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File: 44bcdd84efad0f4⋯.jpg (263.57 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, q-research.jpg)

350dfb  No.2501806

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"/Qresearch/ does not condone violence or the incitement of violent acts against any groups and/or individuals."




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/124 rt 122 —————— Digest and undestand. (Caps: >>2500174 )

Monday 08.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/123 ————————– AMERICA IS BACK TO LEADING ( Caps: >>2487564 , >>2487807 )

>>>/patriotsfight/122 ————————– Think Foreign propaganda ( Cap: >>2486911 )

>>>/patriotsfight/121 ————————– Psychological Projection. Define Conspiracy ( Cap: >>2486904 )

>>>/patriotsfight/120 ————————– Important to understand prior to next ( Cap: >>2484502 )

Sunday 08.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/119 ————————– Trip update confirmed ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>>/patriotsfight/118 ————————– Trip update ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>2465633 ————————————– Reconcile.

>>2460787 ————————————– Be aware of your surroundings: See something, say something

>>2460260 ————————————– There is a reason we needed to go mainstream b4 EVIDENCE drop

Friday 08.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/117 ————————– We have the server[S] ( Cap: >>2441061 )

>>2436694 ————————————– Right on schedule

>>2435826 ————————————– T_D mods removing QAnon comments

>>2435401 rt >>2434941 ——————- Think WRAY (yesterday) Think [RR] (today)

>>2434815 rt >>2434705 ——————- What a wonderful day

>>2434705 ————————————– Do you believe in coincidences?

>>>/patriotsfight/116 ————————– List of sealed indictments ( Cap: >>2433964 )

>>>/patriotsfight/115 ————————– List of reporters who colluded with the HRC Campaign ( Cap: >>2433773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/114 ————————– BIGGEST COVER UP IN US HISTORY [ATTEMPTED] ( Caps: >>2433500 , >>2433557 )

>>2430708 ————————————– Full attack mode. Washington Post leading?

>>2426184 rt >>2425988 ——————- Incorrect decoding. Not the person. Think connection

>>2425988 rt >>2425560 ——————- Comms dark. Message sent. 5:5?

>>2425781 ————————————– How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !A6yxsPKia.

Q's Old Tripcode: !CbboFOtcZs

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.pub , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f6c338  No.2501816

File: cfdfe06f33cfc72⋯.png (30.21 KB, 594x390, 99:65, fcdc315ba2adccd66e677d8c3c….png)


Vague inferrence from Q drops has been used by MSM kike shills to try to steer the Q movement in opposition to Alex Jones/InfoWars. AJ has been fighting the establishment cabal and waking people up for almost 2 decades. The video posted as "evidence" of him claiming to have spoken with Q is him quoting a conversation with someone else. Let's say hypothetically AJ did claim to have spoken with Q, so what? Maybe movies need actors and sometimes disinfo is necessary? Be careful to not let your own ignorance falsely justify friendly fire.





>>2490147 (ob) Faggots move on the internet, anti-AJ shills btfo as fake narrative crumbles

real techs support uncensored internet and free sharing of information and knowledge for all. the tech left is an aristocratic, fascist aberration to the traditional hacker ethos

5c7520  No.2501858

File: 9b0dbe80c60e5cf⋯.jpg (462.14 KB, 958x959, 958:959, 9b0dbe80c60e5cfd50108cb1db….jpg)

Trump derangement syndrome is real.

350dfb  No.2501859


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2468527 BO Confirms: New Q trip whitelisted


>>2501151 DOJ’s Bruce Ohr & Sally Yates Swapped Intel with Christopher Steele & Fusion GPS to Discredit Trump

>>2501154 WV House judiciary introduces articles of impeachment against all Supreme Court justices

>>2501160 QGraphic - Digest and Understand

>>2501176 Sauce for 14 articles of impeachment WV Supreme Court Justices

>>2501187 India Oxenberg has left NXIVM

>>2501292 Sealed Indictment Unsealed in CA

>>2501252, >>2501373, >>2501450 Sauce for leaked emails from Robert Otto

>>2501255 Confirmed: Obama WH issued visa to Russian lawyer days Trump meeting

>>2501406 Obama vacationing in Martha's Vineyard.

>>2501442 DoD Tweet

>>2501464 USDA announced today that Morocco will allow commercial imports of U.S. poultry for the first time

>>2501483 Ron Paul Institute director censored by Twatter.

>>2501625, >>2501658 "PainComes@23"

>>2501708, >>2501810 Manafort’s Lawyers Skewer Rick Gates in Blistering Cross-Examination ‘He Embezzled Millions to Fund Secret Life With Mistress’

>>2501723 List of recently unsealed indictments

>>2501759 Amazon seems to have quietly stopped recommending Alex Jones products

>>2501829 Deadly plane crash in Wisconsin (7 out of 10)

>>2501844 #3155


>>2500422 Israel has killed the senior Syrian scientist Aziz Asbar, according to spy agency in the middle east

>>2500473 Today's resignations not previously posted.

>>2500504 Follow the wives

>>2500568 New (Ohr) e-mails & texts expose Bruce Ohr - Hannity talk show with Jim Jordan

>>2500601 Some AMAZING stuff here (qresearch data visualizations)

>>2500655 The Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte, has threatened to kill corrupt police officers

>>2500677 Leah Vukmir Takes Dive in Wisconsin After Video Emerges of Her Calling Trump ‘Offensive to Everyone’

>>2500685 Mattis calls space a ‘developing war zone,’ mulls creating combatant command before Space Force

>>2500741, >>2500824 Musk Considers Taking Tesla Private Again

>>2500791 27 Indicted in SC drug trafficking investigation

>>2500932 Goldman Sachs Under US Scrutiny in Malaysian Fraud Inquiry

>>2500955 Police Capture Illegal Posing With ‘Daughter’ He Was Raping

>>2500996 Senate Democrats Are Circulating Plans For Government Takeover Of The Internet

>>2501089 #3154

#3153 baker change

>>2499584, >>2499599, >>2499598, >>2499603, >>2499653,>>2499716 Planefag updates - Martha's Vineyard

>>2499635, >>2499673 14 Articles of Impeachment Introduced Against 4 Remaining WV Supreme Court Justices

>>2499660 Fox News Correspondent Resigns after 9yrs

>>2499661 No name fed classified info to Fusion

>>2499695 Spokesperson of Energy Ministry resigns after firing of Boakye Agyarko (Ghana)

>>2499703 Brenden M Dilley spitballing

>>2499885 Nunes: FBI Failed To Include ‘Exculpatory’ Evidence In Carter Page FISAS

>>2499909 Kate Brown, governor of Oregon, suspected to be the KATE refernce with Strock's coke bottle

>>2499963 Lots of SA in the news recently

>>2499967 CBS wants celebrities to start trolling Ivanka Trump?

>>2499674 For the newbies. 10-15 min read how the world works.

>>2500000 Quints confirm: Trump Wins. Always. WWG1WGA

>>2500089 Preparing us for facial recognition WW.

>>2500110 Amazon Studios head of unscripted programming Heather Schuster has left the company

>>2500124 Victoria's Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley resigned

>>2500132 FBI put up a red flag on both Feinstein's in 1997.

>>2500177 Iran crowds reportedly chant 'death to the dictator!' as US sanctions increase economic unrest

>>2500230 Clockfag update

>>2500318 #3153

Previously Collected Notables

>>2499506 #3152, >>2498729 #3151

>>2497952 #3150, >>2497146 #3149, >>2496367 #3148

>>2493985 #3145, >>2494824 #3146, >>2495600 #3147

>>2491640 #3142, >>2496492 #3143, >>2493983 #3144

>>2491447 #3139, >>2491379 #3140, >>2490857 #3141

>>2486959 #3136, >>2487674 #3137, >>2488485 #3138

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

350dfb  No.2501864

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>1606439

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 — The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2178691 – A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2294272 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#34 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>>/comms/2100 , >>2437666

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>2489726 , >>2489748 , >>2489817

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

(more on the comms page)

32b99d  No.2501867


Fаке роՏт

350dfb  No.2501869

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button: >>2374212

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Sorting Breads On Number Of Replies To A Post >>2467707

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27, 27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this -→ >>2438883

350dfb  No.2501875



b8d820  No.2501878

File: 71fc5f67a32aa0e⋯.png (414.6 KB, 1098x849, 366:283, AFewProofs.png)

File: af8b5715f0f94f1⋯.png (356.69 KB, 1098x849, 366:283, FacebookisCabal.png)

File: f34311be902bb41⋯.png (454.04 KB, 1098x849, 366:283, QBrokeWeb.png)

File: 14d5d75516fb9a1⋯.png (261.76 KB, 849x1098, 283:366, TuesdayEvening.png)

File: cbd50af30ea9a0c⋯.png (213.25 KB, 1098x849, 366:283, Valentine.png)

No page 2 of Extra Evening Special - sorry.


Can’t shadowban the Elevator!

Good: They study your meme. Better: They take a picture of your meme. Best: They share the photo and it becomes a viral text (can’t shadowban texts either).

Prints to 8.5X11 inches

Can’t shadowban the Potty!

2. OPERATION BLUEPILLERS GOTTA POTTY: An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: Over 5 minutes of undivided attention.

For Potty Posting only: keep it clean – G rated – children in the audience; we fight for them. Example: “slave Cult”, not the fuller truth “sex slave Cult.”

Recommend against printing or posting at work – too risky – Patriots need an income. As long as they are asleep, they are part of the Empire – and may fire you if you are caught. Brainwashed their entire life, they think this is a conspiracy for now – the MSM-traitors told them so as Q predicted.

Stay safe – avoid sketchy or isolated areas; the gangs are not disbanded yet.

Potty Posting ideas:

Airplanes (no cell reception!), Bakeries – Thank You Baker, Airports, Train Stations, Hotel Lobbies, Convention Centers, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Your Church, Your Synagogue, Your Temple, Your Mosque, Parties, near or far Restaurants, Stores, Malls, Movies, Health Clubs, Covfefe Shops, Sporting Events, Car and Horse Races, Concerts, Libraries, Bookstores, City State Federal Parks, Beaches, City State Federal Buildings, Porta-Potties, Festivals, Street Fairs, Art Fairs, Renaissance Fairs, Fundraisers, ComicCons, Casinos, Grocery Stores, Vacation, Rest Areas, Gas Stations, Truck Stops, Museums, Tourist Attractions, Campgrounds, Cruise Ships, Golf Courses, Country Clubs, Playhouses, Opera-houses, Orchestras, etc.

Then man your ships and may the Potty be with you.

f6c338  No.2501884


>t.real kike

e37d07  No.2501889

File: b2b9458367ae164⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB, 426x240, 71:40, E352665D-7736-4E2B-BB75-15….MP4)

JA re: Clinton


3b7cf1  No.2501894

File: 07e5c5c0240ca24⋯.jpeg (24.33 KB, 223x255, 223:255, 761CA77F-EE26-4E79-A59E-D….jpeg)

32b99d  No.2501902

Is 8chan owner a clown? Isn't it safe to assume "yes", realistically?

350dfb  No.2501906


Baker requesting handoff

92b3a4  No.2501907


No, it isn't. You need to read the history of 8ch.

75b908  No.2501908

Judge Ellis Brings Mueller’s Prosecutor to Tears in Courtroom Showdown


92b3a4  No.2501911

File: fcf56b654c26771⋯.jpeg (108.8 KB, 1200x901, 1200:901, 9409837825a44631a16b09cc9….jpeg)

Boobs for the Baker!

Boobs for Victory!

a33e32  No.2501914

File: 9a4ec420bc5967d⋯.jpg (11.67 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, 02213807.jpg)

You want me crush it up for you?

5e2edf  No.2501916


There is no power outside of Jesus. The idea that YOU are the source of (your) power is the Satanic inversion of Creator | Created. That was part of the point of my original post:

Occult and New Age religions seem to believe God and Satan are equal and opposite (Yin & Yang), and that they each need the other to achieve "balance" in the world. According to the Bible, this is one of the oldest lies - Satan (f.k.a. Lucifer) esteemed himself equal to God and as a result was cast out of God's presence along with his followers. Satan is known as (among other things) the "Father of Lies". My view is that Satan has created a false dichotomy whereas the "devil" (Yin) is darkness and Lucifer (Yang) is light when in reality both entities are Satan attempting to fool people who reject God into worshiping the darkness ("devil worshipers") and "enlightened" "spiritualists" into worshiping the "Light Bearer" Lucifer, all of which is self-worship ('I am God/everyone is God') in reality.

It seems quite possible to me that millions (billions?) of people are being (or about to be) fooled by a false dichotomy between the DS (a.k.a. "darkness") and Q/Trump (a.k.a. "light") - dark to light - when the reality is that Satan is pulling the strings of both sides to usher in the NWO. All while being cheered on and celebrated by the "Woke".

Bottom line, I pray you'll consider the truth in the Truth's own words: I AM the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me. - Jesus Christ, John 14:6. I implore you to trust in no one and nothing but Jesus Christ, the one true God.

If Q/Trump was doing God's work he'd be giving all of the glory to God. That is definitely not the case, which should be a clear sign to followers of Christ (and hopefully to those who truly seek the truth as opposed to earthly vengeance) that MAGA is part of the great deception.

675208  No.2501919

File: 798b8e7550a6835⋯.jpeg (201.89 KB, 1536x1810, 768:905, 02504157-3AF5-4E73-BB17-0….jpeg)

Enjoy the show.


34e884  No.2501920


Lets hope they get an incurable disease from that, would teach them not to lick toilet bowls like a retard.

986a78  No.2501921

In newest Q drop, is IW being taken down part of the plan?

14a2be  No.2501922

File: 7ef589d8e398409⋯.png (352.47 KB, 786x3723, 262:1241, Screenshot_2018-08-07 Text….png)

File: f062e7c11ad1e52⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1260x6666, 210:1111, 1513277091180.png)

Reposting for visibility:

HR5181 DIED in the house, but w a rider on the Fiscal year 2017 NDAA instead


Last Bread the HR5181 mentioned 20 million in funds, but the NDAA Bumped that up to 60 million.


8dc1ff  No.2501923

Reports: President Trump coming to Utica Monday

President Donald Trump will be making a stop in Utica Monday to headline a fundraiser for Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-New Hartford, according to several media reports.

The expected visit would come on the same day Trump is scheduled to visit Fort Drum, where he will sign the John McCain National Defense Authorization Act for 2019, which includes funding for a security fence around the Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome, according to a White House official.

The O-D reached out to the White House, but officials would only confirm the Fort Drum visit, not his plans to visit Utica or the reason for the visit.



President Donald Trump is set to visit Utica on Monday, a White House staffer confirmed to NEWSChannel 2 on Tuesday.

According to Cole Davis, White House Press Lead for the Advanced Office, Trump will be in Utica Monday, Aug. 13 for an event that is closed to the media. Details about the event have not yet been announced, but Watertown CBS affiliate WWNY reports that Trump’s visit will be to campaign for Rep. Claudia Tenney. We have reached out to Tenney to confirm this information, and we are waiting to hear back.

Trump’s last visit to the local area was back in 2016, when he held a campaign rally at Griffiss International Airport in Rome.


43b775  No.2501924

Friendly reminder to anons. ERIC CLANTONS rescheduled court date is tomorrow

0885da  No.2501925


^ this nigger again

32b99d  No.2501926



When your output is this stereotyped, repetitive, and weak, isn't it better to just not shill at all? Think about it. No– really think about it. You can't win. Think "War Games". Think about it.

e98cce  No.2501927


>>2499533 (some breads back)

>Wow. Hannity on the radio right now with John Solomon. A lot of information released - Texts/emails. Bruce Ohr, his wife Nellie Ohr, Sally Yates, Christopher steele etc…

>Basically it sounds like Bruce and Nellie were used as assets between Christopher Steele and DOJ/FBI.

>They (congress) want to bring Bruce and Nellie in for questioning.

>The shit is really getting deep now.

8044b9  No.2501928

File: 5cfc6d783856bb5⋯.jpg (126.04 KB, 1114x1200, 557:600, Dj0UCw3U8AAypA_.jpg)

File: d3e5f1ec4450fb0⋯.jpg (124.79 KB, 1125x944, 1125:944, Dj0UCzJU0AA-ESW.jpg)

File: 2b39a0dad06a773⋯.jpg (105.55 KB, 1125x878, 1125:878, Dj0UCw2U8AIoc2X.jpg)

File: e758c2ba00f5579⋯.jpg (115.5 KB, 1125x981, 125:109, Dj0UCzGVAAEg4L7.jpg)

The anti-feminist to nazi pipeline in full effect.

so much winning

96fa51  No.2501929

File: 14432ea6c50c5a0⋯.jpeg (151.65 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 1533683366.jpeg)

757c6f  No.2501930


ur confused... MAN and given names to their shit..Mostly designed by Satan ...

GOD game the name to CHRIST..

Play with your mans words will always end up EVIL..

0b6a17  No.2501932

Did we ever do anything with the Byrd/Hillary drop? Q had a reason for that…

Need to pull Dems in, not alienate them right now

3716fc  No.2501933

File: db86df6afcf28c8⋯.jpg (105.12 KB, 1018x1000, 509:500, 41702fe4464e82150ffae9e387….jpg)


First, fuck you for shitting in the bread

Second, what the actual fuck

32b99d  No.2501934

File: d5c5ddf86dc95a8⋯.png (323.49 KB, 555x666, 5:6, ItsPee.png)

92b3a4  No.2501936


Let's find out, shall we?

6786c5  No.2501937

File: 9b7cb1709c4e9dc⋯.png (535.87 KB, 1600x1502, 800:751, Examiner.png)

Notice the usage of the word "democracy" - America is a REPUBLIC not a democracy. Democrats who advocate democracy are for socialism.

453910  No.2501938


She looks like she smells like pee.


f0ad0a  No.2501939

34e884  No.2501940


I have a slight man crush on Mattis, all my USMC friends are also real happy he's there!

59abfb  No.2501941

thanks baker


anon, question on TuesdayEvening.png

not really familiar with these view type rankings

what does the 100, 66, 40, 38, etc signify???

its probably simple, just not seeing it

92b3a4  No.2501942


I hope that faggot gets what he deserves.

4223b0  No.2501943

>>2501764 (lb)

They could be charged large fines in lieu of jail and help pay off the national debt back to Americans.

04bd36  No.2501944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eb41e5  No.2501945

File: a7c077bb7167bb1⋯.png (461.14 KB, 886x764, 443:382, Ithoughthewasfinished.PNG)

File: 8c05eecef0dfd71⋯.png (70.27 KB, 879x222, 293:74, wtf.PNG)

He's back???

c754b1  No.2501946


Agree 100%

His 1st Amendment is our 1st Amendment. It is shared.

ebf2cb  No.2501947

File: d04d4b708f2f332⋯.png (622.78 KB, 585x636, 195:212, hillbag-future-q1.png)

f0ad0a  No.2501948

File: 6cfbe1ef5a54efd⋯.jpg (83.34 KB, 736x727, 736:727, 6cfbe1ef5a54efd31353e947f4….jpg)

502dc0  No.2501949

For those who feel guided there will be a mass meditation at the moment of the maximum point of the solar eclipse on August 11th, 2018 at 9:11 AM UTC.

There have been guided videos created in 20 languages so far. Below is a promotional video for this meditation that I was guided to create:


All details, including links to the guided videos, the automatic timezone conversion for your location and more information about meditation can be found in the description.

The Cabal detests mass meditations due to their powerful positive effect on the global consciousness and world events. Please consider sharing this as far as you can in order to amplify the power of the meditation.

Thanks for checking this out everyone!

Victory of the light!

bd9ae3  No.2501950

File: d92172dd6902fa3⋯.jpg (98.24 KB, 688x413, 688:413, Red Wave.jpg)


ThanQ Baker.

537414  No.2501951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stormy in New York

495c8d  No.2501952


Absolute horseshit.

We're all "God's Children".

Being Intelligent Consciousness is what it means to be "Made in God's image".

But, like a good religious slave…

You parrot your masters that "The Human mind is evil and not to be trusted."

Trust Yourself.

Make your own Covenant with Divinity.

92b3a4  No.2501954


Ironwood would be proud.

b95ca8  No.2501955

We're being helped across platform's. This is epic. Wonder which platform is next!?!

f2db92  No.2501956

File: a2563f25db2d482⋯.jpg (218.68 KB, 1000x684, 250:171, white.jpg)

35d292  No.2501957

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, Chan Archive Service.jpg)

Spreadsheet updated to post: >>>/patriotsfight/124


Full-sized images Q posts/responds to updated:


(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated - arranged by Month:

Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1yauk9hga/

Mar: https://postimg.cc/gallery/288psr0d6/

Apr: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2f58y6jyy/

May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2se525yca/

Jun: https://postimg.cc/gallery/gqfcs7cq/

July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/10efwhs6y/

Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2rc5iqf5m/

Supplemental archives updated:

3rd tab at bottom on main spreadsheet (1st link above)

Updating may be intermittent tonight (if further posting) due to spotty connection…

e0915b  No.2501958

File: 1b36a6855956f40⋯.jpg (37.81 KB, 640x383, 640:383, WH GDP_1.JPG)

File: 8413e63ba34b699⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 633x391, 633:391, WH GDP_2.JPG)

Economy Firing on All Cylinders

The (((Obama Administration predicted sluggish growth as the "new normal"))) for the U.S. economy. Instead, real GDP is on track for 3.1% growth, which many claimed was impossible.



4223b0  No.2501959


An anon, breads ago, suggested she and her husband are actually both transgender. Appearances would support that hypothesis.

f8650c  No.2501960

File: 562a60b587e8f8c⋯.png (532.09 KB, 1597x1600, 1597:1600, bait.png)


>religious debate

f6c338  No.2501961

92b3a4  No.2501962


A shadow of his former financial self. He cut a deal.

ac43ee  No.2501963


I gotta give Bruce credit…

…Not nearly enough alcohol east of the Mississippi for her to get my dick hard.


997869  No.2501964

I would say we need to WATCH THE WATER for the big RED WAVE!!!

787ba8  No.2501965


Cat pee

1732b8  No.2501966


You work hard. Thank you!

96fa51  No.2501967


Just looking at the man boosts testosterone levels. No homo.

0f20fd  No.2501968


Remain Calm….He shall return like a new man

fe58e4  No.2501969


I can smell the cat piss from here.

8d0142  No.2501970

Almost infuriated re last Q crumb.

IF Dem “entire future depends on winning majority the House”,

THEN clearly POTUS should be moving very swiftly to release TRUTH, release indictments and get this all out to the public!


4223b0  No.2501971


Imagine what the figures would be if Congress would support the President's agenda.

8e1568  No.2501972

>>2500602 (PG)

This guy went from screwing Chicago schools to effing up on a national scale.

Think boys in girls bathrooms. That's him.

Think Common Core. Him again.

Think Florida shooting. Yup, his Title 9 policies.

DeVos has been in office for about a year and he wants to blame the decades long decline in education on her. That's still him.

6f6e81  No.2501973


throw them a Tidepod

18633b  No.2501974

File: e7ad3c19be91e18⋯.png (112.22 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8ChanPostDetectorI.png)

8044b9  No.2501975

File: cde86d0178fe4dd⋯.png (375.61 KB, 874x862, 437:431, DkB_233U4AA3aqr.png)

"Being a jew means never having to say sorry you're white" - Joe Bernstein

b5dc74  No.2501976


LOL, they had to bring in a "holocaust survivor."

>Oh no, the goyim are waking up. Bring in the nukes!

8fcea1  No.2501977


Former Hattiesburg oral surgeon charged, pleads guilty in compound pharmacy case


Parma man accused of assaulting Lorain County Jail officer


Four indicted for selling cocaine


More than 2 dozen arrested in NYC following a wiretap investigation


West Village 'Poker House' Helped Fund Huge Drug Ring: Officials


$4.5 million classic car fraud scheme shut down by FBI


How 2 metro Detroit doctors got busted for $20M opioid scheme


I'm an indictmentfag - I can easily verify my identity with BO. I'm not pulling these from Pacer because it costs me $.10 per page, and these crimes are not relevent to anything we're doing other than verifying that they're being unsealed.

5c7520  No.2501978

File: 18a79e904d43b90⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 500x621, 500:621, 2fgu79~2.jpg)

Q is still working Rosenstein for future prosecution.

e8c357  No.2501979

File: 83aa4443a759997⋯.png (3.28 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, Qanon top predictions1.png)


b8a36f  No.2501980

Ugh. Waiting is the hardest part.

Walking away so that the Big Drop will happen.

Y'all can thank me later.

978757  No.2501981



▶FRANCE YES! JEWS PASS LAW OKing SEX WITH KIDS Anonymous 08/07/18 (Tue) 13:56:57 000000 No.11974195>>11974202 >>11974237 >>11974405 >>11974440 >>11974453 >>11974580 >>11974584 >>11974597 >>11974641 >>11974847 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

/pol/ was right again

>France Passes Law Saying Children Can Consent To Sex With Adults

>President Macron’s government has voted against having an age of consent in France, becoming the latest nation to give in to pressure from an international network of liberal activists determined to normalize pedophilia and decriminalize sex with children across the world.

>Federal law in France now has no legal age of consent, meaning adults who have sex with children of any age will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove “violence, threat, duress, or surprise.”

>The draft bill against sexual and gender-based violence, known as the Schiappa law, was signed into law by the French Parliament on 3 August, sparking outrage in France as parents and children’s rights groups accuse Emmanuel Macron’s government of betraying the nation’s children.

>The lack of an age of consent places millions of children in serious danger of sexual abuse in France, according to child protection officials.

>Children’s rights groups criticised Emmanuel Macron’s government for failing to provide a legal age of consent to protect children, pointing to the recent decision by French courts to refuse to prosecute two pedophiles for the rape of 11-year-old girls because authorities couldn’t prove the children did not consent.

>On Thursday, several groups, including the French Council of Associations for the Rights of the Child, issued a joint statement to express their “indignation” at the abandonment of an age of consent under French law.

>In a joint statement, the associations condemned the new law in the strongest possible terms: “This should be the flagship measure of the bill: the introduction of an age below which children would automatically be considered unable to consent to sex with adults.“

>The French child protection associations are demanding that Macron’s government revoke the Schiappa law and establish a legal age of consent under which any sexual act involving an adult and a child will constitute rape.

>The abandonment of a legal age of consent has shocked French society. The controversial bill had focused on an appropriate threshold for an age of consent — 13 or 15 years.

>However, the choice was made to abandon the principle of a minimum age.

>In its final version, the Schiappa law provides that for children under the age of 15, “the moral constraint or the surprise is characterized by the abuse of the vulnerability of the victim who does not have the necessary discernment for these acts“. However, the former minister of women’s rights, Laurence Rossignol, says these notions of “vulnerability” and “discernment” leave far too much room for pedophiles to escape punishment under the law.

>France is not the only European nation moving towards the decriminalization of sex with children. According to top German immigration attorney (((Hans Goldsberg))), laws on pedophilia are outdated and need to be abolished.

>“There will be the need for a consolidation of national laws under the current European system on the legal aspects of sex. Most of these national rulings don’t represent the modern social complexities of our times and are legally baseless. Some even argue that a law on the age of consent has become superfluous and should no longer exist,” claims the lawyer who has worked for more than 35 years in his field.




92b3a4  No.2501982


Concur. As much as I loathe the man, his struggles will pave the way for anti-trust litigation against the tech companies.

b8edc6  No.2501983

File: 2bfd933d382bd90⋯.png (1.51 MB, 2534x1466, 1267:733, Screenshot 2018-08-07 16.1….png)

File: ad75757cdbf6da5⋯.png (251.56 KB, 2561x875, 2561:875, Screenshot 2018-08-07 16.1….png)


As of December 23, ladies and gentleman, the federal government has authority from Congress to shut down any news service, any website, or any information clearinghouse in the country that proffers what the government considers to be “propaganda.” And remember, this was passed by both Republicans and Democrats.

So, kiss the First Amendment goodbye, folks, because it’s G-O-N-E.

And since Russia is involved in this discussion, what happened to that Russian military plane that crashed into the Black Sea two minutes after taking off in good weather from Sochi? Yes, accidents happen, but this crash raises all kinds of red flags (no pun intended) in my mind–especially when occurring so close together with the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey.


Barack Obama has signed into law a bill authorizing some $611 billion in funding for the U.S. military for 2017, but hidden inside the massive governmental document is a provision that is alarming free-speech and limited-government advocates: authorization and financing for a new center to decide what is truth. The newly approved Center for Information Analysis and Response, or how those around it have infamously dubbed it the “Ministry of Truth,” are out to silence the masses.


"Misinformation is increasingly becoming a key tool used by the Russian government for the persecution of political, economic and military purposes", - reads the document.


537414  No.2501984

File: a976c92c04123c0⋯.jpg (76.91 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 4890083cad82aeabe8d27a3ec6….jpg)


I love how all these great spies and anti-terror experts got together to plan something nefarious, and their best idea was "hookers and peepee."

Explains why the country has gone to absolute dogshit in the last 30 years.

3716fc  No.2501985

File: d26a939220e31a6⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 714x451, 714:451, Laughs In American.jpg)


A glimmer of hope for the future

35d292  No.2501986

File: 719cfed3279697e⋯.jpg (193.54 KB, 1000x790, 100:79, 1477539749910.jpg)


That's GREAT news actually! It is okay to be White, just like any other population group.


ea9b05  No.2501987

File: dd6cc59d008a045⋯.png (236.26 KB, 523x726, 523:726, A20303DF-466C-432E-91B3-63….png)

File: a209dc2fda9f045⋯.jpeg (105.85 KB, 663x500, 663:500, B30D8FF6-B1BD-488F-B7B6-5….jpeg)

4223b0  No.2501988


By "educated" Arne Duncan means "compliant".

986a78  No.2501989


So you're saying we should just give up and vote dem?

eb41e5  No.2501990

File: 747d00184e4e14b⋯.png (116.28 KB, 935x677, 935:677, CanadaandSaud.PNG)

Anyone know whats really going on between Canada and Saudi Arabia?

c36b44  No.2501991



This is an undercover news reporter having no idea how to do their job. Everyone take note.

4de64a  No.2501992

File: dba97c7c335c2ab⋯.jpg (22.5 KB, 388x247, 388:247, GTA 6 gameplay footage.jpg)


Q told us to "pray" many times.

Obviously religious and spiritual matters are important. I wish anons would be less dogmatic…

32b99d  No.2501993



How does SNOW WHITE fit? Have we ever gotten an idea of how she ended up?

Q referred to Soros/loserbots– have we ever dug on Soros' AI capabilities?

Who are the LOSERS? Term has been repeated… undoubtedly significant. Presumably NOT "clowns", hence different term. So who are the LOSERS, that's someone with bots?

First guess: British intelligence..?

a342d1  No.2501994


Thanks anon. I snatched them. Filling my printer paper!!


5e3a0c  No.2501995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3716fc  No.2501996

File: 3144918730a9652⋯.jpg (91.38 KB, 500x432, 125:108, Shut it down.jpg)

0b6a17  No.2501997

We have to stay away from the shills right now, starve them out. Theyy are going to make the weeks before mainstream look quiet – but it will seem like they are 'with us'…the AJstuff, kappy, muh jew stuff will get intense

787ba8  No.2501998


I don't get it anymore. I honestly don't.

5c7520  No.2501999



You love all Jewish studies.

e9d64f  No.2502000

>>2501834 (lb)

You (or any anons) wanna dig into Wisconsin? I'll give you a name to dig on and I already know you'll find A LOT of shit on this guy. The former senate majority leader, Charles "Chuck" Chvala. He was facing like a decade in federal prison and somehow skated probation and now is working with his daughter as a real estate broker. Also dig on the City of Madison, Paul Soglin the mayor is corrupt as fuck. I can keep throwing out names. Would do it myself but phonefagging while workfagging.

1217d2  No.2502001

How far is the Clinton residence in Chappaqua from NXVIM?

de1b48  No.2502002


Bruce isn’t exactly a looker himself

8044b9  No.2502003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Awaken your nation as soon as possible, otherwise you'll be in trouble. Don't believe people who say change is impossible”, Viktor Orbán said

cc6d35  No.2502004

File: 363f1bb627f6101⋯.jpg (407.49 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180807-182232….jpg)



59abfb  No.2502005


muh social media can't censor the chans

nor can the government (nor would POTUS)

so I'm comfy

POTUS HAS TO SIGN ANY BILL INTO LAW, yea fucking right he would

fe58e4  No.2502006


Careful for the Honeypots people. Just saying. Don't react if you have personal information to that twat.

a40f39  No.2502007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dc4507  No.2502008

File: 969ea2eb38236c7⋯.jpg (74.99 KB, 607x598, 607:598, jack5.jpg)

537414  No.2502009


My gut says clown ops moved up north since Trump's election - and they started fucking with the pro-Trump new Saudi king.

That's not based on anything btw

75887f  No.2502010

File: 205ea9dc997e39a⋯.jpg (96.88 KB, 567x768, 189:256, tNjZBacisQ9txGTLcNXHfMyo0z….jpg)

b8d820  No.2502011

File: f9b3682a2d8b2a6⋯.png (268.91 KB, 849x1098, 283:366, CorrectedVideoMissing.png)


Second video link was missing.

5c7520  No.2502013

File: cfbf86deb2cfa26⋯.jpg (70.36 KB, 500x560, 25:28, 2fgucv~2.jpg)

There is definitely a sealed indictment for good olé Maxine.

35d292  No.2502014



Is there a thread for this? Seems like we should keep track of this the way we are tracking the sealed indictments & also resignations…

59abfb  No.2502015


my guess would be to EU

02b286  No.2502016

Death. i am all alone.


My good friend.

I am drunk.

I have no friends.

Death is easier.


Behold the Liar!

f8650c  No.2502017

File: 9fdc9b9b5967697⋯.jpg (340.79 KB, 800x1168, 50:73, Scan-New-York-Times-Six-Mi….jpg)

File: 48cbc97297d2695⋯.jpg (53.98 KB, 840x685, 168:137, Zyklon B.jpg)

File: e6ef944abbe2f49⋯.jpg (107.7 KB, 600x344, 75:43, 1513816595640.jpg)

File: 5b080ff20b3d4d5⋯.jpeg (208.67 KB, 750x750, 1:1, holohoax.jpeg)

1df9bc  No.2502018

File: 596b61a92abd8a4⋯.png (850.81 KB, 850x880, 85:88, Alex Jones.PNG)

Is it just me or does it seem very convenient when MSM needed to change the narrative fast they pull out the "OMG…Alex Jones is being censored!" card. Notice there is hardly any more Q stories being talked about like they were a few days ago?

I wonder how much of that 160 million Jones was paid.

18e51f  No.2502019



ea9b05  No.2502020

File: 87d58789d10567c⋯.jpeg (56.17 KB, 583x335, 583:335, 92DC6A8C-A4C8-40CC-B674-2….jpeg)

File: 1abc2a9506a3655⋯.jpeg (59.27 KB, 583x335, 583:335, A7C4A624-76F3-4067-B987-8….jpeg)

File: aca8f5cabe5ca95⋯.jpeg (61.13 KB, 583x335, 583:335, F36A6328-5E08-477A-A857-1….jpeg)

File: 6ac750f5568a359⋯.jpeg (78.05 KB, 649x578, 649:578, E88B1518-DB8A-4078-A253-A….jpeg)

File: 91d9114fe4c4dea⋯.jpeg (78.05 KB, 649x578, 649:578, 952F85F8-FCFC-4B5D-B709-A….jpeg)

997869  No.2502021


nice meme!!

3d53ce  No.2502022


And he wears a mullet.

Who woulda thunk?

787ba8  No.2502023


…And just one more cunt to get rich from it.

If I had a genie I'd wish for him to burn it all down

18633b  No.2502024


What Part Of TRUST THE PLAN Do you not understand? You know more that Q??? Are we There yet? Are we There yet? Are we There yet? Are we There yet? Are we There yet?

e18bc3  No.2502025


Why has Q never addressed starving kids in Africa?

Why has Q never addressed Homelessness?

Why hasn't Q mentioned my favorite movie star??

Q isn't doing enough !

203c06  No.2502026


Alex, I'll take Things that Didn't Happen for $500, Please.

14a2be  No.2502027

File: 49cf67be0b403f1⋯.png (329.75 KB, 725x970, 145:194, Screenshot_2018-08-07 Dani….png)



The GEC is currently led by Acting Coordinator Daniel Kimmage.


4892e6  No.2502028

You guys sound and are acting just the People who are calling all of us Crazies and want to Shut us down because we're violent. (lies)

They are watching all of your reactions to AJ being Banned on many platform's simultaneously. You should All be appalled at what that Fuck Head Mark, and @Jack and Apple Cook fag have done.

Your/We're next. This isn't about AJ, it's about Power.

They are Dividing us via AJ. That's why they choose him. They got 50% of you doing their bidding because it's Jones.

Think about it.

And Don't bother calling something Lame like Owen or Corsi.


16d16b  No.2502029


Well we dumped about 30 memes on Hillary's connection to the KKK via Sen. Byrd. Then we dumped another 30-50 memes that would inspire the Black community to walk away from the dems. Don't tell me I need to repeat that all over again! I dumped a copy of that meme collection over in Memes26 starting at this post # >>2466452

The reason we had so many memes already made was because Q gave us this topic to research quite a few months back and we worked it. The recent drop was a signal to go out and let fly with that ammo.

e1304a  No.2502030


Proving a toilet is more sanitary then a kitchen sink should not be done with your face.

a663d5  No.2502031


Wait until all their candidates are locked in position.

The only way to replace a candidate is to offer a "write in".

Trust the plan.

ebf2cb  No.2502032

File: b820547282ce043⋯.png (681.83 KB, 632x548, 158:137, bezos-clown-q2.png)

32b99d  No.2502033


Remember: British greatness and Rothschild greatness was a partnership. They probably both went corrupt together too, when the power of the British state fell drastically after WWI. Sore losers?

88af61  No.2502034

File: f4e30d812af42d4⋯.jpg (480.85 KB, 1782x1200, 297:200, UNIFAIL.jpg)


>>2501324 (lb)

Did "former militant anony…" just doxx himself?

see graphic [Viva Liberta]?


3021be  No.2502035

File: cc8aed89332bb1f⋯.jpg (404.65 KB, 989x1280, 989:1280, 1533684030158.jpg)

He said I needed a red pill.

He took 1 out of his pocket.

He put it in my bum.


495c8d  No.2502036

TYT claims that people are donating to QAnon.

"Old people are donating their social security checks to QAnon."




6786c5  No.2502037

Alex Jones may be considered a lunatic to most in the mainstream but he did open up most patriots. He may have had some difference of opinions with Qanon (mostly related Corsi and he did drop following Q after that controversy). We must stay united regardless of our differences. AJ was the lone media voice before Trump became POTUS and started calling out Fake News. It because of him that most of America tuned off MSM and eventually voted in Trump.

Americans need to rally against this collusion of the left with big tech to silence any differing conservative opinions. First they go for the extreme voice, then it will be 8chan/4chan. Then they will come for you. This is their way to silence the American voters while simultaneously compromising lead GOP members to rig the elections and get the majority Democrat votes.

For that purpose - they need Alex Jones gone.

Remember you are not a Russian bot contrary to what they brand you. This is the Orwellian way of how you become what they define you.

1217d2  No.2502038

Why does POTUS call it a WITCH HUNT?

Satanic witch Marina Abramovic

Links to






Lady Gaga

James Alefantis

92b3a4  No.2502039


Timing is everything.

The Overton window had to move significantly before the major Habbenings could Habben. Release them too soon, and the enemy has time to counter. Release them too late, and it looks like you're making shit up.

The timing on this has to be just right. Just close enough to the midterms to skew the election, but not so close to be ineffective or so distant as to lose importance as other news comes to light.

These things have a highly predictable pattern that is pretty easy to see, once you understand what to look for. Don't get impatient. Don't get discouraged. That's why there's a plan.

98094d  No.2502040

File: 79ed147d98e8451⋯.jpg (8.85 KB, 191x181, 191:181, cry.jpg)


Saw that.. you don't fuck the Jew. there not going to fire or ban each other. so we Goy ..suck it up.

5c7520  No.2502041

File: fec6f84382cfe18⋯.jpg (55.89 KB, 500x682, 250:341, 2fguif~2.jpg)

757c6f  No.2502042


Because of dis-info re Q.. Wonder if it would have been the white hats shut him down ??

986a78  No.2502043



537414  No.2502044


This is good news.

Just as the globalists jumped the shark with all the gender-bending in the USA - they're jumping the shark with children in France.

My family's French, speak the language, been around them my whole life. All meme jokes aside, the French are very protective of children.

They're gonna freak out.

18633b  No.2502045

File: af3fb9e601ad76c⋯.png (111.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8ChanPostDetectorS.png)

16d16b  No.2502046

File: ed65d74cfe98bf5⋯.jpg (120.75 KB, 508x508, 1:1, Rare copy.jpg)


ThankQ anon


688dab  No.2502047


Fell apart after WW1. thats the whole point of the fed reserve. to bankrupt it.

6f6e81  No.2502048


r-strategies are out and (rabbit think)

K-strategies are in again. (wolf mind)


is why.

fc42d3  No.2502049


At one point, one of Mueller’s prosecutors, Greg Andres, was so frustrated he pushed to tears and Judge Ellis mocked him for his weakness.

An attorney who obtained the court transcripts posted to his Twitter account:

Did Judge Ellis make the Special Counsel lawyer cry???

Judge: “There’s tears in your eyes right now.”

Govt: “There are not tears in my eyes, Judge.”

Judge: “Well, they’re watery.”

a14f4f  No.2502050


The original bill defined 'center' as Center for Information Analysis and Response

NDAA act that it got incorporated into defined 'center' as Global Engagement Center

5e2edf  No.2502051

Please consider this:

Occult and New Age religions seem to believe God and Satan are equal and opposite (Yin & Yang), and that they each need the other to achieve "balance" in the world. According to the Bible, this is one of the oldest lies - Satan (f.k.a. Lucifer) esteemed himself equal to God and as a result was cast out of God's presence along with his followers. Satan is known as (among other things) the "Father of Lies". My view is that Satan has created a false dichotomy whereas the "devil" (Yin) is darkness and Lucifer (Yang) is light when in reality both entities are Satan attempting to fool two groups of people:

1. He fools those who reject God into worshiping the darkness ("devil worshipers")

2. He fools the "enlightened" "spiritualists" who seek God into worshiping the "Light Bearer" Lucifer.

Both groups are being deceived into self-worship: 'I am God/everyone is God'.

It seems quite possible to me that millions (billions?) of people are being (or about to be) fooled by a false dichotomy between the DS (a.k.a. "darkness") and Q/Trump (a.k.a. "light") - "dark to light" sound familiar? - when the reality is that Satan is pulling the strings of both sides to usher in the NWO and achieve what God prevented at Babylon. All while being cheered on and celebrated by the "Woke".

Bottom line, I pray you'll consider the truth in the Truth's own words: I AM the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me. - Jesus Christ, John 14:6. I implore you to trust in no one and no thing but Jesus Christ, the one true God.

If Q/Trump was doing God's work he'd be giving all of the glory to God. That is definitely not the case, which should be a clear sign to followers of Christ (and hopefully to those who truly seek the truth as opposed to earthly vengeance) that MAGA is part of the great deception.

The bible is full of examples of Satan quoting/misquoting God's words (scripture) to deceive the unwary. He even tried to deceive Jesus by quoting scripture. Please don't be fooled by someone who quotes scripture and appears to encourage biblical faith. Seek the Lord, read his Word and be prepared to provide an answer for the only true hope we have: Jesus Christ.

59abfb  No.2502052


half way through, I thought you were a shill

then read the post you replied to, and kekked

495c8d  No.2502053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


rewind a couple minutes


5e3a0c  No.2502055


Please notice this Baker and all QANONS there is a NEW QANON CRUMB in this BREAD.

Thank you

e9d64f  No.2502056


>I'm not pulling these from Pacer because it costs me $.10 per page

Can attest to PACER usage getting VERY expensive. Pulled several appeals (entire appeals) from different circuits, think my bill was like $450 or some shit for that quarter. Even looking at a docket costs money. Or used to, at least.

3021be  No.2502057

File: 09b614140e7cf3f⋯.jpg (253.3 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 20180807_190228.jpg)

Shills better than moron.

32b99d  No.2502058


The fake anti-Semitism is a 4CHAN cliche.. You chased Q off 4chan, so keep the fake 4chan posts out of HERE.

96fa51  No.2502059

File: 535343657626ebb⋯.jpeg (89.7 KB, 1050x600, 7:4, 1530974273.jpeg)

16c516  No.2502060

File: 908d3f854d62558⋯.png (25.9 KB, 463x439, 463:439, 1825.PNG)

File: c4e4c7591039df8⋯.png (12.9 KB, 463x228, 463:228, ltpats.PNG)

File: 65d268ba17db657⋯.png (13.25 KB, 466x246, 233:123, ltiran.PNG)

Sorry if previously posted…

The >>><<< at the end of post 1825 has been eating at me.

I quick search on qanon.pub shows we have never seen a >>> in a Q post. Today's is a first.

However, we have seen a >>> only 2 other times…

1704 & 964

Not sure it means anything…I need some air…

1df9bc  No.2502061

File: 8c910fd02f27d99⋯.png (299.08 KB, 536x717, 536:717, 8-7-2018 Jordan Sather.PNG)

e18bc3  No.2502062


I'm glad you were able to spot the sarcasm

9a9c02  No.2502063


Potus and Q cannot release shit, period.

Unfortunately for us the "Justice" system has to do it's job to a "T", so all involved get what's coming to them. I have my own personal experiences with the "Justice" system, if you will, and it is painfully slow, to get it right.

5c7520  No.2502064

File: bdca1df0615d167⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 500x817, 500:817, 2fgv8j~2.jpg)

Article is nicely done and highly recommend.

20221f  No.2502065


You need to talk to the high ranking anon first.


b8edc6  No.2502066

File: d15e937e3901e32⋯.png (291.4 KB, 1772x1035, 1772:1035, Screenshot 2018-08-07 16.2….png)

File: 402524339294599⋯.png (268.58 KB, 1622x1449, 1622:1449, Screenshot 2018-08-07 16.2….png)



In short, long before "fake news" became a major media topic, the US government was already planning its legally-backed crackdown on anything it would eventually label "fake news."


14a2be  No.2502067

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, 0cd294bb1f9a30402cb812d0a4….jpg)

f8650c  No.2502068


You would be surprised what is happening thanks to the youth waking up to the truth.

59abfb  No.2502069



pretty sure you're the /pol/ack from yesterday

04471a  No.2502070


timing you dumb faggot

cec801  No.2502071

File: 4e41beaf1f6170a⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1270x1094, 635:547, air.png)


A Spanish fighter jet accidentally launches an air-to-air missile in the Estonian air space


3117b0  No.2502072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm a curious guy, so I'm watching TYT's Aug 1st video (they obviously got their [4am] marching order along with the rest of [MSM]): "WTF Is QAnon?!" (Aug 1st embedded)


It's HILARIOUS! @ the end, after they say conspiracy theorists about 80,000 times, call us lunatics, and throw out the most outrageous shit to try & back it up, they suggest that their "larger" following wear "V" shirts to oppose the Q shirts (which of course, they're willing to sell in their store). Fucking HILARIOUS

About to get some more lulz watcihng their Aug 3rd rehashing entitled "QAnon Movement Will Make You Facepalm" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBnfYy22wJc

& I haven't even gotten to the comments yet

92b3a4  No.2502073


My New Age religion doesn't acknowledge either Satan or the desert God. As far as I know, Jehovah and Satan are just Odin and Loki screwing around in the south on holiday.

495c8d  No.2502074

ELLE weighs in on Q

Who wants to bet it's the same rehashed 4 a.m. talking points like eeeeeeverywhere else, same angles, buzzwords, and everything?


ad6753  No.2502075

File: 94ce27be50ec4d6⋯.png (191.8 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

AJ a total hack? Up to you to decide, I don't care.

AJ a Controlled Opposition shill? Up to you to decide, I don't care.

AJ a major introduction to RedPilling? Up to you to decide, I don't care.

AJ being de-platformed complete reprehensible? Abso-fucking-lutely.

Does it benefit our movement? Absolutely.

It totally alters the paradigm for (((them))) where FB/Goog/iTunes/Spotify can no longer be considered a platform and they've crossed the rubicon into the land of publishers (they're editorializing their content) and that means they're now 100% open and fair game for libel lawsuits, criminal prosecution for any illegal content on their systems among many other things.

Here's your 'Something Big' you've been waiting for.

Release the hounds!

6f0b31  No.2502076

Part 2/2

How a Malaysian Money Scandal Ensnared Leonardo DiCaprio, Miranda Kerr, and Martin Scorsese

The Wolf of Wall Street, almost wasn’t made.It was ONLY made possible by a production company named Red Granite Pictures. Founded by Riza Aziz, stepson of the PM of Malaysia, Red Granite Pictures gave more than $100 million to see DiCaprio & Scorsese’s 2013 film to completion. DiCaprio found himself embroiled in a large-scale Malaysian money-laundering scandal.

Red Granite Pictures was potentially investing money that had been pilfered from 1MDB, a fund set up by the PM of Malaysia in order to jumpstart economic development. According to complaints, over $3.5 billion was misappropriated from the 1MDB fund from 2009 -2015. Instead of improving the well-being of the Malaysian people, 1MDB money was allegedly used to fund films like The Wolf of Wall Street & purchase incredibly valuable artwork & real estate, According to the DOJ, the funds were allegedly laundered through a series of shell companies and bank accts in Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and the U.S. The money was then processed through U.S. financial institutions.

A wide-reaching web of implicated celebs fit into this criminal plot through Jho Low, a businessman and childhood friend of Riza Aziz. For Low's 28th birthday in Vegas, it's reported he flew his entire entourage to Caesars in a jumbo jet, detailing a 4 day extravaganza, “sources said the pool was stocked with bikini-clad party girls and surrounded by caged lions and tigers.” Low and guests kept the party going at a Vegas nightclub, where he reportedly purchased 120 bottles of Cristal and partied with Paris Hilton, Usher, and Jamie Foxx.

Low who stands accused of using stolen 1MDB funds to bankroll his lavish lifestyle had a particularly special friend in Leo DiCaprio. Low wasn’t just the “face of the financing” at Red Granite, he also quickly became the star’s No.1 bro.Low joined DiCaprio for trips, like an $11 mil Vegas rampage. DiCaprio reportedly got onstage during Low’s 30th birthday party and rapped with Busta Rhymes. Low and DiCaprio’s bond was cemented through frequent, one-sided presents. Low and Red Granite Pictures even gifted DiCaprio with Brando’s On the Waterfront Oscar, a $600,000 token of affection.

According to a recently filed complaint, DiCaprio also accepted a host of expensive art from his pal. Among those marked for seizure are a $3.28 million Picasso, a $750,000 Diane Arbus photograph, and a $9.2 million Basquiat.

DiCaprio’s spokesperson maintains the actor was fully cooperative & had his reps call the DOJ. & offered the return of any illegal gifts or donations,

DiCaprio pledged to return any donations to his charitable foundation that are found to be illegal; Low donated a $700,000 Roy Lichtenstein sculpture at DiCaprio’s 2015 charity auction.

Model Miranda Kerr, who was romantically linked to Low was forced to surrender $8.1 million worth of jewels. Low gifted the pieces,including a $3.8 million, 8.88-carat diamond pendant to the model in 2014.The first present was a heart-shape diamond inscribed with the model’s initials, for $1.29 million.

Kerr and DiCaprio are the only celebs to have surrendered assets to the feds so far. Low allegedly paid Paris Hilton $1 million to party with him in St. Tropez. Her publicist denied reports, claiming “He has not paid her in any way, although he is extremely generous.” Lindsay Lohan, received 23 bottles of Cristal from Low on her 23rd birthday. He flew Busta Rhymes & Ludacris to Malaysia to perform & allegedly bankrolling his favorite celebrities’ pet charities.

Another high-profile recipient of Low’s is the director, Scorsese. According to reports, more than $4.2 million in stolen funds were used to purchase original movie posters, including a $1.2 million original of 1927’s Metropolis. He also adorned his ill-begotten apt. with these expensive posters, Riza Aziz also gifted some of the posters to DiCaprio and Scorsese, according to the feds’ suit, DiCaprio actually introduced Aziz to the poster purveyor. Then there’s Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Film Institute, which received donations from Low’s Jynwel Foundation. While The Tribeca Film Institute does not deny the charitable contribution, De Niro when asked by The to speak of his link to the Malaysian scandal, he responded, “I don’t care whether my name is associated with it. I didn’t do anything.” He continued, “I’m aware of it, but I don’t give a shit. When I have to tell something to somebody, I’ll answer to them and that will be it.”

All of the other celebs that Low has either paid or partied with, include Megan Fox and Kanye West. As a result of their investigation into Red Granite, the federal government has seized the rights to Dumb and Dumber Too.


ebf2cb  No.2502077

File: d3b0df2c8ee6ced⋯.png (290.73 KB, 469x673, 469:673, bezos-clown-q1.png)

18633b  No.2502078

File: f8f27b0bb18b5aa⋯.png (205.62 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorFranken.png)

a2573a  No.2502079

File: 81d2141a364f39c⋯.png (74.98 KB, 663x317, 663:317, SDavis re Hill Soloman 8-7….PNG)

File: 70fd854e5a3f3bb⋯.png (108.54 KB, 635x761, 635:761, Hill 1 Soloman 8-7-18.PNG)

File: 6e29c16e9a69e8a⋯.png (115.67 KB, 630x774, 35:43, Hill 2 Soloman 8-7-18.PNG)

File: 87384fef4aab85a⋯.png (120.74 KB, 620x772, 155:193, Hill 3 Soloman 8-7-18.PNG)

Opinion: How a senior DOJ official helped Dem researchers on Trump-Russia case


203c06  No.2502080


>Democrats who advocate democracy are for socialism.

Socialists who advocate democracy are for hegemony.

dc7b11  No.2502081


boldface liar!

e8c357  No.2502082

File: 06fd082e7bbe689⋯.png (7.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, shill level.png)

current shill level

aa7d4a  No.2502083



Isn't it still under the jurisdiction of @Potus?

"The head of the Center shall be an individual who is an official of the Federal Government, who shall be appointed by the President".

So whats the name of the presidential appointed head of the Global Engagement CENTER.

f2db92  No.2502084

File: cf2b14bc04ffecf⋯.jpg (316.83 KB, 959x400, 959:400, bayrock.jpg)

e694b5  No.2502085


5000 years??

Do you even anthropology bro?

4d9b26  No.2502086


So which post would that be, according to you?

7d1bd8  No.2502087

Facebook to Banks: Give Us Your Data, We’ll Give You Our Users

Facebook has asked large U.S. banks to share detailed financial information about customers as it seeks to boost user engagement

The social-media giant has asked large U.S. banks to share detailed financial information about their customers, including card transactions and checking-account balances, as part of an effort to offer new services to users.

Facebook increasingly wants to be a platform where people buy and sell goods and services, besides connecting with friends. The company over the past year asked JPMorgan Chase JPM 0.37% & Co., Wells Fargo & Co., Citigroup Inc. C 0.01% and U.S. Bancorp USB 0.70% to discuss potential offerings it could host for bank customers on Facebook Messenger, people familiar with the matter said.

Facebook has talked about a feature that would show its users their checking-account balances, the people said. It has also pitched fraud alerts, some of the people said.

A partnership with American Express Co. AXP 1.04% allows Facebook users to contact the card company’s representatives. Last year, Facebook struck a deal with PayPal that allows users of that payment service to send money through Messenger. And Mastercard Inc. MA 0.54% cardholders can place online orders with certain merchants through Messenger using the card company’s Masterpass digital wallet. (A Mastercard spokesman said Facebook doesn’t see the card users’ information.)


ac1e2c  No.2502088

not yet

39b909  No.2502089


Doesn't seem like how the good guys operate. Q was able to put the paytriots in place that he had in the crosshairs with a couple of nicely worded posts and then let them self destruct on their own.

986a78  No.2502090


Man they are scared

1be32a  No.2502091

So there's this…

>>2501406 Obama vacationing in Martha's Vineyard.

and in bread #3153 There's this

>>2499584, >>2499599, >>2499598, >>2499603, >>2499653,>>2499716 Planefag updates - Martha's Vineyard

Any Plane Fags or Plane Fag Savvy or maybe in Martha's Vineyard Fags that can offer up some info?

Would be nice to see some habbenings on this front. IJS

96fa51  No.2502092

File: d0b95f61a493b4f⋯.jpeg (218.48 KB, 1278x1857, 426:619, 1523743350.jpeg)

8044b9  No.2502094

File: f7d6dc89e743e3a⋯.png (75.44 KB, 448x538, 224:269, f7d6dc89e743e3a7a28161ce0d….png)


>b-b-b-but Generation Zyklon is just a meme

eb41e5  No.2502095

File: d8723e8bd249268⋯.jpg (24.61 KB, 290x174, 5:3, waitchan.jpg)

b5dc74  No.2502096

File: 5d88144fbc28c65⋯.jpg (21.41 KB, 225x225, 1:1, IMG_0472.JPG)


I'm picking up subversive jews on radar. Oh shit, the bread just started and this one has already made 7 subversive posts

495c8d  No.2502097

I love how they keep claiming that The Prick outside Avenatti's office was a QAnon "follower".

That…. that doesn't even make sense.

0b6a17  No.2502098


Ah. I had no idea. I've only been around since maybe May. But I've been obsessed since day 1 and reading and reading.

I don't think Q was trying to scare us, I think we needed refocusing and he is trying. But…I still see SO much back and forth with obvious shills, it's hard to find the good stuff on the board

6f0b31  No.2502099

Part 1/2



JULY 20, 2018 / 5:13 AM / 18 DAYS AGO

Swiss regulator: Rothschild Bank AG broke anti-moneylaundering rules in 1MDB case

Reuters Staff

ZURICH (Reuters) - Rothschild Bank AG and one of its subsidiaries committed serious violations of anti-moneylaundering rules in relation to 1MDB, the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund, Switzerland’s financial regulator said on Friday.

The regulator, FINMA, said in a statement it was nonetheless closing its probe into Rothschild. It will review the steps the institution has taken to tighten up its procedures.

Rothschild Bank AG said it noted the regulator’s comments and regretted the breaches that occurred.

“We constantly strengthen our systems and procedures and are determined to continue to do so to identify and combat the increasingly sophisticated financial crime faced by the industry,” the bank said in a statement.

The investigation is the seventh and last undertaken by FINMA into 1MDB. Malaysia’s former Prime Minister Najib Razak, has been charged with abuse of power and breach of trust in a graft probe into the fund, which he set up. He has pleaded not guilty and denied wrongdoing.

Rothschild Bank AG is part of Paris-listed Rothschild & Co (ROTH.PA).


ac43ee  No.2502100


I like a couple of your other graphics, but you MUST stop with this one. You are endangering the entire mission!

Please read what I wrote a long time ago…

‘’’The Problems Caused by Making Predictions’’’

Been wanting to get this off my chest for a few months…

ClockFags are okay by me; I scroll right past and get on with my life.

My issue isn’t with the amount of time/manpower invested in piecing things together.

My issue is when clocks are used to make predictions.

If you want to help a blue-piller or Libtard succeed, try making predictions.

I, for one, NEVER talk about “what’s coming” or “what may happen”. Nope, when I want to “Red Pill” people, I ask them questions about WHAT ALREADY HAPPENED.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to argue against facts. I agree with people that—on a personal level—POTUS isn’t a very “like-able” personality. Then, I open up a browser and go to www.MAGAPill.com and have the other person begin scrolling through accomplishment after accomplishment. While their jaw is hanging open, I ask a very simple question:

“What more might he have accomplished had Congress approved of the more than 300 people waiting to join his staff?”

Q and POTUS will NEVER tip their hand regarding what they’re CURRENTLY doing or WHAT IS COMING.

They’re smart enough to know that 3-letter agents are also combing through the crumbs looking for hints (to cover their asses).

If you think we are smarter than trained code crackers, I’d bet on them. Therefore, I only invest my time using FACTS and EVIDENCE to Red Pill my Normie pals. I ask them open-ended questions, I let them find their own answers and I encourage them to become self-educated.

I’m no shill. My words and graphics are all over this place; like fingerprints.

I can ABSOLUTELY see why people want/need to try to guess what the day might bring. It’s kind of fun, but it also is VERY DANGEROUS to our mission of waking others up.

One wrong prediction and your integrity/trust is scattered into the wind with the other person. Once trust is lost it is very, very hard to regain.

Don’t put your image on the line using any type of prediction-based tool or system.

I know I won’t. Me likey facts and evidence!

Godspeed, Patriots.


787ba8  No.2502101


Hey newfag, if you weren't such a retarded newfag you'd know that all the AJ shills crying & screaming are just that. Shills.

Before all this happened, this board rarely talked about AJ. If someone brought his name up they would be promptly told to GTFO.

This has never been a pro-Alex Jones board. And it never will be.

We are not divided. But you fell for it exactly how how they wanted you to.

Dumb cunt

e9d64f  No.2502102

File: 38b04ebe0645bfd⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 649x315, 649:315, IMG_20180807_183128.jpg)

32b99d  No.2502103


When has Q ever told is to keep silent?

The shill system is unlimited in the volume of its output. We must push out REAL posts to claim space in discourse.


495c8d  No.2502104


Oh yeah… they keep slinging everything that pops into their head.

I'm expecting memes of kitchen sinks with Q's on them aaaaaany minute now.

8044b9  No.2502105


ah, yes. more folks should understand r/K selection theory. I agree.

72a059  No.2502106

>>2500392 (lb)

Thank God, someone is actually doing mid-term research. There is not a lot we can do about the FISA investigation but we sure as hell can research and fight to make sure POTUS has a congress that will work with him, instead of against him.

a0f982  No.2502107


I figured that would happen.

c36b44  No.2502108


Hating Jews is the right thing to do. Fuck yourself hook nosed can't. Hitler did nothing wrong.

675208  No.2502109

File: 18d1e2484f2629f⋯.jpeg (128.41 KB, 669x500, 669:500, 18D95036-5F57-40C6-A6CB-C….jpeg)

Might as well say hi to the pantifa fawkes in here rn.

92bf4f  No.2502110

(Bread #3155)



I don't trust him or that Veil guy.

3d53ce  No.2502111


Dude, you have become annoying af.

e7dc98  No.2502112

File: 4774129de05c765⋯.jpg (547.25 KB, 1902x734, 951:367, AZAZ0909s_7_Aug_18_2325.jpg)

>>2501207 (lb)




Thanks anons. Strange that the other 2 don't have a flag but are labeled military.

495c8d  No.2502113


ELLE claims that AJ is a known believer in Q.


a89f08  No.2502114

File: d41cc8317b8b5e3⋯.png (110.4 KB, 250x187, 250:187, ClipboardImage.png)


wait for it…

c68abd  No.2502115


TY Jordanon

b283b0  No.2502116

File: 1ef2223f7507bdb⋯.jpg (215.11 KB, 1443x801, 481:267, rescuestein.jpg)

File: e9d87920de1007c⋯.jpg (86.42 KB, 900x506, 450:253, RR-[redacted]-2.jpg)

8044b9  No.2502117

File: 271d6eb7795bbf7⋯.jpg (87.12 KB, 525x767, 525:767, 271d6eb7795bbf724b40b524b0….jpg)

e6f8ee  No.2502118

File: 0f482e805060425⋯.png (189.15 KB, 499x499, 1:1, comfy.png)

(((THEY))) are getting desperate. Just watching them panic and digging.

950314  No.2502119

File: f4f74538f81b237⋯.jpg (58.15 KB, 496x329, 496:329, f4f74538f81b237ecee2a7fcf5….jpg)

>>2502004 The man was wanted for kidnapping his son, and at the time of arrest had not found his son in his custody, and were looking for the boy. Looks like they found him.

d7e627  No.2502120



^^^ This

Once primaries are over then the democrat candidates are set for the November ballots.

There is no changing them.

Primaries end tonight. Expect Q drops tonight or tomorrow. Trust the plan

04db9f  No.2502121


>What Part Of TRUST THE PLAN Do you not understand? You know more that Q??? Are we There yet?

What IS the Plan????????

I have FAITH in God & His PLAN. But I have NO idea what is happening otherwise…..

This draining of the swamp is like pulling a cup of water out at a time….meanwhile it seems like it is raining uphill….It is PAST Time to DeClassify ALL the Corruption….

Tempus Fugit

We are 90 days away from the Mid Terms and everyone seems to agree that our Country hangs in the balance…..Well lets get going!!!!!!

e77755  No.2502122


>where he will sign the John McCain National Defense Authorization Act for 2019,

How nice. We can look forward to this censoring for another year.

96fa51  No.2502123

File: 0420691b92d0b06⋯.jpeg (220.07 KB, 1440x987, 480:329, 1533414276.jpeg)

f8650c  No.2502124


Which is fine - but this guy is trying to spark a religious fight.

adc156  No.2502125

File: 4b129be49676ddd⋯.png (240.56 KB, 860x869, 860:869, ClipboardImage.png)



Well, looky looky at the date wouldja?

5c7520  No.2502126

File: f0d1113f2297dbf⋯.png (279.89 KB, 523x441, 523:441, ei0z6r0cmoe11.png)


Washington post called Trump a baldfaced liar.


Yes I absolutely do anthropology.

18633b  No.2502127

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS.png)

e166d1  No.2502128


Yes, and we know this.

Normies, however, don't know this.

Who will tell them?

Who will redpill the normies?

I can see who is out there

every day redpilling normies.

I can also see who is only redpilling

themselves and those who are already 'woke'.

That's a waste of time. Does not help.

Anons who aren't redpilling normies

and left-tards every day, are failing/ cowards.

HUGE appreciation to all the Anons

who DO get it. Keep up the great work.

1eab16  No.2502129







6f0b31  No.2502130

Part 1/2



Article from Reuters on JULY 30, 2018 / 2:54 PM / 8 DAYS AGO

Africa's trafficking gangs flourish as nations fail to work together

Nita Bhalla

NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Trafficking gangs are flourishing across Africa through the exploitation of hundreds of thousands of migrants, yet nations are failing to dismantle networks due to a lack of coordination, the United Nations said on Monday.

More than 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders annually - often duped with promises of a better life overseas, then sold into forced labour, domestic servitude or sexual slavery, according the U.N.

Many victims are migrants from African nations such as Eritrea and Somalia, yet countries are failing to curb the crime as they lack mechanisms to share cross-border intelligence and coordinate efforts to bust trafficking rings.

“International cooperation has to get stronger and stronger,” said Amado Philip de Andres, Head of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Eastern Africa.

“I am referring specifically to international police and judicial cooperation to dismantle criminal networks involved in human trafficking.”

“Effective anti-human trafficking responses require strengthening coordination and cooperation between all nations - whether the country of origin, transit or destination,” he said at an event marking World Day against Trafficking in Persons.

At least 40 million people globally are estimated to be trapped in modern slavery as poverty, conflict and natural disaster fuel the growing global trade.

From men forced to work in factories, farms and on fishing boats and women made to sell sex to people exploited for their organs and children sent to beg, human trafficking is one of the fastest-growing criminal enterprises.

The eastern African region - located at the centre of traditional routes taken by migrants to get to Europe, the Middle East, the Gulf and South Africa - is particularly prone to traffickers who prey on vulnerable people, said experts.

Libya is the main departure point for African migrants attempting to reach Europe by sea, with more than 600,000 migrants crossing the Mediterranean to Italy over four years.

Trafficking and smuggling networks have flourished in Libya due political turmoil and armed conflict, with groups often profiting from multiple types of smuggling to Europe, from fuel and weapons to drugs and migrants.

These migrants are often subjected to torture, extortion and trafficking for organ removal. Armed groups also traffick them to the territories where they operate for sexual slavery, and force men and boys to become combatants.

Yet even if suspects are apprehended and victims rescued in one country, it is rare the bigger network of traffickers involved, including the king-pin who is in another country, are fully investigated and prosecuted, said experts.

Police investigators, prosecutors, magistrates require training and resources to be able to follow up on cases and a mechanism established for agencies to share information on victims, witnesses and suspects to ensure convictions.

Ethiopia’s ambassador to Kenya Dina Mufti said his country has taken steps to curb the crime - from passing anti-trafficking laws to police training on the new legislation.



18e51f  No.2502131

File: a4aecee85df82f4⋯.jpg (27.88 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 3ead8c078a898064bf26d513b1….jpg)

>>2502041 (this one is good)

forgot I had this one…

ea9b05  No.2502132

File: 0402a1be06cf2bd⋯.png (420.61 KB, 473x340, 473:340, EC3CF979-2C27-4438-BD2A-BF….png)

File: d2eeb8cde619665⋯.jpeg (78.12 KB, 640x427, 640:427, AAFDBC62-02DE-44E5-9FB1-A….jpeg)

File: 7918c910e9932ec⋯.jpeg (88.96 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 3A65B4BC-6990-4D5A-9535-F….jpeg)

File: 9e5b504a83a3242⋯.jpeg (66.46 KB, 539x346, 539:346, 267031CA-F4C5-4505-B019-B….jpeg)

File: 0e2c8352b18bdab⋯.jpeg (61.83 KB, 516x331, 516:331, 5EF40C03-F93C-4ADB-88AE-0….jpeg)

59abfb  No.2502133


can you post the whole set???

b5dc74  No.2502134


He has my attention, but stuff like that makes me think he's controlled opposition

aa7d4a  No.2502135

File: 2fdb050628ac9aa⋯.png (432.13 KB, 710x325, 142:65, ClipboardImage.png)



Analysts Are Quitting the State Department’s Anti-Propaganda Team

The Global Engagement Center is struggling to keep up with its missions: countering ISIS recruitment and Russian disinformation.

The chief technology officer at the U.S. State Department’s anti-propaganda center left last week, along with two other members of its analytics team, Defense One has learned. The departures raise new questions about the Global Engagement Center , the two-year-old office that remains leaderless nine months into the Trump administration.

The State Department would not say how many data analysts remain at the Center, but one former senior official described the three team members as “the whole enchilada” and added “things are bad.”

The Center’s CTO Nash Borges departed on Friday, leaving behind a goodbye email. “Today is my last day and in sticking with recent [science and technology] efforts to share important ideas to keep the GEC marching forward to accomplish its important mission, I thought that I would begin with a review of bureaucratic politics theory,” Borges wrote. ( Defense One obtained a copy of the email.) “What follow are excerpts from A Glossary of Political Economy Terms by Dr. Paul M. Johnson of Auburn University. Any familiarities that you observe are purely coincidental ;).”

In his email, Borges does not explicitly say why he quit. (Nor did he respond to requests for comments on the record.) But he cheekily quotes Johnson’s writing on bureaucracy and “ bureaucratic politics ” at considerable length, and suggests that GEC managers read a book subtitled “What the world’s greatest managers do differently.”

https:// www.defenseone.com/technology/2017/09/analysts-are-quitting-state-departments-anti-propaganda-team/140936/

4223b0  No.2502136


Time for pitchforks?

16d16b  No.2502137


Go and look at them.

Anons frequently convert research into memes to memorialize our findings and archive the information.

39bea1  No.2502138


I'm guessing because he has all those tattoos he identifies as a man of color now? Liberal Logic

32b99d  No.2502139



I really wish you could understand what a self-parody the fake anti-Semitism is. You won't fool even naive normies with it. Do you understand that? Can't you make it better? It's a joke. What is so hard about developing some believable variety?

37f846  No.2502140

6f0b31  No.2502141

Part 2/2


6 Jan 2018, 6:50 pm

Israeli organ-smuggling ‘mastermind’ arrested in Cyprus

Moshe Harel is accused of managing dozens of illegal kidney transplants at a Kosovo clinic

PRISTINA, Kosovo — The Israeli ringleader of a global gang of organ traffickers has been arrested in Cyprus, Kosovan police said on Saturday.

Moshe Harel is suspected of organizing dozens of illegal kidney transplants at the Medicus clinic in the capital Pristina in 2008, and is the man being held, according to local media.

“The suspect whose initials are MH was arrested a few days ago in Cyprus following an international arrest warrant” from Pristina, Kosovan police spokesman Baki Kelani told AFP.

Harel has been hunted by the authorities for almost a decade for exploiting victims, often recruited from poor areas in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, by promising 15,000 euros ($18,000) for their organs.

The organ trafficking network came to light in 2008 after a Turkish man collapsed at Pristina airport after having a kidney removed.

Police raided the Medicus clinic, which shut following the scandal.

In 2013, an EU-led court in Kosovo sentenced five Kosovan doctors to up to eight years in prison for organ trafficking in the country.

Donors, whose organs were illegally removed, were left without proper medical care and treated “like waste,” prosecutors said at the time of the trial.

The Supreme Court of Kosovo annulled the verdict in 2016 and ordered a new trial, which is ongoing.

The indictment named Harel as the trafficking network’s mastermind, while Turkish doctor Yusuf Ercin Sonmez — labelled by Kosovo media as the “Turkish Frankenstein” and still on the run — was suspected of performing the transplants at the clinic


203c06  No.2502142


Yet, Steele asked Ohr in the Jan. 31 text exchange if he could continue to help feed information to the FBI: “Just want to check you are OK, still in the situ and able to help locally as discussed, along with your Bureau colleagues.”

“I’m still here and able to help as discussed,” Ohr texted back. “I’ll let you know if that changes.”

Steele replied, “If you end up out though, I really need another (bureau?) contact point/number who is briefed. We can’t allow our guy to be forced to go back home. It would be disastrous.” Investigators are trying to determine who Steele was referring to.

>We can’t allow our guy to be forced to go back home.

Who is it anons?

90af6c  No.2502143


11 Children Rescued From New Mexico Compound Run By Armed Muslim ‘Extremists’


https:// dailycaller.com/2018/08/06/muslim-extremist-new-mexico-compound/

dc7b11  No.2502144


>Washington post called Trump a baldfaced liar.

They're idiots! lmao

a40f39  No.2502146

Everytime shills post or slide, gives us an easy indicator if we're over target, what to dig next and even sometimes things we wouldn't have thought of ourselves.

18633b  No.2502147

File: 7612379d46a8619⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2000x800, 5:2, 4am.png)

61f801  No.2502148


c3afc9  No.2502149


You would be shocked if you knew what I thought two years ago and what I think now. When your awakened your mind logically draws the correct conclusion. Becoming Jew aware was not something I ever wanted or investigated. It came at the end of a long and tortuous voyage of discovery.

(((They))) have trouble coming because if I am any example. People are going to have a dramatically different opinion of Jews very very soon.

35d292  No.2502150


>their best idea was "hookers and peepee."

that part came from /pol/ actually, sent to Rick Wilson, who passed it along to the conspirators, who actually put that in the dossier

QUESTION - did the FBI do any due diligence on that whatsoever???

1- Was Trump in RU on that date?

2- Was Trump in that city on that date?

3- Did Trump stay in that hotel on that date?

4- Any verification that Trump stayed in a room Obama had previously slept in?

They could not have possibly checked or they would have come up negatory.


98094d  No.2502151


you think so.

tell it like it is.

Zucker CNN took down info wars with a lobby against it.

nothing personnel. but you faggots cant take my right to free speech away on here. Yet

adc156  No.2502152


Just like the chans. The truth bubbles to the surface. It can't be stopped.

e1015a  No.2502153

File: 88c227469f7273f⋯.jpg (71.73 KB, 450x500, 9:10, NoALLEGIENCE.jpg)

>>2501442 (pb)


e694b5  No.2502154


and you think humans skulls have changed shape in 5000 years?

500,000 maybe

495c8d  No.2502155

No idea what "Pacific Standard" is… but they felt the need to say something.


3716fc  No.2502157

File: c2151991b39a122⋯.jpg (16.72 KB, 413x395, 413:395, Classy kek.jpg)

1217d2  No.2502158

George Abramovich Koval


"Russian Jewish immigrants"

936568  No.2502159

File: eb2ec78ea10b4a1⋯.png (24.44 KB, 705x274, 705:274, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8d23bc9acee99f⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1221x5954, 1221:5954, ClipboardImage.png)

"U.S. think tank's tiny lab helps Facebook battle fake social media"


6786c5  No.2502160


The advantage the Left cabal have is that they are well co-ordinated. It was not an enforcement of Terms of Service. They tell their minions to flood the broadcast complaints commission with any thing they see as violation of Terms and Service. They build enough complaints then the big tech can point at these (((complaints))) as the legitimate reason of why they banned him.

Conservatives on the other hand are not organized. Because we are not an organized cabal. We are chaotic grass roots movement where ordinary folks got fed up of corruption.

Instead of conservatives making "justification points" on Youtube, If enough conservatives organize to complain about the leftists (((journalism))) (starting with that Korean girl in NY Times) they too will be banned.

We the people need to rise up organize and complain

5e3a0c  No.2502161


This looks like a traffic signal. Does the red indicate that the "shilling" stops? Is yellow the caution where "shills" slow down but some speed up? Green would be worst because then all "shills" would be zooming right through the intersection!

75887f  No.2502162

File: 936a54da5dad567⋯.png (178.51 KB, 300x293, 300:293, rubiobubble.png)


It's a thing

3021be  No.2502163

File: 2e9705280293409⋯.jpg (448.9 KB, 989x1280, 989:1280, 1533684038462.jpg)


20221f  No.2502164

File: 43865b6525c46fc⋯.jpg (113.6 KB, 499x583, 499:583, jew kike no like.jpg)

File: ea476bf7be3ea2f⋯.jpg (122.35 KB, 667x406, 23:14, state farm.jpg)



For real…I'm not sure she's not a tranny


8044b9  No.2502165

File: 785e8de2c98119f⋯.jpg (59.1 KB, 533x585, 41:45, Dj3wdYfV4AA10FU.jpg)


>fake anti-Semitism

>You won't fool even naive normies with it.

imagine people here give a fuck

reddit, I'd tell you to stop, but I quite enjoy watching you embarrass yourself.

b04bb2  No.2502166

File: 0723d80baf22361⋯.png (278.97 KB, 1609x426, 1609:426, MHDOIF.png)


Think he has just qualified for one of these.

3716fc  No.2502167

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, Jews in MSM.jpg)

59abfb  No.2502168


<you're definitely the /pol/ack from yesterday

e18bc3  No.2502169



Lets all become proselytizing Q fanatics.

That'll red-pill everybody…


a2573a  No.2502170


Soloman article here


495c8d  No.2502171

Right Wing Watch doesn't seem to be a "fan"


18e51f  No.2502172

File: 84b931cd6e724da⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 84b931cd6e724da656591df12f….jpg)


Right and comfee in here tho…. ;-)

dcb944  No.2502173

Mandatory identity verification: Dems try to make it a law that you can't be on the internet without disclosing your name and location.


adc156  No.2502174


go see hal turner

e16ea3  No.2502175

File: 0e9be111dd72679⋯.png (108.1 KB, 1182x711, 394:237, $RT6W0TX.PNG)

another resignation of a ceo- posted earlier - ignored - maybe we are not doing these anymore?

32b99d  No.2502176


Yes alt right nazi qanon, let us get out kikeforks and commit a pogrom on there jews we hate. Because we are violent anti-Semites, wet love to kill kikes.. Light the nazi torches and let us laugh all through the crystal nacht.

e7dc98  No.2502177



POTUS understands this instinctively.

aa7d4a  No.2502178


>What the world’s greatest managers do differently.”


Here's the PDF of the book listed in this article


f8650c  No.2502179


Jews are not a total monolith but as a group they have a lot to answer for - Jewish Supremacism in the West needs to be questioned if one is to seek truth.

1330b5  No.2502180


Has anyone seen noname lately? Sounds like his MO

5a70d4  No.2502181

File: 1b58660f2a82cb9⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1436x1638, 718:819, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)

File: 15161f8f652f6e8⋯.png (3.69 MB, 3086x1800, 1543:900, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)

the blocked out of Kansas landed in Panama

009568  No.2502182


God uses believers and nonbelievers to accomplish His purposes. And it is refreshing to see that Trump has folks praying over and for him on a semi regular basis. I pray for his salvation. He definitely knows where true power lies.

Nice hearing from you believer-anon… and to God be all glory

e166d1  No.2502183


You're either stupid or shill.

Learn moar. Start by learning what redpilling is.

No opinions at all. Just the facts.

Pull your head out of your ass, dipshyt.

e77755  No.2502184


That article was a year ago. Any more recent news about GEC?

d046c4  No.2502185


You're 13 years old.

Go to your room, the grownups are talking.

1217d2  No.2502186

Check it


Any Q relation?

3d53ce  No.2502187


no bait needed for you.

just a bare hook.

simple fuck.


8044b9  No.2502188


there's a great compilation of POTUS talking about genetics very eloquently. I didn't save it unfortunately. wondering if someone can poast.

20221f  No.2502189

File: 389f519f3262fd7⋯.jpg (53.77 KB, 640x480, 4:3, zucker.jpg)

File: a531aa81b2c55c3⋯.jpeg (141.1 KB, 652x367, 652:367, zuker.jpeg)


Zucker looks like he could get triggered easy…he's one ugly fucking kike…and I'd bet 25%+ nigger

He either had a stroke or came out of his mothers vagina sideways.

e0915b  No.2502190


>The Global Engagement Center is struggling to keep up with its missions: (1) countering ISIS recruitment and (2) Russian disinformation.

Perhaps these two things are no longer a threat…both were created by a treasonous administration used to further anti-American acts, create fear, and throw money at a manufactured bogey-man.

96fa51  No.2502191

File: 084fe7556ff59f5⋯.jpeg (142.16 KB, 1440x754, 720:377, 1533685129.jpeg)

71e2d4  No.2502192


and yet u dont need ID to vote … Meme this shit

8d0142  No.2502193

From a few years ago by WL JA, posted again today in Twitter…thought very significant re CIA and media.


Makes you really wonder why POTUS doesn’t just shut down CIA once and for all.

e1304a  No.2502194


They also found the body of a small child and believe it is the missing child from GA. The father kidnapped the kid and went to the compound.

ebf2cb  No.2502195

File: d11f65ab68282df⋯.png (182.44 KB, 336x411, 112:137, jewish-pepe.png)


Love people, including jewish. Love countries including Israel

Don't love subversion to turn the world into a central controlled shithole

59abfb  No.2502196

God Bless Italia

countries like this and Hungary are trying their best to save their own countries, Europe is fucked as a whole

Italy’s Interior Minister wants to fund pro-Italian family policy with taxes for migrants

Matteo Salvini, leader of Lega and new Interior Minister, has announced that his party will introduce pro-family policies including child care and pro-natal incentives. This new program will largely be funded by a tax on cash sent abroad by migrants in Italy.

With many European countries suffering from an ageing population, Matteo Salvini has made it clear he intends to solve this problem by encouraging Italian couples to have more children.

Salvini, in an interview recently said “We have created a ministry of the family to work on fertility, nurseries, on a fiscal system which takes large families into account. At the end of this mandate, the government will be measured on the number of newborns more than on its public debt.”

Salvini has made it clear that the future and health of Italy must be based on its fertility levels rather than GDP.

Lega’s new pro-family policy, much like a similar Hungary policy, will pay cash to Italian families with children under the age of three, provide free daycare and offer tax deductions.


3716fc  No.2502197

File: 89b98845cc86498⋯.jpg (12.97 KB, 255x246, 85:82, Cri.jpg)


Go try to throw yourself a pity party somewhere else faggot.

It's good info just don't be a nigger about it damn

e77755  No.2502198


Yet they don't want ID's for voters. SMH

537414  No.2502199

File: 272db2f77ca0e28⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 339x500, 339:500, 1765811fccc273c67a15f7f415….gif)

Fool me once…Shame on you

Fool me twice…Shame of me

Fool me a thousand times…

I make a hive mind of gold star researchers.

2f03f8  No.2502200

File: 76753320e38cbd8⋯.png (585.67 KB, 702x395, 702:395, aretheregoodnewsno.png)

The "good jew" myth has been making its way around the Internet for some time.

The fact is, there are no "good jews."

Jewish law permits pedophilia.

Jewish law permits jews to lie to non-jews.

Jewish law permits jews to murder non-jews.

Stop and think. If someone identifies as a jew, and jewish law permits these acts (and many other disgusting things).

The "Good jew" myth is just that.

It is a myth.

Boycott the jew, starting today.

Fast, easy, EFFECTIVE.

Spread the word!

5c7520  No.2502201

File: 073bc54621466ac⋯.jpg (14.24 KB, 308x326, 154:163, 073bc54621466acea98eeb22d0….jpg)



If whites never went to Africa time would have stood still.

Still living in mud huts.

e18bc3  No.2502202


You are trying to shame anons who don't actively try to red-pill people every day.

But i'm the dipshyt?

Try harder shill

6786c5  No.2502203


In just one day he is banned off









LinkedIn (a profile of individuals - you don't even post political commentary here? Why would they take him out here).

If they have this kind of power to erase in one day what he created in 20 years - imagine the power of the big Tech.

Who made the tech companies the guardians of free speech??

203c06  No.2502204


Article also makes clear that Steele was using a normal comms channel to Ohr.

So what was Nellie's ham radio used for, if not to communicate with Steele?

aa7d4a  No.2502205


First page of the book, First Break All The Rules,

"Outofhundredsofbooks aboutimproving organizational performance,

here isone that isbasedon extensive empirical evidence and a bookthat

focuses on specific actions managers can take to make their organiza

tions better today! In a world in which managing people provides the

differentiating advantage, First, Break All the Rules is a must-read."

—Jeffrey Pfeffer, Professor, Stanford Business School and author of

The Human Equation: Building Profits byPutting People First

"This bookchallenges basic beliefs of greatmanagement withpowerful

evidence and a compelling argument. First, Break All the Rules is essen


—Bradbury H. Anderson, President and COO, Best Buy

"This is it! With compelling insight backed by powerful Gallup data,

Buckingham and Coffman have built the unshakable foundation of ef

fective management. For the first time,a clearpathway hasbeen identi

fied for creating engaged employees and high-performance work units.

It has changed the way I approach developing managers. First, Break

All the Rules is a critical resource for every front-line supervisor, middle

manager, and institutionalleader."

—Michael W. Morrison, Dean, University of Toyota

"First, Break All the Rules is nothing short of revolutionary in its con

cepts and ideas. It explains why so many traditional notions and prac

tices are counterproductive in business today. Equally important, the

bookpresents a simpler, truer modelcomplete withspecific actions that

have allowed our organization to achieve significant improvements in

productivity, employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and profit."

—Kevin Cuthbert, Vice President, Human Resources, Swissotel

"Finally, somethingdefinitive about what makes for a great workplace."

—Harriet Johnson Brackey, Miami Herald

8fcea1  No.2502206


Continuation: Indictments Unsealed - these 2 posts cover about the past 10days.

DOJ reveals arrest and indictment of three FIN7 cybercriminal masterminds


Tampa couple may have fallen victim to elaborate nationwide moving scheme


Federal warrants served in Cairo drug sweep, 17 arrested


Madeline Singas probe could have long reach into village operations


Suspended councilmembers file motion to extend dispositive motion deadline


New Indictment Calls Trina Clinics 'Pyramid Scheme'


adc156  No.2502207



TOMORROW the truth starts strafing the American Public


Today is the LAST DAY of PRIMARIES nationwide… LAST CHANCE to lock in your candidates for the Nov Election.

What happens if your candidate gets arrested after today?

You're FUCKED. Write in only.

The ice gets thinner and thinner and thinner the closer we get to November…… Remember that day in November?

c24ce8  No.2502208


Do you have the original?

63099d  No.2502209


I assume their parents gave them everything they wanted growing up! Bunch of damn gimmees! Gimmee now or I quit types. Maybe thats the new overused shill tactic.

Patience grasshoppers!

e1304a  No.2502210


Sauce for missing child found.


495c8d  No.2502211

"Here's what Broward schools knew about Parkland shooter — details revealed by mistake"


98094d  No.2502212


the timing was suspect, he want to Turkey that faggot. CNN biggest partner is out there

f3bcfd  No.2502213


We still have 1A. We need to get this unconstitutional law thrown out.

ae0ba1  No.2502214

File: 8085f352f56bd22⋯.png (336.79 KB, 615x332, 615:332, TomSteyer_worksforsatan.png)

This link from recent Q requested delete post might apply to current Q drop and the: All-in [Blue Wave]. line. https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/07/31/democrats-impeachment-army-110-million-1000-staff-2000-volunteers/

d79d9f  No.2502215


You know what I just can't shake about all of this? Last week I believe, Alex Jones had a segment and he talked about just pulling the plug on the whole thing. Said no one was listening or cared and then it's all over anyway. I wonder if this is all part of a planned operation. Timing seems very suspect.

8044b9  No.2502216


yep. this is why separation is imperative. At least jews have a homeland they can go to. Whites do not. Time to remove yourselves from all positions of political, financial, academic, and cultural power or you're going to have to make aliyah very, VERY soon.

1732b8  No.2502217


IIRC she used it only to receive messages, not transmit.

ad05af  No.2502218


Should say:

I'm a Rhodes Scholar

Was Groomed for Fake News!

b283b0  No.2502219


people who aren't home but could be forced to go to disastrous effect:





e18bc3  No.2502220


Do you seriously believe that?

If so i pity your lack of trust in human ingenuity.

1a6fe0  No.2502221

File: 1051d47b3d0736d⋯.png (55.04 KB, 663x381, 221:127, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)



3d53ce  No.2502222


um, it’s pink

4223b0  No.2502223


These parties are hosted in Ivy League and other schools in order to get compromising images of future leaders. Banksters have been working this way for centuries. In the past they focussed on the monarch and his/her court.

86211f  No.2502224


Wow. I can almost hear the music.

20221f  No.2502225


Hey planefag…is there any law against blocking ? or is that just blocked on your site? Seems flying with no transponder would be a no no?

That first one looks like it's heading to Medillin for some white powder.

96fa51  No.2502226

File: 11b7b2bb81fac4f⋯.jpg (19.12 KB, 297x297, 1:1, ye502b1c97.jpg)


The Cabal!!

e77755  No.2502227



e166d1  No.2502228


Yes. Yes, I am.

Cowards have no place in this.

Go back and read everything from day one.

Learn about why we've been here, newfag.

adc156  No.2502229



de3a6b  No.2502230


Tip kek post anon thanQ for your service and lead to magapill. I’ve found pilling friends and fam is getting easier and easier the more I practice and you are right about not trying to predict the future. Never pans out quite as expected cuz disinfo necessary. Except for the We Win part. That, that is habbening!!

ebf2cb  No.2502231

File: 5b9d2e515b59d82⋯.png (613.95 KB, 585x636, 195:212, hillbag-qanon-batter.png)

7a7030  No.2502232


What a Asshole

Been here 9 months you cunt.

People like are disgusting small minded losers who think they're smart

Low IQ faggot

8044b9  No.2502233


ok but boycotting isn't going far enough tbh

ea9b05  No.2502234


Didn’t do that part

39b909  No.2502235


For those who keep saying no one is scared and everyone is acting as normal. When have they push so far so fast? They are acting like desperate people with little time remaining before its all over.

Remember what you see and what is actually happening are two different realities.

b283b0  No.2502236


uh, it does. that's the transaltion.

e18bc3  No.2502237


You really are stupid…

Everything makes sense now.

2f03f8  No.2502238

File: c07945474e3d44b⋯.jpg (761.26 KB, 760x2489, 40:131, c07945474e3d44b7d6cfd6fd4c….jpg)

Boycotting the jew is safe, peaceful and EFFECTIVE.

It takes Zero Effort!

Never buy Kosher products.

Never do business with a business owned or controlled by jews.

Never vote for a jew, or vote for any other that supports jews or Israel.

In less than a year, the nation destroying jews will be forced back into the ghettos where they belong, or better yet, the jews will self-deport, in search of a new host to parasite from.





Boycott today!

5a70d4  No.2502239

File: dc3231895fa99f8⋯.png (3.97 MB, 2820x1736, 705:434, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)

File: a9b23a56680f378⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2328x1562, 1164:781, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)


these are the only things I saw out of that area today…..

35d292  No.2502240


He has a lot of experience with propaganda.

So do we :D

4223b0  No.2502241


I wasn't referencing Jews, I was referencing pedos pushing their agenda against vulnerable children.

6786c5  No.2502242


>I can also see who is only redpilling

>themselves and those who are already 'woke'.

>That's a waste of time. Does not help.

Absolutely spot on. Fine points. We need people in the media (despite their lunacy) to keep waking up newbies.

Most of those in the #WalkAway movement I saw credited his films on YouTube as their waking moment.

Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson come later.

You need a shock jock to wake them up. And they got rid of him.

ea9b05  No.2502243


Fukking kekking!

e18bc3  No.2502244

File: 36613ec56b6423c⋯.jpg (259.23 KB, 940x1024, 235:256, hillar_blank.jpg)



No speech bubbles.

c82289  No.2502245

File: dda9891d5c357e7⋯.jpg (157.73 KB, 1000x966, 500:483, iu (16).jpg)

File: 02317d7ebf993a8⋯.jpg (68.15 KB, 475x317, 475:317, iu (17).jpg)

Food for thought

9a9c02  No.2502246


How many times has Q stated "Future Proves Past"…

That is I believe the meat and potatoes of what we should be doing. Q proofs, side by sides etc. Prove the legitimacy of the information drops. "Predictions" set you up for a huge let down; not dissin' the anons who have done that work, but I personally choose the Q method for proof.

986a78  No.2502247


I feel like q just hinted at that. Are the dems really stupid enough to think that banning IW right now would not lead to people flocking to the right? Even normies have to know that this is a political play right?

88af61  No.2502248

File: 93f41b6a61f3cf5⋯.jpg (132.97 KB, 482x596, 241:298, AJ RIP2.jpg)


>blau, blau, blau to try to steer the Q movement in opposition to Alex Jones/InfoWars.

WTF!? AJ drew first blood. We didn't abandon him, he disowned us and pushed us away. I still listen to David Knight and Owen sometimes, but attacking Qanon and then a couple of weeks later attacking Jordan Peterson for no good reason, prompted me to unsubscribe and I had been a supporter for years. I am still grateful for his contribution to MAGA and Truth, but it is what it is.

If he practices what he preaches then he should have the insight to make a public apology to Qanons and ask forgiveness. That is what a real MAN does.

He doesn't have to blow smoke up Q's ass, just don't attack Q or us for seeking Truth from other sources.

3d53ce  No.2502249


Yup, u sure r

7b61de  No.2502250

File: 4210a589abcde5a⋯.jpg (164.56 KB, 450x417, 150:139, 1520341114557.jpg)

6786c5  No.2502251


More like (((Mossad)))

d046c4  No.2502252


Thanks for staying on top of this. Real life is relentless today.

From its own web page:

"The GEC is currently led by Acting Coordinator Daniel Kimmage."

"Acting"? As in no full fledged coordinator was ever appointed or approved?

What I'm reading from your post is that their CTO Nash Borges thinks the place is a clusterfuck, and the staff can't manage their way out of a wet paper bag.

And "three team members" left?

Kek, they're letting this debacle die from inattention.

0885da  No.2502253


24 things that require an id



Open a bank account

Applying for food stamps

Apply for welfare

Apply for Medicaid/SS

Apply for unemployment or a job

Rent/buy a house, apply for a mortgage

Drive/buy/rent a car

Get on an airplane

Get married

Purchase a gun

Adopt a pet

Rent a hotel room

Apply for a hunting license

Apply for a fishing license

Buy a cell phone

Visit a casino

Pick up a prescription

Hold a rally or protest

Blood donations

Buy an "M" rated video game

Purchase nail polish at CVS

Purchase certain cold medicines


a2573a  No.2502254

File: df53fd5c73c8c93⋯.png (432.83 KB, 644x668, 161:167, Fitton Judicial Watch re D….PNG)

File: e5d97622e55503f⋯.png (755.27 KB, 891x885, 297:295, Judicial Watch re Dossier ….PNG)

FBI Documents show Russia Dossier Author Deemed ‘not Suitable for Use’ as Informant



5ece5d  No.2502255


In October it's too late to change the names on the ballot. October surprise.

Red October.

f2db92  No.2502256

File: 6c6df83a39289ae⋯.jpg (330.32 KB, 920x962, 460:481, Angry people.jpg)

5c7520  No.2502257

File: ad938d40a24c12e⋯.png (65.51 KB, 480x687, 160:229, Screenshot_2018-08-07-08-1….png)

Little Hitler is still running DARPA's LifeLog project….

The day DARPA cancelled it's LifeLog project is the same day Facebook started.

3e81fe  No.2502258

File: 297fb5f400c396f⋯.png (820.71 KB, 764x463, 764:463, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2501442 (prev)

PAIN will do them good.

20221f  No.2502259

File: 0c07735c6550305⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 485x556, 485:556, dwight smirk.jpg)


I like your thinking anon…Go on.

6786c5  No.2502260


Piss off. You do not know who you speak to.

ac1e2c  No.2502261

ok, I digested, now ready for boom

7b4b65  No.2502262

File: 5fc274b743619eb⋯.png (4.39 MB, 1464x7344, 61:306, Blacks_against_jewish_supr….png)


Blacks against jewish supremacism.

All Blacks should be against zionism and the crimes of the state of Israel because:


Israel is proudly in an open war against Blacks


Israel is has been systematically sterilizing Black (Ethiopian) women without their consent nor knowledge


Israel openly calls for the genocide of non-jews

If they treat us like this where they have total power, would they act any differently if they had the power to do the same in the US (power which zionist jews and zionist non-jews DO have a lot of in the USA)?

But their strategy for the West is well planned and nuanced.

94771f  No.2502263

File: 99baef852c6eff2⋯.png (241.68 KB, 622x359, 622:359, witches1.png)

File: b9d43c7fa27a2f5⋯.jpg (63.93 KB, 474x675, 158:225, witchhunters.jpg)

f093d1  No.2502264

File: 16c06fd099f775d⋯.jpeg (197.76 KB, 640x1103, 640:1103, 3D52327F-68DB-4FCD-895C-1….jpeg)


Anyone else read this

ebf2cb  No.2502266


Im more worried ideas. Monopoly on ideas is a bad thing

Marxist control structures are sick shit, when going global there is a monopoly

2b03db  No.2502267


Um, in my state, the primary is at the end of August so ….

e166d1  No.2502268


That kid didn't shoot anbybody at Parkland.

Look at the facts. Where was hit swat gear and tactical gear as the teachers witnessed?? Did he take it off and change clothes while walking down the street?? Facts are loud and clear, unless you're willfully blind.

e98cce  No.2502269


You are a helpful and gracious anon. Danke.

997869  No.2502270

787ba8  No.2502271


I know you are trying to be thoughtful so I won't tell you to fuck off.

I understand all of that. This isn't my 1st rodeo. What I am pissed about is the fact that they are holding everything back to make sure the Dems lose by landslides.

And while they sit on their hands waiting for that just right mid-term window, families are disowning other family members, life long friends now hate each other, Now not only the MSM but the faggot "right" side alt media who are suppose to be on OUR SIDE are flipping which, I don't care who you are or how tough you think you are, it's fucking discouraging as hell, but they are all making money off of LYING to us. OUR MONEY. Is paying for that fucking shit.

I thought we were slow walking shit because of other criminal cases that would be screwed if the info the world needs to see comes out. So I thought we were waiting until Huber & who ever the fuck else is working their asses off on these cases were far enough along that they OK the released of info.


I never thought they were wearing blinders but yeah. They are. Sure we'll have a landslide. fuck what happens between now & then to the people who have been doing everything asked of them to help.

fuck it. I'm rambling now.

I sound like one of those concern fags that I make fun of.

This is the 1st time since October 2016 that I've been this fucking pissed at our side.

ignore me

495c8d  No.2502272


Preeeeeetty much.

4223b0  No.2502273


I guess you are okay with adults raping children and getting away with it thanks to corrupt cabal national leaders. I asked a question as a sarcastic remark.

dfff2a  No.2502274

File: aa9f97eec02b497⋯.jpg (186.06 KB, 1668x1330, 834:665, Dj7zgB9V4AA1Yr1.jpg-large.jpg)

a2573a  No.2502275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video : FBI documents show Russia dossier author deemed ‘not suitable for use’: Judicial Watch

5c7520  No.2502276

File: a705c2b004f7da5⋯.jpg (57.64 KB, 500x580, 25:29, 2fguw6~2.jpg)



The queen sleeps in a coffin.

b07276  No.2502277

File: ecbb69fa5ab5d85⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ciaswiferealifepic.jpg)

I banged a spooks wife. She was so glad to fuck somebody with a real dick and who doesn't talk about Trump during sex. She said all the CIA wives are utterly disgusted with their partners and like to coal burn and swallow a load right before their husbands get home and give them a big kiss.

e18bc3  No.2502278


Can i just coin this term quickly, or is that too inorganic?

ad05af  No.2502279


Let them.

It will cause the BLUE BACKLASH!

32b99d  No.2502280


Thank you for clarifying our alt right nazi ideology, heil qanon. We must make the correct jews answer to our alt right nazi pitchfork rage because the Jewish question is answered by mob violence, which we Qanazis believe in


c24ce8  No.2502281


Q also said disinformation is necessary.

8044b9  No.2502282

File: 52cf85e6bba4c14⋯.jpg (61.37 KB, 620x372, 5:3, mel_gibson_70379-1.jpg)

mfw 90%+ sealed indictments are juice

8f24a9  No.2502283

File: 2270a59446ac31d⋯.png (328.32 KB, 751x724, 751:724, IMG_2978.PNG)



kick you out

wait for dough

before you post

how stupid are you

c68abd  No.2502284


You only buy halal.

1be32a  No.2502285


Thanks, Kek

Not much Habbening

Is that little one just South of the Vineyard Jr.'s plane. Wish it were…

aa7d4a  No.2502286


I would say not. Looks like there is no one left in the department to organize and use funds.

But what if the people that were originally hired, took all the information with them, got a Soros or Koch benefactor or even a Chinese or Russian benefactor to ramp up operations again and start working the solution directly with Twat, FB, Google YT etc etc.

That book The Center’s CTO Nash Borges recommended before he left his position was called "First Break All The Rules" after all.

So what rules did this guy and his people break?

04bd36  No.2502287

File: 7594b5c92c4d984⋯.png (264.48 KB, 962x594, 481:297, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)


32b99d  No.2502288


Time will not improve it.

e166d1  No.2502289


Also, student witnesses SAW him and SPOKE with him …. he was wearing jeans and a polo shirt. While shots were ringing out on the other side of the school. He was wearing NO swat gear.

adc156  No.2502290


well shucks

35d292  No.2502291


I think there's a resignations thread - look in the catalog. Q said it's important to track

ea9b05  No.2502292


Fukking kekking!

59abfb  No.2502293


that anon is right

was harsh, but right

e8c357  No.2502294



7a7030  No.2502295


Projection you?


8044b9  No.2502296


Ideas have a biological basis. Only white biology created and could've created our civilization.

eb41e5  No.2502297

File: 4fe343c16ca5bd3⋯.png (24.55 KB, 472x521, 472:521, wearecloseanons.PNG)

94771f  No.2502298

File: a554b3ef92a8449⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 192x255, 64:85, 083a54eb451ea537f9368fd6b0….jpg)


High IQ Anon

4de64a  No.2502299


But Ivanka still loves Jared.

If I was Jared Kushner, I'd flip RIGHT FUCKING NOW and make sure I don't end on the wrong side of history (his current course).

45fc55  No.2502300

File: 920a3c1936915d5⋯.png (737.05 KB, 1273x426, 1273:426, 2018-08-07_19-37-22.png)


Liberal Demoncrats have a long established history of being the wakadoodle followers of their masters.

As exciting as the prospects are for this method…

Getting a red scarf and doorknobbing themselves is a better alternative, and only requires the two items.

Wearing a pussyhat is optional.


0e055f  No.2502301

(lb) 17:17:45 timestamp on Q's last post

537414  No.2502303

File: a1d0ae32a2cae27⋯.jpg (98.23 KB, 857x1144, 857:1144, Capt4ur44e.JPG)

File: 1e298b7ac3c4f53⋯.jpg (97.15 KB, 826x1005, 826:1005, Cap44444ture.JPG)


Most all of it is redacted blank.

Pages 70 and 71 confirm Steele disclosed to third party his status and got verbally admonished for it.

Sauce: https://vault.fbi.gov/records-between-fbi-and-christopher-steele/records-between-fbi-and-christopher-steele-part-01-of-01/view

ea9b05  No.2502304


People like are disgusting small minded losers who think they're smart

Low IQ faggot

b17b3a  No.2502305

No sign of winning in Cal at this point. Things are still bad. 2018 is not glorious, at all. More Obamanation here everywhere you look. Purge the voting rolls, deport deport deport. Currently, the richest state in the nation is lost to the Republic.

986a78  No.2502306


It's going to be ok anon. Everyone will see. You will be on the right side of history in the end.

4d9b26  No.2502307


pathetic whores, in short

3021be  No.2502308

File: 65e700f04dc3b91⋯.jpg (318.35 KB, 1280x1000, 32:25, 20180807_194224.jpg)

File: 58e09ddb504996f⋯.png (259.77 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180807-194029.png)

I'm pretty sure Rachel Maddow just sat on her balls.


535b7c  No.2502309


Dawkins fan I see

20221f  No.2502310

File: 49125141d4bf0fe⋯.jpg (43.07 KB, 600x315, 40:21, Dossier unfit.jpg)

e166d1  No.2502311


I've been redpilling everybody everywhere for years.

Now more people are awake than ever.

Yeah, I must be stupid.

So, if you aren't here for the GREAT AWAKENING, then WTF are you here for??

Fuckoff back to twitter and get spoon-fed there you lazy cunt.

2f0ee5  No.2502312


And Still Spain doesn't learn the mistakes…

ebf2cb  No.2502313


Claiming only whites can have ideas is restrive of ideas.

b07276  No.2502314


Dub dubs on dub dubs.. Kek has spoken.

e0915b  No.2502315


Interesting Excerpt about Facebook:

In the FCC financial disclosures that the company filed before its 2013 IPO, company officials estimated that they had (((an average of 111 megabytes of information per user, which may have even been conservative at the time.))) Unless you log out of Facebook every time you navigate away or disable the app on your smartphone, the company continues to collect information about the pages you visit as you move about the web. That’s one reason why the ads that people see in their Facebook feed reflect other activity or sites they visited on the Internet.


39bea1  No.2502316

File: abbd0ae1a4502e0⋯.jpg (44.27 KB, 829x339, 829:339, temp.jpg)

d046c4  No.2502318


NYT, March 4, 2018 (1 of 2)

Hang on, the Global Engagement Center never even touched their budget allocation? Oh, Q, you guys just rock. It took us a long time to notice, but by golly, have a high five from everybody.

WASHINGTON — As Russia’s virtual war against the United States continues unabated with the midterm elections approaching, the State Department has yet to spend any of the $120 million it has been allocated since late 2016 to counter foreign efforts to meddle in elections or sow distrust in democracy.

As a result, not one of the 23 analysts working in the department’s Global Engagement Center — which has been tasked with countering Moscow’s disinformation campaign — speaks Russian, and a department hiring freeze has hindered efforts to recruit the computer experts needed to track the Russian efforts.

The delay is just one symptom of the largely passive response to the Russian interference by President Trump, who has made little if any public effort to rally the nation to confront Moscow and defend democratic institutions. More broadly, the funding lag reflects a deep lack of confidence by Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson in his department’s ability to execute its historically wide-ranging mission and spend its money wisely.

Mr. Tillerson has voiced skepticism that the United States is even capable of doing anything to counter the Russian threat.

“If it’s their intention to interfere, they’re going to find ways to do that,” Mr. Tillerson said in an interview last month with Fox News. “And we can take steps we can take, but this is something that once they decide they are going to do it, it’s very difficult to pre-empt it.”

The United States spends billions of dollars on secret cybercapabilities, but these weapons have proved largely ineffective against Russian efforts on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere that simply amplify or distort divisive but genuine voices in the United States and elsewhere.

You have 3 free articles remaining.

Subscribe to The Times

The role for the Global Engagement Center would be to assess Russian efforts and then set about amplifying a different set of voices to counter them, perhaps creating a network of anti-propaganda projects dispersed around the world, experts said.

“There are now thousands of former Russian journalists who have been exiled or fired who are doing counter-Russian stuff in exile who we could help,” said Richard Stengel, who as the under secretary for public diplomacy in the Obama administration had oversight of the Global Engagement Center.

Concerted campaigns to highlight the roles of Russian troll farms or Russian mercenaries in Ukraine and Syria could have a profound effect, Mr. Stengel said.


What the Mystery of the Tick-Borne Meat Allergy Could Reveal

The Water Wars of Arizona

Inside Nicaragua’s Protest Movement

At the end of the Obama administration, Congress directed the Pentagon to send $60 million to the State Department so it could coordinate governmentwide efforts, including those by the Defense Department and the Department of Homeland Security, to counter anti-democratic propaganda by Russia and China. This messaging effort is separate from other potential government actions like cyberattacks.

Mr. Tillerson spent seven months trying to decide whether to spend any of the money. The State Department finally sent a request to the Defense Department on Sept. 18 to transfer the funds, but with just days left in the fiscal year, Pentagon officials decided that the State Department had lost its shot at the money.

With another $60 million available for the next fiscal year, the two departments dickered for another five months over how much the State Department could have.

After The New York Times, following a report on the issue by Politico in August, began asking about the delayed money, the State Department announced on Monday that the Pentagon had agreed to transfer $40 million for the effort, just a third of what was originally intended.

State Department officials say they expect to receive the money in April. Steve Goldstein, the under secretary for public diplomacy, said he would contribute $1 million from his own budget to “kick-start the initiative quickly.”

“This funding is critical to ensuring that we continue an aggressive response to malign influence and disinformation,” Mr. Goldstein said.

On Wednesday, Mark E. Mitchell, a top official in the Defense Department, said much wrangling remained before any of the promised $40 million is transferred to the State Department.

“We’re still a ways off,” Mr. Mitchell said. (continued)

495c8d  No.2502319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TYT video that Trimm was commenting on:


b17b3a  No.2502320


Oh, it's fucking real allright. Cal is burning down and these libtard fucks are worried about Trump's tweets about the fire more than the fire.

2f03f8  No.2502321

File: d5776da744236c8⋯.png (596.61 KB, 702x395, 702:395, askisrael.png)

The jew has ZERO defense against a boycott.


Because boycotting the jew is anonymous.

You can choose which products and services you want to have, and who will provide them to you.

Boycotting is peaceful. No need to take matters into your own hands, when you have the power of the purse.

Boycotting can start today. No need to wait for the government to take action against the nation destroyers. Hint: You government is completely controlled by jews, so don't hold your breath.

Boycotting is Effective. Just ask Israel!

Jews make up approximately 2% of the USA population. They thrive off of your hard work and labor. Without us, the jew would be nothing.

Jewish law permits pedophilia (sexual relations with infants.)

Why would any moral and decent person support those of a religion that permits child abuse?

Boycott today!




1a6fe0  No.2502322

File: 5fd6f8f5ac7a5eb⋯.png (377.57 KB, 621x520, 621:520, Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at ….png)

1be32a  No.2502323


I thought it was in like mid August. Granted most wrap today but I was thinking it was later. I do agree with the theory though. That's the idea that made me look that up a while back. Kek

890191  No.2502324

File: f29357965ddbdcb⋯.jpg (223.31 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, doorknob, scarf gift set-p.jpg)



4223b0  No.2502325


Where is the criminal component in meeting a foreigner with incriminating info?

e8c357  No.2502326



4d9b26  No.2502327


not for banging you, but for being with a person which they disgust and not leaving them.

495c8d  No.2502328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And here's their update from August 3rd.

Don't forget to downvote.

32b99d  No.2502329


Just as Q suggested in crumb 14/88, the great awakening will come when Kushner the Jew is defeated. Good digging qanon. Heil Qanon!

6f6e81  No.2502330


That's for you cunts who have no clue as to your "intelligence".

My estimation of my intelligence stays the same regardless the mood I happen to be in.

Moreover I "know" 'how' intelligent I am, no need to "estimate".

When angered, I concede, I'm more inclined to pepper the opponent with the gaping chasm between his "intelligence" and mine.

04db9f  No.2502331


"Our side" over the last 20 tears plus has frequently managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory….I don't trust Our side that won't Fund the Wall, that Didn't Repeal ObamaCare, that can't/won't Fire Paul Ryan….OUR Plan does NOT happen in a vacuum…the other side can royally screw things up between Now and Then…

8d3b70  No.2502332


if you think about and they're as corrupt as has been stated why the fuck are they even being given a chance and why are the ones in congress now not in a reelection year not locked up already

1a6fe0  No.2502333


Thank You Anon. Any links as to where to keep an eye on live time??

adc156  No.2502334


Yeah I need to research it myself someone else just said their primary was the end of august

6786c5  No.2502335


Instead of complaining in the dark fringes of the deep web, conservatives too need to organize and complain against the leftist lunacy.

4d7a16  No.2502336

File: a1ca197625b6f91⋯.jpeg (54.77 KB, 500x458, 250:229, a1ca197625b6f910a3c7a070a….jpeg)

8c095e  No.2502337


Notice when Q talks about C_A/MOS, C_A is first.

Who controls who.

3117b0  No.2502338

File: 5623aabf0cd092b⋯.png (78.8 KB, 1017x422, 1017:422, ClipboardImage.png)

The point of

>>>/patriotsfight/124 &

>>>/patriotsfight/122 :


a14f4f  No.2502339


>Primaries end tonight.

Actually they don't. About 12 or so to go with important ones in FL & AZ on 8-28.

98094d  No.2502340

File: 6894f61866b0aca⋯.jpg (33.45 KB, 512x288, 16:9, follow.jpg)

File: b4df4ce391cdc88⋯.jpg (5.46 KB, 283x186, 283:186, EU.jpg)

File: 27fca2fc67826e1⋯.jpg (3.42 KB, 276x181, 276:181, turkey.jpg)

File: 850b210a903f6b9⋯.gif (12.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Iran-Flag.gif)

File: 0aba19f9a02242e⋯.jpg (9.83 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ukrain.jpg)

starting to see a pattern its all revolving in here'

d046c4  No.2502341

(continued from prev post)

NYT March 4, 2018

Baaaahaha, Bob Menendez is mad! Oh noooo! Rex Tillerson, you are the MAN for stonewalling all those staffing and expenditure requests. Yessir!

The delays have infuriated some members of Congress, which approved the funding transfer with bipartisan support.

“It is well past time that the State Department’s Global Engagement Center gets the resources Congress intended for it to effectively fight Kremlin-sponsored disinformation and other foreign propaganda operations,” Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on Wednesday.

Adele Ruppe, the center’s chief of staff, defended the administration’s broader efforts to counter Russian propaganda, pointing out that the State Department had provided $1.3 billion in assistance in 2017 to strengthen European resilience to Russian meddling. But that money was largely obligated during the Obama administration, and the Trump administration has proposed slashing that assistance by more than half for the coming year, to $527 million, and to $491 million for the next year.

While it waits for the funding transfer from the Pentagon, the center, which has a staff of around 60 people, including 23 contract analysts, will continue working on its original mission: countering jihadist and extremist propaganda.

Most of the center’s leaders are working in temporary assignments, a product of Mr. Tillerson’s halt in promotions. The analysts work in a warren of cubicles in the basement of a tired building that once housed the Office of Strategic Services, the World War II predecessor to the C.I.A.

The analysts are divided into five teams that largely work in four languages: Arabic, Urdu, French and Somali. The analysts said in interviews that they had notched some significant victories, including a video montage proving that the Islamic State had itself destroyed Al Nuri Grand Mosque in Mosul, Iraq, and a widely seen cartoon in French depicting the miserable life of an Islamic State fighter.

Still, these efforts are a small fraction of what Congress envisioned. A 2015 internal assessment found that the Islamic State had been far more nimble on social media than the United States had been. In May, Congress more than doubled the center’s budget, providing an additional $19 million over its earlier budget of $14 million. But by Jan. 1, the department had spent just $3.6 million of the additional $19 million, Mr. Goldstein said.

James K. Glassman, the under secretary for public diplomacy during the George W. Bush administration, said the center’s uncertain funding and temporary leadership reflected the administration’s lack of interest in countering either jihadist or Russian propaganda.

“They’ve got the vehicle to do this work in the center,” Mr. Glassman said. “What they don’t have is a secretary of state or a president who’s interested in doing this work.”

Mr. Tillerson is focusing his energies instead on drastically shrinking the department, leaving a significant part of its budget unused and hundreds of important decisions unmade.

Last year, the State Department spent just 79 percent of the money that Congress had authorized for the conduct of foreign affairs, the lowest such level in at least 15 years and well down from the 93 percent spent in the final year of the Obama administration, according to an analysis of data from the Office of Management and Budget.

Because of the hiring and promotion freezes that have left large sums unspent, as well as Mr. Tillerson’s refusal to delegate spending decisions, the department had a backlog of more than 1,400 official requests for Mr. Tillerson’s signoff at the end of last year, according to a former senior diplomat who left the department then.

ff708b  No.2502342

>>2501916 You are wrong, MAGA is a by product of this work to share the good news world wide. Trump does have God's protection and this movement is part of it. Ask Him…

52eee5  No.2502343

File: 10d7c64ce88b595⋯.jpeg (183.67 KB, 1058x444, 529:222, A8F2E863-B441-4B38-B65E-B….jpeg)

dfff2a  No.2502344


dealing with a foreign govt to subvert an election

495c8d  No.2502345

Hmmmm…. Balderson needs to start doing better for ultimate victory…

2f0ee5  No.2502346


Sometimes I wonder what did he do for to exit the president..

6786c5  No.2502347


Remember Alex Jones now - tomorrow it is all differing opinions

730b40  No.2502348


come on people lets hold them accountable

b17b3a  No.2502349


Ellis should salute Trump's picture every time he enters the Court lol.

fe58e4  No.2502350


Not that I trust FF all that much either with their Soros connection lately, but I would advise anyone that still uses C_Abook to use


91a4d1  No.2502351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3021be  No.2502352

File: 97a7fe774c47d34⋯.jpg (240.42 KB, 1280x1131, 1280:1131, 20180807_194542.jpg)

Thanks TamponAnon!

I'll tell Q.

RFK jr.

1a6fe0  No.2502353

File: fce166f283ff4ed⋯.png (1.01 MB, 981x733, 981:733, Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at ….png)

14a2be  No.2502354

File: e5fba6e62943473⋯.png (40.38 KB, 614x352, 307:176, Screenshot_2018-08-07 Stat….png)


Apparently they haven't spent a dime as of March, kek


8044b9  No.2502355


No, it's just a fact. You simply haven't thought this through. Our civilization is so much more than an "idea," it's a product of our culture, stemming from our behavior, which is totally informed by our biology.

Just look at dogs. You don't want pit-bulls, with their violent behavior, assigned as special needs dogs for children. Humans are biological entities as well.

Stop hating reality and embrace it. It will make for a better world.

845eb8  No.2502356

File: 010e719af458e17⋯.jpg (635.48 KB, 1080x1710, 12:19, 010e719af458e17f4f8d067126….jpg)



adc156  No.2502357


Do you want beautiful looking Q posts like this?

Download this pastebin and put in your user javascript.


6786c5  No.2502358


Alex Jones is no more radical than Cenk Uighur - The Young Turks

22630a  No.2502359


From that article, I found this one.

14 additional medical executives leaving from across the country. These are all small hospitals, so maybe 14 in one month is not an unusual number, but it seems high.

535b7c  No.2502360


Looks like not all states will be done with primaries on Aug 7

https:// www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/2018-state-primary-election-dates.aspx

7f6d13  No.2502361

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)

5f2121  No.2502362


*chunk yogurt

a2573a  No.2502363

File: dbe94d423cf10a5⋯.png (97.61 KB, 413x551, 413:551, Q 1435 re Ohr.PNG)



Q re Ohr's Ham radio

4f4d98  No.2502364


UMMMMMMMMM BIg city comes in first

22630a  No.2502365


Link to the article.


6786c5  No.2502366


Look how CNN and NY Times are lobbying Twitter to ban Alex Jones too.

04bd36  No.2502367

File: feed3ac39ff1033⋯.png (571.67 KB, 1123x711, 1123:711, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)


5464b4  No.2502368



Q, If dems win this special election, your plan sucks. If you really wanted to win you would expose these people BEFORE they held onto their power. Makes no sense. We need these wins, you have the goods to destroy them, but you stay quiet like jeff sessions?

adc156  No.2502369

Sooooooo….. with this election coming up…. what happens if people are arrested that aren't up for re-election? Special elections in 90 days as well for them?

e18bc3  No.2502370


>But Ivanka still loves Jared.

How do you know?

>If I was Jared Kushner, I'd flip RIGHT FUCKING NOW

How do you know he hasn't?


^^ see this is what i meant when i called you stupid.

If i didn't want anybody to be red-pilled you'd be correct, I have no reason to be here.

But that is not what i'm saying, and you know it.

Have you ever lived close to a Church of the Latter day saints? (Jehovas witnesses)

They honestly believes their crap and will try every opportunity they get to "red-pill" you to their truth. That gets pretty annoying right?

Do you get what i'm saying now?

Or do i have to find the crayons?

f6c338  No.2502371


>AJ drew first blood

>menstrating kike projects

8044b9  No.2502372


*chink wigger

32b99d  No.2502373

File: 38aefa6345e2c00⋯.png (292.12 KB, 462x601, 462:601, racewarpod.png)

Hey I have a fun idea guys, let's post pictures of our nazi memorabilia, and valuables that we confiscated from jews during our pogroms and crystal nachts. Post them qanazis!

2f0ee5  No.2502374


New Axis?

f6c338  No.2502375


>let it happen goys

1be32a  No.2502376


Why's your Q post yellow. Mine are green?

88af61  No.2502377

File: d50a476f3aa8880⋯.jpg (239.6 KB, 1381x887, 1381:887, 2018 State Runoff Dates.jpg)


>LAST DAY of PRIMARIES nationwide

not all states

6786c5  No.2502378


If Alex Jones is as crazy as (((they))) say he is, then why are they afraid of him? Can't ordinary folks make their mind to listen to him or not?

350dfb  No.2502379

500ish notables


>>2501908 Judge Ellis Brings Mueller’s Prosecutor to Tears in Courtroom Showdown

>>2501923 Reports: President Trump coming to Utica Monday

>>2501957 ArchiveAnon update

>>2501958 Economy Firing on All Cylinders

>>2501977, >>2501977 MORE UNSEALED INDICTMENTS

>>2502071 A Spanish fighter jet accidentally launches an air-to-air missile in the Estonian air space

>>2502079 Opinion: How a senior DOJ official helped Dem researchers on Trump-Russia case

>>2502087 Facebook to Banks: Give Us Your Data, We’ll Give You Our Users

>>2502173 Dems try to make Mandatory identity verification while on the internet

>>2502196 Italy’s Interior Minister wants to fund pro-Italian family policy with taxes for migrants

>>2502259 Anons theory: TOMORROW the truth starts strafing the American Public

>>2502254 Video : FBI documents show Russia dossier author deemed ‘not suitable for use’: Judicial Watch

>>2502287 Carol Maraj Set To Do An Interview To Defend Pedophile Son.

any bakers lurking wanna takeover next bread?

dc8a64  No.2502380


A lot of anons have been saying this for 6 months.

It is probably the main reason some reasonable people still think this could be a psyop.

Why would they be sitting on evidence to justify everything the president has been trying to do? Why not just drop a smidgen of it?

Why hint that such a drop would take place for going on 10 months now?

38cce7  No.2502381

File: f5124a9dbe951ba⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 650x672, 325:336, IMG_236.jpg)

35d292  No.2502382







e694b5  No.2502383


Let me guess…Ohio 12th dist is a ghetto or college town

862bc8  No.2502384


i see a lawsuit in the making, denying free speech

1df9bc  No.2502385


mine is light light yellow

0c66a4  No.2502386

HR 5181 poses an existential threat to our (Republic). Go.

b46bf6  No.2502387

File: d9d2844f5cc73fc⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 946x457, 946:457, AnonRevealed.jpg)


Feeling comfy!!!

e8c357  No.2502388

File: 9634e96bc995598⋯.jpg (218.05 KB, 1657x946, 1657:946, retardation level1.jpg)

current retardation level

replying to shills


not digging


2f03f8  No.2502389

File: 33d371e1d9aa969⋯.png (566.13 KB, 702x395, 702:395, dontvoteforjews.png)

The Nation Destroying Jews are ANTI FREE SPEECH!

The Nation Destroying Jews are ANTI GUN!

The Nation Destroying Jews are PRO ABORTION.

The Nation Destroying Jews are PRO OPEN BORDERS.

Why are you voting for them?

Boycotting the jew includes removing the jew from every aspect of our lives.

Never vote for a jew!

Never vote for any other that supports jews or Israel!

Make America Great Again by boycotting the NATION DESTROYERS!

Boycott today!

Spread the word!

5bb66d  No.2502390


But but but there’s capital letters in red

d046c4  No.2502391

File: 722e785ff1604b8⋯.gif (687.67 KB, 500x337, 500:337, crows.gif)

Getting shilly in here! This is hysterical!

Boy, are they worried about that FISA declassification, or what?


04bd36  No.2502392

File: 978e31a8f882b4a⋯.png (275.5 KB, 961x721, 961:721, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)


adc156  No.2502393

File: e552e162b8d2111⋯.png (539 B, 356x35, 356:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94eb81b12a534e1⋯.png (653 B, 433x33, 433:33, ClipboardImage.png)


I was about to go google this…. thank you anon.

We have some time to go yet…..

NY does state primaries September 13th

78cb09  No.2502394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Undeniable Proof That NASA Is Aware Of UFOs In Space.

63099d  No.2502395


Of course they are! They have been working against us since forever! We are the sheep, they are the wolves.


7b4b65  No.2502396

File: eff4777c3e77414⋯.jpg (99.83 KB, 720x621, 80:69, 1528165839741.jpg)

File: 1ce1c396d8b500c⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Bibi.jpg)

File: 8888bbd026e0a45⋯.png (377.45 KB, 815x606, 815:606, Jewish_Insolence.png)

File: 045cb7ae004e966⋯.png (802.71 KB, 1671x1032, 557:344, Masters_of_the_universe.png)


You do know enough about judaism to know it IS a supremacist ideology, don't you?

495c8d  No.2502397

"670 ballots in a precinct with 276 voters, and other tales from Georgia’s primary"


8f221f  No.2502398

File: 314d6ed834bbedd⋯.png (449.02 KB, 588x568, 147:142, AQ4.PNG)

Billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal has announced that he invested $250 million in Snapchat to acquire a 2.3% stake

4223b0  No.2502399


How is learning the truth about an opponent subverting an election? The people have the right to know the truth. If the CIA/FBI/DOJ did their job, HRC would have been in jail already and not available to run for office.

951488  No.2502400


I feel exactly the same. Children are still going missing, still being abused, still being killed.

The apathetic majority of the world population cares about themselves, survival, and saving their own ass.

The TRUTH needs to come out so everyone is forced to consider what it is that we as a people, as a planetary species really want: slavery or freedom?

This is long overdue. When the truth comes out the only ones left standing will be those with integrity. It has to fucking come, this bullshit has to end, it hasn't served humanity for centuries and it's way past the time it and the cabal who want to keep us enslaved are destroyed once and for all forever.

8fcea1  No.2502401

File: 680ca4762318b00⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 481x919, 481:919, 2a.JPG)

File: db2313c6c99b49f⋯.jpg (54.86 KB, 490x319, 490:319, 3.JPG)

St. Francois Xavier reeve resigns over CAO firing


d82701  No.2502402

File: fe3b65e6dfccabc⋯.jpg (38.53 KB, 600x315, 40:21, for real?.jpg)

63a39e  No.2502403


>will pay cash to Italian families with children under the age of three

will that include fake "italians" like migrants with passports? or only genetic Italians?

4223b0  No.2502404


He needs more child victims identified.

a6cbb3  No.2502405

File: 6268793d973d1b6⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 3a81dc0794da8cfae333671a51….jpg)

04471a  No.2502406

File: bf4bab42ff9eb92⋯.gif (898.51 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1491898269540.gif)

b283b0  No.2502407


<implies the FBI is unwittingly preventing someone from leaving

<implies that it would be easy to force

<someone on a overextended visa

<someone in country illegally

845eb8  No.2502408

File: 4130d65e96df555⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepelaugh.jpg)


>Piss off

fucking keking

98094d  No.2502409


well we know where all the pedos in Hollywood are going, and sharia law.

b17b3a  No.2502410


Bushbama was a bona fide disaster for our country.

ebf2cb  No.2502411


Certain subsects, most jewish are just like the rest of us.

2f0ee5  No.2502412


Brainwashed people?

0c66a4  No.2502414

Citizens United poses an existential threat to our Republic. Go.

Define person

Define speech.



3e81fe  No.2502415

File: f09aa086c1ab8dc⋯.png (57.18 KB, 239x235, 239:235, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b8945efb0d10a9⋯.png (497.75 KB, 499x415, 499:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cec868683ec6c35⋯.png (130.74 KB, 241x202, 241:202, ClipboardImage.png)


What if you fart in a coffin?

Recirculate until…

Is that Trudeau?

495c8d  No.2502416




Did I win?

a75f43  No.2502417


This seat is up for re-election in November. No matter who wins today, the same two guys will be fighting it out for the same seat in the coming months.

04db9f  No.2502418

File: fd080b013235f63⋯.png (113.5 KB, 1370x1018, 685:509, ClipboardImage.png)

3117b0  No.2502419


changed the color in the script

qcolor: '#ffff00',

39bea1  No.2502420


https:// www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/07/us/elections/results-ohio-special-house-election-district-12.html

f093d1  No.2502421

File: a5c8a3e65d3959f⋯.jpeg (302.75 KB, 640x843, 640:843, 68ABFFAB-9EB2-4B72-8FC5-B….jpeg)


537414  No.2502422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I haven't done this before, but here's a song for the shills

3e81fe  No.2502423

File: 341e85f377e8b10⋯.png (305.43 KB, 597x313, 597:313, ClipboardImage.png)


Sry - forgot trudeau

ca3343  No.2502424

30% in @ohio they are killing us so far 69% democrat

61716a  No.2502425

GS: Marilyn, just to get you up to speed. You’re born into this, then you’re trained as a young child. You go through an induction ceremony in the Vatican. And this is going on with one to two percent of our population, according to Svali. Very serious, in all levels. Government, and everything else. Go ahead, Marilyn, do you have another question?

ML: Yeah. When you said the Vatican, now that is not a Christian religion, okay? Now I’m a Christian. Catholics is a Christian religion, we look at them as the precursor of the New World Religion. So…

GS: Well, you know, if I may just break in. I grew up a Catholic. I don’t get involved in the splicing of the religions. I’m basically stating that when I started researching the Illuminati as a reporter in Rome, and I realized there was a bad portion of the Church, I looked at it. I had to deal with the evil and the good. So that’s the way I reconciled it. The evil WITHIN the Catholic Church, at the high level of the Vatican , which seeps down into many, many areas. Go ahead.

ML: Okay, well I won’t argue that point.

SV: (crosstalk) Now… Now… Now…

ML: I won’t agree with it, but it sounds like you have become possibly Born AGAIN to get out of this? Would I be correct in that?

SV: Yes. Yes. Now I very much… Now first, I do want to say I am not slamming the Catholic Church or the average Catholic. I have many good friends that are Catholics, that are strong Christians. I became a Christian, and that was the only way I could get out. But just so you know, too, a lot of card-carrying Illuminists, well we don’t really carry cards, but I’m using that term…

ML: Yes.

SV: …are members of the Baptist church, are members of Pentecostal churches. It… This… I was on a worship team for a Wesleyan church in San Diego … in my day life. Okay?

ML: Oo-kay. Uh, yeah. Very, very confused. I mean, I, uh, I think this is interesting. Many people say that the Catholic Church will be the forerunner of the New World Religion. There’s some very good books out. In fact, I think you may have interviewed one of these men – the Grand Plan Design by John Daniels?

GS: Uh huh.

ML: You remember that?

GS: Uh…

SV: But, but…

GS: Go ahead.

SV: The average Catholic has no idea of what’s going on in the Vatican.

ML: Yeah, yeah. I think that’s interesting that, that the average Catholic would not know what’s going on. That’s just my take on it. (laughs)

GS: Well, I’ll tell you something. As an average Catholic going to Rome my first time in 1980, I didn’t know what was going on, and I grew up as a Catholic, went to Notre Dame High School. It was quite a learning experience for me.

ML: I think the Catholics, when they find out how evil the church is, stay in it! I mean, they really… why would they want to stay in it? That’s what bothers me. I know some good people who are like that. And I don’t get it! (Laughs)

GS: Well, the only answer is… it doesn’t… (bumper music starts) (laughs) I don’t know. There are many Catholics who aren’t actively practicing.

b17b3a  No.2502426


Typical career demoncrat: a long history of crooked, incompetent failure.

0b6a17  No.2502427

This is a long game, going on for years. Trump/Q in control. We are pawns in the game. They deliberately exposed us, took this board public - 'mainstream'. WHY? There is a reason. They know what they're doing. Not acknowledging us after taking us here is part of a strategy but what is the strategy? Where are you 169 IQ guys who whine about us normies??? This is chess and we are being moved around the board. We need to dig into the why. I think the RICO mutterings I have seen have something to do with AJ (another pawn but he knows his role). What is OUR role???

04bd36  No.2502428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e1ecb8  No.2502429


>At one point, one of Mueller’s prosecutors, Greg Andres, was so frustrated he pushed to tears and Judge Ellis mocked him for his weakness.

Typical behavior of a bully that resorts to tears when they are bullied/reprimanded.

d567de  No.2502430


Re-read crumbs.

Q #1197

midterms are safe.

e166d1  No.2502431


Check ID

That wasn't me.

Facts are facts. Redpills.

Opinions are SHYT.

If you're scared to redpill the normies,

then by definition,

you're a puzzy coward.

And that's your own problem.

I've been redpilling EVERYBODY

EVERYWHERE for years.

Never had any problems with it.

If you are having a hard time trying

to redpill others, then you're doing it wrong.

1a6fe0  No.2502432

File: 3e258c23d6e985c⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1492x681, 1492:681, MSM_upside_down.png)


This is what Q was talking about back at the beginning when he said deal will have to be made or 70%+ of these assholes would ALL be in jail in a snap.

I have NO idea how all of this is going so well.

8fcea1  No.2502433

File: 40d3f571d5df029⋯.jpg (111.2 KB, 616x901, 616:901, 2a.JPG)

File: ffb7e79daf71dc0⋯.jpg (117.52 KB, 549x759, 183:253, 3.JPG)

File: b3eeb6ddaf0ba9f⋯.jpg (98.04 KB, 535x665, 107:133, 4.JPG)

Democrat who represented Winston-Salem in the North Carolina General Assembly, has resigned.

Read more here: https://www.heraldsun.com/news/politics-government/article216248070.html#storylink=cpy

a663d5  No.2502434


Yep still a while off.. maybe 4-6 weeks from election day is the best time to drop booms.

The Feinstein Chinese spy is a perfect example of the type of hit that will come.

Hard to find a replacement candidate of any quality & name ID in that time.

d29fc4  No.2502435

File: eb57a383c24783e⋯.png (62.97 KB, 1426x634, 713:317, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)

File: fe5b9823760224c⋯.png (12.96 KB, 195x255, 13:17, pepe-armed.png)

From bread #3153

>2 breads back



Is not rendering to the page now. From the comments posted to the OP, it looks like it was working. Wanted to give a heads up so that hopefully some simple troubleshooting can take place (& its not an attack).

fc42d3  No.2502436


Im guessing October surprise with Gov shutdown to boot

Im hanging by a thread though need some strength

5c7520  No.2502437

File: d3dcba532a3c1f3⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 500x611, 500:611, 2fgz8j~2.jpg)

It has been clear to see that Hussein absolutely disgusts Q.

d046c4  No.2502438


Now that I and a couple other anons have dug on 5181 a little, I feel a lot better, and here's why:

Yes, it was a totally shitty strategy that Hussein and his greasy pals tried to sneak in under the radar with some bullshit academic language and generic, benign-sounding names.

But POTUS, Q and the gang spotted it right away. Unfortunately for Hussein, the Trojan Horse fell under the State Department. Rex Tillerson apparently started boxing up all the Global Engagement Center's requests for staffing and spending, and sat on them. Hell, he may have shredded them. So they never got any people, and they never got any money.

Brilliant maneuver: eliminate the threat by neutering it.

38cce7  No.2502439

File: d10c94442f8d139⋯.jpg (293.67 KB, 715x918, 715:918, IMG_221.jpg)

04db9f  No.2502440


Still ZERO precincts reporting

93a0e5  No.2502441

File: 66a935c40b8b7c1⋯.png (152.29 KB, 1212x1072, 303:268, Qpost_1602.png)


So what? we're just supposed to wait til midterms to see what happens?

Where's the drop? Any chance we will see it before midterms? This doesn't feel like winning!

Q was right about one thing, the world changed when we lost our freedom of speech.

What is the cost of freedom from the cabal Q? Please explain what you mean by

"Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified."

I'm not so sure I'm down with the NSA collecting all my data to protect me! Never have been even though it's not our choice due to more laws passed by The Man.

Is that the cost, our FREEDOMS?

32b99d  No.2502442


Heil qanon, for we are against the (((JEWS)))

Please (((edit))) and add (((parentheses))) qanon, because it is important to (((parenthesize))) the (((Jew))) so his (((Jew punctuation))) does not (((infect))) the purity of our (((grammar))) He(((i)))l Qitler!

14a2be  No.2502443



> >>2502259 Anons theory: TOMORROW the truth starts strafing the American Public

Is this the wrong link??

64bba2  No.2502444

Oh nice the democrat has a double digit lead in the midterms very confidence inspiring

63a39e  No.2502445


did they unfreeze his money or is he being forced to spend it on what potus tells him to?

5cf129  No.2502446


Stop posting this stupid bullshit.

8d1043  No.2502447

File: 25850fed100458d⋯.jpg (18.23 KB, 629x305, 629:305, Q JoinUSsideBySideLIGHTS.jpg)

File: ddbecac81e79b8a⋯.jpg (225.19 KB, 6003x3368, 6003:3368, Q_patriot swamp boat WRWYf….jpg)

adc156  No.2502448


they couldn't say 66 so they say 69

haven't you learned the code yet

1217d2  No.2502449

File: 177c64e1a876416⋯.jpg (188.14 KB, 1617x2106, 539:702, Stanley Kubrick Part 01 of….jpg)

File: ef4fdd62e122ed6⋯.jpg (503.27 KB, 1631x2106, 1631:2106, Stanley Kubrick Part 01 of….jpg)

File: ff496fbea23415a⋯.jpg (345.44 KB, 1606x2092, 803:1046, Stanley Kubrick Part 01 of….jpg)

File: 1699cb8eba7fad5⋯.jpg (235.21 KB, 1637x2100, 1637:2100, Stanley Kubrick Part 01 of….jpg)

Stanley Kubrick


2f03f8  No.2502450


You have to start somewhere.

Remove the money, you remove their power.

Better than doing nothing!

c754b1  No.2502451


To continue, there is only ONE First Amendment!

We all share it.

Any changes we allow the 1st Amendment to suffer will be each a blow immediatelu felt toward the complete demise of our Sufferance.

Patriots, WILL YOU FIGHT?!!!

c68abd  No.2502452


I agree with you.

2f03f8  No.2502453

File: 4e2591011e78377⋯.png (209.04 KB, 336x411, 112:137, nationwreckers.png)

b283b0  No.2502454


i predict that if votes go massively the wrong way, we'll see the drop.

if we stay red, no drop.

b17b3a  No.2502455


I used this to say there is a lot of disinfo out in the msm about Q rn, but here are some of the issues actually being discussed.

ea9b05  No.2502456


ACORN ballots

3d53ce  No.2502457


How new are you….

18633b  No.2502458


<1% Reporting


8f221f  No.2502461

File: 0064b959413ba96⋯.png (523.03 KB, 608x562, 304:281, AQ5.PNG)

Vice President Pence will deliver a speech Thursday at the Pentagon on next steps in the formation of the "Space Force" - NBC News

04bd36  No.2502462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

91a4d1  No.2502463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trust Kansas..

04471a  No.2502464


this, if the numbers are genuine then fuck these people

350dfb  No.2502465


good lookin out anon :)

32b99d  No.2502466


We like asses, boobs, and killing jews, we are qanon! We masturbate and sharpen our pitchforks all the alt right day. It is just how we are.

890191  No.2502467

File: 849b8ace03917a1⋯.jpg (68.93 KB, 600x375, 8:5, balls w qe.jpg)

3e81fe  No.2502468


Wet paper bag?

8044b9  No.2502469


Not really. Subversion and parasitism is too common among your entire tribe, all sects, to be ignored. It's part of your biology.

Your tribe overwhelmingly votes to for immigration policies that will completely change the biological makeup of western countries that have so graciously let you in. Your biology informs your decisions to attempt to destroy these welcoming hosts.

If you actually cared about humanity, if you gave a thought about the white western world that has been so kind to you, you would be advocating for expulsion.

But you don't, because you're full of hate, not love, of your fellow humans.

fe58e4  No.2502470

File: 5483f8e3a434a74⋯.jpg (124.7 KB, 750x676, 375:338, Pepeguns.jpg)


We have to protect the head anon.

5c7520  No.2502471

File: 5ffcb2bfa93e76b⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 471x462, 157:154, e1cd1e6ed41f40ea1b08950ff6….jpg)

537414  No.2502472

File: 8c73cf5ccab570f⋯.png (1.08 MB, 771x701, 771:701, 8c73cf5ccab570f476c7f339c3….png)

35d292  No.2502473

File: fe7c81df25594ae⋯.jpg (41.08 KB, 504x643, 504:643, 1471641085975.jpg)

Ah, the impatient fags are out again I see.

No matter how many times it's explained

>it's a process

>many moving parts

>timing must be right

>think construction

>many layers

they want it all now, Now, NOW!!!1!!!!!!!1!

Like a little babby. This is both date-driven and event-driven and it doesn't operate on your timetable, son.

Then we have the fat-finger angry shills, posting bitchy (let's be honest here) to the wrong posts. This indicates either, impatience/pressure/panic or incompetence, or it's bots misfiring (no I'm not that schizo obsessive, harping on bots, but I was there during the Great B0t Storm of '17).

Both are tired tactics and while actual people do get impatient sometimes, mature people understand delayed gratification. It's part of being an adult. This is truly a war with the world at stake, and mistakes can cost us everything. Luckily /ourguys/ are smarter, have cooler heads, and far more patience and foresight than some here.

Trust the Plan or not, the Plan goes on with or without your understanding or participation. Rage-quit if you want, there are a 1,000 other people who will step up.

That's the beauty part.

Take a deep breath, consider the span of (known) history, and look with some perspective at what is going on today. Take another deep breath. Go take a walk, go lift, go romance yer lady, whatever you need to get your head cleared and screwed back on straight.

We'll be here.

The Plan continues in operation.


495c8d  No.2502474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

72a059  No.2502475


A 243 percent turnout? Unbelievable, did they think no one would notice?

1c0999  No.2502476

>>2502283 (you), (You), (fucking YOU!!!)

Nice call anon. Must wait for the dough, regardless of how impotent one deems one's post. And regardless of how impotent it actually is.

Does Q snipe b4 bread is baked?

ty anon.

dc7b11  No.2502477


>Oh nice the democrat has a double digit lead in the midterms very confidence inspiring

Crooked H had a 92% chance of winning in 2016, you still believe polls? Cute

88af61  No.2502478

File: 74d087b19065cbf⋯.jpg (832.24 KB, 1895x1161, 1895:1161, fear not.jpg)


>You want me crush it up for you?

nice work anon

ad7746  No.2502479


This is referencing that the military has no problem going full violent coup if necessary to rid the planet of these sick people.

Hopefully, it won't come to that.

It 100% would have happened if Trump lost the election

7d0caf  No.2502480


waiting to watch all results live

just like in 2016!

live coverage RSB


8f24a9  No.2502481

File: 7966c552f27532c⋯.jpg (59.01 KB, 626x640, 313:320, 1487701101465.jpg)


go get em goy!!

give em holy hell!!

gotta spoon feed the masses bruh

jus cuz your "woke" dont me sheit

04471a  No.2502482

File: 2838a380214f75f⋯.gif (348.21 KB, 350x233, 350:233, youhavetogoback.gif)

259c8e  No.2502483


The blue wave - if this hits hard in a R enclave the news will go bananas and we have to sit and listed to this shit for another couple months. I know calm down and watch it all look like its gonna burn down…..trust the plan. but fuck I am ready for war over here.

3d53ce  No.2502484


You got an open can of paint next to you or something? Turpentine, gasoline, anything?

14a2be  No.2502485


No worries.. Would you mind putting in these digs into the Global Engagement Center, as they're related to Q's most recent crumbs?

>>2502318 >>2502135 >>2501922

91a4d1  No.2502486


That’s one of my favourites…

495c8d  No.2502487

File: 2dad4cdc09ccd33⋯.png (162.07 KB, 953x579, 953:579, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)


a2573a  No.2502488

File: 75f044fe9f753b1⋯.png (323.88 KB, 640x570, 64:57, DoD RT Subs 8-7-18.PNG)

File: 1ab86e3198c1638⋯.png (203.4 KB, 405x481, 405:481, Q 1728 Unauthorized.PNG)

File: 59b36fe543dd052⋯.png (152.04 KB, 1515x640, 303:128, 1 Naval Base Kitsap Wiki.PNG)

File: d46de28bb70fe9c⋯.png (66.98 KB, 1477x800, 1477:800, 2 Naval Base Kitsap Wiki.PNG)


8f221f  No.2502489

File: a39f48a3364b00c⋯.png (744.65 KB, 661x652, 661:652, AQ8.PNG)


Sessions vows to appeal court orderto reinstate amnesty


a663d5  No.2502490


Aug 28 - latest primary date for any battleground states (Florida / Arizona).

Sep is popcorn and enjoy the show.

1be32a  No.2502491


Not 67%, Not 70%. 69% Fkn number fkrs Kek

c4a483  No.2502492


Maybe we've been given it all already ... but I wouldn't know ...

.... back to listening/lurking

>lurking for a living, living and a lurking, don't know what I'm given cuz I am lurking for a living


e18bc3  No.2502493


Yes keep projecting your fear onto me.

You've red-pilled no-one. Not a single one.

People can only red-pill themselves.

But yeah you are the expert…

>That wasn't me.

Does it matter? You show that you are just as stupid.

Look i see where you are coming from. I get the desire.

But don't become "that guy", it'll only ruin your connections with other people.

ebf2cb  No.2502494


You are an obvious shill but it is fun sparring with you tho

Lets say your intentions are true …then you wouldn't say that because the effect is counterproductive.

0c66a4  No.2502495


Incorrect small minded one.. We like freedom of speech and are adult minded enough to ignore the things we do not like.

So one bad apple spoils the bunch eh?

The people who post that shit could be doing just so people like you bite hook line and sinker.

Congrats on your lack of spatial reasoning.

f574b0  No.2502496

When the Trip Code Changes

A new phase of the plan begins.

b17b3a  No.2502497

File: e6318fe59505283⋯.jpg (128.09 KB, 594x435, 198:145, maxine.jpg)


Stay woke, Millenials!

7d0caf  No.2502498

File: be3d62afb2f071e⋯.jpg (53.88 KB, 600x445, 120:89, be3d62afb2f071e247e9c2abdf….jpg)


i got your back

adc156  No.2502499


Thank you anon you seem to know more than I.

I just noticed NH and RI are on the list in Sept.

1a6fe0  No.2502500

File: 35c8f23f4f2947a⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Myrimemetamagic___Small.jpg)



Red-Pilling someone to THE TRUTH, is a lot different than trying to con someone into a religion. There's power to TRUTH that cannot be measured with equipment, but it's the Key.

So I always talk about $$$

The Banks

Who Owns The Banks

Are Wars Good For Us

Who Owns The War Machine

Do You Live As Good As Your Grandparents

Wheres The Money

Why is Our Food Poisoned

Why is Our Water Posioned

Why Does Medical Care Cost So Much

Are You A Slave??

People KNOW. They just feel beaten and hopeless mostly and don't know what to do. Then the ones that show up saying, "Let's do something!!" have to be the bearer of bad news about all their heros and their world.

They aren't afraid of Us…They're scared to death that we're RIGHT

Respect and forgive their fear. Tell the Truth. Live the Truth. Pretty Simple & It Works.


32b99d  No.2502501


This fаке роsт reminds me why I first саме неге and stole уоυг нат.

d82701  No.2502502

File: cf5f8fa7715d869⋯.png (49.51 KB, 300x300, 1:1, chappaqua.png)


I think pretty far. Chappaqua is near Sleepy Hollow/Conneticutt are whereas NXVIM I believe was based in upstate NY – would need name of town to say for sure.

1c0999  No.2502503


You'Re faahhhgit - git grammer (&sp!) woke!!

4d9b26  No.2502504


that's not how this anon is. I don't care about the asses and boobs.


61716a  No.2502505

I'm starting to think this whole

Q thing

is a Illuminati psy op that is disclosing itself and thus opening itself up to free will in order for it to continue to function and the

NWO to come to fruition….

18e51f  No.2502506


it's still at less than 1% reporting Anons… give it time

b39b36  No.2502507


My dad has been saying 8/8/18 day of TRUTH since October!

9a9c02  No.2502508

File: 12ea14f84045455⋯.png (29.17 KB, 701x441, 701:441, nat.PNG)

https:// www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/07/us/elections/results-ohio-special-house-election-district-12.html

950314  No.2502509

File: 0e8017f409cf788⋯.png (152.3 KB, 1379x819, 197:117, ClipboardImage.png)



64bba2  No.2502510


then good luck keeping anyone on this board

a9ede2  No.2502511

Just a thought, is there mechanism for us to go after the funds listed in the HR bill? I bring this up since we see foreign dis info across numerous non USA media sources all the time. They state things that we have verified as false here on a daily baisi. By definition, we are alternative media, but we are only lacking a website / platform normies accept. Also, by definition, we are "refuting foreign mis/disinformation and promoting a fact based narratives." Is this a way to legitimize our research here by going after foreign country's dis info first? I am not a law / grant / gov funding fag but this may be an avenue to not only get funds via the HR, but legitimize ourselves using their own intent against them. God's love to each of you. WWG1WGA.

4223b0  No.2502512


Snapchat is populated by tweens and teens. The images or texts disappear a few seconds after they are viewed. I am sure the owners of Snapchat capture the info into archives. Parents don't let your children use Snapchat now owned by known pedos.

7b4b65  No.2502513

File: 25f145bdc6a822b⋯.png (652.45 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, 1_Jew_Circumcision_2_Traum….png)

File: 389fa33e3ac1c33⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1048x1570, 524:785, Circumcision_Effect_on_fem….jpg)

File: 46e45300313e2dc⋯.jpg (709.45 KB, 1288x2080, 161:260, Circumsision_Business.jpg)

File: b29d68e0e8caa09⋯.png (33.1 KB, 624x225, 208:75, z.PNG)

File: 920db3f652df1d0⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 402x203, 402:203, zf1524ba4277c4173bd099af2f….jpg)


I am not talking about individuals, I am talking about the IDEOLOGY. You CANNOT seprate supremacism from judaism, you just can't, its a crucial part of the whole thing.


Let us now learn a little about jewish culture and history so you can understand why judaism IS a supremacist ideology

From the book “When Victims Rule” (link to book: https://archive.is/1IEWq ):

“    In order to understand the present and prospects for the future, something must be understood about the past. Jews claim their origins to a seminal patriarch, Abraham, in the land of Ur (today part of Iraq) 4,000 years ago. Abraham was not a farmer or village member of a settled community. He was likely one of the "wandering" tribes of his time, a citizenship less, "outsider" social class known as the "Apiru," or "Habiru" (Hebrews) who were scattered across a wide area of the Middle East, from Syria to Egypt. [ANDERSON, p. 33] According to traditional Jewish religious belief, God is reputed to have singled out 75-year old Abraham among all people on earth and struck an arrangement with him, providing his progeny the consummate family inheritance:  "If Abraham will follow the commandments of God, then He, in His turn, will make the descendants of Abraham His Chosen People and place them under His protection … God at this time stipulates only one commandment, and makes only one promise." [DIMONT, p. 29] The initial agreement, by modern standards, seems extraordinarily peculiar. God's commandment was that all males by the eighth day of birth must have the foreskin of their penises cut off, a painfully literal branding of Jewish distinction around the male procreative organ:


                    "God … said to Abraham … You shall circumcise the flesh of

                    the foreskin and that shall be the Covenant between Me

                    and you."    GENESIS:  17:9-13

         With this physical marking, notes Barnet Litvinoff, “no male child born of Jewish parentage is ever allowed to forget he is a Jew … it reminds him of the doctrine of the chosen people.” [LITVINOFF, p. 5] "As a sign of this sacred bond, of being special seed, Chosen," note Herbert Russcol and Margarlit Banai, "The Lord of the Universe commands Abraham" to circumcize "every man child among you." And as the Torah states it: "I will establish my covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant." [RUSSCOL/BANAI, 1970, p. 173] Is this alleged commandment by God to the Abrahamic "seed" in Jewish tradition not racial?


          "Circumcision," says Lawrence Hoffman, "has thus remained the sine qua non of Jewish identity throughout time. Jews came to believe that it warded off danger, and even saved Jews from damnation, that the sign of circumcision was tantamount to carrying God's ineffable name carved in the flesh, that it was a means of attaining mystical unity with the creator, and that it brought about visionary experience." [HOFFMAN, p. 11] It also symbolized, on the male genitals, special attention to the genetic continuance of the progeny of Abraham, that – if they obeyed the laws and demands of God – they would someday be as "numerous as the stars.""

>Problems with the above facts:


Circumcision is scientifically proven to cause permanent brain damage in children (pic related 1);


Its a form of non-consentual religious branding;


Its a barbaric form of child abuse via male genital mutilation; and


The first reason it is done in the first place is to remind the jewish children that they are "God's chosen", which incites the jews to adopt a supremacist mindset toward the goyim/catle, who according to judaism are implicitly inferior due to not being jews, and thus, not part of the ones who were "chosen by God".

Important note


For those that say that ”most science today is fraud”, in order to implicitly downplay the relevance of the studies about circumcision causing permanent brain damage in children I say this:

Go grab the test I am referring to and disprove it using the scientific method then if you want to solidify what you're trying to imply.

Extreme pain in children scars alters their brain structure (aka: brain damage), circumcision does that to children.


For those that say that “As a very acomplished person, I see no problem with the process of circumcision because I am a very acomplished person”, I say this:

Doesn't mean the damage isn't there.

Doens't make the process of circumcision any less barbaric.

Doesn't make judaism any less of an idological threat to the West.


You could just be lying. Try to not use anecdotes next time, try to use verifiable facts :)

8044b9  No.2502514


The only thing I'm shilling for is western civilization, but if you just want to call me names instead of debating then I guess we're done.

You haven't countered any points, but all of yours have been.

What wouldn't I say because it's counter-productive, exactly? All of my intentions are true, and just. And I've backed up all of my points with logic and facts.

b17b3a  No.2502515


Q quit the trust the plan bullshit. Trust is earned, not demanded. Only trust what you see happen.

38cce7  No.2502516

File: 546449ce5aa9a95⋯.jpg (214.54 KB, 871x543, 871:543, IMG_252.jpg)

91a4d1  No.2502517


Not relevant to my post.

116957  No.2502518

File: 2336ea848b02d33⋯.png (6.94 KB, 255x128, 255:128, anonsnotdiviced.png)





7d0caf  No.2502519

hey plane fag.

where did Kansas go?

00b4a7  No.2502520

"Repairs and renovations of the Oval Office and West Wing are on schedule."


04471a  No.2502521




fe58e4  No.2502522


Just serious, I'm not reading all of that.

18e51f  No.2502523


I'm starting to think you're stupid…

dfff2a  No.2502524


I am not saying it is…not a lawfag, so not exactly sure. The emails Goldstone sent were perfectly worded with keywords that would trigger inspection. That was what he was saying

6f6e81  No.2502525

File: 9bb08d5cb1a1ded⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AP-Phil-Long-2-640x480.jpg)


That LeBron James might not be as dumb as we give him credit for, by the looks of it he even studied "The Art of the Deal" in detail:


8f221f  No.2502526

File: ec71309f26c0068⋯.png (684.9 KB, 660x660, 1:1, AQ21.PNG)


Voter fraud in GA


9a9c02  No.2502527

8f24a9  No.2502528




4de64a  No.2502529


>How do you know?

She hasn't filed for divorce and they appear to be on good terms

bd3b0d  No.2502530


I… I don't understand.

f6c338  No.2502531






Here are your 4 posts niggerbrain. See how you post nothing but trash? Kill yourself.

5bbe50  No.2502532


Nigel Farage just called for internet bill of rights on Fox kek

4e7dfd  No.2502533


True - and we're excited to see what comes next!

ea9b05  No.2502534


Either they didn’t beat raghead enough or he’s flipped.

898353  No.2502535


In the cabal, pretty people go to hollywood, homely people go to government

32b99d  No.2502536


Му геаsопιng is sратιαΙег тнап уоurs.

18e51f  No.2502537


pardon my lazy typing. ;-)

0b6a17  No.2502538


Great. Find the door

7b4b65  No.2502539

File: 2990854bc45325f⋯.png (63.67 KB, 1274x520, 49:20, ADL_Facebook_Google_jewish….PNG)



You can only trust a jew that admits that judaism IS a supremacist ideology (which it IS) and wants to help take down every single one of the jewish interest groups and dual-citizenship politicians operating in the West.

495c8d  No.2502540

File: 6f7329e1cc1f1d5⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 730x430, 73:43, eb068d85e3d9991f9a7d2679cd….jpg)

Anyone find it odd that BeZOs/AmaZOn and Alibaba are both "buy anything" rivals AND highly involved in Quantum Computing???


88af61  No.2502541


> about Parkland shooter — details revealed by mistake"

thanks for posting

2ec5e0  No.2502542

File: 26345421e165e90⋯.jpg (85.31 KB, 675x533, 675:533, yallgot2.JPG)


Bust me off a shard..

e7dc98  No.2502543

File: 3c84ff9f7799d44⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 520x337, 520:337, nellie_ohr_3.jpg)

950314  No.2502544

File: 5f33bdfcef27b0d⋯.gif (79.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, F9 0A 1B 2C 3D 4E 56 78.gif)



Its a trap

3117b0  No.2502545

File: 9d9756e67033487⋯.png (291.97 KB, 550x468, 275:234, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 023c65743cbd7d6⋯.png (180.99 KB, 568x489, 568:489, ClipboardImage.png)


100%, about 70% as this anon points out >>2502432

b283b0  No.2502546

File: 024a60fe8fd2a5f⋯.jpg (147.06 KB, 446x576, 223:288, you have been warned.jpg)



tagged and bagged.

you're all so easy.

a2573a  No.2502547

File: a465a249d298f7f⋯.png (52.68 KB, 653x586, 653:586, Meadows 7-25-18 Enough.PNG)

I missed this Meadows tweet on the 25th

It just came across my twitter as a RT

93a0e5  No.2502548




I hope your right anons, hopefully the plan is to overthrow the deep state and reinstate the constitution with all of our rights in tact.

079b19  No.2502549

File: 9f67e8c9442c1c6⋯.jpg (246.35 KB, 935x1421, 935:1421, b65a104.jpg)


Here is the ">>>patriotsfight/66" post referred to in the second image of your post.

Also mentions [blue wave]

04471a  No.2502550


mustve missed it

e6f8ee  No.2502551

File: 06274731376d35d⋯.gif (4.37 MB, 384x384, 1:1, assumingdirectcontrol.gif)


Come over to the side of light, faggot.

59abfb  No.2502552

File: 54f10910efabcd8⋯.png (147.84 KB, 720x465, 48:31, ClipboardImage.png)


you can't even shill well

7dbd0a  No.2502553

File: ab78eb4021691e4⋯.png (40.37 KB, 460x228, 115:57, screenshotAtUploadCC_15336….png)


I want you to stop being a Namefag so I actually look at what you are saying. I bet it's great, but most Anons here will Filter you on sight. Do not fill in your name on this board.

800fd0  No.2502554

File: f1a6ec2b84ec04f⋯.png (410.93 KB, 483x568, 483:568, Anonymous Clowns.png)

Someone asked for a clown Guy Fawkes mask. This sums up the current Anonymous Clowns pretty well….

7b4b65  No.2502555

File: 7603bee43fceb26⋯.png (61.33 KB, 795x600, 53:40, Censorship_South_Carolina_….PNG)

File: 1273344aac56dfd⋯.png (981.45 KB, 1079x1395, 1079:1395, Israel_US_Domination.png)

File: 55e44e8e2ad43fc⋯.png (129.58 KB, 612x792, 17:22, Israel_uses_US_as_Tax_Farm.png)

File: 3ea34a7391856df⋯.jpg (404.79 KB, 1036x1132, 259:283, Israeli_Double_Citizenship.jpg)

File: 4b3f3d2073b7882⋯.jpg (102.13 KB, 1014x394, 507:197, Jewish_Over_Representation….jpg)



judaism IS a supremacist ideology (verifiable fact in the post you chose to ignore) and will be banned along with islam.

You're welcome :)

18e51f  No.2502556


caught that too…

203c06  No.2502557


>implies the FBI is unwittingly preventing someone from leaving

Or an operative who the FBI is covering up but could be ejected if it becomes public

1c0999  No.2502558


Fickin' discredited youself with tha wankin' there Teen Fagghit!. Only thing you're killin' is your cock, cucked by your thumb. Dumbfuck post.

8044b9  No.2502559

Nobody has to advocate for killing jews, they're going to end up killing themselves after this is through.

26596f  No.2502560

File: 3e7dd3d3a0583b9⋯.png (595.26 KB, 862x485, 862:485, abramsnevertrump.png)

File: 372d855c282e76b⋯.png (748.99 KB, 863x500, 863:500, askyourself.png)

File: 6a084e60773403a⋯.png (576.47 KB, 862x485, 862:485, letsexploreways.png)



I'm working my ass off on Stacey Abrams (D) atlanta.

shes the fan fav, and a SWAMP CREATURE…

she has a capital firm called NOWaccount, it was est in 2010… she has been doin dirty shit since 2011 when she got there. she WREEKS of swamp.


a8cec9  No.2502561

File: 7d92a8f541ba827⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1798x1691, 1798:1691, ClipboardImage.png)

HR 5181

Side by Side with Headlines

4f83f8  No.2502562

File: 873f346fcf3b2b3⋯.png (180.29 KB, 492x325, 492:325, ClipboardImage.png)

0c66a4  No.2502563


Shh the grown ups are talking.

73c739  No.2502564



b17b3a  No.2502565


I like AJ in small doses, but listen more to Shroyer, Stone and Corsi. AJ is like cable news with an extra level of truthiness.

32b99d  No.2502566



Yes, we are unreasonably and unrealistically skeptical and demanding.. We are qanon, anon, and we're mad at Q.

dfff2a  No.2502567


My oldest told me there are a bunch of chats about Q going around

She's 20….mostly older kids use it now

1faa27  No.2502568


I agree, it is time for POTUS to declassify. We need time to redpill since media will refuse to report.

e18bc3  No.2502569


>Red-Pilling someone to THE TRUTH, is a lot different than trying to con someone into a religion.

And again my point flies straight over your head…

Yes but if you keep pushing, people will reject the truth and just find you annoying.

e0915b  No.2502570


The latest revelations of voter fraud come soon after the release of Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election, a new book by Eric Egger, the Government Accountability Institute’s (GAI) research director.

Egger’s book points out that voter fraud is increasingly common and encouraged by left-wing mega-donors like George Soros who support organizations that commit voter fraud. The book also notes that enough voter fraud has been documented to swing a presidential election and is enough of a problem that it could impact the 2018 midterm elections.

b17b3a  No.2502571


Maybe Killary?

bf59c7  No.2502572

File: fb0c0cf1dcc17cf⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 480x522, 80:87, 2fe2at~2.jpg)

File: 63be259ffd5e690⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 480x568, 60:71, 2fe22s~2.jpg)

File: bc4d36be41ffa8e⋯.jpg (41.35 KB, 500x556, 125:139, 2fg5t8~2.jpg)

e77755  No.2502573


keking at that.

If that's the case, though, why did Q bring it up? If none of that money has been spent on a disinformation campaign against Q. Where DID the money come from?

9ee659  No.2502574

even after all the publicity and hit-piece articles, the shills and taunts are still pretty mediocre. where are their front-line troops attacking, cause it ain't here

4223b0  No.2502575


Sorry Anon, I thought you were responding as a lawfag, and I was rejecting the analysis. The ridiculous claims against POTUS just irritate me in the face of the gross criminality of HRC and the previous administration.

93a0e5  No.2502576


As far as the Deep State is concerned, the constitution is just toilet paper!

ef56a0  No.2502577

Not sure if its been posted but thought it was interesting.


4fd355  No.2502578

File: 22325fed0e16649⋯.png (154.46 KB, 306x276, 51:46, ClipboardImage.png)


Brazil Nut

350dfb  No.2502579


fe58e4  No.2502580

File: db09d2c1588ff4d⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 255x147, 85:49, Ft. boom boom.jpg)


Sessions recusing himself has given him the chance to allow the DOJ to hang themselves. I still trust Sessions.

950314  No.2502581

File: 363841a4e5e0179⋯.gif (127.52 KB, 640x466, 320:233, AssholeFags.gif)





do not reply to shills and clowns

Everyone is a shill or clown until they are not!

4f83f8  No.2502582

File: 4cc1d767b7a1d8b⋯.png (179.53 KB, 486x324, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

d05e27  No.2502583

File: c01a609523fff19⋯.jpeg (73.16 KB, 624x737, 624:737, C911CC44-9FB8-4C69-9BA1-4….jpeg)


The tears exchange:

64bba2  No.2502584


so its treasonous that people would be pissed if someone said this would be over by 11 11 when the midterms are won and absolutely nothing happens



what a sheep

32b99d  No.2502586


Why can't уоυ read though IоՏегвот?

e7dc98  No.2502587

File: f4c778173927c6e⋯.jpg (88.13 KB, 789x666, 263:222, f4c778173927c6efe7bef3de41….jpg)

8044b9  No.2502588


sure is taking a while to tie that noose tbh

8d0142  No.2502589


I thought this guy was arrested maybe tortured and here he is out spending tons of money again!!


537414  No.2502590


NXIVM was in Clifton Park, Saratoga County, NY


a2573a  No.2502591


I always have and will trust Sessions

7d0caf  No.2502592


great work here anon

those sneaky bastards

076d50  No.2502593

sea to shining coast

2c3ada  No.2502594


These are some beautiful digs Anons!

b17b3a  No.2502595


The Judge doesnt want to hear any political bullshit. Prove the crime or gtfo.

dfff2a  No.2502596


No worries….I am in complete agreement

Was just follwing a tweet thread that made an excellent case for Browder being behind the set up Trump Jr using Goldstone guy as bait

18633b  No.2502597

File: fee204129dc84d5⋯.png (107.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOK.png)

57560e  No.2502598

I think something big is going to happen soon. It’s in the air. Can’t shake it.

04471a  No.2502599

they use electronic voting right? wtf takes so long to count votes?

1faa27  No.2502600

Oconnor looks wholesome. Balderson a little seedy

e694b5  No.2502601


I thought this was going to be fixed by mid-terms

18e51f  No.2502602

eee gads… horseface o'donnell is on fox tonight…

0c66a4  No.2502603


Do you realize how many people are coming here and lurking?

I am a conservative… used to be a democrat ages ago… I am not racist…. and I would bet everything that the overwhelming majority who lurk are not racist and do not want to kill jews.

fb2f6d  No.2502604


hahahahah….MUH ALLERGIES

64bba2  No.2502605

8d0142  No.2502606


Bet you know what we called these back in the 1950s!! LOL

fe58e4  No.2502607


Taking a while to get everyone involved. With enough evidence to put them away.

2f03f8  No.2502608

File: 46fae1180b8767a⋯.png (422.86 KB, 521x500, 521:500, rapingoyisgood.png)

Boycott the Nation Destroyers.

59abfb  No.2502610

File: d074c756eb04b19⋯.png (825.28 KB, 640x868, 160:217, ClipboardImage.png)



<its just sweat, I swear

203c06  No.2502611

Who is it, faggots?

Steele replied, “If you end up out though, I really need another (bureau?) contact point/number who is briefed. We can’t allow our guy to be forced to go back home. It would be disastrous.” Investigators are trying to determine who Steele was referring to.

Literally - No Name?

>Was that the clue?

Was at all a coverup attempt to keep the Fusion GPS plot from pointing back to Noname?

e18bc3  No.2502612


Is it because Q mentioned it a few times?


e77755  No.2502613


Well, I don't know where the bucks stops but the DOJ is totally inept at investigations. Failure to seize phone, text, emails records of conspirators is a major snaffo.

dfff2a  No.2502614


This anon knows…lol

4f83f8  No.2502615

File: c79c7c2c33e65d6⋯.png (180.02 KB, 488x325, 488:325, ClipboardImage.png)

b17b3a  No.2502616


Dont waste your money. Only unsealed indictments do us any good anyway.

350dfb  No.2502617

notables bun


>>2501908 Judge Ellis Brings Mueller’s Prosecutor to Tears in Courtroom Showdown

>>2501923 Reports: President Trump coming to Utica Monday

>>2501957 ArchiveAnon update

>>2501958 Economy Firing on All Cylinders

>>2501977, >>2501977 MORE UNSEALED INDICTMENTS

>>2502071 A Spanish fighter jet accidentally launches an air-to-air missile in the Estonian air space

>>2502079 Opinion: How a senior DOJ official helped Dem researchers on Trump-Russia case

>>2502087 Facebook to Banks: Give Us Your Data, We’ll Give You Our Users

>>2502173 Dems try to make Mandatory identity verification while on the internet

>>2502196 Italy’s Interior Minister wants to fund pro-Italian family policy with taxes for migrants

>>2502207 Anons theory: TOMORROW the truth starts strafing the American Public

>>2502254 Video : FBI documents show Russia dossier author deemed ‘not suitable for use’: Judicial Watch

>>2502287 Carol Maraj Set To Do An Interview To Defend Pedophile Son.

>>2502318, >>2501922 Global Engagement Center Diggs

>>2502397, >>2502526 "670 ballots in a precinct with 276 voters, and other tales from Georgia’s primary"

>>2502398 Billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal has announced that he invested $250 million in Snapchat to acquire a 2.3% stake

>>2502401 St. Francois Xavier reeve resigns over CAO firing

>>2502433 Democrat who represented Winston-Salem in the North Carolina General Assembly, has resigned.

>>2502520 @POTUS_Shedule "Repairs and renovations of the Oval Office and West Wing are on schedule."

b283b0  No.2502618


no, because the text implies that Ohr's absence would be enough. they need another person briefed, which means one person.

so the FBI as a whole didn't know, just Ohr.

04471a  No.2502619


been feeling this way for a few months

73c739  No.2502620


reverse psychology to get good laws on the books brah

32b99d  No.2502621




1c0999  No.2502622




You jerk ID >32b99d - bread wasn't done bakin' and you're replying to pre-baked posts. That's a prebake prebake you 1/2 baked POS!

fb8738  No.2502623

>32b99d = shill shit-post slider


21 posts so far and you contribute nothing other than chatroom girly-gossip blather.

b39b36  No.2502625


45,000+ sealed court docs since end of October ….9 months


Will be BEAUTIFUL if we can avoid trials and there are TONS OF GUILTY PLEAS!

704749  No.2502627


circumcision causes brain damage

God what an idiot

you are a "smegma brain"

cheese under a foreskin that can not be pulled back, a common problem.

got no problem with Muslims female circumcision. now that makes no sense

Botting is ya?

950314  No.2502628

File: 06f4992d49b4e51⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Beauty_of_Nature5_uhd.jpg)


Looks like AJ has no place to go except 8Chan

Come on in newfag! the water is warm!

e0915b  No.2502629


>girly-gossip blather.


57560e  No.2502631


I mean today or tomorrow. It’s thick in the air. But I tend to ignore these sort of posts. So I don’t blame you. Just have a feeling.

61716a  No.2502632

b283b0  No.2502633


you poor little moron.

i'm giving you another you, to help you out.

f0ad0a  No.2502634


which is unfortunate because the word "religion" is one of the 'words'; No different than "democracy"

…Or any other false entrainment [they] try to push on the lexicon.

e166d1  No.2502636


You can't even tell the difference between a post by a true Anon and a post by a shill. KEK!

8b3dd0  No.2502638




1c0999  No.2502639




(and post above, also belonging to bread loser #1).

4f83f8  No.2502640

Dear God, please let all the people whose minds are imprisoned REMEMBER.

Please guide them into the light of TRUTH and do it now

Activate the beam of light I beg of you

7fffbc  No.2502641

>>2500132 (prev)


This anon gets it. Glad I'm not the only one.

e8c357  No.2502642

File: 67e695f3a3f6066⋯.jpg (265.64 KB, 1657x946, 1657:946, post detection.jpg)


'''overused post detector level"

04471a  No.2502643

File: 4025d01b47443dd⋯.gif (833.33 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 1440885922865.gif)

File: 903c9602f6cc325⋯.jpg (160.56 KB, 866x838, 433:419, 903c9602f6cc32521e5c9cf392….jpg)



b39b36  No.2502644


I've got news for her…she woke up on the wrong side of the bed!

fe58e4  No.2502646

File: a91431831a7b295⋯.jpg (17.05 KB, 317x349, 317:349, ali watkins with feinstein.jpg)


Failure to seize phones?

57560e  No.2502647

1a6fe0  No.2502648

File: 906c5278fb9fca8⋯.png (898.06 KB, 658x576, 329:288, ClipboardImage (9) copy.png)


Or you end up with legions of people who are thankful to you for gently helping them break out.

Just because YOU fail, does NOT mean that myself or others do. Stop projecting. KEK!!

32b99d  No.2502649



It is a racist word we like to say because of our white supremacism . Heil qanon.

a2e1ca  No.2502651


he broadcasts from his own studio and has his own website dude.


1f1bc6  No.2502652

File: 5d0e70048b194bc⋯.png (173.78 KB, 1779x424, 1779:424, ClipboardImage.png)

327c1d  No.2502653

36 years…

https:// fellowshipoftheminds.com/2018/08/07/end-of-1982-consent-decree-gop-finally-can-contest-vote-fraud-after-36-years/

0b6a17  No.2502654


ALL of the Jew shit is shills. Do not engage. Scroll by. Dont even read it. Has NOTHING to do with this board

b17b3a  No.2502655


Even better if we find out he's not even African but Indonesian.

151365  No.2502656


I guess i missed the pee refrence..

3117b0  No.2502657


>>>Their entire future depends on winning majority in the House<<<

It stands out, that's the point. I don't recall Q ever using


to make lines stand out, usually green

a14f4f  No.2502658

File: 6547f82b0c92583⋯.jpg (27.55 KB, 634x358, 317:179, AlexJonesToking.jpg)


That's a nice one, but here's the actual toke.

e166d1  No.2502659


NOT giving you my name.

Although everything I post is all public.

You're not very good at fact-checking.

Try again.

ebf2cb  No.2502660

File: 1b4c65503146ba9⋯.png (440.16 KB, 660x440, 3:2, sessions-trust.png)

18e51f  No.2502661

File: 70625c3001222c0⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Ew.jpg)

3d53ce  No.2502662


Here we go again…..yawn!

e6f8ee  No.2502663


It's a joke bud, if you're new here you're better off reading the proofs site first.

2387f9  No.2502665


It's connected to China

>>2501314 (lb)

350dfb  No.2502666

File: 4e5be238e75fba6⋯.jpg (26.67 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 62e52c5248cabed5f494a8cecd….jpg)

fresh bread!




baker requesting handoff

3d53ce  No.2502668


61716a  No.2502669


Light as is Illumination?

b17b3a  No.2502670


2018 is so glorious.

d82701  No.2502671

File: f717673886b315e⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 251x255, 251:255, whoa pepe.jpg)

c24ce8  No.2502672

File: 56d2f1d63663eaa⋯.jpg (134.57 KB, 723x549, 241:183, 187.jpg)


Not sure, but don't forget this:

0c66a4  No.2502673


I don't. I was just trying to educate a nitwit.

950314  No.2502676

File: 46efe8301633d57⋯.jpeg (58.08 KB, 474x521, 474:521, 46efe8301633d57cd8afea6e8….jpeg)


I turned the channel when they started screaching on Penn Ave


8044b9  No.2502678


You should probably read Culture of Critique by Dr. Kevin MacDonald. It will help you understand what's truly going on.

a2e1ca  No.2502679


failure or unwillingness

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