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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png)

3d3ad1  No.2491639

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"/Qresearch/ does not condone violence or the incitement of violent acts against any groups and/or individuals."




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 08.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/123 ————————– AMERICA IS BACK TO LEADING ( Caps: >>2487564 , >>2487807 )

>>>/patriotsfight/122 ————————– Think Foreign propaganda ( Cap: >>2486911 )

>>>/patriotsfight/121 ————————– Psychological Projection. Define Conspiracy ( Cap: >>2486904 )

>>>/patriotsfight/120 ————————– Important to understand prior to next ( Cap: >>2484502 )

Sunday 08.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/119 ————————– Trip update confirmed ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>>/patriotsfight/118 ————————– Trip update ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>2465633 ————————————– Reconcile.

>>2460787 ————————————– Be aware of your surroundings: See something, say something

>>2460260 ————————————– There is a reason we needed to go mainstream b4 EVIDENCE drop

Friday 08.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/117 ————————– We have the server[S] ( Cap: >>2441061 )

>>2436694 ————————————– Right on schedule

>>2435826 ————————————– T_D mods removing QAnon comments

>>2435401 rt >>2434941 ——————- Think WRAY (yesterday) Think [RR] (today)

>>2434815 rt >>2434705 ——————- What a wonderful day

>>2434705 ————————————– Do you believe in coincidences?

>>>/patriotsfight/116 ————————– List of sealed indictments ( Cap: >>2433964 )

>>>/patriotsfight/115 ————————– List of reporters who colluded with the HRC Campaign ( Cap: >>2433773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/114 ————————– BIGGEST COVER UP IN US HISTORY [ATTEMPTED] ( Caps: >>2433500 , >>2433557 )

>>2430708 ————————————– Full attack mode. Washington Post leading?

>>2426184 rt >>2425988 ——————- Incorrect decoding. Not the person. Think connection

>>2425988 rt >>2425560 ——————- Comms dark. Message sent. 5:5?

>>2425781 ————————————– How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !A6yxsPKia.

Q's Old Tripcode: !CbboFOtcZs

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.pub , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

3d3ad1  No.2491655


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2468527 BO Confirms: New Q trip whitelisted


>>2491351, >>2491355 Notable Dig

>>2491122 So the police botched DJ Jonathan King Investigation

>>2491091, >>2491200, >>2491217 Notable From New HRC Email Dump

>>2491052 10 Influential Media Moguls

>>2491024 POTUS Points out another Qanon at Ohio Rally

>>2490963, >>2491004 Over 400 movies made under direct Influence/supervision of the Pentagon

>>2490944 Q having access to this sub-directory or ftp site be labeled as a proof based on access or securing the memos from someone with access.

>>2491640 #2142


>>2490219 Parkland Shooter speaks out

>>2490191 Twitter update on AJ

>>2490177 Visualizing how 50 largest CO are connected

>>2490172 Orange C CA fire quickly spreading

>>2490147 Senate Dems plans to takeover internet

>>2490377 Global Engagement Center

>>2490380 Bronfman and Global Thermostat

>>2490400 Conservatives driven from restaurant by antifa

>>2490401 Holyfire time lapse

>>2490449 Military going to aide CA wildfires

>>2490484 FCC admits to lying

>>2490533 Nunes about Bruce Ohr

>>2490538 Declas docs, Brennan, Huma 2009

>>2490546 100,000 rounds ammon stolen from gun show

>>2490642 Sekulow not inclined for Potus Mueller interview

>>2490857 #3141


>>2489886 Alaska plane crash kills 4

>>2489879 City Council to vote on removing Trump's Walk of Fame star

>>2489837 Sarah Jeong Doxed a Rape Victim

>>2489829 Carol B. Epstein start of dig

>>2489813 Seacrist v Emauel for midterms

>>2489410 C_A operatives in Alex Jones family

>>2490103 USAF Rescue attempt

>>2489445 Amazon resignation.

>>2490034 >>2490037 Syrian Paper Claims Israel’s Mossad Assassinated Chemical Weapons Expert

>>2491379 (Later Bread)


>>2489085 USSC case that will reverse restrictions on our point of view

>>2488849 Elise Stefanik CoSponsored Bill in Q-post Earlier This Evening

>>2488816 Flynn Jr: I don't associate with Q, I don't take it seriously. You should not either.

>>2488613, >>2489189, >>2489257 PlaneFag Reports

>>2491447 (You) #3139


>>2488384 Court orders DOJ/FBI save all Comey's docs

>>2488343 The 16 Year Plan --- Newfags, see this <<<<<<<<<<<

>>2488257 , >>2458870, >>2458855, >>2458828, >>2458774, >>2458727, >>2458642 CNN & Al Qaeda: Dig

>>2488168 Further decosind on !A6

>>2488039 Child snatchers in action

>>2488053 The cabal are facing the death penalty for conspiracy?

>>2487992 Voodoo Doghnuts, Franklin Graham & Godfather III. Dig

>>2487983 Bill: Which companies and groups got this funding?

>>2487953 Anon's theory on #123

>>2487949 Bill grants money for 'journalists' to spread the correct way of thinking

>>2487933 Raniere's 'The Knife Media' has ceased publishing

>>2487882 Key section in the H. R. 5181 bill to counter foreign disinformation

>>2488485 #3138


>>2487540 FCC Officially Kills 'Fair and Balanced' Broadcast Rules: Article

>>2487406 18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

>>2487336 Trudeau defended sale of heavily armored vehicles to SA in 2018

>>2487283 , >>2487359 Caps of Bill H.R.5181

>>2487220 , >>2487431 "The More You Know" possible explanation

>>2487192 QPost theory

>>2487187 Moar digging on Trudeau's "sociologist" John Seeley

>>2487134 QPost: Bill financed until 2018

>>2487128 Latest QAnon international headlines

>>2487117 PQpost: Kinzinger & Mouaz Mustafa connected

>>2487113 Past QPosts Recap

>>2487085 H.R.5181: List of bill sponsors. Dig

>>2487674 #3137

Previously Collected Notables

>>2486959 #3136

>>2484614 #3133, >>2485401 #3134, >>2486174 #3135

>>2482259 #3130, >>2483048 #3131, >>2483874 #3132

>>2479949 #3127, >>2480705 #3128, >>2481479 #3129

>>2477840 #3124, >>2478431 #3125, >>2479151 #3126

>>2475221 #3121, >>2476007 #3122, >>2476786 #3123

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

3d3ad1  No.2491659

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>1606439

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 — The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2178691 – A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2294272 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#34 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>>/comms/2100 , >>2437666

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>2489726 , >>2489748 , >>2489817

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

(more on the comms page)

3d3ad1  No.2491664

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:



MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf'''*

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button: >>2374212

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Sorting Breads On Number Of Replies To A Post >>2467707

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this -→ >>2438883

3d3ad1  No.2491687




63ac8a  No.2491693

File: 81ef2e7d39fabe3⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2050x1218, 1025:609, Bless-this-Bread-3.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

63ac8a  No.2491710

File: d9c749879743bfc⋯.jpg (206.87 KB, 432x523, 432:523, Divided-No-More-2.jpg)

WWG1WGA, frenz. Love you all.

4a4009  No.2491722


I believe you are correct anon. Well done.

6da69d  No.2491724



Cmon anons this one's too easy - proofs are out there aplenty, but this one isn't one (in my mind)

b86a76  No.2491726

when the swamp is drained all the swamp creatures will be exposed

5c7238  No.2491727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some beats

better songs are at the end

thanks baker!

4a4009  No.2491732


I believe you are correct Anon. Well done.

308946  No.2491733

File: 7d62fc9e2e25e7f⋯.jpg (497.11 KB, 1287x1691, 1287:1691, 5407ca3f3b05b7a8fbe56c0f45….jpg)


Vague inferrence from Q drops has been used by MSM kike shills to try to steer the Q movement in opposition to Alex Jones/InfoWars. AJ has been fighting the establishment cabal and waking people up for almost 2 decades. The video posted as "evidence" of him claiming to have spoken with Q is him quoting a conversation with someone else. Let's say hypothetically AJ did claim to have spoken with Q, so what? Maybe movies need actors and sometimes disinfo is necessary? Be careful to not let your own ignorance falsely justify friendly fire.






>>2490147 (ob) Faggots move on the internet, anti-AJ shills btfo as fake narrative crumbles

real techs support uncensored internet and free sharing of information and knowledge for all. the tech left is an aristocratic, fascist aberration to the traditional hacker ethos

69b819  No.2491740

File: 565c088306de2e9⋯.png (40.83 KB, 636x363, 212:121, ClipboardImage.png)

5c7238  No.2491741

File: 16854b13f736487⋯.png (429.24 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

28b2f0  No.2491743

File: abdf0a2df18e561⋯.jpg (959.4 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, shame.jpg)

532b36  No.2491744


>Trump posts Q in Twitter post the same day that Q starts posting on half chan.

Mother of god.

Mother of God.jpeg - Enhance


Also socket 939 Amd Athlons were the best AMD processors ever

4a4009  No.2491745



Well o screwed that up some how.


Anon in last bread noticing that the memos we're not readily accessible to the public. I think you are correct. Only someone with knowledge of where these would be located could've posted these links.

2b5345  No.2491746

>>2491521 (pb)

They get floated as being incredibly similar quite a bit, but as someone obsessively traces things to philosophical axioms, the narratives are vastly different in virtually every way. Even if you take them all as fiction, the morals points us in different directions.

But to your point, there are a lot of interesting parallels to Christ. I'm extremely fond of the Hopi Indian prophecies. The Aztecs' prophecy and mythos. Even that little modern day tribe and the legend of Tom Navy.

It would appear to me that while Christ is God accomplishing and "going public" so to speak, that it is improper to think of Him as "the God of Christians" or something similar. It would appear to me He's visited other peoples at other times.

I also find it interesting that if you were to take the Hero's journey to the logical extremes at every possible term, you have the Christ story. Who's the most noble and blameless hero? A perfect, sinless, God. What's the most unfair obstacle they could face? Being executed for blasphemy despite being God. Being hated as a enemy, despite coming to bring peace and salvation. What's the most noble sacrifice? Your life in exchange for others. What's the highest possible stakes? Literally everyone who has ever lived facing eternity in Hell. What's the highest possible low point/odds to overcome? Literally being tortured to death. And the most surprising triumph? Defeating death and returning from it.

All cultures write the hero's journey. The story of Christ is the literally perfect hyperbolic distillation. The greatest Being coming from the lowest station, to face the greatest injustice, overcoming the greatest odds to give the greatest sacrifice, to save the most people, from the worst conceivable fate.

I can't help but wonder if part of the way we were created to view the world and good/evil was through the lens of this narrative. If this was put in our subconscious and intuition as "hero," because it is the story of what our God did for us.

In that way, God has made His triumph the actual subject of almost every story we ever tell, He has made Himself the basis of every hero we invent.

I guess what I'm saying is that I agree with you. I think He's been telling us the story of who He is and what He's up to far longer and in many more ways, to many more people and cultures than in Christ and Christianity. And while I believe God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, and I believe the Gospels as written, I think it puts God in FAR too small a box and almost dismisses who He actually is to think of Him as "the Christian God," the "God of the Bible," and diminishes what He's done for us and who WE are as His creation and children to put us in the box of "Christian."

There's far more going on here between God and Man than can be understood through the context of a religion. I think conceptualizing God as part of your religious identity really short changes what's really going on here.

847b4d  No.2491747

File: ba960d59c5bf76b⋯.jpg (215.91 KB, 600x452, 150:113, fatdog.jpg)

eab09e  No.2491748



backup baker available

Last bakes: #3124-25

(sorry, I got #’s wrong again last time, kek. Just waking up.)

It’s clam.

ab35bc  No.2491749

File: 8d4a870c47cdf82⋯.jpg (66.46 KB, 621x720, 69:80, these-kikes-are-sick.jpg)

File: da41979449e6b2a⋯.jpg (84.57 KB, 584x1200, 73:150, Dj9eSy3V4AAplgy.jpg)

0b74cb  No.2491750

File: 884a647143fd7fb⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2396x1123, 2396:1123, 01DFC594-FEA0-41AE-968C-69….png)

New IG Report side by side with Q drop

9345e1  No.2491751

archive offline, all of 08-06-2018 HRC emails


ab35bc  No.2491752

File: e3ce6d74db23ee1⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 587x473, 587:473, Dj8eZnPU4AAxckE.jpg)

69b819  No.2491753

File: a2c54ed5ce7fe78⋯.png (884.12 KB, 904x505, 904:505, ClipboardImage.png)

c339e8  No.2491754

File: cd5b484fa148825⋯.png (252.66 KB, 1419x1867, 1419:1867, Capture _2018-08-07-00-20-….png)

File: 11fe82de96404ee⋯.png (153.15 KB, 1440x849, 480:283, Capture _2018-08-07-00-21-….png)

Facebook asking banks for our financial data

9878d7  No.2491755

File: 82c25bd03d01d6e⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Untitled.mp4)

feedback needed

latest version of video

mockingbird media seeks to control not inform the public

798b52  No.2491756

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application

The 142 page document is available in full below.


d2e5be  No.2491757


must be a brony

49bf77  No.2491758

>>2491723 pb

yeah, turns out im not good at computing. did noticce that the other links you gave (https://intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hpsci_memo_key_points.pdf📁) only givin me da black page

24a259  No.2491759

File: 156a599587c2ce4⋯.png (155.21 KB, 500x425, 20:17, you-better-believe-5aaac7.….png)

55f08c  No.2491760

File: 3e1cfefbfa36888⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 539x535, 539:535, neck_beard_nigger.jpg)

what fucking timeline is this?

>antifa neckbeard meme is real

4a4009  No.2491761

MAY 13

Trust must be earned.

Trust is not blind, nor is truth.

We fight every sigle day on behalf of you, the people who put us here.

We knew this day would come.

We will never forget.

Do not glorify us.

We are merely the vehicle.

You are what matters.

You are hope.

You are love.

You are peace.

Stay united.

Stay together.

Stay strong.

This is bigger than any one person or entity.

You are fighting for truth - collectively.

Will of the people.

Trust in yourself.

The choice will always be yours.

God bless you all.

Where we go one, we go ALL.


49bf77  No.2491762




ec1f18  No.2491763

File: b17314e4799683d⋯.jpg (451.79 KB, 661x800, 661:800, 5ae9rhT.jpg)

Very nice baker.

be2451  No.2491764


Six million percent this is a kike jew.

That is all. Just a fucking hunch.

fbcd36  No.2491765


i stole that meme fair and square why do i see you using it

308946  No.2491766




>examples of the niggerbrain kike shills hard at work making convincing arguments

9345e1  No.2491767

File: a011683ce53a34b⋯.png (458.72 KB, 600x449, 600:449, 0d05400b9540612135893ba9f4….png)

d2e5be  No.2491768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>holy wars

532b36  No.2491769


>forehead of peace

>weakjaw of peace

>beta eye stare of peace

He looks like shit, hope this helps

fc46ae  No.2491770

>>2491720 (lb)

>Q wrote President's - typo or on purpose to focus on BHO?

From Q crumb #71 and #77 last November, same thing:

>How was POTUS greeted compared to other former US President's when in SA?

ec5745  No.2491771

Which reality are we trying to land in?

69b819  No.2491772

File: 9bd2547fe395ff2⋯.png (41.86 KB, 597x822, 199:274, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b5a109fd36909b⋯.png (17.15 KB, 591x335, 591:335, ClipboardImage.png)

Irish American Cardinal Raymond Burke blames women for church’s problems

The crisis in Catholicism apparently has one source: women. According to Cardinal Raymond Burke, since the 1960’s women have “feminized” the church and discouraged “manly” men from participating in clerical life.

Burke, 66, the firebrand conservative who was recently demoted by Pope Francis to the ceremonial post as patron of the Order of Malta, pointed to the introduction of altar girls as an example.


2781b7  No.2491773

>>2491719 (lb)

Eye has been very mellow, very pro Q, and very pro Trump lately without being creepy weird.

At one point he posted pics of himself after getting "shot" that seemed to be a sex doll, but then he posted pics of himself at the PA rally and sure enough, same basic face - unless he was dragging a sex doll around the rally, he actually looks like his hospital pics, i.e., he looks like a sex doll IRL.

I'm not so sure he's what he got made out to be. But I still reserve my trust.

b9fecc  No.2491774


Baker can you add this please

Posted heel of last bread, sorry bread is really moving tonight.

c3556b  No.2491775

File: 7d5819351b8c67d⋯.jpg (80.87 KB, 800x564, 200:141, 7d5819351b8c67db3519c1cc59….jpg)

>>2491044 (lb)

Those stats are sexy. I could "feel" the threads moving faster after Avenatti's encounter with Guido. That's when the gore and other shit stopped, and the mainstream effect took place.

Good shit! Guess that's just one more confirmation that:

1. Avenatti = black hat

2. Stormy = White hat

3. Guido knows how to fuck shit up

91ad4b  No.2491776

File: babac9161600dd8⋯.jpg (62.18 KB, 530x333, 530:333, bagbaac9161600dd8d6110eed6….jpg)

File: ddadcb086fa736d⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 85866544ddadcb086fa736d4a1….jpg)

File: 763ad98a63cac6d⋯.png (222.52 KB, 448x330, 224:165, nigga-fuck-sessions.png)

The entire Russia collusion nonsense was put in motion because of Jeff Sessions ignorance of the law or he sold out to the deep state.

Americans sure as shit don't trust Sessions.

69b819  No.2491777


Cause it's awesome!

083f84  No.2491778


The Desolation of Smaug

847b4d  No.2491779


sorry - I am a muzzie anon - get your facts straight.

ab35bc  No.2491780


Are you jews so stingy with your hard drive space that you can only store one image that you post over and over every fucking bread? No fucking creativity whatsoever.

fbcd36  No.2491781

File: 9d1b53a0cc38db2⋯.jpg (17.81 KB, 253x260, 253:260, Tips-for-creating-your-own….jpg)

c34a3e  No.2491782

>>2491682 lb

It is a famous painting

Of 5 brood mares

She is standing under the forepaws of #3

And is also dressed in white.

And she happens to be Rothschild's

3rd wife


They cannot live without it

6bedbf  No.2491783

File: 8978a2991667623⋯.png (171.88 KB, 685x474, 685:474, HuffPo re Q Anon 8-6-18.PNG)

File: e66f94cd4b08b4f⋯.png (35.76 KB, 635x343, 635:343, Wilson re Q 8-6-18.PNG)

Top two posts on twitter re Q when I just looked

16bed7  No.2491784


Just another day on the farm.

Oh wait, that's KenFUCKy.

>Where the men are men and the sheep are scared.

5ece22  No.2491785



I saw the video; the full one theres no reconciliation between q and aj; they are not going to be pals running a secret op in some optics jui jitsu and this is coming from someone who watches the show; im not going to be a zombie to be ok with you all.

So No thats not the case, and you dont need to keep putting Red CAPS up.

First amendment fight =ok

Optic Judo Q and AJ secret pals = false

Make up and reverse public statements = ,1%

I can direct you to the video if youd like.


3683e6  No.2491786

>>2491717 (lb)


580ace  No.2491787


Mein Got! I'm mesmerised. I can't turn away. I can't stop looking. WTAF.

69b819  No.2491788



Trips validate!

5c7238  No.2491789


back to shilling sessions I see muh dick

better than AJ, you make good points but don't know the plan

d3e7c8  No.2491790

File: f2518c60f45839c⋯.jpg (131.04 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, odd154.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

d0907c  No.2491791

File: 4ba6bed31625808⋯.jpg (91.24 KB, 508x508, 1:1, 4ba6bed316258083fcbcbf0165….jpg)

>Tis Well in Bakerland Anons, Fear Not!! Edition



No worries anon, understandable. Thanks for all the awesome work you do.

d0907c  No.2491792

3d3ad1  No.2491793


Hey Baker, there was another Baker asking to Bake, I think I might have eviscerated them last time they baked as as they reminded me of a bad shill bake I let happen months ago…

Can I give them 50 or so posts to step up? I will handoff to you soon if I do not hear…

847b4d  No.2491794

File: a5e12aa908683df⋯.jpg (134.4 KB, 671x1000, 671:1000, bewbskitchen.jpg)

perk up Baker - kitchen helper bewbs for you…

4a4009  No.2491795

MAY 13

“A group representing German trade interests said the US decision to withdraw from the deal will hit German companies and urged the EU to protect their interests. Trade between Germany and Iran reached 3.4 billion euros ($4 billion) last year, according to BGA, another foreign trade association.”

What about Total S.A.?

Total S.A. is a French multinational integrated oil and gas company and one of the seven "Supermajor" oil companies in the world.


Who recently visited the WH?

What was their purpose?


What about the safety & security of the world?

What about preventing Iran Nuclear capabilities?

Fake News.

Will the EU resort to protecting the deal so the money flow remains in place?

Why is Kerry in the EU?

Will the US be forced to ban and declare certain EU countries off limits?

Who controls elected leaders?

Who do elected leaders report to?


Will Iran expose the names of corrupt officials?


Will the US expose the names of corrupt officials + con deal?

We await your answer [48].

On Guard.


50ce3f  No.2491796

File: dda9891d5c357e7⋯.jpg (157.73 KB, 1000x966, 500:483, iu (16).jpg)

File: 72b27d2aed0d6c4⋯.jpg (56.01 KB, 475x340, 95:68, ad0b46b694509fde22ddaf6d71….jpg)

0fd986  No.2491797


"real techs support uncensored internet and free sharing of information and knowledge for all. the tech left is an aristocratic, fascist aberration to the traditional hacker ethos"

This is a really fucking important point. I think one of the biggest cultural shifts we're seeing is the attempted normiefication of tech. Which is retarded. We see it here. We see it everywhere.

I don't think (they) realize how repugnant social justice via censorship and control seems to the fuckers on the back end.

39e552  No.2491798


that "prophet" is hokey as all hell. What's up with the music? listening to these "prophets" only leads me to believe the trump election was a mossad op to make sure there's more american blood to be shed for israel for the next few hunded years. the god of the old testament is a tribal god

d1f21b  No.2491799

File: 24eae691edcc657⋯.png (41.91 KB, 1042x419, 1042:419, Searching Uploads on Googl….png)

>>2490944 (LB)

Using Google Search option "site:" for this baseline URL shows indexed content. Showing results via specific dates using that option in Tools can further help with searching.

Example (Pic Related)


3683e6  No.2491800

Havent been on much today but anons.. stay positive.. we are hardned anons to this shit.. we are in our KeK-17's rod new and bombay flaps are down.. this is what we trained for lets give em hell!

b798fc  No.2491801

File: 1289008c3100e92⋯.gif (483.59 KB, 294x233, 294:233, bear.gif)

69b819  No.2491802


You AJ shills are kikes calling non-jews jews, low IQ!!!!

308946  No.2491803


>no reconciliation between q and aj

As if there needs to be? Are you a woman on her period you fucking faggot? If you think in tribal team-based ways you're no better than the braindead football fan normies that suck niggercock to watch dogs play with a ball.

16a7a5  No.2491804


Was it her saying, "If you're Jewish like meeeee" that gave it away?

798b52  No.2491805

File: 9e727f2db778f7e⋯.png (130.67 KB, 761x1013, 761:1013, lllop.png)

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application

The 142 page document is available in full below. Easy to view…


95e5f0  No.2491806

File: b99048c82b75f19⋯.jpg (94.58 KB, 986x981, 986:981, 0p0wer.jpg)

55075b  No.2491807

File: 5bc210a2a9b32ac⋯.jpg (55.23 KB, 500x263, 500:263, 2378462448_43cd5378f3.jpg)


You……on the right.

46fe89  No.2491808

File: 6f2b016923a48c8⋯.png (39.14 KB, 1485x207, 165:23, offkik.png)

File: 0f4bc7591613210⋯.png (45.06 KB, 880x862, 440:431, offkik1.png)

File: 154715f599f79f6⋯.png (26.42 KB, 889x480, 889:480, offkik2.png)


according to this site, the story checks out (5 of 7 reported, anyway)


233161  No.2491809


Well, well, well…..just when I thought these degenerates couldn’t surprise me anymore.

16bed7  No.2491810

File: d4ce9e1759f6867⋯.png (246.34 KB, 641x530, 641:530, pepe_glasses.png)



91ad4b  No.2491811

File: 7ebdbab5f37144c⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, strzoksdick.jpg)

File: 6cbd32b157d5a07⋯.jpg (31.55 KB, 424x467, 424:467, 6cbd32b157d5a070d7f3d16008….jpg)

File: 6dc265607d33421⋯.png (452.39 KB, 572x500, 143:125, jhhljghakjlkjg.png)




Sessions is compromised as is Rosenstein.

You are too stupid to know that.

c34a3e  No.2491812


He is absolutely right!

If women ran the church

It would not be so fucked up

Look east at the Orthodox Church

Where priests MUST be married

Where the parishioners call the priest "darling father" (batushka)

And his wife "darling mother" (matushka)

They are rather more sane and balanced there

28845c  No.2491813


that's what I call a slide

It literally slid off his head

aba782  No.2491814


Got it, thanks.

0b882a  No.2491815

File: 187fda0449f2e82⋯.jpeg (30.96 KB, 480x470, 48:47, 048FDEDB-A356-43D9-85E3-7….jpeg)

5ece22  No.2491816


lol nice one faggot @ reconciliation.

sorry but im tougher than that why dont you take that bag of dicks out of your mouth so people can hear you better; heres a breath mint. Shove off CUPCAKE

9911ff  No.2491817


Good evening Muh Dick idiot

308946  No.2491818


>the attempted normiefication of tech

If you're from tech you can look back to when patent trolling cases started to be thrown out, and that's when the commies that infiltrated tech started shifting to shadowbans and other censorship to maintain control.

51c898  No.2491819

File: 0ecc33a15611bf9⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 392x390, 196:195, 2ff39c.jpg)

2f4240  No.2491820



d7d2c5  No.2491821


Good, they don't deserve to have his name displayed in their shit hole city.

5f2bc4  No.2491822


It's been available for 2 weeks.

32b5b9  No.2491823

File: bcc220f0c51c5dd⋯.jpg (83.66 KB, 587x473, 587:473, kike bitch.jpg)


How did you crack that code you magnificent bastard?

b610cd  No.2491824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nightly Geffen

2255d1  No.2491825

File: 76b9b53d4f7d5a7⋯.png (380.26 KB, 1026x490, 513:245, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

Saw this on Twitter.

c34a3e  No.2491826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I prefer Sacred War

From Russia

39e552  No.2491827


god's chosen people.

49bf77  No.2491828

File: 6d510956ac0d2c1⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 526x500, 263:250, 2fcu2a.jpg)


I have failed you and for that I am sorry

5c7238  No.2491829

File: b8359081aa0b869⋯.png (401.83 KB, 1079x709, 1079:709, ClipboardImage.png)

Visualizing How the 50 Largest U.S. Companies are Connected


2c03ac  No.2491830


or a bronstein

496a85  No.2491831


how well do they pay? asking for a friend

69b819  No.2491832

File: 5931a2bbccd8648⋯.png (906.49 KB, 864x524, 216:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8f94bd05d3555e⋯.png (63.66 KB, 872x732, 218:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1819893179ff897⋯.png (563.76 KB, 860x686, 430:343, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4765ef9893fb3d3⋯.png (415.96 KB, 892x861, 892:861, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef677db5818b94b⋯.png (574.17 KB, 877x710, 877:710, ClipboardImage.png)

An 8-word note led police to ‘filthy’ compound in New Mexico – with links to Islamism


eab09e  No.2491833


Okay by me, but I saw there was some kind of "dough" upset (haven't studied it yet), and I know there was also a baker recently that put Q=fake in notes and autists had to reeee until BO stepped in and edited. So I just wanted night crew to know there was an experienced baker here they were comfy with–we can just have a drama-free night.

9795d1  No.2491834

File: 3423f8bc8fab42c⋯.jpeg (71.55 KB, 928x523, 928:523, 255B5470-EF19-4784-9B83-9….jpeg)

Think of the army of support the pay-triot would have if he put the Republic first!

c458fc  No.2491835

>>2491634 lb

but a trail run on there defence against the mass inditments ….trying for a precedent

tie up in court years never see day

233161  No.2491837



e7876b  No.2491838

File: 94d70dfe262472e⋯.jpg (33.62 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ferkerrfff.jpg)

2b5345  No.2491840

>>2491551 (pb)

How does God refer to us in the Bible? He never says the new world/heaven is made up of Christians. He never says that God loves Christians. Early Christians called themselves "followers of The Way." They were tongue-in-cheekly referred to as "Christians," which means "Little Christs." It caught on. It's not inaccurate, but in the present day and age our relationship with the word "Christian," both for believers and non-believers is incredibly distorted.

I say, we follow Jesus' example and God's terms to talk about our identities and who God is to us. We talk about what we believe in, not the group who believes in the same stuff that we do. We should be thinking of ourselves as children of God. Followers and/imitators of Christ.

The impression that Christians often give off is toxic. There is an implication that you must convert to Christianity in order to be saved. Is that was saves you? Religious affiliation? Did Jesus ever say that this life is a knowledge test of guessing the right religion? We're giving the religion too much importance, and really not driving home the point of the gospel.

You don't convert to Christianity.

You turn back to your Creator, repent for your sin, and get to know Him. Yes, people who do this tend to congregate together. But that's an effect, not a focus.

This thing is so not about Christianity. It's us and our relationship with God.

126331  No.2491841

File: 1925bfe7109d10a⋯.png (12.53 KB, 623x101, 623:101, ClipboardImage.png)

All part of the plan Goy, get comfy.

Gonna justify passing their internet regulations (you know the ones that have been prepped for the past 15 years). Just need the right catalyst. Well played anons, we're marching right into it.

330ce7  No.2491842

File: 5a13f70fb09d424⋯.png (434.6 KB, 859x478, 859:478, 2018-08-05 23.29.46.png)

022e6a  No.2491843

File: e57c7db06e26bba⋯.png (359.85 KB, 537x795, 179:265, Federalist_Pepe.png)

>>2491329 (lb)

>>2491523 (LB)

>>2491578 (ellbee)

Anons, I am not so sure. I have a lot to say I am going to try to be brief as the bread is moving fast.

I think it is soooo freakin convenient that Q goes public on Thursday, on Friday we have half the alt media say

"We want nothing to do with Q or its supporters"

then a day later these shitheels come crawling back asking for unity.


I don't need these people any more. Fairbanks blocked me David Seaman said he didn't want Q follwers. Corsi had blocked me after I called him out for lying about Q. AJ said he had "His own personal Q"

Guys, this is not the moment where we rush in to save anyone who did not support Q. This is the moment were we demonstrate our power by forcing these mockingbird shills to take their audience elsewhere. To stop supporting these rigged platforms. Facebook is a useless dying platform. If they want to stay on THEMtube instead of growing elsewhere, on the myriad less traveled video sites that would love some big content creators to help them grow, I am suspicious of the reasons. Why keep supporting Operation Mockingbird? In any case on fact remains.


Deliberately hiding the facts you don't like is censorship. You reap what you sew. It is not the job of the Anon army to protect people who have been censoring us. It is not our job to protect Hill Shills like NRO and the Federalist who are quaking in their boots because not only has the Mockinbird money gone away under trump, but now the big platforms might sacrifice them to appease the far left (the only thing the Dems have left). No, when our enemies start eating their own, it is not time for us to interrupt dinner.

a62207  No.2491844

File: 0a93d5f2d630d19⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1420x686, 710:343, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)


"Protesters with Rosie O'Donnell Sing "America" Outside White House Aug. 6, 2018"




8341c7  No.2491845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


since we are on the theme

Holy war by thin Lizzy

91ad4b  No.2491846

File: efde9cffb611761⋯.png (500.24 KB, 700x466, 350:233, klhajh;ah;jlh.png)

File: 8f13b7e6afea36c⋯.jpg (82.7 KB, 469x568, 469:568, 8f13b7e6afea36cbf98e686d98….jpg)

File: f259e79154c29fe⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 275x183, 275:183, f2259e79154c29fe6b9ece3ad3….jpg)

File: 908e4e439d3f7f3⋯.png (302.53 KB, 470x467, 470:467, khlkhlkhklh.png)

Jeff Sessions betrayed Trump and allowed Mueller and Rosenstein to make every attempt to impeach Trump.

Sessions just resign already.

1e7b39  No.2491847

File: d397dffdb0ff35f⋯.png (249.16 KB, 516x478, 258:239, AlexJones3.png)

File: 40c5b65df7f4d7b⋯.jpg (205.09 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1487537992106.jpg)

File: 90564d9ac9be87e⋯.png (3.05 MB, 663x6300, 221:2100, 90564d9ac9be87e575417902cd….png)

File: 74b8b63530cf751⋯.png (1.27 MB, 563x3600, 563:3600, 39346954f5899087213bb75faf….png)

File: 7a07cd837962f3f⋯.jpg (210.63 KB, 950x942, 475:471, 1509989120610.jpg)

>>2491505 (lb)

So Q is Rosie O.? So lame.


fuck off Latex.

58fcf6  No.2491848



Should they be posted everywhere. I really not concerned with them killing me, that is an instant compared to eternity.

c92400  No.2491849


Wtf…is it the trendy thing to claim you're a jew now? Like Pocahontas bitch Warren claiming she's a Native American?

eed17b  No.2491850


Fukken saved

ec5745  No.2491851

I don't think it's just this board that feels completely betrayed by our government. I think it's everybody. That's a fucking powder keg.

ab35bc  No.2491852


IDGAF about AJ faggot, just your inability to use a different meme for once you fucking smooth brain.

AJ is a fucking KIKE SHILL who married a kike and every fucking advertiser on his site is a kike too. He is controlled opposition and always was. Everyone here knows that and ignores you stupid niggers who keep posting about it. KYS.

46fe89  No.2491853


while the women were released

3683e6  No.2491854


Damn 🚨Notable🚨 C_A emails about agents getting killed in Afghan. Reported to press as DoD to save their bacon. Worst in agency history. Either the contact they met blew them all up on him or detonated it they think (in memo).

5517de  No.2491855

File: c07945474e3d44b⋯.jpg (761.26 KB, 760x2489, 40:131, c07945474e3d44b7d6cfd6fd4c….jpg)


"Kosher" is a code for ripping off the goy so that the jews can continue to subvert the USA.

9911ff  No.2491856

Love Alex Jones or hate him, what is happening to him is wrong

308946  No.2491858


>we're marching right into it

No we see the kikes. The gas chambers they built for us will consume them instead.

0b882a  No.2491859

File: c519b412921fd75⋯.jpeg (140.81 KB, 773x986, 773:986, 8810A899-F2E9-4869-832E-4….jpeg)

File: bfe73624c366930⋯.jpeg (116.31 KB, 900x700, 9:7, C0ED04FA-8A56-4A2F-B436-1….jpeg)

File: 08ea9d9ea8a4a3d⋯.png (724.63 KB, 1055x754, 1055:754, 8423B776-08AA-41B8-ADCE-3D….png)

File: db242630d4d72b3⋯.jpeg (2.81 MB, 4400x2820, 220:141, 43986496-B83A-40FE-A63B-7….jpeg)

File: 4a19e04b225f55d⋯.jpeg (480.33 KB, 2388x1244, 597:311, 14205663-5596-42DA-9384-6….jpeg)

73dfb8  No.2491860

File: ca2473ee584f0da⋯.png (450.43 KB, 1292x1201, 1292:1201, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

>>2491622 (lb)

Not insider. Totally open source…ugh.


Pro tip: Click the "Q" in the header kek!

0b74cb  No.2491861

File: d5e231b33c3df6a⋯.png (506.3 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C9D5BE57-FA4F-4AB5-B639-AC….png)


Found it. Types in “HPSCI MEMO KEY POINTS” 1st result

32b5b9  No.2491862

File: 936085c8c1d2ba1⋯.jpeg (32.92 KB, 625x626, 625:626, bait.jpeg)

62c1ce  No.2491863

File: c049a5e7f36a19a⋯.jpg (177.07 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, BeBest13 copy.jpg)

File: baaaec9484e3696⋯.jpg (497.35 KB, 2000x2401, 2000:2401, Melania.jpg)

File: 9d17ffd91c3a2fe⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1021x650, 1021:650, Screen Shot 2018-06-30 at ….png)

File: aded01b49eb9609⋯.png (506.68 KB, 647x700, 647:700, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

Not Enough Melania.

46fe89  No.2491864



it also talks about some "unverified memo" wonder what that could be…

c96c9b  No.2491865

Seeing that the U.S. government will do nothing to save his father's life, Doug decides to take matters into his own hands and come up with his own rescue mission

3d3ad1  No.2491866

File: b694d987d1ea9a5⋯.png (380.04 KB, 596x578, 298:289, PantiesWithBow.png)


Hey Baker, other prospect has disappeared…

Ready to Bake?

I have updated dough with one change..


Added to dough :)


Sorry, if I am a Faggot

You Are Still my Favorite

5c7238  No.2491867

File: d69f8e3b0ed3b8d⋯.png (6.71 MB, 7042x3126, 3521:1563, mainstreamsidebyside.png)


in the bottom right

798b52  No.2491868

File: 7bee9fbf3e42536⋯.jpg (63.03 KB, 960x600, 8:5, jfk jr hillary connections.jpg)

File: 7bb54f2331d074c⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 960x580, 48:29, 30414579_10211003378465981….jpg)

File: 66c5845b6218ff3⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 960x229, 960:229, 30571713_10211002981456056….jpg)

The fishy NTSB final report on John F. Kennedy JR:

"Decent rate eventually exceeded 4,700 fpm."

"And fuel was turned off".

They also waited 15 hrs for a thorough search with last readings.

Even with Senator Kennedy asking for the FAA to do the search.

Military plane crashes and JFK Jr's plane…Hillary connection, how interesting.

Why was the fuel turned off?

And one seat missing?

Why a rapid decent nose dive?

Descent rate eventually exceeded 4,700 fpm.

Why no search for hours later?

Someone spoke on TV saying JFK Jr. contacted him at 9:39 PM and the crash happened at 9:40 PM.

NTSB has known to be incorrect…Sully;)

When the unit was located in the wreckage, it was crushed, its backup battery was missing, and it had retained no data.

JFK Jr. was running for the very same US Senate Seat as Hillary Clinton and Ahead.

Wonder how JFK Jr. felt about $13.79BILLION MEGA-MERGERS???



In 1940, Hedy Lamar, Hollywood star invented the means of secure wireless data transfer, radio jamming, the remote control and the torpedo—would need to change frequency in unison, always to the same next frequency and always with perfect timing.

This innovation is the kernel of wireless data communications. Frequency hopping was conceived as a way to keep a signal secure from enemy jamming, but it can also be used to allow multiple signals to share the same spread of spectrum without interference. That's how we can all use our smart phones, tablets, and laptops at the same coffee shop, sharing only one Internet connection.





0fd986  No.2491870

So what's tonight's retard baker shill drama gonna be?

I notice Q is posting more and more to patriotsfight. Odd!

95e5f0  No.2491871

File: 91268b0d5c5cff8⋯.png (681.24 KB, 986x981, 986:981, 1533616733688.png)

308946  No.2491872



>attack AJ

>type and think like a nigger

>definitely not a kike shill

ec5745  No.2491873

You tell us how we are supposed to keep everyone else non-violent.

5517de  No.2491874

File: 76753320e38cbd8⋯.png (585.67 KB, 702x395, 702:395, aretheregoodnewsno.png)

There are no "good jews."

Wake up.

e59820  No.2491875

File: c3a6649c1405399⋯.jpg (423.06 KB, 1920x1328, 120:83, the donkey show.jpg)

6bedbf  No.2491876

File: de9362f1987ce8a⋯.png (351.39 KB, 677x710, 677:710, QAnon Newsweek 8-6-18.PNG)

511a96  No.2491877

File: 1ffb09db729a51d⋯.jpg (119.75 KB, 634x792, 317:396, TRUMP SUPERMAN2.jpg)


All they need to do is make Trump's HW Star out of stainless Steel just like the man himself!!!

2f4240  No.2491879


They do know he's not there…Right? haha

9795d1  No.2491880


The way he tried to destroy Q was wrong. Fuck him. He’s on his own.

39e552  No.2491881


Whatever. I'll bet Alex Jones made this happen with his connections in an attempt to gain attention and more subscribers

308946  No.2491882


>no proof

>high emotion

>must be a childless minopausal leftist

b798fc  No.2491883

File: 3f6c7b005cffdb0⋯.jpg (69.23 KB, 625x500, 5:4, 3f6c7b005cffdb0cefd5dc39a3….jpg)

4a4009  No.2491884


It is, but it is maddening that a day after "alt media" is tearing down Q and wanting to censor and lie about his info, they are defending AJ and saying his A1 should he protected.

6da69d  No.2491885


Let the 'big one' hit now. 47/49 states won't miss CA a bit.

69b819  No.2491886

File: aff7384fa7819f2⋯.png (475.15 KB, 475x474, 475:474, ClipboardImage.png)


Found a picture of your last fuck!

diggerAnon not memeAnon!

da8794  No.2491887

>>2491298 (LB)

>re: 2009 Iranian hostages - This piece of information may be useful if charges are made that he is somehow a spy. __ besides writing a book about the former president, is _______.

hmmm. CIA agent Bob Levinson??

f89814  No.2491888

File: 267a04c23897943⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 564x729, 188:243, 1498375641184.jpg)

b05476  No.2491889

Trump is the most powerful mortal on the planet.

d3e7c8  No.2491890

File: ed7406f041c775a⋯.jpg (275.26 KB, 960x1453, 960:1453, s42fph.jpg)


Bless the bakers.

49bf77  No.2491891

File: af69969acc29290⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 451x300, 451:300, 2fapzj.jpg)


I found it that way too. but I think the point of the exercise was to find it like you were browsing, not seeking it out specifically. but what the fuck do I know. I just live here..

98c158  No.2491892


exactly. give that spot to a pedo.

5517de  No.2491893


More Bone Broth sales.

Works every time.

230a5e  No.2491894


Open bobs

Show vagene

55075b  No.2491895


Thats funny. Every time I see the words jew, kike, kosher and goy, I know it's you fake Mohemmed who follows David Duke.

be2451  No.2491896

File: 7d2320a11995d7e⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 646x500, 323:250, TransFreedumb.jpg)

File: d8436ceb86bc5ca⋯.jpg (75.84 KB, 640x360, 16:9, SavingPrivateJews.jpg)

File: a6b46aee4980685⋯.jpg (49.12 KB, 480x360, 4:3, HankSchoolingGoys.jpg)

795087  No.2491897

File: 3ffc5da08101e2d⋯.png (365.71 KB, 560x372, 140:93, POTUS_Pepe_Star.png)

All your stars are belong to us!

3d8384  No.2491898


>What is happening to AJ is wrong.

And who gets the blame?

Trust the plan.

e72e65  No.2491899

File: f41b4bc18b38c61⋯.jpg (11.78 KB, 260x194, 130:97, 2302a29c-f418-4137-8fd3-63….jpg)

ab35bc  No.2491900

File: f7d6dc89e743e3a⋯.png (75.44 KB, 448x538, 224:269, f7d6dc89e743e3a7a28161ce0d….png)

16a7a5  No.2491901


I notice they are still "plotting." Good luck faggots

1e7b39  No.2491902

File: 3e352eac4a72b77⋯.gif (995.65 KB, 500x240, 25:12, giphy.gif)



847b4d  No.2491903


I like what Q said:

"Time to move on"

4a4009  No.2491904


It's the whole reason this is going "slow".

0b74cb  No.2491905


Oh yes definitely. Nobody just stumbles across this memo haha. Who browses DOJ for fun??

308946  No.2491906


>he tried to destroy Q

Didn't happen kike shill.


You bet that because you're a kike shill.

5ece22  No.2491907



what he said was Useful

could use more of it.

5b962d  No.2491908


>gets self banned from social media platforms


5c7238  No.2491909

File: 279634dcc8ee305⋯.png (1.72 MB, 959x1035, 959:1035, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24b1965fd4a0d5a⋯.png (683.18 KB, 1024x698, 512:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9888b781e656bae⋯.png (322.93 KB, 1169x775, 1169:775, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2cb6e32d72a77f⋯.png (446.63 KB, 387x595, 387:595, ClipboardImage.png)

this article is long AS FUCK, got great graphics too



9911ff  No.2491910


Absolutely anon… the plan is glorious :)

2b5345  No.2491911





Just thinking through this logically, who did Alex Jones’ show ultimately benefit, and who does his removal ultimately benefit?

His show did contain a lot of opposition to and truth about the powers that be. However, I think we can also agree that if we’re being generous, AJ was mistaken in a few important or key details and conveniently silent on some important and key topics.

Who watched his show?

His persona was just outrageous enough to be unappealing or unconvincing to someone who disagrees with him but just quirky enough to be tolerable or even charming to those who agree with him.

Additionally, his brashness on shocking topics is delivered in such a way to be laughable and look insane to someone who doesn’t agree with him, while just eye roll inducing or even funny to those who already do.

The purpose of infowars doesn’t seem to me to be persuasive or eye opening. It seems to be geared to people who already agree.

If key points were disinformation, it seems InfoWars style would be most effective as a weapon of keeping the redpilled just misdirected enough to not be able to actually unite against the right forces. If that was the goal, it would have the potential to be more useful and successful than if it’s goal was to redpill normies.

Further, who does the takedown benefit? If the program wasn’t waking people up, even if it was truthful just not persuasive, then it doesn’t necessarily benefit the cabal. Red pilled people will stay redpilled without infowars, and if anything may find more accurate or persuasive sources for news to learn and spread.

It’s not a harm to those seeking truth, really.

However, some people who have never watched the program or who have watched it, given it some thought and questioned some things, then decided it was too ridiculous to be true info, may see that an oppositional voice was silenced and wonder if they were actually saying suppressed truths. That could spark some people to look into conspiracies at the highest levels and find legit info in that pursuit.

Some people who have never heard of it or cared may hear the story about infowars being silenced for the first time on their Mockingbird network of choice and google what exactly infowars was and stumble upon some redpilled.

Something else interesting: the country is celebrating a news source being shut down. Regardless of what you believe about the news source, this does psychologically prepare people in a gentle way to accept or even find it to be a good thing when news networks are revealed to be harmful and are shut down.

This inadvertently helps POTUS’ fight against fake news, and makes any action he may take against them less jarring. The recent precedent in the zeitgeist is that taking down harmful news sources is good.

This move seems to benefit us and this movement. InfoWars seemed to benefit the powers that be more than us and this movement.

This was either white hats, or just the most recent example of THOSE PEOPLE being stupid and their plans backfiring.

2d6204  No.2491912


well said, anon.

798b52  No.2491913

File: 524f0a7ee0e5673⋯.jpg (204.41 KB, 408x528, 17:22, hillarys closet.JPG)

File: f4d3516adf3a277⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 272x185, 272:185, gghy.jpg)

File: 22c6527b39cb188⋯.jpg (78.41 KB, 960x713, 960:713, Benghazi-Treason-1.jpg)

File: a819986e415563e⋯.jpg (57.72 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 1epkkh.jpg)

File: c02dba7043b25c0⋯.png (150.05 KB, 640x1025, 128:205, 410d73ce78ae6986a86cfc7ca8….png)

We Will Never Forget

We Will Never Forgive

We Will Never Stop Until Those Responsible Pay For Their Crimes Of Treason.

9b9252  No.2491914


What's with Guy Fawkes looking like My Little Pony?

69b819  No.2491915

4050cd  No.2491916

File: 93bc3b22e7bad14⋯.png (370.12 KB, 863x549, 863:549, theydontcensoracosta.png)

File: 6bb5c7b1aa26e46⋯.png (363.67 KB, 863x549, 863:549, AJ-freedomofspeech.png)

File: a1898b8941504ca⋯.png (349.54 KB, 863x493, 863:493, iftheycalmuzzleAJ.png)

File: c46b0a350d13a64⋯.png (542.39 KB, 1020x563, 1020:563, AJ-freak(o.png)

File: ee9b121cf84a153⋯.png (435.01 KB, 1020x563, 1020:563, AJ-freak(m.png)

ec5745  No.2491917

Is there anything preventing Q from speaking openly now?

fff8a5  No.2491918




847b4d  No.2491919


did you ever make one with chum in the water anon?

9345e1  No.2491921


leftist faggots


4a4009  No.2491922


We are not 100% sure he is mortal.

5c7238  No.2491923

798b52  No.2491924

CIA Whistleblower: Trump Is Doing What Kennedy Tried To

“What is going on with Donald J. Trump “is an ongoing coup to remove a duly elected President.”

“This is a huge constitutional crisis like the country has never seen before. This makes Watergate look like a Sunday school class.”

“We have a coup within our government right now at the senior levels at the CIA, DOJ and the FBI attempting to unseat a duly elected President who was elected by the American people and remove him from office…

This is, at worst, treason with senior officials in the shadow government or Deep State . . . to attack Donald Trump and remove him from office. . . . We have not seen anything like this since the Presidency of John F. Kennedy (JFK), when CIA Director Allen Dulles attacked him, and we saw what happened there…

There is crystal clear evidence that the CIA was, at least, involved with the cover-up of the JFK assassination.  Now, we have the same thing happening again…

Remember what Chuck Schumer said, and it was chilling.  He said, ‘If you cross the intelligence community, they can hit back at you six ways from Sunday.’  That’s what we are seeing now.  It’s collusion or a coup with senior officials at the FBI, DOJ and CIA along with Robert Mueller to unseat an elected president.”

"There has never been anything like this in history.  It is extremely serious, and this is an extremely serious hour for our government and especially for our constitutional freedoms…

This essentially is a global criminal cabal that has penetrated into our government and now has senior level officials colluding and, I would argue, conspiring to unseat this president.”

***“People need to understand that the Democrat Party today is not the Democrat Party of John F. Kennedy."

"The Democrat Party with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is more Marxist than anything else.  They think the Constitution should be a ‘progressive’ document.  In other words, the Constitution is outdated and should be redone.  They are both directly connected into George Soros, who wants to destroy the sovereignty of the U.S. Government…

The Democrat Party is now made up of Marxists and leftists that have penetrated that entire organization. . . . Their entire goal is to change our form of government and destroy our sovereignty.”


5517de  No.2491925

File: 468f8c6abf14b00⋯.png (540.14 KB, 702x395, 702:395, boycottkikes.png)


That's funny. Every time I see the word Mohemmed and David Duke in the same sentence, I know a filthy kike wrote it.

You and your kind will be back in the ghetto where you belong, very soon.

083f84  No.2491926


Soros' check came through?

b798fc  No.2491927

File: cdb6fd674e77058⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 403x398, 403:398, checkembw.jpg)

465c81  No.2491928

walnut = Haitian?

39e552  No.2491929


Remember Jeremy Hammond. Anonymous has been comped and it's members have been FBI and CIA informants for years. Never trust a maskfag.


ab35bc  No.2491930

Nothing more racist or supremacist than thinking you're god's chosen.

e7876b  No.2491931


>No, when our enemies start eating their own, it is not time for us to interrupt dinner.

I like the way you think

847b4d  No.2491932


I didn't think he made PF to just sit there unused…

49bf77  No.2491933

File: 52a1f40669d7b6a⋯.jpg (24.17 KB, 474x315, 158:105, download (6).jpg)

this Neggir right here gets it

2ea615  No.2491934


Is the NWO a Nazi term –Naturliche Wirtschaftsordnung – the National Economic Order?

Or was this already covered?

5c7238  No.2491935

>>2491924 CIA Whistleblower: Trump Is Doing What Kennedy Tried To

notable for the comparisions

58fcf6  No.2491937


Only they ignored him & he turned to us, he will give the repentant ones a chance. Not the luciferians.

55f08c  No.2491938

File: f2329444dd7d88a⋯.jpg (100.99 KB, 1571x529, 1571:529, moment.jpg)

022a85  No.2491939


You are right.

For those still crying about AJ, he is part of Operation Mockingbird.

Remember last fall when the other shills were taken off Youtube and had to change their accounts. "Guise I am a big threat to deep state!! Look how they are censoring me!!!'?

It is an old ploy. Don't fall for it.

They are using this to distract and create confusion. We know who they are.

There are many infiltrators to this movement. Not to be paranoid, just watch, pay attention and discern.

9345e1  No.2491940

File: ae6108424cf89cb⋯.png (78 KB, 741x303, 247:101, ClipboardImage.png)

5ece22  No.2491941


men should use that answer on their wives.

ec5745  No.2491942


What would the risk be?

f7f6c1  No.2491943

File: 51447a40ffe4573⋯.jpg (13.32 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 3ffc5da08101e2dee057b4c804….jpg)


Can we sue?

President Trump's star is a national monument.

He needs the best star ever.

233161  No.2491944


Rosie’s “kundalini serpent” has shifted into overdrive. Bitch is bonkers.

5c7238  No.2491945


its possible

never confirmed like Pope was

the crumb responding to it was "we went too deep" so mixed feelz on that

308946  No.2491946


This. The nerd posers to tech are the commie faggots that are like script kiddies on supercrack. They identified with the Guy Fawkes mask because then it was a "popular" movement, and anonymous was Anonymous, and the posers could join a group and "belong". That's how you know they aren't real techs, because real techs are loners and don't want to "belong".

6bedbf  No.2491947

File: 4eec2db1b873cae⋯.png (61.54 KB, 640x695, 128:139, Early re Q 8-6-18.PNG)

Did anyone else just notice that @POTUS just replaced the entire #FakeNewsMedia establishment with #Q ? He literally made his own news network (based on truth)

6b0a1b  No.2491948


Alex plays golf with Q. He should just ask Q directly since he talks to Q on the phone. Fuck him, he made his choice.

49bf77  No.2491949


this guy

fe6b63  No.2491950

Qanon Headline from Japan


c458fc  No.2491951

File: b73327b9c3c7a05⋯.jpeg (126.58 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, b73327b9c3c7a056e15938c8e….jpeg)

9911ff  No.2491952

This is from the latest WaPo article on Q-anon:

John F. Kennedy Jr. faked his death and joined Trump’s secret evil-fighting organization, where he writes 4chan posts under the pseudonym “Q”

Ya gotta give these newspapers credit, they are entertaining. They take the most random stupid shit that Anons dont even believe, and try and use that for the Q-anon movement to discredit it.

28b2f0  No.2491953

File: 0972001622cb1a4⋯.jpg (266.75 KB, 693x600, 231:200, boom.jpg)

b9fecc  No.2491954


Doesn't seem like much of a following, looks like a Hillary campaign speech, kek

631d7c  No.2491955

Maybe you got email from Twitter saying that somebody who follows you or somebody you follow is a Russian bot, or maybe the say it's a group called Internet Research Agents, along those lines. The problem is, you have no way of knowing for sure, you're supposed to take the automated Twitter email bot at it's word… In other words, there's reason to suspect that it's Twitter what is running the bot farm on behalf of DNC, as it were, false flag mode. All these tech companies operating as a cartel, target conservatives for "hate speech" and so forth, is the great red herring to sweep and clear with social engineering who might expose them. Or could be I am mistaken, what do you think?

16bed7  No.2491956

File: 8a09ab1ce7d7201⋯.png (369.94 KB, 623x318, 623:318, fuckoff.png)


>Little Christs

You're a special kind of retarded, aren't you?

Christian means "Of Christ"

As in, His teachings, etc.

Californians or Floridians doesn't mean little Californias or Little Floridas

32b5b9  No.2491958

File: ac88eef358ed281⋯.png (10.09 KB, 684x118, 342:59, Screenshot_2018-08-07 isre….png)

c3556b  No.2491959


Remove the CNN on Snake. Stick with facts! They speak for themselves!

Nicely done, so far.

aa8aaa  No.2491960


So the agenda changed for a War?

55075b  No.2491961


I bet you have a protruding lower jaw, rotten teeth and call your father "brother daddy".

2ce20f  No.2491962

File: 9887181bd1db17d⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1242x1707, 414:569, A10C1FB2-5E3B-4C38-94D8-9….jpeg)

Over the course of a 50-year career, Wim Wenders has worked with such international luminaries as Mel Gibson, Alicia Vikander and rock band U2.

Yet the German film-maker witnessed global recognition on a whole new level when he accepted an invitation from the Vatican to make a film about the Pope.

Combining interviews with the pontiff with footage of his travels, Pope Francis: A Man of His Word shows its subject commanding audiences far greater than any star could muster.

So did Wenders see any similarities with some of his other collaborators during the four afternoons he spent conversing with His Holiness?

"The Pope has the same presence as some of the greatest movie stars I've worked with," says the director of Paris, Texas, Wings of Desire and Buena Vista Social Club.



eab09e  No.2491963


Handoff Confirmed



Would you confirm this is the updated dough, yes/no?

Sorry for delay, keep having to restart browser, some kinda fuggery goin' on, or maybe just my computer. Anyway…

thank you for the hard work, baker.

Have a good night.

69b819  No.2491964

File: 42a22cf1b1b284c⋯.png (226.09 KB, 800x716, 200:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82cb57f98d5ced9⋯.png (330.35 KB, 810x775, 162:155, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31e719f0cbcf7f1⋯.png (161.38 KB, 832x401, 832:401, ClipboardImage.png)


And they wonder why people don't want anything to do with either!

NFL's first male dancers will hit the sidelines this season


2b5345  No.2491965


Could we be watching Operation Mockingbird being taken down before our eyes?

About InfoWars being banned: I'm trying to figure out the significance. If they're legit, this is obviously censorship of the opposition by the powers that be.

However, I think anons will agree there is at least significant chance they are controlled opposition by Mockingbird. In which case, this signals something completely different.

In the case of the pedophile rings being taken down, we understand the plan. They can't go right for Hussein and Bono, who the public idolizes and trusts, or it will cause massive unrest. They go after who the public expects first–the cartels, the no-named criminals, etc. Then they go after those the public doesn't necessarily expect, but isn't surprised by: the Harvey Weinsteins of the world, leaders of organized religion, etc. Working their way to the shocking people once the public is primed to know it happens everywhere, and sometimes in places you'd least expect.

Could this be the strategy with dismantling the Mockingbird media? You can't just start with shutting down all of CNN. The public expects InfoWars to be shut down, and doesn't bat an eye. Then you move on to slightly more mainstream, but not exactly newspapers/shows with massive viewer bases or that have trusted reputations, and once the public starts catching on that things presenting themselves as news media are in fact paid for propaganda, you expose the big players.

We could finally be witnessing the implementation of the take down of Mockingbird.

Alex Jones going down obviously doesn't seem like politically motivated revenge from the Trump administration, like CNN going down would (to the general public). Just like exposing NXIVM doesn't seem like politically motivated revenge the way that arresting Hillary Clinton or Hussein would.

It depends on whether or not Alex Jones is legit.

5c7238  No.2491966




ruining operational security

Miller got doxxed by libtards for just doing his job

could you imagine how much shit Q team would get???????



69b819  No.2491967


Click here:


Then use the links to download our work!




b819c5  No.2491968

4e1138  No.2491969


Thanks anon

5c7238  No.2491970


the agenda WAS war

same with NK

but peace through strength actually avoids war

49bf77  No.2491971


you lie!

62c1ce  No.2491972

File: f3a84d03da42002⋯.png (67.16 KB, 669x422, 669:422, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

69b819  No.2491973


Stop posting this crap. AJ is Comped go look through notables there's digs proving it!

b6a15d  No.2491974

go home bill hicks, youre drunk

308946  No.2491975




>nonsense about golf

>Fuck him

The kike suffers as he watches his multi-week anti-AJ shilling op fall apart. Suffer and think of hell your eternal home.

16a7a5  No.2491976


Exactly, Fuck AJ. One less Mockingbird controlled op spouting propaganda. This isn't precedent setting. This is a ploy by the cabal

c7441f  No.2491977

File: 404c53a574fb29c⋯.jpg (74.54 KB, 960x540, 16:9, p01bqnvc.jpg)

5517de  No.2491978

File: 8945a87deee97fd⋯.png (149.56 KB, 400x500, 4:5, kike-chan.png)


Go gas yourself, kike.

ec5745  No.2491979


The implication being that members of the Q team are either public figures or high ranking government officials.

3683e6  No.2491980


Were these good guys that were taken out? They say never happened before.. what? That someone turned on them or was paid to turn on them? Sounds like an assasignation to me. We all know Brennan is MB. He could have set them up for the kill easy peasy.

How often do any intelligence agency not vett their background and at least have some people there before checking spot and watching it?

Worst in history is bullshit because it was an inside job.

Not only that the memo he is talking about.. that memo sounds like the leak that let the happenings of what went on come out and put him in the hot seat. I say leak because it skipped their censorship.

What I would guess that whole document says.

465c81  No.2491981


For confirmation of the Pope, is it just the photo file name?

2255d1  No.2491982


I liked it, especially the juxtaposition w/Gowdy. But funny the other anon said that about CNN face 'cause that part struck me as overdone and kinda corny. Go for something more subtle there.>>2491959

532b36  No.2491984


>Remember Jeremy Hammond. Anonymous has been comped and it's members have been FBI and CIA informants for years. Never trust a maskfag.

Shit, anyone remember a story posted here about how some local cops inna woods town in USA joined a local kkk white nationalist group so they can infiltrate them?

One thing led to another and basically the white power group was going to bomb some stupid place and attack a bank or something. So the local cops were like "M'kay so we are going to make our move now"

Next day the Park Police raid the place where everyone is prepping and make arrests. turns out the leader of the white power gang was a state police chief, the 2nd in command was fbi and a bunch of members were undercover ATF, DEA, FBI and more random alphabet letters. The whole gang was cops and feds.

32b5b9  No.2491985

File: 4bfd5073afdaee0⋯.png (180.16 KB, 625x626, 625:626, bait plane load.png)

File: d5c0122e56bf7fb⋯.jpeg (75.74 KB, 625x626, 625:626, bait chum.jpeg)

ab35bc  No.2491986

File: 413eb145ca1fd09⋯.png (232.98 KB, 893x870, 893:870, 1400905377622.png)


>Those who remind everyone about the JQ are all jews.

Put a bullet in your head you kike shill.

a92947  No.2491987


So when are you moving there?

Need help packing?

58fcf6  No.2491988


That is why the right to bear arms incase we have to take own corrupt. They are evil, weapons are different. Should we spread this everywnere.

c1bb1a  No.2491989

File: 7be3b12e0f3755c⋯.jpeg (37.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9DE2EB0A-3F84-4E1B-9CD8-8….jpeg)

File: f3ed6c208fb8b4c⋯.jpeg (70.12 KB, 640x206, 320:103, 550BD6F7-25B9-4E19-9225-A….jpeg)

d0907c  No.2491990

File: 30ab983ef998b5c⋯.jpg (114.49 KB, 396x385, 36:35, 30ab983ef998b5c72da2afe3ee….jpg)


Take it easy Baker, it's all good ; )

39e552  No.2491991


That will go over well. I bet all the red blooded american fans of football can't wait to watch men in form fitting clothes dance for other men who kneel for the anthem and the flag.

308946  No.2491992


>they are controlled opposition by Mockingbird

>no evidence

>many words

>elaborate narrative by old childless woman

5ece22  No.2491993


i like that you are thinking critically.

Would say calling hanks a pedo, and posting racist things, and saying everyone is secretly beholden to jews is pretty discrediting. Not (You) but some consistent loud voices (Here)

6bedbf  No.2491994

File: 16b6c69eb2ef1ec⋯.png (590.35 KB, 629x867, 37:51, Q Japan 1.PNG)

File: a20f87cd29b7561⋯.png (120.85 KB, 611x825, 611:825, Q Japan 2.PNG)



ab35bc  No.2491995

File: 90639981b12058b⋯.jpg (106.57 KB, 1200x1106, 600:553, Dj4GzwNXgAEGbIl.jpg)

Imagine thinking you can wave off the JQ at this point.

5c7238  No.2491996

File: f6c74d412984ab7⋯.png (6.66 MB, 3134x2409, 3134:2409, ClipboardImage.png)


read this

specifically page 3

(rough draft)

9911ff  No.2491997

I hope Q team knows how to counter this ANTIFA push, as well as this racist push

391985  No.2491998

File: 763710f683ffd14⋯.jpg (347.89 KB, 495x1024, 495:1024, 1511897056301.jpg)

fd7905  No.2491999


I don't support the suppression of anyone's speech whether friend, foe, or indifferent.

Slippery slope.

10d44c  No.2492000

File: eca13292180cb61⋯.jpeg (67.26 KB, 590x947, 590:947, 673A11EA-68FC-481A-A0BB-3….jpeg)

Thank you Baker

32b5b9  No.2492001

File: 507df804940e410⋯.jpeg (466.11 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, my kkk ralley.jpeg)


hahaha your jewdar needs calibrated

3d3ad1  No.2492002

File: b2a2b214cfe601d⋯.jpg (8.95 KB, 255x174, 85:58, HandoffConfirmed.jpg)


Handoff Confirmed

Most Recent Dough:


Thanks for Baking, WorkFag now… Gotta get up and go to wotrk in the AM

82bbb1  No.2492003

We need undeniable proof of support between Q & POTUS, that doesn't require the understanding of an autist. If you have to teach a normie about "clock deltas" before red-pilling them, you've already lost them.

Currently, we are the laughing-stock of r/The_Donald… Why allow this? Stick it in their eye and drop some undeniable proof, Q.

5517de  No.2492004

File: 4100730270391a2⋯.jpg (56.14 KB, 296x373, 296:373, 868a37bda7334cf402970fd9a7….jpg)

800259  No.2492006


It's like they are trying to destroy themselves… now that almost ever city is saddled with huge stadium debt.

308946  No.2492007


>mass internet censorship

>This isn't precedent setting

>let it happen goys

ab35bc  No.2492008

File: 833a5b1fa86c9b1⋯.jpg (19.73 KB, 255x173, 255:173, ce8133981d9285238ae4fbc87b….jpg)

2e66ed  No.2492009


I'm pretty sure Q said the election doesn't matter, but I'm not certain on that. Then he would keep bringing up the elections importance to the cabal and their plans.

fc46ae  No.2492010


The common typo of "President's" in crumbs 71, 77, and 1824 connects Saudi Arabia (their former regime before the house cleaning) as the puppet master for the looting and weakening America. So the spelling was not an accident.

5c7238  No.2492011

File: 295c1a0d0db41ba⋯.png (9.55 MB, 4564x4355, 4564:4355, P sidebyside.png)


I'd tell you to reread crumbs, and you should, but heres a sbs

45c36e  No.2492013



and when everything is over they need to be called out on the shills that they are

or at least how lazy and out of touch with reality they are.

No one owes them a career in being the face of alternative media.

If they aren't speaking truth and investigating with due diligence then who needs them.

why wouldn't the cabal send in shills to be their controlled opposition within the alternative media

Of course this is what they do

And they don't settle for one

There's a bunch of them and they all go on each others shows.

I'm not saying to kick all alternative media away

but people need to have greater discernment and expect more effort and truth from their favorite alt media personality

2ad3d1  No.2492014

File: b30ac5807453bc5⋯.jpg (105.56 KB, 1000x479, 1000:479, QVsAnon.jpg)

As if Anonymous would ever target researchers and curious minds to support the CIA, media, neocons, bankers, etc.

532b36  No.2492015


Is he one of them dancers who simultaneously smoke and polish a pipe?

f4dbe2  No.2492016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Since 1989, when he was first hired, Strub has struck DOD deals with over 100 movies — and also, Katy Perry. Her video for “Part Of Me” was shot at MBC Camp Pendleton in San Diego, with Marine Corps support. After a rough breakup, Katy sees a Marine bumper sticker and signs up for boot camp. We see her bayonetting a mannequin torso and blasting an M16 in slomo and crooning and twirling in full fatigues under a massive American flag. An undeniable jam; a literal recruitment video.


0fd986  No.2492017


That's exactly my point.

bf1779  No.2492018

Questioner: Then each of the Wanderers here acts as a function of the biases he has developed in any way he sees fit to communicate or simply be in his polarity to aid the total consciousness of the planet. Is there any, shall I say, more physical way that he aids in— what I mean is, do the vibrations somehow add, just as electrical polarity or charging a battery or something? Does that also aid the planet, just the physical presence of the Wanderers?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and the mechanism is precisely as you state. We intended this meaning in the second portion of our previous answer.

You may, at this time, note that as with any entities, each Wanderer has its unique abilities, biases, and specialties so that from each portion of each density represented among the Wanderers comes an array of pre-incarnative talents which then may be expressed upon this plane which you now experience so that each Wanderer, in offering itself before incarnation, has some special service to offer in addition to the doubling effect of planetary love and light and the basic function of serving as beacon or shepherd.

Thus there are those of fifth density whose abilities to express wisdom are great. There are fourth- and sixth-density Wanderers whose ability to serve as, shall we say, passive radiators or broadcasters of love and love/light are immense. There are many others whose talents brought into this density are quite varied.

Thus Wanderers have three basic functions once the forgetting is penetrated, the first two being basic, the tertiary one being unique to that particular mind/body/spirit complex.

We may note at this point while you ponder the possibility/probability vortices that although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities, there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. This vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment. Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.

233161  No.2492019


Nope, that’s not weird at all….keks

e59820  No.2492020

File: ca09bd2b4ba5419⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 387x672, 129:224, rosie o donell 3.jpg)

39e552  No.2492021


Except they carried out an actual crime and busted the anon who did the hacking and sentenced him to 10 years. The FBI could have prevented it. All to catch one hacker? No it's because they wanted the stratfor data and did something highly illegal and unethical to obtain it.

55075b  No.2492022


You can't meme worth a damn.

I am bored with you now.


8db74a  No.2492023


he said the Midterms are safe.

3d3ad1  No.2492024

File: 0ca1a9a9f77ab3e⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, PatrioticLove3.jpg)

02ace4  No.2492025

The Bible says you must be born again. Without the born-again experience, the "kids" are not spiritually born at all and therefore the Father is not their Father. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Him. How does one become born again? John 3:16. For God so love the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believeth on HIM hath everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth is not condemned. But He that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.

Religion won't get you there. Relationship will. As Billy Sunday said, going to church won't make you a Christian any more than walking into a garage makes you a car. Jesus calls all to repent and believe the gospel. And His grace is wide.>>2491378

32b5b9  No.2492026

File: 12c64bd550010e8⋯.jpeg (3.5 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, slide.jpeg)

847b4d  No.2492027


I'm thinking, considering he knows about the Pedowood shit and all the rapers and jackoff-on-potted-plant types there…

I'm thinking he is fesh out of fucks to give about that star

795087  No.2492028

File: 6a6742f0d131a8a⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


How about Mt. Rushmore kek?

4e1138  No.2492029

File: 73119613777b395⋯.jpg (84.93 KB, 800x500, 8:5, MemeSteal.jpg)

2b5345  No.2492030


Not sure of the implications, but let me clarify. I'm not saying to beat around the bush about the fact or refrain from talking about the fact that Christ is God come in the flesh who died for our sins so that we may be reunited with and reconciled to God.

I'm talking about whether or not we should be getting our identity from a religion or a group or from God Himself. I'm talking about whether or not we should frame the gospels as a list of religious beliefs, or fundamental spiritual claims about our reality. I'm talking about whether or not we should frame God as character in the Bible, or a belief of a group, or the God of this world who is alive and present here and now.

I'm talking about not making the focus "Christianity" but making the focus "Christ."

1630c0  No.2492032



3d3ad1  No.2492033


No Bow, meh…

Night <3

8341c7  No.2492034


still don't get it fool AJ just became a Martyr. you don't play 3-D chess well. 3,000,000+ followers.

sacrifice is strategic in this game. and Trump needed one. or BlowFag for Hannity.

5517de  No.2492035

File: a053613235c812a⋯.png (646.14 KB, 669x420, 223:140, pizzasdontrapeandmurder.png)


Oh, poor little Moshe.

Try this one.

5c7238  No.2492036


thats what I don't get

they purport to be anti-cabal, yet they attack Q and anons

they could at least fake it

8423ee  No.2492037

File: 866a231a455ff45⋯.jpg (26.92 KB, 640x298, 320:149, 38634436_1920179874707744_….jpg)

File: c264f9cc6e7d167⋯.jpg (23.04 KB, 255x229, 255:229, c264f9cc6e7d167f8b92a854f4….jpg)

Is there a search tool to take me directly to any specific Post # when we don't know the Bread #????

eg, how can I find this Post?

Literally asking for a friend.

Don't flame me, bro.

d0907c  No.2492038

File: afe4d132cd9b1d2⋯.jpg (184.32 KB, 670x538, 335:269, # Shadilay.jpg)

9b9252  No.2492039

File: cf061e6ba1e6ee0⋯.jpg (745.98 KB, 1195x1500, 239:300, cf061e6ba1e6ee0d49ea89e6e0….jpg)

9795d1  No.2492040


Q has renounced Jones, the modern day Morton Downey Jr (still waiting for Jones or Corsi to draw a Swastika while looking in the mirror and claiming punks did it).

6da69d  No.2492041



Put the mother fucker on the first panel of sidewalk outside the White House

a4690b  No.2492042

d0907c  No.2492043


work pants



76329a  No.2492044


are any of the chessfags around watching Qposts and tweets, that could say a pawn sacrifice was in play?

16a7a5  No.2492045


Did you try clicking on the post number?

2e66ed  No.2492046


Which post number? You remember? No worries if you don't.

9911ff  No.2492047

File: 27a5b4677d322c9⋯.jpg (19.97 KB, 255x209, 255:209, a6e28fc7df41d0b8c824a9bc77….jpg)

aa8aaa  No.2492048


The self esteem of the Humanity is almost lost. Yikes.

2255d1  No.2492049


Posted this last bread, worth a repost methinks:

Senate Democrats Are Circulating Plans for Government Takeover of the Internet: Reason Roundup

All your base are belong to us. A leaked memo circulating among Senate Democrats contains a host of bonkers authoritarian proposals for regulating digital platforms, purportedly as a way to get tough on Russian bots and fake news. To save American trust in "our institutions, democracy, free press, and markets," it suggests, we need unprecedented and undemocratic government intervention into online press and markets, including "comprehensive (GDPR-like) data protection legislation" of the sort enacted in the E.U.

Titled "Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media and Technology Firms," the draft policy paper—penned by Sen. Mark Warner and leaked by an unknown source to Axios—the paper starts out by noting that Russians have long spread disinformation, including when "the Soviets tried to spread 'fake news' denigrating Martin Luther King" (here he fails to mention that the Americans in charge at the time did the same). But NOW IT'S DIFFERENT, because technology.

"Today's tools seem almost built for Russian disinformation techniques," Warner opines. And the ones to come, he assures us, will be even worse.

Here's how Warner is suggesting we deal:

Mandatory location verification. The paper suggests forcing social media platforms to authenticate and disclose the geographic origin of all user accounts or posts.

Mandatory identity verification: The paper suggests forcing social media and tech platforms to authenticate user identities and only allow "authentic" accounts ("inauthentic accounts not only pose threats to our democratic process…but undermine the integrity of digital markets"), with "failure to appropriately address inauthentic account activity" punishable as "a violation of both SEC disclosure rules and/or Section 5 of the [Federal Trade Commission] Act."

Bot labeling: Warner's paper suggests forcing companies to somehow label bots or be penalized (no word from Warner on how this is remotely feasible)

Define popular tech as "essential facilities." These would be subject to all sorts of heightened rules and controls, says the paper, offering Google Maps as an example of the kinds of apps or platforms that might count. "The law would not mandate that a dominant provider offer the serve for free," writes Warner. "Rather, it would be required to offer it on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms" provided by the government.

Other proposals include more disclosure requirements for online political speech, more spending to counter supposed cybersecurity threats, more funding for the Federal Trade Commission, a requirement that companies' algorithms can be audited by the feds (and this data shared with universities and others), and a requirement of "interoperability between dominant platforms."

The paper also suggests making it a rule that tech platforms above a certain size must turn over internal data and processes to "independent public interest researchers" so they can identify potential "public health/addiction effects, anticompetitive behavior, radicalization," scams, "user propagated misinformation," and harassment—data that could be used to "inform actions by regulators or Congress."

And—of course— these include further revisions to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, recently amended by Congress to exclude protections for prostitution-related content. A revision to Section 230 could provide the ability for users to demand takedowns of certain sorts of content and hold platforms liable if they don't abide, it says, while admitting that "attempting to distinguish between true disinformation and legitimate satire could prove difficult."

"The proposals in the paper are wide ranging and in some cases even politically impossible, and raise almost as many questions as they try to answer," suggested Mathew Ingram, putting it very mildly at the Columbia Journalism Review.


795087  No.2492050

File: 89c3b3ee048f21b⋯.png (78.43 KB, 1081x327, 1081:327, ClipboardImage.png)

Guess who went poof?

28b2f0  No.2492051

File: 77307e9f714e564⋯.jpg (94.25 KB, 450x302, 225:151, CLW1.jpg)

66ff5b  No.2492052


Sure it isn't to restore his cred after getting caught in a major provable lie? Nothing is as it seems right now. We are in chaos times, we must be flexible and ready for happenings.

f4dbe2  No.2492053

Visualizing How The 50 Largest US Companies Are Connected

c1bb1a  No.2492054

File: 65bfa47f068a171⋯.jpeg (227.77 KB, 640x519, 640:519, 1BDC4577-3D5E-4E17-9230-3….jpeg)


ab35bc  No.2492055


3 million retarded kike worshipers? Who gives a fuck?

5c7238  No.2492056


<I haven't been shilling this same fucking line all fucking day

AJ did as much as Joe and Mika or Anderson pooper for POTUS


eat shit

39e552  No.2492057

File: 9c337d67159f2b3⋯.png (92.91 KB, 500x371, 500:371, alex-jones-like-this-page-….png)


>be Alex Jones

>realize most media is leftist

>appeal to the right

>be sensational and crazy enough to be labelled a harmless nutcase and ignored by left and deep state for years

>quietly build a following of people hungry for the truth in a mockingbird media culture

>feed the slightly awake sheeple just enough truth to keep them hooked

>be sure to poison the truth with enough lies to remain ignored and not a threat

>see election of Obama

>realize patriots afraid for guns/free speech/America

>use clout to become louder against the left to attract fearful patriots, still don't really investigate the truth

>gain subscribers big time

>sell lots of water filters

>see explosion in "alternative media"

>spread the wealth around.

>be more sensational and crazy to stand out from the rest

>trigger far left people to generate hate and gain more subscribers on the right

>sell even more water filters

>never really give patriots the truth

>get behind Trump campaign, knowing probably won't be elected

>engage in meme warfare to gain younger subscribers, future investment.

>see Trump get elected

>go along with it for a bit

>realize Trump is MAGA

>realize can't use fear tactics under Trump

>realize Trump is bad for the deception business

>tell listeners regularly that the deep state will try to take out Trump to make sure they have something to fear.

>see Q arrive on scene

>ignore Q as a probable 4chan larp

>see Q gain credibility in a short amount of time

>think Q is probably a really good larp but still ignore

>see drop/slowdown in subscriber numbers.

>realize truth seekers no longer hooked on tainted scraps of truth

>realize Q is leading people to the truth without selling water filters

>realize instead of fear, Q tells anons THEY have the power

>get reduced from truther to entertainment status

>sell fewer water filters

>tell listeners have own Q, zach

>sell fewer water filters

>tell listeners Q is a larp and talk to Q on the golf course

>sell fewer water filters

>be crazier than ever. Do anti-trump rant for attention

>sell fewer water filters

>team up with Corsi to discredit Q

>sell fewer water filters

>fail to acknowledge Q, blame social media censorship because Q and anons have no real power anyways.

>realize the plan to hold the attention of semi-woke population is failing

>propose emergency plan to connections at facebook/youtube/twitter: Ban Alex Jones.

>hope for conservative/right wing outrage to refuel interest and gain subscribers again.

847b4d  No.2492058

File: 3529749f67e251f⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, latmin.jpg)

49bf77  No.2492059

File: 01776c45a75e3b4⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 474x401, 474:401, download (7).jpg)

here is the Deal Q, I have to go to sleep for workfaggin in the AM, and last time I decided to call it quits on the Knight Shivft, you posted 10 min later. so if you could go ahead and like. post so I can have the sweet dreams and not the sweat ones, that'd be super neat.

8b70b5  No.2492060


>>>2491351 (You), >>2491355 (You)


Could you please add Willow Creek Community and Bill Hybels t o NOtable title? Thanks

9911ff  No.2492061

WaPo, in their latest discredit Q-anon article, actually posted that huge white Q map on their site. That is playing it really close to the chest. They will convert some Q followers with that

308946  No.2492062


This. There's the whole background that's been leaked now about Big Commie Tech selling users data, spying on users, even using machine-learning to drive vets to suicide and vulnerable children into trafficking networks. All that's needed to make the distributed breakup of those tech companies is a symbolic martyr. That's why we've had the anti-AJ shilling hard after the misinterpreted Q comment on InfoWars. Cabal saw an opening and is desperate to normalize mass internet censorship.

5ece22  No.2492063


thats the next move.

Alignment @ right on Schedule





So if that does happen its going to get really exciting.

And if it doesnt

Fuck it we will still be here, we'll just be a band of researchers

"No one comprehends the full power of this board."

16a7a5  No.2492064



f89814  No.2492065

File: 957216b7463958c⋯.jpg (139.45 KB, 1200x1068, 100:89, bohemian grove.jpg)

File: 91c4abc6d23a8d2⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 324x574, 162:287, owl dollar.jpg)

File: 0ff3ad9ac2f010f⋯.png (1009.31 KB, 1000x518, 500:259, 1509472153622 D.png)

27aeb5  No.2492066

Macron has just legalized pedophilia in France (from 7yrs on up anyway). Watch for swamp critters to start moving there as the dragnet closes in.

f4dbe2  No.2492067

File: 7135e736fae555c⋯.png (422.32 KB, 1028x719, 1028:719, fl4ixlc4bbc11.png)



eab09e  No.2492068


Thanks for updated dough,

Sleep well, baker



10d44c  No.2492069

File: 5919c61e757b084⋯.jpeg (60.68 KB, 450x637, 450:637, C6C5978A-0ACC-4BFE-87E3-B….jpeg)

7f9d03  No.2492070

I don't think POTUS cares if they remove his STAR on the sidewalk.

He wants out from the middle of all those Pedos

1e7b39  No.2492071

File: 63d54508130966b⋯.jpg (75.46 KB, 515x482, 515:482, C6rnDoeWkAQWRC_.jpg)

Naturliche Wirtschaftsordnung is NATURAL economic order.

Yes it has been covered exhaustively since it was dropped. It was an invitation to read Silvio Gessells works and the critiques.

Not many people seem interested. Their loss. They won't know what's coming then.

39e552  No.2492072



532b36  No.2492073


Interesting…please do keep shitposting.

>Wanderers comes an array of pre-incarnative talents which then may be expressed upon this plane which you now experience so that each Wanderer, in offering itself before incarnation, has some special service to offer in addition to the doubling effect of planetary love and light and the basic function of serving as beacon or shepherd.

Come again? What exactly are you trying to conveey here. Universal shitposting translator broken again?

4a4009  No.2492074

File: 467e63d4b74ed33⋯.png (189.19 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180806-235246.png)


No, but it was in response to this.


16bed7  No.2492075


Please let it be a Guy Fawkes mask!

308946  No.2492076



The word is denounced stupid faggot, and no Q hasn't.

d2e5be  No.2492077

File: a0eb37d52a9e814⋯.png (167.65 KB, 422x422, 1:1, Creepy Trump.png)

Operation W A R I N F O

All right lads time to mobilize. I want the establishment to look fondly of how they were fucked in 2016 compared what we're gonna bring.

Lets jam their culture the fuck up.

Lets out kike the kikes.

Total informational warfare.

dig into the past of every guest co-host of lefty shows and start reporting digging through their past blog posts and tweets, to start with.

What are the vulnerabilities of facebook, youtube and itunes? start reporting them for breaches of state and federal law wherever in the world you are using it.

Politicians love to have something to go, lets pit them all against each other.

I'm contacting my state and federal members regarding whatever I can make up that's semi legit

Start emailing every sponsor of any type of video on youtube and facebook

Just fuck their shit up with bureaucratic nonsense

d0f0ac  No.2492079

Ebot be like

"Muh cookie!"

"No namefagging 'til I get muh cookie!"

62c1ce  No.2492080

File: 4d6f4dec24897f9⋯.png (62.66 KB, 640x309, 640:309, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)



Meaning we will have honest elections. If the midterms didn't matter, why is POTUS campaigning 6-7 days a week once we hit the 60 day mark and saying OVER AND OVER "Get out and Vote Republican"??

Gotta wipe them out.


a714e8  No.2492081


Agree 100%

Our POTUS shouldn't be affiliated with the Hollywood DARK side.

022e6a  No.2492082


Agreed, but you don't have to ride to the rescue of every wronged individual on the face of the earth.

847b4d  No.2492083

2b5345  No.2492084


Not sure you read my post. I'm not claiming they are controlled opposition by Mockingbird. I'm thinking about whether or not it's more likely that IW is controlled opposition or if they're legit opposition.

The conclusion I'm coming to is that I don't know. But, their show would appear to benefit Mockingbird more than MAGA and their takedown seems to benefit MAGA more than Mockingbird.

Make of that what you will. I still genuinely don't know if AJ is genuine or not. Thinking out loud.

308946  No.2492085


It could be a gambit, but I don't think InfoWars is going down from this. I think they're only getting bigger.

32b5b9  No.2492086



found your partner what's the discord channel?

5c7238  No.2492087


I could go reread crumbs, but did Q ever post that salad????

I don't member Q doing that

be2451  No.2492088


Jews hate being the butt of jokes.

Poor jews.

9911ff  No.2492089

Are we gonna get a bombshell from the Manafort trial? We have to believe the trial is part of the plan. Otherwise it wouldve been delayed again. Unless just a distraction to make libs think Mueller is closing in on Trump

465c81  No.2492090

File: fd7e7495800abe2⋯.png (366.06 KB, 415x591, 415:591, agent.png)

9911ff  No.2492091


Nobody knows who posted it. We just call it the "Q map"

a92947  No.2492093


You aren't supposed to think - just accept it.

Do you really think is was really from an Anonymous source.

They just mis-typed the capital A

See how tricky the are?

1e7b39  No.2492094

File: 15b18dc8e1da97e⋯.jpg (561.27 KB, 236x221, 236:221, cf7b8908a0c3164b4d7cde1d2c….jpg)


Edgar Madison Welch on day release?

4a4009  No.2492095



a782e3  No.2492096

why does this old tweet say 7 hours ago?

California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Must also tree clear to stop fire from spreading!

ab35bc  No.2492097

File: c8f3b40e91b1a2b⋯.jpg (17.79 KB, 300x424, 75:106, Dj32dm3XgAAeeLG.jpg)

My fellow whites, we must deebly goncern ourselves with Alex Jonestein, it' very important we waste many a bread masturbating about him.

308946  No.2492098


Fucking commie faggots. They're going to push too hard on this one and it's going to bite them hard.

798b52  No.2492099

File: ad06bb4ca18c0db⋯.png (113.57 KB, 1131x293, 1131:293, fa9dfll.png)

File: de9dbc642ebe3f5⋯.png (17.29 KB, 791x191, 791:191, creepy kate on call 4 hill….png)

File: deece44a08d0927⋯.png (30.29 KB, 848x279, 848:279, hillary brags about being ….png)

File: bf33c7bab152ac5⋯.png (38.03 KB, 824x325, 824:325, will say anything to get e….png)

File: e10b98d54408c1a⋯.png (28.17 KB, 842x248, 421:124, two faced Hillary believes….png)

fc46ae  No.2492100


Techno_Fog has been posting details from the proceeding.


c1bb1a  No.2492101

File: e17eb7aade77139⋯.jpeg (256.3 KB, 640x680, 16:17, 51AF8DB6-0916-4F91-B995-7….jpeg)

Thank you Fox News


50ce3f  No.2492102


Depends on what's actually happening to him

be2451  No.2492103

File: 09c189b6d2a4df1⋯.gif (150.17 KB, 680x453, 680:453, FaggotID.gif)


Found the faggot kike. Found him.

It wasn't hard. Took two seconds.

e7876b  No.2492104


FUD on an overplayed hand.

f4dbe2  No.2492105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why Has The Magnitsky Film Been Banned In USA & Europe?

a4690b  No.2492106

File: 6b2268cd90fec70⋯.jpg (10.79 KB, 480x205, 96:41, checkem2.jpg)

Checked >>2491733

I agree with this anon

>AJ has been fighting the establishment cabal and waking people up for almost 2 decades

a782e3  No.2492107

File: 85317118bd4aaeb⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 399x232, 399:232, 85317118bd4aaebb2183dc4900….gif)

c56d8c  No.2492108

File: 8d7a53697cc1f7f⋯.jpg (211.36 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, raf,750x1000,075,t,e0e1dd_….jpg)

5c7238  No.2492109


anon, its random salad

its not Q's

62c1ce  No.2492110

File: 2373500547840b4⋯.png (401.3 KB, 852x318, 142:53, Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at ….png)

File: 7209faf4093502f⋯.jpg (14.13 KB, 250x165, 50:33, hollyweird-sign.jpg)

File: 8ff1b80968e6483⋯.png (194.29 KB, 504x284, 126:71, Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at ….png)

File: 9f39f07601a7914⋯.png (223.01 KB, 492x253, 492:253, Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at ….png)




You gotta ask yourself, how in the literal hell you get kicked out of the club where you rape little kids and they give you "Lifetime Achievement" awards. Quite the honor for POTUS IMO.

'Burn Hollywood!!

ec1f18  No.2492111


Yeah, why isnt twatter joining the bandwagon.

d7d2c5  No.2492112

File: a844a84bde59dff⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1143x2562, 381:854, daae7a1a-07db-42e8-bc3f-49….png)

Greta Van Susteren and the Grahams have a Haitian orphanage. Wonder why they chose Haiti out of all the places in this world that need help?

9911ff  No.2492113


Thanks anon, reading it now

58fcf6  No.2492114


We are the light on the hill trying to shine the light to people in the darkness.

847b4d  No.2492115


maybe it's the next stop?

it certainly lets him post things he feels are important in an isolated, controlled way

5c7238  No.2492116

File: cd964f792e89ea2⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 252x253, 252:253, jerome.jpg)

76329a  No.2492117


haha. he shot a perfect shot into the station's only computer hard drive

fa407c  No.2492118

File: 97a48d75089f33b⋯.png (7.45 KB, 255x236, 255:236, 5b315010bfdfc7df1de13b3ebd….png)


My God, these people are morons.

94984d  No.2492119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the best "holy wars" and BEST megadeth song

654b17  No.2492120

File: 3781f8e981e8b67⋯.png (391.23 KB, 650x1174, 325:587, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f193f659b92b14f⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1240x1690, 124:169, Screen_Shot_2018-07-28_at_….png)

File: a2374c74df3dbef⋯.png (680.81 KB, 594x624, 99:104, comey tweet 0609.png)

File: 8edaa4f5ea518a5⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1490x838, 745:419, coinsidence.png)


I posted this yesterday, but we are still waiting on confirmation on this.

This (IMHO) is likned to Comey and Avenatti's tweets, showing Canada's involvement and backing. Also Iowa.


https:// operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/2018/08/justin-trudeau-arrested-for.html

9911ff  No.2492121



Yes I know. It just gets referred to as the Q map a lot. I was making a point about it getting posted in WaPo

5ece22  No.2492122


your picture

using the word "kikes"


you must

Go to bed.

2b5345  No.2492123


He responded to a post that came to the conclusion that AJ and Corsi are controlled opposition with "There is a reason we came to this board."

It does not 100% mean that Q is confirming they are controlled opposition, but I can definitely see why that seems like the most compelling understanding of that exchange.

9878d7  No.2492124




I'll see if I can find the original clip without the C_N logo

69b819  No.2492125


Ask yourself how many other people have spoken out about the cabal and ended up suicided?

He's been shooting his mouth off for decades.

He's a GATEKEEPER like Wilcox and Icke to name some of the many others….

These clowns are the PR department for the cabal bragging about their plans but keeping YOU from KEY players and ISSUES.

AJ Muh rants

Wilcox Muh aliens

Icke Muh lizards

All giving the general public the impression the truth movement is full of crackpots so avoid don't listen to them!

Discernment newAnon's!


fbcd36  No.2492126


Qmap was make by a chill called dylan monroe

if you want more info on him let me know

fc46ae  No.2492127

File: 2b358551bd5a89e⋯.png (150.94 KB, 640x771, 640:771, 66400211-bc80-2872-3897-d8….png)

6b5590  No.2492129

Q 's

Last Crumbs were very significant and I think Many missed it because they're are looking for Arrestes, Turmoil , Drama.

Re-read the last posts of Q

c34a3e  No.2492130

File: e092f587f7e1916⋯.png (1.05 MB, 865x792, 865:792, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30d25ac65a0f757⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)


This girl is Vepsian, one of the ethnic groups of Russia

A more famous Vepsian is this guy,

Hugging his two daughters at a summer camp

Near Leningrad where he was assistant to the mayor

And here are three women in a bit more traditional form

Of the ethnic costume

After all mini-skirts are a modern thing

I believe the dangly bits hanging by the ear

Of our pretty AK-47 holder

Are a sign that she is a virgin (unmarried)

Note the barefeet.

Russians are tough people

They chop holes in the ice to go swimming

In February

Even navy crews will go for a swim

In seas with chunks of ice floating around

If you know how we arrived at the difference

Between 0 degrees and 32 degrees,

Those are TOUGH sailors.

To win a war with Russia is simple

Make sure that you NEVER have to fight with them.

Read Sun Tzu again if this makes no sense.

308946  No.2492131


>AJ did as much as Joe and Mika or Anderson pooper for POTUS

When you're trying to shill you have to use at least plausible arguments. You're not even trying kike nigger.


>or if they're legit opposition

If you can't look at nearly 20 years of fighting the deep state by Alex Jones you're a blind nigger.

76329a  No.2492132



you know how this works


32b5b9  No.2492133

File: 2f50ce4cd1dcbcf⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1232x1643, 1232:1643, q map not.jpeg)



Can someone tell these tards where this came from, too tired to recall

5c7238  No.2492134


> It just gets referred to as the Q map a lot

I've noticed

half of it is ridiculous

49bf77  No.2492135


I don't mean to pry but would not that be some sort of thing to note? i dont want to over step my bounds with the HRA

233161  No.2492136

Is this “real” family that the Adams Family was based off of?

Maybe Marina Abrovamich’s Mom was a creepy kid photog?

Hey, I know…Alister Crowley’s 8th grade dance?

63ac8a  No.2492137

File: 9e2f701bb9c0231⋯.jpg (920.02 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Sweet-Dreams-Anons-2.jpg)

Sweet dreams, Anons. Thanks for all your hard work today. Love you.

2b5345  No.2492138


What? Isn't that in agreement with what I posted? Looks like we are saying the same thing.

4a4009  No.2492139

File: ab97a6ce14a4aef⋯.jpg (27.43 KB, 610x284, 305:142, IMG_20180806_235730.jpg)

File: 5e458c9da721892⋯.jpg (33.5 KB, 602x407, 602:407, IMG_20180806_235718.jpg)

File: 38b04ebe0645bfd⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 649x315, 649:315, IMG_20180806_235621.jpg)


Here are some fun ones from the transcript today. Judge Ellis is awesome!

9911ff  No.2492140


Is he legit?

2ea615  No.2492141


Hard not go too deep into the Globalization and Covert Politics bs. Too much info about it out there. It is detoxifying from what you learn that is the hard part.

5517de  No.2492142

File: 10bd1a60ea232bd⋯.png (311.01 KB, 535x500, 107:100, trumpstoppedus.png)


>found your partner what's the discord channel?

Expose and boycott the jew, for goy sick of the nation destroying pedophiles.

0fd986  No.2492143


Obviously. Because something happened here.

5c7238  No.2492144


it was some artist or some shit

>half of it is ridiculous

1e7b39  No.2492145



Alex Bronfman Jones and his CIA-Mossad-Stratfor fucking groupies are going down.

As are you.

9911ff  No.2492146


Hahaa I just saw that too. There is another one where the judge asks a guy why he has tears in his eyes :D :D

308946  No.2492147


Because he hasn't? You retarded kikes don't even know how to troll.

c34a3e  No.2492148


There are plenty of Orthodox Christian churches

In the USA

No need to move very far

51c898  No.2492149


They're volunteering as deep state disinfo agents

c1bb1a  No.2492150

File: a6bcab956716784⋯.jpeg (404.64 KB, 640x905, 128:181, DAE356A4-22CD-4A56-96CF-A….jpeg)


8423ee  No.2492151


this is a post image sent me

how do i quickly locate when not on this current bread?

16a7a5  No.2492152


You mean like when he went on Piers Morgan's show on CNN post Sandy Hook? He could've had a rational discussion about the 2nd Amendment, but NO. He went FULL FUCKING RETARD and made anyone who supports him or the 2A look like complete nutjobs. FUCK AJ. Go to his page and slob his knob. He only has one venue now, so it should be easy for a fucking faggot like you to find it now

233161  No.2492153

▶Anonymous (You) 08/06/18 (Mon) 23:58:10 233161 (5) No.2492136

Is this “real” family that the Adams Family was based off of?

Maybe Marina Abrovamich’s Mom was a creepy kid photog?

Hey, I know…Alister Crowley’s 8th grade dance?


d3e7c8  No.2492154

File: d18c29e9b29c4fd⋯.png (243.66 KB, 600x583, 600:583, pantysniffer alpha.png)


Alpha with easy to grab bow.

3d8384  No.2492155

File: f2c3caafe172e66⋯.jpg (68.62 KB, 699x485, 699:485, 1475401831787.jpg)



Interesting anon, thank you.

308946  No.2492156



>totes believe me goys, i capitalized it


>kike claims someone is crazy for the gorrilionth time

c7441f  No.2492157

File: ca3eef4d7530a9e⋯.jpg (109.75 KB, 977x1024, 977:1024, DfVCxr5U8AECH6R.jpg)


add this^^^

be2451  No.2492158



That is no fair!

You are accurately describing present events!

How dare you!!!

825b49  No.2492159


EGOTISTS…they're gonna have a hard time

9911ff  No.2492160

Theory: Paul Manafort is flipped and singing like a bird. The "solitary conefinement", whether true or not, was for his protection not his punishment. I am sure he is a dead man walking now, and we need to keep him alive to testify

32b5b9  No.2492161





I'll dig it


d91aa1  No.2492162

File: 713c0914cf664de⋯.jpg (117.09 KB, 814x611, 814:611, imq.jpg)

The Original Q…. kek

e50bc2  No.2492163

Oldfag here.

Is there a disaster-preparedness board associated with the community? Or if not, is there one that you Anons go to get/give tips and info?

I know the basics but wanna catch up, Igor people who depend on me now. thank you all

d7d2c5  No.2492164


Did you just doxx him?

4e1138  No.2492165


And then there's this:



These countries are stupid!

49bf77  No.2492166


stop crying like a faggot bitch in my court room!!!!

16bed7  No.2492167


Holy fuck!

Some actual truth coming from CNN?!


c458fc  No.2492168


is why Q has his own non response board

308946  No.2492169


>Alex Bronfman Jones

>attempting to connect one of your child rape pals with jones

>butthurt about me calling out faggot child raping commies in tech

It's you that's going down, straight to hell, child rapist.

6bedbf  No.2492170


Such a shame Flynn Jr is mocking the group of individuals that spent so much time researching and seeking justice for his father

ab35bc  No.2492171

File: a4a94415f9bc815⋯.png (6.75 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.png)


awww someone missed their shipment of super male vitality.

9911ff  No.2492172


Thanks anon

c56d8c  No.2492173

File: 50de23349489fe7⋯.png (12.19 KB, 1282x199, 1282:199, DoJAnon.PNG)

I see that DoJAnon's post from last night panned out as expected.


Fucking LARPS.

a4690b  No.2492174


Does this mean the vote is being held or that the vote is over

5ece22  No.2492176





ec5745  No.2492177

File: 736f23cf32bcd15⋯.jpeg (20.75 KB, 600x337, 600:337, its_coming_back.jpeg)

795087  No.2492178

File: 1cab697d0c2a101⋯.png (32.61 KB, 1600x337, 1600:337, ClipboardImage.png)


There was also this remark, which an anon pointed out maybe a week ago, which seemed string to me at the time in June. Not so much in retrospect maybe.


083f84  No.2492179


Hannity trains in MMA?

fbcd36  No.2492180

File: b23dab0d8e80159⋯.png (981.17 KB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-08-04 (216….png)


i say no

he was on that youtube channel patriot soap box talking about q being an alien i said wtf dug into him and found him to be a famfag and chill







022e6a  No.2492181






I say we take Orders from Q


If you are lurking. Is it a coincidence that you go public creating an alt-media divide, then just days later we have alt media enemies of yours getting censored?

Please advise us on what to do AJ and company. Should we be directing their followers to a platform that cannot be censored (here)?

f7f6c1  No.2492182


I really don't miss the Star Trek Q memes.

We had a lot of those back in the day.

847b4d  No.2492183


I think these 3 words

enjoy the show

loss of focus, waiting and shillstorms

then again, when focused, everybody gets going and shit turns over fast

waiting is difficult

8db74a  No.2492184

I've been trying to figure out what card is played next. Do they redact the FISA or do they push the NXIXM. What brings the house of cards down?

308946  No.2492185


>kike literally incapable of making arguments so must operate on nigger-tier level and make personal insults

db21f7  No.2492186

Q Team, when will CA finally be saved, and cleaned out? We're burning alive.

fd7905  No.2492187


Of course not. That's why Q is touting IBOR so we can remove the ambiguity about private/public platforms that currently allows what happened to AJ to even occur in the first place.

fbcd36  No.2492188


i learned that board is for info this is for answers

654b17  No.2492189


ah ha!

ThanQ anon.

the moles run deep… and are about to get flooded.

fa407c  No.2492190


If only it could be that easy. Kek.

49bf77  No.2492191


Im not understanding

a92947  No.2492192


Some anon posted as his interpretation of Q's Plan

and it included a wide range of topics Q never touched on

Pyramids, Draco aliens, direct energy weapons, crop circles, Mayan calendar, David Icke, Princess Diana and every conspiracy you can imagine.

Why do you think they chose this one to represent Q?

Rule #5

9345e1  No.2492193

File: 062dfe5f286455c⋯.png (2.43 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, muhdick.png)

69b819  No.2492194


West Hollywood Passes Resolution To Remove Trump's Star On Walk Of Fame


9911ff  No.2492195

File: 7bf93cc8bd7e564⋯.jpg (142.16 KB, 618x800, 309:400, sephirot-map-blk-3-9_orig.jpg)

e7876b  No.2492196

File: 00cd2664ffcb1fb⋯.png (61.22 KB, 758x644, 379:322, patriotshaveitall.png)



>Thinks he's a baker



>Thinks he's fooling anyone.

Sup bitch.

5ece22  No.2492197


Millie weaver was reporting on it, good thing theyre all banned now, because theyre shills am i right?

c339e8  No.2492198

File: a05a42595954afe⋯.png (261.28 KB, 1398x2003, 1398:2003, Capture _2018-08-07-00-57-….png)

File: 6e7c984adb8ddf8⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1426x1198, 713:599, Capture _2018-08-07-00-58-….png)

File: 14f159ea30e9ff9⋯.png (723.34 KB, 1422x1771, 1422:1771, Capture _2018-08-07-00-58-….png)

File: 1dda293b90ef4b0⋯.png (185.35 KB, 1412x1236, 353:309, Capture _2018-08-07-00-59-….png)

Mattress Firm was in business with 9200 empty stores? Conspiracy grew (linked to money laundering and I'm throwing in sex trafficking because why not?) CEO resigned in January, now they are closing stores that seemed to be just a front for some kind of rogue business?


ab35bc  No.2492199


>anyone who denounces kikes is a kike

put a bullet in your head for thinking that ever worked.

5c7238  No.2492200



FISA declass reveals their crimes


9acff1  No.2492201

>>2491829 Visualizing How the 50 Largest U.S. Companies are Connected


ec5745  No.2492202


16a7a5  No.2492203


Post 2484460 would be around 8,000 posts ago. So do the math with 751 posts per bread. 15 bread #s ago?

ec1f18  No.2492204


Nice lesson, thanks.

847b4d  No.2492205


but he is such a hard progressive type IRL

d19173  No.2492206

File: 3f1ce2f0aa2e370⋯.png (200.53 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, zzzzzz.png)

d0907c  No.2492207

File: 6f3d523d657c954⋯.png (9.85 KB, 210x161, 30:23, FukkenSaved.png)


Bless you, pantiesnifferanon

45c36e  No.2492208

File: 550e9c01e14e183⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


no this is original Q

a88c3a  No.2492209

Hey Q, when is that Q&A rescheduled to? Please keep us informed.

8db74a  No.2492210


That could be it. Seems there is a lot at play right now.

5ece22  No.2492211


we do try

tits or gtfo?

39e552  No.2492212

File: 061f3733e89cd4c⋯.png (33.49 KB, 594x371, 594:371, moveon.png)


This newfag right here is why you go back and read the crumbs

9911ff  No.2492213


"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."?

e7876b  No.2492214


I have stopped liking the way you think.

I don't take orders from anyone.

308946  No.2492215


>t.kike desperately hoping projection works

d74b99  No.2492216

File: d2fe7c476cdc230⋯.png (452.75 KB, 1668x835, 1668:835, billswell.png)

Speaking at event of third biggest crypto company, to talk about global payments.


76329a  No.2492217

File: 99e67611207a243⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 400x227, 400:227, 1480542993229.jpg)

d91aa1  No.2492218


It's a good idea.

Just pretend you're going on a camping trip for

two weeks. What would you take?

Multiply that by six (three month supply).

Don't forget water and fuel.

1e7b39  No.2492219


you agree with him because you are stupid ignorant cunt. fuck off back to breitbart.

532b36  No.2492220


>Our POTUS shouldn't be affiliated with the Hollywood DARK side.


>Good, they don't deserve to have his name displayed in their shit hole city.

This and this 100%. Why would you want your name "enshrined in a star" in the pavement so people can walk all over you with their dirty shoes all day and night. I am glad to see that POTUS hasn't reacted at all to the happenings around his Hollywood Star of Fame because its nonsignificant.

8423ee  No.2492221



how did you locate post # ???


c7441f  No.2492222

File: 3fc6d5bc775cc1d⋯.jpg (22.88 KB, 800x451, 800:451, president-donald-trump-off….jpg)


No Ban

No Filter



5c7238  No.2492223


Q handled that whole ordeal like a boss

never said names, but those who inferred it as an attack flipped out, I'd say predictably

fbcd36  No.2492224


your thoughts?

here he is on that you tube


2f4240  No.2492225

I know it's said that there is far more planes in the sky than what shows on the radar sites but I figured that happened more around bases than not.

I always like to look up what plane is flying over my house when I hear one.

Right now I hear one, it's either far up or far away looked at a few sites & nothing around where I live within 100 miles showing on radar.

Then a few minutes ago, I hear a different plane this one sounds either lower or closer, & once again nothing on radar. What the shit man.

Now I'm even MORE curious what planes are up there. I always am able to find out what ones I hear.

I keep trying to see if I see them but it's dark & cloudy. damn

32b5b9  No.2492226



no I did, an artist with a website, huge doxxing going on

cf249c  No.2492227

File: b759453c3075135⋯.jpg (164.57 KB, 800x780, 40:39, megadeth-holy-wars-picture….jpg)


Hell yeah!

3d8384  No.2492228

File: 63390b9e0f4aa54⋯.png (651.77 KB, 1279x562, 1279:562, blockstream.png)

File: 0bae33d8751abd0⋯.png (122.51 KB, 662x716, 331:358, eos.png)

File: d48b3d1c8fa4042⋯.png (89.17 KB, 318x339, 106:113, Ethereum.png)


There's tons of really fucked up symbolism in the Crypto space.

One guy I watched calls it the 'Crypto Cabal' and I think that's true.

Be careful who you invest in.

165375  No.2492229


But we're people, not pork Katy. ffs. Sorry lol FUCK NO.

a4690b  No.2492230


Bro that's my favorite vid. That Piers faggot deserved a lot worse and I would've handled it the same way. Proud of how AJ handled that

654b17  No.2492231





5c7238  No.2492232

File: a2293e68914442b⋯.png (18.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, checked11.png)


digits confirm

(saved this from an anon)

022a85  No.2492233


Good night. Sleep well anon.

308946  No.2492234


Quads of freedom btfo kike shills attacking Alex Jones.

c92400  No.2492235

File: 59c4e83d0779955⋯.png (615.86 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, 59c4e83d077995537c6e03f957….png)

6b5590  No.2492236


I actually feel sorry for John because when he gets to prison and Bubba gets his butt he's gott. Mad Hemers. Is gonna hurt

eab09e  No.2492237

BO Gonna Need an Ebake or another baker to step in mebbe

Bad lag, have to restart computer….

Anons, I'll need your help getting everything noted this bread, please call out with summaries

But anything I miss, I'll go back and add next bread, so no worries.

(I still had to catch up on past notes & boss's drops today–good ones!)



Can't change past baker's notes, anon.

Can you repost this bread and I'll put it in this one?

Can't change past baker's notes, anon.

Can you repost this bread and I'll put it in this one?

fbcd36  No.2492238


lmao no he did himself


58fcf6  No.2492239


Faith comes through hearing audio Bible as we are the church. I saw something on Stigmata and just like we are living in a movie it sounded like Jesus. My Church is not made up of sticks & stones. Lift a stick I am there, turn over the stone & you will find me.

5517de  No.2492240

File: e47269e6b937507⋯.png (590.63 KB, 702x395, 702:395, Nojewpoison.png)

Yet another reason to Boycott the jews.

5ece22  No.2492241


true i esp appreciated anons bringing up Pindar and Pelicans…


233161  No.2492242


Very interdasting

eaa695  No.2492243

File: e1589ccb5803196⋯.jpg (148.82 KB, 1078x689, 1078:689, Screenshot_20180807-010242….jpg)

File: 808a61e331b8d59⋯.jpg (403.4 KB, 1080x1576, 135:197, Screenshot_20180807-010358….jpg)

Someone tell NRA to switch to ethereum for both banking and insurance. Smart contracts.

1e7b39  No.2492244


Who is his lawyer? Tell us.

2b5345  No.2492245


You've got to brush up on your Greek if you care enough to look into this. That's our English understanding of the suffix, but if we're talking about the Greek word we got "Christian" from, we are indeed talking about the phrase "Little Christ."

The original modifier is more similar to "ette" like cigarette (meaning little cigar, more or less) than "ian" as we understand it. But because of the way that their dialect of Greek works vs. the way that modern English works, you can indeed validly translate the word to either something like "Christette" or "Christian."

But if you get a chance to study a little Koine Greek and take a look at early writings of non-Christians about Christians, they were indeed calling them "Christettes" with all the silliness and slight mockery that it brings to mind in English.

a4690b  No.2492246


This is not your board.

I live here.

YOU must go back

ef7699  No.2492247


Free speech!

b819c5  No.2492248


No worries, got your back. Let us know if you get it fixed.

8daf6d  No.2492249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What about Sweating bullets, could be him singing about his/or any MK Ultra Mind control.

3d8384  No.2492251

847b4d  No.2492252


wow - you typed so much anon

532b36  No.2492253


ANy chance Trudeau poison killed his own father in order to get a seat at the Canadian special cabal table?

1b22c1  No.2492254

File: 6bd1f3992b45255⋯.jpeg (104.66 KB, 514x428, 257:214, E35D7A46-2748-4D4F-A3AB-E….jpeg)

File: 2cfdc0eb70419af⋯.jpeg (58.06 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 6F6FDD40-8DDE-436C-B140-D….jpeg)

File: f492ae42011ad5d⋯.jpeg (73.95 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 5D509E78-1985-445A-BF2C-4….jpeg)

File: d2eeb8cde619665⋯.jpeg (78.12 KB, 640x427, 640:427, C6B1BC8E-6AB4-408E-9DFD-A….jpeg)

File: a6ea7cbbbc0ba2b⋯.jpeg (96.38 KB, 514x428, 257:214, D2C50929-038A-4434-BA64-1….jpeg)

Trust the plan

eab09e  No.2492255

Ok, after that last browser restart post went thru ok, just will try to bake early

All I have for notes so far tho….


>>2491924 CIA Whistleblower: Trump Is Doing What Kennedy Tried To

4e1138  No.2492256


This is included in the linked zip file posted on last bread.


308946  No.2492257


Don't know.

0fd986  No.2492258


The entrenched shills are trying to paint me as a division shill for pointing out that amidst the last weeks of obvious infiltration Q has gone to the emergency fuckery free board.

It's cute. i believe there's a real possibility that Q moves soon.

499ac3  No.2492259

File: 8d8a655fc54e5d4⋯.jpg (36.86 KB, 400x152, 50:19, BG hassan.jpg)

Fukery in Iran you say?

Bravo tv strikes again (Brett Greenberg, Cohen cousin, plays Hassan)


800259  No.2492260


Gates testimony destroys the narrative

The left has been saying that Manafort owes Russian oligarchs millions of dollars, and that is why he volunteered for the Trump campaign, to erase that debt.

When in reality, those were not loans at all… but simply money taken from his offshore accounts, declared as a loan to avoid taxable income. Manafort isn't in debt at all… he made 60 million off his Ukraine work.

Meaning, the only people who really had leverage over him is the FBI/IRS. Did they ignore the laundering in exchange for being a plant?

a4690b  No.2492262

ec5745  No.2492263

Why does it echo in real life as well?

f89814  No.2492264

File: c7fc32aef257b8f⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 286x246, 143:123, 1439430259285.jpg)


someone say MK ?

496a56  No.2492265

File: 070df545b562e30⋯.jpg (55.75 KB, 450x572, 225:286, free-speech.jpg)

51c898  No.2492266


They must have had protection to get that big with all the location red flags

2255d1  No.2492267


IDK anon. Found it on Drudge.

62c1ce  No.2492268


Appreciated Anon.

a11385  No.2492269


022e6a  No.2492271


Newfag? I guess since I got a (you) from q about almost 300 posts before that one, I must have been here. That doesn't really answer my question. And I did not think that a fair portrayal of Jones, he's a performance artist when he does the fake "Joker" routine, like when Millie does "Rainbow Snatch"

One of the very few things I disagree with Q on, using that article. Still, Jones did lie about the private comms.

e59820  No.2492272

File: 21866e0caf6b3ce⋯.jpg (305.75 KB, 1480x1024, 185:128, trump double point digits ….jpg)

5f2bc4  No.2492273


Search 'midterms' at qanon.pub. It was a few months ago. April maybe.

8db74a  No.2492274

maybe the play is Manafort.

76329a  No.2492276


this is funny because two weeks ago I had an emergency need to buy a mattress

I went to mattress firm. there are two within a mile of each other. THEY HAD ONLY ONE MODEL THEY COULD SELL ME. and a very very few that were available were like $1million dollar mattresses. No, that's out of stock. sorry. no, we don't have that one. No, we don't have any of those. That mattress is $1400. No, none of those. $1600 for that one. I asked if they could call to the other store.

"They have the same stock we do." WTF, YOU DONT HAVE ANY STOCK.

weirdest shit. the always look like they are perpetually going out of business.

5ece22  No.2492277


i do like to take a step back and note the awesome power to transform a thread into practically a show or news feed… @3000+ breads.

appreciate the bakers.

532b36  No.2492278

File: 730894ec1b72642⋯.jpeg (352.73 KB, 1920x964, 480:241, fur-aiur.jpeg)



qresearch forever helping me discover classical music

Heck yeah!

a4690b  No.2492279


Anyone who disagrees should GTFO

308946  No.2492280


It might be poigniant to see pictures of Hollywood/LA when Trump's star was laid, and now.

5ece22  No.2492281


Drudge is a Boss

fbcd36  No.2492282

2b5345  No.2492283


Exactly. You have to frame the Church properly, as described int he Bible. God's children make up the church. Whoever and wherever they are.

There's a very significant, but perhaps not immediately obvious, distinction between that understanding and "God's children are those at the churches." And I see the culture and Christians alike latching on to the second definition for the most part.

16bed7  No.2492284


I 'member that talked about here too.

Quick, dig on this some moar, before they scrub it up!

22b05e  No.2492285

It's G6. Not G7 re: Q post PF 123

9911ff  No.2492286


Exactly. Its a freedom of speech issue, and we damn sure arent ANTIFA

39e552  No.2492287

File: 57e75ea93ae35c5⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 555x381, 185:127, Glowing-Car-330.jpg)


>wah wah, Q used poor judgement

33c3d5  No.2492288

File: 6c9f9a88268646c⋯.png (192.14 KB, 571x589, 571:589, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5deced156c37eda⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1435x817, 1435:817, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f451212c92cd8a⋯.png (469.47 KB, 411x721, 411:721, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2491130 lb WTF Gary?

308946  No.2492289


>Still, Jones did lie about the private comms

You're believing the lie by kike shills who want to begin mass internet censorship. See >>2491733

>The video posted as "evidence" of him claiming to have spoken with Q is him quoting a conversation with someone else

d91aa1  No.2492290


I have always wondered BO, how did you come

to start this page? How did Q come to post

on your page? Were u surprised? Coordinated?

62c1ce  No.2492291



This is real. We have endless amounts of these near us, in one of the hottest markets in America, and has been. They put these places in brand new malls that are hip, and you never see anyone in there. It's like "Blaze Pizza" and so many others, it's OBVIOUS if you know business even a tiny bit that the shit stinks.

a4690b  No.2492292


>And who gets the blame?

>Trust the plan.

Plan isn't working out so well on so many levels imo

fa407c  No.2492293


involuntarily volunteering kek

f89814  No.2492294

File: a4f36241951f6e2⋯.png (51.45 KB, 535x509, 535:509, 1487078911364.png)

62c1ce  No.2492295


"Strip Malls".


7a1f24  No.2492297


Dunno, but they lurk here. I pointed out some typos and next time I saw it they were fixed.

8db74a  No.2492298

▶Post 197

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d7571e No.1109320 📁

Apr 19 2018 21:29:03 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 4e11c7 No.1109176 📁

Apr 19 2018 21:22:51 (EST)


Will election fraud be revealed soon???


Yes, midterms are safe.

Watch CA.


62c1ce  No.2492299

File: 8682d7a27645f47⋯.jpg (150.61 KB, 701x513, 701:513, dream_ms5ibu4vu93.jpg)

ec5745  No.2492300

Who or what is doing the spooky shit?

Where do I get a reality check from?

a714e8  No.2492301


I freakin' love it! Thanks for sharing Anon!

24a259  No.2492302

File: df50bfee7e3a40e⋯.jpg (58.89 KB, 500x552, 125:138, df50bfee7e3a40e27e2f1dc49f….jpg)


newfags need to read from cbts#1 before they post

a4690b  No.2492303


For all those with the same complaint about Alex's "tone", I refer you to what Trump said when people didn't like his "tone"

Libtard pussies go back

aa8aaa  No.2492304


I don't know the why some don't researched the history of Russia and the fight against the "caucasican" empire. if exist a guide. Russia must be the example.

Same. it seems that doesn't work for a lot now that the world is so broked/Dead.

Even so. Good Data Anon.

022e6a  No.2492305


yeah, I should have said, get his opinion

late and fading

I just didn't think I would care so little about AJ getting censored, and it's all because of the alt-media fight over Q

f4dbe2  No.2492306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A recent survey found that many Americans are unable to name a single one of the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment. Would Ivy League students do any better?

fbcd36  No.2492307

33c3d5  No.2492308

Have I been doxxed yet on twitter? lol

9345e1  No.2492309

File: c5cf01c14739b65⋯.png (505.79 KB, 913x866, 913:866, ClipboardImage.png)

>Here Are 410 Movies Made Under The Direct Influence And Supervision Of The Pentagon


27aeb5  No.2492310


Thank goodness. The whole occult point of placing people's names within a pentagram for public 'worship' is to curse that person and bring demonic influence on them.

Truth be told, Trump should never have allowed them to place that pentagram with his name on it there in the first place.

5517de  No.2492311

File: e28be46b261b5da⋯.png (565.13 KB, 702x395, 702:395, magaboycott.png)

Why wait for the government to (never) take action. You have the power.


Spread the word.

022e6a  No.2492312


And I'me using <enter> too much

Like a Redditfag

ec1f18  No.2492313

With this whole no age of consent shit in France, newfags should know that Macron is a Rothschild stooge.



> At Rothschild he found himself at the heart of French business intrigues, acquiring the codes and jargon of a world where careers largely depend on having attended the right elite university.

The normalization of pedophilia in France is directly related to the Rothschilds.

8b70b5  No.2492314



>>>2492060 (You)


>Can't change past baker's notes, anon.

>Can you repost this bread and I'll put it in this one?

>Can't change past baker's notes, anon.



BO, Can you check my hash and add to title? Just want more than NOtable dig.

Despite how it may look sometimes, I don't want to shit up the bread…



>>>>2491351 you, >>2491355 (You) you


> Could you please add Willow Creek Community and Bill Hybels t o NOtable title? Thanks

308946  No.2492315


This. I hated AJ for the longest time because of his ranting and raving but thinking about the heat he must have got all these years, I give him slack now because I hate kikes and he doesn't but he's at least legit fighting the cabal.

32b5b9  No.2492316

this group of shills tonight seem extra stupid fwiw

9911ff  No.2492317


Im anxious to see how Q team delivers this to the public in a way they accept and believe it (liberals)

24a259  No.2492318

File: dec8bbd1f6f56df⋯.jpg (28.18 KB, 352x352, 1:1, dec8bbd1f6f56df6a0b34de57e….jpg)


kys you say kys newfag get w the plan man

e9307c  No.2492319


The Ra material is so dated. Humanity has evolved so much from when this material was first released. I personally don't see it applying to humanity anymore.

8702af  No.2492320

File: 33a2af576cbbd8a⋯.jpg (74.28 KB, 711x960, 237:320, pocahontas.jpg)

ba0851  No.2492321

File: 87ecf07f980a8ea⋯.png (334.18 KB, 2662x584, 1331:292, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at ….png)

File: 4582dc597216878⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1524x1614, 254:269, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

These things are driving me mad when reading MSM articles bashing Q.

~Journalists often confuse brainstorming/open discussion as things Q is saying. Q posts and then people have an open discussion.

~Not one article uses qanon.pub or qmap.pub as a source where people can only view Q’s post.

Did the journalists read through all of the boards? How did they know which messages were Q’s?

~When searching for information on certain posts in google. Search criteria is extremely filtered and flooded with conspiracy articles.

What was a simple search that would easily find certain Q posts if you had questions now leads you on a wild goose chase to find anything.

~Q does not have a twitter

~None of them talk about the 45,000 seeled indictments.

~None of them talk about the massive amounts of resignations

~They think pizzagate is our bible and that is why we are here.

~Snopes is nowhere to be found on anything Qanon. Scared of the answer?

They have nothing labeled true/false regarding anything from Q.

They do have some things related to the topic but…

When you search Qanon only 4 articles come up. Billboards and Hillary deep web pedo video.

~They discuss the attempt to shoot down trumps plane and other topics.

But don’t provide any proof or investigation that it didn’t happen.

~One person in the news means we are all crazy and insane.

Guy in Truck with rifles demands OIG report at Hoover Dam.

He is linked to Q because of a letter from prison where he signed off with WWG1WWA.

Does that mean that we all told him to go out and do that?

So using logic that would be like saying this…

Killing someone while wearing a Yankees jersey or hat means the Yankees were behind and supported your murder.

~What in the hell is an opinion writer at the Washington Post?

Isn’t writing your opinion a blog?

What happened to investigative journalism?

2b5345  No.2492322


"If you can't look at 20+ years of Anderson Cooper faithfully reporting the news…"

How is that convincing? And how does that account for the idea of infiltration along the way?

But again, you're not actually processing what I'm saying. Which is that regardless, if you think through it, it appears Alex Jones would benefit the deep state more than it would benefit the fight against him. His take down is the inverse.

I'm saying that's interesting to consider and think through together.

The way you're reacting so hostilely to something I'm not actually saying seems to indicate you're either not reading/processing what I'm actually saying, or you have an agenda you're here to promote rather than actually engaging with the discussion.

b05476  No.2492323

File: 4b6de0d91ac7977⋯.jpeg (584.03 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, D90A2806-5A05-44A6-8E31-8….jpeg)

Lunatics I tell ya. Lunatics.

9d48c2  No.2492324

File: ade2f8a3714c555⋯.jpeg (13.31 KB, 240x253, 240:253, hitthat.jpeg)

532b36  No.2492325


Yes, yes very good. You get a bottle of russian standard vodka and 10 kilos of rubbles.

Now go back to your cave Ivan, that was enough.

eab09e  No.2492326

Just checking in, making sure post speed okay:

#3143 baker change

>>2492260 Anon speculates re: Manafort and the possible leverage thereof

>>2491854, >>2491864, >>2491918, >>2492256 C_A emails re: Agents in Afghan

>>2491924 CIA Whistleblower: Trump Is Doing What Kennedy Tried To

>>2492248, >>2492277

Thanks BO, anon.

5f2bc4  No.2492327


Already in notables

9345e1  No.2492328


If I was POTUS i'd be glad to have my name removed from anything related to Pedowood

32b5b9  No.2492329


here is zero at least start there please


50ce3f  No.2492330

File: 9e9dc90ffd2558e⋯.jpg (49.02 KB, 450x353, 450:353, a0841684c50acb3d43c8a82023….jpg)

16bed7  No.2492332


My sister's native Greek BF says you're fake and gay.

b26a83  No.2492333

File: 3c4a95cd3c06eab⋯.png (76.21 KB, 894x558, 149:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abf1a0fba82ce96⋯.png (254.21 KB, 763x707, 109:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 575ab6f93fdfcd4⋯.png (7.58 KB, 420x211, 420:211, ClipboardImage.png)

The Dems are going full totalitarian! Related to Q post today.




022e6a  No.2492334


Brock Pierce was in Mighty Ducks. He is connected to Mark Collins Rector of Open Secret fame.

8db74a  No.2492335


I've been trying to figure out the play. Where do they go next?

49bf77  No.2492336

File: 9d597c9a689fe89⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 500x579, 500:579, spellfag.jpg)

im out. send my warmest regards to HRA

f4dbe2  No.2492337




2255d1  No.2492338

File: 70886ce529e9e0e⋯.jpeg (49.05 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Kek du jour.jpeg)


Yes, BO, pray, do tell us how you came to start this page?

a714e8  No.2492339


Yes, tonight he said he trains for 1.5 hrs/day in MMA

9911ff  No.2492340


Nice assessment anon. I'm with you, I think the IRS/FBI blackmailed him a long time ago

24a259  No.2492341

File: 66cf5083180dfa0⋯.png (63.46 KB, 255x241, 255:241, d8809fd2b146da3ee65dd3ed68….png)


wiilcuck/goode that you?

sup w the blue chicken cult?

5f2bc4  No.2492342


How many times you going to push this?

b05476  No.2492343

File: 73fb8a2c520bcf0⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 94EA20F7-78DC-4C30-9AF9-5….jpeg)


This anon has a point. And as I type this I have a EBS go out..

39e552  No.2492344

File: 578b4ce0baa591f⋯.jpg (31.55 KB, 486x132, 81:22, DoD Movies 4.jpg)


Most of them I never heard of, lots of military themed movies in there.. but..

69b819  No.2492345

If you are new here understand this is not a chat room, lurk for a few weeks before posting, watch how the board operates, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!

When anyone counters a post demand proof aka sauce for their argument!



5c7238  No.2492346


I'm young

but even I know freedom of speech means THE GOVERNMENT CAN'T INFRINGE ON THAT RIGHT

FB and them can do whatever they want

its weak as fuck, but its NOT a 1st amendment issue

e7876b  No.2492347


>yeah, I should have said, get his opinion

You're in luck. Here it is. It really is time to move on. → >>2492212, >>2492223

Go sleep, anon ;p

d1f21b  No.2492348

File: c39bc648e2b2349⋯.png (36.54 KB, 959x421, 959:421, Misinfocon_Logo.png)

Deputy Assistant Attorney General Adam S. Hickey for the National Security Division Delivers Remarks at Misinfo Con

"It’s a privilege to help kick off this first day of MisinfoCon, focused on state-sponsored misinformation. To do that, I am going to give you an overview of how the Department of Justice views the problem, where it fits in the context of related national security threats, and how we are addressing it." -


Trust, Verification, Fact Checking & Beyond https://misinfocon.com/

eab09e  No.2492349


Can you repost the pics next bread, anon? In general, we don't change prev. baker's notes out of respect. Ty

5ece22  No.2492350

Why is Q telling anons to think about russian bots and russian propaganda?

Thats all BS.

Is it that, they will lable everything russian and then censor it? that Bill posted by anon earlier suggests that. Article at Axios?

7e2cc5  No.2492351


When it goes red, remember to SUPPORT THE TIMBER INDUSTRY. The Timber industry turns wild-fire fuel into MONEY. It has been shut down for 30 years hence the shitshow we have now… Timber, public and private is the answer to your fire problems California as well as your job problems.

2b5345  No.2492352


I'm not complaining about his tone. I'm pointing out that those who complain about his tone are the people who most need to hear and process what he's saying, and the people who are most likely to tune out.

I also said that if you're on board with him, his tone can be charming.

69b819  No.2492353




532b36  No.2492354


>I've been trying to figure out the play. Where do they go next?


>MWF it turns out Qteam are coordinating the MSM haterade response to the Qresearch and Qanon movement in order to test the waters of general public reaction and the reaction of the 5-6% irredeemable liberals.

The internets are wonderful things.

16a7a5  No.2492355


Good job at figuring out the Constitution. Now kindly quit shitting up the board with your 24+ posts in a bread faggot

308946  No.2492356


That's naive though because that only applies if people can start competing sites. We'd have much better sites than FistButt but when they start up patent trolls sue them into bankruptcy. Eliminate software patents and then FistButt can be a private business and ban at will.

e26560  No.2492357

5c7238  No.2492358

File: 76f72807dcec338⋯.png (59.65 KB, 368x547, 368:547, ClipboardImage.png)

fbcd36  No.2492359


Q just watch

5c7238  No.2492360


<can't refute my point

<muh post count

<didn't even check my posts

022e6a  No.2492361


Stay safe patriot!

ec5745  No.2492362


It is infringement if they rigged the system so people don't have any other options.

8341c7  No.2492363

File: bf6009e2c9d1a02⋯.jpg (6.11 KB, 208x194, 104:97, applle.jpg)

this will be the icon.

9911ff  No.2492364


It gets kinda gray with FB, twitter, etc. They are public companies, publicly traded and have shareholders…. the game changes between that and a private business. FB cant ban speech the same way a baker can refuse to make a cake

a4690b  No.2492365



800259  No.2492366


>Nice assessment anon. I'm with you, I think the IRS/FBI blackmailed him a long time ago

I'll add that the judge isn't giving them any leeway to talk about the source of the funds, since this case is just tax evasion.

So I don't know if or how they are going to get into anything about motives or blackmail on the campaign.

c458fc  No.2492367


should read

i hear people are asking about me

32b5b9  No.2492368

File: 8c651928c2ad858⋯.gif (512.03 KB, 352x240, 22:15, antifa gets real.gif)


get this out of the way

308946  No.2492369

File: bc3d253e08fbd83⋯.jpg (329.18 KB, 750x1062, 125:177, bc3d253e08fbd839e27e07be24….jpg)


Needs more nigger.

16a7a5  No.2492370


Don't need to. You post like this is your personal chat room. STFU newfag

16bed7  No.2492371


Sun god much?

If it's relevant to the Illuminati, it's also relevant to Humanity.

Albeit in a know your enemy kind of way.

e7876b  No.2492372


He's not disagreeing with you, he's telling you to shut the fuck up because you shitpost too much ;p

76329a  No.2492373


Oliver North is now chairman of the NRA, right?

Mr. Shreddin for the Deep State, gettin' with my girl Faith, North? Mr. Iran Contra Affair OLLIE NORTH.

I knew the NRA was doomed with that.

a4690b  No.2492374


Not falling for this

69b819  No.2492376


Replace big star with hammer and sickle

8341c7  No.2492377

Well if they go after tucker. Fox might as well close up shop.

165375  No.2492378


He does have his own platform though, Anon.

His 'followers' know about Q.

If they want to find us they need to find us like everyone else and pay their dues.

Otherwise they can just follow the Reddit.

I've been in those chats. You don't want that bullshit here.

Or do you??

971d08  No.2492379

>>2491004 (lb)

>>2491439 (lb)

>I love Black Hawk Down and Behind Enemy Lines.

To be fair, it's been known for a long time that some movies are basically military recruitment drives, since WWII and maybe before. That seems pretty harmless and patriotic to me.

Did this CIAR actually get formed? I couldn't find a website or anything for them.

I'd be more interested in a list of movies/tv they had a hand in. (FOIA?)

a4690b  No.2492380


>If you can't look at nearly 20 years of fighting the deep state by Alex Jones you're a blind nigger.

Good point

16a7a5  No.2492381


^This. Fucking lurk moar and STFU

022e6a  No.2492382


Totally agree!!!

8db74a  No.2492383


ya, I think they are monitoring the boards on when it's the right time to pull the trigger. There is a play yet before they un-seal the indictments.

f28332  No.2492384



Glad they at;east included that video with it.

They still echo the same talking points of the media( being newsweek)

I wonder how many more local or independent papers in other countries, have more truthful stories about Q

ec1f18  No.2492385

File: becda2551f2d7ba⋯.jpg (41.8 KB, 634x476, 317:238, ussr_babushka.jpg)

62c1ce  No.2492386

File: 3bec2cdd5822ba6⋯.png (31.22 KB, 591x110, 591:110, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)


5c7238  No.2492387




I could've hopped, but I really don't care, I'm doing something in another thread

check the posts faggot (just 16a7a5)

you might learn something

b9fecc  No.2492388


Okay that is fine, no problem.

d91aa1  No.2492390



No responce? Nothing?

9345e1  No.2492391


didn't see it posted, too busy


7f9d03  No.2492392


At least She is getting exercise

8341c7  No.2492393

File: cf29fb1b0dbf52c⋯.jpg (6.23 KB, 173x198, 173:198, appel2.jpg)


5ece22  No.2492394


fuck all those people and fuck those who blame their misery on others and a conspiracy… no one in all history has had as good as you do now

cf249c  No.2492395


Dave is woke AF. Much of this shit we're fighting is woven throughout lyrics across multiple albums.

d0f0ac  No.2492396

File: 3d011de81e14dd4⋯.jpg (168.67 KB, 700x732, 175:183, ComeyInIowa.jpg)

24a259  No.2492397

File: 16a6a7cb20616fc⋯.png (258.52 KB, 474x337, 474:337, 59a7f97ee06579ec9b5f59f7d4….png)


iz old oldfag anon

but new fags need to go back to bread 1 qay one then lurk for a few months at least (yrs even) before they post

62c1ce  No.2492398



16a7a5  No.2492399

AGAIN, STFU NEWFAG with almost 30 posts! Go back to Reddit

6da69d  No.2492400


not gray.

they're promoting one political ideology at the expense of another, therefore they're directly affecting the political process - thus, 1st amendment or FEC violations apply (both apply really)

a714e8  No.2492401


Wow..nice assessment Anon. I think that all the damned cabals have gotten a pass from FBI/IRS for many years while the Tea Party and conservatives have gotten raked through the coals. They turn a 'blind eye' to the evil doers as they're part of the damned cabal clan.

69b819  No.2492402

File: 9d414a9d16052ce⋯.png (921.45 KB, 825x803, 75:73, ClipboardImage.png)

f4dbe2  No.2492404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Electromagnetic Chambers Discovered INSIDE Great Pyramid of Giza

a recent study Published in the Journal of Applied Physics, which was conducted by researchers and Physicists from Germany and Russia, which provided scientific data based on calculations which showed that the Great Pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy inside of its internal chambers as well as under its base and inside the subterranean chamber.

c34a3e  No.2492405


The important thing is

There are bots and propaganda

Trying to affect the election

The part about who is doing it

Is pretty much irrelevant.

What is very very important

Is for everyone to THINK about all sources of info

What are they trying to get you to do?

Does this info have confirmation of the claimed facts?

Are the sources used for confirmation truly independent sources?

Who cares where the info comes from

You DO NOT TRUST an authority (or infp source)

You trust the ifo based on the confirmed facts

That back it up.

You look at the message

And not at the messenger

For now, Russia is a handy placeholder

So that people do not waste a lot of time

Trying to figure out who is spreading the misinfo

Focus your efforts on unveiling the facts

Which show that it really is misinfo.

Get it?

308946  No.2492406


>even their protests are inefficient

>the faulty paradigm of large government from both sides: a perspective

5c7238  No.2492407

File: 26c09887bddee98⋯.jpg (49.41 KB, 500x411, 500:411, pepechocking.jpg)


I said I was young, not new dumbass

fuck reddit

want me to hop???

b819c5  No.2492408



Q migrated twice because of previous mod teams. Got tired of it. I created QResearch as soon as Q suggested we need a dedicated research board.

If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. Not to say that I'm more qualified than anyone else here, but I'm a nobody with no interest in fame/money/following. All I want is for some work to get done and to see shills BTFO'd.


I'm eating, bro, chill.

a4690b  No.2492409

File: c6629bdc213c57b⋯.png (7.36 KB, 250x250, 1:1, stopread.png)


AJ may, or may not, be comped

Q may, or may not, be comped

For all we know Trump could be too

Personally, I don't think any of them are, but you aren't learning the lesson of this board if you're still stuck on titles and faces and the whole act of taking knowledge based on a perceived authority.

The lesson of this board is to look up each statement, fact, news story, and make your own determination.

Doesn't matter if AJ or Q is comped if 99% of what they say is true.

Just keep an eye out for any gatekeeping and don't get lazy with fact checking.

5f2bc4  No.2492410


Checking notes first could save you digging time…:)

9911ff  No.2492411


Yep agreed completely

5517de  No.2492412

File: 4d0ed7493bd77c6⋯.png (553.49 KB, 702x395, 702:395, botcottjews_002.png)


We are boycotting you kind.

Enjoy the ghetto where you belong.

4e1138  No.2492413


this article not withstanding, search qanon on this shit site. Be careful who you follow, anon.

022e6a  No.2492414


Look at that, someone with 29 posts is saying "Kike" and defending Alex Jones.


I don't think I can figure this one out.

5ece22  No.2492415


its really simple about AJ and Q

you can like people who dont like each other.

Do it all the time.

16bed7  No.2492416

File: 26c5b977e93707a⋯.png (98.09 KB, 431x374, 431:374, getoffmylawn.png)


And if POTUS was home, he'd be like…

9911ff  No.2492417


Thanks BO for all you do. I wish I could buy you beers one day

308946  No.2492418


Can you put that apple on a bunch of kikes in a gas chamber over their fashionable yellow stars?

69b819  No.2492419

c458fc  No.2492420


that just makes me laugh

2b5345  No.2492421


I cannot fathom what your agenda is here to have a hostile reaction to this and to lie about it. But, man do you sound ridiculous to anyone who has even a remote understanding of ancient Greek.

I would suspect you're lying, but even so, do you understand that modern Greek and Koine Greek have about as much in common as Middle English and olde English?

Being a native English speaker doesn't mean you can read Beowulf in the original text. It's like having to learn a new language.

Regardless, what does it matter? I mean, you can do a little research with the original texts in which the word we eventually translated to "Christian" appears and a Koine Greek translation guide. But even so, it really doesn't change a single thing about my point.

Say it does mean the English connotation of "of Christ." The point stands. If the word means "of Christ" then we should be thinking of ourselves as human beings who are of Christ. Not as part of a group called "Christians."

I do not understand your motives, here. Unless your intentionally attempting to slide because you don't like discussion of God or Christ.

58fcf6  No.2492422


14 For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; 15 and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised. 16 From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

62c1ce  No.2492423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

But not the British Children…


c1bb1a  No.2492424

File: bff73c3206d4699⋯.jpeg (242 KB, 640x629, 640:629, 0D543EDE-1DB0-412B-9F5A-6….jpeg)


16a7a5  No.2492425


Go for it faggot. I will filter your nonsense regardless. You fucking think you are so important here to constantly post inane bullshit? GFY

fbcd36  No.2492426


Q no private coms

AJ i have personally talked to Q

f89814  No.2492427

1 John 4:10-20 (i realize the 4 10 20 is dates and D J T, but this just adds to the meme magick.

be blessed anons.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

13 This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

19 We love because he first loved us. 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brothe1 John 4:10-20 (i realize the 4 10 20 is dates and D J T, but this just adds to the meme magick.

be blessed anons.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

13 This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

19 We love because he first loved us. 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.r or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.

5f2bc4  No.2492428


I can vouch for BO. Was there when he volunteered.

c56d8c  No.2492429


POTUS should tweet to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce (City of WeHo has absolute nothing to to with the WoF)

Something along the lines of.

"Please remove my Star from The Walk of Fame, Since I am not a Child Molester or a Rapist, My name does not belong there."

d91aa1  No.2492430


Years? You're funny. It's not rocket science.

Those who live by the sword shall die by sword.

8341c7  No.2492431


who speaking of, I think that is what we want to preserve. or am I talking too a faggot.

28b2f0  No.2492432

File: adee5f5f887169c⋯.jpg (206.88 KB, 498x518, 249:259, antifa.jpg)

308946  No.2492433

File: 8582d93ae6b39d0⋯.mp4 (8.85 MB, 426x320, 213:160, 8582d93ae6b39d0b8de4444b7a….mp4)

654b17  No.2492434


Blessings BO for creating a board that helps us rather than selling out to Corsi kek

33c3d5  No.2492436

File: 45abadb2c7a89a4⋯.jpg (158.51 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 45abadb2c7a89a48fea90e1721….jpg)


^ here is how not to


62c1ce  No.2492437


It did me too. Audibly. So I had to move on to this. Laughing is awesome. I didn't laugh much the past 10 or so years, but now…


eab09e  No.2492438


Just cuz still having lag issues. Will bake early and restart computer, so I'll be a little late rejoining next bread. Please call "notable" on stuff you want in this bread!

#3143 baker change

>>2492260 Anon speculates re: Manafort and the possible leverage thereof

>>2491854, >>2491864, >>2491918, >>2492256 C_A emails re: Agents in Afghan

>>2491924 CIA Whistleblower: Trump Is Doing What Kennedy Tried To

3cbee3  No.2492439

>>2492248, >>2492237

BO, Baker

I am lurkingBaker. Can you post your updated pastebin, just in case?

3683e6  No.2492440

File: c68bfb48f1293b7⋯.png (257.93 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4768.PNG)

File: 9924691e55272ba⋯.png (395.25 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4769.PNG)

File: 5428fb2e77d9521⋯.png (595.3 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4770.PNG)

File: db12682ea12c91d⋯.png (581.06 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4771.PNG)

So the bill that allowed the companies to censore are backing the entire lie on the russian collusion myth.

Holy shit.

They are caught censoring, find out the law that allows them to, was passed as a cover. It gave them a hands in the cookiejar approach and oppurtunity to legally control public thought.

They lie about the actual reason they can use the censoring act (HR-5181).. and they censor the conservatives/"alt right".. the actual act is bad of course but so many levels.. and levels i have not thought of.. Jeebus. They are up to their eyeballs in their own backed up sewage.

No wonder HIllary smells like shit.

May 10, 2016 is the start, 180 days is Nov 6th, 2016. How convenient that the propaganda order starts Sunday Nov. 6th 2016.. 2 days before election day.

They had their propaganda wheel ready. Part of the Insurance plan. This means that @jack, MZ, Schmidt/Page, Bezos would have all been contacted and would have met w Obama , prob VJ, EH.. Hillary.. Huma, maybe Bill, Brennan, Pinetta(sp?) to lay down the plan (more but all I could think of.. maybe DWS, Podesta.. etc

So they are all hosed on yet another "LAYER" of bullssshitt..

Just Started w the first few pages, going to highlight the others, they will be a continuation of this first post.

bf1779  No.2492441

If the RA material is outdated what would you look at now as a source of spiritual knowledge?

"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” – 1 Corinthians 3:16

b86a76  No.2492442

when the swamp is drained all the swamp creatures will be exposed


Alex Jones is a fucking liar

165375  No.2492443


Yeah that's why everyone else cites them KEK

But we're condemned for being 'open source' diggers with no real juice. Pshhhhhh.

Open source is open but that doesn't mean discovered.

2e4712  No.2492445

File: 67de980bf53e6cb⋯.jpg (30.15 KB, 453x500, 453:500, peperabbit.jpg)


<still didn't read any post, continues to bitch and whine


hopped so the bitch would quit the muh post count

read one of the side by sides, not a shill, just posted too much

but muh post count

2255d1  No.2492446

Thank you, BO. Hope to see you at the parade.

308946  No.2492447


Being that I'm slaying 6 kike shills at once is the math really that difficult for you niggerbrain?


False. See >>2491733

>The video posted as "evidence" of him claiming to have spoken with Q is him quoting a conversation with someone else

16bed7  No.2492449

File: 874564585c48ade⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, somuchtext.gif)

eab09e  No.2492450



fbcd36  No.2492451


thats what i was getting at

5ece22  No.2492452


addressing people who have to bring in the : Jews are evil into every bread.

and no more than you Gaylord.

e9307c  No.2492453


I doubt the illuminati follow RA and the Law of One material They're not Luciferian. The entity Ra came from Venus. Although the deeper you dig, you realize it's all sort of connected. Max Spears, who is now deceased, had some good intel on the connection. He was the real thing, which I can attest to since I've heard him lecture. I think most people who follow the Law of One material would be horrified to be associated with the Illuminati.

f89814  No.2492454

File: b6a855431a5a026⋯.jpg (274.67 KB, 926x734, 463:367, 1510457909339.jpg)


sorry bout the duble serving of copypasta

here have a dank meme

532b36  No.2492455



>Meaning, the only people who really had leverage over him is the FBI/IRS. Did they ignore the laundering in exchange for being a plant?

Makes sense. Most people thought HRC was going to win so Manafort figured he had nothing to lose by cooperating with this illegal deal which would basically wipe all the taxes he owed to the IRS. Provided that HRC won the presidency in 2016. Which logically means that if Mueller is hammered down on Manafort with such intensity he is basically fingering him for the IRS/FBI connections that were "proxy agents" for the HRC / Cabal group.

Anyone else got a different view?


>Those who live by the sword shall die by sword.

I believe what Jesus meant by that was that those people who rashly resort to violent action will always surely die of it.

a714e8  No.2492456

File: d0a01d010b0f68c⋯.png (27.46 KB, 546x283, 546:283, ClipboardImage.png)

1f5f3a  No.2492457



308946  No.2492458


>Alex Jones is a fucking liar

>no sauce provided

>let mass internet censorship happen goys

16a7a5  No.2492459


Nope you are at 29 now faggot

4a4009  No.2492460

We have the best BO.

022e6a  No.2492461


I don't hang out on Reddit. I did read the Q link to reddit, with the censored posts outed. That was brilliant.

62c1ce  No.2492462

File: f4d0b02127592f1⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1085x770, 31:22, ClipboardImage (47).png)


I've always been in your corner 100% through all of it. You've handled it like a fucking champ, and if you are just another deplorable anon, then all the more. Kudos!!

37e6bf  No.2492463


I too witnessed the CBTS fuckery and famewhoring.

BO is most based BO.

that's why when shills start up with muh BO is comped, I know it's bullshit

3cbee3  No.2492464



BO can you czech me, just in case?


Prepped. Let me know if you want me to bake it.

d91aa1  No.2492465


Thanks. So you were quite surprised when Q

showed up then?

e7876b  No.2492466




>Q migrated twice because of previous mod teams. Got tired of it. I created QResearch as soon as Q suggested we need a dedicated research board.

Can confirm, saw it happen RT. The Patriots went, and I went, too. And we're still here by the grace of God.

ec1f18  No.2492467


We're about 10000 years to late figuring it out.

fbcd36  No.2492468



2e4712  No.2492469

File: 51a740d5f1fe8ae⋯.png (321.21 KB, 666x483, 222:161, ClipboardImage.png)


whiny soyboy bitch

d0f0ac  No.2492470

File: 65e521e022d0c6b⋯.jpg (365.42 KB, 1052x1052, 1:1, Qcookie.jpg)

Yo, ebot, cookie for youse.

But youse got to start namefaggin' again so youse can get filtered, or no more cookies.

b819c5  No.2492472

308946  No.2492473


>I too witnessed the CBTS fuckery and famewhoring

>the rise of the normieanon

Every faggot normie constantly breaking culture and opsec giving themselves a somethinganon name.

515055  No.2492474

File: 986107a0560a22a⋯.png (160.06 KB, 510x299, 510:299, 986107a0560a22a8bc59ab2340….png)

532b36  No.2492475


>My sister's native Greek BF says you're fake and gay.

You sound like a fucking faggot. Do you suck of your sisters greek boyfriend as well?

eab09e  No.2492476


New thread already created:

Q Research General #3144: Research Yourselves, Trust Yourselves Edition

c92400  No.2492477

File: f14b255e90b3cab⋯.jpg (59.57 KB, 991x902, 991:902, 1517854477759.jpg)

d91aa1  No.2492478


Are you also "anonomous" or are you "known" by

those who post here?

2b5345  No.2492479


Very well said. I am frustrated by how even those who are believers frame this understanding. It must be felt as reality in the present. A genuine prayer to a listening and present God for salvation is very different from converting to a religion.

971d08  No.2492481


I think this bill is what we have been calling mockingbird, or they used the CIA playbook to implement parts of it.

b86a76  No.2492482


Q no private coms

AJ i have personally talked to Q

6bedbf  No.2492483


>At least She is getting exercise

Best comment I have seen all day

c2939f  No.2492484


Can confirm, I was there and many had been warning anons and calling for a migration for weeks.

When Q called for it, lots of anons were trying to create a new board, I think BO just happened to have his ping pong ball called and rolled with it.

It worked best that way, because as it turns out the people who will push to be a leader will always be a worthless faggot.

Chances are way better if you just close your eyes and pick an anon at random.

53e248  No.2492486


Not to blow smoke up yer ass BO, but have to say, been on this board since day one, and have been truly impressed by your discernment and patience a number of times. Glad that happenstance or whatever lead Q to choose this board of yours.

022e6a  No.2492488


he definitely lied about that. If he's been working with Zionists all this time, he's got to go down.

f28f92  No.2492489

File: 270162a44919ee1⋯.jpg (80.91 KB, 600x601, 600:601, 270162a44919ee1378cf4b96e5….jpg)


Nice "work boots", you lanky cunt.


eb191f  No.2492490

Russia sets standards for organic food production

President Vladimir Putin has signed a new law regulating production, storing and transportation of organic produce in Russia. The decree bans agrochemicals, pesticides, antibiotics growth stimulators and hormones.

The new law, previously approved by both chambers of the Russian Parliament, will enter force on January 1, 2020. The regulation introduces references to “organic produce,”“manufacturer of organic produce” and “organic agriculture,” as well as sets control over producing, storing, labeling, selling and transporting goods of the kind.

The legislation doesn’t cover such goods as perfumery, cosmetics, and medicines, forest plants seeds, hunting and fishing produce apart from aquaculture.

Similar regulations have been approved by more than 80 countries so far. The first attempts to adopt the measure in Russia were taken 15 years ago. The legislation may help Russia take 25 percent stake in the global organic produce market, said Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev earlier this year.

The measure, which also includes creating of a national register, will help to force dishonest players out of the market and will have a positive impact on the quality of organic products, according to State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

c1bb1a  No.2492491

File: a6dda6065bfbd9b⋯.jpeg (199.65 KB, 640x525, 128:105, 743F8FD9-2940-453B-9479-5….jpeg)

Almost 1000 retweet’s an hour

3683e6  No.2492492



16bed7  No.2492493


You really haven't been paying attention, have you?


a4690b  No.2492494

16a7a5  No.2492496


And you are a self important wannabe. Newfag now at 30 posts. Half of mine are me telling you to STFU and lurk moar. Why don't you realize you have nothing to offer other than your bullshit? Soyboy? Kek, newfaggot. I probably banged your mom in High school.

5517de  No.2492497


Trump needs to do the same.

4a4009  No.2492499

I sense a journalist amongst us. So many questions for the BO.

083f84  No.2492500


The RA material is outdated? Don't we go through 25000 yr cycles?

fa407c  No.2492501


Good quote there anon.

It reminds of the book about the God Emperor:

"Fear is the mind killer."

5f2bc4  No.2492502


Yep. This BO has the bestest BO Q ever had. Seasoned anons don't fall for that BO compd shit.

80778c  No.2492503


Nobody is backing away from Q.


"Anglozionist" is the new "homosexual".

6b0a1b  No.2492504

File: eb8dd4acdf9f5b8⋯.png (877.11 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, ClipboardImage.png)

b86a76  No.2492505



great video, thanQ anon

16bed7  No.2492506

File: 759c2c705f64949⋯.png (33.91 KB, 552x361, 552:361, ancientcircuitboards.png)

2e4712  No.2492507


<still didn't read any post

<continues the nonsense

grow up faggot

49bf77  No.2492508

File: c52878526699ee8⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 257x383, 257:383, 2fbuz4.jpg)

3cbee3  No.2492509


New Bread Number

Don't post until Baker finishes his bake.

AssistantBaker trying to help out.

You'll know he's done when you see the new Dough posted.

2255d1  No.2492510


Anon I really need to know how you go about making notes, or highlighting/underlining/circling pdfs/jpgs/pngs?

Would make it so much easier to share findings.

5517de  No.2492512

File: 0af212b46182929⋯.png (124.64 KB, 500x512, 125:128, illuminati.png)

"Illuminati" my ass.

It is the jew. Name the fucking jew, already.

32b5b9  No.2492513


I gave a link to bread zero for the newfags and you want to cut them a break and skip to one? you are getting soft oldfag

b819c5  No.2492514


Don't hesitate to criticize me when you feel it's necessary. I'm far from perfect.

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