that people who are interested can research and learn for themselves what the crumbs imply so they draw their own conclusions at the sites stated in the introduction and through viewing the associated side by sides and proofs.

6c0858 (7)  No.2494487>>2495674

Q started primarily with a macroscopic view on the World Order and its structure President Trump was elected to confront, disrupt, and change for we the people. Q, unusually overtly, stated there are three “puppet masters” that exert a large amount of power on the world. The house of Saud, the Rothschild family, and George Soros each have their own sources of financing and control mechanisms. The house of Saud, the dynastical monarchs of Saudi Arabia, has amassed trillions of dollars from oil exports. The Saudi Arabian influence across the Sunni Arab world has resulted in the funding of several radical Islamic terrorist groups and malicious political influence in the West. Thankfully because of allies in Saudi Arabia and President Trump’s actions, Saudi Arabia has been largely removed from this power structure. The Rothschild family has been attaining trillions of dollars in wealth through their banking and other financing for centuries. Their control over central banking, wars, and governments enables them to dictate policies, laws, and the actions of politicians. George Soros, with likely an undeclared fortune of around one trillion dollars, is able to control markets, influence many politicians, and lobby governments through his large apparatus of subversive political organizations. Q stated Soros took the place of the Rockefeller family held in this World Order, Soros takes orders from the Pope and Vatican, and the Pope serves the Rothschild family. This power structure over the world, known as the Cabal, along with the compromised monarchies, politicians, governmental agencies (Deep State), corporations, charities, media organizations, and other private individuals is what President Trump is fighting. This same Cabal of corrupted, compromised, and evil individuals was fighting to prevent President Trump, and we the people, from winning in the 2016 election.

Q has stated, “They never thought [Hillary Clinton] would lose”. With her victory, which this Cabal fought for unsuccessfully, the Cabal would have continued unimpeded and increased its illegitimate control over the world and its people. The Cabal tried everything they could to get her elected: the financiers spending billions of dollars, media organizations lying, Deep State actors within government agencies leaking, and even spying on President Trump as a candidate, president-elect, and while in office. After macroscopically describing the Cabal, crumbs started focusing on detailed events the Cabal did, is doing, and likely will do. The spying on President Trump and his campaign is an example of how Q began focusing microcosmically on events. Q goes into detail about how the CIA, FBI, DNI, Five Eye alliance, Republicans, Democrats, President Barack Hussein Obama and his White House, and others colluded to abuse the FISA process with a “dossier” to illegally spy on President Trump and insert plants and spies into his campaign. Pre-empting the public release of their crimes, they unsuccessfully framed President Trump with the false projective allegations of collusion with Russia involving the “hacking” of emails from Hillary, the DNC, John Podesta, and others.

6c0858 (7)  No.2494489>>2495674

Q’s crumbs cover a large and wide variety of topics, events, and scandals. Government agencies like the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ, and others; Globalism, mass migration, Cultural Marxism, human trafficking, the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, WikiLeaks, Seth Rich, Snowden, Mueller, Huber, many discredited officials from Obama’s presidency, President Trump’s strategies and executive orders; corruption in media, illegal spying on citizens, infiltrations of the United States government by foreign bad actors, extremist organizations like ISIS and Antifa; political subversion used by the Cabal and their politicians; foreign policy strategies on North Korea and Iran; compromised and controlled politicians; and much more is covered in the over 1700 crumbs without leaking or breaking national security laws. Q aims to reveal who controls the world, how they control the world, and what is being done to stop this control. We the people of the United States of America elected President Trump to fight against this control for us, as our representative.

Q serves the President, and the President serves we the people, therefore Q serves we the people as well. We the people need to know what we are fighting, so we can know how to fight it. This enlightening of the public, not just in America but worldwide, is known as the Great Awakening. After Q posts crumbs, the anons of The Board decode and decipher their meanings and spread them to the rest of the public. The timing of when the crumbs are posted is important. Whether the crumbs precede or come after the events they describe, it nonetheless allows anons to spread the insider information to the public in order to educate, apprise, and awaken those who do not know. Anons make memes to make the message easy to spread, side by sides to show through open source reporting what the crumbs mean, and proofs to show Q and President Trump’s connections and similar thought processes. No one is forcing anons to decode the crumbs, research, make graphics, or spread the information to the public. The intel contained in the crumbs is revealing, informative, and educational. Anons think it is for the good of the country and the world for the public to understand their meanings. Millions have been reached, and millions more will be in the future. The control the Cabal exerts on the world is decreasing and their grip on humanity is weakening everyday. Q’s posts have shown millions what the Cabal has been doing, who is in the Cabal, and how the Cabal has been controlling the world, with more being revealed to the public everyday.

6c0858 (7)  No.2494491>>2495674

V (page 6):

On the second day Q posted, October 29th, 2017, Q first used the term Great Awakening and has used it many times since. On January 8th, 2018, Q first used the phrase “Where we go one, we go all”. Q has used many other phrases including “Truth belongs to the people”, “The choice to know will ultimately be yours”, “Expand your thinking”, “Dark to light”, “You are not alone in this fight”, “Good will always defeat evil”, “Future proves past”, and “You are the calm before and during the storm”. These phrases signal, not just to the anons that decode, research, and spread the crumbs but for the public as well, that we the people can help President Trump fight by educating others on what we are fighting. President Trump faces both known and unknown challenges, and the unknown are being revealed to the public daily.

The Great Awakening is not a conspiracy theory or a cult, as those that discredit would like the public to think. It is a sophisticated and coordinated information operation from within President Trump’s administration to enlighten the public on what was discussed in the previous section and the vast amounts of information not mentioned. An informed public is an important part in making America great again and keeping America great. The purpose of Q and the Great Awakening is to educate the population of the United States of America and the world on the structure of control being exerted upon them by politicians, bankers, financers, big business of all kinds, government agencies, and private individuals. Q stated, “These, the crumbs, in time, will equate to the biggest drops ever disclosed in our history”, and everyday, more and more is revealed about the corruption of, control used by, and crimes committed by the Cabal. The Declaration of Independence that lead to the founding of the great nation that is the United States of America said “…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…” and it is relevant today. We the American people did this by electing President Trump to change our government and Q, through the Great Awakening, is enlightening we the people on the what the enemies of the people have done, are doing, and will do to fight this historic change. The intensification of attacks against Q, the Great Awakening, we the people, and the President are ill timed, because this is still the calm before the storm.

God bless the Nations of the World, and God bless a World of Nations.

God bless all Patriots, President Trump, and the United States of America.


1680f8 (1)  No.2495674>>2496135









any edits you anons made I'll do today at some point

thank you for all your edits anons, I made a bunch by writing a stream of consciousness, and all these edits have made it much better

will get to these today, o7

ec3c4f (1)  No.2496135>>2497646


Thanks for all the work you have put into this, anon. You're doing a great job.

4b4ca0 (8)  No.2497646


thanks anon

just had the idea and others were willing and very able to help

finishing these edits now, will reposr the pastebin and pic soon

feeling its time to release the final version soon

05a18d (30)  No.2499543>>2499553 >>2499583

updated pastebin: https://pastebin.com/zmwcab93

update picS

(made a black one, word fucking sucks, that was a bitch)

it keeps saying "parameter incomplete", so just posting with out pics right now

05a18d (30)  No.2499553>>2499587

File (hide): c90c3580218ea65⋯.png (7.47 MB, 3340x2572, 835:643, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

4b4ca0 (8)  No.2499583>>2499587

File (hide): 8146319f12295e1⋯.png (7.99 MB, 3179x2708, 3179:2708, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

4b4ca0 (8)  No.2499587>>2501720



I have no clue wtf that was about

couldn't post them together with the text (not max amount of MB), couldn't post them together in a separate post, then keep getting flood detected when posting the black one separate form the white one

really odd

but fully updated, close to final copy

e5691d (4)  No.2501720>>2502156


Looking good, anon. I'll just give this a quick read through for minor errors/typos:

Page 1, para 2, line 12: change 'seems' to 'seem' (since elsewhere mainstream media is treated as plural noun)

Page 3, para 1, line 1: Either 'there are hints as to…' or 'there have been hints as to…'.

Page 3, para 2, line 4: 'various unconfirmed theories REGARDING (or something similar) the meaning of…'.

Page 3, para 2, line 7: 'not only does Q work for President Trump, but ALSO that Q is a team'

Page 3, para 3, line 4: 'pictures that POINT…'.

Page 4, para 4, line 19: 'to enable those who are interested TO research…' or ''SO THAT those who are interested can research…'

Page 6, para 1, lines 6-8: 'These phrases signal - not just to the anons that decode, research, and spread the crumbs, but TO the public as well - THAT we can help….'

Minor points really, but you've done such a great job here, anon, and I think that minor errors such as these should not be allowed to detract from that by remaining in the final document. Well done! And on behalf of the many people who are going to appreciate this (and those that already do), thanks again!

4b4ca0 (8)  No.2502156


o7 anon, and to all the anons that have helped edit my mess of a stream of consciousness

I'll get to those in a bit, gotta do something for alittle

the goal would be for this to spread to normies

exceeding expectations would be for the MSM/online media/local media to get it

maybe they'd stop looking like fucking idiots (but they want to)

4b4ca0 (8)  No.2506615>>2506961

thinking of posting a pdf with the rough draft watermark

d55981 (13)  No.2506961>>2507003


Hey there science Anon. Looking good and editor Anon above is spot on. You're almost there. Don't know anything about how to make a document of any sort non-traceable, but did read something here about how to edit out information on jpgs. The long and short of it is, I bet there is a tech-savvy anon on here somewhere who can help w/ that. Maybe META? Or war room? IDK…Keep us posted!

4b4ca0 (8)  No.2507003>>2507124


I was thinking about just posting it

I mean, you and other anons have posted pdfs, so once its spread, its likely not to come back to me, but to the individual another individual got it from

I can't get the all black version to make the borders all black (there is white edges) so I'll just post the normal version

finishing with the watermark

d55981 (13)  No.2507124


I'd say go for it but then I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed about that sort of thing.

4b4ca0 (8)  No.2507854>>2517030


4b4ca0 (8)  No.2507892


will do that tomorrow

e5691d (4)  No.2512940>>2513053

changing qanon.pub to qanon.app

05a18d (30)  No.2513053>>2520655 >>2524325


updated for the new url

05a18d (30)  No.2514371

File (hide): f71860a53eebfe3⋯.png (4.19 MB, 2216x1852, 554:463, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 32bc6ed618322a8⋯.png (4.18 MB, 2260x1884, 565:471, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

rough draft pastebin: https://pastebin.com/H5qLeyG1

rough draft pics

4b63f6 (1)  No.2517030>>2518652 >>2519153


This is great! My only comment (being a military trained writer) is to simplify the long run-on paragraphs as much as possible. Replace the long list of issues being addressed by Q (in a single sentence) into a bullet list across a couple of columns.

05a18d (30)  No.2518652>>2519153


I was thinking about doing that actually, but decided to keep it like that to fit the formatting of the paper

kek, I write scientifically, writing a narrative like paper is harder

I'll think about it, its just hard to make the bullet format fit

thanks for the input anon

d55981 (13)  No.2519153>>2519188



Yea I think ultimately this could be done, perhaps a Q Basics abbreviated version. But science anon wrote this in a stream-of-consciousness manner and I think it has that same affect on the reader. I mean a stream of consciousness does seem to need to precede a Great Awakening. It also rather follows the style of muckrakers from days of yore. I say give it the final draft stamp and publish.

05a18d (30)  No.2519188>>2519238


about to post it in general one moar time

kek, just go with anon, anon!

an outline version might be good

basically ALL bullet points

d55981 (13)  No.2519238

File (hide): d12a69b1b6a97cf⋯.png (21.49 KB, 255x255, 1:1, hivemind.png) (h) (u)


Okey dokey!

05a18d (30)  No.2519920

"Q: The Basics"

testing this

741ec8 (10)  No.2520519>>2520654 >>2520655

File (hide): 5c774219c059ac6⋯.png (13.64 KB, 460x311, 460:311, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3999bb931feefe0⋯.png (116.12 KB, 1137x707, 1137:707, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

anon from General asked me to come in here and explain. I'll lead you to a Q-drop, trace it back, some of my work and my site where posted. i have never posted my website here.

i'll give you a hint. it's the post before it

741ec8 (10)  No.2520654>>2520672


i'll say it again, if you think it will do more harm than good, i won't entertain the idea. but i can give you a voice. worst case for me is some leftist faggot tries to have my site removed, can have fun with a court case in the name of our constitutional rights.

05a18d (30)  No.2520655>>2520672 >>2520688


>I'll lead you to a Q-drop, trace it back

I got to the crumb in the archive of qanon.news

>i'll give you a hint. it's the post before it

this is unclear to me, got to Q's crumb, but not sure what you're meaning

kek, help me out a bit if you want to

but read the pdf while you're here: >>2513053

if you're the anon I'm thinking of form general, you're trying to push it once its out right???

05a18d (30)  No.2520672>>2520688


>i can give you a voice


just thought of this, and got anons to help

its a hivemind and /qresearch/ document

but if you want to help get it out there, we could always use it

read this though: >>2520655

741ec8 (10)  No.2520688>>2520728


can help counter


it will be from everyone. i can create "Anons" or Q-research anons whatever everyone pleases.

i know it's not about me, it's not about one person, giving a voice to all of us to counter the negative media.

05a18d (30)  No.2520728>>2520825


I'm not exactly following because I didn't understand where your first post lead me

but what I'm thinking is posting the final copy PDF then start getting the 'BE HEARD' and maybe Warroom anons to help; of course anons and lurkers too

what exactly are you thinking of??

741ec8 (10)  No.2520825>>2520949


ctrl +f "/pol/"

my thoughts were when ready, can help amplify the message. the site has a lot of weight, i'm beholden to no one, i have daily backups (archived offline). The more I think about it, idk, i want to help, have been helping for a long time. just know i have resources that can help, and i'm just trying to find a way to give back to all of you, for everything we have done together. Again if you search Anons Vs MSM you will see the same site, top ten of google.

741ec8 (10)  No.2520949>>2521028


my concern is the content of my site, though that is my goal is to rustle some jimmies, i also have a heavy focus on providing truth.

05a18d (30)  No.2521028>>2521032 >>2521057

File (hide): 400a7606a3c03c5⋯.png (357.63 KB, 577x1269, 577:1269, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>Anons Vs MSM

any of these? kek (pic related)


but I understand

will post the final when ready

still want to get an ok from the BO, just for thoroughness, and moar anons

there still could be errors

read it over if you can at somepoint

05a18d (30)  No.2521032>>2521057

File (hide): eb6cf0a853e6a2a⋯.png (23.1 KB, 497x80, 497:80, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

05a18d (30)  No.2521039

but the moar REAL information about Q can be spread the better

my thoughts in starting this op

741ec8 (10)  No.2521057>>2521113



check the news and info section when you get a chance, you'll see been following right along.

05a18d (30)  No.2521113>>2521161


kek just checked some of it

the moar we can reach the better

want to get this right, so I still want moar eyes on the rough draft to check for errors

741ec8 (10)  No.2521161>>2521212


it looks good, but in no hurry, better to get it right the first time. if you want to create your own to publish when ready, like had mentioned earlier, feel free to use a vpn and burner email. keep your password. i'll see it in posts, and can just publish from there

05a18d (30)  No.2521212>>2521302


>i'll see it in posts, and can just publish from there

yea, I'd rather just post the pdf and let it spread form here

I've tried to find an email host that doesn't require a phone number, but haven't so far

let it spread from here, like 99% (estimate of course) of the stuff about Q

741ec8 (10)  No.2521302>>2521341

long time friend



want me to hold off all together? you can be honest with me anon, i'm not trying to hurt the cause. if you feel it would be better to not, please just tell me. like i have been saying i want to help, and my place is a little X-rated

05a18d (30)  No.2521341>>2521384


honestly, anons want this to go every/anywhere

I'll post the pdf at somepoint soon

if you want to put it up there, DOIT

741ec8 (10)  No.2521384>>2521394


i will let it trickle off the board for a bit, let it come out like normal, (usual twatter fags-fedbookfags, etc) let them pump some life into it. then give it a boost. got everyone of your backs, one way or the other til the end. seriously love you guys

(no homo)

05a18d (30)  No.2521394>>2521426



I mean, read some of the MSM disinfo on Q and us anons

its incredible, they HAVE to be trying to not right the truth

741ec8 (10)  No.2521426>>2521487


i know anon it makes me sick, but it also makes me laugh, us little deplorables can create quite the stir. It's kinda funny to watch them sling slurs at us. They are almost out of them. It only brings us closer, it only makes us stronger.

05a18d (30)  No.2521487>>2565452


I agree, this document is moar for the normies, people following Q know most of this, but could be a refresher, a lot of facts in there I had forgotten

825dba (1)  No.2523952>>2524325




All of you guys rock. And good editing, Anon.

05a18d (30)  No.2524325>>2545690


latest pdf is here: >>2513053

865f3c (1)  No.2524447>>3042144

File (hide): 0f4fbcb2dab68ad⋯.png (663.29 KB, 1048x628, 262:157, trump_racist2.png) (h) (u)


Enjoy. It lists lots of backup sites to Q drops, the 1000+ page PDF of Q drops and commentary, and much more.

2c1374 (1)  No.2544960










da5243 (4)  No.2545690>>2546734 >>2546962

File (hide): 59b9a4aeaa45bc7⋯.png (14.86 KB, 864x224, 27:7, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


redacted editors note, i put together. made a promise, will keep.

any edits, feel free to let me know.

478613 (1)  No.2546048>>2546962 >>2547434

>>2476158 (OP)

Can any anon give a clue as to what "The Board" that is redacted in OP's pic is? I've been posting on the chans since 2010 and /pol/ since 2012, but I dismissed Q as a larp. Only very recently am I diving down the rabbit hole

I don't need a direct link, just hints would be enough. Thanks anons and keep up the fight.

da5243 (4)  No.2546734>>2546962

File (hide): e3b8c87ded0643d⋯.png (15.88 KB, 862x235, 862:235, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

00f1cd (2)  No.2546962>>2547004


read the pastebin, KEK

(its here)



could you explain moar of what you mean?

you mean put that somewhere for when people spread it????

da5243 (4)  No.2547004>>2547583


my personal promise to direct credit correctly, and statement for if it goes live on my site.

any other folks can use their own. or if you like it i don't care if you reuse it, just fix it accordingly.

762e6f (7)  No.2547434>>2547583


a good start would be to ask yourself what 'board' does Q post on?

00f1cd (2)  No.2547583>>2547636


I was just going to post the final as is

if you want to put that disclaimer, I'd support it


I had the idea originally to troll with a "redaction"

still think its funny

da5243 (4)  No.2547636


made a promise anon, it's not about me, it's about everyone. will keep my promise. still will give it a little time from when it's posted to let it come out like usual.

c5808a (2)  No.2547715>>2547947

…aannnndddd… 15 hours later, Q Anons are still hard at work to Make America Great Again and help save the world! YES <hand pump>!!! I loved you guys/gals. Board moving fast than last night, all hands on deck?

So what the fuck are we doing in Australia to make Australia Great Again? Fuck all really. Why? Because this Country is steeped in Luciferianism from its inception, DAY ONE!

When the Yanks beat the pants off of the Brits, there was no place to ship convicts - but to Van Demons Land [Australia], except this time (((THEY))) took no chances. The Founding Fathers drafted an ALL WHITE POLICY that even the British Parliment refused to pass and claimed it was, 'too radical'.

Now we have Herr Dutton to watch our every move, on and offline. I would always like to stay an Anon, but I know it won't be possible for much longer. All of us will have to make hard decisions soon, too soon for some. I'm about to put my 'Boots on the ground' and take the battle straight to the public arena [Court].

There's a very big difference fighting Lucifereans online… and fighting Luciferians in the Flesh.

The 7th August 2018 WIN was an important milestone… an Australian Court opened the door to several 'other' cases that can be brought against CORRUPT Public Servants, Officers, Directors, Executive Directors, at least two Ministers, and [drum rollllll] and Two Govt Depts. the link is, this guy, Michael Coutts-Trotter.

Michael Coutts-Trotter is an Australian public servant [Husband of Tanya Plibersek a Labor CAN OF WORMS!] who is the current director-general of the New South Wales Department of Family and Community Services. He was previously the director-general of the Departments of Education and Training and Finance and Services.

Side note: Department of Family and Community Services has several depts. One of them traffics children.

Sounds 'squeaky clean?'

History whitewashed:






Lynch Pin Micky needs pulling.

Who sprang him from a 9-year sentence after just a little over two years[?]

Who arranged Micky's [top] job in GOVT in the Finance and Services Department [?] where Micky was considered … INDISPENSABLE!

Yes, a Hardcore Heron Drug /Trafficker/Dealer/User - INDISPENSABLE THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT?

INDISPENSABLE to the Finance and Services Department? HOW???

Can't dig from OZ, we're on lockdown and the info has been blocked or removed, most links are dead/broken. Help Required Anons.

When I go public, I'll be needing a wee bit of backup from my Autist/Anon Mates and hopefully a few OzAnon's. Need Dead-Mans-Key or I'm toast for sure.

c5808a (2)  No.2547947


Michael Coutts-Trotter was 21 when he was convicted of conspiracy to import drugs into Australia in 1986.

The Golden Mile>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underbelly:_The_Golden_Mile

Who did he conspire with?

Was it the same person/people who have helped him?

Has he sold his soul?

Who's his handler? Think skin close.

Can he/ will he be saved or sacrificed?

90ba7f (60)  No.2565221>>2565254

(outline for anons to know how to explain when spreading)

rough outline:

I: Intro

(calls out MSM, say what side by sides and proofs are, give links to qanon.pub, qmap.pub, and qproofs.com)

II: When and Where did Q start to post

(4pol → CBTS → /cbts/ (8) → /thestorm/ → /qresearch/ & /GA/ → /PF/; don't give out the link; kek I "redacted" it; explain WHAT THE FUCK A BAKER DOES)

III: Who posts as Q (NOT doxxing, just laying out facts from crumbs and the signoffs)

IV: What does Q post

(signatures and stringers; the Cabal, +++ ++ +, topics in crumbs; the plan, GA; and moar but just an overview really)

V: Why does Q post

(conclusion, GA, The plan, call out the MSM again; had quote the Declaration, wrap it up)

(6 pages, ~3500 words)

the reader is on multiple occasions to think for themselves, check out graphics, and to read crumbs

it was an idea I had a few days ago, wrote it basically by a stream of consciousness, then anons were very helpful in editing and revising

it says "By Anons"; so we think it should be a /qresearch/ document, not just made by one famewhore like the MSM does

read it over, if enough anons see, read, and approve, we want to post a final version so it can be spread (its gotta watermark, kek)

the plan is to spread it to normies on social media and to websites, then try to push it IRL; for example at rallies, putting copies places, even maybe get it to local papers and the MSM

8604a7 (10)  No.2565254>>2565465


Maybe we could just print a pamphlet like the Hari Krisnas?

c1caaf (10)  No.2565452>>2565465


still editing a bit but have added a new line to what was already posted above.

think it may give a good chuckle, also keeps anons clear of unnecessary criticisms

"Also to refute any pre-concieved notion or MSM claims about the views, opinions, and other content are not associated with the Anons. The Anons are not responsible for the content>>2565221

, nor your ass getting hurt while you are here. That's us, you are welcome. There is always the "insert hyperlink to internet butthurt report form here" in case of emergency

90ba7f (60)  No.2565465>>2565526 >>2565743


I'm just going to post the pdf to be spread

a pamphlet is a good way to do that


kek, where would that go?

c1caaf (10)  No.2565526>>2565658


end of accomplished | start new paragraph |

new edit | paragraph begins

"All credit belongs to the Anons. .

thought this would be a good way to shield everyone else from whatever is there that could trigger someone.

90ba7f (60)  No.2565658>>2565682 >>2565765


I'm thinking that "All credit belongs to the Anons of The Board" (added the end) could go in the header area of the first page

c1caaf (10)  No.2565682>>2565718


i agree, it will keep anyone from trying to solo claim credit, and can act as a 'shout out' to all the anons

90ba7f (60)  No.2565718


gonna edit that now

which UID are you in this bread?

or is this your first time posting??

8604a7 (10)  No.2565743>>2565748


Yeah , You could hand them out at airports & shopping centers or door-to-door like the Jehovah"s Witnesses

90ba7f (60)  No.2565748

added "and Q": All credit belongs to the Anons of The Board and Q.


kek, was thinking people could do it at POTUS rallies and shit like that

c1caaf (10)  No.2565765>>2565809


my question is what are you thinking? copy pasta so in text format, and embed pdf fully available/viewable also? or just pdf embeded fully available/viewable?

90ba7f (60)  No.2565809>>2565894


honestly, not too sure

I was going to post the final PDF, and the final pastebin

then not really sure anon, basically rely on anons and their networks to spread it

90ba7f (60)  No.2565862>>2565900 >>2566005

File (hide): b8677cc2d916642⋯.png (200.88 KB, 485x575, 97:115, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

how does this look??

c1caaf (10)  No.2565894>>2565937


k, just checking, sounds like you are leaving it up to our best judgement. which i won't let you down. i'll make it nice. the reason for the question is how quickly do you want tthe serps to pick it up? i have tools to index, get it in motion, the text format, would highlight more keywords and make it more effective. Would still include the original, so the reader can compare and note no changes made, original work of the board.

c1caaf (10)  No.2565900>>2565937


maybe centered? idk it looks good just throwing it out there.

90ba7f (60)  No.2565937>>2565952

File (hide): c2500ee3eae8278⋯.png (252.94 KB, 640x641, 640:641, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


point taken

look better?



whatever way normies can read this is good with me

c1caaf (10)  No.2565952>>2565974


maybe it's my autism kek, but yeah it wide to small to left centered kek

90ba7f (60)  No.2565974

File (hide): e4ba1ff9277f0a8⋯.png (186.53 KB, 391x538, 391:538, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


made bigger

8604a7 (10)  No.2566005>>2566048 >>2566114


It basically list sites that don't include proofs then tells the read to figure out the clues by yourself.

Doesn't see very helpful.

Why not just list the sites and say "look here" and "figure out what this all means"

I don;t think that was what Q intended and told us, but explaining would be too difficult and time consuming,

We are so busy speculating on theories that "could be true" but we might never know.

90ba7f (60)  No.2566048


anon, thats only the first page

f1afbe (2)  No.2566087>>2566114


I could put it up on BookFunnel for you, if you want. That gives it a landing page where normies can go to download it. (See the Q books for an example). It’s free to users. (You could also set up your own BookFunnel account if you prefer).

c1caaf (10)  No.2566114>>2566169 >>2566465


>I don;t think that was what Q intended and told us

not sure what we are supposed to do but fight, and enjoy the show. i hear where you are coming from. Also though Q brought us mainstream for a reason. To enlighten the public against the corruption. In a small or huge way, this is the board fighting back. could always be wrong.


any means to spread it

f1afbe (2)  No.2566169>>2566220 >>2566228


Ok When you are happy with the final version, I’ll set it up. Got to familyfag tomorrow so Monday probably soonest I could do it. Man, I already have a list of folks I want to read it. Good work, anon!

c1caaf (10)  No.2566220>>2566228


not up to me on final version, anon still wants the board to have a say i believe. when ever anon is ready.

90ba7f (60)  No.2566228>>2566247 >>2573886 >>2574087

File (hide): ac3ea5a567808d3⋯.png (20.28 KB, 676x74, 338:37, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5ede615de4d5785⋯.png (18.18 KB, 475x106, 475:106, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



BO said its looking good (taking that as a check on it)

c1caaf (10)  No.2566247


nice that BO is one hell of special person.

*tips hat to BO*

8604a7 (10)  No.2566465>>2570456 >>2570525


We did what we were supposed to do. make noise be heard.

Mission accomplished

Those delusional people that think the normie are gonna come here for guidance and explanation are finding out it will never happen.

Events will be all the proof needed, as the message has gotten spread.

If you couldn't convince people of the other 100 conspiracies, why would you think this one would be different.

The communication and convincing skills are most pretty poor (as you have all found out with other conspiracies)

Take Q's advice - enjoy the show and education those that ask. They are already partly there.

Look at the crowds at Trump rallies. Did you red-pill any of them that you can identify?

3480df (12)  No.2570456


agree with you anon, the people and POTUS have done the most red pilling, word of mouth. in answer to your question, i can't personally identify anyone at those rallies, there has never been one in my state nor close by, but also don't know who all have been reached, and do feel it's important to keep trying to reach more while the momentum is there. That is why have asked several times, for opinions, and only now getting one that's negative.

90ba7f (60)  No.2570525


>If you couldn't convince people of the other 100 conspiracies

kek msm line

>Those delusional people that think the normie are gonna come here for guidance and explanation are finding out it will never happen.

the board was not linked to, no normies should come here

this is to fight disinfo with info, not bring people here or redpill them at all

its for posterity

6ecd76 (16)  No.2573886>>2574011


Ok, point me to the latest, polished pdf to download and I'll get started.

(And don't listen to any shills who say normies can't be redpilled. The word came into existence exactly because millions of us were experiencing it everyday.)

90ba7f (60)  No.2574011>>2574623


will repost

3480df (12)  No.2574087>>2574238


a new question for you anon, since TP pretty much named the board, do you want to go ahead and use the boards actual name? as in

"All credit belongs to the Anons, /QResearch/, and Q" ?

90ba7f (60)  No.2574238>>2574296


pretty sure that was GP (gateway) not TP

but they said 8chan's QResearch board

"These communications have inspired a 24/7 global research gathering on 8chan’s QResearch Board, composed of tens of thousands of anonymous researchers, who scour all open source information to substantiate, interpret, and expand upon QAnon’s posts. "


not sure, might keep it the way it is

REALLY don't want normies here, they should explore other places, this can be overwhelming

3480df (12)  No.2574296>>2574466


that's why i wanted to ask, can just imply 'the board' with a description as to why we are protecting 'the board''

90ba7f (60)  No.2574466>>2574494


how is this: On Monday, January 8th, 2018, the board still in use today was created, named REDACTED HAHA (this will not be given so it is not disrupted, and will be referred to as The Board).

3480df (12)  No.2574494>>2574552 >>2574680 >>2575146


nice, still working on it and including some props for infinite chan but have this so far

"8Chan is the home of The board. (We will continue to refer to it as "The Board" to protect these Anons from being invaded by, shills, attacks, and other avenues of division created by those that fear the truth. In the link to origninal document you will also notice it is broken. Get yourself caught up, when you figure it out, you will know where to find it.) "

90ba7f (60)  No.2574552>>2574583


are you the same anon that wants to put it on the website?

Is that what you're referring to?

3480df (12)  No.2574583>>2574730


that would be the 'we' yes, can clarify that further

6ecd76 (16)  No.2574623>>2574730


Great! Can I get the graphics as separate files? Jpg or png. The ones in this doc still have the watermark on them.

762e6f (7)  No.2574680>>2574730 >>2574734


>"8Chan is the home of The board.

from >>2572641

>The MSM cannot accurately describe how The Board works, so some clarification is needed. 8chan is maintained by the Code Monkey (CM), which hosts The Board. The Board Owner (BO) maintains The Board, appointing Board Volunteers (BV) to help. 8chan has a maximum limit of 751 for the number of posts in each thread. So, to maintain the research done by anons in the general thread, an anon must make (bake) a new thread (bread) each time a thread (bread) reaches 751 posts. This anon is known as the Baker. The Bakers are responsible for posting Q’s recent crumbs, notable posts of research from the previous thread (notables), and other important information and links used by anons (the dough).

I'd add

The Bakers are responsible for posting Q’s recent crumbs, notable posts of research from the previous thread (notables),and other important information and links used by anons (the dough) as the 1st posts in each new (bread).

underscore added to show additional text

90ba7f (60)  No.2574730


all of them still have the water mark

still just the rough draft, don't want to put the finals yet

when I do, I'll post the final pdfs and graphics




I'll add that

gimme a few minutes, will update with new graphics (rough draft still), pdf, and pastebin

3480df (12)  No.2574734>>2574799


added both

90ba7f (60)  No.2574799>>2574917


I posted that excerpt earlier, what are you adding?

but have added that amendment to the end of that sentence, working on the graphics

3480df (12)  No.2574917>>2574988 >>2575204

File (hide): ca29d6c6302011f⋯.png (59.92 KB, 817x784, 817:784, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


updated still working on it a little

90ba7f (60)  No.2574988>>2575012


gotcha, add Qproofs.com (not my site, so not self-promoting kek)

thats a good one too

3480df (12)  No.2575012


it's in the unredacted kek

6ecd76 (16)  No.2575146>>2575280

File (hide): f13655bb9eb2cf9⋯.png (6.27 KB, 468x41, 468:41, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


I think it works better if the tone is simply kept professional. If changes are still being made, then I'd actually recommend simplifying it:

"On Monday, January 8th, 2018, the board still in use today was created."

…And just leave it at that, with no REDACTED, no blacked out words, no jokes, and no rubbing anyone's nose in it that the exact name isn't shared. That way, those who want to find out still can and those who simply don't care won't be offended by being left out.

762e6f (7)  No.2575204


it was good when you first posted it

it has grown even better with time

it is now reaching levels of excellence not previously seen

>over 9000

6ecd76 (16)  No.2575213>>2575377 >>2575556

I'd also recommend a few more paragraph breaks. The paragraphs are quite long and dense. For folks reading on a device, this makes it harder to scan. I'm re-reading again now with an eye to that…

3480df (12)  No.2575280

File (hide): 707b4fba07b479b⋯.png (5.5 KB, 780x126, 130:21, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>On Monday, January 8th, 2018, the board still in use today was created.

kinda like so?

the only redactions that you see is my info so as not to self promote

3480df (12)  No.2575377

File (hide): 8766137606d58aa⋯.png (61.61 KB, 812x894, 406:447, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

90ba7f (60)  No.2575556>>2575871


the problem is, I'm trying to keep the format as is

anymoar changes will break the one page formatting (besides the two page section)

so I am planning to keep it as is

BUT, not everyone needs to use my formatting/PDFs (though they can)

if you want to, format it anyway you want

thats why I have been posting the pastabin too

your point is a good one, just can't be done the way I format the paper

updated graphics, pdfs, and pastabin are coming soon, almost done

3480df (12)  No.2575871


site has amp, it will be easy on mobile

90ba7f (60)  No.2575962

File (hide): 20f6379837e2a6a⋯.png (7.28 MB, 3093x2713, 3093:2713, basics(RD).png) (h) (u)

updated graphic (regular)

90ba7f (60)  No.2575966

File (hide): 2baaa00f7fa025e⋯.png (7.43 MB, 3111x2746, 3111:2746, basicsX(RD).png) (h) (u)

updated graphic (black)

90ba7f (60)  No.2575998>>2587645

updated pdfs (both black and regular)

90ba7f (60)  No.2576036

updated pastabin


90ba7f (60)  No.2576347>>2577092 >>2654339

some thoughts on where to spread this

its not an exercise in redpilling, but informing about Q and the Great Awakening

the redpilling would come through further research and understanding POTUS' policies and strategies and reading crumbs, looking at graphics, and following events

some places to push it:

1. Social Media (probably page by page, kek, don't use any)

a. Twatter

b. FB

c. Instagram

d. Tumblr

e. Pintrest

f. any others

2. websites that anons maintain/often post on

3. at rallies, protests, or other gatherings of patriots

4. to family/friends directly

5. letters to the editor (of a local paper)

6. even the MSM (they have places to "send a tip")

7. get YT patriots to do segments on it

8. other ways I didn't think of (I'm sure anons have other ideas)

the moar that read this, the moar that ACTUALLY understand what Q is doing and what the Great Awakening is, just some ideas

6ecd76 (16)  No.2576876>>2577068 >>2577120

File (hide): 80bad37de8d34e6⋯.jpg (509.69 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q-Basics-Cover-Sample.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 29efa3db872ceb1⋯.jpg (418.96 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q-Bsics-PageSample.jpg) (h) (u)

I've been fiddling around with Illustrator and Photoshop to make a cover, and thought…what if some anons want to get it printed? It should have some nice design elements. I started working in 8.5x11, because that can be easily printed, but maybe a trifold or other design would be better?

I'd like to get some feedback if you guys think this might be useful and if this design/color scheme works before I go further.

Please understand these are rough drafts.

90ba7f (60)  No.2577068



I'm just going to post the original (not good with that stuff)

aesthetics would make it great

its the content is good, any kind of design/coverpage/other additions would just make it better

8604a7 (10)  No.2577092>>2577163


1)Who do you think will take the time to read it.

2) Why would they think it was believable after ~40 MSM articles told them otherwise?

3) Why would you/we be credible

8604a7 (10)  No.2577120>>2577163


And it only has to compete with millions of other pieces of Internet junk.

Fancy cover make it credible?

6ecd76 (16)  No.2577161>>2577365

This pamphlet must be a good idea. The shills keep trying to knock it.

90ba7f (60)  No.2577163>>2577234 >>2577413



kek, can't believe a shill decided to come here

90ba7f (60)  No.2577211


>Who do you think will take the time to read it.

if they're interested in Q and they see it, they'd learn a lot. doesn't really take that long to read

>Why would they think it was believable after ~40 MSM articles told them otherwise?

no one thinks the MSM is credible, all of what they wrote is nonsense

>Why would you/we be credible

the content speaks for it self

3480df (12)  No.2577234

8604a7 (10)  No.2577365

File (hide): 4d46d44c8c80c04⋯.png (1.04 MB, 680x823, 680:823, Everyone I Don't Like.png) (h) (u)


Knock yourself out

I see your strategy

8604a7 (10)  No.2577413


You have nothing to lose but time

How will you know if it worked?

People at trumps rallies?

You did that too?

90ba7f (60)  No.2577792

testing the catalog

90ba7f (60)  No.2578005

baking in general, won't be back for a bit

e1ecfe (2)  No.2580425

File (hide): e0849dc0e503137⋯.png (1.44 MB, 2047x1152, 2047:1152, DABRnasimrich.png) (h) (u)

e1ecfe (2)  No.2580433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Late Night Shift Crew Tunage

6ecd76 (16)  No.2586632>>2588974 >>2591361 >>3030011

File (hide): db07d2260b55208⋯.jpg (2.6 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q Basics-Cover-Version-02.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): feb00c6291ecb0e⋯.jpg (2.67 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q Basics-Cover Version-03.jpg) (h) (u)

With and without a tagline.

(Could also change the tagline)

6ecd76 (16)  No.2586644>>2588974 >>2591361 >>2597240 >>3030011

File (hide): 3ca1526965fabf7⋯.jpg (3.48 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q Basics Page One Single.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 064243abdd588e5⋯.jpg (4.31 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q Basics Page Two Single.jpg) (h) (u)

6ecd76 (16)  No.2587011>>2588974

File (hide): d9c37da617f7549⋯.png (1.64 KB, 468x14, 234:7, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

I'm almost done with pages 3 and 4, but revising them because they looked too crowded.

Tentatively, I suggest that we can remove two fairly technical paragraphs from this (which is supposed to be Basic). That would enable it to fit more comfortably and aesthetically on 6 pages. Also, I think it is less overwhelmng to a newbie.

The two sections I suggest removing begin with: "Q has also posted under other signoffs…." to "own conclusions."

And "Q also uses stringers…. proofs."

These are great details but are they necessary for the new reader? Let's try it without and see if it still flows. Posting the next pages soon.

6ecd76 (16)  No.2587311>>2588974 >>2591361 >>3030011

File (hide): f8e7acfb8738f84⋯.jpg (4.45 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q Basics Page 3 Single.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b83d0522cb0af93⋯.jpg (4.22 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q Basics Page 4 Single.jpg) (h) (u)

6ecd76 (16)  No.2587322>>2588974 >>2591361 >>3030011

File (hide): 9ebc57e6d0131bc⋯.jpg (3.93 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q Basics Page 5 Single.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 64d5caca1314754⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q Basics Page 6 Single.jpg) (h) (u)

6ecd76 (16)  No.2587361

A word on the color scheme and illustrations.

The Q graphic is from this site. All other images are purchased royalty-free images, legal to use for this purpose.

The symbolism of going from the darker blue to the light/white pages at the end is supposed to represent: Dark to Light.

The lion quote is not attributed, but it is from Augustine.

There's one more page if we want to make a little booklet, the last page. I suggest we fill it with useful links for newfags to seek out more info.

2cb70c (131)  No.2587645>>2588974 >>2589597


Here's my editing contribution. Had one ready last week and then technical issues prevented my posting; glad to see some of the edits I did then have already been addressed. For me (and anons/patriots in general?!) the best part is your ending!!!

6ecd76 (16)  No.2588459>>2588974 >>2591361 >>3030011

File (hide): c9f13ea3cf48c2c⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q Basics Page 6 Single.jpg) (h) (u)

corrections made

90ba7f (60)  No.2588974>>2589264






those look GREAT!


I think I want to keep both

the first part explains that Q not only posts as Q, but under other 'signoffs'

and the second explains Q doesn't just post straight forward stuff

but I see what you mean

feel free to edit the copy you make, because the graphic looks awesome!

wait to post the final pdf copy when I do (just a suggestion)

we can start to spread both at the same time (one generic, then as many as we can looking awesome like yours)


I'll work on those tonight, thanks anon

6ecd76 (16)  No.2589264>>2589350 >>2589764


I will wait for the final one. I think it's okay to have several different versions going around. The fancy one will probably appeal to normies, but in fact might turn off people who distrust corporate media type packaging. So maybe it also makes sense to have more technical detail in the black/white version.

After this one is finished, we should make one that is even more simplified and shorter, that can fit into a trifold (so, it has to fit on a single front and back sheet).

Maybe some anon could make a website where we could host the various versions, with some that can be downloaded as pdfs, others as ebooks, others as full bleed files that anons can take to a printer.

90ba7f (60)  No.2589350>>2589423



got it and understand, but its eye catching (you're going from a storm to calm aren't you in the graphic???)


we had talked about making a pure bulletpoint version, still think thats a good idea


one anon had said he/she has a website to put it on

we could try to lobby the maintainers of qanon.app and qmap.pub and sites like that to put it there

I'm also thinking some anon should post it on the GA reddit, maybe some of them could spread it too

putting in some of the edits the other anon posted, they're good

6ecd76 (16)  No.2589423>>2589940


>got it and understand, but its eye catching (you're going from a storm to calm aren't you in the graphic???)

Yes! The last page (back cover/resources) has the sunrise of the great awakening. I'll try to post that by tonight.

I'll definitely take a look at those edits.

90ba7f (60)  No.2589597

File (hide): 3be087035ab8094⋯.png (31.98 KB, 460x235, 92:47, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


wait, why would the comma go INSIDE the slashes of /cbts/???

3514c2 (4)  No.2589764>>2589940


sitefag here, was thinking of adding both images of the story in black and white, at the bottom with embeded pdf. can add more than one pdf for folks to share. figured add as much in case one anon prefers another better. that being said not trying to over do it, but have plenty of room to add more.

6ecd76 (16)  No.2589780>>2589940 >>2590036 >>2591361 >>2596687 >>3030011

File (hide): ce607ebb1b8dff2⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q Basics Back Cover-blank.jpg) (h) (u)

The back cover can be blank, for anons to add their own resources, or they can use a Further Resources page already printed on their. Obviously, I'll add the website where people can find the pamphlet itself once that's set up.

90ba7f (60)  No.2589940>>2590036



LOVE the one with the info

really makes it come together and provides moar info


add this anons': 6ecd76

take a look at the theme, it starts as a storm then clears up to sunshine

member, its the info that needs to be spread, whatever format it comes in is secondary imo

3514c2 (4)  No.2590036



it does look good

2cb70c (131)  No.2590157

Sorry- that third slash should have been deleted, leaving the following:

4chan, /cbts/, on November….

3514c2 (4)  No.2590279>>2590292 >>2590342

where i upload pdfs for embeding, there are lots of tasty nuggets the reader can check out.

3514c2 (4)  No.2590292>>2590342

File (hide): 0fb57d9a1303f83⋯.png (25.17 KB, 981x804, 327:268, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

90ba7f (60)  No.2590342



thats a great feature

I'm thinking next time the maintainers of the major crumb sites comes around, to ask them to post a link the embeds the Basics

90ba7f (60)  No.2590515>>2590670

File (hide): dbe15759a7c1030⋯.png (87.01 KB, 550x227, 550:227, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

to clarify, I'm putting all semi colons in that list right?

am I reading those right?

2cb70c (131)  No.2590670>>2590830


Yes - when you have a long list of disparate "objects", they should be separated by semi-colons rather than commas.

90ba7f (60)  No.2590830


gotcha thanks, almost done editing

will just be posting the updated regular pdf and pastabin

these were good edits anon, kek even though all the previous iterations there can be improvements

2cb70c (131)  No.2591124>>2591280

Thank YOU - you're doing all the heavy lifting! It's a privilege to participate even in a small way. It is important for the form not to get in the way of the message, but to promote or even enhance it if possible; kudos to you for your humble and generous recognition of that!

90ba7f (60)  No.2591280>>2591604


I thought it was a good idea, and many anons have helped tremendously!

I agree, but the designs that anons posted above really make it pop

you're right the content matters, yet those graphics are awesome

just planing to have a script to work with and let anons and others spread it how they think is best

updated pastabin: https://pastebin.com/vKQUqbqu

updated RD pdf attached

90ba7f (60)  No.2591309

as I said in the intro, I haven't wrote this kind of things in a while

my last few semesters of undergraduate school were all technical lab papers, which were all dry and involved numbers/equations, no narrative

kek, so this needed A LOT of editing

90ba7f (60)  No.2591361>>2606807 >>2608365 >>2654339 >>2991475 >>3034528 >>3039676 >>3040881 >>3040905 >>3042016 >>3042427 >>3079124

2cb70c (131)  No.2591518>>2591604

¶1: …but an information operation and truth-seeking movement that wants

to peacefully help President Trump Make America Great Again.

Whoops… misc. words left out but

it's late and you must be exhausted. I can copy edit with fresh eyes again in the a.m. and send doc tomorrow?

90ba7f (60)  No.2591604>>2591753 >>2597196


see: >>2591280

I'll reread tomorrow too

2cb70c (131)  No.2591753


Yep, that's what I started reading through, started to post edits, and then realized there's too much for tonight! I can't pull all-nighters ( or even late-nighters!) any more!

6e7f0b (13)  No.2593023>>2599777

File (hide): f5c232aabf983a7⋯.png (334.23 KB, 602x961, 602:961, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

draft saved, no one else has access to it. little preview of some of what is up so far. links to all qanon sites are just below what you can not see.

6e7f0b (13)  No.2593821>>2593841 >>2594132

File (hide): 977d07424a68fe8⋯.png (14.44 KB, 637x314, 637:314, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3861f27021be4b7⋯.png (192.49 KB, 652x689, 652:689, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

made one edit, because i couldn't find the quoted phrase on Qanon.app replaced it with Truth is FREEDOM and on this end added the post linked to .app. There was also an 'are' that was out of place removed. will pastebin in just a jiffy. removed page numbers since formatting is different, can re-add if necessary


6e7f0b (13)  No.2593841


nevermind found it

6e7f0b (13)  No.2594132>>2599777

File (hide): 9f7adbc68738f8c⋯.png (263.93 KB, 617x754, 617:754, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): acae3b722a60607⋯.png (249.47 KB, 670x778, 335:389, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


more pieces

bd211f (2)  No.2595181>>2596687

Could yall edit the qanon.news link to be just qanon.news? or qanon.news/Q?

That posts.html page is old, but there's alot of links to it so I left it up. Thx editfags!

90ba7f (60)  No.2596687>>2597199



add qmap.pub, and just qanon.news/Q?

2cb70c (131)  No.2597196>>2597339 >>2605365


Here you go, plus an edit of last night's "draft saved" page.

bd211f (2)  No.2597199


Yes please, thx!

f61810 (1)  No.2597240>>2597339



A small suggestion with maybe bigger impact:

Can you also add next to MAGA "the world" on the introduction page? This makes red pilling so much easier. I don't want to generalize but most people are a bit lazy … If they only read MAGA they might throw it away..

Thank you God bless you all!


13c4b6 (3)  No.2597339>>2601259


so this is from the most updated version?

and website anon, the second pdf is for you


kek I gotcha, through out there is alot of "and the world" in it

13c4b6 (3)  No.2597385

shit, my IP switched, still the same anon

2cb70c (131)  No.2597522>>2597540

>>Yes- last night's pastabin

13c4b6 (3)  No.2597540>>2599510


ok thanks will start editing now

2cb70c (131)  No.2599510


I'll be unavailable for a couple hours but will check back as soon as possible.>>2597540

6e7f0b (13)  No.2599777>>2599820



my ipswitches often

using the last pastebin, is what these are from, can wait til you have all edits done. but have put salt or Q proof posts to back up all that has been discussed. think Anons will get a riot out of it, and MSM is going to need that butt hurt form

6e7f0b (13)  No.2599820

File (hide): 643ddced926f0db⋯.png (281.17 KB, 891x662, 891:662, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


another example

6e7f0b (13)  No.2601259>>2614886 >>2617929

File (hide): 5c599e1f5860639⋯.png (407.58 KB, 606x929, 606:929, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


noted, changed and updated.

everything is still in draft

6e7f0b (13)  No.2605365>>2605501



with your edits.

90ba7f (60)  No.2605501>>2605606 >>2606159


almost done editing, will post the updates

got distracted by Q today

oh anon with the theme/graphic, some anons in general liked it today, showed them some of it

6e7f0b (13)  No.2605606


did too a little, exciting day!

90ba7f (60)  No.2605752>>2606141 >>2606266 >>2606294

new pastabin:


updated RDpdf attached

2cb70c (131)  No.2606110>>2606141


Check near the end of the first para.; "someone" was left out and replaced with "appear" (Knowing the answers to these basic questions, appear curious about or just starting to learn about Q, can further his or her understanding by reading more crumbs and viewing more graphics. )

Also check Part III para. 1: The Hunt for Red October (should be italicized) whenrein (sp = wherein)

Delete sentence end of Line 35-36 (Along with the pictures that points to a connection between Q and the President.)

Delete brackets, keep commas in Line 42 :Upon her presumed victory, (for which the Cabal unsuccessfully fought,)

90ba7f (60)  No.2606141>>2606180


do you mean the anon's website or my updated copy???: >>2605752

2cb70c (131)  No.2606159


Sorry - too much going on tonight…quick posted instead of replying.

2cb70c (131)  No.2606180>>2606266


Your updated copy in pastabin.

90ba7f (60)  No.2606266


see this one: >>2605752

>Check near the end of the first para.; "someone" was left out and replaced with "appear" (Knowing the answers to these basic questions, appear curious about or just starting to learn about Q, can further his or her understanding by reading more crumbs and viewing more graphics. )

fixed that already

>Also check Part III para. 1: The Hunt for Red October (should be italicized) whenrein (sp = wherein)

fixed that already

>Delete sentence end of Line 35-36 (Along with the pictures that points to a connection between Q and the President.)

meh, might want to keep that, because pics do point to that being implied

>Delete brackets, keep commas in Line 42 :Upon her presumed victory, (for which the Cabal unsuccessfully fought,)

do you mean parenthesis?

2cb70c (131)  No.2606294>>2606357


>https://pastebin.com/0BhYgVhJ I see where you edited already except for the following:

, (for which the Cabal unsuccessfully fought,)

Just need to delete the brackets/parentheses ( keep commas in place).

90ba7f (60)  No.2606357>>2606468 >>2606692 >>2608340 >>2614302



thanks for all your edits anon

updated pastebin: https://pastebin.com/tvEV36Yv

updated pdf

2cb70c (131)  No.2606468>>2606569


Thank YOU! Looking good! Night!

90ba7f (60)  No.2606569



night anon

060882 (5)  No.2606692>>2606807 >>2608380


is this the final /qresearch/ approved pastebin of the text?

i would like to translate it to my native language.

90ba7f (60)  No.2606807>>2606811 >>2607023


thats awesome, no not yet

soon anon!!

we want it to be as perfect as possible, so we're holding off

see these: >>2591361

others are making better looking ones, but if you just want the plain one thats the one I've been posting

check back in a few days!

060882 (5)  No.2606811


>check back in a few days!


6e7f0b (13)  No.2607023>>2607076 >>2607117

File (hide): 4244bbc7ea90561⋯.png (1.48 KB, 586x40, 293:20, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


everything is caught up here also, been working along side you all in RT. so far it's looking fantastic.

just want clarifications on this one section, what would work best? or is it good? anything to leave out or add? such as book of proofs the mega upload?

060882 (5)  No.2607076>>2607117 >>2607125


i would suggest the first suggestion should be qmap.pub which is the one repeatedly mentioned by Q himself.

90ba7f (60)  No.2607117


not sure anon

Q usually posts the grey background (qanon.app)


put as many links as you think would be helpful anon

6e7f0b (13)  No.2607125

File (hide): db9145e85e2f4f2⋯.png (1.34 KB, 441x29, 441:29, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


good to go

060882 (5)  No.2608328>>2608365


>the final copy

we need it as soon as possible.

and we need to translate it to as many of the world's languages as we can.

db7b2b (2)  No.2608340>>2608365


I've read it over again, and this looks awesome anon. Keep up the good work, all of you. Anything else planned for future changes to the document? I'm looking forward to seeing the final copy.

90ba7f (60)  No.2608365>>2608370 >>2608374


see: >>2591361

compiled the links

great idea, other anons (within the thread) are talking about putting up on webistes

would like to see if the maintainers of the major crumb sites would put a link or have it somewhere on their sites


kek this anon wants to translate it, thats a brand new idea

and then of course spread it like everything else that comes from here

I've just been posting the bland document so anons can read (and the pastebin)

but once the final text is done, anything can be done with it

had a long day, got sidetracked with Q and side by sides, will be back tomorrow

its much better than whatever version you saw the first time BO

6e7f0b (13)  No.2608370>>2608380

File (hide): 0c8f90cc2c01933⋯.png (1.54 KB, 156x56, 39:14, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

db7b2b (2)  No.2608374>>2608380


It definitely is much better than before. I'm sure it will make a significant impact for the normies who are just discovering everything, as well as the newfags who don't know much about 8ch.

90ba7f (60)  No.2608380>>2608417


true, before I go, see this: >>2606692

the anon wanted to translate it

I know google can sometimes mistranslate things or not catch the subtitles but it can be used too


that was my intention, the fake shit the msm has been pushing gave me the idea

I keep saying it, but what they said a baker is really surprised me, really made it moar clear they were disinfo pieces

so thanks msm

I'll see you all tomorrow, tired as fuck

060882 (5)  No.2608417>>2614366


>google can sometimes mistranslate things

don't worry, i have a master's in English literature and i am pretty good in my native language.

6e7f0b (13)  No.2608649>>2615525

File (hide): 715183ec27bb5df⋯.png (316.31 KB, 733x902, 733:902, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

opinion needed.

include or exclude?

would make for a hell of a story kek

cf161f (1)  No.2610510


Might work if not ignored, called shill & fag. Makes one rather not get to close as fellow anon does nothing but SCREAM

2cb70c (131)  No.2614302>>2618240 >>2623146


Last go around? From the PDF…

¶2: Delete comma before "can" or add comma after "about" in following:

someone curious about or just starting to learn about Q, can further….

Part III, end of last ¶: add "singular" to "collective noun" to read " collective singular noun"

Part IV ¶ 3&4

Rather than simply "Q stated…", edit to read, " Q has stated.."(¶3), and

In fact, Q has repeatedly stated..(¶4)

(1.present perfect denotes emphasis on the effect that a past action continues to have up to the present time and

2. need some variety plus significant transition markers between ¶, in case you're wondering "why"?!)

2cb70c (131)  No.2614366>>2623157


What is your native language?

2cb70c (131)  No.2614886>>2615525 >>2615669


Sorry I didn't get a chance to acknowledge this last night. Attached is edit to s/thing/s we missed plus a comment that I do not know quite where to share?!

746f41 (12)  No.2615525>>2617324


got it anon working on it now.

should the missing faggot crumb be added?

My thoughts

1)normies would flock to dig based off the crumbs

2) casts Hussien in a different spotlight, with Q's confirmation,

3) would be funnier than hell.

Can add or remove just need opinions other than my own.



746f41 (12)  No.2615669>>2617450

File (hide): 2dfc5b8226765de⋯.png (13.49 KB, 641x370, 641:370, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


kinda thinking concious on the state and depth of the problem, should of added to last post was on phone with family got side tracked

746f41 (12)  No.2617113>>2617125

draft preview, just above The Basics. any changes/edits. Realized haven't posted latest updates.

the last paragraph will probably get some changes after everything is all put together.

746f41 (12)  No.2617125

File (hide): dce270d696d2bfa⋯.png (37.9 KB, 672x672, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


need a bowl forget all kinds of shit today

2cb70c (131)  No.2617324


That's a tough one:

1. Normies may well be "turned off" and "tune out" before actually reading Q's response.

On the other hand:

2. It may be enough of an "unmasking" to get them to ask themselves, "If that is true, what else about him - Hussein - is false?"

Biggest problem with that crumb is inserting it within an appropriate [textual] context so it doesn't just stand out like a sore…

I'll get more eyes on this tonight and get back with a consensus?!

2cb70c (131)  No.2617450>>2617929 >>2618017


Yes…. if "everything has meaning", then the misuse of the phrase, "in good conscience" to read "in good conscious" has significance ( even if unintended by the writer), especially if you believe in [the original etymological definition of ] inspiration?!

746f41 (12)  No.2617929>>2618137


so leave that crumb out? or leave it in?


746f41 (12)  No.2618017>>2618162


sorry still have not smoked enough yet today, sounds like keep the conscious crumb, put eyes on the 'lost faggot' crumb. don't mind if you want to get more opinion on it. also don't mind removing it. what ever is in the best interest for everyone.

2cb70c (131)  No.2618137>>2618364


see>>2617324! Let me get more eyes on it tonight. Leaning against since the text doesn't even mention Hussein? Better to get one that supports a textual reference (SA/ Rothschild/Soros/banks/Five Eyes/ etc.) even if those don't have the same emotional impact?!

2cb70c (131)  No.2618162


Haha.. yes, you got it!

575dc7 (50)  No.2618240


will edit soon anon

thanks again!

746f41 (12)  No.2618364>>2619693

File (hide): 5de7f62632cd558⋯.png (129.55 KB, 816x524, 204:131, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


k found a different one, the way i linked, it will show up in the search results.


little more relevant brings up Awan

they can see it if they click right next to it.

21575b (1)  No.2618409>>2618642

Anderson Cooper

575dc7 (50)  No.2618642


kek we know anon, thats what is keeping me from editing right now

odd you posted here though

746f41 (12)  No.2619103

shit tune out General for a little bit you can miss a lot kek

2cb70c (131)  No.2619693


Much better, anon! This references not just what has already been "outed" but not yet adjudicated (Awan), but will also pique interest RE: "the other person" as well as POTUS' speech. Most importantly, it references why we are all here: to DO something about evil, corruption, and to save the children!

90ba7f (60)  No.2623146>>2623500


kek going to do those now, had shit to do in the afternoon and came back to Q going wild

one question on this:

>add "singular" to "collective noun" to read " collective singular noun"

I looked it up, I only see "collective noun", would keeping it be fine or is the singular necessary?

c8122e (4)  No.2623157>>2623272 >>2623428



a billion people need to know about Q!

90ba7f (60)  No.2623272



90ba7f (60)  No.2623377>>2623455 >>2623515

updated pdf

updated pastebin:


2cb70c (131)  No.2623428>>2623455


Cool! Just wondered so there’s no double-dipping, so to speak, with multiple people doing a translation from scratch!

c8122e (4)  No.2623455>>2623476


smart move.

Just waiting for a "go-ahead" version of pdf. When I'm done, other curry-bros can verify if my translations are good enough for dissemination.

How close to being perfect are we here >>2623377 ?

90ba7f (60)  No.2623476>>2623553


I think we are getting close, if I were you, start translating what is in the pastebin, any other edits will be small and easy to tweak

2cb70c (131)  No.2623500>>2623543


Collective singular is the term that denotes that a singular verb is used for a collective noun; e.g., Q (the person (sing.) and/or persons (pl) has stated (sing. Verb form)

746f41 (12)  No.2623515>>2623543



all caught up as well.

90ba7f (60)  No.2623543>>2623560 >>2623582 >>2623601


ok understood, kek edited it in anyway, took your word for it



honestly, never thought about translations until this other anon

c8122e (4)  No.2623553


okay then, this weekend i start my work.

746f41 (12)  No.2623560>>2623576


anons know how to reach people, honestly imagine the Rooskies, translating to Russian, the chinese into their language. anons are smart. have all languages on site, so can hit everyone at one shot.

90ba7f (60)  No.2623576


> the chinese into their language

I doubt the commie Chinese would let that happen

but point taken

c8122e (4)  No.2623582


>never thought about translations until this other anon

you are welcome.


2cb70c (131)  No.2623601>>2623625 >>2623665



Concerned that the longer the delay to “publish”, the less relevant it may seem, esp. with the July 31 date in the text. Thoughts?

746f41 (12)  No.2623625>>2623657 >>2623665


we took are time, and got things right. can't rush perfection. :)

2cb70c (131)  No.2623657


True, that :)!

90ba7f (60)  No.2623665>>2623713



true, but Q is 'mainstream' and all those disinfo came out

we needed these edits BADLY, but this is very close, a lot of anons have weighed in

maybe release the bland original then let anons make their graphics with it after

I'm thinking soon

746f41 (12)  No.2623713


the disinfo has ebbed, edits seem solid, the habbenings keep coming. when it gets released. those on the fence even slightly will take notice. think the timing will be perfect regardless if its day or days away.

2cb70c (131)  No.2633468>>2633636 >>2634131

Curryfag pushed me to try translating too, so I'm going to put the first section out there and francofags can let me know if it's valable - worth my continuing or not?! Merci les amis!

575dc7 (50)  No.2633636>>2636626


kek can't read a word of that

shit, I should use hyperlinks shouldn't I?

bd8f96 (5)  No.2634131>>2634172


sounds fun, by time all languages are translated will be 2019 kek

575dc7 (50)  No.2634172>>2635294



probably true, but the main ones first!

575dc7 (50)  No.2634190

going to test if the hyperlinks work with the RD watermark

575dc7 (50)  No.2634221>>2634258

575dc7 (50)  No.2634258


thats a no

bd8f96 (5)  No.2635294>>2636074 >>2636626


looking at this from a "work smarter no harder" viewpoint.

1) shills have shilled in here to try to disuade this coming out/ we have carried on/

2) edits made, other edits suggested, other edits keep being requested after, last looking good edits complete. (also could be work of shills to keep on thinking they don't have a good enought product)

3) Original text is in English, we can perfect in English, but are lost in translation. Anons that can speak other languages have the same tools that they can translate the message into, and spread to their people.

4) you can take the burden off yourself by trusting other language speaking anons to translate, paste pastebin here, we can crosscheck with our translation tools, just to make sure that nothing is completely twisted, then paste into a new pdf background.

575dc7 (50)  No.2636074


very true, agree with all that

making pngs for each page

an anon in general gave me the "Aint clickin on that shit" when I posted the pdf


2cb70c (131)  No.2636626>>2636834



Not a shill nor a techfag here, but a super serious patriot wanting to do what I do best,which is language/s ( multi-lingual former teacherfag and writerfag 'Merican here - weird, I know). Wouldn't know how to propagate finished product/s, but anxious to get the word out there! I've done a lot of translation before, just not anything approaching this subject matter which is why I thought I'd try. Appreciate other anons caution but appreciate practical advice even more!

bd8f96 (5)  No.2636834>>2637111


translate and pastebin it here. i trust that you are skilled at what you can do. reason i mentioned let those that can, do. the English version is pretty much solid, might be a few more changes yet, not sure, you can still translate it, we can all look it over.

2cb70c (131)  No.2637111


Appreciate the vote of confidence; it'll take me a few days to continue ( can't do more till after the weekend).

575dc7 (50)  No.2637290>>2637302 >>2637309

File (hide): dab8fa87a110caf⋯.png (780.23 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0671d927a5f80a4⋯.png (886.36 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5ffb953b4f252d0⋯.png (902.22 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7324cc9943e7eaa⋯.png (885.22 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d734ebdc00f72df⋯.png (911.54 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg5.png) (h) (u)

testing these


575dc7 (50)  No.2637302>>2637309

File (hide): 313ec6ec8ee22b8⋯.png (1007.46 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg6.png) (h) (u)

575dc7 (50)  No.2637309>>2640058



DAMN, thats clear as fuck

575dc7 (50)  No.2637517>>2640254

File (hide): 4e8a7e571499659⋯.png (7.57 MB, 6077x1381, 6077:1381, basicsRDpg1-6.png) (h) (u)

testing this

bd8f96 (5)  No.2640058>>2640193


think it looks great anon!

575dc7 (50)  No.2640193>>2640211


I'm thinking maybe this coming monday for the final copy?

I want to reread a few moar times though and get a fe moar edits if needed

bd8f96 (5)  No.2640211>>2640297


whenevers clever, the leverage is ours.

tbh think (((they))) are scared, reason for the hit pieces today about trolls. (((they))) know this will reach many.

da391c (1)  No.2640254>>2640297


Looking great anons. Hoping this is just the preface to the book of Q to come later.

575dc7 (50)  No.2640297


kek, a legit WriterAnon should that!


no doubt they're scared, if its just a larp, WHY TRY TO SHUT IT DOWN (pun intended)

and I hope as many people as possible can read this, its just the basics, but it covers a lot

575dc7 (50)  No.2650995

going to reread the latest, see if I can catch any errors

575dc7 (50)  No.2652027>>2652257 >>2652297 >>2652677

File (hide): 4b0e613837975f3⋯.png (130.79 KB, 612x610, 306:305, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1c5baea541a03c9⋯.png (65.17 KB, 944x392, 118:49, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

so anons, I chekked the Qmap pdf, and it's dates are different (pic1 related)

1. I agree on the first Q post, oct. 28th

(first crumb)

2. the pdf says the first use of /cbts/ (8ch) was nov. 25th, but I say it was CREATED ON THE 19th:


3. the pdf says the first use of /thestorm/ was the jan. 6th, but I can show its the jan. 5th:


4. the pdf says the first use of /GA/ and /qresearch/ was jan. 9th, but I can show both were in fact jan 8th:

https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/1.html#25 and (pic2 related)

5. I agree on the date Q stopped /GA/ and started /PF/


was rereading and decided to in depth look at the dates again

541916 (12)  No.2652257>>2652297 >>2652339

File (hide): 3403310f4664e82⋯.png (14.37 KB, 670x205, 134:41, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


timezone changes could be, i think the pdf has it in EST. I show in updated version the 19th not the 25th on cbts see pic

541916 (12)  No.2652297>>2652314 >>2652339



take that back just checked you are right it is the 5th not the 6th.

and also correct on the 8th

541916 (12)  No.2652314>>2652339

File (hide): bdd898dab5e752f⋯.png (29.39 KB, 736x411, 736:411, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


take it back again you are looking at the wrong one.

it's all updated

see pic related.

575dc7 (50)  No.2652339




appreciate that anon, went to the Qmap thread, found the link, must have been an old one

all clear, kek!

73fd26 (1)  No.2652677>>2652794


I just had a look at the dates, here's what I have.

First post by /cbts/ BO (We can assume the board was created moments before this):

Nov 19 2017 11:21:27 (EST) - https://8ch.net/cbts/res/1.html

Qs first known post on 8ch (#230) was on /pol/:

Nov 25 2017 13:54:45 (EST)

Qs first known post on /cbts/ board (#234):

Nov 29 2017 14:21:16 (EST) - https://8ch.net/cbts/res/10820.html#10925

First post by /thestorm/ BO (Again, assuming board was created moments before this):

Dec 14 2017 22:05:18 (EST) - https://8ch.net/thestorm/res/1.html

Qs first known post on /thestorm/ board (#467):

Jan 5 2018 22:51:45 (EST) - https://8ch.net//thestorm/res/3995.html#4657

Qs first post on /greatawakening/ board (#512):

Jan 8 2018 22:03:27 (EST)

First post by me on /qresearch/ (I created the board just a few minutes before posting):

Jan 8 2018 23:50:58 (EST) - https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/1.html

Qs first post on /qresearch/ board (#516):

Jan 8 2018 23:55:15 (EST) - https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/1.html#7

Qs first post on /patriotsfight/ board (#1311):

May 4 2018 14:59:49 (EST)

{Edit: Added links to posts}

Post last edited at

575dc7 (50)  No.2652794>>2652814 >>2653480

File (hide): c2a11a2f2b0fd44⋯.png (781.54 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0671d927a5f80a4⋯.png (886.36 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f3df735d4ad91ea⋯.png (902.71 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2616968ab9c9950⋯.png (885.74 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d734ebdc00f72df⋯.png (911.54 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg5.png) (h) (u)

updated pastabin:


will update the pdf soon, here are the png's (1/2)


all those check out BO (pg2)

was telling an anon in general, didn't add the 8pol part, and only state when Q first posted on /thestorm/, not its creation date (do the opposite for /cbts/)

thanks for checking BO, I was using an old version of the pdf (as the anon said), but still wanted to triple check the dates

575dc7 (50)  No.2652814

File (hide): 205f7c79711fdee⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1910x2472, 955:1236, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

575dc7 (50)  No.2652848>>2653166

File (hide): 07853efa228bd64⋯.png (5.72 MB, 5062x1126, 2531:563, basicsRDpg1-6.png) (h) (u)

541916 (12)  No.2653166>>2653351


a thought only, but what if we released this weekend while news is slow, cause them to either work overtime/potentially throwing themselves behind for next week, and hitting phone and web fags at peak hours on social media when they got shit else to do?

575dc7 (50)  No.2653351>>2653412 >>2653480


just finished the updated PDF for the rough draft

I had found two slight errors

still would love moar edits, or a few moar read throughs

I think its just about ready though

541916 (12)  No.2653412>>2653465


gave it another scan, not seeing anything standing out

looks good

575dc7 (50)  No.2653465>>2653503


I will

maybe shoot for a [4am] like drop on Sunday Night/Monday Morning?

still want to get anons to spread it

a07f68 (5)  No.2653471>>2653480 >>2653519

Hey anons, saw you were looking for proof readers. Giving it a re-read now. Found one, first page -

coincidences at all.)

Should be

coincidences at all).

575dc7 (50)  No.2653480>>2653514


thanks anon use this though (not sure which version you're using, there have been MANY):





541916 (12)  No.2653503


drop it when ready, i'll have everything prepped, will wait til later in day or towards night. will give plenty of time for it to hit mainstream.

a07f68 (5)  No.2653514>>2653519


Yep, that's the one I've got

575dc7 (50)  No.2653519>>2653546

File (hide): 46b7ee62afb324f⋯.png (205.05 KB, 757x985, 757:985, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9cec9a2ae98e62d⋯.png (52.92 KB, 750x238, 375:119, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



here is an example

I think you're right

575dc7 (50)  No.2653540>>2653544

kek and this is why we should have moar eyes on

its fixed anon, will repost when moar edits have been made

575dc7 (50)  No.2653544>>2653729 >>2653906


I'll post the new pastabin though


a07f68 (5)  No.2653546>>2653599


Well dug anon, I didn't know that, kek

See what you think, although here I think you're right, the sentence doesn't stand on its own.

575dc7 (50)  No.2653599>>2653778

File (hide): 73221d98dda7a0e⋯.png (55.55 KB, 799x302, 799:302, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


this pic seems to indicate that because the bold can stand on its own, that it should be INSIDE the ( ) right?????: "For more details, the reader should to go to sites like qanon.app, qmap.pub, qproofs.com, and other similar sites that compile crumbs, side-by-sides (graphics with sources confirming the intel in crumbs side by side), and proofs (graphics that show “coincidences” mentioned by Q are not coincidences at all)."

confirming what you're saying now, I'm really unfamiliar with this type of punctuation

575dc7 (50)  No.2653729


if that punctuation was right, disregard the new pastabin

541916 (12)  No.2653764>>2653773 >>2653825 >>2653867 >>2653906

still have alumni access to college, ran the pastebin through Grammarly and fixed things they suggested. here's the output


541916 (12)  No.2653773


it removed the quotes forgot to mention

a07f68 (5)  No.2653778>>2653825 >>2653867


Sorry to be late anon, I'm baking the general just now. I would say that (graphics that show “coincidences” mentioned by Q are not coincidences at all) is not a sentence on its own, so the period should be outside, closing the entire sentence.

See what you think yourselves though, just suggestions here.

575dc7 (50)  No.2653825>>2653906


kek, go back to baking baker


you used which pastebin for that?

575dc7 (50)  No.2653867



those edits on Grammarly have the period outside the parenthesis so I'll go with that

541916 (12)  No.2653906>>2653931 >>2653987



this one



added in the quotes to get this one


575dc7 (50)  No.2653931>>2653955


ok got it

in the process of editing now

I'll try to post updated stuff soon

introduced appropriately


introduced properly

which one sounds better (first one is from your edits?)

541916 (12)  No.2653955>>2653962


i'd vote the former sounds more authority, which ever works best, no worries

575dc7 (50)  No.2653962>>2653987


got it

I think I'll keep some of the quotes on the names of the threads, I think the quotes are valid there

541916 (12)  No.2653987


i might of missed a one or two in



575dc7 (50)  No.2654028>>2654057

kek, shouldn't 2 million be two million???

or does that rule for less than 10 not stand when its millions?????

541916 (12)  No.2654057>>2654070

File (hide): dd6e8af2afa1ba5⋯.png (9.62 KB, 914x165, 914:165, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0a3737f7c32c895⋯.png (9.87 KB, 993x167, 993:167, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


asked jewgle

575dc7 (50)  No.2654070

File (hide): e55e8cb9be2d36b⋯.png (104.36 KB, 873x501, 291:167, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


kek I did


I'll just be consistent

a07f68 (5)  No.2654104

Read it over and it looks perfect to me. Top job anons, it's an excellent piece of work. Hopefully it'll be spread far and wide. Well done all ; )

575dc7 (50)  No.2654292>>2654296 >>2654339 >>2654355 >>2654755 >>2664471

updated pastabin:


updated PDF

(updated pics next)

575dc7 (50)  No.2654296>>2654297 >>2654316 >>2654339

File (hide): 36e0fc765fc6c86⋯.png (780.96 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98fc87965433e68⋯.png (885.49 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5771c8f7a5b19fc⋯.png (902.43 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3c9e6caa6741d43⋯.png (879.78 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e7991a92ca87d75⋯.png (911.54 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg5.png) (h) (u)

575dc7 (50)  No.2654297>>2654316 >>2654339

File (hide): bc7dbc8025d7380⋯.png (1008.18 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, BasicsRDpg6.png) (h) (u)

575dc7 (50)  No.2654316

File (hide): 0fc326c956d82d7⋯.png (8.77 MB, 7273x1688, 7273:1688, basicsRDpg1-6.png) (h) (u)

575dc7 (50)  No.2654339>>2654344 >>2654355

testing pasta's links


if you haven't, read Q: The Basics (rough draft) read it and tell us what you think

its something a few anons have been putting together (pic related is all pages of the rough draft in one graphic, '''OPEN IN A NEW TAB’’’)

its meant to be long, informative, and wordy (6 pages, ~3500 words), so it fights back against the blatant disinfo the MSM has been putting out with FACTS, not fake news

rough outline so you can explain it to someone else:

I: Intro

(Introduces Q/GA, calls out MSM, say what side by sides and proofs are, give links to qanon.pub, qmap.pub, and qproofs.com)

II: When and Where did Q start to post

(4pol → CBTS → /cbts/ (8) → /thestorm/ → /qresearch/ & /GA/ → /PF/; don't give out the link to here; kek I "redacted" it; explain WHAT THE FUCK A BAKER DOES)

III: Who posts as Q

(NOT doxxing, just laying out facts from crumbs and the signoffs)

IV: What does Q post

(signatures and stringers; the Cabal, +++ ++ +, topics in crumbs; the plan, GA; and moar but just an overview really)

V: Why does Q post

(conclusion, GA, The plan, call out the MSM again; quote the Declaration, wrap it up)

Here are the relevant links (rough draft) ALL OFF BREAD IN Q: The Basics Thread:

>>2654292 (pdf and pastebin)

>>2654296 >>2654297 (pics of all pages of rough draft)

>>2576347 (ideas on where to spread it to, once the final is posted)

>>2591361 (an anon’s theme/design idea; goes from a storm to calm) actually awesome, check that out (link to links of all the pages)


we want to get AS MANY anons’ eyes on this before putting out a final copy (BO commented on it, would like the BVs to check it out too)

It can be spread far, so we want to get it right, if you have ideas on how to spread, please let us know

And if you have read it, thanks, trying not to spam this, but want as many anons to contribute as possible

We are thinking its close to being final, still want as many anons to weigh in as possible

Thanks for eating muh pasta, WWG1WGA

575dc7 (50)  No.2654344



night anons, tired as fuck

1e8705 (6)  No.2654355>>2654361 >>2655277



currytranslator here.

starting my thing in about a couple of minutes.

be back when done with the first draft.

575dc7 (50)  No.2654361>>2654755 >>2654927


gotcha anon, I'll be back in a few hours, really early morning where I am

1e8705 (6)  No.2654755>>2654904 >>2654927 >>2655277 >>2656454


so, i'm reading the pdf [ >>2654292 ] for the first time, and i think we need someone with a flair for writing to redo this and put in some sorely needed fancy, professional sounding words.

no offence, but this piece looks like it was written by middle schoolers whose first language wasn't english. there seems to be nothing professional about it. in my opinion it should read like the world's best have written it.

Remember, this is going to be the piece that introduces Q to the uninitiated for the unseen future of humanity. this piece will be added to all the history books written in the future - it should seem worthy.

so, first, i'm rewriting the pdf in english.

i will be posting the finished english piece here first and wait for the anons' feedback.

don't worry, at most i will be only exchanging/amending some of the words/sentences with better sounding ones. the overall structure and/or the meaning of any sentence won't be changed.

the rest, you can all judge, and post feedback.

here's the first paragraph -

>Q, the anonymous poster who has gained a considerable amount of international attention over the past few weeks, is now being immensely discussed by the Mainstream Media (MSM). While the MSM have written Q related articles before, a notable increase is being observed since President Trump’s Tampa Bay rally on July 31st, 2018. This introduction is intended to educate those who are unaware of, interested in, or just beginning to follow Q. This informatory piece shall act as the groundwork to refute the misinformation, disinformation, and fake news being propagated by the MSM against Q. While the MSM deems “The Great Awakening” and Q as mere conspiracy theories, they are not. The Q phenomenon is a rather well-planned information operation and anon-driven truth-seeking movement whose goal is to help President Trump peacefully Make America Great Again, and by extension, the world.

if it so happens that anons are against using my edits, i shall still take literary liberty and make necessary enhancements to the language of the hindi pdf.

again, other indians can verify to the sanctity and integrity of the soul of the message.

1e8705 (6)  No.2654904>>2654927 >>2655277


thankfully the rest of the document doesn't seem to require much changes - just a word here or there.

i shall make a few greentext posts containing the entire english piece after this post. I may or may not keep a track of all the little changes i have made.

I leave it to the anons to judge the veracity of my work.

As for the hindi language translation goes, here's the first couple of lines (to show i'm competent enough) -

क्यू, अज्ञात खुफिया सूचना प्रदाता जिन्होंने पिछले कुछ हफ्तों में दुनिया का काफी ध्यान आकर्षित किया है, अब मुख्यधारा पत्रकारिता (मु.प.) द्वारा अविरत गहन चर्चा का विषय बन गए हैं। यूँ तो मुख्यधारा के पत्रकारों ने क्यू के बारे में पहले भी लेख लिखे हैं, किंतु 31 जुलाई, 2018 को टैम्पा खाड़ी में राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प की रैली के बाद मुख्यधारा पत्रकारिता द्वारा क्यू के सन्दर्भ में लिखे गए लेखों की संख्या में उल्लेखनीय वृद्धि हुई है।

i shall not post the entire hindi piece in greentexts. 1st draft of hindi translation will be made available as soon as i am finished with it.

1e8705 (6)  No.2654927>>2655277


>>2654755 - paragraph 1 in greentext


English document's paragraph 2

>This introduction is not at all meant to explain every piece of information and intel Q has posted on the chans these past few months. This document, intended to serve as a brief introduction to the Q phenomenon, will cover just the basics. For more details, the reader may visit websites like qanon.app, qmap.pub, qproofs.com, and other similar sites that compile crumbs (an allusion to bread crumbs), side-by-sides (graphics with sources confirming the intel in crumbs side by side), and proofs (graphics that show coincidences mentioned by Q are not coincidences at all). To be introduced properly to Q, and the movement associated with Q called the Great Awakening, there are questions the reader will need answered: Where and when did Q start to post? Who posts as Q? What does Q post about? Why does Q post? Knowing the answers to these basic questions, someone curious about or just starting to learn about Q can further his or her understanding by reading more crumbs and viewing more graphics. This document is also intended to educate the MSM, who appear not to understand the basics of Q and the Great Awakening, and yet continue to write uninformed, ridiculous, and laughable stories that are rightly considered by We The People, as fake news. All claims are backed up by Q’s crumbs and are found on the websites mentioned above.

i have not made any changes in the rest of the document.

1e8705 (6)  No.2655277>>2655298 >>2664556





this is an attempt to secure a tripcode and associating it with this ID. Since India utilizes dynamic IP allocation i shall require a tripcode to verify that i indeed am the original, official hindi translator.

1st chapter of the english document - re-redited by me - i promise this is the last english edit i'm proposing. Please disregard my edits made in >>2654755 and >>2654927 -

>Q, the anonymous poster who has gained a considerable amount of the world's attention over the past few weeks, is now being immensely discussed by the Mainstream Media (MSM). While the MSM have written Q related articles before, a notable increase is being observed since President Trump’s Tampa Bay rally on July 31st, 2018. This introduction is intended to educate those who are unaware of, interested in, or just beginning to follow Q. This informatory piece shall act as the groundwork to refute the misinformation, disinformation, and fake news being propagated by the MSM against Q. Even though the MSM deems “The Great Awakening” and Q as mere conspiracy theories - they are not. In fact, this "Great Awakening" is a well-planned information operation and anon-driven truth-seeking movement whose goal is to help President Trump peacefully Make America Great Again, and by extension, the world.

>This introduction is not at all meant to explain every piece of information and intel Q has posted on the chans these past few months. This document, intended to serve as a brief introduction to the Q phenomenon, will cover just the basics. For more details, the reader may visit websites like qanon.app, qmap.pub, qproofs.com, and other similar sites that compile crumbs (an allusion to bread crumbs), side-by-sides (graphics with sources presented side by side which confirm the intel in crumbs), and proofs (graphics that show coincidences mentioned by Q are not coincidences at all). To be introduced properly to Q, and the movement associated with Q called the Great Awakening, there are questions the reader will need answered: Where and when did Q start to post? Who posts as Q? What does Q post about? Why does Q post? Knowing the answers to these basic questions, someone curious about or just starting to learn about Q can further his or her understanding by reading more crumbs and viewing more graphics. This document is also intended to educate the MSM, who appear not to understand the basics of Q and the Great Awakening, and yet continue to write uninformed, ridiculous, and laughable stories that are rightly considered by We The People, as fake news. All claims are backed up by Q’s crumbs and are found on the websites mentioned above.

1e8705 (6)  No.2655298


so, tripcode doesn't work.

no matter. here's the pastebin - https://pastebin.com/wWCgnXrt

i shall be editing the pastebin in the future.

here is also the first chapter in hindi completed -

>क्यू, अज्ञात खुफिया सूचना प्रदाता जिन्होंने पिछले कुछ हफ्तों में दुनिया का काफी ध्यान आकर्षित किया है, अब मुख्यधारा पत्रकारिता (मु.प.) द्वारा अविरत गहन चर्चा का विषय बन गए हैं। यूँ तो मुख्यधारा के पत्रकारों ने क्यू से संबंधित लेख पहले भी लिखे हैं, किंतु 31 जुलाई, 2018 को टैम्पा खाड़ी में राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प की रैली के बाद ऐसे लेखों की संख्या में उल्लेखनीय वृद्धि देखी जा रही है। यह जानकारीपूर्ण परिचय उन लोगों को शिक्षित करने के इरादे से तैयार किया गया है जो क्यू से अनजान हैं, रुचि रखते हैं, या सिर्फ क्यू का अनुसरण करना शुरू कर रहे हैं। लिखित सूचना का यह टुकड़ा क्यू के विषय पर मुख्यधारा पत्रकारिता द्वारा प्रचारित गलतफहमी, दुष्प्रचार, और नकली खबरों को खारिज करने के लिए आधार के रूप में कार्य करेगा। भले ही मुख्यधारा पत्रकारिता द ग्रेट अवेकनिंग (महान जागृति) और क्यू को केवल षड्यंत्र सिद्धांत मानती है - वे हैं नहीं। वास्तव में यह "महान जागृति" एक योजनाबद्ध सूचना संचालन तथा अप्राप्य पहचान के कई सदस्यों सदस्यों द्वारा संचालित सत्य की तलाश में चलाया जा रहा एक आंदोलन है जिसका लक्ष्य राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प को अमेरिका, और नतीजतन पूरी दुनिया, को शांतिपूर्ण तरीके से फिर से महान बनाने में मदद करना है।

>यह परिचय पिछले कुछ महीनों के दौरान क्यू द्वारा चैन वेबसाइटों पर डाली गई जानकारी और खुफिया सूचना के हर टुकड़े को समझाने के लिए बिल्कुल नहीं है। यह दस्तावेज, क्यू के संक्षिप्त परिचय के रूप में, केवल मूलभूत बातें शामिल करेगा। अधिक जानकारी के लिए, पाठक qanon.app, qmap.pub, qproofs.com और अन्य समान वेबसाइटों पर जा सकता है जो क्यू द्वारा बताई गई जानकारी के टुकड़े ( क्रम्ब्स - ब्रेडक्रम्ब्स - ब्रेड के टुकड़े ), साथ-साथ ( स्रोतों के साथ ग्राफिक्स जो क्यू द्वारा टुकड़ों में बताई गई जानकारी की पुष्टि करते हैं ), और सबूत ( ग्राफिक्स जो दिखाते हैं कि क्यू द्वारा वर्णित संयोग बिल्कुल संयोग नहीं हैं ) संकलित करती हैं। क्यू और क्यू के साथ जुड़े आंदोलन द ग्रेट अवेकनिंग (महान जागृति) के साथ ठीक से परिचित होने के लिए, कुछ ऐसे प्रश्न हैं पाठक के लिए जिनका उत्तर खोजना आवश्यक है: क्यू ने कहां और कब पोस्ट करना शुरू किया? क्यू नाम धारण किये कौन पोस्ट करता है? क्यू किस बारे में पोस्ट करता है? क्यू क्यों पोस्ट करता है? इन बुनियादी सवालों के जवाब जानने के बाद, जो कोई भी उत्सुक है या क्यू के बारे में सीखना शुरू कर रहा है, वह और अधिक टुकड़े पढ़कर और अधिक ग्राफिक्स देखकर उसकी समझ को आगे बढ़ा सकता है। यह दस्तावेज मुख्यधारा पत्रकारिता को शिक्षित करने का भी इरादा रखता है, जो क्यू और महान जागृति की मूल बातें समझने में असमर्थ प्रतीत हुए हैं, और फिर भी अभी तक क्यू के सन्दर्भ में अज्ञानता से पूर्ण , हास्यास्पद, और हंसमुख कहानियां लिख रहे हैं जिन्हें हम, नागरिक, सत्य ही फेक न्यूज़ की संज्ञा देते हैं । सभी दावों का समर्थन क्यू के टुकड़ों द्वारा किया जाता है और ऊपर वर्णित वेबसाइटों पर पाए जाते हैं।

no more greentexts for me from this point onwards. My next post will have the 1st draft of completed hindi translation of Q:The Basics.

575dc7 (50)  No.2656454


kek I couldn't have written this shit in middle school, let alone understand Q

gonna keep it, work on the translations

575dc7 (50)  No.2656544

and its meant to be easily read

I don't usually write like this, I write scientific technical papers

I'd post one, but I'd dox myself

if I find a way to not dox myself by posting a paper, I'll post some of one

f50a2c (6)  No.2656908>>2656999

was kinda laughing last night too, talked all that shit for such little edit. kek

575dc7 (50)  No.2656999>>2657034


which UID were you?

f50a2c (6)  No.2657034>>2657168


the one helping you edit, ran through grammarly

575dc7 (50)  No.2657168>>2657208 >>2658870


gotcha, there were a few edits that were helpful though

thanks anon (they were minor though, but still, needed)

f50a2c (6)  No.2657208>>2662956


yes i think anon was helpful, just mean he cast such harsh words only to find out it wasn't that bad. thats what had me kek'n

f50a2c (6)  No.2658870>>2658961


tbh as i was reading through last night, what curryanon added i was kinda thinking about, the part about POTUS being elected to MAGA, the extra part of the world i think is needed, the only thing that kept me on the fence is, with the whole MUH RUSSIA thing, wasn't sure how lefties would take it.

575dc7 (50)  No.2658961>>2659018 >>2659775


honestly, could care less about lefties, i doubt they'd follow Q, basically antithetical to everything they think

but the audience is mostly American, and "and the world" shows up a lot

you mean adding to the end of the first paragraph?

f50a2c (6)  No.2659018>>2659184 >>2662956


reason so, is because POTUS is workign on NK, already balanced things in SA, working on Iran now, his actions even though American first, are helping those in other parts of the world. So maybe it's my misjudgement, but to me seems like curryanon has a point. imagine how many people around the world where praying POTUS got elected. They knew real change would come.

f50a2c (6)  No.2659118>>2659184

two other things i forgot, need more herb today

1) curryanons hindi checks out looks solid

2) are we more powerful as a group of Anons from USA, or a group of Anons from the World?

575dc7 (50)  No.2659184>>2662956



I gotcha

and clearly a group from the World

f76764 (4)  No.2659749>>2662956

>>2476158 (OP)

No, it's no good. Too convoluted, too eccentric, toi much emphasis on irrelevant and alienating "chan culture" crap.

We need to figure out simple points, that are easy to understand, for the first layer of PR, and then proceed to elaborate on ways that continue to maximize relatability. We need to COUNTERACT the cliches about "chans", not wallow in them.

f76764 (4)  No.2659775


Who are "lefties", and what about what Q has told us inclines you to think you're justified in dismissing them?

If Q explicitly emphasizes the fact that divisions are imposed by corrupt power to the people weak, and yet you EXPLICITLY INVOKE such divisions, then what are you actually trying to accomplish?

f76764 (4)  No.2659881>>2660160

File (hide): 59218b9a45f78bc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1663x1189, 1663:1189, sheparsisted.png) (h) (u)


Why the fuck do you keep the "CP law reminder" at the top of the main thread?

We're involved in a situation in which we're attacked in the media. We're characterized as stupid, delusional, extremist, and cultish. Furthermore, the media has emphasized the fact that 8chan "harbors vile content".

Now ask yourself this, is it tally plausible that people come to Q's board AND POST QUESTIONABLE PORN IMAGES? No, that's a fucking joke. People here wouldn't do that even in other boards-- but this board, in particular, has a serious function… So why on earth does all the garbage appear? As we all know, it's fake. And "questionable images" ARE MOST CERTAINLY POSTED BY FAKE POSTERS.

Now again, the media attacks INCLUDE SMEAR-BY-ASSOCIATION WITH CP… So what do you do, BO? You use the questionable images pushed by fake posters as a pretext to post the CP laws at the top of every thread. The implication being that ANONS HAVE A CP PROBLEM ON Q's board.

This is a remarkably flagrant way to make the board look bad, and corroborate the effect media talking points that appeared, for instance, in the NBC article.. Can you act like a serviceable human and explain this in a plausible way? It can't be an accident. Stop ducking the question.

f76764 (4)  No.2659886>>2662956


575dc7 (50)  No.2659928>>2659932 >>2660140

gtfo out of here tiresias

the only think you're doing is bumping the thread

575dc7 (50)  No.2659932


my bad, kek

*gtfo of here

b0236e (2)  No.2660140>>2662956


What are you talking about? Who is Tiresias? Why would you call me that? We are anons here-- are you trying to attack that? Why? What kind of game is that?

Do you disagree with my criticisms? Then address them like an adult.

Do you disagree about BO's absurd "child porn reminder"? Then why? Give a reason.

Don't act like a child and think you can hide behind that. This isn't a game. Wet have to think like adults.

Your "piece" is not likely to do anything but alienate and drive off newcomers. And why in the fuck it's being "translated into Hindi" is way beyond me, but the whole thing is ridiculous.

We need ACCESSIBLE materials that normies can understand. Do you dispute that?

Refer to my above comment about your dismissal of "lefties", and respond please. This isn't a game. If you are going to purport to SPEAK FOR ANONS, and yet ignore questions about obviously dubious aspects of your project, then you are committing an act of serious dishonesty. I, for one, am tired of bullshit. Tired of fake, fluffed up garbage. Are you an actual believable, sincere anon with his heart in the right place? No, clearly. But try to pretend you are, so everyone can see you fail. Thanks.

b0236e (2)  No.2660160



02eeef (3)  No.2662956>>2665526 >>2665535


>he cast such harsh words only to find out it wasn't that bad. thats what had me kek'n

kek, yeah, curryanon here and I apologise for jumping the gun there a bit.

the first chapter had me in all kinds of literary discomfort, but then the later chapters were almost perfect, so i didn't want to be making any changes.

anyway, gonna be working on hindi translations the whole day today. i'm hoping to get majority of it done by the time sun sets here on curryland.



one can just go through the list of countries specifically mentioned by Q. this is in no way a US only operation. in any case, the world is way too interconnected today anyway.



USA is THE world leader by far, but what is a leader without their team?


>first layer of PR

see memes

This document is for those who have seen those memes day in day out for a few months and just can't stop themselves from jumping head first in Q but get confused on /qresearch/.

We are doing good here. Kudos to the patriots.


hehehe why..uhh, why do you say that human-anon? hehe… we are all biological human beings homo sapiens sapiens here, anon. hehe, trust me.


>child porn reminder

maybe remove the word "child" in the remainder. or, like i said so many days ago - "YUGE boobs only"

finally - we do need as many people on our side as possible. and if that means trying to make the lefties see the truth then so be it. sure we have the majority with us but we can always do with one more brain starting to think again.

90ba7f (60)  No.2663704

chekk the hash BO

575dc7 (50)  No.2664176

REAL tired of arguing with blatant newfags and shills in general, will take a look at the almost-final copy tomorrow morning

BO, if you can, read it over once again too



2cb70c (131)  No.2664471>>2664556 >>2667195 >>2669277



Sorry I can't work on this during the day this weekend so sending it now as time is short. The first document is "clean"; pls read through to get the flow. I finally was able to make some of the more significant cuts/edits to reduce redundancy, improve cohesion and, hopefully convey coherence in the original intention.

Second pdf is the version with edits visible.

Both based on above pastabin.

ebe3f1 (1)  No.2664510>>2664525

Just wanted to thank you for dogpiling on Alex Jones. Real fucking classy

02eeef (3)  No.2664525


>dogpiling on Alex Jones

poo goes in the loo - that's the rule.

02eeef (3)  No.2664556

curryanon here, almost halfway through to the hindi translation.

as >>2664471 has some major changes, i will wait for it to be approved and adopted by anons here before continuing my work.


yo, >>2664471 there's maybe a line or 2 you may like to add to the english pdf from >>2655277

030d60 (1)  No.2664562

File (hide): c365959649d6f3e⋯.png (52.94 KB, 220x307, 220:307, Fred_Trump.png) (h) (u)

Who does he look like ? And the other, who does he look like ?

8b5a2f (2)  No.2665526>>2667322


Don't "work on Hindi translations" (rofl at this absurdity. Hindi translations! Of all the languages-- educated Hindi speakers are extremely likely to also be fluent in English, for one thing!) This "piece" is not good. We have a BO that is ACTIVELY WORKING TO UNDERMINE THE BOARD, and we are pretending that he's an authority "approving" of this confused, alienating, convoluted blabber. Just stop.

This piece is not good. It will not help spread truth. And it's produced by fake posters. We need something better.

8b5a2f (2)  No.2665535


Also notice how I address questions to OP, but ANOTHER POSTER ANSWERS… Why is that? It happens all the time with fake posters. They cover for each other.

90d7a2 (9)  No.2667195>>2667260 >>2667472


honestly anon, some of those edits are major

not sure if they would be better or worse, gotta really look through them.

you don't usually put a thesis in the first paragraph at the end of it.

I really wouldn't want to completely change this to add a globalist feel to it, "If America falls the world falls"

let me look at this carefully, for example, I wouldn't want to break up POTUS' slogan like that, doesn't make sense to me

give me a while to look at these omissions/adaptions

317d4b (4)  No.2667230

on this UID now, my posting was hanging and slow as fuck

317d4b (4)  No.2667260


only read the first page, the other edits are normal revision that are necessary

b83a89 (1)  No.2667322>>2667372


>educated Hindi speakers are extremely likely to also be fluent in English

by that logic literally everyone, irrespective of their mother tongue, who is somewhat educated knows enough english to be able to read and understand the original english document.

i don't think there is any harm in translating the document in a few other languages.

mandarin, spanish and hindi are he most spoken/read languages after english.

317d4b (4)  No.2667372


the shill you replied to is a shill


I've disregarded everything being said by all three of that shill's UIDs




the translations are a great idea, but I agree with you

2cb70c (131)  No.2667472>>2667529



N.B. That the thesis should, ideally, be at the end of the introductory paragraph (think inverted pyramid, with a "hook" ( analogy, rhetorical question, quotation, etc. to begin the intro.paragraph, followed by increasingly less general statements, leading to the specific thesis statement at the end.

One omission that has been bothering me is the lack of description of the anons themselves. While the focus is rightly Q ( and the President), it would be be appropriate and helpful, I think, to include at least a cursory description of who the anons themselves might be and how that true diversity impacts the type and quality of communications on the board.

Turns out I will have periods of time today that wasn't planning to have so will try to respond as needed and as able.

317d4b (4)  No.2667529>>2668883


>One omission that has been bothering me is the lack of description of the anons themselves

kek we're all anons, how would we describe anonymous people????

but I never wanted to make it about anons, for example, we could've added previous BO's names, but didn't want to

let me know who that could be incorporated

2cb70c (131)  No.2668883>>2669277 >>2683583


Just did another go around with edits highlighted this time for easier reading. Included very brief description of anons within context of last ¶ of Part II. See what you think.

248a25 (2)  No.2669277>>2669459 >>2671232 >>2671248 >>2671365



I'll get to these in a bit anon


still not sure about the 'diversity' stuff, seems really liberal but I know your sentiment

374231 (1)  No.2669459


Precisely- taking back the narrative à la Q ( see new posts!)

2cb70c (131)  No.2671232>>2671365


Intro ¶ only - need to grab attention off the bat as well as enable smoother ( logical, coherent) sentence transitions.

2cb70c (131)  No.2671248>>2671365 >>2673445 >>2683583


Would help if I pasted it here…

248a25 (2)  No.2671365>>2671541




I've been busy today, and had a bunch of stuff to do

I'll get to the edits tonight, wasn't able to yet

2cb70c (131)  No.2671541


No worries… sounds like our itineraries switched.

90d7a2 (9)  No.2673390

the baker needs a handoff in general, if the BO/BV checks me and lets me, I'll try to do some editing

if another baker shows up, I'll be doing edits all night

90d7a2 (9)  No.2673445>>2673738


this one has all the edits in the previous two pdfs right????

2cb70c (131)  No.2673738>>2673761



Don’t wear yourself out tonight over any of it; stay strong!

I’m afraid I can’t help any more tonight; spent afternoon at urgent care with [ my third case of ] shingles. I will be available again starting tomorrow am

90d7a2 (9)  No.2673761>>2673814 >>2683583


understood anon, a family member had that, I feel for you

I am baking, so we'll get this done tomorrow (might be able to do some)

get well soon anon

2cb70c (131)  No.2673814


Much appreciated - night!

2cb70c (131)  No.2683583


Updated again from yesterday's PDFs ( >>2668883 & >>2671248 ) for whenever you have a chance to take a look.

90d7a2 (9)  No.2684598

I'm editing now, start from the first PDF

I'm going to do all the grammatical stuff first, then see what content edits should be made

90d7a2 (9)  No.2684908>>2685223

kek "happenings" is actually a word, looked it up when writing, it actually doesn't need quotations

I thought it was funny

90d7a2 (9)  No.2684987

I think I'll just post the RDpdf and the pastabin, will make the pics later

90d7a2 (9)  No.2685050

kek anon, I was fucking with one shill, and that shill and some other think I'm hopping to another anon because that anon is fucking with the shill too

pretty funny

kek, I'm really not dbfc6c

2cb70c (131)  No.2685223


You’re right!

Thanks for checking this all out. I’ll check out your pastabin/pdf in the am

90d7a2 (9)  No.2685570>>2690350 >>2894860 >>2895461

wanted to do this step by step, so I did mostly the grammatical errors plus a few content revisions

updated pdf

updated pastebin:


will see which content revision should be done tomorrow

2cb70c (131)  No.2690350>>2897750 >>2899664



I'm afraid that checking mechanics (grammar & punctuation) is a distant second to content! The former is simply a vehicle to adequately contain and advance the latter!

I'm very sorry it took me so long to sit down and grapple with more than grammar and punctuation, knowing that major revisions needed to be done to turn the excellent, detailed info into a format that is readable from a broad audience's point of view.

It is a difficult enough process to convey information in one person's "voice", never mind combining multiple "voices"!

So, keep in mind your intention to, essentially, compete with "professional" mainstream media!

To do this, you, as the primary author, need to consider that the writer's job is to write in such a way as to complete the following tasks:

1. Determine function/s: Broadly speaking, to Inform, Persuade, or Entertain (the latter is obviously not your purpose!).

2. Determine Audience: normies covers an enormous potential audience of semi-literate to highly educated, working-class to "elite" readers of English - and potentially many other languages.

3. Determine an overall tone (formal vs informal, etc.). This is set by the vocab and type of sentence structures used throughout and is probably the most difficult aspect of this endeavor: higher-level vocab. & sentence structure impede understanding for some but validate authority for others. The inverse is also true; i.e., simplistic, repetitive vocab & sentence structure have a definite place and can make an impact if used judiciously, but erode the reader's confidence in the writer's authority to make a case if that is the overall style of writing.

FYI I have attached last night's version with an addition at the end of last paragraph, plus notes before the beginning RE: the discussion of "happenings". Didn't have brain space to get in to it last night beyond acknowledging that "happening/s" is indeed a[n informal lexicon] word and not just anon jargon!

e5691d (4)  No.2717985>>2718709 >>2719094

I haven't been able to work on it for a bit, I'll try to get to some edits tonight

some of the added wording might be unnecessary like the diversity stuff (many anons hate that word)

2cb70c (131)  No.2718709


Understood! No worries! That’s why I wanted to encourage writing towards the audience ( fundamental consideration for any writer) as well as reclaiming the lexicon ( a potential personal goal as an anon in a PC world where up is down…).

2cb70c (131)  No.2719094


If the word “diversity” is too hard to swallow, try eliminating the entire phrase, “demonstrating cooperative diversity” and substitute with “cooperating” to read:

“… stages of life, cooperating in the use of complementary skills, knowledge…..”

d8b059 (1)  No.2757726

going to try and get to this tonight!

d2ff82 (178)  No.2802331>>2802333 >>2895461

kek, just want to see what this looks like




















d2ff82 (178)  No.2802333>>2895461

d604a9 (1)  No.2802334


You are getting filtered you stupid douchebag. Can’t even get the very first requisite right. Board of ANONS.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2841306>>2895461 >>2898000

I finally have some time again to work the the article

but I really think some of the edits are unnecessary, but let me relook

29df8e (1)  No.2884973

so, any progress?

2cb70c (131)  No.2889010>>2894249

Assuming you have seen this post with its video of OANN's Posobiec "debunking" Q?


Also this from yesterday: http://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/404879-q-more-qs-than-a

All the more important to get something out there WITH proofs (unllike Posobiec)since there are a lot of OANN and other MAGA fans who don't know where to start and who to believe.

Simple, readable, persuasive in its informative nature.

db469c (2)  No.2894249>>2894860 >>2897750


not the anon everyones waiting on. momentum, edits, almost finished, then AWOL. thanks lazy anon, you are allowing them small victory.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2894860


are you talking about me?

I've been baking now, and been really busy otherwise, not much extra time

read this: >>2685570

the other anon wants a lot of edits that I don't think are necessary

db469c (2)  No.2895461>>2895721

>>2685570 08/20/18 (Mon) 22:36:06

>>2802331 08/30/18 (Thu) 13:53:31

>>2802333 08/30/18 (Thu) 13:53:52

>>2841306 09/01/18 (Sat) 20:53:07

d2ff82 (178)  No.2895721


I know, had a bunch of shit to do unrelated to the board

then I've been baking, baked for ~5 hours today, learned how to and have been filling in when there are no other bakers

not sure which UID you were, or if you're a new anon in this thread, but I've made some edits, not posted yet

kek was planning to work on it tonight because I'm not going to be baking and have a lot to do in the coming few days until sunday

and that first one is technically the 21st, EDT here

2cb70c (131)  No.2897750>>2897898


My post was not a reply to any other post but meant for the baker-scientific-non-writer anon who got this ball rolling.

My last edited version is found here:


It takes a lot of brain space and, ideally, time to grapple with ideas and how best to verbalize them; Baker-scientific-non-writer anon may need to prioritize board activities unless there’s another [good] reason to let this project slide?!

d2ff82 (178)  No.2897898>>2897963


I'm working on it now anon

I wasn't able to be here much over the past week, and when I was, I've been baking to help out the bakers, getting good at it too!

likely be able to post it tonight

2cb70c (131)  No.2897963>>2898000


Go for it then and we’ll see it in the am if possible. If not, that’s ok too!

d2ff82 (178)  No.2898000


I am sorry: >>2841306

I've worked on it a bit, but have been really busy

going through each of the PDFs you posted and seeing the edits that should be made

I don't want to change it too much, but some are needed

I'll post before I go tonight

d2ff82 (178)  No.2899664>>2899692


OK, not going to get through all of it, but I have done edits up to the pdf in this post

I will get to that tomorrow and give a full update of pics, pdf, and pastabin

I didn't add all the edits, but MANY

ie: didn't use diversity, but a synonym; kept the conclusion essentially how I had it, really like it imo

thanks for understand I had shit to do unrelated to the board, been really busy lately

d2ff82 (178)  No.2899692>>2909515


and part of the intro, you'll see, appreciate the work you've been doing

2cb70c (131)  No.2909515


Since I don't know yet what you've already looked at, I'm attaching another copy with some items marked in yellow to distinguish from the blue edits you may have been working on.

6f5ca6 (4)  No.2911825>>2915393

those making the edits, why no go ahead with a second paste with the edits included? wouldn't that make anon's job easier. rather than have to sift through line after line pinpointing changes on the other end. not like copy/paste are never used here.

2cb70c (131)  No.2915393>>2916071 >>2916182 >>2969891


Up till now, baker-scientific-non-writer anon has been "accepting" or not and then incorporating edits as they have been proffered.

Mechanical (grammar and punctuation) edits have been graciously accepted, but I think anon is having more difficulty with the larger textual suggestions that add form ( in particular to the opening and closing paragraph) to the fantastic,basic factual substance that he began with

I'll attach a "clean" copy of what I've done and you can compare with the last pastebin copy that b-s-n-w-anon posted.

The more eyes on this to comment and approve or not, the better.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2916071>>2916182 >>2919089 >>2928101


kek, just got with anon, anon

so here's what I did, (watched the eagles and POTUS' rally, but got to it a bit before I baked, then finished now) I made many of your edits

I keep the intro and conclusion somewhat the same (made updates too, ie: took out the P thing and replaced it with something, and its now OVER 2000 CRUMBS!)

I want to post it, as I am, then read it over

if you are able to, you should also

then within this version, we can see if something else is needed

here is the updated pastabin and pdf


if you want, I can post a graphic of some sorts going point by point what I didn't want to add, but added many if not most of the edits

lets see how this nearly-final draft is

I'm going to read it first thing in the morning

6f5ca6 (4)  No.2916182>>2916270 >>2919089



both look good to me. easy to please though. if i can read it without scratching my head, it's good. no moments of WTF?. think anons suggestions do make it flow a little better, but i'm kinda more technical in my writing too, and not much of a writer. "Here's Fact A, B, C done"

d2ff82 (178)  No.2916270


> "Here's Fact A, B, C done"

exactly how I do it

I'll look at it tomorrow though, thanks anon

2cb70c (131)  No.2919089>>2919585




Trying to look at this but not able to respond till this afternoon. Until then next questions:

1) will it first be posted to QResearch general for mass anon approval ( since it is being attributed to all anons) and

2) where/how/to whom is this to be released?

6f5ca6 (4)  No.2919585


not my baby

1) believe it will be passed around for all to approve

2) will be released here, anons spread it to social media, websites etc. get it to the public with max exposure. there should be plenty of links or ways to link to it outside of 8, so as not to disrupt anything.

my understanding of the plan. anon said a few web owners want to help, but wants to get as many anons on it as possible.

2cb70c (131)  No.2928101>>2949350 >>2969891


Here is the pastebin version with all my edits marked plus explanations in [ ] ( see apologetic before your intro).

6aa423 (1)  No.2928282>>2928764 >>2928804


1 week before SA raid, SS was confronting POTUS about his use of twitter.


…so vital, they came to the free speech platform and set up an emergency comm line just incase Alwaheed bin Talil wasn't willing to take directions.


So now Twitter/CNN etc have been given an option [MIL TRIBUNALS or JOIN THE PLAN]

and are now being forced to BURY THEMSELVES in a brilliant narrative formulated by Q-group/POTUS.

The 40,000 ft view is NOT as high as you think.

This is STRICTLY WitchHunt, OperationMockingbird, explaining the 3 sides of triangle who CREATED the false division/fake news… and preparing a message for us to spread to give awareness that ALL OF IT IS JUST A SHOW!

Once enough people catch on,

this hammer drops. literally anons.


d2ff82 (178)  No.2928764


It is a sophisticated and coordinated information operation from within President Trump’s administration to enlighten the public about what was discussed above, along with vast amounts of information beyond the scope of this introduction.

would love to see your hash

d2ff82 (178)  No.2928804>>2929574


you might be confused on what this is

this is NOT the story of Q

just setting out basic things people should know

you can write the story of Q is you want

6f5ca6 (4)  No.2929574>>2929670


what seems to me that anon is saying is already addressed. anon might of had too much alcohol. because basically thats what the basics is about. that's the end game of it's release to help people catch on while we have control of the narative. shills tryhard everyday. becomes a game trying to determine, if legit or shittrus

d2ff82 (178)  No.2929670



I IMPLORE an anon to do an in-depth basically crumb by crumb explanation of Q

that anon is just not me!

d2ff82 (178)  No.2949350>>2949816


I've read through all your explanation and they make 100% sense

I'll work on them tonight!

2cb70c (131)  No.2949816>>2954652


ThanQ anon. Godspeed.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2954652


I'm baking right now, and went out to dinner earlier, so I think I'll be able to get edits posted by tonight, if not tomorrow morning

then I'd appreciate an edit of that, to see if everything is smoot

I'll be reading too

d2ff82 (178)  No.2956187

yeeeaa wasn't able to get to them fully tonight, will post the update tomorrow

d2ff82 (178)  No.2965219>>2969501

had no internet until an hour ago

starting now, couldn't open the thread (or anything else for that matter)

e39b61 (1)  No.2966465

So tomorrow is 911, m strange but it is an anniversary for me an my BF, would have been 8 yeras together tomorrow but we brok up this weekend.

Of course I will not make this about me, but it is definitely an added lay of sadness I will feel tomorrow.

We had made it in to a good thing between us, now its gone, I will be especially sad tomorrow!

2cb70c (131)  No.2969501>>2969533


Can we get this ready to go out tomorrow???!!!

d2ff82 (178)  No.2969533


I doubt it, nor do I think we should on 9/11


but 9/11, kek not sure

but I'm almost done writing up a explanation of what was added/changed, and posting the BASICALLY FINAL COPY and pastebin

give me a few moar minutes

d2ff82 (178)  No.2969891>>2970353 >>2971996


went line by line with the PDF in the post I linked to, its basically 98% the same

(taking into consideration the explanations in: >>2928101 of course)

so to break it down what/why I did:

1. things added:

- moved the 'credit statement' into the header

- added a subtitle

- all edits word for word (with a few exceptions, see 2)

2. the only things I changed/omitted:


- didn't want to break up MAGA

so please see AND CHECK/EDIT what I did

- wanted a sentence after the questions, so kept the "Knowing the answers to these questions…"

so please see AND CHECK/EDIT what I did


- you know what I thought about "diverse" and didn't like "authentic anons", not sure it needs that qualifier (imagine me saying this extremely sarcastically: its like saying we're non-russian bot)

so please see AND CHECK/EDIT what I did


-"… in the context within which the specific posts were made…"; always had an issue understanding this sentence, see what I did

please AND CHECK/EDIT the wording I used


- I had changed some general wording

please AND CHECK/EDIT in general

- Had changed the [P] line to reflect the current double meaning of Pope/Payseur, or one meaning (still discussed by anons, so just omitted)

please AND CHECK/EDIT in new part (bottom of page4)


- changed "To no avail." to "…, to no avail"

not sure about that as a sentence alone, so check that

- changed "…describing the Cabal, its operations and machinations" to "After macroscopically describing the Cabal’s operations and machinations,"

check that, just seems to fit more

- had changed some of the names in the list (unrelated to your edits)

check if thats all good again, especially punctuation

- on the first sentence of the last paragraph of page5, not sure its needed to state POTUS serves of with Q, kinda puts them equally, when Q is under POTUS, so I keep it the way I had it; but incorporated some of it

check the wording

- "…for our common good, for “Where we go one we go all.”"; not sure about that, kinda just kept what I had

- " the reality behind events experienced or

narrated"; not sure about that either, left alone

- I looked it up, and saw its open-source(d)

check on that please, not sure the convention on that

- "After all, it affects them regardless!"; not sure, its kinda implied so left out

- "post by post"; I reworded this sentence because its not the posts that are diminishing the cabal's power, so I reworded

please check that last sentence


- just changed “while also providing” to “providing”

- “It is for this purpose that the (Declaration quote)…”; that really doesn’t make sense to me, that is meant to say we changed our government, not in relation to being an informed public

check/edit what I did

- “indicative of the ferocious level of resistance to the loss of power and control that hitherto “hidden” dark forces are fighting to maintain as they are increasingly exposed by the light of truth. In order to mitigate the confusion amidst this chaos, Q has asked anons to help be the Calm in the Storm. To this end, Q also asks anons, and all those who have been preyed upon, to pray.” Still not sure on this, so I tweaked it a bit


all the paragraph and page breaks are done (by me personally) so that everything fits on one page each, like what that anon was doing, someone can do whatever they want formating wise with the raw text, this is just a (pun intended) basic version of ''Q: The Basics’’



think this is basically the final


updated PDF and pastebin:


could've missed something, thats why I emphasize moar edits of this BASICALLY FINAL COPY


d2ff82 (178)  No.2969938>>2970352 >>2970443

kek, I didn't think that would be able to post

re-reading the final draft now

fa711d (1)  No.2970352>>2970473


kek that was a bulletin board, but it looks really good. the pdf i mean. gj anon

2cb70c (131)  No.2970353>>2970443 >>2970473


Ok, thanks! I'll see what my brain will let me get through

e0409f (1)  No.2970443>>2970473



it's Tuesday here in India. 9:50 a.m.

This weekend i will be finally working on the pdf again and translating it.

I really do hope that by Friday midnight US Eastern Time you guys can firmly say that the pdf is complete and finalized.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2970473


was going to post a pdf if it was too long

was almost certain it was



got it, thanks, we're 99% there


holy shit, that timezone

got it, that'll be the target

FRIDAY IS THE TARGET, probably be done before then, its basically done, just want to make sure

thanks anon

edits are needed so what is put out isn't what I started with!

2cb70c (131)  No.2971996>>2972024 >>2975373


Rats, I only saw the pastabin after struggling to copy edits from the PDF.

I feel like I've already explained the edits I made previously but I'm trying again (see attached PDF) Now that I have the pastabin I'll do a clean edit of that and post as another PDF for anons to check for themselves.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2972024>>2972342


got it

>Now that I have the pastabin I'll do a clean edit of that and post as another PDF for anons to check for themselves.

I assume you mean like the red text ones you've been posting?

because those are great to copyedit with

I'll look at this in the morning

had a long day of doing shit (unrelated), then graphicsfagging, then this


d2ff82 (178)  No.2972196

either way if you post the copyedit style PDF or not, I'll get to this in the morning

thanks again anon

2cb70c (131)  No.2972342>>2975373



Clean edit of pastabin.

I can do a marked up PDF tomorrow if you prefer.

Honestly, though, I believe the last version I posted was the smoothest one with best transitions, appropriate language and lack of redundancy. you posted that my explanations were 100% correct but then didn't use many of the most vital edits ( vital because you had complicated thoughts that needed to be clarified). Tonight's version looks like we're going backwards.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2975373



starting now

d2ff82 (178)  No.2976464>>2976469

I count 19 edits

will post "done/removed" etc when its just the simple fix

and when you say " Define/Or qualify" I'll post what was changed

many are simple edits/additions

d2ff82 (178)  No.2976469


kek, meant to say I'll list them

working on it now, will have to take a break to do something for about an hour or two

d2ff82 (178)  No.2977736>>2979133

going to ask the BO, thinking of just putting /qresearch/

doesn't give the link, and can add something to the effect of 'Those who are new are encouraged to observe how the board works before participating in research' or something

d2ff82 (178)  No.2979133


just asked the BO, going to edit that 'redaction' sentence, so that will be one additional thing to check and make sure its good

d2ff82 (178)  No.2979444>>2980000 >>2981873




List of edits:

1. Fixed

2. Removed

3. Removed the last sentence, even though I liked it!! (kek)

4. Changed “to seek truth” to “…to understand the deeper meanings behind current events.”

check this

5. We use simply before that: “The “Q Clearance” simply signifies …”; but I put it as: “The “Q Clearance” allusion is simply meant to imply” (SO FIXED)

would merely or another synonym work?

6. I still don’t think this makes sense: “…within which the specific posts were made…” its the posts that the signoffs were made in, that wording is still odd to me, so tried this: “individuals are encouraged to see the signoffs within the context of specific posts where they appear…” (they being the signoffs); fixed “and to” regardless of the previous stuff

let me know if that works

7. Fixed, logically what I had is dumb

8. Fixed

9. Removed, added the Rockefeller sentence as the last sentence of the preceding paragraph

check to make sure that is good to go

10. Fixed

11. Fixed; just change “…for WWG1WGA” to “…because WWG1WGA”, seems to fit a bit better Imo

check that

12. Fixed

13. Fixed

14. Fixed

15. Fixed

16. Fixed

17. Fixed

18. Removed, gives more room for the pic too!

19. Fixed A ---> E

refer to the 2nd pdf for numbers of edits (I just went down the pdf you gave me though) handwriting sucks on it

got to make sure I didn’t miss something, so I will review after posting



all the paragraph and page breaks are done (by me personally) so that everything fits on one page each; like what that anon was doing, someone can do whatever they want formatting wise with the raw text, this is just a (pun intended) basic version of ''Q: The Basics’’



updated PDF attached as first pdf

d2ff82 (178)  No.2980000>>2980637

File (hide): 2ebe0084d3ae659⋯.png (451.89 KB, 1111x1014, 1111:1014, chekked4.png) (h) (u)


making the pic now

d2ff82 (178)  No.2980637

File (hide): e3af7109da90e20⋯.png (839.87 KB, 627x577, 627:577, chekked5.png) (h) (u)


gotta take that break, will have the pic a bit later

2cb70c (131)  No.2981873>>2982273


Thanks… Will look tonight but probably won’t be able to get back on this till tomorrow

d2ff82 (178)  No.2982273


got it, all good

pretty sure this is very close to finished

maybe one or two moar runthroughs

working on the pic.. because anons are skeptical of PDFs sometimes

d2ff82 (178)  No.2983211>>2983351

File (hide): f67e74057fac0af⋯.png (5.97 MB, 870x6638, 435:3319, Q TheBasics(long).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d73a65d04d0a138⋯.png (6.11 MB, 5109x1126, 5109:1126, Q TheBasics(wide).png) (h) (u)


e8239e (1)  No.2983351>>2983421

>>2476158 (OP)


Everyone is excited to post this on the platforms! Great job y’all!

d2ff82 (178)  No.2983421>>2984515


thanks anon, we're very close to being finished

2cb70c (131)  No.2984515>>2986031


Always forget while in the middle of the text to ask if you shouldn’t include a “proof” that is clearly recognizable and means s/thing to normies ( the stringer, for ex., means nothing even to anons). That would be a “basic” piece of evidence.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2986031>>2990613


could you rephrase that?

what should be omitted?

2cb70c (131)  No.2990613>>2991475 >>2991980


To clarify: nothing should be omitted but added. There are no examples of crumbs nor explanations of the time and effort anons have gone through to line up crumbs with the clock to show "proofs".

If you read the latest NYT hit piece on QAnon movt - link dropped yesterday by Q- it looks as though the author, Schwartz, has been reading our draft. The basic fallacy he has used - as did Posobiec last week - is of not citing a source directly. In this case that means showing and explaining a QResearch crumb/Qclock proof. This am s/one posted the following:


This would be en pointe to use if [RR]is out today.

It is essential - basic - that an anon-written article contain what no other article dares present; i.e., a Qproof. One that needs little to no explanation other than what's on the graphic.

N.B. the article's use of an analogy to open with, attract the reader's attention, and set the stage to de-legitimize the facts as he presents them. That is an example of what I previously said you need to open this anon article with: an analogy, a [rhetorical or real] question, a statistic, etc.

In our case, a simple question does the job to not make the dense text of the entire article too intimidating - which it is.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2991475>>2991632 >>2991980


to be honest, Q has never confirmed/denied the Qclock

I really don't know enough about it to write about it

and I never intended to to in depth about the crumbs (just in the What does Q post about section as an overview), which is why there is emphasis on going to the sites to see for themselves

what would you suggest adding?

and remember, anons can make this 'article' look however they want, I don't have the software (nor the ability really) to make it look much different, I want anons to make it look nice like this: >>2591361

this was moar intended to lay out facts about Q, as I said, not to go crumb by crumb

so I'm open to suggestions

d2ff82 (178)  No.2991517

a broken clock is right twice a day

thats how I think of the Qclock

2cb70c (131)  No.2991632>>2991783


Thanks for putting pastabin first and for your care in reading notations and making your own!

I'm not a Qclock decoder either so that's where it would be helpful perhaps to put this out there on QResearch and ask for help? As stated, this am's clock on the hammer would be perfect I think if it comes to pass and [RR] is out today. Just confirms that we have "insider info" as you put it without being "false prophets" like the MSM and 'pollsters".

Attached is the latest PDF. Cut and paste failed you on your pg 6 so I copypasta'd from a previous draft!

My notes/suggestions are in [ ]

All additions are to clarify/define for absolute normies and/or to address the most current MSM spin on Q/anons.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2991783>>2991843 >>2992088




did not see that error, will repost the pastebin

but I REALLY don't want to put the Qclock in here and don't think we should, its way to esoteric for normies imo (and a lot of anons even)


NEW PASTEBIN: https://pastebin.com/mmkLeuiE

2cb70c (131)  No.2991843>>2991955



Ok no clock then but how to explain why we are anons who "follow" Q? Need an example of "insider info" or the whole premise ( of why we are here) falls apart.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2991955>>2992149


>Need an example of "insider info" or the whole premise ( of why we are here) falls apart.

let me try to explain my thinking

I think the When/Where and Who sections are the most important parts of this

we could go on for 50 pages on what Q has said

if people are reading this, they've seen crumbs and other material that can give the context

this isn't meant to be a proof itself, just an introduction to what Q is so the MSM stupidity on this subject can be combatted

the MSM and Alt-MSM will never the truth, so I'm not focused on refuting their hit pieces point by point

I think the What Q posts section is a good introduction to what the "insider information" is, it uses a lot of keywords to interest those who are new to Q like "World Order", "spying", and others

but to reiterate on the Qclock:

>a broken clock is right twice a day

I have never bought into it fully

d2ff82 (178)  No.2991980

but finishing up a graphic, then I'll get to these edits, only just got back from doing something when I saw your post: >>2990613>>2991475

2cb70c (131)  No.2992088>>2992149



Just need to check last part of conclusion it looks like.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2992149>>2992520


ok cool, read: >>2991955

but I done fucked that one up, all good now

edits coming soon

working on another 0 delta graphic and touching up an old one

2cb70c (131)  No.2992520>>2992998


Great… just an FYI, I'm going to be very limited in what I can do tomorrow and Friday and definitely can't do any more [almost] all-nighters…

d2ff82 (178)  No.2992998>>2993630


understood, thank you for all you've done

dc6b38 (1)  No.2993033>>2993042

Greatawakening has been banned on Reddit

d2ff82 (178)  No.2993042



we know

why are you posting that here again?

2cb70c (131)  No.2993630>>2993776


Thank you! It is a privilege and honor to be able to contribute even in a small way. Thanks to you for taking the lead and accepting my contributions; that alone is not a small thing in today’s world!

I can look over stuff in a couple of hours if you’re ready then.

d2ff82 (178)  No.2993776


gotcha, starting now, shouldn't take too long

..kek only a few edits this time around

d2ff82 (178)  No.2994807

oh and after we get the final version out, going to make a bullet point version of essentially the 2nd and 3rd sections

d2ff82 (178)  No.2995827

gotta go out for an hour or so, be back and will post updates

d2ff82 (178)  No.2999438

File (hide): c0d865b29269ad9⋯.png (6.03 MB, 871x6696, 871:6696, Q TheBasics(long).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1ba44b66e232391⋯.png (5.77 MB, 5105x1125, 1021:225, Q TheBasics(wide).png) (h) (u)

PASTABIN: https://pastebin.com/e9LiE6K4



-"of 8chan" is redundant because The Board is on 8ch

-not sure if the "Have you seen Q" is needed

-all other edits fixed


- [.in order to maintain readers’ assurance of Q’s authenticity.] ---> in order to maintain Q’s authenticity

- so the quote has "…that contradict the above"

remedy? could put something in parathesis??

- don’t really think a definition of ‘meme’ is necessary, KEK, might be but don’t it its necessary to add

(In ‘pop culture’ now, side by side and proofs are not)

-you’re right, we have those numbers but can’t say WHO estimated, so said: “…reaching an estimated audience…”

let me know about this

-all other edits fixed


- kind of confused you the end of first paragraph is you just opining or suggesting edits, so just left it alone until confirmation

- I think the removed-then-replaced sentence still fits in the “Who” section because it points to who Q is due to the connections, going to leave that


- as we discussed, leaving out the Qclock because its ‘right twice a day’ and no idea how to explain it fully; someone can write a full how to for it and its origins, thats not a ‘basic part of Q

- all other edits fixed


- all edits fixed

- (should there be an ‘and’ in the list of FVEY nations? So it would then be: (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and USA)

- Question: is it day by day OR day-by-day ???


- kek, fixed what was in the small pdf

- looking at that bad pasta and the lines through it is funny as fuck

updated pastabin:


updated pdf

updated graphics

d2ff82 (178)  No.2999458>>3016249

gonna graphicsfag for a bit, then read over it before I go tonight

d2ff82 (178)  No.3001732>>3001948


I have to change 2,000,000 to OVER 3,000,000!

will do that tomorrow, a small cahnge and a lot of work to do it

2cb70c (131)  No.3001948>>3003328



Here you go. I will stop by as able tomorrow afternoon/pm. 3mill. is great!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3003328>>3006143


was baking, I'll do this first thing in the morning tomorrow

thanks again anon!

2cb70c (131)  No.3006143>>3007572


You bet! I'll stop by early to mid-afternoon.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3007572


its whole redaction thing seemed corny after thinking about it and I asked the BO and he agreed, but it doesn't give the url so they'd have to try

kek, plus its linked to in every compiling site

but the on that "Notably" sentence, not sure how that got back in there, but its fixed

working on posting the pastebin, pdf, and pics all in one post

d2ff82 (178)  No.3008951>>3009045 >>3010487

File (hide): 606fe24d5d78457⋯.png (5.89 MB, 870x6690, 29:223, Q TheBasics(long).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f33fb35c4e126a8⋯.png (6.13 MB, 5121x1126, 5121:1126, Q TheBasics(wide).png) (h) (u)

so I went with "Have you heard of "Q"?"

and some of the side by sides had hyphens so I fixed that too

all others were fixed

pastebin: https://pastebin.com/FFncAAsX

updated pdf and pics

2cb70c (131)  No.3009045


>>Thanks, I'll take a look!

2cb70c (131)  No.3010487>>3010656 >>3011718



Here is the latest. Pls check the left margin bars indicating changes since there are several commas/periods missing that are easy to overlook.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3010656


thanks again anon

baking right now, will make those minor changes soon!


d2ff82 (178)  No.3011718>>3014899 >>3015454


still baking, but saw this and have a question:

is there a way to rephrase: And who better to

describe and explain the Qanon phenomenon than the anons themselves?

because we didn't introduce what 'the anons' are yet, we do that in the next section

d2ff82 (178)  No.3012492

not sure what you mean about the P in the signoff either, it seems to be there

and its there in the pdf/pics and my version

d2ff82 (178)  No.3014899>>3015454


another question

so this is a quote: “should be considered fake news and disregarded immediately.”

but not with the ! , can we still put the exclamation point in there and still quote?

2cb70c (131)  No.3015454>>3015568


Who better to describe and explain the Qanon phenomenon than those other anonymous posters who interact online with Q, the deplorable "anons" themselves?


Put the ! outside the quotation marks.( eg. see here: https://grammarpartyblog.com/2012/07/30/inside-or-outside-question-marks-exclamation-points-and-quotation-marks/ )

d2ff82 (178)  No.3015568>>3015603 >>3015861 >>3016249 >>3016283



got it on the !

but what about moving the explanation of 'anon' to that spot like this:

And who better to describe and explain the Qanon phenomenon than the anons themselves, the anonymous posters who follow and converse with Q.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3015603


(changed the tenses of the verbs to fit the context)

d2ff82 (178)  No.3015861


or it'd be this right:

And who better to describe and explain the Qanon phenomenon than the anons, anonymous posters who follow and converse with Q, themselves?

d2ff82 (178)  No.3016015

going to just post the pdf and pastebin

I think we're close to the final, NO RUSH, but will post the pics when the final is out

d2ff82 (178)  No.3016246>>3017560

updated pastabin:


updated PDF

2cb70c (131)  No.3016249>>3016305



That’s fine! Just use quotation marks around “anons” since it’s the first usage of the word, and finish with a question mark

2cb70c (131)  No.3016283>>3016305 >>3016318


Sorry I’m phonefagging so not sure which version I just responded to- I think it should be this one

d2ff82 (178)  No.3016305>>3016318



shit, let me fix that, didn't put it in quotes

d2ff82 (178)  No.3016318>>3016454



before I fix it, would it be:




2cb70c (131)  No.3016454>>3016530


You’re using the first version:

Who better… than the “anons” themselves, the anonymous posters….

d2ff82 (178)  No.3016530>>3016719 >>3016740


And who better to describe and explain the Qanon phenomenon than the anons themselves, the anonymous posters who follow and converse with Q?

does that seem odd to you?

it seems like it should just be a period

2cb70c (131)  No.3016719>>3016852


It’s a rhetorical question ( ie the answer is the question itself) but still a question; hence the ?

2cb70c (131)  No.3016740>>3016852


You can add an exclamation mark after the question mark- maybe that will make it seem less “odd” to you?!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3016852



kek, just the question mark makes sense, will post that small edit in a minute

all others were made

(changed the wording of the part about the dual purpose of the allusion a bit, check it tomorrow)

d2ff82 (178)  No.3016899

updated pastebin:


updated PDF

2cb70c (131)  No.3017560>>3017865



I was already almost done with this pastabin when you posted latest, so am going ahead and sending this anyway.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3017865>>3018018


I'm baking again.. but I'll get to those tomorrow

looks like we should push back to release date unless we are set tomorrow

but that whole last paragraph into the last section won't work for my formating

I keep it there because its a good transition from what to why, within the what section

I think we've discussed this awhile ago because I remember you saying this before

2cb70c (131)  No.3018018>>3018172


I may be able to work on it some before late am tomorrow. Afternoon will be hit or miss till later pm

Happy baking!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3018172


gotcha, thanks as always, going to try and get these edits done before I go, then work on the pics/moar edits tomorrow

you think we're getting close to the final? imo we are!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3018321

oh, there have been moar than 3,000,000 POSTS, not 3000 crumbs (2170)


so keeping that the way it was (pg5)

d2ff82 (178)  No.3018337

File (hide): 00801498e0e4a0f⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepesleep.jpg) (h) (u)

and moved the "never thought she would lose" to the end of page 4

think its a nice transition to page 5

all other edits were made, posting soon, then sleepin!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3018435>>3022586

updated PDF

updated pastebin:


d2ff82 (178)  No.3018450>>3020984

File (hide): 69ed475b73e803c⋯.png (30.22 KB, 882x217, 126:31, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

going to go, but check this shit out

this is from my pastebin, its the most any of my pastes as been viewed

and I doubt you view it 242 times by yourself!

got some lurkers chekking it out

2cb70c (131)  No.3020984>>3022586


Yeah - definitely not me. I told you the other day that the NYT hit piece writer, Schwartz, appeared to have taken our article, info from it, and reworked it to suit himself. I'm sure he's not the only one. Today is going to be really crazy for me but will try to get to this…

d2ff82 (178)  No.3022586>>3022610


I'll be back in a little bit, going to the lake for a bit

(only chance I'll get for the next week likely)

see: >>3018435

I think we're close as fuck to the final, might even be it

2cb70c (131)  No.3022610>>3025429


Enjoy.!!!.. takes pressure off me since i have other business to attend to. Will get this back as soon as possible ( early this pm?).

d2ff82 (178)  No.3025429>>3027866


just got back, whenever is fine anon, take your time

but I think we're basically finished!

at least very close

going to start on the outline version (just plain facts from the paper

2cb70c (131)  No.3027866>>3028034


Thanks! Hope you had a good break?! I'll be able to respond now this pm as long as I can stay awake!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3028034


gotcha, working on a bulleted outline, almost done that, will get to this in a bit

not sure how we missed that ". ." thing, noticed that just a few minutes ago!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3028479>>3028690 >>3028715

so this is what I'm thinking for the outline


but A LOT less wordy

once I get all the latest edits in, will post a pastebin with the outline's text in it too

2cb70c (131)  No.3028690>>3028715


Cool… thanks! I'll stand by.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3028715



thinking of making it just one column

I'll make one of each to compare/contrast

working on it now, seems like we got a baker to go until graveyard, so have all night

d2ff82 (178)  No.3028764>>3028908

On all these boards, Q has posted crumbs that anons could discuss on /qresearch/

this doesn't make sense:

"all these boards" → "on /qresearch/"

going to tweak that a bit

2cb70c (131)  No.3028908>>3029027


You listed all the boards anons and Q created, including the private ones where Q posted/posts, but anons cannot; they can only respond on /qresearch/

d2ff82 (178)  No.3029027


ok I understand, seemed odd at first

making all the pdfs and the pastebin

done the edits

d2ff82 (178)  No.3029596>>3029625 >>3029694 >>3029978





made the one column version, not doubt will use this one

don't plan on making the pics until we have the final, thats a lot of work to update each time

d2ff82 (178)  No.3029625


some minor errors in the outline part

(positions of text/bullet)

updated pastebin:


2cb70c (131)  No.3029694


Got it, thanks, I'll do what I can and let you know when I've had enough for tonight. You work much faster than I do!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3029734>>3030079

not sure what other edits would be needed, think we're about at the final copy

let me know!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3029784

File (hide): 55457b63a59598d⋯.png (31 KB, 829x213, 829:213, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

lurkers gonna lurk

d2ff82 (178)  No.3029869>>3030083


All Credit Belongs to the Anons of The Board and Q

d2ff82 (178)  No.3029953>>3029978

noticed some small omissions in the WHO section of the outline, added, and updated:


just read through it again, REALLY FUKKEN GOOD, much better than what we started with

895ce5 (2)  No.3029964>>3029978 >>3030094

so, it's an hour after midnight of friday.

where do we stand lads? is the pdf good enough to be translated?

d2ff82 (178)  No.3029978>>3030113


I think so, waiting on the anon to add/edit anything else

see: >>3029953 (for the pastebin and outline version)

and see: >>3029596 (for the rough draft PDF)

I would start translating, and if anything else comes, to just change that slight edit

thanks anon, its a great idea to translate

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030011







are you still around anon?

have you updated your design?

2cb70c (131)  No.3030079>>3030094



Working on the outline now.

2cb70c (131)  No.3030083>>3030094

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030094>>3030113 >>3030183


well the outline is just pasta

but structure might need it


got it


anon wants/found more edits, gimme a second

895ce5 (2)  No.3030113



okay i'll wait a few hours then.

got my own chores to finish anyway,

2cb70c (131)  No.3030183>>3030198


Yeah, after looking at it, I was wondering what the purpose was… but it did point out an obvious oversight: all of the section headings are questions - without question marks! Oops

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030198>>3030224 >>3030254


kek, will add them, post one big updated

but for: “Q [auth478-24zgP]". → “Q [auth478-24zgP].”

wouldn't the period go outside because the period is not a legit part of the signoff??

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030224


that goes for the stringer too

because they SPECIFICALLY don't have the period

2cb70c (131)  No.3030254>>3030277



One of my biggest struggles with this is the punctuation because I come from a British educational background (even tho US citizen) but my grad. degree is from a US university in Eng. Rhetoric and Composition. Basically, American punctuation rules have gotten sloppier and more inconsistent over time. I would put all punctuation outside of those quotation marks unless they are a part of the quotation, but US custom is now directing writers to put commas and periods inside quotation marks regardless of whether or not they are part of the "quote". All other punctuation (!,?) would be ridiculous inside the quote and so is placed as terminal punctuation - as it should, and as I believe all terminal punctuation should be.

So, it depends on how consistent you want to be and which set of rules you want to be consistent in applying.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030277

File (hide): 17fe6865a6a1519⋯.png (56.59 KB, 541x169, 541:169, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



what about these (pic related)

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030321>>3030344 >>3030383 >>3030397 >>3030458

would you want to run through it really fast and point out anywhere that needs this punctuation change?

because besides that, we're done basically

I'm going to put the periods OUTside the quotes because they're not in the signoff/stringer

just checked, neither has a period

2cb70c (131)  No.3030344


Yep, you see that I instinctively used it throughout the majority of the text, so I would actually go ahead and standardize it with all punctuation outside the quotation marks (unless a part of the quotation) since we have so many terms in quotation marks. Keeps it cleaner. Tried to go through it quickly ( attached)

2cb70c (131)  No.3030383>>3030408 >>3030423


I'll post more here as i find them:

pg 2 “Bread Crumbs - Q Clearance Patriot.”

2cb70c (131)  No.3030397>>3030423


pg 2 par. 4 This anon is known as “the Baker.”

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030408>>3030448


am I putting those outside or keeping them?

because those seem fine, especially the baker one

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030423



assuming I put it outside

2cb70c (131)  No.3030448>>3030453


Lol! That's what I mean! Terminal punctuation means terminal punctuation - except when it "looks ok"! I understand and agree completely that's why I said it's really a matter of how consistent you want to be. To be consistent we have to put all [. , ! ?] outside quotation marks unless a part of the quotation

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030453


ok, let me go through it then you take a look

posting in a few mintues

2cb70c (131)  No.3030458>>3030477


pg 4 par 1:

of all Fears,” “Hunt for Red October,”

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030477>>3030507 >>3030534


saw that, what about this:

Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.

thats the direct quote

should it be "…only three are non-military."

or "only three are non-military."

on this one, the period goes INSIDE

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030482>>3030502

direct quote:

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.

so thats good

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030490>>3030494

direct quote:

They never thought she would lose.

this is good

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030493>>3030496

“Where we go one, we go all.”

thats good

2cb70c (131)  No.3030494>>3030505


Yes, fine.

2cb70c (131)  No.3030496>>3030505


Yes, fine.

2cb70c (131)  No.3030502


Yes, fine.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030505>>3030511



These, the crumbs, in time, will equate to the biggest drops ever disclosed in our history.

this one is good too

ok, will post the updates in just a minute

2cb70c (131)  No.3030507>>3030511


Yes inside.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030511


meant to say that was the last one I saw


but should there be an ellipses?

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030516>>3030530

oops, this one is a quote, so inside:

Stay the course.

2cb70c (131)  No.3030530

2cb70c (131)  No.3030534>>3030581


There's no ellipsis here

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030581>>3030594 >>3031839 >>3042519


updated pastebin:


updated RD PDF

updated Outline RD PDF

so I'm pretty tired, I think we should put out the final tomorrow, after one moar look through

if you give it the OK, I'll make the pics of both, then post the final copies


but please don't release until we do, looking good for tomorrow

2cb70c (131)  No.3030594>>3030602


Super job! Thank you and rest well, anon!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030602>>3030618


so check them out, I couldn't find anything to fix

still wondering if the anon with the cool theme is still around, might've forgotten about it

but looking like tomorrow is a good day, we got a lot of editing in tonight, necessary ones also


2cb70c (131)  No.3030618>>3030669



I'll look at the pastabin tonight but wait till tomorrow to send thoughts and check out PDF. Thanks again

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030669>>3030714


thank you anon

good shit

not baking tonight was meant to be

2cb70c (131)  No.3030714>>3030723


"There are no coincidences."

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030723>>3030729 >>3032501

File (hide): 9e89955d1e41cae⋯.png (8.38 KB, 290x61, 290:61, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 48460ce2150afc7⋯.png (11.71 KB, 329x64, 329:64, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 99b034bbf777e22⋯.png (15.21 KB, 768x108, 64:9, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e78af0974185f7f⋯.png (16.18 KB, 790x109, 790:109, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


before I go, check this out:

(pic1) is my pastebin, made the 2nd of sept.

(pic2) is the baker's pastebin in general right now, made sept. 1st

first # is the number of times the "Pastes" page was viewd

second # is the number of "accumulative total unique visitors of all this user's pastes"

(pic3) is FMbaker's most viewed paste, (pic4) is mine

there is a fuckload of lurking going on

no way to know if its good or bad lurking

I keep tracking it

(and this is in no way derogatory to FMbaker, just comparing numbers)

I love that baker (KEK, might not get that one, its irrelevant)

its interdasting

d2ff82 (178)  No.3030729


knew I'd do that

switch pic3 and pic4 in the description

e88c34 (5)  No.3031839>>3033565


translating it now.

i will report back when i'm done.

2cb70c (131)  No.3032501


Will be back in a couple of hours.

11f715 (1)  No.3033565>>3033574 >>3034155 >>3034425

updated pastebin:


updated RD PDF and Outline RD PDF

can't imagine there is much else to fix

let me know


slight changes

d2ff82 (178)  No.3033574


huh, my VPN suddenly turned on before this post, wasn't on it, still me

kek, no clue what that hash would show

d2ff82 (178)  No.3034044

Q: The Basics

An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

2cb70c (131)  No.3034155


Just back and looking now

2cb70c (131)  No.3034425>>3034528



d2ff82 (178)  No.3034528>>3034626 >>3035795


got it, testing pasta:

Q: The Basics

An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

this is something a good number of anons have been working on for about a month now

its a basic introduction to Q that is lengthy and wordy (~3500 words, 6 pages), but informative and in depth, so it does a good job at combating the mass amounts of mis/disinfo being pushed by the MSM and Alt-MSM

its based on a simple format of 5 sections, 4 of which are questions someone should know about Q and the Great Awakening:

1. Introduction

- an intro; talks about the MSM/Alt-MSM attacks after the Tampa rally; explains why this The Basics is needed; gives links


- goes in depth on the migration from 4chan to 8chan, and from board to board, with dates; explains how the board works

(we asked the BO to add /qresearch/ and the BO gave the ok, its not the link plus its linked to on basically every site with crumbs)


- DOES NOT DOX; talks about the "Q clearence" allusion; lists the signoffs Q uses; explains how Q is a team and works for/is connected to POTUS


- explains signatures and stringers; introduces the puppet masters (+, ++, +++); talks about the cabal; talks about Q going from a macro to micro view (Cabal → FISA); lists a bunch of topics


- a conclusion; lists sayings used by Q and links that to what we do/what the great awakening is; wraps it up

we made a outline version that uses bullet points instead of the paper format, which can be useful for summarizing/explaining things

both the pdfs are of the final drafts of The Basics and the outline version; and once the final is ready, I will make pics of the pdfs so it can be distributed like that instead of a pdf

we want as many anons to see it before posting the final version


the pastebin with the text of both the paper and outline will be at the bottom

what you see in the pdfs are just a bland, white background with black text version

anons are WELCOMED to make their own version that looks nice and with a cool design

anons have already expressed/are working on ways to do this: one anon has a theme that goes from a storm to a calm after it: >>2591361 (off bread)

another anon is translating it already and will push it in another language

ideas for pushing it:

1. posting pics of it on twitter/FB/social media (not sure about reddit given what happened)

2. getting the attention of people/websites who follow Q with big followings (neonrevolt, Praying medic, other sites/YT channels that compile/talk about crumbs/graphics, etc etc; just to name a few)

3. showing personal friends/family that are interested

4. pushing it to local papers/websites (letter to the editor/oped type shit)

5. the most bold, push it to the MSM

just some ideas, but the info is good for people to know what Q/the Great Awakening/we ACTUALLY do/think/are about

going to see the next time the qmap.pub/qanon.app maintainers are around if they would put it up on their sites too

I will also ask bakers (I am one myself, and will NOT do it unilaterally) to make it a global notable once the final copy is out (one baker has helped edit/work on it)

the ultimate way to push, of course, would be for Q to reply to a post with the final copy's pic

thousands would see it instantly, and many thousands more after that

we started this to fight the massive amounts of mis/disinfo being put out, which has died down as we have worked to make sure its grammatically/structurally good to be pushed

timing is everything, and its looking like a good time to start the push

we are at the final copy, and want as many anons as possible to see it before we put out the final




2cb70c (131)  No.3034626>>3034673


Phonefagging for a bit so can’t edit for @10 min.

This is way too wordy. No need to outline anything; just introduce to anons to read and give thumbs up (preferably!).

Save propagation ideas till after coming review period is over and at time of posting final version.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3034673>>3035808 >>3036130


its pasta, so I saved it and agree to use the "push/spread" part for later

going to keep the outline though, just so people who haven't heard of it have an idea before reading:

Q: The Basics

An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

this is something a good number of anons have been working on for about a month now

its a basic introduction to Q that is lengthy and wordy (~3500 words, 6 pages), but informative and in depth, so it does a good job at combating the mis/disinfo being from the MSM and Alt-MSM

we started this to fight the massive amounts of mis/disinfo being put out, which has died down as we have worked to make sure its grammatically/structurally good to be pushed

its based on a simple format of 5 sections, 4 of which are questions someone should know about Q and the Great Awakening:

1. Introduction

- an intro; talks about the MSM/Alt-MSM attacks after the Tampa rally; explains why this The Basics is needed; gives links


- goes in depth on the migration from 4chan to 8chan, and from board to board, with dates; explains how the board works

(we asked the BO to add /qresearch/ and the BO gave the ok, its not the link plus its linked to on basically every site with crumbs)


- DOES NOT DOX; talks about the "Q clearence" allusion; lists the signoffs Q uses; explains how Q is a team and works for/is connected to POTUS


- explains signatures and stringers; introduces the puppet masters (+, ++, +++); talks about the cabal; talks about Q going from a macro to micro view (Cabal → FISA); lists a bunch of topics


- a conclusion; lists sayings used by Q and links that to what we do/what the great awakening is; wraps it up

we made a outline version that uses bullet points instead of the paper format, which can be useful for summarizing/explaining things

both the pdfs are of the final drafts of The Basics and the outline version; and once the final is ready, I will make pics of the pdfs so it can be distributed like that instead of a pdf




d2ff82 (178)  No.3034850

baking now, will try to get those few edits in, will take longer than usual

d2ff82 (178)  No.3035636>>3036525

updated pastebin:


updated rd pdf and reposting the outline

e93c63 (1)  No.3035795>>3035875

2cb70c (131)  No.3035808>>3035875



Whoops… I think we're overlapping now. Just finished this and saw you have another

d2ff82 (178)  No.3035875


what do you mean?



ok, will get to those minor ones in a bit

d2ff82 (178)  No.3035969

fuck, I did forget to delete the period

2cb70c (131)  No.3036130>>3036950

d2ff82 (178)  No.3036234>>3036868



updated pdfs (repost of outline)


2cb70c (131)  No.3036525>>3036579



I don't understand what you intend to be the purpose of the intro so not spending much time on it, but there are some ways to simplify/clarify.

I'll look at the final PDF now and respond to that next!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3036579>>3036917 >>3036950


>I don't understand what you intend

oh, thats just for announcing it to anons in general, its just pasta, don't worry about that

just to let them know, I did when we were editing last month, now want to let them know we're almost done

did you edit anything on the outline?? don't see any

2cb70c (131)  No.3036868>>3037056 >>3037766


pg 1 par 1: Add "now": The time has now come for an …

par 4: Need to indent: Since the MSM has yet to….

part IV par 4: Need square brackets, not parentheses:

Five Eye (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and USA) Alliance…

Section III par. 2: Add "also" : "and crumbs that also imply that Q is close…"

2cb70c (131)  No.3036917>>3037056


Yeah mostly the first couple sections; outlines should contain same grammatical structures for similar level ideas, and little to no usage of articles (a,the) or prepositions. But it's a lot of work to rework the entire thing esp. when I'm not sure of utility ( plus I'm tired?!). In other words, don't mind me on that one.

2cb70c (131)  No.3036950>>3037056


So "the Basics Blurb" ( >>3036130 ) is my edit of the intro to the anons, which IS important to streamline so that they even care to open and read the darn thing.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3037056




ok, will get to all that in a bit

d2ff82 (178)  No.3037220>>3037766

post any updates you find, will wait to post the updated stuff

baking, and when I'm done gonna do something for a little bit

2cb70c (131)  No.3037766>>3038261


Think I've posted everything so far ( check >>3036868 for most recent from PDF).

I'll check PDF again once you've gotten to that, then I think I'm done. Only concern now is need for coordinated effort to get info on who/how/where to publish after anon approval.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3038261>>3038350


>Only concern now is need for coordinated effort to get info on who/how/where to publish

thats the easy part!

notables get archived, put it in a global notable, ask the redditfugees to push it, anons/lurkers on social media, have some websites/YT channels to pick it up, get the qmap.pub maintainer to post it somewhere, even send to 'letters to the editor' type things (the anon translating pushing it in a different language, and maybe other languages later)

the hard part is getting it right

d2ff82 (178)  No.3038333

starting now

we should finish this by 751 posts, making a new thread would suck

2cb70c (131)  No.3038350>>3038466


Ok I'll stop concernfagging over that! Instead, I'll concernfag over the first line (still/again).

My first instinct was to write, "Have you seen "Q"?" and I really feel ( I know, "muh feelz") that that is the way to go; it is a little tongue-in-cheek dig at all the Posobiec-Microchip-type know-it-alls. Plus it reminds anons too that we are, essentially, "acting by faith,and not by sight" - a reminder to "trust, but verify,"

Layered meanings, Q-style.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3038466>>3038625


gotcha, gonna start now

it does tie into the 'sightings of Q shirts at rallies' part

2cb70c (131)  No.3038625


Exactly - that too! Thanks1

d2ff82 (178)  No.3039676>>3040403 >>3040505 >>3040647


the pastebin with the text of both the paper and outline will be at the bottom

what you see in the pdfs are just a bland, white background with black text version

anons are WELCOMED to make their own version that looks nice and with a cool design

anons have already expressed/are working on ways to do this: one anon has a theme that goes from a storm to a calm after it: >>2591361 (off bread)

another anon is translating it already and will push it in another language

ideas for pushing it:

1. posting pics of it on twitter/FB/social media (not sure about reddit given what happened, maybe the redditfugees have an idea or two)

2. getting the attention of people/websites who follow Q with big followings (neonrevolt, Praying medic, other sites/YT channels that compile/talk about crumbs/graphics, etc etc; just to name a few)

3. showing personal friends/family that are interested

4. pushing it to local papers/websites (letter to the editor/op-ed type)

5. the most bold, push it to the MSM

just some ideas, but the info is good for people to know what Q/the Great Awakening/we ACTUALLY do/think/are about

going to see the next time the qmap.pub/qanon.app maintainers are around if they would put it up on their sites too

I will also ask bakers (I am one myself, and will NOT do it unilaterally) to make it a global notable once the final copy is out (one baker has helped edit/work on it)

the ultimate way to push, of course, would be for Q to reply to a post with the final copy's pic

thousands would see it instantly, and many thousands more after that

we started this to fight the massive amounts of mis/disinfo being put out, which has died down as we have worked to make sure its grammatically/structurally good to be pushed

timing is everything, and its looking like a good time to start the push

2cb70c (131)  No.3040403>>3040527


Do you want me to do something with this?

BTW if you're talking about me in the (one baker has helped edit/work on it) I'm not a baker…but a tech challenged long-time lurker anon who decided you needed help that I thought I could provide if you were willing and able ( which you were/are!). Started tentatively and today here we are.

So if you're able to post the final PDF I'd love to have a last look, call it a night, and see what the other anons think

d2ff82 (178)  No.3040505

updated pastabin:


updated rd pdf and rd outline

pasta that will be used to let anons in general know:

Q: The Basics

An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

This is something a good number of anons have been working on for well over a month now.

It’s a basic introduction to Q that is more lengthy and dense (~3500 words, 6 pages), but also more informative and in depth than the bullshit being spewed forth by both the MSM and Alt-MSM

so it is our way of combating the mis/disinfo.

The article is based on a simple format of 5 sections, 4 of which are questions and the answers to which give the reader a basic understanding Q and the Great Awakening:

1. Introduction

- Intro to Qanon/Q; the MSM/Alt-MSM attacks after the Tampa rally; why The Basics is needed; gives links.


- Detailed discussion of the history of migration from 4chan to 8chan, and from board to board.

- Explanation of how the board functions.


(We asked the BO if we should identify /qresearch/ and the BO gave the ok since we don’t give the actual link - plus it’s already linked to on basically every site with crumbs).


- DOES NOT DOX; discusses the "Q clearance" allusion; lists the signoffs Q uses; explains how Q is a team and works for/is connected to POTUS.


- Explains signatures and stringers; introduces the puppet masters (+, ++, +++) and cabal; describes Q going from a macro to micro view (Cabal → FISA); lists a bunch of the topics discussed on the Board.


- Defines the Great Awakening; Lists sayings used by Q and links them to the purpose for our doing what we do; concludes

We have also made an outline version that uses bullet points instead of the paper format, which may be useful for summarizing/explaining things

Both the PDFs are of the final drafts of The Basics and the outline version

once the final is ready, I will make pics of the PDFs so it can be distributed like that instead of as a PDF



>>3039676 (off bread) for ideas that are being discussed



d2ff82 (178)  No.3040527>>3040647


kek no, sorry, see the lastest post

had to post that so I could link to it

let me know if there are any moar error

I think we're pretty much finished

2cb70c (131)  No.3040647>>3040863


OK so something's wrong on the board? Can't open up any PDF link

Also BTW in your >>3039676, it's anons are WELCOME, rather than "welcomed" (you're welcome!)!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3040863>>3041010


try refreshing/restarting your browser

works for me

maybe if needed, clear your browsing history/cached

d2ff82 (178)  No.3040881


the pastebin with the text of both the paper and outline will be at the bottom

what you see in the pdfs are just a bland, white background with black text version

anons are WELCOME to make their own version that looks nice and with a cool design

anons have already expressed/are working on ways to do this:

one anon has a theme that goes from a storm to a calm after it: >>2591361 (off bread)

another anon is translating it already and will push it in another language

another wants to put it on a site that anon runs

ideas for pushing it:

1. posting pics of it on twitter/FB/social media (not sure about reddit given what happened, maybe the redditfugees have an idea or two)

2. getting the attention of people/websites who follow Q with big followings (neonrevolt, Praying medic, other sites/YT channels that compile/talk about crumbs/graphics, etc etc; just to name a few)

3. showing personal friends/family that are interested

4. pushing it to local papers/websites (letter to the editor/op-ed type)

5. the most bold, push it to the MSM

just some ideas, but the info is good for people to know what Q/the Great Awakening/we ACTUALLY do/think/are about

going to see the next time the qmap.pub/qanon.app maintainers are around if they would put it up on their sites too

I will also ask bakers (I am one myself, and will NOT do it unilaterally) to make it a global notable once the final copy is out (one baker has helped edit/work on it)

the ultimate way to push, of course, would be for Q to reply to a post with the final copy's pic

thousands would see it instantly, and many thousands more after that

we started this to fight the massive amounts of mis/disinfo being put out, which has died down as we have worked to make sure its grammatically/structurally good to be pushed

timing is everything, and its looking like a good time to start the push

we are at the final copy, and want as many anons as possible to see it before we put out the final




d2ff82 (178)  No.3040905


the pastebin with the text of both the paper and outline will be at the bottom

what you see in the pdfs are just a bland, white background with black text version

anons are WELCOME to make their own version that looks nice and with a cool design

anons have already expressed/are working on ways to do this:

one anon has a theme that goes from a storm to a calm after it: >>2591361 (off bread)

another anon is translating it already and will push it in another language

another wants to put it on a site that anon runs

ideas for pushing it:

1. posting pics of it on twitter/FB/social media (not sure about reddit given what happened, maybe the redditfugees have an idea or two)

2. getting the attention of people/websites who follow Q with big followings (neonrevolt, Praying medic, other sites/YT channels that compile/talk about crumbs/graphics, etc etc; just to name a few)

3. showing personal friends/family that are interested

4. pushing it to local papers/websites (letter to the editor/op-ed type)

5. the most bold, push it to the MSM

just some ideas, but the info is good for people to know what Q/the Great Awakening/we ACTUALLY do/think/are about

going to see the next time the qmap.pub/qanon.app maintainers are around if they would put it up on their sites too

I will also ask bakers (I am one myself, and will NOT do it unilaterally) to make it a global notable once the final copy is out (one baker has helped edit/work on it)

the ultimate way to push, of course, would be for Q to reply to a post with the final copy's pic

thousands would see it instantly, and many thousands more after that

we started this to fight the massive amounts of mis/disinfo being put out, which has died down as we have worked to make sure its grammatically/structurally good to be pushed

timing is everything, and its looking like a good time to start the push

we are at the final copy, and want as many anons as possible to see it before we put out the final



2cb70c (131)  No.3041010>>3041193


Already tried both; not happening

d2ff82 (178)  No.3041193>>3041309


shit, not sure what to do

try here, posted in meta: >>3041171

2cb70c (131)  No.3041309>>3041341 >>3041355


OK thanks - still couldn't open but saved the meta link to the hard drive and then was able to open from there. Looks like I can do that too from this thread.

pg 1 par 1: "…campaign whose goal is to help President Trump.."

change to …" campaign, the goal of which is to help…"

I'll finish looking over but that was the only thing that I know has been bothering me..

d2ff82 (178)  No.3041341


gotcha, read through it a few times if you can, catch everything you can

d2ff82 (178)  No.3041355>>3041502


oh and don't worry about the message for anons or the outline

focus on the paper so we can be ready for the final

2cb70c (131)  No.3041502>>3041855


Part IV par 4: "…president elect,and President, to no avail. [Begin new paragraph]

After macroscopically describing the Cabal’s operations and…"

That's it, folks!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3041855


going to move this quote, to the prior page:

Upon her presumed victory, for which the Cabal so spectacularly unsuccessfully fought, the Cabal would have continued unimpeded and increased its illegitimate control over the world and its people. In fact, as is becoming increasingly clear, the Cabal did everything they could to get her elected: the financiers spending billions of dollars, media organizations lying, Deep State actors within government agencies leaking, and even spying on President Trump as a candidate, president-elect, and President, to no avail.

fits better

d2ff82 (178)  No.3041971>>3041996

updated PDF for FINAL DRAFT:


updated FINAL DRAFT PDF and repost the outline:

d2ff82 (178)  No.3041996


shit, meant updated pastebin

you know what I meant, kek

d2ff82 (178)  No.3042016>>3042061 >>3042519


the pastebin with the text of both the paper and outline will be at the bottom

what you see in the pdfs are just a bland, white background with black text version

anons are WELCOME to make their own version that looks nice and with a cool design

anons have already expressed/are working on ways to do this:

one anon has a theme that goes from a storm to a calm after it: >>2591361 (off bread)

another anon is translating it already and will push it in another language

another wants to put it on a site that anon runs

ideas for pushing it:

1. posting pics of it on twitter/FB/social media (not sure about reddit given what happened, maybe the redditfugees have an idea or two)

2. getting the attention of people/websites who follow Q with big followings (neonrevolt, Praying medic, other sites/YT channels that compile/talk about crumbs/graphics, etc etc; just to name a few)

3. showing personal friends/family that are interested

4. giving it out at rallies

5. pushing it to local papers/websites (letter to the editor/op-ed type)

6. the most bold, push it to the MSM

There are many moar ways to spread it, just some ideas, but the info is good for people to know what Q/the Great Awakening/we ACTUALLY do/think/are about

going to see the next time the qmap.pub/qanon.app maintainers are around if they would put it up on their sites too

I will also ask bakers (I am one myself, and will NOT do it unilaterally) to make it a global notable once the final copy is out (one baker has helped edit/work on it)

the ultimate way to push, of course, would be for Q to reply to a post with the final copy's pic

thousands would see it instantly, and many thousands more after that

we started this to fight the massive amounts of mis/disinfo being put out, which has died down as we have worked to make sure its grammatically/structurally good to be pushed

timing is everything, and its looking like a good time to start the push

we are at the final copy, and want as many anons as possible to see it before we put out the final




2f64ae (8)  No.3042061>>3042075


gave the most recent a readover. looking really good. when enough anons have spread it or whenever you are ready, just say meow.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3042075>>3042110


what do you plan on doing?

(you have a new UID, can't tell if you've been here)

2f64ae (8)  No.3042110>>3042130


been here for long time, remember anon had you google search? adding Q-posts into the article to help bring visual aid. Have already gone over most of this with you towards the begining.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3042130>>3042140


ok gotcha, you got the website right?

or different anon?

but regardless, once the final copy is out, spread away!

2f64ae (8)  No.3042140>>3042169


site yes. if you check what i had you google the last time, it's number 1 last i looked.

02cb73 (2)  No.3042144


I'm reading "presidential ambition" and we DID NOT have political parties during Washington's terms. maybe the 3rd or 4th president we started having political parties. we need no political parties. do away with them.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3042169>>3042196


understood, I remember

but yea, once we get the final out, post it!

thanks anon, sorry for the wait, we want this to be correct

use can use the pastebin or the eventual PDF

2f64ae (8)  No.3042196>>3042207


no worries on the wait, i'd rather this be a project out in the open where everyone can see the work being done, to finished product. i like that, in a creepy way. transparency. I will wait until you have the PDF, so I can add as much shareable stufff as possible so others can pick a median and spread.

no thanks needed, you are all family, we are all fighting for the same cause.


d2ff82 (178)  No.3042207>>3042250 >>3042519


good shit, thanks anon

2cb70c (131)  No.3042225>>3042519


Part IV par. 6

FROM: This “awakening” occurs when anons decode

TO: This “awakening” occurs as anons decode

OK, let's roll, or you know I'll find something else!!!!

02cb73 (2)  No.3042250


Did you see Judge Jeanine thoroughly fry Dianne Frankenstein?

d2ff82 (178)  No.3042422>>3042516 >>3042519

updated pastabin for FINAL DRAFT



d2ff82 (178)  No.3042427>>3055154


the pastebin with the text of both the paper and outline will be at the bottom

what you see in the pdfs are just a bland, white background with black text version

anons are WELCOME to make their own version that looks nice and with a cool design

anons have already expressed/are working on ways to do this:

one anon has a theme that goes from a storm to a calm after it: >>2591361 (off bread)

another anon is translating it already and will push it in another language

another wants to put it on a site that anon runs

ideas for pushing it:

1. posting pics of it on twitter/FB/social media (not sure about reddit given what happened, maybe the redditfugees have an idea or two)

2. getting the attention of people/websites who follow Q with big followings (neonrevolt, Praying medic, other sites/YT channels that compile/talk about crumbs/graphics, etc etc; just to name a few)

3. showing personal friends/family that are interested

4. giving it out at rallies

5. pushing it to local papers/websites (letter to the editor/op-ed type)

6. the most bold, push it to the MSM

There are many moar ways to spread it, just some ideas, but the info is good for people to know what Q/the Great Awakening/we ACTUALLY do/think/are about

going to see the next time the maintainers of qmap.pub/qanon.app/other similar sites are around if they would put it up on their sites too

I will also ask bakers (I am one myself, and will NOT do it unilaterally) to make it a global notable once the final copy is out (one baker has helped edit/work on it)

the ultimate way to push, of course, would be for Q to reply to a post with the final copy's pic

thousands would see it instantly, and many thousands more after that

we started this to fight the massive amounts of mis/disinfo being put out, which has died down as we have worked to make sure its grammatically/structurally good to be pushed

timing is everything, and its looking like a good time to start the push

we are at the final copy, and want as many anons as possible to see it before we put out the final




2cb70c (131)  No.3042516>>3042535 >>3042541


Got it. Good to go!

Ok anon, gotta go. Thank you for all you're doing.

BTW I started to translate this into French weeks ago before getting so heavily involved in the editing. Don't know if I can finish it though as the next few weeks I'll be out of pocket.

If I can, I'll post it here in case it's deemed useful.

Good night and God bless

e88c34 (5)  No.3042519>>3042541 >>3042577


>another wants to put it on a site that anon runs

i'm sure we can get qanon.map et al to publish our pdfs.




please break longer sentences into smaller ones.

>4-5 commas in a single sentence

every second comma can be converted into a full stop.

I do not believe that normies will understand longer, fancier sentences.

also, even shorter sentences can sound like they were penned down by a certified poet.


aight, i seen't it.

but god damn translating a latin based language to a non-latin based language is almost as hard as thinking up entirely fresh content.

slow and steady, lads.


maybe start calling it version or something, cause i still feel we'll be making changes to it.

basic human nature to never be fully content.

e88c34 (5)  No.3042535


> translate this into French

i'm honestly jelly, mate.

translating from one latin based language to another is like a walk in the park on a sunny day accompanied by your pet doggo and eating your favorite flavor of ice cream while listening to your favorite songs on the way to meeting the love of your life as she prepares your favorite food and has already bought a pack of magnum condoms for tonight.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3042541>>3047588


alright, will start notifying anons tomorrow

kek understood, take your time

really can't help with translations of any kind!

thanks anon


just talked to the qanon.news owner, got the OK from the anon to put it there

when I put out the final copy, I'll name it "Q The Basics V1.0

not sure on the commas though, some are needed to format the sentence, even though they don't make it necessarily harder to read

but on the translating, thank you anon, these last few versions have minor changes, so just use the last one

I can imagine, learning another latin based language is hard enough, can't imagine a non latin based!

will be going soon like the other anon, will check back tomorrow

thanks again anons

d2ff82 (178)  No.3042577>>3042617


>they were penned down by a certified poet.

but on that, this wording of the paper serves two purposes:

1. in depth and accurately explain things

2. shows anons aren't a bunch of retards on the internets, and because we're representatives of the Great Awakening (and Q), that the movement in general is sophisticated

and kek, made an outline version too, that'll help!

e88c34 (5)  No.3042617>>3042623


sure, i just meant to say that it's a tremendously difficult task to translate such long sentences, especially because of the whole latin-based to non-latin-based thing. lost in translation, you see.

shorter sentences would be so much easier, mostly because i truly believe that the sentence shouldn't lose it's feel. it is quite a task to translate the emotion with the words.

in any case, i'm onto it like a bee on honey.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3042623>>3042649


understood, thank you

if something should be formatted/worded differently because of the translation, its probably better to do that instead of making it confusing towards that languages' audience

(in general, for any language)

e88c34 (5)  No.3042649>>3042677


yep, exactly.

but don't worry, so far i believe i've maintained the feel of the sentences.

but of course if someone was to translate my text back to english, it will sound like complete garbled rubbish.

oh well.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3042677


KEK, all good

2f64ae (8)  No.3042997

from site, can add all of your translated versions also. can edit anytime. so as they come in can add more. so if you are translating please still share here.

2cb70c (131)  No.3047588>>3047890 >>3054347


Did I miss it? have you put it on qresearch for anon approval?

BTW FYI y'all, English is not a Latin-based (Romance) language like French ( and 8 other Romance - from Roman - languages)but a Germanic one, a close cousin of Frisian (an area that is a Dutch province). Germanic in its basic grammatical structure and vocabulary base, with a heavy influx of French vocabulary ( not grammar) @ 1066 after Guillaume le conquérant ( William the Conqueror), expanded his territory from his duchy in France ( as Duke of Normandy).

d2ff82 (178)  No.3047890>>3049685


but wasn't english "latinized" ?

2cb70c (131)  No.3049685>>3054347


"English" is a "mongrel" language, developed through successive invasions of the island of Britannica ( the Roman's name) by Celts ( pre-Roman times); Romans ( early AD); Anglo-Saxon (Germanic) tribes; Norsemen (Vikings); and Normans (French).

English is therefore considered to be part of the Germanic language family since its basic grammatical structure and vocab base are germanic with a heavy influx of Norman french vocab. in 1066.

It uses the Roman script (alphabet) to represent the sounds (originally) of the words, as opposed to the Greek or Cyrillic (Russian) alphabets.

All three writing systems are of languages that are part of the same major language family group ( Indo-European) to which Sanskrit also belongs. Hindi belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the same (Indo-European) language family as English - but it uses the Devanagari script ( commonly used to write Sanscrit).

In contrast, for e.g., spouseanon's native language belongs to a non-Indo-European lang. group that has no structural connections whatsoever with English ( or Hindi) but has some vocabulary borrowed from Chinese, Arabic, Sanscrit, Portuguese and Dutch ( all invaders), and it uses the Roman alphabet, like English.

a57e5b (2)  No.3054347>>3054597 >>3057155



okay, i stand corrected, but it is still a much bigger pain in the ass to translate english to a non european language.

also, do we even have someone who knows mandarin?

and is anyone working on the spanish translations?

i think we need spanish translation much more than we need mandarin or hindi.

finally, new thread needed soon.

2f64ae (8)  No.3054456>>3054597

hows this for chinese?


d2ff82 (178)  No.3054597>>3054678



holy shit, KEK looks like chinese

besides that, can't help with translation


spanish is a good idea, I'll ask around if there are any anons who could

a57e5b (2)  No.3054678>>3054771 >>3054781 >>3055086

File (hide): 5988b3a87b694a9⋯.png (74.74 KB, 1024x691, 1024:691, chinesetoenglish.PNG) (h) (u)


>looks like chinese

translates back to english like chinese, as well.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3054771>>3054781 >>3057155


some of it is lost in translation:

>supported by Trump

should be: support Trump

because those people aren't 'supported by Trump'

d2ff82 (178)  No.3054781



and the header

d2ff82 (178)  No.3055050>>3055154 >>3057237

File (hide): fc2f7304fcfca4d⋯.png (6.19 MB, 871x6669, 67:513, Q TheBasicsRD(long).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 67f7dc6bd1bb158⋯.png (5.97 MB, 5107x1125, 5107:1125, Q TheBasicsRD(wide).png) (h) (u)



d2ff82 (178)  No.3055054>>3055154

File (hide): 2ad3d8bbf1f4829⋯.png (4.17 MB, 870x7787, 870:7787, Q TheBasicsORD(long).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6967f00c8232c3f⋯.png (4.18 MB, 5933x1126, 5933:1126, Q TheBasicsORD(wide).png) (h) (u)



2f64ae (8)  No.3055086>>3055103


that is jewgle translate for you. believe it was chinese traditional. gave it a shot, not sure how the chinese formulate sentences or anything about the language, thought asiananons could fine tune.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3055103



I'm thinking when we have the final copy ready and starting to spread it, we should let this thread slide off the board and make a new one for spreading/translations/designs/themes/etc

we're going to need it soon anyway

d2ff82 (178)  No.3055154>>3073195

>>3042427 (off bread) for ideas that are being discussed



>inb4 “I ain’t clicking on that shit, see the pics made of the same documents:

>>3055050 (off bread)

>>3055054 (off bread)

2cb70c (131)  No.3057155



Y'all are right there; the more distant a language from English in the language family "tree", the more difficult to translate. Even though it has improved its syntactic [sentence-level] functions,Google translates word-level meanings, and even at that level the translation can be ridiculous or unintelligible.

And have you noticed that French and Spanish are the languages listed for readily avail. translation?

The problem is translating in context which involves not just word and sentence-level meaning but cultural context including rhetorical functions which can be almost entirely opposite of English; e.g., Japanese rhetoric prioritizes describing an object in terms of what it IS NOT ( think a "spiral" of meaning) rather than what it IS (think "Blunt and Direct time"). On a scale of directness, English is up there just below German, French is less direct still, and Asian languages PREFER indirectness in communicating; i.e., almost exactly opposite.

So curryanon need not worry about word-for-word translation; if he understands the ideas we have expressed, he must write their equivalent in the form that best matches the style-level appropriate for his audience. A complex process at best.

Have you noticed how the language landscape of English has changed since the 2016 campaign? President Trump is maligned for his "unorthodox" use of words, which is characterized by Very Germanic "blunt and direct" speech ( as opposed to the euphemisms and out-right lies our culture has been spoon-, and lately force- , fed). But many of his direct terms are also allusions, and he uses allegory (think the tale of "The Serpent") favored in Asian cultures to "gently" speak the truth.

Now here we all are on 8chan, learning a different way of communicating that involves the rhetorical strategies of all the world's cultures.

2cb70c (131)  No.3057237>>3060475


So back to original question from yesterday - what is the timeline on this ( the final pic may soon be irrelevant, intro "past several weeks" is turning into months, etc.)? Or do we not want to advertise that info?! Mostly want general anon eyes-on approval.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3060475>>3060594


honestly, I think we're ready to go

just post the copypasta a day or two moar, give some time for the translations and the anon with the website to get ready

just reread it, looking great

general is a shitshow this dayshift, so I'm going to work on a graphic or two

here if needed

2f64ae (8)  No.3060594>>3069898


basically all set, did some updating/editing and cut a few extra screenshots out, (didn't want it to be too spammy) and added a couple videos, one of which has been linked too several times by Q. looks good from this end, and with the version before us now.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3069898



so I ran it by the day and night shift

wasn't many replies, but the ones I did get (a notable too) were positive

not sure how many moar days we should let anons go through it, I'll do it tomorrow too

5e9edd (1)  No.3070141>>3070311 >>3071127 >>3073664

1. I remember when dedicated research board was created. We all knew to keep it quiet. We should not be posting the url for /qresearch/ in a document that will be spread far and wide to normies. From the beginning, we have worked to keep the focus and quality at qresearch as high as possible. Draw them to the other normie boards on 8chan, but not qresearch.

2. Agreeing here that we should not bind this document to a point in time, but should be generic in reference to time so that someone reading it in a year still gets a sense of freshness.

3. I get that this was originally drafted by a sciencey type person, but with all due respect, feel it should be more clear that Q has quoted from the Bible on numerous occasions. There's a reason for this. Q's been diplomatic about it, not specifically preachy, which is nice, but to be frank the Cabal well know that underneath this all is a battle between Jesus Christ and Lucifer. Note that the depth of evil in some of the rituals we've learned about can only be understood by comprehending the Satanic context, and it helps for newbies to grasp this as early as possible before the true depth of evil becomes clear. So in addition to the welcome commendation to prayer at the end of the doc, I recommend we add an item to the list in "IV. WHAT DOES Q POST ABOUT?": "Quotes from the Bible, both Old and New Testament," and maybe even conclude with this one from one of the first posts ever:

Q: on Nov 1 2017 21:56:38 (EST)

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

a05a09 (2)  No.3070311>>3073664


maybe we should have a new board that's aimed at info. dissemination rather than research and we can give out the link to /QPhenomenon/ instead of /qresearch/.

2569bb (8)  No.3071078>>3071149

also was curious about actually giving out the name of The Board. transparency/avoid confusion/give people a chance to find/ can see all the good aspects. at the same time remembering one of the first rules of Qresearch was we don't talk about Qresearch. yet still had twitterfags, and fedbookfags spamming screenshots and doing just that. i'd vote to keep it safe. already feel sorry for the bakers. however whatever is the consensus is fine also.

2cb70c (131)  No.3071127>>3071198


You’re right… we should include “Read the Bible - God wins” in the “sayings” and “BIble verses” in the list of topics. Can you get a list of the verses to put in parentheses?

2cb70c (131)  No.3071149


I’m with this too- let people who are really interested find their way ( like I did) but maintain boundaries for safety, security and sanity.

2569bb (8)  No.3071198>>3071357 >>3071405 >>3073664


didn't (You) that post because we are already on touchy grounds, and some folks can be turned off by the bible, or bible beating. personally don't care what another believes, just saying perhaps the moar simple we keep it the better. adding a line or two as a quote wouldn't harm, but getting carried away, kinda takes away from a simple explaination for normies. most normies hate everything about the right including, guns, god, and government.

a05a09 (2)  No.3071357



keep it simple.

there's plenty of details once people start researching Q

2cb70c (131)  No.3071405


I agree we don’t need to actually quote any verses but “Bible verses” should be mentioned in the list of topics and Q says “Read the Bible- God wins” more than once. If things are going to become as chaotic and/or life changing as it would appear, there are reasons for everything Q “says” and perhaps we would be remiss to not “mention” it. That, though, is the reason we put in the last line ( …those preyed upon to pray…)

2cb70c (131)  No.3073195>>3073664 >>3073719 >>3073753



Ok, so I put the Q quote, "Read the Bible. God wins." in the list of "sayings". Pertinent on many levels.

Listing "Bible verses" doesn't fit well in the long list of topics discussed, not the least because Q doesn't discuss them. Maybe Q is waiting for us to discuss them like we do all the other topics?

Anyway, just putting the references (Jeremiah 29:11 and John 3:16) Q has given us to look at underneath Pic 2 might be the way to go?

d2ff82 (178)  No.3073664


>>3071198 (I am a baker)

1. the url isn't in this paper, and its linked to in every site

we asked the BO, gave the ok

2. it is generic

3. see: >>3073195

gonna be a hell of a lot of work to add this one phrase, but I'll get on it


good luck getting that going though, the redditfugee board is coming along slowly

d2ff82 (178)  No.3073719


>Anyway, just putting the references (Jeremiah 29:11 and John 3:16) Q has given us to look at underneath Pic 2 might be the way to go?

I don't think thats necessary, seems out of place

d2ff82 (178)  No.3073753>>3075521



none of it is highlight/underlined and I don't want to do updates of all the versions and find out I missed a word or something

d2ff82 (178)  No.3073880>>3074032

I kept religion out of this because it ACTUALLY makes Q seem like a cult

normies will think "why the fuck is an online poster, who inspired a movement, bring religion into it?"

you need to see them in the context to know its for small part of Q's crumbs that signify America's christian culture


2569bb (8)  No.3074032>>3074173


>coin toss

are enough anons ready to spread? do it

not ready yet? maybe give it a bit.

tbh get the feelz, add anything else to what has already been crafted is like the brush stroke that fucks up the painting.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3074173>>3074377


>are enough anons ready to spread? do it

I think there are, plus we need the final to begin spreading

the qanon.news maintainer said he would, I asked the qanon.app to consider, and still have to talk to the qmap.pub maintainer

plus what we've discussed here

I'd love to have the final, so I could reply to Q with it and if Q decided to reply, thousands see it essentially instantly

I want to get 2cb70c's opinion too, but I think the final is ready

2569bb (8)  No.3074377>>3074588 >>3074738


think you are right, and that anon has a good brain. in no rush, it's kinda fun keeping them on their toes.

have a way in which i can spread to roughly 20k to 60k different accounts, have thought of this, would rather have an opinion on this idea before doing so. not hacked accounts, not a bot net, just a shit load of accounts with a GUI that can post. can spread all over the globe, and in most cases it translates although perhaps not the desired effect. thoughts?

2569bb (8)  No.3074588

File (hide): 3a52afb402164eb⋯.png (3.1 KB, 195x78, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


this is just one list

d2ff82 (178)  No.3074738>>3074808 >>3075600


>in most cases it translates although perhaps not the desired effect

right, if you look above a bit, GOOG didn't translate it right

but don't know enough about those accounts to weigh in, if you can spread it in english go ahead, the translation are risky sometimes

2569bb (8)  No.3074808

File (hide): 52d27553e06ce93⋯.png (2.46 KB, 306x53, 306:53, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

2cb70c (131)  No.3075521>>3075578


Sorry - was thinking I should have done that beforeI left…. last section and below pic 2 highlighted.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3075578>>3075681


gotcha, don't think the last part is necessary

but you think the final is ready?

asked anons for two days, got nothing but good replies

I'm thinking of putting out the final pdf and pics today

(baking, so will be later)

2cb70c (131)  No.3075600


Please DO NOTuse Google translate!!!! I can guarantee that you will be scorned/discredited. Better to allow a native-speaker who has been following to make the effort or find someone who can; I believe there are alt-media types/bloggers who are following but if you use google translate you might as well have a shill do a Posobiec-style piece.

2cb70c (131)  No.3075681>>3075735


What "last part"? The verse "addresses"? I'm kinda of the same mind about that; "Read the Bible. God wins" is important ( and hilarious - shows Q's/anon's/God's sense of humor, something sorely lacking in Demoncratland).

Points readers in the right direction so unnecessary to "preach" too loudly with the verses.

Looked in the bread where you posted it last night but didn't see any responses and don't have time to go through them all so kinda disappointing to not read directly but I'll take your word for it!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3075735>>3075857 >>3075887 >>3075987


>Points readers in the right direction so unnecessary to "preach" too loudly with the verses.

thats my point, don't want to add too much religion into this, its just the basics of course and a whole paper could be written about Q's religious crumbs, the context is needed which we can't provide

but over the past two days, have post my pasta, the one last night didn't get any, but was made a notable

the others got good replies, and many already know and have voiced approval before (essentially trusting us to put out a good copy)

anyone that was wanted to edit has been able to (and has)


8cf8ad (1)  No.3075857>>3075987 >>3075989


You may want to consider using a larger font, double spacing, anything to make the paper more readable. I think easy read is more important than fewer pages. JMHO Good work!

2cb70c (131)  No.3075887>>3075989


Just checked it again and it looks good to go if you can include the one phrase," Read the Bible. God wins" (2 phrases/sentences actually; this is the way Q wrote it!) where I put it in the highlighted copy I sent a few minutes ago ( and don't put in the verse designations after pic 2)

2cb70c (131)  No.3075987



My concern too but I don't know about graphics/spacing requirements. Better to have smaller graphics and 1 1/2 line spacing?

Also double space ( not just indent) between paragraphs? It is very dense compared to current publications ( especially online).

Here's an example of 1.5 line spacing, etc.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3075989


haven't gotten to it yet, I will


thanks anon

so what I did is just make a bland version


we include the pastebin for that reason

an anon has an idea already

from a storm to calm, looks great


then we can start a new thread


1. pdfs and pastebin

2. pics of outline

3. pics of pdf

It'd be nice to finish this thread off with those posts, then make a new one and post the pasta/pdfs/pics as the first posts for anons to see then use to spread/add new ideas of how to spread/format

d2ff82 (178)  No.3077495


d2ff82 (178)  No.3079049




d2ff82 (178)  No.3079061>>3079192

File (hide): 8cb32398a48f8f0⋯.png (5.25 MB, 870x6668, 435:3334, Q The Basics V1.0 (long).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 35ebd75c6d574d2⋯.png (5.09 MB, 5153x1126, 5153:1126, Q The Basics V1.0 (wide).png) (h) (u)


d2ff82 (178)  No.3079079>>3079192

File (hide): 084221db77649e7⋯.png (3.11 MB, 6005x1126, 6005:1126, Q The Basics Outline V1.0(….png) (h) (u)


d2ff82 (178)  No.3079124>>3079192


the pastebin with the text of both the paper and outline will be at the bottom

what you see in the pdfs are just a bland, white background with black text version

anons are WELCOME to make their own version that has a different format and with a cool design

one anon has a theme that goes from a storm to a calm after it: >>2591361 (off bread)

anons are also translating it already and will push it in other languages

and another anon wants to put it on a site that anon runs

ideas for pushing it:

1. posting pics of it on twitter/FB/social media (not sure about reddit given what happened, maybe the redditfugees have an idea or two)

2. getting the attention of people/websites who follow Q with big followings (neonrevolt, Praying medic, other sites/YT channels that compile/talk about crumbs/graphics, etc etc; just to name a few)

3. showing personal friends/family that are interested

4. giving it out at rallies

5. pushing it to local papers/websites (letter to the editor/op-ed type)

6. the most bold, push it to the MSM

There are many moar ways to spread it, just some ideas, but the info is great for people to know what Q is, the Great Awakening is, and we are ACTUALLY all about

next time the maintainers of qmap.pub/qanon.app/other similar sites are around I will ask if they would put it up on their sites too, the qanon.news maintainer has already said its ok to do so on that site

I will also ask bakers (I am one myself, and will NOT do it unilaterally) to make it a global notable (one baker has helped edit/work on it)

the ultimate way to push, of course, would be for Q to reply to a post with the a pic in it

thousands would see it instantly, and many thousands more after that

we started this to fight the massive amounts of mis/disinfo being put out, which has died down as we have worked to make sure its grammatically/structurally good to be pushed

timing is everything, and its looking like a good time to start the push




d2ff82 (178)  No.3079192

(testing links for pasta)

Q: The Basics

An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

This is something a good number of anons have been working on for well over a month now.

It’s a basic introduction to Q that is more lengthy and dense (~3500 words, 6 pages), but also more informative and in depth than the bullshit being spewed forth by both the MSM and Alt-MSM

so it is our way of combating the mis/disinfo.

The article is based on a simple format of 5 sections, 4 of which are questions and the answers to which give the reader a basic understanding Q and the Great Awakening:

1. Introduction

- Intro to Qanon/Q; the MSM/Alt-MSM attacks after the Tampa rally; why The Basics is needed; gives links.


- Detailed discussion of the history of migration from 4chan to 8chan, and from board to board.

- Explanation of how the board functions.

- for example, DEFINES A BAKER FFS

(We asked the BO if we should identify /qresearch/ and the BO gave the ok since we don’t give the actual link - plus it’s already linked to on basically every site with crumbs).


- DOES NOT DOX; discusses the "Q clearance" allusion; lists the signoffs Q uses; explains how Q is a team and works for/is connected to POTUS.


- Explains signatures and stringers; introduces the puppet masters (+, ++, +++) and cabal; describes Q going from a macro to micro view (Cabal → FISA); lists a bunch of the topics discussed on the Board.


- Defines the Great Awakening; Lists sayings used by Q and links them to the purpose for our doing what we do; concludes

We have also made an outline version that uses bullet points instead of the paper format, which may be useful for summarizing/explaining things

Both the PDFs are of the FINAL COPIES of The Basics and the outline version


>>3079124 (off bread) for ideas that are being discussed



>inb4 “I ain’t clicking on that shit”, see the pics made of the same documents (open in a new tab and zoom):

>>3079061 (off bread, The Basics)

>>3079079 (off bread, Outline)

thanks anons, WWG1WGA

d2ff82 (178)  No.3082085

File (hide): e90cb23989990de⋯.png (198.06 KB, 1163x407, 1163:407, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

already up on qanon.news!


2569bb (8)  No.3082294>>3082495

you know where to look if you remember kek

d2ff82 (178)  No.3082495>>3082521



really fucking good

well laid out, and the "Sharing" section is tippy top

awesome fucking job

thinking of making a new thread so we can continue coming up with ways to keep pushing/spreading it

2569bb (8)  No.3082521>>3082554


ty m8. you can share the link, but i know the rules no self promotion.

d2ff82 (178)  No.3082554


understood, thanks anon

what you did is exactly why the pastebin is so useful

anons can do whatever they want with it!

d2ff82 (178)  No.3082664>>3082718

File (hide): 05d81a267bb91f8⋯.png (871.53 KB, 2515x1877, 2515:1877, Q The Basics GRAPHIC.png) (h) (u)

seeing how this looks

d2ff82 (178)  No.3082718

File (hide): be96ff39e5d8cea⋯.png (561.67 KB, 2030x1272, 1015:636, Q The Basics GRAPHIC.png) (h) (u)


holy fuck, the formatting got all fucked up trying again

d2ff82 (178)  No.3082844

d2ff82 (178)  No.3083069

gonna fill up the last post


see ya in the new thread

now its the spreading phase!

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