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File: f29555dd6b5230f⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 5dcf8a84bce0e22ca4e8412baa….jpg)

13e5f1  No.2564333

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 08.11.18

>>2564091 rt >>2563815 James Gunn - The choice to know will be yours.

>>2561079 ————————————– https://twitter.com/NBCNews/statuses/1028408743309008899 ( Cap: >>2561128 )

>>2560115 rt >>2559940 ——————- https://twitter.com/billmaher/status/112332199386296320 ( Cap: >>2560142 )

>>>/patriotsfight/144 ————————– We, THE PEOPLE, are the CURE ( Caps: >>2559100, >>2559143 )

>>>/patriotsfight/143 ————————– Not seeking re-election ( Caps: >>2558970 )

>>>/patriotsfight/142 ————————– State Dept [HRC]>>Eric Schmidt>>Lisa Shields ( Caps: >>2558342 )

>>2557485 ————————————– IRON EAGLE

>>2556980 ————————————– The SHARING of INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT

>>2556723 rt >>2556646 ——————- BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM [NEXT WEEK]

>>2556646 ————————————– Autists catch the message?

>>>/patriotsfight/141 ————————– Could a new Telecommunications Act be on the way ( Caps: >>2555256 )

>>>/patriotsfight/140 ————————– The World is WATCHING (Caps: >>2555067 )

>>>/patriotsfight/139 ————————– Discovery.

>>>/patriotsfight/138 ————————– FAKE NEWS Consolidation (Caps: >>2554744 )

Friday 08.10.18

>>>/patriotsfight/137 ————————– [Fish]ing is fun. These people are stupid. (Caps: >>2543440 )

>>>/patriotsfight/136 ————————– PACKET (Caps: >>2541594 )

>>>/patriotsfight/135 ————————– ROUTE T (Caps: >>2541586 )

>>>/patriotsfight/134 ————————– STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. (Caps: >>2541362 )

>>>/patriotsfight/133 ————————– NEW TRIP CONFIRMED. (Caps: >>2541336 )

>>>/patriotsfight/132 ————————– We are under HEAVY attack.

>>>/patriotsfight/131 ————————– NOW THEY ALL LOSE. (Caps: >>2539428 ; >>2539489 )

>>>/patriotsfight/130 ————————– CA/NY notorious voter fraud. (Caps: >>2539422 )

>>2538955 rt >>2538860 ——————- Re_read drops re: Haiti.

>>>/patriotsfight/129 ————————– NEVER STOP PRAYING. (Cap: >>2538789 )

Thursday 08.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/128 ————————– THE CLINTON FOUNDATION. (Caps: >>2532676 )

>>>/patriotsfight/127 rt 126 ————–— What assets (people) were placed (spy) in POTUS' campaign? (Caps: >>2532453 )

>>>/patriotsfight/126 ————————– [SPY OP] (Caps: >>2532138 )

>>2530456 rt >>2530206 ——————- Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime!

>>>/patriotsfight/125 ————————– [Past 24hrs - Nunes Attack] (Caps: >>2530193 )

Tuesday 08.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/124 rt 122 ————–— Digest and understand. (Caps: >>2500174 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI.

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

13e5f1  No.2564349


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2541091 BO Confirms: New Q trip whitelisted


>>2563688, >>2563828 More Evergreen "Coincidences" and Connections

>>2563698 Update on the US Sub and the Q400 hijacker + collected Notables

>>2563777 Side-by-Side on Space Force - Trips Confirm

>>2563848 DNR Prepares To Engage Wildfire On Ketron Island Caused By Plane Crash

>>2563862 Found in FOIA search of Ketron. Weird, Child Treatment Center

>>2563909 Did Someone Say Pain? Bloomberg Twat: Trump is embracing market pain

>>2563776 Cryptic Anon cryptically asks: Who is in this photo?

>>2564192 Iron Eagle Graphic

>>2564198 Gettin Spoopy: Cemex, Parkland, Evergreen, Ketron Island in close vicinity

>>2564205, >>2564204, >>2564242 Sub/Missile Digs

>>2564342 #3235


>>2562967 , >>2562994 Planefag Updates

>>2562930 Evergreen State College. Dig

>>2562912 Trump Island is in the same locale

>>2563186 Just North of Trump Island is Obstruction Island

>>2562900 Moar on GHWB's 'Points of Light' org

>>2562970, >>2563264 Moar sauce on the real Richard B. Russell - no ordinary Senator, deep state fuckery

>>2563236 "Abolish the Presidency": They Have Officially Lost Their Minds

>>2563396 Charlottesville Mob Beats Police Officer at Anniversary March

>>2563398 Pilotfag's Analysis of Plane Hijacking

>>2563606 #3234


>>2562585 'Evergreen' connection close to Seattle: Evergreen State College

>>2562530 Internet outages reported

>>2562482 MSN reports on the hijacker

>>2562472 BOOM Spaces Decoded

>>2562337 The plot of Iron Eagle: Hijacked plane, creates a diversion

>>2562334 , >>2562418 Q400's have built in stairs

>>2562131 , >>2562323 The clock tells us of 'planes & missiles'

>>2562218 Update of side-by-side from >>2561919 (pb)

>>2561989 (pb) >>2562277 Hijacked plane theory

>>2562765 #3233


>>2561931 This SAME NAVAL SHIPYARD was under an alert a few days after the missile launch in the same area

>>2561919 , >>2561866 'Save The Best for Last', Israel & USS Richard B. Russell

>>2561542 Resigned - UPDATED

>>2561745 Planefag Updates

>>2561720 Reverse Image Search of Q400 Image

>>2561656 , >>2561736, >>2561936 More on USS Richard B. Russell (SSN-687)

>>2561651 Wenatchee, 177 miles from Ketron Island: Historical child sex abuse case

>>2561565 , >>2561618, >>2561638, >>2561658 Repost of the Jeanne M. Lin dig (US/UK joint)

>>2561535 USS Richard B Russell motto: "They saved the best for last"

>>2561501 Ketron Island, near McNeil Island where violent sexual predators are housed

>>2561432 Ketron Island real estate scheme (scam)

>>2561422 Left eat their own: Law suit agains Maher for saying the N word

>>2561332 , >>2561360 'Scrapped' USS Richard B Russell & Rich Russell hijacker. Coincidence?

>>2561319 Paul Erickson was the other spy plant at DJT campaign

>>2561282 , >>2561289 4Chan threads on Ketron Island

>>2560856 (all pb) >>2560748, >>2560756, >>2560771 Sub posts cont

>>2560845 (all pb) >>2560923, >>2561007, >>2561416 Sub posts

>>2561275 (pb) Maher 'coincidence' side-by-side

>>2561988 #3232


>>2561182 MSM doesn’t report on the missile launched from Whidbey Island at AF1 in June 2018

>>2561050 Please archive before posting. Preserve the evidence

>>2560694 GWHB founded 'Points of Light' connected to Red Cross, CARITAS & Cabal. Dig

>>2560912 Hussein Leaks

>>2560831 MemeAnons: Call for normie-friendly memes please

>>2560756 Richard B. Russell (SSN-687) was scrapped at Puget Sound in 1994

>>2560684 Next week, the MSM is planning an all out attack on POTUS

>>2560606 HRC and Google connects

>>2560594 New Q Books series

>>2560576 Kevin Bacon & (((partners))), involved in Haiti. Dig

>>2560531 Transcript of Maher talking about Q

>>2561209 #3231


>>2560226 Caps from Maher's tweet & QPost

>>2559805, >>2559856, >>2559881 Some creepy Maher tweets

>>2559868 The island where Washington state sends its sex offenders

>>2559787 Manafort and SummerBreeze LLC

>>2559764 Group Exemption Procedures- IRS Instructions. This is Our Money!

>>2559760 Suit against Bill Maher for allegedly abusing former gf

>>2559747 , >>2559758 Fraudster & sexual predator has ties to island

>>2560407 #3230

Previously Collected Notables

>>2558665 #3227, >>2558847 #3228, >>2559634 #3229

>>2555762 #3224, >>2556537 #3225, >>2558653 #3226

>>2556240 #3221, >>2554194 #3222, >>2554946 #3223

>>2551086 #3218, >>2552610 #3219, >>2552658 #3220

>>2548729 #3215, >>2549512 #3216, >>2550252 #3217

>>2546405 #3212, >>2547165 #3213, >>2547928 #3214

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

13e5f1  No.2564351

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2556574

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here.

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>>/comms/2100 , >>>/comms/2164 , >>2557145

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>2489726 , >>2489748 , >>2489817

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

(more on the comms page)

13e5f1  No.2564355

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27, 27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this ---> >>2438883

13e5f1  No.2564395



(updated with correct Q post spacing)

126ed0  No.2564427

File: 6e6f73bcdbd7fa3⋯.png (72.11 KB, 779x343, 779:343, unitruth.png)

13e5f1  No.2564439


love you all

e329fb  No.2564440

File: 51ebf47be34781b⋯.png (68.02 KB, 436x817, 436:817, screenshot_132.png)

File: e6021a9ef0c951b⋯.png (134.71 KB, 878x842, 439:421, vips_4.png)

File: e70a842480351f2⋯.png (121.07 KB, 918x722, 459:361, vips_3.png)

File: 7509906d4ded475⋯.png (87.37 KB, 885x581, 885:581, vips_2.png)

File: 3605256c1602022⋯.png (92.46 KB, 881x652, 881:652, vips_1.png)

b4678d  No.2564441

File: ca79b628d497319⋯.jpg (334.45 KB, 1750x1239, 250:177, obr2129.jpg)

Nice bread name baker :)

187645  No.2564442

holy fuck i think we are further into the plan then i thought

ec5dd4  No.2564443


Please. Just drop it already.. the Normies need to know. We all know they do this stuff. Drop the evidence that will make Ds lose control of black pop. Let’s gooo. Drop the pedo evidence.

Change the world already

e0c446  No.2564445

File: 74b85295a76014a⋯.png (179.32 KB, 706x748, 353:374, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like Kanye was right, the devil really wouldn't leave him alone

dc9b65  No.2564446

>>2564417 lb

Pilot today, Q on the plane, pilot 'state of mind as "narrated"', dialogues, the crash point in the island with 17 residents…

cabal sending a message that they are confident Q will fail. FUCK these cabal scum.

187645  No.2564447

13e5f1  No.2564448


thanks anon :)


yep .. remember that Q post about not dropping the trafficking stuff yet?

it's time

c5efa7  No.2564449


Ty Baker o7

2dcead  No.2564450

Some people are making a big deal about something white in the background of a plane video.

Has to be a missile, they say

But has anyone asked the planefags

To pinpoint the location of the Q400 while being filmed

And look for other traffic in the area?

There were incoming flights to SEATAC all the while this was happening

Most likely you saw a white plane in the background as the camera panned to follow the Q400.

dc4927  No.2564451


Sometimes Q is the Thunder and we are the Lightning. Then, in turn, convert Lightning to Thunder for Q to then convert Thunder to Lightning anew.


a07e0a  No.2564452

thanks baker

some of this "russell sub" digging is fucking stupid

connect it to the stolen plane or lurk moar

it has nothing to do with the ohio class subs used in Hawaii and to attack AF1 (which was rerouted, yet the cabal fired anyway)

please, its getting ridiculous

keep digging, be muh guest, but get fucking real

11301a  No.2564453


thanks… was wondering where it ended up ;)

29e939  No.2564454

File: 31b21626bba023b⋯.png (1.06 MB, 839x625, 839:625, Screenshot_657.png)

File: 857298d57079d93⋯.png (544.46 KB, 1263x1001, 1263:1001, Screenshot_656.png)

>>2564394 lb

>>2564434 lb

>>2564289 lb

Is this Ketron Island?

700714  No.2564455

File: e44df66989b428d⋯.jpg (808.87 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180812-001928….jpg)



why the fuck did UPS OFFICAL comment to Satans Tweet ?

ea71ad  No.2564457

File: ddecb5ad7a83b97⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 543x320, 543:320, Kimmelpizza.JPG)

2e898f  No.2564458

File: a71df480bfc6865⋯.jpg (33.85 KB, 700x257, 700:257, 2018-08-12 04:18:26Z.jpg)


Noticed Jimmy Kimmel 2010 tweet in the replies, ugh.

We don't even have a TV, but it worries me when a sports star who appears to an upstanding, charitable Christian pals around with this Kimmel guy.

6a4249  No.2564459


Moloch Machine


bec03d  No.2564460


Pray without ceasing

e329fb  No.2564461

File: f48c8cb63d272df⋯.png (61.61 KB, 442x679, 442:679, screenshot_133.png)

f2c6d4  No.2564462

File: 9f07d91ff2859a8⋯.jpg (498.48 KB, 1080x607, 1080:607, emmy-emmys-awards-placehol….jpg)

File: 63012ad8256aa0b⋯.jpg (7.61 KB, 132x150, 22:25, ss-bolts-1.jpg)

7205df  No.2564463

File: 41914c17b1f425d⋯.png (67.71 KB, 641x613, 641:613, s8n1.PNG)

File: 95d3ba28722bd69⋯.png (70.58 KB, 642x618, 107:103, s8n2.PNG)

>>2564091 LB

a27622  No.2564464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a07e0a  No.2564465


like this: >>2564437

you're wrong as fuck


380bcb  No.2564466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<< Watch for PROOF that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks

4cf258  No.2564467

64a3f9 in the last bread.

No doubt he/she/it will be here in this bread.

Complete faggot that is unamerican anti white and ONLY PRO JEWISH

He/She/It should stick out during this bread

239073  No.2564468

File: 1d1452a5ac1f765⋯.png (60.08 KB, 785x241, 785:241, insta.png)

Instagram account is creepy


df44c4  No.2564469


Probably automated

3d9b2a  No.2564470

Why is it necessary to do all the elaborate RC plane, a guy named Rich, F15s, etc…..


That is so stupid. Someone could have just driven up in a boat and lit the island on fire,

to create an 'investigation'.

Anons have gone off the rail tonight. (not even mentioning the SR JA stupidity)

572fb5  No.2564471

File: 84d28827412597c⋯.png (44.12 KB, 800x386, 400:193, ClipboardImage.png)

Satan's against POTUS.

POTUS confirmed GOOD.


ec69a3  No.2564472


Program on a automated reply.

4ec606  No.2564473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YEah the pilot of the Q400 knew what he was doing and as far as this plane being stolen? How did he get flight clearance from the tower at Sea-Tac? Remote controlled?

623df6  No.2564474

File: 0a7344666b9a6bd⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1384x2020, 346:505, satan teigen legend.png)

29e939  No.2564475

File: 2cff8380c174bad⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1288x892, 322:223, Screenshot_658.png)

e329fb  No.2564477

File: 7b01fee15e1b6c9⋯.png (48.5 KB, 433x543, 433:543, screenshot_134.png)

d8b19f  No.2564478


Thank you for the righteous bread baker. We love you back!

69e1ac  No.2564479

Late post prior bread:

Getting on here late, what if the plane were a deliberate attempt by bad guys to fly a plane into Russian or Chinese territory so that it would get shot down and start a war (tying 1846 & 1847 Q posts together). When Q says "think missile", the same kind of missile defense tech aboard the fighter jets that shot down the missile earlier in the year also thwarted this attempt. The clips from air traffic control were pre-recorded and played for just an event such as this, which explains why they, unlike any time I have ever heard, were almost immediately released to the public so that questions wouldn't be asked and the public wouldn't be alarmed.

83f277  No.2564480

"We save the best for last;

In the end the choice to know will be yours"

Q directs us to S8N

I did notice this… did anons, notice this?


Who is SebAsTiAN C?

I hope its not a net of epic trolling

These people are stupid.

Who is 'these?'

Q trips proven hackable btw; remember to look at pf

2dcead  No.2564481

File: 9b5900b5fb7fa6a⋯.png (1.23 MB, 990x1204, 495:602, ClipboardImage.png)


She's crying because she's happy

To see you BAKER

And she's making a healthy summer salad

To keep you going

Give her a hug for all of us

67d724  No.2564482

File: 20b54aedc182fda⋯.png (133.18 KB, 292x289, 292:289, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 1….png)

File: 4b9279765747fbd⋯.png (587.7 KB, 957x572, 87:52, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 1….png)

File: a51a0554653ee1a⋯.png (507.05 KB, 995x566, 995:566, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 1….png)

@s8n's Insta

488ae8  No.2564483

File: 8b5b75e64dcc007⋯.png (59.04 KB, 588x230, 294:115, ClipboardImage.png)

Doesn't believe in Q, but steals his shit? LOL

144acb  No.2564484

File: 148bd8a00672656⋯.jpeg (408.58 KB, 2208x1173, 32:17, 9604E4CF-61A1-440F-BBA0-5….jpeg)

>>2564257 (lb)

A guy was intercepted by SS??

dc9b65  No.2564485



This is clown dialogue. Archive.

5320d4  No.2564486

File: 3ae64552b96a694⋯.jpg (914.36 KB, 2274x1080, 379:180, uncle.jpg)


Alex Jones' (Bill Hicks') uncle was a 32nd degree Mason

29e939  No.2564487


I'm thinking it's a different Island?

Not sure though.

Up to you Anons to decide.

13e5f1  No.2564488



anons tbh i don't know much about subs – only put it in bc many were discussing it

kitchen gets really hot - decisions have to be made quick

48e69b  No.2564489

File: 0bc4b636b0fdfa0⋯.png (42.86 KB, 630x353, 630:353, fghiojopjghj[.png)

>>2564091 (lb)

well, at least he admits it.

086f6c  No.2564490

File: 2f1d049919a3a3f⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 275x275, 1:1, 51Dq79N1CDL.jpg)


Not possible to round up 45K, anon?

Foreign ``AND`` Domestic, remember?

a07e0a  No.2564491

File: da82391c9218560⋯.png (353.32 KB, 654x465, 218:155, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a4a21206081cbf⋯.png (857.36 KB, 875x684, 875:684, ClipboardImage.png)

4cac85  No.2564492

File: cf2e2a1ba5496ed⋯.png (29.22 KB, 301x321, 301:321, Nun(Nu).png)

13e5f1  No.2564494


how did you know i love salad kek thank you <3

11301a  No.2564495


How does one stop a plane from taking off without clearance?


7ad3ec  No.2564496


Baker, don't fall for it. She's got a knife, and she's got the cray cray.

287563  No.2564497

File: 1c45468ec0cb1a2⋯.jpeg (32.78 KB, 483x304, 483:304, 944ACCD8-8642-4330-8DD8-B….jpeg)

if he was mechanic he could have the knowledge to get the plane in the air

u can put a plane in the air the wrong way,whatever, if you can release brakes and increase throttle, the plane with become airborne at a certain speed depending on the plane

whats important is what he had to do in order to even have the opportunity to put the plane on the runway in order to throw the throttle in (or forward) and get to his take off speed.

What instructions did air traffic give him for example (how to use the radio, enter a specific squawk code, etc)

why was he clue less about cabin pressure and supplemental oxygen but knowledgeable about other stuff

the barrel roll was a complex maneuver, at that altitude if the throttle was to high or to low by just a little bit and he would have been dead

did he try and land? Did he throttle down for landing attempt, did he engage flaps, did he kamikaze into ground to end it all (no speed or pitch changes during final decent)

even if gas runs out he can glide down to earth at relatively slow speeds with help from air traffic. although that plane landing anywhere but a flat surface like grass is going to be messy

if he was running out of gas, why the fire and how much fire

Where’s the video of him towing the plane (if needed) getting in, starting engines, taxing off tarmac, takin the taxing lanes, and finally entering runway. Is there audio of him asking ground control for permission to taxi?

These questions should be reported by any professional that cares about the truth

weekend warrior pilot im not top gun here

572fb5  No.2564498


Twatterfags go razz him for now believing in Q kek. Putz…

407fe1  No.2564499

File: cf34da599a854ca⋯.jpg (97.98 KB, 760x578, 380:289, RL201.jpg)

>>2564325 (lb)

>Canadian aerospace


The MIC preferred the SR71 Blackbird so this was scrapped.

333343  No.2564500

File: 31c2b011cfe6213⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, switzerland.jpg)


[+] Switzerland

[+] Switzerland

[+] Switzerland

9f6f6c  No.2564501




>I want them all dead…I'm tired of this shit.

Anon, Q, & Everyone. I want them dead, too. "Due Process, Schmoo Schmocess." Torture and then hang the motherfucking cocksuckers.

c5efa7  No.2564502


Some Harry Potter lookin’ ish right there, son

5cd501  No.2564504


I can bake one Baker, not in for the long haul, but I can cover for an hour or two.

975ab0  No.2564505

>>2564091 (Last bread)

>The choice to know will be yours.

How many times are you gonna use this tease?

As many times as you have used the BOOM tease?

No originality left? Getting bored with your larp?

Don't blame you, after 10 months.

This is now truly laughable.

b558fb  No.2564506



a07e0a  No.2564507


I know, digs are digs

but conflating Hawaii/AF1 and some random decommissioned and scrapped sub (of a different class) is ridiculous

e329fb  No.2564508


Remember the constitution, POG?

93ba9a  No.2564509


Fake and very gay.

Like, I-once-paid-membership-dues-for-an-infowars-account gay.

b0564e  No.2564510


I'm surprised CTA has yet to rear his head out and claimed that satan is a patriot then obligatory fire sessions and "we have arrested Q, details later, by later we mean august, by august we mean late august, by that I mean september".

29e939  No.2564511


I voting on that it isn't.

Ketron has more of a saddle to it.

Similar though.

407fe1  No.2564512

>>2564338 (lb)

Hey shill: Q, by definition, can never "slide."

Or are you a butthurt satanist?

dc4927  No.2564513


Please stop begging.

If you don't understand why this is a slow process then you don't understand the enemy.

We ALL second the passion of your eagerness, but this takes time.

4c2f9f  No.2564514

File: c35ae6c83a04785⋯.png (205.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 815.png)

File: c9a98f5d89bbdcf⋯.png (388.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 862.png)

File: c9a98f5d89bbdcf⋯.png (388.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 862.png)

File: 1f58166aabec4ea⋯.png (371.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 865.png)

File: 0ab3f6946ebcc39⋯.png (360.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 863.png)

>>2564091 (lb)

Q what about this ?

Missle or not?

a2cefa  No.2564515

File: 8af9ad8b12b666f⋯.jpg (131.05 KB, 800x1217, 800:1217, SS.jpg)

File: 03ff451ae398a04⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 400x482, 200:241, Kiss.jpg)

File: fa4a5f61ff723c4⋯.jpg (18.38 KB, 474x252, 79:42, sexjunkNye.jpg)


Does that symbol look familiar?

b97476  No.2564516

File: 834bacd4f084eea⋯.png (584.05 KB, 680x436, 170:109, 14e.png)



On September 1st, 2015, Barack Obama posted a portrait of himself to the White House Instagram account, featuring him standing next to a mile marker-style sign reading 1961.[1] Obama was hiking the Exit Glacier in Alaska, and learning about how glaciers recede, and is therefore dressed casually and wearing sunglasses; he perhaps chose this marker because it is the year of his birth.

596528  No.2564517


Nobody mentionned Hawaii but you shills.

34cb6a  No.2564518

File: c322733f096bd97⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 1121x918, 1121:918, 08FC4727-1B44-4CAA-B21F-2C….jpg)

Every Damn Time

08fc09  No.2564519


Only national gaurd is allowed to operate within

u.s. boarders.

Need official declaration of war to send in the

Marines (I think).

At least publically.

32b9e9  No.2564520

File: aa012d1c6cb5abe⋯.png (206.66 KB, 1506x518, 753:259, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

Richard B Russell submarine

Recycled in 2003 huh? Why is there a budget for it in 2008?

Department of Energy

FY 2008 Congressional

Budget Request


page 46

4cac85  No.2564521


I have been wondering the same. Surely there is some sort of protocol like a remote kill switch the tower can trigger.

6f2cfb  No.2564522

File: 81f6c09a13e57de⋯.jpg (8.88 KB, 247x204, 247:204, FUHRER.jpg)

Before anyone ask


13e5f1  No.2564523

>>2564507 that does make sense.. will keep this in mind - might omit, label differently or make distinction in the caption

a123ad  No.2564524

Keep it coming, Q. The world needs to know. DO NOT STOP.

3d9b2a  No.2564525


I agree. Anons acting like idiots tonight.

dc9b65  No.2564526


Follow the (((bloodline))) and that of the middle east.

596528  No.2564527


And your Mom is a cocksucker!

905077  No.2564528


And then in Iron Eagle 4, Doug Masters (who everyone thought was dead) is discovered to have survived the plain crash.

Iron Eagle on the Attack, also known as Iron Eagle IV, is a 1995 action film directed by Sidney J. Furie, and is the fourth installment in the Iron Eagle series. It stars Louis Gossett, Jr. reprising his role once again as retired Gen. Charles "Chappy" Sinclair. Doug Masters, the protagonist of the first film, returns, but is played by Jason Cadieux instead of Jason Gedrick. The film's opening scene is an alternate take on that of Iron Eagle II, wherein Doug survived after being shot down in Soviet Airspace.

b4678d  No.2564529

File: da2462fd9f74239⋯.png (840.28 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, dtb9akznsxd11.png)

b7b509  No.2564530

>>2564384 (lb)

I'm just following the clues anon. I dug on the D5 shit as well. I don't mind being wrong on this.

The way I am currently viewing it is the article on China stealing the sub tech was going to serve as evidence for a D5 launch FF. Thus (((they))) can blame it on the Chinese and start WWIII. But how does the deep state steal a D5?

My theory, and it could very well be wrong, is that they already had a Soviet SUBROC. This isn't just plausible, it's likely. That said they needed a platform. The more implausible part of this is them somehow stealing the Russell before it was scrapped. Unlikely, but not impossible.

14dca8  No.2564531

File: a762e79c338e413⋯.png (911.43 KB, 713x1221, 713:1221, vbcv.png)

b558fb  No.2564532


>whats important is what he had to do in order to even have the opportunity to put the plane on the runway in order to throw the throttle in (or forward) and get to his take off speed.


bad90b  No.2564533


I'd love to know who owns that Satan twitter acct.

239073  No.2564534

Any theories on why Q linked that twitter account?

a27622  No.2564535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b558fb  No.2564536

I like how Q put Maher on blast before satan.

144acb  No.2564537

File: cd635b4bc64b26f⋯.jpeg (637.45 KB, 1223x1316, 1223:1316, 042654B2-800E-4C95-BC7E-6….jpeg)



f2c6d4  No.2564538


Nun is believed to be derived from an Egyptian hieroglyph of a snake (the Hebrew word for snake, nachash begins with a Nun and snake in Aramaic is nun) or eel. Some have hypothesized a hieroglyph of fish in water as its origin (in Arabic, nūnmeans large fish or whale). The Phoenician letter was named nūn "fish", but the glyph has been suggested to descend from a hypothetical Proto-Canaanite naḥš "snake", based on the name in Ethiopic, ultimately from a hieroglyph representing a snake.

dc9b65  No.2564539


clown/pedo comms. Q already told us they used cia kid's puzzle page to transmit comms plus online game forums.

74d3e2  No.2564540


Thanks for addressing monopolies.

I have been upset about monopolies ever since BC set the stage.

Sure enough I was talking about monopolies last night and how irritating it has been for a long time.

Coincidence? I think not.

If you could do something about these toll roads, I would be a happy camper.

I've been against them from day one.


3d577f  No.2564541

File: 8759e4d2e446ad8⋯.png (480.17 KB, 626x578, 313:289, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)


Do the ears match?

7ad3ec  No.2564542


>Q, by definition, can never "slide."

And there you have it. Proof that Q is a larp.

The last post was a slide about a parody/comedy satan. ON FREAKING TWITTER.

This is NOT something that MILITARY INTELLIGENCE would ever be concerned about.

Think, folks.

a07e0a  No.2564543


I agree, seems different


I really don't think thats a missile, I think Q meant that guy wanted to use the PLANE as a "missile" (or projectile moar precisely) to hit something


I've been calling out shills saying that, FFS anon (and the AF1 attempted attack also)

e04f82  No.2564544

>>2563998 (lb)

>>2564079 (lb)

>>2564215 (lb)

>>2564293 (lb)

Just providing my input derived from over 20yrs as a working pilot with experience in corporate jets down to trainers.

You can get the basics of aircraft manipulation with over the counter flight sims, very sophisticated these days w/ most buttons and switches mapped and programmed.

Barrel roll: hold the yoke in the direction that you want roll, neutralize at desired attitude. Not pretty if not done correctly and will likely lose altitude but doable.

Loop: Full throttle, smoothly pull the yoke back, after you are inverted retard the throttle, hold the yoke until you reach the desired attitude. If not done correctly you can overspeed the a/c and cause airframe damage but doable, even for a first timer that has done it in a flight sim.

>I do question the RC theory because the a/c would have to have been started and taxied remotely, and now that I have thought it through I don't the the RC theory holds water.

198e86  No.2564545



ec5dd4  No.2564546

Fuck. Getting sick of this shit. How long do we have to sit here and see this shit while they mock us.

488ae8  No.2564547


Probably to show the pizza reference predates the hysteria over Comet.

31abf1  No.2564548

File: 54a59914e2d5a44⋯.jpg (244.81 KB, 836x828, 209:207, 784if6f787fyd.jpg)


Alex Jones (Bill Hicks) = Mason

69e1ac  No.2564549


THEN LEAVE THE COUNTRY! We preserve and protect the Constitution, even for traitors. They get a trial and must be convicted. Anything short of that destroys the nation and is unacceptable.

5f1765  No.2564550


I wear the armor of The LORD....I choose to know

a07e0a  No.2564551

File: 0480ed1b30e0eb7⋯.png (613.81 KB, 686x668, 343:334, ClipboardImage.png)





74d3e2  No.2564552


Your stupidity is showing.

83f277  No.2564553


Satan is a troll account.

its fake;

so why did Q point us there?

what is this?



572fb5  No.2564554

File: f111361d1a62347⋯.png (77.48 KB, 1611x402, 537:134, ClipboardImage.png)


Generally true, but there are exceptions.


ccde86  No.2564555

File: 40478cff03241f3⋯.png (337.24 KB, 650x385, 130:77, ClipboardImage.png)


Dana Carvey

1ad791  No.2564556


you're dumb

9b33ae  No.2564557

File: cce41291840f80a⋯.gif (106.18 KB, 392x392, 1:1, st-michael.gif)

Prayer to St. Michael, the Archangel

St. Michael, the Archangel,

defend us in battle.

Be our protection

against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray.

And do thou,

oh Prince of the Heavenly Host,

by the power of God,

cast into Hell,

Satan and all the other evil spirits

who prowl about the world,

seeking the ruin of souls.


And Jesus said to the jews: (John 8:44-45) 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

b4678d  No.2564558

Does the choice to know extend to things beyond the evils of the Cabal?

625c3b  No.2564559



The people here are not as weak-minded as you're used to, shill.

4cf258  No.2564560

Cocksucking Jew traitors will always follow the same playbook.

They introduce (what they think) is the right wing agenda but ultimately shit on the actual right wing agenda.

They promote open borders.

They promote multicuturalism.

They pretend jews do not own/control the fake news.

They shit on critical thinking and demand you "sauce" jewish media sources for "proof".

They are SATAN.


If you listen to Mark Levin or Michael Savage you might be a good person. But you are stupid. The jew took advantage of you and you trusted Satan's helper. Sorry. Tough shit.

Try and explain to me how your beautiful country turned into shit within 70 years after you supposedly SAVED THE WORLD FROM HITLER.

Your President was a jew Democrat. Rosenfelt.

You allied with a communist country that killed 40 million white christians in russia. (stalin)

You expect us to listen to YOU when you are dead? Nope. We are moving on from you. We are going to fight THE JEWS.

You lived for fucking nothing politically speaking.


68fb12  No.2564561

File: cb9ea5fb4250d32⋯.png (41.3 KB, 851x181, 851:181, ClipboardImage.png)


Just guessing

adc589  No.2564562

File: f6a5a1ef94d0b55⋯.jpeg (436.66 KB, 687x969, 229:323, 216341BD-31EE-44E4-AB2C-5….jpeg)


It’s the same island. Its just the angle thats different.

4db1df  No.2564563


What does the other side of the island look like? The side without the rock formation. Photo of the sub could have been taken from the other side of the island from a ship or another sub.

11301a  No.2564564


>Surely there is some sort of protocol like a remote kill switch the tower can trigger.

Not that I've heard of.

And stop calling me Shirley!


373e30  No.2564566

File: 9594afa2fd209e0⋯.jpg (66.03 KB, 449x387, 449:387, Dey8VURWkAAtfUD.jpg-large.jpg)




The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences was founded in 1955. It is dedicated to the advancement of the arts and sciences of television and the promotion of creative leadership for artistic, educational and technical achievements within the television industry. It recognizes excellence in television with the coveted Emmy® Award.

Regional Emmy® Awards are given in nineteen regions across the United States. National Awards are given for Daytime Entertainment, News & Documentary, Community Service, Sports and Technology & Engineering.

Beyond awards, NATAS has extensive educational programs including Regional Student Television Awards for outstanding journalistic work by high school students, as well as scholarships, publications, and major activities for both industry professionals and the viewing public.

"Satan" connected to NATAS to control celebs? maybe

2aaf34  No.2564567


Saw a vid on YT recently.

A man describing him being kind of raised by the devil. He states that the whole interview.

And, he calls him DAD also. Describes that he was made a whizard basically. Also mentions WARLOCKS i think.

Was made to put witchcrsft onto people and describes the effect. Kind of a Gangster guy…but whizard!

Can not find find vid right now, but think it is important maybe.

2e898f  No.2564568


Gotcha. ThankQ pilotAnon.

178632  No.2564569

File: c3053e8a59dff2b⋯.png (922.25 KB, 1440x854, 720:427, Fake_page_curl_effect.png)

File: 657fc0fc3f06227⋯.jpg (6.84 MB, 8893x6548, 8893:6548, Alex Jones Bill Hicks Slid….jpg)

File: 0b31d0727d26683⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, alex jones admits he is bi….mp4)

File: 0df624851263519⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1440x853, 1440:853, Praise satan.png)

File: 2f9442de3d4e686⋯.jpeg (11.33 KB, 255x141, 85:47, 0aa09806715b7b48022acf35f….jpeg)



The phrase "sheep dipped", is commonly used in intelligence circles. It's a way of saying someone has been given an alternate identity. The best known example being Air America, but also in many other covert ops applications. Not necessarily military. "Those who were accepted got "sheep-dipped" and vanished."

Dipping a sheep gets rid of creepy crawlies. Dipping a person figuratively gets rid of details of his/her former life.

SHEEP-DIPPED - Stripping a soldier of his military uniform and identification so he can pose as a civilian during a covert mission.

Lee Harvey Oswald was "sheep dipped" in order to carry on his involvement in the CIA's clandestine activities.




086f6c  No.2564570

File: f1b21b1a91af1d6⋯.jpg (77.71 KB, 1074x767, 1074:767, d344ccc7e77e87f1b7bb4495fa….jpg)



Shit, yeah, you're both right. Thanks for the clarification, anons.

a27622  No.2564571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

702863  No.2564572

File: eee9dcc682fee7a⋯.png (725.98 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 8F03B0D2-834E-4A49-8EF5-C2….png)



14dca8  No.2564573

File: f6a50608d235bdb⋯.jpg (286.84 KB, 1920x1031, 1920:1031, PKaUWZucvfgfv.jpg)


Highest Ranking Anon

Please Clap

596528  No.2564574


Don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out. Bye!

34cb6a  No.2564575


It's like a fucking nightmare. Q points it out, and we have to look at it.


e0c446  No.2564577

File: 444a99b16f6cb6f⋯.png (136.53 KB, 746x290, 373:145, ClipboardImage.png)



>The choice to know will be yours.

f2c6d4  No.2564578


:) Ty helper.

e222b1  No.2564579


Maybe it wasn't in the background, but in the foreground.

358778  No.2564580

File: 60a99aadf631fe9⋯.jpeg (118.48 KB, 387x940, 387:940, 5FA9CD2B-1D5C-4ADF-9CA9-0….jpeg)

3d577f  No.2564581

The plane was a troll job mission to set the island on fire and then give Feds an excuse to go in there en masse.

Something is on that island and now they or their precious shit is never getting out.

Fuck with the best

You will die in the night

1d0d1c  No.2564582



a264f4  No.2564583


to illustrate the reality - that the enemy are a bunch of satan worshipping depraved raping murdering awful people hell bent on destroying the moral fabric

b03fc3  No.2564584

The plane was an attack on Q and all of us. They used a plane that specifically spoke to us with the writing. They used a man that shares the same name as a submarine. And possibly the very same one that fired the missile. The man owned a bakery. Surely anons can see the similarities. Especially after we were accused of sending a "baker" to MA office as a threat. They are trying to portray us as unhinged, unpredictable, and dangerous. Now go back and read the article knowing all of this. 5:5?


a07e0a  No.2564585

File: dfb22049bb5c60c⋯.png (477.88 KB, 781x881, 781:881, ClipboardImage.png)




gonna dig to see

0bad70  No.2564586

File: 7d1cdbcceb5e044⋯.png (446.42 KB, 833x689, 833:689, Hood Canal.PNG)



The picture was taken near/in Hood Canal near Bangor Base

Red marker on map

Ketron Island is to the south/east

89bdd2  No.2564587

File: a682444e005e463⋯.png (402.49 KB, 480x782, 240:391, Capture _2018-08-11-23-28-….png)


You mean this guy?

11301a  No.2564588


Sounds interesting. Post it if you find.

14dca8  No.2564589

File: b955d02afacd51b⋯.png (423.03 KB, 1103x685, 1103:685, loseq .png)


Nice Digits

b97476  No.2564590


Look at that poor kid's face. He looks tired of life

f2c6d4  No.2564591



3209bf  No.2564592


>Where’s the video of him towing the plane (if needed) getting in, starting engines, taxing off tarmac, takin the taxing lanes, and finally entering runway.

I'm sure that won't be released to the public. In his job, he knew had to tow the plane and to start it up to move the plane around. He used the tow to move the plane 180 degrees, climbed in, started it up and went to the taxiway and got in line. I would bet he did not make contact with the tower before taking off.

b558fb  No.2564593


I was the Anon in the last bread who said he has a knack for this, and from what I'm seeing, they are CLOSE to a match. At this stage in the game, his ears will be growing at least a BIT since we last saw him, or maybe more, genetics matter.

Not enough sauce yet, but THIS is exactly what I was hoping for, a side ear shot. KEK!! We need an eyebrow and nose shot.

Thank You Anon!!

bec03d  No.2564594


I think you nailed it, Anon

9452db  No.2564595


Desperation more like it.

d7ff66  No.2564596

File: d3c15512fd20ffe⋯.png (332.46 KB, 610x343, 610:343, Highest Ranking Anon.png)


Highest ranking Anon

King Mattis

a746e7  No.2564597

just throwing this out there….

Would anyone not want to know the truth at this point? I mean 100%?

Draco’s, aliens, demons, whatever…..just give it to us straight.

a07e0a  No.2564598

File: 0aebc770d2011d0⋯.png (187.07 KB, 461x541, 461:541, ClipboardImage.png)


check that delta


e34ff4  No.2564599

>>2564159 (pb F15s flying supersonic)

Yeah, actually people definitely heard and saw the jets, and there was even reporting about the plane being hijacked in a local group near reporting here in the chans, and at least 30 minutes before it was being covered by local news. People wouldn't necessarily call 9/11 though because there's a ton of plane activity, civilian commercial and military. Some thought it was an earthquake from inside their homes.

People ARE saying "Yeah, somebody is trying to start a war" and "What the hell is going on in Washington?".

What I don't understand though is why send planes from Portland when JBLM is like in view of Ketron Island…

dde564  No.2564600

File: f8d7646753dfcb4⋯.png (498.45 KB, 805x541, 805:541, google-aug11.png)

August 11, Cantiflas birthday

who knew

76ec2d  No.2564601


Are anons gonna talk about this elephant in the room?

11301a  No.2564602


That looks like a Mattis/Gowdy hybrid.

dec2b0  No.2564603


See the merit here. Anyone else wanna 2nd?

e830cb  No.2564604


You bet it was; I have a stupid phonefag game in which you purchase planes to deliver passengers and cargo to whatever town, and I laughed to myself when I bought a Q400. Them this happens, there ARE no coincidences

e329fb  No.2564605

File: c5368c3d7986673⋯.jpg (276.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, diderot_7.jpg)

bc8704  No.2564606


I'm with you Anon

adc589  No.2564607


Call me a shill, but I agree. We already knew theyre fucked up and do fucked up shit to kids. Just pull the trigger or take a break.

d7ff66  No.2564608


Why the fuck is he transparent

c9a3e3  No.2564609


First photo came up with the dig on Ray Chandler or one of her followers

4cac85  No.2564610


is this the sub?

100% positive?

noteable if so.

b558fb  No.2564611


And they were just cool with that?? I've only flown 6 times, including right behind the pilots in THAT almost exact plane. There is a LOT of communications with the tower and check downs.

They just let an unscheduled flight taxi and take off with no clearance??

2dcead  No.2564612


Worst part of it

Is that nobody has looked at the frequency

Of the surname Russell in the USA

Or the first name Richard

Or even looked into how many people named

Richard B Russell live in the USA today

If you want to make a fundamentally statistical argument

Then you really should look into the stats early on

Also, how hard can it be

To find people in Seattle are

Who work in ship decommissioning and salvage

And find out how it is done

And where the parts go?

b9bfab  No.2564613

File: ec519f42887ad78⋯.jpeg (19.38 KB, 211x255, 211:255, A2C64240-B9A9-46C6-A76A-D….jpeg)


Highest ranking peon at your request.

1a7777  No.2564614

File: 97de7d5fed1d284⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1199x799, 1199:799, Trump.png)

0c03cc  No.2564615

hurry up and wait

69e1ac  No.2564616

If they had it prerecorded, they could have inserted it to play real time.>>2564537

3d577f  No.2564617


NP, hope it helps. Lots of spooks in DC. Good chances that SR was a white owl on an infil surveil mission. Dark owls doing counterintel must have tagged him at some point not knowing who he really was.

The guy in this pic is in shape. SR looked to be in average shape dude so add more bodyfat especially around the face area. It is very crazy how losing 20-30lbs of bodyfat will change how your face appears.

b558fb  No.2564618



Low energy Jeb.

LOL!!! KEK!!

9452db  No.2564619

32b9e9  No.2564620

File: 1ec084e3da728fa⋯.png (86.84 KB, 1650x216, 275:36, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)


And in 2012


page 80

d7ff66  No.2564621


He did have to grow some regal facial hair to be all… kingly and that

287563  No.2564622


Yea possible

I remember my first tower controlled airport

If oh suck at comm, but wait patiently and not erratic they will ignore you and just let u take off and instruct the other Pilots to watch out for “new guy”

3209bf  No.2564623


Agreed, I have yet to hear a plausible theory on the RC.

d6a6e9  No.2564624

Workfag just getting in. In all the plane excitement, did this get mentioned. Ending the Consent Decree is HUGE! GOP can finally challenge elections again


144acb  No.2564625


Because that’s their MO - put something out there with the “just joking” caveat.

d8b19f  No.2564626



I thought so too. Only explanation is if he's just a reflection..but I don't see how that could be….

a07e0a  No.2564627


seems to be looking like this





What does this sub have to do with ANYTHING

besides being the same name as the dude who took the plane

11301a  No.2564628


Great work for sure. My snark gets away from me sometimes.

a456f0  No.2564629


It's hard to imagine anon, but even my closest friend and ally in the Q movement is hesitant to delve into the deepest details when the time comes.

Most people still experience psychic damage from certain types of information.

[Un]Fortunately for me (and many other anons), I lost that particular ability a long time ago.

fbb3ba  No.2564630

Archons Draco’s, aliens, demons black goo spider nanobots etc. etc.

The complete revelation would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a lunatic asylum.

83f277  No.2564631


might be… check out prev link kill_rogue

Ill dig.

did you see this yet?


"I gave you linds"

a27622  No.2564632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

32e94f  No.2564633

File: e3f830312489fc7⋯.png (528.6 KB, 768x432, 16:9, pepsi gr.png)

PEPSI- a Military Might of It's Own

FOUR articles about rogue actors having military might.

From subs, to aircraft, to fleets of ships.

If we want to talk about secret subs we also have to acknowledge the fact that bad actors have spent many years collecting and preparing their own army's.

These are just about Pepsi- yes, Pepsi Cola.




f4209e  No.2564634

File: ea07d24d2d1be60⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 733x498, 733:498, Dfb1Q1tUYAEfozG.jpg)

File: 67eeb0a74ab80bb⋯.jpg (30.18 KB, 739x494, 739:494, DdVKCn0VMAUAMXh.jpg)

File: efe74015fa0ef02⋯.jpg (11.57 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d83c2f9e48d91dbc7ce422e69a….jpg)

File: 1348e645bfcb3f5⋯.jpg (7.11 KB, 225x225, 1:1, s-l225.jpg)


QOTUS just gave you Anons a choice.



Make it Rain and Bring the Pain


9452db  No.2564635

Ever notice that evenings in the Pacific time zone are prime-time for demoralization, misdirection and other shills? I have.

905077  No.2564636

File: aacdb84063971de⋯.png (256.84 KB, 880x1410, 88:141, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

File: 3c1db58daf557ca⋯.png (82.87 KB, 1184x500, 296:125, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)


I would have to agree it's the simplest explanation, but who knows at this point.

b4678d  No.2564637

File: 3f8451ffec34ac8⋯.png (266.49 KB, 1348x555, 1348:555, Nothing is random everythi….png)

b558fb  No.2564638

File: c24c4d84b34b6df⋯.jpg (93.35 KB, 560x371, 80:53, plus_ultra.jpg)


Thank You for the info Anon. God I hope so.

And I never state things like this unless I mean it, we have enough eyes on here and either Anons or Shills making crazy calls, but I think this is him.

IF I HAD TO BET money on it, I'd wager it is

bba672  No.2564639

this twatterer has an excerpt of the air traf convo

this is where Rich gets 'specific' about his (location?)

2500 to be exact


3209bf  No.2564640


That's funny in a way, but then not in this instance. I wonder if we will ever know the true story.

7ce584  No.2564641

1 Peter 3:12For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

2dcead  No.2564642


There is nothing that anyone can do to stop

An unscheduled plane from taking off

And no professional pilot

Would do anything to endanger his passengers

If another plane gets out of line,

And passes you.

As a professional you would stop your plane and let him by

Note that the early parts of the first audio tape at heavy.com

Have been cut short

And since he made circle around Mount Rainier

There is even earlier audio that we don't have

Unless somebody else recorded it

If we could listen to the radio conversations

At the time he took off

Then there would be no need for speculation

f079b4  No.2564643

File: ed1f390316be80d⋯.png (973.08 KB, 928x565, 928:565, FlightPath.png)


I took your map of the flight paths and put it on an azimuthal equidistant map.

Marked the spots for Toronto, Whidbey Island, Crete, and Singapore. Showed the original flight path in yellow and the actual flight path in purple.

Showed the reach of the missile in a purple circle. The purple line is just to show how big the circle is.

Why is the purple circle so big? 7,500 miles is a really big distance… and if it can go that far in any direction, that means a circle with 7,500 mile radius.

Can someone verify if that radius is correct?

c0457d  No.2564644


Don't think that's the sub. Probably the Richard B Russell state park in Georgia.

Southeastern seems to be a gov. power administration for Southeast US.

744e55  No.2564645


Where did the missile aimed at POTUS on his way to the NK summit come from?

dc4927  No.2564646

Well, fuck, anons…this one(2564542) is on to us. It's all over!


Fucking moron.

596528  No.2564647


>Barrel roll: hold the yoke in the direction that you want roll, neutralize at desired attitude. Not pretty if not done correctly and will likely lose altitude but doable.

In a non-pressurized plane? I call BS! The plane's structural integrity depends on the cabin being pressurized.

Try harder!

08fc09  No.2564648

625c3b  No.2564649


Scott Adams?

a27622  No.2564650



15cb70  No.2564651

File: 1d187cd27751984⋯.jpg (19.11 KB, 196x377, 196:377, 08a68c9cc16b844ccdc815feb6….jpg)

975ab0  No.2564653

File: 2fb38384ff93c6e⋯.png (302.5 KB, 414x512, 207:256, antifags3.png)




Going back and repeating unfulfilled drops.

Whatever this board is, ti's likely coming to an end.

Q is getting bored with it. You can tell.

e0c446  No.2564654


Thought about that too, really good timing, & along with NBC, directly related to



144acb  No.2564655

File: 01292daa3b8ce79⋯.jpeg (528.1 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 12D1363C-D0F7-4700-92B7-5….jpeg)



b9bfab  No.2564656

This could work. You could by with very little comms if you knew what you were doing. But this guy…. he wouldn’t shut up while he was in air.


13e5f1  No.2564657

baker still requesting handoff

can probably bake another but been up since 5am and may be grumpy

857153  No.2564658


This is disinfo central.

That is our lot.

b558fb  No.2564659


If we had the hairline. I'm 73% sold at this point. Lots of room for error, with him aging and the hat, but the ears look, from the pics I can find on Gaggle, to be a dead match. Rather unique as well.


e04f82  No.2564660



You taxi down to the runway and takeoff as long as you don't care about losing your pilots license.

There are no ATC kill switches.


287563  No.2564661


Yea possible

I remember my first tower controlled airport

If you suck at comm, but wait patiently and not erratic they will ignore you and just let u take off and instruct the other Pilots to watch out for “new guy”. You don’t “technically” need clearance on a clear day, yes u need clearance from ground tower but like I said you can’t send out the cops evey time there’s a pilot that sucks at communitcating at new airport

a1a925  No.2564662

File: 9a7bc4622518508⋯.jpg (152.72 KB, 653x490, 653:490, meme_4.JPG)

89bdd2  No.2564663


Shit. He kinda is. Reflection from the glass and/or shadow from the flag maybe? Any idea who he is?

a2cefa  No.2564664


Been visited?

a07e0a  No.2564665




newfags gotta lurk


use words, whats your question

6f2cfb  No.2564666

File: e010ba64826aabd⋯.jpg (22.84 KB, 365x365, 1:1, DE-PLAN.jpg)

3d9b2a  No.2564667


A plane is not needed for a fucking forest fire.

4cf258  No.2564668

File: 86158206447e07d⋯.png (293.98 KB, 1488x936, 62:39, Reichstag.png)

File: a629fb395898fa0⋯.png (581.04 KB, 1511x948, 1511:948, Reichstag1.png)

File: 373b3b425198b22⋯.png (524.61 KB, 1036x947, 1036:947, Reichstag2.png)

File: a6a1cd8017ff7a0⋯.png (313.18 KB, 1150x849, 1150:849, Reichstag3.png)

File: c0f405c33a70e2a⋯.png (502.76 KB, 1017x947, 1017:947, Reichstag4.png)


Gotta give AJ his medicine. PART ONE

c5efa7  No.2564669



308661  No.2564670

File: f64e2a24bef7fd1⋯.jpg (22.15 KB, 494x400, 247:200, f64e2a24bef7fd1940214b02e1….jpg)


Autists go over every detail, a lot of times rabbit holes lead nowhere but you've gotta admit there's a lot there to just be coincidence. There RC plane stuff sounds like BS though, he was seen taxiing and getting into the plane before taking off. He either bailed before impact (not likely because low-altitude + airspeed + unbroken water = death) or he's dead stick from the crash. People would take notice of a water landing if it had done so and if a missile had been fired at the island to simulate a crash, the MSM would've ate it up. Been steeping on this for awhile to try and put it all together.

ec5dd4  No.2564671


It wasn’t aimed at him. Check the Time of missile launch and where POTUS was. POTUS flew east. To the east coast. Missile launch was west coast. Not sure POTUS was the target of the missile but the “target” of the operation in one way or another

15cb70  No.2564672

File: ebcad48bd7750c3⋯.jpg (93.18 KB, 564x905, 564:905, 7ab85de0dd75b942995d4bbf55….jpg)

64014c  No.2564673


He’s inside. The column outside is reflecting on the window.

239073  No.2564674


Makes sense, thanks

s8n tweet from late 2015, a year before Wikileaks published the Podesta emails

76a7e2  No.2564675


Reddit called.

They want their douchefag back.

a27622  No.2564676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

79004f  No.2564677



d7ff66  No.2564678

File: 024dc8cef67f232⋯.png (745.56 KB, 792x629, 792:629, C_A Slide.png)


What you are trying to do. (pic related)

Ever thought that perhaps amongst all those follower of S8N is a gold mine of sick fucks

2dcead  No.2564679


That is not location

He is saying that he started the flight with 2500 pounds of fuel

The other guy was trying to find how much he has left

a123ad  No.2564680

So, anons, who is s8n?

f4209e  No.2564681

File: ce9f30215c5dc0b⋯.jpg (85.31 KB, 516x540, 43:45, 3b9fdf8b27f6bd31c8f0218043….jpg)

File: dda68b1eb004f4e⋯.jpg (14.53 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 35a4264b15a62c1d5fefc68c34….jpg)

File: 4aea0e311daa22b⋯.jpg (24.36 KB, 355x291, 355:291, 91iCXO3NA7L._SX355_.jpg)

File: f6bbaa54e09bb26⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 330x330, 1:1, 1_lbp0387_600.jpg)

File: 723006a19947c9b⋯.jpg (13.93 KB, 223x226, 223:226, images.jpg)

012b2c  No.2564682


Fucking shoes don’t even match the frock. Kid’s never gonna make Vogue…

dec2b0  No.2564683


Look at the local employers in Seattle. Specifically just to the east. Boeing moved its corporate office from Sea to CHI as well.

Boeing: Contact Us


100 North Riverside. Chicago, Illinois 60606. Main switchboard: 312-544-2000. Investor Relations.

The building was originally constructed for the Morton Salt Company;[2] Boeing moved their corporate headquarters there in 2001 when they opted to leave Seattle for Chicago.

adc589  No.2564684


Agreed. I think when Q asked if we “got the message” he was asking if we got the message from the cabal to Q and us. Pretty evident.

“Think missile” to me means, “this is the cabals threat response to the thwarted missile launch.”

Also, it’s notable Q posted the “Booms” next in response. All his past booms were used by the cabal to frame/send a message to Q.

This is the most likely scenario to me.

4a9b45  No.2564685

>>2564091 (lb-Q)

what are the odds that this acct is actually controlled by someone possessed by satan himself? whay else would Q say what he said? if its just some rando satan worshipper being funny then why would it even matter?

a07e0a  No.2564686


you're getting Hawaii (cabal FF using an ohio class sub to start a war with NK) and AF1 (attempted FF where a cabal ohio class sub fired it WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AF1's flight path, but Af1 was rerouted prior to take off)

3d577f  No.2564687



Nope, that is mega stupid. You guys have no idea what you are asking for. This is not shock therapy, keep the ET stuff on the dl till more and more people start accepting the info we already have on hand. Don't bother asking me for this shit I probably know the same crap as you.

572fb5  No.2564688


"More than a kernel of truth to every joke." I'm honestly sick of the "jokes."


I can handle it. We've suffered long enough. Ignorance is NOT bliss.


Oooooh shit…dubs confirm? More of a match than Seth, I think.

4db1df  No.2564689

File: c09b46affdc3706⋯.jpg (129.4 KB, 1140x775, 228:155, ketron island file.JPG)


It looks like the view from the Anderson Island side. Not the mainland side. Can't find a good pic.

f2c6d4  No.2564690

File: 1e836e48e767f69⋯.png (62.89 KB, 1536x407, 1536:407, 20180811_223951.png)

4cf258  No.2564691

File: 0068c0887f9edff⋯.png (342.4 KB, 1019x740, 1019:740, Reichstag5.png)

File: 57be41eacee6adc⋯.png (353.79 KB, 1529x923, 1529:923, Reichstag6.png)

File: 9bc23c0a0d22e00⋯.png (262.14 KB, 1531x744, 1531:744, Reichstag7.png)

File: 25ad632ce61022a⋯.png (436.7 KB, 1458x508, 729:254, Reichstag8.png)



Part Two


fbb3ba  No.2564692

PHOENIX LIGHTS March 13 1997 ?

f497b5  No.2564694


wrong place. notice the surrounding land.

b558fb  No.2564696

File: be714bf7afaa64b⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1119x837, 373:279, BBE72D8E-BE14-4AA7-9862-01….png)

Did POTUS sneak some of his white hats into Bedminster to keep them safe?? KEK!!


dec2b0  No.2564697


Proofs are available on this.

7a536f  No.2564698


airplane crash gives it federal jurisdiction. Almost anything else would go to state or local.

13e5f1  No.2564699


baker observation: shills and deep state clowns like comey love to overuse the word "folks" in a pathetic attempt to appear relatable to us plebians

carry on

11301a  No.2564700



That's what I was getting at…

Oh shit, look out for "common sense" plane control legislation coning soon…

c09815  No.2564701

Does anyone else hear voices in the background when 'Rich' is explaining his barrel roll idea, around 5:15 - 5:25 marker

https:// youtube.com/watch?v=3_m-KG76gig&feature=youtu.be

43d6cd  No.2564702

File: 4bda1b6c7a099f1⋯.jpg (19.22 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 4bda1b6c7a099f11ff763bf05e….jpg)


Make better threats, Baker. Nightfags love grumpy.

5cd501  No.2564703


Baker offered handoff to your initial request, with no response…

We are now 1/3 in -do you have notes and updated dough?

e329fb  No.2564704


am I right that this is Phoenician?

ae28e9  No.2564705



Lurking Baker

I can fill in after short-term baker… in about 3 hours or so. That sorta fills any

gaps. I will "sign in" when I have my permanent (for now) station activated.

a27622  No.2564706

File: e0ab14a31a52acf⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 900x666, 50:37, IMG_1082.JPG)

File: 09ce714a9ef23e7⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_1089.JPG)

File: 93ba046dcebd7e4⋯.jpg (56.83 KB, 625x905, 125:181, IMG_1097.JPG)

29e939  No.2564707





I'm not thinking it's the same island, Anon.


b97476  No.2564708


I get that impression too, but it could also be a fishing account. You know, dogwhistle, find the reply of someone who knows the code word, and you can communicate in plain sight.

48d227  No.2564709

File: 29cf000f3766e68⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1524x1772, 381:443, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

File: 3411ecdf083b54a⋯.png (928.81 KB, 816x948, 68:79, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

Thoughts on this?

Love Cove Access Point comes up when you zoom in on Waldron Island which is just north of SeaMac

699c50  No.2564710

satan trips confirm


239073  No.2564711


If the sub is a coincidence, can you still match this up to the Iron Eagle plot – whitehats take control of a plane to distract from … ?

012b2c  No.2564712

7d6484  No.2564713



Who runs it?

Who is part of it?

So many fronts. So many rocks to look under.

Gonna getcha

(sealed endictments)

This is not a game.

They were wrong about 2012.


3d577f  No.2564714


i'd take that. Big fan of the guy, hated hearing what happened to him.

b558fb  No.2564715


Sauce for him getting onto plane and taxiing please??

And if you have any tower comms before he had been in the air for however long he was, that would be great too.

b03fc3  No.2564716

Is S8N really just James Gunn? Find out tonight at 11.

bcf981  No.2564717

Digging on relevance but this link full of Navy pics with loads of subs (from Bangor Washington and a few other spots) comes up in the FOIA site search, too. Worth digging through.


a123ad  No.2564718



Theres no such thing. The thought of Satan, yes. There are those that worship, yes. This is a (the) high level fuck stick. Q took us to the source, it seems.

Who is s8n?

e04f82  No.2564719




Thanks for the keks, divisionshill

2dcead  No.2564720


No newfags do NOT gotta lurk

Everybody needs to


This board is not the only place people do research


That means go out there

FInd the other people doing specialised research

Learn what they know

Make connections

And draw the bigger picture

If you are not hunting for sites like this:


Which have the actual answers, then you are a waste of space

And should go back to Reddit.

b4678d  No.2564721



13e5f1  No.2564722


wtf how did i miss these - sorry need sleep



which of you would like to take it?

a456f0  No.2564723

File: 232a95a030959e1⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 604x543, 604:543, abf70675d03745c69009d0f15e….jpg)


What the fuck would this do, honestly?

They want to bend over backwards and pull an insane public stunt as their power and ability to maneuver wanes every single day to…..

Send a funny little message to anons?

The MSM has already gone wall to wall to blitz against Q, that isn't a valid threat either.

This was white hats.

Iron Eagle (Movie plot: stealing plane, recorded voice)

Red October (rogue sub, think missile, pilot's name)

F-15s (think missile)

Plane crashed on the island (possible cover for destruction of missile or sub)

The fact that it's a Q400 and the pilot was a baker doing barrel rolls with the name of the sub is Q dick-slapping the cabal in their face and winking at us as they swat away their attempt to start a world war.

Give credit where credit is due.

f2c6d4  No.2564724

Q IPI number 111

International Phonetic Alphabet

4cf258  No.2564725

Scrolled entire bread. Nothing but shit.

Jews are having a good night it seems.

Night fuckers. Enjoy your jews.

a2cefa  No.2564726



Short analysis says it looks pretty close.

6440e2  No.2564727

File: 1e2a4818ac64706⋯.png (108.9 KB, 635x492, 635:492, pizzagatev2.png)

File: 54853c6b61b6085⋯.png (269.93 KB, 742x1008, 53:72, pizzagatev2a.png)

Found this:

>>2564210 (off bread)

Figured it could use some love here.


>(888) 373-7888


48e69b  No.2564728

File: 5c6a462bf50b8ee⋯.png (24.54 KB, 588x229, 588:229, dfgnpsidfgp.png)

a27622  No.2564729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


596528  No.2564730


Fuck off shilltard!

4acbc3  No.2564731

File: 0162b2bfcd01cd3⋯.jpg (152.14 KB, 645x840, 43:56, Fullscreen capture 8122018….jpg)

Now it gets personal

"ALERT: Within 24 hours, we will be exposing #LisaMeiCrowley (who has other names as well). @LisaMei62 is a high level #QAnon operative and has plenty of secrets worth sharing.

We won't stand by while Lisa feeds minds with B.S.

Expect Us."

7d6484  No.2564732

File: 1e0631e975827f3⋯.jpeg (242.57 KB, 1015x795, 203:159, ask me.jpeg)


How's this for grumpy?


843fce  No.2564733

ec5dd4  No.2564734


Maybe. How do you aim at something that isn’t there??

It was announced ahead of time POTUS was leaving early and going East. So their plans are ruined and they say fuck just the launch the missile we were planning on launching anyways? Doesn’t make sense

4cf258  No.2564735


Exhibit A of Jew number ONE. Night.

167c02  No.2564736

975ab0  No.2564737

File: e8c7ff7cdc62cc5⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 612x612, 1:1, bagofidiots.jpg)

3209bf  No.2564738




It's not notable. It talks about fuel expenses for utilities. Damn.

13e5f1  No.2564739





updated dough

only 1 notable so far:

>>2564566 SATAN/NATAS: National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences

32b9e9  No.2564740


In the dept of Energy budget? I know there's a park, freeway, etc.. named after him too, maybe you're right though

ae28e9  No.2564741


>>2564504 It will have to be this baker.

>>2564705 (Me) I can take the following one, in about three hours or so. I can do an eBake in the

meantime if required.

0b4e01  No.2564742


Does this fit the plot of Iron Eagle thou? Q made that pretty clear.

e830cb  No.2564743


An old intelligent former marinal person told me just a couple of days ago that a lot of these black hat operatives come out of Ohio. I'm guessing as part of the WP prog, in which they promise to give you a new eye dee

4a9b45  No.2564744


your saying no such thing as satan? as in he doesnt exist?

287563  No.2564745


Hell no, we don’t want to give up our freedoms just because it’s a plane. Ur car is no different

5cd501  No.2564746

File: 78d7de3e4664dec⋯.png (16.73 KB, 255x253, 255:253, BakerTeamPeaceFrog.png)


I will bake, I can be here for an hour or two…

Have not flashed that is a while, but shit going crazy and BO/BV not here to confirm

0bad70  No.2564747

File: cd583b15d53a325⋯.png (520.35 KB, 661x754, 661:754, DoD 8-11-18 9 pm PDT.PNG)

File: c5357cb649fad8a⋯.png (55.79 KB, 579x296, 579:296, Robbin Young re Mayer.PNG)

Repost (lb)


That decision is yours to make, no matter what anyone else chooses.





This Robbin?

975ab0  No.2564748


Of course, anon.

Why the fuck does it need repeating?

How does Q not know this?

Does Q not follow his own board?

b03fc3  No.2564749


I like the way you think. What a timeline!

1933f8  No.2564750

File: 6ecca90d1b34014⋯.jpg (90.05 KB, 693x720, 77:80, Hillary Clinton - John Pod….jpg)

File: b91e3545cbf65fe⋯.jpeg (57.39 KB, 860x962, 430:481, ksisop jimsteyer pedo hav….jpeg)

File: a298573abffcaed⋯.png (22.09 KB, 677x635, 677:635, Tom Steyer Pedo trying des….png)

File: 3947cf114fab6b5⋯.png (63.31 KB, 500x479, 500:479, jobn-podeataegnail-connail….png)

File: d25f5f4015f481f⋯.jpg (45.96 KB, 300x247, 300:247, tom and jim steyer pedo ch….jpg)

Pedo Tom Steyer ( who has 4 children of his own ) made his billions by investing in fossil fuels (Farallon’s tar-sands and coal)oil, gas and pipeline companies, prisons for profit, etc… …What a 2-faced Pedophile Parasite Pile of Shit!

Pedo Tom Steyer NOW endangers residents and violates state law, for profit.

Pedo Tom Steyer has 4 children of his own)(made his billions investing in prisons for profits, oil & gas pipelines and coal-related stocks, etc.) , now endangers residents and violates state law, for profit…***And this Pedo wants to silence Pres. Trump and mass following.


NextGen America

In 2013, Pedo Tom Steyer founded NextGen Climate (now NextGen America), an environmental advocacy nonprofit and political action committee. NextGen Climate provided the environmentalist movement with significant capital and political influence. Steyer spent almost $74 million on the 2014 elections.

In October 2017, NextGen America donated grants totaling $2.3-million to eight national immigration law service organizations, including the University of California Immigrant Legal Services Center, the Immigration Law Clinic at UC Davis School of Law, UC Hastings Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, Asian Americans Advancing Justice — Asian Law Caucus, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, Center for Community Change, American Immigration Lawyers Association, and the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE: Tom Steyer, The Man Behind The $20 Million Dollar Trump Impeachment Ad Campaign, Emailing Podesta About "Walnut Sauce". Calls Podesta "True Master Of Cuisine".

Pedos are child rapists, child molesters, child kidnappers, child torturers, child sex traffickers, these people are sick, demented, pure evil and human parasites!


836423  No.2564751

Virgin Airways merged with Alaska Airlines it took effect this year.



857153  No.2564752


Can Q TEAM do anything about this?

13e5f1  No.2564753


thank you, baker!

Handoff Confirmed?

bba672  No.2564754

File: 2f0f90f83170fa7⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trim.7DE8D7B9-6C5D-4693-B0….mp4)

audio excerpt

Rich -> air traf regarding pretty scenery

"theres a lot of pretty stuff but umm i think theyre prettier in a different context"

(he may be cryptic he may just know hes about to die)

at least i got an audio to excerpt to here

11301a  No.2564755


From RR's Barrel roll vid, he BARELY pulled off a sloppy one… Was VERY close to slamming the water at thee end of it…

f497b5  No.2564756


go look at the island on google maps. its not.

d17e86  No.2564757

File: 8c73e47a47b75ad⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2576x1130, 1288:565, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

interesting - have a Blocked & G5 out of LA…. and now a blocked coming out of Northern California

1d0d1c  No.2564758


For a sub that was supposed to be recycled in 2003

7d6484  No.2564759


Okay Chelsea, I have suspicions of actual trafficking.

Can you please provide your parents address so

I can fill out the paper work.


a07e0a  No.2564760

File: ab030e6fe59704a⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 2922x2547, 974:849, missilesidebyside.jpg)


will repost again

a cabal ohio class sub was near the submarine base in Washington State, near Whibley Island

it fired a trident missile (unclear if it was nuclear armed or not and a cruise missile is also possible) into the flight path of AF1, likely trying to either direct hit, or airburst in the path

they would've pre timed the attack, not knowing AF1 was rerouted, going to crete instead of over the pacific


its in my side by side, AN OHIO CLASS SUB, not some random decommissioned and scraped sturgeon attack class sub

newfags DO need to lurk moar

a746e7  No.2564761


Good point. Then why not use movies and sci fi, even Michio Kaku to start breaking the pop in slowly?

Oh wait…they’re already doing this. Space force step in right direction.

Eventually the world needs to know everything. Just not all at once

43d6cd  No.2564762

File: 9185f77a006c220⋯.jpg (57.52 KB, 800x558, 400:279, 9185f77a006c220b7bef44e061….jpg)


Not bad. Have some tits.

036675  No.2564763


I've dedicate my autism to observing internet movements. It is very easy to separate the productive from the non productive. All religious speculation has no footing in a courtroom and it is nearly always used to mud up the thread. Same for off topic non provable subjects like aliens or chem trails. Big claims require big proof, you'll have none of that here and there is no leaks here, nothing illegal nor specifically slanderous. Socratic method is an exercise to expand your thinking. Autism shall run wild like quantum computing and come up with many improbable solutions but the one that comes up that connects to common sense and actionable can surface and has in the past.

a27622  No.2564764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

34cb6a  No.2564765


Sturgeon class sub

48e69b  No.2564766

File: 30f4469496dbd76⋯.png (83.77 KB, 628x564, 157:141, sdfgn;dfg;jo.png)

d8b19f  No.2564767


My favorite baker!

Bread is in great hands!

Let's do this

b558fb  No.2564768

File: f7235199ee87b78⋯.jpg (134.14 KB, 900x636, 75:53, excalibur_by_epar3d-d4zf7e….jpg)


I disagree completely.

What do us Anons think "satan" is?? What do you think "devil worshippers" look like?? How do they act?? If I posted a photo of my mom from back in the day, I bet half of you would find her attractive. A LOT of men did. And a lot of men ended up dead. God as my witness.

See, their god lies to them. They discover this at the end. Study "hell fires" and if you get the chance, talk to nursing home and hospice nurses about it.


ae28e9  No.2564769


You got it P&L (Not a handoff; I'm LurkingBaker). I can relieve you in a few hours. You probably know

who I am, but if not, we've passed the baton before.

3209bf  No.2564770

File: d5e0e39ebb1587d⋯.png (38.19 KB, 437x338, 437:338, Screenshot_4.png)


please do not add the budget for the DOE to notables. It is not about the sub.

Look at the pic. There are many things named Richard B Russell.

It's funny we show up on a search engine.

2dcead  No.2564771


And POTUS will never say anything about this

And will evade any questions put to him on this subject

POTUS is publicly on;y going up against political and economic crimes

All the other stuff happens in secret

Or is kept out of the public eye

Those who want to know

Will be able to find out all about what is happening with this stuff

But no citizens will be forced to look at this or even think about it

The public focus is one the bright new future

World peace

Infrastructure development

Making America Great Again

Being Best!

e830cb  No.2564772


a lot of these people have multiple eye dees, when instead it's the same person

a2cefa  No.2564774

If you want a real history channel check out Sylvie.


Better than TV.

317b3d  No.2564775



The greatest achievement of Satan is that he convinced so many people that he doesn't exist.

34cb6a  No.2564776

File: 02ac46636bcd420⋯.png (174.65 KB, 513x250, 513:250, 2ed2f33bf59e5910e7cb7ac8a9….png)


This is the exact sub.

c0457d  No.2564777


Well, Southeastern is run by Dept of Energy and it looks like they're supplying power/pumping to Richard B. Russell. In that context, I think it refers to the Georgia State Park of that name. It appears to have cabins, golf courses, etc. so it probably needs power and pumping?

5cd501  No.2564778


OK, I have that - been tracking, I will take over from here

OH, "Q just showed upon ye old Apple watch - all is good

dc9b65  No.2564779


This fucking clown shill….anons were right to be wary from the beginning.

28b328  No.2564780

File: 0cc6e49a5f71184⋯.png (376.28 KB, 1020x557, 1020:557, conformalin.png)


Very hard when Mockingbird won't even report on the busts which have already gone down. Have to remedy the "news" situation first? Tried telling people about the huge Operation Broken Heart stings, got eyerolls. "Well why ain't it on the news, then?" They watch the Fox channels which stick to the same old talking points.

a07e0a  No.2564781


the decommissioned and scraped sub newfags keep talking about was a sturgeon class sub


a123ad  No.2564782


The thought of him does.


f079b4  No.2564783



Is the missile range really 7,500 mile radius?

f8018b  No.2564784


How did the Radio Talk get out ? ? ?

WTF ? ? ?

a27622  No.2564785

File: 8f31ca83847d2a5⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 315x400, 63:80, IMG_1028.JPG)

File: f7d28c7c405c6fc⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 500x504, 125:126, IMG_1142.JPG)

File: e232b0bdcca72aa⋯.jpg (62.74 KB, 700x700, 1:1, IMG_1172.JPG)

12a9b0  No.2564786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q400 Horizon Air at Sea-Tac

In a final video that he posted to YouTube, Rich Russell showed an active life full of travel and adventure

AKA: Beebo Russell

3aea2a  No.2564787

File: fba7f348a9f6bdf⋯.jpg (52.51 KB, 660x439, 660:439, 2fpvf2.jpg)

11301a  No.2564788



That's (partially) why my vehicles are all well over 20 yrs old.

3d577f  No.2564789


Stargate tv show had official support of the USAF and the lead actor got a recognition medal from USAF. USAF even had one of their sr officers go in and be in one of the episodes playing himself.


e04f82  No.2564790


I'm picking up what you're layin' down anon.

But holding off on proclaiming as fact until proven.

a07e0a  No.2564791


I'm now being convinced most of you "Russelll sub"fags are shills

843fce  No.2564792


Two bull shit twitter slides first was redundant Bill Maher then parody! Phuck, trip comped?

bcf981  No.2564793

Ketron also a waste disposal site, involved with EPA and DOJ. Just adding to strange facts about a very tiny elusive island that is seemingly off the grid in every way.


3209bf  No.2564794


It was recycled anon.

373e30  No.2564795


.Child Rearing…The Troma Way! reference:

"The Children"

The Children (a.k.a. The Children of Ravensback) is a 1980 low-budget horror film, written and produced by Carlton J. Albright. The movie is about five children in a small town who, thanks to a yellow toxic cloud, are transformed into bloodless zombies with black fingernails who microwave every living thing they put their hands on. The surviving adults of the town must attempt to put a stop to them…

the ending:

The next morning, Cathy yells to a still-sleeping John that "it's time". He wakes up and runs frantically into the house to help her deliver their third child. As they are delivering the baby, the camera pans over all of the dead bodies, including Sheriff Hart's. All five of the zombified children are laying peacefully and hacked up. After the baby is delivered, John is aghast and wide-eyed as he notices that his newborn child has black fingernails while being breastfed.

The film is currently being distributed by Troma Entertainment.


f2c6d4  No.2564796


Phoenician, Etruscan. As told by Wikipedia.

7a4917  No.2564797

File: fdc565e7563e9da⋯.jpg (169.27 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_20180812_101751.jpg)

Anon, meme it.

744e55  No.2564798


I think people begging for the truth is a great sign. We know to be patient, but the growing lack of patience does show readiness.

5c2f3c  No.2564799


They are going to doxx someone who already uses their full name as their handle and shows her face all the time. Yeah big threat. They are idiots.

a2cefa  No.2564800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not this guy?

7bc55f  No.2564801

File: 9c4d3e704498488⋯.png (571.97 KB, 1468x1108, 367:277, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

>>2563821 (lb)

Ketron Cottage

Dug on the Ketron Cottage found a site w/powerpoint highlighting different youth mental health treatment programs, where Ketron is listed as one.

“CLIP” facilities, w/4 listed in the state of WA.

Ketron Cottage listed as having 91 beds, for youth ages 12 to 14.


1d0d1c  No.2564802


FFS…They said it was recycled…IT wasn't, WHY is it still in the budget of 2008 and 2012 then?

b4678d  No.2564803


Isn't ATC talk basically public?

13e5f1  No.2564804


kek! i just got the alert too (an hour late)

thanks P&L

Handoff Confirmed

goodnight anons!

e337ab  No.2564805

File: cea9200dc3d7130⋯.jpg (3.93 MB, 4128x3096, 4:3, 20180802_052333.jpg)

Hidden in plane sight.


5cd501  No.2564806

File: b2a2b214cfe601d⋯.jpg (8.95 KB, 255x174, 85:58, HandoffConfirmed.jpg)


Handoff Confirmed

It is all good - we will make it until backups arrive!!

Godspeed Baker!! Thanks for baking

7a536f  No.2564807

File: 483ce4b6af5402a⋯.png (18.34 KB, 740x220, 37:11, CDAN_Gunn.PNG)


Gunn came very close to getting caught. Which is why Marvel Studios parent company The Walt Disney Company fired him so quick. They knew very well how close he came to being prosecuted.

233ddf  No.2564808

File: ea13445ed3f3f71⋯.jpg (707.8 KB, 2140x1476, 535:369, goggleeye.jpg)



all via a DoE Congressional Budget Request.

yeah, that's not notable at all. :P

40e6b1  No.2564809



As a pilot myself, I was asking the same questions. I've flown many different aircraft, but not turboprop… turbine engines are far more complex to start up and run, and dealing with propellor controls as well. I'm not confident I could get in a Q400 and successfully take off. From what Ive read he was merely an airline ground attendant, not mechanic.

I was also wondering if he bother to use radio or if he just pushed his way onto runway and just took off.

The barrel roll was insane as you have to have so much speed/altitude… if you notice he almost went straight into the water… theres a lot more to rolling an airplane than you'd think.

Something else to think about- with the missile Q mentioned F15 have special classified strike package to shoot down… wonder if those following this jet had the same capabilities.

6f3f73  No.2564810


That teacher ever drop those bad boys out of the hammacks?

7205df  No.2564811

File: d16d53accf1c8df⋯.png (39.56 KB, 592x371, 592:371, lisamei.PNG)

645b62  No.2564812


I think it's a light in the sky in the background but due to video motion it's stretched. I bet if you watch the video you'll see a pinpoint of light where that streak is located.

700714  No.2564813

So uh Q is Satan?

a07e0a  No.2564814


what is your newfags' point??????????????

the cabal uses CABAL subs, not US Navy subs

e222b1  No.2564815


Interesting. Meg.

a27622  No.2564816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



ebot sure wishes he had a ticket this year

ae28e9  No.2564817

>>2564584 Anon points out many coincidences that Q400 hijack was attack on Qanon

Baker Notable

308661  No.2564818


The article Q tagged, not the taxiing part, that was a different one. Tower comms would be great, I haven't seen any yet. Seriously, heavily doubt that Q team would crash a jet, just to get boots on the ground of an island though. Everything about that seems wrong.

29e939  No.2564819




The sub from Q's pic on June 12th was OHIO CLASS. USS KENTUCKY from diggs.

The dude that hijacked Q400 was named Richard B. Russell, the same name as the decommissioned STURGEON CLASS submarine.

Two separate incidents, but related.

Keep digging!

adc589  No.2564820


>Anons have gone off the rail tonight.

Fuckin A. I blame Q for this one though. If Q was gonna post about this, he needed to be more clear.

Q said this was a message. I can’t figure out who sent it or what the message is.

b558fb  No.2564821

File: 994d4a4e41968e1⋯.png (336.45 KB, 457x487, 457:487, Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at ….png)


This is the only thing that makes sense. How we got here can be debated, and we won't know unless we're told.

And ONE thing about secret military missions, is if they are successful, they go to the grave with the operators. That's what I'm afraid of with this, not that we aren't going to keep winning and get our Nation back, but that we'll never know. At least here on Earth.

34cb6a  No.2564822


Newfag? fuck off. I wasn't talking about the Hawaii incident.

the Richard B. Russell was a Sturgeon class sub.

f079b4  No.2564823



Sorry linked the wrong posts. This should be better. Still, cannot believe the 7,500 mile radius of the missile, because why couldn't it have just gotten AF1 on the way to Crete?

857153  No.2564824


Fair point.

a07e0a  No.2564825


>Two separate incidents, but related.

no they aren't reddit spacing newfag

2ead03  No.2564826


James Gunn.

e329fb  No.2564827



83f277  No.2564828


why would Q reference Kill_rogue


Why would kill_rogue reference SeBasTiAN C?

What are sebastians videos and what is "Initiate Q Clearance"

Notice the date and the date of the first drop.

Im just asking questions anons. Not like whole posts were written with just questions.

They say Satan is the great deceiver.

I dont like the look of anything on that twitter page. its sick


144acb  No.2564829

File: 45e9d0a14def75b⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB, 2191x1150, 2191:1150, A4EB4667-1EAE-40CD-B599-9….jpeg)






bcf981  No.2564830



Great find!

dde564  No.2564831

File: df0c2038e6cae33⋯.png (324.76 KB, 366x425, 366:425, movie-airplane.png)

2e898f  No.2564832


Does "get this straight" mean get a stiffy?

a07e0a  No.2564833


Richard B. Russell was a Sturgeon class sub.


the cabal does NOT, I'll repeat, DOES NOT use US navy submarines

what is your point?

b97476  No.2564834

OK im out, this is one of the nights that makes my head hurt.

baf801  No.2564835


Not notable. Idiotic.

6440e2  No.2564836

cd46b6  No.2564837


What’s with this crumb?

5cd501  No.2564838

Notables so Far

>>2564566 SATAN - NATAS

>>2564520 Department of Energy FY 2008 Congressional Budget Request (for retired Sub??)

Anything Else?? BakerFag been stuck between Baking/NotBaking land.

Feel free to self nominate, if you are a faggot you will be immediately be culled <3

bba672  No.2564839

File: 75f8be6d34f6786⋯.mp4 (820.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, trim.E6534B5A-A4DE-4FA1-AC….mp4)


audio excerpt

Rich -> air traf regarding all business

"i wouldnt mind just shootin the shit with you guys…. but its all business ya know"

34cb6a  No.2564840

File: f893f0e6a90dcb5⋯.jpg (13 KB, 255x194, 255:194, timetostopposting.jpg)


And quit typing Jack ass lurk more.

ec5dd4  No.2564841


You can’t just launch one up. It had to have a target. They wouldn’t risk something like a fucking nuke on timing… especially when something like a weather storm or a nail in the road can delay the whole thing.

PLUS it was announced the timing of potus leaving changed. So they say ah fuck it just leave the launch time as is?

No potus was NOT the target. The Target was preventing the POTUS and Kim summit. Think logically. Q says bind POTUS. They were trying to box potus in not kill him. If a fucking sub blew potus out of the sky all hell would break lose and the Democrats wouldn’t survive a month. I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt that launch was a direct threat to potus

d8e834  No.2564842

Thoughts from tonight..

Things are getting really hot, there's no contain for them anymore, look at the NBC post Q just mentioned… torched.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they torched the entire internet soon..shits getting out BIG TIME. They have nothing to loose at this point. Regular ass completely sleepy people are taking notice of something strange. They can see the divide.

Be prepared for anything. Animals are most dangerous when out of options/cornered.


bba672  No.2564843


roger roger

144acb  No.2564844

File: 0e3a1f678789a81⋯.png (560.97 KB, 1137x640, 1137:640, C8539C22-4095-49C4-8D00-09….png)

1d0d1c  No.2564845


Check YOUR newfag shit… How do you think they become CABAL subs? By doing this. And it has been on the budget still. It's Fucking Notable

7ed851  No.2564846

File: 58f6a06e6c089ca⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 450x252, 25:14, catfight.jpg)

7fba96  No.2564847

Hey patriots will apologize for being able to dig hard right now exhausted but last Twitter post by Q


Focus on the old posters profiles there all sick as I can see as bad as it gets

a07e0a  No.2564848


its spelled moar newfag


a27622  No.2564849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e222b1  No.2564850

I am missing something anons. Why all of a sudden is 'anonymous' trying to dox Q? This one I just don't get. Even Brian (Zero Hour) is making an attempt at it. Why do they feel the need to do this? It's off.

2ead03  No.2564851

File: 20967edac1c38b2⋯.jpeg (269.86 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C729E87B-16D0-43D8-808C-6….jpeg)

Full year b4 pizzagate but whatever. PG was some crazy conspiracy like Q - even AJ told us so.

So AJ, Drudge, and all u other controlled op fags, u either start talking pedogate again or ur donzino.

3d577f  No.2564852




>airplane crash gives it federal jurisdiction. Almost anything else would go to state or local.


a07e0a  No.2564853


why would WE still be paying for a cabal sub?

think logically newfags

48d227  No.2564854

File: fd331073915ddf6⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1740x1868, 435:467, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

Waldron Island is just north of where the plane crashed it is boarding with Canada. Has a private air strip, Only 100 residents and a random "store" called Love Cove Access Point

Also shape of island looks like something but can place it.

4f4184  No.2564855

File: 1363f2d4283179e⋯.jpg (617.75 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, little wreckage.jpg)

File: 7fabd0bc2a1692a⋯.jpg (304.67 KB, 1887x1121, 1887:1121, crash site.jpg)

File: d307df5e96ec008⋯.png (643.67 KB, 1450x812, 25:14, smoke.png)


>>2564164 (lb)

>The "wreckage" footage is taken after dark.

Here is aerial footage from today…I am no crash expert, but not much to see for such a big craft. I see a couple of large pieces but no engine so far…

trying to figure out who owns the vacant site, but no luck as yet.

7d6484  No.2564856

I don't think I would enjoy watching these people

get the death penalty.

Being exposed, arrested and sent to gitmo for life, now that's a different story.

I must say though, it is really hard to believe what

these people have done and how they think.

2aaf34  No.2564857




Youtube vid: Ex Satan Worshipper John Ramirez Testimony


If you can spare some time and are not digging, watch this. Think it is relevant.


5c2f3c  No.2564858


NBC post? missed that, last drop was twitter s8n, i need to lurk moar

2ead03  No.2564859


Cus it’s C_Anonymous ding dong.

581495  No.2564860

File: 852e06863ec8ea5⋯.png (387.25 KB, 341x532, 341:532, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

File: b83c0700b2f7c54⋯.png (588.35 KB, 961x539, 961:539, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

From Cryptic Anon's notable in the last bread, post #>>2563776:

Look at the bald guy next to the flag on the left. His bald head looks totally fake, like a rubber cap was glued on a head full of hair. He's the SAME GUY who was walking with the First Family (behind FLOTUS) in the inauguration walk! I screen capped both. Remember him? His hand on inauguration day looked fake too. WHO IS HE??

ae28e9  No.2564861


My wording leaves it to anons to decide for themselves if coincidence, intentional, or idiotic.

>>2564838 See >>2564817 (being discussed in previous paragraph)

a27622  No.2564862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d6a6e9  No.2564863

This is NOT mine, I found it on suckerbook in a Q group and thought I should be seen here.

Alright guys, so I wanted to weigh in on the whole SeaTac plane hijacker event. I'll preface my opinion with a little background. I'm former military and law enforcement. I won't go into specifics about what I did in those fields, but suffice it to say, I have experience and knowledge from both of those fields that has lead me to this theory. So here it goes. We know that a rogue missile was launched off of the coast of Washington State in an attempt to take out 45. We know that there were civilians on the ground who watched it go up in real time and that they reportedly believed the source of the launch to be around the area of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, WA. What I can tell you with absolute certainty is that NAS Whidbey Island does not have surface to air missile capabilities. Which leads me to my next opinion. Given the fact that a surface to air missile was fired somewhere off of the coast of Washington State, it can be reasonably assumed that the source of it's launch was actually on Ketron Island, WA, which is roughly 60 miles due south of NAS Whidbey Island. If you aren't already aware, Ketron Island is where the alleged hijacker went down yesterday. With that in mind, I believe what we actually witnessed was a white hat covert op, masked as a suicidal hijacker, with the intention of wiping out the launch platform for the rogue missile, so as to prevent black hats from utilizing it in the future for FF operations, the F-15 Iron Eagles being the delivery vehicle for the payload that wiped out the target, and using the plane crash to cover it up, i.e. the ensuing fire at the scene of the crash/target. Given the speed and trajectory of the missile, it would be easy for an untrained eye to misconstrue it's flight path and assume that it came from NAS Whidbey Island, which I'm guessing was also partly just the individual assuming that's where it originated, being that it's a military base. But this would be an uneducated assumption, for the reason I stated previously, which is that NAS Whidbey Island doesn't have surface to air missile capabilities. It should also be noted that the alleged conversation between the air traffic controller and the suspect was never secured. When I say secured what I'm referring to is switching to an encrypted radio frequency that cannot be scanned by the public. You may be asking yourself why that's significant. The reason that it is significant is because for all intents and purposes, this was a real world terrorist incident, hence the scrambling of the F-15 Iron Eagles. When a situation of that magnitude occurs, operators will switch to a secure network, so as to avoid any interference that could jeopardize the situation. Any and all audio recordings should have been secured immediately, as they would now be direct evidence for the crime that was being perpetrated. In this case those comms were never secure. Why would that be you might ask? I'm guessing that it was pre recorded and pre orchestrated audio, and was played over the publicly available radio frequency so as to set the stage so to speak, having people believe that it was some guy who lost his marbles and decided to commit suicide, when in reality it was just Team 45/Team White Hat bringing down a cabal asset and adding another victory to the motherfuckin U.S. Department of Winning

5cd501  No.2564864


OK, My vacation mission will be to figure out who you are… Reveal your true self, because you crack me the fuck up….

a2cefa  No.2564865

File: 9d14f9c01caa06b⋯.jpg (256.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FearistheMindKiller.jpg)


Would you chose differently if you knew?

fd2164  No.2564866


Jamies got a gun..

it's a song

what did your daddy do?

29e939  No.2564867


Hypothesis is USS Russell was switched with a dummy sub before it was destroyed. Cabal acquired sub through Clinton presidency. Ketron Island was a base for said sub of the same name as pilot.

9b33ae  No.2564868

Will you guys fuck off with the "Cabal" bullshit, already.

It's the jews. Always has been, always will be.

a27622  No.2564869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3209bf  No.2564870


Are you really that fucking stupid? That is the budget for the damn DOE NOT DOD. Grow a brain.

baf801  No.2564871


I'm going to lean toward idiotic.

843fce  No.2564872


Then Bakers need to stop posting this "shills" digs in the notables ass hat!

e0c446  No.2564873


>>2561079 ————————————– https://twitter.com/NBCNews/statuses/1028408743309008899 ( Cap: >>2561128 )

b558fb  No.2564874

File: 75629f507a3d0d2⋯.png (55.14 KB, 622x377, 622:377, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)


We have fought so long and hard to get here QTeam. And it's only going to get hotter. Buckle Up Y'all… Previews are over.

Their entire future depends on winning majority in the House


a27622  No.2564875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7d6484  No.2564876


The hell you say.


The more you know…

11301a  No.2564877


It appears that Ketron Cottage is one of several housing units in Lakeridge.

Lakeridge is not on Ketron Island.

adc589  No.2564878


Maybe, but anon, this ones a tough dig. I think out of all the Q posts, this Russell shit has me the most confused.

I keep jumping back and forth between blackhat/whitehat op. But both scenarios keep leading to shit that doesn’t make sense.

At this point, Im leaning towards this being a clown op. Only because I dont see Q team doing something like faking a death. His family seems convinced he’s dead, and unless they’re all in on it, itd be pretty fucked up to trick them like this, even for the greater good.

But a clown op also seems limited in explanation. My only theory is this was purely to send a message.

This shit is more confusing than the Atl airport blackout.

cb7a2e  No.2564879


>The plane's structural integrity depends on the cabin being pressurized.

Uh, no.

3b57e4  No.2564880

b97476  No.2564881


He's probably as real as it gets anon

a07e0a  No.2564882


we deduced they launched, attempted to reroute the missile towards the summit, then was shot down by a F15 using a NCADE type munition

member, they're cabal subs, not US navy

ec5dd4  No.2564883


He was going over the Atlantic fucking ocean. The launch was in the Pacific Ocean… how do we hope to look intellectual when we are saying a missile launch from one ocean was aimed at POTUS when he was over another different ocean?

No it wasn’t aimed directly at POTUS. Back to drawing board.

596528  No.2564884


And Hurling (irish sport). The fastest, hardest ball game in the world. These guys are fucking animals! They make NFL players look like the pussies they are!

11301a  No.2564885


Meant lakewood, not lakeridge.

83f277  No.2564886


so a signature in reverse of my thinking…

maybe, critical thinking there anon.


cff61f  No.2564887

>>2564439, >>2564504, >>2564705

Ty bakers. One more lurking baker here. Prefer to lurk but can cover if there's a gap.

20c8a9  No.2564888

so the hijacking was a white hat operation right? to get those eagles in the air without raising suspicion so they could execute strikes on deepstate facilities in washington state. right?

a746e7  No.2564889

Anyone wonder how we re finally able to break free from the control mechanism?

Was it all the plan?

Did we have help from positive beings?

Did we have the power within us all along, just tricked into believing we were inferior?

6f3f73  No.2564890

File: a48f6ae423deb01⋯.jpg (22.37 KB, 244x300, 61:75, IMG_3578.JPG)

You are all makingmy head hurt.

Circus' are are not complete w/o elvira titties.



f497b5  No.2564891

File: f99231fd879b7d6⋯.jpg (381.05 KB, 1877x1174, 1877:1174, Brave_2018-08-12_00-51-42.jpg)


This is hoods head island. Not the same place.


fe6098  No.2564892


Lisa is more than capable of taking care of herself.

This ain't her first gunfight, boys.

2e898f  No.2564893


Why would this text "Sex Gang Children" be paired with Tibetan or Chinese Buddhist iconograpy? What is this?

664fc6  No.2564894


One of the Watchers from Fringe:)

d9ad4b  No.2564895

Q, burn them all. They think they are our betters. They think they are the new priest class. Expose them. Let them never rise up again.

572fb5  No.2564896

File: 9f8f5df93538758⋯.png (425.72 KB, 544x545, 544:545, 9f8f5df93538758bddf0e5bff3….png)


Sounds about right to me kek.


So he's admitting he's the victim of ritual sexual abuse and then joking about it why?


POTUS uses private security as well, some of which may be SEALS.

Why are the fucking shills acting so retarded over this sub? Have anons struck a nerve or what?

29e939  No.2564897


To confirm this, which direction was the photo from Skunk Bay taken? Because Ketron Island is to the South of Skunk Bay.

4a9b45  No.2564898


>Does Satan exist?

>Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

>Who worships Satan?

>“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

if you referring to this Q post^^ as your source for satan not existing you gotta try harder anon. anyway doesnt the thought of anything propagate its existence?

a07e0a  No.2564899


it was decommision and scraped

then an anon this bread said we were paying for it still up to 2012

ae28e9  No.2564900


I also lean to "idiotic," but that's many coincidences to just write off, in my opinion…

but baker's choice. It's not like I'm going to cry and post it every fuqqing bread like some butt-hurt

anons do when their suggestions aren't taken.

c0457d  No.2564901



Dept. of Energy Budget is not notable. I looked it up. Richard B. Russell and Carters are Georgia State Parks. Jim Woodruff is a Georgia Dam and Southeastern is a Department of Energy Power provider. Nothing in this is related to the sub.

c9a3e3  No.2564902


I see why you are so butt hurt, "your side by side", meaning anyone else's theory that goes against yours is wrong…No one knows for certain, so all working theories have some validation or do you have more tangible proof that your theory is correct?

bba672  No.2564903

File: f587245a87d00df⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trim.3522231C-C914-43B1-BB….mp4)


audio excerpt

Rich -> air traf regarding Olympics


"turbulence at ranier"

645b62  No.2564904


You're not a pilot are you? Clearance request is done by those who follow the rules. The plane taxied out onto an active runway. Another airline had to do a hard stop ON THAT RUNWAY. Then the plane took off. He stole a plane. He wasn't going to ask permission for anything.

9c1f0f  No.2564905


We already know. We ALL know. Now how do we stop it and save the children? Enough is enough!

2ead03  No.2564906


My Father is God u fag. He did everything.

596528  No.2564907


Um yes it does. The pressurized cabin makes the structure solid dickhead!

11301a  No.2564908

File: 2b5f901de2f2eea⋯.jpg (5.52 KB, 200x230, 20:23, Observer14.jpg)

bcf981  No.2564909

Census Track Reference map of Ketron Island. We may be able to track these backwards to owners, not sure yet.


3d577f  No.2564910


He is one of SS special exchange agents. You know you send one or two dudes to a different place and they send you two of their own for training and cultural exchange purposes.


Im having too much fun here, time to pray, eat popcorn and brotein shakes

817e24  No.2564911


There used to be an automated twitter account that would respond to anyone saying "sneak a peak" because the last word is misspelled. I haven't checked to see if it still works.

1d0d1c  No.2564912


For "fuel" for a sub that was recycled 5 years earlier??

ee3d36  No.2564913

File: 34a64db7a734738⋯.jpg (137.75 KB, 640x960, 2:3, DkX8TpnUYAILrv9.jpg large.jpg)

a954ba  No.2564914


Except when Q said on Oct 31, 12017:

"The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country."

…and on Nov 1, 2017:

"If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable…" (The unthinkable would be not following the Constitution and siezing control because it would have been rendered ineffective.)

Q clearly meant that they were going to do "the unthinkable" to keep another satanic Evil POS from getting elected.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

It is the Right of the People to demand justice. The Constitution better provide justice. I think it will.

ec5dd4  No.2564915


Well Q said F16s so know what q said first. Second you haven’t deduced anything worth a shit. I can scrap book too and that doesn’t make me right. It was probably just a fucking missile launched at an Alaskan base. That’s why Q showed the photos of Alaska… all the attempt was to derail meeting. Not actually attack the potus or summit meeting. Just stop it. Bonus would be war.

Don’t over complicate it

ffc38b  No.2564916


My tweeter Acc. was banned in Dec.

It would be interesting to find out who

follows him and following

3209bf  No.2564917


NO anon he was not Richard with a B.

e329fb  No.2564918


>We know that a rogue missile was launched off of the coast of Washington State in an attempt to take out 45. We know that there were civilians on the ground who watched it go up in real time

Citation please

843fce  No.2564919


Accidental missile launch over Estonia today!

(Estonia D5 member).

373e30  No.2564920

File: 4bf4a0fc3523442⋯.jpg (24.26 KB, 255x170, 3:2, fdc565e7563e9da1792ad9b78c….jpg)

5cd501  No.2564921


OK Deleted

fe6098  No.2564922


These nurses build trust, & hear a lot of confessions I take it during last days, anon?….

a27622  No.2564923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(☞ ° ʖ °)☞╚═( ° ʖ °)═╝(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

adc589  No.2564924


This Russell prop plane “message”crap is the first time in 9 months I’ve thought Q might be a LARP.

The plane is a midsize propeller aircraft that happens to have a “Q” in the model name. Blackhats crash this plane into an island and this is supposed to send some kind of a message?

c68932  No.2564925


Is the guy on the other side in the dark cap, the same guy anon thought looked like Seth Rich?

a07e0a  No.2564926


shit, right F16

thats another possibility also, that it would hit a mainland US target

theres really no way to know WHAT they were attacking once POTUS rerouted

7d6484  No.2564927


The cabal is comprised of all races and nationalities.

Not all jews are cabal and not all cabal are jews.

This is common sense.

It's a religion - not a race.

239073  No.2564928

File: 0e0a44df8cb117f⋯.jpeg (129.89 KB, 611x588, 611:588, pepesmoking.jpeg)


>airplane crash gives it federal jurisdiction

I like it

But Q said "Think missile"

So how is Ketron related to the missile?

791804  No.2564929

>>2564091 (Qs Lb)

Why send us to a 2015 page. What happened on the 30th Nov 2015 that we can now look at with Q set of eyes .

Off to Dig

3d9b2a  No.2564930


That is very stupid and NOT notable.

ccde86  No.2564931

File: bb661cd1ad55c54⋯.png (441.22 KB, 635x881, 635:881, ClipboardImage.png)

d6a6e9  No.2564932


I believe you missed the very first line where I stated, NOT my theory. Sorry can’t help, been workfagging and still catching up

79004f  No.2564933


Secret Sub base?

9b33ae  No.2564934


Tell your rabbi.

a07e0a  No.2564936


I took that as the plane was going to a projectile to hit something

not this shit about muh scraped sub

effd3d  No.2564937

File: 8d36184bb0396ba⋯.png (524.35 KB, 604x402, 302:201, ClipboardImage.png)

109462  No.2564938


There was also something called the Heavens Gate cult thinking they were gonna get taken to the stars or something like that, in conjunction with the Phoenix lights

d6a6e9  No.2564939

>>2564918 first thing I wrote: NOT MINE, found on suckerbook. Can’t help

34cb6a  No.2564940


She's the shit..

ae28e9  No.2564941

>>2564930 see >>2564900

Anons have already shot it down. Notable suggestions are just that: "Suggestions."

54d13a  No.2564942

File: 852af2cc7169a43⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB, 1920x800, 12:5, AMWTDITW_BM_19-Sec.mp4)

File: 9052359e9e781ad⋯.jpg (2.7 MB, 1293x2048, 1293:2048, AMWTDITW_Movie_Poster.jpg)

A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014 - Comedy, Romance, Western)

Bill Maher - Barn Dance Comedian (uncredited)


The attached 19 second clip from the Unrated Version is found at timestamp 1:20:08 (H:MM:SS)

Bill Maher: So, you have a husband yet?

Child: No. And I'm starting to get to that panicky stage, you know? And obviously that just throws my whole game off even more.

Bill Maher: You know, I'm not married either.

Child: You're not?

Bill Maher: No!

Child: You wanna get the fuck out of here?

Bill Maher: Fuck, yeah!

These people are SICK!

79004f  No.2564943


Good to have one of them with us.

d2e1c0  No.2564944

File: e919b5e1adcdd89⋯.png (18.28 KB, 745x151, 745:151, Screenshot_2018-08-12 Sava….png)

File: 24de81b38016615⋯.png (360.16 KB, 741x949, 57:73, Screenshot_2018-08-12 Sava….png)


10 seconds on a DDG search…

3209bf  No.2564945


It's not notable since the damn sub has been scrapped.

4cac85  No.2564946




that's a fantastic point in regards to the comms between air traffic control and Captain barrel roll.

29e939  No.2564947


Diggs say otherwise.

Nickname…Beebos, because his middle initial was a B.

a07e0a  No.2564948

gonna stop sliding with newfags on this irrelevant sub

its unhealthy and useless

gonna make a side by side

sorry for sliding anons

2e898f  No.2564949


This appears to be a music CD.

"Sex Gang Children are an early gothic rock and post-punk band that formed in early 1982 in Brixton in London, England. Although the original group only released one official studio album, their singles and various other tracks have been packaged into numerous collections, and they remain one of the more well-known bands of the early Batcave scene and have reformed for new albums and touring at various times since the early 1990s."

"Associated acts Andi Sex Gang, Marc Almond, Aemoti Crii, Theatre of Hate, Death Cult, Carcrash International, Crisis, New Model Army"


This is something I would never look at or listen to.

e0c446  No.2564950

File: 3ab626867aa8ad4⋯.png (20.71 KB, 1020x181, 1020:181, ClipboardImage.png)


?just thinking out loud?

20c8a9  No.2564951


eagles scrambled to intercept a new missile attack while 'Q'400 distracts the world

5cd501  No.2564952

So, marginally comped baker who is here to keep bread moving has these notables thus far:

>>2564801 Ketron College

>>2564584 Anon points out many coincidences that Q400 hijack was attack on Qanon

>>2564566 SATAN - NATAS

I see some dispute going on - but will try to resolve post reasonable notables…

Fire Away!!

7d6484  No.2564953


Q has pretty much doxed himself anon.

Potus and military intelligence.


dc9b65  No.2564954


black hat nuke transfer point?

596528  No.2564955


Proximity to Whitby Bay ffs.

a27622  No.2564956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

373e30  No.2564957

Did we miss the obvious with the last Q post?

Is James Gunn behind "Satan"?

f2c6d4  No.2564958

Psi (/(p)saɪ/; uppercase Ψ, lowercase ψ; Greek: ψι psi[ˈpsi]) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet and has a numeric value of 700. 

Do you ever look at something and never see?

I finally understand 23. (Face palm) I hope we aren't judged on intellect.

ef70f3  No.2564959


3 days ago

https:// www.rt.com/news/435479-estonia-nato-patrol-missile/amp


15cb70  No.2564960


It's not about the particular tweet or the date

It's about understanding that people really do engage in evil acts willingly. It is more wide spread than you know

ec5dd4  No.2564961


This is the shit to bay doesn’t help. Missile wasn’t fucking targeting potus. That’s stupid.

Only way possible is potus lied and flew west instead of east

cb7a2e  No.2564962


>Um yes it does. The pressurized cabin makes the structure solid dickhead!

Swing and a miss.

836423  No.2564963


Likes pepper.

7d6484  No.2564964


He already knows. HIs name Jesus.

Do you know Him?

7a536f  No.2564965



That was my original thought too. The plane is being referred to as a missile.

3bb334  No.2564966


Guess she figured she can take advantage of the news coverage to grab up some new victims.

3d577f  No.2564967


got so super tanked at college party back when this came out

wazaaaa bitches

5cd501  No.2564968

ae28e9  No.2564969


Most anons have come out against my suggested (not my original) Q400 coincidence notable suggestion. I can post links, but not really relevant to the discussion.

cbf135  No.2564970


>This is the shit to bay doesn’t help. Missile wasn’t fucking targeting potus. That’s stupid.


5c2f3c  No.2564971


that is my guess anon, not sure how to get sauce on it though

7bdf15  No.2564972

File: df7200f613c9c4f⋯.jpg (99.59 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2fb6md.jpg)

bba672  No.2564973

File: e174a57cf2f126a⋯.png (10.18 KB, 447x191, 447:191, ClipboardImage.png)

anon that was looking for origins of Q clock

sorry late

here is original

then anons made a clock before current clock. it was linear. each date was :01

ec5dd4  No.2564974


There you go!! Finally an anon that is thinking. Thank you and God bless your soul

9b33ae  No.2564975


Another one claiming that Jesus was a jew?

That little bullshit chestnut is getting a little old.

b558fb  No.2564976



95d264  No.2564977


Agree. This was the white hats sending a message to the cabal. Nothing else makes sense.

43d6cd  No.2564978


Elvira bewbs stolen.

6f2cfb  No.2564979

File: 07d15531e17b595⋯.png (758.11 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 4th-seal-pale-horse.png)




a07e0a  No.2564980



and I've slid for two breads in a row trying to distinguish some scrapped us navy sub from those cabal subs

two different classes, Q never even mentioned a sub, only a missile

last time Q explicitly mentioned and posted pics of subs

34cb6a  No.2564981

File: 4e02db4490217a7⋯.png (91.3 KB, 323x586, 323:586, arms.png)

32b9e9  No.2564982



Agreed, thought I was onto something. Dammit

5cd501  No.2564983


OK, will remove for now, but based on past experiences, probably worthy of thought/discussion

11301a  No.2564984

File: ebc006e4327d4e1⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 320x256, 5:4, 18m5d64h8w0qijpg.jpg)


Hmm…. Same as Hillary?


dc9b65  No.2564985



Hope so.

48e69b  No.2564986

File: daa77784ac24eaf⋯.png (116.2 KB, 583x607, 583:607, hpdfhpugpuig.png)



3d9b2a  No.2564987


Stupid and not even the right sub.

702863  No.2564988

File: 9f6b142b3e10ceb⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 2CA8BED9-CE4D-46C7-B709-22….png)

File: 2bd0adeff85f6f2⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 33799811-2234-47B2-971E-8F….png)

File: e65ab137f181a7f⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 53EF0DC5-7B7C-4552-9F5A-B2….png)

File: a9c191ffe7b7c32⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 2C37B57D-47B4-4CD1-9B3A-E2….png)

File: 9d7fe5dc0cdab90⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 81EC9D1D-E5C8-4406-8886-54….png)

79004f  No.2564989


Maybe, like Nazi base from raiders of the lost ark.

b558fb  No.2564990

File: 966daa82fdd44cb⋯.png (100.4 KB, 660x371, 660:371, _99636100_trump2_976getty.png)







c475bc  No.2564991

File: e45bc611552a40f⋯.png (285.85 KB, 450x432, 25:24, ClipboardImage.png)


or the missile was launched from a flying object


a27622  No.2564992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bcf981  No.2564993

File: c200694bb189fa9⋯.png (1.19 MB, 2736x1824, 3:2, firearms.png)

Why do any Washington state commissioners or officials care about what firearms are allowen on Ketron Island? why is this even on their radar with only 17 residents. Not sure yet. Dig.

Pic related.

a9b0a4  No.2564994


thats there sick sense of humor she can come right out and say it, look at her necklace, HRC witch covent, canibal club, they don't hide anything

dc9b65  No.2564995


or seoul. Very possible.

89bdd2  No.2564996


I'd say norse runic, younger futhark specifically.

d8e834  No.2564997


Lost it when the guy goes… "Just wanted to hear you whispering sweet nothings"

Fuckin LOST IT

"can this thing do a backflip?"

9f9214  No.2564998


muh UFOs

5cd501  No.2564999


Hold your thought anon and stick to it… Might be a discussion for later, breads can be finicky

7a4917  No.2565000


I love how POTUS is letting 'We, The People' lead here.

05afe6  No.2565001


Now that we know your intelligence level, NO

34cb6a  No.2565002

File: db5b2a01ec48a20⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Iamthestorm.jpg)

926a81  No.2565003


Best cover artist of all time!

effd3d  No.2565005


in the show they actually enslave humans

3d577f  No.2565006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


buncha rooty tooty pinko ragin pedocunts

9e8f2d  No.2565007


and thats just the distracting for

iron eagle………his name was SETH RICH

397c4e  No.2565008


500k satan followers all demon-crates

3209bf  No.2565009


And leave it the same name because one day 15 yrs later they were going to get some guy with the same name to crash a plane???????

0bad70  No.2565010


This is in reference to CSTC which is the Children's Inpatient Treatment Facility associated with Western State Hospital, which is near Ketron Island

It is very common for facilities to be named after Islands and Landmarks in the State of WA

Other Cottages in the Program are Camano and Orcas [also Islands in Puget Sound]

29e939  No.2565011

File: 713a050737c3c38⋯.png (840.06 KB, 1279x895, 1279:895, Screenshot_659.png)

6f3f73  No.2565012

File: 5ee219c2be978f7⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_4160.JPG)

File: 06613307c2463c1⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_4161.JPG)

File: d69dae12e77728f⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_4162.JPG)

e329fb  No.2565013

File: 7a96f6c5dd821c0⋯.png (99.24 KB, 758x718, 379:359, screenshot_135.png)


ty for the clarification, I thought it looked a bit too round and rough, but futhark could make sense.

a07e0a  No.2565014


it was worth it though

nothing added up, didn't make any sense, good experiment in digging, not enough anons bought it

43d6cd  No.2565015

File: 0dcfb53d0d99afa⋯.jpg (32.18 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 0dcfb53d0d99afaa50daf74a6b….jpg)

My only hope is to live long enough for most of this shit to get declassified.

Best movie ever!!!

a27622  No.2565016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b9511d  No.2565017


The Airbase there only has support units, transport and e-warfare. No Air to Air assets.

20c8a9  No.2565018

the fake hijacking was a distraction from the real op

bba672  No.2565019

File: 2b7f9be8f716612⋯.png (260.3 KB, 668x1250, 334:625, ClipboardImage.png)


here was original linear clock

2dcead  No.2565020


Definitely NOT runes

It is called FUTHARK

Because of the order

F U TH A R K etc.

The example was the same ordering as Greek or Hebrew, therefore the Phoenician alphabet that spawned both of those two.

dc9b65  No.2565021


Think of some of the half-chan kiddies being used right now.

also plenty of muzzie/kike scum operating within these 'anonymous' circles.

7d6484  No.2565022


You must try harder.

Jesus is not only a Jew he is the KING of the jews.

Christians accept the Jewish Tora as the

foundation of Christianity all because Jesus actually FULFILLS

the Jewish Old Testament.

From dark to light.

The more you know.

c475bc  No.2565023


if you were going to build a very large electro-gravitic ship in an existing facility the cover story would be it's a sub

c88687  No.2565024


That particular operation can be verified, and when such indisputable proof is presented to those people, they will begin to seriously question the corporate news. The answer as to 'why it ain't on the news' will become realized.


f2c6d4  No.2565025

File: b7ee25486f38ebe⋯.png (226.22 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Screenshot_20180811-230553.png)

File: 77a6f5bbd650151⋯.png (124.28 KB, 1402x1217, 1402:1217, 20180811_230625.png)

887193  No.2565026

File: ba71d5992c6f4ce⋯.png (24.69 KB, 590x95, 118:19, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

836423  No.2565027

File: ed237b250ee1dc0⋯.jpg (11.31 KB, 480x360, 4:3, images.duckduckgo.jpg)


Best ending!

a954ba  No.2565028

File: 58b7de0a323935f⋯.jpg (147.34 KB, 960x540, 16:9, stormjob.jpg)


No, God is The Storm.

e329fb  No.2565029

File: 6b0e533303ae943⋯.png (38 KB, 750x233, 750:233, screenshot_136.png)

2dcead  No.2565030


Did anybody hear a wierd conversation on the radio

About shutting it down?

That is a code for lethal fire to down an aircraft

93b179  No.2565031

WA state anon here, there was a concert soundgarden at the same time as the plane hijacking, "lives are on the line" -russel

"Autists catch the message? Think missile. -Q "

the message to me was the cabal can still pull off a terrorist attack by airplane, there is a ps: they instead put russel down on an island because "saving the best for last"

this is a double meaning the cabal is saving their terrorist attack card for last if we go to our or Q's last which was isreal.

8b88e9  No.2565032


James Gunn: *basically admits he's a child molester his whole life*

Also James Gunn: *blames it all on Qanon which only recently found out about it*

7d6484  No.2565033


Which was???


6f3f73  No.2565034

File: 80b4c94805c9e16⋯.jpg (105.12 KB, 888x499, 888:499, IMG_4633.JPG)

645b62  No.2565035


Possibly referring to the Federal Building in Atlanta of the same name.

db7153  No.2565036

File: 0d9c71e7a7cd9c1⋯.png (645.2 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, CDFD0320-4E50-4C9D-94B0-BE….png)

File: ec9cacf9f80da50⋯.png (728.18 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 32E4B75D-603D-44C6-847C-CB….png)

File: 73bf7ca69c59863⋯.png (736.68 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 68388445-711C-41AF-BFE7-9D….png)

File: 26ae02c794f4cb3⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, CB8A978F-B2AB-4AE2-8165-1D….png)

Lost the posts, but earlier an mkultra survivor was talking about tunnels and another anon asked about army training to fight underground

596528  No.2565037

File: 9a3df710ea80cc8⋯.jpg (622.43 KB, 1031x768, 1031:768, Hellary.jpg)

8ce6b1  No.2565038




If it is all truth, bring it.

1547af  No.2565039

The choice to know what?

That people in Hollywood have a very sick sense of humor?

Or that they really do this shit?

I find it difficult to believe.

Though I will accept it, WITH EVIDENCE (not shock jock style tweets).

Last I checked people are innocent until proven guilty.

If it is true, then do something already. Tossing rumors around solves nothing and may actually protect the guilty.

I Went to the various twitter feeds Q posted hoping to learn something, and all I saw was the massive pitchfork mob hurling accusations.

I thought Q research was supposed to be based in sound reasoning and evidence. Where is it?

3209bf  No.2565040


C'mon anon. You trying to push too hard to make a bad scenario work. Use your brain. The DOE does not fund the military. The sub was scrapped. Get over it.

c475bc  No.2565041


they fly and they're unidentified and they're ours

34cb6a  No.2565042


have a gift my fren


397c4e  No.2565043


Sick bastard!

a27622  No.2565044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a07e0a  No.2565045





going to amend the missile side by side with other possibly targets (NK, SING, MIL BASES IN ALASKA) anymoar ideas let me knnow

f2c6d4  No.2565046

File: f7d2945184d06df⋯.png (128.55 KB, 1487x1265, 1487:1265, 20180811_231034.png)

bcf981  No.2565047

Ummm….Ketron has arms restrictions because it is protected by the Air Force Military Survival Training Program. This place is fascinating.


11301a  No.2565048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ae28e9  No.2565049


Taking that as a given (not that it is), then why make it national headlines while still in progress?

What would be the purpose of the real op? To put F15s in the air? You can do that at any time, and

fly just about anywhere you would like to go. It would be just as easy to play a live-fire exercise

off the coast of Washington and use that as the premise to get planes in the air.

My gestalt? Crazy guy finally acts on plan he's been considering for a couple of years.

0bad70  No.2565050


That is not an island

It is the peninsula near Bangor

9b33ae  No.2565051


You fuckers are too much.

King of Judeah, not the jews.

Was not a jew. Jews were pharisees/Sadducees.

Not one "jew" is Jesus' lineage.

Spread your lies elsewhere.

Not all goy are as stupid as you think.

086f6c  No.2565052

File: 6eb527f9d88d05d⋯.png (355.87 KB, 850x497, 850:497, s384fjsd.png)

2ead03  No.2565053


Cus it proves pizzagate is legit. It’s a year b4 pizzagate was a thing.

83f277  No.2565055

Do anons realize they are doxxing themselves when they attack someone on Twitter?

images of bullets, guillotines?

Expand your Thinking

What is going on here?


And then re-read the very first sentence of This post.


f2c6d4  No.2565056

File: f7d2945184d06df⋯.png (128.55 KB, 1487x1265, 1487:1265, 20180811_231034.png)

File: 77a6f5bbd650151⋯.png (124.28 KB, 1402x1217, 1402:1217, 20180811_230625.png)

a954ba  No.2565057


Let 'em waste their time digging into that. Keep 'em busy.

7d6484  No.2565058

You rang???

2dcead  No.2565059


P in the killbox?

10 Feb 2018 - 2:46:19 AM

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.



905077  No.2565061

File: e35aaf9fcb7a57a⋯.png (574.59 KB, 906x702, 151:117, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

2ead03  No.2565062


He is the king of the Jews tho and your attempt to act like that’s a falsehood makes u glow like a (((pelican)))

f2c6d4  No.2565063

Omg lol.

a27622  No.2565064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3d9b2a  No.2565065


There is NO indication that it WASN'T pressurized.

He only mentioned that he felt dizzy, which was most likely due to nerves and realizing he was going to die soon.

He asked if it was pressurized and the tower never answered him.

3209bf  No.2565066


ah…thanks anon. Knew the Beebos part but not because his middle was B.

d8e834  No.2565067


FFS, Q told you that there is a creator, but it's not the typical God/Satan as advertised.

The native communities were likely the "most correct" overall

The power of prayer is communal energy to change the timeline/tilt into our favour.

It's the energy/frequency change that can change the outcomes of the timeline.

So yes, Pray like you never have before.

7d6484  No.2565068


Oh ok. Thanks for clarifying.


61ee4b  No.2565069


What could they still be doing with the reactor, or it’s material?

DOE - Homer voice…

0b01d5  No.2565070

File: bbdbda7c7959393⋯.jpeg (267.67 KB, 640x1096, 80:137, 282652EB-2DAB-4A5F-B13B-2….jpeg)


308661  No.2565071

File: ef7ea1a4b035533⋯.jpg (54.01 KB, 540x443, 540:443, FUCK HELP.jpg)


I can kinda see this but it bugs me. The guy's damn name…I don't see a reason for black hats to point us to the sub, why would they? Something is still amiss…maybe selling out someone else?

3209bf  No.2565072


I guess. Just so stupid.

144acb  No.2565073

File: ca8990489b40b3a⋯.jpeg (157.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, E76F9818-3C89-484B-A0BB-B….jpeg)

File: 8d4704397327725⋯.png (12.26 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, FA501EBB-03F6-4350-9A9D-BD….png)

File: 53b137e6203d30f⋯.jpeg (696.98 KB, 1226x1245, 1226:1245, 19D5266F-BE08-4D46-9256-5….jpeg)



596528  No.2565074


You haven't listened to the audio then. He clearly states that the plane was not pressurized.


7d6484  No.2565075


Smoke and mirrors. I get it. But that just means

you don't know.


Thats ok. none of us know the details.

9b33ae  No.2565076


Fuck off you stupid kike.

It was a mistranslation.

Everyone knows that.

Cry to your rabbi.

Better yet, gas yourself.

e04f82  No.2565077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Starting a late tech turboprop is as easy as starting a car.

This is my last input on this subject.

It has become a slide.

Video related.

Move the condition lever out of idle/cut-off, push button.


b558fb  No.2565078


Tons. But the "hell fires" as they seemed to all call it (lots of retired old ladies in there) are different. I've been through and seen a LOT of shit, the worst of the worst, but seeing my mom like that was impossible. It's worse than someone on PCP or Salts. They feel like they're in hell. Wake up screaming about their skin melting and seeing the devil and being sorry, it's mortifying. And I swear, they all told me that about 5% of people go through some version of it. When I first saw Q's "4%-6%", THAT is what I thought of.

Not "normies", but dedicated luciferians.

Although, she DID apologize for the first time in her life right before she died. So there's that.

adc589  No.2565079


Maybe. But his family seems convinced hes dead. Thats what confuses me. I doubt Q team would let a family believe their son/brother/husband did this.

Theyd be struck w the most horrific grief, and be suicide risks themselves. Unless the family is in on it, I doubt Q eould put them through this.

9f9214  No.2565080


are you serious?

3287d3  No.2565081


He's the one carrying the PN 90 TR

adc589  No.2565082


> the message to me was the cabal can still pull off a terrorist attack by airplane, there is a ps: they instead put russel down on an island because "saving the best for last"

this is a double meaning the cabal is saving their terrorist attack card for last if we go to our or Q's last which was isreal.

Hey Q, you need to clear up what happened with This plane crash because it’s apparently making people retarded (see above)

253cdd  No.2565083

Robbin Young confirms accusations against Bill Maher - there you go Anons

- sauce like a mother fucker https://twitter.com/redactedanon/status/1028499911547998208?s=19

e0c446  No.2565084


Clown ops. Their logic: if they can "dox" Q, they can discredit everything that Q has dropped. Meanwhile, they're trying to draw out Q by "doxxing" "Q followers/operatives" (who's info is practically public domain anyway, no hacking skills required), and at the same time implying that said "operatives" have been posting as Q. Paper thin strategy.

e4cae8  No.2565085

File: c8368f81b288727⋯.jpeg (914.39 KB, 2940x1960, 3:2, CDF3C0D9-DD1B-4EBE-91C9-7….jpeg)

File: 78875ef941a95b1⋯.jpeg (121.22 KB, 768x576, 4:3, 8CC1E9A3-CB8C-44A7-B614-1….jpeg)

File: 347aca9fa7152ee⋯.jpeg (36.08 KB, 220x275, 4:5, 85B08A30-1EF7-4E77-AB27-7….jpeg)

File: 918bc5f856e735f⋯.jpeg (32.67 KB, 220x275, 4:5, CF2B17C6-F9C5-4D80-945C-C….jpeg)

File: 921e059b1d4f4d1⋯.jpeg (94.88 KB, 780x438, 130:73, F3B9DFD7-8FF8-4975-B0BD-8….jpeg)

e89b26  No.2565086


that is a sick mother fucker.

20c8a9  No.2565087


>Crazy guy finally acts on plan he's been considering for a couple of years

so it was just a coincidence?

<Autists catch the message?

<Think missile.

<Do you believe in coincidences?


29e939  No.2565088


What the fuck??

f41b9d  No.2565089


What is your model of the sun?

e329fb  No.2565090

File: 018e39e5a7ad024⋯.png (33.97 KB, 681x241, 681:241, screenshot_137.png)

11301a  No.2565091


ESPECIALLY for a mechanic working on that specific plane.

9f9214  No.2565092


stfu FEtard

9b33ae  No.2565093


Stop changing the subject.

You got busted.

Fuck yourself.

0bad70  No.2565094

6f3f73  No.2565095

File: e0c445bea5cd420⋯.jpg (111.01 KB, 800x500, 8:5, IMG_3947.JPG)

b0b707  No.2565096

File: 94e3279c56ed869⋯.jpeg (95.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 352A6939-11B3-4B74-89E4-2….jpeg)


Downloading the Majestic Q400 for FSX and reading the manual could have you pretty good at starting it up in no time.

373e30  No.2565097



Troma Films, Podesta, Lloyd Kaufman, and Gunns "Slither" connection:

"Slither also pays homage to the studio Troma Films, where Gunn began his career. Troma co-founder Lloyd Kaufman has a cameo as a "Sad Drunk", and one scene includes a clip from the Troma film, The Toxic Avenger.

In one scene, the bodies of mutilated dogs are discovered on "the Castevet's farm". Minnie and Roman Castevet were the Satan-worshiping next-door neighbors in Rosemary's Baby."


109462  No.2565098

File: 2af83daf5a073a8⋯.jpg (66.65 KB, 680x365, 136:73, the russell hustle.jpg)


>Dick slapping the cabal

f2c6d4  No.2565099

File: 9bd5a03ef4f8efc⋯.png (385.25 KB, 1536x1895, 1536:1895, 20180811_231439.png)

File: f7d2945184d06df⋯.png (128.55 KB, 1487x1265, 1487:1265, 20180811_231034.png)

d8e834  No.2565100


Establishing a moral society is easier using the current moral foundation…. IE) God, as has been previously established.

28b328  No.2565101

File: a965c1b7d0b27f9⋯.png (597.45 KB, 731x476, 43:28, wholooking.png)


Zoomed in & the first thing that jumped out was WTH are the 2 guys on the right looking at? Circled guy looks like he'd be an undercover SS or something. Saw a Julian guess for the blonde in red hat, but JS's listed at 6' 2".

ae28e9  No.2565102


I'm just curious what positive intent you have by continually pointing out Jew involvement and calling

anyone who disagrees a "Kike" or "Rabbi." Do you think you are contributing positively?

You look like (((KingShill))) to me, trying to slide the bread. This will be the only (ewe)

you get from me, so please make your answer complete.

6f2cfb  No.2565103

File: 7fc035e3fd814f0⋯.jpg (158.92 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, amtrak.jpg)

PIERCE COUNTY ring a bell?



Detective Ed Troyer, a spokesman for the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, told reporters that even though the crash site was "pretty horrific," no one in any of the vehicles was killed.

Amtrak service south of Seattle was temporarily suspended, the company said.



Horizon Air turborop is Richard Russell from Pierce County

d17e86  No.2565104

File: df3ff9f4180e500⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1386x1650, 21:25, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

blocked out of Teteboro

2ead03  No.2565105


Project much rabbi?

e222b1  No.2565106


That seems like a realistic interpretation. It says a lot about the people trying to do the doxxing.

f41b9d  No.2565107



Baaahahahahaaaaa (huge breath in) hahahahahaaa

It's the ENTIRE premise of the ENTIRE bible.

You must try harder.

Your powers are weakening.

3d9b2a  No.2565108


He could have used the plane as a missile and taken something out - like that tall Seatle Needle building.

Maybe he was MK and the plan he was to do didn't work out.

836423  No.2565109



de284d  No.2565110


Awesome! Good work, Anon..

dde564  No.2565112

File: 1c203fa35f9920c⋯.png (105.84 KB, 558x341, 18:11, truman-give-em-hell.png)

Give 'em hell, President Trump

hell's angels beside you

get 'em

2dcead  No.2565113


Excellent autism

Yes, this has to be a message connected to Q's use of "the best for last" which he did twice

Once it was about Israel

And once it was about P in the killbox

The Q's were there to get our attention

But the message was one layer deeper

e0c446  No.2565114


I was thinking Bill Maher could be behind that s8n account. Or some other satanist of fame & fortune. Or some random fuck. Or cabal comms. We'll see if they mention Q.

c68932  No.2565115


If (((they))) don’t get the death penalty, there is a risk of a future liberal POTUS being elected and pardoning these evil scumbags. Can’t have that.

c0457d  No.2565116


Maybe. But I'm not seeing a regular guy staying conscious for and recovering from the other maneuvers in the air.

79004f  No.2565117


Sounds like a rabbit hole.

Any connections?

eac0c8  No.2565118

File: 777797ad64ee5f4⋯.png (122.63 KB, 420x460, 21:23, ClipboardImage.png)

9b33ae  No.2565119


Study what is in the Talmud.

Then study the real history of the jews.

99% of the people that disagree with me are kikes trying to continue their lies and confuse the goy.

The 1% are misguided brainwashed goy that believe your lies.

f41b9d  No.2565120



Seems more like YOU got busted.

Ever notice you can't hide anymore?

3209bf  No.2565121


Good question. Doubt we will ever know.


43d6cd  No.2565122



Best gif ever! Thanks, my fren!

596528  No.2565123


Nice memes anoon but terrible grammar..

Could you change "his staff which" to

"the staff that""

Thanks and I hope you take the criticism the right way :)

5cd501  No.2565124

Hey Fags, Love You (Y'all) with All of my Heart - Please Remember I am on Vacay… Here making bread for you, but that is about all I got

Hope you understand

9f9214  No.2565126


wasn't even talking to you FEtard

e222b1  No.2565127


Kek. That would be funny and frightening for the HBO angsty guy. He would be hit on two of his accounts today with Q posts.

ae28e9  No.2565128


The name of the hijacker and the sub? Yes. Coincidence. Richard Russell is not an extremely unusual name. He may even be related to the submarine's namesake.

9b33ae  No.2565129


The jews have been exposed.

It will continue.

2dcead  No.2565130



You can check the drops yourself

There are TWO CRUMBS

In which Q refers to the best for last.

4e0908  No.2565131


Now this is interesting.

34cb6a  No.2565132


(no Homo)?

29e939  No.2565133


<Autists catch the message?

Q400…flight path around Ketron Island before "crash". We caught it EARLY!

<Think missile.

Guided Missile…Plane RC, no actual pilot.

<Do you believe in coincidences?

Hijacker's name: Richard B. Russell

Sturgeon Class Subs name: USS Richard B. Russell

bba672  No.2565134

File: c03bac01592ef6d⋯.png (736.04 KB, 582x1152, 97:192, ClipboardImage.png)


original clockfaggin

b0b707  No.2565135


You’d need a lot more speed to lose consciousness doing those maneuvers

6f2cfb  No.2565136

File: cf8d76bd524fe37⋯.png (31.8 KB, 216x144, 3:2, zep-tepi.png)


>Sounds like a rabbit hole.

I dont know, let me look….. hold my beer I'll BRB

3d9b2a  No.2565137


Ketron College is not on the Ketron Island.

Coincidences were stupid - especially sub.

253cdd  No.2565138



a27622  No.2565139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e4cae8  No.2565140

3209bf  No.2565141


>there was a concert soundgarden at the same time as the plane hijacking,

If you are talking about the guitar festival, Richard was suppose to be playing in it.

5cd501  No.2565142

Notable Bun


>>2565104 PlaneFag Report

>>2564801 Ketron College

>>2564566 SATAN - NATAS

34cb6a  No.2565143


Good song Ebot.

79004f  No.2565144


Thanks for risking.

Holding beer.

645b62  No.2565145


I agree with both sides here. I was planefagging last night when all this went down. Then again today with more and more coincidences dropping.

Q asked if we got the message? I say no, we didn't. Or maybe, yeah but we don't understand it, yet. That's where I am now.

74839e  No.2565146


Thanks anon. Taking a break from serial killer digs to lurk some.

What better distraction than to watch a satanist video? kek.


058001  No.2565147


Maybe so. Maybe so. Food for thought.

253cdd  No.2565148

File: ef7a057d1ee191b⋯.png (165.08 KB, 1080x977, 1080:977, Screenshot_20180812-011650….png)

bba672  No.2565149

File: be9eb924f2546de⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1449342161536.jpg)

12a9b0  No.2565150

Q400 pilot named Richard B. Russell

name same as airport & federal bldg




542880  No.2565151


Nice shoes, Bill…

Anyone able to get a closer look at those rings on his hands?

9deeee  No.2565152

File: 60fe3829fb4e903⋯.png (49.18 KB, 593x277, 593:277, WhateverS8n.png)

ae28e9  No.2565153


(((KingShill))) did not answer my questions. No need to answer or respond to him anons. He's

just trying to slide the bread. Ignore or filter at your discretion.

596528  No.2565154


The plane was used as a missile anon, by /ourguys/

Think surface to air missile base and a BOOM.

b558fb  No.2565155


Not at all.

11301a  No.2565156


Cottage, not college, and it's NOT on the island.

a58767  No.2565157

File: 5d74822a37579cc⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1914x1602, 319:267, cometpizza kill room.jpg)

It sure seems to me that all Pamphlet does is latch on to current events AFTER they happen and try to act all Qewy…

9b33ae  No.2565158


Jewish Laws in Effect Right Now:

9 boda Sarah 37

"A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

Sanhedrin 54b.

"A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years."

Yalkut 245c

Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Go fuck yourselves, jews.

We know.

bba672  No.2565159

File: b6d2fae69c02c59⋯.jpg (2.6 KB, 125x93, 125:93, 1475136944596s.jpg)


love you buddy

(ho nomo)

596528  No.2565160


You're most welcome anon. Great work!

e34ff4  No.2565161

>>2559313 (pb Ketron Island Homeowners […] v. LUNDGREN link)

https:// caselaw.findlaw.com/wa-court-of-appeals/1409336.html

^ Lundgren owns 50% of Alaska-Northwest, his daughter owns the other 50%.

The pollution case isn't terribly surprising as the reason it hadn't been platted with something like 750 homes as the original owner had hoped was due to the prohibitive costs of installing a sewage system. (His home had a septic system because there was room for the drainage field, not so of other building sites). The transfer to the utilities company for the exact amount of the leveraged fee is quite interesting. Is that this water company? Because the utility company doesn't pop up, and though it's unclear, it seems like the 17 people on Ketron Island probably have power from Tacoma Public Power or they have a power collective. I'd have to keep digging that. https://www.bizapedia.com/wa/ketron-island-water-inc.html

Alaska-Northwest Industries Inc.:

Registered address: 2623 2nd Ave 600 University St #2310, Seattle, WA 98121

Originally incorporated August 13, 1973.

Multiple other businesses connected to that address.

Gary Lundgren serves as a listed officer for one of those also: Evans Llewellyn Securities Inc., originally incorporated August 13, 1980. Huh, what are the odds there? He must really like that day, both businesses incorporated on the same day, but 7 years apart.


5 of the businesses at the address appear to be divisions of the same parent corporation: “Interpacific Investors Services Inc.” First one registered in 1970 (OR), then CA in 1971, NM July of 1973, FL in 1976, and then a big gap before Utah in 2006.

Last business registered to the address is Advantage Management Services Inc., incorporated June 29, 2001 and the registered agent is Tiffany D Hodkin. This business is inactive, but Hodkin was also connected to another business (also inactive) “Bookkeeping and Beyond [...]”


Going back over the pollution case, the business was Ketron Island Enterprises and we have a “Tiffany Lundgren” as the co-governor (so the daughter). Is she our Tiffany Hodkin from the other defunct business or just a coincidence?



Ah ha, here we go. Those Interpacific Investors Inc. chapters at the other address affiliated with Gary Lundgren are listed under the registered agent of “Business Filings Incorporated” but we have “Interpacific Investors Inc.” registered at 18333 Bothell Way NE Apt 115, Bothell, WA 98011; originally incorporated January 2, 1970. Three principals listed: besides Gary and Tiffany, we have a Jared Lundgren (son/brother?)

We also have a Anthony Hinman associated with Castle Properties, Inc. (Co-connection Jared/Tiffany Lundgren) incorporated in 1987 in Alaska.

This is all about as fishy as the “new” owners business associations from the $1.1million mansion on Ketron Island. Again we have a theme of real estate and “investment”. Diversified or shells? We have a lot of businesses here.

a27622  No.2565162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

83f277  No.2565163


its too late



yeah I already did…

Anons are doxxing themselves, setting up precedent for regulating online bullying, censorship.

Repeat, anons are doxxing themselves by using twitter as an anon on Qresearch.

The response was predictable.


effd3d  No.2565165


I think it's a multi dimension bernstein bears type of deal like that show.

e4cae8  No.2565167

File: 69644f7db0d6de7⋯.jpeg (110.11 KB, 998x632, 499:316, FE095CAE-598B-4BE6-8BA5-7….jpeg)

File: 3377920247f5dba⋯.jpeg (72.49 KB, 618x410, 309:205, 53C662CA-66E5-4E81-8328-D….jpeg)

File: 5f1afd81666dac8⋯.jpeg (68.11 KB, 473x340, 473:340, 0346179C-9F59-43A0-BB4A-3….jpeg)

File: ca8f6ebde1770cb⋯.jpeg (72.63 KB, 473x340, 473:340, 60820F68-9A0F-483B-B9E1-2….jpeg)

File: 5932d0fd7b2eb1e⋯.jpeg (71.45 KB, 473x340, 473:340, 048CF90F-EE4D-4A69-A4A3-A….jpeg)

eac0c8  No.2565168


They are loading engines to be ferried to the island? Why not hit the fire with an air tanker? There is an airstrip very close

b558fb  No.2565169


And THIS is the guy who "sets the new rules." What a loser. If he wasn't wicked, nobody would give him a second look.

This is why we've been fucked.


c746ac  No.2565170


how hard is a barrel roll in this aircraft?

20c8a9  No.2565171


><Autists catch the message?

>Q400…flight path around Ketron Island before "crash". We caught it EARLY!

><Think missile.

>Guided Missile…Plane RC, no actual pilot.

><Do you believe in coincidences?

>Hijacker's name: Richard B. Russell

this is just a random assortment of suppositions. how do you account for the f15s? just scrambled to monitor?

a58767  No.2565172

What sort of things would anons call a boom hit next week? Remember, we need 4 booms…

a27622  No.2565173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0bad70  No.2565175

File: d9296332b8a1be0⋯.png (213.34 KB, 1432x699, 1432:699, Inslee Wiki.PNG)


Governor Inslee

Former Congressman

Committee assignments

United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce

United States House Energy Subcommittee on Energy and Power


058001  No.2565176


You are right. But check your rear view MIRROR.

EVERYONE will be exposed.

Gonna getcha.

e0c446  No.2565177


Actual clowns have bigger fish to fry (read: the very existence of their agency), I'm thinking that these are clowns-for-hire (professional shills) behind those "anonymous" accounts. Loud, but really harmless with some "researchers" & possibly attorneys backing them.

>Threats/scare tactics deployed.

>Fear not.

144acb  No.2565178

File: 8d4704397327725⋯.png (12.26 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 86C26E9E-EC1E-4367-9F0C-6A….png)



29e939  No.2565179


It was either that (or in addition to that) F-15s striking the island and the plane crash was cover for the op.

bad90b  No.2565180


Enjoy the sunshine Baker! We miss ya!

5c2bc8  No.2565182


And usually when bad shit happens from the black hats we don't see Q for a while. I agree with you.

48e69b  No.2565183

File: 28ac0f0aefe6b46⋯.png (55.76 KB, 388x195, 388:195, gs;dkfgsdfjgj.png)

64d6e0  No.2565184

>>2563562 (pb) People in Eatonville (east Pierce County) reported a huge boom

3262fe  No.2565185

File: 48a9e797ce751db⋯.png (621 KB, 1500x1650, 10:11, clocktheoryYO.png)

File: 738b997615837fb⋯.jpg (34 KB, 512x384, 4:3, clockfagginit.jpg)


been clockfaggin since the beginning

572fb5  No.2565186


He's no one's type kek.



bc8704  No.2565187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Its Hollow. Watch and pay attn.

9b33ae  No.2565188


Take your own advice.

4e0908  No.2565191


Most of the tankers are probably down in CA helping with those fires.

adc589  No.2565193


>My gestalt? Crazy guy finally acts on plan he's been considering for a couple of years

Yup. Actually makes FAR more sense than Q’s bullshit “message” crap. Today was a wake up call for me. I saw what looked like a blatant LARP for the first time in 9 months.

29e939  No.2565194


^^^^This anon


058001  No.2565195


The war is over. You lost.

eac0c8  No.2565196


I just realized that twitter is probably paying close attention to what is being deleted from suspects accounts.

9b33ae  No.2565197


You jews think that, but you are mistaken.

058001  No.2565198


My scope doesn't have a rear view. Sorry.


61ee4b  No.2565199




I wonder if this is where CNN will get indicted?

Also, lots of election/voter fraud in Georgia

db7153  No.2565200


I think they all have multiple personalities. Perp personality abuses, then if they get caught an “ innocent “ one comes out and acts like boohoo I’m the real victim

5cd501  No.2565201






9f9214  No.2565202


that was sarcasm newfag

1eda19  No.2565203


Thanks for some sauce anon. Common sense says that a boomer wouldn't be that far south, and past so many population centers, in a high traffic area. No way.

596528  No.2565204


Some of us anons have no fear of being doxxed. Why would we? We have God on our side and are prepared to die for the movement. Some of us are also prepared to kill to protect ourselves. Many of us have taken steps that in the case of such an event, things would come to light.

Always be 5 steps ahead. If you aren't, then you shouldn't really be here.

058001  No.2565205


You're already dead. You just don't know it yet.

69e1ac  No.2565207


Looks a lot like him. Don't think it is him.

dc9b65  No.2565209

File: a6b270660dc66d9⋯.jpg (34.39 KB, 450x338, 225:169, shillseverywhere2.jpg)


((((your kind))) are in world's sights now. Get this through to your head.

We will not allow you to exist.

20c8a9  No.2565210


exactly. the fake hijacking (barrel roll?!) was a distraction. eagles were the op.

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