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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, af4716b34464fb65200311d59b….png)

80540a  No.2722866

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Caps: >>2685833 , >>2697454 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

80540a  No.2722868


are not endorsements


>>2653167 BO's reminder to ignore shills

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


President Trump Tweets and decodes

PlaneFag Reports

>>2722195 Looks like [Tavistock] is getting the footballers involved (again).

>>2722210 Markers- BREAK JUSTICE DEAL Cohen

>>2722251 Where are [THEY] at now UPDATED

>>2722257 Interesting how original link says human trafficking, but then the actual headline was changed to prostitution to soften the impact.

>>2722289 Presidential Memorandum for National Security & Defense

>>2722432 Italian Catholics Look to Matteo Salvini Over Pope Francis on Immigration

>>2722304 Molly Tibbits killed with sharp force injury

>>2722369, >>2722446 Intermission. So it's quiet.

>>2722564 Connects? Tibbits to Tippets from JFK oswald.

>>2722310 Search terms were Reality Winner & small potatoes. Lo and behold

>>2722719, >>2722725,

>>2722741 More Satanic imagery in Hollywood/ music

>>2722838 NEWSWIRE


>>2721386, >>2721491, >>2721561, >>2721616 President Trump Tweets and decodes

>>2721864 Updated today! Q Graphics all in GMT #38

PlaneFag Reports

>>2721572 GermanArchiveAnon Update "I am not a Bot" Edition #3424 to #3436

>>2721505, >>2721895, >>2722016 Guise, I want to point out some Notable things and tie them together as I see it.

>>2721519 House Dem Sets Up Legal Defense Fund For Allegedly Molesting Child

>>2721394 The Great Awakening TRUST SESSIONS

>>2721552 [MSNBC EDDIE GLAUDE] Says "maybe 2 farmers have been killed ."

>>2721620 Dots Connected:

>>2721694, >>2721723, >>2721731 Caniballism: Hmmmm trying to go mainstream before the truth hits the fan?

>>2721724 guess who "recommended" weinstein to use black cube?

>>2721653, >>2721655, >>2721658,

>>2721708 Sessions won't act while Rosenstein is there.

>>2721812 Why the CP FISA hasn't been released

>>2721893, >>2722022 More Lanny Davis info

>>2721926 Demoncrats go for the killshot

>>2721951 Sessions to recuse himself in the ]Hillary Probe[

>>2722098 David Horowitz: Visa, Mastercard Cut Off Payments to My Think Tank Based on SPLC ‘Hate Group’ Label

>>2722107 Anon notes : CNN is openly supporting Sessions, they’ve played this perfectly. The hammer is about to drop

>>2722060 NEWSWIRE

>>2722073 #3437


>>2721277 Catholic church sex abuse grand jury report

>>2721266, >>2721290, >>2721330 Good Morning from @DJT: "Jeff, this is GREAT"

>>2721043, >>2721063, >>2721113, >>2721065 Aussie Anons on political fuckery and drought

>>2721004 Israeli spy firm Black Cube's ties to Cambridge Analytica, Iran and Weinstein

>>2721003 Lanny Davis on Steele Dossier: Over a Dozen False Assertions About Cohen

>>2720987 Murdoch's visit just happens to coincide w/ Australian leadership challenge

>>2720986, >>2720992 John Bolton Warns: U.S. Wants Hezbollah Out of Syria

>>2720949 Central “Spygate” Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Lied Senator Chuck Grassley

>>2720936, >>2720974 Children Intn'l: Susana Eshleman, President/CEO and global partners

>>2720923 New Air Force B-2 ‘earth penetrating’ nuclear weapon changes combat strategy

>>2720864, >>2721032, >>2720946, >>2720950 Knights of Columbus, 1st to do blood drives

>>2720739 Why tho? Allison Mack's trial moved fr Oct to Jan & she gets to attend college

Baker change

>>2720715 Medical news (release the cures)

>>2720713 All the Talk About Impeaching the President Is Nonsense

>>2720681 A lot of activity near Naval Base Kitsap and in Puget Sound lately / NCIS Involved

>>2720665, >>2720835, >>2720777 Cali's Prop 187: voted to deny illegals welfare, stopped by Feds

>>2720640 A Radioactive Device Has Gone Missing in Malaysia. Police Are Working 'Round the Clock' to Find it

>>2720556 NEW VIDEO: QAnon Coincidences

>>2721356 #3436

Previously Collected Notables

>>2718926 #3433, >>2720037 #3434, >>2720518 #3435

>>2716607 #3430, >>2717391 #3431, >>2718181 #3432

>>2714281 #3427, >>2715040 #3428, >>2715804 #3429

>>2711958 #3424, >>2712745 #3425, >>2713503 #3426

>>2709607 #3421, >>2710265 #3422, >>2711252 #3423

>>2707381 #3418, >>2708164 #3419, >>2708851 #3420

>>2704970 #3415, >>2705787 #3416, >>2706592 #3417

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

80540a  No.2722877

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

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Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2721864

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

80540a  No.2722882

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY


80540a  No.2722916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEW DOUGH: https://pastebin.com/8eTmWHbQ

Enjoy ANon's This one is for The Wizard !

FG+C You're Loyal Bakerboy

4c7947  No.2722931

File: cf2b3b32e0ea0f8⋯.jpg (41.12 KB, 1020x549, 340:183, IMG_20180824_204752.jpg)

New wiki twat.

bd712b  No.2722932

File: e5c46ec500ee4dc⋯.png (118.99 KB, 300x331, 300:331, thanks blessed josh.png)

File: 238a64c2c4a2cad⋯.jpg (192.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, woof.jpg)

c69302  No.2722933


Yes...that connection just went off for me. I believe that Liddy killed Tibbits and did not follow his instructions very well.

This is why JFK's original body had to be substituted for Tibbits.

None of the K family believed it was actually Jack's body.

Watch JFK to 911: A rich man's game.

It explains all of this need to have another body because of the botched job in dallas. The body's were both put onto AF2 and the operation was attempted to make tibbits body match the narrative of Oswald firing from behind.

d9f979  No.2722937

>>2722626 (lb)

not an american..not really familiar with 90s FNC stuff..sittin in Europe..got started in 2016..please explain the Colmes effect..maybe next bread..

2a0692  No.2722942

File: 86dddec68f5412b⋯.png (651.65 KB, 1599x870, 533:290, XXXXXXXA.PNG)

File: 1dc4cfe5a482137⋯.png (609.09 KB, 1599x821, 1599:821, XXXXXXXXXB.PNG)

82fd8d  No.2722945


Baker, were you still requesting a handoff?

I can bake if you need to take off.

f0595f  No.2722947

File: 50c9d6d5a19dcfb⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1845x1610, 369:322, sessions-aq2.jpg)

80540a  No.2722948


Eat shit BO/Ebot. follow the last 2 breads Anon's you will see . BO is JIDF to the core. Il see you on my new VPN here

aaa2d1  No.2722949

File: e4036264ec8fb46⋯.jpeg (209.15 KB, 480x727, 480:727, 894514D8-F7E4-4CFD-9432-6….jpeg)

Nice timing:

80540a  No.2722950


Take it Good Luck Thanks

32922e  No.2722951

Soooo no BOOMs this week eh? Seems like we're getting play just like that gay ass 11/11 parade. Do you lads finally see how bad hopium does to your body? The More You Know.


Predator my green ass. Kek

5d80ae  No.2722952


I'll guess you'll have to take it DayBaker. Shill baker dropped the dough and ran away.


Unless he still wants to keep baking.

f872aa  No.2722953

File: fb6a48206820a01⋯.jpg (48.25 KB, 229x247, 229:247, wegotq_cta.jpg)

>>2722939 PB

bfeacc  No.2722954

File: 4841a640762a9be⋯.jpg (59.58 KB, 450x600, 3:4, SP18-leah-thompson-team-pr….jpg)

Bless The Baker

dc22bc  No.2722955


summarize for us if it's important

428c72  No.2722956

Breitbart reporting NoName's death is Imminent


7ae0f9  No.2722957

All your cocks are belong.

To my mouf.


f334f6  No.2722958

File: b2dd4d3acd0317f⋯.png (93.88 KB, 710x220, 71:22, ClipboardImage.png)

There is no tumor. No Name IS the tumor.

63f844  No.2722959


This. The number one brainwashed group are the Jews.

They have to be this way if they want to run a scam like this on this massive of a scale. The Jews need their people to remain apart from the host nations that they end up in. The NEED them to stay isolated because the Luciferian leadership needs minions to push around the chessboard. They need the tool of the Jew to always be there.

If they did not preach supremacy for the Jews and hatred for all the rest of Humanity they would slowly lose their followers to intermixing with natives. People would naturally assimilate. The Luciferians can not allow this to happen because a race mixing Jew will end up with divided loyalties and when the time comes to pull some scam or grift or to kidnap some kids somewhere the admixture Jew might hesitate. They might tell the natives that the Jew is not related to.

The Jew can not survive without persecution. So the Luciferians are very happy to have a pogrom or two break out. It does not hurt the big agenda at all but it brings terror to the normie Jew and reinforces the propaganda the Luciferians have been blowing up their asses all these years.

dc22bc  No.2722960


Why is this baker having a meltdown?

50e886  No.2722961

File: d71efaa46193670⋯.jpeg (37.04 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 3CE4F48B-8077-4332-8A43-E….jpeg)

File: cc7b56a85e22db9⋯.jpeg (28.43 KB, 456x300, 38:25, A98E98D8-06E3-4100-8115-F….jpeg)

File: 40913af98af7c24⋯.jpeg (32.3 KB, 398x398, 1:1, 5DCDC527-32A0-430C-B294-0….jpeg)

We don’t say his name. Great example of why it’s fine to walk away from the R party as well.

f0595f  No.2722962

File: 1c3cb32ad705eba⋯.png (17.73 KB, 498x337, 498:337, captcha-q-mi.png)

Captcha confirmed. Q = Militairy Intelligence

32922e  No.2722963


Mark Taylor is a faggot ass Freemason.

82fd8d  No.2722964

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



Assuming responsibilities.

Request: please change the title of the bread, it's covered in mold and faggotry.

63a3a9  No.2722965

File: f15524e2ef1c5b7⋯.jpeg (190.77 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 65460D7A-A538-4692-8691-2….jpeg)

File: 5fb82bfc58f16b9⋯.jpeg (216.52 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 35F9950F-52CD-4127-8353-3….jpeg)

File: a37c505cf591a7e⋯.png (256.38 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2AF06C97-425E-4F38-AE4E-3D….png)

Blackwater" anon here.

Incase you guy haven't figured it out yet.

Tibbits' dad was in deep…

Pics very related.

Semper fi!

5d80ae  No.2722966


I have no idea dude.

32922e  No.2722967


The cringe is strong with this one.

80540a  No.2722968


Shiill baker who exposed you as a fucking clown right? You're a pathetic excuse for a human .

080776  No.2722969


ugh, dramaaaaa.


> Il see you on my new VPN here

they always sperg and say they leave, but no

503946  No.2722970

File: 1cd9f3f43d7046e⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 750x422, 375:211, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

0dca74  No.2722971




Bring a friend.

Support POTUS.


bfeacc  No.2722972

File: 3afbcbf49671fd2⋯.jpeg (75.01 KB, 900x750, 6:5, 1535124205.jpeg)

915bac  No.2722973

File: 49d8a2aa6787532⋯.jpg (9.11 KB, 216x168, 9:7, big one.jpg)

9c40c2  No.2722974

>>2722808 (last bread)

Just discovered that the page is only partially available. I checked it a couple of days ago and the page was not broken, one of the main characters is an old wikilleaks / FBI hacker, it may be him who hacked the Icelandic newspaper

5d80ae  No.2722976


What would you like to rename it?

7a86b3  No.2722977

File: 9fb2c1a230d45eb⋯.jpg (196.96 KB, 1139x833, 67:49, Gitmo 24 Aug 2018.jpg)


Another busy day at Gitmo.

fa57a1  No.2722978


Hi BO, could you pls update us on stats of this board. ThanQ

64b874  No.2722979


Colmes was Hannity's liberal sidekick.

365e6d  No.2722980

File: 39b7dbd736d7a3a⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 740x415, 148:83, Belushi.jpg)

File: 8fd797548a9fea8⋯.jpg (43.86 KB, 897x504, 299:168, 8fd797548a9fea8be371b84a94….jpg)


e5d830  No.2722981

>>2722555 LB

anon said:

I dug Podesta-Rome connection and didn't find anything.

what about all the vatican owned properties around their little walled in kingdom like this??

def worth investigating but have no idea how to search italian/vatican property records.


62c933  No.2722982

Hi, idiots.

Has it dawned on you yet that Q was a bad larp or can we all keep laughing at you?

f0595f  No.2722983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hold the line anons, incoming concerfags, and muh all jew shills

b57dae  No.2722984

File: e67fe305faef257⋯.jpg (172.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e67fe305faef257944afca9e85….jpg)

File: ea6ab7ab578e6ee⋯.jpg (48.62 KB, 639x426, 3:2, 2e4vxf.jpg)

File: 357c6e4635a8ae0⋯.jpg (28.08 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2f90q1.jpg)

File: 6bb03afe5259eac⋯.jpg (81.19 KB, 500x582, 250:291, 2e4wf7.jpg)

File: 4365e5902b994c1⋯.jpg (35.81 KB, 670x468, 335:234, that-feeling-you-get-when-….jpg)

f872aa  No.2722985

File: c9bc14d3082d882⋯.jpg (28.9 KB, 640x89, 640:89, noname.jpg)

fa6759  No.2722986


Keep up the good work, and thank you for all the time and effort you put in BO

-random lurkfag

0bcbfa  No.2722987


hmm I've seen him speaking against freemasonry.

6d3609  No.2722988



is the 'shill baker' the '6am baker'?

I didn't handoff to the 'shill baker' in the late nightshift right? isn't that TZ? (or clam, get them confused sometimes)

f48ee5  No.2722989

>>2722930 (lb)

Hannity and Colmes was a show where Hannity played Right view, Colmes played Left view. They'd go back and forth with various guests, and that was pretty much the show.

I think it's the entire reason why Hannity does the skit near the end of his current show where Waters and that lefty chick debate back and forth, and Hannity calls the winner for the day. I think it's a hat tip to his old friend.

915bac  No.2722990

File: 721c304402064f0⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, f.head.jpg)

File: 01c0f44bfcc23a8⋯.jpg (47.04 KB, 372x512, 93:128, yes.jpg)

ad0b83  No.2722991


Lanny strikes me as very insecure in how he has to let Hillary and previously J Podesta know what a great friend they are blah, blah, blah. I'm guessing he is not very trustworthy if he has to reiterate it in words.

82fd8d  No.2722992


"Cleaning Up The Kitchen Edition", if that's cool with you.

Much appreciated, BO, and keep up the excellent work.

32922e  No.2722993


Good catch, anon! That's why the MSM kept interviewing the "boyfriend" and everyone else but the parents. especially the DAD. What bullshit.

08c4cf  No.2722994


Yes (((you))) are


lurk moar!

d6ccfa  No.2722995


Muh Tumor Too Far Gone

4aea23  No.2722996

File: 75fcf61fe098879⋯.jpg (17.29 KB, 220x279, 220:279, 2gi1yt.jpg)

e41963  No.2722997


Fusion GPS scandal: Clinton, DNC broke campaign finance law with dossier funding, complaint says

October 26th, 2017

The revelation that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund a salacious anti-Trump dossier last year is raising new legal questions for the Clinton team — with a watchdog group filing a formal complaint alleging they hid the payments from public view.

The Campaign Legal Center filed the complaint Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission, accusing the DNC and Clinton’s campaign committee of breaking campaign finance law by failing to accurately disclose the money spent on the Trump-Russia dossier.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton weighs in on 'Fox & Friends First.' Video

Did former Obama officials help create anti-Trump dossier?

“Questions about who paid for this dossier are the subject of intense public interest, and this is precisely the information that FEC reports are supposed to provide,” Brendan Fischer of the Campaign Legal Center said in a statement to Fox News.

The Washington Post reported this week — and Fox News confirmed — that the political consulting firm Fusion GPS was retained last year by Marc E. Elias, an attorney representing the DNC and the Clinton campaign. The firm then hired former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to write the now-infamous dossier.


According to the Post, that money was routed from the Clinton campaign and the DNC through the law firm Perkins Coie and described on FEC reports as legal services. The Clinton campaign reportedly paid the law firm nearly $6 million from June 2015 to December 2016, while the DNC paid $3.6 million, though it’s unclear how much money went to Fusion GPS.

Responding to the revelations, Clinton’s former campaign spokesman Brian Fallon compared the project to the kind of “oppo research” that “happens on every campaign.”

But the Campaign Legal Center described the FEC reporting as “misleading.”

“Payments by a campaign or party committee to an opposition research firm are legal, as long as those payments are accurately disclosed,” Fischer said. “But describing payments for opposition research as ‘legal services’ is entirely misleading and subverts the reporting requirements.”

The controversial dossier contained unverified and lurid allegations about dirt the Russians had on Trump and his campaign’s possible connections to Moscow.

Critics argued the latest revelation makes it harder for Democrats to accuse the Trump campaign of collusion.

“Kremlin gave info to Christopher Steele,” tweeted Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary to President George W. Bush. “His oppo-research was paid for by the Clinton campaign. If that’s not collusion, what is?”

More at Link

bfeacc  No.2722998

32922e  No.2722999

Q, Gold Standard. NOW! FUCK FIAT!

354d33  No.2723000


methamphetamines.. Dude was baking more than bread.

b57dae  No.2723001

File: 8ba91a3e1fb020b⋯.jpeg (55.7 KB, 533x518, 533:518, DjimIzNU8AAnZA8.jpeg)

File: 79efe88417a1aec⋯.jpg (940.53 KB, 1500x1264, 375:316, 79efe88417a1aeca72d6c0ab62….jpg)

File: 5dbc44cc09b9e10⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 340x408, 5:6, 2evlto.jpg)

File: 143b07de81d896a⋯.jpg (114.27 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 698891_1.jpg)

a022d3  No.2723002

Next bread name request.

Bag’em N Tag’em edition

7ae0f9  No.2723003


Not only are you shill.

You are fake.

And gay.


(And bring me more cum to guzzle!)


fa57a1  No.2723004


You can

But read notables first

Those are independent from trust not trust

We will keep digging no matter what

7337c8  No.2723005

>>2722257 (LB)

As when they call sexually abused children prostitutes. That boils my blood. Die monsters.

8a96ff  No.2723006


when do the sealed proceedings have to be opened?

at the end of the year?

d9f979  No.2723007

File: 6d806d11b5ebc4c⋯.jpg (97.16 KB, 714x908, 357:454, Think Mirror plebbit.jpg)

some pleb got it good.

bd1a30  No.2723008


Bunker prepped!

fcc1e6  No.2723009

File: c5bc85d11268b33⋯.jpeg (626 KB, 1242x1238, 621:619, 1DB9E515-1BE8-442B-A5AB-3….jpeg)

565370  No.2723010

With the McCain news the board takes a retarded and evil turn.

7c274f  No.2723011


BO need rain for us in upside down land, "Pray for a rainy Upside-down land"

c6203a  No.2723012


This needs moar dig.

7a86b3  No.2723013



I go to the trouble to collate the planefag notables for you and you ignored them.

I know that you are fluncing out of here, but can the current baker pick these up in the next bread please?

aaa2d1  No.2723014


Wrong. Try harder Fuck Face.

20db20  No.2723015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The men of USS Forrestal will soon get their say.

ad0b83  No.2723016

File: 7a7d4ff74487567⋯.png (524.2 KB, 738x932, 369:466, 9c3fa41c-9447-4a7e-8059-de….png)

Another one bites the dust.

82fd8d  No.2723017


I've got your back, Planefag.

Thank you for you diligent work, as always.

365e6d  No.2723018


First, they ignore you..

Then they laugh at you..


0d1997  No.2723019

File: 6ca4e3d0ecb866b⋯.jpg (36.14 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1449836251338.jpg)

Trust Sessions?

Can we sustain this movement when/if Qew is exposed as a LARP?

I think we can.

016489  No.2723020

File: d61784d38a152c7⋯.jpg (32.8 KB, 335x370, 67:74, vpu2.JPG)


thank you BakerBoy

5e6ac2  No.2723021

File: a8103cf87785155⋯.jpeg (838.07 KB, 1104x1080, 46:45, tweets.jpeg)

Goodbye McStain!

630467  No.2723022

DC Airport First In Nation to Catch First Illegal Ayy Lmao



fb30cb  No.2723023


New baker, previous baker left.





b57dae  No.2723024

File: 9a3be282c76a955⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 252x300, 21:25, McCain-Hillary.jpg)

File: c410ca1eee98a6e⋯.jpg (115.16 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 12fcd715051216bbd53f191ec0….jpg)

File: 27b950b546467e2⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 648x407, 648:407, jmm2.jpg)

Meme fodder!

5ed87e  No.2723025

>>2722674 lb

I made a comment yesterday about the publicity surrounding her disappearance and not a mention of the 35+ others taken at the same time along I-80. If they did take organs or sacrifice her my belief is they pushed her story to shove it in our faces that they can do what they want in the open and we can do nothing to stop it. The illegals' claim that he blacked out etc is way to familiar with other shooters that we know to be set up. My belief is major fuckery happening. Just shitty people.

34f02e  No.2723026

File: 1efa91cecda0404⋯.png (116.14 KB, 652x652, 1:1, 1_Neocons_Trotskyites_1.PNG)

File: ada0c3ec5e212a6⋯.png (111.92 KB, 625x674, 625:674, 1_Neocons_Trotskyites_2.PNG)

File: 52d9a20421f48a2⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 1912x4168, 239:521, Marxism_Jews_Trotsky_Neoco….gif)

File: 25b17b4635e6d63⋯.jpg (23.78 KB, 420x291, 140:97, War_Makers_1_Saddam.jpg)

File: 2f46ea97cdfb4b2⋯.jpg (292.26 KB, 1200x937, 1200:937, War_Makers_4_Iraq_25_Most_….jpg)

>>2722782 (lb)

Exposing jewish subversion and Israeli crimes is not anti-semitism, little jew :)

Why don't you also recomend this book, that tells you how AIPAC controls the US Senate: https://archive.org/details/One-Nation-Under-Israel

Frindly reminder that while the Frankfurt School jewish communist cultural marxists subverted the education system and dem party (and are the ideological fathers of the anti-A1, anti-A2, anti-West, anti-Christian “progressive” political movement) when they went to the US because of WW2, the rep party was subverted by the communism Trotskyites jewish intelectuals who became known has the neocons and were the main pushers for the use of US Military in ME with the objective of destabilizing it with the purpose of helping the expansion of Israel.

32922e  No.2723027


You mad, bruh? Stop swallowing Masonic jizzum. KEK


KEK! That's what happens when you want to be "famous." Rest in pieces fat fuck! In Cabo…damn. I hope the nigga was sippin on a Bahama Mama or at least some Bahama tits.

915bac  No.2723028

File: 2249b9ad3aaffb2⋯.png (50.63 KB, 911x269, 911:269, fiji 8.2.png)

File: 8697cd198933597⋯.jpg (11.63 KB, 236x234, 118:117, happening.jpg)

File: 844ba5267b9be44⋯.png (31.17 KB, 887x205, 887:205, ven 7.3.png)

File: 51616edb345601e⋯.png (43.52 KB, 905x264, 905:264, peru 7.1.png)

4aea23  No.2723029

McCain dies before midterms, right?

c9d870  No.2723030



what do you know about Chris Kyle, Craft International and what they were doing at the Boston Marathon?

2a0692  No.2723031

File: 024402b0ffc0ec8⋯.png (260.08 KB, 997x500, 997:500, tyurt.PNG)


Gitmo webcams please :)

c37624  No.2723032

File: c3f14bf99de9839⋯.jpg (340.18 KB, 1423x1684, 1423:1684, q26.jpg)


d9f979  No.2723033

WDSHN announced his suicide..

38ba70  No.2723034

File: 1bb8039230b62fd⋯.jpg (43.61 KB, 514x407, 514:407, doit.jpg)


talk talk talk

so many threats for so many months

we're all still here

no letters in the mail, no attorneys or investigators calling anyone

you cant even make good on a phishing scam

id call you a miserable script kiddie, but we both know you cant even do that consistently

80540a  No.2723035


Don't worry cunt Im making a video to connect it all together. Follow the last 2 breads of Mr.Default/BO dissapearing then reappearing hours later. It's all there weak minded faggot cannot cover his tracks properly or not talk. Weak dude. I will spend the rest of my time catching you and calling you out faggot. I am going to chase you and your fat cunt tits bv around forever . Enjoy the shekles. Baby killer supporter.

179a63  No.2723036

Bye Bye NoName…suicide weekend starting soon?

64b874  No.2723038


Show Time!

7a86b3  No.2723039


The Baker Flounces Out Edition..?

ab2933  No.2723040

File: 27a18cc023dd8ef⋯.jpg (1019.15 KB, 1247x1238, 1247:1238, _0001_01.jpg)

File: 9c4e5efd63a6ff3⋯.jpg (6.23 MB, 3051x2824, 3051:2824, _0005.jpg)

Correction images last night from 2010, 01-NOV-10 not 01-NOV-01



a29ef9  No.2723041

>>2722867 lb.

See Q 1649, 6/30 re: NoName

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 317346 No.1973688

Jun 30 2018 14:46:19 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 355946 No.1973567

Jun 30 2018 14:40:09 (EST)


Please do not let No Name off the hook. he is a disgrace to Veterans across this great country and needs to be held accountable.


Think SC vote to confirm (coming).

No Name action.

Every dog has its day.

Enjoy the show.


20db20  No.2723042


before midnight, right?

6b69fa  No.2723043

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Kurt Cobain came from the outside. It's very rare for someone from the outside to make it big in the music industry.

The 'grunge movement' was a real thing, and rejected consumerism and glamor.

That's dangerous… and had to be controlled, especially in a region you've spent generations trying to bluepill.

They chose Kurt to be the icon because he had a unique view, and was close enough to the emotional center of the movement.

They made him famous, surrounded him with MTV and paprazzi, pushed him beyond where he wanted to go.

Big contract, big money, big control.

Brought him into the fold (follow the wives…)

Grunge itself was popularized into a national movement, which killed the redpill effects.

It's all about control.

After that, it was easy to sacrifice Kurt.

Courtney fucking laughed when she heard.

Hi Krist. We didn't forget. Vid related @ 1:50 (for the true fans anyway)


fa57a1  No.2723044


I wouldnt kek too much. Facial recognition is an evil system

00a931  No.2723045

File: 270a518196394f2⋯.jpg (72.96 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger be bes….jpg)

File: 273c97629919893⋯.jpg (62.79 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger.jpg)


016489  No.2723046



[catch more flies with honey]

32922e  No.2723047


Damn, none of you lads want to acknowledge these trips? What a bunch of lil bitches. Have fun hoarding all that fiat lol

d6ccfa  No.2723048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


X22 Dave going with same Mirror theory

7a86b3  No.2723049


Roger, acknowledged.

50e886  No.2723050

File: 7856ff6c97990b9⋯.jpeg (38.09 KB, 600x575, 24:23, 72EC8542-F2A4-4BD0-93CA-2….jpeg)

c3f459  No.2723051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

think mirrors?

found this interesting this morning.

915bac  No.2723052

File: 38ef644e665f8fa⋯.jpg (62.44 KB, 450x325, 18:13, caho.jpg)

82fd8d  No.2723053

Remedy Notables Bun


>>2722195 Looks like [Tavistock] is getting the footballers involved (again).

>>2722210 Markers- BREAK JUSTICE DEAL Cohen

>>2722251 Where are [THEY] at now UPDATED

>>2722257 Interesting how original link says human trafficking, but then the actual headline was changed to prostitution to soften the impact.

>>2722289 Presidential Memorandum for National Security & Defense

>>2722432 Italian Catholics Look to Matteo Salvini Over Pope Francis on Immigration

>>2722304 Molly Tibbits killed with sharp force injury

>>2722369, >>2722446 Intermission. So it's quiet.

>>2722564 Connects? Tibbits to Tippets from JFK oswald.

>>2722310 Search terms were Reality Winner & small potatoes. Lo and behold

>>2722719, >>2722725,

>>2722741 More Satanic imagery in Hollywood/ music

>>2722856 Planefag Updates: SHIPSHAP and more AZAZ tracking

>>2722838 NEWSWIRE

00a931  No.2723054

File: a900ae496d92d29⋯.jpg (56.7 KB, 1161x823, 1161:823, Pepe pointing.JPG)

4aea23  No.2723055


Hehe I will send out positive energy into the universe to try and help that :D

bfeacc  No.2723056

File: 52d740dea9d82af⋯.jpeg (178.53 KB, 1440x1002, 240:167, 1531186643.jpeg)

dc06de  No.2723057

File: d40179114770bbe⋯.jpg (676.7 KB, 940x1224, 235:306, gitmo.jpg)

File: c10b98226c530b3⋯.png (56.76 KB, 1156x336, 289:84, gitmo1.png)

08c4cf  No.2723058

File: 46d0edeaacc61c2⋯.gif (1011.57 KB, 500x655, 100:131, giphy.gif)


Register Independent & Vote

TRUMP agenda & Great Conservative


The Sub-Genius!


0b3746  No.2723059

File: 5cda04ecd049ab8⋯.png (1.08 MB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

Weisselberg earlier this year was subpoenaed to testify before grand jury

By Rebecca Ballhaus and

Nicole Hong

Updated Aug. 24, 2018 11:25 a.m. ET

Allen Weisselberg, President Trump’s longtime financial gatekeeper, was granted immunity by federal prosecutors for providing information about Michael Cohen in the criminal investigation into hush-money payments for two women during the 2016 presidential campaign.


284909  No.2723060

File: 6744f66e7a7aed0⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 500x281, 500:281, IMG_2171.GIF)

c427ec  No.2723061

FIRE in Maui.

evacuations have started.


6b69fa  No.2723062


Meant for → >>2722711

290c73  No.2723063

File: ac1a1b94abc474e⋯.png (12.33 KB, 402x28, 201:14, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 36251a119849648⋯.png (150.74 KB, 636x206, 318:103, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: ff2efa3d1394de1⋯.png (10.58 KB, 166x82, 83:41, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)


Its way bigger then most know

Taiwan= the tibbits block is a plug and play module can override controls

Mollie the girl everyone wants

Taiwan=switzerland of china

Mollie is dead

White hats create story to use as narrative direct[there own medicine against them]

Mollie is the Program that hacks into the Tibbits Blocks

Ya dig?????


7a86b3  No.2723064


If my mission was to catch flies, then I'd agree with you. I'm catching flies of a different kind… I've no time for Shill Baker's first world problems.

f0f0d2  No.2723065

File: 05d9beccaaa5ec7⋯.png (901.64 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Time to tell POTUS to drop the fucking hammer!

John McCain discontinues treatment for terminal brain cancer: family


4f5c04  No.2723066


Cancel the party this weekend!

80540a  No.2723067

>>2722964 Sorry Daybaker I got supremely frazzled by this whole situation that unfolded. The trail is there for all to see what I saw. Good Luck baking sorry I am such a problem. I hate evil and I see it . Good day.

32922e  No.2723068


Thanks, anon. DEAD THE FED!

630467  No.2723069


That is true, it was implemented by the obama administration. But I do like seeing their own systems used against their intended goals.

9fa51a  No.2723070

File: 7e438c33a83a035⋯.png (43.01 KB, 666x448, 333:224, noname POS.png)


Dog Days of August Coincidence?

bfeacc  No.2723071


Top Kek

d6ccfa  No.2723072

Updated with Previous Bread Contribs

Suggest Additional People/Sightings if Interdasted

(((All links Previous Breads)))


1. Huma Abedin

>>2711414 - 8/16 Spotted in NYC

>>2711597 - Looking Desperate

2. Tony Podesta

>>2711313 - John Fumbels when asked?

3. John Podesta

>>2711163 - Last Tweet (8/4/18)

>>2711209 - Months Old Twitter Photo

>>2711314 - MSNBC Article (8/18)

>>2711359 - Last Seen 8/9

>>2711419 - Message in Recent Photo

>>2711472 - Utah Info

>>2711459 - Utah Info

4. Barack Obama

>>2711219 - Obama with Biden

>>2711397 - Martha's Vinyard 8/6/18

5. Hillary Clinton

>>2711998 - Martha's Vinyard With Obama?

6. Awan

>>2711584 - DC 8/20

7. DWS

>>2711261 - 3d Printer Discussion 8/18

8. Joe Biden

>>2711219 - Obama with Biden

>>2711273 - Canceled Event Per Dr. Order

9. NoName

>>2711191 - AWOL

10. Bill Clinton

>>2711556 - Eyes on BC

>>2711847 - August 10th CF Event

>>2711998 - Martha's Vinyard with Obama?

11. Eric Braverman

>>2711482 - Oxford July 2018

12. Eric Schmidt

13. John Solomon

>>2712104 - John Solomon on Mark Levin radio Aug 9

>>2712702 - Hannity on August 7, Twitter on August 17

14. Loretta Lynch

>>2711652 - May 12 2018 speaking engagement

15. Assange

16. Sally Yates

>>2711888 - Keynote Speakers scheduled Oct 4-5, 2018

17. Valerie Jarrett

>>2711888 - Keynote Speakers scheduled Oct 4-5, 2018

18. John Kerry

>>2722497 - Book Tour starts 9/16

e8186c  No.2723073

File: e21c388539b3f9f⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, DlU3aRrVsAANxRF.jpg)

Hold fast, Patriots!

5d80ae  No.2723074


If you're referring to board traffic, only CM has that info.


The shill baker is MetalBaker (6am baker). I thought he stopped with his retardation a while back but I guess not. He makes up these theories about us, saying that we use multiple devices to "compliment/prep-up" ourselves after we post. He thinks we're all clowns that are for some reason out to destroy this board (even after removing harmful BVs). Now he thinks I'm eBot cause we posted near the same time or something like that.


Sounds good. Fixed.




Looking forward to seeing your video, Alvin.

c9d870  No.2723075


>grunge movement was real

oh fuck off. I remember the overnight fad. Guns n Roses weren't cool one day and Pearl Jam and Nirvana were the bees knees the next. 'New Rock' stations sprang up overnight.

d3e91a  No.2723076

>>2722549 (pb)

Not a planefag per se, but am a acft mechanic. Try & get the tail number if u can, for the U.S it'll be the 'N' number. The letter correlates to the country & every country has it's own letter/combo of letters. By law all planes tail numbers are registered with the FAA & supposed to be publically available. That can give you info on at least who/where the plane is registered. If they are used for nefarious purposes then they use shell companies. But it's at least a place to start.

00a931  No.2723077

File: 173b398baf21893⋯.jpg (71.42 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger drop t….jpg)

34f02e  No.2723078

File: 18f814a866a8405⋯.png (71.49 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 1530316367907.png)

File: f5c16f3824e69a0⋯.png (593.57 KB, 2005x1221, 2005:1221, Jewish_Hate_For_Christians….png)

File: fa6b4cd6668adca⋯.png (129.22 KB, 575x607, 575:607, Jews_Christ_Satan.png)

File: 6688eade8fbad03⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1165x540, 233:108, Jews_Spit_On_Christians_In….PNG)

File: 08ded54c1674506⋯.jpg (262.83 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, Talmud_jews_hanged_Jesus.jpg)

>>2722795 (lb)

Christianity is the civilizational glue of the West.

Don't like it?

Cool, GTFO.


All cross links from another bread: >>2390914

If you want to know why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.

If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.

I suggest you read the bread these come from entirely, these are just a selection.

TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):

>>2409242 – Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology

>>2409189 – Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, part 2

>>2562709 – Jewish persecution of Christ and Christians since Christianity inception, part 1

>>2562715 – part 2

>>2562720 – part 3

>>2562725 – part 4

>>2562731 – part 5

>>2562734 – part 6

>>2562740 – part 7

>>2562763 – The Khazar theory

>>2581628 – Usury was (and is) a weapon of domination (debt slavery) over the goyim and its use with that end was and is teached to jews in the Torah

>>2581630 – The history of Poland, the paradise of jews

>>2581633 – Some jews talk about the divine promise of each jew getting 2800 goy slaves when the jewish Messiah comes to them

0bfae3  No.2723079


not until it's certain we're not being played.

fa57a1  No.2723080


Could we ask CM?

915bac  No.2723081

File: b171cd990d04791⋯.jpg (134.97 KB, 700x467, 700:467, rendell.jpg)

File: 55394db0efb74e8⋯.jpg (50.89 KB, 620x465, 4:3, re cargo.jpg)

File: 20bdda62e5e721f⋯.png (49.21 KB, 620x537, 620:537, re import.png)

File: e04cb9cbe07895d⋯.jpg (160.74 KB, 868x800, 217:200, kill.jpg)

5f5c67  No.2723082

Statement from the Press Secretary on El Salvador

Foreign Policy

Issued on: August 23, 2018

On Tuesday, the Government of El Salvador announced it would discontinue its decades-long diplomatic relations with Taipei in favor of establishing diplomatic relations with Beijing. The leaders of El Salvador’s governing party have made this decision, which will have implications for decades to come, in a non-transparent fashion only months before they leave office. This is a decision that affects not just El Salvador, but also the economic health and security of the entire Americas region. The El Salvadoran government’s receptiveness to China’s apparent interference in the domestic politics of a Western Hemisphere country is of grave concern to the United States, and will result in a reevaluation of our relationship with El Salvador.

Countries seeking to establish or expand relations with China in order to attract state-directed investment that will stimulate short-term economic growth and infrastructure development may be disappointed over the long run. Around the world, governments are waking up to the fact that China’s economic inducements facilitate economic dependency and domination, not partnership.

The United States will continue to oppose China’s destabilization of the cross-Strait relationship and political interference in the Western Hemisphere.


05153d  No.2723083



>cunt Im making a video

If it's as speculative and reaching as your assumptions, it should definitely be a cartoon…

2a0692  No.2723084

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 162x255, 54:85, 1c7048a6100d761cfdcfe51872….jpg)


omfg top kek

d9f979  No.2723085

File: 8b87a21a8db5893⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 4006x2596, 2003:1298, 2.gif)

36fcb7  No.2723086

no name discontinuing cancer treatment

7874a6  No.2723087

File: 1e56311c1152f37⋯.jpeg (28.53 KB, 342x750, 57:125, baker.bw.jpeg)


For the wizard.

6b69fa  No.2723088


fuck wrong post. disregard.

>>2723043 Meant for THIS post --> >>2722911

915bac  No.2723089

File: 467c2ec916622f5⋯.jpg (89.52 KB, 1050x550, 21:11, spain.b.jpg)

08c4cf  No.2723090

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 760x428, 190:107, a_ov_Pepe_160928.760;428;7….jpg)



016489  No.2723091

File: 183a6fa248c302c⋯.png (753 B, 163x33, 163:33, ClipboardImage.png)

last bread BO checkem



all i can say is (pic related)

7a86b3  No.2723092


Ping May Not then!

5d80ae  No.2723093


You can send him an email at admin@8ch.net . Up to him if he will respond. He's a busy dude.

8c5097  No.2723094


And the connections just keep on coming!

786847  No.2723095

The most interesting thing about this Fox News article is who wrote it.

Rachel L. Brand.

Also interdasting is the fact that the footnote says she IS associate AG not WAS.


f0f0d2  No.2723096

File: 642bfb6f05026c5⋯.png (29.16 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


Robin Leach, 'Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous' host, dead at 76


915bac  No.2723097

File: 87989bea2cdd5eb⋯.jpg (80.16 KB, 780x439, 780:439, tony hna.jpg)

File: 383f3e9858cd972⋯.jpg (141.14 KB, 980x660, 49:33, luv.mao.jpg)

File: 002bc61ddaaa4f6⋯.jpg (29.73 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, jl.jpg)

File: e0f7bd015852d83⋯.jpg (160.52 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, dai.lo.jpg)

File: 2a2ccdeb2389a1d⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 510x348, 85:58, Yacthing.jpg)

6a598d  No.2723098


Live in AZ …. Q PLEASE tell me you're gonna nail this guy soon. I can't stand for part of the 'GAME' to include all the major media fawning over him and making him out be such a 'hero'. It'll be too much to take ….. and then YOUR future actions will be spun as 'stomping on his grave'.

265124  No.2723099

File: 35f044f0ab2fa91⋯.jpg (392.75 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Coffee Frog Q.jpg)

Good Morning Fantastic Anons

6d3609  No.2723100

File: 3ce98e9e9f2e4d1⋯.jpg (9.12 KB, 250x242, 125:121, pepemeh.jpg)


>Now he thinks I'm eBot

thats stupid as fuck

I have noticed the non-notable notables, never really catch him baking though

guess we need a new baker for that time slot (NOT me, not awake for that shit)

8ba52a  No.2723101

File: b1b2305e7bf6fda⋯.jpeg (154.55 KB, 1242x415, 1242:415, A7917E23-C66E-4581-9F3C-1….jpeg)

File: 7c05eedbb348e3a⋯.jpeg (111.15 KB, 1242x280, 621:140, 2CC280C5-7292-453C-82AE-9….jpeg)

File: 9da37ecb8c62c40⋯.jpeg (81.35 KB, 1242x270, 23:5, 9219BCCA-0375-4C28-9499-1….jpeg)

File: d26aba02dff4669⋯.jpeg (97.77 KB, 1242x240, 207:40, 454C60EA-1E34-44CA-AF1B-E….jpeg)

Waiting to see if these amount to something: from the heel of last bread. If so, would poss be t-2 mins

a041ae  No.2723102

File: 329a3037c9c8879⋯.jpg (24.63 KB, 214x255, 214:255, ignoressideeye7languages.jpg)

File: 053b4437f5d30ad⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 255x167, 255:167, flotusmelaniahat.jpg)

File: 7abc03908b14f11⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 255x144, 85:48, whitehatinaction.jpg)

6b69fa  No.2723103


>oh fuck off. I remember the overnight fad.

Yeah it got comped early on; It's why Cobain railed against it.

Nirvana was more Punk music than anything else.. But [They] needed a posterboy whether Kurt wanted that part of the fame or not.

Apparently he didn't because he ended up dead.

33002d  No.2723104

File: 142b735f74304dd⋯.png (47.84 KB, 319x169, 319:169, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)

For the newfags…

This ID 34f02e posted 38 times last bread aka >5% of posts. SHILL behavior.

This is how you filter these shills.

Click on the triangle by the poster name then…

915bac  No.2723105

File: 6c995acd4aa1003⋯.jpg (51.86 KB, 1050x550, 21:11, cefc.hongkong.jpg)

File: 7c4780a37ea2430⋯.jpg (65.06 KB, 992x558, 16:9, china.jpg)

File: 59e05955cd26a65⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 634x421, 634:421, MACAU.jpg)

File: c4251229745d367⋯.jpg (63.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, grey.steele.jpg)

6d3609  No.2723106

File: 8238d23f4d98b5a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1163x722, 1163:722, barrelroll.png)

40c611  No.2723107

File: 7dc1e4d7b29fe21⋯.mp4 (692.37 KB, 614x346, 307:173, QDeepState.mp4)

725acd  No.2723108


We want him alive while his world crumbles around him. No peaceful death for McBrain.

08c4cf  No.2723109

File: 0708842a5aea923⋯.jpg (36.89 KB, 360x368, 45:46, donaldtrump02rejpg.jpg)


Nothing is Certain in LIFE!

Faith is what BINDS U.S.



774f88  No.2723110

File: 2d7cbd5150c1736⋯.jpg (74.03 KB, 600x300, 2:1, iu.jpg)

“The team must consist of three sorts of specialists, he says. Otherwise the revolution, whether in politics or the arts or the sciences or whatever, is sure to fail. The rarest of these specialists, he says, is an authentic genius - a person capable of having seemingly good ideas not in in general circulation. "A genius working alone," he says, "is invariably ignored as a lunatic."

The second sort of specialist is a lot easier to find; a highly intelligent citizen in good standing in his or her community, who understands and admires the fresh ideas of the genius, and who testifies that the genius is far from mad. "A person like this working alone," says Slazinger, "can only yearn loud for changes, but fail to say what their shaped should be."

The third sort of specialist is a person who can explain everything, no matter how complicated, to the satisfaction of most people, no matter how stupid or pigheaded they may be. "He will say almost anything in order to be interesting and exciting," says Slazinger. "Working alone, depending solely on his own shallow ideas, he would be regarded as being as full of shit as a Christmas turkey.”

― Kurt Vonnegut, Bluebird

f0f0d2  No.2723111

File: 86ec6ec62680d90⋯.png (29.82 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Must have been one hell of a prayer!


Monk beats child, 9, to death during prayer session; authorities


80540a  No.2723112

So Mr.Default posted 1 post last bread and then when I called him out as tits bv Mr.Default dissapeared and BO appeared . Now this thread Mr.Default is absent as well. YOU GLOW BO.

7ae0f9  No.2723113

In case you haven't noticed… if you don't want to see CTA…

You don't even have to block them.

Just usurp their bullshit.


He'll block you himself.


2d0aef  No.2723114

File: 820a24be243510d⋯.png (408.57 KB, 1023x556, 1023:556, trthblcker.png)

File: d8bceafbec55291⋯.png (689.12 KB, 1021x556, 1021:556, dangercorpt.png)


NO Mockingbird will address the child trafficking. All they exist for is to entertain, distract, and keep the masses dumbed-down.

94ef47  No.2723115


One thing I have learned here is to unthink the reality we think we know.

Everything I thought I knew was a lie.

22570a  No.2723116


>BO is JIDF to the core

shillfag got that backwards (on purpose)

00a931  No.2723117

File: 758fed7f42cdfb5⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 275x291, 275:291, horse laughing.jpg)

File: 0d919e410da4096⋯.jpg (30.83 KB, 373x350, 373:350, Horse lol.JPG)

File: 236d8fc45cfc7c7⋯.jpg (29.4 KB, 397x400, 397:400, LOL.jpg)

File: 8a83a3177f68822⋯.jpg (115.96 KB, 1128x812, 282:203, PDJTTCLOL.JPG)

a041ae  No.2723119

File: 5f0945093f4c69e⋯.png (208.32 KB, 458x500, 229:250, HOWTOFILTER.png)


TY for pointing that out anon. Shilly in here today. SHOWTIME!

9fa51a  No.2723120

File: f26b1ab93d63ede⋯.jpg (383.74 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, Wet Start NoName POS.jpg)

6d3609  No.2723121

7ca93d  No.2723122


Larping with amputees and fake blood

4aea23  No.2723123

File: 2eb0c3a23d5b3b7⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 300x201, 100:67, 2gi3ai.jpg)

448065  No.2723124

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>2721694, (pb) Previous Notable

>>2721723, (pb)

>>2721731 (pb)

FYI Film, High Art [$$$$$] and Cannibal connection:

The climax ending of the movie starring Bjork and directed by her husband, Matthew Barney, has the couple cutting off strips of each others flesh in a hot tub and then eating them. It's sexualized

Ahead of its time?

Watch the Water.

At the end of the "Drawing Restraint 9" Bjork and hubby swim off, presumably in another reincarnated form [since they do double suicide right before] as whales in the ocean [Ecological comment as well as connection to Bjork as an Icelander; the used a very large Whaling vessel for the film]

The movie series was a very expensive ,

Another of the series touches on the theme of "Architect"

"elite archons"

Barney is obviously some kind of Mason. [These are over 100K to watch now] MB makes an analogy of the Craftsman ascending the levels of Masonry and uses the NY iconic skyscraper, Art Deco masterpiece "Chrysler" Bld.

Art World connected to elite secret society cannibals with a hell of a lot of money? Connects with shipping, S&M, slavery [Barney and Bjork are waited upon by a slave like crew] and to "Wizard of Oz" [Bjork with the lookalike red slipper at the opening of the film and gets in a Oz -ike antique hot air balloon with basket for one scene]

c6203a  No.2723126


Green Building Council


"To align with Ri.MED’s sustainability goals, the team designed the BRBC campus as one of the world’s most environmentally responsive and resource-efficient research facilities. The design aims to achieve a minimum of LEED® Gold certification from the Green Building Council Italia."

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The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is comprised of more than 60 business leaders who are dedicated to driving a vibrant local economy and supporting our city’s

diverse communities.

Rob Tibbetts

Vice President | Marketing Principal



SF Airport construction…


Rob Tibbetts

Company Name



Company phone


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Company Description

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Sub Contractor

Join date

Jul 13, 2018

Email address


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Plan Holder Status

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Contract Name Contract Number Contractor Type Plan Holder Status

Terminal 3, Boarding Area E Improvements Project 8974.B Sub Contractor


e41963  No.2723127

File: 7703a3f362b7c9e⋯.png (203.13 KB, 640x919, 640:919, ClipboardImage.png)

Scott Morrison is new Australian PM as Malcolm Turnbull ousted


Scott Morrison has become Australia's new prime minister after Malcolm Turnbull was forced out by party rivals in a bruising leadership contest.

Mr Turnbull had been under pressure from poor polling and what he described as an "insurgency" by conservative MPs.

Mr Morrison, the treasurer, won an internal ballot 45-40 over former Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton - who had been Mr Turnbull's most vocal threat.

Mr Turnbull is the fourth Australian PM in a decade to be ousted by colleagues.

"It has been such a privilege to be the leader of this great nation. I love Australia. I love Australians," he said on Friday.

With an election looming, MPs were nervous about the government's poor opinion polling and recent by-election defeats.

Last week, a row over energy policy ignited long-existing tensions between Mr Turnbull, a moderate, and his party's conservative wing.

Mr Dutton, a conservative, then unsuccessfully challenged Mr Turnbull on Tuesday, but his narrow defeat only stoked further discord.

Mr Morrison entered the race after Mr Turnbull lost key backers. After a majority of MPs called for a leadership "spill", Mr Turnbull agreed to step down.

To further complicate matters, Mr Turnbull has signalled he would resign from parliament, which would force a by-election and potentially put the government's one-seat majority at risk and force the new premier to call early elections.

However, Mr Morrison, who was sworn in on Friday, told reporters there were no plans to do this any time soon.

His government, he said, would be in place by next week.

Who is Morrison?

Mr Morrison, a former Tourism Australia official, entered parliament in 2007 and has since held three key ministerial portfolios.

A social conservative who appeals to the moderate elements of the Liberal party

Rose to national prominence as immigration minister in Tony Abbott's government

Built a reputation as a tough operator in enforcing Australia's hardline "stop the boats" policy

Drew criticism over the controversial asylum seeker policies and offshore detention centres

Seen as a pragmatic, ambitious politician who has long eyed the top job

The 50-year old father-of-two is a leading religious conservative and opposed last year's same-sex marriage bill.

Speaking to reporters after the vote on Friday, Mr Morrison said he would be working to "bring our party back together which has been bruised and battered this week" and bring the country together.

He also said dealing with a severe drought, which has hit parts of eastern Australia, would be "our most urgent and pressing need right now".

The rise of Scott Morrison, Australia's new PM

How has everyone reacted?

With a mixture of bemusement, anger and sheer frustration: many have described this week as one of the most chaotic in Australian political history

More at Link

ec56b8  No.2723128

File: 3b4e174da34bf2f⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 540x304, 135:76, Soon.jpg)

6972d9  No.2723129

File: a438357cf90e6c8⋯.png (104.83 KB, 350x350, 1:1, McForrestal.png)

File: 51bd5db440e693e⋯.jpeg (72.82 KB, 620x422, 310:211, McBootleg22.jpeg)

080776  No.2723130


>Apparently he didn't because he ended up dead.

looks like he was one of the last non-cult-humans allowed to ever reach such fame, too.

can't think of anyone after him top of my head that comes close…

it wasn't very subtle, how they disposed of him.

maybe they thought "ok fuck it, from now let's just use homegrown artists, who cares if they suck"

28f73b  No.2723131

File: f235c9afc34b7fa⋯.jpg (866.36 KB, 1490x2048, 745:1024, kat.jpg)

File: 0b4782adf28d196⋯.png (981.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pizzareferenence87.png)

Was just watching Near Dark, Weird scene just surprised me, the young looking vampire "Homer" finds a young girl and brings her back to the vampire's hideout, when they enter the Motel room the other vampires smirk and say "Who ordered pizza"


Scene occurs at 1:006:42 if you want to see for yourself


Writer and Director was Kathryn Bigelow

movie was made in 1987

Referring to kids as pizza as far back as 87' maybe she's a serious player dig on her and spouses

Kathryn Bigelow

90a5c3  No.2723132

File: dbb690f450952b5⋯.jpg (30.55 KB, 560x419, 560:419, gettyimages-823868974.jpg)

Does this look like a man who's undergone one year of cancer treatment?


d6ccfa  No.2723133


>Robin Leach

I so fondly remember that episode in '87:

Jeffrey's most remarkable achievement to date

Is his stunning temple built to the exacting standards of ancient Babylon

A Caribbean Lifestyle so Rich and Famous that even I'm impressed

c37624  No.2723134

File: f1ed5b7f0693479⋯.jpg (324.27 KB, 1434x1679, 1434:1679, q26 (2).jpg)

22570a  No.2723135


obsequious (aka bootlicker) he is

plain and simple

0ebfc8  No.2723136

File: 3912864ead53f8f⋯.jpg (268.36 KB, 800x634, 400:317, trump_and_sessions_at_vall….jpg)

Trump & Sessions at Valley Forge

a022d3  No.2723137


Evidence procurement?

915bac  No.2723138

File: bf61c35fafb6da4⋯.jpg (263.87 KB, 900x793, 900:793, FL COMPED.jpg)

File: ed1ed52abdb7b3c⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1906x1102, 953:551, dis.33.png)

File: 598ecac9329e109⋯.jpg (68.49 KB, 800x546, 400:273, sky bridge.jpg)

File: 51cd29719f0ba83⋯.jpg (20.27 KB, 708x438, 118:73, kls.gs.najib.jpg)

File: 47a5a232df44637⋯.jpg (268.29 KB, 800x462, 400:231, trapezoid.jpg)

20db20  No.2723139

File: 7a9752cf298e523⋯.jpg (362.54 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, li.jpg)


John McCain is not going anywhere - is is about to attain Lichdom

c6203a  No.2723140


Fire at Tesla too.


5e6ac2  No.2723141

Jeff it's time!!!


80540a  No.2723142

Sorry to let you down Daybaker. I just can't keep going along day after day I see the patterns from BV/BO/Mr.Default . I hope it all gets figured out. Il be taking a break for awhile good luck getting some more bakers to learn and help Q. BO does not deserve my time anymore and or silence to his fuckery. Best wishes to all the real Anon's learn from the last 2 breads study carefully the patterns and you will see the sickening truth about 8bit. In my opinion.

7a86b3  No.2723143

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, AF Recon_png.png)


Spread your bet. Use ADS-B Exchange with the 'Military' filter enabled and use Flightradar24 or Airnav Radarbox to scan the local skies.

One program may pick up the flight that the other programs miss. This is how I roll.

00a931  No.2723144

File: 049efd3aa0d1808⋯.jpg (72.79 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger Democr….jpg)

File: 273c97629919893⋯.jpg (62.79 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger.jpg)

98889e  No.2723145

File: 040bda6e5a5e412⋯.jpg (44.75 KB, 634x287, 634:287, ammunity.jpg)

2 of 5 in the mirror

34f02e  No.2723146


That is why I say, judaism is just another tool of the cabal, just like zionism (and zionism is based on judaism).

And that judaism hurts everyone, including racial jews.

Once the censorship gets done with, we will redpill the jews, and if any of them can't handle it, then cool, they will need to GTFO.

3c3ab4  No.2723148

The bake looked ok last few - why are we just assuming shit baker?

BO is suspicious if nothing else. Not saying BO is good or bad. But never really explains, well, anything. Just gives snarky retorts to everything. Aka, dodging.

c948d6  No.2723149

File: ce526e6c1a40d31⋯.jpg (38.43 KB, 630x314, 315:157, 0e17a80b78a83352e30b8b9731….jpg)

I just got up and started so I don't know if this was mentioned yet, but I think this tweet was a shout out to us

I was thinking about this last night when someone posted about posting things to Reddit.

We here are like MS13, doing the dirty work, Reddit is like the Dems, making everything more digestible for the people. You have to think "MIRROR", we are working for the White Hats.

I think when all of this is over the chans will be the "Book of Answers" and that we will be the proof that without censorship and political correctness a correct path to solutions is available.

We will be anonymously famous bitches!

929a4e  No.2723150

Watching Great Britain be completely overcome and wiped out by Muslim refugees is something we should be celebrating, not lamenting. This is just dessert for the dark shadow of ruin they brought over humanity for the last quarter millennium. You should laugh as they get wiped the fuck out. Evil turns on itself. You and I have nothing in common with this little island of shit and its nasty vapid propaganda. The people of England refuse to admit the truth about their Queen and they refuse to deal with that truth.

6d3609  No.2723152

File: 6316731a5633153⋯.jpg (71.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, noonecares.jpg)

fec199  No.2723153

File: 915502bf0085845⋯.jpeg (313.43 KB, 1224x1288, 153:161, rain1.jpeg)

File: 5094f3df97b9ffc⋯.jpeg (99.05 KB, 892x562, 446:281, RainQ.jpeg)


c7d883  No.2723154


Excellent. Saved.

7a86b3  No.2723155


Put the fucker on life support until they hang him. He shouldn't die before he gets judged.

dc22bc  No.2723156


say what your beef is or stfu faggot

c9d870  No.2723157


well he did write a passive aggressive letter to David Geffen telling him how he's addicted to heroin, he's got a strong moral fiber and won't ever sell out, and he'd break up Nirvana in a heartbeat.

He 'suicided' shortly afterwards.

08c4cf  No.2723158

File: 63edf78cb2a82bd⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 620x412, 155:103, bigelow_time-620x412.jpg)


It Goes Further Back anon!



34f02e  No.2723159

File: b30a3fb80bb56d3⋯.jpg (44.97 KB, 960x702, 160:117, Spurdo_coincidence.jpg)

File: 57c1a466b40f8ee⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 480x663, 160:221, Merchant_press.jpg)

All cross links from this bread: >>2390914

If you want to know why Israel comes last, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.

If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.

I suggest you read the bread these come from entirely, these are just a selection.

TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):

Israel is a genocidal ever expanding nuclear rogue state that is the biggest haven for pedos and biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world right now, and supports ISIS using US tax payer money to do so.

Israel is the HQ of the cabal.

>>2390975 – Jews control the media; not all jews are bad, but the good ones need to speak out against jewish interest groups because those are used to subvert.

>>2391013 – Jewish supremacists have controled the central bank cartel racket since its inception with the establishment of the Bank of England

>>2391053 – The EU was always a jewish supremacist project and being a jew can also mean being racially a jew (doesn’t mean all racial jews are jews in the religious sense)

>>2391083 – Jewish supremacist subversion is the biggest threat to the West and the US today

>>2391107 – The dangers of jewish supremcism and the use of the “anti-semitic” trick to silence legitimate criticism made on Israel and jewish subversion

>>2391143 – Jewish supremacists are the biggest financiers and initiators of anti-2nd amend movements in the US

>>2391159 – The “progressive” political ideology was created and pushed by jewish supremacists

>>2391195 – More info on the origins and main initiators of the “progressive” political ideology

>>2391216 – Antifa is a communist “progressive” para-military arm of the democratic party

>>2391281 – Antifa connections to ISIS and NAMBLA, Antifa in the 30’s Germany

>>2391307 – Neocons are communist Trotskyites

>>2391353 – Jews kickstarted and dominated the slave trade in the US and used Hollywood to pin slavery on the Whites, jews control Hollywood

>>2391478 – More on the jewish initiated slave trade in the US

>>2391496 – Jewish interest groups connection to online censorship

>>2391526 – Jewish hatred of Christians and the dangers of circumcision

>>2391562 – More info on the jewish promoted male genital mutilation (circumcision)

>>2391652 – The term “judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron and an attempt at manipulating Christians

>>2391671 – More on jewish hatred of Christ and Christians and the use of pilpul to deflect that well documented fact

>>2391725 – The jewish talmud promotes pedophilia

>>2391754 – The jewish ritual murder of goyim (non-jew) children is an well documented historical fact

>>2391872 – The foundation myth of the West and our role as anons in the storm

>>2392124 – Jewish hatred of goyim, especially White goyim (loxism)

>>2392177 – Judaism is based on jewish supremacism ( (((God’s chosen mindset))) )

>>2392199 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism

>>2392274 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism

>>2393477 – Communism was created, financed and spread by jews

>>2393507 – General George S. Patton was killed for speaking out against jewish supremacism

>>2393553 – Israel supports ISIS

>>2393583 – Israel supports ISIS wants wants the Syrian civil war to keep going and Obama gave 38 billion dollars to Israel, Hillary has jewish roots, Obama claims to be practically a liberal jew

>>2395726 – Sayanim, the non-Israeli jewish Mossad colaborators

>>2395838 – Israel is the biggest pedo haven in the world right now

>>2395862 – Israel is the biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world today

>>2395991 – David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust

>>2396033 – David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials

>>2396017 – Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials

>>2396026 – The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure

>>2396099 – Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attack

>>2396414 – Jordan Peterson is a long-con man who is also a globalist and zionist gate-keeper

>>2530175 – Porn is a jewish weapon against the goyim (non-jews)

>>2571682 – Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now

>>2571660 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not

>>2571666 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 2

>>2580819 – A message to our jewish allies

To all the Israel first shills on Hasbara duty, read the first post, it literally says: “Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion.”

59f2ab  No.2723160


You moron.

They've done it to themselves on PURPOSE.

It's something you should FEAR because it's literally part of their plan.

First Civil War

Next Disease

Next World War

We have upsetted their timetables but their plan is still in effect.

428c72  No.2723161


so. . . . (((they))) killed Mollie bec. of smthg her deep state daddy did?

kind of like offing McMaster's dad in the nursing home?

604552  No.2723162

File: 4517ec28062d62a⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 797x452, 797:452, NoNameHeadline.jpg)

Sen. John McCain has chosen to discontinue medical treatment for brain cancer, according to a family statement.

“Last summer, Senator John McCain shared with Americans the news our family already knew: he had been diagnosed with an aggressive glioblastoma, and the prognosis was serious. In the year since, John has surpassed expectations for his survival. But the progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict," the McCain family wrote in a statement.

"With his usual strength of will, he has now chosen to discontinue medical treatment. Our family is immensely grateful for the support and kindness of all his caregivers over the last year, and for the continuing outpouring of concern and affection from John's many friends and associates, and the many thousands of people who are keeping him in their prayers. God bless and thank you all."

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.


32922e  No.2723163


HOLY SHIT! So are we already backed by gold or could this just be for next year? Either way, I'm in!

6c9975  No.2723164

Tech Companies Are Gathering For A Secret Meeting To Prepare A 2018 Election Strategy


40c611  No.2723165


Yes, so that means you should branch out into the weirdo realm? Sure go for it, and research adrenochrome, aliens and zombies too while you're at it.

Or stick to reality.

ddf349  No.2723166


Then resuscitate him, then gas him. Rinse & repeat for every innocent life he's taken supporting evil.

929a4e  No.2723167

File: 0da634714c01301⋯.jpg (27.36 KB, 450x270, 5:3, 0da634714c01301f93990a19d2….jpg)


Why not just give him real cancer. Should be like pushing a button. Imagine the look on his face!

59f2ab  No.2723168



fad1f4  No.2723169


Best BO ever!

7334a3  No.2723170


The people of the UK are Not our enemy. We should not celebrate their demise….

Look at just how little the people of the USA have had over the wars/destabilizations of our Gov't that doesn't listen to us at all…

3f4db9  No.2723171

>>2722949 Will not "believe" any announcement of the demon's demise.

46a240  No.2723172

What is the matter nowadays with women aged 18 to 27?

Especially Caucasian women;  They have taken on an air of entitlement, and become very vapid.

Is it because they have daddy issues which have become more pronounced since a strong Caucasian man is P. O. T. U. S.?

They seem to be eschewing any Caucasian men who are not "soy boys", and men who do not bow-down and worship them. 

No wonder M. G. T. O. W. is so prevalent within that generation and the birthrate is in decline. 

Are younger Caucasian women simply taking out their frustrations on Caucasian men because Feminism has been outed as corrupted and they feel used and are therefore spiteful?

Whatever the reason:  it is a complete cluster fu#k!

5e6ac2  No.2723173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f48ee5  No.2723174

File: ee5b2ce8ab2c54c⋯.jpg (145.23 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 43716ebd37e9b887fa11e605ea….jpg)


I really, REALLY like this.


9be1d2  No.2723175

File: 32071ccfcf16524⋯.jpeg (78.32 KB, 500x598, 250:299, MakeMemesDankaf.jpeg)

looking to make da meme videos, needs da halp from frens. Wut is the easiest software to use for vids and pics? They don't need to be shop qual, but something basic.


90a5c3  No.2723176


Did you consider he is stopping the "treatment" because the hammer is being dropped?

bd1a30  No.2723177


>Ping May

Oct 30, 2014

a69d38  No.2723178

(Bread #3438)



>He doesn't even have a tumor ffs!

I'm remembering Q weighed in on this in a drop. Anybody know where it is?

c6203a  No.2723179


This was in Notables last night.

3c3ab4  No.2723180


So you, as BO, can't prevent the shit metal baker you already admit to being aware of?

07af67  No.2723181

File: 7c01f5824b3e719⋯.png (92.94 KB, 292x173, 292:173, ClipboardImage.png)


Fake cancer taking a toll on No Mention His Name.

Looks like he wants to suicide like a martyr and claim his 72 vegans before his GITMO trip.

Taking one for the Cabal.

f0595f  No.2723182

File: 4353eb6cfa26763⋯.png (430.8 KB, 376x550, 188:275, golden-pepe-q1.png)

ddf349  No.2723183




Start here learn the basics

d9f979  No.2723184

File: b96acfa58e43553⋯.png (544.79 KB, 1307x1996, 1307:1996, leftpolwhatleftorgsneedtok….png)

this is what i call an embarrassment.

90a5c3  No.2723185


Last I looked, there isn't just one.

34f02e  No.2723187

File: 7719e4f03e98bfb⋯.jpg (660.7 KB, 875x848, 875:848, Lavon_Affair_1.jpg)

File: 95dca78389229bc⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 800x5370, 80:537, Lavon_Affair_2.jpg)


Hi faggot.

Has it dawned on you yet that Q is allowing the general public to find out about all the shit that is fucking up the whole world or can we keep shoving redpills up your ass?

All cross links from another bread: >>2390914

If you want to know why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.

If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.

I suggest you read the bread these come from entirely, these are just a selection.

TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):

>>2409242 – Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology

>>2409189 – Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, part 2

>>2562709 – Jewish persecution of Christ and Christians since Christianity inception, part 1

>>2562715 – part 2

>>2562720 – part 3

>>2562725 – part 4

>>2562731 – part 5

>>2562734 – part 6

>>2562740 – part 7

>>2562763 – The Khazar theory

>>2581628 – Usury was (and is) a weapon of domination (debt slavery) over the goyim and its use with that end was and is teached to jews in the Torah

>>2581630 – The history of Poland, the paradise of jews

>>2581633 – Some jews talk about the divine promise of each jew getting 2800 goy slaves when the jewish Messiah comes to them

080776  No.2723188



oy! connected to Wild Palms (drug/tech story w links to Oliver Stone)

and she made the creepy Strange Days, too, among other things


725acd  No.2723189


Glad to see our message is getting though to people.

797fb1  No.2723190

I'm here for some time, and when I see a massive shill attack, it means that good stuff are happening,

So I lay back and enjoy the show,

Cheers Anons,

And don't reply to shills

62c933  No.2723191

You all believed a bad larp.

That's why your friends and families laugh at you behind your back.

a022d3  No.2723192


Cheap dildos are to blame

f48ee5  No.2723193


Ah, sorry; didn't realize that. Worth a refresher for the day folks? You never know how many more are lurking today than previously.

34f02e  No.2723194


She should have a sombrero hat and a mexican mustache.

6c9975  No.2723195

Chinese Military Joining Russians for Nuclear War Games


6aa7e2  No.2723196


I already know you’re going to kill me for saying this, but I’ve noticed some quasi normal young females that are active Christians….


774f88  No.2723197

File: 6c7fa3fc04543e1⋯.jpg (59.95 KB, 411x311, 411:311, iur.jpg)

c6203a  No.2723198


Up to Baker.

9a6ff9  No.2723199

so i discovered well researching that well were FUCKED

skull and bones ,masons ,church and pretty much every goverment of the world are litterally against us .

i pray for Q and all of ya anons ,i pray that with the help of jeasus christ our saviour well be able to expose and breakfree of the slavery they have manipulated our lives to be .This isnt a game its our LIVES on the line if this fails they will come for us

and i am for the first time actually afraid of what i know

i am trusting the plan mostly cause any other option gets me put in jail and would be like throwing a rock at a tank

i dont mean to whine im just so frustrated and fealling helpless

strarting to believe maybe ignorance is bliss

07af67  No.2723200


Forgot to mention………

Q you better not let him off easy.

0ebfc8  No.2723201

File: b80cfb5a66fda36⋯.jpg (205.97 KB, 600x756, 50:63, Foxhole.jpg)

File: 941c22f4e0fd4c1⋯.jpg (190.65 KB, 600x756, 50:63, Shovel Blank.jpg)

File: 52ac95f20122bd5⋯.jpg (119.65 KB, 800x538, 400:269, Teamwork.jpg)

Geez what has the low-grade shills so riled up today? Amusing.

90a5c3  No.2723202


My vote is for testicular cancer.

7334a3  No.2723204


What hammer? It will only drop, When & IF DJT decides to declassify and let all these traitorous gov't employees self implode….

NOT confident it will happen in time…his advisors seem very very timid

4aea23  No.2723205

File: 5b09d36cc557643⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 794x448, 397:224, 2gi4bg.jpg)

a041ae  No.2723206


we're not all bad, but yeah many friends of mine are absolutely fucked in the head.

20db20  No.2723207

File: aa785df2b723c9a⋯.jpg (64.72 KB, 569x764, 569:764, vn.jpg)

No Name is furiously studying right now

080776  No.2723208


dude. don't.

you know what i'm talking about

40c611  No.2723209



That shill baker is also the one I called out last week trying to get his ip logged as TZ. I kept hammering for it not to be added as TZ never baked those hours before that I could recall.

774f88  No.2723210


There's no turning back now, soldier!

You can never go back to sheep.

016489  No.2723211

File: 1579b5bee513f43⋯.png (122.76 KB, 382x196, 191:98, black and white not.png)

86b19a  No.2723212


99acb3  No.2723213

File: 24a414c56aa17bc⋯.png (228.34 KB, 1862x862, 931:431, FISA signatures .png)

FISA Doc in Q1928 Digz

So anon wanted to compare the handwriting on each of the pages to see if I could ID the SSA on 380. Mad a side by side w/ all names, dates, pages and prints for comparisons.

426a65  No.2723214


Did they catch Hussein impersonating an American?

5699af  No.2723215

File: 72e209b4d731cea⋯.jpg (65.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, emojidjt45k.jpg)

File: 853cfc0827439c6⋯.jpg (64.59 KB, 400x400, 1:1, emojidjt45k2.jpg)

File: 0e3fea04515cdea⋯.jpg (24.72 KB, 255x250, 51:50, youcanstayonthissideofthew….jpg)

File: a99c6f180d68738⋯.jpg (23.4 KB, 255x250, 51:50, othersideofthewallforyou.jpg)

File: 89a311928249f31⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 800x800, 1:1, we-the-people-Q.jpg)

62c933  No.2723216

Hai Gaiz!

I'm Donnie Trump's bestest pal and we have a soopersekrit plan to win win win!

eefb73  No.2723217

File: dcb1d3e4d56a7d2⋯.png (17.65 KB, 840x200, 21:5, Snippity snip snip - Copy.PNG)


Puts "Follow the wives" into perspective kek

8d3412  No.2723218

File: 7c601956acc00a6⋯.jpg (132.64 KB, 816x814, 408:407, JMT.jpg)

6a1be2  No.2723219


He will most likely be dead by Monday. Most people do not put loved ones on hospice until the last 24-48 hours of life.

c69302  No.2723220


Goes along nicely with the theory that everyone will be directed here as they will have no other choice. Can keep getting BS crap from MSM or here.

ffda9e  No.2723221


Links to Blackwater Anon's screenshots from late last bread, showing that Mollie Tibbets father is part of a firm working with the Clinton Global Initiative on a project in Haiti:





4aea23  No.2723223


Very nice anon!

63a3a9  No.2723224

90a5c3  No.2723225


All you grammar are belong to us

6c9975  No.2723226

Small Business Ownership Among Black Americans Jumps 400% Since Trump's Election


6b69fa  No.2723227


>passive aggressive letter

Passive aggressive people do not write letters like this. You need to look up the definition of that, or it is just psychobabble. It really is sickening, sir, even here ;p

Openly pissed people write things like this:

>won't ever sell out, and he'd break up Nirvana in a heartbeat.

Just saying.

ddf349  No.2723228

File: 116d91ff7ef5640⋯.png (393.8 KB, 512x488, 64:61, ClipboardImage.png)

>You all believed a bad larp.

>That's why your friends and families laugh at you behind your back.

>> 2723191 Sorry no (You) 4 ewe ADL Jewish shill

5e6ac2  No.2723229


We're just waiting for the Hammer To Fall


5edaec  No.2723230


Nice catch, Anon!

I went back and looked. Not a single response to any of these and there was ample time to do so.


016489  No.2723231

File: c1ee5dac4eb4472⋯.png (983.19 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

63f844  No.2723232



Feels good to me.

9d4316  No.2723233


Superman II

0ebfc8  No.2723234

File: d79d4b30d30a9ac⋯.jpg (161.65 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, deMS-13 blank.jpg)

File: 1bf46a89adeade2⋯.jpg (116.43 KB, 500x750, 2:3, deMS-13.jpg)

File: a9e867746e80d90⋯.jpg (107.66 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Sharpie-13.jpg)

147654  No.2723235

8bit was that the real Metal Baker or an imposter

d6ccfa  No.2723236

File: 28e17a6e70fc65f⋯.jpg (74.86 KB, 1344x444, 112:37, CincosPepTalk.JPG)


Jotas has friendly reminder to anons

62c933  No.2723237


They're laughing at you, not with you.

fb5aac  No.2723238


Thanks BlackwaterAnon…..Do you know if they killed Jake Brewer? He was high up in the Obama WH and dealt with voter outreach….he was killed in a bicycle accident. His wife is Mary Katharine Ham. She is a famous political pundit.

5d80ae  No.2723239


Ahh there's the "hard evidence". Looks like he caught me guys. I was a Nazi two days ago and now I'm JIDF apparently.

Top wew.


All you had to do is read who I replied to, or read any of my posts where I explain what happened. If you look at my ID and shill bakers ID from last bread, it's crystal clear.


Shill baker is going to hop IPs to avoid detection. We can keep an eye out for signs of him as we have for shills taking the dough. Like I said, MetalBaker chilled out, cleaned up his act, and did a good job baking for a while now until today.

c6203a  No.2723240


Green Building Council, Chamber of Commerce board, SFOConstruction.


368586  No.2723241

File: b355f222784749a⋯.png (57.46 KB, 480x546, 80:91, Screenshot_2018-08-24-08-5….png)

Filipino nut job needs to fuck off.

a58157  No.2723242


He has been cured

b5eeb0  No.2723243

No Q at Trump rallies anymore. Y ? (see what I did there?)

40c611  No.2723244


>Most people do not put loved ones on hospice until the last 24-48 hours of life.

Bullshit! Many people are cared for, for months and years in hospices idiot.

86b19a  No.2723245


9a6ff9  No.2723246


i think thats what terrifies me the most

269182  No.2723247


Seems like we have a wolf in sheeps clothing. D.S. called him out. got nice and heated.

3c3ab4  No.2723248


Fair point BO. Thanks for answering me.

ffda9e  No.2723249


One more link from Tibbetts/Haiti screenshots:



f48ee5  No.2723250

File: 6bf3687ed490d58⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 218x218, 1:1, laughing.gif)

File: 8769b3dac057f9c⋯.gif (2 MB, 268x268, 1:1, laughslide.gif)

File: d3ba4759b3e47ad⋯.png (95.24 KB, 500x334, 250:167, mao_lmao.png)


>Then why are you here?

Never seem to have a real answer to this, do they? If the answer is to "laugh" at anons, then doesn't that say something more about them than it does anons?


Pics related. I fucking lost it.

87a593  No.2723251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8c3405  No.2723252


this guy gets it

6a1be2  No.2723253



Holy Crap! This is HUGE. My gut told me something not right with this story

Great Work, Anon!!

8ba52a  No.2723254


Damn, that woman deserves an upgrade.

265124  No.2723255

File: f6069443b739960⋯.jpg (674.13 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Plane Q .jpg)

00a931  No.2723256

File: 9d091b21898df8f⋯.jpg (56.63 KB, 520x466, 260:233, Trust the plan draw and st….JPG)

File: a13562569eb4a3d⋯.jpg (72.3 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger you du….jpg)



745bef  No.2723257


46a240  No.2723258


Your response actually makes sense because those women have a solid foundation. Maybe that is a facet of the truth because those women have a strong set of beliefs while the other women are certainly lacking. Thanks for the reply!

ab2933  No.2723259

File: d13dd0e29bc9439⋯.jpg (6.35 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _327.JPG)

File: 083884d21da7067⋯.jpg (5.86 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _328.JPG)


86b19a  No.2723260



6c5466  No.2723261

if Q was larp, why we keep baking an rising suck wonderfully delicious bread.

you shills are going to burn, and WE THE PEOPLE will see that happens.



e5d830  No.2723262

File: a355984fc32362c⋯.jpg (88.41 KB, 600x699, 200:233, LAFFIN TRUMP CRACKIN UP EY….jpg)

368586  No.2723263

File: 861f266cdbf9053⋯.png (569.62 KB, 1020x634, 510:317, 861f266cdbf9053f4850812468….png)

File: d2ca6ad11837cf9⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 500x318, 250:159, 2gi0q1~2.jpg)


Robert Mueller is a conflicted dirty cop and I won't be surprised if he indicts general Mattis.

080776  No.2723264



87a593  No.2723265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c9d870  No.2723266


what do you call this

>I'm in a band called Nirvana and I'm signed to your label. I don't know if you even know who we are.

yeah that's pretty passive-aggressive. Cobain was a crossdressing proto-soyboy SJW.

He was murdered but he was pure soy.

426a65  No.2723267


Richard Russell (RR) did a loop de loop in the plane is message to dark hats that Rod Rosenstein (RR) Flipped?

725acd  No.2723268

File: f6a7b93fde7a00b⋯.jpg (76.37 KB, 768x576, 4:3, xanv2jdg-1533744546.jpg)


>How Conspiracy Theories Like QAnon Affect Relationships - Esquire

>My Boyfriend Reads QAnon Theories. I Still Love Him—But I'm Worried.

>The mother of all conspiracy theories disrupts family dynamics and tests loved ones.


Looks like Esquire is lurking here too stealing our chats to write up stories for profits. We were talking about this yesterday in one of the bakes.

5e6ac2  No.2723269


Damn, I'm shocked. I didn't know that worthless piece of shit had a brain.

428c72  No.2723270





BlackwaterAnon confirms Mollie T. murdered as pay back for smthg deep state daddy did → like McMaster's father was

016489  No.2723271

File: 894af6a0f38a323⋯.png (3.96 KB, 561x118, 561:118, amen brother Q.png)



i havent seen this pepe enough to say that this post >>2723182

triggered a reare/new pepe

fukken saved

f63d11  No.2723272

File: ed0e5092705d6af⋯.png (927.05 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 7733D276-D398-47CD-8CF7-AB….png)

Just saw this…

02c875  No.2723273

. In medieval Kabbalah, the Shekhinah is separated in Creation from the Sefirot by man's sin, while in Lurianic Kabbalah Divinity is exiled in the qlippot from prior initial Catastrophe in Creation. This causes "Sparks of Holiness" to be exiled in the qlippot, Jewish Observance with physical objects redeeming mundane Nogah, while the Three Impure Qlippot are elevated indirectly through Negative prohibitions. Repentance out of love retrospectively turns sin into virtue, darkness into light. When all the sparks are freed from the qlippot, depriving them of their vitality, the Messianic era begins. In Hasidic philosophy, the kabbalistic scheme of qlippot is internalised in psychological experience as self-focus, opposite to holy devekut self-nullification, underlying its Panentheistic Monistic view of qlippot as the illusionary self-awareness of Creation. (Born over & over until enlightened.)

725acd  No.2723274


He chose to use it for evil though

c9d870  No.2723275


plus he couldn't even put 2 and 2 together and figure out what Courtney Love was, where she came from and who her friends were.

080776  No.2723276


>lurking here too stealing our chats to write up stories for profits

<This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.

<This board has more power than you can imagine.

604552  No.2723277

File: c1c920936041c3c⋯.jpg (51.24 KB, 552x355, 552:355, Q 18.jpg)

6aa7e2  No.2723278


Yw. Good luck

016489  No.2723279



this post




3c3ab4  No.2723280


Excellent work, Patriot.

2d0aef  No.2723281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


noname songbirding. Wonder just how many of our planes were shot down because of "it"?

64fd09  No.2723282

File: 9983b5abebc66da⋯.png (316.08 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 2FE3010E-A267-4ECE-B05D-BA….png)


Try to read and comprehend this. Might help you come to the truth.

87a593  No.2723283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Happy Friday, Rabbi

be3e98  No.2723284

File: 6da757318b71f20⋯.png (3.34 MB, 1632x1224, 4:3, 7BE6DCDE-9B6D-4813-854F-A6….png)

MuH Applesauce

265124  No.2723285

File: b3627b34a5962fa⋯.png (6.84 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Tippy Top Q Alpha.png)


Tippy Top

fb5aac  No.2723286


Actually hospices are for the terminally ill who are expected to pass away within 30 days. We did this with my mother in law.

28f73b  No.2723287

File: 6bd040ddd324d6b⋯.jpg (46.94 KB, 840x560, 3:2, 198060.jpg)



also interesting little girl referred to as "pizza" is now a surgeon in AZ


could call and ask some questions

368586  No.2723288

File: af692c95b5d3d2a⋯.jpg (285.26 KB, 1073x1200, 1073:1200, DlXVHXCWsAEsI-v.jpg)



What plan? Q's plan is a train wreak.

745bef  No.2723289


Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, the self-styled "maverick" of the Senate who has served three decades in Congress, will discontinue medical treatment for brain cancer, his family said in a statement Friday.

The Vietnam War veteran, who survived five years as a prisoner of war and went on to become his party's presidential nominee in 2008, was diagnosed last July with a brain tumor following a procedure earlier in the year to remove a blood clot from above his left eye.

He has not voted since last December. In Friday's statement, his family revealed how the disease has worsened:

“Last summer, Senator John McCain shared with Americans the news our family already knew: he had been diagnosed with an aggressive glioblastoma, and the prognosis was serious. In the year since, John has surpassed expectations for his survival. But the progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict."

They said, "With his usual strength of will, he has now chosen to discontinue medical treatment."

Reaction poured in after the family's announcement.

"John McCain is an American hero, always putting country before self. From Vietnam to the halls of the U.S. Senate, the spirit of service and civility that has guided Senator McCain's life stands as a model for all Americans, regardless of political affiliation," Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said in a statement.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tweeted: "Very sad to hear this morning’s update from the family of our dear friend @SenJohnMcCain. We are so fortunate to call him our friend and colleague. John, Cindy, and the entire McCain family are in our prayers at this incredibly difficult hour."

Leader McConnell


Very sad to hear this morning’s update from the family of our dear friend @SenJohnMcCain. We are so fortunate to call him our friend and colleague. John, Cindy, and the entire McCain family are in our prayers at this incredibly difficult hour.

11:21 AM - Aug 24, 2018


485 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

The Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix last summer said that the original blood clot was associated with a primary brain tumor, known as a glioblastoma.

McCain, 81, has served in the U.S. Senate for more than two decades and ran for president twice. He lost the GOP nomination to George W. Bush in 2000 and was the Republican nominee in 2008 before losing to Barack Obama in the general election.

Republican senator from Arizona is reported to be in stable condition.

McCain was a prisoner of war in Vietnam for more than five years. Injuries from being tortured left him unable to lift his arms above his head.

Last December, McCain returned to the Senate for the first time since his brain cancer diagnosis. He delivered powerful remarks on the Senate floor addressing the need for bipartisanship amid gridlock in the chamber.

“Make no mistake, my service here is the most important job I have had in my life. And I am so grateful to the people of Arizona for the privilege—for the honor—of serving here and the opportunities it gives me to play a small role in the history of the country I love,” McCain said, acknowledging senators he’s “known and admired.” “But they knew that however sharp and heartfelt their disputes, however keen their ambitions, they had an obligation to work collaboratively to ensure the Senate discharged its constitutional responsibilities effectively.”

McCain has criticized the Senate’s deliberations in the last year, calling them “more partisan, more tribal” than any time he remembered.

McCain blamed “both sides” for the lack of cooperation.

Earlier this year, McCain penned a memoir titled “The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations,” written by himself, and Mark Salter, who had collaborated with McCain on all seven of his other books.

"I don't know how much longer I'll be here. Maybe I'll have another five years. Maybe, with the advances in oncology, they'll find new treatments for my cancer that will extend my life. Maybe I'll be gone before you read this. My predicament is, well, rather unpredictable," he wrote. "But I'm prepared for either contingency, or at least I'm getting prepared. I have some things I'd like to take care of first, some work that needs finishing, and some people I need to see. And I want to talk to my fellow Americans a little more if I may."

McCain, who has repeatedly been at odds with President Trump and criticized his rhetoric and leadership, said this year that he doesn’t want the president to attend his funeral, and prefers that Vice President Pence be there instead.

Last week, Trump signed a $716 billion defense policy bill, titled “John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019,” though did not mention the senator.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

02c875  No.2723290



a822dd  No.2723291


Unless they destroyed all the evidence and witnesses

63a192  No.2723292

File: 50056cd5b0b0c7a⋯.png (145.11 KB, 584x379, 584:379, Dwayne Dixon Charlottesvil….png)

File: 6e601ed39b788bf⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 600x424, 75:53, Dwayne Dixon Facebook (pos….jpg)

File: d9f6de817175a5e⋯.png (444.17 KB, 570x384, 95:64, Dwayne Dixon Justice Park ….png)

File: 8ba9aa73d6dc94f⋯.png (530.31 KB, 788x442, 394:221, Dwayne Dixon Justice Park ….png)

File: ddfbb73fee7c3cc⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Dwayne Dixon Reference.jpg)

Thoughts on the Unite the Right and the plowing of the car into the crowd.

4f5c04  No.2723293


Yes, this.

f48ee5  No.2723294

File: 3435cc039107747⋯.jpg (15.64 KB, 350x274, 175:137, moments before posting.jpg)

016489  No.2723295

File: 23f66d99805cbc7⋯.png (1.2 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

90a5c3  No.2723296


Gitmo should be renamed, Camp Noname.

A forever reminder to would be traitors. And citizens who vote like idiots.

555228  No.2723298

File: e006fdd5bacfdd2⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 2144x3896, 268:487, 1535097344238.jpg)

A feel like a few laughs are in order.

8c5097  No.2723299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I always enjoyed the slightly "heavier" Angels! Long live "Fat Albert" and JATO take offs.

c948d6  No.2723300


I think the problem is two fold with directing everyone here.

1. We will be overrun with bullshit posts. it will become like a chat room.

2. Most normies won't stay because of the attitude here. This covers everything from language, religion, nudity and the fact that they are jumped on and shunned as soon as they say something. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing because I really don't think we want them all here, just the ones that can handle it and contribute.

I think there are probably many who are capable of contributing, just not in this atmosphere so maybe I am suggesting an alliance with Reddit.

82fd8d  No.2723302


Much appreciated, BO.

Keeping things running smoothly.

God bless, and have a great day.

63a192  No.2723303

File: 1968c6253c84a70⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1331x669, 1331:669, Justice Park Jefferson St ….png)

File: 5a3eda12b42fac6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1329x672, 443:224, Justice Park Park St Charl….png)

368586  No.2723304

File: aa469ce972d72d6⋯.jpg (40.81 KB, 475x345, 95:69, 2gch6e~2.jpg)




McCain is a treasonous traitor.

6a1be2  No.2723305


Yep - his "death" will preempt the habbenings

2a0692  No.2723306

File: 8c5d42cde2ad5cd⋯.png (239.24 KB, 1598x819, 1598:819, Capture.PNG panda.PNG)

55ba77  No.2723307



This monk's alleged attack on the child comes amid investigations into sexual misconduct, extortion and drug use accusations leveled at high-profile monks in Buddhist-majority Thailand and China.

2e55d6  No.2723308

Trust the plan.

87a593  No.2723309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Happy Friday, Rabbi

0bfae3  No.2723310


I think you should start banning JIDF.

245b93  No.2723311


Go to church and find shitloads of poon

f48ee5  No.2723312


Fine. Though, I'm a bit surprised. They don't seem to be here today.

cf99a9  No.2723313


So whats the deal with the ankle bracelets?

Huma dosnt have one, Clinton dosnt have one. Shouldn't they all be wearing bracelets by now?

6b69fa  No.2723314


That looks like a statement from a guy that understands that Geffen has assistants, and likely doesn't even give a fuck who he was, even as an employee.

And now you're replying to yourself → >>2723275, perfect.

Is this slide important to you because you know Geffen is wrapped up neck deep in this? And I'm not talking about just Cobain anymore with this question. Just to be clear.

080776  No.2723315

COME ON, at least send adult shills.

using kids is child exploitation.

2e55d6  No.2723316

File: 55f58be88c69d8b⋯.jpeg (33.93 KB, 253x245, 253:245, 216E3C71-8108-457B-95A4-E….jpeg)

55ba77  No.2723317

File: 6693bee1b3ebad7⋯.png (99.13 KB, 783x777, 261:259, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)

File: 1fa390f054ce610⋯.png (169.75 KB, 1340x813, 1340:813, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)


d123ce  No.2723318


You went from speculation to "confirms" without the necessary intervening steps.

628d54  No.2723319

Interesting thread on half-chan, don't know if this has been discussed here yet.


Podesta Email #44736 :"…Do you guys need to run any more traps on your end or can I reach out to enlist him?" "Think we are stuck with Lanny for the brothers."


Lanny Davis= Lanny Davis. Brothers= Trump's sons.

Find the plants and traps connected to Lanny Davis and BOOOOOOM!!! Lanny Davis will lead to HRC, Podesta and all the way to the top because of Visa and Passport approval of Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Autists if we connect Lanny Davis to Natalia Veselnitskaya, THE WHOLE HOUSE OF CARDS WILL FALL DOWN."


3c3ab4  No.2723320


People under 30 are fucked in the skull. Not their fault. Victims of the environment created. Caught hook, line and sinker.

ddf349  No.2723321


This warrants a Q post fo sho

6d3609  No.2723322

File: 5bbc0c716453925⋯.jpg (5.74 MB, 7721x4168, 7721:4168, PlanMap.jpg)

map of the roles Mueller and Huber play in The Plan (to exonerate POTUS and prosecute those who committed crimes against us) and The Show (how we see The Plan unfold before us)

two way you could read the graphic (open in a new tab):

1. read the crumbs, see if you come to the conclusions

2. read the conclusions, then read the crubmbs

I recommend 1. though

posted in the nightshift, posting for the dayshift

75be9b  No.2723323

File: 8a72f0cbc722c6f⋯.jpeg (327.47 KB, 792x1234, 396:617, A2210202-B732-4138-B356-F….jpeg)

d6ccfa  No.2723324


Find a recent sighting of someone and let's take a look.

f872aa  No.2723325


How is it a bad larp? Please tell me how you figured it out. %90 of the info here is open source. The remaining %10 you can find in the drops and %5 of the %10 leads to more open source.. One hell of a educated larp.. You just mad it is waking more people up? You just mad that you can not control it? The keyboard is a very powerful weapon.

98889e  No.2723326

File: 19410252d7e662b⋯.jpg (423.86 KB, 1019x594, 1019:594, Hurricane Lane Florida.jpg)


2d0aef  No.2723327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's what they do. Straight from the horse's mouth, of NY DEMOCRAT Elections Commissioner.

725acd  No.2723328

File: 65c25892b8c7e3b⋯.jpg (136.67 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, bae0g95f-1-1533679387.jpg)


The world is watching

The "journalist" really put some effort into that. It's long.

>How Q Breaks Up Families

>With a conspiracy theory like QAonon that is so multifaceted and inherently based on the news cycle, it can be difficult for loved ones to have conversations without Q coming up, according to Benjamin Decker, a research fellow at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy at Harvard. It's not unusual for people to reach a point where they either put up with each other's opinions or distance themselves, he says.

>When 49-year-old Connecticut native Susan tried to convince her Trump-supporting mother that QAnon was nothing more than a baseless conspiracy theory last year, the response was a resounding: No! Hillary Clinton was involved in this and will be charged for this.

>"I was flabbergasted, it was like she'd morphed into this person that believes in utter farces," says Susan, who requested her last name be kept from this article to avoid harassment from QAnon followers. "I was sad and, honestly, worried about would come next."

63a192  No.2723329


Admits to incident.


At the square.


Confronted by journalists.


Scene with him in black shirt directing is NOT the protest where the car ramming happened. This scene has been used to say he was planning it and it clearly is the wrong info.






a178d4  No.2723330


so i am going to go out on a limb and say the murderer /illegal is MS-13…

55ba77  No.2723331

File: e6e7797d0e38a6b⋯.png (668.4 KB, 1007x1200, 1007:1200, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)

AUGUST 24, 2018 / 10:56 AM

Former CDC director Frieden arrested for sexual abuse



2e55d6  No.2723332

File: c5bb0036c112e76⋯.jpeg (26.02 KB, 254x255, 254:255, C9E22E4A-6F75-46B7-A246-A….jpeg)

5e6ac2  No.2723333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey Jeff listen to this

a31a22  No.2723334

File: b60a88ce825e07b⋯.png (968.24 KB, 1076x1152, 269:288, b60a88ce825e07b6c21471606f….png)

File: 71d008d92da8604⋯.png (1014.93 KB, 1254x856, 627:428, cville patsy.png)

File: f9bc0ad622e611a⋯.gif (3.12 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cville psyop.gif)


>Thoughts on the Unite the Right and the plowing of the car into the crowd.

jim fields is a patsy

b2e4bf  No.2723335

File: 04dd03009c27592⋯.png (390.56 KB, 720x784, 45:49, 20180824_110032.png)

File: 3691092f908f113⋯.png (421.55 KB, 720x872, 90:109, 20180824_110007.png)

Nunes and Rohrabacher under federal investigation – per 5 unnamed sources.

Begging, please help us investigate Pence.

9be1d2  No.2723336


thx for faceswaponline new one I havent seen before. Will give it a shot

338139  No.2723337


More 'unnamed' sources kek. they never learn do they?

f48ee5  No.2723338

File: 08696a927e67147⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 200x200, 1:1, mindblown.gif)

6a1be2  No.2723339


You are a retard because you did not read what I said

Most families DO NOT put their loved ones on hospice service until the last day or two or life because most families think hospice is a death sentence and do not want to give up.

Once on hospice (if not done too late) the outcome for those patients is better.

Fuck off and go back to sleep

2a0591  No.2723340


I believe that, if you read his interviews he was very unhappy with the direction the band was going. He would have been happy with doing small club gigs and staying small. Such a shame.

63a192  No.2723341

File: 31ff79dc7813270⋯.jpg (114.25 KB, 900x500, 9:5, Map of Charlottesville Inc….jpg)

080776  No.2723342


>>"I was flabbergasted, it was like she'd morphed into this person that believes in utter farces," says Susan, who requested her last name be kept from this article to avoid harassment from QAnon followers. "I was sad and, honestly, worried about would come next."

what a lovely peek into normie cognitive dissonance

c69302  No.2723343


I certainly see that as well. MSM are never going to give it up so what other choice do we have?

I can see all of this needing quite a 'movie' to start with (or some over-the-top production). It's almost a necessity at this point as those 2 issues will still be relevant no matter what the masses are started with.

I don't know but I assume we are going to have another unexpected messenger. Who that is I've no idea…I can speculate but that does no good.

d3e91a  No.2723344

Not tryna slide but something is going on earthquake wise. Just trying to warn any patriots in any earthquake prone area any where on the globe. Just within the past week we've had an 8.2 in fiji(the largest earthquake ever recorded at that depth which was 500-600km deep), a 7-something in Indonesia, a 7.2 or so in Venezuela, & another mag 7(over 600km deep) just a few hrs ago in Peru. There has been many more 5's & 6's as well, too many to recall off hand. I don't ever remember a time when there has been this many large earthquakes in such a short period of time. Just a heads up.

043af2  No.2723345


Almost entirely related to atheism/relativism etc.

Go to church, get a new social circle, and you will find not only are the women virtuous, the men are as well. People who want nothing from you. People interested in you and eager to help.

Sure there's always a few who've swallowed the "borders are sinful hate" nonsense but for the most part…

0ebfc8  No.2723346


No wonder Dems believe in toxic masculinity. Dem men seem to be pervs.

0bfae3  No.2723347

File: 61e9233e80774af⋯.jpg (54.78 KB, 900x968, 225:242, DiWEuYCXUAE4E5c.jpg)




>in this theory, Mueller is helping Trump.

b778fd  No.2723348

Anyone else have a very strange feeling today?

e5d830  No.2723349


hi anon was the US flag there before? do not recall this, but do recall an anon stating they could hardly wait to fly it on pedo island.

7ac706  No.2723350

File: 2690e6bdd8c20b6⋯.jpg (68.44 KB, 599x546, 599:546, 2690e6bdd8c20b6eee20af59a2….jpg)

6d3609  No.2723351

File: d1c4d748f693aa6⋯.png (54.23 KB, 482x269, 482:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 166926bb22caa32⋯.png (55.97 KB, 487x261, 487:261, ClipboardImage.png)



this put (pic related) into perspective well


I think POTUS is hinting its coming soon

87a593  No.2723352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cf99a9  No.2723353


The picture of Huma is the clearest example.

Check my original posts link. It was supposedly taken on 8/16

2e0a79  No.2723354


yes, its in the pit of my stomach/gut

topsy turvey feeling

080776  No.2723355


>Hi Krist. We didn't forget.

Mr Foo Fighter of Lame Fame whose name i conveniently forget, too.

0ebfc8  No.2723356

de46fe  No.2723357


He's leaving the country or heading to GITMO.

5b0f1c  No.2723358

File: 78b8bcdb662b0fb⋯.jpeg (251.85 KB, 1634x850, 817:425, f103786687d86a867dc2eda7d….jpeg)

Pic from the notables is where I am on all of this.

Nothing of substance has happened that amounts to a return to Constitutional Gov.

Call me a shill all you want IDGAF

1efe50  No.2723359

File: 28a30ddfc945c66⋯.jpg (109.61 KB, 220x220, 1:1, show-photo-icon.jpg)

>>2722428 lb


whoa, that is really strange.

not much biography on him at all actually.

only 1/2 asian on his mother side?


Bruce Genesoke Ohr (born March 16, 1962) is a former United States associate deputy attorney general of the Department of Justice (DOJ)

Ohr graduated from Harvard College in 1984 with a degree in physics, and graduated from Harvard Law School in 1987.[8]

a31a22  No.2723360




shoulda tagged yall here >>2723334

there are so many youtube videos dissecting cville and putting together the footage. it all stinks.

6d3609  No.2723361


Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?

a041ae  No.2723362

0bfae3  No.2723363




which is it, faggot?

7dcf80  No.2723364


This is excellent.




f0595f  No.2723365


Crane on the beach

3f5a1a  No.2723366



d6ccfa  No.2723367


>When 49-year-old Connecticut native Susan

Cat lady gonna cat lady

Fake But Accurate

426a65  No.2723368


Lets make buses illegal on election day. Or if you see a bus on election day, slash the tires.

01243f  No.2723370

File: 4368b1893f9afc9⋯.jpeg (93.24 KB, 300x539, 300:539, Divine Mercy.jpeg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 7:

Plea for Help against Persecutors

A Shiggaion of David, which he sang to the Lord concerning Cush a Benjaminite.

7 O Lord my God, in thee do I take refuge;

save me from all my pursuers, and deliver me,

2 lest like a lion they rend me,

dragging me away, with none to rescue.

3 O Lord my God, if I have done this,

if there is wrong in my hands,

4 if I have requited my friend with evil

or plundered my enemy without cause,

5 let the enemy pursue me and overtake me,

and let him trample my life to the ground,

and lay my soul in the dust. Selah

6 Arise, O Lord, in thy anger,

lift thyself up against the fury of my enemies;

awake, O my God; thou hast appointed a judgment.

7 Let the assembly of the peoples be gathered about thee;

and over it take thy seat on high.

8 The Lord judges the peoples;

judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness

and according to the integrity that is in me.

9 O let the evil of the wicked come to an end,

but establish thou the righteous,

thou who triest the minds and hearts,

thou righteous God.

10 My shield is with God,

who saves the upright in heart.

11 God is a righteous judge,

and a God who has indignation every day.

12 If a man does not repent, God will whet his sword;

he has bent and strung his bow;

13 he has prepared his deadly weapons,

making his arrows fiery shafts.

14 Behold, the wicked man conceives evil,

and is pregnant with mischief,

and brings forth lies.

15 He makes a pit, digging it out,

and falls into the hole which he has made.

16 His mischief returns upon his own head,

and on his own pate his violence descends.

17 I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness,

and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.

a022d3  No.2723371


To read his case file

af051d  No.2723372


I do but thats probably because im pissed off

774f88  No.2723373

File: 846808e5064eae6⋯.jpg (74.79 KB, 434x272, 217:136, iur.jpg)


Everything has changed for us, the world looks completely different through our eyes, and I hear we ain't seen nothing yet… so now the only option is winning.

0bfae3  No.2723374


If you think that question that neither of us can answer negates Mueller's history of being a black hat cabal stooge then just KYS, that's the best advice I can offer.

25152f  No.2723375

The Video is gone from Maddows twitter. Anyone grab it?

Kyle Griffin

‏Verified account @kylegriffin1

Eric Swalwell told @maddow tonight that the House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a meeting tomorrow on Hillary Clinton's emails. The day after Michael Cohen's plea agreement, that's what was scheduled.

8:00 PM - 23 Aug 2018

265124  No.2723376

File: ba5bbbf11b1e491⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1776x1881, 592:627, Sleepy Pepe Alpha.png)


I lived in AZ 20 years and watched this man dismantle it piece by piece to the point Myself and Special needs child had to flee to save our lives. We left everything behind except a suitcase of our most precious items small enough for the case (mostly my child's things of course) I fought daily for my childs medical rights, Our right to safety, Proper medical treatments were denied. Medical equipment denied. I actually took Medicaid to court and won. Because of their poor medical for special needs poor folk my child has had to go through horrific surgeries to correct the lack of treatment received in AZ. I have no sympathy for this asshole. If it was up to him and his standards my child would be dead. I hope he rots in hell for eternity. His heart is cold as ice and his soul is owned by satan

534ae8  No.2723377


> 1 post

> "call me a shill I don't care"


87a593  No.2723378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Happy Friday, Rabbi

043930  No.2723379


We are fucked

82fd8d  No.2723380

File: d7df216fac3e72b⋯.png (268.01 KB, 584x431, 584:431, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)


6d3609  No.2723381


If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

they're both dirty, we know that newfag

b778fd  No.2723382


Yes, chills. Lots of movement.

63a192  No.2723383

Dwayne Dixon Review

Sorry I just woke up and didn't organize this well.

I dug back into Dwayne Dixon with Unite the right, yes this is old info, but the problem I have is that everyone "proving" he was there and instigated the car ramming use a previous rally where he is directing cars and this is just not good and actually damages the evidence. I tried to consolidate it as much to place him at the scene when the car sped away.






But yeah it stinks, I just didn't see any info trying to remove the previous rally to make a more credible accusation.

95652b  No.2723384


3c3ab4  No.2723385


I'm Catholic, so unfortunately, my Churches are filled with people that don't really want to be there, hope the mass is under an hour, and sin 6 days and 23 hours of the week when not contradicting life for 45 minutes.

I get the church itself is corrupt. But it's rubbed off on the people.

Also, was just speaking of 30 year olds in general, male/female. I'm older, not looking for a girl. Just had to chime in and says I see the issues.

b778fd  No.2723386


Trump post around the same time, NSYNCED

0bfae3  No.2723387


All it has ever amounted to so far is hope porn.

d5c3e5  No.2723388


Please give your detailed interpretation which led you to say that we are fucked. We will wait.

9f0a32  No.2723389




that link didn't come through for some reason

aa97f3  No.2723390


The real question in the back of peoples' minds is just how MANY of them are genuinely brainwashed and unaware that their societal leaders are actually trying to herald world conquest on behalf of Satanism/Luciferianism.

It almost seems as if the ENTIRETY of Jews are complicit, or at least very close to all of them thanks to centuries of manufactured victimhood. But how many would be genuinely reviled upon having the whole truth laid out in front of them that they'd renounce Talmudism/Jewish supremacy and genuinely cooperate with the political world at large? Trump is playing the ultimate long con with Israel, and we're still a long way to go with little public proof to start openly talking about the JQ without the usual "anti-semitism" excuse. They're truly the penultimate boss battle to world peace, with Satanics as the final boss.

3b59d2  No.2723391

File: 551c941d78ffa5c⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 3771x2374, 3771:2374, 67DFC846-3E4D-4511-90C5-4….jpeg)

No Name

0bfae3  No.2723392


Then what was the point of your question?

3c3ab4  No.2723393


Had it yesterday. I feel nothing today.

354d33  No.2723394


yep. Now they've given the Trump org CFO immunity. They're going scorched earth after POTUS. And this is all taking place in NY.

080776  No.2723395


there's crumbs, too, not just bakerbabes.

read them, you should

d6ccfa  No.2723397


Never really thought ankle-bracelets req in first place

High Profile Names

Where to run to?

Best safeguard there is

245b93  No.2723398


Medical treatment for what?

0bfae3  No.2723399


crumbs aren't justice.

you've been anesthetized.

55ba77  No.2723400

File: b8f70adc4f0f4fe⋯.png (135.26 KB, 922x654, 461:327, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)

Little Marco Rubio:


John McCain is going to finish the race the way he has done everything in his life, his way and on his terms. May God bless him & his family as he completes the final leg of his inspiring and heroic journey.


3c201f  No.2723401

File: 52915a586edb55f⋯.png (724.81 KB, 804x459, 268:153, noname.PNG)

Anons considered if NoName has paper about being terminally ill than a judge won't sentence him for prison?

c69302  No.2723402


This is where Mueller was on 9/11


The entire FBI Anti-terror group was in Monterrey for a retreat. The most experienced and best investigators were purposefully shuttled to the west coast and planned to fly back on commercial airlines after said retreat over.

This is what the Cabal did to Mueller and his team. Marginalized them into non-action. He could have been completely complicit in making those arrangements however in the overall scheme of things this is what you would require to pull off that operation.

1de57e  No.2723403


>If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

>If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

>they're both dirty, we know that newfag

If they are dirty, It is Very Likely that Sessions and Wray are Also DIRTY….

DeClassify Everything and Let the People find out Who is and Who is Not Dirty!

fc690b  No.2723404





3 Hawks have been screeching non stop for the last hour outside my house. never happened like this before. constant screeching. Normally I like the sound….

2e0a79  No.2723405

File: ca9a7018772f88c⋯.jpg (951.57 KB, 1200x3000, 2:5, bakerhowto.jpg)


i gotchu anon, heres graphic on how to bake

c9d870  No.2723406


>now you're replying to yourself

I'm adding info to a previous post, halfwit!

725acd  No.2723407

File: d610d3ec60c24ff⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 445x250, 89:50, Popcorn.gif)


Oh boy that first one. The script is moving along faster now.

>Jeff, this is GREAT….

34202e  No.2723409

File: 165481d527a72ba⋯.jpg (105.92 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Rooftop korean pepe.jpg)



Molly Tibbits Dad tied to Haiti

Jim Comey in Iowa

MA in Iowa

A message sent/received?

f872aa  No.2723410


Any who… I have a antifa meeting I need to attend. Infiltrate ;) Please send your repose to chunkylover@aol.com

8ba52a  No.2723411


I saw the horse and thought of our Secretary of the Interior who likes to ride horses all over da place. Dug on grants for infrastructure in USVI and didnt find anything….yet.

6d3609  No.2723412


kek thats from a crumb


he was appointed SC the next day

this is why I make these things, so I don't need to repeat myself ad nauseam: >>2723322


you're an idiot

0bfae3  No.2723415


Why would the cabal declas?

It's more fun for them to rub it in our faces as they're doing right now.

725acd  No.2723416


>John McCain is going to finish the race the way he has done everything in his life

You mean killing more people before he goes

2e0a79  No.2723417


disregard , stoned and misread ur post

080776  No.2723418


words have meanings

when you can read

and think


i was fucked up last week.

this week's been all comfyness

63f844  No.2723419


You know when they get drunk and shit at Jew parties some ass clown starts bragging about Jew power. Likely they all have a pretty good idea. But the money is good so why rock the boat?

6b69fa  No.2723420


Yeah, you did add something. Good job.

Want a medal?

9f0a32  No.2723421


Anon, they tell us not to feed the shills, but with newfags coming in, we don't want it to look like we collectively lack answers.

I suggest we have a Butcher as well as a Baker. When experienced fags see a shill, we flag it for the Butcher, and he deals with them in a more collective manner with one post, so as to eat up less bread. Maybe several Butchers would do the same, but shills would be addressed in the most eco friendly way possible.

fc690b  No.2723422

3c3ab4  No.2723423


The problem is man still thinking money is power when it's the root of evil.

5b2095  No.2723424


Maybe she was killed to punish him for something?

May be connected with Feinstein's odd remarks on how we should think of the poor illegals, not Mollie

8071a8  No.2723425

President Trump tweet 8/24/18: " … People have to figure out what is real, and what is not, … "

The theme of discerning illusion from reality while fighting for freedom pervades this song from 1986 written by PEPE and featuring PEPE with a magic wand and too many amazing synchronicities to list. KEK! This is our "national anthem." Meme intention and will manifesting into reality!



Shadilay, shadilay, my freedom

Shadilay, shadilay, oh no…

Shadilay, shadilay, oh dream or reality

Shadilay, shadilay, oh no…

Flying in my life, it’s not finished

I will stop

Loosen my sails, in the sky and in the deep of the sea

I will believe you…


Shadilay by PEPE



Cosmic absolute, regular reality

Breath of an image, syntony of civilizations

Confused descendants of rebel cells

I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it

If you are a star, show yourself, I will stop

Oooh oooh


Shadilay shadilay my freedom

Shadilay shadilay oh no

Shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality

Shadilay shadilay oh no

(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished

I will stop

Set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea

I will believe in you

Metallic harmony, concrete reality

Electronic videoclip, praise of civilizations

Confused descendants of rebel cells

I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it

If you are a star, show yourself, I will stop

Oooh oooh


Shadilay shadilay my freedom

Shadilay shadilay oh no

Shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality

Shadilay shadilay oh no

(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished

I will stop

Set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea

I will believe in you

[Strofa 1]

Assoluto cosmico, regolare realtà

Respiro di un immagine, sintonia di civiltà

Confusa progenia di cellule ribelli

Volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò

Se sei stella, fatti vedere, io mi fermerò

Oooh, oooh


Shadilay, shadilay, la mia libertà

Shadilay, shadilay, oh no…

Shadilay, shadilay, oh sogno o realtà

Shadilay, shadilay, oh no…

Vola nella mia vita, no non è finita

Io mi fermerò

Sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare

Io ti crederò…

Shadilay, shadilay la mia libertà

Shadilay, shadilay, oh no…

Shadilay, shadilay, oh sogno o realtà

Shadilay, shadilay, oh no…

Vola nella mia vita, no non è finita

Io mi fermerò

Sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare

Io ti crederò…

[Strofa 2]

Armonia metallica, concreta realtà

Videoclip elettronico, elogio di civiltà

Confusa progenia di cellule ribelli

Volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò

Se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò

Oooh, oooh


Shadilay, shadilay, la mia libertà

Shadilay, shadilay, oh no…

Shadilay, shadilay, oh sogno o realtà

Shadilay, shadilay, oh nooo…

Shadilay, shadilay, la mia libertà

Shadilay, shadilay, oh no…

Shadilay, shadilay, oh sogno o realtà

Shadilay, shadilay, oh no…

Vola nella mia vita, no non è finita

Io mi fermerò

Sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare

Io ti crederò…

President Trump: " … People have to figure out what is real, and what is not, … "

2a0692  No.2723426


Liddle Traitor

eea469  No.2723427

File: 30cf7764a9eeafd⋯.png (167.32 KB, 1212x854, 606:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Checkmate deep state.

1de57e  No.2723428


makes as much sense as everything we have seen over the last 19 months…believe what you want….how is that tooth fairy keeping up with your tooth decay????

f48ee5  No.2723429


Oh yee of little faith (and too few crumbs!)


0bfae3  No.2723430


well then, for your sake I hope you wake up from your slumber and learn to read and think.

916365  No.2723431

was at church last week and the gospel reading was about Jesus saying "eat my flesh and drink my blood".

is this what (((they))) are actually doing?

86b19a  No.2723433


Is this why after searching the hog farm the father kept insisting she was still alive, he knew:

Who, What, When, Where and Why?

797fb1  No.2723435

File: ec08f82c5180733⋯.png (603.06 KB, 1846x800, 923:400, robtib.png)


Thank you Anon,

I Edited the graphics

b2e4bf  No.2723436

File: b129a138028fd5c⋯.png (233.87 KB, 720x1105, 144:221, 20180824_111807.png)


– rendered their verdict – I hope someone rendered a verdict. We know a grand jury was empaneled long ago.

8071a8  No.2723437

File: ff51c4902b461d2⋯.mp4 (5.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Shadilay Italian..mp4)


Meant to include song.

bd1a30  No.2723438


Corps awards contract for marine debris reduction and off-island disposal for USVI



6b69fa  No.2723439


>The problem is man still thinking money is power when it's the root of evil.

The love of money is the root of all evil. get it right.

Money is an inanimate object; It would be exactly like saying potatoes are the root of all evil.

9f0a32  No.2723440


Dammit Baker that's exactly what I didn't want, I was just pointing out a problem.

I am too chickenshit to bake because because then I will spend even more time on the chans and I am behind on my stupid dayjob.

I am hoping others who are less faggot than I (or more depending on how you see it) will step up.

I am a very sad creature

1b46a4  No.2723442

File: 3159b1dd1aa32c8⋯.jpeg (97.08 KB, 888x484, 222:121, image.jpeg)

14abee  No.2723443

File: 69365db26f08134⋯.jpg (9.48 KB, 200x150, 4:3, image.jpg)


>BO is JIDF to the core


>summarize for us if it's important


i should have capped it but i will always remember seeing a strange comment from BO a few months ago to the effect of 'dont worry about it, the israelis will be here soon.' i asked him to explain what he meant at the time and he proceeded to deride me for a while so i gave up. no explanation was given.

8ba52a  No.2723444


Check the edits. Anon tracking the other day they were heavy duty bot scrubbing

ec56b8  No.2723445

File: 3d15982ddd370d6⋯.jpg (706.34 KB, 1288x912, 161:114, Smile.jpg)

cc2d1c  No.2723446


>Kurt Cobain came from the outside. It's very rare for someone from the outside to make it big in the music industry.

>Big contract, big money, big control.

>Brought him into the fold (follow the wives…)

>Grunge itself was popularized into a national movement, which killed the redpill effects.

>It's all about control.

>After that, it was easy to sacrifice Kurt.

>Courtney fucking laughed when she heard.

Y she laugh?


>The Navy may fire a gun salute for No Name, but every sailor knows each round will only remind of how this traitor sold out his country.

If he sold out and betrayed his fellow brothers in arms, don't you dare to fire. Traitors are lower than scum. If you sign up for military service, swear an oath, give your word and sign you better fucking follow through all the way, all the time, regardless of the circumstances. Peoples lives depend on you, especially if you are an officer with valuable intelligence.

7334a3  No.2723447


the cabal won't ever declassify…I hope DJT will ignore all their threats to resign and do it himself and very soon…Let em All Resign…

724418  No.2723448

File: 43d7c8da0c3bfd8⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 600x800, 3:4, saywat.jpg)


Don't forget the immigrant claimed he blacked out once he got the field and came to afterwards.

Sure seems like some bullshit a retard-level mexican would make up, but it did make my almonds tingle when I heard it…

b2a63c  No.2723449

File: a67aeb556341519⋯.png (172.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Interesting thread on half-chan, don't know if this has been discussed here yet.


0 credibility. feel free to research where ever you want anon but there is only one /qresearch/ and the propaganda honey pot clown chan doesnt even come close.

7ac706  No.2723450

File: a027f580988dd6c⋯.png (380.12 KB, 759x422, 759:422, untitled.png)

havin' a lot of fun!

1b46a4  No.2723451

c08729  No.2723452

John McCain To Discontinue Brain Cancer Treatment

Fri, 08/24/2018 - 11:07

Republican U.S. Senator John McCain has chosen to discontinue medical treatment for an aggressive form of brain cancer, his family said in a statement on Friday, a year after the Vietnam War hero announced his prognosis.

"John has surpassed expectations for his survival," the family said, adding that the disease's progression and McCain's age, 81, had led him to stop treatment for the "aggressive glioblastoma." "With his usual strength of will, he has now chosen to discontinue medical treatment," the family said.

9f0a32  No.2723453


I bet we see the man himself in the bread soon.

8ba52a  No.2723454

DagenMcDowell just now on DC and Sessions and DOJ

“You can smell the fecklessness… all the way from New Tork City.”

3c3ab4  No.2723455


cause and effect.

Money was created to lure. Man's heart is chaos.

Evil truly lies in us and what we choose. Money is an object, yes. But it's rooted in evil. It's the most useful tool they have.

e6d8e1  No.2723456

Who knows where the bodies are buried?

Say they charge POTUS or go after him for whatever they are all fomenting about. This invokes some type of proceedings where evidence presented. At that point, COHEN knows where the bodies are buried. There was evidence with COHEN or EVIDENCE seized from these people that will be introduced as part of it that implicates the cabal. Maybe COHEN had the CLINTON INSURANCE FILES? Or something else that was raided? Treasure Trove? Then they come after Cohen, he "implicates" POTUS, they do whatever they do and then ALL that evidence comes to light.

eea469  No.2723457

File: 8cfa12c7db67eae⋯.png (935.07 KB, 1244x1336, 311:334, ClipboardImage.png)

".@RealClearNews reporter @paulsperry_: "Comey told Congress that they had reviewed all of the Clinton emails, hundreds of thousands, that were found on the Weiner laptop. That was not true. They barely looked at any of them. Just 3,000 of 700,000 were individually examined." "

Why would Comey and Co risk their lives? They know what happens to anyone who crosses the Clinton Crime Regime.

Seth Rich

Vince Foster


ab2933  No.2723458


it was before the hurricanes last season. they just went back up a month or 2 back. I was saying I had a 19ft flag to fly over it once We sink that place. Flags went up like a week later.

426a65  No.2723459


He is going to go to Phoenix international airport and blow up a jet?

aa97f3  No.2723460


If it really comes down to it and none of them are willing to change their attitude, so be it. Shove them right back into Israel, cut them off cold-turkey, and if they try to retaliate back, Gog and Magog them and then move onto the other Satanic elements still lurking amongst the rest of the world. That's the only other outcome I could see.

6b69fa  No.2723461

File: 4f58d2372edc708⋯.png (48.63 KB, 626x675, 626:675, 4f58d2372edc7089734844b7e6….png)


kekek I made that pepe, Shadilay!

d5c3e5  No.2723462


Not a newfag, do not need instruction. You just ate up bread. Again.

9f0a32  No.2723463

File: 1bf0fce27cb8991⋯.jpg (107.73 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Popcorn.jpg)

afbd90  No.2723464

File: 8ebf1c833f17e3b⋯.png (290.57 KB, 800x430, 80:43, ClipboardImage.png)

if this isn't the best movie to ever be made, than I don't know what is…

(nice picture Yahoo)

Omarosa Manigault Newman says she's ready to testify at Trump's impeachment trial

WASHINGTON — Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman says she is ready to testify to Congress “anytime, anyplace” about what she knows about Russian ties to President Trump’s campaign and offered to appear as a witness at a potential Senate impeachment trial.

“I have the truth on my side as well as a hundred emails and documents and other things,” said Newman in an interview with the Yahoo News podcast “Skullduggery.”

Asked specifically about serving as an impeachment witness against the president, she replied: “I think I’ve made it very clear that I am fully willing and ready to testify, to cooperate, to help advance this investigation.”

Even though Manigault Newman first floated the idea that she had information relating to the Russia investigation 10 days ago, she said that so far none of the congressional committees have reached out to her to seek her testimony. It remains far from clear, what she knows — if anything — that might be relevant to the Russia probes.

While Manigault Newman insisted she has been “cooperating” with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation since the spring, she only hinted at her role on the last page of her new bestselling book, “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House.” In that passage, she wrote that in early 2018 “I, too, received a call from the FBI.” But she has been coy about what that cooperation has consisted of — and what she has to say about Trump’s knowledge of Russian assistance to his campaign. “I don’t want to compromise” Mueller’s probe, Manigault Newman told “Skullduggery.” (She also said she wanted to include more details in her book but her publisher’s lawyers made her take them out.)

But Manigault Newman — who was fired as a White House staffer last December — was more than willing to discuss Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime lawyer who pleaded guilty this week to eight federal felonies, including arranging “hush money” payments to two women in violation of federal election laws.


34202e  No.2723465

File: 494b479fffab57f⋯.gif (43.53 KB, 400x204, 100:51, REEEE.gif)


Feinstein? You mean Elizabeth "Faux-cahontas" Warren?

I think he was gonna talk and they killed his daughter to shut him up. He knows what went on in Haiti because he's part of it. Why else would her whole family be so antagonistic to whats happened? They practically agreed with Elizabeth Warren's "diversity and muh undocs are impotant" narrative

7334a3  No.2723466


Have always liked her and Fox Business much more than Fox News….if we could just get rid of Cavuto, Fox Business would be much better.

08c4cf  No.2723467

File: c6951a4c7df43b6⋯.jpg (78.81 KB, 320x312, 40:39, all-are-welcome-all-are-we….jpg)


Join U.S.

Won't You?

9be1d2  No.2723469


lol well that took awhile but yeah, seems like Jay McMahon is a pos.

07792d  No.2723470

File: 52861877016e7d9⋯.jpeg (55.42 KB, 1200x603, 400:201, AB05F43A-6F34-4312-962E-D….jpeg)

63f844  No.2723471


Def going to be an exciting couple of years. Fo Show.

a93d8f  No.2723472

File: d4a5e18ca1f0a39⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 330.86 KB, 831x347, 831:347, south africa boer white fa….png)

The reality of South Africa. Spoilered for gore, I don't like posting it but things like this need to be spread.

6d3609  No.2723474


you're either a shill or a really newfag

you clearly haven't read a crumb

<inb4 'I've read every crumb'

no you haven't

9a6ff9  No.2723475


every newspaper is here every 3 letter agency there all here they wanna know what to spin next

im fairly certain the ones attacking bo are whitehouse reporters they ask the same double edged questions with no right answer to get something more to bitch about

ce72a5  No.2723476

File: dc1471a8df54a9f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 12891390384855876784328932….png)

File: 48670733f8cd35a⋯.png (1.61 MB, 692x909, 692:909, 21398329767642891212898932….png)

File: ff7f77bc150a3e7⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 78321783278785424090909128….png)

628d54  No.2723477


You might take a look at the content before attacking the messenger. You could even take a look at the wikileaks email (link provided) regarding HRC choosing Lanny Davis and setting a trap that occurred shortly before POTUS won the primary. Or you could just be a dick. Your choice.

a022d3  No.2723478


Welcome to the 2nd revolution

07792d  No.2723479

File: e73c6e79d54c082⋯.jpeg (45.25 KB, 474x315, 158:105, 21EEF4F3-0A14-4491-9D4F-2….jpeg)

495fd1  No.2723480

"Report: Jeff Sessions, Trump Working Together Amicably Despite Public Feud"


Just gonna leave this in case it can be used as supporting evidence to redpill normies.

a69d38  No.2723481


>research adrenochrome, aliens and zombies too

I see what you did there, with your juxtaposition shit.

ad0b83  No.2723482

File: 60559f47e4cd645⋯.png (300.06 KB, 702x738, 39:41, 85ff8519-79e7-413f-a9d7-c8….png)


6d3609  No.2723484



b-b-b-bu-but they're mad at each other?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

I think the show is hilarious, now this: >>2723480

245b93  No.2723485

File: 72d14604cacc016⋯.jpg (63.55 KB, 500x485, 100:97, DiH1obqU0AAG9Wq.jpg)

If anyone is lurking from the DNC you might want to remind yourself "We have it all'

94c018  No.2723487


>is this what (((they))) are actually doing?

Shouldn't you ask that question at your prayer group or church? Bit fucking stupid waiting a week to ask here! RETARD!

3d7971  No.2723488

So if the days Q is not posting is there a count down pattern to it ?

like 22-11-5 = showtime or

20- 12- 6 not sure just wondering out loud….. WWG1WGA

34202e  No.2723489

File: 965283d4ee971ec⋯.jpg (82.81 KB, 1031x714, 1031:714, melodramwarpepe.jpg)


thanks for spoiling it for the newfags but I always look now at everything, no filters (hardly).

I like to remind myself what I am up against, so I do not get complacent.

6b69fa  No.2723490

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

f3430d  No.2723491


omarosa doesn't have jack shit and everyone knows it.

c2e587  No.2723492


Baker, notable

Ex CDC head arrested!

a2a273  No.2723493

File: 1dbf4831e4a7b9b⋯.png (343.76 KB, 1002x637, 1002:637, Screenshot 2018-08-24 at 1….png)

>>2722838 (LB)

Bread 3438 | Current NEWSWIRE

oEmbeds ('data cards') for your website: https://pastebin.com/PzenY53G

if you just want to see a dev mockup of the embeds:


Past numbers and other Qanon related news are in the 'Labour News' category (for work in progress) :D

7334a3  No.2723494


many many "crumbs" are disinfo…you should have multiple sources of info to weed out what is good from disinfo…

Nothing that is visible to date is real…it is all theater…and impossible to know w/o a clearance what is and is Not real….

077a57  No.2723495

File: 644ce1220b2f204⋯.jpg (61 KB, 700x732, 175:183, DjJlLPOUYAAiNRU.jpg)



63f844  No.2723496


Your world was run by a group of Luciferian pedophile killers who eat the flesh and drink the blood of infants.

Anything is possible now Anon. Everything you think you know IS in fact a lie.

ab2933  No.2723497



They'd been pulling boats (or what used to be) out washed up around the islands, but that's been done for a long time and final stages of removing vessels from hurricane hole on nearby islands already started.

When i say "done" it's what they consider "done".

b4f134  No.2723498

Just moments ago, Rush Limbaugh said:

"The Left is filled with praise over Sessions's standing up to Trump"

Trump is truly the master troller/actor!

cc2d1c  No.2723499



Sick! These bastards are turning on their own and kill-sacrificing their kids as punishment. Sick!

cfc855  No.2723500

File: 09032b0e54dbbe1⋯.jpeg (80.22 KB, 962x568, 481:284, DF778CF3-8DD8-400D-85E6-D….jpeg)

enjoy the show

0fc541  No.2723501


Is this material available to review online?

724418  No.2723502

File: 4eb65a44370a4c6⋯.jpg (72.63 KB, 508x720, 127:180, 4eb65a44370a4c64260eb122ca….jpg)


Careful, don't let t_d see this

You'll hear the voices of thousands of worthless middling-IQ faggots reeeeeeeing one last time

63c53d  No.2723503


of course they lurk here , it's afraid

02c875  No.2723504

(Maybe the N in nwo )Naamah appears in the Zohar as one of the mates of the archangel Samael. She, along with her cohort Lilith, causes epilepsy in children. After Cain kills Abel, Adam separates from Eve for 130 years. During this time, Lilith and Naamah visit him and bear his demonic children, who became the Plagues of Mankind. (Zohar 3:76b-77a)

In another story from the Zohar, Naamah corrupts Ouza and Azael. (Zohar: Genesis: Chapter XXXII)[1]

a825b0  No.2723505

File: 4f2b00edf967905⋯.png (26.83 KB, 603x211, 603:211, AQ1.PNG)


Have we seen this lads?

Senator NoName will no longer receive care for brain cancer. A sign that he is most likely entering his final days

1efe50  No.2723506

File: 1147687ed2eea2b⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 495x577, 495:577, @Comey-gnome.jpg)

>>2722457 lb


>Officer Tippit


>Mollie Tibbets

mine nose agrees.


and this one, twatted on 06/15 from Iowa.

we hardly gno-him?

859dc2  No.2723507


Faggot, just read the Wikileaks emails anon linked to. Who cares where it was first researched?

338139  No.2723508


I always bow down to GEOTUS' master trolling. It's on a whole different scale then mere mortals.

6972d9  No.2723509

File: 49a1b0f1b02aa4c⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 2304x4096, 9:16, smallpotatoes.jpg)

58bd4f  No.2723510

File: 8a8cd929249bbe0⋯.jpg (299.26 KB, 2048x1523, 2048:1523, downloadfile-7.jpg)

General Mattis - "I'm Going In"

ab2933  No.2723511



believe that is a moloch-esque cow there.

6d3609  No.2723512


kek we do, have you lurked?

if you saw that graphic, adding sauce to it would be ridiculously impossible to make it fit into one graphic

077a57  No.2723513

6d3609  No.2723514




guarantee POTUS/Sessions were laughing their asses off yesterday

349b0c  No.2723515

File: 50ec3c30c2ddcc2⋯.png (284.32 KB, 685x385, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

The latest probiotic drink: a baby poo smoothie

b4f134  No.2723516

File: e1427c126468519⋯.png (297.52 KB, 704x1052, 176:263, Night'sWatch.png)

9f0a32  No.2723517


An excellent question. Whether RM is on the team or not, you can believe they were not there to discuss his potential future as FBI director.

016489  No.2723519

File: 596197d4e3d3c36⋯.png (5.19 KB, 921x81, 307:27, ClipboardImage.png)

Previous Bread

looks like OP was made 06:40:21 (EDT assumed)

so 03:40:21 (PDT)

post 751 was made 08:22:48 (EDT assumed)

so 05:22:48 (PDT)

previous bread 3437

OP made 03:34:01 (EDT)

12:24:01 (PST)

i see baker requesting handoff

pic related is baker who took handoff

re: >>2721377 , >>2721445

this post

:30 timestamp

448065  No.2723520

File: a41d2f1ab1b7944⋯.png (319.61 KB, 824x462, 412:231, lasvegasfbi.png)


Yes, I thought of that

Trump took over the DHS so now they can do the "crazy shooter" Propaganda to make people turn against illegals.


Before the patsys were "conspiracy theorists"

It is true that the Media picked up the story and pushed it. I wonder if white hats hacked into the 4AM points?

I got the sense of that on the day the "Q" news became omnipresent all at once. Right after the Q message was they were going to have to force it..

Funny, if true. Because in that case, Mass Media are being led by the nose into a brick wall;; as far as I can see.

Impeachments for…. something that "Hussain" did worse? but in Trump's case it wasn't exactly the same; that is; it wasn't a crime at all?

The insanity of the crowd can't last that long, especially with POTUS having a voice .[albeit limited per the Mass Media] .

I thought the article by Son of Sinatra [Rosemary's Baby] seemed to indicate the "intelligensia" knows it has to move to another narrative or end with 100% egg on its face.

I didn't read the whole thing but it was in New Yorker [bleh] and was all about how Trump team grew suspicious of sabotage during the time of transition.

"Las Vegas" woke people up [if not Sandy Hook, 9/11, etc., ]

It's enough already.

b2a63c  No.2723521

File: 47bf9c4caffa57e⋯.png (187.85 KB, 361x425, 361:425, 5abe924f86e85.png)


im not attacking the messenger faggot. im attacking the sauce.

>oh hey anons i just stumbled upon some info on halfchan that will cause the whole house of cards to fall down. quick click this link so C_A can harvest your IP while you read some shit post probably posted by a bot or clown, then shared on 8chan to divert traffic from patriots research board to our honeypot/disinfo shitposting board

nobody knows you, or cares enough about you to "attack" you as the messenger faggot. its your ineptitude about clown chan that was attacked. do better.

fc690b  No.2723522


yeah some of these recent posts that talk about

muh spouse this and that

smell shilly

another one of (their) division tactics methinks

2a0591  No.2723523


Are you kidding me? People are STARVING for TRUTH. Some critical thought. Not everybody (normies) get offended by bad language and offensive terms. More people believe the MSM is bullshit than not believe.

This is the place and yes we will be inundated when shit hits the fan.

WWG1WGA whoever is here.

94c018  No.2723524


How come his tumor looks like it's in his cheek when the best doctors in the world say it's in his brain?

67a3d9  No.2723525

File: a926e28e0b47232⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 2000x1302, 1000:651, tough-choice.jpg)

58bd4f  No.2723526

File: fae318abb2bed80⋯.png (32.87 KB, 452x287, 452:287, Screenshot_2018-08-11-18-0….png)

File: 965a44164918c50⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 500x537, 500:537, 2ghr74~2.jpg)

cfc855  No.2723528

File: 95940a30b042f58⋯.jpeg (25.48 KB, 394x265, 394:265, B29365CF-7F64-4379-9828-E….jpeg)

8ba52a  No.2723529


Love me some Lou, too. And Maria B and OAN. The rest can toss.


8fe133  No.2723530


Remember his confirmation hearing? this is a huge flip imo.

a022d3  No.2723531

File: e11df5fa9ed8e65⋯.jpeg (114.61 KB, 672x499, 672:499, 45C8B368-2524-431A-8CA6-C….jpeg)

6d3609  No.2723532

34202e  No.2723533


Indeed, This already the best movie I have ever seen. Its like an opening of a James Bond, super intense pursuit and conquer scene.


8ba52a  No.2723534


Kek you are right. We even saw the cow last week.

a825b0  No.2723535

File: 62c49e306b2fdf1⋯.png (394.83 KB, 657x564, 219:188, AQ2.PNG)


Here's sauce.


cfc855  No.2723536

File: 8790eee2094aec3⋯.jpeg (28.89 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 6051ECB2-51AD-4D92-9DB9-1….jpeg)

34ecc8  No.2723537


He's got way bigger problems than anything that can happen in this life.

bd9c84  No.2723538

Does anybody have a link to the javascript nope button?

a825b0  No.2723539


Good point.

22570a  No.2723540


>If they are dirty, It is Very Likely that Sessions and Wray are Also DIRTY…


reread crumbs

lerk moar post less

3c3ab4  No.2723541

File: e9a117d6d710bef⋯.jpg (55.26 KB, 350x246, 175:123, 76ec733e8f3c281154066e995b….jpg)


Google's Schmidt drew up draft plan for Clinton in 2014

The key is the development of a single record for a voter that aggregates all that is known about them."


724418  No.2723542


Looks like our next social media campaign needs to be memes celebrating his death and calling him a fucking traitor.

Make sure everyone knows Trump's base is only sad that we didn't get to see him swinging.

f3430d  No.2723543

The msm have fallen right into the trap by supporting and defending jeff sessions. its no wonder Q calls these people idiots because trump releasing the fully unredacted fisa memo cant be very far off now.

8fe133  No.2723544


So will he fake death, be taken out by the Cabal, or suicide himself?

6d3609  No.2723545


I stopped using it, still have it though (for caps, it shows 'NOPE')

var imageBlacklist = [] ;

function loadImageBlacklist() { JSON.parse(localStorage.imageBlacklist || "[]").forEach(addToImageBlaclist); }

function saveImageBlacklist() { localStorage.imageBlacklist = JSON.stringify(imageBlacklist); }

function addToImageBlaclist(md5) { if (md5 && -1 === imageBlacklist.indexOf(md5)) imageBlacklist.push(md5); }

function blacklistPostImages(post) { $(post).find('img.post-image').each(function (i, el) { var md5 = el.getAttribute('data-md5'); addToImageBlaclist(md5); el.remove(); }); }

function removeBlacklistedImages() { var removed = 0; $('img.post-image').each(function (i, el) { if (-1 !== imageBlacklist.indexOf(el.getAttribute('data-md5'))) { el.remove(); removed += 1; } }); return removed; }

function onNopeClicked(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); loadImageBlacklist(); var post = $(event.target).closest('.post'); blacklistPostImages(post); removeBlacklistedImages(); saveImageBlacklist(); }

function addNopeButtons() { $('.post').each(function(i, post) { if ($(post).find('.nope').length === 0) { $(post).prepend("<input type='button' class='nope' onClick='onNopeClicked(event)' value='Nope'></input>"); } }) }

setInterval(function () { loadImageBlacklist(); removeBlacklistedImages(); addNopeButtons(); }, 500);

cfc855  No.2723546

File: deb66a7a059c070⋯.jpeg (102.66 KB, 746x1024, 373:512, 1129FF78-8527-4DA2-8ACD-9….jpeg)

3c3ab4  No.2723547


SAUCE: https://www.itwire.com/government-tech-policy/75531-google-s-schmidt-drew-up-draft-plan-for-clinton-in-2014.html

a69d38  No.2723548


Maybe your porn addiction has something to do with it.

b4f134  No.2723549

File: 48247bd33d3458a⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 800x448, 25:14, LED.gif)


…and for that, you get a rare LED Pepe!

080776  No.2723550


> More people believe the MSM is bullshit than not believe.

would be interesting to have comments from ex-Soviet Anons.

PRAVDA days, sov-normies could read through the daily lies of state-media

448065  No.2723552

File: 1340c88eb43e9e3⋯.jpg (236.7 KB, 1240x824, 155:103, PedoPaintingsVsNormal.jpg)


That's a lie, right there.

"obody knows you, or cares enough about you to "attack" you"

Fucker doesn't even know who it is.

Gaslight alert.

Yeah sure, they don't kill people who try to expose Pedo crimes.. Oh I forgot what just happened to Jen Moore?

Oh I forgot Who all got banned from Reddit?

Where are they all now?

Oh 8chan that's right.

3c3ab4  No.2723553




016489  No.2723554





fucking dickhead

6b69fa  No.2723555


Well, we all know where he's not going… So are you saying hell won't want him either?

58bd4f  No.2723556

File: b8db435b52b01ef⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 666x490, 333:245, 2gd3ne~2.jpg)



Look at the dirty goat fucker behind him….

Light him up!!!

fa57a1  No.2723557

Guise its as simple as that with no name. Just wait for a couple of weeks. If brain tumor is indeed in final stages, he dies. If all smoke and mirrors he will be still kicking. Naf speculations

6d3609  No.2723558

Northern California Man Arrested In Connection With Deadly Klamathon Wildfire

Northern California authorities have arrested a man they say started the deadly Klamathon Fire last month.

California’s fire agency said Thursday that it arrested 32-year-old John Colin Eagle Skoda after investigators concluded that a debris fire he started turned into a 60-square-mile blaze that killed one person and destroyed 35 homes.

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection spokeswoman Suzi Brady said Skoda quickly lost control of the unpermitted debris fire he started in Siskiyou County about 300 miles north of San Francisco.

The July 5 wildfire also forced thousands of residents to evacuate and temporarily shut down Interstate 5, a major north-south corridor.

Skoda, of San Francisco, was booked on suspicion of involuntary manslaughter and fire-related charges. Jail records don’t indicate if he is represented by an attorney.


e3635e  No.2723559

01fcd6  No.2723560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"America will lead mankind to the stars once again"

22570a  No.2723561


>I suggest we have a Butcher as well as a Baker.

now THAT is a good idea - in theory

problem is whos gunna do it?

and under what standards?

bakers already get attacked and they have minimal discretion

b4f134  No.2723562

File: 34dd8565bd38f54⋯.jpeg (25.49 KB, 350x317, 350:317, 314558598_Lol_94249156205….jpeg)

8ba52a  No.2723563

File: 818d397bdabba62⋯.png (57.67 KB, 908x726, 454:363, 93C69FC1-3F30-4805-A9B3-6D….png)

File: c660e0d1d4a64ba⋯.png (120.03 KB, 1438x1088, 719:544, 3FF94768-2678-4652-8E26-93….png)

File: 00e94ec9783cdf8⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB, 967x2067, 967:2067, E7C09753-FD61-4197-8A30-9….jpeg)

File: e9a3eed6528fac6⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 859x2082, 859:2082, EE861424-185F-4263-9D0E-F….jpeg)

Reposting this one i found interdasting from last night. I hope it is legible.

448065  No.2723565

File: 24616216e27cf71⋯.jpeg (283.93 KB, 1280x824, 160:103, StormFindOut.jpeg)



Forgot I should've tagged the ..77

3c3ab4  No.2723566


Alphabet's Eric Schmidt: Gmail Is 'Far More Secure' Than Government Systems


245b93  No.2723567

File: f0d32d9642b1575⋯.png (155.45 KB, 620x526, 310:263, Screen-Shot-2016-07-24-at-….png)

3f4db9  No.2723568

File: bdf957ea1af3570⋯.jpg (144.91 KB, 500x683, 500:683, covfefe1st.jpg)


Good morning yourself, wonderful anon!

724418  No.2723569


>The key is the development of a single record for a voter that aggregates all that is known about them."

i.e. a horrifyingly complete database on every american citizen, populated with details stolen from social media and collected by government agencies

5edaec  No.2723570


Thank you for the Hurculean effort, Patriot!

cfc855  No.2723571

File: c8d4cd02de61547⋯.jpeg (91.81 KB, 415x800, 83:160, B699052F-729C-43C6-B2D8-4….jpeg)

94c018  No.2723572

To those of you who are pissed that No Name appears to be getting off light.. remember you can always go and shit on his grave.

22570a  No.2723573


you have compounded your error anon

be honest enough to admit you got the quote wrong

00a931  No.2723574

File: dfb9f8c5904cb6d⋯.gif (517.56 KB, 500x208, 125:52, gladiator.gif)

Concerning "No Name"

I'm thinking the doctors just realized that they couldn't find his brain.

9f0a32  No.2723575


When 49-year-old Connecticut native Susan tried to convince her Trump-supporting mother that QAnon was nothing more than a baseless conspiracy theory

Translation: When second generation public schooled normie with no critical thinking ability and no evidence tried to convince someone old enough to have learned a little critical thinking from mainstream society with a lame appeal to authority from a fake news source, the boomer was rebuffed.

92a918  No.2723576

File: daed5f75fa0ed35⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


4aea23  No.2723577

Liberals are so focused on taking down POTUS any way they can, they dont realize they are now putting their faith into …… the …. National Enquirer

6a1be2  No.2723578

File: 581cabf3fde6390⋯.jpg (14.21 KB, 170x255, 2:3, cdb8a92e4219689a20afc96caf….jpg)

b2a63c  No.2723579


>no anon here on 8chan knows you, or cares enough about you to "attack" you as the messenger.

there corrected. are you really that fucking dense that i had to spell out for you that i didnt mean the enemy faggot. just go back to clown chan where you belong you fucking wannabe.

121240  No.2723580


Suicide weekend for no name?

a825b0  No.2723581


And that'll create jobs!

016489  No.2723582

File: dfe575ae9cfa280⋯.jpg (102.49 KB, 1000x726, 500:363, disney poop.jpg)




and then suck my ass real quick

8ba52a  No.2723583

File: a233d0b8bcac00c⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1614x741, 538:247, 0667AB44-3BF7-42E4-9FFC-E3….png)

File: 3fde8ad797d1d28⋯.png (387.83 KB, 790x710, 79:71, 28D1C5FD-47C9-43A9-9706-50….png)

File: 7dbab295eaba407⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1141x2068, 1141:2068, 7BAAAF6A-A79A-428D-89F5-A….jpeg)

File: 827185674d3f7e1⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1026x2081, 1026:2081, 99005B9D-40B3-4D8C-B5F1-6….jpeg)

Also reposting this one from last night.

>not my work either

25152f  No.2723584


>The key is the development of a single record for a voter that aggregates all that is known about them."

linked to IoT and IBOR

your entire life recorded live and if you're good goy you get social credits for commerce to survive

0b17ad  No.2723585


I'm also sad that he will die a hero to many people, and the truth will once again not see the light of day by the general public.

94c018  No.2723586

a825b0  No.2723587


Probably by Monday

b4f134  No.2723588

File: f73bf860c171665⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, doll.jpg)


I had no idea there existed such beauty in this world. I'm… speechless.

448065  No.2723589


I already on chan

Rememberr you're not on Reddit anymore.

3c3ab4  No.2723590


I dont mind admitting when I'm wrong ;)

4368e8  No.2723591


Earthquake coming. Big one.

8fe133  No.2723592


That's hawt

58bd4f  No.2723593

File: 06010c45c4e7144⋯.jpg (58.39 KB, 376x500, 94:125, 6a00d83451af9f69e2019aff6e….jpg)

3c3ab4  No.2723594



ad0b83  No.2723595


They better not try and bury him at Arlington.

7afccf  No.2723596


u such smarty faggot

u poo poo ur pants

haha funny

bd9c84  No.2723597


Imagine Bus tours to Shit-stain McCain

1efe50  No.2723598


definitely a battle going on around that page


that's the thing: there's not much bio on him anywhere. an interesting one on Nellie:


this guy is like Strzok. a phantom.

3c3ab4  No.2723599

File: 5450f8792114a93⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 306x423, 34:47, article-2509036-19F04A4B00….jpg)



'We've listened - and here's how we'll halt this depravity': Google chief ERIC SCHMIDT explains block on child porn

We should do everything in our power to protect children from harm

Google has more than 200 people working to tackle the problem

It actively removes child sexual abuse imagery from our services

The company welcomes the lead taken by the British Government


f334f6  No.2723601

File: 12ba905ea57db28⋯.png (259.99 KB, 1347x988, 1347:988, ClipboardImage.png)

Medical or escape?


080776  No.2723602



how about no.

no thanks.

these anons barging in with their plans to make this place "run better"… just, shaddup

4aea23  No.2723604


How do you identify a spook

b37943  No.2723605


"The shill baker is MetalBaker (6am baker). I thought he stopped with his retardation a while back but I guess not. He makes up these theories about us, saying that we use multiple devices to "compliment/prep-up" ourselves after we post. He thinks we're all clowns that are for some reason out to destroy this board (even after removing harmful BVs). Now he thinks I'm eBot cause we posted near the same time or something like that."

This is literally the script for shareblue/mossad SES/AIM shill team that's been badgering you admins for 6 months straight now…

knew they wanted to slip in one of theirs to fuck with breads.

448065  No.2723606


shut up Dutch-itch

00f523  No.2723607


Yup. I feel the same way. When I read the news today, it bummed me out. That is really going to suck. Now their go to thing will be, "STOP SPEAKING ILL OF THE DEAD! HE ISN'T HERE TO DEFEND HIMSELF!"


63f844  No.2723608


That would be too much. I can stand the lying and the all day event his faggot death would be for the fake news. But if they even think about trying to bury that shit head anywhere near JFK I will riot.

82fd8d  No.2723609

Notables Bun


>>2722965 ; >>2723221 On Mollie Tibbets’ father, CF, and Haiti

>>2723007 plebbit on “Mirror” (commentary/speculation)

>>2723009 NoName discontinuing cancer treatment

>>2723022 DC Airport catches illegal w/face recognition

>>2723096 Robin Leach, “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” host, dead at 76

>>2723213 FISA handwriting comparisons/side-by-side

>>2723317 Trump Organization finance chief granted immunity in Cohen probe

>>2723319 On Lanny Davis, HRC, and Wikileaks emails

>>2723331 ; >>2723482 Former CDC director Frieden arrested for sexual abuse

>>2723364 NightShift Repost Request: Mueller, Huber, and The Show

>>2723380 New DJT tweet: “We’re having a lot of fun!”

>>2723541 ; >>2722547 On Eric Schmidt, HRC, and comprehensive records of voters (2014)

0bfae3  No.2723610

File: 00bb24f04f60660⋯.jpg (77.08 KB, 808x500, 202:125, DkkDak1U4AAcewx.jpg)

08c4cf  No.2723611

File: 4ab9b9aa5cd12c5⋯.jpg (1022.72 KB, 3037x2026, 3037:2026, 578546876.jpg)


POTUS is having A lot of


It's only getting BETTER Sportsanons!

94c018  No.2723612


Yeah Jimmy Saville got that treatment!

34202e  No.2723613

File: 1b868ca87886d60⋯.jpg (71.08 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 300keks.jpg)


I stated a week ago that I think Iowa is staging ground for next FF. What better target than a "soft" read ##FLY##over state

6a1be2  No.2723614

File: 159b85ebe85e742⋯.png (9.27 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 96fd745ad3fb73d13d49672f08….png)

Who wants to place bets that once FISA docs are released, cabal will kill off NoName and it will be 24/7 muh NoName

82fd8d  No.2723615

Notables Bun Corrected


>>2722965 ; >>2723221 On Mollie Tibbets’ father, CF, and Haiti

>>2723007 plebbit on “Mirror” (commentary/speculation)

>>2723009 NoName discontinuing cancer treatment

>>2723022 DC Airport catches illegal w/face recognition

>>2723096 Robin Leach, “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” host, dead at 76

>>2723213 FISA handwriting comparisons/side-by-side

>>2723317 Trump Organization finance chief granted immunity in Cohen probe

>>2723319 On Lanny Davis, HRC, and Wikileaks emails

>>2723331 ; >>2723482 Former CDC director Frieden arrested for sexual abuse

>>2723322 NightShift Repost Request: Mueller, Huber, and The Show

>>2723380 New DJT tweet: “We’re having a lot of fun!”

>>2723541 ; >>2722547 On Eric Schmidt, HRC, and comprehensive records of voters (2014)

b2a63c  No.2723616


>Rememberr you're not on Reddit anymore.

ive never been on reddit. i know better. fuckin newfags think just cause they were dumb enough to engage on clown chan and reddit before coming here that every anon is as stupid as they are.

22570a  No.2723617


ok thanks

carry on fren

00f523  No.2723618


No. This has been know since at least 2016.

724418  No.2723619

File: da2a482af37a8f5⋯.jpg (18.71 KB, 230x219, 230:219, gotta.jpg)


great idea "anon"

915bac  No.2723620

File: 26a2897cf369129⋯.png (71.39 KB, 653x281, 653:281, PLAN.png)

File: 2881968dae3f30b⋯.jpg (343.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sessions.jpg)

f334f6  No.2723621

File: fc78c7c1156f95a⋯.png (162.56 KB, 891x482, 891:482, ClipboardImage.png)


End near?


Today's "news" definitely unlocks the map.

69cbbc  No.2723622

Fuckery in Germany?

Woods near Berlin on Fire.

Size 400 Soccer fields.

Military practice place involved.

6b69fa  No.2723623


That's called:

Eric was told by his handler to make the CP evidence still housed on Goggle servers to go away.

That includes the evidence outing it, so if any of you use Google drive still uhmmm…

Don't if you like your evidence pool.

245b93  No.2723624


Nice so we can n use gooogle Imaage search without having to find CP?

915bac  No.2723625

File: ccef450b328cfec⋯.jpg (212.81 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, jospeh.jpg)

File: 1866092886a5e2d⋯.jpg (151.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mifsud.jpg)

e3635e  No.2723626


I posted this yesterday. I didn’t follow up on digging the suspect, was workfagging. You do any digs into him by chance?

cfc855  No.2723627

File: 6adb5eb4efc4ff9⋯.jpeg (476.46 KB, 1462x1678, 731:839, 23C8F28D-DEE6-425E-B18F-D….jpeg)

9a6ff9  No.2723628


bought from social media

63f844  No.2723629


I want Poppy Bush to face the music alive but I fear they will have him die off on his own also.

00f523  No.2723630



Guarantee you they will. You can bet on it.

And it will be an absolute disgrace.

22570a  No.2723631


yeah except you quote BO not a baker

explain yourself/reconcile

915bac  No.2723632

File: 8049e98697a46d2⋯.png (140.84 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ching chong.png)

File: 5e82b30e51dbd2c⋯.jpg (180 KB, 1200x1054, 600:527, chao1.jpg)

File: d4738f9e2f965d3⋯.jpg (85.76 KB, 340x255, 4:3, dad.jpg)

ddf349  No.2723633

File: da12221ddf3dcaf⋯.png (383.04 KB, 738x668, 369:334, ClipboardImage.png)


I remarked to a JDIF shill today that POTUS keeps mentioning BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT at record lows. he must lurk CUZ HE POSTED THIS VID REAFFIRMING THAT VERY STATEMENT. Meanwhile JewTube owners are scared that blacks are abandoning the DEM Plantation, & have blocked comments on this video cap, which won't embed here & you have to watch on jewtube & warning that some viewers are offended & need to click through to watch.

I wonder (((who))) they are?

POTUS about to BTFO the parasite Jews & their unchecked Jewish Supremacy & Subversion

58bd4f  No.2723634

File: babac9161600dd8⋯.jpg (62.18 KB, 530x333, 530:333, 2dm90q.jpg)

File: 5c7684f7ad4fedc⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 622x479, 622:479, 2gi7bt~2.jpg)

Hey Jeff!! When are you going to unseal those indictments…..

First Jeff needs to wake up.

67a3d9  No.2723635


The MSM will talk the fucking traitor up like he was a great hero because he opposed Trump.

55ba77  No.2723636

File: 99de48f590342cc⋯.jpg (7.79 KB, 272x185, 272:185, download.jpg)

b4f134  No.2723637

File: 5d50c5d64c46130⋯.jpg (111.9 KB, 500x344, 125:86, SignGoaWay.jpg)

915bac  No.2723638

File: 5b0e269081f22f0⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 260x190, 26:19, pooper.boi.jpg)

724418  No.2723639


True, it was worded sloppily..

I meant stolen as in taken from the users without their knowledge/consent (buried in legalese EULAs doesn't count)

afbd90  No.2723640



4aea23  No.2723641

That awkward moment when liberals are actually putting their hope and faith into the National Enquirer

f334f6  No.2723642


>Every dog has its day.

>Enjoy the show.

915bac  No.2723643

File: a155d11361d245f⋯.jpg (30.8 KB, 400x300, 4:3, extortion.jpg)

34ecc8  No.2723644


I'm pretty sure satan is looking forward to collecting on this motherfucker. That's what I've never understood about making a deal with the devil. Why would you make a deal with someone who despises you and your kind?

a022d3  No.2723645


Someone should shop a dildo into has hand and meme it…

But, Adult Porn is acceptable

7afccf  No.2723646

34202e  No.2723647

File: 8fa535998d735cf⋯.gif (3.88 KB, 300x200, 3:2, game over.gif)


Everyone already acting asif NONAME is DEAD to them. Fox girl holding back sniffles during breaking news. NONAMEwife next up. She is the real danger anywho.

Follow the wives

b85b39  No.2723648


well they aren't very good at the 'secret' part

a825b0  No.2723649


You're absolutely right. Bush Sr and NoName will probably have that defense in death before we have their treachery brought to life.

63f844  No.2723650


A guy (((they))) should not of fucked with in College. They mind fucked him and he held a grudge. Trump should pardon him and let him live out the rest of his years on some secluded quiet place.

And get him laid. He is likely a virgin.

b37943  No.2723651


>being this retarded

BO knows what it means you fucking kike scum.

5d80ae  No.2723652


Shill baker, or MetalBaker (BVs and I call him RetardBaker) used to create informational videos on his YT channel on how to bake.


I guess we will be seeing his video on how I'm supposedly ebot on this channel shortly.

915bac  No.2723653

File: 6e4cce3522e4175⋯.jpg (381.68 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, sloppy and degenerate.jpg)

File: 0f5eef4c323b53a⋯.jpg (351.67 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, showtime.jpg)

9f0a32  No.2723654


Yeah, best X22 report of the year by far.

00a931  No.2723655

Just curious–

Most of the cancer patients I've ever seen lose ALL the hair.

"No Name" looks like normal balding to me.

Doesn't look like he has had any cancer treatments.

Anyone got any sauce on his cancer treatments from hospitals or doctors?

6b69fa  No.2723656


>die off on his own

You mean like Scalia died naturally?

And, you spelled suicided wrong. It's how [they] roll.. Even with [their] own.

22570a  No.2723657



touchy arent we

f0f0d2  No.2723659


That happens, I'm out and will start warning people that Q is a fucking larp!

83582b  No.2723660


No, there's no crane on the beach that I can see. I do see a small excavator though. Probably a kobelco with about 1-2 ton op.weight.

22570a  No.2723661

for shillfags and libtards and for whom the shoe fits

“Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it costs nothing.”

Edmund Burke

9f0a32  No.2723662



Yep, that is old news. Is there a new twist?

00f523  No.2723664

File: 48c2c5168d2edf7⋯.jpg (13.68 KB, 474x266, 237:133, IceZombieQueenNotAmused.jpg)



71c8c1  No.2723665


The whole Gen X crowd was against the bullshit and fake glamor of hollywood. When Cobain died, MTV moved entirely into hip hop overnight. Immediately the narrative in the news changed to "Rock is Dead", they used his death because they knew that punk would always question authority. Fucking problem was the idiot musicians all thought they were on the right side of history. Turns out RATM should have been fighting the Dems the whole time.

f334f6  No.2723667

Awkward situation. Filtering the baker means filtering the dough KEK

>No filters

Can't wait til this bread is over

915bac  No.2723670

File: 5ee429a5d97488b⋯.jpg (334.06 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, anthony.jpg)

File: 87989bea2cdd5eb⋯.jpg (80.16 KB, 780x439, 780:439, tony hna.jpg)

File: 2aad8a9e5c063dd⋯.jpg (496.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, war1.jpg)

9a6ff9  No.2723671

facebook this week wants bank info and medical records of there users , indiscriminatly desides what accouts to remove

fast forward a cpl years

banking medical all run thru fb you start posting stuff that they dont agree with account closed bank account closed access to medical cut off

all around us there tightening there grip they will bypass any elected president and run the country/world as they have planned from the begining

94c018  No.2723672


Bookmarked. Tonight BO, I'm gonna be a troll :)

34202e  No.2723673


Possibly he is the scrificial goat and he's gonna take the fall for the cabal.

He's already given his taped confession and is now being executed in front of a Firing Squad.

Who knows?


8875f4  No.2723675


This is why the general public will never awaken no matter what

You know what i agree with the illuminati

These people are stupid

Too bad the illuminati is stupid as well

b37943  No.2723676


Interesting. Autism gone wrong is the best tool of (((them))).

A lot of autists run on ego, just like AFLB, so we all gotta handle it like herding frenzied cats on a spiked leash.

Thanks for keeping things in order, BO.

532ba2  No.2723677


Can't speak for (((them))) or what they do. But for Catholics see here https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/what-catholics-believe-about-john-6

245b93  No.2723678


Why is the bread so slow to update and post?

08c4cf  No.2723679


I'm pretty sure Little Marco is saying that

[No Name] will FUCK UP Moar Shit before He's



55ba77  No.2723680

File: 7acb5625597a393⋯.png (413.18 KB, 913x659, 913:659, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)



"We're doing some great, great trade deals, when that happens your 4.1 is going to go even higher.

We're havin' a lot of fun!"

re: economic revival!


9f0a32  No.2723681

File: 248d33ef0eb40bd⋯.png (59.97 KB, 758x644, 379:322, all servers.png)

File: 3c33825ad32b7ee⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 332x360, 83:90, Feels good.gif)

File: 17dd73e644e1fb1⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Kek attack.jpg)



a1230e  No.2723682


Well this should piss everyone off. The Clintons have the time of their lives at Weisteins old place !!!!

a1ec85  No.2723683

What's his McStain is stopping cancer treatment:



1efe50  No.2723685

File: e2ea7212b74b1eb⋯.png (124.95 KB, 643x888, 643:888, podesta-44736-Lanny.png)


Thx for the share.

If so, looks like all the top campaign staff knew about it as well.

Potentially huge find.

915bac  No.2723687

File: b12a210e06d7239⋯.jpg (107.8 KB, 980x551, 980:551, ng.lap.seng.clinton.jpg)

File: 779096d3353346d⋯.jpg (58.96 KB, 760x507, 760:507, UN.lucis.jpg)

File: db2498561cbfc71⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 4992x3328, 3:2, 311.jpg)

b41927  No.2723688

File: 78a0a8da405f646⋯.png (365.47 KB, 571x910, 571:910, trumpQ.png)


03e542  No.2723690


You are wise Anon.

Yes, they do have a plan.

915bac  No.2723691

File: 8638854abef4778⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 474x315, 158:105, bavaria.jpg)

File: b285a95a34611aa⋯.jpg (270.87 KB, 1300x694, 650:347, him.jpg)

b4f134  No.2723692

File: f14a79059bd660e⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 676x444, 169:111, SignFucktardia.jpg)

c69302  No.2723693


Be patient… Poppy is being kept alive methinks.

Who in the hell goes sky diving at that age? He was made to do that.

These two cannot be allowed to exit w/o justice.

Trust that they will not be. I do.

58bd4f  No.2723694

File: 4360916eeaaedc5⋯.png (72.45 KB, 480x514, 240:257, Screenshot_2018-08-24-06-3….png)

Rand Paul helped make it impossible for Trump to fire any SES member, Obama rammed 7,000 SES members in, out of the 8,500 members and with FBI background checks to streamline the process…

Obama's hand picked people are still running the government. …100% fact.

724418  No.2723695


Q team seem like they would do something like that, allow Bush to die quietly rather than denigrate the office

Which is the exact sort of bullshit pragmatist thinking that led to the long and terrible slide into where we are today.

Don't give him an out, fuck the optics, hang him.

If he dies of old age before you can, dig him up and hang his fucking corpse.

I'm not a part of this so we can exchange 1 set of handlers that decide what information we are allowed to know for another.

A kind master is still a master, and a happy slave is still a slave.

a825b0  No.2723696

File: 53420f474bb6d62⋯.jpg (140.16 KB, 565x565, 1:1, A Dig1.jpg)


It was probably that baker that never put any of my drops in Notables yesterday. Made some Twitter and Breitbart drops, never got put in so I didn't think they were worth noting or were already in the Notables so i didn't worry about it then. Only to come on that afternoon and see someone else had put someof what i had put up in Notables.

9f0a32  No.2723698


Amen to that.

Dead the fed. Dollar goes back to 372.25 grains of fine silver

2e0a79  No.2723699

File: fbadf955ca28ba9⋯.jpg (96.27 KB, 550x550, 1:1, smok.jpg)

fc690b  No.2723701

File: b7f3c2901c29cc5⋯.jpg (670.92 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, b7f3c2901c29cc57128ff40c44….jpg)

63f844  No.2723702


>herding frenzied cats on a spiked leash.

Oh thats good. I will try to remember to use that one someday.

55ba77  No.2723703


Rand Paul sauce?

5edaec  No.2723704


Please explain how you derived "Checkmate" from that twat.?.?

a825b0  No.2723705


Good point.

8875f4  No.2723706


Kill every member of bushes family that is above 25 and has commited a crime

10000 years rememberance shit

Then take the kids and raise them to not be psychopaths

b5fa6a  No.2723707


can confirm, cancer survivor here

during chemo your hair will start falling out, its easiest to just bic it so it doesn't get all over your bed

i never did radiation but i assume its the same deal

starts happening after only couple of treatments, i'd bet there wasn't any treatment in the first place and this is all part of the show

0b17ad  No.2723708



12838c  No.2723710


HOK is HUGE!!!

Too weak of a connection to be of any merit

e967b2  No.2723711


Flotus face would look good in this meme

f0f0d2  No.2723712


They want to die, then let them die KNOWING that their crimes came to the surface before they actually do!

4fd7c6  No.2723713

File: e0434cfa2bd0248⋯.jpg (51.57 KB, 444x314, 222:157, boston.jpg)

94c018  No.2723714


The shills must have forgotten just how stubborn we are ;)

fa57a1  No.2723715


What about proton targeted treatment?

d6de72  No.2723716



Claims judaism is evil? - YES

Claims to support trump? - YES

trump has a jewish daughter and family in law? - YES

Does his "support" make sense? - NO

Posts shit that is against q's message? - YES

Stays on q research board even though he ia against the message? - YES

Does it makes sense? - NO

Why is he really here? - MONEY




Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup.

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









Q #1263

>Think logically.

Attack the world?

Are the people of France to blame?

Are the people to blame or the ruling class (leaders/controllers)?

Apply leverage.




Power shift.

Rise of the people.


Not understood?


9f0a32  No.2723717


Shills gonna shill. A shill baker is going to happen we're volunteers,

well, I am not as discussed with the current baker earlier

7afccf  No.2723719


They real shocker would be if they're both NOT dirty.

b4f134  No.2723720

File: 488dc56546e6979⋯.jpg (33.56 KB, 380x285, 4:3, SignNoName.jpg)


They'll name a street after him in his home state (only to change the name after his crimes come out).

(Image Abides)

6b69fa  No.2723721


>The whole Gen X crowd was against the bullshit and fake glamor of hollywood. … they used his death because they knew that punk would always question authority.

Pretty much. [They] feared the punks; [They] still do, because of what we stand for.

fa57a1  No.2723723


With info we have, no way. Flipped yes but dirty as hell

a825b0  No.2723724

82fd8d  No.2723725







"MetalBaker" and "RetardBaker" are too good for him.

He disgraces baking, ultimately.

Just gonna call him "Alvin".

7afccf  No.2723726


>John McCain is going to finish the race the way he has done everything in his life, his way and on his terms.

Which means he's going to fuck something up.

a825b0  No.2723727

File: e2754e0a5a3b3ee⋯.png (22.3 KB, 598x210, 299:105, AQ4.PNG)


At least 22 children killed by coalition air strike in Yemen, UN aid chief says

63f844  No.2723728


When you control the opposition you use their system to push the narrative so far to the extreme that you wake up some of the sleeping frogs in the pot. The sheer insanity of what they are pushing must be the work of a Stable Genius.

905caa  No.2723729


meh - I think it's your reddit spacing

777599  No.2723730


>Fwd: Lanny Davis

>From:robbymook2015@gmail.com To: john.podesta@gmail.com Date: 2015-03-08 15:49 Subject: Fwd: Lanny Davis

>We gotta zap Lanny out of our universe. Can't believe he committed her to a private review of her hard drive on TV.

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