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File: 1130f1008cbe80f⋯.jpeg (834.61 KB, 1384x2047, 1384:2047, 67D5DD2A-D248-470D-8DE8-F….jpeg)

fd7fdb No.2563826

Q posted a trafficking hotline number

That hotline was created and operated by project Polaris

Bradley Myles is the CEO of Polaris

He is married to the founder of Polaris Katherine Chon

Chon now works for HHS and is the director of the office of trafficking in persons

This office was setup by Clinton and funds Polaris

This office controls the data in the US on trafficked person foreign and domestic

Polaris works hand in hand with Clinton Foundation and the now defunct Clinton global initiative

The entire trafficked persons division of our government revolves and is likely controlled by the Clintons

fd7fdb No.2563955

File: ec5997c3da160b2⋯.jpeg (335.52 KB, 750x1011, 250:337, 48168985-6367-4CF0-9E53-0….jpeg)

See something, say something

fd7fdb No.2563973

File: 415c07b858100de⋯.jpeg (189.06 KB, 750x560, 75:56, 9B604F92-C4BF-409C-B853-A….jpeg)

Polaris is building the infrastructure that the entire network will rely on

fd7fdb No.2563993

File: 011c4f4332c9481⋯.jpeg (319.17 KB, 750x991, 750:991, F5DE4B31-2989-4562-AE77-E….jpeg)

Working with the now defunct Clinton Global Initiative

fd7fdb No.2564025

File: 8a02a546b8ebc9e⋯.png (216.58 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, CD19875E-A5A4-4E2A-AA82-2F….png)

File: 2e620d204d481e2⋯.png (205.31 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 913211BB-DDCE-433C-8959-D2….png)

Moving into additional countries

fd7fdb No.2564050

It’s a giant fucking network that all points to polaris

b74641 No.2564087


HRC studied at the Yale Child Studies Center after getting her law degree. The Sandy hook was briefly treated there in 2012, being withdrawn after strange symptoms due to medications for Autism. Sauce to follow.

dde475 No.2564210

File: 1e2a4818ac64706⋯.png (108.9 KB, 635x492, 635:492, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

File: 39ed29178560e1d⋯.png (352.14 KB, 742x1008, 53:72, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

It's a Family Affair. aaaaand then Spoops chimes in.

fd7fdb No.2564444

File: 7f093a1b6455cf6⋯.jpeg (285.42 KB, 750x993, 250:331, EDADDE9F-6978-4B7D-BD28-7….jpeg)

What are the odds? DHS Blue in thousands of tweets never mentions this number and then within hours of Q posting, boom

fd7fdb No.2564456

This is not hotline posted by Q but a legit one

af27bc No.2564493

fd7fdb No.2564652

Palantir, headed by Peter Thiel worked heavily with Polaris and also with CGI in a major audit. Thiel is a BIG early advocate of Trump. Does Thiel know where the bodies are buried?

fd7fdb No.2564693

File: b685023f5bec322⋯.jpeg (409.58 KB, 750x1011, 250:337, FFDC027B-0E7B-4936-A311-B….jpeg)

Thiel is a Patriot

7c68be No.2565414

File: c39a2982df43d97⋯.jpg (26.35 KB, 330x462, 5:7, Mills.jpg)

File: 051328de364d15a⋯.png (4.41 KB, 260x46, 130:23, Envoy.png)

Two other companies connect closely to Polaris via shared board members. They apparently function as the operating system for getting immigrants into the US:


"At Envoy, we want to make it easier for employers and workers to pursue that opportunity across the global marketplace. And we take that job really seriously. Formerly known as VISANOW, Envoy was founded in Chicago in 1998 to help people navigate the stressful, confusing and incredibly inefficient immigration and visa application process. "

Oh, CHICAGO. Riiiiight.

Envoy Global has its own proprietary law firm full of immigration lawyers, per its web site:

"Learn how Envoy-affiliated immigration attorneys deliver a 95%+ approval rate*

Envoy’s affiliated legal team is Global Immigration Associates, PC (“GIAPC”). For more information on GIA, please click here: https://giafirm.com/"

GIA's stable of SJW immigration lawyers. The bios are predictable:


Getting back to Envoy Global, its vice chair is Karen Mills (pic related), who was the Admin of the Small Business Administration for Obama from 2009 to 2013.

"Karen Gordon Mills has been a member of our board of directors since 2014. She has served as a member of the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee of the board of directors since 2015. Ms. Mills is a Senior Fellow at the Harvard Business School and a leading authority on U.S. competitiveness, entrepreneurship and innovation. She was a member of President Barack Obama’s Cabinet, serving as the Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration from 2009 to 2013.

Ms. Mills is President of MMP Group, which invests in financial services, consumer products and technology-enabled solutions. She is Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Private Capital Research Institute and serves as a co-Chair of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Main Street Finance Task Force, as well as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Harvard Corporation, Harvard’s highest governing board.

In Obama’s Cabinet, Ms. Mills served on the President’s National Economic Council and as a key member of the White House economic team. At SBA, she led a team of more than 3,000 employees and managed a loan guarantee portfolio of over $100 billion. Mills is credited with turning around the agency, streamlining loan programs, decreasing processing times and reducing paperwork, which led to record-breaking years for SBA lending and investments in growth capital. Additionally, Mills led efforts to help small businesses create regional economic clusters, gain access to early-stage capital, boost exports, and tap into government and commercial supply chains.

Prior to SBA, Mills held leadership positions in the private sector, including as a partner in several private equity firms, and served on the boards of Scotts Miracle-Gro and Arrow Electronics. In 2007, Maine Governor John Baldacci appointed Mills to Chair Maine’s Council on Competitiveness and the Economy, where she focused on regional development initiatives, including a regional economic cluster with Maine’s boatbuilding industry.

Mills earned an AB in economics from Harvard University and an MBA from Harvard Business School, where she was a Baker Scholar. She is a recipient of the U.S. Department of the Navy’s Distinguished Public Service Award, their highest civilian honor, and is a frequent guest on news outlets and an opinion writer, with recent placements in Fortune, Forbes, The Hill, Harvard Business Review and American Banker."


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