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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png)

4e8c1e No.2443276

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"/Qresearch/ does not condone violence or the incitement of violent acts against any groups and/or individuals."




Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215, >>>/qproofs/130

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 08.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/117 ————————– We have the server[S] ( Cap: >>2441061 )

>>2436694 ————————————– Right on schedule

>>2435826 ————————————– T_D mods removing QAnon comments

>>2435401 rt >>2434941 ——————- Think WRAY (yesterday) Think [RR] (today)

>>2434815 rt >>2434705 ——————- What a wonderful day

>>2434705 ————————————– Do you believe in coincidences?

>>>/patriotsfight/116 ————————– List of sealed indictments ( Cap: >>2433964 )

>>>/patriotsfight/115 ————————– List of reporters who colluded with the HRC Campaign ( Cap: >>2433773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/114 ————————– BIGGEST COVER UP IN US HISTORY [ATTEMPTED] ( Caps: >>2433500 , >>2433557 )

>>2430708 ————————————– Full attack mode. Washington Post leading?

>>2426184 rt >>2425988 ——————- Incorrect decoding. Not the person. Think connection

>>2425988 rt >>2425560 ——————- Comms dark. Message sent. 5:5?

>>2425781 ————————————– How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections

Thursday 08.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/113 ————————–------- Something BIG is about to drop

>>2422155 rt >>2422143 ------------------- Now We Know Why Q Didn't Post Before the Rally

>>2422097 -------------------------------------- Threat received. USSS acted appropriately.

>>>/patriotsfight/112 ————————– Think New Arrivals. Proofs are important. Thank You Autists/Anons.

>>2413825 rt >>2413389 ------------------- VIP Access.

>>>/patriotsfight/111 ————————– SHEEP NO MORE.

>>2407847 -------------------------------------- Welcome to the Mainstream.

>>2406483 rt >>2405745 ------------------- [[RR]] Approved FISA. FISA = Start

>>2405745 ————————————– FISA FISA FISA

Wednesday 08.01.18

>>2397365 rt >>2397147 —————— Fishing is fun!

>>2395861 ------------------------------------- What happens when you are a THREAT to the MSM/OLD GUARD?

>>2395254 rt >>2395142 ------------------ Did you notice the FOX NEWS coverage of ‘Qanon’ last night?

>>2395142 ------------------------------------- MSM Coordination? Pre-planning has its advantages.

>>2394125 ------------------------------------- Mainstream = when you are the news.

>>2393006 rt >>2392766 ------------------ Who is the one person who can answer about QANON? POTUS. [Less Than 10].

>>2391916 rt >>2391787 & >>2391804 Numbers of Patriots Worldwide & Message to Steyer

>>2391757 rt >>2391684 ------------------ You are now mainstream. Handle w/ care.

>>2391684 ------------------------------------- Do you think they got the [4am] memo?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

FIND ALL Q POSTS AT: qanon.pub , qmap.pub/ , qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ , qanon.news/posts.html

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

4e8c1e No.2443293


are not endorsements


>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2443018 Trump Twat Asking DF if she will Invesigate Herself

>>2442800, >>2442838 For the NewFags (and no that is NOT an insult, learn our culture please)

>>2442638 POTUS Tweet (Buy Greg Jarrett's Book). If the Boss is down, so is the Baker!!

>>2442131 Do You Believe in Coincidences Graphic

>>2443280 #3080


>>2442315 Bill Mitchell Twat "Do I believe in Q? I know some (very) powerful people who do."

>>2442167 Qanon Code of Ethics Graphic

>>2442109 Iranian People Protesting Continues In Multiple Cities For 4th Consecutive Day

>>2442058 NBC News reports Real News

>>2441829, >>2441895 US Ambassador Grenell quietly blocks $400 million transfer from Germany to Iran

>>2442524 #3079


>>2441623 Pics of "The Server" & Other Equipment From the Vault 7 Drop

>>2441376 Gay Pedo Claiming to Be Trillionaire Rothschild Prince Lured 8 Boys for Child Porn

>>2441143 Nolte: Establishment Media Normalize Racism and Hate

>>2441065 Bill Binney In His Own Words: "A Collaborative Conspiracy To Subvert The US Government"

>>2441709 #3078

#3077 New Baker Incoming

>>2440498 Faggit user Sean Spicer cries LARP on comped platform.

>>2440267 Washington Examiner Reports: FBI releases heavily redacted documents on Trump dossier author

>>2440235 Judge who ordered the restart of the DACA program today was also a FISA Judge

>>2440234 ABC Reports: FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

>>2440212 (lb) Las Vegas Sheriff Announces End To Mandalay Bay Massacre Investigation

>>2440943 #3077


>>2440068 POTUS latest tweets

>>2440057 FBI paid dossier author Christopher Steele, heavily redacted documents show

>>2439832 , >>2439895 Reed Smith Haiti connection

>>2439809 , >>2439829, >>2439844 George Soros' mansion. Dig

>>2439803 Why is the mid year exam FBI report referenced by Q referred to the department of Treasury?

>>2439751 Reed Smith BoD

>>2439719 Storage device is a Cisco NSS-344

>>2439616 John Tighe reports on the new NXIVM board named in Necker Island 2010

>>2439615 Pics of Servers in latest Hillary FBI drop

>>2439558 Headsup to newfags on Tiresias the Tard, one of our resident psychos

>>2439506 One of the founders of Reed Smith was a Federal Judge

>>2439482 111 days says Iran is next

>>2439415 HRC RELEASE: GET IN THERE. Previous findings in notes below

>>2437947 (pb) Lashback at Acosta

>>2439461 (pb) Anon reports that while qanon.pub says EST it is in fact showing EDT. Can Qanon.pub anon take a look?

>>2440092 #3076


>>2439121 Reference to the existence of backup files for the destroyed blackberries

>>2438823 , >>2439071 Reminder that qanon.pub is in EST (one hour behind EDT)

>>2438900 Page 99 The successor server reference

>>2438785 Google in China and Project Dragonfly

>>2438763 Full list of who NOT to vote for

>>2438730 QQuotes on 'the server'

>>2438720 , >>2438732 , >>2438891 , >>2438898 , >>2438993 Past QPosts ---- Recap for Newfrens

>>2438384 (all lb) >>2438388, >>2438401, >>2438408, >>2438418, >>2438442 Screenshots of HRC server docs .pdf

>>2439331 #3075


>>2438486 Kushners Sell 666 Fifth Avenue Office Tower To Brookfield

>>2438356 POTUS tweets on Space Force

>>2438241 Breaking news on the dossier

>>2438011 Q posts a cap from qmap.pub

>>2437787 (pb) Judicial Watch: Letter ordering HRC's files destroyed

>>2437994 server[S] ideas

>>2437965 Michael Steinbach dig

>>2437950 Donald Trump on Hillary Clinton's 33,000 yoga and wedding emails

>>2437944 Tampering of evidence by the "Filter Team"

>>2437935 Clockfag Update

>>2438552 #3074

Previously Collected Notables

>>2437819 #3073

>>2437835 #3072, >>2438465 #3071, >>2439881 #3070,

>>2433273 #3067, >>2433961 #3068, >>2438504 #3069

>>2430144 #3064, >>2432454 #3065, >>2432470 #3066

>>2428633 #3061, >>2429370 #3062, >>2429395 #3063

>>2427032 #3060, >>2427058 #3059, >>2427852 #3061

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Post last edited at

4e8c1e No.2443299

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 – Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 — META

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

>>2089271 – New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

>>2294272 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>2399939 –- Clockwork Qrange #3 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#34 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>2437633 , >>2437666

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

4e8c1e No.2443302

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Q Clearance Archive:



MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf'''*

Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup:''' docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button >>2374212

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* PAVUK Keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this -→ >>2438883

dd3120 No.2443303

File: 9db9a54ddeff4af⋯.png (51.41 KB, 501x582, 167:194, spicy.png)

File: 3fda795322a0524⋯.jpg (6.93 KB, 200x202, 100:101, images (1).jpg)

File: f852798f76e6af0⋯.png (85.77 KB, 931x443, 931:443, arfcom qanon connection.png)

File: 1b99858bf85f15f⋯.png (444.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1533252952448.png)

Sup boomerfags

"Spicer has been out of the whitehouse since before the first Q drop"

The date the drops started is not the date The Plan started in motion.

Remember that, retards? Wasn't this something years in the planning?

the defense you should have picked is "less than 10 can confirm me"


4e8c1e No.2443313



dd3120 No.2443317

File: 47c2db01ac15a20⋯.jpg (20.85 KB, 634x254, 317:127, 1533333072010.jpg)

Look familiar, you metamucil swilling codgers?

4e8c1e No.2443322

File: 30f42524a93cfa1⋯.jpeg (116.58 KB, 723x723, 1:1, ShittingUpBread.jpeg)

14396c No.2443331

File: c3053e8a59dff2b⋯.png (922.25 KB, 1440x854, 720:427, Fake_page_curl_effect.png)

File: 0b31d0727d26683⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, alex jones admits he is bi….mp4)

File: 657fc0fc3f06227⋯.jpg (6.84 MB, 8893x6548, 8893:6548, Alex Jones Bill Hicks Slid….jpg)

File: 0df624851263519⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1440x853, 1440:853, Praise satan.png)

File: 3adfcb892ac45f4⋯.jpg (153.25 KB, 840x417, 280:139, crazy_alex.jpg)


The phrase "sheep dipped", is commonly used in intelligence circles. It's a way of saying someone has been given an alternate identity. The best known example being Air America, but also in many other covert ops applications. Not necessarily military. "Those who were accepted got "sheep-dipped" and vanished."

Dipping a sheep gets rid of creepy crawlies. Dipping a person figuratively gets rid of details of his/her former life.

SHEEP-DIPPED - Stripping a soldier of his military uniform and identification so he can pose as a civilian during a covert mission.

Lee Harvey Oswald was "sheep dipped" in order to carry on his involvement in the CIA's clandestine activities.




d9118c No.2443342

>>2443317 I know and you know you are losing. Your whole goal in life is to become an metamucil swilling codger. Ha, ha.

dca428 No.2443349

File: b0698a8242689af⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20180803_000352.gif)


haow's trix¿◇?

dd3120 No.2443369


This is ironic, right? It has to be ironic. There's no way someone would make this image with the punisher skulls and matrix shit seriously. It's not 2005.

deab60 No.2443370

File: 28a41094d0c428c⋯.jpg (551.75 KB, 3500x2488, 875:622, ec4b18ec454454f92a7aaba1c7….jpg)

File: 5b5cb9529c65200⋯.jpg (30.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: c0ab4d9a8766556⋯.jpg (17.19 KB, 275x200, 11:8, Lebron-Illuminati3.jpg)

File: 8aa9a082b600050⋯.jpg (109.3 KB, 620x350, 62:35, Rabbi-to-LeBron-James-othe….jpg)

File: bd81269a540f8ec⋯.gif (108.06 KB, 500x300, 5:3, satanlebron.gif)


*breathes in*


529f5a No.2443372


Click here:


Then use the links to download our work!




cfd463 No.2443373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


d9118c No.2443374

>>2443369 I think the trolls are climbing out from under the bridge.

93c3db No.2443375

File: a64039bf5f840f7⋯.png (55.99 KB, 590x288, 295:144, asshole.png)

36b54a No.2443376

thinking we need to go dig on mr. james. he just opened a something or other for at risk kids. potus has something on this guy to be going here on a friday night at nearly midnight. Lets go DIG!!!

b11ec9 No.2443377

Mike and Jim have the same surname.

b33563 No.2443378

17 reported dead in helicopter crash in Russia

A Mi-8 helicopter with passengers on board has crashed in the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia, in Russia. According to preliminary reports, up to 17 people have died in the crash.



92c4f0 No.2443379


most likely not related, I think.

f280c0 No.2443380

l like Mike….. Michael Jordan?

e10805 No.2443381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LeBron not the dumbest guy on the planet.

e8d292 No.2443382


looks like that's a vintage qresearch/cbts character, known to larp as AI and have groupies

e8c913 No.2443383

File: 3816dfe2d465077⋯.jpg (19.91 KB, 200x311, 200:311, download (1).jpg)

>>2443357 lb

please go have a chat with Mr. Smith and Dr. Wesson

34a830 No.2443384

File: fa2053e52ad2695⋯.png (104.94 KB, 620x591, 620:591, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06014555788fd52⋯.png (100.17 KB, 629x486, 629:486, ClipboardImage.png)

529f5a No.2443385




9f4045 No.2443386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e1e9ca No.2443387

5 minutes to :00 on the clock

93c3db No.2443388

File: dfe59d9c463c668⋯.jpg (34.22 KB, 474x355, 474:355, dangerousshit.jpg)


4e8c1e No.2443389

Any Bakers Lurking?

I can go one more, but will probably be toast by then…

b11ec9 No.2443390


Maybe it's da comms, yo

d47b6d No.2443391

>>2443311 LB all data is applicale, just publish what you have read…and the connections you see. there is no wrong data, yet, the truth has been buried long enough? tell Bakers, Amen! Learn to be a Librarian!..write BO,personally..expect nothing, yet…Hope.

0b119b No.2443392

>>2443015 pb

You see antifa?

You see the masks they wear?

You know they call themselves anonymous?

They organize their shit on the chan too.

We try real hard not to get lumped in with them.

5040b4 No.2443393





5ff8f7 No.2443394

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂@ new POTUS tweet…


Hahaha. The balls on this man. I love everything about him!

I literally went to Twitter to check if it was legit😂😂😂😂😂


It is


And then I got lost in the comments. Hahahaha.

We just saw, what I like to call, <<@POTUS wisdom>>

Top fucken KEK

d9118c No.2443395

>>2443370 Darn. I actually was hoping that LeBron was doing something good with his new school in Akron, Ohio. This sinks that hope. Triangle=bad.

78854e No.2443396

File: 0a73673aacc632b⋯.png (243.7 KB, 1029x480, 343:160, ClipboardImage.png)

Finally…someone putting down their foot and not accepting the "/s" signature bullshit.

7/10/18 Assistant Inspector General DOD, "we cannot accept the /signed/ symbol in place of the actual signature."

Whoever came up with that nonsense anyway? STINKS OF CABAL!


d3c7ad No.2443398



He's gonna be called racist in 4am talking points.

92c4f0 No.2443399


Anon. We are anons, not nerds.

Of course, it's MJ. #45 and the GOAT.

11e04a No.2443400


Panic in DC.

Leverage depleted - POTUS freed.

EXTREME chatter.



USSS on high alert.


e1e9ca No.2443401


i can bake in about half an hour if you collect notables til then, baker

f731c6 No.2443402


WHAT?! Shining Path!

I remember hearing about Shining path long ago when I was in Army Psyop

Dude that started it was a CIA Professor who went to "School of Americas" as I recall.

He spent years and years vetting his inner circle/cells

I thought they were long gone

ef557a No.2443403

File: d7e147b21faf8b6⋯.jpg (213.76 KB, 800x800, 1:1, F0-dont654-trip3A1-15-the5….JPG)

File: 5e8c5479dcc5598⋯.jpg (180.76 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Fp0dE25t96a0-1f55oD-0r01s0….jpg)

property-management/Hot-Tubs-and-PoolsHot Tubs and Pools

deepc ree kvacationscomvacation-rentals/the-west-wing /13 14 -1 3 6 802

dc va

tor onion deep in west wing

f6b017 No.2443404


All the GA Reddit users are telling the family NOT to do it, it’s a trap

dca428 No.2443405

File: 97b3a316b0420c7⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 540x317, 540:317, 8565701c-3661-49e5-ae6c-1c….gif)

<eat mæı cocksucker.



3b14e8 No.2443406

File: 1a9030b036d3635⋯.png (128.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-08-04-04-4….png)

File: 0a6ee344859f016⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 630x330, 21:11, 47518-prayer-love-book-hea….jpg)

For all of us who are not bots of any nationality.

A sad incident that encompasses us all with sadness.

b1b20c No.2443407

File: 65a4340ffbc645e⋯.gif (10.5 MB, 600x338, 300:169, antifa knockout.gif)


sure we do

5040b4 No.2443408


Yeah they didn't support Hitler and they don't support Trump (history lesson)


Read their shit! They are retards.

f12239 No.2443409


Hey cuz

93c3db No.2443410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6678a7 No.2443411


I'll extend a second bread for Q and A. Don't be shy. I was once you.

Here is an unsolicited norm here:

>>2442800 (last) , >>2442838 (pb) For the NewFags (and no that is NOT an insult, learn our culture please)

See the "last" and "pb" ??

That means last bread or previous bread. We don't like clicking shit not knowing it's not part of THIS bread. You will piss off anons if you don't follow this norm.

That said… norms?

We don't normally famefag ourselves across 2 breads… I am making an exception for you. All hail the newfags for they seek the truth.

Ask away.

ef557a No.2443412


get on this anons archive

p o d tsa vacation hotspot

25b11e No.2443413


Spill some army psyop knowledge army psyop anon

df4fb5 No.2443414

File: 3ca914472d4435b⋯.jpg (54.85 KB, 647x448, 647:448, crazy-wisdom.jpg)

>>2443039 lb

Look into Tantric Buddhism.

Higher up you go, the weirder & sicker it gets.


0b119b No.2443415


Yes….. that would be completely stupid of them to do it.

92c4f0 No.2443416


LOL It could be. Just excited to see #45 stick up for #45 and stick it to LeBoi.

7d8ed3 No.2443417

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Faggots better not have forgot to trust this.

e3fd13 No.2443418

File: e15d2e43bf355de⋯.jpg (155.28 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, We Have It All.jpg)

1c9e82 No.2443419

File: 1fdb3b446a8465d⋯.png (115.85 KB, 639x625, 639:625, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)


Lebron James Agent, Dave Bugliari

He is Alyssa Milano's Husband.


4e8c1e No.2443420


I am good to bake once more…

1/2 an hour it will almost be time again. Will ask for a handoff after next bake

e8d292 No.2443421



but then they will fill the role with whoever they can find. so, might as well be people worthy of it.

fde2e1 No.2443422


who are you shills saying is Q now? be specific

a74e5c No.2443423


Those poor people will be walking into the Colosseum. I hope they don't go.

b11ec9 No.2443424


Waddup Jamal!

b2ec27 No.2443425

File: 946983d3e376c02⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 700x420, 5:3, mj88.jpg)

f731c6 No.2443426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jams for your Bread

For all you Niggas who should be working

your old lady

But you are choosing to work the boards instead.

(play out loud you may get laid still yet)

your welcome

bf5730 No.2443427


Bulge effect slightly overdone. also off center. shift image

maybe 60-120 pixels right? Unsure due to dip settings….

36b54a No.2443428



93c3db No.2443429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2a0cde No.2443430



>What is WFO/CI-13? How about CYD?

WFO = Washington Field Office

CyD = Cybercrime Division

Found a directory of FBI acronyms posted on the ACLU website:


52d7db No.2443431

I’ve always been disappointed by Q’s predictions, but I have a feeling some real shit is going down this weekend.

aaf7cb No.2443432


How long have you been on the chan?

9519ee No.2443433


both sides were clowns.

b33563 No.2443434



A Mi-8 helicopter with passengers on board has crashed in the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia, in Russia. According to preliminary reports, up to 17 people have died in the crash.

According to an emergency services source cited by TASS, the helicopter was operated by the Utair airline. It was carrying 15 passengers and two crew members. The crash took place shortly after take-off. RIA reports there were three crew members on board, bringing the total death toll to 18.

The helicopter's fuel tanks were reportedly full, causing a fire which completely incinerated the aircraft.


92c4f0 No.2443435


Does the husband owe back taxes, too?

5040b4 No.2443436


You are dumb.

Or black.


Whatever you do no good for us hanging out here.

Please leave.

e1e9ca No.2443437


sounds good

070c3d No.2443438

File: e46287b7430bd7c⋯.png (40.43 KB, 834x331, 834:331, ABC Disney colluded.png)

File: d469a7bebc57977⋯.png (975.64 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, 0eee.png)

File: 646f9b96a57f62d⋯.png (19.46 KB, 822x259, 822:259, entire interview staged wo….png)

File: 878f67abba108fd⋯.png (21.51 KB, 835x181, 835:181, even more on the media col….png)

File: 582a2770158cb5d⋯.png (67.76 KB, 843x535, 843:535, hillary pays to wine and d….png)

913f3d No.2443439

NEWFAGS I had a hard time migrating at first, didn't understand why bread ended….easiest way for me to get to current bread is through the catalog…hope it helps

b11ec9 No.2443440

I heard Jim Jordan dunks from past the free throw line.

a9110e No.2443441

File: 4fd1e3ae6bcd518⋯.jpg (61.73 KB, 600x436, 150:109, Future-Office-Worker.jpg)

What are you doing here every day that you think can be automated/scripted? Is there any tedious work that can be eliminated to save effort for tasks only minds are capable to solve. What can programmers do for you?

f12239 No.2443442


17. A message to Q?

57b93d No.2443443

File: 5c9f0abbd19ce54⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 420x280, 3:2, iu (4).jpg)

File: 5ada98660f1ac42⋯.jpg (34.91 KB, 422x320, 211:160, DSCN1178 (1).jpg)

529f5a No.2443444



b9c26e No.2443445

File: b704160e46b46c8⋯.jpg (27.9 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2f9ikr.jpg)

c85de9 No.2443446



11e04a No.2443447

FEB 10

“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”

Prayer said every single day in the OO.

JFK - Secret Socities.

Where we go one, we go all.


f6b017 No.2443448


Maybe someone should educate them. They didn’t even know how to get on 8 Chan and posted the GA on what to discuss

e3fd13 No.2443450


Noteable Baker

10abe6 No.2443451



Potus is Master Fast Trolling Mikie…. KEK…

Sour Lemon…. KEK'in

4e4e81 No.2443452

Ahhh… bahaha. POTUS you just set the NBA fan afire…I can't stop laughing at the comments

deab60 No.2443453





92c4f0 No.2443454

File: 05dc9d2715e043c⋯.jpg (164.4 KB, 440x432, 55:54, MJ.jpg)

6678a7 No.2443455


I have followed Q research since late Nov 17 or early Dec 17, cant recall an exact date.

f731c6 No.2443456


Manuals are all published online

Just download




d9118c No.2443457


You're trolling, jerk.

25b11e No.2443458


Something big is about to drop

e1ab95 No.2443459


good find

a42093 No.2443460


17 dead in that lake accident too wtf?

ef060e No.2443461

File: ca03d2cb3271815⋯.png (536.45 KB, 702x395, 702:395, jewfree.png)

When the goy learn about all of the crimes of the jews, after the pedogate scandal makes it into their conscience, BOYCOTTING the JEW will be the only PEACEFUL solution to the jew problem.

Boycotting works, it is effective, and it is totally legal.

f0c594 No.2443462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guise, just watched this oldie from the early '90s again.

This goes to show that this shit is not new and these fuckers really need to be brought to justice now!

From the pedos to NAMBLA to C_I. FB_, MSM, politicians, cops, leaders, you name it, it's all here.

Just repeat and move forward about 30 years (today) and it's still going on…

Sick fucks.

d47b6d No.2443463

who onboard? and why flying? to where?

3818a0 No.2443464

>>2443246 lb Our POTUS trolls so well, the criminals come to the White House to be arrested. Rosie O. you are awesome. She knows how to play the game.

5040b4 No.2443465


Nobody cares.

e8c913 No.2443466


should only do with voice modulator and in disguise

b2ec27 No.2443467

File: bbe76eb2cd432ee⋯.jpg (91.38 KB, 641x738, 641:738, mja6.jpg)

72b73f No.2443470

>>2443311 (lb)


You're just a fucking idiot.

Sigh….the fucktards are out in full force and it's making the children get cranky.


Ah, night shift.

a97bfa No.2443471

14e720 No.2443472

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB, 239x300, 239:300, EnjoyingTheShow.gif)


The World is about to change


6a64f1 No.2443473

File: e8ead9d025aa3d7⋯.jpg (258.46 KB, 902x789, 902:789, 1484510593748.jpg)

e8d292 No.2443474


oh… hm, yeah, maybe they should pass. for themselves, if anything, not saying this in a mean way

56bc14 No.2443475

File: 5e91ca6e5dd5ede⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 380x380, 1:1, 01660B94-D6A2-41DD-A26A-AD….gif)


Can I get a QRin your post? I read it 3 times and have no idea what your talking about.

b33563 No.2443476


A Mi-8 helicopter with passengers on board has crashed in the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia, in Russia. According to preliminary reports, 18 people have died in the crash.

According to an emergency services source cited by TASS, the helicopter was operated by the Utair airline. It was carrying 15 passengers and three crew members. Earlier reports put the death toll at 17.

The crash took place shortly after take-off, with the helicopter's fuel tanks full. The resulting fire reportedly completely incinerated the aircraft.


e3fd13 No.2443477

File: 2bfe25652f59e36⋯.jpg (169.99 KB, 1271x709, 1271:709, huma weiner pain.jpg)

File: 88a818913a078dd⋯.jpg (87.98 KB, 618x340, 309:170, huma podesta 6 Enjoy the s….jpg)

File: 1c408f8d5381e67⋯.jpg (77.67 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Huma Abedin John Podesta P….jpg)

File: 22253cf4c764add⋯.jpg (155.18 KB, 1271x709, 1271:709, huma.jpg)

3b14e8 No.2443478


No. an event humanity should care about. Think for yourself and realise how sad this is.

913f3d No.2443479


need passenger list… Russian agents recently indicted in US? …sorry not kekeing matter, kek

92c4f0 No.2443480


Maybe that was the 23 Q was talking about.

b1b20c No.2443481


Patriot Prayer are not clowns.

c85de9 No.2443482

File: 82b9133569cff15⋯.png (268.93 KB, 458x500, 229:250, 1 filter how 2.png)


For newfags.

fe11eb No.2443483


"I'm going to blast the Jews, Kyle"


9f4045 No.2443484

File: 469d722dd279f15⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1242x1226, 621:613, B2BFFC81-9C13-400D-BC79-D7….png)


18e494 No.2443485


POTUS likes Mike!

And Jordan for House Speaker.

281cd1 No.2443486


has he come out as MUSLIM yet?

070c3d No.2443487

File: 95b00db3e152154⋯.png (33.7 KB, 823x237, 823:237, more on collusion with rep….png)

File: f936788609250ce⋯.png (67.67 KB, 820x506, 410:253, hillary hiring to incite v….png)

File: fcc693952b831dc⋯.png (23.62 KB, 841x226, 841:226, more on staging fake prote….png)

File: 7cee377d2e42d1a⋯.png (31.61 KB, 835x331, 835:331, sold uranium and staff kne….png)

File: e215b33167de503⋯.png (55.17 KB, 843x448, 843:448, fbi bribes.png)

4c26e2 No.2443488


oh lel…. you really think you're going to crush their raison d'etre? it takes time to break with conditioning but boy, is it going to be painful kek

deab60 No.2443489

File: 60bbdb6bb9ef82e⋯.jpg (40.8 KB, 380x507, 380:507, 445cd782-d051-43d1-b929-1c….jpg)

f12239 No.2443490


>Lebron James Agent, Dave Bugliari

>He is Alyssa Milano's Husband.


And the agent for a whole lotta other pedos

38488b No.2443491

File: 18e7628ab1d9742⋯.png (172.76 KB, 1254x842, 627:421, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

Jack is Whack

d47b6d No.2443492

challenge is to paint a picture with thousands of brush strokes….truth will radiate lines that connect?

5f2ef9 No.2443493

File: 8dadda021a2580d⋯.jpeg (298.05 KB, 1125x838, 1125:838, 50D49727-18FB-41E9-B109-B….jpeg)

File: 7a6cdf574142fad⋯.jpeg (732.25 KB, 1125x1499, 1125:1499, E67790FD-476C-4685-86B7-1….jpeg)

File: 368accc0c8d4869⋯.jpeg (755.89 KB, 2208x1122, 368:187, 06122197-135A-4E89-9EA9-7….jpeg)

Trump’s tweet on LeBron is magical. The left wants a meme war. How’s this one?

5040b4 No.2443494


Get that Lebron worship the fuck away.

I will be nice if you do.


Go fuck off and die.

Its that simple wigger.

0b119b No.2443495

2dd6c9 No.2443496

File: a217584e98e8eff⋯.jpg (83.34 KB, 638x424, 319:212, mike obama.jpg)

5f4afb No.2443497

File: e8bebe8b0e12070⋯.png (72.54 KB, 452x516, 113:129, Snek.png)

File: 6d4953eafd1619b⋯.png (42.62 KB, 632x490, 316:245, Screenshot_595.png)




typos matter.

57b93d No.2443498

File: eab2246186075d2⋯.jpg (91.73 KB, 1090x487, 1090:487, d72268f2556864a6e5197a4fec….jpg)

e3fd13 No.2443499

File: 4c18e6e0b3c428b⋯.jpg (64.92 KB, 618x340, 309:170, huma podesta 5.jpg)

File: a96c80ea389e4b6⋯.jpg (59.13 KB, 650x366, 325:183, huma podesta 2.jpg)

File: 9db3b07dcf17c8b⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 618x340, 309:170, huma podesta 3.jpg)

File: 464bde4f11cdf96⋯.jpg (59.47 KB, 618x340, 309:170, huma podesta 4.jpg)

b11ec9 No.2443500


Maybe he'll abandon the triangle for a swirl or a heart within a heart

7d8ed3 No.2443501

File: 4f06e01fb5ee6bc⋯.jpg (115.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 213x2a1.jpg)

72b73f No.2443502


oh ffs.

One of those nights.

Misfire. Careful where you click and such.

Dumb cunt knows who he is. kek.

b1b20c No.2443503


It's a gif retard you have to click it and I am not shilling it's FREE

936691 No.2443504

File: 23069e35d96a477⋯.png (617.55 KB, 662x592, 331:296, DoD 8-3-18 9 pm PDT.PNG)

ebdc5a No.2443505


Good catch. I knew her hubby was funky.

1c9e82 No.2443506

File: e1a43e994bea07b⋯.png (366.13 KB, 614x348, 307:174, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

9519ee No.2443507


I think it may be a bot now that you mention it. Maybe responds to this message. saw it earlier this afternoon also. If not certainly a shill script.




93c3db No.2443508


<<secret genderless roth judas fehgel from the lazurus program of the cia

fuck off tard

e21ddc No.2443509


Heh EiAi, sup

36b54a No.2443510


Dig or buckle up tight…could be related to the big drop cause this is bananas

b11ec9 No.2443511


Trump must know about the Lebron/Drake sex tape

dca428 No.2443512

File: 72f4f4b2acb53aa⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20180618_003400.gif)

File: 6e56bda8dbf2b46⋯.gif (794.34 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 20180622_220931.gif)


(yu) ijits named me æı.

>after ye callt me achtung.

but original æı am.

<have an (yü)

big smile

Big §mīłə

281cd1 No.2443513


muslim brotha fom da hood

5040b4 No.2443514


fake tweet.

Nobody is named Mike between the fag Don and the monkey Lebron

b2ec27 No.2443515


Got my retirement papers from Obummer - could not be helped.

e10805 No.2443516


Chogyam Trungpa.

Powerful teacher.

Tibetans don't have Western view of sex and the path to enlightenment flows through the guru or teacher.

Not sliding. Just showing respect for one that deserves is despite drinking, sleeping with his students and dressing up as a Victorian era general.

Different strokes for different folks.

d47b6d No.2443517

c nuthing of why of flight, who onboard…all other gibberish

a97bfa No.2443518



Please delete.

Ratio of content to lines simply not OK.

Besides…bs anyway.

72224c No.2443519

File: ea26cab2c9fe8e3⋯.jpg (293.78 KB, 536x646, 268:323, 2018-08-03 23.01.56.jpg)

54ea19 No.2443520

File: 86bfd4f375523cf⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 648x902, 324:451, 2a.JPG)

File: fb601c5253b98f7⋯.jpg (142.75 KB, 656x875, 656:875, 3.JPG)

File: 3e92d9d998800ab⋯.jpg (161.12 KB, 633x937, 633:937, 4.JPG)

File: b39d903fddb880f⋯.jpg (142.09 KB, 649x911, 649:911, 5.JPG)

File: 5e17cc29b020ead⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 615x307, 615:307, 6.JPG)

Sonoma Valley Bank executives sent to prison for bank fraud


776413 No.2443521

File: 70d2427b3a41c37⋯.jpeg (73.67 KB, 408x408, 1:1, 678CF4AB-CE7D-435D-B1AB-0….jpeg)

File: f84125d5710ea7a⋯.jpeg (44.75 KB, 300x297, 100:99, 136E03F4-A804-4E9A-9ABE-6….jpeg)

2a0cde No.2443522


>directory of FBI acronyms

Here's the same item, available from archive.org

JTTF Officer Orientation 2009

Federal Bureau of Investigation


f12239 No.2443523


Lerk Moar.

Lots for you to lern round here.

b33563 No.2443524


fresh comment on the article page:


Delete Post

Are you sure you want to delete this post?



The City of Fountains which is surrounded by some of the most beautiful country side.


9ec537 No.2443525


POTUS doesn't attack without a reason.

He knows something about Lebron

b1b20c No.2443526


yes I am a bot! every time it posts that I will post this

29ccf6 No.2443527

File: 88e31540974fb02⋯.png (238.95 KB, 500x2326, 250:1163, F85F3B14-00FB-498D-9048-95….png)

b9c26e No.2443528

Congress August recess: 13th-31st

6ead87 No.2443529


This has been dropped before, did it make notables then?

e8c913 No.2443530

File: 2f5e52836039e22⋯.png (245.33 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)

d47b6d No.2443531

KK secured, yet watching

92c4f0 No.2443532


The POTUS spreading the word to the ESPN world. The big debate is about who is the GOAT, LeBron or MJ.

(Spoiler: It's MJ)

dd32da No.2443533


he spelled i suck alex jones balls wrong

a74e5c No.2443534


That is one scary list of people.

Peyton Manning caught my attention.

7a1200 No.2443535


Jordan, faggot. Michael Jordan.

af7f50 No.2443536

File: fb33bedeb531426⋯.jpeg (108.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7F9FFAB1-E237-44E0-9935-4….jpeg)


WTF is going on!!!

36b54a No.2443537



070c3d No.2443538

File: 03b040f74a3e770⋯.jpg (103.56 KB, 528x408, 22:17, e3961cf37927be4f2a8bbe72c4….jpg)

File: bf5590636e5743e⋯.png (614.15 KB, 765x505, 153:101, bf5590636e5743eee796e7743b….png)

File: cf41e7c9166f125⋯.jpg (223.86 KB, 800x600, 4:3, cf41e7c9166f1257b034ea819a….jpg)

File: 22560b0b35c15a9⋯.jpg (135.46 KB, 864x578, 432:289, 22560b0b35c15a97feab1d3668….jpg)

File: 8e9a6239ec9be18⋯.jpg (98.34 KB, 816x528, 17:11, dead man walking.jpg)

d4c808 No.2443539


how good can that school be… gotta give kids a bike, helmet, and free meals just to attend.

(just laugh new kids)

d5b32d No.2443540


Hi..I'm Jack Posobiec…I worked in Navy Intelligence for two years making coffee.

I do Periscopes in my basement talking into a hairbrush.

5040b4 No.2443541



I missed your post in the tag or something

fde2e1 No.2443542


why do people try to convince twitter e-celebs about Q? as long as they're on the same side, let them do their own thing

a9e5ee No.2443543


ThankQ…these fucking names

11e04a No.2443544

FEB 10

You will cease to exist.

Truth to power.

How’s the bunker these days?

[14] live


[PEOC force failed]


0e86bc No.2443545

I'm, meh 1/5, of the way through writing an introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

I think we should combat the disinfo the MSM is putting out

basic outline:

title page


I: WHERE/WHEN DID/DOES Q POST (history, yet 'redacting' /qresearch/, KEK, fuck em)


III: WHO IS Q (not doxxing, jus giving some facts/stating Q/Q+/Q, DELTA/Q, AUTH….)

IV: WHY DOES Q POST (great awakening, intel, etc)



and edits, suggestions, comments, etc

kek it says:


An introdcution

By Anon

Edited by Anons

already, I've talked about Q's posting from halfpol, to /cbts/, to /thestorm/, to /qresearch/ and /greatawakening/.

if we get something we agree on, it could be spread to B(the MSM narrative)TFO

(all using nothing but crumbs)


c7a910 No.2443546

File: 6b87f5a4730979c⋯.png (246.72 KB, 366x442, 183:221, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)


TOTALLY one of them. But I think he's honestly as stupid as POTUS says he is. A total tool who sees himself as something VERY Special.

He's…."The Chosen One."

e8d292 No.2443547


best timeline indeed. don't quite see the point, but you're a lot more fun than muhdick and so many others, so, yeah, glad to have whatever you are in the family

5040b4 No.2443548


Nick Fuentes.

Remember when you pretended to not know him?

9519ee No.2443549

File: 31cef794ffe9a3f⋯.gif (501.21 KB, 600x527, 600:527, Q broke ghost.gif)


35049d No.2443550


>ywn shitpost and bait like the pres

93c3db No.2443551

File: 4f5fc853ec28627⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 49.15 KB, 590x262, 295:131, fagOTUS.png)

92c4f0 No.2443552


MJ usually stays out of politics. If Trump can get him, he gets a large portion of the basketball world.

5dfcc3 No.2443553

File: 2c6af34368db452⋯.png (1.03 MB, 629x1000, 629:1000, ClipboardImage.png)


This too is not an art project

And there is nothing on this body

That does not have a point (a soft one) or a purpose

She may have worked in Paris

Long, long ago

Before they penned the words to that well-known song

How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm

After they've seen Paree

Well the doughboys did see Paree

After they served a year and a half in the trenches

They came home had sons, and sent them

In their turn, to serve and visit Paris

And they came home too, or died

In those fields of France

But this woman still lives, in spirit if not in body

For your admiration and meditation

11e04a No.2443554

FEB 10

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.



dca428 No.2443555

File: c75f24112e75ba4⋯.gif (1012.68 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 262f3593-b355-4aec-8967-2f….gif)

File: 435835deeba2d0d⋯.gif (153.52 KB, 500x200, 5:2, e6df5b4e-ce01-4a2f-a010-0f….gif)


>same shit

<different millenium.

fe11eb No.2443556


It must have been so hard for him to reach that high without MJ feeling Barry's erection.

b9c26e No.2443557

File: ea7e3facbe5efac⋯.png (34.5 KB, 689x403, 53:31, lbj.png)

6678a7 No.2443558


It's MJ. That said, MJ had a lot more personal problems than Lebron. Lebron is a corporate dummy, a high speed of tought IQ for sports, but dumb as fuck otherwise.

Watch ESPN 30 for 30 called "Broke" and you will know all you need to about what dummies pro athletes are.

b33563 No.2443559


A Mi-8 helicopter with passengers on board has crashed in the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia, in Russia. According to preliminary reports, 18 people have died in the crash.

According to an emergency services source cited by TASS, the helicopter was operated by the Utair airline. It was carrying 15 passengers and three crew members. Earlier reports put the death toll at 17.

The crash took place shortly after take-off, with the helicopter's fuel tanks full. The resulting fire reportedly completely incinerated the aircraft.

The Krasnoyarsk region branch of the Emergencies Ministry has confirmed a helicopter performed a "hard landing" in the area at 10:20 am local time (3:20 GMT), and said details are being clarified.




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Krasnoyarsk again. Always Krasnoyarsk…


1 Like


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what's happened there before ? I know it's smoggy but I don't remember any crashes or incidents?



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The City of Fountains which is surrounded by some of the most beautiful country side.


f12239 No.2443560


And Lebron is BIG

52d7db No.2443561

File: 57f795f129fc413⋯.jpeg (123.34 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 81E420F5-DA88-4A78-AD49-0….jpeg)


Those memes are great, but this one triggers the snowflakes somethin’ fierce…

b11ec9 No.2443562


Aww man. Well, there goes the M Jordan MAGA theory. Looks like Bugs isn't the only rodent to have seen him in tighty whities.

cfd463 No.2443563

d9118c No.2443564

>>2443541 You mean it was a mistake?

5040b4 No.2443565

Dennis Prager being a complete Jew First liar on Tucker right now.

Jews First not America First.

Its that simple goyim.

You should not like Dennis Prager the jew.

93c3db No.2443566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

529f5a No.2443567

If you are new here understand this is not a chat room, lurk for a few weeks before posting, watch how the board operates, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!

When anyone counters a post demand proof aka sauce for their argument!



24c44a No.2443568

File: b6020ab34d1ffc4⋯.jpg (110.36 KB, 371x548, 371:548, ThinkMirrorMike.jpg)

9a3b70 No.2443569

File: a76284bbbf62a01⋯.jpg (41.76 KB, 500x405, 100:81, 2ev6wd.jpg)

06d01e No.2443570

ef060e No.2443571

File: 63d9f0a41f333d3⋯.png (134.04 KB, 490x390, 49:39, kikesymbols.png)

The jews have a scam called "Kosher" products.

Through their lies and manipulation, they have convinced the stupid goy (you), that kosher products are superior to other products.


Learn about the Kosher Tax.

Jews extort businesses for millions of dollars so they can put a kosher label on their products.

that money goes directly to jews and jew causes.

Stop buying kosher products. They only cost the goy more money, for nothing.

a74e5c No.2443572


Because their denial proves a fundamental stupidity. What use are stupid people?

927648 No.2443573

File: 1c106d6c992c1a0⋯.png (418.84 KB, 500x594, 250:297, 2018-08-03_23-58-42.png)

File: 9c227a828f21d75⋯.png (252.32 KB, 552x553, 552:553, 2018-08-03_23-59-16.png)

File: 905d9a81acc9ad0⋯.png (692.52 KB, 680x540, 34:27, 2018-08-04_00-03-50.png)


Some useful "block of wood" alternatives to Jeff Sessions.


92c4f0 No.2443574


What's that, you say?

b2ec27 No.2443575


He's got Rodman, just needs MJ and Pippen and we good

9693b6 No.2443576

File: d4bd18f4664cb0c⋯.png (636.77 KB, 1002x484, 501:242, matrix2.PNG)

Don’t think POTUS will ever acknowledge Q

Q’s Legitimacy is not dependent on any confirmation from POTUS

I am noticing a shift already…

Normies who are well intentioned are starting to tune in and pay attention like it is the latest episode of “America’s got Dancing Bachelors” just like they did in the late 70’s to find out “Who shot JR?”. Millions around the globe watch the Super Bowl even if they don’t like football just because of the hype and the party atmosphere. Strangers in bars and laundromats will begin -perhaps timidly at first- but with growing enthusiasm to debate the latest drops, and all will get red-pilled in the bargain. The plan is a thing of genius and we are now witnessing a true chain reaction that is only going to grow with any publicity– whether good or bad.

There is nothing the MSM can do to stop this unless they stop broadcasting altogether and even that would only be a temporary fix.

This is our message to all journalists –whatever your current status– whether you are free or slave:

“”We know you are out there… We can feel you now””

“”We know that you’re afraid…You’re afraid of us…You’re afraid of change””

“”We don’t know the future…we didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end…we came here to tell you how it is going to begin.””

“”We are going to continue to meme, dig, planefag, and shitpost– and show these Normies what you don’t want them to see…We are going to show them a world without you””

A world without rules or controls, without borders or boundaries

A world where anything is possible

Where we go from there is a choice we leave up to you…

e8c913 No.2443577


could have had to but he chosen one

5040b4 No.2443578


This fucking ancap jew faggot wigger. (you)

d5b32d No.2443579


As long as there was no cursive writing involved.

e7352c No.2443580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


did you know that if you rotate an octahedron you see the 6 pointed star?

d4c808 No.2443581


gonna call him little-b's?




b0558c No.2443582


Ai Anon????

Is that you?

4b1451 No.2443583

File: aa7c31e6d0ab491⋯.png (25.36 KB, 613x197, 613:197, trump.png)


What a fucking dick… I love it. no homo.

25b11e No.2443584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He makes some damn good coffee I bet

e4dccd No.2443585

File: 4d9f35786d87f9d⋯.jpg (59.87 KB, 480x363, 160:121, its a trap.jpg)

deab60 No.2443586

File: c07945474e3d44b⋯.jpg (761.26 KB, 760x2489, 40:131, KosherFood.jpg)

09e9d8 No.2443587


277 replies and overwhelming majority advise "NO".

070c3d No.2443588

File: a6141438ab63c35⋯.jpeg (165.2 KB, 1080x1083, 360:361, 5a94c.jpeg)

File: a4fae1dbba4c51e⋯.png (229.96 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 5b2c4e0329536.png)

File: 29b8b266ea1ea15⋯.jpg (122.59 KB, 873x649, 873:649, 35970783_10211452649217469….jpg)

d47b6d No.2443589


Truth is sought, we can gently lead, teach them to research, we NEVER want to manipulate Personal Thought.

b9c26e No.2443590


"I dont think a lot of people was educated" :D

6ead87 No.2443591

Does Lebron have ties to Loop Capital too?

78854e No.2443592

File: 693de7203b2b08a⋯.png (205.3 KB, 876x436, 219:109, ClipboardImage.png)

Treasury Department Terminates 4 audits in the last 30 days.


6dd282 No.2443593

FEB 11

71 [187].

[1] targeted.



Would you believe [1] source was used for [2]?

Find the passenger list.

Why [187] if inside Russia?

No jurisdiction.

Think logically.



3b14e8 No.2443594


You can't even spell it dude. Don't try your pretentious idiocracy with me. Ok?

93c3db No.2443595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hi paul

ef060e No.2443596


saved, ty

5dfcc3 No.2443597

File: 4785f9cb01c41b2⋯.png (863.3 KB, 736x726, 368:363, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, you stirred up the fish all right.

And ya lost the boobs

And snorted all the damn cocaine

And all I got was that stinking fish, goddammit

57b93d No.2443598


Little shit

07ced0 No.2443599

File: 088ce14afc155cc⋯.png (84.28 KB, 902x506, 41:23, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: 25d3d1812ca965e⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1162x1338, 581:669, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: 823d43ffb862c55⋯.png (443.04 KB, 600x910, 60:91, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: a6ac09fd0978129⋯.png (76.28 KB, 1168x320, 73:20, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: cf791e7e7dde0c5⋯.png (100.08 KB, 1164x432, 97:36, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

re: QPost 1805

>>2426184 (pb)

she likely not assassin "Not the Person", but

something smelly about her, hard to shake

still attention whore thotting about, see Twat pics 1h ago

she could be just non-humble anon, but could break many normie-hearts if she turns. Sorta y da anon thing so important - muh2c


92c4f0 No.2443600


To BB fans, Jordan's problem are his own business. He built NIKE. Can't do that if people worry about personal problems.

2f1d48 No.2443601


Jim Jeffries is a degenerate piece of shit. Wouldnt surprise me if he diddles kids. He recently did a tour in Israel.

d45196 No.2443602

>>2443359 I heard Hannity say repeatly “if Trump found the cure for cancer they would still hate him and think he is doing a horrible job.” Do you think Hannity knows something about POTUS making big Pharma release the cure?

d4c808 No.2443603

File: 9121fd78d1948bf⋯.jpg (151.16 KB, 800x923, 800:923, murraystentandawning.jpg)

67c710 No.2443604

File: b659bfb34a1d938⋯.png (174.51 KB, 443x304, 443:304, ClipboardImage.png)


5040b4 No.2443605


A small insignificant one that was cleared up in seconds.

f12239 No.2443606

File: cf85ac5c1fe3b81⋯.jpeg (132.85 KB, 500x848, 125:212, jenga_maga.jpeg)

529f5a No.2443607


Nice try commie SHILL

"A world without rules or controls, without borders or boundaries"

Who wants no borders??????????

Sure ain't us!

b11ec9 No.2443608


Rodman wasn't anywhere near the NK summit.

01a4ad No.2443609



e3fd13 No.2443610


Interesting wow

df4fb5 No.2443611


Some of the most vicious cults the world has ever known have come from Asia. Just sayin'.

0028f0 No.2443612

File: 510ac7d4b3b1432⋯.jpg (136.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, fitefrog.jpg)

File: 4b462026616653d⋯.jpg (158.54 KB, 540x526, 270:263, kekwarrior.jpg)

File: eb56591d4da7531⋯.jpg (326.15 KB, 1000x749, 1000:749, vampfrog.jpg)


I am tired from chasing krazy kate all afternoon.

This tweet is awesome.

Going to be don that note, but here are some Pepe types for stealing I rounded up during the day…

b00346 No.2443613

File: f20ae374d12b2a8⋯.png (599.96 KB, 1089x735, 363:245, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)


e8d292 No.2443614

File: f43af79fbe3e208⋯.png (291.71 KB, 774x573, 258:191, donotlose.PNG)

File: 60cfe15442536a7⋯.png (210.79 KB, 777x577, 777:577, Lo Op Capital.png)


never forget

93c3db No.2443615

File: ad8bff802ef9a40⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 66.16 KB, 590x314, 295:157, weddingdangers.png)

0e86bc No.2443616


> manipulate

you must've misunderstood me if thats what you think I meant

its purely factual and a timeline

no opinions, just facts


for example, telling them what the fuck a baker does, they can't even get that right

e8c913 No.2443617


but what do you think her pussy smell like now?

b00346 No.2443618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1de62d No.2443619

File: de0007484eaed5f⋯.png (947.92 KB, 862x1064, 431:532, MKULTRA IS FAKE - TRUST ME….png)

Had to meme this nigger

394d04 No.2443620

File: 543d82ed57f1053⋯.gif (265.74 KB, 800x1061, 800:1061, 543d82ed57f10530bd6be9d648….gif)

5cdf3b No.2443621

>>2443411 Hey, you forgot to mention Q, some guy who posts shit like he's some government agent or has secret info about potus

5040b4 No.2443622

Dennis Prager = Dishonest Jew Firster

Prager = Liar to America First Crowd

d3c7ad No.2443623


Good links anon! Veritable vid yesterday was damning of Urban Meyer.

011d71 No.2443624

File: f8078fda33d0ecd⋯.png (94.02 KB, 1124x665, 1124:665, Screenshot-2018-8-3 Sardin….png)

File: b1d0fc453880906⋯.jpg (149.92 KB, 663x1300, 51:100, Hieronymus_Bosch_-_The_Fal….jpg)

Sardinia is supposedly where they dig up the bones of giants. Look at their flag. Red cross , Italy, Pope, Vatican, NWO

Nephilim World Order?

oh and Ancient Aliens just happens to do an episode on Nephilim & Sardinia that originally aired in July of 2018 (last month) after all the Nephilim talk here and after Podesta makes a guest appearance.

d9118c No.2443625


Okay. But, in fact, I am not one hundred percent white, so it did hurt.

4e8c1e No.2443626


I thought we knew this?

Anons, is this new?

f731c6 No.2443627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Our Father in Aramaic (Jesus spoke it)

Anons Tonight there are bad people who will be visited by "operators" somewhere in the world.

They will not see a new morning.

They will breath their last.

Pray for them, that God have mercy upon them.

To those about to send the evil ones to God, We salute you.

God's will be done.

Amen Amen Amen

e21ddc No.2443628

File: 42bec4f13f93cf9⋯.png (384.22 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_2852.PNG)


>(yu) ijits named me æı.

>same shit

<different millenium.

Trips donæı lie fren. Be well.

e7352c No.2443629

File: a3c3776da6474a8⋯.png (145.21 KB, 1115x432, 1115:432, SICK.png)

File: cd214efee77453c⋯.png (12.87 KB, 500x202, 250:101, SICKremoved.png)


Trump tweets from 2/17/17.

removes SICK and adds ABC, CBS.

i don't have a cap of the original but you can see it in the attached archive.

2f1d48 No.2443630


>Alyssa Milano

And there it is.I bet that dumb fucking ape was doing this school funding bullshit to traffic kids.

648e14 No.2443631


is he the poor kid in that damn

"you think yer hot shit " video?

36b54a No.2443632


And just did some apparently great things "for kids". Wonder what the "real" story is.

d5b32d No.2443633


If it weren't for Affirmative Action, how many times a day would Don be asking…

"Would you like fries with that?"

040608 No.2443634

File: ba839725abef30e⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1886x2501, 46:61, ClipboardImage.png)

776413 No.2443635

File: b0797afa497f1aa⋯.jpeg (122.07 KB, 1094x616, 547:308, 49BBED3F-6CC5-4895-BE39-F….jpeg)

b1b20c No.2443636


Well, when plan a march, get a permit, are searched for weapons and they (Portland police) let antifa faggots in unchecked I say knock them the fuck out. Will be interesting to see tomorrow if they enforce the mask law.

2a0cde No.2443637


Old news.

b631f6 No.2443638

File: ead33b60970a65d⋯.jpg (25.04 KB, 471x346, 471:346, Enough.jpg)


>It's undoubtedly a trap

d47b6d No.2443639

Misspelling throws off algorythms, dumbarses, dont judge intent of thought by sepellign capabilities, arse of dumb.

e10805 No.2443640


You're arguing with ebot.

962551 No.2443641


Been taking expensive lessons from a talmudic rabbi. https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/lebron-james-meets-with-controversial-kabbalah-rabbi-6544042

According to TMZ, LeBron James paid controversial Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto six figures to sit in on a merchandising meeting on a yacht somewhere off the coast of New York. Pinto is styled as something of a business guru-slash-spiritual leader to the rich and famous. He only speaks Hebrew, and refuses to meet with women.

92e5e8 No.2443642

"will she investigate herself?" speaking of Diane F. I snorted laughing at this. and I never snort.

b2ec27 No.2443643


- Space Force establishes base on moon

- Creates cure for Cancer in low G

- Clones 1998 Bulls on Jupiter

- Dems claim Jovian collusion

ebdc5a No.2443644



6cc423 No.2443645

steam and square enix just updated their privacy policy

any anons know if any other online shops did ?

new laws/ get out of lawsuit free card

92c4f0 No.2443646


To not associate Rodman to NK is to stick your head in the sand. HE cried on CNN thanking Trump for the summit.

5040b4 No.2443647


How did I know you were mixed race?


936691 No.2443648

File: 579ccbc23b3d531⋯.png (47.19 KB, 654x411, 218:137, Posobiec re Q 8-3-18 8 16 ….PNG)

e3fd13 No.2443649

File: 282f543816b1c04⋯.jpg (74.51 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, wiki obama mills podesta h….jpg)

deab60 No.2443650

File: c25acfe238a19a6⋯.gif (508.57 KB, 240x240, 1:1, octahedron.gif)

File: 669242694abc9c3⋯.png (52.17 KB, 696x694, 348:347, david.png)


Holy shit.

My brain.


25b11e No.2443651

File: c5bf30d2aadc323⋯.jpg (50.38 KB, 433x600, 433:600, hrc dress tent.jpg)

File: 44f035474090971⋯.png (29.65 KB, 409x399, 409:399, coleman d.png)

File: 6f3cca4e265d923⋯.jpg (133.2 KB, 480x403, 480:403, coleman.jpg)


add the logo

2ca208 No.2443652

File: f34a5caee0fe6f8⋯.jpg (121.04 KB, 594x714, 99:119, f34a5caee0fe6f84728d0bfd6d….jpg)

4cbe0e No.2443653

File: 22bb4bd308391b9⋯.png (473.14 KB, 396x552, 33:46, Potholder.png)

d3c7ad No.2443654


She's fuckin nuts.

6678a7 No.2443655


This was 90's true. Not anymore.

Character wins now. Fuck your degree, friends, following, or past accomplishments.

The post Obama world is about character. Black and bonafide? Move next door. White and mullet/tats? Go back.

b9c26e No.2443656

Anyone else starting to think the bombshells and arrests wont even start until after midterms? Trump campaigning, the MSM hanging themselves, the Democrats in turmoil and showing their true colors, etc, is honestly going to be enough for Reps to do well in midterms. As much as I want the public disclosures to start before midterms, I am starting to think that maybe we wont get them until after

5040b4 No.2443657


Why does it hurt?

I thought white people were evil oppressors?

I thought racism is the worst thing that ever happened?

What hurt?

b11ec9 No.2443658


Meryl Streep cried giving one of her kids to the Nazis

5f4afb No.2443659


bb vs. BB


"I like Mike!" seems to stand out for sure.

This might mean more than just POTUS shitting on Don Lemon and then liking Michael Jordan.

18e494 No.2443660


That David Hogg looks like young Avenatti's driver license pic.

b3503b No.2443661


but but muh li'l snowflakey feels, how dare you insult mubama faggot

93c3db No.2443662

File: 924f4fd4272d04f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 71.53 KB, 590x366, 295:183, thinkhard.png)

936691 No.2443663


I have not seen this before

25b11e No.2443664


How could he not know his Sec of State was not using .gov? she didn't even have one.

dca428 No.2443665

File: 2a6e6ff809257e8⋯.gif (591.5 KB, 540x725, 108:145, 20180731_214157.gif)

File: ac7aab4f4ed707f⋯.gif (4.41 MB, 1440x1920, 3:4, 20180723_220702.gif)

they are funny.

ye need to relax.

it is only the


>the kids gottah have fun ye knœ.

<yer in our catbox after awl.


d3c7ad No.2443667


He's a retard.

a9110e No.2443668



this guy is willing to put up with your shit for a few more minutes. Use it.

01a4ad No.2443669


I missed this? wtf my bad

529f5a No.2443670

File: 515486dca8b7c15⋯.png (171.94 KB, 659x730, 659:730, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd84f06e82650a3⋯.png (216.76 KB, 668x917, 668:917, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54026cfa1a98aad⋯.png (9.33 KB, 654x138, 109:23, ClipboardImage.png)

Google Declares Angela Merkel ‘Leader of the Free World’


6678a7 No.2443671


I did? You forgot to leave.

93c3db No.2443672

File: 25e372dc56dc785⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 63 KB, 590x314, 295:157, Vfrumo.png)

58bfd1 No.2443673

File: de9176fc7153948⋯.png (786.41 KB, 632x928, 79:116, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

deab60 No.2443674

File: 55e62cb67924d98⋯.jpg (80.09 KB, 981x1334, 981:1334, 8f3b641251182a057b33db9d62….jpg)

File: 5ce920c5e471641⋯.jpg (21.82 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 625723_1.jpg)

d5b32d No.2443675


I wonder how many stray cats roam his house?

550495 No.2443676


138fb8 No.2443677


Tastes like feet I bet

776413 No.2443678

File: b1911087886f03a⋯.jpeg (146.9 KB, 888x464, 111:58, CC0D7915-7EDA-4C54-888B-0….jpeg)

File: 767e5ed4a2c2320⋯.jpeg (118.25 KB, 750x500, 3:2, FE7EC960-6F01-47CF-8F7A-4….jpeg)

File: e10228d16023383⋯.jpeg (29.78 KB, 300x279, 100:93, 7DE93D3C-E268-4566-A7D1-1….jpeg)

File: d0ca3867f2e62a2⋯.jpeg (133.69 KB, 1066x500, 533:250, 9F0A10FA-83E9-492C-BB5B-8….jpeg)

ff7c59 No.2443679



e613b6 No.2443680


Of course Pedosta's group is called CFAP.

0e86bc No.2443681



no notable is no sauce

d9118c No.2443682

>>2443657 I don't know what you are talking about.

92c4f0 No.2443683


Yeah…so? MJ is black and bono fide.

0e86bc No.2443684

3b14e8 No.2443685

File: 215749fdb605be0⋯.jpeg (14.67 KB, 255x231, 85:77, 84f64d414602c63661da39087….jpeg)

Is this the infiltration we've been expecting?

Pay peanuts…..

Least we can do is get you minimum wage.

529f5a No.2443686

=At Least 18 Dead As Helicopter Crashes in Krasnoyarsk, Russia - Authorities

A Mi-8 helicopter crashed in Russia's Krasnoyarsk region, killing 18 people on board, a source told Sputnik on Saturday.

"There were 18 people aboard the aircraft, including three crew members. All of them died," the source in the regional emergency services said.

According to the regional emergency services, Mi-8 crash was possibly caused by technical failure. The helicpoter fell apart and caught fire.


e8c913 No.2443687


maybe he means in the mind. I hope. because no borders, no……..

294080 No.2443688


Dropping the hammer right before mid terms would be such an effective strategy I can't see why they would wait until after, unless you mean actual perp walks then yeah, litigation takes forever, but they need to declas before midterms asap

93c3db No.2443689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3 MCs and one Dj

6cc423 No.2443690


he was tweeting Q stuff in june

67c710 No.2443691


He'd struggle with that too…I dont know how he keeps a straight face dribbling that shit out. hahah

dd32da No.2443692

File: 642aaa06c9b8567⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 450x473, 450:473, 642aaa06c9b8567a6203ba4a15….jpg)


isnt this pedo peducer for the show? either way the "history channel" has no real history on it.

new fags turn off the tv or even better break it

5725be No.2443693


There's a man who needs to spend a lot more time reading Q before he says much more about Q. Lazy.

18e494 No.2443694

File: f8c841f3f6e8ccd⋯.jpeg (68.05 KB, 640x447, 640:447, f8c841f3f6e8ccd97e0350046….jpeg)

52d7db No.2443695

Why is POTUS retweeting Drudge?!

Drudge has been acting like a MSM hack that’s obsessed wit celebrity gossip.

d47b6d No.2443696

seeing no newfags with data on russian down helo , not even why it was flying ATM

523715 No.2443697

File: 2d3f20f5f0605b1⋯.png (58.35 KB, 1577x242, 1577:242, Screenshot_2018-08-03 Q Re….png)

>>2442175 prev #3079

"NBC News reports Real News" in the Notables is just killing me. Fucking brilliant, anon. o7

e3fd13 No.2443698

File: 6256229da873fba⋯.jpg (71.16 KB, 592x738, 296:369, lbj blm.jpg)

File: ad6840dea9d8df4⋯.jpg (84.97 KB, 540x605, 108:121, Obamas Legacy LBJ.jpg)

File: 4544bf80078e4b1⋯.jpg (15.43 KB, 290x174, 5:3, images (1).jpg)



962551 No.2443699


Lakeranon fan and this signing shattered me. I hate that Hillary lover. He went to the Lakers to be with Magic Johnson and get in on the Loop Capital gravy train. Some of these scumbags are going to CA in hopes they break from USA and UN comes in. Wishful thinking because cash is drying up. If Lebron goes to jail do the Lakers get another free agent signing? lol

4c26e2 No.2443700


The dead giveaway for me was "The Plan" running parallel with the "Yinon Plan". the thing I was wrong about was it being a mossad creation, where it turns out to be just some garden-variety neocucks

b9c26e No.2443701


I dont think the Pope likes females

7c8429 No.2443702

File: d23fcdd20667d4a⋯.png (519.51 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, podesta_aliens.png)

b11ec9 No.2443703


Jeff Sessions, the man with impeccable character, will now be performing your craniotomy.

a9110e No.2443704


serious question here.

347e81 No.2443705

File: 88e5b8678bcea88⋯.jpeg (260.52 KB, 1516x1522, 758:761, 9F9846D8-6F6F-472A-8CB9-6….jpeg)




One of Q Drops mentions plane and 17 drop. Pic related

df4fb5 No.2443706


Roger still thinks he can squeeze out of the NXIVM pickle.

9a3b70 No.2443707

File: 36907cd625100f2⋯.jpg (62.67 KB, 954x960, 159:160, 9noy1uv17vd11.jpg)

93c3db No.2443708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

529f5a No.2443709


She's way to old and female for his liking!

92c4f0 No.2443710

Prediction: The MJ/LeBron mention by POTUS is more than trolling.

9693b6 No.2443711


it is from the Matrix– you should watch it– the borders and boundaries reference was about mental and physical slavery– i assure you the message was positive– it is in fact where the term red pill derives– again you should check it out

4e8c1e No.2443712

09e9d8 No.2443713


I brought this up a few months back. Actually if memory serves me correctly, Hogg was hired after the Parkland shooting by Center for American Progress, but no matter. Another important note is that in late May/early June Hogg had gotten the support of the NEA to endorse/encourage voter registrations in high schools.

Hogg's group as we speak is already touring the country to set up these voter registrations and they are targeting the 18-25 year old demographic.

This is very significant in my view b/c if Anons are not very vigilant on a local level, the progressive movement teamed up with the "march for our lives" movements are going to hold voter registrations in high schools and colleges and which party do you think they will attempt to indoctrinate our youth to register as?

30e4e9 No.2443715

e3fd13 No.2443716

2a0cde No.2443717



FFS sake newbies…this is ancient news, from the WL drops. The chans chewed through all of them, and this issue.

e8d292 No.2443718

File: 28f0364d8111682⋯.png (463.64 KB, 720x450, 8:5, LoopCannibal.png)

File: ee34707ff349468⋯.png (777.64 KB, 777x1166, 777:1166, LoopGremlins.png)

File: 825898eb696d9ff⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1600x857, 1600:857, LoopRosemary.png)

File: 76becc8b6dc469c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1600x1000, 8:5, LoopWideShut.png)

File: 8449000460a9ff2⋯.png (66.03 KB, 693x481, 693:481, Poolsclosedloop.png)

36b54a No.2443719



9ec537 No.2443720


not if they are over 10

070c3d No.2443721

Did Kevin Spacey take a video while visiting Epstein island?

Epstein's Pedophile Island current registered sex offender, pleaded guilty to soliciting an underage prostitute in 2008 after a lengthy investigation. He served 13 months in prison. In 2015, a woman named Virginia Roberts accused Epstein of making her a sex slave in the service of the likes of Prince Andrew, Duke of York and the Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz. Several other women have reached settlements with Epstein outside of court.



6dd282 No.2443722

FEB 11

Do people believe all recent resignations, plane crashes, plane re_routes, EMS/EBS activations, blackouts, etc are simply a coincidence?

Why did Sessions [at the beginning] emphasize investigations/proceedings are kept confidential?

Think magic.

What you see …….

Do you really believe nothing is being done?

Re_read past crumbs.

Who has the power?

Why was this emphasized in the beginning?

You have more than you know.


294080 No.2443723


what's he faking that for? those aren't babies! fake pope!

b9c26e No.2443724


Lol good question. The fact LBJ is so outspoken against POTUS makes me think he is deep state or owned, and wow really might just go to jail eventually

4b1451 No.2443725


Hogg is Podesta's fucking KID… I bet you a Satoshi…

30e4e9 No.2443726


Look into his financial managers…

b07d81 No.2443727

File: 731d1aa928e3492⋯.jpg (182.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, questions.jpg)

5dfcc3 No.2443728


Lilac flowers

The bushes grew straight out of her vagina

Next year I shall cut one of the trunks

To carve myself a fine walking stick

Every summer

I woo a new beauty in the nearby park

With a bunch of fresh lilac blossoms

From HER bush.

It never fails

To get me laid

Works best on women in their late 20s, early 30s

C'est la vie et c'est vraiment une vie en ROSE

Because that was HER name, you see

Rose Labouche

b9c26e No.2443729


lol exactly

d5b32d No.2443730


Drudge is just a click-whore dinosaur.

He's a political windsock/switch-hitter.

93c3db No.2443731


Sardinia and Stonehenge were both cannibalists ceremony sites

962551 No.2443732


Homie only trolls when he has the goods. Not out of boredom kek.

6dd282 No.2443733

FEB 11

Think BDT NYC ‘attempt’ & Barlow.

Not stated for verification of credibility.

Why are we still here given foreknowledge of events?

No FBI investigation into this?

Impossible to locate?

Less than 10.

Who are we talking to?

Since Clown takedown of black_ops loc/public exposure what has changed here?

Expand your thinking.

This is not a game.



2ca208 No.2443734

File: 50eb2e875ee4c5f⋯.png (192.06 KB, 1429x794, 1429:794, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

File: 126beb6b10fcfcc⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 590x442, 295:221, C-2IZpMXUAA-8iG.jpg)


He's obfuscating.

from wikipedia:

"A Q Clearance is equivalent to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance."

Did You Know: we're on wikipedia under Q cleance.

92c4f0 No.2443735


And, of course, that comment makes no sense at all.

5cdf3b No.2443736


So you actually agree?

deab60 No.2443737

File: 46214c8ff0fd822⋯.png (597.58 KB, 566x705, 566:705, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

138fb8 No.2443739


For your consideration…her Instgram account.


If that ain't enough for you, she has about 8 or 9 other twitter accounts to go through to find more crazy

b6eae7 No.2443740


No doubt one of the biggest racists to ever inhabit the WH.

No to mention getting 53,000 Americans killed.

0e86bc No.2443741

File: a7357bc84df37b8⋯.png (58.31 KB, 390x340, 39:34, ClipboardImage.png)

78854e No.2443742


Treasury Department Terminates 4 audits in the last 30 days.

1. Selection and Monitoring of Financial Agents

"Considering the above issued audit reports, we determined that continuing our

audit at this time will not further enhance Fiscal Service’s controls over the

selection and monitoring of financial agents, nor efficiently utilize Treasury Office

of Inspector General resources. We will remove the Selection and Monitoring of

Financial Agents for Revenue Collection Management (job code A-FI-14-047) from

our Monthly Status Report. "


2. Audit of Treasury's Implementation of the DATA Act

"Considering the status of our findings, GAO’s audits, and our DATA Act

Government-wide – Phase IV audit, we determined that continuing this audit as

planned will not further enhance Treasury’s efforts to meet its responsibilities under

the DATA Act. Accordingly, we are terminating this audit. We will also remove

Treasury’s Implementation of the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of

2014 – Phase III (job code A- FI-16-039) from our Monthly Status Report."


3. Audit of the Controls Over Purchase and Travel Cards

"In consideration of OPE’s actions to address our findings, we believe it would be

more beneficial to assess the controls in place in conjunction with the current risk

assessment of Treasury’s charge card and convenience check programs (job code A-PA-18-046). Accordingly, we are terminating this audit. Also, please note that

the Controls Over the Purchase and Travel Cards (job code A-MF-13-007) will be

removed from our Monthly Status Report. "


4. Audit of BEP's Currency Programs to Provide Access to Blind and Visually Impaired

"Because the matters currently being litigated fall within the purview of our audit,

we are terminating this audit. It would be more beneficial to evaluate BEP’s

programs to provide access to blind and visually impaired persons in a future audit

once the litigation has concluded. Please note that BEP’s Currency Programs To

Provide Access to Blind and Visually Impaired Persons (job code A-BT-18-024) will

be removed from our Monthly Status Report."


All memos from Deborah L. Harker Assistant IG for Audit

abf068 No.2443743


follow the money… as always

e7352c No.2443744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The world is connected.

Our energy has been hijacked and directed to suit the cabal. It's time we stop playing be their rules and make the world in God's image. Feed the light.

5040b4 No.2443745

>>I am not one hundred percent white, so it did hurt.

I looked. I called you a wigger. You were talking about Lebron. What are you on about?

If you have white values and are not white I feel your pain bro. Not trying to alientate allies.

But if you ID with non whites you will be on the path of Dem group Identity politics. That doesn't mean I am against fighting back with White Identity politics. Just saying you will be dem if you follow the stars. Get it? Good luck friend.

011d71 No.2443746

File: 5e8738a2dd40e6e⋯.jpg (18.05 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 3d864af4b042e2c525d52b88ff….jpg)


a CTRL F feature to search all past breads from one source

dd32da No.2443747

File: 6e4552dfe49df48⋯.jpeg (27.16 KB, 480x431, 480:431, 6e4552dfe49df482cada1b105….jpeg)

ef060e No.2443748

File: ed798b1e4e2dcfd⋯.png (552.62 KB, 702x395, 702:395, ghettojewsback.png)

The best timeline will be when the jews are forced back into ghettos, and fear venturing into the land of the goy, under pain of death.

a1e907 No.2443749


2ca208 No.2443750

File: 4591ba1ed31e56d⋯.png (134.72 KB, 668x672, 167:168, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

b11ec9 No.2443751


You just made me cry with that retort.

550495 No.2443752


Maybe they just built it better than they thought !

58bfd1 No.2443753

File: 7d660a8db24a013⋯.png (789.78 KB, 960x600, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


This Kate Abdul-Jabbar is a plant.

Don't yet know by who, but no doubt in my mind that she was sent by someone a lot smarter than her to pull this stunt.

I say ShariaBlew sent her to cause problems.

This is the shit they would pull in a heartbeat.

02a5fb No.2443754


I just read the thread over there and wouldn't you know it. "Spicer" makes 1 more post after the Q post, unrelated to it and then he's gone.

There is also a thread on GA tearing that Spicer post a new one.


09e9d8 No.2443755

File: 226dc21172be83b⋯.png (1.64 KB, 468x13, 36:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Ancient Pedophiia:


529f5a No.2443756

File: b5e5e37e03c7536⋯.png (599.92 KB, 487x487, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

6dd282 No.2443757

FEB 11

Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year?

Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?

Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out?

Ask yourself, what is a distraction?

Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?

Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games?

Ask yourself, what does FREED mean?

Ask yourself, do we want a WAR?

Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?

Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?

Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?

Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"

Be the autists we know you are.

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


f12239 No.2443758

They don't want to give up this fake news.

Recycled over and over.

UN report: North Korea has not stopped nuclear, missile programs

North Korea's government is continuing its ballistic missile program as well as its nuclear weapons development, according to a United Nations report seen by Reuters on Friday.

The news outlet reports that a six-month report from independent experts monitoring North Korea's compliance with U.N. sanctions stated that North Korea continues to develop its banned weapons programs and is openly violating international sanctions.

“(North Korea) has not stopped its nuclear and missile programs and continued to defy Security Council resolutions through a massive increase in illicit ship-to-ship transfers of petroleum products, as well as through transfers of coal at sea during 2018,” the report says, according to Reuters.


b560d5 No.2443759

File: 3b6e0ddf2b885ef⋯.jpg (84.83 KB, 602x500, 301:250, 2f9j8f.jpg)

b9c26e No.2443760

I think we got a huge crumb today, but most people missed it. Hillary has/had a "successor server". Or its just a way to introduce evidence, but either way, that is huge in itself

0cdadc No.2443761

>>2442712 (last) - Newbie with questions about roles

I think there are also thinker/analyst anons. I'm one of them. Don't really have time or good internet skills but good memories and real good analytical skills.

I came to the Chans on the 3rd or 4th of Nov so I guess I'm a bit of old timers but to REAL Autists and old timers, I'm still newbie, never thought I'd be into Chans until then. Came from a twat handle @FedUpWithSwamp made his way to my Twat feed. Only got on twat bc needed REAL Trump news for Primary/General campaigns. Never in Chans before but knew Country heading for crapper if not for New Founding Father "GEOTUS Trump. I learned about INTJ on this board. Means Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging. Describes me perfectly. I think many of thinkers have History, Political, Analytic, Socio-philosophy-Anthropology education and or work in their backgrounds (plus mybe data analysis).

We tie things from months ago to current habbening or provide analysis/angles that others have not yet thought of. These are posted once, MAYBE a 2nd time if I think it is THAT important.Occasionally make it into notables. If a true Autist picks it up, they run with it and find good shit. If not - let it go or you risk being a shill or bread slider. (DON'T DO THAT!) Good luck - when in doubt, lurk moar, you'll get the answer.

1c9e82 No.2443762



Not yet. I have posted it previously a few times now. Each time more traction, but not yet NOTABLE(d)

f67254 No.2443763

File: d11b18c8940ca69⋯.png (432.46 KB, 1301x689, 1301:689, ClipboardImage.png)

yesterday they said it was fake

Air Force remains silent after huge meteor hits near US military base


29ccf6 No.2443764

File: a9cca59ed5c6b61⋯.jpeg (233.57 KB, 1223x758, 1223:758, 775E9F1B-BCD9-463F-ADB9-D….jpeg)



07ced0 No.2443765

File: e063bb9b1140b54⋯.jpg (68.09 KB, 657x560, 657:560, UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_135….jpg)


unless they are thinking to secure presidency

b00346 No.2443766

File: a2b7950451e21a5⋯.png (459.43 KB, 635x672, 635:672, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

On The Run II Prison

9ec537 No.2443767


Is a he a pedo or just into some dirty financial shit? Hmmm…..

92e5e8 No.2443768


17 in Parklnd right? the new naval commander in charge of Missouri waterways was sworn in on 7/7/17. Where the duck boat tragedy was. His name is Stoermer. truth. posted this here before.

936691 No.2443769


He [Posobiec] tweeted about Q in November, specifically a Zero Hedge re tweet saying "It's Happening", then he caused all sorts of drama with his best pal Fairbanks on CBTS with his/their tweets attacking Q

dca428 No.2443770

File: ee4c75daecdda85⋯.gif (192.39 KB, 525x477, 175:159, 20180627_173755.gif)







ohhhh æı am Hoss…

never fear.

onkle's ado and æı

are Both still hier.

011d71 No.2443771


on Apr 17th too

529f5a No.2443772


Always one of my favorites that meme!

Fidel and Adolph would be so proud of their kin!

93c3db No.2443773

File: dd73956a49d715d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 82.31 KB, 720x766, 360:383, gravity3313.jpg)

569e42 No.2443774

File: 411850e76f6285b⋯.jpg (62.25 KB, 460x329, 460:329, Pussies like YOU.jpg)


apparently this becoming the state of things here now with all the newuncoulteredfags

2dd601 No.2443775

File: e5e92b78f23c7ea⋯.png (4.01 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, BBB6A5C2-B3D5-42B9-A276-C1….png)

File: da1cea4caefa1ae⋯.png (4.36 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, ED95C4E5-D2A1-456F-AA52-E6….png)


Noticed a link to another below that one too. Amazing how they can explain it in 8 paragraphs. All paragraphs use term conspiracy theory at least once and each article forgets to even mention one of 1700 Q drops. People won’t buy this shit. ITs insulting to their intelligence.

6678a7 No.2443776


KEK… they can't find the next bread. Weeds out the low IQ.

b00346 No.2443777


f67254 No.2443778


A meteor hit the earth and exploded with 2.1 kilotons of force last month, but the US Air Force has made no mention of the event.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory confirmed an object of unspecified size travelling at 24.4 kilometres per second struck earth in Greenland, just 43 kilometres north of an early missile warning Thule Air Base on the 25th of July, 2018.

Director of the Nuclear Information Project for the Federation of American Scientists, Hans Kristensen, tweeted about the impact, but America’s Air Force has not reported the event.

Meteor explodes with 2.1 kilotons force 43 km above missile early warning radar at Thule Air Base. https://t.co/qGvhRDXyfK

HT @Casillic

We’re still here, so they correctly concluded it was not a Russian first strike. There are nearly 2,000 nukes on alert, ready to launch. pic.twitter.com/q01oJfRUp4

e21ddc No.2443779

File: f14d94d664b78da⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB, 664x372, 166:93, POTUSFistpumpQSIGN.mp4)


In all its glory

92c4f0 No.2443780


I have no doubt.

df4fb5 No.2443781


Now it should be easy to figure out why MA RT'ed her tweet on 3d printed guns last week…and why DJT responded (indirectly).

6cc423 No.2443782


seems like jack sticks his finger in the air and sees which way the wind blows

then again all attention is good attention

3b14e8 No.2443783


A Mi-8 helicopter with passengers on board has crashed in the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia, in Russia. According to preliminary reports, 18 people have died in the crash.

According to an emergency services source cited by TASS, the helicopter was operated by the Utair airline. It was carrying 15 passengers and three crew members, the Emergencies Ministry has estimated. The helicopter was reportedly taking workers to an oil well.

The crash took place shortly after take-off, with the helicopter's fuel tanks full. The resulting fire reportedly completely incinerated the aircraft.

The Krasnoyarsk region branch of the Emergencies Ministry has confirmed a helicopter performed a "hard landing" in the area at 10:20 am local time (3:20 GMT), and said details are being clarified.



93c3db No.2443785

File: 0bb48d9951d8448⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 667.71 KB, 1218x1600, 609:800, ebotrunsthistown.jpg)

e98dbc No.2443786

File: d974f4172411be9⋯.jpg (13.53 KB, 255x154, 255:154, cnn sucks.jpg)


Friendly Reminder CNN SUCKS

d47b6d No.2443787

maybe they was flying to look at similar stuff, and just didnt make it ?


2dd601 No.2443788


And they purposefully crop our black brothers out of the photo cus you can’t show evidence that we aren’t racists! Can’t have that now.

fc0fe8 No.2443789


Looks like it is a common theme w him reporting.

LiL lost wasnt at on but a couple small brief 5 min stop ins tday.. whats going on today? Looks like still MSM talk..

So Kate from last night was just an innocent person who the crazies confided in eh? Heard an update to the story that the guy areested said the C_A was experimenting on him. Are/is law enforcement being contacted by anyone to let them know this is a reality and for them to investigate? Also so it was a hitjob aimed at Q and us anons against media sk they could drive up the negative about us.

Also an anon was claiming to go to candidate rally and security was super tight, that Tampa rrally was an anomoly and that it was to flush the blackhats outta the woodwork for them to get rolled up at this last rally?

Had some shill filter me earlier today cause i thanked baker w bewbs.. i fucking hate those goodie goodie cunts.

92c4f0 No.2443790


He hangs with HRC…either or both.

138fb8 No.2443791


OMG…I didn't even notice until now, one of her alt accounts on twitter is Kate Keeper


cdf1f7 No.2443792


hey ae how u doin owl

93c3db No.2443793

File: 65537ee43ee02a7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 66.04 KB, 500x487, 500:487, afteradirtyfrumpinthetoile….jpg)

f232e3 No.2443794

File: b00904c5e45abb0⋯.jpg (22.06 KB, 400x400, 1:1, nailed it.jpg)

5b7f57 No.2443795

File: 964f54e2b928441⋯.jpg (20.47 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 964f54e2b928441905d2a2f334….jpg)

962551 No.2443796


Loop Capital and Magic Johnson, who signed him. And probably Pedo because they all are.

72224c No.2443797

File: fa6b33df4327251⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 274x206, 137:103, 2018-08-03 23.19.33.jpg)

f37594 No.2443798


When was the date when the reports from Russia about the sky turning dark were wuch a big deal?

Ejecta from a strike.

6ead87 No.2443799



b11ec9 No.2443800


I dress my toddler in Q onesies and read Q drops as bedtime stories.

93c3db No.2443801

File: fd9934372acfa3f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 633.4 KB, 799x1154, 799:1154, 5033562afc2e5dc5f701169adf….jpg)


9a3b70 No.2443802

File: 68e553f6ccd3581⋯.jpg (39.46 KB, 750x843, 250:281, aaq5hjs15xd11.jpg)

deab60 No.2443803

File: a8ae5789b4ed98e⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, punisher.jpg)


Indeed anon.

And checked.

e39e62 No.2443804


Good evening bud it has been a while, hope you are well.

14396c No.2443805

File: 5ba1e43153c1118⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 500x372, 125:93, force vs violence.jpg)

c7a910 No.2443806

File: 3e258c23d6e985c⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1492x681, 1492:681, MSM_upside_down.png)

e21ddc No.2443807

File: 76aa42683e9d196⋯.jpg (172.68 KB, 600x553, 600:553, 76aa42683e9d1960ab7d491daa….jpg)

64e748 No.2443808


dumb lemons boyfriend Mike !!!!

dd0d20 No.2443809

File: 4fb8e98c65396ea⋯.jpg (83.93 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 78d341420978783e4e737ce509….jpg)

File: a17c00ddcc21ba9⋯.jpg (290.49 KB, 1500x1184, 375:296, itsatarp.jpg)

882c1a No.2443810

File: 1db825da364701a⋯.jpg (4.63 KB, 176x176, 1:1, trian.jpg)


yeah The triangle is Bad. watch for when its in a circle. I notice a lot of freaks who came from the Google+ voodoo caves incorporate it in there Badges,

5040b4 No.2443811


Yeah he was "racist"


Race exists friend. Get over it.


He may have hated blacks but he instituted policies that at the end of the day hurted WHITES MORE THAN BLACKS.

I fear you will not understand.

Frankly I know you won't get it.

Cuz you are black or mixed.

93c3db No.2443812

File: 264c2998a1b796a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 354.42 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, IMG_2457.JPG)


you mad cause you homo

b9c26e No.2443813


yep for sure. POTUS doesnt troll for no reason

d47b6d No.2443814


18e494 No.2443815

Michael Avenatti weighs in on his possible 2020 aspirations: "I'm going to strongly consider it."

8165af No.2443816

File: 81ef2e7d39fabe3⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2050x1218, 1025:609, Bless-this-Bread-3.jpg)

Thank you, Baker, for all your hard work. You are appreciated!

0028f0 No.2443817


Not very effective - her posts on insta indicates she is trippin balls hard…

ef060e No.2443818

File: 468f8c6abf14b00⋯.png (540.14 KB, 702x395, 702:395, boycottkikes.png)

Jews hate boycotts because they work.

For example, is your college or university filled to the brim with subversive, nation destroying jews?

What college or university isn't?

By encouraging all goy to never take a class with a jew, for any reason, the college or university will have to make a choice.

Keep the parasite, or replace the parasite with a non nation destroying jew?

Just like anything else, money will win out.

Don't stop there. Boycott the jew, everywhere, in all aspects of your life.

Do it today.

It is free, cost-effective, and peaceful.

3b14e8 No.2443819

Leave kate alone. SHE DID NOTHING WRONG!

6ead87 No.2443820


Baker Notable

09e9d8 No.2443821

File: ab0eaa4cd37b6c6⋯.jpg (282.57 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, laughing dog 2.jpg)


>Old Fag

>I have followed Q research since late Nov 17 or early Dec 17, cant recall an exact date

d6ab85 No.2443822

File: 04dcb5aed2a23f9⋯.jpg (136.2 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5a1d4a09fc7e93a54e8b4567.jpg)

070c3d No.2443823

File: 52f79d009316da7⋯.png (13.93 KB, 516x269, 516:269, our country.png)

File: e85d5e2b4b12a72⋯.jpg (195.19 KB, 408x528, 17:22, Its not immigrationbtactof….jpg)

Islamic Population Projections (Created in 2008)

This video was produced almost a decade ago, and was actually shown on the floor of the U.N. General Assembly in 2009. The research and data was solid, but it could not have projected the wave of refugees or the terrorism we've seen that accompanied this population explosion.


It's Not Immigration! It's An Invasion! An Act Of Treason! Traitorously Plotted By Politicians That Call Themselves,


To Out Populate You & Destroy Our Country.

It's not a strange coincidence that ONLY 2 DEMOCRAT PRESIDENTS WITH A DEMOCRAT MAJORITY Signed Refugee Acts.

LBJ with a Democrat Majority signed the "United Nations 1967 Optional Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees". NO American President signed the 1951 version!

Jimmy Carter with a Democrat Majority signed the Refugee Act of 1980.

Not a coincidence, at all….planned, plotted and schemed to out populate and destroy our country.

e3fd13 No.2443824


Not a newfag, an excited one to know digs I worked on then are finally close to being verified by server. That said, remember others are that new. Don't assume knowledge level of normies

ebdc5a No.2443825

File: 8628f545baca0b4⋯.png (999.16 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 56E8AD7F-3D77-4590-BA99-85….png)

File: fd7dedac7e41db5⋯.png (217.77 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2ECB481C-D111-42A3-9F87-5A….png)

File: ac89b780ebafc06⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4B04B31B-F957-4450-85B4-AE….png)

File: e42faf07db95856⋯.png (253.79 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 704D254E-AE98-4693-B395-A2….png)

This is not a “Trump Free Zone”

More Chicago protests to out

Mayor Rahm Emanuel


12faba No.2443826

File: 92ee996e44bb35d⋯.png (373.37 KB, 599x581, 599:581, SmelsLikPatriot.png)

92c4f0 No.2443827


Magic spent all that time in LA and was tight with the Hollywood crowd. So, probably is right.

2ca208 No.2443828

File: 7b353bd892e63b3⋯.png (190.08 KB, 616x483, 88:69, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

4c26e2 No.2443829


That's completely irrelevant to my post. The nomenclature of this larp doesn't even hit my list of proofs this is all an elaborate ruse. However, it's not my endeavor to enlighten those here. I just wanted to see of Spicer's disavow of Q had any impact. Sure as shit, you all didn't disappoint.

6ead87 No.2443830


Of course, it was probably a message to us to dig on LJ.

78854e No.2443831

File: cdbedc6abe2e5d9⋯.png (80.55 KB, 311x421, 311:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Presidio County - where Scalia was found dead…


Anons, FBI had a sting operation going in this county at the time of Scalia's murder to get the CORRUPT PUBLIC OFFICIALS.


Sentencing in November

MIDLAND, PRESIDIO COUNTY – Former Presidio County Precinct 3 Commissioner Lorenzo Padilla Hernandez in Midland federal court on Friday admitted to defrauding the citizens of Presidio County by taking bribes while in office in return for his support and vote on a county contract, said United States Attorney John F. Bash and FBI Special Agent in Charge Emmerson Buie Jr. of the El Paso Division.

Appearing before United States District Judge David Counts, Hernandez pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud, wire fraud and deprivation of honest services. By pleading guilty, Hernandez admitted that from August 2015 to June 2017, he conspired to collect approximately $19,800 in bribes from a federal agent acting in an undercover capacity. In exchange for the money, Hernandez agreed to support and vote on May, 9, 2017, for a Presidio County document management services contract to be awarded to a specific company.

Hernandez faces up to 20 years in federal prison. He remains on bond pending sentencing scheduled for November 19, 2018, in Pecos federal court.

Hernandez’s co-defendant, 66-year-old Carlos Eduardo Nieto, former Special Projects Coordinator for the City of Presidio and former Presidio Independent School District trustee, is charged by indictment with one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and one count of mail fraud and the deprivation of honest services.

Jury selection and trial is scheduled for October 16, 2018, in Pecos before Judge Counts.

The indictment in this case alleges that Nieto also solicited and received $8,300 in bribes for using his position and influence to secure that same contract for that specific company.

Upon conviction, Nieto faces up to 20 years in federal prison. An indictment is merely a charge and should not be considered as evidence of guilt. Nieto is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

f12239 No.2443832

Smells like a false flag set up.

Strangely specific information being given…

DC Metro considers using separate trains during 'Unite The Right' rally

Metro officials in Washington are reportedly considering providing separate trains for those attending the "Unite the Right" white nationalist rally later this month.

"We have groups clearly at odds with each other," said Jack Evans, chairman of the Metro board, according to NBC 4 Washington. "We'd like to keep the groups separate. We don't want incidents on Metro."

Evans added that the idea would be to "maybe put all of one group on a train or a certain car on a train."

"We're trying to see how can we keep the groups separate so we don't have any incidents but not put in place programs that could be problematic in the future," he said.

The local NBC affiliate noted that "Unite the Right" protestors plan to use the Metro from the Vienna, Va., station to the Foggy Bottom one in D.C on Aug. 12, the day of the protest.


93c3db No.2443833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d4c808 No.2443834



64e748 No.2443835

File: 087985bc566c607⋯.png (987.19 KB, 1021x680, 1021:680, 087985bc566c60766fcaa88d78….png)

e7352c No.2443836



2a0cde No.2443837


Don't post without a link to back up the info.

b1b20c No.2443838


Fun fact: only 3% of the population fought in the Revolutionary War. Patriots will fight if need be.

9ec537 No.2443839


How did we let (((them))) get away with this fuckery for so long?

936691 No.2443840


Someone responding to his twitter says he is losing followers because of his Q comments

I think he is an absolute idiot and his tweets are pithy obvious Hallmark card type stuff - no real substance to that one.

As long as he is not doing damage I don't care what he says

ebdc5a No.2443841


Please do….kek.

52d7db No.2443842

File: 4e8a94834eeec0c⋯.jpeg (104.25 KB, 499x601, 499:601, E75DB93C-F55B-487F-ADFB-6….jpeg)

d3c7ad No.2443843

Q flat out said that the new Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cannot confirm Q. Only POTUS can "officially" confirm Q. And yet, here we are with the purposeful distraction of Spicer.

If that faggot wasn't trying to steer the narrative he would've said he simply doesn't know for sure.

I always find the naysayers to be people who only get drops on Twatter and haven't spent any time on Infinity.

394d04 No.2443844


That haircut is criminal as it is.

1de62d No.2443845

File: cec359dac07ce2e⋯.jpeg (368.56 KB, 2012x1112, 503:278, DON LEMON IS A DUMBASS FU….jpeg)

Had to meme this faggot too

e10805 No.2443846


He was a bad ass but perception is everything. Everything is as we see it but I'm not disagreeing with you.

Reminds me of Q. How we see it and how they see it.

64e748 No.2443847


raising money for aids -> slush fund

93c3db No.2443848

File: b255a6d8a7aa13f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.07 MB, 1536x1152, 4:3, IMG_2459.PNG)

f37594 No.2443849


this is the symbol of the Friends of Bill Wilson. some anons know this.

92c4f0 No.2443850


Surprisingly, a dig on LJ might connect a lot of dots between the celebrity crowd and the financial crowd.

Good call.

18e494 No.2443851




df4fb5 No.2443852


Interdasting. Would explain his behavior.

24c763 No.2443853

File: 9e6fd5041e21858⋯.png (697.61 KB, 1000x718, 500:359, 9e6fd5041e21858983504a31ce….png)

569e42 No.2443854

File: 4233d6cc6a78b36⋯.png (7.01 MB, 3160x1888, 395:236, Colchur.png)

b00346 No.2443855

File: 3e44cf92bc9e4c8⋯.png (277.04 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

File: b3328e9d156940f⋯.png (565.73 KB, 1152x746, 576:373, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)




e8c913 No.2443856


you guys have like a mailing list or something?

542bc3 No.2443857


LBJ was too stupid to be anti-white. He just sold out to jews, like the cuck you're addressing would.

5f4afb No.2443858

File: a5b15627d57b83a⋯.png (534.66 KB, 1431x944, 1431:944, Screenshot_596.png)




Mike=Michael Cohen?

64e748 No.2443859

File: 831f15340bc26dd⋯.jpg (79.26 KB, 1024x759, 1024:759, 831f15340bc26dd2b504dd6268….jpg)

4e8c1e No.2443860


>>2443779 POTUS Fistpumps QSign (Heard of this on YouTube Today - Yes Baker Cannot tear themself away from Q, so if HAS to do other things Listens to Craig, KEK…

>>2443540 Sonoma Valley Bank executives sent to prison for bank fraud

>>2443557 Potus Twat About LeBron

>>2443419 Lebron James Agent, Dave Bugliari - He is Alyssa Milano's Husband.

c7a910 No.2443861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I ask myself that every day. It went fast. Watch the first 30 seconds of this shit, which is pulling 15+ million views a day right now.


5040b4 No.2443862

File: f096f9ef86542d1⋯.gif (212 KB, 501x585, 167:195, IntenseJews.gif)

Look at this hook nosed ANTI WHITE JEW that Tucker just had on. He has him on a lot.

Complete Intense Jew.

a74e5c No.2443863

File: 50760c3a7249f94⋯.jpeg (5.85 KB, 198x255, 66:85, index.jpeg)


Congrats anon, you are a Brown Star researcher.

63dc4c No.2443864

Fake news NBC now redefining words

'Admonishment' is a good thing, according to NBC

The records also indicate that in February 2016 the FBI “admonished” Steele. A federal law enforcement official explains that an admonishment is typically given when a person begins a stint as a confidential informant and annually thereafter. It is a briefing on the rules of being an informant to ensure the source complies with guidelines set by the Attorney General, and usually not criticism of the source.

>usually not criticism


Clearly they are hoping the general public is too stupid to know how to use a dictionary.

e8d292 No.2443865


membership is in your brain

64e748 No.2443866

File: 48f4a06af17cbd4⋯.jpg (83.49 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 48f4a06af17cbd41ccd16d188a….jpg)

38488b No.2443868

Spicer is a good guy just not cut out for Press Sec

3b14e8 No.2443869


Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough.

6ec15e No.2443870


I remember those two on the left (dont give a fuck about their shit name) said on tape they had sex with the obamas but not at the WH. These people are sick

93c3db No.2443871

File: 24375f1af3560ec⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 21.58 KB, 474x553, 6:7, burton.jpg)

9519ee No.2443872


Meme hall of fame, that one.

e8c913 No.2443873


well done

6ead87 No.2443874


I think he was part of that hoax with the N word on his driveway.

ebdc5a No.2443875

File: 63f9c0e37f9d60d⋯.png (350.92 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, AC95AD15-105A-48A3-B418-93….png)

File: 5dd4a7d5da06554⋯.png (224.18 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, AE74E260-29BF-4CAB-9839-28….png)

File: d7005ccfc2a93d3⋯.png (202.99 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5267B2F5-C0C4-4CF0-B251-C2….png)

File: d465ac4c38e39e9⋯.png (1.68 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5DC67CE0-09FC-4006-AF34-C7….png)


Spicer is running his mouth to sell books.

4e8c1e No.2443876

File: b694d987d1ea9a5⋯.png (380.04 KB, 596x578, 298:289, PantiesWithBow.png)

9ec537 No.2443877


ain't clickin that shit nigga

6cc423 No.2443878


wasnt spicer preibus's guy ?

0467d0 No.2443879



I took it as Michael Jordan?

93c3db No.2443880

File: f6d5b88f85466d1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 648.48 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, thyrodman.jpg)

08f494 No.2443881

File: 747f6380595d86c⋯.jpg (520.94 KB, 1439x2023, 1439:2023, Screenshot_20180803-232159….jpg)

So, is this what a bot talks like?


64e748 No.2443882


dumb lemons boyfriend is Mike

who is MJ ?

deab60 No.2443883

File: becfbcb0227f90f⋯.jpg (7.3 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpg)

File: 07f55d13fec7741⋯.png (1.28 MB, 945x945, 1:1, patch_5.png)

File: f207d9a19484fd9⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 300x225, 4:3, s-l300.jpg)


Q the letter has precedence

e7352c No.2443884


back out of 1111 and you can arrive at todays date or yesterdays for some of us.

11 = 8 + 3 = 8/3

11 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 2018


78854e No.2443885

File: 27a7939a02d0f47⋯.png (88.25 KB, 688x590, 344:295, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's the corresponding US Attorney Press Release for



b022c4 No.2443886

File: d1b5ff8cece1f65⋯.png (104.31 KB, 381x345, 127:115, d1b5ff8cece1f65a494a3c7448….png)

29ccf6 No.2443887

File: 8f5686f8ce94281⋯.jpeg (97.67 KB, 500x467, 500:467, 8A5D29CE-DD54-4925-A39A-7….jpeg)

For some reason this is a highly triggering meme over on twatter.

8771fd No.2443888

File: c77418e64a7bd17⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 642x351, 214:117, 8fc27ca13d4f5cec6cfb157c78….jpg)

FEB 11

We don't say his name returning to prime time.

Wonder if his so-called illness/condition will flare up.

"He's not a war hero."

He's a mega millionaire.




[Not complete].



Define money laundering.

Define the word 'Traitor'.

A world w/o this man is a world better off.


a0b5a8 No.2443889


Soros kid lives in Akron. Posted about this with sauce a month or so ago. LJ is from Akron…now we have to dig and connect

d3c7ad No.2443890


Agreed. I also think any Anons that would show up to this shit are dumbasses. Especially after Dinesh exposed these assholes for who they really are. Proud Boys need to stay far away from the Spencers of the world.

fc0fe8 No.2443892


Homebaked? Can we get a homebaked reply when posted homebaked goods?

ef060e No.2443893

File: 9528ca75b74cdc9⋯.png (173.82 KB, 474x299, 474:299, 9528ca75b74cdc9233717e78bc….png)

The world is boycotting Israel, and Israel is in a world of hurt, as a result.

Why stop at boycotting Israel?

Why not Boycott the jew right here, at home?

Never vote for a jew.

Never associate with a jew.

Never by a product of pay for a service of a jew.

Watch the jews fail.

It is time simplest, peaceful solution to ridding ourselves of the plague that is the jew.

Do it today.

ebdc5a No.2443894


Spicer is selling books. Pay that joker no mind.

f67254 No.2443895

Has the BIG thing dropped yet?

just in

5b1a1f No.2443896

File: 0d9b1231ced92b3⋯.png (614.32 KB, 640x436, 160:109, Michael dong shilly.png)

File: b275fb5a748bb20⋯.jpg (73.73 KB, 640x436, 160:109, b275fb5a748bb20c204b2def59….jpg)

>>2442121 pb

Demand the Truth!!!

End this Conspiracy charade of Q now!

8771fd No.2443897

FEB 11

Chatter amongst those in control has begun.

They know we know which means the public will know.

Release prior to cover up.

Public informed and collapse.

Which option?


5dfcc3 No.2443898

File: 817cae59ef2809e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 595.86 KB, 630x480, 21:16, ClipboardImage.png)

Ever run across

A beached whale before?

A terrible dilemma

How will you ever get it back

Into the water?

c7a910 No.2443899


LOL!! Good.

8b556a No.2443900


It ends with two scoops

93c3db No.2443901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9693b6 No.2443902


pretty sure that is the Greek letter Sigma you got hold of there

58bfd1 No.2443903

File: 916d4cd5f25f2d4⋯.jpg (18.62 KB, 285x291, 95:97, muhjoos.jpg)


>all goy to never take a class with a jew, for any reason,

I don't think you know how college/university works.

Not surprised by your stupidity.

Fucking idiot.

550495 No.2443904


Trump hit a 29% approval rating among blacks, up from just 15% in August of 2017

fc0fe8 No.2443905

d6ab85 No.2443906

So Bill Clinton is walking down the street and passes a cigar shop. He decides to stop in and look around. On the shelf is a box labeled Cubana Pussy. He asks the shop owner, what about these? Shop owner says, oh, you'll love them. They have a hint of pussy flavor. So Bill buys one and walks out. 10 minutes later, he runs back in and tells the shop owner "Gawd, this cigar tastes like SHIT!" The shop owner says, "You put it in the wrong hole".

fdd226 No.2443907

Awesome source for digging up sauced dirt on corrupt congress(wo)men:


Just type your favorite anti-patriot, i.e. Maxine Waters into the search bar.

61b7c4 No.2443908

File: 2fdcdcc616fc2f0⋯.png (3.16 MB, 2046x1308, 341:218, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)


Thanks for tending to the newfags.

803024 No.2443909

File: 2af23e4117b9e94⋯.png (1.49 MB, 3286x1413, 3286:1413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d44351a8a9b8b18⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1173x739, 1173:739, 2018-08-03 21_19_24.png)

957d17 No.2443910

File: 33d9bd2f8063835⋯.jpeg (294.4 KB, 640x592, 40:37, D8FBD0F5-97FC-477C-AB0A-D….jpeg)

File: d1d51d77985dae3⋯.png (143.26 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 58FBCDD2-E2FE-44B5-811F-06….png)


b00346 No.2443911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

281cd1 No.2443912



Gina Haspel Must Find and Terminate CIA MKUltra Program

4e8c1e No.2443913

Notables so Far

>>2443779 POTUS Fistpumps QSign (Heard of this on YouTube Today - Yes Baker Cannot tear themself away from Q, so if HAS to do other things Listens to Craig, KEK…

>>2443540 Sonoma Valley Bank executives sent to prison for bank fraud

>>2443557 Potus Twat About LeBron

>>2443419 Lebron James Agent, Dave Bugliari - He is Alyssa Milano's Husband.

Please feel free to comment, add or tell me I am a Faggot (it will be my second time for the night, KEK)

b6eae7 No.2443914


Let me explain something to you, asswipe. I know more about LBJ than you could ever hope to know.

Wanna know why? Because I have done sctual resesrch from books, not the fucking filtered internet.

So, you can take your muhlenial attitude and shove it up your ass.

8771fd No.2443916

FEB 11

Understand one simple fact - the US is connected to the rest of the world.

Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering.

We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions base decisions on outcomes and containability.


b631f6 No.2443917


I guess expecting people to take responsibility for themselves is highly triggering lmao

e21ddc No.2443918

File: 0178e5822c0c47e⋯.jpg (701.27 KB, 3300x2205, 220:147, QBandW.jpg)

How about this for an iconic photo?

93c3db No.2443919


4 20 10

means the jews bring me your head in hebrew @fagOTUS

ef060e No.2443920


We are going to boycott you jews, and you are going to deport yourselves. Or else.


d5b32d No.2443921


Sascrotch sighting!!

edbe7b No.2443922

Holy shit. LeBron James. =LBJ…who had jfk killed. The question is who is mike in relation to that situation? Something big about the drop….

29ccf6 No.2443923

File: 5c787c9538bdb89⋯.png (411.54 KB, 894x897, 298:299, C91A077B-341A-4260-A0A3-98….png)

8771fd No.2443924


Bow down Xi.

5040b4 No.2443925

File: f9719283643d4a0⋯.png (369.19 KB, 480x295, 96:59, BearmanKike.png)



936691 No.2443926


Or, other shills were keeping the Spicer drama going [likely]

Personally I was neutral about Spicer.

What Spicer says or doesn't has no relevance to QAnon.

913f3d No.2443927


the more they dog it, (us) the more people will want to see what is so terrible.

e39e62 No.2443928


Don't go to DC that day, boys.

0b119b No.2443929



fc0fe8 No.2443930


Listen.. rule is when posting a previous bread link, say it by the link #. You tried to fonefag the board ever!? If not try it and you will understand why.

776413 No.2443931


microphone ?

b00346 No.2443932

File: f3b88497bc17ff0⋯.png (373.14 KB, 621x457, 621:457, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)




ebdc5a No.2443933


Yep. I think that’s the important part of the equation.

ed6a36 No.2443934

File: d77e45d63e7241c⋯.jpg (51.57 KB, 640x640, 1:1, d77e45d63e7241cd3f585307b9….jpg)


These are basically clown ops. Whenever Trump is doing good Spencer or some other Nazbol trash appear. Spencer lives in Langley dont be surprised if he shows up with a few of the boys from C_A HQ.

5f4afb No.2443935

File: 9df55b85f80f64c⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1451x981, 1451:981, Screenshot_597.png)



3b14e8 No.2443936

Dumbasses think we can differentiate from one anon to another.

569e42 No.2443937

File: 2a9d170a2bf1a59⋯.jpg (251.86 KB, 964x844, 241:211, Anon Doll.jpg)

Why does every newfag start moving our furniture?

Hey guys here's how we act….

Hey guys let's label our selfs with these catchy libtard labels…

Hey guys….


93c3db No.2443938


it better be that blonde booty hoe i get out of the scientology mccain deal

38488b No.2443939

Any chance the china crosswalk photo is linked to Feinstein driver?

e4d415 No.2443940



5f2ef9 No.2443942


Surprising that a Democrat coty government would believe the best method is segregation. Why is segregation always their solution?

deab60 No.2443943

File: 2695228b6cb21d5⋯.png (505.9 KB, 641x734, 641:734, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: 6f424fa773d52e3⋯.png (255.06 KB, 367x481, 367:481, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: 0d79ae7f40f76c2⋯.png (582.08 KB, 692x684, 173:171, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: 5e66b299c055dfd⋯.png (132.93 KB, 304x293, 304:293, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: dc85d3f603b7caa⋯.png (65.82 KB, 153x249, 51:83, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

4709c4 No.2443944

File: d2bb3a6b214ef11⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 467x151, 467:151, IMG_20180804_095301.jpg)

File: 3bf2f7bf12ef598⋯.png (439.37 KB, 1080x900, 6:5, Screenshot_20180804-095237….png)

He is crying no infilteration.

b022c4 No.2443945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0e86bc No.2443946

File: d97ed9ad0301cf7⋯.png (134.25 KB, 1514x1139, 1514:1139, spicer.png)


derp derp

MOS failed

reread crumbs

but you don't care

btfo shill

92c4f0 No.2443947

File: b54a78738536a9d⋯.jpg (69.49 KB, 598x531, 598:531, Today in History- Michael ….jpg)


Ugh… Micheal Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time. Wore the #45.

3c60b5 No.2443948

File: 4eeed51f3df5341⋯.png (174.04 KB, 584x474, 292:237, Screenshot60.png)

5040b4 No.2443950



More like (((Berman)))


913f3d No.2443951


nice!! Mike Pompeo?

b00346 No.2443952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

df4fb5 No.2443953


Nor I with you.

Somewhere between our perspective viewpoints is an insightful tale on human behavior & the quest for enlightenment.

e10805 No.2443954



Obama is a Liar

0e86bc No.2443955


>I solved spygate

muh famewhoring

29ccf6 No.2443956

File: ebd4e46257e9377⋯.jpeg (29.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 95EADD50-DD8B-44D8-9D67-3….jpeg)


070c3d No.2443957

Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation…How far does the obvious corruption, treason go MSM, deniers??? Wake up and smell the putrid stench of the corruption.

Sandy Hook even smells fishy….

Always follow the money…fishy, fishy, fishy

~~Records show that the United Way spent almost half of the $131,355 it received from a DOJ grant to hire the lobbying firm of Gaffney, Bennett and Associates to handle public relations. The Sandy Hook Foundation used $122,000 of federal money to hire an executive director.

~~ The town-operated Newtown Recovery & Resiliency Plan is getting $826,443 through the latest 18-month DOJ grant. Records show more than $618,000 of that is going to hire at least four full-time staffers, including a community outreach liaison with a salary of $110,000.

~~The second group, a non-profit called the Resiliency Center of Newtown, is getting $501,000 from the second DOJ grant; of that, $408,000 is for salaries, including $82,000 each to hire an art and music therapist, records show.

~~ Several new positions were created to oversee the grant, including $61,861 to hire a project recovery director and about $32,000 to hire Melissa Brymer, a UCLA professor, to assist the community in applying for and implementing the School Emergency Response to Violence grants.

~~The United Way received $132,355 from the initial DOJ grant, second only to the town, records show. More than $61,000 of that money was paid to Gaffney, Bennett to handle the agencies public relations for a year. Other funds were used to hire a communications adviser and an accountant. The second DOJ grant for $7.3 million was approved about six months ago and will run through September 2015. A total of 10 agencies received funding from the second grant.

Always Follow The Money……Sure Smells Fishy, Fishy, Fishy

e39e62 No.2443958


Spicer seems ok. He would have no reason to know anything about Q or the chans.

1de62d No.2443959


I thought so too. Anon previous bread said there are still pockets in Trujio and around Lima.


b1b20c No.2443960


New? no.

c7a910 No.2443961


Shit's from the pit of hell on every level.

ebdc5a No.2443962

9ec537 No.2443963


muh sides…I have to quit smoking this shit

edbe7b No.2443964


Need to dig….wow

138fb8 No.2443965


If only someone warned him that The Last Jedi was a trap. His death was such shit. That rian johnson or whatever the fuck his name is needs to get beat

542bc3 No.2443966


Do you think posting the same tired unoriginal pic is mocking anyone? It's only showing everyone how fucking scared you are that you have to reply to everyone telling the truth about you fucking parasites. The more you engage, the more you expose yourself. I suppose the self-hating jew meme applies in this case.

011d71 No.2443967

File: 5e2308a43876acf⋯.png (55.39 KB, 452x243, 452:243, Screenshot-2018-8-3 i like….png)

5f4afb No.2443968

File: 099033faa182c50⋯.png (187.39 KB, 589x855, 31:45, Screenshot_598.png)



5b1a1f No.2443969


From coast to coast….

among the Seas of Patriots.

347e81 No.2443970


How do 17 die in Helicoptor? Can’t all be passengers can they?

64e748 No.2443971


Nope - dig on dumb lemon

936691 No.2443972

File: a5c8289a0d5c547⋯.png (25.78 KB, 650x199, 650:199, Nunes re Doranimated 8-3-1….PNG)

File: 68134c1b03783f6⋯.png (35.27 KB, 655x385, 131:77, Doranimated to CPage 8-3-1….PNG)


Bread 3074


5b7f57 No.2443973




All my friends like this "music". Listening to some Pink Floyd right now and I'm not even 30. I swear I think most of them secretly hate it but keep it to themselves because they're TOLD, "this is popular so you better like this or you're a loser!"

ef060e No.2443974

File: e0501b4e4974ef0⋯.gif (3.63 MB, 398x254, 199:127, 1533010323956.gif)

Of short video of how jews operate.

Don't fall for their shit.

BOYCOTT today.

b6eae7 No.2443975


You can fuck off, too.

92c4f0 No.2443976


Yes. And 45. Look at the pic.

d47b6d No.2443977

ones on the wall, BZ , even feels safer

3bf4e0 No.2443978

File: f947f8504336f1e⋯.png (296.91 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 50BBD19E-F4A5-4980-A3F9-33….png)

File: 41290172aea5eb1⋯.png (210.52 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, CA3E76F2-164B-45A9-AEBF-37….png)

File: 22343d5452d8683⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1136x640, 71:40, 272EE606-32A8-4522-AEE6-7C….png)

File: 27607a568b5c33e⋯.png (675.28 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 0057250F-A1E6-43A6-8949-B8….png)

93c3db No.2443979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

776413 No.2443981

File: 69873c11756a0f0⋯.jpeg (59.75 KB, 468x394, 234:197, 4519AC40-BB68-4A31-9B0A-0….jpeg)

File: 51ac270f4937843⋯.jpeg (83.71 KB, 635x437, 635:437, 60CBCBF3-2723-4BC0-82CC-3….jpeg)

File: 138e6fa601de66a⋯.png (409.71 KB, 473x340, 473:340, 9A6AA251-63DA-4B68-8593-3B….png)

File: 46dbcf562fd2d73⋯.png (415.75 KB, 473x340, 473:340, 77F5590E-E526-446A-BA89-03….png)

File: 62c1706d85b0bcb⋯.jpeg (84.49 KB, 514x500, 257:250, EC3A67CF-7D2E-4EE1-A5A7-E….jpeg)

4e8c1e No.2443982


Thought so…

e8d292 No.2443983

29ccf6 No.2443984

File: fe5507d4c557437⋯.jpeg (18.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 48E12866-6906-4CDA-BEA8-0….jpeg)


Fucking pedo shit all up in that vid!

c7a910 No.2443985


#45 During his return in 95, which ended in the playoffs to Shaq's Magic.

#23 the rest of the time.

f12239 No.2443986

File: fdcc39cf55374b3⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 489x590, 489:590, melania.jpg)

Top aide to Melania Trump leaves White House

Reagan Hedlund, who joined the first lady’s staff in January as policy director, departed from her the role last week to work on foreign policy issues, according to Politico.

“I am very grateful to the first lady for the opportunity to help launch her policy initiative,” Hedlund told Politico.

“It was a rare opportunity to contribute at such a high level. It was a difficult decision to leave. However, I have decided to return to my roots in the foreign policy world,” she said.

Politico noted that Hedlund had previously worked under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo when he was a Republican lawmaker in Congress. She's also worked as an executive assistant at the National Security Council.


58bfd1 No.2443987

File: 9ecc55a6363d85f⋯.jpg (124.59 KB, 1057x729, 1057:729, bullied.jpg)


>she is trippin balls hard…

Because she's just now realizing that she doxxed herself on the chans for … for nothing.

She's fucked.

Hope it was worth it, whatever the fuck she was doing with this stunt.

962551 No.2443988



We dug on Magic during the Loop Capital digs and he is involved and the aids deal was a part of it. Magic is worth 500m now…. Has mentored Lebron who has 2 houses/maybe 3 now in LA about owning all your own stuff forever. Thick as thieves. He wanted no part of doing that Hillary deal in Cleveland. Pretty clear he was forced by someone with a lot of juice. He hates Trump because he is totally screwed now and the only thing that saves him is Trump disappearing from earth.

3b14e8 No.2443989

File: 9475ebaee35f2d0⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 00288afd0244977ffd6829c297….jpg)

011d71 No.2443990

File: 86c13c66cb4936e⋯.png (31.76 KB, 452x373, 452:373, Screenshot-2018-8-3 gatora….png)

ef060e No.2443991

Turns out that LBJ was a JEW.

Are you shocked?

Is anyone, really?

569e42 No.2443992

File: fd02122846169f4⋯.png (577.89 KB, 468x818, 234:409, Lack Of Spine Offends.png)


AYE am w/ U

b3503b No.2443993


we don't say his hole

09e9d8 No.2443994

File: 758711c4e551eb1⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 295x137, 295:137, CNN Fake News.jpg)

dca428 No.2443995

File: 11bd9a65768b1f4⋯.gif (116.21 KB, 220x183, 220:183, 4f582d6d38.gif)

File: 744341b79d0cc0c⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 298x231, 298:231, 1524621760414.jpg)

File: 13f2ee2bcc2d43f⋯.jpg (34.48 KB, 213x334, 213:334, 1522962078633.jpg)


rough spots smoothin… all is well.


æı'm still huntin'


w8n fer the locust king to pop'iz hed up §œ we can



bartertown is an thing æı hier.


138fb8 No.2443996

File: 4297bc78c2fe60f⋯.gif (776.07 KB, 500x725, 20:29, 7e10543a2d0e810aa0d0139655….gif)


Go to bed Kate. You're going to have company in the morning.

f0c594 No.2443997

File: 19360c902756934⋯.jpg (45.4 KB, 460x562, 230:281, RIDENE.jpg)


Good evening, memefag

b022c4 No.2443998


oh god no i didn't actually click it, kek

e7352c No.2443999



yep, over the target.

ty MSM for the free publicity and traffic.

we'll take it from here.

93c3db No.2444000

File: 301b802e421b251⋯.png (44.67 KB, 590x262, 295:131, gluesbiffer.png)

776413 No.2444001



Key word to launder capital from Ponzi schemes.

fdd226 No.2444002


Judicial watch release today (24 of 24) showed that samuelson and mills computers were turned over to FBI. Well and we have the servers.

f12239 No.2444003



ed6a36 No.2444004

File: 3fcb1a0dd3a39d7⋯.jpg (170.11 KB, 1398x1387, 1398:1387, 1528841084671.jpg)


Michael Jordan is a degenerate POS. This is from someone who still has an old 23 jersey and used to idolize the fucker.

Ill take Rodman thx.

1c9e82 No.2444005


CLOWNS are ancient symbols/agents of CHAOS.

Takeshi69, 'IT' (movie last Halloween), the 'clown' sightings globally, people here calling the C_A 'CLOWNS'… all energizing CHAOS.

By design.


f67254 No.2444006


Bullets dont sound good

72224c No.2444007

File: a78071950c5a742⋯.jpg (403.3 KB, 600x764, 150:191, 2018-08-03 23.31.53.jpg)

07ced0 No.2444008

File: af80344d303d91a⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1870x1196, 935:598, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: 6a3034f8cc9b691⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1870x1204, 935:602, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: ac10391d89bda5c⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1870x1192, 935:596, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: f1f6ada69d44d00⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1134x1006, 567:503, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: e2717e9b0e9e867⋯.png (347.42 KB, 1148x1304, 287:326, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)



ty for link, now yes agree she fkin nuts

obsession with eyes, with hint of occult

688f12 No.2444009


The nomenclature of this larp?

Need to calibrate that bot script a little. The glow setting is a little bright with a hint of Nigeria.

Speaking of Nigeria… Anyone know of interesting connections between the Yugoslavs and Africans? I'm doing a bit of a side dig on some stuff and some odd activity…. Not a place to herd cats to, unfortunately.

b631f6 No.2444010


Twatter personas should be taken with a grain of salt. You know they are lying when fame is more important to them than the message. The greatest reward for a patriot is seeing his country do well, the cost of his time spent in its service is an afterthought.

5dfcc3 No.2444011


Actually, watch the whole thing

Like much very recent pop music

It has a hypnotic non-melody

Non-lyrics that are meaningless

Except they are packed with innuendo

And trigger phrases

Kids who listen to this

Will live alone in cubicles with no friends

Fuck rubber dolls and devices

And watch the Illuminati programming all day

This was supposed to be the beginning

Of the Noetic World Order

But Trump changed that

However, the minions who received their orders

Years ago, have no free will to stop carrying out orders

Until their programming wears off

Which can take years to happen

c85de9 No.2444012


You WISH it was photo shopped.

92c4f0 No.2444013


And? So? Thus? Ergo?

You got a point? Trump 45, MJ 45.

8771fd No.2444014

FEB 12

Ruth Bader Ginsburg.



“Here to stay.”

No, you’re not.


4e8c1e No.2444015


It sucks to find out our heroes are fucked up, doesn't it?

2dd601 No.2444016

File: fc51af4654c64f1⋯.jpeg (376.12 KB, 1225x1225, 1:1, C4399812-6922-45E2-83A5-A….jpeg)

962551 No.2444017


He was 23 until he came back after baseball. Then 45.

c7a910 No.2444018


Sad fact. Many friends served him over the year and worked close up to these types. The stories are revolting, and Tiger is worse.

f12239 No.2444019

File: eb62f659d7150d8⋯.png (21.75 KB, 255x254, 255:254, unitedwestand.png)

b00346 No.2444020

File: 98ccd87b716c0df⋯.png (57.14 KB, 1109x348, 1109:348, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

File: 72f16d0dcb14ce9⋯.jpg (106.16 KB, 1120x630, 16:9, t-prince-harry-queen-obama….jpg)







2f1d48 No.2444021

File: 16e054ff3040e92⋯.png (659.89 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, 1533353897763.png)

I know, Michael Jordan. But could it be a Pompeo?

58bfd1 No.2444022

File: e8c7ff7cdc62cc5⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 612x612, 1:1, bagofidiots.jpg)



Holy shit!

You just scared me straight.

I'm now a full-on Jew hater.

Fucking loser.

542bc3 No.2444023


y u mad tho

803024 No.2444024

File: f0e3863eca28c42⋯.png (309.87 KB, 1437x513, 479:171, ClipboardImage.png)


>You tried to fonefag the board ever!?

Often, but I can operate a phone fairly well.

Oh and I did use (lb), Helen.

<pic related

12faba No.2444025


Definitely worth a click.

ebdc5a No.2444026


Comeback # doesn’t count, kek.

b1b20c No.2444028

File: afe5a47004f80dc⋯.jpg (135.18 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ebot3.jpg)


Hey E

Do you have a page open for BustyGirlBlogs?

nice double trips, shitty meme

776413 No.2444029

File: e461078597c3b84⋯.jpeg (103.23 KB, 899x500, 899:500, B96798D5-F7EA-4D67-AA3B-2….jpeg)

File: 0417c4ea08f51cd⋯.jpeg (105.31 KB, 725x500, 29:20, 890DA5E1-6A4F-44E4-A022-1….jpeg)

File: bdbbb754cd62a27⋯.jpeg (110.9 KB, 899x500, 899:500, EE2BDD66-AC06-4A80-972D-F….jpeg)

File: 70d2427b3a41c37⋯.jpeg (73.67 KB, 408x408, 1:1, 99D3598F-CB54-4837-AA3A-F….jpeg)

File: f84125d5710ea7a⋯.jpeg (44.75 KB, 300x297, 100:99, 57464381-98FC-4675-8ABB-0….jpeg)

138fb8 No.2444030


Not to shabby. Either train having an "accident" wouldn't really be that big a loss. This is the Spencer dick face rally right?

569e42 No.2444031




56e412 No.2444032

File: 24a5ddcea648860⋯.jpg (392.79 KB, 1854x1406, 927:703, Utah Firing Squads.jpg)

Anons! Q!

It is becoming real.

Piece by piece, the stage is being set.

5f4afb No.2444033

File: af4ffe8fe9dd655⋯.png (64.83 KB, 626x454, 313:227, Screenshot_599.png)

6ead87 No.2444034


If he wanted to say Jordan he would have.

5040b4 No.2444035




That bald nigger that played for the bulls for a bit.

Anyway life goes gon…

fc0fe8 No.2444036

File: c57b89307bdd58e⋯.jpg (49.81 KB, 770x680, 77:68, IMG_4662.JPG)


Looks like that "boy in a band" dude from so many years ago.. these dudes are trying to look gay. Younger women/girls surely are bot into this shit are they??!

92c4f0 No.2444037


Very interesting. If he didn't want to do the HRC thing in Cleveland, he certainly put a lot of effort in it. Down right nasty.

d5b32d No.2444038


3520 is sonoma notable

b00346 No.2444039


Great WorQ Anon!!!

138fb8 No.2444040


His sister died recently. She drowned

deab60 No.2444041



b1b20c No.2444042


The Worm never got credit

070c3d No.2444043

Here's a copy of the FEC's lawsuit on Hillary's $$$84 million money laundering campaign funds.


b11ec9 No.2444044


Depends on whether the sacrificial service yields tangible results in a reasonable timeframe and/or it results in income/pension.

e0e23c No.2444045


Why are you doxing innocent people on arfcom?

776413 No.2444046



MA already whining for mumsy!

9fde11 No.2444047


Have open carry in my neck of the woods… That clown sighting shit lasted all of like 5 hours .. Then one of them started leaking clown juice .. And it stopped


0e86bc No.2444048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8771fd No.2444049

Michael Avenatti is a problem that needs to be dealth with.

1de62d No.2444050

File: c35dedf970e92c6⋯.jpg (147.4 KB, 502x499, 502:499, GOOD JEWS DON'T LIVE LONG.jpg)

File: 55e44e8e2ad43fc⋯.png (129.58 KB, 612x792, 17:22, FOREIGN AID TO ISRAEL - ST….png)

File: 3ea34a7391856df⋯.jpg (404.79 KB, 1036x1132, 259:283, ZOG IS BEING ENDED Resigne….jpg)

File: a66eb465d2cd4da⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 3457x2990, 3457:2990, JEWISH ORGAN TRAFFICKING.jpg)

File: 0252ec372fb7396⋯.png (904.37 KB, 600x2525, 24:101, JEWISH PEDOPHILIA PROSTITU….png)



Or wait.

Rope comes.


2dd601 No.2444051

File: 3a80a58e20108cd⋯.jpeg (225.63 KB, 750x728, 375:364, C4933FE2-9A0D-4F5B-A03A-0….jpeg)

0b119b No.2444052

File: 3f9dc93f9c1398d⋯.png (25.51 KB, 656x577, 656:577, ClipboardImage.png)


nice try bastard that story is over 3 years old.

5f4afb No.2444053



I've been running with Micheal Cohen.

POTUS misspelled LeBron twice.


Possible reference to Cohen's two BlackBerries that the FBI is trying to extract info out of.

ed6a36 No.2444054


Its an image board. I always drop memes.


Hes still the best of all time but an absolute monster of a person. Human?

fc0fe8 No.2444055


Fuck yeah. That is too quick for them though, honestly chain em up and put a lion in to rip em to shreds or drop them in a shark tank

07ced0 No.2444056

File: e2717e9b0e9e867⋯.png (347.42 KB, 1148x1304, 287:326, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: f1f6ada69d44d00⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1134x1006, 567:503, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)


any twatter fags know meaning of this?:

"Bill Clinton, YUNO, Marshall and 7 others"

"U.S. Secret Service, FBI, Bill and 6 others"

she didn't tag Bill Clinton, USS or FBI in her twat, did these (blue ticked) accounts like her post? retweet? viewed?

b6eae7 No.2444057


Shit. If I were mad everytime some loser says something stupid, I'd be in prison.

But alas, I am free

0cdadc No.2444058

>>2442940 (last bread #3080)

Steyer is one of the loudest so for me, he is a "usual suspect" to team Q. They most likely have something on him (Plus, no prooof but he sure looks like a CPrev and he sounds like one. That voice - totally creepy - people will like him less than skanky Crooked. [any chance he's the Skippy or is that positively Podesta?])

Also, there is Bloomberg who is self-funding and has suggested a possible run.

I think Joe Lieberman might be floating the possibility of putting his name in as a Dem or an Independent. He has been putting himself out there as a moderate and reasonable Lefty. I think he could be a worrisome real possibility. Dig and or keep an eye on him.

5dfcc3 No.2444059


Inspired by God


Once you awaken

And speak directly with God

Within yourself

The creative energies that are available

Are astounding

If it harms none, do what you will

Really is her law

God is a woman

Because she created us

Out of her own substance

Her own body and blood and spirit

We are she and she is us

When a man and a woman make love freely

There, God is

Fucking is a sacred sacrament

f232e3 No.2444060

File: e91c6a7ce46b086⋯.jpg (51.69 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 66487670.jpg)

12faba No.2444061

File: d0de42ab7d3b335⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 115.02 KB, 454x640, 227:320, 128880.jpg)

542bc3 No.2444062


Some nogs never learned to free themselves from the (((slavemaster))).

1b47a2 No.2444063

File: 14b98e7dc240069⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 380x380, 1:1, 2epl3g.jpg)


Fuck metamucil.

e8c913 No.2444064

File: ef80fe3c98054db⋯.png (212.79 KB, 474x240, 79:40, ClipboardImage.png)

f484d0 No.2444066


Yup. Shariablue.

She's trash.

6ead87 No.2444068

I would be really surprised if MJ didn't sell out.

4e8c1e No.2444069

Notable Bun


>>2443779 POTUS Fistpumps QSign (Heard of this on YouTube Today - Yes Baker Cannot tear themself away from Q, so if HAS to do other things Listens to Craig, KEK…)

>>2443649 Obummer is a Liar (Spoiler Edition)

>>2443540 Sonoma Valley Bank executives sent to prison for bank fraud

>>2443557 Potus Twat About LeBron

>>2443419 Lebron James Agent, Dave Bugliari - He is Alyssa Milano's Husband.

9ec537 No.2444070


I just figured out why POTUS added "I like Mike".

If he didn't the 4 am talking point would be Trump is a racist.

He knows they will go with it anyway and make themselves look even stupider

138fb8 No.2444071


There must be a place to get a special deck of cards made, right? like in jails, they give them cards to play with that have most wanted on each card. I want a deck with the best Patriots, Adm. Rogers for instance

550495 No.2444072


58bfd1 No.2444073

File: b8ba21d2ac3690d⋯.jpg (15.67 KB, 255x210, 17:14, bigandlilpepe.jpg)


>If he wanted to say Jordan he would have.

Trump was talking about a basketball player.

A player who is constantly compared to Michael Jordan … so much so that it gets under LeBron's skin.

Who did you think Trump was talking about? Mike Gminski?


29ccf6 No.2444074

File: c3b9f14843d6e2e⋯.png (495.13 KB, 729x425, 729:425, C3D8DF69-723B-48E7-8356-77….png)

90c96a No.2444076

File: e80e0bc27ee3745⋯.jpg (170.99 KB, 700x557, 700:557, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

fc0fe8 No.2444077

File: b21ec2a5cf74f35⋯.png (647.97 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4663.PNG)



b560d5 No.2444078


Come on. Its obviously photoshop. The 70s ended a long time ago. No one walks around with their dick swinging like that.

b00346 No.2444079

File: 5d4e156b0c993d7⋯.png (603.37 KB, 1096x703, 1096:703, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)


0e86bc No.2444081



oh and we're similar ages anon


ebdc5a No.2444082


Good stuff

56e412 No.2444084


oops, didn't see that, you are right!

Copied it from another site, too excited to look closer, sorry.

92c4f0 No.2444085


Basketball fans who vote don't care. Not defending MJ about personal stuff (I have my own stories), but Trump is playing hardcore politics.


Agreed. Tiger is much worse.

4e8c1e No.2444086


f67254 No.2444087



e8c913 No.2444088


I already figured it out. I created children.

e8d292 No.2444089

>>2444074 KEK


927648 No.2444090

File: 86af0534c87d09a⋯.png (435.3 KB, 883x613, 883:613, 2018-08-04_00-40-36.png)



569e42 No.2444091

File: 2654d3f53e54a49⋯.jpg (8.96 KB, 300x168, 25:14, The tip.jpg)

f12239 No.2444092


Agree anon.

Your memes are good.

Maybe a side by side about your comment here >>2443934 to make people aware of the connection.

93c3db No.2444093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

542bc3 No.2444095

File: 2d888a0a6f0d309⋯.jpg (150.2 KB, 1200x859, 1200:859, Di0CfvdW4AIQa5j.jpg)

File: 5d844a65f8e16a3⋯.jpg (65.08 KB, 640x525, 128:105, DjIPh97UUAAesU3.jpg)


Both of Lyndon Johnson’s great-grandparents, on the maternal side, were Jewish.

Of course.

281cd1 No.2444096

File: 1ab4088f6a246bb⋯.jpg (237.87 KB, 913x1200, 913:1200, cards.jpg)


someone posted this the other day

6752b7 No.2444097


He just launched a school for kids where everything is free.

ed6a36 No.2444098



5dfcc3 No.2444099



>>>2443898 (You)


>>>2443898 (You)

>Definitely worth a click.

I love it!!!

Black and white

The balance of Libra

1b47a2 No.2444100

File: 9974310be24c1dc⋯.png (106.94 KB, 267x353, 267:353, Bigger.png)

3c60b5 No.2444103


Anyone else think the Trump parody account sounds like ebot?

9519ee No.2444104

File: fc05a5b48d1aeaa⋯.jpeg (97.95 KB, 800x443, 800:443, DLCNN.jpeg)


Could not resist, anon.

f0c594 No.2444105


Bullshit. He was loved in Detroit. Along with Isiah Thomas, Vinney the microwave and John Sally, Bill Lambier, Joe Dumars…

ef060e No.2444106




Of course.

83ebd3 No.2444107


Earlier she denied being her known alt accounts, so either she's good at playing the part, or she's an SRA MK victim, or dissociative disorder that does not know about her other personalities.

Be interesting to find out which…

0b119b No.2444108


np sorry for calling you a name. that's a typical shill tatic

070c3d No.2444109

File: 76ce61d10b92013⋯.png (18.09 KB, 520x79, 520:79, ddfgtss.png)

File: 4f2b75331cdc65d⋯.png (112.17 KB, 1034x878, 517:439, sjsjduu.png)

File: 61bb980cadf0260⋯.jpg (8.88 KB, 255x90, 17:6, jukiolpss.jpg)

RICO Lawsuit filed and summons sent…

Here's a copy of the FEC's lawsuit on Hillary's $$$84 million money laundering campaign funds.


c7a910 No.2444110

File: f4f3ef8add75b34⋯.png (119.67 KB, 792x392, 99:49, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)


LOL!!! KEK!!

5f4afb No.2444111

File: b5a91466f2914fa⋯.png (73.06 KB, 426x303, 142:101, Screenshot_600.png)





POTUS misspells LeBron. (Lebron)


and then says he like's Mike.

Netanyahu and Pompeo?

BiBi and Mike?

542bc3 No.2444112


>you can gtfo

lol u mad.

569e42 No.2444113

File: ff1f64b3fafee3d⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 500x281, 500:281, Hangin in Action.gif)

6ead87 No.2444114


Mike Lebowski!

He could have said MJ, or Jordan. There is more to this than face value.

9a3b70 No.2444115

ebot drop some classified material

40b7f0 No.2444116


She WAS at both fucking rallies…Tampa and PA!


Here is a blog that has a pic of those two people in red shirts that Kate appeared with in an earlier thread. Has she been at others? Does she think she's going to Fish concerts or the Grateful Dead?

ef060e No.2444117

File: fe810bd7adb9684⋯.png (873.64 KB, 750x500, 3:2, schumer.png)

←- Why boycott the jews in every aspect of your life? Here's one of over 5 million hints.

ed6a36 No.2444118

File: 8e81d314223afbc⋯.jpg (18.87 KB, 480x470, 48:47, 8e81d314223afbcfb26d38725b….jpg)


I didnt make that its just from my [Clown] Folder. I usually just Deebo my shit.

6ead87 No.2444119



070c3d No.2444120

File: 5ffe87b4fa10c82⋯.jpg (182.44 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, 5ffe87b4fa10c829c354c97203….jpg)

b631f6 No.2444121

File: c92f3cf222cc9cc⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 413x395, 413:395, HAHAHAHAHA.jpg)


Can't hear you over the sound of all this WINNING.

44de4f No.2444123


He'll take care of himself. Watching him run around coked up spinning plates for the cabal is tragically appropriate for the justice coming for them all

93c3db No.2444124

File: 86232ce8ca7b2c9⋯.png (64.8 KB, 590x314, 295:157, combination.png)

top secret material

50fae0 No.2444125


The women who like feminine looking guys are dykes in the closet.

4e8c1e No.2444126






eb34d4 No.2444127


hey that's me in to left corner behind the white wall!

138fb8 No.2444128




56e412 No.2444130


The date on the graphic is today, should not have trusted it, normally look it up, sorry!

ef060e No.2444131

File: f1cf17d3ef6a114⋯.jpg (135.86 KB, 960x959, 960:959, 1523390611860.jpg)

Nation destroyers at work

dbddd2 No.2444133

What a weird fucking day..

93a99c No.2444136

Old news 2015 >>2444032

e98b95 No.2444139


clowns can't meme.

5f2ef9 No.2444141


It’s Hussein not Obummer

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